w Genius
ambition at precedents. —Thayer.
of pleasing is the art . cf rising in the world."
-SfeVOL. H.-—No. 45
11 second CIBBB mall matter on Jannarj 27th 1921 at at' Omaha Nebraska,. npflei the Act or March 8, 1878.
resident Obregon t Confirmi Land Offei
Marshall Asks Aid President of Penn. Von Lndendorff Says Louis For Smyrna Jews University Attacks Republican Government is of Harvard Policies
Morris Leff Greeted
Declaring that Smyrna and ConsChicago, EL, Oct. 6.—Publication by tentinople have now been added to "Tolerance" of the names of members Philadelphia, Oct. 8.—That a Philthe areas of the stricken Jews, Louis and officers of the Ku Klux Klan in istine account of the battle in which Marshall, chairman of the American Chicago by wards has had a disheartKing Saul was slain may soon be unJewish Relief Committee, urged in a effect on thte night riding mas- Members of Board of Directors aspite Denial by Secretary of earthed in. the; excavations at Beth Monarchist Aim to 3ed Rid of Yam JSgnutumessage that Jewish aid Says It Is On-American to ening queraders. "Tolerance" is thte official Deny Anybody Right to of Federation Speak at Loathsome GovernAgriculture, President Ob- Shan," in Palestine, is the hope ex* be extended to the destitute in the organ of the American Unity League, pressed by archeologists "who have reEducation. Meeting ment Up in Berlin" bregon Says ColonizaNear East a s wel las "our stricken an organization formed for the purceived word that thet first known tion Proposal holds brethren in tite Ukraine, in Poland, Li COLLEGES MUST NOT BE pose of fighting the Klan and similar TELLS-OF CONDITIONS IN sarcophagi of the^ Philistines' have Good. Austria and Roumania." hate-breding aggregations. "Tolerbeen discovered far beneath the levels PLACE FOR ARISTOCRATS EUROPE ^WORLDTODAY IN WUKLdJ 1VMJA.X sacking of Smyrna has added ance" refers to its publicity course in at which- previous findings were made* .iSStJES S T A T E M E N T TO Contemporary Philistine records have New York, Oct. 9.—That the pres- t o already; over brimming cup of Philadelphia, Pa.—"No American the matter of exposing thte members Filling the large assembly hall at BACK PKOMISE. tragedy/' Mr. Marshall's ap- institution, unless private and reas "pulling the hoods off." Names the Jewish Community Center to overbeen practically unknown and for this ent government of Germany,'the repeal stated. "Twenty thousand Jews stricted, has the right to adoot a o fofficers and members in the sixth flowing, hundreds of friends of Mr. thte discovery of the coffins public with Berlin as its'center,-is £~« »«•«=«• /IT? Tfu~uu:?Z London, Oct. 13 (J. T. A . ) — The reason is regarded of the greatest importmethod of selecting candidates that and seventh wards have been pub- Morris Levy gathered Monday night offer to colonize. Jews from Eastern ance. I t is further- announced that in any way violates the principles lished. Fear of coming exposure has to bid him welcome to Omaha after Europe on Mexican territory holds in the ruins of Beth Shan, explorers •« • - I - *. — yhfiiT nyfittiyfin,' itt iiuxs country x o r suci* laid down in the Declaration of •reisultcd in resignations of many an extended trip to Europe . _• *»•» ~ • * • *i ^ t_ good, according to a cable received by of the Museum of the University of • F R ' W i p n j TtflSVv I X i t i l & d 3 1 O t D & 6 Q XOJT , Independence or the rights of theklansmen, it is rteported. The League From the newsboys who crowded the "Jewish Chronicle" here from Pennsylvania havte found the burial American 'citizens as guaranteed by is reported to have found the names into the front row of seats, who had President Obregon. place of Herod's first cousin, Antiochthe Constitution of the United States. of- a number of policemen and other learned to know and respect Mr. Levy The "Jewish Chronicle" had cabled us. The inscription on a stone stayed out of the war;* that'Jews brethren since 1914, has, so far, al-To do this~is un-American in policy, officials n the membership list. These for the things he had done for them, to Mexico's Chief Executiva, asking sarcophagus that has been unearthed are the greatest peril in: the world ways been answered with unparalleled and there as imperative need at this men will be asked to resign as mem- to the members of the Federation whether the offer made to Paul W. refers to Antiochus, son of Phallionl today and "America is- their- breed- generosity. ; , . '.. time to preserve the American char- bers of the Klan or quit their public Board, who as co-workers with him Kothenberg of Chicago had been with- The latter was the brother of Anti- ing, center"—such are assertions- con- • "I am confident that the Jews of acter of our institutions and to send posts. "Tolerance" was distributed had learned to love Morris Levy for drawn. The Chronicle based this in- pater, founder of the Herodian Dyna- tained in an interview just given out America, who last Fal land Winter forth the graduates better and loyal outsidte o fsynagogs and churches and the good he has done for others, every quiry on the statement the. United sty. PhaHion was killed during the by "Excellenz" Erich "von Luden.thet unprecedented sum ofAmericans if possible than when they in some cases ministers are calling walk of life and every element in the Jewish Emigration Committee of Ber- battite with Pompey. the attest&m of their congregations -community was represented. ^^,J^ ZS^^^^mmioT™ relief win entered." lin had" received from the Mexican f ^ T ^ ^ ^v ^ TCe - **K £°W i not rtelinquish their ef orts on behalf Opposition to the racial discrimina- • to the lists of names published in the Combined with the reception was leader of the Junker gang plotting ^ ^rftartonate b r e t h r e n across tion policy favored by President paper. Secretary for Agriculture denying the monthly meeting of the Federafor the restoration of his former the seas until their, tragic plight has that an agreement had been entered tion . Board, and the talks and adLowell of Harvard was thus exHohenzollern migHtiness. to facilitate the settlement of Jews, ben fully relieved. Our terribly af- pressed by Dr. Josiah H. Penniman, dresses relative to thte activities of The interview, published yesterin Mexico. flicted brthren in Smyrna are suffer- acting provost of the University of the Federation, gave a fitting atday by the New York World, was just as the Jews are suffering in Pennsylvania in an address delivered President Obregon's reply states: mosphere to the evening and served obtained for the World by Ferdinand ; lands .through no at the-formal opening of the acade"My proposal to Mr. Eothenberg to welcome back Morris Levy most _ who experienced. much dim- j ^ / ^ g ^ not only mic session" of the institution. While stands good. The Secretary for Agrigraciously to that work to which he monstrous wave of religious and "While Dr. Penniman mentioned no culture only desired to point out that All Members and Friends Invited has dedicated his mature years. Ludendorff. He is fearful for-his to Attend Second Open racte prejudice which is its cruellest names, it is believed his statement it would be more convenient if a few own life, since the murder ofRath- aftermath."—(L C. R.) Famous Author Declares U. S. Is Mr. Levy, in a short talk, described . Meeting. Jewish representatives came to is a direct answer to Lowell's asserconditions as- how he found them in enau by hired monarchist agents, Hardening Into Narrow Mexico to study and formulate the tions and to a recent address by Dr. Germany and Switzerland. Stating the report in general circulation be-; Nationalism. general basis of the contemplated JOHN L. KENNEDY TO SPEAK Ernest M. Hopkins, president of that conditions in these countries were ing that Ludendorff is a marked Jewish colonization". Dartmouth. relatively as normal as they had been man, "the one to go in return for AMERICA LOSING ITS IDEALS ( " The Jewish Telegraphic Agency is A program of unusual interest and on a previous visit ten years before. "If a college or university, a»3 Eathenau." Ludendorff is now in in a position to give the :full text of attraction t o young , and old alike icore especially a university is really East Preston, Sussex, England.- Mr. Levy emphasized the fact ihat :.'"' . ' . : •-.'.•; ; ' .• -the communication from the office of will be. offered by the B'Nai B*Eith M u n i c h . • • - . . . had learned, from: autlnri'<•«• oxthy of the aiame," he said, **it The .great Americas. idea of -liberty | the ; Secretary of Agriculture and at. the October open meeting of the Mr. Tuohy writes that '•excellenz" I sources that conditions in Eussis exists topreservE, to disseminate and for all—the idea upon which kept his hand upon a revolver conDevelopment, of the Federal Executive Lodge, to be held next Thursday Poland and the Ukraine continued as to increase human knowledge. All Povfer of Mexico, addressed to the evening, October 26, at the Jewish cealed in the pocket of his coat, Five of Thesk Films to Be Shown else is incidental, though important, Strength of the United States was appalling as they had been during aud while-Ke was Being interviewed;founded—has been betrayed by the Throngliont the; Winter Months. Emigraiicm-Committee. Community Center. : ; f; arid Its stndent body must c^isist of immigration immediately after the war. • * His attitude toward the -J United ; QJ>, restrictive The,'.; Intellectual ~* * Advancement ^statement te follows: those through whom'a©d*b|s%hjnait according, to views expressed j Usingg this fact as a starting point, .States,the government of -Germany ALLIMMIGRANTS ARE ASKED centiy ti applications ppi l i t were made to Committee has arranged an even- and ihe. Jews-was set -forthin. the i ' can best perform these three here by Israel ZangwilL "work I Harry Lspidos made rm inspiring plea — — ^-"^ "• • t i j i h th GoyennnEHt.wijih the db ins'-s.. _ QjtGxtaininEntj _ "wiich^ .•; fox tne f i ^ G &w pwmipt payment of war relief famous sxitiior, • fee facilities' "When we are obliged to turn it would give to Jewish immigration, " d w ^ ^ ' i S ' ^ e W ^ ^ d ^ ' q t o S t y ^ of ' "To get rid of that "loathsome j Th e pledges, s> that the lull, measm-e of showing of the Educaand the: possibilities of acquiring lands numbers, has been Taxely equaled'by government tip in Berlin,- A lot of' tional Fflms which are • under the away applicants. because life and its essential needs might be In discussing" -the subject farther, for &s' establishment of agricultural similar programs. From the opening given to the Jews in the-war-stricken colonleB^up.toJ^jiresent lime, how- vocal solo until the last^danfiiB nuffiber Bolsheviks and Jews. What else is auspices of the Council of Jewish provide for them i t isfiecessarytoZangwill said: ever," no arrangemeniFhas been made every one in attendance will find this-defense" of the" republic law Women" and a number of-patriotic adept some method of selecting the "The American immigration laws, countries. with t i e interested parties, who have but sheer Bolshevism? And the soc ieties, will be shown Friday even- entering class. . Various, methods in my opinion, seem to be a com- Short welcoming talks vrere made been informed' that the Government something of indMduai appeal. by Dr. Philip Sher, acting president have been proposed for accomplishhas not at present lands in good The speaker of the evening will be Jews—they are at the bottom of all • i ng> October 20, in the Council JEoom ing this task. To. the right, of life, plete betrayal of the great American of the Federation during Mr. Levy's ;:_ ^ agricultural condition for disposal Mr. John L. Kennedy, head of thethe trouble in the world today. They o f the City Hall at eight o'clock, idea- They are economically perbecause the national lands are un-Americanization Committee of this are the greatest peril in the world j All Jewish immigrants who have liberty and the pursuit of happiness' nidous and are ethically unjust. absence,.by William Holzman, Harry si* A. Wolf and Henry Monsky. Piano Sj|; cultivated, isolated from the inhabited is now being added apparently the are coached in a farm so cum- selections were given by Miss Sadie centres and wanting in easy means city. Mr. Kennedy has given much today. And America is their breed-: recently arrived here are asked to right t o a college education,' unless UThev , ^ and impracticable that they inof communications, and even in thetime to the study of this important ing center. If it had not been for attend these film showings and we regard that as included in the l v e ^ ^ ^ ^ j g g^fty... Levey. case of some of them which may activity and is an authority on the wanting to make money you'd lectures on Americanism. show good condition allowing of their subject. He will give a thirty- probably have stayed.out of the war. " The program for the evening is •"pursuit of happiness'. Areport of the work pf the Fedbeing put into a state of cultivation, Losing High Ideals. "To shut the door in the face of And now you're supporting this reeration for the nine months of 1922 as follows: the introduction of private capital is minute talk on "Americanization the eager, aspiring, earnest youth: The novelist - Philosopher holds, were submitted by Samuel Schaefer, public simply because i t is Jewish. "Talk on Americanization*3 necessary, and also t i e said interested Work in Omaha". who has set his heart on coming to parties must undertake on their own . ; Ella Thorngate college, and who is of .good character however, that immigration laws con- superintendent. "The report outlined Mrs. Eicklie Boasberg will.- give The German people will have a ; stitute only one indication of thethe need for $17,500 to continue the monarchy because they have mon- account the exploration, selection and dramatic readings, Miss Laura Goetz "America" sung by Audience and who has qualified academically, general recession from the high varied activities of the Federation development of the lands because the will sing and Prof. G. Brill will play archy in the marrow of their bones. I"Columbia" sung by.—• by telling him that -we are" very ideals of freedom an dliberty that without curtailment through the balsaid Government is not at present in When and how—that is not for disPeerless Quartet in costume sorry that we have no room for you,' the position being able to dp so. Nor a solo for violin. ance of the year. • The remainder Film showing "Landing of Columbus" is a serious thing," said Dr. Penni- formerly characterized America. does the Government deem it of This program will start promptly cussion." "America," he continued, "instead of the evening was spent in discusurgent necessity to do so, as foreign at 8:30, so that the dancing may be "Talk on Lack of Interest in man. "He may. or may not-be able colonization is developing sponRegistration"..Mrs. Florence Bolen to go to some other institution. This of holding fast to the faith and sion of ways and means of raising this taneously, the immunities from taxes commenced at 9;30. As in all open spiritual vision of her founders, is Film showing "California Land year and this institution may be forhardening into a nationalism, all thesum. granted by the Presidential decree of meetings of the B'Nai Bitith, the Betterment.'' January 27th, 1921, being a suf-general public is cordially invited, to various reasons the only chance of narrower for her prodigious physical ficient inducement. I have pleasure attend. Vocal Solo... .Xeona Driscoll his life. • .-.•-. breadth, and is falling back for the in enclosing you herewith a copy of eel® Garments to Be Collected and Dis- "Social Welfare".._Mrs. B. McKehrey "What is. to become of the boys solution of her problems upon the . the provisional regulations for grants tributed to Various Charity Film showing "Making of an ing immunities from taxes to colon- Henorah Society to Hold First Organizations. American".-—-Mr. James CradHock and girls who are prepared for barbarous old method whose futlility istSj at the end of which you will find Open Meeting Monday Evening A talk by_: Mr. James Craddock collegej who wish to enter, who are has already been proved in Europe." the said Presidential decree and also a memorandum containing informal .The annual locals exhibition of the "A Thousand Years My Ownrefused admission ? And what is to "America's restrictive tendencies Special Fe&ttsre. Entertainers to Be tion on national lands and how they The Menorah Society of Omaha will Needle Work Guild of America •will Arranged for This Occasion. Columbia" —Peerless Quartet happen to the country if we fail to against Jews have long existed are conceded. The above-mentioned hold its first open meeting Monday educate adequately young men and socially, but these tendencies did not be held on Thursday and Friday, NoThe organizations taking care of immunities from taxes are the only privileges granted at present and.no evenin gat the Jewish Community vember 9 and 10 ,at the Fihst Central this program are: Daughters of Vet- women who may become embittered reach the stage of official cognizance The Omaha Lodge No. 354, Inothers have been- granted to Jews. Center. The Society was organized Congregational church, Thirty-sixth c a n s responsible for ushers . ^ j by tne failure to be received and until the immigration laws were en- dependent. Order of B'nai B'rith, will Furthermore, the ports and frontiers in Omaha last winter by students and Harney streets. vrho ™& • ' ^^ ^ ^ P f r o m acted." Zangwill, in suming up, said: hold its annual dance Sunday evenspeakers. Daughters of 1812 will o t h e r s^ of the United States of Mexico, are •"If Christian civilization be wholly ing, December 24, at the Fontenelle from the "Universityof Nebraslia, On Friday afternoon at the diurch, take care of the program and the I f open to immigrants of the. white race the !re admirable, then in God's name em- Hotel ball room. " "This dance will Omaha Women's Club wiU take care gard coUeges and .universities. whatever may. be: their nationality, Creighton, and Omaha University. a reception will be held and tea will provided they are individuals of good This organization is for all university be served. Everyone is invited to at- of the ^w,™.™™ i. which ought to be •and originally ] brace it unresesj;edly. If the Jewish far surpass all the previous dances Decorations. were t h em o s t morals, industrious and proficient in students and alumni. ThTse^educational fdms five in a U i ' democratic places j isolation be divinely valuable, main- ever given by the local B'nai B'rith. tend. some art of industry beneficial to the lodge," said Harry Trustin, chairEabbi Morris N. Taxon will be the .• The Needle Work Guild is a non- will be shown the third week o f • imaginable, as places of aristocratic tain it." country and themselves." / . man of the dance committee. principal speaker of thte evening. His sectarian organization that has done each month excepting in December. privilege?" According to the committee in subject wiU be>The Belations.of the very useful and necessary work in | Mrs. S. Nathan is chairman of the DEPUTY SCHIPPER RABBI FREDERICK €0HN Individuai to the Group." Tie Misses this city, for many years. I t collects immigration committee of the Coun A CAMPAIGN VICTIM charge, there -will be several feature TO SPEAK AT OMAHA Anna and Miriam Euback will play annually hundreds'of garments which cil of Jewish Women. Warsaw, Oct. 10. (J. C.B.)—Dep- events on the prQgram during th®' HEBREW €LUB several piano stelections. Mr. Samare in turn distributed to every hosuty Schipper is the second of the Jew- evening. Plans are being made to MEETING Beber, chairman, will also talk. pital and social service organization j ish Sejm members to he excluded from secure' several -performers from the Thte Omaha Hebrew Club will hold Several Injured When Police Disperse his party because of the heated par- Orpheum and Gayety circuits. inthe city. Last year 863 garments j Jewish Culture League to Make a special meeting Sunday afternoon WOMEN'S AUXILIARY O F I .were collected and distributed. Over \ All the profits realized from this 10,000 Rioters at Temple. Its Formal Appearance Sunday liamentary election campaign. He at three o'clock at the Jewish Com- t O. B. B. TO HOLD DANCE dance wiU go to the continued sap?104 in money was also collected from i has been thrown out by the right munity Center. Rabbi Frederick Cohn those who would rather give cash The Jewish Culture League of Oma- Warsaw. (J. T. A-)—Several per- wing of the Poale Zion because he port of the war orphans adopted by THURSDAY, NOV. 30. will be the main speaker, for the af- The annual dance of the Women's instead of garments ,and this money ha will make its formal appearance sons were injured during .the riot near consented, after prolonged negotia- the lodge: The lodge now has twenternoon. He will talk on "The Prob- Auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith will be is used to purchase wearing apparel. to the public, Sunday evening, Oct-the Tlomazky Synagogue on Yom tions, to be a candidate on the Minor- ty-five war orphans under its supercrowd lem of the.Jew." .There will also be held Thursday evening, JSTovember 30, , i„ „t estimated . , t ity Parties' Bloc, with which the vision. Mrs. R. Kulafosky is president, and ober 22, at the Labor Lyceum build-i 0 h-a v e e ? e ' a smoker. '. Business of importance in the Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom. Mrs. David P..Feder, is secretary, and ing, Twenty-second and Clark streets, j * exceeded ,10,000 besieged the Poale Zion have not fused. Herr will be taken up at this meeting. Two of the headlines on the program j synagogue m^an effort^ tobvuCantuT Schipper had previously been rejected R S Special features have ben arranged the following are the directors of DISCOVERY for this dance, according to the com- this work: Mesdames Henry Rach- will be Stanley Letpwsky, Omaha Sirota chant the K61 Nid re service. by the left wing of the Poale Zion. j OF ANTIOCHUS' GRAVE As the seat-holders sought" entrance CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL TO mitte in charge . man, Philip Sher, Leon Graetz, J. pianist and composer and a prominThe other Jewish deputy to suffer AT BETH SHAAN to the synagogue, the crowd outside OPEN SUNDAY MORNMalashock, A. Silverman, I. Dansky, ent violin virtuoso of the middle west. from the election turmoil is Herr JEWISH BOY TO PLAY WITH J. B. Eobinson, H. Crounse,.J, Stein, There will also be several other music- grew to proportions i a r in excess of Hirschorn, whom the Jewish Writer's New Fork, Oct. 9. (J. C. B.)—The ING burial place of Herod's first cousin, The City Sunday school will open H .Hirschman, H. Marx, S. Olander, al numbers and a one-act comedy by the building's. capacity. The jostling TEAM AGAINST THE Club excluded following "his attack on Antiochus, has been found by explorand pushing grew more violent as the A. Raisen. . its semester Sunday morning at nine I Goldman, T. Kaplan, H. Trustin, J. NEBRASKA TEAM the bloc ers of the Museum of the University time arrived for the beginning of t h e , o'clock at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 19.—Harry Blank, Max Wolfson, Miss Bess White, A fine arts and literary magazine service, the surging , crowd finally of Pennsylvania, at Beth Shaan, in Eighteenth and Chicago streets. All Schwimmer, star end of the Univer- and.the Women's Auxiliary of I. O.edited by the literary departments of -Federal' Palestine, according to announcement pupils who attended the Sunday school sity of Missouri football team, is the B. B. Oct. 9. (J. C. B.> the leagues throughout the middle breaking down the iiron ffence sur- Chicago, g, ( > rounding the structure. The helpless warrants have been issued here for I made today at the museum by Dr, last year and pupils willing to enter only Jewish player that will be in the Each director must get ten or more west win appear in the near future. attendants had to recourse to the po- the arrest of Ben Hecht, author, Wai- j Gcorgfe Byron Gbrdkon, the director, the school this semester are asked Missouri-Nebraska game at Lincoln members, who give two garments each to enroll Sunday. All children over Saturday afternoon. Schwimmer who" for this cause. The annual meeting of tha City Tal- iice. Mounted men were sent wield- lace Smith, artist, and the publishers say raports today. Information of the discovery camo six years of age will" be admitted. sprained his ankle in the Grinnell Every Jewish, woman in the city mud Torah will be held Sunday even- ing their clubs, injuring several per- of Kecht's "Gargogles," all being The teachers assigned to the school game, will be able to play against is urged to contribute to the Guild in ing, October 22, at eight o'clock at sons. charged, with using the mails for the to the museum from Dr. Clarence Stanley Fisher, director of excavathis semester are the Misses Anna Nebraska,"" said Coach Kelly of thefurthering its" very humanitarian" the Twenty-fourth street synagogue, The cantor was obliged to interrupt circulation of "obscene literature." Blank, Rosella Klein, Lillie Kooper, Tigers. . Schwimmer is a member work, and arte asked to call Mrs.' An interesting program has been ar- the solemn services until a semblance Jter. Hecht's first novel "Erie Dorn" j lions af Beth Shaan, who has just Hannah Kooper, Mollie Ravitz and of tha Zeta SetaTau fraternity at David Feder, Harney $?01( for e«a« ntnjfed for. • The public is iavited t o of order .was restored- in «nd outride is being produced - on Broadway as! concluded the hulf yeac Oi oj?« Anne WSi Missouri. eratiocs tiers the synagogue, . . plete details relative to contritmticas. attend this meeting. *'alsc Pretense."
BWi B'Rith Lodge to Hold Open Meeting Thurs&y, October 26
Israel ZangwiH, Famous Author, Scores lie tkilei Skies ImmigratioQ Law
Council ofJewish Women to Show First E^icational fita B ^ r e s Friday Mklil
Needle Work Guild of America to Hold Reception Nov. 9
- Storm Sysagope to Hear Caitor Sirota
prosperous Jewish bankers and dry-f Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Aginskee enterMiss XJbby Snyder, who' has been be honor guests at the Shrines goods store owners, who have traveled tained the Evening club at a dinner visiting in Illinois and Wisconsin dur- "Gollick of 1922" in a party of eight. abroad and learned good manners. at their home Sunday evening. ing the past two weeks,'returned to J, •.' Published every Thursday »t Om«b», Nebraska, by The parents of some of the best Jewher home Sunday. ^ THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING. COMPANY.. More About the Jewish Problem ish men we know came over in the The City Talmud Torah board has 5: Office: 482 Brandejs Theatre Building.-rTeJephqne; k Jackson ?372. in Our American Universities steerage and still smack of the one of secured the services of Mr. J. Ban- Pupils of the Sunday school held our great scientists, one of ghetto. dprine, qf Boston, Mass., to teach the NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. (Froni The Nation of Oct. 4, 1922)Prof. Michael Pupin is today our pugils at the Talmud Torah. Classes the Succoth services last Sunday. The pupils brought fruit and various _.$2.50 Subscription Price, one rear.. Prom within the charmed circle of "best minds." Yjet his father and are now being held. Advertising "rates famished on application. other things, •which were given to f ::: f: Harvard authority a. friend writes us: mother could neither read nor write. The Junior Auxiliary of the Coun- the Creche. , KOT. PBIilTED FOR PiRSONAi PBQFIS^rFfpfita ftfpp the pabSca, "I don't think Harvard is wrong True, it is not a Jew; but we could tion of The Jewjah Pre^a are to be given to worthy commahal causes. parallel his case with many a similar cil of Jewish Women will hold its about the race question. It is unforFriends of Mr. and Mrs. Hyn-.r.n tunate that anything has to be done, Jewish one. .No one can tell what regular meeting this evening at the CHANGS IW ADDBES8~Pl^«»BiT» both* tb« oW ; • bf • * » «nd «ljpi Tpwr nan**, but it. really is. necessary; and l a m may lurk under a rude and unattracr home of the Misses Anne and Hose Krasne gave a surprise party in their honor Monday evening. glad that Harvard is being open about tive exterior. Was not the great Pill. Josiah Koyce of Harvard one of the it and not resorting to subterfuges. «j. THE THINGS ONE REARS AND i ugliest of men? Every college gradMiss Rose Pill returned home Miss Jennie Katelman, whose mars\ We^-aupposethat we< have become old-fashioned and ought No one objects to the best Jews com- uate knows that certain members of Sunday after a two weeks visit with riage to Mr. Sam Schwartz, of j ing but the others make much trouble 3 to be relegated to ;thie shelf and oblivion. The things one hears class were least promising during relatives at Fort Dodge, Iowa. Kansas City, Mo., will take place! •0 and the thingsone sees,inthis wonderful age of youth and pro- especially in the library. I "don't wish his college days have become the roost November 5, has been honor guest! rj gre^ss. attimea do cause us to stop, ponder, and almost shudder. to imply that the Gentiles are all useful and distinguished after graduat a number of social affairs given | saints—by no. means. Some of our The Council of Jewish Women will cj Apart from the fact that restraint has been cast to the winds, during the past week. Sunday, Miss ation. Once a university begins to setest Hebrews like Mr. X think it is a hold, its regular meeting Thursday w} due.pqssibly to a former hideous severity and austerity, there is Goldie Marcus, of- Omaha, enterlect its students on any ground but problem and must be met. I suppose afternoon, October 26, at the home vj a lack of modesty and $n absence of reverence. Our- young people tained at bridg-e. Prizes were won! that of scholarship it is undermining when you read this you will say: "He of Mrs. E. Marcus. y; are mostly Uluswations surprises, and our Jewish young people by Mrs. Sam Katelman and Miss' its own position as an institution of is all wrong about thiii5,":.so the best a are no exception to_ the rule, They are in on every- job, and very Evelyn Marks.. Mrs. Harry Kubby; learning. Its function is to educate of, friends-will disagree'again on a Over Bixty people attended the i^ much in/evidence, too. iWe hear of them in our large cities, where for the future, not to judge the indi- Sisterhood card party Tuesday after- entertained at a luncheon at the ^ dj opportunities are greater, away from the parental roof, even vjital question." Residence Studio Brandeis Tea Rooms Wednesday fol- ' vidual's past; to develop brain-power, noon at the Eagle's hall. Yes, we do dlsagreelat. every point :o though such be in. the same city, haying a studio and apartment lowed by'an Orpheum party. Today, I 2519 Chicago Street. ;u where they drive their independence. We hear of them ir- iwith, our friendly correspondent. We not t o give its students a social rathy dv p Mrs. Harry Cohn wilt be hostess at ing. The very fact that Harvard is Jackson 4921. Mrs. L, Heeger and son of Sioux j responsive i tto ^h ll of f JJudaism, d i l i iit and d stating i in i deny that the problem: o | the Jew at ^he call even moclring considering a Jewish "problem" and City, Iowa, spent a few days with bridge at her home. This evening g vsin boast and ignorant presumption that they have no use there- Harvard requires, the cpllege to act— taking steps that seem to lopk toward the|r parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miss Katelman and her fiance will e for, and the parents standing by in utterhelplessness. > And one it is. only afewyearfs since the Har-r measures of exclusion will be reason Freiden. U could possibly unfold a.tale that nauseates." What has Jbeebme of yard wiseacres were sure that their enough for of lesser colleges s Jewish parents?; qWiiat is m; their minds that they can-allow b,eloved college was; going to be more or lessscores avowedly to put up the Mr. Lou Miller of Chicago, HI., swamped by Irish Catholic boys now •} matters to comatb sueha sorry pass? Forthey, and they alone, bars. that Boston;; had become; a Catholic spejit a few days here as the guest j are to blame. The cupboard has always been bare of Judaism, ^ and what they maynhave seen has been an unintelligent and un-city ruled tafjjhe archbishop. We are No, there is no safe test to winnow qf Mr. and Mrs. S, Snyder. '• aware, of; course, ;tha.t;tiiere are dis-out the "best" of any group except t; intelligible expression thereof which repels rather; than r attracts, agreeable. Jewg, a,t Harvard, products scholarship. If Harvard wishes to * Which is meaningless and expressionless,'devoid of aU spiritual of. a race in transition, -just as there limit its total number of students like and ethical content.' I t may even be that religion has been a DAY WORK WANTED —Capaggressive Irish. (Catholic boys Amherst or Vassar and to make en* constant compromise and convenience. Or there 1may have been were able Jewish woman wants at Cambridge in their; evolution with- trance the price of high scholarship it m nothing.at all except perhaps an annual agitation . With'all our housework from 10 a. m. to 4 p. in the meltingrpot, and as there are it entitled to do so. But if it applies "[ wonderful organizations and with all our remarkable endeavors, still m. Rates reasonable. Call disagreeable boys of old New any other test and discriminates there is still considerable to be done, and we need not close our England Stock. But we recall John Jackson 5S77. against any group it cesase to be a eyes to this fact; It'may be said that some leakages may beKorley's writing that men are prone public service institution deserving of The Lowest Priced Clothes You ! expected, and that they amount to nothing. That is true, but to forget that the inquiry what to do aid and support from the state. It ! it is pathetic and tragic nevertheless.—M. N. A. C. in B'Nai B'Rith in a given state of facts involves-the should then be taxed like any private Can Buy Are Nebraska Clothes FOB RENT—Modern furnishMeSS. :.. •:• '•'••'' . ••• ' . ' ' ' ' consideration whether to do anything. money-making correspondence school ON THE BASIS OF PRICE ed room in private family for If Americans have one vice it is their or institute of stenography. If Harone or two men. Desirable The clothes that offer, you the most dollar for dollar accepting a bond he knew would be I tendency to.- rush to -a legisalture to vard closes its doors- upon any race value are Nebraska clothes. Shylock the Only neighborhood. Close to carline. worthless, Shylock goes home to find Jaws, usually useless, in every Massachusetts ought to establish a Garage if needed. Exchange From Silk Lined Suits for Men and Young Gentleman in the Play his servant absconded, his daughter pass temporary emergency. A university people's university like those in Illireverences. Call Atlantic 2157. Men at ._ By Col. T.. W. McCUIAQX?GH, in the eloped, his strong box looted, and which is 2S7 years old does not need nois, Wisconsin, California, and other To Fine Imported Fabric Hand-Tailored Suit desolation where he had looked for to legislate tomorrow against a con- Western States and keep its doors domestic quiet and dition which may. prove transient and open to all. There is not too much From Plaid Back Overcoats in Scores of New (Reprinted by perinisgion.) FOR RENT—Ten furnished Models at ._ .--Perhaps, a little clopefr, 4sep.er study many of the- Christians - involved in which certainly will be gravely affect- university education as President the action of that drama neglected to ed by the limitation of immigration. Hopkins suggests but far too little. To Higher Grade Imported Scotch Softing rooms- with kosher board for of "The of .Yenjce1' Overcoats at - lead me to. understand how it teacher applaud the action of Lorenzo in robBut if the situation were a hundred Indeed, the time may; y»»t come when gentlemen or young couples. a lesson of mercy and pleads for jus- bing'Shylock of his daughter and his per cent, worse at Harvard we should the right to a university education Utmost Quality Clothes at every price Call at 2408 Davenport. you elect to pay tice. At present,; "hQweiver, suc& ducats? Which ofN them showed any still protest iagainst any discrimina- will be assumed as the privilege of evsympathy for the father in his anery competent child who passes superficial;study as m guish? Isn't one of the surest laugh- tion, against the. miserable pettifog- through the secondary schools, and a tunity haa permitted.lejads Itft asome-r getters in the whole play bitterness of ging • enrolment > questionaire just . -what different conclusion, -_:;.. entering students, necessary insurance of a true and FOR BJEKT-eLarge room for his sorrow when he learns that JesCon oyer again the beautifully sica has traded a ring for a monkey? which includes such questions . as capable democracy. one or two gentlemen. Beautiw*ti nnn nnrt r •worded speech of Portia, the pretty 'I had it from Kachael when I was where a candidate's father was born, OMAHAful neigborhobd. Half block to pettifogger, -who literally •yamped'' a bachelor. I would not have given it who he is, and if his father has ever Ill fares the land, tp. nasfning ills a CORRECT APPAREL FOB MEN AND WOMEN carline. Call ..Walnut 6714.;, the court: i "The quality afroercy ig changed his name. The duty of a wii- • •" prey,"' * not strained," she said, and. concluded for a wilderness of monkeys!" • It was versity-which receives special favors Where wealth /.accumulates and men th -cherished h i h d momenta t - of his youth's the •with: : :: —Oliver Goldsmith. -• decay. romance, a treasure of-the •wife of his from the state is to' open its academic "And earthly power doth then seem litest doors to all applicants who are inyoung manhood, his life's partner, the God, When mercy reasons justice." mother of the ungreatful daughter tellectually qualified, regardless of How did she apply this reasoning, who had forsaken him for the com-race, creed, or color. If any group so COUNCIL BLUFFS •when a moment rater she -turned to pany of a young" ne'er-do-ewlU of an- admitted really, shows a. group ;ten? The Evening club was entertained dency- to • bad- habits 6r -to. dishonesty Shylock-? - "Stay,'Jewj the law hath otiier faith. ' "' or to cheating and pilfering—as is last-Tuesday evening at the home yet another hold on thee!"- And this Then, -when circumstances put Anproponent of mercy and justice and tonio into his hands, did Shylock think charged, on doubtful evidence, against of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. forgiveness proceeded -without mitiga- so much of wrecking a private ven- the Jews at Harvard in much of the The Afternopji club met last tion to amerce the Jew of all his geance as of .striking a blow to whispering that is going on today— Thursday evening', a t the home of vrordly possessions, to demand of him avenge the wrongs of all his people? then it is the university's duty to reach the individual offenders by the Mrs. Leo Krasnel ' under penalty -of death that -he reSome, justice, -some mercy, was nounce his-religion" and become bap- shown, but its quality was strained, exercise of its police power, just as Harvard always has done. If the Jew- Mrs. B. Brinn, who has been visittized as a Christian.' With tfiis car, Dodge Brothers have literally created for the man who already had been ish students at Harvard really have ing here during the past month With And. why? Shylock had insisted up- cruelly wronged was made to, suffer a new type of sedan. been developing such tendencies the her daughter, Mrs.,kA. Gilinsky and on his pound of flesh, "the forfeiture even more indignity and injustice. Mr. Gilinsky, left Monday for her They have combined open car mggedness with closed way they should be met is by greater . of my bond." Shylock, if he is .anything at all, car protection and smartness. < How did Antonio come to stand in typifies the protest rasied by "William undergraduate self-government, by home at Webster City, Iowa. such penalty to the Jew? The noble Shakespeare against the social and the formation, let us suggest, of a They have demonstrated, once for all, that a sedan merchant, popular with all his asso- political injustices inflicted, on the special committee of the steadier Jewcan be as practical and almost as inexpensive as an ciates, the patron of a gay group of Jew in his day. Nothing in all his ish under-graduates—Harvard always open touring car. • • •FOR % • • young profligates, desired" to outfit writings is more pitifully grotesque has eschewed any such democratic DIAMONDS, JEWELRY The body is built of hand-welded steel because steel k one of them to journey to Belmont, than the tender plea of Portia in the procedure—or by the private aid of a AND is sturdy, and will take a permanent, oven-baked there to enter into a guessing match, name of mercy and the ferocity with group of Jewish graduates, not by SPECIAL PLATINUM finish,' eliminating forever the cost of repainting. the prize for the winner to be the which she fastens the utmost penalty any plan to discriminate. For race DESIGNING hand and fortune of the merciful Por- of the law on Shylock,..once he is discrimination, no matter what the The seats are upholstered in attractive, genuine see 1 tia. A little examination of the scenes within her power for Shylock says; excuse or the form, is treason to deSpanish blue leather, because leather will wash and mocracy and fo the American ideal. 4 between Portia and Nerissa"wfll shed wear. 'JXQU take my house yihea you do take the The Malashock Jewelry Co. jj some light on her habit of mind. AnAgain, we hear it said that Harvard prize sustain my bouse; yon take my is too large anyway, is overcrawded To further enlarge the car's usefulness, the rear seat,' tonio lacked the ready means to give Ihaf di>th Diamond and'Platinum life Specialists back and side cushions, seat frame and foot rest are his friend the 3,000 ducats needed to When you do take the means whereby I now so that the individual student of 1514 Dodge Street. quickly removable, giving sixty-four cubic feet of live." equip him for the enterprise, but today cannot get the personal profesEstablished 1894. DOuilas 6610. flat loading space in the rear compartment. The My conceptipn of the-whole play sorial attention hi3 father received 25 agreed to borrow if possible from manifold uses made possible by this unique feature, and its'spirit may be wrong, but some years ago. To. this we reply that Shylock. are readily imagined. Consider the spirit in -which the eminent actors have agreed with me Harvard is "not as large as California, . bargain was made. Read how Shy-that the only gentleman in the drama or Columbia, or Illinois, yet no one The top and rear quarters are of non-rumble, fabric All Orders Given prompt and ' lock reminded Antonio eff how he had is Shylock. avers-that the students there are sufconstruction, conforming with the present attractive Careful Attention. rated him, spat upon him, and other- JEWS WILL BE SAVED fering in their studies from overvogue. From cord tires to curtain cords, the fittings, FLOWERS wise treated him with - gentlemanly BY U. S. AND BRITAIN crowding. True, President Hopkins of WELSH'S inside and out, are distinctive and complete. (Guarajfeed) courtesy and consideration. "And for ZION OVERSEER SEES Dartmouth" declares that too many . "FLOWKBS.MAKE FKIENHST. . In fact, every detail of the car emphasizes its strikall these favors will I lend thee 3,000 New York, Oct. 8. (J. C. B.)—The men are going to college" and calls Tel. Ja 42D1, BrauUcis Theatre Bide.. 210 So. 17th St., Omaha. ing adaptability to business as well as social use* ducats!" Antonio assures Shylock following dispatch is taken from the for an "aristocracy of brains made up • . The price i s $1330 delivered that it is a business-transaction and New York Times of today, dated Chi- of men intellectually alert and intel. not a social engagement they are ful- cago, October 7. lectually eager." But, bless his infilling. Playfully they enter into the "Wilbur Glenn Vojiva, Overseer of nocent soul, if Harvard Colelge were O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY singular bond, but which, of them Zion City, pronounced today a prophe- to rule out the boys who go there be28th and Harney- Streets, Hamey 0123. -.. could then foresee that all the mer-cy, gleaned -from, between th$ lines of cause, their fathers went, or because . chant's ventures would come to Scripture, he said, of a forthcoming it is the fashionable thing to do, or Proprietor of naught, and that ere the bond were world war in which England and the because they want a good time in due he would be a bankrupt? United States will succor the Jews clubs or athletics, and restricted its And, i. question that often has come from the ravages of all other peoples. classes to the "Intellectually alert and up in my mind, in all that-great city, "There will be three alliances qf na- intellectually eager" there would be a " 1702 North 24th Street. * of Venice, wberejn Antonio reigned' tions, according tp Voilva, Bussia, Jewish invasionYQf Harvard—because Phone Webster 2092 .tne merchant prince, sorbeloved arid, pan, China and j Germany,-under < the there,, are priip&rtionately more intelby all, was there not one leadership; of Txotzky, will form-one lectually.alterV sM eager Jewish boys Christian friend to whom-he might; ten nations of Western : Europe, ap- looking 'fo* education than there are ' turn for the loan of BO'small a sum|pearing as .the. ten horns, that Daniel Gentiles'." We haye heard Southerners as 3,000 ducats when it/would save j saw in ; :hjs- interpretation of Ne? comment with ajafrn on the fact that 'his life? He had carelessly bestowed •buchadnezzar's dream, will comprise in rural communities there is greater it on sj£a?$ering friend; could he not the second.,-ajid.the United J3tates and thirst for education. among Kegroes expect some of the gloripiis company Gre^t Britain hand in hand with Jeho- tKan whites'; ' 'This 'ought' to be the A complete stock of case among lately oppressed groups '. «f which he w^s so'shinjng a light to vah, the third: according to striving ftSr Educational and economic •- -cbme'forward with the trifle and pre- "All 1x»f the;fighting,. ! oliva; ^!!! be over the Jews and'their equality/The Phi Beta Kappa is wor' -serve him ? read*' carefully the desire to fulfill biblical prophecy to ried to death lest it be feminized by tne* superior scholarship of women Students who were but so recently reAlso a supply of ceived into our colleges. . f*«, shall we not revenge?" My Famous Home-Made British aviators, flying 'With' their As for picking the "best" Jews as t noblest in the, drama. i: planes filled .with Jews toward Pales Dill Rcldes. our correspondent suggests — what ., Saving closed the "bargain; withi Ag-; pla means "best"?. The -sons of rich and tonio, showing his owif good win T>yj tin '
"What Was Your Fathers Name?
Piano Instructor
On the Basis of Quality
Omaha FishCo.
^ J1
Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish
-i \
PAGE S-r-THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 39,1922 ENGAGEMENT. The engagement of Miss Mollge Horvrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Hor^ich, to Mr. Al Wohlner, son of Mr. E. Wohlner, of this city, has been announced during the past ,week. No date has been set for the meeting.
are under way. The committee in at the Fontenelle Palm Room Mon- •A sewing class for Senior girls meeting will be held next Thursday charge are the Misses Fannie Rubin, day, October SO. now meets on Tuesday night at the afternoon at the "Y", at 4:C0 o'clock. chairman; Gertrude Cooper and Belle club-rooms. Miss Julia Wise, a "Y" Girls from 9 to 13 are eligible. • jj If you are going in or out of Mrs. Dave Epstein and Miss Esther member, is teacher. business it will pay you to see Rosenthall . Katleman will entertain at luneheon The X. T. C. will hold their first' Jj us first for Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kamen and Saturday afternoon at the Brandeis Registration for the Senior girls meeting of the new quarter Tuesday §j children returned Friday morning Tea Rooms, honoring Miss Jennie gym class is now open. Girls inter- evening at the Jewish Community g Cash Registers, from Chicago, 111., where. Mr. Kamen Katleman of Council Bluffs, la., who ested are ^urged to call the "Y" office, Center,. Scales and Fixtures had joined his family the latter part will soon become the bride of Sam- at once. A volley ball team of "Y" Mastrofsky-Wittenstein. uel Schwartz of Kansas City, Mo. of the week. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. of all descriptions. girls will be entered in Omaha AthThe marriage of Miss Rebecca WitMiss Molly Grossman returned first meeting of the season Sunday letic League now being organized. tenstein, daughter of Mrs. I* Witten- Thursday from Mercantile The Fairies of Zion will hold their a six weeks "visit Mrs. M. Stein, of Detroit, Mich., stein ,to Mr. Sol Mastrofsky* son of •with relatives and YM AND YWHA NEWS friends in St. arrived Friday to visit with Tier sister, Miss Ethel Greenberg and Miss afternoon at the Jewish Community MEYER GIVENTER, Prop, , Mr. J. Mastrofsky, both of Dies. Louis, Mo. Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, and Mr. Rosen- More than one hundred and fifty Ethel Reiies who conducted the Center. Miss Mary Maisel, leader of At. 5179 1109 Howard Moines, la., -were married Sunday members of the "Y" attended the Junior girls' gym classes on Wednes- this club, invites al lgirls over eleven ; '"";; evteningr October 15, at the Beth Mrs. Ben J, Gershun and daughter j blatt. Succoth dance given at the Ckib- day afternoons last year, will resume years of age to attend this meeting Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue, Nine- have just returned to their home at | rooms in the Jewish Community this work again this year. The first and become a member. ; Brotherhood of the Temple The Liberal tenth and Bart streets. Rabbi Morris NeTw., after a ten days j Center, last Wednesday night. This srael meeting will take place "WedN. Taxon officiated. relatives visit with their folks nesday evening;, October 25, at Temple was the first of the "Y" winter in Omaha. Israel. Everyone is cordially invited dances. The hall was especially decRUBACK-EPSTEIN. orated for the occasion, and refreshMr. Philip Epstein announces the Mr. and Mrs. EC. Heavenrich, an,- to come and hear Miss Jeannette Mir- ments in keeping: with the holiday iam Goldberg, field secretary of the marriage of MET daughter, Elta, to Mr..noncte the birth of a baby son, Herb, were served. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Richard Ruback, of Denison, la., son jr., on Friday, October 13, at the Jewish Chautaqua Society ow; Phila- Simon and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rosendelphia, Pa., who will speak on "Jewof Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruback, of this Stewart Hospital. ish Education." A musical program thal were patrons. city, on Tuesdayv October 17. The Pauline Koppel Little Miss The second October dance will be has also been arranged. marriage took place at the home of girl friends at her entertain her given this coming Saturday evening, Rabbi Morris N . Taxon, who read the afternoon. ljonje October 21, at the Club-rooms. Miss Cecelia Tararns of Des. Moines, marriage lines before the presence of la., is visiting in Omaha this week as the immediate relatives *of the couple. Miss Helene Colin, of Chicago, 111., the guest of Miss Esther Zalk. The Boy Scouts (Troop 62) will The young- couple will make their arrived Monday to visit with her resume meetings this Saturday night, cousin, Miss Marion Stern. home at Dennison, la. Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinberg have following a three weeks' recess due moved into their new home at 123 So. to the holidays. Mrs. Bernard Cohn has as her OSPEROFF-FRANKLIN. Thirty-fourth street. guest Mrs. Lowenstein, of Downs, The ..parrf age of Miss Irma FrankThe Run-Na dub and the X. TV C. dub will each meet next Tuesday lin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius At eight o'clock Friday evening at FraiMin, °% £MS city* t o A baby girl, Barbara, was born to Temple Israel, Rabbi Frederick Cohn's evening. Oscheroff, of Sioux City, la., will take Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harris at the sermon subject will be "Backner and A most exiting hand-ball tourna.* place Sunday evening, October 22, at j Stewart Hospital on Friday, October the Bible." On Saturday morning at ment is now being conducted between the Swedish Auditorium. The cere- 13. ten thirty he will speak'on '"The Land members of the various boys' clubs mony will take place at five o'clock, of Beginning Again."" of the "Y". Champions of the Mrs. Lester Kirschbraun and chilRabbi Morris N. Taxon officiating. .YMHA Jrs., the B'Nai B'Rith Jrs. dren, of Los Angeles, Calif., are The bride will have as her attendThe chairmens of the different comthe YMHA Boosters and the Cubvisiting with her parents, Mr. and ants the Misses Ida Osheroff, sister of mittees will talk at the Cpuneil of Scouts will hold an inter-club tournathe groom, Shirley Ruback, and Min- Mrs. Henry. Hiller. Jewish Women Luncheon to -be held ment soon. nie ^ohlner. The groom's attendants Mrs. Rachel Becker, of Sioux City, will be the-Messrs. Max Carr, and A. U o w a > here and is stopping Baker, of Sioux City, and Morris j at the Blackstone Hotel. Franklin, brother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rothschild Mr. Osheroff and his bride will live have returned to Omaha to make at Sioux City. Telephone statistics recently compiled show that afl lIfOp their home. They are at the Blackstone Hotel has only about 5,300,000 telephones, or about one telephoaf fbr ••A' son, Julius, was born Friday, every eighty people. . October 13, at the Stewart Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise arto Mr.' apd Mrs.. David Cohen. Mrs. rived here from Tulsa, Okla., to In the United States alone there are over 12,500,000 tele• Cohen was formerly Miss Sarah make their future home in Omaha. AND EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT phones operated by the Bell System and connecting^companiesLewis. At the regular bi-monthly meeting This is nearly two-thirds of all the world's telephones. FROM NOW ON Mrs. Arthur Mayerowitz, of Eldora, of the Omaha Junior Hadassah WedFor Our Dances, Adorns Axk., arrived nere Saturday to visit nesday evening, October 18, at the In Great Britain, France, Italy, Austria and Germany, the with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jewish Community Center, tickets telephone systems are operated by the government. Orchestra, Best in Town, Charles Epstein. Mrs. Mayerowit^ were distributed for the first <jf a Will Furnish the Music In Sweden and Denmark, where the telephone has been will be remembered as Miss Esther series of card socials \,o be given at Epsfcin before her marriage. She the Blackstone Hotel Sunday afterlargely under private control, there are more than three times as KELPJNES DANCING ACADEMY will remain here indefinitely..., ' noon, November 12. The money raised many telephones in proportion to the population as in Great ADMISSION, $1.0Q COUPLE. from these socials will be sent to Britain or France. Miss Beulah Mittieman'entertained sixteen guests at her home Sunday their tirphan, in Palestine. afternoon at a bunco party honoring On November 1, the dub will give Mrs. Harry Mittleman, of Lincoln, a hard time party for which plans Nebr.j who is visiting here. Prizes PHONE COMPANY NORTHWESTERN B were won by the Misses Sarah Fellman, and Ann Fanger.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
U. S. Leads
Thorpeicm Dance THIS SUNDAY-OCT. 22
Miss Nellie Ferer returned Thursday after spending five weeks with relatives in St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky had. as their holiday guests their daughter, Mrs. L. Sniwak, of Des Moines, la., and Mr. Spiwak, who returned to. Des Moines immediately after the holidays while Mrs. Spiwak will remain here for several weeks. Mr. Max Langman, of Ionia, Mich., fiance of Mr. and Mrs. • Kulakof sky's daughter, Beulah, also spent the holir days at their home. He left Thursday for Ms home. " Mrs. H. Ziegman and daughter, Pauline, and Mrs. Ziegman's sister; Mrs. M. Wright, of Los Angeles, Calif., who is visiting at the Ziegman home, spent Sunday in Lincoln visiting with lirs. A. Poska and daughter, ( The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon, October 26, at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis and Miss Cecelia Feiler returned Thursday by motor after spending several days in Chicago, 111. Miss Edith Newman, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Stone, returned Monday to her home in Kansas City, Mo. Mr. and JHrs. Harry Fellman have moved into their new home at 3025 Myrtle Avenue.
Chiropodist and Beauty Shop
Vote For
Established 1SD0 13th and H a i w j Streets. Pbon* Dangla* S333
ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. E. Fleishman
Even Bodies Are Nosh* Built
"THE M0HL'? Moved into his new home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. TeL Atlantic 6637.
Office Tel. JA. 3967
DR. M. I. GORDON Dentist 510-516 Brandeis Theatre Bid?. Omaha, Nebir.
Republican Candidate For
Hairy H. Lapldua. Pie*.-Treu. JOB. Pepper, Vice-PreBiflent. "W." G. Ure. Secretary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupj erer 70,000 Bawa.it feet Southwest Corner Eleventh and Doaclaa Streets. Bhone: Jackson £124 OMAHA. NTSB.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Herzberg entertained a foursome a t the Brandeis Theatre Monday evening.
Sunday, October 22, and Monday, October 23
Reasons Why Y O U Should Vote For
The Misses Beroice and Reva Sample Fur Shop Kulakof sky, who attend the UniThe Latest Styles and ~versity of Ann Arbor at Ann Arbor, Creations in Furs at Mich., where recently pledged into" the Great Savings Alpha Epsflon Phi Sorority, a national A call will convince you of the exJewish Sorority. Miss Bernice is now ceptional values in FUR COATS, in her second year at the University, CAPES, WRAPS, STOLES and CHOKERS, which are now on. having attended the Berkeley Unidisplay. versity at California last year. Miss 504 Vi SOUTH I6TH ST, Reva is in her freshman year. They One Flight up Opposite Hill Hotel are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. R. Telehone ATlantic 8412 Kulakofsky. ? Mrs. Carl Furth, head of the Sewing work of the Sisterhood of Temple Israel, has divided the" workers into nve groups under the following heads: The Mesdames Bert Hene, -Harry Heyman, Jake Jacobs, Jules Newman,' and K. Weinberg. They meet once a week; to sew clothes which they sell at the annual Bazaar that is held at the dty hall by the different organizations in December.
Otto J. Bauman
The thoroughness of Nash manufacturing is well illustrated bythe conscientious care in the- building of the bodies. Every foot of lumber used comes to Nash direct from the mills, to be worked through Nash lumber kilns, and the metal stampings are turned out in Nash's own presses. FOURS end SIXES Prices range from $gi$ to $2190 f. «. i . factory
COUNTY TREASURER (1) Chief Uepu«y County Treasurer for the past six years. (2) Has never held an elective political office. (3) .Has had financial experience—7 years in bank. (4) Has had business experience—Real Estate and Insurance. (5) Pledges increased efficiency in office administration, (6) Favors a reduction in taxes. (7) Born, raised, and educated in Omaha. (8) Graduate of the O'maha High School—year 1S90. <9) Faithful to public trust
NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. EETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Tenth and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representative Phone ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) Nash Leads t h e W o r l d i n M o t o r C a r Valwe '-•?>'
OCTOBER 19, 1922
- f Jews "are- kno^i to have been in some key in 1890. Ephhim Lederer is col- Alfred Hertz, Joseph Stransky, Josef of the colonies, particularly Maryland, lector of Internal Revenue at Phila- Pasternack, Hugo Riesenfeld ; and 1 delphia; Carl L, Alsberg is chief of Arthur Badonzky. before this date, the BuVeau of Chemistry in the De- Among concert and opera singers -Immigration from Germany.partment of Agriculture; Morris L. are Sophie Braslau, Alma Gluck and . The next Jewish immigrants- came J a c o b s o nfa s t a t i s t i c a n f o r t h e Federal Rosa Raisa. Leopold Godowsky, Mischa MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON from Germany, beginning- in 1730, and i s r a e l , Shapiro is chief Levitsky,' Joseph Lhevirine, Ossip ervg B NEARBY COMMUNITIES. ' '* Have the Jews Any Claim to the Title "America?"—Read'This settled in- New York, Maryland, and oR fe s^ Division o f S e m i t i c ^ Or ienGabrilowitch and ' Fannie Bloomfield CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE "BONDS! Article and Get Acquainted With the Facts of Jewish especially Pennsylvania. The German [.Literature at the Library of Con- Ziesler have an international reputaJewish immigration was greatest beLife in This Country : . and Jmmanuel M. Cazanowicz ,tion as pianists, Misdia Elman, Efrem tween 1830 and-1850; by 1870 it had ?, curator at:the National Zimbalist, Jascha Heifetz . and Max By Harry Schneiderman become insignificant. :.:':.-• ^ • ! ¥ u s e u m a t Washington. •t. . .: . ... • -. .INVESTMENT SECURITIES Several Rosen have gained distinction as The p present native-born Jewish pop- jj ee ww ss aa rr ee postmasters postmasters in in smaller violinists. •. . . • . Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATlantic 9555. The United States is the home of and. Italy, and. about 25,000 sought ulatdon' of the United States consists towns, and Jews' are to be found, also, Among! actors there are Bertha Ka: __ about one-fifth of all the-Jews-in-the refuge in Holland. Shortly after the in the main of descendants of Spanish, ^ various minor capacities m all lisch, Alia Nazimova, David Warfield, world. There are about 15,000,000 discovery of continental America, the - Portuguese, Dutch, German" and East Dranc lies' of the civil service, Leo Dietrichstein. - Ben-Ami Barney 'Jews in the world, and there are emigration of Jews from Spain to • European Jews. Our foreign born i Bernard, Sam Bernard, Joe Weber, WASH AND KEEP WELL Jews on the Bench. about 3,300,0Q0 in this country. It is South America set in. A congregation Jewish stock is largely fftanv Eastern Lew Fields, Houdini, Julian Eltinge, A. R.ULE, OF HEALTH estimated that 3,300,000 Jews live in was established in Brazil as early as Europe. Of the'3,800,000 Jews in the ' In New York, Benjamin. N. Cardoso Joseph Schildkraut, Al Jolson, Leon FRONTTER TOWEL SUPPLY • •Poland; 3,300,00 in^the Ukraine dis- 1624, when the Dutch obtained the United States about 1,850,000 were is. a justice.in the Court of Appeals, Errol, Eddie Cantor and Fannie Brice, the highest court of the state. Twelve !A l a n D a l e ( A l f r e d , G ,_ C o h e n ) a n d tricts', of" the former Russian Empire control of that region from the Portu- born' in this country. 1S1B California Street. : 'One of America's Great Hotels" >in Europe; 900,000 in Soviet Russia; guese, . -But in 1654 the Portuguese The chief origin of the present-Jew- o u t o f t h e n^ety-five judges of the s i d n e y R o s e n f e l d a r e famous dramatic '30'0,0'0 in the British Isles; 2,250,000 regained. control, and the Jews fear- ish population of the United States Supreme Court of, New York are-Jews, c r i t i c s . . p in Austria and Hungary; 600,000 in ing the return of persecution, began was pRussi/(whichthen included Po- a s a l s o a r e three of the judges of the i Theatres. was Russi/(whichincluded Po- Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas,! Germany; 100,000 in France;' 100,000 to leave Brazil. land and tithuania),then Austria-Hunga^ I nt h e motion ^ picture industry in Palestine. Twenty-four of the fugitive came . ry, and t o a lesser' "degree Roumania. corresponding to the Supreme Xourt Adolph Zukor and Jesse Lasky are diEFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE ' WHOLESALE m .UCSDR7. When Ferdinand and Isabella ex- to New Amsterdam, now New York, ' TT hh ee ^ ^ many states. Mayer Sulzberger rectors t eemmi gi gr raat ti i66nn of of Jews Jews from' from actorso f-the ofthe famous famous Players-Lasky PlayersLasky TVliere your clothes come home Druggists and Stationers pelled the ; Jews, the greater number on July 8, 1654. They were the R u s s i a b e g a n a b o u t i m , when the was presiding judge of this court for Corporation; Hiram-Abratas is presicJenner and last loncer. of the two 'hundred thousand who-Ieft nudeus 401-403-405 South 10th Street of nud f the two t o oldest Jewish comcom iso^ned promulgatthirteen years, Jews are to be found . Corporay , d e n t o f t h e U n i t e d A r t i ss tt ss AT lantic 0380. I50T-11 Jackson' St. M a yLaws were Spain journeyed to Northern.-Africa munities^n the United States.Jhose ,e d | f o r D i d d i n f f the settlement l aiaoio various state legislatures | H A . JACOBBERGER. Pres. of Jews aiao-io. various state legislatures. | tion; Carl Laemmle is president of the and to Turkey, a few. went to .France of New York and Newport, although outside of towns and the acquisition The Universal Film Manufacturing ComTh Russian, R i Austrian A t and d RbumanR Omaha Office: 813" Douglas Street. of real estate property by them. The ian immigrants were chiefly artisans pany, Samuel' Goldwyn of the GoldOmaha Phone Atlantic £556 Jewish emigration up to .1880 had —-tailors," carpenters, shoemakers, gla- wyn Pictures Corporation, and Lewis Phone 104 JEHILGANZ&SON ' Ford Transfer & Storage Co. been only a few thousand annually; ziers, etc. j J. Selznick of the Selznick Pictures The Best of Everything in Flowers and It, A. FORD. but in the thirty years from 1880 to A great number of the skilled work- corporation. Certified - Public Accountants F. 8. SIOREX. Prop. Confections at Moderate Prices. President and General Manaper. S45 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater f417 ' Donglas Street 1910, over a million Russian, Polish, men! connected with the building | In the world of art in the United Council Bluff's (Iowa) Office Phone Webster 0820 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. ACDITO1S AND SYSTEMATIZOnB and Lithuanian Jews arrived in the trades, such: as carpenters, glaziers, States, Jews-have succeded as paint- 921 So. Main Street.' Phone 365 THE LATJNDRY THAT Emll^Ganz. • C.,P. A. V. M. Ganz United States. • " . . • • ' • , electrical workers, plasterers and ers, sculptors, architects and illustra,• ; Phones: EVERYBODY LIKES. • Harl &4OG; — Doojr.4821. Har.OOJS . In the Continental Army, there painters, are Jews. . tors. were more than a score of Jewish, ofAbout 10,000 Jews in the United ; -Altogether there are now twentyCarpenter Paper Co. ficers. Haym Salomon, a Jew of Po- States are now engaged in agriculture, five hundred synagogues known to Distributors of OCR TREATMENT WILL lish origin, negotiated the loans off chiefly in the States of New York, exist in the United States. There are CONVINCE YOU OF OUR Western Bond—and High SINCERITY. France and Holland ' t o Congress, New Jersey and Connecticut. {sixteen fraternal orders, having over Grade Stationery Trust Department. himself advanced large sums to that j Out of a total of 5,500,000 members twenty-five hundred local lodges, with Safety Deposit ISoxe's. Omaha. Nebraska. and Tours body, and came to the aid of arjriy of trade unions in the United States an aggregate membership over a half 'f o ~ ^ officers and members of Congress it is estimated- that 500,000 are Jews, j million. All Parts when their private resources failed The American Federation of Labor,] There are fourteen philanthropic orthem. Colonel David S. Franks was the largest' association of trades ganization of national scope, of the on Washington's staff. - unions in the world; has been headed Fifty-one Jewish Federations of WorldForty-three Jews are certainly, by Samuel Gompers for the past Charity expend over $7,000,000 an"Manufactured in Omaha" Money Seat to All known to have taken part in the War thirty-eight y e a r s . nually for the relief of the indigent, 1 BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ' S T E A M S H I P TICKETS ; Foreign Countries * of 1812. The most rominent was In Schools and Colleges. WHOLESALE PAPER, the orphaned,' the sick and the aged. Arrangements now made with Soviet Uriah P. Levy, afterward Commodore A recent survey of 106 leading uniAs a whole, the Jewish population STATIONERY, ETC. Government- for prpmpt-.fotJvnrrtinK oC passengers to Ainertca. We furnish you who followed > the- sea from the age of versities and colleges, with a total en- is in sympathy with American ideals, Distributors for necessary 'blanks, etc.. t o ' fill out. ' ' eleven, "and on whose tombstone' at rollment of 153,085,'showed that the and is'working side by side with other Palmers Steamship Agency Pink Tip Matches — 1708 Farnam St. .Omaha ^Gypress Hills, New-York City,' is re- number of Jewish "students in these Americans-to promote these ideals, 1909.. Jtlnrnijr'Strtit. -. Tf I. J.-tck»op C710 Northern Toilet Tissue corded.the interesting fact that "he institutions was 14,837* or 9.7 per cent > - Many -instances"of • intermarriage was the father of the law for the of the whole-number. In New York are well known/ August Belmorit, the 1112 Hamey Street abolition of the barbarous practice of City- about one-third of the student elder, for example, married a daughLET CS DO XOt'B 'WEEtJEN'G ATlantic 6409 corporal punishment in the- United body at ColumbiaiUniversity is Jew- ter of the famous Commander PerryStates Navy." • •• ; ' •'- j ishv Nearly:97-per cent of the stu- Walter Damrosch "married the daugh, Seven thousand Jews were engaged depts at the College of the City of ter of James G. Blaine. Ossip GabriloTHE CAREFUL WELDERS on both sides in the war between the New York are Jews. J witch, the musician, married Mark Tel. JA. 4397, . Anything :s Anytime :: Anyplace. 1501 Jackson States/including.forty officers lifJihe . <In New York i€Sty, about 20 per Twain's daughter. Dr^ Abraham army and eleven in the navy. Two cent of the 7,500'lawyers and about Jacobi married Mary Putnam; Joseph COCNCIL BLUFFS. IA. thousand Jews served in the war:with an> equal proportion of the 10,000 Pulitzer, who made the New York Service is Our Motto S p a i n . • - '•••'••" • • • |physicians are Jews. In medicine, "World" a great newspaper, married Temptation Besets You Sate Deposit Boxes for Bent. On the basis of, the fatts disclosed, Simon Flexner, dhe *of the -foremost Kate Davis, a kinswoman of Jefferson When You Enter it is estimated-that the American sol* pathalogists in thef country, is director Davis' and his son, Ralph" Pulitzer, , • - CANDIES. ' "ICE- CREAM,' " diers,-sailors and marines of-the Jew- of- the Rockefeller*1 Institute, and married a granddaughter of Com-j ' LUNCHES. "' ish faith during the recent-war hum- Jacques Loeb is head of the Depart- modore Vanderbilt. — Wisconsin bered from 200,000 to: 225,000 out of ment of Experimental Biology. - Chronicle. Every Known Kind total armed forces of 4,800,000.; Albert A. Michelson, the physicist - - • • __—;_ .—: BUTTER and EGGS . . , : of Insurance About 40,000 Jews were volunteers, of the Universityr of Chicago, is a IRKUTSK ZIONISTS ARE I Council Bluffs, la. Jews were-the subject of 1,100 cita- Nobel prize winner. His latest! WARNED TO QUIT WORK ' 209 W. p. W. Blag. Douclae OSSO 16th and Farnam Streets tions for valor. Of the/78 Cohgfes- achievemsnt is the- invention of a ' Moscow, Oct. 12. (J. T. A.)-^-Zion-j sional Medals • of • Honor three were device for measuring the stars, ists applying for permission to ar-j Crystal Candy Company _ awarded to Jewish1 soldiers. The Dis- Jerome Alexander of New York is an range a public meeting at Irkutsk in tinguished Service Medal Was award- expert in colloid' chemistry and a celebration of the twenty-fifth anni- ] "'lGth and Capitol Ave. edto at least 150 American Jews; the pioneer with th& ultra-microscope in versary of the first Zionist Congress j Made by UNDERTAKERS French -Medaille Militaire is worn by America. • - i were arrested, despite the fact that UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST 2224 Cnming St. four American Jews and the Croix de' In'the engineering field, several Zionist activities had been legalized! FOOD CO. Phone J A ckson 1226 BISCUIT c o . ' Guerre by '174. - In the army about Jews have become'fnoteworthy. The by the municipality of that place, says ! OMAHA, NEBRASKA. 10,000 Jews were Commissioned offi- late Mendes Cohen; of Baltimore was an Irkutsk report. I Snow' WhfV cers. In the navy 500 Jews held comr president of the American Society of ( Application to hold the meeting was ' Bakeries missions, one that of; Rear Admiral. Civil Engineers add a distinguished made by ten members of the Zionist Top and Body Building (Reg. V. 8. Vat. Thirty-one rabbis served in'the Chap- railroad engineer. Leon S. Moissitf executive*' committee. Instead of Office.) and Repairing. Iain's Corps. In the Marine Corps designed the Manhattan Bridge over granting permission as ushual, all ten Curtains—Lights—Etc. over 60 Jews were -commissioned offi- the East River, New York City; David were arrested and i for two days im- ' "If Its Worth Anything cers, including one brigadier general. B. Steinman designed the longest con- prisoned. They were released on conof CODNCIIj BLUFFS —Have It Insured." ATlantic 0101 2525 Leayenworth St. tinuous bridge in the world, that over dition that they abandon all Zionist : Leading Figures. * We pay 4% Interest on Savinjr at Sciotoville; Joseph work." Zionism in Iskutsk, is now at , and TJme Deposits. Bernard M. Baruch, Julius Rosenoriginated the trunnion a standstill, a matter which is mysti' JA ckson 1862 Safe ; Deposit Boxes for Uent. wald, and ( Samuel Gompers were direct*lift type of bridges, fying many persons who cannot unmembers of the Council of National j . Horowitz, the president of derstand this methodof playing fast Defense. Mr. Baruch was also chairWholesale the" Thompson-Starratt Company, has and loose with, a movement. | man of-the War Industries Board. Fruit and Vegetables In the territory which later became directed the building of important. ACCUSE POLAND N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. TO AND FROM the United States of America, Jews „A. OF CHICANNERY IN t and the - -"first - - time, - had Z™?Station ^ " .,YJEWISH SCHOOLS ALL PARTS OF were for the since they " ^ v i, ^ Warsaw, Oct. 12. (J. C. B.)—Polish THE WORLD ceased to have a separate state of Eq-table^Bmld^g in New York the lar st c e J . authorities of Wolhynia are accused their own, accorded complete civil and f ° ^ ^ ^ m the world, of "Chicanery" in their relation to political equaUty with other inhabit- v ..^^^^•.t^J^Tl ^ n t o r ^ ^ e ^ m i l ^ ^ i n e r . j ^ iF n - J e w i s h s c h o o b . O ff o r t y Heb^w 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. ants. vented he Omaha's Newest Sport Goods 'Store Two Jews have recontly" been state * ^ of phonograph now m apply for recognition as OMAHA PILLOW CO. ATlantic 0340. Governors: Moses Alexander of Idaho, general use and the loose contact tele- e l e m e n t a r y s c h o o l s , o n l y o n e was leFeather mattresses made from yonr p h n e tra own feathers (•ool In Summer— Wnrm and Simon Bambe'rger of Utah. ° "smitter.< . . &alized. in Winter. Cost less thnn felt limls 1 M y Jews « ottnn Mattressis inarte over In new David Emanuel, a Jew, was Gov" ™ a « professors at urnT M s a n d t h e vacUating attitude of tu-Ua nl hnlf prirp of new hprts. ernor of Georgia as eirly ak 1801, and ^rsities. .Cyrus, Adler, president of ^ p o l i s h : e d u c a t i o n a l o f f i c i a l s ^ geTi. 1907. Cumins St. JA. 2467 Emanuel county is a memorial to him. D . r °? s i e .G°11fge' ^ PIula,dtPria>A1f * ^ 1 have rendered the conducting of 1 . ' 1806 Hamey Street Six Jews have' been in: the United fistngoished scholar, and Felix Adler H e b r e w s c h o o l p r e c a r i o u s . T h e r e Phone AT Inntfc 0001 ( states Senate. Twenty-four Jews have l s ^ . ^ H - k n o w wTiter and speaker li branch of the "Tarbut" was closed J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. : by authorities, notwithstanding the A Sforo Miiii.iKed mid Hnu served in the House. on Ethics and Social Reform. by Men who l'lny the Onnic. previous government recognition. A number of Jews have been ap-' I Journalism. n 1(K» No. 16th St. Tel J.YrliBon 3128 G. L. R E E V E S Elementary "Jewish Schools in P t o m O:>i>uHitp pointed to State, Municipal and Fed- Among Jews who are newspaper "RADIO" TUXEDOES. Latest Models eral Courts, Louis D. Brandeis is an publishers the best known are Adolph Janow, Rowno, Beresteczko, Daron SS5.00 to $40.00 Everything for the Athlete.; Associate Justice of the United States s. Ochs, owner and publisher of the and Dorabrowize. It S.\1,E ()K I'OII KENT Y o u r position is Supreme Court. Two of the thirty- New York "Times," Charles and n "pAIr.cTlNTcorrect, and should four justices of the. United ' States Victor Rosewater of the Omaha "Bee," U l t * "EVERY KNOWN KIND" Circuit Court are Jev/s; Samuel Aland H. C. Adler. of the Chattanooga Kapfan Auto Parts Co. be s u p p o r t e d by Warsaw, Oct. 12 (J. T. A.)—Ur. A b n e r H. K a i m a n schuler and Julian W. Mack, both of <:Timos." 2111 Mrliotiirt Ntri-ft every fair minded Usec) rant honpht mjlil nlid exrhnngert. Chicago. Of the one hundred and five Some of the American-Jewish poets 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034 New fjwira. mid oxl« «)infta person. 1 District Court Judges; two are Jews; are^^ Louis Untermeyer, Arthur Guiter& fur nnv mlinUir Tires*. Tiitn-a nn«J Acri-nuorles Julius M. Mayer of New York, and man, Samuel Hoffenstein, Elias LieberPAXTON BILLIARD Bolmtr I'rkca. Jacob Trieber of Little Rock, Ark. f man, James Oppenheira, Ludwig LewHannah Lump ... JewPARLOR Oscar S. Straus, who was secretary isohn (who is also the translator of Franl;iin County of ths Devartmont of Commerce and important foreign literature and a re- C„ a,l ,l e,d] t+o , ,h „e a- r DT) • * • or • • • \ Lump _ «: lecture on NTCK S. WRANTC. Proprietor r r Ri?uUnimn's ' P S lec?ture ° n Labor, under^President Roosevelt, is viewer of high standing), and Morris 1516 Farnatn Stroct. KIIMOI Palestine. 'Colorado Efcsokckib HofTniacn Funeral Florae. the only: J4r/, v;ho CVCT hclcV a Roscnfsld. Phone JA rknon 4136. , . x. From' Warsaw, Dr." Rupin will proCabinet omce. OrcartS. Straus, Henry *' Wall Eeceptacleq— Jo A-S arc especially- prominsnt mthe c a e d t o o t h f t r £ u r o p c a r i capitals later Screenings J. Mor^antliau, ar.d Abrcm 1. Elkus have theatrical profeeslon and the moving v i s i t i n f f America. Light—WIRING—Power, hold su-eccsivdy the post of Ambas- picture industry as produce^ producers,'writers, ^_ ^ ^ -^-Ecl! Transformers every^ Jewish family In I Your subscription for "The Jew. | sitkr-4e-Turke^. Solomon Hirbch of actors ami critic*, Ariiong the famous When buying mention "The Jew. V/Ebatcr 2CC3. . WAInut 3034i. 40 & CqrainjJ Ste. read* "The Jewish Pre»»". | ish P r w " i» due now. Oi-a, ,w», teixuaier t-» Tur- «natssior» ot orchestras today wrotobPrw»" advertisers.
VZtio th e Je ws are in the United Sfates
I | I 1
E. E. Bruce & Co.
FREDR.-SH&W Rower Shop
Emerson Laundry
Council Bluffs Savings Bank
Steamship Tickets
Baker Ice Machines
The Brinn & Jensen Company
Peters TrustCo.
First latioisal Bank
:ell Co;
Made With Milk
City National Bank
oteamsMp I ickets
Omaha Sporting Goods Co.
JJohn Feldman
lisa Cs&I Ca. S
p |
Leo A. Hoffmann