children of to-
"Build for Better,
are the men
Children" and a
women of to-
HI.—No. 10
Entered' <g poBtofflee, <T
3-class mail matter on JTsntwry STtb. VBHX at la, Nebraika, under the Act of Uareb 8.
IS Entire Omaha Jewry Invited To Attend Annual Meeting to Be Held At Fontenelle Hotel
ESTABLISH MUSEUM IN TOWER OF DAVID. „. Jerusalem.—(J. T. A.)—The opening; of the Jewish Archeological Museum tin the Tower of David is announced, the principal contents being the antiques excavated by Dr. Nahum Slousch near Tiberias two years ago. The museum was founded by the Jewish Palestine Exporation Society, and Dr. Slousch, now in New York, appointed keepr of the museum. The re* cently discovered antiquities in charge of the society include a sevenbranch marble candelabrum of • rare beauty, an engraved door^ of an ark in which Hebrew scrools of the law were kept( a chair which, tradition has it, w&j called Moses' chair, and several hundred household utensils of bronze and glass, clearly belonging to the pre-Christian era. .
Omaha Hebrew Club To Celebrate 31st Anniversary Mar. 25
Work Hard, Marry Early, Advises Straus on Seventy-Fifth Birthday
L S. Judge Tuttle issues Statement on Ford-LiRcolR Deal
Atlantic City,' N. vJ.—Cablegrams Wolf, the aged Jewish leader, living , came from many parts of Europe and in" Washington, D. C. »T x- « -vr • « .i . -n telegrams came by hundreds from Note From Grateful Mother. IgfaonaHy-Known Speaker to Be ^ ^ rts o f * he c o u n t r y c o n . Statement Made Because Henrj . Some Here for the Occasion—Musi- gratulating _,^,-^» M .*v«« Q ^ U S on his , ^ of those who sent telegrams Ford Did Not Keep Promise Entire Membership of 1,300 to Hear of Marvelous Nathan Straus cal Program Also Arranged seventy-fifth birthday. us on nit. o r letterg o f congratulations were f oito Stockholders. Growth and Splendid Work—Officers reviewing his Resolutions m e r secretaries of State, William J. for 1923 tobe Elected INITIATION CLASS OF 100 many ~ " 1 " "fields ' 6 ^ " "came ' I - ' * !from ? " - many _ ^ _organ_ . ! n Alfred Bryan and E.Robert Smith, Lansing, Adolph Governor S. Ochs, DETROIT DAH.Y PAPERS NEW MEMBERS TO BE izations by mail and telegraph. Louis Marshall, Frank A. Munsey, DID NOT PUBLISH FEATURE OF THE President Harding sent his con- Arthur Brisbane, W.' R. Hearst, SuCELEBRATION "STORY". gratulations and best wishes to the preme Court Justice Louis D. Branphilanthropist, and" scores of other deis, General Nelson A. Miles, Dr. B Y E . G . PIPP. . Members of the Omaha Hebrew noted men and women joined in it. Stephen S. Wise, August Heckscher, (In "Pipp's Weekly." v dub will celebrate its thirty-first an- "Mr. -Straus' public service and Dewitt Seligman, Rabbi H. G. Enelow, On Tuesday of last week, Judge. niversary Sunday evening, March 25. private and public philanthropies have Omaha's most important gathering of the year, the Ronald Starrs, Civil Governor of Arthur J. Tuttle of the United States Plans are beong made by, the com} fellow-citizens," d e s e r v e d m u c h o fM s annual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Omaha, Jerusalem; Mrs. Joseph Fels, Felix mittee in^chargeof the affair to make ^ p r e s i d e n t w r o t e ? « a n d i hope that Fuld, Albert D. Lasker, Julius Rosen- district court made a statement that ,will be held this Sunday evening, February 18, at the Fontethis a gala .event in the history of he may live many more years of simi- wald, Daid A. Brown of Detroit, Her- was one of intense public interest. . nelle Hotel ball-room at 8:00 sharp. The statement had to do with thi Omaha Jewry. • lar usefulness." man Bernstein, Louis Wolf and. Jacob settlement of the Federal governA program of unusual interest will be presented at the The meeting "will be open, to the enIn a brief interview Mr. Straus said Ginsberg. meeting; which has been designed to acquaint the Jewish ment's claim against the Lincoln Motire public. The feature of the cele- that he bad received more happiness commufiity' of Omaha with the advances made in local social A woman in New York wrote: "You tor company, and with Henry Ford'i bration will be the initiation, of a l away money for the benefit saved the lives of my babies. They purchase of the Lincoln plant. , service," through the Federation, during 1922. large class" of candidates. The club human beings than from anything are now grown, but I have not forSince the amalgamation of all local organizations into On Monday of last week, the attorhas over 500 members and plans are ' Because he had gotten. May God bless and keep you." one,central body,, under the direction off the Federation, neys representing seven different inbeing "made to initiate a class of 100 money faster in the last ten Omaha has been accorded a place at the very top of Jewon this date. To the member bring- I years than ever before, he said that Another letter was signed: "One of terests had indicated they had come Your Pasteurized Babies." to an agreement whereby the governish communal work among all cities in the country. T h e ' ing in the largest number of today he felt ten years younger than Over and beyond the pleasure which ment's claim of more than $9,000,past two years have witnessed a rapid advance in social Young and Old, Big and Small Mingle applicants the club will give a suit- ^ m ^ ; P r e s s e d for a s Mr. Strausderived from the sponta000 was to be settled an payment of work work generally throughout the cotmtryvand it should With Each Other at Annual able pme. John Feldmar', general ^ i p e f o r ^ s s , h e S a i d : neous expressions of good-will was $1,550,000, and that Judge Tattle be a source of great pride to all Omahans that this comchairman in charge of the celebration, Affair." "Work had and, above all, get mar- the knowledge that the observance of would be asked to give court approval munity is acclaimed by men who know to be in the forewill offer personally a second prize ried at an early age." . his seventy-fifth birthday would bring to the settlement. ' iront'of these advances. DADS AND LADS ALL TAKE to the member bringing in the second Serenade by Negroes. "r happiness and material comfort to The Judge remarked casually that highest number of applicants. PART IN ENTIRE" •' At .Sunday's meeting, Omaha I» national study of the problems of Mr. Straus had a big day's literary thousands of Jews in Europe who still he would have a statement of bis "A nationally known speaker will PROGRAM. Jewry- will have' an opportunity of Jewish Social service. They are both work ahead of him reading1 the moun- suffer from the ravages of war. The own to make in that connection. be- brought here" for the occasion," - hearing-addresses on social service by compelling speakers and "will,bringoto tain of letters .and telegrams piled on Jewish War Relief, of which Mr Before court the Mr. Maurice B* Hextdr" of Boston and Omaha messages that no one can af- The Omaha Lodge of the B'nai said Arthur Rosenblum, president of; Straus is the head, used the anniverB'rith Father and Son. banquet held the club today- This will be one of ^ s k s and chair a t his suite aVthe sary to stage a nation-wide drive for eral building the next day, there were jMr. Samuel Goldsmith of New York. ford to miss. An innovation in this year's pro- Sunday evening at the Jewish Com- the most interesting celebrations ever., Breakers, and he was interrupted in funds. At noon, on Jan. 31, tefegrams rumors circulating-about to the effect Mrc-Hekter Lr executive director of the Federated Jewish Charities" "of grani will be the- elimination of long munity ' Center, was one of the held in the city." Besides the speak- the b e g i n n i n g ^ the serenade of afrom-inany of the larger cities indi- that it made" little difference what the judge's statement might be, men Boston.- and is one of the biggest men reports,which have in the-past been biggest affairs held, with over two ers an interesting musical program is j negro choir which cated that $500,000 had been pledged connected with the Ford interests had r outside also being arranged for. : Refresh-: n... , io-Je^shjffocjal.service in-Amencai. read. "i. JGbstead' short xeportg of the hundred fathers ami "their .sons eatigfJiyixms. - ; .r-i'^-...-...-. -;•.;,.. i-.,,_. /.•.'.--.- •-. „ ainld&r. Str&tts-wenfc-to bed confident seen to it- that the statement would , " i " ^Prior to assuming: Ms work in Bos- varied activities "ofthiTFederation will" ing and laughing and singing* to- ments-'wuTaife-be *eaw*flt""v* : " -" "Ask them4 to sing-: fDixie/ * said that- his birthday celebration had not be printed in the daily papers. The officers of the club-are: Ar-, M r •jf' ton, hfl 'Yras-rifuperintendent of thebe given,- touching merely the high gether. yielded $1,000,000 for the Jewish War staggered Then what took place? - Straus. All sonless ^fathers were supplied thur Rosenblum, president; Dr. Na-t word '' yUnite/i Jewish. Social Agencies ofCin- lights of the work accomplished .durRelfef. " was brought to him that this Judge Tuttle made his statement. than Dansky, vice president; Sol ing the past year. Full reports of with temporary sons and during the f \cinnati, following Dr. Boris B. Bogen pious group of singers could not sing Of this amount it was reported that It was a clear, concise statement of Rosenberg, secretary; John Feldman, the year's "work will be printed, in entire evening, all made merry. A 5]JI that position. > , - "Dixie" because they knew nothing Chicago had raised-$200,000. "If the conditions nnder which he was Mr. Goldsmith is secretary of the the Federation year-book, which will large number of popular EongB were treasurer. But anthems^ carols and hyinns. these contributions^eep tip, I think I called into a meeting in Henry M. , r national Conference of Jewisb/Sodal be. ready for distribution on March 1. sung by the entire audience. Gus The f o 11 o w i n g subcommittees work of Mr. Straus in saving willv have to get into the habit of havr Leland's home, of the presence of Following the * invocation by DrSwanson directed the singing, while nave ben named for this Service, the central organization of ing birthdays," Mr. Straus chuckled. Harold H. Emmons, legal representaand Fleishman played at the piano. all - Jewish Federations throughout Frederick Coh'n, Mr. Morris Levy-will ^ In a formal statement Mr. Straus tive o£ Henry Ford, o£ Henry M. Le» the country,, and is director of the read his annual message to the Fed- At times the dads would outdo the than Dansky, A. Kaplan and Arthur said:. land, and his son, Wilfred C, founRosenblum. Speakers and Programgiving away free milk was commemBureau of, Jewish Social Research in deration membership. Prof. Benjamin lads in singing and then the lads ders of Lincoln motors, and of Edsel Julius Waxenberg, Sam Altschuler orated in resolutions from many-New Moved by Felicitations. New York- He is in direct touch "Adamowski wilt give a piano ,solo, would rally again and cany away Ford, president of the Ford Motor and John Feldman. Refreshments— York organizations. Practically every *The many felicitations that I have •with all of the larger social move- ! which will be followed by statements all the honors. N. Braude, A." Richards and J. Rick- Jewish organization in the ^country received from hundreds of men and company, son and personal represenments in Jewisjwictivity throughout of the general Federation activities, "We want our sons to be religious sent felicitations. Scores of letters women in every walk of life all over tative of Henry Ford. the country and is an authority on the- relief, social service and Y. M. H. sons," said Isidor Ziegler, principal lin. came from private families which the United States save moved me the The statement told of the request A. work by Samuel Schaefer, superin- speaker of the evening. "Our son's the subject. have held RPQTnFNV **» n a m e o fN d t h a n S t r a U S most profoundly. I have not deserved that the judge sanction the sale- 'Of These two men are now engaged in tendent. Dr. Philip Sher will report should be taught a religious educ- n n K m n S r S S f w l T O S n T A W in veneration. letters were this demonstration of affection that the Lincoln plant to Henry Ford at a on the activities of the Free Loan cation before they enter' into manOF OMAHA^ DIEDJLAST\_ f m n c W l d r e n a n d fMany rom . ^ ^ or. has been lavished upon me and my low price an<? a promise that Mr. Society, and will b.e followed by Mr. hood. We all love our sons and we JLVhbUAX SSUyO.1 . ganizations. One afectionate mess- wife in such generous measure, and I Ford would arrange the Lincoln opIN. P. Feil, for the Wise Memorial expect a great deal from them. Mrs. B. Bessel, age fifty-seven' age was from Simon Rothschild of feel very humble in the face of it and erations so that the Lelands would hospital. Mr. A. B. Alpimwill dis- Fathers send your children to some' years, died at her home Tuesday Yonkers, 95 years old, whose sons more grateful than I can put into remain in chaEg«, would protect the cuss briefly the- work of the Talmud religious school where they may be evening.. The funeral was held from.played with Mr. Straus years ago in Lincoln agents by keeping their orTorah, and Mrs. S. Ravitz will nar- taught the history of the Jewish (Continued on page 2) ganization intact, and -would protect the home Wednesday morning. Burial Georgia. Another ^J[rom_Simon rate outstanding features of the servpeople." Says Open Discussion Will Destroy the merchandise creditors and stockices of the Old People's home. Mrs. "I want my father to be a real was held at the Beth All Prejudice. holders by paying the creditors in full Nathan Mantel and Mrs. Carl Furth pal to me", said Lester Lapidus, who Hagodol Cemetery. Mrs. Bessel has and the stockholders their original in? •will speak on the work of the Jewish New York—In a signed article Women's Welfare Organization and of spoke on "Fathers". "I want my been a resident of Omaha for the vestments. publihed by , the -American Hebrew, the Council of Jewish Women, re- father and I am sure every other past thirty, years and is survived by Measured by any standard you like boy in this room wants his father, two daughters, Mrs. Ben Polsky, of Victor A. Kramer repeated bis state- spectively. Objection Made To Use Of 1890 that statement contained every eleMeeting Under Auspices of Omaha Lincoln, and Mrs. Maxkine, of Omato teU him what to do. I want to ment concerning the conversation Census As Basis For Cut. ment of great news interest except Lodge of B'nai B'rith. ha, and one son, Abe Bessel, of this ' -which he had with "President Lowell Following another musical selec- be able to live a clean life so as murder. city, two brothers, Messrs. A. and S. tion, Federation officers for the year my father will J>e proud „ of me." recently in a train during the course It involved Henry Ford, one of the Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B., Washington. (J. T. A.) —Congress.of which, the Harvard head is alleged 1923 will be elected, after which Mr. Lester is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Siegel. men Siegel and Sabbath, members of most talked of characters in the world will hold an open meeting Sunday Hexter and Mr. Goldsmith will speak. Harry H. Lapidus. to have 'declared that the Jew' could today. afternoon, February 25, at the Labor' the House Immigration Committee, . Last year's annual meeting was Following the afterdinner remarks not be an American and re-affirmed It had all of the local interest a! Lyceum, 22nd and Clark streets. J announced today they would file a his stand in favor of limitation of attended by over 800 people, and it is by Harry Silverman, Frank Martin, Local Keren story could hare, dealing- with men Plans are being inade to have minority report against the 2890 anticipated that the Sunday 'evening Jewish enrollment at colleges. Mr. meeting' will attract considerably magician supreme, puzzled the entire Plans for Spring Campaign I several well-known speaker^ at this census clause in the House com- -who have loomed large and now loom Kramer, in his article, says this of more than that number. Hundreds audience by his card tricks and the A meeting of the Keren Hayesod meeting who will discuss the local mittee's immigration bill which would large in Detroit affairs. Lowell's expressed attitude on Juda- of new members have been added to balk. art. It was of great interest to all the ism- and Americanism: Co-operating with the men's com- Committees will take place some time situation of anti-Semitism and the restrict the number of immigrants people because it involved « claim of the Federation roster during the past ' "He definitely stated that many year, and these members, together mittee of the lodge were representa- in the next few days. The object is Ku Elux Klan-Henry Forf tt>mbma- from any country to two per cent of Jews fail to comprehend the signi- with those of the previous year, bring tives of the Women's Auxiliary and to eet. an organization to work tion and its dangers to the minority residents'in the United States in the (Continued on page 2.) ficance of Americanism. 'To be anthe total membership list to well over of the Council of Jewish Women. smoothly for the Drive to be made peoples. "This will ,be one of the year 1890, as compared with the The ladies in charge of the com- during the coming Passover week. J most important meetings of interest, precent 3 per cent quota of nationals ^nothing ^ / . else.' / f TIn _ vL _1T!!i-r!JLJ: 1.300 individuals. In addition", over : missary and kitchen prepared ' for Mr A I Kulakofsky, -chairman to the, Jewish people", said Irvin according to the 1910 census, Tkree Hundred Members Attend his opinion. Judaism Little credence i s given to reports 1,500 women are members of affilieveryone a meal that far surpassed and other officials of the Keren Stalmaster, chairman of the commitand Americanism are mutually exfiist Lodge "Stag Social* ated organizations of the Federation. any they have ever eaten at similar Hayesod-have taken counsel vrith the tee in charge: that the results of this measure would . clusive." Touching, as it does, through its affairs. general membership and are en-| The meeting will begin promptly virtually halve the number entering In opening hie article prepared for all-inclusive membership, practically Over three hundred members of the couraged by the enthusiasm and un- at is atp present, as one of the clauses of a vii2:30 3 p. p m. The entire public p the American Hebrew, Mr. Kramer every Jewish family in the city, every local lodge of the B'nai B'rith at• m ted tto attend. tt There will be no the measure provides that certain animity imity shown tended their "stag social" given foi , says: Jewish, family in the city should be REPORT POGROM IN KURSK. l ."I stand a t the edge of a pond, represented at the meeting Sunday. London.(—J. C. -B.)—Quoting the The next meeting of the Keren collection of funds or pledges taken classes of relatives may obtain exetnp- the club members last Thursdaj ?% gazing into its blue serenity.- I p i c k j T h e r 6 i s n 0 o t h e r just like dispatch to the Sanomat at Helsing Hayesod will be called for February at this meeting. In addition to the tion from the quota restriction^. Theevening , at the Jewish Community there be several musi-bill admission of the Center. The program was featured up a pebble and throw it in. I love it h e l ( 1 throughout the entire year in from the Morning Post, reports a seri- 19' 1923 to be held at the Jewish speakers, j wife,provides father,for the mother/ unmarried cal numbers on vrill the program. to hear the sharp splash as it cuts' y ^ ^ ^ Every one should attend it. ous pogroms took place on January Community Center. The following committee is in minor: children, 'unmarried minor by the Y. M* H. A.;qua,t-S with the 19 and 20 at Kursk. Workmen, peasthe water's edge. Soon little ripples N oo n e , c a n afford not to attend it. charge of this meeting: Irvin Stal- brother or sister of a citizen of the Oerstein Brothers and their string appear, then large and larger, until The program will start' promptly at ants, and socialists of the red army HENRY MONSKY NEW master, Harry H. Lapidus, William United States, also of, the unmarried instruments. Several boxing exhibiparticipated in the rioting, the re-the whole surface is astir, and many 8 o'clock. Alberts, .Nathan S. Yaffe, Morris minor orphan, niece or nephew of a tions were also given. Among these port continued, resulting in the murwaves reach out in every direction MEAD OP NEBRASKA , citizen of the United States. An were "Tiny" Herman vs. Frank to touch the banks." Riga.—(J. C. B.)—Notwithstanding der of "hundreds of thousands." immigrant who is the husband, wife Woods,-Eftri Puryear vs. "Bad News" SOCIAL WORKERS Katelman, and A. Hichards. - ^By a few Innocent a the assurance contained in" the new HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT SUPor an unmarried child of an alien, who Murphy, and "Pal" and "Pony* Mr. Henry Monsky, Omaha AtMoore.; ' CHRISTIAN" EMIGRANTS TO smoker of the Men's Club, in which [prime minister's pronouncement retorney, was elected president of the PORTS PERCENTAGE NORM. has been permanently adnutted^to this PALESTINE. "We will have one stag social each I stated the attitude"- of President garding the fulfillment of the minoriNebraska Social Workers a t their. Budapest.-(J. T. A.)-A proposal country would also be permitted to month for the members", said Abnei Lowell of Harvard University toward ties* "justified cultural and national Jerusalem.—(J. C. B.)—Seventy conference Tuesday at Fontenelle ,. _ -^ Kaimen, president of the lodge. Thfl , the admission of Jewish students, 1J demands,"1 „ thirteen deputies Tepre- Christian immigrants from'Georgia Hotel. ' Other officers are Miss Annie to abolish the percentage norm come in. against Jewish students in the HunObjection was jnade by Congress- next social will be held the latter part jjuddenly find myself in the headlines, Renting the-minority nationalities in who have, been traveling l»y way of C. Kramph, of North Platte, first .facing reporters, statements, denials the national assembly joined with six Anatolia, Syria and Galilee, have ar- vice-president; 13. M. Johnson, of ¥ arian universities was .ejected in the man s^gel to **,vm °* the ^ a r of March. Plans are being made by. and conflict. -My statement was made others in opposing the'vote of ,confi- rived a t Haifa. They" have been very Fremont, second-vice-president. Two k thi Premier Paulpik. Sixty-five cordially received by the Jewish colon- new members of the executive board (faring- the open "forum discussion deputies of the government party vot- migrants from Kussia, Poland anu an address."of Dr. Percy members voted in"favoir of the ne"Wjists,-who Jhave offered themJiospitaU are Mrs. R. J. Birss, of Omaha, and ing against lifting the disabilities 1 countries of Eastern Europe. | ious social. '& 'Grant on "Freedom and Justice", .government's-policies* • " _ ' ' _ ity- { . • C. E. Prevey, of Lincoln.
»>*r:~ «*..-. i »
Over 200 Fathers And Sons Make Merry At B'Nai B'Rith Banquet
Meeting Lowell Opposed
a Meeting to Be Held Jewish Congressmen To Oppose Quota Cut At Labor Lyceum, Feb. 25
„_!_ _
*3± nA «M«
-*M±4-4-M*i^0 i«m«Mi<iMMrfiA'n
, » •.•
Temple Israel Sunday;Schoor Saturday afternoon, March 3, at the Temple. Prizes will be given for the best costumes. • Mr. J. Katz was in Omaha several days last week on business. Mrs. Mitchell Katleman and Miss Sadie Levey will entertain Saturday afternoon at the Athletic Club at luncheon honoring Mrs. George Leyey^ of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Harry Sher, of Los Angeles, Calif., who are visiting here. A Women's Committee on Patriotic Activities was recently organized by twenty-eight organizations who take part in patriotic Work. The Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, are the two Jewish organizations who have joined the Women's Committee.
REV. E. FLEISHMAN "TheMohl" Residence, 1343 8a. 35th St. lei. Atlantic 66S7. Place .of Baslnrsft, 1639 No. 24th St. Tel. Webyter 2916.
You Feel Just as Good as Your Clothes Look
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• \
PAGE 3 - T H E . JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1923 SisterhootPat the Fiftieth Anniversary Mr. Meyer Silberman, of Des entertain at its annual card party The Omaha Junior Hadassah elected «mw»«i»nitn»miw»nm::«nmm of the Union American Hebrew Moine's, Iowa, is visiting here with Wednesday afternoon, March 7, at officers at their regular rueeting held For better qualities at j | Congregations held recently in New friends. the Brandeis Grill. For reservations Wednesday evening, February 7, at York City. most reasonable prices Mrs. Sam Goldstein, and daughter, of tables please call Mrs. Julius New- the Jewish Community Center* The man, Mrs.. Meyer Spiesberger, or following were elected: president, see • Rabbi Frederick Cohn's subject'for Frances Marie, of Missouri Valley, Gertrude Kooper; vice-president, Anne Friday evening a t the Temple will be Iowa, is visiting here with Mr. Gold- Mrs. M. Solomon. "The Spirit of Washington", and on stem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. M. S. Miller returned the {Greenberg; secretary, Laura Givot; Saturday morning his subject will be Goldstein. • early part of the week from Des treasurer, Mary Maizel; reporter, Established 1892 ' 'Ethics and Judaism". Moines, la., where she visited for Betty Fine; and Mrs. Max Fromkin Miss Ruth Cohen, of Chicago, 111., the past two weel£s with her brother. was elected the club advisor. 8 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 Miss Libby Minkin, visiting here with her sister, Mrs- Mr. M. D. Goodman. The Hadassah will hold an open Diamonds, Jewelry and Sam Weinberg, of Fremont, Nebr., Joseph Levey. Mrs. Levey will entermeeting: Wednesday evening, FebPlatinum Designing. were honored at a number of enter- tain twelve at an Orpheum theatre Miss Rella Singer, who has been ruary 21, at the Jewish' Community tainments given during the past party honoring her sister. confined at her home on account of f-enter. A social program is being illness for the past week, is convalesc- arranged for the evening's entertainThe bride will have as her attend- week. .Miss Ethel Reuben enterWEDDINGS Mrs. A. H. Diamond, Mrs.' Jess' ing. V ment. Everyone is cordially invited ants her sister, Miss Sarah Smith, tained'; eight Wednesday evening at Pregler, and son, Robert, and Mrs. the Orpheum followed by dinner at to SNADER-BARMISH. and the Misses Mae Shapiro of LinThe Daughters of Israel Aid So- attend. Nate Sherman returned Tuesday The marriage of Miss Ann Bar-coln, and Marion Fried. The groom's the Brandeis Tea Rooms. The Board of the Council of Jewish morning; from Chicago, 111., where ciety wQl hold its regular monthly .-nish, daughter of Mrs. SI Banrush of attendants will be his brother, Mr. IDA I. FREir&N, Prop. meeting at the Jewish Old People's Women will hold its regxilar meeting1 The Misses Myrle Freidel and they attended the wedding of their this city, to Mr. Harry Snader of Abe Millman, Mr: Jack Smith, brother sister, Sadie Grawoig, to Mr. Abra- Home at 2504 Charles street Tuesday Monday afternoon at the Jewish ComLincoln, Neb., took place Thursday, of the bride, and Mr. Maurice Frank- Minnette Gross won the girl's prize fox-trot at the Thtopeain Athletic ham' Garad of Chicago, on Sunday afternoon, February "20. The officers munity Center. February 8, at the Lindell hotel. The lin, willV act as best man for the Club dance Sunday evening. evening, February 11. Mrs. Pregler of the organization, elected at its last, 311 South 16th Sti°et bridesmaids attending the bride were groom. Master Harold Smith will be meeting are: Mrs. S. Ravitz, presi"ihe Misses Nina Shostak, Minnie the . ringbearer. Little ; Miss Minnie . • Missr Gertrude Leyine , returned and Mrs. Sherman spent the past dent; Mrs. A. Wolf, vice president; Phone Atlantic 8010. Greenstone, Celia Marks of Lincoln,! Millman will be the flower-girl. Rib- home from' an extended Btay in Chi-. three weeks in Chicago, while Mrs. Mrs. P. Schlaifer, secretary; Mrs. A. -WANTED—Young man to work Diamond arrived in Chicago to atin store. S t e a d y position. Open Evenings. and Miss Anne Black of Omaha. T h e ' bon-stretchers will be "Lena, Goldiej cagoy-Hl., where she visited "with tend Silverman, recording secretary, and the wedding. Give references. Write to Box ushers were Messrs. Ralph Devorsky, and Ida Millman, and Anne Singer. relatives, and friends. , . Mrs. M. Tatle, treasurer. The trustees Only Jewish Florist in town. 500, care of The Jewish Press, Sam Theodore of Omaha, and LewAfter a wedding trip the young couple Miss Marion Cohn of Council are: Mesdames: J. Sherman, W. BarMrs. Frederick Rosenstock enter- Bluffs, la., and Miss Dorothy Singer son, and S. Olander. Marks and Jack Chesseb of Lincoln. will be at home with the groom's ' 482 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. WEDDING BOUQUETS. tained at her home Tuesday after- left Friday evening for Chicago, W-, The matron of honor was Mrs. I.parents, temporarily. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! noon a t her home in honor of her where they attended the wedding of Clayman, sister of the bride. Mr. I. Miss Rose Block, who is to be marsister, Mrs. Maurice Hexter, of their cousin, on Sunday evening, ried during the month of March to Clayman acted as best. man. Ribbon ENGAGEMENTS Boston,;Mass., who is visiting at the February 1L stretchers were the Misses Bess Mr. Archie Kroloff of Sioux City, la., Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bernstein an- home of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenstock. Blank and Molly Ravitz of this city, of their Mr. Hexter wiH"arrive from Boston • Mrs. Jake Rosenblum will entertain is being extensively entertained. MesEnd Hyman Bricker and Jack Pollack. nounce, the engagement v dames Joe Block and I. Fox enterdaughter, Ruth, to Mr. Albert Pitlor at a bridge luncheon at her home The out of town guests present at of this city* No date has as yet l>een Saturday morning to visit at the Wednesday afternoon, February 21. tained forty guests at a linen shower Rosenstock home and'attend the Anat the Burgess-Nash Tea rooms Wedthe wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. J? set for the wedding. nual meeting of the Jewish Welfare Newman, Mr. and Mrs. I. Clayman, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman re- nesday afternoon, honoring MisS MK and Mrs. A. Theodore, Mr. Lew Miss Ann Rochman who is to be Federation to be held Sunday even- turned to Omaha the past week from Block. Mrs. Joe Block entertained A splendid opportunity to get Shostak, Miss Hannah Kully, and married to Mr. Reuben Brown on ing at the Fontenelle Hotel. Lincoln, Neb., where they attended twelve guests a t an Orpheum Treater the prettiest of spring coats for party Sunday. Miss Bess Fox will Mrs. S. Barmish, the bride's mother, Sunday evening, February 18, has Over"one hundred attended the the Snader-Barmish-wedding. the juniors and little folks at entertain at a bridge tea Satuniny aiAnne and Bess Blank, Molly Ravitz, been extensively entertained. The Temple Israel Sisterhood Masquerade prices less than usual. The Jewish Women's Welfare Orternoon at the Brandei* Tea rooms. and Mr. Ed Snader of Omaha; Mr. hostesses "during the past week were Dance held at the Blackstone Hotel and Mrs. L. Snader of Norfolk, Neb.; Miss Hannah Kooper who entertained Wednesday evening. Prizes were ganization will entertain at a dance A number of other socials are being Mr. and Mrs. Stone of Des Moines, at her home Sunday afternoon, Feb- awarded to persons having the most and card party at the Blaekstone Ho- planned for Miss Block prior to her tel Wednesday evening, March 14. wedding rfr.y Iowa. / ruary 11. Mrs. Sam Schwartz, of original and most artistic costumes Mrs. J . Blank, chairman of the social Mr. and Mrs. Snader vril make their Council Bluffs, la., entertained at her and were won by Mrs. Cora Wolf, Mrs. Sol Degen and daughter, home at 2543 B street at Lincoln, home Monday afternoon. Tuesday who represented a nun; Miss Lorehe committee, is in charge of this affair. Hazel, left Sunday for California. 1 after the first of March. evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rochman Rosenstock, who was costumed as an • little Miss Frances Sort, daughter Mrs. Snader -was quite extensively entertained at their home. Miss Sarah electric lamp; Mr. Philip- Wolfson, of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort, is home These coats have just arrived Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg enterentertained during the past several Blumenthal entertained Wednesday •who was costumed as 'a scare-crow; from the Lord Lister hospital recovfrom the mantifacturer. The styles tained at their home Friday evening. weeks by both Lincoln and Omaha evening at herhome. Thursday after- Mr. Lester Heyn, who was costumed ering from an injury received reand materials are complete in every size. Sport coats, polo coats, friends. noon Mrs. Max Wezelman entertained as the S h i e k . Impersonations cently. many with the iiew cape effects. at a bridge-tea at her home honoring were given by Mrs. H e r m a n All materials and colors. Sites RACUSIN—ZUCKER Mr. and Mrs. J. Finkel entertained Miss Rochman. Other socials were Kamen, as Eddie Leonard.; and Miss 6 to 17. The marriage of Miss Dorothy given for Miss Rochman and fiance, Harriet Fleishman as Tony, the at a family dinner party at their"BEAUTY SERVICE" Zucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Mr. Reuben Brown, during the past Bootblack. home Tuesday evening, February 6, Phone JA. 6457 411 So. 24th Ave., Opposite Wise Memorial Hospifal V. Zucker, to Mr. William A. Racusin, several weeks. in honor of their golden wedding anOpen Evenings. Reasonable Prices. •was solemnized last Monday, Februniversary. Seventy-five guests were ^ Mrs. Harry Fellheimer entertained ary 21, a t the Hotel Blackstone by , The Rona Club, a Jewish boys at her home Thursday afternoon in present. Rabbi Frederick Cohn. About two fraternity, was recently organized honor of Mrs. Charles-Mock and Mrs. The Council of Jewish Women will hundred guests were present and for with a membership of ten boys. The H. Gold, of Milwaukee, the former MONHEirS whom dinner was served in the officers of the organization are: visiting at the home of Mr. and Chiropodist and Beauty Oriental Room. president, Milton Mandelson; Melvin Mrs. Fred Rosenstock and Mrs. Gold All Orders Given Prompt and Shop Careful Attention. Mr. Ben, Racusin, brother of the Radman, . secretary; Ben Slutzky, at the home of Mr. and-Mrs. FellBsta Minded IHBO "A Store of Individual Shops " •Stb and Hmrnry gtm*-. groom, was the best man; while L treasurer, and Lester Slosburg, re- heimer. WELSH'S FLOWERS Give us a chance to ap16th and Farnam Second Floor—To The Eight Levinson, Milton Simon, Jack Fleish- porter. "'••". 'I-''' . preciate yonr business. For (Guara tteedl appointments call Ja. £774. Mr. knd Mrs. Dave Uosenstock will "FLOWERS MAKE FKIENOS" man, and Jarvis Fxeiden were the ushers. Little Lee Goldbla-t dressed -Miss- ~43arah .JSmith entertained entertain fourteen guests a t a^ dinner TeL Ja. 4201. Brandeis Theatre Bide. 210 So. t7tb St. Omaha. in beautiful white satin nttire, was twenty-five: guests a t herhome Sun- party at the Brandeis Restaurants day afternoon Honoring her sister, Saturday evening tn honor of Mr. the ring bearer. Bernice Schall, of Sioux City, Iowa, was- the maid of Miss, Nettie Smith, who is soon to be and Mrs. Maurice Hexter, of Boston, honor, and Mrs. Maurice Katelman, married to -Mr. Louis "MfliwiaTt. A and Mrs. Charles Mock, and Mrs. H. j the matron of honor; while Miss number of other socials were given Gold, of Milwaukee, Wis. AUDITING AND INCOME honoring Miss Smith and her fiance. Bosella Klein, and Mrs. P . Blacker, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman .;•• T A X R E P O R T S •were the bridesmaids. Each of the Mrs. Cora-Wolf was elected one of left Saturday evening for Friendslake ladies wore a colonial corsage of Springe, Ind., where they expect to 208 Karbach Blk. Jackson 2260. roses and sweet peas. Little Pearl t i e members of the Executive Board be for several weeks. , of the National Federation of the Meyerson attired in a light blue crepe dress, was the flower girL The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a beautiful Grecian-styled white imported satin dress embroidered with flowers Dodge Brothers, with equal aptness, coold have named and trimmed" with pearls. it the Family Sedan. The young couple are both graduates from the Omaha High School. In the first place, it is big end roomy—a five-passenger -They immediately left for Chicago car that will really seat five adults in comfort Tber» and other eastern points for their is no space wasted on superfluous adornments. Every honeymoon, and will be gone about inch of body and chassis is put to actual use. two or three weeks. They then will There are no delicate cloth furnishings to be soiled by be at home at 2869 Vane St., with the children. The seats are upholstered in durable and the bride's parents.
i Goldstein Jewelry Co.
• • 11 i . . "
. '
Kiddies and Juniors
New SpringCoats
$4.95 io $42.50 Lilliputian Shoppe
W. J. Yates Accounting Co
ADLER-MOSKOVTIZ. Miss Nellie Moskovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs." A. Moskovitz, will be married to Mr. Leo Adler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon -Adler of this city, on Tuesday evening, February 20. Rabbi Frederick Colin will officiate. The fteremony and wedding dinner will be at the home of the bride's parents, followed by a reception a t the Blackstone Hotel. The bride will have as her attendants her sister, Miss Sylvia Moskovitz, and niece, Miss Bertha Hardy, who will act as the bridesmaid. The groom will have his brother, Mr. Ben Adlerj as his best man. Mr. Adler and his bride will leave on - an eastern honeymoon trip and prill be a t home after March 1. BERNSTEIN-ZEIDMAN. The marriage of Miss Etta Zeidman, daughter of Mrs. C. Zeidman, to Mr. George Bernstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.. Bernstein of this city, will bake place Sunday evening, March 4, it the Swedish Auditorium. . -- KROLOIPF^LOCE. Four hundred invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Rose Block, daughter of Mrs. R. Block, to Mr. Archie Kroloff, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Sol Kroloff of Sioux City, la., ihat has been set for Sunday evening, March 4, at the Blackstone hotel. MILLMAN-SMrrBr. - The, marriage of Miss Nettie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H, Smith, to Mr. Louis Millman, son of Mr. *nd Hrs. H. Millman of. this city, will take place Sunday erening, February 25, at StreWow Terrace Ballroom. Rabbi Gfodinsky will officiate before the presence of ov>* 100 guea***- .'
You Art Never Far Away By Long Distance Telephone A few miles away or several hundred,—it is all the same by "Long Distance." To keep in touch with, home or business, to get information quickly, to avoid expensive trips, or for any business or social purpose, "Long Distance" is the best way. Approximately half rates apply beyond certain distances for etation-to-station calls after 8:30 p. m. and approximately quarter rates from midnight to 4:30 a. m. 1
Ask "Long Distance" for the rate . for any class of service, at any time, to,any point.
attractive blue Spanish leather. There is ho sensitive varnish to be easily scratched c-r finger-spotted. The body is steel-built—a. new principle in Sedan design—making it possible to finish the exterior in Dodge Brothers oven-baked enamel, the most durable finish known. The rear seat furnishings comeont—instantly converting the rear section into a spacious carrying compartment —handy for carrying trunks, boxes and household luggage of all sorts. Children can romp and play to their hearts' eactMtt in this car, and when cleaning time comes, you can turn the hose on it—inside and out.
O'BRIEN-DAVIS-COAD AUTO COMPANY 28th and Harney Streets, Hsmey 0123 OMAHA AUTOMOBILE SHOW, February 26 to March S
, - - •
- .
DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS * convinced ,-that Henry Ford is deter-. We assume that ^ our people have Fpjrd-for-President campaign. And nouncement of iis purpose in October in Mr. Ford's hearing. Others, men mined-to make himself President of , right to their own preferences." this was just a- few months after included a paragraph from the articles who were once high officials in the the United States, and that he 'plans In spite of this absolute declaration President Harding's first year of of- of incorporation: "To recommend, Ford organization, say that in private to use the Aladdin-like power he al-from the owner of the Ford Motor fice has been completed. indorse and promote the election of conversation there is only one topic ready posses to accomplish this end. Company, the organization is being From persons qualified to speak for candidates for public office, and that interests the automobile manuBy^BOYDEN SPARKES Where Theodore .Roosevelt would used for a political purpose. This Mr. Ford, it was learned about that particularly to recommend, indorse facturer and that is his prospects for have had to content himself by argu- force •which made it apparent that time that the manufacturer was and promote the candidacy of Henry becoming master of the White House. Henry Ford, who is therichestman ing in speeches'and writings in favor "birds, might have votes" Is being willing to make the^ace "if the Ford for, and his election to, the (To be continued next week.) in the world, is determined to be the Boyden Sparfees, a nationally of conservation of the Forests, Henry used to aid in the creation of a "Ford- demand comes from the people and Presidency of the United States". known newspaper correspondent and President of the United States. authority on politics, spent several not from a political party". It was - At the Dearborn plant of the Ford days in Interviewing- Mr. Ford and That is the belief of men who know Ford has been afcle to buy a forest for-President" organization. t i c latter'B close associates, The where timber is harvested with a care On May 23 what was described in also permitted to become known that Motor Company, which is now given Place your orders for all of politics there is to know and of results of his investigation disclosful regard for the young growth of dispatches to New York as a "group Mr. Ford was stipulating that no' over to* the publication of "The Dearing that Mr. Ford is determined to Matzos and Passover Supmen who know Henry Ford as few run for President la 1934 and has ' of enthusiasts" met in Dearborn, money should be' spent for extensive born Independent", and experimental plies now. Best qualities. been, setting the stagQ since 1016, men may know him. Personal invest- trees. are reprinted from the New> Xork Where Senator Borah must show •where Ford lives and- works, and campaign headquarters and a large laboratories, W. A. Cameron, editor Lowest prices. igation of what has been misTribune. By special Permission QI his opposition to "war in Senate formed the Henry Ford-for-President force of workers. FromT the iead- of "The Dearborn Independent", will toe Editor. : Mr. Sparfces' prematqro Mrs. S. SILVER, represented as a spontaneous growth exposure of ho^r Mr. .Ford's stupen2318 Charles St. , Web. 6678 of Ford-for-President sentiment has speeches and resolutions Henry Ford Club. There were 137 persons qoarters of the Ford-for-President tell callers who inquire that it is fordous business organization la! being used In the plan to make - liim persuaded me that their belief j s is able to make a spectacular offer present, and each had fitted over the Club it "was announced that the mem- bidden to mention the word President President' cas created. consternation to purchase the entire French navy crown of his hat a red cardboard tube bership was growing enormously, among those who "talked" too freely. correct. for, the purpose of transmuting it into on which was emblazoned in large "but spontaneously". This investigation'showed that at automobiles and tractors. black letters, <(We Want Henry". ; I talked with Henry Ford; with W. Dearborn, Mich., the capital of the WASH AND KEEP WELL Agents asked to Foster Movement. Among other evidence of the While the country was involved in J. Cameron, present editor " of his billion-dollar Ford organization, there A RULE OF HEALTH Then, on June 29, the first action weekly paper, "The Dearborn In- is a working alliance between that a discussion as to how the railroads "spontaneity" of the conception of this was taken which may definitely be organization and the supposedly should be operated Henry Ford bought idea were a^ number of placards bear- counted as an attempt to use the FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY 1819 California Street. altruistic Henry Ford for President a railroad, reduced .rates and made it ing a large picture of the automobile Ford organization to boost its owner 'One of America's Great Hotels" manufacturer above a .-heavy«type"d show a profit. Club. into the White House. A letter was dependent'?; -with E. G. Pipp, who was ' Since 1916 he has been setting a slogan, "Join this movement to Boost sent to each of the 7,000 Ford sales the first editor of that publication; pplitical stage where Henry Ford is Dearborn's Honored Citizen." These agents in the United States. The Every Kncwn Kind • cards, which urged every citizen of letter read as follows: with United* States Senators; with both, hero and Belasco. of Insurance Dearborn—there are 1,700—to attend EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE government officials and with politic- Elimination or Waste, His War Cry. WHOLESALE Home Organization LAUNDRY. the meeting, had been placed in con209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. ians who normally do their work beWhere your clothes come borne Henry Ford for President Clubs Druggists and Stationers I The principal fetish of Henry Ford spicuous places about the town. cleaner and last loncer. hind tHe scenes. ' Dearborn, Michigan. is the elimination of waste. The 4Q1-403-405 South lOtb Street William T. Kronberg, editor of "The 1507-11 Jackson St. When I had finished I found mysolf thought t>f permitting oil from the -•':"••' June 22, 1922. AT lantic 0280. Dearborn Press", a weekly newspaper, H A. JACOBBERGER. Pres. 1 I pDear e a r Friend . EMIL GANZ & SON machines in his plants to run into made one of the speeches that night, j m a r e taking the liberty of reCertified Poblic Accountants sewers when it might be captured and Omaha Office: 813 Doaglas Street. 1417. Douglas Street in a. larger gathering it might have , ^ from u e s t i n the of Omaha Fhonn Atlantic 2556 refined would keep him awake until address. INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS been referred to as a keynote address Phone 104 an urgent favor. 109 No. 16th 8t. Tel JA ckson 8128 he had devised a scheme to save it. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. Audits' and Investigations "Mr. Ford", said the editor, "has j We are doing this, firmly convinced' Opposite Post-Office. The Best of EverythlnR in Flowers and 1 EMII. GANZ C. P. A. V. M. GASZ R. A. FORH. At his River Rouge plant, near GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys made no formal announcement of his Confections at Moderate Prlcei. 'Office Phones: • President and General Manager, Detroit, low volatile gases from the attitude on the question of being a that you will welcome the opportunity Jack. 5212 — Ha. MOO —fln.091S From $3.00 to $9.00. 345 W Broadway. Next Liberty Theater Council BlDfTs (Iowa) Oflioe GOOD FURNISHINGS. blast furnaces are piped to the lower a candidate for President of the of furthering the cause of a mutual 021 So. Main Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Phone SC3 plant boilers, there joining sawdust "United States, but I can state j.friend. 1 and shavings from the body plant to positively that he isin a receptive ' We are desirous'of extending the make fuel. It is a businesslike utiliza- frame of mind. Although he is really I "Ford for President" clubs into every Carpenter Paper Co. tion of waste products. This passion Republican, that party would refuse section of the nation and we ask that Distributor* of you fill out the attached blank with ' Wall Receptacles— end TOIG-3 for economy seems to be operating; to accept him. becaus e of his OUR- TREATMENT WILL Western Bond—and High CO5TVINCE \OV OP OUB , the requested information concerning light—WIRING—Power back of Ford's desire to be President. to — Democratic Senatorial campaign. j! some one in your community with SINCERITY. Grade Stationery —Bell Transformers Trust Department. In the distribution of the 7,000,000 AUPariii "Therefore, if the Henry Ford for : whom we can communicate and who Omaha. Nebraska. Safety Deposit Boxes. WAtaut 3034. 40 & Cuming Sts. Ford automobiles that have been President Club can induce him to do of the manufactured since his first gasoline so, he will become a candidate on a you feel could best head a "Ford for World buggy was built, in 1893, there has platform of honest currency among President" organization. He must be ( one who can give his services and he grown an organization of 7,000 keen- other things." Money Sent to All • must expect nothing more than better witted sale agents. More than once Foreign Countries About a week later Editor Kron- I government in return for his coMr. Ford, p-ist have been tempted to berg announced that the formation of 1 O D e r a t j O n "Manufactured in Omaha" '' /flMrrl'Sgns employ this army for the sale ,of a Henry Ford-for-President Club in I If you believe an organization, •'SwEDSTER something besides Ford automobiles. ;each Congressional district in the ! BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WHOLESALE PAPER, II2.O When" he designed and started the country-wasi the aim of the home ;: whose aim wfll be to cooperate with 1708 Farnaxn St. . => Omaha MO. 18™ST. STATIONERY, ETC ; many others of like nature in adproduction of tractors it was a simple organization. . Mr. Kronberg also let Distributors for . vancing Mr. Ford's candidacy in 1924, matter to use this sales force to create it be known that a permanent organwould not receive favor in your comPink Tip Matches — over night a demand that kept the ization of the home club- would be — LET US DO yOTJB WELDING V ' .. Northern Toilet Tissue tractor plant spouting smoke and formed at a meeting to be held on munity, kindly so state in your return. But, at any rate, we expect and will tractors twenty-four hours a day. June 7, 1112 Harney Street , j look forward to a reply", and as it is In his autobiography, written in The principal speaker at the June AT lantic 6409 THE CAREFJJL WELDERS imperative that the information we rel.JA. 4397. Anything : : Anytime : ; Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. collaboration with Samuel Crowther, meeting wa^^the secretary, James seek be in our hands a t an early date, Mr. Ford has shown that he Greene, a lawyer of Dearborn. The we are depending upon you to return recognizes that the employment of other officers* too, were Dearborn the stub attached hereto as soon as this vast human machine in certain folks, the president being the Rev. possible. - . - ' . . directions would be unethical. He William Dawes, pastor of the Temptation Besets Yon We are inclosing a Dearborn memwrote, or Mr. Crowther wrote for Methodist Church of Dearborn. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. When You Enter bership card, believing that you may PAXTON--AND him: Among the executive board of be desirous of becoming identified with Service is Our Motto CANDIES, ICE €BEAM, "The only time I ever used the twelve were .Herman Kalmbach, the the home organization. In the event GALLAGHER Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. LUNCHES. Ford.organization to influence legisla- acting president of the Dearborn you are unable to accept our invitaand State Bank, which belongs to Ford, tion to join, either pass the card on d e WP*1«M,T v . , vi, -A f ^ y d Ford, Dearborn sates agent to some one who desires it or return r i » ^ ^ c L e * n burd baU provid- for the Ford car and a.cousm of the i t Vhen you your information. y send in y 16th and, Farnam Streets ing lor bird sanctuaries for our automobile manufacturer. Secretary Awaiting an early reply, we are, Every Known Kind BUTTER^ and EGGS . migratory birds, had been banging in Greene told his fellow Ford boosters Crystal Candy Company of Insurance Congress, with every likelihood of at the second meeting: "Mr. Ford's HENRY FORD FOR PRESIDENT Councdl Bluffs. la. 16th and Capitol Are. CLUB dying a natural death. Its immediate ' principles of economics are sound. He 209 WV O. W. Bids. Donsrlas 0380 Home Organization. sponsors, could not arouse much has proved them- And for this reason interest among the Congressmen, "we need no platform to elect him. By JAMES E. GREENE, Secretary. ITEN Birds do not vote. We got behind that What we do need is a man who can At the bottom of the letter was a and we asked each of our 6,000 manage the affairs of the country coupon intended for the Ford agent BISCUIT CO. bill Made by dealers to wire to his representative for the benefit of the people, and to use in sendingr the desired informaUNDERTAKERS tion to headquarters. The opening UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST Snow White in Congress. It began to become ap- Henry Ford is that man." 2224 Cuming St. parent that birds might have votes; J Scores of communications from all paragraph of the letter was phrased FOOD CO. Bakeries Phone JAckson 1226 - OMAHA. NEBRASKA. (Re*. O. S. Pat. the bill went through. Our organiza- parts of the country had been pour- as a request, but in the fourth paraOffice.) tion hag never been used for any ing in, Secretary Greene said, the graph there was 3 stronger note of political purpose and never will be,, i writers seeking information about the command: "But, a t any rate, we ex~ ' ' . pect;and will look forward to a reply, AUTO PAINTING H E A D S ' T ' t j r i ? " T T T T TDTTTTAA? C T T n n n T ? " land as it is or COUNCIL BLUFFS Top and Body Building and Repairing. We pay 4% Interest on Savins
How Henry Ford is We Iding • a Political Machine
FRED R. SHAW Flower Shop
John Feldman
Steamship Tickets
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Council B!u • fs Savings Bank
Baker Ice Machines
Peters Trust Co.
The Britm & Jensen Company
Love Haskell Co.
First National Bank
Quaker Bread Made With Milk
City National Bank :a.nn Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Bojes for Bent.
O F T H E GOLDSTEIN-CHAPMAN CO. >nearly *t», we ate deeding npo,
One of the most interesting spots faculties in finding—thirteen, fifteen, >'ou t o return the stub attached herein_the ne_w store of Individual Shops,! seventeen sinzes. In fact, she states t o as s o o n as possible". Edward F. Kelley has become head is the "Lilliputian Sh'oppe.'7 Thou- i that she is leaving again Si Saturday for of the Chicago Ford-foi>President sands of people whohave thronged New York in order to purchase an * ADVO COFFEE this store, remarked about how much additional supply of the newer Spring Club, which has its offices in 30 North Michigan Avenue. they were impressed by this unusual Junior models. ADVO JELL ADVO FOODS Shoppe, They invariably stated they Both Misses Anna and Bess GreenNew York has its Henry Ford-forcould spend hours of delight and in-berg are daughters of one of Omaha's President Club also. The sign on the terest in the "Lilliputian Shoppe." pioneer Jewish families, and are very door of Room 1014 in 1270 Broadway Like the majority of the store, it well known among both the older and says, "Franco-American Products ' is colored in the two-tone grey, and younger sets. Miss Bess Greenberg Corporation," but the same office also Kaplan Auto Parts Co. FEATHER COMFORTERS is fitted with daylight fitting rooms. is the Secretary of the Women's shelters George H. Proctor, the execu~; Sill Nicholas Street ,- i Made from Toot Own Feathers. ' It is the only Shoppe of its kind in. Auxiliary I. O. B. B. No. 354. tive secretary of the New York Henry Aenovated, J-e-matfe or made to older. .Omaha, that'features everything for Ford-for-President Club, and his bobUsed cars bought, sold, and exAH hand-filled. We call and deliver. "changed. New gears, and axle shafts the girlie—from the day she is born haired stenographer. . for any make of car. . Omaha Pillow Co. until she is nineteen years of age— "Whom", inquires a small, yellow : 1S07 CnmlnB St. Phonn Jackson 3467 Tires. Tubes find. Accessories • .. The Old Reliable House. ' for everything Nfrom the infants Below Wholesale Pri leaflet printed with red ink that was through the juniors, is displayed in distributed by this office not long ago, We have purchased 122,000 this one department. "would 'you choose for President?" pair U. S. Army Munson last The electric-lighted cases display a It continues: "We want local organshoes, sizes 5% to 12, whica rich .array of exquisite handiwork for izers. If in sympathy with the move-1 was the entire surplus stock Ft 8.' MOBEY. Prop. I the infant—and gifts for the "new of one of the largest U. SL ment write us. We can use you." Government shoe contractors. rPHoke Webster 0820. } | arrival" of every sort and, description. >, On the other side of this sheet is " THE- LAUNDRY /TBUtT In fact, In the Infants' Section can printed within a border: "Henry Ford This shoe is guaranteed one , EVERYBODY. LIKES. * be found everything imaginable1 for says", and beneath %&t: * hundred percent solid leather, color dark tan, bellows the infant—from the little' garments "I want to abolish poverty from tongue, dirt and waterproof. I Hanna Lump —L 4512.50 •that are an absolute, necessity, to America." The actual value of this shoe OniahaVflewest Sport Goods Store the dandiest imported fineries.' "I want to make higher wages." Franklin County is $6.00.' Owing to this * Lump ' . .:...$12.50 i ' In tiie Children's section is a very tremendous buy we can offer "I want to make a good home for same to the public at $2.95. large and varied display of dresses, every child". ; Colorado Smokeless - . $ 1 0 . 5 0 Petroleum Coke, - , coats, sweaters/ and underwear, capes "W,ealth would not be such a curse Send correct size. Pay postfop party, school and sport' wear for • man on delivery or send if (everbody helped carry it". • Best Grade . _ $16.00 money oder. If shoes are the school girlie. , - - Opposite, beneath "Henry Ford Delivered to any part of the not as represented we -will Then last, but not least, is a very facts, is. printed: cheerfully refund your money "He is young, only fifty-six years. -.unusual display of afternoon, evening ; promptly upon request. He is a sociologist, not a Socialist.and sport dresses, coats and wraps He isJLQO per cent practical. He is for the Junior tip to nineteen years of . ",'•' WElwter 2605.. ^ ' > -age., - Miss Anne. Greenberg states she deeply religious as expressed in words. H e i s ambitious—for all the people —• is- going to carry a^large W very iinnniminiimtm 296 Br'dway, New York. .N. Y. and 0U8 COUNTRY". . . i smart line "of the ''in-between" sizes The club in - sending out ah an-" PATRONIZE :0UR- ADVERTISERS! that the'jumors Lave been. Laving dif-
JAckson 1862'
McCord-Brady Co.
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Emerson Laundry.
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Leo A. Hoffmann
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0 :•<> .38