April 2, 1925

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x 1 mrer make mistake of arguing "witli p e o p l e for whose opinion I fa^re no respect.—Gibbon.

pride of those T who sure not sure of their positions —rBerfon B r a l e y . ^ } .''• . ' ^ i , '

V O L . IVs—NO. 1 7 ' 2 & ]Ent «wl V eeeontelam maU matter on January 27th, 1021. at , ~ ppoBtofflee at Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act .of March 3. 1870.





Work W01 Begin Immediately;For Erection of Jewish Community Center Building; "Will Be Built in 1025"

All plans have, been completed for the Y Spring Time Party, to foe held Saturday evening, April 4, at the Jewish Community Center. . ; Novel entertainment is being. arranged by the "Boosters' Club," who is sponsoring the party.

General Contract Has Been Let to Alexander Beck And Calls for Immediate Work on Building. BOARD QF DIRECTORS AND TRUSTEES TO HOLD MEETING SUNDAY MORNING. • •. ' ' The contracts for the erection of the Jewish Community Center have been let and work will begin immediately. The Jewish Community Center building in Omaha will soon be an actual reality for during the past week, the Board of Trustees upon report of the Building and Site'Committee have entered into the contract for the. erection of the building. From the early start of the campaign the members of the Building and Site Committee have been working constantly on the plans of the building and have now made their selection. ; The general contract has been'let to Alexander Beck for the sum of $199,000. This does not include plumbing, heating and wiring and calls for the completion and dedication of the building within nine months. . ,.•"••.,

Frank W. Judson Speaker At B'nai Frith Makes


for Omaha Goods.


More than five hundred members of the B'nai B'rith and their friends attended the regular open meeting held last Thursday. A very interesting program- ->s given to the audience with Mr. Frank Judson, president of the Greater Omaha Committee, as the principal speaker. Abner Kaiman was chairman in charge of this meeting. • "Omaha citizens must patronize Omaha merchants and must buy Omaha made goods, in order to make Omaha a better and more prosperous place in which, to live," said Frank W. Judson,. Mr. Judson cited many .instances where Omaha merchants and wholesale dealers have lost,money simply because Omiha people think that they cannot secure a good irand t>f foodstuffs in their home town. "Omaha made products should by all means Jiold the limelight of the Omaha shoppers, both women and men," he^siald/ **By your- helping 0i£a&-mercbantsand buying Omaha manufactured articles, out of .town people will be attracted to -the city, and in this way. natural local -butfiness will be stimulated. ;The people should co-operate with the Greater Omaha committee, in order to carry but the work successfully. Omaha, besides being a good home industrial center, should in every. sense of the word be a respectable place in which' to live." Prior to Mr. Judson's address, Pro.fessor M. Monheit gave a brief speech on- "The. Jew's Patriotism." The.Y. M. H. A. quartet sang several numbers, and Miss Bertha Greenhous, accompanied by Louis Armstrong on the piano, gave several vocal selections.

BACK TO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS URGED New York, (J. T. A.)—Representa- jj Miss McCormick fiolds the opinion tives of the -: Cathflic, Episcopalian,' tha * ^ or<ter to be a true citizen one Congregatidnalist, |* Methodist and must start laying the foundation of citizenship ^wfceri a child is of tender Jewish faiths were present at a meetyears. Those interested, including the ing in the office of Dr. William J. Superintendent of Schools, believe O'Shea, New/York Superintendent of that there can be nothing objectionSchools, where a movement to have able • to any creed in the reading of the Ten Commandments read in the the Law of Moses." public schools was approved by them. Section Sixty-six, Subdivision ThirA request to chan&'"the by-laws to ty-three of the by-laws reads: "The allow this to be dcifer probably will regular assemblies of all schools shall be presented, at the next meeting of be opened by reading to the pupils a the Board of Education. portion of the' Bible, without comThe movement was started by Miss ment." J o this the proposed resoluHelen P. McCormick, president of the tion would add: "And at least one of such readings each week shall consist Brooklyn Catholic Big Sisters. "I have been asked to issue- an of the reading of the Ten CommandJ order which would make the reading ments, without comment." The resolution contains this stateof the Ten- Commandments in the schools obligatory", said Dr. O'Shea. ment: "The child deprived of a "I would not give such an order no preliminary training and knowledge matter w h a t ! thought personally, of the Ten Commandments is deprived because such an. order,is a legislative of the social and civic foundation matter to be taken up by the Board necessary to permit the child developof Education. It is a question ing -a requisite and proper social, whether the by Jaw* which allows the moral, and civic viewpoint to insure reading to the pupils of a portion of to such child -proper social adjustthe Bible at the opening of the school ment in its latter community conday, without ecmsient, does not cover tacts and life, as a -citizen of the the reading of. t&e Ten Command- City of New York."- The signets are ments, withoufr^cofflsment, for the Com- Miss McCorniick, Frederick Boyd, mandments are.a-part of the Bible. Stevenson, President of the Protestant Personally, I do not think any change Laymen's Association, and Alexander in the by-laws is: necessary for the H." Geismar, President of the Jewish Federation of Charities. proposed reading.""

"The contract was Jet to Alexander Beck after full consideration of the bids of a* number of contractors, and the board is pleased to announce that its contract -with Beck is a most favorable one-for the Community CenWinter Rules of Golf to Be Used ter," said Henry Monsky, vice presTemporarily." ident of the'Jewish Community Carter, "It • provides. a, contract price .Highland Country- Clubf-goi! considered a minimum cost figure for this building. We have therefore the i course is now ready .for play, this is Lillian Miller, 16. year old Central double advantage of low cost and the announcemnt sent to members of High student, carried off high honors competent servic£, because Mr. Beck the club during the past -week. Memin the second district commercial is one of the very reliable contractors, bers have been requesting permission contest held at Auburn, ,Nebr.j March in the city. The contract with Alex to play, and because of the demands, 27. -' The schools represented were Beck calls for the completion and the committe'e has made plans" for dedication of the building and ready immediate use of the course with for occupancy, by January 1, 1926. temporary, greens. The permanent THIS MEANS-THAT THE JEWISH greens, will not' be used until the COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING summer. AIL nine holes will be played and WILL-BE BUILT IN 1925." winter rules of golf will be used durWork on the building will begin iming, the next month. The club is now mediately, and during the next week -planning on a number of matches for the people of Omaha will witness the its members. building of the _foundation of -the structure for which the men and -- The games will be supervised by women of Omaha have labored to help Charles Heaney, new golf pro at the make the long cherished dream a-te- club. Heaney was formerly the golf pro at Marshalltown, Iowa, and at i ality. • • , Chicago, and has taken part 'in sev- OMAHANS SEND CONTRI"It is the duty of every man and BUTIONS TO PALES•woman in the community to work erat^ national golf tournaments. He TINE INSTITUTIONS , now for the completion of the cam- is now in active charge of the club, paign for the payment of the 40 per building the greens and getting the LILLIAN" MILLER. Through contributions and money cent payment on the original pledges," fairways in readiness for the coming raised from a recent raffle, ?19i has Central High School of-Omaha, and - said Harry H. Lapidus; president. The season. The members o£ the green's combeen sent to several Palestine insti- those of Nebraska City, Syracuse, building is now assured for the city mittee are: EL S. Heavenrich, chairtutions by Mr. and Mrs. J. Katleman, Falls City, Auburn und Plattsmouth. of Omaha, and it is now the duty of man; Henry Rosenthal, Jerome Heyn, who conducted this raffle and ^ol-t Miss Miller took first place in cham• every Jewish person in Omaha to ™ ™ i « « y «»enuiai, -«onii pion typewriting, first place in spellBen Y o u s e n a n d S a m J LeoIU lected the contributions. make this work easier by sending i n j ing, with a grade of 100, and second The sum of $131 was realized from their check's for payment of their place in chamfcion shorthand. DELEGATION OF JEWISH v the raffle that was recently held by pledges. Miss Miller is a senior at Central WORLD RELIEF CONFERENCE Mrs. J. Eatleman at the Deborah SoOn next Sunday morning, the memARRIVES IN NEW YORK ciety meeting, and ?71 was; collected High, school of Omaha, and is gradbers of the board of directors and New York, (J. T. A.)—Dr. Oscar by donations. Of this amount, the uating this coming June. She was " trustees of /th& Jewish Community Cohen, former member of the German Chaare Zadik Hospital of Palestine the only Central High student who Center will meet in the Arthur buildReichstag, prominent lawyer and received,$50, and $10 was sent to the entered the three tests and who won ing. This meeting is of utmost imleader in German political life, Dr. Free Kitchen for Matzos for Passover, honors in all three. portance and every board member is Eisenstadt, ChiefRabbi of Leningrad, and the $10 remaining in trugtby Mr. Other Jewish students who repreurged to attend. sented Central in this contest and who left-Soviet Russia five months | Katleman will Jie sent later, and Dr. Lee Metzkin, Executive I Jtr. and Mrs. Katleman recently re- who won honors are Gertrude WinT. E. D. CLUB TO INSTALL ago, Secretary of the Jewish Delegations *••-—-•' -* — extended - - * • - - ' - - • > - * trip *---'1-to Pal•*- troub, who won third place ^in novice turned from an CHAPTER AT L1NGOLN in Paris, comprising the delegation, of estine, where they visited each insti- shorthand; Sam Fregger and MayAt a recent meeting of the T.E. D. the Jewish,-World Re.lief Conference tution, and since their return home nard Donpyitz, second and third, reto the United States, arrived in New they have, been active in: raising spectively, in typewriting, Morris Club, a local' high school sorority, ,_-- T _ T to send- to the various institu- Brick won third place in novice type, ri Wed esda held at the home of Miss Ruth PoI-SI° f y at the Commodore money I They are stopping tions in Palestine. . ,and Hershel SosMn won fifth place lack, plans were made to install a i Hotel. in spelling* "We wish to thank the contributors T. E. "D. chapter at Lincoln, Nebr. The members of the local will go to T h e delegation will confer with and can assure them, that the money LORD SHEFFIELD DEES. Lincoln soon to initiate .ihe members leaders ^>f American Jewry and will has been sent to worthy charitable London. (J. T. A.) Lord Sheffield, institutions," said Mr. Katleman; , and install the new officers of the' endeavor to enlist their the father-inrlaw of the late Edvein in the work carried on by the Conclub there. The local organization Samuel Montague, Secretary of State ference. The delegation intends at WITNESS AGAINST ANTIwas organized a year ago. for India, died March 18 at the age public meetings, to tell the situation SEMITIC BOMB PLOTTERS ' Miss Ida Azorin recently entertainof 86. of the Jews in the various European * SOMMITS SUICIDE ed the'local T. E. D. Club at her countries. " * '• The Sheffield family gained a rephome in honor of the Misses Ethel Budapest. _(J. T, A.) Frank Kiss, utation for adherence to divers re, Riekes and Florence Philips, who STEIGER TRIAL- WILL, . the main -witness in the trial of the ligions. The late Lord Sheffield was were initiated into the club. - OPEN IN LEMBERG. anti-Semitic conspirator, Marffy, and an Anglican, his brother, who. vras his DURING-MARCH his associates, who were sentenced to predecessor to the title, was a MoJEWISH CORPES DELIVERED Lemberg. <J. T. A.) The minister death several months ago, committed hammedan, another brother is the RoTO ROMANIAN UNTVERSTHES Bucharest, - ( Jewish Telegraphic of jjustice has informed Dr. Leon suisicdo here. Marffy and his asso- man Catholic Bishop of Emmaus. The Agency). The Medical College* of tfte Heidi, president of the club of. Jewish ciates were found guilty of throwing daughter of the late , Lord, before University_ of Burcharest is to be o- deputies in Poland, that the" reports bombs into a hotel where a Jewish marrying Edwin Montague, embraced Judaism. pened when the Jewish community of circulated in the Polish press that ihe ball was being given, in 1923. Kiss i-'A • letter in which he stated Lord Sheffield, during the war, was this city wQl submit Jewish scorbse Steiger trial will- be. transferred .'.to for dissction, according to an order of -Warsaw-are'-Tiot in accordance with that he Is seeking refuge in death one of the leading opponents to the the if acts. r . ' ~ from the per_ecut:~ris of Marffy's conscriptii"' of Russian Jews resident the University authorities. The trial Tvilt take place in Lem- friends who tried to avenge him. An- in. England. He was later a strong The Jewish community in Jassy has already delivered Jewish corpses to bergT -proba"bly- the next sessions^ other witness in the trial, Johann Las- opponent of the Zionist policy of the ; '~ ' the University. -_—^-r-r— open in _ilarc> ^ nyak, drowned himself in the Donau. British Government.

Highland Country Club .Coarse Now Ready for Play


Jewish Student Wins Sigh

Jewish Womens' Welfare to < Have Speaker at April Meeting At the April meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare Organization, to be heW-Tuesday afternoon, April 7, at the Jewish Community Center, Mr. E. D. Gepson, principal of Kellom School, will address the members on "Boys' Problems." Mr. Gepson has a thorough knowledge on this subject, as he was former head of the Juvenile School for Boys.

Public Meeting: at Auditorium April 12th ALL -ORGANIZATIONS IN CITY- TO TAKE PART

Omaha Jewry will celebrate th® es opening of the Hebrew University on :e 12 at the City Auditorium. To Hold Passover Serfices April Plans are -now being made to secure

several prominent speakers for this Passover to Begin Wednesday Even« celebration. The Hebrew University ing, April 8. wss formally "dedicated Wednesday, April 1, on Mount Scopus in Pales4 At all Synagogues and at the Temtine. The dedication was attended ple, there will be special services by the leading figures in the world, during Passover, beginning the evenincluding Lord Balfour, General Aling of April 8 and continuing to lenby, Chahn Weizmann, and many April 16. others. Temple Israel will have special All organisations in the city services Wednesday evening-, and on take part in the public celebration at Thursday morning. Rabbi Frederick the City Auditorium on April 12. "We Coin's sermon on Wednesday evenwill have a very interesting ing, April 8, will be T h e Feast of for this celebration," said Max FromFreedom," and on the following mornkin, chairman. . • ing his topic will be "From Year to "The opening of the Hebrew Uniyear.** versity is tlie first great, constructive All four synagogues, the B'nai Israel at Eighteenth and Chicago enterprise of the New Judea," sai<5 streets, the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Frorokin. "Formal opening of this Synagogue,; Nineteenth and Burt university will be attended by th^ streets, fne Adass Y«shuren at Twen- imagination and the courage to make ty-fifth and Seward streets, and the it possible. This, celebration will forc«> B'nai Jacob at Twenty-fourth and the world to recognize that someNicholas streets, will hold Passover thing new and extraordinary services on Wednesday evening, April happened, and will make the world ,_ morning and evening, realize that a project which most April 5r..^Jttd:..Eri&y,Tnonunff-..anA people dismissed, as _a dream or evening, April 10, of the first days of imposture is a real and conetBW ftct Officers of: the Y. M. and -Y.-WV and is developing in a fashion whicfe Passover. . . . H. A. were installed Monday evening, irmy make some older and mightier March ^30, at the Jewish Community. Eabbi J. M. Charlop will be 'at the stateE blush." B'nai Israel Synagogue Thursday Center. Mr. Fred White, chairman of the evening, installed the officers. morning. His sermon will be on "NeThe new officers are* I. F, Goodman, cessity of System and Order at the president; Pearl Sherman,- vice-presi- Exodus." Friday morning he will be "KBCW dent;. Agnes "Ross, secretary? Leona at the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue, and will speak on "The Redemption Novitzky, assistant' secretary; Iz Four Jewish students were awardRosenblatt," - treasurer; Myer Ffee- From Egypt." Saturday morning he man, reporter; and Max Giyot and will be at the Beth Hamedrosh Hago- ed prizes in the recent city wid*; Isaac Sternbill, sergeaat-al-arms. dol Synagogue and sermon on "Song "Know Omaha" Essay Contest by the Omaha .Chamber of Commerce. Dave Beber and Abe Kohn will serve Earl Kulakofsky, student at th* as executive members. Sam Wolf and School of* Individual Instruction, w*fc Zena Maizel will represent the club Poali-Ziosi Postpone the winner of his school; Hyman Elkat the • Jewish elWWfare Federation ; lin, Central High School student, Concert to April 26 this year. - • chosen winner of his school; The local Poali-Zion club have post- young Ben Magvamin, Cass School poned the concert and playlet that pupil, was awarded the first prirft PRESIDENT COOLIDGE MAY was to have been given April 12, to offered to pupils of the third, fourth ADDRESS CONVENTION OF Sunday evening, April 26, at the La- and fifth grades. Each of these winORTHODOX CONGREGATIONS bor Lyceum. "The Divorce," by Sho- -ners received a $10 prize. i Washington. (J. T. A.) President lem Alechim, will be the play to be Dorinson, Long School, won Coolidge may accept an invitation to presested. Mr. L. Epnitz, of Chi- ble mention in this contest. address the. next convention to be cag-o, III., is directing' the play. held in Baltimore in May fcy the IOWA. JEWISH 'STUDENT United Orthodox Jewish Congregar LEAVES FOE EL PASO, TEX. WINS IN DECLAMA-' tions of America, of which Rabbi HerMr. Jarvis P. Freiden is leaving • TORY CONTEST bert S. Goldstein of New York is the Friday for El Paso, Tex., where he head, according to a statement made will become manager of Block's Men's Estherville, la.-^-Maurlce KathaT:by the President to Congressman Na- Furnishing Store. Several farewell sen, eleven year old son of Mr, 6iulthan D. Pertman of New York, when parties were given for Mr. Freiden Mrs. H. E. Nathansen, who is a. astwhe called at the White ouse to extend last week. Mr. Lester Meyers enter- dent at.the Junior High School them the invitation. ', _ tained sixteen guests at a stag party •yeas a-vrgrded first prize in th« atimitfL It is understood ,that while here on at his home lasf Wednesday evening.- Declamatory Contest by com|>etfjiK a special trip from New York, Con- Megsrs. Marks Long and William with over one hundred other Bttseteftfcs, gressman Perlman also took up with Levey-entertained at a theatre party Young Maurice gave "The 'Rise fctwi Secretary Davis" the question of ad- last Tuesday, and on Saturday eve- Fall of Georgia Bassett," by B mitting the wives and children of ning, Mr. and Mrs. M. Freiden enter- Tarkington. Rabbis who came to the United tained at a surprise stag at their States before July, 1224. home honoring their son. Mr. Freiden QUOTA SYSTEM FOR SOUTH was formerly connected with Simon EUROPEANS WILL BE Brothers Co., in the Sales Depart- • INTRODUCED IN AUSTRALIA QUEBEC JEWS MAY APPEAL ment. ' . *. Melbourne. (J. T. A.) That thft TO PRIVY COUNCIL ON Australian Government will , SCHOOL QUESTION its decision of a quota system for itn-. Quebec, (J. T. A.}—Quebec Jews PRAYERS OFFERED IN will possibly appeal to the Privy I JERUSALEM FOR RAINFALL migration to tlie AustralSfin Council against the decision of the j Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Prayers was declared by the Federal Prim* Quebec Court of Appeals with regard were offered yesterday in the Byna- Minister Bruce, following a stream to the Jewish school problem in the • gogues, churcnes, and mosques t?f the of immigration from South Province. j Holy City over a matter which has countries. Two ships which arrived in MelThis appeal has been made possible.; held the attention of administrators bosrne recently brought one thousand by the fact that the Premier of the 1 of Palestine since ancient times. The absence of rain, which has immigrants from Southern Quebec government, Tachero, has Jerusalem's According to plans, the introduced into the legislature a bill seriously endangered which would "allow appeal to the water supply, has made it necessary will debf Southern Europeans except unless they are in possession Supreme Court of Canada and to the • to ration water even to the hospitals. Privy Council ef His Majesty on the \ The lack of water has also caused a ot forty loimds ^tefling. The quoi* opinion expressed by the Court of standstil 1 in the extensive building system for South European*, Hmitinc King's Bench on questions dealing' activity which is now going on in the number to J00 monthly, will bewith education in the city <5f Mon- • Jerusalem. Labor organizations are come effective on March SI. The Italian Government has undertreal." j considering transferring "workers to taken to guarantee that Italisn imThe appeal to the Privy Council has I other Palestinian towns. At a meetbeen intended by the" Jewish Com-1 ing of the Jerusalem Municipality, migrants will not become "a" pufciifi munity of Montreal since the l&st j with "* the participation of Governor charge in Austrslie. Koroe. (J. T. A.) The S. S. <(It*~ decision of ths" Court of Appeals,• Storrs and other official^;, it was which left the Jewish population in i decided to bring -water from Ea lis" arrived in Naples March '?, ear* £8 Albanian immigrant 4 the province of. Quebec practically Ferra, a well several infles from rejected at Australian ^ ^Jerusalem without school rights.


Jewisk Students WIE frizes ii Omsk" Kantest




^ -,.

birthday surprise party in honor, of Evnen for catch. Stine, Zelen, A1-. Eubinow, and Bill Krechefsky are out her daughter, Miss Rose Zager. bertson, Schneideii Gers^n% Sirinsky, for the outfield positions.-

THE JEWISH PRESS "', -" -. .'-^Published ftrery-Tthnrfiday at Oiiiaha. Nebraska, by

• ' T 5 B JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANYOffice: 790 Bramjeis' Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. -$2.50. Subscriptiori~l?rice, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OF-*»»BBS&—Please give both the old and new address; be 6nre and jjiva your name.

- ~ Tfie JemsK PfesTS supplied by the? Jewish Telegraphic Aeeney <Jewiab CorrftspohdeiicV.Buj'eau) .with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and-correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Inqumef '"regarding news items credited to this Agency win be gladly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New York City. . ,

JEWISH CALENDAR . 1923 —.-Thursday, April 9 -..Saturday, April 15 _Saturday, April 25 _.«Tuesday, May 12 Sunday, May 24 .Friday. May 29 -—Tuesday; June 23 —Thursday. July 9 Fast of Ta J77ednesday, July 22 Bosh .Chodesh Ab_ .—Thursday, Tuly BO Tast t A t —Friday, August 21 Bosh Chodesh ElluL AH Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day.

1st Day Pessach -—. 7th Day Pessach—— Rosh Chodesh Iyar_ Lag b'Omer.. Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Shabuoth

Five men were given the oath and taken into the Lincoln Chapter of tne A. Z. A. last week. Those initiated were Louis Marx, Max Zelen, Dave Wohlner, Eobert Albertson, .and Joe Schuchman. The A- Z. A. is growing in Oncoln, and applications for membership are coming in daily. JSahbi Eisenberg, who is expected to arrive in Lincoln for Passover to be the TOW Rabbi here, will help sponsor the club.

The A. Z. A. /baseball team held its first practice Sunday, March 29, a t thfc Municipal basebalkfield. Thir± ty candidates reported to Acting THE FEAST OF PASSOVER Coach Gordon for the first workout. An elaborate hom6 ceremony, known as the Seder,-will usher New men on the squad this year are in the" Jewish'Passover Wednesday evening - at sunset. The Mozer, Breslaw, L. Marx, Keller, Zelprize was won by Miss Sadie Asbyll, festival is one of a cycle of three which are designated in the way. It -was, he said, the well known :, Pf^yfTnyiTt, rniH Alhprtsrvnand-second by Miss Estelle-Lapidus. Bible as "Filgriin "Festivals," on which all males were in ancient phenomenon of mimiery.times duty bound tp'~make a pilgrimage to "the Holy City.- Ac- in tropical forests usually grow feath- Mr. Morris Friend returned from a Jake Marx and .Schulman played for cording to the Iftble, Passover is Jo be kept for seven days, but ers the colors of which are identical trip to Florida to be with his family the backstop position. Keller L. Marx orthodox Jews' in the lands of the diaspora observe it for eight with the leayes..and grass of the sur- over the holidays. Later in the spring and Zable are in line for the pitching job. Novicoff is the only man out days. The Jews-*of-Palestine, however, strictly follow the rounding landscape. Mr. Friend plans to make a trip to for first base. Mozer and Letween Dr. Clifton Levy, although not BS ordinance of.the Bible.. worked out at short. Breslan and In ancient times Passover had an .agricultural significance, famous as Einstein, feas apparently Europe. marking the very beginning of the harvest season.' Since post- set oat to give additional proof to Miss Sadie Sarbach left Saturday Zolat played for .second basemen, and exilic days, however, Passover has largely, lost its agricultural Einstein's definition of the mimicry. for a two weeks' visit in Nebraska meaning, and it has come to be primarily the great Festival of Since there j s .a powerfoJ Church of with her parents and friends. Freedom, commemorating that great event .in Israel's .history Christian Science, and f&nee there axe WANTED when it cast off the chains of Egyptian slavery and became a many persons xrf Jewisfrtragin seek- A .weiner roast was given Sunday A partner.for grocery business. free and independent people. 'Passover then may well he, spoken ing, in distress; relief ret w&at they in nonor of Miss Sara Krechefsky Must furnish references. Write The hostesses'were Misses Fannie of a& Israel's birthday. : . / , believe to be religion azrf acfeace* comHill jajid Mae Shapiro. Jewish Press, e/o Box 452. bined, why should: there so* M e a j • It is this story of. liberation which is- told in great xletail at the Seder service. A special feast is: served a t the Jiome in Miss Minnie Greenstone entertained Science, t $ a bridge party Sunday in honor of which all the members and friends of'the family_ praticipafe. there, is'-id Strangers, Jewish^tradition Rabbi Levy cMras, \Jtnd i a s found « Irtr cousin, Miss Sara v Krechefsky, ed, ^incee it Js J an ancient n g , tqo, are 'invited, want ptL this great night. The feast is uumbpr who i s 4eaviflgthe first of-the month that none shall is lid b h h d off .r rich in symboiismsj :all of which are explained by the head no for Florida, where she will make her sonJy the family from a special ritual prepared for that eve, known one h o m e . ••••• ~ • meat . " wMen" might * e ' *eic£d is his as the'"Haggadahu'' In this ritual the entire story of the ancient Mr. and Mrs. Chapelle of Kansas refercB<Se~ to JI&aaintHudes^ t&e clear liberationis explained "in an! interesting "manner. • - .. \ The Book of Exodusrlays stress upon the necessity of relat- thinker, pnilasbpfa&r land physician et City arfc visiting -at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. Gndwohl. ing the story ofithe Exodus to the children. This idea is: carer the twelfthh centory. The N-ew Coats are What Maimimjdss Attempted to do fully carried out in "the Haggadah which has been designed with Temple Sisterhood gave a dinarrivingdaily the #urpose of interesting the children in the Seder service. A t »as t o wcaneHe the Greejc pMojsophy ner party in Tionor of the Jewish stuthe beginning of the ceremony the ^youngest son • asks, four: tradi- dominant in his tide ^and dents attending the university. It WE WANT YOU tional questions relative to the mode of observance of the festival. science advanced' by t h r : was tield'at the Temple vestry and 67 TO COME IN AND Arabs in Arabic Spain,' yritb theBi, The rest of/the Haggadah is practically an answer to th^se four' .--, T-o tor students were present. SEE THEM. questions. This is done in :a: quaint and charming iiianner,""^ 1 c jScfence: caji «a*y ritual being filled with anecdotes and fancifvu tales...' V. .•'•-. a I. Harry Diamond left Friday Some fur trimmed—others plain atteinpt 'C,operT for a twd weeks* trip to Pennsylvania. The Jew has always bera very, scrupulous about the!observFeatured at h way for ance of Passover, since this festival to hint nieus p%v«ii the League t] has ' jjrougfeLthome g The Sisterhood Reciprocity day with of Nations i4«a? the unique purpose of his distinctive' elrfsi^ce. "When $ dmaha will be April 22. sought the liberation of the-Israelites, he, speaking in the name of God^.proclaimed to Pharaoh: "Let My people go that they may . London. (J. ;T. A.) ,Captain Many social affairs are being given serve Me!"' Israel was to cease being aservant of men in order bntg was elected, chajripan of the id^impotai Miss^Sara Krechef sky bethat he; might become thisservantof God.. Liberty, y d h ^ London .County ; Council. , Captain fore Iher departure to a to Judaism, implies responsibility. The Jew in Egypt Was unable •Warburg has been a member of t i e Sara Greenstone, assisted by to devote, his life to the service of Gp^, but this caimot be said Council since 1919. . . Mrs. Harry Garson, collected S60 for of the Jew of todaywhois free to discharge his "mission in the the Hadassah milk fund. world. LINCOLN

HY dorft you make your diamonds look worth-while by jneuntiag them in a beautifully artistically designed mounting? The cost is so little. : We will covsx your red-gold wedding ring with platinum or white gold. We will also set more diamonds in your wSdding ring and when you wiH sifr Pesach to the Seder you will feel happy. Any suggestion that you want we will be more than glad to furnish you.


SQUARE DEAL JEWELEK 1508 Douglas World Theater Bldg.

Read—What J. L.Orkin About His Packard. f .


Moreover, Passoyer also brought hope and cheer to the heart The montiily Sisterhood meeting of the Jew throughout the ages. It taught him that just -as God A surprise party was given in honor took place "Monday with a luncheon free the enslaved Israelites from Egypt, He will bring freedom of /liss_ JjSara Krechef sky Sunday at the Temple vestry. and salvation to the Jews of all benighted lands, and to voppressed evening~afc-iter--teomeJ-' The -evening nations everywhere. " . was spent in .playing bridge. First Mrs. Sol Zager entertained at a The leaders of Jewry are very anxious that the message of Passover, which is so strikingly brought home through the Seder ceremony, should reach the Jew of today. Since there are Jews who do not always find it possible to have a Seder service at their homes,. the tendency in -modern Jewish communities is to arrange : public Seders in which several hundred people often participate. Just like on all other festive occasions, special Passover services are held at all Synagogues. Passover, however, is primarily a' home festival. Jewish1 homes are especially- renovated for this occasion, and unleavened bread is used during the entire week. This "bread of affliction," which is made of only- flour and water, is reminiscent of the time.when the Israelites, being driven out from, Egypt, had no time to bake bread and they had to be satisfied with this improvised form of food. FIRST FOR VAST


According to this report, the ber of Jewish farmers in the United States ha3 increased in the last twenty-five years from several hundred to 75,000. The amount of- land cultivated by Jewish farmers in the United The Jewish Back to Land Move- States is no less than one million - ment—Diplomatic Geneva vs. acres. The products produced by JewRural Petaluma—50,000 Jewish ish farmers in all parts of the Union Christian Scientists—Why Not include all btancfies of agriculture: • a - Jewish Science?—An Imposi- wheat,' corn, oranges, tobacco and poultry. , tion Upon Maimonides. * • c : \ 'i - -. Petaluma, the-"World's Egg Bas: ket," the pride of California farmers, ' By WtLlIlAM Z. contains a considerable number of It was during the last session of Jews. One witty observer, tipon r e : the Permancent Mandates Commis- turning Irom California, stated that sion >which examined the execution of if the autfjor of thg "Song of Songs'! the Palestine Mandate, that one of (whether it was King Solomon or not) the distinguished members rose lo ask had he seen the poultry industry on of Sir Herbert Samuel, High Commis- the sun-kissed .hills of Petsluma, sioner of Palestine, an explanation of jvould easily have • compared his bea subject \vhich he thought was most loved bride not to the "sheep flocking important and needed enlightening; down the Gilead," but to the poultiy During the discussion "mention was feeding on the Jewish farms. made several times of the Jewish Perhaps the distinguished member "Back to- Land Movement." There is of the Permanent Mandates Commisan obvious r-: -.statement in this ex- sion in Geneva. jvould have been pression, iha d'stir.-uished - member spared the anxiety over the correctclaims. So far rj5 is kcicwn, the Jews ness of ihe Jewish "Back to Land /are not ver;; •for I c" engaging: in Movement." farming and tl-ci-e.' -.c Jhcre cannot be Another twenty-five years' activi• back to land ineyement. • • ties of the Jewish Agricultural SoSir Herbert Earnuel/vho pas tlior- ciety in America may be helpful in cross-examjnci! ky.- iitcfPein- removing many other anxieties in dif*. a.% misslpn on all phases of Palsrtjne "de- fereni directions.^velppment, and on more Ifeaiion^ Fifty thousand Jews in the United casion^during t the;.,meeting^.scrv'eT- ris States are adherents of what is com*. - an/expert"on-Jewish.^life, furnikucd monly known ^ as Christian Science ^ dj^ exgh^aUojitrf tW Commisfffen; That people who- are. in mental..and > -ThpJewish Jewishpeople peop isis A x e m i ^ c j>hysxcal distress should be iviJItas: to ""*.' people- and -itsi" memories date Jaack accept a <Joctrine wljlcli pffcrs 'relief, -V' " man|f 'Centuries-io"yrhen agijcultiire is and should not be s-arprisirgi -3 he •„ was wastheioain, the'inain,basis, basis,of ofJewjeh. JewjehTexlst-r history of religion.p';«--p that,a]l re.ligipus sects had their .beginning ip and , ence |r ~ " joiffjering -relief, and" healings. statedt Dr. Albert JSnstftin, the author c ' > - W b a t ^ $£y'*P*afP*Q report. . " Jewish Agricultural Society of Amer-, the relativity tbeoryj'«npe -waa-flskcti" rr~,! * jcar«overijiB,its twenty-five yegrs:of to summari«e( in a scientific man x i the reiativiiy'pf Je.wjsh'life -~ »^-,-«e»."nad not yet, at ^ e . time m </ -^diviH^ »ad yet,S^e-. ume ^ " i ^ Hbe CpmrnissJonMneeting, been. pub- Hfe of other-nations. He putit in\ y^ descript(te =and a



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Ridjardson Motor Car Co. Telephone: Atlantic 3250-3251.

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Schools Close For / Annual Spring Vacation The week of the spring school vacation does.not bring home many of our Omaha students who are attending schools in the east. But two of our eastern college students are home this week. Miss Ethel Gladstone is home from Vassar. She is" returning east Monday. Miss, Bernice Ferer is home from Ferry Hall ENGAGE3MENTS f or .the yr&ek. . LEBBY-LEVEY. Mr. and Mrs. Don Friedman, of . Vacation at the University of MichEighty immediate relatives and. <Joundl Bluffs, announce the engage- igan will begin the latter jjart of :next friends -witnessed the ceremony of ment of their daughter, Shirley Fried- week. Miss Reva Kulakofsky will go Miss Sadie Levey, daughter of Mr. man Berlint, to Mr. Morris EWoTi!* to Galesburg, HI., for one day; and and'Mrs. Harris Levey, to Dr. Har-nejr, son of E. Wohlner, of this city; then jcome to Omaha to be ydth her old Libby, of Proyidence, R. L, on No wedding date has been set. parents. Messrs. Myron Blotcky and Tuesday evening1, March -31, at the Mr. and Mrs. J . Iaeb announce the Lester Sloshurg, also students'at Ann Blackstone BoteL Rabbi J. M. Char- engagement of .their daughter, An- Arbor, will be home for the week.. Ibp and Rabbi H. Grodinsky officiat- nette, to Mi. Sam J.-Gohn, son of Miss Rosaline Goldstein, who is at ed. Following the ceremony, a wed- Mr. and Mrs.,Joe Cphii, of Des Moines, Benjamin Dean 'College, win' go' to ding dinner "was served in the oriental la. No date has as:yet been set for Cincinnati,* O., to spend the .week at room. Mrs. Henry Monsky played the the wedding. the home-'of her room mate, Miss Sa•wedding march. , die Shapiro. Miss Ann Rosenblatt', ~ The bride's attendants -were her sisMr. and Mrs. Nathan Simon an- who is attending "Wheatoh College, ter, Mrs. Michael Katleman, matron- nounce "the birth of : a baby girl on spent her/vacation, last week with her of-honor, and Miss Rosamond Fleish- Monday at the Lord Lister Hospital. brother,.Mr. Sol Rosenblatt, at New er, of Boston, Mass., bridesmaid. The York. Miss Mildren Cohn, student at Mr. and Mrs., Hyman Berlint an- the Chicago University, spent her vagroom's bestman was Mr..; Maurice Uobinson, of Providence, and Dr. FM1- nounce -the birth of a baby boy. cation with friends there, and Miss jp Levey were groomsmen. Little Pauline HerzbeTg,: who is attending Miss Ethel: Miller, of Des Moines, Tyring Isobel Rita Katleman and JanMtrDe Chantel College at Wheeling, la., visited in Omaha Sunday and ice Fleisher were the little flower W. -Va^ is with friends there. Mr. Monday with friends. and Mrs. Herzberg are not at WheelOr, libby and MB bride left Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Grand, of Des ing visiting with their daughter. Mr. ' "Wednesday to' spend their honeyinoon Moines,- la., who rjsrere married Tues- Max Gutfcman. Ann Arbor student, : in the east. They will -make their day, are stopping at the Fontenelle will be with a fraternity brother at at; Providence, R."I, Hotel this week. Mrs. Grand was for* Cleveland, 0 . • ".: . ."',"•; ' V : merly Miss's Celia Lazarus, of p e s : Nebraska University students are LAZA3RUS-FENBERG. ; Moines, who visited in Omaha a num- all coining home for -this annual vaBefore the presence of only the imber of times. "•.'.'•'• ' ; cation week. Those who win be here ediate family, the marriage of Miss next week are the Misses Estelle LapFeiAerir, daughter of Mrs. A special Saturday morning sermon idus, Kate Goldstein, Fanny Levinson, harles\ Fenberg, of Des Moines,' la., will be given by Rabbi J. M. Chariop Sara Somberg, Gertrude Romm,- and married Sunday evening, March at the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue on" Messrs. Edward Rosenthal, David 29, to Mr. Joseph H. Lazarus, son of ''The Significance of the Opening of Sher, Ben Ravitz, Louis Somberg, r. and Mrs; H. Lazarus, of this city. the Hebrew University at Jerusar Lester Simon, Bennett Cbhn, PhD tie ceremony WES solemnized at the lem." His semi-annual lecture on "In Gerelick, Bernard Theodore, Harry ome of the groom's parents in Oma- Halakah and Agadah" will be given Cohn, and Joe Stem. with Rabbi 3. M. Charlop officiat- at the B'nai Jacob Synagogue Saturday afternoon, April 4, .at 3:30. Jewish Women's Welfare to Miss Rose Lazarus, sister of the The Sium for first born will be Give Annual Card Party oom, was the bride's maid-of-honor, held a t the B'nai Israel Synagogue April 21st at Blackstone ad Mr,. Harry Adelson served,as the Wednesday inoraing. Rabbi Charlop's Dom's bestman. ' ' r .~ sermon will be "Laws and Ritual o% •; The Jewish Women's "Welfare Fed: Among the out-of-town guests pres- Pesach." Chametzwillbe sold at the etation have made Jtlans to hold its at were Mrs. Charles Fenberg, and B'nai Israel Synagogue. annual, card party on Tuesday afterSi Xouis and Abe Fenberg, all noon, April 21, at the Blackstone A luncheon "will precede the regular -iDes Moines; and Joseph Fenberg, Hotel. monthly meeting of the Sisterhood to and Julius Russell and f. Gary,

evening at the home of Mr, arid Mrs. Plainsview, Nebr., spent a few days A. Gilinsky, in honor of Mr. A. Allen, here this week with Mrs. Perimeter's who with Mrs. Allen left that night parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Nogg. fof California to .make their future


fe ces Ancneiy also

of Des Monies* fMr. and Mrs. Joseph Lazarus are ig their homr at the Torraine partments i n Des Moines., In honor I the young couple, Mrs. Fenberg is 'Sunday aftemojonrr-April, 5 the Savoy Hotel in" Des Moines. ans who will attend the recepion •will be Mr. and Mrs. H. Lazarus daughter, Rose.

last two days. He came specially from New Orleans,/ia., fe$r invitaiwfti v& the congregation for this occasion. The song prayers will be of v.Gtj Injhome. .-.•'-.. pxessree Hebrew Orthodox sacrei. muMr. Allen was presented with a Noted Gtat©r to Ciant Heiidtf sic. leather bag. Services at Beth lamdrosii Cantor Eosenbloors has appeaa^ed Omaha on several occasions as well Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Meyer iave The Rev. A. A. Rosenbloom, noted in as in other large cities of the "United recently moved into the Washington cantor, will chant the Passover Hol- States. . '. Court annex, apartment No. 8. Mrs. Meyer, before her marriage in FebAGUDAH IN POLAND ruary, was Miss Eva Bernstein, of REFUSi^S PARTICIPATION IN Oskaloosa, la. • PALESTINE CONFERENCE

Three Jewish students are included in the Council Bluffs band "who will represent Iowa at the annual band contest which is being held Friday evening at Kansas City, Mo. They are Miss Helen Whitebook, daughter iday sang services a t ±fae Beth Hameof Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitebook; Hei- drosh Hagtsdol. Synag-ogne. He will mie Brown, son of Mr- and Mrs. J. J. conduct the services -during: the first Brown, both students of T. J. High two days of the holiday and also the School, and Milton Marcns, son of Mr. and Mrs^Louis Marcus, a student MR. SOMIT of the A. L. High School.

The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah Sunday School will present a Passover -program to the community on Sunday afternoon, April 12.^ Two pTaysTrill foe •givenj one,""The; Passion Guests will be presented in English, and the other, called "The Silver Cup," will be ^iven entirely in Yiddish. ,

Charming Frocks For the Holidays


Mr. Julius Newman left Saturday evening for Chicago, I1L, to be gone •a -week.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg are at Wheeling, W. Va., where they are visiting with their daughter, Pauline, who is attending school there. Mr. Herzberg is expected to return home the early part of next week, and Mrs. Herzberg will remain with her daughter for several weeks.

CLUB NEWS. The Jewish Jnniors held its first meeting Tuesday, March Si, at the •home of Miss Tiby Abramson. Officers elected «were Tiby Abramson, president; Gertrude Guss, vice prWident; Ethel Green, treasurer; and Mildred Falk, reporter.

Mrs. Henry .Newman is- entertaining at a series of luncheons at her home. She was hostess at the second of her series on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Edith Covich returned Wednesday" morning from Des Moines,- la., where she was visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Covich. While in Des Moines she attended the marriage of Miss Celia Lazarus to Mr, Hyman Grund, which took place this week. 'The Renascence of Judaism" will be Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon topic ibis .Friday(Se?ening\st' th;e -3?em-, .pie, arid on Saturday morning he-will , sermon on ,"As the Lord Commands.1'


( $ieoo





Candelabras For f assover Guaranteed Silver Plated Candelabras at greatly reduced .prices lor the * Holidays. -Five Holder Candelabra as low as $10.00.


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Elgins — Walthams, green and white gold cases, latest models, absolutely • guaranteed". Val." £6 §25. Sale-..

For Rent 6 room flat, 1548 No. 20th St., all modern bat heat. Newly decorated and varnished. £25 per month. Also 5 rooms, all modern, 2055 No. 19th St. Newly decorated. ?20 per month.

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2429 TJecator St. "Webster S327.

Atlantic 8097. Res: Harney 6998.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perimeter of

RABBI H. GRODZINSKY •-.''-'--'••-•



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A ¥isit to ART Beparrmeit •will conduce you that we carry the best line of Mirrors, Lamps, Pictures, and Handpainted Glassware at reasonable prices.


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Only a Few More Days This Special Offer!

CORRECT EASTER COATS '-• and Ensembles

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The Nets Flare— "^ The Neve Tic *Vonf— The Fur Bordered-— T1i£ Plain Tailored and' Oilier NCZVGSI Styles THIKD FLOO&.,

Thor Electric -

Washing Machines ill

Saturday Only—• A Special Offering of 250 Girls' New Spring



Ages 3 to 14

Balance in 24 Monthly Payments

Values to $16.50 Featuring every new style note that is favored by the younger miss of 3 to 14; ail the new spring colors and materials.

You pay for the washer while you enjoy it. Just ifl^lce the down payment of only $5.00 ; '.'.' and we will deliver a Thor to your home •, t o m o r r o w . ,..-••


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Save Your Health!


Copper Henna

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. Wood Brown

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Stop washing clothes oyer the steaming washtub aDii serubboard. Ii Will wreck your health A Thor washer will relieve you of this hard work and save your healfiU

In the bright colors that are se pleasing to the young miss to match ,.—^—„.„..._

A piece ©f prlHting well and tfeorowghly <ioiie brings a satisfaction that « nothing can steal away. A job care- ' & iessly handled is sure tolc&ve beMsnd it a feeling of unrest fend discontent.

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• 43d and Leavenworth




''Electric Shops

HOLIDAY SPECIALS % K. JBIue White Diamond Rings in 18 K." Mtgs. Regular $75.00.

to the JTewlsTi TVomen o* Omaha tbat they »-°TI secure Kosher X^Pesach Soap; they can also Tlaee their orders for soap at their respective botcher shops. Since I have met \ritt an accident und am very siefc. i t iB impossible far me to make delireries. I tterefoTe ask yon to pleaBe yiace yonx orders ih yoor -butcher. •EeEpect£nIly yours,

MR and Mrs. E. Marcus entertained Friday evening at bridge at their home in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus, who recently returned from Hot Springs, Ark.

• Mr. and Mrs. Saul Levy just re- Miss Miriam Ruback presented thir-"turtied from a two •wiseks' trip. East. ty of her Junior and intermediate They spent; a "Week with. theiE,^son7 piano pupils in a recital a t her home Arthur, afc Washington, D. .C. Mr. Thursday afternoon. Arthur Le\T is now assistant manager of Philipsborn's Ready to Wear COUNCIL BLUFFS Store, there.

Mr. Samuel Guttman, Sr., is exMesdames J. Blank and A- Muskin The Talmud Torah entertained at pected home Sunday from Florida, are giving their third of a series of a farewell surprise party Sunday where he has been spending the past luncheons on Tuesday afternoon, April two months. 21. Among Omahans who were in Des Miss Rhea Nackinoif entertained the Moines this week to attend the Laz- Hajabls Club a t her home,^Tuesday arus-Gaunt weddingT there were Mr. evening. Prizes a t bridge-were won and Mrs. A. Levey and daughter, Sa- by the ilisses Shirley Rosenblum, and die, Mr. and Mrs- H. Horwich, Miss Delia Gerstein. Ann Zalk and Miss Yetta .WrightSEE OUU Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rosewater, who. Maybelle Lustgarten enter- were visiting here with friends and tained ten at a surprise party riday relatives, returned to their home at evening in honor of Miss Tibby Wolf- Philadelphia, Pa., last Wednesday.

^fishes to announce

Mr. £nd Mrs. L Morganstera and family, formerly of Omaha, have moved to Council Bluffs and are now at home at S22 Avenue C. Mr. Moxgenstern is the- Council Bluffs Hebrew school teacher.

be held' Monday afternoon, April 6, at The committee In charge are makI ing arrangements for novel enterthe Blackstone Hotel. Bridge tainment. Jong will follow.

Mr. Jack "Weinberg, son of Mr. and The Misses Molly Dolgoff and Rose s. E . Weinberg, left last weet for Levine entertained at a bridge and -Chicago, 111., where he ^has entered surprise miscellaneous shower Sunday ' the Chicago Art Institution. afternoon in honor of Miss Ann Bernstein, who is soon to be married. Miss Yetta Wright is visiting in Prizes were won by the Misses Jennie Des Moines, la., at the home of her Krantz, Sara Cohn, Mary Shrager, sister, Mrs. B. Schwartz, and Mr. and Ann Soref. "Schwartz. While there she attended the 'Lazarus-Gaunt wedding that-took Mrs. D. B. Gross and children enterThe Junior Council will hold a meetplace Tuesday evening. tained .- the immediate family at a ing Sunday afternoon at the Jiome at Mr. • Julian Lyons, of Kansas -City, birthday surprise Wednesday evening Miss Ruth Erasne, 415 South Ninth . Mo., who was a Zeta Beta Tau Fra-at their home in honor of Mr. Gross. street ternity member of the University of Mrs. Ed Rosenstein is leaving SunMrs. Abe Marcus of Chicago, 111., Missouri, was in Omaha during the day for Chicago, 111., where she. will arrived last Thursday to visit with past week visiting with fraternity visit with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. H. Saltzbrothers. • J. Lubkm. man. .

Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The Agudas Israel, the Orthodox Jewish organization in Poland, refused the invitation of the Jewish Jj vfcional Council to participate in. an aH-Jevrisli conference on Palestine affairs, which was decided upon at the last Zionist conference in Poland.

Yale Kroloff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroloff, played the leading role in "Grumpy," a four-act play presented m the A. L. High School auditorixun last Friday and Saturday evenings. Yale is a senior at the A. L. High School. ''Grumpy" is being presented again Friday night for the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' Association. •

15th and Faraam


Power®. '•) Low Rales—Cmr

Phone Jackson FOR SATISFACTION ^i^, : i

rs _PAGE-4—THE JEWISH, PRESS—THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925 measure, \ the, , Minister, ( of Public by a. formal luncheon which will <foe Works, trt order to insare^e: passage held on the roof of the University of the bill without protest,, altered it, building. claiming' that a' clause stating: w ; was ta issue the certificates for new BRAZIL ENFORCES ANTI*y . . . . artisans, was entirely omitted and than: second." During the' last InterCCopyrlght 1925 by Seven Arts IMMIGRATION POLICY ' • . ..- Feature SypcHc»te.) national Tournament in-New York we nounces?, that he has opened a new inserting a clause stating that the Rio de Janeiro^ ( J . T. A. Mail watched Retti, and confess that he accounting-firm, to be known as the Government is to be authorized to Service. )-*=The instruction issued to appeared to us the most-brilliant of Abramson Audit company'. < determine the question later in -a' consular agents abroad not to visa .all the players. His one defect is & '-formerly connected with special ordinance. NERVOUS i»OWEIt that he is never satisfied'with, a draw, the passports of emigrants for Brazil company and the J/ Birnbaum, wearing the 'colors of and is willing to risk ^he-game'is applies both to so-called "spontanethe" Brooklyn -Evening HigJf School, there is a minimal, even if very prob- Fanqers' Union Audit. company., ous" emigrants and those whose came hpnie first in the 'special 'road lematical chance for a decisive vic- - The Abramson Audit company spe- ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS , race' held Sunday, MarcR 20, by -f tory, r cializes in income tax work, auditing travelling expenses are undertaken by INVITED TO,OPENING Swedish-American Athletic. club' This reminds us that the" New York and systematizing. . The company is a Brazilian authority or Society, ac^ : OF HEBREW UNIVERSITY New York.- The winner, unfamiliar High School Chess League Tournacording'to the announcement in the with the coprse, kept in back during, ment looks like a strictly Jewish' af* also' able* to keep all the books for Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Representathe first two miles, and only "with the' -fair. -Until now the •'five leaders are those'. companies who do not have tives of the academic institutions Brazilian press. goal well in sight summoned nis re* S- Cohen, M. Schleifer, A.Steiz, A. At a sitting of the Sociedate Rural throughout the Middle East were' rebookkeepers. Serve power and, by a fine spurt, w.on Bernstein, and -R. Spector. . Brazileira, an association of Brazilian qquested to a+tend the opening of the The office of the Abramson Audit an impressive victory in handy style. Captain L. L. Chamberlain, A. D. Four Jewish boys are to be counted C, to 'General. Sir Johri Shea >during company is located, at-79b _Brandeis Hebrew University in Jerusalem on agricultural estate owners, a discusamong the first eight in this contest;/ the war, writes: ^'Having.fought with Theater- bujlding, and the telephone April 1, in invitations sent out by the, sion took, place on the above* menOn the same day Ralph Kaufman? Jewish soldiers and farmers against is Atlantic' 1450. Board of Governors of the University. tioned decision. The -opinion was exof'the Young Men's Hebrew Associa-1 both Turk and Arab. I can vouch for A special committee, headed by Dr. pressed .that, in view of the labor tlon,' led' a field of thirteen good dis- tiie* physical bravery of the Jew—his J. L. Magnes, is completing arrange- requirements of- agriculture in., Sao tance runners imthe invitation road moral bravery needs no testimony." BILLTOCREATE ARTISAN Paulo, the landing of spontaneous^imrace of the Glencoe Athletic club, held This is no sport brevity, bnt worthy IN POLAND - ments'for the opening ceremonies. The migrants in that State would n6t be on a course of about four and a half of record all the same. committee includes Dr.'•"$. M. VriesENDANGERS STATUS OF miles, in New York. With a well-' J.- Mendoza, the well known amasuspended. _At the close of the sitting timed spurt in the last'quarter mile teur boxer who is lately showing to JEWISH ARTISANS land of the Palestine Zionist Execuv a committee was nominated foy the tive," Professor^Fodor, Mr. S. Weizof the trip Kaufman.' worked up a, better advantage than ever, is not a victorious- margin of more thap 100 relative of the Jewish heavyweight \ Warsaw (J. T. AO-^-Jewish artisans mann,'Mr. >Harryi!Sacher, Mr. J. Gor- purpose of submitting this contention yards on Tom Hynes of'the "Mohawk champion of the eighteenth cen^uryr in Poland-view with anxiety develop- don, '• Mr. Kornberg» the architect of to the Government of the State of Sao A:* C., who finished second. That's what-he says, at 'least. But ments concerning- a' bill now pending the University, Mr. j . Jacobs arid Mr. Paulo. ' 7. in the PParfiament,. according to Five of the first, fourteen in this who knows? ' G.. Agrohsky. • • <. •. . . race are Jewish boys. S. Jacobs, the brilliant squash play- which a new official system will be These are "two news items. • Birn- er, was again beaten the other day in introduced with regard to the handiI t i s hoped that among the speakers S. ABEL, DIRECTOR OF baum and Kaufman are two Jewish, the finals of this year's championship JEWISH NATIONAL FUND, onVthe first day will be Sir-Herbert x lads who are considered, most promis- contest. Jacobs is a first-class per- crafts. ' DIES SUDDENLY SamueL .On-this occasion i t i s , antici( ing material- in .scholastic ranks. former, but. he lacks the little some- ' According to the bill prepared, by .What struck us most is the, Nsimilarity thing which makes the good athlete a the Polish Artisans Associations, ob- pated-that Lord Balf our will.' deliver . NeW -York, , (J. T. A.)—Schneur of the style in. which/these two vic- champion., ligatory artisan chambers .are to be tae. principal address. The . second Abel,.director of the Jewish National , tories'were achieved. * Tilden, fhet ennis. genius, stated a created which would- exercise, full day's prb-"ram will consist o f academ- Fund in the United States, died at his Does it prove thatr there'is such a- few days ago that Sandy Wiener, his Ihing as Jewish characteristic in the young protege^ will surprise his fond- control over the artican, trades. Any ic lectures, by; scholars,tobe followed home Monday night, from heart pedestrian sport? Or, rather, in sport est admirers; this season by the prog- individual . desiring to establish a in general? ress- he has made. . We feel tickled handicraft undertaking would be comThere~is no- doubt that racial, traits that Tilden confirms the views we pelled to not only pass examinations come to the fore in sport It is an published in this column several weeks with regard to his knowledge of his accepted fact' that the performer's before. We know! tracle but would also- have ,to produce spdrting temperament .is either an asset or -a liability to him. 'Success in EGYPTIAN CABINET the passport of a Polish citizen- and any sport is achieved by the Finn by •.•::•>.; = , V ISADORE A B R A M S O N , Mgr. HAS JEWISH MEMBER to prove he speaks and writes the endurance/, by the - Slav by brute strength, by the American by perfect Cairo. (J. T. A.)"Kataui Pasha, Polish language. < 790 BSANDEIS THEATER BLDG. ' OMAHA physical control and condition, by the president of the Jewish community in The bill originally stated that Jew by nervous energy. >This explains -TELEPHONE A T L A K T I C 1450 > •why'' the. Jewish athlete is strongest Cairo and Minister of Finance in the artisan certificates wpvjld be issued by EXAMINATIONS in the. critical or final stages of a former Egyptian cabinet, was appoint- the Cechs of the chambers selected ed a member in the reconstructive by the Guilds. When a number of] contest. . INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS The two young runners, who. were cabinet, where he was assigned to the Jewish - artisan organizations voiced AUDITORS SYSTEMATIZERS clinging to their strongest opponents post of Minister of Communications. their • protest against the proposed' and who4 at the critical moment, revealed an. unexpected physical power that most probably discouraged.their opponent and beat him psychologically as well as physically—these two are typical of the Jewish athlete. r Baden, Beginning ( April 15, Among $xp~. the. following; Jewish jplayeESi, l S i , IJrpJ Miesgs^aiuLSpielmsnn M i ' a i u L S p i e l m s n n Isaftore. Abfafcasoh^ public' accounts of; Germany,'' M Miemzowitsch of Russia, ant and anditorT is* now abUTto render i of-Czechoslovakia: We. pre- to the - as diet-that-Retti R t t i will ill not'finish f i i h llower in- the past; He an-

. Opens Accomitjflg Agency

t the' «ntrjiey





failure, following: a strenuous day's gency )• Dr. M. Schof, Chief Rabbi -work. He was fifty-five years old. of the Great Synapogue in Warsaw, Schneur Abel was born in 1870 in was delegated by the Warsaw Jewish Plungjany, Lithuania. He came to Community La its representative to the United States thirty-three years the opening of the Ilelncw University ago and settled in Baltimore, where in Jersalem on April 1. he was one of the pioneers in the Zionist movement. Several years PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. later he moved to New York where he was connected with t'ne Carmel Wine Company. He later devoted all his time to Zionist activities and was THE BKINN & JENSEN CO. Wholesale paper for a time editor of "Dos Yiddische distributors for Folk." v Northern Toilet Tissue A number of tragic events in his 1112 Harnej Street life preceded his death. His wife died j AT-lantic 6409 ten years ago. Several months later] one of his sons died and during; the | war another son was killed on the j battlefield. Mr. Abel is survived by, a daughter and a son.

Baker Ice Machines



Rev. L L Rosenbloom will conduct the song services-of •-Passover at the Beth Hamedrqsh I Hagodol Synagogue. f Tickets can be obtained every ejjening before the holiday at the Synagogue. -~~" I $1.00 admission. Tickets can be obtained at the following butcher shops:









• -••••


MR. GREENBERG, MR. LEVINSON, MR. SOSKIN from MR. MENDELSON at the Synagogue. By order, . M. GROSS, President, ; A. G. WEINSTEDf, Vice-Pres.

About two months ago, our little, bantamweight champion, 'Abe • Goldstein, last his title to Eddie (Cannonball) Martin- - The other day Charley (Phil) Rosenberg, a clever, welltrained young man from New York City, vanquished the new champion conclusively, and won the title, so that, the coveted crown again adorns- a Jewish brow. v Charley'Rosenberg is but twentythreB years young, and a comparative newcomer in the boxing game, A few years ago he was making only $10 a week; and the Rosenberg family considered Charley a hopeless case as far as his financial prospects'-were concerned. . Today—well, if the new champion kijows'how to play his hand, he has a good chance to earn $100,000 before his champion days are over-, , Rosenberg- should make an excellent champion.. He i s a colorful performer in the ring, has a dangerous, even if n o t deadly punch, and is1" courageous without qualifications. He boxes in orthodox style and, although he • knows all the tricks of defense, prefers t o take in order to be able1 to give. •. . .





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. s" Friedman


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54th and Centei*

• The Bushwick High School, New York, boasts of some fine Jewish athletes. Leary Friedman is the star ' forward of the basketball teani,- Hei s being groomed for a backfield man. Type''57 Cadillac Touring.-., Hansen re-new-ed ' arid on ,the football team. Rube Greenrefinished ,in Goach Maker's" Blue. .Your inspection berg is considered the best thjrd base-' will surprise you on this car at its exceptionally low man-Hie high' school ever hadr while price. the head coach of the basketball team i s M. • Ackermann, who has shown exceptional .brilliancy so far.. All-these Many other models from which to choose. boys are closely watched by the" uniNo matter what type of car you desire or wh«£ priceversity • coaches, and will -receive you wish to pay—see us first—let the Hansen .Plan plenty of offers "when their- high, HELP YOU BUY. . r ' • • ** school days are over. '•• Danny Schulman has.done'very well, as manager of'the Thomas Jefferson High School, track team. These names are just to start the list;- all high schools are invited to send us information. We wilj be only' AT 2570 Farnam St. at 26th * too "glad to introduce Jewish school"boy athletesto'our readers.' It should be interesting to followthe careers of t h e Jewish athletes in this, country from Hi$ beginning. And_lben there is the-question?. Is the Jewish school- piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiHiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu boy fond of-sport? Sport news, from the' schools vtHl give us the- best answer. • f , , *•" »

- M. Israel, of Brooklyn,' New- York, has 'Won the New Ydrk amateur boxing championship of the lightweight ' division. Israel "won. all his' bouts by knockouts in sensational style.-' .-Experts have named him the' outstanding boxer of the tournament, and several ^'newspapermen . proclaim this ,JewisH boy ripe for a successful ca-vxeer'ih the professional ranks. The .Tsterling amateur does'not, hjfweyer, want'to listen to any such Suggestions, and has told, us that lie prefers to remain 'a--ru)r£iprof|psBipnftl» * Will h^teithstand-the call yt-gold* - "


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