August 14, 1924

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Oar . New Address is 681 Brandeis^Theater




Our Kew TelepHone ; Number is A T lantic 1450. ' [ '

VftT, TTT__Nn 3fi VV/XJ. XXJ. xnu. oo

Entered as seeond-eU 3 . poatofflea at Omah*. 1 ^i-

matter on Jannary 27th. 192L at . nnder the Act ot Uzxth 3. ISTp






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OUTDOOR MUSICAL PROGRAM W I L L BE F E A - notified about this possibility in a

ficial organ of the Bavarian Section of the German Peasants' League. "It sounds like a joke," it proceeds, 'but it is a fact. Of course, he is not a Jew by religion, he is only a Jew by race but we have always understood that the Nationalist doctrine takes into consideration the race and not the religion. We refer to Deputy Count Fischler von Treuberg. There is no question that the family FiscMer is of Jewish blood. If the Nationalist Party is not quite sure about the fact, it might look up Gotha, where it find the Fischler family among the aristocracy of Germany, with clear indication of its Jewish origin and its Jewish relations."

Thousands of Jewish in European Cities: Returned Member of Hias TeUs * of Terrible Plight of • Immigrants.

New York, August 9; (J. T. A.}— interested in Jewish settlement in The government., of Mexico is pre- Mexico." The President at this FEW POSSESS PASSPORTS, pared to. welcome most warmly the point did not commit himself whether MANY IN NEED OF FUNDS immigration of Jews: from Eastern Senor de Negri will continue in New York. (J. T. A.) Eleven thouFinal plans and arrangements.have been made to make the Europe to engage... there both in office but it was intimated that he sand Jewish emigrants, men, •women Omaha Hebrew Club Picnic at Peony Park on Sunday, August will probably, continue to work under agricultural as well 5 as industrial and children are stranded in the vari17, the greatest out-door affair and picnic ever,' presented to pursuits; the negotiations with sev- the new administration. ous ports and cities of Europe, deOmaha Jewry. eral American Jewish organizations "The opinion- prevails • in some pendent entirely for their subsistence, Beginning at 12 noon until midnight there will, be games, with this purpose in view are already circles," the President stated, "that on the help which they may receive contests, prizes, raffles, and gifts, for the entertainment of the being conducted; the government of the Jewish working masses are not from their relatives in the United public. The most novel musical program obtainable will be Mexico is even ready to grant tracts fit for agricultural labor. This, howStates, according to B. C. Vladeck, offered at 3:00 P. ~M. according to Mr. M. Selicow, chairman of of land for Jewish colonization, ever, will be no obstacle to Jewish manager of the "Jewish Daily Forthe program. At 8:00 P. -M. there will be dancing to the regdeclared General Plutanco Elias immigration' into Mexico under & ward" and member of* the Hias deleular Peony Park Orchestra. Calles, Laborite President-Elect of labor regime, where a system of cogation, who has jujst returned from Mexico, in an intetrview granted to- operative guilds or associations to Among the gifts to be given away Lincoln, Fremont, Sioux City, and Europe, in an exclusive interview with day to the representative of the Jew- provide the' means for employing to the winners of the barious contests Des Moines. • the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. ish Telegraphic Agency here. , will "be a string of-Maravs pearls, a The following are numbers to aptens of thousands of Jews in various Sis thousand of this number poswhite gold watch, wall mirror, and pear on the afternoon program: "I am very warmly interested in branches of industry, for instance, in sess Russian passports and have alwhite gold chain, as well as numerous Violin Solo _: Avrum Lustgarden the situation of the thousands of Jew- the garment trades as well as in All Members are Urged to Enter ish emigrants stranded in Europe and other diversified fields of labor. Y Radio Program Will be Received ready secured American visas. They, other articles. Russian Dance Miss,Candy During Meeing. Recitation .... Jeannette Levinson are located in the ports of SouthampFirst Tournament -... "Every effort has been made to I have already been in conference Mexico has great possibility for such History of the Club _ Fred White secure the best accommodations and with several American Jewish organ- enterprises, It would be at the The Y .M. and Y. W. H. A. will ton, Marseilles, Havre, Cherbourg-, Song and Dance _ Shirley- Jan off Bremen, Hamburg, Liban, Riga and The Highland Country Club will •.facilities for the public," said Mr. A. izations who seek to solve the probPiano Solo Lillian Chudaeoff benefit to a distinct hold its first regular meeting of the time same Constantinople, and in the cities of hold its first tournament Sunday. Kaplan, chairman. "Aside from exViolin Solo _ Dorothy Lustgarden lem of the refugees. I have assured," Piano _ ; Ida Lustgarden ; All members of the club are eligible General Calles stated, "the rep- Mexico to manufacture within its ensuing term Monday evening, Sept. Warsaw, Kisbineff, Galats and Bucellent transportation facilities which -will convey the public from the car "While the picnic is an annual af- to enter the qualifying round of the resentatives of the American Jew- own boundaries many articles and S. The meeting originally scheduled charest. The lowest ish Congress and'the Hebrew Im- products which it is compelled today for tie first Monday in the month The investigation made by the Hias line, we have made arrangements to fair of the Hebrew Club," said Dr. A. club championship. have the finest picnic accommodations Greenberg, ."every effort is being sixteen scores to be turned in will migrant Aid Society, that if they to import from other countries. A was postponed because of Labor Day. delegation, Mr. Vladeek stated, remade to make this one the' greatest be the ones who will be paired off :ould secure a measure of financial sum- in the neighborhood of $2,000,- According to officers of the Y, this vealed a most pitiful situation among " at the park. Prizes for contestants have been event the club has ever offered. Be- for the club championship. support from American Jewry, I 000, could give a start to this move- meeting will be very important. Offi- the refugees stranded in Roumania, The pairings will be announced would be prepared to ask my govern- ment and furnish employment pos- cers for the ensuing term will be Latvia and Poland. They lack food donated by N. S. Yaffe, Max From- cause of the charitable and philanduring the week. Two of the matches ment, upon my return1 from my vaca- sibilities for Jewish immigrants, a nominated. Plans for the large and shelter and are dressed in rags. thropic work of the club and the con™"kin, Adler-Forbes Baking Co., Harry Malashock, Pittsburgh Plate and tributions recently made to local must be played by the following tion in Europe, to igrant a large start which is similar to the be- membership campaign will be dis- Their entire existence depends on the Glass Co., and C. B. Brown, Jewelers. causes the committee feels that the Sunday. The tournament will be in tract of arable land- for Jewish set- ginning of the large Jewish indus- cussed. According to members of help of their relatives in America, but the membership committee, the Y they receibe very little from either According to Maurice Civin, a laTge entire Omaha Jewry should attend." charge of Frank Burkhard, the golf tlement. I will also ask for the tries in the United States." will bring ,in 1,000 new members their relatives or the relief organiza"General Calles also stated that professional of the club. number of families are expected from remission of all land' taxes, for a One'of the features of the day will before the campaign is over. The tions. A large number of the meithere is a 'thriving Jewish comThe "winner •will receive a prize reduction of railroad*fares, and for be the presentation to • everyone of members of the Y will be divided in grante are housed by the steamship munity in Mexico City today numbersouvenir programs' depicting the from the club. "This is the first the granting of other facilities for groups and will be lead by captains companies which radertook to bring ing 5,000 people. The community tournament to be staged by the the settlers. In my capacity of Prime growth' of the lodge. in their campaign for the new mem- them to the United States. consists of small tradesmen, artisans, "This affair will be held rain or club," said Herbert Heavenrich and Minister of Mexico two years ago I bers. The team obtaining the most skilled workers, as well as small The governments of the various shine. So come with' your basket all the-members should take advan- urged by government to grant the members will receive a prize. trading peddlers. They have recently tage of it and enter in the qualifycountries where the Jewish, emigrants remission of visa fees to such Jews Dr. Rnbinpwitch is ' Telling - About lunch," said-Max Fromkin, president ing round." in the Ukraine, Latvia, and Poland erected a Y. M. H. A'., a synagogue A special attraction of the first axe stranded have given assurances of the lodge, ,•, j ,Flora in Palestine. will be the radio program that they •will not deport them, pend"As the lowest scores are turned who wished, to proceed to Mexico. and a. religious school, and have a xabbi to 31. -be. broadcasted from ing their "departure -for tabs United;in ~these~will' be "paired off,"'f said I am ready to take"" -similar action ' ' New York. (JTT.'A.) Dr. "Epraim gious needs. — WO AW by members of the Y. A States, Argentine and Canada, stepr now. Frank Burkhard, golf professional; Rubinowiteh of _ Jerusalem, botanical Two "rounds of the tournament must "Mexico is now passing through a The President-Elect displayed great large radio set will be installed in for'which are being taken. advisor, to the British government in the Y meeting rooms, so as all- the be played by next Sunday." Particular consideration has been Palestine, who' arrivetUin New York period of agrarian reforms. The interest in the present development members attending the meeting will shown "by the government of France, recently, delivered a lecture on "The "policy of my government will be to of the Jewish National Homeland in Al Handier and Margaret MargoaWe to Hstea to program. which has agreed to allow the skilled Flora of" Palestine" recently at the lin, Jewish students of the . Omaha welcome all Jews who wish to come Palestine. He declared, that these j The radio program is under the workers among the refugees to be abSchool- of Jouranlism" Building of Technical High School, will take the efforts have his warm,. .spjipathies to settle "in Mexico and to accord supervision of Miss Ida Lustgarden. sorbed into the industrial fabric of Columbia University under the leading roles in the two-act comedy them protection and help. The only and interest. -. He'is especially interauspices of the University. Professor drama "Out of the Question" to be condition for immigrants to Mexico ested in-the reports of -the progress The complete program to be broad- the country. Special efforts are being made to relieve the situation in Carlton C. Curtis, head of the Depart- presented by the September graduatis that they obey the laws of the of cooperative Jewish labor in casted will appear later. Eoxsmania by despatching groups of ment of Botany of Columbia, pre- ing class of the school.. SanvAbrams, Vancouver Press Demands. Member- country," the President stated. "The Palestine .and the role which the refugees to Argentine and Canada, Mexican Consuls abroad are already Jewish working masses are to, playship in Order be Made Criminal will also take part "in the play. * sided v V:.< -.. "-,V ises Mr. Vladeck observed the interestinstructed to issue freely visas to in the upbuilt National Homeland. Offense. -yDr. Rubinowitch declared that The play was written by William ing fact that out of 800 refugees? Jewish emigrants. Of course, in The Jewish Telegraphic Agency American Jews', lead in the restora- Dean Howells and will be presented stranded in Southampton, faced •with tion of Palestine as the Jewish home- under the direction of Mary Irene ••• Toronto. (J. T. A.)—A vigorous order, to insure the success of the learns that the organizations which. land, and that American scientists Wallace, dramatic instructor of the protest against the reported estab- Jewish settlement in Mexico it are participating in the negotiations Slogan Adopted by Elan in State ©f the alternatives of waiting indefinitely for permission to go to the United . made many of the most important school. lishment in Vancouver of a branch should be carried out on a well- with the Mexican Government are :'-•.''•.' Michigan. States or proceeding immediately to " botanical investigations carried on in of the Ku Klux Klan appeared in prepared scheme. The first line of the American Jewish Committee, the action that suggests itself would be American Jewish Congress, the Detroit, (J. T. A.)—Activities of the Palestine, only 34 chose tie latter, the Holy Land. Important investigathe Vancouver Sun. tions have been made by the Amer- COMMISSION TO SETTLE JEWS "Membership in the Ku Klux Klan the agricultural settlement. In this Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and Ku Klux Klan have spread to Detroit. Mr. Vladeck, who spent a, short tima ON LAND IN RUSSIA LOOKS must be ina"de a criminal offense in respect I could tell- you that ' tiie several Jewish, labor organizations in The secret order has directed its in Poland, reports that there is a ican School of Oriental Research FOR FINANCIAL AID Canada," the paper stated,' "because, Mexican government is greatly inter- the United States. Owing to the silent campaign against Catholic and severe economic depression in that maintained in Palestine by the UnitMoscow, (J. T. A.)—The Commis- if permitted to grow and spread, that ested in obtaining Jewish settlers. absence of many of the leaders of Jewish merchants. Pictures of hooded country due in part to the introduced States government, he saidr "Other nations maintain similar institutions sion for National Minorities, together organization will have, the same can- Our Minister of Agriculture Senor these organizations on account of the and masked persons are found pasted tion of the new money system iii in Palestine, but the American schoo' with the People's Commissariat for cerous effect in the Dominion as it Ramon de Negri follows closely the week-end vacation, so authoritative over windows of business establish- supplanted the valueless paper curdevelopment and maintains contacts statement from these organizations ments, the owners of which are of rency for a high currency on a. gold in unique in that its interest is en- Agriculture in the Ukraine, wfll be in has had in the United States. tirely scientific, whereas the others charge of the new" r*ovement now "The Klan, a branch of which ha3 with Jewish organizations which are j could be obtained. races and religions, whose members basis. In consequence, the country is are also interested in politics to such conducted in the Ukraine with a view been formed in Vancouver, is purely experiencing a crisis due to a lack of are ineligible for the Klan. 43 ORGANIZATIONS WILL „ an extent that it is sometimes diffi of settling the impoverished Jewish anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish. It has cash and cvedit. Recently the campaign has been exYoung Israel Synagogue PARTICIPATE IN JEWISH cult to tell what their chief purpose, masses of the towns on the land. committed more bestial- atrocities The Jews have been most affected tended to include advocacy of a canThe Central Executive Committee of provoked more bitter religious prejuHolds Holiday Services WORLD RELIEF CONFERENCE didate for the governorship, whose by this condition. In the cities «f "js." ' • . Palestine, although small in area, the Communist Party in the Ukraine dice, aroused more inter-racial intol- About twenty young men attended Paris, (J. T. A.)—43 organizations platform would be based on opposi- Bialystok and Lodz, the centers of the ; has over 2100 different species o has instructed the People's Commis- erance and given a greater set-back the last Saturday evening and Sunday in 16 different countries have already tion to parochial schools. Opposition textile industry, things are at an evening Tishabov serv- f o r m e d the Executive of the Jewish to parochial schools, affecting the; utter standstill and the Jewish workices that and -were held by ' the Young flora, due to its marvelous contrasts sariat for Agriculture to grant all to national progress than any other morning in topography and climate, which facilities to those Jews .who are will- device of the Devil than has come Israel Synagogue. Tishabov is com-j World ReUef ..Conference that they Catholics of the State, two years ago • ers are actually starving. He urged " bear a striking similarity to Califor- ing to take up agricultural pursuits into the world in the last thousand memorated be cause it is the day on ^tend to participate m fee Jewish caused bitter feeling between the! that American relatives go to the on the same principles which are ap- years.- It is a retrogressive- force which the second Jewish Temple in] World Relief Conference which is to Catholics and non-Catholics, with the help of their relatives in these nia, according to Dr. Rubinowitch. In the 1 ecture he described his plied to all other applicants. The init&ra] to civilization and debauch- the city of Jerusalem was destroyed "j be held in Carlsbad on August 2_lst Jews joining the Catholics in defeat- regions. botanical researches, which have trans-emigration and the installing of ing to the best interests of mankind. by the Roman, and because many to 26ft. The countries in question ing a proposed state amendment As a result of this critical situaproved* valuable not only in the field the settlers is to be conducted under "No" religious waT, no racial war,'' Jews were then killed and carried off!are, England, United State*.Canada, against the parochial institutions. tion, Mr. Vladeck reports that tfeere the supervision of the People's Comof botany, but also in archaeology, the article concludes, "will be tol- as captives. . Argentina, France, Holland, Denmark, A few days ago, stickers advocating is a strong inclination towards thfe' folk lore, philology and in the econ- missariat /or Agriculture a"nd the erated in Canada, and it is up to The Young Israel Synagogue hold Germany, Czecho-Slovakia, Lithuania, the candidacy of the author of the settlement of the Jews on the land. . Commission for National Minorities. Ottawa to say so plainly and definiteomic development of Palestine. services «very Friday evening a t 8 Esthonia, Italy, Poland, Austria, Eou- parochial school amendment for the A serious hindrance to this rnobement The capital necessary for the carrying ly without delay." governorship of Michigan were found is the lack of assistance that the Jews P. M. and Saturday morning be- mania and .Palestine. out of this plan will have to be found The organisations include in ad- pasted over Jewish and Catholic win- who desire to settle on the land are JEWISH ARBITRATION ginning at 9 A. M. at the City Talmud by the named commission. They TURKEY OUGHT TO COURTS COMPLAIN Torah. All young men are welcome dition to those which devote them- dows, shaping the letters K. K. IL, receiving in the purchase of tnachtointend to make official representations selvesspecifically to relief work, such and containing threats. The stickers ery, and the securing of advice on LEARN FROM SPAIN, OF INFRINGEMENT to attend. ' • to the Jewish philanthropic instituas the American Jewish Congress, the read: "One school, one law, one flag," proper cultivation- A visit to the Ort SAYS ARTHUR BRISBANE Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—A complaint tions abroad. B'nai B'rith" lodges of the various and "Equality for all." New York, (X T- A.)—Commenting against ;,the infringement of- their office in Kishineff by Mr. Vladeck recountries, the Jewish National Counupon the anti-Semitic order issued by SMALLHOLDERS' COrights ^was made by the Jewish aad non-Catholics are not vealed the fact that the society OPERATIVE SOCD3TY cils of Lithuania, Palestine, Poland molested by ths vandals who paste no money with which to remedy the* Turkish Government, concerning Arbitration Courts in Palestine, which JEWS CONTRIBUTE TO » FOUNDED IN PALESTINE and Czecho-Slovakia, and various these stickers over windows and other difficulties. the expulsion of non-Turkish Jews «re known under their Hebrew name FUNDS FOR REPAIR ' "Misphat Ha'shalom." OF OMAR MOSQUE from Turkey, Arthur Brisbane, prom- Tel-Aviv, (J. T. A.)—A Palestine Jewish communal organizations and properties. Oa one block on East The arbitration courts claim that Bagdad, (J. T. A. Mail.)—Among inent American journalist, in his smallholders" co-operative society, federations of Jewish communities. Division Avenue in Detroit, every MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD FOR : GERMAN JEWISH WAR DEAB the authorities and law courts in the names mentioned in the list pub- column in the New York American of initiated by Dr. S. joskin for the Jewish and Catholic store was smeared Berlin, (J. T. A.)—For the first various towns have in many cases lished by the Committee collecting August 1st, made the following state- carrying out of his scheme of creating CHEKA SOLDIERS ATTEMPT with K. K. K. signs for several nights in Palestine agricultural: settlements time since the end of the World War, TO ROB JEWISH STORES acted against the decisions of the funds for the repair of the Mosque of ment: in succession, but their neighboring working on the lines of extensive the Jewish Community of Berlin has ., Riga, (J. T. A.)—A military, detacharbitration courts and interfered with Omar in Jerusalem are those of three "The Jewish Telegraphic Agency restores were unmolested. honored the memory of the Jewish ment • of the Moscow Cheka, while .uo c i ^ ««=»„ «~* «, — ^^cultivation, was registered here today. : ports that alien Jews are to be exj: their activities. b members of the Bagdad Jewish ComThe Jewish arbitration courts have munity—Moses Jehuda Bakatn Isaak," pelled from Turkey with one yearns Dr. SosMn is leaving for Europe passing through the town of Sebesh MANUFACTURERS ASK INTER- war heroes in separate services held been in existence in Palestine for the 50 rupees, Saul Menache, 100 rupees, grace. If Kemal Pasha will read the shortly'to complete the financial ar- organized itself into several maraud- J VENTION OF ZIONIST ESECU- on the Jewish cemetery in Weissense* ing bands and. tried to rob the Jewish •- TIVE IN LABOR' TROUBLE today. history of Portugal and. Spain and rangements the scheme. last fifteen years and have gained the and Rachmai Nissim,. 50 rupees. > stores. The Jewish populstioii, fear- Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The mants- Thousands participated in the seiv* learn what happened to the prosperconfidence'of the Jewish population ing a pogrom, became 'jaasie-strieken. factarers of Tel-Aviv, who recently ices, which were preceded by a parade " ity, trade and some other things in CHALUTZ ARRESTED FOR as a. judicial authority. .' RABBI KOOK POSTPONES DEHAAN MUSDER RELEASED Word was sent to the Commander of had difficulties with their striking of Jewish veterans and students. Rabbi •The ddmpiaifvt of the arbitration RETURN TO PALESTINE those countries after the Jews were Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Jacob Goss- Wolodin, a neighboring town, and a workmen, decided to ask the Zionist Beack, former^' Field Chaplain of the courts was originally submitted to the Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—RaBbi A..I* forced' out, he might change his mind Chief Justice, whose oeply was uri- Kobk, Chief Rabbi of Palestine, will! about that Spelling program. The man, the chalutz arrested on the military detachment was sent from Executive in Faiestinp to intervene in German Army, delivered the memorial »Jsatisfsictory.- The matter was, there- net return here until after the High j ablest Jews went from Spain to Hol- suspicion that he had participated in there which disarmed the Chekists the matter. Unless they receive this addsess. 12,000 Jewish soldiers wem t fore, referred to the High Commis- Holiday, according-to wbr/i received {land. Holland went up, Spain went the murder of Dr. Israel DeHaan, was and seat them under ieavv caard to intervention they have decide dto order killed in the German Arm? dsriiur .the „ i a lockout . released today on fifty, pounds bail. Esltow. •ioner. from Mm isam New York.L I down."


letter from the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Elus Elan in Atlanta, inviting him to become.a member of the Order. In the letter there was enclosed a number of Klan leaflets, declaring- that the Klan has modified its policy, towards the Jews and its main platform is' now to fight against the "reign of Catholicism in America.". Mr. Altfeld, who is the author of a book to. be' issued shortly, entitled-''The Jew's Struggle for Religious and Civil, Liberty in Maryland," declined the invitation.

Highland Country Clot to Hold Golf Tournament

Palestinian Botanist is lecturing Here

Jewish Students Take Leads in High School Plays

Canada Protests Against Presence ofKu Klux


ONLY -JEW IN BAVARIAN Mexico is Open for Jewish Emigrants; Both Agricultural DIET IS MEMBER OF VOELKISCHE PARTEI and Iniastrial Workers. Savs New Mexican Presideet in the Bavarian Diet is a member of laterYiew with Jewish Telegraphic Agency the Nationalist Party, writes the of-

KLAN "MODIFIES" POLICY; JEWS WHO SERVED IN". " ;X. V ARMY M A Y F J O I N IT .Baltimore, (J^i: A.;—-mat Jews' -who served in the American' Army during the World War may also now become 'meinbersof the Ku Klux Klan is the information given out "by-Mr. Negotiations Between Mexican Government and American Jewish Organizations Being Conducted; Sum of i E. Milton AltfeloV Assistant State Atjtbrney of "Maryland. Mr. Altfeld was . $2,(JTJC£t>00 Necessary to Start Movement.

Success of Omaha Hebrew Uub Picnic is Assured—Plans Made to Handle Large Crowd, Sunday, Aug. 17th


is* . ;

Meeting-to be


emigrants, money, the necessary SPANISH GOVERNMENT TAKES Mrs. M. Frosh. She plans to sper.. papers, the native governments isACTION FOR PROTECTION about three weeks in Lincoln, .aftei PARSHA VAET6HANAN — August sued passports and the American ConOF JEWS IN MOROCCO which time she will travel in ColoPublished every Jtljursdny at Uuabitr NebrasKa,- 6y 16th. sul's visaed these passports and the '....• London, (J. T. A.)—The Spanish rado. T H E J E W I S B - P R E S S PUBLISHING COMPANY. PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. steamship tickets for the United Embassy jn London has issued the Office: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlanfic 1450 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cohn and ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PAR- States had been purchased and the following statement: NATHAN"E. GREEN, Manager. children returned Friday from a trip SflA REAY—August 30th. people were all in readiness to come j "It will be interesting to those who Subscription Price, one year • —— $2.50. ii to Minnesota. ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August to this country. If the Consuls had have read of the ill-treatment to which .-;/ Advertising: rates furnished on application. -31st. not issued the visas, the problem of Ussishkin Leads Opposition to a Jew was submitted in the Spanish Mrs. Chas. Michael with her daughOF AD'DttESS— Please civo both the old and new address: PARSHA SHOFTIM—September 6th. these stranded emigrants might not zone of Morocco by the Governor of ter is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Tillie "Weizmann Plan for Exba Bure oud give you? name. PARSHA KE SAZA — September have arisen. It is a Jewish problem Arzila to know that although the said Oppenlieimer. tending Agency. \ TFhe Jewish Press rs supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish 13th. official had recourse to methods which, Correspondence Bureau) •with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, hi addition PARSHA tfEZAVTM — September from the point of view of relief, because these emigrants are Jewish. MINIMIZES GLORY OF SUC-barbarous in themselves, are tradiMrs. Simon and two daughters of to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres, 27th. Politically and diplomatically, it is an inquiries fegaruTng news" Items credited to this Agency wilT be gladly CESS IN U. S. tional in Morocco, he has been called Oklahoma are visiting- at the homo answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Filth Avenue, EREV ROSH HASHANNO—Septem- issue which has to be taken up with to Tetuan, where he will be the object of Mrs. Simon's sister, Mrs. Herman New Yotk City. ber 28th. the American government." London.—American Jewry's con- of measures on the part of the Gov- Speier. This is in substance the conclusion tribution to the Keren Hayesod and ernment which will ensure his abstainwhich was reached by the delegation the possible support of that may be ing in the future from such ill-usage, Mr. Echvard Gugenheim fand nephew Ii . I L K . K; of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society expected from it for the further and he will, moreover, be obliged to Paul have gone to Denver on a busi•"' These three letters are now written across the American sky ness trip. upon its return from investigating the development of Palestine was the return to his victim the money conttf send & shudder through' the frame and a chili down the batiks 1 situation - of the Jews stranded ia keynote in the opposition speech fiscated from the latter, as a conse- Mrs. James Brown has left for Coloof decfent, honest, law-abiding American citizens. The fetters axe marching on to" frighten, to threaten/ to intimidate; 'We Are Well."—Jewish Extrac- various parts of Europe. It is re- delivered by.M. M. Ussishkin, director quence of the charge made by a local rado -where she will join her parents tion and a New York Country ported that not less than 8,000 refuges of the Jewish National Fund, dur- Moor. The guilty Governor will also Mr. an5 Mrs. M. Weil, who have been Two great national conventions, the Republican at Cleveland, Club.—Klan "Modifies'* Its Pofi- find themselves in this position. More ing the general debate at the meet- have to pay the cost of medical treat- traveling there. .the Democratic at New- York and a third tarty now launched in cy*—Does Well-Deserved Vaca- than 50% of them are women and ing of the Zionist Actions Committee, ment for the Jew, and must appear Invitations have been issued to the Americari politics, refused to touch these letters, a$ if they we're tion Eemove an Emergency?— children.- It is certainly a Jewish and aftetr addresses had been delivered before the courts of law for the pay- wedding of Miss Dorothy LeUveen to hot, burning' coat An American and Jewish Ques- an American question. Not long ago by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, Nahrum ment of damages to the injured man. Eli Evnen which will take place Sunan important conference took place, Sdkolow and Sir Herbert Samuel. The Shereefian Khalifa of the Spanish tion. . _* * * * Called by Louis Marshall and Dr. "The talk about American brains, zone has addressed a circular to all day, August 31, at the synagogue. '• K. K. K. symbolizes an ugly, cancerous growth in American Stephen S. Wise v at which representa- American money and American im- the local authorities of the country, By WItTAASt Z. . civilization, unhealthy in root, disgusting in progress and siekeny Readers of letters, especially family tives of many national Jewish organ- portance discourages E u r o p e a n forbidding them under the threat of ing in results. "We furnish the appetite" letters, occasionally have an opportun- izations participated. It will be re- Jews/' Ussishkin stated, "killing severe punishment to subject inFULL LINE OF For the third time within a weefci'tvlassachusetts, cradle of ity for a good laugh. In. the days called the Conference decided to create their self-reliance and lessening the habitants to cruelty of any sort, whatAmerican liberty, was the bloody scene" of fierce battles between when the public school system had not ari American Emergency Committee scope of. Zionist activity in Europe. ever may be the customs existing members of the Ku K!lux- &Ian- and foes of the invisible organiza- yet produced the average grade of in- on Jewish Refugees. Owing- to the It' would be a great mistake for the there in former times." tion. Five we're gun-shots, others injured by-stones telligence which is so common now, uripreparedriess" of the leaders, the Zionist Organization to plaee all hope EVERYTHING FOR THE and clubs. Tar and feather campaigns, lynehings and brutal kid- the average family member was not Conference was not in a position ta for the rebuilding of Palestine in Johannesburg, (J. T. A,)—H. Ehriich, the only Jewish member of the PICNIC nappings are waged daily throughout the country. Civil, religlous,- able to -compose a letter on his own elect rts executive body and left it to America. ^ accord. An enterprising publisher South African Senate, died yesterday and racial warfare is on, yet our Federal government ^Washingthe originators to form the committee "In spite of the tremendous Milwaukee Delicatessen saw an opportunity to accommodate ''within ten' days." Ten days and at Blomfontein. ton sits supinely and motionless. The I. W. W. because of economic ••SERVICE IS Oril MOTTO" amount of work," UssisSkih argued, Abe Abranis, Dare Knklin, Props. and pacifist, views wasAdfiven from American life .by Federal this public need and Issued a Briefen- more Mve elapsed. No one was ever ''that Dr. Weizmann has done in His funeral today was attended by 1619 "O" Street. Tel. L-4660. . j many thousand Jews and non-Jews, authorities. Why not the K. K. K. ? Infinitely worse,' spreading steller (book of form letters). Since informed that this committee was America, nothing has been LINCOLN, NEBR. practi- p r e m i e r Hertzog, the new Prime rancorous hatred, dividing our people into hostile camps. We that day most of the family letters formed,- or is ever going to be formed. cally achieved, when we consider Minister of South Africa, delivered an cannot long remain half kjan and half fi le. One or ,the other usually began with "I wish to let you It is true the heat drives everyone out the • material prosperity of Amer- address at the grave in which he know we are all, thank God, well, and must go. Temporarily, -the hooded order has clutched America for a vacation, but does it also remove ican Jewry. everything is alright. Second, it the emergency of the situation for dwelled upon his friendship with by the throat. MONHEIT'S "In one regard Dr. Weizmann has Senator Ehriich, for the past twentygrieves me to tell you that I do not wMeh the American Emergency ComBEAUTY SHOP * -* * * feel very well and things have not mittee for Jewish Refugees was to be been successful—in the matter of nine years. He pointed out the great AJsl> CHIROPODY The Ku Klux Klan objects to a Catholic Pope; but offers us been going at all well with u s . . . " Est. ISDO the Jewish Agency. But here contribution of the late Senator to : . ftlarcel an<! free reset In an invisible Emperor with despotic power over life:and death. One is almost tempted to begin a created? again, his success was due to the the economic and political develop" days, $1.00 It fumes, curses' and swears about the Catholic ritual; yet employs New York letter reporting the activ- We" are well.- We are having a fact that he asked for nothing and ment of the country, and stated that We specialize in permanent rest* Are we really so well? an elaborate ritual of its own, filled with grotesque absurdities. ities of the Jewish family in these hot jdeserved yielded all along the line. Dr. WeizOpen from D^A, M. to South Africa had suffered a great by Je\risli Telegraphic 9 T. M. Preaches American patriotism in one breath, and in another and dull days in a similar fashion. It (Copyright 1924.Agency.) mann agreed to deliver the control loss upon his' death. Jackson 8774. 1512 Harney St. breath forgets the cfistly'sacrifices for the Stars and Stripes, made seems, first, that we are, thank God, to others who accepted no responSenator Ehriich was a prominent by those Who are the object of their fiendish venom. Fears the PRAYER BOOK FOR JEWISH sibilities, and who received all and second,- that we are grieved segregation of oUr races, yet fights to segregate White'Protestants well; BLIND TO BE ISSUED rights, including even control over leader of Jewry in South Africa and to note that we are not so well; and was the founder of the Jewish Board .from the rest of the. population. Regards Jews, Catholics and this and that, of a not too cheerful New York, (J. T. A.)—A prayer the Keren Hayesod. HEADQUARTERS of Deputies, a union of Jewish com' Negroes beyond their pale because of beliefs; yet tries to foist book for the Jewish blind, printed in "The Zionist Organization has munities in South Africa. for nature, is happening. it's own monstrous belief on thinking citizens. Braille, will be ready for publication lived through, in recent years, a * • • • • * . * ss * * * tat an early date. The material for moral crisis. Now, as a result of Originally created arid designed to produce enorm6us profits Harold Bolster, a promoter of an this" prayer book is being gathered Weizmann's plans for the Jewto organizers who pla"y on the religious and racial emotions of exclusive Country Club in Tarrytown, under the direction". of Mrs. Joshua Dr. ish. Agency, it is approaching the Mr. and Mrs. Max Lehman have as N. Y., which was to occupy a part of Piza of New York City, under the great danger of an internal crisis. their guests Mrs. Lehman's grandEngagement Rings is our the estate of the late William Rocke- auspices of the'^National Council of Specialty mother, Mrs. Lyons, and her greatDr. Robert Strieker of Vienna feller, brings suit against Frank H. Jewish Women. ' Senators, Cdrtgressiiien, Judges, Governors/ high public servants, grandfather, Mr. Pinkus, of Chicago, Isaac Gruenbaum of former Pcstmaster-General Mrs. Piza has been associated with and Deputy cheerfully obeying its sinister orders and iniquitous mandates. Hitchcock, and now in charge of that exclusive organizations devoted to the needs of Warsaw also strongly opposed Dr. Illinois. 1514 Dodge St. plan for the formation K. K. K. for the firs{ time" in American history has placed the club. There is something wrong some- the blind, as Weil as with movements ®Weizmann's Est. 1894 J a . 5619 Mrs. Helen Grimm of Memphis.. the Jewish Agency. Declaration Of Independence in jeopardy. The Declaration, one where, and a difference of opinion is interested in sight conservation. The of Jean Tenn., is the house guest of Mr. and Fisher, of Belgium, subjectbrought to court. But none of tlje fecommeiidatiori'tb prepare this pubreasons 'which caused the difference lication Was presented' by her at the ed the political report of Dr. Weizto severe criticism. - In his the Tea Comrhandments from Mount Sinai on tablets of stone of opinion is a fact of interest to us. recent conference of the Council which mann opinion the situation is not as good FranK Hi Hitchcock refused to issue Man,proclaimed httfnall rights in the Declaration of Independence. gave its approval to this publication. Thisdivme revelation and hurtian effort comprise the foundation life membership in that fashionable The Council hag already issued a as Dr. Weizmann has pictured it. country dub to several members "be- similar book for the Jewish handi- He asked for facts which would source of riiodern justice.cause the Board of Governors will not capped, the prayer book for the Deaf, confirm the favorable attitude. of * * « « I5!9 1 5 * Colerate in its club anyone of Jewish Which was prepared by Mrs. Sidney the British Government to the fuDOUCUAS.ST ; - The Declaration of Independence was a dream thousands of extraction ture of the Jewish national homeas a member of Rockwood years m the.making. It lived when Jews-threw off the yoke of Hall." It is revealed that those per- !. Stern of Philadelphia. land in Palestine. serfdom m Egypt "It existed when brave Frenchmen stormed sons who wer6 refused life memberRATIFICATION OF LAUSANNE the walls of the BaStife in Paris and broke through prison bars ship in that club were the very ones Have you renewed your subscripTREATY WILL IMPROVE to liberate political inmates. It Lived when British feudal serfs who took a financial interest in the tion? SITUATION OF PALESTINE Madam X .wrung the Magna Chart'a: from the hands of aft Unwilling monarch Gray Rubber and contributed largely to- Paris, (J. T. A.)^-The ratification t<5 preserve .the ancient and inalienable rights of a free people. It enterprise Reducing Girdle the club. Among the members papers' of the Treaty of Lausanne prevailed when Lincoln loosened the chains of slavery around tne wards Brassieres $9.85 of the Board of Governors of the Club- between Great Britain, Italy, Japan nfecks of four niillipn hutoan beiiigs. It triumphed When Woodrow are $5.00 Vinceiit Astor, Robert W. and Turkey were formally deposited wii—tf _Tshattered tH rftilitary ambitidns of the Housfe of HoiienKa e Chambers,Bainbridge Colby, Edward -.«_ i J%$8*°% ^ ? Wilhelm to the hrfrtber heap in the L.: Donenyy T. Coleman da Font, here today. This formal act marks Good business location in Counforests of Holland. • Now comes the Ku Klux Klafi and defiantly Charles Dana Gibson"/ Frank A. Sfan- the final' peace settlement between Ffesh Rubber cil Bhiffs: Large two-story pronounces the Declai-ation of Independence as a lie, a cheat and sey and Helville E. Stone. Who were G*ea£ Britain and Turkey and is an corner brick building in busiGirdle a fratid; that Catholics, Jews and Negroes are not the equal of the1 ones to whoin1 membership was impottalit event With regard to the ness district, 37-39 S_o. Main $11.85 sif nation in Palestine. It was imposother men, because thfey ar^ not White Protestants. Street; Suitable for any kind re'fused we are'not in a position to sible tt enact the Palestinian nationalof business. Will remodel to say. However, SuprefnS Court Justice ity law without the formal conclusion ''*L /'«*Baerjy_JKfe_^*Hdren'of humanity flocked to our shores of ilcGoldrick suit tenant. S. Shyken, ltiOS sees ho reason to appoint of peace with Turkey.- France has freedoni and the Statue of Liberty in New Ytfrk Harbor shone Second Aveiiue, Council Bluffs, a receiver as the plaintiff demands, ?! J?-? x ^ ° ° - ? h t to.thfe^oppregsed and downtrodden. But if one probably following what is called the not yet ratified the Lausanne Treaty Iowa. still at war With romr devastated, ravaged and war-"logical line, of thought" that any and is technically ; Turkey* '• I „ . .. _ T .e. - , . , . ; -.- °^ fountain of precious equality, 77:« Mad/tmg X &*ttutln£ group of members who form a £ ^ , ° L ^ bert? & * ? ? » ? » back. The The immigrant is greeted Girdle is realh muth m*r* than agirdli^ftt it hit tnly fashionable club have the face n, the new world by & flaming tntirties tht mtAimtn tut with' a mask inth& inth& right .to'"decide "wfhom they want to ytur vyahtyhfpi end thighs Mail Orders wS^SS!^^^ $ W Pocket, Tdlgge?^ at tuW/, and htldi them m, hand r ^ d y to to stab stab th th back, b k a«d « he hfSs ? have .as Itfe members, and whom they Maiai yeu look thin tohilt hand r^dy the new arrival in the Filled getting thint shout ffoiri a thousand lips, fjoii are a'fdfeigner!" * wish 1rflrt'to have as such. Are we not, first, thdnk God, well; p tire and sec6nd, not so well? - ' u«adultered Americanisni, then


Grip! American Jew on Zionist Movement is Being Challenged



lie Platii










j? ouv Country has turned back one




The KU .Klux Kian has "modified" its pbiicy with regard t6 the Jew. This was made fenowri by none other than the, Graftd Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan in ^Atl^hta, .and the news was given $o none' otiier than Mr. E. Sffilton above t h e pr the Altfeld, Assistant State Attorney of K. K. Baltimore, authoT of . "The Jew's e d hbt k i l 0 W w h Struggle for Religious and Civil L . t. ? ^ t the letter^ K: K; K mar sterrifv7 Liberty in Maryland." The new Others,- but toe tit theyjfafld for the followingr*SrS: literature of the Klah, mailed hurriedm? - * I e t t e ? K symbolizes—Knavery ly to Mr. Altfelt, if party literature The secofid letter" K spells—Kidnapping means ariythlri'g, marks a iudden turn ' . - The thifd.lettfet K S in the" Klan tactics. It announces that Ie Jews who have served in thfe army *ter.s must be wiped out in Anieridati th e e x x m tei mt during the war could b6 accepted as m tei: mt S w ?for ? Love, ^ TLiberty, & alphabet-L ?-? ii iLaw.—SamUel l pC. h bK6he.-^Advocate t L L. L L.5vh members of the K. tt. K. and that the" stands chief platform of this organization first act was to visit the" Chief £ab- will frottf now on be ilie fight fight "agafnsf "agafnsf TO. binate of Palestine.' During a conver- the reign of Catholicism in America." -OMARsation: between the " Mohammedan' I do* hat know what other 1089& iefiisaiern, (J. t . A.)—the leg-end delegation and the Rabbis, the forme* Americans may think or do, but Mr. jifgad', D'y anti-Zibn'ist agitators in Ihe asked specifically whether the Jews, Altfeld proudly refused this invitation. ^ifiammedan world" that. the Jews, and especially the Zionists, intended is not this another sign, that we a^'especially the Zionists, intend to to seize thfe Omar Ji&sqiie. The delega- are well; sind perhaps, not so well ? siiz& t i € Omar" ilosqiie, which is built tion wds Ssstred that no such inten* ' * * tion feasted, and it le;ft satisfied: The *'fheV<brKre'Ire:fuge& prttblem, bedele'gatioft fthili sides being a sfiecifid^y Jewish-one-, delegation cbrisiste-d c"brisiste-d off RusTiaili triSaf"-, between' MdHarriiriedan rdp- Hafex, Hafex, Jacob Sti and Muhamafl' ife i/fhifirmay Yhififbe tie,tetfned tirt-mptff an an Americari Arnerirttri _-Md.-i*J*«rtB!-; o«rf the CKief Rabbinate Vaial. issde as well, and must be solved fey & American Jewry, since the relatives o£ of. Moslem ^legation, these entigfa'rrfcs are frl this cptotryi ,THe wealth producers ift this counHire is tW.situatitm. The* relatives try ciust bliiia h}t t h ^ i r ^ n news- of.- these emigrants- iive' -in"America; tot graved yesterday, and their papers. These relatives sent to the prospective

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lie Clothes



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WONDERFUL new scientific girdle reduces your and hips almost instantly! Makes you look thin while grsttttg tlun! The moment you put it on, the bulky fat on waist and hip* se'ems to vanish, the waistline lengthens, your figure is erect and graceful—Cot the girdle is strong enough to really hold yon In. But it does not merely draw in your waist. Ji actualfy takti iff the fat, getst/y lut surely. The Madame % Reducing Girdle is built on scientific masiage principles that haye caused reductions of 5, 10, za pounds. It ia made of the hlg'Eest grade pure Para robber., especially designed fat reducing purposes, and is worn over the undergarment in place of 8 Stiff], nneamfortable corset. Touches and massage* every portion of the surface! With every breath, with every step, with every little motion, it gently massages away the disfiguring! useless fat. Women usually lose one to three inches tht very ftrtt wetl! Mates you look and feel years younger. It is entirely new—nothing like it has ever been known before. ' The most comfortable, practical girdle you ever had on! ^

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PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924 Numerous entertainments are b&* Mr. Lester Meyer returned Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block and Milton at the Wise Memorial Hospital of Kansas City, Ho., formerly of this ing given for the Misses Esther and day afternoon from the Minnesota and Florence Block, of Fremont, are Omaha. city, announce the birth of a daughter, • j •. ' -• • Rose1 Zelikson, of Tulsa, Okla., who Lakes, where he spent several weeks. leaving about' September 1 for Caliborn in Des Moines, la., Monday, are visiting with their grandparents, fornia, where they will make their Mr. and Mrs. Mas Silverman, of August 11. Mrs. Krasne was formerly, In honor of Miss Sadie Levey, who future home. Mr.; and Mrs. A. Davidson, and other Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. A. Silverman Miss Esther Leavitt of Des Moines. relatives here. Among their hostesses is leaving the latter part of this month and sons, Meyer and Saul, of Royal during the past,several weeks were with her mother, Mrs. Harris Levey, City, Pa., left for their homes Mon- Mrs. S. Cohen is spending the j to visit in the east, Mrs. Michael Miss Rose Davidson* who entertained day after spending the past ten days month in Excelsior Springs, Mo., on Katleman is entertaining at a luncheon twenty-five at bridge at her home' at the Omaha Athletic Club Saturday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Solz- account of her health. Meyer-Bernstein last Sunday afternoon, Miss Gertrude afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bernstein of Oska- man and family. Miss Rose Silver- INCOME TAX MAY BE ' Steinberg, who entertained six at the loosa, Iowa, announce the engagement man of Royal City, who has been visitINTRODUCED IN PALESTINE Brandeis Tea Rooms. Last Saturday ing here, will remain indefinitely on Messrs. Jack Kliincsky and I of th'eir daughter, Eva, to Mr. Adolph " Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—That an inafternoon, Miss Jeannette Gilinsky Simon, bi Des Moine's, la., who areMeyer, son of Mrs. Fannie Meyer, of the Sdlzman farm. come tax will be introduced in .Paleswas hostess to twelve guests at how touring the country, were in this city. No date has been set for Mr. Abe Markovitz left Tuesday tine is the rumor current in. many Mrs. I. Pearlman, of this city, and bridge. Mrs. A". Agirisky also enter- Omaha this week while enroute to Sari the wedding. circles here. tained at bridge for these bisitors. morning for Lake Okoboji. Francisco, Calif*, where they will Mr. Meyer expects to visit in OskaMrs. Simon NevelefF, of St. Joseph, Of social interest is the announce- Mo., left last Sunday, August 10, .for Miss Ann Rabinovitz entertained six .make their home. While in Omaha loosa the latter part of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Hvman Krasne of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS, ment made by Mr. I. Kully.. of the an extended several, months' visit couples at Carter Lake Club, and they were entertained by Mr; Ben Miss Esther Davidson entertained The Bar Mitzvah of Sam Meyerson, engagement of his daughter, Miss through California* Mrs. Peariman's Ravitz; son of Mr; and Mrs. Goodman MeyerFanny Kully, to Mr. Morris Levey, daughter, Mrs. J. D. Kendis* of fifty-five guests Sunday afternoon at Games, contests* raffles, prizes, son, will take place Saturday morning son of Mr. and Mrs. Harris Levey, Sedalia, Mo., has been on the coast "Preston's Hut, oh Top of the Hill." This week Miss Sarah Warsaw is dancing, on Aug. 17, at Peony Park. at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synaof this city. . for the past month. gogue* 618 Myiister St. Sam Meyerentertaining at her home Thursday —A8v. Eat -Miss Kully and Mr. Levey are evening, and on Saturday evening Mrs. B. Blotcfcy arid daughter, Ann, \vell-krio\vn among the younger social Miss Eddie Schienbaum, of Minne- son will entertain about thirty of his Paxton Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & farnam set here. Miss Kully is attending •are spending th6 remainder of the the Misses Ann Rabinovitz and Mai:-: apolis; Minn., arrived this week to be boy friends at his home Saturday garet Greenfield will be hostesses to the guest of Miss Esther Brown for afternoon; summer at Long Beach, Calif. the University of Nebraska. Mr. Kully will receive friends at .Mrs. A. Rubinsky, and children, of twelve couples Saturday evening at several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meyerson, his homo Sunday evening, August St. .Lotus, Mo., arrived last week to Elkhorn, Nebr. 634 Oakland Drive, will be at home Mrs. Maurice Vann will entertain 17, from 7:30 td 10:30, in honor of visit with her parents, Mr^ and Mrs. Miss Ruth Herman, of Detroit, Sunday afternoon and evening, August the Ra Oth Society Sunday afternoon, his daughter and her fiance. Mich,, is the guest here of her cousin, August 4, at her apartment at the 17i to all their friends and relatives M. Soinit. in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their Miss Ruth Herman, whp has just .re- Morris Apts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hahn entertained son, Sam. at their home Monday evening for Aug. 17 means dancing, picnicking, turned from a two weeksr visit at [antes.and real fun at Peony Park. Miss Etta Bluffston, 6f St. Louis, Des Moines, Iowa. twelve couples honoring Mrs. J. Md., is visiting with Mrs. Morris Feld- Mr. Isadore Aginskee arrived last Kramer, of Albuquergue, New Mexico, Thursday from Los Angeles, Calif., Y Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kahn returned man. Mrs. H. FrumMn, of Des Moiries, la*, to spend a month here with his Monday from a three weeks' honeyMiss Fanny Milfer, of Seattle, and Mrs. N. H. Leavitt, of Lincoln, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A; Aginskee. moon trip to Seattle, Wash., Portland, For a cool; cozy, contentable day, Nebr., who are visiting here with their Wash., is the guest of her cousin, Miss Ore., and the San Juan Islands. coine fo Hebrew Cldb Picnic at Peony Annette Greenblatt. , parents* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Conn.Messrs. Leo and Lawrence Krasne I Now In Park Aug. 17.—Adv. returned home last Friday from a two I Mr.and MrsLouis Staimer and Mrs. Dave Green and children reMiss Ann Zalk returned home last j Miss Rosella Klein entertained at weeks' trip to New York City. Progress [ Friday after spending the past month turned from a several weeks' visit at children returned from a several her home Tuesday evening in honor weeks stay at ~Estek Park and MamiKansas City, Mo. visiting; in California. of Miss Ruth Hirschman, of New York Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohen of Gretna, ton, Colo. City, who is the guest of Dr. andNebr., announce the birth of a son, Mr. and. Mrs Tollman Kaplan are Mrs. S. Babior entertained at bridge James Marshall, Monday, August 4, For fun, frolicking and foolishment expected to return home Sunday after Wednesday afternoon at her home in come io Pedny Park Aug. 17.^-Adv. Mrs. H. Hirscbman. honor of Mrs. J. Zager, of Los spending the past several weeks at The advantages of choosing Miss Rose Fine is convalescing at Miss Edna Schulman, of Chicago, her home having underwent a slight Genuine U. S. Excelsior Springs, and Kansas City, Angeles, Calif., who is visiting h6rg. now are obvious: Quality Mrs. Robert Gross left this week HI., is bisiting here with Miss Bess operation, Monday morning. Selections are complete, prices are ——-Fabric Haykih. lower than they will be later, and a Aft but-dodr musical program con- for Manitow, Colo., where shfe will 30x3, S 5 . 9 5 30x3 Vt, S 6 . 9 5 Omaha's best musical talent at Pesmall deposit will hold the garment U. S. Cord, 30x3V?. S 7 . 9 5 Miss Minnie Alperin; of St. Louis, ony Park, Aug. 17, under auspices of sisting of the best local talent oil spend the remainder of the summer of your choice until you want it. months. Guaranteed first class. Save 25 to 35%. Mo., who was the" house guest here Hebrew Club Picnic.—Adv. Aug. 17^—Adv. KAIMAH'S TIRE SHOP Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kahri have as of Mrs: David Kline, left iot her The Zeta Beta Tao Fraternity Mr. an<J Mrs. I. Ziegler and children their guests their sister, Mrs. Maxhome Tuesday evening.1723 Cumlnc St. entertained its members at a dancing returned . home Wednesday morning Scheer, and daughters. Belle, Lucille, Miss Adelle Beutseh, of Brooklyn, party at Peony Park Tuesday evening, "from Birmidge, Minn., where they and Hannah Pauline, of Cedar Rapids, N. Y,, is the guest here of her uncle August 12. spent several weeks. S la, and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. J. Daytch. The Misses Toby Steinberg and Ida Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, who is now at Mr. and Mrs. L. Wintroub have as Mrs. Satri Faier and daughters Cahn returned Wednesday afternoon Excelsior springs, Mo.» is expected to their house guest, Mrs. M. Rosen, of Sara and Tiilie, left Tuesday fdT from "Sioux City, la., where they spent xeturli home Sunday. ' Chicago, 111-, formerly of this City. Denver, Colorado Springs, and Mani- several weeks visiting with Mrs. P. Mr. and Mrs." A.;Wdlf have just re- Miss Sarah Somit and sister, Mrs. ton, Colo,, where they will spend Sherman, and friends. turned froifl a; six weeks' trip to the B. Balaban/ of Council Bluffs, la., re- three weeks. _ CLUBS different cities to California, Oregoiii turned last week after spending j ^ and". Mrs. M. H. Pessen left The Yeta Mo Club held their inand Colorado. several weeks visiting at Harlan, la. j „ morning on a motor trip to stallation of officers at the regular Mrs. Morris Cohri, of Chicago, HI., The Misses Sarah and Ethel Green- the east. They will visit at Chicago, meeting Tuesday evening, August is s visiting here as the guest of Mrs.berg returned Sunday evening after a HI.,-Cleveland, 0.-, Pittsburgh, Pa., 12, at the Jewish Community Center. Dave Epstein. two weeks' visit at Minneapolis and Washington, D. C, and New York. Short talks were made by Louis .. ^ ..'....,.. On their return home within six Diamond* Maurice .Givo^. Sam ^War_—The~Misses—Dorothy—Pickup -and Lake-Minetonka^ Minn.. 'week's th'ey" witt go" by way of St.- shaw, and Leo Fellmau, members of Alice Schuelin, of Sioux City, la. Miss Sophie Jaffe' is spending Louis, Mo., where they will visit with the club.. Plans are now under way spent the week-end here visiting with several weeks at Chicago, III., visiting Mr. Pessen's mother, Mrs. Bertha for the club's invitation dance to be Miss Gladys Meyer. Pessen. Mrs. Pessen was formerly given Saturday evening, August SO, with relatives and friends. Do you enjdy Dancing at Peony Miss Ruth Diamond, of Lincoln, who Miss Dorothy. Shapiro; at Hansconi Park. Attend the Omaha Hebrew Club Park? Then attend the Hebrew Club has been visiting here with her cousin, Picnic Sunday, Aug. 17* at Peony The annual picnic of the Ladies Picnic, Sunday, Aug. 17.—Adv. Miss Carolyn Diamond, for the past Orphan Society will be held Sunday, few weeks, left Monday for her home. August 3J, at Krug Park. A number Mr. Harry Weiner and son, IsaMrs. George L. Berger, of Pasadena, of prizes have" been secured to be Belle Siegel entertained at a" dore, and Mr. J. Margules returned Miss Miss^BeUe Siegei enwrtainea at a w h o * * ; formerly Miss Rose given away to th6 winning contestWednesday evening from a two bunco breakfast party Sunday m o r nI White, of. this city, this ants. ^ ' ... ^ ^ .is^ aarriving r r i v i n « this ' -• . ing at Elmwood Park in honor of Miss morning to weeks' motoring trip. visit with her parents, Mr. Elsie Olander, of Detroit, Mich., and and. Mrs. Harry White.- Whiie here Valuable prizes will be given iway Mr. Arthur Rosenblum left last Miss Mildred Skolnick, of Muscatine* last week by motor on a business" la., who are guests of their aunt, Mrs* she will attend the barmitzvoji of Her" on Sunday, Ang. 17, at Ptony Park. brother, Bernard, who is being con- —Adv. trip to Kimball, Nebr. Mrs. Rosen- L. Olander, of this city. firmed Saturday morning. blum accompanied him. They will visit relatives at Cheyenne, Wyo., Mrs/ S. Jacdbsen, of Duluth, Complimentary to Miss Esther Zalk, before returning about August 20. is visiting here with her sister, Mrs/ who is to be a September bride, Mrs Myron Green. Dave Epstein and Miss Esther KatleMr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren announce the Barmitzvoh "of their son, The Omaha Hebrew Cltib wants you man are entertaining at a bridge luncheon at the Sfandeis Tea R66ni§ Henry* on Saturday, August. 23, at at Peony Pdrk<-^-Adv. Saturday ' afternoon. Mrs. Morris the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and Chicago Streets. The reception will Mrs. J. D. Gidinsky is visiting with Cohnr of Chicago, the guest of Mrs i will i share honors. h b A number relatives and friends in Kansas City, Epstein, be held at the Synagogue. of other affairs are being planned to Mo.. Mi4, and Mrs. Max Rosenblum have fee given for Miss Zalk- prior to her as their house guest Mrs. Rosen- " Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wintroub enter- weddiflg date. tained twenty guests at dinner at -, Dancing to the melodious strains of baum's mother, of New York City. their home Sunday evening in honor Mr. and Mrs. J. Himelstein enter- of Mr. L Soref, of Milwaukee, Wis., the Peony Orchestra at the Hebrew tained at a lawn party Monday after- who is visiting with them and other Club Picnic*—Adv. noon for fifty' children in honor of relatives. ~A variety of flowers formMr. Sol Rosenberg returfied Tuesday the seventh birthday of their, daugh- ed the table decorations. Others who after visiting at" Seattle, Wash. ter, Lorraine. entertained for Mr. Soref were Mrs. Attend an oFd-fashio'ned basket pic- B. Brown, who was hostess to sixteen ' Mrs. J. Milder returned Tuesday nic. Come to, Peony. Park Aug. 17.g-jests,at her home... Mr.', and Mrs. from a month's visit in Kansas City, Harry Ackernian entertained' last Mo., with her daughter, Mrs. Ben —Adv. Friday at their home"; and Mr. andTaxman, and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bordy, of Claries; Mrs. David Soref entertained Friday ' Messrs. Jarvis Frieden and -Isadore Nebr,, announce the birth of a baby evening at dinner at their home for Cherniack-are leaving Friday morning Eon born Monday, August 4, at -the this visitor. Mrs. David Cohn enter- to spend several days at Lake Okoboji, tained at the Brandeis Tea Rooms Omaha Hospital. last Wednesday noon, and Mr. Maxkfter which they are going to the Twin Cities, where-they will spertd several The Shebas Club gave a Kid party Kaplan entertained at a stag party weeks. a* the Brandeis Tea Rooms for Mr. at the Jewish Community Center fcoref on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday evening.




- A d v .






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•• . • • • •




Free Prizes Dancing to Regular Park Orchestra

For a Cool Cczy, Coetentable Day Attend the

Omaha Hebrew Club




(78th and Dodge Street)

unday, Aug. 17th Noon to Midnite ,

DR. FRED B. BROWN Mr. and Mrfe. Max Sommer are at Miss Frances Kobinscm, of Norfolk, DR. CELIA R. BROWN Nebr., is visiting .here as the guest of Lake Okoboji, where they will spend several weeks. GHIROPRAdTORS her grandmother(. Mrs. E. Jdcobs. 406-407 Paxton Bloclt Mrs. S. Novak and children, of H o u r s . 10 A. Mi t o <> P . M. Mr. and Mrs. George Gasper and Phone, Attnntic 3700. • children, William and Selma, left last Tulsa, Okla., who have been visiting week on a motoring trip, *6 Oklahoma here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Abraham- Rfesiderice: Morris Apts., Phone At. 3210 City, OTcla., where they will visit with son, left Tuesday for Nebraska City, | " Mr. Gasper's sister, and at Chickasaw, where they will visit for several days FOR RENT . Okla., where they will visit with Mr. prior to returning yt their home. Gasper's" father. Bernard White, son of Mr. and AT FREMONT* XEB. f Mr. Herbert Goldstein, who wasMrs. Harry White, will be confirmed visiting with his" parents in New York at a Barmitzvoh Saturday morning, August 16, at the B'nai Israel SynaCity, returned to Omaha Sunday. gogue. 17x60 each Mrs. Dade Stine has just returned Rent $75.00 per m6nth. Sunday,Aug. 17, Peony Park, Hefrom a visit at Seattle, Wash., Mt. Excellent location for. clothing, Banier National Parkj and Glacier brew Club Picnic.—Adv. drug store, and restaurant. National Park. Wl;3e in Seattle, Mrs. Miss Sarah Mosow, of Sioux City, SAM BLOCK, § Stinp" visited , with Sir. and Mfsi Iowa, is visiting, with Miss Faye FREMONT, NEBRASKA. ?2orge-SuprcBs, formerly of Omaha. Gerelick. .



Automobiles at End of Car line

Games, Contests, Raffles, Out-Door Musical Program O'Btfeii-DitB Aiti ftifftaf 28th and Harney StS. relepEone—HA rney 0123

for fun and frolicking in the great outdoors


PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1924 intolerance and bigotry .which underlies' the Ktf Klux Klan.. •.' They myu'st, in short, prevent-what amounts to the ^practical establishment^ of •their, own church as a state church," if "both their church and the sure to be picked up and spread state are to survive. They must know By DON MARQUIS." C broadcast by the Klan and misinter- that if the zealots succeed in bringing about a temporary, political By MYRA CURTIS LAKE preted as an offense. Suppose the Ku Klux~Klan.-were to uniphj^that political triumph' is in - (©. 1924. Weatern Newspaper Onion.) be generally, triumphant "at-1", the polls ., In passing, it is,only justice,to-.say, during the. I nexK'decade, xwhat us& -that the large majority, of ,the:£athQHOULD she put "him to the supremo fcJ test? Dolly was wondering as she would .thay-jnake. of. their, power? , olics and'Jews have. been.singularly" i,.certain^amount of enlightened sat side by side w.itfl her fiance, lis"Would! they.proceed 1 to -put-.nnto, patient and tactful in-the face of this tening to his words of love, his arm ^r'itfits general policy.J force , a ^lpchinery- practically 1 elimi- organized assault.» ' • "1 ministers get'to- about her. nating Catholics,. Jews .andi negroes J Will .the- Protestant -ministers deign Somehow' she had never felt quite g^heriJhey can do this, thing and can from all participation-in-government? ,to -accept, a bit~of-well-meant advice sure of'Harry. She cared for him— * If ,they Ido Inot: mean! that .by ..their lironr'a jj'ersoj^whp-is-neither a-'Jewj savett£ej£ cou'ntry_from a"good many .but hedidn't quite measure up to her The standard of a man. A little small, per^ 4 i 3 7 d ill-feeling.-. illfli militant entrance-into -politics-,—just ^norji^CaffioJic^noraJProtestant^but is .a challenge,. an haps, in many-ways. -And she was his •what do they^mean?" ~ T~"* .who 4js an ^American ? a moral obligation own ager—thirty, and infinitely older In This cmmCrjrris-' -not.-V.. Christian '* It" is ^they /who- must'fresist', ^w . I 'T$D^^' ^'.'jeligion and - patriotism, experience. country it\the)sejfise that'there is-anyin itEe - resistance- JtpJ the, -m.Ojivis:.o'i<:pi;aqtical policy, appoint After all, unless he could attain to one p"articulat', creed or-denomination that standard of magnanimity that she establishes^, '^by^itef basic law.T'flvi fdt them. i had' set*up, she didn't want him. That founders ^f^t^e,iej6iintry\.Y;&ry 1 d.eljber-' .was what she was thinking as she lisately "and^kte.fully'provided ^in^ the tened to "his confession^ ' b V ^ S j i . - — A n d let their constifaatioir against; an-form of ;state tolferation,^.iipt7 only ;* "I feel I've got to tell you. darling, church"—against tany religious _ edfcab; preachers iead'them in-the "way-of that" my life basuJt been quite a!l It lishment ysftajtever; ;they made Is be." • : ^ -, . .^ sible for 'afijr citizen to believeVany- policy-'as we}l: '.,","You mean .that, there ( have been thing >he c£ose; or to believe nofhinj* - They, mustjefus^, %and'make'it^jmtej . women in your life before?" Y_es, that was what he was trying to if he i chose ftp) without-experiencing apparent that. the-y refuse,' anything bvftSeV 'df^tfie-work- upon-the rest_ bf advantage• and us -who'V e : neither Gatholics, .nor tell her. civic disabilities.'The yrisdom of tol- in'the* way J>ix political 1 "In more than'a—a right way?" erance, the Broadest, and mosifgeneral political^p'ower'that might /come to ^ -Bor, Aunt Pru'derice Heckleburys. "Yes. Just,as with all men. Not them -through Ku Klux' triumph. tolerance, .was^ forced upon the atten"-will n neve/jry TheftJeYrttwill e v / j y -to.. establish sweethearts, but—everything. tion of the ^founders-of the j e j u n e Tliey must^. emphatically repudiate ' a fstale':cliurch!! And if the. Catholics merely Yon understand?". through their" contemplation qf the the Klari. , >'•-'-" ' \ ' tr£ :to"<.^stkbli'sh.1 one, 'directly, or in"Who were they? How many of plight of \ jfte {Old World, torn - and For if they do not lead in this iight! directlyi -there-are enough n6n-Cath- them?" asked Dolly, with a beating hacked, byr centuries of religiouS -war- for the protection of the religious "61ics~ in-the-" country "to "smother: t h e heart' And, as he was Ellent, "Two? fare; theySwefe determined" Ojatf' a liberty of America—f or the liberty of project over night;-there is no current More than twd? Tliree? Hall a dozen?-" ~ similar. thin,g( should; not come jjbout men who believe what th'ey disbelieve1 danger"tnefeV v • •'•."•'*Harry was silent. She felt his throat on this continent. -They were dete'r- —no terapqr-y political advantage '^But,'there .is currently a. very real mined %that^ & • man -might be - a 'Bud- that they may gain will be sufficient danger in the political triumphs of move convulsively. as he swallowed. "A great'many "more than that," he dhist, *an 'atheist, ra- Baptist, a Cath- to balance the moral influence what the Ku.,-KJux Klan, which is -essenanswered. -• olic, a Parseef a Moslem7a";7«wpwith-- they.-wiU lose' in' the American com-.( '.tially"^bigoted aiid' narrow "puritan"Dozens?" -- > : l out suffering-.for his conbictions or munity.' • ' .„ ~T~'," ian determined to^ control this repub"Yes, more like fliat." J r v for his lack-' of coiivictions-,.' 'w^out If-the zealots and'bigots get con- lic" either, 'frankly or by indirection, "You nnrst .have been quite a ladygiving 'up -tijVpolicital privileges.' t r o l of ,,the r,Erot'esfcant 'organization and •whiclv-'has had an/astonjehing killer In^your time, Harry," she said acidly. If this policy -is overthrown/- either andjactu'ally succeed in disabling Jews series-'i>£pjcelimina'ry successes. -^(Copyright''New York" Tribune, -"Dolly, that's what no good woman formally and fr&nkly by^a'cftange* of and Catholics as citizens," and if this understands. .There have been women - \ - ' i Inc., 1924.) »the constitution,' or directly 'TuiUified political victory is accepted by the -—some one practically all the time by politicaf trickery, it is gobdini&ht Protestant-organizations generally, it 1 since I was a" boy.- Every man is like WOLF BROS:. ADD . . to America~and-all -that—America -wilh be- one of - the • most'' damaging that _If women" only married good might have'meant in the larger his- victories ever' won-^damaging' to - . NEW STORE men, there won!d( be mighty few martory of Tauinamty.l. ~ Z—~~—'l. li—~1Prptestantism'itself,.and_to .America.. rps..; "men's furnishers^ ~riages.' Dear; Fve told you this beb adding' d The Protes,tant.ministers of Amer- . For, alL'.that great, mass, of'public increased _their. store space by \:anse .1 want us to start our life toica owe it'to 1 'themselves, ' to their opinion which" is »now inactive .and .qnr ah.-additional store, making the- gether In complete -understanding. I'm churches arfd~to-tTieir country to-or-- neutral-will turn-against-the zealot entire^store—an - " L " -shape with, CQming to you and asking you to forentrance^- 'on* Douglas and on Fif-1 give. Do you think you can?" ganize^ an'dl lead- a -strenuous _figh.t establishment -sWliy, Harry,1' she answered, 'Tin against the Ku Klux Klan. « The present situation is an oppor- teenth Streets. The entire new store sorry to hear- what you tell me, but The Jews' and Catholics can say tunity for the Protestant' ministers is 'hefng •> r&-decorated and is being Tve'heard something iof this sort beVit1i~*new * fixtures installed nothing nfuehi wi£haut""'tlie^'?isk"*of wKo" are'not^contaminate8"b*y the K\i e^uip^peU r -fqre» 'I—I'd not Ignorant of life, you bj - th£| t)>ipaha. Fixture' & Supply _ Co. what they,,Jsay Joeing ^interpreted^ as know,'! she pddat!, witlutt little laugh. ( r ^cr-jr^- -<:c.rj^g ' exclusive mer-' "Yes, of course?*! fofcgire an attack }n|ott'mSel^{against_the,K:u you, Harry. ien", * Wolf Bro's^^ in -Onfe-rthere'e, eotoethtnpr I shall have Klux Klan, ^ u f r agafnst? "Protestant-will:handle a coni-' -to telLyou." she added: with a nervous ism; they^^ha^e^seen^manoeuWEedt. into a most*p{£inf#l .position; any de.' ladies hosiery. The ."little, laugh. .' fense Qf themselves, Bny assertion of stofe> lij'feeing managed by Joe and , "You".mean you've been In love becompeTSntf 5rl fore—been kissed?" he asked. heir loyalty to the American idea, is ganization, fight against the spirit of Sam V/olf.

One Way to Dispose of a Lover






_ aJL.^





"OU, yes, I've been kissed, she answered, with a little mouth ol disgust.thai he -did not see. in the.darkness. "Engagedr "Why—yes, I was engaged once, when I was a young girl," she replied. "Now, what Fve got to tell Is something worse than that." Suddenly he swung toward her. "Mj God,; Dolly, you—you don't mean you—?" be stammered. "Once," she answered gravely, "Harry, I must tell you about it. I was\a child—only sixteen. I had not learned the difference between good and evil.' He was a man. It was on a vacation. I—I .didn't know, understand—" > She b^-oke off. "Now I've told you all, Harry. Can you forgive m e ? " '


• -



• .



But be was rocking to and fro. "My God, my God!" be was moaning. She laid her hand on his arm. "Harry, I—I thought after what you told me yourself you would be big •enough to understand." "My God I It's different! It's all different! Don't yon understand that It's different?" Silence,fell." At last he rose. He was slinking away. She stopped Mm with a word. "We may as well understand each other, Harry," she said bitterly. "I suppose you mean that you wish to end our engagement?" "What else is there to do? You know—" "I suppose I'm a fool to have told you.". "




"You had no ri?ht to make me love you with this hideous'secret in your past life." "Oh, go away, Harry, you make me tired!" she answered contemptuously, and watched him disappear In the night So that was that. Small men, small standards. She was glad she had told him and was free again. Fortunately her reputation was not at his mercy; she was only visiting at the hotel. But what made her gladdest of all was thatshe would never have to let him know that her confession, which had been made to test him, was a lie.

Colonists Called On to"Trade"atHame In a copy of the Providence Gazette Issued during the Colonial period appears an amusing item of local news, which,, if literally adhered to, doubtless would'have devastated a portion of New England of its household cats. The copy of the paper bears the date of November 28, 17G7, and one readily discerns that the residents of that Rhode Island city regarded themselves at the time as loyal subjects of

Seorge iH. The article reads: "A nurnber of householders In this toym -historians that Alexander the Ore.-u will engage to supply the public with became the master of grpat hoards of the ..article of Catstins of American gold, all of which, so far as is known, • 1 breed, not inferior to British ones, for has vanished. , making Muffs arid Tippets. There, are at this' time a large number of Counterfeit Moifiey his majesty's American cats, finely There is no rule by which countercolored and spotted, who are bad I felt money can be detected. Counterixipiisers and now ready to be 'Sacri- 1 feiters try to make their bogus money ;ficed for» the good purpose of muffs as much like real money as possible. and s tippets, and it is hoped that all Some counterfeit bills are such exact •persons who wish well to America imitations that only experts can diswill give the preference to' his".'ma- tinguish them from real hills. Somejesty's catskins before those of ior- times counterfeit money is detected feign..growth. -As.,muffs.and tippets by the difference in the quality-of paare thonght to be of the first impor- per used; again it may be recognized tance, it would be well worth the con- es counterfeit by secret signs and sideration of all lovers of this eoun- numbers which have not been observed jtry whether we ought not to encour- by the counterfeiters. There are so age the use and consumption of our many different kintis of paper money | own catskins in preference of all issued by the government that It is i others. The learned assure us that almost necessary "fox the Individual to !the American catskins are vastly su- fiepend on bankers and other experts perior- to those of Europe, being of I to detect bogus biils-vrhich may be in , finer fur and more beautifully varie- • circulation. gated-with spots and streaks."

Vast, Stores of Uotd j |; Await Lucky Finders

Harry Kononovitch

•j What becomes of gold?..It has many (fhannels of disappearance, according to experts. Figures show that more than half of the annual output is employed in the fine arts and jewelry trade. Thousands of pounds also are used by dentists, according to Popular Mechanic? Magazine, one estimate being tRat over a ton is needed every year for the filling of teeth. Then money is worn in handling, this loss being one and a' quarter million dollars annually. - Bank of England sovereigns are often-tested and found to have lost much of the original, weight.. ;Of. the immense quantities of the precious-metal that'have been buried away-In the earth, it is believed comparatively little has ever been recovered.' The priests of Peru are said to have buried approximately ten million dollars' worth of treasure to preserve it from the clutches of their persecutors. None of this has been found. The tombs of the old kings of Egypt were treasure houses, immense quantities of gold and jewels being interred with them. It has been- estimated by

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-way you gret them in any package

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When Thinking of Mens'Hats ••". or Furnishings ••'.


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PAXTON HOTEL Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. - ,A!i Modern Equipment.



- . ADVO



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