March 1, 1923

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The children* of tc ' day are the me

"Build for Better Children'* and a better O m a h a Jewry.

and women of '•storical






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Sf • • • tocond-elagi mill matter on January 27th, 1021, at office at Omaha, Nebraska, under tba Act « March 8, 1870.

Rabbi is Unfrocked Upon Confessing as Renegade, Informer Furnished Arguments 20 Years Ago in Hilsner Blood l i e Accusation. SENSATIONAL HEARINGS STAGED BY N, Y. RABBIS New York—(J. _C. B.).-^In one of the most sensational hearings -. ever staged before a Jewish rabbinical court, Judah Elfenbein, rabbi of the Jacob H. Schiff Center, 2481 Valentine Avenue, Bronx, charged with being a convert to the Greek; Orthodox Church and later one of its priests and also with having famished the arguments that -were used by antiSemites to send Leopold Hilsner, some 20 years ago, to prison in Austria for life on a ritual blood accusation, was. unfrocked after the rabbi broke down and confessed. Elfenbein's real name, according to his accusers and his own, confession, was Judah Elfenbein Tillinger. But ' earning to the United States in 1920, he found that the name Tillinger, associated as it was with the. trial of Hilsner in Austria and with having become ari-apostate of the faith, had preceded him and did not smack* well uf Jewish circles. Dropping the name Tillinger and growing a beard, according to the charges, Elfenbein who had been a student of Jewish theological seminaries in Vienna and Berlin, easily worked his way into the Jewish pulpit; serving as rabbi at YpungBtown, O., Easton,, Pa., and Brooklyn', and lastly at the new Jacob H. Schiff Center in the Bronx.

FORD,FINANCES SWISS ' ANTI-SEMITISM. Geneva. (J. T. AJ—A strong anti-Semitic movement, which it is alleged is being financed by Henry Ford,'is under way in Switzerland. A translation of the anti-Semitic articles appearing in Ford's Dearborn Independent has been made and is being widely distributed in. book form in all Swiss official circles. Copies too have been furnished to allofficials in the "League of-Nations.


"COHEN OF CANADA" IS ADVISERTO SUN YAT SEN Russian Jewry ReMinority Assails Report On Latest Immigration Bill in Year and Half Congressman Siegel, Sabbath and Maloney Attack House Immigration Bill as Discriminatory. 2% QUOTA SUBSTITUTION VIGOROUSLY ATTACKED

New York; (J. C. B.)—A Jewish young man of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is playing one of the principal roles in the movement which has* its headquarters in Hongkong, China, to restore Sun Yat Sen, ousted executive of South China, to his former position, according to a cable of Junius B. Wood, correspondent of the New York Globe and Chicago News. The Canadian: Jew is Morris A. Cohen. He is described as of handsome appearance and of unmistakable Jewish features. Cohen is one <of the inner circle advisers of Dr. Sun, known as the Kwok Ming-Tang society. He is one of the few nonChinese in that powerful group. Termedi "the: man of mystery" tie is said to be willing to discuss any topic except why he is interested in the politics of China.

Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.)—The type of immigrant, who hazards his life, plumbing the depths of the earth to dig the coal, who lays the subways and stretches out the railrpad tracks —he who in grime and sweat swelters at the hot furnaces of the mammoth v steel mills and who sits with bent back plying his needle and thread— Sokolow Believes no Change in Policy all of these are discriminated against Intended—White Paper ' by the new 2890 clause in the House to Stand. Immigration BilL WANTS AMERICAN NON-ZIONIST This was the charge made by ConCO-OPERATION. gressman Isaac Siegel, Adolph J. Sabath and Robert S. Maloney of the Warsaw.' (J. T. A.)—The British Immigration Committee in their Government' will shortly issue a new minority report made public last Special Program And Initiation Of Large Class To Feature. pronouncement concerning its policy week, i in Palestine, Nahum, Sokolow told the The 1890 clause would substitute I ~—~— JTA here.' When unwilling to fore- the year 1890 as a basis for the im-1 ATTEMPT TO BRING RABBI cast its possible contents, Mr. Sokolow migration quota instead of 1910 as KAAVUfc OF DENVER, COLO, HERE, is of opinion that' it will probably present. "• contain little that is different from "It is a plain-discrimination," says that expressed by the Duke of Devon' the report, "against the immigration The thirty-first anniversary celebrashir» in his recent statement to the from Austria, Czechoslovakia, Ben- tion of the Omaha Hebrew Club will Arabs, that no change may be looked mark, Italy, Norway, Po\aud andRou- be held Sunday evening, March 25, at fori Mr. Sokolow expects the Gov- mania. It is too apparent that it is the Rome Hotel, Final arrangements ernment will announce it has no in- intended not to reduce immigration have been made in securing the large tention to alter its present policy, nor from Great Britain and "Germany, but ballroom' of the Home Hotel for this depart from the principles embodied to completely stop almost all immi- occasion. President Arthur Rosenin the British- Mandate, "but that it gration from all other countries." blum is attempting to secure the will continue to fulfill the objects laid The substitution of the 2 per cent services of Rabbi d. E. Haiel.Kaavur down in the White Paper. quota instead of the present 3 per of Denver, Colo., to. be the principal The rumored unification of -Trans- cent quota is also vigorously attacked speaker of the evening. jordania and Syria, "under Emir Ab- in the" minority report. The 3 per Besides the principal speaker there Casual Cafe-Gossip. Casual gossip at a Second Avenue_ dullah , Mr. 'Sokolow dismissed as cent quota, it points out, was "tempo- will be a musical, and entertaining cafe led to • the unmasking of ihe -"fantastic" • "The.British, 'hold the rarily enacted for the sole purpose of program, according to the committee the rabbi, one of the'p'atrons of the cafe Mandate ' for " Transjordania, One of the safeguarding the United States in charge*' of. the^affair. :> ^Preach-fordropping-a-ftfcit h H f b i J E i D feature e v e n t s " Influx' "of" imagamsT~an antiKi ger was now serving as a rabbL The unification it would be'necesssary for. migrants after the war. Since the en- of the large class Of candidates to report' finallyvreached' the Union.of Transjordania t o - become French or actment of the measure, it was shown membership. Orthodox Rabbis who convoked a spe- for Syria. British. >' Both are hardly that many of the gears which were Already^he contest in the membercial meeting to prove the charges.. possible.' expressed were unfounded, in fact, ship drive is getting well under way. "Speculation over the unification of several of the countries have not even Over fifty members have already ' The rabbis who composed, the."Beth Din" consisted of Rabbis Margolies, Transjordania and Palestine which made full use of their quotas." been secured by the contestants. M. J. L. Seizer, J. Kanowitz, H. Siegel, was rumored daring the ~ Lausanne Polansky had alone handed in twentyThe number of immigrants leaving J. Redelhefcn, S. Meffer, J. Oskolski, Conference, should be treated with the counts is quite considerable, the six applications with Sam Ktaver a A.- Premedski, Meyer Berlin and S. J. caution. The Conference nad not report points out, the. actual excess close second. .The contest will close touched on Palestine and the Arab Yudelflon. on March 25. The club is offering Delegation, while at Lausanne, wag of people coming in over those leav- a prize to the member who secures , Moved by Prayer. ing being, only small. "The 3 per Seemingly moved by prayer, Elfen- not received by any important poll- cent quota law would have permitted the largest amount of applications bein arose and with voice choking with ticians."the coming of over 355,000 immi- for membership to the Omaha Hebrew grief signed a pledge and statement jSpeaking of Sir' Herbert Samuel, grants, but approximately, in the last Club. ' "The general program of the thirtywhich he delivered to the chief of the Mr. Sokolow said: "He i£ not infall- year, only 309,554 arrived." ible, but we insist that he remains at first anniversary celebration of the ' Beth Din. "We feel that the adoption of the his post." "I testify and confirm that I am " "The chief question before the l£90 Census clause is unjustifiable Omaha .Hebrew Club will be one of not deserving'of being a servant of the Thirteenth Congress is the composi- not only for the reason that it is dis- the finest ever held in the city," said sacred profession. 1 pledge myself tion* of the Jewish Agency" Mr. Soko- criminatory, but because it will pre- Arthur Rosenblum, president of the never to attempt a religious position low continued. '.'The Jewish Agency vent the admission of from 60,000 to Club. either as rabbi or teacher in a re- must comprise representatives of the 75,000 laborers, who will shortly be The Omaha Hebrew.Club is one of ligious, school on account of being Zionist Organization and others inter- greatly needed. We are not interest- the oldest organizations in the city unfitted by the deeds of my. youth, ested in the upbuilding.o'f Palestine. ed in supplying, what some may term and now has a membership of over which are widely and generally It should include primarily, the Pales- 'cheap labor*, but we ate deeply con- five hundred. The dub maintains sick benefit for its members and aids x known." tine Department of the I. C. A., which cerned in the welfare of the United The pledge was signed "Judah El- means, actually, Emond de Rothschild. States, whose prosperity . depends them is the time of needs. jgfenbein, formerly Tillinger." ,In the It should include also the . British upon having at least a sufficient midst of the uproar which followed Board of Deputies and representatives amount of unskilled labor. This' can the statement, Elfenbein was led away of American Jewry, outside the Zion- be obtained in a measure by using to the home of a nearby friend on the ist movement." \ . the population figures of 1920 or 1910 East Side. Declaring that the Zionist Organi- as a basis in lieu of the 1890 census Following the signing of the pledge, zation is passing through a financial as the majority has recommended. the Beth Din issued a statement ^on- crisis, Mr. Sokolow said it was pos- We doubt whether our northern and Delegates to United Synagogue Convention in Pittsburgh Pledge firming that Elfenbein was Tillinger sible the approaching Zionist Congress eastern unskilled labor requirements $25,000. and that he was" the Jew who had would be compelled to receive "basic- can be drawn from the south without figured so notoriously in" the Hilsner ally" the principle of the Keren at the same time injuring the growPittsburgh (J. T. A.)—A nationtrial. Hayesod. "Personally," he said,, "I ing, southern industries. Surely tmder- wide drive for $500,000 to support the According to Gershon Bader, a Jew- am in favor of retaining the Keren the stringent provisions of the bill, ish journalist, Tillinger was the au- Hayesod in its present form, and of no etmporary common labor can be United Synagogue and* the Jewish y p , Theological Seminary was started at thor of a series of 12 or 13 articles obtained from Mexico as was done in the United Synagogue Convention completing and developing it." under the name of Stanislavus Tillin1918 and 1919 to relieve the shortage here' in the .Port Pitt Hotel. Dele* ger, in which he charged that Jews of labor in the cotton and sugar beet gates pledged to give $25,000. use Christian blood during the Pas's- JEWISH, CULTURE fields in the southern and southwestLEAGUE TO< PRESENT The United Synagogue of America over festival. PUBLIC CONCERT ern states." went on record as supporting the pro• Seen in Priesf s Garb. Attention is also- called to the fact posal for a World Jewish Congress to ."These writings*" Bader-continued,i The Jewish' Culture League will that the majority report, makes no "made a strong impression. The paper present their ibird, literary and musi- provision for the admission of domes- aid in the upbuilding' of Palestine. which was published by anti-Semites cal concert accompanied by a one-act tics, of whom it is declared there is Dr. Elias L. Soloman of New York was re-elected president, and the fol. had an unusually wide circulation and comedy, "Ach Mira Chasino" by A. a great need. lowing new members were named on the anti-Jewish effect was colossal. Raisin, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd the Executive Committee: Maurice The majority report was also preIri the year 1908, he was made pro- and "Clark Sts.,- Sunday, March 4th, L. Avner," Pittsburgh; Abraham Cohn, sented last week. .The details of thus fessor in the German university at 8:30 P. M. Snranton; Joseph Boch, New York; report, providing for the substitution Lemberg. There I saw him in the PKOGBAM: Henry Cross, Newark; William Praeof the year 1890 as the basis for the 1. Turkish March . osart garb of a priest. Later I was' in.Violin- Trio—Clara Schneider. , Harpy quotas and the relative clause which ger, New York, and Ignatz Schwartz, Robinson. Mrs. Nettle Goettscne. ' ' formed that Tillinger had sought to Accompanist, Miss Rowena Anderson permits all the near relatives of Youngstown, O. return to the Jewish fold. Some were 2. a) In, My Seaxts X a n i Beandriga American, citizens to enter, have been A resolution forbidding members of b) Homing Bel-BIeRO willing to let bygones be bygones,' c) Vrldiil dawne i Martin •known for some time. The majority the Jewish Theological Sbminary _ but I could not forget all of the pains Mrs. J. O. Kelly, Soprano bill' also substitutes a 2 per cent seeking pipits to further their own Shea . Accomp Accompanist, Miss M..Sonlo Shea to Jews that he had been the cause' 3. Ttecltation Rubeck quota instead of the present 3 per candidacy until other -candidates are t t i S o n l o W i l k l $., Opert&ss &ss »-_—, ; of." • • ' Cla Schneider, Violinist Clara cent! Besides, relatives, practicing considered by the Placements ComLeopold Hilsner, who .was accused Accompanist, Mies Ro-vrena Anderson Ansel clergymen are also exempted from mittee was passed at the mid^winter ' of the, alleged ritual murder in which B.6. Recitation i Chopin the quota restrictions. Bolero — conference of the Rabbinical Asesm• -Tillinger was - involved, was 'conMlM H. G«rin, Pianist bly today at the Tree^ of Life Syna^ JUT. Scholat T. n), EJi-HU According to gossip at the Capitol, demned to death at the first trial. The _ _ Messenett b) -Blegte _. gogue. This marks the conclusion of • Tostler the majority bill has been,favorably c) Good-bye case' was appealed but the' conviction Tenor received by House members and may the United Synagogue and Women's d) Marko was upheld. His sentence was finally Accompanist, M. Bnbeck Nachey be xepected- to pass the House this League Convention^ , commuted .to Ufe imprisonment by & Gypsy Dance aar. Violinist r session, but Senate leaders say> it-has -Bowena Anderson J2x»pero*Fxfancut Joseph.. Attire"butno chance of feeing.considered in the} Your subscription lor 1923 is due -' break of tbe.'Worid War he was .given _V '„ »~-~«-_^ 'now. This paper Is: YOUR paper. Subscribe to ""The:Jewish Fre&a.*' Senate. ','nj» freedom, .'•-.-

Great Britain To Make New Announcement On 'Palestine Conditions <

Omaha Hebrew Cinb 31st Anniversary Celebration At Rome Hotel, Mar. 25

Jewish Theological Seminary Starts Drive

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Distribution Committee Heads Issue of Official Statement of Work in, Ukraine. JEW AND GENTILE BOTH RECEIVE ASSISTANCE

RESERVES DECISION ON KU KLUX KLEAGLE Columbus, Ohio. (J. T. A.)— Following a hearing of the case of W. M. Cortner, Kleagle of the Ohio K. K. K. charged with riotous conspiracy, Judge Davis announced he would reserve decision until next week. • Cortner, it wastestified in a speech had bitterly; attacked Catholics and Jews and urged them to mask themselves and burn Catholic property. "The Jews and Catholics were becoming too powerful—85% of the offices being held by them", he is reported as having said.

200 Attend Meeting of B'nai B'rith at the Labor Lyceum Sunday Disclosures of Henry Ford and the Ku Klux Klan Organization Told. SEVERAL PROMINENT SPEAKERS DISCUSS IMPORTANT SUBJECTS.

At the last executive meeting of "There is more going on behind the Joint Distribution"1 Committee a our backs now than you think there complete report was submitted of the is", said Harry H. Lapidus to more committee's activity in Russia since than two hundred men and women its agreement with the American ReSunday afternoon at the Labor lief Administration. This report Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Sts. The gives full details of the widely ramimeeting was held under the auspices fied work and will be published shortof the anti-defamation committee of ly. For the present, however, before the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith. the complete report is published, "Facts uncovered by the IndepenMessrs. Felix M. Warbiirg, James. N. dent Order of B'nai B'rith bearing Rosenberg>and Lewis L. Strauss, have issued th& following statement: Expresses' His Sympathy With Move- upon the recent wave of anti-Semitism and what the Order has done to Since August 1921, the.jrelief for ment For Sabbath Observance. meet the prejudice created thereby," Russians as a result of the Joint Distribution. Committee activities has MORAL INFLUENCE MORE EF- was the important'subject discussed by speakers at the meeting. reached the amount of ?17,000,000. Of FECTIVE THAN FINES. "The B'nai B'rith lodge has done this amount approximately $10,000,more to stop Jew-baiting propaganda 000 represents the value of the food Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—There will parcels of the American Relief Ad- be no "blue Saturday" law in the than any other organization in the" ministration, which had undertaken Holy Land, Herbert Samuel, High country," said Harry Lapidus, printhis workj as a consequence of the Commissioner for Palestine,, in which cipal speaker of the afternoon. We plan proposed by the Joint Distribu- the first Sabbath edict was promulgat- must all get together and work for tion Committee to the American Ee- ed, told a delegation of Jews who one cause to stem the attacks of lief Administration in October, 1921, called upon him and filed a protest in Henry Ford and the Ku Klux Klan xesulting in a contract between the Biblical fashion against the"prcrfana- against the Jews." "The B'nai B'rith lodge takes care two organizations setting up the food tion of the Sabbath." parcel business. The remaining sumj Addressing the High Commissioner of one of the finest hospitals in the •over $7,000,000 in cash, came from as the Nehemiah of modern time, the country, The National Hospital for the" funds of the committee. delegation,- coaching their x plea in Consumptives at Denver. This hosThe other ?3,500,000 has already Scriptural phraseology, asked "that pital takes care of only the poor "been partly, used and is being;spent he summon the notables of Judah to ind enables many of our friends to in providing emergency relief, such inquire front them why they profane again gain a foothold on life and a s food, dothing, fuel, subventions to the Sabbath in public?" Nehemiah fight away that great plague." "We are not asking for members institutions as well as various other invoked such a council, they pointed methods- of reconstructive relief. out, when he saw "the people tread- or collecting subscriptions now," said The precise amount of relief re- ing the wine presses on the Sabbath." Harry A. Wolf. "We are here this j«,.«As IJemehiah appointed guardians afternoon, to tell you of the every ceived by Jews out of ^ tariao funds which was expended for to/prevent people" from entering with- day occurances that are confronted «eneral reUe£.oainot i « comptrt^ and com- to. all,Jess., ^Henry .Fjad, ^md, hi* the middle of the summer of 1922jmanded theLevitesto purify and keep Dearborn Independent have not stop•when the non-sesctarian feeding 6f i t e -gates -on the Sabbath,'' so do we, ped the attacks. against the Jews. children and adults reached its maxi- .continued the spokesman of the They are always unearthing propmum it was estimated that about 36 delegation, "ask that you give validity aganda against the entire Jewish race." \ per cent of the persons 'fed were to the observance of the Sabbath." Arthur Rosenblum, member of the Jews. Thisj however, does not mean Jewish communal aid public instituthat Jews have received only 36 per tions as well as private individuals Grand Lodge of the B'nai B'rith gave cent of the relief brought in by the were guilty of Sabbath desecration, interesting points of the work of the Joint Distribution Committee alone; the" Jewish delegation told the High B'nei B'rith lodges throughout the world. " T h e B'nai B'rith lodges for simultaneously with the ?1,500,000 Commissioner. appropriation of the Joint Distribu- The. delegation, which was com- throughout the country maintain tion for child feeding in Urramia the posed of Rabbi Abramovitz, Rabbi orphans homes, and hospitals, where American. Relief. Administration con- Nissin Eliasher and two laymen, all the unfortunates and poor are tributed about ?200,000 in food, car- presented a petition signed by four taken care of at the expense of the ried out the entire medical program, thousand orthodox Jews, asking that B'nai B'rith lodges," said Arthur which amount to $2,500,000 for the Steps against Sabbath desecration be Rosenblum. Ukraine, and met the alministrative taken. "The anti-Defamation League of • . expenses. Simultaneously witii the "I have listened* with great interest the B'nai B'rith order has been directappropriation of $375,000 which the and much sympathy to the general ing a clean campaign to enlighten Joint Distribution Committee' made views you have expressed this morn- the people regarding the Jew," said for the general feeding "of adults, the ing," replied the High Commissioner. Irvin Stalmaster, chairman of the American Relief Administration con- "On broad grounds, I attach the meeting. tributed ?750,000. In addition to the greatest value to the institution of a $1,250,000 appropriated by the Joint Day of Rest; t i e principle is one of Distribution Cpmmitee for child feed- the matters in which modern civilizatt ing until next August the American tion owes very much to the Mosaic Relief Administration will contribute Code. The day of rest is of the half a million dollars, if not more. greatest value to intellectual efficiency, Thus the 36 per cent of relief to the and it is a boon to labor throughout Vice Chairman.Issues An Immediate Appeal .For More Funds. Jews is not to be computed as against the world. And here in Palestine it the Joint Distribution funds alone, is right that each of the communities \ but as against the total contributed should observe with loyalty and strict- New York (J. C. B.)~A sum in exboth by the? Joint Distribution <3om- ness its own day of rest. Particularly cess of 50 millions has been expended mittee and the American Relief Ad- in Jerusalem, where there is so large by the American Jewish Joint Disministration. a Jewish population, it is right that tribution Committe for relief work in the Sabbath, the Jewish day of'rest, European countries. Of this atn«unt should be strictly adhered to, as, well 13 millions have gone to Russia. AlSOVIETS APPROVE ICA CON- as in the other cities of Palestine together, the amount collected'by the CESSION. where Jewish populations exist. If Joint Distribution Committee has agMoscow.—-(J. T/A.)—-The conces- the Jewish National Home meansany- gregated 58 millions.. These figures were made public by sion negotiated by the Jewish Colon- thing at all it means a Jewish ization Association providing for the atmosphere for the Jewish Community James N. Rosenberg, Vice-Chairman establishing in various parts of Rus- in Palestine, .and I entirely agree with1 of the Joint "Distribution Committee sia and the' Ukraine of a network of you in the assertion that Jews living in an: appeal for, more funds to carry, Jewish credit institutions has been in the country, and others coming on the-work.'. ratified finally by the Economic Coun- from other countries to Palestine, The total expended in European recil of the Soveit Government. Under should find an:environment cf quiet lief by the Joint* Distribution Comthe terms of the concession the agree- and rest on. the Sabbath.^ mittee, the American Relief Adment is to remain in force three years ministration, the U. S. Government and is renewable for a further1 period and other American agencies makes of three years if neither party ob- JEWS KEPT OUT OF BUCHAREST a grand total of 850 millions. UNIVERSITY. jects -to its continuance. Mr. Rosenberg in his appeal denied Bucharest,—(J. T. A.)—The mina newspaper report that $1,500,000 ister of education has been urged to had been contributed to the American take action hi what amounts to a boyBerlin, Jan. 24.r-{ J. C. B.>—Admist the excitement of the present crisis, cott of the Jewish students of the uni- Jewish Relief Committee in honor of the German press stops long enough versity here, .following the.•disturb- the seventyVfifth birthday of Nathan to record and to comment upon the ances Friday and Saturday when Straus. "Such a contribution woijkl death of Dr. Max Nordau, who is Jews were prevented from attending have been a fine tribute to a great claimed by the German philosophers casses. It was pointed out that in citizen", declares Mr. Rosenberg, "but as of their school. Die Deutsche All- reopening the universities January 22, unhappily no such contribution was gemeine Zeitung emphasizes and de- and inviting the students to return to made. The funds of the J. D. C. are plores that Nordau's genius found its their classes, the Jews were assured getting uncomfortably low", says Mr. Rosenberg in his appeal. expression only in the Zionist move- they would not be again molested. ment. • Others,' such as the Tageblatt and the Vpsgische avoid mention of Hague.—(J. T. B.)—A memorand- deploring the anti-Jewish agaitation Nordau's Zionist activities. One of um has been received by the officers throughout eastern and central Euthe paradoxes which Kordan may well of the international students' union rope in which students are taking an have enjoyed is found in the accusa- in session here, protesting against active part. The memorandum comes tion-now being aired that Dr. Nordan ike percentage norm as applied to from the .World Union of Zionist was too well disposed to the French. Jewish admissions in universities, and' students' societies: .

Sir Herbert Samuel Opposed To "Blue Law" Saturday in Palestine

Over Fifty Millions Spent InEuroprRefiefBy Jt>mt"

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5683*1923. Purim (Feast of Esther) Fri« Mar. 2

Published m r y Tbortaay at Onuta. Nebmfca, fcjr

&osh-Choch«h Nisan -Son., Mar. 18 Passover (Pesach) Sun., Apr. 1 Passover (Seventh Day) Sat, Apr. 7 NATHAN E. fcREEN, Manager. Rosh-Cho%esh Iyar Tues^ Apr. 17 Lag b'Omer -FrL,May 4 Subscription. Price, one year. Rosh-Chodesh Sivan Wed, May 16 Advertising rates famished on application. Shabouth (Confirmation) NOT PRINTED FOB PERSONAL PROFIT—Profits from the publicaDay) „— >—Mon., May 21 tion of The Jewish Press are to be given to worthy communal causes. Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz ~~Fri., Jane '5 Mrs. Sol Goldstrom returned ThursRosh-Chodesh Ab ~ Sat, July 14 day from a several week's visit in QT ADDOSSB-PfetM gtn both U» o» and unr cd4»«i ' b« nn and dsn roar MUM. Fast of Ab _. Sun^Jalj 2' Kentucky and West Virginia. Rosh-Chodesh EM .Mon, Aug. "3 The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish New Year's Eve. Mon, Sept. 10 Miss Ann Greenberg entertained at Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news', in addition bridge Sunday afternoon at her home to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Miss Marion Cohn returned from a honoring the Misses Iibby Minkin Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly two week trip to Chicago, HI. answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, and Minnie Greenberg, brides-to-be. THE JEWISH PRES^ PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 Brandeis ^ e a t r e Bailding.~^Telepfaone; Jackson 2372.

New York City.


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.The Junior Welfare Organization honoring Miss Etta Grossman who is will hold an election of officers at its soon to be married to Mr. Louis regular meeting Sunday afternoon at Heeger, of Sioux City, la. Prizes the Jewish Community Center*. It iswere won by Mrs. Samuel Brown and of vital importance that all members Miss Anne Roitstein. attend this*1 meeting. Mrs. Harold Cirlin, and baby son, The Misses Belle Oland and Rosella of Chicago, 111., are visiting here with Fanger entertained fifteen couples at Mrs. Cirlin's mother, Mrs. Osheroif. the home of the latter Saturday eve- Mrs. Cirlin was formerly Lucille Osheroff. ning following the Y Dance.

' •.:•'•'•••-

tion are entertaining at a Dance and take part in the coming Y. M. H. A. Card party at the Blackstone Hotel. road show. The Blackbear patrol had a perfect Mrs. J. Blank, chairman of the social committee of the organization, is inattendance and are • awarded the silver star. In the future the holder charge of the affair. of the silver star for the previous •week will be represented as colorY. M. H. A. TROOP 62 At the last meeting the following bearers. The Gold Star is still in were elected to edit Sixty Two's Wise the hands of the Tigers and Eagles. Words, Fred Brodkey, Phil Mandel The Patrol standings are as / and Gilbert Eosenblum. Morris Givot follows: was appointed quartermaster, and Bleackbear 700 Mrs. Harry Fellheinfer entertained •will have • charge of scout supplies. Lions „ 672 a few friends at her home Tuesday Sam Fregger was appointed acting Eagle 606 afternoon. scribe. Eleven scouts were picked to Tiger 463 The children of the Temple Israel Sunday School will be entertained at a Purim masquerade party Saturday afternoon by the Sisterhood. Prizes 1412 NORTH 24TH STREET will be awarded for the best costumes. ' -' . We Wish to announce to our friends and


A number of friends of Miss Fanny Mrs. David Marx, of Clevelanl, O., Katleman surprised her at her home is the.guest o£ her sister, Mrs. Max Thursday evening honoriiig her birth- Brown. She expects to be here for v Mrs. Sol Bergman returned the earThe Feast of Purim occurs onFriday, March second. This day. Ten guests were present. three weeks. ly part of the week from a six week's semi-holiday is celebrated in the orthodox BynagOg by the reading Mrs; H. Freed, who was ill at tKe visit to Chicago,'HI., and Milwaukee, of the Book of Esther, known as the Megilla^ There are five Jennie Ednrandson Hospital, returned At the open meeting of the Junior Wis. Hadassah given last Wednesday eveMegilioth in the Bible, the other f 6ur h^ihgRuth, Songof Songs, to her honie. ning at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening, March. 14, the Lamentations and Ecclesiastes. They all have their places in the holiday rituals but the reading of Esther is a part of the Mr. and Mrs. S. Freiden entertained the following program was given: A Jewish Women's Welfare Organizasocial, as well as ritualistic, procedure of the Jewish housed of their Bridge Club at her home Tues- dance number by Miss Eunice Rosen* worship! The old method of readiag entailed the chanting of day evening. . stein and recitations by Miss Ruth Reuben. . the book and the interruption or rather punctuation of this

procedure by the use of rattles and other noise-making implements LINCOLN Mrs. Julius Newman entertained at when the name of Hainan was mentioned. a one o'clock luncheon and bridge at BREW—SCHLES1NGER In the life of the Ghetto Purim meant a ray of light.- On her home Monday and again on Word has "been received of the mar,that holiday the ancient law of the Pentateuch that men could ~~ not wear women's clothes was abrogated and the;Purim Hay riage of Miss Freeda Schlesinger, Wednesday. became possible. In older times women* never acted, but men formerly of Lincoln, to Mr. George The Messrs. Maurice Hershom and and boys played the female parts/" Hence Jewish dramatic talent Brew. The wedding took place in Dave Davidson won the first prize at languished until Purim made it legally possible. As this holiday D e n v e r , C o l o . •-•". " a stag fox-trot held at the Thorpeian came but once a year the Jews did hot develop the dramaticyart Mr. Julius Deutsch, of Atchison, Athletic Club dance, Sunday evening, until quite recently. Their entry into it was however like the Kans.y is visiting relatives here. Mr.February 18. bursting of a dam and their share in i t today is enormous. Deutsch recently returned from a trip Mr. Sam Weinberg spent several Purim was a holiday that taxed the ssldQl of the mother of to Europe. days in Omaha during the week visitthe household. I t meant special cakes and luscious dishes which were the pride of the w,omen and the hungry hope of their Mr. Gus Friend who has been ing with his fiancee, Miss Libby dependants. Just as Thanksgiving is associated with turkey and seriously ill is convalescing at hisMinkin. mince pie, so Purim has gustatory memories for those who can home. • > . • - ' • . The X. T. C. Club will meet Wednesrecall the time when the Jewish woman stood at the head of her day evening, March 7, at the Jewish mly sadd c l make i t meek gy family could d party Tuesday, February 27, at the .Then there was tthe Th th h privilege i i l of f masking and all the gentle foolery iome of Mrs. Morris Weil. and naive raillery which is associated with simple living. . Miss Nettie Lewis entertained at a Hanging Haman was no small or mean part of the holiday's bridge party at the Phelps Hut for Mr. and Mrs. - I. H. Hirsch have enjoyment. The figure destroyed in effigy might be labeled just returned from an easternbuying sixteen guests Sunday afternoon Haman but it could in every generation bear a thousand names Mr. Hirsch is manager of .of past or contemporary enemies of Israel. I t is rare that one trip. Sternburg's Ladies Ready to wear. finds a sentiment of hate or revenge in Jewish literature or nnouncement .thojjght. A psalm that cries for revenge has been explained a Mrs. J. Shapiro entertained Satur- Mrs. AJennie Levinson announces .thousand times and the banging of Haman is more a protest day afternoon honoring Mrs. Levin y that she is giving piano lesson against vile injustice than an expression" of a desire. If i t were ^nd Mrs. Schulkin, of Sioux City, la.! to advanced students and be,left to Israel we would have no* enemies. In reality we have none Mrs. R. Goldfin entertained Sunday ginners. For" information call ATlantic3507. butVe are the victims of two great forces. One is ignorance at bridge, in honor of these guests. on the part of non-Jews, as well adfour own igiiorance, andthe other is the world's intolerance which sweeps millions besides us The B'riai B'rith held a •celebration .into the maelstrom of sorrow and death. Against these two forces and installation of officers Thursday, DR. N. DANSKY, physician. we can and should direct our energies aiid burning Hainan may February 22, at Fraternity Hall. Kabbi Klein, of Chicago, HL, was the and surgeon; wishes to anbe a step to a general and salutary purification:. of the evening. The nounce the opening of his No feast in Israel is complete without charity. principal speaker down-town office at 622 World_ .tCLlheLpoor_is a part Weddiiigs,-engagenieijt 5!5SL5!^% J?11'56 J? a s * e ^ Wednesthpo p of everyy oc ^ g^ :

patrons that we will carry a full line of

PASSOVER. FOODS, SPECIAL IMPORTED ,PASSOVER COOKIES Live Fish Sold Here Daily. All mail orders given immediate consideration. We deliver to all parts of the city.

Phone us up at WEbster 6512, and place your order . J. PINKENSTEIN, Proprietor

Sam Newman

The Newest and Latest Designs of Wallpaper and all

The Jewish Culture League

Paints and Varnishes

Will present their T H I R D MUSICAL AND LITERARY CONCERT Sunday, March the fourth, at the Labor Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Sts.

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Read program in this week's "Jewish Press'


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announcements, birthdays, anniversaries of deathsi^bitths^icon- dayr^bmary -28",- i t flrmations and all holidays are times of sending gifts to the poor Party House. by the celebrant or mourner or whoever is, the principal. On . The Daughters of Israel held a Purim the gifts aria named "Shelach Mones" and have a special dance Thursday, March 1, at the place in the evertender chanty of Jewish communal life. Almost K. C. HaH. ;' - as important a sign of Purim as that every young rabbi -writes ^ P, r i Playyis the giving g g of charity. y I t is »ppart of our social Miss Bessie Haykin, who is attendi live i longer l th even the memory off Esther E t h ing the University of Nebraska, spent thinking andd may it than the week-end in Omaha with her and the influence of Haman.

Herald Bldg.-? Tel.: ATlantic 3693.


Mr. and Mrs. L. Schwartzman entertained at a whist party Sunday, February 25, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Max Mozer. ~






. The Council of Jewish Women will entertain at a card party Sunday evening, March 11, at the Danish/hall.. :!",'-Mw.' A." Rosenberg entertained ^the -Afterftoon Club at-her home this :



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All Orders <J!*en Prompt and Caretal Attention.

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1521 No. 19th St, Omaha Phone Web. 1087. HARTWOOD SPECIALTY.

Walthill, Nebr., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Satn Snyder.

Sfeterhoid,will be held next-WednesA very important meeting' of the day, afternoon-at the home of Mrs. B'jiai B'rilh will be held Wednesday. Henry E. Nathanson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Berlint entertained the Evening1 Club Thursday" evening at their home. Prizes were won by Mrs. Sam Schwartz and Mr. Ben Kooler.

Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mr&> Sam Sfchwartz willrentertain the Tuesday,. " ' , o f Evening Bridge Club.

We have available funds to loan Harry

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J. A. SOLOMON, Prop, and Ugr. EO5 So. I6th St. JAckson 4753

Rabbi Frederick Cohn's subject for Friday evening will* be "Modernism and Judaism." Mrs. Frank Greenberg returned Monday from a month's stay in Chicago, 111., vfhere "she visited with relatives and friends.

! Do You Need Money?? •



Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne enter-', Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson left tained the Evening Club at their home Wednesday evening for Excelsior last Monday evening. Springs, Mo. . •" The C. F. M.N.R. Club will hold Miss. Mollye Saltzman left last its first'dance of the season at Eagle's Monday for Los Angeles, Calif., "hall,-Tuesday evening, March, 20. where, she will visit withjier sister• Miss Ruth Scharf, of Minneapolis, in-law Mrs. Sam Saltzman. ' Minn.',-arrived Thursday to visit with The regular meeting of the Jewish Mr. and Mrs. J. Scharf.



The Menorah Society of the University of Nebraska held a meeting Sunday, February 25. A round dis«cussion on current Jewish problems was held. Mr. Louis Finkelstein a recent graduate of the University of the University of Nebraska; has opened a law office in the Terminal Building. Mr. Finkelstein is a member of Sigma Pho Tau, an . honorary debating fraternity. He is prominent in Jewish circles, being an active member ot the B'nai B'rith, Menorah, and Zionistic Clubs.

Diamonds, Jewelry and i: Platinum Designing.

DR. H. HIRSHMAN wishes to announce the removal of Jiis office from 506 South 16th St, to 309 Courtney Building. Tel.: JAckson 5672.


STILL KEEPING m UP. •\ ^N Hearst's "International" for the current month Ts beginiu*ng a series of articles on the Jews and the Colleges. A Mr. Gleason writes the first article in favor of limitation ^nd next month he is going to write an article giving the other side of\ the case. I t seems that magazines find it very profitable to discuss subjects .of special interest to the Jews. It greatly increases their circula"tion. I t might not he-a bad idea for Jews to write to the various magazines and suggest that they "have so very much discussed during the past couple of years that they are pretty well disgusted with the whole business. That there is no use in following Henry • Ford's lead which is just what Ford wants the rest of th& country to do. If this policy-is adopted we think that there will be a cessation of this Jewish discussion which is quite out of proportion to the real value of the issue. Hearsj/s is jtlst finishing Benson's life of Ford, which is as big » joke as Ford himself. Benson has been a Ford propagandist and when he writes such drivel as-"Ford has Bibles all over the house" and is constantly referring to them; and that Ford wanted to help the Lelands and , overpaid some four millions of dollars for the Lincoln plant in order to do it, one becomes tired to deathvof such silly nonsense. If Ford reads the Bible as frequently as his press agent sayshe doesVthe reading apparently has had no effect on MnL As for the Leland case "the facts now coming to light-do not show the Barjium of the automobile business in such favorable light. After all is said and done these press agents cannot, with all their hard work, erase from the public mind the deep-rooted impression that - Ford does not have a "safe" mind. That his Peace Ship and his Jewish enterprises have shaken the public faith in Ford's judgment is an absolute truth and all the "inspired" nonsense that is being smeared all over the pages of magazines and newspapers will never change its He is the victim of his own egotism and his hypocritical advisers who have been feathering their nests a t his expense.—Jewishffliterion.

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1923 CELEBRATE GOLDEN ! City, la., will arrive to spend the the Dramatic Section, called "Rabbi ixation which will be held on Tuesday, Rev. Frank G. Smith, of the First week-end with. Miss Minnette Mar- Chasidim," three dance numbers by March 6, at the Jewish Community Central Congregational Church will WEDDING ANNIVERSARY golin, and wfll attend the Kroloff-

the Misses Ethel and Ann Hurwitz, Center at two thirty. Other interest- speak at the Temple Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldware cele- Block wedding. and Gertrude • Wintroub. A vocal ing features will make this program March 16, on the subject "Things brated their Golden Wedding Anniselection, by Miss Jennie Eiderin, and one of the best of the entire year. Fundamental." Friday evening, Febversary Sunday. The ceremonies took The Phi T a u ^ i entertained at a a violin solo by Mr* Morris Lazarus, ruary 23, Rabbi Jacob Singer of Linof place at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue, dinner dance Wednesday evening a t accompanied by Miss Bernice Lan i e d b y M i s s B e r n i c e L a L \ ^ ^ ? coln will be at the Temple. His subT 24th and Nicholas Streets, a t three the Brandeis Restaurants. Mrs " M ' ****** honor surprised her at a ject will be "Future of Judaisiti." zarus. Refreshments will be served thirty o'clock. The celebration opened of htT with Mr. and Mrs. Goldware walking The. Council of Jewish Women will after which dancing will conclude the f ^ &** ** fourth birthday on Wednesday evein with a Torah written especially for hold its annual Jewish Council Sab- evening's entertainment. ning, February 28. She was presentPhone JA ckson 4051 bath this Saturday morning at the the occasion and which will be forMiss Adele Wilinsky visited during g ed with a string of pearls from her warded soon to the colony ofBulforia, Temple. The following program has OPEN AT ALL HOURS k week-end with her sister, Miss children and she received numerous Palestine. Mr. Goldware is a noted been arranged by Mrs. I. Rosenthal, the Ruth Wilinsky, who is attending the gifts from her grandchildren. After Theatre Come Hebrew scholar of the old jarid modern chairman of the Religious Committee Rockford College, at Rockford, HI. to Visit of the Council, who is in charge: A _The annual Bridge party of the Hebrew Literature. 1* | honor of Miss Grossman and her WEDDINGS prayer by Miss Hermine Green; An Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Brown enter- Council of Jewish Women will be held Mr. and Mrs. Goldware are both fiance during the next few weeks. WOHLNER-HORWICH. address by Mrs. Carl Furth, president tained at a family party Sunday eve- on Wednesday afternoon, March 7, sixty-eight years of age, and in good The marriage of Miss Mollye KROLOFF—BLOCK health. ' They are conducting a Gro- of the Council; An article on Jewish ning honoring Mr. and Mrs. Reuben at the Brandeis Grill room. Attractive Horwich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. j prizes will be given. Those attending The marriage of Miss Rose Block, cery Store a t 2602. Seward Street, Women to be read by Mrs. I. Rosen- Brown. Charles Horwich, to Mr. Albert daughter of Mrs. R. Block, to Mr.where they also m a k e their home. thai; Services by Rabbi Frederick jwill please bring their own deck of A Handy Place to Eat Wohlner, son of Mr. E. Wohlner, will Archie Kroloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. They came to Omaha from Russia in Cohn, and an address by Rabbi Cohn; Mrs. Samuel Nathan is a t . the c ^ g to play with. Mrs. Julius New24th and Cuming St., Omaha be solemnized Sunday" evening, March Sol Kroloff, of Sioux City, Iowa, 1903. •' i * . Solo by Miss Laura Goetz and Mrs. Swedish Mission Hospital where she man is acting chairman of the affair. Come in and wait four 4, a t the home of the bride. Rabbi , will take place Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Goldware have four Martin Sagarman. was operated on recently. your car Mrs. M, Solomon is chairman of the Grodinsky will officiate. Mrs. Nathan seven-thirty at the Blackstone Hotel. sons, Messrs. Sam, A. P., Jacob, and social committee. Mrs. A. Leibowitz entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Sol Benyas enterKramer, sister of the bride, will be Rabbi Grodinsky: will officiate. D. C. Goldware, and one daughter, ™ • ; , ; T w T rZr " a " s " 1 " ' dinner and bridges at her home dur- tained a few friends at dinner at their the matron of .honor and Mr. Maurice Rebecca FogeL They also have . ,. . ^ X . . , _, and his bnde will leave Mrs. ,,..._.. - - L : |ing the past week honoring her guest, apartment at the Austin. will be Mr. Wohlner's best fourteen grandchildren. a honeymoon ioMiiniBap^, Rozitsky, of St. Joseph, man. The brides' immediate at- for Minn., and upon their return will _ ,, Mo. Prizes were won by Miss Rose Rahbi Frederick Cohn will address make their home in Sioux City, Iowa. their names entered in theU 0 1 Q e n Malashock and the groom's immediate Miss Block has been Honored at a Book of the Zionists by their children Weinberg and Mr. Herman Fried- the Daughters of the "American Revolution at Council Bluffs, la., this attendants will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul .number of socials during the past as a gift honoring their fiftieth r e d - man. afternoon on "Problems of AmericanWohlner. several weeks. Among those given ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Goldization." Mr. Wohlner and his bride will during this week are a bridge given ware's three daughter-in-laws ~ pre- Mrs. Max Moser, of Lincoln, Nebr., is visiting here with her parents, Mr. leave on a honeymoon trip to theby Miss Nettie Abrams Sunday after- sented Mr. and Mrs. Goldware with a and Mrs. J. Margolin. Mrs. Moser Mrs. Isidor Ziegler will read and east and upon their return will live at . noon at her hone. Mrs. J. Block silver service set. Mr. Goldware pre- was formerly Miss Mary Margolin. discuss a paper entitled "Judaism and the Shirley Apartments. Our Youth" at the March meeting of OU re$ blooded motorists will appreciate the ! be hostess to the bridal party Sunday sented his wife with a diamond ring, Miss Wohlner was most extensively afternoon a t her home. and while presenting this gift her rethe Jewish Women's Welfare OrganThe Women's Auxiliary of the B'nai vast selections offered in Nebraska's Top • .""" entertained during the past several Coat sections. The season's smart models cited a Hebrew poem which he com-^ B'rith will hold their regular meeting weeks. posed for the occasion. Thursday evening, March 8, at the from America'^ leading .wholesale tailors, awaint LiyiNGSTON-NEW. * * * choosing. Miss Cprinne New, d a u g h t e r ^ Mr. After the ceremony the couple were Jewish Community Center. WEINBERG-MINK1N. and Mrs, Ike New, of; Council Bluffs, entertained at a surprise party at There's a refreshing dash of Spring in the Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverman have Miss Libby Minkin, daughter of Mr." announced the date of her their home by their children. taken an apartment at the Coronado new fabrics, colorings, styles; tailored from and Mrs. M. Minkin has chosen Sunto Mr. Milton Livingston, Our Motto is "You Must Be Mrs. A. Davidson and son, of Lin- Apartments. day, March 11, as her wedding day o f Omaha, eon of Mrs. Carrie" LivPleased or Your Money Will Twills, Whipcords, Cheviots, Coverts, Overto Mr. Sam Weinberg son of Mr. ingston, for March 20, a t the Grand coln, Nebr., returned to their home The Sisterhood Reciprocity Day Be Cheerfully Refunded." plaida. Vicunas, domestic and foreign weaves. and Mrs. E . Weinberg, of Fremont, Hotel, Council Bluffs. The ceremony after a two weeks visit with Mrs. with Lincoln will take ptace in LinThe Malashock Jewelry Co. • Davidson's aunt, Mrs. Abe Altschuler Nebr. will take place a t 6 o'clock followed The range for choice is unlimited; styled in coln at the Iincot' Hotel'Wednesday, "THE STOfcB OF KELIABILITX" The following are among the many D y a SUpper. Mrs. Julius 'Rcsenfelt, and other relatives. March 14. The Omaha Sisterhood is single breasted, box hack, double breasted, fall DIAMONDS AND PLATINUM affairs given for Miss Minkin .during a s matron of honor, will be Miss Mrs. Morris Meyer entertained at Preparing a program for the event, SPECIALISTS belt or half belt, regular or raglan shoulder the past several weeks: Miss M&ry New's only attendant except little bridge at her home Wednesday after- A number of Omahan's are planning Street 1514 D JActson 5619 Established 1891 Maizel entertained at an Orpheum Caroline Rosenfelt, who will be the effects. to. attend. •Theatre party Saturday afternoon. g 0W er girl. Many affairs have been noon. M r s Mrs. S. Nitz entertained at her home planned for this bride-to-be. _ A baby boy was born to Mr. and' - Benjamin S. Margolin, of LinCome expecting to find top coats unusual in style Tuesday evening for Miss Minkin. and Mrs. Max Weisman of Aurora, 111., at win, Nebr., is visiting here trfth her and uneJualed for value. her fiance. Miss Tina Altschuler will the'Methodist Hospital Sunday. Mrs. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . Ross. "We Wish to Announce ENGAGEMENTS . ~ entertain a t her home Sunday, afterto Our Patrons and Friends Mrs. Alexander D. Frank and eon, The engagement of Miss Anna Weisman was formerly Miss Sarah Visilin, of this city. She is now visitTHAT THE SHOHTT noon. of Nebraska City, Nebr., are visiting' Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. Frank's parents, Mr. arid Meyes Green, to Mr. Isador AbramBgRNSTEIN—ZEIDMAN Mrs. S. H. Katz. Miss Etta Zeidman, daughter of son, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Abramson, Harry Visilin. ' SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY is with Mrs. C. Zeidman, will be married to has been announced during the past Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Brown re- Miss Belle Valentine, of Ames, la., FRIED & KUKLIN Mr. George Bernstein, son ot Mr. week. No definite date has been set turned Saturday from their honey- is visiting with friends here. and Mrs. H. Bernstein, of this city,, f c * the wedding. shef Meat Market moon trip to Des Moines, la., where 1513 North 24th Street Sunday evening, March.04, at the ... ....... they -spent a week. They are mak- Miss Minnette Margolin is enterWEbster 4330 taining at a luncheon Saturday after-' Swedish Auditorium, Rabbi Gro-! Mr. and Mrs. William A. Racusin ing their home at 1,055 North "Service Had Quality is On* Motto" OMAHA NIB I* We ckrtT the best line of noon at the Brandeis Tea rooms foldinsky and ".ev. E. Fleishman will returned Saturday night from Ex- Street. : CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN ^ Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. lowed by bridge honoring Miss Etta officiate before the presence of over celsior Springs and Kansas City, Mo., three hundred guests. The ceremony where they spent- their honeymoon, Mrs. H .Arnstein entertained eight-Grossman, who is a btfcle of this will take place at five o'clock follow- They aremaking their ^home\ with at her home Saturday evening at din- month, and Mrs. Max Mozer, of Lincoln, who is visiting here. ed by supper. The bride will have Mrs. Racusin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ner. as >> er attendants Miss Ida Siegel, t V. Zucker. _______ I Mrs. Louis Harris entertained at The Dramatic Section of .the Anfof honor, and the Misses Etta I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Millman are luncheon Tuesday aftetnoon at herlebung Club will present 8 program Zitenrfan, of Kansas City, Mo., Merle Sunday evening at the regular meethome the latter part of the home. Freidel/'and Mary Moscow, as the w e e k from K a n s a s C i t y f Mo., where ing of the Club at-the Jewish Com.- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbratm brides-maids.- The grooms'best man t h e y spent their honeymoon, Mr. and will return Saturday from an extend- munity Center. Miss Julia Wise/ chairman of the Dramatic Cottinittee will be Mr. Corporal Cone, and the of the organization has arranged the Messrs. Wm.' W introub, John, Gross, D O YOU KNOW WHY. and Ben Ellis, as the grooms-men. •£SLasas Miss Elizabeth" Goldsmith, of Sioux following program: a one act play by The flower girls will be the little THE GEAR-SHIFT 15 DIFFERENT? Misses Fanny Ziedman, Esther Jacob- : sen, and Mary Zavett. Master Martin Margolin will be the ringbearer. The! The design of Dodge Brothers gear-shift take* little Misses Leona Lieff, Josephine i into consideration the natural inclinations Ziedman, Sophie Bann, und Rose So.sof the driver. .kin, will be the ribbon stretchers. Mr. Bernstein and bride will leave To start, you throw the lever forward. To reon a week's-trip to Kansas City, Mo. vers%, you pull the lever backward. And when Miss Zeidman and fiance Rave been the car is running in high gear—which is about ninety per cent of the time—the lever is in A •honored at a number of socials. forward position, out of the way, where it doss Among them was a card party given not interfere with passengers, robes, or luggage. by Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bernstein. A family, dinner by Mrs. G. Ruback, a Moreover, the transmission, developed mud family dinner by Mrs. L. Lieff, and patented by Dodge Brothers, is so designed that 18561923 •a dinner by Mrs. Zeidman. the countershaft—used in intermediate speeds * * « and in reverse—is disconnected when the car ,. „. HEEGER—GROSSMAN is in high. There are no gears in mesh. Power1* Seventy-five immediate relatives 'is transmitted Sirectly from clutch to rear •a3« *'* will attend the marriage of Miss Etta Grossman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. # This exclusive feature prevents the loss of power B. Grossman, of this city, to Mr. through friction, reduces gear-box noises and Lester Heeger, of Sioux City, Iowa, eliminates a vast amount of wear. which will take place Sunday evening, You draw a check for fire dollars payable That is why the gear-shift of Dodge Brothers March 18, at the home of the bride's . to "cash." Motor Car i s different, parents. Many affairs are to be given in

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* *





DEPARTMENT OF THE JEWISH PRESS there seems to be small prospect of had promised t o vote for Henry Ford victory is nor his alone, it belongs to article the- latter wrote approving the alarming proportions, the Rozwoj the offer beings accepted. But Mr. for United States Senator. all of us whe are trying to make an assassination of President Narutowicz. party having established a special ofFord will not be disappointed, I think, Many of the Ford employes, includ- honest living, because we profit by Nowaczynski is a baptized Jew, and fice from which to conduct the propaif he. fails to get Muscle Shoals and ing the dealers throughout the state the removal of discraiinatiors. that the paper in which he published his ganda. gets instead the .political support of of Michigan, contributed to the cam-were promoted by the order, as well article is the weekly publication of the Reports from Bialystock state the paign fund. These workers were on a s h e . • ' . • ' • . ; - . ' • : • • ' southern farmers. Endek, or national democratic party. Jews are apprehensive of disorders in By BOYPBN SPARKES the pay roll of the Ford company American farmers dependent on Such fights on his part against unconsequence of the boycott agitation. his cars and dreaming of the day Agitation urging complete economic (Continued Front Laat "Week,). and if they -were "docked" for the 1 - fnland waterways ?_' Read: "Detroit, .when the price of grain will be guar- commercial fertilizer have long com- time they devoted to electioneering fair and prejudiced practices by Wall boycott of the Jews is assuming MichvNov. S.-^Benry- iWl.ifl pjan- anteed .before it ia planted, the farm- plained that they are compelled to the fact has been kept within a very Street and its governmental agencies .. When on the Market stop in should/inspire his supporters with and see r " ning to manufacture barges -to op- ers" of the middle west are also given pay from 440 to €0 per cent, too much narrow circle of persons. < zeal* enthusiasm and determination to MARKET Place your orders for I erate through the NeV .York State an opportunity to applaud Henry Ford for their fertilizers. Mr. Ford's pro1 ^HEADQUARTERS Matzbs atid Passover SupBarge Canal as a means-of further for supporting the project they fondly posal exerted a.powerful influence Detroit Polls Patrolled by 2,000 Ford elect him\President in 1924. We need him. The curse of; slavery never X. E. Cor. 11th and Howard Sis. Employes. , plies now.. Best qualities. cutting the production costs of his au* believe will bring their grain nearer on them, for he offered to devote NiSOL ABRAMS ABE AEBAMS trate Plant No. 2 to the production of , In Detroit that day the election needed Lincoln any more than we Lowest prices! tombbile..' Ford engineers i r e now at to foreign markets. Finest Qualities Cigars, Candies, I Ford to combat the curse : work," etc • . , - Mrs. S. SILVER, Muscle Shoals as an energy mint nitrogen and other commercial fertil- booths were covered by about 2,000 ^ Tobaccos, and Cigarettes' . of izers, the price of which to farmers Web; 6678 "But Mr. Ford is al$o an-advocate> to rovide'the basis of a new Ford curFord Motor Company employes. In WaU Street; and ounloose its grip ;2318 Charles St. ' JTEAIS SERVED AT AliL HOUIJS 1^ °* o uu rr government government. of the St. Lawrence Ship-Canal." This* rency is less important in the eyes of and other users, would be determined their hats each wore a card reading i ^ 0T ™ ^ **«»* °* he Henry Ford for President Club project is being opposed by the Ifew the cotton growing farmers of the by the farmers themselves through "Volunteer Worker for Henry Ford." i s ri h in York State Chamber of Commerce. south, less important to every one in national organizations of farmers, so A week or more before election many f «*&»:<* support from every ' Mr. ForcT snaps his'fingers. Because the south, than his promise that'cheap as to allow the JFord corporation a of the executives and others spent ^ f 1 1 o f t h e country, but we must WASH AND KEEP WELL of his anti-Jewish campaign he is al- fertilizer, sufficient for all their needs profit of not less than 8 per cent, their entire\time in campaign work. ad ec vt .l e0l no P these offers into concerted A RULE OF HEALTH t h i s w m fiready reconciled to the loss of the could be produced for a fraction o f Mr. Ford has also told the people of I t was made d known that Mr. Fordd a c t l 0 n ^ ^ t h i s ^ require require all allthe the fi FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Tammany delegates, and, more.than what they now pay if he should be the south that the development of had forbidden his employes to partic- nancial assistance that the members that, he Is prepared to lose New York allowed to lease and purchase the gov- the power at Muscle Shoals would ipate in the election, but for the first o t the Club can give, Literature and 1810 California Street. ' 'One of America's Great Hotels" in the' election. -By supporting the- ernment's Muscle Shoals properties. provide employment for a million men time in the history of his career he o t h e r materials must be furnished to I St". Lawrence Ship- Canal he has did not follow up mutinous conduct; o u t s i d e c l u b s - T*16 executive commitPolitical Power Held Chief Output of tee has therefore assessed each memgained an important • element of dustry moving down into the region with dismissals. Muscle Shoals. ber of the dub $5 for the current year strength throughout the grain-growThe charge was made by the Newwhere cotton is grown. <• ing middle' west. Plowing their land Writing in. the January number of J s that sufficient to- make a cotton berry forces during that campaign or, at the option of members, 50 cents EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE LAUNDRY. with his'tractors, riding to town in 'McClure's' Magazine," Samuel Crow- grower forget that this is the same that every Ford sales agency was a per month. Where roar clothes come home ther, who recently collaborated with : No money that you ever spend will Druggists and Stationers headquarters for Henry Ford'a policleaner and lSBt lonfcer. Henry Ford in the preparation of tfie Henry Ford who sent a peace ship ATlantio OI8O. 1507-11 Jackson St. return you, more satisfaction, nor be 401-403-405 South 10th 8tr«et tical workers. Many of the Ford H A. JACOBBEBGER. Pres. automobile manufacturer's autobiog- to Europe' in 1915, the same Henry of more ultimate service to you. employes contributed to his campaign raphy, says: "We may come to think Ford who testified in his libel suit Kindly make check payable to fund; at least one sales agent donated of Muscle Shoals as one of the great against "The Chicago Tribune" that Henry Ford for President Club. $1,500—all of them, you understand,' - Omaha Office: SIS Douglas Street. livery Known-Kind engineering undertakings,of the age, Benedict Arnold was a writer and the FRED R. SBAW Flower Shop Sincerely yours, Omaha Fhom Atlantic ZS59 men who belived whole-heartedly In American Revolution was fought in or we may remember it as the reason of Insurance Phone 1M HENRY FORD FOR PRESIDENT Henry Ford's ability to save the counFord Transfer & Storage Co. behind a great political upheaval. If ism The Best ot Everything In Blowers and 9 Club, 209 W. O. W. Bldg! JA."-3»44. try. B. A. F0KI>. Confections at Moderate Prices. no electrical power comes out of the South Sees Hot Fight if Shoals Offer President and General Manager. JAMES E. GREENE, Secretary." 34517. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater Then, too, of course, there were the Shoals political power most certainly Council Bluffs (Iowa) Office ' . Is Rejected. COtTNCrL BttTPFS. IOWA. fleets of Ford automobiles, new and (To be Concluded Next; Week) 984 So. Stain Street. Fhone 86S will." Is' Henry Ford a collaborator It is significant that most of the shiny, that swarmed on the streets on in that predicition? 500 Ford sales agents who have thus election day. That must have "been TO BRIDGE GULF BETWEEN CHURCH AND SYNAGOGUE. Those-, who have studied the Ford far sent back to the Dearborn Ford the idea of this man who thinks up London, Jan. 8.—(J. C. B.)—A body Carpenter Paper Co. tender insists that he is bargain-hunt- for President Club the names of men all those clever stunts for chorus whici hardly could come into existot willing to organize such clubs in their ing'and is concerned chiefly with getOCR TREATMENT W1X.X. and' Tours girls in the first act finales, where ^y ntry than Great COSVIKCE IOC OP OCR Western Bond—and High m ^ y oo tt hh ee rr C0U C0U ntry than Grea ting cheap power for his manufactur- territories were in the south and west, each girl suddenly produces a flash ee nn cc ee m SINCERITY. io Grade Stationery ing-plants. - The financial provisions but especially in the south. s Depend each girl suddenly produces a flash- Britain is the "Messianic Fellowship, Trust Department. All Parts light or a beach parsol or a basket has just been formed to Assist w h i c n upon it, if Mr. Ford's Muscle Shoals Omaha. Nebraska. of his offer are so inadequate that : ;. Safely Deposit Boxes. proposal is declined by Congress, of doughnuts to be tossed into^the au- Christians to know Judaism sympatheof the diencei Anyway Anyway, Newberry Newberry won. won tically, says the Manchester Guardian. Muscle Shoals will be a bitter issue dience Ford Movies May Sell Issue to Ten This organization, of which the Rev. in the next election. ^ Paul Levertoff, sub-warden oQ St. Million. Money Sent tp All Newberry Issue to Feature in PlatEach week ten million people see Deiniol's Library, Hawarden, and Can1 <f , Foreign Couqtries • form. The Ford Educational Weekly." I t on T. Hands of St. Mark's Vicarage "Manufactured in Omaha" In the inscrutable mind of Henry is shown in seven thousand-—nearly Old Street* London, E. C. 2, tHe treasFord Muscle Shoals probably repre- half the moving -picture theaters in urer, •with Miss Naomi Soman as sec- BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. WEDER WHOLESALE PAPER, sents besides a million potential the United States and has gained for retary, wants to help to bridge the 1708 Fartaus St. "Otn*h» STATIONERY, ETC. O729 horsepower a definitely - calculated the Ford Motor Company the distinc- gulf between the church and synaDistributors for/ number of Presidential electors casfr- tion of having the largest circulation gogue and to unite Jews and ChristrPink Tip Matches'-^->g their ballots for Henry. ians in Cglting unbelief and unrighte^ of motion pictures in the world. > . _ LET-118 DO I O U B WEEPING* • . T' • T J-.o fjfr Ford a Mexican policy? Northern Toilet Tissue Is the weeklv designed to sell Ford ousness everywhere. Certainly. He is going to build a fac- products or what? - • The methods to be followed, accord1112 Harney Street tory in the turbulent republic to the ing to the particulars of the FellowATlantic 6409 THE CAREFUL WELDERS Effort to Capitalize Fight. south of the Bio Grande and pacify it Tet. JA. 4397. Anything ;rAnytime :: Anyplace 1501 Jackson St. The first letter mailed to 7,000 ship which have reached the correvnih. quantity production of cheap audealers was printed above. The sec-spondent, are the formation of Fellowtomobiles and cheap tractors. ship groups where Jews and ChristPublic economy was estimated to ond was sent but last September after ians Kve in contact, the provision of a be worthy of a paragraph in the 1020 Mr. Ford had .closed down his plants neutral platform on which Jewish, and Temptation Besets You platform. Mr. Ford's "editor, Camer- for a week because he "could not get Christian tscholars may expound their, ,When You Enter except at profiteering prices. In ;*""."•" y»>™*T^^J V A cotrscn* BLUFFS, IA. on, whispers confidentially that if Mr. coal Twn;«. 75,000 <m nnn * w employes —ZIL^ ™ ~ religious views constructively and non- PAXTON-AND were Ford should surrender to a demand Detroit Ford . 'CANDIES, ICE CREAM, Service is Our Motto from the people he could be counted LUNCHES. 1 Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent.

Houi Henry Ford is Welding a Political Machine



E. E. Bruce & Co.


Steamship Tickets

Council Bluffs Savings Bank



Baker Ice Machines

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The Brinn & Jensen Company





\Candyland \

16th and Farnam" Streets


Crystal Candy Company


16th and Capitol Ave.

PirstNational iBankof Omaha ITEN BISCUIT CO. Snow White Bakeries.

•Made With iMilk


CReK> D. 6 . Pat. Office.*

City National Bank ^; of COUNCIL BlrOTFS We pay 4% interest on Saving and Time Deposits. Safe Deposit'Boxes for Beat.


McCord-Brady Co. Kaplan Auto Parts.Co., ' ~ „' n i t lNfchola* Street '* Used carB bought, sold,' and ex* changed. New gears,' ana 'axle Bhalta , for any make- of cat. , Xires. Tubes and' Accessories - Below Wholesale Prices,

Laundry •

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on to make a clean sweep there. "He wouldn't leave anything but the buildings," Mr. Cameron has predicted. I Immigration? 4tWe need ten times as many people as we've got," says Mr. Ford, but at the same time he is anxious to have the Jewish immigrant regarded for percentage purposes as a national of Palestine, whether he comes from Germany or France. The paragraph in the 1920- platform on ''Republican corruption" would hardly suit "Mr. Ford in its present form. It-begins: f'The shocking disclosure of the lavish use of money by aspirants for the Eepublic, an nomination has created a gainful Mr. Ford'will want fo t impression." enlarge there ujpon the reference to the election of fromer Senator Truman Newberry. My. Ford is ning to keep that issue alive by ing the re-election of every Senator who voted for the seating of Mr. Newberry.' 1 "Fight with, your brains .instead of your raouth," >eaid Mr. Fdrd when ne was engaged in an effort to nullify the election of Newberry. "That is the way I have fought and that is the vray I intend to fight." ^

Attempt to Camouflage Activities. FEATHER COMFORTERS Thereis a self-starter on most Ford ' Mafle from Tons Own Feathers. Arnorateil, re^mddo orvmade to order. automobiles. A careful scrutiny of the AU hand-filled. We coll'and deliver. Henry Ford for President machine reOmaha Pillow Co. ' 1907 Cnmlng St. Phone Jacksod {467 veals a similar attachment. The Old Sellable Home. ' At Dearborn there is a keen relization that this is compromising to a point where it might interfere with the success of the plant to; place Mr.Ford in the. White House. So, clumsy 109 No. 16th St. Tel JActson 8128 efforts are being made to disguise the Oppoott* Post-OSBce. GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys lashings that are intendedfto harness From $3.00 to $9.00. the billion dollar organization to Mr. ' GOOD FURNISHINGS. , Ford's political Vehicle,- 'K~j Various gestures and shocked denials from W. J. Cameron^ the "former minister, who' is editor' of Ford's . weekly paper, cannot change tfie fact Watt Receptacles— \ ; that in {he 1918 Michigan Senatorial Light—WIRING-r-Pdwer campaign, ;in which, Truman New., , -—Bell,Transformers berry <was successful^ the Ford organWAlnut3034; 40 &Cuming Sts.1 ization worked, openly for its owner. To,what extent this work was voluntary, remains' air interesting; subject EMIL GANZ & SON for political debates in Michigan. , ,PaWSc Accountants MW D^aKtak Street ~r The climax, of that wdrfr came on lH. INCOME TAX- CONSULTANTS election .day,. ;when tba-.streets were i aad ^InvesUgatioaa .< ^ - i -* -*---" ~£prd automobiles

Jbhn Ffeldman


but Mr. Ford received much publicity. J ShK ^ l ' * " ? * ^ - f ^ *** He issued a statement in which he F n f ? ^ A U ^ t ^ ^


Love Haskell Co. Every Known Kind of Insurance

ever useful it has now outlived its RUSSIAN JEWS' IGNORANT OF PALESTINE VISAS AWAITusefulness like the gold standard, and Street. (The leit motif again.); ING THEM. 209 \r. d. W. BWB. Douslaa 0380 "In its control of empty coal cars Moscow, Jan. S.—(J. T. A.)—Hunthe Interstate t Commerce Commission dreds of Jews in Russia whose relais playing rignt into the hands of tives in Palestine have secured for t i e profiteers' under the guise of reg- them the right to join them iiere, are ulatidns for the public good. ( The ignorant of the fact that there are UNDERTAKERS same Interests who own the public visas awaiting them, the British con'2224 Coming St. utilities, railroads and mines <are sul here told your correspondent. Phone J A ckson 1226 Ine the commission as a part of their During the last year the consul schemes to fleece the public. It is granted only 150 visas to Palestine, so simple that nobody" j During thei last three month^, how. There "was much more and a short «ver, he had been instructed to grant AUTO PAINTING time afterward Ford dealers-and tfh-yvkas only to those whose names ap-Top and Body Building and Repairing. efs who had sent or been ask*d to-J>e» on a list from the immigration CURTAINS—UGHTS-T-ETC. send their dollars to the home organ-, department in Jerusalem* mostly woization of the»Ford for, President^lub men an dcMldren whose relatives are receivedan invitation to contribute $5 » Palestine. Chaluzim' are practi- 1525 teaTemrorth St. AT laatie 0101 more to help make Henry Ford Presi- cally excluded, because the consul is dent. It was in the following letter: not authorized to accept direct applications for visas. The contents of "Home Organization the lists arriving from Jerusalem reHenry Ford, for President Clubs, main unknown as the consul does not Dearborn, Mich. make them public. To-Members of the Club:, Henry Ford has scored another vic- REVISION OF HARDEN TRL\L tory. Booties coal at bootleg prices | PROBABLE. is disappearing with the cancellation ! Berlin.-:-(J. C. B0—An appeal has of L C. C. Service Order No. 23. H i e been lodged by Advocate Gruenspach, counsel for Maximilian Harden, for a VAL J. PETER&COMPANY revision of the trial of Harden's two 130? Howard St., Omaha, Neb., ATlantic 0340. assailants, Weichhardt and Grenz. It is stated that the attorney general, has also moved against the verdict j We have purchased 122,000. of the jury, on the ground that the pair U. S. Army Munson last members of the jury during the shoes, sizes 5% to 12, whicli American course of the trial discussed with the was the entire surplus stock counsel for the prisoners, matters afof one of the largest U. S. Wet Wash Laundry Government shoe contractors. fecting the trial. 280S Cuming. Hartley 0881 One D3y Service. No Extra This shoe is guaranteed one TURKISH WAR PRISONERS FOR hundred, percent solid leathCharges. Refinite Soft Water. PALESTINE. er, color dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and 'waterproof. Jerusalem.—(J. C. B.)—Arrivals in The actual value of this shoe Palestine recently include forty is $6.00. - Owing to this Palestinian Jews who served in the tremendous buy we can' offer Your position is Turkish army during the great war same to the public at $2.95.. correct, and should and. were capifsred by the British .Send correct.size. Pay postbe s u p p o r t e d by forces. The British authorities at Conman on delivery or send eerery fair minded stantinople came to their assistance money Oder. If shoes are not as represented we will to enable them to obtain permission person. cheerfully xefnnd your money to return to Palestine. They are all promptly upon request. accompanied by their families. i

HURD CREAMERY CO. BUTTER and EGGS i Council Bluffs, Ia.



Steamship iickets

Hade by


FOSTER-BARKER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."

TRIMBLE BROTHERS Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor llth and Howard Sts.


Public Sales


voters who) I *„ ^



APPROVES NARUTOWICZ MURDER; ARRESTED. ,.,lWarsaw, Jaa.*fr4<J. T^ifc)—The Myfcl Narodowa has been closed., and., Adolf Nowaczgyneski arrested^ for an

Leo A. Hoffmann . w . Of . . .




NSURANCE "EVERY KNOWN KIND" Abncr H. Ka|man 1319W.O.W.Bldg. AT.80U



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