Snobbery, is the., pride of those whf» ~ are not sure of the
X never mate the mistake of argraqg vaiih p e o p l e for whose opinion i have no respect.—Gibbon*
position. .—
VOL. IV-rNo. 15
1 c: =i
•g eecond-dsss mail matter on Jannzsx? 27th, 1321, Et U Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Uarch & 1879.
RAILWAY JUNCTION COMMISSION APPOINTED BY SIR HERBERT SAMUEL Forty Per Cent Payment on Pledges Must, be Collected Jerusalem, (J, T. A.)—A commission to consider the possibility of Before Work Can Begin on Building., removing the junction on the xailvray lines Lud to Tel-Aviv was apNEED OF BUILBIKG I S BEING REALIZED BY pointedfrom by the High Coranissioner.ALL "MEMBERS OF COMMUNITY. The commission has as - members Public -Meeting at- Auditorium ' "April 12th directors of the various'government "THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER MUST BE BUILT •^departments, mayors and the presiIN 1925," with this slcgan in mind the workers have been can- dents of the Jewish and Arab ALL ORGANIZATIONS IN eassing the entire city for the collection of pledges that are due chambers of commerce in Jaffa and CITY TO TAKE PART for the Community Center building. . Tel-Aviv.
The "workers have been meeting every noon' a t the Loyal Hotel grill room to make their reports and discuss plans for the collection of the forty per cent payments on the.pledges: The ? campaign, "will close on Monday noon when it is expected that B £iai B'nOi Opei the workers .will report "we have'gone over the top;" \ The need of the Community Center building in Omaha is Ihnrsday'ETemng, llarcli 26 known to all .subscribers and because''of this the payment of Arranged For pledges toward immediate erection of the building is necessary. Interesting Program Meeting.
EXPLOSION CAUSES DESTRUCTION. OP TRANSYLVANIAN SYNAGOGUE Vienna, (J. T. A.)—An explosion in the synagogue in. Saloj Krassua,! Transylvania, caused the destructica > of the building and injury to the sexton and his assistants. The disaster was the result of an explosion in tlie gas pipes. The crashed tofeeground. |F i n a I s w The sexton and assistants VirWn t rt h ihis e «rctT*iTiTe were in the synagogue were Xatallv j injured.
m B ep j c v c d t t *"
Auditorium S^ndnr Evening _.
Dancing Will Follow Gnrnes.
Under the auspices of all'Jewish organizations in &c city, the entire Omaha Jetrry -will cttlebrate the open-. ing of the'£3rE,t -Hebrew University on j The National Aleph Zadflc Aleph basketball tournament Mt. Scopus, in Palestine, at a public ; debates will ba held Saturday evening and Sunday. program Sunday evening, April 12, st i>«^ CT^=TI. v i *.,?•«». « « ^ i • Eight chapters of this order arc send in j : beys here to repm the City" Auditorr>irs. " P a ™ P b n Thru! An&me Soft? ir e s e n t ^ ^ ^ tournament. Omaha will ba hosts in%h& ^ Evening - t Branded Theatre. ;^ m ( f f e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Q nt h e l e f i m s 4 m d a ^ ^ m a a j . ffaests Representatives froin the various The board of directors and trustees paign. Three times before Omaha •who willaxrive to witness this tournament. Durinp the past week, organizations met tHs week and have More than fifteen hundred people; of the Jewish Community Center Jewry attempted a campaign to erect the committee in charge has been putting the final touches to the made plans for the program. Mr. Mas •witnessed the shcrcring1 of the Purim ! Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. B. B., building will meet Tuesday evening the much needed building for the schedule of the games aud debates. Fromldn was appointed <±iairxns.n of for the purpose of making final plans boys and girls so that they may have will hold its regular open meeting the general committee, and Mr. Al- Plays . given by the children of the The order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, started in OmrJaa. has grown , and arrangements for the erection of a place in which to,meet and under Thursday evening, March 26, at thebert Kaplan -will serve as chairman City Talmud Tcrah and the City Sun-, ^during the past vear and now there are thirteen chapters of this day School on Sunday evening, March ; the building:. The. contracts for the Jewish environments. The dream can Jewish Community Center. The of the arrangement committee r throughout the country. The B'nai B'nth lodpcs throughbuilding -will be Jet by the building soon be realized with the help of chairman of the meeting will be Prominent speakers and musical Eiid 15, a t the Brandeisout the country are sponsoring this •£T.n and site committee as soon as forty every pay their pledges Abner Kaiman. A very interesting literary numbers a?s being arranged the very beginning until the climax, "This tcKirnsmert in Onaha will be Mr.rcb 21, 1??*, 7 1O 31 p. rathe shoTc proved to be a very enterper cent, of the pledges are collected. immediately. program has been arranged by Mr. to appear at this celebration by the JPecrnfl TJouTid—B»*r-kntb!*11 Games | the beginning for the youth of Ainertaining performance. and Dphalos, Knnicipal Auditori«m, "The •workers have been, canvassing The complete-report of the results Kaiman. committee in charge. Plans'are now i;tch the developments of this STOda;. JMsrrli «rX ll»2r, fi a . a to ic A Tfie origin of Purim and the Days, of the patriotism of the the city with a great deal of energy of the campaign will be made at the under way to secure a prominent C V said Harry Trustin, member A and have been meeting "with great luncheon Monday noon a t the Loyal American Jew will be given by M.speaker for this celebration. "This of Queen Esther vrere revealed in the, °*" Jths -" *r'"-~ " .P,n=Jtetball Gsatses and SemiPinalpPaskeibsdl committee in chsrge. "We first play, "The Dream o£ Purin," success", said Harry -H. Lapidus, Hotel. The workers will canvass all Monheii. The principal address will celebration is being*, observed by the Debates, Municipal Auditorium, Sunhave cosibined this tournament to one day, March 22, li'«5. S p. in. to 5 p. m. president of the' Jewish Community members" assigned to* them during the be made by a prominent speaker. The Jewish people throe ghoat the entire given in English by the children cf cf ed"acs.tlonal slid physical." Finals—Sasfectbatl Games ETtd Deprogram will be featured by first Center and chairman of this cam. remaining few days of this week. world," said l i a s Troinkin. Many the City Sunday School. "The Paper "be debated br.tes, Mur.idpr.! Acditoriwu. Sunday, The subject that pearances of several prominent vocal- famous European 2a d American Jew- Hat," the second play, u-as grivcr. in paign. The people of Omaha are Kerch 22, 1P25. 7 T>. m, to » p. m. ists and players. Leo'Meyerson of ish leaders v;iH atLasd the celebration Hebrew by the children c£ the Takcud upon by the tea.xr.s is, "Eesolved, Thai realizing the need of the;building by PrPeentation o£ Trophies and M«sdTorah. This plsy portrayed anti-Se- HciiEion in Sons Forai Should Be als—Daiicir.K, Kur.icroal Auditorium, Council Bluffs, 13 years old piano in Palestine on April 1. the enthusiasm which i s being disS-andsr, lu&rch ZZ, 1VZZ, 9 p. in. to mitism of today and hot? a modem Taught in the Public Schools." wizard, will play at this open meeting. played throughout the cjfcyt The time "The opening of the Hebrew UniThs tournament will begin Satur-} 12 is. "Qneen Esther" revoked the plans cf The first appearance of Miss Bertha for t h e erection of the building is the versity is the first great, constructive day evening st 7 p. m. a t Technics! ] TEASiS ENTEKED__IN an anti-Seiait Ths third playlet, Greenhouse," 17 year old soprano present but this cannot be done unless Judea," said "Competition,1' pertainsd to the cele- High school. The first rouns of the] enterprise of the . It, TOrKNAMSNTS soloist, pupil of Madame Moellerevery, subscriber has paid his forty To Send Proceeda to Orphan Home in Fromkin. '"formal, opening of this bration of Parim in. this generaiioa, game End debates •vrfU bt> held on that j Harms, -will be made at this meeting; par cent of the pledge." MAECH 21^2, *2 Palestine. university -will "be = attended by theasd the ihAs of the perforroance night. Qv, Scncsy nomlag &t she will be accompanied by Louis EAMS The building i s Omaha is needed great English statfiKaen vrho liad fee the in s, drasnatic and effective n i rounds v,lli than. jfc.has For the-benefit of the.-jG.irls'., Or- Armstrong. _ imaginaHcs -and" iis&^Qffirsgo to tas!k.6 •way the return cf the I a. The finals tr" 1 bf City A-s cause of the large increases in mem- phan School in Palestine, the local The Y. M. H, A. -quartet in new it possible. This celebration will force i in the evening, after vhica,1 ^*™mnj from every country in the -world to bership of organizations that are j af- Junior Hadassah are giving a spring songs and with an entire new actthe world to recognize that something; ' T "" « ^ s / » ^ " « - ~—««"«s homeland in Palsstine. and elso there will be ds-ntlnr sad the jrrcscn-i COUXCSJ r filiated -with the Jewish' Community dance Sunday evening, March 29, at will appear on this program. The new and extraordinary has h a p p e n e d ,t h«e-i.r , , . l M r f . n . V, e v , M _ v - » . * _ .*. tstiozi o f insQ&is t o t s e j jjp'irae Br>»i YPIO KroloE._J<» how Palestine has been rebuilt by the Center. The present quarters are the Fontenelle Hotel. entire public is invited to "attend. teams. A large orchestra has been and "will make the world realize that a Chaluzera. very small and are always crowded The Omaha Junior Hadassah's qrqsecured to play for this affair. project which most people dismissed "The Talmud Torah was established X)F,S MOWESr-^iw Anchor. T 1 , Capl.; ta to the Girls' Orphan School this with activities. as a 'dream or an imposture is a. real for the purpose of training the Jew- - "We have selected ths official?, for Bobort EJHBon, 1-.: i.ouli' Williams, d The 'dream of the Jewish Com- .year -is ?600, so the money-raised from f ^ JJr L O. :MMotrip t r i p BoMnbawn ^ i , O and concrete fact and is developing ish boys and girls to heeomf? good the baskeib&l! games and debates,*" G . ; Crargt \Ahla, G. munity' Center in Omaha, -which be- this dance will go towards this fund. in a fashion which may mate some citizens of America, but at ths same said Nathan Bernstein, ir.eir/bsr of ilie AVilf—/Hfiypr on-onbrrs, Simon Klein, EWninn, LXFKISC Ksltet, H r t gan in 1905, is soon to be. realized This Palestine institution houses, all older and mightier states blush." 'JL'enenbmim. time to raise them to be good Jews," coanmittea in charge. The folioraig: Sow with the close'of "the present cain- European orphans who have been left CITI men trill cct as cfficial? in the "basThe Omaha Hebrew dub has said Babbi J. M. Charlop, in ES adU-wln Sttt$B., hil homeless because of the "war and poCent.; POSTPONE DANCE launched its a£lrraal membership camdress before the ending of the per-ketball games: E5. Eardicfc, H groms. The Modern Woodmen of America formance. paign. The campaign is for three Bartearosd, George rsrish, L-eo Kco- x. A A partial list of forty-sevei. prom- hundred new xaembers for the class will postpone its arrntial dance which Credit for the success o£ the per-ecky. Ths judges for the debates arc: ? " inent men and women have pledged to be installed a t the annual anni- •was to have been given Sunday evenformance is due to Mr. H. TToal, in- J. G. Kasters, principal of"Central{ themselves to. be. patrons and patron- versary to be lield the latter part of ing at the Rome Hotel to some time structor of the Talniad Tcrsli, who High; Dwight Porter, piitcipsl of OMAI2A—Manrlce Alp»rln. I>avld 33eber, A joint banquet of the AuQebung esses at the dance. Among those who April. , in May. Because of the importance coached the Hebrew and Jewish Plays, Tech Eigh; District Judge T*. G. Hasclub arid the Jewish Culture League will serve The captains of the teams that •will of the A, Z, A. tournament and the and to Miss 'Martye "VTcinEtein, -who tings, Prof. Nathan Bernstein, Dear, Messrs. ana Mesaames: S. Welnb'^rg, N. :v&—2r,::--iU W t l n e r ; B e n •will be held Sunday evening, March Brodsky. M. E . Chapman. A. Goldstein, canvass the «ity for members are large crowd expected there, the'Mod- directed the pupils of the City Sun- L. J. TePosI of Creigalon L&w 29, at the Labor Lyceum; The com- Max Promkin, Yvjta. L. Holzman, Harrj B. G. Shapiro, M. Polanslby and P.ern Woodmen of America members day School in the English playlet. School, Prof. William Stembcrg< . £ Lapidua, Chas. Levinsou, Henry Monsky, mittee, in charge of this affair are A. iloaer. Arthur Eosenblom, A. Sllvennas, Gerelick. Crexghton hzi? School, E. C. Page. voted to postpone their annual dance. Simon, A. Theodore, Harry Woll Miss Dora Lazerowitz and the Messrs. Louis Verne CbstelEin, Edvard Purlfty. Mrs. M. Tatle; Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon, ctT%r. MO.—Philip Dr. &»a & a Mrs. Ms J. Morgenstern, M. F . Goodman, M. Dr. and Mrs. A. Greenberg; e beg; The first round of ths preliminaViUiniP M N t h B t i Itomm; Messrs.: Nathan Bernstein, rinketstcin, MinMn,' Ben Kligman and D. Hesnick. Iieslie ries "wss played Et Graisd Jlspids. Bnrkenroad, y dradscoK, ra i Bnrkenroad,' Harry i N t h Harry Herbert Goldstein, Nathan E.-Green G l d t The' proceeds of the play,' "Broken Wo. Grodlnsky. Joe Llnsmnn, Irrln Stal Slich-, when the Grand Kap'cs team Hearts," presented jointly recently by master, Fred White; Dr. V. E. LcTine. p^yed ths Gary, IndL, team. Trt the two clubs, will'be given to three Israel Shomer Sold Papers as Sis Hen Wers Initiated; Two AreGary team cefeated the Grcjid Hap-1 organizations, namely, the Colonizaids I'&sketbsll team by a score of Z 9 i Youth to Help His Omahsns. tion in fiussia, the Library of the to IP, and tbe CSrsr-d Espids Parents. Labor Lyceum, and the Jewish'School llore ih&n osic thousaad people atteam defeated its Gs.rj The Nebraska Chapter of the Zeta 4 •that is soon to be -opened b y the tended the funer&l services »f Mr. team. '0maha has a wonderful Jewish Beta Tan Fraternity initiated sis men ; Paole-Zion club. -~ Sir. E. Abramovi*ch, .noted leader Community," said Israel Shomer, the The Et. P a d , Minn., team vnil ar- Dave SimcTit S3 year old soa of Mr^ at the asnual formal banquet held and Krs. B. 'A. Simoa, -who died and international figure of labor, will new head of Bradley, Merriam & rive early Priaar Sunday evening, Karch 8, at the Linspeak * in Omaha Monday evening, Smith, mail order hcrose. "Prom -what! BULGASIANS PKOTEST^ being chdpewned by Dr. r.nd Krs..] early Sstsrdaj- morninfi a t the Wiss coln Hotel. Covers -were laid for March 23, at the Swedish Auditorum. I have learned during the short time j AGAINST IMMIGRATION Leoa J. TiberDr. Tiber is sponsor i Keroorid Hospital. Fuasra 1 ^^^H^K twenty guests. RESTRICTION IN PALESTINE Mr. Abramovitch recently returned that I have been in Omaha, I see'~that j of the A. £. A. chapter at Si. Paul- \ "^ere held Sunday saoming *£ Ths rsen initiated T^rs David Slier Soustchoiik. (J. T. A.) Zionists' from Hussia, where he was a leader the members of the community a r e | "1 am very pleased to szo this orrlcr j frotr. ttie Koffroaii-Ci-osby and Jack Nevrzcan cf Om&ha, sad C&tl - meetings have been held in many of of the "Bund/J the Russian Socialists very active. I am pleased to see the j Gugerieira, of Thetraepolis, "Wyp.; sponsor roch a tcxrrnarnrnt for ibe j home. Earial took place at Fisdber**. Jewish men and -women in the com-j the -cities o£ Bulgaria to demand free Democratic.Party. . both Pann. Rsbbs Frencriclt Cdhn ofaid Dr. Tibsr. *'It sai Herman Krupp, of Fremcci; Mcnsel natality ialways_ willing to do things."; immigration into Palestine and th ficiated. Pslllsarers were f rcia a physical Isernan, cf Nebraska City, and Barabolition of .all existing restrictions POALI-ZION CLUB. TO GIVE "I intend- taking my part in the! Lester Meyers. Koy Smitb, standpoint." ney Olansky, of Dubtrcixie, I s . on Jewish immigrants coming to set- CQNCERT AND PLAYLET activities of the community," said Mr. i H&rer, Jarvis Fwidcn, Large loving cups srill be presanica Mr. Ben Kavite, Omsha boy, and tle in the country. * ; "__ Shotfter. While in1 Baltimore, lie was i to the v.inrd=g: teams, asd iadivsdaal j and J&iJg Whitebook. head cf the chapter, g-src the adcres? At the meeting in Sofia"recently very active in Zionist and Young Jui A concert and playlet will be prenedals -will be presented to the play- j Mr. Simon had beea iiiakilkg Ms ef and ths reply en behalf the Bulgarian.Zionist leaders, Messrs. sented by the local Poali-Zion club dean work. He was the publisher of I | Isoxi^e s t Aubona, Kebr., for tb* paet of the ne-w isen&crs was girsv* hy ers. Leon Cohen and Bernard Arditti, crit- Sunday evening, April 12, at the La the Young Judean magazine of BalThe f ollo-wuig is the schedslp cl j two years, where be •was pngaged in David Sher. J- Earrj' Diancni, of icised the Palestine policy of -Great bor Lyceum. The playlet to be given timore. On moving to Chicago, some ' j Jnasnewt. X5* je mrvlvei by him XiiriColsi, -prcis toastimister. I^pTssrsptn events: Britain and tbe -weak and passive at-, be "The1 Divorce," by Sholem "few years ago, he' again took an acFirst IioundBas'ketbail Games and { WMOTT, £mestinc» parent^ Mr. = talks "?rere g5vsn by Nortes Idebertatude of the Zionist" Executive in Mr. L. Kipnitz, of Chicago tive part in Jewish t circles. * Debates. Tech iiigh School, Br.'avdux, \ ^ r s > g^ 'j^ SJJHQSJ aBij one SI3H, cf St, Paul,-KLTH.; I.T.-IS Soir?IiOndoiu A resolution demanding of Hl.,"is directing-the play. ' Shotner is •& large, boyish, redLester. Great Britain free Jewish immigraThe profits of the affair • Srill gcieadedj brown-eyed chap. He reC0KU1SSIQN TO SEES. Olacslqr. tion into Palestine andlhe immediate towards organizing V Junior club ceived his commercial, training- as SOUTH ASIEEICAN HOME OFFICE -putting into force of Article 6 of the the Paoli-Zion. other prominent Omsb'ans received FOK STBANDED REFUGEES AFFAIES ESTABLISKE& -Palestine Mandate was passed by actheirs, selling- newspapers en' the JEWISH REPKESESTATIVES Berlin. (?. T. A.) A comiaissioa GOTSBXMSKT clamation. The resolution is being WARSAW THANKS J. D. C. streets. By doing this he was able ABSENT TTHEN POLISH representing t>c Intern at'icnaa! Laboz transmifted. to the "Zionist Executive to attend "grade and high schools in AND AMERICAN PEOPLE GOYIRKMESTT CELEBRATES Office cf the Lca^-ae oi" Kations viii Moscow, ( lesdsfe Tekgra|»hie In London.' " AT OPENING OF. PAVILION Baltimore. .With his profits from'the SUCCESSFUL LOAN IK U . S . sail ox; Siarch IS Crorr. Lis.boa to ). A Wpeda! ©Sice for Warsaw. (J. T« A.) Thanks to th papers he sold he helped support his ing this business to Omaha to join "Warsaw, ( J e w i s h TdegrapMc Brazil. Chile, Argentine ssci &Es&ss, is tofee.esfcafclisfaedby t|»ft the Bradley, Merriam • £ Smith or' CLASSICAL HEBREW RECOGAmerican people and the American parents and two sisters. Aseccr}. Kepresentaiivss cf the Cuba for the p ^*pose of investigating; tiozud sectifia oC the Wsdk, i NIZED BY LONDON UNIVER- Jewish Joint.; Distribution Committee He moved west a s far as Chicago ganization* Jemsh popolatdoa of Pclsad VPSTQ ab- the possibilities m these c^sntnes for Committee of the Soviet "The first thing I am goisg to do sent last night at th© banqsei giv&a \settling the .*-mcnion, Itassiaa end „ .'- SIXY FOB B;'(A. DEGREE were expressed by the president o shortly after graduating from high e according- to a Jerusalem, (J.. 4T. A.)—Classical the city of Warsaw at the opening school, and entered Northwestern uni- is to open a retail department store hj the Gorernxaent v. in ceiebratsoas of f Jewish refugees, now stranded in vsx~ ' Hebrew, which has been accepted by. exercises of the xjynocologieal pavil versity, • At the same tarns he -con- on the firsts floor of the building, the the success of the Polish olish loan in the ions Europf'ss -'lies. The oS'm irill be filled by » ,the London tJnivei'sity'!as a, subject ion in the Jewish hospital here. tinued to work. Xcstead of ""hustling" same as all-large mail order houses Urdt^i States. Dr. BerihoId'Latzir, fornteily tor f a t SewWk affairs* T h e of 1 toward the degreg-of Bachelor of Arts, . The pavilion was erected witf-j funds papers, he entered the'employ of a are doingj" said Mr. Shomer. 2n dipiotaatic corps, ihe B i m t o x will be to * s f « s t r cf Jewish Affaire in iY& as, an alternate of iother ancient donated by iheAisericir- Jewish Join mail- order house In Chicago. He Mr. Shomer is now occupying the ar,d Jata G»v£xnnK!&t, i& a lassabex <&£ ifcis ticaal, coltpafi s s d legal nebt» «jf on, the initiative of'the Distribution Gonnnlttee, liked Hie business, and em cotspleti- former office of the late E. IL Her'Ehe Jewish <fepsli6is, ccsomission lepreseniisg: O& United Jevrish to Government. • Beside the city precid«nt,- the tiofi- of 'his collsge course1 starts^ a riaas, 76, the original laeraber of , repeated thfi lE'riiaiaon «& ac- Jewish BnsigTatwn C&ffifflritos cf Be?« s fossilises whem ,th* Mw$$k .stedies include the Bible, Jew- president, government officials sn small mall order house. This gmms the firm vfoa "was living' triien Mr. eosnt of their opposition t» the seati- $bn, D r . Is .a wojeaty, ssiA to # ish.'" XiistotF,. .geography of, Palestine, delegate of various Jewish isstitu in- seven years until he does "a 13*13- paxrhased the" controls ing- in- Jevrkh econarsic policy of tfje i charts . pf §35SMK© a sear. H terest in the
Omak Hebrew Club l a n e k s Large
asd Culture ' League toGhre Banquet
JUpk Theta Ckpter cf Head of Bradley, Merriam and Smiili Started His Career as Newsboy
Noted Lakr Leads? to Speak Mere ffarefe 28
G! Mn Simss
JEWISH^PRESSi-THURSDAY, MARCH 1&, 1925 The next-meeting voH be held Sunr morning for Sioux City, Ia.f to spend Wednesday-afternoon in honor of her Saltzman. Mr. Saltzman, who had sister, Miss Edith Brandeis, vrho just motored in with his wife, returned Philip Sherman, and Mr. Sheniian. returned from an extended trip out home the first part of last week. W ^ TOn Xborsitay at Omaha, Nefenste, by B. A^ny boy or girl between . . . THE JEWISH PRESS* PUBLJSpRtfOl COIflfcAlTC east. Mrs. Steinberg1 was hostess Mr. and Mrs. A. Ajlen are leaving again Wednesday evening af bridge 14. to XI. is eligible to Office: 730 Branded Th^ire Building—Telephone! Atlantic11450. Over two hundred and fif% guesU -#*? *&** Friday for Sioux City, la., to spend complimentary to her sister. this club. / A E. GREEN, Manager. attended the wedding- of "Miss Marian FOR RENT a few days with relatives befort leavCohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Furnished room in desirable apartThe B^nai B'rith Lodge- No." 688 will -$2.60. SubscriptioU Price, on* Mrs. Philip Saltzman of Sioux City, ment to couple or lady. References Cohen, and Mr. I, Richard Allen of hold a meeting1 next Wednesday even- ing for Los Angeles, Calif., where Advertising rates furnished on application. they will make their future home. la., returned to her home Saturday exchanged. Write to Box 512, Los Angeles, Calif., sou of Mr. and ing, March 25, at th§ Dajiish Hall. CHANGE "OF ADDRESS—Please give both the old and new, address; Jewish Press. • Mrs. A. Allen! of this city, which took Mrs. Simon Steinberg entertained evening after spending a week here be care » B 4 glye yonr name. place Sunday evening, March 8, at the Mrs." A. 'Gilinsky leaves Friday at three tables of bridge at her home at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tba> Jearish. Fooss is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Blackstone Hotel. Rabbi^M. Bnratie Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and: telegraphic Jewish news, m addition -to feature artJclee and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. of St. Joseph, Mo., a. g*ea,fc nncte of, In^umer regawiiagf new* items credited ta this Agency will be gladly the brute, performed the ceremony. 'answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Miss Lillian Simon played the wed Ydmt ding march, accompanied' by Miss Orgmaed 1847 Dorothy Lustgarten, on, the violin. WELCOME A. Z. A. TOURNAMENT Miss Kathleen Shaw sang, preceding -\ Tod often do we find the Jewish parents discounting the value the ceremony, "We have always had a PACKARD car in our of athletics.' They are inclined toward the mental as opposed The bridal gown was made of white To keep in DAILY contact with our more than 350,0QO family, because we wouldn't have anything'else. to the physical. This, however is true, only of the past genera- satui crepe Qn. simple straight lines. We are buying a new PACKARD car now and • tion and the modern American Jewish youth is to be found in It was sleeveless a.nd rowd,-nei:ked* members is impractielabe, of, course. For this reason we have certainly recommend a PACKARD to my every athletic activity, competing with the Gentile friends. Since The. bridal veil was. caught in a c^cse designated March as "Policyholders' Month," and our representafriends. " the days of. Daniel Mendoza, Jewish boxing champions have cap and coronet of rose point lace, tives everywhere in the, land, will get into personal touch with (Signed) MISS ANN BLOTCKY. .become an accepted fact. FootballJsasfcetball and baseball have and orchids, lilies of the valley a^d a$ many of our members as- possible, for. the express purpose of -. thousands of Semitic followers both as participants and as faris. sweet peas, composed the bride's conferring with them as to their needs and" service. In your , People formerly were judged by the company own ease, foV example:— shoiver bouquet. v - Now comes the Order: of Aleph Zadik Aleph for Young Men they kept. Frequently we are judged by the Is the beneficiary named in your policy still living? If sd, is with, a national "basketball tournament to actively demonstrate The Misses Ruth Herman and D--> car we drive. 'thsfc.thW Jewish boy of today in" every portion of the country is othy Singer^ two of the bridesmaids, that beneficiary the one to whona you now wish the policy to • fascinated; byjfchis sport. And we older Jews should encourage •wore orchid chiffon with sftver lace be paid? *>ur sens along these lines for athletics tend to develop character trimmings, and the Misses Ida LustIs your policy payable to your estate? If so, do you know Telephone: Atlantic 3250-3251. 3016 Harney Street. - :&ad ideals in the form of sportmanship. Many profound thinkers garten and Shirley Friedman wore reasons that make it desirable that it be payable to a named orchid georgette with ostrich trim- >vill tell you that the Jewish athlete is performing a service to beneficiary instead? mings. They carried pink sweet peas iJewry along'Anti-Defamation lines. Is your policy payable in a lump sum, whereas payment as a ' 1 - In, conjunction with this -basketball tournament, the A. Z. A. and roses. Miss- Rose Chor«.ey of Monthly income might be better? *ia staging a debating contest in which its Chapters are discussing Chicago was the maid-of-honor, and If you are a partner, ie your interest in the parntership 5 the question: "Resolved that some form be taught appeared in a^ pink georgette gowit protected against your partnerls death, ahd a s your wife's ', 3$-the public schools." This should prove of interest to all of our beaded in pearls. She carried a bou- interest protected if YOU should go? " /-. rc^^ligionists for it is a. problem which is confronting the country quet of lavender sweet peas and Ward r If you are a corporation executive, is your, stock interest Itoday. Even the Omaha school board has been approached on roses. protected? Mrs. Meyer Stern, sister of the }' -several occasions by w^U meaning ministers with pTopostions Is your estate protected against serious depletion or perhaps * "that religion in various forms be made a part of the. instruction bride, was her matron- of-honor,, and ^yore a, peach georgette gown beaded total loss - that might be caused by Inheritance Taxes and * ^'received by the school boy. "-/- - This, combined tournament is praise worthy, to say the least, in rhinestones. • Her bouquet consist- administration costs? :- -and-the. efforts of the A. Z. A. to produce a better generation of ed of lavender sweet; psas and OpheHave you provided for payment of Income tax, or any unpaid lia, roses. Little Lorraine Singer was lialance, if you should go? boys should be encouraged. The Finest Restaurant Food served aL AU of Omaha Jewry should - t o n out and by their presence the ring bearer. Have you a child to whom you wish to assuile a college : "Help Yourself" Prices Ushers were the. MPSST3. Hyoiie the boys from the eight cities represented at the tourna-? -v Qreenberg, Paul Cohsnr Jules Gere- education? that Qmaha is. proud ta b$ their host and wants them to The Chef who made our restaurant famous 10 years ago Is there some institution to which you wish to make a continue the work which they ..are, doing. Wex should do this, lick, Corporal Cohen, Louis Wohlner, philanthropic is the same Chef who again is making-our coffee shop bequest? di for no other reason, to pay a tribute to- the noble Order for and Meyer Stern. Mr. Aaron 'Oavid' ' famous now. ^ Have you provided for yourself and family an income if you bays that is sponsoring; this tournament and to show that organ- son of Fall City, Nebr,, was7best wan. ization that we appreciate the responsibility which) we have as- Mr. Allen and his bride eft Tues- should become totally and permanently disabled? day evening for a honeymoon trip to sumed by giving it birth. ^ { . v Have'you arranged for an income in. your later years? San Francisco, Calif, The bride'si goThese are some of the kinds of service which are available to' ing away euit was a Prince of Wales you, Whether or not you desire to employ any of them that are , y AN AUSPICIOUS EVENT mqdel ensemble suit of ginger snap nqw to you, certainly ypur existing insurance should be arranged On April 1 will take place an event of world-wide importance; hrowiv with straw hat to match. After as tofitpresent family or other circumstances. ' to, the Jews it will be an'epoch", on that day will be dedicated the April 1 they will be at home in Holly„ — Jewish National -University of Palestine. Representatives will be wood, Calif. present from all over the world. Lord Balfour is making a special ^Among the out-of-town guests who of .jfcrip \o Palestine for that, purpose. The Republic of Poland has attended the wedding* were Mr. and 'appointed delegates to represent it. The" German, French and Mi-s. JJed Koeningsherg of CMcago, District Agent our own Government will be there officially, as well as the Mrs.~3yi. Broude of St. Joseph- Ma.; Government of each of the possession States, as also Italy.- Messrs, Sam and Isadora Kroloff, Mr. 720 Peters Trust building Jackson 1817 ' The President Arthur, which^ sailed from New. York for and Mrs. S, RQsen>_Mr£. Eli Robinow, Palestine has so arranged its trip so as to arrive there in Mrs. F. Robinow, Mr. Abe Robinow, .time, as. jt_ will carry hundreds of. American JOWB wha are and the Misses Leah Herzoff and Mar:<tes.irmzs to take-part in one of the most important events in cia Rabinow, all'of Sioux City, la.; 54th and Center and Miss Delia Cohen of Chicago, I]]. the history of their co-religionists. *v W: LOCATION) ' - Let us all hope that this University will be to the Jewish The Junior Council will give a pubpeople throughout the world a beacon light towards which they lic bridge and Mah Jong party, for • can look for* ages to come as the center of Jewish learning and ladies only,-next Wednesday evening, OF that it to them what the University of Louvain is to March 25, at the home of Miss Bin a the, Belgians, Oxford and CambHdge are to England; the great Snyder, 300 Oakland avenue. Tickets Sor&pnrie to Prance and what the great Universities in this can be obtained by any member of country are to the communities; in which they are located, and the club.
day evening, March 22, &t the home a few days with her daughter, Mrs. CQUNCIi, B l U F F $ | of Dannie "and Selewyn Michnick, 1404
The Perni Mutual Life Insurance Company
Read What Ann Blotchy Has ToSay About Her Packard
"March is Policyholclers* Month"
Richardson Motor Car Co.
Grand Opening
±o the American people as. a whole.
The Ladies' Auxiliary will hold % meeting next Tuesday afternoon, March 24, at the home of Mrs, L. Cherniack, }52 West* Washington a.venue. A box of apples, which waa, do-. Sam Dreben, the "Fighting Jew,'* Who, Filled Life With Danger nated to the club by Mr. Goodman Meyerson, will b_$ raffled. . and Romance, Was Boon Companion of ViUa and
The First Annual Joint Dance given by the Council Bluffs Chapter No, 688, of the Independent Order of the B'nai B'rith and the Council Bluffs Chapter of the Aleph Zadek Aleph, will be held Tuesday evening, March 31, at the Eagles' Hall. The B!ack« stonian Orchestra will play. Tickets, which are a dollar per'couple, caji be obtained by any member o fthe A. Z. A.
Los Angeles, Mar. 16.' (J. T. A.) properties. HJs Intimate acquainSanr Dreben^ the militant Jew who tance with the country, acquired while gqined a reputation for himself dur- he served a machine gun for Villa and ing the war in the American" Expe- acted as his sub-purchasing agent, af-, ditionary Forces, died here yesterday forded him an opportunity to capiafr the age of 4T. talize his knowledge when the border Sam, who arrived from Russia, to became semi-pacified. _ He was said United States twenty-geven years to be the only American ever ^gally .ago, was tKe proud possessor of many trusted by the picturesque Mexican military medals for his bravery. He chieftain.fought in China, Mexico, South AmerBut money meant little to him and Miss Edith Brandeis, daughter of ica and in Europe, "* and personified his modest competence was dissipated Mr. \ and Mrs. I. L. Brandeis; who has the soldier of fortune par excellence. during several' years _'o£ s«mi-retire- been spending the past six months in r In France, General Pershing invfle'd ment at El Paso. He was an insur- Philadelphia, Atlantic City .and New i him to his headquarters in Fan's and ance salesman in Los Angejes at'the York City, arrived home last Tuestold him he was the "best and one i day. While in Philadelphia, she' was f i death. h -' of th,e bravest soldiers that he had time of tyreben's last exploit was his "at- the guest of her brother and sisterseen during his long military career." tempted capture of "Little Phil" Al- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brandeis. A' heart overstrained by adventures such a.3 few men meet gave way guin, notorious Los Angeles desperMiss. Sara Kesselman, daughter of ^ & last, and Dreben died suddenly as a.dof who was in- hidingfaJaures. In Mr. and M R . S. Kesselman, who has company with Louis t>aks, then chief --he would have chosen, leaving a name of police of ,LQS Angeles, he headed been visiting fpr over two months in fdr quiet coinage unexcelled 'in. the an expedition to kidnap Alguin, want- Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo., returned home last; week. annals of the southwest. ed for murder, and bring him to the ?'Although the "Fighting Jew" was American side. Alguin was captured, The Ladles' Aid Society held a' hufcN 47^ he had packed^ .Into those l>ut a iiot> ensued before ihey could meeting Tuesday afternoon at the .years enough ol danger and romance hurry him across the line and the home pf "Mrs. M. Uernstpin. ta color''a score of ^lifetimes- Inti- American, "party had difficulty in esBar'Mitivah. of Leo Nogg, son ,mate of Pancha yillsi, companion of caping with, th.ejr lives. ihe t e e Christmas and Tracy Richard-' - The border \rill not soon forget of Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg, will take son, and chief of-scouts f oi^ Pershinj* Sam Dreben* .Hig exploits will long place Saturday morning, March 21, at •in Texas, JJraSen's njirae, on lioth be celebrated iiLSQOg and Story, along the Chevra B'nai Yisroel Synagogue 618 Mynster. street / Leo will enter.sides*o£ the line, w^s one tyith which t h R l o . Grande,, tain about twenty-iive of his young to copjure, H& carried Uncle Sam's friends at a theater party at the 'musket in the Bo*er- rebellion,, the Broadway Theater Satu>etay afternoon 'Spanish-American war and the ARAB EXECUTIVE RENEWS (n honor of his birthday. i pi " p i n if i lr roe tnl o|n i earning .the the repurepu THREATS AGAINST BALFOUR tation Qf 4 temerkabte ,soldier. RECEPTION IN-JERUSALEM Mr* ane| Mrs. M.. Marcus returned - And in the'Wild, war he ran true home last Wednesday evening after td fqrni. As top sergeant in %hs> '.Jerusalem. (J. T. A,) R w e d spending several weeks in Hot Thief^-skOh (Texas divisjoi]), he re- threats of antKTewish disturbance^ in S i Ark, 3 d the accojaa'e from' General pase Palestine Jewryt will deinons ' Bashing of being ^ona of tlje tei in—iionor ot- Lord Balfout upon his The Junior Ppale ^lim Society, n ; arrival in Jenjsalem-'wgre made_ in an new organisation in this city, h^d its —*'-=-~ in the American army."' open letter of t{je Palestine Arab *^c- firet social meeting- Sunday evening 9' gun. ectitiv,e, addressed ,to Sir Herbert at the home, of Harrjr Ttochtenheyg, Samfiii;-published ih'-the Arab vmss, Members of the Omaha Junior Pdale Both the government^and the Zion- Zion Society-j«dje gOes^-of the local service crofe,,-the..Cr,oH 4 e Guerre '{s'ts are'^amed that disturbances will club/,. 1 !^ evenly "«*s spent playing id'th^il^arsr^dair ^ k e ptacfe if a Balf<rar demonstration games §md. dancing, after Av-hidh re' * -^—^.^^iy freshments-were-served. --»__ one time ifa Mejrifcap minW is allowed.
. » Dance ~ Entertainment
R. Abramovitz
Where Our People wAve Always Welcome
The famous' leader <?f the " "BUND", interna t i o n a 11 y \ . known as the greatest authority on the.Russian quotation, will speak on the subject
"The Outlook of the Future of
% All Weather
Monday Evening, March 23,1925, at 8P. M. Swedish Auditorium, 16th and Chicago Streets.
$1,000^ You can make sure of saving $1,000 or. more hy making small monthly deposits under our new Assured Systematic Saving Plan, and at the same time provide a guarantee of this amount being paid, in addition to your savings in the event you do not live. It.
We will gladly eend details if you will clip and mail •' attached coupon or call AT lantic 6374.
' AsSets $14,406^000.
Reserve Fund $455,000
P a y i 69o Quarterly J 8th and Harjiey, Omaha, Neb. O£&d*BfAi alas. A &Q&& Assa. 18th and Haraey, Omaha, Neb, Gentleman;1 -' Please send me, vrtt&oat obligation, yonr pamphlet entitled $1,000 toe you." i Nama
•r —
*20 To $ 50 i
- •
the Nebraska Power Co. quintet at FOEM NEW ORGANIZATION Ida Lustgarden to Give The Barim ball was given by the The Lincoln reserves beat the LinTwenty-one young Jewish men of Recital March 29 at Blackstone the local Y. M. C. A. Commercial bas-i Congregation Tifeaeth Israel Wednes- coln A. %. A. in a basketball game, -
this city have grouped themselves into an organization-to be known as the "Compeers". • .The following officers were elected: Robert H. Kooper^ president; Morris MicTdin, vice president; Jack Fleishman, secretary-treasurer. The other members are: -
Robert A. Cain, Herheft Goldstein, Abe
ketball league. This victory places day evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. Miss Ida Lustgarden, daughter of the Thorpeians in the fourth plae. Mr, and Mrs. B. Lustgarden, -will be heard in a piano recital Sunday afternoon," March 29, at 3;30, at the Blackstone Hotel. Babbi S. E. StarMs was out of tlte Miss Lustgarden will be assisted by city for a few daysher twelve year old sister, Dorothy, Messrs. Lew Messer, Jack Cftesen and brother, Avrmn, who is but seven years old. Both youngsters have ap- and Ben Polkk went to Omaha for peared on public programs a number the funeral* of Miss Blanche Altmaa. of times* Miss Porpthy was winner Mrs. H. Bergman of Lusk, Wye, of th_e gold rnedal awarded at the .•wljo has been visiting her parents, Mr. State" Music Teachers* Convention, and Mrs. Fogelson, returned to Ensemble costnines are1 held in Lincoln in 1923. Th"ey are home; — the leading s p r i n g violin pupils of EmDy Cleve Gregerfashion. Paris and son. • »._. Mrs. Josepk Sarbach«pf Nebraska New York unanimousMiss Ida Lustgarden is an- accom- City, wha has been visiting her sisplished pianist and pupil of Cecil Ber- ters, Misses Sara and Pauline Friead, ly agree to this. The ryman. She "won the gold medal at has returned to her home. new arrivals show a t i e Stat& Mnsic Teachers' Convention greater v a r i e t y in Mr. David Diamond left for a short in 1922, and has become prominent in trip to McCook, Nebr., on business. fabric, in line and in music circles here, having appeared eoinbinatidns of colors oa a number of musical programs. She Miss Sara Krechefsky's Sundayand materials. was one oii the .Jieadliners in the 1923 School class had charge of the play Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Road Show. which was given Sunday in honor of She is now accompanist for the Men's Purim. Each child received a surGlee club at the Omaha University, prise from the Sisterhood. •where she is a sophomore. Mr. Earl Kay of Omaha, Nebr., spent the week-end in this city for four o'clock at the Labor Lyceum. the tournament. Mr. D. Resnick will give a lecture.
SPRING APPAREL Prices'Thjat Appeal Your Inspection Invited
Where.Shoppingis a Pleasure
Sam Hahn, -son of Mr. and Mrs. J
Miss Fanny Green, of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green.
surrounded by shrubs. Close to schools. Win. uell fnrnlturo wits house H desired. X>ocated fonr blocks north of Blackstone- Hotel, frice $7,750. Call owner. Harney 4119. -
When ."you become dissatisfied with the_oil that you have been burning in your oil burner—call us for a trial order of our Prime' White and High Grade Distillate—IT must satisfy, for we l guarantee it. " ,
Help Support A Palestine Orphan ATTEND THE
First Annual Spring Dance
The social committee of the Sisterhood for this month is having a bridge and Mah Jong luncheon at the home of Mrs. J. Brown.
AT. 4444
Sunday Evening, March 29 AT THE
FONTENELLK HOTEL Randall's Royal Orchestra Informal isai
Third Floor.
Mesdames Friend, Weil and Lehman are visiting their old home at Holton, Kans. . Mrs. Wolfe entertained the Merry Mixers' club at a bridge. First prize was won by Mrs. N. Leavitt, and second by Mrs. Bertha Ellis. The next mee^iBg will be held at the home of Mrs. Sydney Shostak. Mr. Paul Goldstein of Omaha spent the week-end in Lincoln for .the tournament.
rinting That Pays far Itself There sre two- kinds of printing-. The kind that p a y » for i t s e l f and the kind that yo« pay dearly for. Forceful, dignified, distinctive printing pays for itself over and over agrain in the favorable impressio« It creates, sad the jcrood-wilJ it builds. Cheap, slovenly printing on the other hand, indicates that the house is equaSy careless in other matters. You may "save** a rcw dollars on such printing;, but in the long run it will prove the costliest commodity you can purchase. We produce printmg that produces results.
-Slice Supplies PHONE JACKSON €770
or eaning! -this special offer ®n
Thor Washers
By special »mutiff«ment, we are able to o f f e r "riser Washers at: tMs time tm very liberal Btt& convenient terras.
"TAKACHANCE WEEK" EVERY UNIT IS A ~ ^ SURPRISE; EACH UNIT IS A SECRET. THE WHOLE SHOW IS A HIT. "? Sb-h-h-h! Jnst between friend*, here'* the program: THE OVERTURE Elmer Suttos plclce4 the" that he sod h'ffl sras » " for this occasion.
csutains, f « e t everything that you c&n wftah hy hftod caffi W w«sli,e<I better *nd q u i c k e r with a Thor Washer, Erery Thor Washer is gnawmtseii to give perfect washing tatisfacison. Ira Omaha alone, there arc »or* tissn 8,000 Thor Washers i» u««.
Buy a Thor Now on These Special Terms
THE COMEDY A two-reel banquet for yonr egraph, featuring a well comedian.
alance in
Art Ran flail i» prcparinjr *hle part of the program. You know what Rang^H's Eoy»l Orchestra ha» done in the piet. You know they can alwsj-s be dapended jipon for !omethine UEnsSiaJJr fine. This time they have complstelj' ajntdon« themselves. .
Oil Customers Dissatisfied
SO to 8.
\ •
Hahn, will be confirmed at a Barmitzvoh at the B'nai Israel SynaPatronage brings new advertisers gogue Saturday, March 28. On Sunand keeps the old advertisers. day afternoon, March 29, Mr. and Mrs- Hahn will receive friends and LEAVING CITY ^relatives at their home at 3601 Dav, Mnst sacrifice beanUful . modern 6enport street in honor of their fon's room sereened-ln-porch. corner home. confirmation. Desirable, high and slghty location,
Gross, oss, Norman Norman Harris. Harris. William m i ftyy, Isaflore,IjeTlnaon, Joe.-itinsman, Jaci "w. ilarer, Kobert I. ilarer, Lester Meyers, Jack Melcher, Sam JJewman, Ben Shapiro, Mr. arid Mrs. Max Selicow will-3re- Nathan Sudow, Keuben Yann, Abe yenger; '* "More than three hundred guests :eive friends and relatives at their JO "Ye&gvx, Sam Wolthome Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 witnessed the wedding of'.'MissSarah : daughter of Mr- and Mrs. in honor of the engagement of their A regular monthly meeting of the M. Warshaw, to" Mr. William Win. daughter, Anne, to Mr. Phil Schwartz, Daughters of Zion will he held Man* son of Mrs. B. Schwartz, of this city. troub, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Win* 3, of ihis«'fcity, on Sunday even- No cards are being issued. No date 'day afternoon, March 23, at 2 o'clock ing, March 15,: at; the Blackstone Ho- has as yet been set for the wedding. at the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue, tel. The ceremony was solemnized at Miss Selicow iiT prominent in the Twenty-fifth and Seward streets. , £:30, Rabbi J . M . C^harlop officiating. younger set as" well as being one of The first annual spring dance of Mrs. Phinaes"'Wintroub was the bride's the most active young wdrkera in the So Ed So club^will be held Friday matroh-of-honor, and t^e Misses Ida, Jewish club circles holding' offices in evening, March 20, at the Labor Xi , jtAdler, Bertha Hoffman, May and Rose the..-, various ... organizations. Mr. ceum. The dance will be under the Wintroub were bridesmaids. Mr. Ab- Schwartz is also a, member of a management of Harry Rubenstein. ner Warshaw, -brother of the bride, number of organizations here. The club wBl hold an election of of•was the 'groom's, best, man, and ficers Sunday morning, March 22, at Mrs. B. Schwartz announced, the Messrs. Phinaes Wintroub, Sam the Labor Lyceum.engagement of her daughter, Rose, to Swartz, Ja^k Fleishman and Harry Mr. Abe Grosg, son of Mr. and Mrs. "Jewish Men and Jewish Holidays' Krieeter were groomsmen. Bernard Gross. No wedding date has -will be discussed at the meetings of Among the out-of-town' guests at been' set. .'., . ;... , ,. . . .: the B'nai Israel club every Wednesday th,e wedding were. Mr. Milt Siinon, of New York City, and Mr. Harry Batt •-. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lentzner, of evening at 7:30 a t the Jewish. ComThe Literary Circle win meet Sunand small son, Sam, of Chicago, BL, Chicago, I1L, formerly of Kansas City, munity Center. At a recent meeting day evening at 2219 North Twentieth formerly .of this Mb., announce- t&e- engagement of of the club, Jo& Lichter spoke <KR street. bride Erenow their*1" daughter, Natalie Ray, to Mr, "Purim's Origin." Nathan Mandel gave a talk on several famous Jewish on a, two wee&s' honeymoon trip •at Fred Horn, son of Miss Julia, Wise will entertain the Mrs.- Meyer men and their deeds, and Jacob Stoler members of .the Junior Daughters of Kansas City, Mo., and.xroori their xe? Horn, of this city. ' The wedding will talked on "Robert Morris." The dub Zion at a party at her home Sunday -turn will be at home with Mr. Win-, take place in May. recently held a debate: on "Resolved, afternoon. Miss Wise is sponsor «f troub's parents. That capi tal punishroexit should be the club. Word was received from Los An"Jews and America" will he Eahhi geles, Calif.,, of the engagement of abolished." The negative team,- coinFrederick Cohn's sermon topic on Miss Jennie Finkensteini daughter of Posed of Loois Lahnnan. and Philip THOEPEIAN NEWS. evening, February 2d, at the Mr. Sam Finkenstein, formerly of this Hirsc§, wo» a 2 to 1 decision over A smoker and banquet war held Temple. His; Saturday morning city, to Mr. Adalph Kadish, also of ihe affirmative team composed of Na- Wednesday evening- at the Jewish sermon wm be- on "Judaism ^ As Los Angeles; The wedding will take than Mandel and Joe Lichter. The Community Center club rooms by the judges were Dave Greenberg and Jake Ethics." place Sunday, March 29. Thorpeian Athletic club. Jn conjuncSchriebman.- Young Jewish boys betion mth*. the smoker a mock trial Mr. and Mrs. M. Steinberg, of . Messrs. Paul Goldstein and Earl tween the,ages of 13 to 16 are eligiwas held. —~- ^ • . --. _A ...— .. . jsxessrs. JTBUI laoiasieui ana x ble for membership. Mr* Emanuel - The Thorpeian Athletic club paid Eldorado, Ark, formerly ol t h ^ city, ^ ^ & ek-end E i j l a k o f s k s e we are visiting here with Mi. Steinberg's Lincoln, -where they -were guests at Green is spoflsor of the club. ; their, first .payment of |40 to the A.Silverman, and Mr. sister, Mrs. ihe Zeta Beta Tan House. The Chesed Sholemes club will hold Jewish Community Center club welSflverman. a special meeting Tuesday afternoon, fare drive, Miss May Rose, of New York City, Hyman Shrier, an expressionist, enDr. and Mrs. Leon J. Tiber, of, St. is visiting here as the guest of her March_24, at the Adass Yeshuren Syntertained the members with a onePaul, Minn., will arrive to attend the mother; and family, Mr. and Mrs. agogue. act play. Mr. Shrier took the part A. Z. 'A. .tournament arid yriO. also Philip Rosen. Mrs. Rosen is enterThe A. Y. A. club -will hold their of several actors. visit with relatives and friends. taining at an Orjiheum Theatre party regular meeting Saturday evening, The Thorpeian Athletic club will enFriday afternoon^' honoring her guest March 21, at 7:30, at the Talmud ToMr. and Mrs. David. Greenberg anter two boxers in .fhe A. O. V. meet nounce ihQ Mrth of a baby boy. The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah rafj. Boys from the ages of 13 to of the- Elks at the Elks' club on regular meetingjwill be held WedheSr 16 are eligible for membership. The March 26. Schoal Fried is the athMr. Max Holzman spent the wgek day afternoon, March 25, at 2:30, at club recently held a debate on "Re- letic director. in Kansas City. .••.••-'. striction of Immigration to U. S.' Is, the Jewish Community Renter.',, A dance for: members only will be Helpful to the Jews." '• J. Frederick Welcher, of Chigiven soon at the Hanscom Park MTS. L Barnnsh, who has been viscago, HL, formerly Miss Fanny Broddance pavilion. The date will be anThe Auflebung club meeting -will be sky, of this city, arrived Sunday morn- iting in Iincom with i e r daughter, nounced by the dance committee at ing to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrsl Harry Snader, and Mr. Snader, held.Sunday afternoon, March 22, at the next regular meeting, which will the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. N. Brodsky. She -will remain returned to her home. be on March 25. here for the Passover holidays, -when -"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilinsky- enThe Jewish Culture League will 'By an overwhelming score of 33 to Mr. Welchex will join heir. Many af- tertained at dinner Wednesday even- meet Sunday afternoon, March 22, at 3, the crab's basketball team tirouneed fairs are being planned for Mrs. Wel- ing at the iFonteneUe Hotel, in honorcher during her visit here. Last Sun- of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rosewater, of day afternoon Miss Charlotte Hirsch- Philadelphia, Pa., who are visiting berg entertained at-a surprise bridge here for several weeks. "at her home, and next Wednesday Mrs. R. Kulakofsky is leaving this evening Miss Josephine Stern is entertaining at bridge at her home for morning for Sioux City, la., where she -will visit with her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Welcher. A. H. Brodkey, and Mr. Brodkey. Mrs. Mrs. .William Boasberg and son, Kulakofsky will spend the -week-end Leonard, returned this week from there, returning home Monday mornHollywood, Calif., where they spent ing. N E W • • • • • ' • : • • the past three months visiting with Dr. Harold Libby, of Providence, relatives and friends. They also spent R. I., is arriving here Tuesday to visit several days in San Francisco. with his fiancee, Miss Sadie Levey. Mr. Louis Somberg will spend the The libby-Levey -wedding -will take week-end here visiting with his par- place Tuesday evening, March 31, at AT ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Somberg. He the Blackstone Hotel. A number of is a student at the University of hostesses are planning social affairs braska. for Miss Levey and her fiance prior to their wedding date. Miss Anrie Rosenblum was hostess Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Newman will to, the Hajoblr club Tuesday evening. have as their week-end guests Mr, Prizes at, bridge were won by the Jilisses Shirley Rosenblum and Han- and Mrs. Felix Gardnea, of Kansas City Mo. nah Filvin. Mr. L'.-U. Burkenroad is now The March card party of the OmaMrs.-Jacob Bernstein entertained sole manager and wishes to ' thirty-five guests at the BrandeisTea ha . Chapter of Hadassah /has been welcome his many friends to Rooms last Wednesday afternoon at postponed. Announcement of the date inspect the beautiful new a iniscellaneous shower and bridge, will be made later. arrivals. honoring her niece,,JMiss Anna BernMiss Sarah Rosenblatt and sister, stein, whose wedding date to Mr. Na- Mrs. Sam *Harmel, "who have been than Belzer will be announced soon. visiting in New York City for the The'Mesdames D. Miller, M. Silver- past two months, are leaving for St. man and A. Bolker won prizes at Louis, Mo., the latter part of this bridge. week, to visit for a Week -with rela» tives and friends "before returning
$1.50 couple
All n can tell you is test James Cmze directed it, snd Ton knew fcf always maVeqi Epo4 pidi^res, it, l a s a whale of a east >n<i "was adapted from one of the late Bread•way Btaee Enctesses. -"'
THE ORGAN Belea Hoagland nses »T1 ckf th* 'leventeen hnadred pedsls and Jevers on the oreas to do her pet ncmber.
Come "Take.a Qiance"
WIN A THOR WASHER la e s r window a wonutB »£»nel» t« an «ld-{asliioDeS W**b tub. G»« fc»V tils the lock which -mil fre* feer. T« Am b*Mer »f .thi« key we will { i n * Ttar twtkiair a u c V n mbsoloteiy free. Cell *t Sfee Etec'tri* Sh«fi for your key.
tBth and Fa.mam
2SI4 M St.
Power S.
43d and Learecworth
Noted Cantor to Give Concert Saturday Evening Our Sporting Column By HARRY CONZEL
(Copyright -1025 by Seven Arts .- Feature Syndicate.)
called in Poland shortly. This was made known following a meeting called by the newly elected Zionist Counsel,.at which representatives .of various-Jewish parties and institutions were present. The delegates agreed to convene again next week for the purpose of electing a committee to work put the election ordinance and establish the agenda of the —-*nosed conference.
authorized to represent Cambridge patrons will not be informed as to ningham, manager of the Strand, alUniversity, at the opening of the He- •what the various numbers on the pro- most gave Tip the idea of "Take a gram are. All that may be said of Chance Week." He realized that when brew^ University. the picture is that it was directed by he asked hfs" patrons to comeWithout Professor Garstang, director of the Department of Anffkuities of the Pal- James Craze, who made "The Cov- telling them the name of the feature estine Government, was authorized by jred Wagon," "Merton of the Movies" picture and the. surrounding enterOxford University to act as its rep- and several other notable successes. tainment, the responsibility of pleasresentative at the opening of the Uni- We can also let you in on the secret ing them was a serious matter. However, he has arranged a prothat it is taken frsm a New York versity. . v gram which is said to bes«ne of the stage success. "TAKE A CHANCE WEEK" Before the remainder of the pro- best ever presented at the Strand. AT STRAND KEPT SECRET gram was decided upon, Arthur Cun-
The office of the executive.' . A young energetic fellow, busily CAMBRIDGE AND OXFORD engaged at his desk. WILL BE REPRESENTED AT "Take a Chance Week," a distinct "Ihe telephone rarely stops ringing; OPENING OF UNIVERSITY innovation in local theatricals, will be employees^ with documents to be Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Ronald inaugurated at the Strand theatre signed run in and cut—in short, an atmosphere of a great business orStorrs, Governor of Jerusalem, was next Saturday. As the title suggests, ganization. The slender young man with the typical Jewish attractive face is 3enny Leonard, the ex-world champion. We interviewed him in the private office - of his newly established business—a Physical Culture Institute in New York. To the representative of this column belongs the credit of having received the first official announcement of what our Benn intends" to do—now that he has left the prize ring for good. Talking cordially, in a calm, nonchalant manner, Leonard said: "For years it.has been my ambition to serve the public by passing on to them the methods I found most valuable in promoting my own physical development, in converting myself from a weak, unhealthy boy to a •world's champion fighter. I retired front the ring two months ago for reasons that 1 believe are compelling .and"logical. I believe now as I did Jthen,. that I am right. I never expect to fight as a professional' again. I feel .that the work I am now going to devote myself to, is bigger than defending the World's^ championship. I hjive always wanted my years of experience in training myself and the During my selling selling ability of any organtime I spent in instructing - our solperience, I have piled up ization. I never wait in diers during the World War, to be service in teaching the men and . Cantor Bezalel Sirota will conduct drosh Hagodol Synagogue, Nineteenth orders for merchandise run- the outer office—I get to women of America correct methods of the Sabbath services Friday evening, and Burt streets. ning into millions of dol- my prospect quickly and keeping their minds and bodies' sound March 20^ and also the Saturday Cantor Sirota was Obercantor in lars. Daily I establish personally. ,and healthy. "lam now:going tohave morning services at: the Beth Hame- the city, of Mittowa and has created good-will and obtain new 'that .opportunity." a sensation since his arrival in the I am "Long Distance" customers for thousands of Leonard went on to explain: that United States, where he has appeared —a necessary member of' business houses. leading physical culture; authorities Roumania, Latvia, Germany, Switzerin a number of cities, conducting the the sales force in every sucand physicians &ad largely influenced land, Greece, Bulgaria,, Turkey, Egypt, y, gyp, I can cover a territory , t h Africa,, him in embarking upon this new ac- P l t, i S Afri M t ritual services, as well as in concert. Mesopotaeffectively in the shortest cessful organization—an tivity. He pointed out the vital need Palestine, South (The United States He is .now on.a tour of the; country. and Belgium. . possible time and at a min- aid to increased volume at of inculcating in the minds of the mia is not represented; we wilt ilt investiii Cantor Sirota will give 'a special i t t imum cost. "I multiply the lower sales costs. American people the need' of proper gate ite why.) why.) \ « - • upbuilding exercise, and declared that The aim of the Organization is the concert Sunday evening, March 22, a t Won't you give me an opportunity to increase your business? the poor general physical condition of physical development of the Jewish 7:30, at the Synagogue.' Call me I will quote you the rate to any town, at eny time. men and women, especially Jewish, race, carried on in conjunction with was strikingly shown by $he large the strengthening of the national con- POLISH JEWRY TO CONFER number of .persons rejected annually ciousness of the Jewish youth! The for insurance. He alsorsaid that he Makkabi has a past of 25 years of ':;•/'••;. ON PALESTINE AFFAIRS hoped it would be possible to have a enacious and successful work. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) An All-Jewish capable physical instructor jn every (Copyright, 1925, by S. A.>F. S.) conference" on'Palestirie affairs will be school, side by side with the teacher of the mind.' 'Leonard spoke with such enthusiasm that, in, spite of the limited space of our column,, we listened to the further elaboration of bis physical development system. "In-order to put.this ambition of mine into practical form, I have been ' for several years organizing my idea's and working out a course in physical culture based on my otm experience," Leonard continued. "At last I have perfected it. For some tune now a number of my friends have been training in.' their homes under my direction and the results have been very gratifying to me. "Unfortunately, this matter- of keeping in physical trim is a sadly neglected matter with most people. It is downright sinful the way the majority of people misuse, abuse and neglect their most valuable possession ---their bodies. In America, most of BS seem, perfectly contented to de• * velop a few outstanding champions— we lead the world in athletics—and to stand by, rooting on the sidelines, "while our own bodies are degenerating and opening themselves to all ••* sorts of physical ills. I'm not concerned in. developing more world -champions, but I am vitally interested in the health of the great masses, who »re -the real strength of our country. ^ "Leading physical culture authorijfcieS have told me that my ideas ate found-and effective and have' encouraged me to .take up this work in a big "way. This I propose to do with the aid of all modern promotion methods to reach the greatest numbers. I am hopeful that I will be able to contribute something toward the upbuilding of our national vitality and* health through my courses. I am • throwing myself into -the work heart and soul, and its. success means more to me* tfian anything I have ever unWe Have Acquired the Assets of. M. E. Smith & Co., Omaha, in Bankruptcy Court. With Current dertaken before." Leonard, with,his boxing days be Additions of Newly Arrived Spring Goods, This Offering Will Represent a Purchase of hind him, has lots of interesting stories to tell—but this was office time, and the people and Western. -Union boys did not stop performing; 'BO we arranged to meet another time, ;when in a calm, uninterrupted chat, the great Benny would reveal many interesting episodes of his eventful This "StoQk I s Replete With Newly Arrived Spring Goods , life as the greatest Jew champion America, ever had. . In a few days I will attend a great' testimonial dinner tendered to Benny Leonard' at the Astor Hotel, which •will, be attended by Governor Alfred 33. Smith, Mayor John P. Hylah, Na$165,000 Notions and ToysT $250,000 Beau Brummel Shirts, Ideal Overalls, Factory Piece Goods than- Straus,- Theodore -Roosevelt, Adxnirar Charlesf P. Plunkett, and many $150,000 Silks and Dress Goods ' ; $250,000 Cotton Piece Goods and Blankets other -friends of the ex-champion. $300,000 Mina Taylor Dresses, Ready to Wear and Factory Piece Goods ' Doesn't the list of speakers remind you of last year's reception at the $185,000 Hosiery and UUnderwear. -^Waldorf for President Coolidge?
I Have Broken Many Sales Records —May I Serve You?
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We Print
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Malashock Jewelry Co. Diamond Importers Platinsmiths
New Location: 214-15-16 City National Bank Building , Jackson 5619
Omah*. Nebraska.
Distributor* ot
Western Bond—and High Grade Stationery
& GREAT JEWISH CHAMPION DEAD As we -write our column, we are informed that "Meyer Prinsteih, for; xner world's champion record holder in the 1900-1904-1908 for the United Stated died March! 19 at Mount Sinai JHospital, New York. He was forty v years old. * " More .than this short item can .be 'written about this great athlete,,Jand •vie reserve, a good part of our next column for this purpose.. ' •
eiina,•-Austria.- It,counts a i t , thousand .members, 80 „ hom' ai* .active athletes.; L o t i p s in Austria,
/ An lamination Will Be Permitted * All Offerings Subject to Previous Sale but No Good Sold at Sale Prices Before 9A. M. TERRS NET No Future Orders at Sale Prices IS DAYS No Returns * Monday, March 23 S a l e t a k e s p l a c e a t p r e s e n t l o c a t i o n o f H. E. Smith & Co. 9 t h a n d F a r n a m
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