CJenras and ambition laugh . i at .'Precedents. ' T " *
of pleasing is the art of rising in the world." '
• • ••- -r-Thayer.
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_ . _ - -_. . T ,„ VOL. IL—N0.4b
n> ;a ai «econd-clag« mall matter on January 27th, 1821. at | g . t o a at Omaha. Kebraatau.onder the Act of March 3. 1«79.
form Medical Sc
Jonumssion Just Back from Palestine Reports Purchase Large Site, on Mount of Olives. .
ANTI-SEMITISM IN ITALY;. ! Rome (J.C. B. Service) Signor Preziosi,' one of the leading antiJewish journal ists in Italy publishes an article in bis periodical, "La Vita Italiana" alleging that the Jews have : packed the Italian Government services. According to a: table of statistics which; he gives, -there are 64 Jews in the Parliament (Chamber and Senate), 25 in tHe Privy Cduncil, 54 in the Mjnistsyl of Foreign, Affaires, 11 in. the Ministry for Justice, 470 in the Ministry for-: Finance, 267 .in the Ministry for War, 117* in the Ministry: for Trade, and 532 .in the Ministry for Post* and Telegraphs, making a total"-.of-3^59 Jews. Signor Preziosi contends that this is in flagrant disproportion to tL-. r.umber of Jews in the country, and forms a serious danger to the Italian public life. ' I
i i
i I
r •
IZetaBeta.TauBoys,Henry Ford's Jew-Mania at State^ University •" Part Six . . Liacoh M ? e Dealers to Spread the Poison Partakeatin All.School Activities ;
and Have Purchased a New House.
JEWISH PRIVY COUNCILLOR RETIRES Copenhagen, Oct. 17 (J. T. A.). The crash of the Danish Landsmand's Bank has resulted in the retirement to private life of Herr Emil Glueckstadt, the Privy Councillor, who was also President of the bank. Herr Glueckstadt is regarded as one of the best financial minds in Europe, having served in an advisory capacity with the League of Nations and during the Peace Conference. Before resingning his office and relinquishing the bank presidency, Herr Glueckstadt is said to have 2-orrendered his entire fortune to -place the bank* in its feet.
Leaders Training Grocp of Association Will Enroll Children in Recreation Orabs and Classes.
OMAHA BOYS HONORED "We now reach the conclusionof our reasons. All haver been liberals or JUNIOR ACTIVITIES OF YM, story, of Mr. Ford's strange-lapse socialists.. The -assassins have been The Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, comAND YWHA. TO BE from tolerance. That we: supplement all reactionaries. '-A large- number" of posed of Jewish'boys .a'chapter of a • EXTENDED. this tale with one:about- the ririam*. the victims and intended victims have National organization, has made big facturers'-. creative \ side; is .-• seen: oh been Jews, in. addition to the better strides at the .University .of NebrasAll Jewish -children in Omaha, beOur New York Correspondent) page 74 of earst's Internatoinal for known cases,',like Eathehau, Erzberg- ka. ' It was" organized only a year: tween the ages of 8 and 15, end esA statement issued by the-HeadNovember. That we shall continue in er, Harden, Max Warburg, and Theo- ago. pecially those who are not now mem'. quarters of the Keren .Hayesod in ;"• ... varied ways- to fight against, tearting dore Wolff. bers.of a Y. M. H. A., or a Young JuSeveral Omaha boys who are memAmerica, announces that the first the -Jewish question with • ingorant The most notorious of the reactiondea Club,.are invited to attend a speber* of this .fraternity have been • steps, in the establishment of a Medimania is.announced,in an editorial on ary murder-societies* - called "the Orcial children's. program which will be honored. Louis Somberg, son of Mr. cal College in Jerusalem to form part page 7. of earst's International for ganziation Consul,'*" declares'its. obgiven this Sunday evening at the Jewand Mrs. A. Somberg, 3562 Cass of the Hebrew University where all November, y, : i • ' ". -• ject, is to ."spread tlie national spirit ish Community Center, at ,7:30. No Street,, has Seen elected to the "Iron the instruction is to be. given in the - As this -last instalment- is being and to oppose every international Sphinx," an.'honorary fraternity of Child, however, will be admitted unHebrew language, revived and modwritten, Albert Einstein, /foremost:: of movement, especially Bolshevism and the second year'class. less .accompanied by parents. ernized, have been taken by three living scientists, is. put on the danger Judaism." Affiliated with' the Con- Another" Z: B. .TJ,. Gundall GoldanSponsoring1: the evening's entertainAmerican physicians who have just ist, of thejjerman anti;Republicans sul are various patriotic club's and sky, formerly of McCook, Nebraska, ment is the Leaders' Training Group, returned from'Palestine, where in the and Jew-baiters. . Erzberger,- Eath- newspapers, pledged to ' "reduce the now of Denver, is a member of this composed. of members of the Senior .course of • a - month's say they purPlans Are Being Made For Easy group of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A, enau, arden could be more easily "un- influence cf the Jews.". The talk honorary organization. chased a tract of land .for, the purPayments of Contributions. derstood, because, they -were not only from" these newspapers is heard Thirty voting men and women coinTake Part in Class Battle. pose on' the Mount. of Olives. The ews but active opponents of ,the-ele- everywhere on" the street, especially During the -recent home coining, prise the Leaders' Training Group plans for the erection of the first set ments of depotism trying-to -regain among officers.- All the Dearborn Saturday, October 21, the Omaha $133,000 ALREADY SUBSKI8EQ. which was organized last March. It of permanent, buildings - have been power. Einstein, on the other *hand, Independent has done is to create a boys of this organization played a I has for its purpose the training End completed in consultation with expert is not in'politics. "A genius in- pure similar talk. here. Does Mr. Ford be- very prominent part. At this time ] Preliminary plans for the cam- development of leaders and directors advice in Europe and America, and science,.his only crime is that he is a long in that crowd ? Does Boris Bra- the annual- clash between the fresh- paign for the Jewish Community of • children's clubs and classes, to the actual work of building, it is Jew. He is put on : the list intended sol belong in America? announced, will begin as soon as the Says Britain Will Besist All Efforts tor slaughter because when reastion- For the last instalment, we have men and the sophomores is held. Ben Center Building Fund were discussed promote the recreational activities of Eavitz, son of Mr. and Mjs. S. Eav- at a meeting.of the Board of Trus- the Y. M. and -Y. W. H. A. among: rainy season in" Palestine is over. In ; to Obtain "' kept an entertaininb little exhibit prestart Jewrmania itz, 720 South Thirty-seventh Street, tees of the Fund held last Monday Jewish children of Omaha. anes m any count addition, in order to start certain Palestine. pared by Brasol in the presence of an was bound hand and foot by the evening. Following the program of Sunday's the disease knows nc limits.' pressing" work; immediately, a buildasociate of mine. • Inthis rough little Following the pledge of $50,000 entertainment which will be of special on our side in sketch, the head of the Eussian re- sophomores-and taken to a cemetery ing has" been. rented ' as temporary N O DANGER —• P A I N L E V E Had Germany quarters .for a,: school reseacrch of the war, the group of foreign react- storationists and Jew-persecutors in three miles from-Lincoln. Here he made by Morris Levy last June the appeal to children, those in attendwas untied and was forced to walk fifteen members of the Board of ance who are not already active in tropical diseases and a microbiological There is no ground for the fear ionaries and Jew-baiters who are con- this country shows how far is he Young Goldansky was captured Trustees have been quietly working some club will be enrolled as members laboratory. . - . —, nected with the anti-Semitic, war in expressed by Jewish friends and the like most professional Jew-baiters, by'the freshmen and taken to a farm throughout the community in ad and will be organized into new clubs The physicians who carried through hope expressed 'by Jewish enemies this country might conceivably have from being ~,jahler tolearn anything house fifteen miles away. At the vatice of the city-wide campaign to meet their own inclinations and this work in Palestine with character^ that the position of Jewish prospects been German supporters of a.restored that goes contrary to bis prevailing farm house all his. money.was tem- which will be launched shortly. To time All of the members of the Trainistae American, enterprise .were Dr. in.Palestine will in any way be af- depotism. • Because of our co-opera- mania. ..._'..,' porarily taken-from his and he date 4l35,Q09 has been pledged by ing Group' will be present to assist in Nathan Ratnoff, Dr. David J. Kali- fected by the recent happenings in tion with Enssia in the .war,,the op- Brasol sat in his office -at No. 5, forced to hike hack to t o w n . . . . the enrollment and to advise and aid SS7'subscribers. ski, and Dr.. Samuel J. Kopetzky, all ^Turkey, is the; opinion of Peter J. portunity of Jew-baiting in this coun- Columbus Circle,* New York, while a . Many Omaha Pledges. The" coming campaign, "will be tb ths children in their selection of new of New York City; They went to Schweitzer, chairman of the admin- try was offered to; .the'.supporters friend of mmel as&eii" him the truth ;' • * Other Omaha-boys • who are mempoint of amount to be clubs. Palestine as -a Commission appointed" istrative, committee cf the Palestine of a restored Russian- depotism. about the part he played in the Kiev bers of the. fratenjjty--sx$:: Meyer Among the activities which "will be ransed and in scope, ever conducted by the American Jewish Physician's foundation fund in America, who, re- 1 In the present Polish, troubles like- Ritual inortfer triaL :.given prominence are gymansium .Beber, Sam. Gordon, Michael-cStela, ,or&< the Jews ofOmaha. ' Becsos frise it is the reactionaries who are Committee which, in co-operation with turned last week_ to; New Tork after J sat face to. face with this Russian Hany Eavitz and -.Edwin.-. Katskee. classes for girls from 8 to 14, on Monthe Palestine"" Foundation Fund an «s±endeA stay - in-various countries fmti-Semitic It is the story, all over Black Hundred disciple and heard Mallard and Clyde Krasne of Council Tsf-"&e fact that the Jewish Commu- day, Tuesday Wednesday and Thnrsp nity Center will be the institution the world. .. _. , ; (Keren Hayesod), has raised among of Europe. -day.-;«£temoaDS~Jii 4:00, .sloty-telling. ineBibersf pf^the-rjEratersiit^- of evsry vPresMent iowell of Harvard has a Mm, injthis' twentif ^centary, coldly ' the profession iirSmeriraPfne BumoF of the medieval «ru«fiy of ffi'T^" also. . in Omaha will be expected to con classes (with-emphasis on Jewi&h his?300,000 for the purpose of establfry annual conference of the World Zion- question to face that probably Henry henchmen." tory), -on ' Sunday afternoons; boys' The followingare—the Omaha -tribute. Pledges .are payable in ing the Medical Department of thfe ist Organization in Carlsbadj where •Ford,is incapable of thinking about; "I Was the second greatest prelimi- • athletic-clubs at 6:00 and 7:30 p. m.; Hebrew. University. The committee he was a representative of. the Ziqn-^ Henry Ford, or E. G. Liebold, if Lie- nary-, investigator in Eussia," said pledges of the.fraternity:,JohnBetter, installments over a period of three Boy Scout and Jr. Scout clubs on SatHerman Kully .and; Herman Lowenyears. includes also a Medical and Pharmac- ist'Organization -of -America.- • In- his boid does his Jew thinking for him. BrasoL "I had studied detections of urday night and Friday afternoons, ... .", . ' . - , : .-' • .' A feature of this campaign wi! respectively; and Young Judea clubs eutical Section, arid while the Fund capacity as member of the economic Mr. Lowell has two main questions crime all over Europe, under orders stein. The fraternity has purchased a new raised is a Trust Fund and part of the and financial council of the Zionist before him: from the government. In. Switzer- house .and will ,teke possession of ,it be the special women's committee on Sunday afternoons. All clubs will composed of representatives of every meet at the Jewish Community Cengeneral Palestine Foundation Fund, Organization he conferred with the 1. Is he right in his actual statis- land, Germany, France and England the appeal was made exclusively to, other members with regard to the tics' about the increase of Jews at I had made myself expert in criminal February 1.- The home is. one.of ..the women's organization in the city, ter. prettiest on .the Nebraska campus.. which will conduct the fund-raising Sam Beber is president of the Lead* the members of the medical profession Palestine budget and the general Harvard? detection. work for the Keren Hayesod. in America. among the Jewish women. 2. Is he right in his theory that the "The chief preliminary investorgaSam Beber is president of the LeadFurther details will be announced ers' Training Group and Isaac SternThe Medical College is to be gov- "During the last few weeks," said way to check Jew-mania is to yield tor of Eussia was sent by the Tsar's erned by a Board of Governors con- Mr. Schewitzer, "Europe has been liv- to it T This second question will start government to Kiev to take the Menin subsequent issues of "The Jew- till is in charge of the program for sisting half of members to be appoint- ing under the cloud of the threat of some thinking. Perhaps the "way to dell Beiliss case out of the hands of ish Press." Sunday night. • Other members of the ed by the Physician's Committee and another war. In common with the increase prejudices is to yield to it. the local government. The local pogroup are: the other half by the World Zionist'rest of the people of Europe, and I wish Mr. Ford, who despises his- lice authorities in Kiev were trying Wedgwood Advises Workers to Seek Betty Fine, Fannie Levinson, JenOrganization. even more tran the rest, the Jews tory, ancient or current, would (if to prove that the murder of the boy Justice "for; the Jewish ny. Krestul, Fannie Wezelman, Bess - The following American Phyisicians were under great apprehension,.and Mr. Liebold will permit) give a mo- was committed by local thieves. Mos• People. Handler, Joe Eothkop, Anne SeHcow, are indued in the Board of Governors: considerable talk: was indulged in in ment to these facts: cow had a different idea. So the preJulia Wise, Irving Kabkin, A t EabiDr. S. S. Goldwater, Dr. Israel various quarters, especially in those During the last three years at least liminary investigator was sent from NEW YORK.—(J. C. B.(—"Why nowitz, Eozella Klein, Gertrude Tatle, New York University Leads With Strauss, Dr. Leon Luria, Dr. Samuel hostile to Jewish and British .inter- three hundred•• people have been as- Moscow to take over the case." should the Jewish workmen discrimiBess Greenberg, Ida Hoffman, Jack 2,532 on Student Register. J. Kopetzky, Dr. David J. KalisM, and ests, that Great Britain -would be sasinated in Germany for political nate against his own people in his (To Be Continued Next Week.) Frieden, Louis Abramson. Fred Dr. Nathan Eatnoff. The men rep- compelled to make' one concession afstruggle for the welfare of humanA statistical review of the num- White, Israel Goodman, Tina Altresenting the World Zionist Organiza- ter another to the victorious Turks, ity ? I learn that the Jewish workers tion ate Dr. Chain Weizmann, Prof. backed as they are by the French in this country are in' the vanguard mber and distribution "of Jewish stu- schuler, Wm. Kline, Rose_ ScHffcr, Otto Warburg, Dr. R. Solomon of government, and that before long the of the American labor movement. dents in colleges, universities .and Philip Feldman, Harold Farber, Eutb, London, and Dr. M. 0. Eder. There question of the status of Palestine Let them also be in the vanguard of professional schools throughout the Herman, - Pauline Seikow, Helen. is still another member to be chosen would come up, and that the British the movement to ecancipate then- country is included in the Jewish Reikes, Mina Freedman, Anne Weiss, and it is confidently expected that would be forced to yield this also fo 'Conditions in Eussia Will Be Ter- Federal Council of Churches Declares people. Do they regard the national Youth Hanbook issued b ythe Fried- Blanche Altaian, Iva Siegel, Rebscca Azorin, Doxa,5Schwartz, Fred Levey, the post- -will be accepted' by Prof. the Turkish Nationalists. On the face Organizations Arousing Religious re-establishment of their people con- lander Educational Conference, under Belle Oland, Irving rible, Unless Help Is-Obtained," Stalmaster, Iscob Albert Einstein. Dr. Eatnoff has of it, this talk,is utterly absurd and trary to the ideals of international- the auspices of which the "Join Said Mr. Brown. Prejudices and Racial AntipaCopeland, ' Sarah Rubach, Ethel been elected first president of the yet it has been sufficient to arouse Week" drive, is being held throughout ism ? . That is a profound error. Only thies Are Not Consistent Board of Governors for a period of fears among some of our people. Reikes, Mary. Maizel, Anne Greenthe city to stimulate Jewisl educafter securing justice for yourself With Christianity. MOSCOW, (J. T. A.)—An almost three years at the first meeting of the can you go out arid'secure justice for ation amon. Jewish youung. men and berg and Ethel Greenberg. total lack of clothing and, famine in Board held in Jerusalem. Y. M. AND Y/W. H. A. MEMBERS fuel threaten to intensify the -food WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.—(Jewish others. ' Internationalism demands women. ."X TO PEESENT PROGRAM AT According to the handbook, 144,836 scarcity suffering in the Ukraine Telegraphic Agency)—Condemnatory the co-operation' of free nations BELLEVUE .SCHOOL * this winter, -warns Col. William E. resolutions said to be aimed at the Ku whose national aspirations have been Jewish students -are -enrolled in the Local Keren Hayesod to Re•WINS'SCHOLARSHIP. Ex-service. men at the Bellevue •Grove, supervisor for the American Klux Klan and other masked secret fulfilled. Internationalism is impos- 106 colleges throughout the coutry, Organize at Meeting We" Lincoln, Neb.; Oct. 25.—Miss Lillian The local organization, of the Keren Vocational School will- be entertained Belief Admnistration in the Ukraine. bodies have • been passed by the ad- sible with subjected, persecuted and In the arts and sciences courses 6,694 Margolin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, are enrolled, 1,194 in law schools; ' "The lack of clothing is pitiful/' ministrative committee of the Federal disinherited nations." Hayespd will hold; a - reorganization Sunday afternoon with a. program 1,496, medicine; 1,325, engineering; J. Margolin, a student of the Univerpresented by members .of the Y. M. Turning to the, object of his misCouncil of Churches and were made said Colonel Grove. There will be meeting next Wednesday evening at & X. W. H. A., under t i e auspices 1,185, commerce and finance; 981 in sity of Nebraska, was recently awardsion . in this country, that of stimuterrible suffering in Odessa this win- public today. While they mentioned the Jewish Community Center. All ed, second-scholarship honors by the v organizatons in the city are asked to of the/Women's Overseas i Service ter unless relief cames at once in the no organization by name, the Rev.- lating interest in the Palestine Foun- dentistry courses. Lincoln Chapter of the American As* By colleges the Jewish enrollment sociation of University Women. The shape of garments, especially for the Samuel McCrea Cavert,. one • of the dation Fund, '" Colonel Wedgwood appoint representatives to the exe- League. A feature of the entertainment will said: * ' . is largest in New York University. prize (§50.00), which is yciven annualchildren. The refugee hordes even two general secretaries, declared that cutive committee of the Keren HayeBod. At this meeting election of of- be the medley of popular songs to now in Odessa are bing addd to al- members of the Administrative Com- "You Jews have got to rebuild According to the handbook figures ly to a woman entirely or. partially ficers will take place and plans.for be given by-the iecently-organized •mo'st daily and thesewill be in a bad- mittee had the Ku Klux Klan in mind Palestine. You have got to pour into that institution has 2,532 Jewish self-supporting, of the sophomore or the land your .men and your money. students. The College of the City of the collection of the funds already Ukelele'dub of the ^," composed of way. Next to food, clothes for the in particular. the Misses Edith Kenyon, Ida HoffAnd I hopeyour are creating numer- New York comes next, with a Jew- junior class, is swarded on the basis people will be at a premium;" •"This action was taken as a result subscribed and the obtaining of new man, Bertha Hoffman and Kate Gold- The Jewish joint Distribution Com- of statements made from time to ous agencies for .pouring your men ish enrollment which is 78.7 of the of scholarship and of interest shown pledges will be made. in university activities. Miss Margolmittee is furnishing;the funds for the time that the Ku Klux Klan and and your mondy^ into Palestine. The entire student body. Harvard Uni- in was a member of the June 191S The entire public is invited to at- stein.- •-- . - '.-.--; • --. •••.-• •. . •". Other numbers on the program Will feeding of the Ukraine by the A. E. other masked secret bodies are acting more the better.' But I am happy that versity has but 10 per cent of the tend this meeting. be a dance by Miss Anne Rosenblatt, A., and this relief was able to stop in behalf of the Protestant churches you have created one such agency registration of Jewish students, Co- graduating class of the Omaha Cen- I with Mass Helen Stenicka at the starvation. The programme this win- of the United States . which, both because of its character lumbia 21.2 per cent, and Fordham, tralHigh School and on the follow-' I MENORAH SOCIETY piano; reading by Harold Farber; pi- i": will-be,designated-to bloc a re-L 'The Administrative Committee of and its program and its dimensions, a Catholic institution, has a Jewis ing term was a member of the post* grad-nating class of the Omaha TechHOLDS FIRST MEETING ano solo by Miss Stenicka, and a reci- currance of the starvation. the Fgderal Council of the Churces makes a peculiar appeal to all who enrollment of 23J2 per cent. Fifty- nical High School., -v-*-. Lincom, Neb., Oct. 25.—The Men- tation by Miss Kate Goldstein, and "Lack of fuel will also add to the of Christ in America records its hope to see in Palestine a land of so- two colleges throughout the coutry orah Society of the University of Ne- vocal solo by Miss Belle Oland. genuine hardship that is bound to strong convicition that the recent rise cial justice and righteousness. I am include Hebrew in the curriculum and braska, at its first annual meeting of come soon with the arrival of'colder of organizations whose members are referring, of course, tothe Palestine the universities of Chicago and Yale SEPHARDIC JEWS • ----the year, " Sunday, October 22, vin THORPEIAN ATHLETIC : weather," said Colonel Grove. "There masked, oat&bound and -unknown, and Foundation Fund, the Keren Haye- portant information regarding HeREPRESENTED ON Temple Building, had as the main •whose activities have the effect of sod. CLUB TO GIVE DANCE is very little fuel available." ZIONIST EXECUTIVE have courses in Yiddish. speaker of the evening EabbI Jacob David A. Brown, of the J. D. C-, arousing religious prejudices and raciMembers of the Thorpeian Athletic Jerusalem, Oct. 11. (J. C. B.)-JeThe handbook, which contains He• Singer, Lincoln, who addressed the MEET TO brew organizations in this city and seph Menhas, president of thfe Jcwii-.K Society on "The Aims of the Men- dub are making preparations for a now in Eussia, has urged upon Ameri- al antipathies, is fraught -with grave ORGANIZE ELGUTTER orah." Lillian Margolin was elected Hollowe'en dance to be given Sun- can Jewry to take steps to provide consequences to the Church and to so•FOR JUDGE CLUB the activities of young Jewish men Council of Jerusalem, has been named ciety at large. Any organization vice-president to succeed Sam Kretch- day * evening at" Kelpine*s Dancing clothing and fuel'for this winter. A Booster meeting for Chas. "3. and women, also contains a most in- a member-of the Zionist Executive to Dr. Henry Beeuwkes, chief of the whose activities tend to "set class or efsky, who resigned on account of Academy. According to the commitElgutter, candidate for municipal teresting chronological chsrt of the Palestine." Mr. Menhas will represent press work. The other officers are: tee in charge, there .will be special medical division of A. E. A., is pre- race against race is consistent neither judge,' will be held. Tuesday, eve- history of the Jews with regard to the Sepharrii community in accordPresident, Samuel J. Gordon; secre- feature "events during the evening; paring to furnish this section with with the ideals of the churches nor Eing, Oct. SI,- at the fourth •.floor of the .history of the world and also the ance with the decision to include Paltary, Eose E. Minkin; treasurer, The club has securedJ the services,of medical and hospital supplies in an with true patriotism, however vigor- the Lyric'.buUding. .All. voters, are -complete .Jewish calendar. The hisr estine. Jgi^s Jin the "Zionist administraHarry Cohen, All the officers' are Adams Orchestra t o play for their efort to reduce the winter diseases'to <ous and sincere may be its profes» tory <&art dates back to 5000 B. C. tive organs. a minimum. sions of religion -and Americanism.' requested to be there. dance. • •' • . -" •-:-.from Omaha.
Turkish Situatkra In PdestmeWfNotAffect Zionist Status There
Wedgwood Tels Jews To Aii[ Owa People First
14,836 Jews Are In
lu Klax Iflai Condemned David A. Brown Appeals By Protestant Church From Moscow to U. S. Jewry
». r". J- s. -*
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922 Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Mr. Sher-
THE JEWISH PRESS Published w r y Thursday at Omab*. KebtMka, by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandei* Theatre Bnildingw—Telephone; Jackson 2372.
a little over 90 per cent. Ralph Former Russian Ambassador man returned to Allen, Tuesday. Mrs. good, Gross, a new member, was initiated will visit here until Friday into the troop and was made a TenBack in U.S. as "Citizen" Sherman and will then leave for her home at derfoot scout. He joined the Eagle
Allen. patrol. Much interest is being shown Boris Bacfchmeteff, Who Aided Rusin the contest for individual honors. Mrs. Harry "Cohen entertained the Gilbert Rosenblum heads the list and sian Anti-Semites to Become NATHAN i E* GREEN, Manager. members of the Jolly Eight club at Harry evinson is holding second place "American." Magney Seeks 5,000 Endorse- a sign that we haven't endorsed ier home Tuesday evening. with .but 2 points less. The Eagle them," was Wead's reply to the ment, But Fails. Subscription Price, one year.-.. year — T > New York.—Boris Bakhmeteff patrol is awarded the Gold Star. The query. Mrs. I. Krasne will entertain WedAdvertising rates famished on application. t former Russian Ambasador to the nesday afternoon in honor of" her silver star again goes to the Tigers PAST ATTITUDE OF ELMER Opposition arose in the committee, NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL United States, who figures in the niece, Miss Charlotte Colnitz of New and Blackbears. The patrol stand- THOMAS NOT FORGOTTEN. so it is reported, to endorsing MagtJon of The Jewish Pres» are to be given to most recent of the series of Hearst York City. ing is as follows: ney and Endres, said to be favored CHANGS OF ADOEBSS-Ptewe «1T» bott tferoUl and new > « « » • • I articles exposing the anti-Jewish ac(The following article is reprinted by Elmer Thomas, chairman of the Blackbear ......... , 680 . . ; • • • -.,-.•,' ,.-..- I * t « m a n a a i m w w warn -• • : • •• tivities of Mr. Henry Ford, returned Miss Sara Reva Snyder, daughter from the Omaha Bee of Thursday, committee. The sentiment of others Tiger .~ .._...610 to the United States on the White of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snyder, who is Oct. 19.) lion . . ...512 present was that no candidates HEBREW SCRIPTURES IN THE MAKING, Star Line, Majestic, after an ab- attending the Northwestern UniverThere will be no meeting of the should be endorsed .since none were Eagle „,„ ....453 •", . sity at Chicago, has been pledged to Prof. Max X. Margolis, one of the leading'biblical, scholarsm sence of some months. Committee of 5,000 tonight, and endorsed before the primaries, J. theworld, has succeeded in treating in asmall bookthe problems The affairs of the Russian embassy the Alpha Epsilom Phi sorority. The YMHA is looking for one or Lloyd Magney and ML L. Endres, Dean Ringer was told. to which columinous-books have been deyoted v The reader.is were attacked by Senator Borah two young men over 18 years of age democratic candidates for county not wearied with the heavy detail of erudition Yet nothing jftat some time ago and his proposal that A regular meeting of the Talmud who are willing to give one eve- attorneys and sheriff, will have to do Thomas declined to say what took matters is suppressed. Unawares we are helped x>ver the diffi- Bakhmeteff appear before the senate Torah was held Monday evening at ning a week to assist Mr. Rice, who without endorsement, it was decided place last night. culties inherent in the discussion. There is.a candor with which committee to answer questions was the Synagogue. .Election of officers is the Scoutmaster of the Y7 "HA at an executive committee meeting "We called off tonight's meeting for the ensuing term was held and the well-inf orraed author brings out the uncertainty of the. data, not with. Shortly after- which resulted in the following being troop of Boy Scouts number 62. The last night in the office of Fred because most of our people wanted to and he pleads for the injection of a measure of "learned ignor- wardscomplied it was announced that Bafch- elected: Morris Hoffman, president; troop is growing rapidly and there Wead. hear Senator McCormick talk. We ," to offset the dogmatism of traditionalists and modernists s more work than the Scoutamster lneteff's credentials as Eussian Am"If you don't hear that we do endid not fix the date for our next Aginskee, vice-president; B. Balaance alike. For""in ine respict they seem to be at one. Both know bassador would not be recognized by A. alone ean handle. Experience isn ot dorse Magney and Endres, that'll be meeting." ban, secretary; S. Shyken, treasurer, by whom and when" every book: of -the ^oiptures, W^every the United States after June 30. and I. Gilinsky, superintendent. essential because the young man who chapter and verse and every infinitesimal bit of the sacred text, 1922. will take up this work will have no was written." The difficulties of dating the boofeon the Hebrew Beneath two photographic docu- Over Twenty-five friends of Mr. difficulty in learning scouting. This Scriptures are illustratect with- reference to Job, the Psalter, the reproductions in the recent and Mrs. L. Feblowitz, gave a sur- service has its rewards—the satisPreacher. The Preacher 'was much wiser than his commenta- mentary. article in Hearst's International prise party in their honor in celebra- faction of teaching boys to shoulder tors . . . he veUed his unorthodoxy by acting as his own inter- Magazine appears' the following: tion of their fortieth wedding an- the responsibilities of citizenship and polator.' . •.. ,.j . •: ••:•'••-• . ".-'•:' •: .'.:- • •" ; '; • .'", •-,,-• • "The two documents above show niversary. the real satisfaction of seeing real boys become real men. The work is The Hebrew Scriptures consist of three divisions;-the Ambassador Backhmeteff, so-called -. the Prophets, the Writings. The modernist w ^ ^ V f w from Russia, paying money to one of Mr. and Mrs. S. Goldberg will cele- not at all difficult and from the start 3 neve that the Prophets antedated theXaw and bot the Psalter. the Russian anti-Jewish agitators.' brate the Bar .Mitzvoh of their son, it will become enjoyable and also =!1 Yet they claim that the Law was the first t o be raised to Script- Interviewed by a newspaperman at Charles, "Saturday afternoon at the profitable. Scouting does not teach ural dignity, then the Prophets, and lastly the misceUaneous his arrival, Pakhmeteff declared that Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg anything out of the ordinary, yet it writings of-the thirdrdivision. T h e author's view,is. that; the he had returned to continue his life will be at home for their freinds ia surprising to know how many people are unacquainted with the simtripartition mounts up higher. 'The important point is that no here "as a private citizen" and that Saturday afternoon. matter at what cross-section in the:hist6ry_of the nation_we place he expected to make his living in" A meeting of the Resch Ayin club ple experiences of the out door as ourselves, there*was a tripartite body of Scnptures.'-The three New York, either in a commercial will be held Thursday evening at the well as the indoor life that go to make up scouting. S l o n s ' a r e likened.to three shelves in a Hbrary.__TheLalways way or by writing. He would not home of Heimie Brown. co-existed, now smaller, now larger, As a book was written and discuss Senator Borah's attack upon Any young man who is interested deemed worthy of acceptance, it was given its place on the the conduct of the affairs of the for- Mr. Louis H. Katelman returned is requested" to see Mr. Schaefer at Different, Distinctive, Out-of-the-Ordinary Clothes this morning from a two weeks' visit particular shelf. The closing of the collection was marked by mer Russian embassy. for the Host of Men Who Have Outgrown the club rooms. . . .• exclusion rather than inclusion. There was much more_beside Hearst's announces that the sub- at New Orleans, La. Commonplace Fabrics and Models, at the Scriptures. A group of writings, now known as^Pseude- jject of its forthcoming article on the Mrs. David Hearsh of Kansas City pigrapha with fictitious authors, was put under the ban com-anti-Semitic movement will be thi Mo., will arrive Tuesday to be the AH Orders Given Prompt and Carefnl Attention. pletely. What we call the Apocrypha were books permitted t a guest of Miss Jennie Katelman. Mrs be read privately; but though for a moment the thought may Russian embassy and its use o Hearsh will remain for the Schwartz• have come to the doctors'6f the Synagogue to mark them as near money. (Guaranteed) Katelman wedding. "FLOWT3RS MAKE FRIENDS" Scriptural by placing them on a fourth shef, the decision was Other Smart Tweed Suits, $25.0O to $50.00 Tel. J a . 4201, Brandeis Theatre Bide.. auickly reached: Three, not four, and that decision was the work JEWISH BOY'S GENIUS MOVES •"I""1 WEED suits in the new sport models combine to give 210 So. 17th St.. Omaha. MILLIONAIRE TO ACTION VOTE FOR CHAS. S. ELGUTTER of Pharisaism triumphant. The three sets of Scriptures are I a man something more than merely something difshown to be the result of a variety of movements and counter- Los Angeles, Cal., Octl 11. (J. C. FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE. YOU rerent. They're so refreshingly uncommon that once movements. Priests clastied with prophets, and both with the B.)—The story of a ten year old Jew- ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE a man wears a tweed he discovers that a new world of BOOSTER MEETING FOR CHAS. S. clothes enjoyment has been opened up to him. teachers of wisdom Who had a bent for the secular. As next ish violinist, a recent arrival from door neighbors they exercised a restraining influence one upon Russia, whose genius was recognized ELGUTTER FOR M U N I C I P A L Tweed Sport Suits, for Men and Young Men, the other. But priests^ were likewise in conflict with fellow- by a millionaire art lover, is told JUDGE, TUESDAY EVENING, AT Sizes 35 to 44 FOURTH FLOOR OF LYRIC BLDG. 2514 Coming St. priests, and prophets with fellow-prophets. A special chapter is touchingly by the Examiner in relat—ADV. , devoted to the Torah-or Pentateuch. The traditional and the ing the incident of Max Epstein wh SEE OUE WINDOWS TODAY Sunday, October 29th -l modernist attitude alike is subroittel to a-searching criticism. appeared at Graumen's theatre here. ' 'Whether the Pentateuch as we have it is the Mosaic Torah may ; W. A. Calrk, who happened to be in Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heyman were be a matter for debater That it has the Mosaic Torah, which the audience, became interested in th TVI1IIAM JPARNUM is neither in this strand no? in the other but "dispersed in them boy's playing, later presenting him patrons at.the regular Y dance given all" must be the conclusion of'sound criticism'. The author with an Andzing violin and undertak- last Saturday evening at the Club• ••in••• OMAHA. ISKL4. speaks at the higher unity of the Pentateuch. It keeps itself ing to have Epstein educated. Mean- rooms. One hundred members were , above the parties and" sums lip all the movements in the reli- while "Mr. Clark forbade the boy to present. The next dance will be COERECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: i i gipus life of the nation, imposing a lasting peace, upon them all. play in public, promising to send him given on Saturday, Nov. 4. "" The Torah of Moses i t is, but what matters far-more is that it to Europe to study under well-known The regular meeting of the YM is the Torah of God* : The Torah is dominated by the prophetic professors and YMHA senior group will be held ^spirit. 'The manner in which the spirit qperates is ultimately on Monday, October SO, at 8:00 p. m. a mystery, the act of heretation a miracle, which neither place BALACHOWITCH A CANDIDATE at the Club rooms. Jack Copeland, Nash Lead* the World in Motor Car Value / FOR POLISH SEJM chairman of the entertainment comnor conditions of time can explain, just as the intellectual and temperamental endowment, which fits the prophet for his voca- Warsaw, Out. 12. (JVC. B.)—Bulak mittee, has arranged a program of tion, remains a free gift of Heaven.' 'There are many covers of Belachbwitch, notorious bandit leader, appeal to every one who attends, and the collection of writings constituting the Hebrew Scriptures Is now 'far Wolhynia, whree he has an overflow meeting is expected. are the walls of the Synagogue, within which the products of by- been named by the White Russians as gone days are enshrined as a living testimony to that which-is" a candidate for the Polish Sejm. Y. M. H. A. Troop 62 Boy Scouts Six Touring i Israel's glory, the gift of the Holy Spirit.* A reverential positive Belachowitch has urged his country- met last Saturday after a two weeks' $1390 { tone is struck in the whole discussion; there ist no surrender to men to desert the minorities' bloc, to vacation. The attendance was very I exaggerated views, be they tradition or modernist; the facts are which he referred as the "Germanmarshalled and allowed to speak for themselves; and the read- Jewish" bloc.
-j i I 1 j ^
er will carry away with him the conviction that here speaks a liberal who helps us to a true valuation of the traditional point PALESTINE OPENING LAND of view. Cathouc, Protestant, and Jew may well subscribe to BANK. and Beauty the author's well-substantiated opinion, and a perusal of the Jerusalem, Oct. 10. (J. C. B.)—It is Chiropodist Shop little volume is recommended to all lovers of the Hebrew Script- announced that the Government will Established 1890 and Harnry (Urcctl. ures. The manner of, presentation and the simple yet lofty lan- soon open its land bank, the prelimi- 18thrbon« Dooslat 1333 guage befitting the subject make for an easy grasp of the mbmen- naries having been arranged by a commission appointed by Sir Herbert tolls questions on the part of all serious-minded readers.
Damon Runyon Pays Striking Tribute to "The Fighting Jew'
Samuel immediately after his assumption of of flee in 1920. The bank is calculated to facilitate credit at low interest for the farmer.
ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. E. Fleishman
"THE MOHL" -Moved Into his new home at The current issue of Th6 Cosmo- And the nose upon his face 1342 So. 25th Street, politan contains a poem by' Damon Is about the size of' Bugler Dugan's Corner of Woolworth Avenue. horn. COUNCIL BLUFFS Runyon entitled "A Jew" a n i dedicaTel. Atlantic 6637. ted to Sam Dreben, "patroit," soldier But the grin that plays behind it and gentleman and known throughout Is wide, and soft, ahd sunny. During the past week many affairB the Army as The Fighting Jew.'" In And ho wore from the day that he have been given in honor of Miss Office Tel. J A . 3967 was born. an explanatory note to the poem we Jennie Katelman, who will soon beDR. M. I. GORDON are informed that "Sam Dreben, Rus- There's a cross upon his chest— come the bride of Mr. Samuel sian by birth, enlisted in "the Four- That's the D. S. C , Schwartz of Kansas City, Mo. Dentist teenth Regular Infantryman hi& 'teens. The Croix de Guerre, the Militaire, Mrs. Dave Epstein and Miss 510-516 Brandeis Theatre BIdg. • Followed service in the Philippines Mon Dieu! Esther Katelman entertained last SatOmaha, Nebr. mZ, and China, and, as a soldier of for- He's a He-Man out of Texas, urday afternoon at a luncheon, at the tune, in Nicaragua and Mexico; then And he's All-Man through and Brandeis Restaurants for fourteen scouting for Pershing in Mexico, and through—-. guests, complimentary to Miss Katelthe Great War. Dreben went over as That's Dreben, man. On Sunday afternoon, Miss •TWM. a top sergeant in the Thirty-Sixth Di- A Jew! Esther Zalk entertained at her home vision. For leading a desperate raid at bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katelagainst-a machine gun position he re- Now whenever I read articles man entertained Monday evening at Omaha Fixture & ceived the American Distinguished That breathes of racial hate, a dinner party for thirty-one guests Or hear arguments that hold his kind Supply Co. Service Cross, the Croix de Guerre at the Grand Hotel. On Tuesday afto scorn, with Palm, and the Medaille'Militaire, COMPLETE STORE AND ternoon, Mrs. S. Steinberg entertained OFFICE OUTFITTERS highest French award to an enlisted I always see that photo in honor of Miss Katelman at bridge. with the cap upon, the pate man." The poem follows: VT« occupy crer 70,000 lanan test And the nose the size of Bugler Du- Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Harry MnthwMt Corner Rachman and Miss Anne Rachman gan's. horn. A JEW Eleventh and Donets* Streets. entertained at bridge at the home of I see upon Ids breast Phone I Jackson S734 There's a story in that paper the latter. Mrs. Michael Katelman The'D. S.C., . OH ABA. NEB. I Just tossed upon the floor will entertain Saturday at a luncheon 1 The Croix. die Guerre, "the Militaire— "that speaks of prejudice against the at the Athletic club. These, too .Jews. And I think, Thank God Almighty "There's a photo on the table Mrs. J. Krasne entertained "We will; always-have :a~ few the Evening club at their home TuesThat's a memory of the war, . . . FOR-... day evening. And a man who never figured in the Like Dreben, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY A Jew! news. AND .- Mrs. Frank Walton of Corning, la., There's a cross upon his breast— SPECIAL PLATINUM SLIGHT1NCREASE IN spent the week-end with her parents That's the D. S. C, Mr. "and Mrs.-E. Gilinsky. DESIGNING PALESTINE IMMIGRATION The Croix de Guerre, the Militaire, • -Jerusalem, Oct. 11. (J. T. A.)'—-Imr see ' These, too. .Miss Reva Gilinsky, who has been migration figures for September show And there's a heart beneath the medThe Halashock Jewelry Co. a slight Increase over previous months visiting at Kansas City, Mo., for the als past two weeks, returned to her home in the number of Jewish admissions, Diamond and Platinum That beats loyal, brave and true— Tuesday. Specialists 691 persons having entered. The ifr That's Dreben, crease is due to the' 180 orphans from. ,15M Dodge Street. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sherman of Allen, 'A Jew! Established 1881. DOcfflas 6619. the Ukraine, who were-brought-over Nebr., arrived Sunday morning- to He is short, and" fat, and funny, during the preceding; month. visit with Mrs. Sherman's parents,
The perfect performance of anycar rests upon the harmonious co-ordination of many different units. The painstaking precision of Nash shop practice extends itself to every part.
The ian is die-cast of aluminum, with a dropforged steel hub. It is balanced with exact accuracy and this reduces vibration and plays its part in providing finer performance.
FOUIlSWSiXES Prices rangt from $gi£ to $2zgOtf. 0. b.factory
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PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1922 Messers. Lester and Peter Heeger tary of the Jewish Chautaqua Society Idueation; .Mrs. E. Treller., Courtesy; theathe party at the Orpheum, folOMAHA ENGAGEMENTS. YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. Announcement has been made of returned Wednesday to their home of Philadelphia, Pa., spoke to the au- Mrs. A. M. Browar, Finance; Mrs. lowed by a luncheon at the Burges- Miss Rebecca Azorin was hostess the engagement of Miss Mamie Mark- In Sioux City, la., after spending a dience on "Jewish Education." Miss M. Miller, Hospitality, and Mrs. M. Nash Tea Rooms. On Monday after- to the members of the Young' Judea pwite, of Kansas City, Mo., to Mr. few days as the guests of Mr. and Cecelia Feiler gava several vocal se- Solomon, Entertainment. noon the Mesdames M. Glassmsn and Senior Club Sunday afternoon at her p hillip Trochtenberg, of Council Mrs. B. Grossman. Mr. Lester Heeg- lections and Mrs. Ben Lewis gave sevMax Davis entertained at the I home. Officers for the ensuing term Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon luffs, la. Miss Markowitz is well er is the fiance of Miss TDtta Gross- eral readings. Brandeis Theatre followed by a were installed and a regular business subject for Friday evening win be • • : known here in Omaha having visited man. luncheon at the Brandeis Restaur- meeting was held after which a short Miss Helen Marer left Wednesday "Buckner and the Theory of Salvhere on several occasions as the guest special program took place. Miss ants, honorig Mrs. Fleishman. BLOTCKY-REINSCHREIBER, A son, Robert Hiller, was born to evening for her home in Indianapolis, ation." Saturday mornig he has Helen Reikes, president of the club, of; Her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. CorThe marriage of Miss Ethel ReinMr. and Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs on Satur- Ind., after spending several months chosen "The Ark Upon the Waters" The regular monthly meeting of gave several vocal and piano selec>y. No date has been set for the schreiber, daughter of Mrs. Ben Reinday morning, October 21, at the Stew- here with her sister, Mrs. Charles for his subject. the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will tions. schreiber to Mr. Max Blotcky, son wedding. Levinson and Mr. Levinson. A numart Hospital. be held Monday afternoon, November Miss Esther Zalk entertained the rf Mrs. B. Bloteky, was solemnized ber of affairs were given for Miss Tuesday evening at seven-thirty in VOTE FOR CHAS. S. ELGUTTER Mr. Harry Snyder, who has been Marer during the past week. Among members of the Ra Oth Society at 6, at two-thirty in the vestry of the The only way a man can find out the Palm Room of the Blackstone Ho- FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE. YOU visiting with his aunt and uncle, Mr. them was a theatre party given by her home Sunday afternoon. Prizes Temple. It is planed to make this just "what a woman thinks of him is to make her angry. tel in the presence of two hundred ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE and Mrs. Herman Nachshon, left Sat- Miss Helen Levins6n on Friday even- were won by the Misses Rae Wolo- meeting a social afternoon. friends and relatives of the bride and BOOSTER MEETING FOR CHAS. S.urday for his home in New York City. ing, for five couples. Mrs. Levinson witz and Bertha Leon. The Misses groom. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon per- ELGUTTER FOR M U N I C IP A L is accompanying her sister to Indian- Rae and Dora Wolowitz will be ^ruiiutiiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiu formed the cereniony under a canopy JUDGE, TUESDAY EVENING, AT Mrs. Nate Corte will entertain the apolis to attend the wedding of her hostesses at the clubs next meeting FOURTH FLOOR OF LYRIC BLDG. members of the Priscilla Club at her brother, Mr. Morris Marer. of smilax and ward roses. on Sunday afternoon, November 5. home this afternoon. She will have —ADV. The bride's -wedding gown was of severa lout-of-town guests, namely, The Alumni of Temple Israel will ss silyer-lace with a combination of saMr. and Mrs. Axhtur Rothschild, Mrs. Arthur Marowitz, of Eldora, The Sisterhood of Temple Israel hold an important meeting and will entertain at a Cafeteria Supper tin and chiffon embroidered roses. who recently returned to Omaha, Ark., who is visiting with her parents, Her veil was held by a coronet crown have taken the apartment of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Epstein; Mrs. at the Temple Tuesday evening, N3- election of officers at the Temple Sunday morning, November 5, at win orange blossoms. She carried Mrs. L. M. Cohn at the Colbert. Chauncy Stoddard, of Indianapolis. vernber 7, at six-thirty. The follow- eleven o'cloclc All confirmants who If not—hear them at the j§ ing will have charge of the affair: orchids and lillies of the valley. Mrs. Ind., and Mrs. J. Malhouser, of New have not as yet joined are requested D. Feblowitz, sister of the bride, was Mr. Max Wintroub, who spent ten York City, who are visting with Mrs. Mesdamea Louis Sommer, Louis Simon, William Harris, M. S. Miller, and to do so at this meeting. . matron of honor. She wore corn col- days in Chicago, HL, and St. Louis, L. B, Wineburg. Leo RosenthaL ored chiffon.' Miss Ann Bloteky, sis- Mo., returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A| Forman have ter of the groom, was maid of honor. Mrs. M. Wright, of Los Angeles, given by the 3 moved into their new home at 310S Mrs. Ben Marks returned during Miss Cecelia Lazarus, who spent a She wore a gown of brocheded cloth Calif., who has been the guest of her of : gold. BothTearried orchids and the past week from Jackson City, la., sister, Mrs. H. Ziegman, and Mr. week here as the guest of Miss Esther Lincoln Blvd. where she spent several weeks visitward roses. .little Miss Alma Ziegman, for the past several months, Zalk, left Sunday evening for her Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fleishman are ing with friends. . owitz, niece of the bride, was the left Sunday for her home. She was home. leaving soon for Los Angeles, Calif., Kelpine's Dancing Academy | ring bearer. Mr. Hyman Shwartz, who has been accompanied by her niece, Miss Fan- Miss Esther Zalk was hostess to where they will make their future The* groom had as his best man in Canada for the past several nie Ziegman, who will spend the\win- the Ra Oth Society Sunday afternoon home. A number of affairs were Admission: $1.00 per couple. ^ 3 Mr. Lewis Bloteky. The ushers were months, returned to Omaha the latter ter months visiting in Los Angeles. at her home. Miss Jennie Katelman, given for Mrs. Fleishman during the past •week, Mrs. Marry Fleishman the Messrs. David Feblowitz, Paul part of last week. Mrs. George Becker, who has been a bride-to-be and Miss Cecelia Lar- entertained Thursday afternoon at a ^itiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiuiiuiiiuuiiiinniiiiiijiiiiiiHiHiHiuiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiiiinui! Bloteky, Phil Bloteky, Sid Fischer, arus, of Des Moines, la., who visited The members of The Omaha Junior in the east for sometime, is now in Harry Reinschreiber, and Dr. Barney Hadassah are making plans for a Omaha stopping at the Blackstone here with Miss Zalk, shared honors. mmtsm Kully. Prizes were won by the Misses BerHotel. " "hard time" party to be given WedAfter an extended honeymoon trip tha Leon, Rae Wolowitz, and Fanny to the Pacific cosat and the Hawaian nesday evening, November 1, at thi Miss Lucille Block, of Denver, Katelman. The Misses Dora and Rae Islands* Mr. .Bloteky and his bride Fewish Community Center. All girls Colo., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wolowitz will entertain the members interested in this* organization and its -Proprietor of will be at home in Omaha at the work who would like to join the club A. Cohn. YOUE GREATEST ASSET IS at their home, Sunday, November 5. Blackstone Hotel. YOUR -PERSONAL APPEARANCE are cordially invited to attend this The Council of Jewish Women will Mr. and Mrs. M. Spiesberger are social affair. KOPALD-KAPLAN. entertain at a luncheon at their first H in Excelsior Springs, Mo ; • • Mrs. I. Bennan announces the marmeeting of the season at the FonteYOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND 1702 North 24th Street. riage of her daughter, Miss Esther nelle Hotel Monday afternoon, OctKaplan to Mr. Max Kopald, of Chi- THE ANNUAL B'NAI B ' R I T H SPECIAL ENTERTAINERS WILL ober, 30. The luncheon will take place Phone Webster 2092 WORTH $60.00 TO §65.00—NOW AT cago, HL The marriage was recent- DANCE, SUNDAY DECEMBER 24, PERFORM AT THE B'NAI B'RITH at one o'clock followed by reports ly solemnized in Chicago, where the AT THE FONTENELLE HOTEL.— ANNUAL DANCE, DEC 24, AT THE from the chairmen of the different . • • • . : FONTENELLE HOTEL*—Adv. youn gcouple are making their home. Adv. standing committees of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horwich will The following are the chairmen and The Omaha Junior Welfare OrMiss Esther Newman with, her fi- be at home Sunday evening, October the names of the committee that they ganization will hold its second monthance, Mr. Herman Jahr, and Dr. and 29, from seven to ten to all their rela4 All Work Guaranteed .. _ head and will report on: Mrs. H. Mrs. S. Maxguils, and Mrs. David tives and friends in honor of the ly meeting of the year at the JewMACHINERY CANNOT DO IT. Only clothes CREATED A complete stock of Newman motored to Lincoln Satur- engagement of their daughter, Mol- ish Community Center Sunday after- Rachman, Membership;-. Mrs. S. Nathan, Immigration; Mrs. N. Mantel, FOR YOU—by L. KNEETEE—of the finest cloth, befitting noon, November 5. : day to attend the Nebraska-Missouri lye, to Mr. Albert Wohlner. Americanization; Mrs. J. V. RosenStyle and Workmanship, can ever do you justice and inFootball game." cidentally prove Real Economy. Mrs. Morris Lifkowitz and daugh- The Brotherhood of Temple Israel blum, Sick and Blind; Mrs. Dollie ElDON'T FORGET THE B'NAI ters, l i e Misses Bertha, Edith, and held its regular meeting Wednesday gutter, Civics and Communal; Mrs. BTHTH ANNUAL DANCE, DEC.Doris, left during the past week for evening at the Temple. Miss Jean- Philip Sher, Social and Welfare; Mrs. 24, AT FONTENELLE HOTEL.— the east. While there they will at- nette Miriam Goldberg, field secre- L Rosenthal, Religion; Mrs. L. Hiller, Also a supply of HIGH CLASS MERCHANT TAILOR Adv. tend the wedding of Mrs. Lifkowitz's 504*4 South 16th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. My Famous Home-Mad§ , Phone ATlantic 6065. - Mr. David potash .returned home niece. Dill Pickles. Thursday after spending' several Miss Sadye Levey is convalescing »»»«mt»t»E weeks visiting with friends in Chi- at tha Presbyterian Hospital follow-j] cago, HI., St. Louis, and Kansas City ing an operation on appendicits. Positively every ton of coalnow going out is being delivered Mo. ... from cars—FRESH FROM THE MINES—and is thoroughly re' "A novel bridge' club has keen ors c r e e n e d a t t h e y a r d s . . .-. - . '-••••• . -••'-;, VOTE FOR CHAS. S. ELGUTTER ganized Jfor the winter months by six We Are the Exclusive Dealers in Omaha for This Hlgh-Grade FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE, YOU couples.; The first meeting . of the COLORADO LUMP COAL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE club will be held Friday evening at Smokeless—Sootless—Rescreened at the Yard BOOSTER MEETING FOR CHAS. S. the home of Miss Baylia Freiden. ELGUTTER FOR M U N I C I P A L The members of this club include the Delivered Per Ton JUDGE, TUESDAY EVENING, AT Misses Baylia Freiden, Sadye Levey, FOURTH FLOOR OF LYRIC BLDG; Hannah Sommers, Rosella; -Klein, —ADV. Esther Brown and Iallia Kooper, and the Mesers. Robert Kooper, Sam "DEALERS IN GOOD COAL" Mr. and Mrs. M. Barrish, of Sioux Yabroff, , William Rackmell, Jack General Office: 13th and Nicholas Sts. DOuglas 0530 City, la., announce the birth of a baby Maher, William Levey and NathanE. son on Tuesday, October 17. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Treller reThe approach of winter emphasizes the all-year use^ turned home Monday after a several fulness of the car. -weeks stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
HALOWEEN DANCE j Thorpeian Athletic Club
Omaha Fish Co. Tailor Made Suits and Overcoats I $40 to $45
Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish
Consumers Coal & Supply Co.
MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE AT THE B'NAI B'RITH ANNUAL DANCE AT THE FONTENELLE HOTEL, DEC. 24.—Adv. Mr. Leo Rowe, and Mr. Jack Abrams, of Chicago, HI.,, spent the weekend here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Newman. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Cohn are leaving Thursday for New York City from which place they will sail for San Francisco, Calif., by-way of the Panama Canal. Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg are expected to return home Saturday from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where they have been staying for the past several weeks. Mrs. Alexander Pollack and Mrs. Dollie Elgutter entertained informally at their home Tuesday afternoon. Covers were" laid for twelve. guests. Mr. and Mrs. J." JJosaablatt announce the birth of a-baby girl on Saturday, October 21, a t a local hospital. •;'•'•••
Miss Pauline Silverburg, of Chicago, 111., is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs; Max Cohen. VOTE FOR CHAS. S. ELGUTTER FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE BOOSTER MEETING FOR CHAS. S. ELGUTTER FOR M U N I C I P A L JUDGE, TUESDAY EVENING, AT FOURTH FLOOR OF LYRIC BLDG. —ADV. Mrs. K. Weinberg returned Friday from Des Moines, la., where she spent several weeks visiting with relatives.
BUSINESS COUPE Wind and sleet beat in vain against the weatherstripped doors and windows. A floor radiator keeps the interior as warm as a room. The windows arc readily adjusted for ventilation.
Mr. Leo Hosenthal left Friday for Florida, where he will spend several weeks. The Neighborhood Classes to teach English to the foreigners has started ,and all those interested and wishing to attend call Mrs. N. Mantel, at araey 5711.-
Bring the Family to See the Telephone Girls at Work
Underlying these seasonal comforts, is the satisfacc^^ tdon owners feel in the car's exceptional sturdia«fc The body proper is a hand-welded steel unit. I t is now generally known that this novel construe* tion has made possible Dodge Brothers enamel finish (instead of paint) which is baked at high tern; perature on the surface of the steeL ,^
There are few more interesting sights than "behind the scenes'* in a telephone central office. ' ' You will marvel at the genius of the men who have developed and perfected modern telephony. The means by which voices of subscribers, possibly miles away in all directions, can reach other subscribers unerringly through the maze of copper wire, is truly wonderful.
The trimness and grace of the body lines are «3', hanced by a non-rumble fabric top and rear quarters fashioned in the present attractive mode. .. ^ ' Genuine Spanish blue leather upholstery, wide snugfitting doors and roomy luggage quarters heighten the impression you instantly get of the car's distinct tive fitness for service, either business or social.
You -will be fascinated by the intricate mechanism of the switchboard, and by the swift-moving fingers of the operators. You will want to see these intelligent and courteous young women, who are tirelessly and patiently serving you and other subscribers.
O'BRIEN-BAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPAQ 28th and Harney Streets, Hsrney 0123.
Mother and the children will be just as much interested in die wonderful mechanism at the telephone cen« tral office as you. Why not bring them and make" us a wit?
If-only, the little map with black, drooping moustache had hisgained a small knowledge of English corner. .If she doesn't do as I say senses, he might be able to tell them' —enough to dicker with the unfort- or if you, Offizier, try to move witha thing or two—these nurses who' unate fellows who faced him across out my commanding you, I shall kill sneer at him without "bothering to" the counter. Sacha had changed now. her." Oh, there was no mistaking Sacha's - MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON ascertain • the causes of- his strange He was thin, sallow; his black mouByQSCAR SCHISGALL stache appeared much too large for earnestness. No man could look into, disease. He could, tellthem, for inNEARBY COMMUNITIES. s ,• - ' stance, of .that night in Russia when his face. His shoulders were stopped. those eyes, see the burning madness (Copyright, 1022, by th'c 'Jewish' Writers' Guild. All Eights Reserved.) . CHOiCIZ FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. there, and hesitate. The woman, : . I —' *" i his daughter Nadia felt- the sharp A queer man, morbid and silent. This Is a tremendously dramatic talc of a father's revenge, In peace he lived, worked, and pallid in her amazement, went to the teeth 'of the pogroms, told with Mr. Schisgall's'. customary Bklll and felicity.— Editor's Note. . ; They lived in a battered house on slept. No longer did he- dream, for corner of the room, stood there with INVESTMENT SECURITIES the outskirts of the, Jewish; quarter, there was nothing to dream about. His her fingers trembling at her mouth. Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. he and his "Nadia. She, was nine- life lay behind him. Before him was The man, big and powerful as he was, could but gulp and stare. Sacha In a secluded room of the asylum i Island he might never have been ad- teen at- the time, the most" alluring —nothing. continued. • Until— • : . - - . sits a wizen, emaciated "little^ man;' mitted to this country. But the au-age of her life, when^ail the 'fresh"Maybe you remember a night He stood at the door of the pawnhe sits always alone, staring,at"th'e thorities were leniently .disposed that ness "and beauty of new-born womanfloor and laughing—laughing. - H e day and—well, see what a stupid hood hovered about her. > Nadia Mo- broker's shop. His hands were in his when you came to the Ghetto and WASH AND" KEEP WELL seldom glances up. His thoughts ab- blunder they made. Here was Sacha, jevsky ) tall and dark t and enchanting, pockets, his eyes were watching the broke down the door of a little house. A RULE O F : HEALTH sorb him deeply, and tfiey are -in- a hopeless imbecile, become a public the girl of the flashing-black eyes— elevated train that rumbled by above You found two people inside—a man FRONTIER, TOWEL SUPPLY describably humorous ^ thoughts, for charge and a nuisance to the nurses! that 'was his daughter.:. ] She was him. Casually he lowered his gaze and his daughter. She was a beaum they never "permit his. lips-to drop The poor old idiot should have' re- motherless, yet motherly; .upon Sacha and watched the passersby; and sud-tiful girl,- dressed in a nightgown. 1819 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" H their twisted smile. Indeed, -the doc- mained in Poland. she bestowed all the pretty atten- denly his sunken, cheeks were blanched You dragged her off—remember? tors say he will sit-there ^nd laugh Oh, these nurses are good Ameri- tions which only a woman can dream with an unearthly pallor. His lips You liked her body, so you took her quivered, his eyes glared. From his away. .,In the morning she must have imtil'he dies. . . . can ladies devoting their lives to com- of; and he" loved her'tenderly. 1 fortinfe 'others. They are exteremely And then that horrible* night.'. . . i packets came the long hands and killed herself—unless you did it. ReThe asylum~ register r Bears * his It must have been nearly midnight, curled into fists. . Sacha stared wild-. member now?" EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE name ..as.. Sacha Mojevsky. " He is a kind to inmates of the asylum, and 1 The flabby cheeks began to drip . «' ly at the man who passed. The Jewish-quarter .lay,hushed in tACXDEI. : they possess true feminine sympathy. Russian Jew, according to, the "nurses perspiration. Convulsively the man's Where your clothes come home Oh, he had never forgotten that Druggists and Stationers sleep., Silence, in -the streets. And still—the country has no busi.who treat him, and " he "came to olemier and last longer. Then, of a sudden, came the thun- face. Round-and fat and flabby, with pudgy hands opened and closed .,He 401-403-405 Sontb 10th Street "America some years ago- as av penni- ness to allow men like Sacha MojevAT iantir 0280. ' 1507-11 Jackson St. small slits of eyes like those of a And der of horses hoof s> the yells .'of fiendared not • glance at his wife. sky to step upon the coast! "Where l e s s immigrant. "Were* it* not for" a H A. JACOBBERGER. Fres. dishly enraged men... They tore into pig. A huge man, domineering even she—she eyed him in horror, Her brother, who rescued • him, from Ellis are the immigration laws? husband. *. without his uniform. the Ghetto, plunging onward astride -Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. Sacha did not hesitate. He dashed ; Yes, this was Sacha's hour. Maybe V - Omaha Phon* Atlantic 2556 horses maddened by the stabs of Phone 104 spurs. - They, wore .uniforms, these into the shop," snatched up : his hat,the spirit of; Nadia could see. His Ford Transfer & Storage Co. EMIL GANZ & SON The Best of Everything In Flowers and smile remained, as steady as the leer R. A. FOEP. called a word to his employer, and devils on horses who called themselves Confections nt Moderate Prices. ' Certified Public Accountants F.S. MOBKT. Prop. of a gargoyle. President ana General Manneer. hastened out to follow that man whom ineni and they broke into .houses S45 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater v X417 Uong-las Street Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office Phone Webster 0820 he had tiot encountered since the night " Y o u remember," he said. "I was ' savagely,; barbarously. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. AUDITORS AND SXSTEMAT1ZORS 924 So. Main Street. Phone 365 iei THE LAUNDRY THAT Sacha Mojevsky rose from his bed, of Nadia's submission to the pogroms. the father you left there when wou Grina ' C P . A . V. M.GIMIB h* EVERYBODY LIKES. f { * Bhonen: T ' • - - • • his eyes wide in terror. Someone was So he, too, had come to America, eh? took the girl away. Now I have come Hor. 0103 — Doos:.48ai-—J liar. OOli pounding on his door. He drew on a Very well. Now Sacha would even to pay you." • Carpenter Paper Co. ': The revolver pointed menacingly at pair of trousers and started down the matters! Wait, just wait! . . . . Distributors of O17R TREATMENT the.Pole's wife. With dangerous nervInto the subway the emaciated litstairs, a flickering candle trembling CONVINCE YOU OF OUR Western Bond—and High SINCERITY. in his hand. Oh, he'kriew what was tle man followed his enemy—followed ousness the trigger finger shook. And Grade Stationery Trnst Department. meanwhile Sacha used, his left hand happening. This ypasnjt ; the first him far into a, suburb, of the city. Safety Deposit Boxe* Omaha. .Nebraska. to tear th* long package he had time. These pogroms were already There the Russian mounted the steps arid ~ Tours brought! He lifted the whip, waved of a small house. A woman met him historical. But never ^before this to ^ night had he. been disturbed. Now on the porch, kissed him. Sacha Mo- it triumphantly at, the Russian and All Parts Las jevsky, watching from the corner, cried, they were banging on his door. ra df'the"Now, Offizier, off with your coat! No use opposing-those marauders; snarled in hate. This devil could la WotU they would batter down the door. Bet- have the love x>f a woman, the com-Off with it! If you don't obey every "ManufactiH-ed in Omaha" ter to open it and attempt to pacify forts of a home, while the Jew suf-word I say, I swear 111 shoot that Money Sent to All 'A wife of.yours—I swear it! Take off them. - ^ j fered in lonesome misery. Let him. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. STEAMSHIP TICKETS WHOLESALE PAPER, ea Foreign Countries ' Sacha stopped abruptly, half way Let him. . . . His. happiness wouldn't your coat—and your shirt!" Arrangements now made with Soviet STATIONERY, ETC. eci - - . t - - '. <- And what could the man do but Government for, prompt' fortrarflins of across the room. He-turned. On endure! passengeis'tb. Ainericn. \' We.iurnlsh you. the stairs stoodNadia! She wore a r Perhaps that was the moment when stripp off his packet and his other di Distributors for necessary blanks, etc., to fill out. : garments, so that he stood naked to Sacha's reason, began to sway under Pink Tip Matches — r long, white nightgown over.which the Palmerss Steamshipp Ajejency jj 1708s Farnam' St. Omaha the waist? That automatic pointed oui the rule of passionate hatred. He 1909 M ™ ?? Street,,} S t e t } T e l J c k n candle she. appeared like some fairy Tel. Jnckson Northern Toilet Tissue f I vision, something too dainty. to be went back to the city. The next af- directly at his wife. 1112 Harney Street hej ternoon he bought, several things from "Down on your knees before me!" real. • Nadia the. beautiful 11 AT lantic 6409 -JJEX DS.DQ-SOTfB WELDING There she stood, cahnljr eyeing her his employer. He. purchased a revol- commanded Sacha. He grinned with mi ver, a short-barreled, vicious automaunholy humor. "He was the lord, the father. And as he started at her, a fief tic; and a strange whip he had found master! Punishing a slave! [great fear surged into him. . ive in He placed the revolver in his left Behind Sacha the pounding at the! a jumble. of; valueless stock that THE CAREFUL WELDERS ~ ^ door continued. Voices yelled com-; littered the back^pf the store. It was hand and" raised the whip over his Tel. JA. 4397. Anything j : Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. mands to open:the obstinate.door— an extraordinary^, whip. Six cords of shoulder. /At his feet grovelled the COUNCIL BLCTFS. IA. 7hi to break it open, smash it down. The black snake skin dangled ^from a man who had once marauded his 'hej heavy handie of steel-capped wood. home. •. Ah, this was triumph—triService is Our Motto little Jeyr heard and' his body -quivboo j a peculiar things, io. wrap securely in umph! Temptation Besets You Sate Deposit Boxes for Kent. ered. paper—but Sacha gloatingly saw "If you scream—either one of you , When You Enter "Go up, Nadia!" he : -whispered kj art value. And with his revolver in —J shoot!" ' tensely. ''Go up and conceal your- its back pocket, lie rode out-to the And. with a swish the black snake CANDIES. ICE CREAM," * self!" .••'••'.:.• ; asuburb. nd? LUNCHES. V. _ _ . . fell across the Russian's back—fell She nodded. She would have His body trembled as he mounted and cut and left bloody tracks. Again obeyed—but it was too late. With ntei 7* Every Known Kind," . BUTTER and EGGS a crash the door toppled in, rammed the steps of the little house. His it rose, again it whizzed down. But its bruises Jbrought pain •which ",' c "" of Insurance ."•'.•"" / cheeks were white. In his left hand from the outside "with a huge beam. Council Bluffs, la. Doujclas 03S0 Six men strode into the house—big, he gripped his long, slender package lent the victim courage. With a great 209 W. O. W. Bldg. 16th and' Farnam Streets roar he threw himself toward Sacha. heavy, domineering men. One of them —the black snape whip. His other heii •was- commander. He uttered several hand hung idle,. ready to grip the His arms waved, threatened. The or i maddened Jew did not passe. He Crystal Candy Company.:--. crisply spoken -words, and his com-steel thing1 in his back pocket. >rgd He rang the belL N o * he wasturned his left hand and pulled the panions paused. He held a curved 16th and Capitol Ave. neiq Made by saber, and with it he whipped the calm, frantically calm. The woman trigger. A bang •— and the Pole UNDERTAKERS ctiV UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST he had seen the day before oper.ed writhed on the floor, a bullet in his candle from Sacha's hand. ictiy 2224 Cuming St. side. FOOD CO. the door. Sacha spoke in Russian. And he saw Nadia. • Phone JAckson 1226 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BISCUIT CO; ~ The. change which swept over his She smiled pleasantly to hear her It was not enough. Nothing was nuni language. No, her husband was notenough. The whip tore through the SnowX^hit'e; features was amazing, Sacha Mojev- in. When would he arrive? Oh, atair again and again, burying its cords sky, watching in terror, never forgot -Bakeries ,. that face. It was f a$ and round, with about six o'clock. What did the gen- in human flesh. Each lash left rivers >rop| Top and Body Building ( E e s . . 0 . . S . VaU t is? of red. Now the slashes ripped across tleman wish? He was an old acand Repairing. ; small eyes like those of a blinking •.<_ ' Office.) ••- > pig: Those eyes smiled with the quaintance—from the same town, was the man's- chest, across his face. Curtains—Lights—Etc. anticipation of joy as they beheld he? WelL well! He must come Sacha was mad .crazed with hatred. "If Its Worth Anything And he laughed at his enemy, he<5 ln. rNaria.; . ' '-•"'.-.' • • •'•• • laughed and swung the whip with all —Have It Insured." o re) AT lantic 0701 2525 LeaTenworth St. of COUNCIL BliUFFS Sacha Mojevsky. followed her into a I The officer snaped an order. Two his-strength. His left hand still held onnt We pay 4% Interest on Savins : men caught Sacha's arms and pinned small room neatly furnished with sev- the revolver pointed at the woman. sh 1 and Time Iteposlts. • .him to the walL Two;others ttnex-' eral chairs in flowered creton. He She could not move. Her hands covJAckson 1362 Safe ;DeposIt- Boxes for Bent, i ( ,pectedly dashed ap the stairs and sat in one-of them, placed his pack- ered her eyes.- And still Sacha conlifted Nadia into their arms, started age on a table beside his chair, and tinued to' pound out his. punishment. Wholesale waited. When the good woman turned carrying her down., > . Fruit and Vegetables He heard nothing. Outside neighto hang Jus hat in the hall, he transADVO COFFEE Sacha. screamed, struggled frantibors shouted, kicked at the door, even TO AND FROM N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. cally, swore like a fiend. But he !re- fered the heavy weight of his back smashed a window. But Sacha MoADVO JELlADVO FOODS j rceived blows on the mouth'ih return, pocket to a more convenient position jevsky hacked W a y furiously. What ALL PARTS OF and those small eyes of the officer in the pocket of £'"a jacket. He if the Russian lay motionless, unconTHE WORLD smiled upon him cruelly, The, fat. waited. scious? What if his wife had fainted? The wife of ; the Russian was a cheeks were rounded in a flabby smile. Sacha's work was not finished. His No, Sacha Mojevsky never forgot that rather interesting entertainer. She arm-rose and fell, rose and.fell. His 1307 Howard,St, Omaha, Neb. wia blonde and .plump, with a shinf a c e . ' . ;.-.•. " .• . . • ' . . . . - • • ' • ' • Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store victim's body was smeared with ATlantic 0340. OMAHA PILLOW CO. They dragged the shrieking Nadia, ing little nose, 'but she talked. with blood. ' . Feather, mattresses made from your the air of a duchess. She had met own feathers. Cool in Summer— w;arm half' clad, out of the house. She Oh, JLf .only Nadia could see! Once, In Winter. Cost less than felt beds. her husband during the war. They Cotton Mattresses made over In new [fought like a demon, that girl—-tit had sailed to America to escape the in a frenzy of insanity, the little man ticks at half price, of new befls. \ the men and kicked them. But they looked up and shrieked her name— am 1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 'conquered her puny strength and horrs of Russia. And— shrieked it with triumphant fervor. 1806 Harney Street pulled her out into the night, \ A The outer door banged. "He is here!" she cried happily, But immediately he returned to his Phone AT Iantle 0801 stunning blow, half in mercy, half in and went out t a greet him. -Alone, task. And he did not stop until anderision, left" Sacha huddled uncon> J . C. Crew. ' Ed. Bnrd^ck. Sacha rose, trembling . His right other uniform overpowered him. The A Store ManagecKsand Ron sciously on the floor. sleeve of a policeman's uniform it by Men who Fwy the Came. 109 No. 16th St. TeL JAckson 3128 j After that he never again saw hand gripped the revolver in his pock- was that encircled his neck, held him Opposite Post-Ofltte. 6. L. REEVES et. He stood leaning forward, waitTUXEDOES, Latest Models Nadia. Some said any girl would ing. In his eyes blazed a fiery ex- powerless. ^RADIO" kill herself after such a night. . . . S25.00 to S40.00 ultation. His hour had come! Just He was manacled while he chattered Every thing for the Athlete. POll SALE OH FOR BENT. " • insanely. He did not see the people Y o u r position is wait! . . . . II. correct, and should A year later a penniless immigrant With a question on his fat face the about, him, hysterical neighbors. He "EVERY KNOP KIND" was admitted to America. His Russian entered. He looked at his saw only that body on the floor, be s u p p o r t e d by Kaplan Auto Parts Co. blood streaked and limp. He was Abner H. Kaimen , brother, one who had resided in this visitor in a puzzled way. Didn't reevery fair minded 2111 .Nicholas Htrtet satisfied. It was the end of the 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034 land of good fortune for more! than member him, evidently. Used, cars bought, sold, and exchanged ( LION COAL CO. SPECIALS person. pogroms. New fseatB. nnd axle shafts a decade, one who looked upon reSacha , smiled—actually grinned for -any Inhalor: Tires. Tubes and Accessories ports of the pogroms as stories mel- with fiendish joy. His white teeth They took him away and he still Hannah Lump PAXTON BILLIARD BelS;iy-~AVnolesn!e Prices. odramatically exaggerated, met himappeared cruelly under the black prattled insanely and laughed. Franklin1 County /„ (j*f n r« A And today a wizen, emaciated man PARLOR at Ellis Island, promised to guard his moustache. Lump IC 5^10.3U sits alone in the asylum. He stares welfare, and finally succeeded in ...of... "Don't know me? he asked. NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor Colorado Smokeless JplU.bU at t h e floor and laughs, laughs, bringing him home. "No," replied the Russian. 1316 rarnan Hoffmann Funeral Home. > Oa8e Time flew by quickly, but dully. And then Sacha Mojevsky began laughs. And the nurses wonder why Screenings Phone JA rkson 4136. Delivered to Any Part I What could Sacha enjoy without hav- administering Ms punishment. He stupid officials permit sucL nuisances . Wall Receptaclesof the City. iing the glorious Nadia to laugh with'pulled out the revolver and pointed [to enter the country, Light—WIRING—Power him ? Ah, he was just living on—liv- it directly at the -woman. j " ; . -—Bell.. Transformers Nearly every Jewish" family Is raentidii T h e JewYour subscription tor -The Jew. »JBg o i . - A n empFty"existencer ' I "111 tell you who I sml? he-mat. - WEbster2605; ' Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". k Press" is dne now t After a while he became a= clerk tered between shaking lips. "You isb Presa"«lvert&ere
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