February 1, 1923

Page 1

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VOL. m.—No. 8

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Oh Nt tfi S. poatofflce att Omaha. Nebt

fhousands Attend Golden Jubilee of U.A.H.C.inNewYork Rabbi SUver Addresses Religious Gathering Monday EveningLouis ularshall's Message* DELEGATES FROM TEMPLE ISRAEL OF OMAHA ATTEND.

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ter on January 27th, 1921 at l dde T th A t M h 3. 3 1879. 1879 the Act off March t


: Pawtucket, K. I. (J. C. B.)— An organized guard has been formed by members of the Synagogue Absi Sholen to protect the Synagogue property and also Rabbi Jacob Goldman as the result of the threatening Ku Klux H a n message received by the Rabbi ^Wednesday, warn- * ing .him to 'look out for him- self and his church." • \ This message; to the Eabbi together with the one received by Owen P. McAloon, N. Y., N. H.. an H. crossing tender, prominent in Irish Catholic organizations," on the - same day, has aroused both Jews and the Irish of this city. The police are investigating, .


The Jewish Press Popularity Contest Closes in Six Bays ONLY SIX MORE DAYS TO GO IN " T H E JEWISH PRESS" POPULARITY CONTEST. The Jewish Press popularity contest which was open to all Jewish girls in the states of Nebraska and Iowa, will close at midnight, Wednesday, February 7. -All subscriptions obtained by the contestants must be in by that time. Each subscription obtained by the girls will count as ten votes. Old subscriptions will count the same as new ones. _ The girl who will receive the highest number of votes will receive the "Most Popular Girl" prize. The following men will Ihe the judges in the contest: ARTHUR ROSENBLUM, attorney, MORRIS E. JACOBS, advertising and publicity advisor, and! MARTIN L. SUGARMAN, attorney. These men will announce the Most Popular Girl. •'.. The following girls are the leading contestants in The Jewish Press contest: MISS ROSE F I N E and MISS MINA FREIDMAN of Omaha, and MISS FANNIE KATLEMAN of Council Bluffs, la. Miss Fine is a member 6f the Y. W. H. A. and a member of the Junior Hadassah. Miss Freidman is a member of the Y. W. H. A. and a popular member of the Young Judeae clubs. Miss Fannie Katleman is being strongly boosted by her friends across the river and plans are being made by her co-workers to bring the prize to Council Bluffs. * T H E JEWISH PRESS POPULARITY CONTEST CLOSES FEBRUARY 7.


SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR. $2.50. DIXON DENOUNCES KLAN New York.—As speaker last evening at a gathering of the American Unity League, foe of the Ku Klux Klan, Thomas Dixon, who is the author of "The Clansman," denounced the Klan and its aims. "Why should any man attack the Jew in this country, the home of the free and refuge of the oppressed?" he said among other things. "There are but 3,000,000 in this country, half of them in New York. Jew baiting has always been a form of idiocy. Jesus was the son of a Jewish mother. From Jesus down the ages to the last philosopher and thinker, the greatest ones have been Jews. The Jew is the greatest race of people that God has ever created."

February 11, Set as

Date ofAnnual LO.B.B AH Members and Their Sons Are Invited to Attend This Annual Event. RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7.

The long anticipated event for- Jew* ish sons and fathers, the annual IJ'nal B'rith father and son banquet, will be given at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday evening, February 11. This date was chosen by the Social Service Committee of the lodge because of its proximity to Lincoln's birthda3% and the appropriateness of the latter event to the general significance of the opportunities for boys in America. Last year's banquet, the first of its kind ever given by the lodge, was most successful, over 200 fathers and their sons having been in attendance.. Would Have Gladly Participated in It is expected that the attendance at the-U. A. H. C Fiftieth An-: this year's event will far exceed that 250 Girls And Women Hear Inspiring number. niversary. Talks Urging Closer Bonds Members of the women's auxiliary Between Mothers And COULD NOT ATTEND BECAUSE of the lodge, and of the Council of Daughters. OF MRS. HARDING'S ILLNESS. Jewish Women will co-operate with the men's committee in arranging for BOYS OF Y. M. H. A. SERVE New York, Jan. 24.—In a letter to the banquet and the excellent proBUFFET LUNCHEON AND the Golden Jubilee Convention of the gram that will follow it. PUNCH. Union of American Hebrew CongreLittle comment is needed upon the grations, stating "That her daughter might bear desirability of all fathers and sons because of the illthroughout life something more attending1 such functions as this will ness of Mrs. Harprecious than jewels, or costly gowns, be. The movement for a closer relading he would- be something infinitely easier of attain- tionship between sons and fathers has unable to accept ment and yet infinitely more price- been carried on with much enthusiasm the invitation to less than the rarest of earth's material locally. A series of banquets held readdress the gaththings, i a s been the hope of every cently by the churches of Omaha TO SPEAK HERE ering, which -had mother since first the tiny body of her brought tog-ether more than 10,000 been tendered daughter sought the shelter of her fathers and sons. At Temple Israel h i m * President warm and comforting embrace. Every last week, a banquet for temple memWarren G. Har- Members Only to Attend Feature Founder, of Jewish Legion Resigns mother has hoped, every mother will bers was attended by many people. ding said in part? Meeting—Boxing Bouts and VaudeFollowing Disagreement With hope, that her daughter might possess Reservations for the B'Nai B'ritli "to take part in this ville Acts on the-jErogram. ~ throughout ..life •&& character of .jfcrue father -and son banquet must be Weizmann and Adverse Vote womanhood.'* "-" " 'xiHtde'to'Harry Silverman, secretary of ^ •--•••••• i m P e f l a i S " A f r a f r . ~ ~ - "•"••-""' Members of the local lodge of the tions at Tuesday's session. He asThe spirit of this message, voiced the lodge, 1004 Omaha National Bank Berlin.—(J. T. A.)—Vladimir Jabserted that Jews should follow the afford' occasion for 6aying some things B'nai B'rith will be the guests of the by Mrs. S. ~H. Schaefer at the second Building, and must be accompatved which have been much in my thoughts otinsky, founder of the Je-srish Legion lodge at a "smoker" to be given for policy of ignoringjtiheir enemies and a-nrmni mother and daughter social of by 75c for each plate reserved. Beof late. One of the marvels _of huand for three years member of the members only Thursday evening, Femeeting prejudice by quietly acting as manity's story has been the strength bruary 8, at the Jewish Community Executive Committee of Zionist Or- the Y. W. H. A. at the Jewish Com- cause of the limited capacity of the good American citizens. and persistence of the Jewish faith Center. Several boxing bouts have ganization, resigned from the leader- munity Center last night, was evident Jewish Community Center, no reserva"Let us holdfast to Judaism," he aad the continuing influence and powbee narranged for this occasion. In ship as vrell as membership of the throughout the entire evening, while tions will be accepted, after Wednes* said. "Let us remain loyal to the er of the Jewish people. I cannot but the boxing bouts, Young Goldie will Organization at the last session of the 250 mothers and their daughters en- day evening, February 7. syiiagog and we will then outlast any; Dr. Philip Sher, chairman of tlie feel that these things are in large meet Dave Sherman, and "Bad News" meeting of the Greater Actions Com- joyed the excellent program that storm that may brew. We are not had been arranged, and the buffet Social Service Committee of the measure owing to the Hebrew concepMurphy will meet "Newsboy" Brown. mittee Thursday. without experience in contumely or luncheon, which was served by mem- lodge, is chairman of the committee tion of a personal God and of the inA couple of feature vaudeville acts Mr. Jabotinsky communicated his obloquy. We have heard the accents on arrangements. Other members of resignation to a special committee be- bers of the Y. M. H- A. of hat© and hostiality for many cen- dividual accountability of men and will also be on the program. "This the men's committee are Henry MonCalled,by the Omaha World-Herald women. There is" evident almost everywill be one of the feature meetings of fore which he was to.explain the naturies. Every age. has witnessed the sky, Leo Eosenthal, Dr. A. Greeneditorially "an idea worthy to be the month," said Harry Lapidus, memwhere in the worW,the need for a reture of the negotiations he had with rise and fall of bitter enemies. So long Iberg, Harry Silverman, Dr. Fred Cohn ber of the intellectual advancement copied by mothers and daughters storation of the soul of religious deagents of Petlura, the Ukrainian inas we have d u n g to the principles of land S. H.' Schaefer. Miss Ruth. committee. All members are requesteverywhere", last night's affair was votion; for individual consecration to surrectionary. The committee is said our faith, so long as we have heeded ed to be there. .Levey will represent the Women's acclaimed by everyone present to have that ideal of religion which recogto have passed an adverse note on the Divine injunctions and listened j Auxiliary, and Mrs. hilip Sher, the been the most successful ever given nizes it as able to give something that his connection with the Petlura-SlavPlans are being made to launch an RABBI JULIAN MORGENSTERN to the precepts of our teachers, we Council of Jewish Women. in the center club-rooms. Community neither patriotism nor civic virtue can extensive membership drive in the have survived, and so long as we shall Rabbi Julian Morgenstern, president insky affair. Simultaneously, a let- singing, recitations by Harriet ever afford. The human race, or cercity. Plans are also under way to of the Hebrew Union College at Cin- ter from Jabotinsky was read by Depcontinue to do so, we will survive and our descendants will be enabled to tainly great and potential sections of have but one business meeting each cinnati, O., will speak at Temple uty Gruenbaum of Warsaw, who pre- Fleischman, vocal solos by Belle read new and glorious chapters in the it, has been getting away from its month and to have two open meetings Israel Wednesday evening, February sided, in which he declared that the Oland, talks by Mrs. Schaefer, Anne history of their people. All the ef- religious moorings. -It needs a revival for the members and their friends. 7. Rabbi Morgenstern is on bis way Executive Committee, having decided Selicow and Helen Eiekes, and a forts of our enemies have been, and of the sincere conception of personal Once each month there will be a fea- to Denver, Colo. His subject will be in favor of identical action on the part musical revue by member.- of the of all members, he felt it was best for Flowers of Zion club under the direc- And Texas Colonel Doesn't Collect .will continue to be futile. All their relationship;of God to man; a restora- ture meeting' for the members only. Judaism in America." The entire Members of the intellectual ad- public is invited to attend this meet- him to resign and reserve for him- tion of Mary Maizel formed a most blows have reacted, and will continue tion of faith in the fundamentals that Fe« for His Work, are eternal. ' • self freedom of action and criticism of enjoyable program. vancement committee are making ing. to react upon themselves. "Feeling thus, and recognizing the plans; to secure prominently known Mrs. Win. L. Holzman, Mrs. A. El Paso, Tex.—Col. Nathan Lapowthe Zionist leader's policies. "It is true that for centuries, in . Rabbi Morgenstern is one of the great debt that other religions owe to Silverman and Mrs. Schaefer assisted ski of El Paso has obtained for exspeakers to address the meetings. The Jabotinsky has been demanding a consequence of such ignoble attacks, youngest men to be elected to the we were treated like .cattle, we were the Hebrew faith, I would have been members of this committee are: Harry presidency of the Hebrew Union Col- free hand in the political negotiations, the girls' committee in making the serive men three-quarter million doldeprived of the most elementary glad to avail myself of the opportun- Lapjdus, Arthur Rosenblum, Sam lege. He is himself a graduate of the without "being bound in each case by affair the success that it was. Mem- lars on government claims, likely an the majority vote of the Executive. bers of the girls' committee included unequalled record. He was entitled rights, we -were subjected to whole- ity which you have-tendered, to ex- Leon, Irvin Stalmaster, Harry Trust- college. Particularly, Jabotinsky desired Mary Moscoe, chairman, Esther under the regulations, to collect $75,sale massacres, we were driven from press somewhat my convictions in this in, Henry Monsky, and Harry Silvervital department of human concern. m a n . • - . ; • • . changes in the Palestine administra- Davidson, Iva Siegel, Gertrude Eomin, 000, 10 per cent of this amount But one land to another. We have- been The world needs the renewed assurtion, a firmer attitude towards the Edith Spector, Kate Goldstein and he never collected or tried to collect libeled and slandered," not only by the Senior Group of Y.M. and Y.W.H.C. British ances of faith in'the Almighty, and Many Attend Meeting In Honor government and different Blanche Altman. A surplus- of ap- even one cent. All the money he reignorant, but by those who, to acto Hold Open Meeting Next Monday dealings with the Arab leaders. Above proximately §10.00 will remain on covered went to the soldiers or their Of Henry Monsky. complish malign purposes of their the tranquflity which comes of that all, he favored that the Zionist lead- hand after all bills are paid. This relatives. Over 300 members and their friends own, knowing that they were falsi- f a i t h . • . ' • . • ' "There will be" among those taking Public Urged to Become Acquainted Lapowski is a Jew. He is also a ers should put forth the greatest ef- will be donated to the Jewish Welfare attended the open meeting held last fying, have persisted in keeping the With Activities of 400 Members. fort to secure the establishment of a Federation, the girls announced this soldier—a soldier with a record, for in monstrous fables of superstition and part in your notable-commemoration Thursday evening in honor of Henry his" youth he served in the Russian Jewish Legion as part of the Palestine morning. the criminal fabrications of rascality, many better able than I to present Monsky, who was elected to the exethese thoughts, so I can express no army against the Turks and coming to garrison. Dr. Weizmann did not supcutive board of the Grand Lodge of An exceptionally interesting and or the vaporings of imbecility. Conthe United States soon afterwards, he scious of the rectitude of our pur- more sincere wish than that the the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, entertaining program is being planned port heartily, Mr. Jabotinsky in any Local Henorah Society gathering may inspire some.- of them Mr. Monsky is the first Omahan to by members of the Y. M. and Y. W. of these demands. was with the colors in the Spanish(Continued on page 2.) to voice in words -of-conviction and hold such a high office. Speakers of H. A. senior group, for the open While friends and opponents alike to Held Open Meeting American war. He was a national power the thought I have sought to the evening were: Henry Monsky, meeting of the organization which consider that it had become impos- The Menorah Society which is com- guard major in 1916 on the Mexican convey." ' Hird Stryker, local commander of the will be held on Monday evening, Fe- sible for Jabotinsky to remain on the posed of University Students and border. In 1917, he was with the 36th Omahans Invited To Speak American Legion, and Arthur Rosen- bruary 5, at the Jewish Community Executive, they regard it as a grave graduates, will hold a public meeting division in the war against the cenblum. Master Samuel Carmer played Center. mistake on his part to have left the Sunday afternoon, February 11, at the tral powers. Lapowski • is vice comat Student Congregation YMHA BOY SCOUT several violin selections, accompanied Organization entirely. It is maintained Jewish Community Center. The topic mander of the American Legion, TexThis is the second open meeting TO qBE HONORED Columbia, Mo., Jan. 31,—Students by Prof. Karl Tunberg. The Buback since the start of the season's activi- that by withdrawing.from membership of papers to be read are "The Phyloso- as department. He is almost 70 years Harry Kohlberg, 14, member of the of the University of Missouri, who M. H. A. Boy" Scout Troop, will be sisters, With Meyer Shapiro and Na- ties last October. The first meeting in the Zionist Organization, he viti- phy of Being a Jew," the "Jew in Lit- old. heared Henry Monsky of Omaha Y. Colonel Lapowski was elected vice brought an attendance of several hun- ated whatever chances he might have erature," and the "Movement Towards presented with a bronze medal by the than Levinson, presented an act. speak at the B'nai B'rith affair in St. Nebraska-Humane Society, in recognidred persons to the club rooms. The had for constructive crticism, had he Zionism." Among the speakers will commander of the Texas department • Joseph, Mo., during the school holiday tion of his kindness to animals. Young SUNDAY SCHOOL PUPILS TO parents of Y members are especially remained a soldier in the Zionist be Dr. Victor Levine, professor at at the state legion convention in Waco season, are attempting to bring him Kohlberg' on Monday risked being Creigbton Medical College; Nathan last summer, attending all sessions. urged to attend Monday evening's ranks. PRESENT PLAY AND to Columbia, to speak before the tardy to his classes at Kellom School Mnooken, Jack C. Copeland and Fred Most of the delegates rode to the conmeeting, but all members of the comPROGRAM. Jewish Student Congregation. vention hall either in taxis or in Etreet to carry an injured shepherd dog he Pupils of the City Sunday school munity are invited and will be wel- ROUMANIA MOTES TO SUPPRESS White, Rabbi Frederick Cohn, of Omaha, found lying in the street to the Hu- will present a Chamiso Osor B Shvat comed. The meeting will start The general public is invited to at- cars, but not Lapowski. RIOTS. and Rabbi J. Singer, of Lincoln, Nebr., mane Society animal shelter. program Sunday morning at 10 o'clock promptly at 8:15 o'clock. Bucharest, Jan. 9.—(J. T. A.)—The tend all meetings of the Menorah So- "Why should I ride" he demanded. have been invited to preach here durpolice perfects and the commanders of ciety. The society meets every second "You young fellows can do that. My Kohlberg is a second class scout. at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eighing the school semester. Both have He joined the Y. M. H. A. Troop two teenth and Chicago streets. An act Jerusalem, Jan. 15.—(J. T. A.)—Athe gendarmerie have been instructed and fourth Sunday in the month. At legs are as good as they ever were, accepted. Rabbi Singer will leave months ago. will be presented by the Second and statement incorporating the answer to sternly suppress all riots, and to these meetings, topics of discussion and I am going to walk." f> Lincoln, Nebr., Saturday evening for Third classes, which are under the the Duke of Devonshire gave the arrest the gang leaders, regardless relate to the history of and philosophy Columbia, Mo. CHAIRMAN OF POLISH SENATE supervision of .the Misses Anne Weiss Arab delegation in London that no of person or position, in order to make of the Jew. UNCONFIRMED EEPOET OF POManuel Resnik of St. Joseph, Mo., and Hannah Kooperl Mr. Harry A. change is possible in the British Pale- an end to the continued viloations The officers of the Menorah Society COMMITTEE. A JEW. GROM "IN ODESSA. is president of the Jewish Student Warsaw, Jan. 24.—(J. T. A.)—Dr. Wolf will be the principal speaker. stine policy has been published by the against Jews, Minister of Interior are Sam Beber, president; Morris London, Jan. 22.—(J. T. A.)—The Congregation and Nathan E. Jacobs Michael Ringel, Jewish senator from The pupils of the Sunday school government here today. The fact tliat Vaitoiano today informed parliament. Margolin, vice president; Irving Rab- Daily Sketch publishes today an unof Omaha is vice-president. Both are Galicia, has been elected to the chair- will be presented with baskets of the British policy as enunciated in It is learned all leaders of the re- kin, recording secretary; Joe Rosen- confirmed report by a news agency members of the Zeta Beta Tau manship of the permanent legal com- j fruit... All pupils and their parents the White Paper remains unchanged cent riots at Barlad, Moldavia, sxe thai secretary, and Ed Levinson, re- that anti^Jewish riots took place* in mission of the Polish senate. -fraternity. porter. ]are invited to attend this program. -is stressed with particular emphasis already in prison awaiting trial. Odessa resulting1 in forty killed. ••>

New Yorkrf-^-Marking t h e . Golden Jubilee of the. Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 2,000 prominent Jewish men and women from all parts of the United States gathered.at sessions of the Union, and allied and auxiliary bodies during the week com mencing January 22. , t The Omahans who were delegated to attend the Golden Jubilee are: Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Isidor Ziegler,, president of Temple Israel, and Messrs. N. A, Spiesberger, Sol Bergman, Abe Herzberg and B., Pred. The Sisterhood, of Temple Israel will be represented by Mrs. Frederick Cohn and Mrs. Abe Herzberg. The Convention of2 the'National Federation.^ of Temple Israel /'Sisterhoods held its convention. duiSng the week and. the jubilee was also featured . by the organization; of' the National \ ^Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. Public religious services at Carnegie Hall and at Temple Beth Mohim Monday evening marked the close of New York's Go-to-Synagog-Week and the opening of the Golden Jubilee Convention. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver x>f • Cleveland and Supreme Court Justice Irving Lehman' of New York "were principal speakers * at; Carnegie' Hall wMch was filled to overflowing. Rabbi Leon Harrison' spoke a t the Brooklyn services.' Delegates attended a banquet Wednesday evening at Hostel Astor. Louis Marshall addressed delegates to the

President Harding's Message to Golden JuMee Convention

Be Gten By Local Lodge of L 0. R B.

Y. W. EA. Girls aid Mothers Are Entertained At Successful Get-to-geAer

Jabodnsky Quits Executive And Zionist Organization


5 !&<-,

PAGE 2—THE JEWTSH PRESS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1923 theatre party Friday evening and on Mrs. Gaba is giving a luncheon at posed of Jewish boys who follow all Miss Ella Alschuler was voted into Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. B.the Lincolnshire Tuesday, February 6. athletic activities. The club is giving the club. A committee was Harding will entertain at a theatre dances every Sunday evening at the elected to make plans for the initiaPublished every Tbonday at Omah*. Nebraika. by party, followed by a luncheon at the Dr. and Mrs. J. Singer had as their Kel-Pines Dancing Academy. tion party. They are as follows: THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. visitors during the past week, Mr. and He * * Athletic club. Sylvia Bernstein, Libby Blacker, Office: 482 Brandeia Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2372. Mrs. Weiler, who came from the east. Y. M. H. A. TROOP 62. Sophie Bernstin, and Dorothy Weiner. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krasne enterAlthough the Central Hi basketNATHAN E, .GREEN, Manager. "Word has been received here of the tained the Evening club at their home marriage of Mr. Ben Cohen, formerly ball game claimed a number of our OBITUARY. Subscription Price, one year — —..$2.50 Wednesday evening. of this city. The wedding took place members, we nevertheless had fifteen Mrs. Morris Baum, age 70, former Advertising ratea famished on* application. members at the last meeting. Ralph resident of Omaha, who moved to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg an- in Nurnberg, Germany. LAUNCH CAMPAIGN Gross completed his second class Kansas City, Mo. five years ago, died NOT PRINTED FOR PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicsTO BUILD HOME nounce the birth of a baby boy, Alvin The Misses Dalphne Guggenheim tests tlon of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. and will be given his badge at early Sunday morning from an injury Stanford, born Sunday, January 28. and Jeannette Kohn, pupils of Mrs.the next meeting. FOR ORPHANS received a short time ago. Burial CBANOB OF ADDBB8S-Ple»«e flT» botb tbe old snd new Mrs. S. Freiden left Tuesday for J. Singer, gave a recital last Satur- The Gold star was awarded to thetook place Sunday morning in Kan. IM n » and alca ronr IUUM. The women of Omaha will play a Sioux City, la., to attend the funeral day morning, January 27. The pro-Eagles and the Silver star to the sas City, Mo. Mrs. Baum is survived The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish great part in the "carry on" program of Mr. S. Heeger. gram consisted of classical selections. Lions. The Blackbear patrol received by four sons, William of Kansas City, Correspondence Bureau) with: cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition of the Nebraska Children's Home Sohonorable mention for being the first and Dave, L. and J. Baum, all of this to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. ciety's campaign for $40,000 with A regular meeting of the Jewish A meeting of the Menorah Society Inquiries' regarding news items credited to this Agency will be". gladly which to erect a new receiving home Sisterhood vrill be held Wednesday of the University of Nebraska, was patrol to pay tip reregistration fees. city, and two daughters, Mrs. A. Savanswered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, where homeless children can be cared All scouts who do not pay up by Satafternoon at the home of Mrs. C.held Sunday, January 28. It was de-urday, February 3, will not be regi- or of Kansas City, and Mrs. H. A. New York C i t * • for until suitable homes and good par- Endleman. cided that the club should take a pic- stered with the troop. Patrol stand- Rabinovitz of this city. ents can be located for them. ture for the Cornhusker,* the annual PUZZLED PREACHERS. The intensive "carry on" in Oma- Messrs. Gilbert Shaplau of Kenosha, year book put out by the University ings are as follows: Blackbear. 693 Lion._ 600 There are times when non-Jewish preachers feel quite at ha and the South Side will start Feb- j Wis., and Benjamin Lasser of Newark, home when invited-to address a Jewish audience. There are ruary 11. . The business section of N. J., were the guests of Arthur students. Eagle 589 Tiger 540 50th and Dodge Sts. times, happily very few, when they are inclined to take advantage the city •will be canvassed under the Snyder during the week. * * * Miss Irene Adelson entertained at Cleaning, Pressing, Dressmakof the situation. And: there also times when they are nonplused direction of captains furnished by the YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. bridge Sunday, January 28, at her ing, Altering, Tailoring, and and scarcely know what to say, and flounder about like a fish out Lions club. The Omaha Women's club Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack will home. Miss Ruth Nefsky won the The Daughters of Zion held its Hand Laundering a Specialty. entertain the Evening club a t their of water and bungle and misinterpret some of it. Of course Jews has charge of special contributions regular meeting at the Jewish Comprize. Walnut 6488. Res. Hamey 5004. do not have to take it and should correct errors. There be Jews, from women who join the "1,000 Club" home this evening. munity Center Sunday, January 21. however, who unfortunately are ready to let anything go. In this —the new humanitarian organization. The Junior Auxiliary of the Counway misconceptions only increase. Jews have still to be lights The "1,000 Club" has only one pur- cil of Jewish Women are making to the non-Jews, even ^here Jews are. concerned. One such posed—to instill happiness in the plans for a bridge party to be held Jewish Culture League. instance came to our notice recently. We are still inadvertently hearts of homeless children. At the semi-annual election of the in the near future. The members of or unconsciously singled'out as Hebrews, as the world's money Women representing every church the Auxiliary are now sewing for the Jewish Culture league, the following power, as a race, as exclusive, and to be admonished to be law-in Omaha will "carry on" officers were elected: Bondarin, litwork National Farm school. abiding and, American. We are still to be labelled and pigeonholed among the various congregations. erary director; H. Pheffer, dramatic as something different and apart, not.exactly Hamanically the The Nebraska Children's Home Soand Mrs. L. Canfield announce director; H. Marks, musical director; whole way but at any rate with that touch of false judgment ciety's campaign has been indorsed by theMr. of a baby son, Le Roy Les-Sophie Jaffy, secretary, and Isadore which makes all prejudice kin. I t is to be deplored that clerical the Omaha Women's club, the Ne-ter, birth Oscheroff, treasurer. born January 11. Spring, 1923 education is thus so one-sided. I t ought to be many—-and a l l - j b r a s t a Federation of Women's clubs, The fourth concert of the Jewish sided. Do not misunderstand us. This is not prejudice of the ' t h e L i o n s c l u b an( j neariy every other Culture League will take place at the street but of the intellectual variety, the pre-judgment that is the civic and business organization in the Labor Lyceum Sunday evening, March result of lack of knowledge. Of course, most, if not all, prejudice city. 4. Sunday evening, March 11, a musiis such, but there is more added thereto. Shall we call it pre- Here is what the Nebraska Chil- The Jewish Educational Alliance cal and' literary "Laugh-night" will judgment without malice? We may, with propriety, do so. I t | dren's Home Society is doing: held their monthly dance and party be presented by the Literary group, is time, however, that we Jejws popularized knowledge about our- Takes poor, homeless children into Sunday evening, January 28, at the all proceeds to go for a Jewish Perioselves and our faith, so that incorrect and obsolete ideas which the receiving home and prepares them Hebrew Institute. An unusually large dical entitled "Fun Derwietens" to be prevail and have a fast hold on the minds of many people in for adoption. published in Yiddish on March 1. crowd was present. many quarters may be eliminated. Much rests with ourselves. Medical attention and other aid is The Maccabean Chapter of Young We even fail in many respects to popularize that knowledge among given the children. . THOEPEIAN ATHLETIC CLUB. our own selves. Let our elders play cards a little less and our Clothes furnished them while in the Judea held their regular meeting The regular meeting of the ThorpeWednesday evening at the Hebrew In- Ian Athletic Club held Wednesday young people jazz a'little less, and let us give some time and home and before they leave. attention to that which is of paramount interest and concern to Good parents and suitable homes lo- stitute. evening at the Club rooms, final plans E invite you to inspect the shirts our moral and spiritual welfare.—M. N. A. C. in B'Rith Mess, cated for them. were made for a membership drive. . A Junior Sisterhood has been orthat have helped The Nebraska Adopted children watched by the Committees have been appointed to Society until they are past 21 years ganized by the members of the Senior organize teams to canvass the city. MAX ftORDAU build the largest shirt business Mt. Sinai Temple Sisterhood. The Thorpeian Athletic Club is comThe death of-Max Nordau has removed one of the most of age. in the middle-west. ^lundreds of crisp interesting figures in world Jewry. His was a remarkable Kepresentative of Society visits Rabbi Isadora Isaacson pf Mt. Sinai new patterns nov?i ready. Men acintellect. Not alone in the field of medicine but in the world them every year. Temple returned recently from New itZttt of philosophy he achieved great distinction. His books, "Degen- Reputable citizens of every county York City, where he attended the customed to custom-made shirts find a eration" and "Conventional lies of Civilization", aroused inter- report oh each request for a child and Golden Jubilee of Reform Judaism. new satisfaction/nere in "customized' national intrest and were among the most widely discussed of children "are sent only to families of good standing. The Hadassah Organization is contheir day.. But little is heard of them fnow. Of late he: has shirts ready for Well built home for Jewish been identified in the public^ called, by Dr. Herzl to assist ^in Furnishes aid and attention to chil- ducting a membership campaign. Mrs. family. 7 rooms, fine basement. Aa inexpensive furnace can developing the Zionist program. And unquestionably the in-dren in their own homes and in that J. H. Levine is chairman. easily be put in. U. S. reports fluence and unusual mental endowments of Dr. Nordau did much way saves them, if possible, from~be" The federation of Jewish Social show that from Oct. 1921 to ing given out for adoption. to promote the movement. I t ^unfortunate, indeed, if we are Oct. 1922 building costs rose 15 Service is conducting a census camto believe the newspapers that this brilliant man, like so many per cent. Lumber is still rising. paign among the Jews of this city. JOHN* SWMKONMII I want to sell, and regardless of other brilliant men who hove consecrated their lives to the wel-MISS EMILY CLEVE OljaAHA. NliU. rising prices my figure is put PRESENTS VIOLIN RECITAL Nine Jewish boys joined the De Mofare of their feUowmen should, have been permitted to spend low. At least $1000 cash reMiss Emily Cleve, violin teacher, CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN 1 lay which organized here recently. his declining years in poverty. One would imagine that those quired. Call Walnut 2658. whose interests he had advanced would have at least seet to it announces a recital of her pupils be- They are Messsrs. Lester Davidson, that he should have reasonable comforts. To us this is astonish-' ttwwm the ages of 6 and 12 yean, at Mike GruesMn, Morton Goldstein, Ben ing. We Jews have time it- seems for almost everybody and h e Burgess-Nash auditorium, Friday Brodkey, Henry Schullrin, Budy Kline, Herman Sacks, Arthur Bergen and everything but we permit such a distinguished leader to die mevening, February 2, at 8 o'clock. poverty. It is a reflection upon Jewry at large and particularly The program will open with a selec- Lawrence Baron. played by the youngest of the that section to which he had given so much of his time and tion group, 6-year-old Bryce Bednar, and The Jewish Educational Alliance is thought.-—"Jewish Criterion." will close with the oldest of the group, publishing a bulletin twice a month Mr. Mar truth fashioning the links in the gol-other pupils who will be on the recital is editor. Thousands Attend [ den chain of universal brotherhood. are: Selma Werber, Dorothy LustGolden Jubilee of. "We hold no brief for our people. garten, Dorothy Silverman and Emily


traditional bundle of sticks, fragile, feeble and helpless j but with it, with a union of American Israel, with this union, animated by a new and mighty breath of life, we become clothed upon not only by the omnipotence of eternal ideas, but by the power to realize and glorify them."



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^ v A i . - in New York'We do not condone its faults noriDavis


t (Continced from page 1) ( m a g n i f v i t s virtues. We will not Bucharest, Jan. 24.—(J. T. A.)— Rabbi J. Singer will leave Saturday poses, in reliance on the justice of the morbidly dissect our living body to Almighty, we have found support and discover why some people hate us. We Anti-Semitic circles surrounding the night for the University of Missouri strength and resolution to preserve are reconciled to the world's sporadic maniacal Professor Cruze boast the at Columbia, Mo., where he will adand to bear our wrongs with patience, distemper. It is not a new thing in present anti-Semitic movement is un-dress the Jewish Student Congregain our Bible and in our synagog. It the colorful pageantry of our lives. I der the personal protection of Crown! n* would be folly even to accept as a ' "It would have been better per- Prince Carol, according to reports in Mr. Gus. Friend is confined to his challenge the attacks or-threats of haps for our individual comforts if the Adverul and Dimineazu. These bed with an attack of grippe. every individual or group seeking tern- , our race had not been touched with newspapers ask why court and govpqrary notoriety by maligning us. We the burning coal of prophetic ecstary. J ernment j circles ignore these state- Mr. and Mrs. Weil returned from have a right to trust in the' unfailing It would have been better if we were 1 ments* and why these rumors are notExcelsior Springs Saturday night. sense of fairness and of decency of the' not driven so fiercely by the insati- officially denied. A benefit dance for the Temple American people as a whole^ who will able hunger after freedom and justice Fund will be given, Wednesday, Fenot suffer any of their fellow citizens and truth. Seeking less we Would bruary 7 by the-younger married set to become the football of political am-. have learned less of life's failures and — — 4 of the congregation. bition; nor will those of our Chris* tragedies and discovered less of the Mrs. Ben Koheler entertained her tian brethren who constitute a major- [ world's hostility. But such is our des- bridge club Tuesday evening. Prizes ity of the American people', permit tiny. I t is our immortality 1 We shall were won by Mrs. Sam Schwartz and those who belong to religious minori-, meet the blind fury of our day even Mr. Harry Cohen. Chiropodist and Beauty ties to be made the target of fanatic- as our ancestors met it throughout Shop ism. As in the past, they will not the ages—in compassion and in resig- Mrs. Al Freidman will be hostess to Established 1800 fail to be true to the religious teach- nation, wtihout bitterness and without her Afternoon Club Tuesday. tfith anil Harn^y 8tr*rt«. Give us a chance to apings which are precious to them, and fear. preciate your business. For Mr... and Mrs. N. Kramer enterfrown down any attempt within their | "As for our people, the Children appointments call Ja. 0774. tained at a family dinner Sunday At own ranks to give heed to those who of the Household of Israel, we stand are seeking to breed strife and to fos- today where the seers and prophets their home. ter a recrudescence of that barbarism, of our people have stood these three Mrs. S. Whitebook was hostess to which is was the mission of Chris- thousand years, summoning men toher Bridge Club Tuesday. tianity-to overcome. ' j a higher life in God and the sweeeter IDA I. FREIDEN, Prop. Addressing the vast throng at Car- fellowship in righteousness and love, Many affairs have been planned in negie Hall Monday evening, Rabbi The world needs us most when it hates honor of Mr. and Mrs. M. Marcus, who will leave soon for Hot Springs,' Silver urged his hearers to hold stead- us most.?'. fast to their faith as the only fitting Addressing the" public gathering at Ark. . Mrs. E. Marcus entertained at 311 South 16th Street the Brooklyn services, Habbi Leon a luncheon followed by a theater pai ,y answer to anti-Semitism. Phone Atlantic 8010. "This will be our reply to all theHarrison of St. Louis declared that Saturday, complimentary to Mrs. M. Open Evenings. heathen ragings of our day," he said, the Jew who takes insults and dis-Marcus. .' Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertained at a dinner for her Friday "We shall not be demoralized. We crimination lying down deserves both, Only Jewish Florist in town. shall not make prejudice the central .' :"This is the only answer," he said, evening^ A family gathering was held WEDDING BOUQUETS. motif of our life. We shall not per- "to make to unjust and offensive dis- at "the Marcus home on Sunday evenmit ourselves to develop'a persecu- criminations .against Jews as such, in ing. tion complex and thus lead starved1 any circle and under any circum- The Mbgen David Club wil hold an and.ingrown lives. Above all,.we shall stances—to fight together for our important meeting next Sunday at the not be swerved one iota from the age rights, to protest powerfully and un-Synagogue.' . ...FOR... old task of our people. * 'In quietness animously against injustice, to Join DIAMONDS, JEWELRY Miss Bessie Rosenberg of Chicago, in confidence shall' lie our hands in arousing an enlightened and AND liberal public opinion against intoler- HL, .who is visiting with relatives in y strength.' SPECIAL PLATINUM " "In the midst of a world nearly ance and prejudice, both academic and • Council Bluffs and Omaha, is beiog ' DESIGNING destroyed -by "hate now seeking to social. The Jew who takes insults' extensively entertained whils h e » . see . save itself through hate; in the midst and discriminations, lying down, de- Miss Jeanette Gilinsky entertained is of $'revival of .medievalism and theserves both. Fight for your rights, as her honor at the Brandeis Tea rooms, " upthrost of jungle instincts we pur-every creed and race has fought and Saturday afternoon, Miss Minnie I Diamond and Platinum at a bunco [ t>ose to continue upon our appointed must fight. And to fight effectively Friedman entertained Specialists he 8 of for justice, for complete democratic party at her home this afternoon. This •way? the Lord 1 1814 ttmt y, tending r * al*** evening , Mr* and Mrs. Philip Friedright in this democratic land, you ministering-to the. Established 1894. DO iiflai God of man will entertain at their home. Miss must organize, you must unite. needs « f ' a world tragically confused,, d f•anew the seeds of justice and "Without organization we are the Jeanette Gilinsky-will entertain at a




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Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. N o t only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as it goes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load todevefop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $915 to $2190/. 0. b. factory

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S. Rosenthal of Council Bluffs, is en- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Levinson were Mrs. Max Fromkin and Miss Martye! The Sisterhood of Temple Israel Edward Kirschbraun entertained at tertaining at bridge Thursday evening. entertained a t a surprise anniversary. Weinstein were the hostesses at their regular monthly meeting will be held bridge Friday at the Brandeis restauThe engagement of Miss Idbby E. Friday evening Mrs". Frank Krasne, party given at their home by their home." Monday afternoon,' February 5, at the . rants. also of Council Bluffs, is entertaining friends Sunday evening, honoring Temple. A social program has been of this city, to Mr. Sam WeinMrs. Edward Treller is ill at herarranged- for the afternoon's enter- Warsaw, Jan. 24.—(J. T. A.)— berg of Fremont, Neb., son of Mr.at bridge at her home. Mrs. Dave their nineteenth wedding anniversary. home with the grippe. is entertaining Sunday after-. The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. tainment by Mrs. A. Feltenstein.. The Senator Orlinsky, who was elected on and Mrs. E. Weinberg, was announced nBlacker during t h e past w e e k . . N o definite o o n a ^ a b r i d K e luncheon a t Phelps Levinson with a sterling silver fruit The Council of Jewish Women have public is invited to attend the meet- the ticket of "Christian National Union," is touring eastern Galicia deHut, and on Sunday evening Mrs. R. bowl. WEDDINGS started a new branch of service in date h a s been s e t for t h e wedding. livering inflammatory speeches :n M i The marriage of Miss Ann Barmish, Miss Minkin i s prominent i n t h eM. Schales will be hostess a t a dinner The Council of Jewish Women will their organization known as the Mo-, u m e ^ i s sR o s e M a y e r ( n r i . which he urges all Polish parties to R o s e M a y e r ( n r i t c h e n p a r t y followed b y bridge a t h e r home. daughter of Mrs. Ida Barmish of this Jewish social circles, having been past Mrs. A. Somberg t r Corps Cr Service. S M A Sb hold its annual Jewish Council Sab- tor tertained h e r friends Sunday unite against their common enemy, city, to Mr. Harry Sriader of Lin- president of t h e Junior Hadassah, a n d The Women's Auxiliary of the L O. bath Saturday morning, March 4, athas been chosen chairman of the noon at her home in honor of her the Jew. coln, Neb., son of Mrs. R. Snader, will is a n active member i n various B. B. will entertain at bridge tea Temple Israel. Mrs. I. Rosenthal, Corps. The object of the Motor Corps birthday. take place Thursday afternoon, Pe- other Jewish organizations. Sunday afternoon a t the Blackstone chairman of the Religious Committee Service is to look after those who are in need of motor rides and have no bruary 8, at the Lindell Hotel a t LinMr. Meyer Sher returned to his Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Simon announce Hotel, honoring the recent brides and a of the Organization, is in charge. way of getting them. They will es- home in Reading, Pa., after visiting] coln, Neb. After the ceremony a brides-to-be. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Waxenberg pecially look after the elderly Jewish here for the past several weeks with dinner will be served at the hotel for the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to Mr. Mannie Finkenstein, son The Oflebung Club will meet S u n - ! entertained a t a 2 o'clock family din- people who are not receiving that his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. AUDITING AND INCOME the family and 100 guests, followed by a reception in the evening, also at the of Mr. Sam Finkenstein of this city. day evening a t t h e Jewish Commun- n e r party Sunday a t their home, fol- comfort. This plan has been tried and Philip Sher. TAX REPORTS No date has as yet been set for theity Center. D r . and Mrs. Philip Sher lowed b y reception in t h e evening worked out successfully in a number hotel.-1 wedding. 208 Karbach Blk. Jackson 2260. and Mr. and Mrs. I . Rosenthal will be celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding of the cities in the east. Mesdames Herbert Arnstein and anniversary. Over fifty guests were The Council of Jewish Women AnMr. and Mrs. Joseph Greenberg an- the chaperones for t h e evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirschbraun 'present a t t h e evening reception, nual Card party will be given Wed- nounce the engagement of their AH Orders Gi?en Prompt find entertained Saturday evening in honMrs. Gale Margolin is leaving the among them were t h e following out nesday afternoon, March 7, at thedaughter, Minnie, to Mr. Samuel Carefnl Attention. or of their guest, Miss Lina Nicholas of town guests: Mr. and M r s . J . FeldBrandeis Grill Room. Unusual prizes Steinberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. George WE* WISH TO days visit with friends i n Sioux City, man of S t . Louis, Mo., and Mrs. M.of Minneapolis, Minn. will be awarded. For reservations of Steinberg, of Council Bluffs, la. No ANNOUNCE (Gnarajteedl Iowa. Taxman of Kansas City, Mo. T h e tables or groups of tables, please call j d a t e h a sb e e n s e t f o r The Rev. J. Fleischer left Tuesday "FLOVTEBS MAKE FRIENDS" wedding. Mrs. Julius Newman, acting chairMiss Tillie Eisen returned Tuesday evening was spent in cards and music. evening for Des Moines, la., where he Tel. Ja 4291, Erandeis Theatre Bide. 210 So 17th St. Omaha. man of the affair, at Harney 6039, or Levey. A musical trio composed of from a two weeks' stay in St. Joseph, The regular meeting of t h e J e w -went in the interest of collecting Mrs. Meyer Spiesberger at Walnut Mrs. Henry Monsky at the piano, JMiss Missouri. money for a Palestine institution. ish Women's Welfare Organization is at present with 4553. Helen Sommer on the violin, and Miss Mr. and MrsT^Harry C. Bernstein' will be held Tuesday afternoon, F e Mrs. Sarah Schaefer left Monday Esrrj B. I*pMo«. P w « T Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinberg of Fre- Belle Von Mansfield at the cello, also entertained a box party a t t h e O r - bruary 6, a t 2:30 o'clock a t t h e Jew- for her home in Cincinnati, O., after in. Pepper. VJce-Pre«iaent. W 6. Ore. Secretary. montr-Neb-r were in Omaha Sunday to gave selections. Twenty guests were pheum Theater Tuesday evening in ish Community Center. Mr. William a month's visit here with her son, Mr. attend the engagement of their son, present and Mrs. George Levey of honor of their niece, Miss Mary L. Holzman will address the members Samuel Schaefer, and Mrs. ;Schaefer. Omaha Fixture & Detroit, Mich., who is visiting at the Shames. I on "Jewish Social Service." The memSam, to Miss Libby Minkin. Supply Co. 1613 North 24th St. Levey home ,was the out of town —• ibers who a r e delinquent in dues will COMPLETE STORE AND Mrs. M. Solomon and daughter, guest. Miss Esther Zalk will be hostess b e g i v e n a n opportunity t o p a y up all Webster 4330. Place your orders for OFFICE OUTFITTERS Miss • Rae , Bercu, will arrive home a t bridge Saturday afternoon a t h e r |^, a c^k d<3 their names can b e ina e s s o Matzos and Passover Supa e s c e aes so h e "SERVICE AND QUALWe occupy Thursday, February 1, after a two At the regular monthly meeting home, to the bridal parties of Miss : c l B d e d i n the membership, roll of the plies now. Best qualities. of the Daughters of Israel Aid So«rer 70,000 (Qnare leet ITY IS OUR MOTTO." months' -stay in the east, where they Lowest prices. Baothwest Corner Ann Rochman and Miss Molly Hor-! o r g a n i z a t i o n in the annual Federation attended the wedding of Mrs. Solo- cietyr the election of officers was held wich, who are soon to be married.' derentb and Duntbu Streets. Mrs. S. SILVER, We carry tne best line of Fbonn: Jackson t'Zi mon's son, Irvin G. Bercu, to Miss Ida at the Jewish Old People's Home. Miss Rochman to become the bride 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. Mrs. S. Ravitz was elected president; OMAHA. KEB. Stern, at Cleveland, O. They also of Mr. Reuben H. Brown, and Miss I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wertheimer spent a month in Chicago, HL, visit- Mrs. A. Silvennan, recording secre- Horwich to become the bride of Mr. left Saturday for a trip to Honolulu. ing there with Mrs. M. Katz, daugh- tary, and Mrs. M. Tatle, treasurer. Albert Wohlner. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosenstock reThe trustees elected were Mesdames ter of Mrs. Solomon. turned Wednesday evening from CaliJ. Sherman, W. Barson and S. The Evening Services at Temple Israel on Friday, February 2, will be fornia, where they spent their honeyOlander. The Misses Doris Horshack and F r e a special song service, this being the moon. They were gone for six weeks. da Peltz entertained a t three tables of



W. J. Yales Accounting Co.



FEED & KUKLIN Kosher Meat Market


bridge a t t h e Blackstone Hotel Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss A n n Kochman, who i s t o b e a Februarybride. Prizes were won by t h e Misses E s t y r e Katelman and Esther Brown. Mrs. A . Bonoff left Monday f o r Des Moines, l a . , where she will visit with Mr. and M r s . M. Ginsburg. She expects t o b e gone several weeks., Miss Rose Minkin, who i s attending t h e University of Nebraska, spe'rt Sunday in. Omaha. : • The Misses Bess and Ann Blank entertained Sunday afternoon a t their home, honoring Miss, Ann Barmish, who i s t o b e a February bride. Mrs. Ben Lewis a n d son, Craid, will " l e a v e soon for^a;vlsitrS?I>e"s Moines, " l a . , with M r s . Lewis' parents, M r , " and M r s . Herman Orschel. Mr. A . Bonoff a n d Mr. Herbert Arnstein left Monday o n a business trip t o N e w York City.

Miss. Sadye Levey will spend F r i - eve of Sabbath of Song and t h e a n - I R a Oth Soc-ety will be enterday in Fremont, Neb., where she will niversary of t h e birth of Mendelsohn. by Miss Bertha Leon a t their hear t h e Bauer piano concert t o b eAll special muscial numbers will be next meeting Sunday afternoon, F e given a t Midland College. from t h e works of Mendelsohn. Miss T y.x , „ /-IT.. v bruary 11, at Phelps Hut. The Misses J Zalk and Stella Trochtenberg The Intellectual Advancement Com- Laura Goetz and Mrs. Cohn's sub- Esther ' * mittee of- t h e Women's Auxiliary h a s ject will be "Echoes of t h e Golden won the prizes at the last meeting, arranged a social program f o r t h eJubilee," and on Saturday morning Sunday afternoon, January 28, when next regular meeting t o b e held his subject will b e " T h e Sabbath of Thursday evening, February 8, a t t h e Song." Jewish Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Fellheimer r e Wednesday evening from E x F u r t h e r plans a r e being made — . . "BEAUTY SERVICE" sior the Sisterhood Masquerade Ball t o b e ' ^ ! Springs, Mo., and Milwaukee, Phone JA- C457 411 So. 24th Ave., given a t t h e Blackstone Hotel Wed- Wis. Opposite Wise Memorial Hospital nesday evening:, February 14. Prizes Mrs. Hugo Brandeis. spent Monday Open Evenings. Reasonable Prices. will be given f o r t h e best and most in Omaha with friends while en route , original costume and impersonation. to California.


Fanny Ziegman returned Sunday )from a several month's visit in OMAHA WOMEN MAY ATTAIN BEAUTY O F FILMDOM'S { San-tFranciscch and -Los Angeles, CaL T H E BRIGHTEST STARS. She) spent most of Tier visit with her F o r . w e have in o u r midst treataunt, "Mrs; M. Wright, and cousins, ments snch a s have been given a t Mts. Max Slosburg and Mrs. Maurice Hollywood and Los Angeles t o t h e S&hlank. While in. Hollywood, CaL, most famous stars i n filmdom. TreatMiss Ziegman took part in a picture ments t o those overweight o r underf o r t h e tired social butterfly called the "Deacon of* Hollywood." weight, whose vitality i s low, t o t h e young She played with Victor Potell. The and vigorously athletic one who picture will appear in Omaha in the wishes t o keep t h a t way. T h e very , latest methods of beautifying, reducnear future. „.....,_

Mrs. Julius Newman entertained a t h e r home during t h e past week, honoring Miss Ann Barmish, who i s to b e married t o Mr. H a r r y Snader of; Lin- Miss Dorothy Zucker, who is soon coln, N e b . to become the bride of Mr. William

ing and developing without dieting o r exercising. F o r Men and Women. Phone AT. 1072 in regard t o this new work, or call a t 319-320 Arthur Bldg., Racusin, is being extensively enterEighteenth a n d Douglas, f o r a free At t h e monthly: meeting of t h e demonstration of t h e system.—Adv. • tained prior to her marriage. Mrs. Council of Jewish Women held Monday afternoon, J a n u a r y 29, a t t h e Jewish Community Center, about seventy-five members were present t o h e a r t h e detailed report of Mrs. Mose Miller on t h e Mid-West Interstate Convention held recently i n Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Carl F u r t h were t h e Omaha representatives t o t h e convention. T h e social program consisted of several piano selections b y Professor Adamovsky, and dance numbers b y Miss Julia Wise, who h a s only been in this count r y b u t two and one-half years.

MUST MOVE As I am compelled to move in a short time, I am making a Special R e d u c e d Prices on men's and ladies' tailoring. AH of my stock to be sold at greatly reduced prices. I guarantee the very best fitting, latest styles/ designing and best making, the same as ever. Order now, you will save money.

L KNEETER, Tailor 5O4'/2 South Sixteenth Street TeL Atlantic 6065

Mr. Allen Kohan, local newspaper m a n i s ill a t t h e home of his brother, Mr. N a t e Karpen. • ; Mr. and M r s . Nathan Kadner of Kansas City, Mo., announce t h e birth - of a baby daughter, Friday, J a n u a r y 28, a t Kansas City. Mrs. Kadner was formerly Miss Molly Weinschank of t h a t city, while Mr. Kadner i s a form e r Omahan. Mr. a n d Mrs. H a r r y White have taken an apartment a t t h e Longfellow Apartments. .

Mr. David B . Gross left Saturday evening f o r Excelsior Springs and St. Joseph, Mo., where h e will be gone for a week. Mrs. Fred Rosenstock will have a s her guests t h e Mesdames C . Mock, L. Gold, and Maurice Hexter of Milwaukee, Wis., who a r e expected t o a r rive the latter p a r t of t h e week.


The S. S . S. Club held i t s regular meeting Tuesday evening a t t h e home ' of Miss Rose Binstein. Prizes were won b y Mrs. David* Finkel and MrCharles Fellman. Sunday evening, February 4 , t h e members a r e entertaining a t an Orpheum Theater party, including several who a r e not in t h e club t o be their guests for t h e evening. Miss Sadye Levey entertained a t " h e r first of a series of musicals a t h e r home Tuesday evening. The .evening program consisted of several : vocal selections b y Miss Cecelia Feiler, d r a ^ malic readings,by M r s . B . R . Boasbcrnr. ^and niano selections b y Miss


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Residence. 1S43 So. 25th St. TeL Atlantic CGS7. Flaee of Business, 1629 No. 21th St. Tel. "Webster SC16.

You Feel Just as Good as Your Clothes Look


WERE YOU THERE? The Dance of January 28th was voted one of the best of the season but we honestly think that the Dance of February 4th will be even better.

(Incorporated) C. O. KANOCSE, President and Manager

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Office: 1709 Cuming Street Phone Jackson 2935


DODBE BROTHeRS BUSINESS Dodge Brothers, with equal aptness, could hare named it the Family Sedan. In the first place, it is big and roomy—a five-passenger car that will really seat five adults in comfort. There is no space wasted on superfluous adornments. Every inch of body and chassis is put to actual use. There are no delicate doth furnishings to be soiled by the children. The seats are upholstered in durable and attractive blue Spanish leather. There is no sensitive varnish to be easily scratched or finger-spotted. The body is steel-built—a new principle in Sedan design—making it possible to finish the exterior in Dodge Brothers oven-baked enamel, the most durable finish known. The rear seat furnishings come out—instantly con verting the rear section into a spacious carrying compartment —handy for carrying trunks, boxes and household luggage of all sorts. Children can romp and play to their hearts content in this car, and when cleaning time comes, you can turn the hose on it—inside and out.

O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Streets, Hitrnej. 0123



THE JEWISH PRESS began almost nervously as soon as built the new dormitories. But, mythe same time. "There are other claring all assemblies on university the White house at Washington on dear child, I have to consider my pat- schools just as good." they had shaken hands. campus as illegal. March 4, 1925. , Behind Henry Ford, "You see, I'm buying Beatrice's win rons. I regret as deeply as you do Miriam's eyes filled with tears "I A warning that the student agita- the Free Press writer says, is the enter things in New York, so I thought that in the last few'years there has know now there are much better tion may penetrate into the villages tire town of Hoboken, N. J. The it was better to run up here and see risen—shall I call it a prejudice?— schools for Beatrice," she answered. causin ganarchy among the peasants writer adds "as goes Hoboken poliyou instead of writing you about the against your wonderful people. Smoe And that's what hurts so much. Ever is sounded by Nemu L'Romanescu, a tically, so goes the nation, as has been THE. STORY OF A MODERN BOARDING SCHOOL child," ' answered Miriam. "That's of my patrons have told me very since- I •was fourteen. I've always liberal organ, which urges the govern- so often said." By ELMA EHRLICH LEVINGER why I didn't bring her along today. I frankly that they do not care to send thought the Darwin School was thement to take all measures for the sup(Copyright, 1023, by-Elma Ehrllch Levinger, all rlghtB reserved) The occasion for the article is the wanted to have a good talk with you their daughters in the most suggest- finest school in the world!" pression of the students' activities. visit to Detroit of George Russell, Hoible years of their young lives to a first. When I bring her next week to HOBOKEN POLITICIAN RAISES boken politican. The aim of the Ford school where they will mingle with Miriam Davidson smiled - reraims- spere and Daniel Webster, all were be enrolled for the winter term—" BAKER ICE "FORD. FOR PRESIDENT" CRY. boosters is to label the automobile cently as-she loosened, her. furs and still in. their accustomed places. The | "I am sure your little daughter must Jewish girls. An unreasonable prejuDetroit.—(J. C. B.)—A writer in the manufacturer and whoever chosen as looked about the reception-room of curtains and rugs, Mrs. Davidson be just as lovely and intelligent as dice, of course, but I cannot afford MACHINE USERS Detroit' Free Press - declares that a his running mate for the vice presiMiss Darwin's very select- school for knew, must have been replaced, not you "were at fourteen, when you en- to lose valued patrons. I am sure you That merchants of the city are vast party-to. be known as the Golden Rule dency as the "Golden Rule Twins." very select young ladies. •••'. I t was sure once, but several times, yet even they tered pur school," murmured Miss understand, don't you?" users Omaha made articles is party with Henry Ford as chief tan is 1 "I certainly do understand," she proven of proof of her old school's social su- bore a striking resemblance to the Darwin, vrith what'Miriam sensed was by.the following large list of to be planted in the living rooms of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! periority that so little, had- changed furnishings of,her'own school days. a sort of painful politeness. She answered quitely. "Only I'm afraid installations which have been made by during the tewenty years since her But time deals less gently with us stared at her old friend a little roubt- Beatrice will be terribly disappointed. the Baker Ice Machine Company: C. T. Olson, Meat Market For the last eight years I've promised own graduation: the same substantial humans, and when Miss Darwin her- j Harding Cream Co. to send her to my own school—and mid-Victorian furniture, -the high self entered the room Miriam was '-'I'm sure you'll like her," she WASH AND KEEP WELL Voegele & Dinning bookcases with their mellowed sets of shocked to see what a change the agreed heartily. "Even if you find her 111 have to go back to New York and Table Supply Co. A RULE OF HEALTH Millard Hotel the classics,_the marble.buts of Shake- years had wrought in her old'/school- a K t t l e spoiled. She's our only child, tell her this." FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Rome Hotel mistress; Miss Darwin's hair had «««* her father and I have made a • Miss Darwin caught her two hands. "My dear child," she declared a little 1819 California Street. greyed, there were .wrinkles in her great pet of her. She's not attended D. J. O'Brien 'One of America's Great Hotels" patrician face, her figure so attrac- any school before—a governess ex- too warmly, "I hope you don't think) R. C. Howe, Armour & Co. David Cole Creamery Co. tively slender at thirty-five had grown cept when we've been1 traveling in Jfor a minute that our new ruling apNicholas Senn Hospital angular. Even her easy poise of man- Europe, and special instruction in jplies to your own lovely little daughEvery Known Kind Paxton Hotel • • ' was gone; she seemed distinctly languages and music. We think she's ter. We will certainly welcome BeaMcCord Brady Co. of Insurance. ' ner W. 0 . W. Bldg. EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE trice next term and do our best to n e r £ o r m e r | rather talented for her age." VaACNDRY. Farmer's Co-op. Creamery 209 W. 0 . W. Bldg." JA. 3944, nervous as she greeted " • Dar— make her happy here.. And if there j "I am sure of it," agreed- Miss •Where yonr clothe* wme home J. L. Brandeis & Sons pupil. Druggists and Stationers cleaner and last loneer. ! win, but her tone was less hearty than is the slightest objection made to our Omaha Glut AT lantlc 0380. 1507-1! Jackson St. "It was good of you to come making an exception in her case I 401-403-405 South lOtb Street .her.words. . - ; . . . . South Omaha Packing Co. H A. JACOBBERGER, Pres. Cole Fry Co. "You know I've been living in Cali- {have only to say that she was regisSommer Brothers EMIL GANZ & SON , fornia since my marriage," Miriam j tered on our lists a long time before Trimble Brothers 1 . Certified Public Accountants our new ruling was even thought of." Fontenelle Hotel Omaha Office: 81S Dunglas Street. ratfled oh, "so I've never been able FEEDE. SliW Hewer Shop 1417 Douglas Street - •Omaha Phono Atlantic E558 Miriam's lips trembled. "That is . Giassburg, Packing Co. 109 No. 16th St. TeL JAekson 3128 to attend any of the class reunions. INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS Alamito'Sanitary Dairy Co. Phone 104 Opposite Post-OlEce. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. But I've never forgotten what a won- very dear of you, Miss Darwin," she Audits and investigntlbns • School for the Deaf GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys The Best of Everything In Flowers and K. A. FORD. EMUi GANZ C. P . A, V.'M. GANZ derful four years'! spent here," her j answered. "But i t will be impossible J. F. Wilcox, Florist From S3.00 to §9.00. Confections at Moderate Prices. ' 1 President and General Manager. Office Phones: * • ' ~ eyes wandering through the French . to send my daughter here under such Blackstone Hotel Coonoil Bluffs (lows) Office Jack. 521S — Ha. 5406 — Ha. 0915_ GOOD FURNISHINGS. S45 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater Alfalfa Butter Co. I windows to the well-kept grounds and conditions. Beatrice is a proud little 924 So. Main Street. Phone 865 COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. John Roth and Son } the river beyond, so remindful of days thing, and if she were to ever learn Louis Sommers of skating and canoeing. "That's why i that she was here on sufferance—as H. G. Kelly Castle Hotel as soon as'Beatrice was born I en- an exception—che would never forCarpenter Paper Co. tered her name and that's why I'm give me. Please take her name off the Simon Bros., Washington Market Wall ReceptaclesDistributors of and Tours Graham Ice Cream Co. OCR TREATMENT WIUL willing to give her up to come here. roll at once,. Miss Darwin, and I'm A Vasek & Son light—WIRING—Power CQXVIKCE TOC OF OUK Western Bond—and High to I've taken so much of your time. Crystal Candy Co. SINCERITY. " - —-Bell Transformers I know how much you can do for her," sorry Grade Stationery Good-bye." The Buttermilk Shop Trust Department. All Parts WAInut 3034." 40 & Cuming Sts. I Miss Darwin cleared her throat unOmaha, Nebraska. Safety Deposit Boxes. Skinner Mfg. Co. But Miss Darwin detained her. "My easily; a slight flush crept over her i of the Potash Produce Co. highbr-^l features. " I know your loy- dear Miriam," she remonstrated in R. Kulakofsky World alty toward our school,'Miriam," she gentle reproach, "I can't have you go Sherman & McConnell A. F . Kruger said, "and it has always touched me.' off like this—angry at me and your Money Sent to AH V. F . Kund Some of our g;rls do not remember for : Alma Mater, too! I assure you that Foreign Countries Swedish Mission Hospital _ h o w long is it since you gradauted? j Beatrice will never feel the slightest Petrow and Giannow "Manufactured in Omafca" '—yes, yes, for twenty years. Your'.discrimination—especially when it beOlympia Candy Co. little notes on my birthday have comes known that she is the grandSimon Brothers BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, meant as much, I want you to believe,' daughter of one of the donors of our New Central Market 1708' Farnam St. Omaha Arm&nd Guenette STATIONERY, ETC. as your liberal checks for our new li- new dormitories. And, being your Dresher Brothers Distributors for brary and our memorial fountain.! daughter, she will.make friends easily, Omaha Packing Co. That's why I wish you hadnt decided for there never can exist the slightest Pink Tip Matches — Pat O'Dea, South Side U E I B B D O TOTTR WELDING Meyerowitch and Vail to enter your daughter this winter." prejudice against the better type of Northern Toilet Tissue Corn States Serum Co. Jewish girls." "But, why—" 1112 Harney Street So. Omaha Ice Cream Co. "I'm afraid, Miss Darwin," Miriam "For the last five years or so," Miss John J. Pavlas AT lantlc 6409 THE CAREFUL WELDERS Marsh & Marsh Darwin told her with painful pre- told her with rather dangerous gentleAnything : : Anytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. cision, "it has been the policy of the ness, "that we will never understand Tel. JA: 4397. Wilke & Mitchell Balduff & Co. .Darwin School -pot to admit girls of each other on this point. I don't Joens Candy Co. the Hebrew faith." j know just what you mean by the bet- Higgins Packing Co. • Simon Brothers . Miriam stared at her with disbeter type of Jewish girls—and I don't Temptation Besets You , 1 want to. . If your school—my dear old Hill Hotel lievinp eyes. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. When You Enter King Fong Co. "But, Miss Darwin, you knew I was Darwin School—won't take every JewService is Our Motto Skrekas Brothers a Jewish girl and I always felt I was ish girl in it as i t takes every GenCANDIES, ICE CREAM, Omaha Cold Storage Co. Bate Deposit Boxes for Kent. welcome here." I tile girl in it for what she" is—and for LUNCHES, V.~ -, , A. F . Kruger "That was twenty years ago," was nothing more—I couldn't trust my Focjd Center . . ANDA Petrow and Giannow the dry answer^ "and things have daughter to come here. Crudity and Rosenberg & Co. changed a good deal since then. We vulgarity are dangerous, but I'd rather Coco Cola Bottling Co. have felt it necessary to make this have her exposed 4*> them in a less exBrandeis Investment Co* 16th and Farnam Streets _ rule to—well, to protect the daughters elusive school than to run the risk of Interstate Dairy Every Known Kind BUTTER and EGGS Iten Biscuit Co. of our other patrons." i having her come home in four years Crystal Candy Company Jacob Schmidt of Insurance There was a dangerous glitter in in incurable social snob.". Council Bluffs .la. D. Blumenthal 16th and Capitol Ave. 209 VT. O. "W. BUs. DouKlas 0380 Miriams eyes, but her voice was very i She opened her check book, drew Virginia Restaurant Jepsen Brothers calm. " 1 wish you'd explain just what out her ink pencil and looked abuot Central Market, Inc. you mean," she said. i the writing table for a blotter. "Thank Kinney & Shafer IT EN Again Miss Darwin cleared her you," as Miss Darwin handed her one, Woodrow Cafe No. 1 throat uneasily. Sometimes it is "and here is my annual check for the University Hospital BISCUIT CO. Made by Albert J. Cadex rather disconcerting to have the im- professors' pension fund. 111 keep on UNDERTAKERS UNCLE SARI BREAKFAST Snow White pulsive, warm-hearted little schoolgirl sending it every year, of course, for Union Stock Yards, Hotel Dept. FOOD CO. 2224 Cuming St. Bakeries Louis Larson of one's memory come back to con- the sake of old times—if youil let OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Phone JAckson 1226 A. J. P^rdee (Ties. V. 8. Fat. front you as a well-poised woman of me, I am sure my money will be just Office.) N. Johnson, Market the world. But she did not flinch. , as welcome as you assured me my Johnson & Blind "I don't think I have to tell you, daughter would be," she wanted to Buehler Brothers City National Bank Miriam," Father Flanagan's Boys' Home FOSTER-BARKER she said, "that some of your add, but bit back the satiric words, AUTO PAINTING Louie Ahko ot COUNCIIi BLUFFS people are not—what shall I call it? • "I have always numbered you as Top and Body Building Harisen Cafeteria CO. INSURANCE "We pay 4% Interest on Saving and Repairing. r— cultured. They have acquired one of my few girls who have never Omaha Technical High School CUKTAIKS—LIGHTS—ETC. "If Its Worth Anything and Time Deposits. enough wealth to pay our rather high forgotten their old teachers here and F. A. Young • JAckson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent. West Omaha Grocery Co. tuition fees here, but their daughters what we owe to them," Miss Darwin —Have It Insured." FFEIFFER lack certain qualities we expect of our assured her, after a covert glace to AT lantic 0701 8525 teavenworth St. girls. They are—I regret to say it, assure herself that the check was just ROUMANIAN PRINCE PROTESTS but I am sure you will want me to as large as on former occasions, AGAINST ANTI-SEMITISM, ADVO COFFEE speak frankly—these girls are often "And she'll keep on answering all . RESIGNS. ADVO JELL? • ADVO FOODS impossibly crude and nearly always of our appeals," Miss Darwin told her Bucharest, Jan. 4.—(J. T. A.}—DeWholesale ostentatious. And we must keep our confidential secretary a few hours la- claring that the government, particulFruit and Vegetables j atmosphere here free from vulgarity ter, as they discussed enrollments for arly the Minister of Education AnghN. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. at all costs." the mid-winter term. "Especially af- elescu, is conducting a "two-faced TO AND FROM "By all means." Miriam's voice had ter I urged her to let us make an ex- policy" with reference to the agitahardened a little. "But don't you re- ception of her daughter and take her tion for the exclusion of Jewish uni- ALL PARTS OF Kaplan Autif Parts Co; FEATHER COMFORTERS member Lillian Norris who had a room in. It was a risk to suggest it, of versity students, Prince Mathei ConTHE WORLD 2111 Nicholas Street Made from Your Own Feathers. next to mine while I was here? Her course ,but I remembered how hightcuzina, professor of civil law, and AenovatPd, re-made or made to order. 'Used ears boogbt, sold, and exAll hand-lllled. We. call and deliver. father was a Western oil millionaire spirited Miriam always used to be, so formerly director of the Jassy Uni- VAL J. PETER & COMPANY changed. New gears, and axle shafts 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. or something like that, and poor Lil- I took the risk. But it would have versity, resigned his professorship. Omaha Pillow Co. for any make of car. ATlantic 0340. 1907 Cumlne St. Phone Jackson 2467 lian was—well, a little crude, wasn't been awkward if "she'd have accepted." | Prince Cpntcuzina intends his resTires. Tubes and Accessories The Old Reliablo House. Below Wholesale Prices. she. But I belive she stayed here /"Oh, don't feel so cut up about it," ignation," he asserts, to serve as a four years and-graduated with honors. Miriam's husband consoled her about protest against th« anti-Jewish violaWe couldnt help loving her, even if tions and against the government for she .was a little different, she was so ! J. J. FRIEDMAN, Att'y., supporting the anti-Semitic Professor Emerson Laundry jolly and sincere. And wasn't my Cuza, who is held responsible for the 302 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg., F. S. MOREY. Prop. room-mate, Laura Robertson, some- Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. incitment of the student body/while Phone Webster 0820 what ostentatious?" Miriam laughed, Notice Is hereby given that nnder and pretending to oppose the limitation of virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated THE LAUNDRY. THAT but her laughter rang a little forced. by February 3, 1021, whereby Harry H. Fal- Jewish admissions. . EVERYBODY LIKES. % vey to George E. Mende cer"I wonder how many Jewish girl? tain mortgaged Deputy Lupu, a former minister, Items of personal property all as you've had here that have had to be set forth in the "said mortgage duly filed while addressing parliament, strongly the Office of the .County Clerk of disciplined oftener than poor old In Hanna Lump §12.50 Douglas County. Nebraska, on February attacked what he referred to as the 4, 1021. the undersigned will sell the folOmaha's Newest Sport Goods Store Laura for using perfume or wearing lowing' described Franklin County articles at 10 o'clock in anti^Jewish policy of the government. all her rings to church or—" the forenoon of February 10, 1923, at He declared that public opinion in Lump §12.50 1 Y o u r position is S1G No. 18th St., in the City of Omaha, Miss Darwin raised a restraining^ No. Donglns County, Nebraska: One Forge; America was following the Jewish sit•TORY KNOWN KNIT Colorado Smokeless ....$10.50 correct, and should One Chain Block; One Smnll Gear Pulley; Petroleum' Coke, hand, "My dear Miriam," she protest- One Large Pulley; One Electric Valve uation in Roumania with interest, and be s u p p o r t e d by A i m e r H. Kaimait Grinder; One 24-ln. Pipe Wrench; One that during Ms recent tour he always § Best Grade $ 1 6 . 0 0 i ed, "it is not like you to be so unjust. 10 ft. Step Ladder; One Carbon Burning every fair minded 1319 W. O. W. Bldg, AT. 80S4 One Oil Tester; One Post Drill. heard references to Roumania as the I agree with you that sometimes our Outfit: 1806 Harney Street To satisfy, as far as possible, the snm of Delivered to any part of the person. "country of petroleum and persecution H Christian girls here, are sadly lacking Four^mindred Phone' AT lantlc 0981 City. with Interest from February 3. 1021, at 6%, of Jews." JJ in the culture and refinement that End cosfs and accruing costs ss hereafter J.Ci'Crevr. Ed. Burdick. PAXTON BILLIARD ascertnine'V and nrtdeil at the time of sale, A Store Manajred and Run Evidences are not wanting that the wealth and f a m i l a r e su sed to in which said sum Is now In default under hy Men who I'my tiie (Jntna COMPANY I y pp° - nnd PARLOR by virtue of the"terms of said chattel authorities* are anxious to make aii mortgage and promissory nolPS which the 'WEbster W 2605. ^ G. L- R E E V E S H I T AH I 5 s u r e > i needen't tell you how much T Raid mortgage wnsp given to secure: there end to the! students' recalcitrance. Pro• • • OI • • • NICK S. WRANIC, Proprietor no proe»»ed1ng* at law or otherwise " .."BApIO" admire your people and how many being 1S1G Farnam Street. Basement. to rwowr sold df>t» or any port thereof. posed; student meetings at Jassey and 5 Hoffmann Funeral Home. Everything for ; the Athlete. be held open one Jjour. Czemowitz were prohibited in conrfaooo JA rkson 4136. Jews I consider as my very best Said sale will UEUltUU IS. MKNUB, sequence of the government order dePATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! ample, wasdear so generous we, Mortgagee. friends. who Your father, when for ex-




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