The children
Of tOr
"BuOd for Better •
day are the
EntereC R*~P ond-class mall matter on January 27th. 1821 at postofik & ai naha, Nebraska, nfider the Act of March 3, 1879.
Basic Principle of Federation Threatened; Local Work Carried On With Borrowed Money. ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO PAY BALANCE OF SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DUES IMMEDIATELY. Confronted -with an actual cash deficit of ?7,000 on its work for the year 1922, the Jewish Welfare-Federation today issued an appeal to all its subscribers to pay the balances still due on their pledges.. This deficit represents $2,650 due to the national institutions" affiliated -with the Federation,, and $4,350, -which was borrowed to finance local work during the year. This is the first time in all its history that so", great a shortage has confronted the organization, and this deficit must be liquidated if the Federation is to continue as one of the best in the country. It is on the basis of the inclusion of the national instiutions in its annual budget that the fundamental principles of Federation, rests. By sub-, sidizing these institutions direct, and preventing individual collections by them in Omaha, this community has been enabled, to give its proportionate share to every -worthy cause. Not only that, but each of the institutions included-in the IFeaeratjon budget .is
200 VIENNA HOOLIGANS ROUTED BY ATHLETES Vienna. ( J . C . B.)-^-Jewish athletes came to the rescue of Jewish students whose meeting-.: was raided by a band of two hundred armed hooligans bearing the "Swastica" emblem of the European anti-Semite. The purpose of the Jewish; meeting was to protect against the enforcement of the percentage limitation in the Vienna University. Police were called to restore order, but were : outnumbered and had to withdraw. It then occured to some o fthe students to telephone to the Jewish Sports Club "Hakoah." The athletes finally arrived on the scene and the hooligans withdrew in disorder. .
IS THE MOST Omahans to Attend WHO POPULAR GIRL? Elaborate Public D. 1 . 1 . C. Golden contest The Jewish. Press popularity EatertMaieit fey : is on."" The contest wili close at midT i l l , is . Planned Jubilee Conventwn night, Wednesday, February 7.
Each subscriptioil obtained by Professional Coaches Are Directthe girls will co\ffit as ten votes. ing Singing, Dancing, InRenewals of old; subscriptions strumental and Dramwill count the sai£e as new ones. atical Numbers The contest is open to. every To BE HELD IN NEW YORK Jewish girl in the States of SHOW, TO BE GIVEN SOON, CITY FROM JANUARY Nebraska and Iowa. WILL INTRODUCE JEW22 TO 26. . For the first prize, The Jewish ISH TALENT TO LOCAL COMMUNITY Temple Israel of Omaha - will be Press is giving: a roxmdtrip represented at the Union • of • Amer- j S - _ j . to Chicago and One] dollars In cash. Over A vaudeville - show, similar to the ican Hebrew Congregations Golden! also Shubert Reviews that appeared in Jubilee convention at New York City,
President Harding and Other Notable Men to Speak During the Convention.. :
January 22 to 26, by Rabbi : Fred- be
Moscow. (Jewish T. A.)—The liquidation of all Jewish places of worship housed in private residences, has been ordered by the government. The closing of the houses of worship will cause worshippers considerable hardship as most synagogues in Kiev and other places are now quartered in private homes. The authorities, however, are "vrillirnr to leave the economical independent "Botemedroshim" alone. The campaign against institutions is evidently not limited to synagogues. Thus a report in the "Ernes," the Yiddish communist organ, states: "The Tarbuth Gymnasium of Kiev (Hebrew high school) has been finally liquidated. It has functioned illegally ranee the revolution, and has had 130 students."
Lyons to-Visit Qnha Reception and Banquet 'for Guests January 18—Mass Meeting Januaiy 31. HERE IN INTERESTS ' OF PALESTINE MOVEMENT. Dr. Schmarya Levin of London, and Eabbi Alexander Lyons of New York, will be the guest of the local Keren Hayesod fx-om January 18 to 21. They will be here in the interests of the Palestine movement, A. I. Kulakofsky, chairman of the local committees announced. A banquet will be held in their hon~ or next Thursday evening at the BraTideis Grill room. On Sunday evening, January 21, a mass meeting will be held at the'Brandcis theater. Dr. Sehamarya Levin is no strfingpr to the Jews of America, having visited this country several times during the address by Mr. Benjamin Adarno\vski?
, Omaha early-" this season, will be F o r particular!-and- informa- given by the members of the Y. M. tion call a t T h a i Jewish Press and Y. W. H. A. within a few months. office, 482 Saiinders-Kennedy The clubcrooms in the Jewish ComBuilding. munity Center axe the scenes of busy Notices and photographs, 'activity in preparation for this event, o showing t h e progress off tth h e which is designed to" introduce to the contest will be ana ounced in The Jewish community • of this city the wealth of: talent. among its younger Jewish Press. members. Careful and detailed plans have been made and are being carried "Badge of Honor,".Window Display out to insure that this performance Card Given to Members. jwillbe of-the-very highest quality, and that local Jewery will be given a CAMPAIGN BEGINS JANUABY 31 real treat when it witnesses the en- The Judges Who Will Pick the Most AND ENDS FEBRUARY 2. tertainment. ^ , Popular Girl, Will Be AnTwo hundred members of the Y. M. Campaign Has ,Been_ Carried On Connounced Next Week. Many local Jewish men are taking and Y. W..H. A. and affiliated groups stantly Since Original announcean active part in the American Legion are now being tried out by the various COUNCIL BLUFFS ENTERS GIRL • -".. jnent Of "$50*000 -Pledge membership campaign.; Mr. Harry directors' of the four divisions into IN "JEWISH PRESS" CONTEST , , •. • By Morris Levy. Trnstin is iri charge of the "Surprise' which the • performance has been di4t COMPLETE . FUND MUST BE vided. 'These directors'include* Miss committee; J. J. Isaacson is in charge Day by Day, in -every ; RAISED, BEFORE FEB. 1ST, j Cecelia' Feiler, in charge of singing; of the Personal, and Morris E. Jacobs way, The Jewish Press UNDER NEW PROVISIONS is in charge of the Publicity. ! Mr, Harry Bra\ifoff,iri"charge; of incontest gets Keener ar»d OF GIFT. The Gall of Your Buddies," is the I strumental numbers;: Mrs. B. • R:~Boas- Keener." slogan to be used in the mammoth "THE JEWISH PRESS" popularWith ?147,000 already pledged the ' b e r S ^ o wffl direct the dramatic end, of the Douglas «assm8g**&nrtfe»s&&tfrftir the- erec- =«* 1 J i s s -" Dorothy Severe,.., dancing ity contest is getting, more interestJounty ie American Legion," tion'of a Jewish Community Center supervisor?-Active rehearsals wiS be- ing every day. The girls who have the pledges made ; to -them by the to be launched January 31, and will building in Omaha is daily growing gin next Monday night for singers and already entered are making a camFederation iare obligations that-must continue until the night of February niore intensive. Following the pledge instrumentalists, —-----paign of the entire city to secure ""-be met.* *" RABBI FREDERICK COHN 2. An attempt -will be made to make dancers and on-Thursday foV-the dra- votes to enable them to win the of Morris Levy for $50,000 the fund The institutions and the amounts every ex-service man a member of erick Cohn, Isidor Ziegler, president has steadily been increased until it matic actors All prizes offered by 'The Jewish Press". still due them are: the Legion. cf Temple Israel, and Messrs. N. A. now totals almost three times that * e <*? ^ l b e ^ Applicants for The latest entrant to the contest _$ S00 More than 500 legionnaires -will can- Spiesberger, Sol Bergman, Abe HerzCleveland Orphan Home parts may be -enrolled- ty attending is a representative from Council amount. National Jewish'Hospital — 750 vass the city and business district un- berg, and B. Pred. Unde"r the terms of Mr. Levy's gift * e metings of. the. groups in which Bluffs. The girls from across the DR. SCHMARYA LEVIN Jewish Consumptives Hospital _ 400 der the supervision of the thirty memThe Sisterhood of Temple Israel j t h e c o m m u n i t y w a s g i v e n 6 m o n t h s ^ they have ability. Missouri are making a strong Hebrew Sheltering Society 250 bers of the executive committee. wiE be- represented by Mrs, Fred- Jw tich to raise the total fund.' The j Jack C. Copeland is in general attempt to place their entrant in ; bom in the Province of Minsk an Ex-patients Home, Denver -:.__ 150 It is the aim of the committee to erick Cohn and Mrs. Abe Herzberg.l n e e d s of ^ g Jewish Welfare Federa- charge of: the affair,. with a large position for the first prize. 1867, and after having- received liis Los Angeles Consumptives Home 100 have every home in Omaha visited. Jewish education, he went to the UniThe Omaha delegation will leave ti on> o f -vrhich Mr. Levy is president, corps of assistants under him. Further The three judges who will count Leo N. Levi Hospital 75 The first day of the drive will be 'con- here :re Saturday evening, January 20. r i, ecain e so pressing during last fall announcement of the production, date, the votes on February 7, to determine versity of Koenigsberg in Berlin, ' National Desertion Bureau 25 centrated in the business district. EmEeports of the Golden Jubilee of that it was possible to continue the place and other items of interest, will who the most popular Jewish girl in where he received his Ph. .P. He ployers have signified that they will the Union of American Hebrew Con- Community Center solicitations only be made in these columns. the state of Nebraska and Iowa is, j elected Deputy from Vilna to the . §2,650 release all of their employes who are Total gregations convention to be held in on a small scale. There was at no will be announced in the next week's i Duma in 1906 and there became promi inent as an ardent defender of JewThe work which these institutions legionnaires, to. work for. the Legion New York City, which were sub- time, however, any cessation in the A p p n T X T r r T 7 r i „ issue of "The Jewish Press". have done for Omaha during the past on that day. The residence sections mitted to the committees during the •work—the campaign continued with- -ti..£ Jr*_»xi\ XXUXJ UXLir i^ x i To find out who the most popular i ish rights. -He is one of the signers is of inestimable value, and this com- of the city -which will be divided into past week, show of plans of making out interruption. In all the press of j A T T O R X E Y G E N E R A L girl is, "The Jewish Press" has ; of the famous "Veaboi'g- Manifesto." | Dr. Levin is a prolific writer in Hcmunity cannot fail to meet the obli- districts, will be .canvassed in the this convention, one of the largest work incident to the Federation launched one of the largest contests ibrew and'Yiddish. gations which confront it to make evenings between 6:30 and 9:30. ever held • in the east. finances, the Community Center proever held in this city. Over three Dr. Alexander Lyons, Rabbi of thf "The Legion deserves the support good ts pledge to these institutions. Addresses will be made i>y ~ Daniel ject was never lost sight of. In fact hundred dollars will be given away Eichth Avenue Temple. Brooklyn, V of every ex-service man,' said ComThey have kept faith with the FederaI P. Mays, Hon. Henry Morgenthau, it was with this understandinn: alone for prizes. Every Jewish girl in tion; their collectors have not come mander Hird Stryker of the post. Eabbi Samuel Schuiman and others that Mr. Levy volunteered to extend Omaha, Council Bluffs and neighborinto Omaha; they have relied upon the "The American "Legion has been a the time limit originally set by him ing communities -are eligible to enter great help and is. an absolute necesword of the Federation to care for for 45 days, or until Feb. 1st. this contest. sity for the disabled veteran, who untheir interests locally. The Jews-of With the finances of the Federation Omaha are bound to redeem the fortunately, was grounded fighting for being now a matter of the collection Condi Bluffs Yettla To promise made on their behalf by-the those at home. .,. We. have made it of the outstanding pledges, toe Compossible.for many of them to live their Federation. . munity Center Building Fund camlast days with some pleasure in spite Take Lead In Stags Fky The books of the Federation for the 61 their suffering." * ' paign will be carried on intensively Columbia, Mo., Jan. 11, 1923.—John year 1922 will close on January 20. ' A "Badge of Honor"—a window throughout the general community, Quigley of Council Bluffs, la., was Before this date $7,000 must be col- card bearing -the< inscription-; "Ameriwith the same ardor that it has been chosen to play the part of Garabato, lected. Much more than this amount can Legion. 100 Per Cent," is to be. conducted heretofore. Everything is the second lead in "Blood and Sand," is outstanding from both men and furnished every member of the Legion in readiness for the workers, lasts the famous story of Spanish life by women subscribers. Men subscribers to be .the.front window of of prospects have been tabulated, the Ibanez, author of "The Four Horseare urged to send the balances of their the home. These badges of honor will city has been districted, and all men of the Apocelypse.' ' 1922 -pledges to. the Federation at be distributed three days prior to the preparations for a successful cam{Juigley is the nephew of Mr. and once. Members" of the Jewish Wom- campaign—so Commander Stryker paign have been made. With the Mrs. S. Cohn, Grand Hotel, Council en's Welfare Organization may;remit urges that every ex-service man join pamphlet recently issued by the ComBluffs, and it a member of the Zeta their 1922 dues to Mrs. J. J. Slosberg, now inorder to receive one of the munity Center trustees now in the Beta Tau Fraternity. He is a junior 105 S. 33d St.. Treasurer of the Orhome of every Jewish family in Omain the College of Law of the Uniwindow cards before the campaign ganization. • ' ha, insuring adequate knowledge of versity of Missouri. starts. the undertaking throughout the comThe play will be presented January munity, and with more than half of SEE DEPLETION OF LABOR 23 and 24. the fund already pledged, the camRABBI ALEXANDER LYONS THROUGH IMMIGRATION The main lead in "Blood and Sand" paign will go over the top, and before RESTRICTIONS. which is being presented by the dra- Y., one of, the largest congregations; Feb. 1st, the Jewish people of Omaha New York, Jan. 3.—(J. C. B.)— matic club of the University is "Gal- in America, recently returned from * will have been, assured of a com. . Adoption of a national immigration larado," which part was taken by Otis visit to Palestine. Sioux City, ^.-^Representatives of law that shall give theU.'S. the "right munal home which will eqwal any to Skinner on the stage and Rudolph ValDr. Lyons visited Palestine la*<: local Jewish organizations met Mon- to register, distribute, • •: educate and be found anywhere in the country. entino on the screen. Harry Schwim- summer while on a tour of the Near day evening at the Hebrew Institute. otherwise supervise aliens "during their mer of Kansas City, also a member of East on behalf of the Near East ReAt this meeting plans were made to period of alienage will be urged upon ROUMANIAN COMMUNISTS the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, is play- lief Committee. At that time he vieobtain the services of Mr. P. Wall, congress by the National organizaFORBIDDE NTO HAVE ing the lead. Schwimmer is known in ited the Jewish colonies and settlo ISIDOR ZIEGLER of Chicago, 111., to serve as a director tion through its president, John E. CONNECTION ABROAD Harry . Silverman of this city Lincoln where he visited when he made ;xnents and was deeply impressd with indicated that the Convention will be Bucharest, Jan. 4. (J. T. A.)—The of social service to the Jewish Com- Edgerton, yesterday. recently received the. appointment of the trip there as a member of the the splendid work of the Jewish piomade memorable, tbo, by a spiritual munity of this city. neers who are rebuilding Palestine—* The association sees great economic revival among New York Jewry of Roumanian law regulating the func- Deputy Attorney General of the Missouri University football team. pioneers who came to that country Mr. Wall has had over seven years danger to the nation of the 3 per cent the religious ideals which inspired tions and .conduct of religious com- State of Nebraska. Silverman was munities prohibits contact by any appointed to this office by O. S. REPORT ROTHSCHILDS. HAS RE- from the war-ridden lands of Eastetr, experience in the social'service work, present emergency law," and favors, having served in both Chicago and instead, a broad policy of selective im- Eabbi Isaac M. Wise, founder of the religious community in Ro jmania; Spillman, • attorney general elect. NOUNCED AUSTRIAN CITIZEN- Europe. = York City- He is at present migration as a •nultimate goal, it Union of American Hebrew Congre- with similar bodies abroad, it is Silverman is well known in the local Dr. Lyons was bom in Mobile, AIA., SHIP. gations and Hebrew Union College . assistant superintendent of the Mark's stated. given by the i and received his rabbinical traininc learned, the reason Prague, Jan, 4.—{J. T. A.)—The community, Jiaving been secretary of SO years ago. Nathan Orphan Home in Chicago, HI. "The secretary of labor should be authorities being that such, contact the local B'nai B'rith lodge for the Vienna branch of the Rothschild fam- j in Cincnnati. He took post-gradufttft David M. Bressler, chairman of the would subect the E umanian com- \ t three years. He is a graduate ily has renounced Austrian citizen- I work at the Columbia and New York Mr. Wall will begin bis duties here authorized," the association recompas March 1-- "We intend to have one of mends, "upon the presentation to him New York convention committee, who munities to foreign influence. This o f the rake r University at Des ship in favor of Czecso-Slovakian, ! universities. He is in great demana the finest social service and federation of satisfactory evidence of a continu- presided, announced that President ruling, it is understood, applies also Moines and is' the son of Mr. and says a report in the local Tribuna. as lecturer by both Christian and Jewa G. Harding had accepted the to funds contributed from organiza-' Mrs. M.' Silverman of Des Moines, The paper suggests that this move ish organizations and has been one «£ system in the central west. We hope ing shortage of labor of a particular U^ lau m ons ; to be guest of tions abroad for those in Roumania, to have a Federation as good as the class or type, to admit otherwise in- h o n o r a ninvitation He is the first. Jewish man was inspired by apprehension felt for the prom nent lecturers of the Neat d chief E eaker at P ^ e and vice versa, unless special per- t 0 hold such an office. some time among the Rothschilds that East Eelicf organisation and of thfe Jewish Welfare Federation of Omah*, admissable aliens in excess of the I the protection Austria is able to give Beard of Education of New Nebr.," said Edward E. Baron, pres- quota until in'his judgment such COB- j Jubilee convention banyet, whichjs to mission had been obtained from the ident of the local Federation. Government dition is improved." (Continued on page 2.) PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! them and thei rinterests is inadequate. l City.
Sioux City To Engage Social Service Worker
% & ' •
Payment of Pledges to Orphan Homeand Hospitals at Stake
better - O m a h a
Children" and a
and women of to-
VOL. m.—No. 5
Jewish Ex-Soldiers Take Active Part In American Legion Membership Drive
Jewish Commifirity Center building Fund Is Growing Daily; Now
Jewish Press Popularity Contest Going Strong; Girls Show Enthusiasm
r,~ r«T\
Jewish Choral Class Is ! JEWESS love your decency supreme, Organized by YMHA Members Your peaceful home sweet home.
THE JEWISH PRESS PabJlihed every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraik*. by
THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone; Jackson 2372. NATHAN E. GEEEN, Manager.
evening, January 7, at the Ivre Club j A social meeting of the Junior Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish Women Rooms. was held Tuesday evening at the home Mrs. Victor Friend and baby left for Salisbury, Mo., to visit with her of Mrs. M. Bernstein. Mrs. S. Steinberg will entertain at parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Weiler. her home next Tuesday afternoon for the Afternoon Club.
the Sunday School league basketball tournament, conducted by the Y. M. C. A. recently. Louis Abramson is leader of this group.
Your purity a steady stream Will Be Directed By Prof. Ada- Never seems to roam. The Junior Scouts, David Sher, leadmo wski; Other News of Senior er, hiked six miles last week. These Group Activities. boys range from 8 to 11 years in I love your true simplicity 1 age and meet every Friday afternoon Subscription Price.onP.veaj . In times you do your bit; A Jewish choral group for Omaha! Mr. Louis Braunstein will return at 4 o'clock at the Y. Additional memAdvertising rales furnished on application. You avoid publicity This is the goal that has been set The engagement of Miss libby next week from a trip through the bers are wanted. •by 50 young men and women, mem- And cheer us with your wit. NOT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicsSnyder to Mr. Sidney Lightstone, of east. 1 PINE-TWERSKY. tto& of The Jewish Ptesa are tq be given to worthy communal causea. the senior group of the YM A regular association dance for Detroit, Mich., was announced last and YWHA, following an inspiring members of the Senior Group will be Thursday evening at a bridge party CHAHOB OF ADDEES8—Pteaw civ* bath tta« old «n« o n •fldrewj """" Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. 1 to* t i n tnd tlgo TOOT Mm*. address by Mr. Benjamin Adamowski renaissance that is dawning." given Saturday night, at the Jewish given at the home of Miss WiHThe Wise Sunbeams, a sewing group And Stuart Walker, in keeping Russian pianist, who spoke on the Community Center, Admission will herriina Freidman. Mr. Lightstone is of fifteen girls, directed by Mrs. S. H. , THE GOLDEN JUBILEE. value of music before a record- with this trend of modern thought, has a graduate of the Columbia Uni- Schaefer, visited the Child Saving In- be paid up membership card only. found a fresh dramatic inspiration in It is fitting that the outstanding event in American Jewry breaking meeting of the Association the one of the least modern sources, versity. The wedding will take place stitute last week, at which time they for the year 1923 should be the Golden Jubilee of the Union of last Monday night. the Bible. Taking the tremendous sometime in March. Miss Snyder presented the children with bags of FOR American Hebrew Congregations, as it indicates a renasence in Mr. Adamowski, who is a new- spiritual drama of Job he has found is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. candy and rag dolls which they had comer to musical and communal acDIAMONDS, JEWELRY American Reform Judaism. One is impressed by the seriousness made themselves. During the previthat there is no discrepancy between Sam Snyder, of this city. AND ous week they entertained at an afterof effort being, made to attract the largest group that ever tivities in this city, has offered to the age of Job and the twentieth cen• A committee consisting of B. Simon, noon social at the club rooms in honor attended a similar event and in order to interest every element direct a group of Jewish singers in tury. SPECIAL PLATINUM A. Aginskee, and M. Hoffman, have of their director. in Congressional life, the program has been broadened to include an 'effort to build up a permanent orDESIGNING the Sisterhoods and the Brotherhoods of the various congre- ganization. In a spirited talk he MOVE FOR THE~ADOPTION OF arranged plans for the celebration for see the fourth, anniversary of the Council The Story-Telling Group now numUKRAINE ORPHANS BY gations. As we have pointed out repeatedly, this convention traced the part that Jewa have Bluffs Talmud Torah, Tuesday even- bers fifteen girls from 8 to 10 years AMERICAN JEWS. offers an unusual opportunity to strengthen not merely the ties played in the development of music, and urged the formation of a choral Moscow, Jan. 8.—(J. T. A.)—-Infor- ing, January 16, at the Synagogue, of age. It meets on Sunday afterthat unite Jews with their congregations, but to establish a Diamond and Platinum group. The first meeting will be mation is being gathered in most of 618 Mynster street. Everyone is in- noons at the Y, under the direction higher standard of Jewish life. Only those who are blind cannot Specialists .see that there are serious questions that must be settled within held next Tuesday night, Jan. 16, at the Jewish children's homes in the vited. Refreshments will be served. of Miss Rozella Klein. 1514 Dodge Street. Established 1894. DO nctai B61». the House of Israel if we are ,to lessen: the "ever, increasing the Jewish Community Center at Ukraine as to whether the inmates There will be no collections. The B'nai Israel, Jrs., 15 and 16have friends and relatives in America, pressure of antagonism that is bearing down upon us from with- 7q30. Enrollment is not limited to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky an- years-old newsboys, finished second in out. What is needed-at this forthcoming some YMHA members; *. all persons inter- and if the latter prefer to help the nounce the birth of a baby daughter, children in Russia or bring them to Jean Rae. Mrs. Gilinsky was forbrave soul who will speak the truth that is needed to clean our ested are urged to join. own doorsteps; We are not interested in empty committee At this same meeting the minimum America. It is expected that a move- merly Miss Edythe Preideru reports and idle resolutions: neither are we interested in gen- age limit of senior group members ment will soon begin to induce ei'alties. We would like to have some man rise in that conven- was set at 17 years, effective imme- American Jews to adopt Ukrainian or- A regular meeting of the Council "The Clothing Corner of Omaha" tion and say that men must be clean in their home and business diately. Plans for a Mother-Daugh- phans, as. was done in the case of of Jewish Women was held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. Katlelives if they wish to be recognized officially by a Jewish com- ter social to be hefcLon January 24 Jewish orphans from Poland. man. munity. That it lowers the standard of Jewish communal life •were outlined. Reservations for this and brings opprobium upon Jews generally when we find rep- affair roust be made not later than Mrs. Philip Sherman of Allen, Neb., resented on our Congregational and Philanthropic Boards men Jan. 22 at the Y office. The piogram, arrived Saturday night to visit with whose names are discussed with contempt and whose integrity which was arranged by Louis Abranaher parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinsky. Fink-Baum. is questioned by the man on the street. Wealth is a great con- son, included piano; selections by LilThe marriage of Miss Sarah Rose Mr. and Mrs. L. Bernstein were venience, but it should not be worshiped. While Emerso**, made lian Chudacoff, readings by Kate Baum to Mr. Louis Fink took place hosts to the Evening Club Monday Goldstein, and a discussion of the a wise statement when he said that it is difficult for an empty ALUE—the utmost limit of value every day in the Wednesday January 3, at the evening. year in quality clothes for men and young men is bag to stand erect, when it is filled it is easy to do it, yet it is works of Israel Zangwill, by Nathan home of thenoon, bride's sister, Mrs. Burt the Nebraska plan. up excuse for society toforgetwhere a man's money comes from Minooken. It was planned to hold Polsky, and Mr. Rabbi Jacob Mrs. Sam Snyder entertained the and to say "What's the difference where he got it so long as he a regular senior group dance this Singer officiated.Polsky. Fortunately, this store is so situated and organized that it Mrs. Fink has made Afternoon Club at her home Wednesis enabled to secure the cream of the best clothes made and has it." This is cynical and an evil philosophy and threroughly Saturday night, at which a special her home in. Lincoln with her day afternoon. offer them for sale at the lowest prices possible. demoralizing to the MORALE, of any people. These are some musical revue will be given. The for the past several years. Mr.sister Fink <fcf the things that ought to be brought out at a convention that membership of the Senior Group now is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fink Mr. and Mrs. L. Kroloff will enhas been called for the purpose of elevating Jewish life and in-totals 375. tertain a few of their friends at their of Lead, S. D. creasing devotion to our faith. Who will raise the voice to call are attractingg widespread interest and p After a wedding trip to New York home this evening. i ll sizes, i ll proportions ti attention. All all a halt on the younger generation who can find time only for OMAHANS TO ATTEND City ,the young couple will make and no such , values elsewhere— Mr. Harry Cohen left Monday evenU. A. H. C GOLDEN engaging in the grossest sensual pleasures in the form of abJUBILEE CONVENTION their home in Lead, where Mr. Fink ing to visit at St. Paul, Minnnormal social activity? We can hear our hard-boiled readers is in business. (Continued from page 1) mention "Preaching". Call it what they will, somebody ought Mrs. Harry Monsky was hostess to to say, something, and say it in plain, understandable English take place in the grand ballroom of The Ladies' Aid Society met Mon-the Afternoon club at her home WedA responsibility rests on the Golden Jubilee—we hope that some Hotel Astor on Wednesday evening, day, January 3, at the home of Mrs. nesday afternoon. Many Suits With Extra Pants at § 5 and § 7 . 5 0 "man of the hour" will come to the surf ace,—"Jewish Criterion.' January 24. This banquet will have M. Frosh with Mrs. H. Spigle and Mrs. Frosh as ; the hostess. . Miss Sara 2,000 guests. Mark Eisner told of Friend won thecedar chest which was ANNOUNCEMENT. plans for a public meeting at Car- raffled at the meeting. The proceeds ji II^GRATION AND INDUSTRY; A new and sanitary Kosher ;i The problem of immigration, like that of the poor, is always negie Hall on the opening evening of amounting to $100, will go toward the Meat Market has opened at •the convention, at which Judge Irving .with us in some form or another. It perplexes and vexes. It does 2019 North 24th Street Temple Fund. New plans for increasjtnore. It stirs up mischief. It is a matter very difficult to handle Lehman of New York and Rabbi ing the Temple >Fund were discussed. S. Epstein, prop. Webster 0320. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Deliveries will be made to all land do justice to in ita several parts. Whichever way we turn Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland will we are confronted with difficulties and obstacles of some kind be the principal-speakers, and Meier Mr. and MrsiMozer have taken an parts of Omaha and So. Omaha or another. And legislation does not solve the situation. It Steinbrink announced that a similar partment at the Lenox. Mrs. Mozer .would be.held at, the Eighth ras formerly Miss Mary Margolin. ensure tthe desirable., ^ t f li h i^b l ^e ^ n. o pr e h t Avenue Temple a t Brooklyn. Wm. •Mr.' Gundell Goldansky returned j Nor is anything accomplished by a three percentage or a two peri centage. The true work that is to be done, that will not be done I. Spiegelberg reported that for the rom New York, where he represented jjby the labor we haye jeither because some work is beneath thehj entertainment of the delegates an ;hei Nebraska 1 Chapter of the Zeta i consideration or because there exists-a.real scarcity. 1 The question evening: of; Jewish ^music had been Jeta Tau Fraternity at their twenty"has-been asked, what shall be done with the admitted immigrants planned to be given at the Century :ourth annual convention. labor for which they have.been permitted Theater. jj when the particular p ' come to these shores h i finished. i h d Then Th they h will ill b be a drug on "tf "-, Go" to Synagogue Week •A regular meeting of the Menorah ;'to is Not necessarily, the market arid a source of danger. g y, if we throw The-week preceding the convention Society of the University of Nebrasd take k care that ht they fall is to be known as "Go To Synagogue a-was held Sunday, January 7. Mr. l of protection and around them the folds not;into the dutches of the vicious elements which are not all of Week", and Rabbi Samuel Schulman, Saul Arenson spoke on "Census and recent importation and which make "their business and livelihood who is chairman of ;the rally commit- Dispersion of- the Jews," and Mr. to lurk for such .credulous immigrants and work their ruin by tee for the convention,'.Baid'that ar- amuel Gordon Tead an article on preying onrthem. Furthermore, when work in one section of, the rangements had been made for spe- Why I hate the Jews." A discussion country is accomplished, they could be moved around to where cial services in all New York Reform ollowed. The faithfulness~of performance so their, labor is needed. The main point, however, is that we should synagogues on the Sabbath preceding Mr. John Seber. is confined to his universally remarked in Dodge not waste time in the assimilation of the immigrant, make him or the convention. room with an attack of measles. her ^thoroughly and one hundred per cent American. This dare Henry Morgenthau, ex-Ambassador Brothers Motor Cars, is due, in no not be undertaken in; a manner that is patronizing or domineer- to Turkey, who is honorary chair- A "business meeting of the Hebrew small part, to the thoroughness with ing, but thoughtfully and interestingly. We can solve the problem man of the convention committee, Ifiucational Club was held Sunday which each unit is inspected during the to mutual benefit if we only go about it the right way.—-M. Ni told of the need for a revival of all A. C. in B'Brith Mess. process of manufacture and assembly* religions throughout the world. Place your orders for Judge Henry, M. Goldfogle, head of Matzos and Passover SupA trained staff of 1100 experts is employed BAVARIAN FASCISTI FAVORS JAMES ROTHSCHILDS the committee on delegates, explies now. Best qualities. ADVOCATE POGROMS AS WEIZMANN'S SUCCESSOR. pressed' the hope that from New : in this work alone, and approximately Lowest prices. Berlin, Dec. 14. (J. T. A.)—Circu- London, Jan. 4.—(J. T. A.)—Ad- York "will radiate a spirit that shall 5,285 inspections are made on each car. Mrs. S. SILVER, lars' containing unheard-of aceusa- verting to the rumors that Dr. Weiz- find a place in the hearts and minds ( 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 tiong against Jews and. inciting the mann wishes to resign as president of of every self-respecting Jew in So exacting and ligid are the standards the World Zionist organization, the population to violence against them, America. He said this convention vrerfe distributed here in thousands Jewish World says it thinks it would held in this city at this time may applied to these inspections that of copies Wednesday by members of be "a good thing if Dr. Weizmann clear many complex problems that the slightest variation, either in the ^National Socialists of Bavaria, would now lay down the charge, at affect Jewry not only in America workmanship or material, is sufficient headed by Adplph Hitler, called the least for awhile. "It is bad for any but .throughout the world." organization to be led indefinitely by Chiropodist and Beauty "Bavarian Mussolini". . cause for immediate rejection. Shop The broadcasting of these circu- one man or the same men," the paper THE BOOK OF JOB Established 1800 lars; coincided with announcements asserts. ''Although the Jewish World podgeBrothersarealmostover-scrupulous .15th and . Harney Htreets. Quite often, since the announcement doesn't altogether see eye to eye with that, ten anti-Semitic meetings were rhone Jackson 917*. in their constant aim to make each car as was made by the Omaha Drama League to be held at Munich under the James de Rothschild, it must confess that they were bringing Staurt Walkthat in the circumstances a much betsound and perfect as is humanly possible. auspices of the National Socialists, er's production of the Book of Job to and •• five counter-demonstrations to ter successor would be difficult to our city on January 20, at the BranKaplan Auto Parts Co. protest against the anti-Semitic find." "But would Rothschild accept deis theater ,the question has been the office and will Dr. Weizmann re2111 Ntchola» Street meetings of the Fascisti arranged by sign?" tte Jewish World asks. asked "Is it a drama founded on the Used cars bought, sold, and « the Social Democrats. changed. New gears, and axle shafts bible story or. is it the real text?' for any make of car. The clash precipitated Tuesday by MARSHALL QUESTIONS FEDER- The New York Journal of Commerce Tires, Tubes and Accessories Hitler's "National Socialists" at answers this question. AL JURISDICTION IN ROSENBelow Wholesale Prices. Goelpingen, Wuerttemberg, with "A unique and impressive perfromBLUTH CASE. communists -resulted in twelve casual- New Yor, Jan. 2.—(J. C. B.)— ance was given at the Booth theater O'BRrN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY ties *bf which five are reported to be Argument in the proceedings for the when Staurt Walker presented the grave. All Orders Given. Prompt and removal of Captain Robert Rosen- Book of Job. It was, perhaps, the 28th and Barney Streets, Hamey 0123 Careful Attention. bluth, under federal indictment in the first time that the text of the Old JEWISH CALENDAR. state of Washington for the murder Testament story, in itself, a great WELSH'S FLOWERS (Guaranteed) of Major Alexander P. Cronkhite, be- dramatic poem, had been presented 6683-1922.' "FLOWEHS MAKE FRIENDS" Fastof Teheth -Fri., Dec 29 gan yesterday before U. S. Commis- in literal form in a theater. Tel. Ja 4291, Brandeis Theatre Bide. 210 So. 17tn St., Omaha. "- . . 5683-1923. sioner Hitchcock. Louis Marshall, As given by Mr. Walker, it is not Bosh-Chodeeh Shebat.. .Thurs., Jan. 18 counsel for the defendant, questioned an adaptation nor a dramatization, Roab>Chodesh Adar -Sat., Feb. 17 the jurisdiction of the federal au- but the Old Testament dialogue. P u r % (Feast of Esther) Fri., Mar. 2 thorities on the ground that on Octo- The staging is striking and artistic, Harry H. TrtM. Nisan -Sun., Mar. 18 ber 25, 1918, when Major. Cronkhite the lighting effect being fnely hanPassover (Pesach) Sun, Apr. 1 was shot dead, the property used by dled, and the storm effect s wonder t:: " Hi Passover (Seventh Day) Sat, Apr. 7 Camp Lewis had not passed to the died, and the storm effects wonder Omaha Fixture & . RoslCChodesh lyar ~_n.Taes., Apr. 17 control of the .government. fully contrived. Supply Co. ill ....Fri.r May 4 Mr. Walker, himself, writes, "There COMPLETE STORE AND i., May 16 JEWS BEATEN IN-NEW YEAR has been .bitter, questioning' of th : " 'RIOT.- . OFFICE OUTFITTERS (Confirmation) * ways of divine providence and humanWe occupy ^^ i May 21 'Rigia, Jan. 4.. (J. T..A.)—-In a-riot ity has- turned again-16' holy.writ. 10,000 wiuare fwt Bonthwcrt Comer Tammnz .^FrU June/5 against Jews at the railway station Painters are turning to'the scriptures on New Year's Day, a for 'inspiration,., novelist's ::and'. ,essay5 1 and Uonsia* Street*. f . c * ••"^•-Sat^ JnIy-14 Gf/.Reaica Phonni Jackson tit* l sts are seeking an answer to the. old large number of Jews were severely OMAHA. K1SB. Police intervention restored religious questionings and the world is tense, -with the religious
The Malashock Jewelry Co.
The Nebraska Plan
Utmost Clothing Values All the Time
25 30 3S
1 ::: :!•
cago, 111., formerly of this city, who ENGAGEMENTS The engagement of Miss Corinne is now visiting at the Cohn home. New, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Ten guests were present.* New of Council Bluffs, la., to Mr. Mil- Mr. E. Oscar Weinstein returned ton Livingston, son of Mrs. Carrie the latter part of last week for the Livingston of this city, has been announced. • " • - . - • "University of Chicago' to resume his studies.
Angeles, Calif., with Mr. Milder's "The Book of Job," and on Saturday . Miss Sarah Rosenblatt entertained in the alloted time no award was parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Milder, who m o r n i n g h i s s u b j e c t w i l l b e ' T h e V i s - at her home Friday evening at five giveni The troop had a general good are spending the winter in California. i o n . " •• -•••-• ••— • — ••• - - tables of bridge honoring Miss Rose time, and although they did not win, While enroute to California Mrs. Chorney, of Chicago, 111., who -was . they got a lot of good pointers for Milder will spend a week in Kansas Mrs. S. Hirschberg and daughter, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Morris next year's rally and are confident City, Mo., with Mrs. Ben Taxman, Lottie, will leave Sunday for the south Cohn. that they will win that one. formerly Miss Anna Milder, of this to spend the remainder of the winter Our meetings will start off with a months. They will visit with Mrs. city. lot of pep since there will be no more Y. M. H. A. Troop 62.
Hirschberg's daughter, Mrs. J. A. MASQN-DOVORKIN. Mr. and Mrs. B. Rothenberg anMr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin reThe marriage of Miss Dorothy nounce the engagement of their Rabbi H. Brodsky, of Newark, N. Solomon, and son, Mr. I. Hirschberg, Sunday morning from their _.„ father of Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky, and Mrs. Hirschberg. DovorMn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,daughter, Fanny, to Mr. David A. wedding trip to the. east. L. Dovorkin, of Sioux City, la., to Denenberg, of this city. No definite ^f,y arrived during the past week to The Sisterhood of Temple Israel visited in Chicago, 111., and MilMr. Abe Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. date has as yet been set for the attend the wedding of his grandJ. Mason, of Sioux City, la., waswedding. Mr. and Mrs. Rothenberg waukee, Wis. They are now making daughter, Miss Eudice Kulakofsky. will entertain at a Masquerade Ball ^ P solemnized here Sunday afternoon in will be afhome Sunday, January 17, their home with Mis. Fromkin's Mr. and Mrs. A. L Sacks, and chfl- Wednesday evening, February 14, at the Blackstone Hotel. ;\V the presence of a few immediate from two to five, and eight to eleven parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinstein. relatives "and friends, -with Eabbi at their home honoring their daughMr. and Mrs. J. Cohn have as N. H. Cohn, of Kansas City, Mo., Messrs. Jake and Louis Simon were Cohen officiating. ter's engagement their guests Mr. and Mrs. H. Ka- have also arrived to attend the the principal speakers at a dinner The bride had as her only attendant wedding of Miss Kulakofsky. given by the Simons Bros. Co., at the niinsky, of Spokane, Wash; x her aunt, Mrs. Leviton, and Mr. B. The engagement' of Miss Lillian Atheltic Club Saturday evening, for Lazar, daughter of Mrs. Katie Lazar, Dobrof sky served as best man.. Mrs. Harry White arrived Monday Mr. Reuben Ferer left Monday on its sales and office force. — A dinner followed by an Orpheum to Mr. Mack Jacks, son of Mr. Sol morning from Sioux City, Iowa, a business trip to Chicago, 111., and party was given in honor of the young Jacks, of Hastings, Nebr., was an- where she has been visiting with her Detroit, Mich., and also in New York Miss Rose Chorney of Chicago, 111., nounced during the past week. No sister, Mrs. S. D. Prusiner, and City, where he will join his wife who who has been the house guest of Mr. couple Sunday evening. date has been set for the wedding. has been visiting with her parents and Mrs. Morris Cohn, left for her family. ; and relatives for the past several home Tuesday. While visiting here, Mr. Leo Falkovitch of Rock Island, Mr. and Mrs. M. Roffman enterDr. and Mrs. Philip Sher had as -weeks. Miss Chorney was extensively enter111., spent a week here with his daugh- tained at a family dinner Sunday tained. their guest for several days during i d ters, Mrs. J. Rosen and Mrs.Sam evening at which they a n n o u n c e d ^ tte p a s t w e e k D r sher-s brother, Mr. Miss Ida MinMn entertained ten Gaifman. He left for his home Sun-- engagement of their daughter, daughter Ida, Ida couples at a dancing party Monday Mrs. George Levey of etroit, Mich, of Reading, Pa. day evening. : to Mr. Israel Sacks, of Buenos Aires, B> evening. Among the guests were is visiting here with Mr. Levey's parArgentina, who will make his home Mr. Samuel I. Brandt, of New M i s s Fannie Hill and Mr. Morris ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Levey and Mr. Samuel Rabihpvitz returned here. The wedding will take place the York City, finance of Miss Eudice. Nathenberg, of Lincoln, Nebr., who family. A number of social affars Tuesday morning.from.- a visit to £arly part of February. A number Kulakofsky, arrived in Omaha Sioux .City, la. n o u s e guests of Miss Ida are being planned for the visitor. ere of affairs are already being planned Wednesday. Mr. Brandt and Miss wGreenberg. Mr. and Mrs. Levey will entertain at Kulakofsky will be married Tuesday' Mr. :Sam Yabroff. spent the week- for the bride-to-be. a dinner dance at the Athletic Club The regular meeting of the Young Saturday evening for their guest. evening, January 16. end in-Lincoln, Neb. While there he Judea Senior Club was held Thursday was at-the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Mrs. Max Frank and Miss.Pearl Rosenblatt returned Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crounse an- evening, January 11, at the Jewish House; , : from a five month's visit in Boston, nounce the birth of a baby girl Sun- Community Center, jjj Let us talce care of your f Mr. S. S. Green left Monday even- Mass., with relatives and friends. day at the Methodist Hospital. Mrs.' Mr .and Mrs. J. B. Katz of Marion, ing for a trip to St. Paul, Minn. needs Crounse was formerly Miss Sarah I HI., who were visiting here for the The Council of Jewish Women will Minkin. . Miss Hannah Sommer ^returned hold a Board meeting Monday after(past two weeks with Mrs. Alexander Monday from a three weeks' stay in noon at two o'clock at the Jewish Mrs. Max Fromkin will entertain Pollack and Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, left Padukah, Ky., visiting relatives and at her home next Thursday evening for their home Saturday evening. Established 1892 Community Center. friends. They were extensively entertained for forty guests. 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782. Miss Belle Valentine, of Ames, la., during their stay here. Mr/ Jake Falk returned Wednes- who has been the guest of Miss The regular meeting of the Omaha i We have a large selecday morning after spending ten days Martye Weinstein for the past sev- Junior Hadassah. Unit will be held) Rabbi Frederick Cohn's topic Fri- ji tion of diamonds and with relatives in Rock Island, HL eral weeks, left the latter part of Wednesday evening, January 17, at day evening at the Temple will be new mountings the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Julius Newman spent a few last week for Des Moines, Iowa, to days in Lincoln, Neb., last week visit- visit prior to leaving for her home. A number of affairs are being ing with her mother, Mrs. R. Snader, given for Miss Eudice Kulakofsky and sister, Mrs. H. Marx, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenstock, 'and Mr. Samuel L Brandt, who are; - "The Mohl" who are on their honeymoon, are Marx. Residence. 1513 So. 25th St. now at the Ambassador Hotel in Los soon to be married. Mr. and Mrs.; Announcement L. Kulakofsky will entertain at the Mr. and Mrs. G. Friedman of Sioux Angeles, Calif. Tel. Atlantic 6637. Athletic Club Saturday evening for Place of Business, 1629 Vo. S«h St. City, la., who have been visiting here STRICTLY TeL Webster 2916. with relatives, left Saturday evening The Messrs. Nathan Levlch, Peter ten guests. Mr. and Mrs. M. KulaKOSHER MEALS _ _ and _ for their home. Heeger, Jack „Magilevsky, Benj kofsky will have a family dinner Dobrofskjy of Sioux" City," Iowa,'Sunday evening for MissKulakofsky HOME COOKING TheX. T. C. Club will hold its regand her fiance.' ular meeting * Tuesday evening, Jan- motored to Omaha Sunday to attend Also Orders for Weddings, Miss Celia Silverman. entertained uary 16, at the Jewish Community the Mason-Dovorkin wedding. Parties, etc Leading General Stock of lenter. The committee in. charge has: and Mrs. A. B. Cohn, of San twelve couples at her home SaturStaple Merchandise—No clothS. MANTEL, Proprietor . arranged a good program' for the' Francisco, Calif., were in Omaha day evening. ing—will reduce to suit buyer. 4*Tnembers. ;•• Also five-room modern bunga1919 Burt St. Atlantic 5440 Sunday visiting with Mr. Cohn's Mr. David Finkel, who has been low, in rich well settled comMrs; Charles "Levinson. entertained sister, Mrs,',Carl Furth,, and Mr. seriously ill at the Wise Memorial munity, population of 600— paved streets. Store building three tables of bridge at her home Furth, while enroute to New York Hcspital, is now convalescing. . _,, at at th on corner on Lincoln Highway. City." -; . ' ..:•;•'.'•• -. ursday afternoon^ , * 4 ^Thur Have other interests and must Mrs. Ben Milder and nephew, selL N. BORDY, Mr. and Mrs. J . Fregger enterMrs. Morris Cohn entertained at a Jarome Justin Milder, son of Mr. Clarks, Nebraska. tained' Barmitzvoh of their son, Sam- theatre party last Wednesday in H. B. Milder, left Thursday, January uel, at the B*nai Israel Synagogue, honor'of Miss Rose Chorney, of Chi- 4, for a three months visit at Los Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon they entertained at their home for ten boy friends of their son. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fregger again entertained at their home, honoring their son's barmitzvoh. Covers were laid for fifty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Fregger presented their son with a gift of a gold watch and a number of other gifts were received from the guests present. The following out of town guests were present: Mr. Leo Falkovitch^ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rich of Rock Island, HL, Mrs. M. Saxe and daughter, Lena, and son, Abe of Norfolk, Neb. Mr. and Mrs, Herman Auerbacfc returned Wednesday morning from their honeymoon trip to Los Angeles, San Francisco and other citie3 on the Pacific coast. Mrs. Auerbach was formerly Miss Ella Fleishman.
Our troop took second place in the. practice for the rally. We have a numDistrict Rally held Monday night, Jan- ber of good new members and also a He uary 8, at the First M. E. Church, 20th recruit for assistant scoutmaster. 1 and Davenport streets. Troop 81 were is Max Givot and is making a name the winners. We made the following for himself as a good leader for boys. points: First in bandaging by Sam More troop news will appear next Fregger; first in Scout pace relay by week. Troop 62 basketball team would like Phil Mandel, Joe Cohen, Mitchel Lewto get games with teams averaging is, Ed Kaplan, Ralph Gross Isador Mann, Harry Levenson arid Herbert 110 lbs. For games call Morris Givot, Forman; in Discipline, Yell, and Knot Harney 4191. tying, we took third place. Sam BenEvery person in Omaha is eligible der represented us in Fire-by-Friction and did very well considering the prac- to enter "The Jewish Press" Populartice he had. Since no fire was made i t y Contest
DORSEY'S Chicken Shack 5206 Center Street* Telephone Walnut 1850
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
DORSEY formerly with
Carter Lake Club and
Saddle Creek Tavern
isants to meet all his old friends at Ms
Chicken Shack.
Starting Thursday, 8:30 A. M.
We Stage Omaha's Greatest
Motor Tested Severely
Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg are-leaving Thursday for a trip to New York City. ' Mr. Louis Kirschbraun returned last week from a visit in New York City "with his sons, Messrs. Lester and Henry Kirschbraun. Mr. Marvin Treller returned to the Semper Military Academy Monday morning after spending* his school vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Treller. Mrs. R. Kulakofsky left Monday morning with her son, Earl, for California to spend the winter months. Tuesday evening, January 16, the Sisterhood of the Temple Israel will entertain at a social evening in conjunction with their meeting. The husbands and fathers of the members fwill be the guests at this entertain-
Mrs. Harry Fellheimer left Sunday day evening for Chicago, 111., and Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Degen are visiting in Chicago, 111. :e Ra Oth Society will'be enter-; ;ed Sunday afternoon, January 14J Phelps Hut with Mrs. H. S; Nbvitsky aa hostess. ' . .- - The Omaha Junior Hadassah will entertain at its second of a series o f card parties at the Blackstone , Hotel Sunday afternoon, January 21. Miss JBetty Fine, chairman, and the * Misses Laura Givot and Rae Borsky, .are the committee in charge of the, affair.
Particular care is devoted byNash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal asitgoes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car. FOURS end SIXES
Prices rangefrom$915 to $21 oof. 0. b. factory
NA NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL . WHOLESALE SERVICE Tenth and Howard Streets ' Exclusive Local Factory Representative* Phone ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) N t t h Leads t h e W o r l d i n M o t o r Car V a l o c
Stock Reducing Sale Entire Stock of Men's Shoes and Furnishings Will be Closed Out at ON THE
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The Banks Pay 4% — We Save You 25% to 50% During This Sale SILK AND WOOL UNION SUITS— -~*y£rRobert Reis" make, $X25 ir-st^-" Worsted Robert Reis make, $2.25 '"'"" MEN'S HOSIERY BARGAINS— Silk and wool men's hose, $1 values now 75c All regular 75c silk hose, now 50c Silk lisle hose, 4 pair for $1.00 Heavy cotton hose, 7 pair for $L00 NECKWEAR—Special for three days only. A large variety of $1.00 and $1.50 values. Special 35c each. MEN'S CAPS!—With and without ear laps, $2.50 and $3.00 grades. Now $1.25 SWEATERS—(Sport). With and without belts. Pure worsted materials. $6.00 values, now $4.45
450 PAIRS OF MEN'S SHOES—in all sizes, $7.00 and $8.00 values, for three days only, $3.25 and $5.00 Emerson and Dunlap shoes also at equally; low prices. BOY'S SHOES—in all sizes, $4.00 and $4.50 values, for the next three days only, $2,25 and $3.45 HOUSE SLIPPERS—Opera and pullman vici kid chamois lining. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 values, $2.00 per pair. COLLARS—Aratex semi soft collars, for $1.00 Van Huesen collars, three for $1.00
four .;;::;_••:.-
In all sizes and styles. 400 MEN'S SHIRTS—Heavy madras material,
formerly sold at $2.50 and $3.00. Now on sale, $150. All sizes.
FELT SLIPPERS—Specially priced at from 95c to $1.50
GLOVES—Silk, Kid and Mocha, varieties, 1-3 off regular price.
Omaha's Pioneer Merchant
John FeIdm a n
Directly Opposite Post-Dice
THE JEWISH PRESS bring a message of peace unto the marks, called "neums," which, so far to the ancient traditional music of Brooklyn will fill the unexpired term the incessant warfare waged against as we know, were all that the Hebrews the Jews that you should hold that of Chas. J. ood. Herman Doctor, a them by the government, remnants of peoples of the earth." The first number on the program had that in any way correspond to music in highest honor, that you manufacturer of the Bronx, has been the bands succeeded in mustering should preserve it. faithfully as a sac- appointed second deputy secretary of more forces. was an organ selection by Mr. Fed-our modern musical notation. erlein, the distinguished musician and "Be that as it may, we have with red charge delivered into your hands? state, succeeding Chas. W. Taft. Ample protection against attacks ! organist of Temple Emanu-El, who us a heritage of.Jewish melody, not "For this we must look largely to are said to have been provided, but Fine Program Presented by New York Section, Council gave the. "Liebestraum" by Liszt. This only as it is heard in the synagogue, the idealism of the Jewish women, an UKRAINE JEWS UNEASY AS the Jews are in a highly nervous was followed by a tenor solo, "Sound ritually, but in folk airs of unknown idealism sprung from the agonies they NEW BANDS APPEAR. state. The Ukrainian government has of Jewish Women, at Temple Emanu-El—John an Alarm," by Rev. Joseph Shilsky, antiquity which are now being sung have endured through the a g e s Moscow, Jan. 3.—(J. T. A.)—Consent a note to the Warsaw government C. Freimd, as Giiest, Tells of Ritual Music Cantor of Kol Israel Anshe Poland. in concert halls along with the na- through man's inhumanity to man. siderable uneasiness is reported to be protesting- that the bands were aland Early Folk-Song. . The Cantor sang from the organ loft. tionalistic songs of various races. "Above all things, should you not felt in" Jewish circles in" the Ukraine lowed to cross into the Ukraine. He has a fine, vibrant voice, which he "From generation to generation be proud that Jewish blood flows in a s a result of the reappearance of the The New York Section of the Coun- regsetted that the president, Mrs. uses with musicianly understanding, these melodies have come down to us, your veins as I, born of a Lutheran robber bands said to have been newly Kowno, Dec. 18. — ( J . C .B.)—The cil of Jewish Women> of-which ;Mrs. Lehman, was so indisposed that • she delivered his number with great im- expressive of beauty of soul that has mother but descended from a Jew, on equipped and organized on Polish soil. local Jewish daily, the "Yiddische Irving Lehman is the presidenVgave could not preside but sent her greet- pressivieness and was roundly ap- never been lost to the Jewish people. my father's side, am proud of the Vestiges cf the last'bands were re- Stimme," has been fined a sum of . a concert at Temple EmanU-Ei on ings. plauded. Jewish blood that flows in my veins, ported stamped out throughout the 1,000 Litas (about S100), for criticis- Traditional Ritual Music Mrs. Spiegelberg, the chairman of Fifth avenue, on Tueesday- afternoon, for I can say with the great Disraeli, Ukraine, but" i t : appears that despite ing the government. Miss Fisher, in announcing the next "We have, of course, the hair-splitDecember 19, which was attended by the Women's Auxiliary of Temple number said, one time prime minister of England,' ters in the synagogues and those othover 1,500 persons who came together Emanu-El, was the hostess of the oc- v "The speaker of the afternoon is so when he was sneered at as being of to hear some Jewish traditional music. casion and brought greetings. She well known to all music lovers, not ers who lament that there are differ- Jewish descent, I can say, 'My ancesent ways of presenting the traditional WASH AND KEEP WELL The - Rabbi Enelow opened with said, "We are working toward the only in New York, but in America, tors' were princes in the temple when ritual music. A RULE OF HEALTH prayer, after which Mrs. May V. Fish- same end, to continue the traditions that he requires no introduction, but yours were but barbarians.' "We know that some of it was old er, first vice-president, stated that she of our forefathers and the traditions it may not be known to those present FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY "At this very time when the whole of our race, so that we may some day that John C. Freund, the Editor of before Rome was founded; that it world is almost in chaos, we must look 1819 California Street. probably goes back to Solomon and 'One of America's Great Hotels" Musical America, is not only the edi- to David. We know that Theophrast- to the cultural and above all to the spiritual forces to reconstruct human tor of .that" great paper but .it was U S j o n e o f ^ f J r s t o f t h e G r e e k s through his efforts that the first make observations of the Jews, was life on a nobler ,purer and above all Every Known Kind 109 No. 16th St. Tel. JA ckson 3128 musical paper in English in New York deeply impressed by the music of the a saner basis. Opposite Post-Offlee. "It is through music—the universal EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE of Insurance ~ Temple. GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys was established as early as 1871. LACN'DKT. WHOLESALE "In addition to his work as editor, language—that we may help to bring From S3.00 to $9.00. "The Chronicles leave no doubt that Where jour cJothes come home 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA.3944. Mr. Freund has through his long Druggists and Stationers GOOD FURNISHINGS. cleaner and last longer. jthis music was elaborate and essen- the nations together in amity. "Music which can allay the unrest ATIantic 0280. 401-403-403 South loth Street j career always stood for recognition of t i a l l m e l o d i that sopranos and .1507-11 Jackson St. of labor created by the monotony of ,the Amenc^n composer,"singer, nmsic t e n o r g g a a n d accompanied o r H. A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. teacher. He has taken a firm stand the toil of the wage earner forced EMIL GANZ & SON . assisted by harps, flutes, lutes, trumpagainst the exclusion of Americans upon him through our inventive genOmaha Office: £13 Doncias Street. ets and cymbals; that there were diCertified'Pnblic Accountants.-. Omaha Phone Atlantic 2556 simply because they are Americans irius, which has taken the burden from Wall Receptacles— JJ17 Tlbuglas Street rectors of music comparable to the Phone 101 Ford Transfer & Storage Co. respective of merit. He' comes this the back and hands of man and put Light—WIRIN(i—Power modern cantor or choir leader, and INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS The Best of Everything in Flowers and It. A. FOED. afternoon to speak to us from his long it on to the machine. AmilfV 'JIIHI Investigations that there were modes of composition. Confections at Moderate Prices. —Bell Transformers experience." President and General Manacer, EMIL G.\NZ C.-5V A.-- V. M. GANZ . . • "Music, which can Americanize our 345 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theatw Office Phones: ) "The instance of David playing the Council BluS"s (Iowa) Office W Alnut 3034. 40 & Chiming .Sts. Jack. r,2V>— Ha. 5J0C — Hn. 0915 COESCI1 BLtTFFS. HOTVA. S24 So. Main Street. Phone 8S3 Address by John C. Freund. jharp for Saul to drive out an evil alien population. "Music, which can start the Mr. Freund on rising'Was. generous- spirit seems to have been the first ly received and spoke as follows: recorded case of musical therapeutics. rhythmic flow of movements through "Jewish Traditional "Music! There can be no doubt of the lyric- the muscles and sinews and the very C&rpenter Paper Co. "What visions does it not bring up al character of the Psalms. David set blood of your children. DiEtribntors ot OtR TREATMENT WILL "Music, which can assure your grief of the glory, indeed of the tragedy of |his own words to music. Then came and Tours CONVINCE VOC OF OUK Western Bond—and High SINCERITr. a great race whose civilization ante- j Solomon and the period of the great- and intensify your joy. Grade Stationery to "Music, which can fill your brain Trust Department. dates that of most nations, for it goes j est glory in the Jewish music of Omaha, Nebraska. Safety Deposit Boxes. All Parts back to the dawn of history? Biblical times—Solomon 'who spake with infinite harmonies. "Music, which can hold the family of the "Much of the progress in the world three thousand proverbs,' whose 'songs together and bring peace and happiness World of music can be attributed to Jews or were a thosuand and five.' men of Jewish blood. . "We read today that four thousand to the humble home of the mechanic Money Sent to AH "Look up the lineage and affilia- musicians were provided by the Lev-as well as to the palatial home of the STEAMSHIP TICKETS ^ Foreign Countries tions of the great composers and exe- ites to assist in the services in the millionaire. "Manufactured in Omaha" Arrangements now mnde with Soviet "Music!—as the mother sings to the Government for prompt forwarding of cutants of the last hundred years, and Temple. passengers to America. We habe at her breast, as the choir chants BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. you will find the Jews at every turn. "Whatever the music they borrowed WHOLESALE PAPER, necessary blanks, etc..'to-fill out.•-•••• at the wedding, in the requienrfor the I "Call the roll! STATIONERY, ETC. from Egypt'and perhaps from BabylPalmers Steamship Agency 1708 Famam St... ^ _Omaba 1D09: Barney.; Street..- TeL Jackson 0710 > "You will find it includes many of 'on and Assyria, the Jews greatly ex- dead. Distributors for "Music! Music! which begins where .,. the men and women we know as Rus- alted it, regarding it as a direct means Pink Tip Matches — words end, which whispers to us if imsian, French, German, Polish or Itali- o f communication with God. morality." Northern Toilet Tissue "" LET VS DO YOUK WEtblNG .—ian composers and artists." • They are "We feel this. exaltation today in Prolonged applause followed the Jews or of Jewish descent. ;• 1fjx'R 1112 Harney Street these traditional melodies, unaccus- close of the address. 1 \«JI IJHS. W J D J L J J J J I ; "Wherever you go, what do you see t o m e d a s Occidental ears are to some 1ST .r ATIantic 6409 Jewish Folk Songs Presented. THE 7 CAREFUL WELDERS back of every worthy musical enter- f ^ trials and the use of less In introducing lime, Shomer Eoth1501 Jackson Si. prise? Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace . 'than half-tones which have survived Tel. JA. 4397. enberg, the singer of the afternoon, j. "The Jewish woman and if not the o n i y i n the'synagogues. Mrs.. Fisher said she had specialized J Jewish woman, the Jewish man, sup-i F o l k Son and was particularly well known for ported and spurred on by the Jewish & Origins, rea er her' wanderful interpretations of Temptation Besets You COCNCIL BLUFFS, IA. woman. " ^ ° £ .£ mistake can be made When You Enter »•| "There is scarcely today any musical t h a n to t ^ k of Jewish music only Jewish folk songs. Service is Our Motto Mmei Eothenberg then gave a group ' enterprise of value, in this great city i n t h e ritualistic sense, .' ' CANDIES. ~ ICE-CREAM*- v Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. or in any other city that does not de- "There are published volumes, of of Jewish folk songs, among which |. L U N C H E S . •••..••••rive often the largest amount of its ^lksongs which prove that the Jews- were "The Holy Wedding," - "The support from men and women of the l o v e o f m u s f c w a sn o t confined to the Rabbi Said We Were to' Make Merry" Jewish race. church. Indeed, there is every reason and "The Eternal Question." She ex| "Whence came this predilection for to believe that with the Jews, as with plained the text of each, saying of the \ 16th and Farnam Streets 1 music, this aptitude for its in the a 1 1 o t h e r Peoples who hold that at last number, "The Eternal Question," Every Known Kind BUTTER and EGGS breast of the Jew? least a number of them were set to that it meant the Jewish question. of Insurance * i .Crystal Candy Company Council Bluffs, la. "It can be traced back to the night melodies derived from folksongs. They There was no answer to it—it al- 209 Tf. O. "W. Bldg. Doutfas 03S0. '• letii and Capitol Ave. of time. The wandering Semetic P ° i n t Particularly to one known as ways remained a question. Mme. Rothenberg sings with fine shepherds sang their pastorals in the < T h e Vintner's Song.' days of old before history came to be < < L e t u s n o t for &et that music did appreciation of the values of the folk recorded. not start as an art. It came out of songs, her diction being particularly ITENr t h e "Then, in Egypt, thirty-two cenmass soul in the shape of the good. She was greatly applauded Made b y BISCUIT CO. and forced to give an encore. Mme. UNDERTAKERS turies ago, the Jew sat at the feet of f°lksong. UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Snow White ' men who were scientists in music. We " u "was inevitable that Jewish Rothenberg was exceedingly well ac2224 Cnming St. CO. FOOD companied by Miss Rappaport. Bakeries Phone JA ckson 1226 OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ; know that at the time of the bondage m u s l c ' a f t e r t h e Period of Solomon "The next number,' said Mrs. Fish(Eec. V. 8. Tat. the people of the Nile were advanced a n d h i s g l o r v s h o u l d tafc e o n a P l a i n " Office.) er, "will be some 'cello solos, accomtive I in the arts, ana that in music they <*afacter and sigh with accumu- panied by piano. The 'cello which is had both a ponular art and a sacerdo- l a t e d S^ef. AUTO PAINTING used by the artist, Rozsi Varady, i& tal one. To them can be traced not "The harps that were hung upon 307 yeara old." Top and Body Building of COUNCIL BLUFFS and Repairing. a few of the instruments of the mod- the willows of Babylon have carried Miss Varady played several numCCRTAIXS—LIGHTS—ETC. We pay 4% Interest on Savins "If Its Worth Anything ern orchestra. the divine beauty of sorxow to every bers and was so generously applauded . and Time" Deposits, 1 ' "The Jew was then what he has land and clime. —Have It Insured." that she had to give an encore. Miss j JA ckson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. always been ,and. as^ he istoday, the "The antiphonal singing beloved in Varady produces a fine musical tone ATIantic 0701 T^avenworth St. most apt of pupils. ' , . some Christian churches was doubt- and showed that she is a thorough ar; j "When he took up his^staff and set less derived from the responsive tist. out for the promised land, he carried verses sung by two sides of the old The final number on the program •••••••••' •'-'•-•• M ) V O C O F F E E : ; " . ;: with him into the wilds and the desert Hebraic choirs. consisted of a group of Jewish tradiWholesale not only some knowledge of the "Some authorities go further and tional songs rendered by Cantor ShlFruit and Vegetables science of Egyptian "music, but declare that the melodies used by the isky. Before this, however, Mrs. N. W. Cor 11th and Reward Sts. Egyptian instruments.- One of these early Christian church, from which Fisher presented Mrs. Sada Cowen to TO AND FROM was the harp, still indispensable to so much early or latter-day church the audience and said that thro:i?h the complete orchestral ensemble. [music has been derived, came origin- her wide knowledge of musical affairs ALL PARTS OF "It has been said that every op- ally from the Synagogue., THE WORLD and her acquaintance with so many Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store FEATHER COMFORTERS pressed nation becomes music loving. : "One of these authorities, has writ- musical people in New York, Mrs. Made from Your Own Feathers. "Oppression brought out the latent ten his belief that Christian converts Cowen had been able to bring to them Aonovn'tPd, re-made or made to order. 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. All hand-tilled. . W<> coil and deliver. music in the Jew, is idealism, is pas- from Judaism handed down the trarii- the musicians and the speaker of the sionate love of liberty, and this, is par- tional modes of the cantellation cf the afternoon. ATIantic 0340. Omaha Pillow Co. ticularly true of the Jewish women Holy Law and the Prophets in some1007 Cumin); St. . Phone Jackson 2107 : I She then presented Cantor Shlisky The Old Reliable House. who bear, as they have always borne, what corrupted form and that this who sank several Jewish traditional 1806 Haniey Street the great burden of the woes of their evolved to the music known as—the •numbers so finely that'he was forced rhone AT lantlc 0361 "" , race. plain chant. to give an encore of the last number. : J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. Anticipated Modern Ideas. . Gifts Flourished Under Oppression. A Storu Manaced nnd -Run by Men who 1'injr t^e .Game. 'Another writer has illustrated Iiow The' ladies"- especially interested in "From the oppression the Jews carthe afternoon stated that it was one I ried .their music into Palestine; where the Jews anticipated some of our most G. L. REEVES of the most successful meetings ever it flowered, till fresh, oppression car- modern ideas concerning the agree"RADIO" held in Temple Emanu-E3. ried it to every corner of tha g'obe. ment of word to note. In the old HeEverything for the Athlete. "The tenacity of the race has kept brew music, he states, matters of JEWS FIGURE IN HYLAN'S much of its music in uncorruptcd pief were expressed by slow-soundJUDICAL APPOINTMENTS. form. We have it here, as every Capi- i"& syllables; of rage, by harsh and Kaplan Auto Parts Co. New York, Jan. 3.—(J. C. B.)— tal and virtually every hamlet of the difficult pronunciations; and matters 2111 Nicholas Street Y o u r position is civilized world has it. of joy, gently, dying away in sounds Judicial appointments announced by S12.50 Used enrs bouRlit. sold, nnd exclinuged. if Hanna Lump "EVERY KNOWN KID" New-Rears, and axle shnfta Mayor Hylan yesterday include Henry correct, and should "So we find the Jewish fJair for of ease and delightful utterances, Franklin County for any inhnlor Afener H. Keimaii music manifesting itself in two ways "In Judea, prophets delivered their M. Goodman, who since 1920 has Lump .-$12.50 • Tires. Tubes and Accessories ' be s u p p o r t e d by served as deputy assistant district —the one, the preservation through words of wisdom to the sound of 1319 W. O. W. Bldg, AT. 8034 Below Wholesale Prices. every fair minded Colorado Smokeless . . . . § 1 0 . 5 0 attorney to serve out Magistrate Nomany centuries of the melodic t r e a s - c i t h a r s , harps and timbrels, Petroleum Coke, person. ures of Biblical times; the other, vir-j "The Jews, saw the truth of what lan's term, who was appointed to sucBest Grade -1JJ16.00 ceed Justice Collins. Hyman Raytual leadership in the international art we are only now beginng to realize •PAXTON BILLIARD Delivered to any part of the music whic has grown out of the simp- when they remarked that the same field, Brooklyn, formerly a clerk in City. PAKLOR F. 8. MOKEV," Prop. :: ler music of the people and, like that persons who were musiciars were ac- the magistrate's court, was appointed a magistrate to fill the unexpired NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor . . . of... :; simpler, music, has become a necessity counted as the prophets ar.d the seers. Phone Webster 0820 :; in the lives of our people. j "Should it not appeal to you with term of Alexander Geismar, who be1516 Farnsvm Street. BnKement. THE LAUNDRY THAT Hoffmann Funeral Home. rhonn JA rkson 4136. WEbster 2605. EVERYBODY LIKES. _ ;; "The pedants and. pundits continue such a record showing how much the comes first assistant district attorney to argue over the meaning of the old best of our modern music goes back of -Brooklyn. James J. Golden of
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