April 16, 1925

Page 1


Snobbery is -the pride- of those- who are not sure of- their position. — Berton: Braley. -

VOL. iv—No. ia


J Tsiejer tnake the mistake of arguing with " p e o p l e ' for whose opinion I have no respect.—Gibbon.

E <|\ „ ia second-class mall matter on Jnnaary 27th, 1921, at pi. & to U t Omaha: Nebraska, under the Act or March 8. 1870.


thousands Take Part in Celebration ui Hebrew University


S^f ^IARKENKREUTZLER RABBI GORDIN, ORTHODOX •?'\ SENTENCED TO PRISpN Einstein Donates Original Manuscript of RABBI OF CHICAGO, DIES ^l FOR MURDERING JEW Chicago. (J. T. A.) Rabbi Jehuda His Relativity Theory to Hebrew University 1 Berlin. (J. T.' A.) 'Prison ters were Leil Gordin, formerly of Lomza, PoimposedVupon three members of the Jerusalem, April 14 (J. T. A.)— land, died Saturday night at the age anti-S: nitic Hakenkreutzler organizaThe Hebrew University on Mt. of seventy-one. tion by a jury in Tilsit, East Prus: ia, Scopus will hold among its treasRabbi Gordin, who was of the leadfor the murder of a .Jewish young ures one of the" most-unique docuing European Rabbis of Chicago, came Speakers Laud Achievements man, Julius Simon. . •' ments ever written in the history Maurice Samuels, Author of here in 1922 and became president of Chairman Incurs Censure Byof Jewish People for The murder ' was committed on of science. Prof. Albert Einstein, "You Gentiles", to be the Chicago Rabbinate, being, besides Defending Jewish Claims This Work Christmas Eve and without cause, acauthor of the" Relativity Theory, Sneaker. Rabbi of the Congregation Tifereth as Just. cording to -the evidence submitted. who was to participate in' the Zion. He was a great Talmudic scholMORE THAN 3000 TAKE Henselmann received a . sentence of exercises but was.'compelled to ONE HUNJDRED AND. FIFTY ar and was the author of several Rababandon the plan on account of his PART IN CELEBRATION three years in prison,. Felgendresher NEW1HEMBERS TO BE binical works. At one time he cor-j POLISH ATTITUDE SCORED two -years, and Tomuscheit one -year. journey to South America, has BY RABBI INSTALLED responded with Leo Tolstoi. The last line of defense of a counpresented the Hebrew University try is the character of the people with the original manuscript of his The thirty-third anniversary celeWarsaw. (J. T. A.) Admonition to "who constitute that nation, Governor book in which he laid the foundabration and class initiation of the the chairman of the Polish Senate Adam McMullen told more than 3,000 • tion for his Relativity Theory. Omaha Hebrew club "will be held Sun* Education Committee for his liberal representatives of Omaha Jewry, who day evening, April 26, at the Fohtestand on the Jewish problem was exAnnouncement was made yesterassembled Sunday night at the City Judge Andrew Morrissey to. Be Prinnelle Hotel ballroom.' " pressed by members of his commitday, that a Christopher Flantine opening of the National Hebrew Every effort isjbeing made- by the Dr. Jndah Magnes Reads of Record tee following a debate on the probcipal Speaker. edition of the Bible, printed in 1566 university at Jerusalem April 1. of Exercises in Hebrew; Distincommittee in charge to make the lem of Jewish education in Poland. at Antwerp,' Belgium? win be '• Governor McMullen in the course Judge Andrew M. Morrissey/Chief • ; guished Guests Present. meeting the largest.'iri the history of During the debate members of the presented to the Hebrew Univerof his brief address asserted that no Justice of the Supreme Court of the club. Of special interest will be Right parties attacked the Jewish : sity library at Jerusalem by the nation w hich is superstitious can be the guest of the BrothJerusalem. (J. T. A.) The second population of Poland, charging a negthe work of the Initiation and League Hebrew Institute of\ Pittsburg. hope to maintain liberty. "A nation Team, who illinitiatel- ™ew mem- -day of the celebrations on the.occa- ative attitude toward the Polish state The Bible was exhibited at the that favors illiteracy cannot hope to bers into the lodge. - -The Chairmen sion of the opening of the Hebrew and even acts of treason. The chaircelebration here of the dedication endure in "this world," the governor of the Degree ' " - ' m a r e Messrs. N. S. University on Mount Scopus began man of the committee, Professor Kaof the Hebrew University. stated. .with impressive ceremonies on. th linowski, refuted the attacks of the Yaffe and Maurice Civin.: summit of the Mount, where the foun anti-Semitic senators, emphasizing "The opening of the national unixne committee in char' - are mtk- dation stone for the Einstein Institute versity -will help the Jewish people —d arrang3ir.ents" to bri""- Maurice of Physics and Mathematics was laid that the Jewish desires in the field of all over the world 100 per cent. In education were just. Samuel, author of "You Gentiles," as erecting this institution of learning Sir Arthur Schuster, internationall; "The reproaches are made against t;. i Inci al speaker of the e—ing. the Jews are clearing the bridge for famous physicist of the London Roya the Jews that they were neutral in Other prominent speakerr and muthe generations that are to follow. Society, opened the celebration in th ; the Polish Ukrainian strife; the same, sical imr._bers will be included in the presence of fifty-two representative "The United States would not be however, can be said with regard to program. . ' . . . , of universities and learned bodies a considered a great nation today if Demonstration Culminate in Riots; Irvin Stalmaster and Fred White to a number of Poles who now occupy The Omaha Hebrew; club has over over the world. Sir Arthur, in his the people were detrimental to the Balfour Saved by. Charge of Represent Omaha. high positions in the g-overnment. I £' members 'and is 'ioday the largest speecch, predicted a glorkus future American government. Here, we Algerian Troops. ~ " cannot see any crime in the fact that organization.. of its nature in. the for the Einstein Institute in Jerusapossess the privileges of freedom and The Omaha Y. M. H. A. debating United States. the Jews appealed to international lem. Professors Brodetzky, Goodma: beyond all we ~are always seeking to . Damascus. ;(J.*T-A."X General \Sar-, team will leave. F_riday evening" for institutions. The fate of the Jewish The meeting will, be open to all aid the smaller nations of the world rail, French. High Commissioner^ of St- Louis, Mo., where they will meet Omaha Jewry,'* said Fred White^ and Fodor followed. people is so interwoven with tragedy A scene" recalling an ancient Bib who have.no military forces to proSyria, and; the British Consul.here the'St, Louis.Y in" a debate Sunday president of the. dub. . and they are so scattered over the : lical custom was enacted when Dr. tect their respective governments. have requested Lord Balfour-to-leave evening, April 19. ..The question to world that it is natural for them to Judah L. Magnes, the dean of th T h i s university will be a great the city, following the ;. riots - which be debated is, ('Resolved, That the seek protection from the League of University, read the record of the historic ; value in the days to come. took place April ,10. i -.: .. i-L' . . ^ •;United States should recognize Soviet Nations. Even if several Jews symercises written in Hebrew on parch The Jewish people of the world by Russia." The-Omaha' team, composed pathized with the Bolsheviks during ment,' commemorating the events giving service will make this univerBeirut, Syria, Apr. 10. (J. T. A.)of irvin Stalmaster and Fred White, the Russian-Polish -war—and there The,document, which was then burie sity on6 of the greatest schools . of The Earl of Balfour arrived here'-last will uphold the negative side of the were such Poles, too—there are, on under the foundation stone, read lik learning that the world has ever night from Damascus arid soon after- question. Officers Will Serws Six " Months' a chapter of the Bible and began wit the other hand, a great number of known. _ T h ^ [ a b U i ^ tq^accumulate ward embarked , oir. the steamship patriotic deeds by the Jewish youth This subject is of much importance . , ' Term. the -words "B'yemei Ha'naziv .Ha'ri money is essential^ but the most imSphinz. He was accompanied, by two and interest at this • tnneVbecause-" " during; that time. The Jewish acaerhood of Temple Israel atTits' regshon Ha'yehudi" (In the days of thi portant thing is,service that can be police cars on the journey from Da- j the many countries who have already demic youth of the Free University, The four local Orfl.6dox Synagogues first Jewish governor). rendered to those people that are ular monthly-dinner Wednesday even- mascus to Ain-Sofar, about nineteen j recognized Soviet Russia. of which I was then dean, voluntarily held their regular, semi-animal" elecnow taking active part in 'making* ing, April 22, in the Vestry Rooms of miles from this city, where the French After the foundation stone was in- joined the Polish army en masse. Both This debate is the first of a series the Temple. ' • ' ] tion of officers durii-j the past week. this university." " Director of Public Security received of debates - that will be -held by the The B'nai. Israel _ Synagogue at scribed with the names of the dis the interest of the state and the sense Immediately after the dinner, Judge Prior to the governor's speech J. J. and escorted him with" a police guard Omaha Y. Debates have already been Eighteenth and Chicago streets held tinguished guests and participants; of justice dictate that the just deFriedman, attorney, briefly outlined Morrissey will deliver an address in by a circuitous route to the coast. arranged with Des Moines and Sioux its election Sunday afternoon, April the party went to the Governmen mands of the Jews with regard to edHouse on the Mount of Olives, where ucation be fulfilled," Senator Kalinthe history of the national university. the Temple Auditorium which will be He was met here by'the British City. Many other communities have Friedman stated that 51 nations of open to the public. Judge Morrissey Consul General, who accompanied him been asked to debate the Omaha Y 12. The following seven commission- the representatives of the various owski declared. ers were elected to serve for the com- universities presented their greetings the world went on record to give the will give his observations and im-on board the steamship. Lord. Bal- teams. The Polish v»oman member of the pressions of the Courts of England ing six months: Mr.. A. B. Alpirn, Jewish people of the world a home four will remain aboard the Sphinx, The members of the St. Louis de- chairman; Mr. J. Katleman, Bible Di- to the Board of Directors of the He senate, Mrs. Szebeko, asked, "Why while attending the Convention of brew University. of their own. According to Friedman which is heavily guarded by police, bating team.are Milton Yawitz, promare the Jews in Poland not as loyal the following men have been active the American' Bar Association as a until Sunday, when; the ship will sail inent attorney of St. Louis, and Mon- rector; Mr; M.. Blank, Cemetery Di- Two hundred and forty telegrams; and devoted citizens as the Jews in rector; Mr. A. White, treasurer; Mr. delegate. " • in giving the Jewish people this great for Alexandria. .Quiet prevails here. roe Oppenheimer, law student. Ya- L. Margolin, finance chairman; Mr. L. including messages from Professor all other countries?" university, Woodrow Wilson, Lord witz was the winner of the oratorical Wintroub, membership chairman; Mr. Albert Einstein, who is now in Ar- This question was answered by SenBalfour, Sir Herbert Samuel und Noted Cantor Will Ballbek, Syria. (J. T. A.): The contest at Washington University and S. Faier, building chairman; and Mr.gentina, Dr. Sigmund Freud of Vi-ator Rabbi Rubenstein with the fol- • Chaim Weizmann. Earl of Balfour, accompanied by a a member of the debating team of S. Weiss, secretary.- Mr. S. Ravitz enna, and Dr. Charles W. Eliot, pres- lowing question: "Why is the attiAppear in Omaha military ident emeritus of Harvard University, "We rejoice with the Jewish people escort, after leaving Damas- Chicago University. Oppenheimer is was made honorary' chairman. were received, according to the an-tude of the Polish public toward the Reuben R. Rinder, of San Francisco, of the world in commemoration of cus April 9, stopped for five minutes a prominent debater and has taken At the election of the Adass Yeshnouncement of Dr. Magnes, who pre- Jews much more hostile than the atthe opening of this" great school," Calif., nationally known cantor, will at Shatura Thursday evening and tel- active part in dramatical productions. uren Synagogue at-Twenty-fifth and sided at the meeting in the Govern- titude of the public toward the Jews said Father John F . McCormick, appear in Omaha at a special concert ephoned to rBeirut, on the Mediterrain all other countries, even in those Seward streets, held Saturday evento be given Friday, April 24. Mr. ment House. president of the Creighton university. nean, about iseventy minutes by motor MORMONS ARE countries which are not entirely free ing, the officers elected are Mr. M. "The founding of an institution of Rinder will sing at Temple Israel. from Shatura. Lord Balfour, over, the DESCENDENTS OF EPHRIAM, from anti-Semitism?" Zwiebelman, president; Mr. B. Linlearning is always looked upon as an He is on his way to New York .City, telephone, said it was his intention to CHURCH OFFICIAL SAYS denbaum, vice president; Mr. J. "There are," the Rabbi continued, and will spend a few days in Omaha. Y.M.H.A. Baseball Team to improvement of the world in both board the steamship Sphinx ,at Beirut Salt Lake City, Utah. (J. T. A.)Kirschenbaum secretary; Mr. A. Roch"the liberal part of public opinion This concert is being sponsored by cultural and educational lines," said late Thursday evening. The .Sphinx Good will between the Mormons, or Play First Game Sunday which takes an energetic stand against a group of Omahans who are sharing plies between Beirut, Alexandria, Latter Day Saints, and the Jewish man, treasurer; and Messrs. M. MickFather McCormick. the agitation of the anti-Semites. In , lin, B. Glickman and M. Mittleman, The Y. M. H. A. junior basebal our parlimentary life we have not yet Many professors from Oxford and all financial expenses. The public is Egypt, and Marseilles, France. ." people was demonstrated at a huge trustees. . team will play Sunday afternoon at other universities have been pro- invited to listen to this noted cantor. gathering held in Assembly Hall here, The Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Syn- 1:30 p. m. at Muny Beach. The rivals seen such action on the part of the cured to teached in the National There will be no charge for admisDamascus, Syria. (J..T. A.) Alger- following the semi-annual conference agogue at Nineteenth and Burt strei' s Polish democracy. The stand taken • .!'.-• will be the fast Case Landscape team by Prof essor Kalinowski is an encourHebrew university, according to sion. ian cavalry galloping through the of the Latter Day Saints. elected • officers Sunday afternoon. Rabbi Frederick Cohn, in addressing Mr. Rinder is cantor of Temple Em-: streets of Damascus " with - drawn Anthony W. Ivens, one of the three Those elected are: President, Mr. A. The "Y" team is organized with aging exception. In the neighboring the Jewish representatives. "The anuel," an ultra reform congregation: swords and eight armored cars ma- members of the Supreme Presidency G. Weinstein; vice president, Mr. S. many new faces and many veterans countries of Lithuania and Latvia, founding of this school has helped to He will also give a lecture recital on neuvering with the troops are cred- .of the Church, who presided over the Riekes; secretary,' Mr. M. Adelson; of last season. Among the men onwhich are much smaller than Poland, "The Rise and* Development'of Je,wish increase the stock of the Jewish Music." This will be a treat to! all, ited with having saved Lord Balfour gathering, expressing his joy at the treasurer Mr. M. Braude; and trus- the team this year is the veteran the national 'minorities possess their • from-the hostile mob of 6,000 which rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish tees, Messrs. L.- Harris, M. Horwich catcher Dave Bleicher, who is con-own school system, which is supported ' people," he said. as Mr. Rinder has appeared in the sidered one of the best in the junior by the state. The Polish minorities Rabbi J. M. Charlop also gave a largest cities in the country. The attempted to attack his hotel April9. National Home "in conformity with and A. Richards. league and Al Handler, southpaw n Lithuania and in Latvia have diTwo were killed and many injured God's Covenant with Abraham," deshort address, lauding the founding program will- be open to the public. The B'nai ' Jacob ' Synagogue at before the disturbance was quelled. of the National Hebrew university. clared that.the Mormons were of the Twenty-fourth', and '• Nicholas streets pitcher, who is showing more speed rected their grievances to the League Dean Jenkins, president of Omaha After the clash Balfour and • the tribe of "Ephriam. also electe'' efficers Sunday after- this year than ever. Other players of Nations. When a minority in PoUniversity, and Isidor Ziegler were ZANGWILL EXPRESSES About 1,500 Mormons attended the jFrench High Commissioner, Sarrail, noon. .Mr. G.' Kaplan was elected who are showing midseason form and does the same, it is considered PESSIMISTIC VIEW ON also speakers on the program. gathering, which' was addressed by president; Mr. J. Kaplan, vice pres- are: Morris Reiss, captain of the an act of treason," the Rabbi stated. drove away from the hotel for an unSITUATION OF JEWS team, Lester Giventer, Charles Leib, Max Fromkiri, attorney, presided as London. (J: -T.- A.)-- A pessimistic known destination. Meanwhile, scat- Rabbi E. M. Burstein, leader of the ident; Mr. M. Horwich, secretary; and Elmer Greenberg, Max Altschuler, chairman at the -meeting. local orthodox Jewish congregations tered disturbances continued throughMr. J. Singer, treasurer. The.trusDorothy Lustgarten and Avruni view of the Jewish situation in vari- out the city, and fire engines with of this city, who spoke on "A Jewish tees elected are } T "srs. D. Babendir, Joe Turner, Isadore Shreibman, SamQmahns Leave for B'nai B'rith ous countries, following the; bpetring Ban and Louis Weiner. Lustgarten, accompanied by Miss Ida their hose in play and airplanes with View of Judaism." Rabbi Burstein A. Batt and S. Epstein. Cer.YcntioFi &t Atlantic City Lustgarten at the piano, gave several of the Hebrew University, ;was ex- smoke bombs were requisitioned to thanked the Mormon people for their pressed by Israel Zangwill in; a. letJULIUS ROSENWALD violin selections. Miss Ida LastOmaha delegates to the constituter addressed to the "Sunday: Observ- clear the mobs from the streets. The deep seated sympathy with the Jews SAILS FOR EUROPE tional gra " lodge convention of the garden also played a piano solo. er" as a result of the articles by-the civilian causalties from, the _ disturb-i in the movement to restore Palestine JEWS IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA New York. (J. T. A.) Julius Ro- ^dependent Order of B'nai B'rith left APPOINT COMMISSION Cantor Mialek and his choir, accom- editor; James' Louis Garvin/ entitled ances number about fifty, of which and for their tangible help in the ; senwald, well known American Jewish ;oday for Atlantic City, where the conOF INQUIRY panied by Harry Braviroff at the "The^ Jewsj Froni Titusi to Balfour,'' fifteen are in hospitals. The; police form of a money contribution. He philanthropist, who recently gave $1,- tention will be held. The Omahans piano, sang several musical numbers. iri last week's issuer thanked them for their friendship at also "suffered a few casualties. • ; • -, •"••"•'•. V-^J^/'-J 000,000 to the University of Chicago, who left for Atlantic City are Henry Prague. (-Jewish Telegraphic Aall times. Referring toj his address delivered Lord Balfour did not .venture, out sailed recently for Naples on the Monsky, Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Lapgency (. A specialcommission for - RAINFALL IN,JERUSALEM . before .the Americanj Jewish Congress of: his hotel ylsterday morning besteamer, Conte Verdi. the purpose of inquiring into the legal . •' CAUSES JOY inliNew Yoric_last\year, :Mrv Zangwill cause of the disturbances of the night Poali-Zion "to Give Concert idus, Sam J. Leon, and Sam Beber, A host of friends were at the pier .he latter a representative of, the A. status and decession of the CzechoJcrud\»m. (J. T. A.) Never were says that "thW /University- is! mejagre before.; When the shouting crowds and Play April 26th slovakian authorities witfy regard to to see the famous philanthropist off. -clouds on the horizon so welcome-as and iin^cks at; theliope- ot {Eastern approached the building, the .French Z. A. A joint concert and one-act playlet Jews was decided upon at a meeting A particular feature was the scene tho:-c *hieh appeared in Jerusalem Jewry, s Thei University^will jnt^sify. gendarmes displayed the ti£most'. cqolThe Omaha delegates were elected Apnl 1, bringing- the. long-expected thevmyith^ of ^ e ; political ;i|mtj| of Bessc; A: French officer, lying almost will be given by the Poali-Zipn club of the Jewish National Council in thebetween Mr. Rosenwald and Nathan at the last convention of District No. Sunday evening, April 26, at 8:30, at Czechoslovakian Republic at the sug- Straus, the venerable philanthropist, ram. th^; Jew|^and4t|u^ 'iriakei-: ttelpfttbleiiii full length oit his horseycharged feihg- the Labor Lyceum. The play to be gestion of'Dr. Lebenhart. The in-Who, accompanied by Jacob Billikopf, 3 at Sioux City, Ia. Henry Monsky ^y;fivto the mob as^ife.approached.;-It given will be "Divcrce," to be pre-quiry is based upon theprinciple that surprised Mr. Rosenwald by waiting is at the present time a member of Following the Hebrev University 'jras.iia;tiraeljr effort,jfiar the sudden- sented by *he Literary Dr&ir-tic Sec- -the Jewish population in the Republic for him in his cabin. celebrations, rejoicing prevailed in the oniBm;^S.^j><atoev:i^;:;;i'w5";;:jh;;;i^^:^y the executive committee of the Orderf n^;aE : his; move stattted the Jeadjers, tion- of the Poali-Zion club. Mr. M. is recognized as a Jewish nationality. city all duy- as the rain fell steadily. '/^^el^r^f^f?;^^ representing District No. 6. Asked for the destination of his ^fiiie: ^ t r o o p e r s "fpllqwed the offi- F. Goodman is secretary of this secThe drouphi£ ./which had prevailed for journey, Mr. Rosenwald declared that Jewish jurists from all parts of the many wpcis, endangered the crops ^ga^l^asl&^effl^a^^^ll^fi^ •^r^%?iam|ile^JMid.; pishedJ the crpw4s tion. country were invited to serve on thehe was going to Naples and that he Mrs. Morris Grossman, of Manhat^|kl-^^m?:the^Immediate viciriiiyi of v^ater stoply, and the rain and the ^ commission. The . Jewish Nationtl and Mrs. Rosenwald will spend sev- tan, Kans,, who is now visiting with ; r : |||||a||ing.y^ ;-:;-y---v.^; •:•/•. t' ~Xl~ e hdhi came As a relief of many hardships. streets. Soon after midday, when the Council further decided to pospone the eral months abroad, but they have no |f|Th^|day?;;JBeganJ in ;:3Damascu&, in ;:an mosques emptied, the first shouts of calling of a Jewisft National Congress definite plans. He hoped, he stated, Ker mother, Mrs. M. Meycrson, will be iperated on et the Jennie Edmund)l»beg spent the week-' atmosphere of ominous quiet.--Nearly , the mob could be-heard from the and to take steps for the creation of a to obtain an audience with the Pope, ion Hospital Monday morning. Mrs. £-,-vHtiii? her parent's every shop and office was closed, but, municipal square, only a quarter of a Jewish League of Nations Union in to ;whom he has a letter from Cardi- Sros&man *was formerly Miss Lena crowds"• were surginjr about'^tlie mile from the hotel nal Mundelein of Chicac» Meyerson of Council Blufe~

Jewish Education Problem Arouses Polish Committee

Omaha Hebrew Club to Celebrate 33rd April26

Brotherhood Open Meeting Wednesday Evening, April 22

Lay Foundation For Einstein Institute

Balfour Compelled to Omaha O / H / i to Debate Leave Damascus for Egypt St LwdsLT Sunday

Local Synagogues Elect Officers For Next Term


PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925 (sends them with a special delegate to to resume their studies at the Uni--week to resume his studies at the Jerusalem under the inscription, ] versity of Michigan. University of Iowa. "From the Polish Government to the Published ever? Thursday at Omaha,- Nebraska, by The Independent Order of the B'nai Mrs. Harry Cohen entertained at Hebrew University." ... THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANYa series of bridge parties Monday af- Brith will hold a meeting 'next WedThirty thousand Jews demonstrated Office: 790 Brandeia Theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. 1923 ternoon and Tuesday afternoon at nesday evening, April 22, at the in the streets of New York and the NATHAN E . GREEN, Manager. Danish Hall. her heme. metropolitan newspapers find it a Subscription Price, one yeaf_ Eosh Cbodesh Iyar-Saturday, April 25 _$2.50. unique expression of enthusiasm and Lag b'Omer. —Tuesday, May 12 Advertising rates furnished on application. Mr. Isaac Solzman, son of Mr. and Mr. Abe H. Marcus of Chicago, HI., pride "so long denied to this race." Rosh Chodesh Sivan... .Sunday, May 24 Mrs. N. Solzman, is spending his. arrived last Wednesday to join Mrs. CHANGE OF APDRESS—Please give both the old nnd new address; John F. Hylan, mayor of New York, Shabuoth .Friday, May 29 • be sure and give your name. spring vacation here. He -will return Marcus and to spend the holidays Rosb Chodesh Tammuz. Tuesday, June 23 takes the occasion to cable to the HeFast of Tammuz______ ___Tbursday. July 9 to Iowa City the early part of next with Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman. The Jewish Tresa is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish brew •University celebration his greetRosh Chodesh Ah .Wednesday, July 22 Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition ings in behalf of the "largest Jewish Fast of A —Thursday, July 30 to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. Rosh Chodesh EHUL Inquiries regarding news itexn9 credited to this Agency will be gladly city." -J'riday, August 21 answered if addressed to Jewish. Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Dr. Stephen S. Wise, the irreconAll Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day. York City. cilible independent, at the celebration of the Hebrew University! opening at THE ATTACK ON BALFOUR. the Manhattan Opera Souse, declares his return to the ranks of the Zionist We are not surprised that the Arabs attacked p c e Lord d Balfour. a There* h has b been a tenseness of feeling in Palestine since the an- movement, declaring it the duty of now showing at the Rialto Theatre. evening, April 20, at eight o'clock at nouncement was made that Balfour would attend the opening of every American Jew to perceive the In one scene alone the tyrant is the, synagogue. the Hebrew University. We have it on the authority of a reliable solen challenge of the Hebrew Uni- shown, surrounded by thousands of The Bickor Cholim Society held correspondent that Balfour did not fully realize the extent of versity, closing, thus, the chapter of beautiful girls in ancient costume, in the feeling on the part of the Arabs against the British policy the secession of the Brandeis group. one of the terrible debaucheries of their semi-annual election of officers Jassinovsky, a New York cantor, wine and reasting for which he wasMonday evening at the synagogue. in promoting the Jewish development of the country until he was composes a .new score on Isaiah's notorious. The picture was filmed in The same officers were re-elected. just about ready to-leave England. But for many reasons quite Hundreds of Omaha Men and Women dine regularly obvious it would have been impossible for Balfour to have given prophecy on the "Vhayah B'achrith Borne ,and this scene, as well as the The A. Z. A. Chapter No. 7 will in our "Help-Yourself" Restaurant not because the up his trip in face of Arab threats. So he went. But the situa- Ha'yamim," incorporating into the hundreds of others shown, is said to hold a meeting next Tuesday evening, tion was fraught with possibilities for widespread disturbance. composition all the dreams and ex-be an exact replica of the Palatine «f April 21, at eight o'clock at the Benprices are so low—but because the food's so good. It was, therefore, witr a sigh of relief that the dedication of the pectations of those who have, for cen- Nero. nett bunding. University was permitted to proceed without any untoward act, turies, dreamed with Isaiah, repeating except certain sporadic outbreaks of an individual character. In his memorable words, and i t becomes The Chevra Kadishe Society -will COUNCIL BLUFFS hold fact, through the medium of the other column through which a popular piece of old and new Jewish its semi-annual election of offiwe express ourselves in this journal, we hoped that throughout music. cers* next Tuesday evening, April 21, The Lechovitz Society will hold a Verily, a new epoch seems to be the entire visit of Balfour.there would be no violently overt acts meeting Sunday afternoon, April 19, at the synagogue. on the part of the Arabian population. Of course, the draping dawning. at two. o'clock at the home of Mr. of the Arab dwellings and business places in black, as a sign of Mr. Philip Krasne and his house and Mrs. Ben Balaban, 900 North mourning over the situation and to show stern disapproval of ENROLL YOUR CHILDREN guest, Mr. Dave Paley of Chicago, Eighth street. the English interest in the opening of the university, did not Illinois, are leaving Saturday night TO CITY TALMUD TORAH .help the situation any. The Talmud Torah Society will hold for a short visit in Chicago before Balfour goes to Damascus and at this writing (no one can tell An Open Letter to the Jewish Par- an election of officers' next Monday returning to Ann Arbor, Michigan, what the developments of the next twenty-four hours will be) ents of Omaha. we are informed that the hotel at which he is stopping was stoned by the Arabs. And later, despite the guards stationed Dear Parents: rauond the building, demonstrations were again staged. The Do "you realize that the secret of situation is too serious to dismiss with a gesture. If Mr. Balfour the -wonderful power the Jewish peoshould be seriously injured or worse, England would undoubtedly ple possess, although a nation in exPrinting—Lithographing demand severe penalties from the Arabs and no one can foresee ile, is the Jewish education to our A advertising—Mailing the far-reaching consequences of the act. In any event the children? Jews will not go unscathed. There is no use to indulge in idle The Jewish parents always look oratory in face of facts. There is no sense in making fight of a after the J P vish spirit of their chil- •; situation that has been, all along a serious one. dren as well as, their physical health. Are you doing your: duty to your children? Are you giving your -children " 7 IN THE HEART OF THE SEAS a real JEWISH EDUCATION, so If excavations on the sites of Utica and Carthage, now being that they shall grow up to be conWe have undertaken to give our patrons the advantages undertaken on a scale commensurate with the archeological im- sciencious Jews in the full sense of of a complete printing and advertising service ••. portance of such an enterprise, throw light not only upon the arts the word? If for some reason you and customs of the dwellers in these ancient dependencies of neglected to do it'.until 'now, take the AD WRITING—We have secured the services of Phoenicia but on the arts and customs of the ancient Phoenicians opportunity a t the opening of the new Rosy taupes and tans are the an expert advertising man who is well qualified to of the Syrian coast* long hidden or obscure chapters in the story semester of the TALMUD TORAH favored colors in the LADY plan, write, and lay out your forms in such a way of civilization will be revealed. next week and enroll your children as to assure results. ANNE Summer hosiery. See -Phoenicia, "merchant of the peoples unto many isles," not among t? hundreds of other Jewish this lovely VICTOR number in only dealt in the merchandise of many nations but served as children in whose Jewish hearts we ADDRESSING, MAILING—We have added a deall colors before you buy your the bearer of national culture, sciences and arts from one land are trying to implant the principles" partment to address, fold and mail your advertisnext supply. : to another. ing matter. of the Jewish religion, Jewish tradi.- Hiram of Phoenicia, friend of King David, and bulkier;of tions, Jewish morals, and everything -. . , » j f . - , - , . , , - . , , ^ } , •-. v — • ~ •; This is a job "we relieve you of and "which will no David's palace, gave Solomon cedar and fir trees and the" services that is dear and holy to us. We are1 longer prevent you from- successfully conducting of skilled workmen for the Temple at Jerusalem. It was King making a great effort to give the extensive advertising programs. Hiram who attacked and subdued Utica when it ceased to pay children who are attending the TalSold in Omaha by Thes. Kilpatrick Co. Ncbras' i Clothing Co. tribute to t h e mother nation. . mud Torah a full knowledge of our Thompson-Belden Co. shoe Market Workmen are now unearthing the forum of Carthage, where national language and, above all, we Herzberg's. *•-,.«.>= seven-story buildings are said to have stood. Remains of palaces, instill in them a love for bur religion. Goldstein-Chapman Co. Pkar » cs tombs and public buildings may soon be brought to light. Napiefs Booterie. Joseph Bonoff's. Every Saturday morning the chilSCHOAL FREED, Proprietor • John Beno Co., Council riuffc. For Carthage, in the hour of her fall, the Prophet may well dren attend regular Sabbath services. Telephone AT-3832 have taken up the lamentation which he voiced when her mother They read .the. weekly portion of the N. E. Cor. 14th and Dodge DISTRIBUTED BY still shone forth in resplendance at the entry of the sea: •Torahy"•: after which they sing sacred "The ships of Tarshish were thy caravans for thy merchan- songs. dise; and thou wast replenished, and made very glorious in the The students of the Talmud Torah heartof the seas; thy rowers Have brought thee into great Water; home tube same Jewish spirit the east wind hath broken thee in the heart of the seas."—^Cleve- that prevails while at the Talmud Toland Independent. . • raTi. ;;^A%B1 ^ % B J;M^ CHAKLAP, A ' Chairman of Education Board. of the first pioneers under the ad- ELDZU BLOCH, Principal. ministration of Nehemiah, the first •*High Commissioner" of Judea on be20,000 Silk Worms Weave Dyet half of the King of Persia. in Cast X French scientist has succeeded The United States Consul General In in Jerusalem, Oscar G. Hezier, in his making silkworms weave dress dyes Into their own output. He is respeech at a dinner given by the Board ported Echoes of Mount Scopus. to have injected dyes Into the of Directors of the Hebrew Univer- cocoon and the result was colored sity following the dedication exercises w And it shall come to pass in thein Jerusalem, pointed to the material tnreads being spun. Not only tne orshades, but the tones and hues last days, that the mountain of the support of the re-establishment of dinary that are made from combining various Iiord's • house, shall be established in Palestine is receiving from American tints, are produced by the little workthe top tit Ithe. mountains, and shall Jewry. ers receiving treatment by this procbe exalted above the hills: and all naess. Silk is usually dyefl after it fcaa David W. Simmons, former member been wound and twisted into floss, tions snail flow unto it. of the Detroit City Council, donated the new method is expected to "And many people shall go and say,1 the cite for a library building of the but national Tvdtmo grow it in colors that will not fade. pome ye, and let us go up to theUniversity and an additional sum of mountain of the Lord, to -the house $7,500. Marcus Fecheimer of CincinNero cast his eyes Df the God of Jacob; and he "will teach nati, Ohio, announced in a cable, the NERO'S BANQUETS on the b eautif ul yiVID FILM SCENES us of his ways, and we will walk in donation of his valuable library. PhilLygta. his paths; for out of Zion shall go ip Wattenburg, New York realtor, The. pomp and splendor that was forth the law, and the word of the participr "no- in the celebrations in IT'S HERE IX EVERY NEW Borne in Nero's.: time is vividly reLord from Jerusalem. Jerusalem, following the laying of the vived in First National's new and gi. "And he shall pudge among the na- cornerstone of the Einstein-Balfour MODEL, FABRIC AND STYLE tions, and shall "rebuke many', people;, Institute for Physics and Mathemat- gantic production of "Quuo Vadis," DEVELOPMENT OF 1925, YES, andthey shall beat their swords into ics, announce his donation of $100,000 REAL CLOTHES QUALITY, plowshares and their spears into for the erection of a building to house pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up this -department. PRICED TO GIVE R E A L sword against nation, neither shall Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president VALUE they learn war any more. of the Hebrew Union College of Cin•"O house of Jacob, come ye, and let cinnati, participating in a celebration on this occasion in Cincinnati, stated: us walk in the light of the Lord." .The most gorgeous spectacle So visioned Isaaiah, the son of "We should not fall into the error of Your life insurance should ever presented and filled with Amoz, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, thinking that a magical force will be be planned to meet every thrills of the arena, where V Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. exerted by this university and that it C h r i s t i a n martyrs were possible emergency. J— In the presence of representatives will automatically solve all of our burned or thrown to the lions. of fifty-two universities and nearly problems. Rather is the opening of If you are "insurance poor" all the members of the League of Na- this school a time for greater -watchor under-insured, you are THEY'RE SUITS WITH EXTRA PAIR OF tions, what is termed the Hebrew Uni- fulness on our part and a more dedepriving your family. TROUSERS FOR EXTRA GOOD MEASURE! versity was dedicated on Mount Sco- termined striving for the ideals that To plan, the right kind of have contributed so great a share of pus on April 1. life insurance so as to meet At the close of the celebrations the world's store of knowledge." with every particular reCables received from all parts of which, in spite of pessimistic expectaquirement, is a part of my Finest Bench Made Clothes Unequaled by tions, passed - peacefully Dr. Weiz- the world tell of the tremendous en"Personal Service". $150 Custom Tailors are Here at $60 to $75 Critics Call It One Of The Greatest Pictures mann on: behalf of the Zionist Exec- thusiasm displayed by the various Ever Made utive in Jerusalem presented Lord Jewish communities and the expres••ate ^Bh "tMhiT | q. ^, Balfour with a_ parchment scroll on sions of sympathy and endorsement PRODUCED ENTIRELY IN ROME •which wer" inscribed the text of Ezra given on this occasion by the repreand Nehemiah, the two historical rec- sentatives of even such governments ords of the Bible describing what which are otherwise not known to be PEKSO WAX S t R V I CE mlghfc be termed the ''Balfour Dedar- philo-Semitic The Government of APRIL 18th Fenu. Mutual Life Insurance Co. atioii'* of-Cyrus, King of Persia, oh Roland, • for instance^ donates nine OMAHA. KKM. FOR 7 DAYS 720 feteis Trait the Teturn--of the Jewish -people from thousand'volumes^ on Jewish' subjects; JA.1817 CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Babylon to, Palestine and th'n straggle packs them in elaborate cases.; and







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PAGE 3-^THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1923 First Student—I asked issues. Mr. Louis Zable is an A. Z. city visiting friehda and relatives over Wise Memorial Hospital Nurses Graduation Exercises would get my degree. A. member of the Two Triangle com- the Passover holidays. Second Student—What did he Next Thursday Evening at Temple Israel mittee. He helped start a Bible

The 1VT2 club convention will be First Student—He froze me by sayTwelve nurses will receive their member, will participate on the pro-Class for the Two Triangle Club. The held in Lincoln from May 30 and 31.Ing something about no degrees below Lincoln A. Z. A. are also planning to diplomas at the graduation exercises gram. She will read a paper. About 250 delegates are expected to zero. have a Jewish school for the Two of the Wise Memorial Hospital to be come from the middle wesv ArrangeTriangle Club. held Thursday evening, April 23, at ment.; are being maae by Messrs. GilAt an election of the Two Triangle son and Polick. 7:30, at Temple Israel. Following Club held April 5, the following were the exercises at the Temple, the elected: President, Arth\lr Bukin; The Friday night eermon at the graduates will be entertained at a By ARTIST CANTOR vice-president, Sam Eubinow; secre- Temple by Rabbi S. E. Starrels was reception- and dance to be given at tary, Lee Grossman; treasurer, Abe "The Crasifixion From the Jewish the Blackstone Hotel. Novicoff. View." The Council of Jewish Women are The program to be presented at the ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS exercises will be given in the .follow- entertaining at a Mah Jong and card Miss Sadie Sarbach returned from a, During the past week Mr. and Mrs. ing order: Mr. Harry Breslow was elected KRASNE-RISEMAN. party Wednesday afternoon, April 29, visit of two weeks in Nebraska City manager of the Lincoln A. Z. A. base.: A wedding that comes as a com- Abe Bobinovitz" announced the en- Processional by Mr. V. C. Bennett. at the Brandeis Grill. This affair is where she visited parents anr relagagement of their daughter, Anne, .to ball team. Other A.Z.A. teams who plete surprise to Omaha was solemVocal Solo... ._.. Miss Laura Goetz the first entertainment given this by Dr. Frederick Cohn. tives. desire to schedule games with the nized Thursday afternoon at 5 p. m. Mr. Hyman Ferer, of this ( city, son Address Vocal Solo by Mr. Harry Di6brow. year by the Council and, according to Address by Dr. Boeder. at the home of Rabhi Frederick Cohn. of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron: Ferer. the committee in charge, plans are Lincoln A. Z. A. should write to Mr. Presentation of Diplomas—Dr. J. M. Miss Sarah Riseman, daughter of Mr. Miss Eobinovitz is a graduate of Banister. being made to make this an outstand- Breslow at Breslow Grain Co. and Mrs. S. Eiseman of Elk Creek, the Omaha High School of Commerce. Recessional by Mr. V. C. Bennett. Light Cellar Bet " V ing social event. The sermon of the Passover servHebr., formerly of Omaha, and Mr.Mr. Ferer is a,graduate of the Cen- The twelve nurses who are graduatIf the beam* of cellar ceilings are Mrs. J. P." Cohn is-chairman of the covered with wall board and then givices, given by Rabbi S. E. Starrcls, Millard Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs.tral High School and attended Mis- ing are the Misses: Viola C. Bruce, Frances L. Beedy, M. committee in charge of the arrange- was "The New University in Pales- en two coats of battleship gray paint, H. Krasne of Council Bluffs, were souri University and also West Point Lagene Drummond, Nellie Mae Kentner, ments. or a lighter tone, dost from aftbtts, married Thursday afternoon. The only Military Academy. Clementine Nelsop, Lyella Lucille Nelson, tine." coat and cement floor will not sift Retta McDowell, Thyra Alfreda Pearson, No date has as yet been set for Evelyn Helen Pearson, attendants at the wedding were Miss Florence Opai into upper tooatM. If cellar floor and Mr. and Mrs. L. Herzog and daughTaylor, Katherine Irene Schaefer, Ada Bunny Kay and Mr. Nathan E. Green. the wedding. wall* are painted, dost will be farther Lavina Watwood. ter, Miss Faye, are visiting in Omaha. Mr. an I Mrs. Millard Krasne are prevented and lighting improved. Mr. and Mrs. 'William L. Holzman both prominent members of Omaha's LESSER-OSHEROW Miss Bernice Piamond of Julian, Outline all corner* In white, germs younger set. Mr. Krasne is a mem- left Wednesday morning for Excelsior Mr. and Mrs ; S. Osherow announce Nebr., spent the week-end in the city and vermin do not find the painted Springs, Mo. They are expected to ber of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. the marriage of their daughter Hazel visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.cellar attractive. The newly-weds- leave Thursday return within a week. to Mr. Harry Lesser, of Kansas City, David Diamond. evening i> Chicago and Ann Arbor, Mo. The wedding took place in SUNDAY, AFTER PASSOVER Mr. and Mrs. B. Pred returned from Mich., where Mr. Krasne will gradFOR RENT Omaha on Tuesday, March 31. The The Paughters of Israel held their April 10, 1925, 7:30 p.m. a winter's stay in Florida. They are Plans and arrangements are being couple will make their home in regular monthly meeting at the Syn- TWO or 3 Unfurnished Rooms. uate front the University of Michigan now with their daughter, Mrs* Mayer BETH HAMEDROSH HAGODOL completed by the cohanittee in charge Beatrice, Nebr. agogue Sunday afternoon. Law School in June. They will make All Modern. No children. SYNAGOGUE Spiesberger, and Mr. Spiesberger. Call at 914 South S"-d St., or of the Jewish Women's Welfare Ortheir home in Omaha in June. Mrs, Sam Wessel was appointed a call Harney 6392. Admission 50 Cents ganization Annual Card Party to be Miss Agnes Boss left-this afternoon member of the new city hospital board Mrs. Carl Studna and son, Harlan, for Kansas City, Mo., where she will given Tuesday afternoon, April 21, at The Two Triangles Club, an organ- for six years. ization of boys from the ages of 12 of Kansas City, Mo., are in Omalia make her "home with her sister, Mrs. the Blackstone Hotel. Mah Jong and bridge will be played to 16, who are sponsored by the A. Mr. Morris Friend gave a Sapher visiting with Mrs. Studna's parents, B. F. Margolin, and Mr. Margolin. Z. A., who were organized about a Mr. and Mrs. D. Blumenthal. They Mrs. Margolin and children/who were arid prizes will be* given* Mrs. Harry year ago with a membership of only Torah to the Temple B'nai Jeshurun will spend several weeks hera. visiting here with Mrs. Margolin's Trustah, chairman of the entertain- six, now have more than twenty Wednesday morning in memory of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.' H. Boss,: ment committee, is in charge of the members. Mr. Louis Finkelstine is mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. SiMr. and Mrs. William E. Blumencard party. their advisor. The purpose of the mon Friend. thal, who were married Tuesday even- accompanied Miss Boss., OF club is to make- better men of the Mrs. Levy of Hastings was in the ing, April 7, are expected to return Mrs. Harry G. Fleishman, of North young boys and when they have Saturday from Cleveland, O., where Mrs. I. Rosenthal on reached t h e age of 16 they are eligthey are spendinc their honeymoon Platte, Nebr;, formerly of this city, is Qmaha-LincoLa Sisterhood and. visiting with Mr. Blumenthal's visiting here for the.remainder of Reciprocity P a y Program ible for membership into the A. Z.A. week with Mrs. I. N. Cherniss. parents. Mrs. Blumenthal was forOmaha Temple Israel Sisterhood Club. 2023 Bart Street Jackson 3007 merly Miss Sophie Joffe, general secThe Pes Moines Chapter of the Miss Reva Kulakofsky is returning members will leave early, Wednesday CREDIT retary of the Jewish Welfare FederaSunday to the University of Michigan morning, April 22, for Lincoln to hold A. Z. A. have written to the Lincoln JEWELERf All who desire to enroll their children for the new tion. Mr. Blumenthal is superintendtheir annual Reciprocity p a y with t h e chapter regarding the forming of a at Ann Arbor, after having'spent her ent of the Federation. I : semester in the TALMUP TORAH should please CONFlDENCE, Lincoln Sisterhood. Mrs. Nathan similar Triangle club in Pes Moines. spring, school vacation here with her Mantel is in charge of the reservaenroll them during the coming week, beginning When the A. Z. A. hold their national Mrs. F . Berkowitz and Mrs. M. H.parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kulakofsky. tions which should be made by Satconvention soon the question of the SERVICE LOANS TODAY, APRIL 17 to FRIDAY, APRIL 24, before Lipp returned last Sunday from CalTwo Triangle Club for other A. Z. A. ifornia, where they spent, the winter. Mrs. Sam Weinberg and' son, Kob-J urday, April 18. the arrangements of the new classes are made. 1514 DODGEyT. Mr. A. Newman, of San Francisco, ert Allen, who were visiting here withj Mrs. Isy Bosenthal, local Sisterhood. chapters will be one of the major 3 94 Calif., a brother of Mrs. Berkowitz Mrs. Weinberg's parents, Mr.* and and Mrs, Lipp, accompanied them and Mrs. M. Minkin, returned-Sunday to| their home "in Fremont,'Nebr. •will make his home here.

Council of Jewish Women to Give Hah Jong and Card Party April 29

Concert with Choir A. A. ROSENBLUM


Plans Completed For Jewish Womens Welfare Annual Card Party April 21, at Blackstone

L_ Special Notice

City Talmud Torah ofOmaha

Miss Roslyn Faier has just returned Mr. Nathan E. Jacobs- returned from a four months' visit in Kansas Monday from St. Louis, Mo., where he. City, MOJ attended a regional convention of the 1 Mrs. Julius Newman entertained Zeta "Betar -Tau7~fraternlty; ' Mr. Ja-* eighteen children at her home Thurs- cobs was a delegate of. the Omahai day afternoon, April 9, in honor of raduate club of the Zeta Beta Tau,her little daughter, Harriett Rosalie, Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. Auerbach! who celebrated *• -•"• second birthday. returned the latter part of last week Mrs. Leonard Hockenberg, of Des from Excelsior Springs, Mo. Moines, la., arrived Monday to visit The So Ed So Social club will hold hetfe With her mother, Mrs. M. Zalk. its weekly dance Friday evening She will visit here for a week. April 17, at the Labor Lyceum. Miss Mina Kneeter> of New York City, formerly of this" city, is ex, CLUB NEWS., pected to arrive the latter part of The Jewish National FuntT will hold this week/-x visit here with her mothits semi-annual election of officers er, Mrs. M. Kneeter. Miss Kneeter Sunday evening, April 19, a t the TaU will spend a month here. mud Torah. All Jewish OrganizaMr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg are in tions of Omaha are asked to send Excelsior Springs, Mo., expecting to their representatives to this meeting. return about the latter part of next The Hatdkvoh Girls' club will hold week. a. special meeting Sunday afternoon j Miss Shirley Eosenblum was hos-April 19, a t the Jewish Community tess to the Hajobls Bridge dub Tues- Center. Plans for-a party will be day evening. Prizes were won by the made. Misses Lucille Stein and Hannah Filvin. •••..The Montifore club held its regular meeting Sunday afternoon, April 12, Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, of Sioux City, at 3:30, at the Jewish Community la., is leaving for her home the early Center. Mr. M. F. Goodman spoke part of next week after having spent to the members proposing the organthe past week here visiting with her izing of an English and Jewish draparents/Mr. -and*Mrs.* E. Kulakofsky. matic section.' Earl Goodbinder was Mrs. Ben Taxman and children, of elected reporter at this meeting. The Montifore club was organized Kansas City, Mo., are visiting here with Mrs.' Taxman's parents, Mr. andabout eight months ago. Its memberMrs. J. Milder. ship consists of boys from the ages of 16 to 18. Any Jewish boy be. Mrs. Abe Eips, of Tulsa, Okla., is tween these ages is eligible for memvisiting here with her parents, Mr. bership to the club. Meetings are and Mrs. John Eedman. Mr. Eips held every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 spent several days here and returned at the Jewish. Community Center. to his home today. Mrs. Eips will remain here for another week. The Auflebung club will hold its regular meeting Sunday evening, Messrs. Myron Blotcky and Lester April 19, at the Jewish Community SlOsburg, students of the University Center. Mr. J. J. Friedman will ad-, of Michigan, are leaving Sunday evendress the members, after which muing for Ann Arbor, Mich., where they sical and literary numbers will be will resume their studies after having given. Mr. Ben Martin and Mr. -M. spent their spring vacation-with their F. Goodman will present a one-act parents. playlet, "Advice," by Sholem AleMiss Dorothy Goldstein returned chim. •-home Monday from the Bush Conservatory of Music at Chicago, 111. PHILIP WATTENBURG PONATES $100,000 FOR Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and EINSTEIN INSTITUTE daughter, Betty, of Norfolk, Nebr. Jerusalem. J. T. A.) The Pepartwere visiting in Omaha with Mrs ment of Physics and Mathematics, Robinson's mother, Mrs. E. Jacobs which will be named after Albert EinMr. Eobinson had left Tuesday for his stein and Lord Balfour, the foundahome, P' d. Mrs. Eobinson and Mrs.tion stone for which was laid March Jacobs a n leavir- this evening for 31 on Mount Scopus, will shortly be Norfolk, where Mrs. Jacobs will visit erected, through the generosity of with her daughter. Philip Wattenburg, New York business man, who attended the exercises "Are the Jews a Race of a Reli- of the opening of-the Hebrew Univergion?" will be Eabbi Frederick Cohn's sity. * • •••-;.. ••:• ; .'* • ;^* sermon, topic this Friday evening, Mr. Wattenburg announced his doApril 17, a* t n e Temple. On Satur- nation of $100,000 for the immediate day morning Tiis subject will be erection of the building to house the departmentr : ' . / •"Strange Fire."

A piece of printing well and thorough) ly done brings a satisfaction {hat I ' nothing can steal away. A job carelessly handled is sure to leave behind it a feeling of unrest and discontent.





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PAGE 4--THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1925 cabeans, dressed in white uniforms, performing, at drill exercises' as smartly as the West Point boys. "No, this is not chauvinism. It is really so. * * *

Onr Sporting C By HARRY CQNZEL "(Copyright X325 by Seven Arts TTeature Syndicate.)



Initiates With Aching Feet'Find Club Membership No Bed of Roses Six initiates discovered last night that the Thorpeian Athletic club is exactly that—athletic_ plus. The lengthy process of initiation began with setting-up exercises, and for an hour the novitiates directed traffic at Sixteenth and Farnam streets, while motorists stared •wonderingly at their incomplete but picturesque garb. Then the six "victims" submitted to have their hands tied behind their back, and were foTced to run all the way to Carter lake. There they -were "ducked." Then they ran all the way back. To wind up . the festivities, the initiates were taken to a cafe and


compelled to sing and dance. for the amusement of the patrons. No casualties were reported, but at 1 a. m. three of the pledges were still missing. • The initiates were Sol Eeif, Ben Drevich,- Lew Meyers, Nunuy Adelson, Sain Rosenblatt and Ed Ruback. The Thorpeian Athletic club: is an organization'sponsoring amateur athletics and soc?-1 welfare work.

Albert Michelson won the third, annual Laurel-to-Baltimore Marathon of twenty-six miles, three, hundred eighty-five yards, the other day. He beat Frank Zuna, the famous long distance We read a few days ago the follow- Runner and last, year's ...winner, in a superior,. fashion. i Michelson ran a ing item: "The Hebrew University of Jeru- remarkable'race. * He followed the salem, which was dedicated recently, pace set by Frank Wendling of Buf.will- have-a huge athletic- stadium, alo for.nearly seventeen..miles, and modelled after those of Harvard and then stepped in front, never to be Yale Universities in the United overtaken-by his 'opponents; .* * * States, through the gift of Samuel In the Harvard University wrestling The members of the initiation comUntermyer, prominent American law- matches, four Jewish students won mittee are Ben Kubby, chairman; Iz titles. Milton Krook won the bantamyer and chairman of the Palestine weight final; M. KulTman the lightFoundation Fund in America." H." Rosenblatt, vice-chairman, and championship; Mortimer It is a mighty fine gift,, and we be- weight Messrs..t William Giventer, Jack lieve just as important as any other Michelson the welterweight title and SteIxLberg,V, Sam Friedel, and Harry department will be the stadium. The George .Rarelifz ( the middleweight Palestinian student should go • in for honors. Some dean-up. * * * Eugene sports. It is highly desirable from F. Nathenson, the crack marksman of every point of view, Zionistic or non- New York University, now holds the inter-collegiate standing Zionistic. , Well-trained Jewish youth national Speed of Riveting Hammers Hold Tortoise in Esteem in Palestine will greatly impress the •record, and tied jCajstaifa Walter E.. SAMUEL UNTERMYER. Riveting hammers are made' with The tortoise, in the flowery empire Arab population. The Arab under- Strokes' world aUffotod.'championship stands physical prowess much more and Olympic record'. ,:Nathenson made Who has donated an athletic stadium six, eight and nine-inch strokes, and the of Japan, Is. regarded as a symbol of than intellectual achievement. We a score of 396 out'of possible 400 in at the Hebrew University. ,The sta- speed of the piston depends somewhat .youth and Is venerated. Wedding garremember our stay in Palestine dur- a match with Norwich by shooting dium will be modelled1 after those of on the length of the hammer. The ments have tortoises painted on them, ing the war. The English and Aus- almost perfect scores, in prone, Harvard and Yale. Mr.-Untermyer speed of the piston also depends on the as also, have .New Year's gifts. A tralian contingents -were very fond of kneeling, sitting and standing posipiston; the short .piston>running more legend heard in China states that the sports, particularly football, boxing, tions. The Jewish lad is therefore donated the stadium in 'memory of rapidly than a long piston. These-pis- tortoise is supposed to hare borne unofficial' world's champion marksman, and wrestling. Whenever any sporthis wife, the latejMrs.' Minnie XTnter-' ton speeds .will vary from ten to six- upon its shell the basis of moral, teaching events were "scheduled, the Arab, not less "than the Olympic winner R. m y e r . ' - . ; • ' : . ; :-, v •;-,..; - .>' teen blows per second, or from 600'to ings and the secrets of the unseen. Strokes. Abe Goldstein, former population used to gather around the bantamweight boxing champion of the 1.000 blows per minute. The faster It is- more revered In China than field and watch, in great awe. "They world, is training very hard to make speeds are commonly found in !ship-' among practical Japanese. When observed with particular interest the a comeback. The other day, he building and carbuildmg plants, and fishermen around any of the seaports part the Jewish soldiers tools. After knocked out Al Felder,; the clever Beginning o the. slower speeds-are-found In boiler naul a large one in with their catch, they had been convinced "that the New York boxer, in the ninth round. in Great Northwest shops. they find a-Chinese merchant to buy Jewish boys had the advantage over * * * Recently, we met Phil RosenLarge looms the GoltimMa' river fn the others in the matter of boxing, berg, the new world's champion. He i t , The Chinaman then carves his they showed a distinct respect for the told us: "I am not going to keep the the history of our country-.'—it-was the name on the shell, that the animal Explaining Bishop's Garb fellows with the Mogen Dovid"on"their title one day longer than I deserve it. key that unlocked theTgreat /Northwest may'know to whom It owes its life, . That -the modern bishop. wears the Eight sleeve. . • I am ready to fight any boxer of my and added three states\tq"the"TIiiIori—-. garb he does only because It is the and taking it out Into deep water alNow, students of the Hebrew Uni- 'weight. If I have to be beaten, I the only portion of the United States lows It to go free, thus insuring a versity should be made to take up would prefer to lose to Goldstein. * * acquired by right of discovery, posses- relic of the days long ago when a prosperous long life for himself. sports on the same basis as the stu- Speaking about losing. Kid Kaplan, sion and settlement, says the Nation's bishop had to ride about his diocese dents in the_ American universities. the "featherweight Champion, is go- Business. In all manner of weather in order to Good, authoritative coaches should be ing to fight the French Boxer MasIt was In the raoutb. of the Columbia ' m a k e t n e regular visits to his very Object Lesson Should engaged to instruct the youths in the cart before the hot weather sets in. at Captain Gray of BdsfonsaDed his | large 8 o c k i s a t h e o r ? advanced in Have Impressed Yoath various sports. Collegiate competi- We have watched Mascart in train- that England. The apron is a a relic relic ot ot the the E l d Th on is tion with the colleges in Egypt and ing, and were deeply impressed by ship Columbia in 1792 and "raising the riding A boy returned from school one day apron, it is maintained, and the Syria should be encouraged. If the his abilities. Kaplan will have to be Stars and Stripes, took possession of with, a report that his scholarship bad cords on the but were once hat cords University produced Athletes of suf- at his best the day of the fight, or the Northwest •"to- the Heine ol the to protect against high winds, and fallen below the usual average. ficiently high calibre, arrangements there will be one * Jewish champion United States. "Well," said the fatter, "you're could be made for yearly contests with less in America. * * * Sam Harris, Here, where the mighty Columbia the breeches and leggings are still the Universities in England, France, the well known theatrical, producer tumbles its waters Into the Pacific, familiar In fee garb of the equestrian. fallen behind this month, bar* yonf or even America. One year the. Jeru- received news that True Flyer,-which Lewis and Clark, first to carry our flag salem team would go visiting, the raced under.his colors two years ago, across the continent, reached their next year they would be hosts' in had foaled a lusty colt by Man-o'- western destination in the winter* of their own Un War. True Flyer is a daughter of 1805-06. Mount Scopus. Pennant, winner of the futurity of Another six years saw the AstorSuch international collegiate com- 1913. Mr. Harris claims that such a petition would go a long way to combination will give a wonderful Hunt expedition, traveling by land and enhance the prestige of the Hebrew racer. How about a Man-o'-War be- sea, establish at Ore mouth "of the CoUniversity, especially among Gentiles. longing to a Jewish stable. Epinard, lumbia the first permanent American It would; probably not influence the the French champion horse, raced settlement on the Pacific. coast. scholarly world; men of learning will Then followed the outriders of emthe Wertheim colors, so Mr. surely not judge the University of Harris might, earn "naches." pire—the missionary, the trapper, the Jerusalem by their track and field adventurer.. ----- •••• team. The University of Louvain in C a m e 18431 Thrilled b y t h e story of Belgium has a famous past and the paradise beyond the. mountains glorious reputation without even Hermann Bernstein, * the noted and fired by the militant, cry of "54-40 producing a world famous athlete. Today, however, Cambridge, Oxford, American Jewish journalist, returned or fight!", of Senator Thgrnas Hart Harvard, Yale, and all the great col- from Europe the other day. We met Benton, the ox-drawn* covered wagon leges of England and America, even him and interviewed him on various trains started moving westward on the 4 t r ^ e ^ a r V ^ a n ^ r G topics. He then told us a story, which; greatest migration of all history, bring•' , : ' " ~ (OUE NEW LOCATION) ." , T r n ^y -- -_> J Wf[l re-jOjpe o u r readers. ing within a little more- than a decade and Italy are reverting to the valuable While in Jerusalem, Mr. Bernstein 200,000 settlers who'established homes, Method of a harmonious development talked with Achad Haam, the great churches, 0 Da m of body and mind. Philosopher. They discussed "schools " and ^ T ' Ifounded ? ™ aan ° eem" We should like to see healthy, finely Jewish Balfour. ArhaA TTnam. ^ n * i r e - ^ s a T e d the great Jsortinvest Lord Balfour, and Achad Haam, who built youths on the Campus on Mount is a rather weak man, remarked that for the Union. Scopus, who enjoy their physical was amazing that Balfour, older prowess, and who can lay their- Bialik it and Einstein books aside, in a cool than himself, was yet so vigorous, Unseen Aztthprity evening, to indulge in a fistic or and able to stand such great'physical strain, as his Jerusalem •visit involv"Do you understand what is meant wrestling match. 1 * * * ': ed. Then after a moment of melan- by invisible government? * choly contemplation, Achad Haam "Personally speaking," said Mr. added: "I will tell you that the dif- Meetton, "I do. My wife fii^es me a fereince is between Balfour and my- list of errands every day- by teleHe was raised on Golf and 1 This is Hebrew University week, self. on the How about a Benny phone." and we are reminded of some more LeonardTalmud." course, Mr. Achad Haam? Palestinian reminiscences. V, We have often been asked: How about these Palestinian boys and Letters and contributions to this girls? Are they physically stronger column are welcome. Questions relathan the European Jewish youth? tive to sports will be answered. AdWe would decisively answer, yes. dress all communications . to Sport The Palestinian youth, or the Eastern Editor of' the Jewish Press. European raised in Palestine in a fine specimen. Nearly all of them Vienna, (J. T. A.)—Georg Brandes, are good horse back riders, endurance walkers and fearless fighters. internationally famous literary Critic, The Maccabean organization of will deliver a lecture here, the bePalestine boasts of first class, well- ginning of April, , on , the Jewish trained, and well-disciplined gymnasts. We have watched hundreds of Mac- problem.



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