December 7, 1922

Page 1

The, children of to-, . day are the men

. - B d t t for Better Still &

and -women of to- ,


VOL. H—No. 52


O malts


Entered s s «ec"poatofflee at Oc

mall matter on -Jannary Zlta. 1B21 at . nndet the Act d March 3, ism.

Community Center Br% Gets Under Way With E f usiasm; Workers To ComtLatire City



Convention of Sisterhood Held



ge Its Annual B'nai

Jerusalem, Dec 2.—(Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) — Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, - arrived in Jerusalem where a very cordial welcome Over Eighty Delegates from Mr. Leonard J. :Grossmaa of Chicago, WeH-Knowu - B'nai B'rii was given him by the Jewish Slogan "Build For Better Children*' Sweeping Community; Need Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska Worker, to Deliver Principal Address. • population. For Building Recognized By AIL Attended. Dr. Weizmann, who is stayEVENING PROGRAM TO EE OPEN TO ENTIRE *0MAHA JEWS WILL PUT IT OVER" SATS PRESIDENT OF ing at the Government House, CONVENTION AT OMAHA PUBLIC. JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER; SPIRIT OF WORKERS has had today his first conferDAVENPORT, IOWA. ence "with • the High - Com'sris- \ AND SUBSCRIBERS ENTHUSIASTIC. Of Kignificant importance to the Jewish community of sioner '-of Palestine, Sir Her- j The third annual Tri»State Conbert SamueL The conference J Omaha is the "B'nai B'rith Day" celebration which is to be "Buiia for Better Children", ihe slogan in the Jewish Comvention of the Jewish Sisterhood, all day and evening of this Sunday, December 10th, -at dealt with the mxestum of Jewmunity Center Building Campaign, is sweeping OmaHa., •which was held in Omaha Monday ish Agency -which has to coJewish Community Center. In every home into which the campaign "prospectus was sent and Tuesday of this week, "was a operate vrith the- Palestine The seventy-five years of activity of the Independent last/week the need for a modern building for the Jewish children huge success. Delegates from MisGovernment in "fee task of of B'nai B'rith in the realm of philanthropy, -enlightenment cf-'Omaha"-has become a topic of constant discussion. That iiie ouri, Iowa, and Nebraska, attended \ bnlHing up ,the Jewish Homecivil liberty will be commemorated in the program arranged f> jpresent quarters in the Lyric Building are inadequate for the the convention. This was the first land in Palestine. €hat day. "B'nai B'rifch Day" is celebrated-every year thro* growing needs of Omaha Jewry is "undisputed. That a Comconvention of Jewish Women ever oat the world by all the lodges. .The splendid. accomplishm Dr.. Weizmsnn informed Ihe munity Center Building should Tae erected without delay is conheld in this city. of the Order and its noble character stand out among the High Commissioner that the 4 ceeded by every one. , '• . ( All meetings during the convention work of like orders in the world of pMimthropy and -offer Zionist Conference at Carlsbad Fifty men started this week to sell the Jewish people of -were held at HXB Temple Israel. had resolved that the "Zionist splendid record upon which to build the future Jewish life. this city stock in the best investment that they will ever lave Many affairs were given for the visiExecutive . should temporarily the opportunity of making. Incomplete reports from these salesWith, the activities of the Member-1 Nathan; Herzoff of Sioux City, 1 tors during their stay here. A large act as the Jewish -A men indicate that they are mating good, and are adding new ship Committee, a large clasE wfll be \ violinist, who has palyed in reception "was held for the "workers to their ranks daily. For each person that joins in the Was Largest In€ividnal Donor to the public initiated into Omaha Lodge No. 354 from coaBt to coast, will be acc«n ! delegates Monday evening at the movement to errect the new Jewish Community Center Building in the afternoon. At 2:30 oclock, the psnied by Harry. Braivoroff nnBlackstone hoteL Over -eighty guests Cause of Jewish National immediately becomes an ardent booster ior the cause. members of the- class -will meet in piano. Miss Cecelia Feiler. •wiii gin }g$g -were present at the luncheon TuesHome. ' the Jewish Community Center, -will several Vocal selections. For the i'ir The "workers met this afternoon for] that box. Put me down for a miniday at the Blackstone hoteL The be prepared, and immediately there- time in the history of the B'B; the first time since the start of the mum pledge of $100 to the Jewish WAS ACTIVE KEREN HAYESOD following program -was given at this ! Community after wiB be initiated by the Degree B'rith Lodg« of Omaha, the-"B^, Center Building Fund. WORKER. luncheon: Piano selections hy Mrs drive, too late, however, for any anteam of the Order "which has been re- B'rith Day Ritual" will be A. Park; Recitations by Mrs. B. nouncement of the pledges -which Next year 111 increase i t I want to New York, Nov. 29. (J. C. B.) hearsing specially for this occasion. fied. Boasberg, and several vocal selecthey have secured to he made in this be among the first to subscribe, not Peter J. Schweitzer died a t two tions hy Miss Cecelia Peiler, accom- With Special Committee Visited AH The Degree team of the B'nai .B'rith 1 among the last." "Wherever 'B'nai B'rith J>sy' -week's issrne of the "Jewish Press." o'clock Monday morning at the Mount panied by Mrs. Harry Koseirfeld. Lodge of Omaha iE known through"That spirit -will put it over." Devastated Europe. celebrated there is a reawkening Complete lists -will "he published next Sinai Hospital, where he had been out the entire District No. Sis as one Jewish consciousnesB," remarted On Sunday "morning, the day of The next convention of the Sister• \ - z e k . • . • . - • • • taken for an operation for appendiof the best, it having officiated in Wm.* L. Solzman, president of the the opening of the campaign, Sam- citis. hood will be held next December at WENT ABBOAB LAST JUNE Chicago, Des Moines, Sioux City and member of the "B'nai B'rith uel Schaefer, campaign secretary, reCommittee. . Jewish Community Center, is most other of the larger cities in this disMr. Schweitzer "was horn June 14 Davenport, la. The following officers ceived the following wire from Mr. David A. Brown under whose leadenthusiastic for the campaign; " I trict. An appropriate program will 1874, in Balta, ftussia. He was edu- were elected for the ensuing year: know that the building -will be pot and Mrs. Barry Lapidus, who are cated in -the schools of Odessa, and Mrs. H. Meyer «f Kansas City, ership tile -phenomenal sum of $17,- follow the initiation after -which the now in New York: . 000,000 -was raised during the recent over," .he said. "The. Jews of Omaha Mo., president; Mrs. Monheimer, vice Please convey our sincere "wishes at the Sorborne University, France president; Mrs. SteinfeMer of St. campaign for Jewish -war-sufferers, meeting "will adjourn -until evening. all know how"Dadly -we need a buildHE left Russia for A-nerica in 1905 ing. And they are ready,, all of to President Holzman and asociate and -was at first connected with the Louis, secretary; and Mrs. Nate returned t o this country on Tuesday In the -evening, commenci-ag vdth (November 28th.) workers for successful campaign 8:30 o'clock program, •which -will he Mantel of Omaha, treasurer. . fiiem, to do their share." Mr. Jewish Community Center. Regret State Bank of New York. open to the entire public "will start, All Requested to Attend —> Lsr| Mr. Brown has been, abroad since "Lef me -tell you just one case," exceedingly temporary absence de- Schweitzer was a manufaeturef of Leonard J. Grossman of Chicago, last June. He is ' a member of l i e . Program t© Be Presratefi. 2&x. Sjplzman continued, "and I want cigarette paper, and during the war nies us privilege ~of assuming our whose activities in B'nai B'rith'-work European Commission of the Ameriyou;; to^leC ^ l C CCt allll yq readers dr share" ' reipqnsibfltiyin performing ~w& sthe largest American importer to^leTC can Jewish Belief Committee-of Twfaich marks him BE one of the leaders of An Americanization p 'through ihe columns -of the -"Jewish of "that commodity. . Dr. Lee K. Franks is chairman. The the Order, -will deliver the principal everybody -will be held at 1 ant 3n fhfe service to humanity. ^ i me up yesA J fnnerai xd' Mr; Schweitzer "was man caTTecl tm •"Friday l vinced important mission:confronting -very impressive. The Cortege startei Miss Jnlitte Kahn of New York City of New York, Morris Wolf, PhiladelWhat Eabbi Felix Mendelsohn -of at 7:30 o'clock. The patriots*; terday. I doi^t know Mm. very "well. Amercan Jewery' today i | the estab- from his home, 270 West .End Avephia, and Dr. Milton Sosenau, Boston. Chicago ,has_to say, editorially, in. the ganisstions- of the city have to he Prr -ipal Speaker. i I though g that he is only about lishment of proper environment for nue, where Uabbi Mordecai M. Kap He visited Poland, Austria, Hungary, "Chicago Sentinel," of Leonard J. to make this a big American ma £2 years old,-and has people depen- our youth and older foil® in whole- lan officiated. Judge Mack, in a The local Menorah Society will hold Lithuania, Bussia and the Ukraine. Grossman: ing, -when the class of new cit dent on himr~ He is a salaried man some surroundings. Best iof success." moving1 speech told of the wonder an open meeting and program Sun- He had planned to finish up his stay Bamah Loage of the Independ- will receipt their naturaliz»t.i| tod h"s salary is -not large, either. Prom 4 the Jewish Welfare BoarS.; ful impression Mr. Schweitzer xnadf day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the abroad with a vacation in Italy with ent Order B'nai B'rith has lost a papers. The, meeting is under t>ccasionaUy I see him at the Jewish the national organization of Jewish when he first appeared at the Zionis1 Jewish Community Center. his wife and daughter, and also to very good man in the resignation auspices of the Coisrt snd the Community Center rooms. •Community Centers, of -which Justice Convention in Pittsburgh, -where hi of Mr. Leonard J. Grossman who States Natruralizsti«n Bureau. Kf Miss Juliette Hahn of 3?ew Tor: visit Palestine, but he was so affected He said to me, "I have put a little Irving Lehman is president, came a was the largest subscril was president of the organization citizens -from twenty foreign to t b City, executive secretary of the In- by the terrible suffering he witnessed box in one of the drawers of, my telegram of congratulations and good Jewish Colonial Trust. He praise tercollegiate for the past two terms. Mr. Gross- tries will he welcomed by the Cityi Menorsli Association in the Ukraine that he changed his desk. Every week I will put 52 in wishes, expressing the hope that the his modesty and singular devotion will be the principal speaker. Miss plans. In a cablegram to the Ameri- man is a man of talent and en- Omaha into American, fellowship, Jews of Omaha "would keep pace'with to the Zionist' Cause. is making a tour of the Central can Jewish Belief Committee an- thusiasm, and under his admini- The American Legion band stration Samah Lodge has done the standards set hy. other communiThe cortege stopped at the Zionist West and Canada and is speaking at nouncing his intended return he said: "I can find peace of mind only in re- better -woTk than ever before in its furnish music and the noted ties in providing proper recreational headquarters where thousands payed j all Menorah chapters. leader of Omaha, Chas. newed -work for these sufferers." history. It launched a new enter- will direct the great audience in activities for the children and young tribute to the memory of the deDr. "Victor E. Levins, Professor of prise in the open air concerts at grand chorus singing. One Txxmi From the Ukraine he hurried to men and "women. ceased. Cantor Joseph Slishky chant- Bio-Chemistry at Creighton UniverCubs Park -which were the talk of fifty Boy Scouts in uniform will London to help the English Jews Says German Magnate ed El Mole Eachmin. The cortege sity will speak on "Jewish Cor"~ibuStatement Chicago all last summer, and it spectacular demonstrations, flap Never an Antimoved to the ILeren Hayesod head- tion to Science." Master Samuel Car- launch a campaign throughout the also widened the scope of activity lutes, etc. • The Mason School British empire for -wax-relief and conPemite. A CORRECTION. quarters and irom there to the cem- mel, premier boy vio^ist of the of its social Service department stage a beautiful feature, ferred -with Lord Swaythling, Lionel etery where Jlev. Maslia* ry, Louis State of Nebraska, "will play several and boys' Club—both of -which are Melting Pot," given in the costal de Rothschild, Otto M. Schiff ana Berlin. (J. T. A.)—While declinlipsky, Dr. Schmarya Levin, in violin selections. The pledge of Mr. Carl C. institutions of great value for of the various nations by school Claude G. Montefiore, among others, ing to make a public statement on touching speeches, described the Katelman for the Jewish ComThe local Menorah society is com- to whom he described the conditions West Side Jewery. Mr. Grossman dren. this attitude towards the Jewish quesgreat loss the Zionist movement has posed of former University students munity Center Building is explained that the cause of his tion and his relations to Dr. Rathensuffered in the untimely death of and students attending the Univer- in the Ukraine, and outlined American $500. The statement in last The meeting: is under the mim% resignation is due to the fact that campaign methods, with the result BU, the assassinated Foreign MinisMr. Schweitzer. week's issue c3 the "Jewish ment of • the Omaha Council sity of Nebraska Medical College, that they decided to increase their Ms public activities caused him to ter, Hugo Stinnes, German magnate, Press" in which this pledge Creighton University and Omaha original quote which they had fixed neglect his law practice. Unfor- Americanization. This is -a free -who is the power behind the People's was, listed at 5150 was an errUniversity. JEWISH BASKET BALL tunately communal work in CJhi- tertsinment for everybody, at ?500,000 to ?2,500,000. En route Party, authorized a person usually or. The "Jewish 'Press" is TEAM. cago, perhaps more than in other and come and bring; from Paris to London he was in an representing him in public to give ha>py to make the correction. cities, falls upon the shoulders of friends. , • OMAHA HEBREW CAMP The first Jewish'Basketball team airplane crash, hut escaped unhurt. his -views concerning the matters to Follovrfng is the program: the few, and one can therefore perto play this season will represent the ELECTION. the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Music— : form, a public service only at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. The The Omaha Hebrew Camp of the Herr Stinnes was consulted on THREE CLASSES OF JEWISH team plays every Thursday evening Modern Woodman Association, elect, JEWISH WOMEN HONOREB expense of personal interests. Mr. American Legion Band these points because of +he increased Grossman, however, is a very valu- "Star Spangled Banner"—Audi CITIZENS XNBOUMANIA IN RED CROSS DRIVE. with other church teams in the city. ed officers at its regular meeting importance of the Volkspartei in the with band. able man to the community, End During the Red Cross Drive Week Bucharest, Nov." 27. (J. C. B.)— The games are flayed at the Y. M. Wednesday evening at the Swedish new home policy of Germany. Asked * ChsE. Gardner, Leader. we are therefore happy that he C. A. The following men are memthat began November IS, the work of Auditorium. The following officers FOT purpose of conferring citizenship concerning the humors of his anticontinue to retain his office as Opening -Addressupon "Roumanian Jews, Jewish resi- bers of the team: George Bernstein, wereelected: M. L. Woolfson, consul; the Jewish Workers of Omaha was Semitic feeling and antagonism to president of the Chicago Zionist Willis G. Sears. dents have been divided into three former all-state man; Harry 3£neet« Dr. A. Greeriberg, advisor; Sol 3£os- "very successful as the division led by the late Dr. Rafhenau, Herr Stinnes Central Committee. We flo not Address— Mrs. Seuben Kulakofsky, consisting ex, B.ubin Brown, William Wintroub, energ, clerk; Barney Feltman, hankclasses, according to -the naturalizadeclared he "would be glad to frankly Hgyor Jas. G. DaMmars, captain; Eohert Hooper, Leon Men- •er; A. Weiss, J. Lieb, A. J, Sham- of practically all Jewish Workers, have many Mr. Grossmsas in Chition haw, just made public state before the Jewish public wht cago, for his connection with any .Ed. D. White, Chsirmsn C The Jewish residents enjoying the delson, Isadora Sokolof, and Herman berg ^trustees; A. Kichards, escort; turned out second place in the collechis ttdtude towards the Jewish quesAmericanization. form of activity spells success. tion of money and was only defeated Segelman. The team is at -present in . Perlman, inside guard, and Dr. A. tion is, but that it was "impossible." right of domicile in given districts first place, having defeated two Greenberg, and H. Hirschmann, for first place "by Mrs. Mullen's team We are therefore glad that we are Omaha Quartette. are grante-1 full citizenship. Jews The person very close to him, hownot losing him as a public worker Pive Minute Addresses— by a little over $50. There were twenother teams. camp physicians. altogether. ever, made the following statement having no definite" place of residence Anon B&ymond, American Legisj ty-one divisions in the race. but possessing records for war serin his behalf: Eev. M. A. Stagxio, Italian Mrs. Harry Braviroff, Mrs. Morton POLISH PHYSICIANS WOULD EXvice are placed in the second cate- JEWISH WOMEN'S Marcus, Mrs. Julius . Stern, and the ties. "Herr Stinnes and Dr. Rathenau CLUDE JEWISH DEPUTY. WELFARE ORGANIZATION gory for whoich " special provisions Henry SLonEkj', Jewish were certainly political opponents, HOLDS ELECTION Warsaw, Nov. 22. (J. T. A.) — A Misses Fanny and Ann Ackennsn OMAHA HEBREW CLUB are made- Individuals belonging to have been awarded "prizes, having HOLDS ELECTION. Interim for Pageant, "The M«??| holdinj different "views t.i economic resolution to exclude Dr. Weinzieher The Jewish Women's "Welfare Orneither of these classes will be dealt raised over §200 each in the drive. The Omaha Hebrew Club held its Pot." policies, Rat?enau favoring: »*ven soas a member of the Physicians Asganization held its annual election -with separately, each case being election of officers Sunday afternoon Mason School Children, cialization, which Stinnes opp« as. Tuesday afternoon a t the Jewish sociation has not been adopted at the decided upon its merits. WARN AGAINST WHITii .SLATE at UVB Jewish Community Center. Pive Minute Addresses— Stinnes had deep sympathy for Association's meeting following the Community Center. Mrs. Nate Man* TRAFFICKERS POSING AS The following were elected: Arthur Bev. A. F. Ernst Ph. D., 1 Rathenau and' always entertained protest against the Jewish doctor for tel -was elected president, succeeding 450 BANDITS HOUNDED BY SUITORS. Pwosenhlum, president; Dr. Nathan Union. friendly personal relations, often toMrs. Benben Kulakofsky, wha has Tunning on the minority nationalities' "TCHEKA". J. G. Masters, Public Schwas gether spending hours running into Warsaw, Nov. 22. (J. T. A.) — A Dansky, vice president; Sol Rosenbeen -president of the organization tacket by which he has been elected Moscow, Nov.; .24. (J. T. A.)—The for the past twelve -years. Mrs. a Sejm Deputy. U i nights, discussing political unl circular addressed by the Warsaw berg, secretfiry; J o h n Peldman, A. H. Bode, Pederal - Gcve economic quesitons. On the eve of arrest of -450 active members of the David P. Feder was elected viceRabbinical Office to rabbis throughout treasurer, and Messrs. • J. Shaken, A. S. R. ^llBon, Omaha 'CoimcH . Americanization. 3laihenrTi's assassination, the Ameri- former Titanic and Kaley , bands president; Mrs. Harry Uacfaman and Poland calls attention to the practise Richards and J. Waxenberg, trusJEWISH 1SEECHANTS FEUSPresentation Naturalization P* can .ambassador invited hathenau for operating in the Ukraine, is reported Mrs. Henry Marx, "were elected fiof White Slave traffickers posing as tees. TRATE POGROM ATTEMPT. Judge Sears, A. H. Bode, SL political conversation concerning from Zhitomir. The arrests were nancial secretaries; Mrs. Harry Warsaw, Nov. 22. (J. C. B.) — An bridegrooms ana inducing girls to London, Nov. 27. (J, C. B.>—The Gojmiecl German reparations and other ques- affected - through raids carried out Trustin, corresponding secretary and attempt to start a -pogrom during the "marry" snd follow them to oversea distinctioii of being the first Jew to Presentation of American Flag tions, tD which Raihenau considered by "Tcheka" agents. Included among Mrs. J. J. J31asbnrg, treasurer. annual fair at Magilao, in the district countries. American Legion, Jt necessary to invite Stinnes. Herr the bandits, caught in the Soviet net, -s Over one hundred members were of Posen, -was frustrated by the To combat this pernicious practice, represent a Scottish constituency in Stinnes has never been an anti- is the notorious bandit leader Zubra. present for ihe election sad then courageous md energetic resistance Rabbis ate urged not to celebrate Parliament has fallen to Mr. Shin- Presentatiitt Mssuel of The Semite, and he st-i-ds in political The persons apprehended are all said heard an aadress hy Mrs. H. Meyer offered by. Jewish merchants of the marriages -where tfae^onsent of-the •welL "who is also the first Jewish StatesuaA personal relations "With a num- to have been .guilty' of many Acts of of Kansas City, Mo., -who is president jlaoe. It was engineered by a group girPs -parents has been secured. Labor M. P., says a correspondent in D. A. R. ber of Jews, the rumors" of his en- terror .against the Government, and of ihe TTrKState Sisterhood of about a hundred ywung raffians Parents are in turn advised to care- the "Manchester Guardian". The Oath of Allegiance and IJathenaa being legends Jews, i h e raids were not -carried on suggestions and helpful attacking Jewish merchants and fully look into the origin and past of -Guardian reports also that SI Jews American Flag— -mity Scouts, nnd the rumors of aita-Ssmitic feel- out a bit too soon, the advices add, points from her experience of how to plundering merchandise amounting to the prospective bridegrooms, many of have been elected to Parliament since the removal of the disability clause America—-Audience With ing: nothing hut a manenver to as the members of these -bauds were conduct successfully the present 10,000,000 marks. Eight hooligans -whom claim to represent relief in 1S5R "to .xenew their Activities. Charley Gardner, leader. have been arrested and will be tried. societies abroad. Jewish Gonanunity Onter diive. "weaken Stinnes' .political " Yonngstown, O., Dec 4.—. (J. C. B,)—A joint ^meeting of the Independent Order B'nai B'lith and the Ea JKlux Klan, to be held •within a -week, to "devise non-sectarian TPligious service to be nsed In the public sGhools" is demanded by "the IHan after a meeting here. The demand "was made by I£ing"3Oeagle Everett Dixon of the .'Youngstown district to a, local reporter "who has been • called to the Klan's headquarters and after he had sworr. . to secrecy as to "whom he had seen "there and "what had taken place during his "visit. ..

Peter J. Schweitzer, Zionist leader, Dies • in NewYork

l;Brswi,;War • fisf • Iifsiu, • Mstinis




St s Mkms

For M r e Jewish People

& 2—-THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1922 mee{ n e x t Tuesday at the home of j organization and they meet every eight o'clock,: at the Schxaolier and Omaha* ^Prizes. were, won. fajr Miss Rosella Klein und Miss Rose Minlrin. Mrs. J, Katelman-...Toe meeting is [Sunday evening at five o'clock at Mueller Auditorium. 5683-J92Z, . 1 places. Dancing . 21 very important asd all members are different meeting Rosh-Cnodesn Rislev ^Toes, N Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer are PnbHihrt «ver> Thurnftj «t Onmh*, H^bntka. by Miss Edith Abrams, of Chicago, urged to be present. will be among their social activities. Chanukah (Feast of DedTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. 111., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. now at their new apartment at%131 ication) Jrio Dec, 15 Office: 482 BfandeiY Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Mrs. Frank Krasne will entertain North S3rd Street. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block, of Fre- Harry Brown. Roah-Chodesh Tebeth ....Wed^ Dec. 20 the Afternoon club next Wednesday mont, Nebr., spent Thanksgiving with NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock left Miss Harriet Fleishman will enterFast of Tebeth Fru, Dec 29 afternoon at the Brandeis Tea Mes#ra. Gabriel and Dave Rosenberg Tuesday" evening for a week's stay tain at a bridge birthday party at ..$2.50 Rooms. 5683-1923. Subscription Prire one vear~. families at Hastings, Nebr. in Chicago, 111. her home Saturday vfternoon. Adwtiflin«-t»te» furnished on application. Rosh-Chodesh Shebat....Thnrs, Jan. 18 Mrs. B. "Saltzman spent ThanksMrs. Arnold Browar left Thursday Rosh-Chodesh Adar . Sat* Feb. 17 Mr. Clyde Krasne, of Council Miss Tina Altschufer entertained A NOT PRINTED FOR P^RSONiU, PROFIT—ProiHa from ths publicaPurim (Feast of Estner) FrkMar. 2 giving: wth her daughter, Mrs. J. evening for Chicago, HL, where she Bluffs, la., Mr. Louis Somberg, and jiod of The Jewfafc Pre»'fwtfJ8':- be given to gqrthy eonummaf causey. Sunday afternoon at bridge for ht ROsh-Chod-W Nisaiv —San., Blur. 18 Cqhen and Mr, Coben at Harlan, la. Was called on account of t-ie illness Mr. Ben Rovitz spent the week-end guests honoring Miss Hose Minkin CB&HGft OK 4D&BES&-P1MM «t«» bet* tk» •!« «ad •ddnwr Passover (Pesacb) ^ - - S o m Apr. 1 Mrs. A. Gilinsky entertained the of her sister. and Miss Mary Yabroff, who are at- with their parents, returning Sunday Mr m * ntt tin four u m Passover (Seventh Day) Saw Apr. 7 Afternoon club at her home this afMiss Jean Wolff, of Minneapolis, tending the Nebraska University and evening to the University of NebrasRosh-Chodesh lyar ^-^Toefc, Apr. 17 ternoon. r - r - " "KM A J E W AND t'M PROUD O P I T . " Minn., is visiting with her brother, where spending the week-end in ka. Lag b'Omer .^-.«-.—-—Fri., May ,4 [The Boastfulness; and braggadocio is usually a subterfuge of the Rosh-Chodesh Sivan ..—Wed., May 16 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Freiden enter- Mr. Horace Wolff, and family. iquejnid. I t implies the "necessity^ of a -defense. . I t immediately Shabouth (Confirmation) tained Tuesday evening for the aeri Miss Ruth Kendis entertained at 4ggest& the lack of the very spirit the boaster so vociferously Day) ___^_.;-~——Mon, May 21 Evening Bridge club. >uld a birthday party at her home last aims,- Many Jews are are' unfortunately given to .this, form of lipKosh-Chodesh TammnJS _ F r i , Jnne '5 afternoon for sixteen cvice cvice. It It, is is a^ once tragic and and comic tto o hear the t h e self-righteous elfrighteous RaHh-CKodesh: A b l . ^-..SaW July 14 Miss Evelyn Marks" left Wednes- Saturday guests. d Ml day evening for Chicago, IU., where itburst "I'm-a Jew and^I'm proud of i t " accompanied with the Fast of Ahi'^L-.:.:.:,:.v,;.\-Smu'July t _pr<jevitable pr<Wtable resounding"'slap oh the t h e chest. chest This "pride" is more Rosh-Chodesh Elul _.Mon., Attg."3 she will visit her sister, Miss Zeida Miss Audrey Sugarman and Miss a znattei* of basking" in the sunshine, of achievement of New Year's Eve. Sept. 10 Marks, who is attending Chicago Regiiia. Heller w*T: be among the University. .^table Jewish fi#Ses;'tij&tt. in the. extent of J e w ^ service renpupils of Mrs. Grace-Dennison SchaThe HIGHEST qnality foodstuffs (the only kind this etore sells) : ticis red byithe "ldyai^ ifew. T h e * ^ w ^ at DID WILSON BELIEVE IN OTE The Council of Jewish Women will fer to be presented in a piano recital always cost LESS here than indifferent goods elsewhere. If you can't get down town "SHOP" here by T E L E P H O N E . We ™f e tip oflhis tongue, thenames^;oTl^^wpr^<ii^o:wQed;^ewish. JEW-BOLSHEVIK BOGEYt its regular meeting next Thurs- Thursday evening, December . 7, at Wne DELIVER FREE. Telephone; AT Ian tic 4603. aentists,-jnusicians,sfettesineiir actors, physicians, business men. New York, Nov. 9.—(J. C. BvJ— hold day afternoon' at the home of Mrs. -Js flaunts in y p ; Former President Wilson appeared Sam Meyerson. ^Sosher Weinies, Frankfurters, Ring Bologna, lb 30c to believe in 1918 that the bolshevik ReadF O E RENT—Very nice , Ilforgenthau, . ^ had decided upon a revolution in Kosher Salami, per lb. • — *J« pU Spinoza; .G6id,wyn, Gest,-Jolson Mrs. M. Bernstein l*ft-Tuesday for room in desirable loca. IsaiaIii Roseawald, Hard Salami, per lb ™c H Laalcerjr y0 ^ i i Qh we fcaye prodifced^etc. B u t Germany, Hungary and Switzerland Sioux City, la,, where she will.visit tion, for one or two Koshetr Pastroma or Corned Beef, per lb »Uc and that they "had $10,000,000 ready ^ your very "proud -Jew what h^^ tfwntphtU tftlbUti with* her brother, Mr. J. Arkin and young men. Call Harney Kyperet Salmon, per lb ~ *5c in Switzerland, besides more money Mrs.; Arkhv jto the cause of Judajsm. The chances are that his own con4554. Ltted 1 Smoked White Fish, per lb -~ — -•••—-—|5c ; in Swedish banks held by Jews from r ha ption cftfewish endeaVoT -i$ Kmited to just beinir ','proud". Aunt Sally's 1000 Isle and Mayonnaise Dressing, per Pt.— 35c Russia, ready for the campa?gn' of The Jewish Sisterhood will hold its . There*is such a <thln£ as .^fle,^ lincontaminat^ subcon^ n a t ^ by subcon t ra Hom«-Made Sauerkraut, per Qt..... ---,*« propaganda," according to the. fate Card party Tuesday afternoon, De__Jous fear and by ^ ^ t i ^ i U ^ t t i T h J h i J y ^ ^ o v p a ^ e i o n , The-Jew TheJew who in Home-Made Cabbage or Potato Salad, per Pt 25e unaerstandi a true unaerstanding/o^-the^valtfe of Judaism, and: in-his honest Franklin K._Lane, whose l e t t e r s £ d cember 19, at the home of Mrs. Dora Extra fancy Jonathan Apples, hil secretary t while, Cohen. .] arts to- further Judaism6 by, example',atjd, by the practical diaries i bushel basket - $1-65 terior In 'President d Wilson's cabinet Certjtnonstration of the Tteajatftui /tenets of the Jewish faith, may BIG SACRIFICE Large Florida thin skin Grape Fruits, 3 for.— 25c are now appearing in the New York . ell be proud of the fact that He is a Jew. But you never hear 6-lb. basket California Tokay Grapes, 40c; per ib. Two lots 90x165, 28th ATO n boasfc about it. Judaism is not an idle philosophy of speech. Herald. Fancy Sweet Potatoes, EmU Ave. and Binney St. The; reference to. the revolution to 25c 6 lbs. for — is a living inspiration to acts of accomplishment.—"Buffalo The members of the Young Judea Hnr Worth $2,000. Must be engineered with "bolshevik gold,'! Senior Club will be given an unusual wish Review," < :r , :. v Solid Head Lettuce, each ~_ —"'"'Hit* X be sacrificed for quick for which "Jews from Russia" ..had treat Sunday afternoon at their Extra large California Celery ile .35c Lar?e Red Globe Onions, per pic...— sale for §1,000. Apply money in Swedish banks, appeared t 1 ™ 1 ™ meeting: at the Jewish Conmranity at once. in the sixfli installment on Novem- «„•_..• , A A good social program has Gold Medal Flour, 48-lb. sack-—$1.98 ber 7. The president mentioned this been' arranged and Tefreshmerits will Prunes, 5-lb. pkg.. -79c SAM KLAVER, matter 'at a cabinet -meeting on No-be served. Red Clover Red Sockeye Seedless Raisins, per lb 16c County Assessor's Office Salmon, can ...~29c vember 5, 1918-. "He head a dispatch Imported Cooking Figs, By DR^STEPHEN S.WISE. Congressman Telia Why He Declined from the-: French- minister'in Bern to Miss Tillie Rice spent ThanksgivFood Center Wonder Coffee, per lb 1714c per lb 33c me answer the question, "What to Do a Political Errand. Ambassador Jusserand, telling of ing and the week-end in Sioux 'City, Palm Olive Soap, special, Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, American?" by asking and. aii.tlus-conspiracy," Mr. Lane's entry "on la., with Miss Bertha Greenberg, reper bar . _..7V4c No. 3 can 35c g yefe - another—WhatV Asner- Special to The New York Times. November 5 declared. "Houston sugKamo Midget Peas, can .24c turning Sunday evening. Kamo Midget Corn, can 18c is 'Not. Americanism is" not Cincinnati, O., Nov. 26.—Wile en- gested the advisability of stopping it 10 Bars ttter of birth and ancestry, for gaged in recent political manoeuvr- f Mr. Louis Segall, of Denver, Colo., fe the money and interning for.. American is self-made, liot bora, formerly of this dty,-is vititing here -.ericanism, being ever in "the ittak- ^ - ^ t ^ S ^ ^ ^ P j ^ f f :jn! ^ agitators., -Alter some discus- with this daughter, Mrs. Harry H. Montclair addition adjoinIf you had to pick a real high-grade Coffee president, directed Lansing I, is of present cdntenfand not of among his' storyand were given enough time to carefully ing on east, 7-room all governments in Switzer- Milder, and family. P ient contest; is not a* birthright constituents, and in doing so revealed lm± examine and taste all the coffees in Omaha, modern house, south Sweden to get the men and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Dansky anwe know you would give the choke to ilege but' a lifelong responsibility. certain incidents in his political money, and hold them, and then front, gas, electric lights, nounce the birth of a baby girl M. J. B. i if needful to insist-that Amer- career. According to Longworth, it notify the allies of what we had Thanksgiving morning, Novem^r SO, 1-lb. can _ „. furnace, bath, toilet, full is not a geographical t>r-territor- became known in the east in 1920 and suggest that they o likewise. ^ M e t h o d i s t Ho«pitaL ne, seeing that the littlest child thatHenryFord had fallen out w i t h L a M i n TO e s t e d a j o i n t n o te, but a t basement, 4 bedrooms, 1 J!CEIJZI The finest flavor any Tea can produce. If you're gfstands that America is other and President Wilson.and was a possible t h e r e s i d e n t v e t o e d t h i g i d e a > a lover of good tea, try TREE TEA. double garage. Reduced Mr. and Mrs. Max Blotcky returned e than 5-place? America-is not dontert . to to the repu^ican repu^ican w a ^ o . -Special, y2-1b. package Sunday from their five weeks wedfrom $8,000.00. PRICE t h e to lace, not-a region, not a locality; chinking. Longworth's-story that ding trip to California, and are now $7,300.00 if sold soon. - erica is-ah atmosphere* an-ideal, ho was called upon -by the' repuVican p residing at the Blackstone Hotel. UNITED SYNAGOGUE _ Come and-iook _it-over,national committee and requested to TeV Ision a» yet unfulfilled.CONVENTION IN FEBRUARY Mrs. A. White left, Sunday evening as we must s^J. Owner name America an ideal,' and an act as messenger to the stronghold lives in house. 3310 'jeriean -tf^sharer -and- Cherisher oi Ford.with an_ offer to exchange • New Yor:, Nov. 23. (J. C. B.)'The for Ottumva, la., where she will *isit Myrtle Ave. Phor.e HarFut Ameficanlsta" is o r i » certain favors for .Fofd's. support Of next-annual Convention" of-thdUnited with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Red1814-16-18 FARNAM STREET. PHONE: ATLANTIC 4603 Synagogues of America representing man, and family. -Miss Ann. White, ney S923. more than an ideal: Ame'r- Harding for the presidency. is a religion fo millions who The Ohionan, while expressing 400' affiliated organizations will take who was to have left for Ottumwa itly discern its meaning in the himself as very anxious to aid the place on February 11th and 12th atFriday morning, ins postponed her republican party and the candidacy Pittsburgh, it is announced. trip to a later dat$. Gat. "o man is an American who does f Harding, demurred. His hesitaThe President of the United Syna; A club known as "Oflebung" meanplace America first, before him- tion caused decided curiosity on the gogue is Dr. Elias L. Solomon, New ; . He* must serve America: Amer- art of several national committee, Yor: City, the Vice-Presidents: Prof. ing living up to the standard of •must not serve him. No man is men, and this anxiety took the form Glnzberg, New Yor: City; their surroundings ^as founded sevlAmerican who is not possessed of f a question as to why he feared Prof. M. M. Kaplan, New Yor: City; eral weeks ago by Mrs. J. Eisen and ;'j inuinely democratic falth-^that is uccess in bearding Ford in his den.Dr. Herman Abramowitz, Montreal, Messrs. Fred Greenbwg and Jack ; <3iit in the people and such devotion Longworth's answer was: Canada; .Dr.. C. E. Hillel Kauvar, Schwartz. It was *>rgsniied fot tht v benefit of all foreigaborn from fif' the Commonwealth as sets' the "Well, it's this way gentlemen. It Denver, Colorado. Jfife of all above the advantage of o happens that during the war a Recording Secretary Mr. David teen years and above ,whft have been some. He who holds demoe- peech was made' by a member of Steckler, New York City, Corre- in this county a shott while. There* to be the rule of the mob is not congress, who said that there were sponding Secretary Rabbi Chas. I. are now forty-five' -members in the lemocrat, whether his Torebears even, and only seven, persons in Hoffman, jtfewar:, N. J.; Executive to Massachusetts in 1620- or he he whole world who were sure not Director Rabbi Samuel M. Cohen, JW York in 1910. He is ndAmer- to be injured by the fighting. These New York City. _ who is a democrat on parade. were the" sitf° sons of the kaiser and >rican is he who is democratic, Edsell Ford, and, gentlemen, I am linely, profoundly, passionately. he. congressman and, gentlemen, Is no American whd Cherishes Henry knflws it.*' The Junior Council of Jewish Worn* adices, whether these : be social, •n will' give a bridge party next •acial, or religious. All this 1B 516 South 16th Street. TURKISH DEMONSTRATIONS Wednesday evening at the home of another way of saying "that aii IN SYRIA LEAD TO RIOTS Tel.: ATlantic4480 Miss Rina Snyden irican is a Cdnscioiis,- vigilant, Cairo, Nov. 15. (J. t A.)—Seten .(Opposite Hotel Rome> =rnal, unwearied creator of AmerMr. and Mrs. Fred Chern|ss enand three women have been yho scorns the notion that America tertained the Evening Bridge club at SPECIAL ATTENTION "js a charmed life, and that demoe- Wounded today in Beirut in a fight their home Tuesday evening. TO MAIL ORDERS,, ", evett though it'bb" of tR6 Amer- between a Moslem procession and 1 French soldiers. The conflict was The Ladies' Benevolent Society will ' brand, guarantees the automatic caused by a demonstration in favor aon of its own problems*" •meriea demands not of- the im- of the Kemalist Government and the Colonel r-ant tHtt he be oblivions of the carrying of KemaliBt flags. Fuad Bey Was also .hurt. Fifchting j as his starting point, but that his J be fixed upon the goal -which is was reported from a number of vil~" He id not BfikStl "to Efface lages. The Director of Finances in America asks of £he im-iYench Syria wafrheld tip and'robbed F_ in ths hilfs near ftamamscus. He was 9-mafs&i& all that it doth* become stripped Btark naked. to give. ' ° id this America of o'url, its hr&kby us from day to dfty/it/i re- NO CHANGE IN PALESTINE That in all t h e west there is no more wonderIng of from hour to < POLICY CONTEMPLATED ' fully complete showing than Greater N e lg an enterprise, how ennobling FOURS and SIXES braska offers and that your utmost money's London, Nov. 15. (J, T. A.)--Dr. pe, to give ourselves lor Atner- Chaim Weizmann, President of the worth i s here. Prices range from $915 to $2190 f. 0. b. factory nd to give America io'tKe World! World Zionist Organization, has left America for Americans,' but for Palestine today. Before his dericans for America'and*.America parture he was received fcy the. Colohe world, nial Secretary Duke of Davonshire, . . ;-, FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN lere shall We find a better tntfef- Who declared to the Zionist leader ition of our democracy than that that no change in the Palestine policy, he, American publicist * who -de- was contemplated by. the 0overnfl that our American "democracy m'enti •• . . • , E thing less than the llfe'of all by 6-operation of fell fd* Hie welfare 'And furthermore at any price any man "RACE JUSTICE LEAGUE" wants to pay from - OPENS I t . NEW YORK New' YoA, Now: TJ3. (J. C. B.)— POGROM IN &WIST. 3earquarterii 'werfe opened yesterday irsaw, NoV^ 15. (J The supremely best clothes are here at a genuine saving—compare. in the toWif «f T&rist were at No. 79d Broadway by the Raw Justice-League, Inc., recently organised in ^position to the Ku Kfout WHOLESALE SERVICE g i t h e elections to Streets , , Exclusive Local Factory Representatives Jewish agitator, David . g , Klan. LouiB Weitz, editor of the ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) f a t a l l yy wounded, .dying a t ttfe .Defender Magazine, is president; Ainottsr othfer activities, the Iftague several hours laterVV N a t h Lead* t h e World i n Motor Car V a t a * will try to secure State legislation - 1 . ? . - ; • AND WOMEN ^ = = = U CORRECT APPAREL FOR against all organizations founded on snbscripHon for. -Je* !.race prejudice. .







HATHSAN : i A LongworthKord Story - AMERIiGAN?




Ei jry Motor Tested Severely



Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not onlyare various scientific tests applied to the metal asit goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. / ^ It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car.

What Comparison Proves


To Every Man Who Compares

Super Value Suits and Overcoats

$20*00 ,o $50.00



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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1922 ENGAGEMENTS. Mr. Morris 15. Jacobs and Mr. Wil-immediately while Mrs. Kulakbfsky here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. David M. Newman left Friday Anna Levthson, of Minneapolis, MT. and Mrs. Ben Shafton an-1 liam Levey returned Tuesday eve- and Mrs. Meyer went on to Gales- Charles Kirschbraun, returned to her for a two weeks trip to Chicago, III., Minn., who is visiting here. Prizes nounce the engagement of their rang from Columbia, Mo., vhere they burg and Springvattey, 111., to visit home today. and Milwaukee, Wis. were won by the guest of honor, and daughter, Rose Louise, to Mr. Har-were visiting with Mr. Jacobs broth- friends, Mrs. Kulakofsky returning by Miss Nettie Abrams. ry A. Frankel, son of M s." S. Fran- er, . Mr. Nathan E. Jacobs, who ishome Sunday and Mrs. Meyer is An exclusive club of young men and Mrs. Dave . Stein- entertained at. a , kel, of Rock Island, HI. No date' has attending the. University of Missouri. visiting, in Chicago, I1L women has been organized recently one o'clock luncheon and bridge Wed- Mr. Abe Mozer spent Thanksgiving been set for the wedding. They also visited in Chicago, 111., and known as the S. S. S. Club signifying Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis will have sixteen sunny smiles. This club in- nesday a t the Fontenelle. Covers Day in St. Joseph, Mo., with his Mr. and Mrs. Shafton will enter- Kansas City, Mo. were laid for twelve guests. , sister, Mrs. Nathan Dorbin, and Mr. ROSENSTOCK—ROSENSTOCK as their guests Mrs. Lewis' parents, tain Sunday, December 10, from dulges in various sports, among Dorbin. The marriage of Miss Jessie Ro- three to five and from eight to Miss Ruth Rosen left Tuesday eve-, Mr. and Mrs. Herman. .Orschel, and senstock, daughter of Mrs. Flora Ro- tea av the family "residence at 2212ining for El, Paso, Tex., -where she brothers, Messrs. JV H. and H. M.them are skating, dancing, and cards. Mrs. M. S. Levenson entertained A son was born Tatufday, Decemsenstock to Mr. Dave Rosenstock will Burdette St.. in honor of their daugh- was called'on account* of the illness Orschel, of Des Moines, la., who areThe first .meeting of the club was eight guests at a -card party and luncheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms held at the home of Miss Ida Segal ber 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohn at of her sister, Mrs. M. Rosen. She expected to arrive here the latter be solemnized Monday evening, Dec ter's engagement. Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Tuesday evening. the Nicholas Senn Hospital. expects to remain there for several part of the month. 18, at seven-thirty at the Fohtenelle '' ' Hotel: •' The marriage lines will be Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harshack, of months. Mrs. S. Mayer is entertaining at a wad by Rabbi Frederick Colin before Rock Island, 111., announce the enThe Deborah Society will meet one o'clock luncheon and bridge Satthe presence of only the immediate agement of Mr. Harshack's sister, urday afternoon at the Blackstone Tuesday afternoon, December 12, a t Doris, to Mr. Samuel Peltz, of this relatives of the, couple. The out-ofHotel. the Jewish Community Center. An ity,'son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Peltz. town, guests present, will be Mr. and s§t.' . : . : . election of officers will take place.. MrsrBKffl" Rosenstock and daughters, wedding:dateThe public is requested to attend of Sfoux City, LC,~ Mr. and Mrs; D. -Miss Corinne New will be hostess the annual Sisterhood Bazaar to be ."IJil.ilCit'liUtil'-lli'lllllllffliHIUlllBIIIHIil T. Becker and son, of Mitchell, So. The Fairies of Zion .will hold their at- a dinner patty at her home Sun- held Monday and Tuesday, December meeting Sunday afternoon at the Dak.f^and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roday evening for Miss Jessie RosenJeMsh Community -Center. All girls stock and fiance, Mr. Dave Rosen- 18 and 19, in the basement of the sensf^n, of Qainsville, Texas. Court House. Mrs. Carl Furth is Mfc Rosenstock and his bride will from the ages of eight and eleven stock. . . ••• chairman of the sewing done for the It ia bat to give the name leave immediately for a wedding trip are asked to join the dub. of the firm or residence, and the Bazaar by the Sisterhood members. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah name of the person speaking, to California, and -will be at home at Miss Sophye Weinstein, fiance, of "will entertain at its fourth, annual when answering the telephone Mrs. Alexander Rubel, of Minnethe. Blackstone .Hotel after Febru- Mr; - Max Fx-omkin, is ieing honor linen shower Wednesday afternoon, apolis, Minn., who has been, visiting ary 15. * '"• •;'.' • '•: -•V .•••• guest at a number of social affairs December 20, at the Burgess-Nash given during the past week.- Sunday Auditorium. The linens collected at iANGMkN—KULAKOFSKY afternoon Miss Bess Stalmaster enMr:, and Mrs. Jarbhm Kulakofsky tertained thirty guests at her home this affair will be contributed to the J, hospitals in Palestine. An exclusive announce the marriage of i» their at a bridge luncheon. Prizes were program has "been arranged for the daughter,' Beulah, to Mr. Max Lang- won by Miss. Rose Rubin, Miss Syl- afternoon. manTJJ Ionia, Mich;, son of Mr.'and via Levey, and' Mrs.' Louis Nathan. Mrsi'tDavid Langmah, of New York Mrs. A. •" ~L. Weinstein entertained ;'~Mrs.: Nate.-Mantel is visiting in Cityj'on Tuesday evening, November twenty guests at the Brandeis Re- Lincoln, Nebr., with her sister, Mrs. 516 South 16th Street. 2S, at the home of the bride's naisance 'room -Wednesday afternoon E. Levey. She is expected home Tel.: ATlantic4480 parents. Rabbi Morris N. Taxon at a bridge luncheon. The "NewFriday evening. officiated; Only the immediate rela- Bridge Club" will entertain at a (Opposite Hotel Rome) Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, Mrs. E. Meyer, tives-of the couple were present. The bridge luncheon Saturday afterenoon SPECIAL ATTENTION out-of-town guests present were Mr at one thirty at the Brandeis Tea Mr. M. Gross, and Mr. D. Gross were ! J TO MAIL ORDERS. &nd_Mrs. L. Spiwak, of Des Moines. rooms, and on Sunday afternoon the in Burlington, la., Thursday to atRa. Oth Society will entertain fifteen tend the funeral of Mr. S. H. Gross. ' J The- couple are now in Chicago guests at a dinner a t the Fontenelle The Messrs." Gross returned home "Hello" is a rather ungraceful little word when used t o HI., and will-be a t home after Dec Hotel answer the telephone. S/^y.^/JM{iaSyS^ 3.5 JiEIonia, "Mich." The Misses Dena Berman and The accepted expression now used generally by particular Edith and Ann Slotsky, of Sioux Miss Jessie Rosenstodc, who. is City, la., who have.been visiting in people is to give the name of the finn or residence and the soon to become the bride of Mr. Dave Omaha with Miss Esther Brown and name of the person speaking. For example: Rosenstock, is being extensively en- Miss Ann Horn returned to their tertained. Mrs. Herbert Harris and home Monday morning. A number "Smith 8B Company, 3ones speaking" ' Miss Leona Harris entertained at thi of affairs were given in their 2:onor "Dr. Brown's office, Miss Smith speaking" Brandeis Restaurants Wednesday af- during'their stay. "'Dawson's residence, Helen Dawson speaking** ternoon at,a luncheon. Thursday af ternoon Mrs. Moritz Meyer will be Mrs. 'J. .Waxenberg. entertained fifThis method eliminates the time-wasting, and hence motley hostess afc her home. Another bridge teen guests at dinner Sunday evening losing, exchange of "Hello" and inquiry as to who is speaking. luncheon will be given by Mrs. Mor at her home honoring Mr. and Mrs. ton Sfeegen "oh Saturday. Saturday Sam Gatfman, of Rock Island, 111., Those who have adopted the newer practice agree evenirrg Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun am are .now making their home "in that it is more courteous and more business-like. Mrs»3[erbert Amstein will entertain Omaha with Mrs.. Gaifman's sister, at an evening bridge for sixteen. Th Mrs. J. Rosen, and Mr. Rosen. officers of the Directors of the Jew ish Women's Welfare Orgnaization Mr. Milton Livingston entertained TELEPHONE COMPAH? NORTHWESTERN BELL will give a- luncheon Monday after- at a dinner party at the Brandeis noon,'December 11, at the Brandeis Restaurants Tuesday evening for Miss Jessie .Rosenstock, and her ance, Restaurants. Miss,Hazel entefSdn at a ^ ^ ! afternoon, D e c e m b e r i . < HirsrM.' Solomon and daughter, Brajrdeig Tea rooms. On the same Rae R, Bercu, leave Friday night for evening- Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenfeldt Chicago, JR., where they will be will-' entertain at dinner at their honm"^Invitatto»s irave alstrbeen is- joined by Mrs,.. jl... Katz. .After^a sued for an informal tea~to be given short stay of a week they will go to Cleveland to attend the wedding of Saturday afternoon, December 16, at Mr. Irwin G. Bercu, son of Mrs. Solothe Blackstone Hotel, Mesdames N; J inon. They plan "to be gone several P. Fell and Hubert Sloman are the hostesses. Mr. Meyer Silbermanj of Des A number of students who attend Moines, la,, spent the week-end in the -various-Universities will be home Omaha. for i;he mid-term "vacation. Among them, are Bose Minkin, Lillian Margolin, Helen Robinson, Louis Somhavs, Ben Rayita, Herman Rally, Michael Stein, John Beber, Meyer Bebex, Sam Gordon, Harry Mendel* Chiropodist and Beauty Shop eon, Harry'"' Conn," "and Millard and women who could well afford more TSOO '"" Clyde Krasne, of Council Bluffs, Ia^ 15th Established expensive dosed cars prefer the sedan for their' and Harnry Streets. Pbonf DooeloK SS33 are coming home,December 21 from personal use. the Nebraska TJnreersity; Estelle lapidus and Kuth; WiUnsky Vfrony They find it easy to drive, easy to park, eeonomRbckford college;- Berriice and Reva 4cal to run, and comparable in the beauty and ANNOUNCEMENT Kulakofsky, Balplt Cohn, Max- Guttr richness of its appointments with cars much Rev, E. Fleishioan man and Myron Blotcky will be at higher in price. - ...«*THE MOHL" home December, 16 from Ann Arbor, Moved into his new home at Mich.; Mildred Cohn will be home 1342 So. 25th Street, , The upholstery is done in genuine mohair vehnet December 23 from the University of Corner of Woolworth Avenue. of « singularly rich and beautiful pattern. The Chicago; and Nathan E. Jacobs and ;/-TeL Atlantic 6637. Tile Premier lias eiarned this proud seats are roomy and luxurious. The hardware John Quigley will be home December .distinction because of its typical Baby20 from the University of Missouri and minor fittings reflect thoughtfulness and'

Social, Club and Religious Activities


i i


"Hello" Is Out of Date


B9nai B'r ith Dan ice SUNDAY^DEGENBER 24 AT


The Best Exponent of this Baby Grand Age



There is a World of Meaning In this Statement

About two hundred couples- attended, the "Women's Auxiliary first season dance held Thanksgiving night at the Fontenelle Hotel.



1 55: •


The Council of Jewish Women will give a religious pageant • entitled "Feast of Festival" Wednesday, De7 cember 20, at Tempel Israel. LdrSf M. S. Miller and Miss Leola Harris are in charge of the pageant. Rabbi Julian Miller, of St. Louis, Mo., brother-of "Mr. "M. S. Miller, is the author of the pageant. The public is invited to attend. Mr.,and Mrs. P, Goodbinder were entertained a t a surprise {.arty given bj their relatives at their home Sunday evening. The J. U. T. Club en*«rtained at a whist card party, Wednesday at the twm« at Misa Lillian Harris. --- •



Grand Merit.

s.*' p " r iv"ir

Pepper. Vice-Prerident. W. O. Vtti. Secretary.

The Premier Baby Grand ^


Friday evening, December 8, at ITemple Israel, Rabbi Fredirck Cohn's subject will be 4<Wrestllng with An-j gels," and on Saturday morning his subject will be "Reconciliation." The Friday Evening Bridge Club met Friday evening at the home *£ Miss Sadye Levey. Prises were won by Miss Hannah Sommers and Mr.William Rackmell. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mis3 Rosella Klein, Friday evening.


We occupy *rer' 10.000 «anare feet BetrthwMt Cone*. Klerentb and Oouslan Streets. Fhonr: .lackson Z1Z\ OUAHA KKB.


An Orders Given Prompt and Carefnt Attention.

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all these assertions but Jiave got no ? of peace and war might have had me to hear Mr. Ford, after all his hold on anything tangible. There is |their first practical chance! logical and well-expressed statements, eel more slippers slipperv. than, An Opportunity Presents Itself. . suddenly say: no eel than those} those Rosika Sehwimmer's Story of the Ford Peace Argosy, to the anonymous "high officials" . whom I After Wilson's refusal the only al- /'I know who caused the war—the find on the end of every line I use to ternative for a conference of neutral German-Jewish bankers." He slapped Failure. of JT/Vhich,, Mr. Ford's Crusade Against MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON catch the originators of the rumors governments was such a democratic his breastpocket: "I have the evidence ;. the Jews Has.Been Widely Attributed." ; : And that was a question here. "Facts. • The German-Jewish and false statements. . NEARBY COMMUNITIES. conference, (Special to- the B'Nai B'Rltli News) With little confidence, bankers caused the war. I can't give of money. CHOICE FTRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS; (Editor's Note: Current with the articles on Henry Not Merely, a Personal Matter. but more attention than before, I be- o u t t n e f a c t s now > because I haven't Rord appearing in the ^'Buffalo Evening News" and the If all the blame put on me for gan to listen to the stories about got them all yet, but I'll have them "Buffalo Times", the following by Mme. Rosika SchwimFord's action meant only thev im- Henry Ford. mer is ,of timely interest. Mme. Schwimmer' has been soon.": '.! • • ; accused by several apologists of Mr. Ford as the activating measurable damage done to me, I Carnegie, Ginn and other million- /And he looked at the men against .INVESTMENT SECURITIES cause of the Detroit" manufacturer's bitterness towards the might continue to remain silent. But aires of~ good-will had done so little !w h o m h e n a d b e e n backing me dur-Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT tantic 9555. Jew, which culminated in the\dastrardly series of articles there is more to it than the injustice to further anything, but theoretical ing. the :discussion. I could hardly which appeared' in the "Dearborn Independent". The and affront to my own person. Ford's peace work, that I dared not hope believe my ears. author below shows that: the' seed for the notorious libels action is an important; part" of the Mr. Ford would realize the need of on the Jews had been sown in Mr. Ford's mind before she The cheap and vulgar statement was '"honored" with his' acquaintance.) social injustice which marks our time. was in direct contrast to Mr. Ford's WASH: AND KEEP WEL£ Jewish press of the whole world To leave the blame of it on myself practical action. This lack of confi- o t h e r Since Henry; Ford has been-'condence made me still reluctant to try sensible statements and to his A RULE OF HEALTH following the story of Dr. Chas. F. would mean barring the possibility of to get an • interview. But my indif- logical discussion, ductihg his campaign against the "in-, FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY ternatiqnal Jew," people- have won- Aked of Kansas City, one of the dele- finding out the truth about the real ference changed suddenly to the most! A triumphant glance passed begates to the Peace Ship, denounces! source of Ford's • anti-Semitic camdered a good'deal what drove him to 1819 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" eager desire to. meet Mr. Ford after ***«* Dean Marquis and my other ' that action. .The conclusion of all' me as.the evil genius responsible for s' paign. opponents in the party. II was dumb1 had seen his factory in Detroit and opponent in th t d b speculations is that he is conducting, all the damages Ford's action has I In self-defense,' therefore,, as well h a d leained about the founded f o r . a moment. The Dean something the", campaign solely to get even with done.the Jews. The recent copy of jas contributing towards finding that ^ a r ^ U e technical and social wanted me to express myself on the a Jewish magazine of Switzerland truth, I am going to question, but I refused to do so, as achievements of his great work. even asserts that "it is now proved EFFICIENT and BESPONSIBI.E Countless newspaper articles, mag- that Ford finances the European anti- and what I think about Ford's anti-, .». . , . _. I had -.made it a strict rule not to WHOLESALE iJlCXDBt. azine stories, alleged interviews with Semitic movements, too, merely to „ . . , j After one of my lectures in De-discuss the responsibilities for the Druggists and Stationers Where your clothes come borne "high officials" in the Ford organiza- cool his revenge on Rosika Schwim- bemitism. . ^ . troit, a visit to the Ford works was war during the war. Mr. Ford agreed ; cienner and last lonEer. 401-403-405 Sooth 1Mb Street tion (always anonymous officials), mer.," with me" about the futility of discuss- AT lantic 0380. More than two thousand women, 150".11 Jackson St. : . ". state that I am the cause of Mr. H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. ing the causes a t a time when to a I representing ..both belligerent sides I have tried ,to find the source of World war, had in a conference at was overwhelmed by.the impressions real pacifist the only problem was Ford's inexcusable anti-Semitism. land the . neutral • countries in the I got of the factory. The man who Omaha Office: 813 Dousrlas Street. the Hague in April, 1915, adopted a had accomplished this might indeed liow .to end the; terrible slaughter. FEED i t SHAW Hewer Shop Omaha Phonft Atlantic 3556 i plan for a \ neutral' conference for have the vision to do something as But shortly; afterwards he again burst Phone 104 Ford Transfer & Storage Co. EMXL GANZ & SON Emerson Laundry fmediation;which...I had conceived the useful, and beneficial for the whole out with: , - ' . • . ' . ' The Best of Everything In Flowers and K. A. FOKD. I very day of, the war's outbreak. Ac- suffering world I I, too, considered it F. S. MORE*. Prop. Confections at Moderate Prices. Certified Public Accountants "I know who caused the war. The President and General Manacer. cording to nay proposition, the con-now my duty to try to interest Mr. German-Jewish bankers. I have the i S45 W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater l l M Donslas SUett'K Conncll BlnfTs (Iowa) Office Phone Webster 0820 COONCIX. BLUFFS. IOWA. AUDITORS AND„ StfSTEMATlZERS ference commissioned delegations to Ford in the organization of an un-evidence here.- Facts. The German- ! 024 So. Main' Street. * Phone SBS . -t THE LAUNDRV THAT Btriil Gana1 , s: C.iP.,A. V. M. Guuz EVEKYBODY LIKES. - Phones: submit the plan to all the govern-,; i . i h a d Jewish bankers caused the war." Htir.MOB — Don*. 4821 — Hnr. 0015 ments concerned. Jane Addams of o f f i d a l c o n f e r e n c e o f n e u t r a s An Odd Conflict of Attacks. to speak in a Detroit church on a 6 Chicago led the delegation to confer

The Humahitarianism of Henry Ford








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thiki b t wouldd iinterrupt the morning that the Ford family had ..thinking, but logical flow of his arguments r e returned unexpectedly. peatedly with a parrot-like reiteration Introduced to Dean Marquis. of his phrases about the German-JewI had a few free days before I was ish bankers. scheduled to speak in New York a n d , •That one phrase—never, a word I spent my time trying to get an i n - ' more or less. Like a school boy's a neutral conference for mediation, troduction to Mr. Ford. I received no set answer to a set question. Our delegations had conferred sev- anawer to a short note, asking for an i eral times with t h e governments on interview. The most obligingly help-1 j / ^ ^ S v S e d " * " ^ ** " * was not involved in any of my both belligerent sides, and we ful, Mr. E . G. Pipp, then editor of the peace plans when his head had albrought a . report of their readiness Detroit News, later editor of Ford's ready been stuffed with the "Germanto accept, or a t least not to oppose, Dearborn Independent, gave me an Jewish Banker" bunk. He talked of mediation through a neutral confer- introduction to Dean Marquis, the man it when he first met me and pointed ence. This assurance was given by-said to be more able than anyone to more facts which he was soon to Prime Minister Asquith and Foreign else to arrange an interview with get. - I t is plain that the efforts to Minister Grey, "for Great Britain, Ford. , use him against the Jews had been Reichskanzler von Bethmann-Holl- I Dean Marquis pretended to be inI had had anything to -weg and Foreign Minister von Jagow terested in our plans but declared i t , ... „ . for,Germany, t h e Prime Ministers impossible to secure an interview. He • Those who look for the real source Stuergkh and Tisza and Foreign Min- said he could not-even ask for it. B u t ! of-the trouble, therefore, should stop ister .Burian for... Austria-Hungary, he offered to show Ford the papers— j accusing me, and t r y to find out who Prime Minister Viviani f o r . France the discreet documents about our had. put the notion about the German(Delcasse opposed);-Foreign Minister visits to the governments — if I Jewish bankers into Ford's head in d'Avignon for Belgium and Sasanow would let him have them. I handed 1915. Who gave him the "facts" befor Russia. •.-•••* ' h i m the papers and was to hear from jfore he met me, who was to give him The five ^neutral governments . of him later. some more "facts" in that line ? Europe—Netherlands, Sweden, Nor- j As Dean Marquis was said to be, Except during the first luncheon on way,- Denmark and Switzerland — ' next to General Secretary Liebold, the November 17, 1915, I never heard i with whom we had repeatedly con- most influential person with Ford, my Ford say anything against Jews. We f erred, commissioned us to urge last effort was to see the all important never discussed anything connected President Wilson to call a conference Liebold. But he was out of town. with the Jewish question. He was no of neutrals, or a t least to guarantee; I had nearly given up hope of getanti-Semite in 1915. He used a phrase the participation of the United States ting the interview, when two days in such a conference, if he refused later Mr. Ralph Yonkers of t h e De-that could be interpreted as antito call i t himself.. Two of these, gov- troit Journal, called me to the tele- Semitic, but he dropped it as soon as ernments were willing to consider phone with the question: "Would you he. started practical work for peace. During all my association with Henry calling, the neutral conference, if t h e like to meet Mr. F o r d ? " in him the 1 Ford, I never found greatest neutral failed to move. j A t my eager answer: "More than slightest prejudice against a race, a At that time we were bound to anything else," he said: " I will a r - • creed or a nationality. secrecy. We dreaded, therefore, the range for it." And ten minutes later j I could not help seeing that the men inevitable journalists meeting our Mr. Yonkers told me that Mr. Ford! boat on arrival; I was quite relieved expected me a t 11 o'clock the next ' around him had put "notions" into his head in order to sidetrack his interest to find the interviewers full of cur- morning. in the cause of constructive peace. iosity about my views on Henry Ford. Takes Luncheon at Factory. When they found him determined to On the following day, November 17, , ... . . , . ., , ,, She Hears of Henry Ford. ,n._ , . , ,, . . J> do something for an ideal that would , 1 1915. I found myself m a party of . „ « . ; n o t y i e l d c o s t m o n e y j t h e o n J y "Have you seen Henry.Ford? ' n persons persons a att luncheon ,n vn« the * Ford "What do you think of Ford's ff ^™ luncneon m oxu, %u ^ o c c u r r e d to t h e m w a s t h e j jfactory, I was highly amused to W peace-offer?" i S * 0 1 ^ l W ? 3 ^gfj a m ^ e d t o t J n d a g e - o l d trick of pulling the Jewish ! Dean Marquis in the party wxth a question into the problem. Their sole "Are you going t o see F o r d ? " Seek to Gain Wilson's Ear. In September, 1915, I came to this country with an English colleague to join Miss Addams and Dr. Aletta Jacobs of Holland, for an audience -with the: President to ask him to call

CeunctI Bluffs Savings Bank

These were the first, questions ask- guest^whom he had brought informal- interest was to have him make money ed by the reporters that' met us on g ' without any prevjous arrangement not peace. At that time they had not Wholesale the Kijndam. : , n e ^ a v e ^nimseit^way, wnen ne in- s u c c e e d e d i n g e t t i n M m -mto b l i c Fnsit and Vegetables It was from these reporters that I trodnced W u e s t Immigration Com- .s t a t a m e n t s a g a i n s t t h e J e w s # T h e N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. ADVO FOODS heard for. the first.time—but certainly missioner Frederick C. Howe, apolog- t o t i o n h a d n o t s u n k v e r y deeply into to that not for, the last-the name of Mr. " ^ *<** M had brought him ^ ^ ^ M y SU g gest ion for practical Ford, Wherever we went, we Were without asking for the interview. Two a ( , t i o n w a se n o a g h t 0 b r u s h a s i d e t h e h co asked the same questions. People told •&$B_W>te. ^^^^J™* ^ _l nonsense of anti-Semitism. mt us that Henry-Ford had published his ask for an interview for me, and Instead of accepting the charge of VAL. J . PETER8tCQMPANY of putting aside one million it: w a s now clear that heand waseven always the cause of Ford's anti-Semi- 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. approach Ford, to- being FEATHER COMFORTERS intention dollars for some constructive peace.^ to approach tjsm, I claim that, by furnishing a ATlantie 0340. F r d and even to Made front You* Own Feathers. j practical suggestion for constructive work, recently, increasing the sum t o j b t m « guests, without previous Aenovateil, re-mn<le or made to order. All band-fillet]. We call and deliver. 1 work, I unconsciously prevented or at ten millions. They seemed to think it rangement. least delayed his destructive actions. was our duty to see him. * w a s embarrassed Omaha Pillow Co. of those res to lay j . When last year Mr. Ford seriously 1907 Cumlng St;!' ' Phone Jackson'S4G7 I was not particularly anxious to P ent as I ' - The Otd Reliable House. . ' began a campaign against the Jews, see Ford because I had never been before Mr. Ford the results of our to the governments, which it was obvious to me that the same inspired by the example of any of the other peace millionaires. Even c o u l d not do with so many hostile interests "that tried to sidetrack him his millions for peace work did not Persons present. There was 1915, when he first volunteered attract roe jest then, because our i Yonkers, who had arranged the ap- a g a i r i s t militarism, must again have I OS) No. 16th St. Tel JA cltHOn 3128 definite task was with governments ;P°intment; Mr. Fred Howe, Dean & r e a s o n t 0 keep him from some un••' . : OppOHitr Pogt-OHlrc. GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys and no large private expenditure was Marquis, Mr. Brownell, the advertis- w e l c o m e , act ivity. My assumption From $3.00 to $9.00. required. ,So for a long time I made I1"? agent of the factory, and Alfred w a s o v e d rignt w h e n F o - d started GOOD FURNISHINGS. no effort to meet Mr. Ford. Lucking, Mr. Ford's private attorney, a campaign f o r ^ e change of the Y o u r position is But the need for funds grew to 1 It was evident from the first mo- monetary system, and at the same M correct, and should supreme importance when it became m e n t t h a t » except Mr. Howe and .Mr. time announced he would stop his EVEHY MOWN KIND" be s u p p o r t e d by evident that President Wilson would Yonkers, they all were hostile both to ^ ^ g ^ ^ activities. •>,.;:^:-:C0ALv-•.•::.;•,•.•. Abner H. Kaiman every fair minded neither call the Neutral Conference, ; Mr. Ford's peace ideas and to me F ( j r y e a r s j h a v e listened to the LION COAL CO. SPEC1AL3 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034 nor consent even to participate in it r Personally. Their efforts to sidetrack m o s { .a b s u r d s t o r j e s about my misconperson. Mr Ford s if called by other governments. One ' interest were very plain. . . the Ford peace mission. I d u c ( fa Bannah Lump ........$14»5U pacifism in general during controlled my disgust and indignation franklin County ( t i Q CA of the belligerent and one of the neu- ldiscussing PAXTON BILLIARD unch Mr ord tral governments interviewed had » -^ showed himself an w a j t i n g f o r the truth to assert itself. Lump ....;....~~.:...~ $ 1 0 « 3 U PARLOR discussed with us the possibility of absolutely clear and radical pacifist B u t ^ h e ^.dgations are continuing . . . o f . . . Colorado Smoljcless V l y » j U NICK S. WRANIC. Proprietor such a refusal. And independently of —in entire agreement with my own ^ 0 V e n gaining in vehemence. I 1516 Famaro Streot. Basement, each other they^ had suggested a con- uncompromising pacifism. Hotly a t - h a y f e n o w ^ a c h e d t h e I i m i t s of.- my Hoffmann Funeral Home. Screenings—-..-..... v y » v " Phono JA cfeson 4186. ference of the representa,tiyes of thetacked by Dean Marquis and the law- _ a t . e n c e > •'•>'•••• D?liveroA to Anj Part People must-stop accusing: me and "neutral peoples to mediate between yezi I fean^mrdefense-^way^supported by Mr. Ford. must begin to look for the real culthe belliserents. Democracy, the LION COAL, CO: people's control of foreign politics, Ford Expresses Mis Anti-Semitism, prit, He or they are to be found guard of Henry Ford—that man who y e t t n e w*akness to be led by some -— ~-~; : *WEhster 2505.- ^ .:-•:••,;•-] their own determination in matters All the more astonishing it was to among the past and present body-, has the strength to lead a world arid [inferior underling.

-Brady Co.;

1 Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store


Again a look a t the same men, and evenin dy x with the belligerent governments and but Mr. Ford was still out of town.' satisfaction in their eyes. I the delegations to the neutral gov- It seemed a piece of extraordinary Hours of discussion passed in which ernments. good luck when it turned out Monday Mr. Ford showed absolutely original

E. E. Bruce & Co.





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