The. children of today are the
"Build for Better Children" and a
and women of to-
0 ma ha
VOL. m;-r-Nb. 16
Entered,a» « class mall matter on January 27th. 1921. at ,P08tofflce i t L ^ u i i Nebraska, under the Act of March 3. 18TO.
1,209 People $62,850 IS NEEDED TO COMPLETE CAMPAIGN Y.M.I.A. RoadShow Over Rounding Into Shape; Attend Omaha Hebrew FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING To Be Staged April 15 Club 31st Celebration Y Members Set $25,000 as Goal--Will Canvass the City Filled with enthusiasm for the cause and bristling with information on "How to get the pledges" 150 members of the senior group of the YM; and YWHA started out yesterday to raise the quota of $25,000 assigned to it for the -Jewish Community Center campaign. , . . . . The meeting of the gro.up on Tuesday "iiight was in the nature of a practical sales demonstration, •« staged by Harry Lapidus, as the salesman, and Sam Beber and Fred White, the "tough'prospects'. Every possible argument against contributing to the cause was advanced by Beber and White, and every argument was met forcefully and logically by Lapidus. At the end of the "lesson" the ,Y members were so sure that they knew every possible selling point for the Jewish Community Center, that they lost no time in securing their prospect cards and beginning the work. . v Reports of their activities on Wednesday, the first day during which the group was in the field, showed a total of 82,930.00 pledged.
More Workers Needed to Help in Campaign The long dreamed-of Jewish Community Center in. Omaha can-be realized within ten days, if YOU, every man and woman of you, and every'boy and girl of you,-, will help "put this drive over. More workers are needed in this wonderful cause. H u n dreds of men and women ..can _ still be used to aid in this great campaign. All those that desire to help NOW can do'so by calling Harry H. Lapidus at Jack'-" son 2724 or Samuel' H. Schaefer at Jackson 5377. - All those who are .working in this cause will be mentioned in the honor roll that "will' be hung in the New Jewish Community Center, and which will remain there as a monument, for all the generations to come, to let them know who were the workers that made the building possible forthem.
"I Have Faith in the Jewish People ofOmaha'%-*
Novelty Acts, Dancing and 'It is a Gjeat Privilege to be a Jew"—Rabbi G. E. Hillel- -' Music to be Displayed in Kauvar of Denver PaHic Sfcow
TICKETS TO GO ON SALE INITIATION OF 215 CANDIDATES ONE OF THE AT BRANDEIS THEAThe success of the Jewish Community Building drive now •• FEATURES TRE, APRIL 9 hangs in the balance! . :. . :•: $62,850.00 more is needed to bring the .totals to $250,000, the amount necessary with which to erect",the structure to be Two weeks from Sunday, on April "You are the people that must take dedicated to service of our people; the young and the old; the 15, the YMHA show will be ready. the lead in Judaism", said Rabbi C, Then this community will have the E. Hillel-Kauvar of Denver, Colo., to poor and the rich, alike. The campaign closes Tuesday night, April 10. By that time opportunity of seeing one of the best more than 1,200 people who packed performances of amateur talent ever the large auditorium at the Home the $62,850.00 MUST BE RAISED! . ; Hotel to celebrate the thirty-first an* Chairman Harry Lapidus in charge of the drive said that given locally. he is confident that'the. Jewish people, realizing the mighty need Day by day the acts are rounding niversary of the Omaha Hebrew Club. and importance cf a Jewish Community Center building will into shape, songs are being rehearsed, "It is you men and women who will rally as in the past and put the campaign over the top with a dances perfected and lines learned. uphold the times". Costumes and special drops are being "It is a great "privilege to be a hip-hip-hurrah and.a bang. " . . "The Jewish people of Omaha have air enviable reputation, made, orchestrations being written, Jew," said Rabbi -Kauvar, "and 83 not only among people of other faiths of this city but also among special lighting effects planned, and Jews we must be a figure in the "world. the Jews of other cities," said Chairman Lapidus. "We have all the essentials of a professional JThe world has lost its balance—we never failed in any. civic or philanthropic work we have ever entertainment being given detailed I are being swept away with the tide I of the time. We live in a wonderful undertaken and I know that our people will not let that reputa- attention. tion go asunder now when the most important work of all is A special feature of the show will time, when we must work together to now before us. I am sure that our present organization will be the pianologue, with Sadye Levey, fight off.all prejudices and against all I function and by April 10 we can announce to the world that Mrs. Louis Nathan and Lillian Chud- hooded organizations". Here Rabbi acoff. Each of them is a learned Kauvar told of the hooded organiza[ the Omaha campaign has been a success. • : *
As a first step the .Y group as a Center Building for us and for all the children and young men and body subscribed $1,000 to .the fund, Jewish women in Omaha.- in. addition to which individual mem- The members of our various clubs bers -will subscribe.' Two hundred range in age from 8 years to 25 years. Workers in the drive for the New cause that will remain long after we pianist—together they will present a tion, the Ku Klux Klan. and fifty dollars, applying on this There are more than 700 of us. We "We must open the world to im• pledge, has been paid to Louis find the Y; M. and Y. W. • H». A. a Community Center y met Wednesday are gone," is the message that all the musical offering that will be novel, distinctive and highly enjoyable. place. where Iwe .may meet with our migrants. When I hear of someone Kirschbraun, treasurer of the fund. friends and acquaintances—a place noon and made final; plans to wind up the workers are broadcasting through; this city to make it possible for them saying that he is a foreigner, I resent . Then there will be the act of Harold out Omaha. . :. .: . ' ' . . . , "This cause is your cause, the where we may enjoy clean, wholesome to joins us. •' the campaign witi£ a whoop. Ever - ' - - . "i the word and mention that we are all Farber.and Anne Rosenblatt, present"We cannot fail now, we must raise Jewish Community Center is YOUR recreation. since last Monday^, night, these men i We need a building that .belongs to ing special songs and dances, and The New Patriots. America is a Community Center," said Harry Our club-rooms are used by us all the Jewish people of Omaha—and not have been working ^constantly to ob- this money.. We must maintain the original comedy. These clever enterwonderful country for immigrants, the: time, :. Whenever , you may come just; a jfev rooms that-are rented for Lapidus, in concluding bis appeal to tain pledges for the New Jewish Com- high standard- in; this work, that we tq the rooms you mil-find some of us them* We need a modern gymnasium Jsiaers--writ offer a combination of {and wasn't it the immigrants who have established in all communaUea the young men and women to do Iheie—4he be erected in -, .young ones during the_ Jjnd^a,-. swimming^ jaopl,_ we^vneed an munity Center^ .mirth, and.melody that will- be hard made America? When President their"sBafefTn' the' 'campaign'."' "You affernoons; ffie^ older ones" a t iugnt. SSdTtofiunt""and . many" "small" "ctub- Omaha,.—^' '• •>•-•*- ..s^tafe* to beat. • • • ' • • Harding signed the Palestine m^ndatfe," boys and girls are' the future men The club-rooms aye our playground— roqms; We need a Jewish' library* To-date the workers have raised cause is the "one thai should lfe closest he said 'it was his privilege'. We are We need a common meeting plate for -The. dramatic actors, including they'lteep us off the "sHeets, and but of to your hearts because" it" is the one and women*of this city. YOU are $185,000 from three hundred -and ] all Jews and we are all Zionists. At Irvin Stalxnaster, Eay Bercu, Harriet local thing that we. must*take care of. the ones to help> put this campaign harmful places where we might be. all Jews. seventy-five subscribers. $65,000 more to go*-if we did not have the We are growing slowly- Jbecause we is needed to complete the' drive and is We want s Jewish Community Center, Fleischman, Louis Abramson and Al most of our great Universities we • over and I know that you will do it." tempted Y. M. & Y-W.rH. A. - - , , . , have very little more roomrfor. growth. where OUR boys:and "girlsr: will have Handler, are rehearsing every day un- have that great fraternal order of "You just bet we will," answered Now we ask you -to think of the If you could only put yourselves in needed by April 10. Israel Goodman, president of the hundreds of Jewish .children and our places and could know how much The workers will canvass every a. proper place to. go and where the der the direction of Mrs. B. R. Boas- Zeta Beta Tau, although its name is group. "We know how badly Omaha young men and women who do not the Y. M. & Y. W.-H. A. means to us, home in the city. They have organ- recreations that" every boy and girl berg for their playlet "The Florist j spelled in Greek letters, it means come to the club-rooms—because we you would not hesitate for one moment needs a Jewish Community Center haven't enough space for them. We to provide a suitable building for the ized into fifteen teams. "Every Jewish looks for, will be under Jewish envir- Shop." This will form a bright spot j"Zion Be Triumphant". I . Rabbi Kauvar was repeatedly apBuilding, and we are going out to want them all to join us—we think children and the young people of this man and woman in the city of Omaha onment., We~iriust~put it over and we in an unusually fine bill. will put it over." ' plauded by his large audience. "Right The Y quartette, the Children's should join in this wonderful cause, a tell the people of Omaha What we you owe it to the boys and girls of city I here in Omaha, I see that the Jews Revue, under Dorothy Devere's direcknow. Tell the men who are now tion, the Boy Scout novelty, Abner | are forming together to build a large active in 'this campaign that they GROUP OF Y. M. AND Y. W. H. A. WORKERS Kaiman and Rose Davidson, the Lust- Community Center, a place where all can rely upon us to do our -share. garten sisters and the Jazz Orchestra, Jews may gather under Jewish We will not disappoint them." all these acts will be presented - for the environments. I am glad to hear that At the first call for workers from entertainment and delection of Oma- the people of Omaha have started the group every one present at the ha's Jewry. . | such a wonderful cause. I hope and 'meeting responded. Fifteen teams ' I know that you will put this drive Tickets will be on sale at the were organized, with., majors, capBrandeis Theatre, beginning April 9. over for this building." tains and lieutenant® Israel GoodPopular prices will prevail. One of the feature events of the man was appointed general director celebration was the public initiation of the teams with Sam Beber, of a large class of candidates which adjutant. numbered 215. This large memberWith the inclusion of these workship secured for this class was the ers in the campaign every man in result of three weeks work, with a Omaha will be solicited, either by Mr. Jake A. Davidson, formerly of membership contest conducted by the - this group or the men's . division. this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, Da-'dub. The women's division will begin their vidson, was awarded $100 for the best Mark. Polansky, winner of this work among the girls, and women of Tongue-Twisters sentence on Thurs- membership contest, was awarded a the city within ten days. day,, March 22." "The contest -is held gold watch and chain for the.first Following is the appeal, which the daily by the Chicago. Tribune and YM and YWHA members have hundreds of persons compete in. the prize; Samt Klaver was awarded a issued to the Jewish people of contests. Davidson's winning Tongue- traveling bag as second prifce and J. Omaha: Twister . was "Tricky Tini Tried To I Romanek was awarded a silver tray .• . .- We are your boys and girls—and Trim Tiny Tessas Trailing Tresses." as the third prize. we are appealing to you to help us. "I believe that we should feel proud . Young Davidson is attending the We are the members of the Y. M. & of this large class of candidates that Y. W. H. A. groups. There is University of Chicago Art School, and have just been admitted to our club," one'thought in all our minds. We was also a student of the University want you to help to the limit of your of Nebraska" for. two years, prior to said Arthur Rosenblum, chairman of ability to erect a Jewish Community the evening. This club was organized going'to the Chicago university. in this city thirty-one years ago with but a handful of members and now SAM CARMEtL TO BE SPON- has a membership roll of over 700. SORED BY MUSICAL The Omaha Hebrew. Club has conSOCIETY stantly given part of its funds to "Columbia, Mo., March 29.—Nathan c Samuel Carmell, 12, wlio was re- worthy charitable causes. E. Jacobs, member of the JSeta Beta, cently heard by Fritz Kreisler, world's The following program was giveni Tau Fraternity at the University of known violinist, will be one of the first "America" by the Audience Missouri, was elected president of the musical talented children in the state by the Audience Jewish Student Congregation. . of Nebraska who will be sponsored "Hatikvah" Led by Mrs. Max Fromkin Mr. Jacobs was formerly vice-presiby the Nebraska Society o f Musical Harry Braviroff, Accompanist dent of- the congregation and was Development. This society was orfleeted president to succeed Manuel ganized recently and indorsed by lead- Piano D«et....Rose and Rebecca Segal snick, of St. Joseph, Mo., who was ing professional men and" women in Public Initiation-— president during the past term. Jacobs Arthur Rosenblum President the city of Omaha. Js In his Junior year at the University. Dr. Nathan Dansky..,.Vice President Young Carmell has played to more The Student Congregation how has Albert Kaplan ..Ass't Conductor than 150 clubs and churches in the a membership of over forty. Conductor city of Omaha. He has been a student' Irvin Stalmaster during the past focr years of Miss Vocal Solo Mrs. Martin Sugarman Capetown. (J. T. A.) Great BritHarry Braviroff, Accompanist Rachmel, Ben Falk, LieutenFollowing are the workers in the Captains; Fred Kurtzman, Lts. TEAM-12—T>aTid Freetnan. Major; Bare Emily Cleve. ants. ain must not falter in the execution ' Sher and Tillie Rice, Capts. Presentation of Prizes in Membership The Nebraska Society for Musical TEAM 8—Ira Siepal. Major; Ben ElUs of its promises towards the establish- YM and YWHA teams: TEA5I 4—Hfirold.Fnrber. Major; 5Iinnete Contest—-John Feldman, Chairman and Betty Fine. Captains; TEAM 13—Paul Isaacson, Major; Dave Development which was recently orGross and l'lillip. Fcldmnn, Harry Knreter. Albert Finfcel, RavitJj and Gertrude White, ganized is a non-sectarian organizament of Palestine as the Jewish na- TEAM 1—Blnnche Altman. Major; Rose of Committee on Arrangements Captains: Benjttmin Bernstein, Anne Goldware, Hose Arndt, Captains; Tess Kavich. Jack Fine, Bert Brown, Captains; tSohal home. This was the substance Morris' Fine, Aime Rabinowitz, Lieut Dnants. Minn Freedman. Anne Zalk, '", • . Frieden, t«ona Kovltsky, Get- tion; Young Carmell will play at the Violin Solo '"'\ Gilbert Iaffe Margaret Greenfield, Lieutea;" " trude • Rorimi,»,Lts..' » Anno Fanger, Harry ,of an address by General Smuts, South World Theater the week of April 7. ' a nls. Harry Braviroff, Accompanist Ray -Aitman; Lieutenants. TEAM 9— Ed Soligv Major; Joe Freemen African Prime Minister, in opening a and Anne Weiss. Captains; TEAM 11-^-Leon Mendelson, Major; Helen Remarks .... Chairman of the Evening TEAM. 2—Anne". SoitcoV, Major; Birdie TEAM 5—Kd. Tjcvinson, Major; Esther Sam Coben, Lieutenant. • Altschuier and Mary ; Moscoe, Jewish fete Tuesday. Davidson and Ida Adler, The Congregation B'nai Israel SynSelicow and .Nathan Hurwitz, Address* — "The Challenge of the Captiiins;' Mpllie Xitz, Bertha Captains. Captains; li'.innr Wczelmnn; "It .Will be an evil day," said Smuts, Wintroiib. Major;' Jos. 'Kushhe'r. Ets. agogue at Eighteenth and' Chicago, Times" lippn QrciRs; Ben Knbby, Jnlla TFAAr C—Jack Fleiscsimjin. Major; Ben TEAM I0-TH11 Krcstnl and f<nra!i Wjirslmw, 'Tor' the British Empire if i t ' ever AVise.' Mary Ma'izel. Lieutenstreets will hold their Saturday mornCaptnin^; Jack Laser." Lt. TEAM 15—Anne AVhito. Mnjor; F>Jith Clvin and Celia Sllverman, Rabbi Dv. C. E. Hillel-Kauvar « jints.- . . . .. . * , Konyon and . Nil to Mnookin, ing services on Saturday, March 31, deserts the ideal of a definitelyCaptains; Rose Schiffer. Lillian TEAM 11—Maurice Mieklin, Major; ffm. SchiEfer, Rozella Fanger. Lts> Captains. achieved national home for the Jew- TEAS! 3—Louis Abramson. Major; Clara Alberts nnd Gertrude Taile. at 7 o'clock, instead of 8 o'clock, as "Jewish Press" Ads Bring Results. Feldman -and Dirs-e Beber, TKAM 7—Fred White. . Major; Harry CsiptaiDR; Abe Meyers and Israel GoodmaTi. General Director. ish people." Captains;-- Ben Minken, Bill previously announced. llobinson and Lottie Glventer, Sarah i'cllman. Lts. Sam Beber, Adjutant. PATRONISE OUR ADVERTISERS^
@mak Boy Wits Prize in"
Offlahan Elected President ' ofStudent Congregation
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PBESS, THtTESDAY, MARCH 29, 182S The Lightstone-Snyder wedding will four tables of bridge at her home Sun be held a t the home of the ; bride's day afternoon honoring Miss Ida AI-. parents this afternoon, only the im- pirin, who is to be an April bride. Publlihca •»(!** Thursday ml.Om*lU. • A regular meeting of the Sisterhood mediate relatives will be present. A Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooler entertainTHE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COKIPANY. will be held at the home of Mrs, A. reception for friends will be held at ed at bridge, during the week. Prizes Office: 482 Branded Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2872. Traditional customs of the Jewish people include the generous use of Perimeter next Wednesday afternoon. eight o'clock. were won by Mrs. Sam Katelman and walnuts during the observance of Passover Week. Years ago a game was NATHAN E.... GREEN, Manager. devised by Jewish boys of "shooting" walnuts as marbles and the sport was Mr. and Mrs. P. Friedman enter- Mrs. Dave Cherniss entertained at Mr. S. Mayerson. • :, particularly followed during Tassover as at that time a bowl of nuts was ...$2.50 tained a few of their friends at their Subscription .Price TJW • yesr~i usually within the reach of the children of the household. • Advertising rates furnished on application. The custom of using walnuts in preparing special dishes at this occasion home Wednesday evening. has steadily grown until now' during Passover Week large quantities of NOT PBlNTEb FOR PiEBSONAt PROFIT—Profits from the publicsMiss Julia Chapman, of Des Moines, California walnuts are consumed in Jewish homes throughout the nation. tton of The Jewish Prcs» are to be given to worthy communal causea. 1114 NORTH 24TH STREET : The California Walnut Growers* Association, the non-profit and co- la., arrived Friday morning to be the operative marketing agency through which 4,000 walnut growers dispose house guest of Miss Gertrude ChernCHANGS O r ADDnE8?-;i»Ie««e «1»» both th« ol* «nd o»w We wish to announce to our friends and of their cropsi has issued this year a series of tested receipes for use •.- •". . , : . • • . . • ; • . • b * 1 9 1 * a o d t l c n r o n r M U M . - . > . iack. during Passover Week. * : patrons that we will carry a full line of The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish A new way to make ; cake with the use of matzo meal is given Mrs. Hymie Krasne will -spend the Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition as follows: PASSOVER FOODS, SPECIAL IMPORTED '..--.to feature articles and corresnondences from all important Jewish centres. 1 lb. ground shelled walnuts • . - week of Passover in Oakland, Nebr. PASSOVER COOKIES Inquiries regarding news items"'-credited t o this Agericy will be gladly, 1 lb. sugar ., Miss libbie Snyder entertained a answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, Live Fish Sold Here Daily. 1 cup matzo meal : N e w Y o r k Cffy. i• ' ' - : - - • • /"• •• --• - - •• : ::•;• - '/ : few of her friends at tea Wednesday 1 lemon = '. All mail orders given immediate consideration. '".. , J4 enp chapped dates afternoon, at her home. We deliver to all parts of the city. Cream sugar with egg yolks, rub in rind of lemon, add juice of lemon, FASSOVER Phone us up at WE bster 6512, and place your order nuts, meal and dates. Beat whites of eggs to stiff froth. Fold in mixture, Mr. Sidney Lightstone, of Detroit, J. FINKENSTEIN, Proprietor pour in greased baking dish. Bake in moderate oven for 40 minutes. Mich., and mother, Mrs. M. Lightstone, "Jewish Passover Pudding" is the title given the following dish which of Rochester, N. Y., arrived Wednesas' also made with matzo meafc ' ing on this evening* eyeryj.Jewish- household in the;country eats; is; day to be at the home of Mr. Light1 lb. chopped shelled walnuts Matzoth, the unleavened treads In * some households n& leaver* > 1 lb. quartered shelled walnuts stone's fiancee, Miss Libbie Snyder. of any charactier is eaten during the eight days the festival of : 3 egg whites ' Passover is observed. '• / Vz lb. matzo meal ,-. Mr. Lester Davidson, of Sioux City, J 1 lemon lAmtfng the more liberal Jews of this- country Passover ends . "The Clothing Corner of Omaha" la., is the guest of Mr. Philip Krasne. Mix nuts and meal with unbeaten egg whites and enough strained on Saturday, April'7- In most Jewish hQiries, however'liberal, honey to make a stiff paste. Add lemon juice. Bake in well-greased baka portion of the elaborate ritual built; np during the long cent- ing dish from 3D to 40 minutes in moderate oven. . Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz are uries this feast-has been celebrated will be retained. A fig pudding, which will be found delicious arid wholesome, can be leaving the latter part of the week : 'The' opening evening; of the festival known a Seder night, prepared by t h e following menu: for Kansas City, Mo., to be gone about , 1 pt. water _ • will certainly be observed in all Jewish homes. A special ritual' ten days. 2 tablespoons matzo flour has been compiled for this service called the "Haggadah". This ; Yz cup sugar . Subscribe to "The Jewish Press." venerable "volume recites the events of the Exodus by means of Boil together ten minutes Everything you want in world's best Add l i b . dried figs cut in pieces qoaint^ songs and stories; and endeavors" to awaken within the standard quality clothes is here for you. Cook 15 minutes sonl p | old and young a love of liberty.: 'The ritual of the Seder Nothing questionable in fabrics, in tailorTake from fire—add ' ' • • stresses the notion that each oiie: is tb regard himself as if he FOR RENT—All modern eight • ..-.:, ' 1 lb. walnuts and •' , • ing, in quality, and PRICES the lowest in liimself came forth- from the house of Egyptian: bondage. r 1 well beaten egg white room, home with garage for the city. In justice to yourself—compare < Additional efforts have been exerted by the Central ConPour in molds . one or tw6 families. Call —inspect the west's largest showing of Serve cold with whipped cream. ference of American Babbis to make this festival of Seder more Webster 1076 or at 2304 Other new and different ways to serve California walnuts are: appreciated. among, the younger generation of American Israel: MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S HIGH GRADE KELIABLE WALNUT BONBONS. North 21st Street. andtd this end a new. edition of the "Saggadah" is bemg preInto the white of one egg beaten lightly, mix powdered sugar until pared "which will retain .the salient features of the. ancient ritual stiff. Add very strong black coffee to flavor and slightly color. Drop inMany Jewish congregations and organizations are planning halves or quarters walnut meats a few at a time. Drop from a fork on to celebrate Seder in their own institutions. Whileprimarilya paper< Leave to dry or night. SPICED WALNUTS. We Wish to Announce feast for the: home there is no.traditional objection to an institu-. 2 cups walnuts . •' to Our Patrons and Friends tion, symbolizing as it does a larger'family, gathering about a , r 1 cup sugar ; THAT THE SHOHIT . 3 tablespoons water ' festive board and reviving common memories. Priced to save you $5 to §15! .1 tablespoon cinnamon or 2-3 teaspoon ginger Original Passover was an agricultural feast. At a later Cook sugar in water until it hardens when dropped in a cup of cold period; it became dissociated in part from its primitive nature water. front fire, stir in the cinnamon and pour over the walnuts. and was identified with an. event in the early; history of the Stir until.the nuts are thoroughly coated with the syrup. Spread onl is with FRIED & KUKLTN • Hebrews which invested the festival with the new and highly I>latter to dry. _ . "" ROASTED WALNUTS. significant spiritual message Kosher Meat Market p g of liberty, y for all mankind. ^ Bafee in hot oven until shells look brown. These -added to sacramental 1513 North 24th Street In the Synagogue the not of Spring is reflected in the WEbster 4330 wines will be found delicious. "•Service and Qnallty Is Onr Slotto" assigned scriptual reading from the Song of Songs wherein the Priced to save you $5 to $15! • We carry the best line of worshipper is reminded ,that the winter is over and gone and four academic Polish societies. Copies * • - • • • Fresh Meats and Delicatessen. the song of the turtle-dove is again heard in the land. h b have been sent to the representatives » QJiyiFFV r i T V .This joyous note isr not sounded to the, exclusion of tfie of of a all. parties. Jliscriniination l l tthe h e nartwisTV^TimfnaHnT, J I OlUUA H I I historical association of the Exodus of the Children of Israel against the Jews may lead •ultimately ASK TO SEE "REGLAR FELLER" Miss Reva Grogs, of Council from Egypt. The purpose of the Passover is to recall to mind to conflicts between the nationality is in the- city, visiting friendsBluffs, SHOWERPROOFED SUITS and the many miracles whicfi were wrought in b'ehalf';;oi-;the--' House groups, it is contended. relatives. -'-•— ----of Jacob by the never slijmbering Guardian and Keeper of Israel. Our entire stock of jewelry, watches and diamonds to be Throughout the Festival of Passover the historical circum- ONLY A FEW COUNTRIES Mr. Pi Wall, of Chicago, 111., arrived Priced to save you $2.50 to $5.00! sacrificed to the highest bidder. stance of this delivery fj"oih Egyptian bondageis vividly revived CAN CLAIM last week to assume his duties as a Our entire stock valued at over COMPARE! and the scenes-, reviewed -where' the; ikindrediv^ a Joseph were ; ADMISSIBLE IMMIGRANTS social service secretary for the com- 150,000 most be sold. degraded to slave 1^6 Washington. (J. T. A.) Austria, munity. - ^ " :*V^ ••'.-. AUCTION NOW4JO1XG ON. iliustroas ancestor had showered cu'ehest blessings. Their fea- Gerjmany, Eastern Galicia^ the Pinsk Mrs. Barney fearon returned last . Come and see for yourself. slavement of body afflicted likewise their soulsV; They sarik mfcq region, Bessarabia^Esthonia. and Lat-week from Chicago, Illnois, where, she the grievous ti^aldom xtf despairi " ' vis are among the few countries, whose visited Mr. Baron? who is confined to ThedeHyerahcei\frpnxj Egyptiaii; tyranny assured them thiat imririgraht quotas have not been ex- the Mercy • Hospital. OHABA Established 1892 then: supplications had been heard on High. The memory of this hausted a s yet." The unfilled quota The Jewish Educational Alliance ; CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN: 1510 Farnatn: St. Jackson 5782 redemption reminds the modern Jews that they too must be for Pihsk is. 1,236; Bessarabia, 1,913; gave a dance at tfee Hebrew Institute on their guard against oppression and work with all their: might Esthonia, 1,192; Latvia, 374; Eastern last;Sunday;evening. •' ': -y •"-. .. : \ for the eventual triumph-of liumanity over the tyfanny of in- Gfficia, 2,099.
Special Recipes^ for Passover
Buy Easter Clothes at OnceDon't Delay
Smart Spring Suits
$25 to $50
Rev. J. Schukert
New Spring Top Coats and Gaberdines
$20 to $45
Boys' Two Pants Suits
$7.50, $10, $12.50, $15
Goldstein Jewelry to.
justice and iniquity. V Passover has inspired the Jew to trust in the eventual reign of righteousness. f ^ FROM THE JEWISH WOMEN.;
You will also probably receive telegrams from us, referring such cases for immediate attention, and we would The following letter was; received urge yon t o give, these cases your immediate conby Mrs. S. Nathan, chairman of the promptest and mos£ : -. ' ;.• .•",••• Immigrant Aid of the local -Council sideration. . Yours-for- service, of Jewish Women from the headquarETTA LASKEB EOSENSOHN, ters: : . . . . : . : . . " • • . ; . • •;/•:':.•.' . Chairman. The recent ukase of the Polish govCECILIA EAZOVSKY, ernment, ordering all non-resident Secretary. aliens a t present in Poland to leave that country by March 15th, is affecting thousands upon thousands of Jewish men, women and children transmigrants en route to America. . Many of these prospective immigrants —Russians, Ukrainians, etc.—have been waiting for months in Warsaw Over Two Hundred and Fifty Thouto obtain their visas from the Amersand People Served by Hias. ican consul. Numbers of them have already received their United States -visas, but because their quota for their New York. (J. C. B.) A total of country has already been exhausted, they have been forced to wait in Po- 49,803 Jewish immigrants arrived in land until July 1st, at which time the the United States in 1922. Of that new quotas will be opened.' Thou- number, 463 were deported. sands of refugees who have fled from These figures were revealed at the thehorrors of war, pogroms and star- fourteenth annual meeting of the Hias vation, again find themselves homeless and destitute. What country they (Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant are to go; to next, no one can Bay. Aid Society) held Sunday. - Bat it is concerning those migrants With the exception of 1,108, all of •who already have United States visas the Jewish immigrants were to go to •who are apparently in all other respects admissible to the United States. near relatives. but who must await the opening of • The special drive for funds launched the new quotas, that we are now ad-under the supervision of Vice Presdressing you. Since Poland will not harbor them—the doors of America ident Jacob Massel brought in a to.tal will not be open -until July 1st—where of $411,639 up to March 9. shall they go these four months t o John L.-Bernstein, president of the -wait? A few hundred of them will Hias, paid tribute .to the "thousands find refuge in-the various port cities of small contributors who helped elimof Europe. The rest wrest go either to Cuba or to Argentina, where, these inate a deficit of $34)00,000 during unfortunate immigrants may wait un- the year and who also provided-an til the new year permits there to additional fund of $111,639 for curcomplete their Journey to the United rent expenses." Harry Fischel, treasStates. Cables from abroad "have already reached us, in a number of urer of the society, reported the total i cases, asking that we- communicate income for the year* as $800,745 and - with American relatives for the Tjur- the expenditures as $264,258. •ftose at having the old steamship tick- > About, 250,000 people had been ets cancelled, and new ones' purchased for Cuba, or su^ieifint ffunds helped with, some service by the Hias forwarded for new steamship, tickets during the -year, it was reported. for Cuba. . .",*""" - ^Representative SiegeJ of the House We have no doubt that every ehair- Immigration Committee, speaking at nuni will receive many innurries.xon- the -meeting-, said'that twelve memcerning some of the families that are were opposed to all immigration into caught in this fearful maelstrom, of inisery. We therefore suggest that this country. Congressmen believed, •rtfcenever feasible, you address the rel- Siegel said, that the public sentiment atives to j?o to Cuba,- if there seems of America is hostile to immigration. no other alternative. This is perfectly legal, so long as the immigrants have their-United States visas'. With- POLISH LIBERALS APPEAL FOR » the visas, as you'well know, they : JEWISH STUDENTS, :• -not enter the United States. Warsaw. (JF. T. A.) — Resolutions , ' yon desire any further information, in cases that come*to_youI;p1ease protesting against against the "pertelegraph us at once, as time is very centage norm" for Jewish students at
49,803 Jewish Immigrants Arrived m U. S. in 1922
Sam Newman
5683-1923. Passover (Pesach) „ JSun., Apr. 1 Passover (Seventh r>ay) Sat, Apr. 7 Rosh-Chodesh Iyat __-To.es* Apr. 17 Lag b'Omer _I __Fri,May 4 Rosh-Chodesh Sivan —Wed., May 16 Shabouth (Confirmation) Day) —™ 1 : JHoiu, May 21 Rosh-Chodesh __Frw 5 Rosh-Chodesh Tammuz Ab Sat, June July 14 -Sun., Jul; Fast of Ab Rosh-Chodesh EIuI —Mon, Aug. ' 3 New Year's Eve. -.MOB... Sept..10
1 " * ? - ^ " «- fa"+||f« onvoTirflnfc situation. Polish .universities were adopted. by _
and all
Paints and Varnishes at the
LOWEST PRICES 214 So. 18th St. Jackson 0043.
212 Courtney Bldg.,
1? Dooslas St.
SALON L* CHARME New Address of Shampoo, Manicure, SOe—Marcel, 75c Expert Individual Service. Evening or Sunday, AT. 4S13. M. T. UEVT.
Place your orders for Matzos and Passover Supplies now. Best qualities. Lowest prices. Mrs. S. SILVER, 2318 Charles St.
is us
Hi I HAVE MOVED Fine Tailoring for Men and @ Women at Low Prices Hi in New Shop 1!
O INTRODUCE our new shop filled with beautiful materials, 5a moderately priced, vre offer special reduction on tailored apparel Si for men and women. WOMEN'S SUITS, KM UP MEN'S SUITS |45 V3f
L. K N E E T E R, TAILOR ::: 1912 Farnam Street. Room ID Phone AT. eo«S:
Web. 6678
Besldence, 1343 So. S5tb St. Tel Atlantic «5637. Place of Business, 163* No. Zith St. TeU Webster S916.
Cut Flowers 311 South 16th Sfa«et Phone Atlantic 8010. , Open Evenings. Only Jewish Florist in town.
Every Motor Tested Severely
The Newest and Latest Designs of Wallpaper
MONHEirS Chiropodisr and Beauty . Shop E^tabliahed -1800 iftth and Uarmt^ Btrwts. Give us a chance to appreciate your boslnesa Cor appointments call Ja. 9774.
TWO SALESMEN WAITED We 0 m t two Jewish salesmen. " We prefer men who have never been salesmen. We will teach you how to sell our line. This is a splendid opportunity for men who want to make more money. Our men are earning from $2,000.06" to $5,000.00 a year according to their ability* Call mornings. Ask for Mr. Thomp«S^ 3122 Leayenworth S t • .
Particular care is devoted by Nash to the severe testing of the motor. Not only are various scientific tests applied to the metal as itgoes from one stage to another, but also to the finished motor. It is first extensively limbered up; then put under a load to develop any possible flaw in performance; next, disassembled and inspected, then reassembled and tested in the silent room for quietness; and, finally, given a road-test in the completed car. FOURS and SIXES Prices range from $y 15 to $2190 f* o. b. factory
NA NASH-VRIESEMA AUTO CO. RETAIL WHOLESALE SERVICE Tcstli and Howard Streets Exclusive Local Factory Representatives ATlantk 2916 (omitted from Telephone Directory)
Naih Lead* the World la Motor Car Vain*
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1928 bus, of this city, an- are attending the University of Ne- Mrs. Henry Rosenthal is expecting in the hands of1 -the -Tigers; The Owirig to the Passover, holiday the Troop meeting will not be held durnounce the birth of z. baby boy born braska, are spending their sprirg vac- to leave the latter part of the week patrol standings are as follbwsi for Excelsior Springs, Mo. ing the next two Saturdays. The Tuesday, March 27. Mrs. Cohen was ation here with their parents. Blackbear.....;: ......713> next regular meeting will he held formerly Miss Clara Snitzer. Lion.. :„... .:..u...€S0 Miss Lydia Ross entertained sixteen Mr. and Mrs. H. Marks; will enterr Saturday^. April -14, at 1:30 P, U. Eagle . 667 The City Talmud ToTah Registration guests at her home Sunday afternoon tain Monday morning, April 2, at the sharp. Tiger , ...497 for the new semester for beginners honoring her thirteenth birthday. A Beth Hamedosh Synagog,. 19th and will commence on Tuesday, April 3, number of games were played and Butt Streets, in honor of the Barmitzand continue all week from nine to prizes are won by Lillian Freeman voh of their son, Leo. Mr. and Mrs. Marks will have a reception at their twelve in. the morning. All children and Alvin Friedman. to b© registered must be accompanied Hr. N. Horn," of Los Angeles, Calif., home at 2119 Burdette Street on Monday afternoon from thre^. to five, and by their parents. formerly of this city, who spent ten Monday evening from eight to ten. A number of socials are being given days hire visiting with friends, re•will present for Miss Katie Siever, of Minneapolis, turned Monday -evening to his home. Y. M. H. A. Troop 62 Wednesday evening, April 4, 1923 Minn., who is visiting here with her Mesdames Herman Rehfeld and Last Saturday was a perfect day WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. SilFirst Time in Omaha SAMUELS-JACKS. Mr. and Mrs* J. Kutler announce the vexman. Mrs. Philip Grossman enter- Nathan Mantel will entertain at a and as a result 24 scouts showed up luncheon at the home of the latter on at the meeting. Our latest addition The marriage of Miss Ella Jacks, engagement of their daughter, Sarah, tained twelve guests at a luncheon to t i e troop is Leonard Goldstein daughter of Mr. S. Jacks, of Hast- to Mr. Maurice Turitz, of Leeds, Eng- Thursday at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Friday afternoon. ings, Nebr.,. to Mr. James Samuels, land. No date has been set for the Mrs. L Grossman, entertained at a : Mr. I*. Friedman, of Minneapolis, and he i s ' already a tenderfoot scout. A Comedy and X>rama in four acts •with songs and dances. also of Hastings, Nebr., was solem- wedding., ;,-.-..•bridge at her home Saturday after- Minn., arrived during the week to visit Tenderfoot badges were. awarded to Sunday evening, April 8, 1923 nized^ Sunday in Hastings, Rabbi J. noon; Covers were laid for twenty here with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gerber at Leonard Goldstein and Siraon Wienweg. Harry Kohlberg was presented The Great Sensational Production Singer, oi Lincoln, Nebr., officiating. Mrs. S. G. Saltzman and baby son guests. Mrs. A. Silvennan entertained the' Milton Apartments. with a second class badge. The After a short wedding trip to Lin- returned Saturday evening from a twenty guests at a one o'clock lun-, _,.,,.— coln and Omaha, the young couple three and half months' stay in Cali- cheon followed by bridge at her home * Mr « ** ^ ' ^ & m ? ° * S b ? r g "*' main event of the evening was the vdH Tniakef their home in Hastings. fornia, -visiting in Los Angeles, San Tuesday afternoon. Thursday after- nounce the birth of a. baby boy on initiation of Leonard Goldstein and 27, at the Stewart Simon Wienzweg. The scouts were Francisco and Long Beach. Mr. and noon, Mrs. M. Steinberg entertained Tickets, $1.00, 75c, 50c REMEMBER THE DATES. Both are well known in Omaha. first mad* to walk over the road of The out-of-town guests present at Mrs. Saltzman are temporarily mak- ten guests at a theater party. A num- ; Maternity Hospital. learning. They walked very carethe ceremony were Mrs. M. Lucason, ing their home at the Morris apart- ber of other socials are' being planned Rabbi Frederick Cohn has chosen fully for the penalty of a mistake ments. • • , ' . of Minneapolis, Minn., sister of the for the visitor after Passover. j"The Unquenchable Fire" as his ser- was severe. After jumping to earth bride. Mr. J; Samuels and Miss Sadye mo Miss Rose Weinberg left Sunday 1 Mr. Harold Brodkey, of Milo, Iowa, ^ f o r Friday evening March 30. from an aeroplane they found themSamuels, of Lincoln, brother and sist e r o f the groom, Mr. Al Sandlovich, for Sioux City, la., to be gone a-week. ispent the week here visiting with "The Great Sabbath." Saturday eve- selves walking toward t i e cave of Horrors into which they crawled. also of Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs/D. A special program commemorating friends. jning their will be a short service be- There the Great Black Devil gave •F.l Finkenstein, of Omaha. the Passover season will be given, fat Miss Flora Bienstock entertained ginning at six-thirty and on Sunday Phone for Phone for the regular meeting of the Jewish the Ra Oth Society Sunday afternoon | morning the Passover services will be them the Supreme test. Both scouts COHN-KAHN. Women's Welfare Organization -at at Phelps Hut. Prizes were wan b y : observed with Rabbi Cohn's subject as passed the tests and were at once Demonstration Demonstration Hiss Freeda Kahn, daughter of Mr. the Jewish Community Center, in the made tenderfoots; David Kahn, has set her wedding day Lyric Building, at the regular meet- Miss Charlotte Hirschberg, Mrs. Max I "Israel's Glorious Festival." There The Tiger and Blackbear Patrols to; Mr. Abe Coin, of Gretna, Nebr., ing on Tuesday afternoon, April • 3. Froinkin, and Miss Tina Attsehuler. Jwill be special Passover music at the share the Silver star for last week, The out-of-town guest present was services. son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohn, of while the Gold star continues to be Council Bluffs, Iau,' on Aril 16, at the- Mrs. S. H. Schaefer will read a paper Mrs. J , M. Fogel, of Denver, Colo. Mrs. Herbert Arnstein will be at on "Heroines of the Passover" and home of the groom's parents. Kabbi : Miss Rose Rubin will be hostess to home to her friends tm Friday afterMiss Cecelia Feiler will sing. Frederick Cohn-will officiate. ther Ra Oth members at the next noon honoring her mother, Mrs. Chas. J. Zangvell W. W. Crade ' Mayer, of New York, who is visiting The Annual Dance and Card Party meeting. Estimates Furnished LEVINSOHN-LIPMAN. with Mrs. Arnstein. of the Jewish Women's Welfare Carefully . The marriage of Miss Rose Lip- Organization wiE be given at the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun Miss Helen Garson, of Lincoln, man, daughter of Mr. J- Lipman, of Blackstone on Tuesday evening, are expected home Sunday from a "The most talked of car in America" Neb., is visiting with Miss Eva Coin. Bassett, Nebr., to Mr. Alex Lcvinsohn, several weeks* stay in the east visitBuilt of high grade standard units ofSaginaw, Mich., took place Sunday April 3. There will be prizes offered ing in New York and Boston. Mr. Morris Goetz, -who is attending at each table. Mrs. J. Blank is afternoon at 3 o'clock at the FonteRed Seal Continental motor. nelle Hotel, Rabbi Frederick Cohn of- chairman of the committee on Mr. Bennett L. Cohn returned dur- the University of Nebraska, is now Also Paper Hanging Over ing the past week from the Nebraska,' spending the school vacation with his Honey Comb, non-freeze radiator, ficiating. Mr.-Lipman and Mr. Harry arrangements. 30,000 University-to spend frip spring school parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Goetz. 1521 No. 19th S t , Omaha Timken axels, front and rear. Trustin were the only attendants. Mrs, A. Finkenstein entertained at Star Cars '. • —— Spicer drive, shaft and joints. Phone Web. 1087. *The young couple left immediately five tables or bridge honoring Miss vacation with his parents, Mr. and built Timken bearing throughout. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for a trip to Chicago, 111., and New Marie Simon," a bride-to-be. Prizes Mrs. Morris Cohn. HARDWOOD SPECIALTY, j since Hollow Crank shaft with force feed York, after which they will leave for were won by Mrs. J. Adelson and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mashashock an- for right man to-connect with high Jan. 1, 1923. class insurance office in Omaha. oiling system. a three month's trip to Europe. Sylvia Abrahamson. nounce the birth of a baby boy on Previous insurance 'experience not OveT • 48 inch rear springs. Tuesday, .March 27, -at the Stewart required; character_.must be first 800 Mrs. Louis Wolf son entertained at Maternity Hospital. Mrs. Malashock class. Address: Box 1050, Jewish SHOSTAK*KULAK0FSKY. 34 inch front springs. now running Miss Hannah Kolakofsky, daughter a bridge luncheon at her Saturday was formerly Miss Ruth Gross. Worm steering gear. Press Publishing CoVin o£Mr. I. Kulakofskyy was married to afternoon, honoring Miss Freeda Standard 3 speed transmisEicnNebraska. Kahn, who, is to be an April bride. Mr. Louis K., Shostak, of; this city, son Writes all Mnds of Rabbi Frederick Cohn will address 102 inch wheel base. Shostak, off Lin' iand i of'Mr. the members of the Y. M^ and Y. W. DR. N. DANSKY. physician coin, Nebr., on Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrsv J. J. Jacks and small H..-A. at their regular meeting Mon.; , son,:' of Hastings, Nebr., arrived and surgeon, wishes to anday evening. March 27, at the Blackstone Hotel. Wednesday to be at the home of Mr. nounce the opening of Ms Personal Service** The ceremony took place at seven and Mrs. D. F. Finkenstein for the Jilrs. Samuel Kate will entertain down-town office at'622 Worldo'clock followed by a reception a t Passover .holidays,, ,, _ . •at "a one "oMoek -"bridge- luncheon *on Herald Bldg, TeL: ATIautic Phone eigh£tbirty. RabSVGrodzinsky - offiTuesday, April 3, at the home of her 3693. •Jffr. and U r s ; John Richards, who Ees.-Har.32S6. 1318W-O.TT.Biar. ciated. The bride had as her attensister, Mrs. Alexander Pollack..- ThirtyOffice—At. 8034 dants her sister^ Miss Fanny Kully,, have been spending their honeymoon l f i v e EUests f^fhT^astieS will be present. as; the maid of honor, and the Misses inweeks, • will return home Saturday. Messrs. Meyer and John Beber, who Nina' Shostak, sister of the groom All Orders Given .Prompt and Careful Attention. arid Bernieelinlly as the bridesmaids. .- Snadetj of Lincoln^ Nebr., Dr."Barney Kully, brother of the brioe; is visiting here with her daughter, WELSH'S FLOWERS served as the groom's bestman. The Mrs. Julius Newman, and Mr. New(Goarajteedl ushers were Messrs. Max Shostak, man. Miss Celia Marx, of Lincoln, "FLOWEBS' SiAKE FRIENDS" TeL Ja. 4291. Braudei« Theatre Eld*. brother of the groom, and Herman is also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 210 So. 17Ui St. • Omaba. Kully, brother of the bride. Newman.Mr. Shostak and his bride left for Manufactured by a honeymoon trip to California for a Mrs. Morton Marcus wiUrentertain month and upon, their return will be ler Bridge club at a 1 o'clock bridge DR. H. HIRSHMAN wishes, to at home at the Blackstone Hotel. luncheon ; at her home this afternoon. announce the removal of his (Becommended by Rabbi H. Grodainsky) office from 50S. Sonth 16th Miss Kate Siever, of Minneapolis, Miss Martye Wemstein, who has St., to 309 Courtney Building. Minn., formerly of this city, is visit- been spending the past several weeks 1515 N. 20th St. Webster 3527 Tel: JAckson 5672. ing here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. in Chicago" Illinois,- visiting with her Deliveries Made Promptly brother, Mr. Oscar Weinstein, who is and-Mrs. A. Silvennan. attending the Chicago University, and As Spring days approach, the demand for Miss Ida Greenberg, of Waterloo; also visiting other relatives, is expectla., daughter of Mr. and MTB. J. ed to return home Friday morning. Dodge Brothers Touring Car mounts The evening whick you -will spend Greenberg, who has been visiting with swiftly. her fiance, Mr. H. .L. Caplan, at the Mrsl M. Herzberg is expecting to ... at the.... home 'of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. leave ibis week for a visit with- relaDodge Brothers one problem, at-present, - L, Caplan, returned to her home the tives at Wheeling, W.Va. is not how many Touring Cars they can latter part of last week. The young sdl, but how many they can build. couple plan.to be married during the Mr. and Mrs. J. C Cohen, of Colum.. given by , . month of June. Never was public approval of Dodge
« Son Inc.
Soap for Passover E SOMIT
Mesdames Louis Alberts and J. Herman entertained last Wednesday afternoon at a X o'clock bridge luncheon at the Burgess-Nash Tea Rooms for thirty-five guests, honoring Miss Dora Alberts, who was recently married to Mr. John Richards, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orschel, of Des Moines, la., are visiting herewith their daughter, Mrs. Ben Lewis, and Mr. Lewis. . Miss Sophye Fayman returned from a buying trip to the east. Miss Dorothy Shapiro entertained at four tables of bridge at her home Sunday afternoon, complimentary to her sister, Miss Ida Shapiro, whose marriage to Mr. Allan Kohan is scheduled -for April 15. Prizes were won by the Misses Ann Iipsey and Esther Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Silvennan returned Sunday jevening from their wedding trip to the east. Mrs. Herbert Harris" entertained at a bridge luncheon at her home Tuesday afternoon. The Misses Bernice and Reva Kulakofsky are expected home the latter part of next week from the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Mich., to spend their spring vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roffman entertained their Bridge club Thursday evening at their home. Prizes were . Tron by the Mesdames Sam Lagman and A. Wolfson.
City Talmud Torah Announcement! Registration for the new semester for beginners will commence on Tuesday, April' 3," and continue all week from 9•to 12 a. m. Parents, who wish to send their children to the Talmud Torah are requested to 'accompany- their children to the office for registration. Children unaccompanied by parents will not be admitted for registration. Owing to the lack of class space the number of children in each class Will be limited and we request that all parents desiring to enroll their children ,in the Talmud Torah do so next week without faiL
IS YOUR WATCH A TIME PIECE OR AN ORNAMENT? Bulova watches are guaran-teedto give full satisfaction or~will be replaced free -of charge. '
17 jewel, 18 karat $3750 A large selection at $15 and up.
The Malashcck Jewelry Co. DIAMONDS AND PLATINUM SPECIALISTS lull Dodge Street •Established 1S94 JAckson SBiOt
THE JEWISH WOMEN'S WELFARE ORGANIZATICfN - a t the Blackstone, Tuesday, Aprfl 3
Srothers product more obvious, and never was It more richly deserved. Improvements, rarely spoken of but constantly being made, have brought the car to a state of perfection which can only be described as remarkable, even for Dodge Sfothers.
will be long remembered by you, DON'T MISS IT —Cards—Prizes - 'Teppy" Orchesfea :$L50 per Couple
Announcement We have moved from our farmer location to ihe Woolworth Building, iei2 Donglas Street, over the Woolworth 5 and 10 Cent Store. In our NEW location wehave acquired more suitable space to please YOU. We have a full line of spring furs, and chokers, of all kinds at very reasonable prices. .:.. .
1612 Douglas St.
Over Woolworth's 5 and 10c Store.
Expert Remodeling. Call us for your storage-of furs ..and- coats. -
Every part which takes a major strain ia built of chrome vanadium steel. M&ayxnore pieces of alloy steel are used fa vital parts than normal wear teuuires.
I-DA VIS-CO AB AUTO C0JJPA1IY 28th and Harncy Streets, Barney 0123
77/£ JEWISH PRESS "I do riot know the name of my THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN ON father," answered the young man. THE MARCH FOR FOOD. "And the only mother I have ever known is my foster-mother, the PrinMoscow. (J. T. A.)—Death by the cess Bithiah, daughter of Pharoah of slow but tortuous hand of starvation Egypt.- She saved me from the River is the prospect that lurks before tens Nile and bestowed upon me the name of thousands of children of Crimea. of Moses, which signifies 'drawn from It is estimated that no less than 150,the waters.'" 000 of these children will be casualties By these words Jethro knew that the of grim ^hunger unless relief from young man before him was that cham-* pion of Israel of .whom the sages and* astrologers had warned Pharoah in days gone by. He knew also that the man who would serve his people must tread a hard and thorny .road amine a tiny scroll of papyrus cov- the wilderness of Sinai, his heart bethe many, duties he himself had grown with no thanks from the multitude-he might thank him for his courtesy. ered with dim writing. 'The mummied came filled with the knowledge of the dead slept on serenely, although.bar- (one God ;and he felt that he could no too old to perform; he was forced to "I shall be glad to go to your home serves," but sometimes at the end the barians and'"infidels desecrated ; his longer serve the gods of his fathers. set his daughters at hard tasks suit- with you," answered he, "not to re- dungeon or the gibbet. So because he Check This tomb. And' the scholar read from the [He did not dare to tell his people of able only for strong men,'_, and al- ceive your father's thanks, but to feared that his best beloved daughter, in Your scroll a romance of old Egypt, the 'the changt that had come over him, though they had been,reared delicate- guard you against these rude men." Zipporah, would be very wretched as same that'Moses, once a prince of the ^for he feared their .wrath; instead he ly, they were obliged even to drive : ' They walked together, a little apart the wife of such a man, he resolved Memory • household of Pharaoh, told his brother 'told them that he felt too old and the "flocks to pasture arid the r well from the jealous and jeering. sisters, to prevent their marriage. morning and evening.. .,.-.•', and the stranger perceived that Zip- Very craftily he. congratulated Aaron. And Aaron told it to a He- feeble to serve as their priest any One spring evening,,when the set- porah's words were as sensible and Moses upon his success and ordered brew, scribe who was among those longer. Then he withdrew further who did not follow Moses out -of; into 7th'e-'hill'country with his seven ting sun touched the peaks of Sinai modest as her face was beautiful. Zipporah and her sisters to spread a Egypt through the Red Sea. For this daughters; all of them were fair with } fire,. Zipporah and her sisters "Maiden," he said to her, "if your banquet before them that they might scribe dwelt long in the land of Pha- women, and ,the fairest, of them all drove iheir flocks along the twisted father desires to reward me for the make merry in honor of the app- *^ hpaths" to the well'which was used by slight service I,have done you and ing nuptials. Then during the feast raoh, and when he died some of his was Zipporah. all the people of. Midian. .They alhe drugged Moses' winecup as they. writings were wrapped within the Her narhe' signifies a bird, and she ways tried to^come early^because they your Bisters,, will you be angry, if I ate and drank together. Moses fell ask him for your hand in marriage as mummy cloths that were boimc about was like a bird in the fleetness and into a heavy sleep, and Jethro and all him: " I t was this romance of old grace of every movement; her hair, feared" to' encounter * their old. neigh- payment?" Egypt that-the schoarlof our day when unbound, reached to her ankles, bors who wbuld greet them :witli surly "No," answered Zipporah, "but I his daughters, save Zipporah,: who words and threats "'against theirfathwept and pleaded in vain, carried him ' er. But tonight a 'number of shep- fear iny* father will never consent. out in the" garden and flung him into £,herds from Midian 'were already at Many suitors have already asked him a diy cistern. Then Jethro went bade for my hand, and to all of them he to his: couch to sleep, well pleased artj H. lApldus. Prw.-Treit. :H|the well. tea. Pepper, Vice-President. 1 has made the same- answer!" These rude m e n waited until t h e - W..G. Ore. Secretary. with, himself for having saved his "What was that?" asked the stran- daughter from a life of grief and exmaidens h a d filled a n d refilled t h e Omaha Fixture & III heavy bucket m a n y times a n d . filled g e r . . ; • ' • • ile. "He has always told them that no But Zipporah was a maiden wise ?One of America's Great Hotels" II t h e "watering t r o u g h f o r - t h e i r flocks 'Supply Go. Hj t o drink; t h e n theyr came boldly for- man may wed one of his daughters beyond her years, and when she saw COMP.LETE STORE AND lil ward, pushed t h e flocks of J e t h r o unless he can first draw from the that her tears and prayers. did not OFFICE OUTFITTERS jlj aside and began t o w a t e r t h e i r own ground the rod' that grows in persuade her father, she at once dried We o«cupy .WASH AND KEEP WELL ; -srerr 70,000 .square feet ||j sheep. They.even c a s t lewd eyes upon father's garden. This rod, says VAL. J. PETER&COMPANY her eyes and began to lay plans for Southwest Corner A RULE OF HEALTH father, God himself created in the jil t h e young woman and spoke shameful ! rescuing her promised husband. She 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. Eleventh.8nrt IIOHEIO* Streets. twilight of the first Sabbath and gave III words. All of t h e d a u g h t e r s of J e t h r o knew she could not depend upon her Phono: Jackson ST24 ATlantic 0340. _ FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY :!l cried out in their, a n g e r , a n d even to Adam. Adam, the father of all liv- sisters, who had always hated her for OMAHA KEB. 1819 California Street. in..., iEHSsisHSn?:' strove with the shepherds, but thej ing, gave it to Enoch at his death; her great beauty and now envied her . maiden, •• Zipporah, "stood :modestly j from Enoch it descended to Noah, as the first to have a lover. But by 'aside and said: "Sisters, sisters, do then to Noah's'-favorite son, Shem; morning'-she had decided how she not strive with these evil men. It is!Abraham was the next owner, then would preserve her betrothed husbetter that we should be delayed in j Isaac, and finally the patriarch, Ja- band's life. . U EFFICIENT and KESPOKSIBXJS our evening task tlian that we should cob. Jacob brought the magic rod So she suggested to her father that LACKDBt. Eveiy Known Kind continue to quarrel with" them." > with him to Egypt, and just before he would be more comfortable in his Where your clothes come home 1 jof Insurance You speak truly, maiden," said a his death gave it to his beloved Jo- j last days if she wer^ allowed to stay cleaner and last longer. NtfED STERs"**AT lantic 0380. 1507-11 Jackson Et. voice in her ear. "These men should seph. 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. at home to care for his comforts H A . JACOBBEKGER. Pres. not be permitted to wage war against "Now, when Joseph died, the Egyp- while her six younger sisters tended weak, women; only a. man should pun- tians, who hatffong feared and hated {the sheep. Jethro gladly consented Omaha Office: 813 Donglas Street. ish them for.their, rudeness." him for his power, broke into his pal-[and . ordered^ all the other sisters, Omaha Fhonti Atlantic £556 * • LET 08 DO VOCR XTfXVITtG — ' ' :'. Zippqrah looked up and saw stand- ace' and robbed it 'of its -treasures. gambling heartily at the harder task, Ford Transfer & Storage Co. ing beside her a stranger dressed in One of *them stole this magic rod of to go the pasture with their flocks . E. A. FORD. the rich robes of an Egyptian cour- sapphire and carried it to Pharoah as while Zipporah remained at home to President and General Manager. , . , TflE QAREFUL WELDERS * .',' j .there were "gold bands upon his'a gift. There'is no other rod like it CQOk Vfor. him. Every morning, as Council Blaffs (lows) Office let JA 4397. - Anything:: Anytime :: Ariyplac# 1501 Jackson St. rbone 865 strong, $xpas and a jeweled chain hung»in all the wbrlS, for it can perform soon as her prying sisters were out of 934 60. Main Street. low upon his. broad chest. _ Beside hiin wonders and tijjon it are engraved the sight, she would slip out into the the sturdy shepherds appeared like name of God, that ho man may speak, garden with a basket? <5l choice morand the nameif ofl the ten plagues sels she had saved from the evening puny.boys. Temptation Besets You The _ stranger strode among them, which He will '1 some day send upon meal the day before. She would lowOU« TREATMENT .WILL When You Enter •and with ."one blow threw their leader Egypt. er this basket down in the cistern and CONVINCE JOB OF OUR SISCEKITT. to the ground. "It mr.y • be the cus- ^ e n inyfaiher, who was then one Moses would eat and drink and praise CANDIES, ICE CREAM, Trust Bepaftnrent. tom in Midian to mistreat'' weak of' the sacred ^scribes in Phardah's God for His bounty. And he grew to LUNCHES. Satety Deposit Boxes. women," he said in" a voice of thun-1c ^ u r t a n d ^is chiefest astrologer, love Zipporah more each day, for she der, "but it is not so in Egypt." (caught sight of the rod, he resolved was an excellent cook and ministered AND Then as the ; shepherds stood j that it should n6t remain in the hands to all his. wants. abashed and frightened before him, I of a worshipper - of idols, for at that Now Zipporah feared to tell her 16th and.Farnam Streets the stranger drew the bucket from the 'time xny father had come to know of father that "she had saved Moses' life ,well and again filled the watering, the one God. So at the risk of bis and that for seven years he remained 'TManufactnred in Omaha" "Crystal Candy Company ' trough which, the sheep of the villag-j life, my father stole the rod" from a prisoner at the bottom of the cis'.-; '•. K t h and Capitol Ave. " ' ers had half emptied during the strug- Pharoah and carried it with him when tern. And Jethro, who was a very BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. gle. He bade Jethro's daughters he returned to his "home in Midian. old man and seldom remembered at water their flocks; when their sheep "For many years it lay in my sundown what -had happened in the were satisfied, he again filled the father's house. One day he was walk- morning, forgot all about the handITEN g and ordered the shep- ing in the garden, carrying it in his some "stranger from Egypt. But at BISCUIT CO. longg trough pp upon the ground the end of seven years, while he was herds to, allow their sheep to satisfy hand, and it dropped Snow White their thirst". and instantly' became rooted to the walking in the garden he happened to Bakeries "Let the lazy ruffians draw their spot where it fell. He attempted to lean over the cistern and the sap(Be«. D. 8. Pat* own water," complained Zipporah's draw it forth again, but it h add a l - phire rod which he carried fell into it. h' Office.) youngest sister, Mirah, a tiny girl ~ ~ readyy sprouted and was putting, forth Jethro at once ordered several >* p with a tongue as bitter as her name. blossoms. This is the test with which his daughters to lower a ladder into City National Bank "I do not wish the poor sheep to any' suitor who comes' to our house the cistern- that they might descend wait even for a minute because of j is met, and until this day not even and search for his precious rod. But of COONCIL BLDFFS •their masters' rudeness," answered the strongest man in Midian has been to his surprise, Moses himself climbed We. pay 4% tntereBt - on Saving, able to draw the jrod from the ground up the ladder," the rod in his hand, so, and. Time Deposits. and lay it before my father." strong; and rugged after his supposed IRVIN STAIiMASTEK, . JAckson 1862 Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Attorney "But I will try!" cried the stranger.' privations, »that. Jethro cried out: Notice of Incorporation of "And if I succeed, will you wed me?""Now. I'know that you are surely be! THE FACISTI OP AMERICA have always -tried to obey my loved by "the one God and that you -Notice is hereby given that the underADVO COFFEE signed hare, v in pursuance of the laivs father.: If you are 1 successful in Ms are he who is destined to deliver Isat the State of Nebrasfai. organized a .corporation; the name of the corporation test and he desired me to wed you,rael out. of Egypt." Then he emADVO JELL ; ADVO FOODS ".is THJS FACISTI OP AMERICA, with_ its I will obey him gladly," promised Zip- braced Moses and bade him keep the 1 principal place of • biiBiness in the City of UNDERTAKERS Omaha; the objects lor -which the corpora- porah. sapph"ire"rod for a wedding gift. It tion is formed are to further the best 2224 Canting St.' Interests of- nil- American citizens by jBut as soon as Jethro saw the was this rod which Moses— procuring and enforcing jnst and equit- stranger from Egypt his heart grew Phone JAckson 1226 , able IaWs,' engendering a closer relation(And here the faded scroll became ship of pure Americanism, upholding the cold with fear. Zipporah has whisconstitution of the United States and the pered to him the miracle of the bucket too blurred for even the distinguished several states, furthering tne sovereignty Kaplan Auto Parts Co. Feather Mattresses of the States, preventing and ^eliminating at the well arid this, together with scholar to read. But he continued to AUTO PAINTING the causes of mob violence and lynching. 2111 Nicholas Street Made .from your own feather*. Warm ami upholding ,the_ rights ot a free and t the man s lofty stature and royal air, puzzle long oxer the matter, for he In winter; cool. In summer. Cost less Top and Body Building Used cars bought, Bold,' and exenllgntenfd people to choose their own caused the old astrologer to remember had - forgotten a certain book his find last lo»trer thnn cotton. I'hone us Changed. New sears, and-axle-shafts religion and to worship God. necrdlng to and Repairing. for Bfirnplos of Hcfcins and estimates. mother had read to him in his childtor any make of car. the dictates of their own hearts: any sayings and signs he had almost forJ CCRTAXV8—tlOHTS—ETC. CO., •white male person of the age of twentyhood, a book which told of a rod OMAHA Tires. Tubes and Accessories one 'years or. upwards, who is a native gotten. Still he allowed the stranger Moses osed to cleave the Red Sea and Below Wholesale I'rtcea. 1807 Cttmlng St. Phono <JA rUson 8407 ... the garden to test his or naturalized citizen of the Onited States + _ to. draw water from the rock and to Z52& Leavenworth St. ATlantic 0)01 and has never committed ttie crime ot *<> S ° g treason, ra.pe and murder, shall be eligible:strength. F o r Jethro said t o himself, perform other miracles.)
and-her eyes were-wells-of light. B u t ' t h e s t r a n g e r , a n d a l l marveled a t h i s few saw them, even h e r sisters, for gentleness. Zipporah marveled m o r e although s h e w a s t h e eldest and e n - j t h a n t h e others, f o r s h e h a d lifted h e r titled by h e r a g e t o rule t h e house in {eyes l o n g . e n o u g h t o observe t h a t & e place of h e r "dead mother, s h e w a s a s t r a n g e r , although h e l.ad emptied t h e • A. STORY FOR PASSOVER BY JELMA EHRLICH LEVINGER shy maiden • a n d always kept" t h e m bucket into t h e watering- t r o u g h m a n y (Copy right" 1023 by E)ma • Ehrllch Levinger.. -All? rights preserved;) ; modestly fixed t o t h e ground.' j times, h e h a d n o t been obliged t o r e i -Now, when J e t h r o returned t o t h e fill t h e vessel. I n t h i s w a y she w a s (When- the -bearded - scholars un- deciphered from the faintly inscribed .elders of h i s people" his robes a s priest .informed t h a t he w a s a m a n beloved rolled-the last of the mummy cloths, papyrus.) and t h e vessels i n -which h e h a d been of God a n d a worker of wonders, they robbed their dusty" hands with It happened that among the astrol- accustomed t o offer, incense. t o their I When t h e sheep w e r e all watered, satisfaction. One of them held up a ogers who served Pharaoh there was idols, t h e people guessed w h y h e would ' t h e tall s t r a n g e r t u r n e d t o Zipporah cunningly wrought necklace of gold, a wise and noble man named Jethro, no •longer serve them a n d drove h i m ' a n d p r e p a r e d t o bid h e r farewell. B u t coins 'and dull, uncut stones of blue, a prince of Midian. For many years from their midst with stone's a n d detained h i m with p l e a s a n t words brought to light at last after, dark and Jethro had been a worshipper of idols, curses. S o ; Jethro; a l t h q u g h a rich •;sanned asked h i m t o accompany h e r a n d ; buried centuries.' Another bent to ex- but when he .returned from .Egypt to man, cpulc^ hire-no, one t o . a t t e n d t o h e r sisters home t h a t t h e i r f a t h e r
A Romance of Old Egypt
outside sources is provided. Twenty* five thousand of these children, in addition to being unable to appease the pangs of hunger are without -iho|nes. A great many of the are .oirphtms. Long processions of the unhappy^and wan children are trudging northwards in hope of finding food somewhere. At night the hungry children make the fields and'(.streets their bfed\ f"
You Get the Gas We Have the Trucks
TRUCK & TRACTOR CORP. 1310 Jackson Street
Coancy BMfs Savings Bank
;: , .
Baker Ice Machines
Quaker Bread
Made With Milk.,
McCord-Brady Co.
Emerson Laundry e. a. aioBE? Prop.
,' -
John Feldman 109 No. IGtb St. Tel dAChgon 3128 Opposite PoBt-Olflre.
GOOD SHOES for Men and Boys From $3.00 to S9.00. GOOD FURNISHINGS.
Omaha's Newest Sport Goods Store
Omaha Sporting J Goods Co.
Wall Receptacles^— * Light-r>WIRIN(i~Power —Bell Transformers
Phone Webster 0820
- 18u6 Barney Street c
Ehanti 'ATlantlr OOSI
•: T. %}, -CEEW, President •ED. BtTRDICK, Vice-President r
S'Ore • Manage*' an anfl T
Ran *
A. C PEL ' Secy.-Treas. Everythine for the A t f l t
WAInnt 3034.
40 & Coming Sts.
EMIL GANZ & SON ^ Certified Public Accountants * 141? iloiic'n* Street •
-Audits nnrt Inv<^!<i)tnttons BMIL GEANZ C..P. A. V.- TA.- UANZ Oflfce Phonesv ' Jacfe- 5 2 K — H a . B M 6 - H a . 001S
° ? m and ^ : pimperial ^ S S 2Guardian, f 3ctSfIshall im}Wi''H man m fails like theand others, l>e|vidll this not give y daughter I canI ^ and qualified T L;J send % him ^ away. B u t if h he ISdable I tO their^uccessora are elected
subordinate officers shall be appointed by bring the rod to me, then I will know the Grand Lictor; headquarters of the organization shall be located at Omaha, that he is different from other men Nebraska, and not changed for ten years; the parent body shall hare power to and rather than trust my daughter to issue charters, confer initiative degrees, a magician I will" surely slay him." obligations, signs and ceremonies, and Grand. Lictor. Imperial Scribe and ImThen the young man and the maiden perial Guardian shall be the sole Jg Jndges as to whether or not any subordinate went out into the garden; Zipporah organizations shall be .. charter: all j watched him, scarcely daring to received, collected or paid Into the office of the^m-1 breathe, so great was her anxiety as e
th't *ai! ^ ^vt out his hand for the sapphire inch mpneys shall . be spent in the rod growing there, its transparent
SSvoSSr^SSw now «dS£,**ite blossoms all fair and silvery in
ing shall hoW office until the third of, the moonlight* The <rod swayed bea April. 1023. when permanent officers shall!. ,. 7 S m a r t e r ; withbee elected for next two years; articles of of tore *""" ~" •" Incorporation shall be amended by three- out the slightest difficulty the young ' fourths TOteof the delegates of the subordinate •organisations in regular conven- stranger drew it from the ground. t i n -assembled." assbld" tlon _ have _^ Jethro.- paled jWhen ihe .man . from In 'witness 'whereof hereunto 1923.
bands this "afrit day ~of March" .Egypt again fetoad before him, bearEpGAE j r . FULLER* {^S the .sapphire rod, in triumt*. JC H; GIBBS. " W h a t is yomP b a n e ? " hfr demanded, JOE JACOBS. whose sort a r e you 2 " m>'
Omaha Welding Co., Gets Wrench Sales Agency The Omaha Welding company at 1501 Jackson street has recently ac- j quired one of the most exclusive' wrench sales agencies in the city of Omaha. With a set of wrenches one can get to any nut of their automobile, being able to get 600 different com- • binations with this set of wrenches, it / is claimed. The Omaha Delding com- ; pany is also selling a smaller set of wrenches made especially for automobile owners. .These Vtrenches are on display at flie Omaha Welding company at 1501 Jackson street.
E. E. Bruce & Co. WHOLESALE
Druggists and Stationers 401-403-405 South 10th Street
FRED 8. SIAW Flower Shop Fhone 104 . The Best of Everything In Flowers and Confections at Moderate Prices. S4B W. Broadway. Next Liberty Theater COtTNCtt BLUFFS. IOWA.
Carpenter Paper Co. Distributors of
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery Omaha. Nebraska.
The Brinn & Jensen Company WHOLESALE PAPER, STATIONERY, ETC Distributors lor
Pink Tip Matches — Northern Toilet Tissue 1112 Harney Street ATlantic 6409
First National Bank COCKCH, ELVEFS. IA.
Service is Our Motto Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent.
FGSTER-BARKER CO. INSURANCE "If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."
TRIMBLE Wholesale Fruit and Vegetables N. W. Cor Uth and JSow^rd
Wet Wash Lamid ry 128OS Cuming. Harney O881 One pay Service. No Extra Charges.; Refinite Soft WSten
Y on r position is correct, and should be s u p p o r t e d by every, fair minded person.
Leo A. Hoffmann
. . . of... Hoffmann Funeral Home.
NICK S. WRANIC. Proprietor 151C Farnam Srnwt. Baftenwnt. Pbonv JA ok*bn «138.