November 3, 1922

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•: "The art _ of pleasing is the art of rising in the world."

• "•'• ' • G e n i u s

and ambition laugh - at-precedents.

VOL. n.~-No. 47


SS-, »g§ - second-class 2"

Ente mall cutter on Janitor?" 27th, 1921, at post H 7? t Omaha, .Nebraska, andet the Act of March S, 1878.

5. tn

Lord Baifour May Join New Cabinet" Safeguard Zionism



Governor Henry J* Allen of Kansas A ttacks Ku-Klux-Klan


WARSAW.—(J. T. A.)—Emigration from Poland during the SHANGHAI, China, Oct. 20.— six months ended June, 1922, has (J. T. A.)—The Peak Hospital fallen off toa remarkable degree, with its contents, valued at $100,was at Caney and the other at Coffey-' partisanship and releases itself to the according to figures just published 000 has been purchased by J- E. (JSeprintedi From the Kansas . City ville. Caney is said to have had the most sacred cause of free government by the immigration authorities. As All Organizations Join in WorkStar of Oct. 28.) Curzon and Law Responsible Joseph, Hongkong, and leased to first Ku Klux Klan lodge in the state —-the case of individual rights. against 70,389 persons to emigrate ing for Success of Omaha's the Colonial government, at a noAllen on the Ku Klux Klan. for Zionist Policy, and - strongest klan section in south"No more grotesque abuse of the to America in 1921; there were Most Important Project. minal rent on a condition that £he Churchill insists. It is un-American, cowardly eastern Kansas. The governor had term 'Americanism' could be used only 6,410 in the first half of 1922. hospital is maintained in its presand •untrue to Christianity. been" warned and even threatened if than to call the klan organization In all 23,722 passports were MRS. form. It was Mr. Joseph's NATHAN M A N T E C . It gives the criminal element of WEIZMAN ATTACKED1 AS ent he came into Montgomery county and 'American.' Americanism is tolerant granted, 5,476 for oversea counwish to turn over the property ELECTED CHAIRMAN OF the community opportunities talked against the Klan. "MAN OF MYSTERY '. and this is organized intolerance. tries other than the United States absolutely to the colony, but in -WOMEN'S DIVISION which menace us all. Americanism is law abiding ,and this and 11,886 to European countries. Threats Fail to Stop Him. London, Oct. 29.—(Jewish Telegra-) view of the fact that the proposed They have introduced into Kanis organized cruelty and bigotry. Of the 6,410 who migrated to "A CORRECTION." phic Agency)—Lord Baifour is said nursing home and Kowloon hospisas the greatest curse than "can The governor made a few remarks Americanism is broad and big and America, 1,960 were Poles, the retal will be available in a few years, The statement appearing in last to "be prepared to join the Bonar Law come to any civilized people, the about the klan in Winfield last night open and brave—this is narrow anti mainder being Ukrainians and it has been decided by agreement week's issue of "The Jewish cabinet in order to be in a position curse that arises out of the unand two hundred persons walked out furtive and cowardly., Russians, a majority of whom were with Mr. Joseph that he should Press" to the effect that $135,to defend t!he Zionist policy -which he restrained passions of men govof the meeting. Mrs. Allen was called "We are coRfrqntmg in Kansas an Jewish. 000 has been subscribed to the had sponsored the last five years, it have the opportunity of later reerned by religious intolerance and by telephone and told to advise her astounding development of prejudice, More startling perhaps is the' considering the form "which his gift Jewish Community Center Buildis. learned-on excellent authority. Conracial hatred. ' husband not to make the speech which is racial and religious. It is diminution in emigration from to the colony should take. ing Fund by S97 individuals was vinced of the ultimate success of the ; It brings chaos and hatred and against the klan. The governor has seeking to establish the un-American an error due to a misprint. The Jewish National Home, Lord Baifour, menace to every law-abiding cit- had numerous letters threatening tar idea that we can improve the condi- Poland to Palestine whereas in 1921 there were 6,115 emigrants, statement should have read that the author- of the Zionist! Declaration izen who may fall victim of the and feathers and "the same thing that tions in this state by tprning the $135,000 -WHS pledged by ninetybearing his name, is inclined to make private quarrels and animosities happened to the mayor of Liberty." rights of government over to a for the most part young "Haluzim," there were only 114 in the seven (97) individuals. The peace with the group- which wrecked of men who hide their identity beBut; the governor never faltered in masked organization, which arrogates six months ended June, 1922. : Jewish Press" is very happy to the coalition because, as the Evening hind a mask. ' the most scathing denounciation that to itself the right to regulate the make this correction. Standard puts it, "of the deep interhas been delivered against an or- individual. It has taken the old Ku It is as dangerous to the Protest he feels in Zionism." ganization of any Mnd in Kansas in Klux Klan from its grave and reestant as it is to the Catholic, the Pledging for their organization and many years—probably never before. Jew or the negro ,because it Pursuing its policy of unmitigated revamped i t ' for the profit of orfor the entire Jewish womanhood of exists only when the authority opposition to the Zionist policy, the Says Play at Oberammergau InfluOmaha, unqualified support in the "Think of the Man of Gallilee walk- ganizers. They have set up the inof government has been broken or Daily Express today prints a frontcredible philosophy that we require campaign soon to be launched for a ing his Golgotha way, hooded and ences Passions Against Jews. destroyed. page attack on the Homeland in genJewish Community Center, 40 women, skirted like a circus clown," said the religious instruction from masked men eral and Dr. Weizman in particular. Do they have to be masked to representing practically every womgovernor. "Pick up history where yon whose characters and capacities are Chicago.—The celebrated Passion Under, the heading "Mystery of Great Play of Oberammergau was assailed stand for Christianity ? When has They have an's organization in the city met yeswill and find me a single man who concealed by disguise. Cfaayim" and th esub-heading, "Last last week by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, any brave fight for religion been ever fought a battle for the rights of added to the old antipathy to the To Canvass City For $25,000 To Con- terday at the Brandeis Restaurants tinue Work Of The Red Cross of Foreigners Who Meddle in British well known New. York rabbi, as an made by terrorists? and effected a permanent body t© conreligion or of freedom with his face !atholic the antipathy to the negro Affairs," the Express refers to Dr. agency for inflaming religious and Does anybody believe that -we duct the campaign among all women hidden from those he fought." . and the antipathy to the Jew. HENRY MONSKY, CHAIRMAN OF of Omaha. •Weizman. as the "powerful mystery racial prejudices against the Jews. have grown so indifferent to law The governor putrthe -punch into his Calls It Greatest Curse. SPEAKING COMMITTEE man who keeps England in Paleand order as that we shall allow Little time was spent in speechwords, too. He spoke before a congregation "In the south, in the far -wrest they stine.*' this constrous attack upon indimaMng, for once the cause was place that packed the Sinai Social Center to nave committed many crimes upon To Oust Klan From State. Plans for the Red Cross member- fairly before the women and their "Venizelos and Zaharoff are gone, capacity. More than 2,000 persons viduals rights to contine?—Gov. but the more powerful Weizman re- thronged the street outside, unable to Henry J. Allen of Kansas in a "One of the declarations of the the individual and only recently .they ship Campaign i n Omaha are well aid requested by members of the mains," this .paper, moted for its ad- gain admission. speech at Coffeyville last night masked organization is, "We stand for have invaded this state ,which was under way, according to D. E. O'Brien, Board of Trustees of the Building vocacy of E n g Feisnls* hegemony in Chrisitanity.' la-the name of God, builded strongly upon,its respect for who will have charge of the drive this Fund, the task confronting them was While traveling in Europe he visit- " (By a Staff Correspondent.) Mesopotamia, insists. " "It was the why do they have to be masked to law and order, and have given us the year. most enthusiastically accepted and deed at Oberammergau and "witnessed Coffeyville, Kas., Oct. 28.—Gpv. stand for that 2" shouted the gover- shocking exhibition at liberty of takgenius of "this man, "whose" origin is The dates of the campaign have finite work immediately undertaken. the revival of the Passion Play, which Henry J., Allen "bearded the lion in ing the mayor of the town by violence, obscure/that lured us into the. morass Mrs. Nathan Mantel, who has long was suspended during the periodthat his den" todajr to tell the members nor, and the,-crowd met him more carrying him to a secluded place and been set. They are November 13th of Palestine??;says- the Express. to 16th. than half way wiHi their cheers. l been active in Jewish communal work, Germany was at war. bf-the*Ku E3uVKIan that they were ^ l ^ rinjuti Lu Lions The city has been divided into was elected chairman of the Women's "When has any brave fight for re- whipping him because he refused to un-American, cowards and not true to allow this masked society _to-hold a Presorted Three Centuries of the ZipniBt organizationi ^fihe Exdistricts with a major in charge of ligion ever beenmaae by terrorists?" . . • , '...,.' each. Under the major will be a. Division. With her will be associated "The Passion Play was first the Christianity which they were sup- asked the governor. There was TIO an- meeting in his town. press -remarks that "Palestine is "They have introduced into * Kan- captain for each district, and each Mrs. David P. Feder as vice-chsuJ"That swer but the cheers -of the crowd. mortgages "to the Eothchflds." It is sented by the people of that .little posed to uphold and protect. Mrs. Sol Goldstrom, secretary, sas the .greatest curse, that can «ome captain will have charge of a .certaia , man. now, th# Electors' duty to abolish German village in 1633—almost three was not all the governor .said and a i M i , jars/,Harry- A. Wolf,-treasurer. 1 to* any civiSze3: people,, the corse that num-Der-ox voXxmtecr "woil^ttxti. dcresrft "teUVthe' empahsie;which "he put said" the" rabbi."""' • Waniffld fe'*1literfeteiice in British \ On r^— next _.*—^. Monday •**•—a— evening — ~ i — at -.^. *.-%— the v — • "This is not & political issue," said arises out of the unrestrained passions ., . politics;" according ft)£he peroration that time the Jews of Europe were into his remarks. Mr. Henry Monsky will be in charge sh Community Center rooms, these being widely persecuted. They were - The "'governor made two speeches the governor. ."It is not SL partisan of men governed by religious intoler- of the speaking committee. . . leader. officers will meet with the president* in Montgomery county „ today. One issue. It transcends the obligation of ance and racial hatred.. By a. flamDissatisfied because Premier Bonar pariahs—social outcasts. Omahss quota is $25,000, but the of every -women's organization and buoyant experssion of the purity of "The play reflects the antipathy ior Law failed to mention what jredsely committee in charge, headed by Dr. A. their purposes they- have attracted C. Stokes, who saw active service in will select an executive committee wil constitute the new government's the Jew that wa s so flagrant a t that *the support of men of standing and France, said that this quota would that will be representative: in every policy toward Mesopotamia and Pale- time. In the three centuries thafrhave character who dr.. not sympathize with probably be doubled. A membership respect of the womanhood of Omaha stine, Lord JBothermere's: DaDyi Mail elapsed, much of this racial hostility the violence to which many of the in the Red Cross is only ?1, and, Jewry. and Daily Mirror ass loudly calling has "been eradicated. It is planned, that the Women's Dimore radical members of this masked becaxrse the sum is so nominal, those A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH for economy in those coimtriesv'. Fans Flame of Prejudice. vision will secure pledges of women government are committed. A warning that Premier Law and EDITOE'S NOTE—This is the first of a series of sketches -which interested in the drive feel that only to the Fund. Every girl and "None of the few revisions have appear periodically in these columns ol men and "women "who have helped "The organization is as dangerous to Omaha will come to the front, as it Foreign Minister Curzon may not tempered the asperity originally inbuild the Jewish Community of Omaha. every woman in the city will be called the Protestant as it is to the Cath- did during the trying times of the lightly cast off the British respon- jected to humble the Jews. Judas upon, and induced to subscribe to the olic,' the Jew -or the negro, because it sibilities toward the middle-eastern Iscariot, for example, is portrayed as war.. Fund. Pledges are payable ove« a and during the work of financing tfr exists only when the authority of govcountries is sounded by Winston Spen- a heartless, venal iindiyidual embody"This is a crisis for the Red Cross," period of three yeara, and because of erection of the City Auditorium was ernment ' has"~heen broken and de- said Dr. Stokes. "Some people feel this fact, the women are postive that cer Churchill, the former colonial sec- ing all the evil that could possibly a director of its Board and general stroyed. It- brings chaos and hatred that the Red Cross died with the war, their work in the community will bear retary. Both Mr. Law and Lord Curz- be concentrated in a single character. consul. In a cultural way as well, Mr. on were members of the cabinet which subtly touted as a typical (Continued on-page 2.) but the Red Cross existed before the 100 per cent results. Elgutter has contributed to the genentered into the commitments with re- Jew. .. war, and is. even a bigger necessity The following women were present eral development of the city. He gavi gards to Palestine, Mr. Churchill dein peace times." "Presented as it is today, I hold at the initial meeting yesterday: to the public library its first oil paintclares. If they decide to break the that that performance is a grave inThe Home' Service Section is the Mesdames B. A. Simon, M. L. ing which served as a nucleus for th British promises and obligations as- justice to the Jewish race and only most important branch of the Red Woolfson, Harry Trustin, J. Blank, R. public library art gallery of Omaha. sumed before those countries, they fans the flames of racial and religious Cross. This section handled 903 new Kulakofsky, Harry Lapidus, David His translation from the Greek poet •will repudiate their own promises and prejudice." . cases and 1,450 old ones from January Feder, Harry Wolf, D. S. Finkstein, have been set to music and presented Question of Immediately Abandonobligations. 1 to October 1, 1922. The service N .P. Feil, Samuel Nathan, Wm. L. ALTERN ATE BETWEEN ' at local musicals. ment of Palestine. given in the different cases differs Holzman, Isy Rosenthal, H. S. Novit-, STUDYING AND BEGGING With affairs relating to the Jewish gTeatly. All of these cases deal with sky, A. Romm, L. Graetz, Nathan Moscow, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)—StudyLondon, Oct. 27.—<J. C. B.)—It is community of Omaha, Mr. Elgutter the problems of the ex-service men, Mantel, A. Herzberg,.' M. S. Miller, ing part of the day and begging the has been even more closely identified. learned that the Independent Liberal mostly the disabled ones. Some of Ed. Treller, Carl Furth, Cora Wolf, rest of the time has become the pracAll phases of communial life have anl Labor candidates" who will stand the boys—and. they were the ones who Sol Goldstrom,; J. J. Slosberg, A. M. Entire Community to Be Guests at tice of most of the students in Russia, claimed his attention. He was secre- for election to parliament during the fought for us when we needed theni— Browar, Phil ,Wolfson, S. Eavite, L. whose suffering are probably unCard Party. tary and later president of the Con- approaching ' campaign • will ; reply were assisted in prosecuting their Kneeter and A. Wolf, and th^ Misses equaled in the history of civilization. gregation of Israel. He is a past when* aslced regarding, their stand on compensation claims against the gov- Florence Shames, Ray Bercu, Bess Wives of the members of the direc- Unsuccessful in their efforts to find president of Nebraska Lodge, L O. B. the British policy in Palestine, that ernment, some were helped in filing Greenberg, Ruth Le%'ey, Esther Beltors of the Wise Memorial Hospital employment, and loathe to give up B., which has since consolidated with Great Britain must mulfill foreign bonus applications; some in getting: mont, Gertrude Kooper, Anne Selicow, - • . i will be hostesses to the community their studies, ever-increasing.numbers McKinley lodge in forming Omaha obligations ^ certificates as substitutes for lost Blanche Altman and Bess Greenberg. The "Daily Express" advises its discharges, and in hundreds of cases at an evening card party, to be given of students have taken to street begLodge No. S54. In this consolidation They represented the following orone week from Wednesday on No- ging. _ . . - " ; ••' Mr. Elgutter took an active part. For readers- to - ask every candidate various kinds of appications and af- ganizations: Jewish Women's WelCHARLES S. ELGUTTER. To relieve the situation, the Joint vember 15. the B*Nai B"Rith he has done much whthr he favors the immdiate aband- fidavits had to be filled out. In nearly fare Organzatioiu Council of Jewish The Brandeis Grill has been re- Distribuption Committee has assigned Of particular interest to our read- work, being many times delegate to onment by Great Britain of Mesopo- every case, financial assistance and Women, Sisterhood of Temple Israel, served exclusively for the occasion. §50,000 for the feeding of students at ers at this time are incidents in the conventions, and director of various tamia and Palestine. important advice were given. In fact, Women's Auxiliary, I. O. B. B., DeThe stand on the Palestine question the ex-service man (and his family) borah Society, Junior Haddasah, The efforts of the patronesses are be- Kieff and Odessa, while the American life of Chas. S. Elgutter who has been L O. B. B. institutions. ing exerted to the fullest to assure Relief Administration is feeding 2,000 nominated for a much coveted and Probably the first city-wide cele- of the members of the new cabinet can can come to the Home Service Section Junior Welfare Organization, the that each person who attends will at Odessa and providing food and contested elective office in the muni- bration in which every Jewish resi- perhaps be gauged by the votes taken with any of his troubles, and, when Young Women's Hebrew Association, have a most enjoyable evening. Many garments for 1,500 in Kieff. cipal government of Omaha. Mr. El- dent of Omaha participated was that on the Joynson-Hicks and Sydenham he leaves, he feels that the citizens and the Daughters of Israel Aid Sohandsome prizes will be offered, and gutter's activities in the community held in 1905 on the occasion of the adverse resolutions in the house of of our country appreciate, and still ciety. several unusual features will be pre- CZECH MINISTER RECOGNIZES extending over a long period of years, 250th anniversary, of the landing of commons and lords, respectively. remember what he did for us on the JEWS'EQUALITY. Stanley Baldwin, the chancellor of sented. : -•':'• Prague, Oct. 23.—(Jewish Telegra- have been manifold, but have been the Jews in America Mr. .Elgutter the exchequer, William C Bridgeman, battlefields. The Nurses' Home of the Hospital VLADIVOSTOCK JEWS UNEASY. pursued with such a degree of modwas a moving spirit in this affair, will be the beneficiary of the affair. phic Agency)—-Amendment of the esty as to be known to relatively few which at that time was the most au- secretary for home affairs, LieutenLondon, Oct. 12. (J. T. A.)—Unant Colonel L. C. M. S. Amery, First ANONYMOUS GIFT OF $50,000 Tickets ate 75c each, purchaseable of election law so as to provide for the people. easiness is felt in Jewish circles of spicious ever given locally. Lord of. the Admiralty, Sir Robert the members of the committee, or at recognition of the equality of the FOR KEREIT HAYESOD Vladivostock, caused by the evacuaMr. Elgutter has resided in Omaha One other movement, the results the Brandeis Grill Rooms on Novem- Jews has been promised a deputation for more than half century. At 13 of which stand today asthe embodi- A Sanders, minister for agriculture, Berlin, Oct. 12. (J. C. B.)—A gift tion of General Dietrichs' anti-Soviet representing different Jewish -parties Edward F. L. Wood, president of the ber 15. v of ?50,000 has been made to the forces. The unrest has brought quite he entered the Hebrew Union. College, ment of the philantropic motives of board of education, all voted for conThe . committee consists, of r The in Czecho-SlovaMa, which waited on a member of its first Keren Hayesod by a Russian Jew here open talk of the possibilities of poclass. HI its sponsors, and which, initiated in Mesdames M. S. Miller, ;N -P. Feil, Mr. Kallay, the new Minister of In- health, however, forced him to aban- 1905, served as a second link in the tinuance of the Palestine policy. Two who insists on having his identity groms, and leaders of the Jewish . ;-•". members of the new cabinet abstained Hairy Rosenfeld, • Edward Treller, terior. Community have telegraphed to Jewdon his hopes for a career in'the chain of Omaha's unity, was the in- from voting, one being Andrew Bonar withheld from the public Mr. Kallay had nothing but praise Sam - Newman, Frederick Cohh, 1. ish organizations here and elsewhere, This gift ranging next to that of rabbinate. Following his graduation corporction of the Wise Memorial fciegler, J. J. Slosburg, jr., B. A. Sim- for the "independent national policy" from the Omaha High School he en- Hospital Association. As one of the Law, the new jsxime tninister. urging intervention, and preventive Peter J. Schweitzer of New York, who As to the lords, Viscount Peel, sec-' contributed $100,000 to the Palestine measures, warning them of the serion, S. Wertheimer, L. Sommers, I. pursued by the Jewish section of the tered Harvard University, from whose incorporators and general consul to retary for India, voted in favor of the Foundation Fund, totaled one eighth ous outlook. Rosenthall, Leo Rosenthal, A. B. Al- population, it is declared. law school he graduated in 1887. For the Association, Mr. Elgutter played Zionist policy, no otner members of of a billion German marks, at the pirin, William Holzman and Harry a number of years he was editorial a prominent part in this important S*OVIET BARS , JEWISH . RELIEF the new government voting during the present rate of exchange. The anonWolf Jerusalem, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)— writer on the "Omaha Bee," and sub- enterprise. • DELEGATES. famous division. ymous donor is said to regard this Plans have been completed for the opFAMINE REFUGEES RETURNING. Kowno, Oct. 24.—(J. C. B.)—Two sequently (1891) was admitted to the These are but a few of the general sum as an initial gift, in part pay- ening next winter of the philological Moscow, Oct. 11. (J. T. A.)—Colo- representatives chosen by the Jewish practice of law in Omaha. activities of a man who has always department of the projected Hebrew nists of Mariopol, in the Donetz Gu- National Council of Lithuania to proThroughout a busy; life as a mem- believed in rendering public service EINSTEIN TO VISIT PALESTINE. ment of his raaaser. University here, • it is authentically bemia, who had fled their farms in ceed to Russia to organize relief work ber of the bar of Douglas county, he for the welfare of his community, and ' Berlin, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)—Prof. The necessary funds have SPEOAL ENTERTAINERS WILL stated. the beginning of the famine have, particularly in behalf of Jewish re- devoted much effort and energy to who has carried out every labor to Albert Einstein will visit Palestine in practically all returned. The district patriates; have 1>eeh refused the' Rus- the' development of communal affairs which he has lent his energies and the spring 1923 on his return from PERFORM AT THE B"N AI B'RITH j been obtained,' as well as the consent Government is looking after the chil- sian visa by the Soviet representa- in the city. For three years he tsras a his talents, in a thorough and effici- Japan, -vekere his theory will be test- ANNUAL DANCE, DEC 24, AT THE} of a number of noted scholars to come • FONTENELLE HOTEL.—Adv. Jto Jerusalem to lecture $ ed. drens' homes. tive here- member of the Board of Education, ent manner.

Jewish Center Dim

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise Hits Passion Play As Being Anti-Semitic

Red Cross To Be laedted In Omaha November 13


liberals aid kbciiies Support Palestine Poky

Benefit Affair For Norses Home To Be Given Nov. 15


The Wooing of Estelte .] THE



;'•:"'; :....



Ssther she. was until the age of drive them away with your meshugtwelve; and then she chanced to read enneh talk? : I t is enough to turn in a book of. a lady called Estelle, a the house Jnto a; desert, the way you lady for •whom knights , dispensed receive them. ;If I was a young man 'and received bloody noses and cracked I wpujd run away 10,000, miles not to crowns. And though by nature peace- be near such a man,, and have to ful, if slightly mischievous, she was Jisten to his crazy questions/' thrilled with a vatyue sense of possi- >"And I tell you," said Mr. Levy bilities, and she calledherself Estelle. pulling his mopstache and grinning Estelle Levy^-that was the bitter pbtly, "that there is nothing in these drop in her cup. Estelle you could young men. They are all fools. Fool linger on, as the sensitive ear lingers if s written on their faces, and I don't on the repetitions of an oratorio— like fools." -••'"• but LavyL No. matter how; j u said "Weil, what dp you want," cried it, if you "made the "y" long, as in Mrs. Levy, despairing. "Can all men psychic, or short, as in syrup, it was ba as clever as you? So she won't badly misyoked with Estelle; It was marry the cleverest man in the a. good second name, an honest name, world. ?ut because of that must you but with .Estelle it was an obvious treat every young man in such a mesalliance. way that he is frightened to cross Foolish Estellel "Thct-eMnust have the threshold?" "Let him not be frightened," said been a strain of .covert, modesty in her, that she should covet" distinction Mr. .Levy, grimly. "If he wasn't a in a name when distinction a thou- fool he wouldn't be frightened. Do sandfold ' more tangible was inherent hit him? Dp I bite him?" "Hit him I Bite him!" exclaimed in her person. When she used to go, on summer afternoons, from the door MrMs. Leyy, who had a literal turn of her house to the drug store at the pf mind. "Must they wait for that? corner, a hundred "masculine eyes It Js enough if you talk to them as were wont to go with her, and fifty js they were idiote> Look at that masculine hearts drummed the ac- college boy who came here last week. companiment to her tripping foot- A nicer boy- you couldn't find, I steps. Helpless young V '-elprs have should . live so, and I'm sure he'll ; -been known to pay a dollar (and never come again..". "College boy 1" said Mr. Levy, more) extra per week that their windows might give on the street, so- slowly and sarcatically. He had an that they might glimse Estelle when infinite contempt for college b o y s she left the souse and returned to it. why, he could not tell. Them he torEstelle ? Had she been Sadie, Becky, mented most. - For them he would Mamie—any one of the undistin- put on the most elaborate courtesy, guished galaxy of every-day names and discover -the most irrelevant —she would still have been Estelle questions. He took a savage,: 'hough to her adorers; she would have ibeen skillfully-disguised delight v their more; she would been Ermyntrude, astonishment and agonizing embarEthelreda, Gwendoline, anything that rassment, in their starnmering, their violent changes of color,; their final was choice and unpronounceable. When she went, I say, from the muteness and mental disintegration. door of the house to the drug store "College boy!" said Mr. Levy. "What at the corner, a hundred masculine if he is a college boy? I wasn't a. eyes were wont to follow her. It is college boy and £hanks to God I not for a gross masculine,thing like lack nothing now. I should { have myself to analyze or- describe what respect for a college boyt • Finer boys, it was in her dress ijthai} charmed and I don't say nothing,: but -clever* > oi drugged, thosenses. ^hereawas, some- clever, such luck ion «nr < {enemies. thing; about fit—ajjfc ne. sajs qapi—a That college bo., do you.know^ what ruffle and- iswagger,. a^ rustle and he said to me when ,1, asked.-hiny if dash, that no heart could resist. And he was strong?.?; JHe ^aid^t^at ( he then,' that pert head above the dainty can pull himself up three' times as on $n/iron-bay; with threat "like a bellflower* on its bed" far as the ihin v another bpy han'inTl& on to "himv Now ajireg.m,-6f J&& .not 'Jo.

the said club by this circuitous route, we must pause long enough to state that thereby hangs our tale—the story of the wooing * Estelle. It was in this wise that Estelle came to know of the Ytinretarf Club. Moe Rubenstein, aforesaid, met Estelle in the early spring at a ball. The same Moe Rubenstein had not known Estelle for half an hour before he began to realize that his past life had been one long list of errors, interspersed with such sins as lack of ambition, levity and sundry other weaknesses which would have to be early combated. Moe was, in reality, a much better fellow than he was inclined to think after he had met Estelle; he overworked his hum iity somewhat on - -ant of her, but no one who has ever been in his condition will fail to understand. He asked to see Estelle home. To his intense astonishment and joy, permission was • accorded. He asked if he might call. To bis even great astonishment he was informc1 that he might. And 60 Moe paid his first and last visit to the house; It so happened that when Moe came to the house that first and last time, Mr. evy was in excellent fettle, and longing for a victim. Moe, by nature modest and retiring, and now utterly befuddled by an emotion ten sizes too large for him, walked into the parlor like an obliging, ^uicy fly into the den of some l.oary spider. Estelle was out, to return in half an hour. Mr Levy examined the fly carefully. He turned it over, as it were, and looked at it carefully, while the helpless victim sat £.inning and blushing—if such terms can be applied to a fly. And then Mr. Levy probed it in a tender spot, and watched the effect. Then he probed it in another-spot and watched the effect again. Then he gave it a nasty little tap on the head—and finally launched his general assault. When Estelle returned she found Moe in a state bordering on imbecility, unable to ui-Jerstahd the simplest sentence, and capable only of a series of noises for all the world like those''of-a one-year-old infant in the first stages of human conversation. And Mr. Levy, suave, attentive, sat rubbing Ms liands and guiding the conversation from one subject to anjother.'._.., '.''. .; . * , ! Not all t i e violence of the emotion wfiich. Esijell^ induced in him could .persuade.poor Moa to visit the house again. Tjnie,' jie;never confessed the reason, jand^EsteUe Idid* not allude /to "• ,-3ut.he,.met .fefr^,once.Vgain, and

Finance Cojnmittee—• " ' pthers. |- Self-governing people must Chairman DaVid Feigenbaum. have the spirit that makes them selfWays and Means Committee-rebntrolled. If we deliberately allow Chairman Solly Rosenauer. this organization to take the law into Entertainments Committee— its own hands then we break down all Chairman David Feigenbaum. the safeguards of society, which have been buOded through the sanctity of Amusements Committee— government, we allow the beginning Chairman Solly Rosenauer. of a feud that is racial and religious, Debates Committee— we justify the establishment of the Chairman David Feigenbaum. qaarrel that leads to group formaDiscussion Committee — tion, make civil war upon each other Chairman Solly Rosenauer. in the narna of racial and religious Membership Committee— r bigotry, destroy the foundations of Chairman David Feigenbaum. society, we teach to .our young men Admission Committee—? and women the dangerous doctrine Chairman Solly Rosenauer. that violence and hatred are JustifiPublicity Committee— able, that mob law is consistent with Chairman David Feigenbaum. freedom, that lawlessness is to be Propaganda Committee— met by lawlessness. Chairman. Solly Rosenauer. It will be noticed that these com- "When any organization breeds viomittees run in duplicates, and therein lence by the deeds it does or by the lies the clue to the situation. David opportunity it has for lawlessness, Feigenbaum would no sooner raise it gives to the criminal element of his six foot two of energy, and thun- the community opportunities which der that the club was in danger of menace us alL Anglo-Saxon Always in Open. dissolution without » certain comf mittee, than Solly Rosenauer would. * When has womanhood in this state rise, five foot six, dapper, debonair, needed to be defended by men who and point out quietly that the club; work at night with their faces covwould not survive another season: ered? When has any brave fight for without another committee just like; religion ever been made by terrorists ? the one proposed^but under another I All down the corridors of time hisname. And as neither he nor Fei-: tory has been enriched by the brave genbaum would yield a point in their; Anglo-Saxon men who have fought description of the impending danger, for right and for liberty, but they the chairman, Harry Fink, would never have fought in the klan's recompromise and have both commit- galia. They have fought openly for tees, to the intense relief of every- the right as they saw it. body. Harry Fink rather prided him-; "Think of Martin Luther nailing self on being more than an ordinary his thesis to the door of Castle church diplomat. He kept under his cushion^ with a pillow case over his head. at home, a book, "Great Jewish Think pf John the Baptist standing by Statesmen I Have Known" (Black- j the roadside in the Roman Province berry & Co., Chicago, $8.50—the of Palestine, preaching the freedom Bowery, 25 cents, or five for a dol-' of a religious brotherhood with a hood lar)—and noped .some day to be the; upon his face and a terror-inspiring American ambassador to Turkey. i regalia upon his body. "Think of the man of Galilee walkAnd these were the two men-'who,; ing his Golgotha way, hooded and simultaneously, proposed (to them- skirted like a circus clown. Pick up selves) that each one was in danger history where you will and find me a of dissolution, long before the com- single man who ever fought a battle ing of the next season, if the lovely for the rights of religion or of freedEstelle had not been wooed and won. om with his face hidden from those Hero, alas, was a race where not all he fought. There is only one country the adroitness of the chairman could in the world today where men go to avail. Here it had been vain to urge punnishment without trial and witha duplicate committee, for both by out protection of justice, and that's the laws of human nature and of the in soviet Russia. country in which we live, only one Raps "Imperial" Aspect. could woo and win the lovely Estelle. "I would as soon be tried and conAnd so the chairman, for once, joined demned by asoviet decree of Lenine the spectators of the combat and, as I would by a decree of the KM with them, hoped that the best man : Klux Klan. ; • would win. "Think of an American promising For the first time, too, Estelle was that a will render at all times loyal' slightly bewUdetfrd. David Feigen- respect.and steadfast support' to the baunvwasjmdobutedly as fine.'a phy- *in?peiia.r- authority that Bides behind sicalr;. jspe^anen^^kjnanhobdr as ever the^ un^AJn^rican°i|tle of ''his majesty' claimed descent jfrom the people of and binds himself' abjectly to obey ih'e Maccabaeank ""And he was no the orders of a masked emperor. gawky lout withal; he was confident "Think of the brave men who to a degree, masterful, even imperious; He could sweep asicfeua group of intervening nteles just by Uheuse of* his voice—theje was somefiiing1 in it that brooked no resistance. But Solly Rosenauer was a problem, for he not only held his own, but (Continued on page 7) .•

man to give?" ,.,1'J l^J VTJ>, t .^v "But I ask you," exploded Mrs. see her occasionally without paying Levy, almost in tears, "is that a the desperate price of a few minutes question to ask of a man the first with he^fatherf; | * | . time he comes to your housf^ And? f^Dl!? came fand was jntxohim. if he. is > strong^ ;as At i e V i |ropo£ed' apd \secoi)ding for a j o t as .a 5furW " ? , ftlf^ good and due And she gave'up shtfuld an extra shar^of vitalitybe form, and was. thereupon admitted denied a master tailor's daughter? for the time being. But in her heart "to all the privileges and duties in"Was it net rumored that When she there was actual fear- She simply cumbent upon members of this-orwould leave her father's house for could not understand " i a t was the ganization," as /the;!: chairman, Harry good, §2,000 would also leave his matter with her husband, or how Fink, so impressively said on that ~ bank account? -And :was -hot: her Estelle was to find a proper suitor important occosion. • ~l mother's house as well-appointed and with a father like that. And it behooves us now to apprise as hospitably open as the house of The most -disturbing; feature of it the reader of thev nature of the Ytinany mother in that block? all, to Mrs. Levy, Was the fact that retarf Club. It was "an association (Continued from page 1) ittle wonder then, that at twenty, Estelle did not seem to resent her intended to provide for the social Estelle was the besieged of all be- father's reception of her friends. If and intellectual want, of Jews be- and menace to every law-abiding citsiegers. It would be plain calumny anything, he would even invite papa tween the ages of eighteen and thir- izen who may fall victim of the prito assert that $2,000 had anything to into the parlor, and insist on his ty." The social wants were met by vate quarrels and animosities of men do with, that, and Esther's father entertaining the guest for some little dances, outings and entertainments, who hide their identity behind a knew it. It was something that he time. And then Bhe would sit. de- the intellectual by debates. For a mask. What Is Law and Order? had wit enough to realize and pride murely by, and interfere rarely in full measure of the intellectual status "In the very keenest fashion they enough to resent, for Esther's beauty the conversation. Only sometimes of the club fae reader is referred to came-from her mother's side, but her when the young man was obviously the striking originality of the name, raise the question of law and order. dowry came from her father, so about to collapse, she would suddenly which is only fraternity, spelled back- Men in a self-governed democracy must have a love of liberty, and this while her mother rejoiced in the ; first, ask her father whether he hadn't an wards. 1 it was for her father to rejoice in appointment^ or whether it, wasn't Poor, moder Moe Rubenstein real- love must extend to the liberty ,of the second. And no one could pre- time to go to the meeting of the ized his mistakes too late. Better tend that her dowry was commen- Order Brith somebody or other. have braved a hundred Mr. Levy's surate with her charms. Ask anyone For it1 was not yet in Estelle to than bring Estelle into the club." For FOR RENT—Nice room with ' of her adorers: they would tell you take the matter seriously. The young before the week was gone, he knew that not all the wealth of Ophir and man was hers, for the' asking, as it himself lost. The two great men of private family. Close in. Call l i d could measure up to that dazzling were. Whether or not her father's the organization, David Feigenbaum Harney 7316 or Webster 0414. attitude discouraged the -srer pur- and Solly Rosenauer had hit the trail. beauty. Perhaps that offered some explana- poses of courtship to which her Woe to him, who stood in their way. tion of Mr, Levy's treatment of mother had an eye, she did not seem And the club drew, as it were, on -suitors, the remainder of the ex- to care. At any rate while Mr. ohe side to observe t^e mortal complanation being resident in a certain Levy's extraordinary and erratic re- bat between these imr.~ "mortal enenatural -whimsicality -which repression ception of the young men was a mies. I FOR SALE—A-B Gas Range had turned to seeming eccentricity. source of misery to his good wife, A glance at the organization of the with high oven and glass doors Not that Mr, Levy was ungracious nothing ever disturbed the ancient club sufficed to reveal the deadly ento sell for $80.00. Call at 214 to young male visitors wh' us~d to league between him and Estelle. Who mity between these men. Though Park Ave. or call Hamey 2046. lie profusely in pretending to be in- knows but what, by some hidden rec- comprising only fifty members it posterested- in his health or the health ognition of the law of the survival sessed the following committees: of his lady. He was, in fact, over- of the fittest, Estelle was content to _ polite, with an insistence and weight use her father as the adverse agency Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. •which baffle and even terrify which was to eliminate the unfit? Be it further confessed that not • the' young men. He would treat If You Are for LIGHT WINES AND BEER - them with a.ponderous and mocking onl ywas Estellfe far-removed from or Against the POLITICAL RING k courtesy which made him, to speak her mother's anxious matrimonial quite frankly, a positive terror to calculations; • -phe had never even - gawky suppliants. There was a cer- known that disturbance of peace of tain under tone of bitter amusement mind which is generally supposed to in his entertainment of them, some- precede—if not always to induce— : thing they could neither locate nor the first steps toward the fatal conPeople's Candidate "BY PETITION" for repel. He had, for instance, a habit summation. In plain English, she r of inquiring closely into the state of had never been in love and she pos" the weather, speaking all the time sessed spmething of the novice's conand thereby • express your sentiment. Make v slightly onder his nose. Now I ap- tempt for all who had—for which y ° u r v o t e c o u n t f o r something. I favor light wines ahd beer and regard a-man's home as peal to all men who have ever been reason Moe Rubenateieny who was in J . his castle. very bad condition • about her, and supplicants; what- can one do with If elected T will allow each of the following groups to name an '^her father when he .makes inquiries read Shakespeare frequently as a assistant deputy: Business Men's Organizations; Labor and Farm ."about the weather under, MB nose? relief, once informed her gravely— Organizations;.Women; Bench and Bar. at scars .who nr-;r felt a i~ ''Mrs, Levy remonstrated .long and "He jests r NOTE—You "can vote for me no" matter how you' are registered, wound,' and though he did not get Shyfully with .him; ''"' 'but you must put a cross in the square before my name because 1 * 4 ask you, Sarauel,*,-she#pleaded much "forwarder" in his suit, i es •I •amvan,"independentv<^^^[8^ i . .t . - , . , . ^ - ..r, • .-,•CUT-OUJ-AND TAKE-,TmSAD TO THE POLLS WITB.YOIJ! to>Klm#H«?te¥ a : y ^ -these' young" men-? Why dV you A bitter female critic might have said there was a slight superabundance about Estelle, a little too much vitality, and there was. enough-truth iftfthis to rouse ,flre~£j»ge of.her'adn&rcrs/; ^ SJ^ i; ha|L1_;^imt from *,-; her

Not Like State's Pioneers. "Think of the pioneers of Kar.ros, who for five long years preceeding the civil war, fought the battle of freedom of this state and wrote into the constitution the finest guaranty to liberty that exists in the land, and then tntak of the crowd of men who

put on maskes and robes and took the chief executive of an organized community out into the night, stripped him and lashed his body with whips. "Does anybody beleive that we have grovm so indifferent to law and order in this state as that we shall allow this constrous attack upon individual rights to continue in this state? Does anybody believe that we are going to allow the disorders of the south to be transplanted to aKnsas that a lot of organizers may be enriched by the collection of membership dues and by their sale of hoods and skirts to men who have unfortunately listened to the appeal to their racial and religious antipathies?"

Political Advertisement.

.Political Advertisement.

wrote the Constitution of these United States and guaranteed in it religious liberty and the right of every man to worship according to his own conscience and then went out and laid their lives openly upon the altar to pledge that we might have here 'The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.'



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PAGE- Sr-THE-JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1922 man who serves his fellowmen with AFFIRMS SAFETY OF JEWS DE- TO FORM JEWISH LEAGUE OF "Quick; is it serious?" he asked, NATIONS UNION. jumping xip and starting for his hat. the single ambition of making the PENDS ON SOVIETS. "Can't tell you that; it may be. Paris, Oct 28.—(J. T. A.)—The burden of life easier for them. He Moscow {J. T. A. Correspondence) You can go in the car with me." Committee of Jewish Delegations is At this writing "feelers" are ap- processes of time had for their de- put the Golden Rule of the Son of —"One of the first things that would commencing the formation of an in. Tense and white faced," he followed Mary, her of the House of David, into happen in many parts of Russia -were her out of the building; and into the pearing throughout the American scendents many races of different practice. And yet some men look the S°^iet government to lose its ternational Jewish League of Nations limousine. Not a word was exchanged press which indicate that Eugene tongues and different customs. power would be a massacre of Jews Union, built along the lines of the on the way home. They hurried up Meyer, jr.> may be chosen to head the No man has done more for Ameri- upon him with suspicion. on a scale that would make all previ- societies advocating the league idea Mr. Meyer does not want W. P. G. j the front steps and Mrs. Beabody Federal Reserve Board. I t is pri- can labor, the cotton farmer, be he By CORONA REMINGTON ous pogroms look insignificant," in the various countries The Council Harding's job. "Unless ignorance, bigi forced him to wait ini the drawing- vately stated in Washington that planter or one-mule roan, than this room a second. She returned almost President Harding will not reappoint Eugene Meyer, jr., whom Mr. Ford's otry and dirty politics on the part of writes F. A. Mackensie, a British au- of the International Union is now meeting at Budapest and it is hoped ©. 1922. by McCluro Newspaper Syndicate. immediately with Betty'by the hand. W. P. G. Harding. editor warns us against. If he has some of our own people control, Mr. thor who had studied conditions in that by the time the plenary meeting When they saw each otherboth nearly Russia during the past year, in his Hardia gwill be reappointed. Mrs. Hettle Peabody thrust the letter Eugene Meyer, jr., is a" member done these things for the cotton peo- The Federal Reserve System is the new book "Russia Before the Dawn" of the xmiion is held at Vienna, the back in her apron pocket and removed collapsed. of District 12, the ruling group of ple he has done similar things for creation of the brain of Paul War- the advance proofs of which the au- Jewish organizations will be in a posi"I thought you Bald there was someher glasses. To a close observer It the American Jewish committee This cattle growers, sheep owners and hog burg. It is' the greatest piece of con- thor has shown your correspondent tion to send representatives. could be. seen by the flush on her thing the matter with her," the man means that he is a member of the farmers. And he is contrived, this structive financial legislation that has here. said at last, regaining himself. cheeks and the nervous twitching of The Committee of Jewish Delegahighest cabinet of the Jewish nation. same Eugene Meyer .that factories been enacted since the days of HamThere is," said Mrs. Peabody, holdher lingers that she was laboring untions, created during the peace conferMr. Maekensie's book appears shortcounld run giving employment to lader unwonted excitement. At supper Ing on to the squirming Betty. "She He received Ms financial-training in ilton. It saved the financial system ly with Fisher, Unyin Co., London. ence, is composed of delegates of that evening her husband and son told you a story and it's Wiling her. Europe, presumably in the' interna- bor. This came about because he so of America from collapse during the countries which sent deputations to were knocked speechless by a com- She said Ehe didn't love you any tional offices of Ms people. It is aranged it that these factories could war. Warburg does have brains. He Paris to press the claims of the JewANTI-JEWISH AUTHOR'S BOOK more and she owned up to me she sell their goods in other countries. monplace remark she made in what therefore fitting that he should be inherited his brains from a long line ish minorities in the various States. CONFISCATED. she thought was a commonplace tone did." made ruler over the Federal Reserve At the dose of the war there was Betty wriggled and tried to escape, Board, an institution •wiicn was an abundance of credit. Then there of educated ancestors. Yet when he Berlin, Oct 6.—(J. C. B.)—We of voices '••. • "Thinfcln'" *bout goln' down to New- then turned and buried her face on shaped by Paul Warburg and in which came an abundance of products and uses Ms brains for the benefit of his learn from Hanover that a new book ton," she said, gulping half a cup of Mrs. Peabody*s shoulder. She beck- Bernard M. Baruch exercised • such these stocks of products accumulated. fellow-citizens we are warned not to from the pen of Arthur Dinter, entrust him. titled "The Sin Against the Spirit," steaming coffee to hide her confusion. oned to the man, standing like one great influence during the war. People owed money used in producing 2514 Gamine St. Barnard Barnch went into war actiThe molasses Jar slipped from Pa frozen In the middle of. the floor. A has been confiscated Dinter is the these products, and they could not sell. flush overspread his lace as he shook There are apparently no financiers Peabody*s hand and spilled half Its -vities along lines where he could lo author of the anti-Jewish pamphlet. Sunday, November '5th sticky, trickling contents on the red his head. Mrs. Peabody gave him one of Anglo-Saxon heritage who are The War Finance Corporation had the most good. He went into things "The Sin Against the Blood," wMch look, the look she used to "use on Joe been abolished. capable of taking this place. With tablecloth before It was rescued. MARY MILES MINTER where financial training and experi- caused great commotion in Germany "Tbtnftin' 'bout what. M a r he when; lie tried to disobey her. It the administration advised on "publi- United States Senator Calder of ence in managing big things were a short while ago. On account of an worked, and in another second she city" matters by Mr. Lasker, another New York, one of a committee, a fine asked- doubtfully. slowly pushing Betty into her member of the American Jewish com- and sympathetic business man, went necessary. He was selected by Wood- unfavorable review in the •"Berliner "Why not, Pa?" interrupted young was row Wilson. His splendid service Tageblatt," Dinter started proceedlover's arms. Peabody. "Why shouldn't she go? mittee, it might jast as well be ad- through the country taking testimony should entitle him to the undying gra- ings against that newspaper, which "You're two of the headiest chilIt's only 35 miles and Ha hasn't been vised on financial matters by Mr. on condtions. Along with him volunthat far from home since she was dren I ever saw, and I've a good mind Meyer. Mr. Meyer's advice has been tarily went Mr. Eugene Meyer, jr. titude of those who rejoice that we were however dismissed. Proceedings to spank you hoth," she said as she won the war. nave been commenced against the married. Ml bet, and it's only eight received, whether sought or not, at Mr. Meyer is a man of big mind and And yet because the blood of Isaiah, publisher of the book. mites from here to the beach. I want left the room. Two hours later they came out In the White House of late. His most 'big heart. In his own right he is rich. Joseph, Samuel, Paul, Peter and Mather to see the ocean. It's great." recent advice wa sa favorable report \ He might have had an easy time at thew are in his veins we are warned Mrs. Peabody cast a grateful glance search of Mrs. Peabody. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement "1 see now it was all my fault," on the Grain Growers' Association, the seashore. He traveled from train against Mr. Baruch. at her big son and went on with her said Betty. "I can hardly believe I which, is Barney Baruch's pet, or- to train and he made inquiries. He It is a horrible thing to encourage planning quite naturally. "Yes, I was thtnkhy I'd visit with was willing to give up my whole life's ganization just now. talked to cattle growers in S t Louis; a racia Ihatred. It is predicted upon Betty Oompton, the little girl that happiness for such a little thing." The underground publicity in Mr. he heard cotton oil men, wheat grow- two qualities: One cowardice, which •It's always-a little thing, honey," Meyer's behalf has been most adroit. ers and cotton farmers. He came to Bpent last summer at the Crenshaws'. You remember she was gettin' over a said Mre. Peabody. "And now Tve At first he was mentioned for. secre- Memphis and he talked to lumber men is unmanly, and the other bigotry, which is unChristlike. S e 1 f - Appointed Committee of statement of this self-appointed comtended to my business, I reckon I'd epeU of typhoid." and cotton men. He went to New "Visit with her, them millionaire better be gettirf back to pa and Joe tary of the Treasury. Even men, not Orleans, where he met people rep- Now about one person out of five Seven Jews Have No Author- mittee of seven Jews is not true. will say this editorial is wriHen fox people 1 Why, she ain't asked you, and the settin' hens. 'Spect that place easily alarmed raised their eyebrows ity to Say Candidate is "Enat this. Now the governorship. of resenting other interests. is no end of a sight" haa she?** the-purpose of standing in with Jews. dorsed by Omaha Jewry". "But you will come back for the the Federal Reserve Board is men- Mr. Meyer "knew that some day tne If some people should live a thousand "I reckon I got the letter right in world would need cattle, hogs, cotton years they would still have the minds my pocket now, and it's the third wedding?" they asked. "Too must; tioned as an alternative. she's written askin' me in the last we couldn't get married without We should say, offhand, that it is and lumber, but there was no credit to of infants suffering from, worms.— SPEAK ONLY FOR THEMThis letter comes as a play month. She used to come over here you." SELVES. too -close a connection. between the carry these things along until the de- Editorial from "The Commercial Apin double-dealing. On the one hand "H that's how It Is, I reckon n i American Jewish committee and the mand began to eat into supply. mist every Say when you and Joe the candidate attempts to get the peal—Memphis.'.' Just have to," she smiled, "since my was cut in the field, and we got to This man Meyer was influential, government's chief financial instruA misleading letter has been support of the Jew by pretended hekrfs so plumb set on seeln' you two i friends." ment. We should say that the de- dominant, in the re-establishment of mailed to the Jewish people of Omafriendship; on the other hand he " remember he/. She's., a youngsters married." scent, from Warburg .through Baruch, the War Fianance Corporation. That SMYRNA JEWISH REFUGEES IN ha stating that the candidate by seeks the endorsement of a group L little trick," ramaiteil Joe," BULGARIA. to- Meyer, is much too direct—Dear- corporation has saved factories, cattle them endorsed is "The Real Friend whose poosition is anything but fei^ $4 lust1 BPtfEF REiSN born Independent. BiST growers and other producers from Sofia (J. T. A. Correspondence)— of the Jews." The Jew don't want friendly towards the Jew. It is amazing Tiow far a prejudice ruin. The thing has been so skillfully Masses of Jewish and Amenian re- to be particularly favored. All they This letter is signed by seven Jews, Novel Shows i may lead a man into error. It is managed that the burden od carrying fugees from the sphere of operations ask is a "square deal," and with that and on the margin thereof they say thei ciiia!ity.'FaIla"'8hbrt tragic how racial hatreds are builded on has been on no. one's shoulders. between the Greeks and Turks, and they will always be satisfied. But it "Endorsed by Omaha J^wry." What Mr. Eugene Meyer, jr., has done from Constantinople are concentrat- so happens that this candidate has authority have these seven to sjeak up upon untruth. .. , It is disheartening "when men wh.0 more to keep commerce going, to ing on the southern frontier of Bul- recently conducted himself in a for Omaha Jews 1 ? They have it not ,. Jrat nave done a tremendous service to ward off foreclosure of mortgages, garia. The condition of the refugees manner that shows anything but and their attempt to so use it is the nation and to their fellow cit- to keep .men employed during the last give rise to great apprehension. The friendship for the Jew. nothing less than a vicious and maizens are denounced cr put under su- three years than any other one Ameri- Bulgarian government has prohibited licious use of the term "Jew" to Lloyd Magney's cltempt to tie-up the refugees from crossing the fronspicion because a few thousand years can citizen. further their own personal opinions. with the committee of 5000 should tier into Bulgaria. A movement has ago their fathers went over into one He asks no reward. He gets noth—Adv. convince each and every Jew that the been started in the country to rush valley and their fathers' brothers ing out of i t Strange as it may seem, here is a relief supplies to their aid. went into another valley and,in the

Ma Peabody Takes a Hand

Mainly About Three Jews




ti a broad herself ln^her seat, a little1 "area, hut rapidly sink aga$n.~"No better of panic sweet over her ana examples can be;Sound than in" the once snore she wished that she had sworfl and" buckler .romance of our not been quite so daring. Supposing •90s, which set us all for a while thinkBettjT Bfleuld not aafeet her? Suppos- ing feudal thoughts and talking shalfcig one of those rushing automobiles low gallantry. Now it is defd,'stone Bhania knock her down and .feffl her dead, not even the movies can revive and go rushing rlga^ along? A city i t The emotions it aroused went flat was such a wicked place. over night Much the same Is true of Bat all her anxiety wa3 for noth- books that trade in prejudice, like the ing, for Betty did meet her, and In- white.slave stories,ot a decade ago. stead of her being knocked down and Thus the profitable ship Popularity run over by an automobile, she went can be kspt -upright for a little voywhising along the crowded streets In age with a light ballast of prejudice or one of the most magnificent, luxuri- sentiment, ahdthls, prevailingly, is an ously Upholstered cars that Ehe had her cargo. B-nt- the wise writer, If he ever seen. Is able as Scott and Dickens ana "My! AInt this liner', abe sighed, Clemens were able, freights her more leaning back comfortably. "I never deeply. As for the good reader, he will be able to stand the old buck- will go below to' Inspect "before the board again. Now tell me about voyage begins j or, if in mid-career he your trouble with your beau, honey. likes not Ma carrier, take off in i l s I was that •upset when 1 heard it I mental airplane . and ' seek another Just made up my mud to come -right book.—Henry Seidel <3anby In the on to town so's we could talk it Century Magazine. over." "Oh, It's dreadful, Mrs. Peabody. Thought He Couldn't Read. It's all off. That's alL" Sir Arthur Balfour, at a dinner in "You mean you ain't engaged to him Washington, praised the American colno more?" ored people. ,. , The girl nodded in answer and tried "I often judge Americans "by the crito check her quivering lip. terion," he said. "if they like col"What come 'twixt you, Betty?" she ored people, then I know they are likasked, avoiding the young girl's eyes. able themselves—and vice versa. "We^-we quarreled over a trifle and "Once I visited Washington a good I got furiously mad and told him I many years, ago.. All the hotel waitdidn't love him any more and threw were colored then, and I confess his ring on the floor and rushed out Ierspreferred the quaint colored service of the room, but not before I heard to the present and elabhim eay: If- that's the way you feel orate service ofsophisticated the whites;. there's nothing to be done—I accept "The day of my arrival, when my the inevitable.'" an old colored man with snowy "But you do love him, child, and waiter, wool, brought me the menu. I put a you know you do." com in his hand and said, 'Just bring; •It's too late to talk about that," me a good dinner, uncles.' '•• the girl evaded. "He brought me an exquisite dinner, "Is he that Henry Winthrop man and during my fortnight's stay we folthafs in the marble business you were lowed out this program daily. By pushtelling me about last year?" aside the menu and handing him "Yes, we've been going together ing the coin, he selected a much better ever since I was fifteen." That was all that was said about dinner for me than I could have chosthe matter then, but the little old lady en myself. "The day of my departure, as I took kept thinking It over. It was a shame for a sweet Uttle thing lite Betty to leave of him, lie said: "*Goofl-by, sir, and good luck, anS .break her own heart, to say nothing when yon or any of your friends what of the nice young man's, simply. because she was as proud as Lucifer can't read the bill of fare comes to Washington, just ask for old Calhoun and had a pretty unruly'temper. When she had been In Newton some Clay.*"—Everybody's Mai three or four days Mrs. Peabody deTurn to the .Right. - . cided to go on a shopping expedition all by herself; but she would return . "Here! . If owl" yelled Constable in time to have lunch with Betty, she Slackputter of Petunia. "What in torpromised. Betty's car was at her dis- ment d'ye mean by fiddlln' and philanposal, and Mrs. Peabody felt very dering all over the streets with that much like a millionaire herself as she there automobile the way you've been gave her directions to the chauffeur. a doing?' "This is my first car," Answered the Beaching the first address, she went Into a tall office building and at last offender, "and I haven't more than half gained an audience with the person learned how to drive It yet I want to turn around, but there doesn't seem to she wanted to see. T m a friend of yours, Mr. Win- be room enough in any of the streets throp," she began hurriedly, "even if here." "Well, you just drive over to Torpldyou don't know me, ana I want you to do something. Your girl's hi trou- vllle, six miles away, circumnavigate ble and she needs help. Will you for-, the public square there, come back | here and you'll be turned around." arpt vaar nrlde and come with me?"

iressive Endorse the Following Men To Offices in the Fall Election Nov.7 R.B.HOWELL For United States Senator —He never quits. Is efficient and always looking after the people's interests. A big man with progressive ideas.

CHARLES H.RANDALL For Governor —A successful business man' and lawmaker. He has the right stuff in him. Gives facts instead of bunk.

O. S.SPILLMAN For Attorney General —-As county attorney of Pierce county he has made an excellent record for impartial law enforcement. Being an ex-service man, Spillman1 is a fighter and •will champion the causes of the people.

C. D. ROBINSON For State Treasurer

—Eight years as coufity treasurer of Webster county, and four years examiner of county treasurers.

,W. G. URE . For County Treasurer —The best county treasurer we ever had. He made an ionorable and efficient record in that office. OFFICERS OF CLUB: SAM E. KLAVER, President. DR. L. SMERNOFP, Vice-President. C. BRAND, Vice-President. J. J. FREIDMAN, Secretary.

HENRY BEAL For County Attorney . —As deputy county attorney under A. V. Shotwell, Beal has made an excellent record. Is a married man, clean cut, a tax payer and worthy of support of every republican voter.

MIKE CLARK For County Sheriff —Has made an efficient sheriff. Clark is honest and is deserving another term.

CHARLES KUBAT For County Commissioner —Present* deputy county attorney and deserves promotion.

LOUIS ADAMS For County Surveyor —He is for the people of Douglas county first, last and all the time. Has made good.

CHARLES ELGUTTER For Municipal Judge —Competent and well qualified.



We Urge Your Support to the Above Candidates



County Attorney "I pledge myself without reservation to enforce all laws without fear or favor to the best of niy ability"



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 that Germans often refer to Berlin would be to put all possible taxes sending a deelgation of Palestine Ar- The Cholera epidemic is rapidly Italian Government, through' T. F. jestingly a s "Berlinsky." And these upon any American institutions abs to the Near Conference, in the waning. As against 1563 cases ad- jBernardi, General Counsel in New Jews, I must tell you, are not the which follow this policy." hope of securing a revision of the mitted to Odessa hospitals in July, on- I York, announced it had awarded the P a b a t f erhrr Thursday at Omaha, Nebraifca, by This is the spirit and accent of best specimens of your race. Zionist policy. ly 117 cases are reported for August. decoration of Cavalier of the Order of THE JEWISH PRESS.PUBLISHING COMPANY. true Americanism. So we may sup"Again' the Jews are accused of It is hoped the epidemic will be exter- 'the Crown to Louis Wiley, business Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—-Telephone: Jackson 2372. (manager of The New York Times; pose Jefferson and Lincoln would YIDDISH SCHOOLS profiteering and of having served minated soon. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. only in the non-i mbatant branches have spoken if confronted with a Sanitation in Odessa, Nikolaieff and Edward Howe, President of the DON'T TEACH RUSSIAN similar denial of one of the cardinal of the army, such as the quarterElizabetgrad is improving, the inhab- Princeton (N. J.) Bank and Trust Subscription Price, one year , — — $2.-50 Pupils Unable to Enter Russian High yvEsi* master's department. To refute this principles of our political faith, that itants being compelled to look after j Company; and the Rev. John Murray, Advertising: rates furnished on application! Schools. f%relyi Pastor of the Church of Divine Sciof equality. And when the last latter charge, a Jewish war veterans' their premises. :in,a;lji ence in this city. NOT PRINTED POH PERSONAL PBOFrr—Profita from the publieaassociation has been formed to which vestige of the war hysteria shall Slady I? tion of The Jewish Press ate to be given to worthy communal causes. The decorations were "in recognionly men who actually fought in the have passed away, it is this spirit, Moscow, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)—Many LOUIS WILEY ^ and'-is';" tion of interest in the cause of the trenches are eligible. Only recently 0 ye Lusks and Butlers and Lowells Yiddish high schools in Russia are AMONG AMERICANS CHANGB Off ADDRESS—Pleate flra both the old and new addresa: crowniv a distinguished German' general* and other Little Americans, that shall closing down on account of lack of •' : :; r b « a n * a n d » l * s r e a r c a m * . ':'••••_ ;. HONORED BY ITALY Allies during the war" and for "parfunds, it is learned. The closing down speaking at a meeting of this associ- again possess our country! f*i, irNew York, Oct. 12. (J. C. B.)—The ticipation in relief work in Italy." of these schools, it is feared, will MEETING THE ENCROACHMENT. ation, praised the valor and patriot;thriUe "One more question, Mr. Villard," : create a new problem for Jewish chil•bilitie ;.The human being is a victim of inany circumstances. He is ism of the Jewish soldier. Still this 1 said, "and I have done. What do dren of school age who, not having : influenced by matters which mystify. The usual and the cus- charge continues to be heard. you think of the Balfour Declaration been taught Russian in the elemen/;:-;-Est 1 drop tomary tire him when he is weary; and he must have Sustenance. "Last but not least is the propa- and the efforts of the Zionists to tary Yiddishist schools, will be unable linger BTes therefore, resirts to things which captivate his imagination. ganda of Henry -Ford. Ford's anti- establish a Jewish national home in to enter the Russian high schools. The Smokeless and Sootless—Screened at the Yards on th To thisis due the enormous influence of Christian Science, from Jewish books, in German translation, Palestine?" entire Yiddishist school system will but I which Jew arid Jewess have not been immune. We oft hear of circulate by the million, and there "I have always looked with favor thus face a crisis, unless the sugges, It, if the miany who have-flbciked thereto, who have even surrendered are many in Germany who believe upon Zionism," answered Mr. Villard, tion of the "Jewish section" of the psych Judaism altogether fox* this cult, or who have compromized and with him that the presence of Jews "but I am very much worried about Communist Party to include the ILLINOIS LUMP CONSUMERS' LUMP •badly imagined that they are better Jews and Jewesses therefore and in high office in Berlin, Borne, Petro- the practical working out of the teaching of Bussian in the elementary Nice Large Lumps Good Quality Delivered S1O.5O a Ton a goo thereaccount. The fuUminations against this modern heresy* grad, and elsewhere is proof of an Palestinian experiment because of Yiddishist school curriculum, is Delivered S 1 1 . 0 0 a Ton , bat 5 cave been many and frequent. international Jewis conspiracy to sell the enormous proportion of Arabs promptly adopted. mesal ' ' Now we hear of a movement within the synagogue to out the Christian world." there, now about ten to one."-—"The Fo< counteract the Christian influence; If Christian Science, why Happy Serbia Jewish Tribune." RUSH AID DO. 0530. "Dealers in Good Coal" DO. 0530. been not Jewish Science? This society-is in New York-City and; Mr. Villard found a similar situa; TO BENSHENKOWITCH ; her, i .^yhile founded,by a Jewess, is led by a Rabbi. Weekly services tion in Austria a: d in Hungary. As FIRE VICTIMS JEWISH CALENDAR. •"in a are held, treatments are given for mental and physical troubles, for Poland, while there are no more 1 (Special Moscow Cable to the Jewish sandf aind no recoure is made to the physician . No doubt the idea is violent outbreaks, the ostracism of 5683-1922. Telegraphic Agency.) in hei ^ery good, but ttve fact that the Rabbi has in preparation a the Jek is complete. If a Jewish Rosh-Chodesh Kislev Tues., Nov. 21 Moscow, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)—Details 0I1 Chanukah (Feast of Dedprayer book impresses one with the fact that a new set is conare now at hand of the ravages of the of hej templated. The intention is splendid, but, like the. motive of the shopkeeper wants to attract Chris- ication) . ; _ Fri, Dec 15 tian trade,;he dare not have any of cornel founder of Ethical- Culture, the- same -. • could- be accomplished his people about. The position of the Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth _.Wed^ Dec 20 fire which swept Benshenkowitch the •were "WITHIN the synagogue, and in a more direct way; If the Jew"Jewish girl in Poland is particularly Fast of Tebeth Fri, Dec 29 middle of September, practically wiping out the town, the population of masci has unlearned to pray, the emphasis of prayer cam be made from precarious, all avenues of honorably 5683-1923. which is eighty-five per cent. Jewish. compj the practical standpoint of Judaism. The significance of prayer earning her livelihood being barred Rosh-Chodesh Shebat.-JThurs^ Jan. 18 The fire destroyed 573 buildings, inIf you want the finest in the world see Nebraska's steps, can be restored otherwise. As to more Hebrew in the worship, to her. Rosh-Chodesh Adar Sat, Feb. 17 cluding seven synagogues. Ten peribeen; we fail to see where: this will improve the situation. . It is & luxurious, IMPORTED weave overcoats; exclusive, Old Serbia is the one happy spot Purim (Feast of Esther) FrwMar. 2 sons, met their death at the conflagra•more' non-understood and even a misunderstood language, and more of double face fabrics, superb <J*/f fk Rosh-Chodesh Nisan ....San., Mar. IS tion, while S6 were injured. dowsi it, unless the Fabbi intends to make his congregants Hebrew in Europe for our brethren, accordPassover (Pesach) . ^ Sun, Apr. 1 new colorings— q * * t U to that I students, will avail nothing, unless the mystery of it will impress. ing to Mr. Villard. The exceptional Passover (Seventh Day) Sat, Apr. 7 The available figures confirm earlot: of the Serbian Jews he attributes lier reports that 4,000 persons had •- s h e ll One more attraction will bS provided thereby. Whether it will Iyar Tues, Apr. 17 been made homeless, of which 2,000 EsteiJ accomplish much outside of satisfying the curjpus, we do notto two causes; first, there has been Rosh-Chodesh Lag b'Omer _._,—JrL/May 4 have been transported to Witebsk, no injSux of Eastern or Galician MamJ know. We hope it will.^-M. N. A. C. in "B'nai B'rith Mess". I Wed, May 16 where they are being fed and housed Jewsjsecondj the Jews there, Who are Rosh-Chodesh Sivan of the Sefardic' type, are; known to Shabouth (Confirmation) by the Joint Distribution Committee :-~sh| Day) „_„ ...... ~Jfon,May21 and "Yidgescom." have fought in the trenches and : THE BRITISH STTUATION. j to h<§ Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz Fri, June ' 5 The Government has assigned a more! , Jews all over the world are disturbed more or less by theshared the same hardships as the Rosh-Chodesh Ab Sat, July 14 quantity of lumber and other material rest of the. Serbians. Ethel change in the British administration because of the possible Fast of Ab _... Sun, July ' 2 to rebuild 800 houses. These and the "How do you account for the \ •-was 1 adverse effect that it may have on the Palestine situation. Elul Mon, Aug. ""3 67 houses spared by the flames, it is OTHER SMART OVERCOATS— ; Under ordinary cofaditions there would be little to Jeari phenomenal growth of anti-Semitic Rosh-Chodesh New Year's Eve. Mon, Sept. 10 hoped, will offer a partial solution to sentiments in the United States?" door 1I from such a change, arid even now in our opinion there is little For Men and AAg the housing problem when the refu"It is a : direct outcome of the at t | cause for worry, but the fact remains that the enemies of the RATHENAU ASSASSINS FACE Young Men «DabO and gees begin to rebuild. eyes British Palestinian program have seized this opportunity td war," Mr. Villard responded, "and in TRIAL. itself proof of the folly of ever goSEE OUR OVERCOAT WINDOWS. not : renew their opposition to the mandate and to demand that the' Berlin, Oct. 2. J. C. B.)—The trial MORTALITY ON THE DECREASE ing to war. It lends color to a re^ rays, government change jts policyin this regard.; * of the assassins of Foreign Minister IN ODESSA. it rv The London Daily- ^Express demands that Britain "cease tot, mark attributed to Trotzky that 'the Walter Rathenau commencing in Moscow, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)—Four war has' Europeanized America, dru protect the Jewish Republican Autocracy by means of British^' Leipzig Wednesday is attracting thousand nine hundred fifteen deaths Balkanized Europe, and barbarized : : thin; l | a y o n e t s . " '..;yyyr t;:.' y y " •:' • . ' • • - ; • ; :/-:--.: " -~i wide attention, journalists from all are reported from Odessa for August lOn« A J O R ruft i- The DaUy Mafl.underlines that the main issue is \Thetheii the Balkans.'.'?' * parts of the country hastening there as against 5815 deaths in July. In WUMUHW.1 dash; the conservatives will get put of Mesopotamia and Palestine. . Mr. Villardj who with Bomain Hol- for the opening. OMAHA the Mariinsky District, too, the numland, Bertrand Bussell, the unforgett The Turks are also "very hopeful because ofyfche present? •then, Tarow, one of the confessed as- • ber of deaths by starvation fell to CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN= •thro: situation for they still'befieve that they may yet be ableto lay; able Ralph Bourne, and a few other sassins, declared that the prime half to that for July. — ^ their hands on Palestine.once more. j> ^ . . , : ; . .; chc" spirits, will be remembered mover of the crime was Kern, whq 33 the only men who kept their fppa We feel, however, that the English government cannot heads during war hysteria, who Committed suicide. Kern believed A | afford to and will not change its policy particularly since the, dared cool "above the turmoil," that the martyred minister was one said | Mandate has beri beeri: accepted by the League of Rations. Nations. In! who, ' -remain borrow another phrase from of the "Elders of Zion", Tarow, anccj addition to this, it is;,unaerstood that Bonar Law, the new| ( iBblland, realized that a na- asserts. vital! premier, is not uiifrieridly to Zionism. : ^ j Bomain tion has its reason as well as its [': In the meantiniel Jews all over the world axe-lpokmg, with! frontiers to,'defend, opposed the warABDULAH REJECTED apprehension to see.-th^eF outcome of the great «ha|ige iri British? for this very AS ARAB SPOKESMAN reason. politics.—"Hebre^ 'Record," ' ;j Jerusalem, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)— "The worst result the war hasUnless Emir Abdullah, brother of produced in America," he told me, Emir Feisul and ruler of Transjor"is this anti-Semitism. It is but onedania demand independence for PalesWas! phase of our' disappearing liberalism tine, the.establishment of a national and our abandonment of our ideals, Arab Government and the withdrawal which Mr. Wilson ought to have seen of the Balfour Declaration favoring An Interview with from a studp of liistory was an in- the Jewish Homeland, he must - not OSWALD GARRISON Tha editor and owner of "Tire Nation," and formerly also the evitable outcome of war." The approach of winter emphaskes_the s^-y«ir««B^ presume to speak for the Ar&bi of owner ol tba New York "Efening Post," -who la one or our Knowing that^Mr. Villard is one Palestine. country's most : eminent citizens. A grandson of the famous fulness of the car. Abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison, be too has espoused the of Harvard's sons (Class of 1893), This warning is contained in a cable cause of t i e oppressed and down-trodden of all races. His is always the voice of Justice, of, peace, qt.enlightenment, and since he and that at one time he served on dispatched by the Arab leaders here Wind and sleet beat in vain against the weathertook personal-charge' of -"Tho Nation," that paper has become its staff as assitstant instructor, I to the Emir, who is now in London nethe great organ of'Ainericaii IibetaUsnt. .-••' stripped doors and windows. Afloorradifttor keeps wanted to have his opinion of the gotiating with the British Governthe interior as warm as a room. The windows are By: plan to limit the number of Jewish ment regarding jthe future of his readily adjusted for ventilation. students in that college. country. Some of my readers niay perhaps would say that we willed this war Mr. Villard, "after calling my attenUnderlying these seasonal comforts, is the satisfacknow the old Jewish, song yankel which, has killed over half a million tion to the stand already taken in The Arab Executive contemplatesHeshalem (Israel Pays). Its burthen Jews, orphaned aearly twice as many this matter/by his paper—-a. stand tion owners feel in the car's exceptional sturdineas. is that no matter what ills befall of our children and rendered destitute quite in keeping with the finest tradi- SYLVIA FOX MBS. B. E. BOSS The body proper is a hand-welded steel unit. I t mankind, the Jew always gets the a majority of bar brothers? Yet tions of that great organ of Amerithere are many here and abroad who blame for them. ; y is now generally known that this novel construccan liberalism—went on to say: This, unfortunately, is only too maintain that we brought this war tion has made possible Dodge Brothers enamel finTHE XATEST STYXE9 AND CREA"I favor the revocation of the chartrue. The free-thinker-cannol; for- on for our own aggrandizement! TIONS IK FCES AT GREAT SAVINGS ish (instead of paint) which is baked et high tern* ter of any .college which excludes Verily, Yankel meBhalem! 504% So. 16th gt. give us for having given, birth to perature on the surface of the steel. any American- citizen by reason of One Hlght Up. Opposite Hill Hotel. Jesus; the fanatic, for having caused race or, color. The least I would do These; melancholy reflections' were his death. The capitalist blames us The trimness and grace of the body fines are'enfor having produced a Marx;V the aroused by an interview I was privhanced by a non-rumble fabric top and rear quarters Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. communist, for having: produced a ileged to have last Friday with Mr. fashioned in the present attractive mode. Rothschildo ^ ? c e ; we were criticized Oswald 'Garrison -Villard, the distinguished editor of "The' Nation." Mr. for scorning secular learning; today,' Genuine Spanish blue leather upholstery, wide snugifor over-running Harvard and other Villard, whose championship of our fitting doors and roomy luggage quarters heighten ttnrversitaes^yJW:"the words of an- people and indeed of all oppressed the impression you instantly get of the car's distincother Jewisli sohgi'IsraeFsTneighbors peoples is only what one might extive fitness for service, either business or social. ^ pect from a" grandson of the imQsay to himqy ,-.::,...}.-> .;'.':••',:• / mortal William Lloyd Garrison, re• Geh, docfi^eh> 'do bist; yerwildet,' turned last- week from a' three .'•- Geh, bist "arm, geh^ Tjist leichy months' tour of Europe, and I came O'BWEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY IXJeh, da bist zu vie!; gejWldeV • to inquire about the present Jewish 28th and Haraey Street^ Hamey 0123* % Geh,- da willst niit wik sein gleich I situation there. U ;•'•'; <(G^>/T° are. backward; go, you "The situation is very bad," ansrare pboT;;go, you are tich; go, youwered Mr, Villard. "In Germany are too educated; go, you want to be there is a tremendous wave of anti;;;> y;:-, -^ • %^:> \ y ; -',; c.": ,;•; Semitism, while in Bavaria, the hotr The best case inpointis'thewar. bed of German reaction and monarchism, there ia ground for fearing J:It vJs doubtiSil whether / any, other an outbreak of pogroms. ...FOR... ^people, i&&':\ ArmenianB included, has "The murder of Bathenau was due |0Bufferrd as much &oni the war andin a. large measure to his Jewish limits ^terrible aftermath^ as'; we have. origin, as was the attempt upon fS^:a^ered,c':as";;we^'are-^all. ;over;--the Harden, and the inclusion in the ipglobe, , we fought; in; <^ry. army; 'murder list' of Max W a ' u r g , the jpinoreoyer, the .Eastern &bnt extend- banker, and Theodore W>lff, the edifStgd ever\'&^xe^on ; ^ c k % P<>pu^ated tor of the 'Berliner Tageblatt.' Only fM^^'py^r-^i^^:^^}!0^^'.Upland a few weeks ago I visited Wolff's' |||^r|p^^^tiiere Jwas;|larjgely.; Jewish. home in Berlin and found it barri|||Wh>»^e^ar^ caded like a fortress." ^ftB0ries'-*i)f I-3^^^:\i^s^ea;iia:y:-ai& Randall is a .successful "business man and promises to The Cause.' Jl0fkmile:' - ^ l ^ i l ^ l ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ * - "What is the- cause of this* anti-! run the^ stata_as, he jmns-his own business. He is a broadSemitic wave in Germany?" I asked. minded man and not connected "with nor in favor; of the "There are several cases," replied :KU.-KLUX^WuAX,r^ - :y : y U Mr. Villard. "To begin with, there |i|ii|lpl^e^s^d^t^|aaiB^ were y; ;: (This act jpaid for by his neighbors.) has been a vast influx of East European Jews in Berlin—-so much so, madman Who


COLORADO COAL—LUMP Per Ton $10.50 Delivered

Consumers Coal & Supply Co.

Talk About Overcoats! Nebraska Belted Ulsters and Ulsterettes























_ 8



Social, Club and Religious Activities

Mrs. B. Perelman and daughter, Ruth, arriced homo Wednesday after having spent several months in New York:city visiting -with their relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redman of Ottumwa, Ia^ announce -the brith of a baby daughter on Tuesday, October 30. Mrs. Eedman -was formerly Miss Bert White of this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Meyer "will The sewing circle of the Temple leave Saturday for Chicago, EL, Israel Sisterhood, under the direction •where they "will make their perman- of Mrs. Julius Newman, will give a card party on Wednesday afternoon, ent home. November 15, at the home of Mrs. We will see yon at the Women's Nathan Eotholz at 1045 Park AveAuxiliary of the B'nai B'rith annual nue. Those wishing to make up their dance, Thursday evening, Nov. 30, at •own bridge or whist table, will please call Mrs. Newman at Harney 6039, the Fontenelle Hotel.—Adv. or Mrs. Eotholz at Harney 4674. The Mesdames J. Xatleman, D. Miss Ida Daytch entertained four- Blumenthal and Frank Tuchman will Mr. Morris Goetz, who is attending teen couples at a haUowe-en masquer- entertain at abenef it bridge Monday the University of Nebraska, spent ade party Tuesday evening, October afternoon, November 6, at the home the week-end here with his parents. 31, at her home. Prizes for the_three of Mrs. Tuchman at 2717 Webster best costumes were awarded to t«e St. The money raised at this bridge AH women are requested to bring Misses Anne Finkel; Lillian Schiffer will be given to the Omaha Chapter their gifts for the Needle Work Guild of Hadassah for its nurse in Pale- at its annual exhibition to be held and Beulah Cohen. stine. Prizes will be given at every on Thursday and Friday, November table. ' •- . 9 and 10, at the First Central ConMr. David B. Gross left Saturday gregational Church, Thirty-sixth and evening for Chicago, HL, and Milwaukee, Wis., on a business trip and to Mrs. Lester Kirschbraun and chil- Harney streets. Every woman is also visit with Mrs. Gross* brother, Mr. dren left Monday for their home in invited to attend the reception and tea Morris Fromkin, and other relatives. New York city after having visited; to be given Friday afternoon, Novemhere for several weeks with Mrs. ber 10, at the church. For any further : Mr. and Mrs. P. Fine will be at Kirschbraun's parents, Mr^ and Mrs. information regarding the Needle Work Guild, call Mrs. David Feder at home Sunday afternoon from three to Henry Hiller. Harney 330L \.'° ' . six o'clock in honor of the Barmitzvok Sixty members of the Council of o f their son, Nathan. ewish Women attended the luncheon "Israel in the Making," will be Jlrs. Alexander Eubel of Minnea- given in the Palm room of the Fonte^ Rabbi Frederick Conn's sermon subpolis, Minn., is expected toarrive soon elle Hotel Monday afternoon. The ject - for Friday evening, November to visit with her parents, Mr. and chairmen of -the different committees 3, at the Temple. Saturday morning reported on the work done during the his subject will be "You'll Be a Man." Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun. erm. The Junior Welfare Organization Mr. Simon Maher of New York vnL Ihold one of its most important The regular meeting of the Jewish city, is visiting with his niece, Mrs. meetings of the season Sunday after- Women's Welfare Organzation will be Herbert Arnstein. noon at the Jewish Community Cen- held Tuesday, November 7, at 2:30 ter. Miss Jessie Eosenstock, secre- o'clock at the Jewish Community Cen- Mr. and Mrs.. S. Olander have as . :' their guests, their daughter, Mrs. H. tary of the Jewish Welfare Federa- ter. tion, will address the members. A B Wiseman and children, Albert and number of musical selections will also Make . your arrangements f o? Ida JRuth of Hastings, Neb. , Thanksgiving night so as you -will be be given. at the Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg have Mrs. Henry Monsky and children B'rith dance at the Fontenelle HoteL moved into their new home at 3401 returned Saturday from California —Adv. Webster street during the past week. where they have been spending the past several months. They are now The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Mrs. Flora Eosenstock entertained at the Fontenelle Hotel pending the Cafeteria Supper which was to be informally at her home Thursday afcompletion oftheir newly built home given Tuesday evening, November ternoon. in Dundee. ; at Temple Israel has been postponed It will be a big affair. Make your The Misses Eae and Dora Wolowittz to the following evening, Wednesday, arrangements for the dance to be held November 8. "Win be hostesses to themembers of the at, the Fontenelle Hotel Thursday Ea Oth Society Sunday afternoon. evening, November 30«—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinberg of mont. Neb., entertained; twenty-five Mr. and Mrs: D. B.. Gross ^enterY. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS tained Friday-^rening ;at their home, guests last week at a surprise birth* At the last meeting of the YMHA day party fortheir son, Sam. S honoring Miss Sophie-Btitgessjfif Uenver^ Colo., who visited here with her evening was spent in auction and Troop 62, Boy Scouts, it was voted dancing. Miss Selda Brown won the to have a weekly paper. This paper atmt, Mrs. M. H. Levy. will be called "Sixty-Two's Wise bridge prize. Words—Read 'Em and Weep." The

WEDDINGS. Harris-May. Word has been received that the marriage of Miss Myrtle May, daughter of Mr. Marry May of Los Angeles, Cal., formerly of Omaha, to Dr. Elmer Harris of that city, will take place at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on Thanksgiving Eve.

-Miss Carita Hjrzogof LincoTn, ai^t'frnfg ciltan+ari tr\ p u b NeB^°wSs in^Smaha Saturday 1ari£are Dave Forman, Joe Cohen and will give its second arm-rial ball Sunteniihe Pi Tan Pi "hard time" party Morris Givot. The first number will day evening, November 6^ at the and dance appear Saturday, November 4. Swedish auditorium.

A short period was devoted to a A Tegular meeting and social prodiscussion of the life of the great MAKE YOUE ARRANGEMENTS gram will be held Thursday evening, November 9, at the Jewish Commun- TO BE AT THE B'NAI BTOTH ANity Center by the Women's Auxiliary NUAL DANCE AT THE FONTEDr. M. L Gordon, -who has been NELLE HOTEL, DEC 24< I. O. B...B. rJji iconfined to Ms home for the past Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Simon left Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nachson en- Tuesday for their' home in Chicago, several weeks on account of illtertained at a birthday party at their EL, after having -visited -with Mr. ness, will be in his office the first home Tuesday evening, honoring their and Mrs Sol Bergman for several of the week. daughter, Lfflian Covers were laid weeks. for twenty guests Mrs. Sam Goldstein of Missouri Mrs. Max Orion and Miss Carolyne Valley, la., is the guest of Mr. GoldOrkin of Los Angeles, CaL, who have stein's parents, Mr and Mrs. A. been visiting in New York City, are Goldstein Chiropodist and Beauty Shop now in OmaJt, visiting with Mrs. 1S90 Arthur Eothschild, after which they The Bridge club met last Friday 15th Established and Harnry Streets. will leave for their home. ., Phone Ooocln* S333 evening at the home of Miss Baylia Freiden. Prizes were won by Miss The Pi Tau Pi Fraternity enter- Lillian Kooper and Mr. Nathan E. tained at a hallowe-en dance and Green. The next meeting will be ANNOUNCEMENT "hard time" party for fifteen couples held at the home of Miss Esther Rev. E. Fleishman Saturday evening. Brown. "THE MOHL" Moved into his new home at Mr. and Mrs. M. Fogel and family The regular meeting: of the Young 1342 So. 25th Street. motored to Lincoln, Neb., Sunday and Judea Senior Club which was to be Corner of Woolworth Avenue. spent the day. Mrs. Fogel will re- held Sunday, November 5, at the JewTeL Atlantic 6637. main there for several days. Miss ish Community Center, has been postJennie PMor and Mr. David Chuda poned to the following Sunday, Nocoff accompanied them. vember 12. All Orders Given Prompt and


Mrs. Harry Heyman's sewing circle of the Sisterhood of the Temple will entertain at bridge Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dollie P. El gutter. Prizes will be given at every two tables. The money raised at this affair will go towards the Sisterhood fund.

Carefnl Attention.

The first big dance of the season will be held Thursday evening, Nov. 30, at Fontenelle Hotel under auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai B'rith.—Adv.

WELSH'S FLOWERS (Guara-iteed)

Political Advertisement.

Political Advertisement.

Mrs. M. Oland and daughter, Frances, left Tuesday for New York to attend the wedding of a niece of Mrs. Oland. They will be gone for ten weeks.

>fonday nfternoon, Novejnber <>, will bs a social afternoon for the mem:r-. of the Sisterhood" of Temple ' i-?l. Delegates will be elected for Trl-Stcte convention to be "held n—i-r, T">cr?rnber 4 and 5. This - "' i'or;vc"'tion the Sisterhood " TTI ih'.'i city "QTid a large TT, -i lJr*-.r.T?;a, lo-xa and


County Commissioner .

I have knoTnfJbhn C. Briggs for the past twenty years. I know him to be honest, conscientious and capable, therefore. I earnestly solicit your vote, cooperation and support for him on next Tuesday, Nov. 7. I am sure he v.iH make good as County Commissioner. HARRY H. LAPIDUS.

r-f •




Important Sunday evening, November 5th, 1922, at 8:00 P. M. I:

WOLK'S HALL, 24th and Charles Streets


The Real Issues of This Campaign HENRY FORD in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, and the KU KLUX KLAN Activities in DEMOCRATIC POLITICS of Texas and '•••;•'" '

~^~; "*" -" ' G e o r g i a ~

":~ • - ~ ; ~:~ ' "'


EVERYBODY Political Advertisement.

n I


WELCOME Political Advertisement.

Always efficient. As Treasurer 1912 to 1916 earned for taxpayers $40,000 per year by investing balances in County and City Bonds and Warrants. URE Practiced economy. URE Ran the Treasurers Office in 1916 for $59,095. URE'S Successor made it cost $105,848 for 1921. URE'S Election wiH stop Waste and Extravagance. URE Always helpful to taxpayers. URE The right man for the job. THE UNDERSIGNED H E A R T I L Y ENDORSE W. G. USE FOE COUNTY TREASURER. Harry LapiduS, Dr. A. Greenberg, • Arthur Eosenbloom, Sam Qayer, Harry Silverman, Morris Civin, Irvin Stalmaster* Henry Moilskyi Sam Leon, Abner Kaiman, J..J. Frddman Max Fromkin, Hairy B. Zimman, Nathan Yaffee, John Feldman, Sam Altschuler, Dr. L. Smernoff, H. H. Katskee,

Political Advertic

A. G. Katleman. Abe Silverman, A. Lebowita, J. Simon, I. Alperm, Morris Potash, S. S. Jacobs, 3. J. Greenberg, 3oe Wolf, Dr. Phillip She*, Hitrty A. Wolf, Louis Simon, Martin Sag&rman, Harry Malaflhock, J. Slosburg, Arnold M. Browar, N* P. Fell, Dave •Q







"FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" Teh Ja. 4291, Erandels Theatre Bide. 210 So. 17th St. Omaha.

John E

Miss Blanche Altaian, who has been in the east for the past seven weeks visiting relatives in Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Chicago and New York city, returned to Omaha, Sunday morning. . ,

American and Scout, Theodore RooseA regular meeting of the Jnior Mrs. Max Katelman of Lincoln, •will velt. This was to pay respects at the Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish arrive today for the atelman-Schwartz COUNCIL BLUFFS anniversary of his birthday. Women will be held Tuesday evening wedding. The individual honor list is headed , The marriage of Miss Jennie Katel- at the home of the Misses Evelyn by Harry Levenson with 58 points. man, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. • J. and Zelda Marks. LATVIAN JEWS ELECT TWO The silver star goes to the Tiger pa- ELatelman to Mr. Sam Schwartz of DEPUTIES. trol. The Eagle patrol still holds the Kansas City, Mo., will take place at All Council Bluffs members of the Riga, Oct. 11. (J. d E.)—Two Jews gold star. The patrol standings are: six o'clock Sunday evening, Novem- Temple Israel alumni are urged to at- have been elected to the Latvian Diet Blaekbear. 730 Tiger 650 ber 5, at the Grand Hotel. Eabbi tend a meeting Sunday morning. Elec- in the Eiga District, returns indicate. Lion 560 Eagle .460 Morris N. Taxon officiating, ton of officers will take place. One of the successful candidates is M. The scouts are urged to hike out j A number of affairs were given Dubin of the Ag-udas Israel, the other to camp more often. During the fall i during the past week for Miss Katel- Miss Frances Nogg, who has been a candidate on the minoritp bloc the walk is very enjoyable to say jman. Miss Sarah 'Kesselman enter- visiting in Los Angeles, Cal., during whose name is not yet known. The nothing of the roughing at camp. In 1 tained Sunday at four tables of bridge the past month, returned home today. results of the elections in the proaddition, the camp is the ideal place j at her home. Miss Molly Saltzman vinces will be made known in a few to pass tests, as it affords the facili- j entertained Tuesday afternoon at ua Mrs. P. Friedman entertained her days. ties for test passing. Last Sunday I Orpheum party. Mrs. SSam Katel- club this afternoon at the Grand hofive scouts and the Scoutmaster ! man entertained at a hallowe-en party tel. hiked out to camp Giff ord and spent | Monday evening. The prize was won SPECIAL ENTERTAINERS WILL an enjoyable day. The scouts passed l by Mrs. Braunstein. Miss Gertrude Gilinsky's class at PERFORM AT THE B'NAI B'RITH: a total of 15 tests. Five points are j The out-of-town guests that ar- Sunday school won the charity ban- ANNUAL DANCE, DEC 24, AT THE given the scouts each time they hike rived today for the wedding are Miss ner for the month of October. FONTENELLE HOTEI*-Jldv. out to camp. j Anne Hearsh and Mrs. D. Hearsh, and Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. | Mr. Sam Schwartz of Kansas City, OBITUARY ' Mo., and the Misses Nettie and Ross The death of Mr. Joseph Blau, age Schwartz of Leavenworth, Kas. 67, resident of Omaha, came as a VOTE FOR shock to relatives and friends. Mr. The Sunday School held a hike Stra~ Blau died in Chicago Thursday, October 5, while visiting with his daugh- day under the leadership of the Misster, Mrs. M. Beltzer. The burial es Jeaneette Gilinsky and Freda Goldwas held in Chicago Monday, Oct- berg. ober 9. He is survived by his wife, Anne, three sons, Frank of-Philadel- The Evening Card club will be enphia, Pa., and Max and Jack of this tertained Thursday evening at the CANDIDATE FOR city, and four daughters, Mrs. M. home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack. Beltzer of Chicago, Mrs, Harry The regular meeting of the Jewish Fisher and Mrs. Herman Fisher of Sisterhood held Wednesday afNew York city, and Mrs. Ben Kush- ttrnoon at was the home of Mrs. Harry ner of this city. Cohn. The Misses Mildred and Gwendolyn DONT FORGET THE~ B'NAI B'RITH ANNUAL DANCE, DEC. Meyerson entertained Tuesday evenURE The best Treasurer Douglas County ever had, 24, AT FONTENELLE HOTEL.— ing at their home for twenty guests at a hallowe'en masquerade party. Adv. URE Knows the Treasurer's Office..

•ra."»t*MH} w



PAGE 6—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 the contention that there are at pres- the ravages of the famine may be unlent, reclined reading on a chaise ent 15,000 Jewish workers, with little able to resist the exposure. lengue. It occurred to Peter that their Ideas of. passing a pleasant summer or no employment in the country. The afternoon were identical. Daphne National Council of Palestine Jews, "BUND" EXPELLS COM31UNISTS. rose and met him, offeree her hand By DR. STEPHEN; S. WISE Warsaw, Oct. 9. (J. C. B.)—The through its representatives now in with much cordiality, and bade him Idealist and visionary ought not to split in the ranks of the Polish ! Europe, is behind this demand, to sit down. She took a straight little be terms of reproach. Shelley is said ] which an early reply is expected from "Bund" has caused the dissolution of bent hickory chair near him. Where mountains leap at thunder lash, to have mused upon and smiled at the the communist branch of the organ! the government. T o so gla<| you came," she said. By MAUNA COWLE3 And roll down tears, in rain, ization. Following1 the decision of the 'I was just wishing somebody very, wakefulness of those who "styled him Where broad trees quiver at the crash i UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT YIELDS communist branch of the Bund not to very nice would come. Do you know dreamer. The idealist is assumed to Of lightning, bent with pain; join the Polish Communist Party, the ©, 1922, by McCIure. Newspaper Syndicate. you haven't been to see me for the be impracticalVbecause> we would fain TO ANTI-SEMITIC DEMAND. Where boulders stoop for daily prayer flatter ourselves that he • is a deluded Warsaw, Oct. 24.—(J. C. B.)—The handful of communists decided to af"Peter,Peter!" ^: , : : :- longest time?" Peter stammered something about being, who deserves pity rather than And rivulets turn cold,— president of the Cracow university filiate with the party. The rest reIt was the nigh-pitched, reproving ' . support. Failing to share the idealist's There let me build my hovel; there voice of Alice, the youngest, of the never making calls anyway. ' .felt himself obliged to yield to the turned to the Bund, thus ending" the "But why should you?" - said' instinct and habit of vision, we do Let me myself behold. . ' tbree sisters. Peter in "question bad \ persistent demands of anti-semitic existence of the communist Bund. come home to enjoy the leisure'of a Daphne. "With three charming sis- nothing to help him to realize his i students, permitting them to stage a ters at home you don't need to. I'm Saturday bnlf-hollday.' * "A new book, When baying mention "The Jewideals and lightly name him imEach morning: I shall top the crest protes meteting on the campus afraid you're too content, Peter." a magazine or two, a-pipe and a ish Press" advertisers. practical and his plans unfeasible beagainst abolishing the per cent norm To walk with clouds on high, Daphne was a very pretty girl and ' chaise Iqngue on -the awning-stieltered cause we block and bar the way to My form grown from the mountain breast in Jewish admissions Having previterrace had left Peter feeling the con* nobody who;. knew.'her took her realization. •: blandishments.: very seriously. Still; As if. to guard the sky; " ously refused permission for the tent of a mild summer' afternoon. The pent-up passions, flaming heart meeting on the campus, the students Ideals must, in the words of EmerAUce's reproving "Peter, Peter," was • Peter was stirred with a feeling of This very charming son, be structural and beneficent. The Shall cool with shade and dew ;— the cloud floating by on the cloudless self-esteem. stormed the president's residence young woman was apparently glad to Until I shall have learned the art ;, sky. For, ever since Peter had been z compelling him to permit them to hold see him. To be sure he hadn't called antithesis of the ^idealist is riot the brought up . as the youngest child m To change old souls for new. . . . the meeting the next day. practical man, but the visionless man, a household of three older sisters, he on her muchlately. When he did the the unseeing man. The most hopesisters always reproved. Sometimes had become accustomed to having all FEAR RUSSIAN WINTER —SIDNEY W. WALLACH.. his scoldings and reproving begin with they said: "Peter, Peter, I am afraid lessly impractical of men is tie who that you are taking Daphne seriously. is without ideals, for he imagines that WILL UNDO IMPROVEMENTS jurt these two words! whatever is ought to be, that whatMoscow, Oct. 12. (J. T. A.)—It is There was never •••any mistaking She Is a desperate little flirt." Peter didn't tell Daphne this. ever- has been shall for all time reabout the nature of the comments to feared that the Russian winter will They talked of a number of things main, and he resents being roused follow, so Peter said: "Well, what's destroy the improvement wrought at the matter? What have I 1 done to for ten minutes. Daphne had been from the lethargy of his worship of such great cost in the housing and eyeing his bundle, resting on the floor displease your majesty?" Alice was the god of things as they ought to electrical apparatus to quasi-religio- of the opinion that the feeding pro- sanitary conditions, as well as in the beside him. scieritifi formulae. , Happily, is is pos- gram will have to be continued until only a year older than Peter and he "Peter, I'm dying to know what's be. upbuilding of the famine wrecked especially objected to her, reproofs.,. Better the idealist who is imprac- sible to point to a fountain of eternal August, 1923. bodies. "Peter, dear," she said, taking a in that package. You didn't bring me youth that may not smoothe away tical than the man without ideals who .The Colonel's view is shared by Dr. seat near his. "I saw you downtown some candy, did you?" Wood being scarce and coal unob- I: T i n so sorry," stammered Peter. is too practical, who is ready to prac- every wrinkle from the face of a main Boris D. Bogen of the Joint Distributhis noon, and Peter, Peter—there tainable, people are already smashing or keep the early bloom of roses upon tion Committee, who has just returned •was a hole In your stocking. I was "Well, I may as well tell you. That tise anything. The impractical idealrailin and shelters, and even demolishpackage contains some socks that a woman's cheek, but that will prevent •walking behind you and honestly I ist is frequently admirable, though from atour in the Ukraine. Dr. Bogsaw the hole first and wondered, what need mending. I. was trying to find sometimes pathetic, but the over- the canker eating away one's soul en stated the situation in southern ing houses to provide fuel. Clothing, sort of man could be so careless, and some seamstress or something that practical man without ideals is riot which is one's self. He who has and j Ukraine vrill demand a "colossal ef- too, is scarce, and persons saved from "then I realized that it was our darting would darn them for me. I thought seldom a malign influence, -whatever holds an ideal bears eternal summer fort" on the part of his committee. maybe you'd tell me of some one." Peter." •• / . '.. '" • •• • ;- . . , . . , in bis soul. Age cannot wither the "you poor dear," said Daphne very the calling of his days. Lei; him who "Th'ankB," said Peter. "Til .change sweetly. life of him who cherishes ideals. "You have three sisters— would have an ideal life fill his life [*em before dinner." He began read- and no one Nothing could be more beauteous to MOVE TO BRING 3,000 JEWISH to. dam your socks. If I WORKERS TO PALESTINE. tog furiously and Alice moved into had a brother—but then I'm not clever with ideals. Better the baseless vi- look upon than one who has lived .the background of the. garden beyond. like your sisters." Daphne paused, sion than base visionlessness. Men many years and remains steadfastly Vienna, Oct. 25—(Jewish Telegra, Half an hour before dinner Peter and her lovely eyes dropped. Then are to strive not for the best possible phic Agency)—Representations are went Jto his room to freshen up, and she but for the possible; best. * Striving loyal to his ideals, cherishing them being made to the Palestine Governlooked up at Peter temptingly. "I to the very end with the ardor of a si good fifteen minutes of that; time don't happen to know a seamstress— for the possible best, though vain and ment to permit the immigration to rwas spent searching through bureau but, futile at times, is infinitely better for youthful lover, even as there is no Paltstine of 3,000 Jewish workers really, I'd be so happy 1£ you'd more tragic spectacle than a youth, drawersiln search of a pair of hole-, me darn them for you.; Will you?" the soul than inert acquiescence in (less socks. At length lie found a pair, let prematurely aged because he has been from central and eastern Europe, it She hesitated, and as Peter did not the best possible. ,one solitary pair aniomr "fifty pairs or object she reached out for the packreft of the invigoration of the ideal. is learned authoritively from a Jewjso that were more or less unsound. If a man be a seer of the good, if And your young men shall see visions ish labor leader of Palestine. age and put It in the chair beside 1 "I can manage to-wear these to- him. The representations are based on he have a vision of the better, he —said the prophet. It is the seeing morrow and Monday," reflected' Peter, ought to be impatient in his quest. of visions that keeps men young; it "Daphne, you're too good," Peter M4«»»MiiiMJ#ii«»<**4i *'and I'll get one of the girls to mend heard himself saying, looking Intent- Shall the idealist who sees a great is the cherishing of ideals that will some up on Monday." ly in her face. He was wondering good that is to be calmly-fold his not let man grow old. Where there So Monday morning he approached : the middle sister, Janet. . ••••'.'•.•whether she. was.- having .immense hands and passively wait until all men is no vision, the people perisheven "It you haven't anything else'to do, sport with him or whether really she share his vision before he strive after in the midst of life. Proprietor of some time today," he-began with-what cared for him. Any man living would the goal of his vision? When the give his right hand to possess the love idealist is in earnest, he hastens like lie thought considerable; ppTomacy, "you might mend a few/of the best of Daphne Cooledge. He had never the prophet before the chariot of the HASKEL AND BOGEN FEAR UKRAINE WINTER. of the socks Tve laid out on my bed. taken her very seriously because It longI've such a skad of them that I don't never occurred to Mm that he had a Moscow, Oct. 24.—(Jewish TelegraEducation is not needed in 1702 North 24th Street. |; like the Idea of buying 'any iriore,'. so chance among all her admirers;, • j ; phic Agency)—An official commission | "Peter—Peter dear,"" Dahpne 'said/ endow a man with ideals, but we have The undersigned heartily endorse MICHAEL CLARK, If you haven't anything else to do—" Phone Webster 2092 % investigating famine conditions in the "why are you looking at me like the right to ask that its. effect shall Janet interrupted: < •••"•' • present holder of the office, for S H E R I F F OF not be to rob men of their ideals. Ukraine reports that the situation is "Peter, Peter," she began in dulcet thatr "I was just trying to see whether Men part with their ideals because critical, Odessa advices state. Deaths but reproving tones. .-./That'sjust like DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, at the election to a man. He assrames'beeause a woman, you. were making.iun".. ,'. they have always been' apart from from starvation: are again reported, Daphne's mouth' drooped like that* following a short respite. has no regular business that' she rather th'anPia-'paft "of their lives. -If be held .November 7th> 1922 The situation sin northern Ukraine hasn't anything to do. I can" assure of a disappointed child. '"Making fun a man have an ideal, if he be posyou that when I marry Tu6m hell have of you!" she said. "Peter, Peter, how sessed of and by it.ihe cannot yield is. somewhat more favorable, whereto look at things front J a different can yqn ask? Ijhqve fasked to darn as in the south, particularly in OdesA complete stock of angle. Really, It is. BO ridiculous. your socks. I'll Sara' these "and as it up lightly or inadvisedly. A man sa, Nlkolayew, Saporoschje, Donetz, Men .spend fortunes educating and many more as you want me to. I may readily change his - outer habili- Elizavetgrad and Ekaterinoslav, the cultivating women, i Thf$ ^«<nd tl|eni don't know any one else I ^vould do ments, but he cannot divest himself conditions are alarming, according to of that which'is become the inmost •to college, have their voices,trained, tfiatfor." .,,.SJ-V_ U H HARRY H. LAPIDUS MAX FROMKIN "Daphne, do you mean that?" habit of his soul. It is a little thing the statement Col. Haskel of the have them learn all the; arts and all HARRY B. ZIMMAN ABRAHAM SDLVERMAN the graces and then ithey.say.: 'Since Events In Peter's life had been rush- to hold to one's ideal as long as one American Belief Administration, gave IRVIN STALMASTER Ing forward at such a. furious speed your correspondent. Col. Easkel is LEO ROSENTHAL you haven't anything elffe to do, be untempted and unassailed. It is Also a supply of DR. A. GREENBERG please darn my socks." Beally, Peter, within the last quarter of an hour everything to hold fast to one's ideals J. SHERMAN BEN HANDLER I.don't want to be disagreeable. It's that lie could hardly get his bearings. My Famous Home-Made Here was the most beautiful girl In when passing through the fires of the J. KAPLAN. ARTHUR ROSENBLUM the principle of the thing.. When I Dill Pickles. want jny automobile painted or re- the world giving him an opportunity •world's temptations and perils. The Pepper. Vlee-Prerifl . O. Vf, Secretary. tired I don't get you to do It I take to say things that' he had never man who puth behind him the ideals dreamed he would have a chance to it* to a garage, because I know you say. She was willing to darn his of bis youth is of the type described " have something else to do. - I don't socks always. Could anything be by Mazzini in the words: "They think; even darn my own stockings and I more pointed? - . themselves becoming solid and pracdon't Intend to darn Tom's, so I don't COMPLETE STORE AND "Daphne, dearlne. Daphne," Peter tical when ia reality they are become see why I should take on yours." said, seizing her hand that offered no sordid and common." OFFICE OUTFITTERS "Peter excused himself from the resistance. "Daphne, I love you to We vigorously repress and sternly W» occupy feminine circle of sisters a little early, erer 70,000 <anan CM* distraction. I always have loved you. punsh counterfeiting, the debasing ttn his own sitting room he unwrapped Could Bouthwemt Corner you ever love me—" of the coin of the realm. What shall a- small parcel containing darning cotEleventh and Douglas Street*. "Ever love you?" said Daphne, and ton and silk, a large thimble and a be our punishment for such men as Phohri Jacbton S724 her limp little shoulders shook with ,paper of needles. The girl at the I OMAHA. *TEB. debase something infinitely more pre'tion counter of a department store sobs and her free hand dried tears cious than money—-namely, life's that welled In her eyes. "Peter, I've ihad told.him that this was the necesideals? The men who have made polsary paraphernalia. Then he sat always loved you—you and no one else. Peter, Peter, you have been so itics synonymous with vulgar selferect and uncomfortable by the side of seeking, who have demoralized our •hjs reading table and tried to master blind/' FOR standards of business, who have the art of darning, assuring himself DIAMONDS, JEWELRY that there was no use -In discarding GIANT AMONG THE PLANETS made law the handmaid of justice, AND fifty pairs of socks just.because each medicine a byword for charlatanry, SPECIAL PLATINUM pair needed a very little darning. Jupiter's Diameter Calculated to Be the : ministry interchangeable with 1 There was a rap on his door. But Ten Time* That of the Earth > servility and journalism another DESIGNING We Live On. before Peter had time to gather his see name for falsehood. mending eQUlpment together sister Maud had come In. If you look at the southeastern part The Secret of Eternal Youth "Peter, Peter," said Ottawa", scorn of the sky as soon as It Is dark, you The. appeal for idealism may be Diamond and Platinum ln> her voice and In her eyes. "I can't cannot help seeing the giant planet Specialists Imagine a brother of mine doing any- Jupiter, for It Is by far the brightest based upon other grounds. Men and women desire to retain their, youth 1614 Dodge Btreet. thing like that. I thought you were object In that part of the heavens. 5619. Established 1884. or regular man, but I see yon aren'-t. Quite near It, rather higher and a and, in order that they may do so, I hope that you don't tell our friends little to the right, Is Saturn, the sec- are inclined to try every panacea from that you have to mend your own ond largest of the worlds which hurry stockings!" around our sun. Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement. To be successful, our organization must be comPeter gathered the. socks and the Each of them has quite a family of mending things together with a hang- moons. Jupiter owns nine and Saturn posed of persons who have had careful and thorough dog look and then asked his sister to ten! Many of them are about the training and who are actuated by a spirit of helpfultake a seat. But Maud did not. She same size as our own satellite. Saturn had been too seriously shocked. has, In addition, a wonderful system ness toward the public they serve. .The next Saturday afternoon Peter of rings which lie Inside the path of made a neat package containing ten Its nearest moon, and these must or fifteen pairs of socks and fared stretch across their night sky in a The best possible equipment cannot alone provide forth. He was going to try and find great band of light. some oldish person who would be telephone service. The most important thing is the Both of these planets are gigantic SEARS FOft CONQRESS willing to darn socks if well paid. fellows. Jupiter's diameter Is about right kind of people to operate, maintain and manage He had no idea where he was going ten times that of our own earth, but FOR CONGRESS. to find one. He started thinking so so quickly does it spin that a day the business. HE MAS SERVED'YOU, an Inspiration might come.' But be- lasts only nine hours and fifty minfore anything like an Inspiration bad utes. When Jupiter becomes inhabited FAITHFULLY "ANO:EF.r To help make our employees contented and happy so come he spied his three .sisters com- —It Is still too hot for life to exist— FICIEMTLY AS A MEM-« ing up the street. No street- to turn -those .who live on its surface will be they, can work cheerfully and without worry, proper wages BER OF" THE STATE • down lay between him and the trio. quite different creatures from ourmust be paid and insurance provided without cost for pro',: One of them, probably Janet, a. true selves. We should impossible LEGISLATURE, AS 1 tection in case of sickness, accident, old age or death. daughter of Eve* was sure to ask him to stand erect on this great planet o SPEAKER OF THE' what, was in the package. Peter lag to the enormous force of gravity. 'looked about for somewhere to vanHOUSE OF ftEPRESEM* ish. ' Just ahead stood the Cooledge Brutal Brute. TATiVES.AS- A JUDGE nouse with a wide veranda stretching "What are your grounds for deOF YOUftiOlSTRlCT ' inriting awnings out to him. He manding a divorce?" .turned Into the driveway, and was COURT. "My -husband refuses to buy me a WJUIS G. SEARS -" mounting the first steps of the veran $10,000 fur coat" HE WILLlSEftVE YOU ,', ija when lie gallantly doffed his hat:to "Has he $10,000?" Chis sisters, "doubtless^ consumed with WITH El^UAU FlpEUTY AND EFFICIENCY "Just about." -, curios'ity'to know Why he'was calling " "Good " enough*. Well charge him A$_A.MEMBER OFJTHE NATIONAL: COHGRESS with extreme cruelty." — Louisville at the -CQpteflgeA •_--'-•-.-. ; 1«' Dapiine" Cooledge,: serene and Indo- Courier-Journal. *. ... _

Peter and Daphne




State Treasurer I Means

Lower Prices




Omaha Fish Co.

Republican Candidate For


Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.,

The Malashock Jewelry Co.

Happy Employees

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PAGE 7—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1922 "Mr. Chairman/' thundered David fringement on the liberty- of the club,; "When-Harry' Fink,• president- and The Wooing of Estelle Feigenbaum, in tones borrowed from shall withhold my support from the chairman of the Ytinretan Club and "Dash down yon cap of Samian comsummation of it, and will not hesi- amateur diplomat of the district found Wine!" "Mr. Chairman, we are tired tate to regard secession as .my right- himself, m the street, together with Bometimes even put his cowering of frivolities! We are sick of dancing. ful duty." Estelle -Levy, he surprised himself by enemy on the defensive. For Soliy, ; And now the soot ^was in the pot, to Letus set an example to the, neighbor-: a number of emotions entirely alien besides being a perfect master of the the Welsh proverb which Lloyd to his plans. He had acted on the spur social graces ,had a certain quiet in- hood, an example of art and love of quote George used (in the original Gaelic), of the moment—the warrior breaking sistenence on his privileges which, not art- I know ,of course—" and here when he learned of the resignation through in the diplomat. But now a his voice went down to the tone and even Feigenbaum could override. He of M. Briand. A deeper shade of subtle exalation poured itself through temper of "And-Brutus is an honorwas calm in bearing, where Feigenearnest thought settled on the harass- Ms veins and ran back to his heart. able .man"—"I know that there are baum -was tempestuous. He was skilled face of Harry Fink. He looked What? .Had he dared to invite the certain so-called intelligent members fnl -where Feigenbanm was brutaL He onpe a t Estelle and once at each of irresistible Estelle—just like that— of the club "whose sole pride and amwas, in short, the lancet, where Feithe ^warriors and again at Estelle. And and had she accepted—Just like that? bition is known as the champion genbaum "was the sledgehammer. jazz-trotter of the district. But I ap- Moe Eubenstein, torn between guilt And Estelle. She felt she had done And each of them assumed, with and terror, cowered at the back, so ,_ amazing certainty, that he was thepeal to you to discourage them. As that the eyes of the chairman might something extraordinary, and she -was chairman of the entertainments comconscious of a kind of complicity in chosen one, the other one only the not discover him. mittee, I propose that the affair be a daring with Harry Fink, in her foil. Estelle had never met the pos"Ladies and gentlemen," said the concert," veins, too, there ran an unusual exsessive male on the -war path." To Aairman, and his voice was troubled. alteration—altogether inexplicable. her had come only suppliants. Here "Mr. Chairman," said Solly Then she wondered why Harry came two commanders—and the com- aurer sauvely. "Whence this sadden "We have only five and a half weeks to the affair. Our decision must be passion for art on the part of the Fink was silent for so long, as they j mands were contradictory. One of them said, or at least implied,that gentleman from Harlem. (Laughter). made soon. I appeal for a compro- walked through the quiet street, and ] he, too, became conscious of the she was to become Mrs. Feignebaum Is the dance taboo? Are we blue-law mise." "Never, Mr. Chraiman," said David ridden? Or shall we be denied our silence. some day. The other insisted on quite I guess youil think that was a diferent future for her—there was innocent amnsement just because Feigenbaum, in a voice like a rolling . • rather a funny thing to do?" he ha- j not even a similarity between l i e there happen to be one or two mem- drum. names. One of them said loudly that bers of the club—-no names, Mr Chair- "Never, Mr. Chairman," said Solly zarded carefully.. Diplomat that hej dentistry was the finest and noblest man—who are too clumsy and too un- Rosenauer, less demonstrative but was he never opened a conversation ; with anything but the most obvious \ J^ profession, in the .worid, _and implied gallant to take an interest in the most equally determined. that a dentist's wife shared in the graceful of the arts which they ought "I am empowered by my committee of remarks. "It kind, of took me off my feet," liobility. The other asserted quiely to take? A? chairman of the amuse- to Ttrge xny proposition to the last said Estelle, a little breathlessly. that the general practitioner was the ments committee I shall propose that ditch!" -WTjmly from the former. "I have a mandate from my com- And then suddenly Harry Fink was backbone of the community and im-the affair be a dance, and nothing but plied that the general practitioner's a dance .without admixture or alloy." mittee, and I will not betray it," quite aware that Estelle was remarkably wife held a position of unparalleled "Mr. Chairman," said David Feigen- as grimly from the latter. beautiful. And his habitual carelessresponsibility and honor. Not that baum grandly, and the corner of >his It was then that the high diplomatic ness wag accentuated into a veritable other of them was dentist or general eye rested on Estelle, f a r be it from quality of Harry Fink—the diplomacy obsession, of cautiousness. With him, practitioner. They were only going me to assume the obviously personal that dares and does—revealed itself. to be excited was to become immovtone of the gentleman from Yorkyille. He hit the table with his gavel, though able. to be ,before long. . | (Laughter.) May I point out that, the room was as quiet as a midnight "Well, I felt that the club was getThe fight began shortly after the though there may be members of the churchyard. He rose to his feet and election of Estelle to the club. I t club devoid of physical grace, there fixed his eyes ten feet from the ting too hot, as it were," he explained. "There was nothing to do but broke out via the recommendations of are also some who mast make up for ground at a point opposite him . the committees. . And it was carried lack of manly proportion by the sup- "The matter will be discussed at the take the bull by the horns and break on from meeting to meeting1 until the pleness of a monkey. (Loud laughter, j next meeting," he announced quietly. up the meeting." But he did not explain why he had club had virtually resolved itself into I am FO far interested in the.welfare 'As chairman of the Ytinretarf Club, an arena for the struggles of David and reputation of this club, ,Mr. Chair- I declare this meeting dosed!" And chosen to break up the meeting only Feigenbaum and Solly Uosenauer^ man, that I shall regard a deadly once more the sound of the gavel on to carry off from the presence of the •with Estelle as queen of the tourney. blow to our prestige, if in grim times the table resounded through the tense astounded members the bone of contention itself, if so ungracious a figThe "clittax of the straggle was like these, we show a disposition to do room. reached when the annual affair of the nothing but dance our energies away. There was a slight gasp of astonish- ure may be applied to the slightly club came up for consideration. This Shame, I say, on such insjincts. "Woe ment as Harry Fink descended' from exuberant but wholly captivating was held toward the end of the spring. to those that encourage them! Mr. the slightly Taised platform and Estelle. i Besides being one of the main sources Subtle is the heart of woman. walked over to the chair on which of income of the club, it was also its Chairman:! I war you!* I shall not Te anyone What the profoundest of psychologhat and.coat, most effective piece of propaganda. I t Chaiman! I warn you!* I shall not hung.his else had moved he had made his way ists would have reached only after set an example of sociabiality—intel- pose them tooth' an4.nail! I shall op- ±o Estelle's chair and, in a quiet voice five hours of Freudian analysis, the lectuality mingled with concicality—. pose their carrying -out! I shall secede audible to every member, he asked pert Estelle understood in one mofrom the-club in protest, and I shall for the youth of the neighborhood, Levy, nowrjhat the meeting, is ment—ort thought- she did. Harry and in general made a flutter-in the not be alone! Mr. Chairman, I am in ffMiss over,-may I* not h>ve the pleasure of Fink was reticent; it was because he earnest!" ' . • : local- devecotes. was embarrassed. Ergo, he was only jescdr&ssr you to your home?" ' Now this annual affair -wa seither The last sentence was superflousj,. of a piece with the rest,'and this one z dance or a concert-^and.sometimes for if u crimson countenance .nd -thi £ I t was;:iibt-;a;.jrequest.; It was the flash of daring was; his sole distincIt was compromise, ie began with voice' of a Danton was ever evidencfe sdesperate-> demand.-of a man whotion. Now that he was alone, with a brilliant lisplay of local talent, vo- of earnestness, Daid Felgenbaum wafe* should "stop at nothing, and Estelle her, he was going to decline into cal and instrumental, and finished up in mortal earnest. The club sat aghast. was thrilled fronvhead to foot. She the same estate stutterings as made *with a display of local agility. But The eyes .of the members wandred Tose to tfc«; situation-like a true artist. .the otheds funny. when they were I i Fink.'" Bahall be this year, when the committees had from one opponent to the others and not bores. • s ^ •-•••• - _ • j than rested ^en Estelle,"--whose gaze to make their decision as to the (To Be Continued Next Week.) j ; And while the dissolved meeting character of the affair, there blazed was fixed on the floor. Jerusalem, Oct. 10. (J. T. A.)—The up such uncontrollable enmity be- "Mr. Chairman," said Solly Eosen- still clung together "with the cohesion Palestine Naturalization law -will not auer, in flute-like tones, "we are of paralysis, Harry Fink and EsteUe ;;tween the rival chairmen of the dual walked arm in arm to the door. become Operative until it is approved •' committees, that the club was aghast, threatened. To be threatened is nctt HLevy 1Ttl_ ,*_•£'"ji?-. --T'.*•. ''^? £ T» * ** • ^ - w J »!___«._ J 4._ by the elarned. The law will be pub(and Harry Fink, the jiiplomat, was to be frightened, however. I want the gentleman from Harlem (ni> ;strong;,for/ the former.lished in London soon after the Turkdumbstruck. , • J s, The cause TTSS simple.' lidsenauer laughter now) that I reply with his -] "Gooti night ladies and gentlemen," ish peace conference. Citizenship now was the most graceful dancer in the own -ultimatum. I shall regard the "he said gravely, and then the door granted to applicants in Palestine is accordingly temporary. club and, he believed, for miles around. acceptance of his proposal as an iri-f closed behind them. But Feigenbaum had a voice and a delivery, and his recitations were, he -litical Advertisement. Political Adverti nt. Political Advertisement. believed, utterly irresistible. And so, at the plenary session •which was to decide the nature of the "affair"—by -which non-committal name it went until it became either a concert or a dance, or both, the last stage of the fight-to-the-finish •was begun. Never in the .history of the organization had passion run so Claim of Endorsement SubHundreds of voters flock to the The following is a partial list of high. banner(; of Lloyd A.- Magney, can- the hundreds of Jewish citizens, who stantiated by Hundreds. didate ' for county attorney of think for themselves, and who have Political Advertisement. Douglas • County and are urging his heartily endorsed the candidacy of MAGNET'S election. this popular man: (Contined From Page 2.)





Eugene I?. Blazer, FranK Dee, • Morris Bx&ttfle,Nathan N. Bernstein, Joe Bosenfhal, John Zu Grass* M. Margolin, ». Edwin -E&akee, S. W. Tabroff, Harry A. < Green, M. -Wintroub, H. -Grossman^ Sam Garobofr," Chas. Asner, TV. H. Bowley, L. Whitebook. Harry E. Pfeffer, Philip Tonsem, M. E. Jacobsen, X, Newman, J. Idpsey, Anna Greenberg, M. Lipsey, 2t. Xi. Brown, 3. Kayman, A. Eotnonet, X>. Schwartz. Win. Kline, Joseph A. Feller, TR. B. Goodman, Xi. Ackennon, N. LcrJneon, B. Kushncr, H. Hospel, Dr. M.^". Kline, Abe Meyer, Mrs. N. PlUor, H. Eavlte, Geo. G. Knhn, H. Eoehman, Edna Marsh, A. PradeU, Sam Beber, M. A. Bercorlcl, ' Sam llelster, J. Koom, B. Boitsteln, Jacob M. Laeero-nitz, M. Adler,

a H. Kaiz.

Mrs. B. Millman, M. Shapiro, Sarah Chepelwitz, Harry "WlHnsky, D. Dennenberg, Moe Katleman, A. Fotman, Lillinn Swartz, Gerald "Weielman, Jack Bernstein, B. -Cohen,1 • • . - ' Abe Bwarfas,-. Bertha Leibowitr. Dora cmalt, Dora Dolroges, Mrs. Xi. WoolfBon, Mrs. B . Boskin, D. A. Freeman, F. Greenbcrgr, Aaron Brooksteln. B. Zi. Stark,

V. Slegel, B> Bobinson; Mrs. Anna F i V A. Rochman, B. Gerelict, G. Sizef, .Mrk. Clara Robinson,

CMJB. H. Golden-berg, .

Iflra I^azerson. .Jlia. S. S. Green, 13J. A. Besnick, i Ijevine, i iOaiM Blosch, U. Lewis, Kebbeca Cohen, H. Azorin, S. SternhiU, Jacob Kershman, Mrs. I.. Hoffman. P. Pine, Sirs. .B. Stock, Mrs. D. Uiekes, Dave Berkowitz, S. Freiaman, Mrs. Joe Meyers, Dr. A. H. Kline, J. Berkowitu, "William Sehall. Meyer Grossman, I. Iiery, •W. A. Kacusin, Joe Aaier. Herman "VVhlte, Isaac Grossman, Harry Blmnenthal, H. Bnrsteln, A. Bezman, A. Stoller. Xionls Sommer, •p. Kizenn, Ii. Froom. D. Swartz, I. V. Goodman. •Wm. Alberts, N. Pitlor, H- Soskin, Dave Bavitz, Harry Koseathal, Jack Smith, Lester Bnbin, Dr. B. T. Friedman, B. H. Brotvn, Morris Sarad, A. G. Kahnan. I?. Green, Sam Fish, I>onis Rasnlck* J. Finkenstein, M. Horn, David Greenberg, Jake Tofcb, , . - "Mrs. Phil Grossman. Wm. "W. Wintronb, Mrs. H. tradell, John Podosin, Barney "WeiBblock, S. Garber, 8. Stern. Phil. Schwartz, 27. H. Sherman. A. H. Diamond,

M. Trustln, M. Turner, J. Hlnoilsteln, Xu Whitebook, P. H. Chudacoff, Mrs. Mark Leon, A. Kaplan, Morris Horinstein, J. Katleman, Xionia Leibowitz, John Swartz, S. Mettinberg, M. Epstein, M. J. I*Tin, S. Zager, Fannie Soloman. Mrs. H. Merriam, Hose Zalkotnkan, 1. Kabkin. Mrs. S. Handler, Fred Goodman, S. Biekes, K. G. Idbergj M. Feldman, Sam Feldman, J. Franklin, Mrs. Pearl Stark. J. Iiazerson, H. Dansky, J. Kaplan, BenJ. ^tock, Mrs. Anna Kaehman, Dora Gotadiner, Jacob Cohen, A. Greenberg. Mra. Rose Biekes, Mrs. P. Fine, Mrs. L. Bloseo. J. Slobodinsky, Mrs. H. .Dansky, S. S. Green, Mrs. X BoBenthal, I. Schoen-wald, Mrs. A. Fonnan, Meyer Klein, I. Goldstein, E. A. Simon, Philip Grossman, B. Sharton, N. Simon, Korman Bothkop, Sam Temin, Jack Gitlin, Harry Fellman, B. W. Greenbaum, Julius V. Newman, Morris Altman, Dave Klaln, Bcn3» ^Mjllman, Dr. Philip Kline, IVm. "WJntroub. Samuel Meiches, IiOiils Harris, Meyer Coren, Edith Bosenbaum, 8. Rochraan. J. "Bernstein, J. Melchers. . i

Maurice Pelre.

M. Zi. Finger,

; '

£ '

DaTe Blocher, David Kline, B. Greenberg, Howard Raritz, Manrice D. Micklin, Morris Finpgold, .Carl Kiefces, Milton Simon, E. Soli^, Mrs. Sarah Fish, Maurice Finkelsteln, P. A. Kay, Sum Green, M. M. Knlakofsky; N. Grnnger, Max Grossman, Sam Kitz, H. Merriam, B. HimalBteln, Mrs. L. Katz, J. Wolk, Mrs. M. F. Xierinson, Sam Chepelwitz, J. I. Chait, H. Friedman, Jlafleline Swartz, Mark Bavell, Joe Kaplan, Morris la. Zager, Sam <3bhen, Xi. Bosenblatt, Mrs. M. Svrartz, I. Beber, airs. J. Bernstein, MrsV S." Ross, • Mrs. Sophie' Knznit, Morris Gre«nberg, J. S. Copeland, IJ. Greenberg, C Katikorosky, Bees Stock, Morris Green, Ben HImelbloom, Sam Goldware, : Hyroan Goldenbergv » . Shapiro, Minnie Sirrf, I>. Mallein. H. Bosenblatt, Mrs. J. Franklin, Ida Goldberg, Mrs. Harry liothkop, Mrs. "Edith Cohen, I-i. Hoffman, Mrs. Bertha Grossman, Mrs; A. <3reenberg, L. • Azorin, A. Finkenste'n, Mrs. S. Sternhill, Mrs. H. Bosenblatt, M. Gotsdiner. Mrs. S. Uosenthal, Morris R. Bosenthal, Morris Frankel, Charles l«ibowitz, Joe Meyers. Harry Horbrun<i, H. Itimmerraan, Mrs. I. Goldstein, Hj-mie Gersteln, H. Osoff,

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THE JEWISH PRESS My friend looked out into Columbus is prudently hidden in broad comedy. gave the Ford vagary its unfortunate ' Circle at the statue there, with the It might be libelous for us to draw too significance was the following set of j beautiful background of Central Park, clearly its moral, in, commending the facts: and realized that he was listening in tale of Lieutenant Brasol. We will 1. That the reactionary trick of recall, however, that we have already getting after the Jews, in order tp stir 1922 to black medievalism. Part Six . "There should have been three men printed ^a letter by that agent of Tsar up a dust exists not only in Russia MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON in that dock instead of one," Brasol and of the Black Hundred, in which he and Germany, but seems to be spreadNEARBY COMMUNITIES. continued, and then he drew the boasts that in one year alone he had ing to this country. CHOICE FIRST MORTGAGE EEAL. ESTATE BONDS. prisoner's dock. The marks T T are written two books that will do the 2. That the richest man in the Jews more injury that ten pogroms. the men whose fates should have been world, an idealist, was made a vicBy NORMAN HAPGOOD. linked with Beiliss. The question We leave him to reflect on that boast, tim and led into this deplorable game on his happy old days in Russia, on of the international reactionaries. mark means Beiliss. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Erzberger and Eathenau, on Henry "Beiliss sat alone in that box. He 3. That his folly coincided with a . Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone ATiantic 9555. "The jury came in with -the ver-was treid under Section 13 of the Kus- Ford, on how unimpeded, he, Brasol, Russian anti-Jew campaign in this (Continued From Last Week.)is to carry on his work" in this free dict ihat a ritual murder had taken . "What are the duties of a prelimi- place, but that Mendell Beiliss was siah law. But this section does not country, and on how sad it was that country, with the Ku Klux outrages, provide for the trail of one man;it the Jews escaped in the Beiliss case and with a new outbreak of antinary investigator under the Tsar," not guilty. Semitism in the colleges. deals with the offenses of a group asked my friend. WASH AND KEEP WELL because, as Brasol reported to his "So many newspapers in Russia of-men." The reader will note where The actual circulation attained by . "About the same as the duty of A BULE OF HEALTH government -,ahd still contends, the your grand jury here. A preliminary raised a clamor over the case, after Brasol wrote the words, "Section 13." lawyers for the Tsar were not as the Ford weekly, even though its atFRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY investigator heard both sides of a the Verdict was announced, that thir- Brasol drew an error line down to smart a3 Brasol shows they might tempt to ride on the Anti-Semitic movement, has been slight. Of what case before it came to trial and then ty-nine of them forced to suspend a corner of the page and within a have been. 1818 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" circulation there is, a large part is decided whether or not a crime had publication and I was sent to • Kiev circle he wrote the words "Shneerto investigate the situation and report forced ,a sshown by documents hereUnfortunately, £he American govson" and "Landau." been committed and a trial ought to to the Russian government were any Those two men,"he declared, ernment has taken anything but a with, produced. The documents illube held. ' errors committed in court procedure. "were used t i witnesses by the prose-1 statesman-like views of the various strate the fact that Ford dealers con"Well, the Beiliss trial was held uncution. Instead they should have Russian elements in the past revolu- tinually receive, circulars urgin gthem EFFICIENT sind RESPONSIBLE der the advice of the Moscow expert. I found astonishing things." WHOLESALE to obtain sbscriptions to the Dearborn • • '. ' LACKDET. At this point Brasol took a piece been: prisoners in the courtroom. They tion. The" jury had two questions to answer Where your clothes come home Independent. The pressure is so It kept a representative of the forwere as guilty as Beiliss. I believe Druggists and Stationers of paper and began to draw his diaas given to them by the judge. One cleaner and last lonsrer. 401-403-405 South loth Street was: Had a Jewish, ritual murder been gram. "In the first place," he said, the prosecution- first intended to mer Russian government here for strong that subscription blanks and ATiantic 0380. 1507-11 Jackson St. H. A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. committed? ' The second was: Was "not all the possibly guilty men were prosecute them with Beiliss, because years, while one of his principal func- applications for bonds for solicitors thdy were acting under Section 13." tions was to carry on propaganda in have been received: by the dealers Mendell Beiliss guilty of this murder? in the .prisoner's dock. "Do you believe in 'Bitual murders this country against the present Rus- along, with - their commission agreeOmaha Office: 813 Donelae Street. Omaha Phonn Atlantic 2536 FRED E. SiAW Flower Shop in RussiaZ" my friend asked this sian government and to prevent the ments. Phone 104 recognition of the new Baltic states. • Here is one sample of the letters Ford Transfer & Storage Co. man who has appeared so often in EMIL GANZ & SON Emerson Laundry our story of Ford and "this anti-Semi- The embassy has been constantly sent to dealers: The Best of Everything- In Flowers and R. A. FORD. P. 8. MOBEX.JProp. Confections at Moderate Prices. Certified Public Accountants President and General ilanajrer. active to get funds for "deserving tic campaign. May 24,1922. 845 W. Broadway, Next Oberty Theater 1417 Douglas Street. Phone Webster 0820 Council Blnff* (Iowa) Office COtTNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. "To All Ford Dealers: "Why shouldn't I ? " asked the Rus-Russians." ATJDHORS AND SYSTEMATIZOBS 934 So. Main Street. Phone 865 THE LAUNDRY THAT Kmil Gana; 'C. P.'A. V.-M. Ganz As an example of the relation beFrom time to time we have resian. EVERYBODY LIKES.. PJjones: quested the Ford dealers to get j "Look at this," he said as he indi- tween the embassy and this group HarlMOS —•Done. .4821. —• Hnr.0015 behind the sale of subscriptions " cated the Iower right hand I circle; of expatriates, we offer a letter, of Carpenter Paper Co. for the Dearborn Independent. "Here is Landau, of Vitebsk, who which part is reproduced in Russian Distributors ol OUR TBKATMENT TT1IX During the month of March we should have been in the box with on Page 72 of Hearst's International CONVINCE TOV OF OUK Western Bond—and High obtained eleven hundred and for November. It is written to GenBeiliss. His family was accused of SINCERITY. Grade Stationery sixty-two subscriptions which was Trust Department. participating in ritual murder as far eral Spiridovitch, an authorized agent Safety Deposit Boxes. Omaha. Nebraska. and Tows back as 1827. Here is Shneerson, a of Ford's newspaper, and head of a lit- a very good showing and we led ^ k & the country that month. During rich man of Velij, where the people tle anti-Jewish organization. It is to the month of, April we obtained believe in ritual murder. And here is signed by de Bach, who has been in All Parts Beiliss, also from Velij. charge of Russian embassay affairs five hundred and fifty-five which of the Shnereeson and Landau came from since the departure of Bakhmetev. was iess than half as many as we had in March and up until today World Velij, I believe, and persuaded Beiliss The principal parts are: **MaEUf actured in Omaha" we have only one hudred and five to, get them a boy and kill him so "Russian Embassy, Money Sent to All subscriptions for May, so you see that .they might perform the ritual Washington, BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. STEAMSHIP TICKETS Foreign Countries WHOLESALE PAPER, we will naake a very poor showblood ceremony over the boy's bocJy." January 19, 1922. Arrangements, now raade -with.'Soviet ing this month unless we get STATIONERY, ETC. Government for-prompt fdrWaftfiiiff of "Deeply respected and dear Again my friend looked out over passengers to America. We furnish you busy. The Dearborn Independent Distributors for necessary blanks; e t c . to fill out. Arthur Ivanovitch: Columbus Circle,"as Brasol, with h i s ' is a Ford product and is worthy Palmers Steamship Agency o Pink Tip Matches — "I am unable to answer your 1708 Farnam St. • . Omaha diagram before him, at his desk, comof our support. We have eight 1009 Hnrney Street. * Tel.'Jackson 0710 pletedhis story, filled with exaspera- letter of January 16th because in ^Northern Toilet Tissue days of May left, so for the balit you do not speak with.intolertion, because, three .men had not been ance of the month, let everyone -1112 Harney Street properly . tried j and•,executed like able severity of V. V. BuismiTHINK, TALK AND SELL subLEX US DO SOCK WELDING ATiantic 6409 strov, my old school fellow at the witches, because- they had been acscriptions for the Dearborn Incused- of a folkrlore offense, the mur- Lyceum, and of the other very dependent. der of ,a boy and ;the drinking of his decent people who are managing We do not expect you to neglect THE CAREFUL WELDERS the Society for-Aid to Sussians, blood. : ... , .-.._•. '; your sales- of cars and tractors, 1501 Jackson St. Tel. JA. 4397. Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace in New Yorfc.'"*'l did not answer As Mr. Brasol is a Russian, and prebut there are ever so many, peo- . sumably cultivated, he has doubtless your last letters because I felt COCNCll BX,€FFS. IA. pie in your place every day that that in view of your unfounded read "The/Outrage,",which its author would be glad to subscribe to the insults, it was impossible to keep Service is Our Motto Alexander Kuprin* calls a true story. Temptation Besets Deamborn Independent if they up the correspondence. Safe Deposit Boxes lor Best. A, ,meeting. is* described of "a small ' "When You Enter knew the merits of our magazine. "In substante this is what I .committee pfjlcal barristers who had This is what we are asking you ' undertaken-.the .conduct of the cases want to say to you:— . . CANDIES, to do if any of your customers 1. The Russian Red Cross Soof those who had suffered in the last " , .*,LUNCHES. - « * show, interest in the.. samples . pogrom against the Jews." The tried ciety does not grant any subsidies which you have on display, kind| committee is • about to adjourn when and the Central Committee of this. ., .Every Kno"wn Kind ; ly talk up and tell him how much BUTTER and EGGS Society has ho funds of its own j a hearing is requested by seven indiof Insurance good he can get out of the Dearin America, and therefore no such viduals who presented themselves as Council Bluffs, la. born Independent. You will be 209 W. O. W. Bldg. Douclas 0380. 16th and Farnam Streets "delegates" from the United Rostov- accusation can be made against surprised to see just what good Kharkov and bdessa-Nikolayev As- it. • results we can have. Crystal Candy Company sociation of Thieves; The delegates "2. Co-operation and help to "Set the target at one sub.... ; 16th and Capitol Ave. call attention to the fact that in the Russian refugees in America is scrption each day for the rest of local, papers "there have often been given by the Society for aid to May." MnJe by indications that among the instigators Russians, on the Special ComUNDERTAKERS Yours for*more subscrpitions. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST of the pogrom who were paid and in- mittee of which are: V. V. BuisITEN' 2224 Cuming St. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, FOOD CO. by the police—the dregs of raistrov, President of the Society Phone JAckson 1226 BISCUIT CO.- stigated Dearborn Independent Sales, ©3IAHA, NEBRASKA. society, consisting of drunkards, and Special Committee, Members . E. F. Wiber, Snow. White tramps, and hooligans from the slums, ;C. F. Baldin, D. I. Vinogradov, V. Circulation Department." A. Graves, G. A. Isvolski, D. P. * Bakeries \ thieves were also to be found." Just call iip your own Ford Top and Body Building Pertsov, P. A.-Rutski. These orFOSTER-BARKER (Kejr. V. S. Pat. The spokesman, makes a distinction dealer and ask him some ..innoOffice.) and Repairing. ganizations use funds allowed between the thieves of his .organizacent questions about bonuses for CO. INSURANCE Curtains—Lights—Etc them by the Embassy, and they tion, all engaged in dangerous and subscriptions. . We have just are subject to control and inspec"If Its Worth Anything City National Bank skilled branches, and the "pack of tion bythe Financial Department. PFEIFFER called up a Ford dealer, selected —Have It Insured." of COUNCIL, BLDFFS Jackals," in the lower ranks of crime. In the activities of these orATiantic 0701 by chance from the telephone ZS2S I^arenworth St. We pay 4% Interest On Saving These lower reptiles, he admits, book. His answer, was: "Mr. ganizatons there is nothing arband Time Deposits. "would gladly accept an invitation to itrary and . illegal and no enorHandy, the chief sales agent* in .. JAckson 1862 Safe Deposit. Boxes for Rent. a ^pogrom," but his own associates mous salaries are granted. Some • Washington, came around to see are educated. He says: us the middle of last week and of the persoris entrusted with the I "We understand, every one of us— supervision of reat estate, in told us to get busy with subWholesale perhaps only a little less than you scriptions. He told up to pep up Fruit and Vegetables ADVO COFFEE which part of ,the capital of the " barristers, gentlemen, the real sense Society is temporarily invested, would be worth our while. TO AND FROM N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. of the pogroms. Every time that We didn't even have subscripADVO JELL ADVO FOODS fo rpurposes of increasnng its inALL PARTS OF some dastardly event or some ign- come, do not accept any remuntion thanks but we took fifty onrrinious failure has occurred, after eration for their work. orders between Wednesday and THE WORLD executing a martyr in a dark corner Saturday nights. We're in for VAL. J . PETER ^ COMPANY j of a fortress, or after deceiving pub. . . . "As for your difficult all we're worth." lic confidence, some one who is hidden situation, in spite of your letters, The received by us, as 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store and unapproachable becomes af raioT of I have made every effort to in- month by month we patiently gave the OMAHA PILLOW CO. ATiantic 0340. the people's anger and diverts its viciFeather mattresses made from your duce the Ambassador to grant facts about the Ford anti-Jew camowu feathers. Cool In Summer—Warm ous elements upon the heads of inyou the promised remittance of in Winter. Cost less, than felt beds. paign halve been most satisfactory. Cotton • Mattresses made Over in new nocent Jews. Whose diabolical mind §125. B. Baktuetiev agreed to this These, responses leave in pur mind tirrks n» half prJw of new beds. invented these cannibal amusements and I am herewith enclosing a no doubt that our purpose is being ac1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 for dark, bestial souls? . . . . We. cheque for that amount with the complished; that the silliness of the 1806 Harney Street thieves by profession know better request that you return the car- charges has been driven in. Phono .AT lantlr 03G1 than any one else how these pogroms bon receipt. Not that the task is ended. It .is J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. are organized.'. ' . . We can swear befeeling of complete respect and indeed true that eternal vigilance is A Store Managed and Bun by Men who LMay the On me. fore God and man and posterity that "I beg you. to believe in my the price of liberty. Weeds will 103 No. 16th St. Tel JAckson 3138 we have known how the police orG.L. REEVES OppoHttr PoHt-Offlce. •' devotion.—Bach." grow if the garden is not watched. TUXEDOES, Latest Models ganize the massacres, without shame Now one influence of the activities Hatred, prejudice, littlenesses of many •• . . . "RADIO" and almost without concealment. S25.00 to S40.00 ' Everything for the Athlete. thus clearly stated by Mr. de Bach kinds, diseases of the social system, FOR SALE OR FOB RENT They invited many of us to take part; is that they connect up much too will take rot unless there is a strong Y o u r position is , but there was none so vile among us closely the Russian embassy and ourand alert public sentiment to stamp correct, and should 1 as to give even the outward consent government with a lot of people who out the evil beginnings. This publi"EVERY KNOWN TO" l Kaplan Auto Parts Co. be s u p p o r t e d by that fear might have extorted. ought not to be carrying on their cation means to do its part. The 2111 Nicholas Mireet every fair minded , "None of us will forget the horror campaigns in this country. Many of best cure for any error is a full exAbner H. Kaintan ' Used CUTS bought, sold, and exchanged. LION COAL CO. SPECIALS of those. bloody days and bloody them, ostensibly campaigning against posure of the facts. "Light" as Em-: New pe.-irs. nnd axle shafts person. lS19W.O.W.B!dg. AT. 8034 for nnv intinlor • nights lit up by the glare of fires, radicalism have a leading part in the erson says, "is the best policeman." Tires. Tubes and Accessories Bannah Lump '. . those sobbing women, those little chil- anti-Jewish propaganda also. BeJow. Wholesale Prices. . The End. Franklin County PAXTON BILLIARD jdren; bodies torn to pieces and left The importance of the anti-Jew Lump „ PARLOR [lying in the street But for all that,[crusade, that we have now finished • • • © X • a. • Colorado Smokeless YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND \ NICK S. WliAmc, Proprietor not one of us thinks that the police exposing, lies hot in the weight of THE ANNUAL B'NAI B ' R I T H j 151C F r» B a m Hoffmann Funeral Home. and the mob are the real origin of anything brought forward by Mr.DANCE, SUNDAY DECEMBER 24, Screenings 4136. 1 . Wall Receptacles— Delivered! to Any Part the evil. These tiny, stupid loathsome Ford. The stuff- published in the AT THE FONTENELLE HOTEL— v of the City. vermin are only a senseless fist that Dearborn Independent, and also thej . , _ Light—WIRING—Power ,is governed by a vile, calculating t other material turned up by the Ford j ,'. . . . —Bell Transformers LION COAL CO: 'mind, moved by a iahniiVni^jiy^^ detectives, has been, as our readers. When buying mention "The Jew- Nearly every Jewish family in. | Your subscription for -The Jew WAlnnt 3034. 40 & Cuming'Sts. WEbster 2605. Omaha reads "The Jewish Press".'• J »&h Press" is due now The profound emotion of the story now know, unmitigated rubbish. What ish. Press" advertisers. .

Henry Ford's Jew-Mania


Dealers to Spread the Poison

The Harry A. Koch Co.

E. E. Bruce & Co.

Council Bluffs Savings Baik

Steamship Tickets


Baker Ice MacMnes

The Brine & Jensen Company

Peters Trust Co.





Made With Milk


SteamsMp tickets

. McCord-Brady Co.

Omaha Sporting Goods Co.

John Foldman


Leo A. Hoffmann


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