Snobbery is the pride of those w, £• are not sure of, the ^ position. -— Braley.
VOL. IV—No. 20
' I never make the mistake of arguing '-wffli' p e o p l e ' for ..whose opinion I have no respect.—Gibbon.
„-*• ae aeoond-clan* tnaU natter on January 27th, 1»2l, at Vastofflee at Omaha. Nebraska, oofler the Act ot March 3. 1870.
POLISH GOVERNMENT PUTS BAN ON JEWISH PAPERS American Jewish Congress To Aid Relief Committee Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The sale of several Jewish newspapers in Poland was prohibited by an order of the Polish government. The papers tinder ban are the London Yiddish paper, "Zeit," New York "Jewish Stephen Wise Urges Against Daily News" (Tageblatt), the Jewish daily, "Jud," of Kishineff, and the Confusing Function of Hebrew daily, "Ha'aretz," published Church and State in Jerusalem. ->
WARSAW JEWS MARCH TO PERETZ'S GRAVE Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Thousands of Warsaw Jews marched to the grave of I. L. Peretz, famous Yiddish writer and poet, on the tenth anniversary of bis death, April 13. Delegations representing various To be Staged Sunday Evening, organizations placed wreaths on the Prominent Speakers to Address , This Gathering grave of the dead poet and. Sholom May 12th Ash, American Yiddish novelist and TWENTY VOICES TO TAKE disciple of Peretz, delivered an ad- PUBLIC IS INVITED TOATTEND THIS PROGRAM PART IN THIS PRODUCTION dress.
Omaha Hebrew Club to Celebrate 33rd Anniversary Sunday Present Operetta of "Windmills of Holland"
In the presence of more than five question, "Resolved, That the United hundred people, the Omaha, Y. M.i H. States Should Recognize Soviet RusA. debating team was awarded-the sia." The affirmative side was upunanimous decision against the St. held by St. Louis members, Milton Louis" Y. M. H. A. "debating team. Yawitz and Victor Packman, both This intercity debate was the feature prominent attorneys of St. Louis. By virtue of the victory against St. IMMEDIATE RELIEF Louis Y, the Omaha Y. M. H. A- team is considered the champion debating NEEDED IN UKRAINIA The Omaha Hebrew cluub's thirtyThe Y. M. "andyY.1 W. H. A. wfll team of the Central. West. Besides r third anniversary celebration and New York. (J. T. A.) A commitagain present -anentertainment for the victory over the St. Louis Y, .the class initiation will be held Sunday tee to be placed at the disposal of Omaha Y has defeated other debating the public on May i2, when members evening, April 26, at the Fontenelle the delegation of the Jewish World of the Y will 4ake- part in the operRelief Committee, composed of Dr. Touring Leading Western Cities etta, "Windnulls:^>f Holland." The B'nai B'rith Helps Recent Arrivals Hotel Ballroom. Bringing Message, of Judaism. A feature of the program prepared Leon Motzkin, Rabbi Moses Eisenoperetta is being "entirely directed by " Establish Themselves. will be the public initiation of 150 stadt and Dr. Oscar Kohn, to organMrs. -Raddie • Boasberg. There wiD be Rabbi Michael Aa.ronsohn, of Cinnew members to be installed into the ize and meet with other groups to more than twenty^ boys and girls takf Mexico City (J. T. A.)—For the devise ways and means of meeting the cinnati,. 0., who is now'touring the ing part in this operetta. A careful fust time since the flow of Jewish club by the Degree Team, consisting demands of the delegation, was decid- West, will speak at Temple Israel selection has" "been made by- the di- immigration turned in the direction of N. S. Yaffe, chairman, and Messrs. ed upon at the meeting .of the Exec- Friday evening, May 1.', rector who has selecteil the best voices of "Mexico, immigrants are beginning Maurice Civin and A. Kaplan. utive Committee of the American . Rabbi Aaronsohn is field repreEvery effort is being made by the in the city to-take -part. to arrive from China, Japan and other committee in charge to make the Jewish Congress held at the Hotel sentative - of the Union of American The operetta'is a-'new undertaking eastern ports. These immigrants Hebrew Congregations. During his Biltmore. for the Omaha Y and, because of the have been stranded in the Eastern meeting the largest in the history of the club. success' the members' have made of ports for several years. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president of Western tour he -will occupy pulpits in all of the large and prominent the Y annual '^howsj this operetta is Jewish immigrants into Mexico City Prominent men will address the the American Jewish Congress, prebeing presented for the public's ap- continue to arrive at the rate of ap- meeting and special musical numbers sided. In his speech, Dr. Wise, touched cities, delivering a message of proval. It wiH be staged at the/Get proximately 300 a month. The B'nai are being prepared. The members of upon the question of providing re- Judaism to the Jews of the United Acquainted "Hall, Twenty-eighth and B'rith has provided about 1,000 lodg- the committee in charge of the celeligious instruction to public school States. Rabbi Michael Aaronsohn -was born bration and meeting: are A. Cohn, N. Fa'rnam • streets.- .«- children in connection with the school ings during the past month for im- S. Yaffe, John Feldman, M. Civin, work, and. stressed the. inadvisability in Baltimore, Md., in 1896. He'was All participants in the operetta will migrants, 450 meals have been served of any step -which might lead directly educated in the public schools of be dressed in -old "Dutch costumes, by this institution for this month and A. Kaplan. or indirectly to -confusing the function Baltimore and graduated from the whicch make the very quaint picture The new arrivals have been helped to The Omaha Hebrew club has more Baltimore City College in 1913. Durof church and state. of the preseniaUbn. Boys and rgirls establish themselves through loans than 800 members nnd is today the ing the years 1913 to 1916, he was •will ' be dressed riri- the old -wooden extended by the B'nai B'rith to the largest organization of its nature in Dr. Motzkin told of the plight of variously employed as a stenographer the United States. shoes. "• ---•-•'- ••"'.-• the Jews in Eastern and Central Euextent of about 1600 pesos. Most of FRED WHITE. IRVIN STALMASTER. and settlement worker in Baltimore. "The meeting is open to all Omaha The persons taking part have beea this went to the starting of small rope and appealed for support of the He entered the Hebrew Union College Jewry and the history and activities Jewish World Relief Conference and attraction of a large program held in teams in the central west, and is now rehearsing daily and, from all indica- shops, such as tailor shops, and the Committee of Jewish Delegations. and University of Cincinnati in 1916. St. Louis last Sunday evening.'•The ready to meet any "debating team in tions, this operetta -will be one of the butcher shops. Business has been so of the club will be related by the He enlisted in 1917 at the age of 20, judges of the debate,- all- nationally the country. greatest1 performances ever tried by dull during the last few' months, various speakers of the evening," said He#said, with the exception of France, in the First Ohio Infantry National England, Czechoslovakia, the Jews known men, Judge Charles B. Davis Dr. Philip Sher presented the Oma- the Omaha Y.\ ' •'•'• owing to the ushering in of a new Fred White, president of the Omaha were subject to persecution similar to Guards, which later was absorbed in of the Federal Court," John _C. .Lons- ha team with the silver loving cup, The following persbns have been administration, and the enforcement Hebrew club. that carried on against them in the the One. Hundred and Forty-seventh dale, president of the National'Bank whicch was offered ti> the winner of chosen for parts: Leads—Ivy Seigel, of measures of economy by the new days of the Russian Czars. In Po- Regiment, United States Infantry, and of Commerce, and Ex-Senator Xeno- the intercity debate. ?The cup will re- Jack Freiden,- Berfha Greenhouse, Government, resulting in hundreds of FAMOUS JEWISH PLAYERS land,, particularly, the Jews were de- received his military training at Camp phon Wilfley, congratulated the Oraa- main in the Y. M. H.*A..rooms. "We Bess Greenberg; Lillian Chudakoff, government employees being disAT BKANDEIS MONDAY prived of '"their livelihood by economic Sheridan, Alabama. He was promoted hans on the mariner" in which they ar» now attesting to secure debates Irvin Stalmaster, Max'Jacobson, Wil- charged from their jobs, that many of EVENING, APRIL 27th laws, and in Roumania they were dis- to Corporal- and then to Battalion handled their side of the question. with New York, Boston, Cleveland, liam Giventer;* the : chorus—Jeanette the older immigrants have gone into The famous Jewish actors, Mr. and franchised. He also spoke of the Sergeant Major. In the Ar^onne The Omaha team "was represented and many other citij^,"- said William Sherman, Helen Levinson, Bess Hay- the country districts, to do business starvation the Jews are suffering in Forest engagement in 1318 he was by Irvin Stalmaster and Fred White, R. Blumenthal, exefjQ|tivfc director of kin, Martye Weinsfein, Eefhel Green- there. About 80 per cent of the Jew- Mrs. Hyman Jakubovitz, will again /while ..caTjyinj: - an Jnjured -wHo—upheld--the- negative side of the the-Y.-M. and Y.: berg, Rose 'Kaplan, Janet Lissey, Ida ish immigrant population have arrived appear in Omaha at the Brandeis TheUlcrainxa an comrade to safety, losing the sight of atre on Monday evening, April 27, in Greenhouse," Isabel Graetz. Rabbi Eisenstadt, who was formerduring the past nine months. both eyes. . ... '. a special four-act comedy play, "A ly Chief Rabbi of Petrograd, spoke of "The boys and girfe «are doing their Night of Love." The entire New York He spent a few months at the Everthe religious persecution of the Jews parts wonderfully," said Mrs. Ricklie Liberty Theatre cast will appear with in Soviet Russia where they are un- green School for the Blind in BaltiBoasberg,* director "of- the operetta. OPENS A NEW BALLthem. able to maintain their religious schools more and then returned to Cincinnati "We hope to make this a leading ROOM IN THIS CITY Mr. and Mrs. Jakubowitz and their and re-entered the Hebrew Union or give Jewish training. He also spoke event in Omaha." The Chiodone, the new and up-toCollege and the University of Cin- Convention Delegates Will Speak at This C o n c e r t is Open to the of the economic plight of the Jews. date Ballroom which was recently players were in Omaha two years cinnati, from which institutions he Public Dr. Kohn, one of the leaders of the This Meeting. opened at 1105 South Twenty-fourth ago when they successfully presented POALI-ZION-TO PRESENT Social Democratic party in Germany, was graduated in June, 1923. At the street, is under the management of the play, "The Green Bride." graduation exercises at the UniverCONCERT AND PLAY Tickets can be obtained at the Brantold of the stranded Jews in various Omaha Lodge No. 354, I. O. B: B., Reuben R. Rinder, of San Francisco Mr. David H. Ehrenreich. The BallON SUNDAY EVENING room deis Theatre box office at popular European ports, especially in Ger- sity, the McKibben medal, bestowed will hold its - regular^ monthly! open Calif., nationally known cantor, -will is fully equipped for all enterprices. .v many, where they are without any annually upon that student of the meeting Thursday evening, April - 30, appear in Omaha at a special concert tainments, including Teas, Parties, funds. Dr. Kohn came with an appeal graduating class who during his four at the Jewish Community Center. to be given Friday evening. Mr. The local Poali-Zion are presenting and Weddings. to the workingmen of this country to years at the University has evidenced Harry Silverman will be chairman.of Hinder will sing at Temple Israel. a joint concert and one-act play Sun- "The Chiodone Ballroom is one of JEWISH CHILDREN \ the highest qualities of manhood, was this meeting. A musical program is He-is on his way to New York City, day evening, April- 26, at the Labor assist the stranded refugees. IN LONDON SCHOOLS the most beautiful ballrooms in the and will spend a few days in Omaha. Lyceum. Mr. Nathan Straus, honorary pres- given to Rabbi Aarpnsohh. being arranged for this program.'1 PRAISED IN REPORT "The Divorse," by Sholem Alechem, city. It has all kitchen equipments Immediately upon graduation Rabbi ident of the American Jewish Con. The principal speakers of'the eve- This concert is being sponsored by London. (J. T. A.) The Report of for weddings and parties," said Mr. gress, spoke and urged that a plan be Aaronsohn was engaged by the Union ning will- be Henry Monsky, Harry a group of Omahans who are sharing will be the play to be given, including Ehrenreich. the London Elementary Education devised to bring home to the people of American Hebrew Congregations, Lapidus, Sam Leon, and Sam Beber. all financial expenses. The public is songs by the Y', M. H. A. quartet, Sub-Committee issued recently deThe new building was built by V. of wealth, the needs of the stricken which supports the Hebrew Union These men were delegates to the In- invited to listen to this noted cantor. recitation by Bessie _Levinson, and P. Chiodo, wealthy Italian real estate votes a special paragraph to Jewish also several instrumental musical College, to tour the United States to ternational B'nai B'rith convention There will' be no charge for admisJews in Europe. o^-ner. Mr. Chiodo is owner of nu- children in the London elementary numbers. ..•._. spread the message of Judaism. held in Atlantic City—' —- sion. .. merous apartment houses and other schools. Mr. Rinder is cantor of Temple Em- Those taking part in the play will be property in Omaha. The public is invited to attend -this "Many of the schools attended by Y. M. H. A. BASEBALL COLONEL AMERY GREATLY anuel, an ultra reform congregation the Mesdames Bertha Ratsky, Bertha open meeting. ' Jewish children are in what is usuTEAM WINS FIRST GAME IMPRESSED WITH JEWISH He will also give a lecture recital on Goldsteinj Rose Rasnick, and Messrs. ally called slums," says the report. PROGRESS IN PALESTINE ARABS AND JEWS IN "The Rise and Development of Jewish Jake Rasnick," Joe_Morgenstern, M. F. MURDERS AND SUICIDES "But the Jewish children do ont, with The Y. M. H. A. junior baseball Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—Col. Leopold MARK BEGINNING OF HADASSAH HOSPITALS Music." This will be a treat to all Goodman, Max Goldstein, and Albert rare exceptions, show the usual charteam won its first game of the season H. Amery, British Colonial Secretary, Soffer. Mr. :E. Kitnof is, directing WEEK IN POLAND acteristics of the slum child; they Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Eight thou- as Mr. Rinder has appeared in the the play. w&en they defeated the Case Land- who is visiting Palestine now, motored • . largest cities in the country. - The Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Easter week are well grown, well fed, well clothed scape nine, 13 to 2. The Y team is to Rishon L'Zion today accompanied sand four hundred and «ighty-six- program will be open to the public in Poland's capital began with a num- and intelligent children, and age for Moslems and 1,152 Christians -were playing in mid-season form and bids by Sir Shukburgh, Captain Wallace ber of casualties. Disturbances oc- age, are in intellectual advance of ARABS WILL PROTEST well to "win the. championship of the und Ronald Storrs, Governor of Jeru- patients in the clinics of the Hadassah Jewish Medical Organization in curred in Grzybowski Square when a Christian children of the same social TO LEAGU^-AGAINST JEWISH Junior Omaha League. Heavy hit- salem. UNION OF JEWISH Palestine during the past year. This mob, after attending church, began class. It should be remembered, howMUNICIPALITIES LEAGUE ting coupled with good pitching and Replying; to the greetings of the is more than double the number of YOUTH ASSOCTATIONS Jerusalem." (J. T.. A.) A protest the annual traditional shooting of ever, that Jewish mothers, with rare fielding were the main factors in the colonists of Rishon L'Zion, the Paris. (J. T. A.) A Union of Jew- against the organization of the Union fireworks and guns. The windows in exceptions, do not go out to work. Christians and Moslems treated in the game-last Sunday. Colonial Secretary declared: clinics of the Hadassah during 1923. ish youth associations of France was of Jewish Municipalities in.Palestine, a number of Jewish houses, including But the Jewish, girls are in rations! Next Sunday afternoon the Y team "The British Government wishes to The number of patients admitted to decided upon at a meeting held in initiative of Bernard that of Rabbi Perlmutter, formerly faculties, at s, further distance below will play the American Business Col- place the Jewish national homeland the hospitals in 1924 was, 8,330, as Paris, where representatives of the organized on the : A. Rosenblatt of New York, will be a member of the Polish Parliament, the Jewish boys than are Christian lege team at Elmwood Park, west dia- ond sound foundations. I,am there- compared with 7,880 in 1923. In the various Jewish youth organizations submitted to the League of Nations, were broken. Order was restored girls below Christian boys. The mond, at 1:30. fore glad to. see the progress of the clinics the number of patients was of France were present. sexes appear, intellectually, more difaccording to a decision of the Pal- after the police intervened. agricultural work of the Jews in 94,126 as against 90,392 in 1923. . Prof. Victor Basch of the Sorbonne estine Arab "Executive. During Saturday and Sunday first ferentiated." Palestine, and I admire the developBRITISH SECRETARY There was a decrease of about 50 University submitted a report to the "If the government's permission to aid ambulances were called one hunLEAVES FOR PALESTINE ment of Hebrew as a living language." per cent in the number of clinic"pa- conference in which he outlined the the Jews .to form a league of antono- dred and thirty-eight times to scenes COLONIAL SECRETARY Bagdad. (J. T. A.) Col. Leopold H. tients in the co-operative and small- program of the new organization. The mous municipalities remains, it would where street fights and drunken ARRIVES IN JERUSALEM Amery, British Colonial Secretary, be- DAMASCUS COUNCIL PAYS holders settlements, due to the-fact Union will have for its purpose the enable the Jews to form a govern- brawls occurred. Jerusalem. {J. T. A.) Col. Leopold furtherance of Jewish education anc ment within a' government,' the Exfore leaving for Palestine, in a state- RESPECT TO VICTIMS OF ANTl- that during the year the Kupath On the first seder night a five-year H. Amery, British Colonial Secretary, BALFOUR DEMONSTRATIONS limy or Workmen's Sick Fund,- relieved culture in. France. Among the or- ecutive claimed. ment to the press, declared that Mesoold child, Sara Rebecca Federman, London, (J. T. A.)—-The "Times" the Hadassah of much work in the ganizations ' which have joined the The ordinance for the municipali- was murdered by an unknown person. and Sir Samuel Hoare, Air Minister, potamie was capable of supporting have arrived from Bagdad. herself, although the country will,' in reports that the representative coun- "workers' settlements. The number^ of Union are the Schemal-Israel, ties league was approved by the govIn Stanislawow, Galicia, Sternhel, \ the next few years, have to face some cil of Damascus considered the matter patients in the Hadassah clinics in 'the LTJnion Universelle la Jeunne Juive, ernment and is now under considera- a Jewish merchant, hanged himself Cario. (J. T. A.) The Earl of Bal^financial difficulties. Mesopotamie, of the anti-Balfour demonstrations co-operative settlements during * the LTJnion Scholaire, Le Cercle Salonis- tion by the British Colonial Office. from the chandelier in the synagogue four left Cairo April 14 on his way and observed a ten minutes'" silence ien and La Jeunesse Israelite Liberal. year was 13,659, as against'27,178 in -s which is now connected with the West after the service. Mordecai Altber, back to England. In the colonies4 there was. an thiough improved communications, as an expression of' respect to the 1923. a butter dealer in Warsaw, also ZIONISTS CLAIM DAMASCUS attracts a stream of people who are victims of the disturbances. After increase of about 50 per cent in-the HOUSE GREETS OPENING hanged himself. AS PART OF GREATER Jewish Woman Leads passing through on their wa yto India the silence, one of the deputies de- number of clinic patients, 17,925 beOF HEBREW UNIVERSITY PALESTINE, RAGLAN SAYS ing treated in 1924, as against 9,986 in St. Louis Board of livered a speech in which he accused and Persia, he stated. . . - •- ~-i Cincinnati, O.—"All the world is London. (J. T. A.) Justification of DAVID A. BROWN WILL Education Elections the government of responsibility for in 1923. ' watching your progress and you have the anti-Balfour riots by the Arab INVESTIGATE JEWISH the riots, although he himself was WHITE RUSSIAN HIGH the good wishes of countless millions mob in Damascuus was expressed by SITUATION IN RUSSIA St. Louis, Mo. (J. T. A.)—Mrs. oposed to Balfour," saying: COURT CONFIRMS SENTENCE Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A proposal to who hope to see the ancient glory of the anti-Zionist Lord Raglan in a letJerusalem. (J. T. A.) David A. Elias Michael, daughter of the late "The administrators cried 'Down name a street in Warsaw after the that beloved land come again," wrote OF RITUAL BUTCHERS ter published in the London Times. Brown, well known American Jewish William Stix, one of St. Louis' Moscow. (J. T. A.) . The prison with Balfour!' I myself say, 'Down famous Yiddish author, I. L. JPetetz, Col. E. M. House, advoser and per"Twenty thousand Jews live in Dasocial worker, v^ho attended the open- leading citizens, will be elected term imposed on the ritual butchers, with Balfour!'" in commemoration of-the tenth an- sonal friend of Woodrow Wilson, to 'Jacob -RappapDrt, Meyer Schwerzan- The delegate of the High Commis- niversary of his death, was made by Maurice F. Lyons, who read it before mascus and the Zionists have openly ing of the Hebrew University in Je- chairman of the Board of Educa_sowsky and Uri Zaitchick, tried in sioner of Syria, who was present, the Bundist faction of the" Warsaw the local branch of the Zionist organ- claimed Damascus as a part of 'Great- rusalem, after an extensive trip to tion of St. Louis, according to a er Palestine' which they hope to an- New Zealand and Australia, left for preliminary vote. Minsk on the charge of conspiring protested against the deputy's utter- City Council. ization at a celebration in honor of against Getzl Droykin, "proletarian" ance, and declared that he could not The .resolution introduced i in the the opening of the Hebrew Univer- nex. British officials were unable to Berlin on his way to Moscow. Mrs. Michael led a ticket of warn Lord Balfour against his visit Mr. Brown, who played a promi- fourteen candidates. The next schochat, was confirmed by the White permit such expressions against Great City Council proposes that Ceglanna sity in Palestine. to Syria. If they had warned him nent role in the collection of relief Russian High Court of Appeal, fol- Britain in French mandated territory. street, where Peretz lived for a numcandidate received 10,000 votes lowing an appeal made by the sen- He threatened to leave the hall unless ber of -years, be renamed Peretz Rabbis Epstein, Feinberg and Leh- against anti-Zionist activities, they funds for Russian Jewry, will make le'tt- than Mrs. Michael who reman spoke before the meeting held would .have been accused of having a thorough investigation of the situatenced. the discussion stopned. • ceived city wide support. in Avondale fomented them." Lord Raelan stated. -tion in Soviet Russia
Rabbi Michael Aaronsohnto Speak at Temple Israel May 1
Jewish Refugees Settle in Mexico
Noted Cantor Will Local B'nai B'rith Lodge Appear in Omaha to Hold Opes Meeting April 30
THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by
Office: 790 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1450. • NATHAN E. GEEEN, Manager. §2.50. Subscription Price, one yearAdvertising rates furnished on application.
OF ADDREgS^-Please give both the old and new address: be sure and give your name.
The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres, lncjuiriep regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly answered -if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway* New York City. :.-
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hill and family motored to Omaha and visited friends and relatives over Sunday.
JEWISH CALENDAR 1925 Rosh" Chodesh Iyar» Lag b'Omer.. Rosh Chodesh Si van. Shabuoth Hosh Chodesh Tammuz« Fast of Tamnraz»._L—. Rosh Chodesh Ab.u Fast of Ab... ...; Rosh Chodesh Ellul_.__
•"Well, Sam," said he on his son's return, "I've heard yon preach, and a poor thing you made of it. I thought you could have done better than that." 'Ton think the sermon was not very good?" the son Inquired. "Good?" the old man replied. "I think It was one of the worst sermons I have listened to!" "Well, father," said Sam, "I thought It was a poor thing myself, but I turned over a big pile in your study, and it was the best I could find."
Mr. Nathan Grossman spent several days in Fremont on business. -Saturday^ April 25 -—Tuesday, May 12 —-Sunday, May 24 ——Friday. May 29 —Tuesday, June 23 —..Thursday, July 9 s,Wednesday, July 22 .-.Thursday, July 30 —Friday, August 21
Mrs. Berlinger of El Paso, Texas, is a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Speire. The Merry Mixers' club was entertained at a bridge party Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. B. Davidson. Prizes were won by Mrs. Dean Davidson and Mrs. Herman Krause.
All Holy Days begin at sunset of preceding day.
Firms advertising in "The Jewish Press" deserve your patronage—It is The Bo-called "Tennis Court Oath," TO YOUR INTEREST to support derived Its name from the tennis them.
Birthplace of Liberty
ANTI-SEMITISM AND CULTURE Since the close of the war that relic of barbarism, antiGouhcil Bluffs News Semitism* has been so widespread, persists with so many disastrous manifestations that world Jewry has come to accept ;ion, has been added in recent days The Sunday School registration at Mr,; and Mrs. Sam Bubb enterit as .a normal condition. Even here in America where anti- through the announcement of a new the Tifereth Israel Synagogue is for tained their Evening Bridgfe club at their home Sunday evening. Jewish feeling has expressed itself in rather innocent, innocuous foundation for the advancement of the finishing term of the year. forms we-are not free from its blighting^ devastating effects, the Palestine rebuilding work, and Mrs. Harry Kubby entertained at because the sufferings,of our co-religionists in Europe are brought the furtherance of Jewish ethical Dr. Cronbach of the Hebrew Union five tables of bridge at her home College spoke to the school children ideas, established by Mrs. Mary Fels. home to us by reason? pf family ties and relationships. Sunday morning. He spoke on "The Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. The. Fels name is known almost all A progrom in Poland, a demonstration in Germany, a piece Stages of Life, Copper, Silver B. I. Cohan of Chicago. Hl-» her house of discriminatory legislation in Roumania touches us most closely. over the civilized world, not so much Three guest. ' and Gold." None of us are immune. We are constantly obsessed by this in connection with Fels-Naptha Soap* which has proven to be a very effectMrs. Leo Krasne entertained her nightmare and we are unable to think in terms which are and Mrs. Dan Hill,entertained Afternoon Mah Jong club at her home wholly free from defense against these multitures of atrocities. ive factor in the cleaning and wash- at Mr. an open reception at their home We are protesting against something, demonstrating against ing of mankind's clothes, but for the Wednesday evening in honor of Rabbi Wednesday afternoon. something, organizing against something, always against some- sincere and determined efforts with Eisenberg, the newly elected Rabbi at thing. This ubiquitous, monstrous, hideous plague engages our which this name is connected, to wash Tifereth Israel Synagogue. away m a n y of the social evils in this attention and uses up our energies. We have expended our time Proving That Hasty >: ; iii perfecting weapons of defense, and are over sensitive when world. • Rabbi Eisenberg of the New York Criticism Is Unwise any'attack is made; It is no wonder that so many of us have Joseph Fels, whom. ZangwiH termed seminary has taken up his duties at l a "My Book of Memory," truth's taken the philosophy of eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow the Chancellor, of the Exchequer of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Companion tells us, Mr. Silas Hocking, you are dead. When life is lived in constant fear of some im- Bohemia,"- taught a lesson; in the the English novelist, repeats an amusAmerican w a y p f givingr "You must : pending tragedy, of some violent outbreak or brutal discriminaMrs. Morris Polsky entertained at ing story concerning Dr. W. B. Pope, not give money without giving of seven tables of bridge at her home once a famous Wesleyan professor of tion', man can scarcely think, in terms of constructive effort. theology, and of his son Sam. Sunday evening. We have haerd many of our co-religionists say they do not yourself." The son was preparing for the bar. read of Jewish affairs in Europe because it makes them too Mrs. Mary- Fels, who carries on the Mrs. Max Mozer entertained her work of Joseph Fels, not only reOccasionally he tried his 'prentice morbid and" pessimistic. The endless recitals of anti-Semitic at preaching the gospel in viloutrages have made them despondent and to avoid the feeling mains true to the Single Tax ideal of friends at a dinner party Wednesday hand lage chapels. One Sunday morning they try to ignore the whole matter, with scant success, however. "her late; husbandY but has extended evening; at her home. his father said to him: "Sam, Tin not and broadened this activity. How can a people really hope to. achieve cultural growth when The new foundation has for its pur- Dr. Cronbach of Cincinnati, Ohio, feeling at all well today. Ton will its time, energy, intelligence is taken up in purely defensive pose: spoke at the Temple Friday evening. have to preach for me this morning." •••"-> •"••••' ;•••Sam demurred. The father Insisted His topic was "Spiritual Life and Soactions. • :"The broader* enlightening of the cial Progress." He spoke Sunday aft- and suggested that he had two hours •Out of all this welter of misery and struggle has come the Jews and Gentiles in the understandmake a sermon, and If he could hbpe that all this will be settled in a Jewish homeland. It is a ing of Israel's history and -. mission ; ernoon on "Essentials of ari Ideal Re- to not do It In that time he was not ligious School." "Sunday evening he logical belief and hope, even to those who do Hot expect the the physical Jewish resettlement and fit to be a barrister. homeland to furnish a haven for all the sorely distressed and non-political reorganization of Pales- spoke on "The Talmud as Seen by Sam went away to the study. Then battered ones, want it at least to be the cultural center for tine; and- the -reconstruction and de- an Amateur." • he went off t* chapeL Unknown to him, his father followed and found Jjewry from which may radiate all the worth-while constructive Veiopment-:'of-: Israel's life i n connecMiss GertnwJe Goodwich; "will be the a seat hidden behind the pulpit He efforts so necessary for the preservation of a people. tion therewith, to the end that"a ref-~ the sermon and then hastened . This leaves the problem for those not in the homeland just uge for oppressed Jews andean edu- house * guest; of •|3Mr.:;;and: Mrs;. ;Max heard home again. Lehman for two Jfeeks^ She is being as difficult and stubborn as ever. The fight against anti- cational and cultural center for all Semitism will still go on unabated, using up the vitality^ intellig- Jews, be there established, ence of the people, leaving but a fraction to be,used for cultural "The awakening the religious and purposes. If the Jevnsh people with all the overwhelming dis- spiritual the furtherance of advantages under which they have lived have been able to con- improved thought; economic conditions; and tribute so much to the cultural wealth of the world, what wonderLIFE INSURANCE offsets the ecofill fruits of the spirit would they bring forth if they were free promotion of human betterment." tp expend all their powers, subtelties, acumen to the cultural When you speak to Mrs. Fels, that nomic value of human life lost inspiring example of American Jewand ai'tistic proLlems of humanityi—Jewish Review.
in a fascmating"manher. Few* if any; races can make their-history as i n 0 teresting and absorbingly good reading material to their youth as can the Jewish race. Beginning with the' vast Arabian desert, goings through the rise and By WM. Z. SPIEGELMAN.. fall of the earliest empires in Asia, touching on the developments of all '-Stranger Than Fiction.—The Story existing religions, beliefs, and in con• ; of the Jewish Rate Retold.—The tact with the ever changing political k Fels Name and What it Stands and social conditions, the history of I* For.—A New Foundation and a the Jewish race flows and continues, |. New Spirit. " ^ and as the. author finishes his take> very thoughtfully declaring, "Even here, one' cannot write 'Finis'- to this, - Numberless are the attempts which long story, but only, 'To Be Conh^ve been made in various countries tinued.*" and in various languages to tell the Directly,' in an intimate spirit, ilstory ofv t h e . Jewish people. lustrated by graphic maps, the story ^History is a subject which carries presents itself both to the adult and a, particular appeal to those who have pupil as history which is "stranger a^realization of TIME. The majority than fiction." of men nowadays, however,- are- so The author, following closely the occupied that they practically lose current trend of modern Jewish tensjght of time. History is hardly a dencies, sympathizing with the Palbeloved subject of those who are in estine rebuilding movement, jUrtifythe process of preparing themselves ing the Reform movement, brings the to enter the race of the times. 1 story up to date. A little stranger, mean those little ones who receive in- however, might appear the fact that in the first chapters treating of the struction in the schools. ; History! What a terrific and bor- origin of the Jewish people and the ing subject! Dates and facts about development of early Biblical litera-. men and women who lived so long ture, thfe author should let the. yet ago and have, seemingly, no direct, uncertain hypothesis of the German bearing or influence upon present-day Bibel Kritiker (the division betweenYahavism and Judaism) appear as problems and- present-day life. .With the few exceptions of those unchallenged. :'_ * *. . * who are particularly endowed in this direcctiori, the subject presents one of A fact, stranger indeed than ficthe most difficult to educators. Much worse is the situation .with., regard to Jewish history. General world history* with a special study of English history and particular attention to the history of the United States* leaves little: space "fcr the history of tfee Jewish race, in the best of cases a l few glimps:» ^biained during a one-hour Sunday School session and a; superficial rscita! of Biblical passages is usually the equipment given to- the Jewish youth. ; Fr6m this standpoint, any attempt tp recall the history of the Jewish pfeople in such a manner as to make ifi accessible and good reading material, is imbued at the same time Teitha spirit which cannot be lost on tiie way through the mountains of • tables and historical datas, is to be
,^x successful attempt in this direction" is-made by Lewis Browne, in " bookj. "Stranger Than Fiction," has just been issued by Macmijw* Company, New, York. •In 350 short pages, Rabbi Browne i l l OtfV DllWi W 2r**O ' r " . t i l l s t h e history; of t h e .Jewish people _{v w
ish womanhood, with her infinite idealism and unselfish desire for spreading good, you realize- thi amount of good which will result for New Palestine and the spreading of Jewish ethical ideas in the most universal way, through this new foundation. . When you speak to Captain Alexander Aaronsohn, holder of the dec-, oration of the Distinguished Service Order, granted him during the war for him and his associates' ' Jewish patriotic services ih Pelestine, you listen'to the vigbr, manliness and daring foresight bf the new Palestinian generation which- is bound to bring* about the revitalization of Jewish life and, perhaps, also the opening of new avenues toward general advancement.
Mrs. L. Schwartzman entertained in honor of her sisterj Miss Nichols, at a bridge party.
Monday Evening, April 27th
With the entire New York Liberty Theatre Cast in the Seasons Greatest" Success
A Comedy in 4 acts with many songs and dances from Berta and Zanberg. TickelB can be obtained at the Brandeis Theatre Box Office at Popular Prices.
The Equitable Life Assurance Society ,240 Oniaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. JUDAH L. WOLFSGN, Special Agent Residence Phone, Wa. 8755 / Office Phone At. 5355
through disability or premature death and also creates a fund for. anSndependent old age.
LINCOLN Mr. Ben Ellis returned from a two weeks'.visit in Sioux City, where he visited his fiancee, Miss Rose Baird.
courts at "Versailles, where members of the national assembly of France in 1798 met and took the solemn oath that they would continue to meet for the dispatch of business wherever circumstances might require until the constitution of the kingdom had been established upon sound and solid foundation. They met on the tennis courts because admission to the hall of the "Menus Plaisirs" had been de» nied them by Louis XVI.
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New Shades Ix>veiy taupes and tans are the favored colors in the LADY ANNE Summer hosiery. See this stunning VICTOR numb • in all colors before you buy your next supply.
AT ALL GOOD STORES Sold in Omaha by Thot. Kttpatrick Co. Thompton-Belden Co. Hayden Bros. Herzberg'e. Qotdstein-Chapman Co. Nipier'a Booterie. John Beno Co.,
Nebraska Clothing Co. Shoe Market. Karges. Joseph BonofT'e. Subway Shoe Co. Council Bluffs.
New York paid $5.00 per seat to see Gloria Swanson in "Madame Sans Gene" and they stood in line trying to gel in. The Strand theater will present this magnificent production direct from its New York engagement at regular prices.
BYRNE & HAMMER DryGoodsCompany
Mr. A. Ellis of Omaha spent the week-end with his daughter, Mrs. Phil Greenstone. Mr.-and Mrs. Sidney Shostak motored to Omaha with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Theadbre. Mr. Harry Diamond returned from a two weeks' business trip throughout the east.
Special Glorious Gloria reaches the high spot of her ; tjareetf in this elaborate production of the famous French comedy classic; , : ••••
GloriaSwanson's Greatest Triumph STARTS Saturday
3~Pant Sui'ts. $25 and $80
&?iest Clothes Made Here at $40 to $75
Okun, financial secretary; Mrs. S. Community Center, according to Mrs. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Tal- her home Wednesday afternoon. • Rabbi Aaronsohn to Speak at mud Torah will hold a meeting next Women's Welfare Meeting May 5 Roitstein, recording secretary; and J. Linsman.
Mrs. L. Adler, treasurer. Meetings Tuesday afternoon, April 28, at the THORPEIAN NEWS. of the Ladies' Free Loan Society are. home of Mrs. Ben Balaban, 900 North held every first Wednesday -jn the- A regular meeting of the Tborpeian Eighth street. : Athletic club was held Wednesday month. evening at the Jewish Community club The Council of Jewish Women will A regular meeting of the Montdfore looms, hold a meeting next Thursday afterclub -was held Snnday afternoon at The chairman of the -dance commit- noon, April SO. the Jewish Community Center. '• The tee announced that the next monthly Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walton, forclub has made plans to schedule a dance will be held May 7 at the Hansmerly of Corning, Iowa, who have baseball game between the members com Park dance pavilion. This dance A competent life insurance man been visiting here with Mrs. Walton's can give you constructive bus-' at Elmwood Park Sunday morning, will be for members only. Admitparents, Mr. and "Mrs. E. Gilinsky, iness insurance advice. April 26. The following program was tance card will be requested at the Sisterliood and Council of Jewish Women Bridge and have moved into the Shugart's Apartgiven at the meeting: A violin solo, door. . . There are particular forms of Mah Jong Parties to be Popular Affairs Need Week a saxophone solo, and a piano solo Election of officers will take place ments S.T.' will make their home there. contracts to provide for the were given by Earl Goodbinder, Keith liquidation of the partnerships in the first meeting of May. All The Sisterhood of Temple Israel is entertaining at a Bridge and Mah Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gross and and corporations. Pelts, and Sarah Yaffe, respectfully. members are urged to attend. Jong Party Tuesday afternoon, April 28, at 2:30, in the vestry room of Messrs. Harold Cherniack and Jake A reading solo was given by Abe WiThe following committee was ap- Michnick motored to Missouri Valley, the Temple. Let me assist you in planning ner. All boys between the ages of pointed by the president to take Iowa, Sunday to spend the day with the kind of life insurance you Mrs. J. P. Cohn is chairman of the committee in charge of the Council 16 and 18 are invited to attend the charge of the installation of officers Mr. and Mrs. L. Moskovitz and famneed. « of Jewish. Women Mah Jong and Card Party to be given Wednesday afternext meeting Sunday afternoon, May William Alberts, chairman; Iz. H. Eo- ily, former residents of Council noon, April 29, at the Brandeis Grill. i, at the Jewish Community Center. senblatt, and Isadore Levin. Bluffs. All arrangements have been completed for the affair which is the first The club will enter the Y. M. C. A. given this year by the Council. feonor guests will be Miss Rose The So Ed So Orchestra will give handball tournament, which will be Mrs. S. Whitebook and her daughSchwartz, "Who is to be married to Mr. its weekly dance Friday evening, held at the local Y, M. C. A. gymna- ter, Helen, are leaving Friday for Iowa City to spend a few days. While sium. Miss Yetta Wright returned this weeks with Mr. and Mrs! Harry Abe Gross, and for Miss Anne Seli- April 24, at the Labor Lyceum. r E *.» O W A I , S E K . V t . C g cow, whose engagement to Mr. Phil there Miss Whitebook will play ae an week from a three Teeeks' stay in Des Dolgoff, and other relatives. Schwartz was recently announced. The The Jewish National Fund elected accompanist for a music contest. Fenn. Wahid life Injurants € • . Moines, Iowa, where she was visiting Misses Betty Fine, fiancee of Mr. officers at its regular meeting last Mrs. E.B.'.Basset and daughter, with her sister, Mrs. B. Schwartz. JA. 1817 720 Petes Trait BMg. Mrs. Philip Trochtenberg enterof Milwaukee, Wis., are the guests of Louis Abramson, and Miss Rose Fine, iunday afternoon. Mr. S. Kohn was Mrs. Nathan Adler will entertain Mrs. Dave Newman has as her Mrs. Hasset's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. fiancee of Mr. Julius Growar, and elected president; Mr. M. Braude, vice her Afternoon Bridge club at a lunch- tained her Afternoon Bridge club at house guest, Mrs. Milton Sarrew, of B. Greenr Mrsv Hasset was formerly Mrs. William Pollack, nee Miss Bea- president; Mr. S. Millman, secretary; eon ae the Brandeis Tea Rooms next trice Cohn, -will share honors. Mr. A. ffirsh, treasurer; Mr. G. Soref, Thursday afternoon, April SO. Miss Ann Green,, of this city. Des Moines, Iowa. publicity chairman; and Mr. A, Cohn, Rabbi Frederick Cohn's sermon honorary president. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Krasne, who Mis. Ben Taxman and children, of topic for Friday evening, April 24, Kansas City, Mo., are leaving next were married here Thursday afterwill be "Be Ye Holy." On Saturday The Jewish Culture League will week for their home after a several noon, April 16, are now making their morning his subject will be give a concert, musical program and weeks' visit with Mrs. Taxman's par- home at 936 South State street, Ann Men live By." ' playlet Sunday evening, May 10, at ents, Mr. and Mrs. J^ Milder. Mrs. Arbor, Mich., where Mr. Krasne is CREDIT t-.'-l the Labor Lyceum. 2023 Burt Street V Taxman was formerly Miss Ann Mil- attending the University of Michigan. Miss Delia Gerstein -was hostess to JEWELER/ 1 JAeksonSOOt. Hg will graduate from the College t>f the Hajabls Bridge dub Tuesday even- A regular meeting of the Jewish . der, of this city. . CONFIDENCE, I. Law this June.' Mrs. Krasne -was for- ing at her home. • Prizes -were won by Culture League will be held Sunday COURTELTY, ??'•" Mrs. J. Fisher entertained at a merly Miss Sara Kiseman. the Misses Shirley and Ann Eosen- afternoon at four o'clock at the Labor SERVICE -104KLT AT Mah Jong Saturday afternoon at the blum. registration of children for the new semester Lyceum. The T. E. D. Social club members Blackstone hotel in honor of Mrs. in the TAtMUD TOEAH has been extended until May 1, 1514 DODGE/T A special meeting of the Daughters were entertained by Miss Grace EoPhilip Kohn, of Portland, Ore. BO all those who desire to enroll their children, should of Zion will be held next Thursday senstein at her home Sunday after& t a. h 1 z , please enroll them during the coming week, as registraafternoon, April 30, at the Jewish noon, April 19. Miss Leona Pollack Miss Helen Urdangen, of Mason The Junior TJaughterS of Zion held Gity, Iowa, who is the guest of Miss will he president of the club, having tion will close after May 1, because the arrangements of Martye Weinstein, is being honored been elected at l i e meeting. Other a meeting Sunday afternoon, April 19. new classes are made. , •••*,-< v "^ at a number of social affairs during officers elected were Miss Ruth ; Pol- The watch,which was raffled by the her visit here. Miss Flo Shames en- lack, treasurer; and Miss Alice Stern, dub Tecently was won by Mrs. Segall, 1621 - North Twenty-first street. A tertained Saturday noon at a lun- secretary-reporter... net profit of $68 was realized from cheon. Sunday afternoon, Miss MarMr. and Mrs. Harry B. Milder en- this raffle. Of this amount, $20 was tye Weinstein entertained at a tea at her home from 3 to 6 complimen- tertained at a family dinner,,party given to the Jewish Community Centary to her house guest. The Misses Thursday evening at their'home in ter Building Fund, and $40 will be Ann Weiss and Rose Guttman enter- honor of -their, son, Leo, -who cele- sent to Palestine to buy two donum of land there, which makes the Junior tained four couples at a dinner at brated his birthday. Daughters of- Zion have a total of two the Brandeis restraurants Monday The monthly'xard party' of the La- and .one-half donum of land in Pales(evening. Mrs. Max Fromkin was dies' Auxiliary of the South Side will tine. hostess Tuesday at a luncheon at the be held Tuesday afternoon, April 28, Brandeis tea rooms, and the followat the Brandeis Grill Roonu The MesHundreds of Omaha Men and Women dine regularly The Ladies' Free Loan Society ing noon, Miss Ann Gerelick enterdames Aaron Rips, Max; Davis, A. in our "Help-Yourself" Restaurant not because the elected officers Monday, April 20. tained at a luncheon at the Fonteprices are so low—but because the food's so good. nelle Hotel, Wednesday evening, Miss Herman, L. Wolf son, S.* Bronstin and Mrs. S. Altschuler was elected pres Sadie Levey was hostess at a party A. Singer will be hostess at this af- ident; Mrs. S. Epstein, vice president; at her home. Next Saturday noon, fair. Prizes will be given' at each Mrs. H. Weinswig, secretary; Mrs. H. Miss Es Iher- Katleman - will ^entretain table. at a luncheon at the Brandeis tea Mr. and'Mrs. J. Falk announce the rooms, and that afternoon the Misses birth of a baby daughter, born ThursEdith Kenyon and Esther Brown will day evening, April 23, at tile Methentertain at a tea at the Brandeis odist Hospital. tea rooms. Mr. "N. Mantel returned from a trip to Chicago, 111., and Detroit; .Mich. Miss Helen Friedman, of Los Angeles, Calif-, i s visiting with i e r Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman aunt, Mrs. Leon Newinaiu : V; returned Wednesday morning from a Miss Bess Epstein, physical direc- -week's stay in Excelsior Springs, Mo. tor of the Y. W. TL A. at Kansas Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Milder enCity, Mo., was in Omaha last week tertained at a birthday surprise a t •visiting "with friends. their home Sunday evening in -honor Miss Rose Fine is chairman of the of their son, Leo. Covers were laid Membership committee of the Junior for fifteen couples. Prizes were won Hadassah, who have made plans for by Miss Ida Sidman and Mr. Leonard a membership campaign during the Herman. Mr. Sain Salinsky, of Sioux coming month. The Misses Anne "City, la., was the only out-of-town Finkel. and Minnie Eisenblatt are guest present. captains of the teams that have been Dr. and Mrs. Harold Libbjr, who chosen to bring in new members into, recently married, are nbw'in were the organization. The next meeting their new home at 1047 Broad street, of the Junior Hadassah will be held Providence^ E. I. Mrs. Libby Was forThursday -evening, April SO, at the merly Sadies Levey, of this city, Jewish Comfunity Center. d a u g h t e r of-Mr. a n d M r s . H a r r i s L e TSas closing meeting of the Jewish Women's Welfare Federation will be held Tuesday afternoon, May 5, at the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Michael Aaronsohn, of Cincinnati, O., will be the principal speaker. Rabbi Aaronsohn is field representative of the Union of American Hebrew Congregation^. He is now on a tour of the United States. During the World War in 1918, in the battle of Argonne Forest, he was wounded while carrying an injured comrade to safety, losing the sight of both eyes. Other numbers on the program will be a piano solo by Mrs. Henry Monsky, and a talk by Miss Jeanette McDonald, dean of girls at Tecchnica High School.
Life Insurance To Protect Your Business?
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Is Invited To Attend
The 33rd Anniversary
. . '' ' • • • ' • " • •" Mrs. Max Levine and daughter v e y . 1 Eileen, are visiting in Lincoln, Nebr. To honor several: popular brides-towith Mrs. Levine's sister, Mrs. Ben be, Miss Lucille Marcus is entertainPolsky, and Mr. Polsky. ing at a tea-dance Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Leonard Ressler, of San Fran- April 26, at the Blackstone Hotel. The cisco., Calif., is visiting her with her mother, Mrs. F. Kulakofsky, and also with Mrs. Morris Vann.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Klein, of Los Angeles, Calif., motored to Omaha and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leeser. Mr. and Mrs. Klein •will also visit in Columbus, Nebr. They will visit in Omaha until after June 1. Mrs. Klein was formerly Miss Jean Kavich, of this city. Mr. Archie Naiter, of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting' here for several
Double Action : Powerful Suction Plus Motor-Driven Brush ^
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Nebraska M Power Courtesy—Service—Low
PAGE 4—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, AFftIL 23, 1925 real Napoleon occupied. The results publicity champion. Bergman is himare said rto 'be startlingly realistic in self- a fihe«athlete who, in his college the extreme. and army/ days,T-tfas a'fine wrestler In "Madame Sans Gene" (Madame in tlie welterweight division. - And Devil-May-Care), Miss Swanson has when you hear him talk about his* the role of the witty, flirtatious little Jury of Five Prominent '":Men Examining Models Now on Display; golf ^prowess-yoiitamld believe him a By / French laundress, who used to wash - Final Decision of Jury Will Be Made.Public May 1 match for Walter* Hagen, but, then, First Motion Picture Ever to Play Napoleon's shirts for him, when he (CopyriKtit UBR by Seven Arts you remember that hie is a firsP-class Fcnjore Syndicate.) *' • Broadway at $5 a Seat. was an impecunious corporal, -who publicity man/for various important * The proposed monuniemymodels of! pose of deciding which of the models married one of Napoleon's sergeants organizations, not excluding himself. which are being exhibited, at the would be most suitable as a monument The first motion picture ever to and who was swept by the French He writes: AMERICAN-JEWISH for erection at Madison Square. The play.on Broadway at five dollars a Revolution into the title of Duchess "I have read with deep interest Pennsylvania Hotel, for' the. patriot models were made by five famous seat—that's the reputation "Madame and residence in Napoleon's court, and financier of the American Revo(GIRL ATHLETE your various comments on leading Sans Gene," hailed as Gloria Swan- where she alternately scandalized and The open air season has'started. Jewish athletes. - Another subject that lution, Haym Salomon,' Polish Jew, sculptors, Abraham Eisenberg, Ber- son's cinemasterpiece*, made for itself sent into hilarious laughter the Y ought to prove of interest in your nard Gordon, Aaron Guddelman, An> Baseball, tennis, golf, track, and has "awakened widespread ~ interest at its opening performance in New haughty lords and ladies, ending by stream—all the sports that meed the' column is the large number of. fam- throughout the country .among non- ton Schaaf and Alexandre Zeitlin. York. Moreover, the theatre was saving the Empress's honor and win; outdoors—will soon be in foil swing, ilies that have contributed several Jews as well as Jews.' " ; ' packed to the rafters for the occasion, ning for herself Napoleon's eternal After the judges had examined ' attracting hundreds of thousands of members who have distinguished with hundreds of unsuccessful appli- gratitude. On Tuesday morning, April 7, at every model carefully: they repaired spectators, not to mention the hun- themselves in sports. There's the Abcants fo rseats and a crowd of several Charles de Roche, the Pharaoh of rahamson family in England, for exdreds of thousands of participators. 10 o'clock, the jury,' consisting, of in a body to a private room at the tiiousand giving the police a tussle Cecil B. DeMflle's "The Ten ComThe park and field will .be.the-hunt- ample, Harold Abrahamson being but Borough President Julius Mjller, two hotel' t o ' compare their opinion? At outside' the theatre in their efforts to mandments," heads the cast playing • ing grounds for all healthy youth. the youngest of four brothers who sculptors—Herbert Ailams, 131 West the end of two hours of consultation get into the place, and also to catch! in support of Miss Swanson. The picHiking will ""again be" the favorite have done dazzling things on the cin- glimpse ,of _* .Miss »».__ Swanson <-. and —j i—! her ture was directed by Leonce Perret sport of Jewish girls, that is,'those der track. And the Horween brothers Eleventh street; Robert . 1 . 'Aitken,' they, put their decision down in writ- aFrench nobleman-husband, the Mar-| from Forrest Halsey's adaptation of from Eastern Europe. Their Amer- at .Harvard several years ago. - An- 6320 West Twenty-fifth'>treet; L. E. ing, closed and sealed within an en- quis de la Falaise de la Coudraye. I the stage play by Victorien Sardou ican born sister is as much of ~ an "ath- other interesting family is the Fried- Denslow, architect, ^44 West Eight- . v e l o p e . - '••:••-•mans of the littletown of Circleville, Manager Cunningham has booked and Emile Moreau. lete as her brother. She' is enthusieenth, street, and Abraham Rosenberg, , The. final- decision of the jury will "MavtameSans Gene" at the Serand; astic about sports, and is active in Ohio. One brother, Leon, made his them from her (very teens. The letters for several years in football president of the Federation of Polish be'made'known to the public May 1, Theatre for one week, starting Satur- UNITED STATES AMBASSADOR American girl's physical activities and baseball at Ohio State Univer- Hebrews of America, 22 Mount Morris 1925, after the 'exhibition of the, mod- day. . ' • . • ' TO GERMANY MISTAKEN Even for Gloria Swanson, whose naturally reflect upon her appearance. sity. Another brother, Max, was a Park iWest, assembled in the lobby of els at four consecutive places, in New screen-efforts-are always acted in FOR JEW BY ANTI-SEMITES We. thus find that the American? Varsity football player for three the Pennsylvania HotelTfor" the pur- York City- has drawn to its close. at the same University, which elaborate settings and gowns, "Ma•Jewish.girl is by.far the'best condi- years Berlin. (J. T. A.) Jacob Gould has one of the best football teams in dame • Sans . Gene" is an unusually tioned', healthiest, specimen ,61 Jewish the United States. While the most Shurman, new United States ambasJerusalem^. >Cjr.T;'A.). The dedica- luxurious production. It was filmed womanhood throughout the .world. •> famous of the brothers,-Ted Lewis, rect, he does not know. -He promsador to Germany, a Protestant, was in France, and the backgrounds in_ In Europe, the Jewish girl, is classi- the originator of syncopated music, ised, however, to investigate the mat- tion of the hew Bikur Cholini Hospiclude the palaces at Versailles, Fonl jfieiitas belonging to, the'Oriental type known tal, the largest Jewish building in ter. • '• "_'•'• misnomer of jazz, is tainebleau and Compiegne, spots hithof .womanhood. While her face, and probablybythethebest Jerusalem, took place here April 14 erto forbidden to motion picture,diathlete of them all. especially her eyes, enjoy a well es- If he had gone to College, instead of PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. in the presence of Sir Herbert Samuel rectors. Gloria is seen sleeping in tablished reputation of feminine beau- on the stage when he completed his :7th and Slartha tits. HA. 1662 the actual • golden bed of Marie Anand representatives of all Jewish party, her body, nevertheless, 4s inclined "Maimfart orrr* of Brass, Bronx*; school,course, I believe he would Odd Forms of "Monty?* toinette, flirting in the gardens where Vluminara to be slow and heavy ;in. its move- high and Soft Oray Iron Costings, ties. been one of the great all-round unfortunate Queen conducted her we macMiM n n w from ttrfry fmt In ments: this type of girl .loses her have Employed in Africa Rabbis A. I. Kook, Zonnenfeld and that athletes country ever produced. amorous intrigues, and coquetting Von are assured of soft eastings, a* youthful appearance very ..early,.; due Musiciansthis There are three modes of buying are often good athletes, deJacob Meir, and the High Commis- V/ith-Napoleon (Emile Drain) in the >nr own shop. to the lack of physical development. spite the popular Standard »lz» cast Iron and toronw and selling. Tne first'is to- exchange sioner were the principal speakers. misconception that actual private chamber which the! tnAfifnje* fn stock. Of course, these attributes, or-rath- they are all effeminate weaklings, and article for article, direct. The second er defects, are a result of-tempera- Ted Lewis, in addition to being the Is by using a useful medium of exment and surroundings, nfostfy. "the foremost saxophonist and clarionetist change, which we will call currency. latter. For example, Jthe American the country today, is one of the The third is the Western method of Jewish girl, despite lier hereditary in best quarterbacks and shortstops I using a useless object In exchange; anti-sport complex, has overcome tra- have ever seen gambolling about. In this we will call money. dition, and is creating a new type of addition he's an expert swimmer and OCK rKHATMENT WILL Jewish.womanhood, healthy, and'(let golfer. It's In South Africa we get the natives about fifteen years CONVINCE fOli Olf OUB us admit blushingly) more beautiful. since he wasbeen using; cattle as currency, exchanging high school star athSINCKRITT. . ISADORE ABRAMSON, ^Pres. And this startling chance' is en- lete,-but I've aseen Trust Department. go out even cattle for goods and the same cattle tirely, a matter of a change in environ- now and put a lot him Safety Deposit of youngsters to changing hands for other goods. More Audits and Investigations Conducted ment. The Jewish girl tin America shame on the gridiron usually, however, we get barter pure and diamond. has been affected by, the athletic at- He told me once that if he weren't an and simple, ivory and-useful objects Systems of Accounting- and Cost Installed mosphere which is prevaleritcin our athlete he could never stand the strain to buy beads, trinkets, wire and other schools and colleges—and1 true of our of playing INCOME TAX COUNSELLORS night. As it is, he's goods. American life in general. In the last never laid every off a day for sickness or 790 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. OMAHA; NEBR. Farther north, In the Transvaal, we few years, this Jewish i girl, taking because he felt run down. A record full advantage of all these opportu- I believe few other artists on the stage get actual money,, in.the. shape of TELEPHONE ATLANTIC 1450 nities, has come to the'forefront in can duplicate. home-made wire, with a rough knob tennis, swimming and basketball.' It on the end. Farther west, in the is, true that we have no Suzanne Leng"BERNARD A. BERGMAN." Congo, we find H-shaped copper plates lenj'still there can be no doubt that used as money. On the Upper Congo American Jewry can boast: of some of SPORT BREVITIES we find imitation swords serving the the finest Jewish girl athletes in the Jehudah Levitan, member of the world. Some day we wall review the "Hakoah" (the Jewish Sport club) purpose, while lower down on the Stanley Falls we find the ax blade. outstanding representatives. / gave the Latvian army the shock of (In many South African tribes we get its life. In the National Army con1307 Howard St. * At. 8028 hoe so used.) In Sierra Leone we BALTIMORE'S x 'M tests, held at Riga, the early part of the get an amusing Imitation knife blade; Omaha, Nebr. this month, Levitan won the weight CHALLENGE ' •< lifting and wrestling championships. one end is thin and twisted, the other Baltimore City, College challenges This double victory in itself is quite a widening to two points. ^he.BaSongo the De'Witt, Clinton High School of distinction, when you consider that and BaNkutu on the Congo use throwe superiority speriority of their weight lifting has been the forte of ing knives. • N Ne\v York for tthe • ". •, S•' - -' 'Jewish school boy athletes. A corre- Latvian athletes for generations, and THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. spondent writes us: • • . • . that Levitan is a comparative new Wholesale paper ;' " t r e a d your article, 'Jewish School comer in this sport. SZEKELY, JEWISH AUTHOR, distributors for Boy Athletes,' and I wish to say that One of the important boxing DIES IN ROUMANIA you need not go out of Baltimore to matches will be Chariey Phil RosenNorthern Toilet Tissue look for Jewish athletes in the High berg, world's bantamweight title hold1112 Hsrney Street School. I. appreciate the fact that De er against Pancho Villa, world's flyClausenberg. (J. T. A.)- Johann AT-lantic 6409 Witt Clinton High of New York has weigght champion. Rosenberg has a many Jewish athletes, but take a look hard task before him and we doubt Szekely,' well known ..Hungarian poet and publicist, died here at the age of afc Baltimore's own City College. his coming through. "This year, 'as in the past three The other day Yale beat William thirty-four. Szekely, who was born in years, we have a Jewish captain of and'Maryin a thrilling baseball game. Grosswafdein, received his education the^ basketball team: Stern. With The only redeeming feature of the in Budapest, where he distuigmshed Stern on the team are Caplan and defeated team was the home run by "' Do your Paintings '"' Siegel. Both Stern and Siegel made Shortstop Kahn, which accounted for himself in the field of' literature and and Decorating NOW. the All-Maryland team. On the base- the only two runs scored by the Wil- journalism. He belonged to; the party Save 25% of the cost. ball ' team, we have Stein, Lapides, liam and Mary team, of Count Michael Karolyi. Rosenbloom and a few others.. On Work Guaranteed Btlrt After'-the overthrowal of the Earo• * * •* P T n M i W 242 * Jackson Street. the tennis team, which is one of the J . P t&LlJIHAJN, TeL 15B9. Letters and contributions to this lyi Government, SzekeJy.Tvas com"• best, if not the best in the. country, column are welcome. Questions relaare Captain Howard Caplan, the fa- tive to sports -will be answered. Ad- pelled to leave the country.' He lived mous Eddie Jacobs, Jerome Fribasch, dress all communications to Sport Ed- in exile in this city. Morton Baker and Kurland. On the itor of The Jewish Press. wrestling team, • are Captain Nachman, Kramer, Goldman, Sanger and Stern. Nachman and Stern also made NUMERUS CLAUSUS PRACTICED IN VIENNA the All-Maryland team, while Sanger "Manufactured in Omaha" , was elected captain for next year. TECHNICAL COLLEGE :-Several other athletes are: BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. Vienna. (J. T. A.) A protest Peckleman, football. """" against the practice of Numerus •'t Goldstein, soccer. * .\ Clausus in the Vienna Technical Col\ Smeyne, Stern, boxing.;. '> Bressler, Ellis, track. lege was expressed by the Social Ask the men at your garage—the boss—or the mechanic who %• Sabperstein. EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS Democratic Deputy, Leuthner, at a Our -tennis team, which has been meeting of the Austrian Nationalrat. works on your car what they know about today's Oakland. INCOME REPORTS tl made d up off Jews, J mostly ha,s not , Deputy Leuthner stated that the *=> >* Yea will hear on all sides that Oakland is winning and a match in the past four years. Our basketball teams, "which "'have also (professors of the Technical College holding increasing good wilL e* f=* Certainly there must be good been made up mostly of.Jews,;have have violated the constitution of AusPhone AT. 1892 403 Karbacb Block figured in the championship for the tria by accepting a resolution which reasons for this. Come in and learn these reasons Erst-hand. past.five years, winning -three times. Then verify them by driving an Oakland yourself on our In Stern we have one of the best all- has been in effect for some time, for the purpose of limiting the number of around athletes in the state's." invitation. e=> t=> Let us explain also how the liberal General "And let it also be mentioned that Jewish students in the College. Motors Time Payment Plan saves money on time purchases. the Jews rank near-the top' in schol-, Dr. Schneider, the Minister of Eduarship. Several of the cited athletes are exemplary students." ,' '.. cation, in reply stated that three years' ago a decision was made that at the Special at A MUSICAL •, ", time when the number of Jewish AusSedan factory trian students constituted ten per cent O729 ATHLETE * ^ ' At the risk of being suspected of of the general number of students, no being too lazy to-write our column foreign Jewish students should be acourselves, we cannot resist .the temp- cepted in the school. Whether this tation of publishing the letter by decision is still in existence and "Kean Keeps Klothes Klean" Bernard A. Bergman, the well known w h e t h e t h KEAN KLEANERS New York journalist/ columnist, a n d ' : r * facts submitted are corBARNEr KEAN, Mgr. 306 South Eighteenth Street
Arrangements.Completed For "Mme. Sans Gene" TVfonument To Ilaym Solomon A ;Gloria Swanspn Cinemasterpiece
Our Sporting Column
Abramson Audit Co.
mistaken for a Jew by German antiSemites. The Deutsche Tageblatt printed a cartoon of Shurman, in which he was given Semitic features. The cartoon was captioned "They Send Us the Right One." Bucharest.—Ministers of the Jewish faith in Eounia.-ia are not to b~e exempt from compulsory military service, according to instructions issued by the Koumanian Ministry of War. Jewish leaders see in this order an unfair discrimination against the Jewish religion.
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