November 30, 1922

Page 1


The children of to-,

"Build for Better

day are* the men ,


Children" and a

and women of to-

"better " O m a^t a



\'f\X. TT - N o ' R1

Entered as second-class mail .matter en Jannarj 27th. 1921. at

v V/J-I. -Lt.. AIV.. yj.

poBtofflce at Omaha. Nebraska, nnfler the Act of March 8, 1S79.



all their varied activities. A modern The New Building. The new building should be such gymnasium and swimming pool, ft( as .to accomodiite all the Jews of large auditorium, meeting rooms of Omaha, young and old, together with (Continued on page 2)

CITY One Hundred aM Thiity Five Thousand Dollars Already I'S Most Necessary Institution Sewn ffiundred and Fifty ChildreE Sign Appeal For Modern Bifldi^ The Jewish Community Center Building campaign . : _ ] - [ ' ' • • ' -


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Although scheduled -officially to start on next Sunday, Dec S, the enthusiasm of workers at a meeting of at the Jewish Community Center Tooms Tuesday night was so great that they have refused to wait until Sunday, but pledged themselves to begin the campaign immediately. "'.".' •••••With more than $135,000 already pledged by 100 subscribers indications are that Omaha Jewry wjU-go-oyef the quota of $200,000 which was set by Mr. Morris JLeyy,; in malidng ^his contribution of $50,000 last June. Every worker has already subscribed, and has been "sold" on the Jewish pommunity Center- Building ^project. This fact alone" will give added force to the campaign.' In addition, a very attractive .jsrospecttEs* of the QOTte^haX^beenjniailedb;to evjiy, Jewish family in the ci^.fvMyr'd^&i§&7i''^r^'wd^^tow being done in rented quarters, and of the need for a building. Every^ JevHsh man, woman and child in Omaha will be eicpedted to subscribe. Every one will want to subscribe. The Jewish Community Center will be the institution of all Omaha Jewry, and-all Omaha Jewry must help in its erection.

they go? Should they spend their days with bad company and in the wrong-places? Think of the little boys that loiter in the streets when they could be up in the boys' gymnasium, or in the library, - reading books that would lead them into the right road, not to, well who knows. ' "And," she promises on behalf of the children, "if only this building is erected, the children of Omaha rwfll use it all the time."


A Character Building Institution. In a letter to Morris Levy, wishing success to the movement, District Judge W. G. Sears says: „ "Froni my experience as Juvenile JUNIOR GIRLS' GYM CLASS. Judge I know how effective proper recreation for children is in reducing sable to a great degree in decreasing Center dub-rooms are in rented the extent of juvenile delinquency, the number of Jewish children-quarters on the third floor of the and I anticipate that wit&i' the in- appearing in Juvenile Court. Much Lyric Building, I9th'and Farnam Sts. creased facilities offered "by the Jew;- preventive work, however, still re-1 Prior "to December, 1921, t h e y ' ^ ish- Comnranity Center Bonding the .mains to be jdone,-*and your newjsisted of five rooms, which were used i 4 4 recreational "work of your community . •_•:.. .—• _;••. ~ .•-^v;^>-;-— building wOl be £he*:best" means•-•of --^foj--a~\^eTy l)f:pu^*ofe/"'T?fies¥ will be as efficient and as thorough rooms were. bare of furniture and' j doing it." as is your present relief -work. other facilities usually found in clubThe Present Quarters. ' 1 must state that your present rooms. . Yet, in. spite of their general limited facilities have been respon-1 The present Jewish Community unattractiveness, they rapidly became the social center for several hundred children and young,men and women. Vyity Omaha Needs a Jewish Com- a member of jtheYMHA Boy Scout Several adult organizations used what Troop, gives three ^reasons why the munity Center Building. was known as the "assembly room", No more forceful reasons could be Jews of Omaha should build a Jewwhicii was in reality a combination given as to the necessity for such ish Community Center Building. gymnasium, dance nail and lodgea structure in this city than those He says: room. TO THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF OMAHA:— "First, to^ralse the standards and stated by the boys and girls who The continuous and growing use of morals of the Jewish people. now attend the various activities at We are your boys and girls—and we are appealing these few. rooms necessitated the "Second, that your sons and daughthe YM & YWHA. to you to help us. acquisition of more ample quarters. ters may have a refined place to ''The Jewish boys of Omaha don't In December, 1921, three rooms adWe' are the members of the Y. M. & Y. W. H. A. watit to be bums and tramps", says spend their afternoons and evenings. joining those already occupied were groups listed helow. There is one thought in all our minds. Is&dore Weiner, 14.year old newsboy- "Third, that there may be a meetrented, and partially equipped. We want you to help to the limit of your ability to erect want to grow up to be good ing place for all the "children of However, it was soon found that a Jewish Community Center Building for us und for all Mien and good Jews. The people of Omaha, to be fitted into the world, these enlarged quarters were inthe Jewish children and young men and women in Omaha. Omdha must help them by building mentally, morally and physically." adequate. Under the stimulus which Twelve year old Annete Hurwitz, a Jewish Community Center." This they furnished, the activities of the The members of our various clubs range in age from lad is a member of the YMHA, Jrs. of the Fairies of Zion club, states YM & YWHA expanded rapidly. In 8 years to 25 years. There are more than 700 of us. We dub, composed of twenty newsboys that only by helping.the children can find in the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. a place where we may a single year the membership of childOmaha be helped.;_ When asked to ifld carriers. ' ren and young men and women in meet with our friends and our acquaintances—a place Hyman 23er, aged 15, says, "I be- give her reasons why the Jews of these organizations has been tripled, where we may enjoy clean, wholesome recreation. long to the B'Nai BTtith Jrs. and this city should^ erect the building and is constantly growing. Adult Our club-rooms are used by us all the time. WhenI know from my own experience that her first thought was: • organisations used the new rooms in "You as a Jewish man of Omaha there is not enough room in the ever you may come to the rooms you will find some of us increasing numbers. Today, over 750 present dub-rooms for all the boys should help build up Omaha by givyoung people are' affiliated with the there-—the young ones during the afternoons, the older and girls of Omaha. To give to the ing part of your time to the chilYMHA and its- constituent groups, ones at night. The club-rooms are our playground—they fund for a Jewish Community Center dren." and 11 adult organizations use the jkeep us off the streets, and out of harmful places where Gertrude Wintroi b, 14-year-old Building means a step forward in we might be tempted to go—if we did not have the Y. M. club-rooms regularly. Jewish life in Omaha. It means a member of the Daughters of Zion & Y. W. H. A. Bare Rooms and a Promise. lasting satisfaction that, you cannot club, agrees wifh District Judge W. Elsewhere on this page is an appeal Now we ask you to think of the hundreds of Jewish get otherwise. It means that if this G. Sears, that th*e new building will signed by 30 clubs and classes of the children and young men and women who do not come to building is built it will put the Jew- do much to reduce Z the extent of YMHA urging the Jewish people of the club-rooms—because we haven't enough space for ish people on the same basis as the delinquency among _ Jewish children. Omaha to" erect a modern, thoroughly them. We want them all to join us—we think you owe it "Just stop" she admonishes the Gentiles." equipped Community Center. They to the boys and girls of this city to make it possible for men of Omaha, ^"and* think about the make the appeal not for themselves them to join us. many Jewish boys^. and girls of this The Spirit of Jewish Pride. alone, but for all the children in This spirit of Jewish pride runs city, who have .no-rial homes, but We need a building that belongs to the Jewish people Omaha. Persons who are familiar throughout the Reasons given by the just go to seek their pleasure in this of Omaha—and not just a few rooms that are rented for with the work now being carried on in children. David Forman, aged 14, wide, wide world.- Where should the club-rooms know that there is not them. We need a modern gymnasium and a swimming sufficient room for growth. No one, pool, we need an auditorium and many small club-rooms. however, knows this better than do We need a Jewish library. We need a common meeting the children- themselves, who conplace for all Jews. stantly use the building. The photoWe are growing slowly because we have very little graphs on this page give a small idea more room for growth". If you could only put yourselves of a few of the activities. in our places and could know how much the Y. M. & Y. The present gymnasium is such in W. H. A. means to us, you would not hesitate for one name only. It, is a bare room with, moment to provide a suitable building for the children t i e plaster off the walls, hardly large and the young people of this city. enough for 10 active boys. Yet hundreds of Jewish newsboys literally Senior Group—YM & YWHA Thursday Jr. Girls Gym Class spend all their leisure time time there, X. T. C. Club Tuesday Inter. Girls Gym Class eking out to the,fullest the little Ru-Na Club Thursday Jr. Sewing Class pleasure they derive from it. Jewish Yowoheas Club B'Nai Israel girls, too, ranging in age from 8 to Senior Girls Gym Class B'Nai Israel Jrs. 25, throng *the gymnasium. I t is the Senior Girls Sewing Class Sunday Story Telling Group nucleus around which much of the Dramatic Class Young Judea Seniors K-ereation work of the YMHA centers. Ukele Class • Young Judea Intermediates Omaha Jewry owes its young people Leaders Training Group Young Judea Juniors something more than bare rooms, and YMHA Jrs. Hatikvoh Girls a promise. For years the people of B'Nai B'Rith Jrs. Flowers of Zion this community have been p i t rising Cub-scouts, YMHA Fairies of Zion the younger generation adequate reTroop 62, YMHA Boy Scouts Herzl Girls creational facilities. The time to keep Wise Sunbeams LUlies of Zion that promise is now.- The opportunity Tuesday Jr., Girls Gym-Class Daughters of Zion is here. The cause is urgent and the

The Childrens Appeal!


,j.need is great,

Subscribers to the Jewish Community Center Building Fund Up To And v Including November 28th. Morris Levy $50,000.00 Ed. Abrahams 300.00 Louis Ackerman 500.00 A. B. Alpirn _ :™ 3,000.00 H. H,,A^srbS£h.-.. ._ • 500.OT -Efarry Bender .. 250.00 . los,. Bender • — ^ — - — ^ . .35IWK? Dave Blumenthal . 500.00 Sol Brodkey '. 1,D00.4K> . Arnold Browar . 250.00 Albert Calm 1,000.00 Loyal B . Coin 1,500.00 Samuel Conn 150.00 H a r r y Dworsky 150.00 N. P . Fell . 1,000.00 John Feldman 100.00 D. S. Finkenstein 500.00 E . Fleischman 100.00 Ella Fleischman 500.00 H a r r y G. Fleischman 300.00 D a v i d ' A . Freeman 100.00 J . J . Friedman 100.00 Max FromMn 100.00 I. Gluck „ 5,000.00 Morris L . Goldenberg 1,500.00 Abe Goldstein 750.00 H . Goldstein 750.00 J . Gordon 100.00 Dr. M. I. Gordon 500.00 Dr. A . Greenberg150.00 Joe and Dave Greenberg SOO.00 Wm. Grodinsky :_ 250.00 D. B . Gross 1,000.00 J . A . Gross 1,000.00 Louis Hiller 1,000.00 Morton Hiller 100.00 Max Holzmann 500.00 Wm. Holzman 5,000.00 Nathan Horn 1,000.00. J . J . Isaacson 250.00 Selwyn Jacobs .. 500.00 Abner Kaiman 150.00 Sam Kaplan 1,000.00 Carl C. Kalleman 150.00 Kirschbraun & Sons. _ 4,000.00 Louis Rneeter 100.00 A. I. Kulakofsky 150.00 J . H . Kulakofsky _ . — 1,000.00 Louis Kulakofsky _. 500.00 M. Kulakofsky .... 1,500.00 R. Kulakofsky 1,500.00

Y. M. K. A. I

H a r r y Lapidus 1,500.00 Leon Bros. 1,000.00 Max L e m e r 250.00 Dr. V. E . Levinel 250.00 Harris and Morris Levy_ 600.00 S. M. Levy „ 500.00 Qjask'-Iievinson'V. ;—- JUWKLDO Banl Levy, .--.-.. ' 500.00 ifalashock Jewelry ... „. 1,500.00 Margolin B r o s . ' 500.00 E . Meyer 1 _ ' 1,500.00 Morris Milder ." "... * 3,500:00 Henry Monsky. 1,000.00 Dr. N a t h a n Mushkin 25.00 J. L . Orldn 500.00 Julius Orkin _ 500.00 Wm. Preisman • 200.00 H a r r y Ractirnan S,00'0.00 J . B . Eobinson ..._ 1,000.00 Arthur Rosenblum 500.00 Isy and Leo Rosenthal—. 500.00 Max Rosenthal • 1,000.00 Harry Rubenstein 500.00 A. Saxe ~ 750.00 S. H. Schaefer 100.00 Dr. Philip Sher 1,000.00, Harry Silverman • 250.00 Simon Bros 2,000.00 J. J. Slosberg '. „ 2,000.00 Louis Sommer ~ 500.00 Max Sommer _ 750.00 Irwin Stalmaster 100,00 Martin Sugarman 500.00 Samuel Swartz 100.00 Ben Tatle : 200.00 Jlabbi Morris Taxon 200.00 A. Theodore ;..._'....„ 1,000.00 Weiner Bros. ..:...: 1,500.00 Jack Weinman 250.00 Sam Wertbeiiner „ 1,000.00 Harry Wilinsky 1,500.00 A. Joe and Sam Wolf. 1,500.00 Harry AVWolf 3,QO0.OO N. S. Yaffe.™! C3O.00 Harry B . Zimman 1,000.00 B'Nai Ami Club 300.00 Talmud Torah • and Sunday ScHool ..„ 500.00 Temple Israel Sunday School 500.00 Y. M. '& Y. W. H. A..... 500.00

K O I i I K O t T G2"



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- Published ttirf

Thursday at Oniaba. Nebncka. bjr

THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office; 482 Brarideia Theatre BuUding.—Telephone; Jackson 237&

« NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price one year— furnished on application.

Tri-State Convention of Sisterhood to be Held Here Dec. 4-5


NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the public* tiro of The Jewish Pres» are to be givea to worthy communal cause*. CEUNQB Of AOfcltfiSB-Pleaw fj*» both ft* 014 «nd or*

Delegates from Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska to Be Here. FIRST JEWISH WOMEN'S CONVENTION TO BE HELD HERE.

The' Third annual Tri-State conTHE JEWISH HOME. Home is one of the most precious words in language. In vention of the Jewish Sisterhood will it are concentrated emotions and obligations that mark an ad- be held in Omaha, December 4 and 5. vanced stage in civilization; We must distinguish between home Representatives of the Sisterhood will be here from the states of Missouri, as a place and home as a sentiment. The tent was hojne reduced to its lowest term* What trans- Iowa and Nebraska.- The following formed that frail shelter into a home? It was first the touch cities-will be represented: Des Moines, of a woman. Isaac missed a something when his mother died Davenport and Sioux City> fa'.; St. that was restored when his wife Rebecca entered the tent. It Louis, Kansas City, Joplin, St. Joseph was the radiating light,of love. Abraham opened his doors wide arid Springfield, Mo.;. Lincoln and to welcome the passing stranger. Thus hospitality is one of its Omaha, Neb. All the meetings during the concardinal essentials. • " ; vention will be held at the Temple However changed the fortunes of the, Jews when - they lost During the convention, the their country" the family obligations, maintained an unbroken Isarel. Omaha members entertain for the continuity in their lives. -Tim is revealed in the pages of ,the visitors and theirwill guests extensively. Talmud. ' ' I call^y wife'HdniV " said dne of the sages. "Blessdays of- the convention will be ing in the household comes through the wife/' Said another. Note Both fully occupied. this touch of filial piety-^Damah refuses a sale of jewels that The Omaha delegates are the Meswould involve disturbing his father's slumbers. William Harris, Harry RosenIn the middle ages the Jew was shut up in a Ghetto but dames feld, J. J. Singer, Isy Rosenthal, and his homes were pervaded with charm and humor. Stoned in Ferdinand Adler. This i s the first the streets, his dress defaced; with the badge,, he found solace convention of Jewish Women ever in the family "circle. Heine said: "The Jew was a dog*during brought to Omaha and through the the week but on the Sabbath, a prince." When he brought efforts of Mrs. Nate Mantel, who was travelers home from the synagogue on Friday night he knew elected treasurer at Kansas City last his wife would always welcome them; as she kindled the Sabbath year, the bringing of the convention candles she sai^, "May my children walk in the light of God's to this city, was made possible. law." The Mezzruzen on the door post, emblazoned with the name Registration "Will be held early Monof the Almighty;, gave to its precincts the suggestion of sanctity. day, rooming with reports of various In the modern days; of emancipation the houses of many Committees. During the afternoon Israelites are homes of Jews. Are they Jewish homes? We there-will be several talks. A recepitoiss those distinctive and hallowing features transmitter by tibit fc>r the- delegates -will be held indent tradition—Sabbatic sanctity, the Chanukah candles^ the Monday evening at the Blackstone HoPassover Seder, blessings on the wine and bread, family worship. tel. Election of officers for the enIn pleading ;fpr the restoration of the Jewish home; I am not suing terra will be held Tuesday thinl^g of the ceremonial but of the ethical spirit Israel's morning. greatest contribution to the world was the teaching in his home Following is the complete program: of.Iha-domestic/ virtues, affection, chastity^-responsibility.- ^The Monday,'9 a. m./Executive Board frequency of divorce of the illmatdd is one indication of the loss meeting; 10 a. m., Registration. Inof our ideals. Israelr-say our sages* was saved by the mothers. vocation by Rabbi Frederick Cohn; The poet Burns sang-"From homes like these does Scotland's Address of Welcome, Mrs. Cora Wolf, greatness rise." Might we not say—"From homes like these did vice president, Council of Jewish Israels greatness-rise," Modern schools Of Jewish thought may Women by Mrs. Carl Furth. Minutes differ in their theology, but '-the*.ethical essentials of family life of Organization. President's Mespersist through all variations. When we lose these, we lose all sage by Mrs. H. H. Mayer; Report of that justifies the Jew's surviyal.—Rev. Dr. Maurice H. Harris, Treasurer by Mrs. Nate Mantel; Re: port of Hospitality by Mrs. Rosenfeld; in "Jewish Advocate'V •

The Y. M. H. A. Jrs. basketball An unusually large attendance of team is rapidly rounding into shape. members -was recorded at the regular Games are now being scheduled with Y meeting on Monday night, fully 175 other Y. M. H. A. Boys' Club teams. being present. Special business was the discussion of the vaudeville reThe Y. M. H. A, Boosters hiked view, which wiil be given by members to Camp-Gifford and back last Sunof the Association some thne during day. This club, which was organised the winter. J. C. Copeland, chairman, two weeks ago by Louis Abramson, has arranged a meeting for prelimin- now has 20 members. It meets on ary try-outs next Wednesday evening, Wednesday evenings. Boys from 14 December 6. Everyone interested is to 16 are eligible. urged to attend. An excellent program was presentY. M. H. A. TROOP 62. ed at Monday's meeting. Songs and At the last meeting two new redances by Anne Rosenblatt, violin cruits were taken into the troop. They selections by Meyer Shapiro and a talk by David Sher on "the Jewish Communty Center Building," were features of the program. Mr. Wm. L. Holzman, chairman of the Y. M.. H. A. Advisory Board, made brief re marks.

if. M. AND Y: W. H. A. NEWS.

(Continued from various sizes, fb.,._ v . cooking arid sewing rooms, a librarjr: of Jewish literature," all tKese should ba" provided for this "Jewish Commiinity. * . : THEY WILL BE IF'THE JEWS OP OMAHA, IF EVIiRy MAN AND WOMAN, AND IF EVEBTf CHILD DO THElft DUTY. , One hundred and thirty^five thousand dollars has already: been subscribed to the fund by: just 100 individuals, A minimum ;of $200,000 is needed. Payments may, be. made over a period pf: three •years. For such a cause and with such arrangements who.. can offer any; excuse for not contributing to what is undoubtedly Omaha's most. necessary institution? ••..:;•. ••"•;_",;;'.-V..:;;. / • • : The campaign is on I Every, one in Omaha will be asked to X subscribe, because this will be tiieinstitution of every Omaha Jew. ': . ; Men will be solicited by irien. Women will be called ;opon jby-women, who are already organized for this work under the general chairmanship of Mrs. Nathan Mantel.- -Children will be urged to subscribe- by the young men and women members of the YMHA.

IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY SUBSCRIBED, YOU WILL BE CALLED UPON. THE WORKERS WILL NOT TAKE "NO" FOR AN ANSWER. THE FUTURE OF OMAHA'S CHILDREN WILL NOT ALLOW THEM TO. The workers are already in the field. Every contributor to the fund is. a worker, enthused with the-greatness of the cause. These men; are captains of teams: W. L. Holzman, Harry A. Wolf," Harry Lapidus, Louis Kirschbraun, A. B. Alpirn, N. P. Fell, M. Kulakofsky, Morris Levy, Henry Monsky, Leo Rosenthal, Dr. Philip Sher, Jake Simon, Sam Wertheimer, Isidor Ziegler, Harry Zimman, Harry Malashock, Morris Milder, Arthur Rosenblum, Dr. A. Greenberg, J. J. SlosbergV Martin Sugarman, Louis Hiller, Harry Wilinfsfcy, I. Gluck, Jos. Wolf, N. 8. Yaffe J. H. Kulakofsky, Sam Leon, Louis Sommer, Louis Simon, Isy Rosenthal H*'H. Auerbach, John Feldman, Sam Beber, Gail Margolin, Abner Kaiman. Irwin Stalmaster, E. Meyer, Davic • Freeman, Jack Copeland, Fred White Dr. FrecL,Cohn, Dr. M.L-Gordon {.H&rry TritBtki, Harry Weiner, and Wjtt. Grodiasky.

" jWatch next week's" issue of the "Jewish Press" for subscriptions secured during the week.; See that - yotirt Is on the list. Press" Ads JKittg Results.

H. H. Mayer. One, P. M., Luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms; 2 p. m., Minutes. Paper1—"What Does Religious School Need," by Mrs. Greejnsfalder; Discussion by Mrs. Livingston; ''What Can Sisterhood Do for the Temple" by Mrs. Alber Ehrlich- DisPlan to Bringg a Prominent cussion by Mrs. Coffman. At 8:30 P. M., a reception to delegates by SisterSk Speaker Here ff or-This : hood at the Blackstone Hotel. OccasioKi.-' On Tuesday, December 5, at 9 A. PUBLIC MEETING TO BE M., Minutes. Report of Sisterhoods. HELD IN EVENING* Report pn University Religious Work The annual B'nai B'rith day cele- by Mrs, Steinfeld. Election of ofbration will be observed in Omaha ficers. One P. M., Luncheon at Blackstone Hotel. Musical program. GreetSunday, December 4. During the afternoon a large class ings, from Sisterhoods. of newly elected candidates will be initiated. The initiation will tie held JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE ORGANIZATION at the Jewish Community Center. HOLD ELECTION "We are attempting to bring a naThe annual election of officers of the tionally known speaker to Omaha for this occasion/' said Irvin Stalmaster, Jewish Wonien's Welfare Organiza- j chairman of the B'nai B'rith. Day tion will be' held Tuesday at two thirty Celebration. Attempts are being made sharp at the Jewish Community to bring Mr; Sigmund Livingston of C e n t e r * \ •.. 7 r'r} • ' ' ] ' • ' • "• \ Bloomington, HI., to speak here during A roembe* has the privilege of subthe evening's program.. Mr. Living- mitting a certain, member they think ston will Be remembered by Omahans will qualify for office and can do so as the principal speaker at B'nai by calling the following nominating B'rith convention held in Omaha last committee: Mrs. Charles Levihson, at June. Harney 3129, Mrs. Philip Sher, at Several musical numbers are also Walnut 4064, Mrs. David P. Fedef, • I being arranged for the evening's pro- at Harney 3301. gram. The delegates of the Sisterhood The issue of "The Jewish Press" of Convention -will be the guests of the December 7, to be published just be- Jewish Women's Welfare Organizafore the B'nai B'rith Day celebration, tion, at this meeting. will be known as the "B'nai B'rith Number," and will contain many feature articles of interest to B'nai B'rith members. > '


Public Meeting Of Keren Hayesod Sunday Evening

Sewing classes for girls are now held on Monday afternoons and Tuesday evenings, both under the direction of Miss Julia Wise. The afternoon classes are for girls from 8 to 12, and the evening classes for girls over 16. Mrs. S. H. Schaefer is now leading the Wise Sunbeams on Tuesday afternoons. A gym class for intermediate girls, under the direction of Miss Mina Freedmanj meets on Tuesdays at 7 o'clock. Girls from 14 to 16 are eligible for membership.

Stockholders The Bell System is owned by its thousands and thousands of stockholders, who are men and women in all walks of life throughout our territory and other parts of the United States.

BIG SACRIFICE Two lots 90x165, 28th Ave. and Binney St. Worth $2,000. Must be sacrificed for quick sale for $1,000. Apply at once. . SAM KLAVER, County Assesior's Office

One-third of all the men and women in our organisation who have been with us six months or more are purchasing Bell Telephone stock out of their savings.

BEMIS PARK HOME Montclair addition adjoining on "east, 7-room all modern house, south front, gas, electric lights, furnace, bath, toilet, full basement, 4 bedrooms, double garage. JRedUced: from $8,000.00. PRICE $7,300.00 if sold soon. Come and look it over, as we must sy^J. Owner lives in house. 3310 Myrtle Ave. Phor,e Harney 3923.


We encourage the owning of stock not only by employees but by our subscribers as well.


We shall be glad to talk to you about purchasing Bell stock if a conservative investment will interest you.



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HERE you'll see the masterpieces of overcoat production -" in an amazing array of new, distinguished, exclusive models, and original, entirely new fabrics and colorings.

A public meeting of contributors to the Keren Hayesod will be held thiB Sunday evening, at the Jewish Com;munity Center. There will be no collection of donations or pledges at jthis. meeting, according to" the committed in charge.,. At this meeting the local committee of the Keren Hayesod will give a" complete financial report. '' Following the election of ofheersfor the ensuing term, a special committee will be appointed or elected for the' purpose of arranging a public "mteefc-. ing to be held the later part' of January and at which Dr. Shemarya Levins will be the £rincipal.lspeakerand guest. Prof, ,Mach!s orchestra with Prof.. Ei»nk-Mach,,-as^leaderj several musical numbers.

, : •:. ; v: : v

The " K l a v i c l e , " the "Par-Kerry" scores of other models in full belted half belted styles—styles that ate obtainable elsewhere at prices that hasize Nebraska's supreme values, at



Miss Marguerite Rosenberg is leafier of the Senior "Girls' Gym class on Saturday evening, from 7 to 8.

Your Warm

Rabbi Gary August of St. Joseph, Mo, to Speak Here.

for last week are! Gold star to the Eagle and Blackbear patrols; Silver star to Eagle and Laon patrols. Patrol standings are as follows: Tiger. ~$90 Lion.— 656 BlacKbear...-«.58O Eagle _.......54O After the meeting the troop*s basketball team played a team from Kellom school. Our boys lost by a score of 25 to 11, but as this was only the first game, they didn't feel so bad about it. . T h e individual honor, contest looks like a walk away for Harry Levinson unless one of our new recruits keeps up the way he started.

A regular semi-monthly membership dance will be given this Saturday night at the Jewish Community Center.

Presentation of Charter by Mrs. Steiri-

Jewish Community ; Center

are Harry and Sollie Kohlberg. They were both accepted in the Blackbear patrol. On the following day at camp^. Harry Kohlberg became a tenderfoot scout. He also got busy and passed 5 tests towards second class. Other scouts were alsd present at camp and passed a number of tests resulting in the following promotions. Sidney Katleman, Harry Levinson, Phil Mandel, and Isadore Mann- became second class scouts. E<t Brodkey passed his final test which made him a first class scout. He will receive his first class bade at the Court of Honor at the City Hall next month. Awards

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_> « - . • -

"t v\\*\-

PAGB 3—THE JEWISH PRESS ^JHURSDAY, NOVEMBER SO, 1922 Id star to the patrols; Silver k patrols. Pa-

Social, Glub and Religious Activities

follows: m. gle

_.656 -.540 troop's baseam f rom Kelost by a score was only the feel so bad r_ contest looks larry Levinson TecruitB keeps

Tuesday .evening followed by a tripp on the Pacific Coast, is here in The Junior Welfare Organization? Mr. and Mrs. Philip Saks announce dinner party for Bob Hall, who isOmaha, visiting with her-sister, Mrs. will hold its regular monthly meeting! the birth of a 'baby girl, Helen, born playing at the Orpheum this week. Carl Furth, for several weeks en- Sunday afternoon at the Jewish ComThursday, November 23. route to her home. munity Center. A musical program | _"The Mind in the Making" a topic Over two hundred people attended A regular meeting of the Jewish has been arranged.for the closing of |.bearing on. religion will be Rabbi -Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis left Wed- "Music Week". the B'nai B'rith Day celebration in Sisterhood will be held next WednesFrederick Cohn's sermon subject Fri- nesday evening for Des Moines, la., this d t y last. Sunday. During the day afternoon at the home of Mrs. day evening at eight o'clock at where they will visit with Mrs. afternoon a class of candidates were The Misses Dena Berman and Edith initiated. In th eevening a public Ethel Hoffman, 1014 Avenue A. ENGAGEMENTS. Temple Israel. Saturday morning Lewis' parents for the week-end. and Ann Slotaky, of Sioux City, la., program Was held at which Mr. J. The Evening Card Club met ThursThe engagement of Miss Etta Jean, hid subject will be ^The Ladder of Zeldman, daughter of Mrs. Celia Zeid- the Angels". Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun enter- are visiting with the Misses Esther Blume of Des Moines, Iowa, was theday with Mr. and Mrs* Ben Kohler. Brown and Ann Horn. man to Mr. George G. Bernstein, 6on prindpal speaker. O Hochman of Prizes were won by Mrs. S. H. Kiiteltained at a one o'clock luncheon at of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein of this Mrs. S. C. Salzman and son, Mar-the Fontenelle Hotel Wednesday the local lodge made a short talk. man and Mr. Fred Cherniss. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf left Monday city, has been announced during the. vin, will leave Friday for Hollywood, afternoon. Miss Rina Snyd^r gave several vocal . . for Des Moines, la., where they will Miss Marion Katelman entertained of Mr, and Mrs. J. Bernstein of this Calif., where they will visit with visit with their daughter, Mrs. Joseph selections, accompanied by Miss twenty of her friends Sunday afterOmaha Technical High School. Mr. Mrs, Salzman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gross., of Galesburg, HL, Janet Gilinsky. Philip Krasne gave noon in honor of her tenth birthday. Bernstein is well known as a Jewish Mrs. L, A; Adler, formerly of Omaha* will stop off in Omaha Friday for Slate and Mr. Slate. a violin solo. 'Dancing concluded the' Prizes were won by Helen Cherniack athleter-having played -with Yv Mv -Hv and-to attend the wedding- of her the-day tovisit "With Mrs. R. Kula- The Friday Evening Bridge Club evening's entertainment. and Leonard Krasne. A. Baseball and Basketball teams, as youngest sister, Phyllis, to Mr. kofsky while enroute to her home met last Friday evening at the home well as with* the Thorpeian teams. No Harold Swartz, nephew of Jesse having returned from a three ?*• ^ ^ Mrs. Sam Freiden returned home Kooper. Prizes were date has been set for the wedding. Lasky, vice-president of the famous month's stay in Los Angeles, Calif,, w o n b y ^ ^ Monday from a week-end visit with Mrs. H. Cohen entertained Sunday Piayers-Lasky Corporation producers I Jack Marer. The next meeting will her daughter, Mrs. Louis Heeger and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman of Paramount Pictures. They will with Mrs. Sol Gross. ibe held Friday evening at the home Mr. Heeger at Sioux City, Icwa. ANNOUNCEMENT I returned Saturday from a week's stay visit with Mrs. Saltzinan's sister, . Mrs. J. P. Cohn has as her guest of Miss Sadye Levey, Rev. E. Fleishman The first class of the City Sunday in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. L. G. Phillips, of Long Beach, her sister, Mrs. A. Kuenne, of Chischool under the supervision of Mrs.! .A regular meeting of the Young "THE MOHL" Calif., and will tetur nhome by way cago, 111,,>who will spend the week. Miss Fanny Newman of Detroit A number of Omahans will attend Hyman Berlint, was awarded the Moved into his new home at Mich4 is the guest of her sister, Mrs. of San FrandscoV Calif., where they Mr. ,'and Mrs. J. Katz, of Marion, the Nebraska-Notre Dame football first prize for the most charitable; 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner of Woolworth Avenue. Louis- Marx. She will visit-fdr sev- will visit with her grandmother, Mrs. lli.; are expected to arrive in Omaha game Thanksgiving Day at Lincoln, class. Adleri They expect to b e . gone TeL Atlantic 6637. eral weeks. ,*.£•""'" Neb. Among those leaving Thursday through the winter months and Mr.during the next week to visit. moring are: Mrs. Herbert Arnstein, Miss Frances Nogg will entertain Mrs. D. Fisher-of Boston, Saltzman will join them later. Mr. Mortis Schlank, of Los Ange- _ Hazel Degen, Mr.__ Morton Degen, the Junior Council of Jewish Women ss-ssLSsi, who has just returned from an extendat her home at a social meeting, next J les, Calif., was called to Omaha due anrMrTEdw^ard'Schbraumf ed vis£t in San Francisco, GaL, is visit- At the regular meeting of the to the: •: death of his "father, Adolph: .... „„ •, Tuesday evening. The meeting had ing in Omaha with her sisters, Mrs. Council of Jewish Women Thursday Schlanky^frho died'during the^past! Miss Bess Stalmaster will entertain previously been scheduled at the L. Rosenblatt and Mrs. M. Horn, afternoon, at Temple Israel, Mm F .weekT the R a O t h Society and for Miss home of Mrs. M. Bernstein, but due B. Blumauer, vice-president of -the o' v_^-; , Sophye Weinstein, a bride-to-be, Sun- to the absence of Mrs. Bernstein Mr; • and Mrs. Nate Sherman re-, National Council of Jewish Women •Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum left Sund a y afternoon at her home. from the city, it will be held a t the turned Thursday from their wedding gave an interesting talk on the work day: evenfeg/f or Washjaigton, D. C, home of Miss Nogg. trip to the east. hat the Council is doing and howwhere -she will meet her brother, Mrs. Milton D. Goldman and Mrs. Miss Sophie Weinstein, one of the they take care of the immigrant Lieutenant Alfred N. Bergman of the Sol. Simon of Des Moines, la., will Messrs. Arthur Snyder and Her-* season's popular brides-to-be, has when he arrives in Ellis Island. Artillery Corps of the U.-S. Army, spend Thanksgiving here as the guests man Freidman will motor to Lincoln Thursday to attend the Nebraskachosen Tuesday evening, December 26, Miss Janet Gilinsky gave several who has just returned from a four ( °f Mrs. M. S. Miller, as her wedding day to Mr. Max From- selection on the Piano preceding Mrs. years tour of duty in Europe, includ- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wolfson will Notre Dame football game. kin. A number of social entertain- Blumauerjs address, and at the close ing a year's course at the French entertain at dinner at their home ments are being planned for them.' of the program Mrs. Martin Sugar- Artillery School at Fontaibleau, Wednesday evening, December 6, honThe first of these will be a bridge man gave several vocal selections. France, near Paris. Lieut. Bergman her Jessfe rin party given Sunday afternoon, De* The Members of the Board of the is a graduate of West Point and also ofiance, Mr. Dave Rosenstock. cember 3, by Miss Bess Stalmaster at Council entertained at a luncheon served as Adjutant of the AmericanChiropodist and Beauty Miss Ann White will leave Friday her home, honoring Miss Weinstein. Thursday noon at the Brandeis Polish Relief Expedition and as a Shop 18D0 Restaurants honoring Mfg. Blumauer. military observer for the U. S, Army for Ottumwa, la., to visit with her tSth EgtaMlshefl and H«rwj Street*. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Redman of Ot* during, the Polish-Bolshevik war. Mrs. sister, Mrs. Charles Redman, and Mr. PkOM bOBglU *3SS tumwa, la., announce the birth of a Mrs. A. Hoffman and daughter, Rosenblum will spend several weeks Redman, baby son born Sunday, November 26. Shirley, of Kansas City, Mo., whoin the east. " Mrs. Redman was formerly Miss Anna have been visiting with Mrs. HoffMrs. Bernie Rehfeld, of New York Segelman of this city. man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Miss Belle Rosenthal and Miss' C i t y > ^ a j ^ H . Rehfeld returned Sophye Cohn are leaving Thursday Monday from Lincoln, Nebr.^ where The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah Wright, left Wednesday to be the morning for Fullerton, Nebr., to spend ^ y ^ ^ visiting with Mrs. Rehguest of her sister, Mrs. Bernard will give its third of a series of card Thanksgiving day and the week-end feld>s ^ughter, Mrs. E. A. Levy, parties. Monday afternoon, December Swartz, a t Des Moines, Iowa, prior with friends. ' • , . . . ' to returning to her home. 4, at the home of Mrs. A. Eomm with Miss Yetta Wright entertained at The Ladies Free Loan Society will Mesdames Romm^ Sam Robinson, and two tables of bridge at her home Miss Carita Herzog, of Lincoln, meet Saturday evening at the Labor L. lineman, as hostesses.' Prizes will Sunday afternoon. Nebr., arrived here. Wednesday to Lyceum at Twenty-second and Clark be given at each table. attend the Sisterhood and Brother- Streets. ' ' '•; " Mrs. Dave Ferer and daughter, Miss Dorothy Shapiro entertained hood Thanksgiving Evening Dance at Joyce, of Minneapolis, Minn., who Dr. Phillip Levey arrives home twenty-five guests at her home Sun- the Blakstone Hotel. She is visiting Thursday morning from New York have been visiting with Mr. Ferer's day evening, complimentary to Mi;s with her cousin, Mrs. Dollie Elgutter. City, -where he spent ssseral weeks parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ferer, left Grace Lande, a birde-to-be. Miss upon his return from a three months', Omaha during the past week and are MftB. Anna Stepp, of Kansas City, Lande was the redpent of many beaunow visiting in St, *Lonis, Mo. tiful ^gifts from the-guests. -_; Prizes Mo.,, wha hae_been_on extended -were rwon by Misses Shirley Plotkin, Nettie Abrams, and Etta Snitzer.

I -V

afternoon at a shower for Miss] Jennie. Goldstein, who will becomel the bride of Louis Cohen on Decem-1 ber 10, Prizes were won by Mrs.] S. H. Katelman and Miss Ann Green.] All Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention.

WELSH'S FLOWERS (Gtranuteedt "FLOWEES MAKE FRIENDS" TeL Ja. 4201, Branfleig .Theatre Blag:. 210 So. 17th St.. Omaba.

Hurry H. LapWaa. Pres.-TreM. Sot. Pepper, Vlce-PtesMenU W. Q. Vn, Secretary.

Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy •ver 70,000 satiate Uttt Besthweat Conn Eleventh and DengUm Streets. Jacbsan £724 OBfiARA. ITEB.


B'nai B'rith Dance SUNDAY—DECENBER 24





' Miss Rose Minim, who is attending the University of Nebraska, is expected fcome-.-to spend the.-week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. The Omaha Junior Hadassah meeting which was to be held this Wednesday evening has been postponed to the following Wednesday evening, December. 6,. at the. Jewish Community Center. A special program has been arranged for this meeting.


Mrs. F . London, who has been visiting •with relatives, and friends in Atlanta, <3a., returned home Friday.

Many women who could well afford more expensive closed cars prefer the sedan for their personal use.

Miss Jessie Rosenstock, fiancee of ME.- Dave Eosenstoek, has set Monday evening, December* 18, for her wedding day. Mrs. Morris Meyer is visiting with her daughter," Mrs. Henr| Goldstone at Kansas City, Mo, "Miss Nellie Cherpakoz of Sioux City, la., is the guest of Mrs. Ernest Meyer. She has been visiting her for the past week and has been extensively entertained. Among the entertainments was a bridge luncheon given by Mrs. Meyer at her home Sunday afternoon for twelve guests. Mrs. E. Weinberg, and daughter, Esther, of Fremont, Nebr., left Monday evening for Chicago, HL, to visit with relatives. Miss Weinberg will remain with her mother in Chicago about two weeks and will then return to Fremont. Mrs. Weinberg will go to visit with her sister in New York City and then will visit in New Jersey and Boston and expects to be home about the middle of January. Mr. and Mrs. Max Blotcky are stopping at the .Elms Hotel Excelsior" Springs, Mo.


They find it easy to drive, easy to park, economical to run, and comparable in the beauty and richness of its appointments with cars much higher in price. The upholstery is done in genuine mohair velvet of a singularly rich and beautiful pattern. The seats are roomy and luxurious. The hardware, and minor fittings reflect thoughtfulness and rare good taste. Steel disc wheels (with cord .tires) screen the under part of th6 car and harmonize in a most effective way with the new grace and smartness which Dodge Brothers have recently brought to the lines of the body.


As Delicious as It Is Healthful The satisfying flavor of WHEAT TONE HEALTH BREAD comes irom the Germ of the Wheat—; that healthful element not found in ordinary health breads. ?*Spreads" are not necessary to] make WHEAT TONE appetizing,' although butter or honey makes it the special delight of children. And how good it is for them! It keeps their systems functioning properly and supplies their grow-

ing bodies with foods they most need. From the Germ of the Wheat WHEAT TONE gets vitamins, that precious substance so essential for growth. It contains the rich mineral salts for healthy bone structures and fats for building strong tissues. The bran in WHEAT TONE serves as a laxative.



28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0123


Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lapidus left last Thursday for .a three week's visit in the east. Mrs. Alexander Pollack and-Mrs. Dollie Elgutter entertained at dinner Tuesday evening at th'eir home In honor of Mrs. Alexander Rubel, of Minneapolis, Minn., 'who is the -gofist of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun. Twelve, guests were present. •> ' Mrs. L. Segelman is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Dave Redman, and Mr. Redman, at Ottumwa, Ift. She wul be gone for several weeks. The P i Tau Pi- Fraternity enterdned at an Orpheum Theatre •Party

TKe Old FasKiorved Wajf



.7 "Stop, please! Why "didn't those trymen and at the end finally goaded through this rehearsal?" demanded ! passers-by come in earlier? Try itthe Jewish money lender into mad- a voice at my; elbow. I turned and looked up into a face over again,, Gobbo, and give them ness. their cues. " Weinberg (this to one of But sometimes such metriculous de- now guiltless of Shylock's tragic lines A View of the Great Prqducer of the Rehearsal of "The Shylock-'s co-religionists disguised for taila are better appreciated by spec- and beard, the benevolent countenance the occasion as a Venetian, gentle- tator than by actor! As the creaking of "The Music Master" and "Peter MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON . Merchant of Venice". ! Grim"—and David Warfield. of the shif tirfg scenery almost drowned to cross 'faster or man), you have NEARBY - COMMUNITIES. By ELMA'.EHRLICH LEVINGER. "I'm—I—" I stammered, wondering slower or you'll bump right into Old the lovely prelude to Act V., I heard CHOICE FITtST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. i (Copyright, 1022, by the nuthor.) Gobbo. again. - Now,-Bert (to a half-humorous growl behind me. how to explain my uninvited presence. His eyes' twinkled as though he the individual who stod-on the stage "What are you looking so cross for," (The editor believes this to be a out of a make-up, and -walked boldly acting as his lieutenant), get that addressing a blue and silver page, sensed my embarrassment. "Did you "when you've got nothing to do butlike it?"-he asked genially. •';..'."•;•. INVESTMENT SECURITIES mique portrayal of the' greatest of into the darkened theater, feeling and mob coming down. Go on, Gobbo." "It's wonderful," I gushed inanely. •Howard, and E i g h t e e n t h S t r e e t s . P h o n e A T l a n t i c 9555. Launeelot Gobbo, by actual count, look handsome ? I've got to half strip American .theatrical producers." It no doubt looking like a convicted pickpulled his suffering father across the for. that fool slave the Prince of Then I was spared from further inshould be of especial interest to Jew- pocket. From the lobby filled with whirring stage a half dozen time's until a re- Morocco brings in and wear a busy anities, : for Mr. Belasco himself ish readers since not only Mr. Belasco and Mr. "Warfield, his star in the pres- sewing machines and costumers fran- assuring "All right," Bert," came from' wig and everything; and then they strolled toward us. ent production, are, both Jews,i)ut be- tically bending over robes of gold and the auditorium. Then I realized with chain me up between those two slave "Yes, it's going along," he said modWASH AND KEEP WELL* : kcause the Shakespearean comedy Mr. scarlet and purple for a. last stitch, a start that all .this .painstaking re- girls and when we kneel before Portia estly" in the-course of my most inA RULE OF HEALTH ^ l a s c q .presents has-been severely one seemed to step into another world, hearsing-of a difficult bit. of business I'm afraid well never get up again formal interview, which doesn't come FRONTIER'. TOWEL SUPPLY ^criticized as well as' highly laude'd by the darkened auditorium, where a few already perfected had been merely for without getting all twisted up arid j into this tosry at all. "I've certainly J actors, already in costume and makethe benefit of five or. six "supers" who f Jewish playgoers.) breaking our necks. It's a great life!" j enjoyed putting it on—one of the 1819 California Street. 'One. of America's Great - Hotels" He stopped abruptly, for at a Belasco greatest .plays ever written. Yes, I'm When Mr. Belasco began to re-up, sat in • front waiting for their passed down one of the narrow streets. scenes. Against a gray street set, I-turned to look-at the producer, his rehearsal one grows still as death as told that it hurts the feelings of some ^eai-se "The • Merchant • of Venice" |down in Wilmington, Del., with David which somehow suggested the cramp- massive white head-a great blur in soon as the curtain is drawn. So I Jews to see Shylock on the stage. jjwarfield as Shylock, everybody, from ing , confines of the Venetian Ghetto, the. uncertain light; a little below • hope nobody heard my squeal of de-, Well, they just;don't understand that EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE Jthe.owner of the theater dpwn to an the clown, Launcelot Gobbo, pranced medium height in stature, leaning light when I looked upon the most i if he's presented with sympathy he LAUXDBTf. TTHOLESAXE ?o|incorruptible;.usher, told us it simply and cavorted, dragging Old Gobbo af- now- and then on his cane, le. J Nothing ! beautiful scene I have ever witnessed ; stands. out. as a great tragic figure, TFbere soar clothes come home ter him. He paused uncertainly as a Druggists and Stationers I couldn't be done; nobody would be adbizarre or- compelling about out the wiz- in the theater—the moonlit gardens of of If Mr. Warfield's Shylock was deeply clenner end last looser. , 401-403-4W5 South loth Street mitted to rehearsals. So we took off voice rose out of the blackness below ard< of the American .staga standing Belmont. But the wizard with the wrong and goaded into his revenge, AT lantlc 0380. 1507-11 Jackson St. I oar hat, hoping-we would be mistaken him, a very tired voice, courteous, in his shirt '.sleeves, yet I found cane .instead of a wand, wasn't at all I can't see how my presentation of H. A. JACOBBEEGER. Pres* »for a wardrobe mistress of an actress' gentle and whimsically'pleading. it hard .to-turn.'away: to the picture ! satisfied. •' ' i ; . . the play can hurt the Jew. Why, I'm ; 1 Omaha .OlSee: 81S Doaelas: Street. before me! . "_;..;,•: j "You men have, too, much red inas Jewish as anybody. When I was a • Omaha. Phone Atlantic 2536 boy ot- thirteen or so and was barA. mob of twenty or more rushed j y o u r m ake-up for this, moonlight," Phone 104 EMILGANZ&3QN upon .the'stage, quaint in mask a n d j w a s mitzyah and my Counsin Abie, an old, Ford Transfer & Storage Co. p r o s a j c comment, even "beThe BeBt ol Everything in Flowers ana . B. A. BQBD. ' domino; there was the'sound of gay!f o r e h a d c e a s e { i ^0 marvel over the old man with an enormous beard, used F. S. BIOBETT. Prop. Certified' Public Accquptants Confections at Moderate Prices. Presiiaent and General Maiajrer. music, of laughter which rose, only soft sky, the fantastically clipped to come to our house to teach me HeCounrll Blaffs (lows) Office S45 W. Broadway, Next Libert? Theater tU? Donglas Street Phone Webster 0820 Phone 865 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. /icmTOUS AJfD ' tSYSTESIATJZEBS to be halted by the mild, patient voice trees and graceful pillars of the Ital- brew"—he broke off to answer the 821 So. Main Street. THE LAUNDRY- THAT ifmil Ganz- J C. P. A. V. M.^flna question of a grimy individual in overEVERYBODY LIKES. •from in front, ian garden, "and it looks purple. And* Pliones: Hnr.5406 — Dousr. 4821 — IInr.0915 "I think we've decided to cut down Bert, don't you notice how those arti- alls, and I felt that the story of Cousin that musk—a little—just a little. This f i d a l flowers sca ttered all over catch Abie must remain unfinished forever. Carpenter Paper Co. Outside in the lobby the sewing maisn't the real carnival. People will i n t h e g i r l s > skjrt^-they're too stiff. Distributors of .. OtHR TREATMENT WILL be disappointed and say, 'Do they call {B e s u r e a n d h a V e f r e s h floors f o r chines still whirred and a frantic CONVINCE r o c OF OtIB Western Bond-—and High SINCERITY. worker declared that she'd worked that.a carnival?' But it's only a taste; t h i s s c e n e c e tomorrow whether we reGrade Stationery Trust Department. —-wait till the end of the act: . Try h e a r s e i t o r not—understand, natural twenty years for Mr. Belasco and that Safety Deposit Boxes. Omaha. Nebraska. 1 and Tours particular costume couldn't be refitted crossing again," to. a very Jewish- fi o w e rs?" to in time—and she knew it. A tall, looking-individual clad in rose color. boyish-looking man drew out his At the word the merry-makers piled "Yes, governor," agreed Bert. All Parts "Louie, Louie, what's the matter watch,- wondering whether the hotel out and tore laughingly upon the stage of the with that moonlight, anyhow? Don't candy counter would be open after again, the gorgeously arrayed Hebrew World among them. He was dressed like a y ° u s e e t h a t n ° m a t *er where Bassamo jm i d n i g h t ^ declaring he'd have to "Manufactured in Omaha" prince, but he cringed and fawned like stands you can t see the expression on ih a v e a b a r o f c h o c l a t e t o g 0 t o s l e e p Money Sent to AH h i s f a c e ? A n d w e v e o t t o s e e Jt STEAMSHIP TICKETS BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. a slave; as he slunk through the crowd S - on. Near the exit a girl in furs spoke Foreign Countries WHOLESALE PAPER, ! 1 1 Arrangements now made witlx. Saylet .of maskers one felt that, although *>* « " * *Jt™L^J*J?™! "~ " ! hysterically. "Don' t speak to me; afGovernment- for prbtnpt» forwnrdlnfr, of STATIONERY, ETC. to scold him." Belasco ter rehearsing since ten this morning passetiKcrs to America. We furnish you his face was bare, he went masked, Portiam ist going h sta e h t h i s time he accessary blanks, etc.. to fill oat. Distributors for « S Y ' courteously making way for the proseI'm so tired I want to screaml" Palmers Steamship Agency Pink Tip Matches — cuting Gentiles. That single, slinking whirled from the- electrician to the Turning, I saw David Belasco walk1708 Farnam St. 1000 Marney Street. 'Tel: Jackson- 0710 .form visualized with-painful clearness actors themselves/ "I want you peoNorthern Toilet Tissue ing down the aisle, his shoulders sagwhy the carnival merry-making for pie to remember; that this is beautiful ging a little, his step a little weary. 1112 Harney Street the Christian often meant woundings comedy—delicious comedy. The most But his Toice was cheerful, almost ! E T CS DO JTOITJ WELDING —ATlantic 6409 and death- to the Jew: I wondered delicious comedy ever written and set buoyant as he called to a group of wether any but a Jewish producer', *n fairy moonlight. That's the way to workers busy in the wings. "All would have, been able to conceive that Pjay it, Louie, we must have more right, boys, keep up the lights. I'm • THE CAREFUL WELDERS .... brillianj; but; wretched figure among light.'* going to work around for several Tel. JA. 4397. Anything :: Anytime :•. Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. the maskers. I "I don't know what I can do about hours myself." Just as I wondered amoment later ( it," answered the unmoved Louie, BXCITS. IA, — \how anyone but a Jew, no —•-".— matter "The way. he's standing I can't light Service is Our Motto ANGLICAN BISHOP "NOT* how great the actor, could lid portray, portray! his face 'cause there's a pillar beTemptation Besets You AGAINST ZIONISM." Safe Deposit Boxes for Beat. Shylock, the suffering son of a sufferj tween him and the light." When You Enter ing-race. From the dark doorway of j "Well fix it—we'll fx t. And, by New York, Nov. 10.(—J. C. B.)— 1 CANDIES, ,ICE CREAM, .' Shylock's house .came a voice discuss- | the way, you've got to rip off that The Hight Hev. Rennie Maclnnes, _• - LUNCHES. ing trivial enough details from the' green grass and see what you can do'Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem, now in clowny Gobbo ,but heavy with' the glous about it," whirling around to another this country, who was reported by tragedy. Looking on Warfield's face ' assistant. "That green's absorbing the mtropolitan press to have assailed Every Known Kind as he stood there, dignified, patient too much of the light. It's a pity be- j the Zionist movement in his sermon BUTTER and EGGS of Insurance -under hia wrongs, I recalled with a cause it's so pretty. Now go on, on November 5 at the aCthedral of 16th and Farnam Streets Council Bluffs, la. "" Donclas 03S0 St. John, the Divine, is "not against 209 VT. O. W. Bids. sudden stab 6f recollection how while . please." in the South I had never seen the face I But the scene was not allowed to Zionism," according to t i s statement -Candy Company of an educated Negro without its look go on far. "Portia, Portial" rose j in the "Palestine Weekly,, of Jerud,Capitol Ave. of inscrutable sadness, the look of the from the auditorium as that lady flung salem on October 29, 1921. The man.who finds himself an alien in the herself in pretended- rage upon the'( bishop's statement was called forth by Made by place he desires to call his home. fountain rim, "better see if that paint a. cabled version of his speech when UNDERTAKERS UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST addressing the Jerusalem and the A sudden tenderness crept .into the! comes off your dress." He was on 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. East Mission in London last year, convoice and bearing of the'money lender .the stage again jn a twinkling 4nBISCUIT; CO.! Phone JAckson 1226 OSEAHA, NEBRASKA. | bf Venice as he drew Jessica to him, j specting the rare brocade with a trou- veying the impression that he "openSnow White a very lovely, wilful Jessica as played bled air. Then with a sigh of relief: ly -ra5ked himself against the deBakeries clared policy of the British governby Miss Julia Adler, whose father has 'It seems all right. But, Bert—" (Bee. V. 8. Pat. AUTO PAINTING ment." " given the Yiddish stage its greatest "Yes, governor?" Office.) • , Top and Body Building Denying^ that he opposes the Zionist Shylbcki But the wKite-haired man "Have that fountain gone over right and Repairing. outside wasn't satisfied. "David," he away. You can't trust it. And, Bas- policy, the bishop, after publishing CtTETAIKS—LIGHTS—ETC. called up, "if you're really, fond of her, \ eania, kneel behind her, but stand up the full text of the speech made, in "If Its Worth Anything otCODNCIL BLUFFS show it. Pat her shoulder—that's bet- when you speak of 'the candles of the part, the following comment: —Have It Insured." We pay 4% Interest on Saving "I did not 'onpenly rank myself 2525 teavenworth St. AT lantto 0101 ter.- You remember how we did itnight'." A look of almost holy bliss ana Time Deposits. "two weeks ago? Well, never mind, crept over the producers' face "Wait against the declared policy of my naJAckson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes for. Rent. . do it your way, of;course, but I till we get our real sky with two hun- tional government.' (My speech will dred stars that are going to fade show that I support tfie declared wouldn't be abrupt with her." Only an act, but it seemed miles away in the dawn," he told the com- policy ofthe British government far Wholesale away from, the . Ghetto street to pany with something of the same more layally than any iZonist I have Fruit and Vegetables Portia's, sunlit halls a t Belmont. The satisfaction the Creator might have ever met). N. W. Cor Ilth and Howard Sts.' ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS scene was one of -entrancing beauty, felt when surveying His celestial "Whenever I speak, the Zionist yet so exquisitely conceived that it handiwork for the first time. papers publish articles headed "The was with, surprise afterward that I The three pairs of lovers walked off Anglicaii Bishop Against Zionism,' learned the court ladies wore gowns at last, not to the somewhat gross jest they never demonustrate or prove it. costing five hundred dollars apiece, with which Shakespear has nded the They merely asservrate. But I am j while Portia's 'robes ran into thour comedy, but to music. They rehearsed not against iZonism nor have I ever} 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store FEATHER COMFORTERS sands. It was all like a fairy pag- that bit about a dozen times, and at been against it. I challenge any man ATlantic 0340. Made from Tour Own Feathers. Aenovatert; re-mn<le or made to order. eant, where one doesn't feel at all the end even such an amateur as I to produce a'single sentence in any All hand-filled. We call and deliver. surprised to see that the prince is realized why it was much better for speech or writing of mine during the robed in cloth of gold and the princess Portia to have the Merchant on herlast three years in which I have Omaha Pillow Co. 1807 Cumins 8r.' Phone Jackson 84(57 wears crystal slippers. left hand instead of her right. The ranged myself against ionism. It The Old Sellable House, : jester came bounding in for his closing is not Zionism that I oppose, but the But the man with the cane wasn't 1806 Harney Street song and settled himself with his method and statements of many of thinking of fairyland just then JJhone ATlantlc 0061. mandolin or whatever they call it, its adherents." "Gratiano," as that individual made ' Jl C. Crew. Ed. Bardick. his entrance, "remember you're not a, -when the white head down in the front A Store Manured and Bun f-; i by-Men who'nay"the Udnie. Washington. (J. C. B.)—14,279 Jews 109 No. 16th Vt. Tnl JAckROD 3128 gallant; you're a soldier; come in'wagged emphatically and Belasco's G. L. REEVES Oppoftite Post-OfBce. immigrated into the United States again, please. That's it, put your rose high in protest; GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys hands in your belt. And take off your j "You've got to come on sooner or from all parts of the world in the "RADIO" From $3.00 to $9.00. Everything for the Athlete, hat. Better make yourself up a bit half the house will be out of their three months July-September of the GOOD FURNISHINGS. seats and going home. Jump on thenew quota year. In the same period Y o u r position is younger." j Then the court scene^ with its rich stage and, for God's sake, start to only 223 Jews emigrated, according correct, and should ' background and its officials in habits • sing right away. Try it again and to figures compiled by the Department . Kaplan Auto Parts Cp, be s u p p o r t e d by Aimer H. stlm^ that you felt must be correct because' softer—that song's a fade-out, Un- pf Labor. illl Nicholng Street every fair minded The figures from Poland and Russia Used cars bought, sold, and exchanged. 1319 W. O. W; Bldg. AT. of the'Belasco passion for perfection jderstand?" • LION COAL CO. SPECIALS : .New icenrs.- And axle abnfts person. ; ' ['•• for anv lnhalpp ' in detail, as witness the heavy formal- ! The jester understood and the music for this period show once more that .^ Tube* and Accessories ity toward the Duke, the touches like o f an old day and the dawn-lit gar- ] their quota has not yet been exhaustHannah Lump BaJow. IFb'ore&iile'Prices, PAXTON BILLIARD Franklin County the law books, the money bags; best den faded away altogether. I found it ed. About 30,000 immigrants from Lump . of all, the two lone Jews who stood hard to come down to earth, but the i Poland and Russia will still have; to PARLOR ! ready to rejoice with-Shylock in his voice of a stout person in ^ admitted in order to fill the quota . . . o f . . . Colorado Smokeless « p l w « D V NICK S. WRANtC, Proprietor for these countries. Prom July to j short-liyed-Jtriumph. They creep" away jolted me into reality again. 131G Fft tnM0 8 t r e e Hoffmann Funeral Home. November only 165,920 immigrated to at the end,"4hrough a side exit, while ! "Somebody took all my brown powScreenings „ JpO.U v Fhone JA rhsob 418$, very this.coBQtxy^ faut-dni , —«ataide-yell& a; derisive greet* der r D d i d A of the City. Sing to Shylock. Only a tinyy detail, much like the wardrobe mistress I months, July to September, 32,713 emigrated; thus not even 40 per cent ( but large enough to mirror the hide- was trying to impersonate, "took it . . —-Bell Ti^risprmr of the entire quota, which amounts Nearly every Jewish • family In Your subscription for "The ous ppersecution, of that day day which em- right right o off hich em f the shelf/' f tf Alnut 3034. 4ft & Coming Sts. WEbfeter 2605. Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". tah Press" is due now. bbittered i t t d the th li lives of all of his-coun"Have you been seated here all to 357,803, has been





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