The children of : day ; are ; the j men . and. .women of morrow.; . ' •
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"Build for Better " Children" and a •* J
better Jewry.
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•'• ••
^spta. ••
Enterefl a» teeood -cJaBB malJ matter on Janoarj 27th. tSZL , at portofflce at Umatai. Nebraska, trade* the Act of March S, 1879.
•\Tf\r TTT -XT*, VUL». ILL—JNO.
2000 Reformat ' RABBI POOL'S KLAN SERMON PRAISED WiHCelebrr 50 Years of Progress Leading American Jews from All Parts of the Land to Attend Meetings. CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN NEW YORK CITY. Refsrm Judaism will celebrate its first half century of progressive development in New York City toward the end of January, when from all parts of America 2,000 distinguished American Jews will come to participate in the Golden Jubilee convention of the Union^ of American Hebrew Congregations, and the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. Calling this\the greatest Jewish convention ever, held in New York City and perhaps in the entire country, well known New York Jews, who include Abram I. Elkus, Daniel Guggenheim^ Daniel P , Hays, David Leventritt, Adolph S. Ochs, Adolph Lewishon, Louis Marshall, David M. Eressler, Dr. Lee K. Frankel, Morris . Gest, J. M. Giddmg, Judge* Irving Lehman, Samuel Untermeyer, Henry Morgenthau, Mortimer I. Schiff and Felix M. Warburg, are preparing to entertain delegates, from all parts of the United States and to send back through them to the communities they represent a message that religion is the most vital factor in the life of Anierican Jewry.
New York. (J. C. B,)—Praise for the "comprehensive, constitutional Americanism expressed in the sermon of Rabbi David deSola Pool, of the Spanish and Portugese Snagogue", which contained a glancing reference to the Ku Klux Klan, is expressed in an editorial in The New York American of today, headed "Ku Klux Klan Un-American". Dr. Pool's remarks were in part as follows:. "As Jews, who have throughout all our history served and loved America, we scorn to defend ourselves from the religious bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan, "It is as citizens and not as Jews that we maintain the right of all persons, born or naturalized in the United States, to their right f of citizenship, 'irrespective of race or color." •.
Jewish Women's Welfare Organization Members to Honor Mrs. R. Kulakof sky Informal deception to Be Held Next Thursday at Blackstone Hotel. WAS PRESIDENT OF JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE ORGANZATION FOR TEN YEARS Members , of rthe Jewish .Women's Welfare organization and their friends will meet next Thursday afternoon at the Blackstone at an informal reception, at wich Mrs. Kulakof sky, retiring president of the organization will be the guest of honor. Mrs. Kulakofsky, at the end of this month, will Have completed ten .years' of service as president;of what.is now the largest women's organization in the Jewish community. . Formerly known as the Jewish Xadies' Relief Socie'ty^'fne* "Women^~We1fare organization has grown during her in cumbency from a group embracing i less than 300 members to one which now numbers approximately 900 women. With its growth in numbers the spheres of activity and influence
$100 and Round Trip to Chicago to the Most Popular Jewish Girl
W H O IS T H E MOST P O P U L A R J E W I S H ":;',', } . •...-" v ; ' G I R J L ? " . / . •:••;•. V . : V ^ v / At midnight on February 7,~1923, T H E JEWISH ; PRESS will award a purse of $ 100 in gold and -a * round-trip ticket to Chicago to the • most popular ; •.. Jewish girl in Nebraska ami Iowa. ^ , L T, -
Any girl in either; of-these eligible.
two states is ~~ \ ^ ; '
€ Besides this many other; valuable prizes-^will : be distributed. i The selection of the inost popular ^ r l will be decided by votes, ten votes to be awarded for each subscription obtained. Renewals of old subscribers will count the same as new ones.
While New York has had its charit conferences and - dinners, Its; conventions of business men coming to v discuss business problems of mutual interest, this is the first time that i t has witnessed the coming together of so greatja body of Jews for religious purposes." The sessions of the convention "will be held a t the Hotel r A s t o r f i s ^ Ja3t22-±o-v26^and^a banquet will be the main feature. Preceding the opening of the convention, New York will have a "Go to Synagogue" week, whereir. all Jews of .the city will be urged to attend speT H E JEWISH PRESS cial services which will supplament religious features of their congregations, and to respond to an appeal for the strengthening of until they now include practically every-phase of social service activity. Judaism. Next Thursday's reception has Founding of U. A. H. C been arranged by the incoming of' The Union of American Hebrew ficers of the organization so that its' Congregations was founded by Isaac members may have an opportunity M. Wise, who is responsible for the to pay well-deserved honor and tribdevelopment of Reform Judaism in ute to Mrs. Kulakofsky, whose ability America. The organization grew out and energy have been BO largely reof a desire of this rabbi to see an sponsible for its continued success. affiliation that would perpetuate and Reservations at $1 per person are develop the institutions of his faith now being received by Mrs. H. Trust: in America. Thirty-four congrega- in, 601 S. Thirty-first avenue. No retions met at the organization con- servations will be accepted after TuesJack C. Copeland, 22, son of Mrs. B. Play Written by Former Omahan. vention and the following year at t i e day, December 26. An entertaining The children of the Temple Israel first convention of the Union of and inspiring program has been ar- Copeland, Clowry Court, has been awarded first prize in a national con- Sunday school gave a religious playlet American Hebrew Congregations 55 ranged for the affair. •:• test conducted among optometrists of entitled "Feast of Festival" Sunday Were represented. It was a t that the.country, it was announced yes- afternoon, Deceber 17, at the Temple, time that the Union entered upon its ASSOCIATED CHARITIES and again on Wednesday evening, Deprogram r of bringing Judaism to BALL WEDNESDAY EVE terday. , cember 20, for the Council of Jewish • The prize carries with it an award every Jew everywhere. Today the Much interest is being manifested Women. Eabbi Julian MUler of St. Union has 275 congregations. in its throughout the city in the benefit Louis, Mo., formerly of Omaha, is the steadily increasing membership. This ball to be given at the Brandeis author of the pageant. represents a total of 50,000 people. Eestaurants' on Wednesday evening, The following is the cast for the - The establishment of the Hebrew December 27. The Associated Charipageant: Union College was one of the first ties, one of-the largest of the nonMrs. S. Nathan Mother functions of this organization. This Jewish social agencies of Omaha, Felice Schrader Girl Leonard Nathan college, located at Cincinnati, is the whose work at this season of the Boy -Katherine Elgutter Splrith of Sabbathprincipal institution in this country Justin Wolf Purim -. —• year is especially heavy, will be the Naomi Cahn Esther for the training of Re? T J rabbis, _Nate Mantel. Jr. Mordecal beneficiary organization. This affair _Cna Gross and, with few exceptions, all of the Purim Dancers is deserving of. the support of the -Herman _.. Rosenblatt Pesach i^ men who occupy reform pulpits Spirits of Spring Harriet Rosenblatt, greatest possible number of people, Naomi Gross, Audrey Snjrannan, Raaona throughou- the country are graduSlosburg, Marjorie Hiller and it is to be hoped that the efforts (Continued on page 2) Sheruouth Frances Simon of the committee will be successful. fiosh Hashononah Elaine BerSovitz
> The contest opens DECEMBER
prized f25; fifth prize, $15, and sixth prize, $10. j • Gall at office, 482 SaundersKennedy Building for particulars and instructions,
Annual B'Nai B'Rith Omahan Wins First Prize Temple Israel Sunday Dance This Sunday Eve In National Contest School Pupils Present Play
New York, (J. C. B.)—All city employes who are found to be members of the Ku Klux TClan will be dismissed from the city's service, Commissioner of Accounts David Hirshfield announced. Mr. Hirshfield declared that reports had reached him that the Klan was making a campaign to enlist city employes, and that he would begin an immediate investigation with a view of "weeding out" all employes in city departments who had sworn altegiance to the Invisible Empire. Mr. Hirshfield's announcement was made in the absence of Mayor Hylan, but no doubt was expressed that he spoke with the authority of the mayor, as the campaign against the Klan in this city is due largely to his initiative. East Side Post 868 of the American Legion adopted resolutions condemn-
ing the Klan as "100 per cent unAmerican." The resolutions are in part as follows: "Whereas this post being composed of Jews, Catholics, and Protestants of at least', fourteen nationalities, true Americans all, who have been tried in the fires of war, do uphold the stand taken by our mayor and honorable board of aldermen, being willing to again bear arms for the protection of our sacred liberties, we therefore, do "Resolve, That we, in word and in deed, pledge ourselves to combat this organization, which • is 100 per cent un-American, in that they have never known the enlightening and beneficent power of American tolerance." Similar resolutions were adopted by Colonel Harry Cutler Post No. 3, Hebrew Veterans of the Wars of the Re-, public ^ ,
The playlet is directed by Miss Esther Newman. Miss Cecelia Feiler has charge of the choir in the pageant. The following children are in the choir: Rita Mantel. Florence Wolf, Gertmae Greenberp. Hermine Green Josephine Monneit, Janet Graetz, Prances Melchor. Iifllian Habler. Rose Fiedler, Pansy Brown, Freida Bolter, Hoee Maroirtch, Helen Bernstein, Josephine Palais, Sophie Handler. Libby Zier, Lee Rosenblatt. Janet Nathan. Rebecca Daytch, ' Sheffel Tvntsky, Morris Blank, Oscar Marovich, "Willie Gastor, and Harola Sase.
Jack Copeland. of $100 and national recognition in the field of optometrics. Copeland's treatise on "The Causes of Hyperopia, n a malformation of the eyeball, Vocal selections were given by Miss was adjudged the most scholarly and Cecilia Feiler and Miss Laura Goetz. scientist among some 500 other papers Miss Hanna Sommers played "Kol which were submitted. The contest Nidre" on the piano. Vernon Bennett was conducted by "The Optometric is the organist. Mrs. Carl Furth gave Weekly," a national journal of optom- a report of the Council convention etry, which has a circulation of 15,000. held in Kansas City. Copeland is an active member of Refreshments were served Wednesthe Y. M. H. A. and is now chairman day evening by the Council. of several important committees of the organization. He was born Warsaw, Dec 11. (J. T. A.)—Senin Omaha, is a graduate of Omaha tences of one ear's prison have been Central High School, and earned the j imposed by the District Court of degree «f Doctor of Optoraetry atl Lublin upon four Jews for memberNorthern Illinois College, Chicago, iship in the Bund.
Council of Jewish Women Meet Held at Kansas City; Fire States Represented Reports of Activities Given at Convention. Many Report Growth, OMAHA DELEGATES ELECTED TO OFFICES AT CONVENTION.
Representatives of Palestine Dc relopment Council and Zionist Organization Meet CO-OPERATE IN RAISIN< FUNDS FOR UNDERTAKING New York. (J. C. B.)—A which Zionists believe may lead mately to a reconciliation in ranks of the Zionist Organization America was taken at a confej last night of representatives of organization and of the Pale Development Council at the ofi of Nathan Straus, in the Aeoli building, by .an appointment of joint committee to devise means cooperation between the two in raising funds for the • Rutent electrification and irrigation proj for Palestine. There were present, on behalf the Palestine Development Coune Judge Julian W. Mack, Cha Mrs. Mary Fels, Dr. Stephen S.W11 and Messrs. Sol. Eosenbloom, Lot Rosensohn and Gedalia Bublic; on behalf of the Zionist Organizatia Morris Rothenberg, Chairman of Committee, Judge Jacob Moses Baltimore and Louis Robinson, WE Edlin, William Topkia and Abel. Removal of Differences. Mr. Rothenberg brought for the question, of establishing pe within the, Zionist ranks and that a discussion be entered infc which might lead to the removal differences existing between the-1 groups, with the aim of bringii back into active participation in work of . the Zionist Organiaatio those former leaders of the Organization, who are now of, the Palestine Development cil.' ' Judge Mack and his associat stated that the Palestine Develoi meat Council is a body composed Zionists and non-Zionists alike antj limited in its activities strictly social economic enterprises for upbuilding of Palestine; that wl they themselves are Zionists, the| are meeting with the representat of the Zionist Organization of Ame ica, not in their personal but sole in their representative capacity delegates of the Palestine Develoj ment Council. Questions affecting Zionists alonf or the Zionist Organization as were therefore beyond the range discussion at this conference, limit to ways and means by which operation in the economic unde ings necessary for the develops of Palestine can be attained by Zionist Organization of America the Palestine Development Council. 1
Kansas City, Mo.—The mid-west interstate Conference of the Council of Jewish Women consisting: of delegates from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri and Oklahoma, was in Kansas City, Mo., from Tuesday evening to v Thursday afternoon. Mrs. M. S. Miller and Mrs. Carl Furth were the Omaha delegates at the convention. The following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Stern of Kansas City; vice president, Mrs. Ripps of Joplin, Mo.; corresponding secretary, Mrs. diary Cohen of Kansas City, Mo.; finsnnal secretaryt Mrs. Cari- Forth of Omaha; treasurer, Mrs. Lowenstein. Mrs."Mose Miller of,Omaha, was elected as one of the-vice presidents at large. Kansas City, with a membership ob about 600, and St. Louis, vdth a membership of about 1,000, have the largest membership of any city of the midwest. Remarkable social work is being done by the cities, of large membership, but the smaller cities such as Joplin, with a membership of only nineteen, as it has only twenty-one Jewish women, are also doing a good social work. In Omaha, the work of the Council is bettering day by day. The immigrants who arrive in Omaha are being socially cared for and there are classes that teach them to read and write the English language. A report of the Conference was Entertainers - from Local Theaters given by Mrs. Carl Furth at the Council Chanucka program, given Wedon Feature Program. nesday evening at Temple Israel. The annual B'nai B'rith dance will Every Jewish girl in Omaha is be held Sunday evening at the Fonteeligible J;o enter "The Jewish Press nelle Hotel. Plans have been made Contest." to make this dance the most sucessful affair of the year. Entertainers from the Orpheum; Gayety, World and Empress theaters have been secured to perform on the program being arranged,' which Half Million Trained Men First Protective Force Sii will be given during the intermission Biblical Days. of the dances. (From Omaha Bee.) i groins as during the days of "We are going to make this dance London, Dec 19.—For the first and Petlura. Evidence of the Po the gala event of the year", said time since the days recorded in the supplying money and munitions Harry Trustin,': chairman of the Bible, the Jews have a large army,' overthrow the Russian Soviets dance committee. "We know that capable of protecting the lives and another reason for the formation. « all the merry-seekers will say the interests of their nationals in Russia. • the secret army, inasmuch as same." . The army began in secret a year \ these bands, using arms from The money obtained from this ago and in many respects parallels the Polish borders, continued dance will got to help maintain the Michael Collins' army before free J massacres which Petlura's bands war-orphans adopted by the Omaha state days. The Jewish defense army ! gan. lodge. has grown until it approximates 500,- i When not engaged in big action 000 strong. It is well equipped with ; with enemies, detachments of AMERICANS IN JERUSALEM RE- rifles and machine guns. Branches' Jewish army are systematically GRET RUBINOWS DEPARTURE. of it exist in every city of the Uk- claiming villages and parts of citlel Jerusalem, Dec 1L—(J. T. A.)— rainian republic, having Jewish popu- j where their people were massacre! | and deprived of thei- belong Regret over the departure of Dr. L lation. These astonishing facts were es-' Throughout the journey from M. Rubinow of New York," foro three years the director of the American tablished by correspondents on a trip kov to Odessa hundreds of st Zionist Medical Unit, was voiced at from Odessa to Moscow, A large , were heard of this continu JUS the farewell dinner tendered him by number exists in Ukraine. In Kieve; and some of the results seen. representatives of the government and the secret was not so carefully kept Spalla Has "ronri.. leading members of the Jewish com- and in smaller cities the activities of In a town called Spalla, for ii* the secret Jewish army are openly j munity. The.American counsul deseen. Every man from 18 to 50 is! stance, the Jewish volunteer army, plored the fact that the American l l d , giving i i i l f 500000'^ell armed armed, engaged in guerilla v u j it a total of 500,000 colony was losing a prominent mem- enrolled, gg i to , ber. bayonets, but the2 younger members , f a r e with a band of several bandits, which ended with the number at least 100,000. entering the town. Several thousilhi FRANKFURT JEWISH COMMUNHalted Massacres. residents, who escaped a series ITY BONDS RECOGNIZED. The organization if the Jewish ar- j r e s Berlin, Dec 11.—(J. T. A.)—The 5 my was caused by the continuation ^ ^ streaming back from c S per cent bonds, issued by the Jewish of massacres in southern Russia, of Russia and Roumaniii. ever Community of Frankfurt-on-the-Main which surpassed anything Spall*'has a larger population, 1 ^ known during the year's time, and in 1921, have been admitted on the it had before the war. which did not end with, the soviet Frankfurt bourse. The bonds were isIn -cities with a ma|0rity of Jo%||| sued for the purchase of ground for dictatorship. Ukrainian: Jews today n are living in the same fear of P » - """T (Continued on page " a new Jewish cemetery.
Besides the trip to Chicago and $100, to be awarded to the most popular girl, the following prizes will be awarded: j
Tom Kippur Louise Ziegler Spirits of Autumn — Chatlin, Frances Melchor J"ivelyn ' Betty Furth Succoth _ Joseph West Channcka
New York. {J. C. B.)—Harry H. Schlacht, President of the Downtown Chamber of Commerce, in addressing a gathering of heads of local immigration organizations, assailed the registration of immigrants recommendation of President Harding. Mr. Schlacht said: "The proposed registration plan will introduce in America the police system of Europe with the Prussian method which we went into the war to exterminate. It is a complete reversal of American policy of granting freedom to the immgrant after his arrival. To place members of other races under probation and thus under suspicion will offend the European nations and will affect the flow of immigration in our direction."
"Brandeis-Mack" aid Zionists Unite Ruttenberg Proji
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS "THURSDAY, DECEMBER zt, 1922 L e a d e r TeIls of Work
abling all the tourists to celebrate This will Include all expenditures and Passover in the Holy Land. At the maintenance during the entire trip. 5683-19212. ) One leader, Vfhose name and vllsame time an opportunity will be The.food on board the ship will be icatioit) I:. . Fri.» Dec. 15 lages cannot be given on account of • Published «renr Ttuwdaj at Omsk*, fcetrasfci, *V afforded to visit the Mediterranean strictly kosher. Rosh-Chodesh Tebeth' ....WecU Dec. 20 the mentioned circumstances, said: • - • TflB-JEWISfl PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. : ports, including all points of general The projected enterprise is dependArrangements are now being made Fast of Tebeth _.Frt., Dec. 29 j "Under the czar's regime the JeWrOffiee:.482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephofae: Jackson 2372. 5683-1923. • i*sk people submitted, and also the fey the SKonist Organization of Amer- interest, such as Maderia, Gibraltor, ent entirely upon the number of NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. persons who will avail themselves of Rosh-Chodesh ShebatJihUrs., Jan. 18 soldiers were recognised as pogfOttl ica for a Palestinian tour, personally Alexandria, Cairo, Algiers, etc. conducted, to be held next spring, The tourists while in Palestine this opportunity. Rosh-Chodesh Adar ..._™..Satn Feb. 17, leaders, which had ofil? one method -.12.50 Subscription Price, one year......—••••..•—.•.— — which will enable hundreds of Amerwill be placed tinder the guidance of Puriro (Feast of Esther) Fri., Mar. 2 of retaliation, namely, calling upon Advertising rates famished on application. i .Nisan ..Snn., Mar. 18 Americans and other just peoples to ican Jews to spend some time in the the Palestine Express Co., (a JewRosh-Chod -*h NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Pwfita front the pab protest. All invasions off R Russia i i h Holy Land at the most beautiful ish concern) which will conduct them Kaplan Auto Parts Co. Passdver (Pesach) ...-_..Sun, Apr. ii ttoa d-Th? Jewish Pr*ss are to be ghrfln to ftartftysmnomna) canse* anti-soviet forces Were accompanied season of the year. Notice of the to all places of interest in old and Nicholas Street Passover (Severitfi Day)Jfues;, Sat, Apr. Apft Vt by appalling massacres. There is liot proposed tour was received in Omaha new Jewish Palestine. It is expected CSAKQll Of ADDBfiBB-Plette fir. both the old to* mm •ddrati Kosh-Chodesh Iyar Used care bong-it, sold, find extw nra aod sign »ar BUM. that all festivities will be arranged by changed. New gears, and axle shafts . ™..Fri, May 4 a single Jew alive today who has not yesterday. Lag b'Ome* for any make of car. It is proposed that the trip should the colonists. feosh-Chodesh Sivan ^..Wed., May 16 lost from two to 20 relatives in the Tires, Tubes and Accessories HEBREW UNION COLLEGE. world war. But those were times Shabouth (Confirmation) last about fifty-two days. Three The minimum charge for the trip Below Wholesale Prtees. As tile Convention celebrating the Mftieth Anniversary of Day) -. Mon., May 21 when the Jew was impotent. weeks will be spent in Palestine, en- will be NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS. he Union Of American Hebrew Congregations draws nigh our JRosh-Chodesh Tammuz __Fri., June '5 In one village I found a serious ittention is drawn to the Hebrew Union Conege, which is a ftosh-Chodesh Ab .—.. ....Sat., July 14 conflict with the soviet authorities, it of the Union; 'This year marked a he# ers in the life of Fast of Ab ...... ~~. ...Sun., July :"2 who demanded that the Jewish troop..Mon, Aug. * 3 ers enforce a grain tax on the peas;tie College/After Dr. Kaufman Kohler, Ofie of the greatest Rosh-Chodesh Elul Fewish scholars to be found anywhere had reliquished the pres- New Year's Eve. ..-...-. .Mod, Sept. 10 ants. The Jews refused, declaring dency of the College, in order that he might devote the rest of the already -Were blamed by the lis life to scholarly research and literature, the stupendous tasks Jewish education. Each year it sends peasantry for all their ille. >f the presidency Were laid uport the shoulders of Dr. Julian out Hundreds of thousands of print- Everywhere where Jewish army a Jorgenstern* He was at first elected to be Acting President, ed pieces of literature, text books, contingents guarded villages I found 1 iut after serving a year in this capacity it was decided that the copies of a home study magazine, a spirit among the people which the nstitution was in safe hands and jufet a month ago Dr. Morgen- tracts, prayer books, sermons, ^ymn inhabitants said never before had exIt is best to give the name itern was given full title of President.- To Say he deserved this hooks,' a magazine for children and isteed. The military successes seem of the firm or residence, and the , g wnor would.be .trite; He himself is a graduate of the Hebrew nlkme of the person speaking; to have regenerated the villages. magazine for adults. g Jnion College and by the diligence of his work and the caliber a Last when answering the telephone., spring 200 prominent rabbis jThey are going ahead, afraid of no-. >f; his literary and scholastic labors he has carved a niche of and lamen undertook a tour of xx jbody. respect and admiration in the halls of learning. Dr. Morgenstern organized communities. They trav^ brings to his office the vigor of a strong, youthful body conjointly eled by train, freight as well as Pulljwith a matured intellect. Since his elevation to the presidency, man, by boat, by sled, oil foot and TE3WPLE ISRAEL SUNDAY fl.this brief year, Dr» Morgenstef n by consent of the Board has by automobile to reach isolated.towns SCHOOL ORGANIZED jadded six new professors to the faculty of the College. He has and to bring the message of organ-. UNDER NEW PLAN IIBO instituted a system by which graduate students may have Jzed Judaism to them. The results The Temple Israel Sunday school norning sessions and through which the older, students will find of their efforts were an addition of children have organized under a body t possible to complete their College course in many years less new congregations, sisterhoods, study known as the Commonwealth of Jus;han it formerly took. groups and religious schools. tice. The following are the officers Dr. Morgenstern is beloved by the students and the spirit appointed from each class Sunday, prevails at the College under his administration is one JEWS IN SOUTHERN RUSSIA December 3, to he its city official: Which promises to send forth Rabbis of deep spirituality and ORGANIZE LARGE ARMY Class 1—Mayoress, Helen Beeson; Jtrue consecration. Class 2—Mayoress, Audrey Sugar(Continued from page 1) : The erection of dormitories at the College, the ground for population, this army, although re- man; Class 3r—Mayor, Herman Bawhich was broken the past week, will add much to the life of fraining taking up government- bick; Class 4—Mayor, Justin Wolf; the College and will take from the shoulders of the faculty and al controlfrom in any other way mani- Chief Councilor, Harold Kendis; Sec"Hello" is a rather president a great trial and worry, for it was always a great festing its orpower, retary, . Louise Ziegler; Sheriff, Jeris actuall the suanswer the telephone. problem to them as to how the students may be properly and force. In the villages they ome Howard Rosenberg. Class J>— Comfortably housed* A dormitory which Was the gift of preme are continually or' gu.^-d because Mayor, Harold Pollack; Board of The accepted expression now jreformed Jews of America will do much for creating the fine whenever Commissioners—Arthur Greene, Chesheavy taxation is placed on people is to give the name oi poliege spirit and loyalty to the Alma Mater, which is one of the peasants numerous pftasant sons ter Rosenberg; Leopold Marks; Caroname of the person speaking. fchp ideals of its President* The Jews of America may well feeljoin small bandit organizations for line Diamond, Adele Wilinsky, Ruth pxoud of the College, of the faculty and-of the man who heads the purpose of attacking the villages Kulakofsky. Confirmation Class —*• "Smith 8B Company, Jones the institution. May success attend all earnest efforts in behalf and making the villagers bear their Mayor, Harold Abrahams. Board of "Dr. Brown's office, Miss oflJudaiam.-^S. S. M., in "Ohio Jewish Chronicle". Commissioners—Appointed: Lee Ros* taxation. In order to protect the enblatt, Sophie Handler; Elected: Hu"Dawson's residence, Helen villages, the Jewish army has built bert Somtner, Willis Hirsch. Postup a big courier system. This method eliminates the time Confirmation—Mayor, Leon MandelThe existence of the Jewish army son. losing, exchange of "Hello" and inquiry continues with great difficulty owing They were inaugurated into office '/'""-•• B y DR. S T E P H E N S. WISE • / , -to the complicated situation, in Uk- Sunday, December 10. The oath of Those who have adopted mdsfc important contribution of no inconsiderable Contribution on the raine and the fact that the Soviets Office was given by Mr. L. Hiller; that it is more courteous [sfael to social teaching was the life part of Israel to the Social Ideal. look upon it such as Great Britain Addresses by Rabbi Cohh, and Messrs. f the" Hebrew prophets. The lives of Again, history recdrds no finer at- looked upon Michael Collins' Irish H. Rosenfeld, I. Ziegler and Irving army., . ;hese tribunes of thecpeople—quoting^ tempt to. ensure that balandd which: Hiller. , . ; &Mah*s>jl!tiie pltfasfe—this earliest iahd"kndw'urideis the^iiataie Of" iobial igqu Tlie followmtr state officials we& Founded By Zionists. TELEPHONE COMPACT NORTHWESTERN BELL fghtiesfc of the world's groups of than the Mosaic inauguration of the elected on the Sunday morning of the To begin with, the Jewish army urtherers of social well-being, are Sabbath or weekly rest-day. The Jew* inauguration: Governor—Irving Helsrael's contribution to the social mes- ish Sabbath, was to b/e a day of rest for was -founded by young Zionists ler; Lieutenant Governor — Harold lage. Each of the prophets emphasized all, and, in the universality of its pro- groups and therefore had religious as Abrahams; Supreme Judge—Harold iome aspect of social wrong and in- visions for test, alike for master and well as racial significance. This was Pollack; Secretary—Freda Maftdel; listice, and made Some decisive con- man, it forecasted the higher and incompatible with the Soviets' plan to Senior Senators^Leon Frankel, Willis tribution to the elucidation of the soequitable relation of fraternity stamp but religious organization ev- Hirsh, Hubert Sommer, Adele Wilin;ial idea—Amos, for example, crying whieh must deeds untimateiy supplant erywhere. On the ociier hand the sky, Ruth Hiller, and Herman LevinSoviets realized that the new forces son. The Junior Senators are—Harold ut against fraud and heedless hurt to the lower magisterial relation. she poor, and Isaiah laying bare in un- t Tlie very grave evils, Vrhlch menace were useful in dealing -wi>-lj banditry, Spigle, Robert Schaye and Helen Bea'drgettable words "the essential dead- presenWay philanthropy were averted which had reached dangerous heights ton. iness of land monopoly." by Israel witii memorable wisdom, and under Macho and Petlura, and endanHie" perennial value of the teaching it may be added, with enlightened gered the soviet rule in southern >£ the prophets is that they not only statesmanship. The pauperization of Russia. ANNOUNCEMENT The government continually sought ; their own age to consciousness the poor was impossible among a Rev. E. Fleishman if siii and to deep penitence, but also people who, like Israel, regarded the to check the movement. Even lead"THE MOHL" instincts of charity as in fulfillment 6f ing communities of Jewish origin, svery succeeding age to which their Moved into his new home at were brought home with power the dictates of Justice. And the pre- who in adopting the. communist for1342 So, 25th Street, scribed methods of help in ancient Is- mula renounce their religion in favor »nd directness.. Corner of Woolworth Avenue. rael were in keeping with toe exalted of atheism or materialism, have bitTel. Atlantic 6637. It is well for Us to bear in tnind the Kmditions under which the social mes- spirit, which could barely differentiate terly opposed the Jewish army and lage of the prophets was uttered. The charity fifdri> justice which truly even today, when the army has beOrder Now a Stuffed Jrophetie discourses were not spoken divined that philanthropy Cduld obtain come a great iorce, its future remains precarious; However, the ar- 1 ft women's clubs, nor in the hope of only among the potentially ihaking the imperturbable self-corn-'- Thus the* enfeebling dole was not my leaders declare it will resist any rtacency cf ministerial meetings. The needed m a land which permitted the oppressive measures. " nessage of the prophets was spoken pbor to glean in the fields &rtd thus For your New Year's party f >y men and to men,' and, when it was assured opportunity for self-respect and self'help. or dinner. lecessary, was hurled and thundered Bat the most significant cftntribuit men. The prophets spoke at their tge, and therefore they spolte to the tion of Israel to the social ideal was CbitopodiBt an Beauty iges. They addressed themselves not the implicit faith that poverty is not Shop ' > Established 1890 inly to the common people, but to the ineradicable-, that there need not f6r ISth and Barney Streets. 516 South 16th. Tel. At. 4480 | nighty of the earth, kings, princes, all time be a fixed class amid the i-B&ne Jackson ) population.—Buffalo Jewish Review. lbblemen. They nftt only prononriced ibstract and unrelated principles, but applied these timeless principles to the «4>roblems of their times. The message of the Hebrew proph(Continued from pa#j 1) B, true to the genius of the faith ates of • this reform college. In its vhieh begot them and which they in 1 ten regenrated, was pre-eminently training it has "been developing a locial. Because it was social it has newer type of rabbi who has broadived for nearly three thousand years t ened the duties of spiritual advisor ind it will survive until it shall have into those of community leadership. ought itself into the life of the Exemplifying the broad training of their Alma Mater are the first three es. FOURS and SIXES The message of the prophets was Hebrew Union College graduates— Prices range from $915 to $2*90 f. c, b. factory locial because, as we have said, Is- Rabbi Henry Berkowitz and F-xbbi ad's was a social ideal. Judaism was Joseph Rrauskopf of Philadelphia and tver & social religr-on, regulator of so- David Phillipson of Cincinnati. Rabial living, a religion that primarily bi Krauskopf organized, the National to guide and direct the life f'arm School at Doyleetown, Pa., and man, of man as a social being, of sustained i t for many. years.. Both in every human-relation. How he and Rabbi,Berkowitz were instru* :-. Ian a man be sure of tightness of liis mental in organizing the Jewish -Ppb?4elatipn to God unless he has succeed- lication Society of \merica, and .Rabf .id in ach'eving right realtionS to man? bi Berkowitz has been head .-of-the le relation of the individual to God Jewish Chautauqua Society .for many i best be tested by his relation to years. Dr. Phillipson is one of the most noted Talmudic scholars in this is" fellows. country and is r member of the facthat -Relevant to the contention ulty of Hebrew Union College. Udaiam'a most distinctive ion was to the social ideal, we note Education by Correspondence RETAIL ' WHOLESALE SERVICE hat seven of the ten commandments In those communities which are as Teath and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factor; Repres re social in character an dout-readPhone ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directors}. ng, including the Sabbath injunction yet unorganized and have no rabbis W nd the. commandment to hallow and or congregations of their own, the tfftsh l e a d s t h e W o r l d i n M o t o r C«« V a i n * Maintain inviolate the family relation. Union of American Hebrew Congrefc have established the family as the gations has conducted-what, is tantaellular or organic unit was in itself mount of & correspondence course in
American Jews Arranging For a Palestinian Tour
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Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car.
NOW and
PAGE 3^-THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922 ENGAGEMENTS. Mrs. J. ,H. .Cohn, of Chicago, EL, { Miss Miriam Mosber, who is attend- Society to be held at Kansas City, I was decided at this meeting that Arabs Vretei Turks lit Palestine. J arrive Wednesday to be the guest of ing the University of Illinois, will ar- Mo., from December 24 to 28. A the money obtained from the card Jerusalem, Dec l i . (J. T. A.)—& Mr. and Mrs. Max Krasne, 242 her parents,, Mr. and "Mrs. . Moritz rive home Saturday to spend the mid- number of teachers of the Temple social shall be used for purchas- is learned that a number df Arab Park Ave., Council Bluffs, la., announce the engagement- of their Meyer. Mr. Cohn and Mr. and Mrs. term school vacation with her grand- Israel Sunday School will also be ing of material for sewing which merchants and journalists have dis-, daughter, Leah, to Mr. Lawrence Sidney Meyer will arrive the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. C. Hart. at the Convention. They are the will be eent to the Jewish Farm patched a cable to the Near East School in Philadelphia. Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Peace Conference at Lausanne de| Messrs. Nathan ~E. Jacobs, of Misses Leola Harris, Rosaline Kohn, Minnie Wolf, Blanche Frank, Esther Krasne, 519 Oakland Ave., Council manding that the Mandate for PalI Omaha, and John Baird Quigley, of Newman, and Madalyne Cohn. A regular meeting of the B'nai I Bluffs. A reception is to be given the first of January. estine be taken from Great Britain I Council Bluffs, Iowa, returned home B'rith Lodge will be held WednesOMAHA WEDDINGS. hy the parents of the bride Wednesday evening, January 3, at the Dan- and handed over to the Turkish NaMr. and Mrs. A. A. Marks have' Wednesday morning from the UniFromkin-Weinstein; day evening, December 27, at their «s tionalists. of Missouri to visit here COUNCIL BLUFFS ish Hall. Three hundred invitations have been home at which all friends are cor- moved into their new home at 416 during their mid-term vacation. North Forty-third street. issued for the wedding of Miss Sophye dially invited. 'uuiiiitiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiu' Weinstein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs* The Jewish women's Welfare organMany affairs have been given dur- Miss S'Reva Snyder who is attendMr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro announce ization will meet Tuesday, January 2, ing the week for the Messrs. Max ii-g the Chicago University, returned the engagement of their daughter, at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Guttman and Myron Blotcky, who home Saturday to visit with her Ida, to Mr. Allen Cohen of this city, center. Installation of officers will .t have returned here from the Univer- parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Snyder. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cohen of Des take place at this meeting. sity of Michigan, Tuesday. Mr. and Miss Nettie Levitt, of Des Moines, Moinesy la. No date has been set Mrs. Victor- M. Ganz entertained at Iowa, will visit here during the week 'Miss'Millie Peskin of Souix Gity, for th^ -wedding. their honor. Mr. and la., and Miss Jeannette Krupinsky of ; _, ~ „. . . . ,. with her sister, Mrs. Hyman W. Mrs GttDZ ^ . eDtertam f " Krasne and Mr. Krasne. Rabbt^frederick Cohn will speak Fremont, Neb., are expected here S a t - l 0Xm -T s e t tias ev mns at urday to be the guests of Miss Esther ^ ^ * **** before the members of the Omaha tables .of bridge. Friday evening A ChanuCka program was given by < Sj Philosophical Society Sunday after- Brown until after the first of Janu- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Novey will give the Sunday School pupils Sunday = noon on Well's "Outline of History." ary. a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. S. Guttman afternoon at the K. of P. Hall. The E Miss Blanche Cohn of; Minnepolis, will be hosts at a magical enter- program consisted of piano selecMr. Arthur Friedman arrived home Minn., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. tainment to be given by Mr. Dave tions, recitations and a play. The Abbott, well-known magician. Mr. Jewish Sisterhood gave boxes of Tuesday evening after spending five Ben Stern. and Mrs. L. Blotcky will entertain weeks in Los-Angeles* Calif. Mrs. Esther Fisher of Pittsburgh, next Wednesday evening at their candy to the pupilsMr. and Mrs. J. S. Katz, of Marion, Pa., and Mrs. Ida Udinsky of Brook-; home. Many affairs are being planned in _______ HI., will arrive here Wednesday, lyn, N. Y., are the guests of their, honor of Miss Leah Krasne, who has December 27, to be the guest of their sisters, Mrs. J. Adler and M*& B. j J H S S Gertrude Tatle will be hostessannounced her engagement to Mr. Levensky. They arrived here last to thirty-five guests Tuesday after- Lawrence Krasne. Both are promiaunt, Mrs, Belle A* Pollack. Wednesday, and will remain here in- noon, December 26, at the Burgess- nently known in the younger social About four'hundred dollars was definitely. Nash Tea Rooms, honoring Miss Set. raised at-the..3:emple. Israel Sister-j Estelle Lapidus, who is home for her ii C T 11 The J. U. T. club entertained WedMiss Reva Gross left this morning S f S S ^ 5 ^ U e s d a y evening at the home of Miss vacation from Rockford College. Sophye Weinstein. for Sioux City, Iowa, where she will Weite. The evening was spent The S. 6. S. Club held a regular visit with friends. H. Weinstein, to Mr. Max Fromkin of week. The article raffled by the Minnie in cards and dancing. different sewing circles'were won by meeting at the home cf Miss Rose this city, on Tuesday evening, Decemthe following parties: A beaded bag Mr. Reuben Ferer left Saturday on Binstein Tuesday evening. The eve- A regular meeting of the JuniorjS ; ber 26, at,8:30 o'clock at the Blackraffled by Mrs. K. Weinberg's sewa business trip to Kansas City, St.' ning was spent in dancing and cards. Auxiliary "of the Council of Jewish j E atone hotel. Rabbi Grodinsky will pfing circle was won by Mrs. J. S. Louis, Mo., and Chicago, Dl. He is Prizes were won by Miss Lillian Women was held Tuesday evening >S •ficiate. at the home of Miss Frieda Goldberg. S Goetz. The satin pillow raffled by expected home the first of next week. Schiffer and Mr. Irvin Osheroff. During, the past week many affairs Mrs. H. Heyman's sewing circle was have been given for Miss Weinstein won by Mrs. Mose Miller. The Miss Elizabeth Jane Hart, who is For their work in collecting for the and her fiance. Sunday afternoon, luncheon set raffled by Mrs. Julius teaching Spanish and Latin at Jewish National Fund on Flag Day, Dressmaker and Modiste. Mrs. H.. Weinstein, mother of the Newman's sewing circle was won by Rawlins, Wyo., arrives home Friday to Chanukah Sunday, gold medals were Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices bride, entertained thirty guests at a Miss Celia Kooper. A baby quilt spend the mid-term school vacation. received by Messrs. Earl Lapidus, Moderate. Quick Service. Arthur Romm, and Arthur Goldstein, bridge tea at the Blackstone hotel* raffled by Miss Elsie Goetz was won Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rechter left Monb by Mrs. G. A. Johnstone. d Prizes were won by the Misses Dora MRS. BERTHA WEINBERG, day evening for Boulder, Colo., where Wise, Mina Friedman, Sara Ruback, and Rae Wolowitz. Sunday evening, 1923 Clark St. they expect to make their homa. Mr. and-Mrs. D. T. Becker and son, Sadie Cornman, Gertrude Romm, ToMr. and Mrs. A. G. Weinstein entertained sixteen, guests at dinner in who were in Omaha to attend the Mr. and Mrs. J. Waxeriberg enter- bie Steinberg, and Mrs. M. Braude, honor of Miss Weinstein and Mr. Kosenstock-JRosenstock wedding, are tained twenty guests Sunday evening and the Messrs. Morris Fine, Morris Fromkin. Rabbi Hazanovitz of Newleaving for their home in Mitchell, at their home honoring Mr. and Mrs. Hurwitz, Morris Alpirn, and Philip HarfT S. §1 York City, was the out of town guest So. Dak., Thursday evening. Mr. and JE. Freggef and daughters, Clara, and Handler. present. Mrs. Meyer Friedel enter- Mrs. Emil Rosenstock and daughters j Naomi, who'recently arrived from EuOmaha Fixture & '*» tained Wednesday afternoon at a oi Sioux City, la., who were also j rope* for the present making their Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg will entertain Monday evening at their Supply Co. I luncheon bridge at the Brandeis Tea present at the wedding, left for their home with Mr. and Mrs. J. Fregser. hom<3 Mr. Meyer Taxman of Kansas City, i ' rSi_^ rooms. Friday afternboon, Mrs. Harry home Tuesday evening. COMPLETE STORE AND Mo., was the out of town guest pres- Rabbi Frederick Cohn will leave 'y Kavich and Miss Flo Shames wil enOFFICE OUTFTITERS Mr. and Mm Joe Meyer have tertain at a luncheon at the Brandeis Sunday evening to attend the annual taken an apartment at the Nathen ent. •fcr 70,000 iqn-M tMt Restaurants, followed by an'Orpheum Corner Marvin Treller, who is attending' convention of the Jewish Chautauqua Apartments. theater party. Saturday afternoon^ Eleventh anil Oontla* Streets. the Kemper Military academy,' will Mrs. A. S«- Rips of TuLsa> Okla^ and Mrs. Mose Miller, who was in arrive home Thursday to spend the Phonr: Jacknon i tsmx OUAHA. JTEB. Mrs. Radman will entertain at the Kansas City, Mo., last week to Order Now a Stuffed Brandeis Tea rooms at a luncheon, and attend the conference of the Council school holidays with his parents* Mr. and Wfs. D. B. Gross; •Will-ehtfer- of Jewish Wdmen^ritumed ThTarsMiss Hannah Summer left Saturday tain at a .dinner party at the Black- d a y morhMg. Mre. Carl Furth also for a two weeks' stay in Chicago, stone hotel. , attended the convention and returned 11L, and Paducah, Ky. -_ Rosenstock-Bosenstock. home Sunday evening. For your New Year's party jf The regular meeting of the Ladies or dinner. Miss Jessie, Rosenstock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Zimmerman, of Mrs. Flora B, Rpsenstock, became the Chicago, IlLj - will arrive Saturday Golden Hill Society will be held Tuesbride of Mr. David Rpsenstock on morning to spend several days with day afternoon at the home of Mrs. S. Faier, 120 South 26th Street. An Monday evening, December 18, at the Mr. and Mrs. J. Berkbwitz. election of officers will be held at Fontenelle hotel private parlor, Rabbi Frederick Cohri officiated. Only the Miss Sara Handier, of Oskaloosa, this meeting. ? 516 South 16th. Tel. At. 4480 members of the immediate family la., who is on a two month's trip to •were present. The bride wore her i the east, is spending? a Week vith traveling suit of blue veldine and her uncle and aunt, Mr .and ANNOUNCEMENT. wearing a Russian Kalinsky scarf. S. Handler. A new and sanitary Kosher. She carried a boquet of orchids. Meat Market has opened at Mt. and Mrs. Rdsfenstock left im- Miss Sally Krupinsky, of Fremont, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY 2019 North 24th Street AND mediately for a honeymoon trip to will be the week-end guest of Miss S. Epstein, prop. Webster 0320. SPECIAL PLATINUM California, to be gone until February Edith Kenyon. Deliveries will be made to all Few days ate too cold for comfortable 15. Upon returning t o Omaha they DESIGNING Misses Bess and, Hilda Friedman parts of Omaha and So. Omaha driving in this sturdy car* U-ill make their home at the Black- will leave Saturday evening for Chisee stene hotel. cago, 111., to spent a week with relaAll Oracrs Given Prompt ana Snug-fitting curtains, which opeft and tives and friends there.. Carefnl Attention. Schwadelson-MHchell. Diamond and Platinum close with the doors, afford complete Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell anMiss Lina Mlekolas, of Minneapolis, WELSH'S FLOWERS Specialists nounce the marriage -.'of their ddngh* Minn., is vititiag with her cousin, protectida from wind and snow. {(Jdarajtwdl 1514 I>odc Street. "FLOWERS MARE FRIENDS" ter, Fayej to Mr. Louis Schwadelson Mrs. Edward Kirschbraun. Mr. and Established 1891. DO nrlaa S619. Tel. Ja 4201, Brandeis Theatre Bids. Of Council Bluffs, la., on Sunday Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun will enterThe carburetor and starter are famous fof 210 So. I7tb St.. Omahfl. evening a t the Swedish auditoriumi tain Saturday ereninp at the Brantheir prompt and dependable response Rabbi Godinsky and L. Harris ill deis Restaurants for Miss Mickolas. officiate. Miss Mitchell will have as on cold mornings. Miss Rhea Fromkin entertained her attendants Miss Esther Miller, raaid of honor; the Misses Gelia Mar- last Thursday evening at a dinner Cord tires, with safety treads, act as a tin, Toby Ross and Belle Bender* party at the Brandeis Restaurants safeguard against skidding, and greatly bridesma'ds. The groom's attendants followed by a theatre party at the will be Henry Joseph, best man, and Orpheum honoring Mis Sophye reduce the possibility of having to change Irvin Mitchell, William Josephgand Weinstein, who ier to be married to tires in disagreeable weather. Paul Cohen, ushers; Little Miss Bev- Mr. Max Fromkin tm Tuesday eveerly Miller Milter will be tne flower ning. ' girl. Harold M'ller will be the ring Miss Mae Solson, of Bassett, Nebr., bearer. The Misses Gertrude Oruch^ Ethel Brookstein and Evelyn Green will arrive in • Fremont, Nebr.,, Friday to be the guest of the Misses will be the petal throwers. O'BRIEN-DAVIS-CO AD AUTO COMPANY Jeannette and Sally Krupinsky for a Mr. and Mrs. Schwadelson will make month. A number of affairs are betheir home in Council Bluffs, la. 28th and Harney Streets, Hamey 0123 ing planned in her honor. A number of affairs have been given -Vjjj Mrs. N. Coim, of Boston, Mass., for Miss Mitchell d u r ^ r the past arrived Tuesday morning to be presmonth. Among the afairs given last week was a bridge party for twenty- ent at the Schwadelsbn-Mitchell wedfour guests Sunday afternoon by Miss ding to take place Sunday evening. Esther Miller at her home. Mrs. Joe The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Miller entertained at a bridge lunch- has set Wednesday evening, January eon Saturday afternoon at the Bran- 17 ,as a social evening to be held at deis Tea rooms. A theater party Ihe Temple. "On Wednesday evening, given Thursday afternoon at wh'ch February 14, the 'Sisterhood will enMiss Helen Altschuler was hostess. tertain at a masquerade ball. !
Social, Club and Religious Activities
Don't Forget THE ANNUAL
>'nai B'rith Dance Sunday Evening,
Make Your Arrangements Now {
m. -
- | T Bf _- * ^ ^ _ t ^ _ f c
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: \ Barbecued Chicken, Duck or Goose
The MaJashock Jewelry Co.
A Picturization of
Misc Belle Valentine, of Ames, la., who is the house guest of Miss Martye Weinstein, is being extensively entertained- w1 He here. Mrs. Hyman Krasrie, of Council Bluffs, la., entertained Tuesday afternoon at her home. Miss Dorothy" Goldstein v 'ill entertain Thursday afternoon at a theatre party for Miss Valentine.
Mrs. Max E. Chapman has as her guest her. sister, Miss Stella Suirimerfield, of Duluthj Minn. The Misses Bertha Leon and Dora and Rae Wolowite will entertain at a bridge luncheon Monday afternoon at the home of the latter honoring Miss Summerfield.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson are exRabbi Frederick Co'm's subject for pecting, during the week, their daughFriday evening, December 22 r at the ter, Mrs. B. M. Achtenberg and daughTemple will be "Jesus of Nazareth." : ter, Beatrice, and son Irving, of KanSaturday morning his subject will be sas City, Mp.. Many affairs are being. *The Greatest Story Ever Told." planned in Bbndf of the visitors.
Famous Story
-~- "3
JEWISH PRESS spell out some werd that gheuld bfM purpose. One way i« right to go, the the feuwlen of & thought. Hew much hero eees it and movm on that aim life means wevds refuge to tell, be« and has the world under Mm for foot and support. His'approbation in honor, eaua§ th§y em uot. his dissent infamy. Man was nent The ve?y doet'way efllfe la hunjj Mint Biit'ijiis iiitt lift* lit Ft'fi«nii!iiL« nn lli« you ift it) ami the traesfr view of-life Player in Goidwyn'a "Hungry Hearts" MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON ilil-tli UliilillilllMIKj Mf till' IWHtjill Him \fW\~has .always, leemed to me to be that around'-wKK fiowety emblems to in*into the world to be a Rrowinf? and Played Mothfr UOICH in "Reexhaust!^ force. The world wn« NEARBY COMMUNITIES. dieate that it in fof some purpofi*-. demption" and "ttcsurrcction." TO live ^ not merely te bieatlte, 1which - shows that we ate not to e«=The tnystesy of euf being, the neeea- epve&d out ivreuntl him to be seised CHOICE TTRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. joy but.leai'fl, His lo ai_U it is to make-.use of out and conquered. Realms of infinite city of aetieii, the velation of cause te Beav i'eatlei'i deeuleat one© upon a As tho mother role, in "Hungry ovitftrtii Neii&t!s, fatiultiei, of all those effect, the dependence of one thing truth burst open nbovo him, inviting pufts of ou.pelvpn \vhii_h ftivf>*u§ the iiohle piu'poHe, then take it up brnvely-, upon anethev, the mutual Influence him to treml tboao Bhlnltig coasts Hearts," a Goidwyn picture, was conlay it down trl= feelim* of e*.!steih'§i Tj)e man whobeav it of? joyfully, alone na our fRthers of yore. Somo Bidcred one of the biggest parts in the. 1 . INVESTMENT SECURfTIES inhevltaoee and affinity of all things assure us b has lived the longest m not the wan flphantly. You. gveategt U have once or twice met drnma, nn<l one which needed cxccp< i because that life is foi' a pufpoee to which Howard and Eighteenth. Streets. Phone ATlan^ic 9555. who has counted most -veavfi, hut h§.„ a purpose in pui euit of which you evei'y outwai'tl thln>? doth point. The with rebuffs, sink In discouragement. tlonal qualifications to portray, the will fined employment and happiness, Goldwyn ptudios fcpent a preat deal of i wi\o liak t*nj«yt»i\ life iviftsti Sueh a tt ees with leaves "like R shield ev like Such should know that our own errors om» was bui-ted a hnndmt pavs old, for life is not \nean=ife ia giand. If a t*word" wage vigorous wuvfare with may often teach us more than-tho time tttid investigation before the role Imt Iw was tteail from his birtlh lie it is m§au to awy, he wakes it eo.-the elements^ They bend undev the grave precepts of lther». We, counsel was cast. ilod made it ylovious. Its ehatmel Me Ma<lame llo.^e Kosanovji, who was WASH AND KEEP wind, make music of it, then stand up the young man never to despair. If chosen the Goldwyn company, and at Iea4 he would have lived'till that inpd with -flowevBi Me ovevawhed ftgftla A RULE OF HEALTH gfow mow Btalwai'tly y he can mnko notrdnj; by any work by theby wilh .stave. Avound it Me gpsead 8 d and g author of the book, "Hungry W\w.i What ft death-it must be—an FRONTIER.TOWEL SUPPLY ^vaigbt up toward tbe heart of that presents itaelf now, he can at Hearts," has to her credit a long list MMtmee whose sole aim la p o d ml- ie glovy of the..physical \mlveii>e= ^ f ^ man Is to team o f the jeajt mak« Wmwlf or what Is eqolva- of famous'mother roles, among them 1819 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" mg ami dnnlnnic, aplendkl houses, ami pwns, moons, wovlda, constellations, ° *ft"1^ e i ' n SAto his plans a« the tmk lent he &en <suve himself from the sure •gtemi?—all that Is magnifieent in elegant t>hrthe«l Not that Tolstoy's, Karanena in "Insurrection," ave motion, .suhllwe- in magnitude wul to Its .leaves tilt pushed off. by, new! death of u pusiUunimous, halttnK, irhad in modevtvinm, awl with grand in ovdev and ohedienee. <1od e ^ » and be as tenacious of life when j resolute spirit. Never be cast down hvyoml: \\\\{ noihiot ihiwfth i\H we ltnq\v: -this; tantled \vouUl «»)t hav? attended life with thla topped, sending ^P hranehea etraisht by misfortunes. If i\ spJdor bmik his EFFICIENT nnd KESPONSIEI-E kUein iq i» the hands of Qne. who sees hvvvad \wm\\ of gmudeuv if It did mi »» ^ old Umnk and, .when cut off, I web, ©v« and over ho will imnd it again. And <lo not you fall behind sending up a bwod of young'oaks, Wtero yonr clothes come home \\& eml n'«»n. the beginning! Me shall mean something. l\e wewhl not have Bmgglsts and Stationers l cleaner and last longer. yet vwkvaxel all-. 1Uv© h with tUitl( descended Ko the Wade of pasa, the Wdwwing the &tun\p with vlRorous the very insert on your walls. If the 4OT.-M3-WS Sooth l ( » h Street sun la golnj? down look up to the ATJwttic 02X0. ISfiC-n Jlacksoa St. anil whatevei' youi tailing, p w fov de\v--dwp and the dust atom if %vevy defend^v^. Me that A lots .laully dow\ d H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. stars, is earth is dark keep your ye of eemethlnj? • the &twarn in tl\ &ift that will peVre&tly ijuatif^ movement of life wev-e wot a tettev to heoi'ne along by thf> eam^ cvivrentNvlU j w he&von. With the pves<;ncG and Omaha OlSrr: 81S DOTIFIOS Sti^etfind WftSaelf: indee<V moved fftvwavd, pwroise of (\w\, we can b«-ar up under Omatis risonx Atlantic £356 FRPR.MIW FtswerSkp but vwkss Ive IR^I* Wa "i\WAd to the oav; anything, and shsuM ptcss on and Ford Transfer & Storage Co. and hAevifa«e bis ypted by his ownnevet twMve \\w feav. It is wy firm TSe Best «t Ercrrtfetefr SE Flr>V"rs and R. A. FORH. wnvidtton that j«an bsi? only himself teW\ nwiiiBl be always at J.l\^ same' CcEfe«sioB« s i 5f-»«J-er2te Prices. President ntid Genersl Manacer. S43 W. Brw5t«»r-E_r. S«xt Uteftjr Theater to bUvwo i<* bis life u\\ncar& to bim 'tanee troiw that \vhMv b* i» CoODrll 01nffB <IOTT»> OEBee s. IOWA. S2* So, MaSn Str«*t. Pbone SSS «f life we must iwt voUl of interest and of pleasure. Man \ In o\_v • J. i v s A . vlvift, but st^w. Evevy yovvtb sbo«\«l way wake Uta wbut h$ pleases and WAUuvt ^ glv* it ns much \wvtb. both fot him, t6vm» at \be most and j eelf and others »as he has energy for. \ »v>\«\WTf\ pwrpos* to Carpenter Paper Co. \ ha* | Over his moral m>vt tntei\*«twa\ being, • « I the b^st ef the iwjwet* \vbk\v OUR T R K J I T S E S T W I U . ' tlvsw Wm, «\Hl to t«TO t* tbfe b«*t p<>s» j his sway is t^inle't'?, T\w> first great \ COXVIXCE YOV OF OCR \ wUWft. Wa wa«bv tbi* p\_vpoi*e \ft\_*i' x\\Uta\v<5 than wen fall into is that they j Tras* Itavty with it the assent &f tbeheasw\» dv> t\^t \\s<s iftV^tfitUv- a\\t\ tmth and t -3c3tes. Safety (tb% av>\>T*va\ of theftftft*ctettce>tb^ so- e * ^ s;iins? in .waging of what they j jfeevJttdjp^nfc ftf ihfe h\tt\\^t. I t shoviU* ate tit fw, Tbey take th* thinvjs thst! ' th^v embody within" U**\{ \v\\at«v«v Is | they want and n«»t th« thxngs that they 5 ,\Vvft ScMwm^kv \ft *ht\l i\4VtaAa\\'a, dtse.Trv«» They asv'w aft**1 things that?
Rcsanova Has Acted Many Mother Roles
It. tees
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E. E. Bruce & Co.
U\ «\\thM^*MW aftA intense h\ \ afl*r thing* to which th«>y a » adaptts.1;, &sv>\v*k Sttth a ?\an ftf life) by thelv <a\^eUy. And \vh*?n a »tas\ i wiU ?av* Vin\-'fKflW«\awy a. dawagfe^ • is hwught 5>\t:o a s\\h<fw. v\t his awl«- j vHsftt^t with. Uwstatlow I t wW test*'! t\o« (ot whkh. h<- has not
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tTire^ i n Omaita™ BAKER ICE 3L\CHIKE CO.
George Siegmana ss<3 Rose Rcsanova in HUNGRY HEARTS"
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