Nothing, is more pr#c- \-l
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know what vou say. "
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1 aeeood-claas m«U matter e n Januarj 27th. 1021. «t "t OnuUta, Nebraska./'under the Act fit H?yh 8, 1S79.
Mates to Morris Levy Men sTieh as he are rare indeed. The earth is richer for his having lived in it—and poorer in his passing. Louis Kircahbraun,
is Assured—Plans Made to Handle Immence Crowd Sunday, July 29th
O.B.B.-Canival to k Held Amistice Day, RovMber Hti
A great loss to all Omaha—Jews Morris Levy, the grand old man of and non-Jews alike. He was a leader in all activities, and we shall all feel Plans Will Be Made for Gsit Omaha Jewry, is with" the community tMs loss. Mrs. Nathan Mantel. Event;—Indoor Carnival. he loved and served so well now. only * • • • V." RAFFLE OF CHEVROLET CAR AM) BABY in spirit. , Morris Levy lived a life'of great TO CELEBRATE FORTIETH His frail body was laid in its final usefulness. The last ten years or ANNIVERSARY OF LOCAL CONTEST MOST POPULAR EVENTS. resting place yesterday, afternoon, but more of his life were almost exLODGE. in.the hearts of hundreds upon hunclusively devoted to public service. Has attitude towards communal probThe 31st Annual Picnic of the Omaha Hebrew Club-Sunday, dreds of Ms friends and fellow-katilems and Ms devotion to every cause The B'nai B'rith. carnival and July 29, 1923, a t Peony Park, promises to be not only the most zens of all faiths-and creeds JMorris involving the welfare and happiness niversary celebration which has Levy still lives. " " *. ' iinportent event of the season but also the most successful picnic of Ms fellow-men was ever a source postponed from September" 2, .vill >>~ of inspiration to Ms co-workers. His ever given by the club. The advance sale of admission tickets to Everywhere in this city - are the sincerity of purpose, his pood counsel, held November 11, Armistice Day ->•' members and non-members indicates that the attendance will be evidences .of Ms presence. From the Ms excellent business judgment, his the Municipal Auditorium. The comlarge. The club's annual picnic has always served as a sort of massive Central High School buildgenial " personality, his untiring mittee in charge of arrangements j'or ingupon—the corner stone. of-'wMch reunion of all the pld-time residents of the city and has afforded efforts, notwithstanding physical the oppoHunity for the Jewish people of this city; to meet each Ms name,-as a member of-the Board handicap, made it a genuine priv- the affair have made final plans -frc. of .Education, is carved, to the less ilege to work with him and proved the events that will be held on .V.?,; other and renew their acquaintance-ship. :. a stimulus for greater service by all day. material 'but equally forceful agencies The picnic -will be, a old fashioned secure the honors If or their respective who were actively interested "with Tickets for the carnival of ".fim'r. for, human helpfulness, the _ many family affair and. particular .attention dubs. The Hadassah .girls have Mm in the institutions rendering will be placed at various places durLe"will be given to the children. The chosen as their representative. Miss philanthropies of Omaha, Morris community service. He fired , the ; ambition and to win the love, esteem, ing the coming week. Special pvifcfis baby contest looms up as the most tertrude Cooper, and the Hatikvoh vy's, name is seen and Ms influence respect and affection of a whole com- will be awarded to the person selling interesting event of the day ; and girls have chosen4 Miss Gertrude felt. Beyond the boundaries of this munity—just as he did. His in- the most tickets. promises to bring forth many proud Romm as their contender for the city, in far-off places, wherever there fluence for good will long1 survive was suffering or want, in hospitals, "We have chosen this date for tbf. fathers and. mothers who will exhibit prize. Miss "Berdie'* Berger, the inMm. Henry Monsky. carnival, as it will take in mst.-> their babies' for the approval and dependent candidate, is a strong con- orphan homes, in institutions for the * • # care of the soul as well as of the body, feature events," said Sam Bobft?T . choice of the crowd and the judges. testant forthe- honors^ "It hath been told thee, O man, what is good, Morris Levy was a Prince of Israel. his name was known. So quiet and Thus far nearly forty babies have He has not gone for Ms works "will chairman of the committee. Tbc And what the Lord doth reguire of- thee: live after him forever. Death, as we auditorium will be decorated w s unassuming was be in all" the work been entered in the contest who will (Continued'on'page 2) Only to do justly, and to love mercy, and to tMnk of it, is not possible for such as will be used during the entire d*.r wMch he did for bis fellow men that contend for the honor and distinction walk humbly with thy God.". . he. He has left an undying name. no record", can be made of the extent of being the most beautiful or the for the B'nai B'rith .celebration. This Harry Lapidus. to wMch^Ms all-embracing love for most healthy baby in the city. Sub« » * event will also take in the celcb^sMorris Levy did justly, he Joyed, mercy and he stantial prizes will be given, both for The offices of the Jewish Welfare humanity made itself felt. Men, woThe many years that I worked with tion of the fortieth c.^nivenssry t>i walked humbly. Here, in these simple words, is all Mm for the poor of this city were the the local lodge of the B'nai B'rith. the most beautiful and also for the Federation^ of which Mr. Levy was men and children, to whonvMs bounty the history of his four-score years on this earth. . happiest years of my life. Mr. Levy's healthiest babies. president a t the time of his death, brought a new vision of life, even life In him was gathered, as in the perfume of some fine soul brought happiness every- Rehearsing of the actors who v.;!: itself, mourn the passing of this The event will begin at four p. m. were closed yesterday; afternoon, as where. S. Eavitz. take part in the va«..-Seville show tr.bouquet fashioned of the earth's rarest and most Sunday and will be in charge of Dr. was also the Nebraska Clothing Co. friend. Thousands who: knew Mm be held ' . that day, will begin during fragrant flowers, the "essence of life's beauty. Through * * * well find in Ms life a source of insprirHe exemplified the best in Je-wish the coming month. The boyB and Nathan Dansky, president of the club. which .Mr. Levy founded. -> him, and through .his works, simply, as in an open atidn-for good deeds. .' faith and Jewish tradition. The "world girls who took leading parts fa thc The Judges,'.each of whom are:wellbook, life's purposes lay revealed.-, „- .- ' was blessed with Ms presence. Donations to' thV Memorial Flower known, are as follows: Mayor James A Shock to Entire Community Y. M. H. A. show held last April, . * Isidor Ziegler. C.\Dahlman, Miss Ethel Johnson, of Fund of the Jewish; Welfare FederaHe died Sunday evening, July 23, will take the principal pattB in this, .He.took unto himself the lowly of-the earth, the I was proud to be known as one of Visiting Nurse's Association, and tion have been made by all the mem- at Asbury Park, N. J-, where he had poor afid; the oppressed, those stricken in body, the his friends. He cannot be replaced. show. Mrs. Bronson Copper, of ,the World- bers - of the Federation Executive gone "with Ms wife to spend the sumwido^Bd and the Orphaned. • For them he labored, Special arrangements are b.iinjr Harry Friedman. Heiald. v Wjth the number of entries Committee in Mr. Levy's memory. The mer months. Although nearly 79 finding'in iris labors peace and happiness. made for feature dancing, with pris* * * * atfyready'in, the judges undoubtedly members of the Executive Committee years of age, Mr. .Levy was so active . He.t»6}i unto himself that which the world had Morris Levy created joy and beauty contests. Confetti horns and streamwill find their task of ^selection: a include Messrs. Carl XatJeman, Harry and was ; such" an outstanding"-figure where there was only suffering and ers will be given to the merry rrus.V> passedifoy—^stray bits of humanity, the misfit, thedifficult one. The entrants" to "date "Friedman, Drr-Philip Sher/ A. B. in Omaha's community life, that the misery before. It was not so much ers. crippled,; the helpless—^and he WOTC- their needs into he did for Ms fellow men as the spirit ,. arp as follows: .._ / Alpirii, Harry Lapidus, Milton i i v - news -o"f :ijis passing/came as a shock , the pattern < * f his soul. Even as 'his bounty. helped The proceeds of the carnival v/ii'J in wMch he did it that "was and will mtely greater^thah" that" occasion- ;.<"-r»jiJHaHier--Mae ICaiman,^daughter of ingstno, ^ ifcem ^ ^ mew-\ris3onidf life; so <S3^ tl^^all^^bracing'" ahrays-be iEsgirstiimai.--" -. . • *•. • • • g x > towards the - trpkeep- :<b?' 'CEre-' _. S i n and Mrs._4>btaer JBIaimanj Lorence "Monsky, S.-Ravitz, Led Kosenthal> ed when men inuch younger than he S. H. Schaefer. love with which he eneircled them enrich him, makorphans by the local- lodge of *AJ>rams,%Bon of Mr. and.Mrs. Abrams; Harry'A.Ttoif, Isidor 2iegler, Samuel die. ing him strong and yet stronger itr spirit. " • B'nai B'rith, and to help support He was the cornerstone upon wMch Ida Euth Batt, daughter of Mr. and Schaefer, Harry B. Zimman, and He was born October i5, 1844, in the great work of the Federation was Anti-Defamation league. He made' himself j a leader of men: by the quiet 1 Mesdames-E. Kulakofsky and Nathan; Mrs. J. Batt; Marion T. Wolpa, daughbufit. His idealism inspired everyone Ostrawa, a village in the province of ways of love:and charity. ; who worked with Mm. His memory ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wolpa; arid Mantel. Posen in Germany. He came to *' . * * •• will be a blessing. Harry Malashock. iphilip Morton Sokolof, son,of Mr.vand America at the age of 22, settling in Safe from the wfnd-swept vastness of the ocean Hundreds of telegrams have been the town of Olean, N. Y., andlengagMrs. L SokoIoS; Melvin' Le'e'lfevine, Judaism has lost a true friend and lies the harbor, peaceful and serene, a haven for ssn of Mr. annVMrs. S,Jieon Levine,- sent to Mrs. Levy; in New York from ed in the clothing business. one of its finest sons in the death of ! storm-driven ships. Guarding its entrance is a rocky • 2234 Lake St. J 'Esther Benford, daugh- friends-and associates of Mr. "Levy. He was eminently successful.-- In Morris Levy. A. B. Alpirn. coast, standing- impregnable throughout the ages. ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Benford, Jews and non-Jews, alike have sent 1876 he began Ms career in business Sues "Morning Post" fof Publishing * * * Storms may crash round it, the angry seas beat 1410 North 52nd St.; Betty JaneHan- messages of condolence. Following on a large scale, opening several Comments Above all else men "will remember against it, but still • it stands, sheltering tranquil sen, daughter' of • Mr. and Mrs. Ed are few of the messages which have clothing stores in various western him for Ms genuine kindliness and waters. High above'its jagged dangers gleams the Hansen, 5517 Parker St.; Shirley Ep- been sent to Mrs. Levy: Ms marvelous devotion to the cause London, July 24. (Jewish Telegraphtowns. In 1886 Mr. Levy came to beacon of the light-house, warning of* the perils of of charity. His thorough earnestness stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam In this hour of bereavement may Omaha, where he founded the Nebrasthe rocks, guiding voyagers to the safety of the made men happy to "work with Mm. ic Agency.) Lord Alfred Douglas is. Epstein, 1509 South 33rd St.; Sam the memory of your beloved's life and ka Clothing Co., at 14th and Douglas Harry B. Zimman. Ms suit for libel against "¥he Movharbor. Gilford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eke Gil-works be your_ solace and comfort. His Streets. Later this establisKment ing Post" won a technical * * * So like a beacon shall glow forevermore the spirit ford,307 Harrison St., Council Bluffs, gentle spirit, bis all-embracing love moved to its present location at 15th when the jury was instructed to Mr. Levy's death was a shock and of Morris Levy, lighting the pathways of men through Iowa; Justin Preisman, son of Mr. and and his altruism have been and will and Farnam Streets. - He was active the Jewish Community sustained an the plaintiff one farthing datnag&S. life's perils, pointing the way to that goal where Mrs. Harry Preisman, 4211 Pratt St.; ever be our"*goide and inspiration. We in" the business until 1912, when he reirreparable loss. For more than ten both sides to pay their own costs. peace and happiness may be f o u n d . . Sara Hofbund,. daughter of Mr." andvoice the thoughts of those thousands tired to devote Ms efforts and energy years he was a constant inspiration Winston Churchill, former Lord *>€ to me in my work. Mrs. H. Horbund, 1712 North 27th St; to whom his philanthropic labor was to philanthropic activities." , , :.'; \. Behind life's storms and dangers he built himself Admiralty, who was charged bjr Dr. Philip Sher. R. Eiklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. J . Blk- dedicated in condoling with you in a harbor of the soul, wherein dwelt rest and peace. Douglas that he had drawn up a f a t e A Man of Sterling Qualities , lin; Paul Crottnse, son of Mr. and your overwhelming loss. His personality and his fine soul report of the Battle of Jutland in Mrs. J. Crounse; J. Richards, son of have left a deep imprint in the. order that Jewish financiers tni£bl. -^ewish Welfare Federation and Mr. Levy was one of the first merchants in the Central West to adopt Mr. and Mrs. A. Bichards; and E. hearts of all who knew Mm—a mark Affiliated Institutions. "clean up" on the stock exchange, dethe one-price policy and other funda- gave himself over to the work of whole life was dedicated to the well- that will never be effaced. "Fredericks, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. nounced Douglas as a liar. He f*i£ Mrs. E. Kulakofsky. Fredericks. To you and yours in this great loss mentals of modern business. • WMle philanthropy with mind, body and being and' the advancement of his he at first contemplated legal pro« * • a shrewd business man with many in-j people. soul. The raffle of the Chevrolet car is we extend our deepest sympathy. truly personified the principles ceedings against Douglas but he conHe was a gracious, kindly gentle- forHewMch •'. running neck to neck with the baby Morris Levy's memory will be blessed terests, he /was respected by everyone Although the Federation was in our great order of B'nai as a man of sterling qualities, and later • years Ms cMef interest, no man, friend alike to rich and poor, to B'rith, of wMch he was so devoted sulted Ms lawyers, officers of th* contest,as the most important event for all time. . ••"*!.."'. . charitable appeal -went unanswered by Ms newsboy as. well as to Ms banker. a member, stands — Benevolence, Crown sod Sir Gordon Hewart, tflv* Jewish Women's Welfare absolute honesty. of the day. The representatives of CMef Justice, who advised hirtt, One of Ms foremost philanthropic him. Blessed with ample wealth, he His home life radiated peace and quiet, Brotherly Love and Harmony. ••••.* Organization. the Hadassah and the Hatikvoh girls Harrv Silverman. against prosecuting Lord Alfred *£ acMevements was accomplished im-i gave freely to every worthy cause, and reflected that deep religious ferare doing their utmost with the asthe ground that the paper * » * and wMch he pracsistance* of the other girls of the club We mourn with you in this hour of mediately after Ms retirement from seeking neither honor nor thanks, but vor wMch he felt Morris Levy's greatest contribution : English" • was too contemptible, to sell the most raffle tickets and grief. Morris Levy's memory will al- business life. On December 2, 1913,finding Ms payment in the knowledge ticed. to this city was Ms untiring personal the personal character cf Lord Alfree thus win the prizes of the contest and ways be an inspiration for bis bellow Mr. Levy called a meeting of promi- of good deeds well done. He was the foremost Jewish citizen service in the cause of humanity. made it unnecessary for atiy d&ssnt men. We have lost in him a friend nent Jewish citizens of Omaha at the of tMs city and state. He was for He taught us that service, as he man to take notice of his libels. Community Center-His Dream rendered it, was even above the Commercial Club, at wMch meeting guide and mentor. His gift of $50,000 to the Jewish many years president of the CongreThe ularl of Bajfout, lintble to taW contributed. The Jewish Press. he presided. The records of tMs meet- Community Center Building in Omaha gation of Israel and was active in the money he so liberally Leo EosenthaL the stand on account of illness, sent 4 ing show the following motion: "That' started the phenomenal campaign in construction ~of the present Temple * * * deposition declaring that Churchil; • The members of Omaha B'nai B'rith tMs body organize itself into a special wMch a quarter- of a million dollars Edifice. He-was one of the oldest Morris Levy was a true Jew. He had nof-ung to do xvith the writing *£. Lodge feel that the loss of Morris committee to endorse the Federation members of" the B'nai B'rith. During must be classed with the patriarchs Continues to Function in Anti- Levy is their loss and in this hour of idea and to assist in the accomplish- was raised. A Jewish Community the War Relief Campaigns he was of Israel, who kept alive the Jew- the report and that he (Bfclfottr) Center Building for this city had been wrote it. Defamation League. sorrow extend" to you .their heartfelt ment of the thorough Federation of Mr. Levy's dream and ideal for many chairman of the committee and later ish faith and Jewish love. Asked what evidence he hid for the Jewish charities in Omaha." From Eabbi. Frederick Cohn. sympathy and deepest regrets. years. Three attempts witMn the past treasurer of the funds. He was one charge that Jews h&d caused that time on Mr. Levy was a constant * * * CMcago, HI., July 19.. (J. T.. A.)— Omaha B'nai B'rith Lodge. and ardent worker for the local Fed- ten years were made, largely at the of the founders of the Jewish Press What he did for Ms fellow-men Kitchener's death, Do'-glas Announcement has been made here of instance of Mr. Levy, to erect a Jew- and active in its affairs. ' will never be forgotten. What he "Because the whole r T air was the appointment of Leo L. Lewis of Standing as you do today on the eration wMch has since; under his ish Communal Home here, but each meant to those of -us who worked up and nobody "was allowed to In Ms passing this community and Chicago, as secretary of the Exec- holy ground of sorrow I offer to you presidency, become one of the fore- time other causes of seemingly great- Judeaism sustained an irreparable with him cannot be expressed. utive Committee of the B'nai B'rith and yours in the name of the Council most institutions of the kind in the er urgency intervened, and it was not loss. N. P. Feil. evidence." . .. in place of the late A. B. Seelen- of Jewish Women the hand of friend- United States. * * * until 1922 that the time was held opfreund. In the death of Morris Levy, the ship and the heart of sympathy. May portune to renew the project and carUntiring for the Federation p Elected Bdef file Jewish community of Omaha suffers Mr. Levds was born, in Wisconsin, God and the light of your dear hus- In 1916 be was elected president of ry it through successfully. Mr. Levy's FIVE PER CENT JEWISH an irreparable loss. We shall miss in 1888; educated in the public band's life illumine the dark moment the Jewish Welfare Federation and munificent gift gave the campaign an STUDENTS, QUOTA IN i his "whole-hearted interest in and Ms schools of Milwaukee,, and a t the through which you are passing. ' FORCE IN HUNGARY excellent guidance of the Jewish was re-elected each year thereafter by impetus wMch carried it through unT University of Wisconsin, George I. Morgenstern was elected afe del* Mr. Carl Furth, President unanimous acclaim of the entire Fed- til the full quota was assured. It was Budapest. (J. T. A.) Hope's enter- Welfare Federation. Carl C. Katleman. egate from Omaha to the Amerijstfs Washington University and the UniCouncil of Jewish Women. eration membership. He was constant- not willed that he should see tMs tained that the "numerals clausus" * * * versity of Chicago, from wMch latter Jewish Congress, wMch will me?t in by in touch with all the activities of structure, around wMch so many of provision in - Hungarian universities To know Morris Levy was to love Washington, D. C, on October 14, institution ,he received the degree of SKELETON NEAR SYNAGOGUE the Federation, wMch formed his cen- Ms plans for communal development would be annulled or at least rcc-di- Mm for Ms nobility of character. Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1913. MAKES TOWN NEBVOUS. fied have now been dispelled by an Not only in his public work, but in 1923. Morgenstern was the *ueca**> ter philanthropic interest. No task centered, erected. He was first appointed as secretary business relations, he was a ful candidate, defeating Max throve Berlin. (J.. T. A.)—Fragments of in connection with the Federation The Jewish Community Center announcement by the medical faculty private most delightful associate.- As one kin, the other nominee by over atir of the Anti-Defamation League in a skeleton unearthed by -workmen in work was too difficult for Mr. Levy Building will be a monument to this of the Budapest University. was intimately connected with 1913, resigning in 1917 to enlist as digging beneath the foundation of a to perform. Neither heat nor cold, man—a monument not of cold marble, The' announcement declares that •who Mm in many of Ms varied activities, hundred and fifty votes. The votihfc a private in the infantry of the U.. synagogue in Bebera has aroused blazing sun nor raging storm could but one throbbing with life and vital- wMle there is room for 700 new stu- I feel keenly the great loss to this took plac® Sunday at the S. Army. Upon his discharge from- great eadtement in the town. deter this man from action "when -the ity, radiating iappiness and the best dents at the University, only tMrty- community caused by Ms *<teath. His Synagogues and voting polls. the army in 1919 after eighteen' So-called experts were summoned Federation needed Mm.' Time* after of Jewish life, Jewish culture and five Jews, or five per cent, would be life and career will ever to me stand out as an example worthy of emula- The American Jewish C months service in the American following -die discovery of the bones, time he sacrificed his own comfort to Jewish tradition, reflecting in all these accepted. KesMneff. (J. T. Harry A.) The tion. A. body Wolf.of convention of tMs year will bfe Expeditionary forces in France, dur- and their conclusion is that the undertake to raise money for the Fed- aspects the life of the one man who This is generally considered an in- seventy-year-old Itzik Gerinan was of important events, according ta thfe ing <wMch he readied the" rank of skeleton is of a man who died from eration. At, his age it was BO easy above all others had made it possible. dication that the promises of Premier found suspended from the -andelabra members of the committee In h task for Mr. Levyto make his way Morris Levy embodied the true spirit Bethlen and others to the Jews re- of a local synagogue. The cause for Israel Zangwfll, noted atithor captain, be was re-appointed as sec- violence, perhaps a century ago. retary of the League/ Mr. Lewis The anti-Semitic' press is devoting from store to store in this work. To of Judaism. Active in every -move- garding- the modification of the per- the suicide is not known. •G'.riman poet, -will come from England; J wi" continue to act in that capacity, a great number of apace to the find. Mm tMs was a holv mission and he ment for the welfare of the Jew, hiscentage norm will sot be carried oat. was an old resident of Keshineff, . one of the speakers at the th
Tributes to Morris Levy
• *
Leon Lewis Is Now 1.0.8. B. Secretary
• • . .
" . . * • '
THE JEWISH PRESS THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 482 B»ndel8 Theatte Baflding^-Telephone: Jackson 2872.
Success of Omaha Hebrew | Sammy Carmell Thanks Club Picnic is Assured Jewish Press For Support (Continued from page L)
Has Played in Blue Hill Orchestra. Each contestant plans to establish Master Sammy Carmell, Omaha headquarters at the picnic grounds boy violinist, who is now studying But we cannot count you dead, Sunday and a lively and interesting $2.50 Subscription Price, qne year..'....,,,; :.••- ~-.;' " " ~ — campaign is assured. Everyone should with Franz Kneisel at Blue Hill, 'ate. will prove she's not bereft us [ - • „.•;, AdTwtMng ratw-ftgnlihed on application. • come prepared to buy tickets from his Maine, wrote to the Jewish Press When the summer days are sped. favorite and help her win the contest expressing his thanks for the support NOT-PRINTED f?OB-PERSONAL PBOFIT—•Profits from the publicattoa of T^» Jewish Prea» are to U given to worthy coninmnal caoses. • You've just gone on your vacation, and also obtain the chance of win- which the Press and its readers gave ning the Chevrolet car. "The raffle him and the Nebraska Society for Gone to take a well-earned rest GBAMOB OV ADDR888-PIeaM ftTt both tin «M «a< otw and drawing for the car will he held the Development of Musical Talent. From your eastern destination ; •••.. . -be ra* d Btsir TOUT u m / at the pavillion at 10:30 p. m.," says Master Sammy played in the orchesYou'll return home to the west. The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Arthur Rosenblum, who together with tra of the Blue Hill Musical Colony Correspondence Bureau^ with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Mr. M. Polonsky and Mr. Julius Wax- last Friday. The concert was given to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Yes, you'll join us in the Temple in memory of the late music critic, enenberg has charge of the raffle. Inquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wiU be gladly On the solemn holydays, answered i f addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, As on every Friday evening Dancing for the young and old, af- H. E. Hrehbiel. In September, New VQTJS City. . You were there to pray and praise. ternoon and evening, wgl furnjsh immy will enter the Institute of pleasure for all. The Peony Park Musical Art in New York City. The MORRIS LEVY, DOER OF We all loved you as a father, y~* pavillion is one of the finest pavillions, a copy of the letter that in the city and Braviroff's orchestra Sammy wrote to the Jewish Press: A-familiar figure"'mil be missed from the streets of Omaha. As a benefactor, friend, can be depended upon to provide the To the Editor of The Jewish Press: No longer will we see Morris Levy, crippled, almost disabled, Thus we love you stll—forever, ' latest music For this cannot be the end. • Dear Friends: I wish to thank you slowly moving: through the crowds, always cheerful, always "There will be races and contests for your support during the camplanning to* do some good for somebody else, and finding in his for the boys, the girls and the men. paign of the Nebraska Society for work of philanthropy that anodyne for his own misfortunes that Guardian of our Federation, whom its -work has.grown, and women with prizes for eacK. Musical Development. Rest assured kept his brave spirit ever triumphant over his physical ills. event. The races and contests will be- that such help does not go by unMorris Levy was a poof boy'^heh he came 'to."this country E'er its new home's dedication, gin at 5:30 p. m.," gays Sam Klaver, noticed and it certainly has not in Help us lay the cornerstone! from his birthplace in" Germany, 57 years ago. He was industrious, who with Fred White has charge of this case. I am writing you this though, and enterprising, and raised himself to a high position among the merchants'of the land. In Omaha he will be best re- As your generous gifts, while living, these features. Prizes have been kind- letter of appreciation not only for membered as one of the founders of the Nebraska Clothing com- Brought your name with each man's ly donated by the Goldstein-Chapman myself but for the many other stuCo., Leon Brothers Co*,- Greenberg dents that will derive benefit from breath, pany, which grew under his direction to a first class position Optical Co., Wolf Bros., Malashock this society. Thanking you for your So the CenterTl stand memorial among retail institutions of the community. Jewelry Co., Brodkey Jewelry Co., support, I remain, When Mr. Levy gave up his active life in business ill health Of your LIFE and not your death. John Feldman; Leibowitz, the Jeweler; Your friend, did not discourage him. His partner had been suddenly cut off, and Ye Diamond Shoppe. (Signed) SAMMY CARMELL. and he: was himself so stricken that many a man would have been With what greater satisfaction -"\ Those who do not come in auto- down and out with less of reason. This served merely to urge Could a human soul be blest : mobiles should take Dundee car to HOOLIGANS ATTACK KEHILLAH him to further exertions along a new line of endeavor. He gave Than to feeHu's every action 49th and Dodge and then take the bus HOUSE AT NIGHT. up merchandising in the output of factories and looms, and took Treasured in his fellow's breast? to the park. Kronstadt. (J. T. A.)—Choosing a up that of dealing with the wants of man along the quiet ways Generous, loving Jew, to faith bound, The committee in charge of the pic- late hour of the night, hooligans of practical philanthropy. . nic who have labored hard to make it stormed the Siebenbiirgen Kehillah Gentle man and friend so real, Nobody ever will know the full extent of Morris Levy's quiet Do.we a success, are Albert Kaplan, chair- House and the Rabbinical office. wonder many a youth found giving. Some of his benefactions were noted publicly, but he did Morris Levy his ideal ? man of the event; Sam Klaver, M. . Sixty of the Kehillah House resimore without notice. It is certain that no standard or measure J. Waxenberg, J. Riklin, J. dents were forced to flee for safety of creed or race ever influenced him, for his hand was open to all. Though you've crossed the waters Polonsky, Crounse, A. Richards, J. Feldman, H. in their night clothes to the roofs. It is equally certain that no worthy cause or individual ever apSilverman, Fred White, Dr. Nathan often, . pealed to him ir- vain. He was truly the ahnoner of God's bounty Proudly claim we you our own, Dansky, M. Blank, L. Kneeter, and JEWS STRANDED to him, and made his own ability the only gauge of his bounty. In the annals of our Jewry Arthur Rosenblum. NEAR CONSTANTINOPLE, Such men as Morris Levy are rare enough to be noticed in this No more honored name is known. "The picnic will be held Sunday, YIDGESCOM HEARS world.—"Omaha Bee." rain or shine," says Albert Kaplan, Moscow. (J.-.T. A.) The Moscow Both the new and old worlds knew chairman, so fix up your lunch early offices of the Idgescom (All Russian and come out to the park with the Jewish Public Committee) reports the MORRIS LEVY'S ACHIEVEMENT. you, family for the best time of the year. receipt of a note from the Joint Dis* There are two inspiring lessons in the career of Morris Levy Near their briny bridge you'll lie; which ended with his death at four score years in his summer God blessed us that you should LIVE tribution Committee, according to here, home, at Asbury Park. In the first place, as a self-made man, DEATH OF RABBI KELLERMANN which hundreds of Jews who have he became a well-rounded, first-class leading citizen, and at the Spared us that you here should die. Berlin. (J. T. 4.)—Dr. Benzion same time he demonstrated the size of opportunity-in-America Kellermann, Rabbi iff the Berlin JewMr. Leyy was not merely a good business man and founder of Yet if 8 hard to sense the parting, ish community, has died here at the a big Omaha business institution. He combined with the traits Nevermore to see you smile, age of 53. In addition to.his Rabof integrity and wisdom the good works of effective and im So, we try to ease grief's smarting, binical activities, Dr. Kellermann was AND partial philanthropy. Accumulating great wealth, he was no Dreaming that you live the while. active in liberal politics and has writspoiled but rather softened arid mellowed by the greater responsi ten a number of philosophic .works. in Omaha forever bilities, and his simple democratic and courtly personality told Yes He was a pupil of the greatKantian, will increase the beauty name and praise will live. Prof. Herman Cohen of Marburg of a big heart and wide comprehension of human relations. He Your of your old jewels. •when we find you missing ever, University,!. *,-?»««««. ~:—„. - ~....„.-—, delighted in giving, quietly and:wii^outdirj^g^^enevir he had But Our prayers td' you "win give.' Come in and see our prices Among are " T h e Writa real opportunity. \ ings of Levi Ben-Gerson", "The But the achievement of the young man who came to Amer veyiskadash—" , \ Est. 1S92 Ideal in the System of Kantian ica from a foreign.;land is a lesson to youth. It is also an "Veyisgadal Oh in your heavenly home ' 1510 Farnam St. Jackson 5782 Philosophy", and '"The Ethics of emphatic rebuke to the preachers of discontent and pessimism in May you find e'en, as we pray it Spinoza". America today. It ig a favorite resort of some minds to figure^"—ye ad olom sholom.'' So you've gone, dear friend, and left
Mrs. Max Frosh entertained, at wandered into. Constantiflfiple without Russian or Turkish passports are now luncheon and bridge Thursday honoring out-of-town guests. helplessly stranded. TheYidgescom confirms this report Mrs. M. Weii • entertained at from its offices in Constantinople and luncheon and bridge Wednesday other eastern points. It warns Jews honoring the guests. who are planning to. emigrate there to obtain first the necessary papers and to beware of swindling railroad agents seeking to fleece the would-be emigrant, regardless of consequences. IDA I. FREirEN, Prop.
Dr. Jacob Singer has just returned from an eastern trip. While away, he had the honor of introducing a prominent Jewish authority on music to the Jewish conference. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Gundersheimer have returned to their home in Baltimore,, Md., after having spent several weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Jacobi Singer*-^v •;• . :Victor Eisler is convalescing from an operation.
Cut Flowers 311 South 16th Street Phone Atlantic 8010. Open Evenings. Only Jewish Florist in town.
REV. L FLEISHMAN "The Mohl" Residence, 1342 80. 25th St. Tel. Atlantic 6637. Place of Business, 8323 Harney St. XeL ATIantlo 3831.
Laugh at Hot Days, Men! HAKE off that Heavy suit and step into a fashionably; correct N e b r a s k a tropical worsted outfit at only;
'25 Wonderful new style 'develdpments-^i o n ' t confuse them with past attempts at "cool clothes"—you must see them for yourself to fully realize their smartness. .\ OTHER SMART TROPICAL' WORSTEDS AS LOW AS $18.00--MANY RICHLY SILK LINED AT $35.00 : JEALU BEACH SUITS \ Extra Pants at $ 4
Goldstein Jewelry Co.
how'strongly the world and society are "stacked" against them They are whipped before they start and they like to talk abou it. Their stock in trade is in presenting facts and figures to show that the country is going to the doga excepting for the privilegec few.- They influence the timid, the disappointed and the reckless with- their insidious talk. But when a boy takes opportunity aftey opportunity to go forward and achieve* as did Morris Leyyj there is something-that confounds pessimistr and bolshevist. America is full of opportunities today. It is the best country in the world for the family. It is a great country for hopeful ambition and honest work. Morris Levy was a type of successful men in America who, by their industry, integrity and recognition of opportunity> have achieved real success.--:"Omaha World-Herald."
Miss Carrie Sarbach, of Holton, Kans., and Miss Adele Sarbach, of New York, are Tisiting with relatives and friends in Lincoln.
A Great Floor Her* Devoted to These New Styls .... Ideas for a Man's Summer ~ " ^ ") Comfort
LEONARD-^-TENDLER By Arthur. Brisbane In the "Omaha Bee.'
Eighty thousands citizens paid about $600,000 Monday night to see two young Jewish boys, Leonard and Tendier, fight, r • ... Benny Leonard's ability to beat any Christian of his weight does more to create respect for Jews among Christians than-all the great Jewish -writers combined could do. That's our civilization.
Kosher Market
in the city will soon open its doors .-/ to the public. • We wUl Handle everything iri the Kosher line-for the table. All eatables will be kept under refrigeration. * .__
6683-1923 / MORGENTHAU NOT wise, Lord Milner declared, there Bosh-diodeah Ab~ Sat., Jnly 14 INTERESTED IN would be no development of Palestine Fast of Ab . Aug. 13 Watch for further announcements ANTI-JEWISH. PUBLISHER for decades, perhaps never. 6684-192* New Sear's Eve_ —Man., Sept. 10 New York. (J. T. A.) Reports that "It is essential: thai there be a dis- Yom Klppnr— ".""•>.: Ji: in this paper. * .Xhnrs., Sept. to Toe** Sept. 25 Henry Morgenthau, former ambassa- interested government in Palestine, Buceoth (First Day} Snccpth (Last Day)—Shmlnl dor to Turkey, is financial interested bent on. keeping-peaece between Jews, Atiereth , , . , . . . . „ TuesH Oct. t ;,...,.•. Wed, Oct. 8 in The World's Work and; thV publish- Moslems and Christians,'' he con- Slmchat Tornh_. Roah-Cbfxlesh Cbeshvan___Tburs., Oct. 11 ing firm of Doubleday; Page & Co.,cluded. V ' • ' BOHh-Cliodesh KUler : ..........Fri.. NOT. 9 Cbanukah (Peaift of Dedlca' publishers of i Burton J; Hendricks' 1613VNorth 24th St. Webster 4330. tton) ., ,., , , Mon.,*Dcc 3 1 "The Jews of America"-were declared ROUMANIAN MINISTER V RoshoChodcah Tebeth——__..-Snn., Deo. 9 v : Rev. j . SHUKERT, Shohit. Fast -of Tfftfth',. • ; M' Tm^fn Dec. IS without foundation in a letter by Mr. PRAISES DEAD ~'•". 6684-1024 Jan. 9 Morgenthau to Herman Bernstein, edJEWISH BANKER Bosh-Chodesh S h e b a t — _Mon., "Service ahd Quality" is Our Motto. ."Wed., Feb. 6 Rosh-Chodesh Adar I itor of the Jewish Tribune. . Bucharest. (J. T. A.) A glowing Both-Chodesh Adar II -i-Frl.. Mar. 7 Mar. SO (Feast of Esther). "I have never been and am not now tribute was paid in Parliament to the Pnrlm Sat., Apr. S Boih-Chodesb NlsajJ___ atw Apr. 19 interested financially, directly or in- dead Jewish, banker, Jasques Elias, by Passover (Pesadu r l , Apr. id (Seventh Day). directly, in the World's Work or in the Minister of Education Anghelesou. Passover ..Hon.. May 6 zjiiiiiiffiiitiiiiiiiiitipitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinfts Bosh.CtaodMb lyar. .Than.. May 22 b'Omer. Doubleday, Page, & Co.," Mr. Morgen- The Minister termed Elias a great i _Tnc»-, Jane 3 Chodesb SIvan. thau asserts. * ' Roumanian citizen arid declared that Rosh Shsbnotb... (Confirmation Da?)-fiat., Jane 8 Bosh-Chodesh Tammnx _Thnrsn July 3 Mr. Bernstein directed his inquiry to his life was a worthy pattern for Boeh-Chodesb Ab, _Frt.. A f 1 of Ab. Mr. Morgenthau following a query by others to, follow. Elias left a million F .Bun,, A n c 10 8 v Antr. 31' 1 _8nn BoshrChodetb _InI_ Samuel Untermyer as to whether Mr. lei'for benevolent and educational Rou0688-1034 Morgenthau is interested in. the pub- manian. institutions. New EveSept. 29 lishers of. this book. "If-he is," con- The Jewish press laments that the I 310 No. 16thSt. Tel,JAckaon 5062 I tinued Mr. Untermyer, "I hope that he Jewish banker left very little for dis- CRACO> NEWSPAPER , WRECKED BY MOB will cease to be identified with a pub- tinctly Jewish purposes. Among the lishing house that has brought out a Jewish beneficiaries were the Buch- Cracow. (J. T, A.) A billion marks book so manifestly unjust." arest synagogue which is bequeathed worth of damage to the property of Have Taken Charge of The Wholesale and Retail § 20,000 lei, the Sephardic synagogue Nowy Dziennik has been caused by a bombythrowS' at the paper's editorial Business of Shalker Packing'Company, ARABS MISLED BY MISCHIEF 10,000 lei and the Sephardic school for 5Ki| v MAKERS, LORD MILNER SAYS girls 5,000 lei. The Sephardic Syna- sectiok' The bomb was presumably tiirown By nationalists, the Dziennik Wholesale Prices | London. (J. T. A.) The Palestine gogue of Vienna is left 10,000 lei. being the organ of the minority naArabs are protesting not at what is for Parties, Weddings, or Picnics. § tionalities. No loss of life occurred, happening or has happened, but what SAMUEL IN LONDON, as the eritorial staff happened to they are told will happen, Lord Milner, DECLINES STATEMENT, Shalker Packing Company of LeavenVoorth, Kansas, | who recently returned; from a visit to - ,SEES COLONIAL SECRETARY leave the building a few minutes ber fore the'explosion. /The newspaprhas Palestine, declared in ari address bevoid gixx a Spedal Price for itsi Retail Trade. | London. (J. T. A.) Sir Herbert fore the Central Asiatic Society. Samuel, British High Commissioner reappeared, printing a bitter attack The Arabs are being jjnisled, Lord for Palestine, has arrived in London. against the nativists. Fresh Salami . . 35c lb. § Milner.continued, "by deliberate mis He refused to make any statement, Thick Bologna . 30c lb. i ASKS REVISION OF BEILIS chief makers who themselves are fre- successfully evading the -questions TRIAL. fired at him at the station. quently not natives of. Palestine. These Weiners . 30c lb. | tell the Arabs, the country will be He calfed at the Colonial Officet, Higa. (J. T. AO—Revision of the taken away and given to 'the Jews un- where it is Ainderstood he interviewed trial.of,Mendel;Beilis, who was acAll Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues | der a-Jewish, administration, the Colonial Secretary, the Duke of Jil>el in Kiev ' "Palestine Arabs should be satisfied Devonshire.- There is, reason to beby M. .Sarudni, at Special Price. i. v | with the declaration by Qraisby-Gore, lieve the subject of discussion between an attorney, "speaking at Ifrhilev,'5 ''All Meats Guaranteed to be Kosher | Assistant Colonial Secretary, that im- the High Commissioner and the Secre- says a report from that place. [= ation of the Jews* into Palestine tary was the situation that has arisen M., Sarudni declared he is i n ' 5 by Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, Mo., | in. consequence of £he Possession^ ofy. new. material proving s who were, the real assailants o f ^ e l = ' . ~-,. .• *A "• • " - " " • ' " . ' - / < ' • " ~S h&T^ promoteothe develop- igfiation of the, Arab jnembers of ) ; ,., . ' youth JuB^insJty. . ^filllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilUlHtlllBllIllUIIIIIIIIIlfllllUIfUIIIllllIIIlIIUIIIIIIli^ otj®$&tinB" he said.. Other- Advisory Council.
Columbia Grafonolas One Dollar DOWN We have cut the price below factory cost oil every discontinued style Columbia Grafonola on our floors. "We must make room for the new models which are in transit. We have them in nearly all finishes and sizes for $1.00 DOWN and with a few records you select and pay for, your choice will be sent to your h o w .
Don't Delay! Act at Once! We can save you s;zL-:zcy!
Lowest Prices Ever Offered on Columbia Phonographs.
Columbia, mahogany > >:. .t. .$8.00 Columbia, mahogany t. .r. >-. $15.00 Columbia, mahogany ..........,...$2G.OO Colombia, mahogany .$36.00 Columbia, walnut .«.$44.00 Columbia, oak <................ .$52.00 Columbia, mahogany .$68.00 Columbia, walnut . . . . ; .-.-—$72.00 Theae barjjalna Twill not last . long. Thi* is your chance to own « high* grade phonograph At I |OW price.
Tear out the phonograph list, make a check mark after the phonograph you are interested tn and mail at once.. It will save you money.
JULY 26, 1923
rive the early part of next -week to Mr. and Mrs. Dave" Green nave Monday afternoon in honor of Miss City, Mo., who has been visiting here visit here for several weeks. Mrs. as their guest J&ss Edith Sniegle, of Leah Herzoff of Sioux City, Iowa. for a few days, retu.—.ed home. . . J'; Rosen had as her guest during the Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. B. Saltzman returned ' last. , Messrs. Maurice and Arthur FreidMrs. S. Rosenthal entertained at past two' indiKhs her1 brothel, M K man, - twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Max Abramson, also of St. Joseph, Mrs. H. Shapiro and son, Meyer, —seven tables of Bridge last Thurs- Friday from Cedar Rapids, .Iowa. left for Chicago, HL, to visit with Philip Freidman, left for Chicago day at her home in honor of her who left duriiig the past-week. relatives for three weeks. sister, Miss Clara Tarris of El Paso, Master Milton Yudelson will enter- •where they will visit for several The Misses Tiby Lazarus and Esther Texas, who is her summer guest, tain at a Costume Parfy Saturday weeks. (insberg, t)f Ues Moines, Iowa, "who Mr. Harry Miller, of Manhattan, and also in honor of Ilr:. I. Goldberg night at his home in honor of Miss Mr. Mfllard Krasne is spending his Edith Edelson of Huntington, West vacation at Lake Okob< ji, la. have been visiting here as the guests Kans., motored into Omaha Sunday of New York City. if Miss Ann Zalk, left for their home. and returned to his home Tuesday Virginia, who ois visiting in Council with Mrs. Miller and children, who Mr. and Mrs. Edelson am1, daughter Bluffs. . . . MONHEIT'S The Misses Goldie and Esther have been visiting with Mrs. Miller's Edith, of Huntington, West Va., who have been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Minnie Freidman of Kansas Chiropodist and Beauty Finkelstein, Lucille SJ,-i:-.f and Rhea mother, Mrs. E. Jacobs. Shop Nackinoff, are leaving Thursday to Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Gross leave S. Cohen for the past month, will City, Mo., arrived Sunday to "be the Established 1800 guest of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Freidleave Sunday for their home. Mrs. motor to Chicago, 111., and other WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS 15th and H«rney Streets. Monday for Manitow, Colo., for someGive n c . a- chance to apman. Edelson is Mr. Cohen's sister. HAYKIN-ADLER time. Mr; and- .Mrs. Morris ; Lefkowitz places in the east. preciate your bnsinEBS. Kor appointment6 call J a . 9774. Miss Mamie Adler, daughter of Mr. announce the engagement of their Miss Rose Guttman will return Mr .and Mrs. L. Cherniack and Mr. Louis Freidman of Kansas and Mrs. Louis Adler, will be married daughter Bertha, to Mr. Jack M. Friday after a three weeks' visit Miss Rosalie Cohn is attending children, Helen and Harold, left Tuesto Mr. Harry J. HayMn, son of Mr. Baslbw, of New York City. The with friends at Mason City and Clear summer school at the University of day for Des Moines, la. Nebraska at Lincoln, Nebr. and Mrs. J. Haykin, of this city, on wedding date has been set for Fall. Lake, !IaLSunday, July 29, at six o'clock at the Mr. and Mrs. J. Katelman enterMrs. I. Schlaifer and Mrs. N. S. Miss Ruth Levey is entertaining Mr. Milton and Leon Rosenbaum, tained thirty guests at their home home of the bride at 5015 North 30th Street, before the presence of only Rothenberg were hostesses a t an in Friday evening at a swimming party of Lincoln, Nebr., visited here with Tuesday evening in honor of their the immediate relatives of the couple. formal bridge Saturday afternoon at at Valley, Nebr., complimentary to friends, during the past week-end. wedding anniversary. the Jacob Stein home. Prizes were Rabbi. Grodzinsky will bfficate. won; by Mesdames Max Davis and I. Miss Ruth Turesky, of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Pearl Stark accompanied-Mr. Miss Leah Herzoff of Sioux City, Mr. Haykin- and his bride will leave who is here visiting "with Miss Rose and Mrs. John Robinson, -who were la., arrived last week to visit with immediately to motor through the W. Rosenblatt. ".".' Grodinsky. ; • visiting here, to their home in Nor-. friends and relatives in Council east to be gone for a month, reMr. and Mrs. Max Sommer--' and Bluffs and Omaha. She has been an turning here to make their home with children returned Monday from a trip The; Misses Ctenevievsp^Lifson and fqlky. Nebr., Sunday. >• honored guest at a number of affairs. the bride's parents. to Colorado, where they spent three Esther Scheinbaiinv "Who have been Dr. and Mrs. M. £'- 'Gordon and visiting here with the Misses Bay- family, Mrs. Gordon's • mothere, Mrs. Miss Reva Gross entertained at weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Wolf son relia Freiden and Esther Brown, left G. Mandelsori, are leaving the latter three tables of Bridge at her home turned Monday from Chicago, HI. Mrs. Sam Kaplan had as her house Tuesday for. .Sioux City, la., prior to part of this week for Lake Okoboji, guests during the past "week-end Mrs. returning to their home in Minneapo- where they will spend several weeks. Miss Cecile Leibowitz, of St. Jo- J. Shapiro and daughter, of Lincoln, lis, Minn. seph, Mo., is visiting here with Mrs. Nebr. N;- W. Naken and Miss Gertrude Mrs. C. Wolf son and children and Your subscription for "The Jewish -Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohn left SunTatle. Mrs. Freda Wolfson arrived this Press" is due now. day to motor to Chicago, HI., Detroit, week from Europe and are now makMr. and Mrs. D. N. Mendelson left Mich., "Washington, D. C-> and New ing their home with Mr. and Mrs. on a motor trip to Chicago, 111. "iork City. J. L. Wolfson, Mrs.C; Wolfson is a Piano Instructor where they will visit for a month Mr. M. Solomon left last week to sister-in-las? and Mrs. Freda Wolfwith Mrs. Mendelson's parents. Special attention to beginners. T h e S l o g a n for T h i s G r e a t S a l e i s visit with his daughter, Mrs. M. Freg- son is a mother to Mr. Wolfson. For appointments call Writes all kinds of . Mr.- and Mrs. H. Sussman enter- ,ger, at Billings, Mont., to be gone for from 8-.S0 A. M. to 12:00 M. Mr. Samuel Guttman, Jr., returned tained Friday evening "at dinner al weeks. Tuesday after spending the past Phone Webster 5161. party - honoring the Misses Minnie week-end at Clear Lake, la. Res. 2601 Parker St. Mr. and Mrs. David .Newman returnand Ida Alpirn, of St. Louis, Mo., ed Monday eveni-itj after a three "Real. Personal Service" who are visiting with relatives here. Mr. Gundell Goldansky, of Denver, •weeks' stay at Denver, Manitow, Colo., who "was visiting here with Miss Sadye Levey has as her house Colorado Springs, and at the summer Phone guests the Misses Celia and Fanny resort Troutdale in the Pine, at Ever- Mr. Edwin Katskee for the week, will Ret—Har. 325C 72* TV. O. W. Mastrofsky, of Des Moines, Iowa, green, Colo. They were also at the return to his home the latter part of Offic»—At. S034 the week. who will be here for the week. Yellowstone National Park in WyoThe prices and the furniture will explain ming. * Miss Rosalind Andelson, of Chito you why we have chosen this slogan. Many added features cago, TQ1., who has been the guest Miss Shirley Rubach is entertaining of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Sherman for eight couples at the Brandeis t e a Furniture for every room, easy payments including e l e c t r i c the past month, returned to her home rooms Saturday afternoon, honoring; hair driers for ladies. Monday evening. A number of social her house guests Miss- Evelyn Moskoand bona fide savings 15 to 50 per cent. affairs were given in honor of the vitz, of Sioux City. visitor during her stay. At a recent meeting of the Omaha We. 6414 • Miss Ann White is visiting with Keren Hayesod TJnit it was decided to her sister, Mrs. Charles Redman at send receipts to all who have contri Ottumwa, Iowa, for the -week* and buted. The secretary will start mail ing receipts this week. will return Sunday. Diamond & Platinum Specialists Mr. and Mrs. B. Pred and Mr. Miss Eva Baker, of Sioux City, Ja., 1508 DOUGLAS STREET o 1514 Dodge St. is visiting with. Miss Minnie TVohlner, and jyirsy. Meyer Spiesberger,. left ; Est. 1B94. " ~ Ja. 5619 : Thursday on a motor trip to Mon- She will be hefe'Ior two weeks; J tana.. ALL YOU-TOO HAVE GARS: K N O W~-T J J A T . ..._ ,, , :v „. M i £ : '. <x>o< Mrs. Herman Zuber and son, Mor1 The Only Place to get a Really Good Repair Job done on any kind of Machinery Is at the g Miss Claire Burstein, of New York, ton, who have been visiting at the i In Justice to Yourself L Morgenstern j . 1 . Wolfson is visiting here with her aunt, Mrs. home of Mrs; Zuber's parents, Mr. and You cannot do yourself jusMeyer Friedel, and Mr. Friedel. A Mrs. J. Cohn, left for their home in tice unless your examination • of each DIAMOND is done number of affairs are being given Hastings, Nebr. carefully and leisurely. Repair Specialists .'...% in her honor, among them was a Mr. and Mrs. Tollman Xaplan motdancing party given by Mr. and Mrs. ored to Lincoln^-Nebr., ancl spent the 929-31 North 24th St. SAM FRIEDEL, Manager At-Iantic 8884 | A most thorough, compariTeL Webster 2734 Friedel at their home Tuesday even- past'wSek-endr •-;'•--. son of - : ' • ing. Miss Martye Weinstein enterVe tained at luncheon Wednesday after- Messrs. Dave Ravitz, Isadore Alpinoon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms rin, and Isadore Levinson ara.spendDiamond honoring the visitor. ing several weeks motoring through Colorado, stopping at Denver, Estes Shoppe Mrs. J. L. Wolfson is leaving Park, and Colorado Springs. Diamonds with any others Thursday for Sioux City, Iowa, where for briliancy, fire, snap Mr. and Mrs. J. Osheroff are entershe will visit at the H. Gold home and animation will convince taining at a boating party Thursday for a week. you of their superiority In evening at: Garter Lake; in honor of both quality and price, and The Misses Bessie Kavich < and Miss Eva Baker, of Sioux "City, Iowa. we are sure will be a deciding factor in selecting Bertha Cohen entertained ten couples at a farewell surprise party honor- Mr. and Mrs. William Lazere and ing Mr. Nathan "Duke" Levinson son, Leonard Haskell, returned froni Ye who is leaving for the East to study a ten days' trip to Denver,; Coloi, Diamond and then" left Wednesday evening for music a several-days' •visit a t Sioux-City* Shoppe Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kirschbraun l a . • •:•: -. .• - . . " . . '•• . . , . ; Diamonds for your personal" and children motored to Minneapolis, wear or as a lasting gift to Miss Bertha Leon is planning to Minn., Tuesday to visit. your friends. leave the ' first week in August- for Miss Ann Selicow is visiting with Chicago/ HI., where she wilLvisit for (SEE OTTR FILM AT WORLD THEATER) Miss Sally and Jean Krupp sX Fre- three weeks. ' " "-:. • mont, Nebr. Mrs. Dave Rosen will have as her, That Last Mrs. Fred Cherniss entertained at a guest her sister, Miss Molly-Abramluncheon last Thursday afternoon a t Bon of St. Joseph, Mo., who'iyfll ar•^—oi the— her home honoring- Mrs. Sam Zimmern of Chicago, HI., and Mrs. N. Cohn, of Milwaukee, Wis., who are * ^3 visiting here.
Our August
Furniture Sale Begins Monday* July 30
AB. Kaiman
DIAMONDS and high grade Platinum Jewelry at the right price. Malashock Jewelry Co.
Insurance of all Kinds
With your family and friends to the
31st Annual
Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein with daughter, Rosaline, and son, Herman, are leaving Sunday to motor to Centerville; Iowa, for a two "weeks' visit. Mrs. William Metzger left Sunday for Manning, Iowa, to spend several weeks.' Mrs.' Ben Millman entertained at a luncheon at her home "Tuesday afternoon honoring the -Misses Ida and Minnier Alpirnr of St. "Louis, Mo., who are here visiting with Mrs. D. Lewis. Mrs. Fred Cherniss will be hostess at bridge Thursday and Saturday afternoons at her home. Mrs. L. Blotcky and, son, Frank, leave Sunday for Colorado Springs, Manitow, and Estes Park, Colo. They will be gone lor a month. Miss- Gertrude Fogelson, of Lincoln, Nebr., is spending the week here with Miss Helen Robinson. . Mr.. and Mrs. Sam Leon and family are • at • Lake Okoboji for several weeks. - Miss Bess Stock and Miss Greenberg returned" Wednesday :fxom "Lake
Kosher Pleats
Our Specialty We have at all times a complete display of Fresh aai Smoked Kosher Meats. S p e c i a l Attention ^ to Weddings, Parties, and". Picnics. .;
We Carry the Largest .Stock Fresh Fisk in the City.
Free Delivery te all Parts of Cityt
Mail Orders Promptly Taken Care Of.
Sunday, July 29th, 1923
The Peoples Market 1201-03 North 24th St.
Phone, Webster 6338
CHEVROLET TOURING CAR WILL BE GIVEN AWAY BABY CONTEST — RACES — LUNCHES — REFRESHMENTS ..- Take Dundee Car to 49th and Dodge then take Bus to Picnic Grounds
Afternoon and Evening
< • * : •
DEFAR TMENT OF 7HE JEWISH PRESS his rc"gion or faith/ Another comer { as" difficult for him to decide -wHether ing "held in February at JB'tsle, ai The clash arose from a dispute declaring that their intervention inis Sammy Bohne of the Reds. Sammy a pitcher -was purposely -trying- to special sub-commission was appointed over the rights of the unorganized tensified the difference between the to work. Jewish leaders are blaming two factions. Samuels of the Si. Louis rclub was also hit the batter or "not. - . . •to- consider the ~ question of the a Jewish player, as was Ed Stein. I - have never • been able to work establishment, of -a' permanent Con- the gendarmerie for the casulties, i Subscribe for "The.,,Jewish; Press." Bight at the moment Bonne is the only out a serious solution. My only sug- sultative ' Bureau for minorities, the Jew I can recall"' in either- major gestion would be to have the pitcher foundation of a Minorities Commis-reason being that I have never yet leagues. .- • • < sign an affidavit before he went.into sion at the Permanent International seen a Jewish player who was not The only reason I can give for the the box, swearing,that he would not Tribunal, • the '• recognition under unusually ambitious. Jewish players scarcity o£ Jewish,the great purposely pass a. batter. Then,'if he certain conditions' of : the legal rights are never mediocre. As soon as they care the parents- exercise ,iii training did we could get him for perjury. ;i of minorities'in. the League of Narealize that they can never reach the their boys for business or. professional had - one - heavy -thinking - friend who tions, and especially on the League •Scouts Have Been Looking for Some- top they usually withdraw from the careers. Many of .them' develop unThe practice of sending New Year's Greetings to/friendsSecretariat. actually took that seriously. one of That Faith for Years. and relatives through the local Jewish'paper,-is" general game and go' into some other profesr usual athletic ability .at college and (Copyright,- 1923.) Prof.. T. Ruyssen, the / General Secsion where they feel that there is a undoubtedly would'become! star-ballthroughout the ; country. Its advantage over the old iridivdual retary • of "the..'Federation of the : By JOHN J. McGRAW, / better chance of the goal. mailing card is evident in the saving of time, expense and players. The parents,; though,-.influLeague of Nations Societies, is known Manager World's Champion Giants. ence them 'not to let anything interworry over forgetting a friend. ; to be' extremely""sympathetic to the (Reprinted b y Special P e r m i s s l o a o f Many Jewish Fans. fere "With their mental training for cause of the minority nationalities, ,.-•;• " O m a h a Bee.") , ; , . : £ .'•.•-- . Greeting Card in the "JEWISH PRESS" Another reason is that 50-per cent ' ; '":*_ V' V r ) Jn writing me the other day to learn of the patrons of bareball, especially the future. and* he' has'taken-great, interest in will take this form: the names of the Jewish ball players in 'New-York, are Jewish, and for the position of .the Jews in partic' They Love"Combat.' 1 now in the big leagues and why there years they have been hopinjr for one " That Jews natdrally Jove, the idea ular. . During his, recent visits to were not more an old fan has sug-of their faith to be a ^member of combat is indicatel by the number Lafviai JEsthonia,-'Poland, and LithuR. Abrams and family of gested to me a baseball" thought, that Giants. That is but natural. • The of them who take up boxing. It is No Jewish Question Touched Upon ania,' I bs~ made use of the opportun^ ^ / W f t ^ extend their-:best; at Conference, as No Jewish I'hope may be as interesting to sport failure ;toV develop one, though, has that very .spirit, that,- man-to;-man ity to acquaint himself with the con"' ^sftes?to'"i^BTr;r|!^tives and friends for a Happy' Body-Represented. < •lovers in general as it-has been to me never dampened their, enthusiasm for rivalry, ;that has rnade me geek a good ditions under which the Jewish pop'' ;,and "Prosperous Sfe^Year v for years. '." '."":., '••'•[ •"-'* the game, hot. in the least. .} Jewish - player for my club. The COMMITTEE; OF JEWISH DEL- ulatlori~of those countries are living* and he came- into intimate contact ; Today I would give $100,000 for a Jewish, people always'-have been- $100,-000 offer still holds! good. EGATIONS IN TOUCH. MAIL THE COUPON BELOW IMMEDIATELY with the Jewish representatives in -•• ^Tewish player who even .had the pros- great lovers of sport, as far back a s ! I t might be inferred that- I' seek those countries. pect of becoming a real star. It is.not the days described by Gen. Wallace commercial popularity for my club by Vienna. (J. T. A.)—The conferThe Jewish Press, . . " ' • ' ' generally known but I have bad scouts in "Ben Hur." They have developed."?•these efforts. Naturally, anyone wants The Committee of Jewish Delegaence of the Federation of the League ".-... 482 Brandeis Theatre Bldg^ commercial .popularity, butr in baseball looking.for this man for- the past five tions in Paris' is in constant dose years. I -have scoured! • the country gladiators, I oxers, wrestlers, football j the only road to popularity is to win. of Nations Societies was concluded touch with Prof. Ruyssen, and not Omaha, Nebraska. players "and golfers. It. is odd,"ati A losing-team does not draw, regard- here on Wednesday, June 27. •with'oui success, but I still have hope. Gentlemen:— long ago. Mr. M. Aleini:off, represenThe J . T. A. representative. learns j have tried out numbers of cahdi- .that, -to see so comparatively few in less of what players! ^are. on it. If I Enclosed find $2.00, for which please Insert my New Year'« tative of the Committee, paid a visit can get a star player to help,me win, that the Sacretariat has received a to him in Brussels to discuss matters dates, lii fact, I am working with a big league\basebalL Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashoma (5684) Number. : Can 'you imagine what an influence whether he be Jew or Christian, the memorandum from the Committee of youngster'now-. . ' , ,; it would Jhavip on-our game if we had popularity• will take care of itself. Jewish Delegations in Paris protest- affecting Jewish minority rights. . Konv the tone of a few inquiries it VAIVtE: appears that there is a belief in some two: great "Jewish "ballplayers rivalling- • I think I "am safe in saying that ing against the riumerus dausus TWENTY-FIVE WOUNDED IN project in Poland. The question was each other • as • Benny Leonard and every other big league manager shares mihHs that baseball -managers are TEL-AVTV LABOR CLASH not raised, however, publicly at the '.. . ADDRESS: prejudiced against Jewish -players. To Lew' Tendler rival each other in box-;my viewpoint. ... Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—Twenty-five conference but has been submitted ing?' ' " .': Of late I have been beseigedV-with those who know the facts' such a zs^ss^s. Always there has been a sort of <pzestioris in the form of .protests over to the General Council for considera- Jewish workmen were wounded and ***^f*-•£*•? thought is laughable. I have several twenty are under arrest in the Jewreasons for wanting one, 'the main racial rivalry among the Irish, the the practice of pitchers-giving home tion. No Jewish question at all has ish municipality of Tel-Aviv, PalesFrench,.the Indians, the Germans, run hitters bases on balls in a pinch been touched upon at the conference the Cubans,! the Poles and others for rather than take^a chance. owing to the fact that there was no tine, as a result of a clash between orthodox and unorganized laborers superiority in baseball. The rReds, for "It's not fair to the public," one Jewish body represented. Certified Public Accountants Phone 104 instance,' boast of. a team of all na- writes. *'We go to see these fellows The conference had also on itsand' the organized members of the The Beet of Everything "In Flowers and Audits Systems "Histadruth" or Federation of Labor. tions. With the Jews taking an ac-rhit and it is not gocd sport for the agenda the question of minority Confections at Moderate Prices. Investigations tive part in such siM<stic rivalry base- pit-hers to purposely- pass. them. rights. From its inception the Fed345 W. Broadway, Next Liberty Theater 434 to 440 Peters Trust Bids. COUNCIL. BLUFFS. IOWA. ball would be; indeed, the great melt- Can't someone suggest a way to stop eration has devoted itself to the Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. TO ANIDFROM "Let Us Move You" J ing pot of sport.' minorities question. 1% has set up it?'? , .. ALL PARTS OF The greatest-catcher, next to Bres- This has been a problem in baseball a special commission to investigate -..-hsn,that I have known during my for many, many years—-long before conditions in the -various countries THE WORLD Carpenter Paper Co. Operated by active years as a manager was'Johnny the. present epidemic of home_run hit- in relation to the question, and a Distributors of Elirig. Johnny is a Jcv but so great ters. The great - difficulty is that no number of resolutions affecting it Western Bond—and High was he as a catcher for the Cubs that one can devise a means of reading the have been adopted - at previous con1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. ATlantic 0230 JAckson 4338 Grade Stationery many never thought to inquire, as to ATlantic 0340. pitcher's mind. Everything stops right ferences,' in 'Consequence of" which 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha, Nebraska. there. At a meeting of the rules com- vigorous protests have been made by mittee, Hank O'Dayy the umpire, de- the representatives of the Federation clared that it shouldn't -be put up to in Poland, Roumania, Czecho-SloWASH AND KEEP WELL the umpire to decide whether a vakia and Jugo-Slavia. WHOLESALE A RULE OF HEALTH pitcher, was purposely passing the The special .conSinission for minorDruggists and Stationers batter or not. He 'might.make a ity affairs has'Continued its work Every Known Kind FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY 401-403-405 South 10th 8tre«t terrible mistake. I t would- be just during the past year. At one meetof Insurance 1819 California Street.
McGraw Would Give $ 100,000 for Jewish Ball Player H. ¥. Manager Says They'Are Always Trying
New Year's Greetings
League of Nations ^ Societies and the Jews at Vienna
FRED R. SHAW Flower Shop
Steamship tickets
Globe Van& Storage Co.
E. E. Bruce & Co.
The Brinn & Jensen Company
209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 8944. «__ , • '
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