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Snobbery is - the pride- of those .who are not sure of thei: position. — Bertori Braley.
VOL. IV—No. 23
I never make the mistake of arguing with' p e o p l e for whose opinion I have no respect.—Gibbon.
First Operetta Is a Pronounced Success Many Requests Have Been Received to Stage Another y Performance ALL PARTS WERE WELL PRESENTED BY THE CAST
"A wonderful success," these are the words expressed by all who witnessed the first .Y..M. and Y. W. H. A. operetta, staged Tuesday evening at the Moose Hall. Playing before a small audience, the boys and girls taking part'thrilled the. listeners with their performance. Each individual of the Scast, from the leads to the chorus,'carried their parts with wonderful " skill. The: operetta is causing much favorable-comment and many requests have been received at the office of the superintendent of the Welfare Federation to stage another performance, and from all indications another performance will be held in the near future.The operetta "Windmills of Holland," was. especially chosen for the Y members, • and was directed by Mrs. Ricklie Boasberg who is entitled to credit for much, of the success of the .performance. ' ' 1 was very much pleased with the performance and of the work of the boys and girls who took part in this operetta," said Mrs. Boasberg. "It was a new undertaking for the Y and they have made a success of it. I hope to have it staged again so that the entire public can see the wpnderful work that the boys and girlsare capable of doing." The participants in the operettas were dressed in beautiful -Dutch ^"^oilomeff5 wEicti: made a* very pleas.ing. picture before, the fine.scenery. Tlie boys.and girls who took part in the operetta are: Leads—Ivy Seigel, Jack Freiden, Mrs. Klea Orschel •Chudakon*, Bess Greenberg, Lillian Chudakoff, Irvin Stalmaster, Sam Minkin, William Giventer; the chorus —Jeanette Sherman, Helen Levinson, Bess Haykin, Martye Weiristein, Eethel Greenberg, Rose Kaplan, Janet Lissey, Ida Greenhouse, and Isabel Graetz.
second-class mall matter on January 27th, 1921, at >, Omaba. Nebraska, under the Act or March 3. 1879. JEWISH COUPLE SHOT AT POLLS BY SECRETARY OF ANTI-SEMITIC LEADER Berlin. (J. T. A.) Six^shots were fired at Mr. and Mrs. Wachtel, when they came to the polls on Potsdamerstrasse to vote. ; The one who fired the shots was later identified as Laube, formerly secretary to the anti-Semitic agitator, Count Pueckler. He stated he wanted to take revenge on the Wachtels because of a disagreement he ;had had with them over the rental of rooms. Laube was arrested. . • •-
Conservative Jews Meet in Convention One Hundred Eighty-four Congregations Represented by Four .' '.". Hundred Delegates.
B'nai B'rith Bead Scores Attack On Loyalty Of Jews lohen Points to Men Who Died For This Country in War
RECALLS SERVICES OF > SOLOMON TO COLONISTS Chicago—Alfred M. Cohen, Cincinnati, newly elected president of .the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, issued the following statement from the International Headquarters-of the Order today. . .;•'...• "The attack on the loyalty of American- Jews'.alleged to have'been made by Professor Philip "Marshall Brown and Professor A. B. Hart of Harvard at the meeting of the American Society of -Internationtl Law is; typical of the views held by a very small;section - of our citizenry. When these gentlemen charged that the Jew does not give whole hearted allegiance to the land in which he lives and of which h»is a part it may be well to inquire in what "whole hearted allegiance consists. . • . V_ • •• •
Officers of Community Center Building to Take Drastic Action in Collecting Subscription Pledges Immedikte action for the collection of pledges that are past due toy the Jewish Community Center Building will be taken, according to the decision reached by the members of the Board of Trustees and Directors at a special meeting held Sunday morning. Following the action of the meeting, a letter will.be mailed to every person who hasx not paid up to Forty per cent on his subscription. According to the letter mailed, immediate drastic action will be taken unless this money is received within the next fifteen days. If the Forty per cent payments' are not. made by that time, the pledges will be turned over to attorneys for collection. - .' .. . The community has obligated itself: on these pledges for the erection of the building, and the work.must proceed to a speedy and successful completion. Work-on the building is progressing1 very rapidly and is -meeting with the approval of the entire public, and therefore these pledges, now past due, must be paid immediately./ .}' y The officers of the Jewish Community Center are hopeful that the appeal will bring the desired results and that the drastic action contemplated will be avoided, rThe necessities of the situation have made this action essential. It is not t»nly the legal obligation of every subscriber to make his payments as provided and called, but it • is, moreover, the sacred moral duty and obligation of every Jew in Omaha to respond to this appeal when his response will be most beneficial to this all important communal undertaking.
Atlantic City, N. J. (Ji T. A.)—A review of the forces of Conservative Judaism in America, the enlistment of American Jewish womanhood in a deeper interest in the affairs of the synagogue, the attempt to ring Jewish youth closer to the Jewish religion and plans to conduct these activities on a greater scale and on a better organized'- basis, were considered on the first day of the thirteenth convention of the United Synagogue "If yielding up one's life in defense of America which opened Sunday on of his country is evidence i of whole the roof of the Breakers Hotel, At- hearted allegiance' there is ample teslantic City. timony that the Jew "is ,not wanting About four hundred delegates and in that quality notwithstanding the a great number of their guests, rep- charge of the learned collegian. Let resenting one hundred and eighty-four these gentlemen consult the War DeConservative congregations affiliated partment records, the- newspapers of Miss Kate .Goldstein, freshman at with the United Synagogue, bowed in the war period or the statistics gathreverence when Rabbi Joseph M. Mar- ered by responsible agencies, which the University of Nebraska, was golis, of Chicago, offered the invoca- show that' in all the wars in which recently elected" to Xi Delta, the tion, and Rabbi Harry Davidowitz America has taken part, the Jew-has sophomore .Women's Honorary Orwelcomed the convention on behalf of been a most important factor both in ganization. Miss Goldstein was one the Jewish community of Atlantic the trenches and in the council room. of four Omaita girls that were adLess than 3 per cent of American mitted to this organization, whose City. "••...• ; members are chosen from each Dr. Cyrus A'dler, president of Drop- citizens are' of the Jewish faith. Near- sorority or from the school at large. ly 5 per cent, of the soldiers and-sailsie ; College and the Jewish Theological 'Jlxiss riGoiu*3%dn-***/fc3'?^Cxi0Ssi~ x ^ o n x vTiffi Seminary, in greeting the convenHon ors of' t"he~Uniteof Slates in tie"World school at large. . • • •' on behalf of the Seminary, recalled War were Jews. Since entering the-University, Miss K that the first conventions of the Let the learned professors refer Goldstein has been appointed to memUnited Synagogue, which were held to General Pershing's statement as. to during the lifetime of Dr. Solomon the "whole hearted allegiance" of the bership in several organizations, Schechter, its founder, were so small American Jewish soldier in "France. namely, the Epsilon Phi Sorority, and in attendance that they could be com- Let them examine the roll of Con- the Advertising Club, of which she is fortably housed in the Seminary hall. gressional Medal awards, which 'shows treasurer. She is also on the staff of The Daily Nebraskan," the college Dr. Adler then urged the congrega- that only 70 medals have.been awarpaper, where she has originated and tion leaders united in the United ded in the history of the United States copyrighted "Hints from Paris, by Synagogue, not to look 'upon the and that number three" went "to solKay", a special column where advice movement as a party in Jerusalem, diers of that faith—men whom the is given to shoppers. but to remember the spirit which was Professors Brown and Hart stigmatize Miss Goldstein is the daughter of given expression by the leaders and as incapable of patriotism ahdloyalty Mr. and Mrs. I. Goldstein, 422 North graduates of the Jewish Theological to their country. Let them remember Seminary, which is the parent institu- Col. Whittlesey's ' of time repeated 21st St. tion of the United Synagogue. eulogies of the Ghetto «• boys of New Rabbi Elias L. Solomon, for many York who composed the Lost Battalion Y BASEBALL TEAM TO PLAY ATELMWOOD PARK years president of the United Syna- who showed a courage and grit in the M. Gross, President, Presented with gogue, in delivering his message to face of death not exceeded in world The Y. M. H. A. baseball team will Silver Loving Cup the convention, caused some surprise history. Let them read of Sam Drib- play the Gibson Rambler team Sunby the announcement that he felt im- bea also a product of the Ghetto whom day afternoon at 1:30 at Elmwood Before the presence of more than pelled to resign from his position durGeneral Pershing described as the Park. These teams are in a tie for fiv* hundred members, the burning ing the convention, which is the thirbravest soldier he ever met and whose first place. The Y team has signed of the two mortgages on the Beth teenth of the organization, when it story is told in the May issue of the several new players who will play Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue took B'nai B'rith Magazine. their first game Sunday. • the stage of "bar has reached pl»ce Monday evening. . mitzvah." "And what was done by Americans The first mortgage on the synaof their faith in the World War was Omahan Receives Gifts from gogue building was burned by Mrs. Kansas City Organization merely a repetition of continuation of lii Coren, 2112 Webster street, and Word has been received from Kanwhat their coreligionists have done in the second on the lot adjoining the sas City, Mo., informing of the wonevery conflict in which the United building, was burned by Mrs. A. G. States has been engaged. The derful work accomplished by Morris Weinstein. Sioux City, Iowa.— Word comes learned Professors surely know, but Sogolow, Omaha boy, with the athHarry H. Lapidus presented a silfrom Washington, D. C, that Max for the moment have "forgotten, the letic department of the Kansas City ver loving cup to Mr. M. Gross,'who Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Sogolow, a was for-many years president of the Kroloff, seventeen year old son o services of Haym Solomen to Gener- graduate of Illinois, has been head of congregation and through whose ef- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kroloff, 1923 W al Washington in Revolutionary days, the Kansas City Y since the erection forts the burning of the mortgages Tird street, was awarded third place a portion of which services brought of the new building. was made possible. E. Fleishman, in the National Oratorial. Contes upon him the death penalty at the He *has been presented with gifts Rabbi J. M. Charlop, and L. Harris held-last week in Washington, D. C hands of Sir Henry Clinton. What I from the Kansas City A. Z. A. For this he war awarded the prize have said of the Jew in America can also spoke. of §500 in cash. • '•"•": be said with equal force and truth of champion basketball team, the Busiheld at the synaA dinner was ness Men's gym class, the Varsity Young Kroloff had .been sent to the Jew in every age and in every gogue. ' basketball team and from-the Junior enter the national contest because he country, even-in those lands in' which basketball team. he has been hounded and hairred'even had won first place in the Iowa state DEAD SEA RICHES unto death. WILL BE EXPLOITED Oratorial Contest held recently. While in Washington, young Kro "If performed by nonrJews the ser- ELECTION SYSTEM DEVISED Jeruseleum, (J. T. A.) The Dead loff and other members who entered vices of Haym Solomon and of those FOR PRO-PALESTINE INFERSea, covering the sites of the ancient ENCE OF POLISH JEWRY cities Sodom and Gemorrah; destroyed the National Contests were guests of who preceded and followed him would according to • Biblical tra ditions, for President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge have been regarded by the learned Warsaw, (J. T. A.) The election to professors," but with' anti-Semites" of the Pro-Palestine Conference hich is their wickedness, will shortly be avaitheir ilk there are always two stand- to ,be held here in the near future tolable for industrial exploration of its BROWN SATISFIED ards for every quality or virtue, one day decided upon the system whereby rich mineral resources. WITH COLONIZATION for the Jew and another for th*e non- delegates are to be chosen for this According ao the official announceWORK IN IJKRAINIA Jew. Happily each succeeding genconference. ment made today -by the Palestine Kherson, (J. .T. • A.) David A. eration reduces the number of such According to the plan adopted, PoGovernment, the Crown Agents, oil Brown of Dtroit, who visitd the Jew- breeders illwill and forenters of ha- land ill be divided into twenty election behalf of the government,.are.prejarish colonis and the new settlement in tred and misunderstanding. .. districts. Warsa, Lemberg, Crascow, ed to receive applications for concesUkrainia, in a conversation with th Lorz, and Vilna ill constitute seperate sions to exploit the minerals of the corespondent of- the Jewish ;Tele districts. The total number of deleDead Sea. . graphic Agncy, stated that he was Jewish Culture League gates who will be chosen is four hunpleasantly surprised at the great EINSTEIN RECEIVED BY to Give Concert May 24dred and fifty. • . . PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL number of Jews settled on the land by The Jewish Culture League "concert Rio ed Janeiro, (J. T. A.) Professor the aid'of the Joint Distribution Com- and two Jewish one-act playlets which BARON ROTHSCHILD . - -• - EXPECTED IN PALESTINE Albert Einstein who arrived in'this mittee. He found people coming to have been presented ;last Sunday, 1 country recently to deliver a number from towns and villages where the' have, been postponed and—will—be ,,. Jeruselum, May 7, (J. T. A.) Baof lectures at the Universityuof Brazil lived in misery, are now happy in their presented Sunday evening, May 24, at ron Edmund -de Rothschild of Paris, as received today by the president of 'new work and are beginning life anew. the Labor Lyceum. This concert will internationally famous banker and The spirit of cheer and hope is evidem close the season's v^ork of the club. Palestine coloizer who supported Palof the Republic, Bernandes. A very cordial conversation took among the new settlers is of a kin The Culture League regular meet estine Jewish colonization from ' its place between the president and the rarley met among the Jewish popular ing : will., be' held this .Sunday after- inception thirty years ago, is expected tion of Russian town, ti declared. to arrive here next Friday. " noon, May 17, at the Labor Lyceum. fan) mis Jeish scientist.
Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. Menikrs Omaha Girl Elected to 'Plan Activities For Summer University Honorary Organization
Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue Burns Mortgages
Jewish Boy Wins Honors In National Oratorical Contest
An impromptu. program was given by members of the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. at its regular meeting held Monday evening, at the Jewish Community .Center.. The following members appeared .on the program: Ruth Wintroub, Max Givot, Lillian Chudakoff, William Giventer, and Helen Levinson. . • .. i-JSans^are"no^being.inade for the annual Y. M. and Y. W. H. Af picnic to be held this'summer. . • „ . Members of the~Y will hold their first,, hike of the' • season Sunday morning. All members are requested to meet at the end- of the Florence car line at 8:30 -A." M. Special stunts are being arranged for this hike. The committee in charge: Pearl Sherman Jack Fleishman, William Giventer, Abe Cohen. . :"
THORPEIAN CLUB INSTALLS OFFICERS The Thorpeian Athletic Club held its installation of officers Wednesday evening, May, 13, at .the Jewish Community Center,, followed by a banquet given in honor of: the newly elected officers, Mr. Sam-Green, president; Mr. Leon Mandelson, vice president; Mr. Harry Chudacoff, secretary; Mr I. Sokolof, treasurer, and Mr. Harry Haykin, reporter; Marcus Krasne, athletic director; Nate Adelson, Benjamin Drevich and I. Levin, trustees Sergeant-at Arms, J. Sachs and J Frieden, and Shoal Fried, delegate of the club to the Jewish Welfare Federation. Herman' Segelman, custodian. .•:-.-. Mr. William Alberts was chairman of the committee in charge of the installation. . Mr, Morris Hershorn entertained the members with several stunts. ; . The Thorpeian Athletic Club is planning a membership drive to be put on before closing the summer season. !._•.' Marcus Krasne, newly elected Athletic Director, has organized the Long Ball Team.-This team is a member of the Y. M. H; A. League. TWO JEWS KILLED, FIFTY WOUNDED IN ANTI-SEMITIC RIOT IN ALGERA Paris, (J. T. A'.)* Anti-Jewish riots broke out 'at Oraif, Algeria yesterday hen the local". anti-Semites came out victorious; in the municipal elections. Two Jes were killed and fifty injured hen mobs, "consisting1 of Spaniards and Arabs, incensed, by the anti-Semiti agitators, attacked the Jewish quar ter. '.''-. Order as restored by troups who in tervened after much damage had been done by Jeish property. JEWISH TVIEMBER OF EGYPTIAN CABINET RESIGNS Cairo, (J. T. A.) Cattoui Pasha, Minister of Finance, has tendered his resignation as "member of the Egypt ian cabinett, \ " Cattoui Pasha was the only Je in the present cabinett. The reason for "is resignation has not been made public * *• '.•'"-'
SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 BALFOUR APPOINTMENT VIEWED AS ZIONIST GESTURE BY LONDON PRESS London. (J. T. A.) The appointment of the Earl of Balfour as President of the Privy Council indicates the approval by the British government of Balfour's visit to Palestine, according to comments in the London press. The Star goes on to say that "Lord Balfour's appointment as president of the Privy Council is a snub to the anti-Semitic movement and is a definite Zionist gesture of the Baldwin cabinet.
Want Jewish Studies in U. S. Universities Conference Plans Adding Jewish History and Literature to College Curriculums Cambridge, Mass.—That it will be necessary to create foundations for the purpose of establishing chairs in American universities for the academic presentation of Jewish literature and Jewish history was the consensus of opinion expressed at the conference of Jewish religious and educational workers in American universities held here recently tinder the chairmanship of Dr. David Phillipson. The bodies represented at the conference were the Rabbinical Assembly, the Women's League of the United Synagogue, the Young People's League of the United Synagogue, the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods, the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, the Intercollegiate Menorah, the Union of Orthodox Congregati6ns of America the Jewish Welfare Board and the Union- of American Hebrew Congregations. It was decided that the findings of the conference and whatever action taken were subject to the various bodies represented; no action of the conference is binding unless passed by the executive bodies of the various organizations represented. Dr. H. G. Enelow spoke of the necessity of unifying Jewish work in universities and that it was necessary "to work for Judaism as well as for the Jewish students.!' A report was heard from every organization concerning the type of work done.
Ten Year Old Violin Prodigy To Give Concert Saturday afternoon, May 23, little Harriet Abraham, ten year old violinist, will appear in a concert sponsored by her instructor, Harry Kononovitz. The concert will be given at the City Auditorium and will be open to the entire public with no charge for admission. This public program will probably be the little prodigy's farewell concert before she will leave to tour the eastern cities, where she will appear in special concerts and where she will further her musical studies. Miss Abraham will be assisted by Margaret' Kolberg, eleven year old pianist. The following is a copy of the program to be given: i. a. Gavotte _ _ Severn b. Saetcnjentens Sondau Ole Bull c. Menuet G — Beethoven II. s. Polichinelle Rachmaninoff i>. I.a Eejrato Venczinna Wszt Margaret Kolberj?. III. Swiss Airs and Gentle Zitella _ Farmer IV. Stanb a. Scniis Bois RubeiiBteln b. Valse Caprice ilargaret Kolberc V. a. Zal Mazurka Trinkaus b. Wlegenlied Hauser. Op. 31 c. Kondino Kreisler d. Berceuse Slave Neruda Miss Nola B. Held at the piano. Stein-nay Piano used by courtesy of th< Schmoller & Mueller 1'lano Company.
RABBIS CANNOT BE SUED FOR LIBEL, ENGLISH COURT DECIDES London, (J. T. A.) Rabbis xercis ing their duties with regard to reli gious supervision which to the odvantage of persons concerned, are to be considered as privileged character and cannot be sued for libel, according to a decision of Judge Thomas of th Liverpool Courd. Rabbi Isser Untermann, presiden of the Liverpool board supervisin the sale of kosher meat, ordered th withdrawal of licence from a butche because of alleged misconduct with a married woman. The butcher sue the Rabbi for libel. > • • •
Vetoes the S! Say Measure is Contrary to American Principles of Liberty VETOES BILL AFTER RELIGIOUS FIGHTS COLUMBUS, (J. T. A.)—TheBurch aanan Bible Bill, passed by the recent session of the Ohio General Assembly, to make daily reading of the Bible in all public schools of Ohio compulsary, was voted today by Governor Vic Donahey because "it is opposed to ths principles of civil and religious lifcberty which made our government the model of the world. Contrary to expectations, the Governor did not make any comment on .he action of various factions in thf Legislature -which supported or opposed the bill. The bill was activfily supported by Ku Klux Klan member.', of both branches of the Assembly. In considering the bill the veto message said: "Let us remember that i: was the hope and desire for religion* freedom that inspired the settling and founding of the United State* of America," The Governor then cited a bill passed by the Legislature two yeu?* ago over his veto, accepting as Stnfr.fi property the John Bryan farm on terms prohibiting forever any form of religious public worship thereon. "In the one instance the Genera! Assembly forbade religiaus worship jn a portion of our State, in the othnr State to teach religion to all theschool children of Ohio -without re~ gard to the teachings received *-t their mother's knee. It is my that religious.teachings in our Sunday schools and churches, by ths good mothers, fathers and ministers of Ohio, is far preferable to compulsary teachings of religion by thr State." The Governor's disapproval of th? bill marks the end of one of the bitterest religious fight waged in thp Ohio Legislature in recent years. Ths measure, introduced by Representative Ross P. Buchanan, Carrol Countr farmer, sought to compel all public school teachers of the State to feftd ten verses from the Bible to the pupiles every school day. It also woviW have compelled every pupil beyond th?: fourth grade to memorize the TPH Commandments. Religious factions and other organizations took sides n the questin of' the passage of the measure, ami throughout its stormy route through committees and oi the floors of tbr House and Senatet he galleries wftrfpacked -with spectators interested "~the outcome.
Two Jewish Students On Ckmp High School Debate tsss. David Fellman and Sam Minkin »?« two Jewish students who are member.*, of the Central High School Debating Team that won the State debating Championship at the state meet hold the last week-end at Lincoln, Nebr. Miss Leona Pollack is alternate member of the team. Individual awards given at th** State Scholarship meet held in conjunction ' with the Debating Contest was given to Frank Ackerman, smother Jewish, student. PALESTINE WILL BE REPRESENTED. AT. INTERNATIONA-, HEALTH CONGRESS Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) Import»i>:: political developments of thfe Arabian peninsula are expected in wcll-ir. formed Arab cincles as a result of s new move by Ibn Saud, Sultan of Nejd. The Sultan of Nejd has taken to gain a new ally in his fight the Hashamite family. Emid Imun Yachia, the ruler of Yemen, is prodding" on a pilgrimage to Mecca whsrs he is scheduled to confer with This Saud for the purpose of creating &n alliance.
IMMIGRATION TO PALESTINE INCREASING Jeruselum, (J. T. A.) During the month of April, 2,500 immigrant*.feittered Palestine, according to official stetistics issued here. * ...... iV- ; . ...
-. AGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS^-THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 DAVID BRON AND DR. total quota of603; European and As- steamer will also arrive Mr. and Mrs. EOSEN TO INSPECT JEWISH iatic Russia have a balance of 418 of Felix M. Warburg from their visit to COLONIES IN CRIMEA total quota of 2248; 46 remain of Po- Europe. b «Y§ry UJhorsday at Omaha. Nebraska, by Moscow, (J. T. A.) David Brown, lestine's quota of 1054 visas having Dr. Magnes will spend several THE JEWISH PRESS~ PUBUSHING COMPANYeil-known American Jewish relief already been granted. months in the United States in the Office: 790 Brandeia Theatre building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. worker, and Rr-. Rosen, who is the re' NATHAN B. GREEN, Manager. interests of the Hebrew Universjty. 1925 presentative of the Joint Distribution NATIONAL MINORITIES Amass meeting arranged by the .'Zi.$2.50. Subscription -Price, jone year.., Committee: on the Agro-Joint, the ofIN LITHUANIA MUST onist Organization of America will-be ..Tuesday, Way 12 Lag b'Otner. _~ Advertising rates furnished on application. ficial commission under whos auspices "PAY HEA.VT FEE helu at Carnegie Hall in honor of Dr. ^.Sunday, "May 24 Rosh Chodesh Sivan... the colonization of Jews is being conS)V ARP8M8=rPJt?gga give both the oia ana new address; ..-.Friday. May 29 Kovno. (J. T-'A.)' A special tax Magnes. Shabuoth ' Desura'ana give your name. -.Tuesday, June 23 ducted, left here yesterday for thefor the privilege of having signs on Rosh Chodesh Tammuz_ Fast of Tammuz , .,..,, ,, , ....Thursday, July 9 The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Crimea and Ukraine where they ill the stores is the latest step of the Rosh Chodesh J U w .. , . ;.."...r. ..^-Wednesday, July 22 Correspondence Bureau) with .cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition inspect the Jewish colonies hich have Lithuanian Government against the London. (J. T* A.) The Earl Qf Fast July to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. as of Ab....^;..~..-....l....^...., ^ y .•.....••••..U./rtiursday, , J y 80 been established. Balfour, who recently returned from G h d b Elll At 21 national minorities in the country. lnquIrie'p-Vregardl^:*°new8"ltems''^r^iUd-:'t6';thi8 Agency will be gladly Hosh Ghodesb E l l u l ^ . ^ ^ ^ . - ^ - - ^ August 21 answered if addressed,to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New While in Mosco, Mr. Bron confered ,' Several months ago a government Palestine where he opened the HeAll Holy Bays begin a t sunset of preceding day. Y o r k City. ' " :• '•" ; . • . . . • . - •'""• ' • •,:••.>',•-• • - , - -:. with representatives of the different ordinance prohibited signs over the brew University on Mount Scopus, has groups of the Jewish population.] stores in any language except Lith- joined the British Cr inet, being apBefore his departure he stated that it uanian. The storekeepers compliedpointed Lord President of the Privy PRESIDENT <XK)LIDGE ON THE PLACE OF THE JEW ; was his opinion that colonization was Tfilh the government ordinance and Council, succeeding the late Marquis ••" •;••• ' • I N A M E J l I C ^ '' the only way out of the economic dif- substituted their signs with ones in Curzon. The speech delivei-ed t>y President Cpolidge at the laying of nothing to do with the University in ficulties for the Jewish masses in Lithuanian. The knowledge of LithJerusalem. If the Gentile students the cornerstone of the Washingtpp. Jewish (Community .Center is! , Editor, Jewish Telegraphic Agency uanian not being -widespread among 621 Broadway are Jewrhaters, this so-called patriot- Russia. an historic document that will be quoted fpr many years to come. Y K CITY ism on the part of the Jewish students the inhabitants, the new signs were FOR RENT The-;Eresident made a pleg; for national unity, a unity pf will riot win their favor. Nordic stu- J E W S AMONG VICTIMS OF Seven or five room house with often incorrect and the words mis11, 1925. "< Hebraic inspiration. He reminded the listening nation that Mr. William R. Blumenthal,l dents or Ku Kluxers hate Jews sleeping porch, strictly modern and spelled. This irritated the Lithuanian SOFIA CATHEDRAL EXPLOSION whether they are nationalists or not "Hebraic mortar cemented the foundation of American demo- Supt. Jewish Welfare' Federation, in first class condition, with Sofia, (J. T. A.) I t has been as- officials and the police ordered that garage. Reduced rent to good nationalists, and if the Gentile stucracy.": He recalled the heroic eyents from which emei-geii a Omaha, Nebraska. dents merely wanted to give their certained that among the victims of all Lithuanian signs must be sub- party. Call Webster 6500. great, modern nation .consecrated to liberty, equality and human Dear Mr. Blumenthal: Jewish colleagues the honor of par- the Cathedral explosion which has mitted to a special government expert rights^ • This will acknowledge with thanks ticipating in this celebration because jhe copy of the Twentieth Annual they are more entitled to celebrate caused such a turmoil in Bulgarin, for approval before display. The exFroni the founders of the New Haven colony about 1650, who Report of the Jewish Federation of such an event, the act "of the Jewish were the Jews, Albert Israel, Moise pers charges a heavy fee for this were so saturated in the religion and literature of the Hebrew] Omaha—a masterpiece in composition i students will certainly make a badLevy, Rosa Tadjer, Madame Buca service. ) prQphets/that tjiey arranged to have the Hebrew language taught and graphic display, ' I impression. A Jew that has nothing Primo and the fourteen-year old Rosa ' in the! first public school, to the corps of infantry, composed I received your letter from Cieye-' to do with the renaissance of his na- Deutsch, all o f whom were buried in PR. MAGNES AND FEWX M. and while in Atlantic City attending tional culture and with the opening predominately of Jews, raised in South Carolina during the'Revo- ;he B'nai B'rith Convention, where j one of the greatest spiritual the Jewish Cemetary today. WAEBURIB ARRIVE MAY 1 lution, "the President's speech is filled with: history about the had the good fortune to meet your of institutions of his people in his his- The Jewish Kehillah of Sofia proNew York. (J. T. A.) Dr. Judah Jews', part in the, "unirication of the young Republic, little known 'Ben Iir", Henry Monsky a few toric land is certainly a worthless special mourning over the agnesj formerly head of the Npw to the mass of Americans toflay.- The story would not have been minutes before he was nearly elected person in the eyes of honest liberal claimed catastrophy causd by the explosion. York Jewish Community, now head president of the Grand Lodge I. 07 Americans. complete •without ineiitiOTL pf the ^Tewish financier- of the RevoluB., when I sent you, through him, "It is high time that American Representatives of the government pf the Hebrew University in Jerusation,; Haym Solomon, "wi>p negotiated the loans raise;? in foreign B. my best regards. Jewish students should understand were present at the mourning services lem, arrives in New York May 1 on lands,-pledged his fortune for the War of Independence "and ad- In all sincerity-1 wish to say that I that they are ridiculous with their The Kehillah also sent a telegram the "Duilio." vanced" large sums for Which no reimbursement .has been made will remember the moment which de- 200% Americanism, particularly when to King Boris expressing their thank- A Zionist committee consisting of 2818 Leavenworth St. j cided the election of the I. p . B. B. this exaggerated Americanism preto date, to'the leaders who testified that without Solomon's aid president. I think Omaha must be vents them from participating in the fulness at his escape from death dur- sixty-six members will receive Dr. Harney 2763. j they c6uld not have carried on in the cause. complimented on the fact that it has celebration of an event that is ad-ing the recent attempt made on his Magnes at the pier. On the same Monsky as its leader. I a.d-r mired not only by Jews but by How;weak an.4 puny are the assaults on Jewish integrity by Henry mired the way in which he ran against (Jentiles of America and the whole life. In his reply to the telegram of professbi's and bigots in face of the opinions from the highest Alfred M. Cohen and the genuinely I t is high time for the stu- the Kehillah the king is appreciative public authority and nios/b representative citizen of the United sincere way in which he, almost in world. of the good-will of hisJewish subjects. dents to get rid of their timidity." States.; "V^hateveV their origin as a people, the Jews have always tears, retired in: order that the elecr be imarifmous. The fact come |*>; us, eager to adapt themselves to our institutions, to tion might Monsky, as the name would ON CONSERVATIVE FJtiNCIPLES IMMIGRATION QUOTAS thrive under the influence pf liberty, to take their full part as that NEARLY EXHAUSTED indicate,: a first generation American Warsaw (J. T. A.) A prajct for citizens M builjiing ari.d" sustaining the nation, and tp bear their Jew, a son of Russian Jewish parents, the solution of the Jewish school ques- Washington, (J. T. A.) ImmigraISADORE ABRAMSON, Pres. part in its/ defense; in order to make a contribution to theshould gain forty votes in the grand tion in Poland was outlind by Stan- tion figures published by the Departlodge, with a generally sympathetic Audits and Investigations Conducted national life; fully "worthy of the traditions they had inherited. attitude toward him, is indeed of his- islaw Grabski, minister of education ment of State show the status of the "Every inheritance of the Jewish people, every teaching of torical significance of the development in the present cabinett, a t a meeting following countries: Systems of Accounting and Cost Installed their kecjilar festpry and religious experience, draws them power- in American Jewish community and of the natioalities section of the gov- Of Austria's quota of 785, 695 visas of the changes in leadership which ernment. INCOME TAX COUNSELLORS fully ^o the side pf chanty, liberty and prpgress. They have al- are have been issued 90 remain; 2464 vicoming to pass slowly but surely. 790 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. OMAHA, NEBB, ways been arrayed on this side, and we may be sure they will npt During convention I met a The outline of Mr. Grabski is based sas have been issued of Gzecho SlovTELEPHONE ATLANTIC 1450 deserijvit. In the adyancing years, as those who come and gonumber ofthe akia's quota of 3073; remain of EsCalifcrni&ns and memories on the principles advocated by the shall gaze upon this landmark, may ft be a constant reminder pf of days • gone by came back to nie. Conservative Jewish groups and de- thonia's quota of 123; Germany rethe inspiring service that has been rendered to civilization by By the way, there is aTgreat pos- mands that all subjects in the Jewish main to the alloted quota of 473 for sibility that we will issue a special men ^nd wpme^ of the JewfsK faith. . bulletin during the national conven- schools be taught in the Polish lan- Hungarry; Latvia balance is now 25, "May they call th^elpng aiTay pf those who have been eminent tion of the Jewish .social workers, guage except religion which may be 117 having been issued; 4261 visas in statecraft, in science, ni literature, in art, in the professions, which is • to be held in Denver on instructed either in Yiddish or Hebrew have been issued of, Poland's quota of 9.1 wonder if you will be there? 5982 leaving a balance of 1731; Epuin business, in. finance, iii: plpl^nthopy and in the spiritual life June If not, is it too much out of the way The outline aroused the protost of the Mania has received 484 visas of the of the wprld. Maytliey paijse long enough to contemplate that to stop over in Omaha to see you? othe Jewish groups. t|ie patriots who laid the 'foundatipn pf the Republic drew their With best regards to your wife and ^JJlirilIllIIIllIlllllltlllIllIllllllllllllIllIIII1111111IIIIlllllliIIIllllIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIiIll]IlllIIIltL= fTaith from theBible. e 'May they;g^ve ;g^ due credit to the people yourself, I am . Sincerely yours, anTuongwJi^ esj^me int i " —: g J ^ Jthe HolyS(^piiuf es/j^me into b being. WILLIAM'Z. SPlEGELMANi-^4
Free Fur Storage I With AH
Remodeling, Cleaning j and Refining J I. Berkowitz |
Abramson Audit Co.
This speech 'would ftaye; been Uarin^ during the campaign for the Presidency, when' Ku £liix ##an ey, £ ## suppprt ppp was in the e balance. t p " s t the h ppresident i d t ttake k advantage d t f th It is gratifying tp."seei pf the opportunity presented to him at theJpresent time when just such an answer as he gaye was needed.
$100 per immigrant to $300, a sum that most people in the countries of emigratioli cannot raise. It is more difficult for an individual emigrant to raise $300 now, than $1,000 fifteen or principle of the iAmerican Eevolution. twenty years ago. "It may be worth while to call at- _ Ibfi .equality of all men, is no longer the principle of An^eHcan legislation, tension to another authsrity on im?j = that Congress. and the President migration who offers statistics to the | S substituted' for this principle a new public. Secretary Dayis stated that Copyright 1025 by theory founded upon tha new law of several thoiisarid immigrants are bequotas, namely, the teaching that the ing smuggled in daily. This js far Jewish Telegraphic .Agency.' race of thp Anglo-Saxons is superior from the truth, but if we were to to the race of the Uatih' peoples and take his word for it, it would mean r President JG6ofi3gp s'A83ress" that the Germans are much nearer to that immigrants who have the funds them than the Jews or the Slavs. get in janyhow, regardless whether the Agamst Immiratipi g t I f f p i i "The Germans were not better liked doors are open or shut. The truth The address delive'redby President Coolidger at the convention of thethan the Jews or the Slavs during the of the matter is that we would not Daughters "of the Araericai; "Reyfllur war, hut now they are preferred. The have had more immigrants under a tion dealt chiefly with immigration. firitish' were not preferable to theliberal' law, but public opinion is not He magnified the is|ue to such pro- Americans than the French, but now inclined to realize this.?' portions that it wpulii be nhreaion- tliey seem to be nearer. This, Pres? able to expect of the foreign press iijept CooHdge did jiot touch upon in The Institute of Good U in America not; to criticize h|s atihis address and yet even the political Under this caption the Day of titude. The Yiddish, press js unan- opponents of the President will admit April 24th comments editorially on imous in its disagreement with the that he does not fear to express his the address pf Reverend John Herring President on the subject." Liberal and thoughts and sentiments." at the Convention of the Brnai B'rith conservative" papers alike unite' in The Jewish" IJafly News in an lodge in Atlantic City on the necessity their criticism of this address. editorial on the. same date, finds that of a new institute of ^pod will conThe New Warheit pf April 22, says: the" President had no reason to boast ducted under the auspices pf Protestants, Catholics and Jews. "Our President in his speech tried to of our anti-immigration policy. "Dr. Herring forgets" one thing, that create the impression tfyafc the prpb- /'Admitting for the sake of argulem of the American people at present ment,'* the Jewish Daily News says, if it is true" that Jews and Gentiles is whether we should have an absolu- ''that anti-immigration is totlay the meet i n finance and politics and are tely free and unrestricted immigra- national sentiment1 of America, 'the separated,socially, it is riot our fault. tion *or whether immigration should will of the people what of it? Is We' do not create a ghetto. They be regulated through laws that are there any argument about iti Im- create a ghetto for us, they segrelenient, liberal, useful, and humane naigratjpn ceased for the time being gate, us, avoid the' streets where we and he, of cpurse, seated that it would to be an issue in-America. We all settle, exclude Jews from clubs, deny be to the gdyantage "of Amgrica and know that it is no news to speak. admission to Jewish student's "in their of the immigrants themselves,' that agitate, protest, or appeal agains' brganizations and attack the Jews restriction. socially, openly, or in a" secret mamier. immigration should be rpgulated. "But why this eulogy of immigra When Jews are not permitted in "This, we want tQ submit with the tion ? Whoever attacked recent years to become ambassadors greatest respect, is humbug. The is- them restrictions and made defense necessary by or federal judges, when there "is a sue of absolutely free and unrestricted the President ? Immigration silent compact that no Jew should be immigration is past history;' there is dead. Whyhimself awaken the dead anc nominated for Senator or Governor, are many pepple Vrfio believethat the subject' millions of living" people tc what good will an institute pf good, higher forms: of humanity and pro? torture? will do, and why appeal to the Jews j : gress prevailed in thpse- countries it? No, we need not be called. "American immigration restriction, for •where inimigratiqif is •unrestnctea; We will come when the* time 'will be The writer believes, togetfieF with are among those things about whicl ripe for .'it.' Dr. Herring should ad- i 'those people, that only narrow-minded w*e nad better be silent. Those whi dress himself rather", to the Chrisand narrow-hearted statesmen preach created or helped to create thes< tians and particularly to the Protesrestriction of immigration. This, restrictions in America ought t tantel If he were" as successful among however," is not an issue iii America know that- they have - destroyed the the Protestants as he is^ among Jews, hopes of millions of people and they America would have been the land today. "We have had fQr twenty years opght -"to bow their hpads in shame that it should be, the land of good accomplish- will." restrictive immigration in this coun- ratller than boast of their try. It was restricted even beforethe . . i n e n t s . ' . ' " . ' . ' . ' / ' ' " . " - . • " " " " ' • ••: • • ; • - • • • • ; . - ; * ,f * -war. The fight during the Jast years The Eepublican: Jewish Morning •was" pot "a striiggle" for free, • iif)'- Journal.questions:the validity of the The Timid Jewish Student regulated immigration, but a figljt authorities- on whom President CoolMr. M. Katz takes some American between restricted-and regulated im- idge bases his theory of immigration. Jewish students to task for'-' their migration. The issue is not whether "The opinion of the president's and lack of Jewish r our^ge. He we should have an unrestricted im- authorities on immigration that if the timidy " migration, but -whether immigration laws were more liberal "we would" have says: "The dean of an American College shqald be regulated as it has' been, had,an influx of eight millions immi- proposed the students to select a within the last years or absolutely grants in the last four years, is, with delegationto to participate in a celebrashut down in accordance with the all due resjpect, sheer nonsense. Not tion on the occasion of the opening of wishes of theJKu Klux Klan, the even four millions would come and the Hebrew University.™ The celebraNordics, and ^President CooTidge. t£p,se who knpw the subject thorough- tion was arranged by; national Jewish iy' would, after thoughtful considera"There'is'another issue, and a more organizations .of the city. The gentile inhuman" one.- So far alt restrictions tion, a'dniitthat not even two millions students declared that_the affair 'was inhuma off iimnuffsai*o mnuffsi*o.,, ^l jmroijmroi -would have come to this country. We purely Jewish and that they had nothof imnuffsai*oo.,were, have, had years when a million im- ing to do with it. They',proposed that grants, alike. There were no privileged l d There we G p s lik The hatred 01 the reactionary migrants" came in'annually', ~but" that the_ Jewish students select a delegaGroups. at the time when conditions were tion of their own to ta"ke part-in the ^ivjct was " ctifected "against all wag more favorable for a mass emigration celebration. Then the" Jewish'stuh i | i t among the aliens. * Nowd .the. old -world, _ then n<tw. . In dents sai4 that they, were, Americans . with. The' from. those years immigrant" had to pay- a!and that the Hebrew University"in - persecuted; *£a. . are small tax, did not need any visas, and Jerusalem is no concern of theirs. ^ ^ f e ^ O a r t i c u l a r European' money was by far more "The" Jewish students will riot be f W.H n a u r a s pi im in comparison with our dol- looked more favorably by their President Coohdge with- valuable lar. The cost of travel then was con- Gentile upon colleagues fop their statement siderably less. It rose from about that they were! Americans^ and had
This Sunday evening, May 17
The Digest
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Raymond Griffith "The Funny Fellow With the Silk Hat"
"The Night Club" On the Stage
Nebraska Special Two Pants Suits
fThe JExtra Trousers Included at the Price
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 Dr. Meyer Beber and a party of is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gaily safe with regard tp the, land and torical record, Sedar Hadoroth, but friends of Omaha were Lincoln visi- Barney Gilinsky. money invested, if these conditions due to the intervtration of. Jewish retors over the week-end. are favorable, .the cause of Jewish ligious leaders with the White Russian Miss Lillian Steinberg, daughter of colonization work in Russia ought to Wzik, the mausoleum of the Rabbiwas Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robinson of Mr. and Mrs. George-Steinberg, left be made the world's cause," Mr. not destroyed. Omaha motored into Lincoln Sunday for Des Moines, la., where she is one Brown declared. to visit their daughter and husband of the entrants in the Amateur Type Mr. Brown conferred with Dr, JoMrs. and Mr. Max Shapiro. Teams entered by the Thomas Jeffer- seph Rosen, director of tt>e j . D. C son High School. She is competing colonization work, and other social Miss Dorothy Diamond left Thurs- for state honors. workers. day for Julain, Nebr., where she will visit her sister Miss Bernice Diamond Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Cohan, of ChicaRiga, (J. T. A.) The old Jewish who is teaching1 there. go, 111-, are spending the week with cemetary of Minsk, the largest Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuby. community in White Russia, which The Lincoln Chapter of T. E. D. was ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS Repairs Your Genhas graves dating back many centurinstalled Sunday afternoon by the uine Main Spring or Mr. and Mrs. David Rosen announce ABEAMSON-CROUNSE ies, was turned into a public park by Omaha Chapter at the home of Miss DAVID A, BROWN Gleaning The marriage of Miss Mary the engagement of their daughter, ARRIVES IN MOSCOW order of the Jewish section of the Thelma Shostak, who has been elected One-Year WrHtra Irene, to Mr. Sidney Morris, formerly Crounse to Mr. Earl Abramson, of Moscow. (J. T. A.) Ravid R. Brown, Communist party, according to a represident of the Lincoln Chapter. The this city, was solemnized Tuesday of Omaha, son of Mrs. Anna Good-1 American Jewish social worker, ar- sort received here from Minsk. "Gifts That Last" following are members of the new afternoon, May 12, at 3:30, a t theman, of San Francisco, Calif. The j DIAMOND IMPORTERS rived here April 28 from Palestine on The gravestones and mausoleums chapter, Henrietta Asbyll, Hilda GerPLATINUM KPECIAUETS wedding will be solemnized in June. B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18th and stein, Bess Finkelstein, Helen Garson- his way around the world. In an in- were torn down and the ground plauChicago streets. Only the members Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crounse anJean Breslau, and Celia Marks. A terview with the correspondent of the ghed. The Jewish Communists intenpf the immediate family were present nounce the engagement of their sister CREDIT JEWEIL'EBB dance was given Saturday evening at Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Mr. ded to destroy the mausoleum of the 1614 BODGE ST. at the ceremony. Rabbi H.Grodinsky Miss Gertude Crounse, to Mr. Albert Brown declared that lie came to RusRabbi who was the author of the hisI. O. F. F. for the visitors. 1894 Block, of Oakland, Nebr. officiated. Following the ceremony sia "on behalf of a group of American Mr. and Mrs. J. Goodbinder enter- Mr. and Mrs. Crounse are entertainJews who are interested in the fate of tained, eighty guests at a dinner* at ing at a reception at their home Sunthe Russian Jewish impoverished MILTON ABRAHAM day afternoon from 2 to 6, for relatheir home. ' masses for the purpose of seeing what Milton Abraham, son of Mr. and A Benefit Bridge and Mah Jongg Mr. Abramson and his bride are tives and friends, in honot of their ssi- Mrs. Edward Abraham is a member party will be given next Tuesday can be done to ameliorate their conter and her finance. No cards are be- of the Freshman Law Debating team evening, May 19, by the Council of dition, making1 their home in Omaha. ing issued. of Creighton University. The Fresh- Jewish Women at the home of Mr. "There are three points to be made Harold Brodkey, son of Mr. and man debating team was awarded the and Mrs. L. S. Braunstein, 201 North clear," Mr. Brown stated. "First, Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, -will be confirmed Mr. and Mrs. ^ . Kir^chenbaum an- silver loving cup when it defeated the First Street. The public is invited. whether the Jews in Soviet Russia at Barmitzvoh services to be held nounce the birth of a baby daughter are willing to engage in colonization arts debating team for the championSaturday morning, May 16, at the born Tuesday. Mrs. J. Scharf entertained her •work; secondly, whether their colonship of the University. B'nar Isreal Synagogue, 18th and Afternoon Mah Jongg Club Tuesday ization will furnish only a bare living Mr. and Mrs. J. .Goodbinder enter- Milton Abraham was former editor afternoon. Chicago Sts. or can provide a decent existence and Sunday afternoon and evening from tained at dinner followed by bridge of the Creightonian and a member of whether the Jewish settlers are leseveral Creighton. debating teams. Mrs. B. Markowitz spent several 2 to 5 and 7 to 9, Mr. and Mrs.last week at their home in honor.of days in Shenandoah, Iowa, the past Brodkey will receive friends and Miss Mary Cronnse and Mr. Earl week visiting her daughter, Mrs. J . relatives at their home in honor of Abramson, who 'were married this Barron, and Mr. Barron. their son's Barmitzvoh. No cards are week. being issued. Mrs. N. Solzman left last Thursday Mrs. Morris Forbes and- daughter Miss Pauline Friend is in Nebraska visiting friends and for Iowa City. She wiU probably Messrs. Sam L. Kaplan, HJ.Itoth- left Sunday for Boston, Mass., where! What Have You Accomplished Every family head is rekop, and A. M. Kauslofsky-left Sun- they -will visit during the summer At the meeting of the sisterhood remain there until after the graduasponsible for the future of day afternoon on a buying trip to St.months -with Mrs. Forbes' parents. the following officers were elected tion of her son, Isaac, from the Unill This Business Day? his family and j 1 f versity of Iowa. Louis,.Kansas City and Chicago. Pres., Mrs. Eugene Levi; Vice-Pres, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Gold have takMrs. Chas. Simon; Sec.Mrs. H. Kohn; Guarantee your family and Where Taas this day gone ? The Junior Council held an election Miss Bertha Siegel entertained at en possession of the Forbes' Home Eec. Sec., Mrs. N. Gold; Treas., Mrs. yourself an independent and of officers Sunday afternoon a t the two tables of bunco at her home during Mrs. Forbes' absence. How often have you asked yourself thisrquestion ? happy future by ihe proH. Speider. home of Miss Dorothy Saltzman. The tection of life insurance. Wednesday evening, May 6. At the home of Mrs. M. D. Brod"Long distance" is an able assistant in helping The Merry Mixers were entertained following were elected: Jeannette It is more a question of Mrs. A. D. Frank will be hostess to key, members of the Ladies' Golden at the home of Mrs. Dean Davidson Gilinsky, president; Cylia Gershun, you get more done, in a shorter time, with less proper life insurance than her Mah Jongg club next Wednesday Hill Society will hold a special meet- at three tables of Bridge. Frizes vice president; Tillie Markowitz, seceffort. Thousands of executives and salesmen it is of sufficiency. ing Tuesday afternoon, May 19. afternoon at her home. She is enterwere won by Mrs. H. Kraus ^nd Mrs.retary, and Dorothy Saltzman, treasare using "long distance" every day with profittaining at three tables of Man Jongg. Mr. and Mrs. Etarris "Levey left last J. Davidson. urer. All members of the Junior Supplying life insurance able results. that will amply meet and Mr, and Mrs. S. Rayitz, Mrs. Sol ' week for Excelsior Springs, Mo., Rabbi Aransphn accampained by hi Council are urged to attend, the fulfill this responsibility is We are e*ger to telp you develop a pUnlpf my aim. . Ravite-,"-and Mr. David Ravitz left where they will spend several -weeks. sister of Cincinnati addresed the Senior Council bridge and mah jongg getting die greatest pCMtible value from toe party next Tuesday evening. Sunday for Charitan, la., where they long (fiataace trfephnne. Just call our ManMr. and Mrs. Meyer Spiesberger Temple of sisterhood on "Co-operawill visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ravitz's ager and lie will be pleased to assist you. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Krasne entertivenss". He also spoke to the condaughter, Mrs. Morris Gendler,'and have bought the home that was re-gregation at the Friday evening ser- tained their evening card club at the Mr. Gendler. They- will be gone for cently built for Ms. and Mrs. Charles vices. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. home last Tuesday evening. several weeks. ... Mrs. Gendler was Burgess, at Fifty-seventh, and Emile O N A l S ERV1CE BEU. SYSTEM streets, and.will fiopn take posses- Mr. Joe Goldfein of Norfolk,-Nebr formerly Miss Molly Ravitz. The Misses Janet and Goldie Gilinsion. Pcnn Mutual life hsnnnce Co. spent the week end in this city with sky returned Saturday from a two Mr. and Mrs." M. Solomon leave Organized 1847 Mr. and Mrs. R.- Knlakofsky; .andfriends and relatives. vrseks' stay in New:-York City. DurFriday evening to make iheir home daughter, M»°. A , **• "Rrn^jrpy^.TI'ntJa. 1817 720 Peters Trust Yisft there, a jdesigner in Chicago, Til. Mrs. SoToinon goes ofed to Des Moines, low*, *W«dnes- Mr. and" "Mrs.' Btergston -of " SlSs a handkerchief that directly to* Chicago but Mr* Solomon day, and are expected to return Twine City, Mo., visitd with frinds and relaGilinsky was carrying and immediatetives on their way to a tour in Europe. •will visit ""with" :• his daughters in Thursday -evening. ly brought it to the attention o f a Billings and Red Lodge, Mont., before A surprise _party was given Sunday manufacturer who purchased the going to Chicago. Miss Sara Rae is returning to evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Max rights of the design. The design was I Mrs. Solomon was an active club Omaha about June 1 aftep^ having "who just recently moved Into made by Miss Beatrice Gilinsky. She - worker- here, she was instrumental in spent the past two years studymg Mozer their home. organizing the local and Council musip in New York City with Marie Bluffs Council of Jewish Women or- Mikova, well-known pianist. Mies Kae Mrs. Margolin of Omaha returned ganizations. ~ ) A" number, of affairs? will spend the summer here and then \o her home after several weeks visit ,fcGlFTS THAT LAST have been given honoring Mrs. Solo-r return to New York to resume-her here with her daughter Mrs. Max mon. Those who were hostess during musical studies. Mozer. the past week are, Mrs. Lou Bernstein Rabbi S. E. Starrls subject of ad- MALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. who was hostess at a mah jongg dress for the next Friday night serparty a t her home last Friday, and Diamond Importers vices is "Five Liberalized Wonders of the following afternoon, Mrs. Wells : Platinum Specialists the Modern World." entertained at her home honoring Mrs. Miss Rose Schwartz, Mrs. Ida HimSolomon. Monday, Mrs. George elstein, and Miss Mildred Harris who Mr. and Mrs. Chaikin of Omaha and NEW LOCATION Krasne, of Council Bluffs, was hostess were recently operated are now con- daughter xnotered in Sunday to visit 214-15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. at a luncheon. • Tuesday afternoon, valescing1 at the Wise Memorial Hos- thir son Leo-who isattending the UniJa. 5619—Est. 1894. Mr?. Herman Krasne, also of Council pital. Mrs. Ben Ritcher, Mr. Abe Falk, versity of Nebraska. JJluffs, entertained at a luncheon followed by mah jongg. Mr. and Mrs.Mr. F. Greenberg, Mr. Sam Katz, Mr. Joe Cohn entertained Wednesday Joe Feldman, Mr. E. Goldberg, Mrs. evening at mah jongg and bridge, and Anna Rubin, Mrs. Fanny Lennan, and on Thursday afternoon, the Mesdames Mrs. R. Abrams are ill at the Wise Herman and Sam Meyerson, of Coun- Memorial Hospital. cil^ Bluffs, were hostesses at a Joe D. Rosenblum, Mrs. Ben Ross, luncheon followed by a theatre party. Miss Mildred Berkowitz, daughter of Miss Dorothy Fuldhein, noted lec- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Berkowitz, Miss turer, will be in Omaha to speak iin- Clara Margultz, daughter of Mr. and der the auspices of the Omaha chap- Mrs. Sol Margultz, Evnen Noveyj Isater of Hadassah. She will speak at dore ,PlotMn, and Mrs. J. Bernstein the Blackstone Hotel Tuesday afterr were this week operated on for tonsilitis at the Wise Memorial Hospital. noon, June 2.
I On Champion Debating Team
Your Watch Repaired
Your Responsibility
I WITH THE SICK | \ .—_.— ..—'
condkieraticm krr
Saturday is the Last Day of Our Special Premier Duplex Offer
For his sermon topic this Friday evening at the Temple, Rabbi Fred' erick Cohn has chosen "The Ideals of Th Jewish National Women's ProJudaism" , and on the following gressive Club will hold a literary .and morning his subject will be "Themusical meeting Saturday evening, Jubilee". May 16, at the home of Mrs. H. Okun, Miss Fanny Horwich entertained at 1434 North 18 St. Besides literary musical numbers, there will b e a at four tables of bridge at her home and lecture by Mr. J. Radinowsky. Sunday afternoon in honor of. Miss Pearl Wiitroub, who is soon to be The Montdf ore Club will hold a pubmarried to Mr. Jack Horwich.. Prizes lic program Sunday, May 17, at the were won by Miss Ruth Wintroub Jewish- Community Center. The proand the Mesdames Roy Roffman and gram will begin at 4:30. L. Cohn. A Mother's Day program was given The Junior Hadassah members will last Sunday afternoon, May 10, at the hold their regular meeting Thursday Jewish Community Center by the evening, May 21, at the Jewish Hatikoh Girls Club. A violin solo was Community Center. given by Harry Holzman accompanied by his teacher^ Miss Rose Dubnow. The monthly card party of theMiss Iva Cohn rendered several violin Ladies' Auxiliary of the South Side solos, accompanied by Miss Dora Congregation will be held Wednes- Goldberg,-fpllowed by a vocal selecr day afternoon, May 20, at 2:30, attion by Miss Sara Yaffe. . A piano ser the Brandeis Tea Rooms. The lection by Miss Bemice Blazer con, Mesdames E. V. Lorig, H. Rothkop, cluded the program. The program )L. Blumenthal, J. Kaplan, M. Katz- was prepared by Miss Gladys Bern/ man, and S . Canar will be the hos-stein. tesses at this affair. Prizes will be grtcn at each table. The Tifereth Israel Synagouge is Miss Lenora Kohn, of Atchinson, issueing a bulitin three times a month Kansas, is visiting here " with Miss rgarding Synagouge news and affairs Ida MinMn. She will visit here for through the efforts of Rabbi Eisenr£ assisted by his committee.
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PAGE 4-^-THE JEWISH P R E S S - T T H U R S D A Y , MAY 14,1925 avert the inevitable, in a bout which ry. .Hindenburg has saved us from wotrld. Mr. Barsukoc, being the son i Teacher of Musical Geniuses followers of boxing expectejd. to end the Centrum, the Democratic Social, of a Eussian Kussian general. Miss as jt.-did* Dundee /ought,-fwith the Honored at Carnegie Hall Democratic and Communist parties, Mayer born in, Japan and educated desgaration/of a man making hj£ last all of -which are dominated by Jews." abroad, and Mr. Semmler was' on Eightieth Birthday stahd, and He failed without being disgraced. Comparatively a shell of his Leading German Jewish circles are, formerly the court pianist of Prince "By HAIUIY' CONZEL old self, Dundee brought into play New York, April 28. (J. T. -A.) however, confident' that Hindenburg Henry of Prussia. r. (CopyrlKht 102ft Dy Seven Arts every trick of the trade at his comFeature Syndicate.) Five of the foremost living musicians will riot allow any anti-Semitic outmand, but his efforts were overcome, These three artists in spite of brilunited last night at Carnegie Hall to breaks- and no serious trouble is exoverwhelmed, by the brilliant work of liant careers in Europe were stranded Terris. pay homage to Leopold Auer, when pected. THE LAST by some unkind fate in New York. Dundee won,not a round. He was he celebrated his eightieth birthday. -Tie last bout has been fought at on the' defensive throughout and They met by accident in a rooming Jascha Heifitz, Ephraim Zimbalist, JoMadison Square Garden, New York. slapped and hooked exclusively with Raymond Griffith Due house and became dear friends with The-oldest New York fistic temple, his left and used that hand to the seph Hoffman, llachmaninoff, and GaRaymond Griffith, the high hat which' has been witness to the most exclusion of the right. He made his brilowisch, former pupils of the great scream of "Miss Bluebeard" and the desire to be together and at the thrilling boxing matches held ; in greatest. stand, of the fight in the teacher, played in honor of Professor "Forty Winks," comes to the Strand same time to experiment on a hihly America for many years, has .been of- "fourth"1 session - when" he ' thrilled :the Auer, who shaped the fate of the most Theater next Saturday, featured -with artistic idea, so • the present Piena ficially closed for ever.JOn the' Fifth crowd i by standing and. slugging ;with ; of May, the last battle was .fought. rTerris! toe-to-toe' in- sporadic, spurts famous musicians in the world. • Vera Keytiolds, Wallace Beery and Concert Ensemble was formed. : When the gong for-the end of tfie which had -theVcrow.d yelling wildly. Although all three are prominent Leopold Auer was born in West- Louise Fazenda in '• the cast of the last jound soupded,;.the; fo'rman pf an ';' But'Terris'won the rotm'd asf he did soloists, , they sacrificed their solo pern, a little town in Hungary, June Paramount picture, "The Night army of workfjjgrrien..gave the signal seven others. '- Dundee,1 as the actionr work in the interest of the perfect 7, 1845. His father was an interior to start the demolition ofthe . did, Club," a picturization of William de ;of ithe .bout slowecb:perceptibly=: hear ensemble. granil Garden..: •.:«v:: . . . . . • . v : decorator. He recei ed his musical Mille's stage play, "After Five." Ahe;:fimsh,; managed to ^thrill the ciowd The last winner aif thefest boiit was .with'-spasmodic.apaujis-in educatior in the conservatories of Buthe sixth, Paramount claims it to be funnier Sid Terris, the cjfeverj sJewish r light- seventh', "tenth1 and."eleventh' r6unds dapest and Vienna. From 1863 to than "Miss Bluebird", and "Forty "I hope next Shovuoth weight boxer. Mae Jewish *lad com-7 'and^held'his'rivaleven-but -in' every 18S5 he was concert master at Dus- Winks," rolled, into one. See what pletely outclassed'the! veteran fighter,] -oth'er:' session.'. there' To be in the Land of Israel" icoidd 'have, been Jbhriiiy Dundee, the,'best"human":fight-- nodQubt of seldorf, from 1866 to 1868 he had a you think about it. TeiaaJs^uperiorityforhe of -TeEri!s-«xperioiity>£orhe TOUR PRAYER ANSWERED ing machine ever-protluced by-Italian outrbbxed.^ Dundee- and -:out-bit the | similar post in Hamburg. Later he . It's an amusing story of a con^ £^ y" :,.u. stoc^; £ ^; y u ' ' ' Italiaii at everyiturri ;and;thrbughout became professor at the Conservatory firmed woman-hater who has to marWe had the great'/privilege" of • wit- the bout made the fighting by being of Peterburg and violinist at the Rus- ry a pretty girl to collect a fortune nessing this dramatic match, which the agressor." ••<••. .;•., sian* Imperial Court. marks the exit of the Italian boxer, '•. ' And so, while-Dundee bought with Allowing 20 days in Holy Land left him by. his uncle. and our readers ]will forgive us, if-we' all the strength and ring knowledge and Egypt . Daring his manifold activities he For an added stage attraction, the give bur impression of the'event, with- at his command, throughout the bout, STOPOVER AT NAPLES. was in close contract with the muout regard to our limited space. Strand will present the Piano Conhe fought a losing bout against youth siccal geniuses of the nineteenth cenNEXT SAILINGS , , cert Ensemble, featuring Mr. Serge SIB TERRIS ' , and strength. , MAY 11 — JULY 9 tury, Lizst, Tchaikovsky, the Ruben- Barsukoff, Miss Lulu G. Mayer and Sid Terris earned the" honor of besteins, Brahms, Richard and Johann Mr. Alexander Semmler, three accomIN THE RING ing the last winner of the last bout Sid Terris is a well-built athlete. of the famous Madison Square GarStraus, and Rosinni. He also came in plished and distinguished pianists. HISTORICAL U. S. MAIL S. S. . There is a. bit of the-artist* in his den. contact with statesmen and rulers, inThe members of this company look * * * performance. His graceful footwork cluding-. Napoleon .the Third, the last back upon a very interesting and •—his dancing—in 'and out "of reach A NEW BENNY' three. Russian Cjsars, Disraeli, Glad- colorful career. of his opponent—his dazzling speed* FARE—ROUND TRIP his original, individual manner in "As a reader of your weekly column, ;stone,i .Vo« Buelow and others. Second Class They came from all parts of the First Class feinting _and fooling his adversary I want to call your attention to the make him one of the moat" thrilling extraordinary record of Benny Gershe, ANTI-SEMITIC PRESS Bights, in the ring today. We have who is the present idol of Cleveland JUBILANT OVER seensthe very best dancers; including boxing fans and whose work of ,the HINDENBURG ELECTION the Eussians Nijinsky and Mordkin, past year has won hinr national recStrictly Kosher — Synagogue Berlin. (J. T. A.) The election of but hone of them has given us the ognition • as • one ' of the cleverest OCK XKKATJMJOT WllX. same impression of harmonious co- featherweight fighters in the country. Paul von Hindenburg as president of Movies CONVINCE YOU OF OCR "Gershe, who is the son of an ordination of muscle and brain, as Left to Right:-Bess Greenberg, Ivy Siegel, Lillian Chudacoff. the German Republic, found a jubilant SINCERITY. does Sid Terris, the eastside.Jew of .orthodox rabbi, started professional Here are three of'the pleading singers in "Windmills of Holland," Tract Department. echo in the anti-Semitic press. AlNew ?York. In Terris^modern boxing fighting only a eyar ago but within an operetta that was presented by the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. organ, r . 8af«ty Dfpoolt . Box**. though Hindenburg has not declared that time has nearly twenty knockhas reached its high-water mark." No izations Tuesday evening,'May 12, at Moose Hall/twenty-eighth and himself .an adherent of anti-Semitic sign (of brutality. Nothing that re- outs to his credit. In a recent engageFarnam fits. Mrs. Ricklie Boasberg directed the" production. 1493 Broadway, N. Y (at 43rd St.) minds one of the old time ferocity, the ment with Al. Corbett, Gershe is said policies, the anti-Semitic press views desire to annihilate an adversary. He to have received the sum of $4,000, his election as a victory over the THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. is the Fistic Fencer who smilingly being his percentage of the gross lege of New York, showed his mettle VICTIM OF ANTI-SEMITE Jews. Wholesale paper by u«.>+;»«~ beating -xrr^^u Wash of«* rix-vii,n~:TT_:— Uier works for an opening where-he. may receipts which were the largest ever •*«» DIES IN BERLIN -The ."Deutsche Zeitung" says that V distributors ,for . , Call us for good thrust his blows with • an amazing taken in since fights have, been .held sity in two straight sets.. Kleinfeld, speed' to" tfie" exact' anatomical "spot in Cleveland's public auditorium. Ai- however, also of City College, was Berlin. (J. T. A.) James Wachtgl, "the election routed international Jew" Northern Toilet Tissue thpugh Gershe was somewhat shaded soundly - trimmed by .McCarthy of Berlin manufacturerTwho was shot at where it will be the most effective. 1112 Harney Street in his fight,, his clean and intelligent Fordham University, which -won the AT-Iantic 6409 THE .VETERAN . - -boxing .were sufficient to hold .the team match by five to one. * * * The the polls recently by Laude, former ! MICKLIN LUMBER CO. Metropolitan Junior Lawn" Tennis secretary of the anti-Semitic leader, popularity of the fans. Many thought Temptation Besets You FIGHTER 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555 Benny was too inexperienced to championship matches of New Jersey Count Bueckler, died May 1. His wife, When You Enter • The Italian Johnny. Dundee is an that are in full swing.Sandy Wiener, the meet the more mature Corbett, but old man, as sport age groes. He is the; estimated popularity, of such an promising protege of -William T. who was shot.-at | h e same tinus, is in CANDIESV. ICECREAM ' below forty but his physical machin- engagement i' j Don't Wait Till Erev Fesach!! made the proposition very Tilden is among the entries. People a dying condi^oSi ery has seen its best days.' ' Dundee .attractive to , LUNCHES who know claim that Wiener, is bound the young Jewish Do your Painting has been active for more - than 15 "fighter. WASH AND KEEP WELL to win the title. * * * Feuerback of years in the professional ring. He and Decorating NOW. Richmondville has been elected manA RULE OF HEALTH "Immediately after the Corbett has held- two world's titles, the fight, Gershe Told friends that he was; ager of the freshman swimming team PAXTON-MJTCHELL ICO. Save 25% of the cost. featherweight and junior lightweight. confident that he could get to Corbett of Lehigh University. Feuerback is :?tb and Martha Sts. ' UA.-teu* FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Work Guaranteed He has fought the best"men"of his in the event of a return engagement. reputated to be a human dynamo. * * ManofartorrrB or Brass, Bronr*. ' TPISr TIM A T M 2424 Bnrt Street. 1E1B California 8tr«et. llumtnam and Soft Oray Iron Casting*. time, and has only been knocked out The mere fact that Gershe floored Sam Scherr is a -notable heavyweight <xf J. r&LtVaiAlV, Tel Jackson 1589. 16th and Farnam Streets name, from nvrrr hrai In once in his life, by the Jewish boxer Corbett in the third round was good wrestler on. the, Penn Yarsity* team. Voo mwhtn* \ ar« BKunrcd ot soft castings, as Willie Jackson. Now at the end of evidence that Benny was not out of He is. considered'the future Collegiate •or own sbop. Crystal Candy Company ... Standard ajz"-^A*t Iron and broiw his career, he pleaded to be given the his class. champion.,, . '. t ' ~ ' . ' In honor of fighting the-last Garden - - 16th and • Capitol Are. • "Since the days, of Johnny Kilbane 'fight". And Tex Rickard, the pro- there has not been a' fighter In CleveAGUDATH HARABONIM CONVENmoter, agreed. who has won as much popularity \ TION DISCUSES PROBLEMS OF these land as Benny. The fans here are eagerly And thus,'the other night, BUTTER and EGGS "Manufactured in Omaha" two athletes, the coming man and the waiting JEWISH AND KASHRUTH his next fight, and many going man, faced each other under the have thefor Lakewood, N. J. <J. T. A.) The Council Blnfis, Is, opinion that it won't be long BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO. glaring lights' in the ring, which has until,Benny will be demonstrating his Agudath Harabonim of America, held seen so many boxing engageinents_in New York. the second session of its convention which champions relinquished their ability in arid around Maurice Bergman, glorious titles. Cleveland, Ohio. ' here under the chairmanship of Rabbi Silver. . ._..-. / ' ; . W. K. Wearer Ben .C*vin THE BATTLE T EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS The convention discussed a.,number ! Web. 1011 Ja. 1265 •A journalistic colleague, James P. SPORT BREVITIES • I N C O M E REPORTS Dawson, summed up the r fight as folIn the Chess Tournament; at Badenr f: important matters > relative to the WEAVER & CIVIN lows: Baden, Germany, the situation is un-: Jewish religion in America and also 123 W.-O. W. Bldg. At. 8072 "Fighting .almost entirely on his changed. Rudinstein is still in second questions regarding the violation of wide store of ring knowledge, Dundee position, hopelessly outdistanced by Kashruth in certain Jewish CommuniFbone AT. 1883 403 Karbacb Block Drive It Yourself" Architects and Engineers made a gallant stand to staxe oK the Russian Alekhine. "Let us plan your home or building". Rosen. Plans Estimates defeat. But it was a futile, fctb blatt, the tennis player of City Col- ties.
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