September 21, 1922

Page 1

They who are content to remain in the valley, will get no news from the moutains.—Macy.

VOL. IL—No. 41

If you'd k n o w •Hie'*' value of money, go«and borrow •samc'-T - Benj.^ Franklin.

Entere t postoffi^


'.taaha, Nebrsuka. tvndexthe ktiL^^tiaxeb^Jt^isn^

Federation Board J ^ i n Expresses Opposition to Establishment of Children's Sheltering Home Here Membership is Urged to Withhold Support From.Institution thei Need for Which Has Not Been Proven, j PURCHASE AT HOME NOT IN ACCORD WITH <3OOD OF ENURE COM3VIUNITY, SUBSCRIBERS ARE INFORMED. A call to every member of the Jewish Welfare-Federation to uphold the basic principle of Federation and to refuse to support the proposed Jewish Sheltering Home for children in Omaha, was issued yesterday by the Board of Directors of the Jewish Welfare Federation. A dwelling house, to be converted -into a children's home, has been purchased by the Jewish Sheltering Home Society^


KAITOWTTZ JEWS APPEAL TO LEAGUE Danzig, Sept. 11. (J. T. A.)—In pnsequence of the intermittent riots in Katto-witz, the Polish part of UpeivSiiesia,ithe:Jews of that; place, who are said to have .been the principal sufferers, have appealed to the League of Nations for protection. The last riot to be reported occured >n Sunday when Jewish residents were assaulted and their shops looted iefore the police could intervene.

High Holidays To Be ! Observed in Synagogues and Temple Sept. 22-23

LO.B.B. JiOrdge ;o Hold First Open Fleeting Sept. 28 Discussion of "Daugherty Injunction", Principal Number of Program.





CLOSE JEWISH CLUB Warsaw, Sept. 8. (J. C. B.)—The Jewish Athletic Club has been ordered dose3 because .of the repeated complaints of the actors of a neighboring Polish playhouse, that the exercises at the club interfered with their work at the theatre. The • managers of the club stoutly denied they were a nuisance, but the police would not have the Polish Artists annoyed and closed the Club. -

Jewish Press Sunday at Athletic Events Held in Afternoon Chief Attraction. — Morrie "Kid" Schlaifer Appeared as Principal Number of Program. PUBLIC PACK DANCE FLOOR DURING THE ENTIRE EVENING.— DANCING ONE OF THE FREE ATTRACTIONS.

American Citizen's to lead Omaha Lodge No. 354, Independent Palestine Holy Place Office's Over 1,000 people attended the "Jewish Press" picnic a i Order of B'nai B*rith, will hold its first open meeting. Thursday evening, Commission, Sub-Cc-nunission Krug Park, Sunday, and enjoyed the fine program of events during the afternoon and the dancing in the evening. ConsiderSeptember 28, at the Jewish Com-

Special Services to Be Held in Syna- munity Center. The meeting will League of Nations Decides on ing the strong opposition which the affair had in the races at Ak-Sar-Men field the turn-out at Krug Park was most gratifying. begin promptly a t 8:30 p. m. All gogues—Eahbi to Conduct Fareyg In a letter setting forth the entire lishing, that the Federation would Committees to Have Everything went off as planned— handled the refreshment stand in a B'nai B'rith members and their then undertake the establishment of well Holiday Ceremonies.' history* of'. the negotiations between a sheltering home for Jewish chilCustody of Shrines. all of the stunts and exhibitions were wonderful style and gave good service the Federation and the Jewish Shel- dren, said institution become an MEMORIAL SERVICES T O . BE friends are invited. held and entertained the enthusiastic to all. According to the committee in tering HonKf'Society,' the Federation affiliated organization of the FederaHELD AT THE TEMPLE. crowd to the fullest. The children's charge of these meetings, open JEWISH SUB-COMMISSION Many young folks came out in the members, are advised that.the entire tion on the same basis as are the HEAD ALSO AN AMERICAN games and races, however, had to be evening for the free dancing, and the meetings will be held every last other local institutions of the FederFederation Baard has again gone on Jewish New Year's services, ushabandoned because of the keen inter- large dance floor was well filled until .-. :.:Thursday of the month and the record as being unalterably opposed ation." March 30, 1922—Mrs. S. H. Katz, ering in Rosh Hashonah, for the year public is welcome. * Geneva, (J. T. A.)—A "well-known est which everyone displayed in the the closing hour. On the whole, to the purchase and establishment of president of the Jewish Sheltering 5683, according to the Hebrew calenThe principal number of Thursday American" Protestant will head the wrestling and boxin gbouts. everyone that attended the picnic exsuch a home at this time and that the Home Society reported to the Fed- dar, will be observed Friday and SatCommission that is to have custody During the afternoon, the entire pressed keen enjoyment for a day of new project is in no way affiliated eration that the membership of the urday evenings, September 22 and evenings program will be the discus- of the holy places in. Palestine—Chrisaudience attended the athletic pro- delightful entertainment. society at a meeting held after March 23. Orthodox synagogues observe an sion of the "Daugherty Injunction", with the Federation. tian, Jewish and-Moslem, the League gram. The main attraction of the The proceeds of this affair, together 9, had voted in favor of the purchase by County Attorney Abel V. ShotIn addition, the entire community, of a building without further refer- additional day. of Nations decided last week. The athletic program was the "Kid" which has already been advised of the ence to the proposition made by the "Building the New Future" will be well and Mr. I. J. Dunn. Following decision is in line with the proposals Schlaifer and "Young" Goldie of with the profits realized through the position of the Federation in this Executive Committee of the Federa- Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon New the main number, there will be asubmitted by the Earl of Balfour on Denver, Colo., boxing bout. The special edition of the "Jewish Press" published last week, will be devoted vocal solo by Mr. Harry Disbrow behalf of Great Britain, differing only matter through the "Jewish Press," is .tion. Teddy Brothers, wrestling acrobats, April 2, 1922—-A Committee of the Year's Eve at 8, in Temple "Israel. again advised that the need for the Jewish Sheltering Home Society in Special music by a double quartet has and a violin solo by Miss Fanny Fish. in this, that a Frenchman instead of brought forth laughter time after to liquidating part of the deficit under establishment of a sheltering home in session with the Executive Commit- been arranged. Next morning at: 10, Dancing "will conclude the program. an Englishman is appointed to pre- time with their freakish stunts. The which this paper has been operating for some time. The following committee is in side over the Christian sub-commisOmaha has never been proven, and tee of the Federation, confirmed the his sermon will be "Trusting Thro." main wrestling match between Jack Subscriptions and advertisements '• charge of the arrangements for that such an institution would produce above report. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon will consion, an Italian instead of a French- Solomon and Young Gotch was an-are as necessary now and more than April 9, 1922—The Board of Direca needless drain upon the resources of tors of the Jewish Welfare Federa- duct his farewell high holiday services Thursday evening's program: Fred man, presiding over the Moslem com- other attraction. Ira Jones, superthey were before. Individual subthe community. tion at its regular monthly meeting in Beth Hamedrosh- Hagodol and White, chairman, J . J. Friedman, mission and an American instead of intendent of public recreation, acted scribers are urged to pay their subHarry Trustin, Sam Beber, Jake unanimously voted against the necesB'nai Jacob synagogues during-the an Italian being named chairman Following is the letter to Federascriptions without delay — for upon ; sity for the purchase and establish- two days. He recently accepted a Maiashock, M.: Monheit, Selwyn S. of the Jewish sub-commission. Great as judge and referee of all the tion subscribers:— . . '• matches. Jake Isaacson assisted with them depends the success of the uiment of a sheltering home for JewJacobs. Britain has waived its right to have the athletic events. On April 10, 1922, the1 Jewish j Welchildren in Omaha, eat time. call to a Texas pulpit. • „' V "*""**""' 7'. . ,T. l iish s a ClUlurcil ill Viiicm«i, »«» this i vertising campaigns of this paper. one of its nationals head a sub-comThe, Board BoaitT further voted fai-e Federation advised you of the I ^ voted:rthat-Kthe ' PYoSlv^gjpp'nri''^ <nfr the Day of Probably the most popular feature of Omaha Atonement, the most sacred of all mittee; i t is -understood, in order that of the- day was the guessing contest proposed purchase, _by_ the _ Jewish ji eentire n tire Jewish commuity oi 1 ' . - • • . : . Jewish holy days, falls on. Sunday an American may be included among in which everyone in the park partiing. in Omaha, to be used as a she!- • evening, October 1, and is to be obthe chairmen in" addition;' to thecipate^. A huge glas Jar, filled to tering home for Jewish children. You ter. September 10, 1922^-The "Federa- served the following . day. . On the American Protestant who is to pre- the tot? with jeans was the center of .were also advised" thatrthe Board of Directors of the Federation had gone tion Board was advised of the pur- eve, Rabbi Cohn will preach' on "The side over the whole commision. attraction at the park entrance. The on record as being unanimously op^ chase of a home by the Jewish Shel- SoulV Supreme Effort." "Organized U. S. Government Issues Order to All 1 tering Home Society. ••„ ? The Christian sub-commission is to guess, of Miss Clara Leibowitz, 1545 posed to the establishment of such Righteousness' win be his topic the You can readily see from-the above Ports at Request of "HIAS" a h^ . No effort i a d be composed..of; three Catholics-—an North 19th Street, was the nearest, Miss Ruth Levey was re-elected '" previously been""madeTiy the Jewish summary «f facts in. the case^Jhat nexi"morning at 9:30. ' h . as "uwartfeil* fbe-prize offer- president of the B'nai B'ri±h.,woman's Italian, a Spaniard and a BelgiSH,*~1j landd she no timeof hasnecessityfor -the During the memorial service for the Sheltering Home Society to prove to at auxiliary at the first meeting of the purchase a the childreH's sheltering New York. At the instance of the sides three representatives of theed' the'. Federation -that,., the need for home been definitely proved, and that dead at 3, Monday afternoon, October Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant 3rear, held Thursday evening at the such a home existed. ' the purchase of the Home has not 2, a bronze tablet inscribed with the Aid Society of America (HIAS) New Great Orthodox Church—A Russian, Another center of attraction was the Jewish Community Center. Miss Rae a Greek and one to be designated. refreshment stand, to which the We learn now,, however, that this been accomplished with the viewsociety Fjs" purchased a dwelling point of the good of the entire com- names of departed members of the York City, the Department of Labor Representatives of the Armenian, crowd, their appetites whetted by the Bercu is the new vice-president; Miss house, which it plans to convert into munity in view. congregation, will be dedicated in has consented that all deportations Abyssinian and Copt Churches are autumn weather, turned its attention Bess Greenberg, secretary and Miss :. a sheltering home for children. You This letter is sent you in accord- their memory. The tablet was con- of Jewish Immigrants shall be stayed Fannie Eosenblum, treasurer • after the boxing. also to be included. will undoubtedly be called upon, ance with a motion passed a t theceived during "the recent 50th anni- during High Holy Days. Miss Bercu will head the intellectual The arrangements for the refreshwithin the very near future, to help last meeting of the Board of DirecCustody of the Moslem holy places The Department's letter is as fol- is entrusted to a sub-commission com- ments were well handled and every- advancement committee, which insupport this unnecessary institution. tors of the Federation,* calling, upon versary ^celebration of Temple Israel We wish to advise you that the each subscriber to the Federation to when donors to a fund to pay off the lows: prised of three Palestinian Moslems, one was pleased. Steinberg Brothers cludes Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, Miss Rose Federation is in no way connected maintain the principle of Federation, mortage of the temple • designated Grodinsky and Miss Ella Fleishman. "In answer to your query conone French Moslem and one Indian. with this enterprise and that the to make all contributions to local names to appear on the memorial. Meetings will be held the second tained in a letter addressed to The Jewish sub-commission will UKRAINIANS URGE GALICIAN Federation is unalterably opposed to Jewish philanthropic des through the and fourth Thursday evenings of the the Department regarding the apJEWS TO BOYCOTT it. It is not affiliated in any way medium ^ v . ^ ^ . of *.. the w. -'ederation, and to Fei consist of one Palestinian," one Engmonth, with a program meeting once with the Federation and is not en- withhold support from institutions PALESTINE ELECTIONS, proaching High Holidays of the POLISH ELECTIONS lish Jew and one Jew of Sephardic titled to your support. We further which are unnecessary in the comeach month. DESPITE ARAB BOYCOTT Jewish people, will state the De- stock. Warsaw, Sept. 6. (J. C. B.) De'' urge you to abide by the findings of munity. A special invitation to attend all Jerusalem, September 7. (. J. T. A.) partment has issued a general orclaring that the participation of Jews the Federation in your relations with The government is understood to be der to the Commissioners at all in the approaching elections to thesessions is extended by the organizathis institution, and to uphold the 80 JEWISH TAILORS TO SEMINARY GRADUATES taking measures to protect residents ports, in so far as possible, to Federation in its opposition to the Polish Sejm would evoke the anti- tion to all immigrant girls who have INTRODUCE AMERICAN stablishment of institutions the need going to the polls during the elections take cognizance when making deOCCUPY NEW YORK PULPITS Semitic feeling among their neigh- recently arrived in the city. CLOTHING STYLE« of members of the Legislative Counfor which does not exist. "Our doors are open to them; we portations of all religious holiNew York, Sept. 7.- (J. T. A.) The bors, Ukrainian leaders are warning For your further information, we welcome them as our guests," said cil, it is announced. The boycott dedays. Your representatives should Jewish Theological Seminary of the Jews to follow their lead in boygive you a resume of the circum- Carry a FuU Complement of AmeriMiss Levey. clared by the Executive Committee of communicate with the Commiscotting the elections. stances leading up to the passage America announces that the members can Machinery and Will Work the Arab Conference, which met at sioners at ports regarding same." by the Federation Board of the resoof the graduating class of 1922 have The Jews are not to be intimidated on Co-operation Plan—Take lution declaring its opposition to the Nablus recently, is regarded in Govby such threats, the Lemberg "Tage- EMIGRANTS ASK U. S. been appointed to the following posiFoodstuffs Along. establishment at this time of a HIAS has already taken steps in ernment circles as a direct defiance JEWS TO AID "HIAS" Sheltering Home for Jewish Children conformant with this order and is tions: Rabbi Max D. Davidson, Con- blatt" declares, adding that the relaWarsaw, Sept. 6. (J. C. B.) AmerNew York, Sept 7. (J. T.A.) Sail- of the British Government's policy also making arrangements for religi- gregation Beth El of Asbury Park, tion of the East Galician Jews to the in Omaha: • March 9, 1922—The Executive ing on the Cunarder "Berengaria'' last and of the Palestine Constitution just N. J.; Rabbi Gershon Hadas, First elections will be determined by "their ican Jews are asked in resolutions Committee of the Jewish Welfare Saturday was a group of eighty Jew- promulgated. Arab leaders having ous services during the Holy Days Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill, own political interests." passed at meetings of emigrants at Federation guaranteed to the Jewish ish tailors and their families whose -urged their constituencies to boycott as well as for providing the detained Warsaw, Lemberg, Rowne and other It is understood that the question N. Y.; Rabbi Herman Hailperin, Tree Sheltering'Home Society that "if the immigrants with Sefah Torahs, Shofnot only elections, but also the census places to aid the Hias (Hebrew Immilatter could prove to the Federation destination, is Moscow, where they roth, prayer books and everything of Life Congregation of. Pittsburgh, of participation in the Polish elec- grant Aid, Society) to continue its that there were at least 10 children will introduce the-American" system andvthe registration, the elections (due Pa.; Rabbi Alter F. Landesman, He- tions will be included in the agenda take place in about two months necessary for the proper conduct of brew Educational Society of Brook- of the Zionist conference in October. work in Europe on behalf of the Jewftd^^affitild^^S^^oS ortajring to the Bussian,; The, to such services. The detained immiwill, be, in the nature of a test of auish wanderer. These mass meetings, »* the Society contemplated estab- will establish a factory and a number thority. The country is in the mean- grants will also be provided with spe- lyn, N. Y.; Rabb iLouis Schwefel, attended by wives, children and parCongregation Etn-.nufcl of Bayemne, MAGYARS AVENGE ' of co-operative shops. ~. . ' ' " ; time , placarded with appeals to the cial food by the Society. ents of American citizens, were called EDWARD BERNSTEIN'S Aboard the .ship .with them was a Arabs not to permit themselves to be HIAS has branches in all the port N. J.; and Rabbis Morris Silvennan, ATTACK ON HUNGARY in consequence of the announcement full complement of American machin counted and registered. cities — -Boston, Philadelphia, Balti- Temple Israel of Washington Heights, that the "Hias" contemplated a ery, such as may be found in an: more, Seattle and San Francisco. N. Y. sweeping curtailment of its European Budapest Jews Assaulted for Jewish big metropolitan garment making es The autumn examinations wiH be Miss Beatrice Rosenthal left the Immigrants passing through Chicago activities because of lack of support. Socialist's Speech at Parliamentablishment, and also a large consign- latter part of last week for Philadel- will be taken care of by. the Chicago held on Tuesday and Wednesday, SepSimilar resolutions were adopted at tarian's Meeting. ment of foodstuffs. tember 26th and 27th, and instruction phia, *Pa., where she will visit with branch. a meeting of Russian-Ukrainian soThey will leave the "Berengaria" a her grandfather, Mr. I. Becker, prior will begin immediately after the Holy cieties of Warsaw. CIR STEWARD SAMUEL AP- Southampton, where they will ,trans to .entering her freshmen year at Budapest, Sept. S. {J. T. A.) Three Mrs. L. Blotcky returned last Wed- Days on Tuesday, October 17th, The Rabbi Abraham Kalmanowitz - of PROVES SUBSIDIZING PALES- f er across tha pier ±o the "Smolensk" Smith College, Northampton, Mass., nesday, from a three week's stay in first public "assembly will be held on Jews were stabbed, and a large numRakow, a town On the Polish-Ukrainof the Wilson Line and then, procee thfe nrst of October. TINIAN INSTITUTIONS FROM ber assaulted on Uugargasse last Sunday evening, October 29th. Colorado. to Petrogradj.where a civic reception COMMUNITY BUDGET. night during the riots instigated by ian border, who is familiar with the will await them. They will go by the Awakening Magyars, who an- emigrants' situation, has addressed an nounced their intention to avenge the appeal through the Jewish press urgSir Herbert Samuel, High Commis- train to Moscow, where they will b "insult" cast on Hungary by Edward ing the orthodox Jews not to permit ', siozer of Palastihe, in a letter to the welcomed by. the city officials. •; •.^)WMWMr"tt»ir»jr)ircmw^ Bernstein, leading Jewish Socialist of any decrease in the Hias work. Jewish Welfare Federation received Germany, during the recent meeting this -week, has expressed, his appre- EDWARD BERNSTEIN A special. meeting of the Deborah' of the Interparliamentary Union at ciation of the policy of the Federation TRACES GERMAN ANTISociety will be held Tuesday, Sept. Vienna. to subsidize Jewish philanthropies in •f SEMinSM TO MILTTARISK Palestine from the Federation budget, New York. ( J . C. B.) German Herr Bernstein had scored the 26, at three o'clock sharp. Elans for which was undertaken this year. He militarism has always been inextri Horthy regime for its persecution of raising money to build an annex for Talmud Torah will be discussed. agrees that this method, which dis- cably associated with anti-Semitisni Jews and workers. Count Aponyi, a penseb with *he expense incident to writes Edward Bernstein, noted Ger ranking member of the Hungarian collections by traveling solicitors, or man socialist, in a thoughtful articl delegation, reseated the attack and a JEWISH CALENDAR. "Meshulochim"; will react to tLahe contributed to the Jewish Dail; hot exchange of words ensued. The . 5683-1922. greater, advantage of the institution. Forward. Herr Bernstein ~ explain Budapest papers, learning of the Vi- New Year's Eve Fri^Sept.22 The, High Commissioner says in the motives underlying the Rathenai enna incident, called for immediate j Tom Kippar -.Moiv, Oct. 2 part: "I appreciate the desire of your murder and the furious anti-Seinitii vengeance on the Hungarian Jews, in- jSuceoih {First Day) Sat., Oct. 7 commodity to conduct its charitable agitation against the "Jewish Repub ddentally urging a union of Hungar-j Saccoth <Last Day)—Shmirii. v for a ' ; \ " , • •'-••'•' i activities in Palestine by a direct and l i e " ' : . - , • ians along the lines of. the Italian' organized method that will ensure Sat., Oct. 14 Fascisti. *The net result of the press Atzereth that the maxnnum share of the _ums Mrs. J. Rosen entertained five a Sun,, Oct. IS campaign was the attack last night, Simeit&th Torah collected by it is being applied for the the theatre party* a t the Orpheum during which Jews were also ejected Kofih-Caodesh Chesvan....MoHn Oct. 2S benefit of the most deserving instil..- followed by a luncheon at the Vallej Eosa-Chodesh Kislev ...Tues,Nov. 11 from hotels and bars. ; ' / . t i o n s . " ' - . - • . . •:'_'' . - \ -.-;. '•'•.•••. •'". • .: of Sweets honoring Mrs. Henry Horn Quomltalt <F*ast of ©ed-... • , To date the Federation has con- who -left the latter part of the weeS Miss Bessie Katz returned Thursication) , F r t , B e clS sssawMfaiiyitfUpifc $400 i o Palestinian institu-- with Mr,. Horn to make their home in day after a six. ^vsek's visit in Min- Eosh-Chodesli Tebcth , neapolis. Fast of T e b t t h . ™ _ _

Will Not Deport Immigrant lews During Holidays

ffigh Commissioner of Palestine Endorses Federation's Policy

•\SSQt\ TOT 7UK! The Jewish Press

extends to all its readers sincere wishes


Prosperous and Happy Year






PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1922 Chevra B'riai Israel held a meeting Miss Frances Npgg left Monday fpr recently in the "Jewish Press." They Monday evening at the Syangogue. California, where she will visit for a are Marvin Treller, who is attending Kemper Military Academy^ Henry month. . Pabifahwi every Thursday at Oruab*. Nebraska. P7 l*fr. Sam [Schwartz, o f Kansas City, Rosenstein and Bessie Haykin, NeTHE JEWIS£ PRESS PUBLISHING 'COMPANY; Mo.', returned Friday after spending Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anthony, of Chi- braska University; David Gross, MilOffice": '482 Brandeis Theatre Building'.—Telephone: Jackson 3372. the week here with his fiance, Miss cago, 111.," spent a few days as the ton E. Abraham, Maynard Greenberg, guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Rosenfejd and Abe Fiijkel, Greighton University. Jennie Katelman. 'NATHAN p . GREEN,'Manager. Miss Anne Moise' appertained a g. J. Friedman, Attorney, Mr -and Mrs. Maurice Shulkin, of _.$2.50 Subscription Price, one year. Los Angeles, Calif., left after spend- number of her frjends Sunday eve- " S02 Omaha National Bank Bldsr. »ta» famished on application. OF PROBATE OF WII/I-. ing last week -with Mr. and Mrs. C. ning in1 honor of her birthday. The InNOTICE the County Court of Douglas 'CounNOT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaevening was spent in playing bunco. ty, Nebraska. In- the matter of the estate of Israel tion of The Jewish Ereaa ate to be given toyprthy <s>mP»ffiS> S^nseg Prizes V e fs won by Slipf foby I£ateir Pearlnmn. deceased. Mrs. Harry Cohen,'and son spent a man and Mr. Isadore Ferlmutter. All persons Interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has few days in Oakland,. la., with Mr. been filed in said court, praying for the and Mrs. Lieberman. She was ac- A number of students and the prppate of a certain Instrument now on in"said Court, purporting" bt be the companied home by Ijlrs. Lieberman. schools they attend this fall were file last will and testament, of said deceased, ^VHAT DpES THE NEW YEAR IJOJ.D? and that ii'hearing \yill be had on said before said Court on the 14th day Israel stands again at the threshold of a New Year. With Mrs. Chas. Saltzmanentertained at omitted from the list that appeared t>etiHon irf October, 1022 and that if they fail to at said Court on the said lith trembling heart it asfcs, " does the New Year 5683 hold?— bridge in honor of her sister, Mrs. M. Statement ol~ ownership, manajjeipent, appear day of October. 1922, at S o'clock a. m., for one knows not what a day may pring forth, much less a Shulkin, of Los Angeles, Calif. circulntlQn. etc., of the Jewish Frees, to contest the probate of said will, the



weekly at Omaha, "Nebraska, whole yeai\ Will the New Year now opening bring joy or woe, Mr. Sam Saltznianis ill at the Jen- published required by Act -of Congress of A-usust 24, 3912. Editor, N., B. preen; Manager, blessing or sorrow?" Israel has faced many such periods in its nie/Edmund§pn Hospital. Itf. SI. Green. Publishers': " Tlje '• Jewish long history of thousands of years. The chief value of these Press Publishing £&„ Qtnaba. Nebraska. Owners; Fell, Hnrry Lapidua, Harry sacred seasons as they come with all too swift and unfailing re- The Blossoms of Zion Club had an Malasbock.N. P. Harry Wolf. Herman Anerbach, Morris I#vy. W. p. Holzroan. Phjlip gularity is that they imbue Israel with faith and hope and in.-,election- of officers Sunday at the Sher. B. Zljninan. Sau|~Lefy. /Sam spire his heart with courage.' The main lesson of every New; -Synagogue.'The following were, elect- Leon. H. If. S. Yaffp and Henry Monsky, Omaha. Nebraska. Known bondholders, Year is that '{The Keeper of Israel sjeepeth not nor slumbereth. ed to serve fo rthe coming year:, Doro- mortgagees, and otter security holders bolding 1 per cent or more of total The Almighty -Ruler of the universe watches over Israel, attends thy Sait«nan,-president; Toby Eatel- amount of honds, mortices, on other to it with loving care that justice is ultimately done, that truth' j'vice-president; Anne Moise* see- securities; None. Subscribed before me 20th flay of September. 1022. (Senl.j and right eventually triumph. .With each1 recurring New Yewi ryjr aiid LiRiari-Steinberg, treas- this S. H. Sthaefer,. Notary Public. (My commission expires March 12, 1026.) ." Israel'fortifiesr its faith"- and -trains strength for the contest with life, often sd bitter, cruel,,and tragic, and for coping with-,its powerful and relentless-enemies; Prejudice and hate, unforfcun-; ately still exist.. Misunderstandings, misrepresentation, and. slan-' der'areT'stfll'rampant"/ 'Israel is"'still persecuted and- oppressed.? We wish all pur friends and patrons a Happy and But Israel fears hot, leaving supreme faith in God, trusting with •all its heart in Him who is pledged to the final vindication of Prosperous New Year. virtue arid the1 complete victory of the rigl^t. in this spirit;* in alPthe Synagogue's and Temples of the world, Israel meets and greets the New Year. May it prove a year of happiness, and blessing to all; of healing to the nations^ of: peace to Israel, and to all mankind. " - !j ?[<rj\, -[_;'"'-•- - . K o s h e r M e a t M a r k e t -A bright, prosperous, tiappyj and blessed-New Year to ones and all. ' - •' " • ' •; ;r> 1513 North 24th Street. Phone Webster 4330 :' • _-; RABBI FREDERICK COHN. ;;l















- •



In bequeathing a goodly share of his estate to Jewish • charitable and philanthropic causes, Isadore Pearlman, pioneer We wish all our friends and patrons a Happy and - resident of Omaha, -whose will was probated last week, has Prosperous New Year. . • provided for the perpetuation of his name upon the pages of • : the history of Omaha's Jewish communal life. ' While not a wealthy man, as the modern world counts wealth, Mr. Pearlman was yet possessed of sufficient property to provide adequately for his dear ones, and was still enabled to Eev. L. Levinson, the Mohl. H. Marks. •care for those Jewish causes which were cherished by him during his life. Phone Webster 2916 1552 North 20th Street. Four thousand dollars for the Jewish Free Loan Society, . $t,O0Q for the Jewish Community Center, $1,000 for the National Jewish Hospital in Denver and $1,000 for the Cleveland U • Orphan Home are among the major charitable bequests. The synagogues of the community were also remembered. . But figures and amounts are relative. It is the spirit which ^animated the bequests which counts. In Mr. Pearlmah's legacy -We wiih all our friends and patrons a Happy and - the sum total of the gifts reveal the impulses dominating his Prosperous New Year. / thoughts as he Jnade them. • • :- ' ' ~ \ :: r:: I :;.i • ' He wished that his name might live after him in" good' works.' He gave more than the Biblical tithe. He gave half again, as much. And in thus exceeding what has been for ages The^Home of Milk Krust, accepted as the standard of giving, he not only aided the causes he remembered,. but he benefited all philanthropy throuch 24th and Clark Sts. his example. * -<& Be his" memory a jessing. i l » 7 i >=':•• *"-

Up-To-Date Kosher Meat Market



I COUNCIL BLUFFS An election of officers will take place at the next regular meeting of the Mogen Dovid club, -which -will be held Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Arrangements for "a public celebra-

tipn in honor of its second anniversary •svill be made. The first services for Rosh Hashona will be held Friday evening a t the Eagles Hall. Rabbi Melbourne Hanis will conduct the services. Friday evening service will be held at 8 p. m.


wishes their friends and patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

M ' _




Kosher Meat Market 1415 North 24th St.

'', .' 1

Phone Webster 0346

- Air. and Mrs. M. Turner

OMAHA FISHCO. wish all their friends and patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year. t i.



FIFTEENTH STREET WINDOWS Afternoons, 2:30 to 5:30. Evening*, 7:30 to 9:30.





ANNOUNCEMENT Eev. E. Fleishman

<THE MOHL" • Moved into his new home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Cptner oi Woolworth Avenue. TeL Atlantic 6637.



Chiropodist and Beauty Shop

Candidate for

Established 1800 15th Bind Harnry Street*. Phone Ooofla" S333

County Attorney


Sample Fur Shop

Wishes The Jewish Press and its Readers

The Latest Styles and Creations in Furs at Great Savings A call will convince you of the exceptional values in FUR COATS, CAPES, WRAPS, STOLES and CHOKERS, which are now on display. •-'. 504f SOUTH 16TH ST., One Flight up


Opposite Hill Hotel

and Prosperous New Year

Telephone ATlantic 8412



It is the strict atid literal truth when we say that at no previous time in the automobile industry has there been such remarkable car value purchasable at such low prices. Although Nash cars have been consistently £nd persistently improved in every detail and feature,*we now present them at sweepinjtly reduced prices. The best part of the summer and a long pleasant fall are before you. Come in and select the model you favor.

! Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur



Friday, Sept. 22—6:45 P. M. Saturday, Sept. 23-^-8 ;00 A. M. and 6:30 P. M, Sunday, Sept. 24—3:00".A. M. Sunday Evening, Oct. 1— 6:00 P. M. Monday Morning, Oct. 2— 8:00 A. M.


Sixteenth and Chicago Streets The services will be conducted in English by "Rabbi Harry Jacobs" of Arlington, N. Y., and in Hebrew by "Cantor Silverman" of Palestine. Our services will be modern orthodox, some of the features of which are: 1. Sermons in English. 2. Reading of some of the prayers in English as well as Hebrew, 3. A uniform prayer book, copies of r , l, ! | which may be obtained at the hall. [ .,..4. Proper decorum at the services. ' Admission to all the services $2,00 per person, "•! \ For your convenience, you may buy .-': i . your tickets at the following places: - </, Rosenberg & Co., 403 North 24th Street. ^ lieibowitz Jewelry Store, 218 Spuih 15th Street. N. W. Naken. Rialto Theatre Building. .Raymon & Romonek, 514 North 16th Street. J. P. Crounse & Son, 924 North 16th Street. W. Grunger, 1206 North 24th Street. Sun Printing Company, 1320 Dodge Street.

Fours «** Sixes

New Reduced Prices Range from $915 to $2190 f. o.b. factory

NA NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Tenth and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representatives Phone ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) Nash Leads the World in Motor Car Value



SPECIAL NOTICE Style Review —::— Living Models

AJsp first episode of

at the


Entire second floors of both buildings devoted to Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing.


-—-—- for

r wish all iny friends and Ratrons a Happy and Prosper ous New year.


No. 2514 Cuming St.


Free Delivery to All Parts of the City. Phone Webster 6512. . J. FINKENSTEIN, Prop.

Suits, Top Coats, Overcoats

Sunday, September 24,

The Congregation B'nai Sholem wishes their friends and patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year.


Hippodrome Theatre

Phone Webster 6284


At ike Value-Givi g, Money-Saving Clothes Store of the V/est—The Nebraska.

Conrt may allow and probate said will and" prajit ,administration of said estate to William Pearlman and J. J. Slosburg, or so.mer other suitable person, enter a. flecree of heirRhip, and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRXCB CRAWFORD, County Judge.

-B. HIMELBLOOM, Proprietor 1616 North 24th St.

The Most Amazing Clothes Values In Years

Unprecedented Car Value

Residence Studio 2519 Chicago Street. Jackson 4921


"The Clothing Comer of Omaha."



ft'AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1B22 .Miss Estelle l,apidus, who ( has jthe principalship of Miss Leola Harbeen spending the summer with, her ris. Hebrew will be made part of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Tapidus, regular curriculum on Sunday mornleft Monday evening for Rocltford, ings. ••«..•» jincj g III., where she will resume*- her studies at Eockford. College. Miss Mrs. Herman Ziigman entertained { Ruth Wilirisky, daughter of Mr/ and Friday evening at dinner at her H. Wilinsky, left with Miss home complimentary to .her- sister, Hi. and Mrs. BenMiller will leave Mrs. M. Wright, of Los; Angeles, Lapjdus to enter her freshmen year Mrs. Friday morning for St. Joseph, Mo., Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Tollman where they will be the guests of. Mr. at Rockford. They were accompanied Kaplan. and Mrs. J. Miller for the holidays. by Mrs. H. Wilinsky and Miss Ulinoye Schrayer. " Mrs. Harry Stein spent the week Miss Elinore Schrayer, who. ha& end at the home of her parents, Mr. been visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. AT K Givot will have and Mrs. M. L. Mozer, of Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Browar, for the as their holiday guests their son^ Mr. Nebr. summer left Monday evening for her Joe Givot, and Mrs. Givot, of Sioux City, la. Mr. Herbert Robinson left Tuesday home in Chicago, 111. to spend several days in Kansas City, Miss Rose "Cohan left Friday Mrs. William B. Joseph, of Los An- Mo., prior to leaving for Ann Arbor, evening for, an indefinite stay in j l p s , Calif., will arrive the latter Mich. :• part of the "week to be the guest of California. . . . her sister, Mrs. !M. S. Miller, and Mr. Miss Mildred Blank, of Des Moines, : Miss Ruth Rosen, who has been Miller. la., who has been visiting with her ill for the past two weeks, is conT Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rpchman. re- aunt, Mrs. K. Weinberg, for somevalescing at" her home. turned last Wednesday from their time returned to her home Monday. Mr. San\ Jacobs, of Cincinnati, O., wedding trip to Chicago, HI. The first regular Board of Direcspent the week-end in Omaha. .. Mr. Max Gwttfaan left last week tors meeting of the Temple Israel A number of out-of-town people fpr Chicago, HI., where he spent a Sisterhood was held Monday at the were in Omaha Sunday to attend the few days prior tp going to Ann Arbor, Jewish Community Center. The open"Jewish Press" picnic* Among them where he will enter the University of ing meeting of the Sisterhood will be " • held Monday, October 9. The followr were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block, and Michigan. ing officers will serve during the enMiss Zejda Brpwn, of Fremont, Neb., Miss Irma Gross left Monday eve T and Mr. an'\ Mrs. S. Friedman,- of njng for Lansing, Mich., to continue suing year: Mrs. Nate Mantel, president; Mrs. Cora Wolf, vice-president; Sioux City, la. teaching school there. Mrs. Frederick Cohn, honorary vicepresident; Mrs. J. Singer, financial Mrs. John Gidinsky is spending the and Mrs. Carl Studna, of Kan- secretary; Mrs. A. Herzberg, correweek in Kansas City, Mo., visiting sasMr. City, Mp., announce the birth of sponding secretary; Mrs. Herbert with relatives: a Jjaby boy born Tuesday, September Amstein, treasurer; and. the follow• Mr. Sol Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and 19. Mrs. Studna was formerly Miss ing are the directors of this organ-Mrs. M. * Rosenblatt, left Monday Jennie Blumenthal. ization: Mesdames Sam Wertheimer, evening.for the. Harvard University, Mr. Ralph Cohn left Monday eve- Sol Klein, Sol Goldstrom, M. S. Mil-to begin his second year of law. ning to enter his senior year at Ann ler, H. Rosenstock, M. I. Gordon, I. Rpsenthal, Carl Furth, William L. '•••••• Mr. J. Katz, of Marion, HI., former- Arbor, Michigan. if of this city, left Tuesday after Mr. and Mrs. H. Hiller returned Holzman, and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld spending the week at the Blackstone. Sunday from California, where they as the program supervisor. Mrs. L. Gerelick, who has been visMr. Ben Gr^nat, who has been have been making their home for the here during the past year, will leave past year. They will visit here for iting in Sioux City, la., with friends Sunday to make his home with his two months with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis for the past week, returned home Tuesday. , Hiller. . parents at New York City. Mr. Simon Bank, of Los Angeles, .• Mr. and Mrs. J. Kooper have moved Dr. and Mrs. H. Levine, of BlanchCalif., formerly of this city, is visitard, la., will spend the holidays with into their new home at 118 So. 35th ing with his sister, Mrs. S. Robinson, Mrs. Levine's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ave. M. Horn. and Mr. Robinson and with his niece, The Omaha Junior Hadassah -will Mrs. Sam Leon, and Mr. Leon. meet this evening at the Jewish Mr. Ronald Gladstone left this week Mr. and Mrs. H. Levey and daugh- I to enter his second year at Ann ArCommunity Center. bor. ter, Sadye, returned last week from I Miss Bertha Heiz, of New York California, where Mrs. Levey and } City, who has just returned from an Mr. Harry Ravitz is convalescing daughter spent two months. Mr. extended trip to "California, "will visii and will be home Friday from; the Levey joined them several weeks ago. here "with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Wise Memorial Hospital, where he Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Greenberg Solomon, for several, weeks, prior to underwent an operation for appendicitis several weeks ago. : entertained Sunday evening at a surreturning to her home. prise party complimentary to their Mr .and Mrs. B.* M. Brown have daughter, Ida, who is a recent gradu. Juiss Sadie Levey, who for a moved into their new home at 4622 ate of the Omaha Technical High ber of years has been the pupil of Douglas St. School. Eighteen couples were" presProfessor Cecil Berryman^is opening a piano studio at her residence at Mrs. Harry White left Tuesday eve- ent. 'Prizes'were w6h by the Misses 2519' Chicago St. Miss Levey is a ning for an indefinite stay at Ottuni- Ida Telpner, Marguerite Greenfield, and Morris Fine. well-known pianist having featured la. in a number of public performances. Rabbi and Mrs, Frederick Cohn are Mrs. Tollman Kaplan entertained the members of the Ra Oth Society now in their new home at 5105 WebSunday afternoon at her home. Prizes ster Street. were wpn by the Misses Esther Zalk We wish all our friends and Stella Trochtenberg. Miss Jea- Miss Tina AJtschuler entertained nette Marcus will be hostess at the the members of the Young Judea and patrons a Happy and next meeting to be held Sunday, Oc- Senior Club at her home Sunday afternoon. The club held its semir Prosperous New Year. tober 8, at her home. annual election with the following reThe Temple Israel Sunday School sults: Helen Reikes, president; Clara opened at ten o'clock Sunday morn- Feldman, vice-president; Toby SteinSOSKIN & KOZBERG ing. Every Jewish child in the city, berg, secretary; Ida Hoffman, asKosher Meat Market not otherwise affiliated, is cordially sistant secretary; Tess Kavich, treas922 No. 16th S t invited to attend the sessions of the urer; and Esther Potashnick, rereligious school of Temple Israel. The porter. Three executives and three Sunday School has reorganized under council members were also appointed.

Social, Club



Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyerson and family, Council Bluffs, wishes all their friends and relatives a Happy and Prosperous i E 1 New Year. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirn and « i f family wish to express to their | relatives and friends their best I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky, wishes for the coming year. • 431 North 39th Street, express to their friends best wishes for a Happy New Year. Mr. Henry J. Beal wishes his friends a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernstein, 241 Vine St,' Co. Bluffs, la-, extend to all their friends and relatives their heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

ous New Year. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Sher and t son, David, wish to their rel- ', atives and friends a prosperous and altruistic year. <



Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanrels of Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of Omaha, extend their best wishes \ to their friends for a Happy • and Prosperous New Year. (

Mr. Jrvin Stalmaster wishes fe express to his friends best f wishes for a Happy and Sue- f cessful New Year. # Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss and family, Mason Apts., No. 4, wish all their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Wolf and son Justin extend to their friends very best wishes for a Happy and Successful New Year.


Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman, 5224 Florence Blvd., extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Candidate for

Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Feil, Ardmore Terrace, extend their best wishes to their friends for the coming year.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman, 2962 Poppleton Ave., extend to all their friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. M. L Gorden, 514 Brandeis Theatre Building, wishes a Very Happy New Year to his friends.

The undersigned heartily endorse present Deputy County Attorney HENRY J. BEAL for the office of County Attorney at the fall election November 7th, 1922: REUBEN LACKOW A. J. MILLER HARRY H. LAPIDUS JOHN FELDMAN NATHAN S. YAFFE Li KNEETER ABNER H. KAIMAN MAX FROMKIN DR. A. GREENBERG ARTHUR ROSENBLUM MAURICE CIVIN ROBERT ("BOB") COHAN



Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Goldner, i 142 North 35th Street, wish | their relatives and friends a Very Happy New Year.

Mr. Nathan E. Green, 2047 Florence Boulevard, extends to all his friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg extend to their friends their best wishes for the coming year.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris, 2859 California St., extend to their relatives and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.





Dodge Brothers offer to the business public of America an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. From framework to window mouldings the body is built Of steel. It is the first all-steel dosed car ever marketed. This design anticipates every possible requirement of commercial travel. It insures unusual q u i e t n e s s unusual grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible to give the Coupe that same lustrous baked-on enamel finish for which Dodge Brothers open cars have long been famous.

l Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holz- , { man, 304 South 38th Street, " take this opportunity to ex- » press their best wishes to their friends for the coming year.

The upholstery is of genuine leather—leather that wuT wash and wear. Tbe seat is wide and comfortable. Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, windshield cleaner, cord tires, Yale door locks, and every other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort and protection.

Mr. and Mrs. N. Horn of Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of Omaha, extend their best wishes to their friends for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Built inside and .out to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers cars.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Kneeter, 2111 Chicago Street, wish that the coming new year may bring to their friends, joy, health and happiness.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, 5104 Dodge St., wish their friends a Most Happy New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kulakbfsky and family wish their relatives and friends a Very Happy New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson and family, 600 Roosevelt Ave^ Co. Bluffs, la., wishes all their friends and relatives a- Happy and Prosperous New Year.




Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz, 1316 No. 40th St., extends best wishes for the coming New Year to all their friends and relatives.


Central Grocery Co. of Council Bluffs, Iowa, wishes all their ptrons and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. Morris E. Jacobs wishes to express to his friends best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous Year.



t « • Mr. and Mrs. L. Stalmaster and ! \ I family -wish their relatives and ', j friends a Happy and Prosper- \

It is the Business Coupe which business people the world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers. The price is $980 f. o. b. Detroit

Oarnrr at ZStlt 8* Uaracr 0123



33-35 Fourth St. Council Blotla 601

I f I 1 I


ED&GATIONAlM>EPARTMENT : when the re-enforcements from the tear reached the trench they dis^ covered him:itill" leaning against i the wall. A young ' officer sprang!1 to his'side. • • • • • • ' i • t • • / 'BY QtiCXttl SOIHSGAIX. ;."What're you doing here?" he (Copyright, 1022, "by the JewUU Writer's Guild. AH Itights Reserved.) demanded. Herman Block looked up dazedly. dully on the mud. ,And when they 74tt—didn't go," he mumbled. ~ 7 Continue"?!'from last'week,) •The whistle. .Someone ' yelled had all. left the. trench-rone figure y>'Didn't go? Where, in hell do l g, anyway ?" ?" rr \ "Let's "goI At 'em!" There was a remained, leaning against the wall.I. $ belong, rush. • Meti climbed the '.ladders, He had. tried to, force himself up the ;4*With them," Block said, pointing d the German lines. The officer crouched -and darted off through the ladder, but he had failed. He stood!toward sobbing, visioning the carnaget that] gaped, lackness,, They, were panting, eager, he exclaimed. "'Didn't go, pitched- to the highest tension. The would take place in a moment. Andj -"--* suddenly he heard the thunder of j Deserted, hey?" heavy fall of their shoes thudded a hundred guns. A voice called, "Godl" he ; cried in desperation. V ^Coward!" ; And-another added, "Great .Godl"' , EMU. GANZ & SON •jf Da^ihed^quitter!: Throw him out!/' Cettifie*UPuMic Accountants • UVt Doufflni- etnet „" Forl a secQnd the. youn^ .officer

A Citizen of the World

AtJDITOnS ANI> 8YSTEMATIZOR8 ' KmJl Cfons ' r d. V.'A. , - V. M. Ganrf l>|ionc»t ' Har.B408'— Doug. 4831 — Har. 00}B


Palmers Steamship Agency

1000 Ilnrney Street.


Tel. Jackion 0710.

Steamship Tickets and Tours

Omaha Sign Company


"Builders of Better Signs" '


All Parts of the World


AH Orders Given Prompt nnd. Careful Attention.


Peters Trust Co. 1708 Farnam St.


1118 No. 18th St. Webster 0729.

Money Sent to All Foreign Countries

(Guaranteed) "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" Ja 4201. Britndeis Theatre Bide, . . 210 So.: 17th St., Oraahn.





THE CAREFUL WELDERS Anything :*. Anytime :: Anyplace

1501 Jackson St.


a£ion" Besets You 'Whin You Enter •



16t1i and Farnam' Streets

Crystal Candy Company 16th and Capitol Ave.

Quaker Bread Made With Milk'


City National Bank of COUNCIL BI4UFF8 , '."We pay 4% Interest on Saving nnd Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes tor 'IUnt.

JA ckson 1862 "


'[ v McCoyd-Brady Co. Omaha'p New.est Sport Goods Store


1907 Cuming St.



Ed. Burdick.

i A Storu XrnnnReil iind . JU'U • by Men wlio I'liiy tho Gnutu.



"Let There Be Light"

Dundee Electric Walnut 3034





, * "RADIO" K Everyihinfi^for.the Athlete.


J A." 2467


31.11 Klrholaii Ktrert

Used enra bovicht. sold, and exchanged. >'ew' tKixt*. mid nxla RtiaCts for nny Inhnlpr Tires,. Tubt'B nnrt AvCBinorlcfli Bolow Wholesnla Prices.














"Travel Without Trouble"

Steamship and Foreign Travel. Specialists. Phone JnchRon 0710, lono Hnrney St. OMAHA. NBDIi. .

We occupy •rcr 70,000 tauare feet Soathwett Corner Elevrnth and- Poocfai Streets^ Ftaone: >Iachli^> .67S4 '; OUAUA.


A N D -








FONTENELLE "One. of America's Great Hotels"




•' •

The Malashock Jewelry Co.

ErriCIE>T and KESPONSIBI.E • X.ACXDKV. Where-yonr clothes come home ,' cleaner and . last loncer. ATlantic 0280. 1507-11 Jackson Sti> H. A. JACOBBEKGEK, Pres. ;

Diamond and Platinum : '. , , Specialists ' :

' '. • .1514-''Dodg« Street. Established 18M, DOndai 6619.


Druggists and Stationers 401-403-405 Soalh 10th Street


Void Transfer &.Storage Co.

r ho tie 104 The Best of Evcn'tliinp in FloTcers and Confections at Moderate Prices. 345 W. Broadway, Ner ' tlberty Theater COUNCIL BLCTTFS. IOWA.

Council Bluffs Savings Bank Ol'E TREATMENT CONVINCE YOU OF OCB SIXCEEITT. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes.

Happiness and Contentment

E. E. Bruce & Co.

•• 'Omaha Office: 813 -Douslas Streets Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 . ". •R. A. FORD. President and*General Manaper. Counril Bluffs (Iowa) Office 924. So. Main Street. Phone 365


Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.

Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors c*

Westem Bond—and High Grade Stationery Omaha, Nebraska.

The BrtiiEi & Jensen Company WHOLESALE PAPER, STATIONERY, ETC. Distributors for -

Pink Tip Matches — Northern Toilet Tissue

^ T H E WISH OF i:

1112 Harney Street AT lantic 6409

CANDYIAND 16 th and Farnam St. Giannow Nicholas Petrow



SeiTice is Our Motto Sate l>epo?it Boxes for Bent.



Haskell Co.

Every Known Kind of Insurance



COS TT. O. W. Elds.



A Prosperous

2224 Cuming SL Phone JA ckson 1226


Popular Priced Auto Painters

i 8

Happy New Year A complete stock of

Staple Groceries Fresh Fish

OpINBROS •:'\v Conant Hotel Bldg.

'Also a supply of

Pullman Beds, Closest Body BuUtUnr-

i l Hil Si

BUTTER and EGGS Council BlvSs, I&


Proprietor of

My Famous Home-Made • Dill Pickles.

INVESTMENT SECURITIES Howard and Eighteenth,Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555.



Fish Co.

The Harry A. Koch Co.


Pfeiffer St.

AT lanitc 0TC1



FOSTER-BAR&ER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."

Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables If. W. Cor 11th r.nd Howard Sts.


1307 Howard St., Omaha,^ Kcb. ATlanlic 0340.


John Kidman TUXEDOES,


Latest Models

$25.00 to S40.00 SAt.K

O t t 1>"OU U K N T . " • ' "

Emerson Laundry Phone Webster 0820 THE LAUNDRY THAT EVERYBODY LIKES.

215 SOUTH 19TH ST.

Known among our V/ell dressed Jewish Communal Workers as responsible and accurate Tailors. • :



l«!>^«o.'"lCth Ht. •'-•' T«L JAckHon Stan oi)p»»iir roNt-onirv.


H. LapMns. Pna.-TntM.

Omaha Fixture &


Subscribe to "The Jewish Press'*.

• ;

Palmer's Steamship Agency


Kaplan Auto Parts Co.


and certain cases of orphans, proceeding to competent persons, American citizens or declarants. Furthermore the 'Baltic-America Line have engaged the services of a special representative who makes frequent trips to Soviet Russia, gets in personal touch with passengers, assists them with their passport matters and trip to'the port, in fact renders them all- possible personal assistance.. ; Mr. Palmer says his office has been .furnished with the necessary blanks ifor purchasers of tickets to fill out.

JOB. Pepper. Vteo-PrmiWenU W. G. Ore.' Becretarj.


J, C; Crtw.


>; "Get out;. of here, you dog!" he :igas]}ed, between clenched teeth. "Gefj fput.there and fight J" ^ .Other hands assisted? and Herman [Block,.-Eiirjmsed beyond resistance, Isvas tAfei^d ". out" of the trend*— uliurled-out- • ScBxbel^'knWing what' he did, he •.itaggered forward, his gun trailing M the'mud. -He had'advanced perfhaps half the?: distance, to the ,Geriinap liner?5vhile ;shota thundered and *}nen*:flcreai»i^d, Tyhen he came upon %. hwdt^Ffe'bptfy. He paused, then ;|mett. He bent :clo'se to the face; land fell back with a cry. It wa? Simpson—dead. . And in that, moment when he realized that Simpson had been mufjrc'/the' Germans—in * that ijnqmeift a' 'jiang^of hatred darted ^through Herman Block, the lover of jhaeii. It burned- -within him—ah iirrepressible sense of having been They had- killed! the one Vwho*:' understood I They had ,. something 1 ; The miserable curs!. , .. .._. . ^ He jumped up. , His face was distorted with- an inhuman shriek. The 'damned GermansI The damned Huns! He'd show 'em!, In the morning Herman Block was found hajf .way to _ the! German trenches. A' piece of shrapnel had penetrated his lungs. ' He was rushed to a field hospital where he regained consciousness, for a,ieyr moments—only to realize that dealti was. approaching him at an alarming speed. . , . . - , . : "Is there anyone you'd like io notify—any letter tn write—anything— " sornepno was murmering in his; carl Frantically he endeavored to' ihink clearly. Then he said, hardly audibly. ' "No, I—have—nobody. B—but if I happen t—to—get some sort of— of stone, "or something—write on it, wiil you?—write on it, "He was a— Jew, a—a citizen of—the—world.'"

1702 North 24th Street, Phone Webster 2092

i8.6'6>* Harney Street Phone ATlantic Q001

' G. A. Palmer, of the Palmer Steamship Agency, 1909 Harney St., representing the Baltic-American Steamship Line, says, through efforts of the Baltic-America Line the Soviet* Government have made it easy now to bring to -America parents over 55 years of age, American born wives and minor children of Russians, wives~with or -withouti children-;of Russians'. who are'coriiirig to the United States to meet their husbands,

Pentber mattri'sses made from your own • feuthera. Cool In Kuinmef—Warm 'In'Winter. Cost less than felt 6cils Cotton Mattressi's ninilft ovcrip new tlntcA at half prlw" nf new bmls.

Oniaha Sporting ; Goods Co.' .

•Agency Aids Immigrants to Arrive Here


Arrangements now made with Soviet; Government for prompt forwarding of' pussenffors to America. We furnish you "ueccssary blatik8,~ete., to HH out. «


Fall "Eine""of ipiportcd nnd Domestic Woolens in Stock. " ( / " At all times—Prices reasonable. * For a Perfect Fit and. Brotherly Courtesy—See Us First.

Best Wishes for the New Year

TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruits and Produce 11 th and Howard Streets

Telephone ATlantic 4707

O639 Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.

Leo A. Hoffmann


Abner H. Kaiirian 1319W.O.W.Bidg. AT. 8034


Hoffmann Funeral Home.

1516 Farnam Strpet. Baspment. riione ,JA rkson 4136.

Nearly every Jewish family In Yonr subscription for "The lew Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". ish Press" is due *»—




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