X proifess not talking1—only this, let. each mari do his bes. -—Shakespeare. -:2
* For all men have, if they <iare -try, a g l o r i o u s life, or grave.—Herbert. 8 *
VOLvIV—No. 8.
1 aa second-class mall matter on January 27th. ««.*,£... ce at Omaha, Nebraska, ontfes the Act of Uarcb 8, 1S7V.
for Public; Annual Production Will Feature Selected Talent Dress Rehearsals Now Being Held Will Insure Show Moving With Rapidity of Professional Entertainers ADVANCE TICKETS FOR T H E SHOW SHOULD BE PURCHASED NOW FOR CHOICE SEATS . Trained to perfection, knowing their songs, steps and chatter as well as do any professional entertainers, all the actors in the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. vaudeville and revue are ready, waiting for the curtain to rise one week from Sunday, on their third annual production. -. . . . Next week will be devoted to final rehearsals so that the show will move with the precision of a professional entertainment. Costumes, music, special curtains and properties • are all ready, and in ten days the people of this community will'again be privileged to see what their own boys and girls can do in the way of entertainment in a bigger and better show than ever staged before. The entire program of the show this- Miss Grace Abbott and Miss Mary year has been specially arranged for •Maizel, will be one of the hits of the the public. A special play written evening. This act opens with a for the large Jewish audience will be drill by the Boy Scout Troop. This staged at this show. They play, "The Boy Scout Troop is one of the leading Menorah," was written by Mrs. Her- troops in the city..: They are under man Auerbach and is being coached the direction" of Scoutmaster Ralph by Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, teacher of Cohn. The opening chorus is composexpression. It depicts the life of the. ed of more than thirty little girls. family. The neglect of the mother The Y. M. • H.'-,-A.~ quartet yrith new for her children and the bringing songs and lines will appear during back of the entire family to the this act. The Weinberg Novelty act will be one of. the surprises of the strong belief in Jewish causes. "High Lights and Shadows," a spec- evening. The _ Y / M . H. A. jazz ortacle in itself is one of the cleverest chetra will be the.closing number of acts arranged. It is written and coach- the show. The orchestra is composed ed by Mrs.- Izidor Ziegler and assisted of ten pieces .and will be directed by by Miss Cecelia Feiler. The play Harry Robinson. " takes you through life's episodes In the entire show there will be from the cradle tp good old age. more than one hundred and twenty 1 The Y Extravaganza, coached by people, Omaha][s;mostk talented entertainers in a.two and a. half hours W mirth, jnelody,T.songs and dances. The advance tickets for "the Shovr
Hebrew Speaking Club tir
Conduct Fre& Hebrew Classes1 a r e g o i n ? f a s t » a c c o r d i n s to * e committees in charge. Advance tickets 33ie "Hebrew Speaking club has started • free Hebrew Classes which will meet every Saturday evening from seven to nine and every Sunday afternoon from four to six o'clock. These classes will be conducted at the City ,Talmud Torah at 2023 Burt street. For registrations to these classes call Mr. E. Bloch at Jackson 3007.
S0K0L0WRECEPTION PROHIBITED IN ROUMANIA IN FEAR OF ANTI-SEMITISM Bucharest. (J. T. A.) A reception in honor of Nahum Sokolow,- chairman of the Executive of the .Zionist World Organization, could not be held here because of an order from the police, prohibiting the meeting in fear that anti-Semitic students might attack the gathering. . . A private banquet in honor of Mr. Sokolow was prohibited for the same reason.
NEW SERVICE f OR OVk READERS— We are introducing to you in this issue of The Jewish Press another feature service. The Jewish Press will now print a special sport column each week. The sport news for thi§ column is being written by Harry Conzel, national knriwn sport writer and is being distributed through the jSeven -Arts Feature Syndicate. The spori news for this column will contain the sport news throughout the country and will' be written from the Jewish angle.
South Side Congregation To Hold Ball Sunday Proceeds to Go to Remodeling of Synagogue. Preparations are being made .by the South Side Congregation-of Israel to accommodate one of the largest Jewish throngs that has ever gathered at the City Auditorium,' at its Grand Ball, Sunday, February 1st; • < The committee in charge reports that the Auditorium has been decorated for this affair.and that the dance floor will be in perfect.coridtion. Edwin Kahn and his Field Club Orchestra have been engaged to furnish the music and the program of dances is sure to appeal to all. : The advance sale of tickets has been unusually large due to the competition of the various workers .who which has been offered, as first prize to the individual selling the greatest number of tickets. The purpose of this ball is to raise funds to enable the congregation to make needed and necessary; improvements in the property. -The South Side synagogue was - originally the property of the First Presbyterian Church and in 1909, due to the untiring efforts of certain, now prosperous Omaha: business men, the property was acquired for the • sum of $4500. Added improvementsjfcotaled another $2500,' "making.-a total of. $7000. The congregation at that time consisted of a mere handful of Jews and it'was due solely to their unflagging zeal and persistency that in the short space of five years the mortgage was retired and the property passed into the hands of'the Jewish Congregation free from all debts. The South Side has more than 150 Jewish families at the present time. It has been estimated that the improvements will cost nearly ?6000 and will" consist of an entirely new basemerit with ample space provided for the South Side Talmud Torah, a balcony for the women and children, an. entirely new and adequate heating plant and miscellaneous minor improvements, . •
can be purchased at. the various ticket selling places listed here below. These tickets must then' be exchanged at the Brandeis theater'box office beginning February 41 Tickets for the Y'show can be secured at the' following" ticket' selling booths: Jewish Community Center. Wolf Bros., 1421 Douglas: I. Levey, Drug Store, 24th anil Decatur. SWINDLE DISCOVERED IN Ed. Patton's Music Shop,' 16th and WARSAW OFFICE OF Farnam. AMERICAN CONSULATE Sommer's Food Shop, 16th and FarWarsaw. (J. T. A.) A huge swin- nam. dle, in connection with affidavits for Rialto Music Shop, 4907 So. 24th. prospective emigrants, was discovered J. Lieb, 31,0 North 16th. in the American Consulate here. * Sach's Cigar.Store, 14th and Far- MODERN WOODMEN It was learned that letters from nam. TO GIVE BALL America containing affidavits, on beMalashock Jewelry, 214 City Nat. Modern Woodman Hebrew Camp ing mailed from, the office of the Bank Buldg. No. 4944 will hold a ball during the "Consulate to persons in the provinces, month. A special committee has been were stolen and the affidavits sold by appointed to make plans for this afpersons connected with the Consulate FINAL BATTLE fair: Harry Weiner, chairman; John to other individuals desiring to emiBETWEEN IBN SAUD grate from Poland. AND ALI AT JEDDAH Feldman, vice chairman; Sam RbsenJerusalem. (J. T. • A.) News re- thal, treasurer; Jake Crounse, secreThe number of stolen affidavits, the majority of which were made out to ceived here confirmed p%revious re- tary; B. H. Feltman, Herman MeyerJews, is estimated by officials of the ports that Ibn Saud, leader of the son, J. Margolis, Sam Meyerson, J. J. Wahibis, has rejected Ali's peace pro- Freidman and A. J. Shamberg. Consulate to run into the hundreds. The exact date of the ball will be The American Consulate has turned posal and that the Wahibisare adannounced in a later issue of the Jewvancing toward Jeddah. The tribes*, the matter over to the police who are * '"• ; making a thorough investigation. So men have already reached the- out-" ish Press. far three persons connected with the skirts of the city, Ali's forces were compelled to leave Consulate have been apprehended on suspicion of having perpetrated this Jeddah and engaged in' skirmishes swindle: Francizek Pamianowski, with the -troops of Ibn Saud, who who is a clerk in the American Con- followed them., A battle .is expected. sulate; his sister, Marie, and his The J. Resnick Investment Co., London. (J. T.- A:) Naje El Assil, business brokers and. dealers in real friend, Vincent Zelinski. Pamianowski: and his sister have confessed Hedjas representative in London, re- estate, rentals, and . insurance! are their guilt, declaring that they did it ceived confirmation-from King Ali of now locoted at 305 Paxton Building. They specialize in selling homes, because of their desire to make the Wahibi attack on Jeddah. The London Post correspondent in stores, and other business places, money. Arabia, in a dispatch, to his paper, now located at 305 Paxton Building. declares that* the ,general opinion ill Mr. Joseph Resnick, formerly of LEMBERG POLICE RETURN Jeddah is that. Britain wishes Ibn Omaha, returned from Minneapolis a BLOOD STAGED HOLY; Saud to enter Jeddah in order to put . Mr. A. D. Frank, wellSCROLL TO SYNAGOGUE an end to the reign of the Hashimite knownago. h re, is associated with Mr. T (J. T. A.) A Holy Scroll, family, which 'Britain considers a Resnick. ;'•••' \ which was written at the beginning mistake. The Morning Post urges the of the eighteenth century in a Uk- British Government to advise Ali "to rainian town, was transferred by the abandon his hopeless struggle. COMMUNISTIC YOUTH police from the Ukrainian National PERMITTED TO CON- : Museum here to the L> Jiberg SynaFISCATE SYNAGOGUES WHITE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT Riga. (J. T. A.) Jewish Commungogue. ORDERS RETURN OF The scroll was discovered in the istic youth of Soviet Russia were CONFISCATED* SYNAGOGUE! grahted free hand to confiscate synamuseum *-y a Jewish visitor who noRiga,(Jewish Telegraphic' Agency.) gogues .and turn them into workingtified the police. Dr. Schwientziki .£" synagogu' *"hich were recently men's^ clubs wherever they find it the director d the museum, s^.f -4ha- he received the Holy Scroll last confiscated by the. Cammunists in the necessary, according to a report reTOay from a Ukrainian officer who Government of 'Minsk are'to be re- ceived here from Moscow. was former^ commander of a,Uk- turned to the.Jewjsh population, acPermission was granted o" the Komrainian army. In all probability the .cording jtc an ord^r of the "V\(hite Rus Bbxaol. (the Communistic Young Men's - scroll was taken by the soldiers of the sian Wzik it'js reporfcs&here. * n -6s-*- league) to confiscate synagogues not - P.etlura -army- during the pogroms .in .ception- was made' of the Main SyJia- •ohly in the larger- cities, -where- -*his The scroll has many blood gojpie in Minsk; "which." was- declared lias been in practice for" some "time, "proletariat propertv " but also in the towns ami villages. -stain? on ilv .
J. Resnick Inv.Co.Specialize in Selling Homes and Business Places
SUBSRIPT1ON PRICE, A YEAR. $2.50 HANDFUL OF JEWS BEAR -f" BURDEN OF TAXES IN LITHUANIAN CITY •Vilna. (J. T. A.) In the tovm of Basian, district of Disno, which contains a population of two hundred non-Jewish families and thirty Jews, the latter are forced to carry the burden of all the taxes. Resolved to Call Conference of Wygodsky, Jewish member of the All National Religious Bodies' Polish " 'm ho intervened with the For Advancement of got'emnii- 1 on T-ehalf of the -Tc\vs Judaism and has been promised that his injustice will be rectified. URGE LIBERAL
St. Louis, Jan. 23. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)—A declaration oS principles on social justice presented by the Central Conference of AmeriMakes Largest Single Contribution to can Rabb|g was adopted at the Twen~ Jewish Settlement. tysixth biennial convention of the Union of American Hebrew Congrff~ Watch for this column. It is being introduced in Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 20. (J. T. A.) gations in its session yesterday, folthis issue of The Jewish Press. The Irene Kaufmann Settlement, the lowing an address by Dr. Wolsey on largest settlement house in the Unit- the subject" of' Social Justice. Besides the feature sport column which is now runed States supported by Jewish funds, ning in The Jewish Press, the readers are being served The principles endorsed by tl**5 is the beneficiary of the largest sinwith the latest news dispatches and telegrams from gle gift to a charitable institution Union and included in the declaration events over the entire country, through the Jewish Teleever made in the state of Pennsyl- are: more equitable distribution o* graphic Ageicy-of which The Jewish Press is a member. the profits of industry, a mininiun: vania. wage," eight-hour day and six-day Marking the thirtieth anniversary week; improvement of industrial and of the founding of the Irene Kauf- labor conditions with special attenmann Settlement, Henry Kaufmann tion to sanitation; abolition of d i M of New York presented to the insti- labor, adequate compensation for intution a piece of property in the dustrial accidents and occupational downtown district of Pittsburgh diseases; health insurance fox* workwhich is valued at over $750,000. ers and a national system of public Palestine Is Rapidly Being Developed Increases in Memberships Beginning Mr. Kaufmann gave $200,000 in employment bureaus. The right of to a Prosperous Country. July 1. 1910 which enabled the then called labor to bargain collectively; media"Columbian School and Settlement" tion, conciliation and arbitration of "The eyes of the Tworld are looking More than fifty stockholders of the to erect a new building, which since industrial disputes: proper housing towards Palestine," said Louis -Lipsky Highland Country Club attended the last Thursday evening at the B'nai annual meeting last Sunday after- that time has been known as the for workers, mothers' pensions, conIsrael Synagogue. Mr. Lipsky is now noon. The four new directors elected "Irene Kaufmann Settlement" in structive care of dependents, defectouring the couiitry in the interest of for the ensuing three years are Henry memory of his daughter. 1^1920, on tives and criminals is advocated in obtaining new members to the Zionist Monsky, Henry Kosenthal, Fred Ko- the occasion of the twenty-fifth an- the declaration. niversary of the settlement, Mr. Kauforganization. He r^ently arrived in senstock and Sam J. Leon. The Union also expressed itself man presented 5250,000 to provide this country from jgp' extended visit A meeting of the new board as favoring freedom of speech, fedelarger quarters. Besides these spein Palestine. i -. be held Sunday, February 8^at the cial gifts he has given yearly toward ral legislation against lynching, lib"Palestine is nov^beir.g' recognized office of the Highland Country club, the expenses of maintenance and op- eral immigration laws and Americaniby many of the leading countries of 402 Karbach block, at"JO:pQ a. m. eration which brings his contribu- zation- provisions, the world. Thousands of boys' and The resolutions were passed at this tions to the Irene Kaufmann Settle- Aaron Marcus of Pittsburgh advogirls are working in the fields, on the meeting, one by the grounds commit- ment. - to a total.. • .of . approximate!ycated the adoption' of a Eabinical roads, and in' the cifies" oirPalestine/* tee ; and one by the, fiftKT^ csranilt- $1,500,000. platform on social justice, 'jsaytrtg, '* said Mr." Lipsky. "The cities of Tel- tee. The resolution- passed by the "Most business men and industrial Henry Katafmann came to the UnitAviv and Haifa are modern cities, finance committee calls ; for an inleadere have already adopted similar and carry on modem business meth- crease in membership beginning July ed States' at the age of 16, and after declarations or acted in accordance ods. The people of Palestine are well 1, 1925. • Stock holding memberships several years of struggle founded with them." satisfied with the conditions of the will be $600 and associate member- with his brothers the firm which i * * * now known as Kaufmann's, of which country." ships will be §150. . St. Louis, Jan. 23. (Jewish Telehe is vice president. While Mr. KaufWhat the people of Palestine need The Highland Country club plans is the help of their American friends. many activities for its members dur- mann 's special interest has been the graphic Agency)—The convention of Irene Kaufmann Settlement, he has the Union ef American Hebrew ConThe Chaluzim that come to,Palestine ing the coming year. always given liberally to many other gregations at its last session here from European countries are the ; charities and philanthropies, both in today adopted the- following resoluneedy ones. Immigration restrictions Pittsburgh and New York. He is the tion which was introduced by the delhave stopped these immigrants from Musical Program p largest contributor to the Federation entering American and other coun(Continued on pag'c 2) of Jewish Philanthropies of Pittsfer Woians Welfare Msetiig tries. burgh. Following his address here Mr. LipA musical program will be given in The Irene Kaufmann Settlement, sky left for Kansas City where he addition to the regular business meetstarted in 1895 in one room, has dewill address a gathering. ing : of the Jewish Women's Welfare veloped to one of the largest social Rabbi J. M. Charlop addressed the Organization to be held.Tuesday aftaudience in Jewish, telling of Pales- ernoon, February S, at three o'clock settlements of the country. Convention Delegates to Give tine. Rabbi Charlop was born in Pal- at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Convention Delegates to Give Reports estine. Max Fromkin was chairman Jack Carey will speak, and Miss Hen- REWENTLOW REBUKES at This Banquet. GERMAN GOVERNMENT of the evening. rietta Rees will render several piano FOR HONORING WEIZMAN selections. . ; Temple Israel is giving a CongreBerlin. (J. T. A.) In welcoming gation banquet Wednesday evening, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who was reFebruary 4, at 6:30, in the vestry cently received by President Ebert CANADIAN PREMIER and other government officials, the rooms of the Temple. HAS PREFERENCE FOR A report of the Delegates to the "NORDIC" IMMIGRANTS German "V-ernment thereby honored convention of the Union of American the Allied Powers. The accusation Toronto. (J. T. A.) That the. CaHebrew Congregations held in St, nadian Government will also give was made in the Reichstag by Count Louif, Mo., from January 18—23, preference to immigrants of "Nordic" Rewentlow, anti-Semite member of will be given ir\ addition to a social stock was the. opinion expressed by the Nationalist Partr. program. , . Premier MacKenzie King in an adReservations are, to be made not dress delivered before a large gath- DR. WEIZMANN WILL BE later than February 1 with .any memGUEST OF GERMAN FOREIGN ering at Massey Hall here. ber, of the committee in charge of OFFICE LUNCHEON Speaking of Canada's immigration Berlin. (J. T. A.) Dr. Chaim Weiz- the banquet. Mr. Harry Z. Rosenproblem, Premier King stated that mann, president of the World Zionist felcl, chairman, and Messrs, J. - B. "Canada looks forward to increased Kate, Harry Rachman, Seiwyn S. Jaimmigration." The Government's pol- Organization, is expected to arrive cobs, and Henry Rosenthal, are oiomhere soon. He will be a guest at a icy will be to attract only those imbers of the committee. ' migrants who are viiling to engage luncheon given by the German ForTemple Delegates to the cow?en« in farming, and who will develop the eign Office at the Kaiserhof Hotel. tion were Rabbi Frederick Cohr». Is;* German Zionists have made extensnatural resources of the country. City dor Ziegler, William L. Holsman, ive preparations for receiving Dr. dwellers would only increase unemHarry Z,, Eosenfeld,' Seiwyn S. IsWeizmann. The Grand Lodge of the ployment: The desirable class of imcobs, Lowis Killer, Henry Eosenthai, migrants are, therefore, those who B'nai B'rith will give a reception for Solomon Degan, Dave Eosenstock, J. him. The German Keren Hayesod come from the British Isle, Sweden B. Kate, Harry A. Wolf, and Martin have arranged a mass meeting, where and Denmark. Helen Wise, prominent little danc-, Dr. Weizmann will speak. Prof. Al- L. Sugarman. er, will be one of the headliners of! bert Einstein has invited a number the! Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. show VICE PREMIES WILL CALL of prominent leaders of German Jew- OPENS -NEW CLEANING which will be held Sunday evening, | CONFERENCE ON JEWISH ry to confer with Dr. Weizmann. ESTABLISHMENT February 8, at the Brandeis theater. SCHOOL PROBLEM IN POLAND The Kesri Kleaners have opened Miss Wise will appear in an oriental Warsaw. (J. T, A.) The Polish COMMISSION APPOINTED their establishment at 306 South dance. '{ Government is in favor of Jewish Eighteenth street. The establishTO CHOSE NAME FOR . Besides Miss Wise there are more Schools in Poland, on the condition, PALESTINE CURRENCY ment is opposite the court house. than 120 people that will take part however, that the language of inJerusalem, (Jewish Telegraphic Bsraey IJeaiij proprietor of the new in the third annual "Y" show. Three struction in .the schools be Polish. Agency.) Two commissions, one re- cleaning company, "We are remodplays written by Omahans will be with the possible exception of the presenting the Palestine Jews and eling and redecorating the entire staged. The "Y" jazz orchestra will instruction of Jewish religion, which the other representing Palestine Ar- rooms," gafd Mr. Kean. "We have play the latest song and dance hits. may be given in Hebrew or Yiddish, abs, were appointed by the Pales- installed one of the latest and most The boys and girls taking part in the Polish Vice Premier,, Thugutt, de- tine currency which is to be issued up-to-date pressing- machines, to enable us to give better service to our this show are rehearsing daily at the clared- before a delegation of repre- shortly to rep' the Egyptian 1b. Jewish Community Center rooms, to sentatives of Jewish "schools. The Jew' " commission consists of patrons. make this show one of the best ever Concerning a government subsidy Dr. Joser' f tusner, the weli-kno^i ""We wil', gnve excellent service to staged by local talent. for Jewish schools, the Vice Premier Hebrew scholar and historian, editor all our patrons, A trial will condeclared that it was premature to r" Ha'shiloah; Professor Klein and vince 3'ou of the wonderful service Firms advertising in ,"The Jewish take .up the matter in. the Polish. Par- Mr. Gordon, manager of the".Angio- and the expert workmanship in keep'Press" -deserve- your- patronage—It-is liament, at this time. He prontissti, "Pslestine :"Btmk .In- JerassleiB. Tk$ ing' ywrar clothes etean," _ , TO YOUR INTEREST, to support however, to call a conference to dis- president of'the Joint> conitnissioir "ie them cuss the matter. Sterrs, Gevfmor of l e
Another part of the service is the information given to readers. Any person desiring information relative to sports from a-Jewish angle can write to The Jewish Press, Sport Editor, and that information:will be properly answered, t .-..••
$1,500,000 to Settlement
Louis lipsky Addresses Highland Country Club Large Gathering n Omaha Elects Hew Directors
Temple Israel Cesgregation .Banquet Wednesday E?eniiig
Oriental Dancer to Appear in "Y" Show
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS^-THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1925 r rely upon the magic wand alone. first to make such a grift in a Jewish •» ould certainly be indicative of tho There are, in the United States, a way. In addition-to the stmvalready "fatherhood of God and the brothernumber of Syrian and Palestine Ar- mentioned, Mr. Ochs expressed hi? hood of man." Published every Thursday nt Omnha,. Nebraska, by abs, who have grown in recent years willingness to donate to the CatheThere is an interesting legend told (Continued from page 1.) THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING- COMPANY. to prosperity and represent a purse dral two seven-branched candelabra in the Talmud concerning the Meno-Office: 790 Brandeis..Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1430. egates of the Central Conference of which could make a substantial re- which should be in size and form a rah. When Moses came to* Bezaleel, '^ E. GREEN, Manager. American Rabbis: bron2e replica of the Menorah of King after GoJ had ordered him to have a sponse to an appeal for funds. :.$2.50. Subscription Price, one' year._; , "Whereas closer religious fellowMenorah made for the tabernacle and Seven hundred Syrian and Palestine Solomon's Temple. Advertising rates' furnished on. application. ship and practical cooperation Arabs are reported to be organized j "I make this offer in the hope tliat Bezalel coul.1 not grasp the structure among national Jewish congregaOB" ABDKESS— Please give both the old nnd new address; in an anti-Zionist League in the Unit- it may be regarded as an appropriate of the seven branches, and various be sure aii'd give your name. ' , tional organizations are desirable ed States. gift from one of the Jewish faith lamps, Moses went again to God. God .The Jewish Press is sttpplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish for the advancement of Judaism, The desire to emulate the universal who wishes to be among those con- then showed Moses a fiery Menorah, Correspondence' Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news,in addition Jewish education and cooperation Arabian Prince Visiting America— Zionist ^activities in the rebuilding of tributing to the establishing of your saying "K'zeh Keah Vkadesh"—Like to, feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. with, other national organizations Adolf S. Ochs Gives $13,000 to Palestine found expression on the great cathedral as a civic monument this: see and sanctify." Inquiries* regarding- news' iteira ereditedF to this -Agency will be gladly interested essentially in religion Cathedral Campaign. part of the so-called Palestine Arab dedicated to the 'fatherhood of God answered if addressed to.Jewish.Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New The Menorah as a symbol of the York City. -_ and religious education, Executive. This is a more plausible and the brotherhood of man,' and as "fatherhood of God and the brother"Therefore, be it resolved, that Bj WIUL1AM Z. SPJKUELiLAW. explanation for the Prince's visit. an expression that spirituality has an hood of man"—Like this: see »nd "# * * the executive board be empowered THE YOUTH OF OUR tIME abiding place in this great communi- sanctify. Habib Lotfallah, Arabian prince, to invite representatives of the So many shocking things are said and done by the young United Synagogues, Central Con- formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs "Adolph S. Ochs, publisher of the ty," Mr. Ochs stated in his letter people of today that- it has faecome the habit of serious-minded ference of American Rabbis and of in the cabinet of Hussein, the Hashi- New York Times, was one of the announcing his gift. "Kean Keeps Klothes Kleari" people to lament the passing of the good old times. Drinking in the Union of Orthodox Congrega- mite, when he was King of Hedjas, first to contribute in the campaign in The Menorah made fist, according New York City for the completion of public to the point of intoxication, free and easy manners in the tions to meet with a similar com- and after a. sojourn in Moscow t s to tradition, by Bezaleel for the tabassociation of boys and girls, criticism of the standards of re- mittee of the Union of American Hedjas' representative, in Italy and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, ernacle when the Jews wandered in BAKXEY KEANligion and ethics leading to rebellion to constituted authorities, Hebrew Congregations to effect a recently in England, arrived in New which requires the sum of $15,000,000. the desert under the leadership of He donated $10,000 toward the fund, seem to be the order p£ the era in which we live. As for the conference of national Jewish con-j York. Tailors — Dyers — Hatters Moses, survived during the ages as a which is under the leadership of joys of home life, the duties of prayer and service, a sense of Jewish symbol of the highest spirit, 306 South Eighteenth Street gregational bodies for the futher- What is the object of his. mission ? Bishop Manning. . personal accountability and social responsibility to the world and each branch representing one of the The Court House is Opposite VB According to him, he was very anxance of these aims." Jewish contributions toward the to coining generations, the temper, of the times may be best U Phone JA-I187 We'll Call ious to complete''his knowledge of building of churches is not new in seven virtues. expressed in the widespread indifference to the appeal of con- It was further resolved to call an geography by visiting Florida and Such a Menorah in the cathedral, Our AVork Excellent — Onr Service executive meeting within thirty days California. After explaining to thp liberal countries! It is not particu- if accepted by the building committee. science among aur young people. Prompt — Our Trices Reasonable larly new in New York City where That there is abundant eause for alarm and good ground for to elect a president. The convention metropolitan press representatives the records are available of contributions action, only the foolish" optimists, the blind eulogists of our era adjourned after deciding to hold its real meaning of the "sheik" who IFmade by early Jewish settlers toward would deny. . Conscientious parents often confess their helpless- next biennial meeting in Cleveland so popular in America, his social sta- the building of Trinity Church. The ness in coping with the problem of rearing an honorable genera- in 1927. tus in Arabia and the accompanying present campaign received a generous tion of sons and daughters. A familiar complaint is that of honors and privileges, made • a few gift of $25,000 from Mortimer L. St. Louis, Jan. 23. (Jewish Tele- remarks on the Pan-Arab movement Schiff. . thoughtful teachers who raid it doubly hard to" impart to the graphic Agency.)—Reverend John Wt. and its relation to Palestine. children of today the well tried standards of the righteous life. Adolph S. Ochs was, however, the In the face of this despair and trouble i t is comforting to Herring, of the Federal Council of Prince Habib, whp recently in Longet the point of view of .a leading educator; of our country, Dean the .; Churches of Christ in America don officially denied in court a charge "Richardson—You know I like good launches and autoHerbert E. Hawkes of. Columbia University, who, in a report to and the Executive Secretary .of the made against him- that he was enA LIFE'S OPPORTUNITY. mobiles, and I am fairly critical. We have owned our Packard President Nicholas Murray Butler, observes that much of the Committee of Good Will Between gaged in anti-British and anti-Zionist! Six Coupe for two years now I do not know how one One of the best opportunities in disparagement of the" earnestness and worthiness of our young Jews and Christians, addressed the propaganda, chose a very diplomatic: could wish for better transportation at a more moderate a lifetime to get into business is balanced by actual experiences that point to their many Convention telling the delegates of method. He does not criticise the Zi- • cost, and with-your recent price reduction I believe it to be in a live wire town, 97 miles the efforts of his committee td bring meritorious qualities. His. frequent contacts with youths of today the outstanding, higlt grade automobile value of the clay." from Omaha j a 26-mile busionist administration as other Arabs ness radius; on the Northgive him an authority to make his statements appear like rays of about better understanding between have done; he merely thinks-that| Signed—WILLIAM L. HOLZMAN, western railroad. light and hope breaking through an angry cloud. To quote his the rates. . of the Nebraska Clothing Co. Lord Balfour, in granting his declar- ] Owner of building wishes to actual words: "Scarcely a day passes without my learning from "The Christian Church," he said, ation made a slight "mistake.". lease on best possible terms. students the details of a story of loyalty to parents, determination "has a crime on its conscience in perThis is a brick building, 25 by The National Home, which was to to go ahead, ambition to make the most of such talents as they mitting to exist prejudice among 80; wall fixtures; balcony; livpossess, which gives one complete confidence that whatever one groups and races in this world. The be created in Palestine according to j ing rooms on second floor; Telephone: Atlantic 3250-3251. 3016 Harney Street. full basement; all modern; all may think of the manners of some of our youths, when it comes Federal Council is conscious of the the Balfour declaration, should not i conveniences, and located in to fundamentals they .are by no means inferior to their fathers." enormous debt of Christianity to the have been so narrow; it should have; heart ofcity. been extended to all Arabia, and why j Such an observation is satisfying because it is reasonable Jews and Judaism and of its obligaA reliable party with a little limit it to one particular branch of. to believe that our young people, wild and aggressive and thought- tion to" bend every effort to efface money can get assistance the Semitic race? There are other, from bank. Town has 800 less as many of them may be, will not continually drift away from prejudice. The Federal Council be"cousins, also of Semitic origin, even ' population, in rich part of the safe moorings established .by society. They may be different lieves that the spiritual integrity of J. RESNICK, President A. D. FRANK, Secretary . state; owner of building has if. they happen to be Christians or from their fathers and mothers, but not necessarilly worse. They Christianity depends upon ; the full retired wealthy; this is good Res. Phone JA-5810 Res. Phone JA-464S Moslems. The Balfour Declaration, j for g e n e r a l merchandise; are experimenting, it may be, with liberty and progress and have practice of that principle of Brotherif it would create a home for the' ready-to-wear, eta. not yet discovered for themselves that the ways of the parents hood, which is the common ground entire Semitic family, including Se- j of both Jew and Christians. In seekare not as useless as they imagined, that the, most worthy goals party -interested - will drive BUSINESS BROKERS mites of Jewish, Christian and Mos- i Todown with him in car and go of life remain today as in hoary antiquity, the attainment of hap- ing the increase of good will, the lem faith, woudl have created no antij over proposition. Opportunity piness, peace and honor aa embodied in a clean character and- up- Federal Council labors not only for to get in business with a little a more brotherly order, but for the Zionist feeling.. Finally, when the; right conduct. money doesn't often occur. mandates are terminated, the prob- \ effective combination of the power • Think this over. R e s n i c k In behalf of the young people today, it is only fair and right lem would have to be solved in this! 305 PAXTON BUILDING Investment Co., 305 Paxton Omaha, Xebraska Phone AT-0462 to realize that if the parents of our youth would sufficiently con- and light of both Judaism and- Chris- way. King Ali, for whom Prince HaBldg., AT. 0462. tianity towards the solution of our cern themselves with their children's education, both secular and bib is chancellor, would greatly favor j religious, coupled with the indispensable home demonstrations of common problem. Above all it is such an arrangement. . hoped that close co-operation may -piety and personal exemplifications of worthwhile ideals and Of course, if the Wahabis and all standards, it would not take long to increase the number of virtu- continue and grow between both the other troubles in Arabia could groups inbehalf of these^ common ous youth, nor would we have to wait long to free the world of only be removed} by some magic wand. aims."e •'•'•'<• the sorrows and burdens which moral-recklesness in young and .However, Prince Habib does not old. impose upon our civilization* \ • • ' Sf. Louis, Jan. 23. ' (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) — The concluding U N I V E R S I T Y A T J E R U S A L E M O P E N S I T S DOORS. sessions of the ational Federation of It must be a source of .gratification., to every student and Temple Brotherhoods were Held toresearch worker in the.world, irrespective-of nationality^or faith, day. At the morning session Mrs. -that another great institution, of learning has begun ta "function Sallie Kubie" Glauber,- representing That's what you will pro: actively. In the presence., of Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Com- the National Federation of .Temple nounce any of our work in missioner for Palestine, the Institute of Jewish Studies in con- Sisterhoods, presented a resolution wet wash,- dry wash, seminection with the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus was for- asking the Brotherhood organizations 1 flat and air dry. mally "opened. This is popularly regarded as the real inaugura- to father the-project of errecting a tion of the Hebraw University, of which the foundation stone library building at the Hebrew Union We have received many .was laid by General Allenby in 192S. Hitherto, research labora- College to replace the prejsent quarcompliments telling us of tories for microbiology and~biochemistry have existed, but there ters which >have been" found to be in- the good clean work that has been no actual teaching organization such as that which is adequate. A contribution of. §1,000 we do. to -start its activities; unter the auspices of ..the new institute. towards this cause was. presented by Every piece of work is Messages of good will and felicitations were received from repre- Mr. L. Weil of New Haven,.: Conn., thoroughly cleaned by the sentatives of Jewish and Gentile institutions, including the Amermost modern machinery.. A committee of three was appointican University of Beirut and the American and German School ed to confer with -a similar--comrriitClean Clothes provide -of Archaeology in Jerusalem. Scholarship is international. Inteltee of the Sisterhood's organization sanitary conditions for the lectual ties make for solidarity and-friendship, even where the entire family. cross purposes of diplomatic relations tend to-create hostility. to give consideration-tcr-the project. We know that the service of the Hebrew .University> while pre- The Committee • was composed of . serving carefully knowledge of Jewish Theolpgy; Hebrew and Leonard S. Levin, Pittsburgh, chairCALL US .cognate languages, Jewish literature, history,-, law and philosophy, man; Wallace Rosenheim of "Detroit, ,wilL .also make distinct contributions to - the arts and sciences. and Grover M. Moskowitz of Brook•. • . , .Amidst monuments and shrines of the past this great University lyn, MAX S. KAPLAN, Owner will look to the future not only of our coreligionists but of all In order to stimulate community mankind. The Jew has been .and will always- remain an incor- singings a, committee was appointed, Park and Woolworth Aye. rigible altruist. Phone: HArney 7545 headed by Mortimer Weinberg, to undertake this work.
Principles on Social Justice Adopted &y Hebrew Coagregations
In 'the Execu6v£ Committee meeting, which followed, Mr. Roger W.' Strauss of New York was re-elected ppresident r~ the Brotherhood Federation.
. •
Read—Wliat William L. Holzman Says About His Packard Six.
Richardson Motor Car Co.
Real Estate - Rentals - Insurance
Attend the
given by
National Laundry Co.
HA'KOACH WINS FOOTBALL" . Hatorah" will visit the various towns VICTORY IN PALESTINE in Germany to organize meetings on Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The football behalf of the Fund. match between the HaTjoach, * the "Viennese- Jewish football team,' and a PALESTINE JEWS TO selected team of English" football playESTABL1S LEAGUE OF "ers in Palestine, resulted m a victqry NATIONS SOCIETY for • the HaTccach -with a score- of Jerusalem, (Jewish Telegraphic 4 io 2. ' ' Agency.) A conference of Palestine Jewish representatives was called to ; r r UOVT -A WESTEURGPEJ&f 3EW" 'meet at thr~ home of M. M. Ussishkin, :^ ^.::43AN BRING UP HISTJ0g|LlJBEI<r -director * the-Jewish-National Fa.:d, '^;- 'S":i:1-^~-' • AS OB^ERl^NT: JEWS t r - discuss'' the establishment of a §: ;* -Berlm, (J. T. Al; Mall-Sfervice.)^- League -of Nations Society in Pales• -; j ; Great •/interest 2%a5" shwra ; at _ thetine: :te^plenary ^meeting held ^his t^wfeek; a t A proposal to this'effect was rei = J Haiiaburg-of the JGferrhan^ Section <of ceived by Palestine Jews -from the Inj^^KeS^e^^a^erah^^fcfiaj^^^ ternational federation ~ "of League of u' ^i^aV^rfisfpel ^WorW^Gongress,-m Nations Societies in Brussels. S:
. ;S?aii^«ad^ess-:^y\^RaWBPI]i^|^ r ^^^umniJergr^bn v"liow - :iGsftpk' f!^stj IBN SAUD WANTS MECCA 5#Elir^a^-^w^ri^^^^^rGnad^ - * INHABITANTS TO ' S:f-iioi.rBe^i - X)bServanfc i^ilfi^er ^fritiie . ' ' -. • FIGHT AGAINST ALL
'-Jerusalem.. (J. T. A.) Ibn Sand, sSfi^Be^tfS^^y^^J^;"^"'^"^^^^®^ who 3s now preparing for a final batJ^^g^aKH^-^olc'-par^-ift'slhe'^tfisras^ •tfe with the forces' of King Ali at Jeddah, has demanded that the in| | i | | ^ j ^ 3 ^ ^ n o w i i z ; 5 T:^; g o ^ ^ habitants of Mecca, forme* subjects 5||H^riS|e^positit^/>)f3he ' Je^^ of the HashJmite family, enlist inhis i|ij^||ipg^&rieriln^?|^^ 'arnty "ta fight against their-former ""' ''^^^;Ci»d^00^(MS^ kmgj'.a.ccordmg,'to,reports- received t vJ&mpaig^ fthroulpJcfSt here from "Mecca.- - Ipl^rS^ihg^S^^d^it^aia] "'An"appeal 3 for -voluntary recruiting, |i||^||ii^M6oW^iral§|^agi4 "resulted so'far. in,the "enlistment of "150 "soldiers.-' ' .' •'' '
South Side Congregation of Israel Sunday, Feb. 1, 1925 atihe
nity! ON'T confuse this wonderful offer of exceptional quality ovfercoats with * the usual ran of low price overcoats.. They're overcoats of unexpected quality, standard stailored, fashionably correct styles—bought by us in a great special purchase—as we buy so we sell.
Ail Wanted Stales, Colors and All Sizes, From, Storm, Ulsters to Box Coats, a Big Buy for You. - SEE' OUR FARNAM STREET CLOTHING WINDOWS.
OtfiBl. Nfi"
Auditorium Ed Kahn and his Field Club Orchestra
PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JANUARY 29,1925 hi Tau' Pi to Entertain ! meeting in two weeks at the home of] Manual Wishaw,_ and. Mr, Afctr&harn Hill. The out-of-town . guests were For Bob Hall Tonight' Mrs. Saul Nefsky.
Mrs. L. S. Braunstein entertain** at three tables of bridge last W«in?,* day evening at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil are con- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Epstein and Mr. and Mrs. H. Epstein, all of Omaha. MEYER-BERNSTEIN. templating a trip abroad. Messrs. Leo and 'Lawrence Kr«srw: The marriage of Miss Eva BernMiss Jennie Breslara entertained a stem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B.left Saturday evening for NPV Tcc-i Rev. McDonald of the Unitarian Church delivered the sermon at the company of friends b'nnday evening. Bernstein, of Oskaloasa, la., to Mr. City on a business trip. Friday evening services. Mr. New- Mrs. Charles Grossman entertained Adolph Meyer, son oL Mrs. F. Meyer, A Talmud Torah meeting' vriV. h'jmark conducted the services in the her daughter at a surprise bridge of this city, v "JI take place Sunday held next Tuesday evening-, Feprwsr' absence of Rabbi S. E. Starrels. Dr. party. There were six tables of bridge. afternoon, February 1, at the home of 8, at the Synagogue at eight r>Vln.-t. Atken of the St. Pauls Church will High score was. won by Miss Ruth the bride's parents. The cerernony deliver the sermon next Friday eve- Diamond and second prize was won will take place in th epresence of only Mr. Nathan Adler will leave Ssh;",Miss Bess Stock is expected to re- ning. The Daughters of Israel Aid Society f Mrs. Harry Rose and daughter, Doclose relatives. day night for New York City or * by Miss Helen Shapiro. alecteS Mrs; S. Eavltz president at its rothy Ruth, are leaving Sunday morn- turn home the latter part of this Mr. Meyer, accompanied by his two weeks' buying trip. Mr. Sam Nefsky and son Joseph are Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro are enter- mother, left Thursday morning for regular 'election meeting held Tuesday ing for St. Joseph, Mo., where they week from a six weeks' visit in the on a buying trip in the east. The Chevra Bnai Yisroel taining st a reception Sunday evening Oskaloosa. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman afternoon} January 20. Mrs. A. Wolf •will, make their future home. Mr. east. will hold a meeting next W in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shap•was elected vice president; Mrs. JM. Rose has been in St. Joseph for the Meyc ,n are leaving Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wessel and niece Dr. Benjamin Levin, of Haise, Palevening: at the Synagogue at iro. Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro win Finkel, secretary, and Mrs. M. Tatle, past three weeks. estine, very well known Jewish states- Adele Aach returned from a 6 months be at their home in the Lennox Apts. to attend the weckling. treasurer. The .Mesdames Sam AltMr. Mf sr and his bride will re- o'clock. Mrs. M. Solomon just returned from man, will be in Omaha in the interest trip throughout Europe. after February 1st. .s/iaderi A. Farber, S. Hollander, Mr. turn to this city after a two weeks' of his work, Geonic Literature. He Your 1925 subscription to The .1rvDrglick, S. Frohm, W. Barson, L. Se- a six weeks visit with her children will be the guest of Rabbi J. M. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garson anhoneymoon trip, and will be at home The Cemetery Board elected xrew at 432 East Washington avenue. ish Press is due now. • Please nu;.: gelman, S; Chait, L. Kneeter, P. Gold- and friends at Chicago, HI., an Cleve- harlop for a week. Dr. Levin nounced the engagement of their officers at their meeting Sunday. The it in. • -frare, B. A? Simon and L. Blum are land, Ohio. is known as a very learned student of daughter Joan to Mr. Dave Davidson, officers are as follows: Mr. Dave The Bar Mitzvah of Harold Kroloff, son of Mrs. Alta Davidson of this members of the board of directors of Miss Mary Yabroff arrived Wednes Jewish and other scientific fields. He Nefsky, president; Mr. Morris Polsky,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroloff, the club. : I>yerw T»ilnro day from Berkeley, Calif., to spend- has issued several pamphlets about city, Sunday. A reception was held vice-president; Mr. Jaek Davidson, will take place Saturday morning: at F O E GOOD SERVICE CALL T'K in honor of their daughter's engageJewish soldiers. the week-end with Miss Rose MinMn. treasurer. j Mrs. M. Rosenblatt, 1468 Lothrop the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue, ment and in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Yabroff has .been attending street, is in bed ill at her home. Garson's silver wedding anniversary Your 3923 subscription to The JewMr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel of 618 Mynster street. school at the University of Southern We Clean Everything Sunday afternoon and evening. ish Press is due now. Please mail Nebraska City axe the guests of Mr. j The Junior Council will hold a meetMessrs. Joe Krestul and Sam Stern California at Berkeley. She will re110 South lS<h. New Elks Blilg. it in. and Mrs. Sam Wessel of this citv. j are in Chicago, 111.," turn to Lincoln next week to continue PLANT: S9.1 IWk Awnne Mr. Sidney Poska is spending the ing Sunday afternoon at the home of her studies at the University of "NeHAKNF.V mm week end in Lincoln with his mother, Miss Bess Iipsky, 6S4 Oakland Drive. A Valentine party -will be given by Mr. and .Mrs. Eugene Schloss left braska, from where she will be gradMrs. Hannah Poska, and sister. the Ladies' Auxiliary of the B'nai Tuesday afternoon for Excelsior The Hatikvow Girls Club held an B'rith on-Saturday evening, February uated in June. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ellis expect to Springs, Mo. 14, at the Hanscom Park Pavilion for A MODERN BUSINESSMAN Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Erman enter- election of officers, Sunday, January motor to Omaha Sunday. Mr. Shapiro of St. Paul, Minn., \rho members and friends. tained Wednesday evening .at a dinner 4th, with the following results: Mollie DESIRES THAT HIS PRINTING Kotler, president; Sylvia Friedel, viceMiss Minnie Greenstone will leave visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Faye Ziegman , entertained at their home in honor of Nan iHal- president; Dora Goldberg, secretary; Saturday for Council Bluffs to visit M. Perlman, returned to his home. SHOULD BE DONE NEATLY -Sunday afternoon at three tables of perin, who is this week appearing at Minnie Margolin, treasurer; Saarh friends. Your 1925 subscription to The Jew17 Years in the Printing bridge at- her home complimentary, to the Orpheum Theatre. Miss Sophie Noddle,ser geant-at-arms; AnnaFaier, ish Press is due now. Please mail Halperin and Mr. Al Tucker, who are Miss Sara Rosenblatt, who is leaving Business has given me Mr.. Louis Somberg will finish his reporter. A Bunco party has been deH ! soon for an extended stay in the east. also appearing at the theater, were cided upon to be held at Sarah Firfi- senior year at the University of Neb- it in. H an opportunity to know also the guests at the dinner. Dr. and raska. man's home, Sunday, February 1. HOW—• • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Poska enter- Mrs. Erman attended school with Miss *2vean Keeps Klothes Klean" tained Sunday afternoon at a house- Nan Halperin. She is of Minneapolis, Mrs. Morris Polsky entertained sevThe Literary Circle entertained ai H TOK YOUR XEST JOB OF riUXTING g -warming a t their new home at 118 Minn. a farewell party Sunday evening-.' Jan- eral tables of bridge Sunday evening. A H ' CALL S North Thirty-eighth street. Prizes uary 25, in honor of Mr. Jack Belmont, B A B X K f K.EA3T Mrs. Perlman entertained her club Miss Fannie Levinson returned at bridge were won by Mrs. Max Lewho is leaving for New York City. At vin and the Misses Belle Rosenthal home Wednesday from the University the next Sunday meeting to be held Tuesday afternoon ot home at a lun- Tailors — Dyers — Hatters 306 South Eighteenth Street of Nebraska, to spend the remainder at the home of Miss Fxeeda Mendel- cheon followed by a bridge. and Betty Fine. The Court House is Opposite UE of the week with her parents, Mr. and son, Miss Ida Goldman will speak on A graduation party was given in ';. Mrs. Herman Cohn left the early Mrs. N. Levinson. U Phone JA-1187 We'll Call "Plato's Republic" honor of Miss Celia Rosenthal at her part of the week for New York City. Onr 'Wort Excellent — Our Service I IIS St. I7th St. 17th & Dengfes St. I Mrs. E. Fredericks and son, Carl, On Wednesday, January 21, the home Sunday, January 25, by her par- Prompt — Our Prices Reasonable This. Sunday afternoon, February 1, of Creston, la., formerly of this.city, ents. A violin solo was given by Mr. the Ra Oth Society will be enter- arrived last Thursday to visit with confirmation class of the City Sunday tained by the Misses Rae and Dora Mrs. Frederick's parents, Mr. and School entertained at a party at the Jewish Community Center. The club Wolowitz at their home. Mrs; M. E. Levin. Mr. Fredericks ar- donated §1 to the Palestine Lunch i"S~4ti^ >*>^•i^>>^'"^^."%2><i'!iiVsV>'S"%>^il> j^%>S^^">^ Mrs. J. Gross was honored at a rived Sunday to visit here. They are Fund. "•'•'. surprise given at her home Tuesday being entertained during their visit. afternoon by a number of her friends. They expect to return home the early part of next week. The T. K D. club •will meet Sunday, Miss Rose Baird left for her home Mrs. S. S.-Goldstrom is visiting in afternoon at the loine of Miss Ann in Sioux City, la., after a fortnight's Louisville, Ky., with her sisters. She Jonisch. . visit with her fiance, Mr. Ben Ellis. will be gone for several weeks. Mr. The annual Hadassah Linen Shower Goldstrom, who with Mrs. Goldstrom The social committee of the Tifereth •was held last "Wednesday afternoon was in Excelsior Springs, Mo., last Israel Synagogue gave a bridge party .at the Muse Theatre. Those who have week, returned home. . .' ^ Wednesday evening at the Ivre club not"~'yet contributed 'to-ifce Linen rooms.1 "Prizes were at every table. Mrs. J . P. Cohn was called to SpoShower can send their contributions The Nioma Sewing Club met last to; Mrs.-I. Goldstein af 422 North. kane,, Wash., due to the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Herman Kamins Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Simon Twenty-first street. Nefsky. The club will hold its next i y , who is well known here. "' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Katskee announce the birth of a baby daughter The Ha j obis bridge club were enteron Sunday, January 25, at the Nich- tained by Miss. Anne Rosenblum a olas Senn Hospital. Mrs. Katskee her: home.' Prizes iwere won by thi -was formerly Miss Bess Monsky. Misses Jennie Krestul and Hannah GOOD BUSINESS. EXCEPMiss Rae Borsky was hostess at a Filvin. TIOXAX, LOCATION. MUST SELL. •party at her home in honor of Miss CALL HARNEY 2442 Mr, Xester Simon returned yesterSarah Ruback, who is leaving soon on MBS. T. P. SMITH an extended trip through the "east. day from the University of Nebraska 1925 South 31th Street to spend the week-end with his par• The L. B. Bridge Club met last Sat- ents; Mr. "and Mrs." B. A". Simon. airday evening. Miss Dena Goldstein, 'of Lincoln', was honored guest.Miss Ethel Reuben arrived home Mrs. B. E. Ross, of the Sample Fur Wednesday morning from Muskatine, Shop, left Sunday evening on a busi- Iowa, where she is teaching Dental Diamond Importers ness trip to be gone for six weeks. Hygiene, and is visiting with her par,She expects to visit in Columbus and ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reuben. She is Platinsmiths Cleveland, O., Philadelphia, Pa., At- leaving Saturday for Muskatine, to lantic City, N. J., KewTork, Water- resume her work. bury, Conn., and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fox," at Perthambey This Friday evening-, January 30, 214-15-16 City National N.J. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will have as Bank Building Mr. Dave Freeman-returned-last his jsermon topic, "Je'vrish Education." Jackson 5619 Thursday from an extended stay at The following morning he will have as his subject, "Facing Pharoah." Los Angeles, Cal. The Local Phi Tau Pi are entertaining this evening at an Orpheam Theatre Party, followed by a dance at the Brandeis Restaurants in honor of Bob Hall, who is a "headliner" at the Orpheum Theatre this week and who is a Phi Tau'Pi fraternity man. Messers. Morton Hiller and Abe Schimmel are in charge of the affair.
Empire Cfeaicrs & Dyers
Seats Going
For Sale
Dry Goods & Notions Store
The Sensation of the Town
Third Annual Y. N. and Y. W. H.A.
Malasbock Jewelry Co.
Bigger and Better Than E¥er
New Location:
•Entire New Show — New Scenes and Costumes New Songs and Dances Will Hold You Spellbound One hundred and twenty of Omaha's most talented entertainers in two and a half hours' of mirth, melody, songs and dances.
To OurMcmy Friends: We have purchased at a very low figure^ the entire store of SoL Brodkey at 1S01 Douglas street. Hereafter, the business will be conducted under the firm name of Eagle Jewelry Company, Jules Gerelick and Joseph Ban, proprietors. ^ . Mr. Jules Gerelick, now a partner in the-business, has been previously associated with Mr. Brodkey for the past five years, and will continue to serve M?* Brodkey's old patrons as well as he has during the time of Mr. Brodkey's residence in CaKfomia. :
Sunday, February 8, BRANDEIS THEATER
Our Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry are of the finest quality. Our prices are the lowest in the city on account of the fact that we made such a wonderful bargain with Mr. Brodkey. All we .ask is an opportunity to convince you. " "^ \
The Eagle Jewelry Company "Famous for Diamonds" JULES L. GEEEiick JOSEPH B A X , PEOPEEETORS . .
1301 Douglas Street, Opposite Millard Hotel
Telephone Atlantic 6970
P. S. Our "FRIENDS", envious of our already flourishing success, have spread rumors that my partner, Mr. Ban. and myself are desirous of dissolving. This is absolutely false and I am requesting my friends to discredit any such rumors. JULES L. GERELICK.
Purchase Your Advance Tickets Now Orchestra Seats $1.50 and $1.00 Balcony Seats 75 Cents Gallery Seats 25 Cents
i ->
PAGE-4-^TKETJEWISH PRESS^-TfttJRSDAY, JANUARY-29,~1925 find an easy livelihood with the as-the Egyptian- pound n W in use, wiii ties n.ore available at exercising of the-game.. But argu-j sistance of Zionist funds. be issued shortly b y ' t h e Palestine ments are out of place when a mother J sons. .weepS—Benny Leonard" knows it. ~ So j Your Grounds Committee devoted "The wealthy Jewish classes prefer Govern™ nt. h e retired, in the prime of his career, • special efforts to beautifying the to live comfortably in the Diaspora j The new currency will have a value leaving the memory of a gentleman' ; B y E D . TRELLER, President grounds around the Club House and countries," the author of the article : of nearly one pound Sterling, sportsman. • whoseheart was not By, HARKY- CONZEL, knocked out by the inany blows he a number of trees and shrubs have concludes. (Copyright 1925 by Seven Arts Members of the • Highland Country commendation at this time for their been set out. I feel that members received. Feature -Syndicate,): efforts which enaL ed us to enjoy cannot better perpetuate their memClub: * » * Dayton Scales In line with a~custom long-estab- the activities of the Club House and berships in a permanent way than by NEW PALESTINE CURRENCY TO BE ISSUED Grounds at an early date, in view of and SHcers lished,, it is proper at this time to INTRODUCING a little drnrtion which vill permit us Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The new the immense amount of work necesreview the activities of the past year LOUIS ADLER', Mgr, to continue work along these lines. Palestine currency, which is to replace THE COLUMN. Louis Kid Kaplan, a Russian-Jew510 So. 10th St. ' Jackson 3332 This is a sport column. • Don't-ex- ish lad residing in Mender, Conn'., is with the. additional recpmraehtlations sary to bring them to their present Nothu.g jippeals as stror-gly to the pect discussions of the latest forms the new featherweight champion of which/make for further growth and degree of perfection. It is doubtless member or visitor as a bfiautif ul view ' of literature and art here. the world. He emerged the winner in increased usefulness in the communi- known to each and every one of you Our column will comment on sport- a special elimination contest, and "now ty as , a material social -factor, and that-our social season has been an and the first impression is he 'gat- WASH AND KEEP WELL ing events and personaUties—-without has been officially crowned Champion. having in mind at all times ihe ob-unqualified success from every view- ing one. A RULE OF HEALTH forgetting for one moment that ii, is In his deciding fight against Danny I most highly appreciate tlie honor f ject and aim for whichan organiza- point, and the, various committees de- you have conferred upon me as also part of the Jewish Press.;f; ^ Kramer, another? Jewish boy, on the FRONTIER fOWEL SUPPLY This means that we will not over- first Friday pof this month a t -the tion of this character stands* ' serve a great deal of praise. I can- pf the active and earnest assistance look the Jewish angle of the sporting Madison Square Garden, New Y^rk, The,past year the Highland Coun- not refrain at this time from adding 1819 California Street. 350 Rooms—350 Baths I have.had from some of our memworld. ' he proved to the sporting/world that j . 3rsor.al expression of Tatefu) Rates S2.50 to $4.50 bers in making the Highland Country a great new champion has arrivedV- try club passed through^ the most * Has sport a Jewish aspect? appreciation. critical period of its existence, the " . Of course. Just like literature, mu- who has the affection and admiration, Club the success it has proven; and sic, and all the others of the seven of Jewish and Gentile, Irish, Italian, completion of the Golf Course' and • I highly appreciate the earnest and I assure you that my so e aim and Carpenter Paper Co and German fight fans of the country. arts. active assistance given; me by the OlBtriholort of We think it rather fascinating: to Kaplan- i s a picturesque character the erection of . a Club House was major'portion of the-Directors, but obje-t,. as in the past, is to take it Harry Kononovitch < bigger, better and more a t l w -e. •watch and comment on the physica* who has graduated from the boot- necessary to enable du* members 'to Western Bond--and High achievements of the Jews-of today. black • ranks. -' With Leonard out oftake- advantage of the social activi- in justice to those who have realized Grade Stationery Not that a timely and well directed ;he. game,.' lie will become the. "Jew- tiesl Our investment for permanent their obligations I am obliged to voice Studio—SOI Crnannp BIk. Omaha Npbrsufea knockout hlow by a Jewish'boxer will ish. Champion" of America, ;The Jews improvements a t this time represents a word of censure to the few mem-VATICAN ORGAN ATTACKS Iliiriuj K470 add much to Jewish prestige. But we apparently do not wish to relinquish an outlay of-about f60.Q0Q.OOj the.ex- bers who seemed to regard their ofJEWISH IMMIGRANTS Bowing for Afivnnred Pupils. I do consider it useful to contradict their predominance in boxing. TO PALESTINE fice as an honorary position and pense account by the Secretary's rethose who claim thatthe Jewish race Rome. (J. T. A.) The "Observatore is losing its spiritual triumph at the The Secretary-Treasurer of the port'will show about 512,000.00. The whose efforts were more honored in Gate City Furniture Co. expense of its physical development. Amateur Athletic Union of -America, incbmi' was far below this; amount, the breach than the observance. I Romano," the organ of the Vatican, WHOLESALE .This is why we will point but what Mr. Frederick W. Rubien, has given making it necessary for: your Board cannot too strongly impress on each in an article published as an* anony- ': " and the Jewish athlete is doing in theout; his All-American track selections mous correspondence from Jerusalem, Globe Van & Storage Co. Druggists and Stationers and every one of you the need to various amateur" and professional for the year 1924. Mr. Rubien is con- of Directors to borrow ^funds from deals with Jewish immigration into owned nnd operated by choose those who will be entirely acUH-40S-4U.1 Bontb lOtti sports the world over. ^:' ^ •;. sidered the highest authority on this personal to time, -. GROSSMAN & SONS W.restling, boxing, bicycle . races, subject, and to be included in his list endorsements to secure these funds, tive in managing the affairs of thePalestine in a Wry disparaging way. 530-22 No IfUb 8t is indeed a~ high' honor. swimming, track and iield •:'•• games, "The Jewish immigrants into Palto remind Club. For the coming year efforts At. 0330 J * *33» Here are theT Jewish names on thebut at this time it k • well football, hockey, polo,..golf,- tennis, Call us for good you-that further butlay c is absolutely should be made to complete the ten-estine," the "Observatore Romano" squash, basketball, boating, rowing, 1st: Herbert Meyer,; 70-yard hurdles, necessary. Two courses a are open to nis courts for the benefit of those states, "are' of three classes. There rifle- shooting, fencing,;billiards,"chess, are idealists who are enthusiastic ZiNewark A. C. and perhaps even cross-word puzzles. ersj. Tvhich members to whom this particular onists; adventure seekers who- fled Emerson Laundry Harry Sweitzer, standing . high in, t'oyalty ;y our F. 8. MOKE* Prop •will' mean • success, or- disloyalty sport ar; eals. I have never been thrilled by thejump, Syracuse Y. M. C. A. from Russia and Poland, who Tiave MICKLLN LUMBER CO. It is doubtless evident to you that no historic or religious feelings, and purely technical, record striving as- ' Thomas J . Lieb, ^throwing the. dis- through lack of interest';" and I feel Phone Webster 0820 \ 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 •••.-.-.• confider' that you arc ~nth._ me heart present facilities for dancing are inpect of the sport. One-fifth of a sec- cus, Illinois A. C. THE LAUNDR* THAT will speedily leave the country; and William Neufeld, throwing the jav- and sou' -"-T. tie.'former.- ... ond clipped from a record does not adequate and I recommend immedi- there are those persons who hope to EVERYBODY LIKES. satisfy me, if the race itself is notelin, University of California. PAXTON HOTEL a close competition. My favorites are J. Kuch, putting twelve-pound shot, In making mention of the-outlay ate consideration of plans for an adnot necessarily the champions, f o r ! Wilson High School, Kan. ; it is proper to remind yo-- that our dition for this. purpose on the west TURKISH BATHS always look for the human athlete But these five names do not repre- indebtedness agains. ? "~ totals about side of bur present Cilub House, whiih nun operated c y "Kean Keeps Klothes Klean" •who, after shedding his 'gymnastic sent even a small • fraction of the$20,000.00, and in this connection your can probably be constructed at a cost PAXT<)N HOTEL togs, still remains a colorful and use- Jewish" athletes of note in the amaSteam, Turkish., and Electric Baths. of about $2,500.00. , Finance '"fammJiee Ehcult? be highly, v teur track and field sports. ful .member of his communityOIK rUHATHENl WILL AJ) Modern Equipment. commended for the' splendid ability, A service room should also l.-e proTJiis is true. I have yelled myself CONVIM'f V«H Ot OUK BAB3TEY KEAN It is always .the first column that displayed in their financing, and Ivided for making our: kitchen space hoarse on the college campus, though SINJ'FRIT'K Tailors — Dyers — Hatters the home team was hopelessly out- is the hardest. The introduction ask foi: Trust n«-Doslt l Boxes. larger. Our attendance has demon-r 'earnest assistance classed. Many are the brand-new over, we have some special features to furth' their eiiortc and lighten strated the insufficiency of our pres306 South Eighteenth Street Gddstrom Upholstering Co. in store for you. Some, of the forestraw hats I have sacrificed demonThe Court House is Opposite Us - • ; —• ;~ • -- -' ent equipment. stratively while rooting for a home most Jewish athletes will speak to th^ir labors. Upholstering and Furniture Repairyou through OUR COLUMN. Now U Phone JA-1187 We'll Call Omatas Offl<-p: 813 Uonclas Htrmt. run by the last man at bat, though The "Building and Grounds commitI would also invite due thought at ing Mattresses Renovated. Omaha Phonv Atlantic EftRfi • OurtWork Excellent — Our Service the home team was five runs behind, that we are started—let's go! tees, as also the" House' and. Enter- this time to the needs of a heating Box Springs. Prompt — Our Prices Reasonable and it was the ninth inning with two Ford Transfer & Storage Co. 4T-lantic 2619 1012 North 16fb St. men out, and two strikes called. But Letters and contributions to this tainment committees, merit especial plant wHrh would make club faciliK A. FORIX this was always due to the desire to column are welcome. Questions relaPresident nnd General- Manager. OannrI) Bluffs <Iows) OfHre see the muscles of a clean, well tive to sports will be answered. AdIfX) Mo Mfiln A t n v t . Phwr M5. trained young man respond t o his dress, all communications t o " Sport DR. FRED B. BROWN ' will and his concentrated efforts. Per- Editor, the Jewish Press. DR. CEL1A R. BROWN sonal experience has frequently.confirmed the old dictum, "Mens .sana in MOSLEM SUPREME - CHIROPRACTORS corpore sano/ .' 4(16-4(1? Pulton Block COUNCIL URGES EQUALITY And 'therefore, sport should be ^ Hours, 10 A. M to 6 P. M. c o t m c u BLfiu'irs, IA. OF CALIPH AND JEW Phone. Atlantic 8709. couraged. It is a good school for life: \ . Kesldence: Morris Apts.. Pbone At. S210 It prepares us to will and to do. -It ; Jerusalem. (J. T. A.)< An appeal Service is Our Motto is a baronv Ver as to the healthiness to the Moslem Religious Court to act Safe Deposit Boxet> for R«t>(. of a nation, for no weakly people has on the principle of equality before ever produced great athletes. the law, was addressed to the Court by the president, of the Moslem SuCertified Public Accountants "FOR THE preme Council. "The ; Main object," Audits Systems OP MY MOTHER." the; president writes, "of the Moslem Investigations The news that Benjamin ' Leiner, Supreme Council is that., religious *34 to M0 IVterf I'rOKt Bldff. better known as Benny Leonard, has courts . Phone*. Jarfciwr ISIS, (314. be a center of justice and equiretired. from boxing, has been featured by the newspapers; of the - en- ey, consider the s stronger-party as it tire country—not only as a bit ofwere the weaker for the application EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS sport news, but as a general news of law and consider the weaker party item of importance. INCOME REPORTS Benny Leonard is the lightweight a stronger one to insure the course boxing champion of the world. A of. justice. The magistrates must folWhen Thinking of Mens' Hats young roan-of twenty-height, in prime low the ancient Moslem tradition acor Furnishings Phone AT. 1882 403 Karbach Block physical condition, he is a t the pinna- cording to which the Calips was senREMEMBER cle of his career today... Itis.estimat>: tenced when he injured a Jew and ed that during the past;ten years was forced to appear with a poor man WOLF BROS. this Jewish -lad has amassed a for? Office Phone JAcksoc S12S 1421 DOUGLAS ST. before the judge. tune of over two "million dollars XOE L. WOLF ' SAM N. WOLF JOHN FKLUMAN through his boxing activities. Sud-r "The courts must: not pay attention Clothier denly h e leaves the ring, with'the The Jewish Press, aids the Jews to to the position of ,the persons apfollowing statement: Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos keep in touch with what their "My mother has been very ill. AHpearing before them, nor consider THE BKINN & JENSEN CO. Moved troin U)9 No IStb St to of u s are greatly worried over her their political. opinions or social posiIBZ Karbmh Blorh. 15th & Hniiclas St» Wholisule paper fellow Jews are doing in city, OMAHA NKBR. condition. One day she called our tion. Justice is above all.'? dlstrituitorp for family together. She made me promstate and nation, besides, informNorthern Toilet Tissue ise her I would never fight again. ing them on the problems of the llli! Hartley Street * * * My fighting h a i come down PERETZ'S DAUGHTERto.a question of my mother'S'healthL IN-LAW AND GRANDSON AT-lantic 6409 Jews in Europe and the World I have to choose between that and SAVED FROM DEATH the love of hearing the cheers of th< over. newsboys on the street." So I am r e Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Helena Pertiring from boxing, for the lover of etz, daughter-in-law of the famous PAXTON-MJTCHELL CO. my mother." ' Jewish author, I. L.'.Peretz," and his 1th and Martha Hts. HA I6K Benny Leonard's retirement is-unMninifBflnrprti <if lirasK, Bronsr Itominom nnd Hoft 4*ra> (rnn C^fitlnea doubtedly his greatest-victory. -Wha' grandson, Jan, saved from death when a gas pipe in their home exploded. l o o HIT •Hsnrpd ot soft .astln(;s, M a Rattle he must have fougLi with In. our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our WP winrhlnr «omr frt>m pver.v heat Iri himself.! Glory, money, popularity 'ar own «bo|j. ; are strong magnets for a young'man Standard NIKC cast iron and bronr.f readers to help bring this paper into Every H i x h i n c 'n "took. 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 of his age. Yet Jewish filial love "Kean Keeps Klothes Klean" triumphed over all obstacles. . . Omaha, Nebr. There is something unusually dra Jewish Home. We ask foi no financial asmatic in this incident, because the opBABSEYKEAS position of Leonard's mother, to the sistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew boxing game is illogical, unfounded "Mnd. or Tailors r — Dyers — Hatters .Boxing made a strong, healthy, clean UJSCLE SAM BKEAKFAST 306 South': Eighteenth'". Street living boy of her son, besides giving ,to co-operate in furthering interests that are The Court House Is Opposite Us him an enviable social status. And Finn) CO OHAHA M the dangers of this profession are no V Phone JA-1187 We'll Call his own. greater than in any other activity. Our Work Excellent — Our Service Bpxing casualties are' rare, and Prompt — Our l'rices Seasonable NEVER a direct result of the lawful
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