January 22, 1925

Page 1

. I profess not talking^-only - this, let each man Jdo his. best. —Shakespeare.

VOL. IV—No. 7

Eoterea OS postoffice at

For all men have, if they dare try, a g l o r i o u s life, or gTarc.—-Herbert.

;lass mail matter on January 27th, 1021, at Nebraska, under tie Act of March 3. 1879.

fleeing Will Be Held Sunday 15, Fontenelle Hotel Meeting Postponed From January 28th Because of Illness of Rabbi Goldman. OFFICERS OF ORGANIZATION W I L i ; BE ELECTED AT A M U A L MEETING. ... Because of the illness of Rabbi Solomon Goldman of Cleveland, Ohio, # who was tp have been the principal speaker at the .annual Jewish WeKare Federation meeting, Wednesday evening, January 28, the meeting will be postponed until Sunday evening, February 15. The meeting will be held at the Fontenelle hotel. All Omaha Jewry should attend this annual' meeting where the reports of the activities of the Jewish Welfare Federation will be made. Besides-a prominent sneaker, a very interestmg program will be arranged for this occasion. • .


TEL AVIV ELECTS COMMUNAL COUNCIL Jerusalem. <J. T. A.) -Results of the elections to the .Communal.Council of Tel Aviv, the one hundred/per cent Jewish City of Palestine; /were made known Tecently. The Council consists of 12 members representing the -workers, 10 of the Orthodox, Jewish population, five general Zionists, six , Sephardim and six -of various other groups. •-.-.; : -

A. Z. A. Anniversary Dance Sunday at Fontenelle Hotel Randall's

Koyal Orchestra Play.


AN OPEN LETTER , Falls City, Nebr., January 19, 1925. • Mr. Nathan EL Green, Editor, "Jewish Press, Omaha, Nebr. ; Dear Nathan: Enclosed find two checks for $2.50 each, to pay for my subscription at Omaha, addressed to 1556 No. 19th Street, and for my present address, Falls City, Nebiv I did not order the Press that started coining here a couple of weeks ago but I am glad someone else had the presence of mind to put me on the mailing list, for I would not want to be without i t It is like "a letter from home. With kind regards, Your friend, AARON DAVIDSON.

SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR. $2.50 RECORD OF JEWISH BRAVERY AT GERMAN FRONT PUBLISHED Berlin. IS. T. A.) One hundred and twenty-five of the ten thousand German pilots during the War were Jewish, according to an illustrated leaflet entitled "Jewish Fliers in the World War," by Felix A. Eheilhaber. More Than 120 People to published by the Association of GerPart in Show. man Jewish Front Soldiers. The statistics giver, are incomplete. T I C K E T S CAN BE PUR-

Tickets. !©F


Plan for Eiskess Religion Rabbi Abrant Simon Delivers Messape.


The third annual Y show will beheld Sunday evening, February 8, at the Brandeis theater. The show tbifi year will be the best ever staged to the- city. More than one hundred and twenty people will take part in this year's show. The Extravapanza with beautiful settings, dsncei-s and songs will be one of the features of the evening'. The jazz orchestra of fifteen will play the latent sonjr and bits. The advance ticket sale for thf show are rapidly being fioid. From the various ticket selling1 booths in the city, the. report is coming for the demand for more tickets. "The show wil! prove to the 01 the community what . talent they have in their children," said William R. Blumentlml. The boys and girls have their parts; to perfection. The show this year is the talk of the town, and from reports of committees who have charge of the advance ticket sale, a record breaking crowd is expected to see the third annual performance of the local boyp and girls. The ticket selling has beep -divided among- four teams, headed by Captain Isaac Sternhill. Agnes Ross, Iv:i Eiegal and Stanley Levin, The advance ticket must be exchanged at the box office four days prior to the show. The advance tickets can br purchased in any section of the theater, but" "vrill-.hsve to be"<e»dbikt*jS*<iih for set and .TOW numbers: at the theater at. a later date. Tickets for the Y show can also be secured at thr following ticket selling- booths: Jewish Community Center. Wolf Bros.. 1421 Douglas. I. Levey, Drug Store. 24th and De~ catur. Ed. Patton's Music Shop, 16th and FarrsaTn. Sommer's Food Shop, 16th and Farnam," Rial to Music Shop, 4907 So 24th. J. Lieb, 810 No, 16th. Sach's Cigar Store, 14th anil Farnam. Malashoclv Jewelry, 214 City Nat. Bank Bldg-.

St. Louis, Jan. 20.—A plan for a business man's religion was voiced by Rabbi Abram Simon, of Washington, D. C, President of the Central •Conference of American Habbis, in a Boys Are Charter sermon before fifteen hundred deleTo Enter Inter-City Debating Fifty-Three Word was-received here Wednesday leld in Chicago. "Vibe Omaha Jewish Members. League. gates from all parts of the country, morning of the Illness of Habbi Gold- Welfare Federation is praised for its attending the religious rally -which man and that he -would not be able to good work, .throughout the entire The Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph last night opened proceedings of the ..More than two hundred members attend the ineetingif held on January country," s'aid Mr. BlumenthaL of tiie Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. attend- will install Chapter No. 10 at St. Twenty-sixth Biennial Convention of 28. Plans -were immediately made lor At the board meeting, final plans ed the joint meeting of the two Paul, Minn., this evening. The chap- the Union of American Hebrew Conthe postponement of the meeting tm- were made for'the. completion of the groups Monday evening at the Jew- ter will be installed by Saa Beber, gregations. Among the delegates who til Sunday, Febi_ary 15. collection of.. outstanding pledges of ish Community Center. A program grand adviser -of the order. St. Paul are lay and rabbinical leaders in their chapter has a membership of fifty- communities were a large number of : A meeting of the board of directors the Federation. Joe L. Wolf, chairwas held at this meeting. of the Federation -was- held Wednes- man of the finance eommittes disMembers of the Boosters club spoke three boys. The advisers of the new distinguifhed and successful business day evening. The chairmen of the tributed names-to- the board memon the Y show which wili be held chapter • re: I. G. Goldberg, S. J. men, and it was to them that Rabbi1 various committees rep orted "their ac- bers. "We hope.to have these names Simon delivered his message, taking February 8 at the Brandois theater. Goldberg and DT. Leon J. Tiber. tivities. William'U. Blumenthal, su- collected Isefore our annual yearbook for Ms text, "The Eeligrion of a BusThe tryouts I r the Y debating team A complete program has been arperintendent of the Federation, gave will go to press," said Joe L. Wolf. will be Leld Monday evening at the ranged for this meeting, at which iness Man." "a - report of the recent conference of •There are a few members who have The religious service teas held at Jewish Community Cerlei. Fred many of the B'nai B'rith members of mioVwestern communities which, -was not yet paid their pledges. These Temple Moolah. Every available seat Whit** is chairman of the committee St. Paul Lodge will be present. pledges should be paid before the anin the auditorium was filled. In adin .charge. The Y team will be of Mr. Beber will also visit Minneaponual meeting."! the teams that w31 be entered in an lis Chapter No. 8. A. Z. A., cm Fri- dition to the delegates representing "The annual meeting this year will Reform Congregations, there were in inter-city debating league which is day. be-one of the best ever held by; the attendance delegates of the National now being formed by several of the "During the past week we have reFederation," said • Dr. Philip Sher. neighboring communities. It is hoped ceived many requests for information Federation of Temple Sisterhoods and "We are arranging a program that that the debating league will be or- relative to the organizing1 of A. Z. A. the National Federation of Temple Members to Be Listed in Annual will be of interest to every member ganized bv March X. All those wish- chapters," said Sam- Beber. "These Brotherhoods, two constituent bodies Book. in the community.'* ing to try out for the team should be requests come from all parts of the of the Union, holding their biennial GARY, IND., CHAPTER Keports of the various committees this meeting Monday evening. country. We hope to have a chapter sessions simultaneously with that of "Two hundred new members1' is ELECTS OFFICERS at the organisation. The three organizaof the Welfare Federation for the Among those who have expressed a the slogan adopted by members of Gary, Ind.—A. Z. A; Chapter No. 9 desire of forming ,s debating league in every community in the near fu- tions have a combined membership of past year will be made at this meetture." the Jewish- Welfare "Federation for one _ hundred thousand Jewish men ing. Following the reading of the re- of this city, which, was recently organKansas City,. St. Louis, J>es the campaign now being carried on. ports,. ..the election, of officers_ will ized, held its first election of officers. are; and women. SJoxaes- -end Sioux. :,<5tyi r take place. These officers will serve The jfollpwing .JG&en TSBIB elected:, Dr. Simon'is' one of the-leading by the workers a t which plans were for the ensuing .term. Adolph Goldstone, a former. Omaha ffigMand Omkf Cfni C@ Rabbis of America. He is spiritual made for the campaign. boy, president; Alvin -Goldman, vice Central aid Sosth High leader of the •Washington Hebrew Elect Officers Sunday "We will have these members on president; Samuel Sydney -Paul, secCongregation in the Capitol City, and f e Federation' list before the annual retary; Harry Ereyitz, - treasurer; to Hold Joint Exercises The Highland Country club will is an active worker in civic and re^'meeting which TOII beiheld February George Richter, sergeant-at-arms; hold its annual election of board memligious undertakings therFor a Central and South High schools )l5," said Nathan Bernstein, chairman Joe Fleischman, Jr. sergeant-at-arms; bers Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the period of years he served as president will hold joint graduation exercises of the membership campaign. - ' Sam Herman, reporter; Morris PoliJewish Community Center rooms. of the Board of Education of that Every person in Omaha-shonld be Proceeds to Go to Building of kow, chaplain. ''' : ' • ~ this Friday evening, January 23, at Four directors are to be elected to city. He is also a member of import the Central High school auditorium. a member of the Jewish Welfare FedStrncture. fUl the terms held by Messrs. Sam J. Eleven Jewish students will grad- Leon, Henry Rosentkal, Fred Rosen- ant communities in national Jewish eration. The Federation is the clearorganizations. He is head of the CenLocal Deborah Society uate from Central that evening, and stock and Isidor Ziegler. ing house of all activities in the comThe South .Side- Congregation of tral Conference of American Rabbis, will graduate from South High. munity.: The Federation yearbook Israel will hold a grand ball at the Elects Annual Officers five The new board of directors will an organization composed of all ReThose ia? receive their diplomas will soon be published, and every per- city auditorium Sunday evening, Febelect the officers for the ensxdng year. form Rabbis of this country. Mrs. M. Tatle was re-elected preswill be the Misses Rose Rosenstein, son .should be recorded in this book ruary 1. Edwin 'Kahn and his Field The club plans many improvements Dr. Simon directed his remarks to as a member of the Federation. Club orchestra have been secured to ident of the Deborah Society at the Fanny Fish, Sadie Stein, Bess Kir- during the'coining year. One of the the commercial leaders of America. annual election held Tuesday after- schenbaum, Florence Levey, Rnth play for this affair. main improvements will be the enThe sermon was couched in business noon, January 13, at the Jewish ComMargolin, Isadore Schreibman. 'The proceeds : of this ball will go larging of the club house and pro- phraseology. "You cannot drive a munity Center. Other officers elected Junior Hadassah To Hold Graduating from South will be Rose towards the fund now being obtained were Mrs. S. Robinson, vice president; and Izadore Bernstein, Michael Mar- viding .- dancing pavilion. Nine bargain with God. The business man to enlarge the South Side Synagogue. Open Meeting February 4 The present building has become in- Mrs. A. Romm, secretary; ' Mrs. kovitz, Ray Rubin, und Bess New- holes of the golf course will be com- cannot afford to shove the Bible unpleted by early spring. der the counter." These were among Charles Levinson, recording secretary, man. An open meeting and installation adequate to the needs of the congrethe striking utterances made in his : and Mrs. S. Ravitz, treasurer. Sp£&Mlii Ollfe tfi of officers of the Junior Hadassah gation. appeal to business men to take seriSYNAGOGUE DESECRATORS The president appointed the followAccording to members of the comwill be held Wednesday evening, Febously to religion. "Prayer," he emSENTENCED TO PRISON Castor Malek to Give ruary 4, at the Jewish Community mittee in charge, this ball will be a ing on the membership committee of phasized, "should be the business Berlin, (J. T. A.)—Verdict in the the club: Mrs.B. A. Simon, chairConcert Saturday M§nui| man's antidote to the hectic existence \ The Hebrew Speaking club will hold Center. A program is being pre- grand affair. The cause deserves the trial of five anti-Semites who an open meeting Monday, January 28. pared. The newly elected president, entire support of all, as the needs for man, and the Mesdames A. Wolf, Har- desecrated the synagogue in Hersfeld, The Congregation of B'nai Israel that is now consuming him. i at 8 o'clock, at the Talmud Tors'.! Miss Betty Fine, appointed her com- the remodeling of the South Side ry A. Wolf, P. £her, Harris Levey, S. was rendered today by the court in will present, Eev. Cantor Joseph MaFrohm, L. Kneeter, M. Lerner, A. i building. Several of the works of mittees to serve this year. They are Synagogue is very urgent. lek. in' a special concert Saturday ICA MAT BUY LAND Farber and J. FinkeL •» ..-.-. Cassel. Sholam Alechim will be read and disas follows: .Engineer. Goetze was sentenced to morning, January 24, at nine o'clock, cussed by the members. IN URUGUAY FOR Intellectual Advancement: Martye BRAZIL SEEKS TO ENCOURAGE ten months imprisonment, his ac- at the Synagogue. Babbi. Malek will JEWISH COLONIZATION Registrations are now open for the Weinstein, chairman; Bessie Green- Omaha Girl on Staff IMMIGRATION FROM POLAND plices, Goetting to nine months, Rein- be accompanied by..his choir. Montevideo, Uruguay, (J. T. A.)— Hebrew Study Classes, which will berg, Lucille Harcus, Rose Lazarus ofNebraska Uni Paper Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—-Representa- moeller and Thilow to five months The public is invited to attend. The Jewish Colonization Association meet every Saturday and Sunday Cecilia Braude, Beulah Mittleman i There will be no charge for admission. tives of the Brazilian government and each. (lea), the oldest Jewish organization evening at the Talmud Toi'ah under Beatrice Cohn. Miss Kate Goldstein, Omaha girl, the large Brazilian sugar plantations; engaging in colonization work, will the direction of the teachers of Ih* Courtesy: Belle Rosenthal, chair- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Gold- spent some time here, in an endeavor probably buy large tracts of land in Talmud Torah. Tor registrations cftU man; Bess Snitzer, Tina Altschuler, stein, who is attending Nebraska "Uni- to direct Polish emigrants, barred DELEGATES AT CONVENTION Uruguay for settling Jews there, ac- Mr. E. Bloch at Jackson 3007. Margaret Biekes. versity, is on the Daily Nebraskan from the United States, to Brazil. The cording to a statement of Engineer Entertainment: Toby Steinberg, staff. She is in charge of a "Fashion immigrants were even offend free Starkmuth, director of the Ica in chairman; Jennie Krestul, Ann Green- Hints" column of the paper. passage. Argentine, who has spent some time THORPEIAN CLUB berg, Julia Wise, Dora-Greenberg. - She -was also".recently elected treasThe-mission- of the Brazilian reprehere. PLANS ACTIVITIES Membership: Rose Fine, chairman; urer of an advertising organization, sentatives • was unsuccessful because Engineer Starkmuth had several Ann Finkel, Rose Binstein, Minnie which was recently organized at the the workers and authorities in charge A regular meeting of the Thorpeconferences with Sr. Holando, the Ian Athletic club was held WednftKEisenstatt, Celia Kurs. University, and is a member of the of emigration were opposed to directUruguayan Director of Immigration, day--evening, January 21, at the Jew* Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. committee ing Polish emigrants to Brazil where with whom be discussed the pos- ish Community Center club rooms. staff. they would be under a system of peonMUSSOLINI PRESS PLAYS sibilities of Ica colonization in The President, Abe Meyers, apage. "PROTOCOLS" TUNE TO Uruguay. It was stated that the pointed the following committee* for An official delegation of the Polish FRIGHTEN ITALY NEW HEBREW MAGAZINE Uruguayan Government plans to the ensuing term; Initiation, Ben PUBLISHED IN TEL AVIV Emigration Office left for Rio de JaLondon. (J. T. A.) The "Protocols establish a special colonization bank. Knbby, 1. Rosenblatt, J. Laserovlte? Jerusalem. (J.- T. A.) A new He- neiro for the purpose of investigating of the Elders of Zion" are the basis Until recently the Ica refrained entertainment, I. Le-n.ne, Schoai Pried, brew bimonthly' magazine, "Gesher," the situation and looking into the posfor attacks of the Mussolini press, from buying land in Uruguay because and Max Kaplan; good »nd welfare* ich, aroused to greater activity by has begun publication in Tel Aviv. It sibilities of concluding a Polish immithe price asked by the Banco Hipo- I. Levinson, Lou Freiberg and B. Krethe latest political difficulties of the is edited by A.sher Barash and Elea- gration treaty with BraziL The. detecario and the landowners was too vich; dance, Shim Fredel, I. Sokcilof Fascist! Government, has started a zar Steinman and is published by the mand of the Polish workers that the high. There is one Jewish colony in and J. Davidson. delegation include a representative of campaign against Free Masonry, ac- Writers' Association. Uruguay, named "19 de Abril", in A dance, the rate which the comthe workers was not granted. cording to a report from Rome to the the. vicinity of Pesandu, which was mittee will announce later, will br London Star. established by private settlers with- given soon at the Ivel 1'ines Datu><? SUSPECTED ARAB EIGHTEEN HUNDRED One of the leading FSscisti jourout assistance from any organization. Academy. OFFICIALS RELEASED JEWISH IMMIGRANTS nals published an .article under glarIn a one-sided basketball game, the Jerusalem. (J. ,T. A.) Two Arab ARRIVE IN PALESTINE CHIE FRABBI OF ing headlines, alleging that."the Ma- officials who were arrested in Jaffa club basv-tball team defeated the Jerusalem. (J. T- A.) Eighteen sonic, Hebraic, Protestant, atheist, recently, following a search of their hundred and twenty-five Jewish imTHE HAGUE DIES Nebraska Power five by the score «£ The Hague, (J. T. A.)—E&bbi Van 31 to 4. The basketball team is fthowBolshevist and Republic internationals houses in connection with the murder migrants arrived in Palestine during Six outstanding Jewish leaders at the greatest Jewish rally ever held Loen, -Chief Rabbi of The Hague, died ing- -wonderful progress in the Ideal are all in one conspiracy against Mus- of Sir Robert Lee Stack in Egypt, the month of December, according to in the West. Fifteen hundred delegates from all parts of the eonntrv here yesterday at the uge of seventy- Y. "I. C, A. Commercial basketbsl! solini." are in St. Louis attending the Twenty-Sixth Biennial Convention of have been released. figures published here. eight. the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, January 18—22. league.

Federation Campaigning For 200 New Members

On Sunday evening, January 25, the local chapter of Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold their second'anniversary dance, at the Fontenelle " Hotel Ball Room. . , ' The last year A. Z. A. dance -was a prominent social event of the season and, according to the committee now in charge, they are making plans to make this dance an outstanding event. The Omaha Alephs have secured the services of Randall's Royal tenpiece orchestra, lately of the Brandies Restaurants. A number of local organizations have pledged their support to attend en masse. Many out-of-town members of rfher chapters of the A. Z. A. will be guests at the dance. Among, those who are cbming from Sioux City, la., are Messrs. Mike Grueskin, Manuel Herzoff, Ben Herzo-^ Ephriam Baron, Leou De^rofslcy, and Abe Fellman. Morris Zolat and Abe Babior are among those who are coming m from Lincoln to attend the dance/

Y Debating Tryonts A.Z. A. Chapter No. 1 Will Be Held Monday Installed at St Paul,

South Side Congregation toQveBallFeDniaryl

I'- - *J32fe


ons /or f'ffte Jewish Press" ARE DUE NOW! -,'£/, , o


THE JEWISH PRESS I'ublisbetl every Thursday at Onjnhn, Neliraskq, by

THE JEWISH. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office: 790 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. Subscription Price, one year _ $2.50. Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OE* ADIiltESS^I'Iease give both the old nnd new address; be sure and give youc name.

The Jewish Press is supplied "by the Jewish Telegraphic A^ancy (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inquiries regarding news, items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York. City.

THE COMIC SPIRIT SMILES The total eclipse of the irrepressible, taciturn, pacific militarist, Leon Trotzky, is forecast by his enforced vacation in the Crimea. After seven years, of dictatorship he finds himself cast out, shorn of all power, his intransigent spirit broken and his robust constitution shattered.' He thought he could cope with the triumvirate, Zionovieff, Kameneff and Stalin, but finds that those sinister, underground forces which served the Czar so bloodily and so well were still to be found in the pay of the dominant politicians in Russia. Trotzky writes a -book, "My Mistake/' in which (according to reports) he attempts to expose the vacillatbry jejune policy of the triumvate, but discovers that it is suppressed as counterrevolutionary. ' The comic spirit at this point almost grins, but Trotzky himself, by his self-restraint and silence, compels the abortive grin to die. Trqtz.ky. may well speculate upon the ingratitude of Soviets, for they, as well as ;unappreciative monarchies, and ungracious democracies, forget any service rendered in the past. This man, in exile, called back to Russia by the impending revolution which overturned every established institution, is again in exile, but an exile more bitter than any he had previously experienced. His former exclusion from the land of his birth and choice was enforced by those to whom he was anathema and by those whose social, economic and political theories were the very antithesis of his own. He was a militant malcontent, a devastating evangel, in the days of the Czar, and for his activities it was meet that he suffer ostracism. But the bitterness of the draught which* he now must perforce swallow would be hemlock to one less,the artist and philosopher than Trotzky. Think of it. This man, the commander-in-chief of the Russian armies, finds time to write critical, comprehensive reviews on the currents and tendencies in Russian art, literature and the drama. This sabre rattler has a poetic strain so profoundly rooted that a barracks cannot remove from his imagination line, color and rhythm. It would not surprise us if we learned that he is an expert in the art of the silversmith and jeweler, that his tastes run to tapestries, or that he has a penchant for rare lace, filigrees or etchings; he may be a connoisseur of the old masters. If he were a retired or inactive chief of staff his litterary studies would be hardly worth mentioning, but a man whose labors and controversies, both political and military, have been so arduous that they have caused him to collapse twice; such a man has an unquenchable, radical name of genius which burns through every obstacle. If he were one of lesser mental stature, or one who cried out in agony in the market place, or one who had no compensations which enable him, to take his pnishment gracefully, then indeed would-the comic spirit burst out in ribald, unrestrained laughter; but, as it is, all the spirit may propqrly do under the circumstance is smile, and smile she does when she contemplates how evanescent is the popular greatness of man. The popular heroes of the last decade can all tell the same story. Those who made enduring contributions, not for popular consumption, have brought . forth a smile, while the blatant, superficial ones have made the comic spirit laugh often and boisterously, ;. Trotzky will hardly regain his lost prestige and power in Russia, but he will- leave literary monuments which will long outlive the passing glories of popular acclaim. —The Review. CURTAIL FOR THE KLAN The-Supreme Court of the State of Kansas has enjoined the Ku Klux Klan from operating in Kansas. The Kansas law provides that.all organizations operating for profit must obtain a charter from the State. The Klan attempted to dp business in Kansas on the ground that it was a corporation and therefore did not require a charter. The court, however, rightfully held that the only charitable features about the Klan were the benefits which the officers and parasites directly connected with it were deriving from it, and-that in all other respect^ the Klan was as much an organization operating for profit as a railroad company or a corporation engaged in commercial enterprises^ The wheels of justice may grind slow, but in the long run they arrive at a satisfactory result. This means the end of the Klan in Kansas, as the board authorised to grant charters, is composed of three members, two of them are anti-Klansmen, so that in the future, at least in the "Sunflower" State the Klan will be an outlaw, on the sdme footing as train robbers, highway men and other gentry whose methods the Klan has imitated. UNIFICATION OF ZIONIST FEDERATION IN POLAND r ENCOUNTERS DIFFICULTIES Warsaw.. (J. T. A.) .The unification of the. Zionist Federation of Poland, comprising four separate units, the Vilna-district, the district of Congress Poland, and the districts of •Eastern and Western Galicia, which Has been contemplated for some time, is • encountering obstacles mainly on the part of the Eastern Galicia Zionists", who are-under the leadership of Cf.-Letm Reich. - It was stated that the reason for thfe difficulties is to be found in the political composition of the- Club of Jewish Deputies ih the Polish Parliament. • LITHUANIAN REMOVES VITAL - STATISTICS DEPARTMENT l^ROM COMMUNITIES TO RABBIS .Kovno. (J. T. A.) The final act of abolishing-the' Jewish autonomy in Ittthusnia''Stld .the withdrawal of the tights. Of the Jewish Cotntnunities to coa'trbf internal Jewish affairs, oc' tttfyed" when the. Minister of the inteftof instructed the.Jewish cbmmuiiities in Lithuania to transfer their departments of vital statistics to the -- locdl Rabbis. - According to the provisions of the •' NaiioVtfil uAatpnomfc .IAW, the vital -statistics department was in charge

in a country which is basing its institutions on a principle of equality? Cardinal Hayes formulated his thought in the following words: "Tolerance is predicated on the 1925 prejudice or opposition of one indiRosh Chodesh Shebat.. . . J..U.. Monday, January 26 Rosh Chodesh Adar...-.—. . --Wednesday, February 25 vidual to another individual, or one Purim Tuesday, March 10 group against another. America canRosh Chodesh Nissan . . Thursday, March 26 not be built firmly and lastingly on 1st Day Pessach .... . :Thursday, April 9 a foundation of mere tolerance. The 7th Day Pessach. - Saturday, April 15 Rosh Chodesh Iyar..™-.................._.....^...- Saturday, April 25 cornerstone must be common justice, Lag b'Omer,.....,.....,....."..,..,.,.......... ........Tuesday, May 12 a degree of relationship between inRosh Chodesh Sivan . .......... .. . Sunday, May 24 dividuals and groups far above that Shabuoth „..—......... .... ..Friday, May 29 of tolerance. And upon that justice Rosh Chodesh Tammuzr^«...».....».....w....._..-......Tuesdayt June 23 Fast of Tammuz . _... _..... .. Thursday, July 9 must be built the fabric of our temRosh Chodesh Ab..... . _. Wednesday, July 22 ple of equality and liberty, in a spirit Fast of Ab. ............ Thursday, July 30 of sincere-and honest love of our felRosh Chodesh Ellul........ . . Friday, August 21 low man as a creature and child of All Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day. God. "Tolerance, after all, is the minimum that the American ideal of democracy hopes to realize in perpetuating our national institutions. The word tolerance itself implies that we permit in others something that we do not like or fully approve ©f, •whether i t be the expression of an Wall Declared a National Monument] individual opinion or action, or London, January 19. (J. T. A.) — Not Tolerance but Common Justice whether it be the exercise of a civil the Spirit of the East Side Boys right or religious liberty." "The wall of the 'City of David' re—Federal Council of Churches At a time we so frequently hear of centlp excavated in Jerusalem is the Issues Statement Against Intol- propaganda carried on by certain finest and strongest wall that has as erance—A Hasty Attack on a Catholic circles with regard to the yet been, found in Palestine; had pur Serviceable Institution. Jewish rights in other countries, it is expedition discovered only this wall, indeed gratifying to hear this thought it would have justified the •work and By WILLIAM Z. S1MEUKLMAN. expressed by Cardinal Hayes: expense entailed," Professor McAllister, director of the excavations in "Not tolerance, but common jusThe Grand Street Boys' Association, Palestine, declares in an article in a fraternity of "East Side boys," who, tice." The appeal, "Not tolerance, but the "Daily Telegraph,"-recounting the though grown to a wider and greater results of the archaeological expedi- atmosphere of activity, have preserved common justice," comes also from antheir sentimental regard for the old other quarter. The Joint Committee, tion. "The wall, which dates back to the East Side, gave a reception to Car- representing the Committee on Good time before King David, was un- dinal Hayes, himself an East Side Will of the Federal Council of doubtedly one of the ramparts of the orphan, on t!be occasion of his elec- Churches in Christ in America, and Jebusites in their defense against tion as honorary member of the as- the Central Conference of American King David. It is disappointing that sociation. Justice Thomas C. T. Crain, Rabbis, with headquarters at Wash» no inscriptions were found on this William T. Collins, Vice President of ington, issued a statement to the efwall, as on the monument of King the New York Board of Aldermen, fect that "Organizations whose memMesha of Moab. This is probably Judge Otto Rosalsky, Rabbi Herbert bers are masked, oathbound and undue to the destruction of the heathen S. Goldstein, President of the Union known, and whose activities have the relics b y the Macabees, who regard- of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of effect of rousing religious prejudice ed even King Solomon as ah idolator. America, addressed the Grand Street and racial antipathy, violate the fun"The wall was declared a national Boys. A broad spirit of inter-reli- damental principles and ideals ofo ur monument by the Palestine govern- gious friendship manifested itself at country, and of religion, and merit ment. The archaeological expedition the meeting of the East Side Associa- our condemnation." ' The Committee proposes for, the may at any time discover records of tion. * purpose of promoting good will beCardinal Hayes on this occasion utPalestine's ancjent civilization and tween Jews and Christians, an intertered a thought which waited for exculture which will take their place among the greatest treasures of the pression. "Not tolerance, but com- change among the theological schools mon justice," was his general motive. of Jewish and Christian Educators in world," Prof. McAllister writes. After the French Revolution and behalf of mutual appreciation, and the subsequent era of education gave' have arranged for an exchange of an impetus to the liberation of man- articles in Jewish and Christian jourkind from the reign of prejudice and nals. Local committees are to be «nThe students' clubs were organized superstition, the ideal was "toler- couraged to bring non-Jews and Jews J together for mutual study and effort. at, the City Talmud Torah at a meet- ance." You must not be necessarily in full j Another move towards an ideal of ing held. Sunday afternoon at three agreement with your fellowmen, in thfe public, "Not of tolerance, but of o'clock a | tire Talmud Tcfrah building. 1 order that you should be able to recommon justice." The older/group ale students from spect him. and live with him in com-1 * * * the ages, of 11 to 14, and will be mon fellowship. What is true to us, I Much noise has recently been known as "Aleph Sheen Dolis," and is true to the other individual, with a aroused by the Kundes, a. humorist the "Youngsters of the Talmud Toslight modification: tolerate this Yiddish weekly paper in New York, rah" is the name of the younger slight modification. I which brought what is termed -charges clubj which admit pupils from the Tolerance was an ideal; it still is against the Hebrew Sheltering Siid ages of 8 to 11 years. These clubs a far ideal in many corners. HowImmigrant Aid Association of Amerwere organized for the purpose of studying literature and furthering the ever, is it really a virtue or an ideal ica in its recent overseas activities activities emqng the students. Meetings will be held at three o'clock feVery Sunday afternoon, under the supervision of the teachers of the school. OfficeW of the older club are: President} Joe Fellman; ^ vice president, Ervin We?elman; secretary; La* xs.? Kaplan; treasurer, Benzion Gershater, and trustees, Freda Sofer, Reebecca Sofer and Ann Gitaick. The younger group-elected the followii-g' officers: President, Ben Bla;t; vice president, Harry Miller; treasurer, Harry Fellman; secretary, Bettie Fellmah, arid trustees, 1. Dofinson, Ann Silverm^nn and Mary Weinberg.


City of David Wall is Rare Archaeological Find



for the Jewish immigrants. Only those who are intimately acquainted with the work which this organization has been carrying on in the period following the Armistice, in the various East-European countries, can form an opinion on the tremendous value of the service rendered on behalf of the American Jewish community, to the cause of the Jewish wanderer by the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Society of America, WThat, in other cases, might have meant merely technicalities, meant to the Jewish wanderer everything. It was the chain of little difficulties that made the life of the Jewish trans-immigrant a misery. The helping hand extended by this organidation to the mostly uninformed, helpless relative of an American Jewish citizen very often saved the life of, and brought about the successful passage of the wanderers. It was the old and true Jewish spirit of "Hachnosas Orchim" which was

With such a record of service and usefulness only doubtless and convincin'g proof could serve as a basis for starting or even supporting any charges against such an agency. However, since the question has been raised, it will be a relief to know that the great Jewish national organizations, which have largely contributed towai'ds the funds of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, are invited to appoint representatives to a committee which will go over the records and infonn the Jewish public of its final findings.

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Literary Groups Organized at City Talmud Torah

LlfHUANlA$t SATKAP ORDEHS F O R E I G K - B O R N OUT OF COUNTDY Kovno." (J. T. A.) The District Governor of Wilkowiszki issued an order according to which all Jews who are not native-born Lithuanians of the Jewish communities as public O? born in the part of Lithuania now statistics. The transf * to the Rab- occupied by Poland, must leave the bis signifies reduction to merely a country. religious function. An appeal was made to the central authorities at Kovno. KOVNO RABBIS TO BE TRIED GALICIA LEADS IN BY MILITARY COURT FOEi NUMBER OF CONVERSIONS} OPPOSING SUNDAY. CLOSING FIFTY-FIVE DESERT JUDAISM Berlin. ( X T . . A.) Rabbi Kark of Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Figures pubKovno and several other Rabbis, who issued the call to Lithuanian Jewry j lished with regard to desertions from to observe a day of prayer and pro- ! Judaism during 1924 show that in the test against the enactment of the city of Lemberg alone twenty-three Sunday observance law in Lithuania, men and thirty-two women deserted will be tried by a military court, ac- Judaism. It was pointed out that the number cording to a report received here from of conversions in Congress Polahd is Kovno. The accused -will be tried, tinder less than in Galicia. This is attribArticle 129, according to which they uted to the fact th^t the acsimilationare liable to a .Sentence of Ihree ist tendencies in Congress Poland are not as strong as in Galicia. years* imprisonment.. LEADER OF ANTI-SEKovno. (J.. T.. A.) The Sunday MITIC BANDS JAILED Closing Bill has been signed by the Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Sekretarczyk, President of the Lithuanian Republic. the, leader of the anti-Semitic bands TBe hill will 5onie jhto effect Febru- in Posen, who was sentenced to prisoh ary 1. six months ago for mistreating a Jewish woman, has been finally1 imprisoned: FRENCH PROCLAIM AMNESTY A6 --will be tecalledr the Club of IN SYRIA AND LEBANON ^'Jerusalem. (J. T.-A;) Oeneral Sar-, Jewish JDeputies intervened- with t-he tail, -newly appointed French High government several times as to -why Commissioner pf .Syria, will grant a the-sentence of-Sekretarczyk Vas.net general :amne"sty in' Syria and Leb- executed. It was continually stated that the'jails were overcrowded. anon,

responsible for this society coming into existence many years ago. It was in this spirit that the work has been carried on for a rather long period; it was in this spirit that those who were mostly dependent upon the advice and service of this organization have looked up and appreciated iJ functioning.

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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1925 fiance's parents, MrT and Mrs. Her- the year. The following were elected: takes place. At the close of thisT guests at a luncheon . followed by party followed by refreshments *! man Krasne, at Council Bluffs. Miss President, Mr. J. Nefsky; vice pres- meeting Mr. Friend will go to Miami, bridge and Mah Jong at her home Shaw's in honor of her birthday. Riseman recently announced her en- ident, Mr. Simon; secretary, Mr. M. Fla., for ~\e rest of the winter. Wednesday in honor of her sister, gagement to Mr. Millard Krasne, of Aach; monitor, Mr. Morris Friend; Mrs. Milton Russakov of Chicago, 111., Mrs. Lou Marcus entertained s>! Those who attended ttr wedding of who is visiting at the Kooler home. bridge at her home Monday evening. Council Bluffs. treasurer, Mr. Morris Polsky. Miss Helen Robinson to Mr. Mas ShaMiss Hannah Filvir entertained the Mr. Fleisheman of Omaha was in piro were Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro A card party will be given by the ' Mrs. Sara Freiden left Monday IV.T members of £be Hajobls club at her Lincoln Sunday on business. and Helen and Harold Shapiro, Miss Sisterhood Sceiety next Wednesday Sioux City, Iowa, to visit with }m; daughter, Mrs. Lou Heeger, and IV;-, home Tuesday evening. Prizes were Irene Adelson, ?Irs. S. Adelson, Miss Miss Rae Sara Iseman of Nebraska Mildred Nefsky and Mrs. Lew Polsky. afternoon, January 2S, at the home of Heeger, She expects to be gone ahou: won by the Misses Ann Rosenbloom Mrs. Frank Krasne, 106 Frank St. City is leaving for New York. and Ann Minkin. ten davs. Everyone is invited. Miss Rae Sara Iseman of Nebraska Mrs. J. Subach and Mrs. W. WesMrs. Sam Steinberg entertain?, A social reunion and dance of OmaThe Council of Jewish Women will sel of Nebraska City are giving a City, who attended the Pan Helenic 1 forty gmests at her home TUPS*'*.'ha and City Jews that are now of COUNCIL OF JEWISH Dance, was the guest of Miss Robinhold a meeting next Thursday afterENGAGEMENTS Los Angeles, Calif., was given Sunday series of parties and luncheons at son, a former school mate of Miss noon, January 29, at the home of Mrs. afternoon. The afternoon diversinr WOMEN TO PRESENT From Sioux City, la., comes news evening, January 18, at the Holly- their homes. PROGRAM MONDAY of the announcement of the- engageIseman while attending Montecello. Louis Bernstein, 222 Frank Street. was bridge. wood Temple Beth-El. Messrs. Philip Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kohn are leavMr. Dave Kubby is leaving SaturA regular meeting of the A. Z. A. Mrs. H. Saltzman left las: week for Following their Tegular business ment of Miss Eva Baker, daughter Stein and Sol Brodkey were there on ing Satu: "ay for the east. day night for Chicago, 111. of Mr. and Mrs. S. Baker, of that was held Monday, January 19, at the Chicago, 111., to visit with her daughthe Omaha committee, and the Sioux meeting, which vail be held at 2:30 city, to Mr. Meyer Ruback, of Avoca, Synagogue. Twenty members were City committee were Messrs John L. Miss Leona Gordon just returned ter, Mrs. Abe Marcus, and Mr. at the Jewish Community Center, the Mrs. Samuel I. Bubb will be hont.ns> from a two weeks' trip to Chicago, prerent. The club recently organized Marcus. Council of Je-wish Women will pre- la., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruback, Cohen and H. Horowitz. to her Evening Bridge Club at )i.':; of this city. The wedding will take where she visited friends and rela- a Sunday Bible Class which meets at sent the following program: home next Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Mae Saltzman, daughter place in the early spring. eleven o'clock a^. the Cynagogue. The tives. 1. Violin Selections —Fanny Fish of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saltzman, Mr. Ruback and sister, Sara, are program at these classes consists of Accompanied by Evelyn Vore. Mr. Harry Garson returnel from a Bible stories and lecturers. The A. Z. entertained fxfteen friends at a theater PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISER-.now visiting in Sioux City with Mr. 2. Talk on "Poets and Poetry of A meeting of the Merry Hearts' trip to New York on business. Ruback's fiancee. A. basketball team soon expects to the South" Rev. Frank E. Bailey, •\ club was held Sunday, January 18 play games with the Omaha and l a n s w h e n w e r e m a d e f o r a a r t Miss Pauline Friend left Monday of the Unitarian Church. The P y Dora and Rae Wolovitz ' t o b e Pv e n Council Bluffs teams. . 3 . Yocal Selections Mrs. J. R. Cain are entertaining the R a Oth Society ^ Saturday, J a n u a r y 24, at morning for Nebraska City to be the THE Y A F F E REPUTATION FOR h o m e o f guest of her eister, Mrs. J. Sarbach, above program was prepared Sunday afternoon, February 1, a t **» Miss Ruth Kneeter. QUALITY, SERVICE AND FAIR PRICES and to visit relatives. by members of- the program commit- their apartment at the Conomore. Mrs. J . Lintzman "was elected prestee of the Council. HAS SET A HIGH STANDARD FOR Mrs. Max Lehman is visiting her of the Daughters of Zion club The B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 6 88 held Miss Berdie Berger was in Lincoln aident t their 3 THE LAST 1 7 YEARS IN THE PRINT.. Miss Bess" Snitzer will be hostess to Saturday to attend t h e P a n Hallenic a.™™ * election held Monday grandmother and relatives in Chicago. their installation of officers last the members of the P. A. L. Bridge Dance, t h e annual Nebraska TJiriver-j afternoon, J a n u a r y 19, a t the Jewish ING BUSINESS. The Lincoln chapter of the Zeta Wednesday evening at the Danish Community Center. Mrs. H. Okun dub on Sunday afternoon, February sity affair/ Hall. After the meeting refreshj was elected vice president; Mrs. S. Beta Tau were the highest in scholar- ments were served. A membership 1, at her home. The Jewish Press is the family;: Maizel, financial secretary; Mrs. A. ship and therefore received the silver campaign is started and anyone wishMrs. Max Silver, of Des Monies, la., paper. It should be in YOUR home.; p . Goldware, recording secretary, and cup. ing to join should see either the -spent several days here last week as Send in your subscription. Mrs. A. Goldware, treasurer. Misses Ida and Frances Kline of President, Mr. Sam Steinberg, or the the guest of Mrs. David Newmanj I Mr. and Mrs. Harris Levey and A. public card party will be given Castle Rock, Wyo_ are the guests at Secretary, Mr. Harry Kubby. The while enroute to California. ' daughter, Sadie, returned early j for the benefit of the Ladies Orphan the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Samuels next meeting will be held Wednesday evening, January 28. Mr. Sam Gordon is visiting in Oma- Wednesday morning* from Boston, Society - Tuesday afterroon, Janu- and other relatives. ha with his brother, Dr. M. I. Gordon, Mass., where Miss Levey was study- ary 27, at the home of Mrs. A. Cohn Miss Selma Sells of Des Moines, The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud and Mrs. Gordon. He is leaving ing music at the New England Con- at 2232 North 19th Street la., was in the city Saturday to atTorah will hold a meeting Tuesday Thursday for Boston, Mass., and then servatory of Music, Miss Levey retend the Paa Hellenic Dance. She afternoon, January 27, at the home The second conference of the Jewwill leave for Palestine, where he will cently announced her engagement to was the guest of Miss Sara Somberg. of Mrs. William Bernstein, 809 visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Harold Libby, of Providence, :R. ish Colonization of So"vi6t Russia will Avenue A. be held Tuesday evening, January 27, J. Gordon, formerly of this city. I., and is now making plans for her Miss Reva Ziev of Omaha was the wedding, which will be one of the at 7:30, at the Labor Lyceum. guest of Miss Dorothy Diamond while Mr. Ike Krasne and son, Clyde, left Mesdames J. Falk and J. Rosen prominent social events this spring. attending the dance Pan Hellenic. Tuesday for New York on a buying The Literary Circle, a newly organwere hostesses to forty guests at a trip. surprise party Sunday evening, honMiss Caroline Levi of Omaha was Mr. and Mrs. Abe H. Brodkey, who ized club, met Sunday afternoon, oring Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gaifman, have just returned from an eastern J January 18, at the home of Mr. Isi- the guest of Miss Helen Aach over Mrs. Ben Kooler entertained twelve who celebrated their fifth wedding honeymoon trip and were visiting here ' d o r Oberman, at 712 North 22nd St. Saturday to attend the Pan Hellenic anniversary. Prizes at bridge were with Mrs. Brodkey's parents, Mr. and M i s s Harriett Wolf spoke on "The Dance. won by Mesdames I. Samuel Schlai- Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, left this j Superiority and Inferiority of WoDayton Scales Mr. Morris Friend and daughter, fer and Sam "Wintroub, and Mr. Joe jnorning for Sioux City, la., where men." Miss Leah Oberman played Mrs. Edw. Gugenheim, are are dele-and Slicers Wintroub. they will make their home. Mrs. several piano selections. gates of B'nai Jeshuran Congregation LOUIS ADLER, Mgr. Brodkey was formerly Miss Bernice The circle will meet Sunday after- to Sr. Louis, where the meeting- of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stone left last Kulakofsky, of this city. 510 So. 10th St. Jackson SS32 . This nevr Miller Lamp is revolutionary in its idea. Uses noon, January 25, at the home of American Hebrew Congregations one Mazda lamp. The light is distributed without glare. week for Miami, Fla., where they will It is serviceable and -will add charm and beauty to any spend the remainder of the winter Mr. and Mrs. Mose Herzberg were Mr. Iacob Goldman at 2219 North home. months. surprised at a "Housewarming" party 20th Street. Mr. H. Bondarin will 3y!yLa^ at their new home at 106 South Fif- lecture on "Sholem Alechim." Miss Reva Ziev was in Lincoln, ty-second street, last Sunday evening. "We are offering these Nebr., last week to attend the Pan Twenty-four guests honored them at lamps at special term_ and exceptional introducHellenic Dance. She was the guest this surprise. LINCOLN tory price. of Miss Dorothy Diamond. • Mrs. Lew Polsky entertained her Miss Estelle Lapidus will be at The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah home from the University of Nebras- Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. High will elect officers Wednesday after- ka to spend' the week-end with her score w&s won by Mrs. Sam Nefsky, noon,-\Tanuary 28, nt the Jewish Com- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lapidus. and second prize by Mrs. M. Perlman. munity Center at 2:30. Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Lincoln announce children are now making their home The officers of the B'nai B'rith the birth of a baby son, born Tues- at Dyersville, la., where Dr. Margolin were elected at the first meeting of day, January 20, at the Lord Lister is practicing medicine. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sol S. Goldstrom left Miss Caroline Levi was in Lincoln Sunday afternoon for Kansas City, last week visiting with Miss Helen Mo., to spend several days, and then A MONTH Aach. While there she attended the went to Excelsior Springs, Mo., exWith my new establishment Pan Hellenic Dance. pecting to return home in about ten and my up-to-date plant, I Among the out-of-town guests who days. until $24, the am able to furnish my patwere present at the Shapiro-Robinrons, the best of service. iittro ductory "Echoes of the Twenty-ninth Counson wedding Sunday evening at the cil" will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's price is paid. Blackstone Hotel were Mr. and Mrs. sermon topic Friday evening at the A new laundry equipped B. T»I. Achtenberg and Miss Mollie Temple. In this sermon he will give throughout with the most Achtonberg, all of Kansas City, Mo. a general report.of the meeting of modern machinery for doJust call ATlantic tilOO End. we will bring one of these Miss Achtenberg is now visiting in the Union of American Hebrew Coning wet-wash, semi-flat, airlamps to your home. Try it three days, if you keep it, pay Omaha at ""he home of Mrs. S. Rob- gregations that was held at St. Louis, I! ?1.50 down and $1.50 per month until ?24 is paid. dry, and rough-dry, to serve inson. Mrs. Achtenberg leilJ: Monday Mo., from January 19 to 22. On Satyou. for St. Louis, Mo., to atten:! the Bi-urday morning, January 24, his serennial Conference of the National mon topic will be "A New Vision of r ATrmlWill Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. God." She is a delegate of the Women's Convince You Leaguu of "United Synagogues • of Mr. Max Rehfeld, of California, is Kansas City.; Mrs. Acbtenberg will visiting with his parents, Mfi and be one of the speakers at the Cen- MTS. Herman Rehfeld. He will be in ventioii. Omaha until February, when.Mr. and Mrs. Rehfeld will celebrate • their MAX S. KAPLAX, Mrs. Rebecca Rietzes has returned Golden Wedding Anniversary^: Owner . from Philadelphia, Pa., where she has been making her home for "the past , Miss Sara Riseman returned to her Park and Wool worth Avenue year and a half. She is now making home in Elk Creek* Nebr., Sfter "visHARNEY 7545 her home with her daughter, Mrs. H. iting here with friends aild with her An Extension Telephone Ed Kahn and his Field Club Weiner, 2420 Parker street.




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Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro, who were married Sunday evening a t the Blackstone Hotel, a r e spending their honeymoon in Kansas City and Excelsior Springs, Mo. They will be a t home the latter p a r t of the month a t Lincoln.. NebrV On Sunday, February 1, Mr. and Mrs. J . Shapiro, parents of the groom, a r e . entertaining a t a r e c e p t o r in honor of the newly married . t u p l e . Mr. and Mrs. A. Her_berg are a t New York City, where t h e y a r e visiting with friends. Mrs. C. H.; Shames entertained a t a TSurprise party a t h e r apartment a t the Morris last Wednesday evening honoring h e r husband, who celebrated^ his birthday. Covers were laid for ten couples. Mrs. Ida Levin entertained fifty young people, members of A. Z. A .the Y. M. and Y. W. H . A., Thursday evening, a t the Jewish Communi t y Center. The party was complito h e r son, Stanley, who t l Tineniary /^celebrated his seventeenth birthday. Dancing and g a m e s ' formed -the eve, 'ning's entertainment, after which r e Vfreshments were served and young "Stanley w a s presented with a gold watch and chain.

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH BRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1923 at all, bet the contents. I also depre ALI ANNOUNCES NEW It is predicted here; that the Green- ARAB MURDERERS EXECUTED. cate Dr. Wise's contention that •'Gen... ' OFFENSIVE ON MECCA baum faction will be completely deJerusalem. (J. T. A.) Four Arabs, tiles? j s a euphemism *for: "GhrisJerusalem. (Ji T» A.) That- Ali, feated,- as sentiment among Polish Zi- convicted of hurdering five Arabs, Mons."i "Genrites"-isr a porrect and 1 son of ex-King Hussein, will shortly onists is strongly in favor of the were executed here December 30. literal translation of "Goyim." Galil Sty MATJRICE SAMUEL This Friday evening1, January 23. attempt to recapture Mecca from the policy of Dr. Weizmann". Ha-Goyim is Galilee" of the' Gentiles, Author, of "You Gentiles/' the Rialto Theatre is putting on a and not,Galilee of the Christians. And. finally—-whyr did ."JCwrite- the special sliow at 11:15, when the Rus- Wahabis,: was announced to the pop- SOVIET PERMITS OPENING Copyright 1925. by SEVEN AETS FEATURE SYND1CATK. book at all, as most of ,'my critics sian National Orchestra that has ulation of the Moslem Holy City in OF YESHIVA IN LENINGRAD proclamations thrown from aerodespairing ask? I wrote i t - m the been appearing at the show during planes flying over the city, according Riga, (J. T. A.)—An orthodox Ye^ I do not intend, in this article,' to sands of my.fellow-Jews to outra-,e hope that many Jews would read it, offer a complete review of my review- and torture. Miss Wallerstein also and-would find, some--meaning in the this week, will put on a musical con- to a report received here. shiva, a theological seminary to ers, or to answer in detail every one intimates that my statements, besides bitter struggle for-survival which we cert. , . educate Rabbis, will be established in "We have sufficient arms and men of the arguments 'which have been being unscientific, -will tend to in- have,so long carried on; and are still 350 Rooms—350 Baths The concert will consist of thirteen Leningrad with the permission of the crease anti-Semitism. My answer is brought against the contents of "You Rates §2.50 to $4.50 to reconquer Mecca," Ali's proclamacarrying on. In the hope that many Soviet Government, through the efGentiles," either as a whole or piece- that if, to satisfy the anti-Semites, I Gentiles would read iti and would un- special Russian numbers. There are tion states. meal. I shall attempt to clarify cer- deprive myself of the liberty of derstand that the Ivritation" which twenty-five players in the troupe. forts of Rabbi Schneersohn. tain general issues as raised in rep- speech, I shall have done precisely they feel against us is based on a The Soviet authorities have granted EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE resentative criticisms. Thus I shall what the anti-Semites would like to fundamental property of difference, permission to open the Yeshiva on Harry Kononovitch do to me. I Shall have betrayed the have nothing to say about the favoraOF POLISH ZIONIST and not on those alleged immoralities WILL START MOVEMENT condition that instruction in political ble comment which has appeared on Jew much more fundamentally than in us .which are trumped -up: in"order ' FEDERATION RESIGNS FOR AMERICAN CHULUZIM the book—beyond- the observation if (which is doubtful) I shall have to justify persecution.- And if these Warsaw. (J. T. A.) At the first economy is given one hour a day and TO PALESTINE that, curiously,> the. comment in the provoked incre. id anti-Semitism. If two easons sir- themselves held,to be Studlfl—"W! Cronnse Blk. New York. (J. T. A.) With a de- meeting of the convention of Polish three hours a week be devoted to the Harnpy 847C non-Jewish press has been extraordi- "You Centiles" . provides additional only rationalizations, I will" confess history of Communism. Bowing for Advanced f'upils. narily favorable,, (with one or two material foi anti-Semites, it will only that I wrote the book because I could cision to start a campaign for five Zionists here, the executive commitnotable exceptions), while that of the be 'a superfluity. Besides, the boo!i not help it, because it cried}out for thousand new members immediately, tee of the Polish Federation, headed Jewish press—Yiddish, English and will find itself in good ompany—that utterance, and because it seemed to the unanimous opinion of the conven- by Deputy Isaac Greenbaum, entered Hebrew—has been divided, with the of the Talmud, the Ekle, and every- me to be truthful and just. Gate City Furniture Co. tion of the Poale Zion Party of Amer- his resignation. thing else of value that the devil can Ayes in the minority. and quote'to his advantage. , WHOLESALE ica: was that the Party should also A heated fight, which will deterAnd I certainly do not intend to JULES WORMS, FAMOUS Among those who decry the danger undertake to organize pioneer co-op- mine the attitude of the Polish Zionist Globe Van & Storage Co. argue the question of my personal Druggists and Stationers JEWISH4 PAINTER, competence; it is distressing to have of statements in "You Gentiles" as erative groups of American Jews to Federation towards the policy of the owned iind operated by 40I-403-40S Sontt! intb Strwi DIES IN PARIS proceed to Palestine. A committee to Zionist World Executive, commenced Johan Smertenko challenge me with liable to lead to disastrous misunderGROSSMAN & SONS the statement that I •am a schoolboy,' standing, there is Dr. Joel Blau, who Paris, (J. B. B. Mail Service.) — 520-22 No. 16th St. while Bertha Wallerstein m."Th<j Na- wrote his criticism in the B'nai B'rith Jules Worms, famous French- Jewish work out the details of the plan was when Deputy Greenbaum in behalf of At. 0330 Ja. appointed. his group, which is in opposition to Dr. Blau tion" implies I am a fool for-rushing Messenger.' I,must answer : 1 painter, died here today at the age in "where scientists fear to tread." at some--length''on--. 'this and otli^r A resolution urging the members the policy of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, These two, and some others, seem-to points/for his comments are. by fai and Lafosse, hisl first. picture: being of the Poale Zion Party to work for introduced a resolution amendinng Emerson Laundry be aghast at th epresumption of a lay- the most interesting of any I have of 92.. He studied under: Philippon man in taking hold of a subject which Tead. , Let; me' first pay tribute. Dr. exhibited in the Salon ; « i 1859, He the Keren Hayesod and to continue that the authority of the Zionist ConF. H. MOiilCY J'n.p is within the province of none but sci- Blau, even when in the wrong, is was lawarded medals for his exhibits activities for-the Palestine "Workers gress should remain unlimited until a Phone Webster 0820 entists. I wish to streso the- word generally of greater value than most Fund and the Workers Bank of Pal- Jewish World Congress convenes. The layman. There is a certain attitude people when they are in .the' right. at the-'Salons of 1867, 1868, 1869 and estine was adopted. . oppositional group, which is under THE LAUNDKY THAT of mind abroad today, and it is not On the- ivhole, however, Dr. Blau is 1878. In 1876 he was " created a EVEKYBODY LIKES. the leadership of Dr. Joshua GottThe formation of a Woman's Club, confined to the rabble, that there is ready to agree with my thesis as long Chevalier of the Legion of rHonor. lieb, introduced a counter resolution something esoteric and peculiar about as he can prove that, even when I am Many pf his paintings have been ac- whose aim shall be to strengthen the in the right, I am of no value. As he quired, by various Museums and at position of the'working women- in in hich is expressed a wish for full SCIENCE and SCIENTISTS. with extraordinary neatness: confidence in Dr. Weizmann and for At. 8028 1307 Howard St. Now there is nothing either psoteric says, high prices ; by important American Palestine, was also decided upon. A more construction work in Palestine. "Does what-1 say tend to prove the or peculiar about science. Science is truth of Samuel's thesis? It does art collectors. .His, "Romance a la resolution protesting against the efOmaha, Nebr. merely-accurate thought, and all ac- not matter, as long, as I show that bis Ot!K UL forts which were made to introduce curate thinking is scientific. And in argument is wrong," I, on the other Mode,'< painted in 1868,^ is in the the religious question into the activCONVIMK VOl <>l OIK this matter of racial or group charac- hand, am .interested chiefly 'in the Luxembourg Museum,; and his "FounSINfKRrTV ities of the Keren Hayesod in Palesteristics there does not as yet exist a thesis, Trust l>f pnrtinppt. tain in "Burgos" inthe Laval Museum. arid am willing to us^ another Office Phone JActison 31SS tine, making religious observance a body of axiomatic information which approach if the one I have used is . Distributors ot it is folly to challenge. "Social Sci- •badly chosen. qualification of the Jewish workers JOHN FELDMAN Blau. would, in POLISH MEAT DEALERS Western Bond—and High ence," says Professor Irwin Edman, fact, be ready toDr.: was adopted. grant everything I Clothier PLAN PACKING INDUSTRY in an article written at me (so the say, if: he would only be permitted to Grade Stationery The convention concluded its seseditors state in a circular), in the divide the Jews into , two classes, FOR PALESTINE Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos Omaha Nebraska current issue of The Menovah Jour- "Jews" and "Yids," with myself as . EFFICIENT mid l<i;»l'ii\sillLt Moved from 10!) No. Jiltb St. to Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Palestine may sions. UI'MIKV i«3 Karbath [Slock, 1.1th & Douclas St nal, is "still largely a matter of elab- the protagonist for the "Jews" and become a center of the packing IndusOMAHA NKIIR. VVher« your clot ties COIIIP home orate language and simple, often, sim- myself as the honored representative plemier and last lonirer ple-minded, guesses." This does not and spokesman for the "Yids." I must try, the Chicago of the Near East, if I T Untie ir.',go. i s n . - l l 4nrki«nn S mean, of course, that any fool can observe/ of course, that he makes, out a group of Jewish meat dealers in WASH AND KEEP WELL H A J £.ISJ1SV.'£'RGTY. fre» come along and say anything he likes, for his "Jews"—as distinguished from Poland' carry out their plans. The A RULE OF HEALTH EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS Every Known Kind without fear of contradiction. It his "Yids"—a case of saparatism dealers have-decided to establish a INCOME REPORTS means that here the abdication of all much more formidable than my own FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY of Insurance Omahn Otltir: 813 Doughi* !<trr<>t modern slaughter house in Palestine, intelligence in the face of the "sci-between Jew and Gejitile. Omahs I'linnr -MlHiidr «SMI 1819 California Street. entist" is particularly ludicrous—that with the purpose of developing the 209 W. O. W. Bldg. JA. 3944. Ford Transfer & Storage (Jo. I was surprised, however, that Dr. industry there. we have no accepted standard by -'•••"-• 403 Karbach Block Phone AT. 1892 ti a roiih which to judge the competence of an' Blau'should even hint at the danger President and General Mnnneer individual beyond the merit of his of misunderstanding, since he himself has shown a fine disregard for the ."(Minci) BtnfTu diMVH) OIHw statements. gnuiiiiiiniiiHiiniiiiiniininiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiii'j • DO S« « » | n Hlrpfl Oti-PF SRft Professor Edman, being, a true sci- limitations pf the vulgar. If I said entist, just talks keen common sense, that Jews have no loyalty, intelligent Certitied Public Accountants and says: "The layman has the logic readers will remember the context, of unsophisticated observatfon on his and appreciate the superior value of Audits Systems side. He is not measuring. skulls or the quality which displaces loyalty in Investigations studying statistical, averages. He is the Jew—the quality . of IOVJ. Dr. «34 to *4C Petcrf f'ru»t liltig. thinking of the people he has met and Franklin of Detroit thunders denunPhnnen. Jarktwin 43IS, 4314. ciation at me because I said the Jews Service is Out Motto known, of the races whose stories and tradition and character he has studied have no loyalty. I t-rtainly "said so: Safe Deposit Hnxp^ rnr 1,'PPI and detested or loved." This was the Bdt I explained that the Jew neither DR. FRED a BROWN plea that I-.made in "You Gentiles," has. nor needs loyalty because he has DR. CELIA R. BROWN the fundamental instinct of love. Loythis was my protest against the tyrCHIROPRACTORS anny of learned bores whose sole qual- alty is a second ^arid virtue. I t is an ification is cXten the inability to write appeal to blind conformity in the" ab+06-4(1? Paston Blnok intelligibls English. Challenge what- sence .of an emotional "relationship. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Phone, Atlantic 3709. ever you like in "You Gentiles," but Love is of the essence of life. Residence: Morris Apts.. Phone At. 3210 But Dr. Blau himself sins rnbre do not prostrate yourself before the threat of the hypothetical science of deeply than, I when .he confesses, point blank, in his article, that the Jew is racial characteristics. Tt-is quite impossible for me to go at. fault if he has irritated the Geninto a rebuttal of all the denials of tile. What choicer morsel for the my statements. Such a rebuttal would Klan-than this statement, Dr. .Blau? Upholstering and Fnrnitnre Repairconsist largely of a repetition of pas- Yet you know, and. I know, that your ing Mattresses Renovated. intent was different. Let us hope> When Thinking of Mens' Hats sages in my book. But in connection too, thet there is better intent in the Box Springs. with these denials there is to be found or Furnishings a widely diffused optimism of a par- multitudes of Rabbis who always ad•\T-lantie 2619 1012 North I6tb St. REMEMBER ticularly helpless nature. "You Gen-vise the Jews to exerci their hutiles" has been widely criticised in man rights with becoming diffidence WOLF BROS. Reform and Liberal pulpits for its re- and in becoming obscurity, intimat1421 DOUGLAS ST. ing very clearly thatif we have failed Call us for good fusal to recognize the forward moveTOE U WOLF SAM N WOLF ment of mankind. Babbf Philipson, to placate our enemies .'the fault is Rabbi Schulman, and others plead ours. It is in vain that T protest The Jewish Press aids theJews to i with their congregations to- look for- against such:insinuations. keep in touch with what their If there is any betrayal of the Jewward to the happy day when men will THE BKINN & JENSEN CO. MICKLIN LUMBER CO. live together like brothers, when' ish people, of Jewish rights, o5 JewWholesale paper fellow Jews are doing in city, distribiitors for everybody will be nice to everybody ish safety even, it is not in my ex24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 else, and when prejudice and hatred ercise of the rights of free speech, . state and nation, besides informNorthern Toilet Tissue will have vanished from the face of nay, of the right, if you like, of being: them on the problems of the 1112 Harney Streit the earth. Such a plea is perfectly ing in the wrong; it is in the intimaPAXTON HOTEL in order—but it comes with discon- tion of my fellow-Jews that it probAT-lanUc C409 TURKISH BATHS Jews in Europe and the Wdrld certing consistency from people who ably serves u s right for not being now operated Dy preach the double principle that Jews more cautious^ or for not being betover. PAXTON HOTEL should have a mission and that, at ter than everybody else. I do not Steam, Turkish, and Electric Baths. the same time, they should avoid ir- believe that the Jew's being better PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. AJ) Modern Equipment. ritating their neighbors. Now I sub- than everybody else would" tend to 27th and Murilm 8IH. U.\ Itj^ MantifHc-tnrers of ' Hrat*s, Kronr-f. mit, in all reason, that it is futile to make him liked. The Jew ought to Aluminum and 80ft <irny Iron Cnw(inRH be better than everybody else—but if give a man a mission and then tell VOD arc asHurfd of 80ft rdHUiiKS, as him he must not irritate his neigh- he is not, that is sis affair with. God. we machine «nm» from #»vpr,T fii»nt In Any -way you get them in any package tn our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our >ur own fihfi|>. bors. There is nothing in the world It is certainly not Henry; Ford's afstandard sizp mwl iron and ITEN'S GRAHAM CRACKERS as irritating as the man with a mis- fair. ....: •.'.'•'.•'•'• .••'••• /•'• • -. • >o**hine» In «tork. readers to help bring this paper into Every sion. In fact, "You Gentiles" could be are B-o-o-d eating for everybody. From the semi-reasonable misunsummarized in the statement that the derstanding of Dr. FranMin and RabAsk y:e>np grocer for I T E X CRACKERS Jew is disliked because he is a man bi Goldstein it is quite a step to the by name always. Get the genuine and Jewish Home. We ask for no financial asbe satisfied all ways! NIC with a mission, and cannot get rid rage to which Rabbi Isaac Landman, of it. of the American Hebrew, was prosistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew Hactc Side by side with this naivete, voked. I must confess that of the six (which does honor to their intentions or seven articles which Rab"<:i Landr UNCLE SAM HKEAIiFAST to co-operate in furthering interests that are but not to their knowledge of human man wrote on "You Gentiles" I read FOOD CO. nature), my Reform Rabbi "critics dis- only one—-the first that fell.into my OSS A HA KKKKAMKA play a generous understanding of the hands on my return from Palestine. his own. stubbornness of what is called "intol- In this article Dr. Landman protests =m= erance." It is a rather unfortunate that he is red-blooded, two-fisted, and fact that "intolerance" has come to be ready to fight with the best of them. regarded as' a special sort of distase, Too bad that Dr. Landman, as a unrelated to the fundamental psychic Rabbi, must confine his warlike in. misfortunes of man. .But it is not a stincts to shaking his fist from the BUTTEK and E(i(iS detached phenomenon: It is the in- pulpit. Dr. Landman would almost terplay of the majority of human have it appear that I deny courage Ckjundl Bluffs, la. qualities, good and bad. Intolerance and fighting ability to the Jews. (It -vvill cease when human beings cease would be no particular crime if I did. to be stupid, selfish, ignorant, bois- Courage and fighting ability have JA cksoa 1862 terous, ambitious, and fanatical. And brought on perhaps more evil than I submit that human beings will be good). Of course I do not. I only THE J E W I S H PRESS, all these things just as long as they asserted that the Jew, unlike the Genam are human beings. tile, certainly I:ed to know what he 681 Brandejs Theatre Bidg.—ATlantic 1450. Vle»-P»«ia««t. Jot. This looks like an admission "that is fighting for. The vast majority of Becwttiry. "Manufactured in Omaha" W. the Jew has to be disliked. I t is. wars were certainly meaningless from Clip Out, -And because it is inevitable' I have the moral point of view—and still are. Omaha Fixture & BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ) THE JEWISH PRESS, ceased to protest against it. I am I fear that in the case of Dr. Land| 6S1 Brandeis Theatre Bldg., Supply Co. Attach reconciled personally to being dis- man the pacifist role, of the Reform Omaha, Nebr. liked if I am to remain true to what Jew is a little obscured. -But then I COMPLETE STOEE AND Your Check ' I want to be .and not-to, what others have this in general' against Church OFFICE OUTFTTTEES Gentlemen: Attached hereto is check for $2.50, for •want> me to be. "What I do protest and Synagogue: that both of them are We occnvj I which send THE JEWISH PRESS every week for one against is giving immoral vent to this pacifist only as long as it it safe to And Mail tmt TO.000 tansrt * year to dislike.r~ If a man says: "I dislike be pacifist, that Jewish and Christian Maurice Samuel, and think he is an ministers are against all wars with Eleventb and Oooela* Htreets. This. Coupon | Name -_.». , .,., „ ,,LI. ass/M do not .object, But if he says, particular-exceptions fci favor of each Vtonrt Jackson Z724 ."I dislike Maurice gjamuel, and he war as it happens. OMAHA. NT5B •Now I j! stole >a rasher of bacon from hje," I must touch, before closing, on the Street Address ... then I denounce the man as a liar and' name of the book—You Gentiles," to I As You I therefore a sinner. If, - further, he which, Dr. Blau strenuously objects, City State__. says: " I dislike Maurice-Samuel and as being naughty-boyish. I do not ADVO COFFEE therefore shall deprive him of his see it. If-I had written a sweetly Tights as a citizen," then man is a mushy book, a ?ong 1gurgle of. rhapADVO JELL ADVO FOODS sodickarjvel^ -sayinsr l>i6w./good the easy fling world is, and how lovely and "entle _ . »t cares for.iR.htimanifiy;-and Bad called it "You ipie^that, from Gentiles;",the title would never have -Tcommitthou-. been objectec! to. It' is not the titl«

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