February 8, 1923

Page 1

The children. of to-

*"Bnfld for Better , Children" and a

. day. are. the men and women of to-


letter Jewry.'

' morrow. •


O ma ha •


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Entorei poatoffi

Welfare Federation Animal Meetig tobe HddSffltdayFeb.18

. md-clas* mal) matte; on January 87th. IS21 at Nebraska, cadet tJoe Act of ttarch 8, UR».



IN K. E. K. Denounced in tewish Press Contest WINNERS THE JEWISH PRESS CONTEST Resolution Adopted Closed; Rose Fme ttU. A.I.C. Awarded First Prize


lais aii Lads l i

Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—Despite the promise by Prime Minister -,.'*{.:»-Sehikorski that Jewish refugees t from the Ukraine would be Issues Discussed at C l o s i n g 2nd Annual B'nai B'rith father Miss Fannie Katleman Wins granted permission to stay Report of Year's Work at This - Session of Union of Amerand Son Banquet WiH Be Second Prize,—Miss Mina until July 1st, the Minister of Meeting; Musical Program ican Hebrew Congregation Bigger and Better Freedman, Third Prize. the Interior today confirmed Also Arranged. Than Ever. a previous order that the exOFFICERS FOR 1923 ELECTCONTEST CLOSED AT MIDpulsion of the homeless comFEDERATION BOOKS WILL ED; NEXT CONVENTION SONLESS FATHERS WILL NIGHT WEDNESDAY, mence March 1st. CLOSE ON TUESDAY, IN ST. LOUIS BE . • SUPPLIED WITH FEBRUARY 7. FEBRUARY 13. At the Sejm Commission TEMPORARY SONS meeting yesterday, Deputy New York.—Condemnation of the Miss Rose Fine was chosen the Omaha's most important yearly Polakewitsch, leader of the K.u, Klux Klan" as "one of many Two hundred and fifty fathers and "Most Popular Girl-in the states event, the annual meeting of the JewPeasant Party, proposed the nativist movements in raany counsons are reported at the second anof Nebraska and Iowa, in "The ish Welfare Federation, will be held revoking of licenses for the tries that have been perturbed by the nual B'nai B'rith father and son Jewish' Press" Popularity Conon Snnday evening-, February 18. This sale of tobacco and liquor held World • War movements, which, under banquet, Sunday evening, in the Jewtest, which closed Wednesday announcement was made this morning; by Jews. the-guise ofpatriotism, seek, to ish Community Center. evening. Miss Fannie Katleman by Mr. Morris Levy, president of the impose upon minorities the exSince last Thursday, when the date Federation, after the completion of of Council Bluffs, la.-; was chosen clusions, and-despotism of a fanatic of this affair was announced, Harry arrangements with the Fontenelle Hothe second "most popular girl" and, • almost always, lawless nationSilverman, secretary of the Lodge, tel for the use of the ballroom. and Miss Mina Freedman was alism," marked the . closing session has been receiving: reservations daily, awarded third place. "Kindly make this announcement to of the Golden Jubilee of the Union and at the rate they are now coming KOSE-FTNE ' ' The Jewish Press contest which was the community today," Mr. Levy said, in all available facilities in the clublaunched several weeks ago has Miss Eose Fine, tvho was awarded of American Hebrew Congregations. "so that every Jewish person in the rooms will be taxed to the utmost The resolution embodying the dethe first prize in The Je-wisii Press caused much comment throughout the city may make arrangements to atto care for the ciwvd. Because of nunciation of the Klan was adopted "Popularity Contest", which ended states of Nebraska and Iowa. The entend the meeting. The Federation is Every Field of the Y. M. H. A. Work despite the earlier objections of those Urged Je-wB to Give Their Song to the great demand for places at the Wednesday night. MissFine is a trants in the Popularity Contest, had the corner stone of aU social service Will Be Included in the Show. Become Rabbis. banquet BO reservations will be acworked hard in order to place for the member of the Y. W. -H. A. and members who held to the policy of activity in Omaha. With 1,200 memcepted after Friday evening. ignoring the Klan and who declared the Junior Hadassah. • various prizes offered. Each girl was bers of the Federation,; and over 1,000 "OUR QUEEN," ACT OF 30 GIRLS that the adoption of a resolution COLLEGE H A S GRADUATED 22S Co-operating with the men's com« supported by a group of her friends, women as members of affiliated orVOICES. WILL BE ONE RABBIS SINCE 1875. would be dignifying that organmittee of the lodge are representamany of them who are members of ganizations of the Federation, every OF FEATURES. ization beyond its worth. tives of the Women's Auxiliary and the various clubs in the city. The single family in this city is directly • - The question - of taking action on Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president of the Council of Jewish Women, connected with our work. We want "Our Queen," a tuneful one-act op- girls had canvassed the entire city. anti-Jewish discrimination in colleges of the Hebrew Union College of Cin- The ladies in charge of the comevery family to be represented at the eratta, presented by members of the Each subscription obtained by the also- revoked debate and it was cinnati, Ohio, delivered address a t missary, and kitchen guaranty e te meeting and to hear what progress Y. M.TL A. Choral Group, will be one girls counted as ten votes. The girl finally decided to send to presidents Temple Israel Wednesday evening. everyone a meal that •will surpass has been made in:social service work of the many features of the Y. M. H. having the highest number of votes of all American colleges and to the "The only kind of Judaism to satisfy any they have ever eaten-st similar in Omaha during the past year." A. Road Show, which will be given was awarded the ilrst prize. committee named by President Lowell the spiritual hunger for Judaism i n affairs. ' .• "You know ours has been called by next month. This announcement was Until late Wednesday night, not one of Harvard, following his announceThe program, too, has been deexperts 'the best federation in the made yesterday by J. C. Copeland, of the girls knew of their standing ment that he favored definite limitasigned to tickle the taste of both country.' We want our community to Y member, who is general director of in the contest. All the winners were. tion of Jewish enrollment, copies of lads. and dads. Frank Martin, magibe proud of this fact—and we want the show, and Professor Benjamin informed by The Jewish Press early the report of the Union's board of cian supreme, will entertain with it to know why we are the best Fed- AdamowsM, director of the recently this morning of the Tcsults of the condelegates on civil rights, dealing with feats of slight-of-hand and the balck eration in the country. The messages organized choral group. Thirty girls' test. this general subject. A paragraph art. Gus Swanson will lead com» "I am certainly glad that I "j|| that will be delivered at the annual voices will be- used> in the number, from this report follows: munity siging, i "with Gene Blazer at W . meeting will prove this fact to every- music for which has been ordered^ es- won the first prize", said Miss the Piano. Popular tnnes and senti"The United States Government, . ! one." pecially from New York by Professor Fine today, "It was hard work mental ballads will be sung1 by the through' diplomatic channels and but I'erijoyed it. I believe that Fully 1,000 people^ attended the Adamowski. YMHA quartette, with the Gorstein otherwise, has in the past/repeatedly Federation meetings of^ 1921 and 1922^ "We ave such fine talent in; this every Jewish family in Omaha Brothers accompanying o» striaged •protested against sossesrh&t similar should take The Jewish Press/' and it is" expected that this number group," said its director, this morninstruments. Martin Sugwrmsjs, who educational restrictions against the "I wish to thank the Council will be exceeded on February 18. A ing, "that, although^ i t isas organized last year scored such a hit as afterj Jews in. Russia, ', Roumania and program of interest and appeal to •only• s&reejKeekssigtf*'71' am confident Bluffs subscribers to The Jewish •^gsfigj, -sp«Efeer:-«.t"fche-"bauguet, •vill. "seA aeetsrdiKgly -the--era -re^ bpeTStfirifir "Px^ss ^for their mipport in this ~"~r-'"everyone""wnT"6e -grveE.~ Ii be on hand again -with his rich vein sults that would follow if President such" a fashion-as^tbvjsin hearty ap- contest", said Miss Katleman. -4L to the report of the year's Miss Fannie Katleman of Council 1 of humor. A serious touch will be "The Jewish Press contest was Bluffs was awarded second prize. Lowell's plan be adopted, in -stultifyX. the messages on social; service, Prof. proval, from everyone,who: hears' it. 1 given the affair by Isidor Ziegler and great and I am well satisfied ing all such efforts "on * our " part Another feature of,-the^show will be Benjamin Adamowski will give piano Miss Katleman, who was strongly Lester Lapidns who will Epeak on with the results of the contest", boosted by her friends on the Iowa abroad, even on behalf of'Jewish enselections, and Nathan Levinson, tenor, the Y . M . Hi"Sons" and "Fathers" respectively. already atoacted^jrandderaljle notice said Miss Freedman today. ' "—-l will sing. side of the Missouri, finished a close joyment of elementary ' common' school and high school facilities, All in all this year's affair will The meeting will start promptly at throughout second. should not be lost sight of." be one that no father will want his 8 o'clock, at the Fontenelle Hotel Ball- to-have Charles Shohl of Cincinnati was work included"1 "Si the* show," sald; son to miss, nor will he want to miss room, Sunday February 18. re-elected president of the " Union. it himself. . Sonless men will be Next week's issue of the "Jewish Copeland today. "The yougsters will DR. JULIAN MORGENSTERN Julius Rosenwald of Chicago was resupplied with temporary offspring on Press" will carry the list of Federa- give a special musical revue, the draelected vice-president, together with America—is American Judaism," said request to Mr. Silverman. tion subscribers for the year 1922. The matic class will preBent.a playlet, the Ludwig Vogelstein of New York; Dr. Morgrenstern. Federation books will dose for the choral class will pjlay a prominent Rabbi M. Scheinken of Palestine to Be Principal Speaker. Isaac W. Bernheim of Louisville; past year on next Tuesday, February part, and individual talent among our He told of the gradual graduation older members will also be featured. Marcus Rauh of Pittsburgh, and of the younger Jewish generation 13th. The Omaha Zionist District will We are now working up an act for Maurice D. Rosenberg of Washing- from the orthodox or foreign Judamembers of our Boys' Division—the hold a memorial meeting Sunday eventon. The new executive committees ism of their fathers to the reformed newsboys' clubs the Boy Scouts and ing, February 11, at the B'nai Israel consists of N. Henry Beckman of or American Judaism that has come synagogue, Eighteenth and Chicago the Junior Scouts." Cincinnati, Adolph I. Newman of of recent years to be the dominant Entire Public is Iwvited to Attend "We are going to give the people streets. The meeting will be held in Cleveland, Edgar M. Cahn of New religion of the Jews of this country. This Meeting. of this city a real, show," Mr. Cope- memory of the recent death of Max Orleans, Gustave A. Efroymson of In connection with this appeal, he Nordau, a famous worker in the ZionDelegates from United States and land concluded. Indianapolis, Arnold Falk of New told something of the work of the On Sunday, February 11, at twe ist cause. The meeting will begin Canada to Attend—-ArrangeOrleans, Isaac Goldberg of Detroit, college which he represents, •which, o'clock the Meuorah Society will hole promptly at 8 o'clock. ments Completed. NANSEN TO CO-OPERATE WITH Daniel P. Hays of New York, Si- since its establishment in. 1S75, has its first open meeting at the Jewish Eabbi M. Scheinken of Palestine, RSSIAN AND UKRAINE RED meon' M. Johnson of Cincinnati; graduated 228 rabbis, and of the de- Community Center." The subject for Pittsburgh, Pa.—Over two hundred who was a close friend of Max NorCROSS. Adolph Kraus of Chicago, Jacob W. mand for young men to study for the discussion will be "The Philosophy communities will be rep- Paris.—(J. C. B.)—A committee fo: dau, will be the principal speaker of Mack of Cincinnati, Henry L. Mayer Jewish ministry. of Being a Jew", and will be lead resented at the Eleventh "Annual health and medical work in Russis the evening. Dr. Scheinken; has lived of San Francisco, Edwin B. Meissner He urged the Jews to give their by the following speakers: Dr. Victor Convention of the United Annual and the Ukraine has just been con in Palestine eighteen years. :He. was of St. Louis, Henry Morgenthau of sons to this work and in his appeal Levine, Mr.' Jack C. Copeland, Mr, Convention of the United Synagogue stituted by the Nansen organization, expelled by the Turks during the war, New York, Adolph S. Ochs of New for the support of the college said, Nathan Mnooken, Mr. Fred White, and the Sixth Annual Convention i>t the Russian'Red Cross, the Ukrainian b u t ; returned immediately after its "The only insurance that Judaism will and Mr. Morris Margolin. (Continued on s a g e 2.) the Women's League of the United. Red Cross and the Russian commis- close. S. J. Slonim of St. Louis will MINA FREEDMAN also deliver an address. Eev. H. live and thrive in America is that The Menorah Society is composed Synagogue which will take place in sariat for public health. The repreMiss Freedman, who w a s awarded you, as Jews, take out policies of of University students and graduates Pittsburgh from February 9th to sentative in Russia of the epidemics Fleisher will sing El Mole Eachamim. the third prtee in t h e contest is a understanding, sympathy and loyal and the object of its existence is to 13th. Cities from every part of the commission of the league of nations member of the Y. W. H . A. and a support of the'college and its work." make serious studies in the HeM Country and Canada are sending is callaborating with? this committee. member of t h e Young Judeae clubs. their delegates. Arrangements for 'The- committee has just purchased Of the 228 rabbis so far graduated wfcerein the Jew has ids spirituals Miss Freedman was the latest entrant the Convention are practically being 50 clinics, each sufficient to deal with from the Hebrew Union college, five social, artistic, and economic life. completed. j were native Omahans and four were Sam Beber is president; Morris a thousand cases for three months; Paris.—In compliance with the wish in t h e contest. members of the congregation of Margolin, vice-president; Irving RabAmong the important questions to and has dispatched these clinics into of Dr. Max Nordau as expressed in Will Make Principal Address; Musical DENIES FRENCH FAVOR ABTemple Israel. Rabbi Frederick kin, recording secretary; Joe Rogenbe taken up will be the status of the regions affected by famine and his will, there were no speeches at Program Also Arranged. DULLAH KINGDOM. Coha introduced the speaker. A mu- thal, corresponding secretary; and Jewish educational work throughout by epidemics. .•-•.his funeral Thursday, the solemnity Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The recent the country and the work that the The committee has ordered 50 addi- and sadness of the simple procession statement purporting to have eman- ENTIRE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO sical program preceded Ms address. Ed Levinson, reporter. United Synagogue is doing to help tional clinics, together with laboratory testifying to the veneration in which ated from ah official source to the ATTEND MEETING NEXT standardize our religious schools. instruments and miscroscopes. OFFICERS ELECTED FOE THURSDAY EVENING. the dead leader was held. effect that the French government CROWD The problem of the organization of An effort is being made from Gene- The cortege left Dr. Nordau's last is favorably disposed towards a union WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OVERFLOW ATTENDS "Y" OPEN MEETAmerican Jewry for traditional Juda- va to enlist public sympathy in order modest residence on Rue Henner at of. Syria and Trans-Joranian under United States Senator R. B. Howell At a meeting of the directors of ING LAST MONDAY ism, will occupy another session of that help may be brought to the medi- 9 o'clock in the morning, after the un- the E m i r Abduallah, ruler of t h e l a t - will be the principal speaker at the the Wise Memorial hospital held last the Convention. There will also be a cal institutions:which, are -at present' pretentious Jewish funeral service. ter place, is denied in a n official com- open monthly meeting- of the local week, the following officers were The second public program in the series being presented by the Y. M. symposium on Congregational Ethics struggling against epidemics. The coffin, draped in Zionist colors munique issued by t h e French Press lodge of the B'nai B'rith which will elected for the enusing term: and Y. W. H. A. Senior Group at* divided into three parts. and the orthodox prayer shawl, was Bureau a t Damascus. be held Thursday evening, February N. P. Freil, president; Harry Z. tracted an audience that filled the as« The Pittsburg Convention Commit- PALESTINE ELECTORS' LISTS followed by thousands of perons who lo, at the Jewish Community Center. Eosenfeld, vice president; Isaac Kahn, sembly hall at the Jewish Community tee is making elaborate plans for the POSTED. crossed Paris In deep silence. Jewish SIOUX CITY, IA., MACCABEAN The meeting is open to the mem- I secretary; Louis Kirschbraun, treas- Center to capacity last Monday night. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS. entertainment of the delegates and Jerusalem.—(J.C.B.)—Lists of in- University students formed the guard bers and their friends. This address, urer. The following members were The entertainment committees preThe Maccabaean Chapter of Young which will be made by Senator How- elected to the board: Jake Slosberg, -guests. The Convention will be held habitants entitled to vote at the ap- of honor around the catafalque. A officers ell will be the last address made by Wra. Holzman, Sam Newman, Mrs. B. sented an unusually attractive proat the Fort Pitt Hotel. There will proaching elections for members of crowd estimated at 3,000 waited for Judea elected t h e following 1 be an exhibit of ceremonial art in the legislative council have been post- the procession at Montparnasse ceme- last Tuesday evening a t the Hebrew him, prior to his leaving for Wash- A. Simon, E. John Brandeis, and Mose gram on -which the **Y" quartet, which •will be. one of the features of th» Herzberg. home and school. Many organiza- ed in Jerusaelm and otiier towns. The tery, where Chief Rabbi Israel Levy Institute: Archie Kroloff, president; ington, D. C. Road Show, gained popular favor. Mr. Leon Dobrofsky, vice president; Lawlists are subject to corrections which officiated. Dr. Alexander Larmarok, tions in different parts of the counBesides the address cf Mr. Howell, friend and physician of the deceased, rence Baron, " secretary, and Max a musical program has also been ar- SOCIALISTS WIN PALESTINE Harry Lapidus delievered in inspiring try are sending material for this may be made until February 19. address on "Jewish Social Sendee." recited the Kadish customarily said by Kroloff, treasurer. The two elected exhibit. A mess meeting will take LABOR ELECTIONS. ranged for. Prof. Benj. Adamowski The complete program follows: on t h e Executive committee a r e Stanthe male descendants. place on Sunday evening, at the ASK REPRIEVE FOR NARUTOwill play several piano selections and Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—Indications 1. Plnno Solo Fnnny W ! ley Kalish and Herman Sherr. The WICZ' ASSASSIN. -Tree of life Congregation, and a are that an overwhelming majority of 2. Duet—for Tiolln nnfl Piano.. Mr. Gus Swanson will give several following were elected on the advisory .....Leona reriss nn<l banquet will be tendered to the out- Warsaw.—(J. T. A.)—Recalling DISCONTINUE PRIVATE LETTERS Eunice s vocal selections. Several other mu- the delegates to the Conference of 3. Solo Banees.... council: Mr. Joe Rice, Dr. A. MHelfTO MOSCOW. Vocal S«»lo I'Pl'e Olnntt of-town delegates on Monday evening. that the martyred president of Poland, Palestinian labor organisations will be 4. sical entertainments are being plan5. KoRitjiiR Eunli-p ROWBIIWB gott, Mr. Abe Davidson, Mrs. P . Wall, Warsaw.—(J. C. B.)—Forwarding The Shairman of the Pittsburgh Gabriel Narutowicz, had sought to esmembers of the Achduth Ha-Avodah, (i. Address........ 1 Hurry L.apirtu« . of private letters to persons in Rus- Rabbi L Isaacson, Mr. B. Baron, and ned for. 7. "X Entertainers' —Krt. ],ovineon.- Ben tablish peace between all parties, his Convention Committee is ME. Maurice the socialist labor union, which has i:i»s. Harry Ger«» "This meeting will be one of the Mr. J . Greenstone. '• • "•' tein. Harry Greene, M. Avner. The Honorary Chairman family have petitioned President sia h a s been discontinued by t h e Sodefeated the Ha-poal Ha-zier, who 1 most interesting of the year," said Oeorp M«>lohor. The organization at present has fifWojciechowski to" p'ardon the assassin viet Consulate here, in consequence of is Dr. Sol Bosenhloom. place Zionist interests above socialS. B<>BilJnp K«*a Zlctr Harry Lapidus, member cf the intelNiewardomski who is awaiting execu- the resent relations between the cai- ty members and is growing every day, lectual advancement committee ism. Louis Abramson presided. ' . according to Archie Kroloff, president. tal of Russia and Poland. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! tion here. • • ^ ^ Warsaw, (J. • C. B.)—During the year of 1922, a total of 109,000 persons emigrated from Poland, over 86,000 being Jews. The greatest number of emigrants proceeded to the United States of America—over 70,000 Jews and about 20,000 nonJews. Over 5,000 Jews and about 3,000 non-Jews emigrated to Canada,'2,200 Jews and 48 non-Jews to the Argentine, 212 Jews and 41 non-Jews to Brazil, and 6,000 Jews to Palestine. Over 2,000 Jews and 350 nonJews emigrated to other countries.

Many Feature Acts in Y. ffl. p. l-Road To Be Staged Next Month



Speaks Al Tempi® Israel . ¥w "America! Jsskism"

Local Zionist District To Hold Memorial Meeting

l@i@raif §@dety Holds

Convention of United Synagogue in

• < '

Thousands Mourn at Wax Jordan's Bier

United States Senator R B. Hewell To Speak At WM WMh Meeting




I t 1 3t h * t a s k o f t h e m o t h e r s I


» .• , - •:••-.-•

4 8 in the star with the Eagles, and will con- games call Hershel Soskin, at Atk American traditions and American * hh ee ll pp th& ^ ^ t e r s - t o keep keep them them t? ^ ^ * * " ? ^ • * Road Show, it is expected that many tinue io do so until some of the other tic. 1342. .... , ideals are precious above all p a r t i - , f r o m b e ith& n g suhmeKgei b y so many more girls will Join the class. A to- patrols can get some more members. The program committee has pron sanship are we opposed to this movej m ^ p ^ . thij]gs which a r e triyial a n d Published •very Thursday at Onuttia. Kebtatks. bf * tal of 30 voices Will be heard in the The Lion patrol was again awarded ised to give the members some vet}, ment, as we believe in remedying ^ &Tl THE JEWISH PRESS PUBUSHING COMPANY. room lawful conditions, n o t i y secret con-1 This can be done, it seems to me, in operatta, „ . . , which. makes , for ten the Silver star. The patrol stancA £s interesting programs, in the future. Office: 482' Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2872. i i U spiracies and lawless methods, b u t { t h i s f a s h i o n : ^ O n l y e a c h wiiibutmeet a d d I t l 0 n a l members to the class. This have been somewhat changed. They February 12, the program wrill be conNATHAN E, GREEN, Manaser. along the road of permanent reform t h e o t h e r h a l f w a y j£ th& mother wiU I g r o U p . m e * t s o n T u e s d a y evening, and are as follows: cerning Abraham Lincoln. under the auspices of law. 'We ap- nnot modern tendencies of ? 1 *&* U l t l r e s t e d a r e " ^ t o a t * Blackbear. o t ffind i n d i in n the 693 Lion „ 663 the modern tendencies of -52.50 t h e n e x t Subscription Price- •otwrryear plaud and heartily second the brave hher . aa asubject , ^ nfof^censure *T,A meeting. M . AtaivhtM n^,r* Eagle 594 Tiger..... 463 daughter and ^^ Advertising rates famished on application. stand by which fearless statesmen! bian^ jf s ] j e remember that The newly organized "Maccabees" AH of the Scouts, with the exception ...FOR... NOT PRINTED TOBTPERSONAi: PROFIT—Profite from the publlcaare exposing the incalculable dangers the world does progress, that projgrress held a regular meeting Sunday, Fe- of four of them, one of these a Tiger, tton of The Jewish Pfesa arfe to b» given to worthy eommonal causes. DIAMONDS. to elementary civilization which al- hiean change, and that the old order bruary 4, with Nathan Nookeh as and the other three Eagles, have paid AND ways lurk behind masked lawless- is constantly giving way to the n&w.leader. The next meeting will be held their reregistration fees. Will these CHANQa O» ADDRESS—Ple«»e (tv. both tb. olA and MW •Mrest; • tw •traand alga rear U M SPECIAL PLATINUM ness. .'..."•-. Daughters, too, must remember, that on Sunday afternoon, February 11, at four Scouts come to the next meeting DESIGNING "But even beyond those ferocious u h i s t o r y a n d a n civilization is build-J the Jewish Community Center. Boys and pay up? We want them to reThe1 Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish see to join. main in the troop. Correspondence Bureau) with'cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition outbursts .of unbridled majority | e d upon the experiences of the past, from 14 to 16 are urged urged to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. tyranny, which find their parallels -that the .year,, which has gone can * * * * * * Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly wherever E u r o p e a n countries, teach roany i e B s o n s for the guidance Y. M. H. A. JRS. Y. M. H. A. TROOP 62. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, through the war, have sun: to the o f t h e y c a r which is yet to come, that Diamond and PJatfnum The Y. M. H. A. Jrs., re-elected New York City. •• " • 'At our last meeting we held a prilevel of progromism, we are opposed maturity does not mean old-f ashionedSpecialists Hershel A. Soskin as the club reportin principle to all separatist and nesa nor oid-fogginew, ami that ma- mary election for candidates for edi- er. The club would like to schedule \ 1514 no mreet. THE CONVENTION. discriminatory movements, all so- ternity is but the fruit of the blos- tors of our paper, "Sixty Two's Wise some games with some fast basket- j Established l80i, VO osrfas r,0W Words." The candidates elected were The Golden Jubilee of the Union of American Hebrew Con- cieties of anti-something which com- som of youth. ball quintet in or out of the city. For j Fred Brodkey, Phil Mandel and Gilgregations has passed into histbiy but its influence on Jewish bine their energies and resources to may be found a lesson for all bert Eo&enblum. Sam Bender and history will be nil. New York rose to the occasion and true to denounce and to degrade any race, of Here in this room, a new hope Mitchel Lewis were also elected, but form lavished entertainment on the delegates. There are too nation, faith or class to which they andus—here, a renewed inspiration for closer declined. . many distractions, there is too much restlessness in the atmos- seek to ascribe the blame for all the' bonds between mothers and their The final election will be held at the phere, to make for calm, deliberate, self-searching action. Maybe many evils which are afflicting the daughters. Here, in this gathering we next raeetiegf. All members are urged "The Clothing Corner of Omaha" this is merely an expression of those Who come from the provinces present generations.? see exemplified the true spirit of the to come and vote for their choice. The and that the calloused New Yorker can deliberate, conventionally Y. W. H. A.—the Y. W. H. A. not editors will issue 15 numbers during speaking, under any circumstance and amid all'sorts of noises, merely as four letters of the alphabet their term. A fast game of "Over and banquets, theater parties and the like. But let us not accuse "Mothers and Daughters" —but the living, throbbing testimon- Under" wag played before the meetthe shortcomings of the convention entirely to "the atmosphere"* Address Delivered by Mrs. S. ial of the true relationship of mother was over. It proved fatal'to Dave Nowlet us get this thing right at the very outset. We feel that H. Schaefer at the 2nd An- to daughter and of daughter to ing Forman and now he has to wear his the Golden Jubilee, compared to other gatherings of a similar nual Y. W. H. A. Mothermother. pants with a patch in them. kind within recent yiars,, was just as good, but just because.it Daughter Social. Tonight we can interpret our Y. W. We have another recruit in the was the Golden Jubilee we thought that from it would emerge H. with new symbolism. God grant troop. His name is Simon Wienzveg, an. outstanding idea that would be of appreciable value to the As happy as I am f<fc evening to thatA.for all time—at mother and and he already knows most of the tenrespond on this, the'occasion of the Jews of the country arid to Judaism. We are not so much interdaughter banquets, may be given derfoot knots. He joined the ranks ested in resolutions against the Ku Klux Klan any more than we second annual Mother-Daughter So- when the daughtersthat here shall themthe Tigers. EVER before in February has any western would have been interested in resolutions against Ford. Here cial of the Y. W: H. A., my happiness selves be mothers—this beautiful of The Tigers now share the Gold store shown such a vast display of the were the leaders of Reform Jewish thought gathered in the represents but one two-hundred and spirit may persist in our dear city: Y part of the vast surge of joy ; o r greatest city of the world, which houses the largest Jewish fiftieth' clothes that men want most—clothes of year-'round and pleasure that is radiating * Youth, W for Womanhood, H for 1 population to be found in any one city in the world. Here, too, throughout AH orders Given Prompt and Harmon weight, for lasting service and satisfaction. hall. I wish that each y between the two, and most Carefnl Attention. we find the leaders of Orthodox Jewish thought; we have Jews mother andthis daughter in Omaha might; beautiful of all, the natural result of of every shade of Jewish belief; We have the great Yiddish press; Another big attraction—the Nebraska's new plan here before this audience and, harmony and peace and love between WELSH'S FLOWERS .we have the leading English Jewish weeklies; we have there the be y u t h and 1 . maturity the final letter of selling brings these high grade suits to you "FLOWERS MAKE FRIENDS" most influential group of Jews in the -United States. Now wegather the inspiration that has come of° our union, TeL Ja. 4291. Brandeis Theatre Bl A for Adoration. to all of us through this impressive at lower prices—in the face of higher costs of 210 So. tTth St. Omaha. have had many problems particularly affecting the Jews among • • manufacture. themselves as well as those relating to the outside world speak- sight. ing in the meaning of the non-Jewish group. We have contended It was indeed, as the World-Herald and will continue to contend that this UNION should have made said, editorially, Monday, a splendid JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE. possible a GREATER UNION of ALL Jews in the country, even idea that animated our girls when The big laugh, night will be pre. though it were peculiarly - a union of Reform Jewish congre- they undertook the first annual sented Sunday night at the Labor New Styles—New Models—Feature Values at gations. The opportunity might have been seized to effect Mother-Daughter banquet last year. L y c e u m a t Twenty-second and Clark AUDITING AND INCOME .changes in the relations of the different Jewish groups to each Those of us who were there, still re- s t r e e t s . B e s t m u s i c a l a n d l i t e r a r ^ TAX REPORTS other. There might have been brought about a condition making member it as one of the most enjoy- jp r o g r a m e v e r s t a g e d b e f o r e t h e J e w r y 208 Karbach BIk. Jackson 2260. "for that solidarity which our enemies claim we possess but able evenings we had ever spent. The o f O m a h a < A 1 , p r o c e e d a to g0 fot a with Extra Pants at $5.00 and $7.50 which we know in reality is nothing but idle chatter. We canwisdom which prompted the girls to j Jewish periodical entitled "Fun Dernever hope to meet the Jewish Question in this country if we repeat the function this year is prop- wietens" to be published on March 1 NEBRASKA'S HAND-TAILORED SUITS OF SUPER-EXCELLENCE insist on misunderstanding each other, and refusing to work to- erly rewarded in this response. by the Literary group. utt B gether. There might have been ^some '.understanding developed What are the things which mothers in. Pepperr. Vlct-PrwMett. S*ctet»rr. W. -O. tttfc t that would have cleared the atmosphere regarding the work now expect of their daughters? If the YOUNG JUDEA NEWS. being done iir Palestine without regard to the Zionist Question. daughters would know they have only The Hatikvoh Girls will hold their Omaha Fixture & There, has been an effort made to bring the Jews back to the to ask their mothers what were-the regular meeting Sunday afternoon at Supply Co* SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY synagogues^ and onerabbt "says 4h^tJs6nieth3ng "should :be idbne.-ideals aHd the dreams, the hopes, the't)j e Jewish Community Center. AH ; girls at the age of 16 COMPLETE STORE AND to. bring the synagogue back to Judaism...... There jvere certain j to HI • attend the meeting and OFFICE OUTFITTERS orspeakers who took occasion to remonstrate with those back-* : | ganization. ; r« occupy sliders who are indifferent to their f aitht whff# those speeches wish anything'riioresOr heater fo • W * TO^WO SQBSIt t M t SsBthwect career were very commendable'yet they have about asr much effect on daughter than the realization of the The X. TV C. Club meetinffs will be Eleventh and O«orts» Streets. the guilty ones as water on a duck's back. We shall be accused dreams of her own girlhood. That held on Wednesday evenings at the OMAHA. NE Ffaonot Jarfccon t'ti of petty fault finding,but we ask someone to please recapitulate they may have clean hearts, pure Jewish Community Center instead of OMARA. KtSB. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMENfor us the constructive things that were actually accomplished minds, and a spirit of love and graci- Tuesday evenings on account of the by this Convention -keeping in mind that it was the GOLDEN ousness will be, can be, the only as- Choral class meetings on Tuesday JUBILEE, No high notes were steuck. We find nothing that piration, in the broadest sense of the evening. The. next regular meeting was said or done commensurate with an occasion celebrating term, that mothers hope may be the will be held Wednesday evening, FebFIFTY YEARS of Reform Judaism in this country. If we areheritage of their daughters. Not ruary 14, and a special social evening completely mistaken we shall be pleased to be set right. Think dreams of wealth alone, nor of social has been planned for the entertainof .it! Fifty years! Even that length of time should have, in- position, visions of material things ment of the members. spired someone to do something, or, say spmething that would only, didnot our pray might be have impressed itself'upon the American public. Why that the lot of theirmothers daughters this life. Y. M. H. A. NEWS. section in the revised edition of the Prayer Book referring to Some part these tilings indid play, Ed Brodkey's Melody Men will ensocial justice attracted more attention throughout the Country it is true, in those air castles which tertain at the next Y dance, which and is of more genuine constructive value in human relationships were built for us, by the woman that j will be given this Saturday evening, than anything that came out of the Jubilee. We are not unmindful of the truth that some good comes from discussion and inter- gave us birth, when first our baby February 10, at the Jewish Communchanging of ideas "and there is no doubt whatsoever that the hands turned instinctively to her ity Center. Admission will be by memGolden Jubilee gathering was productive of much good. But strong; and loving arms, when our bership card only. that in no wise conflicts with what we said previously.—-"Jewish tiny bodies sought the shelter of her With the announcement by ProfesCriterion." — warm and comforting embrace. But sor Benjamin Adamoweki that he will back of these dreams, in the hearts and in the minds and the souls of present the recently organized wornevery mother, may her lot in life have LAY LEADERSHIP. FOB OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE. been ever so humble or ever so priviThe development of lay leadership has become one of the leged, lay another thought—that her Massage Machine for Sale—Swedish serious problems in Jewish congregational life. In the last fifty daughter might bear throughout life manipulated. The best machine known years our people have become so dependent upon the rabbis that something more precious than jewels, for" reducing flesh. The only one in in many cases they look to them for that leadership which does or costly gowns, something infinitely Omaha of Its kind. Call Atlantic 1072 not always fall within the province of the man in the pulpit. easier of attainment and yet infinitely for information.—-Adv. ' .That dependence is not entirely fair to the minister. His mani- more priceless than the rarest of , fold activities prevent him from doing justice to such phases earth's material things." Every mother of congregational work which in reality should be in the hands hoped, every mother will hope so. long I have-just arrived in this country. of the members of the congregation. In fact, it was noticeable as mothers arc mothers, that her I would like >to give private Hebrew in the New York convention that some of the rabbis had become daughter may possess throughout life lessons- I have years.of experience in this profession, and until, recently so accustomed to taking part in affairs which rightfully belong the character of true womanhood. to the laymen that they sometimes rose to their feet at ill- This is what mothers throughout was supervisor of a large Jewish advised moments in order to discuss policies which are in no the ages have wished for their daugh- school in Russia. Mr. J. X. Wolf son, instructor at the Talmud Torah, was a way part of the rabbi's legitimate workf ters. This is the sum total of all that faculty member of this school! T, JP1^ or£an*zation of the. National. Federation of Temple mothers have asked of their daugh- For information call Webster 2734, Brotherhoods will give a fresh opportunity to the layman of ters. . In the attainment of this goal America to step forward into positions' of trust and responsibil- the daughter fulfills, as in no other Mr. Boruch M. Wolfsbri.—Adv. ity. The Men's Clubs connected with our Temples are doing way, the hopes, the . longings, the a work the importance of which can hardly be calculated at dreams, the aspirations and the exthis time, but it can be safely prophesied that frtom the ranks pectations of her Mother. of those who stand at the head of these organizations will come It is no easy task—nor is the burden will come enable t h e v bbisgizaions more than entirely that of the girl alone. This FOURS end SIXES is ttemselves to those rabbinical duties which are an age of speed, of high-pressure We* have purchased 122,000 the blessed amenities existence. Life. is not BO' calm, BO Prices range frm$?i$ to ptgof. <». b. factory pair U. S,.Awiy Munson last ities of that sacred calling.—"Detroit Chronicle " Serene, shoes, sizes 5& to 12, whica so placid a& it was in the days was t h e entire surplus stock K. K. K. Denounced in of one of the largest tJ. S. ^ Mrs. B. M. Englehard of Chi- of our grandmothers, nor even in the day3 when our mothers were not yet v Government shoe contractors. cago, treasurer. . ' Resolution Adopted our mothers. Many indeed are the disSt.. Louis .was chosen for the. 1925 This. shoe.is guaranteed one at TJ. A. H . C. Jubilee convention^ Announcement .was made traction* of our modern city life—diahundred percent solid leathtraction&alluring away from that true ' ' (Continued from page ; l) er, colo* dark tan, belfows .today- of a gift from airs.. Henry ideal of family life upon which we tongue, dirt and: waterproof. Mbrgenthau of $15,000 to the Hebrew York, Herbert C . Oettingef of Cih? love to. ponder.. The world catalogues The actual talue of this shoe cinnati, Henry Oppenheimer' of 'Balf Union "College, "the income to be .used all' these distractions under one name i is $6.00. - Owing to this tremendous buy we can offer timore, A. C. Ratshestyof Boston^ in maintaining' a graduate student •~Jazz. -We jazz our music and our ! same to the public at $2.95. Simon W. Eosendale of 'Albany, abroad after the completion of his meals, we jazz our literature and our ) post-graduate studies. A congratur David A. Brown'of ipetrfiii, Ludwig Send cottect size. Pay postlanguage, We jazz our dress and our man on. delivery or send Vogelstein of New York, .Feiix Vor- latory resolution was voted to Nathan diversions. The good old days are money oder. If shoes are enberg of Boston, Herman Wile of Straus upon his seventy-fifth birth- buried deep beneath a mountain of not .as represented we will Buffalo, Albert Wolf of Philadelphia day. A resolution was also- adopted jazz.of all sorts. cheerfully, refund you* money and William B. Woolner of Peoria. looking to a, campaign to place in Standing in the center of it all is promptly upon request. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Jfes. Walter Freiberg of Cincin- every Jewish home, in America a t l i e m o d e r n A m e r i c a n girl—just as Teath and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Eepresentstfvfl* - nati was elected president of the Na- copy of the Bible, printed in English. s w e e t | j u s t a s s i m p l e j j u s t a ^ s in C e re, Phon« ATlantle 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory) tional Federation of Temple Sister- The resolution denouncing the Ku' ^ j o y a ] a n ( j ^ devout as she always ? Leadt the World in Motor Cat Vrntu* ' hoods; Mrs. Maurice.. Stetnfeld, first Klux Klan contains these passages w a s . But sometimes we fail to see 296 BrMway, New York, N. Y. 1& S ^ in addition to that previously quqtedJ these.qualities, for,.the. .externals of vicep^e$ta^^ "Together with all others to whom the modern world hide them from our stfiin of Cincinnati, recording secre-


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8 - t H E JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1928 Mrs., Julius Newman motored to f or several days during the past week, Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won tional Society, which was to he held Lincoln, Nebr., Wednesday ac- visiting with Mrs. H. Cohn. She is by Mrs. S. H. Katleman and Mrs. Sunday, February 4, at the Ivre Club companied by Mrs. L. Kadis and Mrs.enroute to San Francisco, Calif., S. Freiden. Rooms, was postponed. It will be I. dayman. They will be joined by where she will visit with her daughheld next Sunday, February 11. The Evening club will meet this Miss Norma Frosh, who is tead-Ja-r their husbands on Thursday and will ter. in Milligan, Neb., spent the week-end evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Gertrude Fogelson left for attend the Snader-Barmish wedding in Lincoln with her parents, Mr. and Chicago last week. Sh ewill be gone Mr. Boruch M. _ Wolf son arrived S. Freiden. which will take place Thursday afterMrs. Max Frosh. Wednesday noon from Russia and is for several weeks. noon at the Lindell Hotel. Mies Gertrude Cherniack will leave now with his brother, Mr. J. L. WolfMrs. Gaba postponed her luncheon Monday morning for Des Moines, la., Mrs. M. Tatle left Saturday evening Bon, and Mrs. Wolfson. where she will visit with relatives. which was to have been given TuesNearly everybody, it seems, is eajrer for St. Joseph, Mo., where she will day, February 6, on account of her ill- to give the ex-soldiers a bonus at the Mr. Mark Pollack, of Havana, Cuba, visit with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph formerly of this city, sails, for San Over forty women attended the ness. expense of somebody else. Leibowitz, and Mr. Leibowitz. Francisco, Calif., on the President regular meeting of the Jewish Sister- Miss Sadie Sarbach left Saturday Mesdames Moritz Meyer, I. Rosen- Taft boat, to begin a tour around the hood Wednesday afternoon a t the to visit her home in Nebraska City, home of Mrs. C. Engelman. I thai, N. P. Fell, William Harris r Carl world. Neb. Mijs Sarbach expects to reENGAGED WEDDINGS Furth, and H. Rachman, have been The Junior Auxiliary of the Counturn to Lincoln about March 1. Mr. and Mrs. D. Soreff entertained Miss Elizabeth Schrago entertained Adler-MoskovitiE. chosen as the judges to choose the cil of Jewish Women. win hold a at a reception at their home Sunday at a bridge Thursday evening at her Mi«s Nellie Moskovitz, daughter four best and most original costumes bridge party Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wasserman reof Mr. and Mrs. A. Moskovitz, has evening honoring the engagement 'Of and impersonations, two of each sex, home for twelve guests. Reslflonce, 1S43 So. SStti St, February 14, at the home of the turned from New York, where they chosen Tuesday:.evening, February 20, their daughter, Anita, to Mr. William at the Masquerade Ball to be given by Tol. Atlantic WS*., had been delegates to the fiftieth year Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Auerbach Misses Rose and Anne Pill. The Place of Business, 1639 No. £«h St. as her wedding date to Mr. LeoWintroub, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.the celebration of the Reform Judaism. ev making their home at the Austine hostesses for this bridge party are T«l. WehRtpr 1916. JT?is in are Adler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wintroub, of this city. No definite the Blackstone Hotel. The affair Apartments. the Misses Gertrude Kroloff, libby Mr. Sam Nefsky and daughter, date has been set for the wedding. Adler,. of this city. The ceremony chatge of Mrs. Philip Wolfson and Markovitz, Frances Nogg, Rose and Mildred, returned home after spendwill take place at the home of the Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld. The Bi-weekly bridge club met at Anne Pill. ^ s Ann Rochman, who is to being several weeks in the east. bride's parents followed by a WE WISH TO the home of Miss Anne Gerelick come the bride of Mr. Reuben Brown A surprise party was given in honor '- Thursday evening. The evening was The senior alucml of Temple Israel reception at the Blackstone Hotel. ' ANNOUNCE A number of socials are being given on Sunday evening, February 18, at of the golden wedding anniversary of spent in bridge and dancing. Prises held its meeting Wednesday evening Mr. Julias Spigle spent the honoring Miss Mdskovifcs. Mesdames the Blackstone Hotel, is being exten- Mr. and Mrs. Jake Finkel at their were won by Miss Anne Weiss and at the home of Maurice and Arthur end in Omaha. I. Berkowitz and I. Moskovitz enter- sively entertained. Among the enter- home Sunday evening by their child- Mr. Nathan Horwich. The next meet- Friedman. A meeting of the Hebrew Educatained at a luncheon for forty guests tainments this week are a luncheon j yen, Messrs. and Mesdames C. Finkel, ing will be held at the home of Miss Saturday afternoon for the bridal | A . Zusman, D. Schwartz, M. Finkel, •A special meeting of the Junior is at present with at the Brandeis Tea;Booms Thursday afternoon. Tuesday afternoon,* party' "given by Miss Esther Zalk. ' a n ( i j . Robinson. Fifteen grandchild- iFaye Hirsch, at Council Bluffs, la., Council was held Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Stella TrochMrs. T. Kaplan entertained at a- Sundajr afternoon Miss Rochman rwas 1 ren o f Mr. and Mrs. Finkel were also Thursday evening, February 15. tenberg. bridge 'luncheon: at fief Borne honor-f One-j-of the, honored .bride's-to-be at present. A victrola was presented IDA I. FREIDEN. Prop. The confirmation ciass of the City ing Miss : Moskovitz. Today Mrs. a .tea given by the Women's Auxil- them by their children, and a number Talmud Torah entertained at the home Mrs. Sam Schwart2 entertained at Sam Rosenberg will entertain at" her iary of the B'nal B'xith. Miss Esther of other gifts were received front the of Miss Toby Steinberg Thursday 1613 No^t^ 24th St. two tables of bridge Sunday afterhome at a luncheon, and on Friday Brown entertained the bridal party one hundred guests that were present. evening. The evening was spent in noon. Webster 4330. 311 South 16th Street afternoon Mrs. M. Rosenberg will Tuesday evening at an evening bridge games. Eighteen guests were present entertain at her home at luncheon at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Michael The Oflebung Club: will meet Sun- and Master Martin Herzoff was the Mrs. H. Bertlnt Trill be hostess to "SERVICE AND QUALPhone Atlantic 8010. Katleman entertained at their home day evening at the Jewish Community honored guest. complimentary to Miss Moskovitz. Souvenirs were her bridge club nest Tuesday. Open Evenings. ITY IS OUR MOTTO/' Wednesday evening. Mrs. DaveEp- \ Center at seven o'clock with Mr.and presented to the guests. Mrs s stein and Miss Esther Katleman will - - Nathan as their chaperones We carry tue best line of . RACUSm-ZUCKER. Only Jewish Florist in town. Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. . The marriage of Miss Dorothy entertain Saturday afternoon at their for the evening. MONHETFS WEDDING BOUQUETS. Zucker,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V;home for Miss Rochman, Miss Gertrude Silverberg, of Jhiropodist and Beauty Zucker, to Mr. William A. Racusin, Shop Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Browar re- Denver, Colo., is the guest of her Many affairs have been given in sort of Mr. and Mrs. H. Racusin of 1890 cousin, - Miss Miriam Mars. Miss honor of Miss Bess Rosenberg of iStb Established turned during the week from Chiand Han*; tttforta. this city, will take place Monday evenMarx is entertaining Saturday afterChicago, who is visiting here with Give us a chance to apyour buelaeas. For ing, February 12, at the Blackstone cago, 111. noon a t the Blackstone Hotel honoring relatives. Miss Gertrude Cherniack preciate appointments call J*. 9774. hotel. RabbT Frederick Cohn will ofMr. and Mrs. Joe Jacobs -have her visitor. entertained in honor of Miss Rosenficiate before the presence of about moved into their new home at 2447 berg Monday afternoon. On Tuesday 200 guests. The evening will also be Browne Street. Mr. Jacobs is a The S. S. S. Club entertained at afternoon Mrs. P. Freldman enterRecommends his soap for the following purposes: an Orpheum Theatre party Sunday tained a t a Brandeis theater party. celebrated as the twenty-fourth wed- reporter for the Omaha Bee. To Wash Dishes—Rub soap on brush and wash evening followed by an entertainment Miss Jeanette Gilinsky will entertain ding anniversary of the bride's parAs I am compelled to move Mr. Max Morris left Wednesday a t the home of Miss Ann Finkel. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Zucker. in a short time, 1 am makthis evening at her home. Mrs. A. dishes with brush. night for Minneapolis, Minn., to visit ing a Special R e d u c e d Abrams of Omaha will entertain a t Mr. and Mrs. John Steiner, of Many social affairs have been given With his daughters, Mrs. Charles and Prices on men's and ladies' An excellent preparation for the Hair, also for during the past several weeks, honor- Louis Levey. He expects to be gone Chicago, DJ., have moved to this city an Orpheum party Saturday aftertailoring. All of my stock noon. • . . . • ' to be sold at greatly reto make their future home. Mr. ing Miss Zucker. Among the affairs for two weeks. Silk and Wool. duced prices. I guarantee being given during this week are as Steiner will take charge of the new Mr. E. Pill left Wednesday for his the very best fitting, latest This soap is made of purely Vegetable compound. Mr. and Mrs. Louis London, who furniture department at Burgessfollows: styles, designing and best home in Fort Dodge, after visiting Mesdames Edward Gilbert and Dave left November 12, on their honey- Nash-Co. making, the same as ever. here for several days. Order now, you will save Blacker entertained Sunday afternoon moon trip to Los Angeles, Calif., are money. at Phelps Hut, honoring Miss Dorothy now making their permanent home Mrs. Edward Kirschbraun enterMrs. Al. Freidman was hostess to Zucker. Mrs. M. Monheit entertained there. . Mrs. London was formerly tained at tea Saturday afternoon at the Afternoon club1 at her home at a 1 o'clock luncheon at her" home j Miss Fannie Schaber, of this : city, her.home complimentary to her guest, Phone Webster 3527 1515 North 20th St. Miss Una. Mikolas, of Minneapolis, 504*4 South Sixteenth Street Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. Meyer en- and sister of Mrs. Ida Bomell. Minn., who left Saturday evening for Tel. Atlantic 6065 tertained a t an evening bridge WedNash KEEP-SMILING Parior The Deborah Society, auxiliary to her home after visiting here with Mr. nesday evening at her home, honoring "BEAUTY SERVICE" Miss Zucker and Mr. Racusin. Thurs- the Talmud Torah, Will entertain at and Mrs. Kirschbraun for the past Phone JA. 645T 411 So. 24th Ave., day afternoon Mesdames Joseph Pep- a benefit card party Tuesday after- six weeks. Opposite Wise Memorial Hospital ^ i tit the Brandeis Open Evenings. Reasonable Prices. er and H."Racfiman wifi^terfedn aVa Mr. Max Holzmari spent several 1 o'clock luncheon" at their home. This Tea Rooms.- Prizes will be awarded. days in. Lincoln last week. ; evening Mr. Isadore 1. Levinson will •For single reservations or table j reservations call Mrs. S. Robinson, Miss Sara Somberg entertained at a entertain for five couples at an OrphePlace your orders for unv Theater party/ followed by 'a din-! chairman of the . affair, at .Jackson theatre party Sunday afternoon Matzos and Passover Supner party a t t h e Brandeis Tea rooms. 3231, o r Mrs. B* A. Simon, at thehonoring Miss • Elaine Harris, of El Beudor Apartments. plies now. Best qualities. Newark, N. J., who spent the weekLowest prices. end here as the guest of Miss SomMrs. David Degen left Monday for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaplan left Mrs. S. SILVER, berg. her home in New York City after Monday morning for a two week's 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 visiting here with Dr. and Mrs. James stay in the East. They will visit in Mrs. Arthur Brandeis was in Omaha Goetz. [ Chicago, HI., and New York. The Ra, Oth Society will be enter-: Mr. J. Bonoff and Mr. Herbert tained Sunday afternoon a;t Phelps i Arnstein, who were on an Eastern You Feel Just as Good as For better qualities at Hut, Miss Bertha Leon will be their business trip, returned Saturday. Dodge Brothers, with equal aptness, could have named Your Clothes Look most reasonable prices hostess. , 1 it the Family Sedan. Mrs. Louis Sommer entertained see Rabbi Frederick Cohn's- sermon sub- thirty children at a party Saturday In the first place, it is big and roomy—a five-passenger • (Incorporated) ject" Friday evening at the Temple will afternoon at her home in honor of car that will really seat five adults in comfort. There C. O. KANOUSE, President an be "The Spirit of Lincoln." Saturday the fifth - birthday of her daughter, is no space wasted on superfluous adornments. Every morning his subject will be "A Man Beatrice. inch of body and chassis is put to actual use. Established 18&2 of Truth/' ••;••: . ; * 1510 Faraam St. Jackson 5782 There are no delicate cloth furnishings to be soiled by Mr. M. Stein, of. Sioux City, Iowa, The Young Judea Senior d u b will ;is .visiting with Messrs. William the children. The seats are upholstered in dofabl* sad Diamonds, Jewelry and hold its regular semi-annual election Crade and B. Zangwell. All three attractive blue Spanish leather. Office: 1709 Cuming Street • Platinum Designing. Sunday afternoon at th& Jewish Com- Were buddies in the Jewish Legion Phone Jackson 2985 There i s no sensitive varnish to bft easily scratched munity Center. in Palestine, . . or finger»spotte& The body is steel-built—a new Mr. David B. Gross returned Tuesprinciple in Sedan design—making it possible t o finish the exterior in Dodge Brothers ovea-bafeed enamel, th* day from Excelsior Springs, St. tnost durable finish known. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo.






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The rear seat fettdshiGgs c o i n e d — i y g the rear section into a spacious carrying &5ffipaitment —handy for carrying trunks, boxes and household luggage of all sorts.

Rabbi and Mrs. Frederick Cohn returned Friday from New York, where they attended the Fiftieth Anniversary Convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

Cmldfcn can romp and play to their hearts coulwit in this car, qr>^ when cleaning time ffwrw?j yosi the hose on it—inside and out.

Mrs. Julius Weil and son, Myron, of Lincoln, are visiting here with Mrs.. Carrie Livingston. . - Mr. and Mrs, Herman Goldsmith announce the birth Of a baby son born Monday evening at the Wise Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Ben Lewis and son, Craid, returned Wednesday evening from Des Moines, Iowa, where they were visiting during the week with Mrs. Lewis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. OrscheL Mrs. Goodman Pill, of Fort Dodge, lows, is spending a few weeks here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldsmith.

AsK yoav neighbor why so many people drfnK

MJB Cbfifee

,<>^The answer

invariably isTlavcar

The Wives of the Directors of the Wise Memorial Hdspital will" entertain at a public reception Tuesday evening, February IS, at the Nurses' Home oi Wise Memorial Hospital. • Mrs. Jack London, of Dallas, Tex., wilt arrive the latter part of the •week to visit with her parents,"Mr. and Mrs. E . Adler, and to attend the wedding1 of her brother,- Leo. Simon* - to Miss Nellie Moskovitz, on Tues'ay evening, February 20. Mrs. B. Blotcky and daughter, nne, have returned from Excelsior pringB, Mo. '

I®! ©I

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O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAB AUTO COMPANY 28th SBd Harney Streets, Hartley 012* OMAHA AUTOMOBILE SHOW, February 26 to Match 3


JEWISH PRESS There are 700 or 800'.synagogues in The Czernowitz student body de- tive here, a reply to the protest Mr, Greater New York, but each one is a cided to boycott the university, until Wolf forwarded on behalf of the joint separate entity; having absolutely no such time as parliament adopts the foreign c o m m i t ^ against the suprelation with the- others. The Jewish percentage limit against Jews. presion of the Jewish religion in soviet religion is the only one in the United Interpellations submitted by theRussia. States which exists without an organJewish Deputies Zirelson of Kishineff, Confirming ths prohibition of reization; there are no Jewish pishops, and Stern of Bucharest ,demand ligious teachings & Jewish and other BY- BUBTON J . HENDKICK or presbyters, or conferences^ or conemergency legislation empowing the schools, Mr. Kljr^o declares this is IN "WORLD'S WORK". vocations, all- attempts to create a Minister of Justice Aktenau to take done in accordance with the general Grand Rabbi, a functionary who would steps for the "energetic suppression" policy, which" ha* vemovet? from the of the anti-Semitic agitation. If there is one thihg ; that the Jews ern. I t does not date from the fall of have a kind of Pope-like, supervision schools the priest, the pastor, the congregations, mullah and the rabbi. M. jKIishko adds have proved, in their age-long wan- Jerusalem in 70 A. D., as inost people over all the Jewi; SAY JEWS GAIN BY SOVIET that no'religion t a t gained from this dering over the face of the.earth, it suppose; the Jewish proclivity for cir- have failed.. " ANTI-RELIGIOUS POLICY. policy, as much &a the 'Jewish. The is that .they lack, theI1power pf co- culating among other unfriendly peo-| In politics, the same condition preLondon; Dec. 15.—(J. T. A.)—Mr. Jews are now fr.? the first time enoperation. "•• They occupy their present ples was as much a feature of the vails. There is no such thing as the Luclen. Wolf has "just received from joying immunity from persecution, isolated position, not 'because they ancient world" as it is" of the present j "Jewish vote;" Jews notori. usly vote I independently—be it said to their M.'Kiishko, the Russian representa- and are enjoying s&tnpiete freedom. have been persecuted by the Chris- o n e , The difficulty of making their pep- credit; a Jewish district that goes Ketians, but because they-lack that aptiture for ceherence and ^organization ple co-operate for Jewish ends, even publican this year may go Democratic whose ultimate expression is national- in so inspiring a cause as Zionism, is the next. If the Jews of New York WASH AND KEEP WELL ity. This nomadic tendency of Israel the perpetual despair of the leaders of acted as a political unit, they could A RULE OF HEALTH, is nothing new. It is not even mod- their race. The disregard with which easily control the city and capture all Ihe mass of American Jews treat their the elective offices;, yet that trait FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY own religion is the unending com- which the politicians regard, as cheir 1819 California Street. 'One of Amerira's Great Hotels" plaint of the rabbis. The problem of "instability" all but robs them of pothe unchurched is one. of the pressing litical influence, issues of Protestantism, and, to a 1 In business, as in politics, in religEvery Known Kind (iotastein. lesser degree, of Catholicism, but even ion and in social activities, the Jew M. E. Chapman. of Insurance more acute is .the Jewish.problem of is primarily an individualist. • I t is The Goldstein - Chapman store, EFFICIENT ttnd RESPOXSIKJi; floor is one of the largest in the "the store of individual shops" in 209 W. O. W. Bldgi "JA. 3944. the unsynagogued. The synagogue it- the one clear and unfailing, quality of west and affords ample room for WTiere your clothes come home self is perhaps the most outstanding an otherwise complex characteiv Per- the location formerly occupied by Druggists aad Stationers Eldredge-Reynolds at 16th and showing and modeling the season's cleaner'and last lonper. illustration of Jewish indivualism. haps the Jew's constitutional restlesslatest in milady's wearing apparel. Farnam has opened for business. 401-403-405 SwsUi XDih Street ATIantir 0280. l.'>o;-ll Jackson St. Large panel mirrors together with . ness under restraint, his determina- The store has been completely H A . JACOBBERGER. Pres. E M I L G A N Z & S O N ••..,_ special daylight- lighting features remodeled and an arcade front tion ;to strike but for.himself, his unmake the floor complete from every" patterned after ' several of the Certified Public? Accountants . willingness to accept the, station in -largest Fifth Avenue shops, has standpoint. Omaha Office: 813 Douglas Street. - 1417 Douglas Street- ; Omaha Phonp Atlantic 2550 which circumstances have placed hire, been installed. A. Goldstein and General offices are also located on INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS 100 No. 16th St. Tet JAcb»on S128 the second floor while the third 10* explains this independence; at any M. E. Chapman are partners in Audits and Investigations ' Opposite Post-Offire. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. the new establishment. EMTD GANZ C. P. A..-- V. M.,GANZ floor will be taken up by stock The BeBt ot Every^hin.c it Flowers an(J GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys rate, the quality is an active one and R. A. FORD. Office B i o n e s : " rooms and alteration rooms. Confections s i Mortctate Prices. From 53.00 to $9.00. President and General Manacer. Large display windows extend is of the utmost importance In conJacfe. 5212 —Ha. 5406 —Ha. 0915 "A-policy of operating a popular Coanril BiiifTs (lows) OSTice S45 W. Broadway. Scst Liberty Theater GOOD FURNISHINGS. from the store entrance to within sidering the place which the Jew ocstore -will be followed," said Gold924 So. Main Street. Phone 3G5 COCNCIt. mhVFFS.- IOWA. a few feet of Farnam street giving last night. "We believe that jcupies in American life. In itself it a display of window space of 135 stein Omaha "wants and needs a store that shows that the idea that the Jew is feet The Interior and background can buy in large enough quantities to of the display windows have been organized in a mighty secret plot havafford narrow margins and we plan ing ramifications in all parts of the finished under the direction of exon turning out goods fast enough to Wall Receptacles— perts in window decoration and many X>!Btritttorg b$ warrant us keeping the prices excepworld for the undermining of ChrisOCR TREATMENT WILE. frills have been added that are lackUghWWIRING-^Power tionally low, at tbe same time stockCONVINCF. VOi: OP OUR Western Bond—and High tian civilization, is about, the most ing the average method of display, SINCERITY. ing nothing but the very best in G-jade Stationery - —Bell Transformers grotesque manifestation of, that hys- it is said. every line and department.'' ' Trust Deportment. ©mad*. The main floor -will contain the WAlnut 3034. 40 & Cuming Sts. teria which is one of the psychoses we Goldstein and Chapman are also Safety Deposit Hoxes. "hosiery shop" with a line of handowe to the world war. interested in The Silk Shop and The kerchiefs besides women's and chilVogue Ready To Wear as well as It is really not surprising that the dren's hose. The "textile shop" with several'stores in Iowa and Nebraska. Jew has made no astonishing ecor Viic wool and wash goods will occupy The following department heads Money Sent to All progress, in this country. Probably the balance of the entrance floor. have been selected: Miss S. Fayznan, Foreign Countries The mezzanine lias been fitted up • dresses; Ernest Cottmire, suits and this statement itself will at once cause as an immense rest room with easy coats; S. Feldstein, millinery; Miss **Manufactured in Omaha" a general demurrer. The success of chairs and lounges. Anna Greenberg, infants' and chilthe Jew has become almost a fixed The second floor has been devoted dren's; "Marion Granick Allen, hosBAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, '' idea. That he turns to wold whatever to millinery, children's and infants' iery and N. Adler and Frank Mullick, 1708 Farnam St. Omaha wear, beauty shop and ladies* readySTATIONERY, ETC. silk^wool and wash goods. Miss A. | he touches; that he rapidly gains pos.tCKwear. The ready-to-wear display ' Donahue, beauty psxlor. . . session of financial power; that he Pistri?)»3Tors i o * 'dominates" business and finance; { PinE Tip Matcbes — LET D S D O IOCB WELDING that he practices a kind of competition occasional Jew occupying a position of government, became the first governor Nft*therii Toilet- Tissue which other races cannot meet; that importance in these institutions shows of the Federal Reserve Bank; that Mr. that there 14:12 Hcmcy Svst-ei for these reasons his "presence is a is no bar to his success, Eugene Meyer is the head of the War Finance Corporation—in this case also ' rovided he possesses the essential . ATIsatSc 64Oi> •• THE CAREFUL TVEtDERS \ I . ?:' standing "menace" to American life— qualification. The real solution lies rendering an efficient public service; Tel. JA. 4397. Anything : : Anytime : : Anyplace " 1501 Jackson St. these beliefs have gained so firai a . foothold -in the popular mind that i t deeper; it will bef found in what has ; that there are certain minor private is perhaps useless to subject them to already been said about the Jew as j Jewish.banking houses in New York examination. Yet the so-called "domi- an individualist; and American bank-,and other cities—these facts are true, Temptation Besets You . nance"of the Jew is perhaps thei n S and finance are rapidly losing but in view of the overwhelming im"When You Enter ,: IA. strangest illusion abroad at the pres- t h e i r o l d individualistic character. The portance of native Americans in the • • i - - • J erit time. I t is difficult to see how business is now being done by great j control of;the financial resources and GAUDIES; / I C E CREAM, ' Service k Our Motto it ever originated. Mr. Henry Ford corporations, even by great "trusts.".banking operations of the country, LUNCHES. Safe ,*>«posif T5oxes Inr Bent. has spent a fortune in his recent in- Financial power is controlled by large j they form an exceedingly flimsy basis vestigation of the Jewish problem; his aggregations of stockholders, who ex- on which to erect his huge myth. theme has been this "Jewish control" ercise their power through the agency The theory that the Jews are the all of America's wealth. Yet the most °* boards of directors, presidents, vice powerful forces in American trade and Li I Kth and Farnam Streets hasty survey of the American scene presidents and the like. The prime j finance can be disposed of by one sinEvery Known Kind j demonstrates the- absurdity of this quality that is needed for success is'gle consideration: who are the great BFITEE and' EGGS *• • of Insurance idea. The actual wonder is not that that o fco-operation, of team work, American millionaires? Do their Crystal Candy Company CferancU Bluffs, l a . the Jew has accomplished so much in ability to lead great forces of sub- names invariably end in "stein" and Douglas 03S0 209 \V. O. W. Blag. 16th and Capitol Are. the United States but that he has ordinates, to work as a unit in a great "sky"? Here again is a test which organization. The present-day barJcrr; each one can make for himself. Just really accomplished so little. does not operate with his own capital, I think of the extremely rich men in but that of thousands of depositors; j your neighbrhod. That some of he does not necessarily labor to build them are Jews is not improbable; but BSndc by He up a great institution which he owns • the overwhelming majority are unUNDERTAKERS Snow White UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST lender- the 2224 Cuming St. Bakeries * FOOD CO. in which his proprietor's right drick in "World's Work." Phone JAckson 1226 (Bee. C 8. Fat. which he was forced by Christian per- f f , NEBRASKA. Office.) secution is not well founded; from his ^ q u e n t l y f f small. These qual- CLAIM INFRACTION OF JEWISH, earliest appearance in history the Jew l t a ?T !h a rr e 1.Sn ont J e T O s h , RIGHTS IN PALESTINE. ] T h ? r ^ 1 S n ° complaint that r*ste on has shown great talents as a banker. ? ^ ° compl AUTO PAINTING Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—A memoOf COUNCIL BLUFFS Top and Body Building What, then, is his position in Ameri- £ . ^ * * ^ * ™ ' ^ l ^ i & ! randum enumerating cases of infracand Repairing. We pay i% Interest on Savins can finance? The great financial the so-called Jewish "Dominance" of 1 tion of Jewish rights in Palestine and American finance. There is no peril CURTAINS—MGHTS—ETC. and - Time Deposits. "If Sis Worth Anything power of the United States rests with requiring a radical change in the Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent. JAckson 1862 the national banks, the trust com- quite so illusory as that of the "Inter- present government policy has been —•Have It Insured." panies, the savings banks, the life in- ™tlon?,ba^«" Compared with the I^airenworth 8t. AT lantic 0701 submitted by the* Council of Palestine surance companies, and other migMy f m a n c i a l P o w e * welded by certam Jews to Sir Herbert Samuel. These • fiduciary institutions of like character. American-fianders,- the greatest "inrepresentations on behalf o£ the JewInto these huge receptacles the liquid ternational banker" is a pygmy John ish Rockefeller could buy up all the .: inhabitants . of Palestine follow capital of the American people steadf somewhat similar criticista submitted Wholesale ily pours in an unending stream. Any left and have a tremendous by Lieutenant Colonel Kish on behalf Fruit and Vegetables man, or any group of men, or any 1S of the Zionist Executive during Dr. of &isfam0us n u a N. W. Cor 11th and Howard Sts. racial unit, which could control fids' smaller than that of I-fenry Weizmann's recent visit to Palestine. reservoir would "dominate" American ord t t h The principal Jewish grievance 'is that finance; unless such a group did con con- f , ^ ^ are. many Jewish J activities of an" "indisputable ^public Kaplan Auto-ParJs.Co, _ FEATHER COMFORTERS trol these resources any suggestion of .Jrokprerthat Csmall number belong character are regarded'by the •govMade from Your Own Feathers. 2111 Nicholas Street. .. . "domination" would be childish folly. *?••** New^Tork Stock Exchange; ernment as private enterprises,-and it Aenovnted, re-made or made to order. Used cars bought, sold, and exAH hand-filled. We call and deliver. Do the Jews exercise any such con- tb*t.:Paul> Warburg was^ partly re- is charged tEaf education, medical and changed. New gears, and axle shafts trol? Everyone can apply the test sp°nsible for the Federal Reserve Law 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. for any make of car. Omaha Pillow Co. sanitation '•work, maintained'out of for. himself. Run over the list of —hereby rendering a very great pubATlantic 0340. 1907 Cum Ing St. Phone Jackson 2«7 Tires, Tubes and Accessories Zionist funds,' are receiving jno- aid The Old Reliable Hoase. Below Wholesale Prices,: directors and officers of the national lic service; "that, the same gentle, at the earnest solicitation of the from* the government despite the fact . . . . _ . - - - . _ A bank or the savings bank in your re- m a n that;.it;is claimed that the Jews congion; how many Jews do you find octribute about SO per cent of the taxes. cupying such places? Reading the J. J. FRIEDMAN, Att'y., lists of the great financial and fidu302 Omaha Nat'I EanU Bide., AUTHORITIES TO COMBAT ANTIF. S. 5IOBEV. Prop. ciary institutions of New York or Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. SEMEITISM IN ROUMANIAN is hereby given that tinder and Phone Webster 0820 elsewhere brings out no more aston- byNotice virtue of^a chnttel mortgage, dated SCHOOLS. '•-" THE LAIJNDRY THAT ishing facts than the infrequency with Februnry 3. 1021. whereby Harry H. Fal- Bucharest, Jan. 3.—(J. T. X)—In rey tnortgaged to George E. Mende cerEVERYBODY LIKES. which Jewish names are encountered. taiti items, of set forth i n i t t e ^ S o m S n W f l i S f l consequence of the nation-wide .prop aThose who believe in the ability of the in the Office of the County Cjpxfe of ganda for., the exclusion" of .Jewish Dougl/is County, Nofafsslca. oa February "Anglo-Saxon" element: will have 4, Hanna Lump -S12.50 1021. the undersigned ,wlll sell the fol- students from the. universities"and Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store their canity tickled; for the one fact lowing descrihed articles at 10 o'clock clock in Franklin County the forenoon of February 10. 1923, at high schools, the minister of the inthis investigation proves is that.the No. Y o u r position is Lump $12.50 918 No.' 19th St.. In tile City terior has under consideration a pro"~ ' County, brains and energies of the nation are Colorado Smokeless ...-S10.50 correct, and should qhain'B]ocfc'; one^SmniX_Gear Ayiey: posal to call a conference of all disstill found in largest proportion in pie e l^aree Pulley; One Eleclfie. Vnlve trict officials to take measures lookPetroleum Coke, be s u p p o r t e d fey '• Absier H. Kalman CrindM: One 2i-in I'lpe Wrench, One racial stock that found it. ; 10 ft; Step LndiTer; One Cnrtion Burning ing to the suppression of the. disBest Grade $16.00 ISIS W. O. Wv Bfflg., AT, every fair minded Why does the Jew, supposedly the orderly conduct by students. 1806 Harney Street Delivered to any part of the person. world's keenest financial mind, have In the meantime reports received -t Phone ATlantlr 0901 >ir City, so little influence in these great for- an^ costs ami accruing costs ns hereafter from various parts of the country mJ. C. Crew. Ed. Burdick. . PAXTON BILLIARD tresses of liquid capital? The Jew ascertained dicate that there has been no change -• - A Sfotv Mnnaced anil Rim whtch said ._ . ._ by Mfii wtio I'lny toe (lame, himself would probably answer that a end by'-.virtue of flip terms of saW chattel in the students' attitude. The students • • • PARLOR . .•'•• nna promiRRory notrs whlrh fhe WEbstcr 2605. G r LRBBV BS prejudice-- exists against him; that mortgnKe BnJtJ mortcnRe ««s SIVMJ 10 secure: there at Jassi decided to bar Jews from • • • or i « • NICK S. WRAN1C. iSroprieto "RADIO" there is" a consc'bus effort .to exclude neincr no pron-pdlns? »t inw or otherwise the campus by force, until the perI."JiC •Fsfnaro Strppt, Basement.' ttmtt to ftvuvrr paM. <tpfi< or nuy part thereof. Hoffmaan Funeral Home. him. But that is an unsatisfactory. Said sale will lie field ojieo One hour. Everything-for. the Athlete. centage limit comes legally into 41SS6.y OfcOUUti ii. ilKXDE. power. ' blortga goc PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! explanation. The fact that th^re is an

h Jewish Bogey in Finance and Industry

Goldstein-Chapman Store Opens Business Here


E. E. Bruce & Co.

John Feldman

Steamship Tickets

R. SHAW Fiwer Shop


Council Bluffs Savings Bank

and Tours ta AllPmts of the World

Carpenter Paper Co.

Baker Ice laciies

Jensen Company

Peters Trust Go.



Love Haskell Co. .



• Made With Milk


City National Bank



McCord-Brady Co.

f -



Emerson Laundry

Lion Coal Co. "Specials For Everyone

\ Omaha Sporting • Goods Co.

Leo A. Hoffmann

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