April 9, 1925

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Stiohbery is the pride of those who are not sure of their position. — Berton Braley. ..

VOL. IV—No. 18



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I never make the S mistake of arguing with peo p i e for whose opinion I have v no respect*-—Gibbon.

Entered as. second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1021, at poatofflce at Omataa. Nebraska, under the Act of Mnrcb a. 1879.

Omaha Jews to Join in Celebration of Opening of Hebrew University, Sunday Evening at City Auditorium



The BuiMmg ohiBeHebrew University

Governor Adam McMullen And Many Other .Prominent Speakers Will : Appear On The Program. THIS CELEBRATION IS OPEN TO ENTIRE PUBLIC—PROGRAM WILL v BEGIN AT 8 P. M. On Sunday evening, April 12, 1925, at the City Auditorium, an- historic event unparalleled*in Jewish history will be celebrated in this city. It will be the climaxof Jewish achievement—the celebration of the opening of the Hebrew University. The Hebrew University was formally opened April 1; on Mt. Scopus. The ceremony was attended by leading figures from all parts of the world. Lord Balfour of England, who madp conditions; possible for the Jewish people to build'the University, was the principal speaker. ; Omaha jfewry is co-operating with brother, Avrum Lustgarten, will give other communities throughout the a violin duet, accompanied by Ida country and are holding the celebra- Lustgarten. • " r tion Sunday evening. Very prominent The program will begin promptly speakers have., been obtained for the at eight o'clock - and, because of the celebration Sunday evening at the city large crowd-'r expected to attend this auditorium. celebration, extra seats have' been The speakers of the evening, Gov.. placed in the large." hall. TJiere will ernor Adam McMullen of Nebraska,'; be no admission or collection. Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman, Father John F. McCormick, president of Creighton University; Dr. Daniel El Jenkins, president of .Omaha University; Rabbi Frederick Cohn, Rabbi J. M^Charlop. A feature attraction will be Cantor A. Mslek with his choir. Miss Ida Lustgarten will render a piano solo, and • |liss Dorothy Lustgarten arid

Harry B. Cohen'."to Graduate in Tune With Phi Beta Kappa Honors. Harry 1$. Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cohen, 2232 North Nineteenth street, is graduating in June from the Nebraska University with Phi Beta. Kappa honors. Young Cohen is graduating from the Business Administration department, and is the only Jewish student who is this year graduating with these honors. Out of a class of four hundred graduates, but fifty-five students received these honors. An average of at least 89 per cent has to be attained during the entire school term in order to receive the Phi Betta Kappa honors. Harry Cohen is a graduate of the Omaha Technical High School and has worked his way through the entire four years at college.

The celebration of the opening of the Hebrew University in Palestine is one of -the greatest achievements of the Jewish people. This .celebration is being, observed by practically every community in the country. During the past week, leading Jewish men and women who were thrilled with the work of the -Jewish people in Palestine, have contributed large sums of money to further the aims of the University. • Palestine during the past week has been the center of attraction of the entire universe. ^ With such leading men as Einstein, .Weizma'n,, General Allenby, Lord1 Balfour, Sir •* Herbert Samuel and many,others, all participating in the celebration exercises. "We invite the people of Omaha tcr come to this celebration^"; said Max Fromkin, chairman of this affair. 'This program will be of interest to every one. The Hebrew University in Palestine has-been built by the Jews, many of them young .men and boys who worked or an ideal> an Inspiration, somethingthat would-be a guiding light to the jews throughout the world." " I : The program will begin promptly at 8 p. m. . .

Minsk Court Rejects Indictment Against Minsk Chief Rabbi in Ritual Butchers Trial Minsk, (J, T. A.)—The trial against the three ritual butchers accused of complicity in a plot to. murder the "proletarian" schochat, Droykin, took a sensational turn when the public prosecutors, Agursky and Wolobrinsky, demanded that charges of complicity in the plot be made against the chief Rabbi of Minsk, Rabbi Gluskin. • The public prosecutor Rosenhaus and the attorney for the state, Wlodawsky, ^demanded that Rabbi Gluskin be called as a witness only. The counsel for the defense, however, resisted both .demands. The court upheld the opinion of-the-defense. \ Great interest was displayed by those present at the trial in the testimony of Weinhaus, "Moshke HOPES AMERICAN COLLEGE IN SYRIA. WILL TEACH HEBREW Hainan", the chief witness for the Beirut, (J. r T. A.)—Professor Rich prosecution and of the detective Gildard Gottheil,head of the departmen ingersh. of Semitics, Columbia University New York, who is now visiting th ROUMANIAN JEW LEAVES Near East onv-h'is Sabbatical leave, in ESTATE FOR DORMITORY a lecture delivered in the American AT BUCHAREST UNIVERSITY College here on the subject o: Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—An estate of philology dwelt on the close relation, thirty million lei for the purpose of ship between Arabic and Hebrew an establishing a dormitory at the Uni- the- present revival of the Hebrevs versity of Bucharest ^was left by language in Palestine. • v Anton Gross, Roumanian Jewish Professor Gottheil- expressed th merchant, who died here. K - . hope that the Hebrew language will The trustees, according to the will, in the near 'future, be taught in th are to be the president of the-Jewish American college in Beirut. /;. /, Temple in Bucharest, the Rabbi, the Sunday, the Beirut: lodge: of u th dean of the Bucharest University and Independent Order BriaiB'rith^avwi a representative of -the Roumanian reception - on ^the'- "occasion", of th Ministry of Education. seventy-fifth." birthday of Adolph One half of the dormitory"is-«to rKrausi'^prominent .lawyer' an^' . accommodate Jewish students, the worker in Chicago, 111., -who is other half Christian students, accord- ,-president' of; the. Order. - Professo. Gottheil presided at the reception. - ing to specifications of the will.. •

Omaha'Hebrew Club to Celebrate 33rd Anniversary April 26 Maurice Samuels, Author of "You Gentiles" to be Speaker. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY NEW MEMBERS TO BE INSTALLED

The Omaha Hebrew Club, one of the largest and oldest Jewish organisations in the city, will celebrate its thirty-tihrd anniversary on Sunday evening, April 26, at 8:00 o'clock, at the Fontenelle Hotel ballroom. The committee in charge are making arrangements to bring Mr. Maurice Samuel, author of "You Gentiles" for the principal speaker of the evening. Other prominent speakers and musical numbers will be included on the program.. A feature of the program will be the public initiation of one hundred and fifty new members to be initiated by the Degree and Ritual Team of the club. The members in charge of the program are Messrs. A. Kaplan, N. S. Yaffe, John Feldmnn, Morris Civin, h. Cohn, and Fred White. The public is invited to attend the in celebration.

Sketch of the central building the Library of the University.*

The Hebrew University on "Mount Scopus overlooking Jerusalem, the \ Dead Sea and the Hills of Moab will, when entirely completed, consist of a group of buildings of impressrve architectural beauty. The buildings were designed by Sir Patrick Geddes, the eminent educator,: architect and own-planner. Needless to say_that Men and Women are Stranded his beauty is combined with the latEuropean Ports est improvements developed - for Chaluzim at work building" the Hebrew University .on Mount Scopus.buildiqg of that type. EMERGENCY COMMITTEE The general style of the architec- buildings have been completed and ceremonies which took place on RAISED ONLY $251,000 ture is oriental. A number of the were the center- of the dedication April 1st. . - . ' . ' •

Distress of Stranded Refugees Greater Than Reported, Warburg Cables


Federation Gives Theatre ~ Harry Party For Y. Show Worifcrs The Jewish Welfare ^Federation, enr tertained at an Orpheum Theatre program Wednesday afternoon, April. 1, for about fifty boys, and, girls of the Y. M. and Y. W. H.A., who_were participants of the recent Y Road SHbw, but who did. not .attend the banquet given recently.- After the show the group assembled ~ "at the Jewish Community Center, where^they were entertained. The Mesdames B. R. Boasberg and M. E. Handler,-and Miss Ethel Greenberg, were chaperones for the evening. Mr. I. Sternhill was chairman of .the afair.---;

Omaha Jewish Student Receives Honors at Neb. Urn*.

ANTI-SEMITIC CHARGES IN BARMAT AFFAIR COLLAPSE Berlin. (J. T. A.) The Barmat af!air, which was magnified by the anti-Semitic press in connection with ;he high finance scandal in Prussia completely broke down here when the question of releasing the arrested Barmat brothers was taken up by the investigating authorities. The authorities officially stated that the charges made against the Barmat brothers of credit fraud and bribery were unfounded. Their release, however, wr postponed until further inestigation was made with regard to the former Prussian Minister Hoefle. Dr. Alfred Klee, Counsel for the defense, in a statement to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent, declared that the creditors of the Barmat brothers will in all likelihood receive 90 per cent of their investment. Democratic press • organs emphasized that in spite of the fact that two parliamentary committees were engaged in investigating the charges against the Barmat brothers no one knows what the crime of the Barmats really was.

TWENTY JEWS ARRESTED FOR RESISTING ANTI-SEMITIC RIOTERS IN FGCSANY Vienna, (J. T. A.)—Twenty Jewish citizens of Focsany, Roumania, were arrested for resisting the rioters during the anti-Semitic disturbances which occurred in that city," according to reports received here from Bucharest. The riots occurred in connection with the trial of Professor Codreanu for implication in the murder of "the Jassy chief of police.

Lapidus Returns From Dallas, Texas

Mr. Harry H. Lapidus returned Sunday from D_allas, Texas, where he had been during the past week. While-in Dallas, Mr. Lapidus visited with Rabbi Morris N. Taxon, formerly of Omaha. Rabbi Taxon is head of one '.of. the-ltrgest congregations in the South. Services are held every Friday evening and these services are attended by more than four hundred persons.

Council Bluffs Snnday School to Present Passover Program The Council Bluffs Talmud Torah and Sunday School" will present a Pesach Program to the community Sunday afternoon, April 12, at 2:30 o'clobk at the Danish' Hall, at Broad"*wsy and'Park; .Avei The-following' program will be given: Opening: Eemarks, bj- Mr, Sam Rosenthal, President of the-Tiiliflud Tornli. Remarks by the Chairman, Sir. I. Morgen stern. - , Piano Solo lij- Miss'Hose Brandeis. "THE SILVER COP", a Pesacb plnj presented entirely in Yiddish by the following cast of characters: Father „•.__ ... .....Meyer Maltz Mother --„-Jennie Baron Son l._.Bernard Balftbao An Old Man Paul Hoffman A Neighbor _. Herbert Wintrorcb The Meyerson • Quartet, consisting o Gwenrtolin, Sato and 'Tale Meyerson on the Violin; -and Leo. Meyerson on th< Piano, will-play. Reading, "Joey on the Telephone", •will bi rendered by Seymore Cohen. Another play will be given, called "THE PASSOVEK GUEST". The cast is as follows: :".'•• Ephraim Judah." father...'.....Hj-mie Krame Deborah, his wife. „.'. Marinn Katelman Reuben, their older^soh Leonard Krasne Samuel, their yo'utfger 'son....Jacob Gordon Joseph, Ephraim's brother ; _ : -....' ....'. : :.Henry Mendelson Grandmother Judah, his mother „ _.... ._Ruth Shyken A Stranger .-. Harry Kosenthar

Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The unification of the four Zionist districts in the Republic of Poland was decided at a conference of Zionist delegates held here. A number of resolutions passed by the conference provided for the creation of one Zionist organization in the Republic which is to be headed by a Supreme Council consisting of 18 members representing Congress Poland, 8 representing Eastern Galicia, 6 representing Western Galicia and 2 the district of Vilna. According to the provisions accepted by the conference, the Jewish deputies in the Polish parliament belonging to the Zionist organization will be The plays are being coached by responsible to the Council for their the Misses Fannie Katelman and parliamentary activities. }>Fannie Shyken, and Mr. I. Morgenstern.

Federated Within The Federation

New York, N . Y. (J. T. A.) '"Failure to enact legislation permitting the eight thousand men and women, holders of American visas, now stranded in Bremen, Antwerp, Hamburg, Danzig, Libau, Southampton, Riga, to proceed to this country •without regard to the technicalities of the "quota" immigration law," Mr. Marshall said in a statement issued from tire headcrasrters of -the Emergency Committee"" for Jewish Refugees,~""has .aggravated the distress among these' marooned Jews who had set out for t h e United States, some of them as' far back as two y e a r s ' a g o , on the. justifiable assumption t h a t the visas of'American consular 'authorities would enable them" to enter this country.'*' _ " The Emergency. Cpmmittee' lias received a-cable:"from Felix M. Warb u r g who recently visited the detention camps where the stranded refugees are kept, in which Mr. Warburg stated that their distress is worse than had been reported and that immediate relief is imperatively demanded if a calamity is to be averted. " I t is therefore absolutely essential that the fund of $500,000 which the Emergency Committee is seeking to raise shall be completed without further delay," Mr. Marshall declared. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, campaign chairman of the Emergency Committee, announced t h a t $251,000 has thus far been received in cash subscriptions in response to its appeal for t h e half-million dollar fund.

The Thorpeian Athletic club called off their' regular meeting' scheduled for Wednesday evening, April 8,1925 as it was the first Seder night. The next< meeting will be held on Wednesday evening at 8:30. p. m. at E L E V E N THOUSAND the Jewish Community Center club CHALUTZIM EXPECT PERMISrooms. . : . . . ' . , ! . : . v SION TO COME TO PALESTINE TO RELIEVE JEWISH ARTISANS ,AND: TRADESMEN Kovno. (J. T; A.) Jewish artisans and small- tradesmen,,whose .business have not the,'aspect-'of: an' enterprise or ^factory, rhay find-relief ifrpm the compulsory .'Sunday^ rest' as* a resul of instructions; in-an; order*;issped by the'Lithuanian ".Minister-of. the Interior to'the cfiiefs'"pP.pqlice/irf various t o w n s .



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The order. of the; Minister. interprets Clause 4-of~the-bill,-which prohibits •work'on..Suridayl.iri commercia enterprises and factories, in such a way that artisans and-tradesmen who do not do their work in public places, WILLIAM R. BLUMENTHAL SOPHYE JOFFE but in their homes, will'not come unAs a surprise to their many friends Angeles, Calif., to assume the duty der this law. l ' - ~ '-•»• comes the news of the marriage, of of superintendent of the Federation, 'Miss Sophie Joffe, general secretary where Miss Joffe has been general FOCSANY JEWISH DELEGATION at tbe Jewish Welfare Federation, to secretary for more than three years. PROTESTS AGAINST EXCESSE1 Mr. William R. Blumenthal, . super- Although friends had for sometime Bucharest, (J. T. A.)-—A delegation intendent of the Federation,.- • -The seen them constantly together, the representing the Jewish community of marriage took place Tuesday evening1, young: couple successfully kept their Focsany intervened today with thi romance a secret. government with "regard to the anti April 7, at five o'clock at the'"home • Mr. Blumenthal and his bride left Jewish excesses which took place in of' ihe bride's mother, Mrs. Hose immediately after the ceremony for that city as well as in Maraschesti Joffe, at 1728 Lake—streefc—"Rabbi Cleveland^ • Oh'io, where they will and Odobesti. . . Frederick Cohn officiated-beforej^the spend their honeymoon and visit dur- Understate Secretary Churchulescu presence of only the immediate fam- ing the. holidays with Mr. Blumen- assured the delegation that the gov ily. . ' ;*• thal's parents. Upon their return eminent would take strong measures The young couple met last. May they will make their home at the El ! to punish the officials guilty of no when Mr. Blumenthal came .from Los Beudor Apartments. [ suppressing the outbreak.

Jerusalem, ( J . T. A.)—Eleven thousand organized Jewish workers in Poland are awaiting the first opportunity to embark for Palestine according to cable advice j u s t received here. The Zionist authorities in Poland have demanded 4000 immigration permits immediately. I t was stated t h a t the Zionist executive here is asking the government to g r a n t 10,000 permits in the next six months in order to accommodate the increasing volume of Jewish immigration into Palestine, which is now practically the only refuge for homeless Jews. If the request is granted this will mean at least 30,000 new immigrants in half a year, as each immigrant brings two dependents. This is equivalent to a 30 per cent increase in the present Jewish population in the country. BERLIN GEMEINDE DECIDES AGAINST GREETING HEBREW UNIVERSITY OPPENING Berlin, ( J . T. A.)—The Jewish community of Berlin will be the only Jewish community in Central Europe which, having taken up tbe question of greeting the opening of. the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has decided not t o do BO. With a - v o t e of three to two, the Board -of Directors of the Kultes Gemeinde decided against the greeting ••—..

American Jewish Congress Selects Committee to Assist Jewish World Relief Conference New York. (J. T. A.) A committee to be placed at the disposal of the delegation of the Jewish World Relief Committee, composed of Dr. Leon Motekin, Rabbi Moses Eisenstadt and Dr. Oscar Ivohn, to organize, and meet with other groups to devise ways and means of meet ginhte demands of the delegation, was decided upon a t the meeting of the Executive Committee of the American Jewish Congress held at the Hotel Biltmore last Sunday. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress, presided. In his speech, Dr. Wise touched upon the question of providing religious instruction to public school children in connection with the school work and stressed the inadvisability of any step which might lead directly or indirectly to confusing the function of church and state. Dr, Motzkin told of the. plight of the Jews in Eastern and Central E u rope and appealed for support of the Jewish World Relief Conference and the Committee of Jewish Delegations. He said, with the exception of France, England and Czechoslovakia, the Jews were subject to persecution similar to that earned on against them in the days of the Russian csars. In Poland, particularly, the Jews were deprived of their livlihood by economic laws and in Roumania they were disfranchised. He also spoke of the starvation the Jews are suffering in Ukrainia und urged immediate relief. Rabbi Eisenstadt, who was formerly Chief Rabbi of Leningrad, spoke of the religious persecution of the Jews in Soviet Russia, where they are unable to maintain their religious schools or give Jewish training. He also spoke of the economic plight of the Jews. CREATION O F FASCISTI INTERNATIONAL DECIDED BY GRAND COUNCIL Rome. {J. T. A.) The Grand Council of the Fascisti Party has decided to establish international connections with all similar Nationalist moce" ments in other countries. The New International will include the Nationalist bodies of Spain, Hungary (the Awakening Magyars) and the antiSemitic Royalist circles grouped around the "Action Francaise." The international will be primarily clcri-* caljst and, the Government press states, will fight free-masonry, anticlericalism and Jewish capitalism. Hitherto, the Italian Fascisti Party has stood apart from association with the 'Nationalist movements in other countries, and has been notoriously free from. anti-Semitism prejudices. Mussolini" not very long- ag-o repudiated anti-Semitism on behal*1 of his party and refused to have association with the anti-Semitic Hiileriut

in Germany


, :

eA'GB Z—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1925 ity. Can you accommodate him? pouring forth in every sentense the and economy are the watchwords of Wire immediately collect." After an gratitude of his heart for the Jewish this office, and they are being zealously maintained. exchange of a number of telegrams, Community of Omaha. we received this wire from Denver: Published every Thursday at Oraaia, Kebroska, * y Taking Care of the Soldiers for Delivered Monday Evening, April 6, 1925. "In deference to your wishes and huPassover. ; THE JE^ViSH'-PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY manitarian arguments, you may send By WIULIAM R. BLUMENTHAL The Service Men of Jewish Faith Office: 790 Braijdeis .-Theatre Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1450. I, W. to Denver for admission to gathered some $20.00 within a few .The Federation was never stronger Sanitarium." I. W. was immediately of Fort Crook and Fort Omaha are Manager. arid •more powerful than at present, •hours. We later heard that, instead sent to Denver by us. We received being provided with room at the Welof going to Arizona, they went back but just at the time of/ greatest lington Hotel and will be given good 42.50. the following letter: Subscription Prjce, one yearv.... to Ottumwa, Iowa, where they stated strength in institutions, as in.men and seder dinners at private homes. that the Federation had given them Advertising rates furnished on application. nations, the danger point arrives. • Mr. Wm. R. Blumenthal, Super$25.00 and that the physician furPackages Have Been Sent for PassThe Federation is , threatened and CHANGE OF 4.DDRESS— Please give both the old and new address; intendent, Jewish Welfare Fedover to All State Institutions. be sure and Rive your came. imperiled, due to the fact that the nished them by the Federation had A reliable insurance man eration, Omaha,- Nebraska. giyen them a letter and money. They Jewish -Community has been flooded Packages are being sent to all men, will consult with you The Jewish Tress is supplied rby the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish with charity appeals, under, the guise then went back through Omaha to Dear Sir and Friend of Humanity. women and children of Jewish Faith, quite often. Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Lincoln, where they called up the I am at the present time in the numbering nearly 30, residing in the t e to^ieatyre articles nnd correspondences -from ail important Jewish gent res ttf^ieature and all JEWESS centres. ff--^T^ f?fr^f i v - 1 ??- J l ^ of^enter- Rabbi and the leading Jewish people Jewish Consumptive Relief Socifollowing institutions: He is responsible to you .-Inquirie? items credited credited ttoo .t.this Agency w willl b be ggladly e a r d i n g news: news items hthis i s Agency will be giadl .Inquiriep .regarding jegarding newsl y J ble and inconceivable form ot enxer 3f the city to visit the sick woman a t ety. Sanitarium. I am positively State Prison at Lincoln. for your knowledge of answered if addressed t o Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New tainment. the Lincoln Hotel. Eabbi Starrels appreciative of the great favor This ticket epidemic has reached State Asylum at Norfolk. your life-insurance. York City. : ' us thai when he visited the sick you did for me. I can say this its height the past few weeks. Ways told State Insane Asylum at Lincoln. at the Lincoln Hotel, lie found much, that Omaha has the best and means mast be;discussed and a woman Institutions - at Geneva, Nebraska Unless your agent is your lialf of H s congregation in line, waitJewish Community on earth. I this determined upon plan City, Beatrice. insurance advisor, you are to curb THE OPENING J)E THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY. ing to see t i e sick woman. It seems ' have much to say. But I am too and not getting value received. il Otherwise, we a l that they did not respond very read* Office Efficiency. full of gratitude to say it now. . _ i s week is the week of national rejoicing. Here and there, jtteadily "gotog fly to the Arizona proposition and the I have been in a great many Our new directors are probably not This is just a part of the in every corner of the civilized world, groups of people, hitherto there was no Federation at all. B's abandoned their tour of Nebraska, in my life, but never was aware of the fact that since the bePersonal Service rendered regarded with suspicion, perhaps with derision, are celebrating, A hole has been made in the dyke going south to Kansas with Topeka, places so much done for me as you peoginning of the year, we have installed to my clients. must stop the hole. Otherwise, the capital, as their state JteadquarCivilization's greatest achievement, the triumph of Wisdom and: —we ple did for me in Omaha. You a new system of accounting for our the dyke wfll be broken and the fair ters. of ".Understanding, the, advancement of Knowledge and thefields you have guarded, and develhaven't any idea and you can't Federation books and trust funds. This, was very essential, as our work progress bf Mankind towards a higher plane. Culture, the oped will be over-flooded and de- Case I. W.: While we could multi- imagine what you did for me. I remain your best friend for- has broadened in scope and in conuniversal language, is to send forth the result of its new dis-'; stroyed. ply tragic cases where there is lack ever, with best wishes to the Jew- tent; " This office, at the present time, ' I earnestly appeal to you to take coveries in-a language-as-old-as Culture, itself. Mankind, or at appropriate action on this important; of co-operation on the part of people ish "Community is taking- care of 3,300 accounts for of Omaha, and seeking help, there are many cases least the honest and understanding section of mankind, recognizes matter this evening. with special regards to Dr. Sher, which we are responsible. These are PERSONAL SERVICE •where ~we can do and strive to do as as follows: Federation 1,050, Comsincerely, I. W. aiiew debt to Israel. Jewry," hedged in >y. economic difficulties, much as it is possible, often doingHave Faith in the Federation munity Center 1,100, J. W. W. O. 750 Postscript <in Hebrew): The Jewry; suffering' from persecution and misunderstanding, Jewry Since more than we are asked. Take case Fenn. Mutual Life Insurance Co. the last meeting of this1 "L W." for an example. I. W., young motto of the place you seat me d Y Mi H. A. 400. This gives us driven from pillar to. post, Jewry; laughed at for its dreams and Board, there have been several occur- man, age S3, claimed he was ill and 720 Petcn Trait BHg. is, "He who saves one Life is con- more accounts than cities several JA. 1817 deprived of the glory of its. achievements, derided for its ambi- rences, in which the community or; wanted a ticket to Lincoln on his sidered as if he had saved the times larger than we are. Efficiency ticns, betrayed by its whilom friends, this selfsame Jewry rises certain parts of the community have; way to Denver. We sent the man to whole world,"—Talmud. given full support to your office. a physician, who found him tubercuput of the slough into wich its enemies seek "to thrust It, rises not that were to have happened in lar. The physician advised that the We have since received "word from above the materialism of: the age, shakes off the evils of post- If other cities, it would evoke no snr- man needed immediate attention. We the Hospital that L W. has gained war conditions and makes^ a magnificent contribution (to. the.prise, but happening in Omaha, it is felt that we ought to do more than 20 pounds and is on the road to reworld's spiritual wealth at; a time when the rest of mankind incomprehensible. the man asked, but even a ticket to covery—a soul has been saved—I. W. seems to; be! suffering the greatest spiritual dearth. Assuredly a Here are several cases that will il- Denver was- not sufficient. Before himself just wrote us a few days ago lustrate the situation: the man would corse to his "next" on iYom ^oy,.n6t. only for us, but for all mankindA: Man, woman, Iboy 6 and the Hospital waiting list, he would means this for iis? the average Jew will ask himself, girlCase 4. Woman and' child * appeared in probably be beyond help. The chairknow at once, that-the man who asks this question is a prominent retail store m oar city, man of our Hospital Committee ina men embittered by." the world's ingratitude, a. man suffering askingg for aid,, and statingg that the formed us that the National Hospital from the worlds despite.. But even while he asks the question,: Federation office would not Tielp •was full—not a single vacant bed—so we wired the J . C. R. S. as follows: husband had the Jew knows that it means a great deal to him, that it means them. She said on account of the death of my "I. W-," age 33, in Omaha one day, . his. spiritual and cultural renescence, that.it means the upwelling ] ^as "dying''"inT'hospitarin'coun'cfl in father who was in charge of my. America 12 years, machinist and Omaha store. : of new life lor the whole Jewish people, that it means the birtii-j Bluffs. Our merchant friend gave second engineer by trade, worked in of a soul in the national life of the Jews in their own homeland. i*hf, woman a contribution, and then Philadelphia, Altoona and half dozen You can have jour choice: For those guests who may want other Pennsylvania cities, but cannot my store 314 N. 16th. St., or my :Now that our national life, achieved a soul it will live. It ^ 1 S o S f ^ ^ S ^ unlevened bread with their meals— establish legal residence. He is a Yariktbn, 5. D., store. Will give •live unto all eternity, since the soul is eternal. Eternal life, this ,„. jnever been „_„. at -vthe — offi office. Confronted man absolutely •without a home. He ; t e r m s , • 1 - " .. ••:' ••. MATZOS WILL BE SERVED FREE DURING THE then, is the meaning of the day for us. I with our statement, she admitted to was diagrtosed tubercular with freJ. HELPHAND PASSOVER HOLIDAYS. quent hemmorrhages. Assuredly not And what, iriqans this "for, all other peoples? This, tOO, IS a.!**: merchantjhat_^e W «|dL We our case, but desire to waive techni314 N. 16th St. {pertinent question since. Jewry's gifts have, ever been gifts -to I ™ ^ calities, aside account dictates human-


Monthly Report.of. the Superintendent of the Jewish Welfare Federation

Personal Service


Men's Furnishing Store For Sale


the wnole ot mankind. And the answer to this is not far to seek.! going directly to us, she -went to a •At a time when spiritual' culture is sufferingg from its greatest'neighboring -she begged p Uniyersity g store where setback the Hebrew rises from the ruins and the ]gaa nn dd g received-Bnother "Nadova" Nadova." The then to setback, the Hebrew Uniyersity rises from the ruins and the ] received-Bnother our ofOnce, m the-dawn ofman' history, a in few f &£*?* W renew s faith thewandering ideals of fice.S After ^ ^we 'questioned S her for a r tribes, but recently freed from slavery, gave to mankind the few minutes, she. admitted that her Bluffs" story "was' a lie, that .; spiritual ideals of justice, that have served as the basis of allCouncil of her husband being in a •civilized action for thousands of years, and that have triumphed instead hospital across the river, he was over all the forces of evil that have sought to annihilate them. "working" another section of the Once, when Home's triumphal progress seemed to proclaim the city, -using their, dumb boy, aged 6, an "exhibit." .TJpon further investriumph of militarism, a great Jewish teacher, undaunted by theas tigation, -we found-that the man-and seeming triumph of Might over Right, lit a tiny torch in Jabneh, woman iiad rented a store on Cuminft that served to keep alive the Jewish spirit through all thestreet, where they had placed several tortures inflicted upon the Jewish body. Today, when mankind hundred dollars' worth of aid and new.' brought with" them from Chiseems to have lost its sense of its beloved Homeland, pauses in clothing cago. We found that the family lived 'tfee midst of its strenuous p physical labors to light the torch of y b o s to light the torch of in the back portion of the store, undei learni Mt Scopus, S h it will ill shed hd its it li most shocking conditions. In a learning on Mount whence it light, faint it -the space less than 12x8, all four slepjt on .may be but steady and' dear,: to renew mankind's hope in~the one cot, ate out of dishes unfit eventual triumph of those•-ideals that -seemed to have, perished for-Iowa and swine. We were compelled; in the Great War and after. -The Hebrew Uniyersity is "the rain- for the sake -of the children, to Irave bow of promise" for mankind.- It proves the' deathlessness of them taken to the detention home, the parents were ordered by the great ideals. It brings the promiseof peace, for. peace will come' while Court to get decent quarters for their when men shall have achieved a common spiritual and cultural children. Untrue and malicious stories heritage, for then they wilb understand each other and only were soon circulated about the neighthrough understanding will manhood come to peace. Being given borhood that we were separating chilhis choice of gifts, the great King of Israel prayed for an under- dren from.their.parents. One of those citizens w~ent'.:aD far as to threaten standing heart, for only with an understanding heart- can man your offieers with bodily harm. This rise above his earthly limitations. "": incident clearlyVproved the'-necessity ;"; The Hebrew University;- the rainbowof. promise fov mankind'. of educating ;e^rtain sections of our AJprch lighted b r a,scattered, people, stfll suffering from the community. There are no better : ^or this than this Board of j hirthpangs of regeneration!. The r.ebirth of a'language long teachers Directors.:. Tiuslfamily has -since left epnsidei-ed dead. The renaissance of a culture so.long at the basis the city, 'fiodpg it an unfertile soil •o|_civihzation, that man has: already-.forgotten' Its' primary sig- for - their v^eeds . of lies, filth amj nificance its pristine brilliance! A highly-cultured people, having treachery. _. ....'.. < _ _ : _• \ : go,ne back to the laborious redemption of the soil of its Home- Case B: The president i of one of our Ladies* Organizations was called land, has paused in the midstof its labors, to remind the world up'by a man wKb said that his wife tftatits .highest service to mankind is still the spread of culture was-ill a t one-of our-leading hotels, the implantation of great;spiritual; truths,- the constant manifest arid he wanted -this lady to go out and Tomorrow visit tSem. v Our office advised the tion of .man s reaching-out"towards a higher plane; To-morrow Up pIow that we would look into the< "*?* pIow ^ the the spadth spade/the ttools oFfhe informer S S } / g a i n ^ Up "*?* ^ l Ffh matter. We immediately interviewed S M ^ f road-maker/ But the light; which it nasthe man, who stated that he and his ... lighted en Mount Scopus today will bum, we trust-as"steadilv wife were on their way to Arizona, and as-inextinguishably as that other light which was lighted on and demanded transportation t o Arizona and other expenses for. the trip. Mount Sinai when the world-was young. absolutely refused to give any in' • •. From Zion h^s gone forth the Law and the World -of the- Lord He formation other than that h e came has come from Jerusalem,-and mankind has beeri guided by these from Boston, that-he;iad jjeen. assists ^ beacon hghts ever. Sincfe.: We o n c e m o l t S n our eyes to ed. in a number ,©f cities, enrpute, to QmaTia. "We'.*i;s.uggested ."that . tibe ^?c1 1 n d 01% % ^ "^ ^i i t t oo ^rusalemvfornth^Ttruthi ^rusalemvfornth^Ttruth that-came woman'be ^sent to^a"'hospital in this : us Irom there are being g given a,new lease of life. in l f lif ' ~ "~ cityi /He-refusedJ^tating that he was MATJRUS JOKAI'S ' 1 . WIDOW A JEWESS Vienna. <J. T. A.) "Hungary is celebrating the hundredth birthday of her greatest novelist, Maurus Jokai," writes the 4fWiener Mbrgenzeitung,^' commenting that "the Hungarian Nationalists have apparently forgotten that Jokai was-not -only Hungary's greatest writer, but was also her greatest champion, of liberty and.tolerance. - J (Count Klebelsberg,. .the Minister of-Education,-who unveiled the Jokai monument in Budapest, is the'man who,- by his numerous clausus law, is. trampling on all the ideals-for •which Jokai fought during his lifetime. We think .of Jokai's widow," the paper states; "the Jewess, Bella Gross, who save her life and her histrionic talent to the great greyhatned poet, -who is now an nndesiraWe_a3iertin the eyes of these Hungarian patriots, and i s sobbing -afc- her. husband'& .graveside—an outcast/'"

COMMUNAL LEADERS, AR- , RESTED IN STEIGER TBIAL, . RELEASED ON JBAIL Lemberg, (J. T. A.) — The ' fight conducted for some time to secure telease on bail of Glassermanu, of the Jewish Artisans .Orin Lemberg; -Engineer gaafe .Lemberg Alderman-.and mem-; I JBjBBt

ber of the!Jewish Kehiliah Board, and Igriatz.' Jaeger; vice-president;of the Yad Chrutzim ;and\«f the Jewish Merchants'.Associatum, "who ;were arrestedin connection with the trial-of Stanislaw, Steiger,Jaccused of throwing a bomb a t President ski, was concluded today irJien the authorities agreed on their lelease on $35,000 bail.- , c The - Polish- -private Dwornfcki; who'Is implicated jn~this case, was released o£ $100 bail.

not going to be dictated to as toho^f he was goijigJtQ_he..helped. - We then •sent a physician^ who examined the woman, foundthat, hospital care;; wlag necessary, and advised her being sent to the Wise Hospital..'..This the man would-not consent to; In the meantimei vre got fnTtouch, by wire, with Boston and Worchester, Mass;, advised, us. that Mr. JB and his wife would not co-operate at all and that they left Boston contrary to the advice of physicians^ and friends. The next day-, av-iumor was circulated in certain sectiong> of the city that we had" refused aid to a sick woman stranded in this city% The man and sick woman went about coUecfcinR and

A piece of printing well and thoroughi ly done brings a satisfaction that of nothing can'steal-away. A job carelessly handled is sure to leave behind it a feeling of unrest and discontent.



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The Tlint Six is mg£e in Two '• Ghasses—complete selection of '..'-'. open<xnd closed bodies.

Omaha Flint pompany \\

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60to $ 7S



PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS-rTHURSDAY, APRIL 9, V9ZS "Palestine" in the three t)fficM Mrs. London is survived 4iy six Jerusalem.,;. <J. t ' A.) ^The ,JB»C%L.| children, three sons, Louis of Los An- used mefephirs, **tiie'.gate U> Pates-' languages, English, Hebrew and Arttgeles, Abe of San Francisco, Jake ef tine" and the *3&ejs . ~ Pjlesfeje," are Iric. Mrs. William Rothschild, Omaha's latory telegrams will be cent to Mrs. Fremont, Nebr., -anti three daughters, in daager of losing tfaeir symboiic oldest Jewish -woman,-will celebrate Rothschild from her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Ben Mfllman and Mrs. Sussman, ^Bing, in -view ef ^he fact tfjat tQie 8ALF6UR AWAITING DR. her 103rd birthday Wednesday, April Alexander Pollack, granddaughter; both of Omaha, and Mrs. £L Smith of Pnblic WoricB Departsncnt has Jest WEIZMANN IN NAPLES built a real gaie to Palestine, con15, at the.fc.ome of her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Dollie Elgutter, and great-grand- Oakland, Calif. Naples. (J. T. A.) Lord Balfour sisting of iron and concrete. Mattie Jacobson, at 719 South Thir- daughter, Miss ILatlterine Elgutter, arrived here on his way to Palestine. •who are on a two-year tour of EuOn a picturesque rock, which di- He will awy.it Dr. Weizmann beforfe COUNCIL BLUFFS vides Palestine from Syria, a frontier proceeding to Jerusalem. rope, and are now at Nice, France. Mrs. fiothschild has five daughters, Miss Reva Gross arrived home last eostrol station for Passports &»d ViMrs. Alexander Pollack, Mrs. Samuel J sas has ajust been erected. Travelv'Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, of Katz, Mrs. Mattie Jacobsen, and Miss? Friday from Lincoln, Nebr., where she ers to and from Palestine xnn£t pass ENGAGEMENTS Sioux; City, la., are arriving the latter Annabel Rothschild, of Omaha, and: attends tiie University of Nebraska, the narrow road and present the»Mr. and Mrs. Harry Azorin anpart of this week to visit -with Mrs. Mrs. Louis Herzog, of Lincoln. Seven i to spend her spring -vacation here -with selves to the Cur.trol Officexs. NoBrodkey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. nounce the engagement of their grandchildren, Mrs. Dollie Elgutter! her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Sam •Gross. body is able to leave the country for Xulakofsky. Mr. Brodkey -will spend daughter, Rebecca E., to Mr. Samuel of Omaha, Mark Pollack of Havana,j Miss Sara Risemui of Elk Creek, Syria wi^-out paBHtng the Control StaN. Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf. the week-end, while Mrs. Brodkey Mrs. Frank Rubel of Minneapolis,: Nebr., arrived Sunday to be t&e jgoest tjoc, the building «f which is a great *emain here for a week. Minn., and Mrs. Emanuel Kinsler of of l i t a s d Mrs. fiermaa Krasne, 208 achievement, in view of the Chicago, HI., children ef Mrs. Pollack;1 West Washington ivenue. taes which had to becverccrme a t such In honor of Miss Rose Schwartz, Mr. Jay Katz, son of Mrs. Samuel" man is the finacee of place and altitude. who recently announced her engageKatz, and the Misses Fay and Carita' Real iron gates on both sides ment to Mr. Abe Gross, and for Miss Herzog, -daughters of Mrs. Louis Her- Messrs. Philip and MiHard Krasne l»cks ark1 keys, bearing the inscripAnn Selicpw, whose engagement to zog. Her greatgrandchildren are will arrive home Friday from Ann tion "in" and "out" were erected. Mr.. Phil-Schwartz was : announced at Mark Pollack, Jr., Robert and iffi«mifo Arbor, Mich., where they are attendThe station is marked with the sanie^tirae,-.: Miss Ann Schwartz Pollack, children of Mr. Maik PoHack; ing: the University cf MichigBn, ta entertained at a tea at her home SunKatherine Elgutter, daughter of Mrs. spend their bpilug vacation with their day afternoon. .-'••' Dollie Elgutter, . and Mrs. "Edwin paxeots, "MV yT^d Mrs. TJjpyTw^Ti Krasoe. Xirschbraun, -daughter -of Mrs. Frank The Se Telh To Social club enterty-eighth street, where Mrs. Roth- Rubel. Two children of Mrs. Edwin They will be accOBjpsaiedfeyMr. Bave Faley «f Chicago, a fraternity brothtained fifty couples at a dancing party schild makes her home. jTjTp/'Kh'rar.Ti represent t^»A •frffrh gen- er, 'who *wSl be tiieSr hotlse guetst Saturday evening, March 28, at the Her many children, grandchildren eration of ihe family; they are Frank, ing ^8n& comxog week. Hanscom JEatk Pavilion. The memand great-grandchildren /will help Charles, and Jack Kirschbraun. 300 New bers of: the., club, are the Misses JeanMrs. Rothschild receive friends a t the The Junior Poele S o n Society held ette Levinson, Lydia Ross, Ida Tenenquiet home celebration which they are Mrs. r.thschild came to Omaha, a. nteetiag Sunday evening; at the bium, Lillian lipsey, Betty Steinberg, preparing. Among the out-of-town. thirty-seven years ago with her hus-hums, of Miss Myrtle F i Ainette Horwich and Sophie Handler. guests who'are-expected for the cele- band, who died shortly after they celMiss Mary Mai^el .is sponsor of the bration are her•daughter, Mrs. •!*.' J. ebrated their golden Wedding anniver- JUr. and Jfas. Sam Gnxas sitertained A Sensational Purchase— club. , • Herzog, and Mr. Heirzog; amiT daugh- sary in 1890. They were married at their Evening Bridge dub at their home Tuesday' evening. ter, Faye, of Lincoln, and Mr. Max Sulzback, Bavaria, and -came to AmerMr. and Mrs; M. Horn have as their On Sale Friday and SaturRothschild, of California. Congratu- ica on their honeyiason. A TainrutS Torah uraetaag Teas held Holiday guests their son, Maurice for th& first time Monday eveaing at ihe synagogue. Born, .of. San Francisco, Calif., Fred Mrs. Harry Tnsrtn' in Charge Sisterhood Reciprocity Day Horn andfiancee, Miss Uae Lentener, of Jewish Women's Welfare "With IincoLQ to be Held of-.Kansas-^City; Mo., daughter, Mrs. PATEONIZE OUE ADVERTISERS. : REBECCA AZORIN - ~ Annual C u d Party at Lincoln April 22 j H: Mt Lervine, and Dr. Levine and "daughter, of Sioux City, la., Miss Bee No definite date has as yet been set Annual-Sisterhood Reciprocity Day Mah Jong and bridge will be played i Horwich, also of Sioux City, and Mr. for the wedding. Jaunty Top Coats MR. SOMIT Both are active in club and social with the Lincoln Sisterhood will This] at the animal card party "to be gives j Max Barnett, of Kansas City, Mo. Swagger Sport Coats wishes to announce circles here, having _held offices in the year be held at Lincoln, Nebr, on by liie Jewish Women's Welfare Fedto tbe Jewieh n'smoa of Omaba N Flare Coats '.Mr. and Mrs. Louis Block have as various organizations. Mr. Wolf Wednesday,. April 22, , eratian to be given Tuesday afternoon, | that they can secure' Kosher ITeiaci) SonpT they ata •BSSO their guest Mrs. Block's sister, Miss ex-president of the Y. 51.: and Y, ^ The members of the local JSister- April 21, at the Blackstone Hotel. ' »lace tfceSr « 4 t n for Etep at Remarkable Quality ma*-" CohJU-Of Chicago, HL their Ttwpectiwe J»«teier sbope.. H . A . ••••'••'•••..,. / ; 0 : V - " v ^ I hood will leave early that morning for Mrs. Harry Trustan, chairman of tesiaJs—Twills, Doreena, Siaae I hare met vith an ac-' Lincoln. Mrs. Nathan Mantel, pres- the enteitaininent committee, is in Tend son wry •£!<*. 1t isDprcmy "wool, Tweeds, 'Miss. Agnes Ross is leaving next is*-of ident ofthe, local Sisterhood, is in Another announcement Ibie ftw me t» make de« c B . I iberefwre net 70s to Qi^\iots, Kannds, Plaids," '. Thursday afternoon for Kansas City, interest was made this week by Mr*charge of reservations which should charge of all. arrangements for the ftease place yonr erdens vith card party. Mo., for an extended visit with her and Mrs. Philip Fine of the -engaigg- be made by Saturday, April 18. JtHxtores - -. your batcher. sister, Mrs.- Benjamin F . Margolin, niOTt-of-41ieii- daughter, Betty, to Mr. Bcspertliffly TOUTS, Offering sSL tfce smart Mr. and Mrs.iL Gerelick and] •and Mr. Margolin. Mrs. Margolin and Lewis J. Ahramson, son of Mr. and cctors of the season. i-Mr. and Mis. Ben Diamond, e£ St. famfly^havfi their new a children, Joyce Ruth and Alvin Ross, Mrs. J. Abramson, of this city. No Louis, " M V * announce the "birth -of a home at 3107 Tdncpln taralerard. •who have been visiting here, are re- date has as yet been set for the wed--, ECONOMY SECTION—2ND TLOOB Vecatar BC baby son, fcam Monday, April 6, at d i n g . ' • " • -Miss r i — i Weharter StXZ. turning home, accompanying St. Loafs. Mis. Diamond was forRoss. Miss Fine and Mr. Abramson are merly Miss Molly Grossman, of OBITUARY !Y Funeral services for Mrs. Fruma Mrs. Ann Diamond just "returned both prominent in local club circles. Omaha. Miss Fine is president of ^he Junior London, age 66, who died Sunday Irom Chicago, 111., -where she has been Mr. and Ifes. Leo Rosenfhal eiter- afternoon from the family residence appointed representative of two •well known Drees Firms. She will repre- offices in a number of organizations. tiined a t a Inrthday surpiise; party at 2424 Indiana avenue. Mrs. London last Wednesday evening a t their home sent these firms in the states of Ne- He is ex-president of the Y. M. and m honor of: tieir idaugbier, ioHise. has been, a reeifflfent. of Ojnaha for Y. W. EL A. twenty-one years. Her husband had ijraska and,Iowa. ; * Mr.' and Mrs. Fine fire "receiving^ Covers jv'eie laid for six couples. died just twenty years ago Sunday. * 1 Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Levinson: re- friends and relatives, Sunday after- ! turned Sunday from the Western noon and evening, April. 12, in honorCoast, where they spent their honey- of their daughter and her fiance. No? They were gone for six weeks, cards are being issued. touring the cities in Canada, Califoriiia, and Washington. They are tem-1 Abe Jacobs, of Norfolk, Nebr., porarily at the- home of Mrs. Levin-j in Omaha on business last -week, son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Al•On Friday evening, April 10, the p i r n . ; .-.• " ...: , . .••_'•;• , • -'.. .-'• So Ed So club will give their weekly? \ Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Gflrosn are now dance at the Labor Lyeeum. living in their new home at 3005 Lincoln boulevard. ' .. ;;. ; Nathan E. Jacobs will leave for Stf Louis this -afternoon to attend a reMr, and Mrs. Sam Wehiberg and gional conference of the Zeta Beta son, Robert Allen, of Fremont, Nebr., Tau fraternity as delegate from the are &i Omaha for the Holidays visit- Omaha Graduate club of Zeta Beta' ing "With Mrs. Weinberg's parents, Mr. Tau. and Mrs. M. Minlrin. The Omaha Graduate club" of Zeta Beta Tau entertained visiting memNebraska University students are bers and pledges of the University of returning to school the latter part of Nebraska chapter at a luncheon at the this week. Those who are leaving Chamber of Commerce Tuesday.. • for Lincoln are the Misses Estelle Lapidus, Kate Goldstein, Fanny LevinMr. and Mrs. Joe Slate and daugh.son, Sara, Soinberg, Gertrude Romm, ter, Dorothy, of Des Moines^ la., ar-. and the Messrs. Louis Somberg, Ed- rived Tuesday to spend the':.Passover. ward Rosenthal, Ben Ravitz, Lester Holidays with Mrs.' Slate's . parents, Simon, David Sher, Bennett, Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf. ' Phil Gerelick, Bernard Theodore, Harry"B. Cohen, Joe Stern, and David " Six hostesses will serve at the April •card party of the Omaha Chapter of Wohlner. . -•• •; Hadassah to be held Monday afterMr. and Mrs. Ben J. Spigel, of noon, April 13, at the Blackstone HoOttumwa, la., announce the birth of tel. Those who will serve are the a baby son born Wednesday morning. Mesdames Max FromMn, A. G. Wein8 P . M. SHARP Mrs. Spigel was formerly Miss Ida stein, B. Shafton, H. Frankelj Samuel. Cohn, and Harry Kavich. —-.- • Segelman of this city. " . .'

Mrs IWm: Rothschild to Receive Friends in Honor of 103rd Birthday April 15

Spring Coats $ 1 8 oo





• Only Two More Days • of This Big Offer!




J Electric Washers

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Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Herzoff have Mrs. Ida. Cohan and husband, Borris L Cohen, of Chicago, HI., are.visting moved into ' the Anthalone Aparts•with her brother, Harry .Kubby and ments. Mrs. Kubby o f Council Bluffs., Mr. and Mrs. Cohan will remain in Coun"I hope next Shovuoth cil Bluffs forirwo weeks. Mrs. Conan To be in the Land of Israel" •was formerly Miss Ida Kubby, prominent ih Omaha Jewish Communal YOUR PRAYER ANSWERED work. Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Stoler announce the birth of a baby son born Thursday, April 2. Mrs. Stoler.was formerly Miss Bess Lipsey. Miss Lucille. Katz, of Nashville, Tenn., is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sternberg. • Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bolker have possession of their home at 3019 .Lincoln Boulevard.

15 Days to Palestine

- Allowing 20 days in Holy Land - .and Egypt ...:_ STOPOVER AT NAPLES. NEXT SAILINGS

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9,000 Omaha Women Are U s i n g Thpr W a s h e r s With Satisfaction.

You Will Like a Too! "Electric Shops"

•PROGRAMAdam MclMullen flavor James C. D.ahlman Father John F . ISIcCorniick, President of Creighton University President"GT Omaha Uixi\*Ei'sity

Rabbi J . M. Kabbi Frederick Gofen Cantor A. IMial^k , and Choii-

Ida, Dorothy and : : Avrum Lustgarteu ^

432 and Leavenworth, 15th and Faraam, 2314 M St. Striqtly Kosher - ~ Synagogue .'.

v Thursday evening, April 16V the lunioT'HadassaS^ will hold its regular m*Ctig£;ijai the Jewish Community .1493 C e n t e r .

Sunday Eve. April 12,1925

Dr. David E . Jenkins,

Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Auerbach are at Excelsior Springsj Mo. : Miss Rosaline Cohn is convalescing at. .her home, having . luidergpne , a slight- operationorecently. ••_'.

Balance in 24 Payments


.... ;

. " M o v i e s .

• •


Admission Free — No Collections





Our Sporting Column

Wolf- and' Willie Cohen. The chess Pennsylvania Fencing team and then imported kitchen-worker to become tary; Dates . Schulman, . treasurer;}ing a few days at the Kappa Gamma 'a luncheon and theatre party on April l b t d A i s eduction by winning: the familiar -with conditions' here, and' de^ Leo Gerstine, sergeant-'at-arms; Sam sorority house before going to her 2 by Mrs. A. S. Sandlovieh. The folteam is msrifaiw: f>£.rKags mand 'top, wages las compensation, for



nja -'£>tate-Epee - chanrpftit-

her short experience in. becoming Snider, Jr., sergeant-at-arms; and" Americanized. This simile will apply Louis Zabel, Lexers and contributions^ to this to almost any wage-earning immi2?# HAERY CONZEE V Mrs. Max Speigle entertained at a column are 'Welcome. Questions rela- grant.' (Copyright 1025 by Seven Art* The efficient or high-class • work- bridge party Sunday afternoon a t her tive:^© sports will be answered.' A'd•Featare Syndicate:) . dre^s aji;cpj^munic|ttions-to-Sport Ed- man • need have no - fear of • foreign home in honor of 'Miss-Miller. itor The0 Jewish Press. „... •_„. . .; _ '. invasion,, for.: efficiency, will,.always bold *jts • own .with employers,'- besides Mesdames Weil, Friend, and LehSPORT SHIRKERS there has been, a lot learned from for- man have returned from their trip at There are of course college stueign immigrants comirig to bur land; Horton, Kans. " knowledge, of every art-and craft has : dents -who do not take any interest in sports. They shrug their shoulders been spread by such immigrants.1 as Mr. Joe Pizer of North Platte was over the shouting, tussling, training Steinmetz, Morgenthaler, .WarPaper ;.Vmtten and read by Mrs.; I.' Tesla, and playing of the ; canipus. When burg, Dr. Lorenz, and a host of. lesser a visitor of the Zeta Beta Tau fraterEosenthal before the Council of. Jew- lights who would be sent back to the told of some sporting news, they turn nity. V:'- ' • ; ' •; away with a bored air of superiority. SPORT BREVITIES ish Women at their last meeting. Mrs. la'nd of their1 birth were they to'atThis anti-Sport attitude does not entrance! today- under bur presMiss Sara Rrechefsky left WednesMile. Suzanne Lenglen, the world's Louis." Sbmmer.-was. chairman of the tempt spring exclusively from Jewish ranks. ent immigration laws. program: . ' " greatest woman tennis player (a Jewday for a trip to Chicago and WashAgain and again we find that the Summing it all up, the laws of our The intolerant attitude of a great country Jewish college youth is. one of the ish girl) has recovered entirely from must be obeyed; we cannot ington; and then to Tampa, Fla., where last year's -attack of jaundice and is number of our fellow.citizens of.these ihost fervent letter-chasers among and dare not evade them. It is there- she will make her hom^ with her sis-r the student body. He likes sport and ready, for strenuous court campaigns. United States of: America is the real fore imperative that the immigrants ter, Mrs. Abe Polick. She will enter the international tencause of the greatly restricted immiyearns to distinguish himself in it. from Europe who feel they have no The competitive element stirs his nis championship contests in Paris, gration laws in effect in'our country future in the land of their birth, and Rabbi Eisenberg, who - has been imagination, and once his. interest is beginnings Jlay 27, after which she today, and it is not, the aristocracy: of to whom the doors of this country will go to^London for a rest and praccalled to the Tifereth "Congregation, 1 third or fourth generation' of the old aroused, his devotion is intense,*;and tice, preparatory to the Wimbledon time settlers who are carrying on this are closed, must 'be provided for will arrive to take up his duties next perhaps too abandoned. somewhere by us more fortunate We. also have sport-shirkers. About classis—-considered the world tennis policy, but the so-called. 100 per cent brethren and sisters of .America. We week. .'."-v Americans, whose- parents ;\vere im- must intelligently decide the question, ififty per cent of the shirkers are Jew- championship arena. The children and conferments of the ish boys. We call them shirkers, be- . Sidney Mi Ginsburg will captain the migrants or perhaps themselves were Where shall they go to find a home— cause we have always detected a'fear New Yo'rk ~ City College swimming born outside the limits of this coun- Mexico, Palestine, South America, B'nai Jeshurun Sunday ' School will complex in those who refrain ,frpm all, team-next-season. He was chosen the try. This hatred against foreigners Canada or where? have a seder at the Temple vestry sporting competition. These are harsh other day by a vote of the men who is unjust and contrary to the spirit Sunday morning. . ; won their letters in the tank this of American ideals. The • founders j iwords, and sound as if coming from season. • and framers of our constitution werei a-sport fan, whose only Sible'is'-tbe The Merry Mixers club were entersporting page, and whose gods are Charles Solomon scored a fine vic- careful to state that all .races and re-, tained at the home of Mrs. Sydney ;world champions. But, in reality, tory last week in a special road race ligions should be encouraged to flourMr. Dave Bergman of Lusk, Wyo., Shostak Tuesday eveningi The "evenisuch is the case. We have a. sane in New: York. The winner beat the ish in this. land of freedom. , Notinterest in art,, literature, science, Tiis- veteran representatives of such clubs withstanding all this^..the-;greatest is in the city for a day's visit with ing was spent in playing bridge. .tory and all that is good food to the- as the Glencoe A. C. Mohawk A. C.» problem i confronting us • today- is the Mr. and Mrs. S. Fogelsom. Prizes were won by Mesdames Ellis eager mind of the twentieth century; Millrose. A.; A. and St. Christopher danger of racial and religious: prejuand Evnen. : dice. • • '• Miss Miller of St. Louis is the INever, however, did^we accept absten- club. ••'.,. tion from physical culture as an inThere is no proof. that .'any reli- house guest of Mr. and Mrs. B.' Pol- Mr..Edwin Katskee osE Omaha spent Edward Weinstein won the handidication of strong intelect, or mental cap road race of' the Unionport Ath- gious creed is 100 per cent right, and sky. the week-end in the city a t the home superiority. Nor do we admire the letic club, the same day, beating H. there is.none that any one can conindividual who views his bddy a s t h e Freeman, AJEappaport' and a num- demn as altogether bad. Again, there of David Diamond. v r ' Election and installation of officers mere necessary envelope of • his ber of good runners in the fine time is no country, whether ^Nordic or othspiritual existence. If you are sick, of 20 minutes, 21 seconds, for the erwise, which can boast of 100 per of the Lincoln Chapter of the A. Z. A. Miss Berhice Lieberman returned •we sympathise with you. If you are four-mile course. cent or anywhere near that of perfec- were held the first week in March. from a visit over spring vacation at ..merely, physically lazy and permit Abramson has completed tion, and we Jews, or rather most of Officers elected were: Jake Finkel- Arrapahoe. •' your body to become an unaesthetic hisGeorge third year as varsity guard on the us Jews, will admit of":any number stine, president; Irving Rubinow, sight, we scorn you—and pity you. strong University of Minnesota foot- of faults and shortcomings; in fact, vice-president; Harris Sirinsky, secreMiss Louise Wessel, who is attendball team. • His playing during these I can safely say that most of us can tary; Joe Mozer, corresponding secre- ing the Monticello Academy, is spendand would feel perfectly competent to years has been little short of miracWANTS ALL In 1922 and 1923 he was pick out at least one " co>religionist STUDENTS IN SPORT xilous. named as guard on Walter Ecker- with demerits enough to- have kept Charles W. Kennedy, head of. •sall's All-Conference and All-Ameri- him or her out of this country, had Princeton athletics, by virtue of his can teams for those years, gave him any of us a voice in the-selection or -position as chairman of the Faculty honorable iftention. Abramson played rejection of applicants for citizenship. . Committee on Athletics and Chairman a large part in the defeat of Illinois The political appeal ,• to . the prejuof the Board of Athletic Control gave by Minnesota oh November 15. On dice of unintelligent voters (and his, views on college Sports, the other several occasions he broke through their name is legion), is .the real day. Dr. Kennedy is not only respon- the interference and threw the mighty cause of the present- immigration ISADORE ABRAMSON, Mgr. sible for the development of a broad "Red" Granjge for t'|osses. Abram- laws. The bogeyman of the pauper-1 790 B R A X D E I S T H E A T E R B L D G . OMAHA athletic policy at Princeton; he-is one son has earned raaaitional fame by wage of Europe has ever been flauntof the most authoritative professors his place-i^ckingC ability.! .In three ed before .the. workingman voter of, .-.. .•.;... . T E L E P H O N E A T L A K T I C • W50 . . - . : in the English department, and has years he 'has .gained^the .Mditional America, wh'o' have been-made, to fear : : ; : "• " EXAMINATIONS: _/ If •written poetry which has achieved point afteS." 'every ""* tpucnSoSvii; ;-scored the foreign workman accustomed to substantial recognition. by Minnesotav.with the exception of cheaper living conditions in their own INeOME TAX CONStTLTANTS^ The sportsman-poet-says: ,-;• one in the^ Illinois .gameUast-year. land, coming to this- country and AIJDITORS SYSTEMAfjZERS "We want all our men to engage Joseph Applebaum ? was iecently working for: less wage..: But, ask in. sport because we believe,, in the elected. Captain of the' TJniversitv of vourself how lonir does it-talce an first "place, it supplies the proper normal exercise, which even the scholar acknowledges to be a requisite of mental efficiency; - because i t teaches co-operation with other men, a valuable life lesson; and because it ministers to the normal human, instinct; to play a game. ;• "College authorities have come-to sympathize with the conception that sport" can be made to contribute; :to the training of character of the. young: rnen- entrusted to its care. Nothing is more important than that a boy should learn in his years a t college .to command his own powers, to be able! to bring them to bear on the accomplishment of whatever is his given problem. I t is possible to preach this to a boy in the class room, but he must also be given a place to work out the precept in practice. College sport furnishes this. "In competitive sport i t is necessary for a boy to mobilize a t a given time and place all the skill and'intelligence and courage that he possesses. He may find himself doing this on some team and may iind also that his opponent playing the same /position is matching his efforts and that one is as good a man. as the other. If he sees a way to overcome this deadlock and will by some means that lie outside the code, and stoops to such a practice, he is permanently, Growth quadrupled in five years The "SUN".is now prepared to damaging himself. If he says, -*No, III: win the right way, or not at all,' all because the "Sun":knows take on, create, suggest and plan that decision contributes to the -formHOW to print quickly and print any sort of an advertising camation of character for life. tastefully and at a price that is paign. If interested in some,'!It largely comes back to. the kind reasonable. The "SUN" wants thing of the sort see what the of coaching. If you put a boy into the. hands of coaches of good character to render you that sort of "Sun" Idea Department has to and clean ideals of sportsmanship, service. offer you. you; will give the boy an opportunity to develop the sterner attributes' of character which the classroom cannot wholly provide. If such training as SERVICE this is not very directly serving an educational purpose, then some'of us In our New Plant we are equipped are greatly in error as to what some to give you SERVICE which is the of the ends of education should-be in Those contemplating using the finer "enkeynote of the "SUN" Printing Co. the case of grown boys. graved" productions m letter heads, an"It i s recognition of these concepts By calling Atlantic 3832 our reprenouncement cards, wedding invitations, that has won intercollegiate sport the sentative will call on you and gladly etc., would do well to see what the Sun sympathy of college authorities and furnish you an estimate. Printing Co. has to offer. their recognition of its educational value. If college sport is properly supervised and guided, there, is no conflict of the university, to which. functions athletics should be.kept in a healthy state of subordination and complement." . 1 e t of tKeft£-"Jews« This does not 'by-*any means exhaust the muriber rif-tfesyish athletes who grace the roll of: honor of our high school. '3:aia willing to wager that no high, school in*America can put,up an, allaround.'Jewish'team-strong' enough'"to beat us. -Here-is a challenge. • 'rjfours-sincerely,.., ."JACOB: METZ, . "De Witt Clintori'High "School, N/Y.'' Your school looks'indeed'strong, Mr. Metz. We,-on our part; know of no match for.ypu. ; . r -^ .: < ,




We've Just Moved Into a Newer, Larger, and More Suitable Arranged Printing Plant— Corner 14th and Dodge Streets, Omaha


Sun Print Service" Carries the same "Snap" -whether the Order be for a few hundred cards, or an extended Campaign ofAdvertising —You'll like the work—You'lilike the price.

Finer "Engraved" Work is a Feature of the "Sun"



An enthusiastic epistle, which gives interesting information, is herewith submitted: "Dear Mr. Conzel: ' " ,"Sare, our athletes will appreciate any nice thing you will, publish' about them. "I am a student of the De Witt Clinton High, New York', and am very proud of the achievements of our Jewish athletes. Our school .is considered one of the two or three strongest in the realm, of • sport. We hold various state championships and have the most feared swimming'team among;; all / scholastic competitors in Ithfi:"country. I wil 1 only .mention .a few of our Jewish- athletes: ' Wohl, Small, Rosenberg, and Zuker are the heavy artillery of our swimming team. They do credit to our'School whenever they are called upon. Captain Berger of last season's football teazn is another strong boy who does honor, to his race. While the,basket-, ball team, which holds the championship "emblem of Greater New York is captained by Adams a n d . counts -among its members.- Edelman-and

The "Sun" Advertising Service is at Your Disposal Ideas, Drawings, Printing, Mailing, etc. allFurnisKed PHONE AT lantic 3832

lowing day, Mrs. Frank Spigle was hostess at a bridge lunchetnrin honor Miss Delpbine Gugeriheim returned of Miss Miller and also for the Misses • from a trip to Omaha, where she vis- Isabelle and Frances Kline. Miss ited friends and relatives during the Rebecca Poska entertained at dinner spring vacation. for Miss Miller and for the. Misses Kline on April 7. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky entertained fifty relatives and friends at a BEN CIVIN W . R. W E A V E R buffet supper and bridge party on Ja. 1265 •SVe. 1011 Sunday evening, March 29, in honor of the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage. The house was decorated Architects in Eussel roses and jonquils in crystal Engineers vases. LET US PLAN YOUR HOME Miss Sadie Miller, of St. Louis, Mo., OR BUILDING arrived in Lincoln the latter part of last m6hth to attend the anniversary dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Burt Polsky, at -whose home she is a guest. Miss Miller has been entertained extenLOUIS ADLER, Mgr. sively during her visit in Lincoln. 510 So. 10th St. Jackson 3332 Among the affairs given for her were home in Nebraska City.


Dayton Scales and Slicers .


Rev. A. A. Rosenbloom will conduct the song" services of Passover at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue. Tickets can be obtained every evening before the holiday at the Synagogue. $1.00 admission. Tickets can be obtained at the following butcher shops: MR. MUSHKIN, MR. GREENBERG, MR. LEVINSON, MR. SOSKIN also from MR. MENDELSON at the Synagogue. By order, M. GROSS, President, A. G. WEINSTEIN, Vice-Pres.

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