February 26, 1925

Page 1

Snobbery is -the pride of those.who are not sure of their position. — Berton Braley.

VOL. IV—No. 12

I never make tHe mistake of arguing with p e o p l e for whose opinion I hare no respect.—-Gibbon.

Entered aa second « ^ ^'ill-matter oa Jannary 27th. 1821. at postoIHee at Omaha, £ . ska. under the Act of March S. IK79.


_..iBNMENT OFFERS HELP TO STRANDED Home Secretary o! FRENCH; JEWISH REFUGEES Annual Meeting o! Jewish Community Center England Will Not Wednesday Evening, March 11, Brandeis Grill Admit Immigrants On account of the large attendance expected at the animal meeting; and the tremendous

Only 600 Are in Question, Yet He Remains Irreconciliable. ISSUE LEADS TO DEBATE HOUSE

Paris. (J. T. A.) The French Government will lend, its assistance to the Committee for ihe Belief of Jewish Intellectuals, according to a communication addressed by the French Ministry for Public Works to Baron Alfred Guenzbourg, the president of the Committee. The Ministry has offered to place at the disposal of the Committee several buildings for the purpose of opening shops where the women can* obtain work: The Ministry stated that many positions for stranded Jewish physicians are opened in French Congo.

interest being shown by the 1100 subscribers and members of the Jewish Community Center, arrangements have been made to hold the annual meeting at the Brandeis Grill instead of the present Jewish Community Center quarters. Every subscriber and every man and woman should make it their business to attend this meeting which is of extraordinary importance to each and every Jew in Omaha. Election of a x Trustees and twelve Board Directors Trill be held at this meeting. The officers for the ensuing term wfll be selected by the newly elected trustees. The following letter was sent to all subscribers:

SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2,50 JEWISH ARTISAN SCHOOL IN BEEST-LITQWSK J. D. C FOUNDATION BURNED DOWN Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Jewish Artisan School, a two-story building erected by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, was totally destroyed by fire. The school, which was the pride of the Jewish communities in that region, had 120 pupils, the majority of whom were orphans. All that was saved was the tools. The loss is estimated at $25,000. The cause of the fire is not known. However, a sensation was caused by the fact that immediately after the fire broke out, Baleslaw Gerelinski, & Polish machinist, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor.

^ Pupils of ity Talmud-Tarah City Sunday School Children to Present " The Dream of Purim" WILL BE HELD AT BRANIrEIS THEATER MARCH 15

'The Dream of Purim," st playlet London. (J. T. A.)—The question in English, will be presented by the of the refugees stranded in English In accordance with Article VI of l i e Articles of Incorporation, hereinafter «juoted, City Sundr-y school pupils Sunday ports "was raised durig the lengthy we are presenting herewith the names of six nominees as follows: evening, March 15, at the Brandeis debate in the House of CommonB, in HENRY MONSKY, WILLIAM HOLZMAN and HARRY H. LAPIDUS, theater. Two other plays will be givconnection /with the motion of Major (now serving, and •whose terms expire); • •••";• en by the members of the City TalYerborgh, Conservative M. P^ to cohHARRY MALASHOCK, JOE L. WOLF and J. J. SLOSBURG, mud Torsi. There will be more than tinne the regulations giving full auone hundred cMldren acting th« parts (now members of the Board of Directors). v : thority to the Home Secretary to exthat made history interesting during ercise control. over the immigration Notice is hereby given that at this meeting, there will be elected twelve (12) direcBureau Gives Statistics of Emigration the reigm of Queen Esther and her o± aliens into Great Britain. tors, to fill vacancies, caused by expiration of terms, in the Board of Directors. * Fond of $50,000 Used by Elaasmen io and Immigration for Last uncle, Mordecai. ARTICLE VL—-"MANNER OP ELECTION. The Board of Trustees shall, thirty Daring the debate Ehys Dayies, asSpread Propaganda in Canada Because of the large number of Six Months. days in advance of the-said annual meeting, mail to the membership, the names of sistant home secretary in the Labor chfldren taking part and the expected those nominated by the Board of Election, arid the name of any 'Building Fund Member* Toronto," (J. T. A.) Applications cabinet, raised the question of the im- Washington. ( J . T . A.) Of a total attendance of the members of the shall be added to the list of nominees, if at least fifteen days prior to the said annual for a charter to form two fraternal migrants stranded in Southampton of 28,098 immigrants to the United community, it was necessary to obtain meeting, petition for such members* nomination by the holders of ten percent of'the organizations to be known as "The an<J urged that it should be made im- States during the. month of Decemthe Brandeis theater. total outstanding voting units, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board. The Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku possible in future for steamship com- ber, 1924,1,151 were Jewish. For the full list of nominees so constituted shall be presented to the entire number of voting Klux Klan cf the Dominion of Can- The plays will be presented in Yidpanies to exploit the immigrants, "put. period July to December, 1924, of a units represented by his certificate, for each of three nominees. Those receiving a ada," and "Canadian Knights of the dish, English and Hebrew. Special ting them into ports where they re- total of 147i737, 4,975 were Jewish. majority of voting units cast shall be elected. The certificate shall represent as many Midnight Sun of the Dominion of music will be used for this occasion. stxanded. There were 12 Jewish emigrants durvoting units as the amount contributed and evidenced thereby, is divisable by $25.00." Canada," were made by J. R. Code, The production is in charge of Mr. E. Sir Joynson-Hicks, home secretary, ing December and 167 dnring the pea local barrister on behalf of two Bloeh, principal of the Talmud Torah, in *ep.y to this remark, stated that riod of July to December. The total We urge that all those who have made any other arrangements for the evening of March applicants, C. Raymond Lawranson, and Mr, H, Wohl, The production before he or Mr. Ehys Davies assum- emigration for ^December was-14,288 11 to please change their plans and attend this meeting. engineer, and Carlton B. McGowan, has been approved by Kabbi Charlop ed office there "were -already 900 and for July to December 57,631, acWILLIAM L. HOLZMAN, President. and members of the Board of Educaan operator. alienr stranded in Southampton be- cording to figures'published by the tion of the City Talmud Torah. HARRY H. LAPIDUS, Secretary. According to a report published cause they -were prevented from en- bureau^ of immigration, United States "The boys and girls taking part in here, Honorable Lincoln Goldy, Secretering America. Some have, in the Department of' Labor. the different plays are rehearsing tary of the Interior of the provincial meantime, proceeded to America and "-Six; hundred and-eighty-seven of a Y TO ELECT OFFICERS government, refused to grant a char- daily and are anxious to present to about 600 still remain. "Under no total of 13,024 debarred from entry to Members of the Y. M. and Y.. W. ter to the Eu Klux Klan and it is the members of the community sometircomstances Trill I allow these ftn- "the United States were Jewish. One H. A. will hold: their joint meeting likely that the city registry will also thing of their 'own," something that migrants to become absorbed in our hundred and fifty-<four of the 4,448 Monday evening' at the Jewish Comwill take the audience back to the refuse. population. .The shipping company is deported were Jewish. _••••:" munity Center. Election of officers Proceeds to Go Toward Adopting Antimes of Queen Esther and King ARCIt was stated, however, that the responsible for cringing them here Th? to]£al increase of the Jewish Chosen to Represent California i n for the ensuing yeaT will take place. evarus," said Rabbi Charlop. other Palestine Orphan. Husband's Place. Ku KJux Klan activities in Canada and must keep them at its expense? population ia.4ieVOnitedStates durAccording to rumors now being cirhave grown in recent months to such Tickets for this production are on the home secretary stated. ing the six months ending December The Omaha Unit of the Junior Ha- proportions that & fund of $50,000 is sale now and can be purchased from San Francisco.—Mrs. Florence Prag culated, this' meeting will be one of Major Yerburgh, moving his resolu- 31, 1924, was 5,835, being the number Kahn has been elected to the. congress the most interesting ever held by the dassah wfll hold a spring dance Sun- in posstssion of the Klansaaen for the members of the City Talmud Torah tiop;-made-charges against the im- of immigrants and -non-immigrant en- to represent California in the seat left Y. Every member of the Y is asked day evening, March 29, at the Fon- purpose of carrying' on their propa- or the Sunday school. Announcements migrant population in Great Britain, trants over'the.'rnozpber who left the vacant, by the death of her husband, to attend this meeting. tenelle Hotel. nds in Canada. In several places of reserved seats Bale will eoon be " stating-- that tms cut .of., vary. «»rsty- country. ; The proceeds will go towards Julius Kahn. ..... ..,:„ . -•..--_-.-- . ' . . . • • . -.. meetings have been called, at which made and 'will appear in the next 5 tdght aliens is a;: convicted xzimrnal, ing a second orphan in Paiesfins; The applicatioii Kanks reading-as folkws issue -of Thm Jewish Press, • •., California's newest xongresswoman •which is a percentage two and onechapter sends ?H0 to Palestine -each •were- -distributed: "Believing in the is the second that has represented the V third higher than the proportion year for the maintenance of their principles announced below, and wishstate, the first being Mrs. May Nolen, among the Test of the population. first orphan. who was chosen to succeed her husing to affiliate myself with real The Auflebung Club and Jewish *L6rd Bothschfld, who recently apband, who died before his term was Culture League wfll jointly present "We must raise money in order to Patriots of like faith and convictions, give shelter and food to another child I hereby request full information repeared with the Jewish delegation be- During the month of March Rabbi ended. fore the home secretary, stated that Frederick Cohn win speak before a Mrs. Kahn ran as an independent, the play "Broken Hearts" at the left homeless from the War," said garding the Patriotic Order -whose Plans are being completed for the the Jewish community has the inter- number of organizations. On Wednes- as did all the candidates at the special Swedish Auditorium Sunday evening, Miss Betty Fine, president of the lo- fundamental principles are named twenty-eighth anniversary dance to be cal chapter. est-of ihe country at heart and 1 make day evening, March 4, he will address election. Normally she will concede March'l. "Broken Hearts" is a four act A number of prominent Omahans below and also request an interview. given by the Omaha Hebrew Camp this motion in the interests of the the Omaha Men's School Teachers' allegiance to. lie Bepubliean party. "Protestantism, White Supremacy, of the Modern Woodmen of America drama -taking place in New York and wfll be patrons and patronesses at the country," Major Yerbtirgh stated. Clnb at the Elks Club on /"Broken Her husband was nominated at the shows Jewish life in America. Gentile Economic Freedom, Just on Sunday evening, March £2, at the dance. John Scurr, Socialist member from Uaws" and on Monday evening, last election by both Republicans and Mr. Joe Morgenstern, dramatic di- Miss Ann Greenberg is chairman Laws and Liberty, Pure Patriotism, Some Hotel ballroom. Stepney, introduced an amendment March 9, he win talk to the Profes- Democrats. He :was 8 member of Separation of Church, and State, that the regulations concerning the sional Men's Club at the Fontenelle every congress since the Fifty-fifth, rector of the Jewish Culture League, of the ticket selling committee. She Freedom of Speech and Press, Re- "We will duly celebrate our anniersary at this dance by nove lenterand Mr. Ben Martin, of the Auflebung is being assisted by the Misses Beulah ' entry of aliens to Great Britain be Hotel on /The Mind in the Making." except the Fifty-eighth. strictive and Selective Immigration, tainment," said Mr. John Feldman, Club, will take leads in the play. Mittleman, Ida Greenberg, Toby Steinhumanized in accordance with Bri^sb Mrs. Kahn is a •woman of motherly Others to appear in the play will be Law and Order, Higher Moral Stan- who is a member of the committee in traditions. "The East End Jews have PROF. M. ZELOFSKY appearance, a good housekeeper, her the Misses Freeda Rosenblum, Sarah berg and Rose Fine. dard in Our Public Schools, Frtedom charge of the dance. brought new industries into the counfriends say, and, while she is known Taub, Edith Lewis, Mary Katz, ElizTO SPEAK HERE from Mob Violence." try and have greatly benefited the SATURDAY EVENING to the civic and club life of San Fran- abeth Kate, Eva Auerbach, Doris PROFESSOR CUZA Reports from Montreal state that country. They are as good citizens as RESPONSIBLE FOR ANTIcisco, her primary interests have lain Martin, and Messrs. Nathan Woolfa branch of the Ku Klux Klan is be- HEBREW TECHNICUM AT any Englishman, Scotchman, IrishSEMITIC DISTURBANCES ing established in that city, but it On Saturday evening, March 1, Pro- more with her home and family than son, Max Baumer, and L. Taub. HAIFA OPENED WITH man or Welshman," he stated. Jassay. (J. T. A.). Professor Cusa, •wfll work as an American organizaf essor M. Zelof sky, of New York City, in endeavors of a civic or public naIMPRESSIVE CEREMONIES the father of the anti-Semitic movewill lecture at the, Labor Lyceum at ture. Haifa, (J. T. A.) With impressive Harry Snell, Laborite, contended not interfering -with Canadian FORMER OMAHAN DIED IN ment in Roumania and president of tion, ceremonies, in which Sir Alfred Mond, that the alien questicnfls exaggerated Twenty-second. and .Clark streets on affairs. PALESTINE JANUARY 25 the Christian Students' Organization, Dr. Arthur Euppin, M. M. UssishMn, and does not grealy affect unemploy- "A Mother's Care to Her Children." WARSAW JEW MURDERED Mr. A. Woolfson, of Tel Aviv, Palis responsible for the anti-Semitic disProfessor Zelof sky. is coming here Mr. Dizengof, Mayor of Tel Aviv; ment and has no • direct bearing on LUDENDOEFF RESIGNS BECAUSE HE WORKED estine, recently of Omaha, died Jan- turbances which have occurred at the Governor Pymes and others particiihe employment situation in the coun- under the auspices of the Ladies' LaLEADERSHIP OF ANTION CATHOLIC HOLIDAY uary 25, at Tel Aviv. Mr. Woolfson, University of Jassay. This was the pated, the Hebrew Technieum opened bry. "Many of the immigrants have bor Lyceum club. The public is inSEMITIC PARTY, WILL BE Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Candlemas together with his wife and daughter, decision eached by the disciplinary Sed from despotic governments. Re- vited to attend. SUCCEEDED BY HITLER here February 9. Day, the feast of the Purification of Toby, left Omaha on July 25. commission which has been investimember that Englishmen live in other Berlin, (J. T. A.)—General Luden- Messages were received from Sir the Blessed Virgin, the first Catholic Besides his -wife and daughter, gating the anti-Jewish disturbances dorff, German war lord and leader of Herbert Samuel, Sir Gilbert Clayton, ANTI-ALIEN FEELINGS " foreign countries." Church Holiday which was legally unToby, Mr. Woolfson is survived by a of Jassy University in its reports just the anti-Semitic National Socialistic I Governor Storrs, the American ColRISE IN LONDON PRESS Sir Joynson-Hicks, during the deobserved in Poland, in accordance son, L. Woolfson, who was at Ms concluded. . London, (J. T. Al)—Last night's bate, stated that his concern,was the Party in the post-war period, declared lege in Beirut, I>r. Chaim Weizmann, with an order issued by the president welfare of the country and not the debate in the House of Commons on of the Polish Republic, proved to%e bedside when he died, and by seven The report of the commission also today officially that he resigned as Col. Kisch, Achad Ha'atn, the Jewish daughters, Mrs. D. Fankel, of Omaha; states that it was, as found, due to leader of the party in order that N-'-'mal *> -ual in Poland and other aliens. Years ago he was pround that the alien restrictions in Great a fatal day for Polish Jewry. Mrs. W. Solomonow, of Nashville, Professor Cuza's iicitement of the Britain, found echo in the London England was a place of refuge for Aaron Schischuszczupok, a Jewish Nebr., Mrs. S. Meyerson, Mrs. I. Fo- students that the Jassy Chief-of-Po- peace -within the party ranks might organizations. press today.;—— the politically persecuted, but now, be maintained. In the address delivered at the worker in a slaughter house, was when there are a million unemployed : The Evening News published an murdered in Harifrm fashion because nai-ow, and Mrs. H. Fried, of Council lice, M. Manicu, was murdered by one opening, Sir Alfred Mond expressed Adolph Hitler, Ludendorffs ashe cannot permit immigration "I can- editorial strongly attacking the im- he worked on the Catholic holiday. Bluffs; Mrs. B. J. Gershon, of Schuy- of the st. Vits because he took steps sociate in the Bavarian Revolution, is surprise that the Technieum had not not deport those who are already here. migrant population, stating that the Attacks on a large scale occurred in ler, Nebr.; and Mrs. M. Levitt, of to suppr •- the disturbances. gaining a great number of followers received subsidies from the Palestine Professor Cuza has sent a memo- in the party. That would be cruel. But I am ready immigrants "do not flee from political ihe city of Lodz, where the following Lithuania, Europe. 1 Government. randum to the Commission, in which to repeat my phrase, 'Give the coun- oppression, but seek a fatter living in were wounded: Bresler Harmitz, a GERMAN ANTI-SEMITIC he alleges that its report is dictated try the benefit of the doubt, not the this country a t the expense of our storekeeper; Israel Neuman, Moritz PROPAGANDA CAUSES by personal hostility and political anialiens.' I am not ashamed of what countrymen../Right of.asylum," the Greenbaum, Mendel Friedman, Isaac PROSELYTE MOVEMENT I have said or what I have done," the paper says, "cannot be granted while WroblewsH, Jacob Horowitz, Abra- Berlin. (J. T. A.) The extremely mus on the part of the professors of the Left Wing on account of his Naone million are --unemployed. This home secretary stated. ham Wisniewski, Ocher Weizmann, strong anti-Semitic propaganda of tionalist p '-jotic activity. He admits would be a lunatic asylum." At the end of the debate, which Eaeine, Wis. (J. T. A.) The local into the lake to help with the rescue The debate in the House "of Com- Mrs. Guterman, a pregnant woman; hatred and prejudice developed that he is che President of the Chris- press carries a tragic story in which work. lasted until midnight, John Scurr Menachem Kirschenbaum and Abraagainst the Jewish population in postwithdrew his amendment and the mo- mons gave occasion to the "_ anti-ham- Glotchewski, who lost an eye. war Germany by , the defeated war tian Students' Organization, but Eabbi Mflton Ellis of Beth Hillel Tem- Just as Rabbi Ellis was about to claims that it is not a public body - tion of Yerburgh was passed without Semitic Morning Post to also publish UEBRALS GAIN lords, resulted in a proselyting move- over which the authorities have any ple, Kenosha, figures prominently- leave the scene, satisfied that he bad a bitter attack in an editorial against a vote. ment among German youths, accord- right. He admits also that he has Hearing cries from the foot of a done Ms share in the rescue work, a the East End Jewish population, stating to figures published" by the Min- lectured to the students not only on street which ends at the shore line, boy remarked that there was still aning that "whatever internationalism POLISH ECONOMIC CRISIS other boy missing, and the boy pointisterial Director, Herr Mueller. the subject of political economy, but the Eabbi rushed to the scene, arriv- ed to a spot about seventy feet from is in theory, the East End demonUnknown Omahan Buried CAUSES FURTHER FAILURES According to Herr Mueller's figJ. Wise, age about 60, who died strates it in practice." ing in time to see two boys in the shore, where his missing companion, IN TEXTILE BUSINESS ures, great numbers of Christian also on Nationalist question^. last week, was buried Sunday at the Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The political young men and women, including sciwater struggling for their lives, grap- Vincent Myer, age eight, had disapB'nai Israel Cemetery under auspices CANADIAN RABBI TO crisis in the country has resulted in ons of old German families of nobil- START PROCEEDINGS pling with ice floes from which it peared. In another moment the R&b~ of the Jewish Welfare federation. VISIT SOUTH AFRICA FOB more business failures, mainly affect- ity, have embraced Judaism in recent AGAINST GERAN PROFESSOR was evident they had fallen. The bi, who was a member of the former Wise was unknown to Omahans. The ; JEWISH NATIONAL FUND ing Jewish business establishments. FOR ANTI-SEMITISM Rabbi threw off" his oveTcoat and University cf Cincinnati championship years as a counteraction to the antionly attendants at the funeral were Montreal, (Jewish Daily Bulletin.) Warsaw business circles were overBerlin. (J. T. A.) Disciplinary pro- jumped from ice cake to ice cake un- swimming teats, was back &gains officers of the Welfare Federation. —Rabbi Yehuda1 L. Zlotnickj director whelmed today at the bankruptcy^ of Semitic propaganda. ready to dive for the missing boy. ceedings were started by the Prussian The only information obtained is that of the Jewish'. National Fund in eight of the largest textile -firms on JAFFA CHAMBER OF He pulled the boy up out of the Minister of Education against Dr. til he reached one on which Frank he is, an optidon, travelling in and Canada, is leaving shortly for an ex- Gensis Street, the center of the Polish COMMERCE PUBLISHES FreDierr V. . Freytagh-Loringhaven, Budat, seven years old, of Eadne, was water, but his pulse had stopped. out of the Omaha for the past twelve tended tour throughout South Africa capital's textile wholesale houses. The HEBREW BILLETTN professor at the University of Bres- clinging. He pulled the boy out of Feeling that there might be a chanc« years, and that he was born in Hun- in behalf of the Jewish National Fund. failure of these firms caused many Jaffa. (J. T. A.) The first ;ssue lau, to remove his immunity to court the water onto the floes, applied arti- to resuscitate the boy, Rabbi Ellis adgary. He formerly stopped at the It was stated, that -the Jewish com- smaller •firms to suspend payments. of the bulletin of the Jaffa Cha. ifecr proceedings. ficial respiration methods and brought ministered artificial respiration for « Chatham Hotel. Anyone knowing munities in that country have, promisGensia Street is famous all over of Commerce made its appearance. The cause for this action was the the boy back to consciousness. time without getting any responw anything of this man is asked to ed the sum of £10,00 if Rabbi Zlot- Eastern Europe as the center of the The bulletin is published in Hebrew number of public statements and arfrom the numb body. The Kacrn* In the meantime the crowd that communicate with the Jewish Welfare nick, who. is a noted speaker, will textile business and is exclusively! and contains valuable information on ticles published in Hie leading anticoast guard, which then arrived, had gathered increased, but still there Federation. make the tour. Jewish. . |the activities of the Semitic papersJby -the professor. •was no one who would venture «ut worked on the boy without success. ,

Jewish Immigration es For I.S

Ontario Go?emiieif Refuses

Local Junior Hadassab to Give Dance larch 29

Mrs. Julius Kahn, First Jewish] Woman Elected To Congress

RabE Frederict Coaii To Address local dubs

"Broten Searfi ^ Te l e 1 2 m Sunday 87 Two Local

Dance To Be Held lards It

Rabbi Plunges Twice Into Ice Cold Water to Rescue Two Boys



THE; JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omnha, Nebraska, by

• THE JEWISH*. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY Office:'790 Brantleis.Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. " $2.50. Subscription Price, one year.................... • Advertising rates furnished oft application. "CHANGE OF ADDHESS-Please give both the old and new address; bu sure aud give your name.

The Jevrish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to-feature articles ami correspondences from all important Jewish centres, lnquiriej-^regariling news items credited to this Agency _will be .gladly answered if addressed to Jewisl) Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City. .

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C H A N G I N G T H E C A L E N D A R V - •,. • It is apparent already that any attempt to change the calendar wiU draw a vigorous protest from.the Jews. A decision with regard to the proposed changes in the calendar, which would result in the fixation of a world-wide Easter date and the^ntroduction of a system to divide the year into twelve months of equal quarters, leaving a certain number of days in the year as blank days," was considered at the meeting held this week m Geneva, S^yitzer]andy.. of the League of Nations Calendar Reform Com-


Purim ..Tuesday, March 10 Rosh Chodesh Nissan.. -Thursday, March 26 1st Day Pessach ~, —Thursday, April a 7th Day Pessach... ...Saturday, April 15 Rosh Chodesh Iyar.. ..Saturday, April 25 Lag b'Omer .. ;„. -Tuesday, May 12 Rosh Chodesh Sivan.,... _„ Sunday, May 24 Shabuoth ..,....,.—,, w ... m _..., Friday. May 29 Rosh Chodesh Tanimuz.,.™ ..................... ....Tuesday, June 23 Fast of Tamraaz.™»..-.._..-.....^.-...™.-.... Thursday, July 9 Rosh Chodesh Ab .„ „ Wednesday, July 22 Fast of Ab;—....•—. ,™_~_ , Thursday, July 30 Rosh Chodesh Ellul.,,..—._.:_ . ', —Friday, August 21 Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day,


pends upon their ability to summarize the situation confronting them and coining one phrase which would bring Servient peoples are treated much the command of.the hour. the same way the world over. Dom"Taxed out of existence" is the remarkably well coined statement made inant group leaders express the same by Dr. Weizmann at the Carnegie unconcern for the lesser breeds Hall meeting, in describing the situ- whether it be in America, Europe or ation of the Jewish communities from The protest of the Jewish people against the proposed changes the Volga to the Rhine, particularly South Africa. The latest bit of inin the calendar was expressed by the chief rabbis of England, in Poland, Latvis, Lithuania, Rouma- formation which forv stark brutality France, Austria and Switzerland, and Lucien Wolf, the repre- nia and Soviet Russia. A feeling of is on a par with the most atrocious Arthur Randall and his Royal Fon- According to the committee in til 12:30 p. m. security has developed lately, owing practices of our benightened southsentative of the Joint Foreign Gommittee, Dr. Joseph H. Hertz, to the fact that reports of severe land comes from South Africa. A tenelle orchestra will play at the joint charge, this affair will be one of the A combined committee of workers chief rabbi of Great Britain, in a cable received.from the United anti-Jewish excesses have begun to dance of the B'nai B'rith and the A. best ever given. The advance ticket from ths local lodge of the B'nai white farmer employed a Kaffir girl Synagogue of America, was authorized to act as the representative arrive with less frequency than in Z. A. The dance will be held Sun- sale has been good and from all indi- B'rith and A. Z. A. have been workof this organization before the League's Committee with regard previous times, or owing to the fact as a domestic. She left his empioy day evening, March 1, at the Fonte- cations there will be a large crowd ing to make this affair a gala event that we have stopped reading such rebecause of ill treatment. He followed to the proposed calendar reform. Rabbi Israel Levi, grand rabbi ports. nelle ballroom. ^ present. The orchestra will play un- in the city. her, brought her back and put her in of Franee,.pleaded againstthe calendar reform on behalf of the There is, however, a stronger maa barn, having first fastened her Jewish Sabbath. • ,. . . i . , " , ..' chinery of extermination directed neck to the. rafters. The place was | pus on April 1 by D'Avigdor Goldagainst " large Jewish communismid, vice president of the Board of wnite and red roses, respectively. The weather. "The Sabbath for the Jews is a divine institution and theties, at work. The difference is only infested with rats. She was found i says the Kansas Gty Star, It is not entire, but it Tag evikeystone of their entire religion. The Jews would not surrender that the wheels of this powerful ma- dead, her finger tips had been eaten Jewish Deputies and President of the struggle, commenced with the battle at St. dently torn before its owner died. Betheir ancient tradition and would continue to worship on the chine, frequently operated by the by the rats. For this unspeakable Anglo-Jewish Association. Mr. Gold- Albans (1455). and lasted until 14S5 yond dearly establishing the reign of seventh day, regardless of the consequences," he stated. Chief states, is well oiled, and its grinding offense the farmer was sentenced to smid was chosen by the bodies he will when Henry Tudor (of Lancaster) de- Itameses the Great. It contains nothRabbi Dr. Hertz declared that a considerable minority of theis not so loud that it can be heard prison for six months. The minister represent. feated end killed Richard III (of ing else of any valne, York) at Bosworth field. The t^o population would consider the proposed calendar reform a revo- across .the ocean. of justice, Dilmly, approved the sen* * houses were finally united In the perlutionary change in their religious life and they would continue A report of *the Bureau UNIVERSITY APPOINTS of Immigra- tence. He told those who protested Couldn't Fool Him to sanctify the historical Sabbath, PROFESSOR OF SEMITTCS son of Henry Tudor (afterward Henry tion of the United States Department that a Kaffir is not as good as a VII), who In I486 married Elizabeth The Dealer—Here's a beautiful tabla Mr. Wolf, on behalf of the Joint Foreign Committee, in op-of Labor for the period of July to white man and six months in prison The Hague. (J. T. A.) Dr. J. L. of York, daughter of Edward IV. It is posing the change in the calendar, declared that the introduction December, 1924, states that of a total for a white man for such a crime was Palache was appointed professor of estimated that the Wars of the Boses of the Adam period. new immigrants to this Mr. JCevrdollnr—G'^zv.'. You're kidof blank days into the calendar year would cause moral and of 147,737 4,975 were Jewish. Of a to- sufficient, while it would not be suf- Semitic and interpretation of the Old occasioned the deaths of 12 princes of gin'. Adam an' Eve didn't hare n» the blood, 200 nobles and 100,000 of material confusion in every sphere of Jewish life. "If the calen- country, Testament at the University of Amtal of 28,098 immigrants to the United ficient in the case of a Kaffir. Such j the gentry and common people of Eng- tables. , dar is reformed, it must not interfere with the Jewish Sabbath States during the month of Decem- callous disregard for elementary hu- sterdam. land. ber, 1,151 were Jewish. This total man rights has its refreshing place, or the immemorial customs of the Jewish people," he said. of the Jewish community in Although all Christian churches were represented at this growth the United States for this period for it indicates most convincingly that ESTHONIA GETS AUTONOMY meeting, an event unparalleled in the last four centuries, the through TO NATIONAL MINORITIES Oldest Almanac immigration, counting those the superior breeds feel that they are other representatives made no definite declaration in regard to who left the country, amounted to of a different rpecies. Kovno. (J. T. A.) Leaders of the In the British museum is an alAUDITING your books and 5,835/ . the proposed change. A more cheerful picture is con- Jewish, Polish and German minority manac that is 3,O0iKrears old; it Is installing' modern systems of The, National Bakers and Confecsupposed to be the\ oldest in the Because of the strong case presented by the Jewish repreWorkers Union in the City tained in the latest figures for lynch- groups in the Lithuanian Diet has world ACCOUNTING. \ sentatives, there is little likelihood of revolutionary changes in the tionery of New York called a conference of ing in the year 1924. The total was sent telegraphic messages of congratIt ts written lite all other Egyptian Income Tax returns a specialty. calendar in the near future. ulation to the speaker of the Estho- manuscripts, on papyrus, and was kindred organizations for March 1 to 23, all negroes. consider the critical situation which Small sets of books kept These brutal debauches al! came nian Parliament and to the leaders of found on the mummy of an Egyptian, has arisen in the Jewish bakery inevenings. the national minorities in that Parliawho had treasured it apparently as from the same spirit of superiority, dustry in the City of New York. Is there any connection between which has menaced human society for ment on the occasion of the passage something sacred, for it is of a strong MAURICE CIYIN by the Esthonian National Assembly religious character. Under the days, these two news items ? ages. 3107 Lafayette Avenue. which are written in red ink, there is You will no doubt be inclined to The pogroms in Poland, Roumania, of a bill introducing national auton- a figure followed by three characters, say most emphatically "No.". Tel..HA. 7713. omy for the national minorities. signifying the probable state of the Upon close examination and through the Ukraine and Hungary have the By MRS. NATHAN MANTEL. / a study of the undercurrents in Amer- same background. The theory of raican economic and social life, the cial superiority underlies the whole tion with all that they stand for are connection will become more than ap- matter. This theory, of superiority Gaod Stories Told of "They talk about a woman's sphere needed, this is the time. If ever parent, even highly instructive and . . A s though i t h a d a limit; Famous French Writer has not the sanction of ethnologists, There's n o t a place in earth, or h e a - woman "with her influence is needed, characteristic. Mas O'Rell, the famous French satThe story revolves around a loaf of and the more thorough the studies ven,' ' • ••.."surely :this is the moment. With a There's not a task t o mankind given, Community Center which is so ur- —rye bread. the more untenable is the ground for irist, joked to the end. When he was Tr gently needed as our goal, we must Among the many contributions of the assumption of racial superiority. lying on his de.xthbed, and after the i There's n o t a blessing or a give assistance in every way possible, the various immigrant groups to the doctors had informed him that there There's p o t a whisper, yes or no, The Junkers, chauvinists and the was no hope, he wrote: "I fear that There's n o t a life, o r death, or birth, for the goal is well worth the strue- manifold forms of American life, the That has a feather's weight of worth, gle;. but v^e must keep on and on, loaf of rye bread remained an emc whole crew who live on strife are re- I am doomed. The doctors give me a "When I bought my Single Six PACKARD a year ago, •nr:i.T.-..x „ „ ; „ ;*•»• and with Gods we trust and and which awaited telling; rye bread, the sponsible for these unhaupy condi- few months, but I believe I shall last God's heln help we "Without a woman in it.1 many good things were said for it. I was skeptical. |'hope our banner will lead to high faorite food of the Jewish middle tions. longer. At any rate I shall try; for Since then I have driven it every day and given it hard classes in the various East and Cen- The whole problem is ore of edu- I'd rather wear a hat than a halo." So you see, ladies and gentlemen, we achievements, usage, one trip back East of 3,000 miles. It has given as a -woman's organization at a n ' This does not permit me to men- tral European .countries, was introus more comfort and pleasure at less expense, purchase Max O'Rell, like all professional auxiliary to the Welfare .Federation -'• tion the work of each committee, and duced into American city life as a cation of the dominant races, domiprice, maintenance and operating cost combined than I men, was occasionally imposed on with of Omaha, are necessary and vital, *tak.e this opportunity, to. thank each non-quota immigrant. Pardon—there nant numerically, for, despite everythought possible. I would not part with it except for towards its welfare and success. > chairman as well as the members at was no quota at that time, nor was thing, there are different races and regard to hospitality, hostesses invitthe same make of vehicle in an enclosed model." ing him to an "at home" as a guest As president of the Jewish large for their hearty co-operation the quota as yet dreamed of. (Signed) BEN NEWMAN and then expecting him to perform, In Baking as an industry, relieving the they shall continue foT many. ages. Women's Welfare Federation, I am and support, for I feel that if in this other-words to "te?l a few stories.* proud to report thai my fears, when ' first year of my administration I American housewife of this trying of the Ben Newman Grocery and Meats Co. I accepted the presidency a year ago,[avre had some small measure of suc- task and" laying the foundation for her Once when this happened, he left the were needless because with sueh a J cess,.at was. because of the faithful higher social status, paving the way SIR ALFRED MOND drawing room hurriedly and went DENIES CANDIDACY FOR splendid corps of officers and direct-j effort of those, who stood ever ready for her political equality and sufdown, to the hall, whence he returned ors it was a comparatively easy task to lend a helping hand. May I ask frage, was introduced by an immiPALESTINE COMMISSIONER in a few minutes in a state of great 3016 Harney Street. Telephone: Atlantic 3250-3251. to manage the affairs of the organ- for your help and support the comine grant group fifty years ago. These Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Sir Alfred excitement, and approaching his hostization year? For only by working together were the Germans who were the best ess whispered agitatedly into her ear: During the year we held nine reg- for the common cause can our prog- bakers on the European continent. Mond, in an authorized statement is- "Madam, what kind, of people have sued to the Palestine Telegraphic Upon their heels followed the Jewish ular meetings and each was a joy in ;ress onward and^upward be assured. baking industry in New York City. Agency, denied' the rumors of his you here? The check you placed In it§elf, for at each gathering we disGalicie, that poor strip of land which possible appointment as the, next High my overcoat pocket—my fee for tocussed whatever business w>s on hand. night—has been stolen !"•-San Fran. had not enough corn to make bread and then had the pleasure of- listencisco Argonaut j salable to a poverty-stricken popula- Commissioner of Palestine, ing to a delightful program. Our "I wrote to the Liberal Convention tion, exported to these shores great programs had much variety and we The first time in Omaha—will be played the 4-act drama numbers of bakery hands who felt it ara deeply grateful to our chairman, Wars of the Rasas their duty to feed the hungty ones. DELEGATE TO OPENING Mrs. Henry Mortsky, who at all times Not only hands were sent—alBO some worked so untiringly to make each The Wars of the Roses wero a series OF HEBREW UNIVERSITY of sanguinary contests for tfie possesheads arrived and a great industry program a success. /" Dr. Weizmann's Fourth Visit— developed.. London. (J. T. A.) English Jewry sion of the English throne, waged by Much credit is due Mrs, Wm. HolzBY Z. LEBEN "Taxed Out of Existence"—"Not One of the foundations of this in- will be represented at the opening of the adherents of the houses of York man, who as.head of finance did much dustry was the novelty of rye bread, Bread Alone"—An Epic of presented by Auflebung Club and Culture League valued work for our organization, the Hebrew University on Mount Sco- and" Lancaster, whose badges were the the favorite food of the Jewish immibringing in dollars. Also Mrs. Sher Americanization. grant masses. In the European coun and Mrs. H. A. Wolf as head of our tries where the Jews occupied a cenrelief work have carried on the noble, JJy WILLIAM Z. Sl'lEUELMAN. tral position between the peasants, humanitarian work of our organizaDON'T FAIL TO COME the lower class which fed itself upon tion. The fourth visit to America of Dr.black bread, and the nobility which The Organization made a great Weizmann, president of the was fed on French rolls or German •tride this past year when last May Chaim Zionist Organization, is a mat- "Kaiser tolls," the economical Jewish When you become dissatisfied with the oil that you have been vre gave a sort of "get-together" World ter of intense interest not only to housewife chose the golden mean. A meeting—a reception with a program Zionists, burning in your oil burner—call us for a trial order of our Prime but also to non-Zionists. iximpromise was.brought about in the inviting all Jewish Women's organWhite and High Grade Distillate—IT must satisfy, for we The reception rendered to him this Hhape of the rye bread loafj%a kind president to y and the messages delivered on g each p guarantee it. •'.'.•' ges d tell of her tt hh ii ss oo cc cc aa ss ii oo nn j differed from those on of bread which is neither entirely and purpose black no* entirely white. s e society. hi t ™ ™lt™* I*l*™l™lI Ms previous visits; Little was left of Since :the closing pf the gates to the pomp, grandeur and high phrases immigration and the shifting of the ress and that in any line of v work must be co-ordinated and that so frequently used in the effort to second generation into professional which makes for the good of one, enlist the co-operation of the most and business occupations, the rye AT. 4444 AT. 4444 ETTER Clothes cost less in the end and cost j important Jewish community in the bread is about to make its exit. The makes for the good of all. world—American Jewry—-in the proc- rapidity of the Americanization procless every day that a man wears them—Better of "It isn't buildings of steel and stone f^ rebuilding Palestine as: a Jew- ess of the Jewish immigrant group in Clothes cost less in replacements because they ish center. ! : : •• , • • ; . That the world needs most today; New York City can be ascertained by wear longer—Better Clothes cost no loss of self Enthusiasm has played a great role It isn't fame and it isn't gold, thi§ phenomenon, affecting a sphere respect, the most costly loss in a man's whole life! It isn't the knowledge that textbooks in the history of all nations, when of. dietary habits which are the least these nations had to lay the founda- susceptible to change. hold— tion fcr their existence or to start WEAR NEBRASKA BETTER That's the smaller part The annals of Jewish cookery.and SPRING CLOTHES It's the kinder smile and the friend- o u t « n * e . «ftd of cultural develop baking have witnessed the ascent and ment. It is the driving power that descent of the Egyptian bread, the Her hand, The love that knows no creed nor gives the start. Soon, however, the Hamantaschen, the Chalos and the complex realities of hqrnan life, the Kreplach, and many other kinds of land, problems of hardships, dis- foods and dishes with the change of But speaks from heart to heart." somplex abilities and obstacles have, to be times, taster and customs. In pursuance of our policy to help faced and calmly dealt with. Since Further developments concerning the Federation whenever or wherever the war, Zionism has passed its en- the rye bread can be watched quite possible, we'have proven by our co- thusiastic flame of youth. It has calmly. V AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS operation and we promise to endeavor grown to manhood and is facing imHas not the Bible said, "Not on mense tasks. WITH MANY OF THESE SUITS in the years, to come to be the helpbread alone the man Iiveth.—? mate/the inspiration as the law mak- Dr. . Weizmann, in delivering his Other Good Suits, $25 to $65 er of old desired the wife of the. priest message on the occasion of his fourth DENY FALL OF JEDDAH. visit to lie United States, could do to be. np better London. (J. T. A.) Jeddah, the Spring Top Coats, $25, $30, $35 In this period of reconstruction, in np better than thantq to.state statethe thefacts. facts.And J i - this time of adjustment, men's souls stating facts of Jewish realities in , „ -,--. , : • „ _ . . ,. last stronghold of King Ali, has not w w r i d as never bf Out of of all all Europe Europe m means' gj jn ™ S feconom-j f .ate ttried before Out e a n s"i m n g the D e e n c a pr t u r e d b t h e W a h a b i tribesthiq chaos.- this uncertainty, there ac, cultural, political and etmcal con-. .. ' .-...,.Sst come eventually- gladness, ditions prevailing on the vast space men, according to official information "hriebtneBS and joy. But until then from the Rhine to the Volga, where,received here. theT thinking' men and women has nine million Jews are on the evrge of The situation situatic has not changed, the OMAHA. NBI* m report stated. y to keep p his own economic oo . • • do, do,not not only destruction. CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AKD WOMEN



Report of the Jewish Women's Welfare Federationto the Aiaual Meeting of the Jewish Welfare FederatiOB

Read—iVIwt Ben Nexsornan Says About His Packard Six

Richardson Motor Car Co.



Sunday, March 1,1925, atthe Swedish Auditorium'

OH Customers Dissatisfied CONSUMERS OIL CO.


Smart Suits

thought aright; but also to I Leaders of men, as the recent recthose around:him.. . ."-. '. ord of the .stormy period, dunng.the , pride and co-opera-1 world war has amply shown, of ten de-



WEDDINGS The -wedding of Misa Eva Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrg. S. Baker, of Sioux City, la., to Mr t Meyer Ruback, of Avoca, la., son of' Mr« and Mrs. J. Raback, of this city, m i l be held Sunday evening, March 15, in Sioux City. A number 6J Onaahans will attend the -wedding;; y ; yMiss Baker is visiting this week with her fiance's parents^ White here a number of entertainments are being given in her honor.- The Misses Sara and Fannie Ruback were hostesses at bridge for thirty guests Sunday afternoon at the Blackstone Hotel- Monday evening, Miss Minnie Wohlner entertained twelve guests at bridge at her home. Mrs. Dave Milr ler entertained Wednesday evening at her home. On Saturday afternoon Miss Shirley Ruback will entertain at bridge at the Brendeis Tea Rooms.

From Oakland, Calif., came word that a baby daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs. Edward I. Kushner, formerly of this city. Mrs. Kushner was formerly Miss Etta Corenman, daugh:er of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cprenman, of louth Omaha. Mr, Harry G. Fleishman, of North Platte, Nebr., formerly of Omaha, spent several days here this week isiting with relatives and friends.

are now on sale. The Blaclcstone Or- second prize was won by Miss Ruth chestra will play. Evnen.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Q. Marx are leaving Omaha March 10 to" make their home in Miami, Fla. They will stop/off at San Antonio, Tex., Alexandria and Big Cane, La., before gOr ing to Miami. In hbiibr : of Mrs. Marx, who has been prominent7 in club activities here, a^ farewell luncheon was given by the board of directors of the Jewish Women's. Welfare Organization and ;the Board of the Council of Jewish Women 6n Monday noon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. Covers were laid for the following:

Mr. and Mrs. A. Maltz announce the Mr. Lou Messer is visiting in Chibirth of a baby son, born Sunday, cago with his parents. February 22, at the Swedish Mission Mrs. Ed. Kushner is in Chicago Hospital in Omaha. attending the wedding of a niece. The Junior Council will hold a meetMiss Sara Friend, who is visiting ing Sunday afternoon, March 1, at in Nebraska City, is expected home the home of Miss Celia Gersbun, 519 this week. Oakland avenue. Dr. Whitney of the University of Mrs. A, Gilinsky is in Webster City, Nebraska spoke before the Junior la., visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Congregation Sunday morning. His Brinn, who is ill. talk was on thr "Evolution of Man." Wonderful George! Mr. H, Blender of Osage, la., is They were on their honeymoon and Mr. Mickey Krup and Emamiel Ise- Great French Dictator spending the week here isiting with she regarded him as the most wonderman are spending the week-end visMr. and Mrs. S. Shyken. Typical of His Race ful being in the whole world. iting in Nebraska City. They strolled along the seashore. Napoleon's character end personalMr. and Mrs. Simon Steinberg enSuddenly he stopped and in a fia$ Mr. Jack Newman is spending the ity are still under the microscope. One tertained their Evening Bridge club at of the best of recent analysis of the poetic frenzy declaimed: "Roll on thou week-end with his parents in Omaha. their home Tuesday evening. great commander is "Napoleon," by mighty ocean, roil I" "Oh, loot, George!" she cried lO The husbands of the Merry Mixers Herbert A, L. Fisher, at one time BritMrs. L. Cherniack returned home ecstasy. "It's doing it." ish minister of education. Mr. Fisher entertained at a bridge luncheon at Monday evening after spending a few the Lindell Hotel Sunday. Prizes has made the French dictator luminous days in Des Moines, la. were won by Mr. Eli Evnen and Mr. by his phrases. Here, for instance, is C. Poska. Ladies' prizes were won a passage on Napoleon as a young A regular meeting of the Talmud man, portraying him as a turbulent Torah will be held next Tuesday even- by Mrs. M. Davidson and Mrs. W. example of the people from which he Wolf. Consolation prize was won by sprang: ing at the synagogue. Mr. Ben Ellis. The guests were Mr. "The Corsicaa bore a character for The Chevra B'nai Yisroel will hold and Mrs. Nathan Crossman and Mr. sobriety, courage and hardihood. Hate a meeting next Wednesday. Ben Ellis. was for him a virtue, vengeance a doty, pardon an infamy. He felt the Mrs. Ned Koeningsberg of Chicago, The Merry Mixers will meet next call of the clan like a Highlander, an HI., arrived Monday to visit with her Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Albanian or a Zulu, and was full of parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen, until Charles Poska. the pride and self-assurance common after the Allen-Cohen wedding, which to gallant men wbp have never feet will take place March 8. Mr, KoenMr. and Mrs. David Diamond were a superior. ingsberg will arrive the day of the suddenly called to St. Louis for the ^'Vigilant and astute fn hfs judgment wedding. death of Mr. Diamond's brtther. They iiiiiiuuiiiuuuiiiiiuiiiuuiiiiHHUHiunuuiuuHuniiiiiuuuuniiiuiiitiiHitiiuiiiii^ returned Saturday. Mr. Louis S. Braunstein left MonMiss Elsie Poska is coaching a Puday evening for Minneapolis, Minn., rim play to v " given by the confirmato visit a sister who is ill. tion class on Purim at the Temple vestry.

Mesdames: • H. Q. Marx Carl Fuith S. Nathan Chas. Levlnson S. S. Goldstrom B. A. Simon. ^VUliam L. Holzman I4Q1US HiU«r H. H. L.apidus .^.onis Sommer Frederick Cohn l « o Rosenthal Ferrtinawl Adler A. Soml>erg K, Kulnkofslcy H. Kashtntm PhSllp1 Sher • Harry A. Wolf h. Graeta

Doubloon Still Current

; or character, ne was a- master of ! simulation save where passion In and spoiled the reckoning. | "His standard of honor forbad* theft, enjoyed hospitality and tolerated women as the drudge of the household and field. In general his deportment j was noted as grave and social. H« was sparing of amusement, would sit at'cards without a word and suffer torture without a cry; but when th<» seal of silence was once broken, language would stream from him like a I torrent, an index of that uneasy, lmpai tlent, Quarrelsome energy which was | a common attribute of the race."

Wamens Organizations Give Luncheon for Mrs. H. Q. Marx

The doubloon, that famous coin of romance, is still m circulation. The Isabelle doubloon, worth $5, still remains current In Cuba. The cjoubloon Is so called because, when first coined, it was double the value of a pistole— that is, it was worth SS. TJie name was given later to a doable doaWoon current lq the West Inflies. Pieces of eight, vrfth which renders of fiction are familiar, are also in circulation. They are simply Spanish dollars of eight reals. A doubloon dated 1787— there are said to be only six of that date In existence—sold not long ago for $6,200.

Mrs. S. S. Goldstrom returned home Thursday from Louisville, Ky., where Mr. and Mrs. Marx are now at the she was spending several weeks vis home of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kort, iting with her sisters. where they are stopping until they "Rain," the play that was shown at leave Omaha. the Brandeis Theatre here last week, will be discussed by Rabbi Frederick Cohn in his sermon at Temple Israel Friday evening. Saturday morning " Sioux City Chapter No. 12, Order his sermon topic will be "The Seven of Aleph Zadik Aleph, held its regular meeting Sunday, February 8, at Lights of the Menorah." the Jewish Community Center. The Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F, MaTgo- chapter decided to take an active WmTBOUB-WARSHAW lin, of Kansas City, Mo., announce part in athletics. An athletic commitInvitations,have been issued for the the birth of a baby son, Alvin Ross, tee consisting of E. Baron, I. Harlow wedding of Mies Sara Warshaw, born Tuecday afternoon at the Meth- Vtnd I. Eocklin was appointed. Mr. S. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Wa odist Hospital. Mrs. Margolin was Greenstone, advisor of the organizashaw, to Mr. Williain "Wintroub, son formerly Miss Celia Ross, of this city. tion, gave a very interesting talk. of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wintroub. of Max Krolofi? gave a reading. Boys this eity. The. ceremony will take Miss Ethel Reuben left Wednesday place Sunday evening, March 15, at for Iowa City, where she will attend between the ages of 16 and 21 can the Blackstone Hotel, Mis3 Warshaw the Iowa University Alumni Clinic to secure application blanks for member•will have as her matron-of-honor be held Thursday and Friday. Satur- ship in this order from any A. Z, A. Professor Rice will speak before the Mrs. Phinaes Wintroub, and as her day and, Sunday-she will visit with Mrs. Rebecca Snader of Omaha is Junior Congregation Sundayinorning. Miss Clara Baron of Chicago, 111., bridesmaids she has chosen the relatives in Fort Dodge, la,, and then He is of the University of Nebraska. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Good- visiting her sister and daughter, Mrs. Misses Ida Adler, Bertha Hoffman, will leave for Cherokee, la., where shj H. Marx and family and son, Mrs. site. She is being extensively enterMiss Helen Garson entertained a GIVEN BY and May Wintroub, and Eose Win- is teaching. Harry Snader. 35 tained. company of friends at a dinner party troub, sisters of the groom. Mr, AbE Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil have ner Warshaw, brother of the bride The Omaha Junior Hadassah will One of the largest events of the will be the groom's best man, and meet Thursday evening, March 5, at year will be held Sunday evening, gone to Excelsior Springs for a few Messrs. Barney Orlansky and David the Messrs. Phinaes Wintroub, broth- the Jewish Community Center. March 1, when* the Hebrew Ladies' days. Sher will debate before the B'nai jH er of the groom, Sam Swartz, Jack Auxilliary presents its annual vaudeA Purim ball is to be given by the B'rith Thursday evening. The question ; = Mrs. Dave Cohn entertained at a Fleishm—- and Harry Kneeter, will be ville show. Directed and coached by Daughters of Israel. AND is, "Resolved, That the hild labor j = one o'clock luncheon Wednesday aft- Miss Hannah Kaufman, more than groomsmen. amendment should be adopted " ernoon at her home. Mrs. David Nefsky will entertain fifty talented people will be presentE SOSKIN-MINEIN the Naomi Sewing club at their next PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. = ed before a predicted four hundred Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Chapman and Miss Ann Minkin, daughter of Mrs. children, Bernard and Helen Jane, re- audience. Included among the play- regular meeting. -A. Minkin, has set Sunday, March 15; turned Wednesday morning. Mrs. ers is Mr. Herman Herzoff, who took Misses Mae Shapiro and Ella and as her wedding day to Mr. Isadore J. Chapman and children were visiting the leading part in the Central High Soskin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry in Duluth, Minn., while Mr. Chapman School Opera. Reports indicate a Bess Cohen entertained Sunday at a bridge and dinner party at the Lin- Nicely furnished room in refined \ Soskin, of this city. . The wedding was on a buying trip in New York huge success. • coln Hotel in honor of Miss Jean Ev» will be solemnized at the Labor City. nen. The party was a miscellaneous home for rent, for young lady. Lyceum. A social event of note will be held Call Jackson 1042. Honoring Miss Minkin, the Mesdairies On Monday afternoon, March 2, the Monday evening, February 23, at the shower for the recent bride. Prizes •were won by Mrs. Eli Eynen, and S. Fish and G. Colton entertained at Temple Israel Sisterhood will meet in Davidsoir -Tea -roonr when-the -Mount E * a shower and bridge Tuesday after- the vestry rooms of the Temple. Re- Sinai Temple Brotherhood will enternoon at the Brandeis Tea rooms ports of the convention held recently tain at a formal dinner party. Other affairs are being planned fo in St. Louis will be given by the deleThe House Council held its biMiss Minkin. gates. monthly dance at the Jewish ComLEVINSON-ALPERIN A baby boy was born to Mr. and munity Center Sunday evening, FebThe wedding of Miss Fanny Alpe Mrs. A. Maltz at the Swedish Mission ruary 15. riri, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D, Hospital Sunday. The Young Judaean will hold its Alperin, of this city, to Mr. Isadore Levinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Le- Mrs. Frank Greenberg entertained uggular meeting Tuesday evening, vinson, was solemnized Tuesday, at her home Saturday afternoon in February 24, at the Jewish CommunFebruary -24, at Sioux City, la. Rabbi honor of her daughter, Elaine's, fifth ity Center. birthday. The mother's of her daughM. Braver, of Sioux City, officiated. ter's friends were also guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Levinson are now The Finest Kestaurant Food served at party. Prizes were won by the Meshoneymooning on the Western coast. "Help Yourself" Prices dames M. Finkel, L. Albert, and t>. They will be gone for six weeks. ALLEN-COHEN. The Chef who made our restaurant famous 10 years ago Wise. Miss Berdie Brown, who is The,bridal party for the wedding leaving next week for California, was is the same Chef who again is making pur coffee shop DANCING UNTIL 1 2 : 3 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg have as E of Miss Marian Cohen, daugh.er of an honor guest at the party. The famous now. their house guests their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen, to Mr. I. Misses Bess and Ethel Greenberg enr Mrs. Dave Goldman, of St. Louis, Richard Allen, of Los Angeles, Calif., Hf!IIUiHIH!IIIItIltI!!!IirifIfIfHS!!iIHifHIU!l!!!;fi!f!l!Hf!(!il{lfIHIiiflfN:if!t;iniH{fj[;{ir Mo.; Mrs. Max Eosenbium and daugh- tertained the younger guests. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen of this ter, Elaine, of Lincoln, and Mrs. HerzThe Hajobls Bridge Club was en- city, has been chosen. The bride's btrg's mother, Mrs. I. Schanfarber. tertained by Miss Ann Minldn at her sister, Mrs. Meyer Stem of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky will home Tuesday evening. Prizes were will be matron-of-honor, and Miss have as their house guest next week won by the Misses Bertha Abrams Rose Chorney of Chicago, 111., will be BUILDERS OF HIGH CR40E MOTOR CAMS and Ann Eosenbium. maid-of-honor. For her bridesmaids their daughter, Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Miss Cohen has chosen her cousin, of Sioux City, la. Mrs. Brodkey is Mrs. J. Singer together with Mrs. Shirley Friedman, of this city, and arriving Friday morning. A. Cohn, of Gretna, Nebr., were hos- the Misses Dorothy Singer, Ruth HerSeveral entertainments are sched- tesses at a bridge-tea Sunday after- man and Ida Lustgarten, all of Omauled for f latter part of this week noon at the Blackstone Hotel honor- ha. Mr. Allen will have as his best in honor of Miss Fanny Kully, whose ing Miss Marion Cohn, of Council man his cousin, Mr. Aaron Davidson, marriage, to Mr. Morris Levey takes Bluffs, who is to be a March bride. of Falls City, Nebr. The ushers will \ place March 5 at the Blackstone HoMrs. Harry Eachman" and daugh- be the Messrs. Paul Cohen, Jules | tel, and at<-o for Miss Sadie Levey,ter, Mrs. Joseph Pepper, are enter- Gerelick, Corporal Cohen, Meyer whose wedding date to Dr. Harold taining at a series of luncheons at Stern and Louis Wohlr.er, all of OmaLobby, of Providence, E. I., will be their home. They gave their fourth ha, and Mr. Samuel Stern of Chicago, announced" soon. Miss Rina Snyder is of the series o.f luncheons Wednesday M. Little Miss Lorraine Singer of giving a bridge tea Saturday after- afternoon and on Saturday afternoon Omaha will be ringbearer. Rabbi M. noon'at her home, and Miss Madeline they will again entertain. Broude of St. Joseph, Mo., a great PHONE JACKSON 0770 Cohn is entertaining at her home Sununcle of the bride, will perform the day afternoon for those popular Mrs. A. Goldstein returned Monday ceremony. The greater value of the Fiim brides-to-be. from a short visit ivith relatives in Miss Cohen is being extensively enSix has been itasgntEed and Chicago, HI. tertained prior to her wedding day, "Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Slosburg, Jr., appreciated, Its superior perwhich will be MaTch 8. Mrs. A. Cowho are in Hot Springs, Ark., are , The Temple Israel Sisterhood hen of Gretna, Nebr., and her sister, formance ability has Been, enexpected to return home the latter entertain at a spring masquerade 1 Mrs. J. Singer, enter -—Sed at a bridge dorsed rao& emphatically by party at the Blackstone Hotel on Satpart of this month. tea Sunday afternoon at the Blackurday evening, March 14. everyone who knows automostone Hotel. Miss Cohen was an honMiss Ann Fanger returned home small monthly deposits under our new Assured Sysbiles and their capabilities. Its Mrs. E. Jacobs and family have ored guest when Miss Minnie WohlTuesday morning from Chicago, HI,, tematic Saving Plan, and at the same time provide a ner of Omaha entertained at bridge moved to the Lee-Tom apartments, where she spent the week-end. guarantee of this amount being paid, in addition to popularity and use is increasing Monday evening at her home. Mrs. 4910 Dodge street. your savings in the event you do not live. rapidly wherever fine cars Mr. Joe Bonoff is now in New York A. Allen entertained sixteen guests at We will gladly send details if you will clip and mail City on a buying trip. He is returnare sought. her home in honor of her son's fiancee attached coupon or call ATlantic 6374. ing the latter part of the week. Tuesday evening. The Misses DoroReserve T&« Flint Six is mQite in Two The Literary Circle will meet Sun- thy- Singer and Ruth Herman enterMiss Edith Rosenbaum, of New Assets tained at a supper dance Wednesday j = Fund U1LOING SrtOAN York City, arrived Tuesday morning day evening at 2219 North Twentieth Ckasscs—complete selection of §14,406,000 ASSOCIATION evening for Miss Cohen and her fi- | S $455,000 to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. street. Mrs. P. Freidel will speak. cowtrviw* open end dosed bodies. ance. Miss. Cohen is being an hon- ' s Max Rosenbaum, and Mr, Rosenbaum. The Hatikvoh Girls will have a ored guest at a bridge tea given = LOUIS A. FREIBERG, Rep. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Cohn an- meeting Sqnday, March 1, at the Jew- Thursday afternoon by Mrs. H. Eisan- ' S Pays 6% Quarterly 18th and Harney, Omaha, Neb. nounce the birth of a baby daughter, ish Community Center. • stat Saturday afternoon Mrs. J. L. \ <j§ &cy L. Smith President and General Manager Stern and Miss Rose Davidson will en- = born Tuesday morning, February 24, Occidental Bldg. & I*o&n Acsn., IStb and Harney, Omaha, Neb. Farnam at 86th St. AT fan*fe f 644. tertain at a bridge tea at the home of S Gentlemen: . ... The Ladies' Labor Lyceum club are Mrs. Stern. Miss Miriam Soref "was hostess at Please send me, without obligation, your pamphlet entitled I 5 $1,000 for yon." 'bridge,to twelve guests at the Black- entertaining at a card party WednesName . • , . • . •• . , .... stone Hotel Sunday afternoon com- day afternoon, arch 4, at two o'clock, The Fifth Annual Dance given for =» plimentary to het sister, Shirley, who at the Labor Lyceum. The money the benefit of the Council Bluffs He- = •will be a March bride. Prizes ^were collected~will go towards maintaining brew School will be held Thursday S= ||| Bcslness Address won by the Misses Ann Wintronb, the Sunday School at the Labor Ly- evening, March 12, at.-.the .Eagles' S ' •••= •-*.::.:ri.f. ...... i* Shirley Soref, and Ida JRosenbaum. ceuin. Hall. Tickets for a dollar per couple fTfJIIIIIIJllIIIfiilllllllJllIIJllIIlllIIUIIIIIIlIIIlIIllIlllIlIllIlIIIIISIIIIlIIIIlIlilllllJIISBIlIinf?


Attend the



Omaha Lodge No. 3 54, L 0.B. B.

Omaha Chapter No. 1, A. Z. A.




Sunday Evening, March 1,1925


Randall's Royal Fonlenelle Orchestra

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PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1925 o' London's Weekly. There It, the exploitation of their physical talArnold's Wife Shared :owever, nothing new In these fears. ent and. its translation "into dollar in Husband's Disgrace Tie Egyptians kept the bodies of the bills. I dont know whether you understand- clearly that only a pure April 8, 1779, Gen. Benedict Arnold ead under careful supervision by the amateur, who has nothing' to gain and Margaret, better known as Peggy priests previous to embalming and unPrague, Czechoslovakia, April 26, but glory, is a real sportsman. I By HAB#Y*CONZEL * ' Shippen, were married In Philadelphia. til satisfied that life was extinct. The 1910. "Among sportsmen I nominate the (Copyright l»te by .Seven ArU1 The marriage was the culmination of Greeks were aware of the clangers of English-Jewish boy who, when it Feature Syndicate.). Mr. Frank Mach, who has been a a wartime romance. The groom, then premature burial and often cut off the meant most,-after a bad start, de- pupil of mine, is very talented, and a trusted subordinate of General Wash- fingers of a person believed to be dead feated the greatest sprinters of-the with persistent diligence has reached ington, was later to become the most before cremation. world. Besides, Abrahams is a proud In modem times, the fear of being AFFIRMATIVE excoriated man in American history. Jew, and one of the best medical stu- a high degree of perfection as a buried elive has haunted many. Wilkie Most every one has heard of»Arnold's AND NEGATIVE dents of his University." violinist. Collins had this fear, and always left unspeakable treason, and even of his We will not comment on your letI can therefore, with pleasure, recMr. X.: Tlje Jews are generally love affair with the charming Peggy. overnight on his dressing table a note considered a national entity that leans ter, Mr. Stein. We will leave our ommend him in the very best possisolemnly enjoining that, should he be It was certain that his wife was in found dead, his supposed death was to toward intellectual rather than phys- opinion for the very last, so as notble way as,an excellent soloist and a to prejudice future nominations. absolute Ignorance of Arnold's sad ad- be carefully tested by a doctor. Hans ical activity. I' for one, have always thorough mjusician. looked on the Jews as the spiritual SPORT BREVITIES venture. Indeed, as soon as the traitor Andersen always carried a note In his Mr. Mach has also studied concomplement of humanity. Our hiswas sure of his own safety he wrote pocket to the same effect. Harriet MarStrange; but Mr. Stein's nomina- scientiously the art of violin instructory is one of purely intellectual conto General Washington- asserting his tineau left her doctor $50 to see that tion looms up very high in view of tion, at the Prague Conservatory of flicts. wife's Innocence, and saying: "I beg her head was amputated before burialWe: That's "where you are wrong. he fact that Harold Abrahams has Music, with which I consider him she may be permitted to return to her "When the Jewish state existed, in an- been awarded a special gold medal by friends In Philadelphia, or come to me, thoroughly acquainted. the French Academie des Sports, in cient times, sport was very much in as she may choose." Washington, who JAN MARAK, favor. Archery, the lifting .of heavy recognition of his achievements. It was a just man, believed In her Innois a great distinction. In the sport' stones, wrestling, swimming, running, Professor of Violin: at the Conservacence. He offered to send her with jumping, hunting, sling-thrpwjng, and ing world it is considered the highest tory of Music in-. Prague, Czechoan escort to Philadelphia, or to put 'photstering and Furniture Repair fencing were physical activities of our decoration. Abrahams is now one of slovakia. her under a flag of truce on the king's the immortals. • • ' " • : people. While the Jews did • not have ing Mattresses Renovated. ship, -Vulture. She chose the former so high a reputation as athletes as Bos Springs. and arrived In Philadelphia about Octodid the Greeks, they were nevertheNurmi:has been granted special auber 1, 1780. says the Detroit News. \T-lanftr SfilB tots North IRtb K« less judged a people of fine physical thorization to give an exhibition in Testimonials From Former Pupils. the Opera de. Paris. Sport is enterBut she had not been there a month Leonard Liebling, Editor-in-Chief •calibre. 1 Mr. X . Well, but even 1 to the ing the Temple of Art—at least in of the Musical Courier, writes NoFRANK MACH. when the .council adopted a resolution Christian world we were the People France. ordering her to leave the city and not DR. FRED B. BRUYVN ember 4, 1915: of the Book. Artists pictured us as of your pupils play and that my work to return during the war. Five years DR. CEL1A K. BKOWN "Frank Mach is one of the most thinkers, not as fighters, r P. Novansky, of the William Sewshowed it." later she came home again, bnt was We: By no means. Did you seeard School, New York,, shattered the ambitious and serious minded pedaUHIKOPKAUIORS treated with so much coldness and negMichaelangelo's "David," at; the Na- season's records for, the 60-yard ;free gogues we have met in a long while. W«-4U< f t t i t o n Ulock lect, even by those who had encourPhillips Krasne writes: Hours, 10 A . tt. iu e P &1. tional Museum in Florence?! David is; style dash at the tenth series of dual aged her marriage, that she left again, Olga Eitner, pupil of Mr. Mach, rePhone, Atlantic 37U9. 'Michigan School of Music, Ann Arportrayed as the perfect athlete "with meets for the junior high school never to return. She remained with Besldence: Morns Apts. Phone At. 321U splendid muscles and suple body. Have swimming championship.- Novansky vealed evidences of very careful bor, Mich., Oct. 2, 1924. Arnold during the remainder of his you not read in the Bible about Jona- is one of our promising tank men. schooling., Her firm bowing, decisive " I wish to express my gratitude broken and disgraced life. He died In than, the archer? In the olden days attack, clean technic .and agreeable for the foundation you afforded me. London, an ^embittered and sad man, student and priest devoted a good The manager of the great; Jewish tone being outstanding features of I am studying under Samuel Lock- without a country. part of the day to games and sports. boxer, Sid Terns, is David: Caplin, a her performance." wood, who pays you his compliments .They believed that frankness and logic very astute Certified Public Accountants "man.. Why • he could grow only in a healthy-body; ' changed hisbusiness Karl Eitner says: for your fine work. He is more than name to Dan Caplin is Audits Systems Mr. X.: - I grant you that.-But about our "understanding—we don't "My Dear Mr. Mach. pleased, and even goes so far as to Recorded Their Fear Investigations Sport already has enough influence, think it is even good business. "We wish to thank you most sin- say that the work of most conserva«S4 to ' MO ITuM ti\dg. if not too much. It does not need of Premature Burial Phones. «S1S, t214. cerely for your many kindnesses and tories with individual pupils is not any special propaganda. Its field . Pears of premature burial have reEngland has sent over four ama- principally for your fine work you as complete as yours with me." grows larger every day; it needs no sulted in the formation of a society to high priests. I dont object to sport. teur boxers to this country to com-have done with Olga. Wishing you * * * pete in the amateur championships. effect reforms in the law of death cerI am opposed to Sport-ism. Mme. June Reed, considered one of tification, writes Arthur Pendenys In We: You're right there. But theThere is no Jew among them. Sur- the best of success, I am with regreat thing about sport is that it has prising, when you consider that Jews gards and my. wife joins me. the finest concert violinists and in"Yours very truly, no "ism." Sport cannot be performed are • so heavily represented in the structors in the United States, writes. LOUIS ADLER, Mgr. amateur boxing ranks of Great BritW. R. JVEAVER BEN CIVIN theoretically. To be interested in (Signed) "K. EITNER." "Tulsa, Okla., Jan. 25, 1925. ain. We. 1011 Ja. 1265 510 So. 10th St. Jackson 3332 sport means to be interested in your "My Dear Mr. Mach: body. And, important as . physical Olga.Eitner received her first five trailing is for all peoples, it is dou- ; Letters and contributions to this "I wish to thank you for having bly important for Jews. For J as a column are welcome. Questions rela- years of foundation work with Mr. given Isabelle Radman-Rips her exArchitects rule we hick discipline. We are in-tive to sports will be answered. Ad? Mach. She received many flattering cellent violin foundation, brilliant Engineersr dividualists who hate to" submerge dress all communications to Sport Ed- press, comments from the best mutone, musicianship and especially good ourselves in collective effort; Team itor, The Jewish Press. LET US PLAN YOUR HOME -work is a great national asset which Copyright, 1925, by Seven Arts Syn- sical: critic* while studying with him. left-hand technique. Have taught for OR BUILDING .After she moved to Ottawa, Kans.. which has helped make America and many years and done a lot of pioneer 350 Rooms—350 Baths dicate.) England great. In America Jews are she studied with;Forrest Schulz, one Rates $2.50 to $4.50 mysilf, so feel grateful for your more displinized than in other counof the finest instructors in this part conscientious, enthusiastic work with Cleaners . Dyers Tailors-. Hntterg Probably Girl Never/ ; ~ tries. Why? The thanks are due FOR GOOD ..SERVICE CALL DS of the largely to sport. Let as learn, how bur talented mutual friend and pnpil." ' Forgo? That Lesson •'•• * • to will together—and sport gives EXFERT ACCOUNTANTS Stories-have a way of accumulating good training for that. • Kansas City Star, January 25. Isabelle Radman-Rips writes: -INCOME REPORTS We Clean Everything Mr. X.: You are developing into a about the memory of famous wits, and 1921:, Olga Eitner, who has been a "I spoke with Mme. June Reed as DOWNTOWN BRANCH: ATlantlc 8696 Dean Swift was no exception to this preacher. I give up. 110 South 18th, N>w Elks B i d s . general rule, according to the Sanpupil of Forrest Schulz of the Homer to your method of practice and work(The End.) . P L A N T : 835 Park Avenue Institute for about eighteen months, PHONE HAKNET 8399 ing things out, and she remarked that Phone AT. 1893 403 Earbacb Block And so we won a decisive victory— Francisco Argonaut A hoard of Swift technically, a victory .by knock-out. , anecdotes i recently unearthed In- played so well Saturday in t i e na-yo'i had some wonderful ideas." cludes the Illustration of the dean's tion-wide* competition for the Kubelmania for closed doors. Swift's house- ik-Sevcik scholarship that" she reOffice Phone JAcfcson 812S WASH AND KEEP WELL Prof. Frank Mach, solo violinist and keeper hired his servants, but when ceived the secondary scholarship. JOHN FELUMAN A RULE. -OF HEALTH instructor, herewith respectfully subthey came Into his employ he always 'The other day, in Syracuse, there told them there were oifly two rules mits a few true facts pertaining to Clothier FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLTf occurred a a extraordinary, almost to observe. One was always to /shut Archie Baley writes: the selection of a good instructor: Full Dress Suits and Tuxedos unbelievable—nay, shocking event. In the-door after entering? a rooin,the 1819 California 8tw»t: "Ithaca, N. Y., July 8,1923. Select a teacher who has the repMoved from 109 No lOtH St. to sporting terms such a happening is other, always to close the door after 103 Karbarh IJtcx-k, ISth A l>onula» Sts " I took my first lesson with Prof. utation of producing artistic pupils labelled "A Stunning Upset." OMAHA NKBK. leaving the room. Sevcik today and I have a real com- from the very beginning. Don't take Paavo Nurmi, the unbeatable Fin"On one occasion a maid askea" the pliment for you. We talked about anybody's word that Mr. So and So nish runner, was beaten! PAXTON HOTEL The conqueror of Nurmi is AJ Gott- dean's permission' to attend her sis-Olga Eitner, ,who he said was . ex- is a first-class instructor, but invesTUKK1SH BATHS lieb, a slender college youth ,• from ter's wedding, when he not only gave treinely .well grounded. He said my tiott operated by tigate personally as the country is full Syracuse Uniersity, whose home town his permission, • but lent her a horse PAXTON HOTEL is Schenectady,: N. Y. The' contest upon which to make the journey, and fundamental work had been thorough- of would-be teachers of music who Steam. Turkish, and Klectric Baths. ly imparted. I also noticed as the was a one-mile handicap, and Gott- another servant to accompany her. In don't know the first principle of muAll. Modern Equipment. lieb started with a 65-yard allow- the excitement of the moment the un- lesson went on that I was getting the sic. The same acquire pupils through ance. The startling part is that Gott- fortunate girl forgot, to close thCv(io,_ same sort of coaching that you give. polished personality and flattery or lieb did not win due to his handicap, after her, alidSwfrt,'allowing time for not only did he permit the Fin- for, her,to get* well away upon her Having been taught that way, it will other means. There are many teachnish star to catch up with him, butJourney, sent another servant post- be very easy to work under Sevcik." ers who advertise as having studied Do your Painting also to pass him. In the last hunor taught in : various conservatories dred yards the twenty-one-year-old baste to bring her back. In fear and and Decorating NOW. and are unable to make good by their At. 8028 1307 Howard St. student started a sensational*'sprint trembling the poor girl presented her- Margaret Johnston writes: Save 25% of the cost. which brought him to "the front by self before the dean, asking him what 'XJhicago Musical College, March 4, own efforts. Some take the advanced Omaha, Nebr. Work Guaranteed about ten yards. The • remarkable he wanted her for. 'Only to shut the pupils of other teachers and advertise £424 1915. Hurt .Streetside of this victory is that Gottlieb, door,' was the reply, 'after which yon J , T el. Jackson 1599. "Mr. Maurice Goldblatt was very them as their own, thereby getting while a good collegiate performer, was can resume your Journey.'" pleased with my work from you. He the credii that belongs to someone not listed among the topnotchers of said, 'fYou may give your last teacher who can produce results. track and field athletics in this country. You could not have found any This Lasso The pupil- should get.a thorough my compliments." taker if you had offered even: 1000 to Our word lasso Is from the Spnnlsh training from the very beginning, as one- on a Nurmi victory. No one1*20, meaning a snare. The lasso is the wronj_, impressions stick and when Gertrude Wieding writes: would have dreamed of. betting a! rope from 60 to 100 feet in length "Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 14, 1919. once acquired are hard to eradicate. against the human machine from Fin- with a sllp-noose at one end. It is land. His victory was as much a used In the Spanish and Portugnese Some of the finest talent in the "I am studying with Mr. Schleiman, foregone mathematical conclusion as world has been spoiled by a wrong a former concert-master of the New parts of America and In the United the appearance of the eclipse. start. Many children have been States and Canadian West for catchYork Symphony Orchestra. He said Now comes an unknown tog wild horses and cattle. When not that I have a fine foundation." blamed for not having talent because cheeked boy, and actually outruns the In use the lasso, called "rope" In the 214-15-16 City National their playing or singing sounded very greatest track genius of all time. West, is colled at the right of the sadbad. Only hard, conscientious work Is Gottlieb a Jewish boy? This we dle In front of the rider. When an Bank Building Muriel Thomas" writes: • will know definitely within the next animal "Fairfax Hall, Basic, Va., March 18, on*both the teacher's and pupil's part Is to be caught the rider, galJackson 5619 few days, and you will of course be will develop or bring out the talent. JAckson 1862 1923. advised. At present we are inclined loping after It, swings the coiled Insso It is a waste of time, money and "My teacher, Miss Dora Koenig, to believe that the great Syracus round his head and casts It straight star belongs to the sam'e race as tin forward in such a manner that tne said that had it not been for theenergy to get a wrong start. B. Lapldat. Pun TIM*. English Olympic victor, Harold Abra- noose settles over the head or round unusually good foundational training Studio 117% North 16th St. "Kean Keeps Klothes Klean" Pepper" viwJPmUw* hams. (The more so as word is be- the legs of the pursued animal, which which I had received, that she would Phone JA. 1925.—Adv. W. Q. C » . Seeretary. ing passed around that he absolutely Is speedily brought down. In order to is not a Jew.) become gUIllfnl nt throwing the lasso not have allowed me to graduate from The South, Sea Bubble Were we to let ourseles go -we great practice Is required, and, if pos- the Violin Department, (as I am to do this Spring), until I had had two Speculation at Its wildest was shown KEAN could embark upon a convincing dis- sible, Instruction by an expert. course' as to why only Jewish rada In the "South Sea Bubble," a $50,000,full years of instruction from her." COMPLETE STORE AND qualifications could have performec 000 project launched by Bobert Hart» # * OFFICE OUTFITTERS such a heroic deed as that-of sum Key Is One of Oldest ley, earl of Oxford, England, to de- - 306 South Eighteenth Street We occapj Bryson Wilbur writes: moiling up slumbering powers at velop trade monopoly with Spain 70,000 iqoar* tatt of Religious Symbols "Oberlin The Court House is Opposite Us given moment, and mobilizing them C Conservatory, Ohio, Nov. 1, about 1711. When Spain,-after the When, you next unlock the door of to-such a degree that they -achieved tSleventb «•<( l>»iiclai> Htreets. treaty of Utrecht, refused to .open her 1923. U Phone JA-1187 We'll Call the superhuman. your home or office, reflect a moment Fbanr: 4acbf>an S7S4 "My instructor is Maurice Kessler. commerce to England, the privileges Under the circumstances, however, upon the ancient and historic symbol'OMAHA NKB Our Work Excellent •— Our Service which the Soufa Sea boasted of getting we will check our enthusiasm until ism of the key. If you ever have the He said you gave me • a very good became; worthless. In spite of that: Prompt — Our Prices Reasonable further notice. opportunity to examine the Images of foundation." stock rose to, $1.000. a .share-, * largely the Egyptian deities you will notice In * * • through speculation,' untiC Sir John GREATEST JEWISH the hands of some of them a cross World-Herald, December 9, 1923: Blunt, one of the leaders, sold , out. CHAMPION with a circular-handle. It represents Lois Putlitz of Los Angeles has and thousands were beggared'; with For WHOM5SALB We have already received several the Ankb, or key of life, one of the arcused -emendous' interest in her the drop of the stock. Fraud;was dis- •; interesting letters in answer to. our, oldest of all religious symbols, denotDruggists and Stationers closed, and' tne company paid, only S3 request for suggestions as to who is j Ing the power to open and close the skill with the violin. While residing per cent. . i • • . the greatest Jewish champion.. doorB of heaven. The key had a magi- in Omaha 'she studied* with Frank Mr.^ L Stein, of New York, writes! cal meaning for the Greeks and Ro-IMach, to whom her parents give much Origin of Name "Canada** think mans. Their, gods were often given1, credit for sound foundation work. pubu- tneu t l e o f k e y . D e a r e r % a s >f o r exampjej the following • * * According to Esther Henneplni ttie j AND ALSO cation: Carpenter Paper Co • Omaha Bee, January 27,1925: Louis name Canada was derived from a corOtstribntorf of war and Putlitz, age 15 years, won first place ruption of the Spanish words Capo de of them all is Harold Abrahams ,the In early Christian History the Western Bond—and High Nada. or Cape of Nothing, which the Jewish boy from England who won associatedGrade Stationery d with m a contest open to all violinists m j e a r l y .voyagers gave to the scene of the hundred meter race at .the last ! . ^ t o f tfa ?? * " Omaha Nebraska keys International Olympic Games in St. Peter, with his.two . . of gold the United States between the ages their discoveries when, under a convicM I h Middle .ages the key of 15 and 25, last summer at Santion of Its utter barrenness and inutilParis. I do know of Benny Leonard, \™Q !«>n. iIn the ~ Battling Levinsky, and scores o f was used" to assist In the IdenttOcatlott Francisco, Calif. She began her study Ity, they were about abandoning It ii» disgust, says the Detroit News. other professional" boxers; But I be- of guilty persons. If, for Instance, a of music with Frank Mach. 1 Ueve that professional champions theft bad been committed, a key was It has been conjectured by late his* * , *. " should be altogether disqualified from, jafd on the open page of a Bible, when Nadine Wells writes: torians, with greater appearance of —TWO STORES— « your consideration, because to these a was.supposed,to move towards the probability, that Canada Is a modifica14K-18 Douglas Street h, Nebr^ March. t 'fellows JSporfr means primarily f bus% culprit.' Wedding.,rings bad theirt, tion of the Spanish word signifying "a 24th & N Sts, So. Omaha. Augast Molzer ssid that you ! passage" because thn Spanlanls A iness£. These. professjonal<bo^era;arel Origlri\ln the key presented to toe nfb*~ J ' Open Evenings. and pafn^taking in~ tnonght they could find c jassage to t after an, only successful b u s ^ s men ^^ butoby.Dte.hOT&aBc^Jts a 'sign of tMete» mV-? e r aatborlty. in WaiboniB^jold.. jour work.-that he bad heard several*' I&dla throush panada

The Best of Opportunities Offered You For a Good Sound Foundation

I Our SportingColumn 1

Don't GelT'ogetner Jud Ttmklns says a man who think; of nobody but himself is sure to Bel lonesome, owing to the fact that he and most other people are not Interested in the same subject.



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Council Bluffs Savings Bank OUK rUtSAFMttM W t l X COKVIX'I" VIM Ot> OUR SINIT.K1TT Trust Ih-pnrtmrist. Knxra.

Omaha Ottice: 813 Dnnfrlnv Omnlm I'horn- Atlanlir


Kean Kleaners



Quaker Bread Made With Milk

LET THE QUAKER BE YOUR BAKER Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.


E. E. Bruce & Co

Ph\mographs Radios Records Sheet Music

Art and Novelty Goods For Gifts Rial to Music Shop

Ford Transfer & Storage Co. K A. FOISJV President and General Manager. I'oiini-lt Itloflu (lows) OHire • On Sn M»ln <tr>et Ph>r><> 886

Firct l11EL a f soita! IlFsl



Service is Our Motto . Sate Deposit

BOXPF •fox


When Thinking of Mens? Hats or Furnishings REMKMBICR



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THE BKINN & JKNSBN CO. Whoi.sHle imfter tlistribntorp for

Northern Toilet Tissue U12 Unrnej Street

Al-lantic 6409

PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 7th and Marlbn 8ts. IIA (802 Unnnfartnrprs nt Hrn§», lluml/intn and &nit liraj Iron C antlnirff.

k i>u ore •soured at Holt .a«t nut, M •xti mwhlnr •omp from every h^af In

iir own shop. Standard mine oast iron and 'bronne

• iinhine* In «toPk.

Mart. Of


eURD CRImi IY CO. BU1TEK and Conncil Bluffs la.

Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured ir Omaha" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO

tail n dry iServfce. :.-Wo--Extra '*Mif»Jte Soft Water;


McCord-Brady Co.

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Don't Wait Till Erev Pesach!!

Violinist — Instructor



Harrv Kononovitch


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