I regard ideas only in my struggles; to thepersons of ,my opponents I aih indifferent. —Ernst Haeckel. OMAHA, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 16, ,1925
Subscription Price, a Year, $2£0.
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the J oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have electric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their Reservations Now of an agreement concluded with the Euttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is being sponsored by the Jew—"Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open >oint .of the Monday morning. Already more than tprs of the fifteen boys have applied for admite defense' of reat power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many bhe necessity August' 9 more boys a»-e needed. All those deation within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply of Jewish Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofr ie- Semj-with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. * concerning be held Sunday, Augusts, at the GerThe camp will be located near Na• 3 i is was . con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and expie for the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Nadi h tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in off the of local Jewry. The identity withheld until Authe research department under ProIto the com- couple will be fessors Corper and Sewal. gust 9. paesed by r-' The tents have been completed with Prizes of value will be given to the of. .Jewish an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any agree- be1 held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 dub's,. repDancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. "The Jewish Welfare Federation is iment was and evening and a musical and vaudeville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William within the picnic grounds in the evening. R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We Competition of .the ticket selling 'first phrase ;d from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to adhering as Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some of the local boys nave never had a first place. vacation and this will afford them one il' steps with The contestants' standings are as £ * out in the open where they gain vif the Polish follows: tality and store themselves full of made an Joe Rosenthal 6,600 pep for the coming winter." the Polish Kate Goldstein .........6,500 j Kosher meals will be served at the ceremonies Sara Somberg -——5,800 camp and on Saturday morning .; Morris Fine -— - -5,800 * The first prize of- thfl contest will .lar services will be conducted. Theso Club he a«roux«lstftlp ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the ditake place. Calif., and, the, second, prize will be a rector. There will be regular swimby a capable- i»atr«etoe, riraod-trip- to-GbJotad*-Springs.•---—at-part in Several hundred out-of-town guests ball games and Wkes during the afterad -foi"' this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfire stories. |y was post- and Sioux City, la. Skrzynski, The committee in charge of the picostpdne bis nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. pr tv^o days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rasnick, Harry Trustin Candidate icipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas the presi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, IS jsb Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under It will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest I the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion, vhich is niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the isters, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conion of the Jewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in. on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion work. He is a member of A report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. Polish Resion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 150 ities in the community has spent the sum of votes, and , campaigners for tTrustir; 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be boughf, |s expressed JewisTi academic youth studying in from.Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion this' agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- Headquarters for their candidate. the agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and their on, by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and help i formula, Medicine during the. past year. him win in •this popularity contest," ity. of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. ; , . [atus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST . the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY Ukrainian PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST Jy would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPRO-ZION DECLARATION Jews as the estine was for the month of June, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protest according to figures made known here. against the concluded Polish Jewish Four thousand and two hundred imOther leaders also expressed doubt concerning ,,the effectiveness . of the migrants arrived-in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the Nation" al Democratic Party in an interpellaagreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliaber! of the Koio, in an interview with the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narodrespondent, predicted that . a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the N«~ within the Club.'• of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish will be inevitable fin the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. The interpellation protests against the Sejm,will again convene. It will reception will be.given in their honor. the "conclusion of the agreement with then be apparent that the agreement reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forDeputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor;" and says "the Jews vcmvi the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state without an agreement." The Club of th* he stated. • , .. , Buffalo. , National Democratic Party also in~ troduced another interpellation into the Parliament asking the Prime Mte* ister and the Foreign Minister for tHs reason that the letter addressed to Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the ExThis issue of The Jewish Press contains a special ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ization", endor^g" the Zionist move* Center Building. This special section contains photoment. No reply has yet been given graphs of work on building, officers and directors, by the government to these interpelc speakers of the .cornerstone celebration, arid news of lations.
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew CluV Picnic
- • * •
s; . 1
eraltnen licenseaby the city. In 1836 he-was .made Fellow of the Eoyal Society. The next year he was elected sheriff of the city of London and was knighted the same, year by. Queen Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he was created »' baronet. He died at Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885.
In Commemoration the Laying of the Cornerstone Sunday, July 19,
Royal Decree. All persons between the age of 18 and 30 are eligible for enrollment and the duration of the service is two years. A number of persons have already enlisted,
100 PER CENT INCREASE IN PALESTINE JEWISH POPUOBITUARY. LATION IN FOUR YEARS Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph , Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Fogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in of Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, was disBesides her mother, Mrs.'.Fo«fel is closed by a census made by the stasurvived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Ziondaughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. her brothers, Samuef H., Robert A., The< Jewish population in Palestine and sisters. Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. bertha of Omaha. The estimate is based on government figures, but the actual number Mr. ahd,Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux is believed to be considerable higher. Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. n 1914 t h s Levich had teen visiting here" for a „ * + .fiJ^Jh^pop?1*tl™ -^ de lie w 84 60 mohfch with hfeT sister, Mrs. E. A. ? ? ' ° " b f **?? °f t " the Meyer, ana Mr'. Meyer. Mr. Levich' g*?* War saw only 57,900. A joined her here and spent the we»i-«™ tob « fact w the increase in popula', . cion during the first five months of ' "nd. 1925, which exceeds the total itnmiMiss Rose Grodinsky ,is" visiting Lgi-ation.-for 1924 and-.any_precflding •' -friends'in Atlantic City. >car.
DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A discovery made by a British archaeologist, an Oxford student'and pupil of Lord Balfour,: during excavations of' the British School of Archaeology here, may lend weight to the pro-evolution argument in the Tennessee anti-evolution trial. The front part of a ...primitive', human skull was discovered during excavations by Mr. Turville-Petre in a cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among Mousterian flint deposits. The skull is characterised by a prodigious development of the supra-orbital prominences and depressed forehead as in a chimpanzee, and conforms closely with the* Neanderthal European type not previously found on the continent of Asia. Professor Garstand, Director ofthe School, who was a witness of Mr. Turville-Petre's discovery,'^confirmed its scientific value. Mr. Tarville-Petre, formerly of Oxford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.s i^rette, is now a student at the •British School of Archaeology,.Jeru,salem*
s A . . - n
: •
raged thousands of American citizens. The*Klan murders at Mer Rouge, rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in memory. The excesses committed by these night prowlers, in other states are a stench in the nostrils of good citizenry. • Religious orders have been permitted to parade in Washington and, rightly so. But this order uses re-, ligion for irreligious purposes. What an anomaly! Washington rejoiced that in the newly formed United States every man would WOT-ship as his conscience dictated and there would "be none to make him afraid." . Yet, there is to be permitted, upon your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, in. the shadow of. the monument erected to the memonry of Washington, arch foe of religious intolerance, rites tending to destroy everye vestige of toleration. ,; Very truly ^yours, (Signed) Emanuel Celler, Tenth District, New York. PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS.f
Notice to Our Readers
the. history of the Jewish Community Center in Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press will be received by every Jewish family in Omaha.
The Misses Edith Sussman - sm& Ethel Stol«r-entertained last afternoon at the home of the- latte? in honor of Miss Rose Lcvine, ofsSiWtt; City, la . ' -~—^r-*- *"i-1 v
•• ^ - ^ l ? £ | i * l ^
I tlie cMdrea faitlTed the! Ttboia; war. Selina 'hadseen ^erWlf,;'dignifiedi ^'t* geatler •'•'instructfngi a:,roomful: <ofDutch chentosV^ tt^. simpler,- elements of :ieart>Jng. "-Bt&it;is difficult to be dignified and? gra&ore-wtfenVyou are s u ^ i & g from'<*Ubh^s.-7"Selina :f^ r ^cttm^to\thls>Jsorja^<^(}o^oi^ as 'did every,child in the Yoom.' ,,;She sat at"-.'the' battered% -pine-* desk' or moved itf)out, a little 'lce-wopl -shawl arddnd'Tier shoulders .when";the -wind was cwrong and the stove balky..* Her white little -face, seemed whiter' In contrast .with the bfackjfolds of this i somber garment. Her slim hands were rough ;and chapped." The oldest child.-In the room was thirteen^.the youngest Ifour and .a' half. " \ • Earjy^jii, the'wlnter^elina liad had the-, unfortunate-idea of - opening the ice-locked: windows at intervals,-and giving, the children five minuteV of exercise while the fresh• cold-'air O , Doubled**-, !"»»« & Co.) cleared brains and room, at,'once. WHU S«rvic«. Arms waved ^wildly, heads wobbled, short, legs worked vigorously.* At the ena~ of theVeejb-twenty High:Rrairie SYNOPSIS parents.sent:protests, by. note.or word CHAPTER t—Introducing- "So Blrf1 of mouth. -Jan^d-Ccirnelius/jKatrina CDlrk DeJons) In hU infanoy. And his and Aggie went-to*, school >, to learn motn«r, Sellna DeJong, daughter ot reading and writing arid1 numbers, not Blmeon Feake, Rambler and gentleman of fortune. Her life, to young woman- to stand with1 open windows in the
comprehending make ' e In, and* x
Be His Memory
down." •" She
Baeli slid slowly, over
oak/board. . of shaving a am ji man, buyjiny moth in a store in put it on ere day? and sit fine,stitches 1 "Yfhat else you;~grow thatlhe w fnL;; "Drive the market" "Oh, Roelf "Siire. Al —twice with with'Pop. seventeen or At five in the at nine you There all There are" dice* and ca ing you are commission na hood In Chioago In 1888, haa been un- w i n t e r . . • _ " ' • conventional, somewhat BQwny. .'•tut the grocery i generally enjoyable. At sonool her On the Pool farm the winter work, tt I Julie H e l d h t cttum Is Hempel. daughter off had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago youVi August Hempel,l b butcher, Simeon Is Roelf!" killed In a quarrel that Is not his own. with winter vegetables only once a d Sellna, S l l a nineteen years old and pointed. andweek now. He and Jakob and Roelf practically destitute, becomes a school"Here. Lool teacher. were storing potatoes and cabbages in a dusty > underground; repairing fences; preCHAPTER II—Sellna secures a posidenlyishy agt tion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring school, In tho outskirts of Chicago, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheet of coan living at the home of a truck farmer, he had sketc Klaas Pool. In Roelf, twelve years been Koelf who had taught Sellna to old, son of Klaas, Sellna perceives a build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee of gr kindred spirit, a lover ot beauty, like gone with her on that first morning, gons -.piled . h herself. . ' had started the flre, filled the water men id overal pail, initiated her in the rites of corn- gas torches, Chapter HI cobs, kerosene, and dampers. A shy, stab jpf pen him. iThe Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- that achlev< erately to woo him to friendship. ber it was the same. A.t six o'clock: pie of'.the "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan"Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peafee!" Sellna was hoe.' Would you like to read it?" "I'm up I" Selina would call in what Oncfe, , eari "Well, I don't get much time." she meant to be a gay voice, through went into to* "You wouldn't have to hurry. Right sudden revol chattering teeth. • there in the house. And there's another "You better come down and dress Ings and a grj called The Three Musketeers.*" where is •warm here by the stove." the dirt and He was trying not to appear pleased; Chicago. B Peering down the perforations in the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the KlaasSdrove i lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung. five miles dil the drum, Seliha could vaguely descry Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna untiTSiundayJ Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought,; or fisherman, must have ten Julie Hei touched at an Italian port or Spanish there had bC gaze upturned. . ." That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes town she wei invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had house."^ Mrs. tween horror and mirth. -'Tm not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- her in?the haj cold, really. I'm almost dressed. Fll erlands to crop out now in this wistful out ofjtown sensitive .boy. . ....•• be down directly." friend Selina had spoken to Pool about a Sellna" Maartfc Pool must have sensed some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her • photo- She wats not or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of shelettthe ter. "Pool and Jakob are long but board, very crude and ugly, but it had seemed; large already cutting. Here back .of the served. She had come home one snowy ever, i&d b : afternoon to find this shelf gone and in against the 1 stove you can dress warm." • Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one. ly she^twciT' was, Sellna had set her will against With brackets intricately carved. Roelf none of h it. "I Won'r go down,** she said to had. cut, planed,- polished, and carved herself, shaking with; the" cold;'.'•" *1 It In many hours of work in the cold won't come down t o dressing- * behind tittle shed off the kitchen. He had 1 the kitchen stove like.a—like apeas- there a workshop-.of. sorts,- fitted with ant in one of those dreadful.Russian such -tools and implements as he could novels. . . .. That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . T h e Pools are farm, yet. often at night Selina could • good and kind and decent. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelfs real work In the-shed was the making and mendlike a casing of ice. "But I won't dress behind the kitch- ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove 1" declared Sellna, '• glaring early spring plants. Whenever.possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck.her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years later, • "Roelf, >.stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem-. them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory.V That might, well be. v A stovei I show you. I break'every stick . « V changed the whole course of her life. dumb as a Groningen . . . ."•' Roelf did not solk. He seemed not ' From the first,- the schoolhouse stove was her bete noir. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year It stood, huge to the carved box as soon "as chance and/menacing, a black tyrant/. The presented Itself. He was reading-her High Prairie schoolhouse In which-Se- books with such hunger as to cause;;: lina taught ..was allittle more'than a her to wonder if her stock wouldi tt?t . mile up the road beyond the: Pool him the winter. Sometimes. after;SU"p-| farm. She came Jto Jnipw that, road per, when he was hammering and.sia^'i In all its moods—ice-locked,-drifted Ing away In the little shed;ASi?1^8 with snow,- wallowing.in mud..- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl'tS| began. at half-past eight. After her' the hook, and swathed In. this agatta| first;week Selina' had the mathematics clraughty chinks, she.Vou)ldlieaid ' of'her early, morning, reduced .to- the. "to Him while he; carved, oistalfe" least coafmpn' 'denominator. tJpl at •above the poise of' hia*tcw4fc^| six. • A plunge into the' frigid gar- was a gay'and volatileipeiisd ments; breakfast, of. bread, cheese, loved^.to makei this" boyiiai :sometlmes bacon, -always-rye- coffee'.1 dark face v would flash' intS',,.-^.^^ without cream p-j- sugar..- On-with- the:" dazzling animation. Sometimes. Maartcloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. Je, hearing, their young laughte^ |jr6uld The lunch box in' bscd weaither. " Up the^road -tOK the - schoolhouse, -battling'• the prairie wind that whipped -the 'tears into .-the eyes, plowing the' drifts, : slipping .on the hard ruts. and. icy fridges in,dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road In sun or rain, lnwind or snow/her .'; mind's ;eye was fixed on ihe stove. S; The schoolhouse reached, her numbed '•% jarigers wrestled with the rusty Ioct .. -The doorJogenedr there^smbte her. the •jBchoplroont smell—a-mhigUng of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed .1 bodies,
w dasjt; mice, chalk, stove-wood, Juncii; --^'ccald^sf'.'/lnol'd, slate that has beeh~ v'waihed with sailval Into this Selina ^ rrishea^ untying her muffler as •she'en^iteradi In theC little Trestibule cithere ;4? wai avbox piled with chunks of:stovie'•iK\m^d:Iand anbtherj heaped; with" dried : ^fecoba;^: Alongside; this a xian of 3wfee^o]sene.i The cobs-serreii^ asv kinSlaiingy^ A dozen or,mpre of these:you i'^?W6ake<3'v^wlth ';;fceroseae" and "stuffed
S? sbeiliefi:'^tove.:;.;A :majtcbiTJp flared ^ S th^cbrn-cobs>?^ow7was the moment ^Jtfo^i^sniM^ck^f^wood; another to >" ; ^ ^ n ; - i ^ S ^ n l ^ y - ^Shnt^the vdbpr; ^•©r^gbts^vf'Pamperat'i^Smoker; V^Sus-K^s&S^^lazfe^^a:crackle,s^The '"^'-'
'• ^.^tS^nbther^^unlc-iSl^nr
ctt a Bcmquet Given in HisHonor:
Friends: _„ . J .' You are very kind to nae._ More kind than I expect and perhaps more kind than I deserve. The work that I have been doing in the interest of the community and in my official connection with the Jewish Welfare Federation has found its reward in the pleasure that it gives me, and demonstrations of your esteem for me are neither expected nor necessary, for by your co-operation with me from month to month and from year to year you have shown your respect for the causes that are ours, yet I cannot adequately express my appreciation of this tribute. It will always linger with me as a fond memory. It pleases me most because it shows that the community does appreciate efforts in its behalf. For some time, and particularly during the last few years, because of my connection with the Jewish Welfare Federation and its allied activities, I have had an opportunity to observe asd become familiar with the needs and the problems of the Jewish Community. One of these problems which has stood out in bold relief in my mind, is the need for a Jewish Community Center in a building of pur own, where recreation facilities will be afforded not only to the boys and girls of all ages, but to the adult members of our community as well.
pacity of our. quarters and the facilities ±hat we possess. It has been my dream and the hope of most of the men actively associated with me, that in the not far off future the establishment of this most important Jewish Communal Enterprise would be effected. Having lived in Omahsf the greater, and undoubtedly the better portion of my life; having enjoyed at the hands of my fellow Jewish citizens here every kindness, respect and courtesy that could be shown to one, and being prompted by a desire to serve this community in a way that will be. substantial and of everlasting benefit, I have concluded to devote a part of the property that I accumulated here to the establishment of a permanent institution. I had concluded to make announcement of my intentions this fall after my return from my trip to Europe, but when advised of this dinner, I oonelBded to make the announcement here and "now, and accordingly I shall hand your toastmaster this statement over my signature, in and by which statement I do subscribe and pledge the sum of $50,000.00 for a Jewish Community Center Building in Omaha, to be paid to the Treasurer of the Jewish Community Center, on condition only that within six (6) months from this date there shall be raised in pledges not less than $150,000.00 additional. The work we have-been doing in rented June 15, 1922. ; quarters is an inspiration to those who are familiar with it. It is, of course, limited by the ca(Sfened) MORRIS LEVY.
'Order a Rushtb4's Pie : a n dg e efor yQur self. —at yoiar grocer's —at your restaurant
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Strictly Kosher — Synagogue —• Movies
AMERICAN PALESTINE. UNE 1493 Broadway, N.Y Cat 43ri St.)
10,000 sqaaa* Cwt
Biewntb «n* R m d a t itticet*. rbmi*> -»«ck«aa |1t* OMAHA. RSB.
JULY 16, iS25—PAGE 3
Architect of Building
Our Chief Cornerstone By WILLIAM TL. BLUMENTHAL • Executive Secretary, Jewish Community Center
The entire Jewish Community of Omaha is rejoicing that we are ready for the laying of the cornerstone of the hew Jewish Community Center Bxulding. Already two stories have been erected, the third .story will be =up before August 1, the roof on early ithis falL and the building ready for occupancy before the first of the year. A generation-long dream has been translated into reality; a visionary ideal has been evolved into a concrete actuality. KnaHy a. home is being completed where Jewish ideals -mil not only be taught, bat will also be lived, A home is being built where bid and young will gather in t i e spirit of mutual helpfulness myj of service,—helpfulness and service from wMch feey will gain strength and inspiration. In this; new Community Center we are going: to, provide for fiie moral, the spiritual, the mental, and the physical development of our youth so that they may be good Jews and good citizens. The Center will provide opportunity for self-development and for recreation for the normal, self-respecting, intelligent young Jews and Jewesses. The Center -will bring in contact our future leaders with the present, so that the younger. generation may imbibe from the older the spirit and the ideal of Jewish service. The Center will obliterate 3mes that divide the old from the young, the •weak from the strong, and weld them into a harmonious unit. II. .Our great achievement brings home i » us a sublime lesson. And that is: Have Faith in the Jewish Community. No matter what the obstacles may be i3se perseverance of the leaders of the Commnnity -vill win. Tremendoushave been the obstacles and the discouragements in the path of the erection of our Community Center. But we have won. Credit is due to the indefatigable leaders whose vision and strength of purpose have brought us so close to the completion of our task. We must now redouble our energies to finish the job we have so auspiciously begun. Let us resolve to strengthen the hands of the officers and of the Board of Directors so that all the funds outstanding on pledges Tnade may be quickly collected and the construction proceed at the rapid rate - set thus far. • : ; m. I In this Center, our "Jewish Town :EaU", will be the meeting place for dll elements and groups of Jews ..whether they be B'nai B'rith, Hebrew . giub, Zionist, Y. M. H. A. ; Y. W. H. A., -or the various social service forces . sponsored by the Welf are: Federation. Our Center furnishing a home and facilities for cultural anii, recreational ; activities wSl also render service and {establish contacts which w2l make the* .'place of the Jew in the community "Setter understood and appreciated. "•"^ :KLs .presence -desirable anld welcome."'' 1 i In dedicating the Jewish Coxa"jnunity Center at "Washingtonrecently, President Coolldge addressed the •Jews and the country at large as follows: "You are .planting a home for - iJ*t» community service, fixing a center from -which shall go forth the radiations of milled effort for adyancement in milture, in education, abd social opportunity. Here will be the seat of organized influence' for the preservation of and dissemination of all that is best and most use-
ful, of all that Is leading and enlightening in the culture and philosophy of this 'peculiar people' who have so greatly given to the advancement of humanity." AH Jews who have contributed funds and services to build this magnificent home are" proud today. Through these men the Omaha Jewish Community' is establishing for itself a place in the son. A united Omaha Jewry has made possible the success, thus far achieved, and a united Omaha Jewry wHl maintain that success.
Alfred Blow
I regard ideas only Inmy struggles; to the persons, of, my opponents I am indifferent. —Ernst HaeckeL
Millwork for BuMig Millwork for the Jewish Community Center building is being made in Omaha by Alfred Bloom Co. The Alfred Bloom Co. i? thirty-two years old and employs more than one hundred men. Besides the millwork, the Alfred Bloom Co. has equipped many of the local stores with their fixtures. Many of Omaha's residential homes have been equipped with millwork made at tie Alfred Bloom Co. _1 At the present time the Alfred Bloom Co. is furnishing the mflrwork for the Knights of Columbus building, the South High School, HBnne Lusa School and many others.;
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a popuCHASSIDIC SABBI GP lation of about 6,000, will have elecPALESTINE WEHES T& Warsaw. (J. T. A.) The issuance —Heyn Photo tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their ENTEB LABOS FARTT icy As of the government ordinances to bring JAMES L. ALLAN of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now Part Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The remarkabout a betterment of t i e political, Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. able transformation which is taking cultural and economic status of Polish LUIGI LUZATTI HONORED The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS Jewry as promised by Prime Mtnfray BY ITALIAN KING place among the masses emigrating vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterBY GrabsM xiuring the exchange of decALREADY RECEICED Hem*. {J. T. A.) Laigi Lnzatti, from Poland to Palestine is Sktstrated ling to the colony for this purpose. larations ratifying the Polish Jewish Italian Jewish statesman and former in the case of the ChassJdic Rabbi of EIES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, agreement, will be delayed for some Prime Minister of Italy, was honored Koziniee. The rabbi, who belrmgs t» which is.being sponsored by the Jew—"Adhering time. by King Victor Emanuel when the an old family of Chassidic miracle ish Welfare. Federation, will open Kant of the •workers, recently immigrated to PalThe question of these ordinances is Sing opened one of the main streets Monday morning. Already more than igrs of. the to be discussed at a meeting of the in Borne which, will be named after estine from Poland with twenty famfifteen boys have applied for admite.-defense'of ilies of las followers, for the purgovernmental department for Nation- Luzatti. . ., tance to the camp. The camp will be Teat power, German Home Park, Picnic at al Minorities. A meeting of this deThe ceremony, which was arranged pose of settling on the land near maintained for one month and many iie necessity August partment was called July 9. It was, by Jihe Italian Housing Co-operative, Haifa and engaging in agriculture. more boys we needed. All those deation within ioweveE, postponed for l i e next day founded by Luzatti, was attended by The rabbi has now announced his inOne of the interesting events to fee siring to go to the camp can apply of:-, Jewish and nas now been again postponed . a number of prominent persons. The tention to enter with his group into presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofSejm estabthe Histadruth Ha'ovidim, the Jewish: far t&e purpose of collecting- the necie Semi with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. essary. ; containing photographs of the street. labor organization of Palestine. w concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the GerThe camp -will be located near Nais- was . con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exaplefor the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be •: interests of"park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in t© the com- couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Professors Corper and Sewal. passed by gust 9. Prizes of value will be given to the The tents have been completed with of Jewish an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any the agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. dub's.rep"The Jewish Welfare Federation is rument was and evening and a musical and vaudeville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards "helping the community," said William within the picnic grounds in -the evening. 'first phrase Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We ed from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some as first place. of the local boys have never had » The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one steps with out in the open where they gain viof the Polish follows: tality and store themselves full of Joe Rosenthal 6,600 made an pep for the coming winter." Kate Goldstein ... ...6,500 the Polish Sara Somberg ._5,800 ceremonies Kosher meals will be served at ths Morris Pine 5,800 ,becamp and pn Saturday morning reguaf the goy- "The first prize of.the contest will lar services will be conducted. These *>f "the Clob be a<round--trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the diplace. Calif*, and the second prize will be a rector. There will be regular swimrbuud-trjp to Calorado Springs. •aang lesson* by a c&pabfe instructs?, Several hundred out-bf-town guests ball games and hikes during the afterit part in for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfire stories. was post- and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the picSkrzynsM, one his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rasnick, ffarry Trustm Candidate cipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an oversew* i the presi- Steinberg. show, -will be shown here July 11, IS sh Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under t will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Tost No. 1 of ! conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contesi the Section Budapest, (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being1 sponsored by the Legion, srhich is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the ers, and Numerns Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gren- Legion, has been entered by th.-> eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conSon of the Jewish Students, created as a result test Mr. Trustin is prominent in the other of the Numerns Clausus. Legion work. He is a member til Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. s' the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for CO a the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trust-in 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be expressed JewisTi academic youth studying in from Dr. A. Greenberg o r «t this agree- •universities abroad. Seventy-fo«r Htm- Headquarters for their candidate. the agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and thpi? by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and heirs s formula, Medicine during the_ past year. him win in this popularity contest,'* of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary oi" Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. itus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST I the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY Jy would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST lews as the estine was for the month of June, PRO-ZION DECLARATION Warsaw, (J. T. • A.) A according to figures made known here. licensed by the' city, in 1836 ! Other leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im» against the concluded Polish - • , . ARCHAEOLOGICAL raged thousands of American citizens. concerning -the effectiveness , of the migrants arrived-in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the he-was .made Fellow of the-Royal So- Royal Decree. DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM All persons betweei* the age of 18 The-Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., ciety. The next year he was elected al Democratic Party in an interpe!?«Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A discovery rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in agreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. and 30 are eligible for enrollment and sheriff of the city of London and was ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliamade by a British" archaeologist,-an knighted the same, year by Queen the duration of the - service is two Oxford student'and pupil of Lord Bal- the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narori Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he years: A number of persons have four, during excavations of-the Brit- memory. The excesses committed by respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Nathese night prowlers in other states •was created a' baronet. He died at already enlisted, ish School of Archaeology here, may are a stench in the nostrils of good within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885. will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN lend weight to the pro-eyolutioji ar- citizenry. the Sejm,will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. The interpellation protests again*! PALESTINE JEWISH POPUgument in the' Tennessee "anti-evoluReligious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement OBITUARY. the "conclusion of the agreement •with LATION IN FOUR YEARS tion trial. Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as vdth a forThe front part of a primitive, hu- mitted to parade in Washington and, reached between the Club of Jewish Fogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in man skull was discovered during ex- rightly so. But this order uses re- Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor," and says "the Jews irni*4 of Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in cavations by Mr. Turville-Petre in a ligion for irreligious purposes. the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withWhat an anomaly! Washington he stated, • , died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among .„ out an agreement." The Club of th* Buffalo. rejoiced that in the newly formed in Cheyenne. National Democratic Party also inJanuary, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis- Mousterian flint deposits. ?, United States every man would worBesides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closed by a census made by the statroduced another interpellation in** The skull is characterized by^ a prosurvived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion- digious development of the supra-or- jship as his conscience dictated and the Parliament asking the Prime Mtedaughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. ister and the Foreign Minister for ifc* bital prominences and depressed fore- there would "be none to make him her brothers, Samuef H., Robert A., reason that the letter addressed *e Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and con- afraid." and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. Yet, there is to be permitted, npon Namun Sokolow, Chairman of the 15*:forms closely with the* Neanderthal This issue of The Jewish Press contains a special bertha of Omaha. ecutive of the World Zionist OrgimThe estimate is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, 24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community j n . the shadow of the monument ization, iendor^r»g the Zionist movement figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia.^ A Mr. and Mre. A. R. Levich, of Sioux Center Building. This special section contains photoerected to the memonry of Washing-, ment. No reply has yet been iW is believed to be considerable higher. Professor Garstand, Director of ~lhe Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs* graphs of work on building, officers and directors, ton, arch foe of religious-intolerance, by the government to these In 1914 the. Jewish population in School, who was a witness of Mr. Levich had been visiting here for aj speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of lations. ««t the end of Turville-Petre's discovery, confirmed rites tending to destroy everye vesmonth With her sister, Mrs. E. A . l ^ „ the. history of the Jewish Community Center in tige of toleration. C reat W a r B a w o n l y 5 7 9 O a A its scientific value. Meyer, and Mr. Meyer. Mr. Levich l wt htea W *c f a e t l t h e ' Omaha. The Misses Edith Susetnan Very truly .yours, Mr. Turville-Petre, formeriy of Oxjoined her here and spent the w e e r * " «; increase in populaThis issue of The Jewish Press will be received Ethel Stolor-entertained last «nfa ' •, , don during the first five monthts of ford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.x (Signed) Emanuel Celler, by every Jewish famfly in Omaha. afternoon at the home of the lattft? . 11925,. which exceeds the total immi- <-\rette, is now a student at the Tenth District, New York. Miss Rose Grodinsky -is visiting' in honor of Miss Rose Levine, of Skms British School of Archaeology,.Jeru» ior 1Q24 and-any_.Erecfiding. /:th friends in Atlantic City. City, la salem. PATRONIZE OUR ADVEUT1SERS-'
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Plaster Work
Notice to Our Readers
SECTION 1—THE JEWISH PRESS. THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925—PAGE 4 ^iiiimmmiiiimiiimimiMiiiiiiUH the children .arrived: the. room was comprehendl] • *3*on make livable. i ' ' l '- • > ' •!£onie In, Sellna. - had seen herself, dignified-, j|yet * gentlef-instructing; a roomful 'Of myjtoox and: j i a v e h; Butch cherubs--in~ the_ simpler elements of .learning. Bat it. is difficult to be' dignified drid-gracious; wheajyou down." She Eoelf slid are snaring from'chilblains^ 1 Selina. slowly, over fejl, victim -.to .this- «orjdld-.discomfort, as'did every, child in the'"room." She oak; board, sat at--the 1 battered * pine." ue'sk' or of shaving a moved without, a little •Ice--w6ol -shawl am ja. man, a around Ser shoulders when'.the.wind buy<my motl .was iwrong and-the stove balky.,; Her In a-store ii white little face, seemed whiter' In put It on contrast .with the biagkjfolds' of this day)' and sit somber garment. Her slim hands flne';stitches els* were rough-and chapp;ed.c The oldest child.-In the room was. thirteen,..the you^grow u thatVbe won youngest .four and .a' half. • Early in. the1 wiuter'Selfna had had "Drive th the-.unfortunate-Idea of-opening the EDNA FERBER ice-lockeds windows at intervals( :«nd market" "Oh, Eoelf giving the children five minutes^ of "Sure. Air. exercise while the freshcold--air (@, Doubled*?, P»f o & Co.) cleared brains -and room, at/once. —twice with Arms waved ,. wildly, heads wobbled, with" Pop. shprt legs worked "vigorously/ At the seventeen or L ena'of' the week tjventy fllgh:P_rairie At five In the? SYNOPSIS parents. sentrprotestV by. note.or word at nine yon CHAPTER r—Introdncinff "So Bio" of mouth. -Jan-and-ComelIus;;Katrina There all nlgi (Dirk DeJong) in his infancy. And bis There are" gi motKer, aellna DeJong, daughter of: and Aggie went-to".school.,to learn Simoon Peake, srambler and gentleman reading and' writing aria* numbers, not dice and cart of fortune. Her life, to young womanyou are r hood-}n Chicago In 1888, has beon un- to stand "with open windows in the Ing commission n conventional, somewhat BWny, -.but winter. ' generally enjoyable. At aohool' her On the Pool farm the winter work, the grocery i ctiiun Is Julie Hompel. daughter of August Hempel. butcher; Simeon. is had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago you I" killed in a quarrel that Is not his own, Eoelf!" £ and- Sellna, nineteen ye»r» old and with winter vegetables only once a pointed. practically destitute, become* a aehool- week now. He and Jakob and Koelf teacher. . "Here. were storing potatoes and cabbages CHAPTER II—Sellna.secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pre- In a dusty b tion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring denly.shy agi school, In tho outskirts of Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer. planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheet of coar Kiaas Pool. In Ho elf, twelve years been Eoelf who had taught Selina to he had sket old, son of Klaas, Sellna perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like, build the schoolhouse ore. He had a melee of gz herself. . ' gone with her'on that first morning, gons -piled 1 had started the fire, filled the water men In overa Chapter III pail, initiated her in the rites of corn- gas torches, cobs, kerosenej and dampers.., A shy, stub of peni Every morning thronghont Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- him. ..The that achlevi ber It was the same. At sis o'clock:: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peake I" "Roelfi I have a book called 'Ivan- pie of_the 1 Selijla wi 'Tm upt" Sellna would caH in what hoe.' Would you lite to read it?" Oncfc, , earl she meant; to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Right went into to "You better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another sudden revol Ings and a g: called The Three Musketeers.*". where Is warm here by the stove." Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the dirt an< the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Chicago. lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung. Klaas »;drove the drum, Sellna could vaguely descry, Some Dutch- sailor ancestor, Selina five miles d Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have until Sunday v gaze upturned. , " touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten Julie He That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there had b invitation,' Sellna had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had town she we tween horror and mirth. -'Tm not skipped layer on layer of placid Keth- houser Mrs. cold, really. I'm almost dressed, n i erlands to crop out now in this wistful her In4he hi out of..towi be down directly." , sensitive .boy. Maartje- Pool must have sensed Selina had spoken to Pool about a friend,Miss some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo- Sellna-was n ov, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He bad put up a.rough bit of She wsts not ter. "Pool and Jakob are long but board, very crude and ugly, but It had she left the already cutting. Here back" of the served. She had come home one snowy seemed-1 stove you can dress warm." . afternoon to find this shelf gone and In ever, and hi Shivering and tempted though she Its place a smooth and polished one, against the was, Sellna had set her will "against with brackets intricately carved. Eoelf ly she it.; **I Won't' go dbwn/^she said to had cut, planed,- polished, and carved none of h herself,""^hakjng with- the" cold;" T It in inany hours of woVk in the cold won't come down "to dressing- .behind little shed off •the kitchen. He had the' kitchen stove: like - a—like a peas- there a workshop- of: sorts,; fitted with ant in one of those dreadful ..Russian such-tools and implements as be could novels. . . .; That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work: on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent. . . ' B u t faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she bad gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon .by Klaas' In my arms. Oh, dear,. this corset's Pool as foolishness. Boelf s real work like a casing of ice. -, in the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove J" declared Selina,' giarlng early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his. own. To this Klaas Pool out at'it (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." . . When she thought back, years later, ' "Roelf, 'Stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem-. them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be." A stove, I show you. I break every stick . * . changed the whole course of her life. dumb as a Groningen . . ." ', From the first, - the schoolhouse Roelf did not sulk. He seemed not stove was her bete noir. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year It stood, huge to the carved.box as soon as chance and menacing, a black tyrant^ The presented Itself. He was reading her High Prairie schoolhouse in which-Se- ; books with such hunger as to cause llna taught was a. little more'than a her to wonder if her stock would last mile up the road beyond the: Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after supfarm. She came to .know that, road per, when he was hammering and sawIn all its moods—ice-locked, - drifted Ing away In the little shed Sellna with snow, wallowihg.in -mud.,- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl 'off. began at half-past eight After her the hook, and swathed in, this against first;week Sellna had the mathematics draughty cfiilnfcs, she .would read aloud of her early, morning, reduced .to'.the-.. 'to him while he; carved, or talk to least common' 'denominator-- "Op- at above the noise of his tools. Selina • six. A phmge Into the" frigid gar- was a gay' and, volatile person. , She,1 ments; breakfast, of, bread, cheese, loved to-m'akei this' boy- laugh*. sometimes bacon; always -• rye coffee :' dark face ' would flash" Into without cream o^sugar..-Onwith-the" dazzll&g animation. Sometimes cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. Je, bearing their young laughter, The lunch box in' ba"d wea'ther. " Up the road to the schoolhouse,-battlingthe prairie wind that whipped the tears into -the eyes, flowing the drifts, slipping .on the hard- ruts.'and, icy ridges In._ dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road In sun or rain, in'wind or snow,'her mind's eye was fixed on the stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The door, .opened, there smote her the schoolroom smell—a mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed,. bodies, dnst* mice, chalk, store-wood, .lunch crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva. Into this SelJna rosbed, untying her muffler as she-entered. In the little vestibule there was a box piled with chunks of'stovewood and another heaped' with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. Tne cobs served as- kindling. A dozen or more of these you soaked •with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of tbe 1 rusty Iron potbellied tftove. A match; Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment for a small stick of wood; another to keep it company. Shut' the door. Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke, ,Susnense A blaze, thena.crackle. The wood Has caught' In with a- chunk She Would Read Aloud to Him While Ho Carved. . now. Await. Another chunk.,-Slam the door. - * h e v « * o d b w ^ . P r ^ J B .(Come to the sh'ed door and stand-there • * for tn6''day:""As'tn0 toom a, monient,.hugging,,her arms, in. h'er. •_!_iiw. o>i<nn removed' lay•rolled'apron'arid smaiflg'attlrenu '«>-
HENRY ^ Vice-President
, JOE L. WOLF Secretary
goodness. :!Order a Rushtbrfs Pie and see for yourself. -at your grocer's at your restaurant
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AMERICAN PALESTINE UNE 1493 Broadway, N. Y (at 43rd St.)
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SECTION 1—THE JEWISH PRESS, THURSDAY,.JULY .16. 192Sr-PAGE 5 ^iiiiiiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHHiiiitiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiH
Speakers for Cornerstone Laying Celebration
Sunday, July 19, 1925
I regard ideas only' in imy straggles; to the persons< of,, my opponents I Tim indifferent. —Ernst HaeckeL
SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.S0 PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecIPolicy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now ^P Ruttenberg Jaffa' Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS T E D BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. TIES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, —''Adhering which is.being sponsored by the Jewpoint .of the ish Welfare. Federation, will open iers of the Monday morning. Already more than defense'of fifteen boys have applied for admitiat power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be Jthe necessity maintained for one month and many August 9 ation within more boys 8*-e needed. All those deOne of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply of, Jewish Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation of»e- Semj with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. s concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the Ger- The camp will be located near Nais- was . con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of i conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exaplefor the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Proto the com9. fessors Corper and Sewal. as passed by Prizes of value will be given to the > of Jewish The tents have been completed with wing an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any the agree- beheld in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 e club's rep- Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. ernment was and evening and a musical- and vaude"The Jewish Welfare Federation is ville program will be presented on the" taking another step forward towards within the picnic grounds in the evening. helping the community," said William Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We 'first phrase ed from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to 'adhering as Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had a The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one il steps with out in the open where they gain viof the Polish follows: - ...6,600 tality and store themselves full of be made an Joe Rosenthal Kate Goldstein 6,500 pep for the coming winter." the Polish 5,800 1 ceremonies Sara Somberg' Kosher meals will be served at the ~.5,800 cumefittt be- Morris Fine . . camp and on Saturday morning reguaf the gov- 1 The first prize of. the contest will lar services will be conducted. These of the Club be aground-trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the ditake place. Calif., and the, second, prize will be a rector. There will be regular swimnMawGrab- rbutid-trip - to- GbloracUr Springs, —- •<• • by a capable jii»tructotr nent part in Several hundred out-of-town guests ball games and "hikes during the afternd for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and -*he evening campfire was post- and Sioux City, la. stories. Skrzynski, The committee in charge of the pic|postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. or two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S, Easnick, Harry Trustiu Candidate ticipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas 1 i the presi- Steinberg . show, will be shown here July 17, IS sh Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under t will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of : conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest the Section Budapest (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion. rhich is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the nisters, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the consion of the Jewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in. on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion work. He is a member of Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. ^ sion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 50 ities in the community has spent the sum of votes, and campaigners for Ti-ustir, 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for expressed JewisTi academic youth studying in announce that tickets can be bought i this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- from.Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion the agree- garian Jewish students at universities Hearquarters for their candidate. "Members of the 40—8 and their pon- by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and help ! formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in >this popularity contest," of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of. Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. itus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST [the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST tews as the estine was for the month of June, PRO-ZION DECLARATION according to figures made known here. Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protest Other leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im- against the concluded Polish Jewish concerning -the effectiveness of the migrants arrived'in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the Nationagreement. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. al Democratic Party in an interpellaber, of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliathe Jewish Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narortrespondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Nawithin the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. the Sejm,will again convene. ' It will reception will be given in their honor. The interpellation protests against then be apparent, that the agreement the "conclusion of the agreement with reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forDeputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor/' and says "the Jews unwt1 the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withhe stated. •. , • . 1 Buffalo. • , .' out an agreement." The Club of thte National Democratic Party also introduced another interpellation intc the Parliament asking the Prime Mitrister and the Foreign Minister for thfe reason that the letter addressed t-6 Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the E x This issue of The Jewish Press contains a special ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ization, endor^g the Zionist moveCenter Building. This special section contains photoment. No reply has yet been giv«n graphs of work on building, officers and directors, by the government to these interpelspeakers of the cornerstone Celebration, arid news of lations. the. history of the Jewish Community Center in
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Governor of- Nebraska Mayor of Omaha Rabbi Benjamin. Frankel ' of Champaign, III.'
- *-V_- , XU^ — -----
jribe ciiy. l ARCHAEOLOGICAL ~ •""•xuia uiuer naa uuuageu aim eu» he-was made Fellow of the Royal So- Royal Decree. DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM raged thousands of American citizens. All persons between the age of 18 eiety. The next year he was elected Jerusalem. (J. T. Ai) A discovery The"Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., sheriff of the city of London and was and 30 are eligible for enrolment and made a British archaeologist," an rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in knighted the same year by Queen the duration of the - service is two Oxfordby student "and pupil of Lord Bal- the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he years. A number of persons have four, during excavations of the Brit- memory. The excesses committed by was created a" baronet. He died at already enlisted, these night prowlers in other states ish School of Archaeology here, Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885. 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN lend weight to the pro-evolution srii are a stench in the nostrils of good PALESTINE JEWISHPOPUgument in the Tennessee anti-evolu- citizenry. OBITUARY. Religious orders have been perLATION IN FOUR YEARS tion trial. . Funeral services' for Mrs; Joseph mitted to parade in Washington and, Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there The front part of a prfmitive, huFogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in: man skull was discovered during ex- rightly so. But this order uses reof Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in caVati«ns by Mr. Turyille-Petre in a ligion for irreligious purposes. died last week, were; held Wednesday the last four years and a half from" cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among What an anomaly! Washington in Cheyenne. rejoiced that in the newly formed January, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis-l Mousterian flint deposits. V Besides her mother, Mrs/.Fa«;el is closed, by a census made by the sta-i The skull is characterised by a pro* United States every man would worsurvived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Ziondigious development of the supra-or- jship as his conscience dictated and daughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. bital prominences and depressed fore- there would "be none to' make him her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., afraid." The^ Jewish population in Palestine and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. head as in a chimpanzee, and conYet, there is to be permitted, upon forms closely with the" Neanderthal bertha of Omaha. The estimate is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, in the shadow of the monument Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia. erected to the memonry of Washingis believed to be considerable higher. Professor Garstand, Director of'the Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. ton, arch foe of religious intolerance, In 1914 the, Jewish population in School, who was a witness of Mr. LeVich had been visiting here for ai Palestine -rites tending to destroy everye vesTurville-Petre's discovery,' confirmed month With her sister, Mrs. E. A. was'84,600, but the end of tige of toleration. Meyer, and Mil. Meyer. Mr. Levich! the ^ r e a t W a r s a w o n ' y 5 7 ' 9 0 0 - A its scientific value. Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of OxVery truly yours, joined her here and spent the weel-ea10*3 - f a r t i a J h e increase in popula>;tjon, during the firstfive months of ford, a pupil-of Lord Balfour and Mr.^ (Signed) Emanuel Celler, d ^on during the first five months of i&Siijrwhlch exceeds the total immi- ^.rette, is now a student at the Tenth District, New York. Miss ,Rose Grodinsky -is' visiting [ g^ation for 1924 and~any_,preceding British School of Archaeology,. Jeru•iltVt friends in Atlantic City. j-cir. salem, PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS.
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Notice to Our Readers
Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press will be received by every Jewish family in Omaha.
The Misses Edith Sussman &W\ Ethel Stoler-entertained last Monday afternoon at the home of the' latter in honor of Miss Rose Levine, ©f~Sio*vx: City, l a "^-"W -. x
the children .arrived the room was ilvable. :. ' ' -•-••' ^ • • Selina had'Been herself, dignifiedi ••yet' gentler 'instructing, a roomful 'of Dutch cherubs.- .In. the.. simpler. elements of, learning. -Bat It'is difficult 1 to be dignified and gracious;when you down. ) are suffering from • chilblains.-' 7 Selina fell, victim -.to ,thhv Bor,d£d-:discomfort, as did every, child in the'room.' She sat • at "-/the' battered'-phie' desk' or moved -«J>out, a little -Ice-wool shawl around ier shoulders when .the -wind was .wrong and the stove balky.. 1 Her white little face., seemed whiter' in contrast .with the biackjtolds of this somber garment Her slim hands were rough and chapped.'/The oldest Child.-in the room was thirteen,..the ycu^s: youngest ;four and .a half. • thatfl •.Early; in, the 'winter:.~Selina had had fuU; the-, unfortunate idea of - opening the "Driy ice-locked windows at Intervals, and market-l giving the children five minutes^ of -Oh, exercise while the fresh• cold->alr "Sti (©, Doubled**-, F»fa & Co.) cleared-brains 'and -room: at^'once. —twice WOT Sarvlc*. Arms waved ,;wildTy, .heads wobbled, with" P( short. legs worked vlgoi'ously." At the sevente* ena^of' the w e & twenty HlghrSrairie At five SYNOPSIS parents'.sent;p,rotest.s/by. note.or word at nine CHAPTER X—Introducing "So B!g" of mouth. -Jan-and-CkffneUus/jKatrina There al <PlrJs DoJong-) in his tnfanoy. And Us and Aggie went-tv.school M to learn There a mother, Selina DeJong,- daughter Of reading and" writing aiia1 numbers, not dice am Simeon Psake, gambler and gentleman of fortune. Her life, to young woman- to stand "with open windows In the ing you hood In Chicago In 1888, has been un' conventional, somewhat uQuniy, -.tut winter. commi generally enjoyable. At aonool her On the Pool farm the winter work, the gro cnurn Is Julie Hempel. daughter of August Hempel, butcher: Simeon Is had set in. Klaas drove Into Chicago youK killed In a quarrel that Is not his own, Roelf! and- Selina, nineteen yee.ro old and with winter vegetables only once a practically destitute, become* a school- week now. He and Jakob and Roelf pointed. teacher. ..':•••• "Here. were storing potatoes and cabbages CHAPTER H—Selina secures a. posi- underground; repairing fences; pre- In a du£ tion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring denly^sh school, In tho outskirts of Chicago, living at the borne of a truck farmer. planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheet of Klaas Pool. In Roelf. twelve years been Roelf who had taugnV Selina to he had old, son of Klaas, Selina perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee lierself. • . . . ' . gone with her'on that first morning, g-ons -pll I had started the fire, filled the water men In Chapter III pail, initiated her In the rites of corn- gas cobs, kerosene, and dampers. A shy, stub qt Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent hoy. She set out delib- him. that ach ber it was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, Mies Peake!" "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- pie o f t . Sellba) "I'm up I" Selina would caH in what hoe.' Would you like to read it?" One*, J Bhe meant to be a gay voice,' through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Right went iht' "*3Tou better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another sudden ings and called 'The Three Musketeers.'" •where is warm here by the stove." Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the dirt the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Chicago. lor' chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung. Klaasvidr the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Selina five mil< Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have until Sui gaze upturned. . * touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten JrBlt That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there ba invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had town she tween horror and mirth. -!|I'm not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- house.' cold, really. I'm almost dressed. I'll erlands to crop but now in this wistful her out o£. be down directly." sensitive boy. Maartje- Pool must have . sensed Selina had spoken to Pool about a some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo- Sellna'-w or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of She was ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but it had she lef,t already cutting. Here back of the served. She had come home one snowy seemedstove you can dress warm." afternoon to find this shelf gone and In ever, at Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, against was,; Selina had set her will against with brackets intricately carved. Roelf Iy she 4> it. "I Won;tr' go down,** she said to had cut, planed,- polished, and carved none herself, shaking with the* ;coUL " **1 It in many hours of work in the cold won't come down to dressing-'behind little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like-a—like a peas- there a workshop of. sorts, fitted with ant in one of those dreadful.Russian such tools and implements as be could novels. . . . That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in iny arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelf s real work like a casing of ice. s '• In the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing of coldframes ana hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Selina,' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even Btuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at it (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years later, "Koelf,»stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be.' • A . stove, I show you. I break every stick . • . changed the whole course of her life. dumb as a Groningen . . ." Ifrom the first, - the schoolhouse Roelf did'not sulk. He seemed not stove was her bete noir. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year it stood, huge to the carved box as soon as chance and 'menacing, a black tyrant. The presented Itself. He was reading- her High Prairie schoolhouse In which- Se- books with such hunger as to cause lina taught was a little more'than a her to wonder if her stock would last, mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after supfarm. She came to Jaapw that, road per, when he was hammering and saw in all its moods—ice-locked, - drifted ing away In the little shed Sell with snow, wallowing jin mud.- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl began.at half-past eight After her the hook, and swathed In this again firstjweek.Selina had the mathematics draughty chinks, she .would read .al of her early, morning, Reduced .to-the to him while he, carved, or talk to least common' denominator. Up,, at above the noise of bis tools. Sel six. A plunge Into the frigid gar- waS a gay' and volatile person, ments ; breakfast, of. bread, cheese, loved to-make! this" boy laugti; sometimes bacon, always.. rye -coffee dark face ' would flash" 5nto without cream oij-sugar..-On-with-the dazzling animation. Sometimes cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. Je, hearing their young laughter, wo
The lunch box in' bsfd weather. Up the road to the - schoolhouse,. battling the prairie" wind that whipped the tears into the eyes, flowing the drifts, slipping ,on the hard ruts .'and. Icy ridges in.dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun or rain, in wind.or snow, her mind's eye was fixed on the "stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The, door/opened,, there .smote her the .schoolroom; smell—a' mingling of dead ashes; kerosene, unwashed ,•, bodies, dnst, mice, chalk,: Btoie-wood, Junch crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed With saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untying her muffler as ehe-entered. In the little vestibule there was a box piled with chunks of'stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as kindling. A dozen or more of these you soaked with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of the 1 rusty Iron potbellied stove. A match; Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment for a small stick of wood; another to keep It 'company. Shut* the door. Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke., ,Suspense. A Maze, then a.crackle. The wood has caught In with 'a chunk She Would Read Aloud to Him While He Carved. now. Await. Another chunk. ..Slam the door. The schoolhouse ^ fire v Is rcome to the shed door and stand there • for the day."" As'the .room moment, hugging her urmg, in. tier - s r a d t ^ I i ^ l t o a removed lay- aroHedaproii'an/i stalling-at them, «nouterllnnfcta.. By the time
realized, when the late Morris Levy, then president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, at a banquet given in his honor before his departure for Europe, announced the gift of $50,000 for the erection of a Jewish Community Center building, providing an adcouraged by the energy of additional ditional $200,000 -would be raised by and youthful workers, started another the people of Omaha. Not to lose campaign. The new workers who the opportunity of this banquet and came into the field of the loyal workthe enthusiasm displayed by the ers were: Henry Monsky, Harry Lapguests at the banquet, an additional idus, Isadore Reese, William Holz$50,000 was immediately subscribed man, Martin Sugarman, and Louis Siby those present at the banquet in mon. the Brandeis Restaurant. In this campaign of 1912, the sum With the report of this magnificent of $18,000 was raised and was thought gift sweeping the city like wildfire, a great success, but then the fateful the loyal group of workers immeditornado of March, 1913, which laid havoc and ruin to the city, caused a ately planned a systematic campaign delay in the completion of the work for the collection of money, and after several meetings these workers electfor the Jewish Community Center. •''• Not to be discouraged by the many ed their officers and campaign comstarts and delays, this combined group mittee. During the remaining summer and of workers began laying plans for another campaign, and in 1917 these fall, the preliminary work for the "workers met and with additional work- campaign 'was being formulated and ers, consisting of Sam Leon, the late not until March 20 did active work Ed. Simon, Morris Rosenblatt, Leo begin in Omaha. Rosenthal, and Herman Auerbach, and On the evening of March 20 a mass launched a campaign which resulted meeting of workers, for the Jewish •with $57,000 being raised. The larg- Community Center building was called est contribution during this campaign and met at the Brandeis Grill. Wilwas made by the late Morris Levy, liam Holzman, president of the Jewwhich was $5,000. ish Community Center building, preThe workers had progressed more sided and encouraged the work for with the work at this time than ever the building:. During the course of this meeting, before and had purchased ground for more than one hundred and fifty boys the building at Eighteenth and Dodge streets. Again fate had shattered the and girls, members of the Y. M, and hopes of the people of Omaha, when Y. W. H. A., entered the room and the great World War started sad with, banners and spokesmen made an America was forced to enter,* and appeal for the building, emphasizing again the plans for the building were the need for themselves, these boys and girls, the future men and women postponed. Not until June 15, 1922, did the of tomorrow, the men and women who hopes of the workers of the Jewish will have to carry on. Community Center building become Then this group of boys and girls
HISTORY OF WORKERS FOR COMMUNITY CENTER More than nineteen years ago, a handful of men gathered together on one cold winter evening-, to plan for tjhe future. It was early in February, 1906, when fourteen men assembled at the home of Dr. Philip >5her at Sixteenth and Jones streets •S5i>: plan .for the erection of a Jewish iSommunity Center. At this first meeting were the following men: Morris Levy, Dr. Philip Sher, Carl Brandeis, Samuel Katz, Rabbi Frederick 6phn, Sol Brodkejri Harry A. "Wolf, A. BJ" Alpirn, Harry B. Zimman, A. J. Miller, S. Ravitz, Nathan Bernstein, Isidor Ziegler, J. Katelman. At the dose of this meeting, plans were made for another meeting at the home e£ the late Carl Brandeis at Twentyfourth and Famam streets. As a Tesiilt of the second meeting: of this handful of workers, a mass meeting was called at the Germania Home, ESgnteenth and Hamey streets. At this "meeting, and after strong appeals, the sum of $3,500 was pledged for the Center. Of this amount but $1,100 was collected and the proposed project failed and the collected money was returned. Feeling the weight of the first failore, these loyal workers delayed immediate work for a short period of four years, when they later rented the present Talmud Torah building and remained there bat six. months when tike Wellington Inn was rented and Tfere the quarters for the Center for a couple of years. In 1912 these same workers, En-
departed as silently as it had appeared. More effective than printed words or engraved resolutions was the result of their appeal. Its challenge brought action, cold deliberation and formal plans were forgotten. Springing to his feet, Harry Zimman voiced the thoughts that were uppermost in the mind of every man in the room: "We must get busy. We must answer the appeal of these splendid boys and girls. They are not asking for themselves alone, but for all of us-^ for you and me—for the Jews who will follow us." When these drives were first started, Harry Zimman accepted the position of chairman of the finance committee, but after listening to the appeal of these boys and girls, and because of lack of time, he resigned and in resigning asked the audience to choose the man who could put it over. Immediately, as if thunderstruck, the large hall and from all corners of it, came the cry, "We want Harry. Lapidus." And after modi persuasion Harry Lauidus accepted the job as chairman of the finance committee. Harry Lapidus arose to thank the audience and asked for help from every man, woman and child. Harry; Lapidus continued with this job and continued until every dollar was pledged. The Jewish Community Center building is now being erected. Many; of the men who had worked through the many- years to hope to see this budding are not with «s, have not lived to see their wishes realized. The people of Omaha owe a moral obligation to each other to kelp complete the building as scab as possible, to assist with this work sad to pay
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I regard ideas only • in my struggles; to the persons of my oppo-nents I am indifferent. —Ernst HacckeL
SUBSRIPTCON PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecAs tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS TED BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. nES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is being sponsored by the Jew— 'Adhering ish Welfare Federation, will open toint of the Monday morning. Already more than of the fifteen boys have applied for admite defense* of teat power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many lie necessity August more boys a*"ft needed. All those dewithin 5* One of the interesting e\rents to fee siring to go to the camp can apply of Jewish [Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish "Welfare Federation ofbe Semj with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew t:lub to fice. concerning be held Sunday, Augusts, at the GerThe camp will be located near Nawas con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exbiple for the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be •. interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry, The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in Ito the com- couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Professors Corper and Sewal. t passed by gust 9 Prizes of value will be given to the The tents have been completed with of Jewish an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any the agree- beheld in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. club's, repand evening and a musical and vaude"The Jewish Welfare Federation is ot was ville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William [' within the picnic grounds in the evenings Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We ['first phrase [ from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to idhering as Joe Rosenthal Tunning a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had «. The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one steps "with out in the open where they gain vi; t i e Polish follows: tality and store themselves ful! of Joe Rosenthal .„.. 6,600 made an . .. 6,500 pep for the coming winter." the Polish Kate Goldstein Sara Somberg '.—.—...5,800 Kosher meals will be served at the ceremonies Morris Fine 5300 becamp and on Saturday morning regut "The first prize of.tihe. contest .lar services will be conducted. These the ^ the Club he a jound-trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the ditake place. Calif., and the second" prize will be ft rector. There will be regular round-trip to- Celox&dft Springs. ming lessons %y a capa&fe Several hundred out-of-town guests ball games and hikes during the afterat part in for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfire stories. ^y ytas post- and Sioxix City, la. The committee in charge of the picSkrzynski, [postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, 5. Rasnick, Harry Trustm Candidate Mpate in J. Riklin, M, Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas the jpresi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, 18 sh Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion, lich is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of tlve ers, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of thr Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conson of the Jewish Students, created as a result test Mr. Trustin is prominent in |on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion • work. He is a member of Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. t by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 50 sties in the community has spent the sum of votes, and campaigners for Trustin 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bough!; s expressed JewisTi academic youth studying in from_Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- Headquarters for their candidate. the agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and thsir by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and help i formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in this popularity contest," y of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. atus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST I the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY [y would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST Jews as the estine was for the month of June, PRO-ZION DECL A RATION Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A prote*«. according to figures made known here. Other leaders 'also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im- against the concluded Polish Jewish concerning .the effectiveness , of the migrants arrived in the -country dur- agreement was voiced by the Nation*. al Democratic Party in an interpellaagreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. ber'of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parli*,~ the Jewish, Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Nar*vi* respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Nawithin the Club' of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. the Sejm.wjU again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. The interpellation protests against then be apparent that the agreement the "conclusion of the agreement with reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forDeputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor;" and says "the Jews mm* the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withhe stated. . . Buffalo. out an agreement." The Club of thfc National Democratic Party also iir* troduced another interpellation Into the Parliament asking the Prime Mte~ ister and the Foreign Minister for the reason that the letter addressed t* Nabum Sokoiow, Chairman of the ExThis issue of The Jewish Press contains a special ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ization, endor^g the Zionist as*v*» Center Building. This special section contains photoment. No reply has yet been gi««ft graphs of work on building, officers and. directors, by the government to these S speakers <sf the cornerstone celebration, arid news of lations. the. history of the Jewish Community Center in
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Oub Picnic
ALLAN Architect Brandeis Theater Bids
era tnen licensea oy tne city* in lie-was .made Yellow of the Royal Sodety. The. next year he was elected sheriff of the city of London and was knighted the same year by Queen Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he vras created a' baronet. He died at Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885.
Royal'Decree. DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM All persons between the age of 18 Jerusalem. (J. T. A;)* A discovery and 30 are eligible for enrollment and the duration of the - service is two made by a British archaeologist,-an years. A number of persons have Oxford student "and pupil of Lord Balfour, during excavations of the Britalready enlisted, ish School of Archaeology here, may 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN lend weight to the pro-evolution arPALESTINE JEWISH POPUgument in the Tennessee "anti-evoluOBITUARY. LATION IN FOUR YEARS tion trial. Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there The front part of a primitive huFogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in man skull was discovered during exof Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in cavations by Mr. Turville-Petre in a died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis- Mousterian flint deposits. Besides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closed by a census made by the staThe skull is characterized by a prosurvived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion- digious development of the supra-ordaughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. bital prominences and depresses foreher brothers, Saznue/ H., Robert A., Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and conand sisters. Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1T 1925. forms closely with the* Neanderthal bertha of Omaha. The estimate, is based on govern- European type not previously found Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia. , to be considerable higher. Professor Garstand, Director of -the Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed Levich had ieen visiting here for a ** 1 9 1 4 **$, J e w i s h .popntatian in School, who was a witness of Mr. month with her sister, Mrs. E. A . P a J e s t i n e w a s '8i'6m' b u t ^ e n d o f Turville-Petre's discovery,' confirmed Meyw/and tit. Meyer. Mr. Levich ) t h e g " * 1 W a r B a w °^ 5f?-900- A its scientific value. Mr. Turvilki-Petre, formerly of Oxjoined her here and spent the w e e l « l o t a b l e f * * » ^ N increase in popttlai-aon during the first five months of ford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.s 1925,.-which exceeds the total immi- <-vrette, is now a student at the Miss Rose Grodinsky is visiting t g»-ati6n .for 1924 antUany, British School of Archaeology, Jeru7:t-h "frienils in Atlantic City. jcor. salem.
raged thousands of American citizens. The-Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in memory. The excesses committed by these night prowlers in other states are a stench in the nostrils of good citizenry. Religious orders have been permitted to parade in Washington and, rightly so. But this order uses religion for irreligious purposes. What an anomaly! Washington rejoiced that in the newly formed United States every man would worjship as his conscience dictated and there would "be none to make him afraid." . Yet, there is to be permitted, upon your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, in the shadow of the monument erected to the memonry of Washington, arch foe of religious -intolerance, rites tending to destroy everye vestige of toleration. Very truly .yours, (Signed) Emanuel Celler, Tenth District, New York. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS--
Notice to Our Readers
Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press will be received by every Jewish family in Omaha.
The Hisses Edith Sussman *!»& Ethel Stol«r-entertained last afternoon at the home of the* isttftr in honor of Miss Rose Levitts, fifSieus: City, la
the children:^arrived theJrppnj';'.'was iivabieVv';:::^j;':-•'•,• -"";':y -r/:-V^ Selina^tiad seen- hersdf,-;'dignlfiedi j ^tVg^tfi^in&^cting* a/;n>oittfdl<of,;. Dutch:c^erobs:~iB~. thfiu simpler; elef mentso^cl^r^ii^v'-BTfe'It^ia-dlfflealt: :to be digglflfed jtndi'^acloiis^-v^ienl.'sou' Bbej are;saj£q*fn&/£rooi/«hllblalns^ rselina^ "feUVviettnV^to .this-Borjip^dlsconlfort,, oak. as \ did every", child in the' 'room.' She of sat"atVthe* battered' Dine-' desk' or moyea;;fJ)out,' ^a little 'Ice-Tvooj. shawl afojdnd-iier shouiders ,whien ;tlie-.wlnd In a=i ,wfls twrong and the store balky...* Her putVlt white little if ace., seemed -whiter in day£ contrast jwitti.the bfackjfolds' of ^this finest somber garment Her slim hands "Wh^ were.rough Tand chapped.^ :The oldest youfj child. In the room was. thirteen,..the thatlhe yoiingest .fonr and ,a; half. - .' fuLr. .Earjy; iii, the' wtater;-Selfria iwd had ••Driyl the-, uiifortunate -idea of-opening the markeil tc^-locked- windows at intervals ;;and -Oh, giving the children five mlnuteV of «Sfar exercise while the fresh' cold-^alr —twice] (©, Doubled»y. P«f e & Co.) cleared brains and room. atVpnce. with: P<1 •WHTJ Barvltt. Arms • wav.ed / wildly, heads wobbled, shprtLlegs worked vigorc-UBly/ At the At fire end^of^the iwfefc ijventy Jglghrljrairie at nine SYNOPSIS parents', s^nt•protests-by, note., or word There CHAPTER 1—Introducing "So Big" of mbnto. JJan-ania.CQrneUuslJfcatrlna a <Dlr)t DeJongr) in hU infanoy. And his and Aggie went • to\sctiool ,to learn There dice1 an< mother, Sellna DeJong. daughter of Simeon. Peake, gambler and gentleman reading and: •writing aria\numbers, not ing 3?>u of fortune. Her life, to young -woman- to stand "with* open^ windows in the com hood In Chicago in-1888. has beon unV conventional, somewhat BQaroy, ,.-»but winter.. the gro generally enjoyable. At eohool her .On the Pool farm the winter work, youl'< caum Is Julie Hempel. daughter of had set in. Klaas drove Into Chicago August Hempel, butcher; Simeon is Roelf! killed in a. quarrel that la not his own. with winter vegetables only once a and- Sellna, nineteen years old andweek now. He and Jakob and Roelf pointed. practically destitute, becomes a school••Here. teacher. were storing potatoes and cabbages In a d underground; repairing fences; preCHAPTER II—Sellna secures a posl tion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring denlyish school, in tho outskirts of Chicago, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheet of living at the home of a truck farmer, he had Klaas Pool. In Roelf, twelve years been Koelf who had taught Sellna to a melee old, son of Klaas, Sellna. perceives a build the schoolhouse fire. He had kindred spirit, a lover ol beauty, like gona -pill herself. gone with her on that first morning, men {ri had started the flre, filled the water gas tpjccl pail, initiated her In the rites of corn- stub of Chapter III cobs, kerosene, and dampers. ..A shy, him. ..Tl Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- that ach ber It was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. pie of ,ti "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan"Miss Peake! Oh, Mies Peakel" Selifta Would you like to read it?" "I'm up I" Selina would caU in what hoe.' Once, "Well, I don't get much time." she meant to be a gay voice,.through wentintj "You wouldn't have to hurry. Right sudden j chattering teeth. there in the house. And there's another •Ton better come down and dress ings and) where Is warm here by the stove." called The Three Musketeers.*". the dirt He was trying not to appear pleased; Chicago. Peering down the perforations in the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the KlaasSdr lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung.; five mll( the drum, Sellna could vaguely descry Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna until Sui Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have ten Jifli€ touched at an Italian port or Spanish there ha gaze upturned. That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes town she invitation, Sellna bad been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had house.' tween horror and mirth. ••••Tin not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- her ln;th cold,, really. I'm almost dressed. I'll erlands to crop out now In this wistful out of: sensitive boy. , " be down directly." friend •> Selina had spoken to .Pool about a Selina-w Maartje- Pool must have sensed some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for .her books and her photo- She w i s or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had pnt np a rough'-bit of she left ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but it had seemedalready cutting. Here back ,of the served. She had. come home one snowy ever, an afternoon to find this shelf gone and in against stove you can dress warm." Shivering and tempted though she Its place a smooth and polished one, ly she i was, Sellna had set her will against With braekets;intrlcately carvedi Roelf none it. "I Won't' go down/* she said to h&d. cut, planed,- polished, and carted herself, shaking with the" cold-" 1 It In many hours of work In <he cold won't come down, t o dressing behind little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a.workshop- of.sorts,; fitted with ant in one of those dreadful Russian such tools and implements as be could novels. . . . . That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent.. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' jn my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Eoelfs real work in the shed was the making and mendlike a casing of ice. , - . "But I won't dress behind the kitch- ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove 1" declared Selina,' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense; Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out.at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years, later, '•••• "Roelf, 'Stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence In her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly. ory. That might, well be..". A stove, I show you.. I break' every stick changed the whole course of her life. 'dumb as a Groningen . . ." ' From the first, the schoolhouse Roelf did'not salk. He. seemed not stove was her bete noir. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year It stood, huge to the carved box as soon as chance and ; menacing, a black tyrant; The presented Itself. He was reading-her High Prairie schoolhouse in which- Se- books with such hunger as to cause; lina taught..was X little more'than a her to wonder If her stock would last mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after SUQ-| farm. She came Jo Jmow that, road per,-when he was hammering and sair«| In all Its moods—Ice-locked, - drifted ing away In the little shed Sell ^ ' with snow, wallowing.:in mud..- School would snatch Maartje's old shayirl:'j began at half-past eight. After her the hook, and swathed In. this agar firstiweek Selina bad the'mathematics draughty chinks^ she .would read^" of<her early, morning, reduced .to-the. to him while he, carved, or tallt-M least common' denominator. Up. at above the noise of his tooli six. A plunge" Into the' frigid garwas a gay 'and volatile perispn^ ments; breakfast, of. bread, chee.se, . loved to make; this" boy- laugti^ sometime'9 bacon, always-rye coffee ; dark face' would flash' l^td *" without cream o^-sugar. -On with- the" dajJzlln& animation. Sometimes, cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. Jej hearing, their young laughter^ :
m *>Jd-fri'. ':.r:-'r.:- '
wiio have raade this excellent structure possible and are sure that if the same consideration a n d carfe is given to furthering the aims and ideals of your organization that were devoted to the selection of the construction materials that all your purposes Swill be realized "••j.-^:"^^.;-'^^.;'-
The lunch" box In' bad weather. Up the road to the - schoolhouse,. battlingthe prairie wind that whipped the tears into the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping .pn-.th.fe hard ruts."and, icy ridges in.dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. •• As she flew down the road In sun or rain, in" wind or snow, her mind's eye was fixed on the stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers; wrestled with the rusty lock". The aoor..opened, there .smote her the schoolroom; smell'—a- mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed,. bodies, dust, mice, chalk, stoy.e-woo'd, jfunch ' ' cruinbs, mold, slate that has been washed With saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untying her muffler as «he-entered. In the little vestibule there was a box piled with chunks of 'stoveWOQd and another heaped' with 'dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as- kindling. A dozen or more of these you soaked with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of tbVrusty Iron pot1 bellied dtove. A match; Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment • for a small stick of wood; another to keep It'' company. Shut the door. Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke* ,Susnense. A blaze, then a.crackle. The woooVhas caught' In witn "a- chunk - now. A *ait. Another chunk.v,SIam She Would Read Aloud to Him Whits He Carved. . the-door*.' The gdwolhouse fire, Js ^jdWthirdftyr^AB'the;-room
remold' lay By the tlms
,come to the shed door and stand there a moment,- hugging, hex arms. In. tier rolled-apronvarid smUlri&at tltenu >in-
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I regard ideas only in m y struggles; to the persons of my opponents I am indifferent. —Ernst Haeckel.
Morris Levy Camp for
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, -will have electric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their I Policy As Reservations Now of an agreement concluded with the Part Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ED BY ling to the colony for this purpose, 5S The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which, is.being sponsored by the Jew\—"Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open Ipoint of the; Monday morning. Already more than iers of the fifteen boys have applied for admitdefense'of at power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many August 9 Ithe necessity more boys are needed. All those deation "within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply of. Jewish \ Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofbe- Senrj with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. The camp will be located near Naconcerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the Gerwas . con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exJe'for the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be .interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Pro|to the comfessors Corper and Sewal. gust 9. i passed by Prizes of value will be given to the The tents have been completed with of Jewish an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any the agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. dub's.rep"The Jewish W7elfare Federation is ernment was and evening and a musical- and vaudeville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William •within the picnic grounds in the evening. R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We Competition of the ticket selling ['first phrase from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to fadhering as Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some of the local boys have never had a first place. The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one E V E R A L times in the last fourteen years the Jewish people I steps with out in the open where they gain vilof the Polish follows: of Omaha endeavored to surmount the obstacles that lay in* tality and store themselves full of Joe Kosenthal 6,600 |be. made an pep for the coming winter." the way of the success of a Community Center Building.. Kate Goldstein 6,500 = n the Polish Sara Somberg _ 5,800 Kosher meals will be served at the ceremonies In the several stages of their endeavors they met with disappoint•HI || camp and on Saturday morning reguMorris Fine 5,800 ment and with defeat. Time has healed the wound of the past. The The first prize of the contest will lar services will be conducted. These longing, .the striving, the hoping, the dreaming have all come to a be a«round*tr3jp> ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the ditake place. Calif., and "the second, prize "will be a rector. There will be regular swimsingle head^—the realization of a Jewish Community Center Building. "tmeg lessons % a capabfe iu&tfrae&»r, KntfitWaap t*: G&lomdd Springs. " I n such a-.moment as this all who have-shared and m the future will ball games and itikes during the aftcr^ Several hundred out-of-town guests 'j>art in share, jfche joys that must come with the success of this venture, for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfire stories. _ post- and Sioux City, la. must join in the song and praise of the oceaskm. Skrzynski, The committee in charge of the pic| postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. The undersigned offer these greetings as «n expression of _and wish |OT two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S, Rasnick, Harry Trustin Candidate for the unbounded success of the neyr home of alt Jewish life, Jewish acipate in J. Eiklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben activity, Jewish culture and Jewish spirit. ] Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an oversew* tbe presi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, IP Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under nt will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of : conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest, the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the LegionE. MEYER HARRY SILVERMA1ST which is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the inisters, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the HARRY MALASHOCK IRVIN ST ALMASTER Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by thr eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40^—8 as their candidate in the conJAKE SIMON , JOE L. WOLF. vision of the Jewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in J. J. SLOSBURG ---""on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion work. He is a member o[ A report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. Polish Reion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 50 in the community has spent the sum of votes, and campaigners for Trustin 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bou£?>>l expressed Jewish academic youth studying in from Dr. A. Greenberg or at this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- Hearquarters for their candidate. the agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and pon by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and help rhis formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in iiiis popularity contest," fc&ty. of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. iatus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST v A the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE i Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST fey would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPRO-ZION DECLARATION jj Jews as the estine was for the month of June, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protect t' " . according to figures made known here. against the concluded Polish Jewish Four thousand and two hundred imARCHAEOLOGICAL—*" ~ raged thousands of American citizens. Other leaders also expressed doubt ers then licensed by the city, in loab Royal Decree. agreement was voiced by the Nation** migrants arrived "in the country durconcerning -the effectiveness . of the DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM The'Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La», he-was ,made Fellow of the Royal SoAll persons between the age of 18 al Democratic Party in an interpellaJerusalem. (J. T. A.") A discovery rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in agreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. eiety. The next year "he was elected and 30 are eligible for enrollment and tion introduced into the Polish Parli«sheriff of the city of London and was the duration of the-service is two made by a British archaeologist^ an lie Rue Morgue," are still fresh in ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narortfrom Brazil are expected to arrive in the Jewish, Telegraphic Agency's corknighted the same year by Queen years; A number of persons have Oxford student "and pupil of Lord Bal- memory. The excesses committed by owy, the Club of Deputies of the Nafour, during excavations of- the Brit- these night prowlers in other states respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of tional Democratic Party in the Polish Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he already enlisted. ish School of Archaeology here, may are a stench in the nostrils of good within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of Sejm. was created a' baronet. He died at will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN lend weight to the pro-eyolutiop ar- citizenry. Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885. The interpellation protests again*: the Sejm, will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. PALESTINE JEWISH POPUgument in the Tennessee anti-evoluReligious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement the "conclusion of the agreement ft OBITUARY. ; LATION IN FOUR YEARS tion trial. ••....'-••• • mitted to parade in Washington and, the Jews in a manner as with a reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph , Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there The front part of a primitive, hurightly so. But this order uses reeign factor," and says "the Jews Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She Fogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in man skull was discovered daring exthe Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withof Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in cavations by Mr. Turville-Petre in a ligion for irreligious purposes. out an agreement." The Club of fhfe What an anomaly! Washington he stated. '•.'.• ... Buffalo. died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and. a half from cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among National Democratic Party also inrejoiced that in the newly formed in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis- Mousterian flint deposits. :.•.'••' troduced another interpellation into United States every man would worBesides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closed by a census made by the staThe skull is characterized by a prothe Parliament asking the Prime Mtesurvived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion- digious development of the supra-or- .ship as his conscience dictated and ister and the Foreign Minister for ihfc there would "be none to make him daughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. bital prominences and depressed fore- afraid." reason that the letter addressed ** her brothers, Samuef H., Robert A., Thet Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and conNafcum Sokolow, Chairman of the ?3*> Yet, there is to be permitted, upon and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Eea and numbered 115451 on June 1, 1925. forms closely with the" Neanderthal This issue of The Jewish Press contains a -special ecutive of the World Zionist Organbertha of Omaha. The estimate is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, 24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ization, •endor^«*g the Zionist moveJn the shadow of the monument j Ceiiter Building. This special section contains ptootoment No reply has yet been gives Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux jnent figures, but the -actual number on the continent of Asia.; , Professor Garstand, Director of -the erected to the memonry of Washing-1 graphs of work on building, officers and. directors, Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs.] "by the government to these interpel? 5 School, who was a witness of Mr. ton, arch foe of religious intolerance, J speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of Levich had been visitim? here for a j . lations. rites tending to destroy evcrye vesTurville-Petre's discovery,' confirmed the. history of the Jewish Community Center in month with her sister, Mrs. E. A. t h e e a t tige of toleration. War »y» only 57.900. A its scientific value. Omaha. Meyer, and lit. Meyer. Mr. Levich ' 0 ^1 1 The Misses Edith Sussman Very truly yours, Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of Oxjoined her here and spent the weel-°lCfc* * * ^ « ' - t h e increase in populaEthel Stolfr-entertained last This issue of The Jewish Press will be received (Signed) Emanuel Celler, -don during the first five months of fnnl, a pupil of Lonl Balfour and Mr." "nd. afternoon » t the fcoxne of the- latter by every Jewish family in Omaha. Tenth District, New York. 1925, • which exceeds the total immi- i --jrette, is now a student at the in honor of Hiss Rose Levine. of SiCUS: Miss Rose Grodinsky -is" visiting g^ation for 1924 and-any. preceding British School of Archaeology, JeruCity, l a •'" "L'«r •*•- • %, /rth friends in Atlantic City. jcir. salem, PATRONIZE OOK ADVERTISERS-'
Boys Wil5 OpeD Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Local Couple Wffl Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
A Realization
Notice to Our Readers
, ."» S
i . &.' - .-> * *J*
the children arrived the zoom was iivable. ; , t Selina.-had seen herself, dignifiedi £yet - gentler-Instructing, a roomful -of Dutch cherubs-.In- the,, simpler ele- magvi ments of learning. -Bdt.it is difficult -to be dignified" arid gracidusjw^en-you down." are sofCejrtog from'chilblains.-'-Sellna fell, victim to -this-B6r.did<discomfort, as did every, child in the room.' She sat at --the * battered • pine.- desk' or mov.ea;t)>out,''a little'Ice-wool -shawl arotindher shoulders when.the .wind was vwrohg and- the stove balky..' Her white little face seemed whiter In contrast .with the blackjfolds of .this i somber garment Her slim hands were rough {and chapjjed.^The oldest child.-In the room was. thirteen,, .the youngest,four and .a'half.;EarJy;lii, the'winterj.-SeHna imd had the-, unfortunate idea of-opening the ice-locked windows at Intervals -and giving. the children five minutes of exercise while the fresh' coloV-air Doubled*?, P»(« & Co.) WNTJ Sarvlc*. cleared hralns ' and room. at ."once. Arms waved .wildly,- Heads .wobbled, shprt legs worked "vigorously.' At the ena' of the week twenty Highrgrairie SYNOPSIS parents' sent: protest^ by. note: or word CHAPTER I.—Introducing' "So Big" of mouth. Jan-and-Ckirnelius;^featrina (DJrJi DeJong) la hU lnfanoy. And Ills mother, Sellna DeJong. daughter of and Aggie -went- to", school . t o learn Simeon.' Peake, gambler and gentleman reading "and' writing arid* numbers, not of fortune. Her life, to young woman- to stand "with open windows in the hood In Chicago In 1888. has been un; conventional, somewhat seamy, ^but winter.. generally enjoyable. At aohool her On the Pool farm the winter work, cthun 1B Julio Hempel, daughter of August Hempel. butcher; Simeon 1s had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago youH I killed In a quarrel that is not his own. Roelf!] and- Sellna, nineteen years old and with winter vegetables only once a practically destitute, becomes a •cbool- week now. He and Jakob and Roelf pointed. teacher. "Here.1 were • storing potatoes - and cabbages, CHAPTER II—Sellna secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pre- in a dud tion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring denlyighj school, in tho outskirts of Chicago, living' at tlie home of a truck farmer. planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheet of Kiaas Pool. In Roelf. twelve years been Roelf who had taught Sellna to he had old, son of Klaas. Sellna perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee lierself. ' gone with her'on that first morning, gons -.p had started the fire, filled the water men id o Chapter III pail, initiated her In the rites of corn- gas tfircl cobs, kerosene, and dampers. A shy, stub of Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- him. J.T1 that actii ber It was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, MIBS Peakel" "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- pie of.tlj Sellcfa "I'm up I" Sellna would call in what hoe.1 Would you like to read if?" One*, she meant to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Bight went Jilt r there in the house. And there's another sudden "lou better come down and dress Ings aitd where is warm here by the-stove." ; called The Three Musketeers.'" Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the dirt the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Chicago. lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had Bpruns. Klaasni the drum, Sellna could vaguely descry Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna five mil Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought or fisherman, must have until Sm gaze upturned. • '.•.-. - .' touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten Julie That first morning,: on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there ha Invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had town sh« tween horror and mirth. <Tm not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- honse. cold, really. I'm almost dressed, n i erlands to crop out now in this wistful her out be down directly." , sensitive boy. : Maartjfr Pool must have sensed Seiina had spoken to.Pool about a friend^Bj some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo- Selina j or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- I graphs. He had put up a rough bit of She wais ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out i board, very crude and ugly, but it had she left already cutting. Here back, of the 1 served. She had come home one snowy seem< stove, you can dress warm." - . ] afternoon to find this shelf gone and in ever, Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, agoainst •was, Selina had set her will "against with brackets Intricately carved. Roelf Iy she it. "I won'.r!go down/'; she said to haa cut, planed,- polished, and carted none herself, shaking with the* "coUU"" **1 "•It in many hours of work In the cold won't come. down, to dressing, "behind little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop- of sorts,.fitted with ant in one of those dreadful Russian such tools and implements as he could novels. . . . T h a t sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . , . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Sellna could good and kind and decent... . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort : the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in my arms. Ob, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Koelfs real work like a casing of ice. - , - ' . . in the'shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the" kitch- Ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Selina,'' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull tcprk for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years, later, ' "Roelf,' stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem- them colUframes. Some day, by golly. ory. That mlght_ well be. '. A stovei changed the whole course of her life. I show you. I break every stick -.; From the first, • the- schoolhouse 'dumb as a Groningen . . ." ; Ebelf did not sulk. He. seemed not stove was her bete noir. Out of the welter of that first year it stood, huge to mind, particularly, but hie came back and /menacing, a black tyrant1. The to'the carved box as soon as chance High Prairie schoolhouse In which-Se- presented itself. He was reading her: lina taught was a little mbre'tban a books with such hunger as to causes mile up the road beyond the Pool her to wonder If her stock would l a s | farm. She came Jto .know that, road him the winter. Sometimes, after sui|| in all its moods—ice-locked, -; drifted per, when he was hammering and saw* with snow, wallowing.in mud..- School Ing away in the little shed Seliip began at half-past eight After her would snatch Maartje's old shaw|y|||| firstiweek Selina'had the mathematics the hook, and swathed In this agaS^_ of:her early morning, reduced .to-the. draughty chinks^ she-would readsi^^H! least common' "denominator.' Up. at to him while he^ carved, or talk *-*^«™ ' six. A plunge into the" frigia gar- above the noise of his toots, ments ; breakfast. of. bread, cheese, was a gay" and volatile pejsonj sometimes • bacon, always - rye • co'ffee' loved . to • make j this' boy - laugl" without cream o^sugar..'OnwIth' the ; dark face" would flash" 1$ " cioak, muffler,.hood, mittens, galoshes. .dazzling.animation. Sometimes The lunch box in" bsd weather.. Up '.Je, hearing their young laughter^' the road toi the schoolhouse,:battlingthe prairie* wind that whipped the tears Into the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping ,on the hard ruts .and. icy ridges In., dry weather. ^Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun; or rain,- in' wind .or snow,; her mind's eye was fixed on the "stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed : ..fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The door bgenedr there smote her the .fichoolroonr smell—a" mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed,. bodies, dust, mice, _chalk, stote-wbod, \jfuncb; crumbs, mold, slate that has been" vwa?hed; with saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untylbg her muffler as .Bhe-enV. :;>:.tered.-----I^^:-tte.'-Uttle.'..yestnJuieC.thepe:wa^ a box piled with chunkB of'stove; wood and another heaped" with dried corn-cobs. : Alongside this , a can of ^kerosene. : The cobs serveia asr kin: dllng:';A dozen o r ^ o r e of these you soaked vwith kerosene and ;stuffed Into -itne maw -.' of the 1 rusty iron pot H bellied; stoVa. V A. -match; Up flared the * cora-cbbs. Now was the: moment s t lor fl' small Btlck of wood; another to * keep^ i f <^mT*anyV Shut" the dbpr; Naughts. ^Pampers.' ;Smoke^ .SusIpense.^;A;:bIaze,ithen5a.crackle.; The S'wooa^sScangli*^ In with "a- chunk Shs Would Read Aloud to Him Whils S^owi-^^alt.^'Another. chunk.viS!am He Carved. . "floors-Th& ;BchoolhQU?e- fire^ Ja; to.th;e^aljed;door and stand-there " "" •"•"T^?oWy^?^:'t^e^potii; treinovje^^lay- a; momCTtt,..iaggingi her arms^ In. h'et; ;;By the';fime t%i^«4^ron>arid >
GOOD*WJLL, THE BASE OF CIVILIZATION By REV. JOHN W. HERRING Executive Secretary of the Committee on Good-Will Between Jews and Christians One of the most dramatic crimes The American prides himself on his «f history has been Christendom's fairness. That fairness dictates two vachristian treatment of the Jew. It things. First, that Gentile America . w a crime that has been committed should admit its fault against Jewish jn its most glazing form In the older America, and practise the high sportsepantriea of Europe where for cen- manship of our land by repenting and turies the pogrom and the baiting of changing its way. Second, that Gentile Jews have been a blot on the ea- America acknowledges its debt of euteheon of the nations that base honor to the Jew. 4axed to aasnirw the name of ChrisThat debt in its total is a trementian. But the crime has not been restricted to Europe. America has dous sum. It is a debt that is listed taken its cue from the old world and on every page of. our American disregarding the cardinal precepts of ledger. It is a debt that is owing sot. nligion and the historical significance simply to American Jews but to the of Americanism has prostituted it- Jews of the world. self to the same dishonourable pracThat debt is not, as is popularly tice. supposed, a debt due to the services There is much light breaking on the of the Jew in commerce and in finance. horizon in these days., The compara- We Gentiles have called the Jew the tively .happy relationship between master of material things. We have Jew and Christian in many of our done so wrongly. Gary, Ford, Morgan, -mid-western American communities Kockefeller are the first names in the examples this. The growling mutual realm of the material. appreciation of the integrity of the The great gift of the Jew is in Other man's religion examples this. The splendid forms of co-operation realm of the spiritual. This fact most that are growing up in all depart- have been obvious to as had we rements of community effort examples membered that the Jewish faith and this. It is fair to say that American people have been the vessels of toe treatment of the American Jew has . never gone to the extremes of physical persecution that we find still in Europe. Bat in spite of the encouraging signs of deepening fraternity the fact still stands startling and clear to all fainninded and discriminating observers* that much insane intolerance remains, and that the so-called Christian group in America bears a heavy burden of guilt upon its soul for its persistent though subtle persecutions. 'No Jew needs to be told this. It is a fact. that, has registered upon the sensitive plate : of the Jewish soul with painful distinctness. To those who have- read "Upstream," or the recent article in the Atlantic Monthl y on '.The Jew and His Club,'? it is _ a matter of no difficulty to understand • the terrible things that have been done even under the names of Religion and Americanism. I want to say to my gentile brethren that it is'not - necessary to use a physical rack to torture a sensitive sciil. The shrewdest tortures in the world are the tortures in -which our relatively peaceful America is most proficient. When - the Jewish' child is told by a Gentile playmate that he is the crucifier x>f . Christ, he is a partner^in a spiritual - pogrom, the unconscious perpetuator . of a- falsehood. The crucifiers of Jesus, today are the followers of a pagan .creed in business and in social life and in labor relations and in international affairs. Jesus could not enter America by Ellis Island if he come, in person today. And it would not be the Jews that would keep him cot. It would be our timorous and conservative Nordic friends who would tie afraid of him as a dangerous alien radical. _ - . i , ~ .. T. .-...• Again when* a social club excludes the Jews,- OJT a landlord refuses to rent t» aJew, or when a summer hotel ex«)ades a Jew, it has used a bludgeon on acutely sensitive souls. Let any ~ CfentQe put himself in the Jewish "position and if he possesses either - fairness or imagination ^ he knows this ,t* be. true, It i s the lapjfer thrust that strikes deep into the vita] parts «f"the wal. • ; . . • • > . * - -
highest spiritual genius that the world has known. In science arid letters and philosophy we find the gift of the Jew not simply great, but first in our time. Einstein, Bergson, Steinmetz. these are the names that crown the list. In social advancement, in idealistic statesmanship, we find the Jew ever in the front ranks. The great Rathenau of Germany, Brandeis and Straus of America,' these are the names that belong in the list of the greatest of the day. In art we find the Jews peers in service to the beauty of the world. In music, in painting, in sculpture, in poetry, the story runs the same. Heine, Mischa BTman, on through the £st of an army of those who have enriched the soul of mankind, we find the lists of Jewish names. Wherever a Lost cause calls for glorious and reckless souls, there are Jews to be found. Wherever prison bars shut away men who have counted honor and conscience dearer than liberty and ease, there you will find Jews. Wherever men strive for justice and for mercy, there you will find the people of Amos in the front ranks. Wherever a shaken society beset by manifold problems calls for men of faith and men of vision, there you will find the Jew. Bat greatest of all in the realm of religion, the Jew stands uncomparably alone, gloriously apart in bis spiritual genius. For from the souls of the mes of Israel have sprung the two
incomparable religions in which rests the hope of humanity. Out of it all comes this conviction —that America needs the Jew. It needs the Jew for his spiritual genius. It needs the Jew for his social passion. We are not in need solely, or even chiefly, of "more tolerance. That is a negative thing. We need in these trying times a great positive co-operation, an inspiring fraternity of effort. We need the pooling of light and power, of conscience and of culture. Mere preachments will not accomplish this thing. We have had enough of "peQyajttna" good-will m these postwar caye. We have talked enoagrh brotherhood to feed a windstorm. What we have lacked is the intelligent daily practise of brotherhood. We have thought tfeat we coold shut oursefces off from OUT brethren of other races and creeds six days a week and rejoin the human family on the Sabbath by a wave of the hand or the repetition of a creed. The Federal Council of Churches has established for the first time in the history of any national Christian organization a committee whose express task it is to discover and to lead men to follow the path that issues in Good-Will Between Jews and Christians. It is matched by a corresponding committee of the Central Conference of American Rabbis with whom it is in closest co-operation. The appointment of such committees is significant in itself. Significant
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SECTCOET 2—THE JEWISH PEESS, THURSDAY," "ULY 16, 1925—PAGE 11 of the feeliing in the Christian church that we can no longer tolerate the conflict that has so long existed between the teaching of brotherhood and the practice of snobbery. Significant of the tolerance and breadth of spirit in Judaism. It is significant of the meeting of ' both Jew and Christian that good-will is a basic quality in a civilization that .isr-to survive, and that ill-will is a destructive and intolerable element. !We have come to realize that a faith that is divided against itself, its 'preaching pitted against its practice cannot stand. Either the church must practise its creed or prepare to die. . •-.. The basic importance of good-will is self evident. The achievement of universal good-will is the anost difficult task in the world. Every narrow loyalty of mankind is matched by a prejudice. The prejudice is the dark side of the cloud. .The loyalty is the silver lining. We see this in our denominations. Denorninationalism is a virtue when it means loyalty to one's group. It is a vice when it means hatred of the church around the corner. Take patriotism. Patriotism is a virtue •when it means love of one's country. •It is a vice when it means hatred of another country; Take Christianity. Christianity is of God when it means love of the teachings of Jesus, i t is ' a crime, in fact it has ceased to be Christianity when it means persecution of another religion. . What then is the way out? The wider loyalty, the universal brotherhood that-is written into the heart of Judaism and of Christianity—is not this the^answer?' -,. Civilization has become a race between the power of narrow loyalties to embitter and the power of wider • loyalties to reconcile. Between the rj-jiower of narrow nationalism to poison V<6ur ; minds and destroy our sons in .war, and the power of a broader nationalism to fit us in our place in s great world order. Between the power of narrow sectarianism to '. estrange us from our brothers and the power of legitimate sectarianism to fit us into a world harmony of souls. How shall we do this thing? By •words only? No. Not even chiefly by words. We shall do it by practice. Brotherhood springs not out, of Sun.day speech but of the day's work done in common with our fellows. Must we abandon our narrow loyalides to accomplish this thing? No, not in the sense that they represent our sacred traditions and our special beliefs. We shall rather match our every loyalty that is to a fraction of the race or to a special set of ideas, by a wider loyalty which is to the entire race and to the entire aspiration, of man. But how is this to be done? I am convinced that there is no other way than to come into contact intimately, personally, fundamentally with-. men of every kind and creed. To know a man's soul you, must "do- more than, • hear about that soul/ You Vnust touch that soul. That this may be possible We "must emphasize and increase the groaps where men of all groups are brought together. Jew and Christian, laborer and employer, native < and alien, Protestant and Catholic, dark and> brown and white, intellectual and tuilettered, society's four hundred, and humanity's millions. "When soul meets soul, and in th© true American fashion, shares all that is good and sacrifices all that is un- ' •.worthy in that interchange, then th© rproblem of ill-will shall cease to be-—' e" accoter- i ~
Pictures ofFormal Breaking of Ground for Jewish Community Center Building
I regard ideas only In my struggles; to the persorjs, of, my opponents ; I tim indifferent. —Ernst HaeckeL
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the j oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecPolicy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now Part Ruttenberg Jaffa" Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds ster[TED BY ALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. IES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which isibeing sponsored by the Jewi—"Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open point .of the Monday morning. Already more than irs of. the fifteen boys have applied for admitdefense'of ,t power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many the: necessity August 9 more boys we needed. All those delation within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply • of j Jewish Sejm estab- presented at.the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofpicnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. be held Sunday, August 9, at the GerThe camp will be located near Na: - concerning man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of ns- was . con- of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and ex- conformity full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be ciple for the park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. ^interests of" agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Na.the. Repub- of local Jewry, The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in to the com- couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Professors Corper and Sewal. t passed by gust 9The tents have been completed with Prizes of value will-be given to the of. ^Jewish an all winners of the games and contests to riod flooring and are screened. Any the agree- b& held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. [e dub's., rep"The Jewish Welfare Federation is ernment was and evening and a musical and vaudeville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William within the picnic grounds in the evening. 'first phrase Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We ed from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to 'adhering as Joe Rosenthal Tunning a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had a The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one il steps with out in the open where they gain viof the Polish follows: tality and store themselves full of Joe Rosenthal 6,600 be made an pep for the coming •winter." Kate Goldstein 6,500 the Polish Sara Somberg , .. 5,800 Kosher meals will be served at the I ceremonies Morris Fine 5,800 camp and on Saturday morning regubei if the goy-» * The first prize of. the contest will lar services will be conducted. Theso hi the Clab be a^roand^trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the ditake place. Calif., and the, second prize will be a rector. There will be regular swimrbuad-trip to Colosada Springs* ittittg~3esiH>ns by a capable instructor, Several hundred out-ttf-town guests ball games and Wkes during the afterent part in land for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont noon, and the evening campfire stories. ky. was post- and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the picIr Skrzynski, j postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman;- M. for two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S, Rasnick, Harry Trustin Candidate ticipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J: J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contes declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas the presi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, IS Jish Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under it will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 oE conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion. which is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of %ht> inisters, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—-8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40^—8 as their candidate in the cot;usion of the Jewish Students, created as a result test." Mr. Trustin is prominent in on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legioh work. He is a member of le Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. ssion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Top picture—Mrs. Bertha Levy applying the first shovel towards breaking the ground. Each ticket sold will count for SO •vjiuties in the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trust-in .Center—Building and Site committee: J. J. Slosberg, William Holzman, Harry Malashock, Joe L. Wolf, D *- Philip Sher, Mrs. Bertha Levy, Henry Monsky, Harry Wolf, Harry Lapidus. 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bough!; Bottomr—Left:- Henry Monsky -addressing the large crowd assembled to witness the breaking of ground. expressed Jewish academic youth studying in from Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legum Bottom—Right: Presentation of floral bouquet to Mrs. Bertha Levy by Anne Selicow, vice-president of this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- HearquBrters for their candidate. the Y. M. and Y. W. BT. A., and Sam Wolf > president of the Y. agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and thai? pon by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and hslp i formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in ^this popularity contest/' lity of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary t>S Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. ; atus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY py would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST as the estine was for the month of June, PRO-ZION DECLARATION Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protect according to figures made known here. 1 •ifllfl'ofueT has oUCragea ana enera .then licensed by the city. In 1836 iiuiui UXIIIJ nuq • uycu u m u t u vj u ARCHAEOLOGICAL Other leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im- against the concluded Polish Jewish '' raged thousands of American citizens. he-was .made Fellow of the Royal So- Royal* Decree. DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM The-l£lan murders at Mer Rouge, La., concerning -the effectiveness of the migrants arrived in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the NationAll persons between the age of 18 ciety. The next year he was elected al Democratic Party in an interpellaagreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. Jerusalem. (J. T. A^)"" A discovery sheriff of the city of London and was and SO are eligible for enrollment and made by a British archaeologfst; an rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliaknighted the same, year by. Queen the duration of the-service is two Oxford student "and pupil of Ldrd Bal- the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy NaTodVictoria on her accession. In 1846 he years: A number of persons have four, during excavations of-the Brit- memory. The excesses committed by- respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Na. ' - ish School of Archaeology here, ^y was created a baronet. He died at already enlisted, ! within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the : inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the PoH.»«h are a stench in the nostrils of good Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885. will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN lend \veight to the pro-evolution arcitizenry. The interpellation protests against the Sejm.will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. PALESTINE JEWISH POPUgument in the Tennessee'anti-evoluReligious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement OBITUARY. the "conclusion of the agreement with ••-,•;•• LATION IN FOUR YEARS tion trial. mitted to parade-, in Washington and, reached between the Club of Jewish Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forThe front part of a; prunitjve, huFogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in. man skull was discovered • during ex- rightly so. But this order uses re- Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor," and says "the Jews Tmwf; of Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in; caVati«ns by Mr. Turville-Petre in a ligion for irreligious purposes. the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfil! their duties to the state withWhat an anomaly! Washington he stated. •. , died last week, were held Wednesday the; last four years and: a half from! cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among out an agreement." The Club of thfc 1_ Buffalo. rejoiced that in the newly formed in Cheyenne. National Democratic Party also inJanuary, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis-- Mousterian flint deposits. '.-•.-•-•' Besides her mother, Mrs. Fo<jel is closed, by a census made by the sta-i The skull is characterised by a pro* United States every man would wortroduced another interpellation into survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion- digiotts development of the supra-or- .ship as his conscience dictated and the Parliament asking the Prime MH> there would "be none to: make him daughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. ister and the Foreign Minister for th* bital prominences and depressed fore- afraid." her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., reason that the letter addressed tr, Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and conYet, there is to be permitted, upon and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the 15s:forms closely with the* Neanderthal This issue of The Jewish Press contains a special bertha of Omaha. ecutive of the World Zionist Otgim^ The estjmate is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, 24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ,in the shadow of the monument j I ization, endor^i*g the Zionist moveMr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia. . Center Building. This special section contains photoerected to the memonry of Washing-1 I ment. No reply has yet been i is believed to be considerable higher. Professor Garstand, Director of-lhe Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. graphs of work on building, officers and. directors, ton, arch foe of religious-intolerance,! c by the government to these 1 1914 yi In the, Jewish population in School, who was a witness of Mr. Levich had been visiting here' for a _ V * ' speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of lations. ±Palestine a i e u n e wwas a s "84,600, 4 b 0 0 6but u t t the h e end n<1 of Turville-Petre's discovery/ confirmed -rites tending- to destroy everye ves•vinnfh «H«I ),» ,.,•„..„. JIT.... T^ A ! V month with her sister, Mrs. E. A. t:h e i r e a t W a r* 5' a w ' ? °* the. history of the Jewish Community Center in tige of toleration. 57 900 A its scientific value. 7 Meyer, and Mr. Meyer. Mr. Levich' 1 0 <| °^ ' Omaha. The Misses Edith Sussm&n &n£ Very truly yours, Mr. Tarville-Petre, fomeriy of Ox, ' joined her here and spent the w e e l ^ t * 3 ^ fac *> 18 :tte increase in populav This issue of The Jewish Press will be received Ethel Stolfr. entertained last Moiwtay (Signed) Emanuel Celler, cion during the first five months of ford, a pupil of Lord Baifour and Mr. by every Jewish family in Omaha. afternoon &t the home of the- Utte? Tenth District, New York. 1925,. which exceeds the total immf- < --.rette, is now a student at the in honor of Miss Rose Levine, Rose Grodinsky -is" visiting Igi-ation- for 1024 and-any_ preceding British School of Archaeology,. Jeru• ' C i t y , - l a " ••'. ' ' ;—• Ath -friends in Atlantic City. PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS. salem, >cir.
rt lent
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Notice to Our Readers
tlie children arrived the roori» was : livable. ' ' : '. •' ' Selina L bad seen herself, dignified j t ' gentler -Instructing, a roomful -of Dutch cherubs-.i»- th&-simpler elements of learning.'-Brit It Is difficult to be dignified arid-gracious;vrh'ert.<you ore suffering from* chilblains.- -Selina fell, victim -.to .this- sordid ^discomfort, as did every, child in the room.' 1She t - a t * ' t h e ' battered'Dine* desk'
f The Jews In Modern TTurkey ]
down." slowly,j oak I of snai) am buy^my! In a st(J put-It day1;! flne>ti<
moved ;*J>out, a little 'ice-wool -shawl around i e r shoulders .when .the -wind was .wrong and the stove balky." Her white little *face. seemed whiter in contrast .with the black_folds of this somber garment Her slim hands were rough'and cbapp"ed.'\The oldest child.-in the room was thirteen^ the youthat: be! youngest .four and .a half. " " Barlyjlri, the 'winter,*Seliha had had fuL "Drlyi the-unfortunate Idea of-opening the Ice-locked windows at intervals, and market' giving the children five minutes of "Sure exercise while the fresh- cold-"air (©, SoubleOay, P»»o & Co.) WtTO Servic*. cleared brains ' and room, at/once. —twice Arms waved ..wildly, heads wobbled, with' Po short legs worked vigorously." At the sevenfet end'of the week: tyventy HlghrEralrie At five SYNOPSIS parents" sfcnt- protests -by, note, or word at nine There al CHAPTER L—Introducing "So Big" of mouth. Jan -and-Comelius/,ts atrina CDlrk DoJong) in hla infancy. And U s and Aggie went - to" school to learn There a mother, Sellna DeJong, daughter ot dice anc Simeon Peake, gambler and gentleman reading and writing aria" numbers, not of fortune. Her life, to young woman- to stand with' open windows in the Ingypu hood U» Chicago in 1888, has been uncommlss conventional., somewhat aqamy.,-but winter.' generally enjoyable. At sohool her On the Pool farm the winter work, the groc cnum Is Julie Hempel. daughter of August Hempel, butcher; Simeon is had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago youH killed In a quarrel that is not bis own, Roelf! and Selina, nineteen' years old and with winter vegetables only once a practically destitute, become* a «cbool- week now. He and Jakob and Roelf pointed. teacher. "Here, were storing potatoes and cabbages, CHAPTER II—Sellna secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pre- in a dus tion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring denlyiah school, in tho outskirts of Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer. planting; sorting seedlings. It, had sheet of Klaas Pool. In Roelf. twelve years been Roelf who had taugfit Sellna to he had old, son of Klaas, Sellna perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee herself. ' gone with her on that first morning, gons pll had started the fire, filled the water men Chapter III pail, initiated her In the rites of corn- gas tord cobs, kerosene, and dampers. . A shy, stub b Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- him. ,_T1 that ach ber it was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peake!" "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- pie of U Selififa "I'm up I" Sellna would caU in what hoe.1 Would you like to read it?" Oncfe, she meant to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Right went int "You better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another sudden Ings aid called "The Three Musketeers.'". where Is warm here by the stove." Peering down the perforations In He was trying not to appear pleased; the dirt the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Chicago. lor chimney swelled so proudly Into people from whom he had sprung. Klaas w the drum, Sellna could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna five milt Mrs. Pool stationed Just below, her thought,' or fisherman, must have until Sui gaze upturned. " touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten Ji3i« That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there "hi invitation, Sellna had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had town shi tween horror and mirth. -rTm not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- house." cold, really. I'm almost dressed. HI erlands to crop out now in this wistful her Initi out ofbe down directly." , sensitive boy. friend^l Maartje- Pool must have sensed Seiina had spoken to.Pool about a some ot the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo- Selinato or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a.rough bit of She ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but It. had she already cutting. Here backj of the served. She had come home one snowy seemed ever, stove you can dress warm." afternoon to find this shelf gone and In Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, against was, Sellna had set her will against with brackets Intricately carved. Roelf ly she"; it. "I Won't^go down/? "she said to h&d: cut,planed,- polished, and carVed none herself, snaking with the .cold." "I it in many hours of. work In ilie cold won't come; down /to dressing- behind little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop; of .sorts; fitted with ant in one of those dreadful Russian such tools and implements as be could novels. . • -- That sounds stuck tip devise. Hfr did man's work on the and horrid. . . . The Pools axe farm, yet; often at night Selina could good and kind and decent. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' In my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelf a real work like a casing of ice. . ^ in the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing.of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Sellna, • glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at it (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years, later, • "Roelf, 'stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again Instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be. "• A stove, stick . • . changed the whole course of her life. I show you. I break every dumb as a Groningen : . ;•. ." •• From the first, the schoolhouse Roelf did" not sulk. He seemed not stove was her bete nolr. Out of the to mind, particularly,'but he came back welter of that first year it stood, huge to the carved box as soon "as chance and 'menacing, a black' tyrant^ The presented itself. He was reading-her High Prairie schoolhouse to which- Se- books with such hunger as to cause, llna taught.was ai little more*than a her to wonder If her stock would last, mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after su; farm. She came to .know that, road per, when he was hammering and sa; In all its moods—Ice-locked, drifted Ing away In the little shed S with snow, wallowing .in mud.- School would snatch Maartje's old sbaWl began at half-past eighty After her the hook, and swathed In this a firsfweek Selina had the mathematics draughty chinks, she would read of' tier early, morning, reduced to- the, to him while he; carved, or talk least common "denominator. Up: at above the noise of his tools, six. A plunge-Into the' frigid gar- was a gay' and volatile person.! ments ; breakfast, of. bread, cheese, loved to make? this" boy laugT*4 sometimes • tiaeonj always --rye cottee' : dark face "would flash" Into;: without cream 05-sugar. .*• On -with- the dazzling, animation. Sometimes cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. Je, hearing, their young laughter, The lunch, box In' bad weather. "Up the road to the schoolhouse,.battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears Into the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping .on the hard ruts. and. Icy ridges In dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun or rain, in wind or snow, her mind's eye waB fixed on the atove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers wrestled,with the rusty lock. The door opened, there smote her the schoolroom* smell—a mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed.. bodies, dust, mice, chalk, store-wood, jiunch crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untying her-muffler as she entered. In the little vestibule there was a box piled with chunks of stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosenel The cobs served aS' kindling. A dozen or i more of these you soaked with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of tbVrusty Iron potbellied iftove. A match: Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment -for a small stick of wood; another to keep i t comp'any. Shut" the door. J>rarigh$s. Dampers.- Smoke- .Suspense. - A blaze, then^crackle. The wood has caught" In wltll a- chunk Sho Would Read Aloud to Him While He Carved. now ,A wait. Another chunk.- *Slam the door- The schoolbous.e . fire v Js started for thfi': dnyr" As' ttur/toom. <tcome to the sfted door and stand there jfliiEWCd'.gradiwg^aWi14 removed-lay- . a moment,, hugging, her ;arms, la Her -Srs'pf outer?-#inrijpts^ By the time rolled apion^arid smHltis atthtenfc.vj>MTT
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* ..
T s n n y Blunt," whose work, "The People of Turkey," (London 1878), is cited by the author, ex1 . BY DB. YAKIK BEHAR. CONSTANTIKOPLE I presses herself as follows: 1 • J "In few countries is thecontrast of Those interested in the development movement which tends to raise the wealth and indigence among the Jews «f 4he Orient and particularly students intellectual and commercial standard as striking as in Turkey. On one side ^ f the Turkish world, an important of the country that has given thfem may bee seen wealth, so great as to k written by Eeliot Grinnel shelter in their hour of distress. They, command respect for its possessors, has been published, under the however, do not f•aitto co-operate with and given them an influhece in the "Modern Turkey." It aims to the rest of the Jews in tlie intellec- Idealities in which they,; spring up interpret the political and economic tual economic and commercial restora- greater than that of all other na^vents during the stormy period from tion of Palestine." tionalities; whilst hard by one sees i908 to 1923. "The Jews," he says, "individually, poverty and wretchedness of the most The author, who lived for many and collectively have contributed to sickening nature. The principal cause years in the Orient, appears to; be the ' political, econpmic> and commer- of this is the limited sphere of action well versed with the subject with cia. development that lias "taken place allotted to, or rather adopted by, the ^Fhich the book' "deals. ;> y in the-Turkish Empire.",•'-• " Jewish communities. They evince a ".. Admiral Mark Lamport Bristol, actIn the general introduction, Mr. strong repugnance to going beyond l o g representative of the United Mears notes that in Turkey, as else- the few trades generally practiced by States in Turkey, in the preface to where, there are Christians and the laboring classes. The rest conthe book expresses his conviction that Christians, Jews and Jews, Moslems tent themselves with performing the , i t will be a great help to all those and Moslems, and observes that the coarsest and dirtiest work of the wish to study the Turkish prob- regions which- gave birth to Moham- town. From generation to generation medanism, Christianity and Judaism the Jews will cling to these callings One of the chapters of "Modern, must attract the attention of states- without allowing themselves to be "Turkey* is devoted t o / t h e national men and writers, the •world over. tempted to raise themselves in the minorities, their activities and their Speaking of the most important prob- social scale by taking to agricultural aspirations. In view of the interest lem for Turkey, concerning the num- or other pursuits that might insure manifested in the Various European ber, the verility and the capacity of them a comfortable home and an honCountries -and in America in the atti- its population, he remarks that the orable living." tude of the Turkish government to- non-Moslems (Armenians, Greeks and These pessimistic prophecies of Jews) have had yearly increases in ward," the national minorities, this chapter takes <3n added significance. their population that is to be attrib- Lady Blunt have been annihilated by uted more to their sanitary precau- recent events of modern Turkey. Mr. In this review of the situation of the Bierce in his work, "Turkey and las national minoritiesr in Turkey, the tions than to their fecundity. People," quoted by Mears, writes: study on the situation of th* Jews in Mr. Mears, speaking ©f the char"There are two distinct types of Turkey by Chaim Nahum Effendi, for- acteristics of the races irr Turkey, remerly Chief Rabbi of the Turkish calls that the well known writer, Te- Jews in Turkey which may be classed fenpire and now Chief Rabbi of the kin Alp, a Macedonian Jew, was one as Spanish, and German or Polish. Jewish community in Cairo, is pre- of the exponents of Pan-Touramsm Since the revolution of 1908, the Jews sented. and that the loss of Salonica, as per in Turkey have come very distinctly Chaim Nahum Effendi concludes his the terms, of the Treaty of London, to the front, and now play a very study of the situation in Turkey with caused an important exodus of the important part in the government of most advanced element in thought the country. But even before that the following remarks: - "Today, as in the past, the Jews of and commerce, the majority of; which event, Jewish medical men, lawyers Turkey are marching in the path of has established itself in Constantino- and merchants formed a valuable part progress and participating in every ple, Smyrna and Palestine. of the community."
* -.
' Mr; Mears, "Speaking* of' the teti* gious differences of the system^ -of nationalities (the Millet system), th^ capitulations and other characteristics of the Turkish social and political constitution, observes that the status: of the native Jew is different to that; of Armenians and Greeks. The Jews have not given firth to a strong in-; terior movement for political independence and have therefore erjjoyed; in contrast to the other elements, more favorable conditions than their co-religionists in-many other countries of continental Europe..In the chapter on the religions in Turkey, the author and his callaborators devote little space to the Jewish element and in the many chapters dealing with education, no mention is made of the Jewish schools. The author even omits to give statistics regarding the number of schools and pupils of the Jewish communities as he has done for the other elements of Turkey. We draw this to the attention of those who have the direction of the Jewish education, especially in Constantinople so that they may prepare statistics with the aim of making available such • important material of the various elements in Turkey so that they may include this very important field «of Jewish activity in Turke. The author also fails to speak of the Jewish women in the Orient. He" does, • however, describe the Moslem (Arab, Kurd and Turkish) women and the Christian (Armenian, Greek and Albanian) women. In reading "Modern Turkey" one obtains P clear picture of life in Turkey where Turks and Jews have always lived in harmony and both collaborate in the task of heralding a new period of prosperity and wellbeing\
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I regard ideas only ID tny straggles; to the persons of my oppo•tjcnts-I-ani indifferent. —Ernst HaeciceL
. ***^t
Heating & Ventilating
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the ] oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecPolicy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their Reservations Now of an agreement concluded with the Part Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED T E D BY ling to the colony for this purpose. [TIES The Morris Levy Camp for Boyr, which is.being sponsored by the Jew)—''Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open Inoint of the; Monday morning. Already more than tier* of. the fifteen boys have applied for admithe defense of great power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be •maintained for one month and many the necessity August 9 more beys a*-e needed. All those deiation -within One of the interesting events to he siring to go to the camp can appty of Jewish Sejm estab-' presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofhe Semj with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. The camp will be located near Nars concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the Gerus was . con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exidple f or the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in couple will be withheld until Au- the research department tinder ProIto the cqxnfessors Corper and Sewal. gust 9. i passed by Prizes of value will be given to the The tents have been completed with of Jewish an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any the agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp, le club's.rep"The Jewish Welfare Federation is rernment was and evening and a musical- and vaudeville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William within the picnic grounds in the evening. , Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We [ 'first phrase I from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to ^adhering as Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had R The contestants* standings are asvacation and this will afford them one steps -with out in the open where they gain viI of the Polish follows: tality and store themselves fui! of Joe Koseitthal 6,600 I be made an pep for the coming winter." Kate Goldstein ...6,500 the Polish Sara Somberg 5,800 Kosher meals will be served at the ceremonies camp and on Saturday morning reguMorris Fine 5,800 f,,beNEW JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING s .of the gov- The first prize of the contest will lar services will be conducted. These o? the Club he a jound-trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the ditake place. Calif,, and the second prize will be a rector. There will be regular Ewim~ Ttnkig lessons by a capabfe hwtrueto*, rirojwi-trip t»- Colotadij Springs* •» r > • .> ball games and hikes during the after Several hundred out-of-town guests t part in noon, an«l the evening eampfire are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, Jand for this stories. was post- and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the picSkrzynski, postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M or two days Polonsky, Sam Altsclraler, S. Rasnick, tkrry Trustin Candidate jcipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest - declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an oversea; JAckson 2277 2408 Capitol Ave. the jjresi- Steinberg. show, -will be shown here July 17, 3S Deputies and 19> at the Gayety Theater under will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contwi the Section Budapest (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being1 sponsored by the "Legion. vhich is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the ers, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—S, known as the shrine of thr Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by tlir eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40^—8 as their candidate in the conion of the Jewish Students, created as a result test Mr. Trustin is prominent in Legion work. He is a member -nl Ion the other of the Numerus Clausus. A report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. Polish Reby the tee showed that the -Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 5C ies in thecommunity has spent the sum ofvotes, and . campaigners for Trustin 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bougM |s expressed Jewish academic youth studying in from_Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion i this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- Headquarters for their candidate. , the agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and th*ir abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and hply> aon by the Medicine during the past year. 3 formula, him win in this popularity conteoi," dty of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of Xepublic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST I the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. ( J . T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPRO-ZION DECLARATION lews as the estine was for t h e month of June, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A prot«*l according to figures made known here. •nuou •niinji i i i u uu.u uxmixu uj • u •IMS oMer haa"outraged and enagainst the concluded Polish Jewtpfc Four thousand and two hundred imOther leaders also expressed doubt ers then licensed by the city. In 1836 ARCHAEOLOGICAL Royal Decree. raged thousands of American citizens. agreement was voiced by the Nationmigrants arrived in the country durconcerning the effectiveness of the Tie-was .made Fellow of the Royal SoDISCOVERY I N JERUSALEM All persons between the aye of 1 8 The-Klan murders a t Mer Rouge, La v agreement., One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. al Democratic Party in an interpelteeiety. The next year he was elected Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A discovery One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliasheriff of the city of London and was and 30 are eligible for enrollment and made by a British" archaeologist,- an rivaled only by Poe*s "Murders in ber of the Kolo, in an interview with the duration of the service is two the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narodthe Jewish Telegraphic Agency's corknighted the same, year fcy. Queen Oxford student "and pupil of "Lord SalVictoria on her accession. In 1846 he years; A~number of persons have four,, during excavations of the Brit- memory. The excesses committed by respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for t h e purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Na_ • ; • these night prowlers, in other states within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish •was created a baronet. He died at already enlisted, ish School'of Archaeology here, may, are a stench in the nostrils of good will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885. 100 PER CENT INCREASE I N lend weight t o the pro-evolution arcitizenry. The interpellation protests againxi the Sejm. will again convene. I t will reception will be given in their honor. gument in t h e Tennessee anti-evoluPALESTINE JEWISH POPUReligious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement the "conclusion of the agreement with OBITUARY. tion trial. LATION IN FOUR YEARS mitted to parade in Washington and, reached between the Club of Jewish the Jews in a manner as with a for Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph , Jerusalem. ( J . T. A.) That there The front part of a primitives huFogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per .cent in: man skull was discovered during ex- rightly so. But this order uses r e - Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor," and says "the Jews muni, the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withof Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in cavati"ns by Mr. Turville-Petre in a ligion for irreligious purposes. What an anomaly! Washington he stated. . . . . out an agreement." The Club of thfe Buffalo. died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from cave a t Tabgha, near Tiberias, among rejoiced that in the newly formed National Democratic Party also inin Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, Was dis-J Mousierian flint deposits. United States every man would wortroduced another interpellation into Besides her mother, Mrs. Fo<;el is closed by a census made by the sfa-; The skull is characterised by a prothe Parliament asking the Prime Mfc** survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion- digious development of the supra-or- .ship a s Ms conscience dictated and there would "be none to make him ister and the Foreign Minister for thr daughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. bital-prominences and depressed fore- afraid." reason that the letter addressed Ui her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., The^ Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and conNahum Sokolow, Chairman of the Kv> Yet, there is to be permitted, upon and sisters. Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,163 on June 1, 1925. forms closely with the* Neanderthal This issue of The Jewish Press contains a special ecutive of the World Zionist Orgatv bertha of Omaha. The estimate is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, 24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ization, endor^#»g the Zionist movein. the shadow of the monument ment figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia. Center Building-. This special section contains photoMr. and Mrs. A. E. Levich, of Sioux ment. No repJy has yet been given erected to the memonry of Washingis believed to be considerable higher. Professor Garstand, Director of-the graphs of work on building, officers and directors, Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. by the government to these interpoton, arch foe of religious • intolerance, In 1914 the! Jewish population in School, who was a witness of Mr. speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of Levich had teen visiting here for a lations. Tites tending to destroy everye vesPalestine was '84,600, but the end of
For the
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Done by
Yousem Plumbing Company Quality and Workmanship Used In All Our Work.
. - ; & • > - ;
Notice to Our Readers
month with her sister, Mrs. E . A. Meyer, and Mr. Meyer. Mr. Levich the Great War saw only 57,900. A joined her here and spent the weel-i .notable fact* is the increase in populat i o n during the first five months of "nd. ' . 1925,. which exceeds the total immiMiss Rose Grodinsky .is visiting ^g^ation -for 1924 and-any__preceding y-th -friends in Atlantic City. >cir.
TurviUe-Petre's discovery, confirmed tige of toleration. its scientific value. Very truly .yours, Mr. Tnrville-Petre, formerly of Ox(Sijrned) Emanuel Celier, ford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.N Tenth District, New York. 4-\rette, is now a student a t the British School of Archaeology,.JeruPATUONIZE OUK salem.
§ ~
the. history of the Jewish Community Center in Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press will be received by every Jewish family in Omaha.
The Misses Edith Sussman *n& Ethel Stoler-entertained last afternoon at the home of the bitter in honor of Hiss Rose Levine. «f SUJUX City, l a -rrr
die children .arrived the -room was livable. \
'- ' • •'
Selina bad seen herself, dignified-, lyet' gentlej- -Instructing, a roomful -of IHitch cherubs, in. the,. simpler elements of learning. -Bat. It Is difficult to be' dignified drid-gra&dus;when..TOU are suffering from'chilblains.-^Sellna. fell, victim ^to .this- sordid ^'discomfort, as did every, child in the room." She sat at*.-the< batterefl' pine' desk' or moved; *J>out,' a little •Ice-Tvool shawl around uer shoulders /when'.the.wind was .wrong and-the stove balky..,* Her white little 'face seemed whiter' In contrast .with. the biagkjfolds' of this I somber garment Her slim hands were rough rand chapped. 7 The oldest Child, in the room was thirteen,, the youngest .four and .a half. " Early; la. the 'wlnteriSeliha had had the'. unfortunate - idea of •'• opening the ice-locked windows at Intervals and giving the children five minutes of exercise while the fresh- cold-'air (©, Doublodmy, Page & Co.) •WNtT Barvlcc cleared brains and room, at,"once. Arms wav.ed u wildly, heads wqbWed, short legs worked vigorously." At the ena' of the ;we&;tyrenty _Hlghc5S"alrie parents', sgnt^protests'by, note.or word -Jah-aridvCkirneliusyKatrina C H A P T E R L — I n t r o d u c i n g " S o BlK" of mtiujbh. j <Plrk his P l r k OeJongO OeJongO In his h i s Jnfanoy. And And h is mother. DeJonjr, daughter off and Aggie -went-to/*,school,.-,to learn other Seltna D J n d a h t 81meonPeake, gambler and gentleman reading and" writing arid' numbers, not of fortune. Her life, to youns womanhood in Chicago la 1888, has been un- to stand "with' open windows in the conventional,, somewhat Beamy, ••but winter. '' generally enjoyable. At school ber chum 1B Julie Bempel. daughter of On the Pool farm the winter work„ August Hempel, butcher: Simeon Is had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago killed In a quarrel that Is not his own. and- Sellna, nineteen years old and with winter vegetables only once a practically destitute, becoroM a acboolweek now. He and Jakob and Boelf teacher. . were storing potatoes and cabbages CHAPTER II—Sellna secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pretion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring school. In tho outskirts of Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer, planting; sorting seedlings. It, had Klaas Fool. In Boelf, twelve years old, son of Klaas, Selina percelveB a been Koelf who had taught Sellna to kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had herself. : . ' gone with her'on that first morning, I had started the fire, filled the water Chapter III pail, Initiated her in the rites of corncobs, kerosene, and dampers... A shy, Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delibber It was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peakei Oh, Miss Beake!" "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan"I'm up I" Sellna wonld caH in what hoe.' Would yon like to read It?" she meant to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Bight •Ton better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another where is warm here by the stove." called "The Three Musketeers.'" Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung. the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have gaze upturned. •- -• ' „• . . \ touched at an Italian port or Spanish That first morning, on hearing this and -brought back a wife whose eyes Invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had tween horror and mirth. > T m not skipped layer on layer of placid Nethcold, really. I'm almost dressed, ril erlands to crop out now in this wistful be down directly." . sensitive .boy. ; Maartje-' Pool must have sensed Sellna had spoken to .Pool about a some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photoor, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but it bad already cutting. Here back .of the served. She had come home one snowy stove you can dress warm." ' • afternoon to find this shelf gone and in Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, was, Selina had set her will against With brackets intricately carved. Roelf it. "I WotftT go down/* she said to had cut, planed,- polished, and carved herself, Shaking with "the" "cold: " 1 it In .many hours o£. work In the cold won't come; down t o dressing behind little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop-of. sorts; fitted with ant in one of those dreadful.Russian such tools and implements as he could novels. . . . That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . T h e Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the store with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. -Roelfs real work like a casing of ice. . . -:• . in theshed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Sellna,"' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." • "Roelf, 'Stop that foolishness, get When she thought back, years, later, on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem-. them coldframes. Some day, by golly,
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ory. That might: well be. • A stove, changed the whole course of her life. From the first, the schoolhonse stove was her bete noir. Out of the welter of that first year it stood, huge and menacing, a black tyrant. The High Prairie schoolhouse In which- Selina taught.was a. little miore'tbah a mile up the road beyond the Pool farm. She came Jto .know that, road In all its moods—ice-locked, -drifted with snow, wallowing In mud..' School began at half-past eight After her firstfweek Sellna had the" mathematics of "her early morning, reduced ,-to- the. least common' denominator.! tip;, at six. A plunge inito the" frigid gar-; merits; breakfast, of, bread, cheese, sometimes bacon, always -rye co'See without cream ojj-sngar..-On-with the" cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. The lunch' box in' bad weather. ' Up the road to the schoolhouse, - battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears Into the eyes, plowing the drift's, slipping .on the hard ruts, and, icy ridges in dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road In sun or rain, Invrtndor snow, her mind's eye was fixed on the "stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty Iocjd The door qnened, there smote her the schoolroom' smell—a- mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed,. bodies, dost, mice, chaJk, stov.e-wood, junch crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva. Into this Selina' rushed, untying her muffler as she-entered. In the little vestibule, there was a 1)OX piled with chunks of'stoveWOOd and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as- kindling. A dozen or more of these you soaked wltfl kerosene and stuffed -Into the maw of the'rusty iron potbellied stove. A match/ Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment for a small stick of wood; another to keep i t ' company. Shut" the .. door. Draughts. Dampers.' Smoke* .Suspense. A btaze. then a.crackle. The wood has caught" Iii with a chunk now. A wait. Another chunk.,,Slam the - door- The, 8Choolhous.e __ fire _ Ja "started "for the Say:"' **' ttur>oom. .J*rs df
We are Furnishing all Materials in our Line for the Community Center
The Onci,; wentinj sudden ings the Chlcag Klaas? five untU ten there, town house." her inl out of4 friendSelinaV She she le seemedj ever, agal ly she t none
I show you. I break every stick . . • dumb as a Groningen . ... ." ' Roelf did"not sulk. He. seemed not to mind, particularly, but hie came back to tiie carved box as soon as cbance presented Itself. He vras reading lie* books with such hunger as to cause, her to wonder if her stock would latt j him the winter. Sometimes, after ma-' per, when he was hammering and saji*» ing away in the little shed Sellhp would snatch Maartje's old shawl .off the hook, and swathed in. this draughty chinks, she would read 'to him while he, carved, or: talk above the poise of bis tools. ' was a gay'and volatile p< loved to-make- this" boy-.lao dark face would flasli Intoy^., OTIBb dazzling animation. Sometimes Stfarfc-J ^bfri Je, hearing their young laughter,'wold
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I regard ideas only in n^y itriiggkis; to the persons of, my opponents; I alii indiffemit. —Ernst HaeckeL
The Architectural Woodwork SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach.Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecf Policy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now Part . Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is being sponsored by the Jew—"Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open point.of the Monday morning. Already more than ier* of the fifteen boys have applied for admite defense' of rreat power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many the necessity August 9 more boys a*"e needed. All those delataon within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can appfy Of, Jewish Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofbe SemJ with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the GerThe camp will be located near Nans was con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exciple'for the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be i interests of park. The young Jewish coupl© have the medical supervisor of the camp. 1 the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in to the com- couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Professors Corper and Sewal. as passed by gust 9. Prizes of value will be given to the > of Jewish The tents have been completed with •wing an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring1 and are screened. Any the agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to tin's camp. ie club's.repernment was and evening and a musical and vaude* 'The Jewish Welfare Federation is yille program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards • within the picnic grounds in the evening. helping the'community," said William Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We 'first phrase ed from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing, a camp for boys, to 'adhering as Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had a. The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one L' steps with out in the open where they gain vithe Polish follows: Joe Rosenthal 6,600 tality and store themselves fuil of be made an =4 pep for the coming winter." Kate Goldstein 6,500 the Polish Sara Somb&rg ^..™ ....5.800 ceremonies Kosher meals will be served at the Morris Fine .... '. 5,800 ,becamp and on Saturday morning reguv * The first prize of. $h« contest will l a r services will be conducted. Thfcsc "tif the Club be aground-trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be iiicharge of the diplace. Calif., and the second prize will be tt rector. There will be regular Bwimfbaud-trip to- CcJtHba&s Springs.-' ••' inmgr~lesiH>rts |jy a vapaWe-instructor, Several hundred out-t>f-town guests ball games arid "hikes during the afterit-part in and for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfire stories. ly" was post- and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the picr Skrzynski, postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. OT two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rasnick, Harry Trustin Candidate articipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas the presi- Steinberg. show, M-ill be shown hei-e July 27, l£ ih Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under it will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion. which is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a ' member of the TS, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40^—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a genLegion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conusTon of the Jewish Students, created as a result test Mr. Trustin is prominent ;?? on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion • work. He is a member ot e Polish Re- A report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. sion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 50 ies in the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trustin 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bought expressed Jewish academic youth studying in from. Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hunihe agree- garian Jewish students at universities Hearquarters for their candidate. "Members trf the 40—8 and their by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and help his formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in «this popularity contest," dty of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. atus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANM-SEMITIC PARTY PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST ty would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPRO-ZION DECLARATION iiJews as the estine was for the month of June, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protest according to figures made known here. ARCHAEOLOGICAL • » . ' - -•'; - TIHS'oMer has"outraged and'enOther leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im- against the concluded Polish Jewish DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM raged thousands of American citizens. Concerning the effectiveness . of the migrants arrived "in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the National Democratic Party in an interpellaJerusalem. (J. T. A.)' A discovery The-Ulan murders at Mer Rouge, La., agreement. - One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. made by a British archseolffgfttr an rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish ParliaOxford student "and puph of Lord Bal- the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Nar<vi~ four, during excavations of- the Brit- memory. The excesses committed by respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Naish School of Archaeology here, may, these night prowlers, in other states within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish lend weight to the pro^evolution ar- are a stench in the nostrils of good will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. gument in the Tennessee "anti-evolu- citizenry. the Sejm. will again convene. It'will reception will be given in their honor. The interpellation protests against Religious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement tion trial. the "conclusion of the agreement with The front part of a primitive hu- mitted to parade in Washington and, reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forman skull was discovered during ex- rightly so. But this order uses re- Deputies and .the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign fatter;" and says "the Jews mu«i the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withcaVati«ns by Mr. Turville-Petre in a ligion for irreligious purposes. What an anomaly! Washington he stated. out an agreement." The Club of the cave at Tabg-ha, near Tiberias, among Buffalo. rejoiced that in the newly formed National Democratic Party also inMousterian flint deposits. troduced another interpellation into The skull is characterized by a pro- United States every man would worthe Parliament asking the Prime Mbs» digious development of the supra-or- ship as his conscience dictated and ister and the Foreign Minister for tfc« bital prominences and depressed fore- there would "be none to make him reason that the letter addressed t« head as in a chimpanzee, and con- afraid." Yet, there is to be permitted, upon Nahum Sbkolow, Chairman of the i!*forms closely with the' Neanderthal issue of The Jewish Press contains a special ecutive of the World Zionist Organ* European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, 24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Cornrnunity .in the shadow of the monument ization, endof^g' the Zionist move* on the continent of Asia. t Center Building. This special section contains photo^ tnent. No reply has yet been giv«n Professor Garstand, Director of-the erected to the memonry of Washing-: graphs of work on building, officers and directors, by the government to these interpoSchool, who was a witness of Mr. ton, arch foe of religious-intolerance,', speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of lations. TurviUe-Petre's discovery,* confirmed rites tending to destroy everye vesthe. history of the Jewish Community Center in tige of toleration. its scientific value. Omaha. -'-! ': The Misses Edith Sussman stu\ Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of OxVery zroly yours, This issue of The Jewish Press will be received Ethel Stol«r-entertained last ford, a pupil of Lord Balfnu.r and Mr.\ (Signed) Emanuel Oiler, by every Jewish family in Omaha. afternoon at the home of theiirette, is now a student at the TentH District, New York. in honor of Miss Rose Levine, «tfSi<wK: British School of Archaeology,. JeruCity, la. • salem, ' , * iPATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS-•
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Local Couple WHI Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
in Omaha by
Bloom Co.
Manufactures of
Of the Better Quality" •• V"
IUUUI (Uiujr—niu) L»«,«-u u i u t i u u ' uy
era .then licensed by the city. In 1836 he-was .made Fellow of the Royal Society. The next year he was elected sheriff of the city of London and was. knighted the same, year by Queen Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he was created a baronet. He died at Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885.
Royal Decree. : All persons between the age of 18 and 30 are eligible forenroilmeht and the duration of the - service is two years; A number of persons have already enlisted.
100 PER CENT INCREASE IN PALESTINE JEWISH POPUOBITUARY. LATION IN FOUR YEARS Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph , Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Fogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in of Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, was disBesides her mother, Mrs. Fosjel is closed by a census made by the stasurvived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Ziondaughter, Ruth Elaine, of "Cheyenne; ist Executive. her brothers, Samuel H.( Robert A., The^ Jewish population in Palestine and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. 3ertha of Omaha. The estimate is based on government figures, but the actual' number Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed to be considerable higher. In 1914 the, Jewish population in LeVich had been visiting here' for a ! Palestine was 84,600, but the end of month with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Meyer, and Mr". Meyer. Mf. Levich I the Great War saw only 57,900. A joined her here and spent the weel-lg-iotabfe fact* is the increase in populadon during the first- five months of "nd, *' 1925,. which exceeds the total immiMiss . Rose Grodinsky -is' visiting ig*-ati6n .for 1924 '' friends in Atlantic City. '
Notice to Our Readers
the children .arrived the zoom was : ! livable. ; ' ' ( •' Selina'had seen herself, 'dignified; tyet' gentler-»lnstructlng, a roomful 'Of rmtch cherubsvjn-. the.-simpler elements of learning. -But It Is difficult to be' dignified andgraclous:wt»6n.YOU ore suffering from'-chilblains.- r Selina. fell, victim 40 .this- sordid!^discomfort, as'did every, child In the'Jroom." She sat at*--the* battered'"pine* de'slt or moved -*>)out, a little -Ice-wool -shawl around £er shoulders when .tlie-Wind was ,wrong and-the stove balky.' Her white little -face, seemed whiter" in contrast with.the blackjfolds of this somber garment. Her slim hands were rough -'and ehapjfed. '• The oldest child.-in the room was thirteen,, the youngest Ifour and .a' half. Earjyj in", the 'winter Sellim had had the*, unfortunate-Idea of-opening the Ice-lockedt windows at intervals .and giving- the children five minutes of exercise while the fresh • cold-* air <©, Doubled*?, Page & Co.) \7Ntr Sarvlca. cleared irains and room', at,"once. Arms waved ^wildly, . heads wobbled, 8hprt legs worked vigorously. -* At the ena^of the vvveeK twenty JEjUghrEralrte SYNOPSIS parents* Bjint; protests'by. note, or word „ "Bo I of mtouth. Jaii-and-.Ckirnellus/Jfcatrina , , DeJong) in hia infancy. And -to learn rncrtner, _8elina DeJong, daughter of and Aggie went• t^' school Simeon Peaks, gambler and gentleman reading and' writing ari9v numbers, not 1 of fortune. Her life, to young womanhood In Chicago in 188S, has been un- to stand "with open windows In the conventional, somewhat seamy, --but winter. ' generally enjoyable. At school' her Qn the Pool farm the winter work, ctitua Is Julie Hempel. daughter of August Hempel. butcher; Simeon Is had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago killed in a quarrel that la not his own. and Sellna, nineteen years- old and with winter vegetables only once a practically destitute, becomes a school- week now. He and Jakob and Roelf teacher. were storing potatoes and cabbages, CHAPTER II—Selina secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pretion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring school,- in too outskirts of Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had Klaas Pool. In Roelf, twelve years been Eoelf who had taught Sellna to old, son of Klaas, Sellna perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the' schoolhouse fire. He had Uerself. '. gone with her on that first morning, I had started the fire, filled the water Chapter III pail, initiated her in the rites of corncobs, kerosene, and dampers..;A shy, Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delibber It was the Bame. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, MJss Peake!" "Koelf, I have a book called 'Ivan"I'm up I" Sellna -would caH in what hoe.' Would you like to read it?" she meant to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering'teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Bight "You better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another where Is •warm here; by the stove." called The Three Musketeers.'" Peering down the perforations In He was trying not to appear pleased; the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the lor chimney swelled so proudly Into people from whom he had sprung. the drum, Sellna could vaguely descry. Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna Mrs. Pool stationed Just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have gaze upturned. . touched at an Italian port or Spanish I That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes Invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had tween horror and mirth. >,'Tm not skipped layer on layer of placid Nethcold, really. I'm almost dressed, m erlands to crop out now in this wistful be down directly." ; , sensitive .boy. Maartjfr Pool must have sensed Sellna had spoken to-Pool about a some of the shock In the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photoor, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had pnt up a.rough bit of ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but It had already cutting. Here back, of the served. She had come home one snowy stove^ you can dress warm." : afternoon to find this shelf gone and in Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, was, Sellna had set her will against with brackets Intricately carved^ Roelf it. "I w*>n;f go down," she: said to had cut, planed,- polished, and carved herself, shaktog with the* cold." "I It In many hours of work in £he cold won't come down to dressing-behind little shed off -the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop-of. sorts; fitted with ant in one of those dreadful Russian such tools and implements as he could novels. . . ._ That sounds stuck tip devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . ..'.. The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and d e c e n t . . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' In my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelf s real work like a casing of ice. -, - . in the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing of coldframes and hotbeds for.the en stove!" declared Sellna/ glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow: pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, year* later, • "Roelf,'Stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem-. them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be.". A stove, I show you. I break every stick . * . changed the whole course of her life. 'dumb as a Groningen . . ." • From the first,- the schoolhouse Roelf did not sulk. He seemed not stove was her bete noir. Out of the ' to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year it stood, huge to the carved box as soon as chance and 'menacing1, a black: tyrants The presented itself. He was reading-her High Prairie schoolhouse in which- Se- ; books with such hunger as to cause lina taught.was alittle more'than a her to wonder if her stock would last mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after sun-'' farm. She came to .know., that, road per, when he was hammering and sawIn all Its moods—ice-locked, drifted ing away In the little shed Selln with snow,- wallowingjln mud..- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl began at half-past eight. After her the hook, and swathed In this ag: first-week Selina- had the' mathematics draughty chinks, she.would read i of her early, morning, reduced Ao'.the. to him. while he, carved, or talk to least- -common' 'denominator. Upi at above the noise of his tools. §1 six. A plunge into the frigid; gar- vras a gay'and volatile person. . ments; breakfast.'of. bread, cheese, loved t o , make'this.' boy- laugh". sometimes bacon, always -rye co'ffee" 'dark face'would flash' Intowithout cream o^-sngar. ••On-wlth- the " dazzUng animation. Sometimes cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. je, hearing, their young laughter, 5? The lunch, box in' batd weather; "' Up the road to the - schoolhouse, -battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears Into the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping .on the hard ruts..' and. Icy ridges in..dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road In aun or rain, in wind .or snow,"her mind's eye was fixed" on the "stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The door opened, there smote her the schoolroom- smell—a- mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, . unwashed,. bodies, duat, mice, chalk, Btoxe-wood, Junch cruinbs, mold, slate that has been washed With saliva. Into this Sellna rushed, raitying her muffler as she-entered. In the little .vestibule there was a box piled with chunks of'stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as kindling. A dozen o^morq of these you soated with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of tfifeTtisty iron potbellied stove. A match; Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment for a small stick of wood; another to keep i t company. Shut'the door. Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke- rSuspense. • A Maze, then : a.crackle. The vrood has m i g h t K with 'a- chunk She Would Read Aloud to Him While Ha Carved. . now. A wait. Another chunk, ~,Slam the door. The achoolhqu^e,. fl - started 'for tfce~flBJC— As'' the; th <room .Lcome to t i e shed door and stand there — A a moment,, aaggiag: h.ty arms, ia tier tbAd\pae^j th^tinifrl' MHe^'apron.'aiia siiaing ; at t«
- i
oak bo of sha1 am jit buyjmy In a st( put'It flnersti "Yfhi you?gr that-he fuL "Drip market' "Oh, "&k —twice with'Po seventee At five , at nine Thereat There a dice and ingyjpu commiss the gro
immunity Center r-.
T^s. „
V x,\
Roelf -11 pointed. "Here.] In a d>
. ^4 *"
sheet of] he had a melee gons vli men in gas tare] stab of him. i'. that pie o£,t Selijcs Oncfe, went jilt sudden
ings a i the dl €3hic Klaas gal five mil1 until Su ten JnJl there hi town sh house." her in out o f i friend Selina She was she left seemed' ever, an against ly she none
Is being done by
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JEWISH, £ B E s V THURSDAY,. JULY. 16,. 1925—PAGE .17
I regard ideas only' in my struggles; to the persons of , my 6ppo-< nents I mil indifferent. —Ernst Haeckel.
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the ) oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecPolicy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now Part Ruttenberg Jaffa' Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS T E D BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. fTIES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is.being sponsored by the Jew—"Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open point of the Monday morning. Already more than tiers of. the fifteen boys have applied for admitie defense/of great power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many the necessity August 9 more beys we needed. All those delation within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply of, Jewish Sejm estab-' presented at^ the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofleSemj with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. re concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the GerThe camp will be located near Nans was . con- man Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exciple for the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be e; interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. a the Eepub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in to the com- couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Professors Corper and Sewal. T&B. passed by gust 9. b of -. Jewish Prizes of value will be given to the The tents have been completed with of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any owing an all winners : the: agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. i club's,, repand evening and a musical and vaude"The Jewish Welfare Federation i-s 'ernment was ville program will be presented on the" taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William » within the picnic grounds in -the evening. Competition of the ticket selling R. Biumenthal, superintendent. "We 'first phrase red from "ad- contest is keen; Kate Goldstein and are organizing- a camp for boys, to "adhering as Joe Rosen thai Tunning a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had H The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one al steps with out in the open where they gain viof the Polish follows: Joe Rosenthal 6,600 tality and store themselves full of be made an Kate Goldstein 6,500 pep for the coming winter." the Polish Sara Somberg 5,800 J ceremonies Kosher meals will be served at the Morris Fine ...5,800 camp and pn Saturday morning regus.of the go?-, "The first prize of.the contest will lar service? will be conducted. These of t h i Club t?e a«round-trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the diI take, place, Calif., and, the second, prize will be a rector. . There will be regular swimby a capsbfe • Springs. jifislaw Grab- rootid-trip - toSeveral hundred out-of-town guests ball games and Wkes during the afterinentpart in and for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening camjpfire stories. ay waspost- and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the pic»r Skrzynski, postpdne his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. or two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rasnick, Harry Trustin Candidate larticipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest & dedara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake "Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an oversea* the presi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, IS h Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater undev tit will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 or ie conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legiowwhich is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of ths inisters, and Numerus Clsuisus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a genLegion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conusion of the Jewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in I on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion • work. He is a member of ie Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. ,i (D-r-SHOWING-GRADING-OF LOT. . >. • (3)—SHOWING BUILDING WITH, HIGH SCHOOL IN sion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for KP BACKGROUND. ' : " '. . • ."-"-.*-" , '(2):—SETTING' LARGE FOOTINGS FOR STRUCTURE. luties in the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trust-in i -r (4)—BUILDING AS IT IS TODAY. 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for ps expressed Jewish, academic youth studying in announce that tickets can be bough;.. this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- from.Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion the agree- garian Jewish students at universities Hearquarters for their candidate. "Members of the 40—8 and thfiit ?on by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and heir his formula, Medicine during the. past year. him win in ;this popularity contest,1' ity of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary «.c Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. atus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST Jews as the estine was for the month of June, PRO-ZION DECLARATION Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A according to figures made known here. zman army flag oeen oruerea by a This order has outraged and enera .then licensed by the city. In 1836 ARCHAEOLOGICAL Other leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred imagainst the concluded Polish Jewi»li he-was .made Fellow of the Royal So- Royal 'Decree. DISCOVERY I N J E R U S A L E M raged thousands of American citizens. concerning ,.the effectiveness , of the migrants arrived in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the NationAll persons between the age of 18 The'Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., eiety. The next year he was elected agreement.. One Jewish leader, memJerusalem. ( J . T. A.) A discovery al Democratic Party in an interpellasheriff of the city of London and was. and 30 are eligible for enrollment and made by a British archseqlogfetpan rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with ing that month. One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliathe duration of the service is two the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in knighted the same, year by. Queen the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's corOxford student "and pupil of Lord BalVictoria on her accession.' In 1846 he years: A number of persons have, four, during excavations of- t h e Brit- memory. The excesses committed by respondent, predicted that a crisis from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Naro^Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Na;, ' ; these night prowlers, in other states was created a' baronet. He died at already enlisted, ish School of Archaeology here, may, are a stench in the nostrils of good within.the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish Ramsgate, England/July, 25, 1885. 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. lend Weight to t h e pro-evolution ar- citizenry. PALESTINE JEWISH POPUthe Sejm,will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. gument in t h e Tennessee "anti-evoluThe interpellation protests again*! OBITUARY. Religious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement LATION IN FOURYEARS tion trial. •••.-.. •the "conclusion of the agreement with Funeral services for Mrs^ Joseph , Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there The front part of a primitive hV mitted to parade in Washington and, reached between the, Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forFogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in: man skull was discovered daring ex- rightly so. But this order uses re- Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor;" and says "the Jews m«s.'; of-.Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in; ligion for irreligious purposes. the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withf s by Mr. Turville-Petre in a died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from! What an anomaly! Washington he stated. cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among Buffalo. , '" out an agreement." The Club of fh»? in Cheyenne. rejoiced that in the newly formed January, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis- Mousterian flint deposits. National Democratic Party also inBesides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closed by a census made by the' sta-. The skull is characterized by a pro- United States every man would wortroduced another interpellation survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion- digious development of the supra-or- ship as his conscience dictated and the Parliament asking the Prime daughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. there would "be none to make him bital prominences and depressed foreister and the Foreign Minister for tte her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., The4 Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and con- afraid." reason that the letter addressed te and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered Yet, there is to be permitted, upon 115,161 on June 1, 1925. forms closely with the* Neanderthal Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the ExBertha of Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press contains a -special The estimate, is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community Jn the shadow of •• the monument ization, endor^««g the Zionist moveMr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia. Center Building. This special section contains photoProfessor Garstand, Director of-the erected to the memonry of Washingment. No reply has yet been l Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed to be considerable higher. graphs of work on building, officers and. directors, In 1914. the. Jewish population in School, who was a witness of Mr. ton, arch foe of religious intolerance, by the government to these Levich had been visiting here for speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of Turville-Petre's discovery, - confirmed -rites tending to destroy everye veslations. i her sister, Mrs. E. A . P a l6e s(t i nr eea t w Wa s a "t 8 4B. a6 w0 °.o hn** month with « * end of the. history of the Jewish Community Center in l tige of toleration. Meyer, and MA Meyer. Mr. Levich I *w t a b^ f a 'c t ia y 57 - 9()0 - A its scientific value. Omaha. joined her here and spent the w e e i - « "' *N increase in populaVery truly yours, Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of OxThe MUses Edith Suseman : ^nd. * • | cion during the first five months of ford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.^ This issue of The Jewish Press will be received (Signed) Emanuel Caller, Ethel Staler- entertained last Momls.} by every Jewish family in Omaha. 1925,.which exceeds the total,immi- lirette, is now a student at the Tenth District, New York. afternoon »t the home of theMiss Rose Grodinsky -is' visiting 1 gration for 1924 and-any_preceding, British School of Archaeology, Jeruin honor of Miss Rose Levine, /sth friends in Atlantic City. >cir. " salem, City, la —~r. PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS.
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Notice to Our Readers
SEGTION 3^-THE JEWlSff PRESS, THURSDAT, 'SXJLt US, 1925—PACE 18 the New World,-no less than the Old, will long preserve the Jew and the : Jewish problem. Not, of course, that there is any By ISRAEL ZANGWIIX Jewish problem—except for the Jew. To him the survival of his race under Copyright 1925 by Seven Arts Feature riod that began with our own Great conditions of eternal exile may seem Syndicate. War, a period in which Judaeophobia almost as tragic as its suicide, and, The grand old man of -world Jewry returned like a tide, even to lands like Hamlet, he may perpend "To be has written this splendid article as an ' introduction to "THE REAL JEW", a boasting of their tolerance, and now, or not to be." But for the races with collection of fascinating articles setting forth the Jewish contribution to civilizalike the course of empire "westward whom the Jew lives there is nothing tion in the realms of the spiritual, the but advantage in his persistence. takes its way." arts, the sciences, and other branches of country is enriched by his inJtttnwn enfle«Tor, and portrays THE JEW There is, of course, nothing in the 2very - AS HE REALLY. IS. The Seven Arts telligence and industry; and, as a Feature Syndicate has secored the aynJewish war-record to justify this ren' -AUatfoa privileges to this article from whipping-boy, he is indispensable. ascence or reduplication of Jew-hatthe Macmillan Co., who are handling the Though his seedx&a 7 net nowadays TOhnne In t t e United States, tad #ba red, for the Jews threw themselves -win place this book on tbe market in toe very near tnture.—IHE EDITOR, into the war with the same interne- flower into the highest individual geIUTZE, it carries the greatest average The Jew is still the unknown ©/ tine inconsistency as the Christians, potency known to history. history. WBile with the growth of and history has few meaner episodes The stamp of Jewish g«ni«s ie to humanism every effort has been made to show than this universal return for be found in every branch of science their ubiquitous patriotism. No race, other people, however savage or inand learning, and the cities of the indeed, has proved more tragically the teHectaally insignificant, even the learned professors have failed to ap- truth of Dante's lines: how salt is the world are full of the records of Jewish praise impartially the contribution of taste of others' bread, bow hard the civic virtue. The great Mond bequest Israel to world culture and progress. climbing up and down another's stairs. to the National Gallery of London, or But that the Jew must for cen- the establishment at Paris of a "UniHad the Jew perished entirely from the face of the earth, and his civil- turies still go on illustrating Dante is versity Town" f o rpoor students by M. ization been only deducible from his admitted even by the leaders of Zion- Deutsch de la Meurthe—-to whom French aviation is likewise so largely literature, he would have enjoyed a ism. NeitVi-r in the gathering place indebted—are but the most recent exof Palestine nor in the melting-pots far higher reputation; but his obstiamples of the way the Jew employs nate insistence on survival has thrown of the Diaspora can the Jew and his his wealth. The pity is that this the world's judgment quite out of per- problem disappear. Fifteen and a half wealth has not been primarily applied spective^ Hence this attempt of a million people, scattered throughout to removing the badge of sufferance number of competent writers—not in the globe, cannot either be re-inte- from his own tribe. Black as his inevery case of Jewish birth or faith— grated or absorbed. Palestine, little dictment against the world may be, it it shed light upon various aspects of larger than Wales, and lacking even is not possible wholly to acquit the his life or thought should be wel- its coal and iron, cannot receive more Jew of responsibility for his humiliacomed by all to whom ignorance is not than a small minority of them. The tions. bliss, nor hate a greater happiness United States, by that country's nonChristian and multi-racial constituThe phenomenon of Marranoism— than love. tion, had the chance of doing so; and of sailing under false religious colors I t seems strange that so many cen- if the spirit of Washington and Linturies after the great Hebrew proph- coln had persisted, millions of Jews —is a disquieting feature of Jewish ets and singers, -whose works, more- would have been gradually fused into history. It is true myriads of Jews over, have been translated into every a majestic commonwealth, whom the have died for their religion, but their language, and have surpassed in cir- recent closing of the gates will now martyrdom, or witnessing, has been culation those of any other writers, a conserve in their isolation. Had this more passive than active. The blood sort of apologia should still be neces- limitation of their immigration been of such martyrs is not the seed of any sary for the race and faith that pro- an economic necessity, so paradoxical Church. In our own epoch, among iflueea them. But before Christianity a result would not have been predict- Jews who have no faith to conceal, "had arisen to complicate the situation, able. But it is only the outcome of a Marranoism has taken the shape: of • the Jew aroused among his Semitic still narrower race prejudice than that sailing under false racial colors. That neighbors, no less than among the which had already, in the form of so- is still more degrading, for it has not 'Greeks and Romans, that hostility to cial discrimination, arrested their as- the excuse which religions Marrano•which a spurious German science has similation; and the rise of the Ku ism could offer of being an alternagiven the name of anti-Semitism, a Klux Elan is another, indication that tive to death. But this vulgar form of Marranoism may be left to its .term which current journalism comically applies to the attitude of the native Semites of Palestine towards the Zionist immigration. That Arab hostility—however mistaken—is the only form of it with a shred of justification; all other manifestations of Jew-hatred require the word Judaeophobia, a word -with the right pathological ring. For though the Jews are - far from faultless, the hatred of them is based more on their virtues than on their vices, and less on facts than on lies and legends. In a recent letter from an unknown correspondent in Berlin—and surely it is not so much the "want of pence" as the superabundance of correspondence "that vexes public men"—I was solicited, in common with other public Jews, from Brandes to Trotsky and from Einstein to Charles Chaplin, to set up a Jewish museum in a derelict Ghetto which my correspondent had discovered in a Swiss village. The • synagogue of this whilom Jewish quarter, now a mere room for straw, turnips and dirt, should, he urged, be turned into a depository for documents of the persecution of the Jews in the Middle Ages. Fanatic as was his naive belief that the Jews on his list could work together for any object on earth, still stranger was the implication that The Yousem Plumbing company was for such a building," said Will YouJewish persecution had reached mu- seam-point. Some day, perhaps, the awarded the contract for plumbing, sem. "Our company has for its motto, documents appertaining thereto may heating and ventilating for the Jew- 'Quality, workmanship, used in all our ' -he collected for the wonder of a civ- ish Community Center building "which work.' We have been in business in ilized humanity; but in that collect is being erected on Twentieth and Omaha for twenty-one years and have progressed with growing Omaha. streets. v tion the ghastliest of all the docu- Dodge r Starting with but a small shop, the • ' We qre pleased in doing the work -"' raents will deal with the pogrom pe•o- •»•
the children•:: \arrived the7rppra."was -f coiapr ; : ;
livable.^;<l '; \ If r l : * . ; v ; ? ; ; ^ L
~' "foni yb
li? :"• Selina hadt • seen-:herself;.' dignified-, j^yet'••'geatifer^Instructingi1 W/;room£dL tbf Dutch cherub^ litt-- thft... simpler ; ele> mayjli ments of :ieaite1ng.:""-Bult.it^is; difficult • to be" dignified dad gyactous^wilieit.'you [lajre smarting from/^Ublatas.- ^SeUna i "felC victim ijtO ,this. JBorjid -rdlsconifort, as ' M ' e v a y , child in the "room.' .She sat ' at-^the' battered'-pine.* desk' or moyed-tbout, a little 'Ice-Tvool shawl arojundiier shoulders .when';the-wind was iWrong ahd-tbe stove balky.,' Her white: little -face,, seemed - whiter In contrast with, the blacjijfolds of this i somber garment Her" slim hands were rough'and chapRed.^ The oldest child. In the room Was. thirteen,, the thatlhe] youngest '.tour and a' half, ---'j '/Early; In", the'winterfSeliria had had fuU"Driy^ the- unfortunate -Idea of- opening the EDNA FERBER Ice-locked: windows at intervals ( and market' "6h, giving the children five minutes^ of "Siin exercise while the freshcold^alr Doableday, P»»e & Co.) cleared brains and vopm. at." once. —twice "WNU B«rrtc«Arms waved,-,wildly,- .heads wqbblecl, wlth'jE* sh.prt.lega worked vigorously.* At the seveni ena; of';the weefc twenty Jjigh: Sralrie At fly? SYNOPSIS parents', s£nt•protestis• by. note:or word at nine CHAPTER i—Introdnelnff "So Big" of month.^^ _ J^-^d-Coinellus;jKatrina There al There a CDlrJc DeJong) in hla Infancy. And u s mother. Sellna DeJongr, (laughter of and Aggie went-to.school.,to learn dice an Simeon Peake. gambler and gentleman reading and" •writing and'- numbers, not Ing y>u of fortune. Her life, to young womanhood'In Chloago in 1888, bas been un- to stand "with} open windows in the commts conventional, somewhat BQiuny, ^but winter. generally enjoyable. At Bohool her On-the Pool farm the winter work; the ctivun Is Julie Hempel. daughter of August Hempol, butcher: Simeon is had set in. Klaas drove Into Chicago you I killed In a quarrel that lh not his own. Koelf! and- Sellna, nineteen years old and with winter vegetables only once a pointed. practically destitute, beco»#» a school- week now. He and Jakob and Roelf teacher. "Here. were storing potatoes and cabbages In a da underground; repairing fences; preCHAPTER II—Sellna secures a position as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames lor the early spring denlyish school. In tho outskirts of Chicago, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheetiof living at the home of a truck farmer, Klaas Pool. In Roelf, twelve years been Koelf who had taughl Sellna to he had old. son of Klaas, Sellna perceives a build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like herself. gone with her'on that first morning, gons pili had started the fire, filled the water men In pail, Initiated her in the rites of corn- gas toxc Chapter III cobs, kerosene, and dampers.' A shy, stub | « Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- him. 'J thataich ber It was :the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- pie of^ "Miss Peake! Oh, M B S Peake!" SeUita "I'm up t" Selina would caH in what hoe.' Would you like to read it?" Onc^, "Well, I don't get much time." She meant to be a gay voice, through "You wouldn't have to hurry. Sight went int chattering teeth. sudden "You better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another Ings and called The Three Musketeers.'" where Is warm here by the stove." dljt He was trying not to appear pleased; the Peering down the perforations in Chicago. the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Klaas . ;? lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung. five mil the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Sellna "until £J Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, . must have ten J touched at an Italian port or Spanish there gaze upturned. That first morning-, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes town sh Invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had house, tween horror and mirth. •"--••Tin not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- her In cold, really. I'm almost dressed. I'll erlands to crop out now in this wistful out oti sensitive ,boy. . be down directly." friend^ Sellna had spoken to Pool about a Selina Maartje-" Pool must have sensed some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo- She was or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had pat np a.rough bit of shelett ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but it had seemed" already cutting. Here back of the served. She had come home one snowy ever, an afternoon to find this shelf gone and In against stove you can dress warm." Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, ly sheihl was,1.'Selina'bad set her will against With brackets intricately carved. Roelf none of it. "I ' won't"' go down," she said to had. cut; planed,- polished, and carved herself, shaking with the cold.' "I it in inany hours of work In the cold won't come down t o dressing behind little shed off .the kitchen. He had the kltehen stove like-a—like a peas- there a workshop' of. sorts; fitted with ant In one of those dreadful.Russian such-tools and implements as he could novels. . . . . That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and d e c e n t . . . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelf s real work in the shed was the making and" mendlike a casing of ice. •, " "But I won't dress behind the kitch- ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Selina,' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow, pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years, later, - "Koelf, v stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence In her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That mightr well be. '-A stovet I show you. I break every stick . « • changed the whole course of her life. dumb as a Gronlngen . . ." From the first, the schoolhouse Roelf did'not sulk. He seemed not stove was her bete nolr. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year it stood, huge to the carved box as soon as chance and imenachig, a black tyrant\ The presented Itself. He was reading her High Prairie schoolhouse In which-Se- books with such hunger as to cause lina taught, was al little more'than a her to wonder If her stock would last mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, alter sun-; farm. She came io inpw..that, road per, when he was hammering and saw* ^ in all its moods—Ice-locked, drifted ing away in the little shed Sellno with snow, wallowlng.ln mud..- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl qfljj J began at half-past: eight. After: her the hook, and swathed In this against^ firstjweek Sellna had the mathematics draughty chlnksj she .would would read ;alQuS^ of; tier early, morning; reduced .to-the 'to Mm while he( carved, or talk to h ^ ^ ^ S leasi common' aenomjhatpr. Up. at •ajaoye the noise of bis tools. ^'P^^BS^ six.; A plunge^ Into the" frigid gar- was a gay'and volatile person. V,J ments; breakfast, of .bread, cheese, loved to niakei this" boy lauglu: ^ sometimes; bacon, always -rye-coffee dark face'would fla'sn 1nt6j ' without cream OE-sugar..'Onwith'the dazzllDglanimation. Sometimes! cloak, muffler, hoofl, mittens, galoshes^ Je, hearing their young laughter, The lunch box In" bard weather. Up the road to the schoolhouse,. battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears Into -the eyes, plowing the drifts, Bllpping .on the hard ruts, and. Icy fluges In,firy weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun or rain, In" wtofl1 or snow, - her : mind's eye wasfixea "on the "stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed ~ .fingers wrestled with the rusty locfc. The door^OBened^ there ^mote.her the ^schoolroom' smell1—a; mingling of dead ;:.'. ashes, kerosene, unwashed t.. bodies, dnst," mice,,' chalk, stov.e-wppd, Junch • "crumbs, mold, slate that has -been '""•-•.••.•washed with saliva. Into this Sellna" • rushed, untying her muffler as Bhe-en.•'•"• tered.' In the little vestibule-there • ; was a box piled with chunks of 'stoveH•:•:. wood and another heaped .with' dried ';: corn-cobs. ': Alongside tils a can of " ^kerpsenei The cobs: served as; kin•A dling:•"•• A dozen or, more of these you • 8O9k«|a; With.Jberosene and stuffed ;:'lut6? the niaw of the1*rusty .Iron' pot-bellied iftoye. A match; Up flared :vtJie;;Coro-cpbs; Now was the mojhent "r^for" a small stick' of wood;_? another to % keep^ it^ company. Shut the :dbori: S^^Pxwghts: -Dampers. ^Smoke< ,Susl -'-'hiiMke. -A Maze,.then*a crackle. The She Would Read Aloud -to Him Whll; ^fob£-ha&fccaoghfe'iM: wltli ^ chunk; He Carved. . fericiw;^A wait.^ Another chunk.,-.Slant «*tfae^"&a^$&f (echoolIipBse jHfQ^te -come to the shed door and stand there •:::* ; , l ^i^^^;^f' o ^^^;M^ffir^pbffl a moment, hugging-, hex arm$^ In. tier roKefl apron v aiii slotting/at thfenu VJI; SBy the' ame T wl":^^?i?#£S#*^*#;^?J'- -:~:;!';^'1 <
own futility. More important' is it that Judaism, even though openly practiced, should not lurk too shyly in the background of civilization. One hears of it only when its method of slaughtering cattle is called into question. To that attack there is a doubtless adequate reply in this volume, though, for my part, I venture to assert that, whichever form of killing is the most humane, that form is the form to which Judaism is bound by, ite own spirit. But what needs exposition urbi et ©rW is precisely this spirit, It is nineteen centuries since Josephus wrote his noble reply to the Greek sophist, Apion. This cSrile note is sot heard again throughout all the Christian «ra, for even when Judaism was forced to defend itaelf—and tor long eentories it was absolutely silent —it spoke "with bated breath *nd whispering humbleness." As for Mohammedanism, only one author throughout the whole range of Jewish literature challenged it at any length. Judaism, in fact, bears the stigmata hot so much of a superseded religion as of a suppressed religion. "You are right," says the Jew to the King of the Chazars in Jehudah ha-Levi's "Khuzari"—"you are right to reproach us with the fact that our banishment has yet borne no fruit." The stretch of eight centuries that has elapsed since this dialogue was written has not tended to lessen that reproach; and if in this day of healthy self-questioning on the part of the modern Church, the religion of the Synagogue fails to present itself «6 still a living issue, it will have sealed its doom as a world force. AUTHORITIES REFUSE PERMISSION FOR ANTISEMITIC CONFERENCE . Vienna. (J. T. A.) r Permission far an all-Austrian conference of the Voelkische party, which was scheduled to take place here on August 18, was refused by the Austrian authorities in order to avoid outbreaks in view cf the fact that the Zionist Congress will take place on the same day.
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BENJAMIN LEINER Most Popular American Jew During the sweltering days that recently swept the country, -we were sitting on the shadowy verandah of an exclusive summer resort hotel. Our group consisted off a well-known American editor, a successful business man -whose lose magnificent gift to a tharity organisation had startled American Jewry, one of Broadway's most admired stag* lovers, and » young' man, immaculately dressed, whose name I did not know a& I was the last one to ju ; n the group. It was opprwssive!v not and humid, and these gentlsiien, with one exception, seemed very ill at ease, as they complained of the almost torrid aU mosphere. The exception -was *!»"©. young man, with a very energetic f?.*e arid an air. of self-assurance, which however -3d not verge on the boastful or" arrogant. literature, theatre and politics were being discussed. The young gentleman listened attentively, nodding now and then, infrequently commenting ; - i straightforward, unaffected fashion, giving the impression tKat the subjects diseussed had constituted a great pars of his life's activities. As is usual in most groups . nowadays, the subject of the Tennessee Evolution case came up for discussion. The man who had attracted my attentio- by his simp'"city, now gave me cause for greater admiration as he expressed his views on this new outcropping of l*jotry. Leaning over to my neighbor, 1 whispered: "Who is that chap?" The answer was a hearty, though amazed, chuckle: "What, you don't know Benny! Thats' Benny Leonard, the uadefeat- J Ifghtweight "boxing champion of the worlds Now the ordinary —rial's idea ot a prize-fighter is something of a cross between a wild bull and the foreman of a piano-hoisting crew. The mental picture gives you, not a man, but a. "guy" with a brown-derby hanging at a dangerous angle, a cigar slanting up from a 45 degree angle, a scowl and — snarl shooting out. a young Niagara of well-aimec* tobacco juice. But here is Benny Leonard, undefeated lightweight champion of the .world, the hero of many a. tough scuff1 ~ He has none of the ear marks of the professional boxer.. He is a polished individual, a tasteful dresser, arries•.himself with that graceful elegance which marks the man of the world. His tread is light and his gait carries the rhythmic sway c ' one of these Grecian athletes sculptured ' v Phidias. His extraordinary success in the ring is in no small measure to Benny's intense study of the human anatomy. Leonard is a scientist. Take your ordinary variety of prir- fighter, the tough-looking graduate of bar-room brawls and his knowledge of the human " d;- is no better than that of a two "week old baby. It also bawls when it has a pain in the tummy. ' Leonard knows the exact location and specific utility of every muscle in the human body. And his fighting success is not due to any exaggerated muscle development. He,Jias trained his mind to function like a smooth^ xunnitig machine in .which the slightest pressure of a button sets t h ' wheels in motio., and Bets them a-flying. In other words, Leonard is not the usual combination of beef and brawn, without brains. He is a walking sam-
ers then licensed by the city. In 1836 he-was .made Fellow of the Eoyal Soeiety. The next year he was elected sheriff of the city of London and was knighted the same year by. Queen Victoria on her accession. In 1846 he •was created a' baronet. He died at Ramsgate, England, July 25, .1885.
By Maurice Abrams
pie of the philosophy that mind controls matter. The downright mirae1- about Benny Leonard fc that this frail "powder puff kid" developed into one of the most perfect slamming sledge-hammer punchers the ring ever saw. There is no buiginess about his muscles, none of that stone wsjl chestiness abo-•• hia -->ctu-, but he has the agility of 3 panther, the unflinching eye of a pairie Indian and the moat perfect control over every nerve in his body. To him the human body is the subject of never lagging interest. The scientist bent over his culture tests and . miseroscopes has no mare passion far knowledge of th« mysteries and; intracacies of the human frame than. Benny Leonard. Small wonder than that this boy made the old guard snicker with iuppressed mirth when ~e first entered the ring as a profession- * But Leonard never wavered in hia scientific attitude toward the bexTig game. He licked the stuffing o-»* - * B ^ T who ou for ounce ha<* more steam than he could ever muster himself. Leonard jld me cf his method of procedure. •"—ry- tjr»»" w&- scheduled t» aj pear ~" K f » pri*»+*« coa-
ference ^ith. hims. "Benny," he would say, "if you let any contender come ~\ --d- take your crown, you are just the averac man who rises a r J falls b the law of chance. If you hoiA it ag '- A all contenders- by the power of your intelligence in directing your body and rain." then you are the better man. Which shall it bet" At the Keith vr.udeville house,, w^ere ~*-enn * - now -"ring, I interviewed him. While smearinr on the paint — i airVng his brows under the pencil Penny mused along quietly on his hitions *- life. "I have two interests in life now." "My main interest ' physical culture and along with that is my interest in the stage. The two wHl go together becaus- when I am on the stage I talk and demonstrate certain phases of physical exercise. My ambition is to teach the American people that exercise is a delightful thing and that it should be ontemplated as a pleasure instead of a necessity. When I was a boxer I carried on extensive and nuiaerof-- experiments with my- body. As a result of this, I have an intimate, accurate knowledge of the physiology of the human body. Every individual presents a different problem as far as the body is concerned. It is unfortunate that there exists a certain amount of quackery in different physical culture systems. I refer esp "- *V to \<* highly commercial strong- me- who try to make the public believe that a person can become a Samson over night. Exereise
should r>ot be taken for the purpose ~ of developing into a strng .moan. The amount of strength that- a person needs depends upon his occupation. My idea is to study each person.separately and prescribe a system of exercise for them with the same knowledge that I used in building up my own body.** Why should Benny Leonard with an independent fortune be concerned about the health of America? It is clear that he does not have to teach physical culture for the sake of profits. His vaudeville contract alone insures him a comfortable living. Leonards one dominant p'assion, his only ambition: and that is raising the health standard of America. "My experience in. the army was » revelation to me," he replied ia answer to the above question. "Wtam I saw the poor physical condition of most younj* Americans, and what it required t" *-~ke good soldiers oat of them, ~ *-*t a great work cooM be performed ""- anyone who wooM conscientiously interest the American people in sensible health ruk ." It v-as amusiig to v «ar the hero of many ring tattles refer to the danger of certain athletics. As I left the champion, I recaJed Arthur Brisbane's remark in his famous "TOD AV» column, that "Benny: Leonard *"~ - d^ne more to *vwn aatisemitism in America than any oilier person or organization. • • * And I wonder if that isn't true. (CopyrigV 1925, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
I regard ideas only ; in my^stmggles; to the persons of my opponents I «m indifferent. —Ernst HaeckeL
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Wili Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLU DES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the I oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecPolicy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now Part Euttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS f E D BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. TIES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is being sponsored by the Jew—"Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open point of the Monday morning. Already more than of. the fifteen boys have applied for admitdefense'of power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many the necessity August' 9 more boys a*e needed. All those delation -within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply >: of, Jewish Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofejSemj with picnic Df the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. reconcemmg be held Sunday, August 9, at the GerThe camp will be located near Naais.-, was. con- man" Home Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of n conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exiciple'for the full ceremony will be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be 4 interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. a the Kepub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry, The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Proto the comfessors Corper and Sewal. ras. passed by' S^st Prizes of value will be given to the The tents have been completed with b of Jewish 1 owing an all winners of the games 1and contests to •wood flooring and are screened. Any the agree- beheld in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 i club's.rep- Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp, rernment was and evening and a musical and vaude"The Jewish Welfare Federation is ville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William within the picnic grounds in the evening. Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We 'first phrase :ed from "ad- contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and are organizing a camp for boys, to 'adhering as Joe Kosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had a The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one al steps with out in the open where they gain viof the Polish follows: tality and store themselves full of Joe Rosenthai 6,600 be made an pep for the coming winter." Kate Goldstein .„. 6,500 the Polish Sara Somberg . 5,800 il ceremonies Kosher meals will be served at the Morris Fine ..5,800 nuXMiftHi becamp and on Saturday morning regu5 jdf the gov- The first prize of. the contest lar services will be conducted. These i~t£ the Qub be a «round-ttip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the diI take place. Calif*, and the second prize will be" a rector. There will be regular swimround-trip to Cotacad** Springs. by a capable n Several hundred out-of-town ball games arid Wkes during the afterit part in and for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfire stories. iy; was post- and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the picif Skrzynski, postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. or two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S* Rasnick, Harry Trustin Candidate tartacipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest fing declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas the presi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, 18 ish Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under at will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of fce conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion. | which is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the ers, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by the eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conkysion of the Jewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in I on the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion work. He is a member n;: Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. iion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for 50 luties in the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trustin 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bough*, expressed Jewish academic youth studying in from_ Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion this agree- universities abroad. Seventy-four Hun- Hearquarters for their candidate. the agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and their by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and hslp i formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in <this popularity contest," ity of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of, Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. . .tus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST y would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPRO-ZION DECLARATION Jews as the estine was for the month of June, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protest according to figures made known here. enemies iii This order" hag outraged and enOther leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im- against the concluded Polish Jewish raged thousands of American citizens. concerning .the effectiveness of the migrants arrived-in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the NationThe Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., agreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. al Democratic Party in an interpellarivaled only by Poe's "Murders in ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with tion introduced into the Polish ParliitOne hundred and seventy tourists the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in the Jewish Telegraphic Agency's corment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narofimemory- The excesses committed by respondent, predicted that. a crisis from Brazil are expected to arrive in owy, the Club of Deputies of the NaBeirut on July 8 for the purpose of these night prowlers in other states within the Gub of Jewish Deputies tional' Democratic Party in the PoHfifc are a stench in the nostrils of good will be inevitable in the autumn when participating in the - inauguration of Sejm. a street named Rio de Janeiro. A citizenry. The interpellation protests again**, the Sejm,will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. Religious orders have been per- then be apparent, that the agreement the "condueion of the agreement with mitted to parade- in Washington and, reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a forrightly so. But this order uses re- Deputies and .the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor," and says "the Jews m«*<t ligion for irreligious purposes. the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withWhat an anomaly! Washington he stated. • . . . - . . . . out an agreement." The Club of thfe Buffalo. ' • " " ' . . rejoiced that in the newly formed National Democratic Party also inUnited States every man would wortroduced another interpellation inte .ship as his conscience dictated and the Parliament asking the Prime Mhsthere would "be none to." make him ister and the Foreign Minister for ih* : afraid." . reason that the letter addressed te Yet, there is to be permitted, upon Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the ExThis issue of The Jewish Press contains a special your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community .in the shadow of the monument ization, "endor^r»g" the Zionist moveCenter Building. This special section contains photoerected to -tie memonry of Washingment. No reply has yet been given graphs of work on building, officers and directors, ton, arch foe of religious intolerance, J by the government to these InterpsK speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of rites tending to destroy everye veslations. -Hhe. history of the Jewish Community Center in tige of toleration. Omaha. The Misses Edith Sussmin- *i«V Very truly syours, This issue of The Jewish Press wiH be received Ethel Stol«r- entertained Ia8t Monday (Signed) Emanuel Celler, by every Jewish family in Omaha. afternoon at the home of the- latterTenth District, New York. in honor of Miss Rose Levine. City, Ia -=r-. PATRONIZE OUR ADVEKT1SBRS-
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Painting by •
ISARD ECORATING CO. i "Painting in all ; i its Branches" -\ •
miari "army" lias been ordered" by a Royal Decree. -. " All persons between the age of 18 and 30 are eligible for enrollment and the dnration of the - service is two years; A : number of persons have already enlisted, . '
100 PER CENT INCREASE IN PALESTINE JEWISH POPUOBITUARY. LATION IN FOUR YEARS Funeral sen-ices for Mrs. Joseph . Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Fogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per .cent in . of Mrs. Sarah'Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from: in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, was disBesides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closed by a census made by the sta-; survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Ziondaughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., Jewish population in-Palestine and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 1*15,151 on June 1, 1925. ftertha of Omaha. The estimate is based on governMr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual'number Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed to be considerable higher. Levich had been visiting here' for a j P_a IIn , „1914, the.' • Jewish population in mohth with hex sister, Mrs. E. A. t h ee s t i n e wWa sa r BSW o n l 5 7 9 0 0 A Meyer, "and Mf. Meyer. Mr. Levich' l o t a <&**' y ' ' bl€ joined her here and spent the weel«.' *•**•»•-«» increase in popula; ^jjj, , jjion during the first five months of J1925, • which exceeds the total immiMiss Rose Grodinsky ,is' visiting[g^ation.for 1924 and-any_preceding. /jt.h-friends'in Atlantic City. >cir.
ATlantic 5819 312 South 19 th Street
ARCHAEOLOGICAL % . - ?' s DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM Jerusalem. (J. T. A,)' A' discovery made by a British archaeologfstr an Oxford student'and pupil of Lord Balfour,, during excavations of- the British - School of Archaeology here,- may lend weight to the pro-evolution argument m the Tennessee "anti-evolution trial. . The front part of a primitive, human skull was discovered during excavations by Mr. Turyiile-Petre in a cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among Mousterian flint deposits. The skull is characterized by a prodigious development of the supra-orbital prominences and depressed forehead as in a chimpanzee, and conforms closely with the* Neanderthal European type not previously found on the continent of Asia. Professor Garstand, Director of ~the School, who was a witness of Mr. TurviUe-Petre's discovery, confirmed its scientific value. Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of Oxford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.v i^rette, is now a student at the -British School of Archaeology,.Jerusalem.
Notice tv Our Reader*
the children, .arrived the "room was F compK "livable.
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Selina. * had - seen herself,' dignified^ '£yet' gentleHinstructing. a roomful -of Dutch cherubs.-.in.-thft.simpler elements of learning. -But it is difficult to be dignified drid-gracldus;when/yoa are Buffering from'chilblains.-.Selina. fell, victim -jto' .this- sordid-rdiscomfort, as did every, child in the'room.' She sat at"-'the« battered' pine.- desk' or moved -«?)out, a little 'Ice-wooJ. -shawl y j y around* Tier shoulders when-the-wind was .wrong and the stove balky../ Her in a st white little -face seemed whiter in pUtrlt C , contrast .with the blackjfolds of this day'; ar l somber garment Her slim bands flne\stl "Vfhi were rough -and chapRed.^ The oldest child, in the room was. thirteen,, the you that^he youngest ;fonr and .a half. . Early; in, the'winter;:SeHna had had "Driv the; unfortunate -idea of '• opening the EDNA BERBER Ice-locked> windows at intervals\ and market' giving the children five minutes, of "6h, «g exercise while the fresh- cold-'air O , Doubled*?. P»go & Co.) : —twice cleared Jbrains and room. atv once. VTttV Sarvlc*. Arms waved .:wildly, heads .wobbled, wlth'P< short .legs worked -vigorously.' At the sevent end" of- the we'eJc twenty jHighrprairie At fire SYNOPSIS parents'.s^ijt;pj:oteste'by, note.or word at nine There al CHAPTBB I.—Introducing "So Big" of mouth. _ -Jai)-and--C<iarnellus;jtatrina There <X>lr?£ DeJong-) in hU infancy. And bis and Aggie went-to\ school .to learn mother, Sellna DeJong. daughter of. dice an Simeon Peake, gambler and gentleman reading and" writing and' numbers, not of fortune. Her life, to young woman- to stand with open windows in the . ing yjou hood in Chicago In 1888, has been unv commis conventional, somewhat aQ»roy, ~but winter.. the _* generally enjoyable. At school her On the Pool farm the winter work, cliujn Is Julie Hempel. daughter of you Vi August Hempel, butcher; Simeon in had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago Boelf! killed in a quarrel that Is not his own. with winter vegetables only once a and- Sellna, nineteen yeara old and pointed. practically destitute, become* a school- week now. He and Jakob and Roelf "Here, teacher. were storing potatoes and cabbages in a underground; repairing fences; preCHAPTER' n—Sellna secures a position as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the , early spring denly^ah school, In tho outskirts or Chicago, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had sheet of living at the home of a truck farmer, Klaa* Pool. In Roelf, twelve years been Roelf who had taught Sellna to he had old, son of Klaas, Sellna perceives a build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee klndreU spirit, a lover of beauty, like herself. , . gone with her;on that first morning, .gons pi had started the fire, filled the water men hi pail, initiated her in the rites of corn- gas t Chapter III cobs, kerosene, and dampers. A shy, stub of Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent hoy. She set out delib- him. that : ber It was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Boelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- pie of "Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peake!" Sellha "I'm up I" Selina would caH tn what hoe.' Would you like to read it?" Oncfe, "Well, I don't get much time." she meant to be a gay voice, through -; "You wouldn't have to hurry. Bight wentJht chattering teeth. sudden "3Tou better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another ings atrd where is warm here by the Stove." • called The Three Musketeers.'". dirt He was trying not to appear pleased; the Peering down the perforations in Chicago. the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had Bprung. the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Selina five mil4| Mrs. Pool stationed vJust below, her thought, or fisherman, must have until £3ui touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten Jull gaze upturned. . That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there invitation, Selina bad been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had town sh tween horror and mirth. v'Tin not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- house.; In; cold, really. I'm almost dressed. Til erlands to crop out now in this wistful her out of; sensitive .boy. , .''.-.; be down directly." friendg Selina had spoken to .Pool about a Maartje- Pool must have^sensed some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo* Selina^i She wa!s or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of she left l| ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and Ugly, but It had seemed" already cutting. Here back of the served. She had come home one snowy ever, an afternoon to find this shelf gone and In against stove you candres3 warm." Shivering and tempted though she Its place a smooth and polished one, ly she it was, Selina had set her : will against with brackets Intricately carved; Roelf none of it. "I Won't'go dbwn/* she said to had cut, f-aned,- polished, and carved herself .shaking with the'cold." "I It in inany hours of work In the cold won't come down to dressing- :behlnd little shed off the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop- of. sorts, fitted with ant in one of those dreadful Russian such tools and implements as be could novels. . . .. That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid./. . ; The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent.. . . B u t faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear' of thing was looked upon by Klaas' In my arms. Oh, dear, "this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelfs real work in the shed was the making and mendlike a casing of ice. , .-••>..' "But I won't dress behind the kitch- Ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Sellna,' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of bis own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thonght back, years, later, • "Roelf, =-stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence In her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be. -A stove, I show you. I break every stick . . . changed the whole course of her life. dumb as a Gronlngen . . ." From the first, - the schoolhouse Roelf did" not sulk. He seemed not stove was her bete noir. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year it stood, huge to the carved box as soon as chance and menacing, a black tyrantv The presented itself. He was reading her High Prairie schoolhouse in which-Se- books with - such hunger as to cause lina taught was a little more'than a her to wonder if her stock would last mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after sun-: farm. She came lo .know that, road per, when he was hammering and Baw- „ In all its moods—ice-locked, drifted Ing away in the little shed SellJQ with snow, wallowing ;in mud.,- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl off began- at half-past eightv After her the hook, and swathed in this against _ first week Selina" had the mathematics draughty chinks, she .would read alo.ua" of'her early morning, reduced to-the to him while he, carved, or talk to toliif least common' denominator." tfpv at above the noise of his toots. S^to* six. A plunge into the' frigid gar- was a gay'and; volatile person. ments; breakfast, of. bread, cheese, loved to make; this' boy l t i sometimes bacon, always -rye coffee . dark face "would flash 4 <r without cream or,-sugar.,-On-with- the dazzling; animation. Sometimes cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. .Je, hearing their young laughter, The lunch box in' bad weather." Up the road to the-schoolhouse,.battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears Into -the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping .on the hard ruts/and, icy ridges in; dry weather.. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun or rain, in*wind or snow,"her mind's eye was fixed on the "stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed } : :flnger3 wrestled with" the rusty IockV The door..qgened,- there .smote her the schoolroom' smell—a mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed... bodies, dust, mice, chalk, stove-wood, Junch • crujnbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untying her muffler as she-entered. In the little vestibule/there was a box piled with chunks of stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as- kindling. A dozen or more of these you soaked .with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of the> rusty Iron potbellied stove. A match; Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment - for a" small stick of wood; another to door. keep It' company. Shut* the door Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke- ,Suspense. A blaze, then a.crackle. h wood haB caught' In with tf chunk She Would Read /Uoud^oHirn While now. 'A wait Another chunk.,-Slam ,;:^:,-;'.:.:• ^i Ho.; Carved.;. ;-'\:vv.V^ •"'.'' the' door.. The schpolbquse „ fire ^ fs tajttfesljea:door:and stand there'ffited 'for the-' day."" As' the; toovx ^ooing ^aj^mbtneT^^ngging;.h^>arni3,l33L h'er; diadwg|te#flna remorc y '-irelhsd^ajurea.'arid fitting;' at UiteiBi- WJ»-? t
' . * : - ' -
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argument goes; and the public which tacked; contenting himseir wittP the objects has the right to demand the enigmatic remark, "I rest silent in my work,** has this time come out into removal of the panel. the open to defend himself. His leadJacbfi,Epstein's Hyde Park Memorial Most Discussed and Most Abused Question time in the Commons being admirers ar£ interviewed; they : »":, V Piece'of Sculpture of the Generation. - . i came practically a debate on the Ep; write to the press, and make speeches • •;»•••,•••"; S ' ' .•'-:• B y JOSEPH XEKTWICEL stein* memorial. Lieutenant Colonel to explain why they think Epstein Dalrymple White, M. P., asked the right and the public and press wrong. It W no exaggeration to say that meeting against its • existence. ' Home Department •whether.it could That is perhaps the best means of not have "this disfigurement reJacob Epstein has driven this great, Never do I remember a controversy rwonde^al, did London' and its gener» defense of the Epstein panel—the only moved." Sir William Davisdn, M. P., so violent and general about a piece y^yvCtUittLbndDners mad, frantic, be- defense^—for if it -is. ugly, what- in asked if the minister in charge of "of stone carved by a sculpture into ;sid^: rjthensselves, - I t - is no small Heaven's name are these others, and the Department would take the trou- the shape of his imagining. aedhde^nitot'to'^drive any general pub- . why is there n© howl of protest ble to stand in front of the memorial In Hyde Park, while the crowd was . rv -:-.He mid 'about a -work of art, but Ep- against them? for a few hours each day so that he standing round the panel arguing and v : steih 'Sias> done it—and not for the But the answer is simple, because might know th» feelings of tho public criticising, Epstein and his wife" came first -tintfe in Jiis life either. I t is a they are dull. and they interest no about it. Mr. E. Cadogan, M. P., up. Mr. Homerville Hague, the* fatal facility of his to set'the man in one, noteven to protest. wanted to know whether the sanction sculptor who is at present engaged oh Although the Hon. Stephen Coler^ iff the Department of Public Works some work at Australia House, formed : the street- in : a* rage about: his work. He did it with his Oscar Wilde monu> ide, himself an artist and the son of was "ultimate and absolute." Lord the center of a group of people conmeiit-:in Paris, %hich was not allowed the famous Lord Chief Justice, at- Cavendish-Bentinck, Dr. Haden Guest, demning the sculpture both as a work tobe- unyefled Kecause the public and tacks .even that defense by saying Sir Henry Craik and Captain Eden of art and as a work expressive of the critics resented" it. Then there that "those of us. who are disgusted all joined in to heckle or support Mr. Hudson. Someone recognized Epstein trere^his sculptures for the British with the Epstein performance have no Locker-Lampson, the minister in and touched Mr. Hague on the shoulMedical Association in the Strand, brief tD defend the generals in Trafal- charge. Lieutenant Colonel and Hon. der, and advised him to lower his •which brought a howl of protest from gar Square or the statesmen in frock Cuthbert James, M. P., perpetrated voice. Instead of doing that, Mr. all sides arid a controversy which Iast^ coats in Parliament square. Because the inevitable bad joke of suggesting Hague went over to Epstein and drew ed for years.- His Venus was attacked other things are ugly, the Epstein me- because of Epstein's name (as if the him into the argument. "You are as an ugly, 'formless parody of the morial does not become beautiful. The bearer of such a name could not be criticising my work with considerable 'goddess of womanly beauty, and his standard of beauty we desire to set anything but a foreigner) whether vehemence," said Epstein. "I have a statue "of Christ was denounced as a up for emulation are the masterpieces, "the sculptor, owing to his inadequate perfect right to criticise a work of scandalous piece of sculpture, a blas- not the ineptitudes and the unhappy knowledge of English, thought he had art," replied Mr. Hague, "and this phemous conception and an outrage to monuments and statues which no one to produce a sculpture dealing with one is public property." The arguwith any taste admires." decent feeling. birds and erected a scarecrow." ment between the two grew heated. There have been questions in ParNow hisi Rima, which was unveiled .The correspondence columns of the Mrs. Epstein became concerned and about a week ago by the Prime Min- * liament about the panel. Members of newspapers are flooded with letters tried to draw Epstein away, but beSster,~Mr. Baldwin, at an official cere- the Hudson Memorial Committee have pro and con. Most of the newspapers fore she succeeded there was considmony" in commemoration of the great protested that the funds raised have have had more than one editorial on erable plain speaking on both sides. naturalistj 'W. H. Hudson," to whom been misapplied by the Selection Jury. the subject. - . .• The comments overheard in the the bird sanctuary- of which the" Ep- ' Demands havebeen made on all sides, crowd are more outspoken even than .Epstein himself, who in the past even in Parliament, for its removal. slein-panel fo'rms "a part, has been anything Mr. Hague could have said. has always kept silence "when atHyde Park,is a public garden, the dedicated, is the center of a storm of •protest-more-violent than any ever before levelled at'Epstein by his critics.: Of course, defenders, too, are not lacking, and important defenders, men . whose word demands respect, and naturally, as the abuse on the attacking side grows more heated and exaggerate^, $o the ardency of the defenders becomes more fired, and Epstein is •.elevated by them into a symbol, into ; something greater than himself and all.his work, and he becomes the banner of the Modernists, the high-brows and would-be highbrows, the admirers ©f the daring and the unconventional, and those who love to set the Philis• tine by the ears in their ever raging 1 battle against the Quietists, t^e technicians in art, and the average, esery- day layman. . 2£fto;^-:Kv^. I Epstein's jianel in Hyde Park has become a place of pilgrimage. Crowds T ^ there daily to stand in front of it sind Ifieiform the ritual of abuse. It i a s become the sensation of the day ^~and of the night. : I t was almost midnight when quite a distance from Hyde Park I heard .an" American tourist, in his unmistakable American accent, asking a policeman the way to the Epstein monument. "I went into the park this afterjQoon," says a correspondent" of the_ -. 1 j Manchester Guardian, "made for the ; first policeman I saw, and before I could open my mouth, he said' 'Go along that path as far as you can and you will find it on the right.' "The criticism has been fierce and heat&d.. "The Hyde Park atrocity," is a, heading freely applied to the panel : in thfe press. "You have misunderstood the idea —-|3t 5s to attract;the birds, not to frighten them away," *a cartoonist remarks of it, addressing Epstein. Another cartoonist has brought together a collection of all the ugliest statues -fe London—-the Albert Memorial, the - Zk "Nvirsti Cavell statue and several of "™ the drab, nondescript generals who are scattered aboutv unloved and unwapted, in thc-Laadoq sqnaxes, and. be has grouped them about the Ep^ein panel as ;if. they of all things on !
Jewish Sculptor Drives Lbnclon Mad
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SEC!TIO]jI..3-r^3|^,JE.WISg ?KES.S, i "The most disgusting thing I have ever seen," says. one. "How could .. they .give .him .the order? .They wilJL have to take it away," says another!. "The.public can.stand a good deal, but this is .-the-limit... Some one ought to come round on a dark night, and smask.it to bits. with.a sledge hammer," says. ,a third. "If, we don't admire ». hideous thing of this kind," says a/ fourth, "they calf us Philistines.''" An, artistic looking man standing by protested."' "I.t is a loeaiitiful work' of art," he said. "Where is the beauty?" came the chorus from the crowd.
X; 16, 1925—PAGE 21
had^most tojto w*th thg selection jrf. .. monumental and vital as the French Epstein to. carry out the.work,.being, .IJourdelle, or as. massive and impresas he is, one of the chief supporters sive as tbe>':Se¥l>- Mestrovic," nor as Epstein has, had for some years past, epoch-making as was Rodin or as was says: "I am surprised at the atti- the Belgian Mennier. And. although tude of Epstein's fellow-craftsmen. Konody, a noted admirer of both, Instead of rallying round him, they places* him with Glicenstein as the. have done as much as they possibly greatest artists,-the Jews have so far can against him, losing sight of the produced <in sculpture undoubtedly), fact that thereby they are incidentally there* is despite-their common Jewishdoing injury to themselves." ness little else in. common between the Oat -Epstein is an outstanding A curious interlude in the whole af- two. figure -in art and easily among the fair is that Sir John Lavery, one of the most convention "of artists, has few great sculptors, the world poscome out with a bold gesture of ap- sesses-today. proval of Epstein, by nominating him Some of his works are suspiciously for membership of the Royal Acad- like stunts and there "has certainly emy, "to silence," as he writes, "the been more of tKe element of shocking ridiculous ones who look upon the R. the public in'his exhibitions than of A, as a hallmark." Lavery an ad- winning his way with the quiet force mirer of Epstein! How strange it of convincing'* achievement. His finsounds to ,one who knows the work est works^' and they are remarkably of both. It is not probable that Ep- fine—some of his portrait heads, parstein will be elected—for one thing, ticularly—have" hardly been noticed, there is no vacancy among the R. A's, while his poorer works like his "Veand there may be none for some years nus" and ids "Christ" and his "Rima" yet. But the gesture is certainly a have caused sensations. He is not as fine and outstanding one, and it will convincing "in stone as in clay. He is certainly have created a profound im- a far greater modeller than a carver, pression on the sheep-like ones, who but as a modeler he is superb. And without understanding follow names. he always has an arresting and interWhat then is the truth about the esting view of his sitter, and he has temperament and vigor. Epstein memorial? As I see it, there is no ground for The "Rima," or perhaps I should either the wild abuse or the fiery par- call it.the Hudson Memorial, is by no tisanship which make up the present means an "atrocity.". It certainly controversy. Epstein is.one of the does not deserve the abuse that has few important sculptors living today, been levelled at it. ; It is a statue that and these can be numbered on the can very well stand without shame fingers of one hand. He is not .is in any public place, and is far bet-'
the "young man, "is" beautiful. The.l|nes are beautiful, the upward sweep to which all the figures contribute, is beautiful. The whole panel has the direct simplicity of great art." And so the controversy goes on. "Brutal and hidecfus,"' "Gross," "Primitive and Polynesian," "Alien to English taste," are some of the epithets applied to the memorial in the press, and the Observer adds that "those who have criticised the prettypretty in art may now do what they can with the ugly-ugly." Of course, the fact that Epstein is a Jew has also come into the argument. "Epstein's" work is Oriental in . its fundamental conception,'? says one critic, "and Hudson's spirit was essentially English.. It seems odd.that an artist of Epstein's sympathies should .have been chosen to celebrate Hudson's life work." ' | The editorial writer in the Daily Graphic, who is on the whole favorable to Epstein, says: "Epstein is a Jew.,and he has the Jewish genius for abstract ideas and sheer stark logic. An intellectual with whom life is an expression of ideas. Hudson is the antithesis of those things." Tfie- serious professional a r t critics - -2 are"; most of them admirers of Ep- 2j stein's work and very few of them . 5 condemn the panel- utterly. All, of —
them, however, agree t h a t i t is inap-- £• propriate for its purpose. The a r t E: critic of the Daily Telegraph, Mr. W. S K. Tatlock, writes: "The first thing 5 to be said is t h a t the sculptor has = entirely failed to interpret the spirit 5 of Hudson. If we took Michelangelo's = "David" from its place- i i r Florence •* S ancTput it in Hyde P a r k and called i t S a Hudhon Memorial, i t would still.re-" = main: a" great work of art^ b u t it would •_ E have been out of place. Mr. Epstein's E panel is out of place. The design, S taken as a whole and in isolation, is £ very much better than those we are 5 accustomed to see":'in; Londoli. . I t - i s ; s above the average, but J neither the 5 best Mr. Epstein has produced nor a s = good as certain other young sculptors 5 can do." ' s Mr. Frank Rutter, one of the pio- 5 xieers of the modernist a r t movement = in England, and the critic of the Sun- = day Times, writes: "The t r u t h is that = Hudson and Epstein are opposites and 2 irreconcilables. If we can forget Hud- £ son and regard Epstein's new work = simply as his own expression, then I 5 think we must admit that it is an = expressive and impressive work of g r e a t power and originality." s Mr. P . G. Konody, one of. the lead- = ing critics in England and a great s admirer of Epstein, writes in the Ob- s server that "though' the panel is" not g perhaps a masterpiece, it is surely not = unworthy of the great traditions on ; •which: plastically it" is "based." In 5 another place, Mr. Konody writes of .s the panel t h a t "it may have failed a s - 5 an instant popular success,, b u t i t will ; prove itself sculpture under the- acid 5 t e s t of time." jj Mr. R. B. Cunninghame-Graham, 5 the chairman of the Hudson Memorial \
ter than th^avieragsipubtic xngnpment * in London. Above alii it is not dulL ' But'-whether i t i s a great enough work to deserve to stand in the face of the storm of criticism that has been" .aroused against it, even granting that it is mistaken, that is another quest tion. Art of the very first rank convin* ; ces even the ignoramus and the child*.' There is.no hostile criticism of the supreme achievements of human art. , They are.towering and yet elemental' as the stuff of which we ourselves** are made, and all recognize them a s * such. One of the massive Egyptian' statues or a native five-footed Assyr- ian bearded and winged man-bull, or * an archaic Greek monument, or true,' Polynesian statue, however much the modernists may point to them as what they have derived from, would not have evoked the storm or protest \yhich the Epstein jaanel has evoked..' One may not love a mountain, but it convinces and compels awe and .si-" lence. It i3 only those works which. strain, after the effect of the great, and have in them exceptional talent but net gcirius which obtain the ad-miration of those who understand. what has been aimed at and see the; intention, but fail to convince the. or-J dinary layman who. can grasp the" actual achievement. And. the Epstein panel, .while, ex-: tremely interesting and impressive," particularly as an experiment in" bas-' reliefv is not one of the seven wonders: of the -world, is 'it not even' a moriu-i
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the I oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecAs tric power and irrigation, as a result of an agreement concluded with the Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has adBY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterling to the colony for this purpose.
rernment Policy Part BTED UTIES
L.)—"Adhe ring ldpoint of the mtiers of the the defense' of great power, if the necessity lidation within ub of> Jewish h Sejm estabtbe Semj with concerning ions was conin conformity inciple for the . interests of in the Repub•e to the coinwas passed by Bub of Jewish fllowing an all the agreethe club's repovernment was
1 in
up within the 'first phrase ' from "ad"adhering as final steps with In of the Polish be made an of the Polish fcial ceremonies Idocumeifrti. beof ,the govof the Club fill take place, gtafiislaw Grabit part in and for this ony was postler Skrzynski, o postpone his for two days participate in declara-
for the T-
is being done by
F. Epeneter 2709 Cuming St.
HArney 1972
Committee and^fce-mjui^who, probably
,>» ,
uuaii army Has oeen oraereu oy a Royal Decree. All persons between the age of 18 and 30 are eligible for enrollment and the duration of'the-service is two years: A number of persons have, already enlisted, _ 300 PER CENT INCREASE IN PALESTINE JEWISH POPUOBITUARY. LATION IN FOUR.YEARS Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Fogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in of Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from: in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to M^ay, 1925, was dis-1 Besides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closed by a census made by the' sta-i survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the'Palestine' Ziondaughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., The^Jewish population in Palestine and sisters. Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. bertha of -Omaha. The estimate is based on governMr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual'number Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed to be considerable higher. In 1914, the| -Jewish i population in Levich had been visiting here-for a month 'With her sister, Mrs. E A. p a l e s t i n e was 84,600, but the end of Meyer, and Mr". Meyer. Mr. Levich! tfae G - r e a t W a r s a w o n 'y 5 7 « 9 ^ . A joined her here and spent the weel ^Y ) t a b l f c faefr-brthq increase in popula-^nd. ' • j-rion during the first five months .of _ 11925, which exceeds the total immiMiss Rose Grodmsky -is~ visiting g^ation .for 1924 and-any preceding nth friends in Atlantic City. >cir.
n 1836 he-was .made Fellow of the Royal Society. The next year he was elected sheriff of the city of London and was knighted the same, year by Queen Victoria on her accession.' In 1846 he was created a baronet. He died at Ramsgate, England, July 26, 1885.
I regard ideas only in my struggles; to the persons of my opponents I am indifferent. —Ernst Haeckel.
ARCHAEOLOGICAL , DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) A discovery made by a British archaeologfttr"an Oxford student'and pupil of Lord Balfour* during excavations of• the British School of Archaeology here,. lend weight to the pro-eyolution arv guinent in the Tennessee anti-evolution trial. The front part of a: primitive: human skull was discovered during excaVati«ns by Mr. Turville-Petre in a cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among Mousterian flint deposits. The skull is characterized by a prodigious development of the supra-orbital prominences and depressed forehead as in a chimpanzee, and conforms closely with the'Neanderthal European type not previously found on the continent of Asia. Professor Garstand, Director of-nhe School," who was a witness of Mr. Turville-Petre's discovery,:. confirmed its scientific value. Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of Oxford, a pupiJ of Lord Balfour and Mr.x f-vrette, is now a student at the British. School of Archaeology, salem, ' .,
This order has' outraged" and enraged thousands of American citizens. The-Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in memory. The excesses committed by tHese night prowlers in other states are a stench in-the nostrils of good citizenry. Religious orders have been permitted to parade in Washington and, rightly so. But this order uses religion for irreligious purposes. What an anomaly! Washington rejoiced that in the newly formed United States every man would worship as his conscience dictated and there would "be none to make him afraid." Yet, there is to be permitted,' upon your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, in the shadow of the monument erected to the memonry of Washington, arch foe of religious intolerance,} •rites tending to destroy everye vestige of toleration. Very truly .yours, (Signed) Emanuel Celler, Tenth District, New York. PATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS.
th the presi|wish Deputies . mt will issue |the conclusion he agreement by the Section , which is a [Ministers, and -he Council of of the ,t on the other Polish Reion by the puties in the
Local Couple WiD Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic Picnic
German August
One of the interesting events to be presented at the thirty-third annual picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to be held Sunday, Augusts, at the German Home Park, will be the marriage of a local young Jewish couple. The full'ceremony •will, be presented at the park. The young Jewish couple have agreed to be married in the presence of local Jewry, The identity of the couple will be withheld until August 9. Prizes of value will be given to the •winners of the games and contests to be held in the morning and afternoon. Dancing will be held both afternoon and evening and a musical- and vaudeville program will be presented on the picnic grounds in -the evening1. Competition of the ticket selling contest is keen. Kate Goldstein and Joe Roseijthal running a close race for first place. The contestants' standings are as follows: Joe Rosenthal 6,600 Kate Goldstein 6,500 Sara Somberg 5,800 Morris Fine . 5,800 *' The first prize of, the contest will be a jounditWp ticket to Los Angeles, Calif., and the second, prize will be a fotmd-trip • toSprings* Several hundred out-bf-town guests are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, and Sioux City, la. The committee in charge of the picnic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rashick, J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. Steinberg. HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF NUMERUS CLAUSUS Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith anniversary of the introduction of the Numerus Clausus in the universities of Hungary was observed at a general meeting of the Committee to Aid Jewish Students, created as a result of the Numerns Clausus. A report submitted to the Committee showed that the Hungarian Jewish community has spent the sum of 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for Jewish academic youth studying in universities abroad. Seventy-four Hungarian Jewish students at universities abroad received degrees of Doctor of Medicine during the past year.
Ses expressed !h this agreei», the agreeupon by the JThis formula, unity of the h Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS ^tatus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST |t the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE ie Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest iey would be record of Jewish immigration to Pal'.Jews as the estine was for the month of June, according to figures made known here. Other leaders also expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred imconcerning .the effectiveness of the migrants arrived "in the country duragreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. ber, of the J£olo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the-inauguration of will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A the Sejm,will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. then be apparent that the agreement reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and he stated. Buffalo.
Notice to Our Readers This issue of The Jewish Press contains a special 24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community Center Building. This special section contains photographs of work on building, officers and. directors, speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of the. history of the Jewish Community Center in Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press will be received by every Jewish family in Omaha.
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor Boys Requested to Make Their Reservations Now FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS ALREADY RECEICED The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is.being sponsored by the Jewish Welfare. Federation, will open Monday morning. Already more than fifteen boys have applied for admittance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many more boys a*e needed. All those desiring to go to the camp can apply at the Jewish Welfare Federation office. The camp will be located near Nathan Lake and will be in charge of a director, medical supervisor and expert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be the medical supervisor of the camp. Dr. Soifer was formerly with the National Jewish Hospital of Denver in the research department under Professors Corper and Sewal. The tents have been completed with wood flooring and are screened. Any boy between the ages of 10 and 16 can apply for admission to this camp. "The Jewish Welfare Federation is taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William R. Blumenthal, superintendent, "We are organizing a camp for boys, to help them on their vacation. Some of the local boys have never had R vacation and this will afford them one out in the open where they gain vitality and store themselves full of pep for the coming winter." Kosher meals will be served at the camp and on Saturday morning regular services will be conducted. These services will be in charge of the di» rector. There will be regular swimTOHig:ales8Ofis by a capaM* instructor, ball games arid hikes during the afternoon, and the evening campfire stories.
Harry Trustin Candidate in Legion Popularity Contest "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas show, will be shown here July 17, 1R and 19, at the Gayety Theater under the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of the American Legion. A popularity ticket-selling contest is being sponsored by the Legion, Harry Trustin, a member of the 40—8, known as the shrine of th*Legion, has been entered by tb? 40—8 as their candidate in the contest. Mr. Trustin is prominent >n Legion work. He is a member o.' the Executive Committee. Each ticket sold will count for 50 votes, and , campaigners for Trustin announce that tickets can be bought from.Dr. A; Cfereenberg or at Legion Hearquarters for their candidate. "Members of the 40—8 and th^if friends should back Trustin and hfiln him win in "this popularity contest,*" said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary «? the 40—8. POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST PRO-ZION DECLARATION Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protf*!:. against the concluded Polish Jewteh agreement was voiced by the National Democratic Party in an interpellation introduced into the Polish Parli«ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narw; owy, the Club of Deputies of the National Democratic Party in the Polish Sejm. The interpellation protests again*; the "conclusion of the agreement with the Jews in a manner as with a foreign factor;" and says "the Jews nn"N<; fulfill their duties to the state w'fchout an agreement." The Club oi tbfc National Democratic Party also introduced another interpellation in** the Parliament asking the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister for thf reason that the letter addressed to Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization, endor^«*g' the Zionist ment. No reply has yet been "by the government to these interpolations. The Misses Edith Suseman Ethel Stoler- entertained last j afternoon At the home of the tatta? in honor of Miss Rose Levine, ©fSiOvx: City, I* . -=—
the children [arrived the.'room was F comprc livable. -; ' '• : ' : ' [ : Selina bad seen herself,, dignlfiedi -yet > gentler-'instructing. a roomful -of Dutch" cherubs^ia- the.. simpler. elements of learning. -But. It Is, difficult to be' dignified arid'gracious;when.-you are suffQrfng from'Chilblains.- '.Selina fell, victim-to .this- sordid::disconifort, asMfd every, child in the'room." She sat at*-.'the' battered ••pine" desk' or moved tl>out, a little •Icfe-'wdol shawl arotirid' i e r shoulders .when .the -Wind wiis ,wrong and the stove balky..; Her white little -face seemed whiter In contrast .with the blackJtolds of this somber garment Her slim hands were rough'and chapped.^ The oldest Child, in the room was. thirteen,, the you7g: youngest .four and .a half. that : he " Early in, the'wInter-"SeHna had had "Drlv the-, unfortunate -idea- of'-opening the ice-locked. windows at Intervals, *nd market' -Oh, gi.ying. the children five minutes, of "Sure. exercise while the fresh • cold--air (©. DoubleOay. P»»o & Co.) cleared brains 'and room, at;"once. —twice WOT Ssrvlc*. Arms waved ,;wildly, heads wobbled, with- Po 8hprt.legs worked vigorously." At the seveptee ena'df• the weejc tjventy JJighrgralrie At five SYNOPSIS parents', sent:T?rotest?-by, npte.or word at nine CHAPTER I.—Introducing "So Big" of mouth. -Jan -and-Ckirneliusi'jKatrina There al CDlrk DeJong) In hlo infancy. And his and Aggie went-to school-to learn There a mother, Selina DeJong, daughter o£ : Simeon Peake, gambler and gentleman reading and writing anS numbers, not dice am of fortune. Her lite, to young woman- to stand with open windows in the Ing you hood Jn Chicago in 1888, has been un- winter. commls; ' conventional, somewhat aqjimy, -»but the sroi generally enjoyable. At school her .On the Pool farm the winter work, ctiujn la Julio Hempol. daughter of August Hempel, butcher; Simeon is had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago you !'killed In a quarrel that Is not his own. with winter vegetables only once a Koelf! and- Selina, nineteen years- old and pointed. week now. He and Jakob and Boelf practically destitute, becom«f a school"Here. teacher. were storing potatoes and cabbages In a du underground; repairing fences; preCHAPTER II—Selina secures a position as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring denlyi school, in tho outskirts or Chicago, planting; sorting seedlings. It, had sheet of living at the home of a truck farmer, Klaas Pool. In Roelf, twelve yeara been Roelf who had taught Selina to he had old, son of Klaas, Selina perceives a -kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had a melee herself. . ' . . ' - . ' gone with her "on that first morning, gons pll had started the flre, filled the water men hi Chapter III pail, initiated her In the rites of corn- gas tQ cobs, kerosene, and dampers...A shy, stub of Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delib- him. that ber it was the same. At sis o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peake 1" "Roelf, I have a book called 'Ivan- pie of_, Selinfa "I'm tip I" Selina would1 caU in what hoe.' Would you like to read it?" Onefe, "Well, I don't get much time." she meant to be a gay voice, through "You wouldn't have to hurry. Right went int< chattering teeth. "You better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another sudden Ings aim* called The Three Musketeers.'". where is warm here by the stove." Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the dirt the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the Chicago. lor chimney swelled so proudly into people from whom he had sprung. Klaas fjdr the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Selina five mile Mrs. Pool stationed just below, her thought, or fisherman, must have until Sun gaze upturned. • . touched at an Italian port or Spanish ten Julie That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes there _ invitation, Selina had been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had town she| tween horror and mirth. -"I'm not skipped layer on layer of placid Neth- house.* cold, really. I'm almost dressed. Til erlands to crop out now in this wistful her ln*tb out of: be down directly." sensitive .boy; . 5 Maartje- Pool must have sensed Selina had spoken to Pool about a friend ,* some of the shock in the girl's voice; shelf for her books and her photo- Sellna'tftr or, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of She was ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but It had she left already cutting. Here back .of the served. She had come home one snowy seemedstove you can dress warm." •'. afternoon to find this shelf gone and in ever, tin Shivering and tempted though she its place a smooth and polished one, against was, Selina had set her will against with brackets intricately carvecL Roelf ly she h it. "I 'Won't"'go down/''she said to had cut, planed,- polished, and carved none of herself, shaking with the .cold." *t tt in-ioany hours of work in -the cold won't coihe down t o dressing- behind little shed offxthe kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like a—like a peas- there a workshop- of. sorts; fitted with ant in one of those dreadful.Russian such tools and implements as be could novels. . . . . That sounds stuck up devise. He did man's work on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and d e c e n t . . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort ( the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in my arms. Oh, dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelf s real work like a casing of ice. . - . . - , In the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Selina,' glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at it (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years, later, • "Roelf,' stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence in her mem-. them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be. -A stove, I show you. I break' every stick . . . changed the whole course of her life. 1 dumb as a Groningen . . ." From the first, the schoolhouse Roelf did'not sulk. He. seemed not stove was her bete nolr. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back welter of that first year it stood, huge to the carved box as soon as chance and 'menacing, a black tyrant. The presented itself. He was reading her High Prairie schoolhouse In which- Se- books with such hunger as to cause, Ilna taught was a little more "than a her to wonder if her stock would last; mile up the road beyond the" Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after SUQ-1 farm. She came Jo .know that, road per, when he was hammering and saw*:; In all Its moods—ice-locked, • drifted Ing away in the little shed S i H with snow, wallowing;ln mud. • School would snatch Maartje's old shawl began at half-past eight After her the hook, and swathed in this first week Selina had the mathematics draughty chinks, she would read of'her early morning, reduced .to*.the to him while he, carved, or talk least common "denomjnatpr. Up. at above the noise of his tools, six. A plunge "into the~ frigid gar- was a gay' and volatile person*!, ments ; breakfast, of. bread, cheese, . loved to make* this' boy lau; sometimes bacon, always - rye coffee dark' face ' would flash' I without cream orTsugar.,*OnwIthJthe .dazzling, animation. Sometimes, cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. Je, hearing, their young laughter, The lunch box In" bad weather. " Up the road to the schoolhouse,.battling the prairie wind that whipped the tears into the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping .on the hard ruts/and. Icy ridges in,dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun or rain, in'wind,or snow.her mind's eye was fixed on the stove. The schoolhouse reached, her-numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The door.opened,-there-smote her the schoolroom' smell—a'mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, \ unwashed %. bodies, dust, jnice, chalk, stote-wood, Junch • crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untying her muffler as «he-entered. In the little vestibule there was a box piled with chunks of'stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as- kindling. A dozen or. more of these you soaked with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of tbe^rUsty Iron potbellied stove. A match; Up flared the'corn-cobs. Now was the moment for a small stick of wood; another to keep It" company. Shut" the door. Draughts. Dampers.- Smoke, Suspense. A blaze, then a .crackle. The wood has caught" In with a- chunk Sho Would Read Aloud to Him While He Carved. . •now A w a i t Another chunk.*-Slam the "door. The schoolhouse , fire. Is j e to the sfied door and stand there '• " -- - "for the1 day.*"*" As" the; "room. a moment,- hugging, her .arms. In. h'er
the 'rank of some, of his own i>est «r«ations. But whatever happens, and most probably the Government feeling itself committed by the consent of the Labor Government's First Commissioner of Works, Mr. Jowett, to having the memorial placed in Hyde Park •will refuse to remove it and the storm finding itself beating vainly against the rocks of official non-committal •'platitudes, will subside in despair, a .few years of London fog and rain will jredjuce the panel to an unassuming .quietness of tone in which the daring of the composition will not be aggressively noticeable and even its champions will have to look hard before they will be able to distinguish •the outstanding features. After all, -'an open-air monument to be seen must *be..in the found, and bas-relief, how.eiver prominently and deeply chiselled, | i not the happiest choide of mediuni" for the purpose.
siniUng.;ai tl
in most cordial terms and most hopefully of the agreement. "One warning is necessary," Mr. Wolf stated. "A new condition of things is not possible immediately. The Jewish problem in Poland is not of a political but of a psychological nature, and it is necessary to create confidence on both sides. The Polish constitution is a most liberal one and the law denies nothing to Poland's Jewish citizens. Anti-Semitism, however, has defied the law and kept Jews in a position which could not be worse if the Jews were subjected to the greatest legal disabilities. The situation must be watched tactfully, and I hope that the extremists of both sides will not interfere with the arrangements made by the moderates," he said.
JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER which our country, and every country
"The institution for which we are today dedicating this splendid home is not a charity to minister* to the body, but rather to the soul. The Jews who live in this Capitol City have passed tmder the favoring auspices of American institutions, beyond the need of any other benevolence. They are planting here a home for community service, fixing a center from which shall go forth the radiations of united effort for-advancement in culture, in education and social opportunity. Here will be the seat of organized influence for the preservation of and dissemination of all that is best and most useful, of all that is leading and enlightening in the culture and philosophy of this 'peculiar people' who have so greatly given to the advancement of humanity.
The bird sanctuary itself, designed _by a firm of architects, is a beautiful "The work of spiritual unification piece of work, and with the Epstein is not completed. Factional, Section•panel toned down by time to be in keeping with it, it should take its al, Social and Political lines of eonplace among the better public monu- flict yet persist. Despite all experiments in London, of which there are ence, society continues to engender the hatreds and jealousies whereof are not many. Epstein's sculptures for the British born domestic strife and international Medical Association in the Strand conflicts. But education and enlightaroused in their time a great deal enment are breaking their force. of criticism, yet a few weeks ago the "The Jewish faith is predominantly British Medical Association removed the f.tith of liberty. from its old premises and left the Ep"Every inheritance of the Jewish stein sculptures behind. No objec- people, every teaching of their secular tions to taking them over has been history and religious experience, inade by^ the new tenants, nor did the draws them powerfully to the side Association seem to regard them as of charity, liberty and progress. sufficiently important to take away. "This edifice which you are rearing The truth is that one has to crane here is a fine example for other comirns's neck, knowing that the sculptmunities. It speaks a purpose to upures are up there somewhere,before hold an ancient and noble philosophy one can see them, and ordinary pasof life and living, and yet to assure fer»-by have no idea that there above that such philosophy shall always b ^ «re the once much-discused and much•bused Epstein sculptures, so it will adapted to the requirements of changing times, increasing knowledge and probably be, too, with the Rima. developing institutions. It is a guarAnd long after when Epstein's antee that you will keep step with, libhead of Lord Fisher and his bust of erty. Mrs; Epstein or of Lilian Shelley or "This capacity for adaptation in deSunninghame-Graham, or some of his tail, without sacrifice of essentials, Wonderful heads of babies have been placed in the National Gallery among has one of the special lessons which the greatest examples of the sculpt- the marvelous history of the Jewish lire- of our day, people wilt marvel people has taught. It is a lesson that once; in the year 1925, London found nothing better in Epstein than to go into hysterics about the merits d the demerits of his Rima.
based on the principle of popular government, must learn and apply, generation by generation, year by year, yes, even day by day. "You are raising here a testimonial to the capacity of the Jewish people to do this. In the advancing years, as those who come and go, shall gaze upon this civic and social landmark, may it be a constant reminder of civilization by men and women of the Jewish faith. May tbey recall the long array of those who have been eminent in statecraft, in science, in literature, in art, in the professions, in business, in finance, in philanthropy and in the spiritual life of the •world, "May they pause long enough to contemplate thaithe patriots who laid the foundation of this Republic drew their faith from the Bible. May they give due credit to the people among whom the Holy Scriptures came into being. "Ponder the assertion that *Hebraic mortar semented the foundations of American democracy."'— Speech of President Cdolidge at corner-stone laying of the Washington Jewish Community Center, May S, 1925.
JEWISH EMIGRATION FROM EUROPE RETURNING TO NORMAL, ICA REPORTS London. (J. T. A.) Emigration from Europe to America has largely diminished as a result of the American immigration restriction law, according to a report submitted by the lea to the annual meeting of the Anglo Jewish Association. Emigration from Europe is going back to its normal proportions, the report of the lea further states. Only 20,000 Jews emigrated from Europe during the first six months of this year. The number of emigrants who need financial assistance is consequently much smaller. The emigration situation will soon reach such a state where the assistance of the lea will be required only in providing passport facilities, the purchaser of tickets and general advice. Thirty Jewish refugees stranded in Eastleigh are proceeding to Argentine, where they will settle in one of the lea's colonies, according to the report.
POLISH CONSTITUTION '" DENIES NOTHING TO JEWISH CITIZENS London. (J. T. A.) The concluded Polish Jewish agreement found an echo at a meeting of the Anglo Jewish Association when Mr. Lucien Wolf, Secretary of the Joint Foreign Committee, reported to this body the results of his visit to Poland a short time ago. 'There are good prospects that the long suffering Jewish community in Poland will at last be able to live a happy and peaceful life in their native Beirut (J. T. A.) An archaeologcountry as full citizens of the Polish ical mission, headed by M. Basmard, Republic," he said. wffl arrive here from France the end Mr. Wolf further indicated that fee at August received letters from Count SkrzynThe mission will engage in excavaski, Polish Foreign Minister, and the tions and research work in the valley PoKsh Ambassador to Great Britain, of Nahr Kadishal and in the vicinity in which the Polish statesmen speak of Antelias.
: Vienna. (J. T. A.) The question of She Palestine communities ordinance, -the bone of contention between the general Zionists, the National Assembly; of Palestine Jews and the Agudath Israel, is nearer a possible solution as a result of negotiations Vhich took place here between the Representatives of the Zionist Organization, the Mizrachi and the A&uidath Israel. . Rabbi Jacob Friedmann, representative of the Mizrachi; Mr. Mejuchas, ^Representing the Vaad Leumi; Dr. Ze-yi Chajes, representing the World Zionist Organization, and Dr. Pinchas Kohn, president of the Agudath Israel; Mr. Samson Rosenheim and Mr. Blau of Frankfort am Main, representing the Agudath Israel, participated in the negotiations which lasted several days. The delegates representing both parties- worked out a inumber of proposals which represent $he last concessions which their par r -iies are ready to make in-the matter Jfor the purpose of bringing about amity. The conference decided to submit these proposals to the respective , bodies ^after which the negotiations 1 siU'b^ continued"" - - —- -
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Structural Steel
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era .then licensed by the city. In 1886 he-was .made Fellow of the Royal Society. The next year he was elected •sheriff of the city of London and was knighted the same, year by Queen Victoria on her accession.' In 1846 he •was created a' baronet. He died a t Ramsgate, England, July, 25, 1885.
mian army has been ordered by a Royal'Decree. AH persons between the age of 18 and 30 are eligible for enrollment and the duration of the - service is two years. A number of persons have already enlisted, „ •
100 PER CENT'INCREASE IN PALESTINE JEWISH POPUOBITUARY. LATION IN FOUR YEARS - Funeral services for Mrs; Joseph . Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there Foge], of Cheyenne,. Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in; of Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in died last week, were held Wednesday the last four years and a half from; in Cheyenne. January, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis-j Besides her mother, Mrs. Fogel is closed} by a census made by the' sta- ; survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Ziondaughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., The^Jewish population in Palestine and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. bertha of Omaha. The" estimate is based on governMr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux ment figures, but the actual' number Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed to be considerable higher. Levich had "been "visiting" here' for* a *" 1 9 1 4 the, Jewish population in P a l e s t i n e w a s >84 600 b u t t h e e n c l o f month with her sister, Mrs. E A . ' ' Meyer, and Mr1. Meyer. Mr. L e v i c h | t h e ^ a t War saw only 57,900. A joined her here and spent the weel « l o t a W c f a c * i s the increase in popuia«n(l# ^ I don during the first five months of 1925, i which exceeds the total immiMiss Rose Grodinsky -isx visiting I-g^ation.--for 1924 and^any_.p.recflding - /ith -friends in Atlantic City. y car.
Morris Levy Camp for Boys Will Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
tent refitment
PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION AND ELECTRIFICATION Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tikvah, the Door of Hone, one of the oldest and most prosperous Jewish colonies in Palestine, having a population of about 6,000, will have elecPolicy As tric power and irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their of an agreement concluded with the Reservations Now «• Part Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS BTED BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. UTIES The Morris Levy Camp for Boys, which is.being sponsored by the Jewi.)—''Adhering ish Welfare. Federation, will open ldpoint of the Monday morning. Already more than ntiers of the fifteen boys have applied for admitthe defense' of great power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be maintained for one month and many f the necessity August' 9 more boys a»'e needed. All those deidation within One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply ib of. Jewish 1 - Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation oftbe Semj with picnic of the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the GerThe camp will be located near Naions was con- man Home' Park, will be the marriage than Lake and will be in charge of in conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exiciple'for the full ceremony will.be presented at the pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be iey interests of park. The young Jewish couple have the medical supervisor of the camp. in the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence Dr. Soifer was formerly with the Naof local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under Proto the comgust 9. fessors Corper and Sewal. as passed by Prizes of value will be given to the ib of Jewish The tents have been completed with lowing an all winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any h the agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 Dancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. the club's repvernment was and evening and a musical and vaude"The Jewish Welfare Federation is ville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards helping the community," said William p within the picnic grounds In the evening. Competition of the ticket selling R. Blumenthal, superintendent. "We "first phrase ' ' from "ad- contest is keen; Kate Goldstein and are oi-ganizing a camp for boys, to adhering as Joe Rosenthal running a close race for help them on their vacation. Some first place. of the local boys have never had a The contestants' standings are as vacation and this will afford them one. al" steps with out in the open where they gain viof the Polish follows: tality and store themselves full of Joe Rosenthal —«_6,600 be made an pep for the coming winter." 'A Kate Goldstein 6,500 the Polish Sara Somberg *...„_..... ....5,800 ceremonies Kosher meals will be served at the Morris Fine .... 5,800 becamp and on Saturday morning regu*'•* The first prize of. the contest will lar services will be conducted. Theso i the Club be a«rouod-*Ctip iicket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the di_.take, place. Calif*, and theseconi prize will be a rector. There will be regular swimround-trip to-Cotorad* Springs.- -- *mhrg-less«>n« by a capable hwtroetot, Several hundred out-tof-town guests ball games and Wkes during the afternt part in land- for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfirc ay^was post- and Sioux City, la. stories. The committee in charge of the picSkrzynski, j postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. for two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rasnick, fiarry Trustin Candidate icipate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J; J. Friedman, in Legion Popularity Contest declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben Shapiro, Jake Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas the presi- Steinberg. show, will be shown here July 17, 1$ Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater under will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of conclusion FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF the American Legion. agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS A popularity ticket-selling contest; the Section Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith an- is being sponsored by the Legion, is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of thp. ;rs, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by thus eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the conJewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in ion of the other of the Numerus Clausus. Legion, work. He is a member of ^e' Polish ReA report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. gion by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for !>{! lties in the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trustin 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bought r expressed Jewisli academic youth studying in from^Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion xnisagree- universities abroad. Seventy-four HunHeadquarters for their candidate. Ithe, agree- garian Jewish students at universities "Members of the 40—8 and their ott by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and heln tis formula, Medicine during the past year. him win in this popularity contest," Ity. of the said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary of iRepubUc,"' 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS the 40—8. , itus quo in DURING JUNE; HIGHEST the claims RECORD FOR PALESTINE '(Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY PROTESTS tN SEJM AGAINST \ would be record of Jewish immigration to PalPRO-ZION DECLAKATION — .iws as the estine was for the month of June, enemies of. Ukrainia, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protwi according to figures made known here. Other leaders also.expressed doubt Four thousand and two hundred im- against the concluded Polish Jewish concerning .the effectiveness . of the migrants arrived-in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the Nationagreement. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. al Democratic Party in an interpcJl«~ ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with One hundred and seventy tourists tion introduced into the Polish Parliathe Jewish Telegraphic Agency's cor- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy Narorirespondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of bwy, the Club of Deputies of the N«~ within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the r inauguration of tional Democratic Party in the Polish will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. the Sejm.will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. The interpellation protests against then be apparent that the agreement the "conclusion of the agreement wifch reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with a fot^Deputies and -the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor/1 and says "the Jews m«t»£ the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill thejr duties to the state withhe stated. •. . ,_ out an agreement." The Club of thfe Buffalo. National Democratic Party also introduced another interpellation the Parliament asking the Prime ister and the Foreign Minister f or thfe reason that the letter addressed to Namun Sokolow, Chairman of the KxThis issue of The Jewish Press contains a special ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community ization", 'endor^g the Zionist moveCenter Building. This special section contains photoment. No reply has yet been giveft graphs of work on building, officers and. directors, by the government to these interpospeakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of lations.
WAlnut 0063
This order has outraged and enARCHAEOLOGICAL , . V'. raged thousands of American citizens. DISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM The~Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., Jerusalem. (J. T. A'.f AJ- discovery rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in made by a British archwologfetjan the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in Oxford student "and pupil of Lord Bal- memory. The excesses committed by f our, during excavations of- the Britthese night prowlers in other states ish School of Archaeology here, may. are a stench in-the nostrils of good lend weight to the pro-evolution arcitizenry. gument in the Tennessee 'anti-evoluReligious orders have been- pertion trial. . mitted to parade in Washington and, The front part of a; primitive, hurightly so. But this order uses reman skull was discovered during exligion for irreligious purposes. caVati^ns by Mr. Turville-Petre in a What an anomaly! Washington cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among rejoiced that in the newly formed Mousterian flint deposits\ United States every man would worThe skull is characterized by a proship' as his conscience dictated and digious development of the supra-orthere would "be none to make him bital prominences and depressed foreafraid." head as in a chimpanzee,-and conYet, there is to be permitted, upon forms closely with the* Neanderthal European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, Jn the shadow of the monument on the continent of Asia. . Professor Garstand, Director of-the erected to the memonry of WashingSchool, who was a witness of Mr. ton, arch foe of religious • intolerance, Turville-Petre's discovery,' confirmed •rites tending to destroy everye vestige of toleration. its scientific value. Very truly yours, Mr. Turville-Petre, formerly of Ox(Signed) Emannel Celler, ford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.^ Tenth District, New York. dirette, is now a student a t the British School of Archaeology, JeruPATRONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS. • salem,
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Notice to Our Readers
the. history of the Jewish Community Center in Omaha. This issue of Thfe Jewish Press will be received by every Jewish family in Omaha.
The Misses Edith Sussman 6tul Ethel Stoler-entertained last Monday afternoon at the home of the>ULtto? in honor of Miss Rose Levine, City, la -
the children .arrived the room was livable.
Selina had seen herself, dignified; j?et'gentler ^Instructing, a roomful'ot Dutch cherubs .in- thft.. simpler elements of learning. Bat it is difficult to be' dignified and' graciousjwhen.-you are sujKejrfog .from/chilblains.- .Selina fell, victim sto ,thls- sordid--discomfort, as "did every, child in the room.' She sat at"-'the' battered '"-pine- desk' or moved ;ti>out, a little'Ice-wool shawl around" ter shoulders .when'the-wind was iWrong and- the stove balky.' Her white little face, seemed whiter In contrast .with the' black_folds of this somber garment Her .slim hands were rough -'and chapped.-;- The oldest child, in the room was thirteen,, the youngest four and a' half. Ear}y;iii. the 'winter"Sellna had had the-, unfortunate-Idea of opening the EDNA.FERB.ER Ice-lockedr windows at intervals, and giving.the children five minutes of exercise while'• the -fresh- cdld-<rair cleared trains 'and .room:, at ."once. Anns waved ^wildly,- heads wobbled, shprt.legs, worked TlgWously." At the ena' of' the 'weefc tjventy jUIgh: Pjalrie SYNOPSIS parents'. s£nt: protests by. note, or word CHAPTER X—Introducing- "So Big" CDlrk DeJong) In his infanoy. And his of mouth.~t -Jah^and-.CkirneliusiJfeatrina mother, Seilna DeJong, 4a>qs;titer or and Aggie-went-to .school,.to learn : BImapn Peak*, gambler and gentleman reading and' writing arid' numbers, not of fortunik Her life, to young woman* hood In Chioaeo In 1888, has been un- to stand'with'r open windows In the conventional, somewhat aqamy, -but winter. generally enjoyable. At school her cnum la Julie Hempel. daughter of On the Pool farm the winter work, August Hempel, butcher; Simeon ia had set in. Klaas drove into Chicago killed In a quarrel that i& not his own. and- Seilna, nineteen years old ant) with whiter vegetables only once a practically destitute, becomes a school- week now. He and Jakob and Boelf teacher. were storing potatoes and cabbages; CHAPTER II—Selina secures a posi- underground; repairing fences; pretion as teacher at the High Prairie paring frames for the early spring school, in the outskirts. of Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer, planting; sorting seedlings. It. had Klaas Pool. In Roelf, twelve years ' old, son of Klaas, Selina percelveB a been Boelf who had taught Seilna to kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like build the schoolhouse fire. He had herself. gone with her'on that first morning, had started the fire, filled the water Chapter HI pail, Initiated her in the rites of corncobs, kerosene, and dampers. . A shy, Every morning throughout Novem- dark, silent boy. She set out delibber It was the same. At six o'clock: erately to woo him to friendship. "Miss Peake! Oh, Miss Peakel" "lloelf, I have a book called 'Ivan"I'm up I" Selina would call in what hoe.' Would you like to read It?" she meant to be a gay voice, through "Well, I don't get much time." chattering teeth. "You wouldn't have to hurry. Bight 'Ton better come down and dress there in the house. And there's another where Is warm here by the stove." called The Three Musketeers.' " Peering down the perforations in He was trying not to appear pleased; the floor-hole through which the par- to appear stolid and Dutch, like the lor chimney swelled so proudly Into people from whom he had sprung. the drum, Selina could vaguely descry, Some Dutch sailor ancestor, Seilna Mrs, Pool stationed just below, her thought or fisherman, must have gaze upturned. > ,. touched at an Italian port or Spanish That first morning, on hearing this and brought back a wife whose eyes invitation, Selina bad been rocked be- and skin and feeling for beauty had tween horror and mirth. <Tm not skipped layer on layer of placid Nethcold, really. I'm almost dressed, n i erlands to crop out now in this wistful be down directly." , sensitive .boy. :Maartje- Pool must have sensed Selina had spoken to Pool about-a some of the shock In the girl's voice; shelf for .her books and her photoor, perhaps, even some of the laugh- graphs. He had put up a rough bit of ter. "Pool and Jakob are long out board, very crude and ugly, but it had already cutting. Here back of the served. She had come home one snowy stove yon can dress warm." afternoon to find this shelf gone and In Shivering and tempted though, she its place a smooth and polished one, was, Selina had set her, will against with brackets intricately carved. Boelf It. "I Won't'go down," she said to had cut, planed,'polished, and carved herself, shaking: with the" cold. * *1 It in inany hours of work In the cold won't come down to dressing- behind little shed off.-the kitchen. He had the kitchen stove like. • a—like a; peas- there a workshop of. sorts, fitted with ant In one of those dreadful.Russian such tools and Implements as he could novels. . . . . T h a t sounds stuck up devise. He did man's worfe on the and horrid. . . . The Pools are farm, yet often at night Selina could good and kind and decent. . . But faintly hear the rasp of his handsaw I won't come down to huddling behind after she had gone to bed. This sort the stove with a bundle of underwear of thing was looked upon by Klaas' in my arms. Oh. dear, this corset's Pool as foolishness. Roelf s real work like a casing of Ice. , - . in the shed was the making and mend"But I won't dress behind the kitch- ing of coldframes and hotbeds for the en stove!" declared Selina,'" glaring early spring plants. Whenever possible meanwhile at that hollow; pretense, Roelf neglected this dull work for some the drum. She even stuck her tongue fancy of his own. To this Klaas Pool out at It (only nineteen, remember!). objected as being "dumb." When she thought back, years, later, ' "Roelf, 'Stop that foolishness, get on that period of her High Prairie your ma once some wood. Carving on experience, stoves seemed to figure that box again instead of finishing with absurd prominence In her mem- them coldframes. Some day, by golly, ory. That might, well be. . A stove, changed the whole course of her life. 1 show you. I break every stick . •'• dainb.as a Gronlngen . From the first, - the schoolhouse Boelf did'not sulk. He seemed not. stove was her bete noir. Out of the to mind, particularly, but he came back '• welter of that first year It stood, huge to the carved, box as soon as chance t and .menacing, a black tyrant. The presented itself. He was readingHigh Prairie schoolhouse In which- Se- books with such hunger as to causey lina taught was a little more'than a her to wonder if her stock would last; mile up the road beyond the Pool him the winter. Sometimes, after ; farm. She came to Jmow that, road per, when he was hammering and saia^ * In all its moods—ice-locked, - drifted ing away in the little shed Sellnawith snow, wallowing.In mud.- School would snatch Maartje's old shawl "ait began-at half-past eight After her the hook, and swathed In this ag first week Seilna had the mathematics draughty chinks, she.would read ; of her early morning, reduced .to"the. 'to him while be, carved, or talk ; least common' "denominator. Up,, at above the n oise of his tools, six. A plunge" into the' frigid gar- was a gay' and volatile peri ments ; breakfast, of. bread, cheese, loved to r make this' boy- iauglj sometimes • bacon, always -rye-coffee /dark face'would flash" Into** without cream oijr sugar.,* On-with-, the' dazzling animation. Sometime cloak, muffler, hood, mittens, galoshes. ,Je, hearing, their young laughter^ The lunch box in' bard weather. Up the road to the-schoolhouse,-battling• the pratrie wind that whipped the tears Into -the eyes, plowing the drifts, slipping .on the' hard ruts /and. Icy ridges In. dry weather. Excellent at nineteen. As she flew down the road in sun or rain, In wind or snow, her mind's eye was fixed on the stove. The schoolhouse reached, her numbed fingers wrestled with the rusty lock. The door_.qpened, there smote her the schoolroom; smell—a* mingling of dead ashes, kerosene, unwashed.. bodies, dust, mice, chalk, stoYe-wood, Junch crumbs, mold, slate that has been washed with saliva. Into this Selina rushed, untying her muffler as Bbe- entered. In the little vestibule there was a box piled with chunks o f stovewood and another heaped with dried corn-cobs. Alongside this a can of kerosene. The cobs served as kindling. A dozen or, more of- these you soaked with kerosene and stuffed Into the maw of the^rhsty Iron potbellied stove. A match.' Up flared the corn-cobs. Now was the moment for a small stick of wood; another to keep it "company. Shut' the door. Draughts. Dampers.- .Smoke* ,Suspense. A blaze, then"a.crackle. The wood has caught" In with 'a- chunk Sho Would Read Aloud to Him While He Carved. now. Await. Another chunk.. -Slam the doot. The schoolhoaae ^fire rcome to the shed door and stand there ' -: " 'for th6~dflyT*' As' tne**< a moment, _ hugging, her armss in. tier M eradQaByiS!ili removed layl l d i n ' a r i d smlUn£:at: tWem. im-' ot onter^^raipta. By the' time *'
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' • The victory of success Js Jialf won when one gains the habit of. . work.—Sarah rA. Bolton.
VOL. IV—No. 32
I regard ideas only tnniy struggles; to the persons of .nay opponents I am in different. —Ernst Haeckel.
Entered a» second g - g n n l J qiattei on January 27th, 1021, at postofflee at Oui«l ^ !< agka. under the Act of March 8. 1879.
SECOND ACT OF , PETACH TIKVAH CONCLUDES STEIGER DRAMA BEGAN AGREEMENT FOR IRRIGATION IN COURT JUL? 8 AND ELECTRIFICATION Lemberg. (J. T. A.) Many repreJerusalem. (J. T. A.) Petach Tiksentatives of newspapers in* Poland vah, the Door of Hone, one of the and abroad gathered here to witness I oldest and most prosperous Jewish the opening July 8 of the trial of a colonies in Palestine, having a popunumher. of Jewish citizens of' Lemlation of about 6,000, will have elecberg who were arrested in connection Reviews Record of Bigot Order Recognize Poland's Policy As tric power arid irrigation, as a result Boys Requested to Make Their •with,the famous Steiger trial. The of an agreement concluded with the and Asks Definite StateReservations Now a Great Power Part Ruttenberg Jaffa Electric Station. Ceremonies Will Take Place at; Building on Twentieth holds the attention of allrPoland. > ' ment from Washington of Terms Commissioners The Anglo-Palestine Bank has ad- FIFTEEN APPLICATIONS and Dodge Streets OUTCOME D O U B T E D BY vanced a loan of 10,000 pounds sterALREADY RECEICED ling to the colony for this purpose. CONGRES S M A N CELLER'S JEWISH DEPUTIES L. HOLZMAN WILL LAY CORNERThe Morris Levy Camp for Boys, LETTER CAUSES STIR STONE OF BUILDING Warsaw, (J. T. A.)—"Adhering which, is.being sponsored by the Jewish Welfare. Federation, will open Washington.—-Amid the flood of continually to the standpoint'. of the The Community Center cornerstone celebration will be held First Annual Tennis Tournament protest resulting froni the action of immunity • of the frontiers of. the Monday morning. Already more than Sunday afternoon at 3 p.'. in." at Twentieth and Dodge streets. Polish Republic and of the defense of fifteen boys have applied for admitthe three commissioners of the DisBegins Sunday Every Jewish man or woman is invited to attend this grand trict of Columbia in granting a per- Poland's policy as - a great power, Picnic at German Home Park, tance to the camp. The camp will be occasion. . maintained for one month and many The second group of a series of mit to the Ku Klux Klan for a parade adhering to" the view of the necessity August 9 more boys ft*-e needed. All those deThere will be a carefully aiTanged pi'ogram • presented by golf contests will be held at the High- in Washington on August 8, a sharp for an" -internal- consolidation within the speakers who will come to Omaha, for this affair. The land Country Club Saturday . and letter from Congressman " Emanuel the Republic, the Club of Jewish One of the interesting events to be siring to go to the camp can apply principal speaker pf the afternoon program will be Rabbi Sunday. The qualifying, rounds will Celler of' New York, urging that the Deputies in the Polish Sejm estab- presented at the thirty-third annual at the Jewish Welfare Federation ofBenjamin Frankel 6f the Hillel Foundation of America, who is be held on these two, days with the permit be withdrawn, has attracted lishes that its policy in the Semj with picnic pf the Omaha Hebrew club to fice. regard to general matters concerning be held Sunday, August 9, at the Gerconsidered as one of the ablest young orators in the^ central west. finals later in the weefc The "mem- wide-spread attention. The camp will be located near Na••} man Home Park, will be the marriage Jewish national questions was . conthan Lake and mil be in charge of Including Rabbi Frankel, the occas- subscribed to this building; to be at bers will be divided into two groups It is generally, neld. thjit President ceived and conducted in conformity of a local young Jewish couple. The a director, medical supervisor and exand will play for the pin contests. ion will have the official touch by the the cornerstone ceremonies," said HarCoolidge will ignore; btfth sides in with the mentioned-principle for the full ceremony will be presented at the presence of Mayor James C. Dahlman ry Lapidus. "There will be no col- The winner of the pin will hold the the controversy. Republican news- purpose of protecting the interests of • park. The young Jewish couple have pert lifeguard. Dr. I. Soifer will be and Governor Adanv McMullen. lections of any kind at these cere- pin until defeated by the. challenger- papers declare that he 'will follow the Jewish population in the Repub- agreed to be married in the presence the medical supervisor of the camp. Dr. Soifer was formerly with the NaThe one holding the pin the longest the course he pursued ia the camBesides the above named speakers, monies." » of local Jewry. The identity of the tional Jewish Hospital of Denver in 1 ; lic." "will receive the prize. there will be Henry lilonsky, Harry "We want the' people to come early paign "when similar" und unsuccess- This is the preamble to the com- couple will be withheld until Au- the research department under ProB. Zimman and Harry H. Lapidus, so that there will be no delay in the . On" July 29, the Ed Treller, team ful efforts.were madeito obtain from gust 9. fessors Corper and Sewal. president of the Community Center. commencement of the program," said will buy the Sam Leon team; the him a definite pronouncement of his promise formula which was passed by Prizes of value will be given to the a" majority in the Club of .Jewish The tents have been completed with Rabbi Frederick Cohn will give the Joe Wolf, secretary; The program dinner as the Leon team decisively views on the Klan." : It is; further winners of the games and contests to wood flooring and are screened. Any Deputies, the Kolo, following an all invocation. defeated the "treller team in the recent will begin promptly, at 3 p . m . stated that President Coolidge made night's session at which the agree- be held in the morning and afternoon. boy between the ages of 10 and 16 The building will be made ready for Moving pictures and photographs of contests. no attempt: to disguise his dis- ment reached between the club's.repDancing will be held both afternoon can apply for admission to this camp. "We are planning a number of golf pleasure at the reported action of the many seats that will be erected the cornerstone'.' celebration will be and evening and a musical and vauderesentatives and the government was "The Jewish Welfare Federation is contests," said Ed Kraus, in charge Col. C O . Sherrill, who is in charge for the large audience expected at taken. ville program will be presented on the taking another step forward towards finally ratified. of tournaments. Many of:' these the ceremonies Sunday afternoon. of public grounds, in. writing to the helping the community," said William The opposition group within the picnic grounds in the evening. feature affairs will b e , held'during president for instructions as to what Seats will be put on the front floor Competition of the ticket selling R. iBlumenthal, superintendent. "We club demanded that the first phrase and a balcony will be erected for the next month." ...'..'..'. action should be taken, on the applicontest is keen. Kate Goldstein and speakers and guests. The cornerstone A special feature at the club. for cation of the Klan for a. permit to in the preamble be changed from "ad- Joe Rosenthal running a close race for are organizing a camp for boys, to help them on their vacation. Some will be laid by William L. Holzman, this week will be the first annual Use the Sylvan Theater, near the hering continually" to "adhering as first place. of the local boys have never had H hitherto." president of the Jewish Welfare Fedtennis tournament. All memljers de- Washington monument, for a Klan The contestants' standings are as Gives Glowing Report of Business Opvacation and this will afford them oneIt appears that the final steps with eration and the former president of siring to enter- this tournament should gathering • after • the parade. The follows: portunities Before'Annual Meetout in the open where they gain viregard to the ratification of the Polish the Jewish Community Center. do so by calling Earl Kulafcofsky, president, it is stated, regards Col. Joe Rosenthal 6,600 tality and store themselves full of ing of the Palestine EcoJewish agreement will be made an Walnut 4405, or' calling : Charles SherilFs step as a tactless move. "The work on erection of. the hufldpep for the coming winter." Kate Goldstein 6,500 nomic Board. event in the -history of the Polish Heaney at the club. There will be ing is progressing rapidly and we 1 Congressman Celler's letter of pro- Jewish problem. Special ceremonies Sara Somberg . ....5,800 Kosher meals will be served at the want the people of Omaha who have London. (J. T. A.) "There is more prizes in both the singles and doubles. test to the commissioners of the Dis- with an exchange of ^ document be- Morris Fine ...5,800 camp and on Saturday morning regumoney to. be made in Palestine than Both tennis courts are in perfect con- trict of Columbia follows: * The first prize of. th$ contest will lar services will be conducted. These tween the representatives of the govditiqirand will afford good matches.' Distribute Souvenir 'Programs in Canada." This was fftetstatement Gentlemen: and the leaders of the Club be a«roand-trip ticket to Los Angeles, services will be in charge of the di^ Cornerstone Laying made by Sir Alfred JSIond in the; course " "The' tennis,contests "willT.be' held I desire, to. know whether, yott, ernment of Jewish Deputies will take place. Calif., and the. second, prize will be a rector. There will be regular 3wim~ 6J'-aT-glSwingr' report on the "business Sunday -morning:''and-lafternbpny'^said t r , SwvenTr" prbgrims of CoI."C.'0. Shefrill, Mr. Cuno Minister of Education Stanislaw tSratK Found-trip to- Colorado Springs.—•—• •mitig-lessofts by a capaWe iuatnieioi*, tion of the cornerstone for the Jew- opportunities in Palestine, delivered Earl.Kulakofsky. "All entrants-must H. Dudolph and Mr. Frederick A. sM, who played a prominent part in Several hundred out-of-town guests ball games and hikes during the afterish Commumfy Renter will be printed before, the annual meeting of the Pal- be; in immediately^' Fenning, as the Commissioners of the the. negotiations, is ill and for this are expected from Lincoln, Fremont, noon, and the evening campfifc ! and distributed ^y-the Yaffe Printing estine Economic Board, over which he District of Columbia, have given con- reason the final ceremony was post- and Sioux City, la. stories. ' Co. Mr. Nathan Yaffe is contribut- presided. sent to the Ku Klux Klan to hold a poned. Count Alexander Skrzynski, The committee in charge of the picMAGYARS IN ROUMANIA ing this program of the day, which . Declaring that he.was not merely APPEAL TO LEAGUE monster parade August 8, on the Foreign Minister, had to postpone his nic are Albert Kaplan, chairman; M. Will contain the names of speakers sanguine, but certain,' about the opBucharest. (J. T. A.) As a result streets of Washington and whether departure for America for two days Polonsky, Sam Altschuler, S. Rasnick, iarry Tmstin Candidate and the song "America." portunities in Palestine, .Sir Alfred you, Lieut. Col. C. O.. Sherrill, in in order that he might participate in J. Riklin, M. Fromkin, J. J. Friedman, "I deem it a great privilege to con- referred to the ;Ruttenberg schenWas of numerous protests of the- national charge - of public buildings and the -ceremony of exchanging- declara- P. Gerelick, Fred Greenberg, Ben in Legion Popularity Contest tribute this program for such an oc- a "perfectly sound proposition" and minorities in Roumania, the education grounds, have authorized the use of tions. Shapiro, Jake' Feldman, and Dr. A. "The Wildcat Rookie," an overseas urged that the Jewish people furnish bill proposed by the government was the Sylvan Theater for the Klan casion," said Nathan Yaffe today. Steinberg. It is expected that both the presishow, will be shown here July 17, 18 withdrawn from the Committee'on the additional funds which are necesBesides this program, Mr. Yaffe has ceremonies ? dium of the Club of Jewish Deputies and 19, at the Gayety Theater undr: on numerous other occasions contrib- sary to bring this enterprise to a suc- Education of the Roumanian-'parliaIf so, I here and now serve notice and the Polish government will issue HUNGARIAN JEWS OBSERVE the auspices of Omaha Post No. 1 of '',.''".'.'.'. uted the programs for many affairs. cessful conclusion. But, he pointed ments, ^ FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF of protest and ask that such consent official statements on the conclusion the American Leg-ion. The bill with many: modifications One. of his principal programs was out, casual subscriptions were not of the agreement. The agreement NUMERUS CLAUSUS be '• withdrawn. Washington was A popularity ticket-selling contcs! enough and the money would have to will be taken up at the autumn session the recent one distributed at the Y.. Budapest. (J. T. A.) The fith. an- is being sponsored by the Legion, chosen for this parade in. a hopeless will then be considered by the Section be raised by methods which are gen- of the ^Roumanian parliament. M, and Y. W. H. A. show. endeavor to recruit the order's of National Minorities, which is a niversary of the introduction of the Harry Trustin, a member of the erally employed in connection with* dwindling numbers. The Capital, it part pf the Council of Ministers, and Numerus Clausus in the universities 40—8, known as the shrine of the Clausenrurg. (J. T. A.) A protest such propositions.' BRITISH JEWRY WILL will be submitted to the Council of of Hungary was observed at a gen- Legion, has been entered by tb<COMMEMORATE ANNIVERSARY "Palestine is riot an Eastern coun- against the treatment by the Rouman- is supposed, will give carriage to Ministers. eral meeting of the Committee to Aid 40—8 as their candidate in the congreater publicity. It is curious that OF MONTEFIORE'S DEATH try, but a Jewish country, and.things ian government of the national-miJewish Students, created as a result test. Mr. Trustin is prominent in The effect of the conclusion of the these wizards, kleagles, hobgoblins norities in Roumania is contained in London- (J. T. A.) Leaders of Brit- are bound to happen there," Sir Alof the Numerus Clausus. Polish Jewish agreement on the other and monsters will parade late in the a memorandum sent by the HungarLegion • work. He is a member o; ish Jewry are Snaking arrangements fred further declared, emphatisizing A report submitted to the Commit- the Executive Committee. to commemorate the fortieth anniver- that the British Jews particularly ian National Association of Transyl- afternoon, so that at the finish a national minorities of the Polish Resary of the death of Sir Moses Monte- must help to develop the, country, be- vania to the Council of the League '.of huge flaming cross can be erected in public was given expression by the tee showed that the Hungarian Jewish Each ticket sold will count for lit) yS the vicinity of the White House. Will group, of Ukrainian deputies in the community has spent the sum of votes, and . campaigners for Trusi.irfiore on July 25. ing both in duty and in honoi* bound Nations at Geneva. 1,780,000,000 Hungarian Kronen for announce that tickets can be bough;: "The attitude of the Roumanian not such a spectacle tend to a. breach Polish Sejm.- ' The Jewish Publication Society of to do so. Jewish academic youth studying in from_Dr. A. Greenberg or at Legion of peace? The colored population in The Ukrainian deputies expressed America has recently issued a book "If the Jews do" not invest in Pal- "government toward the national miuniversities abroad. Seventy-four HunWashington is very heavy. Furthertheir dissatisfaction \rfth this agreenorities is a violation of international by Paul Goodman of London, consti- estine, others will, and it would inHearquarters for their candidate. more this bedeviled and benighted ment, particularly with the agree- garian Jewish students at universities tuting the first attempt to write an deed be foolish of the Jews if they law," the memorandum says. "Members of the 40—S and th.flit In a conversation with the repre- order proscribes against," well nigh inent formula passed upon by the abroad received degrees of Doctor of friends should back Trustin and h^\p extensive biography. of Sir Moses did the preliminary hard work and Medicine during the past year. Montefiore. allowed others to- reap the profits of sentative of the Jewish Telegraphic half of our population. It would deny Club of Jewish Deputies. This formula, him win in this popularity contest," citizenship to the foreigners, Cathospeaking'-of the "immunity of the Agency, Mr. Ugrow, president of the Sir Moses: Montefiore was born in their labor," he said. said Dr. A. Greenberg, secretary n? lics, Jews and Negroes. Are you, as frontiers of the Polish Republic," 4,200 IMFMIGRANTS association, stated that if the' appeal Leghorn, Italy, October 28, 1784. He the 40—8. DURING JUNE; HIGHEST to the League of Nations will bring United States officials, going to put sanctions the territorial'status quo in went to school at Kennington, Eng- VOLUNTARY MILITARY SERVICE INTRODUCED RECORD FOR PALESTINE no result, the Magyars in.Roumania the' imprimatur of your approval Poland, which, is against the claims land, was apprenticed to a provision upon these practices, which seek to of the Ukraini-.ns. The Ukrainian Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) The highest POLISH ANTI-SEMITIC PARTY IN, MESOPOTAMIA will appeal to European public opinmerchant and later entered a countsubvert the Constitution. of the Unitdeputies indicated that they would be PROTESTS IN SEJM AGAINST record of Jewish immigration to PalBagdad. ( J . T . A.) A system of ion. • •"••'••'•'•• ing-house in London. He ultimately, ed States? compelled to proclaim the Jews as the PRO-ZION DECLARATION estine was for the month of June, voluntary service in the Mesopotabecame one of the twelve Jewish brokenemies of Ukrainia, Warsaw. (J. T. A.) A protftU. according to figures made known here. mian army has been ordered by a ers then licensed by the city. In 1836 This order has outraged and enARCHAEOLOGICAL Other, leaders also expressed doubt against the concluded Polish J Four thousand and two hundred imRoyal Decree. . " he was .made Fellow of the Royal SoDISCOVERY IN JERUSALEM raged thousands of American citizens. concerning -the effectiveness , of the migrants arrived-in the country dur- agreement was voiced by the All persons between the age of 18 ciety. The next year he was elected The-Klan murders at Mer Rouge, La., Jerusalem. (J. T. A!) A discovery rivaled only by Poe's "Murders in agreement.. One Jewish leader, mem- ing that month. al Democratic Party in an interpellasheriff of the city of London and was; and 30 are eligible for enrollment and made by a British archaeolojjfst; an ber, of the Kolo, in an interview with tion introduced into the Polish Parliathe duration of the-service is two One hundred and seventy tourists knighted the same, year by. Queen the Rue Morgue," are still fresh in Victoria on her accession," In 1846 he years: A number of persons have Oxford student'and pupil of Lord Bal- memory. The excesses committed by the Jewish, Telegraphic Agency's cot- from Brazil are expected to arrive in ment by the Zwianzek Ludowy N»TO^four, during excavations of- the Brit- these night prowlers in other states , respondent, predicted that a crisis Beirut on July 8 for the purpose of owy, the Club of Deputies of the Na_ was created a'baronet. He died at already enlisted, ish School of Archaeology here, may, are a ste j within the Club of Jewish Deputies participating in the inauguration of tional Democratic Party ia the Polish Ramsgate, England, July 25, 1885. stench in-the nostrils of good will be inevitable in the autumn when a street named Rio de Janeiro. A Sejm. 100 PER CENT INCREASE IN lend weight to the pro-evolution ar- citizenry. PALESTINE JEWISH POPilgument in the Tennessee 'anti-evoluthe Sejm,will again convene. It will reception will be given in their honor. The interpellation protests OBITUARY. Religious orders have been per- then be apparent that the agreement LATION IN FOUR YEARS tion trial. the "conclusion of the agreement Funeral services for Mrs. Joseph . Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) That there The front part of a primitive hu,- mitted to parade in Washington and, reached between the Club of Jewish Miss Bertha Greenhouse is leaving the Jews in a manner as with «, forFogel, of Cheyenne, Wyo., daughter was an increase of 100 per cent in rightly so. But this order uses re- Deputies and the representatives of this week for Niagara Falls. She eign factor," and says "the Jews miiw> mari skull was discovered during exof Mrs. Sarah Cohn, of this city, who the Jewish population of Palestine in ligion for irreligious purposes. the Polish government had no results, intends to visit Toronto, Montreal, and fulfill their duties to the state withdied last week, were held Wednesday the last four' years and a half from caVati«ns by Mr. Turville-Petre in a What an anomaly! Washington he stated. , cave at Tabgha, near Tiberias, among Buffalo. out an agreement." The Club of fh!= in Cheyenne. rejoiced that in the newly formed January, 1920, to May, 1925, was dis- Mousterian flint deposits. National Democratic Party also inBesides her mother, Mrs. Fo^el is closediby a census made by the staUnited States every man would wor- O» The skull is characterized by a protroduced another interpellation in** survived by her husband, Joseph, and tistical section of the Palestine Zion,ship~ as his conscience dictated and digious development of the siipra-orthe Parliament asking the Prime Brtir^ daughter, Ruth Elaine, of Cheyenne; ist Executive. '.'-. - --',-'• there would "be none to make him bital; prominences and depressed foreister and the Foreig-n Minister for th* her brothers, Samuel H., Robert A., : Jewish population in Palestine head as in a chimpanzee, and con- afraid." reason that the letter addressed M ' s and sisters, Rose, of Denver, Rea and numbered 115,151 on June 1, 1925. Yet, there is to be permitted, upon forms closely with the* Neanderthal Nahum Sokolow, Chairman of the ISybertha of Omaha. This issue of The Jewish Press contains a special The estimate is based on govern- European type not previously found your "say so," in the Sylvan Theater, ecutive of the World Zionist Organ24 page feature supplement of the Jewish Community in. the shadow of the monument ment figures, but the actual number on the continent of Asia. . ization, endorr^g the Zionist moveMr. and Mrs. A. R. Levich, of Sioux Center Building. This special section contains photoProfessor Garstand, Director of~the erected to the memonry of Washing-j ment. No reply has yet been g;v*»«v Jity, la., left for their home. Mrs. is believed'to be considerable higher. graphs of work on building, officers and directors, Jewish population in School, who was a witness of Mr. ton, arch foe of religious intolerance, j c by the government to these interpoLevich-had been visiting here for ai In 1914 > the; speakers of the cornerstone celebration, and news of 84>6 b 6 Turville-Petre's discovery, confirmed rites tending to destroy everye veslations. month with her sister, Mrs. E. A. r e War only 5 7 9 0 ( > the. history of the Jewish Community Center in its scientific value. tige of toleration. • Meyer, and Mr. Meyer. Mr. Levich' 3 Omaha. Very truly yours, joined her here and spent the weel-tf ^ ^ ?*<*£ ^ i n c r e a s e in populaMr. Turville-Petre, formerly of Ox- -, The Misses Edith Suseman aon during the first five months of ford, a pupil of Lord Balfour and Mr.v This issue of Thfe Jewish Press will be received (Signed) Emanuel Celler, Ethel Stoler- entertained last Moiwls.y 1925, • which exceeds the total immi- i irette, is now a student at the by every Jewish family in Omaha. Tenth District, New York. afternoon at the home of the Miss Rose Grodinsky isv visiting t g'-ation .for 1924 and -any_ preceding British School of Archaeology,. Jem* j in honor of Miss Rose Levine, nth friends in Atlantic City. jcir. salern. PATitONIZE OUK ADVERTISERS. 'City,'la • • •^rt
Public Celebration of *' | ring the Cornerstone forJewklJommunity Center Building Sunday Afternoon
Many Protests Filed Jews of Poland Against Permit Reach Agreement Klan Demonstration With Government
Highland Country Club Golf and Tennis Tournament
Jkris Levy Camp for BoysWiD-Open Monday; Federation is Sponsor
Local Couple Will Be Married At Hebrew Club Picnic
Alfred Mond Urges British Jews Help Develop Palestine
Notice to Our Readers
°°' f ' f**«g f w ™
r Oar Sporting Column
cially as most of them were performed itor-in-chief of Mussolini's own organ by youths clad only in nature's garb, is a Jewess, and so is her husband, a and thus the covenant of Abraham well-known Fascisti leader, afullbecame an object of ridicule. NeverPnbllsbed every Thursday at Otnaha. Nebraska, t>y fledged Jew. Madame Sarfoti is theless, the craze spread for a time THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY^ , known all over Italy for her remarkeven unto the priests, who forsook By HAHUY CONZEL Office: 790 Brandeis Theatre Building—Telephones AT lantic 1450. able journalistic and literary ability; (Copyright IU23 by Seven Arts ,, their religious duties for their daily Feature Syndicate.) '* exercise. Indeed, to such lengths did NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. it. is even said that she exerts a great the enthusiasts go that they wore the ..$2.50. Subscription Price, one yeardeal of influence over Mussolini, who broad-hemmed petasus of Hermes, the Advertising rates furnished on application. is personally, in no way prejudiced pagan god of gympastic science, as HAROLD" an emblem of their prowess. Much of CHANGE) OB" ADDKESS— Please give ootb the old ind new address: against the Jews. T H E AUTHOR the strength of the Hasmonean rebe sure and Kive yonx oame. The rank and file of the Fascisti, bellion has been attributed to the bitHarold M. Abrahams, the world's The Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish seeing that their chief and idol is favter opposition which the introduction greatest sprinter, winner of the 100Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition orably disposed towards the Jews, and of the gymnasium in Jerusalem yard race at the last Olympic games brought to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres, about. . . . lnquirier regarding news items credited to this Agency will be gladly is surrounded by Jews, refuse to fol- in Paris, has written a highly interesting article on the Jew and ath"In the Middle Ages the conditions answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 621 Broadway. New low Preciosi's leadership, and therewhich is part of a book which under which Jew£ lived were hardly York City. ' fore the latter's anti-semitic propo- letics, has recently been published in. Lon- conducive to outdoor exercise. Sport ganda falls upon deaf ears. To be don. We have been fortunate to se- in England was practiced almost exTHE SILVER LINING IN POLAND sure, there are many anti-semitic pa- cure permission to quote from the clusively by the nobility, and it is athlete's article, and we cannot resist only towards the end of the eightReports from Poland on the Jewish situation are most re- pers in Italy, in Fascisti Italy. the temptation of devoting this week's eenth century that Jews became at all assuring. For years-the political clouds that hung over the Another contributing factor to the Sporting Column to the Englishman's prominent in athletics. Then it is Jewish minorityr in Poland were particularly black and heavy. failure of the efforts of the Italian views on a very vital topic. If it that athletic history is full of the The.jresfrictiqns to which; Israel was subjected in the trades and anti-Semitic leaders is their co-oper- meets with the interest of our readers, names of Jewish pugilists—Mendoza, might let you have some more of for example, and 'Dutch Sam.' In the professions,: in the schools and universities, in residence and ation with the German anti-semites. we this exclusive pleasure: twentieth century the interest taken travel, were extremely vicious and burdensome.. Not satisfied That most of the Italian publicists by the Jews in athletics increases al"On the whole, it is reasonable to witfi.. the boycott and robbery, some of the Poles resorted to whose names command respect were maintain that the Jewish opinion of most daily. active..persecution, murder und pogrom until both within and unwilling to contribute to his papers the value of games in national life without the new Polish State it was thought .that Israel's fate and in order to further his propaganda has not been a particularly favorable THE JEW HOLDS was:a desperate one indeed, not a few prophesying that unless he was forced to open the columns of one. Even today many Jewish par- HIS OWN IN SPORT ents are inclined to demand of what speedy emigration from Poland be organized, there would be his papers to German anti-semites, value What of the Jew in modern athathletics can be in the prepara- letics no Jews left to save. . from the point of view of who • are as a rule nationalists and tion of their children for the business ; achievement? I do not propose to But Divine Providence provides means; and measures for anti-Italian. These German antisemi- of life. The existence of such a preupon a catalogue of Jewish Israel's deliverance just when Israel grows most depressed. Two tes were tactless enough to advise the judice, if prejudice it really be, is enter of those who have been prommore historical than fun- uames mighty =ethical forces have been silently and impressively at Italian people to disenfranchise the undoubtedly inent in various branches of sport in damental. One has only to recall the this and other countries. First, it work in Israel's behalf in Poland that arerabout to bear rich Jews—and this the Italians consid- story of the Jewish race to realize of necessity be an incomplete results for the .salvation of the Jew and the progress of Poland. ered an interference with the internal that the existence of any national sen- would list. Men do not go about advertisThe first is the subjective change in the Polish character, an affairs of their country, and resented timent at all is remarkable. First a ing their religious convictions, and I then a conquered, and finalattitude toward reality - which persecution and its visible con- this interference the more since it nomadic, considered the matter from the ly a scattered but unassimilited race. I have racial point of view; there are no sequences have produced in Poland. For year the chauvinists came from a former enemy. What chance had the Jew of displayof telling Jews by mere names have preached and practiced hatred of the Jew, alleging that The Italians still remember that ing his talent in anything but an un- means it be by their religious activisuch" an attitude war warranted because the Jew was plotting their greatest military disaster in the derhand way? Certainly the modern unless ties. Second, such a catalogue would development clearly indicates that, against the land and ready to undermine the social and spiritual World War—the catastrophe of Cap- given opportunity, the Jew (I use the be invidious. Suffice it to say that foundations of society. This fear os Israel led, naturally, to a eretto, was caused by the German, and word through this article in its ra- in England, as well as in other lands, Jews have obtained high honors in policly of suppression, impoverishment and annihilation of the and not by the Austrian army. They cial, not in the narrower religious boxing, football, running, jumping, sense), is in every way as fine a Jew and Jewish influence. are -therefore unwilling to permit the physical entity as any other man. rowing, cricket, and swimming. And / But the results have brought their vivid lesson and impressed Germans to interfere in Italian affairs. "References to Nimrod as a big- they possess every attribute which qualifies them for such success. an unexpected warning upon the minds and hearts of the people. Even those Italians who were not game hunter, to David's prowess as a The.lot of the persecutor is harder to bear than that of the favorably disposed towards the Jews marksman, or to Jehu as a jockey, It is true that a strict adherence to the dietary laws would prevent a persecuted. Hatred of a ne ighbor without clear and just strongly resented Preciosi's co-oper- are a little exaggerated, as is the oft- Jew from porticipating-, for example, quoted suggestion that the passage in v.'jirrant clouds the vision, reduces the strength and curtails the ation with the German anti-semites. in an tour; a rigid observ'If thou hast run with the ance ofathletic happiness of the suspicious and contemptuous soul. The Poles In addition to this, the Italian Jews Jeremiah, the Sabbath in all its forms footmen, and they have wearied thee, would prohibit almost entirely his parbegan to realize that, they were, hurting themselves as much as are too strongly entrenched political- then how canst thou contend with in high-class competitions they weve hurting Jews, by keeping .'them off the land, out of ly,' academically and socially, to be horses?' refers to a kind of ancient ticipation of any kind, in that Saturday afterthe.trades,/ depriving them °f the decencies and rewards of thrown out of their position by a proposition similar to the recent man noon is the time—almost the only time and horse contest from London to behest and efficient labors. •'.'•'-.-• '.',-]''•] handful of anti-semitic propogandists. York. The reference Is so obviously —when- all important contests take place. But I am not dealing with the The second fundamental ethical principle which has been There are in the Italian Chamber of a military one. On the whole, we can Jew as a person of particular relideduce nothing from the Old Testaoperating in Israel's behalf is the power of public opinion, the Deputies thirty-five Jewish members gious persuasion. I am considering to convince us in any way that him biologically, regard of honest men arid nations, without which our labor is while in the Senate there'are twenty- ment as the member of a athletics was recognized as a national profitless, our wealth futile and our progress fruitless in the end. four Jews. In the diplomatic and benefit. particular race, as a physiological and ' biological whole. Poland has begun to realize that the way she treated the Jews consular service there are forty Jews, The highly emotional and excitable has had a big part to play in the world's respect for her, which, among them several ambassadors and ATHLETICS IX THE temperament characteristic of the in turn, influenced her credit, the sales of her goods, the produc- a number of Consuls General. Jewish DAYS OF AOTIOCHUS Jew is singularly adapted to enable tion of foods, etc. All through the economic and politicial struc- University professors in Italy total EPIPHANES its possessor to excel. He is, on the ture of the nation new Poland begins to feel how Israel's posi- about eight hundred and forty, while whole, more likely to excel in sport "But later we do get some most in- where individual excellence.counts for tion has an influence in her present and future financial satus, quite a number of Jews hold high po- teresting passages from Josephus and than team co-operation. Maybe which is enough.to provoke thought and inspire wisdom. sitions in the army, in the navy, in the Maccabees. When Hellenism spread more this is emphasized because for hisamongst the Jews, many members of • We are grateful for the change and welcome it with hope civil service, and in the judiciary. j torical reasons there have been no the upper classes desired to model Jewish teams as such, and that thereand confidence in a brighter-and happier era for Jews in Poland. When one considers that there are' "their o'h^^Greek lines. In 170, fore the Jew has been able to come It is beneficial for the Poles, too, that they .begin to treat with only fifty thousand Jews in Italy, ex- B. C-,lives Menelaus, a brother of Jason into active competition with first-class consideration and respect the Jewish citizens, who always have cluding the Jews of Trieste and Ter- the High Priest, in an endeavor to desired nothing so much as to further the welfare of the nation entinb, one must admit that they are curry favor with Antiochus Epiph*.nes, established a gymnasium almost that offers them protection, and security. The solution of the strongly entrenched in the life of the next door to the temple at Jerusalem. Jewish problem in Poland impresses us as the best possible Italian people, and that, on the other No doubt he considered that cleanlik* GIFTS THAT LAST solution of the Jewish problem in the different lands in which hand, the Italian, government thinks ness should be next to godliness. Here men and youths could practice, under they dwell. Right must conquer in the end. Let us behopeful highly of their ability. supervision, wrestling, boxing, and helpful toward its triumph.—"Newark Chronicle." Although the best Jewish political expert other forms of exercise. MALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. brains in Italy are identified with Fas- and It is not surprising that such modcismo, it is nevertheless a fact, that ern-fangled notions aroused great opDiamond Importers Treves, and Madigloni, are all Jews. position in the conservative minded Platinum Specialists Thja fact has often been called to the Jews—an open-air swimming bath opposite Westminster Abbey could hardattention of Mussolini with the object ly fail to excite some comment even NEW LOCATION of convincing; him that the Jews are in those enlightened days. The an214-15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. the real ringleaders of the opposition tagonism at Jerusalem became so proBY LUCIANO SILEO /. Ja. 5619—Est. 1894. 'his regime, but to no avail. Mus- nounced that devout Jews began to Copyright 1025 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate; . regard the exercises with Horror, espesolini's answer is: "I deal with Italians and npt with-religious groups in "•' Italy's Secretary of the Interior Is a Jew. The Edltor-lli-Chlef of Benlto Italy". He simply refuses to make - ManiioUnl's own. newspaper Is a Jewess. Some of the Italian Premier's closest - lieutenants are Jews. . . the Italian jews suffer because three Jews happen to be the leaders of the These are no mere boasts'of Jewish strength. This article reveals foots, new - • and surprising to American Jewry, and explains tlie Jewish status tinder the Opposition. .man, "who is looked upon as tho Napoleon of Italy. * . In 'his attitude to the Jews, MussolThis article was written by Mr. Silco before the recent annonnoejnent ©1 ini has proved to be a thorough states-: aitrBBOllnl'B serious lllneus. In view of the latest newa from Italy, this significant article proves of immediate interest. THE EDITOK. .. • • men, and a real liberal. This may exwith the Rivista de Milano, which is plain why many Italian Jews of prorflh -Rome, Italy: There aie only 50,000 Jews in Italy, pledged to a regular Anti-Semitic inence and vast influence have Joined ." . a n d "yet this small Jewish group has campaign. Both Fascisti organs as- his ranks. It must also be borrt in produced more statesmen and men of sert that there are too many Jews mind that the Italian court, and especaffairs within the last quarter of a cen- in Italy, that they are to be found in ially the King, is an outspoken friend ••;•-. tury than the rest of Continental every important branch of the govern- of the Jews. The latter isprobaly the European Jewry combined. Italy has ment service, and that their influence best-informed European ruler on Jewalready had two Jewish Premiers, on the course of political events in the ish, questions. Luzzati and'Sonino, and one Jewish country is quite out of proportion to W^en Mussolini assumed power, he Minister of Foreign affairs, Signor their numbers. found a philosemitic tradition in the Schanzer, who is of Galician .origin The fight of the Fascisti. against the royal surroundings, and he deemed it In addition, the city of Rome has had Freemasons is largely responsible for best and wisest to follow this tradition a .Jewish Mayor, Signor Nathan, who this anti-semitic campaign, because he did not consider, statesmen, jourwas known throughout the country for the Italian Jews, belonging in the nalists, intellectuals, officials and arhis great moral courage and rich per- main to' the higher middle, classes, are tists into the arms of the opposition. sonality. Even the leaders of the opposed to Clericalism, emanating Instead of alienating the Jews, he Vatican who were certainly not en- from the Vatican, to Socialism, and to tried to attract them and make them thused about the idea of a Jew—and extreme Nationalism. These Jews his friends. The Italian Jews were a free-mason in addition—being May- have found that Freemason lodge is politically wise enough to accept his or o£ the Holy; City could not entirly the only haven and refuge left open friendship, because Fascismo is closely Suppress their feeling of admiration to them; in consequence, a great many related to extreme nationalism—and Italian Jews are devoted and promin- from the latter to anti-semitism is for Signor Nathan. .Luzzatj, even to the present day, is ent Masons. but one step. Confronted with the the most respected statesman in Italy. The anti-cemitic campaign intiated alternative of being either destroyed He is respected by all factions, social- by the <(Vita Italiana", and Rivista de politically and socially or becoming a ists, Liberals and Fascist! alike.' He Milano would have been much more part of the ruling regime, the Italian is not only regonized as the greatest efficacious, had it not beenfor the fact Jews have decided for the latter, and Wonomist; of modern Italy, but he still that with the exception of Benito Mus- they have made a wise choice. is—in contradistinction tp so many solini, the leaders of the Fascisti pareBWient politicians who held power— ty are nearly all Jews. This fact is Left-Handed Compliment a" humanitarian and philanthropist, not known outside of Italy, and it will Stories about clowns are in vogue. surely surprise the American Jewish and ft champion of genuine liberalism. One concerning Bill Buck a famous Today, he is the grand old man of public to learn that Signor Finzi, for clown of half a lifetime ago, would example, Minister 'of the Interior un- have delighted that artist of the flour Italy, However, the wonderful position der Mussolini, and the strongest man paste countenance. . Two old ladles, standing in a queue •which Italian Jews have held in the in the Cabinet is a full-blooded Jew, and is known as such all over the for the pit o* a theater, fell to dispolitical life of their country has not cussing the merits of the various = _- prevented the rise of an Anti-Semitic kingdom, j they had seen. One of the most important spokes- clowns movement-in Italy. -The-well-known S*i!d one, summing up her impresmen of Fasciti in Italy, Signor Sam• -Italian Publicist and leader of the exsions: "But I think I like Mr. Buck treme Nationalists, Preciose, editor ueli. Bellini,: is a Jew.. Another fa- best of them all—such a nice clown 1 ' of. the Fascisti organ "Vita Italiana",; mous Fascisti leader, Angelo Olivetti, There's nothing vulgar about him—he and so are de Verona and never makes you laugh." xsnow engaged in.the- creation of an is a Jew, : Orios. Anti-Semitic party in Italy. The "Vita Italians", however, lias no connection . Madame Margherita-Sarfoti. the ed- PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS.
performers only in those games where tions to Harold H. Abrahams, the individual prowess is pre-eminent. author. Athletic achievement is the culmina- A JEW LEADS ALL tion of training and natural ability, and, given opportunity, the Jew has HOLLAND IN every quality for success. There have been many first-class MARKMAXSHIP. We have just received news which Jewish bozers, sprinters and jumpers. adds confirmation to AbraThe alert Jewish mind is well suited ham's splendid statement that "the Jew can to boxing and sprinting. Moreover, j hold his in sport." The many the Jewish mentality, the morbid an- authoritiesown of Holland to test ticipation that preceded competition, the skill which army decided men are supthe almost uncanny knack of seizing posed to develop at marksmanship. opportunities, and of turning up Competitive meets were held in all the trumps at a crisis, are admirable. The barracks throughout the Dutch councertainty the Jew has of rising to the try. Corporal Hartog of tho occasion, his love of limelight, his 23rd Infantry Emanuel stationed at overwhelming self-appreciation and Breda, won allRegiment, prizes offered by the confidence—what qualities can be military officials. more calculated to enable a man to Copyright, 1925, by S. A. P. S. achieve high athletic distinction ? The Jew born of Jewish parents Firms advertising in "The Jewish possesses physical qualities and mental tendencies well suited to athletic Press" deserve your patronage—It is success. As a race we possess our TO YOUR INTEREST to aupport full share of potential champions. The them. reason that there are not more Jewi>'i athlete:: who have achieved high distinction must be traced, not to biological, but to social reasons. The Jew can hold his own in sport as in every other department of life." For Sale By Owner Harold M. Abrahams is a brilliantly educated young fellow. His recent Seven-room all modern, oak finishaccident, when he broke an ankle, has put him out of active competition for ed house. 2708 North 20th Street. the rest of his life. Our congratula-
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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925 tenelle Hotel, followed by a theatre' party for these two out-of-town visitors and also for Irvin Stalmaster, whose engagement' to Miss Estelle Lapidus was recently announced. Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. P. Saks, of Council Bluffs, entertained at their home for the visitors, and on Saturday evening, David -Sher is entertaining' at a dinner-dance at the Highland Country Club for them.
number of informal social affairs -were leave Thursday for a week's trip to Begin reading /"So Big," the Pulit- The Jewish Press. This story is congiven in their honor. Nnagara Falls, N. Y. Wft&e in Shen- zer prize novel written by Edna Fer- sidered as one of Edna Ferber's greatandoah they were the guests of Mr. est achievements. Start today. Mr- and Mrs. J. Schneider and fam- and Mrs. Julius Barron, They are ber. This story appears weekly in ily and Mrs. A. Davidson left Sunday expected to return home Thursday, for a two weeds' motor trip to Col- July 23. orado Springs. Mr. Herman Marowitz left WednesMr. and Mrs. A. Stine and family day evening for a week's trip to Niaand Mr. and MTS. A. Goodman and gara Falls, N. Y. on. family motored ta Beatrice Thursday to spend the day -with Mr. and Mrs.' Mr. J. J. Brown jetumed home I. J. Gelsin. Monday evening after spending the Mr, and Mrs. George Gasper left in our past five weeks in the east. this week for Oklahoma City, where they will visit relatives and friends. COUNCIL BLUFFS Jewish Women's Welfare Board} Miss Jennie Gross entertained at They will be gone until August 1. Field', Tribute to RUey Over two hundred people attended Entertain for Mrs. D. P. Feder a bridge-tea at her home Sunday Among the finest tributes which one Miss Ida Lustgarden returned this the Annual Sunday School Picnic man of genius has paid to another is The Board of the Jewish Women's afternoon honoring Miss Rose Swart? Welfare Organization entertained at and Miss Ann Selicow, two brides-to- week from Minneapolis, Minn., where which was held Tuesday afternoon at that of Eugene Field to his friend she spent several weeks '-visiting Manawa Park. The picnic was in antl brother poet, James Whlteomb -a luncheon and mah jongg Wednesday be. friends. charge of the Sunday School teachers, Kfley. He put It in the language of at the Brandeis Tea Kootns compliMiss Goldie Rosen, of Chicago, HI., an Indiana villager and the essence mentary to Mrs. David P. Feeder, who Miss Sara Fellman, who has been the Misses Fannie Shyken and Fan- of it was this paragraph: is visiting here with her cousin, Miss is leaving the first part of August visiting in St. Louis, Mo., for the nye Katelman, and Mr. L Morgen"Riley has got true genius; can't to join Mr. Feder in Florida, where Ann Wintroub, and also with her aunt, past several weeks, is returning home stern. Races and games were a part call it anything else. 'When he was Mrs. Morris White. of the program and prizes were won born God give him the tongues of men they "wfl] make their future home. the latter part o f the week. the folio-wing: Marian Perfmutter, and of angels, and threw in charity Mrs. Feder has been active in the For Miss Eve Cohen, of Des Moines, The Misses Pearl Lindenbaum und Pearl Meyerson, Helen Mae Saltzman, for good measure. fTbere hain't no •work of the Jewish Women's Welfare la., who has been the house gnest of and a number of other prominent Miss Rose Lazarus for the past Mildred Skolnick spent the •week-end Marian Katelman, Ida Hoffman, Ber- Shakespeare business about him, nor Jewish Women's clubs. She has held several weeks, several social affairs in Sioux City, la., with Mr. and Mrs. nard Krasne, Robert Cohn, Lloyd no Byron. Jim is a straightatray poet, his pieces are as full of honey offices many times in these various were given. Miss Celia Brody enter- Ralph Dvorski and Miss Sara Gerson. Krasne, Jax Gilinsky, Seymour Cohn, and ana as the flower the hummin' Irving Maduff, and Dave Perlmutter. bird &evr . organizations. The Jewish Women's tained at dinner at her home last plays tag with in the cool gunMrs. Reuben Finkelstein. left last "Welfare Organization presented Mrs. Saturday. Mrs. M. Shapiro enterlight of an early summer morning. Mrs. Abe Leibbovitz entertained week for Oklahoma City and Kansas Yon don't have to have anybody tell Feder with a gift. tained at a midnight supper Saturday City for a several weeks' visit. twenty guests at bridge at Fairmoont you what Jim means in them pieces; Another affair of unusual interest followed by a swimming party SunPark last Thursday afternoon in honor there hain't no need of footnotes and to be .given for Mrs. Feder will be a day morning. Tuesday, Miss Annette of her house guests, Mrs. D. Bern- there hain't no disputed passages. It tea Wednesday afternoon, July 22, Levi was hostess at a mah jongg and stein and Mrs. J. Bernstein, of Chica- is all plain, music from the word go, from S to 5, when her mother, Mrs. supper at her home. Miss Claire and that's the kind of music a feller's go, HI. A joint meeting and picnic of the A. B. Alpirn will be hostess. More Katzman entertained six COIHISS at a heart lores to dance to." Auflebung club will be held Sunday, than one hundred guests will be pres- dance at her home. Miss Cohen left The Misses Sara and Ueva Noddle uly 19, at Lake Manawa. Members entertained twenty-two guests Thursent. for her home Sunday afternoon. will meet at Twenty-fourth and Cum- day night, July 9, at their home in Live in Fear of "Demtf* ing streets at 3:30 in the afternoon. honor of their cousin, Miss Lillian In practically all parts of New Honoring Miss Betty Kean, of -His. Joseph Wolf and daughter, Guinea the natives believe that the Reservations are to be made with E. Marks, of Chicago, I1L, who is visiting *t«m,arangs** Gwendolyn, and son, Frank, left Tues- Denver, Colo., the house guest of Mr. or evil spirits come out Lewis at Webster 6074. and Mrs. Barney Kean, Miss Dorpthy at the Noddle home for the past two as soon, as it is dark and are constantday morning for Hollywood, Califn for the remainder of the summer Klein will entertain at r.. dancing The Golden TTfli Auxiliary purchased weeks. Mrs. J. Mendelson entertained ly on the "watch for stray negroes, inonths. They wiH be joined later in party at Peony Park Sunday evening. a Jewish Funeral Home at 1912 Cum- over twenty guests Sunday at a picnic says the Detroit News. Fortunately, supper at Manawa Park in honor of however, the devils are quite unable fch# summer by Mr. Wolf. Mr. M. E. Chapman is on a buying ing street. A special meeting of the her cousin, Miss Marks. Miss Molly to pass fire at night, so a village i» organization will be held Tuesday, _ Miss Faynelle Naiter, of St. Louis, trip in New York City.' He is ex- July 21, at the Adass Yeshuren Syn- Kotler of Omaha entertained at three protected by a ring of small fires about pected to return home Saturday. i t Sometimes the fires are placed in Mo., arrived Sunday to visit relatives agogue, Twenty-fifth and Seward tables of Bunco Tuesday evening com- a circle around the settlement and here. She will be here for several plimentary to Miss Marks. Mrs. A. D. Frank and children left streets. sometimes just four are made, one at weeks. Miss Marks is leaving Thursday each corner of the place. Inside fhta last Wednesday for Ft. Dodge, la., to M. F. Goodman was awarded first evening for her home. protective belt the negro has no fear Mrs. ML Goldstein and children, of -visit there with friends and relatives whatever of the "tamarangs," but in prize in the recent ticket selling conSacramento, Calif., spent, several days for several weeks. The Misses Amelia Blinder and Vera the cage of the bush natives especially test held by the Poali-ZSon Dramatic here' last "week at the home of Mr. Mrs. Frank Greenberg and daughTranin arrived Sunday evening from all the tinned meat and 3ew's-harps la and Mrs. H. Sussman, while enroute ter, Elaine, have gone to Chicago, HU Section Sunday, July 12, for their first Kansas City, Mo., and spent three Kew Guinea -would not tempt him outEvery article in stock Mill be marked dmvn annual picnic at Erog Park. Second to New York City. ' where they will make their future prize was won by Mildred Harris, and days here as the guests of Miss Fan- Bide it before dawn in districts known to surprisingly low prices. to be afflicted with devils. Miss Betty Kean, of Denver, Colo., home with Mrs. Greenberg's mother. Sam Polonsky was a-warded third nie Shyken, while en route to Osage, Sale Begins Monday at 9:30 A. M. Iowa. is yisiting here at the home of her Miss Euth Sherman, of Waterloo, prize. Proceeds of the picnic will be /brother, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kean. la., is visiting in Omaha with friends sent to the Palestine Workers Fund. Miss Cylia Gershnn arrived home She Trail visit here for several weeks. after having spent a week in Lincoln. A meeting of the club will be held after spending the past five weeks in next Wednesday. Schuyler, Nebr., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cora "Wolf and daughters, MinMrs. J. Rosen is entertaining fifty 1514 Dodge St. J A ckson 2694. Ben Gershun. nie-and Folrenee, are expected to re- couples at a dancing party this eveEst. 1894 LINCOLN For a beneficiary to Teceive a turn home the latter part of the "week ning in honor of Miss Esther Katz, Messrs and Mesdames Harry Kraslump sum is capital — not an DIAMOND IMPORTERS—PLATINUM SPECIALISTS after spending several weeks in Den- of El Paso, Tex., who is spending the Mr. and Mrs. Morris Polsky, Miss ne, Henry Maduff and Charles Saltzincome. — — — .,•• .. ... „ — •-,* ver;-Colo. - ' ' j summer here with her aunt and" nncle, Ruth Pblsky, Bernard Pblsky, and man motored to Lincoln, Nebr., SanIn many cases the beneficiary Mrs, Sara Poska left Sunday on a day, where they spent the day atDr. Samuel Z. Stern, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Falk. , . does not know how to handle a tending the reception of Miss lillian two months' motor trip to New York Mrs. Morris Stern, recently returned large sum of money and falls -E 'Berg Suits Me"' Mr. and Mrs. Sol S. Goldstrom and and other eastern points. Seidman and her fiance, Mr. David from Minneapolis, Minn., where he prey to wildcat schemes. Cohn. graduated from the College of Den- daughter, Marie, and son, Melvin, are Mr. James Arenson, of Sedalia, Mo., leaving next Tuesday evening for The monthly income plan is the tistry at the University of MinneMr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson and is spending several days with his sisMiami, Florida, where they will make safest method to insure the sota. Dr. Stern passed the examinafamily left Tuesday for Schuyler, b e n e f i c i a r y the protection ter, Mrs. Saul Poska. their future home. Numerous intion of the State Board of Nebraska desired. Nebr., where they will spend a week formal social affairs are being given and intends to practice in Omaha. The Misses Belle and Ann Gordon visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun. for them prior to their leaving Look over your policies today have gone to Louisville, Ky., where and see what method you have Mr. and Mrs. A. Herzberg are vis- Omaha, as they are prominent in they will spend several weeks visiting Mrs. Jennie Schwartz arrived home chosen. iting in New York City. They will Omaha's social: circle. Wednesday after spending the past relatives.; STARTS THURSDAY AT BERG'S be gone for several weeks.: Mrs. Ernest A. Meyer left the early Phil Stine has returned from Kan- ten days in Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Abe Leibowitz is returning part of the week for Lake Okoboji, sas City, Mo., where he attended the Mr. Isadore Cherniack returned home today from a several weeks' where she will spend several weeks. A. Z. A. Convention. home Sunday after spending three stay in St. Joseph and Kansas City, weeks in New York City. PERSONAL SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Furth had as Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schembeck left Mo. She is leaving Sunday for Chi-•5s :;~ Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. The Misses Gertrude Gilinsky, Fancago and the Makitow Island to spend their past week-end visitors Mr. and Sunday for their home in Kansas City, Mrs. A. B. Cohn, of California., while Mo., after having visited here as the nie Shyken, Esther and Helen CherOrganized 1847 tha remainder of the summer. enroute to New York City., . guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Baer nise left Wednesday evening for ShenJa. 1817 720 Peters Trust Bldg. Messrs. Morris and Ben Civin left Piece Piece for a week. During their stay here a andoah, Iowa, from where they will on. a motor trip for New York, where Dr. Max Fleishman, son of Rev. E. they will visit with their father. Fleishman, has completed his internMrs. David Newman, who left sev- ship at the Western Pennsylvania S-piece suits for men and eral weeks ago for Denver, Colorado Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pa., and is yotULg Tncn. tnlroTi frOffl.OUT now in New York City. Springs and Estes Park, is now stopregular stock and placed in. ping at the Troutdale-in-the-Pines one group.. Suits lor all-yearMr. and Mrs. Eugene Levy, and Hotel at Evergreen, Colo. She will daughter, Eugenie, of Lincoln, Nebr., •roumd -wear that sold regube there for several weeks before are expected to arrive this morning larly up to ?30. leaving for Yellowstone Park, Wyo. from Minnesota, where they had spent Mrs. Jarohm Kulakofsky returned several weeks. They will visit here home from a nine months' stay with with Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mantel before Snappy styles for men and young men. Suits for aLher daughter, Mrs. Max Langman, returning home. year-'round. wear, many 01! and Mr. Langman, at Harrisburgh, them -with EXTRA TROU"Mr. and Mrs-. A. H. Brodkey are at Pa.> On her return trip she stopped SERS. Suits that sold reguLake Madison, So. Dak. off at Chicago, HI., where she visited larly up to ?40. Plan to atOn All tend this sale early Thursfiuy. with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Mr. and I Irs. Edward Treller left Spiwak, and Mr. Spiwak. Mr. and Wednesday morning for Lake Okoboji, "Mrs., Kulakofsky are now at their where they will spend several weeks. home at 319 North 38th Ave. This group includes OUT finMr. Arthur Levy, of Washington, est suits, many of them KupThe Misses Margarite and Ethel D. C, formerly of this city, is visitpenheimer's, and some o£ All This Season's Styles—New, Fresh Merchandise Riekes left Wednesday evening for ing here with his parents, Mr. and them 'With EXTRA TROUNiagara Falls and New York City, Mrs. Saul Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Levy SERS. In this group are suits that sold regularly up to be gone about ten days. and their son are expecting to motor to $55. to Des Moines, la., the early part of Mrs. Max Goldman and daughter, next week to visit Mr. and Mrs. Levy's Eose, and son, Isidor, of Chelsea, daughter, Mrs. A. Davidson, and famMass., are visiting here with friends ily. After a short visit in Des and relatives. They are now at the Moines, Mr. Arthur Levy will leave CHOICE OF THE HOUSE home of Mrs. Goldman's sister, Mrs. for his home in Washington. M. Selicow, and Mr. Selicow. They Mr. and Mrs. Levy entertained nine win spend the remainder of the sumat a supper-dance on the Omaha Athmer here. -,-.•• : letic Club roof Tuesday night honorMrs. Max Belgrade entertained four ing their son. couples at her home last Friday eveMessrs. Al Halpine and Maynard Palm Beach and Tropical Worsted Suits in styles for men ning complimentary to her sister-in- •Donovitz will leave Omaha this week and young men. Not all sizes in each style. Values to ?25 law, Miss May Shirley Belgrade, of to attend .the C. M. T. C. at Fort New London, Conn., who is visiting Snelling, Minn. at the Belgrade home. Qtir better Tropical Worsted Suits that sold up to Messrs. Sidney and Harold Kay, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry White left last reduced to Berkeley, Calif., are leaving Tuesday week for Los Angeles, Calif., where where they will fh.ey will visit with their daughter, Beta Tau convention. Mrs. George L. Berger, and Mr. From Seattle, they will leave for their Berger. Mrs. Berger was formerly home. During" their month's visit Miss Rose White, of this city. ' Enlarged Sorosis Shoe Section—Street Floor here they have been extensively enter1415 Famam Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wolf, who are tained. Messrs, Lester and Earl Lapidus entertained at a stag-dinner .pending their honeymoon in the east, VTheBest Place to Shop, After ASH party Monday evening at ih« JFmxare now in New York City.
Engagement Rings—Wedding Gifts
CLEARANCE SAL On Oar Entire $ 7 5 , 0 0 0 Jewelry Stock
Capital Is Not An Income
A Great Clearance of
Sorosis Shoes for Summer
There Are Shoes For All Occasions All White Kid AH Tan Calf Patent Leather and Kid Combinations Patent Leather Blond Kid Sport Shoes—leather and crepe soles Penny Satin . Blond Satin Black and Brown Kid Welt Oxfords
Every Shoe Offered a ThompsonBelden Bargain
Clothing Co.
EDNA FERBER , DoubleO»y, Fas* & Co.) WNU Strvtee.
SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I.—Introducing "So Blfif" <Dlrk DeJong) In his Infancy. And, bis mother, Sellna. DeJongT. daughter of Blmoon Poake, gambler and gentleman of fortune. Her life, to young womanhood in Chicago in 1888, has been unconventional, somewhat ieamyt but generally enjoyable. At eohool her chum is Julie- Hempel, daughter of ugust Hempalp butcher. Simeon ]s August Killed his own. i l l d in i a quarrell that t h t is i nott hi and Selina, nineteen year* ~ old and practically destitute, becomes a schoolteacher. CHAPTER H—Sellna secures a position aa teacher at the HlBh Prairie 'school, in the outskirts of Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer, Klaas Pool. In Koelf, twelve years old. son of Klaas, Selina perceives a kindred spirit, a lover of beauty, like herself. ; \ CHAPTER III.—The monotonous life of a country school-teacher at that time, is Selina's. brightened somewhat by the companionship ot the sensitive, . artistic, boy Roelf. Sellnn:—and t i e whole congregation •unashamedly watching—could Indeed see how he made with his head no. His whole body seemed set in negation— the fine head, the broad patient'shoulders, the muscular powerful legs in •their ill-fitting Sunday blacks. He shook his head, gathered up the reins, and drove away, leaving the Widow Paarlenberg to carry off with such bravado as she could muster this public- flouting in full sight of the Dutch Eeformed congregation of High Prairie. It must be said that she actually
'store near the High. Prairie, station.. Farmer" families " for' miles" around were there. "The new church organ i—thaf time-hallowed pretext for sociability—was the excuse for this gathering. There was1 a small admission charge. Adam. Ooms had- given them the hall. The three musicians were playing without fee. The women were to bring trapper packed In boxes or baskets,, these to be raffled off to the highest bidder whose .privilege it,then was ito sup with thefalr whose basket he had bought : Hot coffee could be Tiad/ at so much the cap.;- AU the - propeeds w,ere .to ..be -, devoted Vtoi'th'e :-organl- MaartjeVhad packjed-^her-own'.basket at nobn'jand ha* drlvfen;,off; fit ;four with Klaas and the children; *. She-was -to>serre on one of 'th)>se;,b;Bstli|ng ^committees i whose duties-ranged frprnr> coffee making to dish^washing.., Klaas; and Roelf were to^be^press4d\Intor seryice.: . Jakob Hoogendu'nk *V;ouTd; convey Sellna to the:feSsfl'yttles..when.hi's:-chores -were done!' Selina's' lunch' basket was to be.ja separate" andj"distinct affair, offered at ^auction i with .those of the Katrinas'and Unas and Sophias of High Prairie. IJot a little;apprehensive, she was to pack this basket herself... Maartjer. departing,., had left copious but disjointed Instructions. -Maartje'a own basket was of gigantic proportions and staggering content. Her sandwiches were cubic blocks; her pickles clubs of cucumber; her pies vast plateaus."
round pink faces of the sleeping Kuyper twins, aged six months. Oh, dear! In desperatloq Selina placed her bun 'die'on the';froor*ln a' corner, 's'mootliecr down the red cashmere, snatched up her lunch box and made for the doorway with the childish eagerness of one out of the crowd to be In It. She wondered where Maartje and'Klaas Pool were in this dose-packed roomful; and Roelf. In the doorway she found that broad black-coated backs shut off sight and Ingress. She had- written her name neatly on her lunch box. Now she was at a loss to;find a way. to reacli Vdam Ooms. She. eyed .the.great-shou! ' lered expanse just ahead of her. Ii lesperatlon she decided to dig-Into l< .vvlth a corner of her box. She" dug viciously. The back winced. Its pwnei .'urned. "Here! What—" ',-' Selina looked up Into the wrathfu i.'ace of Pervus DeJong. .Pervus De fong looked down into,'the startlei" jyes of Selina Peake. , Large enougi ->yes at any time; enormous now ir' her fright at what she -had done. "I'm sorry 1 1'in—soi-ry.; I thought if I could—there's no way of getting ,'idy lunch box pp there—such a crowd—" . , A slim, appealing, lovely little figure in the wine-red, cashmere, amidst all • those buxom bosoms, and over-heated bodies, and flushed faces. His gaze left her reluctantly, settled. on the • lunch box, became, Jf possible, more bewildered. "That? Lnnck »*rr ! "Yes. For the raffle I'm the s^ool teacher. Selina Peake.'' . . He nodded. "I saw- you In church
The basket provided for Selina, while not quite so large, still was of appalling size'as Selina contemplated S u n d a y . " • . .-.',• i t She decided, suddenly, that she ' "You did! I didn't tb4nk you. . would have none of It. In her trunk Did you?" . . she had a cardboard box such as shoes "Wait here. I'll come back. - -Wait come in. Certainly this should hold here." _ ... f • _ , enough lunch for two, she thought. •'.He took the shoe box. She waited. She was a little nervous about the whoie thing; rather dreaded the pros- 'He plowed'(Ids Vi-ay through the crowd pect of eating her supper with a High like a juggernaut; reached ' Adam Prairie swain unknown to her. Sup- boms' platform and placed the box pose no one should bid for her boxl inconspicuously next'a colossal hamper She resolved to fill It after her own that was one of a dozen grouped awaitpattern, disregarding Maartje's heavy 7ing Adam'V attention. When he had made his way back to Sellna he again provender. said, "Wait," and plunged down the She had the kitchen to herself. ,:wooden stairway. Selina waited. She Jakob was In the fields or out-houses. 'had ceased to feel distressed at her The house was deliclously quiet. Inability to find the Pools in the crowd, Sellna rummaged for the shoe box, a-tip|o'e":th6ugh' .she-,wa'sl , Wliten'presi lined It with a sheet of tissue .paper, ently .6er came back he had in his hand rolled up her sleeves, got out mixing an empty wooden, soap box. This he bowl, flour, pans. Cup cakes were up-ended in the doorway just behind her ambition. She baked six of them. the crowd stationed there. Selina achieved this feat with a rather mag- They came out a beautiful brown but mounted It; found her head a little nificent composure. Her round, plnli somewhat leaden. Still, anything was above the level of his., She could surface, as she turned away, was "placid; jjetter than a wedge of. soggy pie, she! vey the room from end to end. There her great' cowlike eyes mild. " She told herself. She boiled eggs very were the Pools. She waved to stepped agilely into her own neat . hard, halved them, devilled their yolks, Maartje; smiled at.Roelf. He made as phaeton with Its sleek horse and was ailed the whites neatly with this mix- though to come toward her; did-come off down the hard snowless road, her ture, and clapped the halves together part way, and was restrained by again, skewering them with a tooth- Maartje catching at his coat talL Lead high. , pick. Then she rolled each egg sepAdam Ooms' gavel (a wooden potato "Well!" exclaimed Sellna, feeling as arately In tissue paper twisted at the though she had witnessed_the first act ends. Daintiness, she- had- decided, masher) crashed for silence. -"Ladles'." of an exciting play. Aid breathed (Crash)- "And ; gents!" •' (Crash)! deeply. So, too, did the watching con- should be the keynote of her supper "Gents! Look:what basket we've got gregation, so that the widow could be box. The food neatly packed she here!" said to have driven off In quite, a gust. wrapped the box In paper and tied i t . Look' indeed. "'A;"great -hamper, As they Jogged home In the. Pool with a gay red ribbon yielded by her grown so plethoric-that: it: could no farm wagon Maartje told, her' tale with Sunk. At the last moment she whipped longer wear- its cover. Its' contents Into the yard, twisted a brush of evera good deal of savor. green from the tree at the side of tHe bellied into a mound smoothly . covPervus DeJong had been lefjt a,w,Id- house, and tucked" this Into the knot ered with a fine white, cloth whose ower two years before.; Within a of ribbon atop the box. -• She stepped glistening "surface proclaimed it darn^ month of that time Leendert Paarlen- back and thought tlie effect enchanting. ask. A Himalaya atnpng ; hampers, berg had died, leaving to his widow the' She was waiting In her red cashmere iou knew that under Uott snowy' crust: richest and most profitable farm in and her cloak and hood when'Hoogen- lay gold that-was fowl done crisply, the whole community. Peryus De- dunk called for her. They were late succulently ;• emeralds in tlje.form of Jong, on the contrary, through inheri-. arrivals. gherkins; rubles ^ that - melted '.Unto tance from his father, old Johannes, strawberry preserves; cakes frostec} possessed a scant twenty-five acres of Sellna. balancing -her box carefully," like diamonds; to say nothing of such the worst lowland—practically the opened the door that led to the wooden semi-precious jewels as potato salad: only lowland—in- all High Prairie. The stairway. The hall was on the second cheeses; sour cream to be-spread on acreage was notoriously barren..^ Per- floor. The clamor that struck ,her vus DeJong patiently planted, sowed, ears had the elect of a physical blow. gathered crops, hauled them to mar- She hesitated a moment", and if th"ere ket; seemed still never to get on In had been any means of returning to the i this thrifty Dutch community where Pool farm, short of walking five miles getting on was so common a trait as in the snow, she would have taken it. to be no longer thought a virtue. Luck Up the stairs and Into the din. Eviand nature seemed to. work against dently the auctioning of supper baskets him. His seedlings proved unfertile; was even now -In progress. The auchis stock was always ailing; his cab- tioneer was Adam Ooms who himself bages were worm-Infested; ! snout-bee- had once been the High Prairie school tle bored his rhubarb. When • he teacher. A fox-faced little man,, bald, planted largely of spinach, hoping for falsetto, the village, clown with a solid a wet spring, the season was dry. Did foundation of shrewdness under his he turn the following year to sweet clowning and a tart' layer of malice potatoes, all auguries pointing to a over it. dry spring and summer, the summer High and shrill came his voice. proved the wettest in a 4ecade, Had he been'small, puny and Insignificant "What am I bid! What am I bid! his bad. luck would have called forth contemptuous pity. But there was about him the lovableness and splendor of the stricken giant \
rye bread and butter; coffee cakes; crullers. • Crash! "The'Widow Paarlenberg's basket, ladies-^-and gents; The Widow Paarlenberg! 1 don't know what's In It You don't know what's in It We don't have to know what's in i t Who has eaten Wi<Jow Paarlenberg's chicken once don't have to know. Who has eaten Widow Paarlenberg's cake once don't have to know. What am I bid on Widow Paarlenberg's basket! What am I bid! Whatmlbldwhatmlbldwhatmlbid!" (Crash)! The widow herself, very handsome in black silk, her gold neck chain rising and falling richly with the little flurry that now agitated her broad bosom, was seated in a chair against the wall not five- feet; from the 'auctioneer's stand. She bridled now, blushed, cast down her eyes, cast up her eyes, succeeded in looking as unconscious as a complaisant Turkish slave girl on the block. Adam Ooms' glance swept the hall until it readied the tall figure towerIng In the doorway—reached it, and rested there. His gimlet eyes seemed to bore their-way into Pervus DeJong's steady "stare. He raised, his right arm aloft," brandishing the potato masher. Tlr' whole room fixed its gaze on the blond head in the doorway. "Speak up! ' Young men of High Prairie! Heh, you, Pervus DeJong! Wbatadbldwhatmlbldwhatmlbld!" **"lfty cents!" The bid came from JVsrrlt Pon at the other end of the hall. A dashing offer, as a start, in this district where one dollar often represented the profits on a whole load of market truck brought to the city. Crash I went the potato masher. "Fifty cents I'm bid. Who'll make It seventy-five? Who'll make it seventyflve?" ' ' --• i>j-. • ..:... "Sixty!" -Johannes Ambuul,' a- widower, his age-more than the sum of his •bid. ; • ; . - . . : . • , ;^'Sevehtyr : iGerrit Pon. Adam Ooms whispered It—hissed it. "'S-s-s-seventy. Ladies and ' gents, I wouldn't repeat out loud sucha figger. I would be ashamed. Look at this basket, gents, and then you can say . . s-s-seventy I" "Seventy-five!" the cautious Ambuul. .J,. .Scarlet, flooding;-her. face, belied the widow's outward air -of composure. Pervus DeJong, standing beside Sellna, viewed the proceedings with an air of detachment. High Prairie was looking ut him expectantly,' openly. The widow bit her red lip, tossed her head. Pei> vus DeJong returned the auctioneer's meaning smirk with the mild gaze of a disinterested outsider. "Gents!" Adam Ooms' voice took on a tearful note—the tone of one who Is more hurt .than angry. ''Gents!" Slowly, with infinite reverence, he lifted one corner of the damask clotli that concealed the hamper's contents—lifted It and peered within as at a treasure. Kt what he saw1 there he started back dramatically,' at once rapturous, despairing, amazedT He rolled his eres. He smacked his lips. He rubbed his stomach. The sort of dumb show that, since the days of the Greek drama, has been used to denote gastronomic delight."' ' ;„ "Eighty!" was wrenched suddenly from Goris Von'Tuuren, the nineteen-. year-Old fat and gluttonous son of a prosperous New Haarlem fanner. Adam Ooms rubbed brisk palms'together. "Now "then! A dollar! A dollar! It's an insult to this basket to make it less th'aii a dollar." He leuned
far forwarflover his Improvised pulpit "Did I hear you say a dollar, Pervns DeJong?"" DeJong stared, Immovable, unabashed. "Eigbty^eighty-elghty-elghty —gents 1 Tm going to tell you something, i'migolng to whisper a secret" His lean face was veined with craftiness. "Gents. Listen. It isn't chicken in this beautiful basket It Isn't chicken. It's"—a dramatic pause— "It's" roast duck!" He swayed back, mopped his brow with his red handkerchief, held one hand high In the air. His last card. . "Eighty-fire!" groaned the fatGofis Von Vuuren. : '' "Eighty-five! Eighty-five! Eightyfivejlghtyflveelghtyfive eighty - five! Gents! Gen-tle-men! Eighty-five once1! Eighty-five—twice!" (Crash)! "Gone to Goris Von Vnuren for eighty-five." A-etga went up from the assemblage; a sigh that was the wind before the storm. There followed a tornado of talk. It crackled and thundered. The rich Widow Paarlenberg would have to eat her supper with Von Vnuren's boy, the great thick Goris. And there In the doorway, talking to teacher as if they had known each other for years. was Pervus DeJong with his money, in his pocket. It was as good as a play. Adam Ooms was angry. His lean, fox-like face became pinched with spite. He prided himself on his antics as auctioneer; and his chef d'oeuvre had brought a meager eighty-five cents, be^ sides doubtless winning him the enmity of that profitable store customer, the Widow Paarlenberg. Goris Von Vuuren came forward to claim his prize amidst shouting, • clapping, laughter. The great hamper was handed down to him. Adam 06ms scuffled about among the many baskets at his feet His nos^ trils looked pinched and his skinny hands shook a little as he searched-for one small object. When he stood upright once more he was smiling. His little eyes gleamed. His wooden scepter. pounded for ;silence.' - High in one hand, balanced daintily • on his finger tips, he held Selina's little white shoe box, with its red ribbon binding i t and the plume of evergreen" stuck in the ribbon. AffectIng great solicitude he brought it down then to-read,the name written on it; h.eld .it. aloft again, smirking. ' He said nothing. Grinning, he held it high. He turned his body at the waist from side to side, so that all
Rev. E. Fleishman "MOHL" 1342 South 24th St.
El E. Bruce & Co. ;
Druggists and Stationers
I "What Am 1 Bid! Thirty Cents! Shame on You, Gentlemen!" Thirty centsr Thirty-five! Shame on you, gentlemen. What am I bid! Who'll make it forty 1" Selina felt a little thrill of exciteinent She looked about for a place on which to lay her -wraps, espied'a boxj that appeared empty, rolled her cloak.) ,muffler, and, hood Into a neat bundle; and, about to cast it Into the box, saw; upturned to her from its depths; the
BARNEY KEAN. MRX. 306 South Eighteenth Street The Court House is Opposite C Phone JA <-k«on U87—W«-11 Call
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<02 Rarbacb Block
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"Manufactured in Omaha" BAKEK ICE MACHINE CO.
WE. 5555
Council Bluffs Savings Bank OUR XKiSATMJGWX WILL CONVINCE YOB OF OCR SINCKBITT. Trnst Department. Safety Deposit Bo r e t
rHE BRINN & JENSEN CO. oJrt&e paper distributors for
Northern Toilet Tissue AT-lantic 6409
Temptation Besets You When Yon Enter
Candy land
»l-«03-4t» Booth 1Kb Htnmt
AT. €637 WE. 6006.
"Kean Keeps Klothes Klean"
iGmrriepcial Sn< I-[••
Fleishman's Kosher Heat Market 1615 North 24th St.
Her eyes were wide and dark with th£ effort she was making to.force back the hot haze threatening them. "Why had she mounted this wretched soap boxt Why had she come to'this hideous party! Why had she come to Bigh Prairie! Why! . . . "Miss Selina Peake, that's who. Miss Se-li-na Peake!" A hundred balloon faces pulled by a single cord turned toward her as she stood there on the box for all to see. They Swam toward her. She put up a hand to push them bnck. (To Be Ciy.tinuei Next Week)
1112 Barney Street
BUTTER and EGGS Council Bluffs, la.
16th and Farnam Streets
Carpenter Paper Co. • - , • . Distributor* ol
Crystal Candy Company 16th and Capitol Ave.
Western Bond—^and High Grade Stationery Omn&a. Nebraska.
Dayton Scales and Slicers LOUIS ADLEE, Mgr. 510 So. 10th St. Jackson SSS2
WANTED Several married men between ages of 25 and 35. Guaranteed salary and commission. Company's figures show earnings of men better' than $50 per week. If yon want to work hard apply.
E. SCHERER tier.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Ce. F. Leventhal, Manager 840 Brandeis Thea. Bldg, Omaha.
Phone JA ckson 0043
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.
Welcomes You
It was on this Pervus DeJong, then,that. the Widow Paarlenberg of the. rich acres, the comfortable farmhouse, the gold neck chain, the silk gowns, the soft white hands and the cooking talents,' had set her affections, She wooed him openly, notoriously," and with a\Dutch vehemence that would have" swept another man off hip feet. It was known that she sent him a weekly baking of cakes, pies and bread. She tricked, cajoled, 6r nagged him Into eating her ample meals. She even niked his advice—that subtlest form of flattery. -She asked him about sub-soiling, humus, ^ rotation—she Xvnbse rich land yielded, * underT her shrewd management, more profitably tdUhe single acre than to any ten of P,ervus\ Feeling that the entire community was urging him toward this profitable match with the plump, rich, red-lipped widow, Pervus set his will like a stubborn steer and would havev none of her. He was uncomfortable In his, untidy house; he was lonely, he w'ns unhappy. But he would liave none of her. Vanity, pride, resentment - were all mixed up In It. The very first time tn,at Pervus DeJong met Selina he had a chance to prptect her. With such A'start," the end was Inevitable. Then,-too,-Sellna had on tile \vlne-colored_ cashmere nnd was trying hard to'keep-the tears back In.fuII view of the whoje pf High; Prairie.- Urged by Maartje (and rather' fancying the Idea) .Se^na; had atLtended the great meeting and dance ' a t Adam Ooms'nall abovathe general
might see. The eyes of those before him still held a. mental picture of the huge' hamper, food-packed, that 'had just been handed down. The contrast was too absurd, too cruel. A ripple of laughter swept the room; rom;; swelled to a roar. Adam Ooms waited with a nice sense of the dramatic until the laughter had readied its height, then held up a hand for silence. A great scraping "Ahem!" as he cleared his throat threatened to send the crowd off again. "Ladies—and gents 1 Here's a dainty little tidbit. Here's something not only for the Inner man, but a feast for the eye. Well, boys, if the last lot was too much for you this lot ought to be just about right If the food ain't quite enough for you, you can tie the ribbon In the lady's hair and put the posy In your bottonhole and there you are. There you are! What's more, the lady herself goes with i t You.don't get a country girl with this here box, gents. A city girl, you can tell by looking at it, just And who is she? Who did up this dainty little box just big enough for two?" He inspected it again, solemnly, and added, as an afterthought, '.If you ain't feeling specially hungry. Who?—" He looked about, aplshly. Selina's cheeks matched her gown.
1307 Howard St. At. 8028 Omaha, Nebr.
•*1 hope next Shovuoth ; To be in the Land of Israel" YOUR PRAYER ANSWERED
15 Days to Palestine Allowing 20 days in Holy Land and Egypt STOPOVER AT NAPLES. NEXT SAILINGS
Chicken Dinners at Al Jones Cafe Dance every Saturday and Sunday Night
214 South 18th St.
Omaha, Nebr.
NAT MEISTER writes all kinds of SERVICE WITH EACH FOLICT. Jll W. O. ,\V. Bids. Jackson ISIS.
HULSE & EIEPEN Funeral Directors 2224 Cuming St. Phone J A ckson 1226.
PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. !7tb and Slsrtbe t-ts.
Mannfarturprn of BrnBR, Brnnn*. ilumlnum and Soft <9ray Iron Castings, we marbtar nemr from nvnr? hmt In IToo lire annared ot eott castings, M •or Bwn «hn|>. Standard Birr cast Iron and bran** onuhlnen Jn
"Where LINcoInMeets OMAha on the D.L.D Highway" K!
Second Class
First Class
$550 Up
Pepper, Vlee-PretMtaafc. VT. G. Qr*. 8«cr«tary.
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
Strictly Kosher — Synagogne — Movies
We occupy 70,000 «<tOKl« CMC Santhwevt Germ* Eleventh nnd Ooncla* Ntreet*. . Fbsnri .fBfkBnn J724 OMAHA. NT5B.
1493 Broadway. N. Y (at 43rd St.)