The - world is -full of willing people: some willing to work, and others to stand around and watch.
It isn't your position, . but your ' disposition, that makes you happy or unhappy.' - v •
;; j' i! *
" V. IP-
- £ VOL. IL—No..- •q*> T<g g
nterea as ceeoad-elass mail. matter on. January 27th. 1921. at )Btofflc» at Omaha. Nebraska.' under the Act of March 8. 1879.
I Membership % for Federation to be Started portly
FIRST X-RAY INSTITUTE ! AGITATORS IN SILESIA ' IN PALESTINE KEEP PEOPLE EXCITED New York. (J. T. A.)—The GovBerlin. (J. T. A.)—A wave of erning Board of the ' Hadassah anti-Semitism has been sweeping ANNY FISH,. local violinist Hospitals in Palestine approved the lately through Upper Silesia attributwill appear-.in a social recital agreement made by the Chairman on able principally to' the agitation of at the B'nai B'rith carnival behalf of the Board, with Dr. Sataoff, the German "Voelkischer" party. to be.heW November 11, at the the President of the American Jewish The situation is „ at its worst" in Auditorium. Miss-.Fish, who is Girl's Popularity Contest to Be Physicians' Committee, for the estab- Brotheihood of Temple Israel Morris Levy Membership Mem- Beuthen where there have recently well known to thousands of music One of the -Best .Ever Held lishment of a Roentgen Institute in Have Arranged for Four orial Committee Announces been staged a number of demonstralovers will appear as a special connection with the Rothschild Lectures. tions against the high cost of living. . . Plans number on the large program to Hospital in Jerusalem, under the SOUVENIR PROGRAM BOOK Anti-Semites have taken advantage be helcL £hat day. joint auspices of the two bodies, the FIRST LECTURE TO BE TO BE GIVEN AWAY. NEW MEMBERS URGED TO of these demonstrations to excite ill M p i is considered as one office of the Hadassah Organisation HELD IN NOVEMBER. PAY PLEDGES PROMPTLY will not only against Jewish of thebe&st Jfoung violinists in the Final plans are being formed to in New York announces. merchants, but against Jews innocent City. She hjis played a number of . lake the B'nai -B'rith carnival and The agreement provides for the Plans are well under way for the With the ending of the' holiday of all real connections wits comtimes over J the Radio and her celebration one of the purchase and installation of a com- Educational program to be held this at season this week, the Morris Levy mercial • undertakings. Jews sweet strains, from her violin are anniversary, .events in- the history- of plete up-to-date Roentgen equipment winter, under the auspices of the Membership Memorial Committee weddings and even at funerals have readily recognized by a - large biggest Omaha,-according to the members of for diagnosis and therapy at a cost Brotherhood of Temple Israel, accordplans to start active work within the been molested. number of people in the surround- the committee in (charge. "The vari- not to exceed $10,000, which is to be ing to members of the committee in. next ten days. In Langedorf the rowdies invaded "ing territory.; ous . committees appointed for this contributed by the Physicians' Com- charge of arrangements for the afWith, 125 new members secured in the Jewish cemetery, demolishing a She was one. .of .the leading fair. The lectures will begin in. vent are showing much interest in mittee. the "synagogues on Yom Kippur as a number of tombstones. In Ppsen, a players during Music Week held November and according to the comJ heirwork and the event will be. a Washington Heights Group of New nucleus the committee; under the synagogue was-;irivated and plundered '. at the .'Brandeis .Restaurants, last mittee,' there will bo one each, ig success," said Sam Beber, genYork Chapter of Hadassah remitted leadership of Arthur Eosenblum, while worshippers were at a service. May..She has,played before many . / ralchairman,, today. $1,000 collected several years ago to month. anticipates that the goal of 500 new The anti-Seinitisro also partakes of local organisations. Through the be applied to" the purchase of a part Newman's Travelogue will probably The actors who will take part in members will be reached without a political aspect:- The members of teaching of .Prof. Mach, she has the .vaudeville.show that will be held of the X-Ray equipment in the new be the first lecture to be held here doubt. the' municipality belonging to the become one of the leading violin- hat day. are r rehearsing daily and X-Ray Institute which is to be estab- The other natioanally known man "The appeal of the Federation, is so Voelkischer party, which- is the ists in the city. are showing much ^enthusiasm for lished shortly. It is given in com- who will appear on the program durbroad," said Mr. Rosenblum, '"and its dominant party- in Beuthen, are "I am very glad to appear on being on this show., Several of the memoration, of Eliezer Ben Yshuda.- ing the winter will be, Prof. S. Ke work is'so • wide-spread, that no one demanding that.' all East-European this program under the auspices actorshave already- been announced A tablet bearing suitable inscription Clark, of the University of Chicago, canirefuse.to join it at this time. The Jews be expelled.- They also wish of, the B'nai B'rith," said Missand there are a number of them that is to be installed in the X-Ray room. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New Y01&-. Jewish community of Omaha is grow- the "expulsion of- certain "categories Fanny Fish when.asked to appear and Ludwig Lewison, author of "U£ will be announced later. ing rapidly, and its needs are. grow- of-native German; Jews". ' for this cause, Stream." A special feature will be the ing. " Our social service work must They also demand that no industrial . .Besides MissF^sh, there will be ouvenir program book will be given "Tickets for this educational prokeep pace with this growth. concessions be given to either native several -.other feature numbers, o the people of the city. The comgram are being disposed of vexy, "The Federation needs every new or East European Jews. . several have, already been anmittee in.,charge of this book is rapidly," said Martin Sugaman. W s member it-can possibly secure if the nounced* but i&ere are a number Sam Leon, Abner Kaiman and Sam have requests for large numbers of honor of being the best Federation in that will. be , announced in later Klaver. -The. book will contain a seats .from many outside organizs-> the country is to continue to be V ; issues of 'The Jewish Press".. history of,the local lodge and the tions, including the faculty Omaha's. During the past two years national order .• ' B'nai B'rith. "We Community Invited to Attend and of the High schools, the Woman's we have- gained that honor but now Enjoy Program. expect this book to pay for a great* club and the Fine Arts Society." This we.must work hard to retain it,, as portion of the orphan fun," said is the first time in the history of other cities are rapidly forging ahead MANY ACTIVITIES PLANNED Omaha that such a movement for A.bner Kaiman today. • and are. overtaking us," continued Mr. Player Piano to Be Baffled at Affair FOR WINTER SEASON. The girl's . popularity contest is education I purposes has been sponRosenblum. • • —Carl Lamp's Orchestra causing much enthtisiastn in the city. r _ _ _ _ _ _ -.,.-. sored by the Jewiph Community." Letters* of thanks for their subscripWill Play. Leading. Jews Everywhere Accept Arab Propaganda Doomed to Failure, "The voting was" exceedingly heavy Public installation of newly-elected "We are donating: the Temple I F tion have been sent to all members during the past week," said Irvin officers of the senior group of the rael auditorium, for these lectures/' Britca Says.on,Arrival. Membership • on National - who .joined" "at,:the Yom Kippur PROCEEDS FROM BALL Stahnaster,' chairman in charge and Y. M. and Y. W. H. 1A. will be held said Isidor Zicgler. This program s Committee.; • - , services, and a request for the prompt TO MAKE UP DEFICIT " " the votes could not be compiled for next Monday " evening , October 8th, that will be a .benefit to all is not New York.?—Declaring-that the at- payment of their subscription has been OF LOCAL TRAESURY Whit- the national conference .called titude • a£ 'the -British government to- this week's' isrue of "The Jewish at the Jewish Community Center. In held for any profit." inade...Many^of these have responded^ Press". Many .of'the girls have'"ob- connection with the installation a Tickets may still be-obtained front. but there are' many more who have! Arrangements "have been completed for* $ie«-purpose • of- considering ways wards the Jewish" homeland in Pales- tained help from relatives and special program will be given. tine remain unchanged, and that the members of the.comraittCGi.nnd frms* - jiot v yet -paid-their jpledge. [ Jar the;-Ball that will be givenCSunday, and means for adequately,.financing remains .liKceSagsd.^—ami"- thkt theThe members of the Association s<y "as' they may *be eligible the Jewish Theological'Seminaryof 1 October7, by the Omaha District ZiIsidor Ziegler, Martin Sugarman and , "We <iannot do our work on pledges Arab propaganda is-doomed to failure, to win the price trip to California are inviting the publie to attend this Kabbi Frederick,Cohn. alone,"' Harry Malshock, chairman of onist Organization at- the c Municipal America, ten days off, every indication the second place prize 'to Chicago. meeting that it may become more points to a successful effort to raise 1 Sir Alfred Moad, -former member of the Finance.Committee of the Federa- Auditorium. The proceeds~~from" this/affair will acquainted with the work of the -Y. the Lloyd George cabinet and one of tion; said today. "We-need cash to •. One of .the features for the even- the sum of $1,000,000,, the minimum go towards' the" maintainance of the The membership of the Association the outstanding figures in the indusrequired by that institution if it is not conduct our activities. We know'that ing's entertainment will' be'dancing War Orphans adopted by the local is growing steadilyj and the clubevery one who pledged in the syna- numbers by Miss Annette Riklin, one to curtail its work and if,. also, it is trial and political- life' of Great Brit- lodge.. rooms in the Jewish Communityain, in an interview on board the gogues will' pay, but the need for the of Omaha's best known Jewish danc- to expand its spheres of activities in Center are attracting an-increasingly Berengaria, stressedthe importance order to render American Judaism, money ' is immediate and is most ers. large number of young folks. Mrs. J. Linsman is in the lead in and the Jew of the world, a maximum .of American Jewry making large sac- HEADS CAMPAIGN urgent. Approximately ,?l,000 was More than two hundred members rifices for the rebuilding of Palessubscribed in the synagogues and we selling tickets for the Ball. Every- of spiritual service. FOR $1,000,000 attended the Succoth celebration held tine. He expressed the hope that disCampaign headquarters, at iO3 Park can use this money to good advantage one purchasing a ticket has a chance Saturday night,, at which Mrs. H. S. tinguished-representatives of Ameriavenue, New York City, is in receipt at this time, to pay our obligations to to win the §500 player piano which Kamen gave several readings and Several Speakers and Musical of'a .constant stream of mail from can Jewry would become members of our national, institutions. We urge will be raffled off that evening! Ida Lustgarten gave piano solos. the Jewish Agency for Palestine and Numbers Will Appear on A large.attendance is expected and prominent Jews of every part of the every member to pay his Federation The dramatic classes under Mrs. B. ; : lauded the services of Chaim WeizProgram. the entire proceeds obtained from this country, assuring Louis Marshall, pledge immediately." R. Boasberg will be resumed next affair will go toward.the;clearing of Rabbi Max Drob arid"David A. Brown, mann, president of the World Zionist Thursday evening. WORK OF CRACK DEGREE deficit of the local treasury, ac- who are organizing this effort," that Organization, whom he said, "the Work on the second annual YMHA Jews." can never repay." MORRIS LEVY LEAVES the TEAM TO BE FEATURED cording to the members of the com- they are eager and happy to become show will be started shortly, and & Sir Alfred, who was occompanied members of the'national'committee ESTATE TO W I D O W Jnittee. call' issued for performers. A literary the campaign on. board the Berengaria by Morris Omaha Lodge No. 364, I. O. B. B,7 "We have arranged for special mu- under whose auspices ; group has been organized and will will hold its first public inifciati<w? Rothenberg, chairman of the board of - The late Morris Levy left §3,500 sic for this affair and plan to make will be" conducted.' The interest, as meet regularly during the winter Thursday evening, October 11, at theto Jewish charities and directed his it one of the most interesting in the manifested by th'ese.letters, is as keen directors of the American Keren season. Other activities are con- Rome Hotel. According to officers «£ widow to contribute $500 annually to city," said John Feldman, chairman in in the Far West as it is in New York Hayesod, was met at the pier by a templated which will, be announced the lodge, this will be the first time the Jewish Welfare federation in charge. "We will also "raffle the City and New" England, in the South delegation of Keren Hayesod and Zishortly. onist leaders, which included Hermann that the entire public of Omaha will Omaha, according to his will, filed- for player piano on this evening. Every as it'is in the Lake region.' Men who The officers to be installed Monday have the privilege to witness the work probate yesterday. The value of the person "who purchases an admission is have but just completed campaigns in Conheim, treasurer of the Keren include: Mr. Louis Abramson, pres- of the B'nai B'rith degree team. estate is estimated at §400,000. given a free chance of taking part in their communities.for war-relief and Hayesod; Louis Lipsky, chairman of ident; Miss Merle Friedel, vice presthe Zionist Organization of America The following men are member? of, the raffle."" for : local., philanthropies have exLegacies include: ..,• I ident; Miss Kate Goldstein, secretary; the degree "team: Sam Leon, chairEmanuel Neumann, national secretary pressed their intention to work as Temple Israel, Omaha, ?500. Miss Lottie Selicow, financial sec- man; Dr. A. Grcenberg, Harry Mala-* vigorously for this effort, the first of the Keren Hayesod;' Jacob Siegei; •National Farm' school, Doylston, ROUMANIAN ANTI-SEMITES retary; Mr. Dave Freeman, treasurer; shock, Max Fromkin, M. Monheit and Judge Bernard A. Rosenblatt, Boris . CHANGE PLACE OF MEETING that is being made in this,country to Pa., $1,000. . > Sir. Morris Fine, reporter; Mr. Leo Max Morris. The historical lectem? Grabelsky, Louis Robison and others. Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—The' consolve Jewish" religious and "spiritual National Jewish hospital for conKonecky, athletic director; Messrs. are given by Harry Silverman and ArOn Sunday morning there was a gress of anti-Semites originally problems. ' , • sumptives,. Denver, $500. Phil Feldman and Phil Gerelick, thur Rosenblum. Jewish Consumptive Relief society, scheduled to be held\in Czernowitz Among those who have' accepted joint meeting of leading Keren Haye executive ' A special feature program Has alsoRabbi Max Drob, chairman of the sergeants-at-arms; and sod workers from all over the counbut which was forbidder by the. govDenver, $500. membership on the National Commitcampaign to raise" $1,000,000 for the member, Mr. Ben Civin. try and of the members of the Naernment from convening there will be been arranged for this occasion. Pro!1, tee are Judge Hugo Pam, Nathan D. Mr. Levy left §5,000 to i i s niece, tional Executive Committee of the Jewish Theological Seminary, says Israel Goodman, retiring president, Nathan Bernstein will deliver an adMrs. Millie Singer; §3,000 to a held at Kimpolung, Bukowina, instead Kaplan, and- S. J. Rosenblatt! of Chi- Zionist Organization in the Astor Ho- that the effort is an opportunity for •«rill install the new officers. Announcement of the new place of dress on "The Life and Work of Hocago. . nephew, Milton Levy; $1,000 to a tel. In the afternoon a reception to the Rabbis of America to prove their ses Mendelsohn." This is the first «£ cousin, Anna. Hyams, of Buffalo, N. meeting of the Jew-baiters was made Sir Alfred Mond vras given by Mr. leadership and. a challenge to Amera scries of papers to be read on "JewY.; §10,000 to a grandson, Max L. by Professor. Cuza,'the leader of the ABDULLAH SUPPRESSES ROUMANIAN "PUTCH" and Mrs. Samuel Untermyer at their ican Jewry t o ' prove that they are agitators, immediately following the ish Heroes" which arc to be read &£ Holzman, and asked his widow to REVOLT; KILLS 82REBSLS home, Greystorie-on-the-Hudson. AND JEWISH MASSACRE interested-in the revival of the Jewish government's " decree „ forbidding the leave Max the silver candlesticks Jerusalem. . (J. ,T. A.) The upris.-. PLANNED FOR YOM KIPPUR B'nai B'rilh meetings, said Harry S;I< spirit and the saving of Judaism. handed "down to him *by his mother. gathering in Czernowitz. ing against the Government of Trans- VATIANU'S EXPULSION PLANS Bucharest. (J. T. A.)—In un- vcrman, president of the local lodge. Bukowina Jews are sharply protest- •jordania has been suppressed byLEmir Mr. Henry Monsky, member of ravelling the conspiracy of monarchThe wili directs §10,000 be placed RATIFIED BY CABINET ing against'the meeting in their terExecutive Committee of InteamatioTi&l Abdullah's forces,; after inflicting 82 in trust for Louis Holzman, grandBucharest. (J. T. A.)—The expul- 76,611 JEWSTILL.SOIL IN RUSSIA ists anti-Semitic forces in Soumania Order of B'nai B'rith, will talk on ; ritory, and have sent a deputation to casualties among the insurrectiorison, to be paid him when he reaches Moscow. (J.,T. A.)—There has been who had contemplated aa "putch" sion of Jewish refugees as outlined Bucharest to lay their protests before aries, say advices from Anunon. 21. • . atwenty-five per cent gain in the against the Government, the police "Aims and Objects of the Independent by Minister Vatianu will stand. the Government. * The leader of the revolt, it has been number of Jews working the soil in discovered that to facilitate the Order of B'nai B'rith." Balance of the estate goes to the The cabinet has officially ratified thi The anti-Semites are boasting that Several musical numbers will aTsfl; established, is Sultan Pasha Adwaan, widow. Minister's plans and decreed that thi Russia since the > revolution, according massacre of the Jews the coup was be on the program, according to tha to figures 3"ust_ published at the All- planned for Yom Kippur. William L. Holzman and Daniel L. they count 8,000 soldiers among their Chief of the Belka' tribe. members, and the ^feeling among the In suppressing the revolt AbdallaH's measures be carried out in full. Bussian Husbandry Exhibition being It is also disclosed that important committee in charge. Harry Silver-1 Korn are named executors and Jews is that the meeting of the anti forces made use. of aeroplanes and held here. army men were involved in the up- man will preside at the meeting. <«j{. trustees. ALEPPO ARABS WISH Semites will hardly end without machine guns. - • During the. past year, 76,611 Jews rising, having intended to seize the FOR TURKS' RETURN disturbances. The situation across the Jordan is were registered as tillers of the soil. state in a manner similar to that in DEATH OF MINISTER OF FORCE JEWISH .MAGISTRATE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The situation Although the government quickly TO QUIT OFFICE put an end to the anti-Semites' hopes described as having been restored to in Aleppo, Northern Syria, is de- In 1913, the number so engaged was Spain. The government, it is said, BERLIN'S REFORM COMMUNITY . . . discovered the plot one hocT before Berlin, (J. T. . A.)—Herr Hier, of meeting in Czernowitz,. it seems to "normal." Berlin. (J. T. A.) Dr. Felix Cohscribed as grave in consequence of 52,758. it was scheduled to come ofF. All Secretary of the Praesidium of be going very slowly about taking JEWISH FINANCE MINISTER Minister of the Berlin Reform the Arabs' dissatisfaction with th leaders, including eight army generals, Community, has died here at the ARABS IN FRENCH SYRIA Breslau, has been obliged to lay down any steps to forbid.the same gathering AROUSE HITLER'S IRE French mandatory rule. DECLARE FOR INDEPENDENCE have been imprisoned. his office, following notice served by in Bukowina. xsf 69, after a long illness. Dr. CobMunich. (J. T. A.) A proposal The natives are said to have intiJerusalem. (J. T. A.)—A demand the Reichswehr of Silesia they would lens's first post was as teacher of rethat the, German ."Reich's Bank be boy- mated that -they wish for the return HELD FOR REFUSING TO for the overthrow of the French have nothing to do with him because EMIR "CLEANING HOUSE" ligion and preacher to the comminute cotted as a protest against Dr. Hilfer- of the Turks in preference to th VIOLATE YOM KIPPCR at. Bielefeld. Ho studied at the Thehe is a Jew, according to the Berlin AFTER RECENT DISORDERS ding, r the Jewish Socialist who is French administration carried in from mandatory government in Syria and the establishment of a national Arab Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—A sentence ological Faculty of Berlin Universltr, Socialist weekly "Glocke". Jerusalem. .(J. ,T. A0—-Four hig: finance Minister in Streseman'n's cab- Beirut, the Syrian capital. 1 officials, one of them an Englishman, inet, is made in-Hitler's organ of the General Weygand, French High government there was made in a of fourteen days* arrest hss been From Bielefeld he v.*as called to th? have been dismissed from Emir Bavarian Fascisti, the "Volkische Be- Commissioner for Syria, is said to resolution adopted by a congress of imposed on Policeman Blum, of Safed, Berlin Kefcrm Community, to whirls ANTI-SEMITIC WEEKLY DIES OF ANEMIA Abdullan's government, and many obachter." i •share the alarm caused by the agita- Arabs in Syria and Palestine held charged with having Tefused to he was attached ever sir.ee. answer a summons of the court to In religious matters Dr. Cebtens: others banished as a. result of th Paris. (J. T. A.)—"La Vieille The paper declares Hilferding's ap- tion in northern Syria. He preside here. held extremely radical views. He used The resolution, which is printed in appear iJa a trial on'Yoia Eippuri -France", an anti-Semitic weekly ap- Emir's determination to "rid Trans- pointment, including as one of its du- at a military council recently where pearing in France, for the last five jordania of all the suspects connects ties of office the supervision of the lie stated he" had decided to abandon the Arab organ "Philistine" calls on The ' Jewish ' policeman said he his influence, however, always li^fa* :years,_has been discontinued, as its with. the recent disorders there. Reichs Bank, is but another step to- Aieoppe-"in the event of danger" an* all Arabs to unite in battling for a thought he would be excused from vor of the Reform Community, work* publishers put it "because of lack of Abdullah concentrates his efforts on wards "the enslavement of the Ger- established a new line of French pos- completely independent Syrian gov- duty on the Day of Atonement and ing in close "association with the failed to answer the summons. of the Jewish' population. ernment. support and interest". government circles mainly. man' masses "by!th& united Jews." • session at Hama.
B'nai Frith Carnival and Show-jCaasing mmk
. EntkiiiSM in City
of Y. I . a A. Oicers
Local Zionist District To Give First Annual Ball Sunday at Auditorium
American Jewry Must . Drive For Seminary in Full Swing Sacrifice for ZIOB—-loud
Hirsday, October 11
rAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1923 They contend that Ludenbach is of Szerpinski, adding that the same ish telegraphic Agency, is returning on the Berengaria after a fiye menths' fiORTHY urging his soldiers to acquaint them- opinion was hejd bjr the majority of visit'abroad in connection with plans £J. f^ selves with the "Protocols of the El-the Polish Professprg. .• for the expansion of the only Jewish pf &uhn, iLoeb and Go?pffaiiy, ijFew jcifirs of Zixm" and to r e a the transand eastern Europe, besides -paying a told newspjipe^ioep:' here that lations of the Ford articles. JDC sui|MQinsq> FOR Office: 48?Brandei8 Theatre Balldingv-Tjelepnonef Jfw&son 2378, brief visit to Russia. the jjurpose of hja yj§j& wa« t© study USING ENGLISH conditions, in Hungary BED £ROSS HELPS REFUGEES NATSAtf'E.* GREEN, Kowno, (J,T. A^ Correspondence.) ._„ Agnation Sorted Two .economic Washington. (J. T. A.) Mrs. Simon and to conduct negotiations w^h 1% pQtfSTANTINQPLE; SJOST- The Governor of J£©wno and surYears Ago Followii^ Confer- Hungarian financiers, Subscription Price,'' on one year,. LY MONARCHISTS rounding districts, a well-known anti- B. Fleisher is in Washington to keep Advertising rates "furnished on application. ence Held by Mr. Kahn arrived Monday and had Constantinople. (J. T. A.) More Semite, has brought proceedings in touch with the State Department ^WCPTIPSlNTEDFOirPBftSOJlAL PROFIT—Profito from the pnbliea- LEIPZIG AND MUNICH PROP- an audience with Admiral Horthy the than 20,000 Russian refugees have against the "Joint," because its let- ,in order to learn something definite tlon of The Jewish Presa are to be given to worthy communal causes. same day. Finance Minister Kalley left Constantinople since January ac- ;er-headings are printed only in Eng- regarding the fate of her son, Benjamin Wilfred Fleisher, editor of the entertained Mr. KJohn at^ dinner Mon- cordjng to the American Bed Cross. lish fpd not in Lifhsaman. : saw Tokio Japan Advertiser, and hjs wife. : Of |hat number, 1257 Russians have day evening. Ii is*iuj4g«tofld~th|t$ —The whole" of CzechoSie Secretary of the Joint, M. slovakia, as previously reported by arrangements.fcr the HuBgarjan ]oan bien. g/eni tp fhe United States. Only Marcus, called SPPR $$<* 'Mms&T Pf Mr. Fleisher is the founder and The" Jewish PressJ s suppliedT>y thp Jewish ''f$ negligible fraction of these refugees Interior,, and . esplained to him that first vice-president of the AmericanCorrespondence Bureau j wjih cabled and telegraphic 'Jewish news, in addition cable," is feeing inundated with 'anti- were discussed afc ithis are Russian Jews, however. A large the JDC is an international relief or- Japan Society of Tokio and president *•*--»-•—" -3T_E:_-^ij«-jrZT_^-—a^_^ ffdnaTall important Jewish centres. to f e g l i j r s i ^ ^ a a ^ c o j T r e s p f l n ^ Semitic literature. The leaflets are number are Wrangelists and mon- ganization and is active in many of the Pan Pacific Congress of JourInquiries regarding news items ^credit©*? jto this. Agency wiU- *e mostly drawn up hi German. Jt is FORTY JEWISH -re^ ff adar^ssejf^ Jewish ' ijfeleg&g&jic Agency, $ • "-*"archists. . HOMELESS FROJVf FIRE countries, but nowhere has any com-nalists. important Jo note that the centre of fork City. ' The State Department has received plaint been made that its stationery this propaganda is not Czecho-Slo- Lgmberg. (J. T. ^.>—-The Galician was not being printeed in the word from the American Embassy vakia, but Leipzig and Munich, town of Starysambur wgs swept by JERUSALEM MAYOR QUITS IS GREATEST? ADVISORY COUNCIL; language of the country. The Minis- announcing the following among the whence the literature is being sent fire. Seventy' dwellings were destroyWe judge other people by thefrjend^ they Jxave, th# bflO in large quantities. ONLY 3 ARABS REMAIN ter promised to look into the matter. survivors: ^ ed^ fort? of which were Jewish. Two . ^ / read, ^he thmgs they §ay and the d>ed^ thgy ty. jp. p ^ i n i G. Baer, W. W. Baer, George to information receiyed "beth meddrasim" also went up in ^Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The "Falas,iudgmej?t j^pon then?, however, Wi& bring pj|irselyfi^ j#ta judgryafint;. by"According tin" states that it is informed from MOND TO CONFER WITH Bloomendell, P. Borosky, J. L. KoffthYJ. T. A. this"agitation stared the flames. That must al^ays'^e"^the impUcat?pn. pf pur private "- about two years ago, Boon after the The homes visited by the Jews were trustworthy sources that Ragheb Bey MARSHALL ON PALESTINE BANK man and family, L. Kopilova, U. G. Our judgments reflect our character. conferences which Henry Ford held, those of the most destitute Jews. The lifashashebi, the Mayor of Jerusalem, By Radiogram from! the "Berenga- Levitsky, Mrs. Charles and Master SQ we mjgh|; pbtajn an indication pf what a group ^ at Carlsbad with the German Deputy houses of the better situated Jews Ifas resigned^ from the Advisory Coun- ria," Sept. 18. (J. T. A.) Sir Alfred David Keich, L. C. Sharman. 5s by knowing whaf thflse people jth|nlfc greatness cQnsu Mond has accepted the invitation of Jung and with other- politicians in are all overcrowded and it U virtually cil. The list of dead includes Mrs. M. If we accept that method of determining in: a gefljer^l W*. , ,. w way impossible to accommodate even " Only three Arab members are now Morris Rottenberg, who i£ returning Mendelsohn and child, and Jacob C?echp-Slovalda. ' predominant trait pf- a group; what shall we cpric]?jde fjrani the This anti-Semitic campaign is more temporarily the fire victims. Their participating in the Council o fthe ten from Europe on the steamer to address Stuchinsky. results of: a vpte taken by the ' ^ e w Yprfe Jewish" Tribune" r'emarfcable, • because it is obviously condition is tijus one of great distress. i were appointed. the conference of Zionist and Keren of its readers? ' . Hayesod workers to be held Sunday, detrimental to "the interests of the •That newspaper a,sl:ed |ts reader^ tp selepit twejve ppLJSH ORGAN WANTS JEWS September 23, at the Hotel Astor. Sir ARAB LEADER APPEALS German population, in the country. ing Jews in the world.' The sejectlpn of the twelve chfl, TREATED AS ALIENS Alfred declares that his visit to the TO JEWS TO RETURN FOR RENT As it is wellknown, the Germans in out aid or s u g g e s t s from the "Trjbune", revealed %h$ Warsaw. (J. T. A.)—The with- United States is purely a business one, TO PRE-WAR STATL'S Czecho-Slovakia are in- a minority, Furnished Room in private Jewers had chosen a physicist, a. chemist, a man of letters, a lawyer. ahddnrjng the -war they found in the Jerusalem. (J. "T. "A. Correspondr drawal of all political rights from but he agreed to address this gatherish family, in good neighbora supreme court justice, £he yicerpy of Indja, a pjbUantoppjst, Jews their most loyal and steadfast ence) M. Michel BeiruU, member of Jews and the treatment of all Jews ing and the reception in his honor at hood. Call Harriey 3586 or at a critic,-a poet, a rabbi, a philpspnher and a pjaywrigh^. | n th,aj supporters. the former Palestine Advisory Cqun- as aliens is urged by the anti-Semitic Greystone, the home of Samuel UnS156 Lincoln Blvd. and influential Polish organ "Dwa order here are the twelve who h>aded thp }ist; termyer. What is happening just now In cil, and yice-President of the last Grosie". Palestine Arab pongress," has pubIt is said that one of the purposes Albert Einstein Germany Czecho-Slovakia strengthens the beThis Jew-bait;ng organ declares of Sir Alfred's visit here is to confer lished in the important Egyptian Chaim Weizmann l_l_England lief tha.t there is in existence a centhat the minority and constitutional Israel Zangwill England tral - office of which" is to stir" up a daily, "Mokattam," an appeal uto the guarantees cannot stand in the way with Louis Marshall in connection - " " • * *V with the '^investment bank'' projected Loiiis Marshall , lUnited States joiyerful anti-Jewish movement Jews. ^ of such a step, as the Jews themFOR RENT Louis D. Brandeis_ .United States Palestine, he writes, must be a selves consider themselves members by a group of American Jews during throughout the world.' Furnished Room in nice private the last visit of Dr. Weizmann iii Lord Reading "Tfie anti-Semitic propaganda is car- spiritual home for fhe Jews, but not of a separate community and at LEnglaud family. Call Harney 6509 or call America. Nathan Straus ried on cvn in countries-which have a nations-political home, vwh.'ch presentj it contends, profess a double -United States at 2946 Nicholas St. Jacob Landau, director of the JewGeorg Brandes would mean that the Jewish minprity fw Jews, or none at all, such as LDenmavk allegiance, which is untenable. Chaim N. Bialik in Palestine wpuld rule over the Arab Jjcaiyjinavja anjfl Italy. The "Swas..United.Russia iStgJtes Stephen S.:Wisa tika" organization's, '^hidfiiave Jate- majority. - M. BqrutJ-declares ^hcre FI$E DESTROYS 35 Frapc'j* Henri JJergson jy'sprung ij'p in Austria, the ''Fropt- is a stream of emigratibn no^' $way ROUSES ?N JEWISH VILLAGE Furnislied House U_ Austria. 'Arthur Schnitzler__ Jcamofyer," the "Prgesch',' and the froni Palestine, which mea,ns that Lemberg. (J. T. A.) The small millions are being wasted in bringing Jewish village of Rosniatow in EastFive Rooms Furnished Complete. It must be agreed by those acquainted witfe the pontributions numerous ojher monarwis}; societies Jews tp Palestine whp wi}l not stay. ern Galicia has been visited by fire, Owner desires privilege of one in Germany, the "RozweJ" in Poland, busiharct not in abusi room. Call Webster 2107. Ike notorious "Awakening Magyars," The best course, m his opinion, both which seems to have become epidemic and Jiaya "jejjji^hed* t|ie wqrld's "spjritual and culBirajf ^ceasufes/an3 4??? ^Russian monarchist circles in for Palestine and the Jews, would be throughout the section. i T.'—z. • - - - t - --i-j-i- _ ; _ :_i_ — J -J! tr »i_'_ ft T\ :i_ Earig^" ^gp}}nj Munich, Pyaguo and to revert to the conditions prior The flames destroyed 3a houses, lave, ^een geryarits orthejr pepple and df"Kuinaiiiity. Despite 1914. ' "" " ' . " * - " ' . "". _ leaving as many or more Jewish famJ Belgrade—all are anxious to win supispreAT LOWEST PRICES. *"WPm'l^wW^l ??^$ ^ %__, ._.e _wpl}fiw§ ^ fgg is pre ..their 'monarchist aims, and ilies homeless. fhe ideals of port w Come in and be convinced. fe f centered in. material things. ^plpxting anti-Semitism as a STUDENTS TO-STiSIKE I F Jewish • - • Elderly Woman for HIAS TO PAY IN POLAND t^9 piHer names motioned i» the.hallp^ there werfi-njne in that end. t . JEWISH PBQFESSQ8.1S housework in good home. Small IN AMERICAN DOLLARS rabjjis1,1 nine distjpguMed in, literature, p n e in finance --* —— evidence tp prove that all Prague. (J. T. A-) ' Protesting family. Call Walnut .0274. New York. (J. T. A.) Remittances merce wnq are'rijdr^ranipjttsr as phjjantljrQpjsts '" 1510 Farnam St.—JA. 5782. against the possible appointment of to Poland through Hias (Hebrew H. H. White. Dr. :EJsch T -who is a-candidate . for Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Socijg That Germany is the center an athlete. «jf»mo.sj; pf ,th"jse crgani^ations j professorsbip> the . students of the ety)'"will be made in American dolGerman University kexeare threaten- lars. John L. Bernstein, president of ' WitK" the heroes and idol$ cf a people of tjie k|n<\1 that y v prpven beyond, doubj, by the fact that ing *o'strike. . ^ r -p- % contribute tribute to "the common' gopd^ g6pc£ w^ must mijst be encouraget encourge *' ' '" - ^ 1% is frpm that'jsoantryxthat* the Hias, received a cablegram ani TICKEF3 ON SALE AT THE BOX OFM.CE the estate of ieadership' in^spiHtiial spiry|ce i§ no,£ iiffQ^.Semitjc propaganda Ji^ra^ture is be- They announce- tfraA^tfiey are op- nouncing that the Polish government posed to studying under non-German had conceded to the Hias offices in materialisin. If a vote could ~&e phtaine^ "frpm pur whpje ing frrwljriled to other "countries. teachers and they-^ Hemabfo 4hat all Poland the right of paying the remitwith each of us informed of what the ptfefir "ha§ ^r\e} $efe"i$ such teachers be expelled-, < no 4°u>t |hat h^ wljp has been ftfe greatest sgryanj; WGUlct fee tances in American dollars. The caPraises Sanatorium In the ev^nt fhe tJniv<bsiiy senate blegram was signed by Adolph Held acclaimed gfeate^ pf • alj. ffhat j§ the ide * The welL known head? of the Unity refuse to meet their- demands, they European representative of the Hias, Metropolitan Opera Co. revere as long as the-nation regains great. ; Health Centre, Dr. George M. Price, declare they will interpret' that as and E. W. Lewin-Epstein, European tAaii fl«™ +«. ^^iirt^r ^han tfrat of gepyipg —~* writes in-a recent issue-of New York indicating the Senate prefers the representative of the remittance deWeekjy Justice "cpijcepriing the Jew-non-Germart professors -to the Ger- partment. ish Consumptives'"Sanatorium of Den- man students. V • FUMA HREENFIELD T FOR A : m ver: They warn the University authori- HOST PfiMSH PROFESSORS • • -"••• "^ S o p r a n o . •• . Governor Walton, of Oklahoma, in his struggle with the i FQR 3^U>IERUS CLAUSUS "JJere is an institution that i a s , ties too that in the event of any dish state,, |s | ijghting j g g the e battle of all* a rigjitmid gjitminde^ frpm a smal} begiriiiing nineteen years turbances the university" authorities Warsaw. {J. T. A. Correspondence.) Klan pf his gfp^jis. It is is a a ??|iruggle ip^jis It | i u l of f llaw and d order d versus terrpr and ag'p,, wij;h s few IJQU^TS contributed by wlil be held; responsible- "for their As already reported, M. Hadamar, violence, of gQvgpnmerit by "the majority versus frighfcfulness by tide participating physiqaps, grpwn to refusal \o satisfy the students' de- tf-e famous French, Professor of the a minority, and the outcome is of great concern to the Amer1 the largest Jgwieh sana|prium in the mands. Paris Institute de France, recently icaj| FRIDAY, OCTDBEB 12, 8:15 P. M. Unjted States, >vith fjne, beautiful, wrote a letter to M. Szerpinski, the fhpre, may fje gpmg whq will complain of Governor: Walton's Prices: $1.00, $2.00, ?3.00, plus tax. brjck buildings "with a capacity p PFP,fes.so.r of ^ e Warsaw University IHARGES GENERAL « extreme measures in resorting to martial law and in virtually for h9«3ipg CLAftDIO DELITA.LA, Local Manager. i 250 250patjents, tj i h its t own with jlsmjiunping the "Nuinerus Clauses." ' SPREAD FORD/ FICTIONbakery and farms, apd with a manAMQIfd. SOLDIERS Sfejrpinski's reply to Professor Hadafge^jept that js p,rpb.&b.}y the b.B5f in Vienna. (J. T.A,J Some of "the mar was pf an insulting nature. n Qklahfima was tantamount to rebellion, arid Jewjsh ^oldiers under the command of According tQ the "Ezeczpqspolita," TaltQn s duty to protect the government by all theT^country. s^natprjura is a model pf its General Ludenbacli are charging that Prof. Hadaniar had since writtep to djgppsaj. ' , ' The ne\y b.aJHIngsf ^reptec} lasij th.e Getjeral'is seeding to spread apti- Professor Bswnewicz about the jQr, whiph GQvernor Walton is putting into his reprpsent th,e latest pejentific "emilic nqispn through the Austrian «'Clausu,s." -The latter assured the sh the KJan will have a decided bearing tfri ttie outClothes at g Jn sanatoriiini. construe-: % The World's writer that he fuUy shared the views if jg n o t ^ easymatteij-to" light arve'nera/y affio and eauipment. Th,e surrpundjpg 1 ;he cpven of darkness. K requires tirayerV ^ S ! recrea'ftqn f enters,' * helior + tfl ^p ^9 what ^ a Governor" ernor Walt6nis Walton isdoing dofiig in a th.erapjiy b.jld,in^ and cot and the man.y cot-' ?¥hgre the js BftUtically so* strongly entrenched, and jtages present fjie"appearance of a litf l •-4P •f:€»'Sssi wkuff ?M? rff^1^ ^BPn TBP' ~? fiflly a]l the fprces at his command thai: he can 7 Qur people tje'eity; |n fapt, the wljqW jnstj^ipn —""rm? SftB9HgEfch'esgbands pf darkness and lawlessness. f^ b created td a separate municipal s firi4 Q wprm welcome and Thg 8St]pn Pf PpF^rnqr Walton should act as'an inspiririg i dd *te pqstof^jce vilexample to many, g, Sfete Executive wno contract a weakness in lage under the name of Sanatorium^ -'good service at ' * Colorado. o r o d. j p ^ b.^ the existence of fhe Klan is pf vi "The equipment and the facilities, , t» eyerj American, frhe factivities of theidart-a of the jsanatorium are the most com-; c 0 A33M l^}M ^ ° this-country; Thfeyda J>let{3 that I have seen in the many sanatoria in this country and abroad^ 52Q6 Center C Street S | ^ ^ g of all mankind revolves Walnut 18|0 which y have vistted. ~The spirit of e•• wctri|i value—No man wants the patient is very fine, the coroperar Thp issue is.np.w,feeing decided tipn witty the managenient sincere, g:c| J HP to get Jess tbapr..he pt^ys for—This store's idea} °- " ^ - behind this * the .'general ~ atmosphere a-holesome is for every man to get a]l thstt hfi. pays f«r— and salutary.- • — ^^»..epess.'vaf^e.---gqod measure va,lue ^t all - "Thjire; js ..no,, doubt t^'at f S ^ S p PEFU6BES t he foffuin is d£?tine<| tfl'b^ t Suspecting gg w y ARRESTED --W B^S^ARABIA held hx the 3Bth.»ri«es. Come, ^it u^ |h.o^ you how this idea of standard ne.f)| every. epcouragemenVand fssist : d b day b^nd^eis of refogees aps, • merchan^e. at lowest possible prices provides afjee from tjie" Jewis^ (ioinmunity ijq genfc across thp frpntisr; daily.-ye.u with ?e§! Y^lues in clothes of reliability— f](e"IInlted;St^>>>f/ '"^ " ' [ clothes (4 authentic style and of unsurpassed thous^|fd' J"gws* You pan .rent quality and lading satisfaction. ' across the'Dniestr used U | ^ |
• S
Diamonds, Watches Jewelry Novelties
Gpllstek Jewell Co;
1 Dorset's Chicken Shack |
tions in various countries banded toinB|runwmt» ai* rpliafele makes, guaranteed to be perfect ifHtfomnita • th§t ypu ^-oujd ^e pleased ta have in your home 01
We Also Have Several Hfah-Grade grands for Kent. Should youwish* to purchail later, we will apply six months' rent upaaany piano in ous stcs*. Apx «>f the following makes can ricesi ,Steinway,-HsFdman, JgftfCfr #: Sqn«, flmer$Qn, McP|iailt Linleman* «" ! lofe ? J | ^ros^ •Sfein^t, Story & Clark and our t t o f d dfmpljer *& Muwler Piano's,
tfi§ World
Over 70,000 sqpare feet of floor space now, the greatest daylight clothing establishmen in the rniddkrwest. A Fall and Winter display secon4 to none in America, from every standpoint awaits you heye today.
*&'?** *
" '
PAGE S-rTHE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, .OCTOBER 4, 1923 opening address. Dr. Singer gave a talk and farewell address.
The Hasheans -will hold their initiation Wednesday, October 3, sponsered by the Ivre Club. The initiates are Joe Boseriberg, Harold Shapiro, BiUie Kerchefsky, Leo Gerstein, Jack Marx, and Ben Zifldns.
A Sisterhood meeting will be held next Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 10, at the home of Mrs. Sam Snyder, SOQ Oakland Ave. Rabbi Propper will speak.
•srho are cosnipg to our aid." M. Lauder stresses in particular tHe need of restoring the possibilities of agricultural work in Fussia, of securing homes for the vast number of waifs and strays, and of providing' medical aid for the population.
They Elected also £our in Eperjes, twp Jiaschau.
•- : .'.-.•..•*
Ip. Grossevlju?, the Jewish ticket received the largest vote. Eleven Jewish deputies were, chosen there." "Thirteen of the _Jewish' nominees were chosen in Muncacs, 6 in Prestan, 1 in Teplitz/ and 1 in Leitmelitz.
, transfer of all irnpprtant/posts to 'na'tibsss, reduction of the officials' pay, discontinuance pf subaidles to loyal sheflcs, cancellatioii of the Idebt standing against the cultivatprs-f or non-payment since 101S of the tithe,'' " "The tribesmen's leaders regarded the Parliament and tax-reduction as paramount and "•Abdullah's yielding these two points is looked upon as a capitulation. The Emir scored, however,'in'having theTebels' chief either «Seg0jte4 or flee the cpountry as the head of the Belka tribe has done.
A Ladies Auxiliary'of the Talmud 3ATHOLICS OPPOSE SPEEDING Miss Mae Shapiro is visiting in Torah was organized last Sunday MONEY FOB J E ^ S H CONTESTS ABDULLAH GRANTS Omaha and Sioux City, afternoon at the synagogue when Berlin. fJ.'T. A.)—Jews who desire REBELS* DEMANDS to life by Rabbi Propper, the new Cheder to znake easy their Jerusalem. (J. T. JL) Seduction.cf The Sisterhood will have the second teacher, spoke. Over thirty ladies have adopting Christianity 55*111 no longer t the home of Mrs. be abjs to do BO, if a increment taation and the convoking of a Paralready joined. Cohn. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Singer Started by & Catholic faction in Kiel liament, two of the principal demands put forw-ard by the .rebels, have tieen Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack refcnraed s successful. BEBGEE—WHITE ENGAGEMENTS. ! will give a musical program. This group is opposing the collec- acceded to by Emir Abdullah, 'head of One of the first weddings to be. Mr. and I^rs. Jsaac Kahn, 2015 The Fydanthian Club held the first home last week from Colorado. tion of money by ike Konslstorium the Transioydania Government, fol-; announced to take place in the month hernia^ Avenue, announce the en- meeting pf the year Wednesday, SepMrs. Ben Harding is recovering at for a Jewish mission. ' You can't de- lowing the restoration of order after' of Octoner is that of Miss Base gagement; of their daughter, Carrie, tember 2j?, at the home of Miss Ber- her home from her recent operation. Jadajize a raan 3»F religion, as Jew- the insurrection of last week culmiWhite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to Mr. Sam Alperson,' spn of Mr. nice Diamond. Plans for the cpjnnating in considerable loss ^of life. Mr. Sam Freiden is confined $0 his ishness is more than faith, tli,ey conHarry White, to Mr. George Xin- and Mrs. Jj-hn Alperson. of Omaha. fng year were discussed. A weiler The tribesmen's demands included tend, and a baptized Jew remains A very novel way for you coln Berger. of Los Angeles, Calif. The date f-f the wedding has not roast will be giwn- Wednesday, Oct. home on account of illness. the establishment of a system of pppone, "intersally". to profit and at the same The wedaiiig will taks place Sunday been set. ular representationthe expulsion of 3, for 'the new girls attending the time assist in the upbuild-? A regular meeting of the Mogen evening, October 14, at the home of ing of Palestine. Your University of Nebraska. The social David Young Judaean Club will be money will bring: you the the briac s parents. Rabbi I. M. MT. and Mrs. Henry Miller arrived committee is composed of the Misses held next Sunday afternjopn at 2:00 cured asnvthn-r.../ r-ETAOI ETA O highest, rate of interest in Charlop wili officiate. A reception Sunday frqjn California and will be Maxine Frosh and Elsie Poska. JEWS §COEE HEAVILY IX o'clock at the synagogue. Election of a most safest securitv. for about two hundrea. and fifty at th,e B.l^ckstone Hotel fpr several PZECHQ-5LOVAE SECTfCNS Write Box M. D., c/o officers. IDA I. FEEirEN, Prop. Mr. Milton Bosenbaum left for Los guests will follow the ctlemony. months. Thy will be at home Sunday Prague.—(J. T. A ) More than 40 Jewish Press. A special meeting of the JB'nai Jewish deputies were elected to the afternoon at the home of their Angeles, Calif., where he will make Kabbi Frederick Cohn's Friday even- daughter^ Mrs. Selwyn Jacobs, and his future home. Mr. Bosenbaum is B'rith was held Wednesday evening at municipalities throughout the Czcchoa member of the Zeta Beta Tau Fra- the synagogue to raise funds for the Slovakian Republic, the -results of the ing's, October 5, subject at the Temple Mr. Jacobs. Sll South 16th Stieet ternity.. flood sufferers. Israel will be "Israel's Coronation," elections just made known disclose. Phone Atlantic 8010. Miss Rosalie G. Mendel, who has 0. and on Saturday morning, October. The "Jewish ticket" polled an :unSOVJET WELCOMES FOBEIGN his subject will be "In the Beginning." been the guest of Mrs. $fate Mantel precedented large vote, ranking AUDITING AND INCOME Open Evenings. AIP JS SPSSIA eighth in. the list of fourteen parties. for the past three weeks, expects to Paris. (J. T. A Cprrespondence.) In Prague itself, hitherto representTAX REPORTS Mr. and Mrs/Edward Solomon have leave the latter part of the week for Rabbi Isadore Isaacson returned Mr. Grinberg, representative pf the Only Jewish Florist in town. as their guest Mrs. Martin Solomon, her home in Chicago, J1L last week from a short visit in New Jewish Wprld Belief dunferenc©, has ed by only one Jewish deputy, frsro 2fi& Karbach Blk. Atlantic 10?l of Chicago, 111. WEDDING BOUQUETS. were chosen, Dpctors Singer and KavYork City. Miss Ruth Brodkey has as her recpived a Jetter f rpm M. Lander, rep- kgu The Jews in Prague polled a vote Miss Molly Priesman, of San Fran- house guest, Miss Donna Seff, of resentat ive pf the Soviet gpvernjnent! of 8551. Casting 3423 soies in PressThe Mt. Sinai Temple SL^terhood cisco, Calif., who is visiting here wiffi Sioux City, "la., who has been visit- held a card parly at the Temple So- for affairs relating |tj tha Fprelgn Ber burg, the Jews obtained four seats.; . her cousin, Miss Blanch Altaian, is ing here for several weeks. A num- cial Center last Monday evening. lief organizations, in which, he ¥frites: being extensively, entertained while ber of social affairs have been given f'There should be no doubt whathere. Miss Rose Grueskin, daughter o: ever about the ffuesticn i3js$ Russia i for the visitor. Mr. and Mrs. G. Grueskin, has been The Ra Oth Society were entertained Miss Edith Speeder js expected to entertained at many social affairs dur in need of assistance. I must emlast S,und^y by the Misses Dora and return home this week from Burke ing the past week. She will be married phasize that notwithstanding the facte that the Government is now liquidatRae Wolowitz at their home. The Burnett, Tex., where she has been October $ to Mr. David Biyin. MQW" ing the Committtee fpr combatti Misses Bertha Heiz, of New "5for£ visiting with her sister, Mrs. Louis IUS So. ESih S t . Utf «SS3" City, and Louise Schqnberger, pf Chi- Fried "far the past The Maccabean "Chapter of Young the effects of the famine, the country St. ol months. ATlasflr cago, 111., were the honor guests. Judaea held their regular business has by np means yet recovered from Mesdames- IL""Kasenfelc}t? Louis meeting lass Wednesday evening a the famine and economic depriation. Prices were won by the Mescjames The Government is taking Jjgr MaxFrqmkin, J, A. Solomon and the Hiller, and Fred' Kosenstock will be the pommunitY' Center. measures to heal the, wounds of the Misses Flora Bienstqck, j> o r a Wolo- in charge of the. Cafeterja Supper tq The Hebrew Ladies' Friendship So country, but? the want is so great, that be given by the Templo Israel Sisterwitz and Bertha Leon. CLARENCE DESDUNES hood Wednesday at* six o'clock at ciety gave a card party and ah in the means at the State's disposal can formal program last Tuesday evening in no way suffice, and we welcome Conpert""Violinigt and Teacher M,rs. L. Wolf sqiiV of Miami, Fla., if Temple Israel. at the Company Center. therefore the foreign organisations gtndlp: Hawkin's B5dir,212S > C 24th St. expected to arrive tq visit here with '3?lione. TTrtster "«25. h^r gon.Jtfr. O. P. Wolf son, an$ Mrs. Miss Mirraette Bjodkey, of San OSce .JIoiu-s. 3:30 to C. TIollirV«"fS apd cases tor sale. Mrs. M. Bl^nk entertained at a Francisco, Calif., is the guest here WolfsonT luncheon at the Msrtiji Hpte Has of Mrs. M. Brodkey. The i>5t meeting pf the year of the Wednesday complimentary to Misj Over sixty members of ^he Temple Rebecca Courshon, whose-marriage t Council of Jewish Women-will be Chiropodist sa4 GoldstrPin UphpJsteiisg Co. the last-Monday in October at the Israel Sisterhfipd attended the first Sam Greenstone will be an event jn Upholsterin|! a»^ Fprsiture EepairEBJablished IS8 Jewish Community Center. Mesdames luncheon this season Monday at one the near future. Other honored guests ir.th and IUMWT "StwU. " ing."' Mattresses ppnpvatpd. Give us s ehano* -t»-apMpi Spring&i" J. B. Katz and M. S. Miller will be in o'clock a t the B,urgess-Nash Tea were Mrs. Katie Weinberg of Omaha, oredate yonr bnstness. For 41-Iantic 2S19 Sjs» Sorth ICQi St. charge pi the programs for the year- rooms. Mesdames N. Mantel and Mrs. B. Uufleld of York City, appointments «stt J « . - f l 4 SPECIAL THIS TVEEF—Mattresses Cora Wolf were chosen the delegates •Eenovafed ts-iCh New Ticfe 36.59 and. Mrs. E. B.arish tf Cedar Rapids, Miss Molly Nita entertained eight for the tri-statp 'Sisterhood ConveuIowa. couples atTier "home Sunday evening, honoring—ir»e twentieth birthday of fcJRaJaKbei b?ld W_P?PSfnb.er at Da- ' Mr." Nathan Herzoff .gave a violin her brother, Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Nit? The Sisterfcqqd Sewings for the recital last Tuesday evening at the presented their son with a gold Bazaar will ne. held-at the. Temple High Sahool Auditorium. He" was aswatch. . sisted by Mrs. Paul MacCoolin, soevery Friday- ' . pranq, and Mr. Curtis Snqvf, at the Miss Sylvia Fox'will entertain forty Miss Lottie Hirschtjerg entertained pianp. couples at a dancing party Tuesday evening, Qptober. 9, at the Hanscom thirty guests at h,er home Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Irving Warshaw, of Park. Pavilion; honoring Miss Bertha evening at bridge followed by a buf- 258'Riverside Drive, New York City, fet supper in honor of Miss Bertha Hsfei flf ?jV£ Tffifc pity. Heiz, of New York City, and M'ss announce the birth of a baby daughter Miss MaudieTSwartz, of Des Moines, Lorjise Schanbergfir, pf Chipago, 111. on September*f& Mrs. Warshaw was Riamonfl & PlatmBm Specialists la., is here visaing with Miss Pparl Prizes were, won by Mrs. i£. Wein- formerly Miss Anna Raphael, of Siqux Est. 1834Ja. 5619 Swartz. stein, Mrs. T. Kaplan, and the Misses City, Ial A meeting of the Patikvph. Girls Esther Zalk and Flora Bienstock. ^ fegdy binlt of steel—% -will "be held at the Jewish Commuppgjnel—^upholstered I?i genuine At nine-thirty, o'clock this Saturnity Center Sunday, October 7. AU members who have tickets for the Zi- day morning, October 6, at tie. thgt is scad &t a prfce. $B$FQaching', omii Bail "are requested" to. turn them Temple Israel, 3. class fqr a^vance^ car cost^ pupils who desire Hebrew instruction in fjt fbis meetingwill be started. At tei^ o'<clock classes c§r tiiat will go f Miss Helen Levinson returned last classes of ^ebreV |or beginners will W^ff-SQ—th&t will stapd! Friday frpm. Indianapolis, In,d., wherf be started. These classes will he l^mp liani usage. she £a.d. been visiting with relatives held eyery Saturday ^ornjng at the for tKe past several months. She has Temple. ^ cpir fLt$rac$vely dedgf^i, witfi new*" now'entered in her first" year at the fype spi-jngs that notably ^ p r o y e the Mrs. MJrel p^Vgoff ^ril.ved Sunday "University of Omaham.qrnjnp; f rpm 3^u§sia ^n4 is now with, ficUi^g qualities—new oosives^enoss ^»^. Miss Xoflise Schpnl>erger and her her sqn, i j r . IJgrry, ff|plgoff and famp fittings—new beauty and comfort. h l&rs. l& Y. Y Schonberger, S h b e r g e r of of Chi i| "^rs. "^ ^ l SS jjs'a.lsa'fh.e 'l'fh th mother mother, Chi- i|y. h i ^ and M.rs. H. cago, HI., who, have been visiting with A C3j: that has made closed car owner-Mr. and M?s. jVBerkqwitz, left fox §flip practical and desirable for everyone. Des Moines, la., yesterday before re^fo fatness and faniyy ^ ***- *^ Mr. Bert Stanley,- of New~l?ork turning to their home. City, is visiting here" with Mr. Sam pndjdty. • Mr. Louis Somberg, who is attend- Kluver." . ' " ' " "**' ing the: "University of Nebraska at Mr. Ben Klaver is at the Wise, Lincpln, will wil spend p n fte week-end here Memorial Ilqspjtal, ^ he- was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 4 . Somberg. Mr. Gundell Goldansky,_ of operated on Appendicitis. Denver, Colo., who is also attending Among the many affairs given for, the Nebraska University, will accorrir Mrs. * Joe Kay^of Bgrke^ey," Calif., pany Mr. Somberg who, i^ vi^^?? })& *% s ^ V$P ^"^S $ ? The Jewisli.Culture League held its" hostesses ^ p ff^ regular ' m^^ i ngg * Sunday*' regu * September was Mrs. Hen^y Mjmsky, ytho ente:j> C i t C t tained Monday, '-evening, at her home. 30, at the Jewish Community Center. The social • program consisted of a Mrs. L. Krpiaff, of" PQuncil Bluffs^ mandolin sola by Mr. J. Stoler, ac- entertained Monday afternoon at f companied .by Miss Beulaa Cahn. Mr. "fe8^t?& BSkrty/i an.d[ Mrs. R. KulaJoe Radnovsky read several stories by, kofsky will entertain this evenirjg "Peretz." Mr. J, B.elmont gave a vioT honoring"thfc ^sitpr" lin sqto, t Bccoinpaniea i a l>y Miss Lffiiarj Robinson. Miss Sara Levine rendered a pisnV'solo. - A duet' was rendere^ by Mr. Selrrurat on, #»S violin, Mr, Mr. Melvin Schlesinger, formerly Stoler l oh~the~ h~th~mandolin, adoli accompanied of '"Lincoln^ is' visiting'liis sister, Mrs, by Miss.?Lillian Robinson on the piano. Herjry. H C ^^ hii on his way. t The regular- f e t i n g -o± the* 4us T qn. s, "buying tqn, '. iiiary of the ffw* W&k schemed Mr?. ^n^er's^eirieT', uio.ther of for for Thursday, h y , O.ctpber 18, has Mrs.* Jacob 'Singer,- v> ia. Lincoln, to pqstpongd. "bec^pse of the initiation, '" ^g her daughter/ Mrs. Singer' wilf the members of>e" B/aaiB'rith. Th? a,ye'"in a "few v?eei|»Ibi Chicago^ Auxiliary was extended" th(| invitatiqrj Hi, where. sh"B -will jnaket her to. attend. Watch-The Jewish Press for. all an; - 33ie -Hebrew Educational ••Society nouncements concerning pur iqeetings, h,ejd \t4 Opening meeting Sunday,r Sepfember'30. _ and activities. The Menorah.'Club opened the first Mrs. *Mo'rris Levy and Mr. and meeting, Q | t^.g year in ,the Temple Mrs. ^William L. Holzrnan- and §«,, Max, nave moved into tiie Blackstone Bufldiitg Sunday. Miss Lillian MarT BoteL "•" . : • .- '.
Cut Flowers
Jewelrf at I k right fPQe, i Malasbock Jcwelir Co.
To Attend the
Given tjy Zionist District of
Sunday Oct. 7
Player Pmnp to he given £|way to l^ueky Persqn; P i ^ o obtmned from Purgess-Na§h Co. a^t w h o l e s a l e price. *
the Republic of Czeeho-Slcvakia, will 90 FAMILIES HOMELESS AS FIRE &WEEFS POLISH TOWN have'*o; elect^ on-October 22'new- depaties ;to« the Czecho-Siovakian Cham- Warsaw. (J- T. A.) The township ber, and • f otir' senators. '• The.; Jewish Chodecz, in, the Kalish district, was Party" shopes it will succeed in electing swept by fixe in which 1S4 homes were destroyed. Ninety Jewish families are Martinelli, who is to sing at the one Jewish deputy. City Auditorium on October 12, under Under the electoral law, the total homeless. the management of Claudio Delitala, number of votes obtained by a party! is the leading tenor of the Metropoli- in the Parliamentary elections are not FASCISMO SPREADS tan Opera Company and justly called added up for the purpose of deterTO PALESTINE Successor to Caruso. He-will be as- mining, the number of representatives Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A branch of sisted here by Flora Greenfield, one to which the party is entitled unless the Mussolini Fascismo has been esof the besf American sopranos. the party succeeds in at least one conMartinelli's musical career was very stituency by means of direct election. tablished in the Italian colony of Jerurapid.' After his debut at Milan, Italy, Because the Jews have not yet re- salem, headed by Dr. Nondni. It is expected that a branch will also sbme'twelve years ago, he becamefa- turned a direct representative, they be launched in Haifa in the near fuhave been unable to obtain their proture. •*•' portional representation, which on the total number of votes cast for their candidates would entitle them to five deputies and three senators. . Carpatho-Russia, the only province in Czecho-Slovakia with a Jewish mass population, did not vote in the last TO AND FROM election.
Sir Alfred Mond in America to Speak for Keren Hayesod |
acteristic of a Zionist of the type of By DR. ISAAC GOLD. The visit of Sir Alfred-Mond to Schmarya Levine .and Ghaim • Weizthe United States brings to this .coun- mann than of one of the so-called* try one of the outstanding figures in "Balfour Zionists," who sprang " up the industrial and political. .life - of with such great profusion after the _,' Great Britain and one who* possesses famous declaration. Has Confidence in Zionism. a peculiar interest to,Jews not,only because he is a Jew himself,,riot only It is true, of course, that the perbecause he has been an object* of'bit- sonal relations between Sir Alfred ter attack and innuendo by the Eng- Mond and Dr. Weizmann are very inlish anti-Semites, but even more be- timate, and, no doubt, the "mysterious cause of his active' and generous and-hypnotizing Chaim," as a portion espousal of the Palestine movement. of the .British press' once referred toSir Alfred is to work-here in»the in- Dr. Weizmann, must have exercised terest of the Keren Hayesod,-to which his spell upon the British statesmen; he is himself one" of the largest con- but unless we actually believe in ALL PARTS OF' tributors. ~" ~~ "~ magic, we cannot in the pressence of THE WORLD . •THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. Sir Alfred Mond was a-member of Sir Alfred's emotional reaction to Zionism classify him as a Declaration •Wholesale paper Lloyd George's war cabinet at the distributors for VAL J. FETEE& COMPANY time the Balfour Declaration"was_is- Zionist. "The world has been governed byideas," Sir Alfred declares, ISO? Howard S t , Omaha, Neb. --.. sued, and it is easyito'assume .. Northern, Toilet Tissue ATIaatie 6340. his. interest in a Jewish Palestine ''and ideas have been the most potent 1112 Haniey Street : factors of human progress." AT-lantic 6409 SpTang'from his loyalty to the interests of Great Britain and to'the comSir Alfred's faith in the destiny, of mitments of the government "of which the Jewish people goes hand in hand he was a member.. A certain._amount with-complete confidence in the pracPAXT0N-MITCHELL. CO.. ITEM of plausibility for this rather cynical ticibility of the Zionist enterprise.. Sir 27th; and Martha Sts. ' KA. 1662 BISCUIT CO. Manufacturers : of Brans. Bronze, assumption is supplied .by the fact Alfred is primarily a man of practiAluminum and Soft Gray Iron Castings, that Sir Alfred's name became linked cal affairs and of large affairs. He You are assured of soft castings,. aa Snow White we machine some from erery heat in with Zionism only after, it-had be- has had a very successful business caour own shop. Bakeries come a part of British policy. Standard size cast iron and bronze reer and is identified with one of the , O. S. rut. bustlings In stock. GfBoe.) most important chemical industries His Jewish Patriotism. in Great Britain. He is, moreover, The facts, however.'as'they become revealed from an acquaintance with generally recognized as one of the Carpenter P&per Co. Emerson Laundry Sir Alfred's views and: sentiments, most important factors in the politics Distributors of of the British Empire, being one of F. S. MOEEI. Prop. prove beyond the shadow of a doubt tthe n e principal leaders of the National Western Bond—^and High mous, and Puccini selected him for the Phone Webster 0820 that his espousal of thecause of Jewprincipal 1 SIR ALFRED MOND, M. P. Grade Stationery "As some of you may hero of his opera,. "The Girl "of the THE LAUNDRY THAT ish revival in Palestine cannot be ex- Liberal party, sentee Zionist in what concerns Pal- ATTACK PASSENGERS . Omalua. Nebraska. know, I have spent a considerable EVERYBODY LIKES. Golden-West." • From there onMarplained by anything so fortuitous as •••;:WHO LOOK JEWISH estine, nor is he aloof and vicarious 'the issuance of a government declar- part of my life in a not unsuccessful in what concerns -the affairs of the Burliarest. (JJ: T. A.) A train tinelli sang all over Italy, Monte Caration. For it is only .necessary to business career, and so, perhaps, my movement outside of Palestine. He traveling between Jasey and Pascari lo and the Convent Garden in London. mm . read of his utterances; on the sub- opinion may count," he said in an makes frequent addresses at Zionist was fetbpped by Fascisti and all pas- Gatti Casazza found Mm and engaged JOHN FELDMAN fos. Pepper. ject, especially the addresses which address which he delivered on Feb- meetings. He is at the Tieead of the sengers of Jewish "appearance were him for the Metropolitan where he has W. C. O», Secretary. Shoes and Gent's Furnishings ' he delivered in Palestine when he vis- ruary 25, 1922, at Oxford University. British Economic Council for Pales- brutally beaten. The train crew made been singing for several seasons with Featuring Emerson und Omaha. Fixture & It seems, therefore, that when Sir increased success. He is very popuDunlap Shoes—S5 to $12. ited that country together with- Dr no attempt to shieid the passengers. tine. He is at the head of the Keren WCl.1i BKESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS Weizmann, in the spring of 1921, to Alfred's latent Jewish sentiment was Hayesod in Great Britain. .He has . Among those ' attacked was an lar with the American public on acfor sale or rent. Supply Co. Phone JA. S12S 108 North 16th St. _; be convinced that his interest is. due transformed into active enthusiasm given $100,000 to the Jewish National English Jew who has been the matter count of his wonderful voice and COMPLETE STORE ANB by the British espousal of the Zionist charming personality. more to Jewish than to British patFund alone. His Zionist interests ex- up with the English Embassy here. OFFICE OUTFITTERS . He is now engaged In a concert tour riotism. It is not possible for a'man cause, he refused to permit his emo- tend also to other lands. * Oh the ocWe occupy 6TCT TC.OOO CQISSIC fte£ on the Pacific Coast. He will be asto reveal so profound an understand- tions to bind him to the question of casion of the National Keren HayeSentbvcst Center sisted by Flora Greenfield, soprano. . ing, not only of the rnaterial and whether the enterprise had any pros- sod Conference, which "was held in MUSSOLINI REMOVES Eierrotb and ftensria* Streets. Martinelli while here will take part J7WISH APPOINTEE TO practicable implications of the Jew- pects of success. It was in order to New York two years ago, Sir Alfred Phoaitt JscbaoD S724 OMAHA. JSTEB. • . PLA"CATE POPE in the celebration of the Columbus ish Palestinian enterprise, but also of answer this question for himself that sent the following cable addressed to Rome. ((J. T. A-) Ludoviki Mor Day planned by the local Italian Soits cultural and spiritual significance, he decided to visit Palestine and bring Samuel Untermyer: "The upbuilding -and to retract to the latter jvith such to bear on the situation his' ripe judg- of the Jewish National, Home in Pal- tara, president of the Central Court cieties. He will ride in the parade " a fine fervor, unless his mind had for ment and experience. estine demands unprecedented effort. f Justice, ,has resigned1 in favor o with Mayor Dahlman and the Italian many years been nurtured .in a Jewish Palestine—?A Cafeket of Jewels." American Jewry is once more called Comjnodore Damelio Mariano, a Consul. background. . • With regard to the country as a upon to sho'ulder a large' part. Wish atholic appointea oif Premier 'Every.'Known Band Take, for example, the following whole, Sir .Alfred returned with the Zionist leaders 'and Keren Hayesod o l i n i . . ' ~• JEWS IN CARPATHO-RUSSIA of Insurance from an article that Sir Alfred pub- conviction that it is "a casket of jew- conference good luck." According to newspaper comments HOPE TO ELECT DEPUTY 209 Wi.b. W. Bldg. "JA. 3944. JAckson 1862 lished in the Quiver. The; article els," to' .use' his own expression, "« Prague. (J. T. A.) The population In connection /withthe current dis- Mu'ssijlini took this step in order tc contains Sir Alfred's impressions' of glorious estate which has been le cussion on the expansion of the Jew- ibtain a reconciliation with papacy. of the province of Carpatho-Russia, in the visit to Palestine mentioned above. down by centuries of gross neglect." | i s h Agency, the name of Sir Alfred After giving these impressions he Te- '.'I. found Palestine," he says, /Very 'ond naturally suggests itself as that "Let Us Move You" WASH AND KEEP WELL fers to the Balfour Declaration1" and much of a Mediterranean rather than M of an ideal candidate for this body. A RULE OF HEALTH --.then proceeds as follows: an Eastern country. It reminded me Distinguished as his merits and qual"Is it not indeed a great idea the. a good deal more of Sicily and of the ifications are, there is no doubt that Operated by FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY consummation and fruition of which South of Spain than of Algiers, which there are others equally, qualified for 1813 California Street. •we are witnessing in wonder -and I know. It is a -white man's coun- this high post both in England and in ATIastic 0230 JAcksott 43SS amazement today, an idea which the try.'! the United States. It will'no doubt sword and fire, dungeon- and persecuWith regard to Jewish prospects in tion have been powerless to kill? Palestine, Sir Alfred "came away -with mark a long step in the progress of - "What is called Zionism is.the oldest a double faith: a faith in the ability the cause if Sir Alfred's present visit EFFICIENT end RESPONSIBLE nationalist movement in the world. of Palestine to respond to Jewish en- to^the-United-'States should lead* to LAUKDEY. WHOLESAUS the-entry of American 'Jews of his Where your clothes come home Put side by side with' Mr. Balfo'ur's ergy and a faith in the readiness and owrr caliber into the active affairs of Druggists and Stationers cleaner and last lonsrer. famous declaration, the declaration of ability of the Jewish-people to restore ATlantSc 0280. 1507-11 Jackson 8t. 401-403-489 South 10th Street two other great men, Amos and Isa- the ancient fertility of the country. the*-movement. Jews 'generally; will welcome him to this country," for they H. A. JACOBBEEGEE, Pres. iah, to-with: He summarizes his first conclusion as •willregard his'loyalty.'and service to follows: "I think nobody will dispute the cause of Palestine'as an important Quotes Amos and Isaiah. "Here is the declaration of Amas:- the proposition that Jewish effort in earnest of the-success,of this^the par'I will bring again the captivity of Palestine in, til® past—which it is amount Jewish hope and enterprise. Certified' Public Accountants my people Israel, and they shall build open to everybody'to study on the Audits ' Systems • the waste cities, and inhabit them; spot—demonstrate the possibility of Investigations g and they shall plant vineyards,: and the Jewish people to, return- to agri454 to 440 Peters' Trnfet drink the wine thereof; they shall cultural pursuits, as they, have there Phones, Jackson 4313, 4314. also make gardens and eat the fruit successfully created, under the most Omaha Office: 613 Dottslas Street. Omaha Phone Atlantic S556 of them. And I will plant them upon unpromising and difficult- circumstances and out of territory of a most their land, and they shall no more be Ford Transfer & Storage Co. y ,not . have your rugs forbidding appearance, flourishing R.. A. FOEI>. plucked up out of their land which I and' remunerative agricultural enter.cleaned-so. that your new home . President and General Manaser. have given them, said the Lord.' Con noli Bluffs (Iowa) Office prises. There is no new experiment •.will-.look.-bright-and fresh? "Isaiah sounds the same hopeful of a hypothetical character which is iWe.wilh.call for-them at'your TOO So. Main Street. Fhone 80S. 'One of America's Great Hotels" note: "The Lord shall comfqrt-Zion; being tried there, but the develop- -,ojd^addre£s?and deliver them to He shall comfort all herwast'e places; ment of work which has been going ' / Just .when you want and He will make her wilderness like on now for two generations and the ••tliem Sif;-yoyi[yril\ allow us four Eden, and her desert like the. garden results of which are well known." sor-ftye.-rdays'- time, r . * --" •'t of the Lord; joy and gladness shall OCK TREATMENT WILL CONVINCE yOC OF OCR .As for Jewish,readiness to labor '•' We^'guarantee .* you ^will«, be debe found therein.' " ^ • COUNCIL BX.OFFS, IA. SENCEBITE. „ "The .amazing thing is that these ;and sacrifice, he reports the .follow- -.lighted -with" the \result, and if.', Trust Department. Service is Our MottoT Safety Deposit Boxes. ^ ' " n o t '.pay one' cent.statements, written more than- two ing: Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. "Large numbers of Jews from many •^for the.work.- If you are satisand,a half thousand years ago, about fied;, pay;, is 5 , cents per square • this very land -we are discussing,- are; parts of the world are entering Pal• as I have already said, today well estine to assist in its economic devel- | foot', for."dpniestics and 8 cents for : Orientals. This includes • within the sphere of practical poli- opment, and this movement will intics. These prophecies of Amos and crease. I saw. young men and women, dusting.V-scrubbing, sterilizing, •'Slanufactured in Omalia" Isaiah, two great Jewish poets and many of whom have had a university , steaming", and resizing.. They BUTTER and-.EGGS statesmen—the . two , vocations were education, sons and daughters of famwill be-just,-as nice as-new.-~* BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. ilies that, before the vast upheaval* of seldom found apart in ancient days— Council Bluffs, la. .' Every afternoon and .evening may easily be realized literally in Pal- the war and the Russian revolution, ihik week .'those who -visit the . estine in the course, of the next 20. were in comfortable circumstances, Carnival' are-invited ~to' witness living under canvas and doing navy years. I actually saw the wilderness ' a-demonstration of rug cleaning ; -'" • like Eden and the desert turned into a work on the roads and railways; cheer- [ at' bur"1 plant.. Entrance just in" , garde,n. I saw waste cities being re- ful, well organized, capable, singing by ; side" of the Carnival grounds to < built and vineyards clothing the and laughing, and filled with a proht.' Stop, and, see us. . UNCLE SAM BREAKFAST found Belief in. the future of the land '.the .mountainsides.",'. FOOD CO. It will uot.be denied that a man, of their fathers. Such a sight was to t MSBBASKA. r1 ,'/ • who regards Zionism merely as a prac- me a'cause of profound hope." : /• tical administrative - problem .created _Sir Alfred's love for Palestine is not Oiaalia, Nebraska. platonic sort which "Good" Cleaners and " by.the adoption of,a'certain' govern- of that aloof and p Phone AT lantie 1770. 18th and Howard Sts. COFFEE - - ment .policy, w "V»t iik-# *ta.invoke cljWacterizes s6;,many of the neo-Jbvs of Zrion^whdse interest instead rof ; Amos and^JsaW-in 'discussing "tftk DEALEBS—Kere is an opporiumity to make :.A0Y0-J£LL .. ADVO FOODS 15i5 Jones-St; ,- - AT 4383 .•nmhlfttn. Stfdi an .appeal to^ancienf Expressing itself in deeds, finft vent'in I money. Connect -with us for terms. fjecy,coupled coupled —South Side-7- ;»j""-**~»y prophecy, as as it it obvi- complaints- against the organization,} passionate •faithfaith* in its- which; they say,'is'trying to AH prices f. e. k'loufng - *" ^ '24tb anV L Sts.'. -_:• ».. :,< 'nnth an nnccinnntp AIA 1283
With Milk
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•Are;You Going :'i to Move?
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char- lize Palestine. Sir Alfred is no ab-