The children of today are the
"B»ilc| for Better
Children" and a at1'
and women of. to-
better Jewry.
VOL. HI.—No. 7
Entered as second Dostoffiee at Omafc
Henry Ford Resumes MttSemetic Drive in Dearborn Weekly Editor Pipp of "Pipp's Weekly" . - Says Ford Has Received Approving Letters from Klansmen.
matter on Japuary 27th. 1921 at under the Act of March B. 1870.
-ISHBEN'DA'S LEXICON Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A committee of- scholars and public-spirited men of- the various faiths\has Taeen formed to complete the publication" of the lexicon and other works of the late. Eliezor. Ben-Yehuda, the famous lexicographer, who died a month ago. Sir Herbert Samuel has accepted the • ^ honorary . chairmanship of this committee. Memorial .services were held yesterday on the completion of She-30' days of mourning. The high commissioner was one of the speakers. His son; Edwin Samuel,' acting -.governor of Jerusalem in Governor Storrs' absence, also spoke, declaring there would have been no possibility of a Jewish national home without the revival of the Hebrew language for which'BenYehuda was responsible. BenYehuda's .name has been inscribed in the "Golden TBook" of the Jewish national fund.
Jewish Press Popularity Contest Closes February 7; To -'Select Most Popular Girl "ONLY T W O MORE WEEKS TO GO IN T H E JEWISH PRESS POPULARITY CONTEST/' The "Jewish Press" contest which opened several; weeks ago is well under way and will closed at midnight Wednesday, February 7. All subscriptions must be in by that time. Each subscription to The Jewish Press will count for ten votes. The renewal of old subscriptions will count the samje as new ones.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50. JEWS HALF OF JERUSALEM POPULATION J e r u s a l e m — ( J . C. B.)— Jerusalem Jews constitute little more than half of the total population of Jerusalem, according to figures supplementary to the general census numbers recently published. Jews number 34,000 out of a total population of 62,000. The same ratio obtains also in the- Jaffa district where Jews constitute half of the population of 40,000. A slight decrease is reported in the Jewish population of the agricultural -colonies. Haifa is the only city in Palestine where the Christians predominate. - The orange trade of the Jaffa "district is in a bad way owing to the fall of price of the Palestinian orange in the English market, from 16 to 6 shillings.
Delinquent Federation Members to beIssued in Report Special Meeting of Board of Votes to Priiit Subscribers Names Grouped According to Amount Given. PLANS • NOW BEING FOR RECORD-BREAKING ANNUAL MEETING.
New York, Jan. 23.—Henry Ford's Publication in the annual report international organ has reopened its The following men have ben chosen for judges of this book of the Jewish Welfare Fedanti-Semitic campaign. The medium eration of the names of all persons is a series of "studies" of the Rosen"Popularity" contest: ARTHUR ROSENBLUM, MORRIS E. who made pledges to the Federation bluth case. JACOBS, and MARTIN L. SUGARMAN. These men will and did not meet these pledges wa^ Both the writer of the New York decided upon by unanimous vote of select the "MOST POPULAR GIRL." Tribune, who has dealt with the. Ford the Board of Directors of the FedPresidential - campaign, and E. G. eration " at a . special meeting held Pipp of Pipp's Weekly state that reThe contest is open to every Jewish girl in the states of last Sunday. • ; „ ., , newed Ford activity along anti-SeAt the same time it was definitely Nebraska arid Iowa. mitic lines follows the receipt of decided ,to print the names of th® letters by Ford from Klansmen in the Federation subscribers for the year South, approving the first anti-SeT h e following girls' are entrants in the contest: M I S S R O S E 1922 in both the report and the mitic drive conducted by the DearF I N E and MISS NINA FREIDMAN of Omaha, and MISS "Jewish"Press" grouped acconKng tt? born Independent. amounts paid and not, as heretofore* The Tribune .writer suggests that FANNIE: KATLEMAN of Council Bluffs. The girls are backed in alphabetical order. it may be the aim of those directing by their respective clubs and friends for the various prizes offered. Wrote and Edited Many Books and ^Both these' plans are being carthe Ford-for-President drive to off/ Histories of Many Movements, ried out solely in justice to our work, set the Jewish vote in the East with and to our subscribers themselTes," the vote of Klan supporters in the To the girl who will receive the highest number of votes, WAS ENTHUSIASTIC LEADEK IX said- Harry Lapidus, chairman of th« South. T H E JEWISH PRESS is going to give ONE HUNDRED ZIONIST CAUSE. Finance Committee of the Federation, Capt. Eobert Rosenbluth is a Jew. DOLLARS in cash and a ROUNTRIP ticket to Chicago. for Scores of People' in Tryottts today. His arrest some time ago on the Paris, Jan. 22.—(J. T. A.)—Max Dancers, Singers and "We base our annual expenditure charge of complicity'in the death of Simon Nordau, famous Jewish suJ.\.->r, on the sums which have been pledged Dramatic Parts.Major Alexander P. Cronkhite atFor particulars and instructions call at The Jewish Press died at his home on Eae Henner early to us by our subscribers, and it is tracted nation-wide .attention owing tids afternoon. His wife, his daugh- possible to carry out cror -work only office, 482 Saunders-Kennedy Building. to the many extraordinary features SPECIAL C O M K JSTEE TO ASSIST ter, Maxa, and his friend and physi- when . every subscriber pays • his CHAIRMAN* IN MAKING of the case. cian, Dr. Alexander Marmerack, -were pledge in full. Today we are facing ARRANGEMENTS. like the .general "studies" of the at his bedside. Dr. Nordau was 74 a deficit of $4,300 just because people alleged "Jewish Question" conducted years of age. who have pledged are not meeting by_Ford through his hirededitor, the The Y. M. and Y.. W. H. A. "Road The declining days of this noted tbpir pledge*. A pledge to the FedCanadian-born Mr. W. J. Cameron, Show" is on the road to becoming servant and Zionist leader were hard. eration is just as much an obligation who is an ardent immigration xe- the best of its kind .ever presented He continued to live in town in poor locally. Enthusiasm at the dub rooms strictionist in so far as said restricDelegates to District No. 6 ConvenIs Making Second .Tour of .This circumstances, not having sufficient as any debt contracted in the busievent is .tions do immigrants ^f intheLyricbuilding for.the tion' to Be Held in Dnluth, 1 1 Country. . _"* \,takes place on the country- ness world,,and should be paid. his "own "and Mr.'Fold's racial origin, running at iigh pitch.' Every night "The other plan," continued Mr. i Minn, Chosen. side, even during the summer. Owing J the new series teems with insinua-. scores of dancers, singers, instrumenLapidus, "of grouping the subscribers Nordau completely „ JJncpln, Neb., J&iu 24.—Ignatz to. his ilhjEss, Dr* •liincoinr Nebr;—One ;6fri3xe- largest 1 tions:aiming-Vtoriilacken the" char? is. accordance with the amount-constopped •KTi' t ing over a year ago, leav. IHeiman, ~greatest""iivLig "Polish acter of the defendant and asperse engaged in trying out and rehearsing and most important meetings of the tributed is the only just way of ing unfinished a big work on philosoJewish Pianist, who has. just .com: B'nai B'rith was held Wednesday all wno have battled for him through for their individual acts. making. public the names of the .»„••......-. pleted a tour to South .America _snd phy. Present plans* call for a variety evening, January 17, at the Zeta the mazes of the affair. is now on his second tour to " the . Too proud to be the object of any- men and women of this city who ^'Truth Crushed to Earth" is the show,- which for entertainment and Beta Tau Fraternity House. i United States played .before the one's munificence, Dr. Nordan re- support or work, and of the extent. New officers for the coming term title of the new Ford effort. One diversity of talent, will equal any that • Matinee Musical Club in • Lincoln, fused to consider even the possibility to which they support it." Charles Albert Collman is the author^ has ever been produced by profession- were elected, and the following men ;Nebr., Monday afternoon. He is of financial aid which the Zionist Or- The Federation book for the year Collman makes use of Cameron's al artists. Song and dance teams, were chosen: president, Morris j passing through Omaha this even- ganiaztion offered him on Tarious oc- 1922 . will close • on January 29. mysterious "question mark" methods kiddies' revues, quartets, one-act play- Friend; vice-president, C Mozer; } ing and will spend several hours casions. His only means of subsist- Present plans call for the annual in order to asperse and blacken. He lets, and jazz orchestras, will vie with corresponding secretary, Meyer BeI here. ance is said to have been s. punctual Federation meeting on February 4. also lays stress on the twice re- each other for highest, honors on the ber; financial secretary, M. Aach; remittance of the montly salary from Arrangements are now being made j . Mr. E. B. Goodman will entertain pudiated "confession" of Roland E. program. Each-of the nine acts will treasurer, M. Polsky, and monitor, • at dinner at the Brandeis Eestrau- the "Nacion" of Buenos Aires, al- to secure a nationally prominent Prothier, which 'led to Rosenbluth's exert its uttermost appeal to win the Saul Arenson were elected delegates ; rants in honor of Friedman. From though he discontinued his articles Epeaker to address the meeting, arrest. His comment in this connec- acclaim of the audience. to the Annual Conference of District liere Professor Friedman will go to eighteen months ago. Every remit- which in the past few years has General director Jack Copeland has No. 6, to be held at Duluth in July. tion is particularly a la Cameron: tance from the editor of the Argentine been attended by nearly 1,000 Grinnell, la. ppointed a corps of assistants in the Alternate elected were Sidney Poska "Whether this sworn confession paper was accompanied by expressions persons. ! The following is the program ast amount of detail and preparation be true or false can never be de- incident to the production of the show. and M. A. Newmark. Complete details of the annual of solicitude for the state of his presented by Ignaz Friedman at Linmade to entertain -Photo by Gatcaeu. Plans were termined until testimony is given meeting will be published in. nextheatlh. coln, Ne&, Monday afternoon. With Mrs, E. E. Boasberg, Mr. JUSTIN WOLF. concerning it before e judge and Harry Braivoroff, .and-the Misses Ce- Rabbi Israel Klein, who is making week's issue of the "Jewish Press". In 3 897, Dr. Nordau was called by Rondo, A-3Iinor..; .Mozart jury, directed by a prosecutor and celia Fe3er and Dorothy De Vere ac- a tour throughout District No. 6 Justin Robert Wolf, son of Mr. and Dr. Herzel, the founder of political (t) Hondo Hummel-Friedman (a) Xoctnrae vp. 62. No. 2 Chopin Zionism, to azd him in propagating counsel' for the defense. That is tively directing1 the artistic side of the covering the states of Illinois, Wis- Mrs, Harry A. Wolf, delivered the ad(b) Polonaise Fantaige _Chopin Anglo-Saxon low. Unfortunately, presentation, supremecy in- this I field consin, Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa, dress for the Sons at the Fathers' (c) "Waltz. E-Minor Chopin the Zionist ideal. From the first Zion- Mother &isi Daughter Social (d) Two Mazurkas Chopin ist Congress at Basle in 1897 and for there is only one race in the conn- is assured. -Mr. Copeland has added North and South Dakota, in the and Sons' banquet held last Wednes(e) () Five Etudes ; _Chopin ~. T® Excel Last Year's Affair tey that refuses to submit to it." as technical assistants the following interests of the Anti-Defamation day evening at Temple Israel. His 3. Caraevnl .. ,,..., . ....SffafiTnflTm several succeeding congresses, Dr. subject was "Fathers." Young Wolf (a) Erkling • Schubert-Liszt Rabbi Klein will visit in The Tribune concludes its series members of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. League. (b) Serenade .. Sehubert-laszt Nordau's survey of Jewish conditions is 11 years of age and is in the sev(c) The Bat Strauss-Goaowsky in all lands were regarded as the key- "Y" Girls Planning Novel Evening with Washington comment-on the Herbert Goldstone, Leo Abramson, Lincoln on February 22. enth grade at Columbia school. for Entertainment of Mothers. Ford Presidential campaign. Two Louis Abramson, Bess Handler, Bess At this ^meeting plans were also The banquet vras attended by over note address of those gatherings. His paragraphs follow: interest in Zionism continued unabated Greenberg-, Blanche Altman, I. S. made for a large B'nai B'rith dance. 100 fathers and sons. Dr. John F. YOUNG JUDEA WILL With-more than 100 reservation? J to the last, although he gave up acGoodman, I. H. Rosenblatt, Pauline * The most bitter opposition, of B'NAI AMI CLUB MEMBERS Poucher delivered the principal adGAIN NEW MEMBERS tive leadership during the years fol- already made for the Mother &n& course, would come from the. mil- Selicow, Anne Selicow, Fred White, dress for the fathers. Daughter Social evening, to be given HOLD BANQUET. Approximately oO Jewish Boys to lowing the war, both by reason of the by the YWHA members next Wedneslions of American Jews whom Ford William KHne, Nathan Mnookin, Members of the old B'nai Ami Club state of his health and because of the Organization. has fought through his Dearborn In- Joe Freeman, T)avid Sher and. Mary gave a banquet Wednesday evening agreement with some of the policies day night, indications are that this .. J dependent. Regardless of political Maizel. . : > Henry Monsky To Speak affair will exceed in popularity ana at the Loyal Hotel in honor of Sioux City, la.—Approximately 50 of the present leaders. Dr. Nordau entertainment that given by the same faith they would oppose him solidly Messrs. Max Fromkin, who^ was at Commencement Exercises applications for membership in the has always favored a more aggressive group last year. and with almost unlimited financial recently married, and Al Wohlner Maccabean chapter of Young Jndea policy, protesting that modern ZionAmerican Legion Members backing, it is declared.. And an orMr. Henry Monsky will deliver the were received Sunday afternoon at a ism was gradually losing sight of the Mother-Daughter banquets and soand Harry Frankel, who are soon ganized Zionist fight is about as T BW D i r principal address at the commence- meeting of the organization in the first, principles as enunciated by cial evenings are relatively new mul j to be married. Appropriate gifts deadly an opponent, in some ways, the enthusiasm of the girls .gives exercises oi txi?. Hebrew institute. Archie . Kroloff, Herzel. as a man can have, controlling so A rally and dinner for the 4 0 ° J were presented to them. Twenty-five promise that this will be one of graduates of Central and South High president of the society, presided. much as they do of business and in- workers who will;, take part in the The old B'nai Ami Club was one the most successful functions ever schools, Friday, night at the Central FUNERAL OF PIONEER dustry. The meeting' had for its chief purmembership , campaign- of Douglas of the first Jewish Young Men's Club High school auditorium. His subject given in the Jewish Community OMAHA WOMAN HELD "Another detrimental element is C . American in the city. The entire treasury of County Postt No. 1 be the "Real Success of Life". pose the arousing of interest among y ON WEDNESDAY Center club-rooms. Starting at 8:00 the charge that Edsel Ford escaped Legion, will be" held at 6 P. M., over three hundred dollars was The following Jewish students will Jewish boys of Sioux City who are The funeral of Mrs. Bertha Eabin- o'clock s most interesting program draft service and landed in a bomb- January 30th, at the Koine" Hotel. recently given to the; Jewish Com- graduate this mid-term: the Misses non-members in the organization, and owitz, 82, pioneer Omahan, was held will be given, which will include proof job at home. This story has Gertrude Tatle and Miriam Ruback its aims. The address of welcome was Wednesday afternoon from the home talks by the girls and by the The ex-service men workers who munity Center Building Fund. not been forgotten by several mil- will take part in the mammoth drive and Mr. David Cahn from Central delivered by Mr. KroloSP, who was fol- of her daughter, Mrs. M. M. Rosen- mothers. Following this a social lion men who fought. Nor is Henry for 5,000 members, will receive their High school and Miss Sadye Coren- lowed by F. C. Woolworth, executive blatt. Burial was held in the Golden hour of games and other diversions officer of the boy scouts of Sioux City, Fords peace ship expedition forgotten. final instructions at'tEis ^rally. All WORKMAN'S ALLIANCE TO a a n from South High school. will be held. TJie conunittee i s GIVE BALL. who had as his theme "The Jewish Hill cemetery. I t is hot so much his failure to ful- Jewish ex-service "men are invited charge includes the Misses Mary Mrs. Rabinowitz came to this counThe Jewish Workman's National Boy from a Non-Jew's Viewpoint." fill his "out of the trenches by Christ- to be there. ITALY BIDS FOR CHALUZIM try in 1860 and has been a resident of Moscoe, Esther Davidson and Iva mas" as that this fiasco of Ford's The business section/ which will Alliance, Branch No. 54, will give Lawrence Baron and Joe Rice delivOmaha since 1888. After the death Siegel, with the Mesdames Wm. I* TRAFFIC. indicates, say the politicians, his be divided into thirty districts, will a masquerade ball Sunday evening ered other addresses at the meeting, of her husband twenty-four years ago, Holzman and. S, H. Schaefer, assistsusceptibility to impractical schemes. be combed thoroughly by ex-service at the Swedish auditorium. The dub Trieste, Jan. 13.—(J. C. B.)—The and Archie Herzoff presented piano she made her home with her daugh- ing. was organized in Omaha ten years Italian shipping companies liave beCongressman Meyer London of New first day of the drive, ago and now has a: membership of gun to feel a falling off in the num- solos. An orchestra also furnished ter, Mrs. Morris Rosenblatt. men on the Reservations, at 35c each, may be York is quoted as proposing Carter have signified their over seventy-five men. A seven- ber of passengers to Palestine owing music. Besides Mrs. Rosenblatt, she is sur- made at the "Y" office in the Lyric Employers p of Carter's little liver pills fame as According to the statement of offi- vived by three daughters, Mrs. J. a man who might be named with willingness" to release all ex-service piece orchestra has deen secured to to the competition of Roumania. Large cers, there are now about SO members Stein of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs. • Anna Bldg., up to Monday, January 29. numbers of Chaluzim having of late make this a grand occasion. Ford. Mr. London declares that Ford, men employees for that day. been passing via Eoumania, the Ital- in the Maccabean chapter which was Rachman of Oakland, Cal., and Min- LOCAL MAN JOINS COFFSS The residence district of the city outside of his business, has been a not organized until two or three nie Rabinowitz of New York City, and plaything in the hands of various Will be canvassed during the even- HELP JEWISH VETERANS TO ian government, with a view to reat- months ago. Members and those toy three sons, Abe and Joe of Oak•: CONCERN. tracting the Palestine immigrants to BUILD. ings of the other two days of the groups. •• Mr. Josppli R. Lazarus will ba the Warsaw, Jan. 12.—(J. T. A.)—An pass through Trieste, intends shortly eligible for membership are Jewish land, Cal., and Nate Rabinowitz of campaign. specialty salesman of the 11. J. B. .Warsaw, Jan. 12.—(J. T. A.)—A The American tiegion need 5,000 agreement has just been concluded to reduce the quarantine period from boys between 16 and 21 years of age, Minneapolis, Minn. Coffee company in this territory. He few'hundred Jewish families have lost members to .make it the power for by the Joint Distributing Committee two weeks to three days, on condition but an auxiliary organization, to be their livelyhood and 750 workers their good that it - should be in helping with the Polish government whereby that these three days shall be spent composed of younger boys, will be London, Jan. 12.—(J. T. A.)—The will begin his new duties, February 1. colonial office today publishes tlie re- The company has headquarters i% „ employment as a Tesult of the fire the disabled veteran and our buddieB Jewish veterans desiring to rebuild by the immigrants in Trieste and not formed soon, it was stated. Leon Dahrofsky, Morris Miller, Sol sult of the Palestine census completed San Francisco and Lcs A:\:~'.'r.:, their homes will receive from the gov- in Vienna as previously. which destroyed the Progress Vulkan less fortunate than we are. ernment a loan amounting to 50 per Owing to the improvement in the Talmy, Mark Reynick, Archie Krolon", recently, showing there are 589,564 _ Calif., and in New York ('icy. ."Ir. Match factory of Pinsk, belonging to M. Halpern, a well known philanthro- The Nu Epsilon Gamma Club enter- cent of the cost involved in the build- exchange of the lira, it is believed Isadore Harlan and Lawrence Baron Moslems, 83,794 Jews, 73,026 Chris- Lazarus is- a graduate of Cz:.: "1 pist. The loss is estimated at 1,500,- tained at a bridge. Sunday afternoon ing operation, the other 50 per cent there will be a reduction in the fares constituted the committee in charge tians of various denominations, and High school and is a student *t,.-":.3 being advanced by the J.' D. C. of the meeting, 7,028 Druses. from Trieste to Palestine. at the home of Miss Rose Sk&el. 000 Polish marks. Creighton University ni^ht school.
l a x Jordan, Famous Jewisfi Author, Dies Sufcify in Paris
Y. Is Rapidly For Public Entertainment
SPEAKS A T BANQUETJFsmsis Jewish Pfesist lincola, Ndbr., Lodge L ft B. B. Holds Electioa Gives Recital at Lkc§k
Legion M To BoW Dinner Tuesday
! * • '
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 192S lating not only receptive but unsu-lsale at the office a t $2 each. The ' tees. The installation took place the j to every Jewish home in Omaha and Janary 28, a t the Jewish Community specting thousands in America with pin is very distinctive and was de-tallowing week. Speeches were made] Council Bluffs to donate their old and Center. by each of the newly elected officers.' new books to the library. Books of the virus of suspicion or even hate of signed by J. C. Copeland. Published avery Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska, by Th dub will hold a. membership all languages will be accepted. Notify their fellow men. ,- THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. campaign extending from January 17 Miss Sophye Jaffie at 1621 North 21 Y. M. H. A. TROOP 62. Officcf 482"Brandeia Theatre Building:—Telephtfne:' Jackson' 2372. Not Fit Dictator. WE WISH TO St., if you wish to donate and books _L to March 17, inclusive. Many of the scouts have been enHenry Ford is one of those men ANNOUNCE and a member will call for them. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. who do not know that they are not A miniature musical and literary The B'nai Israel Juniors defeated have been getting along. The true ......$2.50 Subscription Price one year competent to be 'mentors of the mor- 1 program will be presented at the Lat ability of the world, Simply because spirit of scouting seems to prevail the Jewish Boy Scout Troop No. 62 bor Lyceum Sunday, February 11, by Advertising rate* furnished on application. • moreso than ever. With the new Wednesday evening at the Y. M. H. they are manufacturers of machinery • NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—ProSts from the publicastaffs for A. Gymnasium. The score was 12 to 6. the Jewish Culture League. Jewish is at present with and makers of money. If he had as tte tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. ; musical and song numbers, and imi, * * * Amencan eagle much modesty as he has millions he , CHANGS OV AJDDIt&SS—Pleue *1T* both tb« o l d and o r * a d d r e s s ; would not subvert a campaign in be- ] mounting, the ceremony of flag pre- The Y. M. H, A. Juniors lost two tations of well-known celebrities of .. " : •, b t n n a n d a l i a T o n t n a m t . • •"••- - ' - •:•• • ..•• : half of what he holds to be a deficient jsentation is much more impressive and games and won one game during the Jewish stage will be part of the patriotism of so many of his fellow- J e * U t * u l ^ ^f^*™**' 5 " ' their entrance in the Y. M. C. A.program. ert * * * The team THE WAY BACK TO JUDAISM. men when he himself in his relation! *> Gorman and Gilbert Rosenblum Sunday School League. h ave been a 1613 North 24th St. A regular meeting of the Hatikvoh would like to play with some other PP<™ted as custodians of There is a tremendously interesting phase of th.0 auto-sug- to his son with reference to the 1 f l Girls was held" Sunday afternoon at Jewish quintet in or out of the city. Webster 4330. gestive therapy which, strange to not, has so largely:escaped world war did not distinguish himself On Sunday morning following the For games call Hershel A. Soskin, the Jewish Community Center. A public attention. What effect will the simple and sensible system for a remarkable patriotic regard. "SERVICE AND QUALmembership party was held Thursday Atlantic 1342. long presumptuous and > e e t m S ^ g h *'., M Jof the French pharmacist,; Dr. Emile Goue, have upon the sensag as thep evening at the Jewish Community c uutt ss hh e d ITY IS OUR MOTTO.". * • » l power of possession i withh *? * ° ' * tional and artificial system devised by the late Mrs. Mary Baker unprincipled Center. Miss Ida Minkin was elected JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. We carry the best line of Eddy, who departed this life> in other words, died a natural death, out the restraint of appropriate cul- • Z ^ ^ the regular meeting of the Jew- the club's new reporter. All girls at Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. in the year 1910? We are particularly ;eager to learn the reaction ture of mind and heart such as i s ' and the outdoor meals and games, the ishAtCulture League last Sunday at the age of 16 are invited to attend the of the Jewish converts" to Christian Science to the -healing pro- embodied in Henry Ford is permitted scouts- enjoyed'a real ™nter hike. A the Labor Lyceum, the question of club's meeting on Sunday afternoon, to go on the rampage we must € X -jtotal °f ten tests were passed by thefounding a Jewish library was discesses as re-emphasizeftby Dr. Coue. five of which were passed by cussed resulting in donations of one ; There are Jews Whose ignorance of Jewish history and thepect Just such disgraceful and damag- i S^nts, olUe contortions of Americanism as ob- trol Kohlberg. Blackbear pa- hundred forty-three books by memJewish faith, has been fertile field in which the Christian Scien- ing had the best, The representation. in the Ku Klux Klan. tists have planted their propaganda. They have succeeded in tains The race for second place in the in- bers of the League. Mr. Jack Belalienating some Jews from interest in Judaism. There are Jews It will long be a disgrace to Ameri- dividual honor contest is getting real mont heading the list, having con"The Clothing Corner of Omaha" Whose vanity and.falsei.prjde have duped them into membership innocent blood of brothers Jews that ^ ^ Gross has succeeded in tributed twenty-nine books. Over $50 in a religious community whose work and influence tend so per- was being shed so heartlessly by the , * * » « it away from Sidney Katle- in cash was raised. The library will ceptibly to the breakdown of medical progress and the disturbg h ™an b 7 * h ^ pomts be housed temporarily at the Labor pomts. ance of man's confidence in the orderly processes of growth. money-mad-Jew mania of the m a n , Lyceum. Following, three members ^ were appointed to collect cash donaThere are Jews whose resentment toward Jewish leaders and from Michigan, who is now Theboth Eagle was Silver the honor pa- tions and books: Bondarin, Ben Zion being T with thepatrol Gold and stars. whose pique at their obscurity in the Jewish household have made the United States presidency. Farther 1 of as a possible candidate f o r . . *The * « ^Blackbears J ^ " " are * ? ahead * ^t™** in theand William Crade. them easy victims to:the; persuasive call to leadership and service spoken than this neither fancy or folly can matter of registration fees. They The Jewish Culture League appeals and generous contributions in behalf of a modern superstition. possibly go. haven't won yet, however, so the other There are Jews whose love of ease and comfort, whose pursuit of luxury and diversion: prompt them to essay an easy going SAY LATVIA WOULD VIOLATE troops still have a good chance. The patrol standings are: attitude and an artificial conception of religion and religious MINORITY PACT. FOR WHEN value comparisons are made any man can Blackbear. 686 lion 600 duties. ; : Geneva, Jan. 9.—(J. T. A.)—The DIAMONDS. JEWELRY readily see what The Nebraska is striving: for 583 Tiger. -540 With few exceptions, these Christian Science Jews still con- Latvian government has filed a state- Eagle AND * • * —a still greater reputation for giving you sider themselves members of the Jewish community, for they ment for the consideration of the counSPECIAL PLATINUM Y. M. H. A. JRS. bigger money's worth and better clothing want the Rabbi to marry them and bury them, they want to sell cil of the league of nations, setting DESIGNING their books in exchange for money that Jews possess, they seek forth reasons for its failure to sign At the regular meeting of the Y. values every day in the year. M. H. A. Jrs. an election of officers see Jewish friendships and especially count the number of Jews they the declaration guaranteeing the was held. The following were elected IT'S MONEY IN YOUR POCKET TO SEE can attract to their experience meetings. To many of these so- rights of minority nationalities. Sev-
* • « ^«
y ^»b» ^ « • • • • • • • • • • • •
- -
FRIED & KUKLIN Kosher Meat Market
Better Value Lower Price
called Jews, Christian Science is nothing more than a healing process, a miraculous cure of all the physical ills that afflict tion are said to be contradictory to the mankinds
•• •
Latvian constitution.
The Malashock Jewelry Co.
vice-president; Joseph Turner, secre-
*<»»•*«*»?'<. .;.... 'tary, and Philip Mandell, treasurer. The Coue method is a veritable escape for such Jews, en- awviou A counter memorandum d i s c l o s i n g , ^ ' , , ., :. , ',., . . chained in-a series of fooKBh judgments and imprisoned in their the ., , •-••••++»+,,j i The basketball team, which is at T . . , real reason for Latvia's attitude' , , . , _ , . „ .•_ own weak will, back to the normal life of loyalty to the Jewish has , , . , , .^ •**-.. present tied for third place in +>IO the been presented by the committee * , _ , -. . ___;JI_ . , j ." ix T. • fin. Sunday School TLeague, is rapidly hertige. The auto-suggestive system, divorced from all mystic of»•,Jewish 6 delegations to Pans.. The */ . , „**„, ,, • .JJ. •• • _». • T rounding into shape under the careful accessories and spurious claims, is Uke the pardon delivered at reason, the committee asserts, is Lar: s , . „ „ . A, , . , ,. . ,.'•-..• . , .i_ • • coachine of Mr. Harry Kneeter. Althe moment which the condemned man regards as the end. It tvia's disinclination to honor the mm- ]7 "'* " "^ , * . though the team has won only one is like returning to Judaism by the back door instead of the front ority pact.
door, without the respect and recognition which the latter" enJ. D. C. SPENT $3,271,000 IN 1922, trance into the Jewish home implies. EXCLUSIVE OF RUSSIA. But better the back door entrance than to remain out in the Vienna, Jan. 9._(J. T. A.)-The cold; better the pardon just in time to save the life of the,conJoint Distributing Committee of demned than to end one's existence estranged from the joys and inspirations of enlightened Judaism; better the escape from America has expended $3,271,000 durthe prison of false notions and crude superstitions to a sense of ing 1922 in European countries, exclulife's realities than to hug the delusions of the mind and thesive of Russia, the central office of
game and lost two, they expect to be on the top at the close of the season. For games call or write Max Altschuler at Webster 1076, or 2304 N. Twenty-first street. * • • THORPEIAN NEWS. The nomination and election of officers of the Thorpeian Athletic Club
illusions Of t h e spirit and to mistake Shadows for substance the committees European executive Wednesday evening, Janand to .Confuse fancies With factsV -'-'• committee announces. A total of ?1,-1 uary 3, with_the following results: ;
; _ to> startth^movementback that is• - 023,000 was spent for reconstructionLouis Freiberg,^ president; Dave -"•-"• -"- - to Julaismv -'-'- - '•••"••"' in various parts of Europe, $704,000 in " ^ '."*"***% T ^ T ' ^ ' r ^ V sure to be accelerated by-the spread of knowledge of the auto-behalf ^fc.M-^-T-^t-i. ™ ^ L L $575,000 « ^ n ™ Swartz, vice-president; Meyer Colmck, of Jewish refugees, Suggestive process,-is for the Christian Science Jews to get thefor medical secretary; Sam Freidel, treasurer; aid and supplies, habit of saying : " E v e r y day, in every way, we are gettingfor children's Nate Robinson, athletic director; Ben aid, and $125,000 clearer and clearer in, our convictions that it is utterly foolish educational work. IW. Abramson, reporter, and Joe Kresltal and Michael Cohen to act as to believeithat a persofi can be a good Jew and a Christian ! sergeant-at-arms. The Messrs. WilScientist at the same time. Every day, in every way, we are liam Alberts, Joe Lorkis, and Milton finding it easier and easier to grasp the fundamental truths so CLUBS Simon will be on the Board of Truslong rejected by us in our folly, that the Jewish laws of life, Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. NEWS. and the Jewish precepts promote happiness in the home, peace This night a regular semiin the community, success in business and security for the State. monthlySaturday membership dance will be Every day, in every way, we find it more logical to go direct to Nash KEEP-SMILING Parlor The new rule, which provides the Bible and thei JewishPrayer Book for bur inspiration than given. that admission be by membership' "BEAUTY SERVICE" to sneak Jewish ideals from a second-hand source book. Every card only, will be strictly enforced. Al JA. 6437 411 Sd. 24th Are., day, in every way, we respond more enthusiastically to thenovel program is being arranged by•' Phone Opposite "Wise Memorial Hospital world's discernment that humanity's greatest leader is the Sage, Louis Abramson and his associates on ' Open Evenings. Seasonable Pricei. Philosopher, Prophet and Hero, the gentle> wise -and human the Entertainment Committee. Mr. Moses, whose life and work it has been our shame to neglect, ~:but henceforth our great glory and profit to study and under- and Mrs. A. Silverman will be patrons. stand." Back to "Judaism through the door -which Cpue has Prof. Benjamin Adamowski is most MONHEiT'S opened for our Christian Science Jews.—Solomon Foster in enthusiastic about the future of the Chiropodist and Beauty girls' choral class, which he organized ''Jewish Chronicle". Shop
Diamond and Platinum Specialists 1SU Established 1894.
Street. DO nclot 5619.
Barrr B. Ltpldn*. Pre«.-Treu. loL Pepper. Vice-PrwidenC W. G. Ore. Secretary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Suits and Overcoats fo
.5 J30
Threatened WithDeath, Rat>bi Lyons Denounces Ku Klux, Ford Propaganda
Cut Flowers
Swedish Auditorium, 16th & Chicago Sts.
.'. patriotism." ';
Extra Pair Pants at §5.00 and $7.50 SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY
COMPLETE STORE AND OFFICE OUTFITTERS We occupy 70,000 «qusr« feet «t Carncr
Eierpnth and O»otla» Streets. Fhone: Jackson OMAHA. KEB.
last week. At the first rehearsal on Established 1S0O tSth and Unrnry 8tr#»ts. Tuesday, twenty-five girls wdre pres- Give us a chance to apent, and intensive "work was started preciate your business. For appointments call Ja. 9774. immediately. New members are invited to join. The class meets every Tuesday night at the Jewish ComBY RABBI ALEXANDER LYONS, munity Center at 8 o'clock. Tfiere is WiU Not Be. Intimidated. Eighth Avenue Temple, Brooklyn. The dangerous possibilities and cer- no charge incident to membership. IDA I. FREIDEN, Prop. I had occasion several• times re- taities of an organization like the Ku cently to address important groups Klux Klan will not be doubted for a Over 200 members attended the regof men and women when f-made in-: moment by any true American citizen ular meeting of the Senior group last cidental jeflections..' upon * {hat exec- in possession of his normal senses in Monday^ and enjoyed a most interest311 South 16th Street rable excressence of unTAmericaniz- view of the disclosures that have ing program oh which the following were featured: . Arthur Goldstein at Phone Atlantic 8010. atdon that is operating in" America a t shocked us from the state of Louisi- the piano; Gertrude White, readings, the present time under the. name of ana, whose American-hearted Gover- and Miss Ann Ricklin in solo dances, Open Evenings. the Ku Klux Klan. I Tiave since re- nor Parker, merits the admiration and with piano accompaniment by her sisOnly Jewish Florist in town. ceived anonymous warning that I am emulation of every citizen worthy of ter, Miss Sarah Ricklin. in line for elimination. - My reaction the traditions of Washington, Lincoln WEDDING BOUQUETS. A standard club pin for all members to such cowardice is the present mes- and Roosevelt. of the Association, will soon be on : Nor will any true American citizen sage. . The man who desists from what he be intimidated into silent contemplabelieves to be his duty, because of tion of a distorted Americanism that threatened danger discloses his un-disgraces all Americans. The AmeriAmericanism and declares himself a can people ought to decide at this time, derelict in loyalty to the law and so a once and for all, whether they are go- \ defender of such lawlessness as hasing to rule themselves or be dominat- • been perpetrated under the rigorous ed by a self-appointed group whose greatest distinction is cowardice and rule of the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan is one-of the conceit. most disgraceful insults ever offered And yet it is not merely the Ku will be given by the to the American people. - I t is a- con- Klux Klan that needs to be combated: ceited assumption on the part of itsThere ought to be a fight throughout organizers and constituents that the America oh Ku Kluxism, that wide v ~ American people do not know what is irreverence for law and consequent. BRANCH NO. 54 right or,. knowing, do not care, - or lawlessness so general in American life in conjunction with an unthink• caring, are without thepower to have ing, unsympathetic and illigical in- - the right respected. tolerance that is parnted by the pre• : I t is the usurpation of majority rule judice that sows enmity and conflict • - , -by minority presumption. at the where there ought to bo amity and It i s sn attempt -to substitute a co-operation. regime of terror for a reign of righteOf this pernicious 4gnorant, unousness promoted and secured by thinking and illogical prejudice that of " peaceful procedure, and'so is an effort late has propaganized so prolif ictorius -ADMISSION't* transform a progressive America representative 4ts low priest indeed r Valuable prizes to be awarded to the best masked into an .effete Russia. It is an en-as Aaron of old was the high priest ~*<deavor to uphold law by lawlessness, of peace, is that mechanized manikin SEVEN PIECE ORCHESTRA ' 'and finally, is cowardice parading as of--Michigan,-who, withhis mercenary, minions, has spent a'fortune in inociz-
DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CAR Owners will tell you that the Touring Car is exceptionally well adapted for winter driving. The curtains are trimly cut. They open and close with the doors and fit snugly, affording ample protection from the weather. It is gratifying to know, too, that the carburetor and starter will function as promptly and smoothly in January as in August.
O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Streets, Harney 0123
man. They expect to be gone for two Yousem, and Messrs. Max Shostak Mr. and Mrs. B. Kohler entertained community to contribute 240,000,000 taining the cemeteries in Vienna, ha weeks. and Hyman Rosenberg. the Evening club Tuesday evening kronen towards the expenses of main- should be granted 250,000,t)0 kronen proposed that the Jewish community to meet its own expenditures in this Mrs- Jess. Pregler and Mrs. Nate The Fydannthians held a theater at their home. Sherman left Saturday evening for party at the Orpheum Theater. Miss Chicago, 111., where they will attend Bessie Haykin was the honored guest, 65 PER CENT JEWS IN VIENNA DIE PAUPERS. the wedding of their sister, Sadie The Fydannthians is a group of JewVienna, Jan. 12.—(J, T. A.)—DurGrawoig, to Mr. Abe Gorod, which ish girls attending the University of Sackg-Roffman. ing the course of the debate on the will take place Sunday, February 11. \ Nebraska. The marriage-of Miss Ida Roffman, budget at the Vienna city council, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Roffman, Mrs. Sam Silver, of Lincoln, Nebr., Jewish Councillor Dr. Plaschkes asked to Mr. Israel Sacks of Buenos Aires, left Monday for her home after that the council should grant a subwill take. place Sunday evening, Janvisiting here with Mrs. David Newsidy to the Jewish community for souary. 28, at the home of the bride's The Junior Auxiliary of the Coun- cial and welfare purposes. man during the past week-end. parents. Only .the. .members of the The Omaha Junior Hadassah entercil of Jewish Women met Tuesday •immediate family -will be present. Mrs. Molly Brown is visiting in evening at the home of Miss Ruth He pointed out that the Jewish poptained about sixty guests a t a card ulation of Vienna was paying the . A number. of social affairs were Sioux City, la.,, with her son, Mr. greatest proportion of the city rates. given for the bride-to-be since her party given Sunday afternoon at the Louis H. Brown, and Mrs. Brown. Krasne. Blackstone Hotel. This was the engagement announcement. ' Mrs. J. Krasne entertained the At the same time 65 per cent of Jews second of a series of card parties From Sioux City she will "go to Nordying in the city were being buried We have over three carloads given by the Hadassah during the folk, Nebr., where she will visit with Afternoon club at her home Wednes- by the Jewish community free of of brand new Uprights, The Young Judea Senior Club -will season. The proceeds go toward her son, Mr. I. H. Brown, and Mrs. j day afternoon. charge, as paupers. Each burial cost Grands and Player Pianos Brown. • #hold its regular meeting Sunday afMr. and Mrs. L. Heeger and son the community nearly 1,000,000 kronthat must be sold this week ternoon at the Jewish Community maintaining their adopted orphan in Palestine. A regular meeting of the Bi-weekly Myron, left Monday for their home en, and the costs are being entirely regardless of price and Center. bridge club was held last Thursday , at Sioux City, Iowa, after visiting borne by it, instead of by the city auterms. We need the space Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Browar left Mr. Abe Marcus returned Friday at the home "of Miss Jeannette Gil-' here with Mrs. Heeger's parents, Mr. thorities. In view of the fact that they occupy for goods now the council was asking the Jewish •from a ten days' visit to Chicago, Wednesday for Chicago, 111., to attend insky. Prizes were won by Miss Ann : and Mrs. S. Freiden. in transit. ,111., .-where- he attended the 1923 con-the wedding of Mr. Browar's brother. Gerelick and Mr. Harry Ravitz. The | ——r tention exposition and footwear style Terms as Low as $10.00 Down and. 3 Years to the MrT and Mrs. J. J. Singer and next meeting will be held a t the home I A regular meeting of ^ e Talmud evening at •revue. , family are leaving Saturday for Chi- of Miss Aim Gerelick next Thursday T o r a h was held Balance to Approved Credit. Ill F o r better qualities a t most jj the Synagogue. cago, HI., to make their home. -A evening. 'A reasonable prices jj The X. T. C. Club will hold its Used Uprights at $68.00 and Up. Mrs. S. H. Katleman entertained tregular meeting Tuesday evening at number' of affairs have been given Used Player Pianos at $195.00 and Up. for them prior to their leaving the see the Afternoon club at her home Tues?the Jewish Community Center- Furcity. New Uprights at $275.00 and Up. day afternoon. - ther plans for the membership drive Few Player Pianos at $365.00 and Up. :ahd bridge jiarty that -was voted on at Brown-Weil. Mrs. J. L. Gidinsky is confined to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kubby an•- the last meeting will be made. Hew Baby Grandsl at $595.00 and Up. !:! Established 1892 her home on account of illness. Mr .and Mrs. Weil recently an- nounce the birth of a baby daughter, nounced the marriage of their daughTuesday. Dorn HI 1510 Farnara St. Jackson 5782. j ' Mrs. Dave Stein entertained .thirty You will never be able to beat these prices so come in early "guests at the ^rarideis Tea Rooms at - A t the regular monthly meeting ter, Babette, to Mr. James Brown. and get the pick of these wonderful values. Don't worry Mrs. H. Krasne will be the hostess § Diamonds, Jewelry and ' a bridge, honoring" Miss Ida Roffman of the Council of the-Jewish Women Mr. and Mrs. C. Sfrinsky announce about the terms. bridge club Tuesday evening ill Platinum Designing. • who is to be married Sunday to Mr. to be held-Monday afternoon, Janu- the engagement of their daughter, atot hher e r to:me# Steger & Sons Only $ 2 2 0 . 0 0 UPRIGHTS 'Israel Sacks of.Buneos Aires. Prizes ary 29, at two o'clock at the Jewish Anne, to Mr. Lewis Ellis. No defiQnly S25O.OO Conservatory ...Only §68.00 Gramer • -were won by the Mesdames H. Hirsch- Community Center, Professor Ben- nite date has been set for the wedOnly $ 2 6 5 . 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Passer, who Dnnham ..Only S 9 0 . 0 0 Schaeffer -man, I. Grossman and A. H. Wein- jamin Adamovsky, noted pianist, will ding. Only $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 Hallett & Davis Only S105.00 Starck j have been on. their wedding trip arplay. There will also be a dance You Feel Just as Good as CMcfcerfng Only § 1 1 5 . 0 0 PI/AYEBS • stein. I rived Saturday and will make their Schubert Only § 1 1 8 . 0 0 Mansfield Only $ 1 9 5 . 0 0 number. Mr. Victor Friend left: to J o i n his h o m ( J a t g 5 1 mi] Your Clothes Look Harvard Only S125.OO Whitney Only $ 2 3 5 . 0 0 Mrs. B. Blotcky arid daughter, Anne, wife and child at Salisbury, Neb. He Mneller Only $ 1 6 0 . 0 0 Artemis Only $ 3 4 5 . 0 0 Mrs. Max Fromkin entertained in- is expected to return during the next rare at the Elms Hotel, at Excelsior Mrs. EC Berlint entertained Friday Becktrith Only S175.OO Schmoller & Mocller formally at her home Tuesday even"Springs, Mo. KiraJraH Only S1S5.00 at week. evening at two tables of bridge at (Incorporated) ..Only $ 3 7 5 . 0 0 ing for eight couples. C. O. KAXOrSE, President and Manarer her home. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mr. Jack Kaufman has returned Insist on Columbia New A G 0 1 d Mr. and Mrs. Max Frosh celebrated .figllav from Minneapolis, Minn., where he The Deborah Society, will entertain their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- Sam Swartz and by the Misses; Reva Process Records. When Watch Gilinsky and Mollye Saltzman. at a card party at the Brandeis Grill FREE ^^^^ISlltK^..was called on account of the death of you play them you'll think either ladys sary Tuesday evening, January 23. ' K^iTil Tuesday.afternoon, February 13, for his father. " you have a new phono- erge ntle. MS| i ^g Mr. Lawrence Krasne left Saturtheir members and their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky held a man's poefcet B I H A ? \ A J ^ S S ' graph, so delightful is the evening for an extended buying Office: 1709 CumingStreet • Mr. and Mrs, Morton Degen en- Prizes will he awarded. reception Sunday evening in honor of desiW girea " ^ ^ ^ ^ " " g tone. ,'tertained tJurty-five guests a t the Phone Jackson 2935 FR1E with ^WWiF Mr. 'tmd Mrs. Louis Fink, who were trip through the East. every instrument sold at $80.00 or \ Brandeis, Restaurants Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. F . Simon, of Ida recently married. We have the largest as- more. Mr. Davis Freiden returned from Grove, Iowa, are visiting here with ! evening. . sortment in the city. their daughter, Mrs. I. Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. M. Aach have been Sioux City, Iowa, where he visited 1 with his sister, Mrs. L. Heeger and Miss Rosella Klein is entertaining They are enroute to California where giving a series of buffet lunches. SCH3EOLLER & JfUEIEEE PIAtfO If you live Mr. Heeger. ' Sunday afternoon a t an afternoon they will spend the remainder lof 1514-16-18 Dodge St., Omalia, The Shostak family motored to outside of : bridge at her home, honoring Miss the winter months. • As I am compelled to move Omaha Sunday to attend the Shostakr Dorothy Zucker, who is to be a Febru Kame in a short time, I am makOmaha and Kulakofsky engagement reception. ing a Special R e d u c e d ary bride. Sunday evening, Mrs. M. The Sisterhood of. Temple Israel will want a Prices on men's and ladies' : Fanger is entertaining a t dinner an< entertain at one of its most elaborate The first Z. B. T. dance will be Address tailoring. All of my stock REAL baraffairs of the year at a masquerade evening bridge,.at. her iome,, ocpligiven Friday evening. The dance will to be sold at greatly reAUDITING AND INCOME I have marked the instrument I am ingain, fill in Jmentary to Miss Zucker and her fi- dance Wednesday evening, February be an informal affair. Mr. Edwin duced prices. I guarantee terested in with an X. Flease send me deTAX REPORTS 14, a t the Blackstone Hotel. Prizes the very best fitting, latest the coupon. tailed information regarding terms, tone, apance, Mr. WUUam Racusin. are going to be awarded for the best Katskee, who is' attending the Uni- 208 Karbach Blk. Jackson 2260. styles, designing and best pearance, etc ver "ty of Nebraska Medical College, making, the same as ever. - -Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenstock, who personation* . Mesdames Philip Wolf- will be in Lncoln to attend the dance.. Order now, you will save are now honeymooning, in California, son and Harry Rosenfeld are in money. -. "are expected.home the first part of charge of the affair. A meeting of the "Rayim Club was February. All orders Giren Prompt and held Sunday at the home of Mr. and The election of officers of the Ladies Mrs. Benjamin Margolin. The Rayim Carelnl. Attention. Miss Yetta Wright returned Mon- Golden Hill Society was held at its 50414 South Sixteenth Street is a social club composed of a group WELSH'S FLOWERS TeL Atlantic 6065 day evening after a month's visit (Gnaraiteedl with her sister, Mrs. L. Hoffman at part of last month. The following of Jewish students attending the Uni-FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" versity of Nebraska. TeL Ja. 4291, Brandeis "theatre BIASKansas City, Mo.' were elected: Mrs. P. Schlaifer, pres210 So. 17th St.. Omalia. ident; Mrs. S. Olander, vice-president; The Ladies' Aid postponed their Mr. Harry Ravitz returned to Lin^ Mrs. A Silverman, secretary; and coin, Neb., to enter the University of Mrs. J. Stein, treasurer. The next card party which was to be held WedNebraska, after having been absent regular monthly meeting of the organ- nesday, January 24. They are making j from school during the past term on ization; wilt be held Tuesday after- plans to hold it in the near future. account of illness. -' - . noon, January 30, at two thirty at the Mr. Julius Spigle, who underwent i "The Mohl" an operation at the St. Elizabethans The Rev. Ralph Bailey, of the home of Mrs. M. Rosenblatt at 1468 Hospital, returned to his home SunResidence. 1S43 So. 25th St. Tel. Atlantic 6637. Unitarian church, will occupy the Lothrop • Street. , ' day. pulpit at Temple Israel Friday evenPlace of Business, 1639 No. 24th St. For Miss Dorothy Zucker, whose Tel. Webster 2916. ing. Rev. Bailey has chosen"The marriage to Mr. William Racusin will Mr. Max Shapiro underwent an op-'j Inescapable God" as his subject. take place at the Hotel Blackstone, eration for appendicitis Thursday, j January 18, at the St. Elizabethan's The Sisterhood monthly meeting Monday evening, February 12, Miss Hospital. Place your orders for j will be held Monday afternoon, Fe- Annette Fanger entertained four Matzos and Passover Supbruary 5, at 2:30 .o'clock at the tables of bridge at her home Sunday A meeting of the Hebrew Educaplies now. Best qualities. Temple. Mrs. A. Feltenstein has ar- evening. Prizes were won by the tional Society was held Sunday at the Lowest prices. ranged for the following social pro- Misses Estyre Katleman and Helen Ivre Club Rooms. Four new memMrs. S. SILVER, gram to be given at.the meeting: A Robinson, and the Messrs. Jack JIarer, bers were admitted. They are the 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 reading by Mrs. Mabel Reed, several and Robert H. Kooper. Wednesday Misses Gertrude Nattenberg and Rose song numbers by the Misses Laura evening, Mrs. H. Hirschman enterGoetz, Florence Ellsworth Bellser, and tained twenty guests at her home at Helen R. Nielsen. The public is in- a bridge party followed by a midnight buffet supper honoring Miss Zucker vited to attend the meeting. and Mr. Racusin. T H E THORPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB Miss Annabelle Magidson, who has The Ra Oth Society will be enterbeen the guest of Miss Sophie Dee for the past four weeks, returned to tained Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Max her home in Chicago, 111. She was ex- Fromkin and Miss Martye Weinstein tensively entertained while in Omaha. at their home. SUNDAY, J A N U A R Y 28
-Mr. Louis Segall announces the engagement of. his daughter, Ida, to Mr. Corporal Cohn, of Gretna, Nebr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohn, of Council Bluffs, Iowa. N a date has been set for the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder entertained over seventy:five guests at their home Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. Milder's sister, Ida, and her fiance.
Here Is Your Opportunity!
1 Goldstein Jewelry Co. 1
Omaha's Master Cleaners and Dyers
W. J. Yates Accounting Co.
Mr. Joe Meyer left the first part The next meeting of the Oflebung Club will be held Sunday evening at of the week on a business trip to 7:30 at the Jewish Community Cen- Iowa, expecting to be gone a week. ter. A program has been arranged. Messrs. Israel" Turick, Morris Good- Mrs. L. Meyerson and son, Abe, man, and Fred Greeriberg, -president, left Sunday on ,a visit to Manhattan, vice-president, and secretary of the Kans., with Mrs. Meyerson's daughter, club respectively, will address the Mrs. M. Grossman, and Mr. Grossmembers.' There will also be a dance number by Miss Julia Wise and sevFOR RENT—All modern steam • j eral instrumental numbers. A recepheated two or three room < tion will follow the. meeting. apartment furnished or unMesdames Cora Wolf and Edward furnished. Reasonable rent. Treller will entertain at bridge TuesCall Atlantic 0610, or at 961 day and Wednesday afternoons at the North 25th Street. home of Mrs. Wolf. Mrs. Moritz_Meyer will, entertain a few of her friends Wednesday afternoon, honoring Mrs. David Degen of FOR RENT—Two rooms and New York City, who is visiting here. kitchen for elderly couple or The 1922 Class of the Temple-Israel lady. Call at A. S i m o n , Alumni plan to inaugurate a series of 2622 Decatur Street. after-Temple socials beginning Friday evening, February 2, with an entertainment to be given in the vestry of the Temple. Mr. Gale Margolin was in Sioux .City, Iowa, last week visiting with relatives and friends. Miss Louise Cohn of Lincoln, Neb., b the guest of her sister, Mrs. Edv/ard
FOR FENT—Two modern rooms; suitable for young couple. Call Webster 5048.
Admission $1.00 Per Couple.
Adam's Orchestra
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Every Motor Tested Severely
Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. . ^ It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the com* pleted car. FOURS.end SIXES
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Delivered Smokeless—Scotlcss—ReEcreencd All Coal Rescreened at Yard Before Delivering
NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVlCfc Tenth and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representative* Phone ATlantic 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) Lead* t h e W o r l d i n M o t o r C a r V a l u e
DEPARTMENT OF THE the old pale, where-the-Jews were patience and endurance of 2,000 years we are persecuted most that we cling IMMIGRATION AMENDMENTS TO the senate a bill just introduced by forced to live in czaiist days, the of tragic Jewish history seemed em- most firmly to our faith. It is when Senator Colt of Rhode Island, giving BE DEFERRED. greater . part o f Russia then being bodied. "We have gone through per- prosperity and ease come that we are . Washington, Jan. 12.—(J. T. A.) — the secretary of labor power to admit closed to them. Here are great cities secution before," he said. "It is when taught to forget it." The majority of the immigration com- aliens, whenever he becomes persuadwith 30, 40 and 50 per cent of the mittee of the house of representatives ed of a labor shortage in the "typical" n Threats of. More Pogroms Fail to is held responsible for the revolution. population Jews; village communities have arrived at an informal under- industries. The blame for most of the sufferings that are entirely Jewish; large agriDisturb Faith of Ancients. standing among themselves that no The immigration committee of the of the last few years is put on hiscultural colonies—-Nikolaivska, Kheraction be taken during the few weeks BY F. A. MACKENZIE ^ , shoulders. The fact that leaders like sonskoyska and Eikateroslovska — Reported Candidacy for Mayor of Detroit of Noted Jewish remaining of the present session of senate will meet January 24 to consider the bill introduced by Senator (Special Correspondence of the^World- Trotzky, Zinoviev, Kaminev and Lit-built up from inhospitable and unfercongress on the proposals by industriPhilanthropist and Communal Worker Calls Attention vinow are Jews is emphasized time Reed of Pennsylvania, amending the Herald and The Chicago Daily News. tile desert soil by Jewish industry. The al -and agricultural interests. looking to Past Activities. and again. . _ immigration law so as to increase the Jew even here does not make a good Foreign Service.) ) to -the amendment, of the present imIn the Ukraine one sees the Jewish farmer, but he has shown that he can migration law, it is learned from au- number of admissables from North Kiev.—"Wait until we' get our By JACOB BILLIKOPE question in a fresh light. V They have thoriative sources. Action: on these European countries and races, decreaschance," say old Russians; • grimly. been progroms during the. last few at least earn his living from the land. Executive Director of Jewish Philanthropies of Philadelphia, Pa. When the revolution, of 1917 was The announcement of the candi- 28th, had a conference with President amendments will probably be taken ing the number of ^admissables from "We will kill the Jews.' There will years in south Eussia, horrible beyond ; followed by the wars between the dacy of David A. Brown for Mayor Harding and with Secretary Hoover, during the next session. be such a pogrom right through Eus- words. Here today one eastern and southern European counfinds religious sia thatyou will' forget" there ever was Jews suffering from double punish- whites and the reds in the Ukraine, of Detroit focuses attention on hisat their invitation, to present his Meanwhile, there is pending before tries. r one before." '''••'_ . ; ^ " ment. The white Russians slew many the white armies promptly proceeded career as a citizen of that city with resolution of the Russian economic • And they mean. it. The Jew wasof them; now the bolshevists threaten jto punish the Jew. which most of those who have known problem by the American governnever loved in Kussia and he is'hated them with imprisonment and worse if J "The pogroms of 1919, J1920 were him only for his remarkable activi- mental assistance to the extent of WASH AND KEEP WELL today by the nonbolshevists with-a they maintain their religion. Here the more terrible than anything we knew ties as chairman of the National Ap- $100,000,000 to the Russian people to A RULE OF HEALTH virulence difficult to describe.,,. He teaching of Hebrew is a crime; the re- in 1905," said Mr. Ebstein of thepeal for Jewish War-Sufferers are aid' them by means of American Yrupskcom. "Petlura, the rebel white unfamiliar. tractors, ploughs and agricultural FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY ligious schools,'the Cherdar-Orim and Mr. Brown came to Detroit when experts, .to raise a huge crop on the the Yeshibot have been closed by the leader, slew Jewish communities 1819 California Street. 'One of America's Great Hotels" government. Zionism, the dream of wholesale, wiping out entire villages. he was four years of age, and after millions of acres of Ukrainian soil many quiet sons of Israel, is here Deniken's officers specialized not soa childhood and youth of compara- ' now lying fallow because of the inEvery Known. Kind; treated as treason, and being under much in killing as in violating Jewish tive poverty, during which he was at ability of the people to work their suspicion of being a Zionist is enough! women. In Drobnobsky seventy-five different times a newsboy, a worker, fields through lack of strength, seeds, of Insurance. : Jews Were buried alive. I have talked and the like, he went into business, draft-horses, cattle and implements. EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE 209 W. 0 . W. fildg. JA. 3944:. to insure for a man the prompt and with women whosaw the tiling done." LACXDKY. WHOLESALE on a small scale, with his brother This aid, in Mr. Brown's opinion,; firm attention of the political police. Where your clothes come home Mackinaw, the anarchist Schoolmas- 27 years ago. Their joint capital was which is not to be limited to Jews, Druggists and Stationers Western Ukrainia contains part of ter, who fought .now with the whites cleaner and last lontrer. less than §700. .. jbut to be administered on the broad- AT lantir 0280. 401-403-403 South 10th Street 1507-11 Jackson St. and now with the reds, and for From the very day- that. Mr. Brown est • non-sectarian basis, would save H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. EMIL GANZ & SON months at a time ruled a large embarked on a business career he the Russian people from continued Certified Public Accountants part of South Russia, was. never began to take an interest in the civic starvation and disease, 1417 Douglas Street -. Omaha Office: 813 Dousing Street. backward in killing Jews. In Eliza- and social progress of Detroit, and it I Detroit, the fourth largest indusOmaha Phono Atlantic 25 109 No. 16th St. . . Tel. JA cfeson 3128 INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Opposite Post-OHire. bethgrad, while he held power there, is no more setting down of compli- trial center in the United States, Ford Transfer & Storage Co. Audits and. Inr^OgotlonB Phone 104 GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys GANZ C. P. A. V. M. GANZ 3,900 people were killed in the last Tbe West of Everything In Florrers and : lJ -Office Phones: • • " E. A. FORD. mentary words to say that he has which in the last few years has jumpFrom $3.00 to $9.00. Confections at Moderate Prices. Jack: 521g — Hn.- 5iO6 — Ha. 0010 three days of May in 1919. In the been an important factor in its ed almost to the leadership of proPresident and General Manacer, GOOD FURNISHINGS. 34S W. Broadway. Next Liberty'Theater region around Kiev half a million growth and cultural development, gressive municipalities, including Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA.924 So. Blain Street. Phone 865 Jews suffered during the uprisings. Joining the Detroit Board of Compublic ownership and -operation of Of these 200,000 children were left orphans, more than half of these los- merce almost the very day he opened street cars, needs a mayor of great the doors of his modest coal establish- energy and executive ability, who ing both parents. Carpenter Paper Co. Wall Receptacles— ment, he was a director of that organ- couples, efficiency with humanity. Mr. and Tours Distributors of In the famous Jewish agricultural ization for several years. He was Brown's multiform activities for the ! Light^WIRING—•Power OCR TREATMENT WILL to Western Bond—and High COJiVINCK TOC OF OCR i ;....;. '—Bell Transformers colonies where at the beginning of the one of the organizers and is now one past 27 years, and his knowledge and SIXCERITT. Grade Stationery AUPkrts WAlnut 3034. 40 & Curaing Sts. revolution there were 150,000 settlers, of the directors of the Detroit Com- understanding of the wants of the Trust Department. Omaha. Nebraska. Safety Deposit Boxes. there are today only 60,000, the rest of the : munity Fund which raises and dis- average man, the wide diversity of having been killed or having fled. burses money for the general char- his humanitarian effort, are indicaWorld itable and philanthropic institutions tive of his ability to administer the High Price for Civil Liberty. Money Sent to AH ' The Jews were naturally inclined to of the city and its environs. Seventy affairs of the city of Detroit in a Foreign Countries sympathize strongly with the bolshe- institutions, including the United manner to benefit the city as a vist governments The revolution was Jewish Charities. He was one of the whole, carry it further along the line their charter of freedom. I t enabled organizers of the Detroit Symphony of modern municipal progress, and "Manufactured in Omaha" them to travel where they would in Society and for years was one of its -with honor and distinction to him- BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, 1708 Famam St. Omaha Russia, like other men. I t opened the directors. self. STATIONERY, ETC. universities and the learned profesMr. Brown was director for MichDistributors for sions to them. The bolshevist author- igan of the campaign waged in this Pink Tip Matches — LET US DO IODB WELDING ities armed Jewish villages to enable country several years ago under the them to defend themselves and inleadership of Secretary Herbert Northern Toilet Tissue cases disarmed their Christian neigh- Hoover which raised §33,000,000 for J App&U tO AlQIBIlI 1112 Harney Street bors. general European War Relief. He THE CAREFUL WELDERS I ; ATIantic 6409 • . For all this the government has de- was also the general director for Members of Faculty Sign Article to Tel. JA. 4397. Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace ' 1501 Jackson St. manded its price, and the price in the Michigan of the.United War-Work Be Presented to Alumni. eyes of the religious Jews, is very Fund, which raisecl §217,000,000 for high—their religion. The history, the welfare organizations working among New York.—Alumni of Yale, it is Temptation Besets You traditions, the very language upon American soldiers in the cantonments announced, are to be asked to take acWhen You Enter which Judaism has built and preserved in this country and across the sea. He tion in behalf of Captain Robert RosCOtTNCIL BLUFFS. IA. itself for thousands of years .must go. had charge of the Red Cross campaign enbluth, iwho is a Yale alumnus of CANDIES, ICE CREAM,* Service is Our Motto By raising money among themselves for Detroit in 1918 which gave that 1907. The case of Captain Rosen• LUNCHES. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. and through gifts from the great Jew- city the largest membership per capita bluth, who has been indicted in the ish organizations in America and Eu- of any city in the country. j State of Washington on the charge rope, such as the All-Russian Jewish His business career has been one of complicity in the death of Major public committee, the Jews in Kiev of extraordinary achievement. He is A. P. Cronkhite, is the subject of an ' are today mantaining homes where president of the General Necessities article appearing in the Yale Forest j 16th and Famam Streets 35,000 children left orphaned by theCorporation of Detroit which operates School News. The article praises ! Every Known Kind BUTTER and EGGS Crystal Candy Company < pogroms are being trained. In these the General Ice Delivery Co., the Captain Rosenbluth's record at col- j of Insurance 16th and Capitol Ave. homes, the state decrees, there must General Ice Cream Co., General Coal lege, his personal character and de- j Council Bluffs. la. J>ouglas 03S0 be no religious teachings. The use of& Coke Co.,. General Cold Storage scribes his career during the war and 209 W. O. W. Bide. Yiddish is allowed, but Hebrew is ta- Co., General Refrigerator Sales Co., relief service after the war. It is j boo. Attempts are made in the General Building Co., Absopure Pro- stated that a search of Captain RosenITEH schools to preserve a separate Jewish ducts Co., Detroit Market Co., bluth's record does not "reveal the BISCUIT CO. life, customs and racial instincts Saginaw Pure Ice Co., and the Schuler possibility of a Jekyll and Hyde double Ice & Coal Co. of Toledo. He is also personality. His life has been lived in Snow White apart from religion. UNDERTAKERS UNCLE SAM "BREAKFAST The treasures of the Jewish synaa director of the Gray Motors Co., the .open." The concluding passage Bakeries 2224 Cuming St. FOOD CO. gogues were seized this year by faand president of the Brownie Stores makes the following announcement: (Bee Oi 8. Pat. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Phone JAckson 1226 Office.) mine relief like those of Christian Co., the largest chain drug store! "It; is our intention to present def'ichurches.- The-Jews do not hesitate operations in Michigan. | ^ t e plans for further action to our to declare that i t is their fellowJews As a public, spirited citizen he has alumni* as soon as these can be forreturned from religion who have be- given his time freely not only to all mulated." AUTO PAINTING of COUNCIL BLUFFS come their bitterest foes. It is the Jewish interests, but he has co-oper- i.. T h e article is signed by the followTop and Body Building We pay 4% interest on Saving and Repairing. apostates, they say, who denounce ated to the fullest extent with the 'mS- Samuel N. Spring, '03, president; and Time Deposits. CURTAINS—LIGHTS—ETC. them and who urge the authorities "If Its Worth Anything JAckson 1862 * Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., the Knights Harrington Moore, '08; Samuel T. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. to imprison them for the-crime of of Columbus, the Friends of Irish Dana, '07; Walter K. Wildes, '10; j —Have It Insured." 1 teaching Hebrewr- or for entertaining Freedom arid other undertaking of a ATIantic 0701 teayenworth St. '04, Herman H. Chapman, 04, secretary,! the hope of the coming again of the titti th t i C i lof f jj [Constituting the E Executive Council likee character. Jewish state. GOTFEE; One of the most unique of M r . ' t h e Alumni Association of the Yale J .Why Hebrew Is Forbidden. of Forrestry, ADVO JELL^ Forretry and and also also Henry Henry Brown's interests is the Goodfellows' S** 0 1 of ADVO FOODS dean; James W. Tourney, Wholesale " "Why do you make the class teach- Club, an organization of former De- S. Graves, h C.. Bryant, Samuer J. Record, Fruit and Vegetables ing of" Hebrew ilegal, while you per-troit newsboys, now prosperous busi- ^ H mit and encourage Yiddish?" I asked ness and professional men, and in' N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. TO ANDFROM WJutford and H. H Chapman, '04, one prominent bolshevist, himself a eluding a number of congressmenj Jew. "Why do you regard Zionism former mayors, state legislators, and conshtutrng the faculty of the Yale ALL PARTS OF Kaplan Autp:; Parts'Co*.'- , FEATHER COMFORTERS 'as.a crime?" the like, who on the 22nd of Decem-, S < * ° o 1 o f F ° r e s t r y . v | THE WORLD "' 2 i n Nicholas 'Street -J" j <!' ' Made from Your Own Feathers. I "Zionism," he replied, "is a politi- ber of each year go back to their old " UI m" t e a recently published summary Aenovnted, re-made or made 'to order. f States Commissioner HitchUsed cars bought, sold, and ex'.«-'; All band-filled. We call and • deliver. cal creed, which aims at the build- comers to sell newspapers in order cock declares that he is convinced of changed. New gears, ajyl axle shafts' ing up of a bourgeois state. We do to raise a fund which provides every 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Omaha Pillow Co. for aoy make of car, *".' "' 1907 Cumin? St. Phone Jackson 24G7 not know of Jewish history, because needy child i n Detroit with a real the innocence of the accused and exATIantic 0340. Tires, Tubes and Accessories presses regret that .,he is .not authorThe Old Sellable House. Below Wholesale Prices. Hebrew and Jewish history is in-Christmas. ,. , . , ., . . ,, Mr. Brown on Thursday, December « e d t o s e t aside t h e actaon of t h e extriably mixed up with religion. _• court. " I f I were Chief Justice Taft Jewish history and the whole Hebrew •-•--- , . • • • , _ _ _ _ — ~ ; ' sitting h e r e instead of Samuel Hitchlanguage are part of their religion." cock, I would throw i t o u t , " h e said. J. J. FRIEDMAN, Att'y., The Jews around Kiev are doing " I w a n t this m a n held i n such a w a y 303 Omaha Kati Bank Bide, F. 8. MOBEY. Prop'. their best to adopt themselves to their Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. t h a t action will b e taken a t a n early Phone Webster 0820 new life. The joint distribution com- Notice Is hereby given that tinder and instant by the Circuit Court of Apby Tirtue of a chattel mortgage, dated THE LAUNDRY THAT mittee, the American Jewish organi&a- February 3, 1021, whereby Harry H. Fal- peals." EVERYBODY LIKES. tion which is now helping here, is do- vey mortgaged to George E. Mende certain items of personal property all as ing a magnificent work. I say this set forth In the said mortgage duly filed POSEN AUTHORITIES DISin the Office of the County Clerk of not only from what I have seen my- Douglas Hanna Lump $12.50 County, -Kebrnska, on February POSSESS JEWS. Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store self, but because of what relief work- 4, J021, the undersigned will Bell the fol- Warsaw, Jan. 12.—(J. T. A.)—A! Franklin County lowing described articles at 10 o'clock In ers of other organizations tell me. the forenoon of February 10, 1023, at Lump 512.50 Y o u r position is of religious and social Jewish No, 816 No. 19th St.. in the City of Omaha, Jewish societies are helping the farm Donglas "EVERY KNOWN KIND" Connty, Nebraska i One Forgo; institutions are homeless as a result of j Colorado Smokeless ....$10.50 correct, and should colonists to come back. For a few One Chain Bloclc; One Small Gear Pulley; Petroleum Coke, Abner H. Kaiman be s u p p o r t e d by hundred dollars they can be settled One Large Policy; One Electric Valte the occupation by the authorities of Best Grade $16.00 one carbon Burning the jrailding in which the institutions 10 ftStep 1319 W. O. W. BIdg. AT. 8034 afresh on their lands, with stocks of every fair minded 1806 Harney Street One OH Tester; One PoBt Drill. were housed, say reports from towns Delivered to any part of the cattle and farm implements and seed Outfit: To satisfy, as far as possible, the cum of person. Pbone ATlantle 0901 City. Four Hundred nnd Fifty Dollars ($450.00) in 'Posen and Ppmerellen. corn. • : ; ' • .'.,"''• • •"' - ' ' " ' •;. .':. • with Interest from February 3, 1021, at G%, The National Council of Polish J. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. and costs and accruing costs as hereafter "And what of your religion?" I ascertained PAXTON BILLIARD A Sfore Mnnnjred and ' Bun and added at the time of sale, Jews has been Urged by the disby Men who tfiay theUnme. whlch said sum Is now in default under , T ., •*• ' * • • ' asked some of the people. 'Are you PARLOR and by virtue of the terms of aaia chattel possessed Jewish communities to mG.LREBVES, WEbster 2605. giving it up ? Are you ceasing to S M K ^ ^ t e S ^ a ^ ^ S S * e ™ * and the sequestration has « i f O I i t * NICE S. WKAN1C, Proprietor raid mortgage wns given to secure; there teach Hebrew?" "RADIO" being no proceedings at law or otherwise been ordered stopped by the ministry 1S1C FiMTMunStreet, Basement. to recover Snld debt or any part thereof. Everything for the Athlete/ One, old man looked at me with a Said Hoffmann Funeral Home. ; of education, pending the promulgasale will he. held open one hour. - Fhone JA rkson 4136. GEOKKS-. — smile in which all the suffering and PATJtONIZE OUR ABVERTISERSl tion of a special ordinance. «
A Few Sidelights On David A. Brown
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