August 21, 1924

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Entered M oeconfl-claes mall matter on January 27th,' 1821, at PQBtoffleo at Omaha. Nebraska, nndcr the Act of March 8.




JEWS IN SOVIET RUSSIA ANXIOUS -TO SETTLE London. (J. T. A.) A great num§ The KuKhioc Klan Invites_Jetcs_ to Join the Night- § ber of Jewish city dwellers in t i e Ukraine are expressing their desire Gowned Brigade! to avail themselves of the opportunity to settle on the land. Since the Baltimore, Md.-—-"It is now possible who is the author of a book, "The Central Executive Committee (Zik) for a Jew who served in the World Jew's Struggle for Religious and in the Ukraine has issued the decree Young. Herri Deserts Judaism,: and Adopts Catholicism, ..; War to be recognized as a real 100 Civil Liberty in Maryland,"' which concerning granting facilities for per cent ^American," declared E. Mil- is now on the presses. Jewish land settlers, many agrriculton Altfeld, Assistant State's Attor- "Am I going to join?" tural institutions are flooded with WAS MENTALLY DEPRES*} SED SINCE FATHER'S J Mr. Altfeld repeated the question Jewish applicants. Measures are ney, today. DEATH. f now being taken to prevent this JewMr. Altf eld had what he called "in- several times. • . "No," he answered, "I do not exish "back to land" movement from disputable proof" of the truth of the Vienna, Aug. 12. (J. T. A.) Hang) statement. He produced a letter from pect to order a new night gown. It is assuming a disorganized character. Herzl, only son of Dr. Theodore Herzl, the Grand Kleagle of the Ku Klux hot enough these days without extra late leader of the Zionist movement,! Klan in Atlanta inviting Llm to be- sheets anyway, it is an invitation no deserted the faith of his father atidi The response of the subscribers to the new Jewish Comself-respecting Jew could accept." come a member of the order. embraced Catholocism, it was learned! munity Center Building in payment of the second installment on here today. The act of conversion their pledges is indeed gratifying, according to the results coming "No, they didn*t make a mistake," The literature from "headquarters" took place on July 20th, two days be- j in at the Community Center office. By this good work, the subMr. Altf eld explained. ."We are found its way from the desk to Mr. fore the twentieth anniversary of the Americans now. Read this, it makes Altfeld's hands. The "personal inscribers . of the Community Center building have showed their vitation" from the Grand Kleagle death of his father, -when thousands' us real Americans." - "•" ' anxiety for hurried, work in erecting the building. of Zionists and Jews the world ovet' - "This" was a ; mass of Klan litera- came first. The circular announcing _ , J^e second installment calls for a fifteen per cent payment paid tribute to his memory. o± the original pledge. With results coming in as they are, the ture, announcing that a "modified the "change in policy" followed. building wiU soon be under construction. Plans are now being Mr. Altfeld, who served as a cappolicy" made it possible for a Jew Peculiar circumstances surround; made.and according to the committee, work on the building will Feature Musical Program Held who served in the World War to be- tain in the American Army during Experts Commission May Be tids tragic event in the history of' Sent Shortly to Investigate the late Zionist leader's family. Hang During Afternoon.. begin next month. come a member of the Klan. The the World War and had a grandConditions, 'The results of the first appeal for chief platform of the "American or- father who is buried on American soil was baptized by the Catholic priest, RAFFLE DRAWINGS TO BE ganization"'at the present time, ac- and comes of a family, that boasts the" payment of the second installSchlessinger, who is himself a Jew; ANNOUNCED NEXT WEEK cording to the literature, is a fight members in the American Army dur- PRES. CALLES I N V I T E S converted to Christiani^v. No official ment is wonderful," said Harry A. JEWISH IMMIGRANTS TO data is available as to the place where Wolf. "It shows that the people of against the "reign of Catholicism in ing three wars, smiled. SETTLE- IN BiEXICO. More than three thousand people America." : c ..Omaha have endorsed the movement the conversion took place, but it is' "It is wonderful," he declared, "to with heart and soul and want the Receivership Sought After Attempt attended the thirty-second annual picprobable that it was performed in the really be an American, particularly ^Isn't it "wonderful to have that deNew York, Aug. 18. (J. T. A.) The Church of the Dominicans in Vienna nic of the Omaha Hebrew dub Sun- cided definitely?*1 said Mr. Altfeld, of the 100 per cent kind." building as soon as possible." • to Exclude Some. Who Aided statement of President-elect of Mex- with which Father ScWessinger' is day at Peony Park. According to Formation. "We must keep up this work and ico, General Plutarco Elias Calles, is- connected. Immediately after the conmembers of the committee in charge, have all the payments in as soon as sued to the Jewish Telegraphic version Hans Herzl left hurriedly, for New York. (J. T. A.) The exclusthe picnic held this year was the best possible," said Harry H. Lapidus. Agency before he sailed for Europe London, ion of Jews from a fashionable counever: held by the club. With* the fa"The building will be one of the finest of the possibility of Jewish immigratry club was revealed in a suit brought vorable weather conditions, the park in the central west and will contain tion into Mexico, was warmly disby Harold Bolster, promoter of an was crowded with people at all times, Vienna. (J. T. A.) The explanaall the conveniences which are adapted cussed at the Executive conference of exclusive country club which was to many coming and gbing. ' ' tion of Hans Herd's desertion of JuDavid Beber Newly Elected President Secretary of Chamber of Commerce to such an institution. It will be the the American Emergency Committee occupy part of the estate of the late daism and his ir.yF.terioi:^ embracing at StPetersburg, Fhu, Fears The feature event of the afternoon for Next Term. meeting place and the hub of the enfor Jewish Refugees, which was held William Rockefeller at Tarryton. of Christianity can be furnished only, Jewish Real Estate Men. was ;the musical program which was tire Jewish community." at the Hotel Astor yesterday under by an alienist, it: was stated here toThis club was to be known as RockDavid" Befcer, the newly elected held in the dance hall of the park The building will be located on one ST. PETERSBURG, Fla, Aug. 15.— president of the local Aleph Zadik the chairmanship of Mr. Louis Mar- day in well informed circles who of the finest corners in the city, di- wood Hall Inc., and had originally pavilion. The following program was the financial assistance of several Declaring that he classes Jews as Aleph Chapter, appointed Ms com- shall. Detailed reports of the situa- were close observers of the family of given and was under the supervision rectly opposite the Central High tion of the Jewish stranded refugees the late Sonist leader and who had foreigners, axid that the influx of all mittees for the coining term. School 'On the • northeast corner of wealthy Jews and non-Jews. Now of M. Selicow: were submitted to the conference by an eye on the only son since the '.leath the promoter has brought suit'against Lester Lapidus "will be chairman of foreigners i s | detrimental to the inViolin Solo Avrum Lustgarden Twentieth and Dodge streets. Dance Miss Candy terests of this city, James Coad, sec- the program committee, and the fol- B. C. Vladeck, Miss Kosofsky and of his father. Hans, although phys- The committee on collections, con- the board of governors of the club, Russian Recitation Jeanette Levinson retary of the] local Chamber of Com- lowing are other members on the ically strong and a brilliant pupil unsisting of Harry A. Wolf, Harry H. asking for a receivership, stating that History of the ClubFred White merce, madejin appeal to the Kiwanis committee: Abe Babior, Fred Brod- Mr. Joseph Barondess. Mr. Eobert til the day of his father's death—* one of the^ reasons which has caused Song-and Dance .. Shirley Janoff Hubermsn, delegate of the Mexican Lapidus. and William Holzman, feel Lillian Chudacoff club to start'.fin- agitation aiming at key, Bill Kaiman and Sam Faier. The labor movement to the American Fed- when he was fourteen years okl— bethat the. Jews . of Omaha have re- differences of opinion to arise is the Piano Solo sponded* to their appeal ^nd ask those effort' of the board to. exclude'those Violin ,Solo™J.... Dorothy Lustgarden the exclusion of the "undesirable ele- membership committee will be headed eration cf Labor, was asked by 'the came mentally depressed immediatePiano u:...__,'^ : Ida Lustgarden ment." by Dave Fellman, and he will be as- -conference to portray the situation in ly after his father died. Although . •who jiaY.e_jiQt^yet_sent intheir check Jews who helped tb form the club. -.#T&e.fricnic "^s-a huge success and 1 ~ Mr; Bolster "charged that Frank H. Mexico, ss It exists: new. • . • • • • devoted to study st the University of . Mr. Coad's- remarks accorded -with IT"" 'for the second" payment to pleasedo Hitchcock, f omer .postmaster general, much credit is due to A; "Kaplan, gen- the .views of the members of the Ki- David Mittleman, Sidney -Schiffer and - The conference decided to select an Oxford where he was specializing in so at- once. who has been in charge of the or eral-chairman, and -the-members of wanis club present; but no definite Ben Koslowsky. . Isadore Elewitz has administrative committee of 21 which philology and preparing- himself for ganization of the club in recent his: committee," said Max Fromkin, action was taken. -Another club, the been appointed chairman of the Ini- is to call an open conference of the a diplomatic career, he showed signs WAHABIS ATTACK AMION, president of the Omaha Hebrew club. Optimist: club, adopted a resolution tiation Committee, and the others on committee in the middle of Septem- of an abnormal mind. CAPITAL. OF TRANSJORDANIA months, and has arranged for the "Because of the lateness" of • the "indorsing and heartily favoring" the committee -are Joe Silver and Si- ber. After the conference Mr. Louis purchase of the Rockefeller property Attaching- much importance to his Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Amion, the : hour, the drawings could not be made Goad's stand. from the executors, has refused to work, wide knowledge© and future camon Cohen., -The chairman of the Marshall issued a statement to the = capital of TransjjoTclania, under the to announce the winners of the variissue life membership in Rodtwood reer, he always resented being introproperty committee will be Leonard press representatives in which he rule of Emir Abdullah, was attacked Jewish residents here adopted a resous prizes held on display'at the picHall to several persons who have duced or approached as the son of the Herman, and his committee members stated: by a strong raiding party of Wahanic," said Fred White," "but" the draw- olution, condemning Mr. Goad's utter- are Louis Fellman .and Harry Freed. taken a financial interest in the engreat Herzl, displaying a desire to "The statement made by Presidentbis. The Wahabis, a Moslem reliings will be made at the meeting to ances as unfair and un-American, and terprise '"because .the members of the be original and stand on his own merelect Calles was discussed and was gious sect on the Arabian peninsula, be held this Sunday a t . the Jewish resenting the slurs regarding the LUDENDORF'S PARTY IN board of governors will not tolerate its. During the war when in Enpland greatly appreciated, but we found it are organized under the leadership of Community Center. This meeting will Americanism of their race, with the any one of Jewish extraction as a he refused to join the British Army, CONVENTION WISHES TO would be necessary to get more defitheir Sultan, Ibn Saood, who is a be important and a full Tepo'rt of the result that the next day the governgiving the sentimental reason that he CREATE NEW CHRISTIANITY nite information as to how we could strong opponent of King Hussein of member of Rockwood Hall." ors of the Chamber of Commerce met picnic will be made." i would, not join the army as he might Weimar. (J..T. A.) That a new Mr. Bolster asserts that this * avail ourselves of the invitation. There Hedjas and his three sons between During the evening the large crowd and empowered Clarence Reed, acting era is coming to pass in the life of are surely very many difficulties that be confronted by his own relatives in untrue" and is an excuse devised by whom the governments of Mesopotaof picnickers took advantage of the president, to call a conference, to the Arian peoples, one which should must be smoothed out before we could Austria on the battlefield. He joined, mia, Transjordania and Hedjas are said Frank H. Hitchcock for the pur- special feature dances. which the Jews were invited. The pose of depriving the members of the divided. sentiment, it is understood,' is in favor be entirely freed from Jewish influ- adopt any policy with regard to mi- however, a British labor battalion. A peculiar incident in the life of Tarrytown Realty Syndicate, Inc., of smothering the entire discussion. ences and Jewish dictrines, was voiced gration into Mexico. The financial Sultan Ibn Saood has a claim on REICHSRAT MEDITATES Hans Herzl was his connection and by General Ludendorf, defeated GerChristians as well as Jewish, of the qquestion is only one that would have the Caliphate and it is stated that he Joseph ' Shuttleworth, president of ON JEWISH APPLICATIONS departure from the Union Bank of man war leader and now leader of right to participate in the profits of to be carefully scrutinized. It would has an organized; army of 100,000 Berlin. (J. T. A.) The question of the Tampa Optimist club, following the German anti-Semites at the con- be impossible to act*intelligently upon Vienna. He VTEE employed by that the enterprise." men. receipt' of the information that the The case came "before Supreme admitting into Prussian citizenship St. Petersburg membership endorsed vtntion of the National Socialist! s a c jj ~a p } ^ been a bank during one year; suddenly he Ah official statement issued here two scientists, who applied for that disappeared "without previous notice Party, opened here August 16 under Court Justice McGoldrick, who denied committee report from an expert says that the Wahabis raiding force citizzenship, was hotly discussed at a Mr. Goad's stand, telegraphed Sher- his chairmanship. the application on the ground that which is to be sent into Mexico My and was away over & month; he came •was repulsed from the capital of meeting of the German Reichsrat, un- man Rogers, international president back Just as .suddenly to Hs position, sufficient Teason for theappointment Professor. Bartels, German writer, Transjordania. Reinforcements of der the chairmanship of the Minister in New York, asking the charter of literary .critic, delivered a speech at this emergency committee. We will also without previous jsotificationj of a receiver and. the granting of an try to select men by whose knowledge British cavalry were dispatched to the local branch be revoked. injunction had not been shown in the of the Interior, Jarres, owing' to the the first session-in which he urged and experience they are able to form then he.was dismissed. the scene of activities. fact that these applicants were Jews. There is a Ku Klux Klan memberpapers. the Germans to-denounce the Jewish The applicants are" the "Hungarian ship here in excess of ijOOO, and some God, Jehovah, and outline a program an accurate judgment as to the busVienna, Aug. 12. (J. T. A.) An imAmong the members of the board Cairo. (J. T. A.) The force of the Jewish chemist, Dr. Gyemant, and of these, it is understood,- are mem- according, to which Christianity of the iness and economic possibilities of im- portant role in the tragic event of of governors of the club are Vincent migration into Mexico." Wahabis* attack on Amion, the capthe physician Jules Samuels from bers of- the Optimist club. Hans Herzl's desertion is ascribed to world should be united under what he ital of Transjordania, was of a very" Astor, Robert W. Chambers, Bain- Holland. The representatives, of Ba"I was speaking as aa individual the Catholic priest, Father Schlessintermed an Arian Christ. Professor bridge Colby, Edward L. Doheny, T. serious nature, according to reports varia in the Reichsrat is prejudiced and not for" the Chamber of- Com- Bartles also demanded the starting of ECHO OF THE JEWISH ger, who is also a very mysterious Coleman DuPont, Charles Dana Gibvhich were received here. More than against admitting these two* appli- merce," Coad said later," but I hope a campaign against Jews. Blacklists '. EXPULSIONS FROM BAVARIA figure. Schlessingfcr, who was born son, Frank A. Munsey and Melville E. were inflicted and 100 casualties cants on account of their - Jewish ori- the chamber will back me up. I be- of Jews ought to be compiled everyBerlin. (J. T. A;) Dr. Alexander a Jew, embraced Catholocism and bemany Arabian villages burned and Stone. gin. On the other side the Represent- lieve that the influx of foreigners EEasberg, a Eusso-Jewish author who came a priest, still considers himself where,, he stated, and Jews barred destroyed by the Wahabis' orcee. Ibn ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL ative of ^Prussia, State Secretary Hci- here, and I class Jews as foreigners, was long resident in Munich and was to be a national-Jew and it is known from political and social activities so Saood's raiding force was finally reOF PICA FORMED ster, pointed to the fact that-the ap- is detrimental to the city, arid would that should be saved from during the expulsion of alien JewE that he urged young Hersl to visit pulsed with the assistance of British plicants for citizenship were of a tend to produce slums and destroy Jerusalem. (J. T. A-)—-An adminisaeroplanes which bombed the invad- tration Council of Pica, the name high culture and scientific workers. the neighborly, feeling that is now an the Jewish-ariginators of wars and last year - arrested and expelled, has Palestine. just died here. revolutions., . -. . Zionist circles here; declare that; ers. ' ' . under which the ICA is registered in He demanded that the question of asset here. • • Mme. Eliasberg, who is a non- Hans' desertion is nothing short of admitting or refusing them citizenPalestine, was formed. According to "In speaking as I did, I intended to Resignation of Transjordanian Prime Jewess, was arrested on a charge of an act of insanity. There were two JEWISH NATIONAL FUND an official statement published today, ship be decided by a roll call vote of start a movement" among the "citizens having made disparaging1 remarks in factors responsible for this act. The Minister Demanded on Account PURCHASES STRIP OF LAND the Administrative Council consists the council. The meeting .was post- against foreigners and Jews.- I know conversation about the Bavarian gov- first was the mysterious Father Wahabis Attack. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The land of the following: Baron Edmund poned for the purpose of further in- many Jewish families plan- to come Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—The resigna- ernment. Her husband was because Father Schlessingeri who held young quiry. available for the settlement of the Rothchild, M. Gaston Wormse'r, M. here in the fall, and that two Jews tion of the , Transjordaman. Prime of that arrested and expelled as an Hans raider Ms influence, by strong constantly arriving Chaluzim was Sol.;i Reinach of Paris, Mr- .France will come here to enter the real estate Minister is being' strongly demanded undesirable alien. . The arrest and ex- power of suggestion. The second conconsiderably increased when the pur- Philipson of Brussels, Mr. Leonard JEWISH COMMUbusiness." by the Arab press in connection with pulsion affected Dr. Eliasberg's tributing: factor in this tragedy is no chase of '55,000 dunam land in the Cohen of London and Mr. Michael . N HIES - PROTEST the disastrous attack of the Wahabis health and he was unwell all thfe time doubt the sickly ambition of Hans neighborhood of Emek Israel was Pollak, Paris, member of the Board Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The Execwho wanted to become famous on Amman, the capital of Transjor- he was in Berlin. SIE ALFRED MOND, ENGGLISH .completed by the Jewish National of Directors of the Palestine Exec- utive Councils of the Jerusalem, Jafthrough this act. During the last days dania. It became known today that LD3ERAL AND ZIONIST, Fund. The J. N. F. is now conduct- utive Committee. fa and other communities have adoptprevious to his eomTersion, Hans was RE-ELECTED TO PARLIAMENT twenty-one inhabitants of Amman "SIRS. SAMUEL UNTERMTER ed resolutions protesting against the ing negotiations for the purchase of DIES AT AGE OF 65 working on an English translation of Lon. (J. T. A.) Sir Alfred Mond, were killed and twenty-five others action of some elements hindering fne a new strip^bf land of 44,000 dunam, "GYMNASIA IVRITH" DEwere wounded during the attack of New York. (J. T. A.) Mrs. Sam- • his father's diary. The publishing *>f English liberal and Zionist, formerly CLARED BEST HIGH full legal organization of Palestine also in Valley of Jezrael. SCHOIL IN PALESTINE Jewry and asking the Government to Minister of Public Works in Lloyd the Wahabis which was repleaded uel . Untermyer, wife of the well this translation has now been abanTel Aviv. (J. T. A.) The gradua- hasten the publication of the Jewish George's Cabinet, was elected to Par- only with the aid of 'English aero- known lawyer, died here at the acre doned. ASKS PROTECTION OF Jacobus Kahn, lii'r-lori.E- fripnd of liament August IS, Carmarthan con- planes. The loss of the Wahabis of 65 after a prolonged illness which PALESTINIANS IN BRAZIL tion' of 12 students from the. Gym- Communal Autonomy Ordinance. stituency. Out of the general vote was still greater. The railway be-j she contracted while visiting with her Herzl, now Dutch Consul in Jerusanasia Ivrith,. the only Hebrew high Jerusalem. (J* T. A.)—Protection cast, 12,760 were given for Sir Alfred tween Amman and Mann vra? cut off. husband in Carlsbad two years ago. lem, and Joseph Ouron of tne Jewish TARIFF ON IMPORTED for Palestinians residing in Brazil, school in Palestine, was celebrated Mond, 8,531 votes for the labor can- The center cf the attack was the Mrs. Untermyer, who was before Colonial Trust, were constituted a ARTICLES TO PALESTINE \ who suffer from the Cicil War now here the 16tfi inst. Representatives GREATLY INCREASED didate, Rev. Owen, and 7,896 for the house of Miskal Pasha, the chief of her marriage Miss Minnie Carl, commission which wa^ to keep in of the Government and Jewish or"r-going on in that country, was asked the Tribe Bene Saclier. daughter - "of Menlios and Pauline trust the estate of the Pcr7.1 family Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)—A higher conservative candidate, Stevens. from the Palestine government in ganizations participated. Among the tariff on all articles imported into Sir Albert Mond willlNetaoiB shr Carl, was throughout ner life inter- and to tntre care oT the children. The speakers weTe Sir Gilbert Clayton, a memorandums submitted bv . Sir Albert Mond will succeed GrifProminent speakers will deliver ad- ested in T%tzsic and flowers and in so- estate wa? created bj Zionists after Acting High Commissioner; Director Palestine was levied by an ordinance population of ,'that^lahd. The gov- of Education Bowman, and the Act- of the government, published here fith, who resigned for the purpose of dresses in conjunction with the reg- j cial activities. Their home at Gray- Theodore Herr.!'? ticnlh in order to ernment was-urged to take necessary today. The ordinance increases giving Sir Alfred a possibility tilar services of the Yoang Israel Syn-, stons, Yonkers had cpen doors for provide for his family which Hprzl - Steps with fee British, Colonial office ing Governor of Jerusalem, Mr. greatly the customs and duties on election. It was stated that Sir Al- agogue, at the Talmud Torah build- writers, poets and musicians. had left impoverished, as in his devoCampbell. The last speaker delivered .to secure the life and property of his address in Hebrew and declared cereals, food stuffs, fuel, building fred will assume leadership of the ing this.Friday evening. Services -will The funeral took place August 18. tion to the Zionist cause he had sac. ihe Palestinian Arabs in Brazil. that the Gymnasia Irvifh is the best materials, spirits, matches,. soap, Liberal party, in the House of Com- begin at .7:45 and on Saturday morn- Rev. John Holnnes of the Conrnaanity rificed the entire considerable fortune of 'the family ' ' -' xnonsa, paper, motorcars. ing services" will begin at "9 a. m. Church officiated. VATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. high-school in Palestine.

Subscribers Readily Respond for Second Fayement of Pledgesto Community Center Campaign

ORDER.B'NAI B'RITH INTERESTED IN JEWISH EMIGRATION TO MEXICO Chicago. (J. T. A.) Twenty thousand dollars has been appropriated by the Independent Order B'nai B'rith for the establishment of a branch office in Mexico City for the purpose of carrying on relief work among the Jewish immigrants in that -city. Appeals Issued for Hurried Payment of Second Install- The Independent Order B'nai:B'rith has been one of the first American ment to Complete.Building Plans. Jewish organizations to interest itself in the situation in Mexico and P L A N S A R E N O W B E I N G D R A W N — B E G I N the possibility which that country may ? W O R E ON B U I L D I N G N E X T M O N T H afford for Jewish immigration.



People Attend Thirty-Second Annual Hebrew Club Picnic

Fashionable New York Club HasWealthy Jews

Weald Bar Jews from Florida; A.Z. A.Presideit ; felts %%m Foreigners Appoints Cosmiltees

Great Tleote Herd

PAGE,2r-THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1924 "Gness that's as mucn as sneu expect prosperity and happiness to reign supreme in a land that great lather, after a week's ^search straigEt," said Barnett." ""I guess if hold," grinned one of the men. "It's in the populous metropolitan ciifcy of you hadn't been, so careful tallying denied to another the things which God has given him? a mighty good thing that snooping what came In and what went out, parThe Ku Klux Klan is supposed to be composed of religious London, came out from his hiding' ticularly what went out, you'd be in old Acller ain't &ronnJ—lies, Bill?" Si •••'•••'•• PuillBhta e'rery T h i i r s d n y a t Omaha. NebrasKii. b y , ineti. In the sight of God are they followers of His or do they place. In a letter to the London the job today instead ot this new man The speaker was the new watchi T H E ; JEWISH-PREfeS PUBLISHING COMPANY. man. His companion Acller recognized belong to Satan? It has been said that by their acts ye shall Daily Telegraph he confirms the sad Simpson's got," he added. ^ O f f i c e : 681 Bratideis iTbeatr^ JBuilding^Telephone: AT lantic 1450 news 'which was reported about him. A£ler mulle'd over this remark. The as Simpson. r (know them. Are the acts of these religious Klansmen in keepr?: • ; • ? ; ^NA*f flA« E. GREEN, Manager. f. : "Mighty good!" Adler jeered, and ing with the laws of God? Do they recognize the universal "It is true that I was baptised into newsman certainly hadn't the watch1 brought down his billet flat on the the Christian church on July 20 in ..§2.50. man stamp- —the city thug's more brotherhood of man? Are they making the world better, hapSubscription Price, one year.—- . Advertising rates furnished on application. likely. The mtore he looked at him the watchman's head. pier and nobler because they have existed? If these questions, Vienna," Hans writes. With a cry Simpson leaped at hhru CHANGE! Ob* ADDRESS—I'lease give both the old and new address; must be answered in the negative then the members must be But Hans is resentful. He denies less old Adler liked him. A desperate struggle took place, Simplit; uure and Rive" your unine "Say, Adler, forgotten you're not the, correctness of all the other parclassed as hypocrites, and ungodly. any more?"\sneered Simpson next son trying with all his might to draw, The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. (Jewish his gun, and Adler clinging to him. Brotherhood is supposed to be found in fraternal orders; ticulars reported by the Jewish Tele- here . Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition but usually these societies are composed of cliques who exclude graphic Agency. What could be in- day at noon, wben he went in to chat For fully two minutes they fought. with Barnett to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. correct since "his principal incorrectThen old Adler felt his strength Old Adler bridled. Thirty years— Inquiries regarding news, items credited to this Agency will be gladly those who are not considered their equals and within the walls giving out. He saw Simpson's savage , answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth - Avenue, of the lodge there is no real brotherhood of the many. To beness was unfortunately correctly re- aiid now he was to-be hounded off the grin as he drew the gun, he heard the prekilses t sure, they care for the unfortunate, because of obligations; butported? • New ~York City, . • ' end— how often is it done with real brotherly love and feeling. Then It is incorrect that his action was Tn^re was a cellar next door to the discharge, He opened eyes in a room In the, THE CURSE OF ABNORMALITY the lodges become exclusive and personal feeling often black- a result of a mental depression. But Vine find Mallett building, once used hospital. A his nuvse was standing- at for storing coal, but acw disused and was it ever recorded that anyone else For" centuries the Jew has been trying to find himself, but heballs desirables because of religious faith, race, nationality or empty. That evening, after it had his bedside. Kear her was another' has not succeeded. His abnormal and unnatural life has made opinions. Thus through years of this sort of practice the lodge under similar circumstances admitted grown djfcrk, old Adler crept quickly man. his own evaluation difficult and uncertain. He has, therefore, has driven out true brotherly love and left but an empty shell. lis mental depression? You certain- down the steps ati^i ran to the little "He's come to now," he, heard her been a puzzlg not only- to others but also to himself. And try Look at the synagogue and see if you" can find one trace y would not expect to admit that! dirty pane ^f glass What gave upon the say. Mallett was standing at old Adler's ' as he may to work out-a solution.he cannot but make matters of brotherly love within its walls. Go to the Christian church Necessarily this must be left to the side-grating, from wtiich he could see bedside. judgment who knows more about it. the side and back oi\ the Adler buildconfused doubly confounded, unless he makes up his mind to face or Mohammedan mosque and see if brotherly love is found "Well, Adler, come to, hey?" he: • facts boldly and to take himself as he is. The apologetic attitude within their sanctity. To be sure one hears it preached and If you will search through the ing. asked. "That's splendid work you he has so long assumed with reference to his own identity and faith" in all humanity professed; but .where on earth is brother- iages of the histories of all peoples, He saw the new iratchman make did. We've got the three of them, his rounds. After a miile he saw two you will not find the names of great • separate existence has served no good purpose. His constant hood practiced. How much greater then is the sin of a humanif your head hadn't been as issue out of the shadows and hold though apology for living has certainly not raised him in the estimation ity who professes to believe something, claims it to be a divine men's sons being as brilliant as their amenconference tough as old hickory it wouldn't have with hin4 They disap- turned Simpson's fathers'. We do not know anything bullet." command of God and then deliberately breaks the covenant of ;''of his neighbors. Even his emphasis on the noble traits and peared, and presently ja truck drew : characteristics of his people—their religiosity, their charity, their faith. He who is unfaithful in one thing will be unfaithful in of the sons of a Moses, of a Miamon- up some distance away, (and one of tha "Do I get my job back?" asked Adler. idealism, and their broad-gauged humanitarfanism—has proved many. Therefore is it any wonder that we have a crime wave ades, of an Aristotle, of a Caesar, of two men reappeared. "You surely do, and I'm going to Luther, of a Spinoza, of a Coperprevalent? Without a spirit of brotherly love prevailling, can a bdomerang. The very accentuation of the noble and laudatory Then, out of the rear', entrance, old propose a bonus of a thousand dollars nicus or of a Newton. sThe majority we expect anything other than deception, cruelty, hardness Adler saw the watchman and one of traits and characteristics has often been made an excuse for for you to the directors. Arid I guess • pointing out, with undue vigor and emphasis, some ignoble and of heart, intolerance, injustice, jealousy, envy, malice and allof great men had no sons. Those the other figures appear, carrying you're good for a great many years something. It was a tiale of silk. tvho were born did not live up to their those things that tend to crime disorder, dissatisfaction, wars, linpraiseworthy practices and habits which may quite naturally yet, Adler." names. It seems as if nature takes Running to ; the front entrance of the riots and discord! be found if sought. Adler\spied the trudk. The bale Thus, the claim of religiosity on the part Of, our people has When true brotherly love finds a place in the hearts of men a rest for a few generations after it cellar was lifted into i t Good Substitutes has exerted itself at the heights of tiot infrequently, and not altogether without justice, been met by and the individual learns to tend strictly to his own business, The two.n^n returned to the fac- George—Of course being back in the genius. the counterclaim of religious apathy and cold, indifference; the recognizing and respecting the rights of others, then may we tory, leaving the one iman in the T miss the cows and sheep and emplhasis upon^the idealism of our people has often brought into expect to see better conditions and enjoy health and happiness. How painful it is, however, to rec- truck. Three minutes later they re- city, pigs r.r\3 things. bold relief the occasional evidences of materialism, while the Until that day we must make the best of conditions as they ollect the entry in Herzl's diary, turned with another bale. Ethel—All, yes, but we still haves broad-gauged humanitarianism is constantly being misconstrued exist and recognize the fact that we, individually and collec- 'June 10, 1924, on the seventh birth- Old Adler crept softlv,: toward the each other, darling. truck Trhere the single'watcher was tively, are responsible for the tilings that happen. Until we day of my Hans. • as a mark of unmanliness and insincerity. . . seated, his back toward; him. Rais"I make a date out of the birthday learn to love our brother man, whom we can see, know and Now, in the case of an individual, a similar experience would ing the billet of wood 'that he had "MONHEIT'S _ "undoubtedly have proved useful and valuable. But our people, understand, how can we pretend to love, honor and obey God of my good Hans. May he, healthy taken BEAt'Tl SHOP frmn the cellar, he brought it AND it seems, are not in a position to profit by their experience in this who is reflected through humanity and the creations of the and happy, grow to be a strong man down with: just the right degree of Est. 1S00 respect. If a man were actuated in his conduct by the purest of World? Brotherhood must come before godliness. And no,*«and continue my work." force on the watcher's head. The man Marcel and free reset In Z «3ayB, Sl.flO motives, but found that' he was constantly, being misconstrued man who has a feeling against his brother can claim to be Sagged forward. in permanent and often maliciously and wilfully censured, he would soon reach religious. Let us, therefore, work in the interests of humanity Picking himqip in his arms, old Ad- We Epecializo waving. Open from 8 A. BI. to ler laid him gently down In the cellar. a state of mind by which he would feel impelled to live his ownand, in striving to better the conditions of the other fellow, » P. SI. He knew It would be en hour before life regardless of the praise or censure of others.. In the in-better our own also. Jackson CTT4. IS 12 Cafnej he awakened. dividual, therefore, an experience similar to that which our people Thes, taking his place, he sat have made would unfailingly tend to intensify individuality. crouching in the i darkness beside the gration annals as an act of humane Upon our people, however, it has had the opposite effect. For, truck, while one by one the bales of mercy, to admit those who have alinstead of intensifying, their Jewish individuality—instead of FOR RENT A silk were brought out and laid in the ready embarked for the United States bringing them to the realization that only then can they ever truck. AT FREMONT, NEB. I and would become victims of the new hope to receive a true evaluation at the hands of the world when law when they would see land again. By CHARLES E. BAXTER they shall determine to live and act consciously as Jews, manfully Will Congress take up and deliberate (©» 1924, Western Newspaper Union.) and courageously admittting that, as a people, they have their the same spirit on the question of KRY^ Adler, but Mr. Simpson Genuine U. S. bad traits as well as their good traits and insisting that the world Not Much Hope in Refugee Situa- in these stranded refugees when it conQuality thinks you're too old to be of take them as they' are—it has led many to hide their identity 17x60 each tion Unless Congress Will Take Service to us any more. You ought to Fabric Action.—Mexican President-Elect venes ? and to camouflage the abnormality and unnaturalness of bygone Rent $75.00 per month. be able to get along on your half-pay * * * Has "God Eye for Business"— times.—Jewish Ledger. 30x3? S 5 . 9 5 30x3«/2, S 6 . 9 5 Excellent location for clothing, pension."

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General Plutarco Elias Calles, presIt was not that that was troubling ident-elect of Mexico, leader of the Adler. For thirty years had he been , .. ' BROTHERHOOD Mexican working classes influenced watchman for the Vine & Mallett comby an organization which would cor" It is common to hear persons proclaim that all human beings By WILLIAM 55. Sl'IEGELJIAN. pany, and he was still strong and vigrespond more to the tendencies of a orous. And Mr. Mallett wOuia never arc united in a great brotherhood, children of the same God. Further, it is a scientific fact that each individual is born in What has engaging prob- labor party than to an extremely so- have laid him off* but for Simpson, the the same manner, covered "with similar" flesh' and skin, "expe- lem 16 tfie'authorities' In" the" various cialistic party, left a cheerful mes- new manager of the shipping departriences the same emotions, sustained by the same food, feels, embarkation ports, to government of- sage during his stay in New York ment. It was a blow I Simpson, an "under•thinks and breathes like every .other mortal and longs for theficials and to relief organisation—the before his departure for Europe. young clerk, nothing more, and problem of the stranded refugees tvho same privileges other mortals enjoy. When he assumed the reigns of the paid Mr. Mallett had chosen to take his There are fewer, however, that are willing to treat every were granted visas to be admitted to Government in Mexico' he stated he word for it that Adler was too old. America, but weFe detained not of would be prepared to ask his govern- He confided his grievance to his mortal as: brothers and sisters. Although no individual is endowed'"-"by" God with any more privileges, man has usurped his their own fault—found no expression ment to grant a large tract of arable friend Barnett, the big packing band. brother's birthright and sold his brother Joseph into slavery. so far in any official record of the land to Jewish settlers, with proper "I guess that Simpson, ain't too Notwithstanding the" fact that none of us brought anything into State Department or even the Labor facilities and concessions. The Mexthe world .with us arid.that we can carry nothing away with us, department. The authorities upon ican solution of the Jewish immigraDR. FRED B. BROWN human beings suffer through life from trying to get the best of whom the refugees have placed their tion problem is not a new proposal DR. CELIA R. BROWN their brothers and cause suffering by trying to amass material trust and as a result of that trust It has been taken up, discussed and have disposed of their property, left even abandoned already two years CHIKOPRACTORS things'' which they must one day leave behind for others to fight thsir homes and started journeying ago. However, Mexico is the typical 406-407 Faxtoa Block and squabble over. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. with the encouraging hope of finally land of changes and the sudden arIt' is not happiness and pleasure that the average person Phone. Atlantic 3709. | seeks; bttt a grasping and hoarding of worldly goods that he reaching their opportunity in the land rival at power of what is termed to Residence: Morris Apts., Phone At. 3210 .may look at his brother with a surly air and say, "Stand back, of opportunities, lost track of these be a Mexican Labor Party may offer I am' holier than thou!" Little does he think or care that God originally hopeful emigrants in the some new aspect to the problem. Gengave the world and all that it contains to every mortal and that moment of their despair! Commis- eral Elias Calles is not only interif he acquires more than is necessary for his comfort and happi- sioner General of Immigration Hus- ested in Jewish colonization work in ness he is not only robbing- his" brother, hut is also killing out band, has made the statement to the Mexico; he has also a "good eye for his own spiritual qualities and is degenerating accordingly. Per- correspondent of the Jewish Tele- business-" According- .• to the intejhaps his brother, less fortunate in worldly goods, is rich in spir- graphic Agency that outside of news- viewer of the Jewish Telegraphic itual attainments and in the sight of God is far holier than his paper reports, the immigration au* Agency, the Mexican president-elect • prattling brother who has sold his spirituality for a mess of thorities of the United States have no stated that Mexico tinder a labor reofficial record as to the number of gime, where a system of co-operative pottage which he must one day leave behind. American visa holders classified as guilds could provide employment for It has been said that only five per cent of the population refugees." Will the lack of tens of thousands of Jews in various - of the world really think and that the other ninety-five per cent "stranded record, however, solve the problem branches of industry, offers a great are led by .th* thoughts of the five per cent. This is tfue with and remove the responsibility? possibility. the average person. His day: is shaped by the news and

thoughts presented in the daily paper. He is moulded by the That the authorities who have is- "It would be at the same time,' ideas he absorbs' from his intercourse with other persons. His sued these visas and encouraged the the president stated, "a distinct ben- religion and politics are usually shaped for him by his parents hopes of these refugees have to some efit to Mexico to manufacture within or those in whom he has confidence. His health is governed by extent a responsibility towards' them its own boundaries many articles and his physician, his legal status by his attorney, his clothing by is indicated by the fact that the State products which it is compelled today his tailor and his appetite by the cook. His sports are usually Department has issued instructions to import from other countries. A controlled by his friends and his business and habits by histhrough the Consuls abroad to give sum in the neighborhood of $2,000, environments. Thereby he becomes a puppet with no real need preference in the issuing of new visas 000 could give a start to this move for thanking for himself.' to those stranded refugees v/ho hold ment and furnish employment possiIf his teachers and associates are narrow, bigoted or in- previous visas. There is, however, bilities for Jewish immigrants, a tolerant, he accepts their thoughts as part of his heritage and very little salvation in this instruc- start which is similar to the begin goes through hfe blissfully ignorant, an animated piece of flesh tion of the State Department. The lung1 of the large Jewish industries and bone with no single thought he can call his own or act uponquotas, according to the new law for in the United States." ' independently of others. Through ages of this sort of civiliza- the eastern European countries, from An invitation to Jewish industria' tion humanity has become absolutely dependent upon other* where the majority of the refugees workers with an allowance for a pos U he average individual cannot afford to hild himself aloof come, are as known very limited. Out sible drifting of a certain percentagi from his fellow mair and claim to be better. of this jneager quota only a half of into individual enterprises is a new Those upon whom Fortune smiles today may meet reverses each quota can be aUof*"Jt f and sensible proposition. It ought t Pref, tomorrow• • and be fawning before those they look down upon erence to the stranded refugees, in be taken np and first of all thorough today.; Nothing, m. this "world is constant; no wealth, save that as much as the other half of these ly investigated. The nearness t>of knowledge and independent thought,, is permanent. All else quotas are to be reserved for a cer- Mexico to the large American Jewish is constantly changing like the tides of an ocean. The man who tain class of near relatives of Amer- communityT with its possible connec >-' 1$ begging- at your door today may be able to render you a great ican citizens and agricultural labor- tions and credit facilities, would no .; service tomorrow. The ignorant, filthy individual who sits be- ers which, have gained preference by doubt present an incentive to the -v side* you on the'train, and from whom you pull away lest you the provisions of the very same im- home-seeking class of Jewish workers become contaminated, may clean up and become educated in migration law. Besides, according to and artisans in the'devastated regions the near "future and soar to heights \vay above you. Such are the Scime law, only 10 per cent of the of at present economic barrenness: the cord logical facts of the world. ' ' annual quota could be admitted Here I think the work of the In Despite the fact that in the sight of God, no man can dhhn monthly. Even those refugees who dependent Order of B'nai B'rith cara jot of earth his own to.the exclusion of his fellow menjjjnd would prove to belong to the "pre- ried on in Mexico in recent years - that djd not God permit he could not hold a single grain of theferred stock" would have to continue could offer good material for forming .' material things he possesses humanity takes delight in exclud- in their trying and. exhausting posi- of a sound judgment on the matter. ing; others, from privileges to which they are entitled. America, tion of anticipation. What is then to Just recently this benevolent Orde - founded upon the ideals of brotherhood, has become as ex- happen to these eleven^ thousand appropriated a sum of $20,000 for th. plosive-as. the most tyrannical monarchy. Yet those who framed stranded immigrants toward whom a purpose of establishing a branch ofthe laws excluding their brother men from their midst claim to certain measure of responsibility has fice in Mexico City .and enlargemen fae God-fearing men, many of them assume to be religious and already been admitted? of the activities. • Those who have ex

last session, perience in that country will have to the resolu- be consulted. first. the immfcT Hans Herzl," the' little son. of. his


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J?AGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY* AUGUST 21, 1924 Monday morning. Their daughter, Eve, who is the fiancee of Mr. Joseph Lazarus, is visiting at the Lazarus home and win be here for several •weeks.' A number of social affairs are being given in honor of Miss Fenberg during her visit with her fiancee's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lazarus and family have moved into their newly built home at 3310 Webster Street

in l«.-vqor of Miss Frosh. Thursday Des *.Icines, Iowa, visiting Mrs.,-'Hy« Mrs. Sam Goldfein is entertaining at man Krasne. a bridge party in honor of Miss Frosh. Mrs. T. Dsmelsky of Dss Moines, Many attractive affairs are being Iowa, returned to her home Sungiven for Miss Dorothy Letween, j day after spending a week here visitwhose marriage to Mr. Eli Evnen ing her daughter, Mrs. H. Marowitz, takes place August 28 at the Syna- and Mr. Marowitz. gogue. Miss Jean Evnen entertained Mrs. Ike Kramer and son, Hymie; at bridge Sunday in • honor of Miss Letween, and Mrs. Abrahams enter- Mrs. Nathan Richards, and Mr. Isatained informally Wednesday evening dora Aginskee motored to Sioux City Tuesday also in honor of Miss Letween. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rice left Tuesday for Chicago, 111., where they will visit until the first of September.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Ganz will leave Saturday for Cleveland, Ohia/to be - Miss Flora "Worth left this week Mrs. Jack Weinman has as her gone for several week for Chicago, 111., where she -will visit house guest Miss Freda Cooper, of Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg and chilrelatives. Denver, Colo. dren returned by motor Thursday Mr. Dave Goodsite, of Artesian, So. •• Miss Faye Ziegman left Saturday Miss Henrietta Kahn left th!s week morning from a two weeks' stay at Dak., was in the city last week visitfor Washington, D. C, to visit "with for Lincoln, Nebr., where she.: will Lake Okoboji. ing relatives and friends. her sister, Mrs. S. L. Wasserman, and spend the week. • . Mr. and Mrs. H. Marcus announce Mr. Wasserman. Rabbi and Mrs. Isadore Isaacson Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sugarman a"e the birth of a baby daughter, born returned recently from Green Lake, Mrs. Ben Isaacson and sons, Mar- in California, where they will retnaht Thursday morning at their home at Wis. vin Paul and Herbert Lee, of Bea- until September 3, 1923 Vinton street. trice, Nebr., are here visiting -with Mrs. Ed. Baron and daughter, MilMiss Fariiy Kully. was hostess to dred, of Chicago, left last Thursday Mrs. Isaacson's parents, Mr. and ]V rs. • Mrs. M. Oberman and daughter, Hajary Bernstein. A number of so-, Ruth, returned Sunday from Fre- sixteen guests at a one o'clock lunch- after having been extensively entercial affairs are being given to honor mont, where- they spent two weeks eon Weunesday at the Omaha Athletic tained during their visit of three Mrs. Isaacson during her visit in with Mrs. Oberman'e sister, Mrs. J. club to honor Miss Sadie Levey, who weeks. They were the house guests is leaving soon for the east -where she of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Baron. Berek, and family. Omaha. will enter the New England Gonsei-vMr. and Mrs. M. Rosenblatt have atory. of Music at Boston, Mass. Mrs. M. E. Chapman and children, Messrs. Leonard Marx and Stanley Eoolish returned Thursday from Lake Bernard and Helen Jane, have re- as their house guests Mrs. Louis Soturned from a five -weeks' vacation phir and daughter, Lena, of St. Louis, .Miss Sophie Jaff e returned Wednes- Okoboji. .trip at the Great Lakes at Duluthj Mo., who will spend several weeks at day morning from a ten days' visit in Miss Edna Stengel, of Chicago, left Minn. They -were accompanied home the Rosenblatt home and with other develand, O., and Chicago, 111. last week after spending two weeks relatives. by Mr.-, Chapman. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosen, of Fre- in the city as the guest -of Miss Lillian Mrs. Lr. Needleman and daughter, mont, announce the birth of a baby Schiff. Rabbi and Mrs. J. M. Charlop returned home Friday from a four Gbldie,of Los Angeles, Calif., are in daughter, born Tuesday, August 12. weeks' visit at New ork City, Phila- Omaha this week as the guests of Mrs. Louis Shostak, of Los Angeles, delphia, Pa., and Atlantic City. At Mr. arid Mrs. H. Gerbef. They are Calif., arrived Sunday to visit at the New York, Eabbi "Charlop interviewed enroute to their home after having home of her father, Mr. I. Kulakofthe Rabbinical delegation, Rabbis visited with relatives jia the east. sky. Mrs. Shostak was formerly Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. Meyerson enterKook, Epstein and Shapiro, to whom tained over seventy-five guests at Hannah Kulakofsky. , Mr. Jack Orlinkoff, of Sioux City, he gave the money recently collected their home Sunday, in honor of the la., was in Omaha last week visiting -in Omaha, for Hie Central Relief* Bar (Mitzvah of their son, Sam. with friends. He returned to his home 1 Miss Etta Blufston, of St. Louis, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen anMo., who has been visiting with Mrs* nounce the birth of a daughter, The Daughters of Zion are giving Mr. and Mrs. William. Tenenbamn J. D. Kraft for the past two weeks,' have as their house guests Mr. and its second annual picnie Sunday, Hetty, born Thursday, August 14, left Sunday for her home. Miss Bluf- Mrs. Sam Coreman, of Cleveland, O., August 24, at Krug Park. at the Edmundson Hospital. ston was extensively entertained dar- who are formerly of Omaha. Mr. Maurice Katelman visited in The Auflebung Club will give a ing her stay here. Mrs. M. Bialie Des Moines, Iowa, Sunday. picnic and package party Sunday, entertained twelve at a tea at her Mrs. J . Lieb and baby daughter are home last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. visiting with friends in Des Moines, August 24, at Miller Park, at three Mr. and Mrs. M. Krasne affil; Mr. M, Feldman entertained twenty at a la. They expect to be gone for ten o'clock. Prizes will be given to the Philip Krasne, and Mr. Frank Krasne winners in the contests and games of Freinont, Nebr., spent Sunday in bridge last Tuesday evening. Miss days. Sara Warshaw was hostess to sixteen to be held during the afternoon. guests at bridge Thursday evening* Mr. A. Sachs, is at Colorado The Junior Daughters of Zion. will Mrs. B. Yousem entertained Friday* Springs, Colo., where he will spend hold its regular meeting Sunday and Mrs. Kraft honored her visitor several weeks. afternoon, August 24, at 2:30 at the with several affairs. Mrs. Harry Snader, of Lincoln, -mo- Jewish Community Center. Refresh' Mrs. L. Greenberg and son, Walter, tored into Omaha Monday to visit ments will be served. Just returned from a three months' with her sister, Mrs. iL S. dayman, visit at Plattsburgh, N. Y.> also vis- and Mr. dayman. ited with relatives at Montreal, CanMr. and Mrs. .Jw Bernstein enterada. ,. . tained at dinner Sunday evening for Miss Ruth Friedman, of Denver, fourteen guests in honor of Mr. and Mr. Sam Hahn, son of Mr. and Colo., is the guest^of her brother and Mrs. J. Feriberg and daughter, Eve, Mrs. J. Hahn, of Omaha, visited last family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fried- of Des Moines, la. Miss Fenberg re- week at the home of H. R. Goldstein. man. . •,.-. .. ' ' cently announced her engagement to Miss Dena Goldstein "has as her house guests, thd Misses Ida and Mr. Maurice Lazerowitz left for Mr. Joseph Lazarus, of Omaha. Florence GoTec, of Detroit, Mich. Chicago, .Hl.j where he will visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Crounsc have as his sister, Mrs. Lena Resnicke. He their guest their niece and nephew, Mr. Victor Friend left for Rocheswill probably remain in Chicago to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Grohn, and small ter, Mjsn., where he will join his sisstudy violin. son, Irving Jack, of Chicago, III. ter, Mrs. Ed. Guggenheim, and return with her and the children by motor. Dr. Max Merritt, of Toronto, Canada, arrived Friday in Omaha on. ac- Mrs. Ida Barmish is visiting in Des Mr. Morris Friend will remain for count of the illness of his father, Mr. Moines, la., with her daughter, Mrs. four weeks, longer. ; I. E. Stone, and Mr. Stone. John Merritt. Mrs. Nate Liebennan is visiting Miss Lillian Simon, daughter of her sister, Mrs. Einstein, at ArapaMiss Ann Greenberg returned last ' week from a three weeks'"visit at St. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Simon, returned hoe, Nebr. Sunday from New York City, vrhere Paul. Mr. M. Weil returned from Colorshe was spending the summer months Mrs. Max Levey, of Chicago, III with relatives. ado. Sunday. is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Morris Miss Miriam Frosh, whose wedding Mr. A. Goldstein of .the GoldsteinGoldenberg. f ; ; Chaptnan Co., has,, left for New. York to Mr. David Jacobs will take place September 1, bas been the guest of Miss Dorrid Lazerowitz left for City on an extended buying trip. honor at several social affairs. SunChicago, 111., where she will spend Mr. Nat Cohn> of Los Angeles, day evening Mr. and Mrs. M. Aach her vacation With her sister, Mrs Calif., was in Omaha last week for entertained at a dinner served in the Maurice Resnicke. seeral days as the guest of Mr. A. garden of their home. ; Tuesday Miss Miss Ida Hoffman returned last Singer* Ida Salzman entertained at luncheon Saturday after a five weeks' stay in Dallas, Mineral ' Wells, and Fort Mr. and. Mrs. M* Galirisky and Worth, Tex. : children, of San Francisco, Calif., "•' "We furnish the appetite" FULL LINE OF are expected to arrive here, next week Mrs. Harry A. Wolf and son, Jus- to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. tin, returned last week from Atlantic 28th and Harney Sts. will visit here City, where they spent the summer Singer. They Telephone HArney 0123 definitely. with Mrs. Wolf's parents. Miss Helen Kahn and Miss Bess EVERYTHING FOR THE Mrs. A. B. Alpirn and daughter, Sachs, of Zesloge, Mo., stopped in PICNIC Eva, returned ho'me Sunday evening Omaha for the past -week-end while Milwaukee Delicatessen from a four weeks' stay at. Hot Tenroute from Colorado to their home -'SEBVICE IS OUE MOTIO" Springs, Slyvan Lake, and Game arid visited with Miss Miriam MoshAbe Abrmns, Dave Kuklin, Props. Lodge, So.-Dak. 1619 "O" Street. Tel. L-4660. er, who is a sorority sister of Miss LINCOLN, NEBR. Kahn. On Saturday Miss Ann SaMr. I. Roserithal and son, Edward, motored to Dayton, 0., where the$> muels, of Chicago, ID., who is also will visit with Mr. Rosentbal's mother. a member 0% the Alpha Epsilon Phi of the University of niinois, stopped Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort and Omaha While on her return trip Kort's mother, Mrs. A. Singer, re- from the Canadian Rockies. The turned by motor Tuesday from a ten visitors left Sunday afternoon for days' stay at Excelsior Springs and their homes. Kansas City, Mo. At Elk Creek, Nebr., Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman have they were joined by Mrs. Sam Riseman, formerly of Omaha, who was returned from Centerville, Iowa, with them at the Springs, and also where they attended the wedding of Mr. Chapman's sister, Miss Lottie returned Tuesday to her home. Chapman, on August 17. Miss Molly Goldstein, of Chicago, Mr. Arthur-rSiever, of Minneapolis, 111., is the guest here of Mrs. Harry Trdstin, Kirs. Leon Graetz, and Mrs* Minn., formerly of Omaha, Is visitJack Bramson. Miss Goldstein is be- ing with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Silverman. ing extensively entertained here ing her visit. Mrs. Trastin was hos- Miss Shirley Helrhand, of Fretess at a one o'clock luncheon Tues- mont, Nebr.,. was the guest of Miss day, honoring her guest, and for a number of out-of-town visitors and Ruth Slobodiflsky, returning to her She was actheir hostesses. Those who „ shared home this week. companied by Miss Slobodinsky, who •honors were Miss Freda Qjoper, of -will be her gaest. Denver, Colo.; Mrs. A. Barowitz/of El Dorado, Aark.; Mrs. H. Cooler, of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fenberg, of Indianapolis, Ind.; Mrs. Morosnick, of Des Moines, Iowa, spent the weekCanada, and Mrs. M. Grawoig, of Chjr end here with Mr. and Mrs. Harry. cago, 111. _„ ..—•- - — . . . Lazarus, returning Pi their.






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CHALUZIM IN VIENNA, BARRED FROM VALESTINE, PROTEST GOVERNMENT Vienna. (J. T. A.) A strong protest against the limitation of Jewish immigration into Palestine was adopted here at a meeting of a considerable group of ChaluziiSj who are unable to concede owing to the fact that their passports have not been visad. The resolution is drafted in sharp terms, protesting strongly against the closing of the doors of Palestine and barring from the country the Jews who are striving to upbuild their country by the sweat of their brow. Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban enter- This Is not only a violation of the tained forty-five guests at a reception Balfour Declaration, but a disregard at their home Sunday, August 17, in for the elementary principles of jushonor of Mrs. Balaban's sister, Mrs. tice. The resolution asserts that unA. Rubinsky, and her children of St. employment does not warrant closing Louis, Mo., who are visiting' at the of the doors of the country because the workers create new openings in Balaban home. the country. The resolution further A special Talmud ToraB. meeting was held at the synagogue Monday evening. ORIGINAL VILNA TROUPE TO PLAY MONDAT AT BRANDEIS The Jewish community of Omaha \ will have prominent guests on Mon-j day night, August 25, with the ar-j rival of the famous and original "VILNA TROUPE" who will give j cne performance at the Brandeis Theatre. The troupe consists of sixteen players, who recently arrived for a five weeks' engagement, but due to their success have played now fully twelve weeks in this country. They have played in the Scandanavian countries, in France, Germany, England, and on Broadway in New York City. Mr. Edwin A. Relkin is directing the Vilna Troupe and he -will present them in Peretz Hirschbein's "Greene Felder."

protests against the attitude of the Palestinian administration towards immigration and states that the present policy of the administration shows inconsideration for the feelings of the Jewish people and is an insult to the Jewish masses. It appeals for the opening of the doors of Erez Israel. It asks for the "commencement of free Immigration to those whose aim is to devote their entire sti-ength for the reconstruction of the Jewish national home."

LABOR LEADER PROCEEDS TO RUSSIA' TO BRI&G Jerusalem. {J. T. A.) Ben Gurion, Palestinian Jewish labor leader, wi|l shortlj; pioceed to Moscow for the purpose of negotiating with the Scviet authorltiesc ohcemihg1 facilities: for & large number 6f Chaluzim whfc are now in Soviet Russia and are deE?rbus of proceeding to Palestine

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Jewish New r p H E practice of extending Xew Year's Greetings to friends and I relatives through the local Jewish newspaper has become quite general throughout the country. ' " "" "Hundreds of families in Cincinnati, Xew York, Boston, Chicago, and ~ • other cities use no other form of extending these holiday greetings. ,«« Its advantages over the old, individual mailing card is evident in ~. the saving of time and expense, and eliminates the worry over for- '§? getting someone you desire to remember. ' '' v > " ^* " "•_—. Greeting cards in the Jewish Press may be thirty .words in length. «t < If you desire, you may write your own greetings. ' s '* !T •

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Mr. and Mrs. William R. Abrams and fafttily of 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend theit bfest wishes to their relatives and friends for a hap"py and prosperous New Year.

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The Jewish Press 681 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. \ Gentlemen:— , Enclosed find |2.00 for which please insert my New Y«afe Greeting Card • in your Rosh Hashona (S685) Number. i . ' NAME ADDRESS ™. „ AUUiUSSS




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Highland Country Club


• FffstColf^Teuniament hi » MeetMg Wit0 Success

Ge&rge'* Cross The outbound car, says a London newspaper,, was crowded to the dooii. The woman had a child in her nrn% who was etther whining or bawling 4tSt the time. She was doing her best-to quiet it, but without success, and the audible comments of the other passengers regarding babies in general nnd that baby in particular did not soothe the mother's growing irritation. Finally the car reached George's Cross and the conductor, putting his head in the door, loudly cried out the name of the place: "George's Cross! George's Cross!" "Of course he's cross," cried the mother with flashing eyes, "and BO would you bo if you were cutting your back teeth."—Electric News.

Goldstein-Chapman Co. gives evidence of its constant growth through the \opening \ Thursday morning of - a new^ Economy Section' on the Mezzanine,'. Second Floor. ' It is a shop that will• sell nothing over' $15.00 ar.d'is intended to make a strong appeal to the ..woman who. likes to dress well but- economically. Special effort has been made to secure clothes of good style, materials, and workmanship. School and college girls will find many frocks to their liking. Smart affairs for campus wear, collared and cuffed as they Not News to Him like them. Nor has the •woman who "My friend, you are suffering from a wears more mature styles been for- chronic complaint." gotten—in fact, it is a section which Patient—I know it, but please lower will cater to "Everywoman." your voice; she's in the next room.— Women need no longer wait for a London Answers. "sale of $10 and .$15 dresses," for at all times there will be dresses in this department at these prices and no Harrv Kononovitch higher. 'This new venture is entirely an inStudio—207 Cronnse Blk. novation in Omaha and one that GoldHamey 8476 stein Chapman Co. hopes wdll be of Bowing for Advanced Pupils. great service to women who prefer to spend a limited amount on their apparel.

fairings Have.Already Been Made for ,' . Match Plays. FIRST ROUND MUST BE PLAYED BY SUNDAY " The : first tournament of the Highland Country club is meeting with success, according to officers of the club. -A large number of members •were out on the links last Sunday to quality for the tournament. The sixteen lowest scores turned in were matched against each other .in the champion flight.-. The tournament is being1 conducted under the supervision'1 of Frank Burkh'ard, the club pro." The'following pairings were made and are to-be pjayedbefore Sunday: . . Championship Flight S. "Wcrthelmer, Jr., plays H. Arnsteln. " PhJl XouEcm plays Harry Molasbock. 13. J- Kruug plays B. Wolf. i S. Hewberg plnys H. Irustin. I 8. Kulnkofsky plnys J. Kntz. L E. Tr«ler pMnys William Yousem. I : M; Treller plays J. Spiesberger. Hw Werthelmer plnys Jerome Heyn. | . 'Directors Flight , S. J. Leon playB N. Jncobs. ! E.\ys H. Monsky. I J. Weinman-plays Morris'Milder. j H. S. Heavenrlch plays A. Heriberg. I 11. Spiesberfjer plays C. C. •Ktttlemai}.-' I Ii. Kulnkofsky plays H. Sllverman. B, Pretl plays L. Laplilus. •' Xu Kulakofsky plays Paul' Schay<v . .

Open Economy Section ;at Goldsteiii-Cfaapnafi Co.

Front view of Highland Country Club house, located on West Pacific. This club is one of the finest Jewish Clubs in the West.

ruler he stood upon a slope that rose twenty inches at its greatest ^ height at the far end ,of the roiom, where the dias stood, supporting the chair of Study Woods Again state. When iron ships came into use the The-first round must be played-not Big Event Planned for Labor Day. study of woods began to decline and "The dias -was, of limestone," said later than next Sunday. i - - DR. KLEE, GERMAN ZIONthe "decline" was steady until recently Dr. Fisher,, '.'and the decoration, on it PRANK. BURKHARD The entertainment committee of Several of the matches-have alIST LEADER, ARRESTED was cut in low relief and colored like when the United States Department of The first tournament of the Highthe Highland Country club is making ready been played. To date the fol- Berlin. (J. T. A.) Dr. Alfred Klee, Agriculture, placed wood upon a footthe floor." special arrangements for the every land Country Club is under super- ing of a "principal product." Galileo, lowing matches have been played:" well known lawyer and Zionist leader ^Championship Flight Tuesday evening Mah Jongg and vision of- Frank Burkhard, the club upon Ms visit to the arsenal in Venice, Harry Trustin beat Sam Herzberg, 2 niid. 1. in. Germany, was arrested by the po- PROVIDES FOR HEIRS' Directors Flight . ' . card parties which are to be held pro. Burkhard has had considerable which visit had much to do • with his lice "authorities here and .sent to' jail WITH AID OF THE Bam J. 'Leon beat Nathan E.: Jacobs, C and 5. experience in golf circles, having law upon the resistance of solid bodies, 1307 Howard St, At. 8028 A-Herzherg beat Herbert Henvenrleh,-2-np. in Bautzen, on a charge that he had JEWISH NATIONAL FUND at the Club. The first of these was been assistant pro a t Happy Hollow was one of the first eminent students Enrl Kulnkofsky beat Henry Monsky, 2 up. conferred with one of his clients, held last Tuesday evening. AccordOmaha, Nebr. of woods. Leonardo da Vinci was anJerusalem. (J. T. A.) An AmeriThe first round of the tournament Heinrich, Sklurz, at the time when , a ing to the members of the committee, and professional at the Fremont other. can Zionist has bequeathed the' sum Country' Club. Many of the members must be played not later than next warrant was issued for his arrest. It of ?5,0.00 to the Jewish National Fund these parties will be given by the of the club have been taking special Sunday. j s alleged that Dr. Klee transgressed as a legacy on condition that if 'one club every Tuesday evening. Obvious against the law by not delivering the of his heirs should come to Palestine Special plans are, being made for lessons from him. For lessons on The housemaid, tidying the stairs, Any war you get them In any package golf, call .Burkhard at Highland client to the police. The arrest of he should receive the land bought by an elaborate affair to be held on UNION OP AMERICAN, the morning after a reception, found a ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS.' the well known lawyer caused much the J. N. F. for" this "sum." Labor Day. The entertainment com- Country Club." solid silver teaspoon. HEBREW CONGREGATIONS are g-o-o-d eating: for everybodj". mittee has promised many novel "My goodness!" she esclaimed. Ask your srrocer JOT ITEN CBACKERS T TO MEET IN ST. LOUIS comment and consternation in the As the underlying principle of "One of the guests must have bad a by name always. Get the gennine and " Cincinnati. (J. T. A.) Two thou- press. Jewish. National Fund activity is the affairs for this event. Hidden Love Messages boio in his pocket" be satisfied all ways! Ntm sand rabbis and Jewish lay leaders nationalization of land, the Executive There have always been parents from all parts of the" country will PHAROAH'S THRONE, decided to accept, the sum rof $5,000 and guardians to hinder and thwart the hapless lover, and many girls have participate in the 52nd Annual Conon condition that if the- heir should Years Have Brought WHERE MOSES PLEADED, obliged to resort to methods of vention of the Union of American Jos. Pepper, Vlce-PresSier*. WILL BE RECONSTRUCTED come to Palestine He can receive the Changes in Meaning been W. G. Ore. Secretary. deception. , Distributors ot Hebrew Congregations which, wilt be Philadelphia. (J. T. A.) 'The throne J land on a 50-year lease as in other If we wish to label anything strange The simplest means ever employed Western Bond—and High held early in January in_St» Louis. room in the palace of Heremptah, be- j cases of J. N. F. land agreement. The or barbarous we say it is "outlandwrite the love messages with Grade Stationery The Union of American Hebrew'Con- lieved to have been the Pharoah of, heir will have the additional privilege ish," but when the Bible speaks of an was'to fresh milk instead of ink. O.n the reOmaha. Nebraska. gregations consists of 273 congrega- the Exodus, in which Moses warned ! of exemption from payment of rent, "outlandish woman'1 It means a for- ceipt of a blanks sheet of paper, all COMPLETE STORE AKD tions and has a membership- of-43,- the ruler of the pleagues-that WQuldj It "is of interest to note that this eigner. the recipient needed to do was to OFFICE OUTFITTERS 947. The purpose of this convention befall Egypt, will soon be recon-j practice of bequeathing legacies of Another curious'j expression in the sprinkle it "with soot or charcoal. The We ocenpy is to confer on matters relating- to structed within the • University of: substantial"amounts to" th"e*J. N. F. authorized version'; is "The other bas- grit stuck to the lines traced by the •ver 70,008 ecuare fees ket had very naughty figs." That pen.—Exchange. the advancement of Reformed Juda- Pennsylvania Museum. Southwest Corner i has recently been extensively remeans fruit which was good for Eleventh and Dengtas Street*. ism in America. — •; 1 The work will be carried on under peated. naught. Today the word "naughty" I'lkon*: Jacksnn S'24 At the "same time the National Fed- the direction' of Dr. Clarence S. Fishmeans "ill-behaved." In the prayer OMAHA. NT3S. eration of Temple- Sisterhoods and _er, in the new Egyptian wing of the book the word "presently" means "at JEWISH CALENDAR. the present time," but today°ls always - ' Temple Brotherhoods will hold their museum. Because the' throne ri_>om, 5684-1924.— " means a future time, though not far or chamber, had been ruined when PARSHA AKEV—August 23rd. conventions-. • AUDITING AND INCOME Special significance is attached to the royal palace was burned, shortly ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL, PAR- distant, says London Tit-Bits. When the authorized version of the TAX REPORTS the convention this year, when a com- after^ the death of *the Pharoah, and SHA REAY—August 30th. Every Known Kind mittee of 25 headed by David A. was" afterward inundated by the- Nile ROSH CHODESCH ELLUL—August Scriptures was first printed, the word 208 Karbach Bit. Atlantic 1031 "careful" meant "full of care and anxiBrown of Detroit, appointed, at a re- at Memphis, its reconstruction will of Insurance 31st. ety," as in "careworn," but if a man cent special. conference of the Union be unusually difficult. PARSHA SHOFTIM-—September 6th. were said to be careful it would today JAckson 1862 209 W. O. W. Bidg. JA. 3944. in Chicago, will present a report .callGorgeously colored ornamentation PARSHA KE SAZA — September be a good testimonial. Thus, when the PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. ing for a new plan of how to' raise that harmonized with the formality of Xew Testament tells us to "be care13th. i'tb and Martha Ms. HA. 1662 funds for the work of the Union.- It the designs surrounding Moses when PARSHA NEZAVIM — September ful for nothing," it is not enjoining Slannfartnrfrs of Brass, Bronze. Gate City Furniture Co. wastefulness and' speaking against, Mntnlnam and Soft Gray Iron Castings. .is planned that each congregation,af-.. he held >his conferences with Merem27th. WASH AND KEEP WELL You are esenrrd of soft castings, as thrift, but simply telling us not to and filiated with the Union should . be ptah, according to. Dr. Fisher. we. machine some from every beat tn EREV ROSH HASHANNO—Septem- worry about anything. A RULE OF HEALTH •or own tihop. Globe Van & Storage Co. - taxed with a certain percentage of WHen Moses appeared before the ber 28th. Standard slie cast Iron and bronne owned nnd operated by FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY l In stork. its general income towards the maintenance" of the Union. The Union of American Hebrew Congregations supports, the Hpbrew Union College at Cincinnati.

Card Socials at Highland Country Club Tuesday Eve


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