. . J"T|ie art of pleasing is the art of rising in the world."
and ambition laugh at precedents. —Thaj-er.
•n VOL. H—No. 48
, %%
aa second-class mall matter as- January 27th. 1021. at i at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 1S7U.
JEWISH WOMEN AID REG CROSS I "Don't late Jews POLAND TO SUPPORT LEADERS ArHusticeBayToBe[h -ARABBROKE; PALESTINE HOMELAND MAY END PROPAGANDA Says lenry Ford Bit Celebrated By Number They Cense Ail Wars of Comninmty Centers The Flivver King Groats
Warsaw (J. C. B.)—The attitude of Poland toward the Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The Arab Palestine Mandate, although not leaders are -experiencing great hitherto made public, is favorfinancial ' difficulties- which .may able, declared Mr. Narutowicii, One Hundred and Fifty Women Over 200,000 Jewish Boys lead to suspension of their propNewspaper Interview at the Foreign Minister, in an Will Conduct Campaign Served in World War. aganda directed against the BritBoston. interview with the "Nowiny Among Women. ish Zionist policy. Codzienne" here. Polish supCELEBRATION m TWOSAYS THE AUTOMOBILE "El Sahab," the official organ of the Jewish • Homeland EIGTHEEN MEN ELECTED HUNDRED COMMUNITIES of the Arab Executive Committee, WILL SOLVE PROBLEMS port project is made abundantly clear TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS has been, compelled" to close down from the action of Poland's rep{From the New York Times.) BY VOTE OF PRESENT New York.—Armistice Day^ Satur- j because^ Qf-lack of funds. The,- Boston, Mass.—"I curry favor with resentatives to the League of SUBSCRIBERS. day, November 11, •will be-celebrated financial crisis is, perhaps, best no man," snapped Henry Ford, the au- Nations in having voted in favor by over 200 Jewish community cen- j shown by the fact that the Exetomobile king, in answer to my ques- of the registration of the ManPlans for the ~ Jewish Community ters in the United States, under the cutive has; no meeting "place, the tion as he let his chair which had been date, Mr. Narutowich said further. Center building campaign are rapidauspices of the Jewish Welfare owner haying refused the comtilted back against' the wall, in his Board's standard program. Narutowich also said he ly nearteg' completion, and the citymittee the keys- to the new apartment" at" the- Copley Plaza, fall didMr. The total number of Jews in the premises until the rent is paid. not think the principle of the wide appeal for the: structure will be forward with an abrupt jerk. service during the war Is. estimated at Balfour Declaration clashed with launched io the very near future. "But - when" I~dp~ say that-I have All the forces in the community, It is understood that a special from 200,000 to 225,000, or 4 per cent no hatred in my heart for the Jew, I the legal and political status of both men and women, were organized of the armed forces of the United financial meeting, is being called mean it. In fact,-I do not blame the Jews in the Diaspora. for the work, following two meeting's States, the proportion of Jews in this to discuss the crisis. Suspension Continuing, the Foreign Min- b.eld at the Jewish/ Community CeaJew money-lenders for bunking hucountry bein gbnt 3 per cent of the of the A*rab propaganda at this manity just as long as humanity lets ister declared the government ter rooms Monday night. total population. 40,000 Jewish sol- time may involve cancelling of the him get away with it. As a matter contemplated appointing a consul At the one meeting, women repdiers and sailors, or 20 per cent of delegations which the Executive of fact, I admire the Jew because, to Palestine in order to establish resenting every women's organization theentdre contingent, were volunteers. Committee had announced were when things get stuck, he is the only commercial relations between the in Omaha, under the leadership of Citations for valor were awarded to being sent to Egypt, to Constanone who seems to have the power to two countries and facilitate travel Mrs. Nathan 'Mantel, appointed cap* The Jewish men -and women are taking an active part in the Red 1,100 Jews; 723 by the American com- tinople and to Kemal Pascha, to mand, 287 by the French, 33 by the advance the claim for a revision Cross campaign, which will be held for three days, starting November 13th. start it up again and pull it over." of Polish citizens to and from tains and lieutenants for the drive. > A total of 150 women workers will . One of the divisions is in charge of Mrs. B, Kulakofsky. Nearly all Tilting back the ;chair again, he re- Palestine. British and 46 by other Allied com- of the British Mandate. solicit subscriptions from the women, of her captains and workers will be Jewish women and girls. Following sumed more quietly. "However, that mands. ': of the community. All captains and are some of her captains and workers: Mrs. E. A. Meyer; Mrs. Louis Na- does not wipe out the fact that the Of the 78 Congressional Medals of workers will meet next Monday evesthan, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. M. L. Woolfson, Mrs. P. T. Kaplan, Mrs. W. Jew, who is a victim of a false money Honor, 3 were awarded to Jews. 150 ing st the Jewish Community Center J. Pye, Mrs. S. A. Johnston, Sirs. Henry Q. Marx, Mrs. Harry- A. Trustin, system, is the very foundation of the Jewish soldiers wear the 'Distinto inake final plans. Mrs.: Harry Brayeroff, Miss Sara Fairer,' Mrs. Henry Newman, Mrs. Lau- world's greatest .curse today—war, guished Service Cross, 4 wear the At the men's meeting on Monday, rence Goldman^ Mrs. J. Malashock, Mrs. A. L. Katelmau, Sirs. Jack "He is the cause of all the abnorFrench Medaille ^MQitaire and the the results of the ballot taken amosig Alberts, Mrs: Harry Siiverman, Mrs. Morton Marcus,- Mrs. JlxKus Stein, mality, in our daily life because he Croix de Gurre is worn by 174 Jews One cannot 97 subscribers • to the fund for the Mrs. L. Kendis, Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs. Dr. Hirsehman, Misnette Mar- is the money maniac in the A. E. F. : . There were nearly 10,000 Jewish Prime Minister Declares Britain Can- galin, Mis'. J. 22. Freidman, Mrs. H. Kavich, Mrs. Y. Dubnoff, Mrs. Martin blame him as long- as he is able to Famous Orator Coming to Interest election of 18 members to the Boarti of Directors were tallied. The IS Kahn, Mrs. Dave Crounse, Mrs. Halm, Mrs. Pradell, Mrs. Leon Graetz, play his game. Our money system commissioned officers in the several not Consider Merely What American Jewry in Upis all wrong, and the Jew who is the men elected, together with &s membranches of the service. There were Mrs. L Grossman, Mrs. J._Gidinsky, Mrs. Dr. Bomm, Mrs^Jps. Zipfel, Mrs. Pays to Do. building of Palestine. money specialist is its greatest vicbers of the Board of Trustees, will, more than 100 colonels and lieutenant Goldware., Mrs. Harry A._ Trusten and "Mrs. Lquis Nathan. "V •"! tim. There is the fact constitute the executive committee for colonels, over 540 majors, 1400 first PAPERS DEMAND IMMEDIATE Henry Monsky has charge of the Speakers Bureau. Morris E. Jacobs No, I have no-hatred for the -Jew, INCREASED STIMULUS TO the drive. They will be augmented by lieutenants and over. 7,000 second lieu- WITHDRAWAL FROM PALESTINE is handling the publicity. and those Jews who play hardest at WOES: HERE EXPECTED fully 100 additional men, all tried and tenants. In the navy there were 500 " T h e work of- the 'Red Cross is very laudable," said Mrs. Kulakofsky. the money game are very much in tme -workers in community causes, commissioned officers, including the "The work that they are doing among the undernourished children deserves - Nesr York.—The Palestine Founda- whose efforts have brought the com,_ rank of read admiral. In/the marine London, Nov. 5.—(Jewish Telegra- the support of the Jewish people, especially because we believe- in building the,minority." corps there were over; 60 Jewish com- phic Agency)—Using the statement the youth for thefuture.' During the past, school semester, l,50B children As he paused and stroked his.iron tion Fund (Keren Hayesod) an- munal institutions of Omaha to tlteir . nounces that in .the first, week in No- present bight state of perfection. missioned officers, - including- l one of Prime Minister EdnarLa^v as the were furnished with, milk at the expense of the Red Cross. Some of them gray hair, I said: , r vember/there" will arrive in the United text for -Mifcorial leaders and state* "The money . system—how -would brigadier general.- * ~ " ~ • * ' " Members of the Board of Directors gained as much as. 15 • pounds. The Bed-Cross is also doing wonderful you. change that" States Dr. Shmarya I/evin and Pr. Ar- «lecteti ments by men prominently-identified by the present subscribers are: Jewish casualties are estimated at work; among, the ex-sojdiers—the..boys who -fougiht fox -xis..,.,^^..,____. _ r tjie, jprescnt I He «asse back.-quickly..—~ . ^ ••; thur. Buppiis, who ar* two: of the most Harry Msiasliock, Morris Milder, Ar. between 13,Qp&;and^l4jOQikJ?Qiae*--Z? prominent leaders of the international thur Bosenblam, DM. A. Greenbergr, Ally woman who wishes to help in the Eed -Cross drive -may call S^^ 800 Jewish boys gave tireir lives for isrn, a Says Jews Create War. Zionist movement. Dr. Shmarya Levany.of the women mentioned in this article. day urges the immediate, America. , "I believe the whole world would in, who is regarded as the most brilli- Martin Sugarman, J. J. Slosberg, S. of British from Palestine. benefit tremendously if all the inter- ant orator which the movement has S. Jacobs, Louis Hiller, Harry WilinSpeaking, at Leds Saturday, the est on money were abolished." I t produced/ is coming to the United sky, I. Gluck, Jos. Wolf, J. H. Kulaprime minister had declared that he was a startling statement, and I at- States in the interests of the Pale- kofsky, Nathan Yaffe, Sam Leon, was being bombarded with requests tempted to fololw-it up, whereupon stine Foundation Fund (Keren Haye- Louis Sommer,"Louis Simon, Isy Eosto - state whther the new, government the Detroit manufacturer dismissed sod). Dr. Arthur Euppin, who is the enthal and H. H. Auerbach.. would leave Mesopotamia and PaleIn the* Women's Division the folthe subject as :quickly a s he had chief authority on the colonization of 1 David A. Brown Tells of Immediate stine. "Aparently," he said, "Aslowing will be captains under the dibroached i t by answering: Palestine and who is an economist quith says he would leave these counNeed for Jews in rection of Mrs. Mantell: the Mesdames Famous Pianist's Political Record 'I cannot go into t h a t further a t of considerable repute, is coming in tries. This is because Asquith has Tour of United States in Behalf of Soviet Country. H. H. Lapidus, David Feder, Harry. Record Against Jews this time because I a m now writing the interest of certain Palestinian encomplete confidence. that whatever Keren Hayesod Ended Earlier Than Wolf, • Sol Goldstrom, E.. Kulasomething on t h a t subject out in DeIs Cause. terprises for which funds will he Schedule Because of Political Moscow, Russia.—Funds furnished happens at this election, he will not kofsky, D. S. Firikenstein, S. Eavits, troit. Situation in England. by the Jews of the United States to form a new ogvernment. I have conToronto—(J. T. A.)—Ignace Pader- "To get back, to the Jew again." sought from American Jews on an in- A. Siiverman,. Carl Furth, A. M. Bn>aid their suffering fellow Jews in fidence that the government of which ewski, the famous Polish pianist, is he' continued voluntarily, "the only vestment basis. war, I. Rosenthal, Philip Sher, B. A. Is No Stranger. Russia have made posible the admini- I am the head will continue after the NOTED BRITISH LABOR LEADER not coming to Toronto for a recital, reason that the' Jew money lender Simon, J. Rosenberg, B. Handler, K, COMPELLED TO CHANGE stering of a colossal mision of relief election. How, then, could I give a acording to Mr. DokowsM, a Polish doesn't take the pocket book of the Dr. Levin is no stranger to the Tatle, Harry Trustin, Meyer FriedPLANS. and this help, while it succored thou- pledge like that? All I can say is clergyman here, who has been inform- everyman is because the everyman Jews of America, having visited this man, H.. M. Ferer, and the Misses sands of men, women and children, this: I shall examine the matter eery ed by the pianist that he may abandon wont' let him. Through education the country a number of times in the past Euth. Levey, Anne Selicow, Madalitis New York, Nov. .1.—The political the American eoncert tour. there is an absolute and immediate carefuly. We cannot with our record everyman will some day refuse to let on extended tours. He is a man of Cohn, Ethel Eueben, Eay Bercu, Florneed for an extensive enlargement of as a nation, consider merely what situation in England, which includes Interest centers around this an- the Jew bunk him withthis institution unusual oratorical talent and has been ence Shames, - Libbie Minken and the program to embrace effective spe- will pay us to do. We must consider a general Parliamentary election, to nouncement because of the storm called war, because'it is these same one of the leaders of the World Zion- Blanche Altman. to what extent we are bound by ob- be held around Nov. 15, has com- caused by the proposed recital folist Organzation for many years. He cial reconstruction aid. money lenders who create war today. was Six workers will be assigned to eacK »j pelled a radical change in the plans ligations." • born in the Government of Minsk This was the statement made here lowing the threat of a section of War is purely a financial institution. captain, in one city-wide campaign., y of Colonel Josiah C. Wedgwood, who Angry because Bonar Law did not T)y David A. Brown of Detroit, who Jewish population to boycott Pade- I learned that through my peace ship in 1867, and after having received his has been touring the United States Jewish education, he went to the Uniis in Russia in the interests of the promise to clear out'of Mesopotamia rewski because of the pianist's poli- expedition. That expedition was a versities of Koenigsberg and Berlin, Jewish Jpint Distribution Committee. and Palestine, ±he "Weekly pespatch" in behalf of the Palestine Foundation tical record in Poland. college of experience." where he received his Ph. D. degree. He stressed the need for Jews in predicts that the present government Fund ( K e r e n H a y e s o d ) . In the That Mr. Paderewski is mindful of "Where does patriotism fit here?" Dr. Arthur Euppin. America to extend the feeding aid to will have a very short life. Lord Is- midst of his tour he has been com- the criticism is shown by his letter to I asked. reconstruction efforts just before he lington, was was responsible for the pelled to leave for England, where Mr. DokowsM, stating that "evil- "Patriotism," he retorted, "is as Dr. Arthur Euppin, who is visiting' departed from Moscow to continue adverse Palestine vote in the house of his presence was urgently demanded minded men have spread propaganda Johnson said, '& last refuge for the the United States for the first time, Affair Staged at Cracow University j his inspection trip into the heart of lords, has an article in the same by the leaders of the British Labor about the maltreatment of Jews in scoundrel.' It is worked up by these has had a leading part in the growth &s Protest Against Alleged Miti- j the hunger belt. Mr. Brown, with paper, urging immediate evacuation Party. Poland." "Independent Poland," he money lenders who are playing their and development of the Jewish settlegatkm of Percentutn Law TO In a statement which he issued be- asserts, "protects all citizens in an money game. Poverty, misery and the ments in Palestine. He is an adminiBoris D. Bogen of the Joint Distribu- because the mandatpry Isystem is too Favor of Jewisb. ,,tion Committee, who is on the execu- costly. .Esmond Harmeworth, brother fore sailing, he expressed his dis- equal measure, without regard to ori- slaughtering of the flower of young strator of unusual ability, and he is Applicants. tive staff of Col. William N. Haskell, of the late Lord .Northcliffe, declares appointment over his inability to gin or creed, and resurrected Poland manhood means nothing to them as an expert in colonization. He was director of the entire relief orepration he declined an offer; to take the un- keep these engagements, and adds will yet be a model of a law ruled long as their.money games go on suc- Chief Administratior of the Palestine Cracow. (J. T. A.)—A crowd estiOffice of the Zionist Organisation for mated at ; 4,000 attended an antiin Russia, has left for Odessa, Kiev, der secretaryship in the ministry of that he has every reason to believe country." cessfully." The chair had come formany years. Dr. Euppin is regarded Kharkov and other points where education because the government that there will be no changes in ward again and his thin hand was as an authority on the Jews and Pale- Semitic rally staked by students of Joint Distribution Committee funds would give no promise to withdraw British policy in Palestine owing to THE JEWISH -CULTURE LEAGUE. jerking back and forth. the Cracow University to protest have made it possible to feed the from Mesopotamia and Palestine. the advent of a hew government. Following the concert given by the "And the mob true to its emotion," stine. He is the author of a number against the alleged mitigation ©f th© needy. _ Writing in the "Sunday Express," Colbnel Wedgwood's statement fol- members of the Jewish Culture he went on, "swallows the stuff, hook, of standard works on both subjects. percentum law in favor of Jewish His work, "The Jews of Today," is Lord Beaverbrook,-another brother of lows: Children Fed. League October 22, plans were made line and sinker whereupon bands play one of the most scholarly works on applicants. An official note was in-> the late Lord Northcliffe, asserts Mr. Brown explained that special "I feel very keenly disappointed in "for another concert and a one-act and even mothers in the hysteria of it troduced into the meeting by the Joint Distribution Committee relief in that the most urgent issue at the being compelled to break off my tour play to be given on January 7. Four- all place their own offspring upon the the subject ,and he has written exten- presence there of District School Insively on the problems of Palestinian Russia, in addition to the Ukraine moment is. o evacuate Mesopotamia in the United States, and it is only teen new members were admitted to altar of murder, just as the ignorant spector Godlewski, who received ». feeding, included the feeding of chil- and Palestine, "bag and baggage," the extraordinary importance • of the the club last Sunday. The regular mothers of years ago fed their babies colonization. His latest "work is en- loud ovation. titled, "The Upbuilding of Palestine," dren in institutions, the equipping of and that at once. - ';.'•'.'•' political situation in England, which meetings are held at the Labor Lyce- to the flaming bowls of the god Mo- which was published in Berlin in 1919. Resolution "were carried demanding; such run-down institutions, .the conT loch." impels me to do it. My brief ex- um building. Dr. Buppin is also the President of of the Tniversity Senate to strictly ducting of special Jewish adult feedBRITISH LABOR PART? EN-. perience in your country has been "And how near are we to the end the General Mortgage Bank of Pale- adhere to the "numerous classes." ing, the "furnishing of shoes and clothDQRS^S ZIONISM. exceedingly pleasant and even in- SUNDAY SCHOOL ISSUES of it all ?" he wa sasked. stine, which was established partly Liberal Polish students opposed tn ing where the need is urgent, ±he dis- London, Nov. 2.~{Jewish Telegra- spiring. I came with the specific ; "We wiB have more wars," he anwith the funds of the Palestine Foun- the rigorous interpretation of the SPECIAL APPEAL FOR tribution of food packages to groups phic Agency)—Ex-Minister Arthur purpose of telling the American peoswered, 'Taut we are nearer the end dation Fund (Keren Hayesod) and limitation rule were forcibly ejected, PUPILS. and other similar special phases. Henderson, secretary of the British pleyand- in particular the American partly with the funds of the Jewish from the hall, as were the few JewA special appeal to all mothers than most people think." "A big and worthy work is being labor party, made the following of- Jews, why the people of Great Briish students who had the courage to Colonial Trust. and fathers of the city has been isMotor as an Educator. done with this money that the Jews ficial statement to the Jewish Corre- tain stand behind the movement for appear at the meeting. .sued by the Directors of the Sunso generously contributed, but there spondence Bureau: "You spoke of education as the re-establishing the Jewish Nation in day School at 18th and Chicago is ranch more to be done in a recon- "The British labor jarty has ho Palestine. PALESTINE ARABS STRIKE AS The meeting had been scheduled remedy. Just what kind?" for the early part of the week, bat streets. Parents are urged to send struction way, especially as winter sympathy with those who would abanPKOTEST AGAINST CELE"Do you know," he repliedj "the au"With regard to fears expressed those of their children who are not tomobile is contributing a great part. the rector hesitated to permit the and the grave emergency time ap- don the responsibilities in Palestine BRATION OF BALFOUE gathering' on the campus, proaches,' warned Mr. Brov£n. " T h e which the British government has vol- in some quarters that the change of now attending Sunday School to It has opened new Toads. It allows DECLARATION. Jews, in order to establish the effec- untarily assumed before the whoie government may mean a change in this institution. A splendid corps people to mix as never before. It is Jerusalem, Nov. 1.—(Jewish Tele- yielding, however, the many demands tiveness of the feeding program that world as defined in the mandate re- Zionist policy, I am thoroughly con- of teachers has been secured un- the mixing of people that will on some graphic Agency)—The Arabic papers having boen accompanied by thrr: .ts has broken the famine, must imme- cently endorsed. The labor party be- vinced that these fears are unfound- der the direction of a competent far day turn the trick. This idea that here carry a manifesto issued by the of violence. diately enlarge the scope of their lieves that the British people must ed. England needs the Jews in Pal- principal. Many more children money is all there is to business is all Arab executive calling on all Arabs to work. Shoes and clothing are need- fulfill .their responsibilities in Palfr- estine just as much as the Jews need than are now enrolled can be ac- wrong. TJie present system of busi- go out on general strike ixunorrov; in Warsaw, Oet SI.—(Jewish Tdcgvs* ed bady and should be rushed in stine to the utmost in their power.'It England there. The British policy comodated, and parents are urged ness is simply an inheritance handed protest against the celebration of the phie Agency)—Conscription lias bco.ti great quantities to bolster the food also believes that these' responsibili- in' Palestine is fixed and unalterable. to take advantage of the training down through the ages. Doing some- fifth anniversary of the Balfoar de- ordered by the Polish military auand medical relief. Some plan should ties may be-fulfilled to ensure econo- Its .successful realization, however, being offered. Classes meet every thing for humanity through business claration in which the British gov- thorities in eastern Gaticia, it is rebe devised in America to get those mic prosperity, politically autonomy depends much more on the " Jews Sunday from 10 to 12, and Children should be the dominating feature. This ernment pledges itself to aid the Jew- ported. This is said to be opposed tft nrtieles of clothing for winter and and spiritual freedom, of both Jews themselves than on the Brifeh gov- can enroll at any time. idea is the warp and woof of my De- ish people in the establishment of a the "neutrality" ot ernment." its cruelty does not wait. question. national home in Palestine. . troit industry. and Arabs alike in Palestne."
Drs. Levin aid Rippii, Moled Zionist Leaders, Coming to United Stales
Prime Minister Bonar law To Consider AH Palestine Obligatioas
Be Extend^, Say$ Brown
Col Josiah Wedgwood, Paderewski Concert British Labor Leader, Cancelled Following Leaves for England Jewish Protest
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1922 Leona Katelman/ niece of the bride, The Jolly Eight entertained WedJEWS FEAR AGGRESSION IN nesday evening, having Mr. and Mrs. was the ring bearer. ROUMANIA. Schwartz and their out-of-town The ribbon stretchers were the Cienna, Oct. 31.—(Jewish TelegraP u b l l i h i a i t W l Thutoflaj M Omfchi. ^ ^ J * J phic Agency)—Wholesale assaults on Misses Anna Hearsh, Rose Schwartz, guests, as the guects for the evenTHE JEWISH PRES8 PUBLISHING COMPANY TO THE UNKNOWN DEAD Jews are reported by dispatches from Goldie Marcus, Frieda Goldberg, Ger- ing. ; Offlcd 482 Brandets Theatre BuUdlng.—Teiephonet Jackfion 2372. old Roumania and Bukowina to the trude Gininsky, and Eva Cohn. Miss The Misses Kettle and R08e Dr. Leon Solis Cohen Osjuedische Zeitung of Czernowitz. Rina Snyder sang "I Love You Truly" Schwartz of Leavenworth, Kas., and N A T H A N 13. GREEN, Manager. The attacks ate said to have assumed before the ceremony. She was ac-Misses Eva Ruben, Ann Hearsh of ....$2.50 Subscription Price, one year.............. »> -"• proportions or organized pogroms, companied by Miss Janet Gilinsky. Kansas City, Mo., left Wednesday Could you but speak, whose lips are c6ld» Advertising rate*, furnished on application. the agitation being carried on under The wedding inarch was played by evening for their home. Mrs. Max Fooled by fair words and baited breath, the eyes and the aleged connivance of Miss Ann Zalk and Janet Gilinsky. Katelman of Lincoln, will leave today " NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Proflta from the publicaBetrayed by. wily statesmen, old . the police. The out-of-town guests -present for her home. tion of The'..Jewish Pro*.v$r» to be «l»ea to worthy eommaqal cause*. In the ways of war and blood-red death. Wholesale dismissals of Jewish of- were Mr. and Mrs. M. Hi Schwartz, ficeholders in all government depart- Mr. J. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. David UIK Mr. atid Mrs. J. Mendelson entergB Your new born dreams stirred notes, Uncouth, ments are also reported. Particularly Hearsh,_the. Misses Anna Hearsh and tained Sunday evening for their relaNow in your silenced hearts abide hard hit are Jewish employes of the Eva Rubin of Kansas Gity, Mo., Mr.tives in honor of Mr. Mendelsoti'a SARAH DAVIDSON KULAKOFSKYi Warmecl orice, by the living flame of youth ' ministries of agriculture and Justice. I Schwartz, the Misses Rose and Nat- brother, Dave, who was recently marAs a piadd lalcq, inflects in its serene waters the forms of On the cross ,of hate Were crucified. alia Schwartz of Leavenwoftn, Kas., ried to Miss Gertrude Marx of Chithe trees bordering i£s mai'gins and sends their majesty back to Mr: and Mrs. Max Katelman, and cago, 111. heaven, so did the life of Sai'ah £>avidson Kulakofsky mirror the Can medals or inouthings consecrate Miss Elizabeth Sandlovich of Lincoln, peace and the beauty of earthly existence* The heartless luxury of your tomb; The milk of human kindness is quite NebV " ' "" • ' '' • / Around her, as around all of us, radiated influences, alluring Or can they ever recreate often watered. and distractive, beckoning away from the ideal of Judaism. Yet The lustre of your ill starred doom? The Ladies' Aid Society will hold Schwartz-Katelman. her home was;a ptronghdld of all that is best and finest in our The marriage of Miss Jeannie Its meeting Tuesday afternoon at the faith.^ Into <hei* social fttlid communal activities she carried the Katetman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.home of Mrs. Sam Friedman.. : spiritual, be§ ity $nd serenity of her family circle. J. Katelman to Mr. Samuel Schwartz, Active ip many communal pauses, she was content to serve son of Mr. J. Schwartz of Kansas The Evening Club was entertained r 2514 Cuming St. humbly, happiest in the knowledge of the. inspiration which she City, Mo., took place last Sunday Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. L. M. Braunstein. Mr. and gave -.to those who were associated with her. Men and women Jew, it has also greatly served the JEWISH CALENDAR. evening at the Grand Hotel in the Sunday, November 12, who have worked valiantly for the community found in Sarah Jew by evoMng from the soul "of the I presence of over 250 guests. Rabbi Mrs. Saitn" Schwartz, who were mar5683-1922. ried Sunday and several tnembers of Kulakofsky friendship and guidance, solace and comfort. Jew a measure of forbearance which Rosh-Chodesh Kislev ....Tuts., NOT. 21 Morris N. Taxon officiated. their wedding guests were the honorThe center of many movements, she held fast to her con-lid people on earth has ever been Chanukah (Feast of DedThe bride, who was given in mared guests; , Among them were the ception of what was befetand truest in life. Her ideals will live challenged to achieved We were, we icati&h) , Dec IS riage by her folks, was gowned in ZANE GREY'S ~for they were those upon Which mankind, in .the midst of life's would be, We shall be just to Christen- Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth , Dec* 20 white georgette, trimmed in sequins. M&sdantes Dave Hearsh of Kansas WESTERN STORY turmoil and struggle, has turned throughout the ages. dom whatever Christendom be to the Tebeth .. .._ _l.Fri., bee. 29 Her long tulle veil made in a cap City, Md.rand Max Katelman of LinA true woman of Israel* Sarah Davidson Kulakofsky leaves Jew. : shape, was held with a band of se-coln, Nebr., and the Messers. Morris 5683-1923. and Frank Schwartz of Kansas City, behind a memory that-will forevet be a blessing. Rosh-Chodesh Shebat™Thurs, Jan. 18 quins. Mo.-. ; Rosh-Chodesh Adar Sat., Feb. 17 Miss Fannie kateiman, sister of the AMERICA AS THE CENTER Oft THE JEWISfc CtJLTiJRE. Purim (Feast of Esther) Fri., Mar; 2 bride, was maid of honor; Mrs. S. The recent arrival in this country of such men as Professor Rosh-Chodesh Nisan Sun., Mar. 18 H. Katelman, matron of honor, and Elbogen t>f the_s <Jiidische: Hochschule of Berlin and Dr. Felix Passover (Pesach) Sun., Apr. 1 the Misses Esther Zalk and Natalia Perles of Kqenig^berg; who are to serve on the faculty of the iwartz served as bridesmaids. Mr. Passover (Seventh Day) Sat., Apr. 7 Senator Henry Cabdt Lodge, senior fcewly organized Jewish' Institute of Religion, emphasizes anew senator .nk Schwartz was his brother's Rosh-Chodesh Iyar Toes., Apr. 17 Massachusetts, who, as 'the contention Of feeding thinkers that America is destined to chairmanfrom best man. The Messers. Morris Levy, Lag b'Omer Fri., May 4 the foreign relations Nathan Kasselman, Joe and Maurice become the Very Center of Jewish culture within the next committee of of the senate, sponsored Rosh-Chodesh Sivan —.Wed., May 16 Katelman were the ushers. little 3tevp years. '. j •'. , the joint resolutionShabouth (Confirmation) THE NEBRASKA presents a definite proposition to clothes the esDay) ................. ...Mon., May 21 Miss Marian Katelman, sister of the ^j No effect of therwar has been more notable than the depriv- tablishment of thefavoring buyers. A positive opportunity to save money. Every national home, Rosh-Chodesh tammuz ....Fri., June "5 bride, was the flower girl. I ittle man must, in justice to himself, inspect ation suffered by Jewish scholars in every part of the bidmade the following statement: World. Not over prosperous in a material sense even in normal "The Jewish people are indeed to Rosh-Chodesh Alb „.. SaU, July 14 Nebraska's Super Value .Sun., July *1 'jimeSj teachers and preachers of Judaism in Central and East- be congratulated.on the final decision Fast of Ab ,„!. . Suits and Overcoats MRS. B. E. ROSS ern Europe have sincje^ the war been in a moat deplorable con- and disposition of the fialfouf reso- Rosh-Chodesh Elul .....Mon, Aug. •• 3 SYLVIA FOX —.Mbh., Sept 10 aition.and tales of suffering and privation that beggar descrip- lution and, so far as it cart be done New Year's Eve. Choose Today from tion might be told of:sqme/of the men to whoin the cause of the Jewish, peopde now have the opTHE WEST'S LARGEST SHOWING OF THE r A t E S * STYLES ASD CREAJewish learning will always be indebted. portunity to establish a national homg AMERICA'S BEST CLOTHING TIONS IS? FtTRS AT GREAT SAVINGS In these days, 4t is practically impdssible for these men to in Palestine, to which they are so s64% So. ieth St. at Lowest in the City Prices. maintain themselvesdn-the lands in which for so many years deeply attached by the profouhdest One Flight Up. Opposite Hill Hofel. Belted Ulsters and Semi-Conservative and they have lived and labored. Emigration from their homelands sentiments, arising from their long Ulsterettes Sport Suits is their only possibility of salvation. Perhaps a few for senti- history and from the .pa: V which all mental reasons may turn to Palestine, but th6re, too, it is en-people feel to the country of their tirely likely that their hardships will not be 'entirely overcome. origin and. which, contains places Unveiled at Opening What more natural, therefore, than! that they should turn to sacred to their religion. It has been TabletJewish Save $10.00 Here EXTRA PANTS at Theological School America as their haven of refuge and that, coming hither, they a great gratification to me that I was —Compare Chiropodist and Beauty S7.50 in New 1fork. Shop .will bring with them ran impetus to research and study along able-to assist in a' measure in bringOvercoats at AH Prices Other Quality Suits Established 1&0O Jewish lines, and thaVas a result, Jewish culture in this coun- ing about this result by reporting to New York.—The memory of Jacob 15th and Harnry gtrert*. the senate the resolution favoring the try will receive an added stimulus. to to Pbon* Dooelai S333 natiohal home in in , ^^h o was perhaps the In bringihg the nien mentioned to this country, Dr. Wise establishment of a national SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY i k ^ s t benefactor bf the Jewish has done a real seryicej but we believe that these gentlemen Palestine, which, as you arfe w e l l«• are only the. forerunners of other great scholars who will even- aware, has passed both houses of con-1 by Theological.9Seminary, w6s ^n° n o«a instructors, alumni and'stuANNOUNCEMENT beii By" tually find their way to this country. Each one of them vsdli '^i i f 3 B h dentsthe of the institution at the openRev. E. Fleishitian bs a spur to scholarly research oh the part of many native president." ing assembly of the seminary Sunday<tm MOHL" W-Ll HOtlMAM.' Americans, so thiat it may be fairly predicted that within-anOMAHA. Ni£U. night. A "tablet in his memory, Moved into his new home at ARABS ABJUR ELECTION other few years the center of Jewish scholarship will be shifted 1342 So. 25th Street, which has been placed by the graduCORRECT APPAEEL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: BOYCOTT. i'rom the Old World t$ thisv—"Detroit Jewish Chronicle." Corner of Wdolworth Avenue. Jerusalem, Oct. 31.—<Jewish Tele- ate rabbis at the entrance, was unTel. Atlantic 6637. graphic Agentey)—The executive com- veiled. The second respohsibility that fests mittee bf the Moslem-Christian Union On accepting the bronze memorial, upon Christianity is the bbvibus.. one ha sdecidgd to revoke the resolution of Dr. CyrUs Adler, acting president of iMch grows but of the false andi in the ^congress .of that body which met the school, revealed another instance its sequeale1, infinitely hurtfui teach- at Nablus'in" August calling for a boy- of the late philanthropist's modesty. Bjr Dr. Stephen S.Wlsi§. About 25 years ago, said Dr. AdInstead of dealing in general- terms ng that Jews as Jews are resgnosible cott by the Arabs of the electiohs of with the theme: How can a better for thfe manner bf the dteath of Jesus, members to the legislative council, ac- ler, Mr. Schiff decided that the semiUnderstanding be arriveS ait between in all history there has been no more cording to a report in the "Al Salam," nary required a suitable building. The 'Jew arid Christian in'America? and deep and hurtful injustice than has an Arabic daily here. site was founil a t 531 West One Hunthe further, withal identic, question: been wrought by the over-emphasis Jewish ex-service men are voicing dred Twertyrthird street. When the •What Can Christian churches- do toupon Jews as the fitayers of Jesus and their indignation of the decision of architect's plans were brought to him offstet prejudice? I venture'to offer the urtder-emphaBia upon Jews as thethe" government not to make further for consideration, Mr. Schiff found & concrete example of whal one group bearers and bringers of Jesus. grants of land for their settlement. that provision was made for the placin Christendom in our lahd is' doing, And a third reason, perhaps most They havfe bfeen informed that no dis- ing a tablet in the structure with afc it has come under niyob'servation, binding of all, to move Christian position can be made of the govern- the inscription, "This building was ih order to bring about a finer, juster churches consciously to do battle ment lands in question pending* the erected for the Jewish "Theological understanding between 'Jew andagainst existent prejudice respecting surveying of all lands. This survey Seminary by Jacob H. Schiff." Withthe Jew ought to be found in that may take two years. Christidn. out a moment's hesitation, said Dr»' For & nuumber of yearsj as many SB consciousness of reparation owing to Meanwhile, a group of Jewish ex- Adler, the philanthropist took his pen five or more, the Hartford Theolog- the Jew for nearly nineteen centuries service men exploring the region south and struck out his name, saying he ical seminary, affiliated with the Coh- of Christlessness, which have been of Rear Sheba has been unable to did not wish it to be mentioned. gregatlohai church, has seht its grad- suffered by .Christ's people. find water, which will probably result When the building was completed, uating class in a body fo New York I have said to these young men of in the withdrawal of the government the officers asked if he would allow ih order that its members "might,- be- whom I have spoken: We gave you offer for that area too. a portrait to be made and hang in fore graduation familiarize, them- light and you have bound iis in darkselves with the city's" outstanding so- ness; we have blessed you with Jesus ROUMANIAN PAPER CONFIRMS the seminary hall. -"During-my lifetime," Dr. Adler quoted the benefac—• dai arid religious institutions..; Tear and you curse us with Christlessness; REPORT OF EXCESSES IN tor as saying, "I do not wish to have "1 after year, under the' guidance of a we gave you your best, and to us in ROUMANIA. member of its faculty-, thte members return you have done your worst in " Boucharest, Nov. 1.—(Jewish Tele- any memorials «f this sort}" of the class have come to me in order his name. graphic Agency)—Anti-Jewish ex- Rabbi Max Drob unveiled the me; that they might hear my word on Nothing ccraid be more un-messian- cesses are reported to have taken morial. "To the world," he said, "Mr. i what can -be done bjPmen In \he ic that the attitude of Christendom place in Jassy, Vasslau, Barland, BuI Christian ministry in our land in or-toward Israel, the people of Jesus, sea and other towns of Moldavia, ac- Schiff stands pre-eminent as a phiI uer to lessen, and indeed to bvercdtne, though I do not forget that there cording to dispatches of the local lanthropist—one who responded wil-* t * j prejudice that obtains against have been in every generation Chris- paper "Adverul." lingly and gladly to the cry of chari the Jew as Jewi - -: tian men and women who have borne The propaganda against Jews is t J e s - B u t to us the alumni of this I have tried to point out to these themselves as the new brothers and lead by Professor Virgila Pfopescu, institution, he was the patron of Heyouhg men that a threefold respon- sisters of Jesus toward his elder Who s tryingg to organize a Christian | b r e w literature, the Maecenas who g sibility rests upon the' Christian brothers and sisters. . national association on the lines of helped Jewish scholarship. It- was church or 'churches* and above all Itis to themselves' chiefly and toth6 awakening Magyars in Hungary. Jacob H. Schiff that made possible upon those who are responsible for us Jews only secondarily that Chris- The leaders of the Jewish commun- the erection of the seminary; that the guidance of Christendom. tians owes it to be Christian, to be the ity have addressed themselves to the made possible the translation of the • FOURS end SIXES For one thing, Christianity is a followers of the Jew who commend- government with an urgent request to Bible; that endowed this institution daughter-religion of Mother-Israel ed love, who commanded forgiveness, take energetic measures. The govern- with his money and greatly enlarged Prices range from $915 to pigof. 0. b. factory Christianity is rooted Jn.-rthe soil "who. bade men rise to the sublime ment published a statement today, our library; that erected the Teachwhence the faith -of- Israel grew. heights of brother!jness. promising to.-puhsh severely the stu-ers College here and in Cincinnati/' Christianity is directly and But,,itinay b? asferd, have,Jews no dents faf Jassy who have been responSunday night marked the cpnfer ately related to the religion^of Israel, duty Jo Christendom ? May it not be lsBIe ring of the highest rabbinical award l l for f the h excesses there. whether one hold that-it be cpm-pleted asked of us what we, as a corporate a seminary can give. It was the community, Jadaism, or 'with Darnistetter that it religious g y, be Just J to ChrisChris RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT FACILI- "Hallarat Horaah," giving the rebe a Jewish hersey> or, with :usk who, tians and to Christendom i We may TATES EMIGRATION. cipient the authority to make deciJ a r e ansivervingly loyai members, of be, we. are, weTEive "always-been jujit : Moscow, Nov. l.(—Jewish sions in Jewish iaw. The first gradii}' tofe'House of Israel, tnat~it Wwide-; so honored by the seminary ? ly, divergent from~%h& feftK of Jesus! Louis Finkeistein, "who reJ theJewv / , ,_j , . . „. ceived his rabbinical degree in 1919 e<Pfi*4chliigr\ of, Je^ds. the; Jew. *^In- any event* jChristianJty is'in!-' tnc6 of pafispiorts for Ihose who 1 a n d secured his Ph. D. at Columbia 7-ii&UJie**r.' befen • uttjtikfc, And! T«#JWni pogroms of tM HSvolu- L ^ pre Vi OUS y e ar. in; fee i>rei«nee of, mtfimitatrioiiir Inp here as j Memberr of the Schiif family att ^oXitrtQlationship'tlftteW. •This justice aha yrong inflicted tipon the : tnfetemi-1 "J£JHF% apart from Jew by ChriBteiiddth, the 'Jew has not RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE of govefrtM. Warburg:, a di * Schiff, "~ s abiding been uftforbearihg to tb% Christian; Tenth and Howard Streets ftxetasive Local Factory RepreseatstiTta j.rector of the seminary, and Mrs, F<Jr nearly two millennia the Jew km Photte ATlantk 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) been Schooled by to y teasbh of the $r&4N t s h Le*4s t h e W o r l d t& M o t e t Cftr V&ta* a 'te&m feis than it-is to;' tices of Christfendom in the ihenti«h Wlten fai Ms misish Press"" Sa,
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mate of Miss Lapidiis, Twill visit" dur-T At the public card garty that is to were made~f or dances to be given on it now. -1 agree -that Palestine is a communicator! issued by the town ENGAGEMENTS k l^fr wiih Miss Mildred IIbe given Christmas and New Year's Eve. Mrs. Flora Rosenstock announces ing tthe week-end separate obligation arising- from com- council. All contractors who work for Cohn, who is attending the Chicago tors of the Wise Memorial hospital The following men have answered mitments concerning the construction the town council are exclusively the engagement of her daughter, Jeson Wednesday evening, November 15, the first call for basketball practice: of the national home for the Jewish Arabs. The papers say that these sie," to Mr. Dave Edsenstoek of this University at Chicago, 111. at the Brandeis Tea Booms for the Paul arid Leo Konecky, Dave Chesno, people from which we cannot recede conditions are becomin gscandalous. city. No date has been set for the Mr. and Mrs. Stbller eileftainea benefit of the Nurses' Home, a variety Sam Freiberg, George Bernstein, Ed- whether we think'it right or wrong." The vast Jewish population in Jeruwedding. at dinner Saturday evening and a&ain of prizes will be awarded, A nuaiward and Isadore Lerison, and Wil- JadGJSuo a shrddwdarahamh a rat salem is treated worse, the paper says, on Sunday evening honoring their son, ber of the prizes have already been liam Wintroub. The club has entered WEDDINGS Max's Barmitzvoh. Covers were laid contributedj among them are: A ton •WORSE THAN POLAND"—AC- than in any anti-semitic towns in the Gate City League, Class A. Poland. for twenty-five guests at each tecep* of coal, an auto tire* two Rialto seaSherman-Grawoig. CUSES JERUSALEM TOWN lion. , The marriage of Miss Beatrice COUNCIL OF ANTI-SEMITIC ion passes, electric lamp and iron* LIBERAL LEADER TAKES STAND Grawoig of Chicago, 111., to Mf. Nat6 POLICY. AGAINST ZIONISM. Rabbi Frederici Cbhn will leave etc Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs^ 5. Jerusalem, Nov. 2.—(J. C. B.)—The Tickets are 75c each, purchaseable London, Nov. 2.{—J. T. A.)—HerSunday evening for Kansas City, Mb., Sherman of this city, -will take place to hear Dr. Morgenslerh, president of the memb'eis of the committee or bert Asquith, speaking at an election daily paper "Dora Hayom" publishes Tuesday evening, Ncyember 14, in Of the Hebrew Union College of Cin- at the Brahdeis Grill Rooms on No- meeting today, expressed himself today an alarming article, drawing Proprietor of Chicago at the "Wrightwood courtagainst Britain further remaining in the attention of the public to the anticinnati, 0., talk at the Temple. A vember 15. house. Following the ceremony, the Jewish riiunicipality. Of the officials The committee consists of: The Palestine and Mesopotamia. "It is number of Rabbis from the neighyoung couple will leave for a several Mesdames M. S. Miller, N. P. Feil; necessary," the leader of the indepen- employed by the town council, only boring cities will attend. weeds' honeymoon trip in the east, Harry Rosenfeld, Edward Trellerj dent liberal party declared, "that we nirie are Jews while 164 are Arabs. after which they will arrive in Omaha The Omaha Junior Hadassah will Sam Newman, Frederick Cohn> I. cut out external commitments in Among approximately 1,000 laborers, 1702 North 24th Street. to make their future home.; entertain at its seeond of a series of Ziegler, J. J. Siosburg, jr., B. A. Sim- Mesopotamia, Palestine arid anywhere there is not a single Jew. In spite of Phone Webster 2095 Miss Grawoig is well known in the mandate which made Hebrew one bridge luncheons at the Blackstbne on, S. Wertheimer, L. Sommers> I. else, to the bone." of the official languages of the counOmaha, having visited here on sevhotel Sunday aitieihboh,~ Noveniber Kbsenthall, Leo Rosenthali, A. B. AlThis statement is the first public eral occasions with her sisters, Mrs. 12. Prizes will be given at every pirin, William Hoizman and Harry announcement made by Mr. Asquith try, it is not being used in any official Jess Pregler and Mrs. A. H. Diamond. table. The money raised from these Wolf. against iZonism, and is attracting Mr. arid Mrs. JV Sherman and affairs go towards the maintenance much attention in- the entire press. Barry H. Lapldm. Pres.-TreM. The Friday Evening Bridge club The conservative press welcomes his daughter, Jeannette, patents and of their adopted orphan in Palestine. JOE. Pepper. Vice-Presiaent. met last Friday evening at the home statement arid contrasts it favorably sister of the groom, are leaving SatW. G. Vn. SecretatT. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis will en- of Miss Esther Brown. Prizes were with Bonar Law's pro-Palestine polurday evening to attend the Wedding. -A complete stock of tertain at bridge at their home Thurs- won by Miss Lillian Kooper and Mr* icy. **We hail Asquith's party," the Mrs. A. H. Diamond will also attend day evening. Jack Mafer. The next nieeting will conservative papers declared, "bethe wedding. • • . . ... be held at the home of Miss Hannah cause they are the only consistent COMPLETE STOKE AND Mrs. Alexander Rubel bf Minnea: Sdinmer. OFFICE OUTFITTERS opponents of Palestine. Lord Grey, Miss Sophye Fayman left Monday polis, Minn., will arrive Here Friday Asquith, Maclean, Simon, have proWe occupy evening for New York .city on a busito visit with her parents, Mr. arid Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Landeaur and ever 70.000 Eqnare feet claimed what we had hoped Bonar Also a supply of ness trip. st Cornet Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun. son, Joseph, of Lincoln, ill., are exLaw would." lilcrenth and Denclaa Streets. pected to arrive in Omaha the latter My Famous Home-Made A baby son wa$.born Monday evenMrs. Morris Levy will return to rhonf: Jackson 2734 part of the week to make their fu- The statement made by Asquith is OMAHA. NT5B. ing to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs at Dill Pickles. Omaha today after spending several ture home here. Temporarily they in contradiction with his speech in the the Stewart Maternity hospital. weeks in New York City, upaii her will reside with Mrs. Landeaur's house of commons last March when return from ah extended trip to mother, Mrs. Kate Grotte. the house, contrary to the decision of 3 Mrs. 3. B. Gilinsky will be hostess Europe with Mr. Levy* the house of lords, voted for the acto the members of the Priscilla dub at ceptance of the Palestine mandate by Mr. Sain Guttman returned this her home Thursday afternoon, NoMiss Rose Minkin and Miss Mary Britain. He declared then: "I will week from a visit to California. vember 16. '. -y Yabroff, students at the University not say what I think of Palestine. I of Nebraska, will arrive tomorrow to never said it arid do riot propose to say The members of the Board of the spend the week-end with Miss MinYMHA TROOP 62 Council of Jewish Women will meet kin's parents and to attend the Oma*froop 62 held their regular meeting Monday afternoon,- November 20, at ha Junior Hadassah Card Party Sun- last Saturday with a fair attendance. Miss Rosenstock is secretary bf the AH Orders Given Frompt and the Jewish Cotamuhttity Center. Carefnl Attention. Jewish Welfare Association and is day aftemodh at the Blaekstone. We are now carrying a full line of Kosher prepared Dr. Nathan Dansky was kind enough Miss Eva Alpirinis in Kansas City, most active in charitable work in Jewto cbifae to the meeting to give a 30meats including, Corned Beef, Pastroma Beef, FrankMiss Jessie Rosenstock, secretary Mo., where she has been visiting for ish circles. of the Jewish Welfare Organization riilriute demonstration on bandaging. "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" furts, Wieners, Knockwurst, Thick Bologna, and SalaMr. and Miss Rosenstock are no rithe past two weeks with r ) itives Briindeis Thentre Bids.. and well known among-the. social cir- This was for Scouts who are passing Tel. Ja.2104291. So. l"tb St.. Omahn. and friends. She is expected home lation, although their names are thfe second class first aid. After the inmies. Also genuine Shmaltz herring and everything1 same. . • cles, who-Jr§ceritly ariouriced her en- struction period the scouts were seatthe latter part of the week. gagement, is be.irig extensively enterin the delicatessen line. Mr. and Mrs. H. Markel of Los An- tained. Mr. Lloyd Cohn entertained ed around to listen to the reading of The Council of Jewish. Women^have decided to discontinue" the showing of geles, Gal., announce the engagement Monday evening at an Orpheuin party the Troop's weekly paper. This was MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY TAKEN CARE OF. * ...FOR... the educational films that were to of their daughter, Florence, to Mr. followed by a dinner party at the the first number and the boys were DIAMONDS. JEWELRY all strongly in favor of it as was evibe shdwri during the winter months. Paul 1?. Cherriiss of Los Angeles, Brandeis Restaurants. Mr. and-Mrs. AND formerly bf Omaha. • Izidor Ziegler will entertain at a din- denced by their yells. The present The Nu Epsilon Gamma Society enSPECIAL PLATINUM Miss Markel is_ well known in the ner party Saturday evening, Novem- editors of the paper will continue tertained its members at 6 Steak Fry musical circles of Los Angeles as well ber 18, at their home. their work for a period of six months* . DESIGNING early Sunday inbrhirij*" at Etmwood as in-the social circles. after which time an election wiil be" ' see : •MiSs Annette Friedman of Jack- held to appoint ciiffereht ones. Harry piark- This was the-first Steak Fry 516 So. 16th St., (Opposite Hotel Rome) Mrs. R. Bloch announces the en- son, Miss., is visiting with her sisterr Levinson is still in the lead in the of the season that the club has given. gagement of her daughter,, Rose, to Mrs. Sam Meyer and Mr. Sam Meyer. Phone: ATlantic 4480 Diamond and Platinum ; Mrs. F . Wifthpsfter and daughter, Mr. Archie Kroloffj son of Mr. and She wiO remaihj here for several individual honor contest. The Eagles are still holding the Gold star. The Specialists Watch the "Jewish Press" for Our Pre-war Prices. 13a, have recently returned from a Mrs. Sol Kfoibff of Sioux City, la. weeks. : silver star goes to the Blackbear pa1514 Street. three months' trip to California^ No date has been set for the wedding. Established 1891. DO atlas 5619. Miss Ruth Sterriberg returned Tues- trol. Patrol standings are as follows: A reception will be held, to all 1 The Junior Welfare Organization Blackbear. 730 Tiger.— ___..65O day _ from, s, mpjith ^ jrisit, with_.j-ela-. i&eld its regulHrjrm*etiB^-5aaa^r--af- fxiends.rand_ielatis-es^bn Sunday af- lives and friends in <Ihicago, HI. La6ri_.,;™.....:o60 - 'Eagle™ ternoon at the "Jewish Community ternoon, November-i2, from 2 to 5 Center. Mrs. S. Nathan, chairman o'clock at the home of the bride-toMr. and Mrs. L. Ackerman invites YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. df the Immigration committee of the be brother, Mr. J. Bloch, ai 656 No. all their relatives arid friends to atThe regular meeting of the Young 27 St. Council of Jewish Women, addressed tend the Barmitzvoh of their son, Judea Senior Club will be held Sunthe girls on the Immigration prc'fem. Frank, on Saturday morning, Novem- day afternoon at the Jewish ComMlss'Estelle Lapidus, who is attend- ber 11, at the,B!Nal Israel Synagogue, The" remalriUer "of"tEi" afternoon was munity Center. spentf in sewing garments for the ing the Rockford College at Rockford, Eighteenth and Chicago streets. 111., will visit during the week-end Wise Memorial hospital. THORPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB with Miss EHnore Schrayer at Chi- "Friday evening,- November 10; . NEWS. . Mra. R. Snaden and Mr. Harry cago, HI. Miss Schrayer spent the Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen A regular meeting of the ThorpeSnader of Lincoln, Nebr., motored summer here as the guest of her "Four Years After," for his sermon into Omaha and spent the week-end uncle and aunt, Mr. arid Mrs. A. M. subject. Saturday morning he will iari Athletic dub was held Wedneswith Mr".' and Mrsr Julius Newmtnr. day evening at the club rooms. Plans Browar. Miss Ruth Wilinsky, room- lecture on "Armistice Day."
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Omaha Fish Co.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Staple Groceries and Fresh Fish
Steinberg Delicatessen
The Malashock Jewelry Co.
' The card tiarty to be given by Mrs. Julius Newman's sewing circle of the Temple Israel isterhood will be held dri Wednesday afternoon, November 15, at the home of Mrs. Norman Rotholz, at 1045 Park Avenue. Prizes •will be awarded for bridge and whisk For complete tables or individual reservations, call Mrs. Newman at Harney 6039, or Mrs. Rotholz at aHrney 4674.
The evenness of performance so often r©4 marked in Dodge Brothers Motor Cars is due, in no small part, to the thoroughness With which each unit is inspected durinjf the process^of manufacture and assembly^ A trained staff of 800 experts is employed1 in this work alone, and approximately 5285. individual inspections are made on each car,'
Mr. A. flerzberg left Monday evenIng on a business trip to New York city.
So exacting and rigid are the standards ap* plied to these inspections that the slightest variation either in workmanship or ma-« terial is instantly discovered and rejected,
Tfie Mesdames «J. J. Singer, William Harris, and Harry Rosenfeld were elected delegates to the Tri-State Sisterhood Convention to be held here December 4 and 5. The appbintment took place at the Sisterhood monthly meeting on Monday afternoon at the Temple. Mrs. Julius Rosenfeld and Mrs. I. New will entertain at a luncheon Thursday at 1 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Rosenfeld. Mrs. L. Hoffman and daughter, Shirley, of Kansas City, Mo., are visiting here with Mrs. Hoffman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. "The Mind in the Making" was the Subject of a discussion by Rabbi Frederick Cohn Tuesday afternoon at the Burgess-Nash Auditorium before the Children's Theater society. Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and -Mrs. Harry Fellheimer will enfertain at a 1 o'clock luncheon at"'the- home of Mrs. Rosenstock. • .. __ Mrs. Louis Nathan-will be hostess to the Ra Oth Society Sunday afternoon, ^November 19,_at her home. Twenty-five members were present Wednesday evening, November 1, at the 4<Hard Time' party given by^ the Junior Hadassah, at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs, B. Handler was sponsor for the evening. .
Mr. A. L. Miller of S t Joseph, Mo., will arrive the latter part of the week to visit here with Mr. and Mrs. H. Miller.
oyees To be successful, our organization must be composed of persons who have had careful and thorough training and who "are actuated by a spirit of helpfulness toward the public they serve. The best possible equipment cannot alone provide telephone service* The most important thing is the ' right kind of people to operate, maintain and manage -the-businessf; ..' -To heljjy-mslce bur employees contented and happy so they can work-cheerfully and without wprry, proper wages must be paid and insurance provided without cost for protection in case of sickness, accident, old age or death.
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that -we are' engaged—and that none to people who displeased-him as "little know," added Solly Rosenauer, not to be outdone." "We're going to have a other need ascertain slightest hope." rats." • But it is strange how the counsels concert very soon." Estelle turned on Harry Fink a look "With dancing ,tqo," said Dave, and of such-incredulous astonishment that of the morning differ from those of the diplomat almost* backed away. the night before. On Sunday David felt generous. By MAURICE, SAMUEL "Very nice. r Very nice, really. And But, true to the law of the inverse, Feigenbaum, though he still referred MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON • ' .. AUTHOR OF "THE OUTSIDER"' the more .frightened -he ' was the to his rivals as "little rats,' discover- don't ypu ever play chess in the club ? NEARBY COMMUNITIES. ed that the reputation jof Mr. Levy I think chess is such a good thing for i i IN T U B CH1CAUO SISNTlKSIb t bolder-he became; CHOICE FTRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. "Surest thing," .he repeated, with a was a dreadful thing. And on that the brain." ' the cause of- dissensions . which (Continued From Last same day the suavity of Solly Rose"Oh, we could play chess if we threatened to split the • Ytinretarf bravado which he knew .to be the "It was a' rather abrupt" way," she Club .at the roots and send the rem-last, last flourish of fear, the fren- naurer seemed to him an inadequate wanted to," said Solly, and felt a cold thing in the fact of the terror which shiver leaving his cerebellum and psaid, juat as carefully as" he. INVESTMENT SECURITIES nants toward destruction." - Thezied activity of the mad' sheep— surrounded- the name of Estelle's traveling downwards." What on'earth ind Harry Fink thought in his diplomat mixed his metaphors a lit- which Gladstone assures' us is the Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT Iantic 9555. father. And thus it came about that phecri—this woman has sized* me:up, tle, but his voice carried it off. most terrifying t>f spectacles. "Cer- at half-past three David Feigenbaum, did Mr. Levy want chess for, anyway i Maybe he was a chess fiend, and that jSho is all too certain; af-'Jjerself— "Me?" said Estelle, wide-eyed, but tainly," he said again, "tell them walking feverishly around the block way lay the path to his esteem. I and, deuce take it, she • J3n't overwe are engaged to be married." which contained Estelle's house, feeling en safe ground "In fact,. I^m very fond of chess," confident at that?' ' "But, Mr. Fink." • WASH AND KEEP WELL chanced upon Solly Rosenauer, en- said Qaye, and hoped there wasn't a "Yes, Miss Levy. And let me say came out with you here, Miss , Estelle's brilliant falsetto told the A i ^ f L E OF HEALTH gaged in the same curious exercise. that unless the effects of the conflict V he saidr reverting to gravity, diplomat he had scored heavily. In- "Hello, whatcha doing here?" Thus set in the .neighborhood, as all he you have caused can be stilled for could remember was the knight's FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY JSO I must settle withj ypu & stead of givinr him courage this i question T-hich is of vital importance another month, the Ytinretarf Club this, simply terrified, him-;—and his David Feigenbaum.' In his heart of move, because the knight could move . ; / / ' ISiS California. Street. , 'One of America's Great Hotels" will founder on the reefs and be hearts—whatever, that might be—he clean across the board in any direc! to the Ytinretarf Club." front became bolder yet.. spurlos ".versenkt." • felt a certain relief.' For in the same tion, which yas very simple. | A touch of solemnity," invaded the "Let them think what ithey like. It mysterious glance he had the convic"But what can I do?" "My grandfather was a very great j psyc> ^logical atmosphere.. nojAV'ithwill bring peace between Ffeigenbaum tion that Solly Rosei.auer was on the chess-player," "Miss Levy, are you prepared to said Mr. Levy, the na| standing the fact that' they were just andRosenauer, the., affair will be deV EFFICIENT »nd RESPONSIBLE I then "opposite an ice cream rparlqr and make a sacrifice in order to save cided on ;as a dance, 'and-;c'onceit—-and same quest andiilike.a real gregari- sal intonation returning. "He was unWHOLESALE LACNDKY. ous animal, he felt his courage rise. beatable, I should say. But I could I the same thought had coine to them from destruction a club which has t h e n . . . . " . •"...'•'• . ' / V ,. • . ' WTiere rour clothes come home never done you the slightest harm?" "Oh, nothing particular," said Solly, never persuade my daughter to learn Druggists and Stationers clGiiuer and last toncer. Sly.«_; , „,;».. ~i\,. "Vat, Mr. Finkl. What wi^ peopJe- indifferently, and then .throwing off chess. Nowadays, all they think of is St. "Oh,;yes, Mr. Fink." " 401-403-4C3 South loth Street ".'Of vital importance to tHe Ytinsay? ; What will my parents say, pretense,"Well, I was just going up dancing and concerts. H A. JACOBBEUGER. Pres. Of course, "Then, Miss Levy,' permit me to fetarf y p ; -what... . .',' Her tone implied that the "Jliss Levy, you hav#< innpjcentjy been ann • -znce to the members of the club yellow- Jews; of Cochin Chjna and theto Miss Levy's. Coming the same dancing and singing are all right, but way?" j you can't-play chess while dancing or Omaha Office: 813 Donglan Street. Jewish troglodytes of Northern Africa . Omaha Phone Atlantic S556 FREDE. SIAW Fiewer Shop What could be more open-hearted, singing, can you?" ^seeSlousch) would all sha're in thethan that? It'took the heart of David Phone 104 ' " " '• ' '" Ford Transfer & Storage Co. ,"i stammered Solly and, thinkI.: .vEMHiGANS Emerson Laundry ,ge.n.eral consternation, . ,^.'_ The Best ot Everything. In Flowers nnd Feigenbaum with storm. B. A. FOEP. ing the problem over, grew firmer. ;CertifiecPPublic Ac0|u F. S. MOREY. Prop. j .Harry ; Fink was now. soaring on '••"Well,• yes," he confessed.. "I was "No," he added, quite certain this Confections at Moderate Prices. President and General Mnnasrer. UJ7:fton ff Ins Bprpjt .• - , 843 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater wings of unpremediiated daring. Connril Bluffs (Iowa) OfBce •Phone Webster 0820 ; going to see her. • So now we both time. * AUDITORS *A*O>' SYSTEMATIZEBS COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOW&. "Why, tell your parents that_ we are 924 So. Main Street. Phono 3G5 'Hmil G a m C. P. A. «V. M. Gnua THE LAUNDRY THAT know." "Of course, I'm not much of a Phone*: engaged. I understand ^jey would - "Why not?" asked Solly. "Let's be player myself," said Mr. Levy, exEVERYBODY LIKES. Doug;. <S3I - - .JJnr xtt&: B406 never stand for,.'a\ ttere pretense—so, frank with each other. I guess we're panding. "Pve never had time. I for the sake.of the Ytinretarf, they^ not so silly as to pretend we're rtoti never went "to college, don't you see, Carpenter Paper Co. too, must be deceived.", • • - 7 ,. Distributors of both not after the same thing." He and I had no advantages. But I ad-, OCR TREATMENT W I L L CONVINCE YOC OF Ot"R "But, Mr.-Fink.-". . ."Estelle real- became sentimentally broadminded. mire a good chess player." Western Bond—and High SINCERITr. ized that her protest was confined to "What's the good of carrying on this ' "Some day," said Dave, "I shall cerGrade Stationery Trust IJepiirtment. •jrf.l Safety Deposit Boxes. a monotonous reptition of Mr. Fink's game? Well go up-and find out to-tainly give more attention to the Omaha, Nebraska. andTimes name, but there w'a3 "nothing" more co- day, and let the best man win, Dave. game.". herent to say. "But, Mr. Fink. . . " And when it's all over, why, well : Mr. Levy looked out of the window. AlfPari* "I realize the gravity of--the step," shake hands and that's all there's to "Curious kind of weather, don't you :said Harry Fiak>-"lbut I feel that the it—" meaning that their quarrels think?" Ytinretarf Club is trembling in theneed no longer, in the phrase of Harrs "So undecided," said Solly. "You balance." > "Manufactured in Omaha" Fink, split- the Ytinretarf Club at the can't tell what it's going to be." "But" surely you must come and rotts and send the remnants drifting "It's very encouraging for chess," BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Mcnsy Sent tQ AU STEAMSHIP TICKETS speak with my parent? first," said to destruction.' WHOLESALE PAPER, Foreign Coup.t|ies said Mr, Levy. ' "An afternoon like Arrangements rnow jnndt^ With Soviet. Estelle, grasping something tangible STATIONERY, ETC. Gnvprnmenf fojr prompt-forwnrilinf»; of If there was wanting anything to this." pnssensers to America'. We turofab you at last. "I can't come home "one fine ceme'nt their common resolution it .was "Yes, it passes the time so," said Distributors for necessary blanks., e t c . to fill out. evening-and tell them I'm engaged." . Dave, and wanted to groan. ; supplied just'as they went up the Palmers^ Stgamshrb Agency |708 Farnira St. Pink Tip Matches — ; . "No it isn't do ne," said Harry steps and pressed the button. The 1909r H n r n e ' y . - S t r w t . ^ . T e l . ,J«Rl»soii 55C71O we could have a little Northern Toilet Tissue Fink, thoughtfully. "Let me see, now. buzzer was' bounding ,when Harry game,," said Sir. Levy, who did not f ' \ Tomorrow is Sunday. The next meet- Fink, grave, unmoved, turned the cor-(have 1112 Harney Street even Dave's misinformation ing'of the Ytinretarf is on Wednesday ner, spied them -and raised his hand i abqut the game a t his command. — EEI-US* OO*YQL'R WELDING AT Iantic 6409 • and' if we make the announcement to- from a distance. Too late now to stop "Oh, that's very nice of you, Mr. morrow there will be tinie enough for and debate ^with him..- The imperious Levy," said Dave, utterly confounded the news' to reach David -Feigenhaum buzzed dem'atttled that they push the and1 swearing inwardly that in a THE CAREFUL WELDERS ' • and Solly Hdsenauer. Next WednesTel. JA. 4397. Anything-:: Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. day, thai,'ths problem ofttbe- 'affair1 door open afld they obeyed. But aweek's time he would be a master of flush of determination ran through the royal game. "But I don't think I will be" settled and. wh.en the aff air is both of them;r Not that pale traitor could manage. We were just passing COUNCIL BXCTTS. IA. over we can announce our engage- Was to Wirifthe day. -One of them- this way, my friend and I." Service is Oxir Motto ment is of f." "Yes," came in Solly seeing the " Temptation Besets You selves, it mattered little now which Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. same danger ahead. "We just thought .-y-'When You Enter ; Something in the coolness of hisoneit'was td! bd. • calculations'touched a cord of resentEstelle opened the door to them. we would drqp in and make you acCANDIES. -ICE CREAM, ment down in Estelle's unconscious"Why this.is a real pleasant sur-1quaintance. But we have a meeting." - > HUNCHES."—v *—•» *~ ness:- Wh'at! Could any man talk of prisel""she" exclaimed, as skiful as a "It's" the executive of the club. And ifeeing,engaged to her—even in jest—- hostess who has passed through a we thought we'd just step in on the Kind;! I so coolly,' so'1 easily, without; at least: lifetime of lying. "I'm really glad to way." r BUTTER and EGGS of Insurance a passing'regret that the jrame was see you. It's going to rain and I hate "That's too bad. Estelle, my dear" Council Blaffs, la. 03S0. ; not- more 'serious than it was supposed to be alone on a rainy afternoon; —she had just come in with a well- 209 'VT. O . ' 16th and Farnam Streets to be? / there's only father in the house laden tea-tray. "I'm sorry to say i Cfytstal,iCandy Company '; "Wei?; I take it that you agree," (only!) and he's so interested in the your .friends can't stay to have a. ,16th':and Capito} Aye. said "Harry Fink, and they were al- Sunday comics, and I-was just hoping game of chass with me. Isn't that too bad?" most at'Estelle's house. "And I shall for some good company." Blade by "Papa! but you can't play—and She covered up 8 vague dismay at take the liberty of calling at your UNDERTAKERS UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST tr-r house tomorrow afternoon, my at four the thought of the impending call of j"we havn't a chess set in the house," 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. o'clock, in order to be presented to Harry Fink. Dave and Solly came in, It flipped from her before she could Phone JAckson 1226 ;. BISCUIT;CO. O3IAKA. NEBRASKA. feeling absurdly foolish and m the* j remember that her father was liable my—to your parents." v, > l i t parlor, with its voluminous couch and > at times to make wild challenges. Snow White . He.left a slightly dazed young worn-: chairs, were introduced to Mr. JLevy. "Oh, that's nothing-," said Mr. Levy, an at the.top of the stoop, and as Bakeries Top and Body Building "Pop; this, is Mr. David Feigen- completely at ease. "Mr. BoruchowFOSTER-BARKER (Rre- O; S. t a t . he went homewards thoughts and and Repairing. ski, upstairs, has a wonderful set, it's baum and this is Mr. Solly Rosenauer. Office.) phrases of en entirely undiplomatic CO. INSURANCE Curtains—Lights—Etc nature danced confusedly throUgh his You know. This is my pop. And a pleasure to play with it. And your please do excuse me for a few min-j friends were going to teach me. But "If Its Worth Anything V City National Bank .brain. FFEIFFER utes. I was jtsst going to make some]I really won't disturb them any long—Have It Insured." i The club that he had left behind tea for pop and so now we can all ,er. I think i l l go in and have a look 2SS5 Learenworth St. AT Iantic 0701 of COUNCIL BLUFF'S him that evening has early dispersed. have it—"and she was gone. .We pay 4% Interest o'a Savins j at a cefer Mischnais. I was very Big David FeigenbauBi had taken his 'Tm very pleased to meet you, gen-lg'»^ *<» meet you, gentlemen, very and Time Deposits. JAckson 1862 things, savagely and left alone. Solly ,tlemen,"<said Mr. Levy, pulling his , glad to meet you, indeed." • Safe Deposit Boxes for.Itent. ' Rosenauer had pretended to be nn-moustache -with the hand which he <Tp Be Conchaled Next Week.) ; moved, and offered to take home Sa- did not extend to them. "Very pleased; Wholesale . die KbrsM, who had lorded ifcbefore in fact, I'm delighted," Fruit and Vegetables REPORT NEW SOVIET , • the coniing of Estelle,/and; "who said1 The trouble of it with Mr. Levy TO AND FROM ' PERSECUTION OF ZIONISTS N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. ,. she didn't like the plump type,, afty-; that he was-an artist. If he had Berlin, Oct. 10. (J. a B.)—Soviet ALL PARTS OF v,way, and ity wasn't ref pined, not at was been offensive - effusive one could ©facials have; jsmewed their repres• awerl, in'fact, and she. was glared, aw- have got offended and withdrawn with sion of Zionist activities in Russia, acTHE WORLD f «l..gkffe<Vshe was slim and Pale, and some degree of dignity. But he hov- cording to advices here from Minsk, Miss Korski had snubbed Solly Eosen- ered so sKEfully on the borderline Moscow.and other centres.. M. Am- VAL. J . PETER St COMPANY auer and he had taken it with a smile that the poor victim kept on hoping j dursky, a noted Minsk Zionist, has 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. 'Oittahafs Newest Sport Goods Store and had taken home Miss Vilenski, against hope- that Mr. Levy really; been arrested at Minsk and brought OMAHA PILLOW CO. ATlantic 0340. Feather mattresses made from your who was graceful and didrt't care who meant it and was making an excep- to Moscow, a report states, charged own fentbers. Cool In Summer—Warm took her home. • In , Winter. Cost less than felt" beds Cotton Mnttressfs made over in now j . But,for all his suavity Solly Rpse- tion this time and then he would su- with anti-government activities, ticks at halt priw of new'beds. spect that Mr. Levy was making fun number Of others are said to have fled r 1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 naurer harbored emotions dangerously of him and thus, trembling between following Amdarsky's arrest. , akin to thpse of David Feigenbaum. the two conclusions, his mind would It is said -that the new persecutions ... 1806 Harney Street " He: was astounded. He looked on gradually be reduced to utter impo- are due to pressure of the Jewish secPhone AT lantlp uflOJ Harry FjnVs action as a stab in thetence. • ' . ' - • • •• . tions. . < back; as the unexpected treachery of • J . C. .Crew. Ed. Burdjck. "Pleased to meet you, too," said A Store Mnnnered . «||(J.. Ru BALFQUR PLEASED WITH ORMSI0!> No. 16tb St. Tel. JA rkson 3128 an umpire," an unwarranted breach of both of them in turn. •' ' by 'Men- •who I'lny (he (j'utu ." Opposite Post-OtHpe. the tacitly recognized neutrality. BY-QORE'S APPOINTMENT. "Won't you sit down," said Mr. TUXEDOES, Latest Models :. Unknowingly, he came to the same Levy, drawling slightly under his London, 6. L. RBEVUS Nov. 2.—(Jewish TelegraS25.00 to S4O.OO . ~,. .. .; "RADIO" raging conclusion as less subtle David phich Agency)—Lord Balfour, speaknose. "Really, I'm sure I know both KOU SALE OR FOtt KENT. Y o u r position is [ -Everything for the Feigenbaum. Fath • or no father, he of you quite well already. My daugh- ing today at an election meeting in correct, and should j.was going to call on Estelle the next ter tells me so much about this club, Edinburgh, was interviewed by Rabbi "EVERY KNOWN KIND". afternoon. He was going to show her S. Daiches. LoTd Balfour declared he don't you know., Very nice club, very be s u p p o r t e d by Kaplan Auto Parts Co. A i m e r H. K e i p i a n ' 'that a future general practitioner, fine. Very nice name, too, the Bor-was pleased with the appointment of every fair minded 2111 N l r l « a { p c t . 1319 W. O. W. BWg. AT. 8034 though he. could tolerate honesty riv- uchowskL" Mr. Ormsby-Gore as under-secretary enra-boufrbt. sold, ojiff, exchanged. LION COAL CO. SPECIALS person. New' EP.I ra.v n h d\ n * fe «h n ft» alry, would not permit treachery. He "The Ytinratarf," said both of them of colonies because Mr, Ormsby-Gore . . . for ntfv. inbnlor Hannah Lump .would make her understand that the simultaneously: Tires, Tubes nnd ^ccii was known to him to be an enthsis• PAXTO.N; BILLIARD wife, of a general practitioner should Below Whoiesiifa l'rl«(f. "That's right, that's right," said Mr. tic supporter of the Zionist policy. He PARLOR be Above the diplomacy of a general Levy hurriedly.- "I was thinking of was sure that he would see things in •' accountant (i. e.,' Harry Fink) and • • . O l. •• i something else. Very nice club just' the right-light. Lord Derby also pub- j NICK S. WEANW, Proprietor Colorado Smokeless , that she ought to be inaccessible to the same. Didn't have that kind of licly expressed his adherence to the 1S1G Farnsm Stw*t. em Hoffmann Funeral Home. j cdups_d'etat even before ahe married. thing wSen T"was a boy, you know, j Palestine policy, i. e.,.that of Britain Theme JtA rkson «!30. Screenings ..„..; $ Delivered to Any Tart . I the. thoughts of David Feigen- I wa§,a}wrays|f6nd of .'chess.1*' remaining, faithful to her pledges to ' ViaU U&ceptaeleari->" tt of tfee Cityv i d h ^ * a i r frfv ex' *Oh, not itftfen*t'a'cijesff dnb; ex-"Palestine. G—Power cept that for practitioner he substi claimed Dave* "It's just plain social, j <• COAL CO. fluted Nearly -every Jewish family In Yonr subscription for "The Jew. dentist, and,-being over six feet and dancing.? ' When baying mention "The ,JewV'/Ainat 3034. WEbster2605/ ' " Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". ish Press" is d«e now. in heights he. automatically referred "And reciting arid concerts; you ish Preas" advertisers.
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