October 5, 1922

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; 7

"Theart . of pleasing is the art of rising in the world." • ,

VOL. H.—No, 43.



• * Genius and ambition laugh at precedents. —Thayer.

5- on- aa second-clas* mat] matter.on Jancarj S7tb> 1021, at

> at Omaha, Nebraska, nndei the Act of March 3. 1878.




Harvard Questions WE Are Aimed at Jews CAMPAIGN SAVE ALLFOR 1,000 DR. ROSEN MEMBERS


University .Authorities Deny Entrance Papers Meant to Bar Students.



New York. (J. C. B.)—Charges tha+ Harvard University wsa seeking All Jewish Young Men and WoHapgood Tells of Governmesl British : Parliamentary Leader Is Returning to Ukraine to Set to discriminate against Jewish stuDocuments Removed by Will Visit Many Cities arid men Over. Seventeen Years Into Operation Many Prodents have been renewed . with the Ford Sleuths. Explain British Policy of Age are Asked to Join jects for Relief publication of excerpts from, the new in Palestine. YM and YWHA SENATOR LAFOLLETTE IS blank form which applicants for adAIM TO SETTLE LARGE TARGET OF ANTI-SEMITE, HERE IN THE INTEREST OF mission are required, tofill'_out, says MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE NUMBERS ON THE SOIL ' THE KEREN HAYESOD. a Boston dispatch to the Times toDeclaring that .'the Ford campaign TO CANVASS ENTIRE day. . _ . •.'. , against the Jews developed into *> New York^—Plans of tremendous COMMUNITY IN INNew York.—The national headquarcampaign against the liberals, Normsai The blank requires considerable magnitude/ for the -earing^ of .as TENSIVE DRIVE . ters of the Keren Hayesod in AmerHapgood continues .his expose of Hen"many, as possible of the vast mass personal - information, and., particular ica, ,50 Union Square, announces, that Beginning next week, members of ry Ford's Jew-mania in the October feeling seems to. have been aroused f suffering, starving, freezing,- sick Col; Josiah Wedgwood, D.^S. O., (Disthe senior group of-the Y. M. andY. number of. the Hearst International tinguished Service Order), M. P., vice and'naked Jews'of t1 Ukraine have by a question as to "jace and color." W: H. A. will' launch an intensive Magazine. , •' president of the British Labor Party, been laid before the Joint' Distribu- Another question• is*- "What. change, campaign for new members of the asIt is our foremost intention," Kr. if any, has been made since birth sailed from England on the Carmania tion Committee by Dr. Joseph Eosen,sociation/ The present membership of Hapgood writes, ."to show that the on September 28, and will arrive in Vhose * see'ding-program has 'saved in your owrt name, ,or that of your 275 will seek to raise the total to fight against 'the" Jews did not stanfi New York soon to take part in the the Volga peasants. Pr. Eosen in father?" , Of the eight other. ques- 1,000' before January 1. . alone and cannot stand alone. FTOTJS tions, some seek -to elicit informafall campaign of the Palestine Founreturning to the Ukraine to set into the very opening of the series we hsvr. dation Fund. This report has aroused COL. JOSIAH WEDGWOOD, D.S.O. operation these project? which are tion as to the birth ] place ot the Under the" direction of the memberoffered proof of the close conneetienv NORMAN HAPGOOD great interest,in all Keren Hayesod Colonel Wedgwood, > distinguished the result of nearly a whole year's student's father, why! the applicant ship committee practically every Jewbetween Ford's campaign against thr and Zionist circles, Col. "Wedgwood be- British Parliamentary' leader, will study of conditions in that" country. wishes to study at Harvard, to what ish young man and woman in Omaha Mr. Norman Hapgood, editor of over 17 will be called upon, and in- Hearst's International, still continues Jews and the campaign of the Russchool organizations_he^belongs, what ing regarded as one of the pillars of visit many cities in the United States Dr. Eosen has seen all of the horOct. 8, in the interest of duced to join'what is now the largest his expose of Henry Ford's Jew- sian monarchists against the Jews. For . the British support of the Zionist pro- beginning the Keren Hayesod, the Palestine rors of the Ukraine, has been an eye are his chief interests,!^ what are organization of young people in the mania, in Hearst's magazine. the same reason we have stressed iH.« gram, and, in;-view-of-the growing Foundation Fund.•-.v witness of the"'terrible Jewish; trage- his favorite sports or jgames. city. The Y has been "steadily growinevitableness with which the Fore strength of the British Labor Party dy in that country. He hasbeen *$n • Although spokesmen!: for the uni- ing, and especially since the complecampaign against the Jews develoTK>£ in the politics of the Empire, one of the. field" struggling to. save. . He versity explain that applicants would tion of the new club rooms in the Jewinto a campaign against the liberal*." the principal factors in the carrying went close to the border-line of death mot be "rejected because'of failure to ish Community'. Center, there are sufMr. Hapgood then proceeds toshov out cf the terms of the Palestine Manhimself, and for weeks his life "was answer the quesion jegarding race ficient facilities and activities for the how "the Ford organization, by SOTTI.date. Col- Wedgwood .is also Tecogand color and name, viand that they despaired of when in the midst of accommodation and entertainment of method on which we do not commit nized as an authority of the foreign do not .prejudice the ; work, of the fully 1,000 members. his tremendous'labors he was afflict' " ourselves, obtained possession of *. policies of the British Empire,, espeed with typhus. Famed as. an agri- committee appointed last' spring to The- activities of the senior group document secured in the heat of v«vr cially in the field of colonial affairs. cultural scientist before he went to investigate the question jof: admission are varied, and include a number of by government agencies against on? Russia for the. Joint . Distribution to Harvard, some Jewish students features. On alternate Monday even- Enters Parliament. of the most conspicuous liberals in th?? He entered Parliament as member Report of American Relief Committee, he added treme dously to and graduates contend that the new ings the entire membership meets at Talk of Near East Confedera- United States," Senator Robert LaFfvtion to Abolish Forhis. fame by the epoch-making revo- questions -are directeed against Jew- the dub rooms and conducts interestfor Newcastfeunder-Lyme in 1906. He / Supervisor Lauds Jewish letteV ish students. eign Rule lution he affected in Russian agriing and instructive musical, dramatic is a member of avwell known StafAttack on Liberalism. Aid of this Country. So much feeling Iras been aroused and literary programs. Seini-monthly culture by the introduction of, Amefordshire family, connected with the 1 A censor's report of one of his ediFATE OS PALESTINE HANGS torials, fell into the hands of' pottery industry, which, is the main COL. WILLIAM R. GROVE rican Indiana corn as a substitute for by the questions I that some of the dances on Saturday nights are an-outIN BALANCE industry of that English county. He ISSUES COMPLETE REPORT wheat in -the- Volga districts".which extreme elements are- agitating for a standing feature of the' winter proLaFollette. The senator was boycott against the -university on the gram. These dances are among-the due- to him are now reasonably safehas been trained as-a-naval architect, ly described as declaring that vv :Jerusalem, Oct. 4.—While prepara- should do well to concentrate aH onr grounds that there is so much race and at the age:"of-23 was appointed New York (J. C. B. By maiL)—-In jguarded- against future droughts and prejudice at Harvard that no other most popular social affairs of the com- tions"' being"/ made at Govern- power on, and dedicate all our patriotmunity and are always 'Well attend'slfc assistanty constructor_r of Portsmouth reporting; to- Herbert* Hoover, chair- famine. He returned to this counHouse for the swearing in of ism to the task of "making1 thpsr course is open. One Jew was quoted Specialized activities of t t e "group dockyard. He served during the South j ^f theAmerican^Relief Adminis- try,*, worn . with: the struggle that today as Sir Herbert Samuel as High Com- United States- safe for democracy! w t *• ^ neary ftvy , T f f that-ha include si ~di«uaattc- class, a .girls' gymAfrican -^waT- and-ulistinguished -himmissioner to administer the country a Morgasized democracy, but a democtellectual K.u Klux Klan." class, sewing classes, -debating clubs self by his gallant conduct . - ' , - ' ' would be relieved from further-labor relief-work in the Ukraine up to July euider-ihe British and develop Pal- racy-where the will of the people & In Parliament i e soon attracted at- 31, Colonel William-K;Grove,» Amer- in1 that vast sea of misery. But Frederick Allen, secretary of the Bud other educational pursuits. estine as'the Jewish-'national home, the law'of the land.™ Harvard Corporation, said there were classes are formed at the "request" of tention by* his- vigorous -Radicalism. ican Belief Administrative district when it was made clear to him that He- was always i» to * the' front, when supervisor, makes plain that much of in-the opinion of the Joint Distribu-j not means available of determining ten members. Small clubs within the not an Arab business house or shop The original document containing; there was any need to defend popular the credit for checking the famine in tion Committee, it was his duty to the exact proportion of Jewish stu- larger group provide Opportunity for in Jerusalem, Ludd, Jaffa, Haifa, or the censor's report was extracted frorn rights. At first the taxation of land that region- belongs-1 to••• -the Jewish put his plans into operation, he did dents in Harvard, as students had not intensive work along various lines. At an yother notable town in Palestine t h e goverimexit &&.. It was found ir. values, (more generally known in the Joint Distribution Committee, who not hesitate for a moment to give his been enrolled according to race or present there are five such "chummy" was open. Even, the Arab laborers the possession of Henry Ford's nf>i\nationality. clubs—three of girls, and two of boys. were idle as the result of the Arab Jewish sleuths in New York City. United States as the Single Tax), ap- financed the operation) saps an Amer- consent. peared to" be his main interest. "The effect on the children is de- "Unofficially," he said, "it is esti- A feature of the. association activ- executive's circular calling on the Mr. Hapgood quotes an associate «r ican Belief Administration release. mated that last year 15 to 20 per cent ities is the Leaders' Training Group, Arabs to strike today in protest his who declared that "in Russia th* CoL Wedgwood.was very active durAfter reciting the desperate con- moralizing and the? meals insufficient. ing the "World War, taking part in the ditions existing in the Ukraine as re- They do not stiiythe terrible hunger. of the 2,700 students enrolled were which prepares the members to act as against this afternoon's function and aristocrats attacked the Jews in ordfi? leaders for clubs of younger boys and all that it implies. Meanwhile the to disorganize the liberals." fighting in Antwerp, France, the Dar- vealed in the report of Dr. Lincoln At best they j*rard off death from Jews." girls. Fifteen clubs of boys and girls, Palestine police are marching through, danelles and East Africa. On two oc- Hutchinson who declared "that over starvation for the hundreds of thouWrites Against Jew-Baiting. ranging in age from eight to -fifteen the streets with bands playing as z. casions he was mentioned in the dis- a considerable area-conditions were sands sustaining them until they may " 'As soon as I saw that Henry ForA years, are directed and supervised by patches. He ranked as a Commander as serious as-in-any. part of the get a chance to live a better life. reminder that attempts at trouble began to attack the Jews, I saw thr members of the Leaders' Training will be summarily suppressed. of the Royal Naval Voluntary Ee- Volga basin and in one respect the And this is true whether this,form danger that he was running,' L F i Group. ' serve. \ ""-".-' "Ninety per cent, of the Arabs of lette said. 'I wrote an article immefamine area of the Ukraine is in a of relief is administered. in conjuncZionist Before Declaration. All Jewish Festivals are appropri- Palestine," a representative Arab more serious condition than the Volga tion- with the American Relief AdCoL Wedgwood claims that he was in that the drought followed four or ministration or independenly. It simately observed by the association. For said, "are against the British man- diately against Ford's action.' a Zionist long before the Balfour Dec- five years of wars, insurrections^ ply can't be otherwise. Succoth a special dance and program date for Palestine because its funda- "I.dent know what he (LaFollettc) laration. In 1916 he visited America pogroms, bandit raids .and other will be given next Wednesday night. mental purpose is to establish a thought, but I know what he to see CoL House in order to urge the disturbances, far more serious' than . Regular dues are $3.00 per year, Jewish national home. Knowing as have thought. If some sleuth claims of the Jewish people to Pales- happened on th eVolga," Colonel Rabbi Jacob S.Minkin of Roches- which entitle the member to all priv- vrc do the cleverness of the Jews, gone so far as tc remove from governtine. In his speeches he has pointed Grove frankly admits that it was no ter, N. Y.j Makes Personal ileges of the association. A special as- we realize that if the terms" of the ment files an official document tr out that he belongs to a section of the thought that any considerable amount sessment of $2.00 per year was volun- mandate are not changed the Jews prove to some one else that Observation of Activities. English people which, from its early of money would be available for the Chairman Johnson Says "Leading tarily voted by.the membership last will possess Palestine. They will do- was too liberal, what was the impedEMIGRANTS TURN. TO HIAS July to meet the association's pledge minate it politically and industrially ing motive behind the sleuth's acquaintance with the Bible, has a relief of those conditions. Jews" Desire Lower. Quotas. FOR PROTECTION AND natural sympathy with Jewish hopes. of $1,000 to the new Jewish Communi- and we will be forced to live as a The impelling motive was Ford'* "However," Colonel Grove's report Washington. (J. T. A.)—Congressmoney in an anti-Jewish fight." Aid He believes in Zionism, because he bety Center. subjugated people or emigrate. In the November article Mr. Baplieves it will1 create Jewish self-re- continues, "an arrangement was man Albert Johnson, chairman of the Present officers of tie senior group New York, Oct. 3.—Rabbi Jacob S. are: Fred White, president; Iva See- "That there has been no serious good will show .,how Henry FOTA spect. Having gained self-respect, he made on March 9,'1922, for a join House Immigration. Committee, in an thinks the Jews of the world will do operation by-the 'American Relief elaborate survey of the immigration Minkin of Temple Beth El, Rochester, gal, vice president; Anne Selicow, sec- trouble here lately is due to the forced his automobile agents to ssfi. much to obtain justice, first of all for Administration and. the Jewish Join restrictions published iri the last Coa- N. Y., who recently returned to the retary; Betty Fine, assistant secre- hope that Arab executive's efforts his anti-Jewish literature to American the Jews in all countries, and then for Distribution' Committee to providi gressinol Record, boldly proposes United. States following an extended tary; Bess Handler, reporter; Sam Be- will be successful at the last minute. citizens. It will contain a lead sufficient food, for , a maximum of cutting down the quotas of certain visit of European countries, praise the all men. bee and Philip Gerelick, sergesnts-at- Once hope dies, nothing can wholly sketch by Boris Brasol, which will ir800,000 children and 400,000 adults countries on account of the Jews. restrain Arab animosity against the dicate Brasol's belief that Beiliss ana work of the Hebrew Sheltering and arms. —the maximum to be. reached by Jews from breaking out shockingly. two other Jews should have been conImmigrant Aid Society of America for Certain countries, he says, unload July 15^—the Joint Distribution Com- their undesirables on- America by the work being done in the war-strickIt is the way of the Arab when he victed of murdering a child in orris? mittee to finance the movement and means /of the passport system. en countries. is wronged. Nor are we alone in to drink Ss blood. It will also showthe American 'Relief'Administration land has withheld passports, from one Many letters of praise for the H. Ella Fleishman is the fight; all the Arabs of Hie Ara- that the so-called Russian embassy in to adminster it;.the work at least in class and granted passports to an- I. A. S. have been received by people bian Peninsula are with us. There Washington spent money in keeping National Chairman will soon American Citizenship One of Principal its initial stages, to" be done as part be a concerted movement Russian monarchists busy at ttwnr who have visited in Europe. H. I. other, which accounts for the oddity Subjects Taught There. of the Russian Unit, and to - be in the statistics for-the last year, A. S. will be forced to discontinue its Miss Ella Fleishman, well known of the Arabs of Syria, Palestine, propaganda in this country. The Omaha Free Night schools will strictly non-sectarian- in its adminis- showing that more Poles left America European activities and close its over- local newspaper writer, has been Trans-Jordania, the Hedjaz, Assir, ' open Monday evening, October 16. tration;" than arrived. Poles of old time blood seas offices unless it raises at least named chairman of the national com- Yemen, Hedramut, Oman, Bahrein, Classes will be held every Monday, returned to join the new Poland and $500,000 within the next few weeks. mittee on publicity for the Women's Nejd and Mesopotamia + creat" an Wednesday and Thursday nights. AcPolish Jews were freely given pass? This amount is needed in order that Overseas Service league. The ap- Arabia- confederation free from forAMMAN, CAPTURED BY IBN cording to Miss Thorngate, supervisor --. -.-• ' " > . ' • S A U D . • ' . • ' -'" -: - • ports to the United States, making the Society, may be able to cover its pointment came through Miss Louise eign rude." Wells of Chicago, the national presiof the Americanization department, Cairo, Sept. 22. (J. T. A.)—Am-. their number .«mt of ail proportion to present difitit and have sufficient Churchill sad Sydenham Spar Ovss this will afford all the people "who man, the Transjordanian.town on the the quota. In these countries, Mr. funds to continue this humanitarian dent. Another Omaha girl, Miss Present Immigrants to Palestine. Helen Cornell, received a national have recently arrived in this country Hedjaz railway line,* sonth east of Es Johnson asserts, political division is work. JEWISH MEN ELECTED an opportunity to learn the American Salt, has been captured from Emir always racial, the majority party op-r TO OFFICES IN London. (J. T. A.) The The Jews of America must not al- honor at the convention last May in pressing the minority party usually language. POLITICAL CLUB spondence that passed between Colonlow H. I. A. S. to step out and thus Washington, T>. C, being elected Abdullah's troops by Wahabis, the irial Secretary Churchill and Lord %-• The night schools are under the su- regulars commanded by Ibn Saud, composed of Jewish citizens. "We do leave our helpless brethren and sisters recording secretary. pervision of the public school officials. says a Jerusalem report. British in- not want that division," Chairman to the mercy of unscrupulous persons Miss Fleishman went overseas un- Four Jewish men were elected to of- denham, the well known antagonist^ "All those wishing to attend ihe fantry and planes are being des- Johnson declared, "and the safest way and agencies. H. I. A. S. with- der direction of. the Jewish welfare fices of the newly organized Beal for Zionism, which has just been pubschools should enroll immediately," patched from the Palestine garrison, to prevent it is by reducing the quotas drawal from Europe "would be a calam- board, and served in canteen and county attorney club at their first lished, is nothing if not indicative f& all such countries. This "will be ity to Jewry tverywhere. Every Jew hospital hut work in France. Miss meeting of the club in their head- the change that has taken place it;.. said Miss Thorngate. it is learned, to suppress any. general from best for all concerned. Leading Jew- must contribute substantially to it in Cornell served in Red Cross canteen quarters in the Patterson block last the minds of some Englishmen toward* Schools will be held in the fallow- uprising east of the Jordan. work. Tuesday. ish people of l i e United States have this emergency. the Zionist question. ing buildings: v The Omaha Overseas league met said this to me." • -Sam Klaver of the county assessor's This change is, indeed, the first Comenius—Sixteenth • and William for dinner Tuesday, 6:30 o'clock at office was named one of the vice thing Mr. Churchill draws the Lore"*"HADASSAH" WORKERS JOIN HARDING SIGNS ZIONIST It is plain from this statement that streets. the Fontenelle hotel. The members presidents, Joe Jacobs, reporter for attention to, when he blandly jncjui?w PALESTINE GOVERNMENT Mr. Johnson considers the Jews to RESOLUTION. Farnam—Twenty-ninth and Farnam Jerusalem, Sept. 19.. (J. T. A.)—Of- be a specifically' undesirable class. Washington, Sept. 21. <J. C. B.)— have set aside $200 to endow a bed the Omaha Bee, secretary, Harry after shewing that in 1917 Lord Systreets. v \ ^President Harding signed today the in a local hospital. With their annual Lapidus and Irvin Stalmaster, mem- denham was a staunch supporter o< Jungmann — Twentieth, ana O ficial announcement has been made of the transfer of 16 officials of the san- JEWISH WOMEN'S WELjoint resolution adopted by the Senate Armistice day ball at the Fontenelle, bers of the executive committee. Zionism, "what intervening has constreets. . itary department .'of .the American and ouse exHpressing American ap- November 11, they hope to clear an FARE ORGANIZATION Other officers of the club are: H. verted the Jewish people into a Kellom — Twenty-third and Paul Ziontsi Medical Unit" to the Health TO GIVE CARD PARTY proval of the restoration of Palestine amount sufficient to carry out their Malcom Baldrigre, president; T. J. Mc- of aliens?" The expression "horde t£ Btreets. hospital plans. Fortieth.and I Department-of the-Palestine Govern- . The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- as a Jewish homeland. Guire, Vigg-o Lyngby, Victor Cald- aliens" was used by the Lord to deSonth Franklin ment. The Government in augmenting ganization will give its .semi-annual In the absence of the leaders of the well, vice-presidents; Clinton Brome, scribe the present immigration «J streets. South High — Twenty-third.and J the sanitation, personnel is taking off card party at the Blackstone Hotel Zionist Organization of America *in There never was in the world two Thomas Sheehan, Fritz Bucholz, Wil- •Chalsizim. And Mr. Churchill a share of the Zionist activity for for all the members and their friends Europe, the withnessing of the signa- opinions alike, no more than two hairs alrd McEahron, Richard Woods andjtmues: "Your opinions may under*?©. streets. Thirty-second and U which the recent Carlsbad meeting did on Wednesday, October 11, at two ture, by a Zionist delegation had to be or two grains; the most universal Denny O'Brien are on the executive TS complete change, the Jewish IT1«I West Side o'clock. b4 I not fully provide. quality is diversity. committe<* I tion. to Palestine Temains uaalteittL* baa4p




Congressman Advocates Cut in Immigration

Pnblic Night Schools To Open October 16



PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER S, 1922 Balfour declaration entirely changed ernment has given them, title to the the feeling in the country. The Arabs property. This certainly does not are more apprehensive for the future smooth the future for the Zionist or.. ,' . FHbHs&ed cprer? Tbnrsdaj at Omaha, Nebraska, b 7 than they are resentful over the past. ganization as they all must be disTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY^ (Following is the third and last of Whatever land has been acquired by possessed with the attendant protests Office: 482 Brandeig -Theatre Btiilding.—Telephone; Jackson 2372. Mr. Wood's articles concerning the Zionists they have paid for, but the and dissatisfaction with the cash setposition of the Zionist pioneers in Arabs believe that under the mandate tlement which they receive. •NATHAN B. GREEN; Manager. Palestine.) From an Address by William Lowe Bryan, President of Indiana For two years a committee has been they can be dispossessed at any time. Subscription Price, one yearBy Juntas B. Wood. working in Jerusalem on naming the Some of their apprehensions may be Advertising rates furnished on application. University" ~ ; " ' " The questions involved in the rela- expect miracles of service from the (Special Correspondence of the Chi-based on facts, for the Zionists wield streets. Perhaps it would be better NOT PMMfMJ^OlJfE^&NAL PROFIT—Profits ftom the publica- tion ship between parent and child school. It is not a heartening symp- cago Daily News and World-Herald more power in the government than to say existing, rather than working, tion; of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. and its adjustment are really funda- tom of democracy to note that parents Foreign Service.) their numbers justify, and others may for it is hopelessly unable to do anymental to all other questions. For are so often willing to suffer them- Jerusalem, Palestine, July 4.—One be based on unfounded rumors. thing. Under the mandate, everything CHANGE ADDBE8&-Pleaee gtn both tba old an4 o«w addresa; Iwfttu* And tied toot nan»6. all life's phases are affected by the selves to be superseded by the school of the most salient features of the* . For many of the latter the Zion- official must be in three languages— relation of parent and child, which as directing agents of life of tomor- restoration of the old atmosphere of ists can blame their over-enthusiastic English, Arabic and Hebrew—which constitutes the home, and these in row instead of viewing the school as Israel in Palestine is the revival of friends. Boasting speeches at Zion- includes street signs as well as posSUCCOTH. . The Feast of Tabernacles or Succoth, the name which it bears turn affect and influence it. No prob- at best an efficient adjunct of the Hebrew as a living language. It is ist conventions of the power of the tage stamps and letters. It might in the hturgy, is the forerunner of ouf national Thanksgiving Day lem, however vast or remote, is unre- home. Happily the rule will not work taught in the many Zionist schools Zionists in Palestine are reported to seem easy to translate an existing —the less done by the home the more and as a point of pride is used in Palestine and are emphasized in the name into either of the tv^* other aiid will be observed in the Synagog beginning Friday evening, lated to it. October 6r for; eight days* The first and eighth days constitute The relation of parent and child by.the school, but rather the reverse conversation. Tabulations show that telling. One New York newspaper languages, but such is not the case, the holy convocations in, the Reform Synagog. Orthodox congre- might be summed up in the title—a —namely, the measure of efficiency in 43- per cent of the new pioneers are printed a drawing of Solomon's tem- the chief difficulty in the present ingations, however, celebrate October 7th and 8th, as well as the two study in responsibility—for responsi- the school is in exact proportion to able to speak Hebrew. All of them ple restored oil the Moslem holy stance, according to Moslems and concluding days of this festival. The intervening days are ob- bility is the keynote "to the whole the self-sufficingness of the home. speak in addition the language of the ground where the mosque of Omar Christians, being the Hebrew name served with semi-religious ceremonials. Sincere attempts are problem that highly developed sense Fondly foolish are the parents who country from which they come. Their now stands over the sacred rock, the proposed for the place of the Holy made to construct bdotha and to dwell therein, following literally of responsibility which; moves parents imagine that the school can repair the ability to speak Hebrew indicates not third most holy place to the Moslem Sepulcher. the injunction set forth in the Bible* This custom has-been con- seriously to-ponder upon the question deficiencies of the home in the train- only that they are a well educated religion. The Palestine government Those interested in Zionism must .tinued with more or less fidelity until modern times. Definite of child training, and to remember ing of children. The office of the type of emigrant, but that they have used its power of censorship to pre- not forget that Palestine is a British that in the last analysis while precept school is very different from that of been raised in an atmosphere in ac^ vent its republication in the Arabic mandate, not a Zionist mandate, and measures to revive the practice are now under way. The particular interest to American Jews and their fellow- may be of some value, parental ex- the home. The home may be a school, cord with the fundamentals of the newspapers, but the story is well cir- that the British official interpretacitizens attached to-this harvest festival is the fact.that this is ample is the supreme factor in the but the school can never be a home. Zionist movement. culated through the entire Mohamma- tion is that the Jews have been afthe source of our national Thanksgiving Day. Our national holi- working out of the problem. This The parent may do the "work of a The same figures show that 53 per dan world. forded a home there and not that they day was appropriated from this Old Testament institution. The sense of responsibility can be based teacher ,but the teacher cannot fulfill cent speak Russian, 61 per cent Yid- The Rutenberg irrigation and elec- have been given all Palestine as a agricultural environment of that remote period is patent. The on nothing less than an appreciation the office of a parent. School and dish, 28 per cent German, 23 per cent tric power project between the Sea of home. The Zionists are free to de' BiblicaT sources of the Feast of Tabernacles are found in Leviti- of the magnitude, yea, the grandeur home must not strife to shift upon Polish, 8 per cent English, 7 per cent Galilee and the Dead Sea, which now velop the country and start it toward tus 23:34-35, wherein the Israelites are commanded to celebrate of the task of influencing for good or each other" but to share with each French, and 13 per cent other lan- is inviting $50,000,000 investment, prosperity, but it remains a British the 15th day of the seventh month Of the Hebrew calendar. This evil the destinies of a, child—the priv- other the task of child-rearing and guages.' Russian emigrants largely needs many acres of what was gov-mandate. Governments change and incident of their wandering in the wilderness is utilized to remind ilege of shaping in any degree an State-upbuilding. But it must never predominate, 88 per cent of those for ernment land in the Jordan valley. over night the officials appointed for be forgotten that it is the home an<£ *he period of the tabulation coming For years Arabs had been settled on Palestine may change and the politthe present generation of God's wonderful guidance and how He immortal soul. preservedrthe children of Israel-in a lonely, andbarren desert, To the^discharge_ of that task a not the school that must be the centre from eastern Europe and Asia. and have cultivated this land. Since ical status of that home may change i The connection with the exodus from Egypt dates from early sense of personal responsibility de; of the life of the child. The super-enthusiastic Zionists the concession was granted the gov-as well. james. The name Succoth applied to the festival is traced to the mandsj that parents shall give as Parents are not only the givers of hope for a day when Hebrew will be period,when the wanderers erected tents while.they sojourned in much "care and toil as to the safe- life, they must help the children of the languagiTor^Se^s all over the the wilderness, a.practice which feet the precedent.for dwelling in guarding of their material interests, their begetting to the rebirth unto world. With that accomplished, they booths during this season." L to labor not more diligently to en- the life of the spirit, which alone is feel that the strongest step will have Smokeless and Sootless—Screened at the Yards _ But the harvest character of the festival is also clearly shown hance their temporal fortunes than to life. How poor are the children of been taken toward centering the na-' in the symbols each worshipper brings to the synagog, or which further the eternal souls entrusted to parents, who-e wealth entitles them, tional hopes, interest and allegiance are exhibited from the pulpit. These symbols are the "ethrog" or them. Nor are parents free to reject as they conceive it, to surrender their of all Jews in Palestine. It will be citron; branches of the stately palm tree, or "lulav;" sprigs of or accept responsibility. Theirs is no children to governesses and tutors— difficult to withdraw Jews from the CONSUMERS* LUMP £he fragrant myrtle and boughs of the humble willow of the liberty of choice. They are parents. the : only right which these children countries with which many of them ILLINOIS LUMP Nice Large Lumps Good Quality brook. .•-.• ' • - • ' " . The choice of parenthood has fixed are denied being the right to be moth- have been assimilated for centuries. J Delivered S 1 O . 5 O a Ton Delivered S l l . O O a Ton This nationalistic feeling is very -. The Feast of Tabernacles was in the Biblical era the great the choice of parental responsibility. ered. harvest festival of autumn; when the people flocked to the cen-If parents were only the authors of The whole duty of parents is to pro- noticeable in Palestine, where Ziontral sanctuary'in solemn procession, carrying palms and other the lives of .their children, such be- vide a home for their children. The ists form an energetic portion of the plants. ;'" " ' getting would in itself establish a home is not an impersonal, lifeless, population. The pioneer does not ap; DO. 0530. "Dealers in Good Coal" DO. 0530. •NG matter -what transitions the festival has undergone, in deep and. solemn responsibility. But external thing, made of wood and preciate the fine distinction of Britsynagog and -homej today it retains its original character as a parents are more than the progenitors stone, but a personal, living inward ish officialdom that the Jews have season- of gladness. The joyous gratitude paid to God for His pro- of their children. In addition they creation wrought by parent and child. national home in Palestine with tection of Israel during the forty years' wandering through the live with their children as a rule dur- A home is built not by what parents emphasis on the "in." While the conwilderness has expanded into thanksgiving for His guidance ing • the years • of infancy, childhood have but by what they are. A price- servative heads of the organization throughout the forty centuries of Israel's pilgrimage through all and youth. During the years of plas- less house is a •very different thing are endeavoring to allay the fears of countries. This rejoicing culminates on the last day in the Feast ticity and impressionableness, parents from a precious, home. Contents make the Arab population and demonstrate People's Candidate "By Petition" for of Rejoicing in the Law, when the annual cycle of readings from are the chief formative influence upon a house; content, however, accented, that the presence of the Jews is a the Pentateuch is. completed. COUNTY ATTORNEY. the life <?f. a. child, .Employing the makes a home. Homes aie not so benefit to the country, the aggressive v -The significance retained byi this feast to this day is-the;sub- terms of science* parents are for the much places for children to live in as young pioneer holds the theory that) I favor Light Wines and Beer. They woud do more than anything else to reduce taxes. •limity of; the thought -interwoven in the ritual "and'particularly most part' not only heredity but en- places in which to fit children for Palestine is his people's home, that the dignity and nobility.with which labor and human; effort ate vironment, not-only their children's life. all others are intruders, and he acts I regard a man's home as his castle. . '. y, , -invested. God's bounties are abundant and the earth is full of accordingly. past but their everpresent neighbors Shall the People or the POLITICAL RING elect From time,to time the courts deal n ^-tij§^ri(|hi^j^|fe pne of these blessr and comrades. *; seyerly wi^b. ,sueh, parents as neglect While the Arab population dwelt the County Attorney? v ings" are pbt^nable unless ; effort is put~fbftH tb. possess them. Precedent to the, possibility of the physical ^ell-being of their chil- for years in peace with the 60,000 NOTE: To vote for me you MUST--put across OTXO A. SIXKIE, When man'eats the fruit of the labor of his hands, blessed is he. training children must come the train- dren. Who can picture the congestion old Jewish colonists, the arrival of A.B., J.D. in the square before my name on the ballot. Then- this earth becomes no longer a vale of tears, the gloomy ing of parents, a training which, it which would arise in the courts if be- 21,000 new pioneers coupled with the abode of sorrowing or fretful creatures but the destiny of man, may be said in passings must be fore them were arraigned all parents his opportunity to till it and subdue it and thus realize his ownachieved chiefly through self-discip- who commit the cruelty of neglecting particular nature. : . line. The father is not to be solely the higher nature of their children? All synagogs will-be appropriately decorated for this festival the breadwinner, nor the mother the If parents wittingly deny food, raiNash Leads the World in Motor Car Value and in all religious schools special features mark the celebration. homekeeper, but both together are ment, shelter to their children, the Pageant and harvest festival programs are a few of the varied above all to be the guardians and law summons them for judgment on entertainments arranged for this autumn feast. educators of their children. ThV their misdeeds; devoutly is it to be phrasing, parent and child, seems to wished that parents might be made Six Touring TO ALL LOCAL ORGANIZATIONS. conform to the widely cherished no- answerable before the bar of public $1240 With summer on the wane and city residents returning from tion that children have but one parent, opinion if not of legal justice for the their vacations in ever increasing numbers, thoughts of activities as if children had only mothers and unutterable wrong of suffering the for the coming season fill the minds of members of local Jewish no fathers. One of the worst inci- spiritual nature of their children to organiaztions. Plans for big community meetings, drives for dents of the present industrial system remain unnurtured and ungaaided. memberships in organizations, congregational work, women's is that the overworked father can at The whole duty of parents is sumactivities, young people's clubs and societies, and organizational best be little more than a breadwin- med up in the word of the Psalmist: activities of all kinds will soon be under way. ner, and the mother exclusively the the children are an heritage of the The Jewish Press was created to serve the entire Jewish com- household drudge with neither time Lo, Lord. If children are a heritage of munity of this city and state. This paper stands ready, willing, nor strength nor grace nor will for the Lord, then parents are trustees and able to further the interests of all groups of Jews by giving aught besides. Nor is the home more a divine heritage. Heaven lies proper publicity to their objects, their hopes and accomplishments. happily circumstanced at the other of around us in "the infancy of a child; It is for this purpose that every large city in America habits Jew- end of the scale in which the father the parent owes the. child not less ish paper. is not even a hard-working breadwin- than it brings. The publishers of The Jewish Press ask the co-operation of ner but the idle inheritor of the fruits the officers of every organization in city arid state in aiding them of others' toil; and the mother a more EJECTED FROM SYNAGOGUE, to receive all news of activities promptly and completely. In this or less vicarious administratrix of an SUES FOR $50,000 connection they desire to Call attention to the fact that The Jew- establishment instead of the nurturing Cleveland, HE Sept. 3. (J. C. B.) Alish Press is not a daily"newspaper, with a staff of scores of re- and sustaining mother. that he had been forcibly ejectporters, special writers^ camera men, and other specialized work- Nothing is more needed than to leging ed from the Jewish Centre Congregaers. The Jewish Press is issued orice every week. It could not seek to make clear to parents that tion during the services last Saturday possiblyxgive daily newspaper service because of its financial their cannot be shifted Max Benjamin started, suit for $50,limitations. as a Weekly paper, and because its force consists from responsibilities the home to the school. A sur- 000 damages -against Carl Baden and of only, a few persons. " ' vival of the old pieties moves us to Louis Katz, in Common Pleas Court.


Relationship Between Parent and Child

Revival of Hebrew as Living Language


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It will be a physical impossibility for a representative of the Jewish Press to attend every meeting of Jewish organizations in the city. We ask the co-operation of every organization by appointing a PUBLICITY REPRESENTATIVE. This does not mean a "Publicity Committee" of three to seven * members as is usually appointed. It does not require more than one intelligent person to give, the facts of organization news to a paper. Since the Jewish Press has appeared in Omaha there is a noticeable re-awakening of interest among all classes of Jews in matters Jewish. That is all the result of PUBLICITY. Every reasonable person knows that no idea can spread if it is not TOLD and re-told and hammered home at every opportunity. Publicity is the greatest modern force. Publicity will save Judaism for the Jewish people. Making Jewish matters known to Jews keeps Judaism alive. TO ALL CONGREGATIONS, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, AND ALL OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF JEWS: WHEN YOU ORGANIZE FOR THE COMING YEAR'S ACTIVITIES APPOINT ONE PERSON TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE JEWISH PRESS IN GIVING PUBLICITY TO YOUR WORK. - THE JEWISH-PRESS IS A LOCAL INSTITUTION IT BELONGS TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE; OF THIS CITY IT WILL BE OF.SERVICE TO;YOU ONLY SO FAR AS YOU EVINCE A DESIRE TO CO-OPERATE WITH IT.

BALTIMORE JEWS PERPET- .z UATEBALFQUR'S NAME Baltimore, Sepfc'7. ;(J. G. B.) The Jews of Baltimore have taken what is believed to be the first real step towards perpetuat;ng the name of Balfour by-the organization of a lodge bearing h:s name, which will be affiliated. ,V«th_ the Independent Order of" Brith Sholom. More than forty

members ,weie.installed last week. Baltimore -. also the sponsor of a movement to present a gift to Balfour in appreciation of his work for Zionism. Preparations are now under way for a nation-wide appeal in the interest of this fund. "The Jewish Press" is the Community'paper.

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PAGE 5—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY* OCTOBER 5* 1922 I Miss Jeanette Marcus will entertain at her Home Sunday afternoon for the members of the Ka Oth Society.

Mr. and Mrs. I. Gilinsky returned Catholic deputy, is accepted by the as they were concerned. agreement is illegal because it is Monday from Fort Dodge, la., where constitutional commission of the Great indignf-tioE is expressed in constitutional. COUNCIL BLUFFS they spent a few days with their Sejm. This, the deputy asserts, would Jewish quarters over the action of daughters, Mrs. B. Glazer and Mrs.solve the problem of giving recogni- some rabbis v.-ho found the granting Mies Rose MinMfi, "who is attending Miss Ruth Krasne entertained last Harry SchuBdn. tion to the Yiddish language, without of these divorces profitable. the Nebraska University, spent the Thursday afternoon at her home in involving the government any extra 2514 Coming St. j week-end in Omaha with her parents. honor of her guest, Miss Charlotte cost for printing Yiddish. The whole Riga, Sept. 4. (J. C. B.) A French Colnitz, of New Yofk City, and in Sunday, October. 8, and question of official recognition for the company, it is learned, has obtained Miss Ethel Reuben retained yester- honor of Miss Rose Mankowitz of New WEDDINGS.; Monday, October 9 languages of the minorities in Poland a contract from the Latvian Governday after Having spent several days at York City, guest of Miss Leah Krasne. FANGER—LEfcOWSKI. has been left to the next session of ment for the establishment cf a RouFort Dodge, la., with ttlatives. Mary Pickford - The marriage of Miss Ruth Lethe Sejm. It is highly problematical lette house at Riga, the concession Mr. and Mrs. O. Hochman wiil enMoves to Safeguard Rights IN League BDWSM, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Louis Edon, of Atlantic, la., tertain the Evening club at their home if the Jewish deputies will «ver agree containing a clauso that Jews are to Baltic States. in spent the holidays with his sister, Mrs. J. I. LeBowski, of New York City, this evening. to Lutaslawsky's proposal. be prohibited to participate in the to Mr. Benjamin Fanger, son of Mr. M. Lazerowitz, and Mr. Lazerowitz. construction scheme. Geneva. (J. T. A.)—Provision for DIVORCING WIFE AN w and Mrs. M. Fanger, of this city, Mr. Samuel Gordon, who spent the Friends" of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Protesting against the discriminasafeguarding the rights of the minorKrasne gave a surprise party in their took place Sunday evening, Septem- week-end in Omaha with ids parents, AID TO U. S. VISA tion, newspapers contend that the ber 17, at the Ambassador Hotel at had as his house guest Mr. Dave Le- honor "Wednesday evening. Mr. andity nationalities in the Baltic and Warsaw, Sept. 4. (J. C. B.) In conNew York City. Eabbl Tintner, of ver, of Lincoln, Neb. Mr. Gordon is r& Krasne.have recently moved here other states was made by the Minor- sequence of the United States conities' Committee of the Assembly of sular rule withholding visas from husfrom Fullerton, Neb. the Mt. Zion Temple, officiated. attending the University of Nebraska. the League of Nations by the unan- bands applying for permission to proMiss LeBowski is a graduate of Miss. Minnie Freidman entertained imous adaption today of the series the WacQey School i i i . New York Mrs. D. B. Gross entertained fif- several tables of bridge at her home of resolutions introduced by Profes* ceed, to America without their wives, miny husbands began divorcing their City' and also of the Society of Ap- teen children at her home Thursday this afternoon. sor Murray of the South African wives. Immediately this fact became plied Arts and Designs. ^Ir. Fan-afternooni September 28, in honor of known, the consuls anno:mced that the seventh birthday of her daughter, Enrollment to the City Sunday delegation. geir is a graduate-pf the The principle of "good relations" school has already reached the fifty the new divoi-ces were invalid insofar Una Vivian. The afternoon •was sp»nt Universityy and the Columbia Law THE THORPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB in games. Little Miss Sylvia Bezman mark. Pupils willing to enroll are between the minorities and their govSchool and is now practicing law in won a prize. asked to do so immediately, so as ernments is established by permitting WILL HOLD THEIR FIRST DANCE New'York City. plans for the ^classes will be made. both to communicate any grievances H :: OF THE SEASON -:: . They will reside a t the Hamilton Miss Molly Grossman is expected to the League of Nations. Recourse S SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1922 KELPINE'S ACADEMY Place-Hotel in New-York City. home the latter part of the week from The Jewish Sisterhood will give a to the Court of International Justice Among the out-of-town guests a several weeks* stay in St. Louis, Mo., card party Tuesday afternoon, Octo- may be had by either the governADMISSION: ?1.00 COUPLE—SOUVENIRS FREE Proprietor of. ber 17, at the small Eagle's hall. present at the wedding were the where she visited with relatives. ment of the minority in case of disgroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. The B'nai B'rith will hold an im- pute. The League.is also asked to Fanger, who returned to Omaha Fri- The opening meeting of the Temple portant meeting next Wednesday even- appoint a permanent or temporary Israel Sisterhood will be neld Monday day. ' ing at the Danish hall. All members agent to report on the minority sitrat the Temple. 1702 North 24th Street. ation in the countries affected. are urged to be present. KADNER—ALL1S, Phone Webster 2092 One of the resolutions declares Mr. and Mrs. A. Allis, of Kansas Mr. David Potashnick left Tuesday City, Mo., announce, the marriage evening to spend a week with friends Mr. Louis Passer will leave next that, while the minorities are entitled Friday for New Orleans and then to to protection, the duties of their . of -their daughter, Sadye, to Mr. in Chicago, Hi. loyal fellow citizens are incumbent fjainual Kadner, son of Mrs. M. Lon- The Sisterhood and Brotherhood of Cuba. He will be gone a month. ft don, of this city, on •Wednesday eve- Temple Israel will hold its annual Mr. Phil Trochtenberg will leave upon the malso. The minimum rights 8 of the minorities, it is stated further, H ning, October 4, at Kansas City. dance Saturday evening, October 7, at Friday for Kansas City, Mo., to visit are indicated in the treaties/and all 1 Upon their return November 1 the Blackstone Hotel. In conjunction with friends. states, including those not bounc* by inn an eastern honeymoon trip, the with the dance there will be a style A complete stock of joiing couple will make their home show with twenty models which will Mr. Melbourne Harris, who conduct- treaties, are ^expecteed to apply these iti Kansas City. precede the dancing. I t will begin at ed the holiday services for the Temple, rights to their subject nationalities. left Monday evening for Cincinnati, s ; Mr. and Mrs. M. London and Mis.s 8:30. O., where he will resume his .studies. WANTS YIDDISH WRITTEN H Edith Kadner where among the out- The following committee is in S IN ROMAN LETTERS of-town guests present at the ceme- charge of the affair: Mesdames Har- The Mogen Dovid dub postponed its VOTE FOR ijiony. Also a supply of ry Rosenfeld, Phil. Wolfspn, Sydney meeting until Sunday, October 23, Warsaw. (J. C. B.)^Government notices arid ordinances will be accomMeyer* A. Herzbergj L Ziegler, Herr My Famous Home-Made ft Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy, who bert Amstein, Fred Rosenstock, Ben when it will hold its installation of panied by a Yiddish translation r S officers and when plans for its first been abroad for the past three Boasberg, Ben Lewis and Herbert SiDill Pickles. H printed in Roniaix letters, if the pro-, anniversary program will be comiinonths, arrived in New York City mon. posal of Father Lutaslawsky, the pleted. Tuesday. Mrs. Levy will remain in Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Meyer and New York City for several weeks, Phil. Wolfson will give the mu- Mrs. Henry Carlson and son of ^..FOR... but Mr. Levy will return to Omaha Mr. sical and dance interpretations. The Rhodes, Ia^ and Mr. Phil Saltzman, of If you are going in or out of Wednesday. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY Sioux City, la., were in the city to pages will be the Mesdames Ben Lewis business it will pay you to see visit with their father, Mr. M. SaltzAND •••• Mr. and Mrs. H. White have taken and Ben Boasberg. us first for ' man, who is convalescing at his ho • a SPECIAL PLATINUM an appartment at the El Beudor. DESIGNING Mrs. A. Greenberg leaves today for after an illness. Cash Registers, Republican Candidate For Mrs. Joe Givot, of Sioux City, la., Minneapolis, Minn., where she wil see Miss Sylvia Girisburg, of California, j g —1 who has been the guest of Mr. visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.left Friday for Kansas City, Mo., prior j j§ Scales and Fixtures The Malashock Jewelry Co. * Givot's parents, Mr. and Mrs. -A. . M. Kogan, for three weeks. of all descriptions. to returning to her hoine. She spent Givot, for the past week left for Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Miller have as a week here. Diamond and Platinum Specialists 'her home Thursday . Omaha Mercantile Exchange their guest Mrs. Miller's sister, Mrs Street. 1514 Mr. and Mrs. Wattennan, of Minneof Los Angeles MEYER GIVENTER, Prop. * Mr*, snd. Mis. D.M* .Meyer had as William; ;B. Joseph, Established OH. DO nrfa» 6619. ; apolis, MiniUj-spent-Yom Kippui here C a l i f , " ' ; " " ••-••••'/•" " t At. 5179 1109 Howard their guests for the Tiolidays their with friends. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and The Annual Harvest Festival of the Mrss. 1. M. Bloch, of Atlantic, la., children of the Temple Israel Sunday Mrs. Simon Steinberg returned Mrs. Meyer's sister, Miss Sadie Mo- School will T>e held Saturday morning, from a two week's stay at Excelsior Tossky, of Rochester, N. Y;, and October 7, at 10 a. m This is the Springs, Mo. Bzar a. LcpMoi. P W JOI. Pepper. Vlce-Presldent. their son-in-law, Mr. Harry Cohn, first Sabbath of the Succpth week and W. 6. VI*. Seewtarr. Mrs. Ben Harding has returned of Jamaica, L. I. the children will bring baskets of fruit from Chicago and the Lakes, where Omaha Fixture & Mrs. J. Corby will entertain at a and deposit them in the Suecah that she spent several weeks. Supply Co. one o'clock luncheon and bridge at is erected on the altar for this occasCOMPLETE STORE AND Mrs. B. Brin> of Webste* City, la., ion. The responses arid songs will be her Home 'today in honor of her OFFICE OUTFITTERS cousin, Mrs. M.' Wright, of _Los An- given by fhe children, and Rabbi Fred- arrived today to spend the holidays We occupy erick Cohn will talk on an appropriate with her daughter, Mrs. A. Gilinsky, geles, Calif„ who is visiting with subject. mnr 70,000 tanare feet • and son, Mr. H. Nathanson. B»utlt«e»t Corner her sister; Mrsr H. iZiegnian.

Social, Club and Religious Activities






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The Neighborhood Classes to teach

Miss Gertrude Fogelson, of LinAn elecfion of officers will he held by the Zionist District of Omaha on coln, Nebr., spent a few days here V October 10, at the with friends.

all ing to attend call Mrs, N. Mantel, at Mrs. TL.' Welnberg will leave today Harney 5311. __\; for Des Moines/Ia., to visit for sevMrs. Boriss Cohan, who is vitating, weeks with relatives. . '. in Europe, is flow in Rumania. Mrs. CSohan. will be remembered as Miss Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Harding have as their guests Mrs. Harding's brother, Ida ICubby, if this'cityMr. Louis Cherniss, and Mrs. Cherniss, The Omaha Junior Hadassah Unit of El Paso, Tex. held its xegular meeting Wednesday evening at the Jewish Community The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club will j Center. The organization lias decid- hold its first dance of the season Suned to give a series of card socials, the day evening, October 8, at the Labor first of which will he given Sunday Lyceum hall at Twenty-second and j" - g afternoon, November 12, at the Black- Clark streets. A prize waltz will be stone HoteL The money collected from' the feature of the evening. these socials will be sent to its orphan in Palestine. Miss Mary Maizel was Miss Flora Bienstock arrived home appointed chairman of the committee Sunday after an extended trip to Calithat will take care of sending clothes fornia, visiting in Los Angeles and San Francisco, She was gone for and money to the orphan. three months. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis have as their guest Mrs. Lewis' father, Mr. Succoth Services at Temple Israel Herman Orschel, of Des Moines, la., will be held Friday evening, October •who arrived here Wednesday to visit 6, at 8 o'clock, and Saturday morning, October 7. at 10 o'clock. Babbi Fredhere for several days. erick Cohn's subject for Friday evenMrs. H. A. Ravitz was lionor guest ing will be "The Spirit of Succoth." at a surprise gathering given by her and on Saturday morning Rabbi Cc^,* friends and relatives at her home has chosen "Dwelling Booths" as his Thursday evening in honor of Mrs. subject. Ravitz's first wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. M. Civin have moved into their new home at 3107 Lafayette avenue. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah •will give a series of card parties at the homes of its members for the benefit of maintaining its nurse in Palestine. The first of these series H>f card parties will be held at the home of Mrs; O. C. Goldner on Monday afternoon, October 9, when Mrs. Goldner, Mrs. Ben Handler and Mrs. Joe Rosenberg wili be the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berek and family, of Fremont, Neb., returned to their home Tuesday after having spent Yom Kippur with relatives here. Miss Martye Weinstem has returned home from the Swedish Mission HOB^ pital, where she was recently operated on for appendicitis.


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activity of the place, the pungent rarely if ever seen, she honestly cesti-al name laid as a sacrifice on smells, the soft and warm haze .of thought, were not sufficiently strong the Altar its blood would surely the place", the heaps and heaps of to obliterate this early acquired atont for all their sins of commission slowly-decaying fishes', and, above all,; knowledge entirely. Of course she as well as omission. the voluble women-folk that were may feel a bit "rusty" as first, but (Continued next week) wont to fill the place from early; she felt confident that she would MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON morn to late o'night, bringing him all soon learn these bits of esoterie Jews Injured in Vilna Anti-Semite NEARBY COMMUNITIES. A STORY OF A NEWLY-RICH AMERICAN JEWISH the current gossip of the neighbor-1 wisdom (as she sneeringly termed it) Riot. CROLCE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. hood. The very place now became and without much effort. FAMILY BY HAROLD BERMAN Vilna. (J. T. A.) Ten persons, charged with poetry for him, ac-}She became ever more and more including five Jews, were seriously quired the halo of much-sought-after] convinced that it must be a cottage injured, while two were killed in a Romance, assumed the glamour of in Flatbush, with a rambling lawn riot on Sunday, following the police •. . INVESTMENT SECURITIES ty of the experience had worn off he; (Continued from last the distant' fantasy of some exuber- front and aft that could be turned effort to suppress a meeting arranged Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. His newly-acquired. leisure brought began to yearn for something to do— ant Oriental Dreamland. I into a small truck farm, a bit of by the Roswoj Party, at which ProMr. Vankovsky anything ibutvbliss. for some activity similar to the one Oh, what -would he not give now soil that she could till with her ownfessor Choiriiez was to have delivered from the very first. After the novel- he had been accustomed to follow ever since he.could remember which to be there again, all day, each day!hands and plant vegetable in. And a lecture on "Eitual Murder as Pracmeant practically ever since the days of the week, barfing, of course, the so it would have probably been, she ticed by Jews." ' WAS AND KEEP WELL EMILGANZ&SON of his late childhood. - Strange to! Sabbaths and the Holy days when he being mistress of her own home and The crowd that had collected outA RULE OF HEALTH go to the synagogue as every; dictator of the family circle as far side the ha]'!'after the police had given Certified Public Accountants say, but that very fish-market that would FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY pious Jew is,bound hi honor to dol. as easy going Mr. Vankovsky was notice that permission to hold the 1417 Douglas St^wfc.*-':.*._• , he so joyfully had gotten rid of but But the fiat had gone forth, duly! concerned. But, unfortunately, they meeting had been withdrawn was in 1810 California Street. AUDITORS AND 8Y8TEMATIZOJRS ' a short while ago, now began to; as'One of America's Great Hotels" Emll Ganz - C P. A. V..M. Ganz sume the roseate hues of a beautiful formulated and [approved by his wife- had both reckoned without the-real a particularly ugly mood. Efforts of , " Phones: _ . . _ dream. He began to long for it once and Rose and Pearl, his two high- and present masters of the household the police to disperse the crowd met Hnr.S406 — Done. 4«2l.— Har. 0015 more. He longed for the bustling bred daughters, that he must not.j -^-Rose and Pearl. Perverse fortune with strong resistance. Having been' And what was one to do in the face had willed it in this instance that if dispersed with some difficulty, the. of it, though he languished in en-Mr. Vankovsky was determined upon mQb proceeded to Rudnizka Street, and RESPONSIBLE : WHOLESALE forced idleness and ennui? a five-room flat "with improvements" j where Jewish stores and residences Where your clothes come home Druggists and Stationers • . cleaner; and last loncer. But, thanks be to God, he was notin a. Bronx "department" house, and were plundered and Jewish pedestri- AT lantic 0380. 1507-11 Jackson St. and Tour8 401-403-405 . South 10th Street Mrs. Vankovsky was equally deterans ambushed and beaten. entirely without some problem to H A. JACOBBERGER, Pres. to keep his. wits; alive. • .There'<was the mined upon that-Flatbush cottage In the clash' between the' militia and problem of where to live for him to with a small farm attached, the ggirls the- crowd that followed, the soldier,' All Parts Omaha Office: 813 Donrlas Street. Solve, and he was glad of i t Clear- had consistently vetoed both plans Stanislav Krawczyk, was killed, while Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 FRED R. SHAW Flower Shop of-the .-.. ly, Ludlow Street, where they had ] and were as adamant upon a River- a janitor of a building named &ochFhone 104 Ford Transfer & Storage Co. World managed to live and prosper forj side Drive residence and nothing less, arzewski met with a similar fate. The The Best of Everything in Flowers and R. A. FOED. twenty years in. a home consisting such a home—or flat—as many of five Jews who were wounded by rifle Confections nt Moderate Prices. President and General Manaper. ,: Money Sent to All Council Bluff's (Iowa) Office S45 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater of a few rooms in a dingy tenement their ex-neighbors of the Ghetto, shots are Leib Kinpulkin, Berel KoSTEAMSBIF TICKETS Foreign Countries 931 So. Main Street. Phone S65 COUNCIL. BLUFFS. IOWA. misarjew, Meier Mejshowitsch, Chassituated in the midst of hundreds of Arrangements now made •with Soviet estwhile fish mongers or second-hand kel Zetel and Gershon Zedlowjtch. Go.yerJiSa'eht'-for prompt forwarding of other and similar tenements, facing passengers to America; We furnish you a crowded street filled by raucous clothes dealers, were now boasting, General Konarczewsky, on behalf necessary .blanks, etc.. to fill put. to the poor girl's envy. of the Roswoj Party, demanded the ..'1708 -Faenam St. • : • Palmers;Steamship Agency noises of the pushcart men, of hagOmaha Carpenter Paper Co. For days, weeks and months on 1000 Hnrnejr.Street. Tel. Jackson C71O gling men, and women, of crying baimmediate, release of the 200 memDistributors of Ol-R TREATMENT WILL end the honest fish mongers knew not CONVINCE YOU OF OCR bies and heaps of uncollected refuse, the blessings of peace or contenment bers of his organization who had Western Bond—and High SINCERITY. was now utterly ...impossible as a under their roof*tree. The humble j been arrested. This was granted. Grade Stationery Trust Department. home for the Vankovskys, with their | flat in the Ghetto that had hitherto 5 P ° n * h e - P r o t e s t s o f t h e tepresentaSafety Deposit Boxes. • Omaha. Nebraska. snug little fortune" so well invested been practically, deserted all the d a y | t l v e s °tf, ««.Jewish Community, they and yielding such handsome returns! long and at night resounded only t o ! ^ e r e a I ^arrested and the Attorney commenced what he promWe wish to announce to the Jewish Community that the Mr. Vankovsky now thought that a the peaceful and honest snoring o f j General lsed would b e a searching , five room- flat "with improvements" the hard toiling folks, now became in one of the newly-built "depart- an animated battle ground, a battle- tion of the affair. "Manufactured in Omaha" ment" houses in the Bronx would be field where no flag*of truce ever was vjWholesale Dealers in Live Poultry just delightful and ideal for them. unfurled to bring a -' much needed LEAGUE ASKED TO DETERMINE MINORITY RIGHTS BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, are selling direct to consumers at wholesale prices., Installed in this wonderful place, peace. For, • ' what were the VanIn the. course of the debate on the STATIONERY, ETC. with a "wigderole" to play to tunes' kovskys really to do now with no T lt f G I V E U S A TEIA-L f t r ,; 1 of Distributors for of his favorite "chazonim" for him absorbing occupation to beguile their, f° ° Pr0 Murray of eSouth Corner 13th and Chicago Streets Opposite Peoples Ice •'& Coal "to. while he lounged a t ease smoking his, time and no hobbies or fads to drive Pink Tip Matches — Atlantic 2486 • . > 'David B.^Epsjen, Prop. delegation asserted the Councigarette^ he thought that the saints away the nerve-wearing ennui? And! Af C l l s m e t h o d o f d e a h n Northern Toilet Tissue S the quesin Heaven, basking in the full-orbed so they fought and wrangled day by Cll tion of minority rights had not proven 1112 Harney Street glory . of the Shechinah, would no' day over that which to them constiuniversally successful. He had perAT lantic 6409 LET US DO YOKB WEEDING longer be objects of envy to him,. tuted the only problem, concrete as while his wife, with that shrewdness well as abstract, of their simple lives. sonally received a number of comand -level-headness -characteristic of In due time, -.however, the old folks plaints, Prof. Murray said, which her sex, thought that there would be] were out-generalled by their more tended to show that the condition at THE CAREFUL WELDERS . , .>.; far more of delight and all-round astute and scheming young daugh- least of the Jewish and Macedonian TeL J A ; £397: * ' Anything ^ : "Anytim'e:_T:tjAnyplacei ];.• 1501 Jackstin St. satisfaction in a .model cottage with! ters, and} with one seven-league boot minorities in some countries was not COtTNCII. BLUFFS. IA. grounds; in FlatbusH, such a cottage' leap, they were transported from satisfactory. Prof. Murray proposed lowly Ludlow. Street in the very theesiabUshmrat of si commission to as one of her "former cronies, now, Service is Our Motto in Temptation Besets You also :• "gotten up" in the world, had heart of the .Ghetto right onto the **<**• and report on the minority sitSafe Deposit Boxes for Bent. When You Enter " recently moved into. Rose and Pearl, f aristocratic and blue-blooded -River- uation, the- League !to have its action on the other hand, with the tastes side Drive on the hanks of the lordly on that report. , • CANDIES. ' ICE CREAM, The proposal was endorsed by the and appetites that come out. of the Hudson. LUNCHES. ' • possession of a sizable fortune,! It took the Vankovskys many Bulgarian and other delegates, while thought that nothing short of a home; months to get • properly settled in Mr. Walters, the Latvian representaEvery Known Kind on Riverside Drive or West End Ave-: their Riverside- home. It meant tive, desired to amend it to reead that BUTTER and EGGS 1 of Insurance the commission conduct its inquiry as nue would do for people of their ele- many a ruthless, and repeated, raid Council Bluffs, l a . DoUElas 0380. vated tastes and unchallenged posi-' upon the stocks of the furniture to the basis of the minority rights, its 209 W. O.^V. Bias. 16th and Farnam Streets^ v findings, to serve as a guide for all tion in this world, and they were un-' dealer, the draper, the decorator, the governments affiliated with l i e Crystal Candy Company dotibtedly in the right. dealer ; in bric-a-brac, the dealer in League; 16th and Capitol Avei . There was now continual wrangling, bogus art and factory produced an- In well informed circles, Latvia's in the Vankovsky household. The! tiquities. Even still bigger was theproposal is viewed with some appreMade by peace that had reigned there su- raid made upon their bank-books and hension, in view of the failure to carUNDERTAKERS UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST premely during all those years when j Liberty Bond hoards. But they were ry out the undertaking before the ITEN 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. the shop had absorbed their energies' happy, supremely and exaltedly hap- League relating to minority rights. Phone JAckson 1226 BISCUIT CO. for sixteen hours and more of each' py in their new magnificence, in the OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Snow White working day was .now there no long-1 wealth of their newly-acquired gaudi- BALFOUR'S HOLY PLACES er, or paid but rare Visits to the nowness, the mismatched jumbled expenBakeries ' PLAN ANGERS POPE Top and Body Building FOSTER-BARKER (Bee. C- si I'at. divided home. Mrs. Vankovsky, ere' siveness and rich barbarism of their Rome, Sept. 6. (J. T. A.) The Vatand Repairing. Office.) her emancipation had. beed; so far new home, but even longer still was ican is unalterably opposed to the Curtains—Lights—Etc. CO. INSURANCE absorbed in the lore of the voracious,' the time consumed in becoming ac- proposals of the Earl of Balfour for "If Its Worth Anything City National Bank mud-colored carps and the: dainty J customed to those new things, those the protection of the Holy places in PFEIFFER rainbow-hued pikes and pickerels new splendors and still more, their Palestine, submitted to the League of JS2S Leavenworih St. —Have It Insured." of COBKCIIi BLDFPS AT lantic CJ01 that.she hardly ever bothered to dust: tew environment. Oh, the thrill of Nations^ says the "Osservatore RoCWe: pay : 4%, interest "oil-. Saving -" r 1 off a chair when she came home or it all—the beautiful house itself, the mano," an official^Vatican organ. Par• . , and Time Deposits. ., •. to arrange the plates and chine in' fine (i. e. expensive) things within ticular resentment is expressed over • Safe Deposit Boxes fo'r^ RenC - JA'ckson 1862 V her old-fashioned cupboard. Now.,' it, the big apartment house; the tree- the "outrageous".proposal to appoint however, having endless leisure a t ' lined street, the sumptuous houses an American Protestant president of j Wholesale her ^command, leisure to stay at home facing it, the lordly river, and thethe Commission. Fruit and Vegetables ADVO COFFEE ^ day after day and fidget and muss Palisades clearly visible beyond its The paper asserts.that the proposal TO AND FROM N. W. Cor 11th and.Howard Sts. thing's up when she didn't go about, bankl And the people themselves— if adopted would endanger the posiADVO JELL ADVO FOODS visiting her neighbors, she realized \ were they not divine ? These last re- tion of Catholics, and expresses the ALL PARTS OF that there were many things^—as sembled nothing if not some super- hope that 1 the representatives of the THE WORLD well ,as ways—by which her humble natural beings if the Ludlow Street Catholic - nations; on the Council will household could be improved. But, people had been human. For a long know how to safeguard the rights of VAL. J. FETER&COMPANY how and why improve that which: time they had been afraid to ap- the Catholic Church in Palestine. 1307- Howard St., Omaha, Neb. will not lend itself to: improvements proach them, to greet any of them Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store ATlantic 0340i OMAHA PILLOW CO. as much, but will, : on the contrary, and even to reply to a well-meant The Balfour proposal regarding the Feather mattresses mnde from your custody of the Holy places involves own feathers. Cool In Summer—Warm remain _/ just what a much-patched greeting of theirs. They were timid the appointment of three sub-commisIn Winter. Cost less than" felt beds. and much^darned garment is bound in the presence of their new neigh- sions, one a Christian commission, Cotton Mattresses mnde over In new ticks at half price of new., heels'. to remain? No, she resolved firmly, bors, as timid in fact, as so many over by an Englishman; a 1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 it does not repay the effort, and any•rabbits •'•'•who had come out of their presided second, a Jewish commission, presid1806 Harnyy Street.. . expenditure of money and labor may burrows not expecting to encounter ed over by an Italian, and third, a Wet Wash Laundry Phone AT lantlc 0981 as well be made on surroundings and any loiman- beings and had met an Moslem commission, presided over by material that auger far, far better 280S Cuming. Harney 0881 J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. ,cntirc troop, of them, a troop of gaz- a Frenchman. These sub-commissions : A Store Managed and Run for success. _ j l One Day Service, No Extra ing eyes and menacing faces. They ;•"• by Men who I'lny the (Jupie. will form a plenary commission under lOD.'No. 16th St. Tet JAcUson 312S fait inwardly tortured and ill at ease. ! Charges.: Refinite Soft Watery G. L. REEVES Oppottlte Post-Offlre. the. presidency of an American ProIf she could only have a cottage j Yet even this was far from constiTUXEDO E S, Latest Models testant. such as her friend is having! How! } . "RADIO" S25.00 to S40.00 blissfully happy she would be! Thej tuting the worst of their troubles,- as v Everything for the Athlete. FOR SALE OR FOK RENT. Your position is measure of her happiness,; she in- we shall presently see them. J. 3. Friedman, Attornry. SOS Omntin National Bank Bids. wardly felt, would be full of overThe indomitable pair, Rose and correct, and should OF PROBATE OF W i t t . "EVERY KNOWN KIND" flowing, and she would then1 ask for Pearl began showing signs of dis- InNOTICE the Cojjnty Court of Douglas Counbe s u p p o r t e d by ' "Let There Be Light" • Emerson Laundry no other gifts of • the grudging hands]pleasure soon after their settlement ty,In Nebraska.:'* A b n e r H. Kedman the. matter of the estate of Israel every fair minded of Life! What would she do with! in their, new home.. What good—said! pearinian,. F. 8. MOKEY. Prop. 1319 W. O. W. Bids. AT. 8034 person. •it ? In. the ground around the cotr j they—was to them their living on the Phone Webster 0820 tage she would plant cucumbers and Drive if they had to drag along with THE" LAUNDRY THAT 1 Walnut 3034 beets and potatoes and cabbage, with > them wherever they weni such a hor-j me in said Count, purporting ot be'the PAXTON BILLIARD EVERYBODY LIKES. which ,shev would- fill the ample "pen- j riblo name as- Vankovsky,, a n i m e , ' PARLOR nere" (pantry) against the long they felt, that^tanrped them at once « • • OX • • # NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor months of winter. She hadn't yet! as cor. JKg from.the slums and there- n^nr y Tt r * sauT -court'"on" The"saw •All Orders Givoii Prnmpt and Kaplan Auto Parts Co. 1S18 Farnam Street. Basement. 0l Hoffmann Funeral Home. j. Careful Attention. she felt sure, entirely forgotten the fore v.as responsible for keeping %'<£ £"8£'; ™$ ftJ £S *uT; SU t r t Phone JA rkson 4I3G. 2111 Nlrholan Street work she did when' a little them out of all the nice clubs and Court may. allow _ and_ prolate said will Used enrs botwrht- SHM. and exeh miffed. WELSH'S FLOWERS : garden New cenrfl. ami nxl« ishnns bare-footed girl in. the small Lithu- exclusive circles T They " felt sure" j 1 " ^ for nny Inhniur . anian town. . Even the twenty-odd ••KLOWHRS MAKE FtttBNDS" TlreS, Tubes nnd -AcceBSorleB Tel. Ja. -tail. Urmideis Theatre Bid;?.. years of the fish-market life- on the that the name only was in their way r s c a r I y every evCTy N-ll JewishfamUy faniflyInfc Yonr subscription for "The JewJewish 210 So.^fc7th St.. Omaha. and na«I stopped them from achieving tiewientfthcreofc Below Wholesale Prices.. Bll CB sads East Side, where a native plant is social success, and were but the »»• * ^ k -'" « "The Jeyrnh ish Pre»«" it due now


Van Fishes of Riverside

The Harry A. Koch Co.


Steamship Tickets



• : • .

•" •

• v

• .

E. E. Bruce & Co.


- . :

Peters Trust Go.

Council Bluffs Savings Bank















Baker Ice Machines


Jensen Company

f\ ^


First National Bank



Love Haskell Co.



; Made With Milk-


dteaisMp Iickets


Omaha Sporting Goods Co..


John Feldrnan



Dundee Electric

Leo A. Hoffmann



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