Accept : IJO substitute; for hard work—there Is nothing: "just * as
-. #re made by ,jpeGple wlio stick-tQ the t>eatea path.
BB eecoBd-daBB mall matter oa Jancary 27tb. 1321. et at Omaha, Nebraska, ttnder the Act ol Hwreb 8. XB39.
lostail Chapter No. 3 g Rapidly. New Cfcagt^cs to be
Stag Social at Home of Morris Milder Transformed Into Meeting for Federation Appeal.
M. TAXMAN OF KANSAS CITY, A VISITOR, SUBSCRIBES $1,500. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Milder entertained at their -home last Saturday evening about.forty invited guests," representing many of Omaha's leading Jewish business and professional men. Such was the character of the assembly, that Joe L. Wolf,, chairman1 of the Finance Committee of the Jewish Welfare Federation, who was one-of the guests, thought it a most opportune time-to present the message of that institution which is so close to the hearts of our Omaha Jews. The suggestion of this thought, privately communicated to several of the members of the Executive Committee, resulted in what may well be termed: An Historic Event in the History of the FederationHarry Wolf arose in the midst of the • dinner, requested permission of the host, which was cheerfully granted, and proceeded to challenge all present to a serious consideration of •the problems of the xjomnumity, with particular stress on the work and activities of the Jewish Welfare Federation.
OMAHA, N ^ R A ^ K A , THURSDAT, MARCH 6, 1924
- The Order of AlepK Zadi Aleph will install ChapterNq. S at Lincoln, Nebr., Sunday, March 9, jat 2 p. m. The installation will be:in charge of the degree "team of Omaha .Chapter No. 1, coasistfcg'bf ^Meyer Freeman, \ who will give' i i e president's, lecture; Lester Lapidss, "who mil afiinMster the oath sad-obligation; Harry Pried and Sidney 'ISchiHer, who jwill act as conductors, sad Abe Babior, Harry Wise, Leonard Hennan,_ Jerome Diamond, Harry; Sidman, Ben Bernstein and Max Givo^ pr«eeptors, who will each explain one" of the" seven principles of the oitFen X4ncoln ^Chapter No. 3 has twenty charter members who will be'initiated Sunday. The Advisory; Board of A. Z. A., consisting of Sam Beber," chairman, Harry H. LapidBS, Nathan Bernstein, j I. F. Goodman and Harry. Trastin, are planning to mike the trip to install the Lincoln chapter^ The initiates are planning a dance for the Omaha delegate on Saturday--night,' while. Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity wfll • entertain
JEWISH SHERIFF WELL PRESIDE OVER SLAN STRONGHOLD Baton Eouge, La.,,Feb. 27. ,{J. T. A.) A Jewish sheriff,- S. August Liepold, will preside over the destinies of Morehouse parish, the scene of masked mob murderers in 1922, which .were charged to the Ku Klux.- Stan. Sheriff Liepold was appointed toithe post" by Governor John M. Parker, succeeding Ered - Carpenter, Sheriff - of tee parish, during the' .investigation which followed the;> alleged outrages in 1922. Carpenter was suspended;. "when, the Governor found ids accounts;short for the second time within a month.
BETTER THAN" EVER IS PROM* BIGGER OF 85 ENTERTAINERS TO . < . ISE OMAHA PUBLIC. Omaha Hebrew Club Postpones Date of Celebration to Permit Y Members to Give Production.
Bigger and better than ever, the second annual Y. M. & T« W. H. A. Vaudeville and Revue will be given for one performance only at the Brandeis Theater on Sunday evening-, March SO. This date was made possible through the courtesy of the Omaha Hebrew Club, which had planned-an-anniversary celebra-AeMefe'It, Sajrs.-BaBard' tion to be given on March SO, but which has now-been postpones! until April 6. •....-. After three months of practice and rehearsing under tiy© Biaai B'rith Open Meeting Filled with direction of I. F. Goodman, Miss Dorothy Devere, Miss Cecelia ;. Capacity Crowd. Feiler and Mrs. B. K. Boasberg, the eigthy-five, young people in the show will be ready on March SOtii to give this community an. SAMUEL'fi. SCSAEFES MAKES evening of sheer delight and pleasure. LAST PUBLIC ADDRESS
Differing entirely from last year's show, which was the talk of the town "We must think success before we for many months, this year's procan achieve it.- All that is was first duction will be even more elaborate conceived in. thought. That is why we and colorful. From the tune the say of successful- man, he thinks curtain rises a t 8:15 until the very straight. The thinking of such men end of the show, for two and a half is ordered, .organized thinking'. We hours, there will be a rapid succesfind the proof of-this in the old ad- sion of songs, dances, chorus and age: Nothing succeeds like success." solo numbers, and many moments of These observations were ma'de dur- tense dramatic action. ing the course of an:address by BalThe first act will be novel fantasy ] a r d D m m } editor-m^chief of the Omawritten by Samtzel Schaefer, with **Xee,.-i*. the regular monthly meet- original melodies by Albert Finkel. "With the msglatipTi of the - ^ ^ B ! n a . WxS& T k u r s d a y ^ e n In this s e t forty boys and girls, all diapter, the Orfe- of Aleph Zadi
members of junior YMHA clubs, will dance their way into sing1 hearts of everyone vrho attends t h e
Though iimted for a, purely social jvening, challenged those present by performance. evening, this seeming" imposition upon lis contribution of $1,500.00, condiThe second act will consist o* the hospitality of Mr. Milder, and tioned upon certain increases, and the classical selections for two pianos, upon his guests -was most enthusi- Omaha Jews promptly met the condiplayed by Harry Bravirofi: and Albeit astically received. Mr. "Wolf empha- tion in accordance with their usual Finkel. sized the inadequacy of-the present :ustom. Next will follow the dramatic Federation Budget, and deplored the No little part of the success of the comedy playlet, •'"Thursday Evening"' althogether too low standard of giv- occasion was due to the painstaking by Christopher Morley, presented by ing -which prevails in Omaha., The interest and attention- of Mrs. Morris members of the Y dramatic class, genuineness of his appeal, the Milder, who was however, at the conunder the direction of Mrs. B. 3R« sincerity of conviction displayed in his clusion of the evening, aglow with Boasberg. The clever lines and presentation, took the entire assembly happiness, that she had the oppor&tions -in this playlet, which deals from the realm of reverie and enter- tunity • to play such part in the tainment-to an attitude of serious magnificent service to the Jewish mgrried life &nd mothers-in-laWj Aleph is looking-fprward to a, very ••. "There is nothing: new in this," said reflection upon the duty of every Jew Welfare Federation. are bound to delight. rapid growth.of'lfc,movement and Mr. Ihmn, Jtbut. we have only recently; to our community. The last act will be an oiiginal the installation of ether chapters im- gotten definitely hold of the truth of revue in three scenes contrasting -The Chairman of the Finance-Commediately," said S Beber. it. We; all know that the really sucpleasure in the olden days awl The present plans of the AlepHZadi cessful men have accomplished their mittee, Mr. Joe Wolf, seized upon BEBER. > pleasure day. • Plantation melodies, Aleph include i b e ioxmataoia of a Na- successes through constructive thinkthis - opportunity to-request and-reAbove Letter Lapidus, Aleph Godol tional Jewish fraternity £or boys bee, Tbossssni- New Members in This southern lullabies and darfcie dances. ceive pledges of co-operation from all ing, .but "we have only Campaign"—Selwyn. Jacobs. or president'of'the first Aleph Zadi those present-in the work i s - l i a s Aleph cEapfer." Below Sam\Beber, orMoney Needed Because "of More cabaret numbers to mate this 'big for its purpose €he emulataan of- the undertaken for the year 1924. Temple Israel Congregation are act, embracing' forty adults singei^ ganizer and chairman of ths advisory principles of Americanism and. Juda- tionin building our lives. Increased. Budget. He was- followed by Henry Monsky, ' "Even today we talk too much now holding & wide membership 3xive. committee of Aleph Zadi Aleph; ism. and dancers, a fitting climax to * who briefly, but effectively, made an Owing to the increased budget for 'about chance and opportunities They have set their gosl for one wonderful show. During t i e past "week, William L. though this was a willy nifly world. thousand new members- daring this appeal for the development of a jiew the Jewish Welfare Federation for All those who has seen the proButcher, of New-York, "who is exec- There is nothing" willy nilly about it. campaign. spirit of giving, for greater gen- 1924 which is approximately §60,000 duction in rehearsal are "unanimous utive chairman of boys* -week and who It is all the product of law; if it were erosity, for unselfish interest in the und"'for' the care of the additional Selwyn S. Jacobs is chairman in stating that this show will far was here as the guest of Louis Hfller, not, it would crumble and disappear. of Mr. problems of the community, for an institutions and the maintanance of drive, and he will be assisted exceed that of last year, and readers local chairman of National-Boys' " T h e laiw that rules is thought, and by this increased ' budget in Omaha, for the affiliated organizations the FedEabbi Frederick Cohn and Messrs. of- the "Jewish Press" are advispfi Week, held a conference with Sam our thinking,'if it I s to be effective, J. B. Kate, benevolent, charitable and other Jew- eration pledges must be paid Henry Eosenthal, Louis to make arrangements now to ish Social Work. Colt and Copeland Lose., Fight to Beber and a general, program -was must be built upon this law. Hiller, Sol Degen, Harry Eosenfeld, quarterly. adopted for A. Z. A. by the advisory Harry Lapidus, true to form, given "We must ask for increases in sub"If we think this way today and Dave Eosenstock and Herbert Arn- attend it. Retain Present 3 Per Cent board. The program is three-fold in that way tomorrow, shifting out stein, who are members of the board be Sunday evening The date to action at all times and under all scriptions from the members of the Provision ~ its nature, consisting of recreational, i March SO, for one performance only. thoughts as the winds shift, we cancircumstances, and quite disregarding Federation," said Joe L. Wolf, chairof the Temple. any proprieties of the occasion or the man of the finance committee today. TAKE VOTE ON CENSUS BASIS educational and character building ac- not expect anything but failure. No i Membership blanks can be obtained tivities. one will Imow where to find us; we effect, rose and demanded that the Letters have been' sent with request Frederick Cohn or any OF 1910. The taree "chapters of A. Z. A. now will not know where-to find ourselves. 1 appeal be met with something other for payment of pledges. of the congregation of Tem"When; we. once get; hold of the idea pi e than applause and that those present Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.)—The include Omaha Chapter No. 1, Kansas give there and then their answer to "We have lost several of our larger census of 1890 as a basis for com- City No. 2 and Lincoln No. 3. Sev- that only by constructive thinking can the call' of the Federation in tangible subscribers on account of death and putation of immigration quotas. was eral other communities have already we succeed, then we will also get hold Tlie following radio program form, and the host of the party, be- also several- have moved from the definitely rejected by the Senate Im- petitioned for membership and will of the idea that success is possible at the auspices of Temple Israel will cause of his profound interest in all city," said Joe .Wolf. ""These sub- migration Committee which - opened probably be-installed within the next any time and under all conditions if given Sunday night, March 0, at we will but set ourselves in line with that the Federation stands for, scriptions must be made up. The its hearing on the proposed changes month or two. o'clock, to be broadcasted from station "During the past week Omaha t h e l a w . • ' . . • ' " . . ' ' countenanced and encouraged, and it affiliated charitable organizations are in the present immigration law WOAW: The pupils of the City Sunday "Chances and opportunity will then Cello and Pisno, seemed welcomed, as did all of the in need of money daily and unless Thursday. A fight to retain the chapter has received almost 40 appliSchool will give a purim program and 1, Trie—Violin,. your payments are^__majde imHelen Somrnps-s. Be35e von M cations for membership," said Lester disappear from our vocabulary. Youth guests present, this unusual procedure. Mrs. -Harrr present provision for quotas of three Sunday afternoon, 2. Anthem—"It Is GoodISoscnfeld to Give and age become one. We will find entertainment Mr. Lapidus called upon each indiv- mediately, the good work~tihat these per cent, was lost, however, and the Lapidus, local president. opportunity always with us, waiting March 23, at. the Jewish Community idual present to renew or increase his institutions have - been doing, will amendment to the pending- immigrahave to be stopped." Selectn* 4. Sopraco Solo for us to do those -things that our Center. annual pledge to the Federation. tion bill will provide for two per . Mies Laura 0 . A playlet "The Purim Basket", $, Cliolr- k itespoEBP—-"Bor straight thinking" hag shown us the ,. Mr. Holzman was called upon and cent, quotas based on the census Ham' ale ••«»•' Tools". way to do. That which we call chance directed by Miss Liltie Keeper, will told of the joy he receives from givIF, of 1910. be one • of the features of the after-" S. will become the natural result• ..of our ing, and although the second largest The vote on the census basis was Choir: • Eesponso—"Mi Cnn noon's performance.- Special musical J own conduct. <"WJao I s L i t e -Unto Tt>«-. O JjorU, *> single contributor to the Federation, seven for 1910 and four against, Dr. C. E. Henry spoke to more than and literary numbers -will also be j "I cannot think of a better example at said that notwithstanding that, he 0. Duet—"'SUU, Still Witl< Thoc ...--.. being divided as follows: For:.Chair- one hundred members of the Jewish numbered on the program. would, if others would increase The Temple Israel Sisterhood man Colt, Senators Copeland of New Women's Welfare Organization at its of consistent, /persistent, straight —, proportionately, raise his subscription musical on Monday afternoon, March York, Sterling of South Dakota, last regular monthly meeting Tues- thinking than the history of the JewMTSSMeteanfi Mr, ish people," said Sir. Dunn. 10, at three o'clock, at the Auditorium 30. Choir .JSeapottBe—"Mny to two thousand dollars annually. Johnson of California, BJeyej of-New day afternoon, March 4, at the JewMy Months." "You are here today because you Then followed spontaneously with of Temple Israel, will be open to Hampshire, Willis of Ohio and King ish Community Center. 11. Trio—TloHn, Cello and Visno. Helen •S«mi»er, Belle von Maaeffia, little urging, for the spirit of the oc- every one, "according to the committee of Utah. Against: Heed of Penn- Dr. Henry addressed the women on have had imbedded in your consciousMrs. Harry lioscnfelcl in charge of the affair. ness, through all centuries the thought casion had electrified the .entire asM i F e l l e r and Sir. l MiWFeller sylvania, Harris of Georgia, Harri- "Peace" and his talk was followed by that you were chosen of God. The "Th .Mountain Mountai nt Letters have been sent to -all Keren'' 34, l*ctuse--"The semblage, the following pledges and A special program of traditional son of Mississippi and Shields of an address by Mr. Ed Wright, asB&bU Fwfleriek Otbn. , persecutions of the .past have not been Hsyesod contributors writing them to' music .has been arranged by Mrs. 15. Anthem—"En KeJob?nv," <"V. bo *R increases: Tennessee. - • j sistant, Field Executive of the Boy able to drstroy you because they could attend tiie annual election x>f officers Thee, -O Universal i,nr>!."> A. 15. Aliiirn ...Jrom ?r>no to i,ooc Henry Eosenfeld and Mre. Henry 16. BenedicttoD &m\ Choir Kpsponw. A closer vote was had on the per- [ Scouts, •and then directed a group of apt destroy' that thought." Epstein Bros. _ " 200 " 40C Monsky, who are preparing the profor 1924 at the Jewish Coamtmity Personnel of .the Choir; HsrrMto, 10 + +; Morris Fcrer 10C Boy Scouts in an illustration and ntage provision Colt Copeland' "" °—*~ ~ "** '•""" — ~" » — * centage. provision, Colt, Copeland, *oprRiM?; Cecslla MetKr cootralto: t.. Center Sunday evening, March 2. Goldstein-Chapman _ " 230 500 gram. •. Samuel H. Schaefer, superintendent Doa«is, tenor; H. S. I>i«l-»ro-n, l "SVui. Groainsky 75 Sterling, Johnson and T£ing losing a demonstration of First Aid, the act of of the Federation,' gave a lecture on so The nomination committee lias recllerzbern Bros. 1,000 " 250 hard fought battle to Willis, who building a fire isithout matches, and .the history of the Maccabees. This ommended that four vice presidents' ATm. Holzmaii .1 " 3,200 1 -|. Harry Kulafcofsky "'301 CONFERENCE OF FOREIGN introduced the motion for two per- then recited the Boy Scout .National •was Mr. Schaefer's last public address be elected, two of •which will be MANCHESTER .JEWISH " ir.o ' 30 Louis Kulakofnky 1 JEWISH STUDENTS IN MERCHANT FINANCES Creed. K. Kulnkofsky . " 150 ; 40 cent, quotas-, rallying Harris, HarriT>T. Barney Kully " 200 1 GERMANY OPENS IN BERLIN son, Shields and Reed to his support. Mesdames Henry Monsky and before leaving for Denver, Colo., women. HOUSING PLAK Harry I<apidus no 1 4[K where he will assume his new duties A program nas been arranged conMancbeBtex, N. H. <J. T. A.) F,eBerlin. (J. T. A.)" Berlin has wit" 350 T>r. 1'hilip Levey 321 No decision was leached regard- Michael Xatleman, who are members with the National Jewish Hospital of sisting of several musical "numbers, " CO ' 400 nessed the opening of the Conference Alalushock JeweJry Co. -vp«rd "M.Chase, one of Mandicstei*« " 300 ' 20( ing the exemption of relatives from of the program committee of the or- Consumptives.' Hymie Milder and an address to' be' delivered by leading i'Bierchants <m the &0Ui anni" 100 Hlorrls Milder this and the. remaining ganization, prepared this program. " COO Honry Monsky Other numbers on the program B&bbi Cfaariop. . many. The meeting was called by the features of the hill being referred to versary of Ms birthday has t i 200 Henry And Ben HoseniJial " Mr. Max FromHn, chairman of the •m*r to Arthur M. Heard, " r.oo Harry Bubensteln were a piano duet by Misses Miriam 150 German Jewish Students' Union, for " 125 a sub-committee, which _ includes beI?r. PhiUp Sher and Ann Euback, vocal selections by ccinsuttee on • arrangements, an- of" Amo$keB.g: r>oo the discussion of problems which de$ of " 230 National 500 " 1,000 JEWISH ORGANIZATION J. Slosburpr • nounces that BO contributions, ©r funds .city, Ms check fop $50,000 to set ia Abe Snmberji ' " ~ 200 mand early solution. Prof. Albert side Senator Heed as Chairman, Sing", 100 Abner Kaisian and a cello selection by TO PARTICIPATE IN Irvin Stalniaster 50 Copeland and Colt. This committee M. Taxmau, Kansas City, Einstein, Otto Warburg and Simon will begin its work at once. A genEMIGRATION CONFERENCE Oscar Weinstein,- accompanied by will be asked. The Errsng-emeiits have .motion a home building program in been..made to - accommodate'.'a very this city by which SO ioxiscs -wmM T» Dubnow addressed-the Conference. A. Tlieodorc i " Some. : (J. T. A.) The United Im- Mrs. Max Fromkic. IOO eral hearing on the bill will be held. large meeting. M 400 : .Wciner Bros. bailt immediately and cccajpied -V 200 Harry 'WiUnsk.v ... — " :;oo Saturday, March 8, at 10:30 o'clock. migration Board of Berlin cas been 200 fajnilies bjavmg at least two diillfiWSEt £00 A. Joe and Sam Wolf The regular meeting of the Y. M. FIVE MEMBERS OF BANDIT invited to send representatives to the " 400 Thus far the committee has received Harry A. Wolf 1 and to ,b® paid for hy ^t;«!fely tuy* " 1,000 and Y. W..H.;A. senior grosp will be BAND SENTENCED TO DEATH International Emigration Conference, H. B. Ziniman 'Hoo FNAIB'EITH GIVES no requests from Jews to appear a t " 330 I . B. Zltamau „.. raents of ?7.50. 300 held this Monday evening, March 10, which will open in Home May 15. The Moscow. (J. T. A.) Sentence of the hearing either as individuals or " 350 ' LEAF YEAR DANCE This is a plan adopted by the Chsse When a moment passed without an death nas been pronounced by a Tri- representatives of organizations. invitation to attend the Conference at the Jewish"Coznxmu&ty Center. A Mere than 300 couples attendee! the Family Home Association, recentlj,- Jft« announcement, men would arise and bunal of Justice, • sitting at Viniza, comes from the General Commissary feature of the -program to be given lezp given by the B'nai corpotsted for the purpose of aiding urge unanimity of response. ^ upon five members of Attaman Golt- NOKDAU'S ENGLISH -ESTATE. ' of Emigration. The United Immigra- will be a debate on "Capital Punish- B'rith- ; aat-r dance Hotel Fontenelle Sunday worldug people who desire to others^ Dr. -Philip Sher, President of schewsky's bandit bank, which from VALUED AT ONLY 192 POUNDS tion Board has been asked to submit ment" by the Y. M. H. A. debating night. their i.ame.x. The homes will not team. In addition Vivian Stein w31 the federation; A, B. Alpirn, Morris 1921 to 1923 terrified the Ukraine. London. {J. T. A.) Max Nordau, a. detailed memorandum concerning The proceeds will go to the sup- over 5S33«H3* Applicants ' must Milder and Harry Zimman spolce, the Among the five sentenced to death the noted Zionist who.died a little the. emlgrati&B, transmigration and give a group of pian& solos, Eostir.e of war orphans and war relief citizens or must b.ave taken out latter giving the history and.tracirigr -was Goltr-iiewsky's chief lieutenant, more than a year ago; left an estate immigration of the Jewish- masses. Goldstein will give a piartologtie and port sponsored by the local lodge. Ben first i they misst be Eihsl Harwitz will prc-ssivfc. solo the giowth and progress of the Fed- a" Jew mutfeO^ohen, who it was said in England which has been valued KepresCTtativ«s of all - countries are Civin, J. Mslashock, Sam "Wolf and eration. Mr. 3L 3J. Taxman, of Kansas prevented any^f his men from com- for probate at only 102 pounds, it has «specte«3 to participate -Si "fee confer- dances. AH members ,are urged to at- Israel -Goodman were members of the members and tend. ence* City, .a guest of Mr. -Milder for Jfce mitting degradations upon Jews. been announced^ .. ~ committee in ck&xge.
Urge Payments of Welfare Federation Dues. Quarterly
of Senate Rejects 1S90 Census Basis for Quotas
Public Invited to Sisterhood Musical on Monday, March 10
PAGE 2--THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH "6, 1924 SOVIET LEADERS FAVOR being sheltered a t the Jewish Home Jewry, is being arranged for the fkst CRIMEAN COUSSIZATION PLAN of the " Immigrant Aid Committee, of March by the Russian Jews in BerMoscow. ( J . T. A.) The recently while the remainder are living in Jew- lin who arrived here •% few weeks ago, '. '" "Publfs&wi every tf&aiyday at "Omalrai '.Ndttaftka. by -\, announced project to establish an auish hotels. The Aid Committee has after being: expelled' frorh Russia. The : , THE JEWISH-i?RES3 PUBUSH1HG COMPANY. . tonomous Jewish State in the Crimean declined further responsibility for new President of the Court will be Dr. ^Officer 48:2 Brandeis- Tlie^tre/ Buildingw—Telephony: Jackson 2372."peninsula has received the favorable emigrants - h a v i n g guaranteed the Trivus^and the Counsel for the ProsE. GREEN, Manager. " ' consideration of the highest Soviet departure,of*those who have already ecution will be Dr. Fisher. The r e .IT$2.5O. Subscription Price, one year-— ...'. authorities, including Kameneff, arrived. The position of new arriv- maining members of the group of* de1 Advertising rates furnished on application. Eyckoff, Chicherin, Trotzky and als is dcrperate inasmuch as they may portees "will act as witnesses. Schechtothers in high governmental positions. CHANGE Off ADDRESS-Please glvo both the oW and new aaaress; be refused admission" to the, country. mann will be the counsel for the de*-. . . .. (jg JTOPP ' an <i give your name. This information has been made pubfense. ' lic by Dr. Joseph Rosen, Director of The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish CHIEF RABBI OF BUDAPEST Correspondence Bureau} with cabled and telegra'pale Jewish news, in addition Reconstruction for the Joint Distri- D I E S FOLLOWING OPERATION CHRISTTAN DIRECTOR iPSilil to feature articles and correspondences from aft important Jewish centres. bution Committee of merica, in an ex* fliitliiff Budapest, <J. T. A.) Chief Rabbi Inquiries -ngurSng news items credited t o this Agency will ba gladly FOR JEWISH SCHOOL elusive interview -with the correspondTSlias Axller died .here a t the age of answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue, Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The "Vorent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency New York Ci€y. • 53 years. Rabbi JAdler's death folwaerts," a social democratic organ in Warsaw. lowed an operation, for gallstones. appearing in Czernowitz, reports that The plan is now being given final Rabbi Adler is well known in AmerZADI ALEPH the Director of the. Government Jew- 1 consideration by the Soviet Council of ica where he visited in 1922 to raise • Oinaha recently gave birth to the Order of Aleph Zadi Aleph ish high school in Czernowitz, has Commissars, following which it is anmoney for Jewish educational instiSan organization of boys ranging in. age from 16 to 21. This order ticipated that the government will istutions in Hungary. He was planning: been dismissed by the authorities, and intends to have each o£- its chapters sponsored by the local B'nai sue a final decree establishing the to go to America again" this year. that a Christian Roumanian will be B"ritll lodges. It is a national -Jewish fraternity having for its mmsMm Autonomous Jewish State' as fact. The Rabbi Adler .was. educated in the appointed to the post. purposes the inculcation and correlation of the principals of Ssiiitil Jewish State, it is said, will be estabPressbiirg Yeshiva and the Semiaary Judaism and Americanism. . .!..'_. lished along the same lines as all other in Budapest. He presided over T,he :ou want to buy a > I t is an experiment in pro-Semitism. furnishing a living autonomous regions which the Soviet Rombach Synagogue and was "noted —Photo ,by Heyu home fexample to the world ,o|'ihe.1ruftjJewish spirit. Government has set aside for various tfiroughoat Hungary for his oratoricLEO. ROSENTHAL. This movement is. akin to the DeMolay movement sponsored other National minorities. The text al ability. He was the sruthor of sevyou want to sell by the Masonic Order and its. purposes are laudable indeed. The Leo. Rosenthal, prominent in Jew- of the decree, creating the Autonoeral books on rabbinicaFIearning. ish and non-Jewish civil and welfare HARRY RACHMAN your home Jewish Press takes its best wishes to the Order of Aleph Zadi mous Jewish State, will be ready, for !A.leph in the success of its program. We 3aioW of no other organ- work, has filed his nomination for can- publication within the next few days, Harry Rachman returning from a you need any kind day's.hunt in the sandhills of Western RUSSIAN JEWS IN BERLIN ization which can-3o-Jfre Work the AZA has outlined for itself didate for City Commissioner. Rosen- it is announced. of insurance— Nebraska. Mr. Rachman is one of ARRANGE MOCK TRIAL quite as efficiently as it can. "This is, a forward step'in the "big thai has been especially active in local social service work.He has'Taeen the best sportsmen of the city and OF brother" movement in Jewry "aneTit has' a brilliant future in store. Call ..• ". takes a very active part in the Jew- Berlin. ,(Jv\T. A.1); A" Mock "'trial It-is our earnest hope arid secure desire that the qommunity is chairman of the social service comish Welfare Federation, Jewish Com- against th$ Yevsslt8ie/"the Jewish secalive to the opportunity -for service that is here presented and mittee of the Federation and the B'nai • " A Teception for Rabbi.Starrel will munity Center and is a director of tion &f .tbje CoMtounist Party t Tvhich jthat every eligible boy will apply for membership. We also to B'rith--- •Real Estate and Insurance •wiirie"rrp.;to'.'bring'. out their condembe held at the home of- Mr, and Mrs. Temple Israel. <leaire to admonish.the AZA to give* every worthy candidate an : 412 Keeline Bldg. Phone AT. 8980 nation o f ' t h a t element of Russian Roy Pepperburg, Thursday evening, impartial opportunity io become one of iis-mejnbers. To aD comJEWISH CALENDAR. 5681-1024 March 6. Rabbi Staxrel will conduct B'NAI B'RITH HAS munities where no chapter is being formed, get busy and apply, Ros1i>Cbo<1esb A da» tI______Frl_ Slor. -1 for charters. SENT $22,000 TO GERPariro (Feast »f Pstber)_Thnrs^ Unr. !0 his first services Friday evening at Kosh-Cbod«Bb w « . n • Ky^-, Ap s : MANY FOR RELIEF '. This movement is spreading rapidly and with the momentum Passover (Pwarti— -,. ... .,, • -Bat., Apr.ri 19 the New Temple. Passover (Seventh P"j) tew*._ Apr. SS Chicago. (J. T. A.) The Executive |$hat it has gained thus far, it cannot but succeed. Eosh-ChoilPsb i y " m«n , May S Mr. and Mrs. L. Krechefsky enter- Committee of the Independent Order l a s h'O*^*"' ThniTu May Vi Bosh Chodesb Stvan », , ,..Tnea_ Jane 3 tained a t several tables of- bridge of B'nai B'rith has forwarded to Ger-" Shobnoth (Conflrtnatlan Day)_Sat.. Jnn« 8 Sunday evening, March 2, in honor BOLSHEVIK POET KOSHER FOOD ON Kosh-ChOlifRb TniT»iiinT Thtn-a , J u l y 3 many within a period of six weeks 'ARRESTED FOR SHOUTING , FRENCH SHIPS Kosb-Chodcsb Ab . . . - • • .- — Fr).. Ang. 1 of their thirtieth wedding an- 522,000 for the relief of suffering co', . "KILL THE JEWS!" .••••> F a s t of A b , i . , i •• •-. .', .. . S S awar, .AAoneg.. 31 niversary. Paris.* (J. T. A.)\ Following the in- Kosh-Cbodesb religionists in Germany. The last re- " 6883-1024 - -mRiga. ( J . T . A.) According: .to re- tervention of ,M.* Louis Oungre, GenNew Sear's Eve.,. • ... ,. Moii.. Sept. 29 mittance was made February 19, when The Hebrew Educational Society .ports In the Moscow Press, the Bol- eral Manager. of - the Jewish Colon-' •.- Wanted two Jewi^i salesman to retail $15,000 was' sent to Berlin. held its regular meeting and dance shevik poet, Serge Evsenin, (the hns- izatfon Association; a special arrange-2fash cars-HI, Dooglas -County. Salary •;•;" band of Isadora Duncan), wha -wasment has been concluded with' the F a - SEAT PfECE'OF MECHANISM Sunday, March 2. 5 THOUSAND EMIGRANTS iind. liberal eomfnissioii. Automobile expublicly eohsured some time ago for bre Shipping Line, by which Tcosher WAIT IN CONSTANTIMr. Jack Chesen spent the: week? creating" anti-Semitic disturbances, food will be provided-for all Jewish' Clock in San Diego, Calif., So rperieixceriiot -"necessaiy. If you are a NOPLE FOR NEW QUOTAS end in Omaha to attend" the B'nai has again been arrested for a similar emigrants travelling by the company's Adjusted as to Tell the Time salesnian.aiid aliustler liere is your cliance B'rith dance. "'.:". Constantinople. (J. T. A.) Await5 in Many Lands. offense. On entering the Restaurant ships. A special room will be set to make good... money*.-•_ As'k: for .Mr. ing the new quotas to become operDomino " on January 19th,~"Evaenin, apart on board all ships of the Fabre Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel, of Dinneen. "wha Was in ari"1ntoxieated condition, Line- t o bfr-usedas- a- synagogue on . There Is JL .wonderful cloclc In San Nebraska City, stopped at Lincoln on ative in the United States, 1,000 emiDiego,"Calif;, which tells thetime In grants from Eastern and Southern began to shout, "Kill the Jews! Save Sabbaths and Jewish Festivals. A their way from a five week's trip Europe have assembled in ConstantiRussia!" The militia were summoned Sephar Ho rah will be provided-by the all nations at the same moment. That to Californiais to say, it gives the time in nearly a nople. Many of this number will be and after a short struggle wasanrest- I. C. A. and left an the- Charge of an. score of the principal cities of the ed and taken to the police station, attendant appointed by the associa- h-ortd. It ha3 twenty dials, four of The Sunday School Classes are forced to remain in Turkey for at .Tenth and Howard ^Streets •where he remained- the \rttt4i njght. tion. _ Ti them four feet itx -dftimeter and'the working on a Purim Play. Re- least ten months before they will be Next^Jnorning he Avas^'xeieaseU. "~V Test spitfirer .onestot*-the faces ofthe hearsals, will begin Wednesday under able to set sail for America, One •••' . . - - ' . -Atlantic 2916 ., . Hi i , WlVL CJ3LE- , .-J i ~ larger: ones'. - It also gives the Thour, the leadership, of -Miss Elsie Posky hundred ninety of the emigrants are .— v . : ;-~. -r«.-.-; aiKTSecona of" San Dleg»"tiroe" and Mrs. Eugene. Levy." ._ BRATE GOLDEN JUBILEE tnfnufe SOUTH AFRICAN ZIONISTS and tne day of the week ana day of New York. (J. T r ' A.>* A banquet the month. It is twenty-one feet high, HOLD CONFERENCE The Fydannth Club has postponed JfiHllHUllUHHlHIIMillliiilliUIUUjIIISimilDlBllilltlilllllHIUUiilliinilinilll: Johannesburg- ( J . T . A.) The ninth in celebration of the "Golden Jubilee" and is considered by many to be the its meeting until Sunday, -March: 9, conference of the South African Zion- of the Ninety-second Street Young largest and best-bailt street *clock anyand the meeting'.will be held- a t "tne ist Federation which "was- to jhave been; Men's Hebreiv'Association will be giv- where-'in the -.United States. _, ^ y ._ ^ _ \ home of MFss Esther r - -Kesidence, 1343 So. 2fltlt St. held a n - Johannesburg •oft ' January en ai the' Hotei-Astor on Sunday "The-^ Blaster clock is inclOsM. In Tel. ATlantic 66S7. 30, hits." been postponed till^W^rch 19, evening, March 23r*d, marking the fif- plate glass at the bottom Of tl«£ pedriac# ^>f Business, S413. A", regulaj? -M^nonah ^negtin^; was • .-. - - Xet. AXlantic S8S1LThe postponement ia due_ti>-the jfacfc tieth, anniverary of the organization. tjstal, and vthe intricate parts and com- held! Sunday '.evening/. MjarjiiSc:?ji._at that Mr. Nahum Sokolow, Chairman Speakers" of national reputation, in- plicated ' action-are plainly visible. It the Faculty Hall. ".jof the Zionist Executive, who was to cluding John R. Nott, president of the was 'made "in one shop, and cost $3$00/ have opened the conference^ finds, it International Young' Men's Christian Fifteen months were required to-construct nnd finish It. -The jeweltag-is of E. M. KAHN, instructor " impossible to leave London a t the Association, Senator Royal S. Cope- very tine tourmaline, agate, jade and S U Q H T present.moment owing to;-the political land, Daniel Tobin,, President of the topaz. The - motlve; power Is a- 200ZEZ CONFREY'S Course in Jerusalem. : ;(J. T. A.) An earthsituation and the-forthcoming: meeting K-nights of Columbus, Louis Marshall", pounct weight, olid the clodi winds itNO\TELTY "PIANO1" PLAYING. "Mickel BWg^*15^as of the Greater Actions Committee- - Joseph B. Butteriweiser, President of self automatically. It Is illuminated quake; Which fortunately was of;6nly slight proportions, recently shoofcje•_ ' . "•" ~ " A T ; 4S6ir The South African Zionist Federa- the New York's-. Federation of Jew- nt nigUt. . rus'alerir; Tiberias and other nearby tion has now been informed that Mr, ish Charitiesj, and Rev. I). F.' de Sola : Sokojcw is obliged to .abandon his Hendes, one of the founders of the TRACTORS USED IN LOGGING places.' No danlage-wss' d6ire". ¥his is the first earth Jremor' experienced (visit to South Africa. . • , • Association,' will deliver addresses.' in Palestine in modern titrjes. ; Have bisptaced -Ancient Methods its GENUINE— &GUDAS ISRAEL DENIES ' tho Mahogany Fields Are Bo» MINORITIES IN ROUMANIA t\ ANTI-ZIONISM IN MEM. - cominjg Oepleted. COMPRISE THIRD OF Kovno, (J.,T. A.) The President; 6¥ I'f , ORANDUM TO HUSSEIN TOTAi; POPULATION the Lithuanian'Republic Jias; accepted Tractors are being used in increas- t h e resignation'of Df. Samuel ^osenJerusalem. -(J. T, A.) Charges that Bucharest. (J. T. A.) Census figlAgudas Israel had presented a sharp ures just completed'show 181,340 Jews ing numbers in tue mahogany Industry .baum as Minister for Jewish Affairs. anti-S5iotiist 2ionism to Kind Hussein to be .resident in Transylvania, while in British 'M^ndur&e, according to a Dr, Hosenbauni submitted Ihis "resig, tyhett their delegation headed "by Rab- a total-of 788,700 Jews wside in Bu- report to the Department of Commerce jiation several weeks 'ago,"when;./the bi -fconnenfeld called on the Hedjas kowina and Bessarabia. All of the from ^ Consul Early,-Belize. For. over Xifhuanian Government failed to ap200 years there- has been a more or $Hllg--"Iast Sundayj were denied by minorities in Roumania comprise one- less successful exploitation ol the ma- propriate sufficnent funds to" carry .leaders of the organization. The third <>f thfe total population of the hogany and cedar forests by- -means out^he work of the Ministry, but con/Jcharges were made by Doar Sayom, country, the census reveals. oi primitive although -expensive meth- tinued-t.o perform the duties of his Abe Hebrew newspaper published in ods, but with the depletion of easily office at the request of the Govern^Palestine, causing a sensation. In the .-accessible timber more modern -.meth- ment. "" "• .••" -'•'•"". FOR AMERICAN 01RL' ods-of logging are xeauired for profitmemorandum to Kind Hussein the Agable jexnlojtatlon. Sudas, declared that Palestjjie is "tne Margaret Robinson Secured Am- .. .The result has been an increase in center of the aims- of all; Orthodox nefety for Bandit Band oft Condi-the use of tractors, for Hauling- logs. jTewry* which wants to restore to Pal: tldn jThafc n joined Army; The largest "mahogany contractor In, jBsting a harmony in which "all races British Honduras has Invested nearly iwoutft collaborate. The Polish rabbis . .Is Homer in modern Greece ,$100,000 in -tractors' manufactured fn participated in the presentation of the to sing the exploit of the American 'the. United States" during fte present tnemoraifdum. * "-"• , college girl who lias freed Crete of "its •maSrogdny - season. "With" the use 'ot! "about. seventy tractor* ..this jpperator, bandits? asks the New York World. JHEBBEW CHRISTIAN . ^ . \ . . /When Miss Margaret, Hobinsoa ot expects to get-out about 5,0001000 feet Grand Eapids arrived In Crete as the lioard measure, Several otherv-cqmpaji '" ALLIANCE CALLS >r. 'ZWORLD CONFERENCE representative of Near East relief her .nles are also using tractors, i t is estimated that about seventyrfiv« tracLbndon. (J. T." A.)' A'^world "con- efforts to aid th&.reiugees encountered -tors hav«' been.Jftiporfed-ln'Tb.'e past ;the*prejlatory opposition OS the Greek : ference, o f the Hebrew-Chnstiah At- outlaw" fearbounis and n(s*band,'\vao "twelve" months '"fdr"hauirng logs: "•-— , Sianceiias been called for 1925, the fox; fifteen years had terrorised the isjdecjsion' for the convocation having »Ia»dr^e&tttfg ^nVenvoy'to the robber Subatitut« for Rubber. -^ feeeh'.carrlved a t by the London Com- chief,-she began negotiations "whteh'refcftittee- of the- Alliance. ,-The purpose sulted in the grant of amnesty 'to B&r- .Otemists have worked out'^whnt 'of the- Conference will be to establish -bouffla ana":jiig followeis by-the gov- they claim to be a practicable "substi' en international organization. Amer- ernment on .condition at theit setYjjas tute" for india' rubber." They nse~as-ti basis fh> oil o r the soja b « a n . - l w o 5can\5«w;ish Christians Have -assured In. the Gfeek. atmy on t h ^ ^ a r k i s h parts of this oil are treated with one frontier, and the harassed population the'liondon Committee that they will patt of nitric add, an4 thfc- result. is participate in -the "Conference, invita- .has since had the-satisfaction of see- an efntilskm. -ThiS-ejaulslon is heated Intf the bandits "sail"away t<y jbhTThe tfenfrfoFwhich have been sen-tout to "King's Owtfr "reginienr. 4t Dedea- to the" boiling point of water, when It various countries and signed iy.Schor, becomes converted into a uniform gum' ' Sahiael-and Zeckh'ausen. '. -. . Has a more romantic fitpty^tome <fet my mass. Upon, being washed in,wat ol Crete ^lnce" the "tlnie -of-&e -Sltno- ter, tliis mass Is" dissolved into QHute SAXONY' ^ r ^ 7 - taur? " At lenst tne feat of tne Ameri- 'ammonia water (5 per cent) and from JARE GIVEN"EDUCA- " can relief worker furnishes an imer- this .solution a precipitate is obtained ~ XIONAL CONCESSIONS -catlng modem esample Q£^ the. kind of by-neutralizing: with feonae dilute" acid.' washed- with _ 'J. JV Al) ' Every' child Fn achievement, which provided theioes This-^recipttfttS'is-again water" and heated, to about 112' degrees for the old Greek poets. Given, tliat it Saxony will liencefbfth be'~allowed to Fahrenheit. _.. _ attend^ school-.ia. a manner consistent had occurred in- remote antiquity, it /-—The entire-eighth floor is being used. Hundreds might by'llus TTme'liave been embeljfcritJHfch&jt^etii of .his reUgio"n>(accorcl- lished and elaborated into a great pop,. of :extra salespeople, jcashlers, Avrappers, etc., are - - Stagnant spots in Octsan. iag to"' pronouncement* by tne ne.w ular'myth po^se.ssing enough historical r "givmg-quick serviced- :Sxpregs-elevators direct to The-Sargasss gea Is almost the'rect.Pnnj&Ministej, whose predecessor? M. {ruth to, give, it ssbstanea-aiuL adding the sales floor. . . ' ZcieneiS'i'adTord^ced'ieligion a, nswjf«mate portrait, to the .familiar Ing center 61 the. whirl of the ocean -"'• •• ' - " *-* in gaxqn {Schools, gallery "of Ariadnes, iiitlgbn'eS ' 4 .currents in .the north Atlantic- ^he seaweed come» 'from . distant shores, : " -- n,cu,/no ijotiSTays kept Electfas.'' An oppbrtttisity^bt Where -It has oeen-wreached off.iiy the ; once in years.. sfi chiWfeij-JsIj'ouTd'be force of the currents, ^h'erfe are'"four
Caisdidate Is
• UK
i H B
Kask-Vriesams Auto Company
# b^ck of this Store—to
you better clothes vi
give you tremendous selections of Standard Quality Clothing-rnothing else.
being soldfatprices Vs id'¥2 "' less h I es seDiiag at* . . . *. $L
Seconds, Takes to $2.50, seBisg ah..;.". r . . ,98c
ifo .'exceptions were to he. granted for J^m 'Jfippw o^qthWHjgKHoly Days
i-And every Suit and Over-coat prieed-at absolute bed* rdck &y&ry~d_ay in ihe_ year A great show'ing of3uper ^value Worsted Suits for nien and young men.
Jewish Women's JHflk. [Welfare Organization To Sew-For Infants ztimt to Enteritis at€if#Fi?if
Mrs. Ben Wolps entertained her Bridge club last Wednesdayat. her home. ;_.• .
sonal appearance. I t is reported tha* JRUENBAUM LIBEL f. Mctzkin is on hisway to Warsaw ACTION AT LAST B f OUGHT tes^fy for Sraenbaum. TO TRIAL I ' S A !>e|nity Graenbaum will probably b* The first public entertainment:.'aa<$ .Mrs.-Sam Gross was hostesV to her Warsaw. (J.-T.-A.) unable to attend the opening meeting delays which have covered a. period Tvrke a inoiit'h t i e -memfesrs of the get-together- social. card party to be Evening • Bridge <> eiaV'-Jasfcef tW Greater Actions Committee of of three years the libel actions inJewish Wome&fsr Welfare *-©>ygamza~ given this year by the Jewish Wel- evening: at her home. the World Zionist Organization in stituted by Deputy' tioa Trill sew- garm*Bts for infants as*! fare Organizatron -yall be on Lonclon, because of the trial. Mr.;and Mrs. X Fenaro End family against the "editors of the Polish.. okfey children.- - »*."'day afternoon, April 2, at the Braahave moved into, their new home at tk&aalist daily newspapers, Gszeta A t tc& last regalias- meeting- of tb& deis Grill Eoom. 206 Park avenue. Warszawska, Dwa Grosze snd • Ros* organization, it was- announced that Mrs. Arnold M. Browar, who is these sewing- circles- "will uaeet every chairmaii of the social committee «f Mr. M. Marcus returned home Tues- woj, will be brought t© trial en Fri- ' BQAED AND EOOM WANTED first and tMrdl Wednesday- &£ each this organization, is also chairman of day1 after sjJending the past month in day. Deputy Gruenbaum, who. "wgs in nice home by refined Jewaccused by the three newspapers in month from one oVloefc t o four o'clock this affair.- Her committee to assist Hot Springs, Ark. ish girl. Box 540, "Jewish, 20 of ogitation to overthrow the in the afternoon a t the Jewish her are the Mesdames Charles LevinPress," Mrs. Sam Sayder has returned from Republic pf Pelsuad, has tailed teCenterson, L. Nathan, J. B. Rosenbluxn, HarWEDDIKGS ENGAGEMENTS an eight week stay, i s Detroit, Mkfe., gether a most notable array ef vtitMrs. Bollie Elgotter •will be in ry Lapidus, A. Somberg, J. Blank, GREENBERG-LEVEY. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosen announce with her -daughter, Mrs- SiSsey Light- nesses, including some of the foremost charge ©f the sewings said she will lie Dave Green, Harry Malashock, A. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levey announce the engagement of Mr. Rosen's sis* stone,'who has been very ill. Mrs. leaders of Jewish life on the conti - the marriage of their daughter, Ruth, ter, Miss Sutfa. Rosen, to Mr. J. Falk, assisted: by the Mesdames M. Solo-. Rosenblum, L. Simon and Victor Gsuz. Lightstone accompanied her back nest. Among them are numbered Charles. Levinson, They have arranged to award prises to Mr. Nathan Greenberg, of this of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. man, Maatin name' and' will remain'with. her Par- Rabbi Pertaetter of Warsaw; Sir Alcity. The -wedding took place1 Tues- Falkoviteb, of Rock Island, 111. No Mas; Fromkin, 1M, Rosenblatt and E. at each table and for the women who ents fox a few weeks before returning fred Mond, former Minister ©f Health do not play they have arranged other A. Simon. Mrs. Simon will hsve date has as yet been set for the wedday, February 19. of Great Britain; Sip Stuart SamaeJ, east. charge of purchasing the material. means of entertainment. . Mr. and Mrs. Levey have issued ding; London, President of the Association Co-operation isasked of every mem-i A small fee, to be charged will be cards.for the reception that they are -310 .North 16th St. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Katz an- ber of-"the organization in this new used qnly to cover expenses of the ; Miss Ljbbie Fre|deii entertained /her of Jewish'Friendly Societies; Pr, Leo giving .Sunday evening at their, home nounce the engagement of their- niece, Bridge club at her home Sunday aft- Motskin, Secretsry of the Committee Fer This Week affair and no aim for profit from this e r n o o n . . ; •••'-. -•• '.:• ••• in honor of the newly marijed, couple. Bliss Fanny K.atz, to Mr.. Sol Epstein, enterprise. of Jewish Delegations in Paris, sr.d 1b. *33ia first of these sewings •will he affair is being sought, Charles Mentefiore, London, of the lb. son of Mrs. Sara Epstein, of this city, on'>MQDaay-'aftensoon, March 17,. at . Mrs.. Henry Q. Marx has been apMiss Ruth Krasne returned home f Mina Jacobs celebrated: hex Jewish Colonization Association. Sir 1b. Mr. and Mrs. Katz entertained at a thetJewisb. Community Center, on Stick pointed to take charge of the pubSunday after spending the past month seventy-fifth birthday and entertained; . We are the exclusive ag«nts licity for this affair. in New York and other eastern cities. Stuart Samuel has submitted an affithirty-five" guests at a luncheon,' dinner last Tuesday evening at their count of the holiday of Farim. davit through the British Consul in for Kosher Star Products of bridge and man jong party Monday, home in honor of their niece's enChicago, III. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perimeter of Warsaw which •will be presented at gagement. MYRTLES QF ZIOK. FREMONT NEWS. afternoon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. the hearing in lieu of Jiis own perFlainsview, Nebr,, arrived Sunday te A regular meeting of tbe Myrtlea Mrs. Sam Rose, of Craig, Mo., Is Mrs. Carl Fuxth, returned Friday of Zkra \ras held Sunday- afternoon, the guest of her parents, Mr. andvisit with Mrs. Perimeter's parents, Mrs. A. L. Pinkus, of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg. ^^^^ March. 2, a t the Jewish Community Mrs. Vehbin. la., -was visiting for a few days here from a short stay in Chicago, 111. Center. The foBovdnsr ©ffiefers "were with Miss Miriam Konecfey, Mrs. E. Mrs. Fred Rosenstoek and Mrs. H. Mrs. Simon Steinberg entertained Miss Lena Cohen entertained at four Meyers;. Mrs. Harry Braviroff and Fellheimer will entertain at a lunch- ' elected far tbe eomi»ff term: Toby a few friends at her home Monday tables of bridge at her home Wednes» several other friends here: eon today at the home of Mrs. Rosen- Steinberg, president; Esther Bommel, day honoring Miss Sadye Bordy, "Who evening. I vice president; Esther Steinberg, secMiss Pearl London, of Los Angeles, stock. I retary; Hose Stein, treasurer! Sylvia was married Sunday. MrsJ- Herman Meyerson will be hosCalif, who was the house guest of Mrs. Henry Rosenthal entertained Chait, reporter; and Ann Tretiak and Mr. and Mrs. KayicK cele- tess to her Afternoon Bridge, dub at Mr&and Mrs. B. Millman for the past at a luncheon Tuesday at he.r home. Margie Kaplan, program-supervisors. brated their tenth wedding anniver- her home next Wednesday afternoon. six weeks; left Monday afternoon for "Tte All Jewish girls from the ages o/ sary Wednesday. In the evening St. Joseph and Kansas City, Mo., Mrs.Erma Simon left Saturday for eleven to thirteen are. eligible for twenty-one lady friends of Mrs. KavThe B'nai B'rith "Will hold a meeting where she will visit prior to returning a two weeks* visit in Bes Moines, la. membership to the club. ich surprised her at her home. Prizes next Wednesday evening at the to her home. at games were won by«s M. ish. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. AL Silverberg, of is giving at the AUFLEBUKG CLUB. Cohn and A. Babendure. Among the A program will be given at the next Kansas City, Mo.r spent several days A masquerade party will be out-of-town guests was Mrs. Kavich's regular meeting of the Deborah Soci- last week in maha, stopping at -the mother, Mrs. Sarah ~Lenkevitchr=©£ ety Tuesday afternoon, March 11, at Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. Silverberg by the Auflebung club Sunday g the Jewish. Community Center. A re- was formerly Miss Eras Hadra, of ing, March 9, at 7:30 at the Jewish Omaha. A number of gifts were preor Furnishings Community Center. Three prise? to sented to Mrs. Kavich by her friends. port by the secretary of the Talmud this city. • REMEMBER S tho most original costumes will be Torah on its work and activities will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun Admission, $IM pe rcouple. . Prises to Best Dancers. given. be given at this meeting; Members : 142t IX>CGI<AS ST. M Pfeifer spoke at the last JOB I*. W0I.F> SAJ£ K. "WOLF are asked to attend and bring their returned from a visit in the east. meeting of th,e club on "What Is Lit- The Council of Jewish Women will ^ friends. Miss Fanny Levy, of New York erature V hold a public card party next ThursCity, is the guest of her aunt and Mrs. B. Leyensky was hostess at a day evening, March IS, at the. home YE TE MO CLUB NEWS. ' one o'clock luncheon at the Branders uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown. of Mrs. L. S. Braunstein, 201 North The Ye Te Mo club held their reg- First street. Tea Booms Wednesday afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosenstock en. •• ular meeting Sunday, February 17, at tertained at a dinner Saturday evenThe Brotherhood of Temple Israel the Jewish Community Center. The A regular meeting.of the' Sister•will hold their next regular meeting ing at their home. next regular meeting will be held hood was held Wednesday afternoon Wednesday evening, March. 19, at the Miss Helen Robinson, who is attend- Sunday, March 9, also at the Jewish at the home of Mrs. L, Kroloff. Temple at eight o'clock. ing the University of Nebraska at Committee Center. The basketball Mr. Jay Chemiack spent a few days Lincoln^ spent the past week-end team met and defeated Yates School, Dr. and Mrs. .A. S. Rubnitz an- Omaha with her parents, Mr. in Sioux" City last week. 6-5. Plans are under way for a handnounce the birth of a baby son on Mrs. J. B. Robinson. ball tournament which will be held Sunday morning, March 2.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Finke entertained some time in March. Literary work Miss Martye Weinstein is entertain- fifteen guests at dinner Thursday is also under w&y. The club is trying the Ra Oth Society at her home evening at their home. Eighteen ^-.ol- ing to have some speaker speak beGood Work Guaranteed Sunday afternoon, March 9, at her laTB was raised for the Jewish Na- fore the club on some phase of ZionReferences Furnished ifTKequirea. TSome.. - 55»r—i~_ ism. 'iaonaTTund. CALL L.'MANDEL 1919 Burt St. Atlantic 5440 Miss Louise Friedman, of Kansas JEWISH CULTURE LEAGUE Mrs. Philip Orkun and MrsT Morris City, Mo., is the guest of her sister, Katleman were .hostesses at a lunchThe following program was given Mrs. Morris Stern, and family. at the meeting of the Jewish Culture eon Tuesday afternoon.League, held Sunday, March 3rd: A '•' Miss Margaret Cohen entertained MONHEIT'S Messrs. Robert Glazer and Morris Est. 1S00. at a dancing party Saturday evening, Steinberg, of F t Dodge, jtft., were the short story read by Mr. H. Feldman; MODERN CHIROPODY February 16; at .her home for-seven -weekVend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- A piano duet by Misses Grace and ANl> BEACTTf SHOP. Pearl Dansky; violin solo by Mr, J. Permanent waving* and couples. ry Lapidus. a Specialist in Belmont, accompanied by Miss Grace marcelinc. each department. • Miss Alice Adler, daughter of Mr. aRPOjntnient. call_ Dansky. Following the program were .Miss Rose Baron, of Sioux City, ackso:i 0u4Harney. and .Mrs. J, Adler, who is attending Oronnd floor 1513 reports from the standing committees in Omat t h e ff^E£S^££i££t the Irving College at Mechanicsburg, 5 and other "important business. All 6 " - spent the past week-end in. An-i members are urged to attend the napolis, Md., where she attended the Mr. and Mrs. B. Grossman had as next meeting, to be held this SunGymhaba show and the February Hop their guest-for the past week-end, day afternoon, March 9th, a t ' 4:D0, given by the U. S. Naval School. Miss -Sophy© Kucher, of Sioux City, as very important business is to be transacted at this meeting. "The Store of Individual " Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky and fam- la. . . . Shops" ily have moved into their new home Rabbi Ji.M. Charlop will speak at Miss Nellie Chipakof and Miss ElPaxton Block, 16th & Farnam the B'nai Jacob Synagogue Friday at 3553 Davenport street. tea Sterling, of Sioux City, la., who evening on "The Leap Year," an-1 on 1 The Junior Hadassah Card Party Saturday morning he, will again de- j were visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. that was given Sunday afternoon, liver a talk at that Synagogue on Ernest Meyer, eft for their home" March 2, at the Blackstone Hotel, was Wednesday. attended by more than 125 guests. "Diatary Laws," Pianologue numbers by Miss Rosaline Rabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver WOULD LIKE TO RENT— Goldstein, song and dance numbers by on Friday evening, March 7, an adIn our 'judgment, zt'is iEe'sacredfyy Miss Hermine Hershman, and song dress in connection with his twentyThree unfurnished r o o m Sj I V numbers by Miss Helen Levinson pre- years of affiliation with the Temple modern, with Jewish family. readers to lielp bring this yajjer into Every'Jewceded, the card party. Following the Israel Congregation. On Tuesday, If you have above rooms call card Tparty and luncheon Miss Ann March 11, 1924, will bft "twenty years ATlantic 6112. ish Home. We dsjejor no finmKjal assistance of Rickljn gave a' specialty dance num- that- Rabbi Cohn TISB been with the ber. The money that the club raised Temple -Israel Congregation. - - any kind, but mer^ urge'the'• Jew-to at "this affair will go towards adopting Satunlay_Hiorain?» March 8, he will j Palestine "orphans. deliver "an" address on "Bells and Pom-1 Place your orders for in furthering interests that arc his own. Matzos and Passover Sapegranates" at Temple Israel. ' ' —. plies now". Best qualities. Mrs. Emil Ganz will entertain at a Lowest prices. Mies Sally and Roselly Verbin, of bridge luncheon Saturday afternoon, MRS. S. SILVER, March 8, at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Fremont, -Nehr., were", visiting with friendslia Omaha during the past 2318 Charles St. Web. 6678 •: Mr. David Newman left Monday for weew. .Chicago, HI., and Milwaukee, "Wis.ron , Mrs. S. Robinson Tetumed WednesBI businop^? irip. - -j - ~<-~— day from, a several-weeks' visit in \ Tslrs. Ida Eichards left Friday for Kansas City, Mo., with her daughter, We wish to announce to all ^Chicago, l i t , where she will Visit with Mrs. -B: M. Achtenberg,,and Mr. Achour friends that we are now fher daughter; Mrs. Elizabefh Stein- tenberg. .--•- • ,-..-,.•_ - - . T H E J E W I S H PBESSC operating jberg. (Mrg^ Eicliarda .vrili b&-gone for '-'482 Brandeis Theatre 131d£<—-J«dccoa several weeks. LADIES' "FREELtTAN- SOCIETY.; ""•The" "regular "B'naiB'fith 'Auxiliary - Tlie Third Annual Ball that the Lajjflfeeting "wiirhe held Thursday everi- dies' Free,Loan Society is giving at 1520 Douglas St. Clip Out, S THE JEWISH PRESS, jing, -March 13, at the Jewish Com- the Swedish Auditorium Sunday even452 ing3iarch 9, is"in charge of the MesAN EXCLUSIVE SHOP tmunity Center. Attach FOR LADIES dames N, Sarson,-H. Okun, kl! hereto is disek 3®t j Miss Hose Newman, of Chicago, HI., S. F. Epstein and S. Altschuler. Pri?es; lYbur Check All branches of _ beauty cul- ' JEWISH PSESS evfcry |is visiting .here with her brother and wilf he"giveif to the best dancers:"" ture done here.' And Mail jfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Max Newman. Expert work guaranteed. The prices are reasonable. Mr._and Mrs. Charles .Kirschbraun Coupon their guests, Mr. and Mrs. B. Chamber, of • Commerce A trial will convince yon. of San Francisco, Calif.- Bldg., 27-29 So. Main St., —featuring trim little ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kirschbraun en-' Council Bluffs, 2-story corner Irs. B, E. fe Sj]?hF(5i Boyish Suits, Swagger rtertained at their home Tuesday, evenbrick building, Trill soon be Proprietors v . I; Coats of soft woolens, ting at dinner in honor.'of the out-offor rent. This is a good busi-' and an enticing array of Room 205, Buahman Block visitors. ness location for large offices, everything that is new in Next floor to 'the frock-dora. drug store, grocery, furniture Sample Fee Shop .Mr.^ and .Mrs, JYiHi3m_L*_iiojzxaan - - -Br~departnaent,- store. Will For appointment can • • Priced to appeal, at— are at Colorado Springs, Colo. .r«raodel, to, suit tenant. S. ATlantic 6185 or 'SnyEeri,* 1009 Second Ave., . Mrs. Paul Schaye entertained at a up JAckson 1132 C^unriJ^Bluffs, Iowa." *;5«ne, o'clock- luncheon Wednesday afternoon. . - -
Sunday Evening*;, March 9 1924
Painting and Paperkigtng
Your Subscriptions torthe Jewish Press are
The Jewish Press is the only through which the Jewish people of: Omaha and surrowadliiig-territory .can.; • keep in touch .with; the hapepings of. the Jewish people throngliout the "
> ' , - ' •
1424 Subscripti^'fcr 'Tt- Jiwisfi ft®$" k t Due Now, - - Renew it, mi3 in s m sh®k
The Marcel Shoppe
—tempting Spring Fashions
i»AGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS,. THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1924 She fled into the waiting room, and HUNGARIAN JEWS INDIG. ment would establish in Palestine a after April. The British forces fn Uit from there saw Charlie wait by, holdNANT OVER HORTHY'S national - government. News to this meanwhile have been placed under Air Ing his head In the air as if his* perfidy ANTI-SEMITIC ACTIVITY effect has been published bye the Arab Commodore Gerrard. weighed tighter than a feather on him. Budapest. (J. T. A.) Revelations newspaper, Meratshark. A rumor to How'difficult-it" was not to run out of the antirSemitic activities of Ad- the effect that Feisul, ruler of Mesoto him! " - - • • * ' ". Paris. (J. T. A.) Large numbers - But-he was gone, and then—Winnie miral. .Horthy, Regent of Hungary, potamia, intends making a concordat of Jews fleeing reported pogroms in discovered that she had.left her purse made by Baron Aladar. von Borovic- j t h -Saltew -Ibn":• Saiid, without in- Russia, are congregated in large numzenylin;his memoirs which are being cludiixgvhfs* father, King Hussein/ has behind. bers on the Bessarabian frontier and Letter -Written by Non-Jewish Mother Begging for Her " And there was only one tiling to do. published- by • the Hearst newspapers gained-considerable force'-here. By ELLA SAUNDERS >! Boy to be Admitted in Hospital. in America, have, aroused Hungarian „'Offidial eofifirmation is' received of on several occasions soldiers have She must go back and get it. been compelled to shoot in order to <©, 1124. Weitcrn New«p«.per ynloa.). .Leaving her suitcase, she started off. Jews to a renewed indignation. the resignation of General Tudor, com- prevent their crossing into Roumania. The National Jewish' Hospital of Consumptives at Denver, SIEAES stood storing After.all, it would be.easy to slip'Into • None other than Admiral Horthy is mander .of .the British troops in> Pal- This information was received from Colorado", takes care-of* all;'-Jews and, non-Jews. At the present at the bundle.of letters, feeling the house, take the purse, and slip out responsible for the pogroms and the estine. It was announced at the same the Bucharest correspondent of Le time there are eighteen per cent, of the patients, non-Jews. Here that It couldn't be reaL" Love-letters again, especially if she could get there White Terror, according to Borovic- time that the post will be abolished Journal, whose close relationship with before Charlie. And she couldn't face zeny..' It has also been disclosed in ; *we have a complete letter written by a non-Jewish mother, who in her husband's desk Ihim. the Bratinau Government gives the She had only gone to his desk to get monarchist circles that the friendship •was anxious to get her boy into the National Jewish Hospital, so -Running along qnicfc cuts and de- of Horothy and former Emperor Karl report added credence. a pen, -but;.then shehad seen tfce as "he might fight that dreadful." plague. The letter is written to tours, she reached the house before her bundle of letters, and she had looked was broken off because of an antiMr. Leonard Gi'pssman, corporation.counsel.for the City of Chi- Just-one. of them.. An.d. this was husband, fonnd her purse,- tx.a was # cago, and which was sent to Mr.1 Harry H. Lapidus, chairman of Bt Just going to, slip out -when she heard Semitism which they did not share in her reward. . ' . " " common. the campaign to raise funds for the erection of a new infirmary Love-letters or. a passionate nature,' Charlie's voice In the hall. . And that awful Maud Rensley! building which will House one hundred more patients. Hungarian Jews consider it a addressed - to a devoted lover by a AUDITING AND INCOME For a- few, -moments Winnie was proved fact that Commandant Ivan This letter is. only one of a large immigrant with very little education, woman she knew "very . well—Maud TAX REPORTS but with, v great deal of tuberculosis Bensley.. .• Matto", one of her best tempted to make some physical assault Hejjas has carried on his pogromist which- come into the hands in his lungs and very high ambitions. upon the creature who was defiling .activities only through the orders of --.-'208 Karbach Blk. Atlantic 1031 of hospital' authorities . daily." These He remained at the Hospital as a pa- friends! her doorstep. Why • should she, the The Mears had only been married Admiral Horthy, Boroviczeny himself -letters from affected .people begging tient for 18 months, during which he" improved to such an extent three yearsl'. Cliarlie Mears \vas_a law- lawful wife,' cower upstairs in hiding, refused to enter the secret White Orfor the chance" to, get into . the. Jjps- time that- he was able to do a few hours yer, shrewd, practical," hard-headed— while Charlie and'that creature. . . . ganizations on the ground that a Diamond & Platinum Specialists pitalso as they may fight the plague. of-light work. These 18 months he (he last' person one would have What were .they .saying? Xiettera -from men and' -women,- boys utilized Yo a great extent in advanc- dreamed of "dolng^ such a thing. 1514 Dodge St. "Charles, I don't know how I can king's officer cannot swear loyalty to ing his knowledge of the English lana secret organization. Emperor Xarl, tEank you enough." and girls. - '• - ; Est. 1894. Ja. 5619 And Maud Rensley—why, only six guage and other public school sub- months before she had had ah entan"Oh, that's all right. They're In my it is now recalled, sought always to . There are many" people on the jects. His ambition then was to rewaiting list who are .unable to get ceive at least a high school education glement with an absolutely worthless desk. I meant to bring them to you maintain thetraditional Hapsburg atTO AND FROM titude favorable to the Jewish ex-Mininto hospital because of lack/of ^room. .and, if possible, also a college degree. man, and had been so glad to escape this morning, but I was late." THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. "Did he give up every one of the letfrom It. And no\v-r-entangled with In order to enable him to attend high ister Vaszonyi has never concealed his ALL PARTS O> The" campaign for the new jnfirmary Wholesale paper ters?" I gave him a job at our her husband! - . monarchist sympathies. distributors for building is covering the entire. Dis- ,schqol, THE WORLD switchboard. He worked there after "Everyone, • Maud. I had a tough "Why, It was impossible! Only an trict No. 6 I, O. B. B. ' • r ' ' office hours. This gave him an op- hour before Charlie had kissed her at fight at first, but I pointed ^mt to the It is even said that former Emperor Northern Toilet Tissue Here we have three" other" cases' portunity, to attend high school during the door of their little house, and had fellow that his attempt to trade upon Karl's attempt to" win back the throne VALJ.-TETER& COMPANY ... . 1112 Barney Street printed/each one telling of the work'-the day and* to prepare his lessons seemed perfectly demoted. And all the the fact that you had been engaged to was unsuccessful because of his 1307 Howard SU Omaha, Neb AT-Iantic 6409 during the-hours that he worked on time he had been carrying - on. with him was blackmail, and that we should friendship for the Jews and the conof the National Jewish' Hospital of the' ATlantic 0340. switchboard, as. the work during „ • _ prosecute -unless he handed over all sequent loss of Horthy's support. the -Wonderful work they are "doing to those hours is comparatively light. the Bensley woman. ' A ring at the telephone Interrupted the letters, which he did. .You're well help these patients again gain.- a For this work he- was given his room, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. her gloomy meditations.* It was^Maud. rid of the fellow." board and laundry, and in order to foothold" in life. ' - • ARABS WILL AGREE TO i7th. and Martha Sts. HA. 1662 "Charles, I feel that my life's my "Did Charlie say he had anything make enough money for incidental exBALFOUR DECLARATION Manufacturers of Brass, Bronze, Chicago, 111.,.Jan.'9; 1923, penses, he handled a paper route at for me7' There was agitation in her own again. You've done wonderfully, and Soft Gray Iron Castings, IF GRANTED GOVERNMENT 4lnminum Mr. Leonard Grossman.- , . . , -the Hospital. In this way he suc-voice. Winnie wondered whether she getting them back. I can hardly keep Son are assured of soft castings, as Sll City Hall, ceeded in getting his high school was referring to the letters that her from kissing you." Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Arab we' omtbiiw some frpm every "heat In ARE ALWAYS GOOD. ! tar own shop. Chicago, 111. ;,;_; ;' ; ' course, .and last year he entered the husband had left in his desk so bra- "Well, If Winnie were here, as ^-wit- Executive, on its last visit to Shuna and good ail ways Standard 65if cast Iron and bronze .University of Colorado. He zenly. "No? Oh—well, I'll be round ness—" Dear Mr. Grossman: Baked by where King Hussein of Hedjas is con- nestlings In stock. Knowing of your friendly co-oper- told me that he was making very at- this evening to see you'both." Iten Biscuit Co. Snow White Bnkerirs "Oh, kiss her Charlie!" cried Winferring with Arab notables at the (Reg. D. S. Pat. Office) ation with the various sociaL agencies tractive grades at-the school, and that "You never enter my house again," nie, running dowc the stairs, with a summer home of his son, the Amir in this city, and your interest in ,all the dean of the University'is contemthose who stand in need of their aid, plating ihe establishment of a de- thought Winnie, as she hung up the beaming face. "And give her one Abdullah, agreed • to recognize the Emerson Laundry I am writing you in the hope that you partment of Slavish languages, where receiver. from me." Balfour Declaration if in return for will find it' possible to extend your our young man may get a position as Carpenter Paper Co. Of course there was only one thing F. 8. MO REX. Prop. such recognition the British Governgenerous influence in a matter very a teacher of the Russian language to do. She was going home to her Distributors ot Phone Webster 0820 which will pay for his. tuition and hi? mother. She would not deign to enter ZIONISTS WILL CALL CONFERclose to myself. Western Bond—and High I am anxious to have my son, Rob- keep. Considering that all this has THE LAUNDRY THAT explanations with Charlie. She ENCE OF EAST EUROPEAN JEWS Grade Stationery ert, 16 years old, who is ill with tu- been accomplished by him with only Into EVERYBODY LIKES. berculosis in Denver, CoKT'enfer "tKe" one lung (the other one having been would just disappear,- leave him to find Berlin. (J. T. A.) The East EuroOmaba. Nebraska. Children's Bobbing 25c National Jewish Hospital for Con-collapsed since his admission), I feel out where she hod gone. A divorce? uean Zionist Conference, which has sumptives, 3800 E. Colfax avenue, that he offers a splendid example of Of course—at least, she would never just concluded a meeting in Berlin, Scalp Treatment 25c Shampoo 50c Denver. Through-the kind efforts of sacrifice by members of our race for live with him again. She felt a heroExpert indlTidna! Service fg&rnr H. IAPUSES. Frss.-Troas. Suniays and Evenings. lot. Pepper; Vlee-President. the Big Brother Movement of Den- education, and also -of the wonderful ine. Her horror disappeared In a has decided to convoke a Conference JOHN FELDMAN W. G. Ore. Secretary. of East European. Jews, "the date, of ver, Eobert's application for admis- tenacity and perseverence in pursuing blaze of anger. She began to pack. SALON L'CHARME sion to above hospital has been fa- their ambitions." One can get quite a lot of things into-^ the Conference tq';be announced shortShoes and Gent's Furnishings Omaha Fixture & vorably received, and his name was St3 Courtney BIfe. At. 1819 Featuring Emerson nn<3 a suitcase. Winnie packed hera tight, ly by a special committee which was placed on the waiting list aboufc-six Dnnlap Shoes—S5 to 512. . Case No. 3. satisfied herself tliat-shei had got evappointed to formulate the plans for ' Supply Co. ffDLt. BEESS SOITS AND TCXEOOS weeks ago. ' . -. There is. a case of a little girl who for sale or rent. The doctors agree that he is in need came to us on crutches about seven erything in she wantedj and said" good-; the "meeting. The Zionist Conference COMPLETE STORE AND Phone JA- S12S lOD North lOttt St. CLARENCE DESDUNES of immediate sanitarium care and years ago with a badly involved tu- by to the house forever, about half-an* also decided to establish special newsOFFICE OUTFITTEES that his is really an emergency-case. berculosis hip. She was then 10 years lour before Charlie was due to return. papers and press service in order to Concert Violinist and Teacher We occupy It was more than a mile to the staIf he can be advanced on the waiting oldl' * She .was 'very emaciated and Studio: Oawkln'B Bids., ttZS No. S4tb St. *rer T0.OO0 sotmr* fitag Phone, Wrbster 5336. list it may be the -means of saving weak. . She came here accompanied by tion, and the suitcase was heavy. keep the public informed regarding Southwest Corner Office Bonrs, 8:30 to & his life, as I realize that at his age her mother who had a very extensive When at last Winnie reached it her the cultural and economic position of Eleventh sod Deoetae Streets. Violin bows and cases for sale. delays are dangerous in this disease," tuberculosis involvement in her lungs. husband's train was just coming in. the Jews in Palestine. Phonal Jaekson ttZt and. I need not tell you how. greatly It was before we had our Children's O1I4EA. JCEB. I shall appreciate any effort you may Building and mother and child were be able to make towards this end." ~ both kept in the same ward.- Right Before going to Denver.last April from the-start we. put-the. child on Robert had been a patient at r the sun treatment, and after a few months Municipal Tuberculosis Sanitarium in she began to. Tespond nicely to the this city for two' months, "where'he treatment., She remained in the Hosmade no improvement, but I am told pital for over .two years, and her imEvery-Known Kind that the Jewish National Hospital is provement was simply marvelous. Her of Insurance such a wonderful institution that he hip healed up completely, and with very quickly will improve there. Tthe exception of. a< very slight limp, 209 W. O. W. BIdg. JA.S944. My, husband is also in Denver, suf- which was hardly noticeable, one could JAcksoa 1862 fering with same disease, and both not tell that she had ever been sick. he and Robert are living at my sis-Her mother also improved considerater's home,, and while I am employed, bly. ' They left the institution and reI have three othet children, and (all turned- to. their home in New MexWASH AND KEEP WELL Gate City Furniture Co. the expenses of a home to-maintain ico. Last week I received a letter mid A RULE OF HEALTH and am financially unable to place, my from the girl in which she tells me side folks in a private hospital. * that she is now a young lady 17 years Globe Van & Storage Co. FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY I can only hope to'show my-grati- old, attending „ high school and also owned and operated by tude for help given my- son by passing keeping house,, as- her mother is still £819 California Street. GKOSSMAN & SONS the favor along to, some other deserv- unable to do hard work. Her. letter The Type-B Sedan could well stand 530-23 No. 16th St. .- ing< boy, as I am constantly .called is full of appreciation for what we At. 0230 Ja, 4338 upon to do in the course of my work." have, done for her. as a concrete symbol of everything Thanking you for your, prompt atthe name Dodge Brothers itself has tention, to my request and ^assuring GERMAN CHAUVINISTS you of my continued interest in your EFFICIENT end RESPONSIBLE DEMAND EXILE OF JEWS come to represent Personal success, I am L&CKDKX. AND UNION WITH AUSTRL4 Sincerely yours. WTiere your clothes come borne '•. T.L • MARY E. CALLAHAN. Berlin. (J. T. A.) Banishment of cleaner and last looser. Druggists and Stationers It is honestly and wisely built. ianK* CS80. I5O7-I1 Jackson St. the. Jews in Germany. and union" with Denver, Colo., Feb. 18, 1924. H. A. JACOBSEEQSE. Frss. «01-403-40r> Soutn lOSft Street Austria are the principal items of the Harry H. Lapidus. It stands up under the sternest kind domestic and, foreign platform of the Dear Sir: • . ' " This.card is to let you know Chauvinist reactionaries, who • have of service. It will serve long beyond how. much I appreciate-the help gained considerable strength throughyou gave my Mother-to get me out Germany and are expected to win the span of life usually allotted to into the National Jewish Hospi-. Certified Public Accountants a -number • of seats in• the • coming. a motor car. tal; • • . • ' ' • Audits. ; . \ Systems Reichstag elections. The statement, of I have been here. two weeks . Investigations the program, ia made^by. Deputy Rein.and i t is just like a heaven-to .me, 434 to 440 Peters Trnst Bide. the care, the meals, the-doctors hold Wulle, who, .with .Deputy von. Pbones, Jackson 431S, 4314. arid the nurses are all wonderful. Graefe,-is leader of the German PopThanking you very much, I re- ular. Omasa OQce: SIS Doesrla* Street. Party. . . . , . Omaha Phone Atlantic 2536 i 1 O'BRIEN-DAVIS AUTO CO. f •• Your Obligated'Friend, / "Banishmeat of the 100,000 Jews Ford Transfer & Storage Co. . «ROBERT M. CALLAHAN. ~ who" have invaded Germany from Rus*28th and Harney Sts. R. A. FOKJ>. . Telephone—HA rney 0123 sia, Poland and Galicia since the war President and General Manager. Pribation Office, Chicago, 111., Feb. 14, Cocnrii Bloc's (lows) OBSce andhave sucked the blood of the GerTOO So. Eain' Street. Phone S6S. M£ Harry H. Lapidus, f-' ' : '' man people is the the first, item of 'One of America's Great Hotels" Omaha. Nebraska. J "' our domestic- program. - Jews have Dear. Sir: " " : : . * "' brought 'only evil to Germany and "I have a letter today from my son, " - Robert, ."telling me how very happy he must go forever,'* Deputy Wulle says. i$ in the National Jewish". Hospital "Our'Foreign"program is ah all-, . OCR' TKESXaiENI! m i A and1 of the excellent '•are receiv- perman state, including Austria and ..COSVlJiQE TOV- Qff.OOB • • irlg , and I am indeed most-grateful to . . .••;.._> •;slNCEIUWS. . •'• -. you and ta my good friends in. this giving" the 65,000;000 Germans an op~ Trust Department. Safety .Deposit, Boxes. citv -who helped in this matter.. -, portunity to enjoy freedom within Service is Our Motto i . "Aijain. thinking- you "arid "wishing natural;'frontiers. We do not want Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. . , the Hospital Drive every success» I am war, but we propose to prepare the .- . • "Yours very truly. "(Mrs.). MARY E. CALLIHAN.'l . spirit ~oi the German people for this movement." ' I ' . .. f ' f . Case'No. 1. ' .''"First, that of a young Jewish POLISH GOVERNMENT "Manufactured in Omaha" ' salesman, who was admitted to our . ORDERS ELECTIONS FOR . BUTTEK and EGGS • Institution oh March. 19,"1921, -in- a JEWISH KEHILLAHS BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. "-''- fax advanced condition. >* He .has^txow Coaneil BiuSs. la. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Jewish . ' been here for almost three., years. "^ About 'a week ^j*o he-developed'a se-. Kehillahs in Congress Poland, which vere attack at influenza - and he is that part of Poland which belonged fhathe was. roinsr to die. He fey'- thousrht called me in arid gave me $336.00 m to Russia' before the World War, have i - cash and told-me that was-all-he-had been ordered by the Government to t&adv Dy '-"*' left in this world, and he asked-me-to hold new-elections within the imme% d r e a B t.'«r the National. diate future. The order is-effective UNCLE SAM BKEAKFAS'l £..; Swish Hospital. He i Sj now-conya- only in Congress Poland, Galicia .and FOOD CO. '* vety< rapfdIy.and,,of.couTse> the-eastern provinces being, exempted OMAHA. KEBUSSKA. ..jiiev Wilt he returned fo him.;from the. order. It is interesting to "howaver/ihatr the rtW*.that J ordered - -- - tfie. Hospital at note that the.Government.has flections, in'.the :sefctio'ri of .Poland '--•*-----elections were the least need* elections kehillahs are appointed, .by'the Government and in BaBteifjiPoI5h<f,'wBere the-'Jews hare no Kebiilahs* . " -
National Jewish Hospital Takes
: | Found ::' Laitersin I His Desk
and Mgh grade PiatiemH Jewelry a t the rigfel price. • • iakshock Jewelry Co.
Marcel and Bob Curl $1.0
Made With MUk
E. E. Bruce & Co.
Firslr-Moia! iask
- Baker Ice laditees
MteCord-Brady Co.
'"I i