January 4, 1923

Page 1

The children

* "Build for Better

-'day- are -the 'Vta&'-'.i^ and women «f^W,\

Children" and a better Jewry.'

morrow. • '

.VOL,HI.—No. 4



Entered *s second-class mall matter on January 27th. 1921 at pogtoffice at Omaha. Nebraska, under-tha Act of March 3.-18TO.

Ibi&er Kaiman Elected

to Head Local B'nai B'rithforNextTerm



To Be Proud Of, Said Barry Lapidus Today


What This Paper Means to You— What You Can Do For It


Host Poplar Jewish.. Girl- Ceitest Causing

New York.;(J. C. B.)—David It is always difficult to speak of eration in all important movements, A. Brown, Chairman of the ourselves and to "maintain the exact including the Jewish War Orphan's recent Relief Drive, may be the shade of wording which stops within campaign, the American Jewish Relief next Mayor of Detroit, succedthe bonds 'of proper modesty and yet Appeal, the Keren Hayesod drive, the ing James A,, Couzens, who has Every Jewish Girl in Iowa or Ku Klux Klgn is Very Active .Delegates to 55th Annual sets out those claims of service which Federation of- Jewish Charities Call become a U.. S. Senator, says a Nebraska Eligible to Enter Throughout; the Entire : it is right that the world should know. and has been, assured that its efforts Convention Elected Flint report.to the Jewish Daily of American Hebrew Congre. Contest. ' • ' • East, ir "It has been many a long month have met with splendid results. News today. ' gations. and the Hebrew Union COMMITTEE APPOINTsince "The JewishPress" manageCollege tp be held here Jan. The correspondent adds that : . Its Duties. ROUND TRIP TO CHICAGO HELD INTERVIEW WITH ment has undertaken-a heart to heart MENTS FOR COMING 22-26. Mr. Brown is extremely popuThe duties, of, a newspaper are PRESIDENT HARDING talk with its readers and other patrons TERM ANNOUNCED AND $100 IS FIRST PRIZE. ' lar in Detroit and that talk of The New York congregations and we feel that there are things' you manifold, and • as this community his candidacy for the Mayoralty hope to present $100,000 as a WHO IS THE MOST POPLAR "Omaha has a community" that "it ought to know—things that we'ought grows the duties of The Jewish Press An overflow meeting of the local . is arousing widespread interest. jubilee gift .to: the Hebrew JEWISH GIRL? have enlarged and increased. It keeps should be proud of," said Harry H. to say—that wall result in'mutual lodge of the B'nai B'rith was held last Union College of- Cincinnati THE JEWISH PRESS is attemptLapidus in an interview today. " I benefit and above all will be of real you informed of all important Jewish Thursday evening, at which election and $50,000 to defray, the gening to find out who is the most have visited a number-of the larger j assistance to the Omaha Jewish com- movements in Omaha, in the state of of officers for the ensuing term took eral expenses of the convention. popular Jewish girl in the states of Nebraska, and Iowa; arid throughout towns throughout the east and you can place. The election is considered by munity, which-is at all times the subNebraska ana Iowa. To do this the the world—igiving. it accurately, as tell your readers that Omaha need ject nearest our hearts. • some of the oldest members as being Jewish. Press has launched one of th© briefly as is consistent," and from an not take a back seat from any of the mo'st excited ever held . largest • contests ever held in this "The Jewish Press." absolutely unbiased'. standpoint. I t them," said Mr. Lapidus. •, Abner Kaiman was elected presicity. THE JEWISH PRESS is a COMrecords births and deaths, social hapMr. and Mrs. "Harry Lapidus' redent in one of the most heated conMUNITY paperand is NOT: printed penings and charitable efforts, searchMuch enthusiasm is already .gripcently returned from a month's visit tests ever held, defeating hia opponfor personal profit.. All profits realing out those wI»D,have given someping the workers who are backing throughout the east. • ent, J.'J. Freidman by six votes. Not Dr. J. N. Lande Is Chosen Recording thing worthy to the world and keeptheir respective candidates., Already ized from ThejJewish Press are' given In Rockford,. HI., Mr. Lapidus aduntil the very last vote was counted Secretary; A. Kroloff, Treasurer; ing the Jews of Omaha.fully informed reports are coming in that the girls to worthy Jewish communual causes. dressed the Jewish congregation there, did either of the candidates know of Louis Heeger, Warden; Robert are combing the cities of Omaha and The subject af this discourse is on all matters of interest in this comthe outcome. ,Kaiman has held the of- Harry Lapidus and Samuel Schaefer which had.been conducting its servSacks, Guardian. Council Bluffs. Even the smaller ices in the Baptist church. Following "The Jewish Press" and as we have munity. fice of secretary of the lodge for one Deliver Short Talks. communities • throughout these two always tried^ and are trying to make ' Beside all this it performs another the meeting, plans were immediately term and is a member of the old McLODGE NOW HAS 215 MEMBERS states are backing their Tespectiv© it YOUR £APER in the fullest and important service in keeping its read-' made to .build a Jewish congregation. Kinleylodge* PRESIDENT MRS. NATE MANTEL Mr. Lapidus and Mr. A. B; Seelen- best sense of the word we hope you ers informed as to the best places to Sioux City, la.—S. A. Rich of the candidates. Des , Moines, Sioux City Following the election of Kaiman APPOINTS COMMITTEES. fuend, secretary of the Grand- lodge wiH read this article carefully and ;spend their, money for both neces- Rich-Advertising and Sales Service and Lincoln are choosing candidates to the presidency, the enthusiasm of the B'nai B'rith will organize a thoughtfully" frost beginning to end. saries and luxuries. was elected president of the Sioux to run against the local entries. quickly shifted to the election of-a The Jewish Women's Welfare Or- B'nai B'rith. lodge at Rockford some"The Jewish Press" is now in its' The advertising columns of The City B'nai B'rith1 lodge last Tuesday. On Wednesday evening, February T, secretary. Fred White, Harry ganization held its- first meeting of third year, which means that for three Jewish Press have kept pace with its time in tEe near future. ' Mr. Rich was at one time a member of the judges of the contest will begin Silverman and-Dri Nathan Dansky the year on Tuesday afternoon, at years through weal and woe it has reading columns ' and there will be "In Chicago I visited the Marks Nathe McKinley lodge of Omaha where to count the votes and at midnight were candidates. Harry Silverman was the Jewish Community Center. Inbeen here fighting* hand in hand with found represented in these advertising than Orphan home and the B'nai he first joined the lodge about eight the contest will close. The most re-elected, when Fred White declined stallation of officers and the appointyou all the battles, of Judaism in this columns the foremost and leading years ago. He became vice president popular girl will then be announced. B'rith headquarters," said Mr.-Lapito run in opposition; ment of committees by the incoming community. _.••. firms of the city. The Jewish Press of the Sioux City lodge a year ago. - Every Jewish girl is eligible to Other officers elected were; Harry. president, .Mrs. Nate Mantel, formed dus. "The orphan home houses over One of^Jhe strongest tenets of Ju- accepts advertising only from.legiti- During his term of • office as 'vice enter the contest. Every subscription 300 children. At the B'nai. B'rith Trusting vice president;.Harry Freid- the principal business of the meeting. daism is Justice arid one of the firm- mate firms doing business along honobtained by the girls count as ten man, treasurerj Nathan Yaffe, Jake Harry Lapidus delivered a short talk, headquarters, I found that the Omaha est rules in "The Jewish Press" office orable lines, and it is as jealous of votes. Renewals of old subscriptions lodge of the B'nai B'rith is "the" only Malashock and Fred White, trustees; stressing the-need .for a Community one of the larger lodges in this dis- is " " a "square deal for all." "The the reputation of its advertising as it will count the same as new ones. Center building in" Omaha, and, givJewish Press" represents in the full- is of its news columns. For the -first 'prize The * Jewish trict that is keeping up its membering impressions gained on" a recent est and highest sense possible the en- The Jewish Press is always on the Press will give to the most * popular ship roll. During the past year the trip. ' Samuel Schaefer, superintentire Jewish .community of Omaha and job looking after YOUR interests— Sirl, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in dent of the Jewish Welfare Federa- Detroit lodge dropped in membership none are to' lowly ilbr none too high sometimes when you do not even know gold and a roundtrip ticket to Chicago. from 2,200 to 1,100,' the Minneapolis tion, gave a brief report of-the Fedto be outside this.fold. • . - that these interests need looking after Besides the first prize, there are five lodge, dropped from i;i00 to 600, and eration's activities during 1922. Nbtjmportant action upon any sub- or have been jeopardized. „,' . . other prizes, which total over $300. the St. Paul lodge dropped from 700 • Following- are the officers and ject appertaining to the welfare of to 400 members. : , For particulars, and, instructions ; members of the^organization' for the - Your Duty. '. • Omaha Jewery is taken without carea.bo^it the' contest call at. The Jewish ' "In.Ohio we visited at Cincinnati, coming year. We believe in reciprocity and think the seeking of Press office, 482 Saunders-Kennedy Hillsboro, Columbus, Zanesville, :Cam- ful consideration and yon do r \EBKSipjeXT-* . - ... , 3 '&Z the strongest building.-, - '•' - .'. ' " • . ' , , •'••./ bridge and East•fj In- the ad*2ee'-' '" -"Sirs. Nata Mantel •' " is something^that every readProgress^of the contest and photosmaller towns in Ohio, the main busi- minds and' most faithful lovers of HONOItA&Y PBEStDE3JT3— er can do for The Jewish Press which graphs of "the girls who are entered ness industries are controlled by Jews. Judaism in the Omaha community. / • Mrs. IC Knit "The Jewish Press" is a Jewish will cost him n<#hing but" do:us a'real will be shown in The Jewish Press. From here we went to Wheeling, Mrs. IT.' Richards Graf ton and Chester in West Virginia. newspaper for ALL the Jewish people service. .You, Dear 'Reader, can read VICE-PRESIDENT— "In Cleveland we visited the Cleve- of this community and legitimate news and heed the advertisements which apMrs. D. P. F«?tier land Orphan home. Cleveland has a is sought from every source. Every pear in the columns of The Jewish TINANCIAJ, SECRETARIES— Jewish Country club which is. one of section is given its fair share of pub- Press, and when you patronize one of ' " Mrs." Harry RaehmaiL licity and every worthy movement re- the merchants advertising in The . Mrs. H. Q. Marx the finest in the country. "In New York City we visited the ceives the wholehearted support and Jewish Press you can say: "I saw your Was Touring Europe When Suddenly TREASURER— ad in The Jewish Press. Kern Hayesod headquarters, Jewish backing of this paper. Mrs. J. J. SloBberg Stricken. S. A. Rich. Every merchant likes to know that Welfare board executive offices and RECORDING SECRETARY— , Its Ambition. Word has just been received from his advertisements are read and that president he inaugurated a memberEllis Island. One of the most interMrs. Harry Trustin It is the highest ambition of "The they bring results in sales. He can ship drive which resulted in doubling Berlin of the death on New Year's day esting things in Ellis Island is theJewish Press" to truly, faithfully, and PURCHASING COMMITTEE— work of the Hebrew Immigrant, and creditable represent every Jew in this get this information only as you tell the membership. The Sioux City lodge of Isaac Levy who was stricken with Mrs. B. A. Semon, Chairman heart trouble while touring through Mrs. H. A. Wolf Aid society. They have a strictly community. We want you to feel that him. So don't forget to say: "I saw has now a membership of 215. Europe. Mr.' Levy went to Europe this All other officers were elected by it in The Jewish Press." Kosher kitchen there and no person, this paper is YOUR paper, it is here MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE—" • Mrs. D. P. • Feder, Chairman Another thing to remember in read- ballot, and are Joe Levine, who 'will summer to visit his aged sister iti whether he is Jew or Gentile is turned to further YOUR interests, YOUR Mrs. Lawrence Goldman Wm. Kline, guardian and M. Monheit, away from the H. I. A. S. headquar- welfare, and protect YOUR good name ing The Jewish Press, ads is to con- succeed Mr. Rich as vice president; Paris from whom he had not heard Mrs. Harry Trustin sider that every advertiser in TheDr. J. N. Lande, succeeding Nathan since the death of her son in the monitor. ters. We also made a visit to theas Jew and Citizen. RELIEF COMMITTEE— Marks as recording secretary; Bert J. first year of the war. Jewish Press wants Jewish trade. Nine delegates to the grand lodge Ghet*o. Mrs. Philip Sher. Chairman Its news columns are always open convention, which will be held at Du"Throughout the east, the Ku Klux to Jewish news from every source The, Jewish Press is becoming more Abraham, who takes the place of Dr. Just prior to his departure he Mrs. H, A. "Wolf Mrs. R. Kulnkofsky luth, Minn.; July 2, were elected. The Klan is very active," said Mr. Lapidus. and every effort is made to faithful- popular each day. If you do not re- Lande as corresponding secretary, and shipped a huge quantity of clothing' Mrs. David Rosenstock delegates elected to represent the COURTESY COMMITTEE— In Washington, Mr. Lapidus had an ly mirror all the worth while hap- ceive The Jewish Press, please mail in A. Kroloff, who will displace Mr. for personal distribution among: the sufferering people of central Europe Omaha lodge are: Harry Lapidus, Dr. interview with President Harding. We penings in this Jewish community. your check now, and if you have not Abraham in the post of treasurer. Mrs. Leo Rosenthal. Chairman Mrs. Chas. Lcvlnson renewed yonr subscription for 1923, do Other officers elected at the meet- and while waiting receipt of these A. Greenberg, Irvin Stalmaster, Arvisited the Treasury building and the Mrs. L. Graetz However the limitation of a weekly ing are Louis Heeger, warden; Robert boxes which had become lost or deMrs. A. M. Hrownr thur Rosenblum, Jake Slosburg, Wm. George Washington home at Alexan- newspaper must be remembered and it it now. Mrs. S. A. Rice Sacks, guardian, and Max Brodkey, layed in transit, in Marggrabowa, Remember that we want your news Grodinsky, Joe Greenberg, Harry Maldria. Mrs. J. P. Colin must be understood that "The Jewish and your suggestions. If you have a E. N. Grueskin and Max Barisli, who Prussia, on the Polish border, he conashock and Sam. Leon. Mr. and Mrs. Lapidus visited a PUBLICITT COMMITTEE— Press" has no corps of reporters to be tracted a severe cold which affected President Kaiman today appointed number of other towns in New York sent hither and yon at will. IP YOU constructive criticism to make, tfcst will become trustees. Mrs. S. H. Scnaefer, Chairman his heart., ,.,•• Delegates to the district convenis welcome also. Our aim is to keep the following committees to serve for CIVICS COMMITTEE— state and in Pennsylvania. HAVE) A NEWS ITEM SEND IT IN. this the best Jewish paper in thetion were also chosen. They i«re Sam Mr. Levy came to the United States tne ensuing term: Mrs. Nate Mantel, Chairman I t is a benefit to every Jew in Oma- central west, and as a matter of Pickus, Sam Greenstone, Barney Bar- in 1870 as a young boy from Scotland. Mrs. D; P. Feder MEMBERSHIP ha a good newsp&per. You community pride, of civic and Jewish on and E. E. Baron. Dr. A. <Jreenberg, David Greenberg He settled, in ;Troy, N. Y., where he TAKES OFFICE TODAY owetoithave SOCIAL COMMITTEE^Chalrrann N. VT. Nnken a duty as well as it owes a necessity, this aim should be yours resided for several years before Mrs. J. Blank. Chairman J. J. Greenberg Sam Dansfey duty to you. Have you ever thought also. Mrs.- Sol Goldstrom Vice-Chnlrmnn Joe Jneoba • JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE ing to Nebraska. He operated one of Mrs. Ed. Treller. liOQls Simon J. J. Friedman of that? Don't criticize/because some item of TO PRESENT PLAYLETS the finest general stores in the state FINANCE SPEAKERS COMMITTEE— The better the paper is, the larger news is missed,.but see that the item -The "Ever Lasting Song," a one- in Plattsmouth, Neb., from whence he Irvin Stalmaster. I. Goodman Mrs. II, A. Wolf, Chairman .Chairmnn N*. "W. >aiccn its following, the stronger its in-is sent in. :-.:.;;. Mrs. Harry Kosenfeld act playlet in Yiddish will be staged moved to Omaha in 1885. Mr, Levy, Jpfert White. Vice- H. Mike Cnasson •Mrs. PhlUp Sher fluence not only among the Jewish Chairmnn Sam KJaver Be a booster. Read-The Jewish Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the until shortly before the war was en* I».:B. Gross Jake Malashoct people, but as a Civic force. FINANCE COMMITTEE— Press, RECOMMEND IT TO YOUR Labor Lyceum, Twenty-second and gaged in the furniture business. He Herman Herzoflf "The Jewish Press" has given with- FRIENDS. Mrs. Wm.; L. Ifolzmnn.: Chairman ROCIAX SERVICE Clark streets. The following members was a member of several Omaha orMrs. M. L. "Woolfson out momentary consideration of any Dr. Philip Sher, - Hnrry Silverman Mrs. J. B. Robinson You can help, The Jewish Press by of the Jewish Culture league will, take ganizations. Chairman Samuel H. Scunefer Mrs. Harry Lapidus kind its full and wholewhearted coopMr. Levy is survived by his widow, renewing your subscription NOW. ftsbbt Fred. Colin Henry Monsky part: Miss M. Fitch, Lederman sisAirs. Louis Simon ' Dr. A* Greenberg Leo Rosenthnl Mrs. A. B. AlpJra three children, Max, Mildred and ters, Mrs. Resnick, Ruben Levit, J. •CTMTKAXM C O U N C I L Mrs. lay RosenUiaL Evelyn, and one brother, Judge Jacob A. B. Alprlh. Jake Slosbnrg Resnick and Mr. Ansel. ROUMANIA TO GUARANTEE Chairman '- ' Hen Hnndler JUNIOR WELFARE DIVISION In the evening at, 8 :S0 o'clock sharp, Levy, all of Omaha. The remains are . H. Mike Cbnsson Meyer Freldel OF HOME ECONOMICS— RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. BY-LAWS Mrs. Dolly Elgutter. Chairman a two-act play, "With the Flood" by being held in Berlin pendinfe word Bucharest, Dec. 30.—(J. C. B.)— A. Bosenblum. Sam Beber Chairman Chns. S. Elgutter Sholom Ash, will be presented by the of his last wishes. DR. WISE ASKS SUPPORT FOR It is learned that the government is Max Fromkin 1 JEWISH CONGRESS. drafting a law providing for the free- Rabbi Julian -Morgehstern, president following members: Miss 8. Joffe, Mr. Harold 2?©senberg, age 21, son JMSNVER HOSMIAr, dom of religion of all citizens. The of the Hebrew Union College at Cin- Miss S. Ruback, Master Ginsberg, of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rosenberg, 702 Philadelphia, Dec. 20. (J. T. A.)— Jttnrry Ltij>Idus. Hnsry Vr S o 1Kripdinnn 1Ja Chairman " " vitz projected law contains paragraphs cinnati, O.," will visit" in Omaha Tues- Bondarin and H. Pheffer, under the di- North Thirtieth street, died of brights Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Chairman of the liouls Sommer that no citizen is to be forced to re- day February 6. while en route to rectorship of H. Pheffer and Ben Executive Committee of the American CI.T3VEI.AND ORPHAN HOME disease at 4 o'clock Wednesday morn* frain from work on holidays of other Denver, Colo. • While hi Omaha he will Zion (Zangwell), accompanied a rich ing at the family home. Besides hift Congress, addressed a large meeting jHarfy Malnshoek. Samnel Schaefer address a public gathering at the musical program under the directorChairman- " " »r. Xathnn Dansky of Philadelphia Jews at the Adelphia creeds. Another provision is that no parents he is survived by three Nathan S. Taffe citizen is to be compelled to contrib- Temple Israel on Tuesday evening. ship of H. Marks, and the literary brothers, Joseph, Arthur, and Jai'ohrtt, Hotel, urging support for a strong INITIATION ute towards the maintenance of other His subject will be ' :"Judaism in program under W. Crade. American-Jewish Congress, democrat-, S. J. Leofli CUBlr- Hnrry fiilvrrmnn mnn "•,,'Jnke- Mnlashock • •• ' • • On the first of March the first Jew- and five sisters, Marguerite, Leah, churches Clergymen, including rabbis, A m e r i c a . " ' ically organized and capable of Arthur Kosenblum Max S'romkin ish periodical in the history of theGertrude, Harriet arid Esther, SJl of Rabbi Mbrgenstern is one of the are to have no rights above those of representing American Jewry. • UMTEIXECT17AL ADVANCEMENT to .be -elected to theJewish middle west, printed in Yiddish this city. Hnrry Lapldus Arthur Rosenblum the ordinary Roumanian citizen. Cult youngest men Dr. Wise's appeal followed his r Henry Slonsky Harry Mulnshock The funeral was held Thursday aftural institutions of the different re- presidency of'the Hebrew Union Col- and entiled "Fun Derwilteny" will be ternoon from the Crosby Funerat Report on conditions of the Jews in Harry Silverman Sam J. Leon Irvin Stalmaster Hnrry Tiustln published by a group of young writers lege. He is himself a graduate of the ligions are to enjoy full autonomy, in Europe and Palestine, in the course VIGELANCE and poets of the middle west, under home and burial took place at tbe • " ttnrtln Suffiirman, "William Grodinsky addition to being entitled to. a share college. of which he urged the necessity of , Chairman T. Jnek Albert IRVIN STALMASTER the collegian editorship of E. Heich- Golden Hill cemetary. in the government's grant in aid for Jewish unity for solving the many William Holzmnn Meyer Kletn Irvin Stalmaster today took office Moscow, Dec. 29.—(J. C. B.)—Figchuller, Ben Zion and Pine Twersky. Ifarry Wolf - Joke Simon educational institutions. critical problems. The Ku Klux Klan HOU8K "Messagalro," because- in his former "as" deputy ' county * attorney. Stalures compiled from official sources ^lllinm Kline,, Morris Mickltn he denounced as "a menace to diplomatic activities Galli had shown Chairman • William Alberts CATHOLICS TO RECALL GALLI, master received his appointment show that 12S.O0O persons died of MORE "EXCESSES" IN POLAND. American life'!.. PUBUCXTV "• himself sympathetic to Zionism. The famine in 1921, in the Ukraine alone. ZIONISTS' FRIEND. Judge Lewis of Philadelphia also several weeks ago from Henry Beal, Warsaw, Dec. 30.—(J. C. B.)—A 'Joe Jacobs.- Chdir- Samuel H... Schaefer "Messagalro" correspondent predicts Rome, Dec. SO. —(J. T. A.)—The county attorney elect. Stalmaster man . • Nathan E. Green number of Jews were wounded in an Estimates based on the Ukrainian spoke, after which Jacob Oinzberg, £». O that Galli will be recalled from the X.BVX „. BIEJIORIAL HOSPITAL . Chairman appointment of Signor Galli as the waspreviously connected • with a attack carried out by nationalists at government figures disclose that there Dr. H. HIrscnman who presided, announced that $2,500 Pr. Phll^I^vy Palestine post and transferred to O. C. Goldner, I>r. Nathan Masltkln in cash had been raised for the sup- prominent law firm here. He is a Brodnica, in the Province of Posen, are 1,00,000 adults and 800,000 chil- Italian representative to Palestine is E*macus. ° gam Beber/ Chair- WUllani Kline unpopular n Catholc crcles, says the graduate of the Creightcn Law school. late advices say. I dren in need of assistance port of the Congress. - man ' l>. B, Goldman New York. (J. C. B. — Representatives of the thirty-five liberal Jewish congregations in New York City are completing arrangements for the golden jubilee convention of the Union


S. A. Rich Elected

Jewish Women's Welfare Organization Elects Its Officers For Next Term

Omakn Dies ii'Berlin,

EabM Julian Horimstein to Visit Here Tuesday, Feb. 8th





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THE JEWISH PRESS Published irerj Thursday at OmaDa, Nebraska, br

"THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis. fheatre Building.—Telephone; Jackson 2372.

on part of the Government in grant-' I. Fonarow entertained at a New a number of their friends Sunday Jewish Congress Rejects ing the soldiers tracts of land for Year's party in honor of Mr. and,evening, colonization purposes. The soldiers Mrs. Gershun. Fri., Dec. 29 Mexican Land Offer who Miss Zelda Marks returned Saturhad all served in the Jewish


5683-1922. Fast of Tebeth 5683-1923. Rosh-Chodesh Shebat..v.Thurs., Jan. 18 Rosh-Chodesh Adar _:_.:...Sat., Feb. 17 Purim (Feast of Esther) Fri., Mar. 2 Rosh-Chodesh Nisan .... ..Sun., Mar. 18 Passover (Pesach) .„„ ...Sun., Apr. 1 Passover (Seventh Day) Sat., Apr. 7 Rosh-Chodesh Iyar ..Tues., Apr. 17 Lag b'Omer .! .. ..........Fri., May 4 Rosh-Chodesh v Si van ,..._Wed., May 16 Shabouth (Confirmation) Day) ._......,........ -Mon., May 21 Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz Fri., June '5 .....Sat., July 14 Rosh-Chodesh Ab ...Sun., Jnl; 2 Fast of Ab ........... Rosh-Chodesh Elul ^.. Mon., Aug. ' 3 -..Moiu Sept. 10 New Year's Eve.

1 A regular meeting of the Jewish day evening to Chicago after spending Express. Appreciation' of Offer; But Regiment .-of the British army under General Allenby maintain negotiations O m e n ' s Benevolent Society will be the last two weeks with her parents Find Plan "Impracticable." NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager* looking to the grant of such lands h e I d n e x t Tuesday afternoon at the here, New York. (J. C. B.)—The Exe- have been proceeding now for three h o m e o f Mrs. L. Cherniack. ..$2.50 Subscription'iPrire one year™ Miss Esther Cherniss' class at Suncutive Committee of the American years but without result. The land Advertising rates furnished on application. Mrs. H. E. Nathanson and children • ' day school won the charity banner for Jewish Congress has through a spe- L the district of Beersheba leased Friday evening from Allen, . the month of December, cial committee carefully investigated "FOR'PERSONAL PROFIT-^-Profits from the publfcaNOT to the ex-soldiers for experimentation visited with their Press.are to be given to worthy commonal causes. the reported opening for opportuni- has proved unsuitable for colonization. I Won of I niece, Mrs. Philip Snerman. ties for Jewish migration into MexiCB&Naa 0 7 APpitBSS—Pteaw glv* Wtb tb» •)« aad • • » • address: Dressmaker and Modiste. • - •'. . . b* aare and alxa vonr aauM. . .• - .:. co, says a statement issued today on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walton spent behalf of the Executive Committee of Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. .ABOLISHING RELIGION IN RUSSIA; the American Jewish Congress by Gilinsky. ' '. Moderate. Quick Service. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, its Chairman, Besides cunderialdng to re-make" the world politically and The twenty-fourth annual ball will MRS. BERTHA WEINBERG, Miss Lillian Cherniss, who spent a Joseph Barondes, Chairman of the economically ,tSe ambitious Russian Communist Party has anbe held Thursday evening, ,Tanuar» week here with relatives, left Monday 1923 Clark St. special Committee on Mexican imminounced its intention of;abolishing religjon. Religion, says the 25, at Eagle's hall. The following night for Springfield, Mo. gration, and Bernard G. Richards, bigoted ultra-radical,' enslaves the mind and creetes bad psychoExecutive Secretary. The statement organizations will be in charge of logical impressions on children. In his-blind eagerness to destroy Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katelman enterthis ball; Council of Jewish Women, followsq religion the radical becomes the most intolerant fanatic himself, tained the D. D. club at a New Year's Jewish Women's Benevolent Society ANNOUNCEMENT.' "After an investigation of the suband becomes -violent in his proselytizing attempts to force the party Sunday evening at their home. and the Jewish Sisterhood. A new and sanitary Kosher ject, extending over a, period of sevunwilling to bfelieve just" as he does. Prizes were won by Mrs. Harry Cohen Meat Market has opened at eral months and including correThe first step in the proposed death of religion is the abolishMiss Jeanette Gilinsky returned and Mr. Fred Cherniss. 2019 North 24th Street ment of holydays. It is interesting-to note in view of the oft Four Gentiles; and Two Jews to Ad- spondence with persons having spe- Monday from Allen, Nebr., where she S. Epstein, prop. Webster 0320. repeated^assertion-that .the Bolsheviki are headed by Jews, that minister Women's Dress Concern cial and expert knowledge, after visited with her sister, Mrs. Philip Mrs. Harry Cohen will be hostess Deliveries will be made to all study of various documents of im- Sherman and Mr. Sherman. She also to her club on Tuesday evening, Jan, Founded By Henry A. Dix, among* the holydays to be obliterated from Russian life' are parts of Omaha and So. Omaha portance, official and. unofficial, and ? Russian Jew. Christmas, Easter, AND Pesach and Ypm Kipper. It is natural uary 16. visited in Sioux City, la. to infer that severe penalties will be the reward of thdsie who New York, Dec. 28.—(J. C. B.)— particularly after consultation with Mr. Louis Passer left for St. Louis, Miss Nettie Levitt of Des Moines, experts of highest character and dare observe these holydays in spite of the supprgssive edict. ANNOUNCEMENT ! Henry A. Dix, of Henry A.. Dix & Son standing who have repeatedly sur- la., who had been vititing here with Mo., Sunday evening. Will men never learri that ideas cannot be killed by edicts, Co., manufacturers of women's cotton Eev. E. Fleishman penalties, bullets and bombs? The very radicals who now pro- dresses and nurses' uniforms, "occupy- veyed conditions in the field, we re- her sister, Mrs. Hyman W. Krasne Miss Reva Gross returned Monday "THE MOHL" pose to persecute others used to cry out this truth themselves ing the twleve-story Dix building at gretfullyy announce that, while pro- and Mr. Krasne, left for her home from Sioux City, la., where she was Moved into his new home at Tuesday. in answer to repressive measures against their ideas. But it 116 W. Fourteenth, street and operat- foundly appreciative of the offer of 1342 So. 25th Street. visiting with friends. is the old story-of the slavepsykology, which crlngin and whinin ing factories at Millville, Somerville the Mexican G vernment to the Miss S'Reva Snyder, who had been Corner of Wonlworth Avenue. TeL Atlantic 6637. before power and authority, when it assumes this power itself, and Bridgeton, N. J., has transferred Jewish people, we do not believe that spending the mid-term vacation here Mr. and Mrs. J. Krasne entertained opportunities today exist for the gets drunk with the newly acquired freedom, and becomes doubly to his employes the first right to his entrance into Mexico of any consid- with her parents ,left Monday for violent in its tyranny;. • -, . ?1,O0Q,OOQ dollar concern. Chicago, where she will resume her Religion will not be" abolished in Russia or anywhere else. Mr. Dix, who is 72, will spend the erable number of . Jewish migrants studies at the University of Chicago. Its forms and rituals may change,-its sectarian lines may be ob- rest* of his life without salary in aid- from Eastern Europe,—in the sense literated, but the spiritual idealism of human beings will always ing his employes to continue the busi- with which the term "immigration" A social meeting of the Junior T h e Clothing Corner of Omaha" exist to differentiate man from beast. . . ness. He loaned the employes $250,000 is usually connected, namely the pos- Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish sibility of securing employment for Women will be held next Tuesday If the Russian Communist Party would abolish the existing to furnish working capital Christian and Jewish religions, it must substitute some other Under the plan, Mr. Dix and his son, considerable numbers of our people evening at the home of Mrs. M. religion to take their place, and if it is impractical enough to M. H. Dix, have spent two years work- or of finding opportunities in indus- Bernstein, the advisor. No matter what your size, it's represented in attempt this speetacular feat, it certainly is using foolish tactics ing out, unknown to the employes, try or commercial activities already Miss Caroline Rosenthal, of Norour wonderful feature value demonstration of in abolishing -at one stroke of the pen, the centuries old holy control of the company is vested in a existent. We deeply, regret to state folk, Nebr., is visiting here with that 'we do not believe, that such MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S days of Christmas,-Easter, Passover and Yom JHppur. In view board of six men, the oldest of them ALL WOOL, FANCY PATTERN of the fact, however, that Communism in Russia has compro- 39, with terms of service ranging from opportunities now obtain in Mexico Ruth Krasne. in relation to the terms of the ofmised itself so much economically to retain power in the hands 11 to 25 years. Mr. and Sirs. Sam Freiden will enof its power-mad leaders until it has become the laughing stock "We have given up our $60,000 year- fers of the Mexican Government. tertain the evening club at their of the intelligent world, we may rest assured that Judaism will ly salary, but will continue to come to "Such invitations as have been ex- home this evening. exist a little longer, for the Russian commissars will compromise the-office every day as long as our tended to Jewish and other imt themselves on anything to retain the delightful power that came advice and assistance is-desired," said migrants on behalf of the Mexican Mrs. Ben Gershua and daughter, of magic-like into their soft hands. M. H. Dix, speaking for himself and Government would involve the grant Schuyler, Nebr., are visiting with The "Dictatorship of the Proletaire" is amusing in its his father. ! of lands for large agricultural settle- their sisters, Mrs. Sam Meyerson Extra Pants Extra Pants Extra Pants and Mrs. I. Fonarow. Mr. and Mrs. tragedy.—Wise. Jewish Chronicle. at $5.00 at $5.00 at $7.50 Mr. Dix, whose original name was ments of territories and under conDickstein, brought his family from ditions presenting the gravest diffiSIZES: BEAD THE RANGE OF Russia about 30 years ago at the - age} c u i ties. It therefore becomes our Long Stout Suits— Young Stout Suits— of 2 and settled in Millville. There he j solemn duty earnestly to counsel and 37 to 46 40 to 54 started a small factory; which grew w a r n o u r Jewish brothers in Eastern DIAMONDS, JEWELRY Short Stout Suits— "Longs", Sizes— into the present business.-'. . European lands not to embark upon 36 to 44 AND 37 to 46 Regular Stout Suits— "Shorts", Sizes— Oil his 70th birthday Mr. Dix gave a costly and perilous journey to SPECIAL PLATINUM 34 to 42 37 to 50 his ?300,000 country.home and Mount Mexico. The settlement of large DESIGNING "Regulars", Sizes—35 to 52 '' By DR. STEPHENS. WISE. Kisico, N. Y., to the Young Women's numbers of our people as agricultursee "What Men Are Needed in Our J church and in the world of gainful Hebrew Association -for a recreational ists on the land, which settlement is i ? " I th t * " i j i 4 Time ?". I ; use the term ; "in' ourjj commerce-4nveirfebrate nin so o ffar r asas home for all working girls of the-city, unrelated to the, problem of normal The Malashock Jewelry Co. time," though. one immigration, could ^not be carried ;on ^ rent for livnig in on ' Diamond and Platinum TiN & twWISOK.mi property . . ; : without the aid of very large funds term "in-an#f6rfall time. me/" The need" and 8 e l h e ^ / * ^ ' s : - - * i; ^•"''^'f^ of the'libusesoh'We* property Specialists OMAHA NEU of any oner-generation' is '-in essence Needed-in: our time are'men ready- .Two of the six-men. :who-take over and the united strength of all Jewry. 1514 Dodge Street. and in truth, the need of every gen- to be pioneere in thought as well as Mr. Dix' business are Jews, like him= CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMENEstebUibed 1891. DO octet 6619. eration. Men pass, but the needs of in action, men as keen and ready to self. The others are Gentiles. VIENNA UNIVERSITY REJECTS man are eternal. The importance of pioneer morally and j spiritually, as PERCENT NORM. the answer to our question lies in !were ; the 'great" pioneers of 'other 40,000 PUPILS IN 250 POLAND'S Vienna, Dec. 21. (J. T. A.)—The HEBREW SCHOOLS, SAYS AN the truth that the outstanding men, days in all continents, men so posultimatum submitted by the antiOFFICIAL REPORT. such as they are, mould the life of sesced of and by the pioneering pasSemitic section of the student body New York, Dec. 20. (J. C. B.) — recently demanding the introduction our time, and youth generally: fash- sion that they are scornful of popuions itseli afjter those figures which larity and as contemptuous of unpop- Elementary schools in. Poland, with of percent norm limiting the admisthe language of instruc- sion of Jewish students, and the are, or are believed to be, great. ularity, men>ho pioneer because the 5 e b r t w It is not. true that • war evokes vision of God and of eternal, things tion, began to be established in large limitation of the number of Jewish needed men more truly; than do the lays Upon them the compulsion to be numbers only in recent years, partic-j ularly since 1921, in which year there j+r"" • days of peace. If war seems to evoke true interpreters of life:. frool the was formed a general organization has been rejected at the Directors' th* men who are needed,, it is beNo men can truly pioieei- who fail cause these are called upon to do one to treat the people •with-real respect, for the purpose of protecting schools meeting of the University cf Vienna. The faithfulness of performance so thing, are conjured up, as it were; to not with studied -grid* stilted recer- of this kind throughout the State, At the same time, it is announced, says an official communique of the universally remarked in Dodge do, whereas peace demands of men ence but with real respect, as if they that the authorities will take prePolish Bureau of Information. that they shall be and continue to be, were what they can fee helped incautions to regulate and limit the adBrothers Motor Cars, is due, in no At the present time the number of mission of "low-class foreigners'% a ,x*ither than merely and for a moment crea 'ngly to "become—namely, reasmall part, to the thoroughness with do. Moreover, in "war one man com- soning beings. To play lightly upon Hebrew schools in Poland exceeds classification which may be stretched large proportion which each unit is inspected during the inands and many ,men obey. In and "with peoples' emotions and prejI to include any Jew the authorities in the eastern sections of the State. peace, a man would firi command, udices and passions is not to treat may wish to bar. process of manufacture and assembly. but men. do not obey or obey, if at them with respect. They must be There are 37 in the voyvodship of all, only after the lapse of-a gener- regarded and dealt with seriously. Bialystock, 49 in the voyvodship of EX-SOLDIERS DEMAND PALESA trained staff of 1100 experts is employed ation or even of centuries and the There is no grayer sin in our public Polesie, and 40 in the voyvodship of TINE LAND. in this work alone, and approximately obedience is too belated to be ap- life and among' our so-called great Vilna. In the territory of former Jerusalem, Dec. 21. (J. T. A.) — Congress Poland there are 48 such 5,285 inspections are made oh each car. praised in relation to the law-giver. than a trivial and uncomprehending schools,-of which 8 are in Warsaw. Sir Wyndham Deedes, the Civil Young people, through the keeness and unaerious attitude toward the A relative large number of these Secretary, received a deputation of of their questioning and the multiplic- masses. So exacting and rigid are the standards schools have been, organized in little the Demobilized Jewish Soldiers' Asity of their doubts, move one to won(Emerson in his noble analysis of Poland, where the population, on the sociation in/ Palestine, who submitted applied to these inspections that der whether standards may not be greatness and its uses declares that whole, is not very willing to establish that there had been too much delay the slightest variation, either in lifted too high as well as' suffered it consists -in "truth, recerence and new schools of this .-.type. There are to lapse too low. Great as were. good-will.." Truth is reverence for 28 in the voyvodship of Cracow and workmanship or material, is sufficient Washington and Lincoln, they -were self and the' heart of the universe. 13 in the voyvodship of Lwow. In FOR RENT—A large modern cause for immediate rejection. not wooden. Both were men of flesh, Reverence is the acceptance of the the whole of Poland, approximately furnished room with nice • as well as soul, with a goodly share greatest' ' i the leajst, the divine in 40,000 pupils attend these schools, in Jewish, family. Near Carline. DodgeBrothers are almosto ver-scrupulous of human frailties and shortcomings. man. Good-will is the motive that which, there'are about 900 teachers. For one or two persons. Call in their constant aim to make each car as But if there be peril of lifting hu- roots in life and flowers in service. Webster 4787. ' • The communique adds that the man standards of greatness too high, .Thus .trut" becomes oneness with sound and perfect as is humanly possible. Hebrew schools, like all other schools the greater peril is that we be too in- self. Reverence oneness with the are treated by the Government in exigent of those whom" we rear as One ard Good-will oneness with All. accordance with the spirit of the Conthe mighty figures of our day. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished This and thiB alone is greatness.} stitution and the Provisions of the O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY Nothing could be more hurtful to In the course of the summer's Treaty of .Versailles. No . special room at 2111 Chicago St., or Jthe hopes of human progress than' to journeying, I came upon three men, statutes are applied to Hebrew call Atlantic 7607. 28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0123 assume as we commonly do that men two of them outstanding world fig- schools. They have the same legal must be exactly as our fathers were. ures, one in England, one in Hun- standing as the Polish schools and "Any such doctrine, however, implic- gary, one in Jerutalem. Two are are treated with equal favor by the . itly held, is blackest pessimism, for needed in our time and .are equal school authorities, v ; FOR RENT—Three rooms. Call . it denies that gain anil advance are to its highest and most exacting Jackson 5474 or inquire at humanly possible and maintains that needs, and the third is a show fig- BRATL4NO OPPOSES MINORITY 2124 Burt Stieet. or at 709 the stature of men can •never be ure, whpMcay suffer himself basely RIGHTS?CALL CITIZENS : greatened. to be used,for.a time by. his ow North 16th Street. ^r ^ARE :EQUAL. ^ The first answer to the • question kind, but there is no greatness, in Bucharest,. Dec. • -21. <J. T. A.) — "What Men Are Needed .in'. Our him. The other two, are men' of Equality of all Roumanian citizens is Time?" is Menl The human! species truth, reverence and-good-will. The,ir recognised in the? draft of the conis supposed to be vertebrate, but BO spirits are lifted up by purpose, their stitution prepared by a Parliamentary Announcement ' many humans are pitiably inverte- hearts are full of tender, wise am- Commission. - This draft recognizes " brate. The men' who are needed are patl y and above all they, are utterly none of -the qualifications which a STRICTLY men who are independent of the selfless because utterly true, selfless former draft sought to impose on the KOSHER MEALS .-,' trappings of fame or fortune or of- wtth, aq vision na fall of, God - and Jewish citizens. It guarantees the ; fice with which they may .-temporar- nian that self is-lost iti its'- glory* 'equality of all citizens, regardless of HOME COOKING ily .'be clothed. The way to .test a origin, language or faith. Minority Also Orders for Weddings, man is to take away his, temporary rights as such have no place in the Parties, etc. .-. investituxe of circumstances and'then- Every person in Omaha is eligible n e w draft, it is "learned, because ' . s e c how much oi how little is left to .enter "The Jewish Press" Popular- 'Premier Bratiano has set himself S. MANTEL, Proprietor The,invertebrates roair or crawl ity Contest. against .such rights,' despite the 1919 Burt St. Atlantic 544t)'" a b o u t i n many fields, in the ield of previous undertaking by himself and "'.politics' and in the sphere-of the' . Subscribe rto "The .Jewish-Press.'?-- r his ^predecessors to respect them.



Jew Transfers 5 Million Dollar Business To Employees


Worsteds Suits $ $ $

25 30 35





,'. l> "

PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 192S bridge at- their home. Saturday after- has been extensively entertained Louis Turkel on Monday at the Pax- Mr. and Mrs. A. Abranis enter- Every, person in Omaha is eligible ENGAGEMENTS while here. Mr, and Mrs. M. Berger, ton Memorial hospital. The engagement of Miss Mamie n o o n tained at a bridge party Tuesday to enter 'The Jewish Press" Popularof Des Moines. la., and Mr. Charles Adler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Louis evening in honor of Mrs. Nathan Bor- ity Contest. g Miss Sally Krupp left for her home Messrs. John Baird Quigley of J. Adler, to Mr...Harry, J.; H y j in Fremont," Nebf.,""M6tfday" after 3$*.. Berger, of .Rawlins, Wyo., were Council Bluffs, la., and Nathan E. dy of Clarks, Neb., who is visiting Oil does not seem to smooth the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Haykin of this spending the week here as the guest also the guests during the past we ik Jacobs left Monday evening for Coir here." Twelve guests were" present. at the Berger home. city, has been announced during the of Miss Edith Kenyon. umbia, Mo., where they will resume Prizes were won by Mr. and-Mrs* troubled •waters of the East. Henry Nathanson. past week. No date has as yet been Mrs. Sarah Schaefer, of Cincinnati, their studies at the University of MisMr. Max Guttatan ieft for Ann 0., arrived Sunday to visit with her souri. set for the wedding. WEDDINGS Messrs. Louis Somberg, Michael Arbor Monday evening after spend- son, Mr. Samuel Schaefer, and Mrs. Mozer-Margolin, Stein, Ben Ravitz and John Beber left Mr and Mrs. J. H. Cohn and Mr. The marriage of Miss Mary Marg- Word has been received.of the en- ing the mid-term vacation here-with Schaefer. Tuesday evening for the University and Mrs. Sidney Meyer of Chicago, olin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. gagement of Miss Fan Annette Lipp- his parents. of Nebraska, where they will resume Chiropodist and Beauty 111., left Monday for their homes after Shop Margolin, to Mr. A. Mozer, son of Mr. man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. The Junior Welfare Organization Mr. Joe Stern, who has been spendtheir studies. Established 1800 and Mrs. M. L. Moze* of, Lincoln, Neb., Lippman of Stevens Point, Wis., to will give its second. of a series of ing the mid-term school vacation with spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. 15th and Ham** BtrtwtB. took place Sunday evening, December Mr. Morris Lipschutz of Sioux City, card parties at the Blackstone Hotel his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moritz Meyer. COLUMBUS NEWS. Mione Jack ion 0114. 31, at the Labor Lyceum at 6:30 la. No date has been set for the Sunday afternoon, January. 21. Miss S^ern, returned to the University of Miss Millie Peskin of Sioux City, Miss Eva Bordy entertained at a o'clock. Rabbi Frederick Cohen of- wedding. la., who has been the house guest of New Year's party at her home for Betty Fine is chairman of the ar- Nebraska. ficated before the presence of about Miss Esther Brown, left for her home rangement committee for this affair. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Katz, of Miss Ida Shapiro spent the week- Tuesdcy. During her visit here she six couples. Dancing and cards were Kaplan Auto Parts Co. 300 guests. the entertainments for the evening. Marion, HI., who have been visiting end in Des Moines, la., with her fiSHI' Nicholas Street Miss Helen Grodinsky,. who spent , The bride had as her attendants her was extensively entertained. The out of town guests were Miss Csed cars bought, sold, and exsister, Miss Lillian Margolin, maid of with Mrs. Alexander Pollack and the past week ..•with,her parents, Rab- ances parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kohan. Fannie Mokofsky of Fremont, and Mr. changed. New gears, and axle shafts honor, and the Mesdames Harry. T. Mrs. _Dollie Elgutter, are leaving for bi and Mrs. H. Grodinsky, returned A number of social affairs were given Mr. Phil Wolf son is leaving Fri- Herb Burdick of Crighton, Neb. lot any make of car. their home Saturday. A number of in her honor during her stay. day for a short stay in New York Stein and Ben S. Margolin as her to St. Paul, Minn. ; Tires, Tubes and Accessories City. Below Wholesale l'rices. marton's of honor. Mr. Chone Mozer, social affairs were given for the Miss Lena Bordy spent New Years Mrs. S. A. Rips, of Tulsa, Okla., Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaufman left brother of the groom, served as the visitors during their stay here, among in Fremont, Neb. Saturday for Minneapolis, Minn., on Miss Esther Newman returned bestman, Cantor Fleischer's sarlg, con- them was a buffet supper, given by is visiting here with her parents, Mr. account of the death of Mr. Kaufman's Thursday evening from Kansas City, Mrs. Pollack and Mrs. Elgutter at and Mrs. John Radmari. cluding the ceremony. father. Mr. Kaufman expects to re- Mo,, where she attended the Jewish The out'pf town guests present at their home Wednesday evening for main a month while Mrs. Kaufman Chautauqua convention. Miss Lillian Rubenetein returned to the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. M. L. thirty guests. Thursday evening Mr. the University of Chicago after will return within a week. Miss Jeannette Krupp of Fremont Mozer, parents of the groom; C. Moz- and Mrs. William L. Holzman enter- spending her vacation here. tained Mr. and Mrs. Katz, Mrs. PolThe Junior Welfare organization left Monday evening for her home er, Nathan and Joe Mozer; Mr. and lack and Mrs. Elgutter at dinner. Mr. Miss Miriam Konecky entertained will hold its annual election of of- after visiting here with Miss Esther Mrs. Charles Grossman and family Mr. and Mrs. L. Shostak, Mrs. H. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and Mr. Wednesday evening at her homeificers at the Jewish Community cen- Brown. Breslow, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. S. Marg- and Mrs. Henry Fellheimer will en- honoring Miss Miriam Berger, of ter on Sunday afternoon, January 7. Miss Esther Blumenthal returned Everyone who attended the New Year's olin and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dorbin, all tertain Friday evening at dinner at Chicago, who is visiting here with;All members are urged to attend as home from Kansas City, Mo., where J important matters will be taken up she has been visiting with her sisof Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Nathen^ Dor- the Brandeis honoring Mr. and Mrs. Miss Bertha Berger. Eve Dance will no doubt be back again • • • • • • - . . bin, and daughter* Ruth; Mrs. B. K a t z . at this meeting. ter, Mrs. Carl Studna, and Mr. Studna. Lasbinsky and family, and Reva Mrs. Bert Hene left this week for Mrs. Phil Saks entertained for nina Mrs. L.VB. Heller returned today Square of St. Joseph*; Mo., and Mr. guests at an- Orpneum Theater patty- from Chicago, 111., where she attended Alexandria, Ala., on account of the Mr. Leon Nefsky of Lincoln, Neb,, SUNDAY, JANUARY 7, 1923. was the guest during the week of Mr. and Mrs. Abe and.Gall Friedman of Tuesday, honoring M i ss Eudice the wedding of her niece. sudden death of her father. Clyde Krasne of Council Bluffs. Sioux City, la., and Miss Gertrude Kulakofsky, who is to be a January The Brotherhood of Temple Israel KEL-PINE DANCING ACADEMY The parents and relatives of Mr. Goodman of New York Gity. will give a Father's and Son's Banbride. The Misses Lillian Margolin and and Mrs. Morton Marcus entertained The couple will reside in Lincoln, quet Wednesday evening, January 7, Rose Minkih returned to Lincoln, Neb., Neb. .;::...•...•'.: Miss. Estelle Lapidus and Miss Ruth at "the Temple to celebrate Father's them, at a surprise party at their "where they will resume their studies Admission $1.00 per couple. Adam's Orchestra. home in honor of their sixtih wedding Wilinsky left Wednesday evening for and Son's Week. An interesting proat the University of Nebraska after anniversary. Twenty guests were Brandt-Kulakofsky. Rockford college to continue their gram is being arranged, spending the mid-term holidays here. Miss Eudice Kulakofsky, daughter studies after spending their vacation Miss Annabelle Magidson, of Chi- present. of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky, has here with their parents; cago, HI., arrived Saturday, to spend Miss Erma Hiller of Chicago, 111., -set Tuesday evening, January 16, as several weeks with Miss Sophye Dee. is spending the week here with Mr. All Order. Glren Prompt and Mr. and Mrs. David Green enterCarefpl Attention. her wedding day to Mr. Samuel I. and Mrs* L. Hiller. MATINEE P3ROGRAM f Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Brandt tained Wednesday evening, honoring Messrs. Ronald Gladstone and Mrs. Green's brother, Mr. Ben Segal, Ralph Cohn left Monday evening for A Piano Solo . ...:.._OlBdj*B McKnn Rodman, of New York City. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenfeldt reA Violin Solo _~ ,... .........-~ Hhrrj- Cohen and daughter, Leah of Kansas City, Ann Arbor after spending their turned Sunday from Excelsior Springs "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" A Violin llnet Ida Turner a n i Emma Lazarus, TupHs ol F r o t Mncfc Ja. 4201. Brandeis Theatre Bl Mo., who were visiting here. Sklowsky-Lande. Accompanied by Lillian "XUiudaCoff school mid-term vacation here. and Kansas City, Mo., attending the 210 So. 17th St. Omaha. A Vocal Solk _ FrnnceB White, accompanied W Carl Tumberg Mr. and Mrs. M. Lande wish to anJewish Chautauqua in Kansas City, A One-Act Play—"The Everlasting Song", a Jewish PInylet...,,..™™..™..—__ . The Ladies' National Progressive Dr. Edward Kushner, who has been nounce the marriage of their daughEy the Members of the Jewjsh Culture League Mo. ter, Grace, to Mr. A. Sklowsky of club held its election of officers at its spending his vacation here, is leavEVENING PKOGRAM Norfolk, Neb., on Sunday evening, De- regular meeting with the following re- ing to resume his studies at the Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro and family SUIT H. lApldoa. Pm.-Tre«_. A Two-Act Play—"With the Flood", a Jewish Pjaylet. — cember 31, at the home of the bride. sults: Financial secretary, Mrs. H. Chicago College of Osteopathy. of Lincoln, Neb., spent the first part ies. Pepper, Ylc**Pr*sraeBt. By t i e Members of the Jewish Culture League Okum; record, secretary, Mrs. J. KapPiano Solo—Ballad in A-FIat , .'..Chopin—Karl E. Tumberg W. O. D » . Beetetmry. Rabbi Grodinsky officiated. of the week in-Omaha visiting with Vocal Selections Jrma Swift Oberuth—Harry Miirko Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen relatives. Mr. Sklowsky and his bride will lan; treasurer, Mrs. H. Dorinson. The Omaha Fixture & Violin Solos .Master Samuel Camell, accompanied by Trnnbergr make their home in Norfolk ,after a organization will hold an Educational "Moral Coueism" for his subject FriSupply Co. meeting Saturday evening, January 6. day evening at the Temple. Satur- Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Spiesberger are The above program will be given Sunday honeymoon trip to Texas and other Several prominent speakers have been COMPLETE STORE AND day morning his subject wiH be "The leaving Friday for a trip to New southern states. by the OFFICE OUTFITTERS secured to speak at this; meeting. Verdict on life." On Friday, evening, York City. We occupy More than 200 friends and co- The Misses Nqrma and Maxine January 26, Rabbi Cohn will render wnt WKM l a o m teat A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. BeatlivMt Corner workers in communal activities at- Frosh of Lincoln, Neb., were in Oma- his* pulpit to Rev. Ralph Bailey, the AT EUrrratb and O»ncia» Street*. New Unitarian Minister, who. has tended the informal reception ten- ha last -week, : F b . n r : -lackson 2721 chosen for his subject "The -Inesdered to Mrs. R. KulakofskVj retiring! LABOR LYCEUM, 22nd ancl Clark Streets. OMAHA. president of the^fewfeh^Womeife - The' -Sisterhood iwiliJentertain at capable God.' . _ January 16, Welfare Organization, at" file Black- bridge Tuesday evening, 1 Leading General Stock of Miss Bertha Greenberg, of Sioux ^ne last Thursday. Mrs. Kula- at the Temple for the members and City, la.j spent the week %ere. as the Staple Merchandise—No clothing—will reduce to suit buyer. kofsky was presented with a beauti- husbands. guest of Miss TiUie Faier. Also five-room modern bungaful gift by those In atteendance. Mr. Sidney Corman has' returned low, in rich, well settled comThe Misses Esther Katlemari and munity, population of 600— Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenblum to the Chicago Dental Surgery Col- Rose Bloch spent several days in paved streets. Store building lege after spending the mid-term will return .the latter part of-this on corner on Lincoln Highway. Sioux City, la., last week. week from Washington, D. C , where acation with his sister, Mrs. WilHave other interests and must liam Tenenbaum and Mr. Tenenbaum. they have spent the last few weeks sell. N. BORDY, "Miss Bertha Berber has as her with Mrs. Rosenblum's brother, Lieu- The Misses Mildred and Beulah house guest her cousin, Miss Miriam' Clarks, Nebraska. tenant A- N. Bergman of the U. S. Hiller entertained twelve guests at Berger, of Chicago, HL Miss Berger army.

Social, Club and Religious Activities






Every Motor Tested Severely

Mrs. Effie Copeland has returned from Chicago, 111., where she spent four weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Slutzky announce the birth of a baby boy on Sunday, December 24, at the Lord Lister hospital.

n -

The Nui Epsilon Gamma will entertain at a skating party at the Y. W. C. A. gymnasium on Friday evening, January 12, for its members and their friends.

2 cents goes

lor telephone service

Miss Lillian Seidman of Lincoln, Neb., who has been visiting with Miss Dorothy Shapiro, returned to her home Monday. Miss Annette Silverberg of Chicago, 111., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. David Friedman. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun left Wednesday for a trip to Honolulu. ' Miss Erma Gross of Lansing, Mich., is visiting with her aunts, the Misses Eva and Rose Gladstone . Mr. Louis A. Finkelstein of Lincoln, •visited in Omaha during the past week. Miss Ethel Gladstone entertained at Tier home Thursday evening. Miss Esther Brodkey had as her house guest during the past week, Miss Bertha Mosow of S?oux City, la. A number of social affairs were given for Miss Mosow during her stay here. The Misses Bernice and Reva Kulakofsky left Monday evening for Ann Arbor, after spending their mid-term vacation here with their parents. Mr .and Mrs. J. J. Singer.are expecting to leave soon • for a. trip to Chicago, 111. , _ Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyer-hive as their guests their daughter, Mrs. H. L. Gladstone, and son, Louis of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Gladstone plans to leave for her home Sunday. Mrs.- R. Kulakofsky and son, Ear> are leaving next week for Los Angeles Cal., where they will spend the rethe winter months. :'&•

How is Your Dollar Spent? The dollar of an average family is spent about like . this, so statistics say: Pood Bent ~~ : Clothing .'. . Insurance, Savings, Etc JPnel and l i g h t Bouse Furnishings ___________ Education and Amusements. Sickness


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EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS • which some Jewish.mothers are guilty, to her; for by all the laws of growth, The disquietude has not yet subsidis to applaud in their sons any dis- he cannot come back and be well. ed. The shouts of the "Rozwoj" demtaste for marriage. They find it hard He is now a school boy, with lessons onstrations are still filling the air, 'to fatce the thought of„Jus belonging to prepare in the evenings. After causing, considerable apprehension in v some time to another."womah,'and are these are disposed of—or very likely Jewish-circles. (Hew Light on an Old Topic.) glad to find, him willing to put off the before—he runs away to play games MUNICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS ON ••••], B y Judith Ish-Kishon evil day. One Jewish mother has re- with his "pals." If he does happen to POLISH JEWS POLITICALLY MANEARBY COMMUNITIES. (Copyright,-1022,,by the Jewish Writers' Guild. All Eights Reserved.) marked to me: stay at home for an evening, he is TURE, DR. SHATSKY SAYS. CHOICE FTRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE BONDS. 4 I "My Joe is so fond of. his parents deep in a library book, and she cannot New York.—(J. C. A.)—The reget a word out of him. She finds herthat lie couldn't bear to be away from cent parliamentary elections in Poland (Continued Prom y ) years he feels deadened by the grind It is -not unusual to see a Jewish of work that he does not enjoy—if he home for one night. Her says that self relegated to the mental region have • revealed, among other things, woman laboring and saying and sacri- feels that life is monotonous and flat, : even if he should marry, he wouldn't of disagreeable washings, where but- the "political maturity" of the Polish INVESTMENT SECURITIES 'ificingto make of her son* a. doctor or where it used to be a great adventure', live anywhere but under .our roof. You tons are forcibly sewn on, and whence Jew, said Dr. Jacob Shatsky, noted Howard and Eighteenth Streets. . Phone AT lantic 9555. ,'a lawyer, when he would'far rather who is to blame but that loving and can imagine how glad_ ot make me milk and vegetables and other whole- publicist and author, who recently ar!be a salesman. His interests^do not mistaken mother? She struggled and feel to hear him say that." The fact some but tiresome viands are issued rived in this country. Young and .lie along the. lines of scientific study sacrificed, but he did not ask it of her. that lier son, who was then 23 years for him to consume. This is a sad old went to the polls, showing a reand humanitarian effort, L He likes to If his mind had been let free to make old, weighed 100 pounds and;normal, role, to be played by the woman, who markable knowledge of the candidates WASH AND KEEP WELL |win people,by his talk and personal- its choice, if he had not been gradua- that he had never earned a cent, and a short time ago, was the lovely en- and issues involved. The proceedings A RULE OF - HEALTH chantress, leading a little boy along a in the Sejm are followed with great ity. He enjoys a good bargain, and is lly and insidiously- talked ^into the that he was, while intelligent in a difficult road and opening for him bookish way,' possessed of various painterest by every literate Jew, because FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY isomething of an expert in*his social desirability of being a doctor, he the doors to the wonders of life! But it is felt no event in the assembly is contacts. BBs painstaking study of would have been a much more success- thological traits, did not lead her'to • 1819 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" • medicine leaves him .cold.. But when- ful man in another occupation. As suspect that his attitude' towards: the finest, certainly the bravest, without its reprecussion on the political and economic condition of the Jew, ever his spirit flags, his mother is it is, he makes just-an ordinary phy- His home was • also abnormal. To mother is the one who plays it re•there to "encourage him." -Her love sician ^earning enough, but glad be- make a young man,, so-..excessively signedly. Her reward will come in Dr. Shatsky declared. .revives him and lays a duty upon him. yond belief when his office hours are comfortable that he does not at some the manliess and independence her During his stay here, Dr. Shatsky EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE ] He thinks of her; secrifices; of the over and his-round of visits done. time wish to^leave the parents' roof, | sons will develop when they do not will act as the American correspondLAUNDRY. WHOLESALE money his family has spent on his ed- There can be no gainsaying the fact, is indeed a turning back "of the wheels.'feel the tug of the apron-string, and ent of the "Nasz Kurjer," the JewWhere your clothes come home It is a violation of that very oid orher children will "rise up and call her ish daily published in the Polish lanDruggists and Stationers (ucation. JCan he let three years, of, to turn a man aside from the work and last loncer. guage' in Warsaw, and will make a AT lanticcle.'iner '. medical college go for nothing ?—Only he is best fitted for is to defraud his dinance which says: "Therefore shall blessed." 401-403-405 South toth Street 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. [ a man leave his father and his mother Do you remember how Hannah, the study of Jewish conditions in this i one year more! ' And he straggles' on. soul of the joys or fulfillment. H A. JACOBBERGEH. Pres. r ' mother of Samuel, vowed that if she country, to be ultimately published in Another unconscious w r o n g ! and cleave unto his wife." He becomes a doctor. "But"of in'later j Other mothers, again, ply too should have a son ,she would "give book form. Omaha Office: 813 Donelas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic- 2556 h gills l j[him to the Lord?" And after he was Dr. Shatsky, who s. assistant profesFREDR.SSAW Flower Shop = I great- a. -part,in choosing- the • Thone 104 Ford Transfer & Storage Co. " " f o r their sons' .to'.Jmary., There are ! born she did "according to her vow" sro of "Jewish Culture in Poland" EMILGANZ & SON The Best ot EverythinE in Flowers nnfl B. A. FOKO. several ways in which a.mother can and sent her only child, for whom she and of monographs on Jewish statiseConfections at Moderate Prices. Certified Public A'ccoHritants " President and General Manager. present one young woman in an at- had waited so many years be brought tics which he supplied the Morgenthau S45 W. Broadway, Nest Ubsrty Theater 1417 Douglas Street * - ' • Wall Receptacles— Council Bluffs (loiva) Office tractive light and wipe jrar the up at the-temple in Jerusalem. Her Mission to Poland. COCNCLL BUTTFS. IOWA. INCOME, TAX CONSULTANTS 924 So. Main Street. Phone SG5 Light—WIRING—Power Audits ana Investigations . chances of another. Yet the- boy him- courage met with a rich reward. When 1 EMIL GANfc - C. P. A; V. MvGANZ —Bell Transformers self is manifestly the'person to de- the Hebrews needed a leader and a YIDDISH IN THE CZAR'S PALACE. Office Phones: ". Jack. 5212 - H a ; 5100—' Ha. 0015 WAInut 3034. 40 & Cuming Sts. cide—unless he' has-been made too' deliverer ,the great Phophet Samuel, Moscow.—(J. T. A. C.)—To enter Carpenter Paper Co. [ cosy at home for any;"girl to lure her son, was ready to seize the task, the throne room of the ex-czar's Distributors of j him away from it. In such cases, the and to weld out of the twelve unruly palace in the Kremlin, where the sesOUR TREATMENT WILL Western Bond—and High ! parents should assume^no more rights tribes, a united Israel. If she had sions of the fourth congress of the CONVINCE YOU OF OUR Grade Stationery SINCERITT. ! than those of a friend—to advise'with- kept him at home, to be a "good son" communist Internationale were held, Trust Department. Omaha, Nebraska. out exercising authority. ' There is to her, he could never have become one.had to pass through a lofty hall, Safety Deposit lioxes. Wiiy^xtf'Si:^ ^ i r r W&» Mr--v, -•„•.., -:•:•:• •*/. • KJSS-I nothing for it but to remember that what he was, the father of his people, supported by beautiful marble pillars, t ***S't:s*'*f ^C"^'^\'ma±-mi^-i' '-/i'•••:•• •'••••Vv.'> Vv?> *l 7£&/ccij7eaKt/7s~ r ^ • • Unrmennif £lrf/s, I youth has the right to make its own i There is really no over-rating the lit up by chandeliers of electric lights, mistakes. What is more, when the [possible result of a wise attitude on and ornamented with crystal vases of whole responsibility is thrown upon the part of the mothers. The woman man's stature, precious hangings and theyoungster, and he really feels that,who nurture the new generations an immense painting. In this hall ^lanufactured in Omaha" he is free to choose, he will exercise have it in their power to brighten | there was a large board on which far more caution than,his parents and alter the world as no political Yiddish literature was displayed. The Money Sent to AH WHOLESALE PAPER, STEAMSfflfTICKETS suspect, and perhaps come around to reforms have yet done. As Maximilian large bold-type letters attracted the BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Foreign Countries ' STATIONERY, ETC. Arrangements now made with Soviet their way of thinking after all. AndJHurwitz said recently, in his article attention of the delegates who had Government for prompt 'forwarding. of Distributors for then there will be no harm done, and ' n the public-spirited Mr. A. Leo Weil, gathered from all parts of the world. O passengers to America. We tarnlsh^you necessary blanks, etc.-to fill ont. ! an added bond of love and respect j "if there be a key to human behavior, There were leaflets printed during the Pink Tip Matches — Palmers Steamship Agency * created between them. Parents who ( it is to be found not in economics, but recent Sejm eectionls in Lithuania, in 1708 Farnam' St. - - Omaha Northern Toilet Tissue 1000y Harney'"Street.*- Tel. Jack sort 0710 observe their children's rights as indi- j in psychology, in Freud rather than in which proletarian candidates urge the 1112 Harney Street i viduals, do not lose their- hold upon Marx." voters to cast their ballots against ATlantic 6409 their children. 'Quite the reverse. The j And since the fundamental psycho- their bourgeois opponents. The Wach, f E T OS DO children appreciate the rare' blessing logy of the child is determined in its "ein einmalige arbeiter Zeitung," pubof having a mother and a father who earliest years by its mother, and its lished in Shavel on October 9, 1922, are not only parents by right, but mother's attitude towards life, one serves the same purpose. THE CAREFULWELDERS mture and mature and. considerate cannot possible exaggerate her pow- Then there were photographs Tel. JA. 4397. Anything ::Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St, friends by choice. - The mother who e r. In very truth, the Jewish future weeklies and monthlies prohibited by COCNCIX. BLCFFS. IA. encourages her son to'take up an op- lies in the hands of the Jewish the Lithuanian government, among portunity that off ers in a strange city mother; for as one writer has said: these a copy of Arbeitsleben, dated Service is Our Motto away from home," is not only a heroine «<it is easier for a river to rise above Kovno, December SO, 1919, die Naie Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. Temptation Besets TTou but a benefactress. Her son will have its source than for a nation to rise Jugent, Kovno, August, 1921, die ZukWhen You Enter f ' the chance to develop the sinews of above its mothers." unft,.April, 1921, and Arbeiter Wort 'manhood. It is strange that many an ' of Kowno. CANDIES, ICE CREAM1, intelligent mother, who would not VOTE BY MAJORITY TO REJECT LUNCHES* EINSTEIN. THEORY AS JEW- BROMBERG JEWS IMPERILLED. ( think of keeping ner. son raway from Every Known Kind • school or. college, will 'hold him bsck || ISH PROPAGANDA. BUTTER and EGGS Warsaw, Dec. 11.—(J. C. B.)— of Insurance and make him a dunce at the school; Leipzig.—(J. T. A. C.)—"Resolved Alarming • reports from Bromberg Council Bluffs, la. 1 of life, that Einstein theory, for which reaching here indicate that the Jew- 209 Tf. O. W. BidsDondas 03S0 16th and Farnam Streets Of course, to develop such stoicism J e w s ^ ^ mmaaddee s suucchh d e p ish population of that place is in danif one does not; come by it naturally hereby rejected, in ger, as a result of incitement to violp r o p a g a n d a ) i s • Crystal Candy: Company..... task pretends ' is a difficult task. Nobody ence preached by the Polish Nationalof lack of sufficient proof." "" .' lfithfandjCapitol Aye. ;; that it is easy for a mother to con-, is a literal translation of a ists. Made l>y trol her natural affection and to rein passage in the minutes of the Con- Jewish deputies hare have appealed - - s- v . UNDERTAKERS it on so. that it will not weaken her ference of German Students in Leip- to the Minister of nlterior, who has UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST boy. But here is a glorious stand- zig, just published, reporting a reso- ordered precautionary measures to be 2224 Coming St. FOOD CO, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Phone JA ckson 1226 BISCUTTCO. adopted by an "overwhelm- taken to prevent disorders. men of the present generation. She S n o w ••-.White1- is to chasten her love until it cares ing majority"^ A Jewish paper, the "C. V. Zei- REPORT "ROZWOJ" AIMS TO Bakeries more for its helpless littel object than SEIZE GOVERNMENT. FOSTER-BARKER AUTO PAINTING (Res. O. 8. Pa*. for its own satisfaction. Let us be tung", commenting on this resolu- Warsaw, Dec 30—(J. T. A.)—InOffice.) Top and Body Building tion Tefers to it as a "German PeoCO. INSURANCE honest with ourselves. Is there so V '.J. 3' vestigations conducted by the police and Repairing. much difference between the un- ple's Culture Document", and says into the activities of the "Rozwoj" CPKTAIN'S—LIGHTS—ETC. "If Its Worth Anything Einstein is now finished. He City National Bank bridled, doting -mother love and any "Poor party are said to have led to the rev—Have It Insured." PFEIFFER othe rinstinctive passion? I« it not will have to surrender the Nobel elation that this nationalist group is ot COUNCIL BLUFFS AT lantic 0701 2525 Learenworth St. •We .pay. 4% interest on. Saving- /: possible, for mother-love to be a sav- Prize, That the collective intellect aiming at the overthrow of the govt of the world stands in. an awe of this and Time Deposits. age, heedless thing? ernment, through the establishment I know one mother who has a habit: scientist, that in Poincare's France of a Fascisti regime. Arrests of the . Sofia'Deposit Boxes tox Bent, JAcfcsoB.1862*., . J . even this of speaking, to her little boy in quite German Professor has party's leaders have become more 1: Wholesale a different tone from that which she caused such a profound stir, that numerous in consequence of the disFruit and Vegetables President of the United States closure. The prisoners include employs toward her daughter. She h a d ADVO COFFEE will listen to an explanation from him, declared that he was proud to Braczewski- Iliskis, a Warsaw town N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. TO AND FROM when she will codemn without hesita- shake hands with the greatest liv- councillor who is incidentally one of ADVO JELL\ . . ADVO FOODS tion. When I taxed her with this un- ing scientist, all this is nothing more Mr. Dmoowski's prominent followers. ALL PARTS OF fairness, she said: t than 'Jewish propaganda' to the The general impression is that as a THE WORLD - "But she's so hard! He at least will 'Academicians' in Leipzig," says this result of this and other arrests, the VAL. J. PETER a COMPANY be sorry when he's done wrong. But paper. "Rozwoj"_ party is compromised. ' she-^-she won't admit anythingl" I ' :—• r— 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. FEATHER COMFORTERS Ojnaha's Newest Sport Goods Store wondered to myself which came first, JEWS HELPED TO ELECT NAR- PRILUTZKFS PEOPLE'S PARTY ATlantic 0340. Made from Your Own Feathers. ,. „. SPLIT. Aenovated, re-mnde or made to order. the little girl's hardness, or her real- UTOWICZ POLISH PRESIDENT. All hand-filled. We call and deliver. ization that her brother met with paWarsaw, Dec. I I — (J. T. A.)—The Warsaw, Dec. 30.—(J. T. A.)— tience and tenderness where her plea lection of Gabriel Narutowicz, Mini- There appears to be a rift in the ranks Omaha Pillow Co. 1907 Cumlngr St. Phone Jaciuon 2407 would go unheard. I know another ster of Foreign Affairs, as President of the Jewish People's party, the leadTho Old BeUable House. woman who'says to her little son, "My of Poland is due, in a large measure, er of which is Deputy Noah Prilutzki. 1806 Harney Street .boy! My boy—" in such a tone of to the support of virtually all the Dissatisfaction with Prilutzki because Phono AT lantiQ 0001 ecstatic adoration that he could be Jewish deputies and those of the oth- he failed to have his party merged j J. C. Crew.. Ed. Burdick. excused for thinking that in being er minority groups. At the outset with the minorities' election bloc has j ' A' Store- Managed and Bun "her boy" he had reached the sumit the minority nationalities deputies been pronounecd for some time, the; by Men who flay the Game. I(K» No. 16th St. Tel JA ckson 3128 of human achievement and that there voted for Boduen de Curtene... It was discontent having come to a head at Opposite Post-OfBre. G. L. REEVES < was nothing more that he need at- only a t the fourth ballot that the min-the last meeting of the party. Six GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys "RADIO" From $3.00 to $9.00. ority groups an dthe. socialists decided of the leading members, including tempt in this life. Everything for tho Athlete, GOOD FURNISHINGS. In reality, a mother must discipline to rally behind Narutowicz, which re- Wolfowich, Vogelnest and Skoretzki, Y o u r position is " I herself almost as much as her child, suited in his obtaining a majority of withdrew from the party. "EVEEY KNOWN KIND" correct, and should It is not easy for her to watch her sixty-two votes over Count Zamojski, Kaplan Auto Parts Co. Afoner H . K&im&n be s u p p o r t e d by son growing away from her, becom- Minister to France, who polled 228 MOVE TO EXPEL RECENT ARRIV2113 Nicholas Street ALS IN POLAND. ing pre-occupied with the many activivotes. 1319 W. O. W. Bldg. AT. 8034 every fair minded Used cars bought, sold, and exchanged. LION COAL CO. SPECIALS ' > Kew pears, and axlo shafts Warsaw, Dec. 30.—(J. C. B.)—The i ties that she cannot share. She finds The Rozwoj, and other Right Party person. for any itUinlar herself yearning for her "baby"—the groups who may be safely bulked as expulsion of refugees from Russia and Xlres,- Tubes and Accessories Hannah Lump tj> J . « U little one who had so much confidence the Polish Fascitij immediately staged Ukraine who arrived since October, " Below Wholesale Prices. Franklin County <l*"|O PAXTON BILLIARD Lump «plt in her, "who listened with adoring in- hostile demonstrations, shouting 'down 1920, is contemplated by the ministry terest to her stories, who ran back with the Jewish President.' Their con- of interior, it is learned. Arrivals Colorado Smokeless «p ! " • « ) " NrCK S. WRANrG, Proprietor to her to have his fingers kissed when tention is that Narutowicz was elect- from these countries have been placed 1516 Farnam Street. Basement. Emerson Laundry it was hurt, who thought her the kind- ed by other than, J^he Polish National- unde rthree categories: those settling Screenings JpOoll V Hoffmann Funeral Home. Phbn« JA i-bson 4136. before the war bein ;gentitled: to funest and most beautiful woman in the ists' votes. '%• Djelivered-to Any Parti' l \ JEfhotite We&ster 0820 - "of the City;. . world^But thitf happy -time goes, and- Plants of .newspapers supporting limited domicile," those arriving beshe must let it go. Her jealousy of his Narutowicz were4besieged by threat-'fore October, 1920, and entitled anEJCE LAUNDRY THAT LION COAL CO. EVERYBODY X1KES/ _ new ..interests is a natural one.'.but ening mobs which were dispersed with.othe ryear's residence, all those corn- ject to expulsion March, 1923. Ex- grants enjoying political refuge in . WEbater 2605. she must not try to draw him back great difficulty. , ^ing after October, 1920, and are sub- ception is made in favor of immi- j Poland.

Has Your Son A Good Mother?



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