. T h e T\dctory of suc-
I , regard .ideas only^j in my struggles; to the persons of my oppo| 4ients I am indifferent. } —Ernst HaeckeL . .
cess is half won when one gains ^the habit of z.—Sarah rA. Bolton.
I-dass mall matter on Jammry 87th, 1S21, at ia, Nebraska, nnder the Act ot March a. 1879.
Public Invited to Cornerstone Laying Celebration July 19
ACCOMPLICE IN RATHENAU MURDER SENTENCED TO FOUR YEARS IN PRISON Work on the Jewish Community Center building is progressBerlin. (J. T. A.) A four year prison term was the sentence imposed ing very rapidly and. on Sunday, July .19/ the people of Omaha by the Supreme Court of Leipsig on will witness the laying of the cornerstone for the building-which Oberlieutenant Brandt for his implication in the murder of Walter EathWill Take Place at Building on enauy German Foreign Minister, who Twentieth and Dodge was killed by anti-Semites for his Streets. Jewish origm three years ago. The sentence states that Brandt COMPLETE PROGRAM HAS court would not lose MB. civil rights. BEEN PLANNED FOR Herr ULuechenmeister, whho was the OCCASION. owner of the automobile used by t i e The laying of the cornerstone for murderers^ was acquitted. the Jewish Community Center building -will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. at Twentieth and Dodge streets. Every subscriber to the Jewish Community Center fond and their friends are invited to attend Members Divided Into. Two Teams this public celebration. Play for Dinner. The principal speaker of the day will be Rabbi Benjamin Frankel of The annual tournament of the Champaign, Illinois. Rabbi Frankel Highland Country Club will be held is head of the Hillel Foundation of Saturday and Sunday. The members America and is considered one of the of the club have been divided into best orators in the central west. Be- two teams, one being head by Ed sides Eabbi Frankel there will be a Treller, the president, and the other will be the center of .Jewish life. Before much more work can number of other speakers including by "Sam Leon, secretary. The winning be done to continue the erection of the building, more money is city and state officials. team will receive the diner at the needed. Thirty per cent more of the pledges are due now and during Eabbi Frederick Cohn will give the stag to be held next Wednesday evethe week statements will be mailed to every subscriber requesting invocation; and Eabbi J. M. Charlop ning at the club. immediate payment on their pledges and unless this is done, the will give the benediction. Addresses The names appearing first are on work will have to stop. "Every subscriber should help and do will be made by Mayor James CV the president's team and the others their part by mailing in their check on the payments immediately," Dahlman, • Governor Adam McMullen, on the secretary's. -These matches said Joe L. .Wolf, secretary. "Save the time of the committee Henry Monsky, Harry B. Zimman, should be played either Saturday or calling on you and help complete the trail ding as'soonl^s possible." and David Sher. Harry H. Lapidus Sunday. Members are requested to "The total amount, of everyipledgor. is due nowj^but.we are will preside as chairman. make their own time arrangement -asking for at least seventy per cent of the pledge ia ojffler to meet and give the result of the play to Following the speaking the cornerthe payments due the contractor," said Harry LapiHus, president. stone ceremonies "will'.start. In the Charles Heany, golf professional "Construction on the building is progressing very jLapidly and the next issue of The Jewish Press, the The following will play: building must be.completed in 1925. The btiildmglboinmittee has committee will announce who will lay Tieller, captain, VB. JJepn, captain. coritracted'ifor, the building on the strength of ifte pledges and B. Yousem TS. Jerome ~Reyn. the cornerstone. -••-.= M. Herzberg TB. Eaw. J. Krans. the seventy per cent of the pledges y p pg now due mult be paid imISie Jffork-on the-imilding-is-pro- • -E.VTonBem TB.- i"hil Xousem—,-mediafely "We request the subscribers t mail mail in*the"—* *— Harry Malsshoek TS. Sam Herzberg. ' mediafely. "We request the subscribers to gressing very rapidly and the long Sam Werthetmer, Jr., vs. Lester Heyn. and- save the committee time," continued Mr. Lapidus. Fred Heyn TB. Harry Trnstin. sought for home for the Jewish com- Paul Schay vs. Ben Stiefler. munity of Omaha will soon be reat- H. HeaTenrich vs. Mai Chapman. Milder vs. H. MonBky. ized. The building will be completed M. M. Ferer vs. M. Handler. H. Kulakof sky VB. Howard Wertheimer. in 1925 and will house all Jewish or- J. J. L. Orkin TB. Dave Bosenstock. ganizations. Sam Wertheimer,- Sr., vs. Dr. Friedman.
SABBATH OBSERVANSE ALLIANCE CONFERENCE MEETS IN WARSAW Warsaw. (J. T. A.) Fifty rabbis and many laymen assembled here recently when the conference of the Shomrei Sabbath, the Saturday Observance Alliance of Poland, convened Boys Requested to Make RcPublic Demonstration in Mexico for a two-day conference. Ways and means to combat the vioserrations Now. City Against Relief lation of the Sabbath by Jewish merDelegates chants as a result of the Compulsory CAMP WILL BE OPENED WITHIN10 DAYS C L A I M ASSISTANCE NOT Sunday Observance Law in the Polish Republic will be considered by the FORTHCOMING Morris Levy Camp for Boys will be: conference. opened by the Jewish Welfare FederMexico City^(J,T. A.)—Dr. Maurice ation within- the next ten days. The Hexter, head of the Federation of Boy's camp will be one of the finest Jewish Charities of Boston,.Mass., and camps ever completed. The1 camp Oscar' Leonard of Milwaukee,. Wis~, will be supervised by capable help and arrived here- for the purpose of inwill also be attended by an expert life vestigating the possibilities in Mexico - • for the admission of a number of Plan Annual Picnic This Summer For guard. Members Jewish refuges stranded in various, "The Jewish Welfare Federation is ports of Europe." It was stated that taking another step forward towards The installation of the newly elect- helping the community," said William . this" investigation was being carried on in be"half of the Emergency Com- ed officers of the B'nai B'rith will be R. Blumenthal, superintendent. We mittee on Jewish refuges. • ' ' .•' held this evening. President J. M. are organizing a camp for boys, to Malashock has appointed Lis commitThe arri%TaI of jthe investigation tees to serve for the following term. help them" on their vacation. Some committee gave rise to incidents The local lodge of the B'nai B'rith is of the local boys have never had a vacation and this will afford them, one which found -wide echo in Mexico. planning on its annual picnic to be Several hundred Jewish immigrants heid some time in August. The exact out in the open where they gain, vitalfrom various countries of Europe, date will be announced in a later issue ity and store themselves full of pep for the coming winter". members of a group which termed it- of The Jewish Press. Any boy desiring to spend a week self the Jewish Agricultural" Society The following men will serve on the at the camp should fill in his reserof Mexico, held a demonstration with vation now at the Jewish Community the permission of the governor of the committees for the term: Committee— Center. The camp will be open for district before the Hotel Geneva, Membership Herbert Goldsren, Chnirman. one month and will take twenty boys •where the -representatives of the Wm. Alberts. Viee-Chairman. Micklin. a week. The boys eleigible are beEmergency Committee on Jewish Ref- Manriee. Fred Greenlwrg. J. Elcklin. tween the ages of 10 and 16. Aliner Kaiman. ugees were staying. Dr. JI. Stein. Jiathan Bernstein. Pare Freeman. Kosher meals will be served at the The crowd, consisting of men, wom- .TOG Greenberp. T>ave GrpenberjrNathan Horwlch. Rcibert Kooper. camp and on Saturday morning reg* en and children, marched through the Dr. Jack Marer. A. Greenberg. ular services will be conducted. These principal streets of the city carrying Finance Comittee— services "will be in charge of the direcbanners with the follo_wing inscription » Max Fromkin. Chairman. Fred W h i t e , - V i C tor. There will be regular swimming in English: "Manifestation of protest *••• Dr. Phil Romonek. B. F Alberts. Sam Schwartx. lessons by a -capable instructor, ball of the Jewish agriculturists against Jack Daere -QTCcuherg. JuleB -GereBeJc games »nd hikes during the afternoon* Ram Cohen. of the deiegstloir of the E. Gflrelioi..Sternfterc. . • .T, J. Kriedman. and the evening campfire stories. United States." -Tie* demonstrators Tir; Ike Levy. . Shoal Fried. Special tents are being constructed for demanded in no mild.-manner that Social Serrlee Committee— this camp that will make it mosquito Dr. Philip Sher, Chairman. Dr. Hexter and Mr. Leonard furnish Henry Monsky Pr. A. Greenberpr. proof. . them with material- assistance, to set- Win. Blumenthal. Irrin StalmoRter. Itabbi Cohen. Leo EosenthaL Make your reservations at the Jewtle on the land. Eabbi Charlop. Meyer Beber. ish Welfare Federation office now. Prior to the parade all the Jewish Intelleetnal Advancement CommitteeMickey Katleman TB. Earl KulaSotsfcy. Sam Be'ber. "William Grodinsky vs. Harry Silvennan. immigrants in Mexico City who ex- Abner Kaiman. Fred White. , 1 . StalmaBter vs. Fred Kosenstock. Lincoln, Nebr., Will Have Convention ManyFeature Events Will be.Held pect to settle on the land were notified Herbert Goldstea. Harry Lapldns. J. P. Cohn VB. N. MantelL Omaha Hebrew Club Picnic S m Leon to Head Finance Nathan Bernstein. in 1926. Irrin StalmaBter. Jake Jacobs vs. Dee Zimman. for Members. of the demonstration and about 200 E. Blazer vs. Harry Bachman. Popularity Contest Is Closed A. B. Alpirn vs. Louis Simon. gathered at the Calle de Mina in front Wm. Holzman, Chairman. Committee cf Federation Dave Greenberg vs. Milt LiringBton. ~ Athletic events and all other ar- - Kansas City, Mo.—The second an- of the B'nai - B'rith headquarters. Harry Wolf. Louis Hiller. Dr. Gordon vs. Jacob Slosbure. nual A. Z. A. convention came to a Morris Milder. Henry Monsky. Arrangements are being made to Henry Eosenthal vs. Joe Wolf. rangements have been completed for At a recent meeting of the execuclose Wednesday evening and was Marching through the streets they Dloojnitch vs. Morris Linsman. Jewish Hospital Committee— take care of more than 5'000 guests Joe the Y. M. and Y. W. H. A. fourth tive committee of the Jewish Welfare stopped for a few minutes in front of Dave Levine VB. H. Kulakofsky. Harrv Lap! tins, Chairman. Sherman vs. L. Knlakofsiy. at the Omaha Hebrew Club 33rd An- Dave annual picnic to be held this Sun- •pronounced a complete success by all the printing plant of "El Exceslsior," .Toe I,. Wolf. Nathan S. Yaffe. Federation, Sam J. Leon was elected Meyer Spiesberger vs. Paul Blotcky. Sel-wyn Jacobs. nual Picnic Sunday, August 9, at the ' Harry Kubenstein vs. Lawrence Krasne. day, July 12, at Elmwood Park, ac- delegates and visitors. Omaha chap- one of the principal newspapers of Wm. Blumenthal. Memorial Committee— Krasne vs. Dave Cohen. German Home Park, 4206 South 13th Leo cording to the committee in charge. ter had the largest representation at Mexico City. At the Hotel Geneva /evi Joe Greenberg vs. I. Levy. .T. J. Slosbnrc, Jr., Chairman. the convention. Nate Green vs. Dr. A. Greenberg. Dr. M. GrodinBky. street. According to members of the Morris they were prevented by the manage- Harry "Get ready and hop in the busses Jacobs vs. Louie HiUer. Gross. The next convention place will be ment from entering until the mem- Ed ticket selling contest, a number of Harry Lapfdus vs. A. Goldstein. Treller. Sunday: morning, July 12, for this Alpirn vs. Gus Kosenstock. held in Lincoln, Nebr., Lincoln chapout-of-town guests from Sioux City, Morton Committt Sam Beber vs. Sid Fischer. all-day affair, as -we assure a good ter made one of the strongest fights bers of the committee were removed H. grMalashock, Chairman. Sher vs. E. Meyer. la., Lincoln and Fremont, Nebr.,are Dr. time for all," said Herb Goldstein, possible to obtain the convention of by the rear entrance. Leaders of the Harry Lapidus. ,T. M. Malashock. "William Bushman VB. S. Manley. expected to'arrive for the picnic. leadore Abramson. Dr. William Milder vs. Morris Katleman chairman of the arrangement comdemonstration were later admitted to Sam Leon. Morris Micklin vs. N. Sudow. A.Z. A. for 1926. The selection of the hotel, to satisfy them that the men By-LaTVB Committee— A feature of the picnic will be Hyme Ferer vs. Al Wohlner. mittee. . • Sam Beber. Chairman. the place for the basketball and deRubenstein vs. L Ziegler. dancing afternoon and evening. In H. Grodinsky. M. Yousem vs. Charles Levinson. Chairman of the prize committee, bating tournament will be decided they were looking for were not there. Wm. Nate Jacobs vs. Hym Milder. Searching every part of the hotel Harry Silverman. addition, there will be a program Al DaVe Freeman, reports surprising' Mayer vs. Kobe Keltman. by the supreme advisory council. Committee— and not finding the members of the Initiation during the afternoon arid a concert results as to the valuable gifts donSam Leon. Chairman. B. B. Helngolil vs. Louis Feltman. The following new members were by the orchestra during the evening H. Arnstein vs. Sam Guttenplan. A. Ro8enblnm. ated by a number of local business elected to the advisory council: committee, the demonstrators formed M. Monheit. Feltman vs. H- Auerbach. a public forum and delivered speeches meal. Contests and games, prizes to Sam I. Goodman, concerns. I. Chapman VB. M. A. Vengor. Samuel Shafer, Denver; Hiram D. protesting against _ the atitude Cleveland Orphan Home— be awarded to "winners, "will be the A. H. Vengor VB. Koy Feltman. •William Holzman vs.TVilliam Blumenthal. . Members -will meet at the Jewish Frankel, St. Paul; Julius Cohn, Cha- adopted by the two delegates. A. B. Alpirn, Chairman. entertainment - in the; morning. D. B. Gross. Harry Trtistin. Community Center at 9:30 "Sunday tanooga, Tenn.; Meyer Freeman, Lonis Simon. 1. Levy. The standings of the ticket selling PLAT* KONTROL OF According . to the leaders of the morning, from there' they will tour Omaha; and Archie Herzoff, Sioux liesolntionB Committee— contest is as follows: through different sections of the The follovring members were demonstration about 400 Jewish im- Fred White, Chairman. Kate Goldstein ___4925 • KOSHER MEAT MARKETS city, and then out to Elrcwcod for City. migrants have arrived in Mexico from Dr. N. MnRkin. re-elected to the advisory council: Joe Eosenthal : 4575 Committees from the four ortho- the annual outing. Busses have been SeinBeber, Harry H. Lapidus, Harry their homes in Europe because of J. J. Friedman. Cotincil— Sara Somberg 4000 dox Synagogues of Omaha, namely, arranged by Maurice Micklin, chair- Trustin, Nathan Bernstein, I. F. promises, made to-them -that they Central Irrin Stalmaster, Chairman. Morris Fine . .4000 The B'nai Israel, the Beth Hame- man of the transportation committee. Goodman, of Omaha; Seppy Silber- would be given land for colization Nathan Bernstein. purposes. "We came here filled with Joe J. Greenberj;. drosh Hagodol, The Adass Yeshuren, Reservations -wall close Friday man, Des Moines; Nahtan Mnookin, enthusiasm, some from Germany, Publicity Committee— WIFE OF TURKISH CONSUL and the B'nai Jacob, met recently noon and can be made with any Kansas City. Nathan Green, Chairman. Marer. some from Russia, some from Poland Jack MOLESTED FOR NON-CONSAJ1 J. LEON with Eabbi J. M. Charlop to work out member of the picnic committee or Joe The following men were elected to and some from the nothern states, AllenJacobs. FORMITY WITH ISLAM CUSTOM plans and get strict control of the Kohan. chairman of the finance committee, tft Beirut. (J. T. A.) The seculariza- Kashrns in all Jewish Meat Markets at the Jewish. Community Center offices at the second annual conven- for the purpose,of settling on the land Hogw Committee— succeed Carl katleman, who was office. . IK>U5B Abramson. Chairman. "tion; Phil Klutznick of Kansas City, and nothing tangible has come out of tion of Turkish life initiated by the in the city. B. Korney. called.from the city on business. J. Grand Aleph Godol; Harry Shedlov, Mr.- Harry Kneeter is chairman of all the promises. When the delegates Harry Adelson. Angora Government was the cause of This plan has been worked out in J. Slosburg will head the membership an incident •which became the subject Kansas City, Mo.,.and in most all the picnic committee. He is asistsd Minneapolis, Grand Aleph S'Gan; arrived in Mexico City we presented Dr. Nathan Dansky. campaign that will be launched in tbfc Jafie Marx, Lincoln, secretary; Bar- them with a petition. We also had JEW TRIED FOR PLOT of diplomatic protest here. cities in the east." Rabbi Charlop anc by Iz. H. Rosenblatt. . near future. ney Glazer, Minot, N. D., treasurer; TO KILL TROTZKY exchanged_tele,£rams with the "Jewish The -wife of the Turkish Consul Mr. Ravitz were in Kansas City sevAccording to Leon, the finance comAlex Altschuler, St. Paul, senior Moscow. (J. T. A.) Berthold LatSociety of America," but Dr. Hexter here, when -walking along the street, eral weeks ago to investigate the work LEADER OF POLISH NATIONAL shoter; Phil Wasserman, Grand Ra- and Mr. Leonard- informed us that zky, formerly Minister of Jewish Af- mittee of the Federation will BOOTS. was attacked by a young Moslem who of the Kashrus,'there. -• DEMOCRATIC PARTY OPPOSES threw Nitric Acid in her face because An executive board consisting of POLISH-JEWISH NEGOTIOTIONS pids, Mich., junior shoter; Abe Katel- no money was forthcoming nor would faire in Ukrainia and member of the begin an intensive campaign for the man, Council Bluffs, Sopher; Lewis land be procured for us;" the leaders League of Nations Commission to in- Federation. The Federation is In of her modern dress and her uncov- Rabbi Charlop, Mr. S. Ravitz, and Mr. Warsaw, (J.T.A.)—"I categorically Williams, Des Moines, Kohen GodcL -stated. vestigate immigration possibilities in need of funds and unless the monev; ' ered face, which is not in conformity A. G. Weinstein were appointed at South America, resigned from the is received some charitable organisawith Islamic custom. The Consul sent the recent meeting. Mr. A. B. Alpirn object to placing any trust in the ..; Jews." . This was the statement made Gertrude Oruch, ten year old piancommission, according to advices re- tion or poor family will suffer. a note of protest to the French High donated ?200 for this fund for its public today by the leader of the ist pupil of Karl E. Tunberg, who TO COLLECT BOOKS ceived here by the United Jewish ImCommissioners here. temporary expenses. FOR CHALUTZIM migration Committee from Mr. Lat- TWO FRENCH OFFICERS Rabbi Charlop left Tuesday evening Polish National Democratic Party, gave her first recital at the Schmoller MYSTERIOUSLY HEBREW UNIVERSITY to investigate the work of the Kash- GlubinsM, author of a circular ad- & Mueller Auditorium, June. 22, re- j Representatives of fifteen local zky. DISAPPEAR IN SYRIA! vocating the establishment of Num- ceived an autographed photograph Jewish organizations met Tuesday RECEIVES GIFT OF $50,000 rus in the east. Beirut, _ (J. T. A.) The mystererus Clausus for Jews in Poland, at from the distinguished Jewish com- evening at the Jewish Community London, (J. T. A.)—The sum of The commission representing the a meeting of the National Democratic poser, Mana Zucca, as an appreciation Center for the -purpose of collecting International Labor Office of the ious disappearance of two officers ©f £10,000 was donated.to the Hebrew CHALUTZ1M- SENTENCED Party, at which Minister of Educa- for having included several of Mana Religious and Educational books to be League of Nations sailed from Lisbon the French administration in Syria University by Bernard Baron, wellTO 18 YEARS IN PRISON known Anglo-Jewish philanthropist FOR ILLEGAL ENTRANCE tion GrabsM delivered an address on Zucca's compositions on the program sent to the Chaluzim in Palestine. on March 19 to visit BraziL Uruguay, holds attention of the French author according to a letter addressed by Officers of this organization elected Chile, Argentine and Cuba for the ities. Monsieur Fanjard, director of ' TO KOUMANIA the subject of the Polish-Jewish nego- at the recital. Mr. Baron" to Dr. Weizmann, presi- • Czernowitz, (J.- T. A.)—Eighteen tiations. The autograph reads as follows, are J.. Eiklin, ehairsaan; Ben Civin, purpose of investigating the possibil- the engineering department of thfe dent of: the World Zionist organiza- Jewish .Chalutzim from Poland were "To, Little Gertrude Oruch, with best secretary; and L Forbes, treasurer. Glubinsky, who formerly was the ities in these countries for settling French garrison in Syria and another -tion. Volunteer donation of books can be the Armenian, Russian and Jewish officer drove for inspection tottr fa> sentenced today in Military Court to minister of Education in PPoland, and wishes for a successful career—Mana failed to it* Mr. Baron gave £5,000 to the Labor 18 years of "^axd .labor in prison be- who was responsible for the institu- Zucca". And beneath her name, made by calling J. Eiklin, at Webster refugees, now stranded in various Eu- Ezzor3 near Aleppo, and r : r turn. An aeroplane w hich flew ov&r Party campaign fund last year, and cause they entered. Roumania illegal- tion of what amounts in practice to a Mana Zucca wrote several bars of 6270. ' ropean ports. Dr. Latzky, who repamong other recent gifts have been ly from Poland. At the same time, Numerus Clausus for Jewish students music, from her "Beauty Waltz" resented the United Jewish Emigra- the desert io find traces of the missing £10,000 to the London Hospital, the non-Jewish smugglers, who in Poland, demanded that the govern- which was on Gertrude's program. Miss Esther Blumenthal left Fri- tion Committee trf Berlin on the com- men discovered the automobile over£10j000 to the Middlesex Hospital, and brought the Chalutzim across the ment should not sign any agreement Mana Zueca is one of the foremost day to spend ten days visiting "with mission, had as his special mission the turned in the'sandjjRnd the dtbeesfmVtXr dered. M-JPanjard and the affcer «fe £10,'D00 for the London Jewish Hos- border, were sentenced to only five with the Jews. The meeting, how- therefore, little Miss Oruch prizes her sister, Mrs. : Caii Stadna, a t investigating of immisration still days i a prison. .T)itaL Kansas City, Mo.. ever, made no decision on this matter. her Autograph. Photo very highly. ities in Mexico
Highland Country Club Holds Team Golf Contest
Y.M.andY.W.H.A. '- Second Annual A. Z. A. Annual Picnic July 12 Convention Huge Success
Welfare Federation Plans toOpen Summer
Jewish Refugees In Mexico Show Hostile Protest
President J. M. Malashock Appoints 10.B.B. Committees
Published awry 'JPhijrsday at Omaba, Nebraska, by
{ THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY; Office; 790 Brandefs theatre Building—Telephone: ATlantic 1450. NATHAN BJ GREEN, Manager. ! _$2.50. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OF ADDnESS—tjeMe RW« both the « . . be sure And give your aawe.
and o«w address;
- The Jewish Press ia supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, to addition to feature articlea:smj correspondences from all important J h centres, gladly l i i i d i g news Jtems credited .to this Agency 621 Broadway, New to° J e S Telegenic York City. s
SOKOLOW DISCUSSES ZIONIST QUESTION WITH POLISH PRESIDENT Warsaw, <J. T. A.)—Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the World Zionist Executive, was received today by the President of the Polish Republic, Wojciechowski. A friendly conversation took place between Mr. Sokolow and the President, who talked over matters pertaining to Zionist work in Poland. In a special interview with a representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency Mr. Sokolow expressed his satisfaction with the results of his receptions by the President and the Ministers Skrszynski and Grabski. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gilinsky. Mr. Sherman returned home Sunday, but Mrs. Sherman and daughter will not return until next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hirsch will leave next Monday for their home in Hollywood, California, after spending several weeks here as the guests of Mrs. Hirsch's sister, Mrs. Herman Krasne and Mr. Krasne.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson have returned from a two weeks' wedding trip to Denver and other cities in Colorado. Mrs. Davidson was Miss Johanna Garson before her marriage Sofcoiow w a s especially pleased with his visit to the President. "Wojciech- on June 23. owski displayed great interest in Mrs. David P.- Cherniss and son, Zionism and I hope that my talk with Irvin, of Council Bluffs, have rehim will bring good results," Mr. turned home after spending a week Sokolow declared. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arenson. Mr. Cherniss motored to Lincoln and spent the week-end with his family. Sunday School Picnic Next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. Sirinsky and son, The annual Sunday School picnic Harris and daughter, Sarah, left for will be held next Tuesday afternoon, Chicago, 111., where they will make July 14, at Manawa Park. Everyone their home. Their other son, Koby, will meet at Shady Grove at the Park has been in. Chicago studying music where games will be played and for some time. races will be held during the afterMr. and Mrs. I. Rosenthal enternoon, followed by a picnic supper for everyone. Every family is requested tained at a supper at their home in to bring their own baskets. A good honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sirinsky. The time is planned for all. Remember Daughters of Israel gave, a surprise the time and place and be sure to party at the Synagogue for Mrs. Sirinsky. , . attend the. picnic.
Our Sporting Column By
(Copyright 1925 by Seven Arts Feature Sjndicate.)
. *'
A "JEWISH" SPORT SCANDAL A few weeks ago, we intimated that there are rumors afloat that King "Emilio" Solomon heralded as the only Jewish heavyweight boxer since Daniel Mendoza, is (to quote our colleague Jack Conway) as much Jewish as Paddy Murphy's pig. At that occasion we expressed our disbelief in these rumours, basing ourselves on what we knew of King Solomon. To speak ffuite freely and in a confessional eed, we will admit that we did not know much about the King, and that our critical attitude had been completely lulled by our reading of news items composed by expert publicity minds. We had visited Solomon during training hours and our conversations were carried on mostly via his manager. Our desire for a Jewish champion helped in dulling our perspicacity. We were not on the mental qui vive, in short, we were not our normal intelligent self. (All this is a necessary introduction to the real story.
Conzel (in French): Is your father religious ? Solomon (in came language): What? Conzel (ditto) Religious—you know, lirious—r^He-ious—narhleu? g r e l i g i o u s — p a r b l e u ! Does he wear a skull cap ? Solomon (Still ditto) With a grin as if he had Just heard a piquant story) No—of course not—No. Conzel Did you .well, I mean——.....after you were born-. enfin, Solomon (looks pusaled—-laughs— and looks at Woodman). Woodman: Well. Conzel (in English): II. Oh, that's allright. Woodman: I would not care if Solomon was a Zulu or Turk. He is a first-class boxer, and that's why people want to trouble us. A heavyweight contender is always the target of calumies. ... ***#, . . . . This sample of' conversation, which is almost a yerbation report, is sufficient. During Woodman's little speech, , King Solomon fidgeting (like the Prince of Wales when facing an audiance) left the. room. After a while^—we retired. This story omits a gobd part of the very interesting conversation, which we', reserve for some other time. It is our belief that this,scandal has just been inaugurated. The climax is still to come.. Well, you want to know our final opinion. King "Emilio" Solomon is not a Jew. This might contradict our first impression, but we want to be frank with- ourselves and our readers—we have erred.. That is Why we are strongly chastising ourselves.
item under a Curragh, Ireland dateline of June 24. The item in question states that a horse named Zionist won the Irish Derby for L/i0,00O. How am I going to harmonize, this with what I had heard of old namely that there ai-e no Hebrew Bailors where the River Shannon flows? What those Irishmen mean anyway by juggling with names like Zionist and Aga Khan? Are they adding a little political zest to the proceedings by betting on rival Arabic and Zionist horses? What is the world coming to? I dare say that Irish Derby was followed with breathless interest by the Zionists in Jerusalem and the Arab Executive. To tell you the truth, I fear reprisals. For do you think the Arabs are going to lie down and take their punishment without a comeback? Do you think tlie sons of Isrhmael are going to let a name like that shame them before the whole world? Not if I know my Omar Khayyan. Think of it! Zionist beat all comers, and the prancing Arabian steeds that carried Alexander and Napoleon on to conquest of the world had to take a back seat. There must be a mistake somewhere. Looks like a publicity stunt for Dr. Wizmann or Louis Lipsky. Please let me know the truth. If this information is allowecl to go unchallenged I won't be responsible for the circumstances. The whole Arab world may rise like one man and then—sit down again. -
THE JEWISH AGENCY AT THE ZIONIST CONVENTION - The largest-national1 convention in the history of American Zionism went on record as approving the work already done in enlarging The Jewish Agency by inviting American non-Zionists to joln'in the work of rebuilding the Jewish Homeland on an equal basis of representation. Had the decision been otherwise, the-entire world Zionist movement would have received a serious setback. This decision foreshadows the defeat of the European Zionists who are trying to engineer the organization into a COUNCIL BLUFFS "closed" corporation. , S the plan atthe Washington, bad taste,Those to saywho the attacked least, in impugning Sincerity ofshowed the leaders who have been consulted so far. The fear recurred in several of the addresses that once inside, these American non-Zionists would disrupt the organization, change its ideology and spoil the efforts Pierre van Paassen. of years of work by the ardent Zionists. There is nothing further RUMORS PERSIST from-the truth than that gentlemen like Marshall and Warburg HARRY CONZEL A few days ago we read an article are seeking affiliation with the Zionist Organization with ulterior by one of the most prominent sport SCORES AGAIN writers of New York City, in which motives or substitute philosophies of their own. The report comes from the Zionist King Solomon was formally chal; Rather, the advantage lies with the Zionist Organization. The Convention that the Committee on. lenged to prove his Jewishness, and history of case after case shows that interest manifested in any to answer the accusation of assuming LOOKING FROM "THE Publications handed in a repommen* dation to the Administrative Gombranch of the rebuilding of Palestine, results in the creation of a a Jewish fighting name for the pur- WORLD'S WINDOW" mittee that the official Zionist publipose of onhancing his drawing power. Zionist As a matter of fact, the mistrust has been misplaced in Mr. Pierre van Paasen, renowned cation—The New Palestine—include the present situation. How often have we heard non-Zionists exThis is a serious charge. More columnist of the New York Evening within its columns a section devoted than that, it is an insult to the Jew- World, writes: plaining their failure to contribute to the Funds of Zionism, by the to sports among Jews. Harry Conzel Mr. I. H. Stine, Mr. and Mrs. A. ish boxing fans. The mere fact that Dear Harry; feels that his pioneering efforts in fear that they "would be converted to Zionism, a situation not de- Mr. Solomon H. Cohn, 60, died of Steine and family, Miss Tillie Kohn, a boxer has a Jewish name would not paralysis last Saturday at the Grand Jewish athletics are well rewarded. I am somewhat puzzled by a news sired-by them at the time. Mr, and Mrs. Simon Gaiter, and Mrs. change our opinion of him one white. Hotel. He had been a sufferer from The most inexplicable thing about the entire discussion was .,,.,,. ^ , , ,± Ben Robinson, and daughter, Elinor, The fact, however, that a name is invented and created in order to deceive the unseemly haste exhibited in the criticism that it has taken Mr «" s Cnh **™€n J*•*>».** v* •*«*; l l wlived H min Council fiftmriI Bluffs motored to Omaha and spent the a special section of fandom and with the non-Zionists two years to reach their decision to come in. Mr.- Cohn " Mhad ". the cofd calculation to utilize the We understand that the Zionist movement has had a difficult for the past three years, coming here Fourth. thirst of a nationality for an idol in from Kansas City, Mo. He is surMiss Nina Shostak is in Omaha career and that speed has not been onHs of its characteristics. They the sporting world is, to say the least tell us that today it is easier to be-a Zionist than 25 years ago, with her Bister, Mrs. Jack disgraceful. ' visiting vi PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS when! courage and vision strid patience Were required. It would Julia Herzberg of Bellaire, Ohio, and Chapman. So we made up our mind to invesMrs. Breenwood of Akron, Ohio; two tigate these charges as thoroughly as INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS seem "that the older heads; should appreciate the difficulties of the A few hours ago, accompresent situation. With big interests at stake, much time is sister-in-laws, Hannah and Molly The Hadassah Club met Tuesday possible. panied by Mr. Harrison Goldberg of SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATIONS required for plans to germinate. It is logical to let the leaders Goldstein of this city, and a nephew, afternoon at t&e home of Mrs. Sam the SEVEN ARTS FEATURE SYNOur systems show exact profits for each department carry on the work of organizing the Agency to fruition or abandon- John B. Quigley of Kansas City, who Goldstein and'Mrs. Ben Robinson. to playing the role of Watson to our daily, weekly or monthly, as desired. •was in this city at the time of his Election of officers were held. Sherlock Holmes, we entered the ofment. 790 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. of Woodman and Lawrence in the In the meantime, the power to guide the destiny of the Jewish death. The body was taken to Cof- Mr. and Mrs. A. Stine, Mr. Sam fice Putman Building, New York City, as feyville, Kansas, Sunday for burial. Phone ATlantic 1450 Omaha people in Palestine rests with the organization. No haste or Goldstein, and Mrs. I. J. Gelsin of per appointment. The two foregoing urgency is called for on" the part.of the Zionist Organization, which Messrs.. Louis and Abe Katelman, Beatrice left Sunday by motor on a gentlemen are the managers of the Hebrew King from Panama. has voluntarily invited '/representative organizations of world by their siter, Mrs. business and pleasure trip to New Jewry to join with it ^h the twentieth century romance. That accompanied Solomon in street clothes, sat on a Jennie Schwartz, and Merrs. Louis York. They expect to be gone about shair, like the proverbial condemned these voluntary lines of developing" the Jewish Agency afford the Rosenthal and Tarold Cherniack, left six weeks. man waiting for the current to be Zionist Organization,.the tipper handand the opportunity/to edu- Saturday • night switched on. Then we started the on a motor trip to cate new ;adher6ntsi is obvious.. They indicate the strong position Kansas ttty, Mo., Mrs. Ida Engleman, of Dee Moines, grilling. It sounded like a real crossfor the A. Z. A. of the organization to secure reorganization of the work on the Iowa, is the guest of her daughter, examination. most favorable terms, and So not warrant the phantoms expressed. convention.,- They are expected to Mrs. A^ S. Sandlovitch. / Conzel: What about these rumors? "The negotiations have already resultedin new, material sup- return the latter part of the week. Woodman: Its all hunk; / ' / port; for the various 'agencies working under the aegis of the Messrs. Maurice and Arthur Fried- Mrs. Lewis Ellis and Mrs; Green- from other promoters who envy our / Zionist Organization.; The successful completion of the Jewish man, Joe Krasnfe and Yalfe Kroloff stone entertained at four tables of find. Goldberg: Where was Solomon Agency will bring in thousands of American members and con- left Saturday Jiight for Kansas City, bridge Thursday afternoon in honor born? •..,-• tributors, men and women, who by their act of contributing alone, Mo., to attend the A. Z. A. conven- of Miss Rose Baird and Miss Ida Or- W: In Panama. licoff, of Sioux City, Ia. High score certainly become Zionists, willy-nilly, under any definition. There tion. ; G; How does that make him a •was won by Mrs. Sydney Shostak and Palestinian Jew? will be conflicts, but the Zionist Organization is used to them and W: He isn't. He is a Panamanian ought to know how to deport itself by this time. Furthermore, Messrs. Louis Bernstein, Ben Mrs. Herman Krause. of Jewish extraction. the new developments-cannot help but increase the faith of the Hirsch, Herman Meyerson G: (low to Goldberg) I dont like , present Zionists in their own work and organization.—Baltimore Frank and Hermann Krasne returned guest of Mrs. Wm. Epstein for the the expression "extraction"; it sounds Times. home Sunday night from !a three- last two weeks, returned home Mon- like a retraction.
Goldberg: Tell us about the Soloday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. mon family. W: (to King Solomon) Go on. .Miss Sophia Steinberg left Mon- Bernstein. Mr.'.Hyman Epstein also King Solomon—(keeps silent and came to attend some business in Linday morning for Hot Springs, Ark., groggy.) coln, and will return to Omaha Tues- looks W: (slowly as if spelling e»ch word •where she will join her mother and day evening. His father is from Palestine. His sister, who are spending the summer mother comes from a Jewish family there. Mr. and Mrs. M. Seidman will be at in Spain. home to receive relatives and friends Conzel to Solomon: Have you ever About seventy-five ladies called at Sunday July 12, from 7:30 to 10, in been in Palestine? * the home of Mrs. Sam Snyder, 300 the evening, honoring the engagement W: No, he has never been there.' Goldberg: (with Watson^flce inOakland Avenue, in the afternoon of of their daughter, Lillian, to David spiration). Does the King speak Tuesday, July 7, .1925, to meet her B. Cohn, of Omaha. French? son's wife, Mrs. Arthur H. Snyder. Solomon Oh yes. The garden flowers were Used Conzel (in French) Where is your OBITUARY father now? throughout the house and in the dinFuneral services for Mr. George lingo is not for me. ing room, Mrs. Harry Wilinsky, Solomon (in French): In Palestine. mother of the bride, presided at the Wright, 60, who died at his home early Conzel (keeping- up the French): table, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Bo- Sunday morning, were held from the What city ? Solomon (proudly): In Damascus. noff, and the Misses Janet Gilinsky family residence, 1407 South 46 Ave., (Let us remind you, ladies and and Minnie Friedman. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afternoon. Burial was heid gentlemen, that Damascus is in Arthur Snyder will make their home at the Golden Hill Cemetary. Rabbi Syria). temporarily with Mr. and Mrs. Sam J. M. Charlop officiated. Mr. Wright is survived by his Snyder. widow, two sons, Nat and Jay, of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Krasne and Miss Omaha, and five daughters, Mrs. D. GIFTS THAT LAST Ruth Krasne and Mr. Nathan SudOW Schwartz, of Des Moines, Ia., Mrs. L. arrived home Tuesday from Kansas Hoffman, of Kansas City, Mo., MorCity, Mo., where they spent the past tan Marcus, Yetta and Hermina week-end. They made the trip by Wright, of this city. Diamond Importers motor. We wish to express the appreciaPlatinum Specialists tion We extend V-to our friends and Miss Lillian Marks of Chicago, HI., relatives for the kindness shown durarrived for the "Fourth" to visit her ingr the sad hours of the sudden berN E W LOCATION cousins, the Misses Reva and Sara eavement of my dear husband and 214-15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Noddle. She expects to remain for father. Ja. 5619—Est. 1894. two weeks. Mrs. Harris Levey and family. The Misses Toby and Fannie Katelman spent the past week-end in Missouri Valley:as the guests of the Misses Celia and Gertrude Moskovitz.
weeks trip to Florida.
JEWISH FEDERATION IN : PBUSSIAVOTES FOR ••'-'' 1,370,000 MARK BUDGET Berlin. (J. T. A.) A budget-of 1,370,000 gold marks for the year 1925 -was accepted by the convention of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Prussia, the first session of which -was concluded here June 23. The Federation, elections to which took place several months ago, constitutes a representative Jewish body in Prussia and has a membership consisting of liberals, Zionists and Conservatives. The Council elected by the Federal tion is representative of the same elements. Her Wolf, president of the Liberal Jewish Community of Berlin; •was elected president J Dr. Klee^ Zionist,; was elected vice president;1 Herr GalewBfcy, Conservative, and Herr Lilienthal, Liberal, were elected! members of the Council. ; • v/ , A resolution passed by the Federatfon /urges the revision of the German law.ott Jewjsh rights so that the Federation may come, properly under the functions of the law. BEPRESENTATIVE OF LABOR DEPARTMENT SAYS COM\ PLETE CLOSING OF IMMIGRA! TION SHORES WILL RAISE STANDARD OF LIVING. . Vienna, (J. T. A.)—The "American , porkers desire the complete closing of American shores to immigration for a •, period of five years. in order to raise the standard of living for labor, according to a statement made here - by Magnusson, representative of the American Labor Department, in" an interview published by tne "Freie Presse". "Mr. Magnusson' also emphasized that the American workers are particularly anxious to keep' immigrants out in order that the .foreign elements in America may" be assimilated more quickly into" the rest of "the^opulation. DIRECTORS OF JEWISH,TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY BECEIVED .' BY SECRETARY OF STATE Washington, (S. T. A.)—Jacob W a g M G d i t Landau an4 •M?6*1 Grossman, directors of "the "Jewish" Telegraphic^ Agency, 2tfax Rhoade, WasWne^on, cor-
respondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, were received yesterday by Secretary of State Kellogg, at the office of "the State Department. Matters pertaining to Jewish conditions in America and. Europe "were discussed. ., In the course of the conversation the problem of Jewish immigration in the United States was touched upon, and the Secretary of State explained his views on the present immigration laws and on the possibilities of changes in this matter in the future. Secretary Kellogg also discussed with the directors of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency the question of Palestine, both from the point of view as a haven for Jewish immigrants and as the Jewish national homeland.
Curious Beliefs Held by Trinidad Native* "Port of Spain is the principal city of the island of Trinidad In the West ladles and Is the most /colorful and cosmopolitan city in the world," says an American citizen, who has returnecl to his native land for a visit after an absence of two years, according to the Detroit News. "The streets of Port of Spain," he says, "present t{ie appearance of »: strange pageantry, so varied are the people. Strangest of all are the native black people. Here you will Bee nose rings and all sorts of welria styles in hairdressing. They are so fond of bracelets that their forearms, from wrist to elbow, are completely, covered with all sorts of metal circlets. Nor is It unusual to see their lower limbs adorned In the same fashion; "All our servants are these black people. They are excellent servants,: but their many taboos and superstitions are very trying,-unless you have a good sense of humor. They go by the. moon and stars ia everything.: They refuse any sort of an undertaking unless the aspect of the moon is propitious. They also have special taboos pertaining to things hot and cold. None of them win, un$er any circumstances, put their bands into both hot and cold water on the same; day. They believe that if they dp this they will die in three aays. By the moon they reckon time and forecast the" future. By the fnoon they hold their pagan ceremonies, and one might say that by the moon, they live ana by tl»e> moon they-die." • - -
Miss Jeanette Gilinsky will leave Saturday evening for Trenton, New Jersey, where she will spend the remainder of the summer visiting her cousin.
Mrs. Ben Seldin and children returned home after spending the past three weeks in New Raymbre, Colo., visiting relatives. •• / Mrs,\ Abe Jablow and children of •New,' York City arrived . Sunday to visit Mrs. Jabjow's sisteir,. Mrs. N. Solzman. She expects/to' remain here for two months. -.; Mr. and/Mrs. Philip Sherman and baby daughter, Dorothy, airived from Sioux City, Ia., to spend "the Fourth here with 7&es. SfcexsaMb paraate,
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Appears On Stage a dffn^y "Ht Tweeny IPsrk, ;«nfiPark in Twmox of Miss TBBE of iihe l i t t l e Miss Thehna Xeona Gasper, entertained Sunday. 3H3ss asnth «ent "the next day and 3 i5= Sarah .Perer, of Omaha. Mr. S100.D0, "Which BixyEar old slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. troub entertained "TffffiSey a t to Xachowitz, Rusaa, for the poor and "XlrsJlosenthal anc' children. Mr, The Toali-7'cn Dramatic P a r k nonaring ihess "cut-trihtown George Gasper, is this week people there. Maurice ~We?rott, of Norfolk, Miss ing a t the Strand Theatre in the dance j held i t s first summer picnic. Saturday, guests. EVE Bordy. and Anr Hurwitz. July 4, a t "Valley, STehr. Prizes in A joint picnic will be helci by theamong the guests. act "Kidriight Follies"". TVTTR. M. B o r n and daughter, 33es5, Xittle IMiss Gasper i s the dancing games were wtsn by Tola Eorinsky, Ladies National Progressive Club and are leaving Sunday evening t o spend .pupil of Miss Grace Abbott l o r :six35thei Tifkin, and Sarn Toionsky. Mr. the Jewish National "Workers AiMiss- "J"^ — -hci t h e remainder of .the summer i n ^months. She i s one of the favorites 32. 3£ipnis spoke un the picnic t h a t lianee Sunday, July 12, a t Elmwood j Tuesday from Liucohi. after spending Calif arriia. They will visit i n "Venice in a speciality J i g number. the chib -will give Sunday, July 12, Park. The memben; of the com-] a vreek v-itb. Misj- Iluui Coiien. a n d S a n 3^ranciscD and -will be ;gtme a t l i r n g Park. Proceeds will go t o - mittee in charge are the Mesdames J. runffl September. Mr. Horn -will ijoin Usvich .end "Hiss t h e Palestine Workers' I n n d . anlan : M. Itoiaael, B . Okun, "Maxj PATROKISE OUE ADVERTISERS. them i n l^erer spent t h e week-end i n ~tx> those selling3SLmMn, and 3£orris 3Cnkin. Pfhtes -will be and Sblumbus, Kebr. most sintry tickets. 35. P . Goodand Mrs. "Herman __ _ T _, ,._. _, _ . _ , nmniE in linE frrr feEt irrize, andMinii Angeles, CaTii., spent COliUlfflBCS ISIrs. TSax Schlaes of Chicago, 3IL, _ ...._,. _• r ' TVTr. days i n JCkmahn last "week • -xx. -«.-Hi iTir ~~? S a m s IB JH line i o r second -—— , tffisB Sarah l^erer, -Harry 3L Xapidus, "TVT-r. a n d They is -visiting here with .Mr. .mud Mrs. 3L and JffixB. S E n n a n Auerbach. Tffnw Burdy, Soil 32L Schlaes. of the Council taanpletE HarpriHE t o ntrth i e l a - announce t h e engagement of their, are on an eight :mon±h tour around Bordy motoreG to and daughter, 32stelle Joyce, ±o JMr. Iran j£Lr. unfl IStrs. Ularton ilarcus an-'-'iBbafe _nd Dmaha 3-acbowitz Society nd jErifinds, i s -£he announce"the world. Jliily 5, 3ield Snndity nnunts the birth of a baby son, ment of rfche marriage of Iffiiss ATITI and 3ttrs. iflortiK Potash, M r . win Seyman, born "Thursday, Jane 25. a t t h e 3iame of 3ttr. scad TBrs. Blank, daughter af 3£r. and 3Qis. DSL : Council Slufis, Itfwa. "Wsiner, anfl Mr. 3LJSD Blank, t o lilr. l o r d s Sogolow, n£ this and Ann 3Ettrrwitz ~moT i e Misses Suph Eutcber, A itetitiLiTuI "faanQ-anade iity. T h e young couple -eloped -to son spent "the -wBek-nend in Sioux City, ta«fi ID Omaha Bennan, trf Sioux City, by Mias S a m Sinus City, 3a., and -were married ZMnmie T:ogal, tjf St. Jiiseph, 3in.,' -tamea _nd =wan 3>y 3ttr. A . Elots, HB&s liena Boroy entertBined there TusBday afternoon i n "the irresMrs. ThU "Wulfson a n a M r s . M .spent t h e ^past week-end bare Street, Dinaba, se a t A picniE -act Municipal snce of i h e bride's Bister, jHiss BESS "WoHy a n d cUflflifin lelt Tuesday isB Serdie Bergsr. Blank, .and Mr. and -Mrs. Xonis .Adler, morning for their "inme in Miami, 3 r la. ) jistgr -and -hrother-inrlaw of "the bride. Mr. a n d M r s . M . Cobn errtertaineil | iwr -visitmg h&TB with ^their sistsr, IBabbi Jiraver, rrf -Sioux City, .perat five tables nf bridge Simfiay ifannnrMrs. JIayer Spiessberger, a n d totlthfir, formed t h e xermany. ing their guests, M r . and Mrs. MadMrs. 3 . P r e d . ]Hr. Sogolow and nis briae are leavman, ing i h e latter .part a£ t h e -week .on s. JiSxs. Dave Redman and Ehilnren and Mr. "D. Tlnkenstein, tff IJBS -Angeles, motto t r i p t o Uiarrii, 3Tla., -where Hrey Mrs. -Ben 3. Sigel and son, of Calif., is -risiting here a t t h e 'inrme x£ vdH tnriba- "their home. Ottumwa, 3a-, are visiting iere with Mr. and Mrs. J. S a t t . 10 Depress Cooler Than ihs Street their jiarents, "Mr- -and "MTR. iL. SMEHOFF-.D LJ K!N UFF anan. They will' be here i n r Messrs. Sidney and HHTOH Mas, *£ Another surprise -wefidiiiif -was sol^Berksly, Calif., "who are ^visiting rela_ _ n _ e d "Wednesday afternoon 3>pra Dnbnoff daughter uf Mr. aond Mrs. 33arry 33ayldn an- tives here, are leaving Thursday 3or . "Dnfantai teame ±fae inade nounce t h e birth of a baby sun born Ivn-ngag City, Mo., t o spend SbE -WEeknf 3 i r . 3ferman SmehofF ca Omahay 3 _ d a y , July S, a t t h e JHfifirodist 3ios- «nd -with their uncle and aunt, TJahbl i n a n e l y <nf • Chicago. ; T h e .young 3iitaL TMrs. Sc^kin was, formerly and M r s . Serman Cobn. Tbey t o Dmaha Sunday. rouple were married i n Council IBlnfiE, Stalmaster, son of 12r. and HSxs. X. Mamie Adler, Affairs are being given each "day i a r in .presence uf brides' naren^ts -the Stalmaster. Mr. Sam "Wintroub i s these -vrisitorE. Sh:. and Mrs. X . ' lister 3allian and Mr. and Jtfrs. Both 3Iiss Xajiidus ;and IVIr. Stal- several "weeks visitmg 3n Chicago, HI,, ^kofsky entertained a t a dinner-danee ^nasterareiirinninentTmemberE of t h e Tuesday at the Dmaha Athektbc Cbib. . Smehoff i s -a student of Creight- younger social s e t and both liave and Mflwaukee, "Wis. tm IMvBrsity. -TVTrB. Smehoff 3B an taken active ipart j n communal 'work.. Miss Xeah S e r z o S , icfi. dSioux "MXB. Isadore Ziegler entHiLansd m 'Accomplished _ f t e r a Iffiss 3japidus -attended two years a t Iowa, spent t h e w«e^:-Enfl ^witab M r . fij^ltEen guests a t dinner Honday nflneynroon "trip d&ey Toll make -their t h e girls school a t 3tockford College and Mrs. itniis Galdsmitiu Bvening a t i n e Highland Country -with t h e brides' parents. anS stadnatea 3rom t h e Taniversity of Chih. Ttf-r. 5 a m TTnmi -nf -Cincinnati, Nebraska with an A . IB. Segrae last 3_bhi nnE M r s . X I I . Charlqp left June. She i s a charter Tneniher of i s leaving Tiiday after -risltrns 3hBre ~SSx. a n d IKrs. Harry Silvernani Inivae Ittonday evening for S t . Xouis, 3<lo., Tbeta- Chapter nf Sigma. Delta Tau -with "bis jjarents, 35r. and "Mrs. 3SLa s iifflir braise gaests, J i r s . Eilvei7TiHi?majWiiK, 3nd., Detroit, ZMich,, Sorority. :• Horn. Ittr. and TffTs. lored ^Snrn, nf. marife _paBents, Mx. and J l r s . 3B- M. ', of Xos Angeles, Calif., andTHrs. Mttsbnrgh, and Shfladehphia, 3*3,, a n d "Mr. and Mrs. Ijapidus will Ire a t and 3Sfas. S . ~&. City, Hew Tafk City. They expect t o r e - home, 2205 .SonQi "Tblrty-secona St., levinB, a n d daughter, TTurriett Silverman'B sister, Mrs. C. 33. t u r n home about July 3 1 . Sunday afternoon from 2:30 t o a, and lis, of Sioux City, Iowa, spent t h e man, and daughter, Corenne, nf Des binEs, la. Honoring her mnflffir anfl : week-rand J T_r.~Ben Tafle CE spending1 r ihe week Sunday -evening- 3rom "7 t o HO, honorsister, Mrs. Silverman is entertaining a t Fairmont, Minn. H e ~mR _rator dng^then-daughter and lier: fiance. Mx. ISax Guttman left Tuesday "to a t a xmB o'clack luncheon today a t sfee ' A -mpTig thB on±-xif^town guests -iiati back I D Dmaha the l a f t o - p n i t of t h e Srandeis Tea 3iooms. spend a "weei .-at dear Xafce, 3a.~ a r e "arriving' ^iiS •week-^emi TO attend "waek. HngHgemsnt -will be M r . . S.Heisnman anfl 3irs. Edward TTPIW WHS Tasman, Mx. anfl M r s . 3Jen Taxman, TfnTfiPt, 3Eft fimiUBJ svenimj zEor t the Highland Conntry Qnb last Istter and M r . TVTjJn Taxman, :all of "W-est Talm 3eat3i, 53a., -wnere itoey TEhursdEy at a limcheon in "iitnnr rS. *WT. 3Peder j n City, Mo. ._..,„• ',.• M. "Wolly, Mrs. 3*il Wblfenn, xS ZEbHsbrnan anu Ploxida, -yrhsm "±hey -wall -mafe-* iheir; -£heir •Tiiinrt* UlnTdute "fluey Miama, IFla., -who-returned-fife meCk future "liome. 32x. Teder '.bad :leS Mr. and "Mrs. ^Reuben Ferer an- stopped off a t Chicago -for -Eeveral to iheir home, and alsoifnrMrs.3iorrlE Omaha -in May "to enter -bumness i n nounce -fhe rengngEment ;nf thair days a n d •were jtrined -there "by IMrs. Pied. They were guests nere of Mrs. IFlorida. A number of social ~afra ^Wolfson a n d 18xs. J$L "Wolly. Mayer Spiesberger. , ±D 3 5 T . a r e l e i n g ^planned lonoring M I B . sse also on "their -way t o Horida. Shapiro, son nf 3Sr. and 3Sir. M . Sha.Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Xdhan 7 rpiro,>tjfthis tiity. ZBoth!a*e •graduates ing Tuesday on a two weefe txg> -ix> Carl 3£iekes entertained at nf t h e Omaha Tecbnical Bigb School. 3Iiss ISsther Shapiro and Ttenver, Colorado Springs, Salt "Lake Guttman left 3Fxiday evEning •far an- Mr. Shapiro is a n active .member ;nf Inddge Tuesday afternoon a t ber City and Zion National ~Bzrk. nome Thnnnring Mrs. A. Canner and eastern trip. They-visited i n Chicago, "various organizations 3n iihe city. Miss 3lose ^Egerman, lioth -of Cincin«ilk and cotton crepe in "Wr. and Mrs. Samuel Shafer and ISD Sate lias neen set 3 o r 3he 311.,-and are now on their way t o INew T nati, 'Ohio, who a r e leaving Sunday son Xouis of 3>enver, Colo., will srrivE "Tori .rCit\ , where thsy -will spenfl ding. lt atew featt cnlors and fashionable, , redncrf "V-isitmg n^^"^ for the nast sev— Sunday to attend t h e recEpidnn 3n, Saturday evening a t "their3iome Hftx. Beveral -weeks. • paitsrnt reduced to 65c aeral weeks witb. Mr. and Mrs. M honor of Miss 32stelle liapidus and her and M r s . P e r e r Birtertained a t jiy|f' f' \fn^ Mrs. IHarry A . "Wnli, and family dinner i n honor of their Grossman. Mrs. Tied Greenberg, fiance "Mr. Irvin Stalmaster. ; aton, iluBtin, left Sunday svemng f n r daughter's engagement. recent laride, shared lionors. Prizes JiiUcreat y it; small Atlamac City, where they vaR spend "were won by "Mrs. Tred Greenberg: fast colors. t h e lemainder - of .the summer -months Mr. and Mrs. David Diamond, Tan, rust Miss IRose Egerman, and Mrs. J. that is -very tmtSxH xn -xxuaty lancohi, 27fibr., announce t h e ^engage"with Mrs. "Wolf's parents. vnfven anc Mrs. TVTtiv GrDssman enterment ;of their fl niT«j11 twr, for dresses and A -wety desirable fabric for 5&e yd. Jttrs. 3iarold 31bby, nf 3*rovidence, t o IMr. 35dwin 3vatskee, son of IMr, ant! tained a t a jjicnic in lionnr xrfi t h e suits, bargain yfices, TSc town guests, followed by IE. 3., -who -was called "Jiere on account IHrs. A . 35atskee, of this city. Jro 36->inch Hayon stripes, very popular nriSge a t the E.iSidman home. Best printed georgette, the fanf t h e death Eo!liBriather r liIr.3iaTxiB weddmg date has l>een s e t Smr «3B«trounfl -wear and looks -well ZiBvey, i s expecting t o leave lax :ber this season iar country rirnn, Jjocation and JEqmpmeizt Mr. and Mrs. H . TVTT'^' and Miss rafter tubbing. A fine silk ratine Jiome t h e latter -part of t h e week. Jiotel and dance -wear. Very lilr. and Ittrs. Aaron 'Weiss a n d Celia "TVfaTTr :and M r . P a u l Marx, of Superior Instruction weave. "Peach and jrrayt copeB e patterns in fashiomCHle JBx. and 3Hrs. 3idbert X uilarer TB- arms, Sam and Charles, nf Cbicagq- liincbln, ZNebr-, motored i n iErnm XinMeasanable. Mates and ^ray, f»reen and -prmj:, 7.9c yd. turned Sunday morning i r o m a three 31L, motored into Omaha t o 'be t h ecoin, INebr., and ^snent -the l^tinrtb to $229 y "brother and and t h e week-end "with Mr. and Mrs. ".honeymoon trip t o St. Xouis, guests of NT T J E A C H E R S ; 32-inch imported dottefi Swiss. The 32-inch striped silk hroadclofli, the 35D., 3hdianapdliE, 3nd., and Chicago family, Mr. and -Mrs. A . "Weiss. They Julius INewman. Miss Delia Marx i s . A. TVTATTTR dors in this fabric "will -not -wash xm%* lmnti popular fabric of "the seuon 311. While in indianapoIiBs they n V will be Ihere until t h e early part :of spending t h e week "here. Crr.ATTVK TITP.P.ATSTNT •waek. 99B yard. teitdEd t h e wedding of Iflr.-MBXBI'B ftxr iport -wear, comes im attractive Jeannette 'Greenblatt, nf MusBistEr, JVIiss Uuth 3SareT t o Mx. Jack HEBT3!CA USOgyE ZEK cnlnr xujmhinatioris mn& is reduced Mr. and Mrs. D. 331umenthal and •40-inch flock dot 'voiles "WeiHsman, of Cmcmnati, D. IVTT. a n d daughters, Sara and Iforrian, and Mrs. catme, Iowa, i s t h e guest of b e r H.. 3JLAItfcrL Kltl'I'K cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ztale DubnofE. 3n flns sale to $1.BS yard. anteed, -wraBhable. dots, 35c yard. JSfixs. lilarer are ^making their nomeM. IZaSk spent the Itourth and ihe She will spend several -weeks nere. 54-Snch borSers, cut to ihe lieat aflwith ISlrs. TVfTrtrrf'n .parents, a t 3D25 "week-and in XJes Mbmes, 3a., Tisifmg Sldg., Z3th and Farnam Ste. 22-inch -Frencii zephyr in JSilyartle Avenue. -vantage and are easily made. 1^4 Phone ATlantic -2Dla. The T . E . 33. drib "will Toeet Sun"with Mrs. Zalk's daughter, Mrs.
" .
July Qearance of Fabrics Q$ffilM$ Seasonable Fabrics E&me Sewers
The Timberg Piano Studios
JMr. and Mrs. M. H.3?esHen returned XBonarii Hockenberg, and Mr. Hncken- day, July 12, -at 331mwooa. iSnnday from a two -weeks'^tey iin St. i e r g . MD., -wiierB i h s y -attended H i . A b e Segall, o£ S a n 33iegD, -IlUIEial "services TE£ 3SSr. PessEn.% Calif*] i s t h e guest nf "bis siKLers .said another, Mrs. Ifertha 3*eabeu,rwb.t> 3is& Imrther, M r s . 35arry ~R. J52der, 33rs. fmm injuries received in ran auto- 3jeo ^Cruebaft, Miss 3da Segall, and .moblle accident. Mr. Harry Segall. Me ^dll - m i t lisre Miss Tillie busman ^entertained a t iridge at 'iar !hnme Tiiursaay cvEtiing T i e irTi^apg 35aifh Covjtcn in ionar of Miss Ceiia liDsentlial, nf ? 3Knqpfir spent t h e i?rfiefe«nd i n lies Xincdhi. Prizes -were -won Iiy M Moines, 3 a v -with Miss Covich^s 33sther 2usman and Miss Celia jiiiTtiuts, itTr. ^ n d jMrs. "W.. Covich. -thaX -family re~MTS. A. -Hnrwitz Miss Marie ULein, aseeently Elected turned borne Xruru a iwo weeks' ^president *of t h e -Hafakvoh : Club, -with J i r . and -Mrs. S. Surwitz a t motored t o D e s MoineB, 3b,, saecamjanied ijy 3Sx. u n d JITB. X . Dransky, -and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oranaky, of Miss IRutb Zolst, of Xincom, JDss Mnii^pR, ~w.h.D had bsEn -visiting 3n "Sunday i n Omaha -with friends. Omaha. Miss TTlpin T^ill ifi gone 3JJT Mrs. TTHI r^1 31. .Milder entertained -weeks. at a birthday -parly dfor twenty-rfmrr Sybil .and THimw Meilin, chUrtren 3n ""honor Bf Ihef Kun, 33sar, Tif .Sious City, J a , , ^pen± t h e -week- •who Eelebxated his third birthday. end with 2ttiss ZDarotby JFormrm. 3IiSB ^Edith Bpecter aEturned 3s Ethfil JB. two wfieks' -osit .in Jtes Mniins, Ha. norns ifajB -WEefe-end 4n. spend i h e jseZEIiss.33e5s "Weinstein and M r . John mamder .Df 'the fiinmnfir -wifh -her '"Wjonstein ;and Miss lEargaret -Chisen, parents, M r . a n S .MTB. H . jEeuben. : of ;Biony • City, 3a^ a r e -gjsrang xaends Miss lieuben is •-connected 'with liere,tieformer-withTtfi^g Aim Jarikel Towa State University. and t h e latter -with Miss Toby -SteinisetuTned l a m e i3ns berg. Honoring her guests, Miss .waek : i r a m . a ^visit i n S t .3Tinkfi"l. -Entertained a t a nicnic a t , anHIDes P a r k Satarday inUowed oy
Now inProgrms
yarSs is the average dress length; veBxax& to $4.SS yard, 45-inch borders are very popnlar lor shorter skirt lengths been given a reduction io :$!.B5 32-inch novelty pong-ee 3fi "very cfaSahsr for •women's, girk* dresses. Checks and yard. ___ are
either .plaids or -checks, 2Sc.
4D-inch .:baiported ratine -voile in either small stripe£ or check effect*. Blue, pink, copen, lavender, 'fray, .rose .and green. A trarfrsm at B8c, 3S-incfe cfelftem. mr twfc .alpaca, in lij-ht stripes :tbat •'will ell, A -serviceable fabric
Street Fitter
Patterns, FMoriul Review. Patterns,
•PattCfVfis. •*;
Umisrells Sale' A splendid assortment
of 2S->inc&
"This "is the prs_±icBl sate lor rainy days and are easily csrri'sfi on -vatAII the popular street shades are represented and there a large 3___±mEat of bxcnHIes irnm iwbicb ±D
selection. The sale prices are from $2SD to $12.50.
.Every .rubber .-giriDe m .our enrset •ection. i s included in -this -oH-Br an£ :3smy ISB jsHrEfeasufi .for exartly rtalf price. Every -«ne is * .jjjpflel -with rubber -elasiic :im iL, T i m comes « t '*be iime -when w/uuiem nee£fflsBesEiEirflles.iosd .^rvese .considesrable .saving. a?e I r a n •
Strwet "Flonr
-'"fire Mesi T$me M Sfa®, Jtfifer
comprehending, bat companionable. bumping her elbow and offering no girls, _ though, were plump, redthe children .arrived # the. room was ^Xqu make fun, h ' m r * apology; that clanged, and shrieked, cheeked, and not uncomely, with high livable. : ' ' '• '- '. : ' r "Gome in, Mrs.'Pool. Sit down on and "whistled, and roared In her ears round cheek-bones on which sat & Selina had• seen herself,,'dignified; myjbox and: make fun, too. Here, you •now grown accustomed to the prairie spotjof> brick-red which imported no -yet' gentler ^instructtagi a roomful -of : have half the shawl." • ' > silence. . glow 1».the face. Their foreheads Dutch cherubs ^B- the., simpler ele0 Heden! I got no time to sit . She spent the time between one" and were ^rbinlnent and meaningless. ments of learolngr. -Bat. It is difficult . three buying portable presents for the In the midst of this drab assemto be dignified and- gracious; when^ou down." •" She was off. Roelf slid his "plane slowly, more entire Pool household—Including ba- blage,there entered late and; rustlingare srmTsjtng from/chilblains.- -Selina slowly, over the surface of satin-smooth ' nanas for Oeertje and Jozina, for ly a tall, slow-moving woman In a cityfell, victim-.to .this-sordid-rdiscomfort, oak "board. He stopped, twined acurl whom that farinaceous fruit had the bought: cloak and a bonnet quite unas'didVvery, child in the room.' She i always' held < for the - farm! like" the7 vintage millinery of High sat at'-'the* battered'pine* desk' or of slaving about bis finger; "When'I > fascination am ja man, and earning, I am'going to child. ; She caught a train: at four .thir- Prairie^ An ample woman,'with a moved -«f>out, a little 'Ice-wool -shawl around i e r shoulders ,whea -the -wind buyjiny mother a silk dress like J.saw'' ty-five and actually trudged^ the five fine fair skin and a ripe red mouth; in a store in Chicago and she should miles from the station to the farm, a Jilgh firm bosom and great thighs .was vwrong and the stove balky." Her white little -face, seemed whiter In put<lt on every day, not only for Sun- '. arriving half frozen, weary, with ach- that moved rhythmically, slowly. She contrast .with the blackjfolds of this day?;' and sit In a chair and make little ing arms and nipped toes, to a great had thick, Insolent eyelids. Her somber garment Her : slim hands flne'.stltches like Widow Paarlenberg." welcome of the squeals. Grants, barks, hands, as she turned the leaves of her ^ a t else are you going to do when and gutturals that formed the expres- hymn book, were smooth and white. were rough"and chapjied.f"The oldest chUd.-in the room was. thirteen^.the you^grow up?" She waited, certain sion of the Pool household. She was As she- entered there was a little thatshe would say something deiight- astonished to find how happy she was rustle throughout the congregation; a youngest'.four and .a' half. " _ .-._• • to return.to the Jdtchen stove, to'the craning of necks. " Early'ln', the'winter;.iSeliha had had t a l i ; \ . ' • ; : ; . . ; ' : ' • • "Drive the team to town alone to the- unfortunate Idea of-opening the "Who's that?" whispered Selina to smell of frying pork, to her own room Maartje. ice-locked; windows at Intervals and market" i with' the walnut bed and the book "Oh, Roelf!" giving the children five. mlnutes_ of "Sure. Already I have gone five times shelf. Even the grim drum had taken • "Widow - Paarlenberg. She is rich exercise while the fresh - cqld-I air (ffl. Double4»y, P»JB & Co.) —twice with Jakob and three times on the dear and comforting aspect of \ like anything." WNU Service. cleared .brains and ropjii; at»"cmce. "Yes?""- Selina was fascinated. with" Pop. Pretty soon, when I am the, accustomed. Arms waved ,; wildly,- .heads .wobbled, "Look once how she makes''eyes at seventeen or eighteen, I can go alone. short.legs worked vigorously.- At the him." ena'"of the week: twenty .High: Pjalrie At five In the afternoon you start and Chapter IV SYNOPSIS "At him? Who? Who?" , at nine you are In the Haymarket. parents* sSnt:protestJS' by, note-or word "Porvus DeJong. By Gerrlt Pon he There all night you sleep: on the wagon. CHAPTER -X—Introducing- "So - BIB" of mouth. :jiiii-andJCdrnellus,'^katrina High'Prairie swains failed to find is sitting with the blue shirt and sad CDirk DoJongr) In his intanoy. And his and Aggie went - to* school .-,•.to learn There are" gag lights. .The men play Selina alluring. She was too small, looking so." ; mother, Selina Be Jons,- daughter ot SimopnPeake, gambler and gentleman reading and" writing arid1 numbers, not dice and cards. At four in the morn- too pale and fragile for their robust Selina craned, peered. "The—oh— of fortune. Her life, to young woman- to stand "with' open windows In. the ing you are ready when they come, the taste. Naturally, her coming had boofl In Chicago In 1888, has been un! commission men and the peddlers and been an event In this Isolated commu- he's very" good looking, Isn't he?" : conventional, somewhat aqatny, -but winter.^ generally enjoyable. At school her ,Qn. the Pool farm the winter work, the grocery men. Oh, It's fine, I tell nity. With no visible means of com-, "Sure. Widow Paarlenberg is stuck chum 1B Julie Hempsl. daughter of on him. • See how she—Sh'-sh-shl— Ausrust Hempel, butcher; Simeon 1s had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago you Vi municatlon news of her leaped from Reverend Dekker looks at 115. I tell killed in a quarrel that Is not his own, Koelf!" She was bitterly disapand' Selina, nineteen years old and with winter vegetables only once a farm to farm as flame leaps the gaps yon. after." . practically destitute, becomes a school- week now.' He and Jakob and Roelf pointed. « In a forest fire. She would have been teacher. Selina. decided she'd come to church "Here. Look." He rummaged around aghast to learn that High Prairie, were storing potatoes and cabbages CHAPTER. II—Selina secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pre- In a dusty box in a corner and, sud- inexplicably enough,' knew all about oftener. The service went on, dull, heavy." It was in English and Dutch. tion as teacher at the High Prairie denly^ shy again, laid before her a torn 'school, in the outskirts or Chicago, paring frames for the early spring sheet of coarse brown paper on, which her from the color of the ribbon that She heard scarcely a word of i t The threaded her neat little white corset living at the home ot a truck farmer, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had Klaas Pool. In Roelt. twelve years been Roelf who had taught Selina to he had sketched crudely, effectively, covers to the number of books on her Widow Paarlenberg and this Pervus old. son of Klaas, Selina perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee of great-haunched horses; wa- shelf. She thought cabbage fields DeJong occupied hef thoughts. She herself. • . ' . . .' gone with her'on that first morning, gons-piled high with garden truck;! beautiful; she read books to that decided, without malice, that the had started the fire, filled the water men Ip overalls and corduroys; flaring dumb-acting Roelf ' Pool; she was widow • resembled one of the sleekest Chapter III pail, initiated her In the rites of corn- gas torches. He had drawn it with a making over a dress for Maartje after of the pink porkers rooting- in Klaas cobs, kerosene, and dampers.'.. A shy, stub Of pencil exactly as it looked to the' pattern of the stylish brown Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- him. I'The result was as startling as lady's-cloth she wore (foolishly) to that achieved by the present-day disci- school. ber it was the Game. At six o'clock:. erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peake!" J "Koelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- ple of the Impressionistic school. On her fifth Sunday in the district Selina was enchanted. "I'm up!" Selina would call in what hoe.' Would you like to read it!" >'"MOHL" : Oncfi, . early In December, Selina she .accompanied the Pools to the she meant to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." morning service at the Dutch Re1342 South 24th St. AT. 6637 went into town. The trip was born of chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Bight formed church. Maartje seldom had 'Tou better come flown and dress there in the house. And there's another sudden revolt against her surround- the time for such frivolity. But on ings aid a great wave of nostalgia for where is warm here by the stove." : called The Three Musketeers.' " this morning Klaas hitched up the big 1615"North 24th St. WE. 6006. Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the dirt and clamor and crowds of farm wagon with the-double seat and the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Chicago. Early Saturday morning took the family complete—Maartje, lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprang. Klaas£drove her to the railway station Selina,. Boelf, and the pig-tails. Roelf the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Selina five miles distant She was to stay had rebelled- against going, had been Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have until Sunday. A letter had been writ- cuffed for it, and had sat very still gaze upturned. • touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten Julie Hempel ten days before, but all through the service, gazing at the That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there had been no answer. Once In red and yellow glass church window* Invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and slvin and feeling for beauty had town she went straight to the Hempel - • Selina's appe4rs%|e had made"fluite Druggists and Stationers tween horror and mirth. <Tm not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- housed Mrs. Hempel, thin-lipped, met- -a stir, of which t^fr was entirely., unMt-403-405 Sooth lOtb cold, really. I'm almost dressed, n i erlands to crop out now in this wistful her In "the hall and said that Julie was; aware. As tte^Songregatloh'entered out ofi town. She was visiting her : ; be down directly." , sensitive .boy^ . d th?p^ sh> thoiigh't they Arnold, in Kansas City:!. J Maartje- Pool most have sensed Selina had spoken to.Pool about a friend^Miss ^ «taftfiiiify a woodcut In -an Selina'-was not asked to stay to dinner. some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photoold illustrated book she once had or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of She ws(s not asked to sit down. When" _seem i The men'Jtf^nnday trousers and she left the house her great fine eyes ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but It had coats had a sqjnate stiff angularity, Ofstiibntori of already cutting. Here back...,of the served. She had come home one snowy seemed larger and more deep-set than as though chopped out of a block. ever, and her jaw-line was set hard Western Bond-—and High stove you can dress warm." afternoon to find this shelf gone and in The women, in shawls and bonnets of . - Grade Stationery Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, against the Invasion of tears. Sudden- rusty black, -We1N*- incredibly cut In : - Omaha. Nebraska. was, Selina had set her will against with brackets intricately carved. Roelf ly she iftte^rthteyBbteago that-wanted the same pattern. The unmarried it. "I wotftgo down/1 she said i d had cut, planed,- polished, and carved none of her; tb:" brushed jpast. her, herself, shaking with the* ;colcL ~ T it in inany hours of work in the cold won't come down to dressing-behind little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop- of. sorts, fitted with ant in one of those dreadful,Russian such tools and implements as he could novels. . .. .. That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent.. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear: of thing was looked upon by Klaas in my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelfs real work like a casing of ice. -, - . in the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing.of coldframes and hotbeds for the 1 en stove!" declared Selina,' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To tills Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years later, • "Roelf, --stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing : with, absurd prominence in her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be." A stove, changed the whole course of her life. I show you. I break every stick . . From the first, • the schoolhouse dumb as a Gronlngen . . ." Roelf did'not sulk. He seemed not etove was her bete noir. Out of the welter of that first year it stood, huge to mind, particularly, but he came back and jmenacing, a black tyrants The to the carved box as soon as chance High Prairie schoolhouse in which Se- presented Itself. He was reading her Jina taught was a little more'tban a books with such hunger as to cause mile up the road beyond the Pool her to wonder if her stock would last farm. She came jo .know that, road him the winter. Sometimes, after SUQIn all its moods-rice-locked, - drifted per, when he was hammering and sawwith snow, wallowing ;in mud..- School ing away in the little shed Selina began r at half-past eight After her would snatch Maartje's old shawl off first>eek Selfnahad the mathematics the hook, and swathed in this against • f ; of her early, morning, reduced .to-the draughty chinks, she would read aloud "to him while he, carved, or talk to him least common denominator, pp.. at six. A plunge"into the' frigid gar> above the noise of his tools. Selina ments; breakfast, of. bread, chee.se, was a gay' and volatile person. . She sometimes bacon, "always rye coffee loved to make this' boy laugh'. His without cream or^sugar.." On-wlth- the _ daTk face" would flash' Into almost cloak, tnufiler, hood, mittens, galoshes. dazzling animation. Sometimes Maart-, The lunch box in' bad weather. Up je, hearing their young laughter, would the road to the-schoolhouse,. battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears into -the eyes, -plowing the drifts, slipping .on the hard ruts."and, Icy ridges in dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road In sun or rain, in wind of snow, her mind's eye was fixed" on the stove. The schoolhouse; reached, her numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The door, .opened, there smote her the schoolroom- smell—a: mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed,_. bodies, dust, mice, chalk, store-wood, Junch crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva* Into this Selina rushed, untying her mufiler as «heentered. In the little vestibule-, there was a box piled with chunks of "stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of fcerosene. The cobs served as kindling. A dozen or, more of these you soaked With kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of the 1 rusty iron potbellied stove. A match.' Up flared the corn-cobs. Now wag the moment lor a small Stick of wood; another to keep It""company. Shut" the door. Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke- ,Suspense. A blaze, then-a.crackle. The wood has caught In with a chunknow. A wait Another chunk.,.Slam Sbo Would Read Aloud io Him While Ha Carved. the .door. The. schoolbouse . fire. is Started, for the day: As' the -room ..come to the abed door and stand therea moment,.hugging, hex arms., la tier By time rolled'apron "arid smlllng/at l ;
Rev. E. Fleishman
Fleishman's Kosher Neat Market
Pool's barnyard, waiting to be a i t into Christmas m e a t - '<• '"..
The service ended, there wus much talfe of the weather, seedlings, stock, the approaching holiday season. Maartje, her Sunday dinner heavy on her mind, was elbowing her way vp the aisle. Here and there- she Introduced Selina briefly to a woman friend. "Mrs. Vander Sijde, meet school teacher." Firms advertising in "The Jewish "Aggie's mother?" Selina would be- Press" deserve your patronage^—It is gin, primly, only to be swept along by Maartje on her way to the door. TO YOUR INTEKEST to support "Mrs. Von Mijnen, meet school teach- them. er. Is Mrs. Von Mijnen." They regarded her with a grim gaze. Selina would smile and nod rather nerv"Kean Keeps Klothes fQean" ously, feeling young, frivolous, and KEAN KLEANERS somehow guilty. BAKNEY KEAN, Mgr. When, with Maartje, she reached 206 South Eighteenth Street the church porch Pervus DeJong was The Court Bouse Is Opposite unhitching the dejected horse that O Phone JA ckson 1187—Well Call was harnessed to his battered and lopsided cart. The animal stood with four feet bunched together in a drooping and pathetic attitude and eeemed inevitably meant for mating with this decrepit vehicle. DeJong untied the reins quickly, and was about to step Into the sagging conveyance when the Widow Paarlenberg sailed down the church steps with admirable speed for
Great JlmericanDeuert
V O U can serve fresh-' . • •*• ly. baked pies, the kind you like best, to your folks tonight. Just get in touch with your 'grocer. He has them— .Rushton's Famous Pies.
<AtT&ur Qroccrs*
> ; These pies made. with the flakiest of trusts -aiid filled with fresh fruit are just brimming o v e r with luscious goodness. "Order a Rushton's Pie and see for yourself.
--at y o u r grocer's —at your restaurant
of crater
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W. J. YATES COMPANY Phone AT. 1892
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Baker Ice Machines "Manufactured in OmaJia" BAKER ICE MACHINE CO.
E. E; Bruce & Co.
Carpenter Paper Co.
one so amply proportioned. She mad. straight for him, skirts billowing, flounces flying, plumes waving. Maartje clutched Selina's arm. "Look how she mates I She asks him to eat Sunday dinner I bet yout See once how he makes with his head no," (To Be Continued Next Week)
Call us for good
MICKLTN LUMBER CO. 24th & Burdette Sts. WE. 5555
Council Bluffs Savings Bank OUR rKiSATKENT WTLX. CONT1NCB TOO OB" OUK 81NOKK1TX. Trust Department. Safety Deposit Box
THE BRINN & JENSEN CO. Wholesale paper distributors for
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AT-lsntic 6409
Temptation Besets You When You Enter CANDIES ICE CREAM . LUNCHES
Candy land
HORD CREAMERY CO. BUTTER find EGGS Council Bluffs, la.
16th and Farnam Streets
Crystal Candy Company 16th and Capitol Are.
Dayton Scales and Slicers LOUIS ADLER,.Mgr. 510 So. 10th St. Jackson 8332
WANTED Several married men between ages of 25 and 35. Guaranteed salary and commission. Company's figures show earnings of men better than $50 per week. If you want to work hard apply.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. F. Leventhal, Manager 840 Brandeis Thea. BIdg., Omaha.
Phone JA ckson 0043
.—Effec&rely —Accurately
214 Sooth 18th St.
Omaha. Nebr.
NAT MEISTER writes all kinds of
Interstate Prmting Co. 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Omaha, Nebr.
•fl hope next Shovuoth To be in the Land of Israel" YOUR PRAYER ANSWERED
IS Days to Palestine Allowing 20 days in Holy Land and Egypt STOPOVER AT NAPLES. NEXT SAILINGS
INSURANCE SERVICE WITH EACH Pdl>3CT. 711 W. O. W. Bldg. Jackson 1313.
frULSE & RIEPEN Funeral Directors 2224 Cuming St. Phone JA ckson 1226.
PAXTON-MITCHBLL CO. S7tQ and Uartba Cits, KA. Maonteotarexv ct {trass, Bronn, Unmlnam and Soft Gray Iron Casting*, we nuMihiit* «om* from «very drat In too mxv aaenred of soft castings, M 'at n r i abop. Standard slc<> east iron' and bronjte onshlnca In atoefc.
Second Class
First Class
Strictly Kosher — Synagogue — Movies
AMERICAS PALESTINE LINE 1493 Broadway, N. Y Cat 43rd St.)
p «r. VJ wrr*
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. O3MTLETE STORE AMD OFFICE OUTFTTTERS m e T0.QM Elerontb «o« naoclat Street*. Fbrni«> Jachwm fTT4 OMAHA, ITEB.