I regard ideas only in my struggles; to the persons of 'nay opponents I asi indifferent. '—Ernst
The victory of success is haif won when one gains the habit of work.—Sarah <A. Bolton:
.wcoDa-claBi.intU nmttet on asnoarj 27th, IUZ1, at : Omaha, Nebraska, nmlei the 4ct of. Marcb a. IK7».
VOL. IV—No. 37
Fourteenth Zionist Congress Now in * Session in Vienna
HIGH COMMISSIONER, LEAVING FOE ENGLAND jondon, August 13-—(J. T. A.)-— ~.«eld Marshal Lord Herbert C. Plumer, newly appointed High Commissioner of Palestine, is leaving for Egypt on his way to Palestine Friday Growth of Movement Reflected on the steamer Cathay. Lord Plumer will be accompanied by in Greater Number of Delehis wife. * All preparations are being gates Attending Congress made to receive them on their arrival . 42 AS COMPARED WITH 11 in Palestine.
Camp Morris Levy Closes Season After Month Stay
DEAR FRIEND: ;. Last week, the president<>f 'the Federation, Wm. L. Holzman, wrote to you-and to others appealing for aid in the prompt payment of subscriptions to the Federation. A number have responded, but thus far, we have not heard from you. The Federation is now in a very critical position due to lack of funds with which to carry on the work. liVe have borrowed at the bank as much as we "possibly could. In order to,continue to function we must now turn to you for "your immediate help. / j: : . For humanity?s sake, for your commuruty'sjsake, and for your own sake, do please respond at once; with your check. • : ' J PLEASE! Yours for service, ; ; . _ SAM J. LEON, .". .Uhainnan, Finance Committee, :: ; .- - Jewish Welfare Federation,
Bergson to Head League's Committee on International Letters And Arts Paris, August 14—(J. T. A. )— Henrie Bergson, famous French Jewish philosopher, has been elected chairman on -fhe League of Nations International Sub-committee on Letters and Arts, an announcement issued toGives Statement on Eve of His day states. During the war Bergson Married Men to Play Single visited the United States in the interMen Game of Baseball Departure for Poland ests of the French government. At that time he delivered a number of ALL MEMBERS AND REITERATES CONVICTION lectures here at several universities.
Count Skrzynski Voices lope lor Better Relations
at Ebnwood Park.
Roumanian Government Says Jew-Baiters Country Enemies
The B'nai B'rith annual get-together and family picnic will be held iunday at Klmwood Park. According to the committee in charge, unusual interesting events are being irepared. The picnic will begin at 2:30 and there will be games, contests anrt other r^tertaining event* until midnight. Prizes will be awarded to winners in these various athletic contests and field games. The main attraction of the afternoon will be the baseball game between the married men and the single men. Last year at the annual picnic, the game resulted in a tie, BO Abner TT Kaiman, captain of the married men's team, again issued a challenge to the singel men which has been -ccepted and members of both teams are working hard for HOB year's championship. The feature ball game will begin promptly at 3 p. m. with the following men in the lineup:
New York—(J. • T. A.)—Count Vienna, Aug. 17.—(J. T. A.— The Alexander Skrzynski, Polish Minister Fourteenth Congress of the World of Foreign Affairs, who came to the Zionist Organization will be opened United States three weeks ago, left Government Takes Action After here tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the eve-' Camp Morris .Levy closed its first on the Berengaria on his return to ning at Concert Hall with three ad- season early Monday morning after Repeated Riots Poland. Anatole Muhlstein, Coundresses, which will be delivered by a full month's stay. During the durasellor of the Polish Legation in BrusDr. Chaim Weizmann, president of tion of the camp more than; forty Bucharest—(J. T. A.)—Jew-baitere sels, accompanied the minister. the World Zionist Organization; boys were taken care of an enjoyed and anti-Semitic disturbers will henceNahum Sokolow, chairman of the the surroundings of the camp. Many Before his departure, Count Skrzyn- forth be regarded as enemies of the Executive, and Dr. Zevi Chajes, chief i of these boys have already signified ski, wfco initiated the negotiations on country, an official communique isTabbi of Vienna. The theme of Dr. their willingness to again return to behalf of the Polish government sued by the Roumanian government Chajes' address will be "Zionism as jthe camp next year. which led to the concluding of the today declares. , OMAHAN RECEIVES a World Problem." Polish-Jewish agreement, gave an exaction by the government is Camp Morris Levy, located at NaHONORARY APPOINTMENT clusive statement in writing to the theThis ADDITIONAL PAID result of the anti-Semitic disThe Congress, which is scheduled than's Lake, was by far one of the Dr. Michael Wohl received, appoint- representative of the Jewish Tele- turbances which have been taking FULL PLEDGOR ment to last nine days, ending August 27, most sanitary camps in the country, from Felix Warburg to serve graphic Agency. In - his statement place since Sunday in Jassy, Focssny The latest subscriber to pay will have the greatest attendance of according to the many people who on the American Advisory commit- Count Skrzynski reiterated his former and Ungheni, following the beating ; his pledge. to the; Jewish any Zionist Congress held before. In- visited the camp on-visitors day. The up tee for the Hebrew University, of conviction that the Polish-Jewish of Professor Cuza, leader of the antiCommunity Center is Mr. Louis creased numbers of delegates fro i tents- were erected-on wood flooring "Harris. . ' "Palestine. agreement "opens a new chapter in Semitic student organization, which, various countries are arriving, mak- and protected by screen wiring. the Polish-Jewish relations,' 'and that it is alleged, was administered by a. ing a total of over 400 represen"One of the features of the camp," Poali-Zion to Raffle the results will be "most satisfactory." Jew. Thj government communique tatives. The proportionate growth of said Nathan E. Green, director, "is A Number of Omahans Wrist Watch September 2 He also expressed the hope that the declares that anti-Semitic disturbers the movement is measured by the fact that every! boy attending the# camp Return From Florida A woman's wrist watch will be American and Jewish press would ex- will be punished with the utmost that while the American Zionists were .had gained in weight and that during A number of Omahans are return- raled by the Poali-Zion Literary plain the Polish-Jewish agreement in severity provided by the law. The represented at the Thirteenth Con- the entire month there' was not one Single Men Positions gress by only 11 delegates, they will single case of illness or an accident.' Ing home from a several weeks' stay Dramatic Section on September 2, at a way that would help to establish communique also suggests that the Married Men j. I. Melelwr Harrr Trustin Catch .: the Jewish Community Center. instigators of the latest disturbances in Miami, Fla. Dr. M. L Gordon is good relations between the Poles and be represented at the Fourteenth Con> Kniman Pitch ITr. A. Stelnbenc "We have closed a very succesful expected Monday morning. Messrs. Lou Somberf In connection with the ramie, the Jews. The -"-atement reads in full: against the Jews are Bolshevik agents. Sol Novistky First gress "by 42 delegates. The same season," said William R. Blumenthal, Abe Gro»« : Isnrtore Atrratngpn Second Moe Ijinemau growth ' numbers is apparent in superintendent of the Federation. All R. Kulakofsky, E. Meyer, _ Charles committee in charge is planning a "During my. visit to the United J. Mnlnshpcfc Third Bob Koopnr Jassy—Anti-Jewish excesses are Henrj- Motisky Short '(such countries as Poland, Germany the tents and flooring have been Levinsom and J. J. Slosburg, Jr., are musical and literary program, occord- States I had the opportunity to meet Bill Levey Dr. A. Greenberg I/. Fielfl still continuing without abatement as returning home Tuesday after spendDr. P. Rnmonek ing to Mr. M. F. Goodman, secretary Jack Alberts C. Field and Czecho-Slovakia. the representatives of the Jewish stored and will be used again next ing sometime in Florida and two of the club. K. Field Jrvia Stalmaiter Dave Cohn a result of the incident last Sunday, population and to speak about the Preparations are being made by all year. It is hoped that the camp will .. A ticket selling contest is being agreement which, has been reached by when Professor Cuza, leader of the There will be many prizes offered tr-* delegations to meet in deliber- be open .for two months next year weeks in Havana, Cuba. anti-Semitic students of Roumania, to the winners of the various tonheld and the prize to be awarded to Omahans who are now in Florida the Polish government and the Jewish a t i o n at the Congress to decide on,the and also maintain-a camp for girls." was beaten, as alleged, by a Jew. Jew- tests. Among the merchants who ; 1 a r e : — — ~" • ' " " "/ ' " the one selling the most tickets will party in the Sejm; I can only repeat f v*—e ' the "ionist movement - and ish stores have been plundered and Mr. and Mrs. D. Feder, Mr. and Mrs. be a Gold Mogen-Dovid. -Those who what I have already stated before. I demolished, Jews have been robbed have cor*- 'buted the" gifts are the I the policy with regard to the reMas Kaplan, Omaha Harry Hyman, Mr. and-Mrs. Sol Gold- are in the race, are Bertha Kupler consider the agreement as a very im- and beaten in the streets. Public in- following: tbuildipg of Palestine as the- Jewish Joseph Rosenthal Winner -of strom and son,^Melvin; Mr." and Mrs. who has 1950 votes; Esther Krantz portant fact, which opens a new chap- stitutions in the city are still closed Cap company, Wardrobe; Meyer Fruit ional homeland. B'nai B'rith Coif Tournament A. B. Alpirn and daughter,. Eva; -with- 1650 votes; M. F, Goodman. ter in. the Polish-Jewish relations. in order to prevent demonstrators company, Dave Cohn, Jewelry Dept.; While the Thirteenth Congress was Gokistein-Chspinffi.ii, Leon Gra&s, - "I -anr •euiniua.'d- that fee- results 2150 votes; and Mildre3 ^Harnsi, named, to appease the fatalists, the Joseph Rosenthal is. the, 1925 golf -Frank-Tuchman, Mr. and.Mrs..Loyal votes. from gathering1 In groups. Many priv- children's dept., Goldstein-Chapman; will be most satisfactory. "The "basis Cohn; S. Bavitz, Ed Brodkey* Izadore ' "Bar Mit- ah Congress," -the Four- champion of the Omaha B'nai B'rifh The purpose of the club is to study of good relations is mutual con- ate houses are kept locked by their Malashock Jewelry company, Omaha | teenth Congress is named the Lodge having defeated Harry Mala- Alperin, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sogoowners for' fear of attacks by snti Tobacco company. 'turity Cor -res3." The maturity of shock in the finals Friday afternoon rlow, Mr. and Mrs. Barney_Kean, Mr. dramatics and literary work- and to fidence." Semitic students. There have been a and Mrs. Max Wezelman, Mr. and aid the Jewish National fund and the Count Skrzynski was entertained number of serious casualties as a re Members of the committee in charge ,;the movement is reflected in the by a score ot 4 to 3. , Mrs. H. Q. Marx, Dorothy Singer, Mr. Palestine Workers fund. by Samuel C. Lamport, well-known suit of the fighting. Among those of the picnic are Harry Trustin, chairtagenda extending over nine days This is the first annual golf tourna- and Mrs. B. Pred, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Jewish communal worker. In the wounded is the editor of Lumea, Vifor. man, and Messrs. Abner H. Kaiman, fwhich, contrary to early traditions of ment of the locau lodge and sixteen MISSIONARIES PLAN company of Mr. Lamport the minister Harry Silverman, Fred White, Dr. I Zionist Congresses, devotes much less men entered the contset that~be£an Wolfson, Mr. and Mrs. Morris WoloTO ESTABLISH INTERNA witz, A. Bonoff, Ike Cherniss, Herman toured the.city and admired the huge Philip Romonek, Maurice D. Micklin |iime to gr- -ral debate and. more to several weeks ago. . . TIONAL ORGANIZATION Friedman, H. A. Wolf, Carl Katleman, skyscrapers in the heart of the gar- WARDROBE SHOWING and Dave Greenberg. ptbe probing of the actual political, : Mr. Rosenthal will be presented Sam Wolf, Marcus L. Simon, Lewis OF CONVERTED JEWS ment industry, many of which were NEW FALL STYLES financial economic problems of with a silver loving cup. Rothschild, M. Degens, Shrolly Good- London, July 27—(J. T. A.)—The built by Polish Jews. ~ A complete new line of fall hat the rebuilding of the homeland. man," S. Guttmari Sr., S; Guttman" Jr.j creation of an international organizaOthers in the party were Herman is being featured at the Wardrobe Morris Mlisr Winner ef Costest i main qnestions which the Con- League Council to Consider tion of Jews converted to Christanity Bernstein, Bernard . Semel, Philip Victor Ganz, J. Reznick. '. '" gress will have to face and decide will be the subject of discussion at a Wattenberg, Elisha Freedman, Dr. Clothes Shop for both ycung and ol in iigltkni Golf TcEnsuwit Violation of Jewish Minority upon are: The final forming of the missionaries' conference, termed the Henry Moskowitz, Henry Woolman, men. Smart styles of Stetson an Rights in Luthuania "Y" Presents Program . Jewish Agency, the attitude of the Morris Milder is the winner of the Hebrew Christians Con- L. L. Win'relmann and representatives Shoble makes are now on hand fo: Geneva, August 14—(J. T. A.)—The At August Meeting International Zionist Organization toward Jewish Council of the League of Nations will ference, which will take place here c of the Jewish press. In the company the purchaser. • second flight contest in the Highland The following program was pre- September colonization work in Russia, the defi- take up the qnestion of the Jewish "We have a fine selection of hat: of the count was Anatole Muhlstein, for the fall wear," said Moe Lins- Country Club Pin Golf Tournament nition of its attitude toward the re- minority rights in Lithuania at its sented at the Y. M. and y ; W. H. A. be defeating Manny Handler by a cent political developments in Pales- next session which begins on Septem- August meeting held Monday^evening, HOUSE COLLAPSE INTEL AVIV - counsel] of. the Polish legation in man, proprietor of the Wardrobe score of € to 5 Sunday morning. . . . KILLS ONE, INJURES MANY Brussels. tine, the acceptance of a larger bud- ber 2, according to a statement issued August 17, at the Jewish CommunNow is the time to select the fall hat The semi-finals and finale of the Tel Aviv, August 14—(J. T. A.)— Count Skryznsld was also the before the New Year holidays." get to embrace the increasing needs by the Committee of Jewish Delega- ity "Center: Miss Jeanette Malashock third' flight will be played during guest of Mr. Lamport at the Fenigave several piano selections; Miss During the construction of the third with the growth of immigration, and tions of Paris. Besides a complete line of new the coming week. Henry Monnky the problems emanating from the re- The Committee of Jewish Delega- Sadie Drevich rendered several vocal floor of a new building here the house more Country Club. hats, the Wardrobe is showing a will play the winner of the Hose cent immigration, commonly known tions has favored to the League of solos, accompanied by Mildred Shra- collapsed, killing one person and incomplete line of fall suits and haber- Herzberg and Dr. Philip Levey as the "Fourth Alijah," the fourth Nations here the interpellation intro- gb; and Hyman Shier entertained the juring many others. Many persons match.Y. M. H. A. Boy Scents Troop dashery. immigration "wave. duced recently by the Lithuanian min- members with humorous- selections. were buried under the debris and exThe Highland golfers held & blind The question of the forming of the orities in the Lithuanian Sejm, where* Mr.-Nathan Bernstein was the speak- cavation work was started immediateJEWISH WORLD RELIEF bogay contest Saturday and one on Needs Asst Scoutmaster . ly to rescue them. Jewish Agency, which gave rise to in it was charged that-the question of er of the evening. CONFERENCE IN VIENNA Sunday, Al Mayer was the winner Troop No. 62, Boy Scouts of Amerthe opposition wing, is in close con- minority rights in Lithuania was misof the contest Saturday and Phil ica, affiliated with the Y. M. H. A., Vienna, August 14—(J. T. A.)—Yousem won the Sunday contest. nection with the attitude toward the represented by Zaunius, Lithuania's is in.need of one or more boys over The meeting of the Jewish World ReJewish colonization plan in Russia, representative on the League of Na18 years of age to act as Assistant lief Conference which opened here toeach of which, it is the t pinion, might tions. The Sectarian of ..the League day under the chairmanship of Profes- JEW SENTENCED'TO Scoutmasters. eliminate the other. has informed the Committee. of JewCandidates for the positions will be sor Solomon Ehrman discussed the At any rate it is stated in well- ish Delegations that the interpellation ONE YEAR IMPRISOMENT enrolled in the Scout Leaders' Train- problems of relief for Jews in various informed Congress circles that the of the Lithuanian minorities, including Budapest, July 28—(J. T. A.)— The practice of sending. New Year's Greetings to ing Course, given by the Local Coun- countries of Europe. question >f the forming of the Jew- the Jews, will be taken up. :• Criticising the numerous clauses law friends and relatives through the local Jewish paper cil executives, and will have the op- A report of his last visit to the which limits the number of student* ish Agency is not likely to arouse too is general throughout the country. Its advantage portunity of being connected with one United States was rendered by the in the Hungarian universities is equivgre-.t discussion in view r * the sec- already when the Actions Committee, over the old "individual mailing card is evident in -of the livest troops in the city. Troop forthcoming drive. Dr. Leo Motzkin alent to insulting the Hungarian naond problem coming up. While op- started a preliminary discussion an the saving of tirne, expense and worry over forget62 has 30 scouts and has won honors who spoke of the Joint Distribution tion, according to the decision handed position to the Weizmann adminis- the budget yesterdai It was stated ting a friend. in several competitions. It is one of Committee voiced the opinion* that down by the Budapest criminal cota* tration still seeks reinforcements that the Action Committee accepted the few Omaha troops to hold regular' American Jewry in favor of adminis- in the case of Dr. Eugene Halass. among the smaller groups and dis- a budget of £574,000 (about-i>2,870;-GREETING CARDS in THE JEWISH PRESS weekly meetings or hikes both in tering the funds collected by the J. D. satisfied individual leaders, i tis in- 000) as against the £446,000- (about Dr. Halass was accused of having will take this form: C. drive through joint committees suminerand winter. timated that the Weizmann adminis- $2,230,000. This- new budget consent out a circular on behalf of the composed of American and European tration will stand or fall not on the tains a. sum of £120,000 for coloniThe troop held its monthly inspecJewish community in Omike to Jewish question of the Jewish Agency, as zation, which marks an increase" of tion Wednesday evening, August 19, Jewish gocial workers. The idea of communities abroad asking them to Mr. and Mr£. William E. Jacobs and Family, was originally thought, •tut on • the £95,000'over the former budgetI j by the troop committee composed of giving the Jews who receive the bene- contribute toward a fund for the vicof 4805 Grand Avenue, broader politica laspects of the ZionSam Rice, William L. Holzman and fits of the relief fund a representation tims of the numerous clauses which The conference between the AmerExtend their best wishes to their relatives in the administration of the moneys, ist, situatie- and the attitude toward ican delegation and Dr. Weizmann Dr. Phillip Sher. is, the circular stated, "a mockery to and friends the "Fourth Alijah." The present assistant scoutmasters instead of the old method is gaining all culture and al! human rights." Acfor the purpose-of determining the j Representatives of the Polish Zion- tactics of the Weizmann followers at for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. are Phillip Mandel, Samuel Faier and hold, he declared. cording to the sum of 90 Marks from L-ist Federation have formed the de- the Congress took place yesterday. It A report of the activities of the the banking firm of Bleichroeder in Ben Slutzky, all of whom are Merit f mand, supported by others, that the was stated that so far as tiie Badge Scouts. Scoutmaster Ralph F. Jewish World Relief Conference in Berlin and 60 marks from the departMAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN middle class immigrants be given a nomic and political questions make Cohn was in charge of the inspection. various countries where the Jews are ment store owner Tietz. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 .• greater measure of consideration in the emergence of a united centrum in need was rendered by Mr. Z. EfroyDr. Halass testified that it was true the Zionist budget than until recent- an impossibility at the present. ;."?" kin. He stated that 4,000 immigrants THE JEWISH PRESS, ' ' that in December 1924 he had ordered Lemberg, Attgrist 13—{J. T. A.-The ly, when the Chaluzim and labor orhas been aided by the Jewish Relief Dtr. Arthur Hantlte, former presi; 490 Brandeis" Theater Building, j ;rial of Stanislaw Steiger, Jewish stu- World Conference and that £13,000 the printing and distribution of the ganizations were the main care of the dent of the Zionist-Federation in GerOmaha, Nebraska. :• J dent who has been held under arrest had been assigned for a people's bank. circular but denied that he had soliZionist- ^r.ecutive. Greater credit- many, and Deputy- Osias Thon of Po-.. | since September. 1924 on the charge of Assistance v a s also given to a num- cited contributions or that he had refacilities, housing and other aid is land formed a, German-West GalicianGENTLEMEN:— "- . ' • < ; r throwing a bomb at the Polish presi- ber of Jewish scholars in Eastern ceived any money. Dr. Szekely, counasked for the middle class immi- bloc and- are seeking the support of' Enclosed find ?2.t)0 for which please insert my New. dent, Wojciechowski, will being here Europe who are in state of economic sel for the defense, submitter! stategrants. This meets with the op- other groups. The-delegation from. Tear Greeting Card-in your Rosh Hashonah (5686) Number. ments from the two Berlin firms menon September?, an announcement is- distress. i position of the Palestine labor repre- Congress' Poland is an avowed foltioned that they never pave any sued today states. sentatives who point to the 'danger lower of-the Weizroann administra^ • It is being proposed by some deleNAME ; „ „__„ ' which lies in the fourth immigration tion and stands.for a greater support gates at the meeting; that the Jewish money.for this purport:. wave which is. settling . ainly. in the; of the .middle class .immigrants: The The court acquitted the arcused «f Firms advertising in .""The Jewish World Relief Conference - should send :ADDRESS towns, thus disturbing the balance American delegation ia.balancing be{.animate—M is a commission to Russia to investigate the charge of fraud, but senienced him Press** Heserve between the rural 'and urban settle- tween ±be;-two-aims to^ act as .-a TO YOUK INTEREST'-to support situation regarding Jewish coloniza- to one year iraprisnrofnt «n th? H , <ments. The fight on .this .point began mediator^. tion in 4he Ukraine and Crimea. 1 of insulting the Sanaa*ian nation. ^ .,. < '
• -
New Year's Greetings
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS-r-THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1925 to get a chance somehow to make your through, with your chronic appeals. own livelihood in any manner at ali We want all our money for ourselves. and become self-respecting and «eif- We don't -care what you do in Russupporting. The only way yoj could sia. It isn't our affair. For all we . - Pubjlsbed ever; Thnrsdny at Utnabs. Nebraska* by' 1 do this in Russia would be to get on care, You -Can Go to Hell!'" ' THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY the soil and work it with your brain Officer im Bra'ndeiW '£Heatri. Building—Telephone; AT [antic 1450. and your brawn.' Dr. Michael Wohl, 1925—5686 • V --.• NATHAN E. GREEN, Manager. "The Russian government, bad &s 517 City Nati Bk. Bldg-., Will sell my beautiful Dundee many of us believe it to be, underhome cheap at the right price and Omaha, Nebr. Ushri 1—First Day of New Year.__ ..Sept. 19 _$2.50. Subscription Price, one yearstands this problem of the Jew today, terms to responsible party. It is Dear Dr. Wohl: Advertising rates furnished on application. Tishri__3—Fast of Gedaliah _________ ..Sept. 21 and has offered its assistance by located in the best part of DunOn July 24, 1918, the foundation granting large areas of land in the CHANGE Olf ADUH1CSS—f'lease Rive botb tbe old nnd new address: .Sept. 28 Tishri 10—Yom Kippur . dee, just a block from Happy stone of the Hebrew University in I /. be sure and give roui name. Crimea, and also State aid in obtainHollow Boulevard. Has extra Palestine was laid by Dr. Weisman. implements and seeds. It isnt large living room with fireplace, In his speech, delivered at a time The Jewish Press fs supplied by tbe Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish ing this because it loves the Jew, when the World War was still ragdining room, breakfast nook, and reipflnilefice Uoreau): wilb cabled and tetegraphic Jewish news, in addition doing stated Mr. Brown. Its motive uning, Dr. Weisman described the task day evening Mrs. Sarah Greenstone ists which is scheduled to be held simkitchen downstairs, and three to.feature articles and correspondences from alt important Jewish, centres- doubtedly is one of self-interest. It of the University "to be a unifying entertained at a linen shower and ultaneously with the Zionist Congress. spacious bed rooms upstairs with Inquirier regarding news items credited to this Agency will be 'gladly wants its-vast fertile soil to produce centre for Jewry's scattered ele- bridge party in Miss Asbyll's honor. large roomy closets. Garage, answered if aUiIressea to Jewish TeleRraphic Agency. 621 Broadway. New wealth, so it can become richer by The sensation reports that Von ments." It was "to form the focus driveway, and fine shrubbery and Yorfe'CUyv taxation, and it doesn't cane what race of the rehabilitation of the Jewish On Monday evening Miss Nina Shos- Unstruth, one of the organizers of the fruit trees. Stationary tubs, of people does it. consciousness, and to teach every- tak was hostess for a towel shower in "putsch" conspiracy ir Germany is in weather strips, clothes chute, tile " 'This thing- isn't a dream,' said THE KLAN MAKES A GESTURE thing that the "mind' of man em- pre-nuptial courtesy ^o Miss AsbylL Vienna, preparing an organized attack bath, and every convenience. Must Brown. 'Thousands of Jews are braces." be seen to be appreciated. Act . ' At thVlOan "show-off" in Washington some of the Klan Mr. The evening was spent with bridge, by the Hakenkreuzlers on the Zionist already on the soil. The Joint DisThe site of the University oc- for which there were four tables of Congress is denied today by the Vienquickly if you want a bargain. orators attacked the Catholics, the Jews, the newspapers, and the tribution Committee, by the sugges- cupies a panoramic position on Call Owner scientists. This immediately gives anyone with the intelligence tion of that blessed wonderful Jewish Mount Scopus,, looking down on the players. Mrs. W. Wolf entertained na authorities. Walnut 1805. scientist, Dr. Joseph A. Rosen, ap- City of Jerusalem, the Dead Sea, about twenty guests at a bridge party of an infant the true measure of the organization. And it also propriated several million dollars us and the Valley of the Jordan, with suggests the reason why the Klanonly by enormous labor is now an experiment and shower at her home. On Wednesfor Jewish colonization mountains of Moab in the dis- day Miss Ida Ruth Bogen presided at able to find a place for itself on the front pag"e of the newspapers. in the Crimea. I wish every Jew in the It has been off the front page for some time past because its day America could have seen the results tance. A number of buildings have al- an evening party in honor of Miss has gone. Only through some such dramatic gesture, which will of this effort as I saw them only a ready been erected and the In- A^yll. months ago. Young men -and newspapers agree was.watched with amusement by the crowds, few stitutes of Jewish studies, of Chemyoung women, with a new light in the parade in Washington, B.C., is it able to attract attention their eyes, guiding big motor-driven istry, and of Microbiology have Mrs. M. Linda of Omaha ia a guest opened their doors and are now at the home .of Mrs, Max Mozer. to itself. • American tractors over the rich black Atlantic 0600 functioning. soil, and revolutionizing the whole We were questioned recently as to the wisdom of our judg- industry of agriculture in that backMiss Elisabeth Sandlovich left MonThe University is fortunate in the ment that the Klan had seen its best days. We predicted over a ward country. It gave me the biggest ideals that its founders have for it day on a two weeks' trip to Colorado. year ago that the Klan had reached the zenith of its power, and thrill of my life, and if I eyer under- —such men as Professor Albert She expects to visit Denver, Manitdu Dr. eizman and Dr. Magthat it was going down the hill. It was evident to any observer stood the meaning of pride, I did Einstein, nes, who desire to make the Hebrew and Estes Park. then. Not only pride, but keen happy August is the who took the time to watch carefully that hundreds of thousands satisfaction in the knowledge ,that at University a place where the uniMiss Norma Frosh returned home offfien who^h'ad been caught by the spirit of adventure which versality of the human spirit shall last, at last/these age-long persecuted, ; Month to theKla,n sefemingly offered, had finally woke up and were through miserable, damned people, my peopla, manifest itself in contradiction to Sunday after spending several weeks spirit of narrow nationalism, in Denver as the guest of her sister, with all the cheap mystery, fiery crosses, disguises and what not. were on the road to life and decent the and where scholarly research will Mrs. David Jacobs. • Buy Your They further refused to be allied longer with an organization lifing.' be pursued in a spirit of honesty " They don't want our alms any that was organized on a basis of hate and intolerance. There and of self-abnegation. 1 MR. H. Diaroant >ef Antwerp, Belshouted the dynamic David, a is no quarrel with a group that wishes to organize and mind its more, The idea of the University has David who so startingly expresses the gium, is visiting his brother, Mr. awn business, but When it organizes and tries to mind the courage and wisdom of his progenitor appealed greatly to our young peo- David Diamond and family. ple and its influence upon them far business of everybody who does not agree with it, then its days namesake^ the ancient King of Israel. good has "been correspondingly They only want a chance, only half a of power and influence are numbered. great. Miss Helen A a c h i s in Nebraska that I and you and every Jew the purpose of continuing City visiting relatives. The Klan may hold parades until it gets blue in the face, chance, m America had, to carve out his own theFor begun by Dr. Magnus durbut th.e Klan has seen its best days. We have before us an destiny with his own hands and ing^ work his recent visit to this country ability. They only missed being in editorial from the New York "World" which reflects aecurately Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mozer have as in arousing in America an interest shoes and we in theirs by a mere the opinion of thoughtful minds regarding the status of the our their guest their daughter, Mrs. Harry in the University, a committee to Nashua. Hudson Bay accident. They appeal to us, and they be known as the American Advisory Stein of Kansas City. Klan iff the. year 1925. Some day we hope Sinclair Lewis will have every human right to appeal to Committee of the Hebrew Univerttrrn his gifts to'writing a book on the Klan. It offers rich us, to advance them a few hundred being formed. double A.75 each 1 3 material for his analytical and satirical pen. This is what the dollars per family so they can be- sityOnisbehalf of the Board of Gover- Hitler, Will Not Be Permitted "Worid has to say about the Klan junket to the nation's capital: come again the human beings that nors of the University, and at the God intended them to be. Say they, Everyone knows t h e To Enter Austria Doling Blankets of such quality suggestion of Dr. Nathan Ratnoff, Give us this one big chance, and well Undoubtedly the Klan Konclave met the expectations Zionist Congress standard quality of Nasthat one would seem president of the American Jewish never ask you for another dollar. We of its organizers. Kligrapps, Kloeards and Kleagles Physicians' Committee, it gives me Vienna, August 13—(J. T; A.)— hua, trade-mark reg.want to be in a position soon to help sufficient to keep out preened themselves in their peacock hues of redj gold iand our own brethren in,the cities of Rus- great pleasure to extend to you an The Vienna police has issued a stateistered, blankets. Each any amount of cold. invitation to become a member of green. Bands blared; banners bore mottoes. Thousands sia to the same chance for indepenthe American Advisory Committee. ment announcing that Adolph Hitler, Nashua blanket guardence and life.' Large size, and pure whose idea of. the uttermost human felicity is to be I sincerely hope that I shall be notorious organizer of the Bavarian marshal of a parade with a purple sash and gilt baton, anteed moth-proof and " 'And what is our answer going to enabled to enlist your services in "putsch" and leader of the German white with a border of be ta this request?' thundered Mr. this fine work. pounded up Pennsylvania Avenue with chest out. A Klan Anti-Semites, will not under any cirwashable. August price! wide stripes in color. Brown. 'Are we going to tell them JkoHector, as the Wolrd's observed noted, took meinbership yours, cumstances, be allowed to enter AusNO! We've done enough for you al- (Signed)Faithfully FELIX M. WARBURG, fees till his pockets bulged, without an accounting. When ready. We sent you over sixty mil•'-•• ?>. " Chairman. tria to participate in the conference of it was all over, leaders rubbed their hands and pr&dicted lions of our hard earned dollars since Wool Filled Our Special the Hakenkreuzler Nftional Socialthe war and we're through.' Are you that the advertisement was goc«i for-a Host of converts jait going to-tell them that? Lefs see, $10 each. The Klan has been Taadly hit in its pojitical we did send them sixty millions of pair 3 . 7 5 pair ventures — witness Texas, Kansas, Ohio. Its lawless our money, and it was a grand act, a FOR SALE The Auffebung Club will give a noble act, an act that commanded the proclivities, since Herrin was added to the list of examples, Lucerne quality wool Perhaps the one best spontaneous and hearty applause of dance Sunday, August 23, at the 7-room house, tae bath, fireplace, have become more notorious than ever. ; But as-long asbiit the civilized world. We always boasted Cow/ Everyone is invited to and-bevelled glass buffet. Beautifilled double blankets bargain of the blanket can appeal to a^chipish. love, of display it ;cian :hold^its ;j.: that 'we take care>of ou?;'$wn, a&d wC aPurple fnLilawn, excellent neighborhood. ttend. J S •••,:;;. •": . 1 "-. -of die large 68x80-inch sale is the Thompson d h t t i " ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ? have. The world took us at our word Only. $6500. 3215 Myrie Avenue. and if we ^hadn't done /what we did size are a very special Galr Kenwood 5783. Belden special 66x80The public attitude toward theparade is the msist v i we;:>wauld have become ingrates' and bargain at the August inch size, double blansignificant feature of the even%. It aroused hardly a pass- , - hypocrites.. ' The entire non.-Jewish world now looks to us to repeat. You ing; ripple of bpjpositton. "Washington .watehe4..:it with :v sale price pair $4.95. ket; soft and fluffy. tell me we can't do it? You tell me Miss Sadie A'sbyll, a bride of the WANTED — Grocery Man, mingled wonder and amusement, and the rest of the we have been milked dry? Why, men, Nation has read of it with the same feeling. I t -was queer we haven't begun to give. We don't latter part of the month, has been about 18 years of age, for Sateen Comforts to see the name on thefront pages again.: The Klan is know what it is to give* There isn't the honor guest at several affairs bookkeeper, must also be given this week and last. On Wednesa man, woman-or child in this counpassing inta the limbo of dying and half-forgotten try who, ever gave to his fellow being day of last week Mrs. Max Mozer en- capable of typing. Must have special curiosities. WE. 3536. in such great measure that he was tertained at a kitchen shower for Miss good references. inconvenienced in any degree. And That tells the story! ^ - ^ "Criterion." the Jews of" America are rich. They Asbyll. Mrs. M. Linda of Omaha and Lustrous lateen comforts in dainty boudoir patterns can, give this- $15,000,000 in three Mrs. Harry Stein of Kansas City were filled with all new wool. Nine dollars and fifty years and'give more millions to their guests from out of the city. On Sun"You Can Save Them or TellT7iemT6GoToH:eW" local needs, and never miss.it...* cents would not buy the material and the filling to '.3V INVESTMENT "Up spoke Jacob Loeb, the big warDavid A. Brown Challenges American Jewry -'horse make such a comfort. Have $1,000 to $2,000 -crith services to of communal. campaigns in invest in good paying legitimate busiChicago. 'Why, Dave,' said he, 'if the ness. Can take complete charge of ofof 12 yards Hope tLimit cause is big enoug and the need Telling Phrase to be Slogan in Forthcoming $15,000,000 J. D» € . Drive; fice, accounting, correspondence, and o a great enough, the Jews of Chicago sales. References exchanged. Box 646, ?GIFTSTHAr LAST Jews of Midaie West Prep&re for Active Participation. customer, yd., Muslin Jewish Press. alone coold write their checks for the Second Floor whole S. l SiOQGjOOO: and not miss it the New York, (J. T. A.)—The Jewish materialism. If American Jewry can next day!' comrmnuty of Chicago is organizing produce a Dave Brown,-we have no MALASBOCK JEWELRY CO. 'The Best Place to Shop, After All"' for active participation in the national fear; whatever, for the future of Juda" 'Thanks, Jacob,' said David. 'You conference on the forthcoming JVD. C. ism and Jewry h?. the land of luxury are ahead of me. Splendid!' Diamond Importers FOR RENT $15,000,000 drive which will be-held in "The message that Mr. Brown -Dave-Browntalked on. He took Platinum Specialists Philadelphia on September 12 and 13, brought back from Russia, from which up each objection, .each argument, Attractive 7 room furnished borne Jacob M. Loeb,. prominent Chicago country he had just returned, is each luke-warm... attitude to the with garage in desirable West Farnam NEW LOCATION district. Owner -will either share home Jew, reports to the < "Jewish Tele- sitHpiei of understanding.-- The; con- Crimean colonization project and STORE CLOSES AT 5:00 T. M. or rent out entirely. Satisfactory argraphic Agency." ~ ; dition of the Jews in that .unhappy shattered it'.with the ease of a man 214-15-16' City Nat. Bank Bldg. rangements can be made to suit inter-\The J,ews of Chicago and- other country was at-best precarious, but who knows what he is talking about. ested party. Call Harney 2812. Ja. 5619—Est, 1894. cities in the TMiddle "West have been the colossal political and social His voice was beginning to evidence greatly : stirred- by jthe dramatic upheaval that occurred by revolution signs of hoarseness. He apologized. presentation of. the Jewish situation; following the World ,War plunged the 'I'm a little rusty, you .know., I in Russia made by,'Dayjd"A.-Br'owri, Jews into greater depths of degrada- couldn't hiake: speeches- in Russian head of ~the- ?15,000,000: drive, during tion and hopelessness. .Always for- because I can't pronounce the lanthe-coutse- of a recent conference held bidden tbe: right to own. land; they guage. I haven't used my lungs in were compelled by necessity r to- hsrd many months, "but III be ready when at the Standard -Club in-Chicago. Mr. Brown's address, Mr. Loeb themselves in ghettos in the cities, this big, magnificent project is states, was one ~df the most dramatic and to engage in petty commercial launched. I've handed the managedelivered before any Jewish gathering pursuits to earn a bare livelihood. The ment of my busiriess in Detroit over in the United States and1 aroused the revolution, with-its confiscation of all to able executives. - I'm not worried Middle West Jews by placing before private business in ihe-hands of the about making, more money. I can't / ;. ;. Exclaimed a Customer them the.only-altern*tive,jwith regard state, robbed the" Jew of even this die poor in money, but I; would die meager privilege. He was forced to poor as a man and a Jew if I didn't to- the- ; Jews : of- Russia.. "You can at Our Store Ileccnthj I am. now in my new Studios (five rooms) in the Lyric savei t'fi"eniW tell tfiem to'goto Sell," close^his shojps and end his other com- do my very-best to help my starving Building, 19th and Farnam streets, which is the best locamercial enterprise. He was faced with brother over there. I've learned that •was Mr. Brown's - challenge-to the tion in the city. Three teaching" rooms (provided with.first alternative of becoming a '-'prole- the biggest lack' any man can get T STARTLES A MAN to see the vast Jefaa of- America, This telling phrase the ; tariat" or factory Worker; of emigratclass grand pianos), an office and a waiting room. This out of his life is to help some other which ia.to be the slogan of .the forth* ing, to other countries; of begging showing of special sizes here—one great arrangement of studios, location and equipment is absolutely coining drive is the subject of an food, and clothing?" frotti' his fellow fellow do something for himself and room devoted to stouts, young stouts, editorial', i n ' the Wisconsin "Jewish Jews elsewhere; of Settling on- the I recommend this form of pleasure, to second to none, anywhere. a lot of fellows... I know who are worChronicle" which writes: long: stouts, longs, slims, big men's sizes, land and becoming an agricultural ried" about getting, richer.' My pianos are kept in tune regularly by the masterfThus: did David A.- Brown,, the worker; or starvation and suicide. "What, a sermon! What an elo•smalF men's sizes, irregular sizes, and interdynamic leader pf-the relief forces of tuner, Mr. M. BURRIS. expression of practical Juda.American Jewry, express' the alterna"Many Je^s did become factory mediate sizes. We specialize in special sizes We don't Jcnow how much TalAssociated with me are four assistant teachers: tive" of the American" Jews to theneed workers,: but most of tftein had no and sell at .lowest possible prices. of their brother - Jews - in Russia, in such training and; Russia's industries mud Dave Brown knows, or how CLARA A. MAIER, GLADYS McCANN WATTS, REGINA steeped he is m Jewish theology, but one of the most thrilling addresses we are. too .small.to,.absorb even, the never LEONE FRANKLIN and R. MARGUERITE KENNER, did any learned: rabbi drive have ever heard on the subject of present supply of skffled labor. A home in more understandable. lanable, conscientious* talented "young pianists whose work I One and Txao Trotiscr Suits . man's humanity to his fellow man. It number of Jews did emigrate, but the guage the: real. and. fundamental : : recommend. •'-•':'• was delivered last. Sunday at a con- doors of-: all: countries were veritably tenete of the .T and Top Coats Jewish faith. JDave ference- of Jewish newspapermen at slamnied shut in their very, faces; Brown is a, religious man because.he ' ••;-._-•,•• ; • ; 2VCK? Arrivals •. .;. the Standard..Club in Chicago. For besides,, it takes money to move a gets a 'kick' out of ^his religion, arid an hour, and a half this unique figure family from, ond country to another. religion is really meaningless unless in world Jewry, this multi-millionaire They would gladly go ±6 Palestine, can derive a... genuine pleasure and man of business1, who has consecrated but that haven of refuge is too small one.: joy out ot:hiaifaith.._jrhis 'ice man' at present to absorb, large "numbers, his time, his-energies, pounded and Tuition with assistant teachers: $5.00 per month or is going to do more than collect $15,• pounded away, with an eloquence al- and i t costs a lot of- money to settle 000,000; in the next three years from $10.00 per term of ten weeks. most super-natural, the reasons for a family there.. The Jews of "Russia the Jews(. of America.' In the process Standard fabrics, standard tailoring, the colonization program of the Joint were compelled to beg-food and cloth- of so doing, Tuition in my class: $10.00 per month or $25.00 per he is going to open our feature of our special sizes. . Distribution Committee. As Mr. ing from their fellow Jews in Amer- eyes, by his own personal action, to term of ten weeks. Brown struck home the truths that ica and other countries;, until their what Judaism means. He is "going to were all too evident we gazed upon fellow, Jews became sick and tired of show every other business man how HARMONY (in classes) $1.00 per month. . ; his leather-lunged, iron-purposed fig- receiving doles of charity. They to be a real, honest-to-God Jew. We offer exceptional advantages and superior instruclire, not as one of America's greatest could go on the tarid and become manufacturers of ice and ice cream farmers, but it takes money to get's tion, at reasonable rates and invite you.to enroll with us. " 'What are we going to Say to the even there, and they had none. and other articles of home consump- start millions of hopeless Jews of Russia They could starve or commit suicide, tion, but as America's greatest prac- and, bitterly sad to. relate, thousands when we hear their heartrending cry?' tical prophet in Israel. And the of theni did. 'solve their problem1 in asked Brown in a voice vibrant with happy thought came to us that in the this emotion. 'What are' the Jews of this horrible fashion. " -• person of this successful man of busirich, blessed land of opportunity going " 'Whatwould you. do if you had to to do when they are asked to give? ness was a complete negation of the charge that the American Jew is los- face such a' situation?.' asked Mr. They can say. Yes, brother, we'll help -CORRECT-AFPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN Lyric Bldg., 19th and Farnam Sts. Telephone: AT. 2015 ing his human and spiritual character Brown. 'If you Md the slightest you, we'll help you, or they can say, in the slime and slough of gross spark of manhood in you, you'd want No. We won't help you. We're
Jewish Calendar
Winter Blankets prices are less
All Men Buy Clothes at Nebraska?"
Announcement to Music Students
We Teach Piano and :Harm<ray, and Accompany and Coach singers and instrumentalists.
Other Exceptional Values Special Sizes at $20 to $50
PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1925 Estefle TApfdris to Attend Sigma. Delta Tan Convention
those already given was a reception given by her parents apon hex arrival here. Mrs. Ben Telpner and Miss Ida Telpner of Omaha' were hostesses at a bridge tea at the Brandeis Tea Rooms last Saturday. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. Leibovitz entertained at bridge at their home. On Thursday afternoon of this week Mrs. J. Rosen and Mrs. A. Leibovitz are entertaining at bridge at the home of the latter in honor of their sister.
Miss Estelle Lapidus is leaving Monday night for Cofruntras, Ohio, where she will attend the Sigma Delta Tan Sorority Convention on September 1, 2 and 3. Miss LapLdas is a delegate from the Nebraska. University Chapter of the Sorority and Universities of eight states, will be represented at this annual event. Miss Lapidus. will visit in. Chicago, Miss Bess Lipsky will leave Sunday, BL, and Indianapolis, Ind.T before goWEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS ing to the convention. She will be August 30, for New York City, where she will stay for an indefinite time. SCHWARTZ-SELICOW The engagement of Miss Ethel gone for two weeksShe will be accompanied by her grand[ The wedding of Misc.'Anne Selicow, Trager, of Chicago, HI., daughter of mother,' Mrs. F. Meyer, who wBl also . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Selicow, Mr. and Mrs. J. Trager, to Philip Pi Tau P i Dinner a±v visit in New York. to Mr. Phil Schwartz, son of Mrs. Soref, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Soref, Blackstone September 5 The Junior Council will' give a Bertha Schwartz, of this city, will be of this city, was announced this solemnized this Sunday evening, week. The local chapter of the Pi Taa Pi Weinie Roast next. Sunday morning, August 23, at the home of the bride's National Fraternity win give a. dinAugust 23, at Fairmount Park. The parents in the presence of only the ner at the Blackstone Hotel Sunday Mrs. Sam Nitz is recovering from immediate family. Rabbi Frederick evening, September 5, at which, the members are to meet in front of the a serious operation performed at the Pi girfs will be guests and will be Peoples' Store promptly at 8:30 SunCohn will officiate. Lord Lister Hospital Wednesday. told of the plans for the National day morning. From there they will Mr. Schwartz and his bride will hike to the park. leave immediately on a month's motor The Misses Toby Steinberg and Conclave to be held December 27 trip to.Colorado, the Blackballs and Ida Cahn are spending the week at to December 30, when delegates from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson and 35 chapters wfltt meet. Wyoming. They will -make their Lake Okoboji. family returned home last Thursday h o m e i n O m a h a . •* • > ~"-•'•• from a week's trip to Manhattan, The Messrs. J. Falk and ~3. Fregger Miss' Selicov is a popular bride-toKas., where they visited Mr. Meyerbe and many entertainments are be- motored to Excelsior Springs, Mo., son's sister, Mrs M. Grossman. They Mrs. M. Steimsn of Winnipeg, Can- were accompanied back by Mr. Meyering given in her honor prior to wed- Monday to spend two weeks. ding day. Those -who' have aiready Miss Sara Rae Fish, who was visit- ada, is spending the month here with son's —-£ier, Mrs. L. Meyerson, who entertained are the Misfees Ann and ing with her parents, Mr. ?md Mrs.. M. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Siegal, has been spending the summer in Ex.Annette Fanger, who were hostesses Fish, is returning t o the east August and her sisters, Mesdames Abe celsior Springs and in. Manhattan. at a luncheon at the Brandeis Tea 22 to resume her piano studies in Leibovitz, Joe Rosen and Ben Telp- They made the trip overland. ner. Many affairs are being given Rooms Saturday, August 8. New York City under the direction in honor of Mrs. Steiman . Among Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gordon of The following afternoon, Miss Mar- of Marie Mikova. fcye Weinstein was hostess at bridge left the early Mrs. S. at her home-for'Miss "Selicow and also for Miss Estelle Lapidus, an- part of this week to visit-in Denver, other popular bride-to-be. That eve- Colo., with relatives. ning, Mrs. H. Stein entertained sixMrs. J. Crounse and Mrs. 51. teen guests at dinner at her home for Abramson entertained twenty-five Miss Selicow and also for Mrs. Max children and fifteen women -at a birthGoldman, of Boston, Mass. day party in honor of the third birthTuesday noon, August 11, Miss day of Master Paul Crounse and little Rozella Klein was hostess at a mah- Miss Betty Abramson. jongg and luncheon at her home for Mrs. Lewis Belgrade, of New LooMiss Selicow and for Miss Estelle Lapidus.~ Miss Ivy Siegel entertained don, Cortn^ who was visiting1 here Thursday evening, August 13, at her with her children, Mr. and Mrs. Max home for-Miss Selicow and for Miss Belgrade,"left for her home SaturRose Schwartz, who is to be a fall day. bride. Miss Goldie Marcus gave a Miss Sara Fellmann entertained at luncheon f.t the. Brandeis Tea Rooms last Saturday followed by a theater - party. The following evening, Mr.! at her home in honor of the eleventh and Mrs.. Arthur Mitchell entertained! birthday of. her sister, Betty. Covers at a dinner party for forty guests at were laid for thirty children. —. _= ±>ipri« Jgnynf M r s . Max Goldman, of Mss, I t EnlsJcQfsky and'daughters, 1 Boston, Mass., shared honors. Tues- Mrs. A. H. Brodkey, Miss Reva f day noon, August 18, Miss Jennie Knlakofsky, and sons, Earl and Sea-Feldman entertained at a luncheon. mon, returned the latter part of last ; ,at jthe.^ontenelle.; Hotel.. .That eve- -weei'ironr^-s5ve*ai>»eeks1; stay-at ning, Mrs. L. Gerelick was hostess Lake OkobojL • at a dinner at her home. This SatMrs. M. Laziere and children of ' urday 'noon, Miss Faye Gerelick will Memphis, Tenn., who were visiting entertain ! at a luncheon and Saturday afternoon, Miss Esther Katleman here for a month with Mrs,. Laziere'g •will entertain at bridge.at her home parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Monsky, re-> turned to their home Wednesday complimentary to Miss Selicow. morning. Mr. and Mrs. S, Robinson returned The Misses Ida Robinson and Celia Monday evening from a three months' visit in the east. They visited Feldman .left .Tuesday, for Lincoln, in all the New England states, Massa- Nebr., and Sioux, City, la., to be gone chusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New for three weeks. •._• York, an'dTaiso stopped off at Niagara Mr. and Mrs.*C H. Spiegal of DavFalls, Washington, D. C ; Chicago, 111.; New Bedford, Mass., and Kansas enport, la., formerly of this city, moCity, Mo. In New Bedford, they tored to Omaha Saturday and are visited with their son, Mr. Morris visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Suss* "Robinson and Mrs. Robinson, and also man of Council Bluffs. A number of with-their son, Herbert, and while in entertainments are. given in their Kansas City, Mo., they were the honor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spiega lenguests of their daughter, Mrs. B. M. tertained Tuesday evening at bridge AcMenberg,.and Mr. Achtenberg, and at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Coren entertained at dinner Wednestheir son, Nathan Robinson. day evening at their home. Mr.' and Mrs. E. Meyer motored to Excel- Mrs. J. Sussman entertained last sior Springs, Mo., Thursday with Mr. Thursday evening at bridge atjtheir and Mrs. Sam Levey- They will spend lipme. Thursday noon Mr. and.Mrs. CY-H. Spiegal motored to Walthill, two weeks there. Neb., to visit with Mr. and Mrs.. J. Mrs. Mamie Kneeter and .Mrs. Abe Pickus and will then motor to. LinMaisel entertained at a surprise party coln, Nebr., to visit relatives, returnat their home Tuesday afternoon in ing to Omaha, where they will be enhonor of Mrs- Kneeter's granddaugh- tertained by Mr. ^nd Mrs. S. Gentis ter, Miss Dorothy Rose of St. Joseph, at a luncheon at their home. They will Mo. leave Sunday for their home in "Davenport, la. — . Mr. and,Mrs. M. Rosenstein entertained at a dinner party at their home Mrs. A. Forman and daughters, Sunday evening in honor of the Betty.and Rose, returned Wednesday barmitzvoh of their son, Sam. Covers from a two weeks'' stay at Excelsior were laid for forty guests. Springs, Mo.
Tulsa, Okla., are spending a few days sister,- Mrs. Xoe Stsharf, were called j here this week with Mr. and Mrs. to Minneapolis, Minn., Sunday on acHarry Cohen and Mr. and Mrs. Loais roont cf th edeath of a nephew. H. Cohen. Mrs.'Charles SalfJsaian entertained Isaac Tollman, son of Mr* and Mrs. her Afternoon Bririj^e Club at a N. Solzman, is now :n Pittsburg, Pa., limcheon at her home on Wednesday. where he has accepted a position with - Mr. and Mrs. I. Gilinsky visited in an engineering company. Sioux City, Ia^ last wr.ek. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Meverson will entertain twenty guests Sunday Jewish Emigration Conference evening -+. their home in honor «f Asks American and European their niece, Miss Bess Lipsky, who is Jews To Aid Immigration leaving soon for T>w Y.-'- City. Berlin, AugusU.4—(J. T. A.—A reM-ny - J * -- . irties are also being: solution appealing to the Jews of planrci for Miss Lipsky, America and Europe to exert all their political and financial influence, in Mrs. Joseph Bonoff of Omaha, who view t>f the closed doors of America, has been ill at the home of her par- to aid and direct Jewish immigration ents, M-4 * Mrs. Sam '"nyder, for to such countries where the bars have the past few weeks, is BOUT, convalescing • ' ' • • • " • • -:-'~ ' Miss r —trade GiKnsVy returned home Tuesday from a five weeks* trip to New York City, Niagara FaQs and T—tfon, ••*"'. J., wher she v^ited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. Saltzman entertained about thirty guests at their home Wednesday evening in honor of Mrs. Anna Marcus and sons, Jay and Samuel, of Chicago, m., who are spending the week visiting relatives in Omaha. . '•..'. Mrs. E. Marcus left Wednesday for Sioux Falls, & D. Mr. Louis S. Braunstein and his
not been put up, especially to South America, TORS adopted at yeetwrday's session of the Second Jewish Emigration Conference being held here.
I have a fine six room, story and half bungalow at 1724 Lake S t , which has been completely redecorated inside and out, just like a new house. It has a brand new roof and a new furnace with two white enameled bed rooms and a white enameled bath room, large living room, and dining room. It is close to the Kosher batcher shops and stores, and handy to two car lines and school. Will make the price and terms right to responsible party. Phone Owner Atlantic 4011.
New Fall Felts $5 to
Schoble and Stetson Hats Featuring The trade label ii aiBnrance of correct ityle and dependable quality.
UDS Effective August 19th
World's Greatest Values Now More Outstanding Than Ever
166,369 HUDSON-ESSEX Ending August First
Sales in the Eight-Month
This tremendous production give advantages in economical purchase of materials, savings in manufacture and low cost of distribution that are recognized throughout the industry as being unequeUed by any other organization. •
Miss Bess Stalmaster returned SunMiss Ann Zimmerman, of China, is day morning from a two weeks' visit visiting here for several days at the in Kansas City, Mo., with Mr. and R. Kulakofsky home as the guest of Mrs, Ben Taxman. ~ Mrs. A. H. Brodkey and Miss Re Miss Hannah; Abramson of -St. Kulakofsky. She is a sorority sister Joseph, Mo., is visitihg^with her sis- of Mrs. Brodkey and. Miss Kulakofsky ters, Mrs..Dave Rosen, and Mrs. S. L. Miss Zimmerman will take an eastRobinson. A number of social affairs' ern trip before returning to" her home. are being given in-her honor. \ Miss Elsie Poska and Miss Esther. Mr.. Reuben Ferer will return to/Freshman of Lincoln are. visiting this morrow from an eastern business trip. week-end with Miss IilHan Margolin. • Miss Estelle Lapidus has as Tier week-end visitor Miss Ruth Zolat of Lincoln, Nebr.
Miss Esther Sbisolowsky of Columbus, Nebr., and Miss Dorothy DiaTuesday/' 'was Ladies' Day: at • thi mond of. Lincoln;'are visiting here Highland Country d u b . Mrs. Herbert v/ith Miss Sara Somberg. Heavenrich was in charge of ' thi Miss Mae Sherman of Sioux City, luncheon held at noon. A dinner and mah jongg will be a., and Miss Laura.Berek. of Fre-nont, Nebr., are spending this week- held Satarday-evening for-the Highland members, and their wives., end with Hiss Kate Goldstein. Mrs. M. Laserowitz left for Los Your 1925 subscription t a The Jew Pianos mn Vngele's, Calif-, to visit with relatives ish _ Press ia dnq PQ uncT frTendsT* "" it in.
The same management which established the Hudson Motor Car Company, now, as for sixteen years, controls and directs the design of its products and the policies of the company.
Get the New Prices Before You35iiy Any Cat
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-» , " / i
\ '•
the'Southwest, whence Selina came. • Fruits and vegetables—tons--of ! it—acres ,of it—piled in Uie-.wagons that blocked .^be* historic , square." Through this little section, and Sputb' Water iteee* that? lay' to tfie east, passed all the verdant growing things thafr.fetf Chicago's millions. Something of this, came to Selina as she^maneuvered her' way through the throng. She felt a little thrill.of significance,.of.,achieveri raent. She knew the spot, she wanted' for her own. It was just_ across the wsay from Chris Spanknoebel's restaurant, rooming house, and saloon." Chris knew her; had known Pervus for years and his father before him; would be kind -to her and the boy in case of need.
- ;
(©. Daubladar, jvMOB
• .
CHAPTER I.—Introaoclns "So 6ig" (Dirk DeJoag) in his Infancy. - And his mother, Selina DeJong. daughter of Simeon Peake. gamblerand gentlemnii ot fortune. Her life, to young wownnhboo" In' Chicago
off In a clatter-of wheels and hoofs on' the cobblestones. ' < Sellna unharnessed swiftly. "Ton stay here,-Dirk,'with Com. Mother^! be back in a minute." She marched dowxt the1 street driving the horses to the barns where, for twenty-five cents,
the animals were to be housed In more comfort than their owner. She was back' soon. "Come, Dirk." ' '.'Are we going i to sleep l here!" h!" H e was delighted. all snug in-the-hay,slike campers." • • The boy lay down, wriggling, laughing. "Like gypsies.^ Ain't, it, mom?" " 'Isn't It,' Dirk—not ain't it' V The school teacher. She "lay down beside him, put one Dirk was wide awake now; eager, arm around him and. drew him to her. excited. He called to ' the horses; close. And suddenly he was • asleep, •stood up hi the wagon"; but clung closer deeply. The street/ became quieter. to her as they found themselves hi the The talking and laughter ceased. The thick of the melee. lights were dim at, Chris. Spapknoebel's. - "Here's a good place, mother. Here! Selina lay rlooklng up at the sky. There's-a" dog on that wagon like Pom." i There were no tears, in her eyes. She Pony hearing his name, stood up,' was past tears. She thought, %<Here looked* Into the' boy's face, qufyered, 2 am, Selina Peake, sleeping In a wagged a nervous tall, barked sharply. wagon, in the straw, like, a dog with, "Down, Pom! Quiet, Pom 1" She did I its puppy snuggled beside It.' I was not want to attract attention to herself going to.be like Jo In>Louisa Alcott'sand the boy. It was still ea.rly. She book. How terribly long it is going to had made.excellent time. Pervus had, .j. .1 must.tryi sk until morning. . often slept In snatches as he drove Into • to sleep. .'' . . : I must try to town ajid >tkevhorsesihad lagged, hut • sleep.' . " . . . " Selina 'had urged them > on tonight.; She did-steep, ! miraculously. As Halfway down' the block Selina espied! the^place'she-wanted. Irrohx the^ oppo- •. she lay there, tlie child in her arms, site direction' came a truck former's; asleep, peace came to the haggard face, sart obVlousiy making for the sa^me relaxed the tired limbs. ,Much like anstand. For the first tune that night; other woman who bad Iain in the straw Selin'a arew.the.whip(out.of;lts socket • with her child in her arms "almost two tind clipped sharpiyher; surprised nags. thousand years before.
her chum is Julie' Heiupel, daughter ot August Hewpel, bulcber. Simeon.\» killed In a quarrel that is not. h\» o\rn;\ and Selijia. nineieen years old and: practically destitute, becomes « schoo&eacbqrt. ,; ; UHXPTEK U.—Selina secure* » position as-teacher nt the. High Prairie• school,: in the entatirts of. Chicago; living at the homeof a trnefe farmer, KteasPool.' Jn RoeH. •- txrette.^years old. .son- of'Klons. Selina perceives a kindred spiriC a lorer o/ • beantr. like herself. • . ; 1 CHAPTfiK. III.—The monotonous lite of With' a start and-a- shuffle they broke ' (To Be Continued Next Week; a cunntrj-school-teacher fit. (hat tiroe; is. " SeHaa'6. brightened" somewbaf-by the com~ into- an awkwardi lope. ^Ten" seconds /punlo'nship of the sensiUve, • »rtlBrf(r. boy too'iate the.^German, farmer- perceived 2,000 DELEGATES AND . / Koelt. • • i • • •• her intention, whip'ped uphis own tired GUESTS ARRIVE IN VIENNA ~ ' • CHAKTER TV.—Se.lina hears gossip con- team.f arriyed^51 ttie^.spof'just as Se; cerning the affection of the "Widow FOR ZIONIST-CONGRESS PaaTrlenbergT* rich "and* good>lt>oltin'jj^-for !ina, Blocking" the""way, prepared to l'ervus DeJong. poor truck ftmiiur, who is '>ach Into''tlfe;vacant'space. Vienna, August 14—(J. T. A.)—In insensible to fbe widow;? attrafttionti. For line with the other preparations for a community "sociable" Sellnn prepared a •"Efcjh/ get. out of there you—" he. luucb lidsketi' dainty but not of ample the Zionist Congress the Actions Comroared ;'tlien, for the flrst time, perproportions,:which is "auctioned." according to custom. The suiullnes's of the ceived inrffie'dlni light of "the street mittee opened its meeting here today ' Iiincfi box eexcltes derision, and in a sense under the chairmanship of Chief Rabof Iain . the, bjddjng- becomes spirited. DeJong finally securing It for $10, a ridic- tered,' stared'open-mouthed, tried otlier bi ZevLChajes of Viennta. The quesulously high price. Over their Innch hnflset, tactics; 'Tou 'can't" go in' there, which Selina'and UeJong share ttigejlier. tion of the budget of the Zionist Orthe scjjool-teacher arranges to instrncr the missus.". '- ' -•• '• '. P ganization was. postponed until the gtfod-nntnre'd farmer, whose education has 'Oh, yes, I-can." v=She batketl'her been neglected. ••' . meeting, of the > Zionist Executive, CHAPTER V.—Propinquity, tn their "Yes, ,^ve. -can-T'l fshonted Dick'nhfan which is scheduled to take place today. positions of "teacher" aud "pupil," and Senna's'loneliness in her 'iincnuseniiil sur- itutnde^6f;n^c:e'*-b^il:lgerencej - I Among, the questions discussed by coundlngs^lead'to mutual nllectjon, Pervus Where's,.your injin?" demanded the the Actions Committee was that of the DeJong wins Sellna's consent to be his wife: ' defeated dfciveiv ghirihg. •*:' presidium for the Congress which is C^APTEK' VI.—Selina becomes ftlrs "Here" p her hand to consist of six^mejnbers. , A special Here," rifeHed Selin^; put DeJong* a "farmer's-wife,'! .with all the hardships unavoidable nt that time. I.Jirk on Dirk's bead. \ . nominations committee to draw up Is born. Selina (ot Vermont stock, buni- . ..The other, preparing to drive on, reitfessllke nnd shrewd)- bas-'Plnns .for build- ceived; this with Incredulity. He as- proposals regarding this was appointjng up the farm, which ure rliileiilfd;by _ _ of a husband in ed. Herman Conheim, American delher hnshauif. Mnartje' VooY. K|n«s' wife, sumed the existence, tiles;-and after the'reqnlsite decent interval the nelgliborhood—at Chris Spanknoe- j egate, who.was appointed on the comKlaas marries the "Widow-pnarlenberg." The1 boy Roelf,' sixteen yeiirs old now. bel's.<prob:ablj% or .talking prices with a mittee, nomina^d Dr. Stephen S. Wise leaves'ftiffKorae, to'iuhlie his'.W-ny tff Prhtice friend at anotlier 'wagon when.-he for the.Congress,presidium. apd pipdy, thia ambition betas-to-become be here attending to his own. . .The number of delegates and guests a scplptor. , \, , • . ,;,-. CHA"PTijU*VII.—Dirk' Is eight- year* old In .the absence of this, her natural pro- from various countries who have air when hit^fat'lier d-iesj'^SgJIna^^faced'with tector, he relieved his disgruntled feelthe ^necessity .of. makiMSr,.»: living io,r her ready in Vienna.was estimated yesterboy uaaiherself, rises, to thc^ecasion, and, ings -as he gathered up., the reins. witn birk. takw'"a tr\5cklbaJpof!veSeth"bre^ VWToniajJi.ain't got no business here in day^.at 2,000. Inco,ming- trains are to the Chicago market. A woman selling Haymarket, pnyway. - Better^ you're co^tinuajly bringing new delegates in the market place' i s ' an ' innovation frowned upoa. . ••;• U. /./.., i tV» • $t time Ip^our kitchen \yhere .
. » .
• ' > • • • - > : : : > :
JSome of .the poiijts in the-report .of
•"' She drove along iti the dark, a dowdj' O;hi^.,admonition, so gUbly, moused, the Zionist Executive which wiU be form -woman. In jshapeless.jgarments,; 1 just, a bundle on" the rickety' se'af 6t ¥&!*-**:^P}*.:uttered,once ?'•.•*!' x ^ l ioften. ^ ? * • I Presented;;to the Congress were made too a decrepit truck wagon. The lights of SeHna's nerves snapped,•'•'.-• known today. The report, it is, statedj the eity. came nearer^ Sbeiwas think- :,."D_on't talk ^o me like that, you.great wilt pgint out the imporaance of coning clearly, If disconiiectedly, witlio'Uf stupid !-.'What good does it do a womtinuing good relations with the British Wtterness, without reproach. an to stay home In her kitchen If "My father was wrong. He said that she's going to starve tliere, and her government,, after 'discussing the Britpolicy,.towar«d the^mandat and the life was a great adventure—u fine boy. with her!.- Staying home in my ish Jewish, homeland. snow. He said the: more tilings that kitchen won't earn me any money. I'm happen to you the Richer you are, even Palestine Citizenship Law Issued if they're not pleasant things. : That's .Jerusalem, August,U-r-(.J. T. A.)— living, he said. !No matter what iihp-. The naturalization law regarding citipens to you, good or. bad. It's just' so much—-what was that wiird-~h(»Sused'izenship',in Palestine :has teen pub-^-sci much—oh, yes—'velvet.' Just so lished today.. The law contains the much velvet. Well, it isn't true. He following points: had Drains, und churm, and kqa^yledge J. Three years residence in the and^he died la a gambling house, shot country are required' before citizenwhile looking on at someone else who ship can be obtained; 2. Every.de-was~to have been killed,,... . . Now clarant for citizenship must know •we're on the cobblestonps. Wilt Dirk wake up? My little So ^Jgv .••'.'.-. No. either Hebrew, English or Arabic; 3. he's, asleep; . Asleep on a'pll'p of poCitizens of Palestine' remaining in tato sacks because his mother thought foreign t countries , longer than three that life was n !.grand adventure—a years will lose their.Palestine citizenfine show—and that you took it as It ship; • 4. Wowen marrying citizens of came. A He! I've taken it as It came Palestine will automatically become and made the best of it. That Isn't the way. You take the best, .and make citizens., \y<mien, resident in Palesthe 'most of it. . . .^ Thirtjvpf^h, tine who marry" foreeigners will lose •treet, that was. Another hour and a their citizenship; 5." Turkish subjects fealf to reach the Haymarket . . . resident: in Palestine wilLbecome citiI'm not afraid. After all, you just sell zens of the country.^ l£liawever, they your vegetables for what you can get choose t o , remain. Turkish citizens, . . . . Well, it's going to be different they>wilf have one "yesihgrace Ito dewith him. I mustn't call him Soblg any more. He doesn't like it. Dirk. That's clare their desire to "thabeffect. • • n fine name. D"lrk DeJong. . . . No . The issuance of thp-ne^'naturalizadrifting along for him; I'll see that he tionlaw is* regarded as "a very importstarts with a plan, and fojlows it ant Recurrence in Palestine. The Hell hay,e ev«ry chance.. Every chance. Mandate's Commission of the League, Too late-for me, now, but he1!) be different . . . . Twenty-second street ."I'm Here to Sell the Vegetables I of Nations urged several years .ago tha . . . Twelftli. . . .. Lbpk at all * England should issue a,law reHelped Raise Get Out of My Way, the people! . . . 1'nj enjoying this. i You!" . . . ' f garding Palestine ccitiz«iship, but No use denying It. I'm enjoying this. •' owing to certain conditions this matJust as I enioyed driving,along with here to sell the^vegetables I helped ter was delayed until"now.' Klaas Pool that"''evehlng;' years and raise and I'm going to do It Get out years ago. Scared, but enjoying It. of my way, you!" Vienna, August 14—(J. T. A.)fPerhaps I oughtn*t jto be—but tliat's .-Now she clambered over the wagon hypocritical arid sneaking. rWhy not? wheel to unhitch the tired horses. It is '• FoHovying a -rjakenkrewzler mass ' if•?I-reaXly-sdo" enjoy it! rI'll •=' wake Impossible to tell what Interpretation meeting,, attaeks were made.by the him. . . . Dirk! Dirk, we're al- the dumfounded north-sider put upon Hakenkreuzlers on Jewish passersby most there. Look at all the people, her-movements. Certainly he had in the street. A passing automobile and the ilghtg. We're almost there." nothing to fear from this small gaunt which was stopped by the Hakencreature with the blazing eyes. Never- , ., • • , • , • • The boy awoke, raised himself from theless as he gathered up his reins ter- **«*£** ^0 threatenedto perpethis bed of 'sacking, looked about, ror was writ large on his rubicund r a t e Physical violence on the occup.blinked, sank back again and curled face. ants, was saved by-the,police after a jinio a ball. "Don't-want to see the" "Teufel! What a woman 1" Was great deal of difficulty. i lights. . . . people. . . ." • .He was asleep again. Selina guided the "horses skillfully through the downtofcrn Streets. They.were within two bfocSfl of tha Haymarket, on Randolph street. , c. c N i-'jjixkl Come, now.- .Come up here j TOOL mother." Grumbluig, he climbed toithecse&fc-smwued, junacked his .llp^t > rubbedWsknuckles^ntoh^eyes. ; Soon he waSk awake; and locking', ftfth^t .hfin*:lnterj£ste^ly> . They tuxned' l i t o th'e HJiyniarket,'J The wagons weri streaming- in from- the German truck
farms.that^ us WeIT-.fi* from tactOBntch-JarBis that.
was hitting the ;pac© too. hard for- a prize-fighter. - "But whatVare you to say to these' birds of disaster?" said WilUe. : "I fejt .young, land I felt strong. I felt-I could stand* it. I (CopyrieSt IU23 by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)
promised myself-that I would stop ju§t 3S soon;as I felt-the strain _was beginning to tell. One more little drink won't do anybody any harm. That's the way' I •talked". But unexpectedly, this thing overtook me, it seemed as-if "my strength had ebbed away;, I came to the horrible realizaI was an tion that and I was donenot for.yet thirty." old man I was Tears dimmed his eyes as he finished and slumped " out of our office, he, Willie- Jackson, the colorful Jewish lightweight, whom Benny Leonard considered his only rival.
Suzanne of France, ered the Lenglen, best woman tennis considplayer ever developed, owes much of her success to her racial temperament. This is the opinion of one of the closest friends of the Jewish-French tennis wizard. Miss Elizabeth Ryan, who is herself one of the three best woman players in the.tfeflnis"world. • -^ . ' •• ' ? We had lunch the other day with Miss Ryarfspeaks thusly: .'• "Suzanne's greatness lies in- the Louis N>-Jaffe, president of the Jaffe harmony? of her personality. Her Art Film Corporation, New York. Mr. temperament and keen mind, with Jaffe is a slender, well-built person, which'nature has endowed her, are the nearing the forties, who has achieved fundamentals of her success. Another extraordinary success as a lawyer and reason for Suzanne?s wonderful play- realtor. Jaffe surprised us by his ing is her reach. She is abnormally •youthful and athletic appearance and long armed and when she is standing when we asked, hirh* to,explain, told at ease her arnis reach almost to her us:; "I-believe in;.sport;a5?;an essential. From, my early youth I have made it knees.lt is theseVlong g arms-that al|ow. | h to t reach h balls b l l most-placers; t l ^ld my motto to take daily exercise. It her wfl^l have to let pass. Her footwork" is U]n- may interest you that I insist that all canny, amazing. Suzanne is lighter members of my firm keep in perfect and faster on her feet than most pro- physical condition. You may be the footwork demoralizes a rival, for no most gifted individual, if your human matter where you hit a ball, she is engine does not function, there is there to receive it. Another thing, bound to be a catastrophe, some time". Another interesting thing, Mr. Jaffe Suzanne never looks tired or worn during a match. Psychologically she told us: He is now building a new is a disconcerting opponent, for she home for the Yiddish Art Theatre, a gives you the impression that she can splendid edifice that will cost several play "on at top speed all day long, if millions. But he is showing other than purely reality interests. Jaffe necessary." . , .While long arms, or footwork are is.equipping his theatre with.a most not especially ^Jewish •- attributes,-- we .elaborate gymasium, where the artists find in this untiring vitality, and. men- can go in for a regular course of tal alertness enough to make us feel physical training. "Yes," concluded Jaffe, "we Jews proud of Suzanne's Jewishness. must remember that the body is not only the hull of the mind, but the engine power of our spiritual life." J
Arthur Green, of Omaha, writes: "We need not travel to England to Benny Leonard has a double. The witness a champion girl swimmer in fellow resembles the retired lightaction. In Miss Louise Rosenthal, weight champion in more than mere Omaha has the only Jewish girl mas- physical appearance. He fights like ter swimmer in the city, according to Benny. He has Benny's engaging Pete Wendell, instructor of swimming smile, Benny's unshakable confidence at the Nicholas; Senn Hospital. Miss and he boasts that he will be wearing Rosenthal is known throughout the the lightweight crown in 1927. But state but thus far she has not taken the resemblance does not end there by part' in professional races. Besides a long shot. While Leonard was born being able to swim in the various com- in New York ghetto, the new aspirplicated strokes, Louise is an accom- ant for pugilistic laurals is the proplished fancy diver. Grace Rosenthal] duct of the Chicago Jewish district. is right on the heels of her sister for: Like Leonard, he has another battle to honors in the poo.l. Grace is credited stage at home. For the promising with dbing the crawl back stroke with young fighter has a mother at home, great rapidity for a distance of an whom he supports and who does not eigth-mile". ; in the least relish the idea of having Now Mr. Green does not give us!. her son enter the ring to batter or to any statistical data, as to the time I bej>attered. The new comer's name is Jackie record made .by the two Rosenthal sisters. We would appreciate such Fields. Last summer, Fields went to information, as it would make is pos- Paris. He was sixteen years old then. sible to get a cleat idea on the calibre The first fluff t>f dawn was casting a! of the two Rqsenthal wonders. In little shadow on his upper lip. He had the meanwhile, w e welcome these Jew- his first shave in Gay Paree and then ish girls to the* ranks of important he won the highest honor possible in amateur athletfes, solely on the amateur ranks—the Olympic featherweight title. Since that auspicious strength of Mr.5 Green's enthusiam. and promising event, Fields has put on weight and put on more confidence EXIT Tim besides.. He has been training like a. young whirlwind. And old ringhabiThere was a '.hauntingly. familiar tues are of the unanimous opinion that look about the stranger who dropped he reminds them of Leonard. Both are into our office , the other day. He clever, fast and scientific in the ring. came to peddle packing paper and They don't rely on brute force, but binding twine. There was a stoop to proceed on the strength of shrewd and his shoulder and his hands shook as he lightning-like mental calculations. exhibited his wares. He talked with Fields has a natural ability to "figure that ftervous brSggadacio so common his opponent". He has tasted defeat to the salesman who is not altogether a -few times, but it has sharpened his sure of himself. He lacked the smooth appetite and he has never lost a reline those fellows" generally shoot out turn match. This proves the contenAt "times his voice even quavered and tion that Jackie knows an opponent's there was a harried look of worry tactics exactly once he has men him about his drawn features. We felt in the .ring and knows how to act certain we had seen the man before. every second he is in the ring. He admitted this was quite possible for his name was Willie Jackson. Barney Dreyfuss's smile is getting Willie- Jackson, brie time favorite Hg-ht weight boxer, who won international broader and broader, with each victory fame By knocking out Johnny Dundee of the Pittsburgh baseball team. His a few years ;ago. Willie told us he aptimism during years of hard luck was through with the ring for good. has weakened, and today his Jewish A look of reminiscence and bitterness life philosophy is -winning out. Kid Kaplan, featherweight champcame on his face when he told his tale of woe. Popularity had brought ion of the world has posted a forfeit riches and with'riches had come gay of $2,000, guaranteeing his apperance times along the Great White Way. at the weight of 126 pounds for his Endless parties, and joyous sprees. championship bout with Babe Herman Friends had. warned -Willie that-he at Waterbury on August 27th. Babe
Our systems show exact profits for each department daily, weekly or monthly, as- desired. 490 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. Phone ATIantic 1450
Herman is the strongest contender the Jewish champion will have to face. Jimmy Mendoza, former amateur champion, won his first professional boxing match by defeating Johnny Huber, -who had gained a reputation for himself as one of the most dangerous little men in his class. Mendoza is a bantamweight. •Berlin, July 27—(J. T. A.)—Few Jews will be affected by the threatened expulsion of Poles from Germany, according to the repatriation plans formulated here. It was stated that the repatriation will affect only those Poles -who were resident in the former German part of Poland and will not affect former Russian subjects. In the meantime German Polish relations are growing worse from day to day. and cause a feeling of embitterment in German public opinion, which may result in an unfavorable attitude toward all Polish citizens in Germany. German nationalists are organizing meetings to welcome the Germans who
Rav. E Fleishman
We are doing it for others we can do it for you—
sides their practical service, they are rendering- equally great service in establishing cordial relations bet-ween the Jewish pioneers and their Christian neighbors. will be returned from Poland. The nationalists are demanding war with Poland. Police authorities announce, that they have completed their plans for rounding up and expelling the Poles.
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