I regard ideas only in my-struggles; to the persons of my opponents I am indifferent. —'Ernst HacckeL
' The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work-—Sarah TA. Boh ton.
VOL. IV—No. 29
, St S* mi secood-daH mall matter en January 27th, 1021, at • S* g '-* at Omaha, Nebraska, nndei the Act of March 8. U87».
. Directors Monday
Omaha Hebrew Club Popularity Contest Drawing Attention
of the Jewish Welfare I I Lay Cornerstone Endowment Ftmd For Doings Federation at the D. A. V. Convention if Commity Center Is on Sunday, July 19th Formed in the U.S.
The Y,- M;'H. Av baseball .team, lost its second game of the season to the A special meeting of the Board Twenty-fou-*-1* street Merchants team of Directors of the Jewish Welfare Mr. William Blumenthal is in by a s-" e cf 6 to 5. The loss of this Federation will be held Monday charge of the Jewish Welfare gainefo- the-Y_ puts them in a tie fcr evening at the Jewish. Community Federation lemonade stand at the fi—t place. ' .Center. This meeting is being City Auditorium this weelr. He is F i t t i n g Program is Being Important Questions Will Be called by the Executive Committee A n n u a l P i c n i c to Be Held Next Sunday afternoon the Y team American Committee to Aid being assisted by Eeva KulakofsArranged for This will play the Kaiman Insurance team University Development Will ky, Louis Simon, and I. Rosenhtal. to discuss and to lake action upon August 9 Discussed at This Occasion > a double header. The first game will Be Formed Under Chairmanthe proposal to join the Omaha Convention start at 1:30 p. m. at Elmwood park ship of Felix M. Warburg. Community Chest. • FOUR CONTESTANTS A table was occupied by the BUILDING WILL BE Should the Y. win both games, they • Every member of the Board MORE THAN 700 officers and directors of the JewAFTER FIRST PRIZE will again go into first place. COMPLETED THIS YEAR WARBURG GIVES $500,000 ish Women's Welfare Organization DELEGATES TO ATTEND should attend this special meeting. The prize ticket selling contest, of TO THE INSTITUTION at the Altrusa Club Monday afterThe corner stone celebration of the the Omaha Hebrew Club thirty-third Washington, June 24.—Over seven Jewish Community Center Building: noon in honor of Mme. SchumannNew York. (J. T. A.) Endowment annual picnic to be held on Sunday, hundred delegates from all parts of will be held , on Sunday afternoon, Heink. funds for the Hebrew University in August 9, at the German Home Park, the country will attend the twentyJuly 19. After careful deliberation Jerusalem amounting to more than is now in full progress. The standeighth annual convention of the the committee selected July 19 as date ings of the four contestants' are "as Situation Must Be Thoroughly Studied $800,000 have been secured and an Zionist Organization of America, for this celebration. A complete proapproximate, income of $140,000 -anfollows: - '••"••'. which begins its three-day sessions gram is being arranged for that will By Leaders. nually for the University has been here Sunday, June 28th, at the May- Seek To Rebblster Fast Falling Membe fitting the occasion. A nationally, Kate Goldstein 1550 votes bership ranks* promised to' Dr. Judah L. Magnes, flower Hotel. The convention, the known speaker will be on this proSara Somberg 1550 votes New York.—On the eve of his de- dean of. the University, who sailed largest in the history of the moveJoe Rosenthal ._1200 votes ^ parture for Europe, an informal on the Mapestic following a several Many Prizes to be Given to Winners gram and also city and state officials* Washington, (J. T. A.)—The Ku ment in this country, comes after a According to plans now being made Morris Fine « 1200-votes dinner was tendered Wednesday eveof Contests months' stay in the United States, in year of great progress made in up- Klux Klan is charged with making a seats will be put on the first floor of ning to Dr. Stephen S. Wise, presiden The contest is open to everyone, an interview, with the representative building the Jewish Homeland, par- move for publicity to bolster the fastthe new building. The first floor is of the American Jewish Congress, by Tedudng membership of that organReservations are bing made by the and entries .may be made' on or beof the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. ticularly in immigration and colonizaalready built and the steel work for his associates, at the Aldine Club, as . "I was greatly. encouraged by .the members of the Y. M. and Y.W the entire structure will be completed tion, and the opening of the Hebrew ization in arranging for its conven- fore July 1. The winner will receive a farewell, previous to his sailing totion in Washington on August 8, and H. A., for the club annual picnic to a round trip ticket to California, and response which the idea of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus. this move was purely an attempt to the second prize is a round-trip ticket day on' the Majestic* on an importan University in Jerusalem met with in be held Sunday, July 12, at Elmwood by the time of the celebration. Day, 1 With the biennial sessions of the bring the Klan back into the limeby day the building is being rapidly mission in connection with a numbe the United States. -1 was delighted to Park. Reservations can be made with completed and in the near future will .World Zionist Congress coming six light, declared the Washington Post. to Colorado Springs. of Congress activities. Rabbi Wise the chairmen of the picnic, Messrs. A feature of the picnic will be the see how quickly this historic enterweeks later in Vienna, the convention "Realizing that something had to dancing during the faternoon • and in an address appealed -for the sup- prise of the Jewish people had stir- Kneeter and Iz. H. Rosenblatt, or any be ready for occupancy. proceedings this year assume partic- be done to bring the Ku Klux Klan Plans are also being made to have port of the American Jewish Congres other' member of the various comularly outstanding significance be- back into the limelight and the evening. In addition there will be and criticized- those 'Jews who' fail t red many hearts and minds. This mittees, and also at the office of the every organization in the city, men, cause many important subjects on the publicity on which it thrives", states music on the picnic grounds for_the apply the principles of democracy i was particularly - true of the Jewish Jewish Welfare Federation, in the women and children attend the celeyouth who have had a university Congress agenda will be taken up at the Post, "imperial wizards, kleagles evening meaL The committee is al- Jewish communal life. bration in a body. The structure will so making plans for a musical protraining. It was.-also gratified to Arthur Building. Washington and resolutions passed and goblins have arranged for the Dr. Wise, in referring to the colThe Picnic committee is holding be decorated and will present a strikon them for submission to the Con- huge demonstration here in the Na- gram to be. presented in the after- onization plan in Crimea, emphati find such a". great understanding of a meeting Monday evening, June 29, ing picture to the entire community, gress. • tion's Capital, August 8, it was de^noon, and plans are bing made to cally voiced his objection that a prob the American newspaper men," Dr. at the Jewish Community Center "I am pleased with the work on the Magnes stated. This is, particularly true of the re- dared here. Members have been hold a baby contest in the evening.. lem of so large a magnitude and building," said Joe L. Wolf, secrewhere plans will be made for th B. G.' Shapiro and Max Fromkin, The largest : contributors toward the solutions on the Jewish Agency, which dropping from the rosters by the tary. "The building will be one of such vital importance should be conmembers of the picnic committee various events, stunts, and other the finest and most modern of its endowment fund were Mr. and Mrs. is one of the chief subjects under thousands, it is reported, and it is sidered without a formal consultatio entertainments that is U consideration by the Congress. It is hoped that the rally here will nring announce that games, contests, will with the leaders- of European Jewry Felix M. Warburg, who donated novelty kind." . . take place at the picnic. also be held for which prizes are to 9500,000 and Mr. Sol Eosenbluia of well known that strong opposition to them back into the fold, so that the. "Just a few minutes of your time to or even the representatives of the Several business houses in Omaha go and see the work that is Pittsburgh, who gave $250,000. including non-Zionists on the Jewish national order might continue to reap be given to the. winners. • ' Jewish national organizations in this Agency is developing in certain its profits of dues. An American Committee for the have given merchandise to be given done," said Harry H. Lapidus. "We country as to the advisability of COUNCIL BLUFFS . European Zionist quarters and efforts purpose of aiding the development of away for prizes at the picnic. are making wonderful progress and such a course-of action. "They have chosen Washington for The Y.M.H. A. baseball team wil the subscribers should see this good JEWISH BOY WINS will he made at the Vienna Congress the Hebrew' University in Jerusalem If the American Jews wish to give play the -Albright merchants as POPULARITY CONTEST help to modify the program for the ex- publicity reasons, it was said, because work." for their needy brethren in Eu- is to be formed by Felix- M.- Warburg they can get privates in the ranks to feature attraction for the picnic. tension of the Jewish Agency, as Henry Mendelson, eleven year old and Dr. EmanuelLibmari, with Mr. The Jewish Community Center ireri=Vy Dr. Wcigraann. First come here drawn by the historic J . ^Menaelson. trf rope, it should ber done not only for The Commitwill be one of wiricti-~ppnr»Ls memTto vf but withsteps liftEeformation of "the; Amer- over the route-.<nr which Presidents; CoundlBluffs,-was awarded,a prize benevolence and bir+herly co-opera^ tee" will mclude Dr. <3yrus Adler, Mr. finest and most modem structures of ican branch of the Jewish Agency on have trod to inaugurations. Iacob BiHikopf, Dr; Abraham Flexits kind in the country, this is the . • '. of a Premier Baby Grand Piano a- tion, urged Dr. Wise. • . 1 therecent popularity contest,cona fifty-fifty Zionist and non-Zionist ner, .Dr. David KalisTd, ;Mr.'Louis opinion offered by the architect arm "Ktan~ heads'are :Wary; about talking Discussing -his trip abroad, Dr. basis have "already been undertaken in numbers, but privately they are ducted" by the Schmoller & .Mueller Wise said he would endeavor to visit Lipsky, Judge Julian *W> Mack, and :ontractor of the building. It is in this country under the leadership, hoping to have 150,000 in line. If Piano Co., having about six hundred the Jewish communities and make a Messrs. Louis Marshall, Walter-Mey :entrally situated and will be of us? of Louis Marshall, as a result of Dr. their plans are realized, the display more votes than the next highest con- comprehensive survey of Jewish con- ers, Eugene Untennyr und Frederick Jewish Delegation Is Received by ;o every local Jewish organization and New German President; Refer to Weizmann's last American visit. will be the greatest- ever held by any testant. )f every individual. ditions as they exist in Poland and Warburg. Equal Rights Law. American Zionist leaders, headed by, fraternal organization anywhere and Henry is a student of Professor other East European countries. His Mr.1 Magnes, who'sailed for London Since the breaking of ground for - Louis Lipsky, are strong supporters the parade will be the largest ever Frank Mack. • .• the building held last December, the 4 itinerary is expected to include Eng- for the purpose of attending a meetBerlin,—(J. T. A.)—A promise to of Dr. Weizmanh in the extension .of held in Washington, the city of land, France and Switzerland. Dur- ing of the Board of Governors of the foster the spirit of religious tolerance erection of the building was looked the Agency, but an opposition may parades, not excepting the march of Leaves for Zionist Convention ing his trip he will confer with the Institute of" Jewish ' Studies of the in Germany and to conscientiously re- forward to and the laying of the cordevelop at the convention, although Grant's army after the civil war. To Mr. John Feldman left this evening leaders of European Jewry and while Hebrew University, further declared spect and protect all creeds was made nerstone will be the next step towards the administration expects to have assure a large throng, it was asserted, to be in Paris he is expected to consul twith that the additional income of $140,- by Paul von Hindenburg, president of completion. little difficulty in defeating it, in case the leaders are not inviting the State the I. C. A. and other Jewish organ- 000 includes the pledges of the Ame- the German Republic, to a delegation Zionist District at the \ National it arises. branches to send delegates; they are Zionist Conference to be held at izations on the status of Jewish rican Jewish Physicians' Committee, comprised of representatives of the Other resolutions to be submitted ordering every able-bodied member to Washington, D. C, beginning ^Sun- refugees. If possible he will also whose chairman is Dr. Ratnoff, and Internominational Church- Alliance, d n c Q BfaifEi L 0 . B. BL • to the Congress and which are at- the muster. day* June 28, and ending Tuesday, make a personal tour of the detention whose representative on the Board of consisting of Evangelical, Catholic Mk Sistiia of Offices* tracting widespread attention have to camps where thousands of immigrants Governors of the University is Dr. and Jewish representation. "One of the curious features of the June 30. do with the Jewish National Home parade is the hour—three o'clock - Mr. Feldman will first go to Chica- are stranded. Later he will attend the Emanuel Libman, of $50,000 yearly Mr. Wolf, president of the Berlin Council Bluffs Lodge, I. O. B. B.s under the Mandate and a Revision of for the support of the Institute of Jewish Community, who was the held its semi-annual election of ofSaturday afternoon. It is pointed out Zionist Congress in Vienna. go, Illinois, and then to Washington, the Palestine Budget. Both subjects Medical Research' of the Medicol spokeman for the Jewish delegation, ficers Wednesday evening. The folthat if .100,000 men parade it will be and after the convention he will leave are among the leading questions to School of the University. quite dark before the march is over. Your 1925 subscription to The Jewcongratulated von Hindenburg on be- owing were elected: Morris Gilinskyv for Boston, Mass., and New York be discussed at the Congress and the This would fit in the scheme of erectish Press is due now. Please mail half of German Jewry on the occa- president; Nathan Adler, vice-presiattitude of American Zionists is City, expecting to return home about ing a huge naming cross on PennsylPATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. it in. sion of his taking office, pointing out dent; Harry Kubby, secretary; Max eagerly awaited by Jews throughout July 15. vania Avenue. Then, too, the klansthat the German Imperial Law of 1869 Steinberg, financial secretary; Philip the world. men would appear much more awful guarantee •"' + i German Jews citizen- Freidman, assistant monitor; Clyd* YELUN CROSSES CONTINENT FOR ROSENWALD GIFT The Convention closes Tuesday in their boudoir attire on a dark ship rights and religious protection. Krasne, guardian; Louis Katlenmn, night, June 30th, and will be followed night." DR. DAVID YELLIN JULIUS ROSENWALD Mr. Wolf expressed the wish that in Leo Krasne, and S. Shyken, trustees. by the two-day convention of Hadasthe future all the -unjusified attaks The officers elected Wednesd&r sah. Wednesday morning, July 1, on the Jws be stopped. "German evening will be installed at the nest faafoxe Hadassah's proceedings begin, Sammy Cannell, Omaha Jewry joyfully fulfills its citizenship regular meeting which will be held in a pilgrimage will be made by the duties and wishes that the struggle September. The lodge will postpone delegates to the Tomb of Woodrow violin Prodigy, Visiting Here between compatriots cease so that meetings during the summer months. Wilson, where inspiring exercises will Sammy Cannell, fourteen year old Germany can returnto its former be held in memory of the martyred prodigy violinist of the Nebraska height" ' American president who did so much SURVEY OF JEWISH COMMUNAL' Society for the Development of Von Hindenburg thanked the deleto advance the Zionist cause among ACTIVITIES IN HAWAIIAN! Musical Talent, returned from New the nations of the world. gation and assured it that creeds all ISLANDS WILL BE MADE BY York City, where he has been studywill be treated impartially so thct the I. O. B. B. ing the violin under the, guidance of
Zionist Convent! Opens in Washing
Han ParadeIs Publicity Stunt, Washington Post States
Rabbi Wise Opposes Quick Action on Crimea Plan
OiandY.W.EilAmfflai Picnic July 12 at Etowood
g Promises • Religions Tolerance
EXAMPLE OF SPAIN CITED BY JEWISH DEPUTY . IN POLISH SEJM Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—The example of Spain, once queen of the seas and master of international commerce, was cited in the Polish Parliament yesterday by Deputy Waclaw Wislicki during the debate on taxation. Deputy Wislicki on behalf of the Club of Jewish Deputies declared that t h e exorbitant taxes are ruining the population of the Polish Republic "Spain was the first country to introduce the heavy taxation system in 1587 after the expulsion of the Jews. Whehlthe Jews*were expelled from Spain a terrible crisis came about in the country and it finally went bankrupt," he stated, warning the Polish government against the fiscal system. NORMAN BENTW1CH WILL NOT RESIGN Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) — Norman Bsntwich, Palestine Attorney QeneraL in Sir Herbert Samuel's administration, will not resign, from his positipn as was previously reported, a cording to an official statement made to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
internal unity of the people will be fostered.
Samuel Gardner, one of the "best known of modern" instructors. . During his visit in Omaha, Sammy Cannell is staying at the home of Mr. Sol S. Goldstrom. After his seven day- engagement with the World Theater, Carmell will return to New York, where he will resume his studies.
THE HEBREW TEACHERS' COLLEGE OF JERUSALEM RELIGIOUS BAN THREATENED JEWISH MERCHANTS IN LITHUANIA WHO VIOLATE JEWISH HOLIDAY. Kovno, (J. T. A.)—Sixteen Jewish business men who, under the pressure of the Compulsory Sunday Closing Law, kept their stores open during the Feast of Weeks, are the subject pf discussion here. : . A protest meeting against those who violated the Jewish holidayT was called.' Several hundred Jewish citizens, of Kovno participated' in the meeting..' It was decided to send a delegation to the sixteen. merchants urging them to' refrain from violating the Jewish holidays in the future. Should they refuse to comply with this request a religious ban against them would.be enforced aid they; -would not be admitted to the
Head of Palestinian Teachers' College distinct from the Hebrew University. New York City, Treasurer; Alfred M. Seeks to Won S50.000-Pledge -•-.. It is training the teachers • required of Philanthropist. , for the new public school system that is developing in Palestine, and is New York City.—To win the $50,- supplying the Hebrew schools of many 000 gift promised by Mr. Julius lands outside of Palestine with teachRosenwald, the' Chicago philanthro- ers of a very advanced type. In the pist, on condition that the balance re- United States alone, there are fifty of quired for the new buildings-of the its-graduates teaching in our Talmud Hebrew Teachers' College in Jeru- Torahs and Hebrew educational insalem be obtained, Dr. David Yellin, stitutions. its principal, will race across the conSupplementing Mr. Rosenwald's continent, from New "York to San Fran- ditional gift of $50,000, Doctor Yellin cisco. After his duties as visiting announced a gift of $10,000 by professor at the Jewish institute' of Morris Weinstein of New York City. Religion and at Columbia University The American Committee, which is are concluded, he will have but one sponsoring the appeal of Dr. Yellin, month to achieve his goal of $150,- includes the following: Dr. Harry 000, before he sets sail, with Mrs. Friedenwald of Baltimore, Chairman; Yellin," for Palestine, early in-July. • Israel "Unterberg of New York City, „ The Hebrew Teachers' College is Treasurer; Dr. David de Sola Pool of
Cohen, Cincinnati, Rabbi Louis L. Mann, Chicago, .- Sol. Rosenbloom, Pittsburgh, Julius Rosenwald, Chicago, Rabbi Israel Goldstein, Dr. George A. Kohut,-Arthur M. Lamport, Louis Lipsky, Solomon Lowenstein, Judge Julian W. Mack, Louis Marshall, Israel Mate, Henrietta Szold, Rabbi J Max -Weis,- Dr. Stephen S. Wise, all of New York;City. Rabbi J Max Weis, a member of the Committee, will accompany Dr. Yellin on his transcontinental tour. Rabbi 3. Max Weiss of New York City • was a visitor in Omaha in the interest of the Teachers' College Rabbi Weiss'is touring the country so that the campaign may soon close. While in Omaha he addressed a gathering at- luncheoiu •-•--• *
public of Chile is willing to admit a number of Jewish refugees strande> in various ports of Europe is the in formation given out by the Chilea: Consul here. The information Bureau for Emi grants and Refugees there has starte an inquiry with regard to conditions in Chile. In reply to questions, J ish social workers in Argentina state* that Jewish mass immigration t< Chile would not be advisable at thi time.
"ALIENS ORDER" IN GREAT BRITAIN WILL BE AMENDED . London, (J. T. A.) — Regulations with .regard to the aliens resident is Great, Britain will be amendad according to an announcement in thfc "London Gazette", the official reccrd of the government. The announcement statw that the Privy Council will consider a draft for amending • the "Aliens Grtter" •forty days from June 5- - . • -
San Francisco, (J. T. A.)—A Burvey of conditions of Jewish communal lift,in the Hawaiian Islands will be madf according to a decision taken by th* sixty-second annual convention «?. District No. 4, Independent Order B'nai B'rith in session here. Thr convention voted & substantial ar~ propriation for this purpose. The age limit for membership reduced from twenty-one to i by a vote of the convention. I. Irving Iipsitch was chosen chairman of thft Committee on Philanthropic Activities created by the conventionChanges in ritual to conform with the changes ordered by the Constitution Grand Lodge were adopted. A new lodge at San Pedro 'was chartered. Election of officers will occupy the closing session of the convention.
PRUSSIAN GOVERNMENT SEND* VALUABLE BOOKS TO HEBREW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Berlin, (J. T. A.)—The Prussian State Library was instructed by th* Prussian 'government to despatch > valuable collection of b&oks to Jerusalem for the library of the Hebrev-'
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1925 2 Party Line „._$ 8.00 at the A. Z. A. Convention •which will According to a statement issued by Residence, Individual Line » f 4.25 be held in Kansas City, Mo., on July company officials, the rates charged " 2 Party Line ..$ 3.50 5, 6, and 7th. Advisor Louis H. KatSouth Zone by the Telephone Company in NePublishes every Thursday at Omaha, Nebraska, by DAVIDSON-CARSON elman, Delegate Louis Eosenthal, Al- These rates include unlimited serv- braska have not been adequate for T H E JEJWISB P R E S S P U B L I S H I N G COMPANYThe marriage of Miss Johanna Gar- ternate Abe. L. Katelman, Joe Krasne, ice within the Market Central Office, many years to pay a reasonable reOfflce: 790 Brafadeis .Theatre Building-<-Telephone: AT iantic 1450. son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harold Cherniack, Maurice Friedman, and Bellevue and Ralston exchanges. turn on th value of the company's N A T H A N E . G R E E N , Manager. ••"-'• Garson, to Mr. Dave Davidson, took Arthur Friedman and Yale Kroloff Rate " property, and in order to continue to Mr. Ban Yousem, representing the place Tuesday evening, at 6:30, at the will attend the Convention. Type of Service Monthly give good service the company ap_$2.50. Subscription Priqe, one year, Business, Individual Line $ 0.00 Highland Country Club, has entered home of the bride's parents, Rabbi 2 Party Line $ 5.00 A regular meeting of the A. Z. A. Advertising rates furnished on application. pealed to the State Railway Commisthe Trans-Mississippi Tournament. Residence, Individual Line $ 3.00 Eisenberg performed the cermony in will be held next Tuesday evening. sion and the Court, who on June 11 " 2 Party Line $ 2.50 CHANGE O F ADDKBSS—Please give both the old and new address: be sure and give yooi name. Rural : $ 3.00 issued a decision that the Telephone Mr. Carl Katleman, playing in a the prescence of the immediate relaAmong those who left Sunday mornCompany were to make a reasonable South General Zone The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish three-some consisting of Mr. Morris tives and friends of the couple. Pre- ing for Dubuque, Iowa, to attend the (Correspondence Bureau).'with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news,18to addition Ferer, of Omaha, and Mr. Jack Gold- ceding the cerniony, Mrs. Carl Dart, These rates include unlimited serv- increase in rates. ^ tto o feature feature articles articles and and ccorrespondences from all irtportant Jew " centres, smith, of Washington, D. C, made sang "Because," and "I Love You National Grocers' Association this ice for subscribers living in the South r e is p p llnquirier i ditd t thi Agency will be be gladly regarding news items credited to this Agency will gladly No. 8, in 2, Sunday at the Highland Trulyj" and Miss Florence Greenblatt, week "were Messrs. Samuel I. Bubb, Zone to subscribers in both the North answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New Country Club. of Chicago, a cousin of the bride, Ben Kcoler, Jake Mandelson, George and South Zones. WANTED Bate York City. .,,;•.:.-,. played the wedding,march with violin Steinberg, Joe Scharf, Simon SteinType of Service Monthly Several married men between - * . '. ~ A large crowd of golfers took ad- ohligato by Emanuel Wishnow. Miss berg* and Sam Lincoln. Business, Individual Line $10.00 ages of 25 and 85. Guaranteed 2 Party Line $ 8.00 vantage of the course Sunday and Helen Garson was maid-of-honor; THE MONTH OF DIPLOMAS Mrs. Herman Krasne and Mrs. Ben Residence, Individual Line . $ 3.73 salary and commission. Company's June,-the beautiful month of roses, is also a month of diplo- some good scores were turned in. The Mrs. M. Greenblatt, was matron-of- Hirsch returned home last Thursday " 2 Party Llne.^ ..* 3.00 figures show earnings of men honor; and bridesmaids were Mrs. after spending two weeks in Ann Ar- NOTE; Charges shown for residence better than $50 per week. If you mas. Thousands upon thousands of boys and girls, young men best being a 41 by Bill Yousem. Harry Greenstone and Miss Minnie and women, appear at commencement exercises and are gently and rural subscribers are net rates want to work hard apply. Katleman and Harry Kulakof- Greenstone. The two nieces of the bor, Michigan and Chicago, HI. but firmly forced out by their Alma. Mater. They leave the com- skyCarl (after deducting the discount). Bills a real battle last Sunday. groom, Dola Wishnow and Sylvia Mrs. AdolphMeyer returned home for residence and rural subscribers forting shelter of the" old school whatever it may be, to go into The had mark of .their game came Davidson were flower girls, and mas- Tuesday evening after spending the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. the new—another school-of preparation or the ultimate school whenhigh will show gross rates and a discount both made berdie-2's on No. 4. ter Samuel Greenblatt, trainbearer. past month in Oskaloosa, Iowa, visF. Leventhal, Manager of experience from which no one is ever graduated except into a allowed when bills are paid on or beis the first time-it has been done Mr. Harley Davidson served as the iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.fore the discount date shown on televast, unexplained rand unexplainable beypnd. For the Jewish This 840 Brandeis Thea. Bldg., Omaha. , ,, groom's bestman. Bernstein. graduate the matter of what to do next is not quite as simple this season. phone bill. as it- is for. his Gentile classmate. The Fordists and the Kluxers All nine greens are now being used More than two hundred guests at- Mr. Philip Krasne, son of Mr. and havp succeeded in making the path ahead at times difficult though and due to the good work of Charles tended the reception followed by the Mrs. Herman Krasne, returned home cermony. never impossible. Many colleges still, while outwardly following Heaney they are in good, shape; a democratic merit system, make it particularly trying for a JewMr. Davidson and his bride will re- last Thursday from Ann' Arbor, Michish applicant to be admitted and even more so to maintain him- The. Tennis Courts are how" in. god side in Lincoln after a honeymoon igan. self: Often it is not the authorities" but the student-body that condition and'ready.to be used. trip to Denver, Colo. Mr. Joyce Freiden returned - home applies the torture srews, mental arid spiritual. Against social One of -the feature entertainments Tuesday evening from Grinnell, Iowa, discrimination of the.sort often practiced there is. no.redress. will be held on July 4. All members Several pre-nuptial affairs were given where he attended the De Molay State Gentlemen and ladies da not force their company upon those who are requested to make their arrange- last-week honoring Miss Garson. On Convention. do not desire it.. For the Jewish student in the high schools and ment for this day at the -club. A Thursday afternnon, Mrs. J. Sharpiro Colleges, where he is likely to face misunderstanding, prejudice special benefit golf contest will be entertained at five tables of bridge at Tha Y. S. H. S. are holding their and even open hostility; a well-defined course of action is desirable. held for Charles Heaney, the new her home. On Friday -evening, Mrs. picnic at Lake Manawa today. A few injunctions in a categbrial imperative might not be out of golf professional. A large list of Harry Snader was hostess honoring place: 1. Remember the triith of the dictum, "A gentleman will prizes -will be awarded to the winners Wiss Garsdn and Mr. Davidson. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sara Steinberg, left hot insult me; no other can. Therefore, remain calm and un- of the various matches in tha contest. and Mrs. Harry Garson presided at a last Friday forta trip to Yellowstone six o'clock.dinner Sunday evening at National Park. perturbed no matter what happens. 2. Remember your ancient Jewish inheritance. You can afford to be gentle and modest. • That' no words ean ; express my the Lincoln Hotel. Covers were laid for thirty including several" out-ofThere is no need to force your claims. Do not encourage in yourheartfelt ihaiikg and appreciation for town guests, Mrs. M. Greenblatt, Mr. self the kind of resentment and assertiveness which leads to an the deep interest our friends have and Mrs. Harry Greensteon, Moe inferiority complex. 3. Remember that, educationally, a school fails unless it makes for mental and spiritual development. Seek taken in behalf of! the memory, of my Baum, all of Chicago. Miss Ann the best associations.even if they must come from books.- Like dear departed husband by contribut- Snyder entetaihed at a handkechief is drawn unto like. In spite of differences of creed, color or na- ing so generously to the Free Loan showe on Sunday aftenoon. Prizes Beginning July 1, rates of the were won by Miss Mildrer Nefsky and Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. will ' • tional origin, the only human companionship worth while for you" Society. (Signed^ Mrs. Frank Greenberg Miss Lucille Cohen. be increased 15% throughout the will be drawn to-you. 4. Remember that pettiness is ephemeral and truth eternal. Be patient. The pattern of the universe was Mr. and Mrs. .Morris Polisky and state of Nebraska. not designed nor can it be evolved in a day. 5. Remember that SECEDING: ORTHODOX WING OF son, Bernard, returned • home Sunday The schedule of the increase efJudaism, when property understood and humbly practiced, is both PALESTINE NATIONAL AS- from a two weeks^tip to Minnesota. fective July 1, is as follows: a weapon and a shield; One need not deny being a; Jew; one need SEMBLY WILL FORM SEPANorth Zone •but be genuinely a Jew. Think it over. May your "Commence- RATE PARTY, IS TREAT. -Mr. and Mrsfi David Nefsky left These rates include unlimited serv: v Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)^-Members of Wed-nesday for Colorado, to be gone ment" be a happy one.—American Hebrew. , _» ' ; ice within thearea covered by the the;Bight Wing of the Third Session indefinitely. ' .' : Atlantic, Jackson, Harney, Kenwood, THE BIBLE of the National Assembly at a special Walnut and Webster central offices. irieeting called-here last night decided . Mr. and Mrs.'Benjamin Maserovsky Man is usually guided by some sort df Code wherebyhis Rate moral vision might be .strengthened.- During our adolescent to proclaim separate elections, for an announce the birth of a baby son born Type of Service Monthly Business, Individual Line orthodox Jewish-national assembly for Sunday, Juiie 21. —_$0.00 years, y , we set our ininds Upon p some source of 'human conduct,, •Palestine... " 2 Party Line 57.00 Atemporary committee Residence, Individual Line— h i h if d t l i ^ l i h i s which, if devoutly practised, \ ^ l bring us the highest amount Jo issue the call for the. elections was J3.T3 2 Party Line __?3.00 Rural of possible good. Thus, some of us seek the fulfillment ofthe Store Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. $3.00 f COUNCIL BLUFFS North General Zone enlightened ego and hope to find ;in the ^ f l ^ l ^ f S ^ t h - a r r a n g e d * - . ':;Jv }•.;;•'_ j±y__:-. •• "" '•' ••-.'•"•.' ' • AT Iantic 0600 «£•g f;t^hC.se«aing-gTbupsTiave also deThese rates include unlimited servhighest moral and ethical vaitiesT^ ~& § f ^ r p f e Harry Kubby was elected President seek the principle of altruism, guiding themselves by the rights cided to send a special delegation to of the Agudus Achin at a regular ice for subscribers living in the North and freedom of others. Because man must have these criteria the Zionist Congress for the purpose meeting which was held Monday eve- Zone to subscribers in both the North of human conduct, moralists of; every generation have attempted of submitting the demands of Pales- ning at the K. C. Hall. Mr. Kubby is and South Zones. Kate to give some code of conduct by which the Human Race might tine .orthodox Jewry to the congress. the youngest president that the SoMonthly Type of Service The secession came about as a readvance. The Bible has been, and is just such source of inspiraciety has ever had. Business, Individual Line_ $iooo tion to countless millions: To its pages have gone the aspiring sult of the vote on the question of Other officers elected were: Mr. L. sons of men t o receive some source of help whereby their souls granting women's suffrage in the Levine, Vice President; Maurice Braninight wing themselves heavenward. And the astonishing part assembly. deis, Secretary; I. L. Brandeis, Recoris that so few of, us realize the real value of the Bible as a guide ding Secretary; and Sam Friedman, to our daily life. For in it we:find the supreme wish of God to $5,000 FINE WILL BE IMPOSED Treasurer. The trustees are Messrs. ON HEBRON POPULATION I F Philip Friedman, Max Steinberg, and help the sons and daughters of man. , : : . Iii it we find one dominating factor—the supreme desire of GOVERNOR: ABRAMSON'S AS- Ed Simon. God to help man. When other Books are dumb, the Holy Book SAILLANTS ARE NOT FOUND. The installation of officers will take Meat Market speaks most sweetly. Its words are sweeter than the honey- Jerusalem, (J. T. A.)—A warning place at the next meeting which which is re-opened at comb. It says: "I will"wait upon you, in solitude, in times of to the Arab population of Hebron to will be held on Monday evening, July 1615 North 24th Street. great ne"ed and tribulation; I will wait upon you in the day time, assist in the apprehension of the as- 6. Webster 6006. saillants. of Governor Abramson, who at midnight, anywhere. Fix the time, the place yourself, and was shot at Monday night at his when your heart most needs me, I will be most in your heart!' All my former customers and Council Bluffs Chapter No. 7, Order Is not this wonderful language? Any book that wants to do this, residence in Hebron, was sounded by of Aleph Zadik Aleph, will be repre- friends are invited to my n«w whether it be found in the study or library, or in the gutter, a gathering of Arab notables as- sented by over half of its membership business location. should be received with respect. If it fails, it fails in a noble sembled for this purpose in Hebron. object. The Bible is like a star, it shines in the darkness, it "If within a month the inhabitants waits the going down; of the superficial sun of our transient of Hebron will not discover the inprosperity, and then bursts upon us as the shadows darken. stigators and accomplices of the atYes, everywhere, in it is a record of God's burning wish to «mpt on the life of Governor AbramSTORE CLOSES AT 5 P. M. son, a fine of £5,000 will be imposed help man. upon the population," they declared. _ Read its pages^—and you will find that of all things this desire to guide man along the right path in life stands out more Governor Abramson, who was govthan anything else: And what more can one ask of any book? ernor of the southern district of Palestine, was appointed governor of NAfitlM SOKOLOW Through his long record of service Haifa to succeed Governor Symes. ARRIVES IN POLAND Nahum Sokolow enjoys great prestige Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—Nahum Sok- in Jewish and Polish circles in Poland. PALESTINE COURT COMMUTES olow, chairman of the Executive of DEATH SENTENCE TO the World Zionist Organization, ar- OZE MEDICAL COMMITTEE FIFTEEN YEARS IN PRISON rived here today on his way back Jerusalem, (J. T. A.) The lrst WILL BE PERMANENT from Palestine to London. New York, (J. T. A.)—A formal re- death sentence imposeed on a Jew in OU benefit by our selling the largest amount It was stated in well-informed ception in honor of Dr. Gran of the Palestine, was commuted by the court of Men's Clothing sold in Omaha—and there's circles that the visit of Mr. Sokolow Oze Delegation, who is leaving today of eppeals here. a reason for it easily understood by all. to Poland, his native country, the on; the Berengaria for Berlin and The court withdrew the death senfirst time since the Armistice, is not Russia, was given last night by the tence imposed upon Hirshom and Because it is so li$ht and cool, so colOur enormous volume cuts our store without political signigcance in con- Medical Committee of the Oze. commuted- the sentence to fifteen ourful and full of youth, it has captured nection with the negotiations which Dr. S. Elsberg, Dr. N. Ratnoff, Dr. years imprisonment. Hirshom was expenses to such a lot® point that w are now going on between the Polish J. Friedman, and Dr. Joseph Barsky sentenced on the charge of having Fashion's fancy for summer afternoon government and Jewish representa- were among the speakers. murdered his wife in a fit of jealousare enabled to sell at the lowest profit wear and for summer evening dancing. tives in the Polish parliament with a It was decided that the Oze Medical ly. view to reach a Polish-Jewish under- Committee would be a permanent margin known anywhere in clothes standing. committee and Dr. Gergel, the other CHEKA DISCOVERS TWO Yard, It was at one time rumored that member of the delegation, will reselling. SECRET Y0SHIVOTH IN KIEFF the government had proposed to. the main in this country for an indefinite Riga, (J. T. A.) ~ Persecutions Small varicolored flowers strewn over a natJewish Sejm deputies that Nahum time to. carry on the work of the Oze against Jewish theological training in Where the average store requires a large profit beSokolow, as a man who was born in delegation. ural ground; large flower heads and clusters Soviet Russia were started again, accause of mark ups and mark downs, our system Poland, who knows the conditions and cording to reports received from of colorful blossoms; small garland patterns —of one low price the year round and low expense is held in great respect by a number Moscow. Riga, (J. T. A.)—Forty-one persons ratio—develops a remarkable opportunity to underwith tan, orchid yellow, apple green, red or of Polish Jews, should act as a Two secret Yeshivoth,' talmudic sell in men's clothing. Any wonder, then, when mediator in the Polish Jewish prob- accused of belonging to the" Zionist Bermuda, the shades predominating. Organization, were arrested in Mos- academies, which were recently estabmen wno compare say: lem. • lished in Kieff, were discovered' by Trimming Section—Street Floor Sokolow is proceeding to Plock to- cow, according to despatches .received the Cheka. The leaders and teachers here today. The majority of the armorrow to visit the graves of his "This store's values justify it in telling were arrested and will be tried. parents. It is expected that he will rested persons are accused of belongThe one correct slip for such a frock b leave for London the eiid of this week. ing to the Hitachduth. absolutely ALL the clothing sold in Among those arrested are Rabin- LORD ALLENBY MAY BECOME of silk crepe with a feminine bit of lace; GOVERNOR-GENER'L OF this city." Nahum Sokolow is a native of ovitch, Meer Lewin and Engels. AUSTRALIA flesh which will harmonize with any chifPoland, where he came into promiLondon. (J. T. A, M. S.) The apfon, or one of the exact, shades of one's nence as a result of his editorship of Cairo. (J. T. A.) Cattaui Bey, sec-pointmert of V;scount AUe:.by, conthe former "Israelita", the organ of retary r" the Royal Geographic So- qucrsr of Jerusalem and ur.til recentfrock Yard, 1.95 to 3.50. the Polish speaking Jews, and the ciety in Eg^pt, died here today. He ly ' "• "omir.r-ioner of -cypt, as Silk Section—Street Floor . "Ha'zephira", which he coedited with was a disV ^uished student and was governor-general of Australia is belOMASA. Welcome D.A.V. Ch. Z. Slonimsky, mathematician and respected in j.litical as well as edu- favorably considered by the King, it CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN pioneer in Hebrew newspaperdpnu cational' -,Irc>2 in. Egypt. ..--_, in rumored here. • . . -v-
Phone Rates To Be Increased July 1
Fleishman's Kosher
The Frock of Flower ed Chiffon is a Most Important Summer Fashion
Small Profits Build Large Business
the colorful silk slip
PAGE 8-JfHE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1925 of his Fraternity brothers of Z. B. T. Mr. Ben Kubby in honor of Miss at the Adass Yeshuren Synagogue, of the Palestine Arab population to- JEWISH PEER MADE VISCOUNT While here he was stopping at the Titkenberg, of Chicago, Ulnois. London, (J. T. A.) Lord B»r« 25th and Seward Sts. Important ward the newly appointed High ComBlackstone Hotel. missioner, Field Marshal Lord Herbert sted, president of thee Shell Oil Combusiness will be transacted. C. PFlumen, will be denned at a con- pan and at one time Ix>rd Mayor of Miss Ackerman left Wednesday for LABOR LYCEUM BAZAAR ference which was called by the Pales- London was made viscount on the ocThe Daughters of Israel Aid Society The second annual bazaar of the Sioux City; Iowa, where she will visit tine Arab Executive to take place here cation of the King's birthday. meeting has been postponed to TuesLabor Lyceum will be held four with Miss Ann Barrish. Lord Bcarsted, whose original same next week. day, afternoon, June 30, at the Jewish evenings, Thursday through Sunday, The conference will formulate the was Marcus Samuel, is a weH-taoirn Mrs. M. Zalk, and mother, Mrs. Kat» June 25, 26, 27, and 28, at the Labor Old People's Home. arab demands to be submitted to the philanthropist in London and in vise* leman spent Sunday in Des Moines, Lyceum, 22nd and Clark Sts. new High Commissioner, it was president of the League of British ASK FOR ADMISSION OF la., with Mrs. Zalk's daughter, Mrs. This year the Association has unJews. REFUGES TO PALESTINE stated. Leonard Hockenberg, and Mr. Hock- dertaken to raise $2,000 at this anRiga, (J. T. A.)—A request to the enberg. nual affair. The Association is being Zionist Executive of Palestine to Mr. Lou Madfis, of Boston, Mass., aided in its work by the Ladies' Club, furnish certificates of admission for So-ed-60, and the Owlets. Mr. Sheanin is arriving here to spend the week-end is the general chairman of the bazaar. stranded refugees here was despatchENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS with friends. Special musical programs will fill ed by the representative of the Mr. and Mrs. M. Seidman, of W »LF -AZORIN Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society here. Mr. Art Robinson returned the early up the night. At one of the. season's most fash- Linocln, Nebr., announce the engagepart of the week from an eastern buyThe last night, Sunday, June 28, ionable wedding, Miss Rebecca Azorin, ment of their daughter, Lillian, to Mr. ARABS WILL FORMULATE daughter of Mr. -^d Mrs. Azorin, be- David B. <John, of Omaha, son of Mr. ing trip. He is now associated with will be known as So-ed-so night. The DEMANDS TO HIGH came the bride of Mr. Samuel N. Wolf and Mrs. Morris Cohn. No definite Kavitz & Robinson, Men's Wholesale feature of the night will be the COMMISSIONER Haberdasher Co. Carnival dance in addition to the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf, on Sun- date has teen set for the wedding. Jerusalem (J. T. A.)—The attitude regular bazaar. Music will be day evening, June' 21, at the Fon- Mr. Cohn spent the past week-end Mr. Jack Fleishman and Mr. Harry in Lincoln visiting his finance. : Kneeter spent Sunday in Des Moines, furnished by the Nebraska Collegians. tenelle Hotel Ballroom. Admission to the bazaar is free, . More than five hundred guests atBuller-Nul Iowa. •'•:''. f ••*• Miss Eve Cohen, of Des Moines, tended the cermony, Kabbi J. M. CharQnmgklPekoeTcci Japan Tea Mrs. Dean Davidson, of Lincoln, I lop and Habbi Grodinsky, assisted by Iowa, is expected to arrive here Fri[green] day, July 3, to visit with Miss Rose Nebr.j is visiting in Omaha. Mra. Cantor J. Malek, officiated. The members of the S. A. S. SororMrs. J. S. Slate, of Des Moines, Lazarus. While here she will be Davidson was formerly Miss Jean- ity met at the home of Miss Sara Iowa, sister of the groom, was rriar- honor guest at a number of affairs nette Pitlor, of this city. Riklin Thursday, June 18. Plans were ton-of-honor; Miss Ida Azorin, sister that are already being planned for Mrs. M. Tatle and daughter, Gei> made for the summer social activof the bride, maid-of-honor; and theher. - The first to be given will be a trade* are arriving home Sunday from ities. Misses Helen Riekes, Lillian Ruben- tea Suhuday afternoon, July 5, when a months' stay in Excelsion Springs The Daughters of Zion regular stein, and Celia Azorin, were brides- Miss Lazarus will be hostess at her and St. Joseph, Mo. A t the latter, home honoring her guest. monthly meeting will be held Monday maids. For his bestman, Mr. Wolf place they visited with Mrs. Tatle's afternoon, June 29, at two o'clock, had his brother-in-law, Mr. J. S. Slate, daughter, Mrs. Joseph W. Liebowitz, Mrs. A. R. - Muskitt - and Mrs; of Des Moines, arid Mr. Sam Beber, Blank will give their "last of their and Mr. Liebowitz. Dr. Ben Lan, of Des Moines, Iowa, and series of luncheons next Tuesday'afMr. Joe Marks, the groomsmen. The ternoon, June 30, at the home of Messrs. Sidney and Harold" Kay, of little Misses Dorothy Slate and Goldye their mother, Mrs. E. Meyerl " Berkeley, Calif., sons of Mr. and Mrs. Mae Azorin were the little flower Joe Kay, of that city, arrived Wednesgirls, and Master Frank Wolf the Mrs. S. Mosow and daughter, Sara, day evening to visit with relatives ringbearer. of Sioux City, la., arrived in Omaha here. They will be the house guesti Among the out-of-town guests pre- last week to visit a t the home of of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakof sky. sent a t the wedding were Mr. andMr. and Mrs. L. Gerelick! Mrs. MoMrs, J. S. Slate, and daughter, Doro- sow returned the early part of this Messrs. and Mesdames. R. Kulathy, Mrs. M. Slate, and Dr. Ben Lan, week, while Miss Sara Mosow will kof sky, L. Kulakofsky, and J. H. Knaakofsky are entertaining at a dancing all of Des Moines, Iowa., Mrs. D. visit here indefinitely. party Monday evening at the HighBerg, and daughter, Helen, of Minland Country Club for the "school set'* neapolis, Minn., and Messrs. Morris St. Louis, Mo., where he will visit j honoring the visitors. Steinberg, Aaron, and Robert Glazer, with his brother, Mr."J.C. Seiner. ,_ . m ~ , , ©f Fort Dodge, Iowa. , Mrs. J. J. Slosberg was hostess at a ME, Wolf and his bride are. on an . Mr. Max Guttman returned the eastern honeymoontrip, and; will be at latter part of last week.from Chica- ltmcheon for -sixteen guests Wedneshome -within a month at the Elwood go, IlLj where he had been visiting day afternoon at her home, and will agaiA entertain sixteen guests at her Apartments. for a week, after having finished his home this afternoon at a luncheon. emester at the University of MichiMr. and Mrs. R. M. Schlaes have gan, at Ann Arbor. MORRIS-ROSEN ; issued invitations to seventy-five Before the presence of forty-seven Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilinsky have guests for a dinner they are giving at of immediate friends and relatives, 3 their guest, Mrs. Wilinsky's sister, their home Sunday evening in honor the-wedding of Miss. Irene Rosen, Mrs. Sig. Thien, of <ihicago,HI. of their fifteenth wedding anniversary* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Rosen, Several out-of-town guests are exto Mr. Sidney Morris, of San Fran- Mrs. Nathan Weinstein was hostess pected to arrive for the affair. Among cisco, Calif., formerly of Omaha, was at a one o'clock luncheon at: herthem will be Mrs. W. M. Schlaes, of solemnized on Sunday evening, June home Monday in honor'of her guest, Chicago, ilL 21^1 at the Blackstone Hotel., Rabbi Mrs.™ J. Solomon, of Toledo^ Ohio. •-•;« Frederick Cohn, assisted by Mr. L.Bridge and Mah-jongg followed the Among the tourists this summer are Total Ntth Sate for the entire the Messrs. Theodore MjnVJTi, William" T"arris,ofiiciated. The bride's only at- luncheon. • ' " United States doting the Past and Jay C. Levey, of Kansas City, Mo., tendant was Miss Elinor Feltenstein, Mr. Nat Wright is visiting with his who are guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Nine toootiu have increased 66£ of St. Joseph, Mo., who was maid-of parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright. Minkin this week while stopping in OVCF* tOtU Ifftrff TOt ulO COfJ.6* honor; and Mr. Norman Goldberg, t£tifidui£ tune ibotfcuisftyftsr sjpo of St. Paul, Minn., was the groom's Miss Fanny Grodinsky will accom- Omaha. They are • on their way to New York and will tour the eastern best-man. pany Mrs. Michael; Katleman and A number of out-of-town, guests at- daughter, Isdbil Rife,' on an extended coast expecting to be back in Kansas tended the wedding, among them visit in the east. They are leaving in September. were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosen, Mr. July 1. TheMisses Gertude Katz and Bertha and Mrs. Harry Rosen, of St. Joseph, Katz and Mr. Philip Katz Of-St. Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Freeman, Miss Alice Stern will be hostess to Joseph, Missouri, spent the past week of Indianapolis, Ind., Mrs* Louis Cbf- he T. E. D. Club at her home Sun- end in Omaha visiting with friends, . - • ' • - . ' and sister Mrs. J. Maislish who is visfler, of Leavenworth, Kas., Mr. Sam day. Abramson, of Des Moines, la., who Mr. and Mrs. H. Steinberg are.visit- iting in Omahaall returned late that evening. Mrs. ing in Indianapolis, Ind., with •their Nate Chessel, of Oklahoma, Miss daughter, Mrs. Harry Cooler, and Mr. Miss Annette Lieb returned this Molly Abramson, and Mr. William Cooler. week from Des Moines, Iowa, where Abramson, of St. Joseph, Mo., left she spent several weeks visiting A picnic breakfast will be held Sun- relativesfor their - home Tuesday afternoon, and Mr. Max Abramson, also of St. day morning at Elmwood Park by the Joseph, Mo., is spending the week Junior Hadassah for the members. Mrs. J. Rosenberg is visiting wita They will meet at the Park Pavillion relatives in St. Paul, Minn. here. On the same day, Mr. and Mrs.at nine o'clock. Mr: Ben Greenberg is attending the Julius Rosen, of St. Joseph, aunt and Miss Fanny L. Hart left last University of Minnesota for the sumundfe of. the bride, celebrated their Wednesday evening for Evanston, HI., mer months. twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. where she will attend the HorthMr. Morris and his pride left im- western University, School of Music THORPE1AN NEWS mediately to spend a week in DenThe regular meeting of the Thorver^ Colorado Springs, and Manitoba Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenthal have Colo., before going to San Francisco moved into their new home at 467? peian Athletic Club was held Wednesday evening, June 24, at the Jew-? Calif., where they will make their Pacific Street. V ish Community Center. Final plans home. Mrs. J. Bernstein and daughter, were made for the annual picnic The The wedding of Miss Nettie Lewis Bess, left Friday for York,-Nebr., initiation of three new members took to Mr. Fred Greenberg was solem- where they will visit with Mr. andplace, those initiated were Harry B. nized Sunday evening, June 21, at the Mrs. Harry Bernstein. They will be Cohen, Carl Sokoloff, and I. Sternhill. . •. B'nai Israel Synagogue, followed by a gone for two weeks. reception at the bride's home. The On June 23, the members of the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurwich enter- club were guests at a dance given by bridal party consisted of the Misses Edith and Gertude Lewis, Miss Betty tained at a dinner at their home Sunr ^ Seidman, and Miss Rose Egherman, day evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H Contrast Showa Here is Between 9 Months Ending May 31 and Same 9 MontiS^ of a Year Ago of Cincinnati, O., attendants to the O. Spelke, and niece, Miss Pauline Rosen, of St. Lords, Mo., who mobride, and Messrs. J. Shyken, Eli HERE'S THE NINE MONTHS STORY GIFTS THAT LAST Lewis, L Sternhill, and A. Stein, the tored back to their home Tuesday morning after visiting here for two THE INDUSTRY NASH groom's attendants. SEPT.. . Soles Decrease . .~~.~~.~. 13% SEPT. . ' i"%'%~'. Sales Increase ?• i r i\" i § * The out-of-town guests presen weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wintroub, OCT. , . Sales Decrease . . . V . 2 3 % OCT. . ~ . ; . * . f . Sales Increase S4% were Mrs. A. Canner and children Following the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. NOV.. . SalesDecrease . . . . . 24% NOV. . ' . - . * . : . Sales Increase Herman and Barney, of Cincinnati, O Max Wintroub entertained at a picnic 124% Diamond Importers ; DEC . supper at Lake Manawa honoring . SalesDecrease . . . . . 2 7 % DEC . . W . Sales Increase J Platinum Specialists JAN. . . SalesDecrease . . . . . 2 9 % J A N . » . " . * . * . Sales Increase these out-of-town guests. FSB. . . SalaVecmoe . » . . . 24% FEB. . . . t . f . Sales Increase Miss Elizabeth Hart, who has been 5155 NEW LOCATION MAR.. A f arwell supper was given by Miss' .SalesDecrease . . . . . 8% MAR. . V . * . * . Sales Increase teaching school at Great Fall, Mont., 49% AftL . 214-15-16 CSty N a t . Bank Bldg. . Saleslncrease . . . . . 1 4 % A P R . .'.'.*.*. Sales Increase returned to spend the summer here. Goldie Gimple at her home last week .MAY , Ja. 5619—Est. 1894. . Saleslncrease . . . . . 3 3 % M A Y . . .*.*-. Saleslncrease in honor of Jake and Tillie Wolk, who. Miss Hart teaches languages at the are leaving Friday for Minneapolis, High School there.. Minn. Nine couples attended. Mrs. Ernest Meyer has as her house guests, her sister, Mrs. A. R. Levich, Miss Sylvia Fox expects to leave of Sioux City, Iowa, and aunt, Mrs. Sunday on an eastern buying trip. Special lessons for classes under Morris, of Chicago, HI. Complimen- Enroute she will stop oft; at Chicago, Bl., Philadelphia, Pa., and will visit expert supervision. Special prices tary to these guests, Mrs. Meyer is for clubs. entertaining at a series of luncheons with her parents in New York City. Saturday afternoon and Sunday at her home. The first of her series She yill be gone for about six weeks. morning classes. will be a one o'clock luncheon on Mr. Norman Golberg, of S t Paul, Private lessons by appointment. Saturday, July A, at her home. Minn., who was visiting here during the past week with Mr. Harry Ravitz, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chandler enter- left for his home Wednesday evening. tained twelve couples at their -home BEN CTVTN, Instructor Sunday evening at a sunprise gradu- Mr. Bud Friedman, of St. Louis, Mo., Leave your name, with cashier. ation'party in honor of • Mrs. Chand- is leaving for his "home "this' evening JA-ckson 1265. ler's brother, Mr. Albert Garber. after having Titiifeitt base ipih. several
Again—with the month of May the driving national Nash demand for Special Sixand Advanced Six models swept sales past all previous high records.
And May won the honor of being die biggest sales in all Nash history—187^ greater than May, 1924^ Tins is the fifth time since last October that a new high Nash sales record for a single month has been hung up* There's no doubt about it—"the country has gone Nosfu" And the table just below provides conclusive proof of that.
barn How To Swim
Sand Poinl Beach
2/SSH Farnam Street 423 South 10th Street Phone AT lantic 2916
: Our Sporting Gblinni By • HARBY CONZEL L" 7
(Copyrlgtot 1925 by Sevw»'<Art» Feature Syndicate.)
, One of. our correspondents writes us an .interesting: letter about the famous Pittsburgh collegiate athlete Arnold Silvermann and other coming Pitt stars. D. K. (the name'of'the correspondent must remain a secret) •writes: • . . . "I call your attention -to an. error : in your column. You heralded the election of Elliot "Steve" Brodie to the captaincy of the Pitt swimming team, as the first Jewish Pitt captaincy since the days of Harry 'Levine. "Not to detract one iota from the glory of our "Steve", but to give due mention to Captain Arnold Silvennan of this year's undefeated varsity tennis team, is. this written. "Captain Silverman, a varsity mainstay for the past three years, is the first holder of the University tennis ' championship, • winning the .Seymour cup last season. Paired with "Mock" Idnton, another star Jewish,racquet . wielder, he has defeated many of the most expert doubles teams in national collegiate circles. Because of "his work in the singles, he is known!as the" 'iron man':of collegiate tennis. Most absolute and calm steadinessr; combined with a long distance runner's stamina, are his chief assets. " "Silverman's achievements~are~not confined to tennis alone, however.: He "Was" graduated from, the" School 'of Business Administration _ some time ago," carrying with him "one.of the best activities records held by a Jewish Pitt athlete in many a moon. He was on the staff of the Pitt Weekly, was secretary of the interfraternity conference (its first Jewish officer); a member of the Junior prom and interfraternity ball committeesi and president of Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. During Pitt Week he was one of the team that carried his lodge's pushmobile to its .first place victory. He also ran the mile in the interfrat track competition* • "At this writing may I call your attention to other Jewish athletes at Pitti besides Silverman and Brijdie, believing that you are interested" in learning about them.
EDNA FERBER (©. Doubled*?. P«K» & Co.) WNTJ S»rvic«.
SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I.—Introducing: "So Biff" (Dirk DoJong-) ID his infancy. And his mother, Selina DeJongr, daughter of Simeon Peake, gambler and gentleman of fortune. Her life, to young womanhood In Chicago la 1888, has been unconventional, somewhat aoamy, but generally enjoyable. At school her chum 1B_Julie Hempel, daughter of August Hampel. butcher. Simeon, is killed In a quarrel that is not his own. and Selina, nineteen years old and practically destitute, become* a schoolteacher. • ..
The Klaas Pools lived in a typical High Prairie house. They had passed a score like it In the- dusk These sturdy Holland-Americans had built here in Illinois after: the pattern of the. squat houses that dot the lowlands about Amsterdam, Haarlem and Rotterdam. A row of pollards stood stiffly by the roadside. Yard and dwelling had a geometrical neatness like that of a toy house in a set of playthings. : Peering down over the high' wheel Seltna waited for Klaas Pool to assist her in alighting. He seemed to have no suchthoxijrht. Having jumped down, he was throwing empty crates and boxes out of the back of the wagon. So Selina, gathering her shawls and cloak about her, clambered down the side of the wheel and stood looking about her in the dun light, a very email figure in a very large world. Klaas had opened the barn door. Now he returned and slapped one- of the iwwses smartly on the flank. The team LRIGHAHP "Eichard Goldberg, who* came to ; trotted obediently off to the barn.' He Pitt last year from Slippery Rock picked up her little hide-bound trunk. Normal School, is looked for by all She took ber satchel. The yard was 1 Pitt football enthusiasts to fill Marsh quite dark now. As Klaas Pool opened Johnson's place as varsity center dur- the kitchen door the red mouth that ing the coming gridiron season. In was the open draught In the kitchen his freshman year, just completed, he stove grinned a toothy welcome at was the star defense man, playing in them. the center of the line. He also perA woman stood over the stove, a formed at guard on the Frosh basket? balHteam. Because Pitt did not sup- fork In her hand. The kitchen was port a baseball team this year, "Rich" cleani but disorderly, with r the disorwas deprived of his third set of Frosh der that comes of pressure of work. numerals, since baseball is his favorite There was a iiot unpleasant, "smell of .~ and best sport. He has • practiced cooking. Selina sniffed It hungrily. several times this year, on invitation, The wonian turned to face them. Sewith the Pittsburgh Pirates to keep in lina stared. \.. trim for next year when he will as- 1 This, she thought, must be some suredly hold down the first base posi- other;—an old woman—his mother, tion on the University team. perhaps. But: "Maartje, here is school teacher;" said Klaas PooL SeM O R R I S " M O C K " ••*•-•' lina put outlier hand to meet the other woman's hand, rough, hard, calloused. "Another of Pitt's athletes,:whom Her own, touching It, was like satin it this year loses through, graduation; against a pine board. Maartje smiled, is Morris "Mock" Ljnton," f or - three and you saw her broken discolored years- varsity tennis •[satellite, ^ and teeth. She pushed back the sparse' holder of t i e Pittsburgh .Municipal 'hair from her high forehead, fumbled Park tennis championship. He is a little, shyly, at the collar of her also a basketball player of no little clean blue calico dress. ability. Too small to make,the Pitt "Pleased to meet you," -Maartje varsifyj he played for three years on the Pi. Lambda Phi fraternity team, said, primly. "Make you welcome." interfraternity conference • champions \Then, as. Pool stamped out to the yard, for 1924, and runner up in '22, '23, slamming "the door behind him, "Pooland '25. he could have come with you by the . "Other Jewish; athletes who are on front way, too. Lay oft? your things." their way to prominence are Richman, Selina began to remove the wrappings first sub on last year's yarsitybasket- that swathed her—the muffler, the ; ball team, Blistein, on "the Freshmah shawl, the cloak. Now she stood, a track squad and Gluck vand Robins on slim, incongruously elegant little figthe swimming squad. .ure In that kitchen. The brown lady's"A manager • of note is Roland doth was very tight and basqued Friedlander who worked his way to above, very flounced and bustled bethe baseball,managership to find that Pitt, because1 of lack of a field could low. "My, how you are young!" cried not support a team this 'year,? but • who Maartje. She moved nearer, as if imwas: awarded his. letter nevertheless. pelled, and fingered the stuff of SeliAnother is Milton Gessner.'assistant na's gown. And as she did this Selina football and track manager, -wW is'in suddenly saw that she? too, was young. line for a major position in his Senior The bad teeth, the thin hair, the careyear. Still others on. their, w»ay are less dress, the littered kitchen, the Buchman and Iieberman, apprentice •harassed frown—above all these, basketball and tennis * managers * re- .standing out eiearly, appeared the look" of a girl. t . spectively." , ^ Pitt as we see is doing its share to "Why, I do believe she's not more prove' that our Jewish college/ taoys do than twenty-eight!" Selina said to her- not fall behind in the^ athletic..field. self in a; kind of. panic. "I do believe We will keep our eyes open and watch she's not more than twenty-eight" if all these coming1 men will arrived She had been aware of the two pigr tailed heads appearing and vanishing The one time popular habit of Jew- in the doorway of the next room. Eviish boxers adopting Irish names for dently her hostess was distressed befighting purposes is rapidly becoming cause the school teacher's formal enpasse. One of the very,few.Jewish trance had not been made by way of boys still operating under an Irish parlor instead of kitchen. ' She folcognomen is Eddie Brady, the Brbok- lowed Maartje Pool into the front . lyn featherweight. Eddie's correct room. Behind the stove, tittering, name is' Samson. Because of his jvere two yellow-haired little girls, family's objections to; his •pugilistic peertje and Jozina, of .course. Selina tendencies, he assumed the name "of went over to them, .smiling. "Which Brady when hey started boxing six? Is GeertjeT she asked. "And. which years ago. - V . Jozina." But at this the titters beAnother one is Sid Terris, the. fast came squeal*. They retired behind' and clever lightweight fistic; artist. the round black bulwark of the woodWe do not remember his Jewish name," burner, overcome. just at-the moment, but Terris "does' -not deny his Jewishness, nor does "he" * Selina's quick glance encompassed insist that Terris is the name lie was- the room. In the window were a few handed in his cradle. * That -reminds hardy plants in pots on a green-paintus that King Solomon is accused of ed wooden rack. There was a sofa posing, as a Jew for business" reasons. with a wrinkled calico cover; three The rumor has it that his real name rocking chairs; some stark crayons of is McCloskey. We cannot believe this. Incredibly hard-featured Dutch anIf Solomon is really McCloskey :then cients on the wall. It was all neat, he is wasting his time in' the ring. stiff, unlovely. But Selina had known His vocation would be t the stage, too many yenrs of boarding-house ugliparticularly in roles created by Mon- ness to be offended at this.1 tague Glass ; Maartje had *lighted a small glassbowled lamp. A steep, uncarpeted Lois Wolheim, the-great American- Stairway, inclosed, ,Ied off the sitting Jewish actor, the .star of "What Price room. - Up this Maartje Pool, talking, -Glory," wag" some years ago one,-of :Ied the way to Selina's bedroom. Sethe zribst feared* football pjayers^'on lina was to learn that the farm wom- - the Princeton squad. His broken nose, an, often inarticulate through lack, erf companionship, becomes a torrent of talk when opportunity presents Itself. '- A nurrow, dim, close-smelling • hall-
way; uncarpeted.—At'tiie 'end oi it . door opening; iato^tbe room that wa> .to b? Selina's._ As Its chill struck hei to the marrwr three objects caughi [her eyes. : The bed, a huge and not unhandsome - walnut mausoleum, reared its somber height almost to the room's top. The mattrass of straw and cornhusbs was unworthy of this edifice, bat over it Mrs. Pool - had mercifully placed a feather bed, stitched and quilted, so. that Selina lay soft and warm through the winter.. Along one wall stood a low chest so richly brown as to appear black. The, front panel of this was curiously carved. Selina stooped before it and for the second time that day said: '"How beautiful 1" then looked quickly round at Maartje Pool as though fearful of finding her" laughing as Klaas Pool had laughed. But Mrs. Pool's face reflected the glow in her own. She came over to Selina and stooped with her over the chest, holdIng the lamp so that its yellow flame lighted up the scrolls and tendrils of the carved surface. With one discolored forefinger she traced the bold flourishes on the panel. "See? How It makes out letters?" Selina peered closer. "Why, sure enough! This first one's an S!" Maartje was kneeling before the chest now. "Sure an S. For Sophia. It is a Holland bride's chest And here is K. And here is big D. It
on the little wash-stand preparatory to leaving, smiled pridefnlly. "Drum.* "Dram?" "For heat your room." Selina touched It It was icy. "When there Is fire," Mrs. Pool added, hastily. SeMna was to learn that Its heating powers were mythical. Even when the stove in the sitting room was blazing away with a cheerful roar none of the glow communicated Itself to the drum. It. remained as coolly Indifferent to the blasts breathed upon it as a girl hotly besieged by an unwelcome lover. "Maartje!" roared a voice from belowstalrs. The voice of the hungry male. There was wafted up, too, a faint smell of scorching. Then came sounds of a bumping and thumping along the narrow stairway. "Og heden!!' cried Maartje, in a panic, her hands high in air. She was off. (To Be Continued Next Week)
EUROPEAN J. D. C. DIRECTOR ARRIVES TN MOSCOW Moscow, (J. T. A. Dr. Bernard Kahn, European director of the Joint Distribution Committee arrived here today. In an interview with the correspon"What's that?" demanded Selina, dent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency pointing. • • , Maartje Pool, depositing the lamp he stated that the object of his visit was to acquaint himself with the situation of the Jews in Russia in general and particularly with the situa-
' I t is the policy of our Company to refrain from increasing its charges for service until every effort has been exhausted to operate satisfactorily on existing revenues. But when this cannot be done without impairing the quality of telephone service, we believe it our duty to seek an adjustment in rates. " >"
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. . . The detailed facts as to our investment, earnings, . and expenses, have been presented in our proceedings before the State Railway Commission and the Court, and on June 11, such decision was rendered by the Court as permits us to place reasonable rates in effect. * W e will, therefore, make adjustments in rates in our various exchanges throughout Nebraska.
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Telephone users demand reliable service. Employees who supply such service should be fairly paid. •• Those who invest their money to build telephone plant to meet the needs of the public for service must be paid a.fair return or additipnal money for growth could not be obtained. We believe that the interests of the public, our employees and investors can be best served only when charges for telephone service are such as/will pay expenses and earn a fair and reasonable return on * the value of our property. __•
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The rates charged by our Company in this state have not been adequate for mam7 years to pay a feasorir able return on the value of our property, although telephone patrons have enjoyed a good quality of service at "prices relatively lower than they have paid for other services and products.
iion of the colonization .work. Accompanied by Dr. Joseph Rosen, J. D. C. director of the colonization work in Russia, he will leavee tomorrow for a tour of the Jewish settlements in Crimea,
Temptation Besets You When You Enter
Maartje PooC folding, the garment* hastily, looked shocked and horrified. "Never must anybody dress up in a bride's dress, only to get married.! It brings bad iuck." Then, as Selina stroked the stiff silken folds of-the ekirt with a slim and caressing forefinger: "So ypu ge't married to a High Prairie Dutchman I let you wear it" At this absurdity they both laughed again.- : Selina thought that this school-teaching venture was startIng out very well. She would have such things to tell her father—then she remembered. She shivered a little as she stood up now. There surged over her ajgreat wave of longing for her fatheiv-for the theater treats, for his humorous philosophical drawl, for th? Chicago streets, and the ugly Chicago houses; for Julie; for Miss FIster's school; for anything and any one that was accustomed, known, and therefore dear. She had a horrible premonition that she was going to cry, began to blink very fast, turned a little - blindly in the dim light and caught sight of the room's third arresting object A blue-black cylinder of tin sheeting, like a stove and yet unlike. ' It 1 was polished Uk« the length of pipe in the sitting-room below. Indeed, it was evidently a giant flower of this stem.
A Statement to Telephone Users Regarding Telephone Rate Adjustments . in Nebraska, Effective July 1st
makes Sophia Kropir DeVries.' It is anyways two hundred years. My mother she gave it to me when I was married, and her mother she gave it to' her when, she was married, and her mother gave it to her when she was married, and her—" "I should think so!" exclaimed Selina, rather meaninglessly; but stemIng the torrent "What's in it? Anything? There ought to be bride's clothes in it, yellow with age." "It is!" cried Maartje Pool and gave a little bounce that imperiled the lamp. "No!" The two on their knees sat smiling at each" other, wide-eyed, like schoolgirls. "Here-^walt." Maartje Poof thrust the lamp into Selina's band, raised the lid of the chest, dived expertly Into its depths amidst a great rustling of old newspapers and emerged redfaced with a Dutch basque and voluminous skirt of silk; an age-yellow cap whose wings, stiff with embroidery, stood out grandly on either side; a pair of wooden shoes, stained terracotta like the sails of the Vollendam fishing boats, and carved from toe to heel in a. delicate and Intricate pattern. A bridal gown, a bridal cap, bridal shoes. "Welll" said Selina, with the feelIng of a little girl In a rich attic on a rainy day. She clasped her hands. "Mar I dress UD In It sometime ?*
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IS Days to Palestine Allowing 20 days in Holy Lafld and Egypt
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First Class
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Strictly Kosher — S y n a g o g u e — ... • • - • M o v i e s . ^. . . . . . . .
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T0.O0O •ooan tMt Southwest Com* Elevpntb *n<l Hnneta* Mtreeta. rbon»! .Inchunn tit* OMAHA. NEB.