January 18, 1923

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V The children, of to-

for Better

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Children" and a Omaha


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aa second-class m»H matter on January 27th. 1021. at ; at Omaha, Nebraska, nndet the Aet of March 3. 1878.

Keren Hayesod Has; Meeting and Banquet PostponedforPresent Illness of Dr. Schmarya Levin Cause of Postponement. DRIVE TO BE HELD SOME TIME IN APRIL. The Keren Hayesod banquet, which, was to be held this evening and the mass meeting which was to be held this Sunday evening have been postponed, due to the sudden illness of Dr. Schmarya Levin at Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Levin contracted a' cold at the Kansas City meeting and will be unable to be here. "We will postpone the meeting and drive until some time in April," said A. I. Kulakofsky, chairman of the Keren Hayesod. ' "All reservations vhich have been made for the banquet

MUST FIND REFUGE FOR JEWS Berlin. (J. T. A.)—The political and economic conditions in Eastern Europe Europe are such as to compel Easb» j European Jews to immigrate, to Germany, and it is impossible' to prevent this immigration, Minister of the Interior.of Prussia, Severing^ declared in a memorandum he submitted to the German Minister of Foreign Affairs concerning East-European migration. Herr Severind declares the Jewish question has assumed international proportions, a fact which has been confirmed in the Palestine Mandate. The League of "Nations must accordingly regulate this question, and find new roads if this migration is to be diverted from .Central Europe.

Who is Going to he Popular Girl? Competition Keen; Contest to Close February 7th THE JEWISH PRESS POPULARITY CONTEST IS ON.

Deficit of$5^700 Still Confronts Federation; Books to Close Jan. 27 Question of Method of Publishing Subscribers Names to be Decided at Special Board Meeting Next Sunday. ENTIMENT1RUNS STRONGLY IN FAVOR OF CHANGE.



A; and and the the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A;



X. T, C. club is an entrant into H i g h School. S h e is also

a member of a number of

GOVERNOR STORRS OF JERUSALEM HERE New York. (J. T. A.)—General Ronald Storrs, Governor of Jerusalem since the British occupation of Palestine, will visit the United States after spending a few weeks in England, whither he is proceeding on a holiday. Governor Storrs, often referred to as the modern Pontius Pilate, is founder and chairman of the proJerusalem Society, a non-sectarian body of leading citizens interested in preserving and enhancing the beauty of the Holy City. He will endeavor to interest Americans in, this Society.

Jewish Ex-Solfes Take Acti?e Part In American e

Given igftest l o w s h -

BtoB'rithQnfa Twelve Men Throughout The W o r l d Comprise The Executive Board-—Is Youngest Member. FIRST' OMAHAN TO HOLD SUCH A HIGH POSITION. Henry • Monsky of Omaha was given one of' the highest honors of the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. when he'was'elected to the executive board of the order at a meeting held in St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday. ' At the meeting of the general committee of the District No. 6, Grand Lodge, l?eld- in St. Paul during th£

Twelve Local Men Aiding On Canvass Committees.

Miss Fannie ' Katleman is the Council Bluffs choice in the Jewish Press ipapularity c o h.t e s t. Miss Katleman is a member, of the Junior - Auxiliary of the Council of Jewish Women. Friends of Miss Katleman are attempting to place the first "prize awarded by the Jewish Press to Council Bluffs.

JEWISH MEN ALSO HEAD SEVERAL COMMITTEES. Everything is set for the big American Legion membership campaign to be held January 21 and February 1 and 2. The first day of the drive will be centered in the business section of the city. Employers of Legion men who will take- part in the drive have signified their intentions of releasing the employees for the day. The following Jewish ex-soldiers are aiding in the drive: Al Abrahamson, Eugene Blazier, Joe Bernstein, Max Fromkin,' Maurice Frank, Win. Grodinsky, Lawrence Goldman, Fred. L. Heyn, Carl C. i£atleman, I. Levenskr, Sasi Daiisky, Harry Trustiji, and Nathan Dansky. Harry Trustin is chairman of the "Surprise" committee, J. J. Isaacson, chairman 6? the Personal committee and Morris E. Jacobs, chairman of publicity. More than 500 ex-servicemen will take part in the drive and it is the hope of the campaign committee to get in touch with every ex-serviceinan. A rally and dinner for all the

With: ?5,700 still" facing the Fed- ported by many of her friends in clubs. " eration as a possible deficit for the both of these clubs. " ear 1922, officers and workers of the Organization are exerting every The above named girls are making: final plans to win the prizes effort to collect this sum from suboffered. The contest will close on midnight, February 7- At that time scribers who stiil owe balances of their pledges, before the date of the the judges of the. contest will pick T H E MOST POPULAR GIRL. annual meeting of the Federation. But ten days remain, before the To the •'girl who will receive the highest number , of votes, T H E Federation books will be closed-for JEWISH PRESS is going to give ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in the past year.' The issue of \ the HENRY MONSEY 'Jewish Press" of February lstjwill week; Mr.' Monsky was elected to fill cash and a ROUNDTRIP ticket to Chicago. ~ contain the names of all contributors the vacancy caused by the death of tp; the federation, tbgether with the Judge Philip Stfiin of Chicago. • Each subscription obtained by the girls count for ten votes. \Reamounts of their contributions. <: + DR. SCHMARYA LEVIN The executive board o£ the IndepenA OTecialmeeting'of the Board,of _newals of old^s^^^ dent Order of B*nai B'rith is composed will be returned." ^-^-~, _ of twelve members, all of whom It Is" expected "that Dr. Levin and" Directors'"'of'' ,the~Federatidri will be Besides the first prize there are a number of other prizes, .which either Rabbi Alexander Lyons of New held this Sunday morning, January been presidents of one of the York or some other nationally known 21, to determine the manner in which - total more than Three Hundred Dollars. district grand lodges throughout thr / speaker, will r visit in Omaha during the names shall be publishei^-Here-. world. Mr. Monsky is the first Omsthe spring. toforethe names of subscribers have han to receive such honors. He was The contest is open to all girls in the state of Nebraska or Iowa. Dr. Levin has been touring the appeared in alphabetical order in also the first, Omahan to have held entire country in behalf of the Keren both the "Jewish. Press" and in the the office of president of the District For particulars and instructions call at The Jewish Press office, Hayesod. Dr. Levin, who makes his annual Federation report. This year Grand. Lodge. home in London, is well known to the there is a strong sentiment among 482 Saunders-Kennedy Building. Mr. Monsky, during Jus term of ofworkers will be held on January SO, Jews of America, having been here members of the Beard for publication the night before the campaign is fice as president of the district grarm twelve years ago. He was the first of the-names grouped by amounts launched. Every ex-serviceman who lodge had made a wonderful record, Jewish speaker in the Russian Duma. contributed. wishes to help should call the cam- which caused his election to the exeFATHER'S AND •Let us once and'for all show to paign headquarters, Atlantic 0333, or cutive board. . SON'S BANQUET AT Mr. Monsky is the youngest memTHREE RESIDENTS the Jews of Omaha in a clear and call at 639 Securities building1. TEMPLE ISRAEL ber of the board. The executive board OF CITY DIED DURdecisive way those of our community "Help Carry A Buddy's Pack" is Over 100 fathers and sons were the slogan of the campaign. "That meets twice a year and every other ING THE WEEK who actually support this work in a To Introduce Concert of Festival of present at the annual "Fathers' and Sir Alfred Mond,.Probably Successor. slogan rings for everything that the year they meet in Europe. manner commensurate with their Russia. Sons' Banquet" given by the BrotherThe other men who are members During the Week, Omaha's Commun- means", said Morris Levy, president hood of Temple Israel Wednesday London, Jan. 16.—{J. T. A.)—Dr. American Legion stands for," said The concert of the extraordinary of the executive board of the BVisu ity Has Felt the Loss of Commander Hird Stryker. of the Federation, last Sunday. evening at the Temple Vestry room. B'rith are: Adolf Kraus of Chicago, Three People. "The man whose contribution is Ukrainian National Chorus, that Dr. John F. Poucher was the principal Chaim .Weizmann - has tendered the president; Lucius" L. Solomons of S w ?5.00 or ?10.00 and who is known "vocal symphony orchestra" under speaker while Mr. Selwyn Jacobs lead Executive Committee of the iZonist Francisco, first vice-president; ArchiMr. S. Mendelson, age 56, a resident by everyone not to be able to give Alexander Koshetz, conductor, that the singing. Mr. Louis Hiller was Organization his-resignation as preri- Local Company deceives bald A. Marx of New Orleans, sec-> of Omaha for the past thirty-five more is a welc<$me~s\ipporter of our Max Rabinoff will introduce to Omaha the toasfcmaster for the evening. Jus- dent, it is learned from Paris where 20 Cars ef Refrigerators ond vice-president; Jacob Singer ol years, died at his home Monday morn- work. But the man who gives us on Thursday night, February 1, at tine Wolf addressed the fathers for the Zionist leader has stopped on the Philadelphia, treasurer; Simon Wolf. ing. The funeral took place from the. $10.00 and who. can afford to give the Auditorium, will be a real Festival the sons. Mr. O. Philip Wolfson en- way from Palestine where he spent Twenty cars filled with refriger- Washington; Charles Hartman, New several weeks. home Wednesday afternoon and burial $C0.00 or $100.00 is committing a out of Russia. took place at the Golden Hill ceme crime against the widows and the True to his traditions of presenting tertamed the guests with piano selec-.. D r . Weizmann's resignation is un- ators, costing thousands of dollars York; Sidney G. Kusworm, Dayton: Edward N. Calisch, Richmond: tery. Mr. Mendelson is. survived by children that the Federation helps. gala performances, this former im- tions. Mr H. S. Heavennch was! d e r s t o o d to follow disappointment he were received yesterday by the Omaha of the committee in charge' e r i e n c e d i n P a i e a tine where the Fixture and Supply Company from Or. Berthbld Timedorfer, Berlin, Gerhis widow, three sons, Reuben, Milton, He wants to^ be put in the $10.00 pressario of the Boston Grand Opera chairman of the banquet, and Mrs. O. Philip and Leon, and one daughter, Mrs. M. class and we owe it to him, we. owe Company, who introduced Pavlowa Wolfson, heading a group of women, Jewish community ^ failed to accord the government sale at Camp McClel- many; Dr. .Adolphe Stern, Bucharest. : him the warm reception he had be- land, Ala. Roumania; Dr. Josef Popper, Prague,) I. Gordon. Mr. Mendelson was th it to all our subscribers, to put him and her Ballet Russe to America and served the guests at the table. The purchase was made by Harry Jzecho-SIovakia; J. Niego, Constate come accustomed, to receive in the Presented grand opera with all the proprietor of the retail stores in Ne past. He had-had "a bad press." He Lapidus, president of the company, tinople, Turkey; Irving Lehman, Nevr braska City and Malvern, la. He re in that class., Once and for all, we splendours of realism and ballet, will HARRY H. LAPIDUS SPEAKS. was "criticized'.because. of his alleged recently while he'was in the east. York; Alex B. Seelenfreund, £%'reflry. must enforce the opinion that a man this season divide these concerts into sided at 3310 Hamilton street. , should give to charity in accordance two parts—with the unique art and Mr. Harry Lapidus was the prin- failure to .introduce-reforms in Zion- This is the last camp at which gov: ; new music of the Ukrainian National cipal speaker at the^ "Fathers' and ( i s t f i a n a n c e ; w h i l e . a n o t her section of ernment sales will be conducted, says Mr. Joseph Kushner, age 53, diei with his means." ; early Thursday morning at his horn Attendance of every member of the Chorus in its music of the Ukraine Sons' Banquet" held Tuesday evening the press- and public appeared to hold Lapidus. In order to house this large EXPECT ABOLITION OF MARTIA1' LAW IN WARSAW, at 2010 North Twenty-fifth street, af- Board is expected at Sunday's meet- (formerly Little Russia); and a at Kellom School. him responsible, for the money string- shipment it was necessary to rent Warsaw, Jan. 4.—(J. T. A.)—Marthree floors in the building opposite ter a long illness. The funeral was ing to decide this vital question. ency in the. Zionist Organization, a separate program of Russian opera tial law, which was declared in Warheld from the home and; intermeni Meanwhile all contributors who arias and songs of Great Russia, given PALESTINE LABOR CO-OPERA. shortage which - is seriously. hindering their present establishment. took place at the Golden Hill cemetery. still owe to the Federation are urged by two- alternating artists of the Their additional quarters are located saw" following the assassination G£ TIVE REPORTS PROFIT. the Jewish program. President Naratowicz, will bf He is survived by his widow, Goldie, to" remit their balances to the office opera in Russia, Mile. Oda Slobodskaja Jerusalem, Dec. 12.-—(J C. B.)— Zionist leaders here declare that Dr. at 1102 Farnam Street. abolished if Poland continues as quiet two sons, Edward and Myron, an immediately. The annual balance sheet has been ; Weizmann's resignation has not been and Mme. Nina Koshetz. as it has been during the last" foft« three daughters, Ruth, Bertha, am DAY AND NIGHT SHIFTS ON Mile. Slobodskaja will be a new published, here of the "Hamashbir," j considered and that it-will not be acnight, authorities announce. Rose,'all of this. city. RUTENBERG SCHEME. iiame to the music world this season. the co-operative supply association of |cepted in-the event it is considered at Pronounced' feeling against tfbs Mr. Kushner has been a resident of Omaha Girls Receive High Jeruaslem.—(J. C. B.)—All necesthe Jewish Labor Federation, with the approaching, meeting of the GreatShe possesses a voice that has been Omaha for the past eight years and likened to that' of Michaflowa, the branches all over the country. The; e r Zionist Executive Committe in Ber- sary arrangements have now been Jews continues unabated and the naHsnors a t Omaha University soprano whom the Czar would never income during the last year was Iin, January 15. . completed to enable the electric pow- tionalist press, as a rule, condones the before coming here resided in Lincoln, Neb. He was a member of the £E110,000, the gross profit about Dr. Wejzmann ,it is learned, has er station for the Jaffa and Tel-Aviv anti-Semitic • agitation. Thus, tfcfe Miss Helen Riekes, daughter of Mr. let leave Russia and whom Americans Jewish Workmen Loan Association, £E8,800 and the net profit £E2,800. know only by her. records.: made his • resignation contingent on district which is being constructed by "Dwa Grosze" refers to the recent atand the Modern Woodman Associa- and Mrs. S. Kiekes, and Miss Rose The "Histardruth Haovdim" at its his obtaining broader powers, placing Mr. P. Rutenberg, to be available for tacks on Jews in the district of Mme. Koshetz needs no introduction Siegel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. electric and power purposes by May, and to the boycott against Jews in tion. Siegel, received honors last Wednes- here. Last season this Russian last, executive meeting considered the : h} s beyond the range of annoying crit- 1923. Lemberg as "a wholesome struggle question of publishing a daily labor! icism. The iZonist leader himself, is Mrs.- Zelda White, 88 years of age, day evening, when they were placed soprano sang as soloist with five of newspaper. The idea has met with!understood to favor Sir Alfred Mond, The building of the pow station is for the elimination of the Jew." and a resident of Omaha for the past on the recital held under the auspices the leading orchestras, in recital, and much enthusiasm and the scheme will Minister of Health in the Lloyd being carried out by the Jewish Labor A letter' threatening1 the opera with the Chicago Opera twenty-five years, died Wednesday of the Omaha University Conservatory in Company, besides being "guest"! ? e P u t for _ final ratification to. the George cabinet, as his successor. The Co-Operative Association, but certain against continuing "their present poli* of Music. morning at the home of her daughter, work in connection with this is being cy" has been addressed by the Rowoj Miss Riekes gave several vocal artist with the Russian Grand Opera prospective conference of Labor or- active Zionists who would welcome Sir put into the hands of Arab workers. party to the Jewish members of the Mrs. J. Janger. The funeral was held ganizations [in Palestine. Alfred as the financial head of the orfrom the Janger home Wednesday selections and Miss Siegel grave sev- Company in New York alone. She The work is.being done with greatest ganization, are not in favor of his possible expedition, day and night Sejm, the letter having been sent to has been called "the very voice of afternoon, and burial took place at eral piano selections. Both girls were DR. WEIZMANN IN ROME. heading the.organization as a whole. shifts being employed for the pur- Deputy Apolinary- Hartglass, in greatly applauded. Both girls are Russia", bringing something original the Golden Hili cemetery. of the Jewish Sejm Club. Rome, Jan. 2.—(J. C. B.)—Dr. pose. -Mrs. White is survived by her active in Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. both in method of vocalization:as well Chaim Weizmann arrived here today A typical instance of how sotn* as in interpretation. TORONTO JEWS ON TWO CITY daughter, Mrs. J. Janger, and one son, circles. The power station will contain two Nationalist judges look upon the antifrom Jerusalem where he spent sevCOMMITTEES. Miss Riekes also received honorary tir. A. White of this city. 500 h. p. Diesel engines with provision Jewish agitation was furnished yes3,000 CHILDREN'S CLOTHING eral •weeka in reviewing the Zionist mention in the American Hebrew for Toronto, Jan. 3.—(J.C.B.)—Joseph for a thrd in reserve. There will be terday J3 a civil magistrate's eovrt WORKERS LOCKED OUT. situation with the administration and December as being one of the most . SAM LEON RETURNED. fl New, York, Jan. 3.— (J. C. B.)— the Zionist officials on the spot. It Singer has. been elected to the board reserve stations erected also at Haifa when Idel Fuks was arraigned popular girls in "Who's Who in the Mr. Sam Leon returned WednesSeveral thousand children's clothing is understood that the Zionist leader of control and a factor to the board and Jerusalem. Contracts for the sup- sentenced to a week's imprisonment day morning from St. Paul, Minn. Colleges". . • workers were locked out yesterday by j will communicate with the members of education in the municipal elec- ply of current are expected to be con- for removing a placard of the Rozwoj Mr. Leon attended the General Comcontractors who expect to secure bet- j of the Mussolini government govern- tions held yesterday. This is the first cluded shortly with the municipalities party urging violations on the.Jewfc, mittee meeting of the District No.,6, .-Every- Jewish, girl--in ,Omaha is ter.. prices thereby from jobbers and ment and Vatican circles, whence cer- time that' Toronto Jews will have of Jaffa and Tel-Aviv. The magistrate declared that the J*w Grand Lodge, of ' the Independent eligible to enter "The Jewish Press manufacturers giving them orders for ^ tain opposition to Zionism still per- representation on these two importhad;showji a, spirit of<• intolerance .to* ant committee" • • Order of B'nai B'rith. jackets and knee pants. sits. Subscribe to ^'The Jewish Press." wards Poland in removing the placard. Contest." >


I. "tf*,

Ukrainian National Chorns Here February 1


Other entrants in The Jewish Press popularity contest are ;ith& Misses Mina Freidman and Anne Ackerman. Miss Freidman is a p o p u l a r , member in Young Judea clubs arid also a member of the Y. M. and Y. W.;H. A. Miss Ackerman is one of the most popular girls in the younger set. She is a. senior at tfie Central


Dr. Chaim WeizmaKa Tenders Resignation

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PAGE 2—THE. JEWISH PRESS 'THURSDAY, JANCABY 18, 1933 of mankind. We are non-productive, the victims, of broadly generalizing Tuesday morning for their home in The Wednesday Evening Bridge Mr. Julius Spigle recently underclub met at the home of Mr. andwent a slight operation at the St. parasites on the body-politic, getting and ascribing to an etire group of Allen, Neb. Mrs. S. Snyder. Elizabeth hospital. our living by our wits rather than ,by Jews discreditable-traits, that chance Published «retj Thursday at Owaft* Nebnuk*. by Mr. and Mrs. L. Kroloff entertained to be exhibited by some few of this honest toil, fattening, and battening ov THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. a few of their friends at bridge Sun- Miss Sarah Kesselman is visiting Mrs. Sarah Lehman of Holton, Kas., the exertions.of other men and not on\ group. Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson. 2372. day evening. with relatives and friends in Minnea- is visiting here with her sisters. labors of our own. We are sordidly' AH of these, I need not say, are deNATHAN El GREEN, Manager. "materialistic, caring only for money,; £amers of the Jewish name and char- Miss Ann Pill left Tuesday morning polis, Minn. A meeting of the B'nai B'rith was weighing all things by their money- acter. They do malign dishonor— for Fort Dodge, la., to visit with her held Wednesday, January 10. .-..$2.50 Subscription JRrice.. one, vear: values, indifferent to all the higher whether they intend it or not— to the brothers, G. and J. Pill. Advertising ratea furnished on application. A meeting of the Fydannthians was and the finely idealistic aims and ob-people to whom they belong. What held last Wednesday. PJans for sojects of life on its loftier aspiratonal they say of their fellow-Jews is un- Mrs. Maurice Gilinsky and baby NOT PRINTED FOR: PERSON&L' PROFIT—-Profits front GLB B The Ivre club held its election of cial affairs were formulated. tion <rf The Jcwfah" Prega ate to be given to worthy communal causes. planes. We are tricky, cunning, de- kind, is uncharitable, is untrue. It daughter are now at home. officers. The folowing men were electis worse than that; it is mischievously ceitful, deficient in a sense of honor, CHiMQB O r ADDBESS—PIWM rt»* both the old «nd new •dflrew: J. Krasne will entertain the ed' Jack Chesen, president; Jack Pounprincipled and ounscruplous in pernicSous. It but helps to fuel the Afternoon club at her home next Wed. . to Mm u d ties iron* n*m». lack, vice-president; Dave Zolat, reHarry H. LapMn*. PTM.-TRU. pushing our advantages, in driving fire of hatred kept son continuously nesday afternoon. JOB, Pepper, Vlce-Prenldent. cording secretary; Joe Levine, treashard exacting bargains with our fel-sblaze Li the minds and hearts of biW. G. Ore, Secretary. FATHERS AND THEIR BOYS. urer, and Joe Cohen, inner guard. Mrs. M. Blank of Sioux City, la., Thisweek is1 "Father and Son" week, during which it is lows. We are none too delicate in our goted fol*k about us. Omaha Fixture & hoped that Graaha daddies arid their boys will get more, closely j own morals and we lower the stand- I am not urging that we make a visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel of NeSupply Co. * braska City, are visiting their relaacqUainted. . j ard of the general morals. So reads mutual admiration society out of our- S. Snyder last Wednesday. COMPLETE STOEE AND tives here. At present they are stayFor it is unfortunate .that in good many homes the boys 'the bill of particularsin theindictment selves; that, "we say naught but what OFFICE OUTFITTERS do not really know their dads and dads do not know their boys.'entered against us, in this opposite is good about ourselves. I have indi- Mr. and Mrs. E. Marcus entertained ing with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Friend. 1 direction, by our disparagers and de-cated- how stupid and foolish and a few of their friends Wednesday After visiting in Lincoln, they plan to We occupy Some fathers who/will-notice what this week is will perhaps -«—«— ** *•««*—«. ™* a«_ erer 70,000 sqtmn tat . senseless and' ^tasteless, in addition t a evening. motor to Omaha. resolve to. become} acquainted with their sons forthwith. And tractors. Southwest Corner distressing, is such laudation of us, Eleventh and Hondas Htreets. then they will go to them and find that their boys have become But disturbed by, acutely alive to whether by ourselves or others. We Mrs. L. Kroloff and son, Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bierraan of Jopthe unmerited character of the hyperJackson 2734 strangers with whom they no longer have much in common. left Tuesday morning for Fort Dodge, lin, Mo., are visting with their sister, have our faults;'we are guilty of folOMAHA ; praise, on the one hand, and the hyperla., to visit with her brothers, J. and Mrs. Charles Shire, and Mr. Shire. Their sons have grown up and away from them; and have on the other bestowed upon us lies. We are no better, as—I trust— G. Pill. formed friendships that niean more to them than their fathers; blame we are no worse tnan other folk. We those outside of our fold, still are and, their fathers are only " h old man", " an out-of-date fd fellow by there those within our own number need them and we should welcome Mr. Aaron Richards returned Sath th see only l att di •whom they dinet time—"the old man" whom, they who with a curious self-contradiction criticism, and especially criticism of, urday from San Jose, CalL, where he began, to leave behind* at 12 or thereabouts. offend, as I have suggested, in pre-and from among our own selves. He visited during the past five months When a father discovers his son has become, as a stranger, cisely the similar directions and to the does a service for us who, as a Jew "The Clothing Corner of Omaha" he probably goes tothe mother and says, "The boy seems to have like, yes—under the circumstances— to Jews, tells us what may be amiss with relatives. grown away from me." The mother being the wiser says, "And the more profoundly and poignantly in us with the purpose that it be Sunday evening a number of whose fault is it Imt yours?" .-'• '•-. - : mended. Bitter caustic castigatory friends of Miss Freida Goldberg surdisagreeable and distressing effect, In many cases, there is time foiV .the.-^establishment of a There are Jews who says of Jews speech then may be salutary speech, prised her at her home. The evening real father and son relationship. In no case will the effort to even the more baseless and baser if its-motives be to incite and direct was spent in playing bridge. do so be entirely fruitless. . . things than the non-Jew, even in mo- us. towards improvement. Mrs. Al Freidman entertained three ments of utmost extravagance, allows • But what w« say "as Jews of Jews," tables of bridge Monday evening; we say not in the language of speech A SURPLUS OF HOLIDAYS, himself to say. merely. It was Ralph Waldo Emerson The holiday season- brings to the mind once again the There is that type of over-loyal, su- who in one of his essays coins the epi- Mrs. H. Cohen entertained her club frequent objections raised to an overdose of holidays during the per-proud, yes, and super-senstive gram, "I cannot bear what you ar©at her home Tuesday evening. Prizes year. , They are becoming almost as numerous as the saints Jew, too, with whom we are all ac-saying1, when what you are is thunder- were won by Mrs. Sam H. Katelman days in the high church. One of the most interesting of letters quainted, who is quite as assured as ing so loudly in my ears." There is and Mrs. B. Eohler. which we have recently seen on the subject of endorsement formerly was any "divine-rights" king the far more impressive, convincing Mrs. S. Steinberg entertained her comes presumably from a working man who- favors doing away of himself, that "the Jew can do no language of action, of conduct, than Bridge club Wednesday afternoon. withall holidays except the Fourth of July, and observing the wrong." "The Jew is quite the para- ever can be that of words; yes, and a others on the nearest Sunday. This is a very splendid as well gon of all the virtues. He excels all far more helpful or hnrtful language, Mrs. S. H. Katelman will be hostas a very kindly suggestion. He claims that all one receives for other men in the surpassing worth of as fas as the good name and repute of ess to her Afternoon club Tuesday afsuch is loss of a day's pay, and the'only ones who benefit there- his manhood. He is tender, kindlier a people are concerned. The admoni- ternoon at her home at 601 Willow from are the theatre owners, and some few others who have the in his sympathies; more generous in tion then is one that we may all prof- avenue. foresight to take advantage of the occasions. The only signi- his charities. He has a higher code of itably take to heart, to beware what Miss Libby Markowitz entertained tjR fancy pattern shirts from finest makers in a sweepficance of Christmas is an increase of business and social custom, ethics, a finer philosophy of life. He in our conduct we as Jews are saying at two tables of bridge at' her home ing clearance sale—including finest quality woven and corded madras, silk stripe madras, Prisma and Luna while it is claimed by this person, wjio is NOT a Jew, that itis a better husband and father, a more of Jews. The character, the fair name Friday evening. silk cloth and many other weaves—also Gamer's percale has no significance for Jewish citizens. His arguments all have respectful and dutiful and considerate of the Jew is in the hands, the keepsuper service shirts. son and brother. He is a man of wider point and are unchallengeable. In some places, circus day is an and wiser vision, of more.capable and ing, of each one of us. We are responsible, each one of us, to the totality of opportunity for schools to close and for our already few days of FOR Reduced to Israel for its honor and good repute. schooling to be still fewer, and so it goes. Holidays are very) larger ion of social duty, an Ours is the obligation in each moment DIAMONDS. JEWELRY pleasant occasions, it is true, but too many are not conducive to intenser and more active sense of the and transaction of life to see that AND human welfare.—M. Ni. A. G., in BTnai B'rith Messenger. right, the just and the true.*' So runs every deed speaks but the language of SPECIAL PLATINUM On Sale Main Floor—West'Aisle. the self-laudation of some of us. the sacred,- faithful watchfulness and DESIGNING PATHETIQUE! Let there be accordingly the slight- guardianship of honor and good resee I t is. just- possible that- one of the. most unhappy situations est intimation, the faintest-whisper in pute.—Chronicle.



Buy 'Em By the Armful, Men ! EAGLE SHIRTS Bates Street and Yorke



for an i n d i v i d u a l t o b e i n is not to be able to help oneself in an 1 any quarter of any criticism directed emergency or whatever t h e stressful circumstance' b e This is'against us, of the one or the other the- cause..for many a tragedy in theory as well as in fact, andlfault found with us, and there are t h e former is the more tragic. And such is not alone of the:[ ready -with the instant cry of"Kish-

physieaX but even so of tikespiritual variety. Here i t is where faith agonizes and confidence wrestles the soul. Does one possess the courage to put up a glorious battle and gain the victory? or succumb to harrowing.experiences of weakness and defeat? The latter is not human destiny. God has otherwise decreed. Therefore, let those who are heavy* of heart and cast down receive the message of nature; Every winter of discontent, of alorieness, of separation, and of despair is surely followed by the spring of satisfaction, and companionship, and happiness, and fulness, and the summer of promise and fulfilment arrives;- This thought always comes i& us when we see men and woinen. struggling against the adverse experience and contrary tides of life and destiny. There must be patience and faith,; confidence and Hope. Judaism provides these glorious satisfactions and inspirations. The intensely-lived Jewish life, enveloped though it be in what some are disposed to call a lifeless formalism, can effect the transformation, One needs only to pierce the shell to discover the kernel.

The Malashock Jewelry Co.


us," prejudice, of anti-Semitism", anti- The twenty-fourth annual charity Jewish ill-will. They cannot bear and ball will be held next-Thursday evenwill not grant, in the excess of a proud ing a t Eagles' hall. The Ladies* Beand an .extravagant sensitiveness the nevolent . society, the Jewish Sisterleast suggestion that all is not as it hood, and the Counci of Jewish Wommight and should be with Jewery. en are in charge of this ball. They are unable or will not see that i t might and can be out of entire good- The Junior auxiliary of the Council will and friendship and not from any of Jewish Women will meet next Tuesunfairness or unkindness, that failings day evening at the home of Miss Ruth and weaknesses in us may be pointed Krasne» out. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aginskee will enThen there is that other type of tertain Jews, who, whatever motive they may home. this evening at bridge at their have or evfen that they Mve none, out Herod and Herodism. of even the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sherman left archest anti-Semite in their ill speech of their fellow-Jews. For all the Judaphobiets, all the Jew-baiters: are. by no means outside the ranks of Jewry. There are some and just as evil and - IDA L FREIDEN, Prop. AMERICAN LEGION DRIVE:, hurtful our heavy sorrow, to The local ppost of the American Legion is planning a big pg g be notedones—to within own ranks. A j bership drive whih are January Ju 31 and d curious feathered our 31 membership drive, the the dates dates of of which bi-ped that too disFebruaryy 1 and 2. 311 South. 16th Street tinctly betraying1 its reptilian ancestry "Th ddrive is being held to strengthen the Legion so that which "The befouls its own nest! And there Phone Atlantic 8010. it will be of greater service to the buddies who suffered on theare human beings—some 0 fthem sadOpen Evenings. battlefields and to broaden its activities so that it will be of ly Jews—who belong to these bi-pedst greater service to the city, state and nation", said Commander I have in mind the Jews who Bold up. Only 'Jewish Tlorist in town. Hird Strykerto ridicule, affect and air of superiorWEEDING BOUQUETS. The work of the Legion is well known. The movement now ity, draw lines on an invidious preon foot is a great humanitarian :on"e and deserves'the support sumption distinction between themof everyone. ; » ^; selves and other Jews. I have in mind Every ex-serviceman should feel it an honor to be a member the Jews who sponsor and affix ugly of the Legion for everyone ban't join that organization. odius names to other Jews, that which FOR RENT—-Two rooms and Ex-serviceman !—Join the Legion and "Help carry a buddy's begins with a "K" and ends with an kitchen for elderly couple. "E": for instance. I have in mind the t Call at 2622 Decatur Street. Jews who tell alleged comic stories at the expense of the sense of honor, the moral integrity generally of their folk. I have in mind the. Jews who mock - By RABBI SAMUEL HIESCHBEEG and imitate and caricature idiosyncraFOR RENT—-Three rooms. CalL _ TEMPLE EMANU-EL, MILWAUKEE sies of dress, manner of speech and acJackson 5474 or inquire at It is curious how inconsistent so vancement of human civilization we tion of fellow-Jews, late-comers, still 2124 Burt Street, or at 709 many people are, and whether con- save rendered. They instance this strange to the ways and modes of the North 16th Street. sciously or unconscious, permit and other virtues we possess, until it land. I have in mind the Jews who tfiemselves to be. There is such a dis- would appear as though we were a commit the injustice they so severely crepany between the expressed views people without a flaw. reprobate when they themselves and principles of folk and the applica- I would not question the.sincerity, tion of these views and principles to the kind intention, good will and Middle aged couple will share J . X FRIEDMAN, Att'y., themselves in actual practice and per- friendship of the'se generous individtheir West Farnam Home with 303 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg., formance. They behold certain traits uals, but the discriminatng of us at desirable young couple. If of: Chattel Mortgage Sale. and: habits in others' whicB they dis- least would prefer that they were Notice: NoHce" i s Kereby Riven that under antl interested call Harney 2917. like and of which they disapprove, and more reserved n their praise. There by - rirfrue of - n chattel mortgage. *«U4 yet habits as indulged and affected by issomething distinctly distasteful, yes, February 3, Ifl21, -whereby Harry H. >BTi veymortgngeiX to George E. Mende'certhemselves. painful in such unrestrained laudatoh. tain- Items of personal property all1 as forth la- the said mortRage duly flietl I am prompted to this observation There are those on the other hand set in the-. -Office ot the County Clerli; of FOR RENT—A large modern 1 Cojlnfcy, Nebraska, on February by tn6 manner in which so many of •• given the constant detraction Douglas 4, 1921, the: undersigned -will sell the folfurnished room with nice Jewxt& are committing the samel offenses and condemnation of us. They are un- ibB J i f ffoVentJon described at ib, 10 o'clock In 7' off articles February 19237 at ish family. Near carline. For F in b the city 0 -23 against our Jewish kindred as we re-able to see or concede anything good' **<»• 2iu No. istb.st.. - " one or two persons. Call Webster J- . , , , I Ilomrlfls' Counts."NehTnskn- n sent' so keenly and reprehend so se- • i t T' • TIT" 4787, or call at 2010 North 25th One-: Large PpUey;. One Electric Vnlve .v«srely when commtted against bur lT^ the Jew. We are, according to- theur Grinde*;-One 24-in. Pipe Wrench; One Street. description, about as unappealing and kind by our' non-Jewish fellows. 10 ft. Step Xndder; One Carbon Burnln One OH Cfester; One Post Drlh. There' are those qf our non-Jewish unmeritorious a folk as a folk can well Outfit: To satisfy.' as far as possible, the sum of Four Ilundrefl and Fifty Dollars ($450.00 fellows wad. are in the habit of prais- be. We are unmannered and- unman- with interest from February 3, 1921, at«%. nerly, lacking in alt the elements'''of a and costs anft accruing costs as hereafter ing: us in season and out of season. ascertained and added at the time ol s.ile, They Bliss no occasion- to voice their real and solid culture and refinement, which said sum Is now in default under Chiropodist and Beauty regard, to declare what great and good vulgarly chauvinistic, loud and showy and by virtue of the terms ,of said chattel ' Shop and ostentatious. We are gregarious, people vre Jews are; under what inEstablished 1880 istb |U>* Haropy S t w t s . estjmable indebtedness owe-have placed clannish, exclusive, living narrowly Give ng a chance 'to appreciatejonr business. For woridifor the men of genius we within and for ourselves, tribal in our irold open one hour. appointments call Ja. 0774. and thtf services in ad- instincts and sympathies, insularly t Sald'Taie'-wiii holding ourselves aloof from the rest'

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JAMJAR? 18,1923

Minkin and Miss Yabroff are attend- Brown, Nathan Harwich, Edward A regular meeting, of the Senior event and also increased our total membership, including officials, now Solig and Harry Ravitz. group will be held this Monday night, score, making us 25 points short of total twenty-six. Mr. L Kulakofsky announces the en- ing the University of Nebraska. The awards for last week were— gagement of his daughter, Hannah,, to Mrs. M, Blank of Sioux City, la., Mrs. Mai Frank- returned lasfc week January 22, at the club rooms. Louis first place, Abramson, chairman of the program Gold star to the Eagle patrol and the The troop was divided off into three Mr. Lou Shostak of this city, son of is spending the week- here with. Mrs. ffrom Boston, Mass^ where she atcoifiasittee, promise!? ari evening of enSilver star to the Lions. The patrol classes for instruction in scouting at Mr. and Mrs. J. Shostak of Lincoln, K. Weinberg. tended the wedding of her sister, Miss t . . - - . „ -• - • • • . - • - • \ tertainment that will surpass that of the last meeting. This resulted in standings to date are as follows: Neb. Mr. Shostak is a graduate of Ann Rosenblatt to Dr. Jack Fine. the previous meeting. All members good order and efficient teaching of Blackbear 620 Lion. 600 the "University of Nebraska, and is Mrs, Carl Furth had as her house WEDDINGS 560 Tiger 520 Mr. John B. Robinson of Norfolk, are urged to attend. scouting principles. The scoutmaster, Eagle now engaged in the real estate busi- guest for several days during the past Brandt-Kulakofsky. ness here. Miss Kulakofsky is a grad- week, Mrs. Jule Stnattinger of Min-Neb., returned to his home Tuesday Senior members are again, informed assistant scoutmaster and senior pa- The patrol leaders desire to call The marriage of Miss Eudice Ku- uate of the Central High school. No neapolis, Minn. evening after visiting here with Mr. trol leader each had charge of one of attention to the fact that registration that admittance to all activities of the classes. This method will be fol-fees are due now and that they want lakofsky ^ t i g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs.date has been set for the wedding. and Mrs. E. Jacobs. the association will be paid up mem- jlowed at every meeting in the future. their patrols to be the first to pay up. The Omaha Junior Hadassah Card A. I. Kulakofsky, to Mr. Samuel I. Brandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A reception will be held at the Party which is to be held Sunday af- Mr. Herman Friedlander left Sat- bership card only. Members in ar- A Camp Saving club was started Your officials also want the troop to Brandt «f New York city, took place home of Mr. I. Kulakofsky Sunday ternoon a t the Blackstone Hotel will urday evening for a trip to New York rears are urged to pay up. This new at the last meeting and already sev- be the first in town to register. So evening from 7 to 10 o'clock, honoring rule will be strictly enforced. Tuesday; evening, January 16\; at 7 his daughter, Hannah, and her fiance. be the second card party given by theCity. eral scouts have deposited some come across with your half dollars. Hadassah during this season. The proo-'doek a t tb£ home of the bride's <r The Mother-Daughter social even-' money. The purpose of this club is Mrs. Sam Silver of Lincoln, Neb. is r parents before the presence of about Mr. and Mrs. H. Lincoln announce ceeds will go towards maintaining spending the week-end with Mrs. ing which was to have been given to encourage the scouts to save Subscribe to The Jewish Press." fifty immediate relatives and friends [tfre engagement of their daughter, their adopted orphan in Palestine. David Newman. by members of the Senior group on money so that they will be able to 85 of the couple. Rabbi H. Brodsky of Sally, to Mr. Harry Weinberg of this Prizes will be given at each table. January 24, has been advanced one spend a week or more at the sum- For better qualities a t most jjj Newark, N. J., grandfather of the city. No date has been set for the Mr. Louis Margolin left Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kippur of Chi-week to January 31. Reservations at jmer camp. reasonable prices It' cago, HI., arrived Wednesday mornbride, officiated. A family dinner for wedding. • evening for the east. He will visit ing to visit with their daughter, Mrs. 35c each may be' made at the office. One scout was dropper, from the the guests followed the ceremony. A most eupjeyable evening is prom- troop at a previous meeting. The in Philadelphia, Pa., and New York see The brides gown was of orchid gor- Saturday morning his subject will be City, to be gone for several months. I. Ziegler and Mrs. Ziegler. They are ised to mothers and their daughters. en route to California. gette heavily beaded in pearls. Her "The Prophet." Goldstein Jewelry Co. Mrs.. Sam Goldstein, and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Selwrn Jacobs had The B'nal B'rith Israel, Jrs. "trim- j crown-was also of pearls. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sol Degen returned med" the Boy Scoutbasketball team j Frances Marie of Missouri Valley, la., The out of town guests present Established 1892 lj| as their guests during the past week, •were Rabbi Brodsky of Newark, N. J., Monday from a trip to Chieago, I1L are visiting with Mr. Goldstein's par- Mr. Jacobs' brother, Mr I. R. Jacobs, in a hard fought game at the club j 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782. jjj . "The Mohl" rooms last night. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Sacks and daugh^ Mrs. J. P. Coin, has as her guests, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein. and Mrs. Jacobs of New Orleans, La. Kesidence, 1342 So. 25fh St. ter, Rosena, and son, Newton, and Mrs. Carl Weil of Chicago," El., and Diamonds, Jewelry and {jl TeL Atlantic 6GS7. They are leaving today. Miss Ruth Kushner, who has been The Intermediate Girls Gym class, Place of Business, 1C29 No. 84th St. Mrs. M. Sacks and Mrs. M. Blank, all Mrs. J . P. Kaminsky of Spokane, Platinum Designing. f|1 Tel. Webster 3916. visiting in New York City for the past I The Daughters of Israel Aid society Miss Miaa Freidman instructor, is reof Sioux City, la. Wash. nine months with her sister, Mrs^.Irv-1 will hold its election of officers at its hearsing' a playlet for presentation at Mr. Brandt and his bride are now ing Kahn and Mr. Eahn, Teturned regular meeting Tuesday afternoon, Schmoller & Mueller's in the near fuon their honeymoon to Florida and The Ra Oth society were enterJanuary 23, a t the Jewish Old Peo-ture. Cuba, after -which they -will reside.in tained at Phelps hut Sunday afternoon home last Tuesday morning. New York city. by Mrs. H. S. Novitsky. Prizes were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Segall enter- ple's home, at 2504 Charles street Y. M. H. A. TROOP 62. won by the Misses Flora Bienstock tained at their, home Sunday evening1, The meeting of the Board of the Racusin-Zucker. The first meeting after the district and Fanny Bxodsky. in honor of Mr. Louis Segall of Den-Couneil of Jewish Won-en has been Miss Dorothy Zucker, daughter of ver, Colo., formerly of this city, who changed to Monday afternoon, Jan- rally started off on the Tight path. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zucker, has set Mrs. Samuel Katz returned home is visiting with his son, Mr. Harry The help of the bugler was greatly ONE CONCERT ONLY uary 22. at the Jewish Commanity appreciated for the Flag ceremony. Monday evening, February 12, as herMonday after spending four months at Segall, and Mrs. Segall. Center, instead of Monday afteroon. It was announced that there was a wedding day to Mr. William A. Racu- j Marion, HI., with Mr. and Mrs. J. sin, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Racusin B. Katz. ' The Daughters of Zion held its reg- January 14, the date scheduled before. change in the ruling regarding the of this city. The wedding will take ular meeting Sunday afternoon. Two Mr. and Mrs. William Milder had asnew members were voted into the or- Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg and knot-tying contest at the rally. This The Musical Sensation Of TTJDO Continents place at the Blackstone HoteL daughter, Angela, left Thursday even- made us tied for second place in that A number of affairs are already be- their guest during the past several ganization. They are the Misses Min- ing for New York, Atlantic City and MAX RABINOFP presents ing planned to honor Miss Zucker. The weeks, Mrs. Milder's mother, Mrs. nie Harris and Ida Cohn. The club Wheeling, W. Va. They will be gone Max Studna of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. is now holding a membership drive follgwing affairs will be given during ANNOUNCEMENT. . Studna. is leaving for her home Thurs- withf the Misses Rose Katzman and several weeks. the week: Mesdaxnes P . H. OrMn andday A new and sanitary Kosher evening,. Sylvia Bernstein to lead the campaign. Meat Market has opened at M. Katleman will entertain a t a lunchY. 51. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS 2019 North 2«b Street eon a t the Brandeis restaurants' Mrs. Morris Levy and Mrs. William An attendance of over 250 was regi::: *; Mr. and Mrs. Max Levine have S. Epstein, prop. Webster 0320. Thursday noon. Sunday, Miss Ann- L. Holzman are entertaining at a stered at the regular association dance Deliveries will be made to all moved in to their new home at 4305 Hi ette Fanger •will entertain: at, a bridge bridge luneheon at the Brandeis Tea last Saturday night at the club rooms. parts of Omaha and So. Omaha in their picturesque native costumes party a t her home, honoring Miss: rooms Saturday afternoon in honor of Barker street. A most entertaining feature of the A. KOSHETZ, Conductor Ztrcker. ' Mrs, David Degen of N§w York City, " Miss Gertrude Levine is visiting affair was a musical review given by with ten members of the Fairies of Zicm, a who is visiting with Dr. and Mrs.with relatives and friends in Chicago, Saltzman-Ferer. Young Judea group, directed by Miss .'fames Goetz. Dl: Miss Rose Levine, who accomMr. and Mrs. J. Ferer announce the ODA SLOBODSKAJA Mary Maizel. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Announcement marriage of their daughter, Eliza- The Women's Auxiliary will hold its panied her sister, returned several Spiesberger chaperoned. II! Leading Soprano of the Petrogxad Opera beth, to Mr. Samuel Saltzman of regular meeting Thursday evening. days ago. SINGING SONGS OF THE STEPPES STRICTLY Cleveland, O., son of Mr. and Mrs.January 26, at the Jewish Community The Bi-Weekly Bridge club will meet KOSHER MEALS L. Saltzman, on Tuesday afternoon at Center. Like a Symphony Orchestra of Human Voices 11! ' Has evening at the home of Miss Place yoUr orders for ^ttl'e'home of Rabbi Frederick Cohen, Matzos and Passover SupGIVING A VOCAL EXPRESSION TO HOME COOKING The Misses Gertrude Tatle and Mir- Jeannette Gilinsky a t Council Bluffs. "who officiated. The club is now composed of the folplies now. Best qualities. Also Orders for Weddings, The young couple will make their iam Ruback, and Mr. David Kahn are lowing members: The Misses Faye Lowest prices. "The Living Soul of a Musical Nation" the Jewish students in the February home with the bride's parents. Parties, etc Hirsch and Jeannette Gilinsky of Mrs. S. SILVER, graduating class of the Omaha Cen231S Charles St. Web. 6678 S. MANTEL, Proprietor Brown-Kochman. tral High School. Miss Tatle will enter Council Bluffs; the Misses Ann Weiss and Ann Gerelick, and Messrs. Bert Prices: 51.00 to ?2.50. Seat sale now on. Omaha "University. The marriage-of Miss Ann Roch-;! 1919 Burt St. Atlantic 5440 man, daughter of Mr. andv Mrs. _S.' Y.oehinan, to Mr. Reuben H. Brown, Mr. Meyer Sher of Beading, Pa^, is Kaplan Auto Parts Go. son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Brown of spending several weeks here visiting W. J. Yates Accounting Co. with his nnde and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. 2111 Kieholas Street this city, has been set for Sunday Used cars bought, sold, and exAUDITING AND INCOME evening, February 18, at the Black- Philip Sher. changed. New gears, and axle shafts lor any make ol car. stone HoteL TAX REPORTS Miss Helen Robinson, who is atTires. Tubes and Accessories tending the University of Nebraska, is 208 Karbach Blk. Jackson 2260. Below Wholesale Prices. Mrs. George Roffman entertained at visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. a linen, shower Tuesday afternoon a t B. Robinson for the week-end. the Brandeis Tea rooms for forty guests, honoring. Miss Ida Roffman, Dr. J. Weinberg returned Sunday AU Orders Gi7en Prompt and who recently announced her engage- i morning from Chicago, HI. Careful AttentionNash KEEP-SMILING Parlor y i ment. The afternoon -was spent in "BEAUTY SERVICE" WELSH'S FLOWERS Miss Rose Minkin and Miss- Mary cards. A number of other socials Phone JA. W57 411 So. 24th Ave., Yabroff are expected^ here to .' spend "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENnS" Opposite Wise Memorial Hospital being planted for Miss Roffman, who the week-end with Miss MinMn's parTet Ja. 4201, Brandeis Theatre BWg. Open Evenings. Reasonable Prices. 210 So. 17th St.. Omaha, is to be a February bride. ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Minkin. Miss A group from the Fairies of Zioli club entertained the Y members and their friends Saturday evening a t Winter never fails to bring this car their bi-monthly dance. The program renewed praise. \ consisted of dance and song numbers. The Fairies of Zion club hold their It is because the starting system and meetings every other Sunday and any carburetor seem to be almost immune girl between the ages of 11 and 13 are from cold weather troubles. Theresponse; eligible for membership. Miss Mary Maizel is the club's leader. is prompt, even on the coldest mornings.!











Thursday Night, February 1 st

The Ukrainian National Chorus

Reveals a New World of Tonal Beauty




Mr: William L. Holzman will conduct the services at the Temple Friday evening, January 26, and Saturfey morning, January 27, in the absence of Rabbi Frederick Cohn. Friday evening Rev. Ralph Bailey will preach, on the subject "The Inescapable God." Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn are; leaving Saturday evening for New York where they will attend the Union, of American Hebrew Congregations meeting; to be held at the Hotel Astor, from January 22 to the 26, in celeT>Tation of the -fiftieth anniversary of the Union. Rabbi Cohn with Messrs. Iaidor Ziegler, N. A. Spiesberger, Sol Bergman, Abe Herzberg, and B. Pred, /will represent Temple IsraeL Mrs. Cohn and;-.Mrs. Abe Herzberg will represent the Sisterhood. , At the meeting of the X. T. C. ; clnb, plans were made for a bridge party to be given in the near future. They are also' making plans for a membership drive. : Dr. and Mrs. James Goetz have as .their house guest, Mrs. Gbetzf sister, Mrs. Dave Degen of Neur York Cityi


. The Sisterhood of Temple Israel entertained seventy-five at their social meeting Tuesday evening at the temple* „ The S. S. S. club held its regular meeting a t the home of Miss Ann Jfnkel on Tuesday evening. The evening was spent in cards and dancing. Prizes were, won by Miss Lillian Schiffer and Mr. Sam Rochman. , Babb! Frederick Cohn's sermon topic for Friday evening a t the Temple W31 btr "Judaism in America," and'on

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VOCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS Fortunately, this denial of oppor- time has come when it will be sub- of our country. I cannot in the limit- fice to the unreasonable delay in tunity does not exist in our own jected to a complete and thorough ed amount of time at my disposal, granting naturalization to people country. The charge of unproductiv- exposure that will unmask its mas- attempt a complete enumeration of "worthy of citizenship in everyp reity against the Jews of America is querading purpose and reveal its true the various productive occupations in spect," it is learned. The Deputies false, reckless and contemptible, and visage to all fair-minded Americans. which the Jews in this country are will protest also against the imposiis promoted by racial and religious Meanwhile, evidence is not lacking engaged; but a few instances will tion of harsh restrictions on foreignvenom and bigotry. It is without ex- to confirm the worst fears that are suffice to show how utterly ground- ers, particularly the deportations of Untermeyer Calls It a Strange and Mediaeval Eruption, cuse, but it cannot be ignored, i t being entertained by leaders of Amer- less is the assertion. such persons without trial. Illegal, Cowardly and Un-American. must be answered and put at rest ican public opinion with regard to There are already in the United In this connection my attention has the Klan. The accounts published in States 12,000 Jewish families engaged THREATEN "PITILESS EXTERMIIn an address delivered at a ban- so-called non-productive occupations, NATION" OF VIENNA JEWS. quet in Hartford, Conn., on December it has been due to the oppression and been called to a widely published re- the press, the reports of eye-witnesses, in farming, representing a populaVienna, ten. 1.—(J. T. A.)—The 24, Samuel Untermeyer, of New Yorjc, bigotry of the very people-who -have port in the newspapers of a few days and in some instances the uncon- tion of over 60,000, distributed among "pitiless extermination" of Austrian ago quoting a high official of that the States of the Union. They cultiexploited this libel against them. sciously frank confessions of fanatic severely arraigned the Ku Klux and defended the American Jews; against j I t has been due to the persistent strange and mediaeval eruption on the members of the Klan, have furnished vate more than 1,000,000 acres of Jews is threatened in letters which are the charge that they were an unpro- denial of opportunity to engage in civic life of our beloved country, overwhelming evidence of the truth land, representing holdings to thebeing wdely distributed 'with the help ductive people. He said in part: I productive.occupations, for which the the Ku Klux Klan, in which that in- of the following specifications of these value of $100,000,000 and this, despite of district officials of lower Austria the fact that the cultivation of thedemandng that the Jews leave the It is a slanderous myth that the Jews have suffered in various periods dividual is quoted as having emitted charges: The Klan is exclusive not only in soil is the last occupation to which Jews ar^ not a productive people. and in many lands. For centuries the libel that the Jews are an unproThis.charge has always been a cal-they were not permitted to own or till ductive people. He is reported as the positive but also in the negative the Jews, because of their peculiar umny and a myth. And if there are the soil, and this is still true in some follows: sense: it is avowedly and bare-faced- history and.the especial persecutions WASH AND KEEP WELL times and places, as there were and of the countries where bigotry and j "The Jew produces nothing any- ly anti Catholic, anti-Jewish, anti- to which they have been subject, parA RULE OF HEALTH ticularly in Russia, have been permitwhere on the face of the earth. He Negro. still are; when any considerable pro- 1 persecution yet flourish and " where ted to' enter. Where it not for the does not till the soil. He does not portion of Jews were driven, to the FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Not content with passive hostility to t civilication is at a low ebb. I create or manufacture anything for classes, races or groups other than existence of the type in mind rep1S19 California Street. ' common use. He adds nothing to the its own, the Klan has been actively resented by this Imperial Wizard and sum of human welfare. Everywhere fomenting racial and religious antag- his outlaw crew, the number of Jewhe stands between the producer and onisms; uprooting tolerance, mutual ish farmers in America would probably be much greater. the consumer and sweats the toil of Every 'Known''Kind 109 No. 16th St. Tel 4A ckgon 312* the one and the necessity of the other Opposite Post-Office. What do the statistics of Jewish im- • EFFICIENT »nd RESPONSIBLE of Insurance . GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys for his gains." , .. migration reveal? From the period LACNDET, From S3JDO to $9.00. 20D W. O. W. BIdg. J A . 0944. Where your clothes come home • This tissue of falsehoods, of which 1899 to 1910, almost 600,000 Jewish GOOD FURNISHINGS. 1 cleaner and last longrer. each and every word is a vicious lie, immigrants, whose occupations were | is reported. to have been uttered by classified, entered, the country. Of ATlantic 0280. , 1507-11 Jackson St. H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. 'one who calls himself the "Imperial these, -70% <were reported as being EMIL GANZ &SON Wizard." He may. be a wizard in skilled and productive workers, and Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. Certified Public Accountants Omaha Fhonn Atlantic 2556 spreading the poisonous creed of his 11.8% as unskilled laborers. In other Wall Receptacles— \ 1417 Douglas Street criminal organization, but he displays words, about 82% of the Jewish im- Ford Transfer & Storage Co. INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Light—WIRING—Power - Audits and Investigations no wizardry in the statement just migrants were productive workers of K. A. FOKP. EMIE GAXZ C. P. A: V."M. GANZ *—Bell Transformers quoted, for it carries its own denial. President and General Manager. one kind or another. Office riiones: Council BlnfTs (Iovra) Office Jack. 5212 — fin. MOO-^ Ha. 00J5 . WAInut 3034: ,40 & Cuming Sts. _ It contains nothing but cupidity and It so happens that the great major- 924 Bo. Main Street. rhone 865 malice, and a keen scent for persecuity of Jewish workers in this country tion and slander, unless it be due to are connected with, or organized in hopeless ignorance and bigotry. trade unions, and it "is therefore To think that these words should possible to secure reliable information have been uttered only four years as to the activity of the Jews in' OUR TREATMENT WILL and Tours CONVINCE YOU OF OTJR after the Armistice, after the successvarious industries. I have taken the SIXCEKITX. to, . ful achievement of a struggle that trouble to inquire of the officials of Trust Department. Safety Deposit Boxes. enlisted the blood and treasure of some of these unions. What do Ifind? AlLPurts all the classes or citizenship of our In the ladies' garments manufacturing of the country, and, among the foremost, of UJNiEMEYER lines alone there are employed apWorld the Jews of America. To think that respect and co-operation and injecting proximately 175,000 Jews throughout any creature who miscalls himself an in their stead hatred, suspicion and the country. While in the men's Money Sent to AH STEAMSHIP TICKETS j American would have the hardihood . conflict. clothing lines the number of Jews emForeign Countries' Arrangements now made with Soviet "Manufactured in Omaha" to utter such words only four years It is a secret, nay, a clandestine or- ployed throughout the country is Government Jan .prompt^TorwnrtUng of pas son sera to America. .',-We fnrnjsb yon after a war that could not have been . ganization which, contrary to every 200,000—thus making 375,000 Jews in feAKER ICE MACHINE CO. necessary Wanks, etc. to^filK <JOt; won but for the enthusiastic and har- j American tradition of fair play, works these two needle trades alone. If Palmers Steamship Agency ,1708 Fjurnam St. monious co-operation of all the citi- ! in the dark, passes judgment upon other allied garment trades are conOmaha 1009 llarnej; Street. TeU Jacttson 0710 , zens'of America, and anfong the foreI individuals or whole groups in secret sidered, it would appear that at least most among them the Jews of Amer- iconclave ancTseeks to intimidate the 500,000 Jewish workers, or one-sixth I ica. , . •- LET CS DO YOtJB WELDING — — j weak or fearful by a reign of terror. of the entire Jewish population of the What do the records of the War j Its chivalrous "Knights" go about country, including men, women and disclose? - I quote from the official by night, masked, cloaked, hooded and children, are engaged in the needle report of thVDirector of the Office of muffled, concealing their identities and industry alone. There are in this TSE CAREFUL WELDERS War Records of the American Jewish hiding their misdeeds under these dis- country about 600,000 Jewish heads Tel. JA.-4307. - ' Anything : : Anytime :: Anyplace ; v lpOi^Jackspn St. of families. Compare this with the Committee, Dr. Julian Leavitt. After guises. ' | analyzing the 150,000 individual rec- j Clamorously professing to be ad-fact" that half a million Jews are ords of Jewish men in the service vocates of "law and order," they defy engaged in the needle industry alone, which he was able to secure, he re- all law, presume to take the law into and decide for yourselves whether or '•":':• TeiriptatioiT'TJesets You ports as follows r their own hands, above and beyond not the Jews are producers. "When You Enter I : "The best available evidence indi- all law, descending to the use of tar Practically the entire population of 'CANDIES. ' ICE CREAM, 'cates that there were from 200,000 and feathers and the basest and most the United States is supplied with LUNCHES. to 250,000 Jews in the service, or from horrible practices of lynching mobs. clothing by the Jews. four to five per cent of the total They are the most dangerous criminals I have it on the authority of the forces of the United States, which with whom the forces of law andsame officials of the trade unions that'_ numbered approximately 4,800,000 order will have to deal, for they in- in New York City alone, with its men . . . How does the percentage of fect and incite entire communities to 1,500,000 of Jewish population, again /. 16th "and Farnam Streets Every Known Kind Jews in the service compare with the defy • and • transgress our laws. • including men, women and children, of Insurance percentage of the Jewish population Crystal Candy Company a million Jewish Not contend with these ^ forms of there are nearly half 1 209 W. O. W. BMg. Douglas 03S0 in the United States? The entire • persecution, which, influenced by fear, workers, embracing every line of pro. 16th and Capitol Ave. Jewish population of the* country, ac- ignorance and falsehood, have become ductive employment, including, among cording to the latest estimates, is more or less endemic in certain parts others, the building, metal and printabout three per cent of the total popu- of this country, they have in .instances ing trades and the makers of bread IT EN lation. The Jews in the military imported and adopted the latest and and other foodstuffs. BISCUIT CO.. and naval forces of the United States, most vicious forms of Polish anti-Sem- Incidentally, it may be added, that UNDERTAKERS however, have constituted from four itism •'the 'economic boycott, seeking the Jewish worker, though largely a | Snow White to five per cent of the total person- thereby; to-.attain ends that couldnot 2224 Cuming St. newcomer to America, has not only! Bakeries Phone JAckson 1226 nel: On the face of this figures it be attained by all other illegal, cow- not reduced the American standard . C. S. Pat. would seem that the Jews of America ardly-and Un-American practices. In of living, but has been largely inOffice.) contributed at least one-third, more one of the largest of our States they strumental in many instances, in inthan their share to the armed strength are pursuing a. widespread system of itiating and in maintaining a higher AUTO PAINTING of tie United States. There is reason boycott against the Jews, as Jews, standard of living. I could go on mulTop and Body Building of COUNCIL BLUFFS ' to believe, however, that thefinalfig- and only because they are Jews, the tiplying instances and quoting figures and Repairing. We pay 4% Interest on Savins CCBTAINS—LIGHTS—ETC. ures, when available, will demonstrate result of which has been to drive to prove the assertion that the over•."• and Time- Deposits. -that the Jewish contribution has been the latter out of business in many of whelming majority of Jews in this : Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. JAckson 1862 • even greater than this . . . . j the smaller towns. ATlantic 0101 country—-I speak, of course, of the 2535 Leavemvorth St. : "But the principal reason for the These are but a few;•_ of ^ the charges adult Jews—are engaged in hard work ( . that have - been lodged against the in the basic productive industries.' high percentage of Jews in the serADVO COFFEE vice rests elsewhere. I t is to beKlan. The evidence of their varied But even without a statistical inves-! found in the remarkable number of criminal activities is overwhelming', tigation it is self-evident to the or- • ADVO JELL > ADVO FOODS Jewish volunteers. The evidence as and stands unrefuted. The Klan may dinary observer of life in our indus- ' continue to profess as loudly as ittrial centers that the predominant to this is definite and conclusive TO AND FROM The' normal Jewish: quota of three pleases its pure Americanism and its number of the Jewish population conper cent seems to have been contrib- passion for righteousness. No one is sists of factory workers. ALL PARTS OF uted through the draft, and the ex-deceived by such professions. God And what shall we say to the stateTHE WORLD cess to have been supplied by volun- help our country if that is American- ment that he (the Jew) adds nothing Omaha's Newest Sport^Gpods Store FEATHER COMFORTERS ism I You cannot mislead the Ameriteers." to the'sum of human welfare? Is it Made from Vonr Own Feathers. Acnovatecl, re-made or made to order. i Hundreds of them were decorated can people by empty phrases. Youpossible that t °re are people, even 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. AH hand-filled. \Ve call, and deliver. and cited for extraordinary valor and cannot fight the battles of justice with among the members of the Ku Klux ATlantic 0340. the weapons of iniquity or by borrowOmaha Pillow Co. thousands of them made the supreme Klan, who are so ignorant as to be 1907 Cumlnc St. Phono Jackson 8407 sacrifice. And now, only four years ing the habiliments of the masked led to believe that? Is it possible The Old Reliable Hoas«. 1806 Harney Street later, men who have the impudence burglar or sneak-thief. that any one is ignorant of the great I'lione AT Iantlo 0001 , -i to call themselves Americans heap It is not us, Jews, nor any other number of Jewish artists and scienJ. C. Crew. Ed. Burdiclc. l slander upon their memory by slan- group in America whom the KuKlux tists, ^educators, and leaders, in every •A Sfore MannKed and Jtun dering the people with whom they are Klan desires to exclude from the op- field, a number admittedly far out of by Men who I'my the ynmc identified. portunities of American life, who proportion to the total number of G.L. REEVES' Thus, only four years after our should be the first to raise our voices Jews in the world, who are adding "RADIO" country has gone through the cruci- in protest. I have done so, not asdaily to the sum of human welfare. Everything for the Athlete. ble of the war which, horrible as it a Jew but as an American. It should The marshalling of all of these facts was, left us at least the consolation be rather the men and women of the cannot, of course, modify the inthat it served to cement with the very group that the Ku Klux Klan grained bigotry and malice of those ; Kaplan Auto Parts Co. bonds of a common loyalty and a com- aims to organize under its black ban- secret persecutors who are today the 2111 Nicholas Street \ Y o u r position is mon suffering the different classes, ner who should be the first and themost revolting blot on the fair esHanna Lump S12.50 Used cars tioojtbt sold, nn<J exchanged, New genre, nod rule shafts • creeds and races which make up our most vehement to repudiate and "band cutcheon of our' beloved country. correct, and should Franklin County ' • for any tnhnlor great democracy, comes this excres- together to exterminate those would- But it is well that we should 'recall Tires. Tubes nnd Accessories Lump $12.50 be s u p p o r t e d by cence upon our civilization, and inbe destroyers of American ideals and them for ourselves, if only to realize ' ' . Below Wholesiiia Prices. Colorado Smokeless . . . . § 1 0 . 5 0 every fair minded the name of Americanism and Chris- American life. our place in the productive life of Petroleum Coke, • person. tian idealism recklessly undertakes to I cannot, however, leave unanswered America. Best Grade $16.00 destroy the very foundations upon the slander that the Jews are not a Delivered to any part of the which.our republic has been erected. productive people. BRITISH JEWS DEPLORE HARSH City. There is, as yet, no full and authentic To charge the Jew with being unF. ' 8. MOBEV. Prop. TREATMENT OF ALIENS. account, of the machinations of this productive is to disregard all statisLondon, Dec 11.—(J. T. A.)—The • « • OX • • • Phone Webster 0820 body in' order to perpetrate its con- tics and to ignore the most elementary next meeting of the Jewish Board of Hoffmann Funeral Home. spiracy against American liberty and •facts that are familar to all who Deputies will consider a motion to WEbster 2605. American institutions. I hope the know anything of the inrustrial life'draw the attention of the Home Of-

Samuel Untermeyer of NewYork Flays the Ku-Klux-Klan


John Feldman


Steamship Tickets

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Can dyla nd


t National

country voluntarily. The penalty for not complying with this threat are all manner of violent death imaginable. A typical letter which the "Wiener Morgenzeitung" handed over to the authorities has this peroration: "In the near future the Aryan people will arise and mercilessly put an end to the Jewish domination. The Jews will first of all be stricken down, then indiscriminately murdered, exterminated and hung, their bodies being thrown in the Danube. Then and then only shall Vienna be free of this vampire. Help us, oh God of the Germans, in this task."

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