*I; profess rto.f.lalk-.. •' irig~piUy this,'" let '!; eaeh ftmn do his best/ H —Shakespeare.
VOL. IV—No. 6
Entered y"j postoHleev**.
Far all roen if \tiiej 1dart try, a g i s o r i o t i s life*u or grave.—»-Hcr bcrt.
ntl-class maJI- matter on January 27th, 1921, nt aba, Nebraska, nadex the act of March 3. 1879.
ELECTED CHAPLAIN CALIFORNIA LEGISLATURE Sacramento. (J. T. A.) Dr. Eudolph I. Coffee,"Rabbi of Temple Sinai, Oakland, was elected chaplain of the California State Assembly at the opening session of the legislature. This is the first time that a Rabbi Will Be, Held at B'nai Israel has been elected, to such a post in California. Synagogue Thursday, The choice of Rabbi Coffee, who reJanuary 22. ceived forty-seven votes as against NO COLLECTIONS OR CON- twenty-five for Rev. John HaTgrave, was prompted by his splendid work as TRIBUTIONS TO BE MADE .a member of the California Board of AT MEETING. Charities and Correction.
Louis Lipsky, Zionist Leader, Will Speak at Mass Meeting Thursday
K. K. K. KIDNAPERS AEEESTED IN CHICAGO Chicago. (J. T. A.) Lloyd Martinson, ex-policeman, was arrested with PARIS OFRCE. I RUE AM3R0SSE THOMAS four others on the charge of a conNEW YORK OFFICE. 1150 BROADWAY spiracy to Mdnap and mutilate A. E, OMAHA Gartner, Jewish manager of a shoe store, as Ku Klux Klan punishment. •Martinson confessed to his partici- Special Song Numbers Arranged The letter here speak pation in kidnapping Gartner from For This Act. . . • January for itself. It is the his house and compelling him, at the Seventh highest conception of point of revolvers, to enter an auto- ADVANCE TICKETS ARE 1 9 2 5 how to immortalize the mobile. Gartner escaped by jumping NOW ON SALE. memory of those we out of the window of a car. love. No monument, "High Lights and Shadows," a One of the arrested Is Howard Hanhowever grant], will cycle in six acts, depicting life from son, Ku Klux Klan Kleagle. keep alive the name of the cradle-to''mature old age, will be Mr. H. A. Tolf, Chairman, Mr. Louis Lipsky of New York City, Sarah Zimman, but the one of the feature attractions in the recognized leader of the Zionist Or$2000.00 contributed by Free Loan Society, third annual Y show to be staged ganization of America, will be in her children to the February. S 'Et the Brandeis theater, Omaha, Nebr. Omaha Thursday, January 22. He Free. Loan Fund will This act will contain six soloists will "be the principal speaker at a be a continuous Te-" and several choruses and is being Uy dear Mr. Wolf: To Launch , Campaign For 1,000 minder of the wonderpersonally directed by Miss Cecelia Rabbi Goldman of Cleveland To . Members. ful sacrifices and work Feiler and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler,, The Speak. act was written by Mrs. Ziegler, PicSarah Zimman did,; of Enclosed herewith please find The Omaha Hebrew "Club held its the love her childrenturesque scenes of the cradle, school check for $2,000,00, as a contribution from The annual meeting of the Jewish dsys, puppy love,* wedding bells, midinstallation of officers jat its regular had for her and of our The Zimman°s,to the Free Loan Fund, Ln memory of Welfare Federation will - be held channel and old age, will be presented meeting Sunday afternoon. The of:t for them in our our dear mother. Wednesday evening, January 28, at in this act. • ficers installed are, Fred White, presilunity. the Fontenelle hotel. At this meetdent; J. Ricklin, vice-president; Sol Artistic e'eenery and a special prov ing EabM Solomon Goldman of Rosenberg, secretary; John Feldman, It was mother*s aim to help logne -will be used for this act. The Cleveland, Ohio, will be the principal treasurer; S. Altschuler, J. Romanek, We hope that many prologue' will be given by Miss Win-. our suffering people,;-and-iir going over the others will follow -the speaker. Eabbi Goldman is considA. Richards, trustees. troub. • . -various branches of the work done " b y the Jewish example set by the ered one of the foremost pulpit orFred White, newly elected president, The show thisyear is the talk t>f • ' Welfare Federation, we came-.to the. conclusion that ators in America. appointed the - committees to serve Zimman family. the town, and from reports of comAs the head of the Cleveland Jew mittees who have chargre of the adthe Free Loan Fund ,is administered iii a manner during the next administration. Plans ish Center, Eabbi Goldman has suc- vance are now under jway by the Omaha The, Free Loan Fund, wHereby our people ms in t a in-themselves.• Kale, a record breakine: ceeded in building tip one of the crowd ticket Hebrew Clubfor an extensive mem- under the super-ision • is expected 'see the third strongest bulwarks of Judaism in this annual performance to bership campaign. Teams have been of the Federation is a of the local boy? • • • ' : " A.loan thus obtained to "be country. His congregation has a and girls. ' organized for this campaign. These perpetual fund used In repaid in small monthly .payments., and to tide'them membership of over 1,200, and hi? teams will be headed by M. Polansky the maintaining - of acts havq beers rehearsing daily over adverse times, is a true act of philanthropy. Institution . offers facilities for both to All and Philip Gorelick. homes^ It is not used bring the show to perfection* The old and young-. More than $1,200,000 The following committees have been as a charity fund. It Y jazz orchestra,, which will appear has already been spent by the Cleveis loaned without any appointed: cerely yours. with one of the acts, is.being specialland Jewish Center to build and Executive Committee Tor one year—M. fees and wi'Jiout any, ly directed by Edwin Kahn. ; Blank, M. Civin, Max Fromkin, Albert mass meeting to be held that evening Kaplan. equip its home. Those who have had 1 interest to families Dr. N- JDsnsky. The ticket selling has been divided at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Eight- Membership Committee — M. Polonsiy. who are temporarily in the opportunity of visiting this splenGorellct, Ben Shapiro, Fred eenth and Chicago streets. In the Philip did institution are filled with enthu- among- four teams, - headed by CapGreenberg, Jake Cropnse. need and in the many afternoon he will speak to the Omaha Sick Committee—7. Riklin, vice-pres. of years of its operation siasm for' the future of Judaism in tains Isaac SternhJll, Agnes Ross, Iva ficio chr., A. Monsky. A. Ilichara, So Siegral and Stanley Levin. 'Hie adChapter Hadassah at the Muse theAmerica. Cobn, SI, Braude, M. Selicovr, M. Her has never lost a single vance tickets must me exchanged .at. covici. ,. - ater. ' At this meeting' a complete report the box office four days prior to the dollar. Bnildinj: Committee—Fred White, So] *' "The mass meeting is open to the Rosenberg, S. Altschnler, J. Eomanek, of the work of the Federation will show. Thfe advance tickets can be H. A. WOLF, A EJchard. entire public," said Max Fromldn, Inside Guard—A. Richard. . be made. Off jeers, will be elected for purchased in any section .of. the theChairman Free Loan Conductoiv^Ben -Handler,1 N. S. Xaffe. chairman..."There will he.no collec- Intellectual' j tfc'fessmng" year.' The report of the ater, but will have to be cjtchang«4 Advancement Committee—Jfn -Fond. 1 tions or donations. "We have also ar* than Bernstein, Dr. "A. Greenberg, X. S. HBZ;J£ president, •'•dbairman-- -of -the -iinane& for" set anef row 'xiumbstB'.'At.'4hv^th(^:.' Yaffe. ranged a very interesting musical Constitution committee,, and the superintendent .ater. at slater date. 'Tickets for the ana By-Iiaws—J". J. Fried program for this'occasion. The even- man, A. Kosenblum, Sam' Beber. will be made at this meeting'. Jndiciary—John 'Feldman, Daniel Shwartz, Y show can 'also be secured at the ing program -will begin at 8 p. m. M. A. Bercovlci.* • • • i A special musical program, has following ticket selling booths: \ Mr. Lipsky recently returned from Insurance Fund Committed—Fred White, 1 Notice To Our been arranged for this meeting . The J. Riklin, viee-preis.; So] RosenJewish Community Center. Vj, a five months' visit to Palestine and! pres.; berg, secy.: • John Feldman, treas.: S. entire public is invited to attend this ' . Wolf Bro$., 1421 Douglas. Subscribers trustee; J. Romanek, trustee: l i t ' Europe, and is now touring the coun- ] Altschuler, meeting Wednesday evening, January A. Richard, trustee; Mar Fromkin, past I. Levey,. Drug Store, 24th and Detry in the interest of the Zionist president. We are now in oar -new ofTo Discuss Plans for the "Y" Debat- 28, at the FonteneUe -hotel. to: Board of Jewish Welfare federa- Louis Lipsky to Speak—Program to catur. .' '• • . fices at 790 Saanders-Kerinedy movement. ' He is considered one of Rep. tion— Maurice Civin. Building. We invite you to ing Team Be Presented. < •,-. Ed. Patton's Music. Shop, 16th and the distinguished figures in World '**. visit us. Farnam. Zionism. 'F H T Our telephone number is the On Thursday afternoon, January The Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. will Sommer's Food Shop. 16th and FarHis singular reputation is the reL b. 1. same 22, at 2:30 p. m., the Omaha Chapter hold a joint open meeting Monday Given nam. ^' •' ' • sult not only of his long and devoted of Hadassah will hold-its Annual j evening at the Jewish Community Atlantic 1450 Eialto Susk Shop, 4907 So. 24th. ; career of service, but to a remarkable •Center. A complete program has At the recent national Seta Beta . J. Licb, 510 No. tfith. combination of gifts as writer, orator To Be Held at St. Louis, Missouri, Linen Shower at the Muse Theatre, JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING Twenty-fourth and Farnam streets. been arranged for for this meeting. Tau annual conclave held at Norfolk, SacFs Cip?.r Store. 14th and FarCO. and organizer. January 19-22. A program is being prepared for this At this meeting plans will be made Va., the Alpha Zeta Chapter of the nam. Mr. Lipsky's association with the occasion, a notable part of which will for the Y debating team which will Nebraska University was awarded the . Malashock Jewelry. 214 City Nat. Zionist movement dates back to its Temple Israel and Sisterhood delebe an address by Mr. Louis Lipsky, soon be organized. The Y will enter Sobel Cup for excellency in scholar- Bank Blrijr. very inception in America more than gates to the' twenty-ninth biennial Zionist leader, who has recently-rea team in a league. Plans are now ship. The trophy is given each year a quarter of a century ago. The or- convention of the Council of the turned from Palestine.. Other num; under way for the formation of a to one of the thirty-two chapters of j EX-SOLDIEKS KILL ganization was in those aays a very Union of American Hebrew Congreg- bers will be as follows: league from the neighboring com- the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity for dis JEWISH PASSENGER insignificant affair compared with its ations are leaving for St. Louis, Mo., Piano and Violin Duets,' Selected—toyal munities. Several communities have playing proficiency in scholarship Berlin. (J. T. A.) Julius Simon. present power and influence, and its the latter part of this week to be Katskee, Sheffel Katskee, Pearl Dansky Elect Officers for Nev Chapter Sunexpressed their willingness of enter- work. 80 years old, vas !>p.aten to death by Songs.*——Hermine Hirsdnnan amazing growth owes more to Mr. present at the "meetings which will Character Heading-, Selected— Frances J ing in such a league. Among those day Afternoon. Mr. Ben Kavitz, Omaha boy, was three a^ti-ScipiteF. mpmbfrs hf the Lipsky's devotion and ability than to be held January 19 to 22 in that city. Piano, Selected—Eljo Zipfel -Helen Weisse who have expressed a desire of formDance Orientale_ the representative of the Zeta Chapter German Ex-So'dicrs Apsociation, al any other single cause. .,. Fannie Fish Solo.______ About fifteen hundred representa- Violin Sioux City, la.—More than" one ing a debating league are: Kansas at the convention, and received this the raihrc-y station in Tilsit, -Ivy. Siegel Songs, Selected. Mr. Lip.-ky's first public position of Allegorical Playlet. written" by Mrs. H. Q. hundred members of the local B'nai City, St. Louis, Des Moines and Sioux award for his chapter. This year's note was as a writer and Dramatic tives from the various cities are exMarx, entitled "Every. Jew", -witn t i e pected to attend this convention. The B'rith witnessed the installation of City. • *• following cast of characters: The Jewish Press is the "family convention lasted four days. Next Critic, but his literary duties were Europe : .Mrs.J. Eoseabers last convention was held in New York the local A. Z. A., chapter No. 12, paper. It should hp in YOl'R home. Members of the Booster club of the Every Jew of Europe-Miss Julia Weisse year the convention will be held at secretary of his Zionist work. SubColumbia—^ ; -Mrs. Harry Eose Sunday afternoon in the Temple An- Y will talk on the Y show at the Montreal, Canada. Send: iit your subscription. sequently, with the growth of the Zi- City and was the golden anniversary Every Jew of America— .-. ,- . • Mm Ricklte-Boasberg nex. Sixteen local boys are charter open meeting Monday evening. Mem-' onist Organization, he gave up' his of the organization. Mrs. A. Silevroran. members of this junior B'nai B'rith Omaha delegates who were ap- .Terusalein______ bers wili be -urged to assist in the purely literary career to devote himHadassah ,..,,, TlTrff.K. S n i n m n n pointed to this convention are Rabbi .Mrs. A. SHvenna» order* The installation of the chap- ticket selling for the show. self entirely to Zionism, speaking, Following tie meeting, a special writing and organizing for the move- Frederick Cohn, Isidor Ziegler, Wra. "The hospitals of Palestine are in ter was held under the supervision of ment. Later, when the war threw L. Holzman, v Harry Z. Eosenfeld, great need of infant'slips'and infant Omaha and Des Moines chapters. orchestra wil play for dancing. the onus of Zionist achievement on Selwyn S. Jacobs, Louis Hiller, Henry blankets," said Mrs. J. Katleman, Messrs. Charles Shane and Louis America, he became one of the key Eosenthal, Solomon Degen, Dave who recently returned from a ;"visit Williams of Des Moines, and Myer '. ' -V.' Freeman, Dave Fellman, Nathan E. Lccd Swim Eriassal figures in the great task of winning Eosenstock, J. B. Katz, and Harry there. A. Wolf, representatives of the TemGreen and Irvin Stalmaster of Omaha ; for. Jewry the world's recognition of • • : -Beet-Anvil ple, and the women who will reprewere at the installation. Mr. Stalits. claim to the Homeland in Palessent the local Sisterhood at, the Fedmaster delivered the principal adConcert for Fanny Fish Come one, come all to help reveal the "Y** tine. Miss Betty Fine"'was'! elected preseration of Sisterhood's meeting that dress. to be Given Marc^ 10 Mystery, which is to be'unfolded—? ? ? ? ident of the! JaEiortladassah at their is held in connection with the conFollowing the installation of the \ annual election meeting held Thursday vention are the Mesdames Cora Wolf - The Nebraska Society _of Musical chapter, officers of Sioux City chapWHERE?—"Y" Dance. . and L Eosenthal. Mrs. Frederick Development are sponsoring a concert ter were '. elected. Archie Herzoff evening, January! S, at. the Jewish Cohn and Mrs. Harry Z. Eosenfeld to be given Tuesday evening, March Aleph Godol; Ephriam Baron, Aleph Community Center. "Miss Martye WHEN?—Saturday Night, January 17, 1925, "Weinstein was elected vice president; will attend as alternates. .10, at the City Auditorium, to raise Signan; Max Kroloff, Senior Shotarj Miss U.la Alberts, treasurer; Miss HOW?—Solve the Mystery v ', money to send Fanny Fish, violinist, Mike Grueskin, Junior Shotar; Leon Mary. Maisel, secretary; -%nd ' Miss Miss Hannah Kauffman Personally E. Bebrofsky, Slazkir; Manuel Herto New York, to further her-studies Directing Show. Toby Steinberg, reporter. Max From' WHY?—Win a Prize!! South Side Congregation there. Miss Fish has been recognized zoff, Gi2bar; Abe Feldman, Sofar; Mn -will again be sponsor of the dub. Herman Herzoff, Kohen Godol. Sam a number of musical critics as a Sioux. City, la.—The second annual Miss Julia "Wise and Lucille Marcus Saturday night a Mystery second only to the to Give Ball February i by promising violinist. She is a pupil Greenstone and Joe Rice 1are directors were appointed Esecutive Members. ._-show and revue to be given under the mystery, of "The Bat", will lay its plot at the "Y" The South' Side Congregation of of Professor Frank Mach. Sometime of the Sioux City A. Z. A. auspices of the Hebrew Ladies' AuxMiss Finehas appointed her comDance. Those who crave thrills are urged to atiliary will be held Sunday evening, Israel will hold a grand ball at the ago the Nebraska Society of Musical mittee for this year.. Those "who "will tend. If you were born under s, lueky star, you March 1, at the auditorium. The city auditorium Sunday evening Feb- Development sponsored a similar A. Z. A. ANNIVERSARY serve on the following committees show, according to the committee, ruary 1. Edwin Kahn and his Fieid concert for the benefit of little SamDANCE. JANUARY 25, may be the fortunate one to unravel the "Y's" will be the best ever staged by local Club orchestra have been secured to my Carmell, twelve year old violinAT FONTENELLE . Martye Weinstein, chairman; Bes- i Mystery, sud win an enviable prise. ist, who is now studying with a wellplay for this affair. talent. sie Greenberg:, Lucille Marcus. Eose known professor in New York. The proceeds of this ball will go The local chapter of Aleph Zadlk The entire production is given unAll iic Sherlock Holmes rally round. Celia Braude, Beulsh MsttleThe committee in chaTge of this Aleph -will hold its second annual Lazarus, der the personal direction of Miss towards the fund now being obtained racn, Beatrice Cohn. The Priz^ Dance will be one of the many Hannah Kauffman, who has consider- to enlarge the South Side Synagogue. concert is headed by Mr. Sol Gold-j dance Sunday evening, January 25, at Belle Eo?enthal, chairman; Bess . able experience with stage work. She The present building has become in- strom, and he ivil! be assisted by the. the FonteneUe hotel. According to Snitzer, Tina Altschuler, Margaret other attractions of the "Y" dance sponsored hx be assisted by, Miss Nettie Krue- adequate to the needs of the con- folknving: Messrs. Sam Beber, I, F. the members of the committee in Rletes. the BOOSTERS CLUB. <- - ; gregation. Goodman, Max Fromldn, Martin L. charge, this affair will be one of the and Mr. Herman Slotsky. Toby Steinberg-, chairman; Jennie According to members of the com- Sugarman, Dr. Philip Shcr, Harry H. best ever given in the city. Special made costumes will be used Put on your dancing- shoes and bring your for;, the entire cast. Elaborate scen- mittee..in charge this ball will be a Lapidus, Wm. R. Bluhienthal," Harry Arthur Randall's orchestra has Krestul, Ann Greenberg. Julia Wise. friends.. ,erj* painted by Lelan Ward, noted art- grand affair. The cause deserves the Malashock, Sam Leon; and .the' Misses been secured to play for this occasion, Dora Greenberg. BOOSTERS CLUB. been secured. The cast, is re- -"entire-support of all, as the needs Bess and Ann Greenberg, of the Novel souvenir programs •will be . Eose Tme, ch&irmss; Ann Fihkel, - hearsing regularly to make this «vent j for the remodeling of the' South Side Goldstein-Chapman Co., the Misses printed and given away to the pub- Rose Bm.stem, Minnie Ei*enstatt» Celia Kurs Xna and Pauline S l the.'beat ever staged. . ' Synagogue is-very urgent. lic.
Perpetual Monument
Hebrew Club Committees Appointed
Welfare Federation to Hold
Y to Hold Joint Open Meeting Monday Evening
Hadassah linen Shower January 22 at Muse Theatre
Delegates to Leave for Hebrew Congregations Meet
A. Z. A, Chapter No. 12 Installed at Sioux City
Second Annual Show and Reyne to be Given March 1
a r e :
r vjf
. • ' • - . • .
: •
fublisricO wer; il'hurshnj at uiusbtL-Nebraska-* 67 THE JEWISH PUfcSi* PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 681 Brandeis 'Theatre. Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1400 WAI'HAN fci.'GKLEN Manager. Subscription Price; one year Advertising rates furnished OD application.
Lincoln, guard.... Carl Sokoloff, Omaha, guard; Joe Mosher, Lincoln, for-; ward; Jake Finkelstein, Lincoln, center. > The club have also promoted a SunMr. Louis Stine died at his home day Bible class, and plans are also Sunday morning. Funeral sen-ices being made to hold a dance every were held at the Tifereth Israel Syn- third week in the month. agogue, -with Rabbi Char! op of Omaha conducting the services. The Masons conducted the sei"vices at the grave. Mr. Stine "was a Mason for 21 vears. Shapiro Sunday evening, who is to be married to Miss Helen Robinson of Omaha January 18 at the Blackstone Hotel in Omaha.
Look at the Picture and Shiver
t'UANUE OV AI)ltltl£S8 Vleaet cive ootb itie old and new address: Of surf srici Ki?p vonr nnitie
" The Jewish Press is suppJifiilJby Ibe"Jewish r«lettraph1c"Afce:n<;s;(Jewish Corresj»rnie>tce Bureauf'with'cahferiahd tele«rajJhie Jewish news _ ID addition to feature nrliclfis and zairisspawi&nte* ixam .alL nnutitlanti. Jewishr-gentrea Inquiries regarding news items credited to this A«ericy__wiir be ,gladly answers! il addressed-Ca^Jfewisb Telegraphic Agency' Iti-Mvmhi Atfenue. New York City _ -.,,,• •_ „ v S i S ' J -1-"'1- -J '-'-; --*
~ - ^ f e 4 . i ,<.
. More and more, as time goes on, is the Hadasiah? Society proving of invaluable' service to mankind. It is gradually taking its place as the "Red Cross" of our race. With its trained nurses and doctors, its free" clinics and milk stations, it is spreading the light of health knowledge and sanitation- throughout Palestine, : on Jew and' non-Jew alike. " ~'-~>T-* With the present tragic coincidence of restricted immigration into America and the persecution and eviction'of Jews from so many parts of Europe the work that the Hadassah is doing: in Palestine, (the"oneJpgical refuge for these poor outc^sfe), is of,rna'rampunt 'importance:? : ' • ~'"-- ' i ' " : : : ^ i ; £ i : \ ? > * The Tvork that? is being don§;by the Hadassah4Taf a-nature; thiit should meet w'ith^th'e'en'dorsement and-isupport-of-every Jew tbiit.has the welfare of'his people at heart, irrespective of his ideas on Zionism. ' ... ... . ,* - The Omaha Chapter of the Hadassah will hold its Annual l a n w Shower on Thtu^dayV January 22, at 2:30 P. M., at the Muse Theatre, thrQUglrthe kindness of Mr. Ralph Goldberg. The linens which aregatftered together in this way are sent tot Pales?; •fine to be distributed.amongst the various hospitals, orphans Home's,"" and other charitable institutions, and-we-4ishesitatingly hd this very worthy cause to the. Jewish Women-ofr Omaha.
V /
The following officers have been elected for the Ivre club for the new term: President, Ben Polick; vice president, Dave Zolat; secretary, Max Shostak; financial secretary, Eli Erenen; treasurer, Morris Schneider. At this meeting plans •were discussed for the coming conclave of all the chapters of the Ivre club to be held in Lincoln in April. Miss Rose Baird of Sioux City is visiting her fiance, Mr. Ben Ellis, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Phillip Greenstone. The local A. Z. A'.' held a dance December 20, at the Ivre club rooms, honoring the football team. A number of the members have already tried out for the basketball team, and the following will probably play: Louis Marx, Lincoln, center; Ben Zifkin, Lincoln, forward; Dates Shulman, Chicago, forward; George Novakoff,
Here are some of the children of the Hofheimer Preventorium of the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives at Denver, taking advantage of the first snow-fall of the season recently to stage an old-fashioned snow-ball fight. To them it is all good fun, but what they are actually doing is building up resistance against tuberculosis; Coming from families where tuberculosis is rampant, these children are predisposed to the disease. . : : , Every day the sun shines the 36 children of the Preventorium, minus all clothing the conventions permit, frolic out of doors in the direct rays of the sun. In the course of fifteen, to eighteen months these children who are underweight and emaciated are brought up to normal. When they leave the Hospital they have the chance in life that is the right of every child. . ; "........* -.•-.-. '•-r - Since the Hofheimerr3?reventorium was opened five years ago, 161 children, from all parts, of the country,-have been", treated. " * •fiffil'-'all other depaat'ni^ts"'of the National Jewish Hospital, its service is national, non-sectarian and fre&:.JQie philanthropy-of. the Jews of America making this work possible.
• •'-•*••-*
*""Washington, Dec. 31. (J. T. A.>— Much amusement has been created her&-iir political and financial circles tolthe attack of Henry Ford's "DearIjojrn Independent" on Paul M. Warbvirg. In an article published in the "Dearborn Independent" a. writer begins a series to prove that the Federal1 Reserve System is an instrument fqr foiling of German financial jpjethods on the United States,, which Is; supposedly only a. $t§p-t9waT<} the ^QQtrol of American industry and fcisLness by Germatn bankers. P4ul M. "W^arburg is,indicated as the heqd ,'&id shoulders of this movement. • Also Bernard Baruch and. Aaron ^ipiro, no doubt much to tKeir own 44rprise, are made to appear in the srol© of bankers who are laying a .canning?.: plot
;a | lawyer wEo^7i
sqcietJes. There are other"statements rieeding explanation. For instance, it is staged that in March, 1923, Congress authorized the Federal^.Reserve,- Bank ,Jtq^ disoount_ credit papey imJluaing^ foreign SesgplV Anes. "Of ourse, the babK has had that pov/er einco it was created in \dili. The act of Qongress mentioncc| was one aimed a t agricultural • relief. • It. is furtfca* stated that ia March',' 1924, the B«3«rve Board took advant a g e of "th|p- ffit" -oi ^ngp^93r- What
/act. th'afc. Senator- .SIdVic|(iradvocaj|a a central bank plan,-materially differv cnt from/ the Federal ''Reserve' System. - The writer of the article, is, however1, correct in one important respect Avb,cn;:h«^ta.tes that Mr: Warburg is in" Jargo ,,part responsible for the federal Reserve System. He was a leadei" in tlie--preliminary-vrork of educating public opinioji in regard to tlie "necessity-for banking .and c|irrency reform and was^*o-a-«©nsfderable extent responsible for shaping the organization, as vice-governor .of th& Board, \ in-the early days of its
existence.- \- _
Max Kaplan, Proprietor Ha. 7545
1333 Park Ave.
--_- Mr. Ike Kramer left Sunday evening for St. Louis,--Mo,, on-a business trip. _ :
_ -_^_
-,: The Merry Mixer"3 were entertained Ht the home of rjjlpa.-Herman K-raase .Wednesday at ''_/Uabbi S. E. "StarreW'semidn tast Friday evening was "Palestine^and.J "the .Jew." This. Friday his .^speech will be "The Teachings of Hiilel.^ _ I
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We atmounce the opening of our new display and sales room^irtxtmnfiction with our wholesale jekvelry offices at.214--215-21-6-GitrNational^Bank Building, \vhere we
in the
Artliur Randall's Orchestra
we"e-fing* ^ ^ a y ^ aHeMoo^^p^tBi \
Let us bid .pn your Printing Work .-^.
Sunday evening; January 25, 1925 Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom
tertaining her Afternoon Bridge club relatives in San-Antonio, Tex. / at a luncheon-bridge"". at her home ": The Lincoln;jchajgter'"" of the Ivre Thursday. club gave a banquet in honor of Max
in sountPffnance" and a -couiitiy ~vf\iie& statement by Paul M* Warburg con- service 'tir^&e c Cognized* eferyAvhere' • iff cerning the discounting of foreign ?:rr quarters. h acceptances. _Mr. Warburg. J s "jchaifu man of tlie adyjsory, co n.cil-.of..th^ Federal Eeserve^ Board., ...His t t V ment did not bind- thethese—in, touch .with the x that it in no way changed prevailing "'Jit's. ~S~. L. Namen annoujfees ^^Ee marrisge 6?*her. daughter, EtEelt-fb practices. Mr. Abe Yofferi of . L m e o h ^ J ^ r Also, about March, 1924, Mr. War- which took pfaee last Wednesday, burg headed a sort of consortium ar- January 7, Rabbi J. Ml: C h a r l ^ e f rangement and established a $25,000,^ Omaha officiating: ~"~~ ~ 000 credit for Germany. This proves Mr. Yoffen- and his bride.3ef+^jmto the "Dearborn Independent" writer mediately. for a short trip t«- LiaeeHi, that certain American banks and returning Monday .Evening. They their depositors are financing Gerwill make their -future home in iri&n: rehabilitation *aadjilso financing ( Omaha. : ' ~. . -r-. r ~"~. r^I nnS SoYioJt.IvUssia thrpugh Germany. Cer-? tainly the rehabilitation of "two counThe '•Bar'-'.Mitzyafi"6i .Hj tries for ^26,000,000 is a cheap job. p son of Mr. and Mrs. _ However, the ti*uth. about the $^5,r tner, took pl^ce Saturday .i 000,000 which was made available the Che.vrk B'na'i Yisjoel fihowa that only $5,000,000 was used 618 Myjister street.. . _. -Sjr. -and Mrs. JCramer and that this has been repaid, |wep|y.-sjK bay, iriepdgl o ' Also 'in 'another "plade: Mr. Warburg; at a theater party, * and others are represented as conluncheon. 'Sunday _ •Th.Qncr struetinu the 'Federal Rserve System 'fn*'sieafit O£»n¥ereiJc^rxs»l'aKTtlie l^iej
Wet W a s h S C Dry W a s h 6 C Semi-Flat - 6 C - 8 National Laundry Co.
- : ^ - ^1
Snancial Leaders Amused i _At Ford's Accusatisn "o:- Against Paul M. Warkrg
Falls, Tex., was in the city to attend T--'A joint resolution has been introduced into the House of the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. G. ElRepresentatives at - Washington 'by- Senator Copeland and linger. '; ' Rcpyesenative Pearlman which, if passed, would perrhit the entry of thev thousands of Jewish refugees now stranded in Europe The Junior .Congregation met Sun£hdln Cuba, who gave up their old homes in Eastern Europe ;•.. .••";.' • .;-•..; ' ; 3 . 9 2 a day morning at the vestry of the after securing passports duly vised by United States Consuls j Rosh Chodesh Shebat...:...;:....:~^.— _ Monday, January 2G temple. Plans were discussed to have Rosh .Chodesh' Adar zi.Z~.ZL.:.*}. WednesJay, February~25~ which when they obtained them would have permitted their a p l a y a n d a , dance in the near .fuPurim ;.... ..&STA..-C—....................Tuesday, March 10 admission into the United States .under the then,existing-lawV Rosh Chodesh* Nissan.....;.;.:.T.:.:.:.....:....._.........Thursday, March 25" ture. ~••. ."'" . • Subsequently to the vising of these passports fthe. law was 1st Day Pessach .._..„ Thursday, April 9 -changed by reducing the quota and altering the basis of com-" 7th Day l?essach............j:^,...^,.™™^.....^.m.:..J.Sa:turday, April 15 Mrs. Lew -iPolsky entertained her Rosh Chodesh Iyar. ^ . . . . . ^c . . ^ -.-—......Saturday, ApriL25 putation, so that these hapless people, when they were ready ctub-at ar par£j» Tuesday at her "home. Lag b'Omer.... .^£::.i.i ...r^ . . Tuesday, May 12 ttf'saif, were confronted by an impasse which left them stranded Rosh Chodesh Si van 4--?---—v—f-* — Sufiday, May-J14 ~- T-he NaomrSewing club was enterin! various ports and cities in Europe, with a considerable conShabuoth ."._„.: „-". ,„. ....i.Friday, May 29 tained at the" home of Mrs. Morris tingent in Cuba. Their old homes have been broken up, the$> Rosh Chodesh Taramuz ... Tuesday, June 23 Polsky Wednesday, January^, 7. c&mot go back, nor can they remain in the places in, which they Fast of Tammuz ^_rj£.-Xi-~i -'-.— Thursday, July 9 : Rosh Chodesh Ab .pi_.C. Wednesday, July 22 now find themselves. Mr. Julius Orbeudorfer'of Sioux Fast of Ab :.. iwi...^.— Thursday, July 30 '--" Under- the circumstances thus briefly outlined, which will Rosh Chodesh Ellul :.^.V...X»-i- ..............Friday, August 21 Falls, la., was in the city for"'his be found fully and vividly portrayed in the address on this_ All Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day. aunt's funeral, Mrs. G. Ellinger." subject delivered last week by Mr. Louis Marshall in;K^w York; i-fc^can be said without the slightest trace of exaggeration ihaf The Hadassahs held a regular meet13fe resolution referred to is one that must appeal to the sense ing at the Synagogue Tifereth Israel. <$£* justice and equity of every fair-minded person, no matter It is generally admitted that,. '... The Junior Council will hold a spe- All meetings from now on will: be Wfi3t "his or her views may be on the general question of irri-. out the Federal Reserve cial meeting Sunday afternoon, Jan- held in the Synagogue." •emigration. It was not the fault of these hapless people, Ayhose ing of the war in the uary 18, at the home of Miss Fannie plight is almost indescribable, that they have thus been buffeted .waged hy "this country would have Katelman, 417 Oakland avenue. Miss Esther Freshman entertained btbe-Fadaynjith club at her home Sunbg adverse fate in the" form of a law of which they could; knotf been impossible. It was a large con- Everyone is urged to attend. day afternoon at "a "bridge party. wJthirig when they set out on the great adventure that ..was to trife*utmg—fa«te*!?-in- the victory over Prizes were~T?orr tsy "Mis?" Josephine Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gilinsky of Trerit&fie-them to free America. They had the right to believe, and Germany, 5 Mr. Warburg's- native act on the belief, that if they were otherwise qualified for ad- country, incidentally. Therefdre^. thfe'. fon, N. J., left Monday evening after Sherman* .first prize, and. Miss* Ida mission under the laws of the United States they' would be statement that the System. is" some-; spending the ;piSstiwejg|[,he,re with Mr. Ruth Bogen,- second. permitted to enter. That is all the resolution in -question at- thing - foisted upon the country by end Mrs. A. Giluisk-y. Mr. Nathan Zolat is now in Salina, tempts to do. It is highly important, in the Interestis of' hurriaip Germany is regarded as the height Mrs. Sam Gross entertained her Kas., where he is taking care of his 7 ity and for the sake of the honor and good name of -America of-the- ridiciflous. -~- - c - Evening Bridge,:: ilub. at ;.hes _home new store.--.-He expects to iie in Safipthe'eyes of the European people, that the "great" hardship these The "Pacific Banter," the financial Tuesday evening^ - • lina, Kas., for two "weete. ----..people are suffering should be corrected. The only people _whft newspaper of^ the Pacific Northwest, can help are the members of the Senate and House of Represen- terming this-accusation of the '^Deitr- Mrs. Sam H.-Katlemait-entertained .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stine of Beatrice tatives of the United States. It is not'likely that the President fcoriv Independent," a "ridiculous ^ifo- at three tables of bridge at her home will make Lincoln their future home. would object to such "a measure if passed by-both houses of session";csfates: P a u l M . W a r M ^ i i s Saturday evening. ' - • - . . ~ Mr. and Mrs.-" Lewis Gersfein-::celeCongress. It is inconceivable that the members, when fully a name which stands very lagjipln * Mr. and •SfiS.S^HeiT- Gerslun., of brated their silver •wedding Sunday aetpiainted with the conditions, woulcT reject such a measure", American 2b*anfiing, as being-~UiaCS"SJ. Schuyler, Nebr., left Wednesday after evening at their home. especially if they are advised of the opinions of fair-minded ?.nd the man -*wh*q laid down tlie:'<ie"S:&al * spending a*"fevr*-days"'here with Mr. ceT&fiiderate people "throughout the country. Whatever -ctmCtie Idea -upofT which the whole F«le¥JiV \ and Mrs. Sam MeyersonT TEey were ';;MrBV L. J. -Herzog-returned hojse done for the prompt expression of such opinions should be done, He&ivvd "•'SJfsHem was erected;" "•'•'•*•"-' among" the -out-of-town guests at the from Omaha from a visit with friends by Jews and others throughout the land," for"it'i&-likely that casts, aside -all- thought of Krasne-Horn wedding last Sunday and relatives. the (juestion will come up--for action- at^a---very nearly edatei 'to:-~t»ecbme a member' Tsrr^--^ appeals to Senators and Representatives ^ - - - - — — — 'in "fadT Its. turned from a visit with friends and very much in -order. .—--.; -. — •-: -:-c^ Mrs. A. Perimeter of Omaha is enhas~"sHb"wn S? jr>
lo Your Family
Sec Our Great ,Overccat Windows—Faraara Street. entitled
g :
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1925 ME. AND MRS. R. KULAKOFSKY-.. last Friday from Chicago, III., where uel Epstein, Hyman Ziet, and Leosensational revelations "by'two mem- Jsotwithstanding the recent discovTO RECEIVE IN HONOR OF she was visiting with her brother, Brown. The " Executive coinmittee fcers of the Ukrainian secret organ-' erles in connection with the bomb MR. AND MRS. A. H. BRODKEY after having returned from a six are Morris Reiss, chairman; Max ization, denied that he threw the bomb throwing, court authorities are makIn honor of their daughter and son- months* trip with Mrs. Katleman to Altschuler, and Hershel Soskin. Jew- at the president. He tvas sick on the ing- preparations for the trial of Stanin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Brod- the different cities in Europe and ish boys over sjyteen years of ageday of the attack, he declared. islaw Steig-ev. key, who are returning' the ; latter Asia. Mr. Katleman has been home are eligible for membership in this part of this week from; their, honey- for several weeks. club. Meetings are held every Tuesmoon sjient in the east; Mi', and'. Mrs. day evening at 7:3 at the Jewish The Daughters of Israel Aid Society H Reuben ELulakofsky will receive " a t Cornrrrcmity Center. electofficers a t their next regular B their home, at 5410"Iza"rd"street, SunA ' literary meeting of the Ladies'' §f day, January 18, from three to six:,., meeting Tuesday afternoon, January Yoar letterheads and bttsinfes?. care'- a w .your press Home. National Progressive dub will be; U your advance jruartL Por -th& irit*gsitj. and financial standing:-of Mr. and Mrs. Brodkey will make, 20, at 2:30, at the Old People's : their home at the Sioux Ajpartaient Other important business , will be held Saturday evening, January 17,1 § your organization is:Teflectee i-n-yo_r stationery, cards, etc. VV« at the home of Mr.-and Mrs. M. Iff know that the fate of your letters 4ies-1fi a measure a t the h»erey at Sioux City, la., after Visiting here the printer's skill. •' We liave.. learned the knack of doinrr bettor Minlrin. Dr. N. Dansky will be the j ff of with Mr. and Mrs. Kulakofsky. Mrs. \vork well. • •". ' . Miss Sarah JBlunienthal arrived WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS Brodkey was 'formerly -'."Aiissr.Berniee home Friday evening after spending principal speaker , on the program. 5 ; ; From Boston, Mass., comes "word of Kulakofsky. SHAPIRO-ROBINSON. the past jnbiith in"Kansas City,.Mo., Other numbers on the program will A number of out-of-town guests interest to. Omahans of the engage^ with-.&er sister, .Mrs. KaiJ;.;:Studna, be a musical number.iy the Epstein Sisters. Poetry .recitation i>y J. Morhave already arrived to attend the meht of Miss Sadie Levey, daughter Miss Edith Newman; y£ - Cfiicago, and-Mr.-Stndna. ;. :..•..:" genstern, and a reading by Mrs. Sam; of Mr. ancl Mrs. Harris Levey, of •wecUfing of Miss Helen. Robinson, HI., is visiting her aunt- and uncle, r MaizeL - •. this city, to Dr. Harold Libby, son of •--...Mr. -and Mrs. Julius. NeVman enterdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. RobI: Mr. and Mrs.- Lewis Ne-wm__- -&frs. inson, to Mr. Mas Shapiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Selig Libby, of Bos-Newman i s J entertaining -''si an "t tained-.- twenty... guests '.at- a-/family Mr. and^Mrs. J. Shapiro, of Lincoln, ton, Mass. pheum Theatre: party; Satirrday- aft_ Miss Levey, who is an accomplished ernoon, honoring her •guest.; ' Nebr., Sunday evening, at the Black-, pianist, is now studying at the New thL «th stone Hotel. Those who have aTCHIEF OF POLICE Seventeen Years of Constant Personal Service to My Jewish Friends Mr. and Mrs. Harry^rWeinberg. an- The - out-of-town guests present were ! rived are Mr. Jess "Wolf; of Cleveland, England- Conservatory of Music at (J. T. A.) TheRouBudiarest. Ohio; the Misses Sadie and Bess-Lip-, Boston, Mass. Dr. Libby is a grad- nounce the birth of a baby, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Marx, and Mr. and ' Government has released from scliutz, of Sioux City, la.; Mrs. S.uate of- the Harvard University, and born Monday at the Omaha Maternity Mrs < Harry Snader, of Lincoln, and manian r i s o n fte is practicing at Providence, R. I. Mr. -and Mrs. Losis -IX' Snader, of P students who were charged Hospital. • . • • Pizer, of Sarge_t,~Nebr.;.'___ J. Nai-. .'"'.• ' . i with murdering the Jassy Chief of _____________ men. of Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Harris ^M-_ r s MMeyer e e r Coren a nand-Mr. d ] •. znA andM Mrs. Coren y < ' '"'"'/ "' I Police, following a hunger strike delast week to visit with their dauY r ~ 7 ^ O. Saxe, of Sioux City, la. )sts at a family ( U n t - L ^ 6 M r s ' Joe Spiegal entertained in ~'~Miss Stella Summerfield, of Duluth, clared by the arrested and the agitaThe bride's attendants -will be Miss and "were -hosts honor of Mr. Ben Sussman, of New a t Lillie Kooper, her cousin, as maid of if""*? the Beacon House m Bos- York City, who was visiting with his Minn., who was; visiting here; during tiori conducted by the anti-Semitic n M M aa ss ss M o n d a the...past several weeks with her students' organization. *° evemng honoring honoring honor; and the _Iisses Byrdie' Berg-11*™* - Monday y evemng, ]brothexy_Mr, "Jack Sussman^ and Mrs. brother-in-law . sister, Mr. and ' The anti-Semitic students celebrat1 er, .Ruth Kaplan, Sadie Lipschutz, of the engagement of their daughter. Sussman, at Council Bluffs, and re-Mrs. M. E. Chapman, left for her.ed the release of their colleagues as Sioux City, Ia-,_and Irene Adelson, Miss Levey js arriving home in two turned *" to" his home this week. home Friday. . a victory.' . of Lincoln, Nebr. Mr.,Ben Shapiro, weeks with her parents to make plans In order to conceal its weakness. Friday evening; January 16,-Rabbi brother of the groom, will be best- for her wedding, which will : be an Miss Yetta Wright will be hostess the government' has started a camN esteneion telephone will Frederick Cohn will have for his ser- to. the Kid Boots Club Sunday afterman, and Messrs. Robert H. Kooper, early spring event. paign against the Communists." SevBBve many trips up Rnd mon subject, "The Big Meeting in St. Harry Robinson, Milton Muskin, of noon at Phelps Hut. Mr.-and Mrs. S. Lewis announce E the Btairs, day and nlglit. eral Roumanian papers .have critiSioux City, la., and Ed. Solig, of ^ engagement of their t e i r ddaughte'f. u g ^ Louis." The following morning at the cised the Government severely for —Just call trar Manager and say Kansas City, formery.of Omaha, will Nettie, to Mr. Fred Greenberg, of Temple he will talk on "From Seventy this," declaring that the anti-Semitic that you Want an extension teleCM I ' B S - .-; be groomsmen. Master Samuel Da- t h i s d t y > N o date has been set for Souls." phone. You need not come to tho movement, which has even affected id fL i l will ill b t h e ringling vidson, of Lincoln, be the -^-edding. The Y. M. H. A. Juniors; installed the peasantry, is a greater menace to Miss Lucille Sommers, of New York bearer, and little Miss Ruth Falk will j ^ - - ^ jj-g; i^^jg -^ai D ea t home dty,_is-±he_guest- of her sister, Mrs. their newly elected offjeers on Tues-_'the peace of the country than the A few cents e cinyfceepetm ectenaion telepliOBt 3ft your be flower-girl. at 1919 Willis avenue, Sunday, Jan- Eli Brown. home. Can you afford to be day-evening -J_ftaary-. 13, at the Jew^ I "handful of Communists. _ r without' one1 Honoring Miss Robinson this week U aiy : 18, from three to six in the aftish Community Center. The clubj • ; — was a luncheon given Wednesday aft- ernoon, and.from eight to eleven in Mrs. D.Silverman was hostess to entered a basketball team in the 1 Lemberg. (J. T. A.) Pantschi**Put EJX extension bett»c&a you ernoon by Mrs. Tolnian Kaplan, a . the evening, in honor of their daugh- ten couples Sunday evening at herheavyweight division and one light-'schin,* the Ukrainian held on the theater party given Thursday after- j ter's'engagement, and the stairs** home in honor-of Mr. Louis'Kaplan, weight team rrr the Sunday School charge of being involved in tihe noon by Mrs. Sam Kaplan at the Or- 1 -:~-- - - - - - - - - - -_ --_ who left for New York, andilater will League. The newly elected members throwing of a bomb a t President of the program committee are Sam- "Wojciechowski in Lemberg, following i more tin'tm jone hundred Join the Gus Edwards Revue. Miss : Berdie and fifty guests. Following the cerEdwin M. Kahn _ Louis Kaplan,_s.Qn^.of_MlL_and Mrs. Berger were hostesses a t a dancing which was performed by Rabbi party at the JBanscom Park Pavilion, J: M. Charlop, a wedding supper -was J. Kaplan, left for New York City ' Wednesday evening to.train with Ben | honoring Miss Robinson and her fibride's Edwards until next fall "when he will j _ r W l i o m e o f •ance, and also for Miss^IdaTelpner ™ g ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ mem- become a member of "the-Gus E d ^ •£••• and her fiance, Mr. Art Robinson. H bers of the immediate family of the wards Revue. .Miss Sadie Lipschutz and her fiance, couple. The bride's only attendant "Mr. Milton Musldn,'. both of Sioux Mrs. Bernard Gross entertained at was her cousin, Miss Jeannette GilCity, la., were also honored guests at a dinner Sunday at her homi in honor j i. h .Jit'K ' , ' ^ - ~ _ _ insky, of Council Bluffs, and the this affair. • of ;Mr. Gross, who left Sunday evengroom's brother, Mr. Nathan Mozer, ing for a two months' visit in Los of Lincoln, was his bestman. GLA SSMAN-FORM AN. Angeles, Calif., with Mr. B. Simon, Mr. Mozer and his bride, are now The" marriage -of Miss '.Tillie Fordaughter of Mr. and-Mrs. I. honeymooning^ in Chicago, EL, They formerly of this city. mtm, make their home in "Omaha. Forman, to -Mr.. Harry GJassmanj. of Mrs. H. Silverman entertained at a "this city," is" taking p l a c e ; F r i d a ^ ' t - j theatre party a t the Orpheum, fol5 of ernoon,'January 1(3, iat''t_e'home of j Miss Bess""Stock is visiting in New lowed, by a tea at the Brandeis Tea H the bride's parents^•• Rabbi J. M. \ York City..^..She will be gone for a Rooms, Saturday afternoon, honoring Charlop will officiate before the pras- month, Miss Tillie Forman, who is to be ence of only-the immediate family. ,, _,.--., . , , , . married tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. J . Mr. Syd Fischer returned to his ,-,,»• • , , , ,-.•_. .. • FEREE-CQHEN home this week from the hospital, lastwas Wednesday afternoon at ••_,,. ' -, j . ,, , -x , guests Glassman hostess to. thirty-five at the" The marriage of Miss Rose Cnneu, where he was operated on for appen- her home, honoring Miss Forman. : daughter of Hr. ahcTTKrs. S. Cohen, dicitis. \ Prizes were won by the Mesdames J. 10 Mr. H?rry Ferer,;-so^-of Mr. _id Bernstein, J. Novey and S. Glick. Mrs. Louis Kuh, of Sioux Falls, Mrs. A. 1>. Ferer, of tins icity, -will be So. Dak., who has been visiting with Miss Nellie Ferer returned Tuesday r-olemni .ed Funda'y ;'-»>vv_ing, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. IJlock, from St. Louis, Mo., after spending 18th and Chicago Sts. ary 8, at the Swedish Auditorium. for the past ,six weeks, left for her a week with relatives. It's -seldom we f eta picture -as.ful! of heart apjpeal, KRASNE-nORN • : home. While here she attended the Four hundred, guests. attended.the 'forty-seventh wedding, anniversary of Miss Sara Rosenblatt, accompanied as wonderfully acted, as IntelllgeRtif directed—i wedding of ..Miss. Ann Horn, daughter - her parents, and the seventieth birth- by Tier sister, Mrs. Samuel Harmel, ouhds as beautiful &nd nia|egtic-a» the : *w of Mr. and Mrs. M. Horn, to Mr. Joe day of her father. Mr. and Mrs.are leaving the first of February for Krasne, son of Mr. arid Mrs. M.: Maurice - Block, of Moline,-111., also a month's visit in the east. From ICrasne, of Council Bluffs, la., a t the attended the anniversary. here they will go to Chicago, 111., to hear an address by where they will visit with Miss .Sylvia Blackstone Hotel Sunday evening,! _ , , i . , ; . - . - , - , .-• • » — a i r . William wmiam L. j-r. aoizinan, accomHolland and Miss Rose Chorney; for' ' of-1 ! Januarv 11, Rabbi J. M. Charlop . ^r., , , , . - - - . , . _, ' ^ r ,' T •_. . • pamed by his .son, Max, left £ merly of this city. From there" they ficiated. Mrs.- Lawrence Krasne, of ^ 2^ ew Y o r k Citwill go to New York City, where they Council Bluffs, sister of the groom,. .._______. will visit with their brother, Mr. Jake _was the bride's matron-of-honor, and] Mr. and Mis. Harry Z. Rosenfeld Rosenblatt, also a former resident of 4 of Xew York Citv Miss Bess Horn, the. bride's sister, ^re visiting in"Chicago, 111., this week this city. On their return trip home w a s her maid-of-honor. The Misses and next week^viattend the Coun; Baylia Frietlen. Ann Rabinovitz, Ruth d l of the Union of American Hebrew they will stop off at St. Louis, Mo., they will visit with relatives. ' Krasne,j arid TatsV'Rosenthal, were Congregations ^convention a t S twhere . the bridesmaids. 'Mr-. Fred Horn, Louis, Mo. -: Mr. and Mrs. H. Stern., are" enter' brother of the-bride, was the .groom's I :•-__•-^^-•_, „ - .~, taining thirty guests -at"their—home^ open i t 7:30 P . M. : bestman. and Messrs', Sam Horn, Roy } ^ K M K Chapman afi^.other, buythis Thursday evening^ in. celebration R5sen__L ClydTlrasneT' and Albert ^rsrTjfthe^oldstem-Cnapman CoWare ^ G-onirtbittions asked. of; their twenty-fifth -wedding-•annir ^ b i n o v i l t - ^ r e ^ w i r ^ S s m e n , and returning Jiome Saturday'from an exversary. '•—Ov ' Messrs. __i_ai;iiad Pred Le-r .t_i4e--b_ying_op in the east, • vey were usb^rs,-..; .The little ring-! MTSS" Estelle Lapiduslwin be ffi Mrs. J . Katleman returned home She^feeught for ihc ske_ loved—this^_daz; bearer .was .little Miss.-Phyllis Levin. | Omaha Sunday to attend the ^hapiro-dance hall queen. ; niece of the-bride, and little Miss Robinson wedding. She will return 'sHooi;.ih-e garments of ! Lorraine Krasne "was flower girl, and| to t_6'-University of Nebraska Monthe-::-j___ - palaces :-irom - little- Miss Edith -Krssne was train- " day. iief Bb^uloerp and -don-bearer.- - - - - The Hajabls Bridge club -ffias enterMr- Krasne and his bride are this ned the bridal veil jdtor by Miss Jennie Krestul at her • • week . spending their honeymoon in she Had ' ' Chicago, 111., and will be in Kansas , home Tuesday evening. Prizes were - ' City, Mo., 'ne_t ; week. Upon their *T°* by i h e Misses Bertha and Doro- 'I EUGENE < • : reaum "they will be at 4ipme at 242 , thy Abrams. •MAE BUSCH - • ' Park Avenue, Council Bluffs. ; Mr. Joe Spiegal returned from a •_r number of out-of-town guests-at- business trip to St*. "Louis, Mo. On "BEN ALEXANDER New Price — - ~ Old Price r ten'dcd™the "wedding, among them \vt_e his- letimt he • stopped at -©avenport, _..-...____,-.,- -f3840$2985 Mr. aiid_ Mrs. Mose Krasne, Mr. and Isr^ -whtii'H' • he" THnted" •with~ Mr.—and "-.-_- 5,-Sedan Vr..:.._..,.:.r=.. _„ 2985 * " 3 / o5 ' " ~ " 4 Coupe•'•_______.____ Mrs. Mick Krasne, and the Misses M r S i C h a - i e s Spiegal and-Mr. and -.-• ...-. 3 8 1 5 — . 2Coupe « _„_____ Jean and Sally Krupp, all of .Fre-1 mSt J o _ ; ; HoUand, aff-^merly of - r. -— - " 3920 5 Coupe : _.:_ mont, Nebr., Mr. Sam Horn, Cincin-, Omaha ^ • •.-.-'- - • 3890 natf; a , Miss Hai-riett Tleishmari, of ' - ~* :—:—C_ , ? r .. 5 Limousine ________
Printieg aed Office Supplies
£ _
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u i u t u
—' • • I j
An Extension Telephone Saves Many Steps
You are invited toattend the
efc'stdrigriheii fight
Thursday Evening? January 22, 1925
I America's Seorganked Zionist Leader 1
"AT I n l r
_.*"•_.-• r^*»l-l
rt ft A
+ T » _l
TV T1 _• C 1_ •_
North Platte, J\Tebr.,_JMrs. J . Levitt, Mi.ss Katg^ Goldstein, accompanied of Des Moines, la.,' Mr. and Mrs. I. by her XQpm"jnate, Miss Dorothy PickKfasnft, Oakland, Nebr., Dr. and Mrs.' us, will be hbfne from the University H.- M. Levin, Mrs. M. Skalovsky and ( of Nebraska to spend the week-end daughter* Edith, and Mr. and Mrs. here. ML- Barrish, all of Sioux City^ la., Miss Louise Cohn, of .Nashville, Mi% Ii"red JJ-orn and Mrs. Hyman Tenn., is the guest-of-her brother, and Krasne, of Kansas City, 1
M c B s m i e Blown, of New YorkCity. j \v
s a t her home Tuesday evening ^ honor of At the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol thd Synagogue Sunday evening, January d a u h t j e a n e t t e 11, tne wedding of- Miss Gertrude, Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. \ iliss Dorothji. Block, of Los AnCooper, to Mr. Abe Mozer, of "this &lEsi £ali|I',. ig visiting with Miss city, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L..Mozer, Florence BroT,\-n, while enronte of Lincoba, was solemnized before tbjeVjTark
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Richardson Motor Car Company . Telephone: AT lantic 3250-3251
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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY. 15, 1925 the hands of one of its original found- instruction to the Hedjas army. The First National producer was ROBERT STRICKER rum. I could not overlook, it, espeEx-King Hussein arrived in Maan. ers, Mr. David Shapiro.. This will not cially after' I notice that"one of the insistent on having these particular RESIGNS FROM ZIONIST The Sheik of the Senussi arrived in speakers this season is Dr. Julian players, not only because of their ACTIONS COMMITTEE in any way affect the traditional edMbr^eristern, president of "the Hebrew Mecca. itorial policy of "The Day." Mr. IrUnion College. That announcement popularity with theatregoers, but be- Vienna. (J. Tl A.) Robert Strieker, Geveland's, Jewish; Center Blends Bellamy's Dream of is • more interesting, to ine at • any cause each one was ideally suited to member of the Austrian House of ving Altaian is the new business manPeople's Palace/With Jewish Conception of Beth Am. Irate, than that someone is to speak the role in which he was to appear. Parliament and Zionist leader, ten- ager. EXCEBPTS tfHOAl >A PAPER BY LOTJ1S P0PK1N. -about the "Indian' Contribution to The story is laid in a pioneer mining dered his resignation from -the ZionCivilization" and someone-; else on "The Pagan Virtues," while others town of the West some twenty years ist Actions Committee, in a commu- GERMANS ENTER ARABIAN Saturday nights two groups meet in know that every activity of the Cen-are to discuss various social prob- ago; A girl and a little boy help a nication addressed to the Zionist ExSTRUGGLE FOR POWER ter, every form of recreation, every lems. Is this an augury of that bet- man overcome inherent weakness in ecutive in London. the Jewish Center of Cleveland. Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The strug350 Rooms—350 Baths One, composed of "Phi Beta Kappa" form of cultural diversion, all of its ter day in American Jewry when the Rates $2.50 to $4.50 men and women, proud wearers of the hospitality to clubs and classes has petty/lines dividing us will be oblit- his character and work out his des- Mr. Strieker gave as the reason for gle for power in Arabia between the "Key"—-coveted symbol - of student for its motive the drawing of more erated and Orthodox and Reform Jew tiny. his resignation ill health. It is Hashimite family and Ibn Saud, leadand more people into the synagogue, comfortable in either environment ? aristocracy. , The direction was by Victor known, however, that Strieker is in er of the Wahabis, assumed a new The other group, aged, - bearded, which is its crown. Schertzinger, one of the most success- opposition to the plans of Dr. Weiz- aspect when Germany entered the You begin to sense the presence in bent-backed .men. They wear no Harry Kononovitch mann concerning the extension of the fight. ful directors in pictures. "Key," no visible symbol, but they, Cleveland of something that has made Jewish Agency and the participation too, are members of student aristoc- a very real impression on the life of According to reports from Jeddah, racy—holders of the patent right to the whole community when, turning of non-Zionists in it. six German officers have arrived in CARDINAL BARLASSINA, StndSo—207 Croiinse Blk. nobility which belongs to 'every Jew the pages of a local newspaper, you Jeddah, the last stronghold of King Harney 8476' find realtors admonishing readers to who loves and studies-the-law. ANTI-ZIONIST, WILL NOT Bowing for Advanced Pupil». Ali, for the purpose of giving military J. T. A. DIRECTOR The while the one group is ration- "buy in the Center neighborhood." Eugene O'Brien, Mae Busch, Mildred RETURN TO PALESTINE alizing over Bergson or Dewey, the And you sense that, too, when you RECEIVED BY SAMUEL Harris and Others Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Cardinal Barother is "puluitizing" over a "din" in turn into One Hundred and Fifth Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Mr. Meer ; "Frivolous Sal." lassina, the Palestine representative "Kethuboth." And while both 'groups street and you read on the shop winGate City Furniture Co. pursue their intellectual delights so dows, "Center Haberdashery," "Cenof the Vatican, who went to Rome to Grossman, director of the Jewish Teland egraphic Agency in London, who is ardently, they are vaguely conscious ter Hatter," "Center Beauty Parlor," Some of the screen's most popular report to the Pope on the situation in of the proximity of another group— ^'Center Meat Market." That mag- players are in the cast of J. K. Mc-Palestine and who instituted the now visiting Palestine, was received Globe Van & Storage Co. or mob—representing a third aristoc- nificent trio of buildings at Grant- Donald's First National picture, Druggists and Stationers owned und operated by blasphemy trial against the Hebrew by Sir Herbert Samuel. The audience racy, the aristocracy- of - American wood avenue are something more than lasted forty minutes. The proper fa: i(H-4U3-4<W soatb Itrtb Strmi GROSSMAN & SONS youth, so" they can begin rooting for bricks, steel and •masonry. You get"Frivolous Sal.." which comes to the paper, "Doar Ha'yom," and conducted 580-62 No. Ifijh (*t their favored basketball team in the the feeling that it is a group of life, Strand Theatre on Saturday. anti-Zionist propaganda in connection cilities for a regulated press service At. 0330 rfa. 488* from and to Palestine was the sub-_ game that will be later playecLin the of Jewish life, with a forceful, wholeEugene O'Brien, who has been with the trial, will not return to his nearby "gym," another of the three some personality. You get the feel- Norma Talmadge's leading man forpoet, according to the Arab paper, ject of the conversation. Splending buildings that constitute the i ing that it is magnetic, drawing the people closer to themselves, to their the past year, was borrowed for the"Meraat El SLerk." The assistant center. . _of principal male role. Mae Busch was bishop to the Patriarch, Reverend DAVID SHAPIRO SOLE Here you have one picture of that faith, to their God. if. S. KOKEY Prop OWNER OF "THE DAY;" NO Let us get a little closer to this borrowed from the Mefro-GolcTwyn Kean, will-be his successor. amazing kaliedoscope of human social remarkable enterprise in pragmatic Phoue Webster 0820 and cultured activity, fitting each one CHANGE IN POLICY company. She had to work Saturday . "If: this report is true, it signifies in its appointed place, into the mo-Judaism. What are the things it night and all day one Sunday so shethat the" THE LAUNDKX THAT Vatican is about to change New York. (J. T. A.) Beginning saic of applied pragmatic Jewishness does ? What is going on day by day EVERYBODY LITfES. which entitles Cleveland's -Jewish an that great plant, and which, when could join the McDonald company that its policy toward the Palestine Ad- January 2, 1925, the ownership and Center to be spoken of as a genuine the fourth building is completed, to evening when they started on their miristration No doubt the meeting control of "The Day," the national "Beth Am"—Jewish. People's House. contain a school and theater, will rep- four weeks' location trip to Mount of Mr. Chamberlain, the British For- Jewwish daily, went over entirely into resent a total investment of $1,212,h Reconciliation of Generations. Rainier, in Washington, and the Idaho eign. Secretary, with the Pope and 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 000. Cardinal Gasparri has some connecP I t is the reconciliation-of the gen- The Center has the largest—some mines.1 ... .-.."Omaha. Nebr. Ol!H rKUA'I'BUSM WI1JL erations that to my mind, is the great Ben .Alexander is under contract to tion with this important change," the the only—Kosher restaurant in CONVINCF V<ll <>•• OUR achievement - of Cleveland's Jewish say paper declr — Cleveland. It has one of the largest NINCKRIT* Center. For Rabbi Goldman^s • com- ,dance halls in the city, equal in mag-.First National, so he was immediately Trust, OpiiHrt Every Known Kind available, but Mildred .Harris had to munity the chief tragedy- of' Amer- nificence to the ball rooms of New Safety Oepostt The Jewish Press is the family Office Phone JActsoo 3125 ican Jewish, life has been averted. York^s best hotels. Every Jewish decline several other, offer, for her'part of Insurance .Three generations of Jews meet under function of any consequence is held in "Frivolous SaV'v-Mitchell Lewis paper. It should be in YOUR home. JOHN FRLDMAN its roof, and each is drawn closer to in 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. the Center—mass meetings, rushed back to Hollywood from Send in your subscription. Clothier the other by the common" bond of whether for. local purposes,, war reJewishness. ' . lief, for the Keren Hayesod—-balls, Arizona, where he was working in Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos and It is, of course, not the bricks and weddings, banquets. Its library is a "The Mine With the Iron Poor." and Moved Croin HI9 No lUth St. to I.MNHKV mortar of the center that-hold, them, splendid collection, containing : over barely'; made the • train with the Mc- WASH AND KEEP WELL it)3 Ivarbarti Worts, 1.1th & ftnoglnti Ms Where your clothes come Dome OMAHA NKBH. Carpenter Paper Co the three generations of Cleveland's 2,000 volumes of Hebraica andjuda- Donald company. Tom Santschi also •"tenner ind last loneer A RULE OF HEALTH Jews, so close to their Jewishness. - It ica. Its Yiddish collection is excelDistributor* ot <*t 1 had to hurry through another engageis the spirit that pervades the place lent,- and for the benefit of those inB A JAIXJBF.XRGZR Western Bond—and High FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY —the atmosphere of virile Judaism. "spired youths who would know He- ment to enact the role for which he EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS Grade Stationery The Jewishness of the center is no brew, there is a complete; collection had been cast in the McDonald pic1819 California Street. Umaba Nebranka INCOME REPORTS compromise with expediency. It is of story books in the old-new tongue. ture. Omaha Offlre: 813 iN»nel»» Street steadfast in its adherence to the anOmahfl Phone ^tlntiHc- ?55C Educational Work. cient tradition, virile and positive. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. But it recognizes 'Jhe disappearance Five hundred and fifty pupils atK A l'oi;l> 402 Karbarh Block Phone AT. 1802 of „ the Ghetto walls,, Iphysical —, and tend its Hebrew classes four times a I'reslderu unrt General Mnnncer spiritual. It recognizes the American' week; The Hebrew course covers a Council Mluff* (Iniva) Oilier environment, the emergence of the period of eight years, and carries its inn Sn Wntn street Pharf WA Jew into this environment, the need • students right through Jewish hisof the Jew to adjust himself to this tory, Bible and Talmud. This does Certified Public Accountants newer, freer environment which un- not include the special classes in Heless adapted to his religion may be-Brew for boys and girls between the Audits Systems come hostile to it. And the need, too, ages of 10 and 15. In addition, there Investigations of his religion to adapt itself without is a religious school meeting every 434 to *4G t'rt*>r* I'raM HIc violence, to this new environment, Sunday with an average attendance Phonen. .InrUiMir 43IX. lull. Service is Our Motto lest it become hostile: to it. of 900. On top of this, there is a This is the very soul «f the center, high school department with a threeSnfp Meiio'5l! Hnxps foi K»F and this the unifying cord " which year course in religion. DR. FRED B. BROWN united the generations for the honor It has baen estimated that a youngDR. CELIA R. BROWN of the faith. It is a great tribute to ster entering the educational depart;«..;i:-i».--ii:*v.'-" ':p1ef* VT* !S!»** !"a' "-''.----- • • Rabbi Solomon Goldman, and- to the ment of the Center at the'age of 6 CHIROPRACTORS • Jewish Theological Seminary, of would be ready to vote by the time he 400-40? Paxtnn RlcvrU which he is a graduate, that the graduates. Meanwhile, he''will •have Hours. 10 A. M. to B P. M. bearded, back-bent sages come to him become bar mitzvah, and joined the f hone. Atlantic S709. Residence: Morris Apts.. Phone At. 3210 with their "shaaloth"—their religious stalwart guard of 200 bar mitzvah problems, and the "intellectuals" lads who are pledged to attend servcome to him with their philosophic ices every Sabbath and carry out the perplexities. Ninety- per cent of pledge loyally. And later he may beGoldstrom Upholstering Co. Cleveland's Orthodox Jewry look to come an usher—an honor coveted by the center as the bulwark-of their hundreds of Jewish young fellows— Upholstering and Furniture Repairfaith, the foyer to a higher spiritual,•ing from etaoin shrdlu cm fvb xz ing Mattresses Renovated. When Thinking of Mens' Hats a stronger Jewish life. That is an •and have been drawn into many other Box Springs. achievement for which it is impos-- of the Center's activities. His life or Furnishings sible.to give too much1 credit for that will be tinctured with Jewishness REMEMBER VT-lantle 8619 11)13 North 16th St. rare young leader in Israel, who isthroughout—and when he has atits directing genius, whose fine spir- tained manhood his Jewishness will WOLF BROS. ituality has made him sV beloved, and be ingrained, will be an essential part I'iSl DOUGLAS ST. Call us for good whose burning eloquence "is the mag-of his life. But they enter even beTOE I,. VVOI.F SAM N The Jewish Press aids the Jews to net which draws the people to himfore the age of 5. There is even a thronging the synagogue whenever he cradle class in which infants are regkeep in touch with what their delivers his ringing messages of Jew- istered. THE BKINN & JENSEN CO, ish hope and Jewish loyalty. • I don't want to talk about the Cenfellow Jews are doing in city, MICKLIN LUMBER CO. VVhol<iAHle paper *ters gymnasium with its swimming Growth of Centers. state and nation, besides inform24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 distributors for pool, showers, Turkish baths, handThere are other Jewish centers in ball courts and other features, nor ing them on the problems of the Northern Toilet Tissue this country. The last ten years' have about its billiard room, nor its rest seen an extraordinary development of rooms and lounging rooms. These PAXTON HOTEL HIST Hnrney Street Jews in Europe and the World this idea. Almost every Jewish com- things have the usual paraphernalia TURKISH BATHS AT-lantic 6409 munity in the United States has a of Jewish Centers everywhere. Nor over. uow o{>ermed by building responding to that name. about the paintings and etchings of PAXTON HOTEL Most of the Jewish centers, and Jewish objects. Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. especially those affiliated with the PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. AH Modern Equipment. Popular University. Jewish Welfare Board, are • doing !7th nnrt Marthe M». splendid work. The program of the More interesting, it seems to me, aiannfaetnrer. of !$„,„,, Brttme. \lumlnnm ami Soft tiray Iron Caatlfln Chicago Hebrew Institute indicates is the popular university that has In our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our »oo «re asenred of «ott .astlnns, M» genuine understanding of community been inaugurated in this remarkable way yon get them in any package *e mwhine »orae from ewrv &n»t IK needs. But, though this may be rec- Beth-Am—a university specializing in Mit n«n «hoi). readers to help bring this paper into Every ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS tified later, as more and more men subjects of Jewish interest. The sigStandard alse cost trnn and brnnne • iishlturK In «tnofc. like Rabbi Solomon Goldman, gradu- nificant thing is that the Jewish arc B-o-o-A eating- for everybody. Ask your grocer Tor H E X CKACKEKg ates of the Jewish Theological Sem- courses are more popular. Jewish Home. We* ask for no financial as-by name always. Get the genuine and inary, discover they can do better It's the Jewish note that predombe satisfied all ways! mt work in such institutions than is.pos- inates. And it is because of this that sistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew sible in the pulpits of what Dr. Cyrus the Center, has become Cleveland'!, Adter recently dubbed "feminized" •most important Jewish enterprise. 09 to co-operate in furthering interests that are synagogues, there is still something •How is it supported? By its 1,400 UNCLE SAM KKEAKPAS'l' lacking in them, That is the reli- members—the largest membership of FOOD CO. gious motive, any Jewish Center in the country— his own. OMAHA NKHKAMKA I referred a while ago to the Chi-and its budget of $100,000 is met out cago Hebrew Institute. During the .of the membership dues. I am glad past decade it has so -grown in its .to set this down because by this time work, in its inclusion of community .some who are reading this may be problems and has acquired such an expecting an appeal for public sup= f important position in the Jewish life port. They need not fear anything of the city, as to approximate the of this sort. The finances of the in*Teople'3 Palace" of Edward Bella- stitution are Eabbi Goldman's conBUTTKK and KUiiS my's dream. Yet it ia not a Jewish corn—and of the board of trustees. Council Bluffs, la. - Beth-Am, because it lacks the reli- This is being written solely that gious motive, notwithstanding that it other communities—communities of distinctly encourages the Jewish note Orthodox Jews who are concerned JAckson 1862 in every phase of its activity. . But;'it about the Jewish future ,of their chilT H E J E W I S H PRESS, is not the religious Jewish note. dren who have become alarmed by C81 Brandeis Theatre Bldg.—AT lantic 1450. the estrangement of their children I? " The Religious Note. )r Ban? H. Lapldtsa. twm.-tnm. from the household of Israel—may Jefc Pepper. V!«-Pretia«tt. '. There is/ of course, a great danger, learn how this tragedy may be avertW. G. Un. Secretary. Clip Out, in an attempt to emphasize the re-ed. And it is being written, too, in "Manufactured in Omaha" I THE JEWISH PRESS, : ligious note in institutions like com- order to give courage to those heads Omaha Fixture & 681 Brarcdeis Theatre Bldg., Attach ' znunity centers. People hate to be of other Jewish Centers who yearn BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. preached at—especially young peo- to give their institutions the ultimate Omaha, Nebr. Supply Co. Your Check ple; They hate to be told that they Jewish coloring, yet hesitate. Here COMPLETE STORE AKP Gentlemen: Attached hereto la check for $2.50, for jnusfr be good. They shun places that is an institution that has had the which send THE JEWISH PRESS every week for one OFFICE OUTFITTERS are heavy with the odor of sanctity; courage to be frankly Jewish and And Mail I year to - They- may come for a while, but in therefore is growing from strength to 'American' 19,000 Q the- end they drop out, full of a re- strength, is beloved by the youth of MC This Coupon | Name th Wet Wash; Laundry sentment that may adienate them en- the community, and beloved by the Corn* Iy from, religion. This is one of elders, because under its roof they Eleventh *n«» rtsncla* Mtrceta. 2808 Curning. Hamey 0981 ^ Now I Street Address. difficulties of the Y. M. C. A.,-ahave found a common meeting ground One, Day Service. Ho Extra OMAHA, "tram. ' ,'--purely "'evangelical institution. Thou- where shoulder to shoulder they strive * As You Charges. Refinite Soft Water. " - sands' of yotfng Christians, decent for the. good of Israel. Under its City State.. - c " men. eood citizens, won't have any- roof-th- z^i lent Jewish ideal has hap. state— j Think Of It I uuy thing to do with their "Y's" because pily blended itself with American asS T O g ^ e ; s b ^ d S d o n : The The Jew^ ADVO COFFEE
Where the Jewish Note Predominates
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horrent > them. That Rabb Gold-j b e i n g adjUsted to his environment, jnan has strcatfded B J ^ ^ M r » ! ' a i i d his environment is hein£ adjusted drawing ttoryoung people of Clevg-- to-thee Jew. *' S t t f its Jewish Center and hording]-1 r^.tm «„„, Vindicative , of. a remarkable- ^ 1 Center Forum. d£S whsa-y<Krrealizethafr\' 1 must not overlook the chief.Sun?^lettin^everybody'day activity of the Cehtar-jts F -
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