September 4, 1924

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Mail in your ISTew'Yei&r

-Mailin'rcrar'K / Greetings Today

Greetings Today

VOL. m—No. 39

Entered as •eetiod-clam mall matter on January 27th. 1821. et poetofflee at Omaha. Nebraska, uadex the Act of March 3. umi.



"I WAS TOO MILD A JEW, WASHED.' BY KLAN ! POLISH GOVERNMENT DEAN ANTI-SEMITE," DE! TO' LEAYIVXiSNAPPED FENDS JEWS IN HUNGARY CLARES ADOLF HITLER IN'-LONG ISLAND Vienna. (J. T. A.) The prolonged Berlin. (J. T. A.) "I was too mild Freeport, L. 3-, {S. T. A.}—"Freeconflict between the Polish and Hunan Anti-Semite," declared Adolf Hitport is not large enough to hold you garian governments concerning the ler, defeated leader of the Bavarian and the Han". This was the wainmistreatment, interning and expulsBeer Revolution, now imprisoned .in ing given to Ernest D. Lewis, Jewish ion of Galician Jews who- are resiLandsberg, when he commented upon 'owner of a drug store on Bayview dent in Hungary, has of late become Readers Are Daily Sending in so acute that the Hungarian govern- Join in International Movement, Avenue, Freeport, on August 14th, by Dr. Joseph Rosen, Director of the information submitted to hira of Married Bleu to Play Single Men the reports circulated in the Jewish ment ~was compelled to agree that a t i f Child Their Personal Greetings. Game of Baseball. for PProtection of Childreii. • ten men "who appeared that day in the Colonization Work, Says press that he had renounced AntiCondition Grave. *$tore. They urged Mm t oleave the mixed commission of both govern5 Semitism. "It is ridiculous,' he stat- ALL lli ft fe AND ME ISSUE WILL BE PUBLISHED ments take Tip the matter for final 22 COUNTRIES REPRESENT- city-within ten days. FRIENDS -INVITED TO ED AT WORLD'S CONLast Monday night,-when Mr. Lewis AGRICULTURAL PURSUIT IS ed. "Tt the contrary, I was r a f ^ r SEPTEMBER 25 settlement. This Hungarian-Polish j too mild an Anti-Semite. I am now PICNIC. FERENCE. Commission has now started its work walked home together with his wife ONLY SALVATION. engaged in writing a book -which I More New Year Greetings are com- j and will make a thorough survey of .-•..": — .... and daughter-iri-la*,v five men surOmaha lodge No. S54, I. O. B. B., ,-„„ -•„ daily j _ « . . to *_ The -m.. Jewish T—-_v Press r. * fhe sjtuatjoj^ I t i s s t a tte dd that New York, (J. T. A.)—"The offer of consider to be the work of my life in ing in ofthat the the I t i s sta e CaTlsbad, (J. T. A.)—The opinion rounded him, put Mra"ln an automobile the Russian Government to grant land which I will prove that only through will hold its annual' basket-picnic at fice. The New Year's issue of The Polish Government has prepared a that the plan for the creation of the without lights and disappeared. Mrs. Elrnwood Park Sunday, September 7. Jewish Press will be published Thurs- full plan which will be submitted to Jewish World Relief Fund, in con-Lewis declared to the- police that the in the Ukraine, Crimea, and White a sharp campaign against the Jews, The picnic committee has promised will the world be saved from the day,-September 28. As a special fea- the Commission as to the steps nec- nection with a Jewish World Associa- leader of the kidnapping gang ap- Russia must be taken up to the fullest many interesting; events for the memture to this large issue, The Jewish essary to put an end to the suffer- tion .for Social Service is premature, peared to have been one of the menextent for the purpose of settling as Jewish disease." bers and their families. Many prizes Press will publish a page of personal ings of Galician Jews in Hungary. was voiced by Leon Chasanowitz, Dr. who visited the store ten days ago, many Jewish families as possible," will be given to the winners of these declared Dr. Joseph Rosen, director of New Year Greetings. Many Omahans, Silberfarb, Dr. Singalowski, Messrs. I soun diri & the Klan warning. contests. ^The picnic will begin at 12 the Joint Distribution-Reconstruction have followed the suggestion of this Kxeinin and Gergel of the Ose (Rusnoon and will last till midnight. The Work in Russia, before sailing for paper to print their cards in this issian Jewish Association for the profollowing members compose the comsue'. Russia on the SS. Olympic, several tection of health amongst the Jewish mittee: Jack Alberts, chairman; Na<iays ago. This custom is now established in population) during the discussion Jerome Hern and A. Herzberg Win- than Bernstein, Sam Wolf, Sam "With every family that settles en many of the larger cities. The Jewwhich followed reports on the plan ners in Respecti** Flights. Green, Dave Cohen and Fred White. a farm, the crowded conditions in the ish papers have become the good-will First Meeting of Season Will Be Held submitted by Messrs. Motzkin* and One of the feature events of the Monday Evening. messengers for the Jewish people in Effroykin. Mme. Anita Mueller, the Depriving Jews of Citizenship Rights towns are alleviated and the oppor- The first championship golf tourna- picnic will be. the ball game between —-Asks for Referendum on tunity for finding work is increased ment held by the Highland Country the Y. M. H. A. juniors'and the Kaitheir respective communities. This social worker of All arrangements have been com- well .known Je-? Jewish Question. system is now meeting with popular for those who remain. We cannot club met with success. Jerome Heyu man Insurance Co. team. Both of igreed with this Austria, parti j approval in Omaha, because the peo- pleted for the specialty radio program opinion. . imagine here," stated Dr. Rosen, is the club champion, defeating Ed. these teams have played before and . • Vienna. (J. T. A.)—A referendum "what a great curse was brought on ple here also realize its many advan- to be given under the auspices of the While in principle there is a necesY. M. and Y. W. H. A., Monday evenon the Jewish question in Austria the Jews and Soviet Russia by theKraus in the final match held Sunday this is the deciding: game as to which tages over the old system. sity for such an organization, the afternoon. A. Herzberg defeated is the better. This game will be " 3 y printing your New Year Greet- ing, September 7, -which -will be forming of it at present would b e j ^ s the demand made by the con-spread of unemployment. Young, Meyer Speisberger in the finals of the played at 2 o'clock. ings in The Jewish Press you save broadcasted over the WOAW station. prematoe, they declared.. On the ference °* *" Hakenkruezlers, which healthy men wander about is search director's flight. The main attraction of the aftertime and money and do not forget A radio will be installed at the Jew- other, hand, many speakers, among I * now taking, place in the• *f^t of something to do, cannot find it, and A special stag dinner will be held j n o o n vvii] h e the baseball game beish Community Center, enabling all anyone. resign themselves to an aimless life at Friday evening in honor tween the married men and the sinthose attending the Y meeting Mon- whom were Deputy Noe PrylutzM of Salzburg Th^confeence^ "1 am heartily in favor of this fea- day evening to "listen in" on the Poland, Mr. Sliosberg of Russia, Mr. number of resolutions bearing on theand .starvation. In a village with a of the presentation of the prizes to gle men. The married men, through ture New Tear's Greetings page," twenty-number program that has Berger, Dr. Hindes and Mr. Kraemer, Jewish question, among them the population of 300 or 400 Jewish fam- the winners. Special arrangements their captain, Abner Kaiman, have issaid Dr. Frederick Cohn. "It saves been arranged through the courtesy urged the adoption of this plan and following: ilies, only ten have a definite means are being made for feature entertain- sued a challenge to the singlfl men, one a great deal of time and is a sav- of the radio department" of the criticized the representatives of the 1. That the right of foreign Jews of livelihood. If they are traders, they ment. which has been accepted. According to reside* in Austria'should be limited ing of money." Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. The organizations Ort and Ose for their to only fourteen days, once a year, have nothing to sell, iif they are The regular Saturday evening din- to reports being circulated, the mar"You can have my New Year's large Teledyne Radio set will be in- separatistic tendencies. It is expected artisans, they have no material or ner dances are meeting with great ried men have assembled a lineup of "Greetings for your special issue," said stalled in the club rooms. In con-that a vote on this question will be j options to be made only to those tools with which to work. "Why dont success at the club. Many parties are men who have been members of some registered Jews go into factories?' one- would Irvin Stalmaster. *1 have used this junction with the program the Y will tomorrow when ten conference being planned for these dinner dances fast teams, and daily the married men method of Bending New Year Greet- hold first regular meeting this season will dose. j as such, and that, only after they ask. The reason is simple. Industry during the coming fall months. Spe- have been stealing away from their ings since this page was first started and nominate officers' for the next 'have submitted suScient proof that in Soviet Russia has been reduced and] cial parties are also-being held dur- •wives to practice so that they may An interesting feature of the con;JUI-juwsxia.LUJB x « a ^ « »• .--. 7 " 'their stay m Austria is necessary, by The Jewish Press." those factories which are functioning ing the week nights, with Tuesday be' the winners of this main attracterm. ference was thes lgmng of the Geneva 2. That • the Austrian j ^ , , , government o.nwTT1T71f "This method of sending New Year employ their old workers amongst evening as a Mah Jong and Bridge tion. Declaration concerning the -rights of Miss Ida Lustgarden, who has been should revise all permits for resiGreetings is being carried on throughwhom there seldom are Jews, because rdght. chndren by all participating delegates. The following are some of the men out the country," said William R. in charge of ther adio programs an- Two texts, one Hebrew and. one indence which have been, issued to for-Jews were not previously represented who will play with the married men The blind bogey tournament will be nounces the following selections to be eign Jews until now; and should also in factory work to a larger extent. Blumenthal, superintendent of the against the single men at the picnic Yiddish, were prepared. .These were held this week under the supervision Tevise all citizenship papers granted Jewish Welfare Federation. "I am presented: "It.. ..nrast,. be understood that a\,Mr. David .Yellin. sf ternoon: Mose. Kxasne, whoof Frank Burkhsni, clcb professional. Bella of Scot1an3 -Harris to' Jews on"the-basis .bxih'e "VersaSles. glad to see"fhat Bie local Jewish press l-^Vlolln—EIne of Jerusalem arid Dr. Berthold Latzki. Treaty, which gave to Austrian resi- people, 90<5'o of whom are traders, is formerly covered the "hot corner" for Avrum TjUStRarten, age 1 rs. iarganoff publishing, such a page." 2. Piano—Tarentelle __-_ Oakland, Nebr., will cover that posiAfter &e signatures were affixed, Mr. dents, whose origin was in those doomed to destruction in present-day If you desire to take advantage of • Ida Newman ; tion for the married men, while Harry Motzkini at - the general session, states, which were separated from Russia. The movement of the Eus, our special offer to print your New 3. Banjo Solo—Selected Trustin, the only Southpaw catcher in banded them over to Monsieur Gheri, Austria, the right to apply for Aus- sian Jews to settle on the land is not Harry Gersteln Year Greetings in our special page 4. Talk—"The 'WHY of, the "X"_ Omaha, will catch the curves and an idealistic movement as some may 5. Violin Dne^-rtnyer "nd^nao.-Harris (.representative of the Union InterWin. K. Blumenthal trian citizenship. The demand is for $2, fill out the coupon in this paThe Young Israel Synagogue has Dorothy and Arruni Lustgarten speed, of Henry Monsky, who will be imagine, but it is a pressing necesnationale Secour Enfante. Monsieur made that those Jews who violate-the 6. Mandolin Solo—Selected per and mail immediately. Gheri thanked the Conference for join- new iaws, should they be enacted, sity. In this respect, credit has to be completed all arrangements for the on the firing line, Sol Novitsfcy, who Hyman Gerstein 7. <'X" Malo Quartetteing the'movement to protect children's should be interned and put to hard given to the Ort Society which has holding of services during the formerly played with some of OmaHarry Gerstein, 1st tenor ha's fastest, teams, will cover first Max. Jacobson, 2nd tenor helped the first 600 Jewish families to corning High Holidays. rights in industry. labor for the Austrian state. Y. M. H. A. Tennis Tournament Harry Green, 1st bass Young Israel desires to make these base. Abner Kaiman, Omaha's own settle on the land. The regional ofBen Ellis, baritone Mr.- Aberson read a report in S. That Austrian Jews should be services representative of the Jew-McGraw, and one of the best known Dance MacDoTvell French concerning the relations beFinals Will Be Played Sunday 8. Piano—"Witches', fices of the Ort. in Kiev and-Charkoff deprived of the right to vote in both Lillian Chndacoff did much to better conditions of the ish youth of Omaha, They extend a baseball fans in the city, will cover 9. Heading—"A Southern Girl at a Dance" tween the Jewish World Belief Con- Parliamentary and local elections. Jeanette Levlnson The Finals of the Y. M. and Y.10. TJfcriele Specialty ference and the various international 4. .That separate schools be estab- old existing colonies. Much benefit is cordial invitation to the young me» the keystone sack, while Jack BramW. H. A. tennis tournament will be ICnte Goldstein. BeBS Greenberc organizations, as the: League of Na-lished for the Jewish children in or- also to be expected from the trade of the city to participate in the son, who has played eenii-prc ball in a Man Marries" played Sunday afternoon at Miller 11. Pianologues—"When tions and-the Red Cross. He expressed der to prevent their influence upon schools for the Jewish youth main- services. Admission is free and the state, will play shortstop. Dr. A. "Katy Did" Rosalind Goldstein Park, court No. 2. Those who will tained by this society. To character- prayer-books have been secured for Greenberg, Jack Alberts and Jack his conviction that should, at some the Christian pupils. play for the championship are: Men's 12. Violin—Selected Dorothy ImBtgarten future date, an emergency arise, the 5. That an investigation should be ize the situation, it will suSce to quote all. The services, it is assured will Malashock will play the outergardens. and Mandolin Duet Singles—Al Finkel against Al Hand- 13. Banjo Jewish World Relief Conference would started for the purpose of finding out a resolution which was adopted at be conducted by the young men. Attempts sre being made to secure Harry and Hyman Gerstein Inspiring sermons, delivered in Engler; Men's Doubles—Phil Feldman 14. Piano—"Popular Melodies" be greatly assisted and strengthened how certain Jews accumulated their recent Jewish gatherings in Eiev, lish, by prominent local speakers will several other players who will help Sarah "Warsaw bolster the married men's lineup. and William Wesley play Harry 15. Beading—"Over the Telephone" by its friendly relations with the wealth in recent years, and that a Odessa and Mosfi-.w. These resolu- be an added feature Composed and read by Kose Davidson Kneeter and Al Finkel; L a d i e s The following men will play for the legitimate international bodies. high income tax should be collected tions stated clearly that if Russian Singles—Ann Gerelick plays Rose 10. Character Songs Any young man desirous of learnsingle men: Robert H. Kooper, NaAbner Kaiman Jewry will not be helped to transform A heated discussion took place today from them. 17. "'£" Quartette—Selected Fine. ing more of the activities of the than .£. Green, Lou Sombcrg, Moe itself from traders and city dwellers 18. Talk—"The New Community Center" A special resolution of the conferat the meeting of the General ComYoung Israel Synagogue should More than eighty-five members of, Sam Beeber mittee of the Conference' when plans ence urges the Executive Committee into agriculturists and productive attend the services this Friday eve- j Lineman, Jack Marer, Herbert Gold19. TTkelele Specialties . the Y have participated in the tennis' Bess Greenberg, Kate Goldstein for the future executive were dis- of the Hakenkreuzler organization to artisans and laborers, it is doomed to ning or the class study Saturday stein, William Levey, Jarvis P. Freitournament. The feature of the 20. Vocal—"Eili den, Irvin Stalmaster and Israel GoodKill" cussed. Representatives of the So-take, steps for the purpose of conven- destruction," concluded Dr. Eosen. evening". All activities of the organ- man. afternoon play will be the match Iva Seigal ing, not later than May, 1926, cieties Ort and Ose demanded that ization are conducted in the Talmud .The complete plans for the'arrangebetween. Al Finkel and Al HandleT, THOKPEIAN CLUB 50% of the membership of the Ex-conference of anti-Semitic organizaTorah Et 21st and Bert Streets. Al Finkel is one of Omaha's best ment of the games have been made ELECTS OFFICERS ecutive Committee should be allotted tions. By this date, the resolution FORMER OMAHAN •"-..- • •• VISITING-HERE players and is state junior champion with 'the'exception of securing- the The Thorpeian Athletic club opened for certain existing.- organizations. expresses the hope, all anti-Semitic • Arthur Marowitz of Eldorado, Ark., To Enroll Psipils for New Term umpires for the ball games. William and city municipal champion. He the new club year Wednesday evenorganizations will be united in one former Omahan, is visiting in the has played in several of the Missouri ing, September 3, with an election of This demand, however, was rejected universal union. Blumenthal, superintendent of the in Sunday School. by the majority of the committee and city with Mrs. Marowitz's parents. Valley contests and is considered as officers. At ten o'clock Sunday morning, Jewish Federation, has been selected it was decided that the executive Mx. Marowitz is an active member of September 14, the City Sunday School as one of the umpires of the contest. one of the best players ia the city. The following were elected for the should be elected at the conference the B'nai B'rith in Eldorado and was Al Handler his opponent is one of ensuing term: President, L Levine; - "The picnic will be very Interestopen its classes for this term. its first presideiit. He is s. member the members of the tennis team at vice president, Ben. Ellis; secretary, disregarding'the now existing separate Talmud Ycrsh to Meld Teortl A large enrollment is expected this ing and vail be pleasing to all, so . Parest-Teackrs ieetm! Sssdiy of the district grand lodge. Technical High school. year as a new and more efficient sys- j i ^ g the whole family," said Jack Joe A. Krestul; treasurer, I. Sokolof; organizations. The winners will reaeive silver lov- athletic director, L. Mendelson; custem will be established this year, j Alberts, chairman in charge. The fourth Parents-Teachers meet- ANTI-SEMITIC BANS ing cups which are donated by Wolf todian; H. Segelman, sergeants-at- PIONEER OMAEAN Rabbi J. M. Charlop will supervise Special caps will be given to the ing of the City Talmud Torah will • . FAILS IN BERLIN the work. ' Bros. Haberdashery and Nat Meister aams, Sam Green and A. Meyers; players by Wolf Eros. Haberdashery. DIED IN DENVERbe held thisxSunday afternoon, Sep- Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Voelkische A canvass will be made of the city The player Insurance Co. who makes most errors board of trustees,- J. Lazerowitz, H. . FuneraK services for Mr. Lewis SeMiller and I. Rosenblatt;' and Jewish gal, age 65, a resident of Omaha for tember 7, at S :30 .at the Auditorium Bank, established and supported by this Sunday morning, September 7. I W JH receive a pair of lady's garters. the Anti-Semitic Voelkische Partei, by the teachers of the Sunday School Welfare Board representative, P. Win- thirty years, who died at Denver, of the Talmud Torah. UGANDA FORMS ZIONJEWISH POLICE OFFICIAL IN ' A program consisting of musical collapsed. Deposits and valuables Colo., Tuesday, September 2, from and literary numbers, together with disappeared from the bank's safes, to enroll pupils for the coming term. • "POLAND'GAINS DISTINCTION IST ORGANIZATION troub. Classes at Temple Israel Sunday A dance in honor of the newly elect- heart trouble, will "be held this afterLondon, (J. T. A.)—Uganda, the Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Herman Cssr~ the exhibition of the work of the pu- and thousands of patriotic and Anti- School will begin at ten o'clock Suned officers will be given Thursday noon at 1:30 from the^residence of his pils, will be featured. country which was at one time diswinski, a Jewish Polish police official Semitic Germans who had placed day morning, September 14. cussed in Zionist councils as a pos- evening, September 18, at Hanscom daughter, Mrs. H . R . Milder, at 1322 in-the capital of Poland, holds the The committee in charge of the their confidence in this institution, sible substitute for Palestine for the Park. Invitations to the dance are to South Ninth street. : Burial will be collection of contributions to-wards suffered enormous losses. The direct- AUSTRALIA TO BE OPENED distinction of being the first J e w In at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. Se- purchasing a piano for the school or of the bank, Herr Brass, disapbuilding of the Jewish National Home- be issued to paid-up members only. FOE .MASS IMMIGRATION the'resurrected Polish Beimblie_tojbe. At the next regular meeting, gal is survived by his daughters, Mrs. land, has now seen the. founding of Sydney, Australia. (J. T. A.) An granted the bronze cross for -..'•. Wednesday, September 10, an instal- H. R. Milder, Mrs. Katy Truehaft and have already raised $60, according to peared. an organization whose aim is to supappeal for the opening a£ Australia work ior the Polish Plate. He the chairman in charge. port the Jewish National Homeland lation of officers will be held. A pro- Ida Segal, all of Omaha, and sons, to. a large mass immigration was decorated, by JJ-e Minister of tfce CONCILIATORY ARAB gram and lunch is being arranged. A J Harry of Omaha, and Hyman of Den- MATILDA SCHECHTER, WIFE in Palestine. PARTY OF-FARMERS made by Commander-in- Chief of the Interior for his assistance in orgaagood time is assured and all members ver, and Abram of San Diego, Calif. Ir.vc3tir:ation Department •at. At Nairobi, capital of Uganda, now OF LATE PROFESSOR, "Mersat el Sheik? writes: "We Australian Army, Sir- John- Monash,' < prominent member of the Jewish j +t^* p ]j i_ known as British East Africa, a Zion- are urged to attend. are informed that a new agricultural 0 s DIES IN NEW YOEK AGUDATH ISRAEL BUYS ist group was formed as a result of PALESTINE GOVERNMENT New York. (J. T. A.) Matilda association^ has been established is Community in Australia. 4,000 DUNAM OF LAND - the interest t>f Dr. Alexander GoldDISCOVERS SMUGGLING IN EMEK JESRELL Schechter, wife of the late scholar the Arab village "Beit Jaber" in the He made this appeal at the confer- POLISH GOVERNMENT UTO1XTS NEW CONSUL ' - " stein. Many Jewish residents in INTO TRANSJORDANIA Jerusalem. (J. T..A.) A" further and founder of the Jewish Theologic- vicinity of - Bamleh. This new party ence -of Australian scientists now • Uganda have joined this organization. Jerusalem.^; (J. T. A.) The Pales- strip of land in Emek Jesrell came al Seminary, died here August 23 at recognizzes the Mandatory Govern- taking place here, and .arged them to IN JEKUSALEM ',' " The project of Uganda was dis-tine Government has discovered that into Jewish possession when the pur- the age of -sixty-five, leaving two ment, of Great Britain and desires to start an energetic campaign to preWarsaw. <J. T. A.) The Polish cussed at the Sixth Zionist Congress extensive trafficking in firearms has chase, of 4,000 dunam of land was daughters and a son. The funeral safeguard the Moslem Wakffs, to pare the country and to invite .a Consu1. General in Jerusalem, Mr* X_-and continued holding the attention of been going on for some time from completed by the Orthodox Agudath took place the day following from help the farmers, and live peacefully large mass immigration. The dec- „ . was recalled from bSa 1 (^"Zionist and Jewish Leaders for a long Hebian into Transjordania. Ener- Israel. This is the first purchase of the. Jewish Theological Seminary. with all the other inhabitants of Pal- laration of the Commander-in-Chief post. Mr. Hubicki, formerly Polish in Tokyo was appointed ia time as a possible place for a Jewish getic steps are being taken by. the the Orthodox Jewish World Organ- She was buried in Har Henaon Cem- estine. The party renounces the wa s enthusiastically hailed by the [ J Ids place. settlement. Arab Executive. etery. Australian press. Government to suppress the traffic ization in that region.

Many More Approve .of MewYear Greetings ""•in The Jewish Press

Jewish World Seise! f aid Is Premature foiced at Carlsbad

Y. 1 . and Y, W. H. A. Radio Program Monday Evening

Picture of Jewish Sil

it Elmwood Park

Jerome i e p Cteiipti

AnSi-SemHic -Conference inAsstria-Siliiilts. Program





THE JEWISH PRESS " Published every Thursday at Omaha. Nebraska, by

- • THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 681 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone: AT lahtic* 1450 NATHAN B. GREEN; Manager. -52.50. Subscription Price, one year i ;:—: Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OB" ADDRESS—Please Rive both ihe old and new address; be sure and cive your name.

The-Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency {Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all Important .Jewish centres, inquiries regarding news items credited to'this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 114 Fifth Avenue. New York City.

i OUR HOPE IN THE TRIUMPH OF TRUTH Jutting out from the ocean of human experience is the rock of Truth, built up coral-like by the countless sacrifices, courage and'devotion of the race. Against it have dashed and crashed the maddening and saddening billows of error, deceit, crime, lying and sin, breaking ^their backs in the vsia endeavor to corrode and ' crumble it. As high as mount the waves of wrong, higher still rise the brow of Gibraltered truth. The froth is the futuhty of their angry roar. Sin is- the backwash of advancing character. The struggle has continued through the ages; the heedless waters • rush back with'receding discomfiture. Every .retreat is a defeat. The pique of sin brings into- cheerful relief the peal of glistening truth. "• How much truth is there in the world? How much crime, 'deceit, lying, error is there? No census of sin is available. The ' forces of sin and error have left their visiting card on the face of society. They have engineered every tyranny. They have despoiled childhbood and- womanhood. They have sown seeds of dissehtion. They have filled man's cup vrith gall. They smirk and sneer at every effort of man to grow in joy, peace and freedom. They are still in league against the triumph of truth. But their victory is destined to be Pyrrhic. Sin - is waging a losing fight. ' ' ™ Sin loves to bask in the doctrine of Original Depravity. That human nature is an ineradicable complex of brutal instincts is the rock upon which tyranny builds her militarism, and materialism her despair. Selfishness is accounted so ineffaceably essential that I wonder if self-preservation is the first lie of nature. ~. The majesty of Truth challenges the hopelessness of the struggle. Galilee cries out. "And still it moves!" Man's instinct of fear, hunger and sex, creating selfishness, cruelty,- greed, lying -""and malice are more than matched by his superb heroism, defiance of danger, love of liberty, devotion to duty and sacrifice of ' treasure and life itself. . The age is bristling with new truths. Science and politics, literature and religion are shocking us with strange revelations. Time will clear truths of their' novelty or harshness. -We are awaiting a working theory for harnessing the momentum of 'error and folly, of deceit and sin. Love and lust feed on the same milk. The meat which gives hands to crime often furnishes wings to the soul. The waste of valuable nutriment-is as deplorable, as the" waste of. nervous endfgy, of driving mentality, of emotional and .vital force expended, in " hurling wave upon wave against the bastion of truth. Let the fighters for right grow hopefully aggressive. No human agency has a monopoly on truth. Crime, error and deceit work while we sleep. They are amazingly active and alluringly attractive. . They are ingratiating and insidious, soft-pedaled and mellow-voiced, loreleing and submarining without a visible periscope. Truth as a cause, worth fighting for.'iSrHot made so wirisome to the external eye. It has a fascination only to the sacrificing soul. The hope of the human race lies in multiplying the numbers and the passion of the lovers of truth which shall make us free. Civilization is man's diminishing, rapacity for greed and blood. Civilization is man's enlarging capacity for truth and justice.— Advocate.



The sententious critic of every age has found the fable and iegend a most effective method to puncture foibles and burst banal absurdities. Aesop employed the fable with telling, disturbing effect. Dean Swift laid bare the chicane and hypocrisy of his time. The most catholic figurte of the nineteenth century, Leo Tolstoi, probed to the very heart the cruelties and hideousness of Czarism with his charming fabled tales of other lands. In our own day the K. K. K has obtruded itself in so many ugly forms-that the vocabulary of abuse has been strained to the utmost in an attempt to express the horror and indignation it has aroused. At- the same time the antics of its apologists, the fears of men^n public life, have afforded amusement as well as disgust. First the Republican convention gracefully side-stepped the issue, then by a narrow margin the Democratic convention escaped the holocaust which would befall it if it mentioned the mystic,, magical name in its platform. The Progressive convention in Cleveland also avoided naming this' awesome, sacrosant thing. After the deliberations of the nominating bodies passed into history the chosen candidates seemed to get more courage. First Robert M. LaFollette uttered a denunciation against the whiterobed ogre, and then followed John W. Davis with a tirade against .the fearsome giant. Perhaps "they have come to the conclusion that the Klan has -passed through the ..idealistic and commercial stages and is now actually inline political stage. Whatever the reason' may be, we applaud tltem for their temerity and forthright condemnation of this sinister, mocking thing." , , m To return again to the fable and legend, we here reproduce in its entirety a most excellent legend from the column, "It Seems to. Me," conducted by Heywood Broun in the New York World of August 20. Once upon a time there was a certain cave and in that cave there lived a .great, drowsy ogre. He towered 20 feet, so that his head all bat touched the rocky roof. Folk knew that he was alive, because . . sometimes he blinked his' eyes and he swayed a little. And it was supposed that great and fearful power lay in the back and shoulders 9 of this giant. Perhaps there was magic in his mind. The name of the ogre was written on a rock outside, the door of the cave. There it stood, in three tall letters, K—L—A. But nobody ever-spoke the name aloud. The people who lived round were too wise for that. They knew that if the name of the giant were to be spoken a. great doom would falb - The precise nature of the doom was not : - known and so it was terrible. , " , | n some respects the ogre was tolerant. - Little men and children " 2S°!,d £ a & cl0Se - U>? *? the ? n l d e a 9 f h i m a n d s a v <l uite distinctly", - "I don't like ogres." At such times he did not even blink. One bold . spirit thumbed his ncse at the giant and the- great figure was thought at that time to have swayed forward- a little, but nothing fearful , came of it. . ,, . , . . And then one day a stranger came to" the cave and he read the ' name on the rock and was about to speak it out loud. A man from the village quickly clapped.a hand over his mouth. And this man •- .wBo knew told the stranger that a great doom wouldfall if ever the name of the ogre was pronounced" aloud. -;-. • But the stranger broke loose from the grasp of thq> villager who ,would save him. and he ran into the cave and. shouted at the tob of • his. voice "KJa, Kla> Kla." The sound *ang to- the roof and came • back a-gain from all the walls, /'Kla, Kla, Kla." ' • • . 'The eyes- of the drowsy, giant opened. He swayed forward and -then "back before he fell face down, slowly, upon the floor of the cave. And' the; sound of that fall was no_more than that of an apple dropping from a low bratodviotefhigh grasg. The6 stranger rushed forward and the'tlust, was ankle deep on. the floor of the cave. It was a dry, thiri, gisy dust,-v And except dost there was nothing. _,. , T. * -_

Open Letter to Officers Synagogues Asking Co-Operation

the various Jewish communities, federations and social relief organizations with a view to their joining the Federation and Fund.

•We are asking your further cooperation regarding beggers in the city who solicit funds fro^n individuals, the Federation and other organizations. -The number of traveling Jewish beggars has been increasing from week to week and from month to month, and unless this business is discouraged we will be face to face with the problem of Jewish Gypsies which will react to the discredit of the Jewish community in America. We are not exaggerating one bit; the situation is grave. The Federation has arranged with Mr. A. B. Alpirn of the Western Smelting and Refining Co. to give work to all able-bodied men who apply for charity. Mr. Alpirn is taking a splendid personal interest and is making it possible for us to do a fine piece of constructive work. Those who are sick we send to a physician, and if necessary they are sent to the hospital. Work for the well and medical aid for the sick is our policy. System is necessary in addition to sympathy, and everybody is. given a fair hearing at the Federation. Please do not give money to beggars. 'Do not encourage these tramps who come to this city again and again to bring their companions with them. Help us keep this city from being the dumping ground for the country. You can help us aid these transients become selfrespecting and decent men if it is at all possible. Do not pauperize them further. Let your Jewish Welfare Federation take care of them. Beginning September 1st we will be open every day, except Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 10 p. m. ; -Yours for constructive Jewish Charity, Faithfully, JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION DR. PHILIP SHER, President. WM. R. BLUMENTHAL, Superintendent.

THE HAIFA TECHNICUM RECEIVES MANY APPLICATIONS FROM STUDENTS Haifa.,Pal. (P. T. A.) A group of journalists, including the P. T. A. representative, have been invited to visit" the Hebrew Secondary School and the Tecchincum. The director of the School, Dr. Biram, and the Provisional Director of the Technicum, Mr. Hecker, gave all the necessary explanations concerning both institutions. At JJKHft the Public Works Department of the Technicum will • be opened. The laboratories, shops, etc, are now being prepared. Many instruments and machines have been received, as donations, * from abroad. The Technicum will be opened in the next Autumn. Many applications of students from Palestine and abroad have been received. The course will last three years. The graduates will obtain diplomas of assistant engineers.

Later old women from the village swept the floor pf the cave and little children play tag now between the walls,and as they- run they pipe up a word of derision which is common in the village. They taunt each other by shouting "IClal Kla! Kla!" "' .

—Detroit Chronicle. FRANCE RATIFIES LAUSANNE TREATY Paris. (J. T. A.) A heated discussion took place in the French Chamber recently when the bill calling for the ratification of the Lausanne Peace Treaty between Turkey, Great Britain and France was taken up. A strong minority of the chamber opposed, the ratification of this treaty, owing to the inclusion of the San Remo decision which provides for the creation of the Jewiih. National Homeland in Palestine. The eader of this group was Marquis Serronays, who argiled that in the San Eemo agreement France has not only renounced her rights to Palestine, but has,reduced the Syrian territory under her control and abandoned jthe^ district of_jVIusol to the English and Zionists. ~* Prime Minis;ef Herriot and Briand defended the bill. With a majority of 410 to 171, the Chamber ratified the treaty. This is the final step which will •make the San Remo decision, upon which the provisions of the Palestine Mandate are based, a fully valdated, international pact and will have great influence on the political situation of , Palestine. Before the Lausanne Treaty was ratified, the Palestinian Government was unable to erase the Naturalization Law of the Jewish National Homeland. MUKHTAR OF BEDOUIN TRIBE EXPLAINS WHY TRIBE WANTS JUDAISM - Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Sheikh Mustapha, the Mukhtar of the Bedouin Al-Simalni Tribe, whose intention to embrace Judaism was reported recently, has stated in an interview with Jewish visitors that there are two reasons for the tribe's proposed action—historical and economic. For. the historic side, it was eighty years ago, he said, that a Bedouin came from Egypt to Palestine. His name was Simlon (in Hebrew Simon) and he was of Jewish origin. He married a woman of the Egyptian trifce" NasaroW, which lives in Transjordania, and had six children. The tribe Al-Simalui is descended from them." Simlon was a Jew by religion, but "was forced to embrace Islam by the persecution of his Moslem neighbors. ~ Sometime ago, the Mukhtar went on, one of the chiefs of the tribe, Ibrahim Abdualle, saw in a dream" one of the fathers of the tribe, who instructed him to urge the whole tribe to return to Judaism. For the economic, side, the Al-Simalni" lives principally in the district of Tabgha, on the northern shores of Lake Kinereth (Sea of Galilee), and its lands are registered in the name of a rich Moslem family, M rad, of Safed, which regards the land as in its possession because the Kushans are deposited in its hands.

ADOLF S. OCHS GRANTED HONORARY DEGREE AT COLUMBIA New Yorfi, (J. T. A.)—Adolf S Ochs, editor and publisher of the New York Times, was among the three members of the Advisory Board of the School of Journalism at Co lumbia University upon whom honor-^ ary .^degrees werec onferred in con nection with the closing of one year's activity in this school. The other two members who were granted a degree are Victir P. Lawson of the Chicago Daily News and Melville E. Stone of the Associated Press.. - «*

WORK ON SCHWEITZER MEMORIAL IN TIBERIAS , WILL BE STARTED New York. (J. T. A.) Work on the erection of the Hospital in Tiberias in memory of the late Peter J. Schweitzzer will commence shortly, according to word received by Mrs. Rebecca Schweitzer from the London headquarters of the Keren Hayesod. The sum of $25,000 handed over to the Keren Hayesod by the late Mr. Schweitzer will not be released for building purposes, the beginning of November. Since Mrs. Schweitzer has decided to finance the additional cost of the building, it is expected that the new hospital will be a valuable factor towards the sanitary improvement of medical conditions in Palestine. Mrs. Schweitzer /j.!ans to revisit Palestine in connection with the dedication of the hospital in the memory of her husband.

AMERICAN JEWISH PHYSICIANS TO PREPARE HEBREW MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY New York, (J.T.A.)—A voluminous work which is to contain a full exposition of modern medicine in Hebrew which may possibly be used as a medical text book in the Hebrew University at Jerusalem, is the task which a group of American Jewish physicians have taken upon themselves. The first book of the proposed sixty volumes appeared recently under the LEAGUE OF NATIONS SHOULD CALL JEWISH name of "Rphuah", under the editorWORLD CONGRESS ship of Drs. A. A. Golden, D. M. HerWarsaw. (J. T. A.) A new idea in bert and A. Goldstein. The book which is the only one of its kind in modern i regard to the calling of a Jewish Hebrew literature, is a scholarly and; World Congress was submitted here earnest' attempt to create a purely for discussion by Dr. Chaim Jitlowsky," well known American Jewish Hebrew Medical Terminology. writer, is now a guest here, in A company which is incorporated a 'lecturewho which- caused great interest under the naise of "Rphuah"-Amer- in many Jewish circles. In his lecican Medical Publications in Hebrew, ture, Dr. Jitlowsky mainly proposed was formed for the purpose of issuing! that a Jewish petition,, signed by this voluminous work. To the Exec-i millions of Jews, should be drafted ntive Committee belong: Dr. D. De and submitted to the Leagxie of NaWaltoff, Chairman; Dr. A. Stoloff.j tions, putting forward the demand Treasurer; Dr. A. Goldenstein, Secre- that the League of Nations call a tary; Dr. L. Golden and Dr. L. Jewish' World Congress for the purHerbert, Editors, Dr. N. Ratnoff, Dr. pose of electing Jewish representaBernstein, Dr. Keller and others; Mr. tives to the League of Nations. The II. Brainin, Honorary Chairman. The League of Nations should also take publication has found hearty endorse- upon itself the task of solving the ment in ' many scholarly Hebrew Jewish question, according to Dr. circles. Jitlowsky's plan.

JEWISH WORLD RELIEF LUDENDORF CALLS AT CARLSBAD PROCLAIMS ACCEPTANCE OF DAWES WORLD RELIEF FEDERATION PLAN DELIVERY TO JEWS Carlsbad. (J. T. A.) The Jewish World Relief Conference which came to a close August 29 adopted a resolution proclaiming, on behalf of eighty-seven organizations's representatives who participated in the conference, the, idea of creating \a Jewish World Relief Federation with a Jewish World Relief Fund. The Conference elected an executive committee of fifteen and a central council of seventy. -Those elected to the Executive Committee are Dr. Leo Motzkin, Messrs. Effroykin, Sliosberg, Latzki, Temkin, Dr. Dr. Chajes, Mr. Jochelman, Mr. Klee, Dr. Brutzkus, Prof. Eisler of Vienna, Rabbi Weil of Kolmer, representing the Agudath Israel; Dr. Oscar Cohn, Alfred Berger, Mme..-Anita'Mueller and Mr. Friedland, representing the Ha 'Chaleutz. The Executive, Committee was requested to make negotiations with

Berlin. (J. T. A.) The acceptance of the Dawes plan by the German Reichstag is, in the opinion of Gen. Ludendorf, a deliverance of the German victories to the Jews." He expressed this view immediately after the vote in the Reichstag on the bills calling for the ratification on the London Agreement. After the vote,

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he exclaimed, to Admiral Bruenninghaus, member of the Reichstag: "On the tenth anniversary of the German Tannenberg Victory, you have delivered this German Victory to the Jews." The Admiral resignedly replied: "History will decide." ABDULLAH RETURNS FROM MECCA; ENTHUSIASTICALLY RECEIVED IN JERUSALEM Jerusalem. (0. T. A.) Emir Abdullah, ruler cf Trans-Judania, arrived here on August 27 on his return from Mecca. He visited the Mosque Omar, where he was given an enthusiastic reception by the Jerusalem Arabs. It was stated that he brought with him a sum of 25,000 pounds for the reparation work of the Mosqque. 260 STRANDED REFUGEES WILL RECEIVE NEW VISAS Bucharest. (J. T. A.) The American Consul here was authorized by instructions received from Washington to issue, beginning September 1, two hundred and sixty new visas for the Russian stranded refugees who hold visas issued the following year. Altogether there are 1,800 stranded refugees in Roronania.


The Ladies' Auxiliary Society will hold the opening meeting of the season Sunday afternoon at 3 o'cclock at the Synagogue, 618 Mynster street. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brandeis announce the birth of a son, Nathan Sherman, born Wednesday afternoon, August 27, at the Edmundson Hospital.

atrc party Saturday afternoon iu honor of her eleventh birthday. After the show refreshments were served at Rchnes. A regular meeting of the B'nai B'rith will be held Wednesday evening, September 10, at the Danish Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. Steinberg and daughter, Beverly, and Mrs. Alex Sadoss, and son, Marvin, just returned from a motor trip to Lake Okoboji and Sioux City. ORDER OF B'NAI B'RITH BACKS JEWISH WORLD RELIEF FUND Carlsbad. (J. T. A.) One of jth'e important Jewish organizations who are backing the proposed Jewish World Relief Fund is the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith. In the course of the day, several meetings of the various groups participated in the conference which took place, and the proposed plans for the creation of the Jewish World Relief Fund were discussed. Much importance was attached to the meeting of the delegates belonging to the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, in which six grand masters of the Order participated. They were: Dr. Geheimrath, Dr. Berthold Timendofer of Germany, Prof. Dr. Sol Hermann of Austria^ Dr. Nemirower of Roumania, Mr. David ell in of Palestine, Mr. Eskenasy of the B'nai B'rith Orient Lodge and Dr. Leon Ader of Holland. It was the consensus of opinion that this conference and the proposed plans ai'6 in conformity with the spirit of the work carried or by the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith.

Have you renewed your subscript Mr. and Mrs. Philip Trochtenberg tion ? announce the birth of a daughter, born"" Wednesday afternoon, August •©27, at the Edmundson Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg returned Sunday after spending a week visiting in Plainview, Nebr. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perimeter, who returned Wednesday to Plainview.


Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg, of Plainview, arrived Tuesday to spend two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brown, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg, of Council Bluffs. Honoring the birthday of her niece, Rose Silverman, Mrs. N. Solzman entertained Monday evening at bridge at the" home of Mrs. J. Friedman.


Miss Sadye Endelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Endelman, entertained ten of her friends at a the-



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POTASH-DOLGOFF. With dauntless will-power Cupid won a challenge with the Law when the marriage of Miss Ida Dolgoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dolgoff, of this city, to Mr. DaVid Potash, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Potashnick, also of Omaha, was solemnized Sunday evening, August 31, at Denver, as the ceremony "united first cousirigs" which is prohibited by the Nebraska law, but is permitted according" to the Laws of Colorado. Rabbi Rabiriowitch, of Denver, -performed the ceremony. Those who accompanied the young couple to Denver were Mr. and Mrs. Dolgoff, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Potashnick, parents of the groom, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Potash, brother arid sister-in-law of the groom. The' young couple are now honeyjnooning in Colorado and upon their return will make their home with the bride's parents.


A most interesting European trip will be taken by Mrs. Alexander Pollack, and daughter, Mrs'. Dollie P. Elgutter, and Mrs. Elgutter's daughter, Miss Katheryn Elgutter, who will sail Friday, October 19, on the "Majestic" from New York to Cherbourg, France, where they will be met by Mrs. Pollack's grandson, Mr. Mark Pollack, Jr., of. Havana, Cuba, who with Mrs. Pollock is now touring France. The three Omaha tourists expect to spend two . or three years, in Europe, where Miss Katheryn Elgutter will, attend school- in Italy, Switzerland, and Spain. In Spain,

in honor of her daughter, Bernice, who left Sunday for Jtilian, Nebr., where she will teach in the high Mrs. Pollack will be able to speak school. the language of that country as she mastered it while on her many visits Miss Yetta Levy, of Eastings, to her son at Havana, Cuba. Nebr., visited in Lincoln for a few Mrs. Pollack and Mrs. Elgutter days prior to going to Gibson, Nebr., have played an active part in where she will teach. Omaha's social and club activities. Mrs. Pollack being a member of the Mrs. Helen Grumms, of Memphis, Omaha Spanish club, as well as other Term., who has been visiting is Linlocal .organizations, and Mrs. Elgutter coln for several weeks left Thursday was recently elected president of the for Hastings, Nebr*, where the will Council of Jewish Women, and will visit fcr several days. Then she will now be succeeded by Mrs. Samuel go to Denver, Colo., to visit for Nathan, vice-president of the organ- a week. ization. Mrs. Elgutter has also been Mr. Sam Minkin motored to Linactive in Red Cross work. Miss coln Friday. Katheryn Elgutter has been a student of the Central High School.

cert will be given Wednesday evening, September 10, in the Senior High School Auditorium. Mr. W. Curtis Snow will assist and accompany him at the piano. Epstein recently returned from New York, where he studied under the noted teacher, Professor Auer. •

depart soon for school are Messrs. Ben Pill, Milton Bolstein and Stanley Kolish, University of Wisconsin; Les* ter Davidson and MISB Ruth Da\Tidson, University of Michigan? Morton Goldstein, Edwin Baron, Barney Dubrof* sky, Carl Saltzman and Ben Brodkey, University of Iowa; Leon Galinslcy and Archie Herzoff, University of The first fall meeting of the Mt. Chicago; Lawrence Bavoft, N6w York Sinai Temple Sisterhood will be heid University, at Nev? York City; and Friday afternoon at the Temple So- Archte Kroloff, the Art Institute, at cial Center. Los Angeles, Calif.

Mrs. M. Mushkin entertained at her SEND INVESTIGATING home last Tuesday evening in honor DELEGATION TO CRIMEA of her daughter, Ann, whose marriage Moscow. (J. T. A,} A group of to Mr. A. Miller, of Cleveland, 0., Jewish men and women in WitsDsk, take place soon. who ere anxious to settle on the land, Mr. and Mrs. L. Patz were in the have sent a special delegation t6 Crimea for the ptirpose of investicity last week on a short visit.. gating the possibility far them t© settle on farms in that region, Among the younger set who will Mrs. B. Mandelstam and two sons have just returned from Chicago after a-month's*stay at the resort hotel on Lake Michigan. Mrs. W. Seff, formerly Miss Gecile Mandelstam, now of Baltimore, Md., is the guest of Mrs. B. Mandelstam.

Mrs. J. A. Solomon announces the engagement of her sister, Miss Flora Bienstock, to Mr. Barney B. Kean, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Kean, of Denver, !olo. Miss Bienstock is a graduate of the Omaha High School of Commerce, and Mr. Kean. of the Denver The Misses Dora and Rae Wolowitz Mr. Morton Hiller is in Charlevoy, High School. No date has yet been entertained 30 guests at a bridge tea Mich. Monday afternoon, at their home, as set for the wedding of this couple. hostesses to the Ra-oth Society. The Mrs. David Newman is leaving today for Lincoln, where she will attend Mr. Harry Wise returned this week following bride and brides-to-be shared the State Fair and to visit with friends from the Citizens' Military Training honors: Mrs. Morris Vann, nee Miss for the week. Camp at Fort Des, Moines, where he Stella Trochtenberg, Miss Estyre Zalk, whose marriage to Mr. Leonard Rabbi Lee J. Levinger, of Wilmingreceived the office as sergeant. Hochenburg, of Des Monies, will take ton, Del., is in Omaha this week stopMr. and Mrs. W. Rabinowieh have Miss Minnette Gross left Saturday place Sunday evening, September 14, ping at the Omaha Athletic club. returned to the city after a year's evening for Los Angeles, Calif., where at the Blackstone Hotel; Miss. Fannye residence In Los Angeles, -Calif. At she will visit with friends and rela- Brodsky, and Miss Flora Bienstock, Mr. Reuben Ferer returned Friday present they are the guests of Mr. from a business trip to St. Louis, Mo. tives. On her return home she will whose engagement was announced last and THrs. A. Rosenfeld. stop .off at Denver, Manitou, and Sunday to Mr. Barney B. Kean, of Colorado Springs, Colo., She will be this city. , CLUBS The Maccabaean Chapter Young gone fqr two weeks. The following out-of-town guests Judaea will give a farewell party The Junior Daughters of Zion. will were present, Miss Tiby Zazarus of Tuesday evening, September 2, at the Miss Cecile Leibowitz, of St. Joseph, Des Moines, house guest of Miss Anne hold a meeting Sunday at 2:30 at the Jewish Community Center in honor Mo., is visiting here as the guest of Zalk; Miss Mary Diskowsky, and Miss Jewish Community Center. of its members who will leave soon her sister, Mrs. N. W. Naken, and Bess Prusiner cf Sioux City, la., house for school. with Miss Gertrude Tatle. guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky. LINCOLN The B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 598 will HOCHENBERG-ZALK. Prizes were won. by the Misses Mrs. H. B. Weisman and children, be host to its members and their Miss Esther Zalk, daughter of Mrs. Sylvia Levy, Florence Shames, Anne JACOBS—FROSH friends at a Fun Feast to b& held at Mary Zalk, whose marriage t a Mr. Ida Ruth and Albert AaTon, of Hast- Zalk, and Mesdames H. Wise, Harry The marriage of Miss Miriam the Roof Garden Monday evening, Leonard Hochenberg, son of Mr. and ings, Nebr., are the guests here of Kavich and Sam Cohen. Frosh to David, Jacobs of Denver Mrs. Meyer Hochenberg, of Des Mrs. Weisman's parents, Mr. and was solemnized at the home of the September. 8. Mrs. S. Olander. During her two Moines, la., will take place at the Mr. M. E. Chapman is on a buying bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sudow and fam^Blackstone Hotel Sunday evening, weeks' visit Mrs. Weisman is being trip at Chicago, 111. Frosh, 240 South Twenty-ninth St. ily left last week for their home in entertained. September 14, has chosen her wedMrs. Melvin Becker, of Mitchell, So. at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Only Aberdeen, So. Dak., after spending ding attendants. Her sister, Miss The September Card Party of the Dak., who has been visiting here with members of the two families were several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Ann Zalk, will be her maid-df-honor. Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will be present. Rabbi S. E. Starrels offiBridesmaids will be Miss Esther Kat- given Monday afternoon, September her mother, Mrs. Flora Rosenstock, ciated at the ceremony. . The maid- Mrs. S. Baron. leman, and the Misses Chic Lazarus 8, at the home of Mrs. Sam Epstein, left Tuesday for her home. Mrs. Philip Trost, president of the of-honor was the bride's sister, Miss and Celia Hilsberg, of Des Moines, at 1509 South Thirty-second street. Miss Rae Ruth Bercu has resigned Norma Frosh. Little Marilyn Friend Mt. Sinai Temple Sisterhood, has anMr. Hochtenberg will have as his best Assisting Mrs. Epstein at : the card her position at the Omaha Bee and carried the wedding ring in a white nounced a benefit concert for Max Epman Mr. Sol Hochenberg, and the party will be the Mesdames Louis will leave October 1 for Cleveland, O. rose. Harry Berkowitz of Denver stein, the boy violinist whose playing t Messrs. Ben Hochenbergr Hyman Epstein and Sam Frohm. served as best man. Miss Maxine has caused much comment. The conwhere she will spend the winter with Grand, of Des Moines, and Jake KatFrosh, sister of the bride, played the Dr. and. Mrs. M. I. Gordon returned her brother, Mr. Hi A. Bercu, and Lohengrin wedding march as the leman, will be the groomsmen* The Mrs. Bercu. DR. FRED B. BROWN Messrs. Harry Robinson, Bill Grand, home Tuesday morning after spendbridal party entered and Nevin's DR. CELIA R. BROWN Zuna Rosenbaum, Iz Chapman, Julius ing several days at Excelsior, Minn. Services at Temple Israel will be- "Venetian Love Song" during the; CHIROPRACTORS Russell, and Sam Hochenberg, all of A reception at the gin Friday evening, September 12, at ceremony. Miss Donna Seff, of . Correction40R-40T Paxtnri Block ~ Des Moines, will be the ushers. Little eight o'clock, and regular Saturday bride's home for one hundred and Hours. 10 A. M. to <J P. M. Miss Isabel Katleman will be the ville, la., who has been visiting here morning services will "be held Sep- fifty guests followed the wedding. Phone, Atlantic 3700. flower-girl, and Master Esar Milder with Miss Ruth Brodkey, left for her tember 13, at ten o'clock." Residence: Morris Apts.. Phone At. S210 Miss Pauline Friend received the home this "week. will bo the ring-bearer.. guests at the door and Mrs. George Entertainments have been numerMr. Harry Diamond, of Lincoln, | Mr. Marvin Newman, of Sah Fj*an- Belshaw invited them into the dining ous for this popular bride-to-be. Those Nebr.i-spent rseveral days here dur—j-cisco; Calif;, is-the guest t>f his father, room""where "they :^rere served by ,^_who were her hostesses for this week Ing the past week-end. •,}Mr. Moritz Newman. Mesdames Don Fairchild and Sam were Miss Faye Gerelick who enterGolfein and the Misses Elsie Poska, Mr.; Julius. H. tjrowar, who has tained at tea at the Brandeis Tea Miss Esther Woskoff, of Sioux City, Helen Aach, Ida Salzman and Louise Rooms Saturday afternoon. Mrs. S. been visiting with his parents in New la., visited here last week with Miss Wessel. Out-of-town guests at the H. Novitsky was hostess Sunday aft- York, returned to Omaha this week Ann Iipsey while enroute to her wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Mark ernoon to forty guests at the Omaha to continue his medical studies at the home from New York City, where she Levy and son Nathan of Hastings; Athletic club. Monday the Misses University Hospital here. spent several months. Several affairs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sarbach, PauJ Rae and Dora Wolowitz were hosMiss Minnie Levy is visiting in St. were given for her during her stay Sarbach, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter tesses. Tuesday afternoon Miss Ruth Joseph; Mo., as the guest of Miss in Omaha.' ', Wessel and family of Nebraska City, Krasne, of Council Bluffs, entertained Yetta Sher. and Mrs. Helen Grimm of Memphis, : Miss Fay Herzog, of Lincoln, is now Tenn. Immediately after the recepat bridge and Mah Jongg at the BranMiss Ida Turner returned this making her home in Omaha. She will tion the bride and groom left for a - deis Tea Rooms. Miss Eva Alpirn week from a several months stay in teach music at the Public Schools here. short trip, after which they was hostess .Wednesday afternoon at her home for Miss Zalk. This after- Chicago, 111., where she was visiting make their home in Denver. Mrs. :.,; : -•': • -'-?.-• Miss Pauline Newman, of Denver, Jacobs attended, the University of noon Mrs. I. Rosenblatt will entertain with.' relatives. Colo., is the guest of her aunt and at her home. Sunday afternoon Miss Nebraska one year and then studied Mrs. -A. Weiss entertained at her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Max Newman. music in Chicago for two years. She Edith Covich will entertain at the Blackstone, and Thursday evening home Sunday evening for her house- The Misses Ida and Lee Fleischer has also spent five years in ChauMiss Ann Zalk will entertain at a guests, Mr. and Mrs. F. Slotsky, and spent the week-end in Chicago, HI., taucfua "work. dancing party at the Hanscom Park daughters, Edith and Ann, of Sioux with friends. . City, la., who motored Into Omaha Pavilion. .-." ; •__-•• Mr.. and Mrs. Benjamin L Ma.suand spent the past week-end, returnThe fall opening meeting of the rovsky have arrived in Lincoln after Mrs. H. S. Novitsky entertained ing to their home Tuesday morning. Jewish Women's Welfare Organiza- having spent their honeymoon in the tion will be held Tuesday afternoon, • forty guests at the Omaha Athletic Mrs. Mollie Brown, accompanied by September 23, at the Jewish Com- East following their wedding in New Club, Sunday afternoon, in honor of York. Mrs. Masur'ovsky -was forMiss Estyre Zalk, whose wedding to her son, Bert N. Brown, visited last munity Center. On account of the merly Miss Mary Hugal, of New Mr. Leonard Hochenberg of Des week-end in Fremont with her High Holidays it has been announced York. Mr. Masurovsky is an instrucMoines will take place on Sunday, daughter, Mrs. Sam Block, and fam- that there will be no meeting during tor at the University of Nebraska. September 14, at the Blackstone Hotel. ily. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Brown, of the month of October. They will make their home here. The" engagement of Miss Flora Bien- Norfolk, were also week-end guests Mrs. Max Brown left this week for Miss Elsie Poska left Tuesday for stock to Mr. Barney B. Kean, son of at the Block home. Chicago, 111., where she will attend the DeS Moines, where she will visit for On Sunday, September t, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. M. Kean, of Denver, Mrs. Block and children are leaving wedding of her .niece, Miss Ruth two weeks. Colorado, was then announced. Prizes were won by Mesdames Louis Fremont for San Francisco, Los An- Bechora, who recently visited here Mrs. D. Diamond entertained nine : Trachtenbarg, Ben Newman, and Har- geles, and then to Venice, Calif., with Mrs. Brown. guests at a bridge Thursday evening where they intend to make their fury Kavich. Miss Tiby Lazarus, of Des Moines, ture "home. la., is visiting with Miss Ann Zalk. Mrs. L. Weiss, of Memphis, Tenn., While here she will attend the wedding Genuine U. S. Miss Millie Peskin, of Sioux City, • who has been visiting with Mr.-and Quality Mrs. Arnold Levin for^the past two la., who was the guest for the week- of Miss Esther Zalk to Mr. Leonard Fabri Hochenberg on September 14. weeks, left Sunday for Denver, Colo., end visiting with Miss Baylia Frei&, S5.95 /*, ,§6. where she will visit with friends. Mrs. den, left for her home Tuesday morn- The Misses Bess and Sadye Liping. . -s U. S. Cord, 30x3 V2. S 7 . 9 5 Levin entertained sixteen guests at her schutz, of Sioux City, la., .who spent Guaranteed first class. Save 25 to 3o% - home in honor of Mrs. Weiss. Several two weeks here visiting with Miss Miss Erma Gross, of Lansing, Mich., "other affairs were aiso given for this is the guest of her aunts, the Misses Helen Robinson, are leaving for their KAIPIAN'S TIRE SHOP out-of-town visitor. After visiting in • 1723 CnmSng: St. home this evening. Eva and Rose Gladstone. She will -Denver, Mrs. Weiss will return to her visit here for several weeks. , M r a n d M r S . Samuel I. Brandt, of home iin Memphis. HEADQUARTERS Miss Carita Herzog left this week'New York City, left for their home Mr, and Mrs. John Robinson, of for St. Louis, Mo., where she will be this week after having visited with Norfolk, Nebr., spent several days in associated in the advertising depart- Mrs. Brandt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omaha last week visiting with Mrs. ment of a large department store. A. I. Kulakofsky. E. Jacobs and family. Rabbi and Mrs: Frederick Colin and Mr. Arthur Siever, of 'Minneapolis, i ? The! Misses Dorothy Abrams: and family returned Saturday morning Minn., formerly of this city, who spent Engagement Rings is our ililUan Friedman entertained at an from a several weeks stay at Lake two weeks here visiting with relatives, ' Specialty • l^rphlum ^Theatre party/Sunday in Okoboji, Lake Minetonka, and Glen- is leaving for his. home this evening. MALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. •^onor- pi Miss Nellie Marks, of rNevr wood, la. The Misses Eva and Julia Wise have 1514 Podge St. '•fiYo&Oit^ Ja. 5619 Est. 1894 Miss Margaret Levey, of New York as their guest, Miss Sonia Robinson, 'F: Mrs. ji:Ai;':Solomon and-daughter, City, Js the guest here of her brother of Des Moines, la. Mr. Harry Wise T-- Arlene JIarfci; returiied home Sunday, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levey. has as his house guests, Messrs. ^morning after a three months' visit in Mrs. Levey is entertaining at a lunch- Charles Shane and Alfred Ginsburg, MONHKIT'S Denveri Colorado Springs and Manitou j ~~" f o ^" her"guest"this"afterno'o'n "at of Des Moines. •'•''• BEADT* SHOP ; to attend the engagement of her sister, t h e F o n t e n e ] I e Hotel followed by an ASD CIItROPODT Miss Florence Bienstock, to Mr. j Orpheum Theatre Party for twelve Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ferer enterMarcel and frfv reset In tained twenty guests Friday evening Barney B. Kean. guests. ; ~ «lays.$1.e» ; In permanent at dinner in honor of Mrs. George L. '••We•-' specialize '•.-'• . t s - a r l n s . . . - :••. • \,, Messrs. Sam Sherman and Herman Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sugarman and | Berger, of Los Angeles, Calif., who is Xtv&KXram ? A. fit to Ungar, of W/aterloo,.Nebr., spent a family.returned Wednesday morning visiting here with her • parents,-Mr. u;^. -•-•••:,. B . P . . » . ^ y : , _.J . InrkBon ffSM. I - ."-.-.•.,:--IBIS HarB«p St. week here with friends. -. | after a two months'stay in California, and Mrs. H. Wh



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PAGE 4-^THE.JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1924 The mere appearance of a Jewish MUSA KAZIN PASHA of .Ainericau Jewry- at that critical ited the fTig'h Commissioner here, refeader of the calibre of Mr. Marshall time,1. vfiJF have fc> inquire and pass DEMANDS RELEASE OF ports the "Aief Ba," an Arab paper. before the oppressed and hopeless judgment off it.; ' ARAB BANDIT The paper states that the Mandatory Jewish population in Soviet Russia, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The release Authorities and the Lebanon Govern' T h e statements of Mr. Louis Marwouia instill new' hope into our half of Abdul Asuz Rachman, son of the ment have agreed to the appointment shall, PresidfenlJofv the" American Jew1 despondent Russian brethren and en-City .Mayor cf Tul Kefem\ who is of Rabbi Bachbottt as Chief Rabbi to ish, Relief Committee, and CoL Lehcourage them to continue their imprisoned now as the'leader of a the Jewish Community in. Syria man,.- Chairman of the' Joint Distri: F'"*ggle toward a better time. The bandit gang, was demanded by Musa $400,o6o' for Jewish Colonization bution Committee's - Reconstruction observations and direct personal im- Kazin Pasha in an open Setter to the Work in Russia—Truth. Defies Committee, gives as complete a reply pressions brought back from Russia High Commissioner, Sir Herbert AMERICAN LEGION TO , Geography—-The Jewish BacR> as can be expected so far as the near WAVE JEWISH CHAPLAIN by Mr. Marshall to this country 'Samuels, which has been published. to the Land Movement—Shall past is concerned. What about the Chicago. (J. T. A.) The American would no doubt create an unusually Mr. Marsha]] Proceed to Rus- future? The President of the Palestine Legion in Illinois will have as its stirring appeal to the hearts and Arab Executive states that since the sia?—An Historical CompariAll the millions of dollars that minds of American Jews. This ap,- Jew who was suspected in the mur-Chaplain a Jewish Rabbi. The canson.. . rwere spent by American Jews in Sopeal would beyond doubt fructify a der of Dr. Jacob Israel De Harm was didates for this post is Rabbi Mayer viet Russia until recently were'mere Lippman, who served in the Amersponse. released, then the innocent Abdul ican Army in France. He will bo palliatives. There was an emergency L > . , B y WILLIAMv Z. generous . and whole-hearted reAzuz Rachman should also be re- nominated to this office by Protest[•• The - Jbinf Distribution Committee and" it was dealt with in a similar leased, according to the promise giv- ant Minister Rev. Arthur Ewert, who manner. People were hungry and A chapter of American Jewish and Eas assigned the sum of $400,000 to they. had to be fed; children were Russian ' Jewish history germinatesT _ . him by the High Commissioner is now the State Chaplain, and will be used as a fund for'helping 'Jewhomeless and they had to be shelWill it come into realization? and other officials. be endorsed by the Catholic Priest, ish, farmers or those Jewish", city tered. The real problem of the bulk (Copyrighted by J. T. A.) Father Lonergan. "dwellers in - Soviet Russia who areof .Russian Jewry was not even Itwviw.' ARAB EDITOR ASKS anxious to abandon their 'previous touched. It is hot' a new problem. BORIS SAVINKOFF, VAAD LEUMI TO ACT PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. (Occupation and settle on- the land. It is as old as the policy of the forOne of the most striking floats to butchers that they keep their REVOLUTIONARY LEADER, 1 AS ARBITRATOR Dr. Joseph Rosen, well known ag- mer Czarist Regime when it crowdthat appeared In the recent grocers slocks fresh with Baker System-reARRESTED AND SENTENCED Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Mr. Zakka, riculturist and formerly director of ed the Jewish population of the Rus- and butchers' parade, held in con- frlgeraiton which pays for Itself in Moscow. (J. T. A.) Boris Savin- editor o* the Arab paper "Arrafir" from one to two years. In addition, ih'e Joint Distribution Committee's sian Empire into the. specially crenection with their annual picnic, the float showed that in Omaha koff, well known leader of the RusHarrv Kononovitch reconstruction work in Russia, sailed ated "Pale" of settlement and its was the float prepared by the Baker alone 135 Baker plants have been sian Social Revolutionary Party and of Half e, has asked the Vaad Leu mi (National Council of Jews in Palesagain to take charge of this new purposeful limitation of Jewish opIce Machine company of this city. installed. The Baker Is the only ice- leader of the opposition to the Bol-tine) to arbitrate in a dispute which A Baker Self-Contained TJnit^o£t- machine that is manufactured in Ne-' shevik Regime, was arrested by the fond and new kind of work. portunities in the field of productive Studio—20" Crounse Blk. braska. has arisen betv.-een him and several Hnriwy 8470 times referred to' as the "Butcher's work and occupations. ' This important news was not mode Soviet Government after it was re-leading Jews in Haifa. The Vaad Bowing for Advanced Pupils. Special" which Is capable of de- To the left of the picture Is shown known in New York from an auvealed that'he entered Russia under Leumi has agreed and has appointed Emigration was a natural outlet livering two and one-half tons of re- J. L. Baker, president of the Baker thoritative source of information r but which relieved to some extent the frigeration each twenty-four hours, Ice Machine company, and one of a false passport, according" to official Messrs. Ordstein, Pewsuer and Shewas carried on the decorated truck. the pioneers in developing the re- report published by the Soviet Govthrough a Riga dispatch to the Jew- situation in previous years. Those, vrulli as arbitrators. On the float was the" suggestion frigeration Industry. ish Telepragphic Agency. It* is however, who remained in the "Pale" ernment. rather strange that the announce- bad willingly or unwillingly assumed ment of an allotment in New York the' strategically uncomfortable and results of the various wars and so-and clarified before such a plan is to Moscow, Aug. 29. (J. T. A.) BorisPROTEST AGAINST THE IMMIGRATION RESTRICTIONS should come ^through such distant uncertain position of the middleman, cial reforms, was the peasantry. A be realized. It cannot be handled in Savinkoff, arrested for entering Ruschannels as Riga,, which is at no small trader and agent. ^Already in general movement from the city to the * same way in which the religious sia under a false passport, was sen- Tel"Aviv, Pal. (J. T.'A.) A contime considered to be .an authentic the times of Czar Alexander II, even the village started. - So far as thefunds are disposed of. It could not tenced today to death -by a revolu- ference was convoked by the Jewish source of information, on a subject with the assistance of the Czarist Jews are concerned, it assumed a be left to the control of the Jewish tionary tribunal. The tribunal, how- Community to' discuss the " question concerning neither Russia nor Amer- government, attempts of colonizing sharper.form owing to the old.situa- section of the Communistic party ever, has recommended his mercy be- of immigration into Palestine. The ica. the Jews on the land were made but tion which was acute a long time be- whose' intentions are not to be taken cause" of the fact that he had admit- Conference adopted a resolution embodying a strong protest against the j . .But what is geography after all? to a very limited extent. Those Jew- fore. The plains of Ukraine are as they are stated. ted his guilt, has renounced the existing restrictions, especially re1307 Howard St. At. 8028 The Jewish people have defied :ge"og- ish colonies, who were started at that filled with a new kind of Jewish If this work is to be undertaken counter-revolutionary idea, • has ac-garding the entry of relatives into Omaha, Nebr. raphy, as Dr. Chaim Weiztman wit- time, proved to be not less of a suc- refugees. In the modern political by American Jewry, as the latest al- knowledged his mistake, and de- the country. The protest will be tingly remarked: "Truth remains in- cess than other Russian agricultural language they are called "Trans-im- lotment would . indicate, a clarifica- clared that all those who .love the handed to the Government and to the tact no matteT where it comes from. enterprises. Now, six years after migrants." ' In ' real fact,' they are tion of conditions would be the most Russian nation must recognize the Palestine Zionist Executive. The allotment of §400,000,: a portion the social unheaval, its painful re- mainly people who left their unpro- natural thing to be expected. Soviet Government. When notified of the Joint Distribution Committee's sults for the Jewish population. are ductive, aimless and futureless life Any way yon get tHein In any package To Mr. Jacob Fishman, editor of of this recommendation, Savinkoff CHIEF RABBI WILL BE funds which ,is. still at their dispo- coming to the surface. The Jewish in the seek refuge"in the field. the Jewish Morning Journal, in ad- declared: "I expect death. I ask for APPOINTED IN SYRIA ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS sition, is rather good and encourag- economic situation, which was a The Soviet authorities :had to take dition to an urgent call from respon- no pity, but remember that I too are c-o-o-d eating for everybody. Beirut. (J. T. A.) Chief Rabbi problem even before the war, has cognizance of this fact.. Hence the sible Russian Jewish leaders, belongs was a revolutionary fighter." ing news. Fate, however, desired Ask yemr gxocer lor I T E N CRACKEK8 Bachbout, accompanied by'the Pres- bj" name always. Get the genuine and -that this information be imparted to now assumed its acutest form. Jewish "Back to the land" movement the suggestion • that an investigating ident of the Jewish Community, visCrowded in. the cities, deprived of be satisfied nil ways'. K<I and the various schemes talked of re- committee, headed by Mr. Louis Mar- GERMAN DESECRATERS the American Jewish public together their commercial possibilities, notcently by communists and non-com- shall, proceed to Russia for this pur- • OF JEWISH CEMETERY \vith a painful pill. admitted to the factories, on account ,, pose. RECEIVE SENTENCES .Responsible Jewish circles in So-'of curtailment of .Russia's.industrial munists. Berry H. S*pJSn«. Pws.TteM Carpenter Paper Co. Sol Pepper; Vice-president. * * '* Berlin. (J. T. A.) The desecraters A great moment in the history of viet Russia deemed it advisable to life, oppressed by the general effects, W. Q. Cre. Secretary. Distributors of voice criticism against the leaders of of the Bolshevik 'Regime, the Jewish ; -Here is a-r^al opportunity for. an Russian and American Jews presents of the Jewish/Cemetery in the city Western Bond—and High Omaha Fixture & American Jewish Relief activity' in population stands on the-fhresjhpld of •earnest attempt to solve the Jewish itself. When <?n_e recalls the histor- of Hagen, heard, on August SO, the Grade Stationery x Soviet Russia, a criticism which has starvation and "annihilation. •economic question* W- Russia, "ty'ot>. a- ical . visits 'qf SHlf. Moses Montefiore sentence of the court for their sacSupply Go. *' Omaha. Nebrnefea. " been .suppressed for a long time and 'Conflicting "with any kind of govern- and later Dr. Herzl to Czarist Rus- rilege. Fuhrmann Haas, leader of COMPLETE STORE AND As the situation is now, it seems ment this nation chooses to endure sia, and their encouraging influence the gang, was sentenced to six years' perhaps rightly, so- At the same time OFFICE OUTFITTERS when American Jewry is to start a that the fate of Russian Jewry would or to have. It is a tremendous task which are still remembered in every imprisonment. The other three were We ocenpj renewed relief activity along recon- be jpne of the greatest catastrophes and not one allotment of $400,000 Jewish household in Russia, one feels sentenced to two, three and four • ever 70,000 SQOM* CESS eentbtrest Comer structive lines, £ warning is sounded in Jewish-history.-' The only class of would" cope with it effectively." Many the high importance of this sugges- years, respectively. Eleventh and Ocncla* Streets. that precaution. be taken and that Russian, citizens.aot 'affected"by the principles have to be" investigated tion. , Pbone: .lacbson 2724 previous mistakes committed,-which OSIAHA. KK8. proved to be . very harmful, should not be repeated.- The-charge was ^iiiiiiiiiiitiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffifiii^ made that the leaders of the Joint AUDITING AND INCOME Distribution Committee's activities in TAX REPORTS Russia were too Jenient with, the Every Known Kind Communistic Social Workersj had 208 Karbach Bit. Atlantic 1031 of Insurance surrendered t o them the distribution of- an important portion .of .the, relief 209 W-. O. W. Bldg. JA. S944. JA 1862 funds, and thus strengthened the maPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. chinery of the much disliked-"Yev:7th and Martha 8ts. HA. 1662 Manufacturer* ot Brass. Brocse. Eekbria," the same group of people Aluminum and Soft Gray tron Castinjrs, Gate City Furniture Co. tvho, displaying on one hand, a You arc . afisorrd of soft cartings, as WASH AND KEEP WELL end w« mnchin* Rome from BVKTJ heat In hearty interest in the saving-of-the A RULE OF HEALTH lur own shop. Globe Van & Storage Co. starving,Jewish children and pauperStandard size cast Iron and bronne FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY » ftnett. owned nnd operated by ,j2?d Jewish masses in the Soviet r n H E practice of extending New Year's Greetings to friends and 1819 California street. /land, have, on the other hand, eraGROSSMAN & SONS J[ relatives through the local Jewish newspaper has become, quite 629-32 No. 16tb St. ployed the same machinery f for the At. 0230 Ja. *35» j purpose of crushing everything Emerson Laundry general throughout the country. '.•which is Jewish and anything which P. S. 41OKEV. Prop. I is related to the* religious, • cultural Phone Webster 0820 Hundreds of families ip Cincinnati, New York, Boston, Chicago, and EFFICIENT and RESPONSIBLE | and national values in Jewish life in THE LAUNDRY THAT LACNDBT. WHOLESALE : that "war and revolution-stricken • EVERYBODY LIKES. other cities use no other.form of extending these holiday greetings. W h e r e y o u r c l o t h e s come home j country. "" * c l e a n e r e n d last loojrer. Druggists and Stationers Its advantages over the old, individual mailing card is evident in G23G. 1507-11 Jlarkson S 401-403-4US gnutb lOtb Htrrcl H. A. JACXJEBKF-GZP.. Pre*. The_ bringing of immediate relief, the saving of time and expense, and eliminates the worry over forOffice Phone JAcbson S128 feuch as the feeding and clothing of JOHN FELDMAN getting someone you desire to remember. I children and adults Jp such a vast j land as Russia with its poor means Clothier of communication, represents in TealFull Dress Suits and Tuxedos Certified Public Accountants Greeting cards in the Jewish Press may be thirty words in lengtti. ity a great problem. All other "reMoved from. 109 No. lCth St. to Audits Systems 203 Karbarb Hlook, 1.1th & Douglas gts. lief organizations .which •have ~ been If you desire, you may write your own greetings. t . OMAHA, NEBii, Investigations active in Russia since the ^famine «St to *40 IVttr* I'rDBt Uldg, rhones, .IM-kiMin 43IS, 48U, year, such as the A V R. A. and the Here is a popular, form: Society of Friends, have faced "this THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. •problem, and solved it in a somewhat Omaha OElfC 813 Dooglss Wholesale paper distributors for satisfactory manner. Naturally, this Omnha Phono Atlantic £556 j great work could never have .been Ford Transfer & Storage ( X Northern Toilet Tissue accomplished without the assistance R A. FORIX U12 Barney Street and good will of the local leaders, Mr: and Mrs. William R. Abrams and family of President ana General Manager. AT-lantic 6409 Council Bluffs d o n a ) Office especially of the group which is, in 9765 West Grand Boulevard extend their best 'One of America's Great Hotels' 700 So. Mnln Mtrwc-t. Phnre ROA power, no matter what we think of wishes to their relatives and friends for a happy it.. ..- • and prosperous New Year. When Thinking of Mens' Hats j " Bringing relief to the Jewish popor Furnishings -', tilation in Russia, could not of course OCR TKfiATMBNT WJ1X ' KEMEMBER CONVINCE ¥<H) OF OUK j take place without the participation COUNCIL BMJtftX. \A SINCERITY. WOLF BROS. jof the , Jewish Communists.-.' This; Trust D^oartment. Service is Our Motto 1421 DOUGLAS ST. Safety Deposit however, did not create the absolute TOE I*. WOLF SAM N. WOLF SoTe Deposit Bose* for l!«»T!f THe New Year's Greetings page is now^ being compiled. Majl the necessity, in the opinion of the critics, of. delivering the control of the coupon below immediately. If you write your own-greetinglitidch funds to.the institutions which funcit to the coupon. ' " • ' . . : . •' tion on behalf of the Communistic Goidstrom Upholstering C0. } "Party and which were the greatest Upholstering and Furniture Repair"Manufactured in Omaha" [-instruments of persecution and deing Mattresses Renovated. BUTTEK and HiiiiS •• • structibn. This was no doubt the BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. Box Springs.} with the Jewish Section of the Council Bluffs, fa. I The Jewish Press .' ' " """ " " ^ " ^ T " -—" " IT-tar.tlc £619 1012 North 16th St. ! Communistic Party with regard to I 681 Brandeis Theatre Bklg*.. ; - the Jewish 'population.1 _ i 1 Omaha, Nebraska. . = : • Of course,' no one would Jeven, for J "Gentlemen:— ' -:•/'-" •=£ moment, raise t h e : accusation against,the leaders of the Joint DisEnclosed find $2.00 for which.please insert my New Year's Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashona (5685) Number." tribution Committee, that they were "The Mohl" UNCLE SAM BKBAKFASl intentionally willing facilitate, in ncstdenrr, 1S42 80 25tta St. FOOfJ CO. TPI. ATlnntir CSS*. any -way, the work of the "YevsektNAME OUAHA Plant of ISuninMe. 2415 Camlng St. iia'* .and particularly to. oil,the maTf>I. ATlanilc SK31. >* -.Ichinery which was to suppress, the A D D R E S S ...; _ „ „ • - . • . jeext same, religl&ns and national val-. 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