. Many Favor New Plan I of New Year, Greetings, r
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MAIt IN YOUR :1 J ^ F .! YJ5AR/ • GREETINGS ",' ' TODAY" '•
\ •
t Jewish Press receives many - " requests follow***"" ig' gestion of p i •/> ^ig New,Year Greetu,*i% 's instead of mailing,^ %, .,
Omaha JewTy is respon<x**R^. *erpusly to the sugestion K%9 *• "Jewish Press" to publish Hai.%. \ Entered as second-class mail matter on' January 27th, 1021. nt VOL. IV—No, 39 "0MAHA7 NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEME^R 3, :1925 postoifice at Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Mnrch :>. 18"1» Year Greeting Cards in the V*4 page of our big New Year's issu* . - * NATHAN. STRAUS PRAISED OVIET DECREE WILL •This custom is now established in BY INTERNATIONAL CHILD . s GUARANTEE RIGHTS OF all the large cities,. especially in the WELFARE CONGRESS east. • The local Jewish newspapers in NATIONAL MINORITIES New York, .Boston, Philadelphia, ChiGeneva;—(J. T ; A.)—The' work• of Moscow,—(J. T. A.)—A decree cago, Detroit and many • other cities the New York Child Welfare •Board guaranteeing the rights of national have become the good-will and greet-. and-the pure milk crusade of Nathan minorities in Soviet Russia will be ing messengers' for the Jewish Polk Straus were praised at the first'-Interissued, shortly according to official rein their respective communities. national'Child Welfare Congress here. torts made known here today. This innovation, now an established Many Citizens Give $1,000 Each Dr. Clemens Pierquet, President of tfie Deadlock in Zionist Congress Federal Government in Close The decree will give to every citizen Executive Committee Authorized to Effect Affiliation Solved by Adoption of StateTouch with Situation custom, is meeting with popular apto Finance Drilling; Congress, cabled to Mr. Straus the if the Union of Soviet Republics the T If Desirable. ment of Confidence .in Vienna. proval in Omaha too, because citizens conventions' congratulatiogs for ?his to Start Soon right to use his mother tongue in all here also.realize its many advantages humanitarian piorieerin- for pasteurg-overnment institutions, at sesssior.s over the old style of card sending. TO DEVOTE MORE WORK PEOPLE INVOLVED ization of milk, a subject.which' iss be- AMERICAN NON-boNISTS of the Soviets, etc. GEGLQGIST SUBMITS TO HAVE 40% OF COUNCIL : By printing your New Year Greeting studied by the conference." ... FOR SOCIAL SERVICE - IN RIOT PUNISHED In places where national minorities FAVORABLE REPORT ' Sophie Irene Loeb of New" York NON-ZIONIST MEMBERSHIP ings in our special page you save time form the majority of the population Affiliation of the Jewish Welfare New -York.- 4 J . T.'A.) — The State and money and do not forget anyone. they will have the right to elect their Determined" to 'learn" whether oil made an appeal for worldwide adoptDepartment is in touch with the sit- own administrative bodies with their federation with the Omaha CommunVienna, Aug. SO—<J. T. A.)—Dr. "I am heartily in favor of sending ion of a program for aiding children my New Year's Greetings through exists in paying' quantities near in-the.'home. The audience' ga'ye her Chain Weizmann wfll.be reflected uation in Vienna, according to a let- national language as the official lan- ity chest may result from action o£ Omaha, local business men are cona meeting held at the Brandeis resby W. R. Castle Jr., guage, according to the decree. the Jewish-Press," said Rabbi J. M. an • ovation and individual delegates president of the World Zionist Organ- ter addressed* r taurants last night. ization and Nahum Sokolow wil. be chief of the Division of Western Charlop. "It is being endorsed by tributing to a fund of 100 thousand congratulated her. '.•*".: dollars to be expended in drilling test reflected chairman of the Executive The • expressed sense of the meetEuropean 'Affairs- in the Depaitmont many Jewish people in their respectat an early mornvna; session to-lay. of State, to Louis N. Jaffee, a Zioning was that the executive commitive communities and should be en- wells, work on the first of which will begin about September 15.This became evident toiiay following ist, who appealed to President Cooltee of the Jewish Welfare federation dorsed by all in Omaha." Ori the basis of favorable-geological be authorized, if it deems such ac. "I have used this means of extendr developments which ended the dead- idge and Secretary Kellogg with' reock in the Fourteenth! Zionist Con- gard to the anti-Semitic -outbreaks in tion desirable, to become affiliated ing my New Year's..greetings since gress whichresulted from the ^ote on Vienna. the first Rosh Hashono issue of the rreeted with Acclaim by the Populace with the Community chest without •; the .resolution of confidence last referring the matter back to the Jewish Press," said Mrs. R. Kulakofof Jerusalem and Jaffa. The letter of the State Department Soldiers and Sailors to Get Leave Thursday. . ', federation membership. The federsky. "I believe it is a very good way reads as -follows: "The receipt is for" Holidays;. ^ _ •of extending the New Year GreetSurprise was felt when, after Dr. acknowledged- of. your telegram of Jaffa. (J.T.A.) — Lord and Lady ation was invited to enter such a€~ ings." . Weizmann had confered iwith the var- August 18, 1925; concerning the anti- Plumer arrived here at eight o'clock filiation when the Community chestWith the approach", of Rosh Hasious groups regarding-the composi- Semitic riots reported in the; press as on the morning of August 25 on the was organized but thus far has de"The New Year Greetings page of hanah and Yom Kippur, which , fall ferred action. Warship Caradoc. the Jewish Press in very interesting. this year; on September. 18-20 |andtion of the Executive,! i t ' was an- having occurred in -Vienna. According to Harry Monsky, » The Jaffa and Tel Aviv population It reulieves one of forgetting a September 27-28, respectively; the nounced that Georg Hajpern will re"You are informed that the Amerfriend," said Rabbi Fredrick Cohn. Jewish1 Welfare Board is -making ar- main with the Executive in London, ican Minister to Austria understands Ciowded the streets to welcome the membei- of the executive committee"It saves time and is. by far the better rangements for the special care which together with Dr. Weizmann, Sokolow, that he is to report to the department New High Commissioner. Accom- it is felt that since the. Commu'ni'cT' way" said Dr. Greenberg. it gives to the Jewish' men in the Louis Lipsky and either Kurt Bluxnen- all incidents, of this kind. He has al- panied by Governor Ronald Storrs of chest has proven a success it is only Army, Navy and Veterans' -hospitals". f eld or Berthold Feiwel.. If you desire to take advantage of ready informed the department that Jerusalem and Col. Symes, Civil Sec- natural that the Jewish Welfare fedThe deadlock ' created ^Wednesday At the request of the board, through our special offer .to print your New the Austrian -government is fully ret cry of the Palestine government. eration should demonstrate by afDr. Cyrus Adler, chairman of ,its night at the Fourteenth Zionist Con- alive to" the "situation, that people I ord Plumer inspected the Ninth filiation its desire to co-operate in Year Greetings in our special page for Aarmy and Navy Committee, .-• the gress as a result of the vote on the in volved in ar iot some three weeks Queen's Lancers regiment, while ap- every way with ell other social agen§2.00, fill out the coupon in this paper War Department, the Navy ^Depart- resolution of confidence in the Zionist ago were punished'and that the gov-plauded by the public. The mayor of cies of the city. Its own activities, and mail immediately. ment and the United States "Veterans Executive was solved a t the Saturday ernment has issued a statement Jaffa, an Arab, delivered an address along welfare lines would process Bureau have issued orders granting night late session by the Permanenz through the President of Police, Dr m which he stressed the commercial undiminished, he added. the men furloughs for the Holy Days Ausschuss, the Committee on Com- Schober, that any,persons taking part importance of Jaffa. The federation was formed abo«J. and- for travel time before and after. mittees and Nomination Committee, in such .disturbances of the peace Mr. M. Dizengoff, Mayor of the ten years ago, and has been a strong —Bee Photo •A/number of the men will return following two days .- of . deliberation will be very severely punished. The Jewish city of Tel Aviv, welcomed the welfare organization since its incepMORRIS MILDER ; ' / . ' , to their homes for these days.. For and negotiations with various groups. agitation appears - to emanate from new High Commissioner in behalf of tion. Members of the executive comColonists Will Need More Than State- reports^';indicating; that ..the earth the; majority who. will remain the It- was felt that an introduction of a very small proportion of the popu- Tel Aviv and thanked the representa- mittee are: William L. Holzman, Jewish " Welfare Board will -arrange another resolution of Confidence would lation of strangers who have ap- tive of Great Britain for its Jewish president of the Jewish Welfare I t raent of Intentions to Gain ; structure wijhjri. twenty miles north, for hospitality in communities near eration; Dr. Philip Sher, A. B. Alpis-n { Admittance. west - and northwest of Omaha cori- the posts, stations and hospitalsr*The be contrary to parliamentary rules. A parently come to Vienna for the pur-National Home policy in Palestine Harry A. Wolf, Harry Malashock. The Tel Aviv Mayor stressed the harway was found in the substitute measpose of making trouble. The departl ^factors ipl oil pro;jnaen will-^be-given- the-opportunity mony of relations, between Jews and Henry Monsky, Mrs. E. Kulakofsky.' Mexico City, Mexico (J. T. A.)—An in,^leases are .being 'secured of. to attend'services at" synagogues on ure of presenting- to the Congress on ment has no doubt-that the Austrian Arabs iri'Palestine. Mrs. Harry A. Wolf, S. Ravitz, IsWo; open door immigration policy is by Jand on^five blocks of ground, rangbehalf of the . Permanenz Ausschuss gpfvernment is making every effort ^othr-KoHdays." I n some "cases'; the a Statement of .Confident whjtj&j^t.. Siegler and Harry Lapidus. 5 ^ The new high commisioner was reno meaHs-the:future ^attitude -of the to prevent' serious incidents. ?——' -: ceived at the Jerusalem station at Mexican ' government, according to ing in-area-from"5.hundred"to 5 thou- local communities will provide fdr the with the approval of Dr. Weizmann, notfn 'with impressive ceremonies. statements' made t)y the Secretariat sand acres. It. is" planned to begin needs of the men, but in •most;• the Nahum Sokolow, the other members drilling as soon as one of the blocks Jewish. Welfare Board will provide of the Executive and the leaders of High officials of the Palestine admin- Sunday School t© Begin of the Interior. , .'"''. Council THnffs-BWi B'rith notables of the local popuSupposed .colonists will need more is entirely leased!-' If • the first well them with food and lodging for "both the groups ;who refrained from vot; aria'A'. Z. "A, to Meet istration, lation and large crowds gathered to Semester September If than a statement of intentions to gain proves to>.be>a dry hole,, the other days of Rosh Hoshanah, lodging, for ing before. A regular meeting of Council Bluffs greet the new ruler of Palestine. admittance to the country, and for- wells will be sunk in turn,.so that the night of Yom Kippur, and meals The first part of the meeting before The City Sunday School has po*:-eign consuls and immigration authori- the most thorough- test will be made before and after Yom Kippur. a final agreement was reached .was No. 7, Order .of. Aleph Zadik Aleph Mayor Nashashibi, mayor of Jerusa- poned its opening date to SandM, of the oil possibilities. • ; ties have been instructed to that efdevoted to a further discussion of the will be held next-Tuesday evening lem, delivered a • speech in Arabis Morris Milder, president of the TJ. The Jewish Welfare Board wil needs and condition of the Hebrew Sept. 8th,'1925, in the Bennett "<35dg which was translated into Hebrew September 13, on account of the &Yfect.. The immigrant into Mexico must also distribute High Holy Day prayer prove his complete solvency, his good S. Oil Works, in four months of ef- books, calendars for the Jewish-year educational system in Palestine. The This meeting will be. the first regular and English, to which Lord Plumer sence of Rabbi J. M. Charlop, vhc <* fort, obtained the contributions to responded with an address thanking out of the city. The School will K' health and his good faith, before be5686, and New Yor greeting cards meeting was then interrupted in order meeting of the. season. conducted at the B'nai Israel Synathe fund, and .will',, administer it as for the reception. ing allowed .to enter. Only workers to give the Committee an opportunity On the-following evening, a joint gogue, at 18th and Chicago s t r e e t . •with working facilities will not find trustee for the men, who, influenced to complete the negotiations. When meeting between the local B'nai B'rith AH the speeches delivered on the JEWISH BOY, SCHOLARSHIP Enrollment at the Temple IRTIO; by motives "of civic interest, each obstacles to enter the country. the meeting was reopened at 11 P. M. and AZA'willbe held in the Danish occasion were translated into Hebrew, WINNER, HANDICAPED BY Sunday School will also be held Sunby Dr. Leo Motzkin, Mr. Abraham Hall. The.B'nai B'rith will hold their Arabic and English. The action of the Mexican govern- agreed, as he puts it, to throw a FATHER NOT BEING.CITIZEN day morning, September 13. thousand dollar bill out of the winGoldberg, chairman of the Pernanenz sem-annual installation of officers in ment is due it was stated to a sudden dow. Ausschuss, submitted to the Congress and undesirable wave of immigrants, addition to being their opening meet- DUTCH SENATOR, FRIEND New York,—(J. T. ; A:)—Samuel Poland immediately after the Predictions' as to the effect upon Silverman, the high standing winner the following statement: according to official statement. Many ing of the season. Tie Omaha degree OF JEWISH CAUSE, DIES of the Armistice, Senator Van kn'; of the newcomers, especially from Omaha if a paying .well is brought of one of New York County's .115 uni- • ' I n view of the statement made by team will initate a'class of five local Senator Van Kol was the only So- delivered in the Dutch Senate * Czecho-Slovakia, were found to be en- in, are that the city will double in versity scholarships, the.awarding.of the president of the World Zionist Or- AZA candidates. cialist member of the Dutch Senate lengthy speech in which he violent!?; tirely without money or upon missions population within fifeteen years. As which was announced yesterday, may ganization on behalf of the Zionist of spreading undesirable, propaganda, an oil center,, with refineries located be barred from receiving" Ws "scholar- Executive, the standing committee, moment the leaders of the Mizrach and played an eminent role in Dutch protested against the outrages in TVthe statement says. here, with pipe lines leading the. ship, because he is not a citizen. The after hearing the opinions of the re- persisted that they would refrain from politics. He took a great interest in land and introduced a resolution t>i product to other states, with vastly law authorizing the scholarships re- presentatives of the various groups voting unless their .demands concern- the Jewish question, promoted Zionist protest. increased freight business, Omaha quires citizenship of those~who're at the Fourteenth Zionist Congress ing certain, items in the budget and interests during the war and pleaded Avoid forgetting a friend on "M decided by an overwhelming majority the reservation of two seats in the Ex- for the taking up of the Palestine Mildred Cohn Accepts would grow magically as an indus- ceiye them. ...... Year's Day. Print your Greeting trial center, offering employment to Samuel Silverman, sixteen, .of .66 that the declarations and the vote of ecutive for Mizrachi leaders named by question by the Peace Conference. Federation Job in Chicago .thousands more men, opportunities Rivington St. New York City, is a confidence of August 26 have afforded the party be granted. At the time of the pogrom wave in The Jewish Press. no ground for the resignation of the for thousands of families. graduate of De Witt Clinton "High Miss Mildred Cohn, daughter of During the first part of the Satur The decjsibn to, drill for oil is the School. He was born in Russia and Executive. Rabbi and Mrs., Frederick Cohn, has dayafternoon session the Congress accepted a position with the Jewish outgrowth of ~ agitation for several his • father, Benjamin Silvermann, is hall was only half full. Doubt was Ovation For Weizmann Welfare Federation of Chicago, HL years, . and ^ the activity of the oil not! yet a citizen, although he has ap "The Permanenz Ausschuss more- expressed whether the new vote would Miss Cohn is a graduate of: the committee of "the Chamber of Com- plied for final papers and-expects.t< over decided by an overwhelming ma- be attended . by a -sufficiently large local schools and graduated last June merce. In announcing that 75 thou- receive them in December." ' jority that the political direction of number of delegates so as to insure an from the Chicago University, where sand dollars had .been obtained, Mr. Samuel headed the Manhattan lis the World Zionist Organization by Dr. increase over the former vote in view The practice of sending New Year's Greetings to she specialized in social service work. Milder-said the amount would be in- with an average of 96.84 per cent in Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow is un- of the fact that many delegates have friends and relatives through the local Jewish paper .. . Miss Cohn is leaving September 13 creased to 100 thousand dollars. By I his ^college entrance examinations. He conditionally required in the interests already left Vienna.is general throughput the country. Its advantage agreement, it ,wijl ..be limited to 125 was graduated in February and imto assume her new position. In the 'discussion on the Palestine over the old individual mailing card is evident in •of the Zionist movement. The Perthousand dollars,' obtained from 125 mediately entered New York Univer- manenz Ausschuss therefore calls up- Hebrew .educational system Rabbi the saving of time, expense and worry over forgetmen who give , a' thousand dollars sity, where he is taking an accademi "20,0(KT Jews Visiting Zionist Amiel of Palestine! Dr. Benzion Mos ting a friend. on them to remain at the head of the • t course. The two standing next t Congress Will Never Leave Vienna" apiece. sensohn of Tel. Aviv and Dr. Alfred movement." The surveys onj which the leases Samuel Silverman in Manhattan are ; . Hakenkreuzlers Threaten GREETING CARDS in THE JEWISH PRESS The Congress adopted the submitted Klee of Berlin participated. Dr-Kle; Vienna, August 14—(j: T. A.)—The are being signed, r were niade by Eleanor E. Frankel of 420 Riversid statement with a vote of 217 to 15 of in his address proposed that efforts will take this form: / twenty thousand Jews who will attend Frank S. Craver, Tulsa, Oklfc., an oil Drive, a Wadleigh School graduate, the.radical Zionists and the Activists. be made by. Zionists all over the worl who averaged 96.53 per cent and.-V.icthe Zionist Congress will never leave geologist of thirty years experience. : Eighteen, consisting of some delegates that the" Jewish'communities, in th Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jacobs and Family, Vienna." This threat was issued to- He has made surveys in Kansas, tor Brodner. In the Bronx the leade of- the Poale Zion and Zeire Zion re- Diaspora countries contribute toward day by the Hakenkreuzlers who are Louisiana, Oklahoma, Illinois, Texas, was Louis Volansky. James S. Mcln- frained from voting. The Mizrachi the covering of the Palestine educa ©f 4805 Grand Avenue, continuing their agitation against the Missouri and Wyoming, pointing out erney was second and • Beatrice M. delegates voted this time for the tional budget.. He also urged that th< Extend their best wishes to their relatives seventy-three locations where drilling Schrumpf third. Sulamith Schwartz Zionist Congress. Hebrew educational system be place< statement. When some of the deleand friends At the same time the Hakenkreuzler was commenced. Out of this number led' County winner, and Rebecca H.' gates rose to vote against the state- under th cntral supervision of thi for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Kornblith is third. thrity-five producing wells have been students issued an announcement that ment they were hissed. Simultan- Zionist Executive.; ;_ brought in.' 'This record of. better they.are mobilizing for an organized eously an ovation was made to Dr. Reuben Brainin, American Hebrew attack oh the exhibition by Zionist than 50 per cent, is considered un- • Several Lincoln girls will. Jeay< JWeizmann and Nahum Sokolow. writer, pointed out "the fact that JewMAIL THE COUPON BELOW NOT LATER THAN 1 athletic clubs which will be held by usual among oil geologists. within the next few days for the var- Thousands of guests who filled the ish educational -work in the Unitec TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 the Zionists prior to the holding of the Among the. Omaha men \yho have ious towns, where they will take foi galleries watching with keen atten- States is greatly influenced by th Congress. / subscribed $1,000 each to;-' the oil the coming year. Miss Maxine Pros, tion the solutino of the crisis rose, progress of the educational work in IHE JEWISH PRESS, " These threats on the part of the fund are: H. . ,. '. will leave Friday for Neola, la., when applauding the decision of the Con-Palestine. Rabbi- Fishman, Mizrachi 490 Brandeis Theater Building, Hakenkreuzler are issued despite J.I,. Baker leader of Jerusalem, demanded thr Wm. I/. Holzman she will be instructor of music. Mis Omaha, Nebraska. ,.k • . • • gress and exalting Weizmann and SoKuhns" .'"» Morris Pererl their promise made to the police that •P..W. Norma Frosh will go toDouglas, Neb kolow. It was necessary for the autonomy for -'»Mizrachi schools, Henry Monsky Randall K. Brown GENTLEMEN:— , J. C. Danpble the anti-Zionist disturbances of the Guy LiRgett where she has a primary position", am chairman to warn the public that the Palestine be:secured. He also urged Kosenstock Harry Rubepsteiti Enclosed find $2.00 for which pfeaw Insert my Netf Voelkische anti-Semites would be Eave that a religious spirit be introduced Fred Itosengtock Pted Hamilton Miss Bernice Diamond goes to Julian galleries would have to be cleared if H.A; AVolf A. N. Eaton * Year Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashonah (5606) Number. stopped. '.••.! into all elementary Hebrew schools Nebr., to teach in the high school."/ Joe VTolf further interference with the proceedRufus E. I<ce A. V. Dresher In Zionist Circles here the threats John Bektns in Palestine.*...'* t ings would occur. Maln8ho£k E. Trcller NAME of Hakenkreuzler are not taken very Harry N. B. TJpdlke A. Y. Warron H. H. Flsch Kennedy tnTestjn't Co? G. M.. Hitchcock Morris Milder Mizrachi Voted Confidence . seriously as full confidence is reposed Bollard Dunn Andrew Murphy^; Son Mrs. Millard Ki-asne left last ThursHenry Doorly LcBron Neal Jones , Goldst.eln-Chapman,Co. ADDRESS K.. Meyer in the government and the police who Bert W-.I/.-Carej Considerable surprise prevailed fol- day for, Miami, Florida, to join Mr. Dr. Philip Levy Bro-wer E. McCffgne M. Kplley" Heyn'-Brop. r . s. W. E. NeKselhous Chnrlee If.'Garvey are taking all precautions to prevent .lames lowing the vote when it became evi- Krasne where.they;will make their Henry McDonald .B. C. Epr-ley " " .T. H. Kulakofsky Abe Shot-well any violent "outbreakes by the anti- J.TE. Da^ Idson I Harley Conant W. W. Head Edwin Kiwchbrnnn dentthat the Mizrachi delegates voted future home at 984 Southwest Fourth Harry: Fischer Dr. M. It. Gordon George Bran dels Mayer SpipBberger . "Semites. -- for the statement. "Until the last S t r e e t " " * ' • - • - ' r«mes L. Paxton I._Slosburg . _ , A. ?. Alpirn E. U. Pickard
Omahans Will Sink Five Test Oil M s
Chaim Weizman and American Government Sokok^lRe-elected Keeps in Touch With by Zionist Congress in
Welfare Board Cares;; For U. S. Service Men
High Commissioner Piumer Arrives in Palestine
Mexican Government to Change Immigration Policy
New Year's Greetings
PAGE 2^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1925 Ing frae playing,wi' the manhie and SELIGSON SPRINGS A SURPRISE Mrs.< Edward L. Ginsburg of Kansas HEAD OF UNION CONGREGATION ENDORSES The surprise of the Metropolitan putter, . HjtW«v«r, it may be, eporting |<3ity5 Mo., arrived last week -to visit NEW YEAR GREETINGS IN PRESS experts have fouiJd the Jew to be lack- Junior lawn tennis championships her parents,; Mr, ^and Mrs. Sam FriedPablls&eG^reiy Tbnrsday at Omaha, Nebniska, by ' Dear Editor:—Will you please be ing many Jewish postal employees ing in BchievemcntB In the golf game. held at the Briarcliff Lodge Tennis man. Many affairs are being planned good enough to grant me the benefit from observing Ros Hashonah. May Wo'll have to take their word for it, and Sports Club came in the finals in ., TEE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANYin heir honor. Mrs. E. Marcus enterI venture to suggest alstt that we but if we were to judge by the num- the junior singles when Julius SeligOffice: 790 Branded Theatre BuUding—Telephone: AT lantic 1450. tained at a Luncheon followed by Mah of your columns so that I'may urge substitute, for the tending of New ber of Hebraic young pappa* who e° eon, an unseeded player who was not NATHAM EL. GREEN. Manager. pushing baby cartu down the nosssy looked upon as of championship caliJongat'he'r~home on Monday compli- the Jewish community to send their _ $ 2 . 5 0 . •-, mentary to Mrs. Ginsburg. On Tues- New Years cards much before the Year cards, greetings through your paths Of Central Park In New York of bre, turned the tables on EugeneMcSubscription Price, one year.8 a bright Sunday morning, decked out Cauliff, captain of the Fordham Unipaper. Advertising .rat* famished on application. day Mrs. Sam'Friedman entertained New Year, as I have been informed in the latest faishion—uport jerseys versity tennis team, and a seeded Sincerely yours, and adorned with golfing knickers at a Luncheon followed by Bridge in that there is a heavy Rosh Hashonah CHANGS OF ADDRESS—Please give botb tbe old and new address: HERBERT GOLDSTEIN, one might easily be led to have some player in this tourney, and defeated be sure and cive your oame. honor of her daughter and also in mail which is caused by the sending him 6-1; 6-2. ".__ President. misgivings on the subject. The Jewish Press.ia supplied by the Jewish 'feiegrapbic Agency (Jewish honor of Mrs. Arthur Snyder, and on of the New Year cards, thus preventCorrespondence Bureau) with cabled and telegraphic Jewish news, in addition Wednesday afternoon Mrs. M. Bernto feature articles and correspondences from all important Jewish centres. stein was hostess at a Mah Jong party the further development of this LongInquiries regarding news items credited to this Agency wijl.be gladly complimentary to Mrs. Ginsburg. wood women's single tournament. Among the participants are Mrs. Mol-1 answered if addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 621 Broadway, New : la Mallory, Elisabeth Ryan, Joan Fry, York C i t y / - / • ' • • Miss Sadie Endelman, daughter of Marion Zinderstein-Jessup, Miss BayMr. and Mrs. Charles Endelman, enard, and May Sutton Bondy. We men 1925—5686 By HARRY CONZEL : - ••'""', ANTI-ZIONISM PAST AND PRESENT tion these names because we wiBh to tertained nine of her friends a t - a (Copyright 1029 by Seven Aru -Sept 10 Feature Syndicate.) impress our fair and unfair reader Anti-Zionism today is an absurdity. During the past twenty- Theater Party Saturday afternoon.in Tishri 1—First Day of New Year_ with the calibre of the galaxy of stars JSept. 21 five years anti-Zionists.seem to have neither learned anything honor of her twelfth bithday. After Tishri^.8—Fast of Gedaliah barricading Helen's onward match to nor forgotten anything. They seem to have stood still ever since the theatre, refreshments were served -Sept 28 the finals. Even now, after her senTishri 10—Yom Kippur sational victory over Miss Signourney, the Zionist movement was first called into life and, while Zionism at Rehnes. Covers were laid for the BEWARE OF we doubt very much if Helen Jacobs Kas been making vast and fast strides and has ^ grown and following: the Misses Rose Brandeis, FAKERS will overcome any of the above mendeveloped to undreamed-of proportions., these anti-Zionists have Gwendolyn Meyerson, Marian Katie- The other day we noticed an adver- tioned obstacles. Miss Jacobs can protisement in an English-Jewish publinot kept pace with the movement. : man, Jennie Barron, Bessie Perlmut- cation of San Francisco, announcing a duce flashing, indeed, inspired and inThe reasons which these anti-Zionists advance today for ter, Elizabeth Peterson, Ruth Shyken, wrestling bout between Abe Kaplan, spring tennis. For the first few she looks unbeatable—another their opposition to the ^movement are exactly the same that they Helen Mae Saltzman, and Sadie En- designated as the "only Jewish heavy- games, Lenglen. But then without apparent weight wrestler" in the world, and reason, she advanced twenty-five years ago, albeit at the same time those delman. collapses, and her oppoFarmer McLeod. No objection thus Teasons contained: some semblance of plausibility, while today nent forges ahead. I t always struck far, but the title of the only Jewish they are ridiculous. Thus, when the movement was first created, Mrs. J. Schwartz returned home heavyweight in the world is a trifle us that what Helen Jacobs needs most I Girls' Frocks— endurance. One day it is bound to th- cry-went-up from many quarters that the foundation of a Monday after, spending the past week- exaggerated. Europe boasts of quite is Jtut the style frocks that mothers want for the little come, and then a new Helen Jacobs a number, including the German Jew, will one's school weaiv—practical, carefully made—and in Jewish homeland.in'Palestine was not feasible. Turkey, it was end visiting in Kansas City, Mo. be revealed to the tennis world. considered as one of the The Longwood net meet may turn the Very .charming girlish models. Of flannels, serges, and then said, could.never be induced to part with Palestine, nor Mrs. J)ave Cherniss and son left Grunbaiim, balbriggans, inallthe popular colors. trick. would the European powers lend their consent to :a Jewish occupa- Sunday for Lincoln, Nebr., to visit best of them. But then the ad, probaly written by tion of the land.: But Turkey has given up Palestine, and the Mrs. Cherniss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. an expert copyman, goes on: "Be sure 00 VAN PAASSEN'S European powers and the American government have not only Harry Axenson. to see the man who defeated Vladeck consented to the occupation of the land by the Jewish people in . -Mr. and Mrs. B. Balaban enter- Zbysko,—won from Strangler Lewis EXPLANATION case the Jews should come to form a majority in the Holy Land, tained about -thirty-five guests at in a handicap; Kaplan defeated the Pierre van Paassen, noted and ver-i Boys' Suits— strong man, Joseph Breitbart". satile columnist of New York Evening but they; have even promised every aid and encouragement to the their home last week in honor of Mr. Jewish These lines : are placed under Abe World answers the question: "Why Suit* that appeal to the boys—for they are the snappy project of Jewish restoration and Jewish rehabiliation. Yet, what E. Pankowa of St. Louis, Mp., whoKaplan's picture; therefore "the man" are there no Jewish golfers"? in his 8 and 4 piece models—with vests, some with long pants. da facts matter to people long accustomed not to trouble them- spent a week here visiting friends. must refer to him. We challenge own way. That's what Pierre has to And suits that appeal to mother and dad because the Kaplan to prove that he defeated say: selves about facts? ,And so these anti-Zionists still keep on sayquality Is here, rightly priced. ing that the Jewish homeland in Palestine is not feasible. Mrs. A. Gilinsky returned home Vladeck Zbysko, the mighty Pole. We Dear Conzel: also call his attention to the fact that Well here is a little more work for 95 there is no Joseph Breitbart. The the ethnological psychologists or some Another cry-that was. of ten heard in the early days oi name of the Jewish strong man is such kindred branch of science. The Zionist movement is that Palestine was not wanted as a Jewish Samson Breitbart. There is a fourth Jew, though prominently ^identified homeland because the-Jews had ceased to constitute a national Sherman in Sioux City; and visiting rate wrestler, Joseph Breitbart, who with all manner of sport, have left the Mr.andMrs. Nathanson in" EstherHosiery entity and because nationalistic strivings and aspirations on-the Buster Brown has tried, since Breitbart visited this ancient and honorable game of golf part of the Jewish: people were incompatible with the patriotism ville, Iowa. She was accompanied country, to capitalize on the similarity severely alone. And the reason is far Fine and heavy ribbed cotton Shoes names, and to exploit the really-de- too seek. It occurs to me that there hose that will give excellent of the Jews in-their respective countries of birth and adoption. home by her son, Nathan, who hasin Breitbart reputation. may be a suble connection between- the school wear. Well reinforced Styles f o* both boys and girls And this cry, too, is still heard on the part of certain anti-Zionists., been spending the summer in Esther- served lack of Jewish enthusiam for this at points of hardest wear. Now, a victory over Breitbart ville. . —in these shoes especially •For, just as they failed to learn that the establishment of a | means nothing. A victory over Breit- game because of the country of its ordesigned for growing feet. Jewish homeland in Palestine had become feasible, they also Mrs. Philip Friedman has returned bart, who by the way does wrestling, igin, commonly accepted as Scotland, failed to forget that at one time they had thought the Jewish! home after spending five weeks visit- would catch the imagination of the the land of pourldge and kilts that public. The whole Kaplan has been a solitary among the nations restoration to" be undesirable. They failed to forget their old ing in New York City, Canada, Buf- Jewish boom is a very distasteful to us. It in that its capital has no Jewish popand worn notions about the characteristics and requirements of falo, and Chicago. - . „ is quite closely related ao an outright ulation. Scotchmen, proud of their nationality, and they failed to forget their froundless, cowardly national characteristic of thrift, are in fake. fear of incompatibility. For, it so happens that people and racial Mrs. Abe H. Marcus-entertained at We have never seen Kaplan wrestle. the habit of remarking slyly and with a good-natured dig that Aberdeen is groups that had far fewer claims to nationality than the Jew hasBridge, at her home on Tuesday after- He might be a second Frank Gotch; the only city in the world where a Jew on the other "hand, he might be a false had come into their own and have been restored to their separate noon in honor of Miss Betty Fine of alarm. But we would like to tell him: cannot make a living, the whole thing and distinct existence. It so happens also that those who areOmaha, a September bride-to-be. "Young man, you are on the wrong having been monopolized by the nain a position to know arid to decide have openly and publicly High score prizes were won by Mrs. path. This kind of bluff leads no- tive oatmeal-eating clans. It is not that the. Jews sort of made it perfectly plain that Zionism and patriotism are positively Max Katleman of Lincoln, Nebr., and where. Cut it out, and if you have inconceivable and indisputably compatible. \) Mrs. W a , Herzoff -of-Omaha; - and the ability^lhe Jewish public will be tacitly agree to retaliate by abstaintoo happy to accept you as' their D. Fox won the consolation only champion—strictly on the talents you , Another thing- that should have been made perfectly plain Mrs. prize. . - -; '•• '••" -. show on the mat* not in a very disto all anti-Zionists by this time, but which they have not taken newspaper advertisement" the trouble to find out, is that no Jew anywhere in the world will Mr. S. - Kesselman and daughter, tasteful HOUSE FOR RENT Abe,-take, notice, or there will be be required or asked to ^nouncehisCcitizenship or to relent in Sara, returned home Monday alter troubled « All modern 8 room "home. Reason-We have a beautiful line of - »«,r ^ ;V, r , . his patriotic duties and obligations for the sake of the Jewish spending the^past week-erid in Kansas able rent. Call at 2513 Seward P l JACOBS v > homeland in Palestine. The Jewish homeland in Palestine will City, Mo-t -f- ;_; / }: Street, Mrs. Chas. LerenEon.
Jewish Calendar
Our Sporting Column
For School Days $ 98
s *•
25c and35c
)?ran fora
Happy New Year
ARRIVES simply offer an opportunity to people, who for any reason might want to sever their national ties with another country and become Mrs. Max Conn underwent an oper- Miss Helen.. Jacobs of Berkeley, tennis -citizens of the new Palestine,, to throw in their allegiance and ation Monday morning at the Jennie California, , national girl's g es h i ftd Ed Edmundson Hospital. champion defeated Miss Edith Sigtheir loyalty with'the re-created: nation in- thefcountry of theirr ourney, one of America's strongest choice.. But in this respect, the new Palestine; will in no-waj woman players in two straight sets differ from-any other country, say England; for-instance, where at Brooklinem,* Mass. ^GIFTSTHAT LAST LINCOLN an American citizen could pledge his allegiance and loyalty, if for The victory ^s looked upon as one of the most startling upsets of the seaany reason he saw.fit.to sever his national ties in America. If, Mr. and Mrs. H. Marks and* Louis therefore, the possibility of a change in citizenship which a Jew- and Paul;. Marks returned by motor son, and it will be interesting to watch MALASHOCK JEWELRY CO. ish homeland in Palestine would offer were to make the estab- from Excelsior Springs and Kansas Diamond Importers lishment of such a; homeland undesirable and incompatible, the City, MoJ They were accompanied Experienced Salesladies existence of England should by the same process of reasoning by Mrs. Julius Newman, of Omaha. Platinum Specialists for genera! Department Store. — be considered undesirable from the American standpoint and inMust be experienced in Dry Goods NEW LOCATION compatible with American patriotism. Nay, more, those of Eng- Miss Sadye Asbyll, daughter of Mr. and Reay-to-Wear. STAR STORE, 214-15-16 Gty Nat. Bank Bldg. lish decent in this country, according to anti-Zionist logic, should and Mrs,; Julius Asbyll, became the the big store; — North Omaha's Ja. 5619—Est. 1894. be the very one to protest against the existence of England as a bride of Mr. Ben Finkelstein, son of Greatest Department Store. separate; country',and/to do all in their power to undermine the Mr. and Mrs. I. Finkelstein, at five very life and strength of theEnglish nation with which they o'clock Sunday evening at the Tifereth themselves must necessarily share certain traits and character- Isral Synagogue. Rabbis Eisenberg JinuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniimiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiu istics. Or, if; the absurdity of this process of reasoning be tooand Gordon . officiated. Proceding glaring to be applied to England, what about Poland, or Ireland? the ceremony,; Mrs. Sydney Shostak Did any sane and-sensible person expect American Poles or sang " 0 Promise Me" and "I Love you American Irishmen to protest against the national establishment Truly". She was. accompanied by of New Poland or Irelandon the fround that it.would-be undesir- Miss Fannie Asbyll at the piano and able and incompatible; with-the American patriotism of American Miss Dorothy Diamond on the violin. Miss Asbyll and Miss Diamond also ; Poles or American Irishmen? ._ played the Lonengrin wedding march ' Y e t r some American Jews of anti-Zionist suasion do not even as a processional and the Mendelsohn realize their absurdity when they protest Against the establish- wedding for the recessional. The ment of'the new Palestine on the grounds of undersirability and bride had as her attendants Miss Henincompatibility.—:"Jewish Ledger." rietta Asbyll as maid-of-honor, and
Jewish New Year Cards and Booklets Our toe this year is well selected for the occasion. Our assortment is the biggest in the city. It isn't proper to have your greeting put in a publication as the very person whom you mosf desire to greet, may not see it advertised. If you have any friends or relatives that you wish to remember them by, there is nothing better and much more appreciated by them, than to receive a plain and neat card.
This year our line includes a large assortment of imported folders from Germany.
Meyer Coren's Book Store 1411 Farnam Street "
(Across from the Sun Theatre.)
the Misses Nina Shostak, Edith Berday after spending several- days -in kin, and Bessie Finkelstein as bridesSioux City, Iowa. maids. Sylvia Wolf .and 'Rose Hill were flower-girls and Natalie' Mae Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krasne enterMr. Philip Sake Suffered a broken Shj>stak_carried the .ring.;'.Mr,.Louis knee last week and will be confined tained ( about one. hunderd. guests at a bestman and the groomsmen were ; Reception at their home on Sunday in to' his home for about three weeks. ; honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jack Gelsin, Louis Asbyll, and. Jake , Mr. Herman Krasne and son, Leo, Milton. They also entertained about Finkelstein. Following the "ceremony, returned home Monday after spending forty relatives, at_a ©inner on Sunday a reception, was held at the home of the bride|s. parents. After a short over three weeks in New: York and evening honoring their son. ^ ( wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Finkel"Florida. Miss . Anna Frankel of Stanford, stein will be at home in Lincoln. Mrs. Ma* .K&tiemW of Lincoln,- Connecticut, left for her home on Mr. and Mrs; Simon Nefsky return* : Nebraska, returned to her home Wed- Monday after spending two weeks ed home las£. Thursday from Atlanhere as the guest of Miss Gertrude nesday after snenrtinjr^few days here tic City, where they spent several Chernicak. visiting Mr. end Mrs, J. Katleman. weeks. --f. . ' Mr. and Mrs. S, II. Jiatlepian enterMr. and Mrs. Philip Saltzman of tained at Bridge at her home on Tues- Sioux City, Iowai spent the week-end ,Mrs. Leopold' Loeb, of Hastings, day evening cofnpliriierifsry'to Mi-sT here visiting "Mr. and Mrs.' Charles left-Monday for.Nebraska City, after ,Max Katleman.; : ;: ; .' : visiting', for a few days at the home Saltzman. " . ; vf.^i {••"of -the Missses-- Sara- and Pauline Mrs. H. Maduff is entertaining^ six- Friend. Mrs. Ike Kranse and daughter, Ida, ' "- "left Tuesday evening for Duluth, Min- teen guests at Bridge-at her home on Mrs. Morris Ppisky,, Miss Ruth nesota. ,-.'.'.. Thursday afternoon complimentary to Miss 3?ine of Omaha, who wiH>be mar- Polsky, and Bernard Polsky returned Mr. and Mrs. L. Chemiack and ried onSeptember 13. Saturday after a two months' trou of eastern states. Miss Rose Poska, who daughter, Helen, left Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin and family has spent-the.~past year in New York for Duluth, Minnesota. ;Mjr.-and Mrs. spent Thursday, and Friday of last City accompanied them home. Chemical? will remain thefe for a few week 'in Slissourf Valley, Iowa, visitweeks bu$ their daughter will return Miss Noraia Frosh, of Milwaukee ing Mr. and Mrs. L. Moskovitz. ' home Sunday, Wis., stopped in Lincoln Saturday .on Miss Frieda Rosenbloom in leaving her way home from Denver. ' Mr- an^_Mr^ Phijip.JTroochtenberg Friday foT;Phreag6^IH;noS. P h 6 ^ I H S Shjill Shejwill spent the past week-end visiting in return home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Arenson have as •,' .' Kansas City, Mo. , , The-Y; F^ H. C.: held a meeting their guest their daughter, Mrs. David of P. Cherniss and son, Irwin, of Council Mr ana Mrs. Sara - Steinberg ami daughter, Beverly, returned home Fri- Rose Fox
Our System: Setting the Newest Clothes at the :r. Lowest Price NOW!
g Northeast Corner 16th aiul Douglas
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It means real savings for every man who buys clothes at The Nebraska
tifeS : -." ^•.::.©pen8;. . ••' .•' JJ^ I. Saturday Morning ••''
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It means a new order of things in clothes-selling in which all of The Nebraska's patrons benefit. It means standard quality clothing—real honest-to-goodness clothing at lowest possible prices for everybody every day in the year.
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See the Nete Season's Great Jralucs in Smartly Styled TWO TROUSER SUITS ANL TOP COATS WONDERFUL VALUES
Hamm's Draft Beer and Master Brew in Bottles' CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN
PAGE 8—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, Reiss, Altschuler, Ban, and the Given-Jl6th and Douglas streets, the former siiiitiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiS ter brothers. Practice wiH be held at ,Shoe;tecation. The shop is being supplied with the S 33rd and Cass Sunday morning. Nebraska University will again at. Wheeling, W. Va., will go Miss famous Hamm Beer company proThe Daughters of Zion .will hold a <ractg and will be of handy service to claim the largest number of students Pauline Herzberg.. Messrs. Al Handfrom Omaha this fall, and the Uni-ler and Eddy Levinson will attend meeting Sunday at the Jewish Com- all. The fixtures for this new shop: versity of Michigan a t Ann Arbor, Notre Dame. Reva Kulakofsky, My- munity Center. The club is planning are furnished by the Omaha Fixture 1 Mr. Harry Bravirof, | ranks second, and five othern eastern ron Blotcky, Max Gnttman and Les-on several entertaining affairs. Miss and Supply Co. Freda Weiner is chairman of the comcolleges •will claim one student each ter Slosburg will resume their studies "We will be equipped to give 5 announces reopening of his ~ mittee in charge, and Sadye Drevich prompt service to all," said Max from Omaha.. at the University of Michigan. PIANO STUDIO, Suite 14, 5 Those to represent Omaha at eastTo Nebraska will go the Misses and Mildred Shrago are other mem- Kosenbaum. A courteous group of Baldridge Building, 20th and 5 ern_colleges are-Miss Ann. Rosenblatt, Kate.Goldstein, Gertrude Romm, Sa- bers of the committee. Any girl SIXT employees -will serve all." Farnam Streets. AT-S162. 5 who -will this year go to Radcliffe ra Somberg, Fanny Levinson, Louise teen years -or w e r is elegible for WEDDINGS ENGAGEMENTS membership in the club. For further Avoid forgetting a friend on NewiiiiiiimiiiimuiuiiuimiiMtiiniiiiiiiiiii? GRODINSKY-LEON Mrs. A. Lorlds announces the en-College at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Rosenthal, and Messrs. Ben RavitE, nfottnation -call Miss Julia Wise, the /women's section of Harvard UniYear's Day. Print your Greetings in Mr. Sol Leon announces the mar-gagement of her daughter, Ruth, to Sam Minkin, Arthur Green, Lester sponsor, or Dorothy Ban. versity. Miss Rosaline Goldstein will The Jewish Press. riage of his daughter, Bertha Ruth to Mr. Joe Katz of this city. Lapidus, Bennett Cohn, Arthur GoldDr. Manuel Grodinsky, son of Rabbi Mrs. Lorkis entertained at s dinner attend the University of Wisconsin stein, Leon Frankel, Phil Gerelick, and Mrs. H. Grodinsky, of this city. party Sunday for the immediate fami- this year. Miss Ethel Gladstone will SUPREME SANDWICH PAXTON-MTTCHELL CO. The ceremony fcook place today at ly in honor of her daughter's engage- enter her junior year at-Vassal Col-- Leo Chaiken, David Sher, and Irving lege. To Mount De Chantel College SHOP OPENS SATURDAY Heller. STth and Martha Sts. Barney I6G2 Chicago, 111. ' ment. Omaha, Nebr. The Supreme Sandwich Shop will After en eastern trip, Dr. Grodinsky Soft grav iron, brass, broiiae and aluer wishing to play Lincoln in anyopen Saturday morning with a com- minum castings. Standard sizes bronze and his bride -will be at home at the The engagement of Miss Freda Pi Tau Pi Dinner at Bevrer manholes, cistern Nottingham Apartments. Weiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Blackstone Sunday Evening sport write to Jake Finkelstein 813 plete line of sandwiches, pastries and Iron bushings, Tings, and -covers In stock. drinks. This new shop is owned and North 14th Street, Lincoln, Nebr. Weiner, to Mr. Harry Lefkowitz, son ABRAMSON-FINE Wives, sisters, and lady friends of The new officers will be installed at will be personally managed by Max of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lefkowitz, of this Miss Betty Fine, daughter of Mr, city was announced this week. No the local Ti Tau P.i will be lonored an open meeting to be held on Monday Rosenbaum, who has had many years experience in catering. The shop is and Mrs; Philip,Pine, has set Sunday* date has been set for the wedding. I guests a t a dinner party to vbe given evening September 14. located on the northeast corner of September 13, as her -wedding day to Mr. and Mrs. Weiner are entertain- by the local fraternity at the BlackMr. Marion Graetz is the new asMr. Louis Abrarnson, son of Mr. and ing at a reception at their home Sun« stone Hotel Sunday evening, SeptemMrs. J« Abramson, of this city. The day evening honoring their daughetr ber 6. Ttfr. Ralph Cohn Is in "charge sistant scoutmaster of the Boy Scouts troop No. 62. The troop's patrol leadceremony will be solemnized at the and her fiance. of this affair. Prof. Frank Mach home of the bride's parents in the Plans will be made for the national is are Lazar Kaplan, Earl Rosen, Jim Burroughs, Harry Levinson, and Herpresence of only the immediate family. Concert Violinist The Hajobls weekly bridge dob met Pi Tau Pi conclave to be held in Oma- man Levinson is senior patrol leader. Following the ceremony, a reception ;t the home of Miss Bertha Abrams. ha three days from December 27 to and Instructor for friends and relatives will be held rizes were won by the MisseB Shirley December 30. Delegates from thirtyThe Auftebung d u b will entertain at the bride's home. has comments and.praise from five chapters will be in Omaha for the at a dance at. the Porple Cow Sunday Ruback and Lucille Stein. some of the greatest teachers in A number of entertainments are convention. Mr. Lester Burkenroad evening, September 6. Uie world. Giye your child a Mr. Herbert S. Heavenrich is exbeing given to honor Miss Fine prior is general chairman of the Conclave. correct foundation. The Mohowk Athletic Club team to her wedding date. Tuesday after- pected to return home next week Studio 117 <i North l«tk Si. noon, Mrs. A. H. Marcus entertained from New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Raymen and won eight games out of nine played 304 Crounse Blotk in 1924, have reorganized for the comat bridge at her home. Miss Rose son, are »t Excelsior Springs, Mo. The Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity enPhone JAekson 1K2. ing season. The players who win Fine was hostess at five tables of Miss Rose Fine just Teturned from this year are Schreibman, Rosenblatt, bridge at her home Wednesday even- tertained at a stag dinner for their ing complimentary to her sister. On members at the Brandeis Resaurants a three 'weeks visit in St.-Paul and Minneapolis, Minn. Thursday afternoon, Mrs. H. Maduff Wednesday evening. •was hostess at bridge, and on ThursMOVED The T.E.D. Club is giving a danc- Miss Edith Cohn, of Chicago, HL, day evening, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ripscher ing party for fifty couples Saturday is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Max f f l A T T C 1804-1806 No. 24th St. entertained at a dinner at their home honoring the Lincoln chapter T.E.D. Brown, and JSx. LEiVYlD (Near Decatur) honoring Miss Fine and her nance. The members of the Omaha club are Mrs. J. J. Slosburg and children reUPrTOrDATE STORES WITH COMPLETE LINES Other - entertainments are being Ida Azorin, I d a Fine, Ann Jonisch, turned Thursday from a several weeks planned for this bride-to-be. Bernice Kully, Florence Phillip, Leona Jewelry—Victrolas—Radios—Art Goods Pollack, Ruth Pollack, Ethel Riekes, motor trip to the Lakes in Wisconsin WE SPECIALIZE IN GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. William L. Holzman Grace Rosenstein, Rebecca Segal and and also stopped off at Chicago, HL, are moving to the Blackstone Hotel Alice Stern. Patrons and patronnesses where they were joined by Mr. SlosSPECIAL OPENING SALE STILL ON after having spent the summer at,the for the dance are Mr. and Mrs. Sam- burg, who was returning from Florida, .. Victrolas at Half Price Carter Lake Clnb. "' uel N. Wolf, and Miss Betty Fine and and accompanied them home. Call for a selection of our records, Webster 2042. Lewis'J. Abrahamson. Miss Ethel Gladstone is returning Mr. M. E . Chapman returned the Saturday from a two weeks' viat at latter.part of last week from a three The Misses Toby Steinberg and weeks* trip in New York City. Ida Cahn returned home Saturday Edora, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. -Dave- Cahn are. leavMr. S."' Ravitz is returning- home from a - twor weeks' stay- at' Lake Obeboji. ing next week for Grand Island, Neb., Wednesday- from Miami Beach, Fla. where they will make-their home. where he had been spending the past Mr. Morris FeUman returned.home month. Sunday from a year's stay in ChiCLUBS cago, Ulnois. Miss Ann White returned Home Monday from a tenweeks' motor trip Mr. and Mrs. A. Hencberg net THORPEIAN ATHLETIC to -Chicago, JH.,"-Clea*lake,u. Lake home Friday from an extended] trip" - CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Okoboji, St. Joseph, Mo., Des Moines, to New York and Miami, Florida. The semi-annual election of. officers la., and other places. She was acMr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky for the Thorpeian Athletic Club was companied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles * " Carry your New Year Redman of Ottumwa, l a . Mrs. Red-and children returned home Tuesday held Wednesday evening. This elecevening by motor from a five weeks' tion was one of the most hotly conr greetings direct to your man is now visiting here with he: parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. White, and stay at Evergreen, Colo. While en- tested election ever held. friends and relatives. route home they stopped off. at Estes Leon Mendelson was elected presiexpects to return home Sunday. Other methods of greetings^ Park. They were accompanied by dent to succeed Sam Green. Ben The Misses Esther and Betty Kate, Mrs. Kulakofsky's sister, Mrs. do not show the real spirit I Kubby, vice-president; Harry Chudaof friendship. ./ * of El: Paso, Texas, left Tuesday eve- Davidson, and Mr. Davidson of Deskoff, secretary; ; Isadore - , Sftkoloff, ning for their home after havinu Moines, Iowa, who left for ner home. treasurer; Ed Exiback and G. SherNew Years Cards spent the past three months' visiting man, sergeant-at-annsr; Is Levine, Quite the smartest yet seen this and Envelopes with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Miss Rae Bercu, of Chicago, HI.,reporter; Shoal Freed, representative season and the most practical. As- * i Your Name Printed Mrs. J . Falk. While enrcrate home, formerly of Omaha, is arriving Sat- to Federation; Joe Sokoldif, athletic sembled not only for smartness and urday to spend several days", here "as they stopped off at Kansas City, Mo. director; Dave Cohen, Is Sternhill, the guest of Miss Annette Fanger. practicability but for suitability— They; were extensively entertained Mail Orders Accepted Joe Dandy, board of trustees; Ben tailored in a simple wearable manner. while here. Check must accompany copy Mrs. M. White and daughter, Ger- Drevich, custodian. Miss Eva Nichols left last week for trude, and Mrs. Charles Kurtzxnan At a special meeting of Gimmel "rA Collection of Dresses That Uphold - an- indefinite stay at Denver, Colo., and daughter, Clara, ,aH formerly of Chapter No. 3 of the Order of Aleph where she will visit with Miss Ida Omaha, who are now at Los Angeles, Zadik Aleph in the vestry rooms of The Prestige of Goldstein-Chapmans Calif., have just returned to Los An-the Synagogue the following. men "Weber and Miss Fanny CHlinsky. t. Moderately Priced / geles from a six weeks stay at the were elected to hold office for the ' Mrs- M. Horn and daughter, Bess, Beach in Venice, Calif. ." • following six months. 8rd Floor . returned home Sunday from a two Printing—Office Supplies Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Spiesberger Aleph Godol, Joe Mozar; Aleph months' visit in Venice, Los Angeles, S'gan, Louis Zabel; Aleph Maakir, and San Francisco, Calif. They also announced the birth of a baby son Jake Phone Jackson 0770 Finkelstein; Aleph Gisbor, Jake spent a week at the Catalia Islands. born Friday at the Omaha Maternity Marx; Aleph Shotare, Chas. Keller; hospital. Mrs. Spiesberger war for-Aleph Junior Shotare, Max "Zellen; 118 S. 17th St Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferer and merly Miss Goldye Pred, of this city. Aleph Sophare, Hyman Evnen; Aleph Kohen Godol, Joe Schuclanan. daughters, of St. Louis, Mo., are expected to arrive next week to be the Mr. and Mrs. Julius Newman reIt was also decided at the special guestE at the home of Mr. and Mrs.turned home from a motor trip to meeting that the Aleph Mazkir shall Excelsior Springs and Kansas City, become athletic manager. Any chaptA. Ferer. Mo. . '* , Mr. Max L. Holzman returned home Miss Rosaline Henrietta Kohn relast Saturday from a month's stay in turned Wednesday from a six weeks Alaska. ,.}.a3a n o w i n ray new Studios (five rooms) in the Lyric visit with relatives in Los Angeles, Building, 19th. and Faraam streets,.which is the best locaMr. Joe Feiler returned home from California. . tion in the city. Three teaching rooms (provided with first California last week. class grand pianos), an office and a waiting- room. This Mr. Selwyn S. Jacobs is in Miami, arrangement of studios, location and equipment is absolutelyMr. and Mrs. Fred Horn of Kansas Florida, and will be gone for a month. second to none, anywhere. City, Mo., and Mrs. Harry Levine, of Mrs. Henry Rosenthal returned j Sioux City, la., are expected to spend My pianos are kept in tune .regularly by the masterthis week-end here with their parents Tuesday from Poland, Maine, where tuner, Mr. M. BURRIS. she has been visiting. Mr. svnd Mrs. M. Horn. Associated, with me are four assistant teachers: | Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Wolf and childMr. Herman Franklin motored to CLARA A. MATER, GLADYS McCANN WATTS, REGINA I Chicago, El., on August 23, accom- ren, returned Sunday from Los AnLEONE FRANKLIN and R. -MARGUERITE KENNER, * OF panied by Mr. and MTS. Marcus, of geles, Calif, where Mrs. Wolf and able, conscientious, talented young pianists whose work I 1 recommend. I Chicago, -who were visiting in Omaha children spent - the summe- months, •with relatives. Mr. Franklin is ex-and Mr. Wolf joined them several pected to return home next Tuesday, weeks ago. September 8. Mrs. J. Iaeb left Thursday for a two ' Miss Estelle Lapidus is returning weeks' visit with her mother, Mrs. R. Tuition with assistant teachers: ?5,<M> per month or £ home Sunday from Columbus, Ohio, Adelman, at Des Moines, la. $10.00 per term of ten weeks. 1 •where she attended the Sigma Delta Miss Irma Gross left for Colorado Tau Sorority convention held Septem- Springs, Colo., where she will spend Tuition in my class: ?10.OO per month or $25,00 per | term of ten weeks. I ber t, 2 and 3. She also visited in several weeks before returning to Every new style that is produced r • Chicago, 111., and Indianapolis, Ind., Lansing, ?T" h., where she will teach. is shown in Omaha's smartest HARMONY (in classes) $ 1,00 per month. 4 while enroute to Columbus. She "was She has been spending the summer women's apparel shoppe. Your We offer exceptional advantages and superior instruc- I a delegate from the Nebraska chap- here with her auntss, the Misses Rose business is earnestly solicited. tion at reasonable rates and invite you to enroll with us. I ter of the sorority. and Eva Gladstone. - Mr. and Mrs. L. Raduziner have Every New Model Evevj NewShade moved into their new home at 3331 Mrs. S. G. Saltzman and son, Marvin, returned Friday fr« . a. ten weeks "Hickory Street All Sizes visit in Los Angeles, and a one week Mr. Edward Ruback returned Fri- visit in San Francisco, -Calif.- Mrs. Popular Prices Prevail Lyric Bldg., 19th and Farnam St& Telephone: AT. 201$ f day fronj z, two week's visit in Chica- Saltzman was extensively entertained
Students, Select Nebraska AiuL Six Eastern Colleges For This Year's ScJiool Work
I 1
Uncle Sam
Ahead of the Mode
1 50
N. S. Yaffe
Announcement to Music Students
Fashions Newest Modes tor Fall
We Teach Piano and Harmony, and ( | Accompany and Coach singers and instrumentalists, j
Karl E. Tunberg j
J»AGE.:4-^-THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER S, ; 1925 fright to fee rich groovingJand by now
butcher to "packer Aug Hempel Jiad if: once-It"8 properly drained And 1 taken- on. a- certain 'authority .and. dlsf- ftiant- Dlfk to ,70 to ^school. Good ttnctipnT" Ntrv^ '^fflOfciftfe,% ttnctipnT ^ f f l O f c f t f e :,*iu^ % ^ Walr - Schools.jg. never want,coy son" to go
The best thing for-Dfcrfc ; T i e -best thing for Dirk. It was tlie pljrase tbat repeated itself-'over.: and over In Sellnn's speech dnrlng the deys-that-followed. In thia period of bewilderment and fatigue JuUe had attempted to take charge of Selina much as she^ had done a dozen.years before,.at,thVttme of Simeon Peake!s dramatic death. ;Ana now, as then,,.she.prefied_toto service her wonder-working fatter and bound-' ea slave, Augnst HeropeL'.„_ _'„ *%aTl be out tomorrow andTll probably come with him. Tve got a commhtee meeting, but I can easily—"\ •Tpu said—did you isay your father would be out tomorrow t Out where*" ^ o your place. Far*-" . «But why should he? It's a' little twanty-flve-acre truck farm, and half of it infler water a good deal of the :
. •-••': /
\ •'.-'.
i h W , find a use for it, neverifear. Ha wont say much, but he'U thjtnk of things. And then everything, will be
an right."
A Bpedea of ugly pride now posfleesed Selina. "I don't need help. Beally I don't, Jnlle, dear. It's never been -like today. Never before. "We were getting on very well, Pervus and L Then after Perms^. death; so suddenly like that I was frightened. Terribly frightened. About Dirk. I wanted him to have everything. Beautiful things. I wanted his life to be beautttaL U f e can be so ugly, Julie. Tou dont know. You don't know-"", "Well, inow, that's -why; I say., : be ont tomorrow, pa ,aod I. Dlrk'si going-to have everything beautifnV We'll see-to that".;:: i .-•• It was then that Selina had "But thaffr jtfst.it.• l';want to do; It myself, for him. -I--can.- I want- <o give him all these things myself." "But that's •selfish/' • <<v *-.. « -\o "I don't mean-to be., Jjust want to do the best thing fpr.ODlrk.";; . , It was shortly after noon-that High Prairie, hearing the unaccustomed chug of a motor, rushed to its windows or porches to behold Selina peJong In her m&hed black felt, hat and 'Dirk"yavlng Ms battered straw wildly, .riding up the -Halsted road toward" the^ Dejong farm in a bright red automobile thnt had shattered the nerves ^of" every farmer's team it had met oif ttie'way. Of the DeJong team and the DeJong dog Pom, and the fDeJpng^vegefable wagon there was absolutely, no .sign. High. Prairie was rendered" unfit for work throughout' the next : twenty-four hours. . . . * " ; . V !i; •'-."• In the twelve years', transition Icrbm
wakiray," relieving th'e'ttMHrud«TyNcolor, of * his -texe. In' the 'last few yeats he-, had crowni verVdeaf firone-earj Akstfiat when .you" spoke to him? he looked, a t you intently. This had given Trim.,* reputation for keenness and great character Insight, when It was merely the protective trick of a man who does not want to confess that he Is hard of ; hearing; • • v ' ' •" - '' Selina's" domain he-surveyed with a keen and comprehensive eye. "You want to sell?" "No." "That's good. Few years from now this land will be worth-money." He had spent a bare fifteen minutes tak.Ing Bh&wd valuation of the property from fields to barn," from barn to house. "Well, wnat do you want to do, heh, Selina?" Theyi were, seated In the cool^and unexpectedly pleasing little parlor, with its old-Dutch luster set gleaming softly in-the-* cabinet,-/Its three-rows of books, its air of comfort and usage. Selina clasped her hands" tightly In her lap—those hands* that,; fronv much grubbing in the soil, had taken on something of the look "of the gnarled things they-tended.---The nails were Bhort, discolored,' broken. Th'e; palms rough, calloused. The whole story of the last twelve years of Selina's life-; was written, in her two * hands. , - "I-want- to stay- here, and-work th'e' farm,, and make it pay. I can. I'm not going- to grow just the common garden stuff any more—not mtfch, anyway. I'm going to specialize In the fine things-rthe-ktad'. the South WaterBtreet commission men want. I want to drain the low land. Tile- It That • land hasn't been used for years. It
to the: B*xmarkfit. r Never.^ Xever. "My" life doepn't -connt,--except as •jomethlnc for Dlrkj to use,'. Tin.' done 41th. anything else." • 6h;"l -don't menu Chat Tin.discouraged, or diaappototetl in life, or anything 'like" that.. I mean £ started]out with the -wrong idea. 1 •enow better now. I'm here to keep Olrk frfim mnklnR tbe: jni?tjilco^ M
;;-'. -.^v -. ^ ceraark, «oshe went on^ eager, .e*. planatory;- "I-used to tlitnlr"thatch AngHempel'S'tone was one of medi ration,- sot of argument;. ."It doh'i .you wanted; beauty—If• you wanted it: work, out that way, teems. - About mis- bard "enough apd hopefiSly enough—It 4 :"es It's funny. Xou got to make your came to youv''-•Ifou.-Japt"'waited,lived your -life as^TieSt you >vn; and" not only that, if you try *"• knowing ] that.' beauty; might be jusl. itvp people- ftom mating theirs the> •»t mad." He-whistled «oftly througli U round'tire corner. • You Jnst waited, :s teeth following.this utterance an<: und then ltcape^'r . "Beauty!'.' .exclaimed Julie, weakly. . pped the chair seat with his finger. "It's beauty I" Selina said then, al- She stared at Selina" in the evident bemost passionately. Aug Hempel and lief tthat. thl^s v work-worn haggard Julie plainly could make nothing of woman was bemoanIhg'fi'er lack of peritltlde."
Wet wash, semi-flat, > rough-dry. •-•-_;;.• 2808 Cumins St. Harney 0881.
Call ns for good
LUMBER MCKLIN LUMBER CO. 24th & Burdette.Sts.
WE. 5555
hundred fifty new fur coats each for the price you T i 'd d p*ay for a cloth coat. Were you ever before offered 160 smart new models—all for the same low price? Ordinarily you must confine your choice to the two, or possibly three, *oats in your size, at the price you have decided upon. Here are 150 coats each at 125 dollars. There arc twelve styles fend eight different varieties of fur—surely: you may have just the coat you want—and for 125 dollars. . . . .
Ul» California Street.
Council Bluffs, la.
1342 South 25th St.
AT. 6637
Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market
tte trimmings—
Painting and .Decorating LET OS B I D J P O B 3TOO ODB WORK GUARANTEED
214 South 18th St.
length coats of straight slim lines or flaring; Tpm-boy: topcoats and youthful Jackets.
^ 'O5-.
Omaha. Nebr.
the linings—
. . ^-: ; .'
Silk crepes, plain satifls and novelty l i n i h g s - H w j t :---• shades. •: • '
writes all kinds of
Caracul Kid ~ Poney Leopard Kid
Collar and cuffs, or collar and border of fox, wolf, squirrel, skunk or self fur. . .'"
Rav. E Fleishman
350 Rooms—350 Baths
SAMv NEWMAN ^"Soft'-Water
Offer Yqny^&^p^l:Seleetion and Untisgnl
Smart New Models, all at the One Low Price
Phone JA ckson O043
Prompt Service'
fixed in your mind long ago. it's time ';\ViTeit ^Alltb« worth-while things In we heard it. Here Selina was one «f life. Work that you love. And growth .the most popular girls In Miss;Fister'a —growth and watching people grow. school, and lots of people thoiight tire Peeling very- strongly about things prettipst. And now just look itt her!** and then developing.that .feeing-* to— A flicker of the old flame leaped up to make something: fine come of it." in Selina. "Flatterer!" she murmured. She threw out her hands in a futile (To Be C >r.'inued Next Week) gesture. "That's what I mean by beauty. I want Dirk to have It." Avoid forgetting a friend on New "For pity's sake!" pleaded Julie, the Year's Day. Print your Greetings i s literal, "let's stop talking and do something. Pa, you've probably got it nil The Jewish Press.
American Opossum Marmot Mandel Natural Rao Fine Quality Sealine
SHKVICB W11U EACH POUCX; W W . O . w. nidr.. Jaokwtn Uis>
1615 North 24th St. •:
BHtSE &RFEPEN Funeral Directors
E. E. Druggfets and Stationers
2224 Cunning St. Phone J A ckson 1226.
401-4O3-4O3 tkllitb lOt'b
A small deposit will ^ hold the coat you choose. It will be stored free of charge until .cold weather, when Lyou will be ready to wear it.
ton. Pepper, V!c*PiMMfat. ' W «
Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.
' • oift
'" Western r Grade Stationery' Omasa, NebraMtn.
V B t r f
W« oeenpT
KJOOO N u n •ntbVMl C
Blevnitb tnil n«ii(la» Htireeti. 4ackMn 1724 OHARA NKB
Baker Ice Machines
Never - to-be • forgotten values for 125.00 ,.
"Manufactured in 0rn$k»
We Print
—Effectively —Accurately —Promptly Interstate Printing Co.
3tl7 HwTT*rf St
Omaha. Nebr. • 5 ^ . " " - ^
150 fat coats 12 new styles 8 different furs 5 trimming furs Rich Bew.iining§
••« a1*.
Where One Buys Furs