September 28, 1922

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... . / a r t v ^ y - ; ; •;::••;•

° Genius • , and ambition laugh at precedents. —Thayer.

; d f pleasing is the art

of rising sin. the . world."

VOL. IL-^No. 42

. Entered us I '5- 9 ;I*as mall. matter. on Jan nary 27th. 1821, at poBtofflce at \ - p Tjx; Nebraska, tinder the Act of March 8, 1BTV.

Samuel Proclaimed T O l Ruler of Palestine in Britaitf s Order



Ne; mootv"


League Calls- For Fiefs, Figures About the Jewish Homeland

Vit, Sept. 18.<J. C. B.)—The istion of how many Jews . Vilna, Sept. 21. (J. T. A.)—Refushall Tie allowed to matriculate in gees returning as repatriates from Hungarian universities has brought Russia were given twenty hours' noabout a challenge for a duel between tice to quit Vilna in an order issued Music of Most: Sacred of Jewish Prayers Was the Favorite two prominent-Hungarian educators, by the Chief of Police today. Persons Brilliant Ceremony on Mount of said an Associated Press cable from Melodyof Moltke, Who Often Requested Joachim, disregarding the order to leave the Measure to Be Adopted to Safeguard the Jewish Rights Budapest on' August 14T Olives Attended by 7,000 Vilna territory voluntarily, will be Celebra ted Je wish Violinis t, to Play It for Him and Positions. Guests. A controversy has been waging beforcibly deported, it is announced. tween the yniversities / of Budapest The Jewish refugees are panicBy Miles Goldberg POWERS OF LEGISLATIVE and Szegedin, the point at issue being stricken by this order coming on the THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS ISSUES QUESTIONNAIRE whether the law restricting the numCOUNCILS PROMULeve of the High Holidays, beginning FOR GREAT BRITAIN ber applies to the-Jewish-refugees GATED. Friday evening. They have nowhere irom theJost provinces. * to go when ejected from here. Mr. Goldberg, a -well-known. bound, from this Day of Aton- ] changes have been made in the variLondon. (J. T. A.)—The Permanent Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Despite the Following the-exchange of a num. newspaperman, -who recently eu- _ ment until the next, whose happy j ous themes. It is built upon a very Commission o fthe,League of Nations tered the English-Jewish • field, -was••• absence of many Arab leaders, who ber of uncomplimetnary letters, the formerly a dramatic -and . musical • coming we await, we do repent. simple i,Tound work and the simple has issued a questidnaire to Great critic in Buffalo. lie ^is an accomdeclined the invitation to attend, the rector of Budapest University, Dr. plished musician and brings to his May they be deemed. absolved, • cantillation with rich figurations has Britain relating to the Palestine manpromulgation exercises at Govern- Barsony, professor of surgery, has articles the fullness which comes forgiven, annulled and- void • and had its influence upon Hebrew music date. The league asks the British govfrom a wide musical b k d ment House proved a brilliant affair. hallenged the Rector of Szegedin, Dr. even until this day. made of no effect; they shall not ernment to say what measures have Seven hundreds guests represented all Meny, part professor of civil juris- "'• When, I was a young lad attending : been taken to place the country under Comes From ,11th Century* Chader, I leamed-fiow to read Hebrew bind us or have power over us. religious and national communities^ irudence,to a duel-with swords. such political, administrative and ecoThe vows shall nofc-bereckoned prayers and the vgeneral services, but . Jewish singers are very fond - of including the dignitaries of all the nomic conditions as to secure the esvows; the obligation.'shall not be Gowns and Dresses Used by the Cournever once- did it ^occur to my teachcolorature passages and no prayer is Christian churches, from the represen: tablishment of .the. Jewish National tesy of Omaha Stores—Style Show . obligatory j nor "the baths oaths." ers that this meant nothing: to me, besung in the Orthodox synagogue that tatives of the Greet Patriarchate to Home, the., development of self-gov« Review to Begin at 8:30 p. m. , cause I was unable to translate the This is the Aramic prayer, the Kol is not. replete "witi thrills and .warbthe Abyssinian monks, were there in erning institutions and the safeguardHebrew, and, I dare say,"-tkat a ma- Nidre which begins the service on the ling. In Kol Nidre the" cantor has a D A N C I N G TO FOLLOW THE gala attire. Rabbis rubbed shoulders, ing of the inhabitants of Palestine, irchance to show off "the command of his jority of the boys now Attending with, missionaries, and. Zionist work-SHOW. MUSICAL INTERPRE- respective of race or religian. eve of ; Yom Kippur; t The name is Chaders find themselves in. much the! taken from the opening words, all vocal cords" and as a consequence a ers with British officials. Government TATIONS TO BE FEAThe quesionaire further inquires House, on the Mount of Olives, built Dedication of Bronze Memorial Tablet same position. I was always im-| vows, and it is chanted three times by great deal of expression "is. put into TURED. what measures have been taken to enTo Be Held Monday Afternoon the melody... Pleading in all sincerity pressed with the religious services of the cantor or choir. At first it is at the behest of the_ former German courage local autonomy of the Palesat the Temple. the Orthodox synagogue and especial- given in a soft, low tone and gradually is one of the reasons why. Kol Nidre The Sisterhood and Brotherhood of kaiser as a hopsice, was profusely tine population. The league • desires Temple Israel will hold its annual decorated, The exercises commenced RABBI TAXON AND RABBI COHN ly the Kol Nidre, but not until a few if swells into a loud forte. To the makes such-an appeal and no one can also to know whether the Zionist Ordance Sturday evening, October 7, at deny that the chazen pleads with tea r^ years ago did I know the real meaning prayer has been' added a marvelous with the firing of a salvo of 17 guns TO DELIVER SERMONS SUNganization had been recognized offiof the Kol Nidre and why it attracts plaintive and touching melody, which in his voice, in' singing the Kol Nidre. the Blackstone Hotel. - This year's cially as the Jewish Agency, whether as Sir Herbert Samuel entered the DAY AND MONDAY. dance will have the added attraction so many to the Yom Kippur eve serv- is without doubt the best known The melody .no - doubt dates back hall, where in July, 1920, he delivered it has been co-operating with and adhis inaugural address, wearing his ofServices for the Yom Kippur holi- ices. For the benefit of the boys and melody, in all history. Not an eye is from an early medieval period, as can. of the style show, which according to vising the Palestine government durthe committee, will be featured by the day will be held at the Synagogues girls who find themselves in much the dry or a soul untouched after this be seen when the scale on which it is ficial uniform of white:and gold. designs of gowns and dresses. ing the past year and what form the After taking the oath of office, and at the Temple Sunday evening same condition that I depicted* I shall tune has penetrated the walls of the built is closely analyzed. Just where latest: The gowns have been donated for this connection between the agency and endeavor to qutKne briefly the" history sacred House of Prayer. Every Israe- or how it was first sung -it is imposwhich was repeated in Arabic and He^ and all day Monday. purpose by Brandeis stores, Herz- the Palestine administration had asTemple Israel Services, for the Day and significance of the Kol Nidre. - lite bares his soul to. his Maker and sible to say, : but we are willing to brew, Sir Herbert stressed the British berg's Toggery, The Emporium and sumed. • The nature and extent of cogovernments .desire to promote .the of held Sunday eve- '* No matter how far away from Ju- begs that in the Book of Life be writ- believe that the Kol Nidre melody the Guarantee Clothing Co. The hats operation between the Jewish agency happiness and prosperity1 of the in- ning, -October 1,-at eight o'dook and daism the Jew the whole world -over ten a page of happiness for him. .This took shape anterior to the eleventh are furnished by Mr. Paul Schaye. and the Palestine administration is habitants of the',country.' .He deplored all day Monday beginning: at nine has strayed throughput the year, he is one of the most pleasing traditions century in France and Germany. At economic, social and other matters, is The style show will be immediately the recalcitrance of certain Arab lead- thirty in the morning with a Memorial manages to visit, a House of Worship handed down by the Wise Men of old first it was chanted as was the custom before -the dance. It is scheduled for another subject which interests the ers, indicating that resistance to the Service in the afternoon at three on the eve of the Day of Atonement, and it has had a very eventful Mstoryj to chant all Jewish prayers, in a sim- 8:30 p. m. The following committee League of, Nations, which also inBritish policy would be severely dealt thirty* The beautiful bronze tablet The call of the Kol Nidre is so strong both in itself and in its influence on ple manner. It was gradually devel- is in charge of the affair: Mesdames, quired whether • the agency had parerected by the congregation in mem- he: cannot stay away from' the' place the legal status of" the, Jews. Long oped in being handed down from fawith.. . . ; ticipated in the development of the ory of loved ones whose names were of worship. This is the "one time in ago it has been repeatedly attacked ther to son the reproduction Harry Rosenfeld, Phil. Wolfson, Syd- country. On this latter point statisney Meyer, A. Herzberg, I. Ziegler, "After 25 Years." some passages were added to it, -until perpetuated by donations used to li- the year that the Israelite remembers tics are required. The governmtnt is The part of? his- speech to arouse the quidate the Temple mortgage-in con- that He is a Jew, and, like7 his fore- by rabbinic authorities and once itj today it has. become one. of the most Herbert Arnstein, Fred Rosenstock, was expunged from the prayer book famous .melodies the vrorld,pver. ',* , Ben Boasberg, Ben Lewisr and Her- also asked to state whether the Zionist widest Tinterest 4 and [speculation ; was nection with, theirecent.Golden Anni- father he comes before his Maker on _—-••.••. ... Organization'bad Organization had in consultation with when he expressed . the hope that versary of the Congregation^ will tie this'night to. asks-for blessings for the by many communities in Westrn Eu- Kol Nidre. as a musical composition R.i*s«wn. g rope.. Today, -however;"3$ Js accepteaj it taken steps to secure the co-operawhen, "afj;erjjj5_;years,£ ttemandatory , The following' will be the models in J"tioE of all Jews -willing to •assfetin Tjfc' S^Sjrscjjgn^co^lng^searsridto-be inscribed-in-Ehe by'all congregatibnsTan^a^lSir:'grea£-^ i will leave Palestine, there will be YonvKippur axiernoon. i.T^..»»^-" ;*. ook of Life. i .-•:-"...*,; er power to unite Jews than any other The humble sorrow of the opening^ the^style show review; tiie Kisses-Co- establishment,of the.national home. found "a prosperous people, the Arab Rabbi Conn's subject on Kol Nidre measures is well. contrasted with" the rinneT7ew7 Jesse Jiosenstock, JLorene The measures to facilitate Jewish „ -Developments of Kol Nidre. ..... prayer in the Jewish serviceand Jewish cultures-flourishing side night will be "The Soul's Supreme Efclosing passages that soar away into Rosenstock, Hazel .'Degen, Angella immigration, while safeguarding the How It It Sung. by side." This is believed to be the fort,"- and on -Yom Kippur morning, : It is written, that the Jew fearing a bold and triumphant strain, express- Herzberg, Cecelia Feiler, Minnie Wolf, rights and position of other sections first inklingfrom any British official "Organized Righteousness."~" At the the wrath "of God is loathe to enter up- In modern Reform congregations ing confidence and determination. The Leola Harris, Lucille Goldstrom, J o fthe existing population, are subject of the probable date when England Memorial Service l i s subject will be on the New Year with vows, obliga- Kol iSTidre is sung by the choir or most famous versions of Kol Nidre Blanche Frank and the Mesdames, to- a further query as is, the question tions and oaths unfulfilled. Thus the played on the organ but the Orthodox are by Lewandowski and Max Bruch. Charles Shames, Sherman Lowenstein, will lay down its mandate for Pales- "Cherishing the Dead." whether in'co-operation with the Jewtine. The High Commissioner, reThere special, service- for Kol Nidre was developed from the Jews allow the chazen to chant the The Bruch composition was originally Meyer Speisfcerger, M. A. Wolowitz, ish agency the government has taken mained standing as these documents children on Atonement -Day at noon. onging for a clear conscience on the Kol Nidre and the method of recita- written for violoncello but practically Meyer Freidman, Glarence Bergman, steps to encourage the close settlewere read in English and repeated in Mr. William L.,Holzmaiw will part of those seeking reconciliation tion is unique. At first it is uttered every violinist included it in his reper- Bert. Hene, Jules Rachman, J. Jacobs, ment of Jews on the land. Here, too, charge of this service and will address with GocL Rash vows were frequently very softly, creating the impression toire. Arabic and H e b r e w . . . . . and Manuel Handler. the- government is required to give the children on the significance of- the .made by Jews in the long ago and that the singer fears to ask mercy A few years ago a music teacher Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Meyer and figures and to state what effect these National Home Provision. these solemn promises ofttimes inday of Atonement. from the Lord on High. The voice is tried out an experiment that was very Mr. Phil Wolfson will give-the musical measures had on the Arab inhabitaThe order then, provides for the apRabbi Taxon will deliver his sermon volved them in difficulties. The soft and low, entreating the Almighty unique and he'used Kol Nidre as the and dance interpretations. The pages tants. Statistics on emigration and pointment of "a fit person to adminis- at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th earned men centuries ago fearing will be the Mesd-ames Ben Lewis and immigration are called for in another ter-the government of Palestine," to and Chicago streets, Sunday evening. that the passionate nature of the Is- to give heed to his petition, but the test composition. • Six • violinists of Ben Boasberg. [question, as is a request that the govbe known' as the High Commissioner His subject will be "Soul Values." On raelites would lead them sometimes to singer becomes more bold when lie nearly equal ability, three: Jews and ernment furnish the text of the naand Commander-in-Chief. The powers Monday he will be at; the BethHame- forget their obligations and vows or melody is repeated the second time; three non-Jews, were made to play the Hebrew melody. The non-Jews played tionality law to be accompanied by a and the last time ha lifts the voice in necessary for the execution of the du- drosh' Hagodol - Synagogue, 19th and violate them unintentionally, devised the composition with great technical statement whether special provisions loud acclaim and with deep emotion, ties associated with the office are con- Burt streets. His subject there will a general and comprehensive formula skill and almost in a faultless manner, had been enacted to facilitate the achoping it will reach empyrean and ferred upon him. He is also specific- be "Home Sanctity." Of difepeisation. The religious conbut the playing lacked depth and soul quisition • of ' Palestine citizenship by find favor with Jehovah. ally charged to give effect to the prosciousness feeling oppressed at- the understanding, whereas the Jewish Secures Co-Operation of Scholars for Jews. The melody is even more famous visions of the mandate accepted by thought of non-fulfillment of its Jewish Institute of Religion. than the formula. It was the favorite musicians played the melody with Great Britain for the general adminissuch feeling and. expression that even ZETA BETA TAU tration of the country and the estabbreaking these solemn pledges and re- achim, the famous Jewish violinist, the blase music teacher _P moved to New York.—Dr. Stephen S. Wise, FRATERNITY PURCHASES • lishment of a National Home for the tears. This proves that Kol Nidre is chairman of the executive committee . sponsibilities. This brought into ex. ' NEW HOME Jewish people. One of the Many Jews Slated To Be istence, the rite of absolution from a was requested to play it for him. It purely a Jewish melody and .none but of the American Jewish Congress, has has been altered many times, but the Lincoln, Nebr., Sept. 27.—Zeta Beta An executive council is established Killed by Anti-Semites. vow and as a direct result we open essential parts have never been modi- a Jew can truly understand it. The returned from Europe, having been Tau fraternity, which was organized for the purpose of assisting the High of Kol Nidre is so great that it gone three months. Dr. Wise went to at the University' of Nebi-aska. last New York. (J. C. B.)—Max War- our most solemn service with Kol fied to any great extent. The opening call Commissioner, consisting of the Chief rings in the ears of the Israelite with Europe, for one thing, in order to se- June, has purchased the Delta Tau Nidre. . . . strain is nearly always, the same in all mingled Secretary, the Attorney General, the' burg, noted. Hamburg banker, arrived sadness and joy. Nothing can The Kol Nidre. the versions, but-the remaining pas- take the place of this wondrous mel- cure teachers for the Jewish Institute Delta house at 345 North Fourteenth Treasurer and other officers who may with his brother, Felix M. Warburg, 1 The ody and as long as it remains'part of of Religion, recently founded, of which Street for $12,000 and vail take pos."All vows, obligations, oaths sages have been diversifiedbe appointed in pursuance of instruc- on the Resolute. Herr- Warburg was he. is the president, 'and he has suctions from the Colonial Secretary. The reported in Berlin dispatches to have and anathemas, whether called melody in the first instance was never the Yom Kippur service, it will attract ceeded in securing the services and session next semester. A number of Omaha students are members of the fled Germany following the disclosure Konam. or by any other name- recorded note for note, but was hand- Jews from every walk in life all over High Commissioner is empowered to co-operation of many of the leading Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. that he was near the head of the iist ed down from generation to generawhich we may vow; or swear or suspend any ex-officio member of the the earth. Jewish scholars of European counof Germany's.prominent Jews marked The following men are recent tion by ear and invari 'Ay slight pledge, or whereby we may "be executive council. He alone is entitled tries. pledges to the fraternity: Joa Beber, to submit questions to the executive by anti-Semitic monarchists for deDr. Wise also paid a brief visit to Ben Ravitz, Edwin Lowenstein and council for their advice and decision, struction. It was .stated in behalf of WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF I. MORE STARVATION Palestine on behalf" of the Palestine Herman Kully of Omaha; Leon Stone, Herr Warburg that ;he has come to IN RUSSIA UNLESS ' ' the members of the council being reO. B. B. TO GIVE THANKSAMERICANS SEND. AID Development Council, and made a North Platte; Albion Speicr and Leon quired to apply in writing for any visit his family. .[..'..". . GIVING DAY DANCE. Astatement Felix Warburg gave New York, Sept. 21. (J. C/B.)— survey of conditions in Palestine at Nefsky of Lincoln, Nebr. question the High. Commissioner may The Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai the press contained the following reFamine may bring starvation and this time. In addition, Dr. Wise was decline to submit. The privilege of B'rith will give its annual Thanksgivoccupied with the affairs of the Amer- i THORPEIAN 4THLETIC ference, to the .work of the Joint DisDr. Etnil Amberg Called Matter to acting in opposition to the executive ing day dance, Thursday, November death, to thousands in Russia unless -ican Jewish Congress and was in contribution Committee, of which he is Attention of Fair Commissioner. relief again comes from America, a C L U B TO H O L D SO, at the Fontenelle Hotel. Accordcouncil is reserved to him, adverse opference in Europe with Dr. Motzkin, '. ing to the committee in charge, this cablegram received at American Re- secretary-general of the committee of inion of members being recorded, in chairman:'7.v/^'--DANCE OCTOBER 8 "The Jewish Joint Distribution Detroit. (J. C. B.)—The sal* of dance will be the feature dance of the lief Headquarters yesterday from Col. the minutes. ~ The Thorpeian Athltie club will hold Committee, armed with, .more than Henry Ford's anti-Semitic pamphlets year. William N. Haskell in charge of the Jewish Delegation in Paris, and other its first dance of the season Sunday leading representatives of the Jewish $40,000,000, has reached stifferers: in containing reprints of articles appearrelief work in Russia indicates. evening, October S, at Kelpine'6 COUNCIL BLUFFS B'NAI Congress plan. many places only a few hours: after ing -in the Dearborn Jndependent at- ficial program you quote: '?The average need, September to BTHTH LODGE HOLDS armies had passed through. Thou- iacking the Jews was stopped at the "'Fairs are time keepers which June inclusive," the despatch reads, Dr. Wise made the following brief academy. Aseries of dances will bJ» OPEN MEETING sands of orphans, are being cared for. Michigan State Fair by John A. mark the progress of state and na- "will be for about 1,000,000 children statement: given by the club during the entire Council Bluffs lodge No. 688, I. O. ^ e have co-operated with everybody t)oelle, Commissioner of tjje State tions,' by William McKinley. in Russia plus 300,000 in the Ukraine, j "I am not disturbed by the Arab winter. Many novelty affairs are to B. B., held its first open meeting of who was willing to co-operate. The Fair, four days prior to the closing of "May I inquire whether the offering It is estimated that in January 500,-! situation. For one thing, I have been be given to the dancers at the openthe season, Wednesday evening at the great problem has been in Russia. We the annual exhibitions. of booklets in the Ford tent for 25 000 adults will be short of good in in Palestine and have seen that en- ing dance. Danish hall. Mr. Melbourne Harris worked hand in hand with the AmerThe order to put a stop to the sale cents each, derogatory to a race, the Volga district and 400,000 in tire dependence can be placed upon its DR. ADLER SAYS GRAPE f"1 was the principal speaker. Mr. Isidor ican Relief Administration. After con- of the discriminatiiij literature wa3 marks a progress of the spirit of the South Ukraine will face starvation." two statesmen administrators. Sir JUICE IS VALID Herbert Samuel and Sir Syndham New York, Sept. 15. (J. C. B . ) ~ 1 Ziegler addressed the audience. Miss tributing more than ?1,000,000 for. the given following the receipt by Mr. constitution of the United States?" '•[ anet Gilinsky played several musical Volga valley and about $4,000,000 for Doelle of a letter from Dr. Emil Am- The prompt and satisfactory reply WARSAW KEHILLAH TO HOLD Deedes and they will tolerate no up- Prohibition agents endeavoring to rising against that government, which curb bootleggers who are alleged to \ selections. Miss Rina Snyder sang the Ukraine. and. White Russia, we berg-of this city, who questioned the that came from Mr. Boelle follows: I ELECTIONS. has been confirmed and ratified by the be handling wines on the pretense : several songs, shS-!was accompanied helped feed 2,000,000 people daily and fairness of allowing Fords' anti-Sem"We appreciate^ yeur letter of Sep- Warsaw, Sept. 20. (J. C. B.)—The ; by Miss Gilinsky. . ". saved probably 1,1000,000 from star- itic propoganda tc be spread with the tember 4th and desire ;to say that the election of officers to'the Warscw Ke- concerted action of the League of Na- that they are for sacramental purposvation. help of the S^a+e of Michigan in the matter of the booklets which were be- hillah has been ordered by the Gov- tions. Moreover, the best answer to es, have sought the advice of Dr. "Our cooperation will be extended course of the annual State Fait. The ing the Ford tent has been ernment. No elections have been Arab propaganda is more work and Cyrus Adler, acting president of the CITY TALMUD TORAH TO HOLD REGISTRATION to' include .the great. hospitalization Ford interests had a special space re- taken care of arid I believe you will held since the outbreak of the war in still more work-in Palestine by Jews Jewish. Theological Seminary. Dr. . OCTOBER 9 and sanitation.program for Russia, to served "at the Fair grounds• for the find that none:of these are being dis- Warsaw, the largest Jewish commu- for Palestine. Every service in Pal- Adler is understood to have expressed estine, every investment of strength the opinion that fermented wine is not nity in Europe. posed of at the present time. The City Talmud Torah of Omaha feeding 300,000 children daily," in the Dearborn Independent. and resources is for the benefit of Jew necessary for Jewish sacramental pur* * Dr. Amberg's letter, questioning the Ukraine alone,until next August.-Mr. will hold its registration for the com"We were not aware that this was ing semester Monday, October 9, be- Hoover is the one. man .who has looked fairness of the state officials in allow- being done and immediately upon re- those connected with the State Fair and Arab and all the people of Pales- poses. Th|s opinion has been advanced EISO^ by Prof. Ginsburg of th« tween the hours of 4 and 6 p. m. " All at Europe at all times with the eyes ing theJ sale of Ford's propoganda, ceipt of your letter took care of the dsalre -that anything should be 'done tine." ' • • • - • • follows: Seminar}' faculty in a thesis on the of a kind physician. The diet he presituation. We appreciate very much which might in any way offend anypupils willing to register must be ac'* " I n the 'Announcement' oi your of- your co-operation because none «£ one ia the State." Subscribe to The Jewish Pres**. subject companied'by their parents.* • '" ~ scribed has sayedzaillions." - -


of Temple Israel To-ML Style Shew aid Daice Oat. 7

Day ofAtonement To Be Observed in Synagogues and Temple Oct. 1 and 2

Dr. Stephen S. Wise Says Europe Dependent cnU. S.

Max Warburg, Who Fled Germany, Comes to America

Stop Sale of Ford Pamphlets at Michigan State Fair



unhappiness lies in themselves, yes, not authorized, however, to assent to NOTICE OF PROBATE OF in their inmost selve%-^-not in mood any ordinance relating to immigrariot temperament, but in that taint tion, divorce, currency or the grant- in ill County Court of t>™&** PoblUhefl McryThnrtday at Omaha.' Nebrtfta, bjr of souls more hurtful almost than ing of land without consulting the i n ? h e t a « M oi the estate, of I-r-el THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. BY DR. STEPHEN S. WISE. • any other, namely, selfishness. The London Government. rearim»n. d e e e n f ^ i l p g t : e d m said estate Office;^482 Brandeis Theatre Bailding.—Telephone;;Jackson 2372. The supreme happiness of life con- terrible unhappy are cometimes, oft- The "Order in Council" sanctioning All Persons inteiestM m , { h M NATHAN E. GREEN,- Manager. sists in humn relationship, in the times, the most selfish, those who the Palestine C6nstitution was signed nre hereby notified tnat » I f o r t h e Atzereth Sat., Oct. 14 efforts of the spirit or the achieve- look upon life as a cornucopia, which, by King George on August 13th. ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one yearSimchath Torah Sun., Oct. 15 ments of the soul, and in the relation- if it fail to satisfy their unappeasable1 Advertising -rate* famished on application. Rosh-Chodesh Chesvan.™Mon., Oct. 23 ship which the fewest and the electest hunger and their insaf-ble avarice, SMYRNA JEWISH QUARTER NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaRosh»Chodeslii Kislev . .Tues., Nov. 21 establish between themselves and thehas cheated and robbed them. The SPARED. tton of.The Jewish P r J ^ a i w to&6 given toWorthy conunnnal causes. Chanukah (Feast of DedInfinite. On all of these, happiness selfish are bound to be unhpppy for, Paris, Sept. 22. (J. C. B.)—Inquiries ication) i.....,.i......««.......1.FrL, Dec. 15 is not found or discovered but per-save in the rarest cases, there must made by Jewish leaders here regardCHANGE OV ADDRESB—Pleaso K1T» both th» ol4 «ad new b* iore and alga four asm*. Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth ^Wed., Dec. 20 sonally created and achieved. First be clash and collision between the ing the condition of the Jews in Smyr- to contest. <he probate of Bnid will, the Fast of Tebeth ..... ^ . . . . - ,Fri., Dec. 29 of the human relationship is friend- orbit of self-centredness and the life na have elicted the information that Court may allow and P r o ship than which life offers no purer orbit of all-centredness. The vorld the Jewish quarter adjoining the and ernnt ndministratidn Of T 8 YOM KIPPUR. not made to minister to me, soTurkish section escaped destruction. to Wiriinm Pearlmnn nmlCounty J . J- Judge. j X •The Day of Atoriement was instituted by God, in supreme than the personal effort of the sinner joy nor truer happiness to youth was me, so that, insisting upon such or some other suitable person, enter a expectant, to middle age mature, to mercy to His people/Israel. The omnipotent Creator, fully cog- to irarge himselfs evof his evil' thoughts decree of heirshlp, and proceed to R set ministrations, I am sure to be unnizant of all our human facilities and the numerous temptations and tQ.:™^ bi *l ways by his own age resigning—and the secret of the happy ttement thereof. R at what I esteem the failure happiness that friendship confers lies ^personal -effort and the stout resolve which lurk' in man'&-patti through life, graciously appointed this of the world, just a s reversely he -Festival, as a true source-of new life and hope. In the cycle of to.cleave unto God and walk in,His in that which it joys to give. who ministers to others is on the 'seasons and holidays of jthe Hebrew Calendar, the Day of Atone-jawys. ;Gpnfessing, his-sins, before 'God Again, earth holds no purer joy high road to happiness, has gained vn^a. a", contrite heart' iiombined' with than that yielded'by the bond.of pament rightfully, occupies" the; loftiest standard of sacredhessV' It: the possession of one of the keys pr^ctiMlVefforts^; to^lharmonize .his rent and child, and in this relation constitutes the-very essence^ of our spiritual and nioral welfare.: that lock the seven-barred A world, of lifnitence^aijdit^sultimate goal;; forgiveness, cariftoi;; deeSds;-Jwpi those laws of love and life there is no measured exchange of the Temple of Happiness. gate to proctMnSied by iGod, .constituted:;the joy. For the happiness lies wholly ' possibly, stanch Withou#4t,^err«ig humanity with its fearthly^in^ r . ,clinatioit and-«ajkural prjimenesses; to sin, ^would readily be Jsub~ trojffvTepintanceL-'.and liftecl^ man : up in the joy of giving, save in those : jected to. moi-al des^ructwn^aiidl-^piritugl annih'ilationi t Bereft ofr frifi|i his Tgw estateiLtp ^«t among joyless, tragic exceptions where there PALESTINE'S HIGH COMMISopportunity to atone^for "^transgression in order to recoinmerice life 'princes.^ - Forgiveness<i&- «ougKt not is calculated exchange rather than SIONER'S POWERS ABRIDGED YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND unmeasured and immesurable bounty. UNDER CONSTITUTION ;j| anew, mankind would invariably then, sink deeper and deeper into only for Jew but for all mankind. : THE GRAND OPENING OF THE In modern times a memorial service Last of the human relationships Jerusalem, Sept. 5. (J. T. A.) The tthe.mire of vice arid $orruptipn, and thus seal its own destiny. The Day of Atpnem^nt should, therefore, be hailed as the is included This service reminds the yielding happiness in the highest, but abridgement of the. powers of the greatest Providential privilege, holding out to us the beacon light worshipper that death is a consumma- in truth first, is the manage relation- High Commissioner for Palestine is I ^ ;of life and salvation, Oi Lhow^refre^hjjagand inyjgoratingatisifor. tion of life and that no one who has ship wherein happiness lies bee nsethe outstanding feature of the con;the weary r.oul, fettered: by ;the shackles of sin/ and overwhelmed lived; Worthily-is Jorgotten nor his given to the fullest. Happiness i stitution promulgated Friday lasfe never to be gotten, but ever to be The High Commissioner's powers are ,withrthe pa^ge Qf remorse, to become purified year by yearM this: %iven. So many look to others for limited to the British policy expressed ON OR ABOUT OCTOBER FIRST season^ through:the psychic refining process of holy convocations and special communion:with:God! ;- V ~:- i ^ - and** tifetiizes the-^olemn nioments' to happiness instead of touching the life in the recent White Paper. impress oft tjite.crongregatiwi the'lm- of others to and by happiness. This While ensuring that the rights and ' " "The^efirimg pot isvfor silver;: "' '• perative need of duty an^d service to is oft-times the. great difficulty and position of the other sections of the and the"furnace for gold; problem in marriage. That marriage population are not prejudiced, he is God and tountry. : But the Lord: trieth the hearts." fails in which each looks to the other authorized to facilitate Jewish immifor happiness—the happiness which gration, ''under suitable conditions," The Day is entirely,given to God and to the purifying of our soul by repentence. "During that day no thought of the world or COUNCIL BLUFFS each can give the other but neither is and to encourage the close settlement free to seek of the other or at the by Jews on land, including state and of its profits and pleasures may enter Israel's mind. We are to spend the whole day from sunset to sunset, in meditation, and The regular meeting of the Sister- other's hands. waste lands, not required for public prayer. We are to afflict our souls; and tradition has ordained hood will be held Wednesday after- Whenever happiness fails in these purposes. The High Commission is that part of affliction to consist of abstaining from food and drink. noon at the home of Mrs. Louis Cher- human relationships, it is because It is not because:God takes delight in man's self denial or the niss, 1006 Sixth avenue. these have been misconceived arid curbing of his appetite. Contrarily, God through His faithful misunderstood, because they who find • YOUNG MEN WANTED for servant Moses, enjoins rus to guard and preserve life. In this in- Miss Leah Krasne • entertained for not, happiness-* erred in one of two newly furnished room with stance however, the Removal of earthly bonds, is coridusive to our twelve guests Tuesday in honor of her ways or both. They sought for themnice people. West Farnam disown happiness and spiritual enhancement. For one day we are cousin, Miss RoseMankowitz of New ' selves insted of seeking to give them- trict. Address Box 542, Jewish to forget our body, and think exclusively of our soul—that "living York City. Miss Charlotte Colnitz of selves, .arid they denied another free- Press. soul" which God planted within us, when He breathed into our New York was an honored guest.' dom, whether friend or child, parent Prizes were won by Miss Janet Gilinsnostrils the breath of Hie. oi* brother, husband or wife. And in The Bible tells us hpw we may obtain divine pardon for our ky and Miss Esther Brodkey. their eager insistence upon that BelfVERY LATEST MODELS OF VICTROLAS, sins. By confession, penitence, prayer, and by good deeds. In our fulfillment "whitout which true/hapFOR AND A COMPLETE STOCK OF THE prayerbook is to be found the form of public confession of sins, Miss Zelda Marks left Wednesday piness can never be, they forgot that DIAMONDS, JEWELRY which probably ineludes-every possible kind of transgression. But for Chicago, where she will enter the self-insistence fails unless it makes LATEST JEWISH RECORDS. although i t is^ proper,: that every; |3e%v^^^wbrshipping^iiL publlic/: University; of .Chicago.... u^i.,-^ :•'.' <:^ possible, arid' even' moves others to, AND should join with the congregation^in-a uniform-confession, yet Mrs. J. Siven returned home after the fullest self-expression. SPECIAL PLATINUM ." this confession cannot satisfy us as individuals. Each one of us spending the past two years in Cali- They who are truly unhappy, if DESIGNING must cottfess his^own special sins, not to a priest, as practiced-in fornia, arid Denver, Colo. . see but they knew, would find that their


5683-1922. New Year's Eve* Fri., Sept. 22 Yom Kippur .—,^.Mon., Oct. 2 Succoth (Frr8t~Day7 ........Sat., Oct. 7 Succpth (Last.Day^-ShtaiAi.



New Brunswick Shop 1512 North 24th St.

other faiths, buta*ather:to God and to ourselves.. Confession is the'first step toward betterment. We must feel and own that we Miss Minnie Friedman returned Friare" wrong, before we ate apt to cease our wrongdoing. The con- day from a three weeks' Visit at Kanfession must also be accompanieifby affirm jresolution never^to^ sas^JUity with relatives. _She Was ac*; repeat the wrong, and as''"fa*r'•'•'&& pBssiblefrio fectify^ife^sad-ieffeets"^ companied by Miss Sylvia ;-Ginsburgjr --• Penitence, then, does Adt consist of'meffe: sorrowful; prayers of California. ; for"^ forgiven&ss, nor of; mere empty confessions^ God delights in active penitence only,—reparation for the past,—resolution for the The "Afternoon Club" met Wednesfuture. If we have injured or offended our neighbor, the injury day afternoon with Mrs. Louis Bernor offence must be made" good, before we can aspire to obtain stein. divine pardon. If the wrong perpetrated by-ttsin the past, conImogen David Club will have sisted of the neglect of'a duty, we must "exert M r utmost, by our future efforts, to remedy the effects of such neglectr This is the ; flection: of officers meting Sun* <$&?'• JnoTning: at ten o'clock.;-* true penitence prescribed for the Day of Atonement;' ;• : 1 It is little better than superstition to believe that OUTiniqim j / ^ / y School will open theif ties are removed by miracle; as the result 6f our prayers and fast- Tegular classes Sunday morning at ing. .The prayers and fasting are indeed aids to true penitence, ten. o'clocklat the K. of P. :Hall. for they bring the penitent to a proper frame of mind. They alone are, however, of no avlail, unless accompanied by some prac- 3 Jerttsalein. ( J . C. B . B y m a n . ) — tical good, such as suitable reparation,^ and works of charity-and T h e -excitement engendered b y t h e m e r c y .





: . : ' y ":


.• '••




- - "


: -



;Arab Congress in Nablus The Old Jewish, Sages wisely declared that. "The. Day of 'Palestine has, indfr i t impossible f o r Jews t o e n - ::; r Atonement expiates sins \ betweeit man arid his' Maker, but notter; .the. place. These Jewish merchants sins between man and' man^"for these/the'cnlyatoneinient is the whflEwere-fretraent visitors t o Nablus, redness of the injury."'/, / . v , : ""' " '•,-"' '' i n t o - t h e town a f t e r t h e Con" Observed in these t^e;, sentiments, -;,the:PayVsf;'AtQnement ,. "were pelted w i t h stones a n d cannot fail; to work such blessed changes. within us; as Will in- driven out;- M r . Miller, t h e only J e w fluence our lives forf bur- own-go|od, arid for "the"welfajre' of 'our ish-resident in Nablu3, w a s written t o fellow-men, May God inscribe and seal our-names, injthe book .of t h a t ' i f h e valued his life h e should the righteous, and grant us^$&> ideal Me^ happiness, and prosper- leave t h e town. . ity"—RabbiMorris N.Taxon. • • V

The Malashcck Jewelry Co. FOR RENT—Nicely Furnished Room w i t n Garage if desired,: \ in Hanscom. P a r k a n d Field Club District. Answer Box 644.


Omaha Supply Co.






Greater Volume; Lower Prices

We occupy •Ter 70,000 lauart feet SeathweM Corner

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Hippodrome Theatre 2514 Coming St.

Sunday, October 1,

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for t h e .•upbuilding and. betterment of . a n d M r s . M. Kulakofsky, ! humanity. of t h e Taddusco A p a r t m e n t s , The D a y of Atonement c a n b e wisH a l l ' t h e i r friends a n d rela-. traced t o back to ancient days arid in Sunday-evening, October" 1st, in- t h e long career-of t h e Jewish people , : tives- a very H a p p y N e w Year. »igarates with great solemnity the i t h a s undergone m a n y transformaDay of Atonment, or Yom Kippur, the tions. •' .' -. • -". , . . , :, .- - . .:.;_". holiest day o£ the Synagog.'..' Oii-that . When i t is first noted in t h e Mosaic evening sfid again on Monday, from Code i t i s a d a y when t h e high p r i e s t morning till eventide, the Jewish peo- in. the-Temple expiated t h e sins of. t h e ple will foregather for worship in people. T h e m a s s of t h e people were their several synagogs in all parts of to; observe- t h e . d a y from evening t o " T h e Clothing Comer of Omaha" the; wprld. Those removed from their evening a s a Sabbath, and a fast d a y families will endeavor to be among to obtain pardon f o r ' t h e i r sins. I n the family circle on this solemn occa- Leviticus 16:2-34 t h e elaborate priestsion. ^ Soldiers and sailors of Jewish ly ritual of "Making atonement f o r faith are granted furloughs in oredr the holy place and because of t h e u n to" observe' appropriately this holiday. cleannesses of t h e children of Israel Wherever the Jewish people happen to and because of their transgressions, 1 That Give a Man an Extra be,r whether few or many, they will even all t h e i r sins" is described. T h e $10.00 Worth cease from worldly concerns and give high priest w a s t h e central figure of themselves wholly to thoughts" of re- t h e ritual. H e sought forgiveness f o r pentance. his own sins and those of h i s houseJjfore than any other holiday of thehold a n d then f o r all t h e people. A Syriagog, Yom kippur revives the very priiriitive rite which w a s revived confidence of the Jew in the ultimate for u s e on t h e D a y of:Atonement of; jThis Fall we're showing the value hit of a decade triumph of God's love and- - justice. this very ancient period w a s t h e selec-! r in silk lined, silk treated suits at a n e w p r i c e . However sadly he has fared, despite tion of t w o goats, one of which w a s misfortune and untold affliction, he t o b e sent t o Azazel, t h e demon of t h e repairs to his synagog on the Day of wi'derness, t o bear away t h e sins of Atonement hopeful of God's way and t h e people, while t h e other w a s t o b e trusting that in the later dayg none of offered t o t h e Lord a s a sacrifice. . Extra Pants at S7.50 eaxth'b children shall hurt nor destroy I n contrast to t h e priestly monopoly OTHER GOOD SUITS, $35.00 TO $50.00 in; all His mountain, for the earth of service- 1 with"atSrBrchaic forms of SEE OUR WINDOWS T O D A Y shall ,T>e fall of the knowledge of the expiation, t h e founders of t h e SynaCOMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS. Lord .as the waters cover-the sea. gog i n v e s t e d ' 'the D a y of Atonement" -Thfr outward form of observance with a more ^spiritual meaning a n d practiced by the Jewish people on this one t h a t w a s more in accord with t h e day Is absention from food and drink. prophets of Israel who associated with God t h e attributes of love and mercy. OMAHA NBU.

'shipper be better.discipline^ to exer- daism repentance could not be ob; selfjgontrol and direct his.actions tained through' any other mediation


151* Dodge Street. Established 1894. DO nclai S618.

er. VlcePreslde Pepper. Vlce-Presldeflt.:, Secretary, rW. G. Ure. Ure Secretary



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So rapidly has the volume of Nash sales risen throughout the country that our business this year has broken all previous records. V The production economies of increased business have enabled us not only to im'-. prove upon the known quality of the Nash but also to reduce the price of every model in the line. Now is buying time. Bring your check book and drive your car away. -

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Social, Club and Religious Activities

ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun Tie engagement of Miss Myrtle are visiting in Minneapolis, Minn., May, daughter of Mr. Harry May, of with their daughter, Mrs. Alexander Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of this Rubel, and Mr. Rubel, who are celecity, to Dr. Harris, of Los Anglees, brating their first wedding anniver: Calif., has been announced. sary. ' • :

Mrs. L. Barmish announces the enY. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. gagement of Tier daughter, Ann, to -A regular meeting of the Y. M. Mr. Harry Snader, son of Mrs. R»andY.W. H. A. was held last Monday Snader, of Lincoln,.Nebr. evening. at the Jewish Community Center. Plans were made to purMr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein announce chase a "Y" pin. A large number of the -engagement of their daughter, the members have signified their inBertha Naomi, to H. Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen,, of Co. tention of joining the Leaders' TrainBluffs, la. No date lias been definite- ing Group. After the meeting the following program was held: Several ly set for the wedding. vocal selections by Miss Belle Oland Mr. Meyer Lederman, of Waterloo accompanied by Miss Anne Selicow. la., spent the high holidays -with Mr. be gone several days. . Dancing followed. and Mrs. B. Eosenbaum. A number Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal, Mr. of affairs -were given for him during and Mrs. J. Katleman, Mr. A. KaileAt a regular meeting of the Runa his visit. The Misses Sara and Bess an, Mr. A. Blumenthal, and Mr. L. Club, held Tuesday evening, SeptemLederman entertained ten couples Blumenthal will leave the.latter part ber 19, at the Jewish Community Sunday, evening at their home. Mr. of the week for Kansas City, Mo.^ to Cnter, the following officers were •and Mrs. D. Uosenb&um entertained elected for the ensuing term: PresiMrs. Sam Rosenberg entertained at dinner Tuesday evening. Covers dent, Lucille Stein; ' vice-president, the members of the Priscilla Club at \ were laid for ten. Sarah Roiterstein; secretary, Lillian her home this afternoon. Harris; - treasurer, Minnie Kaplan; : The Junior "Welfare Organization Many students who attend the Uni- and reporter, Marguerite Rosenberg. ;-wfli hold its first meeting of the year ? a t the Jewish Community Center on versity of Nebraska at Lincoln spent The following membership committee the High Holidays here with their was elected: Chairman, Josephine Monday evening, October 9. parents: Among them were Messrs. Alexander, and Elizabeth Shrago and Mr. andMrs. Joe Leibowitz and chil- Millard Krasne, of Council Bluffs, la., Zelda Norglick. The next meeting dren, of St. Joseph, Mo., who have Louis Sombergi Harry Mendelson, Ben will be held Tuesday evening, Octobeen spending the High holidays with Ravitz, John Beber, Harry Cohen, and ber 3. Mrs. Leibowitz's .mother, Mrs. M. Max Greenberg, and Miss Rose MinTroop 62 News. ; Tatle, left Wednesday for their home. Mn,' and her roommate Miss Mary At the last meeting of the troop Yabroff, of Wichita, Kans. / Miss Laura Givot entertained Wedthe Scoutmaster reorganized the paThe regular monthly meeting nesday evening at her home at seven trols in order to give each patrol the tables of bridge complimentary to her Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- same chance for winning some of the H~+*»r-in-law, Mrs. Joe Givot, of Sioux tion will be held Tuesday, October 2, awards to be given next year. The at two thirty a t the Jewish Commu- troop now has its full quota of paCity, la., who is visiting here. nity Center. The organization will trols, they are: Tiger, Eagle, BlackMiss Mildred Colin, left Wednesday hold its semi-annual card party at the bear and Lion. David Forman, a for Chicago, HI., where she will attend Blackstone Hotel Wednesday after- first class scout, is patrol leader of the University of Chicago. Miss Zel- noon, October 11. Prizes will be the Tigers. The other patrols will da Marks, of Council Bluffs, accom- awarded at each table. have their leaders as soon as one of panied Miss Cohn. She will also at•ftreir Tiumber become first class. The tend the university. . Myron-Blotcky, son of Mr. and Mrs. senior patrol leader is Fred Brodkey. L. Blotcky, left September 17 to enter He is also a first class scout. The Mr. William L. Holzman acted as the University of Michigan. scouts who joined but a few weeks chairman of the public affairs meeting Mr .and Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs have as ago have passed their tenderfoot reat the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday introducing the speaker, Mr. Fred D. their guest, Mr. Jacobs' mother, Mrs. quirements. These are Harold Katiemen, Harry Levinson, Isedor Mann M. Jacobs, of New Orleans, La. .' Mann. and . Charles Rueben. A gold star Mrs. J. A. Solomon entertained Mr."Henry Monsky returned the lat- is awarded each week to the patrol twenty-four at "bridge last Tuesday t e r part of last week from a month's having the highest membership and evening at her home honoring her stay in California, where he joined a silver, star to the one having the cousin, Miss Bertha Heiz, who leaves Mrs. Monsky and children, who have best attendance. today after having spent the past been spending the summer there. Mrs. The scoutmaster also announced an week here. >• . Monsky and children are expected individual honor contest. The award back the first part of October. Upon Mrs. Charles J . Simon, of Chicago, their return they will move into their HL, will arrive today to visit with her newly built home in. Dundee. ANNOUNCEMENT brother, Mr. SoL Bergman, and Mrs. Mrs. L. J. Schechter and daughter, Bergman. Kev. E. Fleishman Rhoda Dorothy, are visiting with Mrs. "THE MOHL" Mrs. J. Katleman returned the first Schechter's sister a t Madison, Wis. Moved into his new home at part .of last week f rpm a month/s stair They-also-visited with relatives in 1342 So. 25th Street, in the east. Comer of Woolworth AvenueJ Chicago. They will be gone indefiTeL Atlantic 6637. nitely. Mrs. A. Bonoff entertained a t a bridge luncheon at her home last WedMr. and Mrs. Morris Levy, who nesday afternoon complimentary to have been on a three month's trip to Mrs. M. Bernstein and daughter, of Europe, will sail today from SouthBirmingham, Del., who are visiting ampton. Chiropodist and Beauty with Mrs. Harry Bernstein. Twelve Shop guests were present. Miss Bertha Heiz, who has been visEstablished 1890 IStta and Harm-j Streets. iting with her cousin, Mrs. J. A. SoPhone Douglas Z333 Mr.^ Sidney • Gprnman, star- Jewish lomon, for the past week, wiH jeturn Athlete, will leave this evening for to her home in New York City today. Chicago, HI.,'where he will enter the Chicago University. Mr. Cornman Mrs. Samuel Katz left Wednesday was a member of the Y. M. H* A. with her son, Mr. J . Katz, of Marion, Baseball team and a member of the HI., to visit for several weeks in Tulsa, Thorpeian Athletic Club Basketball Okla., after which she will visit with team. i her son in Marion.

will be given May first of next year. found impossible to have the leaders Without this subsidy from Zionist I of Jewish children will be Points are given for various accom- of the emigration committees who are sources, it is pointed out, thousands I of their school facilities. plishments in scouting and out of also the party leaders, to meet toscouting as welL Deductions are gether until 1923. made for absences and misbehavior in the club rooms at the meeting, or DEMAND 80,000 POUND STERL. at any other time. I FOR PALESTINE SCHOGLS This,-week the gold star is held by! Jerusalem. (J. T. A ) — A memothe Lion and Eagle patrols. The sil- randum demanding 80,000 pound sterver star is awarded to the Tiger and ling towards the budget of the HeBlackbear patrols. The advancement brew schools in Palestine under the i' t standing is as follows: jurisdiction of the education departt WILL HOLD THEIR FIRST DANCE Blackbear 660 ment of the Zionist Executive will f t :: OF THE SEASON :: Tiger .— 600 be submitted by representatives of t •t Eagle . .505 the Palestine Teachers' Union and of | SUNDAY, OCTOBER S, 1922 KELPINE'S ACADEMY t Lion „„ 505 the Deprtment of Education who will ADMISSION: $1.00 COUPLE—SOUVENIRS FREE attend the annual Zionist "Conference The X. T. C. held its first meeting opening at Carlsbad on August 23rd. of the season Tuesday evening at the Jewish Community Center.


BERNSTEIN—LEIBOVTTZ. "The marriage of Miss Marcia Leibovitz, daughter of Mr. Charles Leibovitz, of this city, to Mr. David Bernstein, of Springvalley, 111., took place Tuesday evening at the Beth Hamedrosh Hadodol Synagogue, 19th and Burt streets. Rabbi Morris N> Taxon officiated.



STAR CAR TO BE DELIVERED HERE NEXT MONTH The Star car which has recently caused a sensation throughout the east, will be sold and distributed in this territory by Andrew Murphy and Son. The Star car is manufactured by the Durant Motor Car company and is in competition With the Ford machine. The car has a red seal Continental motor with four-speed gear shift. The wheelbase of this car is 102 inches. The cars will be delivered here during the next month. The touring car will be sold for -348 f. o. b. Detroit. POLISH ELECTIONS INTERFERE WITH EMIGRATION FUSION. Warsaw, Sept. 19. (J. C .B.)—The co-ordination of the various committees engaged in Jewish emigration commitees projected by Messrs. Latzki and Tiomkin and approved by the committees concerned, remains inoperative owing to the party feeling among the Jewish leaders due to the | Se3m election campaign. It has been

Extra Special!



Rabbi Harry Jacobs, of New York City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenberg during the holidays..

Proprietor of

Mrs. John'Gidinsky returned from "a week's stay at Kansas City, Mo., where she was visiting with relatives.

Omaha Fish Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Cane, who are playing at the Orpheum Theatre this week, are visiting .with Mr." and Mrs. Arthur Symons.

1702 North 24th Street. Phone Webster 2092


Miss Martye Weinstein is convalescing at the Swedish Mission Hospital having been operated on appendicitis.

A complete stock of

Staple Groceries 1 and Fresh Fish

Mr .and Mrs. M. Horwich have as § their holiday guest their son, Mr. L B. Horwich, of Chicago, 111. - -

Also a supply of My Famous Home-Made Dfll PicHes. :.




Oxfords and Strap and B r o w n K i d Leather, and in two Worth—


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OTTO A. SINKIE People's Candidate "By Petition" for County Attorney. Light Wines and Beer would do more than anything, else to reduce taxes. I regard a man's home as his castle. Shall the People or the political Ring elect the County Attorney ? NOTE: To vote for me you MUST put a cross - in the square before my name on the ballot. My Platform: Light Wines and Beer and Clean Politics.


The undersigned heartily endorse present Deputy County Attorney HENRY J. BEAL for the office of County Attorney at the fall election N o v e m b e r 7th; 1922:

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At Lowest Possible Prices

Colorado Lump Coal

You may enjoy spending an hour over a puzzle. But you would much rather not be puzzled about the mechanical construction of your motor car. The Durant is built for the man who drives hig own car and takes care of it himself. Every part is mounted separately and is easy to get at. Another good reason why the Durant is


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ANDREW MURPHY & SON 1402 Jackson St. Telephone ATIantic 441 1

Smokeless, Sootless^—Re-screened at the Yard,

Per Ton $ 1 0 . 5 0

The Temple Israel Sisterhood will hold its first meeting of the year at Temple-Israel Monday afternoon, October 9. Mr. Herman Horwich returned from the -east to spend the holidays with his parents* Mr. and Mrs. K. Horwich,

| |

Ladies' Pumps Patent tones.

Republican Candidate tor

S1.5O to S6.5O SPECIAL^ all $O95 sizes, per pair— JLt


Miss Faye and Mr. Julius Gerelick Mrs. J. H. Kttlakofsky and two returned home last Tuesday after hav- daughters will leave this afternoon for ing spent several weeks with friends Des Moines, la., to spend the week in Minneapolis, Minn. • with Mrs. Kulakofsky's parents, Mr.and Mrs. S. Davidson. Mr. KulakofsImmediately after the services last ky will join them Sunday to spend Friday evening the Temple Israel mem- several days. bers? and their families were entertained in the vestry room by PresiMr .Oscar Weinstein, a recent graddent, Mr. and Mrs. Izidor Ziegler and uate of the Kemper Military AcadeVice-President, Mr. and Mrs. Edward my, will leave Tuesday, October 3, for Treller and assisted by Rabbi and the University of Chicago, where he Mrs. Frederick Cohn. Musical num- will resume his studies. bers featured the program. RefreshMrs. Lester Kirschbraun and'chilments were served. dren, of New York City, will arrive in Mrs. J. A. Solomon entertained Omaha within a week to visit with twenty-four at bridge a t her home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiller. Tuesday evening complimentary to Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Schaefer are at •Miss Bertha Heiz, of New York City. the Flatiron Hotel pending the .comPrizes were won by Mrs. L. Polsky pletion of their new apartment at 133 and Miss Bertha Leon. No. 33rd St. Mrs. Schaefer &nd young, Dr. "victor E. Levine returned Fri- son, Louis, returned Tuesday after day from "New York. City, where he spending the. summer in Cincinnati, •••••', spent the summer with his parents. Ohio. Dr. Levine will continue teaching chemistry at Creighton University.



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The Roadster, $1600 The Touring Car, $1650 The Coupi, $2250 The Sedw, $3400


r. o. B. MUNCIE, mo.


OF THE JEWISH PRESS mighty, he-- had prospered. <• -;-, fishr a-fish-that waa.become-unfit for sizable bank-balanrs, sizable enough Now he. felt like a free man, a free the" consumption--of:respectable peo-|T in fact, .to p a r arthree-figure deposit >course,' ;tfcese» super on a six-figure piece of property. man for the very first-time in his pie? ;Yes;i4)f life. There was rio'-need any longer particular-1 customers:Jiad to consume j " One hundred and fifty thousand of getting-up out of bed : at ; "five it, 'hatf .td/^carry I | from:.the; shop-to"^ dollars "was the .present estimation of o'clock in the morning to go =to the the-• .unseen i "accompaniment ~ of 'Mr.'his ^fortune and," as a matter of wholesale market, there- was no fur- Vankovsky-'s-xhuckjleiantl'" slyest-of 'course',' itTwas now absurd for him A STORY OF A NEWLY-RICH AMERICAN JEWISH . ; to " continue.. cleaning fish over a ther need of standing all day long triumphant .winks ! • ' -.•in the damp store, inhaling'the briny And now,.there, be.nothing smelly and slimy table, to stay all FAMILY BY HAROLD BERMAN pungence of the innumerable fish- more.-of- all this for him, from now day long, and a goodly part of the corpses. No need either to exercise on arid.forevermore! He is a free night as well, in a damp, clammy constant guard on his customers or. maiv free ;from all this bondage and( basement, to get hoarse from the Boruch Vankovsky.had sold-his fish one behind the reeking counters ofj to be an adept in the - diplomatic worry"and\labor forever and ever! j continual argument and wrangle with store on Ludlow Street, in the heart that shop. For six days and seven' game, to flatter the liberal purchaser • Now, it is quite well-known that the women and, above all, to feel of the Ghetto. For -twenty long evenings of each. week, he had been or to bully the one ' who bought twenty years spent behind the court- ever dirty, sticky and have a fishyears he had known no life-but-the fighting a battle royal with the Ghet- grudgingly, though her husband's in- ter of a store in a populous section odor; sticking to his very skin. So, to women, trying to sell them stale come would allow of.a far-more lib- of the city, accompanied by "close" he was" now willing to let someone fish in place of the fresh ones they eral indulgence, the one who critical- living, are bound to show their good else have the fish shop, together with had asked for, or to palm off a mud- ly sampled the fish, brought their results in hard _ cash, or equally as its-joys as well as troubles and himEWIL GANZ & SON ferocious carp when they in- limp bodies to her nose, opened their good,..negotiablersecurities or -imiriov- self to become (if a bit reluctantly) : Certified "Public Accountants colored sisted on getting pickerel and the gills and" licked their heads and then able property, which indeed was the a (retired man" or a gentleman of 1417 Dooelan Btre«t luscious pike. It had Tiot been ah would step out in order to snoop case in the experience of our friend, leisure ,which, by the way, really is ATTDltOtkhl/AXIi SXSTEMATIZOKS easy job b.y any means but he, Van- around and see in what shop she Vankovsky. The boost in real estate the hardest "occupation" to follow by ^ Ganz 5 C. P. A. V. M. Giuiz Flioncn: - • kovsky, had found himself equal to it could buy the biggest bargains. It following the war had also helped, men of his type and past experience, . B406-—>Dou*;4821 — Hor.OOIS all "along and thanks be to the Al- was the customers of this' latter not a little in laying the secure fouri-lthat state of enforced idleness- bringgenre, by the way, that he loathed dations of Mr. Vankovsky's fortune, • ing them neither enjoyable leisure most of all and, to be sure, took es- forr Mr. Vankovsky, just like every \ nor that indescribable but neverthepecial delight in. "sticking" whenever other ^ nine out of every ten Jews, less real, gentlemanly feeling that is he had the opportunity. And who had diligently dabbled in the real es-. innate, in good breeding, and Tours else, pray, if not they, would help tate market; ever, since the day when to (Continued next week) him get rid of an occasional decayed he found himself the possessor of a 1


Van Fishes of Riverside

Steamship Tickets All Parts of the World


Sent to AH. Foreign Countries


Arrangements now made with Soviet Government'for prompt'wforwarding of passengers to America. e furnish you necessary blanks, etc., to fill' out. '

PeteVs Trust Co. 1708. Farnam S t

t i


< -5 -

\: " ' C \


Palmers' Steamship Agency

1000 '.Harney S.treet.

•• •

Tel. Jackson C710

Announcement k.



The Harry A. Koch Co.." INVESTMENT SECURITIES Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555.



FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY •'One of:'-America's, Great Hotels"

KIMBALL LAULBRY , EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE LACSDRT. Where your clothes come home cleaner and last loucer. AT lantlc 0S80. ISO1:-!! Jackson St. H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres.

E/ E. Briide & Co. WHOI/ESAI.E

Druggists and Stationers 401-403-403 Sooth 10th Street

Omaha Office: -813 Donglas Street. ,'." ' Omaha Phone Atlantic 2J536

FRED ft SIAW Flower Sfcop

Ford Transfer & Storage Co. R. A. FORD. President and General Mnnaeer. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 934 So. Main Street. Phone S65

Phone 104 . The Best of Everj-thinp: in Flowers and Confections at Moderate Prices. 345 W. Broadway, N ert Liberty Theater COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.

Council Huffs Savings Bank

Carpenter Paper Co.


Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery

Distributors of

Omaha, Nebraska.


Baker Ice Machines

.We wish to announce to the Jewish Community that the



Wholesale Dealers in Live Poultry are selling direct to-consumers at'wholesale prices. - , ,# . GIVE US A TRIAL ' Corner 13th and Chicago StreetsOpposite^Peoples "Ice fc Coal CojAtlan.k 2486 . David B. Epsien, Prop. LET C8 DO YOVR 1TEIDI5G


Above is a photograph of managers, branch managers land v salesmen .who attended the annual Salesmen's Convention of the Baker Ice Machine company in this city this week. Reading from left to right: C. A. Baker," Purchasing Agent. Chas. Williams, Mgr: Minneapolis Office. A. J. Plocinsky, 'Salesman. ? R. C. Hudson, Adv. Mgr. J. H. Coesfield/Supt.^ A. D. Benway, Denver Office. C. W. Koehler, Mgr. Fisheries and




THE CAREFUL WELDERS Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace

Produce Dept. <P. E. Hartmann, Salesman. Chas. Knox, Vice President. Harry Koontz, Asst. Purch. Agent. J. E. Rasmusen, Mgr. Ft. Worth Branch. P. R. Hospe, Salesman. J. Mi,-'Speed, £ Mgr. Des Moines Branch. C. F. Sturtevant, Export Dept. J. H. Sigafoos, Salesman. W. II. Stoms, Research and Experimental Dept. Wm. F. Moody, Little Rock Office.

L. W. Morris, Kansas City Branch. N, R. Keling, Birmingham Branch. J. L. Baker, President. E. H. Burge, Chicago Office. E. L.' Krantz, Salesman. J. C. Vaught, Chief Draftsman. H. G. Venemann, General Sales Manage'r.' . At .the present time the company reports the greatest volume of business in its history. Baker plants have established a reputation throughout the United States for economy of operation and long wear.

"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE € 0 .

The Brian. & Jensen Company WHOLESALE PAPER, STATIONERY, ETC. Distributors for

. Pink Tip.Matches— Northern Toilet Tissue 1112 Haraey Street ATlantic 6409

First lational Bank

1501 Jackson St.


Service is Our Motto

THE BANK OF SAFETY SERVICE Candyland Temptation "Besets You When You Enter


Safe Deposit BoseB for Kent.



Crystal Candy Company 16th and Capitol Ave.


Quaker Bread

' pf steeL'iltiisjthe first;all-steel closed car;eyer marketed." . Xhis• design^antiripate&VOTcry' possible .requirement of ' commercial traveL ,;l-t;>insures unusual -quietness—. unusual! grace—unusual stamina. It has made it possible - torgiye the- Coupe that game lustrous: baked-on enamel finish for which Dodge':Brothers open cars have long been famous. -: , , ••'". '


Snow White Bakeries

Made With Milk

The upholstery, is of genuine leather—leather that,will wash j.and wear.- The seat is wide arid comfortable.' Carrying compartments are accessible and spacious. The . car is equipped with a heater, dome light, window levers, windshield "clearier, coril tires, Yale door locks, and every other appointment necessary to the owner's comfort pnd protection.

(Bee. tf. S. Pat'. Oflice.y


City National Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS TTe pay 4% Interest on Saving and Time Deposits. . Safe Deposit Boxes, for Bent.


Built inside and out to. withstand the wear and fear of everyday use, it retains the same lightness and beauty of line which you are accustomed to look for in Dodge Brothers cars.


- " ' ' HcCprd-Brady " '

Omaha's*Newest Sport Goods Store

Omaha Sporting Gopdf Co. '1 '1806 Hamey Street ;



' '


G. L. REEVES "RADIO" >;'* ^Everything for the Athlete.

«*Let There Be Lights


209 VT. O. W. Bide.

Douclas 03S0.


*\ '"v


2224 Cuming St. Phone JAckson 1226

Top and Body Building and Repairing. Curtains—Lights—Etc

PFEIFFER 25Z5 Leavenworth St.

AT lantic 0701


It is the Business Coupe which business people the world over have been expecting—from Dodge Brothers.


The price is $980 £. o. b. Detroit

1307 'Howard St., Omaha,' Neb. ATlantic 0340.


HURD CREAfiERY CO. BUTTER and EGGS CouncU Bluffs, la. '

Made by


FOSTER-BARKER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."

Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts.

Feather mattresses niffifle from your own feathers. Cool In Summer—"Warm .In- Winter. -Cost less than felt beds Cotton Mattresses mnde over In new ticks at half price of new beds.

1907 Cuming St.

JA. 2467


.Carney at 2Sth 8* Harner 0123 '

- Plione ATlantlo 0991

J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. - A Store Managed and Hun - by Men who 1'iny the. Gnrac.

Kind of Insurance

Dodge Brothers offer ta the business public of America an entirely new principle in Coupe body construction. From framework to window mouldings the body is built

iNaiioiial IBankof Omaha

16th and Farnam Streets

Jlicree Haskell Cp.

John Reldman

Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.


Emerson Laundry ; F. 8. UORKY; Prop.


Phone Webster 0820

Walnut 3034


Wet^Wash Ifaumiify




One Day

T U X E D O E S , Latest Models $ 3 5 . 0 0 to..S.40.00••-;


33-35 Fourth St. Council Blutta 091

i Charges

10l» No. 16th Ht. Tel. JA rkson 312» Opposite Post-OIHce.

~ ^ee Electric


Leo A. Hoffmann

•NSURANCE "EVERY KNOWN KIND" Abner H. Kaimsn 1319W.O.W.BIdg. AT. 8034


Kaplan Auto Parts Co. , ... 2111 SlrlioliiK SUre Ueert cars Kt-ujrht. nulil. it ml " New ja»ars.' mt<l nxlf *-. for any liihnhir -Tl l A«»88 - BeJow-

Hoffmann Funeral Home.

AH-Orders Given Prompt and ~ Ciireful Attention.

1510 Fornam Street. Basement. Phone JA rkson 4136.

WELSH'S FLOWERS •---•-'Vunvium



'1VI. JII -)i:n. Rr:intlpls Theatre H i d e -•.— -2TnSo". I7fh SI.. Oinnbn.


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