Great, men direct the events of their times; wise men take advantage of them; weak men are borne down by them.
Men,are bora with TWO" eyes,* but with O N E tongue; . in •„ order that they should see twice as much as they say.
lecond-elass mail matter on January 27th. 1921, at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act xtt March 3, 1879.
VOL. n.—No. 50
Statistics Show More Than FifteenMillion Jews in theWorld
.Tusalem, Nov. 14. (J. C. B<) _ .station signed by organizations representing several thousands Orthodox Jews has been handed to Sir Herbert Samuel, "the High Commissioner, requesting the promulgation of an ordinance 'against" public infraction of the observance .of the Jewish.Sabbath. ; Jewish students of the law classes conducted by the Governmental Legal Department, have declared a strike as a protest against the nomination of Dr. Israel Dehan as a lecturer. The objection1 to^ Dr. Dehan, is based on bis anti-Zionist record, particularly on his. having headed the Or• thodox Delegation that complained against Zionism to the late Lord Northcliffe. '
Over Nine Millions Concentrated in "Jewish" Central Europe MORE THAN 3,3003000 J IN THE UNITED STATES New York, Nov. 21.—(Jewish. •Telegraphic Agency)—*Jews throughout the world number 15,400,000, according to a summary of statistics prepared by Dr., H-_ S. Iinfield, Jewish statistician directing the Department of Information, and Stattistics of the Bureau of Jewish Social Research and published in the American Jewish Year Book, just .off the press. Dr. idnfieldV estimate is conservative, being "based on the latest censuses and available reliable estimates. . , ' . Of this number, 9,250,000 are concentrated in, "what Dr. Linfield calls the "Jewish" Central Europe, a region, comprising the countries of Ukraine, West Bussia, White Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rou mania, Hungary, Czecho-Slovakia and Austria. The Jews constitute %Vz% of the total poulation of the "Jewish" Central Europe. . . . . ; To the "west and south of this "Jewish" Central TSurope, there live 1,500,000 Jews against a total population of 225,000,000, a little more than one-half of one per cent' of the .to the;north ttotal population; pp of the "Jewish" Central Europe, the Jewish population is even smaller; 145,000 Jews among a population of 80,000,000, constituting less than one-fifth of one per cent. To the south qf Europe, across the Mediterranean Sea, 280,000 Jews live among thf^ Mphammedan, Arabicd Abi speaVing countries of .North. Africa, 1.03 "per cent of the total population. " In ^ 1 ? ^ in Abyssinia; •while in. South Africa, there . are . tLSarly 50,000, mostly Ashkenasic Jews. In Asia, the Jews are most popul-. ous_ in Palestine. At least 85J00& Jews live in Palestine, 12% 9& of the total population. Next come the neighboring Semitic countries of Syria, Mesopotamia, and • Arabia with a Jewish population of 140,000, a little more than one and one-half per cent of the general population. In Asia Minor, Central Asia, and Siberia, 325,000 Jews live among the population' of 50,000,000, constituting a little over one half per cent of the total population, while in Japan, China, India, and beyond, less than 25,000 Jews are scattered among a population of 715,000,000. In the whole continent of Australia there are not more than a little over 17,000 Jews. With regard to the United States, the author adopted the figure arrived at the census taken by the American Jewish Committee in 1918, namely 3,300,000. If that figure was correct, then, the figures must be considerably larger now. In all of Worth America, there are nearly 3,425,000. In all of South America, a little over 108,000.
With SUver Cnp..
Chicago Opens Bitter Warfare On Known Ku Klux Klan Members American Unity League Leads Fight Against Klansmen and Makes Names Public—Bankers and Business Men Known to Be Members Being Boycotted.
. Chicago.—To be a member of the the names of the-men -who have j should, step out, and he did, •whereorganization Ku Klux Klan in Illinois, and par- • taken the oath of allegiance to the upon, "the '•"-- anti-Klan —•-••'"---—-—^ marked a "big cross on its Scoreboard. ticularly. in .Chicago, these days is, to i "Many of them are .using every ef- Nevertheless,it is only fair to .Mr. invite social ostracism and business fort to persecute: their fellow Ameri- Olson to state that he declared he redisaster.;The fact is slowly but sure- cans who happen to be of- the Jewish- signed to. preserve. harmony in the ly being driven into' the minds of race, the negro race, the Catholic community, adding: the 50,000 members of the secret or- faith or foreign j tongue.. Why any "I signed a petition for member100 per cent Aiherican organization ship in the Klan several months ago, ganization in and around this city. The' opposition to the Ku. Klux should wish to fsep its membership but did not know that it was. anyKlan is well organized presistent and secret and • why-itrue patriots ^should thing else than an ordinary fraternal unrelenting. "-In a city - in which' the exert every effort to keep .their af- order." foreign -.-• born•' population - predomi- filiation withl such an organization A short time before this incident nates, in' which the 'negro - popula- secret is a question that can have Judge Joseph B. David, sitting on tion alone is in excess of 11,000, in but one answer." the Superior Court, barred "Klansmen -which the members, of the Roman According to officials of the from serving on juries in his court. Catholic Church number 'approxi- American Unity League, that organ- On September 18, resuming the hearmately 1,200,000 and the Jews 125,- ization is in possession of virtually ing of common law cases on his 000 or more, it is not surprising that all the names of the 50,000 Klans- calendar, Judge David questioned there i sdeeprooted dislike of. the Ku men in Chicago^ and contemplates prospective jurors on their sympathy Klux Klan and the ~ • principles for carrying out its announced program with the secret organization, assertwhich it stands. - The foreign-born, of making them public in due time. ing that members of the Klan were the Catholic, the Jew and the negro As a result of these activities of prejudiced by their oath, and thereRabbi Gary • August. of' St. Joseph, there is deeprooted dislike of the Ku the league it became known that Au- fore ineligible as jurors. Mo. to Speak Here. Klux' Klan and are a unit in opposi- gustus E. Olson, one of the best "I will not-tolerate any man servtion to it. • - . ' . . . , known of the-younger generation of ing as a juror in a case before me LOCAL KEREN HAYESOD TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETING As a consequence Chicago is wit- South Side • business* men, virtually who is affiliated with any such ornessing" some curious happenings. had been forced 'xmt of the presidency ganization/' said Judgre David. A public meeting of' contributors One judge refuses to permit mem- of the Washington Park National "Members - of the Ku Klux Klan to the Keren Hayesod will be held bers of the Klan to serve as jurors in Bank. Mr. Olson's_ tenure of the have confirmed opinions, and they Sunday evening, December 3, a t the his court, business men known_to be presidency: was comparatively short. cannot serve in this courtroom." Jewish Community Center. There members of the organization are be- He succeeded the late Garland Stahl Charged With Political Activity. will be no collection of donations or ing boycotted, and one of the-big about a year ago, when the tetter's During the recent political campledges at-this meeting,; according to banks is losing business because some failing health required him to retire paign. the .American Unity League, the committee i n charge. .'._""'.' its official publication, of its directors and' officials are sus- from business activity. On Novem- through "At this meetirig the local commit- pected of affiliation with the'.Klan. ber 1 of this year Mr. Olson sudden- charged that 50,000 members of the tee of the Keren Hayesod will give So powerful is the wave of resent- ly resigned "and, was- succeeded by "Klan in Chicago hal pledged thema complete financial report," said A. ment that within the last few weeks Isaac N. 'Powei, chairman of the selves to Jefeat a l nomember canI. Kulakofsky, temporary chairman: the president of another bank, one of "bank's board of directors. didates for office. at. the November At this meeting permanent officers Chicago's larger financial instituelection, and that there existed a naBaitt President Assailed. will be elected. tion wide. conspiracy of the Klan to tions, was- forced to resign when his At that time denial was made that Following the business meeting, a name was listed as a member of the there had been a run on the bank as drive, every Jew and,Catholic from program will; be'held' with llabbi Kl§ a periodical which is the of- aa' result of an announcement that'public " i thatpublic office. - So far-as f a r a s ©Mcag^ Garry J . A u g u s t of St. Joseph, Mo., ficial organ of the: anti-Klan organ- Mr. Olson "was an alleged member of concerned, the Klan apparently made K l ^ . ... t . . ' ^ —_—„,. J i _-r5 — t . .... f .—. *~This"publication; 'bears the "the ... also beings made to attempt io se- flalne of "Tolerance," and is-the of-I Investigation disclosed that several! the candidates for public office were cure Dr. Shemaryl Levitie .and Dr. ficial mouthpiece of the American weeks ago Mr. Olson had been listed either Jew or Catholic, and they had Arthur Ruppin to speak at this Unity Leagua, founded in Chicago as a member of the Ku Klux Klan no alternative but t o . vote .for one meeting. Prof. Mach's, orchestra, last summer to combat the Klan and by the official organ of f he anti- or the other or not vote at. all. will give several musical numbers. With the continued publication of its theories. Klan organization. Thereafter he All the organizations in the city was bitterly assailed at meetings of the list of Klansmen, the Chicago Klan Membership Published. -are asked to appoint committees for In a recent issue "Tolerance" be- the anti-Klan organization and re- ' members of the secret society are hethis meeting. gan the publication of lists of the ports were circulated that those not coming more and more nervous. Boynames of prominent Chicagoans af- in sympathy with Klan activities cotts and other troubles of a business filiated with the Klan, and it an- had begun to withdraw their deposits and social nature are feared and nounces that the names of additional in . the Washington Park National threatened, and the life of a Elansmembers in Chicago, and officials in Bank and redeposit them in other man in Chicago is far from happy. other cities, will be made public in banks. These withdrawals were re-1 Members of the organization alsubsequent issues. This has" caused ported to run into the thousands of ready have suffered, a case in point Bundists and Left Poale Zion Suffer considerable alarm in the ranks of dollars, most of them being made by being the manager of a well known Defeat; Minoritiea'Ticbet Wins. the local Klansmen. persons of Irish descent and by Jews, hotel, who saved himself annoyance, At a meeting of the directors held if nothing more serious, by an emIn explanation of its action TolerWarsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Twenty-one ance says: a week ago last Monday it was de-J phatic denial that he was a member Jewish deputies have been elected to the lower "house (Sejm> of the Polish "The American Unity League be- cided that it was for the best inter- of the Klan.—From the New York Parliament, according; to Incomplete lieves the public is entitled to know ests of all concerned that Mr. Olson I Times.
Drs. Shemarya Leviae And Arthur Ruppm Are Sought To Speak Here
Over 500 People at Public Meeting for Rabbi Taxon Is Presented
Over five hundred people attended the farewell meeting in honor of Rabbi Morris N. Taxon on Sunday afternoon at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. Short talks made by N. S. Yaffe, chairman of the meeting; Rev. E. Fleishman, Harry Lapidus, and Rabbi Taxon. "Omaha Jewry is sorry in having you leave us and take this means in presenting you.with this gift of remembrance for the things that you iave done in this community," said Harry H. Lapidus in presentinc a silver loving cup to Rabbi Taxon. The cup was the gift of the Omaha Lodge of the B'nai B'rith, The Omaha Hebiew Club, The City Talmud torah and the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, Adass Yeshurem, B'nai Jacob Syragogues. " "I wish to express my thanks to the Jewish people of Omaha for their friendship and for this valuable "gift which I shall remember as a token from Omaha," said Rabbi Taxon. Rabbi Taxon will leave Omaha the first of next month for Dallas, Tex., "where Jhe will b& Babbi of Shearath Israel Congregation. __ : 1: .
Jews Elect Twenty-ohe To Polish Parliament
returns. The successful candidates are nominees of the .Minority . Notiohr alities' Bloc, consisting largely of Jews and Germans- with a .liberal sprinkling of . Ruthenians. Jewish parties not allied with the minority fusion went down t o "defeat. Thus the Bund, the Poale Zion and the Jewish People's Democratic Bloc candidates, headed by Noah jPriiutzki," were not returned Mr. Prilutiki alone being elected; despite the 23,000 votes cast for it. , • • Warsaw alone returned 7 Jews, Wilna, 2; Lemberg* - 2; Cracow,- l j Plotzk, 1; Bialysbtck, 1. There were notable victories for the candidates of the Galician Zionists as well as for the Zionist" candidates throughout Poland. " ' . Jewish deputies to the Sejm, the returns up t o the present indicate, are Gruenbaum, Kirschbraun, Farbstein, Hartlass, Schapiro, Rosenblatt, Sirkis, Schiper, Wigodzki, Zeldman, WischlizM, Thon, Helmann, Trusker, Weinsieher, Eeich, Rubinstein. There are, besides, two Jewish deputies for Stanislalow, and two for Stryj. In consequence of the defeat of Prilutzki's part*-, popular known as "VoHrists," he proposed an amalgamation with the Minority Bloc for the Senatorial elections. It iB doubtful, however, if the minorities will agree to this fusion. The majority of the seats rave been -won by the Polish Center Party, notorious for its anti-semitic planks in its platform, the Peasant's Party running a close second and Polish Socialist Party coming in third. The minority nationalities' candidates including 16 Germans, Ukrainians and White Russians will, together with the Jewish candidates, be In a position to combine" with other Sejm groups on issues calling: for defeat of reactionary measures.
City Sunday School Seeks Larger Enrollment Letters Have Been Sent to Parents ' in City. All fathers and mothers are asked to send their children to the City Sunday school at eighteenth street and.Chicago Synagogue. All children from the ages of 6 to 13 are eligible. According ' to the committee in charge, a number of teachers shave been secured to teach at the Sunday school. , The! following letter i a s been sent out by the committee to the fathers and mothers in the city: To all Jewish Parents of Omaha: Are you aware of the fact, that from the thousands of Jewish children attending the public schools of our city, only a very small number of them are getting any Jewish education and the great majority remains without any Jewish instructions ? Do you take a personal interest in the Jewish training of your children? Do you realize the importance of •this matter? Did you stop to think that all our future as Jews depends only on the Jewish training of our children? Are you giving your children any instruction in Jewish History or Jewish Religion? If not, we want to appeal to you in the name of Judaism to send your children to the City Sunday School at the Synagogue, 18th - and Chicago Streets, which is conducted under the leadership of MR. E. BLOCH, as principal, with a staff of efficient teachers. All .children from the ages of 6 to 13 years are eligible. Classes start promptly at ten every Sunda morniiiff. All books are furnished free. The Confirmation class is under the personal instruction of. Mr. E. Bloch. t AH children are given instruetionos on Jewish history, Jewish -
religion and Jewish Ethics. After the classes all children are assembled and a sermon is preached to the children by the principal Mr. E. Bloch, on the weekly portion of the Torah. Once a month ah outside speaker is invited to address the children on various Jewish topics. At the conclusion prayers are recited and national Jewish songs are sung. A special effort is made to impress the children with the importance of celebrating our National Jewish Holydays. We will start this Chanuka Celebration, when we will .have a very interesting program, and all the Sunday School children will receive Chanuka presents. Sincerely yours, S. RAVITZ, E. BLOCH, Principal. A. B. ALPEEIN M. BLANK J. KATLEMAN DR. PHHJP SHER—Committee.
First Open louse Meeting si Y. M. i . L dreat Success
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. HUNGARY DEPUTY PROSECUTED. Vienna, Nov. 16. (J. T. A.)—The affair o fthe Hungarian Deputy Paul Sandor, -who published, through the Jewish Correspondence Bureau, an article in the American Jewish press regarding the anti-Semitic agitation in Hungary, is assuming serious proportions. The anti-Semitic Deputies have introduced a bUl in the Hungarian Parliament demanding, the surrender of Paul Sandor to be tried for High Treason. The Liberal Deputies are backing Sandor and will make all efforts to prevent his surrender.
Says Louis Marshall Situation of Jews Brighter, Is President's Report to American Jewish Committee. ECONOMIC LIFE OF JEWS IN EUROPE IMPROVING. New York.—Declaring that although in some sections of the United States "certain sinister political groups have made anti-Jewish prejudice a part of their program," Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee, in his messiig-e delive^d at the sixteenth annual meeting of the committee yesterday stated that there had been no attempt on any large scale to revive the agitation. In addition he pointed out that the Dearborn Independent is continuing to circulate its anti-Semitic pamphlet form, although no new articles of this description are appearing in the Ford organ. In this connection he expre-sed confidence that •Jfthe-"'irQiiriber-•«£• -persons -who "give credence to these broadsides is comparatively small and that the American people as a whole appreciate the danger of such movements and may be relied on to repudiate them." Discussing anti-Semitism in Europe, Mr. Marshall declared that the collapse of anti-Semitism in the United States has had a salutory effect although the agitation is still prevalent in some countries overseas. "On fiie whole, however, the propaganda has met with general condemnation in Western Europe except in Germany, where anti-Semitism has been adopted as a rallying cry by certain minor political groups and it is there that we see most clearly that anti-Semitism is the handmaiden of what remains of the militaristic party and of those forces which are endeavoring to overthrow the republic," he said. Statistical tables presented in the message indicate that the total Jewish population of the world is -15,393,815. Of that number, 3,330,000 are in the United States; 3,716,000 in Poland, and 2,375,000 in the Ukraine. That economic conditions of the Jews in Europe are now improving was also stated by Mr. Marshall in his message. Officers were elected as follows: Louis Marshall, president; Cyrus Adler and Julius Rosenwald, vice presidents; Isaac M. Ullman, NewHaven, treasurer. Judge Irving Lehman and Louis Marshall, New York, and Isaac M. Ullman, New Haven, were re-elected members of the executive committee, to which Felix Fuld, Newark, was added.
One hundred and fifty new members and as many old members of the YM & YWHA senior group were present at the first open-house meeting of the Association,-Sunday evening at the Jewish Community Center. . A program) presented by members of the Y and associated clubs was given and. most enthusiastically received. Piano selections by Miss Sadie Levey and dramatic readings by Miss Harriet Fleischman, and a series of character songs and dances by the Misses Ida Tennebaum, Betty Steinberg, Anna and Ethel Hurwitz, under the direction of Miss Mary Maize!, were outstanding features of the program. Welcome to the new WOMEN'S AUXILIARY TO members was extended "by S. H. ROUMANIAN CONSTITUTION TO GIVE DANCE THURSDAY, Schaefer, director - of Y activities. PROTECT MINORITY RIGHTS. NOVEMBER 30. Louis Abramson," chairman of the Special reference to Jews. The Women's Auxiliary of the membership committee presided. Bucharest, Nov. 9.—(J. C. B.)—-InB'nai B'riih will hold its annual Social dancing concluded the even- corporation of the minority rights dance, Thanksgiving night, November ing's entertainment. cluases in the constitution was decided 30, at the Fontenelle Hotel. upon by the commission drafting the This win be the first informal dance of the season to be given by FUNERAL OP ISADORE WIN- new Roumnaian constitution. The the Women's Auxiliary. According TROUB HELD WEDNESDAY. guarantees are those required by the to th«». committee in charge plans are The funeral of Isadore Wi&troub, peace treaty and agreed to by Prebeing;made to secure several novel 28, who died early Wednesday morn- mier Brabano. It is learned that the stunts for the merry-seekers. ing, was held Wednesday afternoon draft of the constitution contains special reference to the safeguarding from the family residence. LOCAL WOMEN OPEN IN- He is survived by his widow and of the rights of the Jewish minority FANTS DRESS STORE. one child, Alice, and his parents, Mr. Mrs. B. E. Boasberg and Mrs. H. and Mrs. IJ. Wintronb, two brothers, PRISON FOR ARAB CEKSUS S. Knmen, local Jewish women, have Joseph, and Sam, and three sisters, BOYCOTTERS. opened a Infant's Dress business and Mrs. H. Ackennan, Mrs. D. Soref, Jerusalem, Nov. 9.—{J. C. B.)— are handling a line of hand-made and Anne Wintroub, all of this city. Allian Abdur Arbieh, President of the the Golden Hill Moslem. Christian Society of Hebron, hand-embroidered dresses. "We are Burial was a t doing all this work alone and guar- Cemetery. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon has been imprisoned for advocating officiateed. antee them," said Mrs. Boasberg. the boycott of the Palestine census, "These dresses will make excellent notwithstanding the decision of the They call Ford "Hen" for short but Arab leaders to permit themselves to Chanuka gifts for the little ones," because he.lays aroirad the house. be coianted said Mrs. Kamen. . • -—-
to'Start Suit, Dec' liberal Payment Plan WF Induce Subscriptions from Every Omaha Jew. MEN' AND WOMEN ORGANJ IZED TO SECURE P L E D d FROM EVERY MEMBER OF COMMUNITY. The Jewish Community ter Building Fund campai^ will start officially on Dec, 3 Oa that date and for 12 daj thereafter 150 men and many women will canvass tfe entire 'city ;to secure pledges t the fund-which will result i the ereettoia of one of OmaltE*i most ..needed institutions.
All plans for the campaign ha been completed. Within the next fi days every member of the Co: rnunity -will receive a prospectus the project so that he may be fu; informed as to the needs for building. This prospectus will most complete giving details of work now being carried on in limited qxmrters in the Lyric Buili ing, and other pertinent facts. person who does not receive pamphlet within a •week is reques to call the Jewish Community Cen' office, Jackson 5377, and a copy w: be itmiled. With more than $135,000 subscribed by 97 individuals the is already almost half subscriJ However,' in order that this but ing- may be truly, a Jewish munity Center, it is necessary, every -Jew in Omaha subscribe. very liberal payment plan is offe: subscriptions being payable over period of three years. CerfciS of stock wiU be issued to every scriber, indicating his particip* in the erection of the Center. No more inspiring heritage can left to the future .generations Omaha than these certificates an: the structure which will be «*eetei here. On next Tuesday evening p recently elected Board of Directs £*J; of the organization will meet 1" *P gether with all the present si:; *f scribers to the Fund, for the of organizing the work of the Boa*"i and discussing matters relative » the Building.
iai Public Meeting snd Program to Held in Evening. Council Bluiffi Lodge No. 688 v •% hold its annual' B'nai B'rith ds.,| Sunday, November 26. ! During the afternoon an initis of a class of newly elected meml: will be the Eagle's hail. XI the evening there will be a publif meeting and program at Eagle's Mr. J . A : Blume of Des Moines, I« will be the principal speaker, era] musical numbers will also be oj the program. • • The Council Bluffs'lodge is knovd throughout the District as1 having t h | largerst number of members, in portion to the amount of'Jewish dents. The Bluffs lodge aver&£t>| more than one member for evfei family. SAY KEMAL PROTECTED JEWi Constantinople Jews Join Kci - Celebration. Constantinople, Nov. 9, (J. T. —The rejoicing marking, the celeb? tion here of the Kemalist victorts was shared in by the Jews. Jewish, quarter was decorated, &ni pox-traits of the Turkish heroes displayed from Jewish houses, those of Rsbbi Hyirj Nahum, the retired Chief Babhj curiously enough, finding: their with the galaxy. A special atlc felicit&tiBg the Kemalist forces their victory was presented by Cfctc Rabbi Bejarno. Numerous stories are current wit, reference to the Turks' -treatment the Jewg, One is that instruct?* had been issued from Kemal's quarters to afford special prot to Jewish houses in the beiig area, and that accordingly houses were especially marked ?
v i
PAGE 2—THE JEWTSH PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1922 1 births and deaths, all that denies life JASSY JEWS ACCUSE AUTHORI- Mrs. H. Berlint will entertain three TIES. is cleared away. What remains is tables of Bridge Thursday evening. Bucharest, Nov. 8.—(J. T. A.)— the divine ecstasy that -wills to live PttblltBed every Thursday mt Omah*. Kebwka. by and breathe, that wills to die in or- The anti-semitism of the authorties Mrs. George Krasne will entertain THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. der to live again, and live abundant- as revealed during the aggression on the Afternoon Club Tuesday afterr Office; ,482 Brandejg Theatrq Building.—Telephone; Jackson 2372." ! ly. All that denies life, and all "that Jews last week was condemned at a noon at the Grand Hotel. protest meeting here at which resblur defies life, all that would cause it to E. GREEN, Manager. shrank with sorrow and disappoint- tions were carried demanding punish- THOBPEIAJT ATHLETIC CLUB. Subscription Price, one year.. A regular meeting of the Thorment, must in the end flee before ment of the culprits. famished on application. That things are not quite quiet in peian Athletic Club was held Wednesthe victorious tides of life's passionNOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publica- ate eternity. The human heart, which Jassy is shown by the disturbance at day evening. Plans Were made for THE tion1 of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy commBnal causea. in its own systole and diastole hears the Roumanian Natinoal Theater of a novel dance this Sunday evening the echo of life's eternal undulation, that place, Because a Jewish member at Kelpines Academy. Various prizes (Oontinj CHAJiQB OF glV* botb tbe old and orw address; can but feel that in this world, finite of the cast declined to play in conse- will be awarded to me winners. Plans &•-•«• end •lea toot •" '" "' fifteen r are being made for a banquet to be though it is, all losses are com- quence of the recent troubles. held next Wednesday evening, and pensated and assigned ^their fitting The authorities are adopting measJEWS, WARS ANp HENRY no place in the harmony of the infinite ures against anti-semitism in the also to attempt to organize the Laey grinn.1 . *• have hatred iii my heart for the Jew," says Henry Ford : going? * a .newspaper interview at Boston. That may be true. Several whole. Here error is but truth's foil; schools, having warned professors and dies Auxiliary to the Club. i going thousands of Jewish workers are still on the Ford payroll, a fact here evil is partial good—the good teachers that the use of anti-semitic YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. not en$° which Ford has often pointedias proof of his "friendship" for that is ever on the way. Here is the language in or outside of class will sin that regenerates and purifies; be punished by dismissal. The Lilies of Zion wil hold its first \ you/'jthft011Jewish, people., The psychologic (or psychopathije) c'onstrucbug the** of Mr. Ford's mind is such, however, that he may really be- here love loses and agonises only to JEWISH COLONIAL TRUST TO meeting of the season Sunday at 2:30, at the Jewish Community Cenik, the«eve it. He h a r b o r s w i l l will against "go6d" Jews whp labor become purged of its own dross; and HAVE BRANCH HERE. here men and women fall only to ter. All old members are requested Ltthes.ofjwith their hands in the factories, but he is merciless in His hatred London, Nov 9.—(Jewish TelegratJpstairsj°f t h e "bad" Jew who,.a.victim of ia modern financial system,."is rise. Here one-Noah is worth a whole phic Agency)—Arrangements have to be present as well as all girls bennrfifi'ii t h e very foundation" of the world's greatest curse today—war." generation. :pf 'godless, men. Are joy been completed here for openeing of tween the ages of eight to eleven, Mr F o r ( s and victory nsi.'tHip.witimate notes of who are cordially invited to attend. them? e *few « * * quoted correctly, then he really does not hate the the New York branch of the Jewish world-gongi "tfie last exulationof rto die t&3 «* H« e He only hates this "false money system" that "creates nobly triumphant souls?' Do not the Colonial Trust, the financial arm of The Young Judea Senior Club will h tes w a r so 'Tut tutiJ* **" ? niuch that he expresses himself thiisly: of us" ""feel", in their heart of the iZonist Organization. Difficulties hold one of its most important meet^i st rwi oo tr ki se m< i sUa s J o h n s < m said 'the last refuge of the scoundrel.' best experienced because of the nature of ings of the season Sunday afternoon * * P hy these money lenders who are playing their hearts a sense" of .the worth and won- the cank's charter have been removed, at the Jewish Community Center. An TO0Ile ame der of itself,,for its own sake? learn ch ^ £ - Poverty, ^nisery a^d the slaughtering of the flower it is stated, and a director of the bank exclusive social program, has been of young manhood mean nothing to them as long as their monfey Surely, life is its; .own excuse and its will soon proceed to the United States arranged and all members are re^ y ^ a m e goes on successfully. And'the mob, true'to its emotion, own warrant .eternally.' This perish- to establish the American branch. quested to be there at 3 o'clock. ing heart of our feels the throb of gst "«<> Swallows ^ g s t u ^ h<K) ^ j - e ^ d ginger, whereupon bands play and even mothers in the hysteria; of it all place their own offspring imperishable life, of s.ome everlastThe members of the X, T. C. Club rnwijupon the altarb aof murder, just as the ignorant mothers of years ing inherent namelessness—inher3 0 fed bie installed their officers for the comd® ^ ^ s into the flaming jowls of the god Moloch!" ently good, inherently godly—which ing season at its regular meeting goes out beyond itself to the invisible I|3hades of Karl Marx, Emma Goldman; Morris Hillquit arid Ludwig Th Jewish Women's Benevolent fringe of being, where all things Society celebrated its twenty-fifth an- Tuesday evening at the Jewish Comwisohn!! . Has Henry Ford stolen the thunder ofrthese radicals 1UDITOK merge inexpressibly into the All; and niversary Tuesday - afternoon at the munity Center. • Plans are being ail Oansi r—who were Jews! this unmistakable, sense of infinitude home of its .first president, Mrs. Sam made for a bridge party for its memHar.&406 the mortal heart is a sufficient Friedman. A large bouquet of flow- bers. Other social events will take Can you conceive of a mind that will voice so violent a radical in place during the coming season. assurance of .life's eternity. ers were presented to the society by dea of the cause of wars, and at the same time bitterly fulminate against the Jewish people as the cause of.all the world's ills? If .Sings the Psalmist; "The river of the Council of Jewish Women. The Henry Ford'means whsit he says then he certainly cannot hate Gfod if full of water." To which our following charter members were givlews, because there is no people on earth that have suffered the xabhis add. "God's river has been en silver pins: Mrs. Sam Friedman, horror and devastation of war more than the Jews. And if it pouring forth from the dawn of crea- Sam Snyder, A. Gilinsky, G. WMtetrue that Jews are the cause of wars, then they surely have tion, yet is still full of water, still of book, and K- Weinberg. The after- Chiropodist and Beauty Shop sn punished enough for their blind folly without further ag- undiminished flow." We may add noon was spent in playing cards. Established 1890 that not alone is the flow undiminavation, from the Ford institution of hate. . ished but steadily, increases through Mrs. L. Braunstein. entertained the 15th and UArcwy Streets. Phone Douglas 8333 If Jewish financiers did fiendishly plan the World War, (whothe ages. Through ever-widening Afternoon Club at her home Monday m banks does life stream onward afternoon. could conceive of such a thing?) then the blood of thousands upon 'thousands of their brethren flows in rivers past their very doors. everywhere, where men dwell .and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kraesne anol ' T h e Jewish people in all their history of persecution did not even have their being; and the tide swells nounce the birth of a baby girl, Ar- i Have You Too approach: the extent of the colossal losses which they experienced with God's ever-increasing purposes. lene Louise, Friday, November 17, the.last_war. T h e y were shot down on every battlefield, in So "truth grows into limpid clarity; Jennie Edmundson Hospital. j Had The Experience | i708Fa€very army, American, English, German, French, Austrian, so love deepends into greater tendertrying to buy i n f a n t s 1: ness; so beauty is sublimated into Jftalian, Polish, Russian. As civilians they were bombed and Mrs. D. Hearsh .will, leave- this afwear and found the supply S purest delight, leaving behind the ~3taryed and massacred wherever such outrages took place. As limited? This is to be t ternoon for her *hcrme in Kansas remedied. * "•victims of post-bellum scourges and economic conditions^ their lust of the flesh, ^as when the sheer City. Mrs. Hearsh came to attend blue veUings of the twilight fall plight is the'saddest and most tragic of all. • Do Jews conspire Mrs. B. R. Boasberg and the Schwartz—Katelman wedding gently, upon the hard materiality of Mrs. H. S. Kauen are fco cause wars? A t such a price? ! " ; ; . i ~'~ the earth and soften all harsh out- which took place November 5. handling a line of handmade h a n d - embroidered lines in^o a v.ast spreading panorama Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz reNo, Henry, Jews as Jews are no more responsible-for wars of infant dresses — something .divine peace. And there is no nook turned last Friday: from their honeyTel. JA. 4than you and your wonderful contraption for transportation. - The or corner of this world whither God's very unique—and at the same time very reasonable Jcause of wars has ever been the subject of.speculation,for, the rivegyaf life_gogs, not .flow with its moon; in price. -sociologist; tfte" ec'ofioxntst;/"thehistorianrthepbilosopheivandiyour ricK'deposit of" tru^'aBd love arid ijuess as to the"false money system" Is as iogical as any. But, beauty; and there is no nook or corIf interested will you call Harney 0790 or Harney f as you say, the Jews are but VICTIMS of this financial system, ner ^viich is ever completely filled 3937. . ; .y|then it is the FINANCIAL SYSTEM that you should fulminate with this divine forthpouring of the Prices range from $2.75 f CANDjagainst—not the Jews; If you could with one gesture of your glory and grandeur of existence. God to $8.25. imagic hand exterminate in one second every Jew on the face of poursand pours, through ages un'the earth, you would still have! this> same financial system : to toW .'of constant unfolding; and who •plague your sense ofJusticet\-and ;^^wouldvS"1ffiTiaye--w.^s*V'rhe _Jewa did not create the money system of today, neither did* they shall' say that in all this lavishness "create the institution of war. They are, as you say, only of the divine grace there can ever be a permanent loss or such fatally final gain as would spell satiety and . - Crystal j ^s e e n i s to us that Mf. Ford is wildly groping for an alibi stagnation? Still men ask, Will the last 16th for his vicious attacks upon the Jewish people. He has arrived forever? Will life not ceaseflow at some -£\.?-.- the inevitable realization that his organized and heavily financed far off date, when all things cool off ^AS. -.•s^attack on the Jew was wrong and foolish, arid that the only effect and the world's last breath vanishes -- ,.v:Jof his campaign of slander reacted to make him even more in dying sigh which no ear will •-^ jridiculous in the eyes of the American people, Mr. Ford even goes hearone in vast emptiness? All we llslEsQ far as to utter words of praise for Jewish energy and ability can saythat to them that life is too ,'lAUIas ^ business man, in a naive attempt to be "fair." Mr. Ford much alive ever tojsdie. If we die life ^aspires to the Presidency of the "United States,-so why not express lives. Our civilization may a frail a, love for the Jewish "people," but a bitter hatred for the Jewish bark, yet will we float it be over the tier!" Ford must have read Hapgood's expose of the sorry deep with such trust as. only faith • •mf jpijmess made by his hirelings at the behest of the Black Hundred can inspire. Never will our bark be L L 1 I Readers of old Russia, and desires to "square" himself, Someone will always be there ^^ The tragedy of Henry Ford lies in the fact that he allowed empty. in whom our aspirations will live ither men to do his thinking for him, otherwise he. would never again. And he will peer through the lake the mistake of indicting the economic system, under which to watch for the first sign Jjhe has become one of the richest men iH^history, despite wars window in the sky.—Joe Blau.Hebrew StanJand despite Jews.—Buffalo Review. dard.
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Suits and Overcoats NOW Desirable, Real Quality Clothing Is Scarce Super Quality Suits and Overcoats
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Announcement We wish to announce that the Delicatessen Department is now under the direct management of The Food Center. Our stock will consist of the finest Kosher Lunch Meats in the city at less prices than you have been accustomed to paying elsewhere. Won't you come in, if just for a minute, you will find courteous and intelligent help to serve you whether you come to buy or not. The mere fact that you call will please us.
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Every Motor Tested Severely
THE ETERNITY OF LIFE. A TV? •'And, behold, I, even I, &o bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. . . .But with thee will I establish my covenant." (Gen. vi, .47-18.) Omaha's Ni AH the living were to be destroyed. "ie end of all flesh had come. The breath of life was to vanish in he dying sigh. For life had missed frtg propose, and its creator has - JJ_, doomed it. But, 'curiously, wfcile the * Maker of life pronounces the terrible 3oom upon all life, He establishes J. C. Crei His covenant with Noah—at least 'by M P - representative of life. Life, then, Q. pahnot and must not be destroyed. If but a single spark regain of the Ever ^ th kacrificial fire of life on the face of |Hu> earth, out of it a new altar can ind should be fanned into' flame. rhus, rightly understood, the story the flood speyys a prpphecy of i) perduranceof-]ife on this globe. V*ea K [t contains the assurance that one of this" vestal fire will always Tlrea. ' Belo ( found glowing Somewhere,' s'omepovr. For life is the'-qfoiehless fire,, blaze with the love1 great floods cariextinguish. Life 'is eternal, ' l A i n i / £ -Life is immortall while'lives hl are Wall aortal. Life may -ndt T^ck'of-numt i g h r Viiers! ^ u ^ ^ shows It great" concern /or the spirit which Is "itself. Life teems wasteful, for it is so lavish; nit ont of its lavish wastefullness it lever leaves its ovm aUars antended, wd whatever 'it wastes—according -ouroKTi estimation, I fqr .SB^ know
LAW'S PALESTINE STAND PLEASES CHURCHILL. London, Nov. 9.—(J. C. B.)—Premier Bonar Law's pronouncement at Leeds Saturday that he would consider carefully the obligations of the British government toward Palestine and Mesopotamia is in every respect "proper," in the opinion of Winston Chuchill, former colonial secretary. "Mr. Law and Lord Curzon had shared in the prime responsibility for the commitments regarding Palestine and Mesopotamia," Mr. Churchill declared in an interview he gave newspapermen. "If Lord Beaverbrook attacqs these -commitments he is attacking Bonar Law, whose responsibility extended to April 1921," declared Mr. ChurchiJI. "I think that Bonar Law's pronouncement relating to Palestine and Mesopotamia is in every respect proper and- JS what one would expect from a statesman having persffSal and j*reat responsibilities toward this question-"-
Miss Emily Cleve will present her not its" vast plan—is but the fuel talented pupil, Miss Dorothy Lustwhich replenishes the burning. From garten in a violin recital on Tuesday form to form, in sherr riot of maru> evening, November 28, at the First foldness, life leaps onward, clothing Christian Church, 26th and Harney itself now in one now in another Sts. Miss Lustgarten is nine years guise, but always true to its own inof age, and a member of the Junior sistent purpose of self-perpetuation. Musical Club. She will be assisted Flung across our earth is a green by Miss Irma Clow, pupil of Miss belt of fields and forests, ranging Marie Swanson, in a group of harp through nature's" vast domain on numbers, and by Miss Ida Lustgarmyriad feet, singing out passionately ten, pupil of Mr. Cecil Berryman in in every bush of myriad frail-throata number of piano numbers. Admised birds, "but most passionately out sion is free, and the public is cordial* of the human heart, whence it rises ly invited. Advertisement. into thought and vision and the desperate upreaching of the finite to the infinite, where did it come from? ANNOUNCEMENT Where, in what primal yearning of Rev. E. Fleishman the Eternal Father, did it have its "THE MOHL" know notj'only' this we source? Moved into his new home at dare to infer, that the Father being 1342 So. 25th Street, eternal and existence being of his Corner of Woqiworth Avenue. Tel. Atlantic 6637. eternal essence, the Child—whom we name Life yet- understand but little nonetheless—must be eternal too. .. If.caught else,,it,is the sheer joy . . . FOR•• • of living,.-the rollicking rhapsody of Barry H. Lipldat, Prei-Tretl. -JOB, Pepper. Vlce-Prestdent. DIAMONDS, JEWELRY its gladhess,_which jsjthe earnest of • " W.' &. Bre. Secretary. AND life's eternity. For joy cries for Omaha Fixture & SPECIAL PLATINUM eternity,-nay,-joy is "eternity; "etevDESIGNING nity's-' brimful overflow. • Notes of c\. Supply Co. ; gladness thrill through the wqrld sec. . eOMPLETE STORE AND ::: from end to end, carrying before '-'ptFlCB OUTFITTERS The Pfalashcck Jewelry Co. them "all the wild weird accents of We occupy jij grief. The universe is too vast for ever 70,000 eonare feet Diamond and Platinum Bonthircst Carrier Speria lists grief's momentary burst; and in the Klpvonlb anil OouElai> Streets, Street. 1514 long sweep of God's thought through \ rhoni-t Jnrkmiti 2734 Established 1834, DO ujtlnn 6610. timeless, time, whfle life rolls over |;4 NKII. ' the earth in alternating, tides of !|si:n;a«Un:i:H«H:Sii:«ni:n5n::in::;:iHn!:ni:-:i:::KHl
Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. It is first extensively iimbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car. FOURS end SIXES
Prwes> rangefrom$915 to $2ipof. 0. b* factory
" ' RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Tenth and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representative* Photic ATlantic 2916 (omitted from TelejtfuMte Directory). ,. NatK Leads t h e W o r l d i n M o t o r C a r V a l u e •
SbcMrChib and Religious Activities " SHERMAN-GRAWOIG. •': The marriage of Miss Beatrice ;/Grawoig of Chicago to Mr. Nate ?: Sherman of Omaha, took place at the '•jWrightwood Club. House,-Chicago, on E,November 14, Eabbi Paul H. Filber ;• officiating. f The bride wore a simple go-win of T-Ivory Canton Crepe -with a bertha of ftreal lace and carried a shower bouquet of Roses and Lilies of the Val-
f.ley. ^ One hundred guests were present - a t the wedding. Those from out of jrtown being;' Mr. and Mrs. Philip f Greenberg of S t Paul; Mr. and Mrs. j \ Herman Greenberg of Minneapolis; '-Mrs. Sam Steinman of Minneapolis; f;Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherman, parents of -fthe groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Date |. Sherman,' Miss Jeanette Sherman, *^Mr. Morris Sherman and Mrs. A. H. ;.Diamond, all of Omaha. ' After a short trip. to Wisconsin, rthe couple returned to Chicago for ' five days; and then left for the Twin I Cities of Minnesota. They will leave p there the end of this week for Oma< " 'ba, -where they will make their fu~ tore home. The bride's sister, Miss Sadie Grawoig was maid of honor and the best man was Mr. Abe Gorod of Chicago.* . whose, engagement to Miss Sadie Grawoig was recently announced. Their wedding will take place in the near future.
-Miss-Jessie' Eosenstock and-fiance, not seen -her sister for twenty years. -While .in the east Mrs. Eosenblatt season's most feted couple. The first will visit with her son, Jake Eosenof this week's entertainment was, a blatt, formerly of this city. luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Booms The Jewish Ladies' Progressive Saturday given by Mrs. Herman Cohn followed by a theatre partyTjat Club organized four years ago for the Brandeis. Tuesday evening Mrs. Palestinean work has a membership Fred Eosenstock entertained ; at of forty-five. The organization holds dinner at her home followed by i an its meeting twice a month at the Orpbeum Theatre Party. Miss Ha^el different members' homes. The offiDegen entertained Tuesday after- cers of the Club are: Mrs. J. Kaplan, noon "at a luncheon at her home secretary; Mrs. S. 0:un, financial honoring Miss Eosenstock. Wednes- secretary; and Mrs. S. Altschuler, •• day afternoon Mrs. Herbert Marx treasurer. was hostess at a bridge party* at Tier Mrs. T. Kaplan, who has been conhome. Monday evening, November fined to her bed on account of illness, 27, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Miller will for the past two weeks, is much entertain at dinner at their home for improved. the couple, and on the following evening Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harris Mrs. M. London is improving after will entertain at their home at a having been operated on appendicites dinner party. ' | Wednesday morning at the Methodist Hospital. Mr. und Mrs. Henry Hiller left Mrs. H. Gross returned home Friday for California to remain through the winter months. Tuesday after spending several weeks in Kansas City, Mo., visiting -with , her daughter, Mrs. Ira Eosenblum, At Temple Israel Friday evening Eabbi Frederick Cohn'te sermon sub- and Mr. Eosenblum. ject will, be "Up Stream", and ~on Saturday morning his subject will be "Thanksgiving". Mr. Dave Bosenstock and his fiancee, Miss Jessie Bosenstock, will spend, the week-end in Sioux City, la., visitingr with Mr. Rosenstock's brother, Mr. Emil Eosenstock and Eosenstock. . :
entertain 1:00 o'clock luncheon next Grace, who is to be married soon. Wednesday at ihe Fontenelle. Prizes were won by Miss Eeah TomMn and Miss Etta Snitzer. Mr. and Mrs, William Holzman left for Excelsior Springs last Saturday. Mrs. Abe Marcus returned MonThey will remain indefinitely. day from Chicago, HI., after a week's visit there. The Zionist Organization of America of the Omaha District has decided A very excellent musical program at their last meeting to-have every will be given on Sunday evening, Nolast Tuesday of the month an open vember 26, at 8 p . ro., at the Jewish meeting for the public The first of Community Center, 19th and Farthese meetings will take place Tues- nam Streets, Lyric Building. This day evening, November .28, at the is being sponsored- by the Omaha Jewish Community Center. There Council of the Jewish Women as the will be an address by Eabbi Med- means of doing their part to help waoss of Lincoln, and one by Eabbi make music week in Omaha a sucM. N. Taxon. Several musical selections and recitations will also be given. Miss Blanche Altaian entertained at three tables of bridge Sunday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Dave Ferer and daughter, Joyce of Minneapolis, Minn., are in Omaha visiting with Mr. Ferer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferer.
The Ladies Golden Hill Society will hold its regular meeting Tuesday at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rechter have Eavitz, at 720 So. 37 St. moved into the Hawthorne Apts. Mrs. J. J. Friedman has as her Miss Dora Barman and the Misses house guest, Miss Yetta Krupsaw of Edith - and Ann Slotsky, of Sioux Washington, D. C City, la., will arrive her Tuesday to be the guests of Miss Ann Horn and Mrs. A. H. Diamond returned Monday from Chicago, HL, where she atMiss Esther Brown. tended the wedding of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meyers, formerly Miss Beatrice Grawoig, to Mr. Nate of the Strehlow Apts., are now stay- Sherman of Omaha. ing at the Loyal Hotel. Miss Eose Land© entertained at a
Mrs. Herman Eehfeld was at home Thursday afternoon to friends ^honoring the seventy-fifth birthday:of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fellheimer bridge luncheon for four tables SunEehfeld. Mrs. Bernie Rehfeld, of will entertain a dinner this evening day afternoon in honor of her sister, New York City, was in Omaha to at their home honoring Miss Jessie attend as well as was Mr. and Mrs, The Temple Israel Alumni will Herman Eehfeld's daughter, Mrs. Eosenstock and her fiance, .Mr. Dave AH OrSers Given Prompt anfl Careful Attention. Eosenstock. entertain at a dancing party Thanks- E. Levy, of Lincoln, Nebr. giving night, November 30, at 8:30 .Mrs, Charles Kirschbaum will in the vestry room of the Temple Mr. Morris Milder, who has been (GoaTaateed) for all the alumni and their friends. gone for the past ten days making"FLOWERS MAKB FRIENDS" Tel. Ja_ 4231. Branfleis Theatre Bids.. short stops at Excelsior Springs, 210 So. ITtn St» Omana. Miss Cecelia Martin entertained Kansas City, and St. Lonis,-Mo., is SXI/VIA &OS. AUIS. B. E. BOSS sixty couples at a dancing party a t expected to return home Saturday the Hanscom Park Pavilion Wednes- morning. day evening in honor of Miss Fay THE LATEST STrUES AXD CREAMrs. Yale Dubnoff left Tuesday TIONS I S FURS AT GUEAT SAVINGS Mitchell who is the bride-to-be of 304Mt So. 16th St. Mr- Louis Schwedelson, of Council for Des Mdines, la., where she will Proprietor of visit with her cousins,. Mr. and Mrs. One n i g h t Up. Opposite Hill Hotel. Bluffs, Iowa. J. Shames. She expects to be gone Mrs. H. White, who was recently for several weeks. .:r operated on appendicitis, is now conThe Brotherhood and Sisterhood of valescing at home at her apartment 1702 North 24th Street. £ Temple Israel will entertain- at a at 'the El Beudor. "Novel" Dancing party Thanksgiving Phone Webster 2092 "Mr. I. Gluick -left Monday for Eve,,November 29, at the Blaekstone Columbus,' Nebr., on a business trip Hotel. This is the second dance of to be gone indefinitely. the season held under the auspices is what you can get when The members of the Priscilla Club of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood. you trade at _ _ ^ •win- be entertained r^Tbnrsday afterMr. andTTtfrs. M." XulakofskV are" noon by Mrs. Julius Eayman at her at Excelsior Springs, Mo., registered hoflae. A complete stock of at the Elms Hotel. Mrs. M. Seidman, of Lincoln, Nebr., Mrs. William Metzger is leaving whV lias been visiting with Mrs. Max Thursday--for a several, -^iays stay' Shapiro, has returnsd to her home. 516 So. 16tlr St. at Manning, Iowa. • Opposite Hotel Rome. At. 4480. Mrs. Carl Studna and young son, Mrs. H. Eosenblatt will leave for Also a supply of of Kansas City, Mo., who have been New York* City Sunday to attend the visiting with Mrs. Studna's parents, silver anniversary of her sister, Mrs. My Famous Home-Made f Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal, for the G. Gross, and the engagement of her Dill Pickles. Mail Orders Filled Promptly. past several weeks, returned to their niece, Sadye. Mrs. Eosenblatt has home Thursday. Mrs. David Hearsh, also of Kansas City, and who has also been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Blumenthal, will leave with Mrs. Studna and son for Kansas City.
Omaha Fish Co.
Staple Groceries f and fresh Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis are planning to leave Thanksgiving evening for Des Moines, la., where they will visit with Mrs. Lewis' parents, Mr. and'Mrs. Herman Orschel, and Mrs. Lewis' brothers', Messrs. H. M, and F. H. Orschel. They will remain there about a month.
Mrs. Karl Brandeis spent last Thursday in Omaha after arriving from a year's tour in Europe.-- She left immediately for San Francisco, Calif. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold its regular meeting a t t w o thirty Wednesday, November 29, at the Jewish" Community Center. The Council of Jewish Women will hold its Tegular meeting this afternoon at Temple Israel because Mrs. F. M. Blumauer, vice-president df the National Council will be here to address the members, having , just returned from -attending a national -council convention at Atlantic CSty. The meeting was scheduled fo^r Monday. - -^ •
Thanksgiving Day INFORMAL D A N C E Thursday Evening, Nov. 30th AT THE
Fontenelle Hotel GIVEN BY THE
| Women's Auxiliary OF THE
DDDEE BROTHERS ASany who could well afford mote expensive -can arcs snowing a marked preference fox Dodge Brothers Sedan. They find it easy to drive, economical to xtmi and comparable in beauty aad elegance with cars' imy*1 higher in price.
Eighteen days are devoted alone to the bing and varnishing operations which arerespon-' able for the unusual brilliancy of its lustre. - , ri
Months of seasoning precede the ttse of the fine, critically selected ash which gives the body i t s ' rugged firmness.
Mrs. Harry Fellheimer entertained Wednesday evening at a dinner party at the Brandeis Eestaurants in honor of Mr. Fellheimer's birthday.
Mrs. K. Grotte and Mrs. Sol Bergman will entertain at the Brandeis Tea Eooms Saturday afternoon at a luncheon.
The Friday Evening Bridge Club family will reside there permanent! will meet Friday evening at the ^'Jewish Press" Ads Bring Eesuli home of Miss Iillian Kooper.
In the vast amplitude of Dodge Brothers dosed body plant, this sedan is constructed with all the studious precision that marks the wodc of the finest custom, builders.-
Miss Dora Shapiro will entertain at her home Sunday, November 26, complimentary to Miss Grace Lande, a bride-to-be.
Miss Ann Weiss -was hostess Friday -evening at her home for the members of the Bi-monthly Eridge Club. Miss Jeanette Gilinsky, Miss Sarah Somberg, anu Mr. Ernest Nogg won prizes. The next meeting "will be held on Wednesday evening, November 29, at the home tf Misfe Somber.g-.
Messrs. Morris E. Jacobs and WI cess. The program is in charge of Mrs. Dollie P. Elgutter^ All are liam A. Levey will leave Satords cordially invited to attend. No charge night for Columbia, Mo., where tbi for admission. will attend the "Home Coming" i: the University t>f Missouri. Whi; Mrs. Mary Schwartz is ill at the there they vrill be the guests of Zet Nicholas Senn Hospital from injuries Beta Tau Fraternity. They will als received in a fall in her home. visit at Kansas City and St. Loui Mo. Mr. Sam Klaver, deputy county assessor, who has been ill during the Sam Fleishman left Tuesday f« past two weeks at the Wise Memo- Los Angeles, Cal., where he will jo rial Hospital, is now at his office. Mrs. Fleishman and son, Jerome. T!
The interior fittings, tco, are <2xiwn*wi!irthpaghtiumess and rare good taste. The uphojsteiy is covered with genuine mohair velvet o f « singularly rich and beautiful pattern. The seats are roomy and luxurious.
StockliQiders The Bell System is owned by its thousands and thousands of stockholders, who are men and women in all walks of life throughout our territory and other parts of the United States. < . One-third of all the men and women in our organization who-have been with us six months or more are purchasing Bell Telephone stock out of their savings.
Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) harnianizeia a most effective way with the new grace and smartness which Dodge Brothers have recently brought to the lines of the body.
O'BRIEN-DAVIS-CO AD AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0*23. > '
"We encourage the owning of stock not only by employees but by our subscribers as well. We shall be glad to talk to you about purchasing Bell stock if a conservative inves£nent will interest you.
*• k
later- to 'brings laughter and cheer to affair. I was just approaching my does exceedingly well in character m'en and- women everywhere,-had to ninth birthday when one teacher in _ parts." There is no end to her leave school and.-go to .the factory. school one day asked me to bring j versatility. ' One minute she is an For there was a very sick mother my mother. 'But my mother can't Italian ^flower girl, the next after a at home arid a family,of.eight chil- speak English,' I told her. (An Interview .with the Famous Vaudeville Actress) few' ^seconds back stage in which (N 'I dren. But Belle was only able to • " 'Then . bring your father,' she she has changed her costume, she By'BAT BRIL. MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON (Copyright, 1022, "by^tfie Jewish, Writers' GuUd. All Rights Reserved.) said. remain a short' time-in asny^particular emerges" as an East Side girl, a :• NEARBY COMMUNITIES. • (Cc factory.' She would-sinjr a't>her work " 'My father can't speak English completely changed personality. She! CHOICE FTUST?. MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. Pifb Tliis Is the tirst of a series ot articles , things we think from the. things that and her singing'would keep the girls either, but I have a big brother who has all - the characteristics of the j dealing with American Jewish woactually are! - So it is not at all from working, and so she would lose can. I'll bring him if • you want me East Side girl, she speaks her lanmen who have achieved eminence In i th the various lields of human endeavor. strange, then, that the -vivacious lady her job; and go to another factory. ; to.' So I brought my big brother guage, s,he walks her walk. Why The author, -Hiss Ray Brll, .,lg a ey ; frequent contributor to the New York SECURITIES who has captured our hearts by her Finally she drifted to the Jewish who was then, fourteen. even her face seems to have underWorld and other Metropolitan dailies, g us .Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. well as to the. EJngli^h depart- - gay spirits and her flow of rich, music-halls of the East Side. At "I .heard ~my teacher tell my gone a change. Her swift turn from of the. Jewish Dally News g( inent first she sang in the Cannon Street wholesome humor, should have, too, brother, 'Your sister needs a new edited uy-'her father, Dr. I. L. Bril. • one -type to another, takes one's L n o —Editor's Note. . shared with the rest of mortals the Music Hall Yiddish and English dress and a new apron.' After that breath away, And about it all there o, y songs.: And there the-surname of nothing could make me go back to is a sparkle and a dash. She is hug The charming lady behind the dark side of life. Thus it came to pass that Belle Becker was changed to Baker. Two school. I was determined to earn teeming with vitality. She carries 'WASH AND-KEE? WEIX rik, jotlights is so often regarded'by the A RULE OF HEALTH itfche&ast multitude of work-a-day men Baker, the actress, whose name: has dollars a week was the sum she re-money somehow, so that I could have the whole show along with her. In C o m m a s a, creature ..belonging become a household word from coast ceived then. Often she would draw a--nice, new, clean, dress and apron, fact she is the whole show. 'FRONTIES:• TOWEL SUPPLY a different woria, a world in which to coast first saw th<i light of day her salary weeks in advance so that and so that my sisters after me could An emotional strain.permeates her 1819 California Street. the sick mother could be sent to the have nice dresses when they went to acting, as is natural that it should, 'One of America's Great Hotels" traces, and worries have no place. Be- in a dingy room in a sordid tenement country. • As a rule fifty cents would school. I went to the factory. But _ coming from Russian Jewish stock iuse she belongs to playland, 'she "house "on 72 Orchard Street, But for her • sweet voice she :was no different be taken off every week from the two I could not stand long in any one ! as she does. . She grips her audience 'Tut viewed as being-untouched by the jalities of life, "Is it little wonder than hundreds of other Jewish baby dollars to pay back the debt. For place because I insisted upon sing- by her originality and daring. At that she plays her/part so girls born that year on the East a year and a half the child sang in ing. So I went to the music halls. times she can be daringly frank. EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBI^E WHOLESALE LAUNDRY. ' the men" and women Side. She was the third child in the music halls. Then one day Jacob There is one incident belonging to But. through all her jokes and jests Where your clothes come home Ss they. saunter out of the the Becker family. , Her. lot wasAdler saw her. He remembered her. those days that I shall never forget. there runs a kindly humor. She conDruggists and Stationers and last longrer. irtals of the theatre into the world destined even to be harder than, that And when he put. on. Jacob Gordon's I was in desperate-need of money. ceives i t ' h e r duty to make people AT lanticcleaner 401-403-405 South 10th Strpet 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. stern fact and cruel .truths. "' - of some of the others. For at the play, '^Homeless", he had Belle Baker, My mother was away in- the country, happy, and she will go <'to''great -H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres.. ;.; Ah,.but how far apart are theage of nine the little girl who wastake the part of the" little" boy. One sick.. I told, my troubles to. mylengths to make them so. Her full, year she remained with Adler. Itt friend, Betty Treitler. My. chum had rich voice is appealing and sweetly : Omaha Office: . 813 Donglas, Street. ' Omaha Pbonn Atlantic 3556 was a big year for the fourteen year a little gold locket and-without say- sympathetic. Her fine,, expressive [ \ EMBL GANZ"& SON ! Phone 104 old child. Suddenly the castle of ing a word to me, she pawned and face, gives a certain' piquancy to.her Ford Transfer & Storage Co. "^.Certified Ptiblic\ Accountants' The Best or Everjfhinjr In Flowers und :R. A. FOKP, ! dreams began to tumble. The actors' gave me the money the next day. 'entertainment. In a word she is in- : • • • F. 8. BIOHET, Prop. , President and General Manaper. Confections et Moderate Prices. toll i i*i7 Donglaa street) Nobody sings the union-refused to let her play grown- This little girl is now known to thedividualistic. Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office 345 W. Brondwoy, Next Liberty Theater Phone Webster 0820 ATTDITOBa. AND 8X8TESIATIZERS Bar\ Phone SS5 up parts. Back to the gaudy music Yiddish theatre going public as Betty songs she- does, and even if they 034 So. Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. • - •gmll'Gam.. d P . A . ^V.M. Gans THE LAUNDRY THAT" ^ ^ ' . •' Phones: ' -- , Jacob. Although I was so very poor, did, they could not put them over halls Belle Baker went, the childish EVERYBODY LIKES. Hnv.MOS — Dong. 4881 — Har.0918 r mind troubled' by the injustice of the kind, generous act of my friend the; way . the incomparable Belle things, and the Tittle heart heavy made me happy and gave me coura&3 Baker does. Carpenter Paper Co. to fight life's struggle. with the turn fate had taken. All her songs and comedy numDistributors of OCK TREATMENT WILL "There is still another incident that bers are specially written for her. CONVINCE rOC OF OUR A few years passed. And then Western Bond—and High SINCERITY. again a manager came to the music stands out from those far off' days. And 'there. is a pleasing timeliness Grade Stationery ' Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes. hall. This time it was a man from Dora Weissman was then in the about^ them. Blache Merrill, Harry and Tours Omaha. Nebraska. the Keith Circuit. "Would she come habit of giving" an annual concert Ruby, Bert Kalmer, and her husand- sing for Keith's at a salary of and ball for her club on the East band, Maurice Abrahams write most AllParts two hundred dollars a week?" he Side. I decided that I was going to of her songs. Maurice Abrahams is of the asked her as soon as he was able sing at one of these concerts. I a well known song writer. The & World to see her back stage. The girl trailed Dora Weissman from- the j following are some of his best known gasped. Another big moment had theatre to her home, and asked her songs: "Get Out and Get Under," "Manufactured in Omaha" , Money Sent to AH whether she would let me sing at 'fffitchie Koo,"' "Red Rose," "When come into her life. That was eleven ~ STEAMSHIP TICKETS" Foreign Countries her concert. After hearing me sheGrown-Up Ladies Act Like Babies," BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. years ago. WHOLESALE PAPEK, Arrangements now made with Soviet •« said she would. And with a happy "You Made Me Forget How to Government, for prqznpt- forwarding of STATIONERY, ETC. Today when I saw her in her passengers to America, i We furnlsh\you . . . • ^ „_ , „, heart I left her home to buy a Cry, Little- Girl," and "Welcome necessary blanks, etc.. to fill out. > . . Distributors .tor luxurious apartment on 92nd. Street, Palmers Steamship t Agency w h i t e dress. Dora Weissman is now Stranges." right off. B.roadway, I found an ex1708 Faraam S t . " Omaha Pink Tip Matches — 1909 .Harney, Streets. Tel. Jackson 0710 Barney Bernard's sister-in-law. "Are-the audiences of today any quisitely attired young woman singNorthern Toilet Tissue "It is only natural that my expeing a lullaby to a twenty-two month riences should have left some trace different from those you use to see 1112 Harney Street old baby., I t tw,as my privilege to upon my work. I realize the suffer- in the beginning of your career." XET US DO rOTJB .WELDING . " ' < '• \ £• I asked. AT lantic 6409 see the woman and not the actress. ings every immigrant Jew has to "Yes, there is a great difference. It was twilight, and here amidst go through. I started with bits of Tel. i lovely and. .peaceful surroundings was dialect and songs typifing the rich Now the. audience want to laugh, _THE CAREFUL WELDERS l i e mother spending; the last minutes life of the ghetto. I^also sang negro and it wants to be made to laugh. Tel. JA. 4397. Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace 1S01 Jackson s i . of .the 'day. ..with her baby. These folk songs. Lovey Joe was the first When I started out ballads and ragtime songs were the rage. But in moments were doubly precious,, for song I sang at Keith's." COCNCIL BLCFFS. LA. order - to make it easy for my soon the artist would come to the It was Belle Baker who was the audience to laugh I have had to Service is Our Motto fore. The mother would have to Temptation Besets You Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. leave the little one to answer the first to sing Eli Eli in vaudeville. introduce more comedy numbers in my When You Enter insistent call, of the footlights, into And now copies of that song with programs,^ I think this state of mind ' ICE CREAM, such a scene I was reluctant to bring her picture on the cover grace Jew- is largely due to the aftermath of LUNCHES.' • a foreign note. Here was neither the ish homes throughout the country. the war.* How long it will last there time.nor the place to speak of the Into that song she' pours all the is no telling." We have seen Belle Baker, thej Every Known Kind stage. The hour belonged not to fervor of her being. She gives it life and body, mother,-the actress; now for Belle Her voice brings out BUTTER and EGGS. of Insurance Belle Baker, the actress, but to Mrs. Ci*| * 6 t n a n ^ Farham Streets Maurice Abrahams, the individual of all. its lights and shadows. It is Baker the Jewess. "I am a firm 209 W. O. W. BidsCouncil Bluffs, la. Doutfas 03S0. private life, and to little Herbert, the daughter of Israel that is sing- believer "in Zionism," Belle Baker, ,« | .Crystal. Candy Company~' the son. And so we chatted about ing thus. And it matters little where the Jewess, stated with a pretty, she is singing, be it in metropolitan serious air. I believe that the Jew"-rrg '"•" litliiand'Capitol Ave. '* - - ~ baby. . New York, in staid, intellectual ish people should have a home of - 4 • ••'•••-' ' 1 owe much' to my baby," the Boston, or in a Western mining their own. It is the one prayer our .' : ' " mother artist said. And the big,town, audiences . always* cry out at fathers have been saying through the Made bjUNDERTAKERS warm, brown eyes directed their gaze the end of the program for Eli Eli.centuries. I only wish UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST I had the 2224 Cuming St. the dozing child. "Baby hav Her rendition of the song impresses FOOD CO. BISCUIT eo. upon Phone JAckson 1226 to devote myself to Jewish given a new and a different quality the gentile as well as the Jew. While time OMAHA. NEBRASKA. activities. I leave that to my mother to my voice. I t has given it more singing in Boston she received this who belongs to more than twenty Snow soul and depth.' ' My. love" for myletter from a gentile lawyer: Bakeries charitable societies of one kind or AUTO PAINTING s (Kegr. V. 8. Fat. little son has taught me to love all another. Two years ago when I was Office.) Top and Body Building babies now. No, I don't want my . "Belle Baker:— -, so dreadfully ill I received a beauand Repairing. Will you be kind enough to son when he grows up to go into tiful letter from the children of the CURTAINS—LIGHTS—ETC. the profession. ' I want him to be a give me the name of the song "If Its Worth Anything Hebrew • National Orphan House on business man. But whatever he with which you finished your of COUNCIL BLUFFS " Second Avenue. It was this letter —Have It Insured." wants to be,' he will be, regardless program on Thursday night. It "We pay 4% interest ".on Savins that-gave me the strength to fight 2523 I.eavenworth St. "AT lantic 0701 of. what I say." Then the nurse was apparently a lamentation of and Time.Deposits. • my illness. The realization that huncame to take the sleeping child. The ^ " JAcksonl862 some sort and the words were in Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. dreds of orphan children were praymood changed. I now felt that I a foreign language^—unfamiliar ing for my recovery acted upon me had the right to ask the questions to me. I shall appreciate your as a tonic" . , Wholesale I-had comie to ask. kindness in letting me know "What are the big moments of Fruit and Vegetables "Well," Belle Baker smiled brightly what it was, very much. It was your busy life?" TO AND FROM N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. and understanding^. "I am all one of the most impressive "The biggest day of the week to ALL PARTS OF attention' now. What is it? I things I have ever seen done. me is. the day when nurse goes out suppose you wold like to know to THE WORLD Sincerely, . and leave Baby to me. I spend every j what I- attribute my success. - I know R'. M. Packard." ' minute of that precious day with myimahi that is "on£~ of -the questions I shall baby son. I ' even take him to the • "Oh! But it is much harder to theatre and let him crawl around in; 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. answer either now or later," O f Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store FEATHER COMFORTERS have-to ATlantic 0340. she taunted. And then she proceeded stay on the top than it is to getthe- dressing room while I am doing Made from Tonr Own "Feathers. AenovnteC, re-made or made to order. to answer her self put question. there," Belle Baker suddenly reup .for my act." All hand-fllled. W« call and deliver. "It was hard work, very hard work marked. And I thought I discerned And yet, little does the woman Omaha Pillow Co. that brought me to where I am BOW. I sitting in - the orchestra thinking of 1907 Cumins gt. Phono Jackson 2487 The Old Sellable House. It is- partly to that I attribute my lovedy voice. "I am always planning her tiny son at home, dream that ?; 1806 Harney Street-". success, and partly to the fact that to give my audiences something new the gay, young creature on the stage 3'Ai Phone ATlnntto 09S1 I have always been true to my folks. and something better. And then whose very moment she is watching " Doing the right thing by your people there are those long,-long hours of so intently, too, has a baby boy at C. Crew. " Ed. £ J . A Store Manapred and Ban and working hard will get you any-practicing. Nothing pleases me more homeland that perhaps the fascinat•by Men who Play the Game. wheres. Of course, you must have than when I am pleasing my ing lady from "her pedestal may be 109 So. ICth-St. TeL JAcklon 3128 G. L. REEVES Opposite Post-Orare. something to give. You must also audiences. I always think* of the "RADIO" GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys have' the courage and the power to people in the audience as my guests. also wondering how the little one is. From $3.00 to $9.00. Everything for the Athlete. impel people to listen to what you I try to entertain them and make Budapest, Nov. 9.—(J. T. A.)—Paul GOOD FURNISHINGS. Y o u r position is have to give. I am a firm believer! them happy and comfortable as I Sandor, member of the Hungarian correct, and should in God and a predestined order of would guests in my own home. I National Assembly, will be made to •"EVjERY KNOWN KIND" Kaplan Auto Parts Co. be s u p p o r t e d by things. I feel that God intends -that make them feel at one with me. I pay dearly, for exploits in an article Aimer H. Kalman 2111 Nicholas tjtre , we should go through so much in am at all times myself." every fair minded circulated by the Jewish CorrespondJsed cars bonjrht. soul, and efcha LION COAL CO. SPECIALS 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT, 8034 New pears..and asle Bbatta life. And it was this belief that) "How long have you been takingi e n e c B u r e a u ^ America and Europe, person. ^. '<)'.' . ;•;; tor nny Inhnlor ' buoyed me up when things were | singing lessons," I asked. "You said j ^ m p ^ g ^ f aggression against the o .Tires, Tubes and Acceevorles Hannah Lump blackest for me.' I never gave up' something about practicing." ' J Hungarian Jews practiced by the preBelow \Vhole8nle Prices. Franklin County PAXTON BILLIARD hope. - And I am sure had I not gone j Belle Baker uttered a gay, little j jecessors of, and under, the Horthy Lump PAELOE through what I did, I would never'laugh. "Why I never took a B^g-j regime, if the Magyars and other re. . . o f . . . Colorado Smokeless NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietw:. have been what I am today. It is ing lesson in my life until three ]a c t i o n a r i e s }j a v e their-way. .Copies 1510 Farnam Street. Basement. ' the differences . in experiences that years ago. I inherited my my voice newspapers containing this arHoffmann Funeral Home. oft n e Screenings Fhone JA <*«on 4136. make, oi us such different individuals.' from my father who h had h d a very t j c j e n a V e moved the Hungarian, press Delivered to Any Part Wall Receptacles— "The one, episode that started nie, of the City. , sweet' singingg voice. I am now'to extraordinary fulmination, and it is Jgb*—WIRING—Power h and ushered in a whole .series of studying under Lazar Samiolloff." | demanded that Herr Sandor be im„*.«,. . —Bell Tranafprnsers events,.svas,.the incident-I-ncw like There is a surprising freshness peached, treid for treason and placed Nearly every Jewish family to subscription for T h e Sts. rAfnut 3034. 4tt & WEbstec 2605.. to refer to as the dress and^apron about the acting of Belle Baker. .She under "preventive arrest" Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". isfa Press" is due now!
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