August 27, 1925

Page 1

• * - * * • "

I regard ideas only ' in my struggles*, to the persons • of. my . oppo- , nents.I am" indifferent. —Ernst HaechcL

> -The victory of1 success 'is half won r when one gains the habit of work'.^Sarah A. Boh ton.

VOL. IV—No. 38

Entered, ?o S ud'Class mall matter on Japnary 27th, 1921, at postofflct, 2.-. ihm, Nebraska; onilei the Act ot March 8. 18T9.



JEW, ALLEGED TO HAVE SIR HERBERT SAMUEL THRASHED CUZA, GETS WILL HEAD BRITISH THREE MONTHS' SENTENCE COLA COMMISSION Berlin. (J. T. A.) AVsentencejjOf London. <J. T.-AO "Sir Herbert three months' imprisonment ana - a Samuel, former High Commissioner of fine of 10,000 lei was imposed by the Palestine, will be^appointed Chairman Jassy court on Lerman, the Jewish of the Soyal Commission for Coal Inmerchant who was accused of adminquiry, which will, examine the coal istering a thrashing to - Professor Returns to New York After situationjin Great Britain, according Cuza, leader of the Roumanian antito a reportin the Daily Mail. Studying Conditions in .. ' ' The manifold administrative experi- City in Turmoil as Delegates From All Parts of the World Poland Question of Affiliating Federation With Omaha Community Semites. . The Lerman-Cuza incident was, as ences of Sir Herbert and the many Gather in Largest Convention in History of Zionism— ' \ Chest To Be Decided. _ . _ is known, the cause of the recent SAYS P O L A N D HAS BE-ministerial positions which he has 42 Delegates From United States anti-Jewish disturbances in Roumanheld make him especially fit for this TRAYED THE JEWS SUBSCRIBERS U R G E D TO A T T E N D T H I S ian towns. -- - .7 New York. (J..T.A.) A pessimistic J E W I S H AGENCY TO BE MAIN TOPIC OE M E E T I N G F O R F I N A L VOTE ON ; DISCUSSION picture of the condition of Polish QUESTION. Jewry today and of the possibilities of the success of the Polish agreeVienna.—Despite the threats and the tense atmosphere rev The subscribers of the Jewish Welfare Federation will hold suiting from the anti-Semitic riots on the evening of August 17, ment is given in a report from Berlin a special mass meeting Tuesday evening at the Brandeis'Grill the Fourteenth Zionist Congress, the second to be held in Vienna, room. During the past week letters have been sent'to every sub- Anti-Saloon League and Ku Klux in the New York "Forward," which carries an interview by its correspon- Married - Men!s. Team. Trims Single the city of Dr. Herzl, founder and first leader of the movement, r scriber by William L.Holzman, president of the "Jewish Welfare I Klan Back Move. . . Men's Team. was opened here Tuesday at 7 o'clock by three addresses delivered dent with Judge Jacob Panken of TT,-J—....-— rj^g | e t t e r i s printed in this issue of The Jewish Federationby Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist OrganizaNew York, who just arrived there, •" Washington, D. C. (J. T. A.) — An Press. More than five hundred members of tion, Nahum Sokolow, chairman of the Executive, and Dr. Zevi following a trip through Poland. The question of affiliating the Jewish. Welfare Federation attempt to influence Congress to-pass the local B'nai B'rith lodge and their Chajes, Chief Rabbi of Vienna. The prevailing mood in Polish with the Omaha Community Chest will be decided by the sub-a law giving the Commissioner of friends saw the married men's baseThe first session of the Fourteenth Congress was confined to Jewry today is one of despair and Immigration the right to •"summarily scribers at this special meeting Tuesday evening. ball team trim the single men's team the three speeches and greetings from a number of official rephopelessness, according to Judgedeport persons who,. in his opinion, This question lias arisen before the community chest was discussed by never should have,been__admitted to Panken, who "visited many cities and last Sunday afternoon at the B'nai resentatives. A solemn atmosphere prevailed in the Concert Hall local Jewish community on several the members of the executive com- the country, or who, since their ad- towns in Poland -during his stay B'rith annual picnic After the smoke where the proceedings remained undisturbed. The delegates previous occasions. At a meeting of mittee and the board-of directors and mission have demonstrated their- un- there. Regarding the Polish Jewish had cleared, the "score was 13 to 5 in seemed to be unaware of the fact that outside of the building this assembly in turn refused to take favor of. the married men, who out- heavy police forces were still on guard the responsibility ami now leave it desirability" will constitute -part of agreement, Judge Panken declared played the single men in every deThe present political situation of, great task. We know, however, a t IMPORTANT NOTICE to the general assembly of subscrib- the renewed campaign for a still that the majority of the Jews in Po- partment of the game. land consider that act a great mismore stringent immigration-law to be the Zionist movement was fully de- ]the same time that it our work that ers to the Welfare Federation. Heavy hitting by Henry Monsky, scribed in the address of Dr. Weiz- j contributes, fosters and hastens the take as the anti-Semites are employconducted by Albert Johnson," chairSpecial Meeting of Subscribers, According to many'nJembers of the ing the agreement as a* weapont Harry Trustin, Sam*Bliss and Dr. B. Tuesday, September 1 Federation, this matter has been man of the House Committee on Im- agains the Jews. - The anti-Semites Friedman was the cause of the single mann. The internal situation in Pal- realization of that task," he declared. The Congress. foo,tballed so. many times and that it migration and Naturalization, accord- point out that the Jews in Poland men's downfall. B*oth sides used three estine and the progress since the his Dear Friend and Subscriber: Thirteenth Zionist Congress were dewill be thoroughly discussed at the ing to an announcement made-on The Congress, which is scheduled : pitchers. Besides these hitting stars, are now to. be regarded officially as arrival here. •• The question of the affiliation of special meeting Tuesday evening. picted by Nathan Sokolow, chairman to last nine days, ending August 27, the married men pulled three double aliens and not citizens of the country, the Jewish Welfare Federation Klan Leads Campaign '• plays on the single men, thus en- of the Executive, who recently vis- will have the greatest attendance of •with the Omaha Community Chest "There is to be no let-up in the fight because the rights of citizens are abling' them to keep the single men's ited Palestine. any Zionist Congress held before. Inwas submitted by the Executive against "undesirables"" and a L well- guaranteed by the constitution,-where- score down! Austrian Minister Welcomes Congress. creased numbers of delegates from Committee to the Board of Direcorganized campaign, ledTby the _Ku as in the case of the Jews, special Mr. Sokolow in his speech, which various countries are arriving, maktors. The Board thereupon deterKlux Klan, is under way now to in- negotiations and agreements had to After, the ball game, drinks and re- he delivered in Hebrew also, dealt ing a total of over 400 representafreshments were served to members mined to call a meeting of all the fluence Congress in favor of tighter be made, as though they were an and their guests. This was followed with the anti-Semitic riots which were tives. The proportionate growth of subscribers of the Jewish Welfare Six Presidents Have Worshiped in laws, .it is learned from^authoritative enemy nation. . . the movement is measured by the fact "Furthermore," the "Forward" con- by many races and which resulted in an unpleasant prelude to the ConFederation to decide definitely as sources. . . .. ._ _ .Church. that while the American Zionists were the following: gress. to "whether or not such affiliation !"Inmy opinion," said Mr. Johnson, tinues .in its. recital of Judge Pan- Rose Kirschenbaum, 12 year old represented at the Thirteenth Con" I t is regrettable just as it is reshall take place. ; Long Branch", N. J., Aug. 24.—St. "almost all well "informed 'citizens ken's statements, "there is now no girls' jace. The prize was from Mey- markable that there are people who gress by only 11 delegates, they will Consequently, a special meeting ames Protestant - Episcopal church favor more strictness in dealing with longer any doubt among the Jews in " ' find it possible to insult and libel a be represented at the Fourteenth Conis called for Tuesday, September 1, here; in which six 'presidents of the aliens who are a menace or a burden Poland that the- Polish government ers' news stand. Sam Bender^ free" for all race. The movement like Zionism, a movement gress by 42 delegates. The same at Eight-Thirty P. RL, at the United States have, worshipped, was to our . citizenry. . Under existing simply betrayed the Jews. She promGrand Leader Store gave the prize. of an ancient people. All the civ- growth in numbers is apparent jr. Brandeis Restaurant Grill Roomj saved from the auctioneer's hammer statutes an -alien, after being in the ised that the government monopoly Mrs. Fhineas Wintroub, ladies' free ilized nations have interested them- such countries as Poland, Germany Seventeenth street entrance. Sunday bjr Ernest Levy of .;Ltmg country.-fm;;-fim- years, ,cannot.DE-de- on. tobacco and liqw>rs_ would not be «r •• sSL - • Prise • -from ~tha. _ Jlalsshack selves in. the CEHSC of Zionism; the and Czecho-Slovakia, Your attendance or your absence Branch and New York, a Jew, who•ported' for commission. of ." a I l instituted for the "nest fiTe-years; st? Jewelry Store. • ' . . nations of the world have recognized will decide this vital question af.The Main Issues. aid* in fulL the city assessment of; crime or for unlawful entry or for that hundreds of Jewish . families Mra. M. HorwicH, slipper kicking the aims of >oar movement. This is fecting the Community Welfare.becoming a public charge. That five- would not be deprived of their liveli* contest. Prize from" Dave Cohn of sufficient for us. "We have not the Preparations are being made by all 600 for ,a "paving,tax. in spite, of this, the gov- toldstein-Ghapman. We are depending on your decision. The chapel is fallowed by. the mem- year limitation should be removed. :I hood. Yet, desire, the interest nor the possibility the delegations to meet in deliberation J . Very sincerely, ry of Presidents Grant, Garfield, Ar- would deport him any time under ernment is now promulgating the Messrs. J. Chapman, Diamond, Lane of polemising with those who insult at the Congress to decide on the fudecree which will take away the and Fellman, relay race. .Field Club and attack us and who are totally ig- ture of the Zionist movement and the WM. L. HOLZMAN, ~ "~ thur, Hayes,-McKinley and Wilson, certain conditions. means of " livelihood from 30,000 caps. President. "We should also eliminate the so that it has the name, of-"Church . . - ' . „ . norant of our purposes, means and policy with regard to the rebuilding' Jews." of Palestine as the Jewish national vague and uncertain test • of 'moral >f the Presidents." At Franklyn cotLouis Azorin, 16 year, old race. people," he declared. Judge Panken also makes reference homeland. turpitude' in criminal cases, and. sub;age, • almost within the shadow of the board of directors of the FederaField Club cap. ( . Minister Resch, speaking in behalf While the Thirteenth Congress was tion nearly a year ago, it was decided he edifice, President Garfield, Sep- stitute the test of conviction and sen-to the policy of the government in Mr. and Mrs. J. Chapman, married of the Austrian Chancellor, Eamek, discharging' Jewish employees from couples' race. , Meyer Fruit company named, to appease the fatalists, ths that the Federation should not enter ;ember 19, > 1881, died after having tence for a definite term." • welcomed the Congress in an address Mr. Johnson charged that those who tobacco factories which have been prize. • "Bar Mitzvah Congress," the Fourthe Community Chest. Nearly six een shot by Guiteau. . in which he expressed the regret that monopolized by the government. teenth Congress is named the "Maoppose the Immigration Law in force Bernard Sandier .of Long Branch, months ago, this matter was again Phineas .Wintroub and Lester Giv- the Chancellor found it impossible to turity Congress." The maturity oT brought to the attention of the execu- who presented the check for the full at present are "personally interested The government is preparing to put enter, hobble race.. Wardrobe prize. attend the Congress. the movement is reflected in the agentive committee of the Welfare Fed- amount of the.assessment to the Rt. in "bringing people in." He would through further oppressive measures Isidor- Abramson, married men's Weizmann Recalls Herzl's Work. da extending over nine days which. eration. The members of the execu- Rev. Albion N. Knight, bishop coad- provide for jail sentences, for. aliens against Jewish laborers, Judge Pan- race. Omaha Tobacco company prize. ken reported. Thus a new project "I welcome all who have assembled jutor of New Jersey, said on behalf who enter unlawfully and deportation tive committee^ |hen voted to meet Lawrence Simon,, -under 12 year (Continued on page 2) here in this earnest hour of gathering with the board of directors before of Mr. Levy'that the sale of the for aliens who connive with.others to •which is being worked out now will old race. Field-Glut cap. chapel would have been a "sacrilege." break the immigration laws. A major- prohibit Jewish craftsmen from open- Mrs. Snitovsky, slipper kicking con- our forces together for new work," this matter should pass. "It has become a national shrine,: ity of the members of the new con-ing their own workshops without the test. Prize from Leon Graets of Dr. Weizmann began his address, Smoker at B'nsi B'rith first Then the question of entering the which he delivered in German. "I in a way, the Westminster Abbey of mittee on immigration, it is under- permission of Polish craft unions. Goldstein-Chapman. Fall Meeting Sefteiakr particularly thank the government of America," Mr. Sandier said. "Neither stood, will join Mr. Johnson in his Jewish craftsmen will not be able to the Austrian Republic, whose repreMr. Levey nor myself belong to your program for, greater restriction- and engage in their trade without a speThe B'nai B'rith lodge v,il\ hold it* Sunday Schools to Open sentative Minister Resch is here, for first fall meeting Thursday evening. religious faith, but we both worship easier deportation. The Anti-Saloon cial certificate from the Polish craft Mrs. Cora Wei! Re-elected Classes Next Month the same God." its hospitality to the Zionist move- September S, at the Jewish CommuLeague and the Methodist Board of unions and the procuring of such ment, in the beautiful city of Vienna, nity Center. At this meeting a smokcertificates by Jews is a very difficult Temperance, Prohibition and Public The congregation of the "Church President ol Sisterhood Temple Israel and B'nai Israel Sunto which Zionists are bound by inex- er and interesting program will b? thing in Poland. This project when of the Presidents" has shrunk within Morals are said to be supporting day School classes will reopen during Mrs. Cora Wolf has been re-elected tinguishable reminiscences. From this presented for the members. carried through, Judge Panken derecent years to such .an extent • that the deportation, measure." the coming month. president of the Temple Israel Sister- city the Herzl call to the Jewish peoclared, would turn millions of Jews "Omaha Lodge will have many nathe assessment of the paving debt by On Sunday morning, September 6, hood for the coining term; Mrs. I. Ro- ple came forth. From here the pro- tivities this year," said Jake Muleinto actual paupers. the city was an. embarrassment to the B'nai Israel Sunday School will - If American Jewry will not raise senthal will.serve as-vice president; phetic message of the Judenstaat to shock. "We are now planning a nunv begin to enroll pupils for the coming its members and the edifice had al- Poali-Zion Dramatic Section Mrs. Harry Rach'man, corresponding the scattered Jewish communities term. The school will have a larger ready, been posted for sale when Mr. Presents Play and Program Sept. 2 its voice in protest against the new secretary; Mrs. Clarence Bergman, re- came forth. Here Herzl worked, cre- ber of sociivl and education events for anti-Jewish measures proposed by the B'nai B'rith members and thoir • force of teachers and Miss Lillie Koo- Levy heard of it. cording secretary; and Mrs. Harry ated and suffered in the tireless haste friends. These activities, Polish government, Judge Panken per will again be principal "of the The Poali-Zion Literary Dramatie stated, the plight of Polish Jewry in Rosenfeld, treasurer. of a short period of years. Although •with a large membership school. Section will raffle a woman's wrist the near future will be indescribable. On Tuesday afternoon, September there is only a simple stone in mem- which will be conducted this fall, win A. Z. A. ISSUES CALL FOR Enrollment at the Temple Israel watch on "Wednesday evening, Sep8, the board :of directors of the Sis- ory of our late Zionist leader, it spells be the principal activities of the 1 FOOTBALL PRACTICE tember 2, at 8:15, at the Jewish ComSunday School will be held Sunday terhood -will-be hostesses at a lunch- immortality, and his premature end. lodge." Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the Order munity Center. Proceeds of the rafmorning, September 13, at ten o'clock. eon to be given at' the Temple. A Herzl termed our work a work of This year they will have nine grade of Aleph Zadik Aleph is very anxious fle will be given to the Palestine Jewish Community . home-cooked-luncheon will be served peace and of human progress. Tunberg Studios Are Xow classes and three classes in the high to secure the services of some Jewish Workers" Fund. - , • • ,. Center Pledgors "I feel the same way. In this school department. Miss Stella Abra- football player to coach the Aleph's In connection with the raffle, the In The Lyric Buildin/r Sixteen Year Old Jewish The latest to pay their Jewspirit we come here, hoping that the football team for the coming season. committee in charge are making arham will be in charge this year. The Karl E. Tunberg piano studio* ish Community Center Pledges Girl on South High Faculty people, as well as the government of are now in their Both Sunday Schools expect a larg- Omaha Chapter's schedule is,not all rangements for a one-act play and new quarters in ths in full are Mr. H. Kolnick and Miss Ida Newman, sixteen year old Austria, would appreciate the Zionist Lyric building, Nineteenth and F&rer, enrollment this year than ever be- filled out as yet, the two big games musical program. Miss Rose Levin. of the season will be Omaha Chapter fore. daughter of _ Mr. and. Mrs: A. New-work," Dr. Weizmann stated. A ticket-selling contest is being nam streets. These new quarters convs. Lincoln Chapter "No.- 3 of the held, the first prize to be given being man of South Omaha, has been apConfident of Mandatory Power. tain five rooms equipped with the b*«t Order.; The first game will be. played a gold Mogen-Dovid, and there will pointed on the -faculty of the South pianos in order to render good "I welcome fraternally and heartLithuanian Rabbi In PROFESSOR EINSTEIN at Lincoln some time in the middle also be a second and third prize. The High School to> be assistant chorus efficient service to Jill pupils. ily the representatives of the AshOmaha Last Week PREVENTED FROM ATTENDof the . month of September. The standings of the contestants "are-M.-F/ director. _._ „'.,:. Professor Tunberg has a staff nL kenazic as well as the Sephardic JewRabbi B. Epstein, of Lithuania, was ING ZIONIST CONGRESS second game will be piayed at Omaha Goodman, 2,400 votes; Bertha Kupler, Miss Newman graduated from the ish communities of Vienna. I am four assistant teachers, who are tn\in Omaha this week as the guest of Vienna. (J. T. A.) Professor Al- about two weeks :l^ter. T' „. 2,100 votes; Esther ILrantz, 1,900 Rabbi J. M. Charlop. Rabbi Epstein South High School* in June and is happy indeed to welcome here the exited pianists. They are Clara A. bert Einstein, who was expected to at- Omaha Chapter; will also have a votes; Mildred Harris, '1:650" votes; representatives of the foreign govern- Maier, Gladys McCann'Watts, Regans published the book, "Torah Tmimah.' an accomplished musician. tend the Fourteenth Zionist Congress, Same with Council Bluffs - Chapter and J. Kaimen, 1,500 votes. •: ments, particularly the representatives Leone Franklin and R. was prevented from doing so, accord- No. 7 at the Bluffs. * V Although the Poali-Zion Literary VIENNA DISTURBANCES of Great Britain, which has under- Kenner. KOVNO POLICE ARREST ing to advices received here from Professor Tunberg is very AWS!1 The local A.Z. A. have some good Dramatic Section has been "organized FIND WIDE ECHO IN taken the administration of Palestine IMPOSTER CLAIMING TO BE Berlin. : known in musical circles here. B " football material this year as several but a few months, they have done under the mandate of the League of '"' ' BRITISH PRESS CONGRESSMAN'S SECRETARY of the boys have played on Central some worthwhile work in "assisting London. (J. T. A.) The tati-Semit- Nations. It is not only my duty as studied in Germany before coming frKovno. (J. T. A.) The police her© High; teams. Among the promising the Palestine Workers Fund to help have arrested a Mr. Lewin, on the ic disturbances which accompanied a representative of the Jewish Agency Omaha three years ago. LEADERS OF FRENCH ARMY In a testimonial, the late WOUNDED BY DRUZES candidates from" Central, are Dave the Chaluzim of Palestine..-. . . . . . charge that he is an imposter who the opening of the'Fourteenth Zionist to express my gratitude and good will Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) General Lau- Bleicher, Sam Bender and J. Melvin claimed to be the secretary of United Congress in Vienna found a wide echo toward the mandatory power, and also Franz Kullak of Berlin, Gernwwvv, to express our confidence and respect, said: "Mr. Tunberg's great, nntursj. let, cavalry commandant in the French Levin. Omaha "Chapter expects 25 Temple Israel Annual States "Congressman Nathan D. Perl- in the entire British press. candiates out for-football-as soon as but more than that, I .wish to express technical ability and his refined rrtv The London Times published colArmy in Syria, and Captain Degoutel, Lewin obtained money on false Meeting September 13 man. V who were inspecting the front near the call is issued. pretenses from people who were anx- umns reporting -the events. The paper the deepest feelings of the union sical taste make his playing ftot onlj Any Jewish athlete desiring to help The Temple Israel Annual meeting ious to secure permission to go to the stated that" the> Austrian Chancellor, which has existed for a long time be- a display of virtuosity, but he is Deraa, were attacked by forty Druzes. Ramek, encouraged the holding of the tween the Jewish people and the great oughly artistic in his interpretation They received slight injuries and were the A7Z.A. team'in the capacity of of the Congregation will be held United States. . *" • Zionist Congress In yienna and guar- British nation, whose strongest tra- well." coach can get in touch with Stanley Sunday afternoon, September 13, at taken to ihe hosnital. F. Levin, athltic director, by calling three o'clock' in the Temple Vestry Avoid forgetting a friend on New anteed a peaceful session, but he was dition rests on the Bible. ^ Officers will be elected for Year's Day. Print yonr Greetings ia unable to fulfill his promise, although Print your New Year Greeting*: iit Print yonr New Year Greetings in Atlantic 7648 airy time alter "We appreciate indeed that the the •c^— bis desire no \loubt was in earnest. The Jewish Press. mandatory' power has undertaken a The Jewish Presr o'clock. - The Jewish Press.

Jews Suffering In By Judge Panken

Welfare Federation subscribers Hold Important Meeting Tuesday Evening at Brandeis Grillroom

Johnson Opens Fight

For i

Jew Saves CJrarch From Auctioneer's Hammer

Fourteenth Zionist In Vienna Convention Carries On Discussions

More Than 500 Members Attend B'nai B nth Picnic


Federation Receives Thanks

THE JEWISH PRESS Published every Thursday at ptoatta. Neorasta, by

THE JBTWISB. PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANYOffice? 790 BrancJeJft jpheatre Building—Telephone: AT lantic 1450. NATHAN E. GREEN. Manager. • "; ..$2.50. Subscription Price, one year. Advertising rates furnished on application. CHANGE OB1 APDHESS-Plesie (five botb the old and new address: -. ... • b* »ure and give vovtnnwe. :.-. . . •

The Jewish Press is supplied bv the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish Correspondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition to feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres, lnquirier regarding news items credited to this Agency will be g.adly answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 621 Broadway. New York City.



New Year's Greetings 'The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to friends and relatives through the local Jewish paper is general throughout the country. Its advantage over the old individual mailing card is evident in the saving of time, expense and worry over forgetting a friend. GREETING CARDS in THE JEWISH PRESS will take this form: Mr, and -Mrs. William R. Jacobs and Family, of 4805 Grand Avenue, Extend their best wishes to their relatives and friends for' a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

A WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS ' ' The" Fourteenth "Congress; of theWorld Zionist Organizationis meeting in Vienna for a nine days' consideration of their problems. The Congress has an attendance greater, than any held before. The proportionate growth of the movement is not only measured by the fact that more than 4,000 immigrants MAIL THJ3 COUPON BELOW NOT LATJBB THAN -arrived in' Palestine during one recent month, but is also TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 measured by the fact that while the American Zionists were ••-> •. represented at the last Congress in 1923 by only 11 delegates, SHE JEWISH PRESS, they are represented at the Fourteenth Congrss by 42 delegates. 490 Brandeis Theater Building, Every individuaVZionist in the world will watch the proceed--Omaha, Nebraska. ; " ' ings with great interest, for the Congress is the supreme power that gives direction to the entire movement for the next two GENTLEMEN:— years. The main questions which the Congress will have to face - Enclosed find $2.00 for which please insert my New are the final forming of the Jewish Agency; the attitude of the Year Greeting Card in. your Bosh Hashoaah (568$) Number, Zionist Organization towards Jewish colonization in Russia, each of which, in the,opinion of some, might eliminate the other; the •\~ -HJIMEproblems emanating from" the recent immigration "Into Palestine, commonly known as the "Fourth Alijah" (Fourth Immigration A.DDRESS Wave), with its influx of middle class Jews who settle mainly in the towns, thus disturbing the balance between the rural ana urban settlements. " \ , ' ,' ' . It is unfortunate that the Congress opened to the tune of rioting by Vienna Hoodlums. The issues? to be discussed merited Attention from the world press on their own merits. We can rest assured, however, that the Austrian government will see to it that not a single Jew is injured or molested. With the. eyes of the world upon Vienna, this indefinite thing called international 1925—568ft good will assumes increasing importance to Austria. Above the noise and hate from the outside, Nahum Sokolow .Sept. 19 1 ^ 1—First Day of New Year opened the Congress with the following calm light, "At a time -Sept. 21 when humanity, "through suffering and pain, endeavors to emerge -Sept, 28 Tishri 10—Yom Kippur from the ruins of war to reconstruction, the Hebrew people resurrects itself with its birth certificate and historic rights in its hand,—the Bible. With the plough in one hand and the trowel in the other, we Jews in Palestine show the world, a way Judge Irving .Lehman, Felix M- War- and emigration inspectors. The folto justice and the heroism of work." With this declaration of burg,'Cyrus Adler and Louis Mar- lowing shows the particulars of Polish an age-old truth, representative Jews from all over the world shall. ••••-,. . • oversea em-^jration during the past Permit me to reassure you that this have settled down to a task of peace in the city whence the first National year: which; I have appeal for the creation of the Zionist movement came, the place the honororganization, Palestine, 5,724 emigrants; Argento represent, will be glad where Herzl lies buried.—"Times." to with the Jewish Center tina, 5,590; United States, 4,290; Bra-

Jewish Calendar

WIDOW OF PERET2 SMOLENNON-ZIONISTS BEADY TO SKIN DIES IN VIENNA JOIN JEWISH AGENCY, Vienna. (J. T. A.) Hebrew scholMARSHAL SAYS AT GENEVA ars and Zionists are mourning the Geneva. (J. T. A.) "American nondeath of Mrs, Smolenskin, the widow Zionists consider i t , a holy duty to of the late Hebrew writer and first join the Jewish. Agency which is, under the Palestine mandate, to act as propagator of the modern Jewish naan advisory body to the Palestine ad- tional idea, Peretz Smolenskin. At the suggestion of Nahum Soministration in matters concerning kolow a message of good wishes was the Jewish national home." This was the statement of LPUIS Marshal, pres- sent by the Fourteenth Zionist Conident of the American Jewish Com- gress which is in session here to Mrs. mittee and leading non-Zionist, in an Smolenskin several hours before her interview with the correspondent of death. the "Schweizer Israelitisches WochenPrint yeur New Year Greetings in blatt" of Zurich. The Jewish Prees. "We are ready to fulfill this duty and we hope that the Zionists are also ready. The form of the Jewish Agency must first be accepted by the 5*GIFTS THAT LAST ZiPnist Cpngress. When this is accpmplished PUT reply will cpme," he stated. "We must strive toward a unificatipn of fprces for the purpose of realizing our ideal." Diamond Importers

A u p s t 14,1925. Jewish Welfare Federation, 210 SP. 18th St., Omaha, Nebr. Gentlemen: The splendid hospitality and hearty co-operation given by your organization to the plans of thft Disabled American Veterans national convention committee* during the recent national cpnclave of our society in Omaha, played an import; -ant part in the outstanding success : of this convention. At the last regular meeting of Omaha Chapter No. 5, Disabled American Veterans of the World War, and the final session of the convention Executive Committee, it was unanimously voted that a communication expressing our sincere appreciation be forwarded to you; with the assurance that the wounded and disabled veterans of Omaha Avoid forgetting a friend on New and their visiting comrades will not soon forget the wonderful support Year's Day, Print your Greetings in we received from you. The Jewish Press. Gratefully yours, . (Signed) E. C, EPPLEY, PATRQNIZE OUR ADVERTISERS General Chairman. POALE ZION AND LEFT ZIERE ZION UNITE Vienna. ,(J. T. A.) The unipn be-, tween the Poale Zion and the Left Zeire Zion was decided upon here at a joint meeting of the twp parties, following a ten day deliberation.. The united groups will create a "universal Jewish socialist federation." UNITED STATES WILL BE REPRESENTED AT NEAR EAST EXHIBITION Tel Aviv. (J. T. A.) The American consul in Jerusalem has i served space at the Palestine and Near East Exhibition, which is t o open October 4th in Tel Aviv. The Consul intends to use the reserved spaces for an information bureau regarding American products for Palestine and the Near East. Print your New Year Greetings in The Jewish.Press.-

of Omaha to the end that it may de- zil, 2,513; Canada, 2,271; Cuba and Board extends its heartiest co-opera-, velop a comprehensive program of Mexico, 1,973; other oversea counREFINED JEWISH GIRL, educational, social and recreational action. Experienced in housekeeping and I am sure it will be of interest to tivities for all the Jewish people of tries, 150. The information relating to con- care of children, wants housework. you and your friends to know how the our community. Jewish Welfare Board is functioning tinental emigration in 1924 is only of Also clever in plain sewing. Call at the present-time. .Everyone will re*, ATlantic 4819. a provisional character and the real call how .this National organization figures are probably higher. was brought into existence during the The^PaUsh statistics deal with Dr:; Philip R. Goldstein, director pf critical .<Jays .of 191-7 when ;ourr counTh'e servrineipal classes of continental emi- iuiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiniiiiiiiiiilic campaigns of the Jewish Welfare try entered the World War. . (Continued from page 1) 1 grants, those leaving their country Board of America, was a guest of the ice it rendered^ to Jewish soldiers .and sailors has redounded to the glory <?f contrary, to early traditions of Zionist individually 'and. those collectively or Jewish Welfare Federation and Jew- ur people. Jongresses, devotes much less time n groups. The; latter, according to ish Community Center of Omaha last So successful was the work of the Friday and Saturday. He met with Board during the period of the Amer- to general debate and more to the he official figures, are much mere the Board of Trustees, apd Board of iqan participation in the great war probing pf the actual political, finan- numerous, emigration in groups durDirectors of the Jewish Community and its subsequentdemobilization, cial and economic problems of the ing the last year being 16,807 and inthat i t was asked to continue its proMr. Harry Bravirdff, S dividual emigration being 9,329. Center at a luncheon given him at the gram with Jewish..service men^on a rebuilding of the homeland. The main questions which the ConBrandeis Restaurant. Dr. Goldstein permanent basis.' announces reopening of his ' J-> delivered an impressive address on Avoid forgetting a friend on NewThere are at .present about .five gress will have to face and decide PIANO STUDIO, Suite 14, 5 the work of the Jewish Welfare thousand Jewish men in the army; upon are: The final. forming of the Year's Day. Print your. Greetings in Baldridge Building, 20th and S ; Board,, with the service men and with navy and marine corps, and about one Jewish Agency, the attitude of the The Jewish Press. Farnam Streets. AT-8162. 5 Jewish disabled veterans. Zionist Organization toward Jewish the Community Centers throughout thousand For these men, the Jewish Welfare colonization work in Russia,, the defithe country. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. niuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiii?. Board conducts activities at 116 Army Accompanied by Mr. Blumenthal, Posts, 25 Naval Stations and 75 Hos- nition of its attitude toward the reSuperintendent of the Jewish Welfare pitals, sanitpria and other govern cent political developments in, Palestine/the acceptance of a larger, budFederation, and Dr. A. Greeriberg, he mental institutions, In addition to this, the Board, realvisited Fort Crook and Fort Omaha, izing that the maintenance of. spiritual get to embrace "the increasing needs and where important contacts were made morale is a problem of peace as well with the' growth of immigration. 1 for the benefit-of future work with as of war, amalgamated on July 1 the problems emanating frpra the reservice men. Dr. Gpldstein was in 1921, with the National. Council p: cent immigration, commonly known as Men's Hebrew and kindred as- the "Fourth Alijah," the fourth immiconsultation with Mr. Harry H. Lap- Young sociations. Since the merger, it has gration wave. idus,. President of the. Jewish Commu- given professional direction and sunity Center, regarding co-operation pervision to all the constituent Young The Ageney Qestien , Men's and Young Wpmen's Hebrew between the local Center..and the The question of the forming of the tional- headquarters of Community Associations, and the Jewish Centers Jewish Agency which, gave rise to, throughout the country, thus makin. Centers. Dr. Goldstein's visit here a definite contribution to the progres the oppositjonal wing, is in close conmade a very, fine impression. His adi- and development of Jewish life: 1 nection- with the attitude toward the dress; in part, in which he praises the America. In scores of Jewish communities, ir Jewish colonization plan in Russia, Omaha Jewish Community Center, cities like New York, Chicago, Phila^ each of which, isthe opinion, --might follows: • delphia, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Kansas eliminate the other. Will you permit, me to convey to City, Washington, Newark, Atlantfi At any rate it is stated in wellyou and to the people of Omaha, in City, Jersey City, and in lesser con* behalf of the Jewish Welfare Board, munities, campaigns have been con- informed Congress circles that the my heartiest congratulations on the ducted for Y, M. H. A. and Jewish questipn of the forming of the JewA charge account may be convenient—but don't forsplendid and noble task you have un- Center building funds, totalling' into ish Agency is not likely to arouse get that you are paying a much liigher price than the dertaken, to erect an adequate Jew- the millions. In the past four years, ish Community Center building in the Jewish Welfare Board was instru- too great discussion in view pf the accommodation warrants—in bookkeeping expense, your city. It is an achievement that mental in raising over "five million second problem coming up. While bad accounts and many other things. , merits the highest praise and com- dollars in building campaigns and opposition. tp the ; Weismann adminT mendation. I cannot ~ teH" you how membership campaigns..In other com- istration still seeks reinforcements We eliminate ALL of these additional c&ts by selling deeply impressed T was with the munities campaigns are contemplated among the smaller groups and dis for cash. You get the same high quality coal—AT A graudeur of the ^building; which is al- which will increase considerably the ready under construction and which investment that pur people are mak- satisfied individual leaders, it is in' LOWER PRICE. The money you have been paying bids fair to be completed by the com- ing for the future of the Jewish; timated that the Weizmann adminfor somebody's bad accounts goes into your pocketmencement of the coming: year. The youth of America. The Jewish Wel- istration will stand or fail not on the consummation of your efforts will fare Board also furnishes information where it belongs. mark'a distinct contribution to the on the construction of buildings, ire- question of the Jewish Agency, as ' development pf Jewish life in Omaha. views plans and supplies, schedules of was originally thought, but on the For this beautiful edifice, that is be- suitable equipment. It makes studies broader political aspects of the Zioning reared at Twentieth and Dodge of the educational and recreational ist situation and* the attitude toward streets will be a civic center for the needs of women and girls in connecthe "Fourth AlijaK." Jewish people..' . THEN ORDER YOUR COAL tion with Y.'W. H. A.,and Jewish The facilities which will include an Center activities. A department is • ...,•••'-,•'",•- ; •• ' ' -.'" "' -'••]• •'•'• Regular O u r Ca»h auditorium, a library, lodge rooms, maintained for this purpose.' The , "••:;< ".'••'•' • • - • • " Ppi Priee club rooms,, class rooms, lounge Board conducts a lecture and concert PALESTINE FIRST PLACE rooms, a gymnasium, and a swimming bureau and renders substantial aid in IN POLISH EMIGRATION, Wizard Semi-Anthracite Genuine Radiant 13.00 12-50 pool, will furnish proper and whole- arranging programs for its constituAMERICA THIRD Rosewood Ark. Hard Coal Lasts 24 Hours 16.00 14-50 some recreation for every Jewish ele- ent organizations. Last year 240 conGeneva, (J. T. A.) Palestine occument, of $he community, regardless of certs, lectures and other educational Radiant, Franklin County's Best, All Sizes 9.50 9-00 their economic statuis or congregation- features were furnished to member pies the f jjrgt place in Polish emigraCherokee Nut, Large Domestic Size . . . . 8,75 8*25 tion, while the IJnited States occupies al affiliation. • ;. organizations. The Board issues bulAfter the: brick and morfar will give letins on the observance; of the. Jew- third place, according to figures pubSupreme, Beat Cent, H!i»oi», Lump or Egg 8.50 8-00 the building it? fJrial physical form, ish dnd civic hoildays. It publishes lished by "the International Labor OfKentucky Lump, A Real Hot Coal . . . . . 9.00 8 5 0 the educational and spiritual program the Jewish Center Quarterly contain- fice of the League of Nations. of activities thatwilj be inaugurated ing articles on the various phases of AH Coal Rescreened at the Yard. According to the preliminary statiswill breathe a. Bpul info it, and will Jewish Center activities. The Board make i t akin t o . a Jiving organism is represented and is active in many tics just published by the Polish EmiThrough lectures, "forums, culture important" National and Civic organ- gration Office, the total number of groups, clubs and classes, the mem izations, thus relating the Jewish Cen- Polish emigrants in 1924 was 48,647, bers of the Jewish Community Cente ter movement to the civic life of the including 22,5X1 oversea emigrants w/ll be imbued.with an intelligent un; country. derstanding of the value and sigmf j. The number pf Y. M. H. A's and and 26,130 continental emigrants. The cance of Judaism and Americanism. Jewish Centers in this country, now is particulars relating to the former are AT, 4444k•-•? "Dealers in Good Coal" AT. 4444 An organization that possesses such approximately 350, and at the head based on infprmation supplied by shipdynamic - potentialities • deserves thf of the organization which is fostering ping companies and those relating to DeliVerie* io AH Parts of Greater Omaha fullest support o i every Jew in th this movement, not merely in terms of r continental emigrants on the return it o: .P }?J??,ftndi mortar, but in terjps also community.* For the elfafi pf 'spiritual1 values. ~A—' ~~—l i:ilika — pf-.the St-te. employment exchanges this worthy-' gqal r .the

Jewish Welfare Board J Official laud* Work : vv; of Commpity Center

Fourteenth Zionist liMk-^w' Congress Opens


We Guarantee (eer

1 §



214-15-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. .Ta. 5619—Est. 1894.

Invites their friends to attend the

RAFFLE WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2nd,, 1925 8:15 at the Jewish Community Center One-Act

la Connection with a Mualenl Program will b« Befreghinent8 to be served free

Proceeds of Raffle to be given to Palestine Workers Fund ADMISSION FREE


Announcement to Music Students I am now in my new Studios (five rooms) in the Lyric Building, 19th and Farnam streets, which is the best location in the city. Three teaching rooms (provided with first class grand pianos), an office and a waiting room. This arrangement of studios, location and equipment is absolutely second to none, anywhere. . My pianos are kept in tune regularly by the mastertuner, Mr. M. BURRIS. Associated with me are four assistant teachers: CLARA A. MAIER, GLADYS McCANN WATTS, REGINA LEONE FRANKLIN and R, MARGUERITE KENNER, able, conscientious, talented young-pianists whose work I recommend.

We Teach Piano and Harmony,and Accompany and Coach singers and instrumentalists. Tuition with assistant teachers: $5.00 per month or $ 10.00 per term of ten weeks. Tuition in my class: $10.00 per month or $25.00 per term of ten weeks. : ,HARMONY (in classes) $1.00 per month. We offer exceptional advantages and superior instruction at reasonable rates and invite you to enroll with us.

Karl E. Tunberg Lyric Bldg., 19th and Farnam Sts.

Telephone: AT. 2015





Platinum Specialists N E W LOCATION

Poali-Zion Literary Dramatic Section

elling ftr



Suits Two Pairs Pants

'15 to *25 GAIN OUR SYSTEM of selling saves you money—it's like finding several dollars to buy Nebraska's long pants suits with extra trousers at such prices. Single or double breasted styles—the season's newest models—warm autumn colorings—specially selected fabrics; sizes 12 to 18 years.

Everybody should know our prices are positively lowest :

in: the city — COMPARE.

Consumers Coal & Supply Co.


Page S—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1925 w Mr. Abner Kaiman •will leave Sat-J Manawa Park. Oh Thursday evening, Cylia Gershun, .vice- president of 4be dpating- in the "People's Convention urday for Los Angeles, Calif., where Miss Rose Shyken is entertaining club, wap $n, chargeV assisted-b# Miss have pv«n ample guarantees that it he -will join Mrs. Kaiman and daughtwelve guests at a bunco party i'or Fannie Katelman and Miss Frieda Ro> wfll not lead to riots. The Bar Mitzvah. of Milton Krasne, Miss. Iipsky, ter, -who have been visiting there durThe Hakenkreuzlers have held ft senbloom. • -jing the summer. They will return in son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krasne, number of secret meetings in numer» Mr. E. Marcus returned home Tueswill take place Saturday morning, AuOctober. Print your iiew Year Greetings in OBS places which did not create gust 29, at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel day from a three weeks' trip to Mi- The Jewish Press. disturbances. Miss Bunny Kay will return Satur- Synagogue, 618 Mynster street. ami, Fla. day morning from a six weeks' visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krasne will enMr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun and ANTI-SEMITIC DISTURBat Evergreen, Colo. Avoid forgetting a friend on New; tertain at a reception in honor of their family of Schuyler,. Nebr* arrived ANCES WILL NOT BE Year's Day. Print your Greetings in Miss Marian Blumenthal returned son, Milton, on Sunday afternoon, Au- Sunday to spend several days here REPEATED IN VIENNA The Jewish Press. Wednesday from a two weeks' visit gust 30, at their home at 2119 Ave-with Mr. and Mrs. I. Fon&row. Vienna. (J. T. A.) No disturbances ENGAGEMENTS WEDDINGS in Kansas City, Mo., with her sister, nue J>. are to be expected at the "People's Mr. and Mrs. George Krasne and Convention" of anti-Semitic organizaFirms advertising in "The JewisH Word has been received of the en- Mrs. Carl Studna, and Mr. Studna. SCHWARTZ-SEUCOW. Mrs. Sam Meyerson is planning to famiry have returned home from a tions, according to a statement issued Press" deserve VOUT patronage—It i s At. a home wedding in the presence gagement of Mr. Jack lazer, formerly Miss Ella Cohen left Thursday for leave soon for a trip to Palestine, month's trip to Manitou, Colo. They by the Vienna police headquarters. TO YOUE INTEREST to support of only the imm&diate family, Miss of Omaha, son of Mrs. K. Lazar, to Rock Island, 111., where she will visit where she will visit her mother, Mrs. made the trip overland. Mr. Al Kras- The anti-Semitic organizations parti- them. Miss Byrdie Fair, daughter of Mr. Anne; Selicow, daughter of Mr. and ne, who was also in Manitou, returned with friends for a few weeks. 0 . Wolfson. Mrs. M. Selicow, became the bride of' and Mrs. D. Fair, of Dallas, Tex. No home with them. Mr. Phil Schwartz, son of MrB. Fer-date has been set for the wedding. Mrs. H. Janoss entertained ThursMiss Bess Iipsky will leave Sunday tha Schwirtz, on Sunday evening, AuMrs. J. Scharf and her brother, Mr. Mr. Harry Braviroff returned Sun- day evening at her home in honor of for New York City for an extended >gust 23, at -7 o'clock, with Rabbi FredMrs. M. Liechman, of Lincoln, Nebr. L. S. Braunstein, have returned from visit with her mother. She will h e erick. Cohn officiating. Miss JJyrdie day from Sioux City, la., where he a week's stay in Minneapolis, Minn., accompanied by her grandmother, attended the funeral of his iathe'r^inPUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Selicow, sister of: the bride,.was majdMany additional affairs are being Mrs. F. Meyer. Many affairs have where they were called by the death of-honor, and Mr. Abe Gross was the law, Mr. H. Levieh. given complimentary to Mrs. M. Stei: INCOME TAX CONSULTANTS been given complimentary . to. • Miss of a nephew. groom's bestman, and only attendants. Miss Pearl Swarts has as her guest imai of Winnipeg, Canada, who with Lipsky before her departure. Mr. and Mrs. E . Marcus has returned home After a month's motor trip through Miss Mary Novak, of Tulsa, Okla. her three children is spending the SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATIONS Mrs. Goodman Meyerson entertained from a week's idsit in Sioux Falls, Colorado, Yellowstone Park and the month here with relatives. Among Our systems show exact profits fox each department Mr. and Mrs. G. Soref entertained her hostesses for the past week were twenty guests at their home Sunday S. D. Black Hills, the young couple will redaily, weekly or monthly, ac desired. ten couples Sunday evening at their Mrs. S. Greenberg and Mrs. Meyer evening in honor of their niece. On side at 2915 Dodge street. 490 BRANDEIS THEATER ELDG. The Junior Council entertained thirOut-of-town guests attending the home complimentary to the engage- Coren. On Sunday of this week Mrs. Monday evening the Misses Dorothy Phone ATlantic 1150 Omaha •wedding.were Mrs. Max Goldman and ment of their son, Philip, to Miss Harry R. Milder of Council Bluffs Saltzman and Esther Saks entertained teen members Sunday morning at the children, Rose and Isadore, of Chel- Ethel Troger, of Chicago, 111. Theentertained at a family dinner. On fourteen guests at a picnic supper at weiner roagt at Fainnount Park, Miss sea, Mass.; Mrs. Charles Tuman and wedding g will take place this fall. Monday afternoon Mrs. Joe Rasnick children of Venice, Calif.; .Miss Jean Among the out-of-town guests were of Omaha entertained at bridge at her IT" Eandelman of Chicago, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Max Soref, of Glen- home, and on Monday evening Mrs. Bloom of Sioux City. wood, la. . • • ; entertained at bridge at her home, and on Monday evening Mrs. Simon SteinMrs. Benjamin Herehorn and son, berg of Council Bluffs entertained at Opening services at Temple Israel will be held. Friday evening, Septem- Simon, are visiting with relatives and bridge at her home. Mrs. M. Turner ber 11, at eight o'clock with Rabbi friends in Kansas City, Mo., andentertained for Mrs. Steiman on TuesFrederick-Cohn at the pulpit.- His Wichita, Kans., for a few weeks. day. On Wednesday Mrs. S. Fairer sermon topic will be "The Value of Miss Ruth Wintroub will entertain entertained at a dinner party. ATlantic 0600 Religion."- The first Saturday morn- Saturday afternoon at the Brandeis Thursday afternoon Mrs. Harry R. ing services will be held Saturday Tea Rooms in honor, of Miss Betty Milder -was hostess a t a bridge party morning, September 12, at 10:30, and Zelinsky, of Sioux City* la., and Miss for Mrs. Steiman. the Rabbi's sermon topic will be "The SHapiro, of Lincoln. . Sunday Sabbath." _ Printypur New Year Greetings in afternoon Mi«s Wintroub will .enter• The Temple has been redecorated tain at a shower at her home compli- The Jewish Press. this summer. mentary to Miss Pearl Gordon, who is, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock and soon to be married to Mr. Philip ehildren are returning Friday, after a Kirshman, of this city. The Ladies Free Loan Society will week's stay in Excelsior Springs, Mo. Miss Ella Donehin of Chicago and hold a regular meeting Wednesday North Judson, Indiana, who has been Mrs-George Wright, of Omaha, and afternoon, September 3, at the Labor daughter, 3frs. R. Hoffman, of Kan- the house guest of Miss Helen Alt- Lyceum. ' gas City, Mo., are in Excelsior schuler during the past three weeks, left Tuesday for Lincoln, wherevshe Springs, Mo. Will be the guest of Miss Irene Adel. Mrs. Harry A. "Wolf; and son, Jus- Bon. jdn, returned Tuesday morning from a Miss Donehin has been honor guest several months' stay in Atlantic City. at many affairB during her stay here. Among those who entertained for her i M r s / j . M. Charlop is expected to were Mrs. S- Stiefler, Mrs. Harry jreturn home Friday from a three Singer, the Misses Rose and Rebecca tnonths' visit in the east Segal, Jeanette Malashock, Jeanette One month a^o, Themp«wvBeld«B*« Angatt f«r «R!« Leyinson, Clare Feldman, Ida Shafton, " Miss Jean Handelman,of Chicago. With a plain statement «f cnarmnteeil values on all —a fine Qual£ll.^ is-the house graest of: the Misses Besse Horwich. -Miss Altschuler. enCondition* in tJa^-jhaa trade during: incceediac week* nave tertained 25 couples "at" a daricing ity Fabric — a liottie and Byrdie Selicow. party at the Mary F. Cooper Studio Cut that fits W than justified this policy, for market reports indicate an Miss Selma Shostak, of Lincoln, in honor of her guest. perfectly — a average increase of 25 per cent in the eo»t of raw pelts at Nebr., is spending the week here with Style that: Miss Donehin will stop in Omaha t h e p r e s e nt time. .-.:;... •'..>••..-.,.. -{ Miss Gertrude Eomm. -Miss Grace before returning to Orieagorsome time makes people Kosenstein entertained ten couples at in September. ask, "Do you In many instances garment* now featured in the August sale iiar honie Monday evening in liorior of m i n d telling For Miss Pearl Gordon, a bride-towould cost from $50 to $150 more at wholesale if manufacShostak. me where you be, Mrs- Max Wintroub and Mrs. Rose got that tured from newly purchased skins. ' • Mr, and Mrs. N. S. Rothenberg en- Bernstein entertained ten tables of Fall Suit?" tertained twelve guests Sunday even- bridge and a miscellaneous shower at You secure this saving on the FUTURE cost of manufactured Newest iihe Brandeis Tea Rooms Wednesday ing at their home. Pattern* furs, in addition to the lowered August price* prevailing afternoon. Miss Clara Kirshman is Messrs. Morris Jacobs, Nathan Ja> entertaining Friday evenine-at a misSmartest throughout the PRESENT stocks of new fur garments. eobs and David Sher are leaving Fri- cellaneous shower in honor of Miss Styles day morning by motor for Kansas Gordon. In effect this August sale is an opportunity to secure double City and St. Joseph, Mo., to be gone fur savings! jintil Tuesday morning. Mrs. O. C.-Goldner; and left Friday to "spend several weeks in Mrs. E . Meyer Teturned Wednesday Excelsior Springs and Kansas City, But only one more week remains to benefit by August values. evening from a two weeks' stay in : Therefore plan a visit, to the fur section early Monday. Excelsior Springs, Mo. Select from a diversified group of models, and Mrs. M. M. Beitel and son, Irvin, Messrs. B. Pred, A. B. Alplrn, Carl left this week for Chicago, E l y and Katleman, R. Kulakof sky, Charles Le- Detroit, Mich., to be gone for three vinson, J. J. Slosburg, Jr., E . Meyer, weeks. and Dr. M. L Gordon returned TuesAvoid forgetting a friend on Newday from Miami, Fla. MOE IilNSMAUr, SI*r. Year's Day. Print your Greetings in 1411 Douglas Street. The Jewish Press. . „ The Misses Rose Rosenstein and Lilyan Haykin entertained eight couples Saturday at a sixteen year old at at surprise party in honor of Miss Sophie Eosenstein.




August Sale of

Rising prices of raw fur ^ past few weeks emphasize the savings obtainable how on next wini&'s furs

Your New fall Suit?








. ' -



" • • '





pay only */* now

Exclusive Models

Five Smart Models

August Prices

Mr. and Mrs. William R. Blumenthal entertained the members of the ' Boosters/Club of the Y. M. and Y. H." A., a t their apartment Monday evening, August 24. The Boosters have gone on record as sponsoring such clubs as will bring about a closer and more" amiable relationship among "Y" members and "bring out individual talent. Among the various activities that will soon be sponsored by the Boosters Club are athletise, dramatics, choral, sewing circle and Jewish history and Bible classes. Harry Kneeter was elected president of the Boosters, and Miss Ida Sidman was re-elected secretary. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Meyer and Edwin anil Gladys Meyer are leaving Saturday for Sioux City, la.

Uncle Sam (

Taupe American Broadtail with collar, cuff s and border of taupe fox. August Sale price,

Other methods of greetings X do not show the real spirit 1 of friendship. J

New Years Cards and ^Envelopes Your Name Printed



Mail Orders Accepted Check must accompany copy

Miss Bess E. Haykin entertained 12 guests at a dinner party at her home, followed b y dancing at Peony Park, Sunday evening in honor of David Shulman of Chicago, who is a guest at the Haykin home.

N. S. Yaffe

Avoid forgetting a friend on New • Year's Day. P? t yocr Greetings in -The Jewish -Pre l


Carry your New Year greetings direct to your friends and relatives.

Messrs. H. Goldstein, Isadore Weiner, Harry Ravitz and Maurice MickJin left Wednesday for Miami, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ross have moved from Omaha-to 306 Georgia avenue, Council. Bluffs, l a .

Platinum American Broadtail, a front-flare model with collar, cuffs and trimmings of natural squirrel; 45-inch length; August Sale price,


Printing—Office Supplies. Phone Jackson 0770 ' 118 S. 17th St. ,_0maha, Nebr.



Jackets of 30-inch length

Genuine Alaska Seal in the new shade, Chateau Dor (golden chestnut)f 47-inch length. August Sale price,

A very smart model of natural squirrel ..$295


Baronduki (Hamster) with collar of blood red fox . . . . . . . . . . . . $195

A Scotch mole cape with ermine collar and soft brocaded lining; 45-inch length. August Sale price,

Golden Susliki, -with collar of ashes of roses' fox . . . . . . . . . ; . - . . . $175 Cocoa caracul, with collar of brown fox. .$128 Steel caracul with dyed squirrel; collar and cuffs . . . . . . . $98

$295.00 Hudson Seal (dyed muskrat) with collar, cuffs and side flare of silver fifch; 45-inch length. August Sale price,

$495.00 Third Floor

295 00

Hudson Seal < d y e d


with collar, narrow cuff trimming* and flare border of skunk; 47-inch length.

Cocoa American Broadtail— with cocoa fox collar, cuffs and border. The lining is of flat crepe bordered with brocaded chiffon velvet; 46-inch length.

Golden Rat Coat w i t h


collar and cuffs of silver rat cleverly combined with brown fox; 45inch length. Silver Rat trimmed -with either red or brown fox. A model smart for street or dress wear. .45-inch length.


•_•• .... ;~_- ',

Natural Dark Raccoon

of t!:e

quality that is famous for its longtime service. This model is suitable for street as well as for sports wear. 45-inch length. >r ^_^_

The Best Place t& Sko^ After AW*



By " .. EDNA FERBER <©, Doubled** P«f« * Co-) \ •WHO Serried". . . . .•

SYNOPSIS CHAPTEB I.—Introducing ' •'So r Big" (Dirk Dejong) in bis infancy. And his mother. Sellna DeJoiig, dungbter.of. Simeon Peake, gambler and gentleman of ,fortqne. Her life, to young womanhood in Chicago In 1SSS, has been unconventional,- somewhat seamy, bat generally enjoyable. • At scbool her chum la Julie Hempel, daughter of August Hempel, butcher. Simeon K killed In a quarrel that. is not bis own; and Selina,. nineteen years old and "practically destitute, becomes n schoolteacBer. - -• -. — CEAFTEB. II.—Selina secures a position as teacher at the High Prairie school, Jn the pntskirta o l Chicago, living at the home of a truck farmer, Klaas Pool. In Roeir, twelve years old, son of Klans. Sellna pereetres a. kindred spirft. a lover of beauty. luce .herself. • CHAPTER rri.—The monotonous life of a. cannery school-teacher at that time, is Selina's. brightened somewhat by the companionship of the sensitive, artistic boy Eoeit CHAPTER IV.—Sellna hears gOBslp concerning- the affection of the. -."Widow Paarlenberg," -rich and good-looting, for Pervus DeJong. poor truck farmer, who is Insensible to the widow's attractions. For a community "sociable'.' Selina prepared a lnnch basket, dainty but not of ample proportions, which is "auctioned," according to custom.. The smallness of the lunch box eexcites. derision, and in a sense of fun the bidding becomes: spirited", DeJong finally securing It for JJIO, a rldlculoasly high price. Over tbelr^lunch' basket, which Sellna and DeJbng share together," the school-teacher arranges to.Instruct the good-natured farmer, whose Education 'has been- neglected. CJHAP'TER V.—Propinquity, in their positions of "teacher" and "pnpil," and Selina's loneliness in her.uncongenial surroundings, lead to mutual affection. Pervus DeJong wins Selina's consent to be his Wife. ' -CHAPTER VI.—Selina becomes Mrs. DeJong, a "farmer's wife," with all the hardships unavoidable at that time. Dirk Is born. Selina (of Vermont stock, bust-' uessllke and shrewd) has plans for building up the farm, which are ridiculed by her husband. .'Maartje Pqol, Klaas' wife, dies, and after' the requisite decent interval Klaas marries the "Widow Paarlenperg." The boy Roeir, sixteen yenrs old now, leaves'his home, to make his. way to France and study, his ambition Ijelng to' become a sculptor. CHAPTER VII.—Dirk is eight years Did when bis father dies. Selinu, faced \vj[th the necessity of making" arilving-far" her" boy and herself, rises to the occasion, and. with Dirk," takes a Iruekload of vegetables to the Chicago market. "A woman selling In the- market" place is an imfovqUon frowned uu.qn-.: , - . . . ... .- ---.-,.; „>•.CHAPTER'VIII.—As a dlsposri^of'Vhe vegetables trom her truck Heltna is a flnt failure,;buyers being shy-<)f-dealing "vrftb her- ;To a commission dealer she sells port of her stock. On the: way home-she peddles from door to door, with indifferent success.: A policeman demands her license. . She[ihaft none, nnd during"the- eiJsuCag: altercation Sellna'a girlhood china, Julie Hempel how Julie Arnold, recdgnlzes her.

reg'lar wltn,- toe load, ao -your "mar aln5t"for-womana;"_ " •' ''• "Ihere's-nO'OJle^to do-lt for-niei ex-' cept- Jan. And he's worse than, nobody*- Just througfcr September'rand October.. After, that,- maybe—" Her voice trailed off. It Is hard to be hopeful- at three In the morning, before breakfast. She went to the little wash room at the rear, felt better Immediately'she had washed, vigorously, combed her hair. She-returned to the' wagon to find a panic-stricken Dirk sure of nothing, but that he .had,been deserted by his mother. Fifteen minutes later the two were seated at a table on which was spread what Chris Spanknoebel considered an adequate breakfast.- A heartening enough beginning for the-day,-and * -deceptive.^ : The Haymarket buyers did not want to vegetables from Sellna DeJong. It wasn't.used to buying of .women,. but to. selling to them. . Selina had taken the,covere off her vegetables. They were revealed crisp", fresh, colorful." But Sellna knew they must be sold now, quickly. When the leaves began to wilt, when' the. edges of the cauliflower heads curled ever so : slightly, turned brown and limp, their value decreased by' half, even though the heads themselves remained white and firm. Down the street came the buyers— little, black-eyed swarthy men.; plump, short-sleeved, greasy men; shrewd, tobacco-chewing men In overalls. Stolid, red Dutch, faces, sunburned. Lean, dark foreign faces. Shouting, clatter, turmoil. The day broke warm. The sun rose red. It would be a humid September day snch as frequently' came In the autumn to this lake region. Garden stuff would have to move quickly this morning. Afternoon would find it worthless. The peddlers looked at her bunched bouquets, glanced at her, passed her

tier that way—of .course vegetables aren:t supposed to.look.'.pretty, I expect—" sheJ stammered, stopped. "You flx'em pretty like that and bring 'em in to me first thing-, or send :em. My trade, they- like their stuff kind of special. Yessir.": As Sellna gathered up-' the reins he stood again in his doorway,, cool, remote, tinlighted cigar- In his mouth, while 'hand-trucks 'rattled 'past- him, barrels and boxes thumped to the sidewalk in front, of hlmV wheels and hoofs and shout?, made \ a great clamor all about him. .' .."We going tome now?"' demanded

^ h6Bi?rffeat the forme? "feAther^ "the very last one; After this one' H^eijjjSI; <cofii*wider will \ come back; he we'll go-home." 1-. ,is too" yotuig, to,stay down. , ,_ The last house.' She had almost five dollars, earned In the last hour. "Just A btfE^JEWISH: > • '• five minutes/' she/ said to Dirk, trying By HAUBY CONZEL to make her tone bright, her voice gay. (CopyrJKtit IU25 oy 8e»eD Art» Her arms- full of vegetables which she ., Mickey Walker, world's welterFeatore Syndicate.) was about to place In the basket at •> weight champion, will meet Sailor her feefshe heard at her elbow: Friedman in a ten round bout in Chi"Now, then, where's your license?" cago. By the time this column appears, the-bo_ut^will have been fought, She turned. A policeman at her side. but now while-writing, "the result is "'License?" • 'Teh, you heard me. ' License. • Some. time ago we reported that still a. big-question mark; Frredmari'cosies from the .Chicago Where's your peddler's license? You Harold M. Abrahams: England's ghetto, and showed to advantage some got one, I s'pose." sporting hero, and outstanding figure years ago, the Jewish boy has not "Why, no. Nc." She stared at of the last Olympic games, might progressed but .much since those more or never compete again, due to an acci- less successful,days.;' him, still. and .now we can "Well, say, wherd" d'ye think you dent which he suffered. A cable just only hope that Friedman will stay the are, peddlin' without a license! A good received confirms this story. It means limit. Our better judgment, however, mind to run you in. Get along out of that the-greatest sprinter the Jewish tells us that the Sailor will be knocked ra.ce ever produced is out of the game, here, yon and the kid Leqve jm> fcetph. and that Harold M. Abrahams, sprint- out. Accordingly, we answer the you around here again!" ing champipn of the world, is a colsed above question: "No, there will not be a Jewish champion." "What's the trouble, officer?", said a chapter. woman's voice. A "smart open carriage >But the colorful Abrahams refuses SPORT BREVITIES of the type known as a victoria, with to disappear from the public limelight. new acquatic captains will lead two chestnut horses whose harness He has entered politics and has been theTwo City' College of New York teams "shone" with rnetat. "What's the trouble, selected as liberal candidate for East this year, Mulligan Ginsberg replacRellly?" The. w.iynan stepped out. of Walthamstow, England. Unless the ing Frank Casper as captain of the the victoria. , .. ; Walthamstow district is the weakest swimming team, and Hal Goldberger "Woman peddling, without a license, spot on the liberal, political map, we taking John Clancy's place as leader Mrs. Arnold. You got to watch.'em are willing to wage our well estab- of the water polo sextet. Goldberger like a hawk. ." . . Get along wid lished reputation as a prophet that will probably also take the back post Abrahams will score a victory in hisj vacated by Clancy on the polo team. you, then." He put a hand on Selina's political race. Many o£ his athletic Will Klein has been showing some shoulder arid gave her" a gentle push. qualifications will serve him in his super golf at Fox Hill, S. I. He won There shook Sellna from head to foot strenuous campaigning. Endurance, pro qualification round in 66, four such a passion,' such a storm of out- will power, unflinching optimism, the strokes under par. raged sensibilities, as to cause street, fighting spirit to the last, all these Isaac Strauss, one of the few Jewvictoria, silk-clad woman, horses, and attributes which Abraham has demon-j ish commissioned officers in the Royal policeman to swim and shiver In a haze strated as possessing will carry him j cavalry of Belgium, carried off all the before her eyes. The rage of a fas- to a seat iri the House of .Commons, honors at the "Concours Hippique," tidious woman who had had an alien and—who can- tell—perhaps further. : held in connection with the annual male hand put upon her. Her face army maneuvers in the province of was white. Her eyes glowed black, Limbpurg, last month. As the Bel! A'Jewish boy of .17 years, Jack gian cavalry is made up of the most enormous. She seemed tall, majestic Richman, by name, caught hold of a expert equestrians on the continent, even. winning all the prizes at the "Take your hand off me!" Her rising airplane at Las Vegas, Nevada, generally Olympic games, it is not unlikely that clambered upon one of the lower speech was clipped, vibrant. "How wings, and in that position rode the Lieutenant Isaac Strauss will be the dare you touch me! How dare you! three hundred miles between the Ne- Belgian entry at the next Olympic Take your hand!.—"" The blazing eyes vada' City and Los Angeles. We record games in Amsterdam. in the white mask: He took his hand the achievement of this stowaway be- Alen- Ben Zoef, said to be a Jew, from her shoulder. The red surged cause it is the first time that there serving in the Algerian division now into her face.' A tanned weather- has been a stowaway on a flying ma- operating under Marshal Lyautey beaten toil-worn woman, her abundant chine. Young Richman must have the against the Riffs in Morocco, has been soul of an adventurer, and the psycho- awarded the Croix de Guerre with hair skewered Into a knob and held by logical makeup of a real sportsman. gold palm for "extraordinary bravery a long gray-black hairpin, her full skirt By real sportsmanj we mean the man in the face of a strong enemy machine grimed with the mud of the wagon who likes sport for spirt's sake, and gun concentration." wheel, a pair of old,side boots on h ^ is willing to confront danger without (Copyright, 1925, by S. A. F. S.) slim feet, a grotesquely- battered old the money lure. Jack might have felt hat (her husband's) on her head, made a great golfer or tennis player, Avoid forgetting a friend on New her arms full, of ears, of sweet corn, but life has made a hobo of him. Year's Day. "Print your Greetings in and carrots, and radishes and bunches When Richman arrived at Los Anof beets; a woman, with bad teeth, flat geles, none the worse for his danger- The Jewish Press. breasts—even tl»en Julie had known ous escapade, except that the wind her by her eyes. —.And she had stared had whipped the shirt off his back, PROFESOR SIGMUKD FREUD and then run to her In her silk dress he smiled-guiltily- and recorded his TO HEAD INTERNATIONAL and her plumed hat, crying, "Oh, Se- impressions in three words: "a little lina! My dear! , My dear!" with a dizzy." Too bad that Jack Richman, PSYCHOANxlLYSIS FOUNDATION Vienna, (J. T. A.)—Professor Sigsob of horror and pity. "My dear!" who' came from Roland only four And, had taken Selina, carrots, beets, years ago, does not use his sang froid mund Freud, author of the psychocorn, and radishes In her arips. The to "better advantage. analysis theory, has accepted the ^vegetables lay scattered alPabout them chairman ship of an International on. the sidewalk In front of J.ulle HemPsychoanalytical Foundation. The pel Arnold's great stone house on Foundation is now being organized Prairie avenue.. But strangely enough Morris Berg is a fine baseball playIt, had been Seliqa^-who had donfe the er, a natural "shortstop," as the ex- by friends of the Freudian psychocomforting, patting Julie's-plump silken perts are fond .of saying. This Jew- analytical theory in New York, and shoulder and saying, over and over, ish boy created quite some stir in colsoothingly, as ^ g a child, "There, legiate circles while he_ was playing there! It's all-,;right, Julie. It's all with the Princeton University team, right. Don't cry.,.. What's there to cry some years ago. As a matter of fact, "Uncle" Robbie, leader of. the Brookfor! Sh-sh\ It'sj'all right." . . . .. Prompt Service Soft Water ..Julie lifted; her^ head In It* modish lyn National League Baseball team, Wet wash, semi-fiat, had his eyes on Moe; and, last year, j black ,plumed.hat,, wiped her, blew rough-dry. her nose.; ''Get : along with, you, do," took hold of him. But Robbie lost his j enthusiasm for Moe. in short order; 2808 Cuming St. she said to Beilly^the policeman, using the Harney 0881. latter, wha -speaks seven lanhis very words to_ Sellna. "I'm going guages, did not seemto grasp the nato report- you to Me. Arnold, see If I tional game fast enough, according to don't. And you <.- know what that the Brooklyn viewpoint. After a short means." •._*.; . trial, Moe, a disillusioned young man, was released to the minors. Did Moe "Well. now.. Mrs.- Arnold, ma'am, I give up the fight ? No— was only doing my duty. How cud I He started to play such a brand of know the lady was a friend of yours. ball on the Reading team of the In-' 1342 South 25th St. AT. 6637 Sure, I—" He surveyed Selisa, cart, ternational that all the big league jaded horses, wilted vegetables. managers sent out. scouts to Reading "And why not!" demanded Julie to look over this boy Berg, who was 1615 North 24th St. WE. 6006. with superb unreasonableness. "Why setting the league afire. Among the not, I'd like to know. Do get along clubs most eager to get Berg is the Brooklyn National League Club, and with you." goes about shouting excitedly, He got alongt a defeated officer of Robbie "I always told you that this Moe Berg the law, and a bitter. And now it was -has the goods to make good." Funny, Julie who surveyed Selina, cart, Dirk, but not strange, is that Robbie actWHOLESALE; jaded horses^ wilted left-over vege- ually believes he told us so. Druggists and Stationers tables. "Selina, whatever In the world! 40l-*03-4«5 Sooth lOtb Street What are you doing with—" She caught sight of Sellna's absurd boots then and she began to cry again. At When Kid Kaplan, world's featherthut Sellna's overwrought nerves tnapped and she began to laugh, hys- weight king, was a clumsy little boxterically. It frightened Julie, that er hardly good enough for preliminary George Mulligan, Waterbury Distributor* ot laughter. "Selina, don't! Come in the bouts, promoter, was the only one to encourWestern Bond-—and High house .with me. What are you laugh- age him. ing at! Selina!" , Grade Stationery One night Johnny Shugrue was Omaha. Nebraska. With shaking finger Sellna was point- billed to meet a boxer named Young ing at the vegetables that lay tumbled Sullivan at the- Mulligan Club. But at her feet. "Do you see that cab- Mr. Sullivan failed to keep his apbage, Julie? Do you remember how pointment, and Mr. Mulligan was I used to despise Mrs. Tebbltt's be- threatened with ruin, because the IHE BKINN & JENSEN CO. cause she used to have boiled cabbage house was packed and clamoring to Wholesale paper get their money's worth. on Monday nights?" <Ustrtbntorii for Kaplan , sitting at the ringside, "That's nothing to laugh at, Is it? Northern Toilet Tissue to go on against Shugrue, who Stop laughing this minute, Sellna agreed was then one of the leading light1112 Barney Street Peake!" weights with a most dangerous punch AT-lantic 6409 "I'll stop. I've stopped now. I was in both hands. Though out of condijust laughing at my Jgnorance. Sweat, tion, Kaplan put up a great fight and and blood and health and youth go stayed the limit, a rare deed for any Into every cabbage.. Did you know of Shugrue's opponents, but a mirathat, Julie? One doesn't despise them cle for an unknown substitute. That as food, knowing that. . . . Come, was Kaplan's first main bout, and his climb down. Dirk. Here's a lady moth- showing put him into the star per"Manufactured in Omaha" er used to know—oh, years and years former class. Kaplan thinks the world ago, when she was a girl. Thousands of Mulligan, and gives him the preference over all the other promoters BARER £CE MACHINE CO. of years ago." angling for his services. (To^be concluded next week.)

Our Sporting Column 1




As She Gathered Up the Reins He Stood in His Doorway, Cool, Remote.

by.- It was not unkindness that pirki "We" going hoine now? I'm prompted them, but a certain shyness, hungry." V a fear- of - the unaccustomed. Her "Yes, lamb." Two dollars In her wares were tempting but they passed pocket. All yesterday's 3jrlm toil, and her by with the Instinct that the ignorant have against that which is un- all today's, and months of labor behind those two days.' Two-dollars In usual. the pocket of her black calico petticoat. By nine o'clock trading began to fall "We'll get something to eat when we off. In a panic Sellna realized that drive out a ways. Some milk and the sales she had made amounted to > : little more than two dollars. If she !>read and el<£ese." I" "..-" -";. , The sun was very h6t^, Slie took the stayed there until noon " she might aoy's hat off,' passed Tier-tender workdouble that, but no more. In desperation she harnessed the horses, thread- calloused hand over, the* damp, hair ed her way/out of the swarming street, that clung to Iiis forehead.' She made up her" inindfp drive east and -made for South Water street farther ^asE' Herfe-werd'the commis- and then'south.' Peryus tnid sometimes sion-houses: She 1cnew"that Pervus achieved "a iate sale to outlying grobad sometimes left his entire load with cers! . Jnh's "face if;• she came home an' tstnblished' dealer 'here,''to be sold' with half "the load still on-the wngon! on; commission. She remembered the And wliat of the unpaid bills? She name-^-Talcotti-thbugh ' r she did not had, perhaps,' thirty dollars, all told. She" owed'four"hundred. Moi-e than know the ^ a c t location. '"""••" The bdy had; been almost Incredibly that."' ' '. 1 ; Fear slio'dk heri' She told herself pattettt"firidKgoodf. lit live \Wa^on he Tliat terfibio had stood sturdily next his mother, ^lie^vas^tlredV'nei^ous weeki* And'now this. The heat,' Soon had bu'sl£d"hlniself vastly assfstfng her they'd" be home, she ^and Dirk. • The In her few pitiful sales"; had plucked conifort of it, the peace of it. Safe, dewilted leaves, brought forward the sirable, "suddenly dear." No work 'for freshest and crispest vegetables. But a woman',' this!' Well, perhaps' they now 'fine saw that he yfiis' drooping a we're right. : ' .' .. Httleas-were" her <ivtfres,'with tlfe heat D6wn"Wabash avenue, with afld the absence ;from accustomed soil. trains fMndering-. overhead andtheVL jier "Where we going now, mom?'' ~ hbr^fes;"'frightened arid "uneasy with . "Tto another street, Sb'big^-"';' the unaccustomed roar and clangor of >, Chapter VIII "Dirk!" traffic. I t was terribly hot. : * :**;—-Dirk, where there's a man who'll :; The boy's eyes popped wltli exciteIt would be enchanting to bje. able buy all our stuff at once—-maybe. ment and bewilderment. . to record that Selina, next day, had- Won't that be fine!' Then' we'll go "Pretty soon," Sellna said. The phenomenal success, disposing" of her; home. - You help mother find his name muscles'showed white beneath the skin ••- carefully bunched wares to great ad- over the store. Talcott—T-a-1-c-oof her jaw. "Pretty soon. Prairie vantage, driving smartly, off. up-Hoi- double t." avenue. Great big houses and lawns, sted street toward High Prairie Vfth William Talcott had known Pervus, a goodly profit Jingling, in. her scuffed and Pervus' father before him, and alt quiet." She even managed a smile. "I like it better home." leather,.purse. The truth is that she had adjudged them honest, admirable Prairie avenue at last, turning In at had a day so devastating; • so -catas-' men. But of their garden truck he had Sixteenth street. It was like calm trophic, as would have »discouraged small opinion. after a storm. Selina felt battered, most men and certainly "any -woman In his" do'orway, he eyed the spare '" less, desperate and determined.; - - little figure that appeared before him spent. Then another thought came to her. She had awakened, not to daylight, all in rusty black, with its strained ' but to the three o'clock blackness. The .anxious face, its great deep-sunk eyes. Her vegetables, canvas covered, were street was already astir. Sqilnn "DeJong, eh? Sorry to hear about fresher than thosejn the near-by marbrushed her skirt to rid it of the cling- -your loss,, ma'am. Pervus was a fine kets. Why not try to sell some of ing'hay, tidied herself as best she lad. No great shakes at truck farm- them here, in these big tfouses? j n an could; . Leaving Dirk still asleep, she ing, though. His widow, h'm? Hm." hour she might earn a few'dollars;this called Pom from beneath _the wagon Here, he saw, was no dull-witted, farm way^at retail"prices slightly less than to act as sentinel at the dashboard, and woman; no stolid Dutch, woman truck- those .askerd jii*'t.$e-groc;ers of the'neigh.."^-J.;,-. .' ":-' crossed the. street to "Chris Spank- ster. - He' went out to her wagon, borhood.- . Agilely she stepped down the,wheel, noebel'e. She knew Chris, and he her. tweaked the • boy's, brown cheek; He •would let her wash at the-faucet "Wa-al now, Mis' DeJong, you got a gave ''the reins to Dirk. She filled a at the rear of the eating, house. She right smart lot of garden stuff here and 'large • marj<et basket with tl»e~ finest would buy hot coffee- for" herself and it looks pretty good. Yessir,^ pretty and .fcesBest!.of. her stock/and- with Dirk to warm and revivify thern.\ Thfey good. But you're too late. Ten, prct' this on her "ann looked up ajnoment'at the house iri, front of which she had would eat the sandwiches left from-the near." ' stopped.. ..The;: kitchen -entrance";- she flight before. "Oh, no!" cried Selina. '"Oh, no! knew, was'by way,o"rth"e."alley at the As-Selina entered tHe.long room Not too late!" And at the agony In back, but this * she'-would" not : take. there was something heartening, reas- her voice he looked at her sharply., Across the sidewaTk,;dq"wn^a little flight suring about Chris' clean ^yhljeiaprpn, "Tell you what, mebbe I can move his ruddy color. From the kitchen at half of 'em along for you. But stuff of stone steps, into-the- vestibule under the rear came the sounds of sizzling don't keep" this weather. Turns wilty the porch;- ~She' looked ~&t theibell^a despnd frying, and the gracious scent of and my trade won't touch It. . . . brass knoWi-'Pj&n:it!"'.'.said the perate Selina:'; ("i- can't! I ; can't!" jpoffee and of frying pork and pota- First trip in?" cried .all the prim.dim Vermont Peakes, ••'• : poes. I : '• . —"• f _ . . __ She wiped her face that was damp Sellna approached Chris. 'Hisround and yet cold to the touch. "Flrst^-trlp in chorus. ''All -rigI"t.""Starve to deatli £ace loomed out through the, smoke In." Suddenly she was'finding It ab- and I^.t them ;taie tbe farm arid Disk, then:'! • ; <.-> .. v ^ i "~'r like the sun In a fog.. ''Wqllj how goes surdly hard to breathe. c ... : At that'siieVpuTlea.'-tlie' knob"llmrd. It all the while?" Then' he'reedgnized He called from the sidewalk, to the hen "Dm Gottes!—why. It's" Mis' De- men within: "George! Ben! Hustle .langlewent the-bell in the hail. Again. . : • - • • • • . . '-. aTongl" He wiped his great" hand "on this.stuff in. Half of It. The. best. A g a i n . '•'.•.•; • ; • • • • ' " Footsteps ; up-,th"e Jiall^ The door a «onyenlent towel, extended' It" In Send you check tomorrow, Mis' Deopened a'ljirge. wom^n, higli sympathy to the widow., "I heerd," he Jong." . , V •- ' cheek-boned,' In a* work apton; >a cook, Bald, "I heerd." His lnattlcnla'teness One hand on the seat she prepared apparently." " ' ' ?i , ' ' * i ' •',.-.-•• piade his words doubly effective. - „ „ to climb up again—did step to the ..; "Good morning," said Seljna. "Would "Fye coma In with the ' lofid,, Mr. .hub. You saw her shabby, absurd SpanknoebeL The boy and-1. -He's still 'side boots that were so much too big you like some fKSsh" * cbuntry vege'•' : ••]-.•-. • asleep In the wagon. May I bring him for the slim little feet. "If you're Just tables?" "No." She half slmt the door, openover here to clean him up a little be- buying my stuff because you're sorr.v ing it again to^ ask,-,"Got any fresii fore breakfast?" for me^-" The Peake pride. eggs cr butter?" At SelmVs negative t'Surel Sure!" A sudden suspicion "Don't do business that way. Can't Struck him. "You ain't .sjept In. the rafford to, ma'am. My da'ter she's she closed the dobf."- bolted It- Well sragon, Mis' DeJong! Um Gottes:~" studying to. be. a singer. In Italy now, that was all right./JfpJUing' soterrlblf - "Yes. It wasn't bad. -Tlie boy slept 'Carilne Is, and costs like all get-out. about that, Selina told herself, i Slmpl> the night through. I slept, too, quite Takes-all-the money. I can scrape. to- hadn't .wanted anv vegetables. The next house, and the^hext, and the next. a little." gether, just about" Up one side of the street, and dpwr. "Why you didn't come here? Why—" There was a little color In Sellna's the .other. Four times, she refilled hei At the look & Sellna's*face'lie knew face now. "Italy! Oh, Mr. Talcott!" basket.. At".sh'e1)sold;a' quar then. "For nothing you-an/J. the boy , You'd have thought she had "seen It, ter*S worth. Fifteen ;a't:anptherl Twen could sleep here." . . . . . ^from her face. She began to thank ty cents here. Almost-fifty there. - - " - "I knew that! That's -why.'-1- • "*hhn, gravely." -* Twenty-first street"-—Twenty-fifth— "Don*' talk -f-flumb/ Mrs] :PeJpng: - "Now,- thaf ? all right* Mis' DeJong. She had over |our dolTTalf the tiine UieroopwIs vacant. .You ;J. notice, yourj*stufij7t bunrtied kind of Twenty-eightlu lare;in-her purse. Dirk wajs wqiiry A the boy cliust as well^twenty extry, and-all of a size." Fixln' to do now und hungry to the point of tears ceBfSf-|6en. and pay me whett^ou-got that way right^ along?" _,__, J!The last," Selina promised him. IU <But • anywaj". you- don.X.-«CQme_Jn_' ~ ' "3fes. "1" "thbughti-tiieyio thbught»-th"ey looked pret- "<T =-



American Wet Wash •

. E Fleishman "MOHL"

Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market

E. E. Bruce & Co.


Carpenter Paper Co.

Baker Ice Machines


His Excuse Mother's face exnspprnted look as she rapped her little son smartly1 on the knuckles. Johnny would persist In putting the food Into his mouth with his knife instead of his fork, and time and again mother had told him about It. "Sonny," she said angrily, "how many times have I told you that you must not eat with your knife. Use your fork." "Yes; but mamma," objected the little boy, "I must use my knife, 'cos . Avoid, forgetting JL friend. on New, Year's Day. Print-jour Greetings in

At 24 years, Samuel Seiger, only a few years ago one of the brightest stars in the boxing firmament, has been sentenced to serve from two and a half to five yearn for being a member of a hired gang of "guerillas," in the Garment Union war in New York. It is just another case of success turning the head of a youngster. Young Sammy began stepping out. Lounge Hazards and butterflies spotted him. Poor foolish Sammy began to live life, burning the candle at both ends. We know that this sounds like a real "true" McFadden story, but this time it actually did happen to the .poor Jewish East Side boy. Seiger "was" knocked but in his last bout'and went toppling into the gutter. He stayed down, and now he is behind fears. The Moral: A, clean, strong mind needs a strong-,-weJi


will be devoted to the furtherance of true psychoanalytical k n o w l e d g e among Freudian lines. In a letter addressed to Edward L. Berneys of New York who is now visiting Vienna, Prof. Freud accepted the offer of the chairmanship of the Foundation, declaring however, that he would not desire t<? assume all the responsibility. Prof. Freud suggested that a governing board to consist of an equal number of Europeans' ami Americans be appointed. The European members of the go\erning board are to be Dr. Eitingen, founder of the Berlin Polyclinic, Dr. Alexander Ferenczi, Hungarian psychologist, Dr, Karl Abraham, president of the International Psychoanalytic Association, and Joseph Storfer. The American members of the board will be appointed soon. A prominent New York banker has accepted the treasurysliip of the Foundation. Avoid forgetting a friend on New Year's Day. Print your Greetings in The Jewish Press. Your 1925 subscription to The Jewish Press is due now. Please mail it in.

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