"The art of pleasing is the art of rising in the . world."
Genius and ambition laugh at precedents. —Thayer.
Entered t X poBtofflee- 1$.
nd-clasi mall matter on January 27tb 1B21 at aha. Nebraaha, nndet the Act oi March 3. 1878.
rusalem, Oct. 7. (J. T. A.) Ination runs high in Jewish cirLondon, Oct. 8. (J. C. B.) "ManSteady Emigration Stream Originates here over the dismissal of 17 date or no mandate, Britain's next From the Famine Areas. "~sh policemen from the force task is to get out of Palestine," is pT>ecause they failed to report for the note sounded today by the SunConstantinople. — (J. C. B.) — The duty at Semach on Yom Kippur. day Pictorial, owned by Lord RpthCaucasus has become the scene of a News of the dismissal, comingbrother of the late Lord Call Oh Juniors to Join Jewry from Tiberias yesterday caused Relief Director Says Hoover Or- steady emigration stream, originating Ministry Tells That No Agree- more, Northcliffe. "The League of Na- Every One Invited to "Welcomcf the famine areas, especially the in Some Organized JewHome" Reception at Jewish ganization Worked in Poland from ment Exists Regarding The j wide speculation and some biting tions has discredited itself by ratiCrimea and the*- Ukraine. Masses of ish Activity. Community Center Until Necessity Past. .. Settlement of Jews. comment •" about the inability of fying the Jewish State," the PicJewish refugees are winding their Monday Night Jewish government employes to NO DISCRIMINATION IN RE- way through, this-region sndare aimtorial insists. "Sid Herbert SamVICE-PRESIDENTS PLEA IS observe the holiest day of the year MEXICO OPEN TO ALL, NO uel's appointment was unwise and ing at reaching Satoum which has beLIEF DISTRIBUTION. TO BE TRUE TO OWN in the Jewish Homeland under a the whole Palestine policy is mad- TALK ON CONDITIONS INI come an> important concentration PRIVILEGES TO JEWS, IS EUROPE WILL BE T3ATOFFICIAL STATEMENT. Jewish High Commissioner. Moscow. (J. C. B. Mail Service.) point of Jewish,refugees. From here ness." New York. (J. T. A.) Declaring URE OF INFORMAL David A. Brown of Detroit, national they endeavor t& reach Constantinople Demanding a new foreign policy, that ••"no person who is false to his i GATHERING director in the campaign in America and there are many who succeed in Berlin, Oct 6. (J. T. A.) No agreeown nationality can be true to Amerlast winter for European - relief, has finally reaching this town. There ment exists relating to the settlement the Daily Express, edited by Mr. ica," Vice President Calvin Coolidge Every Jewish resident of Omahai arrived in Moscow after an inspection are at present Tabout 589 refugee of Jews .in Mexico, the central com- Bleimfeld, declared it is now practically certain the Britisn garrison is invited to the Jewish Communitvj gave'impetus to the "Join Waek" cammittee here of the United Jewish Emitrip through Poland. families or 24300 souls who are in the paign which was started by the ITried. Speaking of the relief work in East- most pitiable situation, so much the gration Societies has been informed by will leave Palestine, despite the Center on Monday night, October 1* lander Educational Conference, aided ern Europe, Mr. Brown said:. "The more as all*these people have to rely the Ministry of Agriculture of the j Balfour Declaration. "The Zion- at 8:00 o'clock. ists," this paper asserts, "had betby the Jewish Education Association. The occasion will be an informal! Hoover organization has been abso- upon local, charity which, in view cf Mexican Government.. -ter make their arrangements ac- "welcome home" reception to Mr.l In a. letter which was received by lutely fair and has distributed its re- the present financial situation in This statement is made in the course Morris Levy, who returned yesterday! Judge Otto A. Bosalsky, .honorary lief everywhere without regard to race Russia, .is anything but insignificant. of-the reply to. the committee's in- cordingly." from a three-months sojourn inf chairman of the campaign, the vice or creed. The Jews of Poland made There is a local relief committee quiry regarding the reported offer of Europe. president sent a stirring message to Yiddish is "Mother Tongue" of this perfectly clear to me., I traveled which has established some shelters President Obregon to Paul W. EothMr. Levy's friends, who are the Jewish youth of America, whom 159,918 Chicago Jews, Ac- all through Congress Poland, East and for about 400 people, but the misery enberg, a Chicago lawyer, inviting cording to Census of 1920. bered by the hundreds, in every w&lkl the Friedlander Educational ConferWest Galicia and in the Vilna section, is too large • to; cope even with the East European Jews to colonize in of life in thiE community, will availl ence is endeavoring to enroll in some and nowhere did I hear a single com- fringe of. it. About 30 per cent -of Mexico on a stretch of. land presumed themselves of this opportunity tol organized. "Jewish activity, a club, CENSUS" TAKEN. BY THE plaint of discrimination. There is a these refugees are .bound for Pal- to be located in Southern California DEPARTMENT OF welcome back the man who has done! class, study group or philanthropic marvelous appreciation on the part of estine, the great part of them intend to be granted the "Mexican Jewish COMMERCE. so much for the benefit of Omaha | body. the Jews wherever I have been for the joining their relatives.in the United Colonization Association," of which j Jewry. breadth of view and the absolute im- States. Many of them are without a Mr. Eothenberg is the head. The vice president wrote: Washington, Oct. 6. (J. C. B;) The partiality of the American Belief AdMr. Levy. will give a review off ' I t will be gratifying to everyone roof to their head and without food The Mexican Ministry of Agriculinterested in good citizenship to know Department of Commerce, announces ministration. And I rejoice in the fact and consequent!;?.' the death rate-is ture, after making it clear that the Mrs. H. E. Ottenheimer, Council his impressions gained during the! trip, and this should prove a power*! that the Friedlander Educational Con- that, according to the census of 1920, that the 'Joint Distribution Committee, very heavy.- Tae -situation of these agreement is "non-existent," declares Speaker, Urges Action for the number of persons included in the ful attraction to every person who vwhich controls the disbursements of that inquiries had been made regardference is planning a campaign to "No More Wax" people has lately taken such an uninterested in the welfare of promulgate' and perpetuate the won- foreign white stock of Chicago, whose our funds abroad, is carrying oh its favorable turn that the refugees de- ing the - possibilities for acquiring derful culture which is the heritage mother tongue was reported as Yid- feeding program in the Ukraine along cided to send a delegation to Con- lands, but that nothing has been set- SAYS WOMEN HAVE SEEN the world over. dish and Hebrew, increased from 110,- exactly the same broad lines. of the Jewish race. A NEW VISION stantinopletaurgethe immediate dis- tled. The inquirers have been inSpecial Meeting of Federation 089, or at the rate of 44.9 percent; formed, it is stated, that no lands patch . of relief .as otherwise one "I believe, because I was repeatedly Board. while the groups reporting Polish as Obedience Bora of Reverence. are available for agricultural pur- New York City.—Mrs. Herbert E. would be faced with a catastrophical told by the Poles themselves, that the At the same time the Board the mother tongue increased from "One of the dangers to America i3 I t is feared that, in view poses, the national lands beiirr iso- Ottenheimer of Louisville, Ky., Na- Directors of the Jewish Welfare Fed-1 that those-who come here will break 228,258 to 318,338, at the rate of 39.5 A. E. A. work in Poland has saved situation." of the continual: infinx of Jewish re- lated and the government unable to tional Chairman of the Committee on eration, of which Mr. Levy is pres-l with their past. 'People need some- per cent, and the Italian increased the day for the people of that coun- fugees - . . . Civic and Communal Affairs of the into - town, ; the Georgian develop them. try. The American help did more than ident, vail hold its regular October! thing to which they, can .tie., They from 75,492 to 124,45.7, or at the rate It is declared, moreover, that Mex- Council, of Jewish Women, was the meeting which was postponed fromj authorities -wSQ*.prohibit the entry of merely feed the starving and clothe need that obedience -which is born of of 64J9 per cent. ico does not consider the development principal speaker at Kentucky's state- October 8th because of the Succothf reverenced "The sentiment of reverence By "foreign white stock" is meant the naked—it lifted the country out of further refugees.; of government-owned land necessary, wide demonstration in the cause of holiday. the terrible depression into which it comes' only from knowledge. There is the. total foreign-born -white populaas colonization is developing, sponta- "No More War." Her address created The meeting of the Board will be I had fallen' and gave the people: the p room in 'our country for everything tion 'plus'the'natave "white "population a tremendous impression in view of ' ... neously that is good; theire is no restraint here having one or both parents foreign will to lftre. the progress - made dn its earnest presentation and its open to the public, and everyone is] other directions. urged to attend. The meeting will! save against evil. Those" who come born. The term "mother tongue" re- "The Joint Distribution, Committee The presidential decree granting col- analysis «f the world's failure to.; be called promptly at S:00 o'clock,! is_ doing some feeding, particularly in ta;-on3L,*lujrj^.-miMt bring, what they; fetfeJcu Jher^langaags* onistsitcmaiiiAy jfnxjn /facial -csKfeBBed. team. 'the.' lessons -rocf-. "war. .Mr& : Ot- jso that the Federation business nmjh have which is good with them and speech in the homes of the immigrants refugee'kitchens7taking care- of iShbge no offer of additional privileges to tenheimer made the following decnever cease to cherish it. No person before coming to this country. For- people who are coming into the coun- Colonel Wedgwood to Plead Zion's Jews, the Ministry states, adding that larations in the course of her be disposed of as quickly aE possible J try from Russia, chiefly repatriates. leaving the remainder of the evening | ''•'- Cause:Before American Labor. ^ own nationality eign-born persons are classified acMexico is open .to all- jfrhite, immi- address: 'Another thing that I noticed which free for the reception to Mr. Levy.] can be,teue\to ; America. cording-to their awn..mother tongue, grants, irrespective of the nationality, "This turmoil that we see in all Mr. Levy travelled extensivclj interested me particularly was the London, Sept. 27 (J. C. B. delayed). "Teach the ancient landmarks to the while natives of foreign or mixed parprovided they are moral, industrious the civilized world today is the reyouth of the Jewish race. .Let them entage are classified according to -the bath houses built by the Joint Dis- —Colonel Josiah Wedgwood, member and are likely to be of- benefit to tie sult of a world war. It is what al- through Germany during his trip.! tribution Committee. There are .apand his account of conditions in that I tif the British Parliament, who is the country. learn to venerate freedom by coming mother tongue of the foreign parents. ways follows all wars. A short time country are especially interesting.) . proximately 175 of these. They were first English' statesman' to actively into a knowledge of the truth. That Named in the order of their numerago I heard Lady Astor, that much- Every person will want to welcome I learning and wisdom which has been ical importance, the leading mother, built by the Jews and for the Jews, engage in collecting funds for Pales- ZIONIST DISTRICT ELECT quoted,- much beloved, sterling, Mr. Levy and to hear his story of j with a double purpose—cleanliness . a sustaining influence to the Jewish tongues represented in the foreign and religion—far the Jewish religion tine, having consented to make a tour American-English M. P. say: Tou the life in Europe's most discuseofi j OFFICERS race, through all the centuries must white stock of Chicago in 1920 were prescribes certain ablutions of a rit- of the United States and Canada in The Local Zionist District cf can't turn hell loose on earth and nation. the interests of the Keren Hayesod, be preserved for the benefit of man- as follows: Yiddish and Hebrew, 159,- ualistic character. expect to find paradise at the other Omaha held its regular, .meeting, was tendered a farewell luncheon here kind. The youth of your people can 518; Italian, 124,457; Swedish, 121,end.' today by the executive or the Zionist Tuesday evening at the Jewish Com. associate themselves for no more pa- 386. These six mother tongues repreIn Deepest Reverence. munity Center. Election of officers organization. sented 1,512,409 or 77.7 per cent, of Congregations triotic purpose." . "In deepest reverence, I acknowlthe 1,946,298 persons constituting the Stressing the anti-British feeling for the ensuing term wks held. The edge that never did lads go forth following were elected: J. J. TreidElect Officers For Governor's Message. foreign white stock of Chicago as enuof .the Arab land-owners and former with better intent and purpose at Governor Nathan L. Miller of New merated in 1920. Turkish officials still in Palestine, man, president; John Feldman, first heart, than inspired our boys who lie Coming Term Jewish Hope to Get Twenty-five Dcpvice-president; J. Shukert, second York in his letter to Judge Eosalsky Yiddish speaking Jews constituted. The Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Colonel Wedgwood asserted that the vice-president; A. J. Miller, sec- in Flanders Fields, and those who ties and Ten Senators. expresses the belief that the general 6.5 per cent of the Chicago population Palestine mandate was "certainly of welfare of the state will be promoted in 1910 and 8.2 pe rcen tin 1920. The Synagogue held its regular meeting mutual interest" to Great Britain and retary; A. Theodore, financial sec- were spared to return to us. Our "by increased membership in Je^thh number of "foreign-born white" Jews Sunday evening at which election of Jewry. He instanced Kemal Pasha retary; L Goldstein, treasurer." In- voices and our hearts are attuned Warsaw. <J. T. A.) From present j organizations. Governor Miller states: is 87,788, and those of "native white". officers took place. The following as a growing menace to the English stallation of the newly elected offi- to them in love and in thanksgiving. indications it does not appear alto- j "If-our government is to be a con- of foreign or mixed parentage num- men were elected for the ensuing plans in the East by way of showing cers will be held next Tuesday But now, when results of the war gether improbable that Polish Jewry j are being felt more and more by will.return during the approaching] term; M. Gross, president; A. G. how badly England, which, he said, evening. tinued success, it is necessary that we ber 71,720. the nations, have you not come to parliamentry elections twenty] Weinstein, vice-president; J. Gordon, have men of the highest character and did not have too many friends, needed realize that war, as a legalized in- members to the Polish Sejm and ten ; treasurer. JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE integrity in whose hands we may the friendship of the Jewish people stitution, as an ideal, is a wrong Jewish senators. The Congregation B'nai Israel held in the present crisis. For himself, he TO PRESENT PLAY place the reign of power. To a great ideal; that blood and might as The Jewish voter's task will not hr ] its meeting Wednesday evening at said, he wishes America had under- The Jewish Culture League of extent, character is founded upon re^ answer to dispute are wrong preach- easy. He ?will have to look to histhe Synagogue. Election of: com- taken the Palestine Mandate. ligious training we receive in our Omaha, which was organized here y ment, that human-kind cannot idealmissioners for ihe ensuing term took youth. When a man forsakes the re-, over six months ago, has arranged party affiliation and in turn to the j His visit to America, including his ligion of his fathers and lets all reli- Professors Elbogen and Perles Arrive place' which resulted in the follow- participation in the Poale. Zion con- a series of lectures and plays to be ize' brute-force without breaking bloc with "which his party has fused down many of its best ethical standing -men" being- elected: S. Ravitz, gious influence go out of his life; there given during the coining winter. for election purposes. to Teach at .Institute. . ' M. Blank, A. B. Alprin, J. Katie- vention, had been approved by the The first play will be given Sunday ards I is apt to be a lowering of the high British Labor Party, of which he is "The fault is not a fault of this There are five Jewish blocs among j quality of character that has been New-York, Oct. 9.(3. C.B.) The man, S. Ferer,r A. White arid L.. a vice president, Colonel Widgwood evening, October 22, at the' Labor age, or of the past generation, but the twenty-one ballots already anknown to exist within this particular arrival in New York on the Olympic Ackerman. declared. He deplored the palpable Lyceum building/ of thousands of years of wrong nounced. . The ballot of the united tn?- j individual. If, on the other hand, the Wednesday, October 11th, of Professigns of -race prejudice in America. ideals, of feeling that might must norities' bloc has forty-one candidates,,, ] man remains true to the high'religious sor I. Elbogeri of Berlin and Dr. Fe-. FUNERAL OF EMILY COMPEL JEWS TO ATTEND Labor is opposed .to every form of prove right, of lack of understand- of whom thirteen are Jews. ideals that have been instilled in him lix Perles of Koeningsberg, coincides Three Jewish groups have remained injustice and race prejudice is among SCHOOL ON POLIDAYS TRADMAN HELD SUNDAY ing. The fault will be a fault of in his early days, be he Jew or Gen- with the:initial sessions of the Jewoutside of the "minorities' bloc. Thejthe worst, he said. He intends to The funeral of Miss Emily Eadman, this age, if we continue to enjoy tile, I am sure that we need have no ish Institute of .Acting Religion, of are the Bund, the Left Poale Sion BT>A j plead the Zionist cause before Amer- Saxony Abolishes Religious Holidays fear of the type of man who is to which Dr., Stephen S, Wise is the age 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs..A. ican labor, Zionism aiming at -the - as Days of Rest, Forcing Jews to that peace-time state of coma that middle-class elements belonging to tne : will make it possible for war to come forward to conduct our govern- founder and president. Professor El- Eadman, was held Sunday from the restoration of national pride to the Attend School Including j family residence. Miss E»dman died continue. Each generation adds its so-called Priluzki party, forming mental activities." . -Own Schools. bogen, formerly of the EabbinScal Col- Friday at the Wise Memorial hospital. Jewish people being deserving of tinct bloc. story to that structure we call civillege of Florence and;how of .the Jue- Burial was in the Golden Hill labor's sympathy. Hylan's Expression. ization. What will you permit your The Jews of the Eastern Berlin, Oct. 7. . (J. T. A.) Jewish story to be? have their own ballot, with the Zios-j Mayor Hylan's letter is in part as disehe Hochschule in Bellin, and Dr. cemetery. The: Misses TSthel Reuben,] pupils in Saxony, who were absent Perles are two of a group* of outstandLENIN AND RADEK FIGURE ists, Mizrachi and Agudah creating; follows: 'Anne Greenberg, Sophye Weinstein, J "Our women have seen a new "There can scarcely be a more ben- ing teachers, who have Accepted the Laura Givot, Rose and labby Minklirii IN RATHNEAU MURDER TRIAL from school on Eosh Hashonna, have vision. Woman sees emblazoned on separate Woe not included in the mi- j ef'cent object than the directing of invitation of the Institute to teach its were the pall-bearers. , . ' . ' • : ] Berlin, Oct. 5. <J. C. B.) "Lenin been severely, disciplined on the tablets of stone, Thou shalt not Mil. norities' ballot. In consequence «f classes during, its first years. the virtual boycott of the elections "by j young; people in the path of upright Miss Eadmafl was the vice-president the Jew" and Radek, the communist ground that their absence was in con- Thou art thy brother's keeper.'" the Ukrainian's in Eastern Galicia, the It is announced also that Dr. Israel of the Omaha Junior'Hadassah and leaders, figured in yesterday's pro- travention of the state ordinance citizenship. This is a useful, patriotic Jews are hopeful of returning at least! and jumane service. -It is commenda- Abrahams of Cambridge University is a member of many other Jewish or- ceedings of the Rathneau murder abolishing religious holidays as legal days of rest. trial at Leipsic, when Ernst Techow eight deputies. to teach during the second term of POLAND ASSISTS ble and worthy of expansion. The opganizations. She is survived by her The connection with the punishment portunities to be afforded by the con- the year and in the summer term the parents, four brothers, Myron, Ned,' asserted he believed the assassinated IMMIGRANTS TO U. S. Representatives of the White Hag- ; ference should strike a responsive Eev. E. Travers Herford of London, and Melvin of > Omaha, and .Edward'statesman was leagued with die So- of these pupils, the Ministry of Edu- Warsaw, Oct. 6. (J. T. A.) To fa- sians, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians j cation for Saxony points out that Jew- cilitate the travel to the United States and Jews have published a joint maTschord in the heart of our Jewish youth author of a notable book oh the" Phar- of Detroit, and one sister Elizabeth of: viet leaders. Dr. Rathneau was believed to be in communicatirm %v;th ish private schools must also be kept of Jewish refugees from the Ukraine, ifesto declaring the minority bloc it w'th resultant advantage to the indi- isees, will lecture on "What the World O m a h a . •••;.." , Lenin, he said, as one of the "Elders open on the Sabbath and Jewish holi- whose right of domicile in Poland had striving to safeguard the constitutionOwes to Pharisaism." Aniong other vidual and to the country. "Permit me to extend through you, scholars who have accepted the Insti- LEVI MAYER LEFT $8,000,000 of Zion,"' while Radek is connected days, the law against observance of expired, the immigration authorities al rights of Polish citizens, as well SJS to the Friedlander Edricational Con- tute's invitation for 1923-24 are Pro- ; New York, Oct. 4. (J, C. B.) The through family ties, Rathneau's sis- religious festivals applying also to granted so-called "foreign vists" to to promote their cultural-development. On that basis it is declared the miference, an expression of m y interest fessor L. Blau of the Budapest Semi- will of Levi Mayer, attorney and cap- ter being betrothed to the Soviet school with exclusive Jewish enroll- some 500 persons. ments.' norit'es are entitled to the support of j and kindly regard, together with sin- nary, Dr. S. Krauss of the Vienna italist of Chicago, left an estate val- leader. It is pointed out that the persons the democratic elements in Poland. cere best wishes -for, the continuance Seminary, and other outstanding Jew- : iied at ?8,000,000, his law trim an- '•':. The president of the court ridiculed so favored belong to a "privileged catJEWISH CHAPLAIN MADE and enlargement of its splendid work." ish scholars of London, Paris, Berlin, nounced today, says a report in the both allegations of the apparently half egory" of trans-immigrants, for whom POLISH COLONEL. Breslau, Vienna and Budapest. New York Times. The estate was left witted Techow, who was the driver of permission to remain is granted on REVIVE TALK OF' PAN-ARAB Warsaw, Oct. 3. (J. C. B.)—Chief The Faculty of the ,Institute in- in trust. After certain specific -be- the murder-car from which the fatal ISSUE CALL FOB CONGRESS. of State Pilsudski, has raised Rabbi the -understanding that the "United CALIPHATE MEETING cludes Assistant Professor Harry quests ths trustees were directed to shots were fired. States Consular visa will be forthcomJerusalem, Oct. S. (J. C. B.)—T*!*] Jerusalem, Oct. 6. (J. T. A.) Pales- Wolfson, of Harvard; -Prof. Eichaid pay the income of one-half ot the es- Techow was among the first three Joseph Moses, the Army Chaplain, ing soon. of a Pan-Arab Congress has beeaj to the rank of Colonel. The Jewish tate to the widow and to divide the to be examined. All told, there are tine Moslems have been invited . to Gotheil of Columbia, Dr. N. Touriff of is thus made the equal of The passports have been granted revived in consequence of the Turfe» r aaccused of the crime,, all be- j Chaplain p send representatives to attend a Cali- $he.. Hebrew.- Institute,_ Boston; ..Dr. remaining half between two daughters tthirteen ish Nationalists* victories in Ann-] phate conference in India in Decem- Joshua Block,. Dr.'Siaurice.H. Harris, —Mrs. Walter A. Hirsch and "Mrs. rcg members of ths reactionary and the army- chaplain of the. predom- following the intercessSw of the Na- telia. tional Council of Polish Jews. Dr. George A. Kohut and Drs. T7isa, Clarence H. Low,, both of New York. anti-Semitic organizations*. finance faitb
of Religion Jewish Opened in New York City
PAGE.2—THE JEWISH PRESS.THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1922 T V Chevra B'nai- Yisral held a Minister Severing found that by received from residents who became JEWISH CALENDAR. meeting Monday evening. An election demanding an inquiry Herr Horn offi- Ottoman subjects during the war 5683-1922. of officers took place and resulted as Atzereth _ Sat., Oct. 14 cially countenanced baseless rumor, are required for that reason to petilUhed «vow Thundajr u Omrt»> Hebriik*. b r follows: President, I. Gilinskyjvice Simchath Torah „ Sun., Oct. 15 thereby increasing racial and reli- tion for Palestine citizenship. They bscj JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Pupils in the class of I. Morgem- president, J. Whitebook; treasurer, A. Rosh-Chodesh Chesran....Mon., Oct. 23 gious prejudice already rampant in maintain that they embraced the • I • Office: 482 Brajjdeis Theatre Building.—Telephone; Jackson 2372. Turrish nationality under military sten,.at the City Talmud Torah, of- Gilinsky; and trustees, F. Whitebook, Rosh-Chodesh Kislev ....Tues., Nov. 21 that district. pressure, and at the advice of such H. Saltzman and F, Shyken. Herr Severing's stand in the matfered the following in answer to the Chanukah (Feast of DedNATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. ter followed the complaint of Jew- Jewish leaders as the lexicographer, question, "Why I go to the Talmud ication) ...„,..... ..........Fri., Dec. 15 Miss Jennie Katelman, daughter of ..$2.50 ish representatives of the place that Eliezer Ben Yehuda, who urged the Subscription Price ojne. vear Torah:" ' ISA. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Katelman, has i Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth ....WedH Dec. 20 a government official was responsible Jews in the early days of the war The truthful reason why I atFast of Tebeth Fri., Dec. 29 Advertising rates furnished on' application. chosen November 5 for the date of her for spreading a ritual murder libel. to identify themselves entirely with tend the Talmud Torah is because NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the public* wedding to 3lr. Samuel Schwarz, of • 5683-1923. the Turash state. I want to become a real Hebrew •- Kansas City, Mo., son -of Mr. J. Won.of The Je^eR. P|%s* *tf? to be give* to; worthy,communal causes. Rosh-Chodesh Shebat.-.Thurs., Jan. 18 man, one that my nation will be Schwartz. Many affairs are being Rosh-Chodesh Adar .._....-SatM Feb. 17 PALESTINE JEWS RUSH CHANGS OF ADDBK88—Ple««e «lv» both tb« oM *fi< « w proud of. It is to the Talmud To- -, , ,. ~b* «ai* toft «lm root n»« planned for the bride-to-be. Putim (Feast of Esther) Fri« Mar. 2 TO EMBRACE CITIZENSHIP rah and its teachers that I am in> Rosh-Chod' sh Nisan — Sun., Mar. 18 Jerusalem, Oct. 3. (J. T. A.)— debted for the foundation of niy The Bridge club was entertained 2-room — all modem THE ETHICS OF CONVERSION. Sun., Apr. 1 Two thousand Jewish families have life. It is here that I find out the Sunday evening atfthe home of Mr. Passover (Pesach) steam heated apartment, issover (Seventh Day) Sat., Apr. 7 already petitioned the Government Religion is a man'^: private affair and no one has a right purpose of my life. and Mrs, Fred Cherniss. for Palestine citizenship, in accordRosh-Chodesh Iyar Tues., Apr. 17 ._ interfere with such a private and intimate concern of the $25.00. Webster 3928. The Talmud Torah gives me the ndividual. But when the acceptance of an alien faith is not knowledge by which- I can read _FrL, May 4 ance with the ordinance granting Mrs. Harry Cohen entertained the Lag b'Omer . conversion ,of the soul but a social adventure, then it ceases and comprehend the real mean- Afternoon Bridge club at her home Rosh-Chodesh Sivan .—Wed., May 16 two months time to residents wishing to aptly for Palestine nationality. o" be a man's private business and becomes a .matter concerning ing Shabouth (Confirmation) Monday. the Old Testament and of hich we have" the right to thirtfc and tlpon which we not orily the ot Day) _...™...... Mon., May 21 Applications are being filed by Ten Commandments —, the Mr. Sam Saltzmari is expected to Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz ....Fri., June "5 nationals of all governments other ave the right but-the duty to pass judgment. We ask that men highest Wanted: A good young man code of right living ever be removed from the Ednrondson Hosball'not pretend. tfiat-:they are honestly converted in order to known, which Sat, July 14 than the Turkish, Ottoman subjects only a nation like pital, where he. has been very ill, to Rosh-Chodesh Ab with good ability. Must have exctise the-perfidy-of their apostasy. That a Jew in America the Jews could produce. Fast of Ab .........Sun., 3J "2 automatically becoming citizens. tB$ home of his parents. join," a Christian church, unless i he - be irresistibly impelled by Numerous • complaints have been Rosh-Chodesh Elul Mon., Aug. 13 experience in keeping books and it is there that a . religious conviction, is. to join the number of one's oppressors, fullFurthermore, The Ladies Aid club held their regunderstanding of Hebrew 5684-1923. must know how to write on a . 1, to enter the ranks- of those whose hands are arid nave been Law and ular meeting Tuesday ^afternoon at the Morality can be learned. New Year's Eye. ...Mon, Sept. 10 •-3 (against us fdr decades, to desert all that one's people have agon- The learning of the history of the home of Mrs. A. Bernstein. typewriter. Must have good 0Ui ize&lbr during, "the" centuries, to strike' hands with those ever greatest race since Creation can be reference. Apply at once. PRUSSIAN OFFICIAL ,-a hvrling the contumelious stone at one's brothers. I am regretful Mrs. Henry Karlson and son, Ed- REPRIMANDED FOR FOSTERChiropodist and Beauty accomplished only at a place like i s not so mtich beCatisfe' of the exodus .of some children of Israel Norfolk Hide & Metal Co., ward, returned to their home at Shop ING BLOOD LIBEL y, whom Israel can well spare, but,because Of their getting into a the Talmud Torah. Established 1890 Rhodes, la., today after being here Norfolk, Nebr. The future fate of Palestine Berlin,.Oct. 3. (Jewish Telegraphic tSth and Harnry Stre«U. "*' pe"w Covenant tinder false pretenses. I am much more contemptwith her parents during the illness of t Pbon* Dftngla* Z333 ", tiOus of the church that is. willing to accept converts on the basis hangs upon my generation. There- her father, M. Saltzman, who is now Agency.)—The Prussian Minister of Inter. Severing, has severely rep^ie oi insincerity than of the individual, weak and pusillanimous fore, should not all Israelites and convalescing. : I, who expect once more to make rimanded District President Horn for > tnough. to seek to be accepted upon sucH terms. m beautiful Palestine the homeland' aiding and abetting a blood libel Miss Rose Pill is spending her va* ,e - -. First, I .would: give utterance to my sense of pity rather ^ I l111 than of loathing1 touching the mean-souled who are ready to . of the Jews, know the Language cation with her brothers at Fort against. Jews, by supporting the demand for an inquiry into the distake themselves -away from their people in order to gain the of the Hebrews, the History of Dodge, la. appearance oi a Christian youth ®. jpaltry Social favor: which they crave. -What- shall be thought the Hebrews, and the Religion of Mr..Ab§ Rosenberg^returned from a whose whereabouts, rumor had it, 'DJ !of the integrity and spiritual Jife~of the Church which admits the Hebrews? . I t behooves me e that these reasons aTe sufficient short business trip last week to the was.known to the Jews. 9 into its communion and-winch n eeven e seekss to eembrace b a c e therein he n< ifien and wdmen who" pat-away their religious life, with a lie upon tc warrant any loyal Hebrew east.it their lips and assumey or'purport to assume, a new religious life child's attendance to the CityTalThe Evening club" met Tuesday at mud Torah of Omaha. with another lie in their hearts and on their lips? the home of Mr. and Mrs.-A. Gilinsky. David R. Cohen—Registered Optometrist—takes Afe the same timey attention should be called to the narrow- —Frank Ackerman, 115 No. 33rd St. ness and prejudice of companies of nien which deny to Jews the pleasure in announcing the" opening of North AMONG NIKOLAYEV JEWS I go to 'Talmud Torah to derive Proprietor of light of admission into certain circles because they are Jews and therefrom the belief, habits and Omaha's best JEWELRY, LEATHER GOODS, and for -nfr-other- reasons. -- If some groups which have nothing but good faith of Judaism. My _ daily' Twenty-two Deaths to Every Birth. OPTICAL STORE at monejr; choose to, exclude Jews from their inmost circles unless tasks there improve my knowlthe Jews pay heavily, for the privilege, as some are willing, to edge and make clearer to me the Riga, Oct. 7. (J. T. A.) Thfe appall do, that is, their own business^ and I, for my part, rejoice at the belief of the Jewish religion. ling death rate among the Jewish col1702 North 24th Street. shut-outs and pity th& shut-ins. But when a company of men en'sts in the Nifcolayev' region and As the days pass into weeks (On 24th between Hamilton & Charles Streets.) •Phone Webster 2092 purporting to gather m.the fellowship of literature, science, art and the weeks to months, 1 be- other south Rassia^-provinces is best and religion g n .virtually, . u a l l y , exclude Jews from membership in that come more familiar with the hab- shown in vital statistics compiled for iconiphny fllowship rests st upon u n a lie, li andd its and duties oi the religion and the months of April, May and Junfe, p y , theri I «&ythat their fellowship ithat all they stand for or purport to stand for is neutralized and thereby among the worse ofr the famine get instilled into my soul We cordially invite our friends to visit tis—and (denied by their acts. .Such a club ought to be held in contempt, w h a t ! should months. do in later years |ft contempt Exceeded only by the scorn that every decent, self- to keep my soul dean and pure anticipate new friends—for, with our low store rent In April there were 172 births and respecting Jew ought to feel for a Jew who is ready to - be a with an honest "Jewish Faith." 1,172 'deaths, in MayjJLAS births and arid small cost of doing business, we will operate member of a club which on principle, save for limited exceptions, Rosaline Holdsberg, 819 'So, 25th St. 1,772 deaths and ifl Jufte;71 births and :', A complete stock of this store so-that-you will turn to it. with confidence Shuts otit Jews from its .number.—By Dr* Stephen S. Wise; 1,743 deaths, an approximate average at all times, knowing that you will receive reliable I go to the Talmud Torah beof 22 deaths to every Srirth. : . cause I wish to further my edumerchandise that will save you both time and money. primitive instinct,of self-preservation. The late lamented Professor t)eutsch cation along: Jewish lines as ivell BAR KLAN FROM CLEVELAND as if I were going to the Public often pointed 4>ut the social .aspect of HOTEL. Schools. I find the Talmud ToAlso a supply of anti-Semitism.- He ,was.wont tqjre^-Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 3. (J. C. B.) The first instance In iistciry when mind his hearers and readers that rah more interesting-than"fln^S —Four hundred Ku KIux Klan mem- j I My Famous Home-Made thing else because I have the prejudice against ther Jewslmanifested society^with a big,"S' y plumes,itself Bill Pickles. itself on a large seals -was- of course upon being superior. Wftere no real chance to learn the history -of - bers wjio' came to a|tmeeting.at the Hotel ^tatter last night found the in Egypt. It is illuminating ta note superiority exists fictitious ascrip- the Jewish people. •Vinrrtof7^/^T^rarr\nrMriarar(ytt£iSu-! u VfTOITmafHat iBt mi \Bi Ball Room doors locked. The room It is here that I am afforded all that the causes of the Egyptian out- tions o£ superiority afe. invented. The break agaiiiijt the Jews were political socially elect have a convenient door- the possibilities of learning "the had been rented by Jnett who: refused to state definitely thti purpose of the and economic. The- Egyptian ruler mat bn which to wip& their-f eet when History of the great Jewish race. ineetingC The managerriatef diSc«yexcused his bitterness against the they, for want of better reasons can In the Talmud Torah the moralered that the-meeting was toibe Uf Jews bjr the statement that they were deny mental, moral and physica ity of the Jewish faith is-taught Klan members and refused admislazy which was the economic reaBtm me. " " • equality to the Jews. sion— :•-'. for his harsh treatment-of-'them, ahd The religious phase of anti-Semit- —Frances Green, 2047 Florence Blvd. by the statement that they did not assimilate and might- johr with the ism is • interwoven with its other enemies of Pharaoh ,in-_ tim.fi of war, aspects. The Roman calumny that a WANTED-^Competent man "which was his political defense for his donkey's head was worshipped in the | COUNCIL BLUFFS Temple of Jerusalem is a specimen to clerk in general store.. Also "attempt to exterminate them. The religious' motive V?as not present in df disregard for the truth concerning The Chevxa Kadishe held its reguwanted" a bushier. Call Market his persecution of. fhejii for when they the Jewish religion which for un- lar meeting Wednesday evening at the liO5 or Market 1255. D&traght hinl for Jiern&Ssioft, to" leave' vsradty and prepoBterousness has Synagogue and elected its officers.for the land, they advanced* the* argument been paralleled times without number. the ensuing term: President, M. Mar-; '*hat they desired, To.^ fare forth into -.The tru« explanation of anti- cus; secretary, J. Katelman; treasur-. t tfeg ^aefojt to Worship • thei*' God, an Semitism is fenarance. When the er, F. Friedman. afgfimlsnt -which he .allowed to pass dark shadows of Ignorance concerning The f6llo\dng officers were elected the- Jews have cleared away the preW. o. or*. 8ewet»nr. t&fchHUe«ged. •jridice against them, whatever its at the Bicka Cholin meeting held The economic and. political apal- form may: be,, will take flight. The Tuesday evening: S. Shyken, presiOmaha Fixture & ftgffes bit anti-&>mftism "hVe in the French antit-Semite Drummont would dent; H. Saltzman, vice president; J. ill Supply Co. coui#&~ of centuries tafifcjT oh it not have been able to put forth such Katelman, secretary; F. Frieden, . COMPLETE STORE AND thousand and one guises, tnd drs- patent absurdities as that the Jews treasurer; and the trustees are E. GilOFFICE OUTFITTERS & --"B§s: The assertion "that ihe Jews have a peculiar and disgusting odor, insky, D. Fox and F. Whitebook. We occupy ecoribmically Uangeroiig because of if mote people had been intimately «rer 70,<MO aanal* feet Mr. Louis H. Katelman is leaving ii: t h t Coraer tfiSiff iuiwillingness ,tS do tiajrd work acquainted with them, nor would g today for New Orleans, where he will Etovffnth'and Streets. III is k familiar •pWtekt.t. Thfy Friedrich - Delitasch . have found attend the American Legibn Conven- Si Phonx) f nonproductive credence for his sinister distortions of tion. He will stop off at Kansas City charged with being/ OMAHA- MSB. Sra parasftes, living W labor i coff ff tth" l b off the troth if lie had not ehtered a field and St. Louis, Mo. i tfteeris: Th4y, ate alsS cfrtjr^ed with of knowledge that was a terra-incogBeiki too industrious^ Savifig.aMd per- nita to the gfeat majority. It all sist«|it;'arid thus crimfetiHg with ex- simmers down to the necessity of cessive, keenness with ttifeir .rivals in" educating the world with regard to business and industry. .Thbsfe that the truth about the Jews. ftafe tnem> and. thilnp'Sp;Bcbn"omic • In order that prejudice against the When Nebraska Sells reasons "for their anti-Sefflitisra Can Jews may Tbe overcome it behooves 'tafceVtheir choice of saying either that 'every individual Jfcw" to avoid being the' Jews are too laz'y or' lop indust- & false' representative of the Ideals of rious, whichever argument h'apperis to his people, so far as lies in his power. suit them best ^ /. , • FOURS end SIXES By looking to his codhuct, by supportc*Che^ latest de'yelopmept pf ^^olitical ing and strengthening clevotion and Prices range from $915 to $2190 f. 0. 3. factory loyalty to Jewish. r ideals, social,id[o*es Pharaoh,";h that it fs "nbt,"content iiiltural and religious, the individual i a declarai4on..ihaf ihe. Jews might Jew will contribute his mite to thfe V i existing gpyernnients, but overthrow of anti-Semitism. To-be more intensely "Jewish and not to be That's the signal for hundreds of men and young men to all the tame less a Jew is the flaming torch that buy. It's emphatic evidence that better clothes at more erection of a should be held aloft by the hand of . and. reasonable prices than ever before are here today. every, Jew, in order that the. crass Yes, We Reiterate—Nebraska ignorance of- Jewish 'sublime ideals, Lilk Lined Suits, at which' is' the re"at" reason for' antfto maintain, their racial identy, Semitism, may be dissipated.—Kansas >- . ' -: * ,,- j inay diss she5- them from, the C i i y J e w i s l l C h r o n i c l e > masses everywhere.. e r e T.The h e dislike for foreigners is an instixisb. _ that, goes ~T'~- t^ primiijye; ages^heh. every Perusalem, Oct. B. <J. T. A.)— tiilje ^ 4 w g p ^ " another Owing "to the: lihfavorable conditions With extra pants at $7.50 tribe's and cjan§ _ai$, the, sight of a of the service and the extremely low - ~ : ""The Clothing Corner of OiftanV RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Rtiranger was a warning to beware pay, many Jewish policemen are Tenth and Howard Streets . _ Exclusive Local Factory Representative* leaving the force. They contend to t h k a foe hiigh^ be^fkfogln amPhone Atlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) -^ bush: The -fastancfive shudder with the pay, while sufficient for the Arab's needs, whose standard of t lb%?d" upon a *«*efitor* upon a wJiichour * Nash Lead* t h e W o r l d in. Motor C*r Vs!o« 4 stranger has teen trarisntftted among, living is low, is far from adequate OMAHA NKU, for the Jew. Mistreatment is also fite eharflcferistitft oi,human nature CORRECT APPAREL! FOR MEN AND WOMEN j d i e W t ^ i & n e r charged by somejbf .the Jewish memand the the p r e j a d i o « ^ e ^ bers of the police force.- *' is in large measure a survival ice:
'Why I Go To The Talmud Torah
Opening Announcement
Omaha Fish Cc.
Staple Groceries arid Fresh Fish
1412 North 24thStreet
Perfectly Balanced Crankshaft
: • • - . - * *
•The hfewly desigfned machines for scien tifically balancing crankshafts, which are employed exclusively by Nash, result in three pronounced advantages. The vibration set up by an unbalanced crankshaft is done away with, so you get smoother operation, longer motor life and freedom from any sensation of laboring or mechanical efforts
Social, Club and Religious Activities Mrs. J., S. Slate and daughter, Dorothy, who have been ' visiting .with Mrs. Slate's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf, left Monday for their home in Des Moines, Iowa.
ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Adler, of Los Angeles, Calif., formerly of this city, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Phyllis, to Mr. Harold Swartz, also of Los Angeles.Mr. Swartz is a nephew of Jesse Lasky, vice president of the Famous Players-Lasky corporation, producers of Paramount pictures. Mr. Swartz is also associated-with the movie industry, being director for Thomas Meighan. : The wedding •will take place in December at Lbs Angeles, and Mr. Swartz imd his bride will spend their honeymoon in Honoluln.
The first showing of the Education Films will take place at the Y. W. C. A. Auditorium on Wednesday, October 18. The films are shown for the benefit of all immigrants'in order to educate them so as they will become true American citizens. Mrs. Sam Nathan is chairman of the immigration committee of .the Council. A number, of patriotic societies are in cooperation with the Council in this work.
Mrs. William L. Holzman returned Wednesday morning from Chicago, DL, where she went to* meet her father, Mr. Morris Levy, who returned with her to Omaha. Mr. Levy has been in Europe for the past three months. Mrs. Levy, who was. with Mr. Levy in Europe,;is visiting in New York City. She is expected home within a few weeks.
The Temple Israel Sunday School is how in full Operation and any child Miss- Minnie; Wolf returned- last wishing 1» attend is .cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stern anweek from a five weeks'-stay at Pittsnounce the birth; of a baby datfghter, burgh, Pa. YM AND YWHA NEWS Elaine Shirley, on Tuesday, October The New Epsilon Gamma, formerly 10," Mrs. Stern was formerly Miss One hundred and fifty members and inown as the YoWoHeas Club, held Fannie Kantor, of Sioux City, Iowa. friends of-the Sisterhood and BrotherThe engagement of Miss Grace hood of Temple Israel attended the their first meeting of the year at Landed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. first of their series of dances given the.home of. Miss Helen Altschuler. Mrs. D. Fisher, -of-ChelseyT -Mass., Lstnde, of this city, to Mr. A. Sklow- at the Blackstone Hotel" Saturday Officers for the coming term •were spent Tuesday and Wednesday in elected. The results were as folsky, son of Mr* and Mrs. H. Slowsky, evening. - ; ;; ; Omaha as the guest of her sisters, lows: president, Helen Altschuler; Mrs. JL Horn and Mrs. I*. Epsen- of Norfolk, Neb., was announced durvice-president, Rose Segal] secretary, ing the past week. No wedding date Miss Jeanelte Marcus entertained blatt. She is enroute to San Franhas as yet been set. : : the members; of, the Ka_ Oth S6ciety Celia Greenspan, and .treasurer, Dorcisco, Calif; Sunday afternoon atieJ"home.\ Prizes othy RosenfhaL ._ . : _ As a means of a get-together, the were won. by the Misses Lottie HirschMr. and Mrs. M. S. Miller have as Mr. Marks Lorig returned Monday berg and Dora Woipwitz. Miss Esther club will give a theatre party Suntheir house guests Mrs. Miller's brothfrom a hunting trip in Northern er, Mr. Milton.B. Goldman, and Mrs. Zalk will be hpstess a t t h ^ next meet- day, October 22, at -the Brandeis, Canada. .-•••'... Gbldman) Of Des Moines, la., and Mrs. , ing to be held Sunday afternoon, Oc- followed by tea at the Vt ley of Sweets. On Sundays November 5, _ Miller's ; sister* Mrs. William B. Jo- tober. 22, at'her home. . j Mr. A. Ferer left Wednesday t o tie club will hold a steak fry at seph, of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Jovisit with his son at • St. Lc-uis, Mo. Miss Moliy Nitz entertained at a Elmwood Park; seph will arrive here Monday to join Mrs. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph surprise birthday party honoring her The Junior Welfare Organization will leave for their home next-week. brother, Joe, at their home Sunday The X. T. C. held an election of held its regular meeting Wednesday evening. The evening.was spent in officers at their second meeting of evening at the. Jewish. Community Miss Carita Herzog spent the week- dancing. Thirteen couples were pres- the season with the following reCenter. TJheir next, meeting will be end here with her cousin, Mrs. Dollie ent. . ••.-. " ' " : snltsq president, Helen Eeikes; viceheld the .first' Sunday in November Eigutter. president, Ida Hoffman; secretary, when a social program will also be "The Promised Land" will be Eabbi Mrs. Herman . Cohn returned- last Frederick-Gohn's subject; Slnnini-At- Bess Greenberg; treasurer, - Clara. arranged* week from California, where she has j zereth, Friday evening, October 13, a t Feldman; and reporter,, Toby Steinberg. A: committee has been apbeen visiting, i Mr. Max Wintroub-left Wednesday I Temple Israel; On Saturday morning pointed • to arrange fpi an installa1 evening for St. Louis, Mo., on a Mr-, and Mrs. Edward Treller left Ms subject will be "On the Mountain tion of officers which will be held business trip. Wednesday evening for Excelsior Top." soon. Over, one hundred women Wednes- Springs, Mo., to spend several weeks. day afternoon attended the first-of a They will also, visit with their son, series. of card parties that the Wom- Marvin, at the Kemper Military Acad•-••••-• •:: : en's Welfare Organization are giving emy. this season at the Blackstone Hotel.. Mrs. J. Blank, as chairman, and Mes- Mrs. "Harry Kaufman, of Minneapdames Louis Nathan, David Green- olis, Minn.,-will arrive here today to berg, Jake Malashock, Harry Each- visit with her sister, Mrs. Herbert man and'A.••; Browar are on the so- Marx, and Mr. Marx. ... cial committee for these affairs. .Mr. and Mrs. lu, M. Cohn returned . -'.. •...-:• A baby; girl, Joy Ruth, was born to Sunday irom California. Mr. and,; Mrs. David Greenberg' on .The Council, of Jewish Women will Wednesday, October 4; a t the Meth- entertain at a luncheon at its nest odist; Hospital. Mrs. Greenberg was meetirig to be" held Monday, October formerly-Miss Sadie Miller, of Seat- 36, at the Fontenelle Hotel. Talks tle, Wash. win be given by a number of bers of the Council. i Harry Bendheim and daughter, Lillian, of Wflmingham, Del., who Mr. Louis KirschbratHl returned came here to attend the twenty-fifth last week from a trip, to California. wedding" anniversary celebrated Tecently by Mrs. Bendheim's sisler, Mrs^ Mr. and Mrs. J. Eosen have as their Harry Bernstein, and Mr. Bernstein guest Mrs. "Rosen's sMer>Mrs. Sam left Tuesday for their home. Gaif man, and little daughter, Betty, of Bock Island, I1L Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Friedman entertained Sunday, evening. at a house Mrs. M. iangfeld and son, Millard, wanning,for fifty guests. returned ioihe last "week after spendMrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and children ing the~summer months in California.
Vote For
A spedal meeting of the Wise Sunbeams will be held Tuesday, Oct. 17, at four o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. New members not under eleven years of age or over thirteen years of age will be accepted. A lalloween party will be given for the members soon.
Ukraine to inaugurate the Commit- local school-of technology was ordered. tee's independent relief program closed yesterday following the stuamong the Ukraine Jews, in accord- dents' threat of resorting to violence ance with the provisional agreement unless^the Jewish student? are barred with the Soviet authorities. until such time as the number of Tews The Jewish relief program con- in'the engineering profession is retemplates, besides immediate aid to duced to 5 per cent of the number of famine sufferers, the establishment engineers in the countryT of child caring institutions, trade and Kowno, Oct. 5. (J. T. A.) The quesagricultural schools, various co-operOBITUAEY. Mrs. Yetta Silverman, age 3, who ative enterprises and loan banks. tion of the recognition of the Jewish has been living in Omaha for a num- Under the agreement the Joint Dis- ministry pending before the Lithuanber of years, died suddenly Sunday tribution Committee is permitted to ian Sejm for a fortnight appears to evening. She is survived by six sons, maintain in Kussia its administrative have struck a new snag. Irving of New York City, and ichael, personnel. Herman, Joseph, Morris and Abe, all The terms of the agreement have of Omaha, and two daughters, Mrs. N. been cabled to and are being con- Office Tel. JA. 3967 Linsman, and Mrs. L. Fish, also of sidered by the leaders of the Joint this city. Burial took place Monday Distribution Committee in New York. afternoon at the Golden Hill CemePOGROM THREAT CLOSES tery. 510-516 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. DOWN BUDAPEST COLLEGE Omaha, Nebf. Budapest, Oct. 5. (J. T. A.) The DR. BOGEN TO INAUGURATE INDEPENDENT "JOINT" ACTION . Moscow, Oct. 3. (J. T. A.)—Dr. Boris Bogen representing the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee of We request the Jewish parents to bring their New York has left here, for the
DR. M. I. GORDON Dentist
To the Jewish Parents
ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. E. Fleishman "THE MOHL" Moved into his new home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. TeL Atlantic 6637.
THEATRE 2514 earning St.
children for registration to the City Talmud Torah for the new semester. Registration open from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock. Please don't delay as we Must know how many we can aeeomodate.
Board of -Education COLORADO COAL-tUMP Smokeless and Sootless—Screened st the Yard*
Sunday, October 15th WM. FOX Presents a big spedal
Per Ton $10.50 CONSUMERS* LUMP Nice Large Lumps Delivered S 1 O . 5 0 a Ton
Consumers Coal & Supply Co. DO. 0530.
"Dealers in GowS Co*F
.*. FOR •••
People's Candidate "By PETITION" for
COUNTY ATTORNEY. I favor Light Wines arifi Beer. They would do more than anything else to reduce taxes. I regard a man's home as his castle. Shall the PEOPLE or the POLITICAL RING elect the County Attorney 1 NOTE: To vote for me you MUST pot a cross ._ in the square: before my; name on the ballot.
The Malashock Jewelry Co. Diamond and Platinum Specialists 1514 Established 1894.
ILLINOIS LUMP G<»o<| Qnsiitj DeHverefi S l l . O u ' • *
Street. -
DO nglM 6619,
Republican Candidate For
returned Thursday after spending the week at Des~ MoineSj la., -wife Mrs. Xulakofsky's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Davidson^ . -. -:.- Dr. M. I.. Gordon is-confined to his home on account of illness.
.All Oriiers tSiTsn Prompt and " Careful Attention.
County Attorney
-"FLOWEBS MAKE FRIENDS" Tel. Jh. *£», BrandeJa Theatre Blair. ZIO So. JJtb S i - Omaha.
With this coupe Dodge Brothers |)r6Ved once for all that a dosed car can! be as sturdy and practically as as an open roadster.
Mr. Sam Bialac returned last Thursday from a tiro months' visit at Minneapolis.
Mrs. F. LondBn left Monday for Atlanta, Ga., to attend the wedding of her niece, Miss Ida Goldstein." Miss Jeanette Krupmsky, of Fremont, Ueb., spent a week here as the guest of Miss Esther Brown. Miss •/'""Krupinsky left Tuesday evening for I her home. /
I f
Mx. and Mis. Dave -W... Bernstein, announce the birth of a baby son on Friday, October 6, a t the Methodist Hospital. Mrs. Bernstein was formerly Miss Mary E. Fried. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Woolf son entertained at the Brandeis Eestaurants • Thursday evening, honoring Miss Juliette Day, leading lady in "Bluebeard's. Eighth Wife,^ that appeared at the Brandeis theatre last "week..
The wide straight seat is upholstered tr? genuine Spanish blue leather, durable and
Mrs. L. Spiwak, of Des Moines, la., formerly Miss Sylvia Kulakofsky, of this city, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky.
Mr. Harry Snyder, of New York City, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nachshon.
This is largely due to the all-s^e! bo<|y2S the first ever marketed—which admits dff lower cost of manufacture through stand-; ardized machine production. Unlike wooct, ' the steel surface will take a finishof enamelj. baked on at high teniisefatbre. This process^t "*results in a permanent lustre, and eliminates the trouble and expense of repainting.
.Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Marsh announce the birth of a baby, born Sunday, September 10, at the Ford-Hospital. Mrs. Marsh was formerly Miss Laura Fogel, of this city.
Mrs. J. D.Kend:s and little daughter, Evelyn, of Sedalia, Mo., will return to their home Sunday after iiaving visited here with Mrs. Kendis* mother, Mrs. I. Pearlman.
Mr. H. S. Kaiman motored-to Chicago Friday to join Mrs. Kaiir Bi. He was accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Lewis and Miss Cecelia Feiler.
Mrs. Max Bernstein entertained Saturday afternoon at bridge luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms complimentary to Mrs. Philip Orkin, formerly of Sioux City, la., who recently arrived here to make her home. Prizes were won by Mrs. M. E. Handler and Mrs. Philip Orkin.
The Prtw
U> S. Leads
O^BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO 28th and Harnejr Streets, Hanwy
Telephone statistics recently compiled show that all Europe has only about 5,300,000 telephones, or about one telephone for every eighty people. In the United States alone there are over 12,500,000 telephones operated by the Bell System and connecting companies. This is nearly-two-thifds of all the world's telephones. . * In Great Britain, France, Italy,] Austria andGermany the telephone systems are operated' by the government-. In Sweden and-Denmark, where the telephone has been" . largely under privs^e control, there are more than three times as many telephones in proportion to the population as in Great Britain or_Fr5nce. . . .
J * \
* *
iTMTWIBiri 1 •
. ^ •
- 4" * "
JEWISH PRESS trayed at once "their nationality, be- Riverside, and I may tell you some B a k e r Ice Machine Co. trayed it at once and without reserve, more about them in future accounts, Install Machine in Louisville leaving nothing for doubt or conjee- in which I shall chronicle their doSixteen days after Jacob Reichart, ture! I t left no doubt in anyone's ings faithfully and as I see them in a progressive butcher of ' Louisville, mind that they were of the seed of actual life. Neb., ordered a Baker ice plant it was MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even if " manufactured according to specifica! their faces and manners (Ludlow tions^ erected and running, according NEARBY COMMUNITIES. A STORY OF A NEWLY-RICH AMERICAN" JEWISH I I Streetian manners were they, and of to the Baker Ice Machine company of CHOICE FfRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. i:. 1 the first water too I) didn't so readily this city. This is unusually short time FAMILY BY HAROLD BERMAN H and entirely betray them! and is but an evidence of the service The old folks, simple, honest folks Many More Factory Deliveries Made that can be rendered when necessary s: by Dnveaways as as Result Result of of INVESTMENT SECURITIES by the Baker Ice Machine company. *>y Dnveaways is worth "putting into" the movies; that they were,, unschooled in the (Continued from last week.) Freight Situation. Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. The Louisville Weekly Courier, in With this deep-rooted conviction as or the sensational novel, whereas a ;i ways of the world, the world, .that is, speaking of Mr. Reichart's new ice a starting point, the;fights-*.and.-the Ludlow Street quarrel is a mere slum that lies beyond, the Umits of a Lud"On account of the serious freight machine/ has the following to say: loud-pitched battles of • the *• Ludlow affair, is of hourly occurrence and, lo\y Street fish-market, -were serious- congestion on many railroads, a great "Mr. Reichart's new ice plant will the ly puzzled by all that palaver. The Street tenement were renewed once therefore, worthless. To tell volume, of motor cars is being driven enable him to keep his stock of meat as name suited them quite well enough. WASH "AND KEEP. WELL the pair of Amazones W more, in all their old vigor and virutTZ°™L you iTha'dTeen" good enough for them'to" across-country from factory to deal- in perfect condition for an indefinite AjijRULE OF HEALTH lence. In the new setting, the reand tten for almost: almost: fifty Drive"" and tten °n n "ear ear for fifty "years years of their «,» reports the O'Brien-Davis Coad time, as it is the same method in use newed quarrel seemed to acquire a on " FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY in all the large packing plants and new flavor, a hew strength and digS e t " adSf'thlt, life and it surely ought to be good s me the of cold storage houses of the city, and J819.California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" nity. For. you - must '..know: that a your name is Vankoysky, is humiliat- ij enough for the few years remaining to.them. They thought, besides, that freight cars, the..only means of meet- without the least effort he could lower quarrel engaged i n . on Riverside ing and cut deeper than _. shorp-i . .. •-,-„«-• c .1 ' •- • the memory ofm S ^ e continued influx of orders for the temperature sufficient to keep Drive isn't at all what a quarrel on edged knife would. it spelt sacrile to the memory of Dodge ™S Brothers cars has been to in- everything in the cooling room in an who in their day Liidlow Street is. ..On-the Drive it Vankovsky fitted in nicely with the' their dead j - with' shabbv • had borne that honored and so-well- crease the number of driveaways from absolute frozen condition if he should becomes sublimated, is raised to a -' KFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE s S t h S t e r s ' s o u n d i n g name. Yet, and despite of the factory in Detroit. -Every day the desire. This could never be done with dignity commensurate with the dis-' n u ^ c a r r i i n e d S • WHOLESALE XAtJXDKY. . tinction conferred by; an aristocratic Uttered lith banana peelings and it all what were they to do, in the. reception room: at the factory offices the unsanitary storage of melting ice Where yonr clothes come home Druggists and Stationers Plenuer and last loncer. i. neighborhood. A quarrel on River- orange rinds with Bprawling babies face of the, determined and per- is jammed with men, and a few women for refrigeration purposes. The new 401-403-405 South 10th Street AT taniic O 2 X O . 1507-11 Jnrkson St. side Drive is a quarrel r that, is and yelpinghucksters, but not at all' sistent onslaught of their dominating, too, waiting for their, allotment of plant is surely a great convenience H A. JACOBBERGEll. Pres. sought after by-the newspapers, and withjhe elegant and 'distinctive Riv- j daughters who, besides, knew so cars to be driven to far and near and will go far toward making his .•narket a popular place to trade." erside Drive! Besides all. this, it be- much more than they themselves points. Omatia Otlitc: 813 Donplas Street. , did?. Nothing, evidently, but give in "Several hundred cars are driven ' ' "Omaha Phone Atlantic 2536 and let the young folks do just as away from .the factory, every day. MISSIONARIES SUCCEED Phone 104 EMIL GANZ 8c SON Ford Transfer & Storage Co. they in their superior -wisdom deem. Sometimes as many as 300 cars in one AMONG YOUNG JEWS The Best of Everything in Flowers and u. A. Certified Public Accountants day reach purchasers by the driveaConfections at Moderate Prices. Warsaw, Oct. 4. (J. C. B.)—While ! best! Presirtent and General Manacer. F. 8. MOREY, Prop. ' 1417 Douglas Street ; 345 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater way route. This is Dodge Brothers' j the. number of adult Christians m Council Bluffs (Iov.-a) Office AUDITORS AND BYSTEMAT1ZOR8 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Phone Webster 0820 I Great was the rejoicing of that contribution to the relief of the ex- Poland applying for admission to 924 So. Main Street. Emll Gana'.' v' ''C. E.:A'..; .1i, V; M. Gana Phone 865 Phones: f: THE LAUNDRY THAT indomitable pair, Rose and Pearl, vessive strain on the freight car sup- the Jewish faith is growing daily, , 9ar.S400 —Doas.4821 — Har.flOlS EVERYBODY LIKES. when they had finally obtained the ply. Cars are driven not only to states the Christian missionaries claim sucThe old'folks' reluctant permission to do adjoining Michigan, but to a great cess in attracting young Jews. ~ ~" the sac-religious act, to have the number of points on the Atlantic sea- evengelists are conducting a vigorOITK TREATMENT WILL Distributors of name legally changed. And now. the hoard and as far west as Kansas and ous propaganda, spreading literature COSYINCK .VOl: OF OUR Westei'n Bond—and High SINCERITY. in thousands of copies using both real task began. They didn't realize Iowa. .• Grade Stationery Trust Department. before the actual dilly-dallying had \ "Complete co-operation between fac- Yiddish and Polish as a medium. Safety Deposit Boxes. Omaha, Nebraska. commenced that i t would be such a tory, dealer and purchaser is the gen- | They appeal to the destitute and the task. A mere trifle it had seemed eral rule. Each realizes the need for j despairing and this fact, it is said, to them, but they knew different now some solution of the present rail sit-; accounts for the success of the as they spent hour upon hour" in nation, and is willing to do his part. proselytizing effort. devising a name artificially. Yes, , ARABS BOYCOTT CENSUS manufacturing one out of the whole DAVID R. COHEN TO O P E N "Manuf actured in Omaha" AS JEWS PETITION Money Sent to All ' «:loth, ,to cut it without any pattern NEW JEWELRY STORE FOR CITIZENSHIP BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. or prescription. A name is seemingSTEAMSHIP TICKETS Foreign Countries" Mr. David R. Cohen, who has been WHOLESALE PAPER, Jerusalem, Sept. 5. (J. T. A.) The Arrangements npvr trin'de 'with -Soviet lysuch a simple and trifling thing— with the Brandeis Stores for seven STATIONERY, ETC. Government for prompt fonvardlnc of it's given to you a t birth—Jacob, years and has been in the jewelry bus- political boycott urged by Arab leadpassengers to America. We famish TOTI Distributors for necessary ^blanks, etc.. to fill put. •: Max, John, Michael or Moses—and iness for the past twelve years, is ers appears to be complete, with the Pink Tip Matches — 1708 Farnam,St. ...... Omaha • Palmers Steamship Agencyannouncement yesterday on behalf of you bear it to the very end of your operating a new jewelry and optical 1000 Homey" Streef. ' Tel. Jackson 'C"I0 Northern Toilet Tissue natural life. A surname doesn't in- store at 1412 North Twenty-fourth Moslem societies that they will refuse volve even that much of trouble. It's street Mr; Cohen is a registered op- to "be counted in the census and will 1112 Harney Street a thing passed on from father to tometrist. He will carry a full line of n °t register as electors of members — I<ET 'US DO rOTJR , WELDING ATlantic 6403 son, and from him to his son down jewelry, leather goods; in conjunction to the Legislative Council./ to the end of the world. But, to with a thorough and complete At the same time, those Jews that make one, Ah, there's the rubl And equipped.. optical department. Mr. are not already recognized as Pales^THE CAREFUL WELDERS they wanted,,their new name to be Cohen announces that he will open tine citizens are petitioning in great Tel. JA. 4397. -Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace -1501-Jackson St. botji, aristocratic and distinctive as his new store on Saturday, October 14. numbers to be registered as such, reports from all parts of the country well as reminiscent of their old prig- j __—___ , COCXCIIi BLCFFS. IA. indicate. inal name, and that was so hard laa. CONFIRM REPORT OF "ALIEN" Service is Our Motto thing to get done. But the good EXPULSION FROM HUNGARY temptation. Besets .You.;. Sate Deposit Boxes for Kent. EXPULSION OF BUDAPEST Fairy revealed herself blissfully to ' "When You Enter New York, Oct. 5. (J. T. A.) Con. JEWS BEGUN. them and practically unexpected, just ,jr^^t'on^of i Jewish Telegraphic Budapest, Oct. 4. (J. T. A.)—Five CANDIES. ICE CREAM, as she" had revealed herself ever so Agency reports" that the Hungarian OF hundred Jewish families, officially LUNCHES. r - ; . _ many times since the creation of the is contemplating the ex^ r e d e d a g « a l i e n s ,, d e s p i t e & B i r world, to numerous" worthy people, <>f a" ^ e n s , regardless of l o n g r e s i d e n c e ^ tte c o u n t r jr, h a v e m* t . •.. [., Every. .Known themselves included. And she came •the * h e i r s t a n d i n ^ ™ the community or fceen o r d e r e d t ok a v e B u d a p e s t a n d BUTTER and EGGS of Insurance fcee from a most unexpected source immediately. soii of residence, is contained m t h e Council Bluffs, la. maid. | length 200 W. O. "W. BidsDouglas 03S0. • 16th and Farnam Streets \ ._, *' the following Budapest dis^tch to Prompt "intervention by the Kehills The maid, having been an unwit- metropolitan dailies today: resulted in a reprieve until after the Crystal Candy Company . "A new, registration of all foreign- High Holidays, the authorities deconstant wrangling on the part of 16th and Capitol Ave. ers residing in Hungary, with".a view clining to go beyond that. | her new mistresses, the both of which to weeding but undesirables, has been The expulsion follows a recent she heartily, respised for vulgar upMade by UNDERTAKERS starts without outwardly betraying ordered by M. Rakovsky, Minister of secret order directing the Hungarian UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST it, now, that she chanced upon the the Interior. This action, he says, will officials to expel all "foreign Jews", 2224 Cuming St. POOD CO. be taken for economic and political regardless of their period of resibattlefield once more, timidly sugPhone JAckson 1226 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. reasons. ; dence. gested the name "Van Fish" as a Snow White good substitute and was ready t o " 'Following the example of the regret her boldness. But Heavens, United States, which restricts immi- POPE WOULD USE NEAR EAST .. Bakeries; Top and Body Building CRISIS AGAINST ZIONISM. •what -was really happening to her? gration,' said M. Rakovsky, 'Hungary V. 8. Pat. and Repairing. Office.). must protect her scanty supplies and Boston, Mass., Oct. 4. (J. C. B.)— Were these blows that were raining , • ' Curtains—Lights-*—Etc i down on her poor head ? And those reserve the country's business oppor* Accordinghimself to the Mondo, Pope is availing of the the opportunity loud words? Angry retorts and per-, tunities for her own citizens.'" "If Its Worth Anything i haps threats? No, they were kisses' The circulation of a secret order to of the settlement of the Near East- 2325 Leavenworth St. —Have It Insured." of COUNCIL BLUFFS ATlantic 0701 and petulent thanks from the lips of ; expel "alien Jews," was disclosed by ern question to dispatch a' letter to We pay 4% Interest on Saving her young and grateful mistresses,! the Jewish Telegraphic Agency on j t h e League of Nations in which is . and Time Deposits. the. Roman Catholic Church's for. in this sign—Van Fish—they saw September 18th, and its execution t*" . JAckson 1862 '.; ' • Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. shown in a Budapest report yesterday viewpoint, says a Rome despatch to . victory engraven in bold letters, even that 500 Jewish families have actually the Christian Science Monitor. As as a famed convert of a bygone day Wholesale to leave Hungarian soil. the chief interest of the Roman Cathsaw victory written in the fiery cross, Fruit and Vegetables olic Church in the East is centered that^. suddenly became engraved on j N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. HUNGARIAN BAN ON JEWISH in Palestine, i t is expected that the the starry firmament I MAIL WITHDRAWN. ^ will insist upon an alteration Pope j Yes, Vankavsky and Van Fish:— New York, Oct. 4. (J. C. B.)—The o f ^Palestine's present condition, and there was the work of genius before order of the Hungarian Government a l s o ^e maintenance of the status •you! "Van" sounds distinguished, prohibiting the ••: exchange of mail qU0 in the Orient. | aristocratic and all Knickerbocker .—; : ^ 1307 Howard StH Omaha, Neb. families bear i t proudly as a mark written in Hebrew characters has; Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store withdrawn, the American Jewish JEWISH CHARITIES DIRECTOR i ATlanlic 0340. OMAHA PILLOW CO. of distinction from the herd, while Congress ^ e n informed by the. has HOLDS MUNICIPAL POST Feather mattresses • made from your "Fish" retains a great deal of the Hungarian Charge w Co01 l n a t d'affaires ? nW ifeathers. Summer—Warm I Baltimore, Sept; 7.: (J. C. B.) Mr. original sound! and music of the old. J?* n t . e . r - C o s t l e s s t h n n f elt beds Washington. , Notification of • the Lo^g JJ. Levin, Executive Director of | Cotton Mattresses made over In new family's name, as well as the flavor ticks at half price of new bed's. removal of the ban is contained in t n e Associated Jewish Charities of ' the several generations of fish1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 of the following letter to Bernard G. Baltimore, called the dean of Jewish mongers and county-peddlers. Eu1806- Harney Street rekaj There you have it, and is Richards, Secretary of the American s o c ial workers in the United States, Phone ATlantic 0901 there anything more logical than Jewish Congress, dated September n a s b e e n named by the Mayor of BalJ. C. Crew. Ed. Bnrdick. 30, and made public today: timore as chairman of the Municipal that ? Van Fish, how proud and A Store Managed and Run "In further reply to your letter of Welfare Commission appointed to toy Men who Play the: Gome. distinguished that sounds! And this March 24th; addressed to Count Sze- tudy all the welfare activities of the 109 No. 16th St. Tel. JA ckaon 3128 G. L. REEVES is how it happened that we have with cheny, I take pleasure in informing sgjty. Mr. Benjamin' Schwartz of „ • OppoHlte PoBt-Offlre. "RADIO" TUXEDOES. Latest Models us .the ..distinguished Van Fishes of you that the order concerning mail Brooklyn, N. Y., at present Executive S25.00 to S40.00 Everything for the Athlete. in the Hebrew; language or in Hebrew Assistant of the Associated Charities
Van. Fishes •of Riverside
The Harry A. Koch Co.
, E. Bruce &: Co.
FRED R. SMAW Flower Shop
Emerson Laundry
Carpenter Paper Co
Steamship Tickets and yours AliParts of ike World
Baker IceMachines
The Brinn.& Jensen Company
Peters Trust Go.
First Eatioiial ilfik
fluaker Bread
Made With Milk
City National Bank
McCprd-Brady Co.
Omaha Sporting Goods Co.
. John Feldman FOU
Kaplan Auto Parts Co.
2111 Nicholas Street Used cars,bouBbt. aolil. and exchanged. New <peftrs.- and nxle shafts , for nny Inbaior Tires, Tubes and Accessories Below Wholesale I'rlces.
ElECTRICCO. Wall Receptacles— Light—WIRING—Power ; , —Beir Transformers WAlnut 3031.
40 & Curoing Sts.
COAL Lion Coal Co. Specials Colorado Lump, smoke-£ i A p / \
less.. Hannah Lump
_ 3> 1 U.DU '. «pJL"o5v
Lion Lump «j)*v»Dv Delivered to any part .of the city.
LION COAL CO. WEbster 2605.
J. J. Friedman, Attorney, 302 Omnhn National Bank Bid?. NOTICE OF PKOBATE OF In the County Court of Uougias County, Nebraska. ' • In the. matter of the estate of Israel Fearliunn, deceased. •All'persons Interested In said estate nre hereby notified that » pt-liCon hns been filed in Siild court, praying for rhe probnte of n certain instrument now on file in said Court., "alt wlifS;dCtSS;»£SW£l1<|OJ,l^JSe
characters has in the meantime been withdrawn by the Royal Hungarian Government. '
Baltimore and formerly Secretary o f the Bureau of Municipal Research o f Yonkers, N. Y., has been appointed Secretary of the Commission. j
AVORS JEWISH COLONIAL TRUST Paris, Oct. 5. (J. T. A.) Of eight-|
een foreign banking institutions to |
Oct. 4. (J. T. A.)-Fearmerchants might be
of October. 10; appear nt said ana that if tlies' *°«r to France, only two were favored, the tempted to raise prices of foodstuffs J e w i s h C o l o n i a l Trust day of Oetolier. ^ . > a n d o n e othe y- during the holiday season, the Rabto contest the prohate of saiil will, thii bis of Warsaw have appealed to Court may nllow nnd proimit* taid reili The Jewish Colonial Trust is the fih l dt World Zionist Or- them not to aggravate the -situation i n-m?111 "droif'sK-i'tSoii of said estate n a n c i a l a r m o f lo William, I'e.irJmnn ,nnrt J. J. Slostuifu. of the poor and middle classes. or some othec. suit:ihit> person, enter a decree of- he"rship.' iind . proceed lo n'settlement thereof. The only thing that acts more boyWhen baying mention "The Jew-JJJttrCB |
ish Press" advertisers.
ish than a Tjoy is a a a a -
Y o u r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every fair minded person.
Leo A; Hoffmann . . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.
Nearly every Jewish family In Omaha reads "The Jewish Press".
1319 \V. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034
PAXTON BILLIARD PARLOR NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor 1510 Farnam street. R a s p n w n t . Phone JA rkson 4136.
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