The children of to- J :
"Build for Better Children" afcd a » * .. * better O m a h a Jewry.
- •
day; are the ••menC and women of to^ morrow.
VOL. HI.—No. 1
f" second-clas* caall; matter on January
27th. 1821. at •• Omaha Nebraska, linger the Act of March 8. 1S78.
ttnte TO porttff
2 sh Theatre and Newspaper g*S- *nt Raided by Hungarian " : Students.
Critical, Everyone I Urged to Pay Pledge
apest, Dec. 6,—(J. T. A.)—Conjle damage to Jewish property ausenberg was caused by a raid of a mob of Hungarian students on the printing plant of the "Ujkelet," a $13,750 Must Ba Collected Be- Zionist daily, and on the.local Jewish fore Dec 31, To Avert theater during the perfarmanc* Bankruptcy. These attacks followed disturbances at cafes, from which Jewish .guests PRESIDENT LEVY TELLS OF were forcibly ejected by the roughsWORK OF NATIONAL The Jewish students Tdtchen. was also AFFILIATED INdemolished. 1
The Gift That Came to Modin
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, ?2.50. Jewish Parents Besiege Mission House Urging Return of Children. Vienna, Dec 6.—(J. C. B.)—Parents
City Talmud Torah
of Jewish children attracted by the Swedish mission house, besiebed the latter's quarters demanding the chil: By ELMA EHRLICH LEVINGER. dren's return. As the demands grew Copyright, 1922, by Elma Ehrlich Levin ger. All Rights Reserved. more insistent, the parents v.^-e re- Classes of Sunday School Presentf inforced by other Jews. Police were Program And Plays In called to quiet the riot, but to the The Morning. It was past midnight, but in two heart. While Hannah lay back upon has showered me withrich blessings." gratification of the crowd, sided with houses in the town of "Modin tapers her couch, weak and white from pain, Cleon could find no answer to allay parents, promising a thorough investi- TALMUD TORAH TO HOLBf burned until late into the dawn hour.' but with radiant eyes, the child who his friends bitternessHe only gation into the circumstances of the AFTERNOON PROGRAM And at the end of the watching in |was to take away at last the shame clasped his hand. Together they sat detention of the children at the misFOR PUBLIC. one house they covered the face of the jof her worse than barrenness rested in silence until the sun was well up sionairy institutions, whose ramificaSTITUTIONS. dead and broke into wailing,, while in the hollow of her arm, its tiny red in. the heavens; the golden light gilded tions throughout Austria is causing Pupils of the City Talmud ToraKi Facing a financial : crisis unthose who had watched in the other face pressed close against her side. the hills about Modin, those hills grave misgivings among Jews. Sunday school and pupils of the Cityj paralleled in its entire history, the house raised their voice in thanksgiv- She smiled with a sort of divine bliss which would some day shelter Judea's Talmud Torah will present Chamiksfi.J Jewish Welfare Federation, .through ing and a young mother in Israel re- as the little creature . stirred and soldiers against the Syrian foe, and programs Sunday morning and after President Morris Levy,. has issued a joked that at last she had gotten a • struck out blindly* reaching for her from. the. houses women' -and .young noon at the Bnai Israel Synagogue,! special appeal ta all members of the maidens came,, bearing pitchers upon man'child from the lord. breast. Eighteenth and Chicago streets. Federation Board and to all FederaMattathias, priest of Modin, came "See, he is already a mighty strag- their heads as they .walked, laughing At 10 o'clock in the morning, pupils! tion subscribers to aid the organiza- Twenty-eight Candidates Initiated out upon the roof of his~ house and gler," she fondly told those who tend- and gossiping, together, to the well. of the Sunday school will present s i tion. ' -.Into Order in. Afternoon looked up at the paling stars. His ed her. "Some day he will be a Never had the world seemed so beauprogram, which will be open to th@| Meeting. tiful to Cleon; the warm sunlight, the Mr. Levy has called upon every face was grey with weariness and mighty soldier for the Lord." public. Mr.' Henry Monsky will b<s| Not Over While Hate the principal speaker on the program,! Board member to assume the respon-~ grief; his eyes bloodshot; while_his Hearing of the grief that had come air of peace and well-being that en- Wat Exists, Dr. Butler sibilities that go with the honor of MR. LEONARD J. GROSSMAN OF crumpled garments'showed the rent to his friend and * neighbor, Cleon folded Modin, above all his own deep Several vocal and musical numbers! Says. CHICAGO WAS PRINCIPAL serving on the Federation Board, and joy welled in his heart. He sprang to which the.Jewish mourner tears when hastened to the house of Mattathias. and a playlet \rill be given by the! SPEAKER ON' PROGRAM. ts use every effort in their power to he first- looks upon his dead. Matta- The priest still crouched upon the his feet and stood with face upturned pupils of the classes of the CONGRESSMAN ISAAC SIEGEL school. aid in the collection of outstanding thias sank wearily to the ground^ and roof, his face hidden. At the sound to the morning sky. ATTACKS KIT KLUX KLAN accounts for 1923. Over 350 people attended the open rested his hot forehead against the of his friend's voice he put out his "O, give thanks unto the Lord for The Sunday school now has an OPENLY. To the 1,200 Federation subscribers B'naf B'rith day program held last stone coping of the roof; his great hand and grasped Cleon's arm so He is good, rollment of over 150 pupils, which are! a special appeal has been sent urging Sunday evening at. the Jewish Com- shoulders shook with his sobs. tightly that he winced with pain; he For His mercy endureth forever!" divided into six classes an the individ-1 them to make immediate payment of munity Center. of hate, j ual classes will present a number oa| chanted Cleon. Belovf, in the house of Mattathias, tried to speak, but; could not. Omaha Lodge of "the B'nai B'rith priest of Modin, Rachel's handmaidens their pledges, and to increase them to Again Mattathias bowed his head which his audience conceived to be the program. • "I sorrow in your . sorrow," said provide for the increased needs of the held its annual B'nai B'rith Day cele- prepared her body for the grave. They Cleon at last. "A: wife; like Rachel upon his knees; he loved his friend, directed against the Ku Klux Klan, The City Talmud Torah pupils willj bration last Sunday. During the af- wept as they bert over the silent form, is a crown to her • husband and her but at that moment he felt that was voiced by Dr. Nicholas Murray present a Chamikah program at 2 winter season. "The situation is ..the most serious ternoon a class of twenfy-eight can- for she had been a kind mistress and taking off leaves his house empty and Cleon's happiness made his own grief Butler, president of Columbia Univer- m., Sunday at the Bnai Israel Syna-I I have ever known it to be," said Mr. didates were initiated isto the order. they had all loved her dearly; they desolate." the harder to bear. . * ,: sity, at the dedication of a tablet in gogue. Several playlets have been ar-| Levy. "We are already $4,300 in debt. The public meeting was held in the wept even more when they considered "Come," he said, when he could con- memory of men of Harlem who died ranged for this program by .several! "The Lord has tlealt heavily with We were forced to borrow this money evening! Mr. Leonard J. Grossman of the grief of Mattathias, her husband, me," answered Mattathias, "for all trol his voice, "come and see the child in the World War, at the Institu- classes of the Talmud Torah." Follow-I from trust funds—and we must re- Chicago was the principal speaker of left a widower in the years of his the light of my life has departed with and then consider whether I should tional Synagogue, 37 West 116th ing the program, the pupils "will be| pay it before the end of the "month. the evening. His subject was "B'nai early manhood, the father of two her." He spoke from his heart and thank the Lord:for the gift He has Street. Dr. Butler asserted that the presented with various gifts. We owe ?l,650 tothe Wise Mem^-ial B'rithdom, Its Significance and Its young children and the tiny, waxen he truly believed at that moment that sent me this day!" war was not over "while hates were The entire public is invited to both! hospital, and $2,700 to the National Promises for the Future." Mr. Gross- infant whose birth had cost the mother the joy of his life was ended; yet in In-the first chamber.of the house present in the world, and strongly the morning and afternoon programs.! Institutions affiliated-with the Fed- man' is one of the leading workers for her life. three short years he was to wed again,. to which the two men now descended that they be removed from eration. To finance our local work for the B'nai B'rith in Chicago, having The new-born child, so small and a woman who tended his house and lay the body of Rachel, which they urged hearts. December we absolutely need no less- been president of Ramah Lode- for white that those who tended it feared bore him two sons, destined to win for passed with averted' faces. In the men's "The war in which these men died than $5,100. You can see that we must several terms. • • ' ' . ' that every breath would be its last, themselves a fair name in Israel, and room beyond slept the two oldest sons is not over," said Dr. Butler. "Fighthave at least §13,750, and that this Miss Cecelia Feiler gave, several vo- was the one soul in all that house- one daughter. And before he died and in its bed the'baby, now. awake must be .collected before Decem- cal selections, accompanied by Harry hold that did not grieve. Even the the face of Rachel, whom he had loved and hungry, stirring fretfully. 1 .The ing is stopped and armies are disbanded, but war is not over. The ber Z\" 'A Funds for Hospitals in Palesti»e. Braivoroff on the piano. Mr.-Nathan two older children, although they had and wooed and wedded in hi c youth, lamp which the nurse had neglected stupendous loss of life, the devastaFunds to be Used for Hospitals in] Herzoff • of-Sioux City, la;, displayed of F.ederatipnhardly sensed the tragedy which left became to him like the face one sees to quench ..still burned at the infant's tion and destruction of trade and Palestine. "I wonder'how many;people -really. his talent to the audience as a|ciplin- them motherless^ had awakened at the dimly in a half-forgotten dream. head. Cleon, at a sign from the un- commerce and industry and agrihappy -fst&er, "bestover sfiunds "df wailing about the funeral "But you *musift.-sot:r^grieye*. over? culture will*not-be over for "years/or The following program will be given! Mr. Levy cohtinttecf. "I don't meanso the first time in the history of- the bed afid had later sobbed themselves much," said Cleon, knowing that he infant. . - • • - - . - . . , perhaps even in the life of the at the Burgess-Nash Auditoriuml far as our relief,. and social service Omaha lodge, the B'nai B'riih ; Ritual to sleep. Only the baby, whose com- was but a clumsy comforter. "Do you "You are right," he agreed, "the youngest person here. Wednesday, December 20, when the! work is concerned; for of this I know iwas read to the public-by Mi. Arthur ing had brought so much sorrow into not remember what i^u said to me child will not live.. And it will be "Civil, political and religious lib- Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold I there is no doubVa/t all in the minds of Rosenblum and Mr. Harry Silverman. the home of Mattathias, smiled a lit- the day we looked upon my first-born better so.". erty belong to us of right. They { anyone. I have reference to the value tle as it slept. '."...'. son who never drew breath. You took . They passed out of the house into are not at the beck and call of any the annual linen shower for the hospi-1 tals of Palestine. The program wiUJ of the Federation as a central organIn the house of Cleon, Mattathias' my hand and said, 'Shall we receive the street, sweet. and clean in the organization, .open or .secret,, and start at 3 o'clock. ization that collects funds for all breath of the new day. Cleon's good from the hand of God and not closest neighbor, the rejoicing was until we put-these hates-out of. bur Miss -Mary Maizel presents the! worthy Jewish philanthropic organizaeven greater than that which usually evil?' Bear this heavy evil manfully, mother, bustling with importance, hearts - our ^people will not , have Fairies of Zion in a "Musical Revue,"! tions that operate in Omaha, and welcomes the first-bom son. Cleon for the Lord has also blessed you with came toward them. She had not yet finally understood the great,' burning "Miss 1776 and Miss 1922." The eastl those national organizations that have heard of their neighbor's loss and was was a man nearing middle age, but good and given you three sons." teaching of Abraham Lincoln. Amer- consists of Bettie Steinberg, Annettel a just claim on the suppport of Oma- Asks If Wishes^ of "Palestine People until this dawning his heart had been At this Mattathias laughed so wild- far too excited and elated to note his ica is not a place of words alone. Hurwitz," Sara Janoff, Ids Tenebaum,| ha Jews. Were Considered. heavy because his wife, Hannah, had ly that his friend drew back a little grief-worn countenance. America is a place of acts and Helen Janger, Esther Cohen, "Take the case of the three hospiborn him no manchild.- Had she been frightened. "Three sons'." he said, "Have you seen our son ?" she asked policies and deeds. We do not judge Hurwitz, and Pearl Fellman. Music! tals in Denver which we subsidize, London (J. T. A.)—In a debate in barren, both of them might have ac- "three sons," repeating the words as Mattathias, her old voice high and the National Jewish Hospital for Con- the House, of Lords concerning the cepted the lack of children as the will one might a dreadful blasphemy. shrill with joy. "Come in and tell me our fellow citizens and our public will be furnished by Miss Bess Far-i sumptives, the Jewish Consumptives' British Mandate over Palestine, Lord of the Most High; but Hannah had "Have you seen my third son, the whether you have ever looked upon men entirely by what they say. We ber. A playlet in two acts, "Missl want to know what they do. Baum Makes Amends," with the fol-i Relief Society and the Ex-patients' Sydenham asked "what steps the born her husband two daughters, only new-born child for which my Rachel so fair a babe!" "We are engaged, as was Abraham lowing cast: Kate Goldstein, Eisiel Home. For many years now these League of Nations had taken before to see them die in early infancy, and gave her life?" Before Cleon could restrain her she Lincoln fifty-nine years ago this eve- Hurwitz, Bertha Kushner, and Cksr-I institutions have been serving Omaha the ratine-tion to comply with ArtiCleon shook his head, puzzled. What wonder then flung open the door, and lead the una still-born son. Jewery by accepting our tubercular cle 22, which declares that in select"The nurse tells me that it cannot happy father into the house. Cleon's ning, in rededicating ourselves to the trade White. A talk on hospital mother placed in that • when his great" task for which these youths needs by Dr. Victor E. Levine of the! patients. They have cured hundreds ing a mandatory principal considera- Cleon's arms a boy child, sturdy, per- live," went on Mattathias, "and it is of Omaha men, women and children of tion should be given to the wishes of fect in every limb, the strong man well, for if it survives it will surely first-born son had just been bathed died. Only it's a task not to be Creighton Medical School faculty. Th<*| and now lay upon the nurse's knee, performed on the field or battle. It public is invited to attend. this dread disease, and they have pre- the people. wept like a child for very joy: and grow up a weakling, maybe a twisted vented its spread to many more hunis to be performed in our daily lives, The following articles are needed by] Colonial Secretary Duke of Devon- thanked the God of Israel from a full cripple. Surely, as you say, the Lord (Continued on page 2) dreds o£ our people. Omaha owes shire declared that the government is in our business or profession. And the local Hadassah unit for the hospi-J in Palestine: these institutions something for this not responsible for every action of the BNAI ISRAEL BASKET BALL that task is to get these hates, hates talsSheets, PRIZES AT THORPEIAN Annual B'nai B'rith Dance pillow cases, blankts, bed-| service. They are entitled to support League of Nations and that the choice of races, of faiths, of classes, of TEAM LEADS LEAGUE. DANCE. spreads, tablecloths, soap, from Omaha Jews. of a mandatory is "not in the League, Sunday "Evening December 24th The Bnai . Israel basketball team sections, out of our hearts and put short flannel kimonos, napkins, lay, The weekly dance of the Thorpeian "For many: years now the Federa- but in the Supreme Council of the maintained • its lead in the Class B, in their place the true American tion has been subsidizing these three principal allied' powers. Although Athletic club held on Sunday nights The annual B'nai B'rith dance will Church League at the Y. M. C. A. doctrine or liberty, equality and ettes, talcum powder for layettesJ institutions. By this means we have the terms of the mandate were greatly at the Kel-Pine Dancing academy will be' held Sunday evening, December when it defeated the Presbyterian fraternity, civil, religious and politi- castile soap for layettes, pajamas anfi flannels. kept individual solicitors out of Oma- criticized in England, he was unaware be augmented on next Sunday by the 24, -&t the Hotel Fontenelle. Church team by a score of 19 to 6. cal liberties for every man, woman of any exception ever taken by the addition of what is to be called the •.According to the committee in Rueben Brown, center on the team and child in this land." (Continued on page 2.) BAVARIA GOVERNMENT TAKES| people 'concerned to England as man- Hungry Hearts Prize waltz. The charge of arrangements for this was the star of the game, making STAND AGAINST POGROffl Congressman Isaac Siegel menprizes for the winners will consist of dance, plans are being made to make datory, i • - -• BRITH ABRAHAM TO AGITATION. 12 of the teams total points. George tioned the Ku KIux Klan by name cash, candy and tickets Spt the Sun WAGE WAR ON KLAN Lord Birkenhead asked whether the this the gala event of the season. Bernstein's guarding was also a and asserted that the boys who Berlin, Nov. 17. (J. T. A.) — The] New York, Nov. 23.—(Jewish Cor- British government* was going to be theater, to see the performance of Attempts are being made to secure Bavarian Minister of Interior lias, inl fought for democracy owe it to respondence Bureau)—Justice Aaron influenced by the press campaign urg- Anzia Yerzierska's story Hungry the services of several actresses and feature of the game. The team themselves and to their country that the Bavarian Parliament, taken « | plays the fast Dundee Presbyterian Hearts made into film form. The J. Levy of the municipal court, grand ing, England to leave Mesopotamia actors to perform on the program decided stand against the steadily m-| master of the Independent Order Brith and Palestine. This campaign, he de- story is of particular interest . to that is being arranged for the occa- Church team next Thursday evening. Klansman be driven out of. public creasing ' anti-Jewish agitation tol office as quid??;' as possible. Abraham, said yesterday he would call clared, . was compehdibuT.y summed Jewish people as it deals with the sion. "This country," said Congressman Bavaria, and has threatened the Righti PRESIDENT DISCUSSES into convocation the Grand Lodge of up in the "Bag of Baggage" cry of trials and tribulations of a Jewish The money obtained from this dance family who migrate to this country Siegel, "will not tolerate for a mo- Parties that he would take drastic! IMMIGRATION WITH the Order to consider the activities the Daily Express. The present will go to help support the war ormeasures to prevent a further spreted.;•] of the Ru Klux Klan. HARRY H. SCHLACHT ment the secret, invisible organiza- of this agitation. The stand of ttrtsj Premier and Lord Curzon, Lord Birk- after excessive persecution in Eussia. phans adopted by the local lodge. There has been a special screening "I shall call into convocation the enhead stated, are directly responsiNew Yor:, Nov. 23. (J. C. B.)— tion that calls itself the Ku Klux minister has, to a certain degree,] Grand Lodge of the Independent Or- ble for Great Britain becoming the of the picture for some of the promin- INVENT NEW INTERNATIONAL Harry H. Schlacht, President of the Klan and is afraid of the light of checked the danger which was caus der Brith Abraham as soon as possible mandatory over Palestine. If the de- ent Jewish people of the city and all Downtown Chamber of Commerce, day. The American people will not by the open pogrom ag-itetion whicM JEWISH PLOT. tolerate it for a moment when, they and, through its executive board take cision is -wrong, what is their justifi- are unanimous in their praise of this Vienna, Nov. 17. (J. T. A.)—A new said yesterday that President Harddach appropriate steps as will ensure cation for expending hundreds of mil- unusual picture. In presenting the anti-Semitic daily has started its ap- ing invited him to luncheon at the realize its insidiousness. No one who for some time has been prevalent Jttj Bavaria. these results sought by all fair mind- lions of pounds. Having expended so picture, the management of the .Sun White House, Thurslay to discuss is directly or indirectly connected pearance. The first issue contains much money and accepting before the are doing it in the interest of the ed, and tolerant Americans. with such an organization has any the first chapter of a new revelation immigration problems. Sen. Calder "If this board authorizes it, I shall world the responsibility for preserv- Jewish community, as it makes its regarding a great international Jew- and Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Assist- place in this land. appeal to the deputy grand masters of ing Peace in Palestine and Mesopo- greatest appeal to our people. "The boys who came back, and ish plot which the paper declares has ant Secretary of War, were also to the various states of the union and, tamia, he would criticize evacuation who are tonight honoring the memoattend the luncheon. been prepared by the Elders' of Zion. through them, to all the district grand now. The strategic importance of ries of those who have fallen, owe it Information is wanted r e l a t e PALESTINE ELECTIONS The paper says that the following m&sers and to such other organiza- Palestine, he said, .was her relation to themselves and to this country to the whereabouts of member*, SAY RUSSIANS WILL BACK POSTPONED. tions as might manifest the Ameri- to Egypt. Egypt is a vital link be- Jerusalem, Nov. 24. (J. T. A.)— chapters will contain discoveries of a that the driving of these men out of of a family named BESBORODARAB CLAIM startling nature. tween the empire communications. V can spirit of co-operation." KIN, who are supposed to be in public office is done as quickly as Lausanne, Nov. 27. {J. T. A.)—The At a meeting of the District GoverBesides that, Palestine is strategically Omaha. The Jewish Welfare y in this way Soviet Delegation to the Near East possible because Former Omahan President of B'nai necessary for the protection of Egypt. nors of Palestine, the Government' NO JEWISH PROFESSORS AT Federation J"^ received » most can we make certain that the stabili Peace Conference will help the Arab B'rith Lodge. LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY Lord Salisbury answered that the gov- announced its decision not to proceed 1 pithml appeal from a family ity of our form of government is Delegation from Palestine in presswith the elections of the Legislative EldoTado, Ark.—Arthur Marowitz, ernment would render no decision Kowno.—(J. C. B. Service)—The named BANTTN. now living in Council for the present, the Jeru- Education Department of the Min1- ing their claim against' the British assured to all who live here. If former resident of Omaha, Neb., was without very careful consideration. Slutsk. asking that IIIR Beesalem correspondent of the Daily istry for Jewish Affairs reports that Zionist policy, newspaper men here there is one lesson we can elected president of Eldorado, Ark., borodkin family be placed into broadcast from shore to shore, it is Mail understands. This correspondent were told by members of the Arab Lodge No. 957, L O. B. B. Mr. Marthere have been no applications for communication with the Bant ins. London, Nov. ~2. (J. C. B.)—The reports also that the propaganda the three professorships in the Jew- Delegation. The Deputation of the lesson of respect for law and kowitz, who came- to this city from Any information relative to Omaha some time ago, was elected Danish atom investigator, Professor among the Arabs aginst the elections ish subjects at the Lithuanian Uni- Palestine Arabs consists of four respect for duly constituted authorthis family shouli! bo comNiels Bohr, now lecturing at the ity." hs become more widespread than versity. For this reason there will members headed by Moussa Kasim president of the lodge at its first municated to the Jewish Welmeeting.. Of a population of eighty .University. of Manchester is a ever, and that the 1Arab leaders are probably b e no Faculties in Jewish, Pasha, Chairman of the Arab Execfare Federation immediately* Jewish citizens, dV%r sixty have al- candidate for the noble prize for hopeful of affecting a complete boy- literature, Jewish iHstory and the.utive Committee and Shibly Jamel, Nearly -every Jewish family In cott of the election? Omaha reads "The Jewish Press". physics. •»«.W inineil tho. B'nai B'rith Semitic Languages during this term. I Secretary
Over 350 People Attend Open Meeting Of B'Nai B'Rith Day Celebration
A Story for Chanukafi.
President of Columbia
Klan As Un-American
Palestine Mandate Is Debated B f British lords
Hahm Baschi, a conspicuous adhert, of the Turkish Nationalists, has arrived in Londoh and is understood icalion) Fti., Dec. 15 - Published tretf Tbutsfof • ! OnSkk*. Nebraika. bf (Continued from pa^e 1} to be holding discussions on KemalRosh-Chodesh Tebeth ....Wed* Dec. 20 'THE JEWISH* PRESS PUBLISHING* COMPANY. Office:, 482 Brandefe^theatre Building.—-Telephone; Jackson 12372. naked; and rosy, his tiny fists making Fast of Tebeth ...v...............Fri., Dec 29 ist matters with members of the British government. Rabbi Nahoum 5683-1923. futile passes, his blue eyes blinking NATHAN: E. GREEN, Manager. is also proceeding to Lusanne* it is •with sleep. From the nefct ro./m came Rosh-Chodesh Shebat....Thurs^ Jan. 18 stated, but in a private capacity as 1 Rosh-Chodesh A d a r ~ ...SaU Feb. 17 the mother's voice, weak and waverSubscription Price* 'one;year: "an unofficial advisor of the feehialPurim (Feast of Esther) Fri., Mar. 2 ing, but vibrant with joy. "Bring me Advertising rotes fbrniebed on application. my soh that I i h a y fe-ed him.: Why Rosh-Chodesh Nisan ........Sun., Mar, 18 ist delegation." NtyC.vPRlNTEP FOB PERSONAL PRQHT—Profits fcrolii tile |>ubU6aPassover XPesach) ..........Sun;, Apr; 1 do you delay so long?'* tfon of The Jewish Press:art to be gf»*n te *oitby fcommunal;cajjise8.__ EOWNO YIDDISH DAILY A Spasln bf pain crossed Mattathias' Passover (Seventh Day) Sat* Apn 7 SUPPRESSED. Rosh-Chodesh Iyar ...'....Tues., Apr. 17 - CBAKGB O P ADDRESS—Pie«»« *JT» both th» ola .ma new «d<Jrew: t face, for he remembered Rachel's joy e«» -..^.FrL, May 4 • ' v t a i « i » d iiffttoat nans*. nans* \ ' ; : and pride in their other sons; but Lag b'Omer . Kow-no<—(J. C. B. Correspondence) bow she lay "cold and silent and his Rosh-Chodesh Sivan ......Wed., May 16 —On October 13th, the "Naies," One babe was motherless. Looking Upon Shabouth (Confirmation) of the Yiddish aDilies appearing in ~ThfFeast of Ghanukah^ also known as the Feast of Dedica- Cleon's child in its rosy perfection a Day) ..I..;.......;..; ......Mon., May 21 owiiOj notified its readers that in tion, afid by other appropriate titles* occurs this year on Decem- heW bitterness ttirred in his heart; if Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz ....Fri., June "5 consequence of the increase in the cost ber 15th* and Will be observed in Jewish homes and in the House only the sacrifice had been worth Rosh-Chooesh Ab ..... ,.Sat, July 14 of production, the paper would in fuof God-for- eight days thereafter* starting from the evening of while, if only the child Rachel left Fast df Ab 1..:.,......,.-^... Sun^ July 2 ture appear as a weekly. On the December 14. ...Mon^ A u g . ' 3 same day, however, the Commanderwould have shown promise of a sturdy Rosh-Chodesh Elul - TW6- festival is a minor holiday and is reminiscent of the maturity. But because he loved his New Year's Eve. .,.„, Mon., Sept. 10 in-Chief in Kowno ordered the supMaccabeatt victory in the battle for Israel's faith When the friend and kh6w something of Ms long I _... pression of the paper on account of prophetic promise was verified i-"Not by might, nor by power, yearning for a son* Mattathias re- Jewish Sports Club, ended in a riot a series of articles against the aubut by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts." strained'his impioui anger a t God and and millions of kronen worth of dam- thorities. • It; ifecalls in -particular the eventful years of 168 to 165 B. forced himself to speak gently.; The J. C. B. here understands that age to the Hakoah playing field; C. E.,in Palestine. During that period AhtioChus Epiphanes, or "He is the fairest/child I have ever Both teams were in good spirits the article particularly referred to is "the mad mail}" King-of Syria, had resolved to quench the lamp seenj" he told the proud father. • "A whefa the gamte opened, but a decision one which appeared in the issue of of religious liberty and,resorted to th& crude tyrannies df great gift has" come to you—and .to of the referee lh favor of the Jewish October 1st, attacking the military imperialists to competali subject peoples to speak one language Modin. Not to .Modin alone, but to team changer the temper of the Vien- requisition of dwelling houses. This and Worship according to a ritual approved by the appointed all Israel, for the day will surely nese eleven. They refused to accept requisition of dwelling houses is priests Of his enlpire and their religious heads, who naturally conie» and it may come speedily, when the decision, surrounded the referee stated-to have been illegal and the followed" the polytheistic litttfgy of the Greeks> then in a state Israel will have the need for strong and intimidated him into yielding his newspaper is understood to be apof dee^defaCe. pealing on this grounds against the warriors for the Lord." . point. . ; (*i^iC;enforcem6nt of this royal decree^ was jmajadatbry pn all "He is indeed a gift from • God. At the protest of the Jewish team suppression order. j}ebples>-jmciudirig the Palestinian Jews. In compliance with this Blessed be He^".answered Cleoh rev- the Viennese became more enraged, tyrSmiicai edict the Temple ph Mount Moriah < Jerusalem) was erently* for who was to. tell him that attacqed their opponents and became MAGNES FINDS PALESTINE A GOOD COUNTRY TO desecrated and/the altar of the high priest WaB displaced by. a this thild of. promise, for whom he embroiled in a fight which involved LIVE IN. hideous" idol, the Work of. inah's hands, &hd an abomination "of had prayed so long and fervently hundreds of spectators as well as the human shame and self-degradation. Throughout the country* would grow up a worshipper of the players. Jerusalem, (J. T. A. Correspondmany weaklings, fearing'thefmandates of Antiochus, yielded to Greek gods and a scoffer at.the Lord The police finally dispersed the ence) -. Speaking with, the J. T. A. the promptings pf their affrighted hearts and listened to the of Israel. This fair child, this mob with difficulty* The Viennese representative here Dr. J. L. Magnes, tempting voices counseling treason to the God of their fathers* destined warrior, was no other than press expresses, great regret at sb unThese cowards, submitted to the blasphemies of the monarch and the traitor whom Mattathias himself sportsmahlike an occurrence. worshipped, the idolatrous images. It seemed as if Israel and later struck aown before the altar for his sacred heritage were doomed to be swept away by the rising offering incense to the heathen gods. GALICIAN JEWS LEAVING tide of heathenism. ; But Mattathias could not read the VIENNA. The enforced obedience to these idolatrous practices of future. He blessed the child and deVienna.—-(J. T. A. Correspondence) parted to his own^ house, where the paganism which were an abomination to the Jew and a source —This week the last group of Galidead lay so-quietly in her hew aloofof irritation was a factor in fanning the flames of revolt that SW SOfcTtr ittTtt STREET. cian and Bukowinian. Jewish refugees ness and did not. heed, t h e wailing: of soon-broke out when imperialistic tyranny added oppression to . Tel,: ATlantic 4480 1 will be leaving Vlenha for their Violence. . The hatred germinated in the hearts of the Palestinian her fretful child. . Standing beside the homes. (Opposite Hotel ilonie) About 7,000 persons have been Special Attention To Mail Order*. Jews against AntiochuB resulted in a revolt that instantly led cradle ana •looking': down .upoii. -the "repatriatedi in this way during the last weazened* tortured face of his son, "Delicatessen to War against Syria. four months. There are still several is our specialty* not our This insurrection Avas headed by a priest of Modhij Matta- Mattathias wished with all his heart thousands such refugees in Vienna dethias by name,:a member of a principle family who rallied a that the child/might ItuV at once and sirous of returning t d ' their pre-war s i d e l i n e . " „• a t rest with the mother who had small band.of loyal followers to defy the king and wrest freedom be her very life for its sake. For homes, but the Joint Distribution •for his tounti'ymen :from the tyrannies and blasphemies of the given who was to tell Mattathias in his Committee haS decided that this is to mad emperor.. —•.-• .; '......• "'• itter grief that tMis puny child would: be the final draft and no further Supported by Judah; his son, to whom tradition has given itow up a .mighty warrior for the sums are available fbr transportation W A N T E D S A L E S the name jMacCabee, aiid his four heroic brothers* the Asmoneans Lord of. Israel*.that this son; Judas purposes. The repatriation of 7,000 L A D I E S — o n l y exted to tritoaph the handful of embattled Palestinian farmers whoi Maccabeus, would one! day overthrow refugees has cost tils' "Joint" about perienced need apply. by their invincible strength and death-defying zeal for their God the heathen altars* and, more heroic $70,000. The Vienna delegation of the Star Store, 1880 North and country, defeated-all the Syrian generals sent against them than even his heroic brothers* would East Galiciah Jewish National Coun24th Streets injsuccessixa.campaigns covering a period of four years; •;*..-1 remain a flaming memory until the cil is a t present negotiating with the The "final victory of the insurgent Maccabe'aris happenecrac- end of time! East European- Department of the cordmg^to ^ h e JElebrew.. calender._. on. the. 25t&%day;". of Kistev, ''Joint"'with a viiw t o obtaining a con-esppnaihg^b'the montfiof :;De^eMb^;"ifi^6^ear'"lB5*-':fe' further alibcatittft for the purpose of C E. Following the victory the Temple at Jerusalem Was renov- VIENNESE HOOLIGANS SPOIL transferrfrg riiore of the refugees to F O R &ENT-^- Furnished ated, the idolatrous images removed and the altar rededicated FOOTBALL MATCH AND FtELD. their homes. room in well respectable to the worship of the one and only God. Vienna, &ov. 8.—(Jewish telegrafamily. Call WEbster The sanctuary thus rededicated rose from the dust of its phic Agency)—A footbal lmatch be- RABBI AS ftEMALiST ADVISER. 4437. desecration in greater beauty. Israel now became endowel with tween the Viennese ex-chainpionsj' London, Nov. 13. (J. C. B.)—Rabbi new strength for the spiritual contest through the ages against "The Rapids" and the "Hakoah," the Chaim Nahoum, former Turkish
Cartie to Modin
Steinberg Delicatessen
error and superstition. In the- Jewish religious school and in many Jewish homes, the celebration of Chahukah with its lights, symbols of cheer and hopey recounts these historical events and emphasizes the firm conviction that the day TVill come when justice, love and mercy, will be exalted and selfishness and hatred between races and religious laid low. This festival voices the hope that all men will eventually be banded together in one covenant of love and righteousness and all mankind will turn to God alone as Ruler of the World.
Every Motor Tested Severely
h», and toe saved ft* people ofTE
double garage. Reduced from $8,000.00. PRICE $7,300.00 if sold soon. Come and look it over, as we must ^gj]. Owner lives in house, 3310 Myrtle Ave. Phone Harney 3923.
Kaplan Auto Parts Co. Sill Xleholas Street Used cars boiight, sold, and exchanged. New geairs, and axle shafts for any make of car. Tires, Tubes and Accessories Below Wholesale Prices.
B'nai B'rith Dance SUNDAY—DECENBER 24 AT
FONTENELLE HOTEL /»\^«\my<%Y«r»\rr«\t7»T*^
"The Clothing Cottier of Omaha."
We Suggest—
SHIRTS Silk Shirts at $5.00 to $10.00 SUt Fiber Shirts, $4^0 to $6.00 WwTen Madras Sliirts, $2.50 to •-•.:• Press and fnxedo Shirts Bt Kcgllgee Shirts, gl<00 to"l&50
formerly President of the Jewish hoped that a large number of AmerCommunity of New York, who has ican Jews would avail themselves arrived here with the family, stated of the opportunity to settle in that he intended to remain in the Palestine. country for several months. He The honeymoon often ends with the added that he had not come on any official mission, but had merely car-j groom's first quarter. ried out his wish to visit the Holy Land as an ordinary Jew. ! Dri Magnes was in Palestine about ten years ago and he is greatly interested in the changes which have Montclair addition adjoinbeen made during these ten years. ing on east, 7-room all On his return to America, he demodern house, south clared, he and others who had been in Palestine wdiild make it their front, gas, electric lights, duty to acquaint American Jews with furnace* bath, toilet, full the fact that Palestine was a good basement, 4 bedrooms, country in which to live, and he
I Fifteen Jews were elected in Great !
Particular care is devoted by ftksll to the severe testing of the motor* Not orily are various scientific tests ^applied to the metal as it goes from one|ja|e to andtlieiv but also to the finished^l^pr. p It is first extensively iirribered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next* disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test ifi the corilpleted car.
AT their interests in Omaha for them. Samuel J. Rosenman, Joseph SteinNeed Public Aid. berg, Maurice "Bloch and'Meyer Alt' "Do our people appreciate this ? Are erman. Thd Bronx representatives they responding to the service whiph are Julius S, Berg and Louis A. is being given them by these hospi- Schoffel. Joseph Reich, Irvin Steintals? Are they helping us make good gut ana Julius Duger were elected our promise to tHe hospitals? for Brooklyn. "Please give the1 readers of the The following Jews were elected to "Jewish Press" these facts atid let the New York state senate: Nathan them answer for themselves. Durihg Straus, jr., Philip Kleinfeld, Meyer 1922, fifteen Omahans have been Levy,'Hehry G. Schkus and Benjapatients a t these three institutions, min Antin. from periods ranging from three to j In addition to the members of the eleven months. I t costs the hospitals • house of representatives listed in the ah average df more than $60 per Daily News bulletin of November 8, month for each patient treated. Yet f the following appear to have beeh ttie most that we have been able to elected. M. A. Michaelson, Illinois; premise to all three of these hospi- Isaac Bachrach, New Jersey; B. L. tals for the entire year has been $2,- Rosenbloom, West Virginia; Victor 600. Berger,, socialist, who IB claimed to "And now, and this is, the most be a Jew despite his denial^ was important of all, we cannot see our elected in Milwaukee. '" way to pay the $1,300 of this sum which is still due these institutions, TURKISH GOVERNMENT OR- feANIZEO JEWlSft OPPOSITION ; We won't be able to pay—unless the" AGAINST BRITISH - MANDATE . J e w s of Omaha pay'their peldges to . the Federation—and pay theiriin full. • Ldndon, -Nov. 15;- (J; T. A.)—The "We made our agreements with our London 'Jewish Chronicle reports tKat affiliated institutions on the;strength; Hamid Bey, one of kenial's repre; of the agreements which our subscrib- sentatives In Constantinople, has coners made with us. We are expected fidentially requested the -Chief Rab[ to redeem our pledge. Jtlnless the" binate of Turkey to organise meetJews of this city do [likewise, we i n g s in favor Of transferring the : ' cannot pay for the service which we Palestine Mandate to Turkey. The have received, and the honor and in- Habbinate replied that it holds aloof i tegrity of our community will be dis- from politics. It has, however, further reports say, bevm requested to "We must collect this money—and s<snd a delegation representing Turk•wi must do i t a t once. Every sub- ' ish Jewry, to Lausanne. I t appears scriber is in. honor.bound to pay his that the l u r k s are in close touch t>led£e and to pay it at once. Jew- w i t h t h S Palestine Arabs arid are-inL VjBh lives, Jewish souls and Jewish hdn citing them to revolt against British the Jewish Chronicle **-*/" is a t fifed"".
FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $915 to ^ipUfi
• ; 6. b. factory
SWEATERS Warih Coat Sweaters, $4.00 to $15.00 to $12.50 All White Sweaters, $12.50 to $15,00 Boys' Pflll-OTcrs at $3^0 to $&50 Boys' Coat Sweaters at $2.50 to
PAJAMAS Pajamas, fine silks» at * itcrccrigcd Pajamas, $8i50
Mk Wxtute rnjamnz bt Fancy Madras Pajamas, $2.00 to $S.5O Outing Flannel Pajamas, $1.75 to
HOSIERY Men's Silk Hosiery at 75c to $2.50 Men's Lisle flo'siery at 25c~to We Fine Wool Hosiery, 50c to %\M SUfc ana Wool.Hosiery, 7§c to 82.00 Interworen aad Holeproof. 40<? to
GLOVES The international qtiality favorites are Perrins, foWiies, l)etttsf Adlers, Daniel y every weight and style and a host of new ideas in Silk-lined, fur-lined, Wool-lined Gloves. Gauntlets, Mittens. Prices raiige—
NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Tonlh and Howard Streets Exclusive LodaJ Factory RfeprefeeataUtCB Phone Atlantic 2&16 (omitted from Te!ephonc DirectoryJ :
N s i h L e a d , t h e W o r l d i n M o t o t Car V a l u e
t at5E 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1922 ers "were laid for "twelve .guests/
Social, Club and Religious; Activities
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Weinstein announce the birth of a "baby daughter, on Saturday evening, December . • 9 . : : '
" •
: ; • '
" ~
' :
this week for Miss Weinstein was Miss Eva Alpirin, who entertained twelve guests at her. home Monday evening. • Mrs. Sam. Xneeter enter•iained -at luncheon .-Thursday noort at the Brandeis.Tea Toqms,,and Mrs. j . Rosenberg will entertain on the saine afternoon at a theatre party, and.oh that evening laiss Ben FfomMri Will entertain at a dinner party at the Brandeis Restaurants followed by an Orpheum Theatre party ior eight guests. Mrs. Jack Kaufman will entertain at a luncheon bridge Saturday afternoon at the Brandeis Renaissance Room for twelve guests.
tions by Miss Sadye Drevich and violin numbers by Mr, Meyer ^"Shapiro. The performers were given souvenirs by the members of the club to show their appreciation^- f or -the evenin 's entertainment. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing and cards.
is anxious that the enrollment be days to confer with the Government 'Afternoon club at her home Friday completed at once. and the Zionist representatives. afternoon. Three hundred immigrants were Over 200 .members attended the landed at the Jaffa harbor, the larg- Mr. and Mrs- Ben Hirsch will enterregular senior group meeting Mon-j est to arrive in a single day since tain the Evening club at their home day night, and were entertained with the restriction on immigration. this evening. readings by Edith Kenyon, piano The archives of the Choveve Zion The regular meeting of the Indepenselections by Sarah Warshaw, and Society of Odeffa, containing thou- dent Order of B'nai B'rith was held a novelty Oriental number by Miss sands of letters and documents habe ! Wednesday evening at the Danish Belle OlaM and Mr. George Abbott. been deposited at tne Hebrew Na- Hall. tional Library. Y. M. H. AT Tw»p 62 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz are Troop 62 has another new member. now living at the Warner apartments, He is Earl Lapidus, a second class ! scout transfered from troop 3. A Mrs. J. Schl&nk, who has been Ti sitfew boys are expected fa) bring in ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. their applications in a week or two. The meeting of the Ladies' Benev- B. Gilinsky* left Monday for her home The membership is how twice as olent Society was -held Tuesday after- in Sioux City* la. much as it was a year ago. noon at the home of Mrs. J. Katelman. The troop has feufepended regular scout tests for a few weeks to make Lester Freidman, son of Mr. and preparations for thfe coming district Mrs. Philip Freidman, entertained at DIAMONDS, JEWELRY rally which is to be held on Monday a birthday party last Friday evening AND night, January the 9th. Our troop I for a number of friends. SPECIAL PLATINTJM is in district S^-4. There wili be The Jewish Sisterhood will hold its DESIGNING three other troops to compete with. card party Tuesday afternoon at the see Teams have been chosen id represent home of Mrs. Dora Cohen. the troop in knot-tying; scout pace relay, fire by friction arid first aid The Junior Auxiliary of the CounDiamond and. Platinum a bridge bandaging. The teams will start cil of Jewish Women held 1 Specialists party Wednesday evening at the home work at once to make a banner 151« showing. The boys are out to win. of Miss Rina Snyder. The money obMany of the new scouts are on the tained from these socials are to be teams and much credit is due them turned over to the Jewish Farm school for the enthusiasm they are show- at Philadelphia, Pa. ing in scouting. Mrs. S. Meyerson will entertain the Sollie Kohlberg, a new-commer, became a tenderfoot scout last! Chiropodist and Be&tit? All Orders GiTfin Prompt ana Saturday night. The Eagle and . Careful Attention. Shop Blackbear patrols were awarded both Efit&bMBtietS IS80 15th mnd fTiiHirj- P t « * the Gold and Silver Stars last week. WELSH'S FLOWERS rtt O i U 9338 The patrol standings are as follows: •TBOWKRS MAKE CRIENDS" TeL Ja 4291, Brandeis Theatre Bide Tiger .690 210 So. 17th St. Omaba. lion . 664 -ANNOUNCEMENT ...607 Blackbear _663 Rev. E. Fleishman Eagle .
Mrs. M. S. Miller and Mrs. Carl Furth are in Kansas City, Mo., to WEDDINGS. attend th& Council of Jewish WomAuerbaeh-Fleishman. Miss Edith Rosenberg, of New en Convention. They are expected The marriage of Miss Ella Fleish- to return the latter part York City, Is the guest of her uncle of the man, daughter of Bev. E. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs* Aaron week. W Mr* Herman H. Auerbach of this Brown. city, took place Tuesday evening a t Miss Belle ^Valentine, of Ames, the Tiome of the bride's sister, Mrs. la., is expected the latter i>art of this Miss Beulah Miller spent the weekI. N. Cherniss. The' bride's father, week to be the guest of Miss Martye end in Lincoln, as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Julius Weil. Rev. E. Fleishman, performed the Weinstein. She will be here to atceremony. tend the JFroBQMn-Weinstein wedding Mr. Anerbach and his bride left im- and through the first of next month. All Young Judaeans are invited Miss Pearl IindEnbaum entertained to. the Young Judea Rally Sunday at a miscellaneous showcx" Sunday mediately: for a hpneymoon trip to afternoon, December Vt, at the Jew- aftern^ n honoring Miss Faye MitMrs. Ben Lewis entertained twelve California. ish Community Center. There will chell, a bride-to-be of this month. cMfcLren Sunday afternoon honoring Cohen—Goldstein. her young eon, Craig Edward. Mrs. be a reorganization of all the clubs Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein announce Lewis' mother, Mrs. H. Orschel, and and plans will be made for the big Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock rethe marriage of their daughter, Ber- brother, Mr.' H. M. Orschel, of Des Puritn program. Candy will be turned Monday from a week's trip to --• • x tha Naomi, to Mr. Louis H. Cohen, Moines, la., where here to attend the served in celebration of Chanukah. Chicago, HI. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen, party, and after spending : several Mrs. Herbert Harris has as her The Friday Evening Bridge Club guest her mother, Mrs. Louis Trax: Council Bluffs, la., on Sunday evening days here left for their homes. met.last Friday evening at the home ler, of Dayton, O., Mr. Traxler was at the TJ'nai Israel Synagogue, Ttatibi . Grodinsky officiating. A reception at The Bi-"Weekly Bridge Club met of -Miss Rosella Klein. Prizes were also visiting here with his daughter the bride's home followed the eere- with Miss Jeanette Gilinsky, of won by Miss Esther Brown and Mr. but left Monday for his home. Mrs. Council Bluffs, la., as hostess. The Sam- Yabron\ . xnony. Traxler expects to be here during prizes were won by Miss \nn Weiss, Marcus-Bloch. The Young Judea Senior Club held the remainder of the month. and Messrs. Ernest Nogg and Bert Mr. and Mrs. Albert Witman of N. Brown. The next meeting will be its .Tegular meeting Sunday afterTampa, Fla., announce the wedding of held Friday evening at the home of. noon at the Jewish Community The recently organized cltiVOflebung" will meet Sunday evening at their daughter, Miss- Flora Bloch to Miss Sarah Somberg. Center. A social program followed the home of Miss Sarah Stern at Mr. Ozeas H. Marcos, on Wednesthe regular business. Plans were day, December 20, at Tampa, Fla..Mr. Mr. Oscar Weinstein is expected to made, for a bridge party to be given 2440 Burt Street. The constitution ' Marcus is a former Omaha boy and arrive home Saturday, December 23V for the girls who are coining home of the club will be brought forth bewas well known" among the younger from the "^University -of: Chicago, to: from school; the date of the affair fore the members, and an election of officers will take place. Dancing and Jewish social class. spend the mid-term vacation with his to be .announced in next week's issue a literature program will follow the parents. of the "Jewish Press". regular business. ! Miss Jessie Rosenstock, the brideMrs. Mollie Brown has received' to-be of Mr. Dave Rosenstock, has The following officers were elected Mrs. Nathan S. Yaffe and Mrs. been extensively entertained during word of a birth of a son, William by the Deborah Society at its reg- Gail Margolin entertained at the the time her engagement has been Prusiner Brown, on December 1, to ular meeting last Tuesday, at the Brandeis Tea rooms Thursday afterannounced. The following are the Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Brown, of Jewish Community Center: Mrs. D. noon, December 7, honoring Miss entertainments being given prior to Sioux City, la. S; Fmkenstein, president; Mrs. B. A. Mary Marg-olin, a bride-to-be. Prizes DR. WEIZMANN IN PALESTINE. her marriage on Monday evening, The Daughters of Zioh held its Simon; 1st vice-president; Mfs; Chas. were won by Mesdames E. Katiemah, Jerusalem, Nov. 6. (J. G. "*.)—Dr. December 18, at theFontenelle Hotel: election of officers Sunday afternoon, Levinson, 2nd vice-president; -Mrs; A. and Leo Fruhaft. A number of other Chaim Weiztnann arriveu in Haifa A tea will be given Saturday after- December 3, at the Jewish Com- Romm, secretary; Mrs. P. Schlaifer, socials are being planned for Miss today and is expected here in a few noon at the Blackstone Hotel for one munity Center. The following were treasurer. The Board of Directors Margolin. hundred guests by Mesdames N. P. elected: Miss Gertrude Wintroub, htclude the Mesdames M. Tatle, J. Feil and Hubert. Sloman. The "same president; Lobby Blacker, secretary; B.- Robinson, J. Katleman, O. C The Jewish Ladies Progressive evening Mr. Dave Rosenstock will Rose Katzman,. treasurer; and. An- Gbldnefj S. Kaplan and H. Solig. Club will give a Chahuka program at the Labor Lyceiim, twenty-second entertain at a" family party at-' the netta Bender, reporter. A memberBlackstone. Following Mr. Rosen- ship campaign is being planned. All Rabbi and Mrs.-Morris N. Taxon and Clark streets at eight o'clock stock's party Mrs. Herbert Arnstein girls between the ages of fourteen and children left Tuesday afternoon, Sunday evening, December 17. Mrs. and iMrs. Edward Kirschbraun will and fifteen are invited to attend the December 5, for their new home in J. Kaplan, secretary of the club, will 516 SOCTH i f f t B feE. entertain at the home of Mrs. Arnstein meeting and became a member. TeL: ATlantic 4480 Dallas, Tex., , where the Rabbi has give a detailed report of the work at an evening bridge .for fourty (Opposite Hotel Some) been - -chosen ^to become Rabbi of that has been done during the year. Special Attention To Mail Orders. The public is invited to attend the guests. Sunday noon Mr. and Mrs. Miss Irene Adelson, of Lincoln, Sheaarith Israel Congregation. program. Emil Rosenstock and Mr. and Mrs. Nebr., is expected here Sunday, De"Delicatessen Fred Rosenstock will entertain r.t the cember : 24, to attendrthe"'.wedding of The fourteenth annual Bazaar of is our specialty, not our Mrs. Reuben Ferer left Thursday home' of the-later at a dinner -party. Mlss;S6phye Weihsteirfc to Mr. Max the Sisterhood' of Temple Israel will side line." Sunday evening,- Mrs. Flora JR an- Fromkin on December 26. be held Monday and Tuesday, Decem- for Chicago, 111., and New York City, stock will entertain for her daughter ber 18 and 19, at the Court House. where she will -visit for several the star A: number of beautiful articles will weeks. and'fiance at a buffet supper for the Miss Ann Rosenblatt entertainer .Thursday T evening, De- be on display at the Bazaar and the family. •' : ,. The Omaha Junior Hadassah will Mas. 'D. T. Becker 3 aand4ja«n, of embexBTtJEoji. the Daily News RSJ-IO public is cordially invited to attend. hold its regular meeting Wednesday Mitchell, So. Dakota, arrived Wednes- 'ans. With-her, for the evening's Mrs. Carl Furth is chairman of the evening, December 20, at the Jewish day morning for the wedding and are program entertainers were Miss Riria sewing done, by - the members of the Community Center. stopping at the Blackstone Hotel.' Mr. Snyder, soprano soloist, and Janet Sisterhood during the past several Becker will arrive Sunday. Mir. and Gilinsky, pianist, accompanist. -. months for this Bazaar. YM & YWHA NEWS. Mrs. Emil Rosenstock, of Sioux City, Mr. Nathan Levinson, Jewish young Chanukah will be celebrated at tenor, was featured in TuesdayeveMrs. David Newman returned will-arrive here' Sunday morning to ning, December 12, program for *the Wednesday from a two weeks trip to the Y this Saturday night by -a attend the wedding. special feature dance. All members Omaha Daily News Radio Fans- ~ Chicago, 111., and Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Nate Mantel spent last week are urged to attend. The S. S. S. Club held its regular in Lincoln as the guest of her sister, Miss Sophye Weinstein, a bride-toThere are vacancies in the TuesMrsI E. A. Levy. While in Lincoln be of this, month, has been extensive- meeting at the home of Miss Lillian Mrs',! Mantel spoke before the mem- y entertained during the past £sev- Schiffer Tuesday evening. The so- day evening sewing group for five bers of the Aid Society. eral weeks. Among the hostesses cial ^program consisted of vocal selec- girls. Miss Julia Wise, the director,
H e MilaEfe&k Jewelry Ce,
A nevr and sanitary Kosher Meat Market "will hold its opening S a t u r d a y evening, December 16, at
Move9 into his hew home at 1342 So. 25th Street, Corner tof WeoJfrorth Avenue. T $ Atlantic fjgf
2019 North 24th St.
Bar*? K. %p. W. G. Tin,
S. EPSTEIN, Proprietor. Eev. S. Siiverman, recently from Palestine, will be the "Shohit". Deliveries "will be made to all parts of Omaha and South Omaha, All Kosher meats of best quality can be obtained here.
Om&ha F x Supply Co. STORE AND occupy taHhwiift hit$ Hoacilaa Kireei*. OHAOA.
M*. and Mrs. D. Swartz entertained six 'couples at cards at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise, Friday evening, c
ThSs car has been an Important factor la establishing the present day tendency to drive all winter.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver the sermon "History. and the Jews", on Eriday evening at the Temple. Saturday morning he Las chosen "The Maccabees" for his-subject. Mrs. Morris Levy and Mrs. William Holzman will entertain at a one o'clock bridge luncheon Thursday, December 21, at the Fontenelle HoteL Mr. and Mrs. Bernie .Rehfeld have returned to home in New York City' after spending several Weeks with. Mr. Rehfeld's parents, Mr. and Mrs7:-'Herman Rehfeld. < , Mr. J. Katz, of Marion, 111, spent Satnrday and Sunday in Omaha visiting-with friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. 5L Erman are now living at 2571 Laurel Avenue. TUie Agudath Achim Club held an election of officers Sunday at the Swedish Auditorium with the following., results: president, Mr. Reuben Ferer; vice president, Joe Spiegal; secretary, Sam- Weiss; treasurer, J. Rosenberg; trustees, A. Whiteand A. B. Ferer. Mrs. J. J. Friedman has as her house guest hev sister, Mrs. Yetta jKriapsaw, of Washington, D. C. A number of affairs have been given for the •. visitor, among them ar« a luncheon given Wednesday afternoon by-Miss Rose Guttman; a luncheon given by Mrs. W. N. Naken Tuesday afternoon. Friday evening a number of friends of the visitor will entertain for..her at the. Brandeis Tea Rooms at a dinner dance. The Misses Bess and Hilda Friedman will entertain Saturday afternoon. Sirs. A. Kaplan, who was operated on iat the Swidish Mission Hospital last week is now - on the - road to recovery, •_ .. . . . -:Mr. and Mrs. h. Baum entertained at their home. Sunday, evening. Covr.^
The close Siting: curtains provide amjslfe protection against wind and cold. Tho' Safety-tread cord tires minimize skidding and reduce tire trouble to its simplest terxni*
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Is Out of Date
28th and Htrney Streets, Hwrney fl!2|
"Hello" is a rather ungraceful little word when used to answer the telephone. The accepted expression now used generally by particular people is to give the name of the firm or residence and the name of the person speaking. For example: "Smith 8s Company, Jones speaking" rt Dr. Brown's office, Miss Smith speaking" "Dawson's residence, Helen Dawson speaking"
Thismethod eliminates the time-wasting, and hence moneylosing, exchange of "Hello" and inquiry as to who Is speaking. Those who have adopted the newer practice agree that it is more courteous and more business-like. NORTHWESTERN BELL
£55 see typhus.
You,will see tubercu- problem. Just what the future holds• the Russians to make the country proin store for these children God only duce, to set all of the wheels of inknows. dustry and commerce into motion, and you save the Russians—you save the Not a Problem of More Alms-Giving. In the Midst of Suffering No Human Language Can Describe, will see destruction. . You will see "But I don't want to give the im- Jews. MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON "Still, when all is said and done, death, death on all 1 sides .of .you." Jews of Ukraine- Still Have Hope, Says David A. Brown. pression that the problem is one of the Jews of this country have done NEARBY COMMUNITIES. ' An •Interview by A. H. Fromenson. alms-giving," Brown interrupted himBrown Makes a Discovery. wonders by their people in Russia, in CHOICE FTRST MORTGAOE REAL ESTATE BONDS. self. "That sort of thing is importI asked David A. Br6\vn, who has ithrough which the people in Russia, That is the reason why David A. ant enough, just now. But we can't the Ukraine, in all of Europe?" I just returned from Russia", "to> give* and in the Ukraine, have suffered Brown returned so soon.,. He had insuggested. ^ e Jews of America some'picture'of during the past seven years. Parti- tended to •. stay, abroad- until .next go on doing this sort of work over and over again. We must give the 'hat he had seen in the seven weeks cularly the Jews. INVESTMENT SECURITIES March, a t least.' He. had planned, Jew of Russia the chance to escape What They Think of America's Jews. "Indeed; they have," said Mr. "You must see it-with your own when his work in Russia, was done, iat he had spent in that country. He Howard and Eighteenth Streets. Phone AT lantic 9555. had gone there, first, as chairman of eyes before you can begin to under- and he had given some of his time from this terrible situation. We murt Brown. "The Jews of Europe think jthe National Appeal for Jewish"'war- stand what has happened, what is to the Jews in England to help them help him up and up, until he can re- of the Jews .of America in terms of turn to his old self-respecting, self- love, in terms of gratitude. And they ierers, and, second, as. a member still happening even now when con- organize their war-relief .campaign, supporting position.. We must give to if the European delegation- sent by ditions are at their best. AH you to go to Italy, to Egypt, to'Palestine, this man who looks into the future marvel at all that we have done. WASH AND KEEP WELL They know all about financial deneed to do is to look out of the train '&.e American Jewish Relief Commitwith his wife and daughter, who had with hope, in spite of all the misery pression through which we passed last A - R U L E OF -HEALTH itee; His was a two-fold -task, pHe window," he went on. "You don't been waiting for him in Switzerland. of the terrible years through which he year. And they marvel even the more FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY was to see what had been done with, have to get off anywhere. You don't But what he saw'" in ' the Ukraine has passed, who believes that in spite d the nearly l$6O,000,000 that*had been have to go looking*for it. I t comes made it impossible for him to grant of all the black yesterdays and to- that we should have done as much as . . . . . 1819 California Street. 'One' of America's Great Hotels" t raised since the outbreak of the war, to you as you look out. of thecar himself this promised vacation. I t days, there will be a bright tomorrow we did during that economic crisis. "And it is so everywhere. I heard d and he; was to •aeeiwnat-wa^ the/task windw. I t is everywhere, all around filled him- with an inspired impatience for him sometime, the means with tahead—if there was any. ; , you. ' You will see sights that will to return to this country/and to give which to regain his grip on life, the the same expressions of love and won: der in Poland, where our. job is almost s "There are no words to describe move you, to hysterical .tears. .You j himself utterly and . entirely to s implements with which to produce. done, except for the task of providing T$ t » V he answered. " I , don!t believe wiil see sights that will rob you of renewed effort to bring to the. Jews EFFICIENT »nU RESPONSIBLE WHOLESALE LAUNDRY. for orphans; I heard the same cEpres"From the standpoint of relief, the your sleep, that will haunt you the r Jiat there are words in all of • the of the Ukraine, over whose agony he feeding program which the American sions* in Lithuania, in Latvia, in AusWhere your clothes come home Druggists and Stationers ... languages spoken by human beings livelong day, that will drive you with had wept scalding tears-hundreds of j r e l £ e f a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ple.'iner and last loncer. >r tria, in Hungary, in Czecho-Slovakia. c a r r y i n g o u t 461-403-405 Sontb tOth Street le I a powerful enough to " give :eyen the an "uncontrollable desire to help, to times, all of the .help.. whi-Ji the:' so > - n t h e JJ^^^ AT lantic 0280. 15««-H Ja«*WH» St. fur_ I heard it also i n England, from men H A. JACOBBEUGEE. Tres. p, " slightest inkling of all the I horrors, save. sorely need, and without which they tfstributin c o m . like Lord Swaythling, Claude Monteby t h e joint "You'will see sickness. "You will are doomed. . „ . st§ t all the misery,; all the suffering - . mittee is a wonderful thing. Anil the fiore,: Otto M. Schiff and the others Omaha Office: 813 Oonelas Street. '-But I saw something else^ while I effort undertaken by Dr. Joseph Rosen who are about to launch a great reOmaha Phone Atlantic 2.156 Phone 104 was in Russia,"" he said, 'witin a rare -with the $1,240,000 furnished by the campaign throughout the British Ford Transfer & Storage Co. EMIL GANZ & SON ^ The Best of Everything ' ln Flowers -ind smile. I wondered. . „ . empire. R. A. FORH. joint distribution committee to settle Certified Public Accountants Confections nt Moderate Trices. F. 8. MORES',Prop. President and General Manager. ' T saw the Jew," he concluded, and 55,000 Jewish families on the soil, is 345 \V. Broadway. Next Liberty ThenU-r 1417 DouBlao Street;,",,;' .'."." Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office ? i We Will Not Let Them Perish. Phone Webster 0820 that smile became radiant with pride, a great piece of reconstructive effort. S24 So. Main Street. Phone 365 COUNCIL B U T F S . IOWA. \ ) AUDITORS AXD SYSTE1IAT1ZEBS "It's a great thing we have done, with joy. Emll Ganz- . , C F . A . *„ ,,"V!.M».GanB THE LAUNDRY THAT mil' Phones: Plows, Plows, Plows! EVERYBODY LIKES. butthere is still a big job in front of "The Jew whom I saw over there Ear. 5406 — Dong. 4821 — Har. 0913 "But that's only a beginning. The us—a job that we dare not shirk. It is the greatest o f all "human marvels. He is a' magnificent' physical entity, solution of the problem lies not mere- would be a crime to let the Jews of Distributors of Ot'R TREATMENT WILL but more than that, he. is a great ly in helping the Jews of the Ukraine the Ukraine succumb now, after we CONVINCE VOl OF OUR Western Bond—and High alone, but in helping all of the Rushave, kept them alive during the past spiritual being. Four years of • war, SINCERITY. Grade Stationery sian people who are starving by makseven years. As I said in one of my Trust Department. he lived through, and then, two years Safety Deposit Boxes. Oinnha. Nehrnska. of civil strife, pogroms, famine, epi- ing that beautiful, fertile country once letters: 'It would be better to shoot or Plows, plows, gas them than to abandon them now.' demics, killing cold. He .has gone again productive. plows! Her horses and cattle are gone. More than that: it would have been through all of the. seven furnaces of They cannot be restored in a day or a betterto have let them perish in the hell, and yet—and yet, he is :ot broken. He has not lo,st his moral year; Today Russia is being kept first instance than to stop helping! _f courage, c>his wonderful spirituality alive by American charity. She is them now when we have aroused hope "Manufactured in Omaha" " .and he has not lost his great op- a begger and bankrupt nation with in their hearts, and by our past acts, j untold assets within a foot of the surmade a definite promise for the fuMoney Sent to AH ~ timism, he has not lost th^t hope BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPKK, STEAMSHIP TICKETS Foreign Countries * without which he wo^ld have suc- face, waiting- for the plow to turn ture. Arrangements now 'made with Soviet STATIONERY. ETC. them into gold. "I know the American Jew, or at cumbed, would have disappeared. It's Governments for prompt forwarding of passengers to America. • -We furnish TOO marvelous," he declared; and there "In 1916 Russia possessed 7,350,000 least I think I do. And from what I P i s t r i l i i t i i i r s fur necessary blanks, etc.. to fill out. plows. In 1921 she had only 2,750,000. know of him he is not going to let Pink Tip Matches — was something akin to awe as he Palmers Steamship Agency 1708 Farnam St. Omaha Is it any wonder there is famine in these people go under. For they are ' ' ' •' Northern Toilet Tissue 1009 Hnrney Street: Tel. Jackson 4710 said it. tha land, with worse to come? Help, ous." 1112 Harney Street Herpes of the Joint Distribution AT lantic 6403 DO-TOOK WiSXiDING — >•• " Committee. . "I have-said that things are a t By Ben Amunah. their best now, and they are terrible very often, said that a nation seemed that a judge and jury of dark enough. How men ljke James H. THE CAREFUL "WELDERS never forgets its-Jheroes or martyrs. Russia did not know. They wanted 1501 Jackson St. Becker, like -Dr. Boris Bpgen, like Tel. JA. 4397. Anything : : Anytime : : Anyplace Tdfr Dr; Joseph I. Rosen, like Dr.'Frank True as this fact may be it is not a to be convinced that it was not so. COUNCIL ISlTl'ITS. l.V Rosenblatt could have gone into that fact in every case. Every rule has When everything looked dark and Servics is Our Motto country when .iey did, and come out exceptions and the exception to this gloomy for unfortunate Mendel Beilis, rule is Mendel Beilis. the whole,world sent up a shout of S;;fe Deposit fioxos tor llonl Temptation Besets You of it without ;ing complete wrecks, Jtw a s When Ypttv Enter is a mystery to me. They are heroes. ^ 1 9 1 3 ' The w o r l d w a s t h e n protest which, virtually pierced the I got some idea of what they saw,' Peaceful. No one dreamed that the ears of every juror. It seemed as if CANDIES, ICECREAM, and what they, themselves had to l o w i n g year civilization would be Beilis would be railroaded. He would LUNCHES. ^ , __ suffer in order to perform the mis- set back by the. greatest war in be convicted. But civilization spoke Every Known Kind sion of mercy on which they were history, Governments now thriving and the Russian court dared not turn BUTTEK and E<;«S then, M l ^ h t { e m m r e s a deaf ear.- Mendel Beilis was ac- -':.. "•:• f: i n s u r a n c e sent. To travel in that country one did not o w e r e t h e n seem quitted, the honor of a whole nation e y the " Council Bluffs, la. must carry his own blankets, sheets, DoiiRliis 03S0 f Europe was more was saved. . He was hailed as a 209 W. O. W. Bids. pillows and even insect powder, 16th and Farnam Streets martyr. - From the time he was art h n 1<;u t o a y though the insect powder js never *e ^ - B u t o n ^ e rested until he fled from Russia to reat east * ?? Europe was the effective. Besides you must carry a a Crystal Candy Company save his life he was maltreated and complete cooking outfit, and all the p o w e r f u l Eu f 3ian « m p i r e hounded, only because he was a Jew. 16th and Capitol Ave. t h a n d food ood and water you may need on the 7 " " ^^ ^ ^ ^ // ° ^ ^ / Mmlo by He suffered not because he was UNDERTAKERS trip. Then, if you are going by rail, ^ test ^ test of of the the world. world. Here Here human human Mendel Beilis. He languished in •'•© UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST V ,, \JA • T. *v 4. % ' t beings were subjected to the worst 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. prison because he was a Jew. As a imaginable m modern times. ride .inj coaches that . „ . • • •have • ! . . •n • •o t ;servitude servr Phone JAckson 1226 OMAHA. NEBRASKA. BISCUIT CO. you Jewish martyr he attracted worldinsecure. More than all been repaired in seven or eight years, *-.± e others, suffered. wide attention. He was pitied and , J. . T » i Eif was a^oi^r «,•«, + , -tfJu our Jewish brethren suffered, Snow White „,,„; not even good enough for junk. And every minute o fthe day you come „,, » . ,. , . , . « 7 „ honored; He was lauded and praised. . 4 . 1 . - Bakeries v AUTO PAINTING were they This was only immediately after the . . -4.1. i. were kept forcedout toof lifeschools, m "pales". {Bee. VJ S.. Fat. * imamnable.- . LThey Top and Body Building the worst worst forms forms imamnable. 1 Office.)' ! e r e ^pressed. Many of you reading acquittal.. Since then he has been j and Repairing. "You see sickness, starvation, dis- 'this article can remember those days. forgotten. Broken and penniless, he CCIITAIXS—LIGHTS—ETC. "If Its Worth Anything ease, nakedness, terrible congestion, if memory means anything at all the left Russia; in fact, he had to smuggle children living like animals; you ear cruelties then perpetrated against the his way out, to go to Palestine. His —Have It Insured." of COUNCIL BLtTBFS i women crying for bread for the chil- Jewish people are still fresh in the wife and children soon followed him. 2525 Leavenworth St. AT lantic 0701 We pay 4% lntereat o n | Saving j dren in their arms. You see old minds of the thousands who have But his sufferings were not over. The and Time Depositf. \..women starving, freezing, naked, in c o m e to this country since. Those of martyr and his family were in dire JAckson1862 Safe Deposit Boxes fqflf Jtent.••".. homes for the aged, sleeping on old you who remember, think, those who need. The hero of a nation now beboards;- with onl a burlap b l b filled filld don't, listen. came a public charge, depending on ' only a. bag Wholesale the good will of charity. Beilis did ,wjthstraw instead of mattersses, and i Fruit and Vegetables WO rld was-suddenly 1913 not want* to remain a public charge. rags to coyer them. No sheets, no > u N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. pillows, no heat, no food—-literally **VVr*'- b y a»s t•a r t•&•• T p»i e c e o f Men- He wanted to "support his own family. r*Or^j + J • « . • •A J Mi«i««y. vrhjch came from Kiev, Russia, He wanted a chance. In quest of that starving to death. And no shoes, no del Beilis, a Je r of Kiev, was archance he came to America, the land stockings, no soap, no water and litrested for the murder of a Christian of opportunity; Even here fate seemed erally covered with vermin. And then boy and charged with having comto work against him. Benefit concerts you go to a children's home. Do you mitted the crime for ritual purposes. were arranged but the nation did not remember 'Jimmy' Becker's descripThis W was t t S the content of V i the 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Is'eb. patronize him. It seemed that the tion of a children's home in the Uk. " " * ""= " " "™"™ n / t * £ FEATHER COMFORTERS Omabi Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store ,.„;„„? XT_ ,%-J *.„*.* j . «.J _:._.-,...-_ is what attracted the attention of the ATlantic 0340. Jewish people had forgotten its moraine? He understated the situation. Made from Tour-Own Feathers. Aenovated, re-made or made to order. Even now the children huddle together . whole world in 1913. dern hero. j All hand-filled. We call and deliver. for and five in a bed to get the warm- > If " Lthis f^ Jhad been an ordinary murder This did not stop Beilis nor disthewhole would probably never courage him; He felt that in this Omaha Pillow Co. th from each other's bodies, because 1907 Cumins St. Phone Jackson 24G7 there is no other way in which they have heard about it. But this was country he could find something to do. The Old Sellable House. not an ordinary murder. Behind it And he did. He is now in the printing can get warm. 1806 Harney Street was the honor of a whole people. The business i n ' New York and seems to riione ATIantlo 0961 When Winter. Comes. lives of six million human beings were have found the means with which to in J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. "It was bitter cold when I left Susdanger. If Mendel Beilis had been support his loved ones. His family . A Store Managed' and Run sia. The wintei? sets in early—in found guilty, God only knows what is with him. Mendel Beilis, the martyr by Men who PJay the Game. 109 No. 16th St. Tel JAckson 3128 Opposite Post-OfUre. October. I shudder when I think of would have happened to our brethren of nine years ago, lives and works in G.L. REEVES GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys what is going to happen there tVs i n Russia. If Mendel Beilis had been "RADIO" ,'• New York, forgotten by his brethren From S3.00 to $9.00. winter. Of the thousands who will found guilty the ignorant Russian of the whole world. —Jewish Volks' Everything for the Athlete. GOOD FURNISHINGS. Y o u r position is freeze to death because there is no peasants would bo incited to massacre. f reund. • correct, and should (fuel. You can go for miles around A murder was committed. A little "EVERY KNOWN KIND" ' Odessa and see the destruction of boy was heartlessly killed and Mendel be s u p p o r t e d by Kaplan Auto Parts Co. ARABS FROM MANY LANDS Abner H. Kaiman large and small cities, literally picked Beilis was arrested for the crime, givevery fair minded TO ATTEND PALESTINE2111 Nicholas Street 1319 W. O. W. BIdg. AT. 8034 to pieces for the wood in their rafting as the motive the ridiculous conUsed cats bought, sold, nnd exchanged. LION COAL CO. SPECIALS person. SYRIAN CONGRESS New pears, and nxte shafts ers, in the ojists, in the windowframes, tehtion that the Jews need Christian Cairo, Nov. 26. (J. C. B.)—Arab ; for nny Inhaler the doors arid their floors. I t has blood for the Passover celebration. Hannah Lump JpJLZ.dU Tires", Tabes and Accessories and Syrian organizations in various PAXTON BILLIARD meant a terrific amount of laljoi, but I t was the ridiculous motive which Franklin County <MO CA " ' " Below Wholesale Prices, countries have accepted the invitation PARLOR Lump iplO.DU so desperate are these people with attracted the. attention of the whole to send representatives to the Palesdread of the freezing cold that they world. The world at large was not ... of... NICK S. WRAN1C, Proprietor <J1ft Cft have torn these buildings down with concerned with the murder but they tine-Syrian Congress opening here 151C Farnam Street. Banemant. Hoffmann Funeral Rome. Colorado Smokeless V * VaUW , their bare hands in order that cut of were curious to know how a Russian December 15, an announcement states. Phonp JA okson 4136. Screenings VviUw The Arab National Party of Argen, the wreckage they may get a little court and jury would act in this case. Delivered to Any Part ,' " Wall Receptacles— j wormth. " - • •^ | Civilization knew that Jews did not tine, The Lebanon-Syrian Society of of the City. Light—WIKING—Power Brazil, the Fifth Congress of PalesI "And then there are .the thousands use blood—that the very thought of it tine Arabs, the Syrian Union, of Egyptian Youth, including a number Syria will participate in this Coni_Bell Transformers of homeless children. They are every- was repulsive to the Jewish people. Egypt and various organizations of t of secret independent societies ofjgress. J WEbster 2605. WAlhut 3034. \40 &rCnming S t s . where, and they constitute a terrific Civilization knew these things but it
M&KE RUSSIA PRODUCTIVE AGAIN losis. You-will see hunger.- You will starvation. You will > see begAND^YOU SAVE THE JEW see gery. You will see nakedness. You
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