I profess not talking—only this, let each man do his best. —Shakespeare.
For aU tnen Hare, if they dare try, a
g l o r i o u s life, or grave.—Herbert.
Y* *" "f™u«-oa™ mail matter on January 27th, 1821, at 5* - : Omaha, Nebraska, undei the. Act of March 3. 1878.
Many Good Seats drill Available for Y. M. I . A. VaudevillrShow; Can be Purchased Only atTheater More Than 120 Entertainefs Will Appear in Third Annual Performance Sunday Evening. ENTERTAINERS W I L L HOLD FINAL DRESS REHEARSAL SUNDAY MORNING.
150,000 DUNAM LAND PURCHASED I N . PALESTINE J. N. R London, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) A strip of land of 150,000 duram betwe Haifa and I cr». v as purchased frr the Jewish "National Fund by Dr. Arthur Eupin, according to a report recei eu here.- The income sf Keren Hayesod Efforts in 1925Anglo-Jewish Deputies Hear of the Jewish National" Fund for the Led by Wctrld's Leading European Situations • onth of December amounted to Jews " £20,786. SCORE PREJUDICES
Local Youth Receives Degree of Philosophy the Y.M.
Jewish Problems Actifity Circles Fully Discussed the Entire Globe in Great Biitiai Faitd
SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 WAHABI FORCES RETREAT FROM JEDDAH Jerusalem, ( .T ish TUegraphic Agency.) • The renewed attar1- of the Wahabi forces on Jeddah which continued from Friday to Sunday, has been repu'sed by King Ali army. The Wahbis had come within miles of the advance position of Jeddah.,They Entire Public Invited to Atteai were, however, obliged to retreat Annual Meeting after considerable loss of life and artillery. OFFICERS WILL BE ELECT"
Annual Meeting Will
Tahmd I§ntl lo Hold
London. (J. T. A.) Questions afThe annual Jewish Welfare FederaNew York—Forming an unbroken fecting the situation of the Jewish tion meeting will be held Sunday chain which girdles the blobe, Jewish population in Roumania, Greece, Lithevening, February 15, at the Fono v m e y ? ? ^ c a t i o n pointing to a sold^utjhouse communities in practically every coun- uania .and other countries, as well as tenefie Hotel ball room. All members and:.T,-W., IL A. will present its third annual ^vaudeville show at Is Youngest in State to Receive This °ty throughout the world a r e now wag- the recent anti-alien propaganda in To Celebrate Chamishosher B'Shvat. of the Federation and their friends the Brandeis theater Sunday evening, February 8. Degree ing intensive campaigns to! provide Great Britain, were deeply discussed are asked to attend this meeting. _ The more than a hundred and twenty entertainers -who will A joint Chamishosher B'Shvat pro- Several prominent speakers wfll apthe funds by which the Keren Haye- at the' annual meeting of the Board display their talents on the stage, the score df; directors, cbstum- Meyer Beber, son of Mr. and Mrs. sod is advancing the upbuilding of of Jewish Deputies- and the Union of gram and Parents-Teachers' meeting pear on the program which is being ers, musicians, property men and other assistants who have I. Beber, has been, awarded his the Jewish home land in Palestine. Jewish Communities in -Great Britain, will be held by the City Talmud To- arranged for this public gathering. been working with them are all ready, waiting only for theDegree of Philosophy "by the Board In the far-off-antipodes, in North held here. rah Sunday afternoon at three o'clock At the annual meeting election ©£ private dress rehearsal Sunday. By Sunday evening the enterat the B'nai Israel Synagogue. and South Africa, throughout EuAnti-alien propaganda in Great pfneers for the ensuing year will take tainment will be professional in-every respect.; The curtain will The entertainment committee pre- place. A complete report of th& rope from Scandinavia to the Med-Britain, and the recent attitude torise promptly at 8:15. iterranean and from the British Isles wards the problem on the part of Sir paring the program are the Mes-activities of the Welfare Federation In spite of the fact that there was [izing ability of the/"Y" membership in. a sweeping path which stretches Joynson Hicks, the present British dames M. Tatle, S. Ravitz, S. Robin- will be made by the superintendent* a long line of. ticket purchasers at J will certainly be cause for most faveastward clear to :China and Japan, Home Secretary, was protested son, A. Wolf, Philip Sher, A. Eonn, Reports will also be made fey the the box office early "Wednesday- orable comment. /Few people realize the appeal of the Keren Hayesod is against by Sir Stuart Samuel. ^As L. Kneeter, Harris Levey, A. B. Al-president and the chairman of tht morning, many good reserved seats the immensity of/the task involved being sounded and -effectively an- an Englishman and as a Jew, I pro- pirn, B. A. Simon, Harry A. Wolf, S. finance committee. are still available. j in such a production, the hundreds of swered; ! test against the Home Secretary's ex- Frohm, M. Lerner, A. Farber and J. "A final cleanup campaign is now Firikel. The program will consist of From every angle, and in every j details that arise, ;the" countless tanIn the United- States the greatest ercising his deportation power with- musical numbers, recitations in Eng- being conducted by the workers," said respect, this show will be distinctive gles that must'be tmravelled, the effort ever attempted for the rebuild- out an appeal from ~ the court. As lish, Jewish and Hebrew, pertaining Joe L. Wolf, chairman of the finance in the annals of local entertainment.! great variety of things that must be ing of the Jewish home land is now•president of the Federation of Friend- to Chamishosher B'Shvat Dr. Philip committee. "The names of the fedPresented- solely for the purpose of done before the curtain can be raised going forward while to the north in ly Societies, basing my statement on Sher will lecture on "Hygiene," and eration members who have not paid acquainting this community with the on the-finished production, Canada and to the south in Latin and the data obtained as a result of the Rabbi J. M. Charlop will give an their pledges for 1924 will not talents of its younger members, and Very little more need to be said South American countries the cal] of work of this fraternal order, I can address on "Chamishosher B'Shvat." be printed in the annual year book™ to give insight into some of the ac- relative to the various acts on the the Keren Hayesod is receiving the say that the immigrant Jews, recentAll members who wish their names tivities of the. Y.M. and Y.W.H.A., bill. People who have been fortunate most generous response in the his-ly attacked as the residents of the Figs, dates, raisins and other fruits reported in the annual book should it will at the same time offer to all enough to see one -or two of the tory of the movement. And most sig- London JEast End, are the most will be given the children of the Tal- mail in the balances due on their -who-see -it an evening of enjoyable numbers during rehearsal : are ennificant and thrilling of al Ithis world- healthy and cleanly section of themud Torah to commemorate Chamis- pledges." and unusual entertainment. wide effort in Palestine itself, which population. These East End Jews "hosher B'Shvat, which is the holiday thusiastic overTthe~show. The people "The Welfare Federation during the Not only will the talents of the are spreading .the word throughout is now in the midst of its first cam- have a high standard of education of the first fruits in Palestine. year 1924 established a wonderful one hundred and twenty entertainers the community to, all. their friends and health," Sir Stuart declared, paign for &g Keren Hayesod. record of service to the community"* "who comprise the personnel of thethat by no means can: they afford to The eyes <jf the Jewish world are Samuel Finbergh, Conservative M. Two W0neifs Ckk Elected said William R. Blumenthal, super-' show been a keen delight and sur-miss the third annual "Y" show this naturally focossed upon the United P., reported to the hoard his twointendent. "The number of cases that MEYER BEBER prise to the audience, "but the organ- Sunday evening. States, whence the major portion of hour conversation with Sir Joynson • . Officers List Week were handled from this office and In of Eegents of the University of NeHicks. Sir Joynson Hicks, in his the Keren Hayesod's funds must still the manner in which they were dte^ Following" is a complete'program At the Omaha Chapter of Hadas- posed of will be told at the annual that will be presented Sunday eve- brasTia. Behef has been an honor come. Largely as the direct result conversation with Mr. Finbergh, enstudent during his entire, enrollment of American Jewry's generosity, Im- deavored "to correct "the impression sah ••election of officers held Wednes- meeting." ning. — " ''• at the University and is the .young- migration into Palestine is now safe- which has arisen, that he is an anti- day afternoon, January 28, at the est man in. the State of Nebraska to ly established at 2,000 monthly. Semite, and promised to send Mr. Fin- Jewish Community Center, Mrs. A. THE "IT" EXtagAVAGAXZA OF 1925 ever have received this degree. America's Keren Hayesod quota for bergh a letter which would disprove Romm was re-elected president; Mrs. -andfiirectetlbyMiss JJary Alaizel. Desire ^o "Hake" Money Impels Clerk .•AxmrteeS. , Sfes. -A- Si Dancing instroction-rMlss-Gra?e Abbott. - At the" present time; Beber' is an 1925 has been doubled to $4#DO,OO0, 13ns charge. X. /"Be Prepared"—An original presentation insturctor of bio-chemistry" at the and Accomplices to Steal J. Lmsman were elected vice presso that a proportionate increase can The meeting then decided to, transof Boy Scouf activities by "members of . . Affidavits. . Troop 62, 3 o y Scoijts of America. University of Nebraska . Medical be achieved in the influx of Jewish fer the matter to the Joint Law and idents; Mrs. Harry Frankel, recording Written and direbted t y fialph. P . Cohn, school. . pi"-aers. Aliens Committee to prepare the case secretary; Mrs. L. A. Solomon, finan- Einstein OWers to Vny Expenses of Scoutmaster. . . -• , 1 Warsaw. (J. .T. A.) A huge swinAssassin in Private Asylnm Cast'of Characters cial secretary; and Mrs. Charles LevHe is an active member of the for the Home Secretary. New Yor - naturally must furnish City Boys—.. ' ; die in connection with affidavits for B'nai B'rith, being secretary of the major proportion of the Keren The meeting of the Board of Jew- inson, treasurer. Jim _Dayl& Lazarus -David Brodtey prospective emigrants was discovered London. (J. T. A.) The attempt to Dave Oniaha lodge and a former secretary Hayesod's monthly remittance for the ish Deputies, with Mr. Henriques as * * * S l Fregger . in the American Consulate here; assassinate Prof. Albert Einstein, BoySum" Scoutsr-Coyole Patrol— r' the Lincoln, I. 0. B. B. lodge. He restoration of the home land and New •chairman, heard severe criticism on An election of officers was held in Ralph , ... .„•,'., Ttjilph GTOSS It was., learned that letters -from is a memher of the Zeta'Beta Tau York's campaign, which wQl be the part of Dr. JochelmaTi, a mem- conjunction with the regular meeting author of the relativity theory, madfi Louie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L o n i s W-einer _ _ _ a z d r Kaplan America containing affidavits', on befraternity. • ' launched February 15,. is now better ber of the board, against Mr. Luden of the Daughters of Zion Monday aft- by Marie Evg^iiieva Dickson, a. Eue_ ; _._JBen Stein ing mailed from the office of the _Simon WienBras Simon _ organized than at any.time since the Wolf's report on the activities of the ernoon January 26, at the Adass Ye- sian woman, -widow of an American, _3oseph Prim—in Joe . citizen, failed due to the resourcefulConsulate to persons'in the provinces, Keren Hayesod was established four Joint Foreign Commit* 2 during the shuren Synagogue. ^Herman Paler Hermie Sol . ness of Mrs. Einstein, according to * .Solomon Weiner were stolen and the affidavits sold by last assembly of the League of NaMrs. Harris Levey was re-elected Wise Memorial Hospital • • years ago. Earl _Earl P.oss persons connected with the Consulate Haroia . _Harold Brbdkey Keren Hayesod activities in Europe tions at Geneva. Mr. Wolf, in reply, president of the organization; Mrs. detailed report received here today Elect Annual Officers to other individuals desiring to emi- Time: The Present, -winter evening. have centered around the personality explained the difficulties which ex- L. Baum, vice president; Mrs. H. Al- by the "Daily Express." Place: "Woods near BeHeyue. grate-from Poland. Curtain drop denotes a lapse of Mr. N. P. Feil was're-elected pres- of Dr. Chaim Weizmann, ably second- isted " in securing reconsideration of bert, treasurer; Mrs. A. Rochman, fi- Prof, and Mrs. Einstein were 45 minutes. • •. •. The number of stolen affidavits, 2. Opening Chorus—I*eads: Anette Hnr- ident of the Wise Memorial Hospital ed by Dr. Nathan Sokolow, Col. Fred- the Salonica Sunday Closirg Law. In nancial secretary; Mrs. M. Braiide, in the house when Mrs. Dickson -wltz, Ida Tennenbaum, Gertrude \Yinthe. majority of which were made out at an election held' recently. Mr. erick Kisch and other Zionist leaders. spite of the difficulties, he succeeded recording secretary; and the Mes-the bell. When Mrs. Einstein opened troub. •;•'"'• Anna Fellman, Rose .F.onnan, Sylvia Harry Z. Rosenfeldt.was elected vice In Great Britain the campaign was in obtaining a pledge from the Greek Mesdames M. Turner and A. Silver- the door, elie was confronted by »n to Jews, is estimated by officials of Goffsteini Eleanor. Harwich. Irene government to introduce into the man, trustees. excited woman, wild-eyed, holding «. the Consulate to run into the hun- Hirsch. Ethel Hurwitz, Hazel Knhn, president; Mr. Louis Kirschbraun, launched along American lines with revolver and asking to see Professor Dorothy Margolin, - Yetta Siporin, fiuth treasurer, and Mr. I. Kahn, secretary. Louis Lipsky, American Zionist chief- Greek Parliament an amendment to dreds. White. the law. Einstein. Being told by Fran EinSpecialty______..Mr. Harry Weinberg The American Consulate has turned 4.3. Oriental The following are members of the tain, then in London, at the helm of _._^_~ : .Helen Wise stein that the professor was not »t Mrs. Cera W e i Re-eleetel 01 With rc-ard to the Roumanian Nathe matter over to the police who are Ethel Hurwitz, Ceilia Nltz, Lydla Rose, board of directors of the Wise Hos- activities. Sir Alfred Mond heads home, the woman tried to force hw Sarah "Wise. . • tionality Law, •which affected the the campaign in England. In Scotmaking a thorough investigation.- So 5. "Y" Quartette—WiUiam Givienter, Jack pital: Mrs. B. A. Simon, and Messrs. way into the room. Realizing thai; status of many thousands of Jews in land and Ireland Mr. Sokolow made Frieden, Harry Green, Sam Minkln. far, three persons connected with the Louis Kirschbraun, M. Herzberg, A. if her husband heard any noise he the newly acquired Roumanian terriLillian Chudacoff at the piano. Mrs. Cora Wolf, local Sisterhood Consulate have been apprehended on B. Alpirn, Sam Wertheimer, Sam many important addresses. would come to the door, Frau Ein6. Dnnce of the .Roses— ' " tories, depriving them of their .citi; delegate to the Federation of SisterDavid A. Brown* who plunged into suspicion of having perpetrated this The Eose ..". .'.',' .' ...Helen Wise ' Newman, Harry Rosenfeldt, Harry Astein . changed her attitude and inzenship and declaring them as "men hood convention held in conjunction the work of the Keren Hayesod for The Kosebud8-_(Eunice Bosensteln swindle: Francizek •• Pamianowski, Wolf, M. S. Miller, I. Rosenthal, J; J. i stead of endea\*oring to prevent thf- •'•' (Ruth Reuben who is a clerk in the American Con- 7. (Max) .Tacobson and Finkel (Al) Slosbarg, Wm. L. Holzman, .1. Zieg- the first time last year, following a without a country," Mr. Wolf stated with the twenty-ninth biennial con- woman entering, smilingly invited that it was true this law is a violaOrchestra • vention of the Council of Union of sulate, his sister, Marie, and hisS. The "X". ler, Leo Eosenthal, Ed.. Trailer, . I. trip to Palestine, is now on a tour Keepers of The Faith of the world and, with his usual en- tion of the Minorites Treaty. Legal American Hebrew Congregations held her to come in and wait for th* friendi Vincent Zelinski. PamianowKahn and Eabbi Frederick Cohn. The Mcnorah by Mrs. Ella EleischJnan Auerbach. ergy, has* aided in organizing cam- proceedings in this direction would be January 1S-22 at St. Louis, was re-professor who, she said, was visiting' ski and his sister have confessed Written Directed by.rairs. Riddle Boasberg. paigns in Australia and New Zealand. a lather difficult and lengthy process elected on the Executive board of the friends at a neighbor's. She said shft Cost. of. Character* their guilt, declaring that they did it PIONEER JEWISH RESI(In order.: of their appearance) and might • lead • to no results. The National Sisterhood. Mrs. Wolf has would telephone and tell him thai because of theirt desire to make David Schloss___—^—JBLerbert Kaplan DENT DIED THIS WEEK Roumanian government, as a result served as member of this board for someone was waiting for him. money. B e Lazarus Laarus Mrs. Sarah Sehloss . _Bose Leva Bernstein, age SO, who died Open Meeting of B'nai B'rith Fannie SchlosB of the Joint Foreign Committee's ac- the past two years and will again Mrs. Dickson said, "Never mind. I eanette Levinson Fi Sl Boy Li Messenger _Jerome Diamond late Tuesday a t his home at 2815 De- ' to be Held Thursday, Febr. 19 tivities, appointed a commission which serve as member of this board for the have come here from Paris to Jkttl catur street from an attack.of-pneug Flayers : is to rectify the grievances of bona next two jears. One representative him and I will return later." Mrs. Finkelstein - Celia Braude Omaha Hebrew Club Launches Mrs. Solomon ..... ,:^Fan Ackerman anonia and complications incident to The first open meeting of the B'nai fide applicants for citizenship. "Rou-from each state is chosen on this On Saturday, Mrs. DicteoTt^ c&rm, Hannah Bernstein ._Bes8 Greenberg old age, will be buried at the Pleasant B'rith under the new administration mania has dealt generously with the again. She was admitted to the sitNew Membership Drive Tiby Rubinstein ____Mrs. A. Silverman Hill board. / Cemetery Thursday morning, at will Tae held Thursday evening, Feb- refugee question and has proclaimed ting room where the police were Grandmother _____Mrs. Henry Q. Marx Mrs. L Rosenthal \rak the other ten o'clock. Funeral services will be More than two hundred members Policeman _ . ; ; ;.Jack Frieden . ruary 19, a t the Jewish Community martial law in Bucharest for the pro- local delegate to this convention, from waiting. She earned a loaded revol- ~ ,,___Lew J. Abramson held from the family residence. have already been secured as new Mr. Schloss Time: Present. . .-": ver on her. , Mr. Bernstein was a pioneer Oma- Center. Jake Malashock, vice-presi- tection of its Jewish population," Mr. the Sisterhood. Living Boom in;the Schloss Home. members to the Omaha Hebrew Club, Place: dent of the lodge, has been elected Wolf further declared. Curtain dropped-to represent lapse of Prof. Einstein requested the police han, having come here from Russia according to the committee in charge several,hours. • chairman of the intellectual advanceto send the woman to a priv»te thirty-five years ago. For many of the campaign which is now being Highlight! anA Shadows ' ment committee for the ensuing term. PLEDGED TO Z. B. T. asylum- at Ms expense. I t was statA Song Cycle in iSlar Episodes : carried on. Much rivalry is existing Arranged SUNDAY SCHOOL and - directed by Mrs. Isidor years Mr. Bernstein operated a-furThe complete program which is now FRATERNITY ed that the German police are ConZiegler-and Miss Cecilia Feiler. niture store at Thirteentr and Pierce between the captains who are leading CHILDREN DONATE PliOLOGDE—Miss Ituth Wintroub. being arranged will be announced in Phil Gerelick, Leo Chaiken, Ber- sidering sending a protest to ths streets. " this campaign. The captains, M. Episode 1—In the Cradle : TO- PALESTINE FUND nard Theodore, of Omaha, and Jack French authorities for deporting th« Mother ' • •'."•'-.-:.•• MJBB I r a S i e g e l Mr. Bernstein is survived .by. his next creek's issue of The Jewish Press. Polansky and Philip Gerelick, are both Episode The children "of the Temple Israel Franklin, of Clinton, la., have been woman to Germany, after an unsuc2—School Days The Teacher ._ r . AHss Hanna Sommer widow, Esther, and by. five sons, five attempting to win the prize- offered The Sunday school and the children of the pledged by Alpha Theta Chapter of cessful attempt to kill Leon Krassm, Pupils. the winning team. B'nai Israel Sunday school donated the Seta Beta Tau Fraternity at theEussian envoy. Girls—Roselle"Handler. Geraldine Simon, daughters, a score of grandchildren Rialto Music Shop Audrey Sugarman,""Frances Kort, Ha- and ten great-grandchildreo." , The ?10 each to the Palestinian School University of Nebraska. These new members will be formaldassah Silverman, Sylvia Hose. Sylvia sons are: Harry, Jake, Abe and,Paul Teauenbaum, : Again Enlarges Store Luncheon Fund. . The money was for- j Louis Somberg, who attended the ly installed at an open meeting to be. . Buys—Delmar-Steinberg, Warren Ackerwarded to Palestine by the local University of Illinois last semester, VICE PRESIDENT held some time in March. An attempt man.- Lanrence Simon,' Harold Sort, :of Omaha, and Ike of Tulsa-Okla. The Rialto Music Shop has recently Hadassah chapter. •OF BERLIN JEWISH Ernest AViatronb", Sherman Siigarman, The daughters are: Mrs.,B. Skun\ek, is now being made to secure a naLaurence Green, Ernest Boss. is novr attending school in Lincoln. enlarged its establishment into two CAMIitTNITY DIES Omaha; Mrs. H. Krasne, ' Council Episode !5—Puppy LOTe tional known speaker to address the A Girl — . ,.,.i- -Ida. Tonuenbanm Bluffs; Mrs. B. Hirsch, Hollywood. stores and is now enlarging tbeir Berlin. (J. T. A.) The vice presgathering. • A Boy ___________-_\Vnilam V. Glventer BUILDING OF TACHKMONY basement floor through almost half a ident « ' tVe Berlin Jewish omntutiSty, JEWISH MERCHANTS IN Cal.; Mrs. L. Mark, Los Angeles, and Just Girls—Martha HimmelEteln, Annette Fogel, Peart Fcldmsn, Sarah Weiner, Mrs. J. Miller, Los Angeles. block. COMMENCED IN TEL AVIV Adolf Lewinski, died January 2B. TB.B POLAND WILL CREATE Blache Laserowitzi Lydia Boss, Celia YTLNA COURT A C T .TS They now carry a new line of im- Tel Aviv, (Je-wish Telegraphic AgenFUND FOR MUTUAL CREDIT was the leader of the conservative "Kitz, Dorothy Cohen. • .. JEWISH LABOR LEADERS Just Boys—Arthur Uoiam, Charles Lieb, Funeral services for Mr. Harold ported a r t and novelty goods appro- cy.) Building activities, extending of Warsaw, ( Jewish Telegraphic friction. Louis Diamond,'Maurice' GTivOt, Louis Vilna, (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) liicklia. Mlltun: HiuiDielstein, James Klein, age 25, who died Sunday,' were priate for wedding gifts, birthday and the T -hlcmany, the Hebrew high Agency.) A decision to establish a Unrroughe. - Leo Felduian. Six members of the now liquidated Episode held at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery holiday gifts and for household use. scool, conducted along- Jewish tradi- central fund for mutual credit and FORMER MINISTER FOKCED 4—The Supreme- Moment ewish Labor Party, "Vereinigte", The Bride . Miss Bertha Cohen Tuesday afternoon. • Rabbi Frederick They also handle a complete stock of tional lines, • maintained by the Miz- aid was made at the conference of TO LEAVE POLAND ON FOOT Maids—Rose. Minfehi, Lillistn- FreeMessrs. Kruk; Pines, Schulman, Kas- The (Jewish Telegraphic man. Annette Hui^v-its, Gertip. Wiu- Cohn officiated. Mr. Klein is sur-all musical instruments, sheet music rachi World Organization, were com- Jewish merchants which was in ses- Warsaw, troub. Bertha Ba'tt, Mlnotie" Zi/f,man telanski, laskclski and Geist were vived by his mother, Mrs. Jake Klein, and records. menced last- Sunday afternoon. Agency. Pinchas .Krasny, fountc sion here. -The Gtoom _..!...-..*_ Mas Jacobson tried here today by the Distric -Court, •Episode 5—Mid-Channel- , • . .and two brothers, Messrs. Bud and "With the erJargement of our place Sir Herbert Samuel and Lady SamA proposal to make an appeal to Minister $f Jewish Affairs nder tfeft Wife -Cl ".- Mrs. ^iia I^vln onxharges-ihat x ^eir-party -was.-*3te- '-.5Ehe ". we are'better able-to serve our pa-j uel, the Govc-n.or of Jala. KempJe.! American JevTy for a loan towards reign oC Ataman Petlura, who t«tfr orTfKe'Hif8hafin_:-_~__Ht. "Nathao'S. T a l e J. Klein, of this city." <gt3ed in anti-state activities. They £]iif:O(le (!—When ShniI"WK <5row' Long j trons," said Mr. Jo? Himslstein, pro- ]Chi of Rabli-. Aronsi.hn sa\tl others) the fur. 3 was rejected by the confer- dered deported from , Poland, ; i n . The Grnu(lmntbcr__:.. MisiS SaiUc Urevitcb were acquited. forced to quit the country on'foot. PATU6MZE OIJR ADVERTISERS [pricier of the Kialto Music Shop. | v.viv pn.:.cr.t st th? celebration. i ence a? being" premature.
U. S. Consulate in Warsaw Discovers Passport Swindlers
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
THE JEWISH". PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANYOffice: 790 Brandeis..Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. ..52.50. Subscription Price, one year. — Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE QW 4P,WyH8S—Please give both the old ana new address; tie sure and " give "~* your name.
: The Jewish Press is supplied by. the Jewish Telegraphic AsftUCX WfWJsh Correspondence Bureau;) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition ta feature articles and'correspbridences from all important Jewish centres. InquirieF regarding" news items credited -to this Agency will be gladly answered if addressed, to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 B r o a d l y , New York City.
" '
- -
Harold Kroloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Kroloff, entertaiaed thirtythree of his friends at a theater party at the Broadway followed by refreshments at Clark's drag store, in honor of his Bar Hjtzvnh,
JEWISH CALENDAR 1925 Rosh Chodesh Adar...~—. .— Wednesday, February 25 Purim »..-'. Tuesday, March 10 Rosh Chodesh Nissan ,,..,.,...Tbursday, March 26 1st Day Pessach „._...__...._ Thursday, April 9 7th Day Pessach....—. .; Saturday, April 15 Rosh Chodesh Iyar ; Saturday, April 25 Lag b'Omer~ ; __™ Tuesday, May 12 Relh Gi»odesh Sivan— ~ Sunday, May 24 Shabuoth .«..,., —„.,.._-.,._........*..:. ....^......Friday, May 29 Rosh Chodesh Tamnraz.»^.....™.....,.......~... Tuesday, June 23 .......Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh, Ab..._ Fast- of Tammuz..—. _^__i. .....Thursday,July July22 9 Fast of Ab-».~ ..Thursday, July 30 Rosh. Chod.esh. —.—..Friday, August 21 All Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day.
Miss Cylia Gershun is visiting her brother, Mr. Ben Gershun, Mrs. Gershun, in Shuyler, Nebr. expects to return home the first of next week.
with and She part
Mrs. M. Nogg has as her guests this week her daughter, Mrs. H. Perlmeter, of Plainview, Nebr., and Miss Minnie Greenstone of Lincoln, Nebr. Mrs. N. L. Nogg and Mrs. M, Nagg
THE PRACTICAI, WQRK NEEDED FOR JEWISH SrtJRVIVAL entertained at bridge Wednesday aftThe Jewish will-to live has reacted in its niost vigorous, and ernoon at the home of the latter in vital f orrn to the pressure o f the environment. The dormant Jewhonor of the out-of--town guests. Miss ish consciousness has often been lashed to a passion of inflexible Greenstone is leaving for her home resolution when the powerful-Egyptian, the'aggressive; Syrian, mai. Did not the. Psalmist put to the COURT ACQUITS ANTISunday; Mrs. Perimeter will remain SPLITTING SECONDS INTO BILLIONTH PARTS the subtlerPersian^; the-yai^glorious Spaniard and. the selfish Rus-< stars the question, •*What is Man?1 SEMITE WHO DESECRATED here for two weeks. L. to E.i Nathaniel H. Frank, assistant, and Dr. Paul Heymans, sian challenged our^ righpd survival. The Jewish spirit has been And this answer was, 'A little less . MEMORY OF R,ATHENAU Professor of Theoretical Physics of the Massachusetts Institute of Mr. Leo Krasne has returned home Technology, in their laboratory, where Dr. Heymans has perfected a summoned from its ^enervating self^camplanency not so much by than God.' MindV-nat a super-monkey, Berlin. (J. T, A.) The trial of system of splitting a second of time into billionth parts. Quite a few from a business trip from New York the charnrof Jewish lore, nor by the magic of Jewish loyalty* ftor and even more than the title super- Deputy Streicher, a member of the people think this idea worthless. But scientists figure otherwise. In City. Mr. Lawrence Krasne i3 exby the inspirations and "satisfaction of Jewish, devotions, as by jnan implies, but a creature 'a little Bavarian Diet, known for his antimeasuring the speed of fall of two objects from an equal height to the j pected to return the first part of next the "Jewish badge and the Jewish ghettoes, the Jewish restricr less than God,' that., is to say, en- Semitism, took place in the Wurzground^ this machine times the contact, and there, is,always a differweek. ence of time, even if it be an infinitesimal fraction of a second. By the tions and the Jewish massacres. When the enemies declared; that dowed wXk a nature sub-divine. burg court. study of gr«vity, and the speed of falling objects, more data on the Israel shall die, ^daisni shall perish, the J%p\e. phall be buried " T h i s , then, is oft? real choice: man, In a speech delivered at a public Mrs. Louis Bernstein was hostess earth's core can be obtained. and the Jewish" standards of life shall vanish from the earth, then or ma,ss meeting, Deputy Streicher desto her Afternoon Mah Jong club at the most magnificent'heroisms of which the human family is ecrated the memory of Walter Rathher home Tuesday afternoon. capable, the most glorious moralities -of which the records of hisenau, the German Foreign Minister, DR. WEIZMANN WILL LEAVE SAgBATH" BILL FOR AMERICA FEBRUARY 4TH COUNCIL BLUFFS tory testify became the oft repeated commonplaeesr of Jewish exThe Agudas Achim will hold a who was murdered by anti-Semites IN NEW London, (Jewish Telegraphic Agenperience^ ancl.the majority of our people brought in good time to meeting next Monday evening at the for being' a Jew. "The bones of YORJ& LEGISLATURE The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal-K. C. hall, Eighth and Broadway. cy.) Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President their senses proved that Israel shall live, Judaism shall flourish* Alhany, ?fT Y. (J, T v A.) m Rathenau are not worthy to rest in of the World Zionist Organization, mud Torah-will give a public bridge After the meeting-, refreshments will the Bible shall endure and Jewish standards shall-abide as triune. bjyman Ed.nwd B qi m B. Janks of Brqaroeithe holyy German soil. Hi? remains bjyman will leave for America on February and Mah Jong- party- ©n Wednesday be served. I3ha,nt influences in the lives of loyal Jer\vs. county, y, father of the proposed State should be exhumed and shipped to the 4th. Dr. Weizmann's visit "to America afternoon, February 18, at the home Whenever the actual dangers to Jewish survival were visual- Diy. Law, d ^ bl introduced on be- border^as soon as possible," Streicher will beshort, owing to the fact that'he of Mrs. S. Cohen, 90S Fifth avenue. The B'nai E'rith will hold a meeting ized and the handicaps and difficulties of Jewish loyalty were half of t hforrnajly The court acquitted Deputy e Lord's Day .Affiance a stated. ^ i J "" ---•--*—*'-^-.-•.- will have to leave for Palestine in time Everyone-is inv-ited to attend. next Wednesday evening, February perceived, nothing could stem the rising tide of Jewish self-respect legislative change in • the. •penal code Streicher. 11, at eight o'clock a t the Danish to be present at the opening of the nov reduce the momentum of Jewish determination of self-real- of the state of New York, which The Ladies' Aid Society will hold hall. Hebrew University on April 1st. ization. It is not altogether pleasing nor unexeeptionally- true would enforce strictest Sunday Blue a meeting; next Tuesday afternoon. ISRAELITE It is undertsood that Dr. Weizmann Febniary 10, at the home of Mrs,. K. that we had to waitfoy danger to be aroused to" the spirit of iii the gtate.-of New York. ORGAN ON ELIMINATION OF Your 1925 subscription to The Jewloyalty to the faith. But such is the general truth. Public nmu§em.enfc and all pastimes ASSIMILATIQNISTS QF POLAND will meet Lord Balfour in England Maduff, 206 North Tenth street. ish Pre&s is due now. Please mail on March 15th, when they will proceed No more important function can be, performed today by Jewr on Sunday would, have to cease. Fines Paris, (Jewish Telegraphic Agen» it in. The Sunday School will hold a Speish organizations than to impress upon our people a clear con- and Jain sentences would be imposed cy.) The "Paix et Droit", organ of to Palestine together. ception of the real dangers that we.~fa.ce in the preservation of" on violators of the Sunday -rest. All the Alliance Israelite Universelle, Efforts are being made to raise a cial Program next Sunday mo'Ting : our heritage, just as serious (though of a different kjnd) as anymotion picture houges, concerts, gar- pul '''shed in its cur - ' issue an ar- special fund for the Hebrew Univer- at the Merriam block hall in celebrawe have ever had to face in the attacks by our nuinerp.us an(J ages, barber shops, beauty parlors, tile by Mr. M. Liber on the Jewish sity. This \rii- be announced at the tion of Chamisha Osar. Fruit will be powerful foes. In this age, it. is not the enemy from; without th.af golf links, tennis courts and ball parks parties in Pol cL In regard to the opening of the University during given to all the pupils. Every child Diamond Importers threatens us, but the- enemy from ^ t h i n . Many of bur people where 3 fee is charged or-attendants Jewish Assim'*~^9i-iEts, he- wiites Lord Balfour's presence in Jerusalem. is •urged to' attend. have too easily surrendered to the standards of the environment, are employed, public debates and tha' wit)' the recent ewish communal Mrs. S. Freiden entertained her Platinsmiths as seen in pur pursuit of wealth instead of. learning! in our search dance halls where, a fee i3 paid di- elections ' \ Poland, the supporters of 5,000 MORE JEWISH Afternoon .Bridge club a t / a luncheon for sensational diversions and amusements, instead of the privi- rectly or indirectly Tou,ld be closed assimilation have disappeared from IMMIGRANTS TO B E ADMITTED TO PALESTINE at her home _at 737 Mynster street leges and consolations of worship, in pur craving indulgence and on Sunday.. ; the scene. The recrudescence of Polish Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Five thou- last F r i d a y . . . . . . in our courting follies instead of accepting services and perform- The bill aim4 to prohibit public 214-15-16 Citj- National 8 8 1 h a s h ta l g e h e sand more Jewish immigrants will be The bill proposes f ^ ^ ? ™ } > f f * . ing sacrifices, in our imitating the current fashions in marriage traffic on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs/ M." Marcus left SunBank Building Sundav T»rodream of CIVJC fraterni- | admitted to PJalestine during the and divorce instead of laying the foundations of Tfte true Jewish to day morning for Hot Spriiigr, 'Ark. zation, and the awakening of Jewish month of January, as a result of repJackson 5619 home, in our ready acquiescence in fads and vagaries that others vi. "TT.,of the Penal Law i n»d to reto "he goKS ' for several , . . , , -,. nationalism has shown them that they J resentations " made ~ to the Palestine discard instead of calmly and quietly thinking for ourselves. place them by a rigid set of specifi, . v j. , , , ' . • • , , " . , • ' " , - - - - jr- i -were as little fallowed by their Jew- Government by the Zionist Executive J Our organizations need to combine today to awaken Jewry to ataans which: would introduce the ''co-religionists" as understood in Jerusalem. American Sabbath" mtQ | the disturbing influences that .undermin.e Jewish loyalty. Most erm, •' their Polish "fellow-Citizens." j by In addition to the nine "hundred of our Jewish institutions originally organizedi to combat prejudice :he Penal Code.'; ' Manyhave escaped this tragic-sit- permits" granted in November by the from without, should now address, themselves to fight ignorance In introducing the bilL Assmbly*. uation by baptism. . Government for the -admission "of and disloyalty from-within the Jewish folcL Through" alj ourmaiuJanka disengsgged; himself fronv Chaluzim, tKe Palestine" Zionist"" Exoi-'-anizations ever^-Jew should be urge^ .to"become a supporter •sor>"' : popnsihility for the bill, ecutive has applied" for 900* new perBILL TO LEGALIZE declaring _it .waa "intrp^jiced .by xeor. the synagogue. In every community•' a census should be made •HEAD—What J. J. Slosburg • -JEWISH COMMUNITIES IN ; mits, 600 of which are for unskiH ec! <>f Jewish people, old and tyoungito^ detPermTiie~^c^wsht)^ox^he LITHUANIA REJECTED laborers, 150' for women, arid" 150 aeed our synagogue accommodations are" and how mariy children Has To Say About His Packard Six Ki*vo, (Jewish Telegrap* ic Agency) quarrymen. The majority of the exshould be in religions schools, Practical aids piithe forjn of leafSTATESMEN The legislative committee of the pected immigrants will come' from . "J. have used a number of cars for my family and my busitets, for the observance-of the Kiddush on Sabbath eve, and for HOLD HI£H POSITIONS Lithuanian. Diet rejected a bill intro- Central and Eastern Europe and from the Seder at.Passover, should be prepared and distributed withness. I purchased my present seven passenger PACKARD ' \ ± ± t ^ V n u o v w a . ^ . d i i c e d b the " f o t r n e r Minister of Jew- the Mid-East." out cost to our people, SQ that: they may find no-excuse for^a ' S I X SEDAN, April 1823, and to date I have not had a cent The issuance of "these11,800" permits • ( J , - T T , A . ) . : M : moch, judge j s h A f f a ? V S j r, r . R O : -baum, consernnegligence that is consuming the spiritual strength, of our people. of expensejfoT mechanical attention. It has traveled 21,437 ; the_ cow* Qf .-Bficroi, has been a p - l ^t h e l e g a U z ^ i o n of the Jewish to" Chaluzim meads the admission-rrf The slogans, "A Bible-for Every Home" arid f'A Biblical Chapter miles. It is the best car I ever owned." 5,000 -persons, because each immiEvery Day," .should bed)nned intq the ears of pur people tjll tjiey pointed. judge at Mirecourt. Senator; c o m m u n i t i e S j mA a c c e p ted, instead, ,.- - ••••--' (Signed) J. J. SLOSBUKG, begin to realize the imperipus.deriiands of ant aroused conscience. Schrame.ok has been elected to t n e ' ^ on the same subject presented gi-anf is permitted to bring along^ two ' IZ_'I1."'" Real Estate & Insurance Co. •. - - -— of Prison Supervi^iQti. j ^'_ A.niissipnary group ,to JeWs. should function" in every community Willas, according to which dependents. as an aid to the Rabbis>to visit Jewish.' homes to inform the igno- In addition to M- Salomon T}M,~w.ho the communities will lose their adrant, to reason withrthem^fferent, to'challenge the disloyal and jvas 'recently. elected secretary qf the ministrative functions. POLISH ZIONISTS to strenghten the purpose, and. resolutionof thoughtful and sin-Qrand Council-at Tunis, another Jew. The committee passed two admendTelephone: Atlantic 2250-3251. 3016 Harney Street, UNIFICATION CONFERENCE cere Jews,.' -":•':••'-':[,''".''..--•;• — •-••• .'-•.:.-.•./:•;;. .-•..:.-.••._ '.,.. MT Eugene B.ess}s, has. heen chosen ments, according to which only one TO BE HELD COPYRIGHT KCVSTONI VIEW CO, NEW YORK
Malashock Jewelry Co. Hew Location:
Richardson Motor Car Go.
reporter general 'of the budget. .
Jewish congregation ie to exist in each . Lemberg. (J. T. A.) The confertown. It is doubtful whether these ence of • all-Polish Zionists to be held admendmerits will be passed by tne in Warsaw on March 1 will have to Diet. decide tho question of uniting the Zionist Organizations in the Polish Bepublic, according to a decision TO EXEMPT Berlin. (J. T. A.) The high finance readied at the meeting here of repY. M. g , A. PROPERTY FROM scandals, -which have stirred German ever our theoretic position on the resentatives of "the'Zionist OrganizaSTATE"." TAXES IN TEXAS WHAT IS MAN?" question be, it cannot be allowed to ppublic opinion in connection with the tions of Congress Poland and those DaUaj, fex. (J. T. A.) A bill to frauds discovered in the Prussian "Man; Super-monkey or Under- have any effect upon our' conduct. .from state taxes club houses of "Eastern" Galicia." god?1* is"the arresting title oX an ar- And. this admission -seeins- to. have State Bank, will be investigated by a ticle by Jiabbi Joel Blau in the B'nai been made not grudgingly, ijj' the [pedal commission appointed by the' and property of the Young Men's He- The main problem before "the conbrew; Association will be introduced ference will be to determine the JewB'ritifliilagazine for February. "It is spirit of making the .best of a b.a.d Prussian Diet. a far. cry," Dr. Blau writes, "from bargain, hut rather heroically, in the Beside the Jewish bankers, Kutins- into.the legislature; fcy Representative ish political program with regard to the rights and .demands of the Jewisli Town-JIall, West Forty-third, street, sense of meeting the challenge of life ke.r and Jacob Micl.el, abobut whom T. K. Ervin of Dallas. New York, to the Talmud halls in population in Pola.tid.'_It is proposed the anti-Semitic papers made much I Property of .the .. Young Men's ancient Jerusalem. It is a far cry nobly. Since life jnuit be "lived, we noise, a great number ef responsible Christian Association and similar or- that the conference-elect a supreme .cannot justify our ejusfence; and, from Meskrs. Clarence Darrow (of thouggh it cannot be lived happily, it officials of the State Bank are in- ganizations is ajready exempted from council to which the Zionist "Sejiii Chicago) "and Scott Nearing to the can be lived msely. members should be responsible. . volved. It was stated that the pur- state taxation. Disciples of Shammei and Hillel. But pose of the ommlssion will be to in"And now coine Mgssrsv Dai-row and quiry into the reckless advance of the debate that took place between p Nearing to bring, feack. the ghost of jnoney b y the State Hank. D Darfow and. Nearing at that .ancient Talmudica.l debate ^ Of particular interest is the case of reminded one .forcibly of a similar the xeviaed form: "Is the Human discussion carried on hy the Sham- Eace Worth Working For-?"—the the. Mortgage Bank, which is controlled by the State. Officials of this maites andThj Hillelites in spirit, Jerusulam ages "ago. universal dif- It o Pi c discussed at Town-Hall.. Near- bank advanced- money to high Prus- [ ^ t k tue th op^iniis«c i i i id basing bi fUSjng itself thrqugh the revqlying '«ig:>taoic side, sian officials and. ex-officers of the - centuries and the evolving theoriqs, M5-- cheecful view upon the alleged army on ridiculo.us securities which has once again demonstrated that, al- achievements of the Bolshevik^. Dar- resulted In the failure. though'here."and" there jir different row supported—the—pessimistic side, accents,, and'•with "shifting emphasis, declaring that there is no goal in exi t ntters itself everywhere to thesame istence nor purpose in living Thence, PALESTINE LABOR the human race is not worth working FEDERATION TO ISSUE intent and purpose. DAILY PAPER "The subject of thig-prolonged dis- for. The fallacy seems to lurk in T'S in the air to be well dressed these days. Jerusalem.. (J. T. A.) Beginning j cussion' (in Jerusalem) was, 'Would this logic which the Hillelites and _The social affair, the club, the theater, the radio have been better for man not to i Shammaites -would evidently hot take, April 1, the Jewish Labor Federation ' party—all call for good appearance. Besides the have heen created?' Or, on the coir- | They said that, no matter how gloomy of Palestine Will commence publishsatisfaction of being well dressed-—there's another trary, is- it better for him now that oar view of human existence^ it ia ing a daily paper in Hebrew. The consideration—"Dress well and succeed." imperative and eminently worthwhile sum of 1,000 pounds has been donated he is created?'"" "" to seek toenhance it by right conto the Federation by a sympathizer "To the credit of those ancient disInspect The Nebraska's Shouting putant! be it said "that, though it took duct; while he said that heoause hu- of" the party." An equal sum wa3 manity lacks worth it is not worth raised b; various labor institutions. the.m two years and a.half, they realised' at length the" irjsol&ble nature of working for. Non sequitur. their problem and determined to end "Darrow said that man, greedy, REMOVES ARA6 ORDER it—by .vote! The vote taken, it~was tyrannous and quarrelsome, is but a AGAINST IMMIGRATION duly "resolved* that "It were better, super-monkey. New York newspapers Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Obstacles in indeed, for man not to have been cre- hailed this new coinage with glee. the way-of Jewish immigration into ated ;.-.never£heless,~nb,w"that he is But this work stirs us to a different Palestine, placed by an ordinance of! MANY WITH EXTRA TKOUSEKS created,"le thim look well to his con-reflection. We, who try- to trace the a Palestine official, wer6 removed by duct. ""Uke'So many decisions arrived evolution of the immortal theme dis- an order of District Governor Symes. at by vote, this,, too, appears to be a cussed by HilleMtes and Shammaites Governor Symes cancelled the or-1 compromise. But it is inore than that. in Jerusalem down to the debate be-» der issued by the Beisan sub-govern-' It i r a n , admission thatf the problem tween Darrbw- and Nearinjr in Nev? or that no visa": for relatives of colof living' cannot be solved* theoretic* York, are reminded that the problem onists injhis district would be issued CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN -ally but onlyj practically; that, what- is older than even Hillel and Sham- until all their taxes had been paid.
We. need the courage pf a Mc^es, tlie zeal of a Maqc^bee J the confidence of a Mordecai to; face and fight the subtle ana insidious dangers that threaten us" today. Here is work "for pur PRUSSIAN DIET APPOINTS COMMISSION institutions to. do that, will earn for "them the approval ©f world INVESTIGATING : ; f OR FINANCE SCANDALS Jewryand .meritthe- Si^titud^ of coming^ejierations. * «
We Can Positively ox
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A M L LINE OF ART AND NOVELTY GOODS ' Visit our Art Department. Here you will find ideal .Birthday, Wedding, and Holiday Gifts. Also suitable prizes for card parties. Our prices 2o% below regular.
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PAGE S—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925 Synagogue. Following the program Mi\ and Mrs. H e r m a n Rehf eld Mrs. Harry Finsod, who has been last Sunday. Mrs. Dave Steinberg JEWISH COLONIZATION WORK meeting of the clas^ took place and visiting in the city, left for Grand was the guest of honor at the Wednesto Celebrate Golden Wedding STARTS IN WHITE RUSSIA Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rehf eld have an election of officers was held with Island to visit her sister and family, day dinner party. Mascow, (J isl Telegraphic ssued two hundred invitations for the following results: President, Mr. and Mrs. Fineberg. cy.) Of the ten thousand their golden wedding anniversary re- Ethel Hurwitz; vice president, BeaThe A. Z. A. Bible class met Sun-land assigned by the White Russia': Mr. M. Perlman of this city left ception to be given Monday evening, trice Silverman; secretary, Esther day, January SI, at eleven o'clock. Sovnareom for this year's Jewish colFebruary 16, at their home at. 124 Morgan; treasurer, Lawrence Gross; for a few weeks' trip to Minnesota Thirty five attended. The Jewish onization work in region, "four tboc on business. North Thirty-seventh street. The re- and reporter, Toby Flax. Business of Lincoln donated $110 to r % deyiatir have already be*n nv ception will be held from 8:30 to 11 Mr. Dates Schulman and Leon Ad- Business Men of Lincoln donated loted, oi •whicl. settlement has b.?mo'clock. $110 to the A. Z. A. Athletic fund- i started. elson spent the week-end in Omaha. LINCOLN A number of out-of-town guests are Miss Gertrude Romm returned from Mrs. Malamut of Atlantic City, N. expected to arrive the latter part of her week-end visit Sunday with her Y., is on a short visit with her sister, the week for the reception. WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS parents in Omaha. Mrs. Simon Nefsky. Many affairs Of interest to Omahan's will" be the FERER-COHEN. have been given in her honor. A Mah Jongg and bridge party will Miss Elsie Poska entertained the More than one hundred,and fifty news received this week from Los "be given by the Temple Israel SisterAngeles., Calif., of the engagement The Merry Mixers had their club Fadyannth club Sunday at her home. invitations -were issued for the "wedhood on Tuesday afternoon, FebruPaxton Block "The Store of Individual Shops" 16th & Faraaro ding of Miss Rose Cohen, daughter of of Miss Annette Moser, daughter of ary 25, in the vestry rooms of the meeting, and were entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. David Nefsky enterMr. and Mrs. M. Moser, of that city, bridge at the home of Mrs. N. LeaMr. and Mrs. Cohen, to Mr. Harry tained at a dinner party in honor of Temple. vitt. Prizes were won by Mrs. Finsod, Mrs. Malamut of Atlantic City, who Ferer, son of Mr; and Mrs. A. B. formerly of Omaha, to Mr. Matt Ferer, of this city. The ceremony Siiverstein, of Los Angeles, Calif. Misg Ethel Reuben, daughter of Mr. the out of town guest, and second is the guest of Mrs. Simon Nefsky. vrili -be solemnized Sunday evening, and Mrs. H. Reuben, was on the pro- prize was won by Mrs. Phil GreenMrs. M. Polsky entertained Monday February 8, at 6:30, at the Swedish Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson and gram at the. Annual Convention of stone. in honor of Miss Malamut at a lunchAuditorium. ; The bride's attendants son, Harry, spent the weekend in the Iova uberc'lar Asr ."tition, at Mrs. Finsod of Ottumwa, la., is the be Mrs. Herman Cohn, -who will Lincoln, where they attended the re-Des Moines, la., this week. Her sub' guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.eon, followed by Mah Jong. he Her matron-pf-honor, and Miss Ann ception given by Mr. and Mrs. J ject was ^'Dental Hygiene and Its Re- . Chapman. Mrs. Harry Gars on entertained White will be the bride's maid-of- Shapiro in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max lation to the Public Schools." Tuesday at a bridge luncheon in honor hqnor. The Misses Esther Ferer, So- Shapiro, wh-> just returned from their Saturday afternoon Mrs. Simon of Mrs. Malamut of Atlantic City. The Upsilon Kappa Tau Sorority poye Ferer and Ida Cahn will >e honeymoon, spent in Kansas City and Nefsky entertained in honor of her bridesmaids. Mr. Herman Cohen, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mrs. Shapiro have made plans for. an informal Val- sister, Mrsf. Malamut, at six tables of Mrs. Max Katlem&n entertained a entine dancing party to be given Satcompany of ladies at a luncheon Tjrother of the bride, will be bestman, was formerly Miss Helen Robinson. bridge. Prizes were won by Mrs. urday evening, February 14, at the ifWd Messrr Harry Cohen, Max JanLew Polsky; Miss Ruth Polsky, Mrs. bridge, complimenting Mrs. Malamut, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg. Ward Burgess Home. Miss Elsie M. Perlman, and consolation prize was Thursday. ger and Geo ge Sieken will be Stalmaster, president of the club, will Master Robert Max White will be of Des Moines, la., spent the week- be hostess for the evening, and the given to Mrs. Seelenfriend. The Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speire have end here visiting with Mrs. Hockenringbearer, and the little Misses Edith Misses Dorothy Klein and Nora Perl- guest received a great prize. entertained a series of four luncheons berg's mother,' Mrs. M. Zalkovitch. Margie White and Kuth Cooper will Dr. Aitken of the St. Paul's church in.the past two weeks. After the Mrs. Hockenberg was formerly Mis mutter are the assisting hostesses. be the flo'ver girls. Chaperone= for the evening will be gave the sejrmon at the B'nai Jeshu- luncheon, bridge and Mah Jong were V E R Y cky Honoring Miss Cohen prior to her Estyre Zalkovitch. Messrs. and Mesdames Harry Mala- ran Temple. Services were read by played. wedding day, Mrs. Herman Cohen enMiss Lucille Stein entertained shock and Ben Tatle. serves to emMr. T^eiSTnark, in the absence of Rabtertained at a luncheon at her home bridge at her home Tuesday evening Mrs. DeButts entertained at a din; bi S. E. Strrrels, who is expected to phasise the imlast Wednesday afternoon. Covers in honor, of Miss Ann Cutler, who is "Saint Joan," one of George Berner party, in honor of Miss Malamiit, •were laid for twenty guests. Sunday leaving next Monday evening for Cal- nard Shaw's plays, will be Rabbi return this week. Friday. portance of the enafternoon Mrs. A. Weinstein was hos- ifornia, where she will visit indefi- Frederick Cohn's sermon topic for Miss Mary Yabroff has returned to tess a t bridge at her home, honoring nitely. Prizes were won by the Misses this Friday evening at the Temple. complete her senior year at the Unisemble mode for the Mrs. Dave Steinberg of Kansas City Miss Cohen, and on Friday evening Bertha Abrams and Hannah Filvin. On Saturday morning he will have as versity of Nebraska. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben coming season. The Mr. and Mrs. Harry White enterhis topic "The Nearest Way." Gradwohl. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shapiro received The February card party of the tained a t dinner, honoring the young smartest wardrobes guests at their home in honor of Mr. Mrs. Lew Polsky will have several Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will be couple. • will have them; see and Mrs. Max Shapiro Sunday even- tables of bridge, in honor of Mrs. C IU B S Mr. Ferer and his bride will leave given at the Blackstone Hotel Moning. Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro were Malamut, Saturday. for Kansas City, Mo., where they will day afternoon, February 9, Hostesses them now; be ready The Jewish Culture League will spsn.d, their honeymoon, and upon for this affair will be the Mesdames meet Sunda afternoon, February 8 married in Omaha January 18, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Aach entertained to wear an the. first their return will make their home Harry Lapidus, M. Rosenblatt, Harry at the Labor Lyceum. A literary and returned to Lincoln Saturday after a at two dinner parties in the past wedding trip. Malashock, Dave Sherman, A. Silverwith, the groom's parents. week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wessel spring day; be the musical program will be given. Mr. man and A. B. Alpira. and Mrs. Sam Wessel were the guests The Nioma Sewing club met at the D. Klain will speak on."Difference of GOLDBERG-LANDE first to wear one at home of Mrs. Saul Poska. The next of honor at the first dinner party Mrs. A. Stein, of Beatrice, Nebr., Opinion." The marriage of Miss Rose Lande, meeting will be held in two weeks. this week's matinee daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lande, was called to Omaha on account of of this city, to Mr. Paul Goldberg, of the illness of her mother, Mrs. W. The Hebrew Club Evrio will hold or bridge, Mr. Ben Finklestein of Chicago re"Kean Keeps Klothes Klean" Sioux City, la., will be solemnized Krasne, who is now at the Wise Me- its regular meeting on Monday even- turned to be with his folks, Mr. and ing, February 9, at eight o'clock, at Froday afternoon, February 6, at morial Hospital. the City Talmud Torah. Mr. L. Woolf- Mrs. I. Finklestein. FLOOR. three o'clock, at the home of the Nebraska University students who son will lecture on "The Life of the BAKNEX KEAN bride's parents. The marriage lines The card party held at the Ivre will be read by Rabbi J. M. Charlop spent the past week-end in Omaha Jewish Writer Chemichovsky." club rooms, under the auspices of the ' Tailors —• Dyers — Hatters 306 South Eighteenth Street before the presence of only the im-were the Misses Gertrude Romm, At the regular .meeting of the Jun- Daughters of Israel, was well attendThe Corcrt House is Opposite Us jnediate relatives and friends of the Sara Somberg, Estelle Lapidus, and ior Daughters of Zion Sunday, Jan- ed and a financial success. Fanny Levinson, and Messrs. Joe U Phone JA-11S7 We'll Call couple. Linsinan, Abe Babior, Ernest Reuben, uary 31, at the Jewish Community Miss Helen Altschuler of Omaha Onr Work Excellent — Our Service After February 15, Mr. and Mrs.Mack Katleman and Ben Ravitz. Center, a report was given by the spent the week-end in this city visitPrompt — Our Prices Reasonable Goldberg will be at home at the girls on the raffle which is to be ing friends and relatives. , Swanson apartments at Sioux .City, Mr. and Mrs. N. Levinson enter- given on March 15. Iowa, tained ten guests at dinner Saturday A watch is being raffled by the Miss Lande's hostesses prior to her evening at their home in honor of club for the benefit of the Jewish Na wedding day were Miss Reva Plot- Bob Hall, who appeared at the Or-tional Fund. On the afternoon that kin, who entertained at a one o'clock pheum Theatre last week. the watch will be raffled, the club is luncheon followed by bridge. Mrs. putting on a program from the talent . M. Hershorn was hostess at her home Complimentary to Mr. Nate Man- of the club. The public is invited to 1619 "O" Street honoring Miss Lande, and Miss Ann tel's birthday, twenty-four friends en- attend. LINCOLN, NEBR. tertained him at a surprise party Idpsey entertained at her home SunSunday evening at his home. We carry A combined cast of members of th day afternoon. a full line Auflebung club and Culture league Miss Fanny Hurwich entertained at Miss Dorothy Goldstein, daughter bridge at her home Wednesday even- will present a four-act playlet, "BrokKosher Delicatessen, of Mr. and Mrs. H. Goldstein, left ing. Prizes were won by the Misses en Hearts," by Zier Lebin, on SunSmoked Fish, etc. Sunday evening for Chicago, where Pearl Wintroub. and Ann Finkel, and day, arch 1, at the Swedish Audi* Mail orders given full attention she will enter the Bush Conservatory Messrs. Mel Evidon and Leon Lieber- torium. For tickets call M. F. Goodman at Atlantic 1191, or J. Morgenof Music. Miss Goldstein is an ac- man. stern at Webster 4548. complished violinist and a prominent Cleaners Dyers Tailors " Hatter* Mr. and Mrs, Allen Kohan have dancer, having taken part in the JunFOE GOOD SESVICE CALL, CS The Literary Circle will meet Sunior League Revue and many other af- taken an apartment at 1029 Park ave- day evening, February 8, at .2219 fairs. nue. North Twentieth street. We Clean Everything Mrs. A. Theodore was hostess at a A number of friends of Mr. Robert The Confirmation gills tf the City DOWNTOWN BRANCH: ATlantic 8696 surprise bridge party at her home 110 Sooth 18th. New Elks Bide. " A. Cohan entertained at a farewell Sunday School presented a program PLANT: 825 T»afk Avenue " ' surprise dinner-dancn in his honor Sunday evening in honor, of her niece Sunday morning at the B'nai Israel IMJONTS H4EXEI 8399 and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ChapFriday evening at the Brandeis T«a . Booms. Covers wera laid for thirty- man^ wh,o celebrated their fifth wedeight guests. Mr. Cohan left Satur- ding anniversary. Among the out-oftown guests were Mrs, . Chapman's day evening for Dallas?, Tex. mother, Mrs. S. L. Shostak, and Mr. Mr. Arthur Levy, who was former- Chapman's mother, Mrs. ISfathan J:1 H . ly assistant manager of the ready-to- Chapman, both of Lincoln, Nebr. Hi S wear department of Herzberg's DeMr. Howard Brode, of Des Moines, H partment Store, left Monday night to la., who attended the Nebraska Clothassume-his new position as asistant iers' Convention in Omaha this week, manager, of Philipsborn's at Washington, D. C,.., one of the largest was the guest of ..several ef.his._fraready-to-wear establishments in that ternity brothers, members of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. city. •'....., ii Members of the Hajabls Bridge ^lub Rabbi Frederick Cohn is leaving S H Thursday morning for Fremont, wer-e—entertained by Miss. Lucille H Good Work — Personal Service Stein at her home Wednesday evenSi •Nebr., where he will address the Kiing. Prizes were won by the Misses Confidential wanis club Thursday noon. • Ann Cutler and Ann Minkin. _ • •-'..; Miss Dorothy Ringle returned this 11$ SO. 17th ST. PHONE JACKSON 0770 •• .week from a five weeks* stay in Kan- • Mr. Harry. A. Wolf is taking an I extensive trip through Panama, Cuba / sas City and St.. Joseph,-Mo., where and Florida, and upon his return trip, i she was visiting with friends. will visit in the east with Mrs. Wolf's Mx. and Mrs. Ab& -Ferer, of Oak- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernstein. Mr. land, Calif., arrived Wednesday even- Wolf" will be "gone :until the first of . ---. Ing to visit here for a week with March. ' """."" ~ " '. Mr.'Ferer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. Martin L. Sugaiman, delegate Ferer. After visiting here they will 1 of the Federation of Brotherhoods 7 leave for St. Louis, Mo., where they convention held in St. Louis'recently, •will make their future home. will give his. report at the regular Miss Lillian Kooper entertained the monthly meeting to be held WednesKid Boots club at a slumber party at day evening, February 18, at eight o'clock in the vestry rooins of the her home Saturday evening. Temple. : The Deborah Society •Will meet Miss Ann Wintroub returned Tuesday afternoon^ ^ebruary • 10, at One hundred and twenty of Osn&haV most the-Jewis]i')Communit^ Center, Mrs. Wednesday morning from a five talented entertainers in two aed a half hours J, - Katleman, who recently returned weeks'; stay at Milwaukee, Wis., and Chicago, 111., where she visited with n .extended visit in Palestine, of mirth, melody, sengs and dances talk on conditions in Palestine, relatives. Mr. E. Bloch, principal of the Talmud In honor of the three brides-to-be, | Torah, will give a report of the work the Misses Sadie Levey, Fanny Kully Orchestra Seats $1.50 aiKh$I.O0 of the Talmud Torah. and Eva Alpirn, a luncheon at the Balcony Seats 75 Cents Gallery Seats 25 Cents Miss Beatrice Cahn will entertain Athletic qlub, followed by an Orphethe P. A. L. Bridge club at he rhome' um Theatre party, will be given by Mrs. Henry "Xohsky today. ^ Sunday afternoon.
Spring^ Foremost Fashion Ensembles
Mfof/aukee Delicatessen
—For the—
Empire Cleaners & Dyers
and Y. W. H. A.
Are Now on Sale at the
Your Next Job of
< •»
Bandeis Theatre Box Office One Performance Only
Sunday, February 8th, 8:15 Sharp Bigger and Better Tkan Ever
Entire New Show—New ScepQS and Costumes New Songs and Dances will Mold you spellbound
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JU2BKTTAKY-3,. JS25 ish cases should not come to us, but agency mates good to, us our annual Firms advertising in "The Jewish as I stated before, this argument has deficit. Press" deserve your patronage—It is been made so much that" I despair of The Hospital at the present time is TO YOUR INTEREST to support Germany has come to the conclusits ever having the effect desired. rated with the best in the country. A them. ion that sport is good, not only for lower rating we do not want and canindividuals, but for the state as such. The Hospital cannot continue to opHARRY, CONZKG': j BY N. P. FEEL, PRESIDENT Seymour B. Conger writes from Bererate with a loss of from $10,000.00 not afford to have. During the year Feature Syndicate.) lin: it was necessary for us to increase ' "The announcement that participa- From a financial standpoint there sides, and no complaint should be to $15,000.00 per year, and it is not our loan a t the bank by $10,000.00. Dayton Scales right that, the Jews of Omaha should tion in athletics will hereafter be reand Slicers quired for a degree a t the venerable is very little in the way of encourage- made on account of the Federation's expect a, few men to give their time How much longer we will be able to GAIN OR LOSS? ment to report for the year 1924. As support of these institutions. It borrow money to pay our bills, I do J German University of Jena and other and thought to an apparently hopeLOUIS ADLER. Mgr. It seems that notwithstanding the. in Thuringia, and that be- usual there is a large deficit in themeans, however, that the money paid less proposition year after year. Thenot know, but there is a limit to our 1 510 So. 10th St. scientific achievements of modern colleges Jackson 3332 October 1; 1925, no studert operating of the Hospital. The def-to them means just that much less times the human species, shows a con- ginning business done by the Hospital during borrowing capacity. This constant will.be admitted to final examination tinuous loss of brain power and awithout a certificate that he has been icit for 1924 is $12,920.00, as against money for the other institutions de- the last year is quite a bit in excess increase in our mortgage indebtedconsistent gain. in physical constitu- taking regular exercise in some form $14,751.00 for the year 1923. Against pending on the Federation. of that in previous years. The doc-ness can mean only one thing, i. e., tion. If this were not the opinion of of sport,, is not distated solely, by this, however, we want to place.a payIn my annual report last year I tors who have promised to do their that we are gradually eating up our Sir Arthur Keith, the noted English consideration for the health of'.the anthropologist, I would quickly dis- studeiits. It is a part of a scheme ment of $2000.00 from the Jewish mentioned the fact that thfc Jews of best to keep us^filled up, have kept capital. Do you think that this is a pose .of this statement by labelling it to divert student attention from the Welfare Federation which was not re- Omaha were not supporting the Hos- their word as far as they were able. good idea or good business? I do NONSENSE. But as i t is I can only vehement politics on which they are ceived until after the close of thepital. This is just as true now as it This is reflected in the statement of not, and I think, you will agree with 350 Rooms—350 Baths shake my head in amazement; How wasting their time, embittering their year and until after our annual state- was then. If we received the business revenue which for 1924 showed a me. Rates $2.50 to $4.50 •would Sir Arthur explain the fact that associations, and bringing the Uniment had been prepared. This makes to which I think we are entitled, we gross of over $98,000.00 against $84,the physical /iimensions of man today versities into disrepute." compare so unfavorably.-with the an- The same writer goes on to explain the deficit really a little under $11,- could make the Hospital almost self- 500.00 last year. Against this, howcient inhabitants of, the earth? And ; supporting. Just why a great many ever, is charged off for non-pay pathe German student is now under 000.00. , then, what about ancient and medie- that the influence senti- Instead of $3,S00.00 which the Hos- of the Jews requiring hospital treat- tients $11,300.00 as against $8,300.00 Carpenter Paper Co. Harry Kononovitch val history, with its wonderful stories ment; and thatofa anti-Jewish Distributor* ot liberal amount of pital has received from the Federa- ment patronize other hospitals, I do last year. These figures represent of the old Olympic Games,,the heroic physical training will do much toward Western Bond—and High v gladiators, and the brave ana super- giving him a saner view, strip- tion in past^ years, we received $4,- not know; I simply" know that it is a ward rates, which rate is practically Grade Stationery Studio—201 Cronnsp BIk. humanly stronguknights? Are.they ping^ him of racial prejudice.and We fel t 000.00 in 1924, with a promise of fact. I am now'speaking of the Jews 50 per cent: of our cost. It cost us ' HariM-y 8478 Omaha • Nebraska fables, legends, nothing but lyrical ood when we read this letter from Bowing for Advanced Pupils. who have money to pay for their last year- ?4.80 per day for every pafairy tales? -Perhaps the great. Eng- erlin. We have always contended $5;000.00 for this yearj-Judging from lish savant takes Jack Dewpsey a s a . that sport is the: great peace-maker, experience in the past, this amount treatment. I think we are getting tient in the Hospital. Ward rates are perfect sample of contemporary man$2.50 per day. According to this, the one- international activity where should not be less than $15,000.00. In all the charity cases. kind, but even so, his assertion is the every city where a Federation exists, As an example I want to cite a prejudices of any kind are knocked $11,300.00 charged to free work at Gate City Furniture Co. hazardous. over the fence—racedinto the ground the Jewish hospitals are paid an case that occurred just a few weeks ward rates cost the Hospital in round and WHOLESALE; —pinned to the mat. amount to take care of whatever ago: A man who had been sick for a numbers - $20,000.00. This will exGlobe Van & Storage Co. Druggists and Stationers shortage might accrue through the great many weeks, and whose disease plain why we cannot make ends meet. owned «nd operated by SPORT BREVITIES 101-403-405 8outb tOtb operation of the Hospitals.. Omaha is was eventually fatal, was sent by his We won't be able to make ends meet GROSSMAN & SONS Apropos of Dempsey. The heavy- One of the leading boxers of France 530-22 No Ifith St weight champion of the "world; Tsar is Paul Fritsch,a Jewish lad. If he in a class by itself, inasmuch as the people to one of the other hospital? until either we get the Jewish busAt. IKM JTa 433* of the boxing game, isja human cock- wins his fight., against Fred Breton- Hospital is supposed to raise funds here for quite a number of weeks or iness to which we are entitled, or unCall us for good tail, according to -Damon Runyan, nel in Paris, he will come over here enough to meet expenses. The Hos-as long as his money lasted. After til the Federation or some other most gifted of American' sports writ- to compete in' the elimination con- pital is a member of the Federation, that the Wise hospital got him as a ers.' Answering an inquiry as to the test staged ;for the purpose of finding and on that account we are prohibited charity patient where he lingered for nationality of the world-champion, he a successor to the lightweight title F. 8. U O B E t »»ro|> left vacant by. the retirement of Ben- from making an independent-drive for a short time and died. I am telling w r i t e s : " • •• ' . * • , • " . " " ' MICKIIN LUMBER CO. ny Leonard. money; In fact, this should not be Phone Webster 0820 this to illustrate what I mean when "Dempseys nationality is Ameri24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 Did you know that Gehrke, the hero necessary. Understand me, I am not I say that we receive only a comcan. He has'a mixture of blood in THE LAUNDKi THAT his veins. He* has* Irish, Scotch, He- of last season's Harvard-Yale game, trying to cast any blame on the man- paratively small percentage of the EVERYBODY LIKES. COMPANY brew and Indian blood.. An ancestor is a Jewish youth? Well, he is, and agement of the Federation. I know Jewish pay patients. There is no reaPAXTON HOTEL on his mother's side was one tevi, a. so is Walter Koppisch, the sterling AT-1000 E.SCHERER Hebrew. Then somewhere along the captain, of Columbia's football team. that they are paying the Hospital all son that I know of why this should TURKISH BATHS line Dempsey gets a bit of Cherokee . William Jacobson. Don't forget that they can afford to pay and a t be so. his name. Before lonp he will be the same time take care of the other Indian Wood." ••" - , PAXTON HOTEL The Wise Hospital is the equal of This would be the first time that among the leaders in the golf tourna- institutions which the Federation Steam, Turkish, and Electric Bathe. any other hospital and better than ments. And if he does arrive, he will the Jews have a' fullfledged heavyCONVINTF VOI Ol' OVK All Modern Equipment. most in its operating facilities. Its weight boxing champion, or even a be the first Jewish golf champion of finances. WASH AND KEEP WELL SINCERITY share in one.- Somehow we never pro- the United States. There is a difference of opinion as food has a reputation of being the TrtiHt. Oppartmrrat. A RULE OF HEALTH duced a professional boxing star in Louis A. Clarke, the nationally SftfPt? DppnRit Rnxf*s> the heavyweight division. The.Jew has known amateur sprinter, is track and to the necessity of the support given best in the city. Patients with whom FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Gcldstrcm Upholstering Co. always been predominant in lighter field coach of the Baltimore .Y.'M* H. by the Federation to one or two of I have talked praise the treatment U U California Street. classes. He has made up the dif-A. We hope that this will not inter- the institutions. This difference of and.care received. There is no reason Upholstering and Furniture RepairOmaha Otftre: 81$ DnafdR* 8tr*«»t ference in weight by cleverness, fere with his own athletic activities. opinion is an honest one on both in the world why most of these Jewing Mattresses Renovated. Onmho Phonp Atlantic 2f>M speed and quick brainwork. Though "Flying Louis" has still some fast Ford Transfer & Storage Co. Bos Springs. a big fellow, whose fighting weight is races in his legs—and he should run K A. FORJi near 190 pounds, Dempsey:is consid- them. ' 4T-lantIc 2619 1012 North IGtb 8t President and General Manager. ered one of the shiftiest and brainiEmanuel Lasker, once champion Cnancl) R!nfr» (Inira) Oftice est boxers in the ring today. JThere- of the world even though Capablanca lOfl So M«!n "<trwt Phf»r»> s«to fore-he rather confirms Runyan's holds the title, is again coming to • DR. FRED B. BROWN theory as to his blood mixture, No this country. Efforts are being made DR. CELIA R; BROWN Irish or Scotch heavyweight ever be- to arrange a series of games between fore showed such perfect co-ordina- these two chess wizards. CHIROPRACTORS tion of muscle and brain. Nurmi, the track genius from Fin4CS-4<n Paitnn Blorh land, now on a visit in America, is GOt! INCH KM'f'l'M JA H o u r s . 10 i . M t o » P U . considered a national* asset by the Q Pbone. Atlantic 3709. Finnish government. His. sensational BesJdenee: Morris Apts. Phone At. 3210 Service is Our Motto' BUT NO ANSWER victories and records have raised the SaTe Deposit Boxes for Kent When' walking through, a public- prestige of Finland more than any park I haver wondered what; becomes diplomatic representative could have of all the Jewish boys and girls who done. This is the claim of Finnish exhibit such marvellous gifts in their residents of the' United States, and Certified Public Accountants baseball and tennis games, I mean, Wall Street supports this opinion by Audits Systems what happens to them as sportsmen? boosting , Finnish,' finances. How Investigations Few of the boys enter professional about Palestine producing some high (34 M (40 Prior* Trent Bldf. baseball. Among the topnotchers (>i class athletes and sending them over Phones. JftcUnor «S13. 4311. the game you will find very few to help in the Keren Hayesod drive ? Jews, though on the school, and coir It may sound droll, but mass psychollege teams they form a prominent and ogy works that way. heavy percentage. This can be exEXPERT ACCOUNTANTS plained, for there is prejudice among INCOME REPORTS the Jews against sport as a way of JULIUS BOSENWALD making a livelihood. (Boxing^ is the FINANCES FOURTEEN When Thinking of Mens' Hats only professional sport in which the SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITIONS or Furnishings American Jew plays a big part.) We Pbone AT. 1893 403 Karbacb Block Chicago. (J. T. A.) Fourteen sciREMEMBEU will discuss some other time the whys arid wherefores of this prejudice- entific expeditions, embracing anthroWOLF BROS. just now let us accept it as a fact. pology, botany, geology, ethnology Office Phone J Act BOD S128 14'.1 DOUGLAS ST. So in baseball the answer is more or and zoology, will be financed by JuJOE IJ. WOLF WOLF JOHN FELDMAN SAM N less clear. After his college days the lius Rosenwald and Marshall Field The Jewish Press aids the Jews to Jewish youth quits baseball as an acClothier tive participant, and contents himself during 1925, according to a statekeep in touch with what their Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos with viewing- the game from the ment made by D. Davis, Director of THE BKINN & JKNSEN CO. Moved from 109 No 16th St to grandstand. '. fellow Jews are doing in city, the Chicago Field Museum j conduct{03 Karbarh Block, 15th & Dnaglas 8ts Whol-snie paper But what about the tennis players ? ing the expeditions. OMAH* NKBR distrihuforp for state and nation besides informHow is it that America has not proExplorations to reconstruct the hisNorthern Toilet Tissue duced a single Jewish tennis star of ing them on the problems of the real first magnitude ? In. the tennis tory of • phehistoric peoples and an1112 Harney Street Jews in Europe and the World ranking, as compiled-by the /United cient empires will be made. ConAT-lantic 6409 States Lawn Tennis Association, there tinued excavations will be carried on over. is not a; single Jew among the first twenty men, nor among the first ten at Kish, Mesopotamia, under Profeswomen. Looking through the records sor S. Langdon. The Gobi Desert, PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. of last season, we can only express where dinousaur eggs were found, •71h and Mart ho Sts, UA 16B2 our complete approval as to the list will also be explored. The impeneManafart orer» at Urafis, Brnnzi1 of men. No Jewish player could suc- trated jungles.of Central Brazil will Uaminum end Soft (irny Iron ('iixtinRB In our judgment, it is the sacred duty of our Voa are assured of soft <astinEs. as cessfully cope with any of the listed we mwhlnr >onif from pvory hrnt In be entered for the first time by white stars. •ur own xhnp But what about Miss Jacobs of Cal- men, headed by the scientists, J. Zireaders to help bring this paper into Every Standard »izr <rast Iron and bronw *nHhinen tn *tork. ifornia? Last season she proved that mer and C. Sanborn. 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 she has a chance against any woman 'Jewish Home. We ask for no financial asOmaha, Nebr. player of this country, except Miss MURDERERS OF JEWISH < Miss Wills and Mrs. Mallory. Why sistance of any kind, but merely urge the Jew has >the dashing girl from California COUPLE IN POLAND ARRESTED been omitted? The committee in Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Two men were charge of this official rating might to co-operate in furthering interests that are UNCLE SAM BKEAK.FAST explain that Miss Jacobs has not com- arrested by the police under suspicion of having murdered Solomon BachFOOD C(». peted frequently enough to entitle her his own. to a high standing. This may be so, rach and his wife in the city of Kolo. O9£AHA NKKKAMKA but we, on our part,, prophesy that The money' which was taken from In a few years she will eclipse Miss Wills as the outstanding woman play- Bachrach when he was murdered was found on the arrested. ' er of America.
Report of* the Wise Memorial Hospital at its Annual Meeting
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