March 5, 1925

Page 1

• Snobbery vis the " priSe of those who are not sure of th~|:1^ position. -—^BertS^^ Brcdeu. . \ ::-is?;fk • : • : . : ' • - • - • / . • •


VOL. TV—No. 13





I never make the r mistake of arguing with p e o p l e for whose opinion I have ' no respect.-—Gibbon.


ared aa .second-class mail matter on January 27th. 1021, at

^office at Omaha. Nebraska, nndex the Act W March S. 1S7B.

Annual Meeting of Stockholders Will be leld Wednesday Evening March Eleventh at Irandeis Grill All Stockholders, Every Man and Woman Interested in Omaha and a Bigger and Better Jewish Community Invited to Attend this Meeting. ELECTION OF TRUSTEES A N D DIRECTORS W I L L BE H E L D ; COMPLETE REPORTS W I L L BE MADE. "Community Center Must Be Built in 1925", this is the slogan adopted by the entire community for the erection of the new Jewish Community Center Building on Twentieth and Dodge Streets. The ground is already/excavated and awaits only the pouring of mortar and laying of brick. The need of the building is becoming more urgent each day. The boys and girls of the community are frequenting the present quarters more and more each day. :-


NINA DAVIS, ANGLOj JEWISH POETESS, DEAD London. (J. T. A.) Nina Davis, 1 the Anglo-Jewish poetess, died here February 24 at the age of forty-nine. She was the daughter of Arthur Davis, famous Hebrew scholar. She has'published several volumes of poems; as well as translations of Eight Teams Hare Already synagogue services. Entered in First Annual Nina Davis, who was married to Tournament. Dr. Redcliffe Salaman, authority on heredity, was very active in Jewish TICKETS FOR ALL EVENTS women's organizations in England, NOW BEING SOLD. being a prominent member of - ilie \ The first national. basketball and Women's Zionist Organization and debating tournament of the Order the Union of Jewish Women. --• Aleph Zadik Aleph will be held in Omaha March 21 and 22. The games will be held Friday evening at Technical High gym and oil Sunday at Creighton University gym. Teams are exepected from, all; chapters of ! More Than One Hundred Members the Order. ' \ Attend Election, The tournament is beang managed by Harry Trustin and Nathan BernA t one of t h e most spirited elecstein. The committee has been aptions ever held b y t h e Y. M. and Y . pointed to assist in making this tourW. H . A., Shrolly Goodman was electnament one of the outstanding events ed president Monday evening. More of the year. *There will be a large t h a n one hundred members attended number of boys in Omaha during the this election. A f t e r " nomination tournament," said Nathan Bernstein. speeches were m a d e , the candidates "Omaha will try to entertain them running for t h e office 'of president were Shrolly Goodman . and H a r r y during this time. We ask the people Kneeter. Not u n t i l ' t h e final few of Omaha to attend the games and votes were cast did the voters know debates." Tickets can be purchased which one of their choice was elected from any member of the A. Z. A. or t o t h e office. Shrolly Goodman was the B'nai B'riQu Four loving-cups will be awarded president of the Y when t h e organto the winning teams. The Simon ization m a d e a successful campaign for pledges for the n e w Jewish Com- Memorial Cop-for first honors in debating and the Stalmaster Gup for munity Center, building. Miiss Pearl Sherman was unanimous- second honors in debating. The ly elected to the office of vice pres- Malashock Cup for- first honors in ident. The office of secretary was basketball and the Sam Wolf Cup even more s o u g h t f o r t h a n . t h e office for second honors in basketball. Inof^president: ~""-JEBBST Agnes "RffsS" w a s dividuai- gold Tsscdals -wiH-be elected "secretary after much /discus- to the members of the winning sion and a recount of votes. H e r op- teams., The following chapters: have alponent for the office of secretary was Abe Cohen, who lost by only one vote-: ready chosen their teams to play in Miss Leone Novitsky was elected a s - the tournament; Omaha, Lincoln, Des sistant secretary* .•"". ' - ' . Moines, Council Bluffs,. Gary, Ind., Because of t h e lateness of t h e hour, Grand Rapids, Mich., St. Paul, Minn., the other officers were n o t elected a t Kansas

A. Z. I Basketball

'March 21-22

ShroDy Goodman Elected President T J t and YM&k

POLISH JEWRY SENDS DELEGATION TO UNIVERSITY Warsaw, (J. T. A.) Polish Jewry will be represented at the opening of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem on April 1 by a delegation comprised of representatives from various Jewish groups. • The executive of the Zionist Organization in Poland will be represented by Deputy Rosenblatt and Rabbi Braude of Lodz, Mr. Feldstein of Warsaw, Mr. Schwiff of Bialystok, the Warsaw Jewish community delegating its president, Mr. Bergman. The Zionist delegation will present a life-size oil painting of Herzl, by the artist, Eliowitz, to the University.


More Than One Hundred Children Will Take Part h. The Three Plays to be Staged. BOYS AXD' GIRLS ARE KEHEAICSESrG' DAILY] TO MAKE THIS AFFAIR A SUCCESS.

More than one hundred boys and girls •will again appear before the footlights of the Brandeis Theater when the opening_r __.„ . m „ . icurtain rises Sunday evening, March 15. For the first time in ¥ . M. H. A. SllSW Committee 1i Omaha pupils of the City Talmud Torah and the City Sunday; School Toll present plays, i There will be three plays, two acted by pupils of the City Talmud Torah and one by boys and girls of the Sunday School. Workers Presented With Gifts From These boys and girls are rehearsing daily to make this affair *.• theY. successful one.

Holds Baiqaet farMembers

"The Dream of Purim", 8 playlet in made history interesting; during the Memhers of the" third annual Y. M. English, "will be presented by the reign of Queen Esther and her Next .Wednesday .evening, H. A. show committee entertained the! Sunday School pupils. This play is Mordecai. evening, March is the; duty of every one to attend actors and actresses and the members being coached by Miss Martye WeinBecause of the large number /»£ 11, at 8 P. M.. the entire community j this meeting." '•Every man and of the committee at a banquet Tues- stein. "The play is progressing rapid- chOdren taking part and the expected. and subscribers of the Jewish Com-j "womanj every stockholder should atmunity Center Building Fund "will tend this annual ^meeting," said Harry day evening at the Brandeis Grill. All l y a n d ^ j b e a fished product when attendance of the merobera of the* meet in the Brandeis Grill for the H. Lapidus. "The need of the buildmembers who assisted in making the the curtain goes up for the evening community, it was necessarjr to obtain ing is; known: to everyone. Every annual meeting. third annual Y show a success were performance.." said Miss Weinstein. the Brandeis theater. present at the banquet. Several memSixty-five children of the Talmud At this meeting Wednesday eve* stockholder, should be at this'meeting The plays will be presented in Yidbers of -the advisory board of the • Y i T o r a h ViU take part in the play "The dish, English and Hebrew., Special ning, complete financial reports will to vote for the trustees and directors, were present. • | p a p e r Hat", which will be presented music will be used for this occasion be made with the work thus far per-_ and every man" and woman in Omaha fanned on.the new Jewish Commanity should be present to hear : the real Th'e_ committee presented gifts to j in Yiddish; and the play "Competl- The production is in charge of, Mr, K, • Centex; building.; : The , statements reports and help -us plan for the Mrs. IsidorZiegler, Mrs. B. E. Boas- tion" wSl be thoroughly enacted in Eloch, principal of the Talmud Torah, showing receipts and disbursements present and_ future generation of and Mr. H. Wohl. The production berg, Miss Cecelia Feiler, Miss Mary ! Hebrew. ; Omaha. This bufldihg when erected "will be made at this meeting. Maizel, Miss Agnes Eoss. • The pres- "There will be more than one hun- has been, approved by 'Kabbi CharJop . Election of trustees arid directors youngand old; men, women entation address was made by Irvin dred children acting the parts that and members of the Board of Educa•will be held Wednesday evening. and children in every walk of life. Stalmaster. tion of th© City Talmud Torah, "This meeting is of great importance," This itfili to; a: r e ^ JEWISH COMThe principal speaker of the-even"The boys and girls taking part IT.. said William Holznian, president. "It MUNITY CENTER, each of these ing was Harry H. Lapidus. the different plays are rehearsing three words "to positively mean what "We want you' hoys "and girls to i daily and are anxious to present to it implies." ' * "* keep up the good work that you .havet-* the members of the community sorosvMiimeapofe-Cantor "beea--.-doing to--3naifc^-QiB--Yrergsniza- j •prominent" 'Omafaans to •fee"PatronsBecause of -the large -crowd' f their 'owa', something th«,t at this annual meetdngTiiie Brandeis h w take the audience back to th? tion what it is. "We hope that the g Patronesses at Dance. Give Concert Sunday Nite Grill was secured, as the present an times of Queen Esther and King Ashwill be staged in the next Y local Junior Hadassah's first evarus," said Rabbi Giarlop. new Jewish Community Center buildCantor Max Levine, of Minneapo- quarters of the Jewish Community annual spring dance to be held Sun- Tickets for this performance can hf! ing." lis, Minn., •will chant the.hymns at the Center, are not large enough to hold F Mr. William Holzman, present presJ day evening, March 29, at the Fon« secured at the box oiiice of tt\t: Saturday morning services of the the large audience. ident of the Federation, and Dr. Phili tenelle Hotel is being given for the Brandeis Theater or at the Taltruu. Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue,. ip Sher, past president ,of the Federa-1 henefit of raising money to adopt an- Torah. From all indications and Nineteenth and Burt streets, Saturday tion, were also speakers .at the ban-! other Palestine orphan* reports received thus far, it is exmorning, March 7. '"..•!' qaet. • I An original feature of the affair pected that there will be a sold on!. this meeting. The r e m a i n i n g . offiCantor Levine wiil also give a speOther numbers on the program were w i i l *>e a number of prominent men house. cers will b e elected a t the n e x t .meetcial concert Sunday evening, March Many Attend First Annual ,Mrs. B. R. Boasberg, who have sev- and women acting as patrons and .• " • • • ' . ; 8, at eight o'clock, at the Beth Hame- Omaha Team t o Arrange* Debates ing.' • PlaT Of! TWO'LOCU UDDS-eral readings, accompanied by Miss I Patronesses at the dance. A partial Pl T L drosh Hagodol Synagogue. ' W i t h Other Cities. Cecelia Feiler, musical number, by list of those who have already Cantor Levine recently gave a con-..*. More than five hundred people at-'Miss Fanny Fish, violin, assisted by pledged themselves are: Noted Labor Leader to cert at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue. M, The Y. M. H. A. debating team Mr. end Mrs. William Ii. Holsmp.n, tended the play "Broken Hearts," Miss Florence Levy with clarinet and 4 Mr. and Mrs. Harry i*pi<lTi8. meet the ; St. louis Y;. MI H. A. deSpeak Bere March 23 presented jointly by the Auflebung AL Finkel, piano. Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin. OMAHA GRADUATE A musical and literary program in bating team in a.debate at St. Louis, Mr. End Mrs. Henry Monstry. and Jewish Culture League Sunday! "The Coianatmity in 1945," by AgMr. End Mrs. Charles Levinson. Mr. R. Abramovitch, noted leader celebration of Purim will, be given bjr Z. B. T. CLUB FORMED April 19, The-St. Louis debating Mr. end Mrs. A. Silverman. 1, at the Swedish ! nes Ross and Jeanette Levinson, was evening, March and international figure of labor, will the Ladies' Progressive Club Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. A. Mozer. team is one of the best in the counone of the feature numbers of the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Itosenblnm. George Macy, general secretary of try. . The same that will debate speak in Omaha Monday evening, Auditorium. evening, March S, at the Labor LyMr. and 'Hts. X>oui£ Simon. ; The committee in charge of the program. Max Jacobson gave several the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, was-in the Omaha Mr. Nathan Bernstein. ceum. team is debating against March 23, at the Swedish Auditorium. Mr. Natikan E. Green, Omaha during the past week and at- the Philadelphia "Y. M. Hi A. team Mr. Abramovitch recently returned play -were Mr. M. F. Goodman, secre- j vocal numbers and Art Goldstein The program will be given in tin Mr. Wm. Grodinsky. tary, Mr. Joe Morgenstern, treasurer, j played several piano numbers. Dr. V. E. Levine. tended a dinner and open meeting at early in ApriL"..,". from Russia where he was a- leader following order: Mr. W E Bltimentfcal. the Omaha Graduate club of Zeta of the *Bund," the Russian Socialistic and Messrs. Ben Kligman and Boris! Many members of the committee Mr. Samuel •-'Wolf. 1. Violin selection by Miss Marjam The question for the debate is, "ReMr. Herbert Goldstein. Weitzer and Miss Doris Laserowitz. j were called on for short talks. Beta Tau at the Brandeis Restaurant. ;. ; Temirt, accompanied bj* Miss i Mr. Harry ChudacoE. solved, That the Restriction of Immi- Democratic Party. Mr. William Elumenthal was toastDirectors of the play were Messrs. Mr. Irrin Stalmaster. The Omaha Graduate club was re- gration to the United States is BeneFriedman. Mr. Joe Linsinan. master. Ben Martin and Joe Morgenstern. cently given, its charter by the Na- ficial to the Jewish Cause." This sub- PALESTINE ARAB EXECMr. I/eslie Bnrkenroafl. 2. A talk on Purim by Mr. The Junior Hadassah was organ- Kitnik. t-f Chicago, 111. According to the committee in tional Fraternity. The charter mem- ject is one of the most interesting UTIVE CABLES Tp LORD bers of the club are: Meyer Beber, subjects of the day. It is being detoand BALFOUR PROTEST AGAINT charge, the profits from the play will S. A poem by Mr. J. Morgenste Clyde Krasne, Nathan E. Jacobs, Her- bated by the leading organizations of HIS VISIT TO PALESTINE be given to charity. % 6 I ; JgWISh S c t e l fee j have each year sent $110 to Palestine 4. &y«ral song selections by man Xully, A. J.' Goldenbergj- Sher- the •country^ _• ~" v Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—The-exec- Three prizes for those who" sold . — for the maintenance of their orphan Sherelle. , man L. Lowenstein, Edwin Lbewen- The Y debating team will officially utive .-'of the Christian Moslem-As- most tickets will be awarded at the The Jewish National Workers Alii- and now they are out to raise enough stein, John Beber, Millard Krasne, "be chosen "within the next ten days. sociation, in Jerusalem is determined next meeting to M. F» Goodman, J. ance^ are giving a concert .Sunday money to adopt a second orphan, Herman X- Friedman, Edtrar Katskee, This team will; go to St. Louis foT to make the day of Lord Balf OUT'S Morgenstern, and Sara Taub. evening, April 12, at the Swedish AnMiss Ann Greenberg is chairman POLISH '•STUDENTS N Harry Eavitz, and >Harry Diamond of the debate. /The S i Louis team will arrival in Palestine a day of protest, DEMAND INTRODUCTION ditoriam for the benefit of raising o f the ticket selling committee. She Lincoln. OF NUMEKUS CLAU according to cables sent out by the money to open a Jewish school to is being assisted by the Misses Beulah be brought herejat some later dateLUIGI LUZZATTI Vilna. {J. T. A.) A resolution Palestine Arab Executive -to Lord teach Hebrew and Jewish literature. Mittleman, Ida Greenberg, Toby SteinPlans are now being formulated for , APPEALS TO LEAGUE ing the government to introduce Harry A. Wolf Returned the Y debating team to hold debates Balf our and other prominent persons FOR PROTECTION Classes will begin the latter part of | berg and Hose Fine. the Polish Parliament a bill concernwho are expected to arrive her in April. Front Extended Trip with the neighboring -communities. Borne. (J. T. A~) An appeal to the ing' a NnmeruB Clausus for connection with the opening of the The National order of this organThe cities /who have already signified League of Nations that it take under STRANDED REFUGEES stnclents in Polish univerBities maintain Such schools throughMr. Harry Ai Wolf returned tins -their willingness to debate the Omaha Hebrew University scheduled to take nts strict protection the National Mi- j CANNOT BE ADMITTED, passed with a majority of 86 ' the entire country and the school morning from a seven weeks' trip to Y are Lincoln; Des Mbihes, Sioux place on April 1. norities whose rights were guaranteed ! SECRETARY' DAVIS REPLIES 20 %rotes, at the conference of Polish The day of Lord Balfour*s arrival, in the Versailles Peace Treaty and in [ ^ ^ opened here will be Miami, Fla., San Francisco and Los City and Kansas City. London. (J. T. A.) Replying to the the Arabs in entire Palestine will the Covenant of the League, was is- by the same system as the other request of Lady Swathling addressed students here. Angeles, Calif., and be was also in The resolution urges the senates J>1 cease work, and assemble in their sued by Luigi-Luzzatti, the great Ital- schools. This organization also main- to President Coolidge, pleading for Panama, and Havana, Cuba, and then WAHABI FORCES INVADE the Polish universities and colleges •'•ft tains a Seminary for teachers in New places of worship. The authorities of returned home by way of New York the admission to the United States of limit the number of Jewish ian Jewish statesman, former Prime TRANSJORDANIAN FRONTIERS York City. the Moslem Holy places and the naand Philadelphia. the Jewish refugees stranded in EngMinister of Italy. 1 Damascus, (J. T. A.)—Forces of land, . Secretary of Labor Davis has in the Polish institutions even befo*? 10,000 Wahabi' tribesmen, under the tional institutions will refuse to Te- "The League of Nations should apRABBI DISKIN DIES declared in a letter to Lady Swath- the-Numerus Clausus Iweomes 8 1»**leadership of Emir Abdul Aziz, have ceive Lord Balf our; the Arab press ply all its power against those gov- CARDINAL BOURNE Another resolution adopted by th* will, on that day, carry black borders, IN JERUSALEM crossed the border of Transjordairia ling that President Coolidge is not in ernments who do not comply with the URGES CATHOLIC CHURCH conference urges the government: w? Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Dis-- and started a march toward Amman, according to the program outlined by treaties concerning the protection of j ACTIVITIES- IN PALESTINE position to do anything for the refuldn, social worker and Talmudic au- according to. an announcement made the Arab Executive. It was also national minorities," the former Prime j London. (J. T, A.) A demand that gees because Congress is opposed to to Tecognize the diplomas of Jewish students who grraduated from thority, died here February 21 at the today by Sultan Ibn Saud's political stated that Arab political circles in Minister states in his appeal, men-'the Catholic Church should not de- admitting them. sities outside of Poland. Arabia are supporting this proposed age of eighty-six. tioning as an example the situation ( crease its activities in Palestine, was representative here v A committee, consisting of Mr. Rabbi Diskin was president of the • The Transjordanian inhabitants, action of protest. of ihe Jews in Poland who are act- voiced by Cardinal Bourne in an ad- Kshn on behalf of the Joint DistribuDisMn Orphanage and head of Ohel taken by surprise," were unprepared The Palestine Government has been ually persecuted. „ dress before the Catholic Women's tion Committee, Mr. Unger on behalf JEWS AND MASONS Mosche, an orthodox theological sem- for defense and fled in panic. One notified by the Palestine Arab ExecLeague, under the chairmanship of the of the lea, and Mr. Schiff representBLAMED BY CLERGYMEN inary in Jerusalem. Lord Mayor of London. tousand inhabitants were killed, many utive that the government alone will TWO JEWISH MERCHANTS ing the Anglo-Jewish Association, FOE WOMEN'S FASHIONS .be responsible for all consequences if MURDERED BY PEASANTS were wounded. ~ ~ "It is important that the Catholic conferred recently with Sir Jojmson- j Warsaw. (J. T. A.) This year's GERSHENSON, RUSSIAN Vienna. (J~ T. A.) The disappear- activities in Palestine shall not be Hicks, British Home Secretary, con- fashion for short sleeves and ]<>*•It was stated ihat the purpose of a Jewish demonstration in honor of LITERARY CRITIC, DIES the Wahabis' march toward Amman Lord Balf our will take place. ance of Abraham Weinberg and his lessened. England now holds a posi- •' cerning the refugees. The Minister necked dresses was blamed 6n the Moscow, (J. T. A.)—Michael Ger- is to expel Emir: Abdullah, the ruler brother, mere! nts in Brailo, was dis- tion in Palestine where there are stated that since there is no hope for Jews and Masons in an unsigned fe|yshenson, famous' literary critic and.. of. transjordania, as this is part of LORD ALLENBY RESIGNS. covered fey the police to be the result three official elnguages, including the refugees being admitted to the peal issued by the Catholic clergy president of the Literary Section of the Wahabis' plan to dethrone the London. (J. T. A.) Viscount Alien- of a hrutal murder, committed fay two English. The English members of the United States, they will have to leave here. the> Moscow Academy or Arts and Hashimite family in the Arab coun- by, the conqueror of Jerusalem and Roumanian peasants, according to re- Catholic Church must therefore as-. the Camp in England. Ample time The appeal urges a fight Sciences, died here Saturday. for the last six years High Commis- ports from Bucharest. . - tries. ! sume new responsibilities when they! will be granted them for leaving. the immoral fashions in His last request was to- be buried sioner of Egypt, has resigned from It was found that the peasants have the opportsmity to carry on'. Arrangements are being made by dress, declaring that these 'a the Jewish cemetery and that his "I Your 1925 subscription to The Jew- his post as High Commissioner, ac- killed the two Jewish merchants and church: activities- in the English Ian- the lea and the J. D. C. to facilitate •were in$rpdtrced in .-Polansi %y "nneral be held according to-JfesSsh ish Press is due now. flease mail cording to a dispatch to the London threw their bodies into the river. The guage in the Holy Land," the Cardi- the -emigration of the refugees to Pal- and the Jfgsons for "the purpose .+o. l i t in. Morning Post ^ peasants have been arrested. inal stated. estine, Argentina or back to Eussia. weakening Polish morals, <

IMfi.%Debating Team To MeetSt Loms

PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1925 WaldheiiM} an old-time friend of my Retiring President of Newlv Elected President husband, and a multitude of women, " of " Y " some of whom I have mentioned and quoted ih the body of my report. To Published every Thursday a t Omnhri,- Nebraska.--by sum it up, there have been instances - THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY " that Have occasioned the remark, "I Office: 790'Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone:-'AT lantic 1450. am almost ashamed of my being a 1925 Jew and one of these," but I want to . NATHAN. E. GREEN, Manager. Purim Tuesday, March 10 say that on this occasion I can most $2.50. Subscription Price, 'one year....... Rosh Chodesh Nissan Thursday, March 2G emphatically. say I was proud of be1st Day Pessach Thursday, April 9 Advertising rates furnished on application. ing a Jew and one of them. 7th Day Pessach ~.—;..-._ ..Saturday, April 15 In closing I cannot refrain from CHANGE OB' ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new address; Rosh Chodesh Iyar: Saturday, April 25 be sure and Rive your name. summing up what was accomplished Lag b'.Omer™.™™. .— —^.Tuesday, May 12 by this one of the greatest, if not Rosh Chodesh Sivan „ Sunday, May 24 The Jewish Press is supplied, by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish the m6st vital Jewish gathering in Shabuoth u^u:.™~._..~-.~™-™:.~~™-^.~-Friday. May 29 Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic^Jewish news, in addition America—this marvelous getting toRosh Chodesh Tammuz...^»™;..~™.™~_^_.^~..Tuesday, June 23 t<> feature articles and correspondences-frtfni all important Jewish centres; gether of the minds of leading Jewish Fast of Tammuz ... Thursday, July 9 Inquirier regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly men and "women of 273 cities, speakRosh Chodesh Ab.^.™.u Wednesday, July 22 answered if addressed to Jewish' Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadwayj New ing for probably 100,000 Americans of Fast of Ab.........._ ..:-. _ _ ^ : .-.Thursday, July 30 York City. Jewish, faith. Rosh Chodesh EHul™.... -.....„. .~«....~..Friday, August 21 The general thought seemed to be • •/ All Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day. that the need of the hour was a reTHE FEAST OF ESTHER iteration, of the obligations and ideals The historic Feast of Esther will be ushered in next Monday of the faith, a clear explanation of principles,- unclogged by musty, dim evening by the reading_of the Did Testament, book which bears formulas, and aiding and abetting of the name of that, heroine. To the children especially is this a development towards the higher grat time in the year, for they enjoy, hearing the tale retold, and Mrs. Goldfarb of New York City Grand Opera, Josef Swarz, who sang the progress of all the Jewish people of on all sides gifts are exchanged that joy may reign supreme even stressed the competition of the jazz- '•Our Kol Nidre." America as applied to modern twenage influences religious workers must Wednesday morning at 9:30 meet- tieth century civilization. in the homes of the very poor. ih bringing religion to theing opened by invocation by Mrs. MarThe Book of Esther was probably•/written in the fifth century oVercohie students. ; . ,: • tin Barbe of Chicago, who by the way enjoyment, and not sorrow B. C. E., and bears evident marks of historic reality, even though - Monday afternoon^was given over is a great-grandmother, and a most "Not Is our destined end or way. some of-the high lights may have foeen inserted to make the tale to consideration of reports of section- wonderful speaker. But to act that each tomorrow Report of Special Committee on all the more wonderful...' ' al conferences and various standing Finds us farther than today. ; ; South's First Railroad was then reao" by Mrs. AbThe question has often been raised: How could a book in committees on religion, state federa- Dormity Si f W hion. It in-"Trust no future how'er pleasant, tions aiid propaganda and co-operaram Simo.* of Washington, i h r d d which the name of God does not appear have found its way into tion. Established a Record extent that : ;: spired all of us to sucn an ex Hej-a, Let the dead past bury its dead. —Phnto the Bible-? ,And the-answer-ver^ .plainly is* that even though He The railroad between Charleston Act—act in the living present, SAM N. WOLF be not mentioned by nSme His providence is sb evident in its workand Hamburg, S. C, was the first in Heart within and God o'er head. the South, second in the United ing to save Israel that no-mention of the Name was at all necesStates and the first in the world to OZE DELEGATION SAILS "Let us, then, be up and doing sary. Like the belief in immortality, i t was taken for granted. FOR THE UNITED STATES With a heart for any fate. attain a length of 100 miles, says the The story -is one-df -the most telling in the Bible, for it has all Sisterhoods which conducted Bible Sisterhood funds without authority, Still achieving1, still pursuing, Detroit News. The South Carolina London, (J. T. A.)—Drs. Gran, l j j h i K k fpc f human h i hd love, of the ^element's, jwhicKmafte. interest: hatred, Learn to labor and to wait." railroad tvas chartered in 1S27 and in Rosenthal and Gergel, representing revenge, triumph.,- The Jong Ahusuerus (Xerxes or Artaxerxes a few years was completed from : by short talks, one of them Lincoln A. Z. A. to HoW Banquet, Charleston to Hamburg and over the the Oze (Jewish Health Society) possibly) ordered hls. beaatif«lflseefl Vashti to appear at one of sailed Saturday on the Berengeria for Initiation and Installation of Officers. Savannah river to Augusta, Ga. In his banquets, and to expose, hea- beauty to ihe view. Of his drunken conducted the entire services, reading the United States. the prayers and preaching the serThe week of March 8 promises to 1834 It was the longest continuous lords.- Shfc rightly r.efused-to /violate the. custom made sacred in mon. Practically all the Sisterhoods j j 0 'e-z.' Upon arrival the delegation will • %sl lioe of railroad in the United States Persia, and in his rage, the king Ordered her to be exiled. He devoted one-monthly meeting t a a ^ e ^ i from her be one of marked activity for theor Europe. enlist the co-operation of American Lincoln-chapter A. Z. A. During this proclaims Ms will to have brought all the most beautiful i young Jews in the work of the Oze, a kiss to each of them, fbur in The first locomotive built in the week there is to be an initiation for maidens that he may choose another queen; Among them appears ject. She told of the efforts made by ten country was constructed for the South members to establish Jewish libraries a large class of newly elected memthe lovely Esther (Hadassa, myrtle in Hebrew)> an;orphan who in the various temples and also of the bers, installation of the new officers Carolina railroad. This engine, bear- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. had been reared by her cousin; Mordecai and she. is chosen as formation ing the name "The Best Friend," ran of choral societies for the to be elected March 9 and a large for many years with great success. A queen, probably ignoring her Jewish extraction. Mordecai must purpose of encouraging community j banquet- for the new officers and have gained some positionat court, for he learns that two eunuchs singing. a full hour contributions poured members. Friday, March 12. Invita- queer accident happened to "The Best Friend." The engine had a negro fireare plotting against the king's life.. He informs the. king and it In the evening the entire delega- iifor .,„, , ki a fund f d of f over ?8 n >tthhu s m a king man, unused to the ways of steam, tions' are being sent out. is duly written down in the bookof chronicles that the Jew Morde- tion went to the Shrine Temple t o 0 00. Not bad for so short a time, who became mucb, annoyed at the attend religious services conducted by j R b r e blamed somewhat for a Dis w e cai had thus saved the life of Ahasuerus, but nothing is done for sound of escaping' steam of the safety the four reform Rabbis of St. Louis, j youths' apathetic stand toward ret h f e him at that time. Mordecai is a devout Jew and refuses to bow Meeting was again called to order ligion by Mrs. Frank Skutch of Bal- " Council of Qubs Organized ralre. He tied down the safety valve. down before Haman, the haughty vizier of the king, thus engaging Tuesday morning at 10. Invocation timore, in her paper on "The problem Through the direct leadership of the The result was an explosion that de4005 Farnam Street Harney 1606 his enmity. This hatred is further increased when, after hearing by Mrs. Wiesehfeld of Baltimore. • (for the point view for the religious Lincoln A. Z. A. a "Council of Clubs" stroyed him and partly destroyed the the reading of the chronicles, the king orders Haman to lead the Reports of special committees were community." She criticised the Rabbi has been organized in Lincoln. This engine. "The Best Friend" -was soon Will call I who played golf on the day he ad-council is composed of two members rebuilt and put back upon the track royal charger with Mordecai sitting on it, through.the streets of read. and deliver at any time his capital, proclaiming that thus does the king :wish to honor his Mrs. Maurice Steinfeld of St.,Louis, monished his flock to remember re- from each Jewish club in the city, to do its accustomed work. The disof day for any Chairmari of the Student Welfare ligion. A rabbi must be hunian, but tance from Charleston to Hamburg, savior. Only this was needed to drive Haman to put an lawful Work, then gave her report; which no man in public life, rabbi or other-. and most of the Jewish organizations 135 miles, was performed in daylight, revenge not only upon Mordecaij but upon his; people as well>.arid: was a vtery cbrnpfeherisive brie. wise, can preach one code and prac- of Lincoln are already represented from six in the morning to sis at in a specious fashion he persuades^the king fe order .the.^laying^ "The religious "problem of bur Non-' tice another. The religious commu- and the others are expected to join nisht. of all the Jews-in his domain: Theday1 for this slaughW is Resident Students," from a mother's nity in which the stud.. •: lives was re- within the next month or so. was entered into in great spo-.cible for him. She said that Jews selected by casting lots (in Hebrew Purirn) , hence the other ;name, standpoint, detail by Mrs, Herman Jung of Mil- are of caste and not class. This last The following organizations are althe Feast of Purim. by which it is.also knoyra^ j§ut Mordecai\ waukee. | remark met with a lot of discussion; ready represented: Lincoln A. Z. A., hears of the plot, and informing the queen of the impending Discussion from the floor was then" in fact,, it was very y heated. In ask- Ivre Club, Daughters of Israel, Worki t d and d iindulged d l d iinconsiderably. i d b l i^g hat the reommendations of the men's Circle, Congregation Tifereth danger, she braves all and enters the presence of ike king,rand inyited whatwere the recommendations the Mrs. Freiberg then her ad- meeting in regard to this of paper, M F i b h gave h begs him to attend a feast in her apartments. Hajnon too-is in- dress, which I think we shall read ih someone said they took exception to Israel, Mutual Loan Syndicate. vited, and while imploring the queen to spare hln5, Ahasuerus full at some future time. Meetings are held each month and | this remark, and at once a discussion comes in, is enraged at his treachery, and orders Hariian hanged At 2 p . m . there was called a joint nstarted. Mrs. Skutch said she hadthe various Jewish questions discussed c:i the gallows -erected for Mordecai, : r i s ^ - -~'f~~: meeting of the Union, Brotherhoods o& intended this to be taken as it and considered. This organization Sisterhoods. Due to the great was> and did not wish it to be strickIt is poetic justice, and the Jews have appreciated-this tale and and crowds, I shall be unable to tell much en,. and our parliamentarian,. Mrs. •will in the future attempt to organize welcomed its anniversary each year with joyful^celebrations. of \vhat took place, and regret it ex- Lowenstein, said as it was not a re-a Jewish Community Home for LinLJhys embodying, the-story are givensometimes b y t h e children, ceedingly, but from, where I sat I : port, there could not be any exception coln. Plans are already being prer.fc others by the adults, and in rehearsing the tale all find hope could not hear very well. The part to a sentence in any paper. Objections pared for the campaign. for better days of brotherly love instead of hatred, for joy, instead I did hear was a paper by Mr. Marcus Iw e r e tben overruled. , of Pittsburgh, on "The ProbMrs. M. F . Schwab of Canton, O., The Finest Restaurant Food served at cf sorrow. ' • ' ^ ; ; . ; :. Aaron Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—Further lem of Jewish Education," and I wish' told of the developments of "Jewish "Help Yourself" Prices r ; The spirit of good fellowshipreigns supmmfr, afi3 those who every iriemberof our Sisterhood conld, Child Study" gfdups.i anti-Semitic disturbances ocsured at The Chef who made oux* restaurant famous 10 years ago Mrs. Israel Cowen of Chicago spoke the Universities of Bucharest and are in better circumstances, are urged to send presents to the poor, have been there to hear this iiaper is the same Chef who again is making our coffee shop that they too may share'the joys of the festival. The old tradi- Mr. Aaron said: "What we need is a ' o n the twklet called "Blessings and Jassy. A number* of students deof Jewish- thinking, even' Praise," which paper will be read betion has it that Haman is a lineal descendant of Amaleky the age- re-direction or manded the expulsion of Jewish stufamous now. it is unfortunately true that' * e you at some future time, long foe of Israel wjjo attacked the Hebrews when they had been though we are too often put on Ae defensive,! In the evening the, delegation was dents from the Universities. The emancipated from Egyptian bondage* and in this Way all enemies yet it is none the less true that we escorted to, to see "Merton police intervened, restoring order of Israel have been called Hamahs, nTrecolleetion of their ancient can lose pur very soul by yielding to • o f * h e Movies.". after several arrests were made. the self-regarding, instincts that are Thursday morning the meeting foe. : ; at 9:30, invocation by Mrs. p y ah overwatchfulness for our PPened The beautiful and joyous character of tkfe feast is emphasized bred by Your 1925 subscription to The JewAbram Simon. place ih the world. The first needs of more year by year, "as,the old feeling fades, and the world shows Jewish education is to rouse the pro- Reports of the Assembly Commit- ish Press is due now. Please mail a kindlier .face to oppressed Judah, Amalek. and Hamango into phetic consciousness in Israel. The tees were then read.; it in. There are two kinds of printing. The kind that p a y s oblivion, and Esther a i $ Mordecai become the central figures of primary school in all,education is the Election of the Executive Board, for i t s e l f and the kind that you pay dearly for. the feast. • •• •• home, and if Jews desire that their and while oh this subject it is meet Forceful, dignified, distinctive printing pays for itself children shall be Jews, in fact,, as for me to add that Omaha was honWANTED!! over and over again in the favorable impression it creates, well as in'name, the lives t>f their ored in having Mrs. Cora Wolf again Stenographer and and the good-will it builds. Cheap, slovenly printing on parents and the.hbmies of the childreh elected, to represent tts on the Na- Experienced Bookkeeper. Must have thorough the other hand, indicates that the house is equally careless must be. such that, frdm the very out- tional Board. in other matters. You may "save" a rew dollars on such set the children may .'.be conscious that 'After a benediction. by Dr. Louis knowledge of Insurance. Steady printing, but in the long run it will prove the costliest more precious,than\all the goods of Mann of Chicago, tfte • meeting ad- employment. Apply at once by . By MRS. "I. ROSENTHAL. commodity you can purchase. the earth are tLose values which come journed, to meet in two years at calling JA ckson 1525. by way of moral aspiration and spir-1 Cleveland, O, We produce printing that produces results. I cannpt begin to express nay apAt the Local Sisterhood' meeting, Council of Jewish Wonjen were ex- itual living. We cannci c ntinue to preciation of having the privilege of the religious training of vast held Monday afternoon,- March 2, at tended by Mr.s. Isaac Halpern, and neglect attending this wonderful series of numbers of our childreh unless we Temple Israel, Mrs. I. Kosenthal, Sis- Mrs. Samuel Lipsitz spoke for thewant ah irreligious - ebple. in whom meetings. I felt that I had been a Unfte'd Synagogue League. Mrs. Salterhood delegate to the Convention of lie K-. Glauber of New York, Presi- tte ideals that have sustained us and slacker all my life, having left so much undone, and a t this Convention the National Federation of Temple dent of the New York State Federa- preserved us will be totally lost." 2 Brick Store Rooms in moneylearned so much, the inspiration of He pointed out that in; the past Sisterhoods . held in St. Louis, Mo., tion of Sisterhoods, responded. Mrs. Jewish interests in America have ex-1 which I hope to be able to spread niaking neighborhood, suitable PHONE JACKSON 0770 for Plumbing, Hardware, Confrom January 19-22, gave the follow- Freiberg, President of the National pressed-themselves'-almost exclusrtery ain°n&. '*?%-asters. _ • Federation, graphically portrayed r fectionery, Drug Store, Elecing report of the meetings: . ° tmnk of meeting the ;cream of woMen's rise m prominence ih Jewish in Behalf of benevolent institutions. trical, Painter, Furniture Store, "Such things are great," he ex- - ^ r i c a n Jewry, of - rubbing elbows or Sestaurant. Living Rooms Your. President and the writer left religion in the reform temples in this -••••••• •—• • • • — • . . j j j j j W a l t e r F r e i b e r g , M r . W l t r s > # in back. Will remodel to suit Omaha Saturday, January N17, arriv- country. How she emerged from the tenant. ing in" St. Louis Sunday morning, partitioned-off gallery, in which she •where we were met by the motor was sequestered from active partici- conditions that happen to arouse oUr .Philjpson, Leo Wise, son of the foundcorps and "escorted to our -hotel, at pation in synagogue affairs, to un-sympathies. If such benevolent ac- er of the H. U. C ; Dr. Julian MorCALL JULIUS NEWMAN which time we registered, !and after heard of position of occupying the tivities—commendablgenstern, head of the H.'U. C ; Adolf as they are— at-Harnejr 6039 or Harney 0648. pulpit herself. She* congratulated the considerable parley * at the. 'deslr,r we Ochs, Roger Strauss of New York, should be allowed to consume all our delegates on having raised almost a were alloted choice quarters (realtruism and idealism, the world would s o n, pf..-Nathan Strauss; Mr. Aaron served t>y mail for some-late comer), quarter million dollars for the dormi- never be made permanently better. proving to our satisfaction. the oldtory of the-Hebrew Union College of For permanent betterment requires adage,. "Come early and avoid the Cincy, in addition to $25,000 raised for more than remedial charity. I t re- GOOD MUSIC GOOD COMPANY a scholarship fund. She pointed out rush,",: . ' ' . work among the children as one of quires the application of ethical prinThat.same morning at 10 marked thte major activities of the Sisterhood. ciples to the whole of life, to the the opening of the Sixth' Biennial This work is under the direction of life of the rich as well as to the life Convention of the National Federa- Mrs. Henry Nathan of Buffalo, who of the poor, to the life of the giver as , of the / tion of Temple Sisterhoods, the Board has established large number of Jew- well as to the life of the receiver." of which being called to order by the ish Child Study Circles, giving mothThe speaker demanded that there BI-WEEKLY DANCE CLUB President, Mrs. Walter Freiberg, of ers the opportunity to learn how to be more and better religious schools, Cincy, who totd of women's' activities instill deeper reverence and religious and added: "Judaism as a social, Will be given in the "field of Jewish Religion. At attachment for their children. Mrs. moral and religious discipline, cannot this meeting problems •confrbnting'the Nathan has awakened the interest of be .carried on by, a man nor by any Saturday Evening; March 7, at Kelpine's Academy 815 Sisterhoods represented -were dis- thonsands in books containing stories group of men, laboring single-handed, 50c per person. • cussed and plans laid- for their pres- of, heroes of Israel, also in reading because Judaism is the religion of a ! entation before the general Conven- "Young Israel," the juvenile organ of people. Therefore, an intelligent,! Timfe for Everyfcody tion. • the Union of Hebrew Congregations. vigorous, consecrated and. positive • leadership front the\piilpit is heeded. In the evening the Board was the Mrs. Freiberg then spoke on theBut even with posjtive. leadership, the I; p-uest of a dinner at the Columbian " Ciub, the Jewish Club of St. Louis, progress made in various Sisterhoods synagogue as an agency in. the re- M -which by the way is a Club compar- affiliated with the National body and Hgious life of our people will hot be ing favorably with our" own Omaha the work of the different commit-! effectual unless -we have a laity that NEBRASKA SPECIAL Athletic Club. The hosts .were mem- tees, through which the activities of is equally dovoted and consecrated, a the Federation are carried on. laity that is ready to support the. ' - ters and officers of the S.t, .Louis EXTRA PANTS SUITS The efforts made to reach different Rabbi with affirmative convictions When you become dissatisfied, with the oil that you have been Sisterhoods. Mrs. Maurice Steuiield .$2.5 $30 $35 $40 $43 . ; '• • ' ' • ' • • } ' "of St. Louis welcomed the gnests in a students at various colleges this year, outlooks." burning in your oil burner—call Us for a truil order of our Prime At 4 p. m. the various State Fed- | White and High Grade Distillate—IT must satisfy, for we -' V3TV fitting address, following- which Mrs. Freiberg reported 1,000 names of ' a reception was held in the parlors of out-of-town students were sent in to erations had their meetings where guarantee it. the Sislerhood presidents in or near matters pertaining to their own Sisthe Club. c'bllege towns, while during the first terhoods were discussed. i was officially 'The ' Convention I ' opened 'Monday morning at 10 a. m year only 70 names were sent in, and j Meeting then adjourned. •with a h , invocation by Mrs. Leon while on this subject may I digress,' In the evening the St. Louis recep' ' Goodman bf Louisville, Ky. Address that notwithstanding efforts made .by tion committee saw ^o it that we were „ CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN conveyed to the Symphony Concert, ffl AT. 4444 AT. 4444 5", of-welcome-was jnade',.by-Mrs^ Mau^. ;onr-local^i^erb'q.od/j^e.hav.enb.tbeen I rice Steinfeld of St. Lonis fpr.the.W- 'able t6 get very 'close to Jewish stu- which was a rate treat. They had one *° of the numbers come -from- -Ghica'go -•: • ,cal Sisterlfoods. - Greetings- for the dents in this community.



j ^&t^ JT$S^ so^




rinting That Pays for Itself

Report of Convention of National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods

Business Place for Rent!

Printieg—Sfatloaery—Office Supplies




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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1923 j Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Katehnan enter- the Friday evening services will be Barney Orlansky, who was the chairCouncil of Jewish Women to Observe Annual Council Sabbath Saturdav Morning 1 t a i n e d a t t h r e e t a b l e s of brid se at "Hebrew, Israelite or Jew, which- is man. All these boys are pledges of


the Seta Beta Tau fraternity. their home Monday evening. the best name?" The Council of Jewish Women will observe the annual Council Sabbath Saturday morning, March 7, at 10:30, at Temple Israel, with special Purim Calif., to Chicago, HI., will leave Sat- Mr. Samuel Nefsky returned from Those who assisted at the reception services. urday night for Chicago. his trip to Chicago on business. of Miss .Jean Evnen were Mrs. Eli Evnen, Misses Lillian Sidman. May Eabbi Frederick Cohn will deliver a sermon on "The Queen of Women". Mrs. S. Whitebook will be hostess Miss Cecelia Feiler and. Miss Laura Goetz will sing special Purim songs to her Afternoon Bridge club at her Miss Jeannette Gillinsky was theShapiro, and Edith Bnckin. week-end visitor of Miss Kate Goldand Mr. V. C. Bennetts will render special music on the organ. The Girls' home next Wednesday afternoon. stein who is attending the University. The Jynx is still hanging- on to Choir will sing. Miss Gillinsky is from Omaha. the Lincoln A. Z. A. basketbaU team. A Sisterhood meeting will be held The morning's services will be conducted by a number of the children Although outplaying and outfighting The Sisterhood had their luncheon of the Sunday School of-Tmeple Israeli Those who will participate are next Thursday afternoon at the home „. , , the fast Methodist team of University of Mrs. Ben Harding. The Ea Oth Society were enter- Leopold Marks, Harold Saxe, Martin Eayman, Herman Eosenblatt, Ernest WEDDINGS at the regular meeting Wednesday at ^ _ H A z A w n d c a t B BUffeml tained by Mrs. Morris Vann at her Boss, Sydney Cohen, Leonard Nathan, Oscar Mayerowitz, Herman Levinson, LEVEY-KULLY. of the baEketball Mrs. Max Simon entertained her the Temple vestry. another reverse apartment at the Morris. Apartments and Evelyn Chaiken. One of the most beautiful weddings Afternoon Mah Jong club at her home at the third The Daughters of Israel held their The score season. Mrs. Sam Nathan, president of the Council of Jewish Women, and Mrs. Tuesday afternoon. of the seasons was performed at 7:30 lunday afternoon, March 1; regular meeting Sunday at the Syna- quarter was 4 to 0 in favor of the this evening at the Blackstone Hotel, Hr. Louis Somberg, who is. attend- Frederick Cohn, chairman of the Eeligious Committee of the club* are in gogue. The social committee gave Wildcats, but the Methodists rallied Mr. Clyde Krasne returned home ] the report of how much they made in the last minute of play and with when Miss Fanny Kully, daughter of ing the University of Nebraska, spent charge-of the program. Wednesday evening from a two Mr. L Kulakofsky, became the bride -the past, week-end 4n Omaha with his a series of long distance shots they toward the Synagogue fund. months' trip east. Mrs. Nate Kort to Receive of Mr. Morris Levey, son of Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bosfewater won the game. ; Give Reception Iii Their•; in Honor of Mrs. H. Q. Mars The A. Z. A. meeting will be held The Bamitzvoh of Master Morris Mrs. Harris Levey. Mrs. Michael Former Omaha Home :Mrs. Nate Kort will receive inMr. and -Mrs: Milton B. Newman, Katleman, sister of the groom, was Poaster took place Saturday at the Mr. and Mrs. I. Eosenthal enter: formally at her home at 3668 Daven- next Tuesday evening in the Bennett Synagogue, among a number of tained a number of friends at their the bride's matron-of-honor, and Miss of Los Angeles, Calif., -formerly of More than one hundred friends" of port St., Saturday afternoon from 2 building. home Friday evening in honor of their Bernice Kulakofsky was her sister's this city, are visiting here, Stopping friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Eosewater, of nevr-born nephew, the son of Mr. and to 6 honoring her sister, Mrs. Henry at the Blackstone Hotel. maid-of-honof,; The Misses Sadie LeProfessor Rice of the University of Philadelphia, Pa., formerly of this Mrs. S. Neponnick, of Omaha. Q. Marx, "who with Mr. Marx is leavvey, sister of the groom, and Rae An Orpheum Theatre Party will be city, called at the former Ebsewater ing Omaha Tuesday, March 10, for Nebraska spoke before the junior Adelson, cousin of the bride," were Mr. Nathan Grossman spent a week The "Two Triangles", an organiza- congregation Sunday morning. bridesmaids. Dr. Philip Levey served given by the Shebas Club Saturday home Sunday afternoon, when Mr. Miami, Fla., where they will make in St. Louis on business. as his brother's b'estman. Dr. Barney afternoon. Miss Martye Weinstein, and Mrs. Eosewater entertained at a their future home. No cards are _ tion for Jewish boys between the ages The Sisterhood gave a carnival the club's sponsor, will be chaperon. reception and reunion. The former being issued. of 12 and 16, wjK celebrate their first Monday evening at the Temple vestry. M. Kully and Messrs. Harry EeinEosewater home is now the residence Mrs. Marx has been a prominent anniversary with a banquet to be held Mrs. Charly Shire was the chairman. schreiber and Michael Katleman were Mrs. J. Rosen entertained at four worker in all club activities. Thursday, March 5th. groomsmen. The ringbearer was little tables of bridge at her home Thurs- of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Eosewater are here The "Two Triangles" were first Miss Joan Garson entertained four Miss Barbara Morisky, and little Miss day afternoon, complimentary to Miss on a two weeks* visit and are stopstarted in 1924 by tfte Gimel Chapter tables of bridge complimenting Miss Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin enterIsabel Katleman was the little flower- Pearl "Wintroub, who recently angirl, and Lyle Reinschreiber the nounced her engagement to Mr. Jack ping at the Blackstone Hotel; Their tained at a six o'clock dinner at their A. Z. A. of Lincoln. The Lincoln A. Jean Evnen. Prizes were won by trainbearer. Horwich and in honor of Miss Shirley daughter, Harriett, is attending Wes- home Sunday evening. The evening Z. A. is sponsoring this order and Misses May Shapiro and Lucile Cohen. has been acting as the Two Triangles • Immediately after the ceremony, Soref, who will be married Sunday, seley, and their son, "Edward, is at- diversion was cards. The following grave a stunt at the advisors. This organization which Mr. Levey and his bride left for Cal- March 8, to Mr. A. Falk, of this city. tending a Pennsylvania Military A "new Bociety was organized on started with a charter membership of carnival given by the Sisterhood MonAcademy. ifornia, where they will spend their Prizes were won by' the Mesdames day night: Messrs. Carl Guggenheim, Sunday afternoon, February 22, at only five members, has grown until honeymoon for a month and then will Ben Tatle, Sam Cohen, and J. EosenMickey Rrnp, EmaiYuel Iseman, Jack the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. SaltzS. H. Katz, M. Tatle and M. Green now there are over 20 members. return to Omaha to make their home. blatt. will be trustees. Eabbi J. M. Char- man, which is called the Lechovitz The Two Triangles are engaged in Newman, Bony Theodore, and Mr. Two hostesses honored Miss Kully Miss Esther Blumetithal returned lop and Messrs S. Eavitz, A. Wolf Society. The following officers were various activities. They are publishthis week. Sunday afternoon Miss Tuesday from Kansas City, Mo., and E. Bloch are members of the elected: President, H. Saltzman; vice ing a miniature newspaper, which is Madeline Gohn was hostess at her where she was visiting for a week board appointed by the organization. presidents are the Messrs. S. Shyken! D e i n g distributed amongst its memand M. Somit; secretary, M. Tattle- bers and the Lincoln A. Z. A. memTHORPEIAN NEWS. home, and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, of with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Studna and Over 50 members of the Thorpeian man of Omaha, and treasurer, B bers. 'They have a basketball team Sioux Ci^y, la., entertained at a lunch- son, Harlan. Athletic club were entertained by theSaltzman. eon here Tuesday afternoon. and are also at work in a Ritual The Hajobls Bridge club were en- club at a dance at the Hanscom Park The second meeting was held last team under the personal supervision SOSKIN-MINKIN. tertained by Miss Jennie Krestul at dance pavilion. Another dance will be Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. of some of the A. Z. A. members and Miss Ann MinMn, daughter of Mrs her home Tuesday evening. Prizes given at the pavilion in the near fu- M. Somit in Omaha. Fashion Gives the A. Z. A. advisor. A. MinMn, who will be married to were won by the Misses Ann Eosen- ture. the Center of the Stage Miss Gertrude Cherniack, daughter Mr. Isadore Soskin, son of Mr. andbluni and Ann MinMn. Mrs. A. Davidson entertained her The Y. M. H. A. quartet, one of Mrs. H. Soskin, Sunday evening, of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cherniack, arrived club at a bridge luncheon at her to the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eehfeld, Miss Omaha's popular quartets, sang sev- home Tuesday from New York City, home. First prize was won by Mrs. March 15, at the Labor Lyceum, has chosen Miss Tillie Soskin, sister of Mamie Eehfeld and Mrs. Alex Wohl- eral popular selections for the mem- where she attended the Columbia J J ^ Katleman and second prize was the groom, as her maid-of-honor, and gemut, all of New York City, left bers. by Mrs. H. Garson. At the next meeting of the Thor- School. her bridesmaids will be her sister, Wednesday evening for their home in Mrs. A. Gilinsky returned home Mr. Samuelson of Baltimore was a Alice MinMn, and Miss Bertha Ab- New York City, after having spent peian Athletic club a smoker and banquet will be held at the, Jewish after spending ten days visiting her business visitor of this city. several weeks here, and while they rams. Mr. Joe Soskin will be the mother, Mrs. Brinn, in Webster City, "groom's bestman, ftnd Messrs. Joe attended the golden wedding anniver- Community Center club rooms. At a regular meeting of the B'nai The club's basketball team lost its Iowa. Nitz and Arthur Pregler will be ush- sary of Mr, and Mrs..-Herman.EehB'rith "the debate; between Messrs. basketball game to the Townsend Gun feld. They were extensively enterers. It is Spring's tained during their visit. They will Company five by the score of 22 to Mr. S. Brown, who has been visiting Barney Orlansky and David Sher was This week's affairs for Miss Min stop off at Chicago, 111., Washington, for the past two weeks here with his won by the negative Mr. David Sher. 11. The Thorpeians-are now holding Most- Important Mn was a bridge and shower given sister, Mrs. Max Steinberg, and Mr. \ Sunday afternoon by Miss Bertha D. C , and Philadelphia, Pa.,- while fourth place in the local Commercial Steinberg, enroute from Los Angeles, Mode. Eabbi S. E. Starrel's sermon for enroute to their home. league at the Y. M. C. A. Abrams. at her .home for twenty-four Mr. Max Eehfeld, who also attendguests. ^J?rizes_at jbricjge .were_-won "fe<f~tfte Tmriiversary^ieTe, returned~to" by the .Misses Bessie. lapp, Jennie The smaTt woman who COUNCIL BLUFFS his home in Los Angeles, Calif., last Krestul, and Mollie Nitz, and that keeps in touch with Fashion evening Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Colton week. The Council Bluffs Lodge No. 688, is the woman who keeps entertained at their home honoring Miss Alice Stern will be hostess to Independent Order of the B'nai B'rith, in touch with G-oldsteinRead—What Max Rosentkal Has to Say Miss Minkin and her fiance. the T. E. D. club at her home Sunday will hold its first open meeting Chapman 'Co. Wednesday, March 11, at 8:30 p. m. About His Packard Six afternoon, March 8. . FALK-SOREF. at the Danish Hall. An excellent proAlways first with authentic "Consider myself very fortunate in having Before the presence of only th Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, of gram has been arranged by the compurchased a PACKARD two years ago. It styles in Ensembles, Coats immediate family, Miss Shirley Soref, Sioux City, la., are visiting here at mittee in charge for the members and has run over 20,ODO miles. Received everydaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Soref, the borne of Mrs. Brodkey's parents, their families and friends. Some of and Dresses— thing I was promised. Am very well pleased will be married to Mr. Edward Falk, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky. While the features will be Abner Kaiman •with my car." of this city, Friday afternoon, March here they attended the Levey-Kully and the Y. M. H. A. of Omaha. 6, at the home of the bride's parents. wedding. . . . •s (Signed) MAX ROSENTHAL A Purim program will be given Eabbi J. M. Charlop will officiate. of the Palace Clothing Co. Sunday morning, March 8, for the In honor, of the young couple, Mr. Mesdames H. B. Weinstein, Max 3RD FLOOF Sunday School children at the MerFroirikin, B. Shafton, Harry Frankel, and Mrs. Soref will entertain at a reception at their home Sunday even- Harry Kavich and Samuel Cohn will riam Block Hall at ten o'clock. No be hostesses at the March card party regular classes will be held. Every ing. Telephone: Atlantic 3250-3251. 3016 Harney Street. Mr. and Mrs. Falk will make their of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, child is urged to attend. which has been postponed to Monday home in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cohen entertained afternoon, March 23, at the , at a family dinner Sunday evening in .-•..•' Miss Sara Eiseman, of Elk Creek, stone Hotel. j honor of their daughter, Marian, and Nebr., is visiting with friends in In honor of their tenth wedding her fiance, Mr. I. Eichard Allen, whose Omaha this week. anniversary, Mr. • and Mrs. S. Eips marriage will take place next Sunday evening at the Blackstone Hotel. "Know Omaha and the World's entertained at dinner, followed by Monday- afternoon Miss Ida Lustgarbridge, Sunday evening at their Greatest Need" will be Eabbi Frederten of Omaha entertained sixteen ick sermon topic this Friday home. Covers were laid for thirty guests at bridge complimentary to guests. Prizes at bridge were won evening at the Temple. by the Mesdames J. Lorkis, Louis Al- Miss "Cohen. Mrs. Nathan Korte of Omaha entertained Wednesday afterOn account of the holiday of Pu- berts and Max Gailen. Our own boys and girls in noon for Miss Cohen. Wednesday SATURDAY iim, the Deborah Society have postPurim plays, given by City The'Bi-Weekly Dance club was re= evening Mrs. Meyer Stern and Mr. poned their meeting to Wednesday cently -organized by a number of Talmud Torah and Sunday Corporal Cohen entertained the bridal afternoon, March 11, at. the Jewish young -Jewish men for the purpose of party at a supper dance at the BranCommunity "Center. Eabbi J. M. CharSchool. lop will speak. Mrs. J. Katleman will holding social dances on the Saturday deis Tea Eooms complimentary to "The Shop of Smart Modes" raffle the scarf which she recently evenings that dances are not held by their sister and her fiance. the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. The first brought from Palestine and will send 213 S. 16th St.—Paxton Block the proceeds of the raffle to Pales- of these dances will be given this Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Katelman For This New Shop tine. No tickets will be sold at the Saturday evening, March 7, at the entertained sixteen guests: at a dinMany Innovations have been planned for shoppers in pmnhn's meeting. Those holding tickets for Kelpine's Academy. ,Mr. David Gross ner party at their home Sunday "evennewest shop-for women. The shop of Smart Modes •will cater is in.charge of the arrangements for ing. The evening was spent playing the raffle are welcome to attend the particularly to the younger element. Specializing in models of IN YIDDISH , youthful lines that accentuate the prevailing style note of the this .dance. • . _ „ bridge. , meeting. minute. The predominating idea of our merchandising policy will be the The Fifth Annual Dance to be givMiss Bess Feldman entertained ten moderateness with which all merchandise is priced. In a word, en for the Council Bluffs Hebrew oar merchandise vrill please the most exacting, and yet be priced couples a t a bridge and dancing party low enough to attract the attention ot women of all classes who m HEBREW The literary Circle will meet Sun- Schools will be held next Thursday Sunday evening in honor of the sevwant smart apparel. day evening, March 8, at the home of evening, March 12, at the Eagles' enteenth birthday of Miss Euth WinA Most Cordial Invitation Miss Freeda Mendelson. Mr. E. Kit- Hall. The Blackstonian orchestra will troub. enis will speak on "The Cultural View p l a y . W • • • • • • . - . . . Is Extended to the Public IN ENGLISH The congregation of Temple Israel of Palestine." will hold a special meeting Sunday An Inducement for Your The regular meeting of the Jewish afternoon, March 8,. at: the - vestry Culture League will be held Sunday Presence Saturday Tooms of the Temple. of Minneapolis, Minn., afternoon, March 8, at four o'clock will give a• A Special Showing of i\ Mrs. J. A. Solomon entertained last at the Labor Lyceum; Mr. O. EesSaturday thirty guests, a t a bridge nick will speak on the subject, "The AT THE luncheon and- recipe shower at the Eesults of: the Eevolution in EusElks' club, in honor of her sister, Mrs. sia." Barney B. Kean, formerly Miss Flora The Confirmation class of the City Bienstock, whose marriage took place in t i e Ffcesh Colorings of Spring Sunday School held a'regular meetto Mr. Kean on February 14. at 8 o'clock Prizes were won "by Mrs. A. Green- ing Sunday, March 1. The members Tickets a r e now on sale a t t h e Box office a n d made plans for a Mke which is to be at the berg, Miss Lottye Hirschberg, Mrs. Talmud Torali. held soon. L. E. Bornstein and Mrs. M. Levinson. The Ladies' Free Loan Society held F i r s t t e n rows seats §1.00 Miss Tina Altschuler will entertain . A price that brings the loveliest aH occasion Frocks of the Kcw Mode •within the reach of every woman. Remaining downstairs Beats..J 75 cents hirty guests at the Omaha Athletic an election of officers February 24, The very spirit of Spring Is In the delicstte beauty of these Smart FYocks that Balcony seats .._ . .—.r—— — 50 cents -lub this coming afternoon in .honor and the following were lelected: Presfaithfully-reprtnhree all the quaint charm of the French Originals. They are 19th and-Burt Sta. ident, Mrs.' L. Baum; vice president, f this recent bride. very new, and seally -wonjlerfnl Values. * Mrs. A. P. Goldware; recording secTickets can be obtained at the Joseph JBonoff, "The Shop of Smart Modes" Mr. Abe Jacobs, of Norfolk, Nebrr retary, Mrs. S. Wintroub; financial Synagogue, from Mr. C D. Mendel•3 visiting here with his mother, Mrs. secretary, Mrs. A. Stein; "and treas- son. urer, Mrs. A, TWolf. The Mesdames E. Jacobs, and brothers.




Richardson Motor Car Co.


Formal Opening of Joseph Bono!Fs


"The Paper Hat" "Competition"


"The Dream of Purim"


Special Concert

Sunday Evening, March 8


Sunday Evening, March 15, 1925

Brandeis Theater


LV- nWil V — . -



PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MARCH-'5,: 1925: Go-at- YoU'Please^Spelling ish i Community " Center movement, Concerning' Parrot* "We sometimes fancy that strictly which is a more proper aim and nat- Of ' the 20 commonly known vaural consequence of American Jewish rieties of parrots, the most talkative correct spelling has been turned Into a THE GREATEST development along the line of social ones, according to George Bruce Chap- fetish. Spelling Is largely a knack after the first tearful steps have been JEWISH CHAMPION and educational endeavors, will only man, head of a London house that taken up the slopes of our English ' ' By y HARUY CONZEL has imported and sold the birds for Another nomination lias .reached benefit by i t • " " IU25 by Seven Arts * (Copyright i us. Mr. Meyer Steinglass, of Claremore than a henfired years, are the Parnasse. The letters come by a sort Feature.Syndicate.)' , znont Park, New York, whites u s : Brazilian Amazon and the African of instinct. They dance merrily into Delicate Hint of the Young Men's Although .not listed as a Jewish Gray. The former has bright blue the right order of themselves. If some :",• "I wish to nominate the heavyChristian Association—The Gug- contribution, the American Jewish good people never can spell with weight boxer, Joe Choynski, contemCOLLEGE genheim Three Million Dollar community may with pride read of and yellow feathers and red tips to pedantic accuracy, does it matter so porary of Jim Corbett. Choynski the shoulders and flight wings. The never won the .heavyweight title, but Scholarship Foundation. ATHLETES the • many r interesting details of the African Gray has a red tail. In Bra- j very much? "Oh she knew well. Thy he surely was some battler. He never love did read by rote and could not Little is known of Jewish; College Three Million-Dollar scholarship foun- zil natives watch the nesting places spell." To be an Immaculate speller athletes. , The modest university ath- weighed more than a light-heavyBy WILLIAM Z. and when the fledglings are a few dation, established by Simon Guggenis like being a copper-plate caligxap'Jlete shuns publicity arid is disinclined weight; but notwithstanding this A small item slipped through the heim, .: President of the American days old, the feathers of one of the 1st. But It remains one of the minor to speak about his ipwn biography. weight handicap he was not afraid wings are trimmed. L&ter these birds Few of .his achievements reach the to tackle the very best fighters of metropolitan press, probably unob- Smelting and Refining Company: and are easily captured, placed on perches accomplishments at best. Some of the his time. Choynski is the only man daily sporting pages,! because 'interformer United States Senator. served by many readers. and taken to'the nearest vlllaga Fan- best letters have been illspelt. It te est in sport is closely bound up with besides. Willard, who ever knocked All the, characteristics attached to ciers say ..that the birds should be fed the matter that counts.—London TeleThe Young Men's Christian Assoout that . champion of. champions, the financial compensation. A Denipciation in the City of New York, in- the establishment of this great en- twice a day, and with proper care graph. sey would not attract. a tenth I of the : Jack Johnson. The difference between Willard and Choynski is that the latcorporated about fifty years ago, dowment^fiind point to Jewish tradi- will live 30 years. public attention he gets if he $ d not For the Picnic command hundreds of thousands,of ter fought Johnson before he became caused the introduction of. a bill into tion jfrom-which it emanates. dollars for his services." College champion < and when he was in his "We roust have some lettuce sandSimon Guggenheim's son, when he the New York State: Legislature to A Conundrum ! sports,,with the"exception of football, prime. While Willard beat a Johnwiches." was eighteen years of age, prepared permit the amendment of the incorson who was a mere shadow.of the In moving and settling Aovm the therefore enjoy a more or less .local "All right HI asfe the baker for for Harvard University and intended Dodge family had subsisted on. short poration charter of the institution. fame; or, rather, few ^individual "rep- fistic genius who had battred down Jim Jefferis. 'When you speak of some waterproof bread."—Louisvlli« rations, and one morning. Mrs. Dodge to undertake scholastic studies in Euutations transcend university circles. Those, connected .with the manageJewish champions it is only fair to Courier-Journal. found herself facing an unknown ropean universities. Unfortunately, We have on hand some data; neces- remember ment of the New York Y openly statJoe Choynski, the "Giantdeficit. parily incomplete,, on some of- • the Killer." ed that in the future, when the char- premature death destroyed this plan. -"-Mary," she said to the maid-of-all• -. •. foremost" Jewish college athletes of :. All right, Mr. Steinglass—we will ter is amended, they would allow non- This tragic-event in the Guggenheim irork, "what is there In the store- j this season. We want to emphasize Protestants -to 'bfephie' members ::6f .family- prompted.the ^stabjislg&ent of room?" . right now thai, we do not pretend*to put Jog on he list. • . I present a complete list. Far from it. SPORT BREVITIES this -institution, ntit exceeding*', thir- a fund -which is -to> enable ono le§& than "Every blessed thing is given out This is just- some material for a teen p'er "cent of the'general member-* fifty- scholars, without distinction of but the tea an* coffee," Mary informed j Charley Rosenberg, the clever Jewcompiler of a Who's Who of Jewish ish bantamweight aspirant, whipped 350 Rooms—S50 Baths race,; color or creed, without ;djstinc- her, "an" sure they will, If they last i ship.!..:'" • .-. • -,y ;...r >• ..... '. college athletes, based on the, Zeta Harry Gordon, one of the best fightRates $2.50 to S4.50 long enough."—Everybody's Magazine. One might say that the incorpora- tion to social status, without distincBeta Tau Fraternity's year Ijook. ers of his weight, the other day. tion; to subject of study, to go^broad tion charter of any charitable" or soRosenberg has thereby classed himCollege of the City of New York. Uncle Eben cial institution is a; matter of concern for the purpose of continuing and selfas a dangerous title contender. Maurice L. Dundes holds the col"De way a few members of dis con- EXPER1 ACCOUNTANTS perfecting themselves "in, their, par; The. Zbysko brothers, well known only tp those who are j interested in it. ; lege aquatic records a s , far as. the 1 gregation drops off to sleep." Bala I believe, however, the circle ticular-branch of ;study. The; sum of Uncle Eben, "Is gineter compel yoh INCOME REPORTS fifty, one hundred, and : relay pool heavyweight wrestlers, are not Jewish. This statement is made in ans§2,500 is to be given annually to each records are concerned. Besides being of those who should be interested, in, pastor to remind 'em flat he's givln* a member of: the football squad, he wer to one. of our sorrespondents, this seemingly-unimportant applica- of the appointees for this purpose. 'em a sermon and not a little bedtime is also a jnember of the swimming who. nominated them for the Jewish tion for an amendment, a great'nura- _'-'Ko people cherishes .the memory of story,". Phone AT. 1893 405 Karbnch Block and watefpool: teams, and president champion list. Sammy Gastman is ber of- our own folks- ought "to be in- its. departed dear ones as do the. Jewof -the, College swimmii;e association. the only Jewish six-day bicycle rider ish families... Three times a year Yiscluded. • - •'" Sidney Ginsburg holds the college in captivity. ' He is a youngster who ; FANNY FISH. ; A Fall Breadbasket record for. the 150-yard back-stroke always finishes his races, winner or The Young Men's Christian Asso- kor services^ are held. No people atloser. But so far he has never been The Nebraska Society .of .Musical swim. Walter Jacobs is the.manager taches _ as • much importance to life Jimmie (saying prayers)—What Young Women's Chrisof the swimming team, and also the a winner. It is rumored that Benny Development is sponsoring, a concert ciation and the L under every circumstance as the Jew- "conres next, Ruthie? Leonard will re-enter the ring this tian Asso«-" -'xa arc -not unfamiliar College cheer leader. W. C. Blum is to be given Tuesday evening, March LOUIS ABLER. Mgr. names in the households of American ish people, and no one feels more in- * Rnthie—Give us this day our dally a member of the football squad and tummer, to batter the welter-cham10, at the' city auditorium to raise pion Walker for the title and a guatense tragedy when a promising life is bread. 510 So. 10th St. Jackson S332 manager of the basketball team. Je—s. ' s ' Jewish memrantee of .$100,000., Was, his exhibi- money to send Fanny Fish, violinist, i Jimmie—Aw, I'm going to leave that permaturely cut off. New York University.. tion^ of filial• love only .a publicity to New York to further her "studies bership applications in the Y. M. C A. o u t ' Mamma just baked. stunt? We doubt'it."General".Palmer there. Miss Fish has" been, recognized and Y. W. C. A., in the early stages - Both the-deeply human motive and Martin Tarr, William Sieg#> the -broadly human purpose of the Howardd Rose R are redoubtable d b t b l mem- E. Pierce, president of the National of 'ivelopm- ' had no doubt their Athletic"' 'Association, by a number of musical'critics as a justification and were even desirable. foundation indicate its Jewish origin, bers of the Varsity football and bas- Collegiate R. TTEAVEK BEN CIVIN promising violinist. She is a pupil of We. 1011 Ja. 1265 ketball teams. Al Solomon has'per- writes: " T h e state of health of an although the Guggenheim family have x1 It was desire of mingling in the formed very creditable on the track. individual afreets his mental and Professor Frank Mach. Sometime ago contributed little towards specifically The tennis team was. managed .by moral qualities," and athletics have the Nebraska Society of "Musical De- Americr- env' onmer' ~nd a not-toAT-1000 E. SCHERER Jack Blumenstein, with the assistance had and will' have a powerful • influ- velopment sponsored a . similar con- t -j-surpr^sLetl vash. to engage in Jewish philanthropies. Architects Mcr. • The provisions of this endowment, of David Poliakoff. Irving Mendel- ence in counteracting the - softening wholesome s. ort and sccial entertainsohn is a most peppy and efficient effects that are apt to come from cert for the benefit of little;Sammy ment conducted aloiig spiritual lines. destined as they are to further scholEngineers great rights in any country." /armell, 12-year-old violinist, who is Varsity cheer leader. . arship,"will no doubt be of assistance LET US PLAN YOUR HOME Call us for good now studying with a well, known pro- Although the '"oung Men's Hebrew also to -those scholars who devote T Columbia University. OR BUILDING Association, modelled i .ter the simOPEA S N E W S H O P fessor in New York. Among the most recently developed ilar Christian association, endeavored their lives "to Jewish scientific subMrs. Leo Hoffman, prominent soathletes who represent some # very -.•••:. to create the same; environment with jects. , • ' Joseph *Bortoff Announces New Store promising material should be menprano, will sing several solo numbers :: a Jewish background, only a small -• " on Sixteenth Street. :; MICKLIN UMBER. CO. tioned Edward Bratter, Walter Kriat the benefit concert.for Miss Fish group a t first heard the delicate call sel, Abraham Schachner, Beryl Sil24th .& Burdette Sts. WJL 5555 Tuesday evening. , Mrs.-. Hoffman is AUDITING your books and berblatt,, Howard Sonn* .Bob .SperWASH AND KEEP WELL Joseph Bonoff is to open -a ladies' considered• as of the best which is dictated by the maxim that installing modern systems of ling, John Ware. the best social interests of the various A RULE OF HEALTH ready-to-wear shop at 213 South Six- soprano voices in the city. ACCOUNTING. Pennsylvania University. , commur \l and racial groups, although Byron Stolaroff is one of the best teenth street, to be known as "The Following the concert a "dance will FRONTIER rOWEL SUPPLY Income Tax returns a specialty. they may be a part of as fair-minded members of the soccer team. Nathan Shop of Smart Modes." be held with Hugo Heyh's" orchestra and great a nation as the American . 1819 California Street. Small sets of books kept Snellenberg wears a silver football OUK furnishing the music. evenings. CONVINCF VOli Of OUK and is on the polo team. Alfred nation, is best served by an instituBINCF.RITT The following program will be given tion which bases its social activities Weinberg is one of the \ cleverest Trust Department. swimmers of the University,'team. at the concert: • " ^-.. Cleaners Dyers Tailors Hatters MAURICE CIVIN Safety Opposlt Boxen. and educational efforts on the heritJoseph Wile is assistant manager of 'FOB GOOD SERVICE CALL US 1. Violin Solos— 3107 Lafayette Avcnne. (a) Gypsy Dance ••_: :. .Xachez age of that particular group and in Penn's rifle team, and one-of :the (b) On the Wings of Song Tel. HA. 7713. surest shots.' : ; Mendglssohn^Achron conformity with its traditions on the • Fanny Fish •' • proper background. Cornell "University. ' : We Clean Everything . accompanied b y Evelyn Voxe Dick Wife is on the tennis team. 2. Soprano Solos— The delicate, but not lass deter- DOWNTOWN BRANCH: ATIantic 8696 ' 110 Sooth 18th. ,N*w Elks Bids. (a) Cast from Thy Brow_._____..HandeI He is considered one of the most "Kean Keeps Klothes Klean" PLANT: 825 Part Avenue (b) Passing By — Piircell mined hint of the New York City versatile of" the racquet swingers. " . BHOJfE-HAK NET-8380 T e r r y (c) The Answer Leo Hoffmann ! Young Men's Christian Association Abner Bregman is a speedy "basketaccompanied by Jean P. Dnffield ought to be taken in its proper light. ball man and a peppy member of the 3. VioIin.Solo— It would be a misunderstanding to see baseball team. Leo Landauer has Concerto Op. S3 Komance~ . • - ' - ' . . . ' KEAN '' '. surprised his greatest admirers by in it a kind of social ostracism. It is A La Zingara . • • Do yoiir Painting his track performances. , Fanny Fish only just that the religious and racial TAILORS- DYERS-HATTEKS arid Decorating NOW. accompanied by Evelyn rVote Boston University.: groups serve the interests of their 4. Soprano Solos— — -. • K BEINN & JENSEN CO. • , S»ve-25% of the cost. (a) Boats of Mine—Anne -Stratton Miller members. Edward Goldman, of the swimming 306 South Eighteenth Street The Jewish communities ale paper <b> A Brown Bird Singiag_.:..___..Wood . Work Guaranteed team, is a very fine athlete. Ihe Conrt Honse is Opposite OB distributors for ic) Song of the Open......t.'~—-La ^Forge are sufficiently equipped at present Mrs. Leo Hoffmann to take care of their own. The Jew- J.;FEt4)MAN, Western Reserve University. ' accompanied by Jean P. Dufl3e3d Northern Toilet Tissue U Phone. JA-1187 We'll Call Sid Moss is playing the tackle on 5. VioUn Solos— > , . . • • • . . • U12 Harney Street (a) Caprlccio Valse ..: .Wieniawiskl the Varsity team for the third year Our Work Excellent — Onr Service (b) Eili. Ejli ._ Seidel AT-tantic 6409 now. Abe Wolfe is the bantam(c) Souvenir de LnbecS-...; .- liiecken Prompt — Our Prices Reasonable weight boxing champion-ofr the university, while another; Wolfe, Harry Mementoes of Ancient by name, is the university welterPAXTON-MITCHELL CO. weight'champion. Carthage in England 'Tib and Martha Hip. HA. tO6g MannfaetarerB of Brass, Brotne. The ruinea temple at,VirglnaWetu, Union University. *lnm!non) and Soft Gray tran CaKllnRS. Surrey, England, Is always somewhat M. Cohen is the best track athlete Voo are assnrrd of «ort ><?«tln)i;B, m* beauty we ennohtm. oomr from ewry hntt In of the university. This season he Mr. Bonoff has been connected of a mystery to visitors to that ; •or own ebnu. earned,a.medal as the highest indyr- with some of Omaha's largest ready- spot which was at one time a dreary Standnrd NITP cast Iron and bromte s w a m p . '.;.-•, ' .... •idual scored. Aniong the other, proIn ntock. [OEUCIOUSA*' minent athletes we mention the to-wear, stores. Standing in a romantic glen, its colThe cojor scheme of this petite umns loot as though they * had been Schapiro brothers, Samuels, Seheer, smart shop will be gray and old rose. undisturbed for 2,000 years. , The fact lass and Mintzer. 214-15-16 City National Mr. Bonoff has opened a New York Is that the temple has been In its pres((To be,continued.). Bank Building office, which' is in charge of an ex- ent position abotit a century.- -Its BRAIN AND original site,was ancient Carthage. ; pert in the women's apparel bus'BUTTEK and EKGS Jackson 5619 On several'_of the stories, are inscripA. very interesting confirmatioii iness. V- . . • . • - " • .-•• :..;//. • tions. ' One, •in Greek, on an altar Council Bluffs, la. that college sports are_ not detrimenMiss Eva Cunningham will have stone,-tells:how-PublIusAurelii>«. dedital-zio academic activities. Going .through the records of the Zeta Beta charge of the hosiery department.. . cated It:to Jupiter and: to the .other, Tau Fraternity we note that the athgods worshiped in 'the tiemple; Others letes are very prominently, representr are writtenr in; Latin. ,!.One: of these Nature's Great Gas Tank VFHOL.ESALE ed i on the editorial * staffs,_ debaigng reads: ^Marcus Julius erected this to A natural-gas tank with a greater teams, .and in the literary and dram- capacity than any tank that man has his mjj'st bejoved wife Domitia Rogata, Druggists and Stationers atic societies of their respective ^uniwho'jived, jwenty-three years." ever made Is In use at Springfield, N. "Manufactured IK Omaha" «Ct-403-«5S Sontb Mttb Stl**t ' versities. At the risk of being banal At one time a fine group of ancient and reading like old copy, we Tepeat T. Zn fact, It Is said to have a castood near these colBAKER [CE'MACHlNtS CO. that you cannot be active me'ntally pacity 20 times greater than any tank Greek statuary ; unless your, body is healthy and your at present in use. It Is a big hole In umns fro'm Carthage.' When WilHam muscles get their exercise.. We know the ground, with some peculiar forma- IV opened: these lovely grounds to the gJlllllllllllllIUIlllIlUlllIlllIlllIIIlHIlllllinilinHIIIIiHIIIIIlllIllllHIIHHUnulHUHUHg Carpenter Paper Co of exceptions, of course — but they tions which makes it a very secure public, however," these statues were so £ Dtstribntorf of nsTy Et. Lspldo*. P«ie.-Twa* only prove the rule. holder. It was formerly the center of shamefully mutilated b y visitors that = Sot. Pepper, Vice-Present. they were completely'ruined, and' tlie E Western Bond—and High a natural gas field, but thefieldwas W. G- Cre, Becwtnry. SPORT IS SPORT AND exhausted, but this great holder is now public" were again excluded, until the E Grade Stationery ~ used, as a storage tank for the gas reign of Queen Victoria. Oonaba BOOKS ARE BOOKS from other wells. It Is pumped in dui> You can make sure of saving $1,000 or more by making The. other day we bowled several ing ' the summer months and drawn small monthly deposits under our new Assured SysAH the Details games with Maurice Samuel, author upon during the winter when the deCOMPLETE STORE AND tematic Saving Plan, and at tile same time provide a To?jng"Si-had-Jus't Returned from of "You Gentiles," the "well-known mands for gas are greater. This holeOFFICE OUTFITTERS For guarantee of this amount being-paid, in addition to gentleman who claims that we Jews has a storage capacity of 400,000,000 the-city.'"and his 'clmm was asking don't know how to play the game, your savings in the event you do not-live. him about the experiences,' in parte«e ahd that sport is the life philosophy cable feet ticular How lie enjoyed eating In an Eonthwwrt Corner We will gladly send details if you will elip and mail of the Gentiles only. automa:-restaurant. • - • • attached coupon or call AT lantic 6374. Elrvonth ond >)<MIE|H We played a great number' of Symbolic Indian Masks "How flo they work?" the friend Pbonn larkuD lit* • games, and Mr. Samuel won consistAccording to the Bureau of Amer- asked. " OMAHA NEB. Reserve ently. Each victory multiplied his ican Ethnology, tribes of Indians "Well, you put your nickel in the Assets pense of satisfaction and happiness. throughout North America wore masks watch em a caU it and press tne thingFund AND ALSO Collarless, his face covered with a §14,406,000 §455*000 healthy glow, the author of-"You at religious festivals and at some so- umbob, atul the ' doohjnkus-^ turns Gentiles" was willing to go on for- cial gatherings. Sometimes the priests around and'give's you your food," exever while we pleaded for an inter- alone were masked, though In other plained Si.-.' "Isn't that marvelous?" echoed the mission. " When we finally hoisted the -cases the entire company would ap• Pays 6% Quarterly ' white flag, the'eon'of the people of pear In masks. The false faces gen- chum; "I knew they were wonderful 18th and Harney, Omaha, Neb. , the book urged ns with some heat: erally represented supernatural be- things, but I ain't heard the details See Occidental BIdff. & Loan Assn.. IS£b and Harney. Omaha, Neb. •::; ings. The simplest form of mask before." • "Come on—play the garnel .., Gentlemen: was one prepared from the head of a "We can't—were Jewish, we Please send me, without obligation, yoor pamphlet entitled buffalo, deer, or some other animal. Helping Hint Along $1,000 for you." • . C —TWO STORES— °"Kev«r'mind l that "bunk "now—do: The mask stood, not for the actual Name "Lady. CQUid, yer gimme a quartet animal, but -for the type of animal .,„«» Jh'ft;*'-answered the anti-sport, 141<5»18 Doaglas Street TOUT . ISS7 Howsnl St. his heels, : went. on and its supernatural characteristics, to get me where me familyJs?" 24tl»:"&.N Sta. So. Omah*. l t "Certainly, my poor niaq; here's a ^umbling-to to himself "Sport and the person wearing It was for the Omaha, N«br. quarter. Where is yoir family?" - " " Open Evenings. t^, arid -books are pooks. time being endowed with the dtstinc**At de movies."--<ni<estcr White Journal. ' ~ tlve tfae a n i m a L swimming and wrestling - champion pf Manchester University, England.

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