September 20, 1923

Page 1

Nothing is more practical than a high, clearly-defined ideal of serv-

Say not always you know, but always know what you say.


j ; VOL. IL--No. 41


i __"•? as Becond-claBs mail matter on January S?t_u '821. at P o o at Omaha, Nebraska, undei the Act el torch 8. 1KIB.



OPEN JEWISH SECTION IN MOSCOW AGRICULTURAL SHOW One of/the headline; attractions at the Cabaret and Vaudeville Moscow. (J. T. A.)—The Jewish to be given] at the City Auditorium on November 11 in connection •pavillion at the All-Russian exhibit of with the B'nai B'rith Carnival will be the clever little dancer, agriculture and industry was officially Vivian Stein, who is shown here in Russian costume. opened on September 9 by M. Merezhin, director of the Jewish section of the Nationalities Commissariat. Girl's Popularity Contest And The secretary of the Central execu- To Start Campaign For New Raffling of Car to Feature. tive Committee of the Union of Soviet Members For Congregation. Republics, Foreign Minister. TchitchStirring Call to All Jews to Aid in Local Work Issued at VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND erin, and Mr. Krassin, Foreign Trade OFFICERS ELECTED FOR Divine Services. V ENSUING TERM. DANCINGWILL BE HELD. Commissary, were among those who delivered speeches at the opening The Modern Orthodox movement The B'nai B'rith carnival and cele- exercises. 'YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO TO EUROPE TO bration, which will be held Sunday, The Russian "Ort," the "Idgescom," was started at a meeting held TuesFIND HUNGRY CHH.DREN," IS T H E November 11, at the,Municipal Audi- the Yiddish "Kultur League," Jewish day evening at •'he Jewish Community torium, wiUbe marked as a "red let- professional and trade schools, agri- Center, • were elected for •••'•. KEYNOTE OF SPEECHES. ter" day among-the fail'festivities. cultural units and colonies, as well as the ensuing year and the constitution The talk of the carnival is in full producers' cooperatives are rep- of the congregation was adopted by Carrying themessage of &e Federation's' "work to every the members. swing among the entire Omaha Jewry. resented in the exhibit. Jewish man and woman worshipping in divine services on Yom Kabbi Nachman Arnoff, of CleveSpecial " programs have been arEippur," members of the Morris Levy Membership Memorial Comland, Ohio, who has been in the city ranged for this day of activities which mittee made appeals in all synagogues "Wednesday evening for during the High Holidays, was the will include dancing'in the evening, subscribers to the Moms Levy Membership Memorial. '.. principal speaker of the evening. vaudeville acts during the afternoon. Under the leadership of Arthur &osenblum,.,eliarrmaii of the Boys and girls'who took part in the "The younger generation of Jews is committee, tKe speakers drew graphic pictures of the charity and Y. M. H. A. show will appear in the gradually becoming assimilated," said social service work being done by Omaha Jews for Oinaha Jews, acts. • • Pwabbi Amoff. "It is absolutely necand issued ringing calls for five hundred additional men and women essary that pome sort of institution "The auditorium "will be beautifully to help in this aU-embracino; humanitarian service. decorated, and we have made all ar- Prominent Speakers Eulogize Work be established immediately in Omaha and Ideals of Omaha Pliilanto counteract the alarming- rapidity rangements for one of the most unique "You don't have to go to Europe to j service committee "and ihe YMHA in thropist. with which the younger generation is? layouts," said Harry Trustin. find iungry children," said Martin Su- •educing Juvenile delinquency, so that falling awaj* from the traditions of "Everything will be had to pleease gannan, speaking at Temple Israel. ast year bat 1% of children brought their faith. all," said S. E." Haver today. There REPRESENTATIVES OF . "We have them right here in Omaha into Juvenile Court were Jewish, out ALL WALKS OF LIFE will be booths, streamers and confetti "In forming "this congregation, we and their cry is just as .pitiful as that if a total Jewish population in the ATTEND SERVICE are forming a congregation that will for all that come. vMch came to'us from overseas five general community of 6%. ! At the! be in the ideals of American Tradi. The girls' "popularity contest is anyears ago. We have them here in Modern Orthodox services in the Lyric other attraction." The Chevrolet car More than one thousand people tional Judaism. We as Americans Omaha. Today, at this very lour, the Building •where Harry Tiim-man and will also be raffled and given to the gathered at Temple Israel Sunday must adapt ourselves to American JuFederation is caring for 61 of them, Harry Silverman were the speakers, winner on that evening. "Tickets for evening to pay tribute and honor to daism." and we never know when more- of and at the 24th and Nicholas Street the raffle.can be .secured from mem- the memory of the late Morris Levy, "A membership drive will be startthem will-have to be cared for. The synagogue, where Herman Auerbach bers of the lodge,", said Israel Good- Oinaha philanthropist, at a commu- ed at once," said Jacob Slosburg, work of providing for these helpless and Dr. A. Greenberg made the apman, chairman of the raffle commit- nity memorial service held under the president of the congregation. "Workchildren and their widowed mothers is peal, the work of the Federation was (auspices of the Jewish Welfare Fed- ers will be organized to help obtain tee. •;.•••—• the work of every Jew, and no Jew amply covered.: " eration. can refuse to help." Milton Living- Irvin Stalinaster and Sam Beber members for this movement." When From the manner in which the votston assisted Mr. Sugannan in making addressed-the congregation at 11th ing has been reported to the commit- "He was one of our most respected sufficient members are obtained, a the appeal at the Temple. . tee in charge of the Popularity Con- citizens, whose life was an inspira- Temple will be built. and Center Sts. Yand on Thursday ite'st ' held in; conjunction with the tion to the followers of his charitable The officers elected at the meeting At the Beth Hamidrosh Hagodol, morning Mr. Stalmaster and Samuel jB-'nai B'rith carnival,, it is very evi- work," declared Harry Wolf, citing are: J. J. Slosburg, president; Dr. A. Henry Monsky and Harry Malashock ichaefer spoke at the South Side dent that much voting is being done, the _ charitable donations of the dead Greenberg, vice president; Samuel Beemphasized especially the work of the synagogue. but that it is not being reported for president of the Jewish Welfare Fed- ber, secretary, and Saimiel • Kaplan, tuberculosis hospitals in Denver, af- Everywhere the.speakers were retabulation.;'-.';; . " L " r '• ' eration. "He was not satisfied with treasurer. Trustees are Harry Mala: filiated with the Federation. "Eleven ceived "with enthusiasm, the subject sontfifetitions. He was a fellow shock, A. Theodore. Samuel Sommer, Omaha patients are now in Denver of their addresses 'beings particularly During the past week large blocks worker." H. Kulakofsky,. tftjtfpg fop; trvirp, fnr i j of votes were cast, witjjjthe committee j, suited to* Yom IQppur * Charles Levinson. . 'on behalf of candidates who S " " of themrTiave "been there" over "a"year, This general appeal will be followed heretofore remained., at the bottom of not official nor conventional," said one of them more-than 18 months," by. a city wide canvas of every Rabbi Frederick Cohn. "He was a r |the column. -....,.. said Mr. Monsky... . . . prospect, within 10 days, Arthur The committee at its last •meeting deeply religious man, born of pious "Eighteen months ago this man left Edsenblum, chairman, of the comresolved and at. this- time announces parents, who retained Ms childhood Omaha on a stretcher suffering from mittee announced * yesterday. "We as one of the rules of the contest: religious teachings upon coining to tuberculosis, more dead than alive, no want' every man. and 'woman in the Each entrant mnst report by Tuesday this country. His religion was the good to himself and a positive menace city who can to come into the Fedevening of each week the number of secret of his conduct, and success did President Issues Appeal for Members to everyone ho came in contact with to Attend Meeting. votes cast for her or on her behalf up not spoil no ralter his fundamental him. Today he is well, wholly cured, eration now and to "build this righteousness." monument to Morris Levy. . We need to the time that such report is made and working in Denver," continued Mr. Levy was born in 1843 and Mr. Harry Silverman, president of to the committee. Mr. Monsky. "Who can put a dollar them. After the appeals in the 22, 1923. He was pres- the local B'nai B'rith Lodge, anand cents value on this man's life? synagogues, no one with a heart can "This can be the only fair way to of the Jewish Welfare refuse the call of his people, a call nounced yesterday that every effort Who can say what the gain has been conduct such a contest," remarked one tion for seven years prior to his that comes from our own city," raid to you and .to me with him well and of the committeerneri. " I t is highly death, and in 1922 donated §50,000 to will be made by the officers and memhappy, no longer diseased himself, nor Mr. Rosenblum. improper for these votes to "be held the Jewish Community Service. All bers of the lodge to make the B'nai a spreader of disease to others ? And up until the last few days of the con-who* gathered last night to pay hom-B'rith meeting night, Thursday evenyet for all their fine work, with all test and then have them coming in all age to his memory were over four- ing, the sole lodge activity in the city on that evening. The president furthat they are doing for us and for at the same time." teen years of age, a request having ther announced that all lodge meetJews generally, the three hospitals in The contest is still open and has a been made that children under that ings commencing with the meeting of -. Persons who attended-the. YMHA Vaudeville at the Brandeis Denver ' receive only 82,-600, a year Theater last April ~will remember Vivian as the little Russian considerable time to run. Those who age not attend, because of the large September 20 will begin at 8:30 p. m. from Omaha, and that is all they get, wish to enter ^will call Irvin Stalmas- attendance expected. In addition to the lodge's program for they make no individual collec- Israel Zangwill to Deliver Only Amer- dancer in the Junior Girls Review.. Her solo dance literally stopped ter, Atlantic 75S5. the show, so enthusiasticwas her audience over the grace and Henry Monsky declared the memo- of a carnival at the Municipal Audiican Address on October 14th. ' trons here. The" Federation must do Following is the standing to -date: rial occasion "one of sorrow and sad-torium on November 11, a dance on spirit displayed by the little girl in her number. ; more for these institutions, just as Tulia "Wise . Not yet eight years .old/Vivian enjoys an enviable reputaness, yet not without its consolation New Year's Even and the various Iva Siegel ... the Jews of Omaha must do more for New York.—The American Jewish Marian Fried —for Morris Levy led a life rich in open meetings,; the lodge will also the Federation." Congress, which is to reconvene on tion as an interpreter of character dances. In generous demand t^a Albert service. He is greater in death than present a public initiation of new for public entertainments she has friends and admirers not only Berdie Berber October 14th, will be held in New Harry Wolf and Dr. Philip Sher Marjraret Ilietis in life, and his works are his monu- members in the near future. This is in this city but in many of the neighboring communities. Gertrude Cooper _.. speaking at the 18th and Chicago Sts York City, according to an announceAnne Selicow '.— ment," he added. the first time that a public initiation ment just made. At the B'nai B'rith carnival she will give her Russian dance in . ynagogue, stressed the continuousMinnie Levy —-—• of B'nai B'rith members has ever "He was a good citizen, a true lover Rose T i This is a change from the previous addition to several new numbers now in preparation. When told ness of the Federation's work. "Our K a t e Goldstein 2(100 of his fellow men," said Isidor Zieg- been held in the city. Sam Leon, arrangements which was made necesof the purposes of the carnival, Vivian stated that, she was only Lottie Giventer wwn relief work and our . social . service chairman of the degree team, states Celia B r a n d e ..._^______£fi0n ler, an intimate friend. work are not' merely .emergency sary by the request from Mr. Israel too happy to do her share for the 25 war orphans for whose mainAnne Gold-ware : ___2v»00 El Molo Bachmin, a traditional He- that every effort will be made to make Zangwill, who is to addressthe openAnne Kabinowitz -25(10 tenance the proceeds of the carnival are intended. measures, that follow some grea Besse Greenberg .2400 brew prayer for the dead, was chant- this initi;*ion one of the outstanding: Yctta Stiefler _; . .iHOO catastrophe," said..Mr.. Wolf. "But ing session of .the Congress, that the With Gilbert Jaffy and his orchestra and Vivian Stein already ed by A. Monsky. Organ music was events of the year. Mary Moseoe .;___ ^-2100 sessions be held in New York instead every day and every hour of the day. announced as headline attractions for the Cabaret, _ the public is E s t h e r Ontman _2100 provided by V. C. Bennett, and vocal The B'nai B'rith Lodge is now in of "Boston. As this is to be the only Anne Stain „„ the Federation is on the job, andmus assured of the high quality of the entertainment that will be solos by Miss Cecelia Feiler and Har-the midst of an intensive sampaign Clara Feldman address which Mr. Zangwill will debe. You never see a Jewish beggar Ida Miniin offered. 1900 ry Disbrow. liver duringhis trip to -the United to collect lodge dues. The finance Rose Scbiffer on the streets of Omaha, just because States, the administrative committee Gertrude Fogelson _* MOO Harry Marko, famous New York committee, under the direction of Mr. Dora F o r m a a iww our work is constant. We can never of the Congress decided to adopt his tenor, who is now in the city, sang Harry Trustin, chairman, is visiting Hose Lazarus _• 1SQ0 stop—but week-days, - Sundays and suggestion that ""the • greatest- Jewish the "Kadish." every member personally in an effort Members of the committee are: holidays this work must go,*on." Vienna,' Austria Sept. 2, 1923 . population the world has ever seen in The following resolutions of the af- to secure delinquent dues, and thereby General Committee In* all synagogues the same mes one city is the right setting for a Sam Beber.Wm. chairman The Jewish Press Publishing Co. filiated organizations of the Jewish retain members in good standing. Kline Abner Kaimen sage was given. All branches of the Jewish Congress." Max Fromtin Sam Klaver Welfare Federation were read by .Mr. Nathan E. Green, Manager. . * Irrin Stalmaster Nathan Green Federation's work were spoken of. At Harry Silvennan S. H. Schsefer Harry H. Lapidus: The administrative committee has Dear Sir: - - , CONTINUE ENROLLMENT Harry Trustin. T)r. A. G teen berg 25th and Seward St. Arthur Rosen- proceeded to make all arrangements OUT heads are bowed in sorrow. We Fred White J . J. Isaacson ,_ I wish to acknowledge receipt of your weekly issue blum spoke of the work of the social for the Congress which, for the first OF CITY TALMUD TORAH I. F. Goodman Arthur Rosenfalnm mourn. Isathan Bernstein of The Jewish Press which has been forwarded t o m e .T. J. Slosbnrg He who was our foremost citizen is The Board of Education of the'City Harry Lapidns time in its history, will have its dele— J. J. Greenbertr regular for the past two months in Prague as well as here with us no more. Sam X J)ave Greenberg Talmud Torah of Omaha will continue Y.M.H.A. ELECTS OFFICERS gates 'assemble in New York City. On the ninth day of Ab, in the year to enroll the children for the new seTnMicity Committee •=-' in Vienna. Xathanf E. Green, chairman The sessions will be opened on the 5683, our Lord called Morris Levy FOR ENSUING TERM I also desire to take liberty at this moment to exJoe Jacobs Allen Kohan from the storm and turmoil of this mester until Sunday, September 30. More than two hundred members of afternoon of Sunday, October 14, at Morris E. Jacobs . Samuel H. Schaefer press my highest commendations on your excellent pubworld unto the peace and tranquility All parents desiring to esroit their Contest Committee the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. attended the Hotel Commodore. The demonstralication which has proved to the Jewish people of Omaha of Eternal Eest. children for the new semester shall Irvin Stalmaster, chairman tion for Jewish rights, which will be the first meeting of the season MonBen Civin . • Max: Fromkin With hearts son-owing in the depths call tip the principal, Mr. E. Bloch. and vicinity as the major requisite in producing that Louis Abramson of an overwhelming loss, with souls at Jackson 3007, or come in person day evening, September 17, at the addressed by Mr. ZangwiU, will be sought-for Jewish Unionism, which has so long been Raffle! Committee meek and contrite in the presence of Jewish Community Center. The reg-held in the evening in Carnegie hall I. F . Goodman, chairman detrimental .in preventing the upbuilding of the Jewish God's will, we visualize once again to the Talmud Torah at 2023 Burt Sum Guttman, J r . Jake Croiinse ular semi-annual election of officers Mr. Zangwill has already booked pascenter and activities. It has surely given the necessary Morris Levey our beloved friend. street, - not later than Sunday, SepMax Fromkin was held and the following -were elect- sage on the La France, and is scedMorris Katleman Harry Lapidus As in life we see him, and yet tember 30, between the hours of 9 punch that has made all Omaha Jewish social work such Louis Abramspn J. J. Greenberg ed: Mr. Louis Abramson, president; uled to arrive here several days bestronger than of life is the image en- and 12 a. m. WXQ. Alberts Ea Solig a booming- success." -Maurice Mic_Iin graved on our hearts. For of such Ben Stiefler Miss Merle Friedel,- vice president; fore the opening of the Congress. I am pleased to -state that I await anxiously each About" three hundred children arc K. S. Xaffie Sam Dansky men as Morris Levy it is truly said Miss Kate Goldstein, secretary; Miss Joe Jacobs Abner Kaimen, issue as I am much interested in the progress of the getting instruction in this institution that they never die. A Browar Reuben Bro-sra Lottie Selicow, financial secretary; TEXAS RABBI CALLED To Jews everywhere these solemn daily from an experienced staff of Dave Freeman Omaha Jewish activities as well as the progress of many TO MASSACHIJSETS PULPIT Mr.. Dave Freeman, treasurer; Mr. hours of the Penitential Days are sa- teachers, on the following subjects: of my former friends; cred, bringing them into closer com- Reading and writing. Hebrew, Jewish Morris Fine, reporter; Mr. Leo Kon- Wichita Falls, Tex. (J. T. A.)—HEAKS HUSBAND I read in your last number, August 9, the report of munion with their God. To us here, ecky, athletic director; Messrs. Phil Rabbi David Goldberg of Wichita MARRYING ANOTH-3R WOMAN, in the World's Zionist Congress held at Carlsbad. I t was 1 this Holy Temple, in the radiance of Bible prayers. Jewish History and the : Feldman and Phil.Gerelick, sergeants- Falls has accepted a call to.the pulpi ". -. '.:.-' " WIF_2SKILLS:$_3LF the light of Morris Levy's memory, Jewish Religion. indeed interesting I happened also to be present at-arms; and executive member, Mr. of a Brockton, Mass., congregation. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Sarah Rivka they are doubly sacred. at one of the meetings during my short visit in feat city. • Ben Civin. Rabbi Goldberg was the first Jewis' gaud, 28,-who arrhred here from New We reflect upon the-meaning of life Lodz.—J. T. A.)—A nrw antiI intend to leave Vienna October 27 for Berlin or man's mission upon Barth. We Semitic poster has made its appearRabbi -Nachmah -Arnoff spoke to chaplain of the U. S. Navy and now York the beginning of 1923, commit- and Paris, on my way back to the U. S. and Omaha, where I see Morris Levy, .great humanitarian, ;.he members on "American Judaism." ranks as -a reserve officer. He is a ted suicide by' hnrltng herself OTrt' of devout Jew, gracious gentleman, hum- ance here. Tt deppiets a spider which-. will continue my practice. The .installation of the new officers frequent -contributor to the Englisha fourth-stoTy /window, an hearing ble servant of Gorl's will, bearing life's is dubbed Palestine pecking to wrap Thanking you for all courtesies and wishing the will he held Monday evening,.October Jewish, press", having served as contrithat her husband in New York intend- trials with humility, holding himself its' roils ' around the Polish Eajrte, paper continued success,"-1-remain I, A gala affair is being planned for buting editor to the "Jewish Herald ed marrying- another -woman in her the almoner of heavenly bounty on The poster is to-be seen in all parts.- ' Sincerely yours, that evening. of Texas for some time. absent** of the (Continued on page 2.) ' , i - --•--.•' (Signed). Piilip Eomonek, M. D,

Speakers Carr\..ppeal of Welfare Federation to Entire OmahaJewry at all Synagogues Yom Kippur Eve

lew Modern Orthodox Coigregatioi Formed • at Public Meeting

Another Headliner for B'nai B'rith Show 1LO.'B.B.-Gandval

To'Bef eatore imoii; Maay Winter iffMTS

to Memory of Morris Levy at Community Services


Jewish Congress To Convene mNew York


PAGE'2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1923 JEWISH WORKMEN TO SEND A f English Jews have been converted duvvoted his sui'plus wealth and energy {'V^oj^'c! flW'-." J37/ISI1 CALENDAR. to the useful service of his fellowmen j ' f - " ^ ' *> iJ'wC. DELEGATION TO PALESTINE -ins the year to the Catholic Church of JGSt-JB.'J and to an eminent degree has con- • *PVora Kippar— ..„ _T!.i!r-... >opt. ~0 New York. (J. T. A.)—The United 'Enc,U.nd. 't wis claimed st a meeting Pnblisfced every Tfcursds? a: Oirnha, Nebraska, by . l'erred benefits upon others and has i* 1/ Hebrew Trail:.- cf New Yc;k will call! of Oc Cativ>lic Ci-IM of Tsnel/c, misserved his state and nation, is nios. "?_,„,.f? THE JEWISH- PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. * -M/.'rtXii 1'ocs. Oct. 2 „ conferenco in the near iutu;c to s-ioiary society, vt it1; coir.-cr.tion here. worthy of commendation, and such aj L'LCJ. ii!-' Office: 482 Brandeis Theatre Building.—Telephone: Jackson 2S7Z, SirM-hHt i-or-.h_ __.. «,.,!., Oc t. S " . . . , , mm Was Morris Levy. iio-ii-< ii'.i]c-2> ciirsiiinn Tiirr.., o:-t. u . determine w h e t h e r J c w i s i lauor £ .ouk Father A. D"\ vr»,cl that the Our grateful eulogy is-new but lEaali-diodosb Ki-L>t_ ! ri.. %«\.P NATHAN E. GREEN; Manager. /J^oIiCo redouble th'\r ^S'orJs to o'n> /to stiui.r 'send a delegaiion tc breath and will be soon forgotten, but Or'y Immigrants From United States CltannKiili (!<>iisi o! indicat i o n ) — _ . — .M.HI.. ocr. ; | t h e situation with a vice ^ . J : i-.An Jcvi.-'i c wcit--. s.;yii;r; thut even his service to humanity,-his devotion c.-.J Cor.iir.i-r.tal Europe EII^IMe Subscription Price, o n e y e a r . _ •?—•->" T 1 itOsh-CiinicMi Tr!>r;li . . : .Sim.. Pec. 3 . , , to duty and his efforts to foster huo.ic ,' cwiii conveit was an inestimable Under New Tclicy. [ ' Advertising r a t e s furnished on application. r.-;-t ot T('[)»'t'.i Ttii-s.. n-v. is J t h e Jewis:i workeirf over t.ic:e. man happiness is" a record for conrai. The priest .Wir.r^r that the 1 : stant use and guidance for all time. M.'rifit" "' Man JJL". 1 ! An invitation to the Unite t I ' N O T P R I N T E D F O R P E R S O N A L P R O F I T — P r o f i t s from t h e publicalie , Catholics hn>e n o.r ia ccrroon with GREATEST NEED FOR IMMI- • It is not necessary for this Congre-i«j'"-r • -YSt'd.. leu. cJTiades asldno,' that a delegation tion of T h e Jewish Press a r e to be given to worthy communal causes. 1 r gation, in order to perpetuate his t-, Jews then tlioy licvt wi'ii Protestants GRANTS TO SETTLE ON LANDS'V""" V" »t'": >"«)~rThnr^"'ss'.!r. '2c "sent to Pales-tine wes rccched IOCC c {name, to inscribe the same upon marNis:m __ s a t . Apr Z !Ji il v ' and th'.t Catholic: Jioak' capitalize CHANGS O5\ ADDKpSS—PU'uia give both tfcs o!S and new. nd<Jres»; \v.r. 13 ble and stone and emblazon thereon la etr? pud eisa vonir our fond remembrance, for he, himself, The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish x'elegraphic Agency (Jewish by his exemplary life, has wiitten Correspondence Bureau) With cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition upon our lasting pages a more endurto feature articles and correspondences- from all important Jewish centres. ing memorial of his great deserts, and Inquiries regarding news items crcdiieJ to tins Agency will be gladly such as will command the respect and answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue. admiration, of men, so long as this ccitainty of a bountiful har.ebt, which ,Rosh Ar?. "i ^Vio Cloakmakcrs' tTr.ion, end ?,Io\ , shall exist. in Western Canada excaeda that of' *<-ll"'1|"-!! *:i"1:"i"-—™—-••' Mew ¥ork City. » organization g ( a ripe old age, in the s^pt w ' ^ ^ c . socrotarj- cf tl-e Tirc'cs. Snnt?-' any previous year, end the prospects i> . jc^e.™^".! v. Xew ar s Q He died a and "aof better tiircs returning, not only j gy p - - jj ;rcr.t at the ncctln? V.T.S distinct• full glory o life wenn spent fd W THS HARVEST FESTIVAL OP ISRAEL. lifcrwork We revere k well performed. farming-, but also for other indusfavor of accepting Ilia invitr.tii-n. " The Harvest festival of the Jews, known as Succoth, meaning-his memory. Many will profit by his for j which tho and Cinlstiui aic trios,"' says the s '"Plans are example and will 'treasure up in fond booths, will be observed in the" Synagogue for a period ox one week, recollection the name, character and being laid for next season in tlie ex- agreed, and postpone the c^:jrre?5.i\e ,.' !PROTEST DISCRIMINATION ;b beginning Monday evening, September 24th. On the first.and labor of Morris Levy. !' AGAIKST JEu'ISH SONGS \I last days of the festival religious services are held in all Jewish Resolved, That this memorial be Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Police officials ; |j places of worship. Among the more ritualistic the first two days preserved in the permanent records of Siifcjected the prominent opera singer,! y Congregation, a copy 'thereof be and an additional day at the'end of the festival are observed. The this published in the Jewish Press and--Si Leon Ivortyli, to a severe grilling, to!•= I ^ intervening days of the festive eycls are regarded as semi-holidays. copy be furnished to the widow, and suited tlie -Dominion owingto ! and Christians is by. emphasizin_ lowing- his inclusion, of a Jewish song g als of 'lav,", liberty and The Biblical basis for this ancient harvest- festival is well children surviving the deceased. d physical, moral or industiial unfitness,TSIDOIl ZIEGLF.R, ;d seeking to unite citiknown. Deuteronomy 16:14 says: "Thou shalt rejoice in the " ' LOUIS KILLER, 4ta» of K says the'statement, or because thev in a great movement to put God feast, thou, and thy son and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, E. TRELLF."., belong-to races that c a ^ o t be" as and thy maid-servant, and the Levite, and the stranger and the * Committee. - sibilated without social or .economic the s \ fatherless, and the widow, that are within thy gates.7' In Leviticus was given . much applause. loss to Canada, there are at the same v.ere '23:34-43 the.children ci Israel are again enjoined to keep the Feast n The Jewish press-is 'asking the Mirt- time in Great Britain and- Continenof Tabernacles or Sueeoih. pro- 1 »! Of particular intsrest to the American people are.these Biblical gin?



""if f


Armounces Reopening of Residence Studio


sources since our own national Thanksgiving Day, established by rec- 11 T"? ( " I T the pious, scripture reading Pilgrim Fathers was patterned after CG the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. „ , „ „ ' „ . , v,,. (tolerance amon" all classes. unscrupulous oa£. ° The atmosphere cl the festival as described in the_ Bible An "adequate immigration policy, it i_ reflects its nature. 1'c Avas, some believe, the main festival, of JIcAdoo Declares Statenicr.ts Are is: pointed out, m u s t recognize t h a t j i n e s s < ,_ CLAIMS SO CONVERTS Imaination. Biblical times. The people from all parts of Palestine, from Dan while Canada requires increased..poprj." " ' ~ TO CATHOLICISM IN to Beer-sheba, flocked to the central sanctuary in solemn proces-j ulation, quality rather than quantity.} PALESTINE JEWS PLEASED ' • • . ENGLAND DURING YEAR sion'carrying palms and other plants. Hence this feast was called Detroit. (J. T. A.)—In the Ford-. n , u 3 t count; that British immigration CARLSBAD CONGRESS, Birmingham. (J".. T. A.)—TMrty SIcAdoo controersy which Las lately I must hold first'place in the program. a Pilgrimage Feast. LONDON TB1ES EEARS In ancient ti performed i prayer for primitive The popul the present ... „„ -_ In the Synagogue and home the original character of the is held by some to have bec-n pnncipaiwillins to settle on the land and feastasases •<•--•---- ,..._.-..-, ™ ,_.. is impressed bounties common _ _ question | those • strong; of hand stout of I the substitution in his stead of Col.' that the earth with all Its riches and delights is merely a vale of j behalf by intruding the Jewishness of oneinto of the Interstate j heart, deterrairaed' to. -succeed. iKisli from whom they are expecting • -The feast of Succoth as interpreted by the SynagdKUC is a i Commerce Commission ofTcfals, aj " T h e open* coor policy -srill prevail : 'ereater 'nchFeyments. . M r . Ussishkin. «C

H which has notliinjr whatever to i.for those classes succeed and who v/as at the. head of the Zionist, p r o t e s t a g a i n s t t h e s e a n c i e n t o t h e r - w o r l d l y d o c t r i n e s . I t e x a i t s ' detail the dignity of h u m a n labor a n d a s s u r e s t h e w o r s h i p p e r t h a t h i s j do with the question at issue. for whom, there is demand," the statea n i z , t i c n ^ r ^ , , . t i n . ^ c c 1 9 1 -K s w e a t i n g a n d s t r i v i n g i n h o n e s t effort f o r dailv i s a l a b o r ! ' Leibold charged that XcAdoo Tiad ment continues. "In the interest of ; ; t rJ'ove™ i i r ^e"*ar« • •"' v<

' C o n s e c r a t e d b yG o d .



spoken with Ford over t h etele-! the immigrant a n dof-Canada, deter-;

The "conclusion fe protectibn of Israel during through the wilderness ensuing centuries of their This joy culminates in cycle of reading from the «-o°Tie


1 Ford thereupon 'sent

Leiboicl to j * 5 " 1 - ' " 1 " - * 1 ^ " ^ " g " " " " " « "



"-'» i



- - - •

- i ' ^ - : - " JX-*VO ^ O : i c x , n i v o ^

T. A.)—The Johannesburg. . (J. " ° During this period the synagogue is decorated with fruits (Washington, according to Leibold, who | areas of the continent of Europe and! -T^..—.V.™~ ,T T M ^ ... united '! fifth- Congress of • the South Africa-.! ir and vegetables. Some congregations erect booths which are the'; declares he,first visited thu office of| I Jewish Board of .-.Deputies unar-

symbol indicative of- God's care for Israel during- their desert the Treasury and wr.s told that Mr. j-imously adopted a resolution protest-'[ j period when they were housed in just such frail, makeshift McAdoo was'at the Interstate Com- j TEN CHALUZI3I- INJURED IN SCUFFLS WITH ARABS iing against the restrictions upon hv- i J.-] merce Commission. He went there and dwellings. Furthermore it is calculated thus to impress old and • OVER JEWISH GIRL ' migration which, it is charged, are J (j young with the dignity of Isbor and the primary importance of! the '-Hebrew secretary," Leibold says, i^ told him that IIcAdoo was oui of .the j Jarusalero. (J.. T. A.)—Ten-.Jewish {mainly, applied-to Jews. farming in the economy of the world. '.workmen were injured in a fight with';' Prior to the adoption of this res building. - Arab shepherds and Benouins"in- an'; tion a report was presented .by Mr. He concluded then, he declares, that


So 19 Chicago Street Jachson 4021,

It's up-to-date, stylish. The. motor, we believe, is the smoothest possible.

Four 1wheel brakes—stop the car safely. Just try this marvelous mechanism today on the slippery pavement and you will convince yourself of what kind of car to buv now. Drive a V6S todav.

Tho V«"or!:mcn's Alliance, The Arboittr Kinp,-, iJrancli No. 173, TJi.o E'rith Abraham, \ Dr ir'ct, Zionist Organiza;tion of America, member the facts of the case or that (Continued from pa^e 1.) Omaha Section, Council of Jewish some one else presented rimself as * The fight* occurred - at Tel.' Joseph, exclusion The "Chaluzim"' working- in the fields Herscli declared, practically suspendEarth. For these revelations of his Women, OMAHA LIXCOL2sT SIOUX CITY Deborah Society, soul we loved "him in life and will V/omen'ss Auidliary, Independent Orcherish his memory forever. Everywhere in this city are tro dar B'nai E'rr.h, Ecl Temple Israel Sisterhood, " j £<J2i5ig>J£'3<3!b?aiJ&S^6!£i^ evidences of his presence." Fiom the Ladies' Golden Hill Society, massive Central Higb School, upon The Hadassah Society, the cornerstone of -which his name", as The Junior Hadaspah, a member of the Board of Education Ladie-' AuxiliaiT of the South Side -is carved, to the less material cut more ff forceful agencies for humani- Talmud Torah, tarian service,, in thee work of the together with our combined member- , u » J i h W lf F Jewish Welfare Federation, of which "hips, comprehending the entire Jew- t 0 0 K P i a c e * he was the guiding sphit for many i?h community, y "jneet , t here,, in Temple p AMERICAN D S J I O C R A C Y - years, in the renascence of Jewish Israel, this sixth *day of Tishri in the UNITES JEW AND CI1UISTIAN. communal life which will b& year 5684, in Memorial Services, to SP.r.IAN B'NAI B'RITH manifest through the Jewish Commu- pay formal tribute to the memory of LEADER PASSES SAYS CANON CHASE nity. Center Building and its activi- our departed leader, to resoJve to emSEVENTIETH MILESTONE New York. (J. T. A.) "The followties, in. the establishment and the in- ulate his resplendent example and to Always the Nebraska Outdistances Berlin. (J. T. A.) Berthold ers of Jesus are under solenmn oblistitution of which he was the inspir- perpetuate the ideals by which his life ing genius and the prime moving was guided, and to express to his be-dorder, prominent Jewish community gation not to destroy the Jewish re-! J . Competition—Thousands of force, in all causes wherein the wel-reaved family our sincercst sympathy worker and who for many ysars pre- ligion, but to unite tho Jws unto them- j s« fare of his fellqv.vmen, spiritual or and condolences. material, was concerned, iloriis Le- TPE JEWISH WELFARE FEDERA- sided over the Grand Lodge for Ger-selves by bonds of sympathy and love I for the accomplishment of God's pur- i j " vy's unexcelled civic" interest and TION OF OMAHA AND TTS AF-many of the Independent Order B'nai •whole-souled altruism are apparent. poses on earth," said the Rev. William j B'rith, .was the recipient of many conFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS. Deeds such as these know no de.ith gratulation =? on the oceat-io-.i of his Sheafc Chase,' D. D., rector of Christ t —time but adds power to their,purseventieth birthday, which occurred Church, Bedford avenue, Brooklyn, in J RESOLUTIONS OF TE?,JPLE poses—for they deal with the 'very his sermon recently on "How to Unite , j ISRAEL. last -A life of mankind. 'So. long as altruism . J\ shall be deemed a'mo'nK the loftiest of The following resolution was unan- Herr Tirner.dorfer was for srome time Jew and Christian." ' man's aspirations, Morris Levy must imously adopted by the Board of Trus- a member also of the eecutive of the "This is one of the great tasks," he j J live. tees of Congregation- of Israel, of Jewish community of Berlin as well continued, "that Jesus has placed on i • As in life his strong character and Omaha, Nebr., on August 19, 1923: as of ..the eecutive of the 'HilfaveHis church today.^ It is therefore our ' • his practiced ideals made him our It hiving pleased the Supreme Ridleader in all communal endeavors, FO er to remove from this world i^orris rein (ler Deutschen Judc-i?." He wasdutv to consider 'what we can do as shall his "memory forever be a source Levy, ix distinguished citizen and a also .president of the German branch j Christians to unite in friendiy co-operDi.-.rr.ond £: Pir.tiparn Snccicl'sSs of inspiration urginjy Us on to con- great philanthropist, formerly a pres- of the Alliance Israelite. i ation with the Jews for the .establish1514 Dodcc'St. . stant and -ever-increasing- service. ident of this Congregation, who (lied ment cf God's Io\ing will on cartn. ' Thus, we, the Jewish Welfare Fed- at Asbury Park. N. J.. on the 22nd of Est. 1SP4. J a . 5G19 "We should emnliasize things on eration of Omaha, and ,its affiliated July lest; it is hereby VISIT'TO EAST SIDE HOME r gn i z t i,^ ^ e namely, namely Rosolvcd, On behalf of the Board PUTS HIM IN TOUCH WITH The Jewish -Women's Welfare Or- of Trustees of this Congregation, that ' "gamzation, " ,.•-. * SISTER IN MOSCOW Again yoM enjoy the result of this store's planninff to we are deeply sensible of the loss that produce for you unexpected values in good clothes at unusualThe Jewish, Community, Center, this Congregation, in which' he had New York. (J. T. A.)—Thanks to ly low prices. The Young-' Men's' Hebrew Associa- bacn mort active, and this community, a'casual-visit to his old home resi- tion, ' in-which for nearly half a century its The Yo'ufjjr Women's Hebrew AFSC- had borne an active, influential and dence on the East side. Julius Kunel, Hundred? of Patterns •jciation, •• honorable pait, havs sustained by his waa able to learn the whereabouts of Score? cf Different Modch The City Talmud^ Torah, death. ^ his sister whom he had been, seeking The Wise Memorial Hospital AssoMorris Levy's indomitable spirit of for 15 years. Kunel's sister who lives ciation, porsetercrice and rectitude, inherited <?n. i s n o w i c a < i y foi" a new Fall and had somehow obtained her Winter Suit The Daughters of Israel Aid Soci.- from Ids resolute Jewish ancestors, is and no western store -was ever well shown by the struggle of his -brother's old:time Orthard Street ad- ] ' S more wonncnu£y prepared to serve you. • ety," ' "' ' early youth, the success, honors and dress, from which Kunel had moved - " The, Congregation of Isiael, imivei"at respect which he enjoyed' in eight years'ago. The sister sent the The Congregation- B'nai Israel, SEE FIFTEENTH STUEET WINDOWS TODAY after life. The Congregation B'naj Jacob, address •* ;to , the Joint Distribution He v»-as always unostentatious, unCOMPARE THE VALUES! •- . The Congregation Beth HamclrosTi pretentious and industrious in his Committee who wrote Kunel a t his - llacodel, « ' "The Congregation Hadass Yeshurin, daily life, dignified and reserved in old address. • The janitor, ,not 'knowhis manner and possessed a kind heart, ing Kunel's .present whereabouts, was 5200 Center Street " The Congregation Tiferith Israel. 1 Tel. Walnut 1830 The Congregation Israel of the warm-and generous impulses. on the point of sending it bacli. By In this day'arid ago we are begin,• . S o u t h S i d e , * . . • - : ' . . • . - . j§ ning, to appreciate civic excellence and a queer coincidence, Kunel happened ', • Temple Israel Brotherhood, Omaha'todefa-No. 354, Independent, useful social servics, and the man who, to bo; on the.East-Side and decided with superior capacity ri, aeV B'naf -B'rith, p py of mind, has to take a look at his old.home.. Due b bl b h b l , to t oll a y Hebrew Club, been able, honorable is nowirtcomHb COBHECT APPAHEL FOR HEN AND te n e e d s ^ visit,Kunel _ moreby than the'moderate needs No. 4944,: arlde l f i i hi mEelf f " J dh has de-'''rnanication witlv lus sisterH-•".'".

Cmaba Jewry Pays Tribute to Ihnk Lsvy

Cadillac Co.

D I A M O N D S ij?

\Men's- and ' Young Men's Hard-Finished


UR people always find a. wcmi welcome* and good service at

°f "


. , v ,•

- ,»





PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 20, 1923 jSuccoth ilonday evening, September dorads, Ailr. vh u is a former the Hakenlcreuzler chief had. ar- domestic wine is not fit for. Jewish FORMER OTTOMAN SUBJECTS 24, at S-o'clock, and on Tuesday even- ber cf t h ; club. BARRED FROM TURKEY ranged at a conference in Salzburg [purposes. ing-, September 25, at 10 o'clock. The with'the Hitlerites that 10,0000 Atts-J It is pointed out that the stoppage Constantinople. (J. T. A.) Instruc3Irs.'B. FokEtcr er.tertcii.ei at J closing services cf th- Feast will La wines will deal ! lions have been issued bv the Mini?! trian-ex-soldiers were to be offered; of import cf „„--,- Q dr.zzrc bonding her} helJ ZIonday evening, October 1. at surpiise par Jewish grape jter of the Interior with reference to r Hitler in the «vent the Bavarian Fas-I a severe blew toijhz 8 o'clock, and Tuesday morning, Oc- daughter, Zlvs. arry Girisburg, 1 "" 10 j cisti leader starts another "putsch"! growers and wir.s makers cf Pales- j the entry cf foreigners into Turkey. tober 2, at 10 o'clock. liabbi Coin's ^ " i £ against the German Reich. It is not j tine. j Ail foreigners, except Christian subsubject for the first evening will be jects of Greece, may renter Constnn'"The Feast of Joy,'' and on the following moi\.i~s his subject will be ''Gathering in the Fruits.1' On I'lccii-lsiy evenir.c:. October 1, "Tre End of a Tfairg" will bo his subject, and c under the leadership of Elehl t o - | t o h o n o r a r y citizenship of Tel Aviv, ^ - c r e s t s in ur..Tie the following ncrnirg he Lcs cl.^en ASASS or TIEEIIIAS wards obtaining a mojority in the j % j if municipality near Jaffa, is 1 Ar:f!:ynisns em; grate, a






GDATCFUL TO HAD i.B ASS AH forthcoming elections • for the local i g ariue -i Urterinver of New York, ' r o ~

S !

' = aa 'cp- i-:''

';€o. Foreigners who !. honorarv honorary chairman of the American American -" Dtton-ian. subjects and i Committee of the Palestin. Founda-j?; c :isrn :-uhd?rts without representatives of Hadassah in-Tibe- FREXCH LEAGUE DENOUNCES The first recipient of Tei;^ 1 " ot b.: ridTifitted either. PER CENT AGE NORMi . _ , . iem of the city is Prof..; exxh& ccy i. J^\ af Tcrtf; i"!:iny oC This pressed in a: letter received by Colonel Paris. (J. T. A.)—The "League for j 4jKor ^co^y of relativity i c'r.-se^lTcris i"Kny thousands thonsa ein. of .lized as Kisch' of • the Palestine Zionist Ex- j Human Eights" of France has pub-J j-^, T ,, o " " ' jJevs who b.:.vo bem naturaliz JMrs. Millard Langfeld retimed the ecutive from the Palestine (National i lished a resolution denouncing1 the I The honor was conferred upon Mr. j Mr. and Mrs, Joe Givot and small j early • "Datr of the week foin an Arabic) club in Tiberias, which he lias percentage norm against Jewish, stu- j xjjTtemiyer by the Tel Aviv miinicipal- j ", Mr. Joseph Kay arrived the early son, Irving, of Sioux City, la., spent j tended stay in California, •• ' -forwarded to tb.3 iladassah Medical j dents in" the Polish universities. Such j ^ v.von the recommendation of Mayor ! part of the week from Berkeley'to the Holidays here v.'ith Mr. Givot's • • . restrictions are opposed to the best! -p" *,..,<- _.!.„ • , _ + ^returned Organization. o t T 1 ,„„,-! f rnril fh P\| i /Izengoff v\"bo jest from the Mr. Hyman Schwartz left Mordcy- "At the close of the school sessions .join Mrs. Say and to spend the Holi- parents, Mr. and Mrs. : A. D. Givot. and aTe contrary to ths j xjrited States. Mcvor I):z-an.rofr, wbo ! Chirs>pocfi.ft iSciaisty on a business trip to Alliance;,-Canada. for the" sum-niTr,a detailed report con-1 traditions days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. p o ii s ]i constitution, the League cie2iit to New York to complete the ; ' Miss Bertha and Mr. Jacob -Siegel He will be gone for several; days. .M. Kulak of sky. cornintr the trapils was submitted t o j c i a r e s Is of the municipality's " 8175,000 I t ,_,th ™™1 entertained seven couples r.t their is bv their teaeber, Jeana Effendi, The French government is urged to !is & cii : bo was floated by • I to npwhic .-. Mrs. L Eosenthal and son, Edwin, Iionie Friday - evening, September 14.. Master Sceman Goss entertaine'd a '•'The*report ! r e q u s s t the League of Nations to.use ; ^._ mtirieiits call J i . i«T74. returned home Friday from Dayton, The evening 'was spent in 'games ar. theater party- Tuesday afternoon .in :he Arabs' letter in the abolition o* +T h e i TTirvey Fiske & Sons received in-, fhoricr of. Shirley Ptiith TIaj bf Berke-^.--.,--_——.---- director - cf j. ii tt ,s o influences ^M, says liat >>r. --- - trie f Ohio, where they spent three weeks -ncir" • ~ -~ "' • ussts were presc-nt.'jthe i-iadassah mealed work in Tiberj « ni3mer ..iuable assistance of a legal nature] ; ley,'. Calif. Ten gu and attended the reunion of the E.o-

Mr. and Mrs. N. Andelson of CM- ,111., arrived Sunday morning to be the IZr. and Mrs. Le"..ds Ellis and Hiss cago, El., announce the engagement guest of her •sister, Sirs. J. Berko- Bessie Lavine, cf Lincoln, Xebr., mo•; of .their; daughter,- Miss Rosalind An- Vvitz. Miss Sdicnberger will remain tored .to-Omaha for the week-end, visdelson, to Mr. Morris Sherman, of for several weeks. A number of so- iting with Mr. and Mrs. A. ;EIlis and Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sh»r- cial affairs are being planned in her Mr. and Mrs. Phil Greenstone. '• man.- No date /has been set foritha honor.


New York. (J. T. A.) The Arabs' j town-council. 'he Arabs'j gratitude for the ention cf the I

ic.s has riven mast consiledable care . . t the year. BOTH JEW AND MOSLEM

senthal family honoring the eightieth Among the-number of social affairs' birthday of Mr. Eosenthal's mother. that are being given far Mrs. Joseph

| from Sir. Unterxnyer. ! • j It is understood that Mr. Unter\ C i l i a l-JL* ^(J.i-1;;, Kay, of Berkeley, Calif., formerly ofjf, E I . CLABI MOSQUE SITU ' ^ y c r intends vislfeg Palestine some-; are in your city, v-c would request .Mr.. Edwin Eosenthal left for thethis .city, who is visiting "with relatives Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The site upon j time nest year, sailing bis own yacht.; Ij you to transmit cur grateful senti- which the famous Mosque of Omar j University of Nebraska' at Lincoln, here, was a theatre party given by ~z=r=-:^=^r=—^ :! : iments to thorn, and to eorvey, in the where he will attend school this year. Mrs. M. Kulakofsky at the; Orpkeura OBITUARY. stands is claimed by the Chief P.ab-; bjints, to ths Monday afternoon for sixteen guests. | Mrs. Anna. Ti-achman, forn.erly ot name oi binate of Palestine as a place even' -••.-'• Miss Berthe Leon entertained at her , , Mrs. H. Backman entertained at a Omaha, died Saturday in; Oakland, "•iaucissaa -lanagemcr.t in America ,.,. , more sacred to the Jew, because, tne :'home Sunday afternoon in honor of dinner party Monday evening. Covers € a l { 1 ; ECCordin<v to word received fccr2.|their Epprec^ticnct tne ocau.uu. ac, ^ ^ ^ ^ i: ^- .—T_,_._ ^ .^_ _^_ag there that the the two .out-of-town guests, Lliss Berwere laid for twenty guests. Mrs. | b y her sister, Sirs. W. Eosenblatt, 401 jtivitr cf Hadassah. m our country. j T e'emple i n p ] e o So,cjr off Scicmon once stood. tha Heiz, of New York City, and "Hibs j Harry llalashock cntortair.ed .f This opinion was submitted to the Thirty-eights averrao. Louise Schonberger, of Chicago. 111. day evening - at {he 'Erande.i3.Tea| T>jlc], m o v e d t o Oakland eleve ven ' "3WS HASTILY Mr. Irving AT LOWEST m i C E S . for the Chicago Cc:r;e in and be convince; .Chicago Universi •Mr. Joseph Gross of G-lcsbnrg, 111., to the pupils through





Mi% Joseph ihe;. University . ' A son Was born' to Mr., ar.d Mrs. New York City,, at the. Cmaba A t V | ^ ^ T ^ 5 - - ^ ™ ^ «t j ^ the « = ^ f ^ . ^ !Tra<sIon bv Cctcbc rt H Samuel H, Davis a t the Stewart Hos- ] e t i c c i u t, last Sundav afternoon, Sep- the Danish II i1 'Tl:e work--oi evacuation • is pital. Mr. Davis,, of,.Cleveland, Oloio.. tembsT ^ e r ew"on by. ths 9, Prizeg The first meeting of the Sisterhood !,-.

^ | o

1310 Famani St.—JA. cTE^r

f o n s of tj,, most important -. ' Iiosques m Sloslemaoni.

is: under the'.aegis of

father of Mr. Davis, will visit "he-re.

IDA I. FHEir7-.,N, Prop.

'da\ "Wis., weeks.

honoring, the out-of-town visitors.

Mr. and .Mrs. L. are

"The Great Appeal"- will be Et.bbi , On Saturday afternoon Mrs. J. A.;Denver, Colo. Frederick - Cohn's sermon subject this Solomon entertained at the Brandeis Friday evening, 'September 21. On Tea Eooms for her guests. IvIiss.Euth Erin motored to Siourc City, la., to j Saturday morning, September 22, his Greenberg entertained at her home visit with I-.IT. and Mrs. Giiinsinrsj afternoon in honor of- Miss Sur .-subject will be. "listening In." " daughter, Ilrs. Philip Shsrnijin. Thej'are expected to return tlis latter part • . Sirs. M. L. Goldenberg entertained . . .

^Li™ •;^fq.__ ""


tbe refugees to re- j ^ ; ^°^^

^ '

""' j_ t-

domestic supply ci wine ^ s^n-^ The t,^. T-- (cient'to meet all ne j ^ c t , . ^ , . \i. " ' ' - - ' Rabbis, obtained the favorable ruling of Sec-1 d a i m t h a t n o s t of the j


:cn;hos visit, in Des Moines, -Davenport,,. la., v i n T r e l ] e r i ( ! a t t e nding Hem per this stone. the fcilrvvir.g r^w s'ogan: "No .Chicago, HI., and Pittsburgh, Pa,• Miss j ^ . f i a r a 3 : a s e n i o r > £ n d i r v in Eeller has The Ivrs club gave a Sarar-1 ballots, but brlicts-; no votes but 'Bertha Heiz,; who accompanied .them. entered W a-'frriior. ictav;evening-at the Lincoln Hotel in; storm trocpr." here, will remain in Omalia for a honor o? -Mr. Harry Ginsburg, of El-[ ihore have been recent rumors that As an annual succoth celebration shtort time. Many affairs are being tke children of Temple Israel will celplanned in her honor. ebrate the Harvest" Festival on Sun' ; Mr. and Mrs. I. Levinsky and fam- day morning, September GO, a t 10 ily, recently of Odessa, Russia, arrived o'clock. * The children will march into . inOmaha Monday to make their home the Temple and will deposit baskets i j rat 2418 North Twenty-fourth street. of fruit upon the altar. Pvabbi Fred- ] f, 'Mrs. Levinsky is a sister of Mrs. M.erick Colin will address them on '"The j : Turner. Friends are invited to visit Succah." AT 2 N.i


The Kisses and Dora "VVoloffita will be hostess to the Ila-oth Society at their home on Sunday, Sep• Miss Molly Preisman, of San -Fran- tember SO. The blisses Louise Schoncisco, Calif., formerly of Omaha, will bcrger, of Chicago, 111., formerly of arrive here Monday to visit with her this city, and Eert Heiz, of New York aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. L. Alt-City, will ba ths honor guests.

This is the peak of all coal in its class. Unlike any other | Colorado sold here: V>'e are Omaha's exclusive agents, l Per Ton—Sreencd and Delivered—Per Ton

Mr. Meyer Ce-ber returned from Lir- ! *;• coin, Nebr., where he spent the week- i ^ end with his frateroiLy brothers of ! i the Zeta Beta Tau. \l

:!the Ladies' Labor Lyceum, club will -entertain a t their first dance of the :; season Sunday evening, September 23, 2U.3S Z\an Fanner lefc during the ' f - • week for 2\cw York, vvheie slis will'I j " at the Labor Lyceum building. attend the Columbia Univercity


•Miss Anne Epstein, of New York CityV who has been visiting- here with vear. lier cousin, Miss Esther Biodkey, re- Mrs. A. I. Iuilakofsky and daugh- . . tor, Dorothy, are ieavfag Saturday [ ~ turned to her home Sunday^ evening for ICewark, X. J., where [ J Me^and Mrs. SL L. Goldenberg en- they will vLIt with Ilrs. KulctofslT's ! ['"' tertained at bridge at their home last parents, Habbi ard Mrs. II. Brod^ky. *f ' Mpri3ay evening fot Ifhirty guests. and'family. They will also visit with Prizes were won by-Miss Mollye Salte- Mrs.- Kulakofsky'a daughter, Ilrs. man, Mr. and Mrs. M; Mandelbaum, Samuel I. Brandt, and lur. Brandt at .and Mr. and Mrs. H. Medoff. Xew York City. Th:y be The members of the Omaha Junior gone for several mcr.tlis. -Eadassah will be-entertained at a ?.Ir. Ealph Frederick Colin", son "of bridge party at.the home of Miss Eet- Eabbi r-r.d Mrs. Frederick Colin, rety- Fine Sunday afternoon. turned froin a summer spact in St.





Miss Pauline Sclocow relumed home Sunday from the Swedish Mipsion Hospital, where she was operated on for appendicitis several weeks ago.


We Guarantee These to be the Lowest of the Year. Our High Grade—S-iekelsss end S&ctless

Mrs. LI. Holtzman. .and daughter, Estelle, of St. Louis, Bio., formerly of this city, are visiting-here with Tlr. and Mrs. S. Eavitz and family. j!

Louis, Ho., and will leeave Saturday evening for Ann Aibor, Mich.,- where' he will be an instructor in chemistry at the University of Slicbi-an.

Miss Louise Schonberger formerly The Temple Israel Congregation of this city, now living in Chicago^ will hold services in calebration of -1


311 South 16th Stnet Phone Atlantic S0I0.

Holds fire over night: hot,

AU Eizes; a very high Erade J ^ ^ c ^ Qlinois; p^r ton, C ? C ^ ^ r' rer ton, delivered '. !<yJ ' j lellvci. i

n 0

wot; l w ^ Oil l\OO v'«

he Genuine—SmtU 1,000 Ions at the exceptionally low ririce; (^ *n ^ per ton, delivered C-* & ^ A coal for every purpose; needs BO introduction. At a pre-war price; hot and clean; per ton, delivered < „ _ Egg size; por ton delivered :_ Burns like genuine Pcnn.

Hard Cos'. Hcs 9 per cent less ashYou get r. larger ;:on for i t is lighter,than coal. We are the exclusive denlers in O-niha for this colra. Thcsa coals arc of the highest quality an.! tl-cir i-iic;s represent a f-avin™ of 81.00 t : S2.00 per ton. Pla-c your order with KF now and bo prctocied. Cr,il for either of your friends, A. II. TluFkin, Cha?. I . Feldman; T-lorris JI. Rosenblatt.

If your garments need cleaning: and you do not have it done, you pay for it anyScientists have proven thst dirt and grit rut the fibre of the cloth and cause it to wear out quicker. Dry Cleaning removes all dirt, grease and germs, nnd when carefully pressed your garments will wear enough longer to more than pay the cleaning charges.

DO IT NOW Send in your fall clothes NOW and have them put in shape to wear, you may need them any day.

The Pantorhun "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1515 Jones St. AT 4SSS S. Side, 24th and L. MA 12S3 -

Open EveningE. Only Jewish Florist in town.


f the j !


the: newcomers at their home. Mr. Arthur Levinsky, of Omaha, is their

P ^ e r s contend tba. ; .

o n l v fo i_|the


last Sundav at her-home in honor of j A daughter was bom Monday, f the week. .. : . her niece, Miss/Margie Leaf stein,, of tember 10, to Mr. and. J I r ? , H . Harks, j _ - ; ^ _ . • Vienna. (J. i . A ) - A crisis La, Eock Island, HI. The^ afternoon was !of 2425 South Thirtedntli street. Mrs. j , ^ - - ^ S.einbeig wxll lea,e S ^ . - b c e n ^ ^ ^ t e a m the Austrian mg .for Chicago, 111. anti-S-v.iIiic Hakcrlarcurter crganspent in in dancing dancing and spent nd cards. Prizes jplarks -was formerly.' I'liss. Harriet p--.> :zr.t:c-i wl'b the resignation of Presi'Jr. Carl Stern, of Siou:: City, la.. •were won by the Misses Euth Perlman* j ^othholz, of this city. cer.t F.ijM d ths Swastika and the is A. Pradeil entertained a t ' a ! visiting at the Chemiack ho.r.3. Ann Selicow and Rose.'Gohn. Miss cilt izlciA ol th 3 organizaticn. into two faction::," cn_ -arcring political methods ar.d t r e ctbT r.iDre direct force. j Cr.D of ili3 factions also demands Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Hek and Miss j Herman Ziegman. thrt tli3 IIakc:.kretizler proclaim its Elizabeth Roth, who have motored, ., Mr. .Hubert Sommer, -who left for! ( S inslcr^-^crcs fr-:n the Munich ar.ttl e r e from New York -to.yisit with L h e K e n , p s r M i i i t e r y Academy, willSu•i-it:c group led by Aclolph Hitler. Mr. Sam Greenstone, of Sic us: Ciry.

man. " Miss Laura Givot entertained at bridge at her home last Sunday afternoon, honoring Miss Marjorie Lefstein; of Rock Island, HI. Prizes were -won by the Misses Yetta Wright, * Gertrnde Cooper and Miss Lefstein.

iu I i o t


In city trafnc or on the open road," this new touring car Impresses votz instantljT- with its exceptional rid-. ing comfort. The seats are deeper and lower?) The body has been lengthened to! afford more leg-room. Its Iow»j swung design reduces side sway: and increases the car's stability at all speeds. The front springs are wider, and built of more, 'and thinner leaves; the rear springs—now uaderslung '—have been. materially increased in length. . In fact, the comfort of. the car is .^comparable in evegy way with its good look? and the well known character of its performance. O'BKIEK-DAVIS AUTO COr 2Sth and Harney Sts. Telephone—HA rney 0123

K. B.: We pay return charges on all out-of-town orders. Send by parcel post.

/;„/*".> V_- -/_\ "-V - "-"


dwelt little on Heaven, he spoke prin- HUSSEIN SENDS NEW .regarding Palestine. The substance ABDULAH VISITS JERUSALEM, {described as a "private visit" to Govcipally of love on earth.and of men NOTE TO ENGLAND of this: note is said to be an offer to Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The ruler of ernor Storrs, and General Tudor, being brothers. • London. (J. T. A.) The Hedjaz gov- concede minor, points as to Palestine Transjordania, the Emir Abdullah, ar- Commander of the British garrison in The rich thought him an agitator, ernment is understood to have for- if Britain will establish a "nations rived today in Jerusalem on what is Palestine. for he, like the socialists of today, warded a new note to Great Britain government" • there. often denounced the hypocritically rePastor St. Martha a Presbyterian Church, New York. The martyrdom of tlie Jews makes writer, was one of the intellectual ligious, and . the -leading, citizens. the heroism of other creeds fade into giants o f his and all" ages. The say-Through all his talk, however, ran a „. insignificance. . God • seems'. to' be pre- ing, "From Moses to Moses there did spirit of love, even for the evil. He serving the-Jew marvelonsly for some not arise one like unto Moses Mai- was accused of being a friend of the great history. He lives today, though m'onides." Judah Halevi was a great wicked people. The , masses of the the world has been against him. • If poet. In Holland the Jew, Spinoza; Jews adored him. Some wanted to we Christians would become more like was one of the master minds of all make him a king. 310 No. 16th-St. Tel, JAckson 5062 But the chief priests and politicians the Great Jew, the church and the time. At. the beginning of our age . synagogue would be brought together there stands out another Moses. Mo- of the Jews feared and hated him and Has Taken Charge of The Wholesale and Delicious ses Mendelssohn, the grandfather of bribed one of his followers to beeray in following* him. •• - • Ketail Business of Shalker Packing Company. There have been many great Jews, the musician, was almost the creator him. He was accused and tried beand in the opinion of most Jews," Mo- of codern Jewish intellectual life. He fore the Roman governor as.a dangerses, the" law giver, was the greatest was the original of Lessing's "Nathan ous anarchist and traitor. Next day he was crucified.' So ended .the life of them. He found the Jews a race the Wise." -of slaves-in Egyptian, darkness, and In our day the well known. Jews of the saint, though stories are told he led them into liberty, into nation- are the musicians. Felix Mendelssohn of his resurrection.. Out of his life ality, into their own land. The' law and, Anton Rubenstein, the poet Hein- and that story l "rise' the' Christian he gave them is today the ethical basis rich' Heine, the actresses Eachael and churches. Shalker Packing Company of £eav en worth, Kansas, Because of the pogroms in Russia, Sarah Bernhardt, the statesman Disof almost all the world.', . , Svili'give a Special Price for its Retail Trade. The writers of the- Psalms, of the raeli; the bankers and philanthropists, millions of Russians and. Polish Jews have taken refuge in this country. the Rothschilds, and the Socialists, majestic sublimities of the-Hebrew Fresh Salami 35c 1b. Prophets to which ;we- owe the • words Karl Marx and Ferdinand La SalleJ New York now has the largest Jewish ghetto in the world. Most of the of our "great -oratorios • of the Mes- In almost every line of human thought . , Thick Bologna ........ 30c 1b. Jewish vices have been forced on the siah; were; Jews. Every writer of the stand Jewish names. .-... ; Weiners .... ......... 30c ib. ;; New. Testament was a: Jew. ,. Not "But I desire to speak of a Jewish Jews by Christian's. The Jews in Eualone was Christ, the Christian's "Mas- saint, one who was very much like rope were usually forbidden to own Old Style Smoked Tongues..50c 1b. ter,' a Jew," but the apostles were .all" Saint Francis of Assisi. He was born land and so could-not go into agricul. ; . .• Jews, including- St. John the Divine. much earlier than St. Francis, of royal ture. ' All Pastromi, Smoked Meat and Tongues" at Often they were not allowed to conPaul, undoubtedly the greatest Chris- blood, being descended from King DaSpecial Price. tian ^theologian and writer, was a Jew. vid, but under circumstances of pov- duct industries, and we're compelled to be hucksters and dealers in money. erty." He grew up'quietly enough with Through' all history there have been All Meats 'Guaranteed to he Kosher great Jews.' We can mention only! a his parents, going to the synagogues Yet we now. taunt-them with being . by Rabbi M. Braude of St. Joe, 3Io. few. When Europe was buried ,in the in his village,, taking his turn in read- money-lenders. Do we wonder that dark • agessrthe Jews in Spain devel- ing the Hebrew Scriptures, and work- the Jew rejeccts-Christ?" The truth oped :thelr "'Golden Age." "Moses Man" ing in the shop of his artisan father. is that the Jews do not reject Christ, monides, as physician, scientist and But like every saint, he came to hear but reject the Christ that Christians voices. Like Luther, he had strugg } *s, have presented to-.him. he believed, with the devil. He was Christianity will never conquer JuFRED K. SHAW Flower Shop tempted to <• serve wealth and power. daism, but the Jewish Christ, the man "Let Us Move You" > But he gave himself up to doing good. of the people, if we Christians will Certified Public Accountants Phone JO* The Best ot Everything in Flowers and Audits Systems By his remarkable faith he became become like Him," may bring the Confections at Moderate Prices. Investigations a great healer, and was able to cure church and synagogue slowly together S45 W. Broadway. Nest Liberty Thenter Operated: by' 431 to 440 Peters Trust Bids. COCNCIt, BLUFFS. IOWA. the sick and the lame, the leper and in following him. Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. the blind, more even than modern Tu&ors Royals healers can do. The common people ATlantic 0230 JAckson 4338 flocked to him. He did not talk like Carpenter P&per Co. the priests or the rabbis. He preached Stratfords Yorks simple, beautiful sermons. He loved • Distributors ot nature, the birds and the flowers. He Western Bond—and High • WHOLESALE was a man of the people and spoke Increase of 1,688 Telephones Is ReGrade Stationery 'One of America's Great Hotels" Druggists and Stationers from his heart to their hearts. He Omaha. Nebraska. ported for First Seven Months - 401-403-405 Booth 10tb .Street . of 1923. .


T Coffee

Globe Van & Storage Co.


Nebraska Shows Telephone Growth

E. E. Bruce & Co.

; We Sell


LOVE HASKELL CO. Every Known E n d of Insurance 209 W. C\ W. Bldg. JA. 3944.

Tel. JA. 4397.

THE CAREFUL WELDERS Anything :: Anytime :: Anyplace

1501 Jackson St.

Steamship tickets TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD VAL J.PETER & COMPANY 1307 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. ATlantic 0340.

ITEN BISCUIT CO. Snow White Bakeries

Made With Milk

<nesr. c . a. v'nt. Office.) .


City National Bank of COUNCIL BLUFFS ' We pay 4% Interest on Saving and Time Deposits. Safe Deposit Boxes for Ilent. -•s.!


McCord-Brady Co. Feather Mattresses

Emerson Laundry

Made from yonr own feathers. Wnnn In winter; cool in summer. Cost less nnd last longer thnn cotton.. Phone its tor samples of ticking nml estimates.

B. 8. MOnKV. Prop.

Phone Webster 0820



1, 1I

Phone JAckson 21G7


£»•.-£««. VJoo-FrwMent.

Shoes and Gent's Furnishings

Omaha Fixture & Supply Coi

Featuring Emerson anil Dnnlap Shoes—ST> to $12. PULL DUESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS for snle or rent. Paone JA. 3128 100, Nortii 10th St.

Han* JToa.' Pepper,

ill IH

1907 Cumins St.

V?. O. Ore. S^retary.

COMPLETE STOBE AND" . OFFICE OUTFITTERS •'-r • v .We occupy • - .' erer ,30.000 cauam feet ' .,,-. , goathwest JPorntr !

Snrt liougta*' Hi recta. ••*acfc»i>n S734




.: i Wall Receptacles— . Light—.iVIHINCi—Power ?ll Transformers Tf —rI I?ell 3031, . 40 & Cumins Sts.,

Omaha, Nebr.—Nebraska, the third state in the Union in the number of telephones per 1Q0 population, is more than holding its own telephone, according to statistics just compiled by the Northwestern Bell Telephone company. During 1922, Nebraska added 2,569 telephones in the territory" of the Bell company. A net increase of 1,688 telephones was reported in the same territory for the first seven months of this year, as compared with a gain of 1,017 telephones during the same period of 1922. This growth, the report shows, is not p'eculiar to any one locality or section, of the "state, but is common to almost every town, city and rural community. The Bell System is spending more than three-quarters of a million dollars for extensions and improvements in Nebraska this year, and is adding 800 miles of wire to its longdistance lines. More than 12,000 miles of wire in cables and almost 200 miles of poles, and the installation of repeaters at Grand Island and Valentine aTe also among the year's notable additions to Nebraska's telephone system. The same amazing increase in the demand for telephones is reported throughout the country. New York City, with 1,130,000 telephones today, expects to have 2,000,000 telephones by 1930, and the Bell company operating there is preparing to spend fifty million dollars a year for the next five years to meet this unprecedented demand. . Similar growth is reported throughout the -whole Bell System, which is called upon to spend three-quarters of a million dollars every working day of the year in order to k^ep pace with the heaviest telephone growth of all history. STIRRING RECEPTIO NTO CONQUERING JEWISH FOOTBALL TEAM. Vienna. (J. T. A.)—A rausing reception was. accorded the all-Jewish "Hakoah" football team on its return here from England where it defeated the leading football eleven.' At the station, -when the train bearing the victorious players rolled in, were .representatives of the football teams . and athletic "vereinen" of Vienna. A procession of auVjmobiles decorated with blue and white bunting escorted the players from the station to. the" "Hakoah" club. Each of the players there was given a golden sea! ring. j ' The entire Austrian press is comI meriting copiously on the success\of ithe Jewish team and the papers are 'also reproducing in extenso the reports j which appeared in the London '.'Dally 5 Mail." and, the ^'London .Chronicle."


From 10% to 15% Less Than tlie


FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY 1819 California Street.


Pink Tip Matches — Northern Toilet Tissue

EFFICIENT »nfl RESPONSIBLE L4CXDEI, Where your clothes come home cleaner End last Joncer. ATlantic 0280. 1507-11 Jackson St. "H. A. JACOBBEKGER, Pres.

And You Can Pay on Our

Easy Time Payment Plan

1112 Hamey Street ATlantic 6409

Omaha Office: SIS Docfrlas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic SS56

Ford Transfer & Storage Co.

Phonograph Dept. Main Floor


R. A. FOKD. President and General Manatrer, Cnanril Blab's (loiva) OfSre 700 So. Main Street. Phone 365,

Service is Our Motto Safe Deposit Boses for Kent.

Very Special OUR TREATMENT WIXXi CONVINCE YOU OF OUR , ' • SINCERITY. Trust Pepartment. Safety Deposit Boxes.

BUTTER ..and'EGGS. Council Bluffs, la.

Made by

**Maimfactiired in Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.

' .




N. W. Cor 21th r.nd Howard Sts. '•?'•. ">.

Car UNDERTAKERS 2224 Chiming St. Phone JAckson 1226

They must be reliable Star Touring S530

Durant Touring $988

at Omaha

at Omaha

ANDREW MURPHY I SON 14th and Jackson Sts.


Wholesale F r d t and Vegetables


arc 'America's best values •' in Motor Cars


"If Its Worth Anything —Have It Insured."

The fact that use have been serving you for one-half century should- be conclusive proof that tclien tee recommend

Diirant and Star


Here. 53 Years The


AUTO PAINTING lop and Body Building and Repairing. CCUTAJKS—UGHT8—ETO.

PFEIFFER • S3S5 Leavenworffc St.

AT tnntlc O?O1


a wkione; Phno«

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