. -"The art ; • • of pleasing is the art of rising- in the world."
VOL. n.—No. 49
.Genius ,
and ambition laugh - at precedents. ' —Thayer.
Ente ** g • second-class mail inntter on- Januarj 27th. 1921. at nosti o* , Omahn. Nebraska, nniler the Act ot March 3. 1879.
"Openiouse" at Community Centei ^ This Sunday Evening
Plaits Being Formed to lake Dec. 10th BigB'naiB'rithDay
Jerusalem, (J. C. B.)—During the nine months ending Septem£ y ARTHUR BRISBANE ber 1922, only 5,8S9 Jewish imCopyright, 1922, by Star Company. ' migrants entered Palestine, ac- Synagogues and Organizations Committee Arranging Program Senior Group of YM & YWHA Republished from the* "Today" column in the New York American. cording to official figures just Take Part in Program _ of Interest to Public 1 Wifl Be Hosts to Young published. The decrease is acSunday Afternoon JMen and Women of City counted for by the fact that for TO SECURE P R O M - N E N T the period of four months follow- TO L E A V E CITY THIS SPEAKER .When the third, star, agp.eared in t outweighed" in the balance great EXCELLENT PROGRAM ARing the Jaffa riots in 1921, Jew. MONTH the evening, and! the sjbofar was piles of gold.and silver. But when RANGED; DANCING WILL ish immigration to Palestine was Omaha's annual B'nai. B'rith Day blown, the Jews ended the *Sebratiori a little dirt-was scattered over it, it BE FEATURED practically suspended. The entire public is invited to atwill be held, this year on Sunday* De- of their New Year-No. 568Sa accord- weighed nothing. Jewish immigration picked up tend the farewell program to be giv* cember 10.' V, • • : ing to the'Jewish calendar.; The first open-house membership Here is the explanation: clightly during October 1922, I en Sunday afternoon at the. Beth The committee consisting of Irvin * For five thousand six" hundred and program of the season,will be given "Great king, this fragment of bone when 720 arrivals of immigrants Stalmaster.as chairman, together with j Eamedrosh Hag-odol Synagogue, 19th eighty-two years the Jews have lastis the part in which the human eye by the Senior Group of the YM and the chairmans of the various other ed as a working, u&ited, intelligent, and Burt street, in honor of Rabbi enclosed, arid, although in' its ex- and pioneers were reported. YWHA on this Sunday evening, committees, are exerting every effort civilizing force on this earth. And tent limited,- it is nevertheless unMorris N. Taxon, -who will leave the November 19, at the Jewish Comto...make this celebration the. out- long before their calendar began, latter part of this month to begin limited in its desires; the more it munity Center at 8:00 o'clock. standing event in local B'nai, Brith- thousands of years before-calendars Ms new duties as Rabbi of Sheaarith. has the more it wants; neither gold The occasion will be a • reception dom and in the dty generally. - . Israel Synagogue, at Dallas, Texas. or recorded history existed, $he Jews nor silver nor any earthly -possession to Y members vrho have Joined the - Present plans of the committee-in? The following Synagogues ants orwere at work carrying their share is able to satiate its wishes. But,, Association since - September, but Bernard Simon. Honors Wife's elude initation of a large class of can- of the earth's burden. .',/ ganizations will have charge of the being once in the grave and covered every Jewish young man and woman didates', which will be Tield during the Memory - With Nucleus of afternoon program: Beth Hamedrosh with earth, .there it finds a limit for above 17. is-invited to attend. • afternoon, arid a public meeting, . Building Fund. ' : Hagodol, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas They have endured" and overcome all its eager desires." A special committee Tinder the which will be held in the.evening. An street and Adass Yeshurim Synadirection of J. C. Copelahd has ar- WAS RESIDENT OF THIS CITY attempt is being made to secure Rabbi brutality, superstition, persecution Episcopal Clergyman, 50 Years in gogues and the Omaha Hebrew Club, and the vile hatred that envies sucStupid prejudice, some of it in preranged a program that will serve Silver of Cleveland, O-, to be the prinService, Writes Book, Denying THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS. B'nai B'rith, and the City Talmud cipal speaker on the evening's pro- cess, and the worse hatreds based on tentious little private schools, some in Divinity of Christ. as a splendid introduction of the new Torah. religious intolerance. pretentious . big. Harvard College, •:-... . . members to the spirit of the Y. . As a memorial to his wife^ Mrs. gram. Rabbi Taxon came to Omaha five would discriminate' against the Jews 50 YRS., HE SAYS, IS LONG Songs, dances and recitations by Jennie Simon, 66, who was buried The issue of "The Jewish Press" of years ago and since that time has They have seen nations that drove and cheat them of education. ENOUGH CONSIDERATION been actively identified in all commembers of several* of the Junior Y Tuesday morning, • Bernard Simon, December 7, to be published;just beToo late for. that. The Jews know clubs, under the .^direction of Miss 129 North Thirty-third street, Tues- forethe B'nai B'rith Day celebration, them out, like. Spain and Portugal, munal work pertaining to the welfare (Associated Press.) education's value and will have it. go down. They have seen nations Mary Maizel, will feature the prowill be known as the "B'nai B'rith of the Jews. New York.—The Rev. Dr. Samuel gram. Among those who will: appear Number," and will contain many-fea- that welcomed them, ^ e Holland, Whether you enter public schools or Davis McConnell, once rector of Holy He has been especially active in private schools, to find Jews: LOOK ture articles/of interest to ^B^nai England and America, rise up. during this' portion of the .entertl City Talmud Torah, being chairTrinity church, Brooklyn, and for half They have seen their mother *ity, AT THE HEAD OF. THE CLASS! B'rith members. tainment are the Misses; Ida Tennena century a widely known clergyman man of its committee on education, In the.days of Tiberius the Jews Jerusalem, returned to her own peo> baum, Ethel Hurwitz, Anna Hurwitz of the Protestant Episcopal church, in and i't the Sunday school conducted went through their period of false pie. ."And they begin their year, five and Betty Steinberg. Miss Harriet a book just published, renounces the by the Deborah Society. thousand six ; hundred and eighty- and neglected education. They wast- faith upon which Christian churches Fleischman, a member of the Y He is a past president of the 3'nai three, more powerful in the world, ed time wrangling over "the law." are founded, dismisses as incredible dramatic 'class, will ^ive readings B'rith. He is on the board of direcmore useful to the world, than ever. Their children's minds were stupefied the miracles recounted in the "New and Mrs./ H. ,S. Kamen will sing a tors of the Jewish Welfare Federaa sare the minds of Mohammedan Testament and denies the divinity of group of songs. tion and of the YMHA, and a memWeek of December 3-10 Designated Whence come the power of the children today, with foolish repetition Christ A. social dancing hour will follow ber of the executive committee of the Pro-Falasha Week - • • Jews; their endurance, vitality and of meaningless formulas. A Talthe program. • The cover of the book bears the Zionist organization. . efficiency? Look for the answer in nudic maxim says:- . following: . The members of the_ Senior group New York.—With-the endorsement their history," ht Talmudic writings "Jerusalem was destroyed because of the 'Association are individually "I liave been for fifty years a of the Central Conference of American not to the ignorant lying of Jew the instruction of the young was neminister in a church. I entered the and. through these columns" extendRabbis; the Council of Jewish Women, haters. glecteed." ministry with_ enthusiasm, believing ing! a cordfaP.invitation Vto all and the United Synagogue of America, The Jewish mind sees, thinks and as I did that the church was the one "their friendisqtofattend, land to be an appeal Is - being made by the Jews, like others, -seek for-fpae, organization in the world of divine inworks clearly. come part of : the^gr6wiHgY organAmerican ProrFalasha- committee in money/ honor. But before all they stitution, that, it owed its.origin to Can Find. Peace of Mind Only ia ™ The «t»ry . Working for the Suffering, He Jesus Christ and that He was the The program will start promptly The program of the Pro-Falasha Cables After Tour of Russia. mainspring, is found in the maxims succeed." • . •' unique Son of God. I have been helat eight o^clock. j committee is not a work of relief, but of Gamaliel, Shammai and Hillel. "If thou hast acquired knowledge ucaritly led to the conclusion that none one .of 'educational and .religious, re. ,_ J Whe niron was created the trees what canst thou lack ? - If thou lack- of these things are true." David A, Brown will sail for Amferihabilitation of the Falashas. Schools ca on November 22d, to plunge into beagn to tremble. The. iron asked est knowledge, wiiat canst thou ac"Paganism in the Church." are to be erected for the children, renewed activity on behalf of Jewish "Why do you tremble ? If none of quire?" : • ' : " The church, Dr. McConnell believes, MRS. JENNIE SIMON ; normal school for the training of war sufferers. your wood will Join me, I shall reOther Talmudic saying-s on educahas in it much more of pag-anism than day announced tiie gift of $20,000 teachers and leaders. This, educational main harmless." In the cable announcing his intention are:' - - - •' * of the life of Christ, and he asserts for the City Talmud Torah. The work will include instruction in tion he says: It is the wooden handle of the steel "Do not' confine yotir children to that many, if not most, of the cereBut Will Not Give Jews "Exdnsiv. announcement of the gift was made hygiene and sanitation"After what I have seen of the sufIt is proposed to raise $35,000 axe that cuts down the trees. Avoid your own learnings, for they were monies of the church axe far older fering in the Ukraine, I am in no Privileges," Says Obregon. Tuesday by Rabbi Morris N. Taxon born at another time." than Christ, some of them springing, evil "and you are safe. throughout the United States, under who was conducting >the funeral "Teach the children of the poor) he says, from the time of primitive mood to spend the winter in Italy. I the direction of Rabbi Ephraim Frisch New Yor:, (J.. T., A.)—Although services. can find peace of mind only in work . . "Adversity is the true school of the without compensation, and do not man. of New York City as acting chairman, there is no question of granting "ex for the sufferers." "My wife and I have always been mind." favor the children of the rich." The known facts of the life of Jesus clusive privileges" to Jewish colon very much in favor of helping edu- and Rabbi J. Max Feis of New York This is the second time that Mr. Much wisdom is in that Talmudie "One who teaches a child is one Christ, Dr. McConnell says in a chapists in Mexico, President Obregon cate the Jewish youths of the city", City as director of appeal. Syn- saying. Brown has abandoned a planned winwho writes on dean paper."' ter entitled "Jesus of the Gospels," agogues, sisterhoods, lodges, fraternal states in a message to the Jewish g a j ^ ^ ter vacation in Italy. The first time "Honor the sons of the poor; it The history of the Jews proves its no would fill less than a column of newssocieties, women's organizations,, Telegraphic Agency that his govern-1 ^ ^ ' commemoration c"a nof was a little over a year ago when he her young people's societies and religious truth. Their enemies have forced is they who bring science into splen- paper space, and he says that far less ment is prepared to give "all kinds •..-.-. was drafted for leadership of the $14,« dor." ' success upon them. is known of Him than of several other of facilities to whomsoever might memory in a material way than by schools will devote the week of Sun000,000 national appeal for Jewish "Ignorance and conceit go hand in personages of the time. making this contribution in • her day, Dec. 3, to Sunday, Dec. 10, to come to colonize." war sufferers, after he had already . Young ladies and old might writo hand." His Brief Explanation. name." the campaign for the Falashas. This message is contained in a letDr. McConnell's explanation of his engaged transportation for Mrs. "He who instructs a child is as if Mrs. Simon was a resident of this Dr. Jacques Faitlovitch has just re- on their tablets this piece of Jewis] Brown and himself. ter front President Obregon's Secrebook is brief. wisdom: he had created it." tary in reply to an- inquiry by the city for the past thirty-eight years. turned from Abyssinia, with a mesHe will spend the interval in Lon"So far I have been silent," he says. "Cold water, morning and evening, "Without knowledge there can be Jewish News Agency; with regard to She was the mother of the late Ed- sage from these 50,000 Falashas, who, is better than all the cosmetics." don in connection with the campaign "I wanted to be sure before speaking. neither true morality nor piety. the conflicting reports concerning op- ward Simon, who * was a leader in until 60 years ago, had thought they in England for Jewish war sufferers. Fifty years is surely long enough for "Who are you whose prayers alone were the only group of Jews in the portunities for Jewish would-be set- various Jewish activities. consideration. Now I openly avow my have approval?" After the Great Alexander died, ah Mrs. Simon is .survived by. four world. He declares that Christian tlers on .Mexican soil; The letter is "I AM A TEACHER OF LITTLE convictions and leave it to the church POLISH STUDENTS TERRORIZE daughters, Mrs..,A. H. Kaiman and missionaries have made great inroads the earth's' nations created myths dated Mexico City, October 21, and JEWISH PUBLIC IN to do with me as it sees fit. But I about him. He was shown flying i i CHILDREN." the following is; the'"almost literal" Mrs. Morris Freiden of Omaha and on their numbers, and that the Fal- l i e clouds, traveling in the ocean's confess I do so with the hope that, The Jews now enter upon the 5683d translation supplied by an official Mrs. Harry Bloch'and Mrs. I.Hirshr ashas eagerly" await the educational depths. Lemberg, Nov. 2. (J. T. A.)—-300 year of th2ir era. They will live and after I have said all I have to say, assistance that American Jewry alone berg of El Paso, Texas, and three Mexican source: the church may decide that I, and anti-Semitic students, members of This is the Talmudic story. Turned work for thousands of years to come, is prepared to Tender. The work of such as I, have a place in its min"Having taken not. of your favor sons, Louis and Jake of Omaha and the "Rozwoj" organization besieged Dr.'Faithlovitch that had progressed away from heaven, Alexander took because they ' VALUE : knowledge, istry." of the eleventh of this month, the Max of Council Bluffs. today the Cafe Renaissance and terGET knowledge and USE knowledge. so successfully, only to be interrupted with him a small piece of a sknll. President of the Republic charges me Dr. McConnell is now living in re- rorized the Jewish guests there. Inby the recent world war, will now be to tell you that there is no question spite of repeated urgent requests tirement near Easton, Md. placed upon a firmer basis. of granting exclusive privileges to newly formed Faicisti Government from Jews, the police did not atHon. Mayer Sulzberger is honorary the Jews with regard to colonization, are anti'Zionistic," their anti-Zionism WILMERSDORF MUNICIPALITY tempt to stop the outrageous acts of chairman of the American Pro-Falbecause such privileges have been being not so much- a matter of oppoREFUSES TO HONOR the students. The Polish students asha committee, whose executive comr abolished by the Constitution under sition to the Jews as opposition to RATHENAU'S NAME. are today the center of anti-Semitic In commemorating the memory of jmittee includes George Alexander which we are governed, that the Sarah Davidson" Kulakofsky whose Berlin, Nov. 2. (J. T. A.)—The propaganda in Galicia. As was rePermenant Officers to Be Elected' ^ B r i t i s h ' policy. Their-Cabinet inKohut, Prof. Alexander Marx,of the Government of the Mexico is desir- funeral was held Tuesday, NovemMunicipal Council of Wilmersdorf, a ported only recently, Polish students eludes one pro-Zionist, Colonna Dice* Jewish Theological Seminary, J. Z. at This Meeting. ous of having colonized vast exten- ber 7, Michael ^Kulakofsky, Harry saro, Minister of Posts, who is the suburb of Berlin, has rejected a had even organized a strike to Lauterbach of the Hebrew Union Colsions of territory appropriated for Kulakofsky, husband of Mrs. KulaMembers of the local committee of ^"Chairman of . the Pro-Israel, an motion to rename Koenigsallee where protest against the abolition of pet-> lege, I^rsv^Harry Sterriberger, Exagriculture, and is willing, because kofsky, and Louis Kulakofsky, have ecutive Secretary of the Council of the Keren Hayesod held a meeting organization consisting of non-Jew- Rathenau was murdered, to Rathe- cent norm against Jewish students. of that, to give all kinds of facilities announced the'gift'of §3,500 to the wh ose Jewish Women, Rabbi Elias L. Solo- Monday evening, at whick temporary ^ menders .. Purpose is to nau-Allee. d to whomsoever-might come to colon- Free Loan Fund. tte Z ii oo nn ii ss tt ss tte Z This refusal is considered by the POLISH GOVERNMENT CLOSES mon, president of , the United . Syn- officers were elected and which re- " ^ » « > * ' « > * attempt tt oo ize them; that the Jews, if they POALE ZION PAPER AND Mrs. Kulakofsky.'was a leader in agogue of America, Arthur Lam-: suited in the following: I. A. Kulakof- eeess tt aa bb HH ss hh aa 3evd liberal press as an indication of the National Home i t d i th f l l i I A K k ^ National Home m desire to do so, may send their rep- various communal activities. Buriel ARRESTS EDITOR OF reactionary spirit which soon folPalestine. port of New York, and Harry sky, chairman; J. B. Robinson, resentatives to study the case thor- was at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol BUNDIST ORGAN. lowed the general public indignation Schneiderman of the American Jew- treasurer, and Dr. V. Levine, secretary! "~"~ ————— oughly so as to see whether the Synagogue, cemetery. i • '; ' • ish Committee. Warsaw, Nov. S. <J. C. B.)—The which the Rathenau murder has A special committee consisting of WORK ON RUTENBERG SCHEME established conditions are conveauthorities closed the Poale Zidn caused. Reactionary propaganda has eleven members was appointed to WILL START NEXT SPRING. nient." '. • • .• ••'•. • " • ;.',':• • • BRITISH PREMIER DEFENDS Palestine would all go to prqfit make plans for a public meeting to now re-awakened and a violent anti- paper today and arrested the editor Jerusalem, Nov. 2. (J. T. A.)— Jewish agitation is carried HIS VIEWS REGARDING on of the Bundist Volkszeitnng because France. Britain, the Pall Mall PALESTINE. ARAB MOURNING ON NOVEMGazette: says, cannot go back on Jewish Community Center. This throughout Germany on a much it published the election platform of Bonar Law, in his ; election address l.er word. She must proceed in a meeting will be held for the purpose Rutenberg for electrification and larger scale than before Rathenau's the Bundist Party. BER SECOND. Jerusalem, Nov. 3. (J. C. •:B.)rr- deals with Palestine in one sentence, legal way. If the mandates are too of re-organizing the local Keren irrigation of Palestine" will be murder. started next spring. Preparations POLISH RABBIS APPEAL TO November 2nd has passed without declaring that Britain accepted the burdensome, Britain must inform the Hayesod . have been made to ensure the bePOLISH GOVERNMENT/ casualties while Jews celebrated the mandate from the League of Na- League of Nations. The new govBOLSHEVIK GOVERNMENT AH the organizations in the city ginning. o f the work Warsaw, Nov. 2. {J. T. A.)—The fifth anniversary of the Balfour Dec- tions and can only renounce it by ernment can do nothing which would ARRESTS POGROM are asked to appoint committees for lower the British prestige. Praesidium of the Rabbis Asscck.lsoJi laration in a quiet and dignified way. giving due notice to the League. HETMEN. this meeting. Permanent officers has called on the Minister of UriuThe Moslems closed, their shops as a The "Pall Mall" Gazette states The "Evening News" declares that Moscow, Kor. 1. (J. C. B.)—Three POLISH JEWISH? DEPUTY will be elected. A report of the cation, Mr. Katnieniecki and difttoken of their mourning and protest that Prime Minister Bonar Law's the statement that Arthur Henderhetmen, Gupala, Kampancjetz, and ARRESTED. financial conditions will also be cussed with him the situation oi lUe against the Balfour Declaration. The position with regard to the Pales- son, leader of British Labor Party, Schwarterow, who have terrorized given. Cracow, Nov. 2. (J. C. B.)—The Arab Executive despatched cables tine problem is not simple. No solu- gave to the Jewish Correspondence the district of Krementschug, were Rabbies and the chedorim question Bundist Sejm Deputy, Dr. FernsterThe Minister promised to to the Government in London, re- tion to' the problem at this moment Bureau should be a warning to the arrested by Red soldiers while conblau, has been arrested in connection British workmen not to vote for iterating their unwavering resolution is possible. If. Britain should-reFASCIST! GOVERNMENT IS ferring in a wood near Zwenigo- the requests outlined in the. with the trial which has been started to fight against the Balfour Dec- nounce the mandate, France would Labor candidates. The levy on AGAINST ZIONISM. rodka. The bandits were brought to andum offered by the Delegation, Rome, Nov. 3. (J. C. B.)—The against him for his membership in Charkow where the trial against •and to fettle them r,?eordin;j to tixc laration and repeating «their demands be very glad to accept it, and - the capital proposed by Labor is a levy rules of. the constitution. for its abolition. millions which Britain expended in in behalf of Palestine. them will soon take place. majority of the members of the the Bundist Party. 'Jerusalem, (J. T. A-H-The aid is, invited of Governments that are members of the -League of Nations as well- as .of archeological societies in the United States engaged in excavations in Palestine, in the task of laying bare the site of the City of David in Jerusalem. The invitation has been, extended by the Government of Palestine.
Memory of Mrs.Jennie Simon Perpetrated by $20,000 Contribution
Basic Ckistian Faith
/-Five Thousand Dollars Asked for Falasks
•To -Tie United States
Filexican Government Desires Many Colonists
$3,500 Giit to Free Loan Fund in Memory oH'Irs. Kulakofeky
Pabfic Meeting of Keren Hayesod to Be Held Dec. 3
..£AGE_£-THE JEWISH PRESS THOBSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1922 JEWISH CALENDAR: ialdT Adela, rich, dlsVontenTed, but In- wjiat It costs me to make tnls con- silent figure in a cloafc. of compassion can make reparation, effably dear to him, did not know her fession, my dear, after the way In "Adela I" he whispered, ctill half in 56*83-1922.' whether,.it take the older form of . which I treated you. But I always credulous. "When did you come?" Rosh-Chodesh Kislev ....Taes., Nov. 21 own heart soup-kitchens, or the newer form of FnbllsbetJ every Thursday « Omatm, Nebntka, «ty She had promised him, with tears, loved you, only your sudden asking, "I have only just come," she whisChannkah (Feast of Dedintellectual .souptkitchens called, lib• THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. ication) ; FrL, Dec 15 that tf ever she changed her mind she after I had ceased to hope, startled pered''back. "But you—how did you raries. A man does no.t cease to be a Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Rosh-Chodesh Tebcth _.Wed., Dec 20 would write to him. But three more and frightened me. I didn't know come here?" thief because he steals much, nor re- Fast had passed away and be had what to say; I could not tell you of "I came to be where you had been," of Tebeth . Fri., Dec 29 years main one merely because he steals not seen her since. She had gone my love then, and I said *no.' This is he answered. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. , 5683-1923. uway to Camways that summer, to a all I can bring myself to say now. little. Nor, need .-one take away from "But my letter?" ..$2.50 Subscription Price, one yearRosh-Chodesh Shebat—Thurs., Jan. 18 little seaside village, and after that Write to me at once, or I shall go another in order to be guilty of theft. "I got it tliis morning, Adela." Advertising rates famished on application. she had traveled In Europe. It wat abroad and never dare to look you in ."..-Sat, Feb. 17 I steal from and rob my neighbor if Rosh-Chodesh Adar "ThU morning?" she exclaimed. more than a year before she returned the lace again. ADELA." NOT PRINTED. FOR-PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- I.withhold from him that which is his Purim (Feast of Esther) Fri. Mar. 2 to her house In the metropolis. "Why, I posted that letter three years The letter was dated two days betion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. . rightful due, evert though he may not Rosh»Chod"*sh Nisan .. Sun., Mar. 18 ago." The third summer after he had lost fore from Camways. .—Sun., Apr. 1 technically ever have been the posses- Passover (Pesach) Langworth began to laugh hysteriCBANQB OF AODRBSS-Pfcise f i n both th« old and m ner Langwlth resolved to go to Cam- Adela was in the village I Langwith sor thereof.. Underpay and. overwork Passover (Seventh Day) Sat, Apr. 7 ways. It was a pilgrimage of love. He lost no time in getting dressed. He cally. For three long years the letter b* • • » and «l«n yonr BUM. • are two forms of theft, and if we use t Rosn-Lhodesn Iyar _ ».Tuesn Apr. 17 arranged to rent the old-fashioned hurried over to the hotel, and when had lain in the private bos which ,i...Fn\, May 4 cottage upon the cliffs, within a he asked for her he was trembling so Adela had mistaken for a public one. A CONTRAST IN JEWISH EDUCATION this unfamiliar synonym a little Lag b'Omer Rosh-Chodesh Sivan -Wed., May 16 stone's throw of the hotel where Adela that he could hardly frame his words. And now—now—it seemed miraculous _ During theJast few years Palestine has made great progress oftener to describe the effects of that he should have rented the very had stayed. But Adela was not there. in the. development of .its educational institutions. Teachers of underpay and overwork, there will be Shabouth (Confirmation) house that she had loved, and taken "It's been unoccupied for thre« In the gray twilight he went home, the Mon., May 21 high ability and repute have devoted themselves heart and soul less of both, and, it may be ultimately, Day) .... letter from the place where she the agent told him frankly. beaten. He entered the garden deto the development of our schools. They have done their utmost some mitigation of the worse horrors Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz Fri., June*5 years," had posted it. Langwlth moved In. It was a dejectedly. A shadow barrecjj his enRosh-Chodesh Ab . Sat, July 14 to make our educational* institutions foremost from every point of of industrialism." But, when he explained, her happy old-world place, with a garden trance. He looked up hopelessly— Sun., July-~ 2 lightful, view. Even before "the war universities and academies of world- Not only:do w e need a new vision Fast of Ab tears drove the memory of those years full of flowers set out by the last oc- Into Adela's face. 1 wide fame threw open their gates to graduates of Palestinian and a new understanding, of the ethics Rosh-Chodesh Elul ™»..Mon, Aug." 3 cupant and now rapidly reverted to She. was standing before the door, a away. Mon, Sept. 10 the wild. ' schools. Today American and European universities confer honors of business, but we need that newNew Year's Eve. He felt that if only he could see and distinction- upon students who received their• preliminary moral impulse that shall, as it were, education in Palestine. . The secret of this remarkable success lies energize our vision into conduct JACOB GIMBEL SUCCUMBS AT 72. Adela he might Induce her to give herself to him. Adela was unhappy; she in the fact that the Hebrew schools of Palestine have found the through the irresistible impulse of would never be happy without the life Was President of Philadelphia Federasolution of one of our most difficult problems, that of giving the sacrifice for the common weal. companionship of somebody who untion of Jewish Charities, Which Jewish child the.opportunity to receive an education Hebraic in derstood her. He Founded. spirit, at the same time infusing into the heart of the child a love He was awakened on ^the fourth Atlantic City, Nov. 7. — Jacob morning of his stay by the* call of the . and understanding of everything human. They succeeded in imGimbel, oldest of the six brothers who postman. He threw on his dressing buinghim with'a love of Judaism and of humanitarian principles 0 control the Gimbel Brothers chain of Sown and went down. • as well as with a broad-minded cultural outlook on life. I t was the ideal combination of Judaism and humanity. This was not the Henry- Ford is the richest man indepartment stores, died today at his "Party by the name of Langwitli' i%: outcome of a new idea in pedagogy. It was the influence of the world, according to the Wall home at Atlantic City, after an illness here?" asked the man. The painter nodded sleepily. lu*; environment; it was-the natural result of the Jewish Homeland. Street Journal. " His income, accord- of several months. "I Just put a bundle of mait for you e\ At the outset the fear was expressed by many that this in- ing to the newspapers, amounts to With him when he died were his five In here," said the postman, indicating 1 =£• fluence would be disastrous, would tend to make the children ?500,000^ a d a y i n the busy season. brothers, Isaac arid Louis Gimbel, the private mall box which stood at ^narrow-minded, so that their outlook on life would unavoidably His business could be capitalized at heads of the New York - stores, and the end of the garden. "Then it ocDaniel, "Ellis and Charles Gimbel of curred to me that, having Just moved fy be cramped by the Ghetto psycholdgy.. This fear was groundless. §2,00(^000,090^-and.pay 5 per.cent. In, yon mightn't have the key.** '4: I t was the reasoning directed by unhealthy Goluth psychology* ' That -is .all eminently proper. . He Philadelphia and Milwaukee stores. JL Universities and colleges; teachers and scientists, the world over has made the money legitimately. Jacob Gimbel was born in Vincen- "I haven't," said the painter. "1 Supply all your winter clothing and apparel reknow you had free delivery ^ soon had the opportunity'of convincing themselves that the grad- Few persons, we believe, begrudge it nes, Ind., on Sept. 26, 1850. His early didn't ; here. Bat I guess It can be opened quirements and the needs of your entire family Palestine Hebrew-schools w era.in no way inferior to.iiun.'. In the accumulation of this business training was aquired with his 4|- uates of the enough." -^" to those" ofvother: countries. - The adherents and supporters gained stupendous, fortune he probably has father, Adam Gimbel. With the easily during the Nebraska's thirty-seventh anniversary. The weather-worn box yielded to •£' for the cultural work in Palestine is due mainly to the new type done the country and its people more tetter's death, Jacob became the head Ae slightest effort, and Langrrttli toofe £" of cultured personality which our Palestine* school system has good than he has done himself. He of the house and "the President of the out his letters. Among them was one *£ produced, a type acknowledged and welcomed by cultural society. has placed comparative luxury in the Philadelphia, store, which kept under that made his heart beat furiously. "y I t cannot be concealed that the defective education of ourhand's of hundreds of thousands of its control the Milwaukee store. The It was In Adela's handwriting. young Jewish generation is an imminent tragedy in American persons who, , without him, might New York.store was a separate com- "You asked me to tell you if 1 Jewish life. The struggle between parents and children is.evgr never have,.:enjoyed it. He has im-pany, but in all the Gimbel affairs the changed my mind," he read, "and I ^ r r a n u n i c a t i o h i '.speeded busi- word of Jacob was final. He was af- have changed I t I cannot tell you present, unobtrusive, but none the less actual. Parents see all This week you've a double money saving opportuContributed' to "general ad- fectionately known as the "Judge" to their efforts to plant in the hearts of their children a love and " nity—the greatest values in quality merchandise and devotion for Judaism come to naught. All their sacrifices are in vancement:•' With the accumulation of his brothers, partly because of his vain. The child goes through a succession of Sunday schools, profits he has expanded his business height and erect carriage. private instruction and Ghedarim. Yet he emerges untouched in and extended the. advantages which it Mr. Gimbel was* never married. He Gold Gold country. So far, found interest outside of his business R_ essentials and with outlook confused. He is eventually engulfed has meant to the ! & by his environment, which is a stronger and more natural in- so good.' in charitable work, and for ten years' Pieces Pieces r fluence j and finally he is estranged from his parents. The parent But such an accumulation of riches was president of the Federation of FREE FREE *j observes his child gradually drifting away from the ties that bind leads,to^further reflections. They put Jewish Charities, which he founded. is what you can get when "R- him to the traditions;of Israel, and perceives that a chasm "has in the hands of their possessor an alWith individual cash purch- With individual cash purchyou trade at sprung up between himself and his child. This is the essence of most incalculable power. So long as TO REINSTATE LITHUANIAN ases of ?25.00 or more ases of $50.00 or more JEWISH DEPUTIES. painful struggle between Jewish fathers and sons of today.- The they are wisely used they do good. throughout our store—our throughout our store—our Kowno, Nov. & (J. C. B.) — The But if baidly used they could easily anniversary souvenir to our anniversary souvenir to our Jewish Advocate. patrons. patrons. lead to terrible- evil. - So far Mr. Ford's District election of Kowno and Paneadventures.frpm the path of the busi- wesch Boards will, not follow the rulness J n which he is an authority and ing of the Central; Election Committee out of the six an expert of the highest rank Tiave which disqualified'four 516 So. 16th St. ; • -••••• - .,_: ?y>.DR'.: S T E P H E N S. W|£!E. i e 4 i ^ ^ i s j r i 9 u s ^ c.^§|guences. If is successful Jewish candidates for the At. 4480. Two problems at least are involved lation avails?" It willavaif wherever peace ship served only as an inter- Se'jm'j as well aslnine'deputiesof other Opposite Hotel Rome. fOHM A W n . l PKHXMAN. in any consideration of the ethics of the want of legislation or the wrong national joke and-subject of ridicule. minority groups. - Jndications are OMAHA. MSB, 1 business—the matter of business and kind of legislation is responsible for His ambition to serve in the United that the disqualified deputies will be ,j the manner of its conduct.- -To make the evils that obtain- I t is ethically States senate was thwarted. His plan reinstalled. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN; Mail Orders Filled Promptly. ';. of business the end of life instead of hurtful to imagine that legislation to exploit the government investment merely a means of-living is in itself may be depended upon as a panacea. at- Muscle Shoals has so far been nniiiiiiinmiiiiiiimmiiiiinniiniiim^ 1 unethical. Some men • say- proudly, At best, i t merely legalized, the rules chfecked. The Mail others half-ashamed, ' 1 live for "btis- of the 'game. Great gains have-been But in other hands, or with an al- ] E iness." The man who lives for business effected through legislation, it is true, tered sentiment and conscience on his g Secret »j is unethical, howsoever his business be but the greatest of gains is yet to be own part, two billions of dollars might • — * conducted. It is not only the barter attained without the furtherance of easily work havoc in our political.} g By WINIFRED DUNBAR . 3 ii side of business that must -be moral, legislation. Insofar as business has and industrial and social life. Its = but the process of creation and pro- become impersonal, it needs in every mere possession is a responsibility al- Copyright, l m . Western Kewapaper Union. A duction, distribution and consumption, possible way to become, a s it .were, most beyond imagination. Langwitb. had lost Adeln. He had need to be ethicized. • We must repersonalized, which is only another If the tirades which Mr. Ford been in love witn lier for three Fears, way of saying that articles of in- vehemently oppose all that - hideous makes against Wall Street are well and during that time he had never ^ materialism that makes life cheaper corporation are hot to be viewed as founded, then the Wall Street Jour- dared t« ask her the question which 1 than dividends; that fails io protect annulling the body of the Decalogue. nal's statement that he himself is would put an end to bis doubts. Adela We need such revaluation of moral likely to supplant Wall Street as the was a rich woman, and Langwith, like i. workmen from deadly machinery, that brings the life of little children into standards as shall help us to under- money power, of America assumes many painters, was desperately poor. huge factories, that • ruthlessly turns stand that the last word about a man true significance. In view of such During those three yeass he worked feverishly, striving to make a name. the ambition of competitors into in business is not to be said by a colossal money, power as he no doubt Then, when be stood squarely upon bis despair, that builds up business suc- commercial agency. Dun- and Brad- possesses it is strange that he has feet, and his pictures were becoming cess a t the expense of justice and of street may give a man three A's- or always appeared and still appears recognized for their worth, he told her olve. No business system Is1 just, no half a dozen, and still, however as the foe of accumulated wealth as ot .his love. And she refused him. commercial order can^long endure if negotiable his paper, the man is a He had gone away hopeless. She with it be bound up the evils of un-failure in business, if bis money, much represented in Wall Street. He has did not love another"man, but she.did employment on the one * hand and or little, has been gotten through un- assumed the part of the working not love him. She coald not love,, she over-employment on the other, of just and inhuman- and unbrotherly man against capital. Yet he is capital The evils which he man's underwage and a child's toil, treatment of the -toilers* We. require personified. charges the combined money power and all those social mal-adjustment a cessation of idolatry .of the so-called MllS. B. E. ROSS FOX of Wall Street does, his own accumwhich, we lump together, under the successful man. Riches and riches alone are not to command unmerited ulating fortune could do. There is name of poverty. .;. ' . . :' interesting food for thought if not TKE LATEST STTLES AND CREAThe factors that have produced the and unstinted reverence. The question for decision.^-The Chicago Tribune. TIONS INFERS AT GREAT SAVINGS necessity of revising:and re"-establish- about a man ought not to be. How 304 Ms So. 16th St. ing the ethics of business; are; not far much is he worth? but, How much! One Flight Up. Opposite Hill Hotel. of worth has he? JUSTICE LEHMAN RE-ELECTED. to seek. Chief among these is the sudden and fast expansion t>£ business * "But' the question is asked constant- New York, Nov. 8. (J. C. B.) — growing out of abrupt.transition from ly, Are business and-ethics com- Justice Irving Lehman, Democratic the old method of hand-production td pitable? If business and ethics can-r nominee for the Supreme Court, First the day of industrial machinery. So not go hand in hand, something must District; was re-elected with the City ticket which won with Albert E. sudden and so complete is the change go, and it will not be ethics. Chiropodist and Beauty that it is not to be wondered, at that There is a striking of the conscience Smith. Justice Lehman was entered Shop moral chaos ensued and-that we are which is moralizing human relations, as "Democratic-Republican." Established 1H00 Morris Koenig was elected as a 12th and Harnry Street*. now slowly and painfully seeking to which, putting it differently, is ethicPhone Doasla* 13S3 readjust and re-establish our shatter- izing the consciousness of the social General Sessions Judge. ed moral standards. A .tremendous bond. In two widely different ways FOURS and SIXES and almost instant greatening of does this ethical socialization" of tne 50,000 ^EWS ADOPT PALESTINE CITIZENSHIP. business completely cut the personal race express itself. Spreading froir> Prices range from $915 to pigof.o.b. factory ANNOUNCEMENT -touch which had always been a deter- day to day is the recognition of the Jerusalem, Nov. 7. (J; T. A.)—It Rev. E. Fleishman mining ethical factor in production truth that much of what wo need in is estimated that the number of Jews "THE MOHL" to take advantage of the opportunity and consumption. It ended the reign daily life is' made by men^ by women, to -ado Moved into his new home at JB .Palestine citizenship will exof neighborliness. The ultimate result, and, also, by.children, and not byceecP 1342 So. 25th Street, MJOO This number does not inif ultimate it be, of such,, imperson- hands.. The use of the term hands Corner of Wool worth Avenue. elude jews who are registered as Qtalization of business was the rise of significantly ignores their human postomang'-.and who became citizens of Tel. Atlantic 6637. the corporation and the genesis of the sessors. In' one word, we are beautomatically upon the 1 trust and even monopoly. This im- ginning "tardily • and hesitatingly to of tLe Constitution. lists personalization substituted the work? acknowledge that we are served not of;t&os£ entitled to vote in the ap...FOR... t man for the neighbor, tKe hand for by things" but" by "beings. _ . proac&ihg -elections for members of DIAMONDS, JEWELRY the man, the .inaster "of industry or The workers ask not charity- but the ;£l*gfslative Council have been AND the captain of industry' for the head justice.- - They demand no more; we postedtSitnultaneously it is announced SPECIAL PLATINUM worker. Out of .such highly developed dare .give no less* than that justice. that *Jbhe", electoral colleges will meet DESIGNING • competition grew, a terrible economic \ the very name "of which haar-become at the end1 of this month. pressure upon master; artd .man alike, sacramental in our age, that justice see RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE "with its increasingly. Teckless dis- cosmic and potent, which must needs TEACHERS IN MONThe Malashock Jewelry Co. Tenth and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representative* Tegard of the common welfare. [supersede charity. Perhaps the-one ; TREAL STRIKE. Phone Atlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) Diamond and Platinum Montreal, Nov. 6. (J. C. B.)->-All If there are to be remedial factors way of grappling with the- problem is Specialists in the world of business ethics, these to dare to say to men, Stealing is not teachers in the Talmud Torah school Nash Leadt t h e W o r l d i n M o t o r C a r V a l u e 1514 I>odfi> Street. must have relation to causes arid must necessarily pick-pocketing or shop- have gone on strike this morning beKstnbKi.he.1 IStt. 4>Ou«la« £610. aiodify.acd" annul such causes as have- lifting or burglary- Theft is unjust cause they declare they have not "been h erted moral standards.'Will legis*, dealintr for which no subseouent act nairf f'nr the last five months.
Only Two Days More— Friday and Saturday
You Always Save Money Buying at Greater Nebraska
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The Ethical Principals of Business
Every Motor Tested Severely
Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. ~ It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car.
•?'-'', "
- *
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THt&SDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1922 A number of social affairs have been given* for Miss Jessie Eosenstock .and her fiance, Mr. Dave Bosenstock, during their engagement announcement. A family dinner party was given Monday evening by Mr. Gus Eosenstock at the Brandeis Eestaurants followed-by an Orpheum Theatre Party. Mrs. Flora Eosenstock entertained Tuesday evening at a family dinner party at her home. Mrs. Alexander Pollack and Mrs. Dollie Elgutter will entertain at a dinner party Friday evening at their home honoring Miss Eosenstock and her fiance. Covers will be laid for fourteen guests. Mrs. F^ed Eosenstock will entertain. Tuesday evening at a dinner party at her home.
The Jewish Culture League will on the U. S. S. TReliance and upon Ms inuch applause and the editors are to visited with her daughter, Mrs. Philip the Jewish Correspondence Bureatl give a musical and literary program arrival in New York City he will visit be congratulated upon the good work. Sherman and Mr. Sherman. describes its activities, quotes ill Sunday afternoon at the Labor Ly- the hospitals there. capital, and names its directors, The Eagle and Lion patrols take ceum Building. The public is invited. the gold star for this week. The A regular meeting of the Junior connection with the statement Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS Eagles also win the silver star this Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish Arthur Henderson which was puli The Friday Evening Bridge Club week. Harry Levenson is far in the Women was held last Tuesday evenmet Friday evening at the home of . The Senior Girls Gym Class will lead in the individual honor contest. ing at the home .of .the Misses Ger- lished by that Bureau. Miss Hannah Somnier. Prizes were meet on, Saturday evenings from T The patrol standings are: Black- trude and Evelyn Marks. The next Mrs. "William Holzman entertained won by Miss Rosella Klein and Mr. to 8 o'clock, under the direction of bear," 740; Tiger, 660; Lion, 576; and meeting will be held Tuesday evenMiss Marguerite Rosenberg. Tuesday evening for all the. nurses,; AU Orders Given l»rompt and ing at the home of Miss Leah Krasne. Sam Yabroff. CnrefuJ Attention. Eagle, 528. office force, directors, and the -wives The Tuesday Evening Sewing Class To celebrate Armistice day two Mrs. M. Stein, of Detroit, Mich., of the directors of the Wise MemoMr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky will en- WELSH'S FLOWERS] who l a s been visiting here for the with Miss Julia Wise as leader is sides were chosen, one to represent tertain the Evening club p.t their rial Hospital at the Nurse's Home. • -(Gnarajteedl "FLOWT3ES MAKE FRIENDS" past five weeks with her sister, Mrs. meeting regularly and is doing good the Allies and the other the Central home this evening. A trio consisting of the Misses Belle Tel. Ja. 4201, Brandeia Thentre Bld£..| Powers. The battle was a sign word M. Rosenblatt, returned to her home work. Mansfield, on the cello; Helen Som_r 210 So. 17th St.. Omaha. 1 spell down. After a real close fight Monday evening. mers, on the violin; and Jessie Townej The B'nai Israel Juniors, composed SAYS JEWS DO NOT WANT on the piano, gave several musical of boys from 14 to 16, is the newest the Central Powers unfortunately PALESTINE. The Fairies of Zion will hold its selections. Miss Laura Goetz gave Y boys club. It was organized last won the battle, but the casualties London, Nov. 3. (J. C. B.)—The regular meeting Sunday afternoon at PlM.-Tfett. were so small as to deserve no menBBRT E several vocal selections, accompanied JToi Rp STvce-Presiaeat. "Daily Express" repudiates the acthe Jewish Community Center-. Any night, and will meet every Wednes- tion. Vn, Bevrttarr. by Mrs. Harry Eosenfeldt, and Mrs. cusation that it is organizing antigirl from the ages of 11 to 13 are in- day evening. Louis Abramson is B. Boasberg gave several reading leader. Mr. C. Kahn returned during the vited to attend this meeting and join Omaha Fixture fk Semitic movement. The paper says selections accompanied on the piano week from a business trip to Atlan- the dub. they never attack Jews. Its demand ' Supply Co. All girls from 8 to 11 are invited by Mrs. H. Kaiman. Refreshments tic, Iowa. for Britain's withdrawal from PalesCOUNCIL BLUFFS to join the gym class on Tuesday afCOMPLETE STOEE AKP Mrs. Abe Goldstein entertained were served. tine is supported by a majority of OFFICE OUTFITTERS Mrs. S. Cohan left Saturday for Wednesday afternoon, November 8, at ternoons at 4, under the direction of A benefit card party for the Coun- Jews, the paper • writes, and quotes ; Rabbi - Frederick Colin -has chosen Denver,-Colorado, for a month's visit her home at the first series of four Miss Gertrude Tatle. We occupy cil of Jewish Women, will be held Samuel Samuel, concluding with: ever 70,000 MUBIW tw* "A. •wedding and a Funeral" for his with her daughter, Mrs. L M. Fogel, afternoon bridge parties. She again Beuthwesfc Corner Miss Rozella Klein has organized Wednesday afternoon, November 22, Let us leave Palestine in order to sermon" subject Friday evening. Sat- and Mr. Fogel, and son, Samuel H. entertained Saturday afternoon at her Eleventh and Dengin* Street*. a. story-telling class for girls, 8 to at the small Eagles' Hall. The host- save the Jews from the perils of Xtienet -Jackson 2724 urday morning his subject will be Cohan, formerly of Omaha. home for twelve, and also on Wednes- 12 years of age, that meets on each esses will be the Mesdames A. Eosen- anti-Semitic rancor." The "Daily OMAHA. KKB, "Woman hood/' day afternoon, November 15. The last Mrs. Hannah Rosen, of St. Louis, of her series she will entertain on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Old berg, J. Krasne, M. Marks and L. Express" prints today the history of Mrs. L. J. Herzogg, of Lincoln, Mo., is visiting with her brothers, Saturday afternoon also for twelve Testament stories and tales from Kroloff. Jewish history are read and discuss-j Nebr., spent the week-end here with Messrs. L. and M. Wihtroub, and sisr guests. " The Ladies' Aid-Society will hold its ed. • her mother, Mrs. William Rothschild. ter, Mrs. B. Rosenbaum. She'will meeting Tuesday afternoon at the The Ra Oth Society will be enter- The reguar semi-monthly Y dance home of Mrs. Sam Friedman. Mr. I. Katz, of Marion, HI., spent remain ' here- through' the winter tained by Miss Rose Nathan Sunday will be held this Saturday evening, several days in Omaha last week months. Mrs. A. Gilinsky returned Monday and all members are urged to attend. visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs.TX T. Becker; of afternoon a t her home. afternoon from Allen, Neb., where she Mitchell, S D., are visiting here -with Mrs. William Harris was in Kansas At the meeting of the Senior Ths entire public is invited to at- Mrs. Becker's mother, Mrs. Flora the r tend the presentation of the Torah Rosenstock. They are stopping, at City, Mo., last week to attend the Grcup, Monday night, a very large wedding anniversary of her brother. audience enjoyed the varied and engiven by the Daughters of Adass the Blackstone HoteL ; tertaining program that was presentYesmirem Sunday, November 26, at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Wolf an- ed. An unusual, number was an oritwo o'clock at the Beth Hamedrosh Mrs. Max Shapiro has as her house Adass Yeshurem Synagogue, Twenty- guest Mrs. Ann Seidman, of Lincoln, nounce the birth of a baby boy Sun- ginal sketch called "Types of Life", Proprietor of day morning- at the Methodist hos- written by Miss Gertrade White, in fifth and Seward Streets. Rabbi Nebr. \ ' pital. which the following participated: The Morris N. Taxon will speak. A number of others will participate in the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rotschild have At' the last regular meeting of the Misses Gertrude White, Kate Goldas their guests, Mrs. Rotschild's Ladies' Auxiliary, I. O. B. B., held stein, Sarah Kurtzman, Florence program. mother, Mrs. Max Orkin, and daughLewis, Celia Gidinsky, Edith Spector, 1702 North 2^th Street. s Rabbi Frederick Cohn returned ter, Corlinne. Upon leaving Omaha Thursday evening, November 9, at the Gertrude Romm and Bess Farber. given by the s Phone Webster 2092 Jewish Community Center, several Monday morning after spending Sun- the visitors will go to California. musical numbers were given by Miss Carl Auer, a young pianist of great day in Kansas City, Mo., where he promise, gave selections from SchuMrs. Harry White, who has heen Sadie Levey on the piano. Little Miss bert and Mozart and Miss Harriet went'to hear Dr. Morgenstern, presiHermine Hirschman gave several dent of the Hebrew Union College visiting for ..several weeks with • Mr. song and dance numbers. If the Fleischman presented several dramaWhite's sister, Mrs. Charles Redman, of Cincinnati, 0., talk at the Temple. tic readings. Sunday Eyeiiiag, November 19, 1922 at Ottumwa, la., is now visiting in weather proves favorable, the members of the dub will hike to Bellevue The Needle Work Guild held its Sioux City, la., and expects to reTroop 62. at the Sunday.- They will meet at Fourannual exhibition" Thursday and Fri- main for several weeks. A complete stock of At the last meeting the basketball teenth and Farnam streets at 8 day afternoon at the First Central Swedish Auditorium, 1611 Chicago Street The Bi-monthly Bridge Club which o'clock. The club wiU hold its next te am appeared in their new suits and Congregational Church, with a recepthe boys made a fine showing. This ADMISSION 25c tion Friday afternoon. One" thousand was recently organized met last Fri- meeting Thursday evening, November ought to give them incentive to beday evening .at the home of .Miss 23, at the. Jewish Community Center. new garments and $121.25 in- money come good players. The second numwas collected and given to the Jew- Faye^Hirsch. The members of'this Come and Celebrate With Us. The Daughters of Israel Aid society" ber of Wise Words was greeted with Also a supply of ish Welfare Organization, and nine club are the Misses Sarah 'Somberg, will hold its regular meeting Tuesday and Ann Weiss, of Omaha, Jearinette An Evening Full of Fun and Pleasure. hundred and three garments were Gilinsky and Faye Hirsch, of Coun- afternoon at the Old People's Home ff My Famous Home-Made H collected for the Wise Memorial Hos- cil ' Bluffs, and the Messrs. iBert at Twenty-fifth and Charles streets. Dill Pickles. LOST — Ladies Blue Silk pital. Umbrella with Blue Handle at Brown and Nathan Horwich, of OmaOver one hundred guests attended Hadassah Card Party at the There were over two hundred peo- ha, and Ernest Nogg and Jake Mich- the first of the series of card parties Blackstone Hotel Sunday afterple present- at the card party given nick;v of Council Bluffs. Prizes were given by the Omaha Junior Hadassah noon. Kindly call Mrs. Wise at jp6n by'Miss-Ann "Weiss and Nathan at the Blackstone-hotel Sunday, after.Jackson 243§,<ff, at Atlantic 42QQ Tea Rooms by l i e wives of•? the ''di^; Horwich. The next meeting will be noon. rectors of the Wise Memorial Hos- held Friday evening at the home of Dr. .Phillip Levey, who has been pital. The money raised at this af- Miss Weiss. studying in Europe for the past four fair will go towards the nurse' home. W A N T E D—Nicely furnished Mrs. S. C. Bialac and son, Gerald months, will return to Omaha the first Thirty prizes were given and among part of December. While in Europe Irvin, have returned to the city after room by young man. Can those who were the winners and the following are the prizes they wonq a four months' visit in Minneapolis, Dr. Levey studied at the University furnish good references. Call Mrs.'Bertha Newman, a "ton of coal; j Minn., and' are making their home of Vienna, and visited the many hosJackson 2372. Mrs. Cora Wolf, an electric iron; at the Morris Apartments with Mr. pitals in Berlin and hi Poland. He sailed for New York Wednesday Mrs. J. Pr Cohn, a box of apples; Bialac. Mrs. M. A. Wolowitz, two dozen cans of fruit; Miss Leola Harris, silk hose.: Other prizes were won by Mrs. S. y could "well Etforu more czpcnsivc"C8n M. Levy, Mrs. Morton Degen, Mrs. are showing a marked preference for Dodge Herbert Marx, Mrs. Harry Fellheimer Brothers Sedan. and Mrs. Edward Treller. T h e y find i t e a s y t o drive* economical t o run, Mr. and Mrs. L. Raduziner ana n d comparable in beauty a n d elegance witbrcant nounce the birth of a baby daughter, much higher i n p r i c e "" Estelle Gertrude, at the Stewart I n t h e vast arnpStude oTDodge Brotbers-dfasaS Maternity Hospital on Wednesday, -j b o d y plant, this sedan is constructed with all t h e November 1. studious precision t h a t marks the work ©£ t h e : Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weinstein had -3 finest .custom builders. as their.- week-end guest, Mr. Carl Eighteen days are devoted alone to'the Marowsky, of Sioux City, la., who bingg and varnishingg operations-which s r e spoa* '< left Sunday evening for New York p b h l brilli fi l City, where he will visit with his table for t h e unusual brilliancy of its lustre. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Weinstein. M o n t h s of seasoning precede Ute entertained at dinner party Sunday critically selected ash which €rse*42ie>bodyit* evening at the Brandeis Tea Rooms rugged firmness. -. for their visitor, prior to his departure.
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Twentieth Anniversary
Omaha Fish Co.
Ball and Dance
i Staple Groceries I and Fresh Fish I
fulness and rare good taste. The upholstery is covered with genuine xnohasrvetoetof a singularly rich and beautiful pattern. .The~scata*arc roomy and luxurious. - -• Steel discjwheels (with cord t i r e ^ h a most effective way with the new grace and
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cassman have taken an apartment at the Coronado. Mrs. H. Zidell, and son, Billie, returned during the past week from a three months' trip to Dallas and Greenville, Texas.
• v /The Bell System is owned by its thousands and thousands of stockholders, who are men and women in all walks of life throughout our territory and other parts of the United States.
Messrs. Abe Marcus and Dave Manvitz' left for New York on a business trip, and expect to visit with relatives and friends while there. They will remain indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block, of Fremont, Nebr., entertained at a bridge party Sunday evening. Prizes were woi by Miss Lena Cohn and Mr. Sam Zlotky. Rabbi Singer, of Lincoln, gave a short talk, regarding their new Community Home.
A daughter, Barbara Elaine, was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fogel of Danver, Colorado, October 25, 1922. Mrs. Fogel was formerly Miss Leona Cohan of Omaha. Mrs. E. Epstein, and daughter, Bernice, left for New York City, "Wednesday. While thers. they will visit with Mrs. Epstein's parents and relatives. They expect to be gone for two months. , The Council of Jewish Women ;will hold its board meeting Monday afternoon at the Jewish Community, Cen-; ter. -
One-third of all the men and women in our organization who have been with us six months or more are purchasing Bell Telephone stock out of their savings. - We encourage the owning of stock _ not only by e^aployees^ but by our subscribers as well, ^
• • ' • •
• " • '
We shall be glad to talk to you about purchasmgBell stock if a conservatiye investment will interest you.
brought to the lines>of the body-.
O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0123 .
one of the easiest victims imaginable. Even Estelle felt her heart'.sink slightly in pity; so young; so innocent. . . . j "Pop, this is Mr.HarryFink, presi(dent of,*he>Ytinfetarf Club.?' I "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Presi"dent," said Mr. Levy cordially,"very pleased indeed to;'meet you, very
The Wooing of Estelle By MAURICE SAMUEL
Glimpses into American-Jewish History By RAY BRIL.
MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON The Mexican War and the Jews, i acter of General in Chief of the NEARBY COMMUNITIES. S THE CHICAGO SENHNEI*" " " " . It differs little to what page one • army. He will necessarily for the CHOICE FTOST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. turns to in the growth and the devel- time being lay- aside his sword and pleased." ••*••.." what was going to'happeji io Harry (Continued From Last-Week.) • He waved the president,to a chair. opment of America; tihere is always epaulets, and appear it is true as a her "Thank you, Mr. Levy," sajd Harry bound to be the name of a Jew cropfifteen minutes later two terrified Fink. She had said nothing distinguished citizen, but in no other ug men came out of the house. father about the "engagement." She Fink. " I assure you thatypur p'eas- ping somewhere. More often it is light than as a citizen. Was he a INVESTMENT SECURITIES the' stoop they met Harry Fink, had waited for Harry to do the talk- ure is exceeded by my own." "And he a band of Jews that has played a Hebrew. and of the same tribe as Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. ey grinned at him—they;, knew he ing, but now, despite her subconscious seated himself on the big chair near specific role. -Be i t in the days of yourself, his right to preside in your going upstairs. • They knew he admiration for the- diplomat, she the table. • 7 ;" warfare or in the more peaceful in- synagogue, if permitted or required s going to meet Mr. Levy. -They feared for him. Something in his tone shocked Mr.- tervals of national expansion and up-by your laws would in no manner "Pop, there's another friend of mine Levy slightly. -This was not the kind building, the name of the Jew shines affect him in his military character; L not envy him. They said a brief WASH AND KEEP WELL \ you," in passing and went out going to come up this afternoon. Do of answer he had expected; He sup-forth besides that of his fellow coun- nor would it make him obnoxious to A .RULE -GF -HEALTH hug the happy thought, qfs Harry be nice to him." pressed a desire to frown v and turned trymen in the struggle for democ- the censure of the Government for FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY lie, the prize diplomat, in the "Ill be real nice," said Mr. Levy. t-.» Estelle;..-' • ",-."• ' . - . racy. so doing. The United States have • ^Mtthes.o£Mr:Levy. / "Real nice. I feel just in the humor ,"My dear," -he said, "maybe you 1819 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels''' We have seen how the Jew showed adventured upon a great and noble to be nice to him. There's the bell. can now bring me the cup of tea, and Upstairs, Estelle "was slightly u his mettle in the Revolutionary War, I experiment, which is believed to have •l oachful. oachful • ."Pop ."Pop.-what yo doBring him in, maybe he plays chess." one for-your president, too. I'm: sureZ the Civil War, and in the early fron- j Dee n hazarded in the absence of all r.-what did you to th them? I thought they were go- 4And Mr. Levy rubbed his hands y tier days. We are yet to witness the previous precedent—that of total sephappily as Estelle went to the door. ternoon like this, won't you, Mr*, j'to" die when I came in." " jppart taken by 1 ps y theJJews in the Mexi- I aration of Church arid State. No reEFFICIENT nnd RESPONSIBLE • ., : . , . " stjTTut tut! They don't die "50 easily. He was in excellent fettle. Those two dent?"-- WHOLESALE ' LATJXDUY. ' "Mr. Fink," said the .other briefly, can War which lasted from 1846 to j Hgious establishment by law exists t n ce young men, very nice youg men. poor boys had only whetted his appeWhere your clothes come home Druggists and Stationers us. The conscience is left tite. • He was ready to eat someone but pleasantly. "Mr. Harry Fink. I 1848. The cause of the war was the ;famong rle.'iuer and last lonjrer. < t n lont' say anything. .But'they ought boundary dispute between Texas and | r e e •.*«>» all, restraint and each is 401-403-405 Sentb l(Kb Strrt* AT lantic 0380. 1507-11 Jackson St. alive now. shall cert&inly enjoy a. f»<if of teai. su lean, chess." H A. JACOEBERGER. Prefi. Mexico. In Baltimore on July 3, permitteed to worship his Maker afDreartful weather, isn't it, Mr. Levy?" " And so Harry Fink came in, not "Pop, v you're awful." And TEstelle ;t e r own judgment. The offices " Well j not so bad,' Mr.r-Pre'siderit." 1846, a volunteer corps of Jews en- o f t nhis" r t into 'laughter' andx.wondered particularly imposing and to the view e Government are open alike to Omaha Office: 813 Dooirlas Street. "Mr.; Fink," said - Harry, ; sweetly. listed for service in response to the' Omaha Phonx Atlantic S556 "You must be thinking of Mr. Hard- call for 50,000 volunteers; to join the Pbone 104 "The Hebrew persecuted and down Ford Transfer & Storage Co. army; against Mexico. The New ,-rx ing.' EMIL GANZ & SQN The Best ot Everythinc in Flowers ind trodden in other regions takes up his n. A. FORn. T Mr. Levy changed his tack suddenly. York Herald in an editorial dated Confections nt Moderate Prices. F . S»- MOBEY. Prop. Certified < Public Accountants President and General Manatrer,. J u l y 1 5 , . 1846, p a y s this glowing abode a m o n g u s w i t h none t o m a k e 345 W. Broadway. Next Libert? TheHter This was'not an eagy, ca?e. _ 1417 Douglas BtTSflt- - * Council 151 tiffs (Iovia> Office Phone Webster 0820 afraid. COCNCIL BLUFFS. tOWA. tribute t o t h e volunteer Jewish c o r p s : I h f i d'H He may bt boast as wellll 934 So. AUDITORS AXD SY8TE5IATIZERS "I dont take much of an interest in Main Street. Phone 363 d sc nt fromthe : c n 3mll 6anz : THE LAUNDRY THAT "Baltimore, July 3rd. Among the politics,"- he -said,- as though reminded *? ' ? ' UPhones: EVERYBODY LIKES. Hur.5408 — Voag. tssi — Har. 0015 of the fact by the. mention of Mr.companies which have been f o r m e d ;; Patriarchs of Old-of has wise men m Harding.- " I think' it's v.o good for here, a volunteer corps of Jews at at- c o u n c i 1 ' a n d s t r o n & m e nm B a t t l e - H e Carpenter Paper Co. the hair. It makes them fall out." tracts particular attention. Although' Although ' measy Distributors of even more turn his eye to Judea eve OCR TREATMENT WILL m i "Very true, Mr., Levy. Do you real- composed for the most part of im- i f e s tt m w i * confidence on the prom? w CONVINCE YOV OF OCR Western Bond—and High f ? * confidence on the p m restoraSINCEKITT. ize, Mr. Levy, that if the population migrants, they have given, by theise that is made him of his restora Grade Stationery Tnist Department. of the world was one-more than the tl0n t o t h a t Hol Safety Deposit Boxes. Omaha. Nebraska. y L a n d ' a n dh e andTQlirs number of hairs on the head of the.raising of this company, to fight with the native militia on behalf of our: unship the God of his fathers after many -who had the mpst hairs on his head in1 the whole world-there would institutions, a _splendid-instance of ^ m a n n e r that that worship was All Parts o r s i n t h e by Aaron and his succestheir love and devotion for these and ;sconducted : Priesthood, and the Aegis be at least two men inths world with £ Yes, this o r their new fatherland. of the' the same number of hairs on their e a ffarnt a m,e ^ 'Aindependence. e i r l' oWv oe ffno-r ^fh ^Hpn^rfpn^P i f°e fn^d e Government is over him to deWorld heads, bald men-being excluded from; o f Our country has been displayed ! and protect him. Such is the "Manufactured in Omaha" consideration?' we have have consideration?'-; ^ ^ great experiment which we ; t h e m o r e p o i n t e d l y M ey h a v e t h e m o r e p o i n t e d l y M ey h a v e . Money Sent to-AH » t d d h tt BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, STEAMSHIP TICKETS " "I didn't- get you, Mr. Tres-Mr. o r g a n i z e d t h e i r c o m p a n y by select- t wn eh di c' ha nh da svu c Th e as url et e dtte f hr ao PmP sy t fcdts Foreign Countries Arrangements now. made with Soviet STATIONERY, ETC. ^ T ee s u l t e ' l one not of faith Government" for jirodipt forwarding of J - " Fink repeated ' ' W i f their t h iCaptain f i t h as ttheir h i wf yh isct ehm hoafvf ^ Harry the' statement, 'ing leader, namely Carroll, » government would be •passengers to: America; •»" We furnish you Distributors for wordfor-wwd. •-• necessary blanks, etc.. to. .fill - out. '—- without it. who was paymasteer of the fifthregPink Tip Matches — Palmers Steamship Agency, ^ s u p p o s e so," ^aid Mr. Levy, 1708' Farnam St. • • • Omaha .-. _„„• , . o.^v- body maysube ve oppressed 12)00 .Ilarney Street. : Tel Jacbson £710 b u t and the Northern Toilet Tissue AUTHOR OF*"THE OUTSIDER"
The Harry A.KochCo.
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sligthly astonished, "I never did knowj ™ » r i Z T Z ' ^ Z v ^ A ^ i l Z ^ ^o f ^ ^ ** ™ 5 * mathematics, don't you see. We don't! ^X^L^oTZ^e™ \?s » * * ^ be fettered, its energies 8
1112 Harney Street believe much inMathematics -in the Patriotic company of (volunteers. Its a„n_d, , _f a„c.u,l.t . i.e s _:_, J_A _ 1 ._ i _.. eTls AT lantic 6409 other officers are: :Mr. Levi Ben-, . , . , ? *> *»?, what retailoring line. What •would you say, mains is cf the earth, earthly. Mind jamin, First Lieutentnt; Samuel G. Mr. er—if I. told: you that I should be free as the light or as the haven't-looked at a sefer mathematics Goldsmith, Third Lieutenant; S. Ey-air. tinge, First Sergeant; Dr. J. Horwitz, for'the'last twenty years." THE CAREFUL WELDERS "While I remain connected with, S u r g e o n . " '••-••'• "L should Jiear it with regret," said 1501 Jackson St. Anything s: Anytime :r Anyplace Tel. JA. 4397. the Government, he assured, Sir, that In fact Jews all over the country so far as. the Executive action is conHarry Fink, imjserturbably. * COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. "You^duld say it is a catastrophe,'* rallied to the ^ p p o r t of their adopted ; c e r n e d > of t h e Service is Our Motto said Mr. •iievy, pronouncing the -word fatherland. There was Levi Myers : s t i t u t i o n t particuIar Temptation Besets You Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. in the Yiddish way by the suppression Harby, the brother of Isaac Harby, U no '. '} When You\Enter of the last syllable. a prominent journalist of that day. "Well, that word, like the elephant's Levy Myers Harby had served in the "For your kind expression of good CANDIES, ICE CREAM,- OF 'nose, is rather ah exaggeration.' But! War of 1812 as a midshipman in the will towards xne personally, I beg you, - LUNCHES. c . it ought'not to worry yov " United States Navy. At a later date to accept my thanks along with my "I worry-Very much about it,"said! ho commanded a vessel in the expe- best wishes, for your health, and hapy :Known Kind : ; . "; ' BUTTER and EGGS Mr. Levy, .somewhat aggressive -now. j against the pirates of Tripoli. piness. •'"-'-; -•' "of Insurance . "JOHN TYLER." j "It keeps me awake at nights. What j the Mexican War broke out Council Bluffs, la. DouRlas 03S0 and Farnani StreetB Such was the caliber of the Amer- 200 "W. O. YT. Bids. do you mean, a' man at my age : he a g a i n en tered the fray and rose ican Jew of another day. His heart shouldn't be able to read a blettel t o ±j, e f Captain. At the time and his mind were both large enough Crystal Candy Company. mathematics? It's simply shameful." of the Civil o War he had seen fifty16th and Capitol Ave. ', "Whyj Mr. L«vyr if you are really two years of service under the Unit- t>- embrace both religion and country. so upset about it tshould only be too €d States flag. It was then that he If the American 'Jew of the nineMade by glad to be of .sojne help to you. I am resigned to enter the Confederate t e / n f c e n t u i T ««&* <fv tear some UNDERTAKERS UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST an .expert mathematician. You have ITEN 1 in the defense of Gal-i o f ^ arguments advanced today 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. u o n 5 h e c e r t n l y w o u l d to be expert in my line of business. acquitted himself admir- ( P ' ^ J " * * * ^ Phone JA ckson 1226 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BISCUIT Maybe some time I shall be able to gasp What arewe commg to? Levi Myers Harby was a true ' ably. Snow White give you one or two pointers." Southerner. He was born at GeorgeHarry Fink spoke gravely and eas.-:: Bakeries ; town, South Carolina, in 1793. ROUMANIEN JEWS THREATEN Top and Body Building ily. By now it was impossible to tell . C . S. TO BOYCOTT LIBERAL and Repairing. Olfice.)" •who was-the kibetzer and -who the But the Jew took t i e same ardent PARTY. - ; Curtains—Lights—Etc. iibetzed. Mr. Levy rose suddenly. interest in matters pertaining t o his "If Its Worth Anything "Will you excuse aie for a few min- own race that he did in the affairs Demand Satisfaction for Antiof the land he had chosen as his utes; Mr.-Fink? " h e said. —Have It Insured." of COUNCIL BLUFFS 2335 tsavenworth St. AT lantic 0701 "~ Jewish Excesses. • "Certainly. But, Mr. Levy, I have home; Joseph Simpson, who has •We pay 4% Interest on Saying a little request to make o^f you and I been mentioned as second lieutenant and Time Deposits. Vienna, Nov. S. (J. T. A.)—All -would-like to make it before Estelle in the Baltimore volunteer corps of Safe Deposit. Boxes, for Rent. JAcison 1862 ; . ^ comes in. ' I would like you to know, Jews, was just as quick to ward off Jewish Deputies belonging to the that I am very fond of Estelle and an attack tipon Judaism as he wasLiberal- Party have today handed a Wholesale want to be engaged to her." to fight the battles of his country. memorandum to the government askFruit and Vegetables ADVO COFFEE Mr. Le^y started ; as if shot. In, truth it can be said that one of ing for satisfaction for the anti-j N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. "Why not? I'm glad to ,hear it." the outstanding characteristics of his Jewish excesses committed in a num- i ADVO JELJ. : .'•;?_ ADVO FOODS And; with this extraordinnary reply he personality was his-marked sensitive- ber of towns in Moldavia, by imme-| left the room; ness to any slur cast upon the Jews diate punishment of all who were When Harry Fink was gone Mr. or Judaism. A letter which he re-responsible for the outrages com-' Levy came "back into the parlor and ceived from President Tyler in which mittel on Jews, according to a stood: speechless for a moment in front the latter expresses, his attitude to- despatch received here from Buch! of his daughteTi wards the Jews has come down to arest.,. . . ! 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store OMAHA PILLOW CO. I "Estelle," he said at last. "That us. This letter, dated July 10, 1843, The,' deputies declared in their Feather mattresses made from your ATlanlic 0340. young man is no fool. He means busi- was in'reply to one sent by Joseph memorandum that the Jews throughowu feathers. Cool In Summer—Warm In Winter. Cost Jess than' felt beds. ness. I doa't know how you found Cotton Mattresses- made over in new Simpson condemning the presiding of i out Roumania will boycott the Lib-] ticks at half price of new beds. him, but he's the- first friend of yours General Scott, General of the United eral Party unless action is taken and 1907 Cuming St. JA. 2467 who can speak sensibly, And if you Statees Army, at a missionary meet- a recurrence of the excesses want to be engaged to "him — all 1806 Harney Street ing. Tr.3 letter reads in part: prevented. right." v . •,-,• ; Phone AT lantio" 0961' " ' "Dear Sir:—The Notice which you J. C. Crew. . EdLBardick. mention in your letter of the 3rd inA Store Managed and Run v Of the> intervening weeks between stant has only been called to my at- HEBREW TEACHERS THREATby Men who flay the (Jnmc. 101> No. 16th St. Tel JA ckson 3128 the announcement of the engagement! tention by your reference: to it. I ; ENED WITH EXPULSION. Opposlt* Post-Onice. G. L. REEVES of Estelle and Harry Fink it boots not Pragq*, Nov. 3. (J. C. B.)—The 1 GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys presume that it is nothing more than "RADIO' • to tell. The affair of the Ytinretarf a contemplated assemblage, of certain teachers of the' Hebrew School in From $3.00 to $9.00. ' ^ E v e r y t h i n g for the AthJete. was a brilliant • success and left the officers of the army and navy in Munkacs are threatened with expulr GOOD FURNISHINGS. Y o u r position is treasurer a surplus of five hundred their character of citizens and Chris- sion f^s foreigners by the author-; correct, and should "EVERY KNOWN KIND" ) dollars. Dave Feigenbaum recited, in tians, having for its object the in-ities. The Jewish National Council f be s u p p o r t e d by a rumbling bass, several poems con-•._. Kaplan Auto Parfs Co. Afener H . K a i m & n upon others, of their re- has been asked by the teachers t o ' nected vaguely with the perfidy of every fair minded intervene with the government and . -,' 2111 Nicholas Street for, as they 1319 W. O. W. Bidg. AT. 8034 woman and the independence of the [rTTsed cars bought, sold. «ad LION COAL CO. SPECIALS I person. and advantage of Man-prevent their expulsion. ' ' New genra. and ntte B male. Solly - Rosenauer danced with k i n d benefit for any inhnlor A s i r m l a r c a l 1o n t h e p a r t o f •Tires. Tubes and Accessories Hannah Lump «pIZ«DU infinite grace and his most conspicuPAXTON- BILLIARD Franklin County $ 1 4 CA ous partner was Sadte Korski, who a n y o t h e r r 6 1 ^ 0 ^ sect would be PALESTINE GOVERNMENT TO Below Wfaolesiile Prices. PARLOR a l i k e FOLLOW POLICY OF j Lump iplO.Dw jwas slim and pale and thought that tolerated under our institutions. WHITE PAP ER. * • . . . of... ( NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor The Government his -nothing to do plumpness wasn't refined. Colorado Smokeless 3>lll«5U Jerusalem, Nov. 2, (J. T. A.)—We 1510 Farnam Street. Bailment, with the publication, nor has it isHoffmann Funeral Home. Fbonn jr A rbson SlSfl, Need it be mentioned that the en- s u e d f r o m a n v -° n e o f t h e d «P ar *- are informed through a reliable Screenings $6.00 source that Sir Gilbert Clayton, the Delivered t o A n y P a r t gagement of Harry Fink with Estelle ments. Whether General Scott is to . J ,WaH Receptacles-- , --=«*• tfaerCSSyt- -•• - — Eevy-'Hmfi^a^a permanent feature I»«Me over-the meeting, I am itqt new civil secretary "for- Palestiiie, " with a re^l data in jthe early future? i n any way other than'through your intends to conduct his work in ac- Nearly every Jewish family In Your subscription for T h e Jew—Bdl l letter informed. i f d It*It hhe attends, t t d itit cordance with the policy outlined in It need not.—American Hebrew. i»h Press" is due now. Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". & ;'W^!nnts3034. I WEbster 2605. not and cannot be in his char- the White Paper. -The End. . .^ \ DO lOTJtt VfEI^DIIfG
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