'' Success-or j failure in business is caused more by mental attitude eve^* than, by mental capa ities. '— Walter Di% ~ Scott.. . £ 9
The cynic is one "who knows the price -of -every t h i n g snd ihe v a l u e 'of nothing.— «•. Oscar Wilde* *
VOL. IV—No. 45
;VM cecoad-elass mnU mattei on January 27th. U)2l, At vat Omaha Nebraska, ondei the Act of March 8. ICT9.
Women's Auxiliary of Community CenterBe@nCampaign ^Luncheon; Workers Enlist to Help With Drive
Hebrew Union College Emergency Committee to Relieve Sitiattoi on SQth Anniversary of Jewish Refugees
SUBSRIPTION PRICE, A YEAR, $2.50 KING FEKDINAND PLEADES FOR TOLERANCE AND EQUALITY IN POLAND Bucharest,—(J. T. A.)—A plea for tolerance and equality was made by King Ferdinand during his visit to Temesvar, Transylvania. Speaking on the question of national minorities in Eoumania, the king declared: "Here in Transylvania near the frontier, the military as well as the civil authorities must not forget that all Roumanian subjects must be treated like brotheres and that all races of our country must be consolidated.
Jerusalem. (J. T. A.) November 11, Armistice Day, will be celebrated-in Jerusalem in-a solemn manner ^fiy an order of High Commissioner Lord Plumer. • In a proclamation published by the j Rabbi F r e d e r i c k , C o h n Will Action Taken to Help Refugees High Commissioner, the . celebration Attend Golden Anniversary Stranded in European More than $5,000 Subscribed Towards Equipment Fund.by of Armistice Day £ prescribed t o !Q p E N I N G S ~ERVI€ES TO Ports and Cuba take place bp worshippmg m the j B E H E U )0 C T 0 B E R 2 3 Workers at Luncheon Tuesday Noon houses of prayer and by suspension FINDINGS OF INVESTIGAof business. A two minute silence J Rabbi Frederick Cohn, of Temple TION COMMITTEE IN C O M M I T T E E S TO B E G I N CANVAS O F CITY will be observed at 11" o'clock in the Israel, will leave Sunday morning for MEXICO TO BE F O R P L E D G E S SUNDAY morning. -- -•• Cincinnati, O., where he will attend PUBLISHED the convention of the Central ConferIn a burst of enthusiasm for their project to furnish the ence of American Rabb^is and the New York—(J. T. A.)—Three hunnew Community Center building, 50 representative Jewish women Golden Jubilee of the Hebrew Union dred and forty thousand dollars subscribed more than $5,000of their $25,000 goal, at a workers College. to be used: for the removal of luncheon at the Athletic club, Tuesday. ... • Representatives of Rabbis through- Jewish refugees in various seaports, The pledges came thick and fast, after" inspiring talks by o u t t h e comit wU1b e r e s e n t a t and secure for them, in various counP Harry Lapidus, president, and Henry Monsky, vice-president o± First Indoor «Y" Dance; to be Held'' C O I," e r e n c e 7. which will open Tuesday tries other than the United States, Plans to be Made at Special Meeting October 17 Sunday the Community Center building. Joe • L. Wolf, secretary, was morning, October 20, and continue to suitable homes where they may be-
11HL as lead ®f Farewell Mass, Meeting to Be Given "by Omaha Jewry Sunday ACCEPTS PULPIT IN BRONX, . NEW YORK
Eabbi J. M. Chariop has resigned as Rabbi of the four orthodox Congregations, to leave for Bronx, New York, where he will become chief Rabbi of the Orthodox also present and lent his aid in gaining the subscriptions. Saturday afternoon, October 24. congregations and come self-sustaining has been approCommittees of the Y. M. and Y. M. Beginning Sunday, October 18, the The Hebrew Union College was es- priated by the Emergency Committee where he will alsoMrs. William Holzman and Mrs. The drive begins Sunday and wili H. A. were appointed at the last.regOmaha Hebrew Club will stage a be connected with Harry A. Wolf head the list -with continue throughout the week. ular meeting held Monday: evening, tablished in 1875 by the late Isaac M. on Jewish Refugees, according to an membership campaign. Plans for this Wise, the first protagonist and the A partial list of captains and workthe Theological Semannouncement made by Louis Mar$1,000 subscriptions. Mrs. Morris October 12, at the Jewish Community campaign will be made at a special leader through five decades and a half inary. shall, chairman of the Committee. Milder came next with a pledge of ers who will aim'to put this drive Center. ' >• " meeting to be held Sunday afternoon, of Reform Judaism, in America. The A farewell mass meeting of Omaha $500; Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, chair- over are: , , Those who will serve this term are: builder's vision of an American rab- Wherever possible, the refugees are October 18, at 3 o'clock at the Swedish to be returned to their native coun- Auditorium. Jewry will be held Sunday evening, man of the drive, $400; Mrs. E. CAPTAINS MEMBERSHIP AND IflXANCE— Stanley Mrs. William L.. Holzinan. Mrs. K. KulaF. Levin, chairman; Jack Fieishmau, binical seminary t o t r a i n for t h e J e w - tries. October 18, at the B'nai Israel S.vna-. Meyer, §250; Mrs. Harry Malashoc, holskv, Mrs. Nate Mantel. Mrs. Kate 'i'atle, vice-chainnau: Leon Mendelson; Bob . - , . . , . , » -• , One thousand new members is the gogue, in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. $200; Mrs. Joe Wolf, Mrs. Sam Wolf, Mr8; Harry A. Wolf. Mrs. William K. Cooper. .Ella Marcus, Gertrude-Horwich, ish m i n i s t r y in A m e r i c a m e n xvho comThis action was taken as a relief goal set by the committee in charge Mrs. Max ^Fiomkin. Mrs. Harry Sidman. Lottie Girenter, Uia wL ;n. e. ,a] •a„ m«ona^ePr T n <»r!nr>'itinr> nryA ttio Mrs. Harry Rachman, Mrs. Henry Blumenthal, i a eaucation and the measure for as many as possible of of the drive. Mr. A. D. Frank is Charlop. An interesting program will Phil Sch-warta, Mrs. 3. Malasbock, Mrs. Alberts. Abe Cohen. Ira Siejral.Malasliock, Mrs. Harry Braviroff, iXTELlXCTUAii Al)yA>'CEMi3>'T—Jean- spirit of America -with the religious be presented and five reels of picMonskr and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofs- Harry Mrs. A. Greenberg, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Mrs. nette Levinson, chairman: Ealph Cohn, . . . , _ ' . , -, , , , the ten thousand Jewish emigrants chairman of the campaign and Mr. B. tures showing present day life in the Dr. 1'hilip Eomouek, \Ym. Kaiman, learning of tne Jewish scholar had ky, $150, • Charles Levinson, Mrs. M a i Block, Mrs. who, notwithstanding they had pass- G. Shapiro is vice-chairman. Harry Wilinsky, Mrs. Morris Milder, Mrs. o c m e t o cities and farms in Palestine. In the $100 list are Mrs. Harry Henry' realization• ,after twenty-five ports properly vised by American y Monsky, y Mrs. D D. Uosenstock, Mrs. roBBTKST-S'oiS"' Kovlt.ky,.. chairman: Other business to be transacted at 3 P E Meyer, Meyer Mre. Mre S. S Kavitz, Kavitz Mrs. Mrs I31I1P Rabbi Charlop has been Rabbi of the Fan. Levinson, Iluth Greenberir, . Sam j^ears of effort in uniting the liberal Lapidus, Mrs. Charles Kirschbraun, E. Sher, Mrs. S. Xathau, Mrs. jCora TTolf, consular officers when they started the meeting Sunday will be reports Ferdinand Adler, Mrs. A. Wolf, Mrs. four Orthodox ocngregations, namely * David E,- 3el»er, rCllgloUS gTOUpS of Mrs. A- Herzberg, Mrs. Kate Taile, Mrs. for America, were prevented from of the last quarter to be given by the Harry Trostiu, Mrs. A. SUverinan, Mrs. A. Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, Mrs. A. Wolf, Komin, Mrs. Harry Lapidua, Mrg. A. Som- o c i A r ^ E ^ r a -feinan ^ S u S ; m u i l i t i e s o f e v e r ^ section of the Unit- embarking for this country because chairman of each committee. There B'nai Israel, Beth Hamedrosh, Adass berg, Mrs, Dave Snennan, Miss Martye Yeshufen, and B'nai Jacob Synogogue, Mrs. Philip Sher, Miss Blanche Zim- Weinstein, chairman; Jerome Diamond, Lillian ed States. The college project WS5 the immigration quotas allotted to will also be a smoker. MIBS Blanche Zimman, Miss for the past two years. During the man, and Mr3. Louis Richards, of Jeannette Let-inson, Miss Estell Lnpidus. SMaizeT^!? S T ^ l ^ ^^^ ^ consummated shortly after the organ- their native lands by the immigraWORKERS Mendelson. Myer Krwman. Joe Freeman, izatioil of the Union of American Hetime he has been here, Rabbi Charlop San Jose, Calif., formerly of Omaha. tion laws had either been exhausted City Sunday School Classes . . •„ Mrs. Frederick Cohn, Mrs. I. Kosenthal, IJJITIATION — Ike Sternhlll. chairman: has been instrumental in upbuilding Contributions of $50 are Mrs. A. I. Mrs. L. Hiller. Mrs, M.: M. Rosenblatt, Harry Sidiuau. Ben Kubby. Estelle Hor- brew Congregations in 1973. or reduced. -' Many of them have been Mrs. Kave Ureenberg, Mrs- H. M. Ferer, wlch, Lonls Lu>l>. Jack Weinberp. j -TO,fl i c f c^atiuates ivas nrWill Open Sunday the City Talmud Torah, in organizing r t r a S o Kulakofsky, Mrs. A. Saxe, Mrs. S. Mrs. Dave Sterinau, Mrs. Harry Silvennan, PtTJLiciTT—Marion Graetz, chairman:' 1 ne nrsx class oi .graauates was or held up for nearly two years. Fora Kashruth Committee, and was alThe City Sunday School will Mrs. J . J . Greenberg, Mrs. A. B. Alpirn. Pish, Mrs. Charles LevinsoB, and Mrs. Sam Cohn, Sirs. E. A. Meyer, MrB. Sain Theoaore, Stanley F. Levin, Ella dained by Rabbi Wise on July 14th, bidden by the laws of the'lands where resume its regular classes this SundajT ways interested in Zionist work. 1 Mrs. Sam Prohm. ' . - . . . . . Herman Auerbach, Mrs. F. J . Alberts, JUr«. Cohen, KORe Arutlt. 1000 m. -e__j_ ^A they are stranded to seek employS. Frolini, Mrs. Tolriian Kaplan, iMrs. M. 1. DAJJCE—Jack Fk-ishman, chairman: Lon l»»o. J-nis nrst group ot AmencanThe members of the Orthodox or525 pledges are Mrs. F. J. Albert3, Gordon, ment there, they" have exhausted morning at the B'nai Israel Synagogue lUrs. J . Llpsey, Miss Hulda Hart, Anne Weiss, Mtss Kose Gnttman, Shafton, Morris Fine. born vounsr men trained for a modem their funds, and many of them are after having held no classes during the ganizations made a great effort to reMrs. Louis Ziev, Mrs. B. A. Simon, Miss Miss Bess Stalinaster, Miss Elsie Staltain Rabbi Charlop and offered him a Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. Abe Green- inaster, Miss Sadie. Levey, Miss Dorothy •Afteir the^aimouncement of the ^ ^ ^ ^ - b v m i A m e t i a a s e m ' . starving. A large number, it is said, Succoth Holidays. Goldstein, Miss Lillian Kooper, Miss Gernew three year contract to stay here,, The teachers who sre to be in Committees MissJennetteLevmson as ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ AaTon L berg, Mrs. J. Blank, Mrs. L. Kneeter, trude Tatle, Miss' Sara BrnOfcey. Miss have succumbed to the -hardships of but the.Rabbi did not accept because charge are, Miss Martye Weinstein, Levinsou, Miss TTla Alberts, MJBS chairman of the program committee c a s .. e . Mrs. Sam Nathan* Mrs. Saul Levy, Jeaimette Remv B e r k o w i t 2 rf K t f e their situation. Fannie .Levlnson. Miss Leone Kovitsky, he had made complete arrangements Miss Gertrude' Tatle, Miss Rosella Mrsr~ Wiffiam—R.—Blumenthal, • •> and Miss Esther PotnshnJrfC took charge of the meeting. • ^ ^ c p Jos h £ p The appropriation .by _the. EmerMrs. A. Silverman. Mrs. Nate Mantel announced 3 Professor S i n g e r of Omaha Lm % and.Dayid PhSipson, of gency Committee is in accordance Klein, Miss Sadie : Levey, and "Miss to leave for the East. have left a record of disinguished .serRabbi and Mrs. Charlop will leave Erma Wells. MSss liHisTi JLoopeT i s a t ^ gGilbert a v e ^ Jaffy tolk.^Social.Mexwe. 515 was contributed by Mrs. F. profit of $525 from running the sand- ^Mr. t u m m s O W o > of-tS&e^l^-whom and Mr. Harry ^vice with an ag_re'ement entered into by supervisor this year. in the leadership of large conMonday for New York. Other members on the program were, Greenberg, and those who contributed wich shop during the Legion conven- Braviroff." Mr. Jaffy played several Mr. Marshall and Dr. • Stephen S. R10 are , Mrs. S. Siporin, Mrs. S. tiottV despite the bad weather and violin numbers accompained at the gregations to which they were called Wise, while both were in Paris re- YIDDISH THEATER OPENS in different cities, only one, Dr. David : Maizel, Mrs. M. Horn, and Mrs. Max lack of the large attendance' ex- piano by Mr. Braviroff. AT THE BRANDEIS FRIDAY : Philipson, is now living. He is still cently, with officers, of the Jewish The regular season of the Yiddish Temple Smim School Tfi Rosenblatt. pected. .-.-.- . The first "Y" indoor dance %vill be , ,, . , ,- . .. ~ . , .,,. , in active service as Dean of the Re-Colonization Association and the Theatre in Omaha will begin Friday Miss Estelle Lapidus is the first Saturdav evening, October 17, at - • , , . . . . Mr. Lapidus voiced his praise to held Stage Play Sunday Morning Emigdirekt, that the three organiza- evening at the Brandeis Theatre, with , • _ . . • • .. ' . . 1 form rabbinate of America. young woman to make a $25 pledge the hundreds of women who served the Jewish Community Center. tions should furnish $425,000 for the a selected cast of Artists from New The opening services of the semiThe High School Department of and two young matrons, Mrs. Abeduring the week. York. Unlike previous seasons, this ••, contennial celebration will be held relief of the stranded refugees, of Brodkey, daughter of the chairman, "The fact that so many women A. Z. A. Dance Sunday Evening Friday evening, October 23rd, in the which the "Emergency Committee's year's plays will be produced on an the Temple Israel Sunday School elaborate scale, particularly the mus-will present several plays and Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky; and Mrs. gav e their time and effort to this The subscription dance to be given Plum Street Temple of the Bene Yesh- share is 80 per cent. An Evacuation ical productions. In addition to the Helen Robinson Shapiro, of Lincoln,, cause shows us their interest, and at Kelpines, by Omaha chapter No. 1, urun Congregation, where the first Committee, with three representatives regular company there will be a per- pageants of Biblical and religious Nebr., daughter of Mrs. J. B. Robin-: means more to us.than net profit.in" of the A.Z. A., Sunday, October IB, dedication exercises were held in 1873. of each of the organizations, was manent chorus and ballet to enhance nature this semester. The first of these plays to be presented will be "Happy son, also announced $25 contribu- dollars," he declared. ' I t gave us marks the opening of the local chap- Among the speakers at the services to created which shall be responsible the beauty of the productions. Anovelty of the coming season will New Year,'' a pageant of Jewish some idea of the potential 'strength tions. ten's activities. Plans have been b- held on Saturday at the Rockdale for the relief of the .stranded emi- also be the engagement of a musical of. Omaha Jewish womanhood and worked on to make the opening Avenue Temple will be Dr. Abram grants, and it is explicitly provided director who will, direct an orchestra months. The piay will be given in ought to give this campaign a fine dance a huge success, according to Simon, of Washington, D. C, presi- in the memorandum that was signed of symphony players and who will also the Temple Auditorium this Sunday appropriate music for the var-morning, October 18, at 11 o'clock. impetus." ''.".'•, the committee in charge. The com-dent of the Central Conference of by the three organizations that noth- write ious plays. S. Steinberg,w hose name The public is invited to attend. Mr. Monsky emphasized the neces- mittee is composed of Marion Graetz, American Rabbis, and Dr. Harry W. ing shall be done by the Evacuation is well known in Yiddish theatrical The children in the cast ai-e: Saul sity of furnishing the interior of the chairman; Edward Shafton, Fred Ettelson, of Memphis, Term., president Committee for the relief of the circles of New York has been engaged Graetz, Herman Levinson, LawrenoA new building in a manner to conform Brodkey and Louis Lipp. " • of the Alumni Association of two stranded emigrants otherwise than in for this purpose. Isidor Klein, vetGreen,-' Betty Furth, Marjorie Hiller. Will Conduct Service Every Saturday with th'e exterior of the. building, and eran of the stage, has been appointed College. Other participants will be strict conformity with the emigration stage director. Carolyn Rosenfeld, Jean Manley. • Morning to attract and hold young people's Judge Josiah Cohen, of Pittsburgh, laws of the respective countries to Sol Dickstein, manager of the enter- Helen Beeson, Harriet Rosenfelrl, Open Real Estate Agency interest. and Judge Simon W. Rosondale of which the refugees shall be trans- prise, has made special efforts to seMr. Simon Neveleff and Mr. Maurice Registrations of children for the Albany, N. Y., who were present at ported. Mr. Marshall, Dr. Wise and cure the best known artists of the Marian. Macho!, Evelyn Chaikm, Civin have opened a Real Estate and City Talmud Torah is being held this Omaha and Lincbln A. Z. A. stage. Among the engaged Frances Melchior, Lucile Krasne, the opening ceremony of fifty years Bernard Kahn, European director Yiddish artists are: Mme. Anna Yakubowitz; Marian Scharf, Lucile Weiss, Feik't Football Teams play Sunday Insurance office at 612 Omaha Nation- ago. Also Dr. Julian Morgenster, Dr. week and will be continued until Noof the Joint Distribution Committee, leading lady; Mme. Dora Weissman, al Bank Bldg. vember 1. president of the institution, Alfred M, are the Emergency Committee's Sarah Sheinfiekl, Mariam Freiman. Schreter, Bermine Green. Omaha Chapter Aleph Zadik Aleph " "List your property with us when The school at the present time has Miss Madeline Colin is in charpr Cohon, chairman of the Board of members of the Evacuation Commit- Celia Feigenbaum and Pearl Fogel- an enrollment of more than 300 pupils, will play the Lincoln Chapter Sun- you want to sell, and see us when youu Govenors of the College, Dr. David tee. For the lea—Edward Cohen of nes. The men of the cast are: Hyman of the play. • Yakubowitz, leading man, Joseph that are divided into eleven classes. day, October 18, at 32nd and. Dewey want to buy,.we solicit and will give Philipson, the only living member of London, James Simon of Berlin and Birnberg, Isidor Klein, Joseph Oberstart promptly prompt service to both the buyer and There are six instructors headed by Ave. The game will r the first graduation class, and Charles Otto Schiff of London. For the lander, Ch. Gartulewitch, Samuel Fo- | at 2:30. * • *L the, seller", said Mr. Civin. Those added to list of "Paid Mr. Elichu Bloch,pri ncipal. Shohl, honorary president of the Emigdirekt—DT. Leo Motzkin of Pa- gelnest. Coach Krasne of" Omaha;Chapter Both men are well-known in Omaha, The school is now holding its semiJin Full Pledgers" to Jewish Union of American Hebrew CongreFor the opening performance "A ris, Mr. Latzky and Dr. Bernstein. annual examination and prizes to the announces that his line-up for the being members of various organiza- gations. Home for a Mother", has been select- | Community Center are: pupils obtaining high grades will be first of the two ."inter-city; contests tions here. Mr. Marshall also announced th.it ed. It is a three-act play, full of I Charles J. Benson, Isadore Chap will be as follows: V given and announced next week. the Emergency Committee on Jewish melody and mirth and is usually rich «man, Harry.Eisenstett, Ed. Gilbert, scenic effects. Notwithstanding 11. F. Goodman, Julius Greenberg, L.E.—Lou#is Riklin. Refugees is remitting $5,000 a month in The City Talmud Torah is the only the enlarged cast, chorus and orchest- fDave Green, Louis Kirschbraun <£ L. G.—Hymie -Milder or Billie for the relief "of several thousand re- ra the old prices for tickest will pre- ! Sons," Max Kirsehenbaum, Robert institution of its kind in Omaha, where Gerelick. the children are given a Jewish Edufugees who were" lui"ed t o ' Cuba by vail. H. Kooper, Albert B. Newman. L.T.—Marion Graetz. -'•••• On Saturday evening thev will plar • Henry cation. Beginning this Saturday unscrupulous,,steamship agents. The A. Newman, Julius 51. NewC—J. Melvin Levin. R. G.—Iseo Milder or Jerome man, J. V. -Roeenblum, State Furmorning, the children will hold .servieconomic conditions in Cuba and the"The Golden Bird". • '« Diamond. niture Co., A. Theodore, J. Weiss. ces every Saturday morning from 9 New York, Oct. 8—(J. T. A.)—The. the following statement to the repre- unusual climate, have caused much ANTI-SEMITISM INCREASED R.T.—Sam Bender. Lewis B. Woolfson. to llo'clock. • ... suffering among them. However, acaddress of President Cpolidge before sentative of the Jewish- Telegraphic R«E.—Stanley F. Levin. IN ROUMANIA the American Legion 'convention in Agency; cording to "a" report"#by Nathan J. Q.B.—Max Givot. "In common with alll Americans Miller, treasurer of the Emergency Omaha, Nebr.,-in Tvhich h attacked reBucharest (J. T. A.)—The "Patria", L, H.—David Forman. ICA FOLLOWS JOINT DISTRIBUligious bigotry and racial hatred in who cherish the principles of freedom Committee, the Jews.are making ev- the organ of the Transylvania Na- FRENCH JEW R.H.—Max Altshuler. TION COMMITTEE IN CONCLUDAmerica, making an impressive plea and tolerance I welcome the utterance F. B.—David J3leicher.; ING AGREEMENT WITH SOVIET APPOINTED RESIDENT the upholding of the true Ameri- of the President on behalf of a new ery effort -to. gain -an economic foot- tional Party, has joined the antiThe lancoln football team will be for can principles of freedom and toler- and larger tolerance in American life. hold in Cuba, and to become citizens Semitic campaign of the Roumanian " GENERAL OF MOROCCO Moscow. (J. T. A.) A preliminary the guests at a sHScription dance, ance, made a profound impression This utterance win mean little, if of the country. =Tp facilitate these Press. Paris,—(J. T. A.)—M. Steesc, agreement with regard to Jewish col- Sunday •night at Kelpine's • Dancing upon leaders of the American Jewis anything, unless it be translated into efforts, -the Emergency Committee In a number of articles published in French Minister of Justice, was apcommunity. • : . . • • : ' the mood and attested by the acts of , onization word in Soviet Russia was Academy. the "Patria", the Jc-vs are assailed, pointed resident general of Morocco, has created a revolving fund of $15,The speech was commented upon the government. concluded here between the lea, thePOLISH GOVERNMENT AGAIN not only by the,press, but by prom"I know of no dire need in American 000 -from .which'loans will be made being ac-used of capturing Roumanian according to an announcement «t| Jewish Colonization Association, and inent leaders, of the community.. life, than the cultivation of the spirit to Jewish immigrants who desire to trade BSIC industry. "All Jews are Prime Minister Painleve today. ENDEAVORS CONCILIATION the Comzet, the governmental depart- j understanding which, as a result "The Omaha speech of President corrupt, ninety-nine percent of them M. Stecg is one of the three Jev,-^ WITH JEWISH DEPUTY CLUB Coolidge is in every way admirable," of of the war and post-war hysteria, has set themselves up in business. mont for Jewish colonization work. evade the payment of taxes, and sixty who are members of the pres&in Louis Marshall, president of the all but passed out of American life. Announcement was also made that per cent of them are deserters, spies Warsaw. "(J. T. A.")' A move to American The agreement has been drafted French cabinet. Nordicism is the latest of the phenoJewish Committee, declared along lines similar to those of the bring about a recqncilliation between1 in an interview with the representa- menon ofintolerance and fanaticism. Dr. Maurice . B. - Hexter, Executive and traitors", the paper states. AgrorJoint, the agency in Soviet Rus- the Club of Jewish Deputies and the tive of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency From any American worthy of the Director of "the Boston Federation of name this spirit of intolerance and Jewish Charities and Chas._E. Asms JUDGE SHRODER OF Polish Jewry Sends Representatives sia of the American". Jewish, Joint Grabslri government was made fol- yesterday. "It is in line with what bigotry must be rooted out. May the he has said on several occasions as, To Geneva Minorities Confer***.** Distribution Committee. lowing the adoption by the Club of for instance, in the speech which he President's message Teach' the heart of Philadelphia had completed an in. . CINCINNATI DIES Warsaw,—{J. T. A.)—-Polish ;According to the agreement, the the resolution. refusing [ to vote con- delivered to the Holy ^ame Society in of the American people and guide the vestigation for the Emergency ComCincinnati, Ohio—(J. T. A.)—Jacob Washington about a year ago and the conruct of those who share our gov- mittee on Jewish Refugees on econ- Shroder, former Judge of the Com- wiil be represented at the I Jewish colonization Association has fidence in the government. which he delivered at the time ernment policies." omic conditions in Mexico, to deter- mon Pleas Court, died here. tional Conference of National obligated itself to invest in Jewish The move wag made by a high address the cornerstone of the Jewish Center The Republican Party's position on mine the advisability of endeavoring ties which is to open in GenftV* on colonization work in Russia the sumgivcmment official 'who approaches was laid in Washington. Mr. Shroder, who retired from law It is a great the Ku Klux Klap and race hatreds to settle Jews in that -country. The > of $100,000 for the first year. The r«e leaders of the Club •with £he ques- contribution to the cause of toleration for practice years ago, was 78 years old, October 14th.- ' the 1926 elections, ignored in the Deputies Kfeerner, Weisieher »tu{ sums which are to be invested in the tion on what, conditions the club and will nndoubtly have a benefidfl Presidential campaign, was defined findings of this investigation will be having been born in Cincinnati in following years, as well as the region- would be ready to soften its opposi- influence upon the minds of the Amer- yesterday by President Coolidge in his jnade public shortly. 1847. William J. Shroder, son of Silverschein'.were delegated by tWican people." Omaha speech, according to advisers Judge Shroder,. is president of the Club of Jewish Deputies as its repir. where - the lea activities are to be , tional attitude. No positive reply has Dr. Stephen S. Wise, president 6f sentatives at the Geneva conference* PATBONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. United Jewish SOCMS Agencies; conducted will be determined later, j been given (Continued on page 2) the American Jewish Congress, made
Y, M. H. A. Comnattees Appointed at Meeting Monday
City Talmud Torah Seeks Enrollment of New Pupils
Jewish Leaders Coiament President's Plea For Religious Freedom Md Tolerance
Omaha Hebrew Gibto Hold Membership Canpalp
PAGE 2—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 also present a memorandum of itseverything it has done to attract the dent Coolidge, iis the Ieadei.Of the THIEVES INVADE LONDON Republican Party, has formulated a EREN HAYESOD OFFICE own. The commission -will consider Jewish masses to agricultural work. policy that cannot be ignored by Reall these questieife, including the re- We are happy to be the pioneers in publican candidate^ far Congress. " London, (J. T. A.)—Petty cash to port of the •mandatory power for this historic enterprise," the message '. ' * Published e»efy rbnrsdny at Uraabfc Nebraska, by Some editorial comments in ftews- the amount of 5 pounds wasthe spoil Transjordania. read. THE JEWISH PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY papers in the cities. tfeeug&vwhkh ^Continued from page 1) Office: 7dO Brandeis Theatre Building— lelepnone: ATlantic 1450. and Hayesod office of the View End accompanying him. A despatch from it one of the fdost e g NATHAN E. GREEN Manager. .' SE" I STTV3REON Women and Courtship Quarterlast night. statesmanlike utterances the President the President's train to the New York -$2.50. DISTRICT THANK SOVIET Man views it as a great testimony Subscription Price, one year.. has made upon outstaiwlirig social i_s- The thieves searched the rooms, Times states: . , GO"ERNM~ "T FO^ AID to his prowess at amour to yield up Advertising rates furnished on application. to fiued in opening" drawers and files, and left His plea for tolerance and the eli- , sues. Others aJre; inclined ^ _ his liberty, hi? property and his soul mination of racial and religious an- it a move for political advantages in the office in complete disorder. C H A N G E OK ADUKESS—please give botb the old <ina new address; Moscow, (Jewish Telegraphic to the first woman who, in despair of be sure and eive vom name. . inosities in American life, judged by the elections next year. But broadly 1 messages of congratulation rt- { speaking these comments and- mes- Money collected in the View End Ageii.y)—Tha-* td ' Soviet gov- flnaifcg better game, turns her appraisThe Jewish Press is supplied by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (Jewish the quarter had been banked the day beby the President while return- sages to a i r the American people to ernment for its facili ating the back- ing eye upon him. But if you want to Correspondence Bureau) -with catiled arid telegraphic Jewish news, in addition ceived ing to Washington on his special train, return" ta first principle* and help ddntc land "• *er f " r -'an -"•ws hear a mirthless laugh, just present , to feature articles and correspondence's from all irriborffinf Jfewtsh centres has struck a responsive note among serve the constitutional guarantees, masculine theory to a bridesmaid \ras expr < ? d in a '^patch <-ent by this -Lnutfirier1 regarding news-.items credited to this .Agency will be giaHIy the millions a affected by the antagon' . Cincinnati, Ohio, October 10— (J. T. c y g at a wedding, particularly after alcoiT r Bucharest, (J. T. A.)—A conference answerer If addressed to Jewish Telegraphic Agendy 621 Brftadwdy. New istic attitude of certain groups en- A.)—"the address of President the settlers in ie ' net of Chfirson hol and crocodile tears have done their 1 •York City . •- . Coolidge to the American Legion" Conof Roumanian anti-Semites took place the Comzet, the gaged in fomenting strife. "•rnmen - i de- disarming work upon her. That is to is thrilling to every -whole in Tecuci. Professor Cuza of Jassy partmer' -"^ "'in This plea, the dominant note in his vention •.vs he 1—4 , say, just hint to her that the bride : souled American'', declared Alfred M. speech before the American Legion Cohen, governor of the Hebrew Union University, head of the anti-Semitic THE GERMAN KLAN the occasion of the celebration of harbored no notion of marriage until heartened those, who, like himself, are College and president of the Independ- students'- organization in Roumania, stormed into acquiescence by the The Strohscheins, father and son, were attested in Berlin opposed e harvest day. ffl to stirring up differences for organizing a &lan in Germany. On the face1 of it, it Seems •which make for dissension among the ent Order B'nai B'rith iiti art interview together with 150 students, tookpart "On the first harvest day festival moonstruck find impetuous hridewith the correspondent of the Jewish j in the conference. groom.^-H. L. Mencken, in "in De.incredible. How can the Order of the Fiery Ooss tJOJJSibty adftiit American people. These issues ap- Telegraphic we beg to express io the Soviet gov- fense Ageiieyv of W(. :?n." peared in the Presidential campaign any but 100 per cent Americans into, the holy 6f hdltes? The last year and were emphasized by "The pity is that there is need fof At a-public meeting, held in con-ernment our siricerest thanks for nection with " co"erence, Professor ,-Klan officials in Atlanta denied at once that ther«i \Vas any con-John W. Davis, his Democratic op- such Uttetanfies"^ he stated* Who mectioii with any organizations outside the. United States; We ponent, but President Coolidge ignored does not know, that our country's Cuza f " he hoped" *p be in power Fill in our km,., ..ml treble like greatness is due to contributions made soon, when he would immediately distake the statement with a grain of salt, in view of the fact that them, believing that such questions by the playe1' rolls. A practical all elements of its population? solve the C'.iamber and Senate and ought to have n6 part in a campaign. application of keyboard hara concerted^ well-organized campaign is now being carried on President Coolidge, according to his Who needs to t e informed that the govern the country by means of in Canada. blood of the -white man and the black •Syncopation—Charleston Rythm. —Runs—Breaks—Syncc mony. Variations—Runs—Breaks friends, has always stood for the prinWhy should the Klan leave America to go among the unclean ciples enunciated in his Omaha speech. man of every Shade of political and special decrees. 15th & Harney Sts. i Studio At. 4361 and unregenerate, as all non-Americans must be according to His public record shows that he has religious belief has mingled in the 304 Mickle BIdg. displayed broad and liberal views upon I wars in which dur country has enRes. We. 3828 their formulas? As we view it, there are two moving reasons. religious reliffious and race questions. Dunne I gaged? Whd is so ignorant of ourPERMANENT MANDATES During First, the fee of $10 per yokel who enjoys the feeling of superior- the last Presidential campaign he history as to how require proof that, COMMISSION MEETS IN ity behind the security of a mask and night gown. This is no demonstrated this when "the Kn Klux the; foundation of our republic rests GENEVA ON OCTOBER 19 the principle of equal rights for inconsiderable reason. Many a Dragon, Kleagle, Goblin and other Klan movement was at its height and upon all and special privileges for ntirie 1 it might have affected his Gneva,—(J. T; A.)—Various asfunctionary of the infantile order has become prosperous from when Yet the President lias afailStl him- pects of the situation in Palestine will success by accepting an invi"An A. Z. A. Affair" \ his share of the $10 fee which must be paid before he can enjoy party's tation td review the Holy Name So- self at a meeting, Gf the survivors of ; be considered by the Seventh session the privilege of animosity and uniformity. ciety parade in Washington and mak- our nation's defenders of an oppor-, to tell these self-evident truths, jof the Permanent Mandates CommisBut there is, a more potent reason than even the financial ings a speech',that breathed the doc-tunity The President, calm and dispassionate. sion cf the Lague of Nations which trine of religious and racial freedom, •one* The desire to reduce the whole world to one pattern, con- the dispatch continues. I as he is, who always thinks ttviee be- will b opened here on October 19. ceived as ultimate, is of paramount importances fore r e he speaks, must be fully eonThe upholders of "democracy" in America do not find it Those in charge of the Republican' ^ o f J P ^ V must oe itiny con- Dr. Chain Weizmann, president of .mpaign awaitfd the effects of the . ^ ? n f f note else tve should not have the World Zionist Organization, will difficult to become "monarchists" in Germany. This should not campaign leave London for Genvea on' the 18th. cause surprise, for they have outraged every democratic principle President's action with concern and Several leaders of the Agudath Israel, tion was over. The President made | in their insistence upon sameness. The outstanding characteristics this decision against the advice of { the orthodox Jewish -world orgam'zaof the Klan are reaction, denial of equality, superiority because some of his counselors, strange of aristocratic Nordic origins and, above all, the desire td standardise everything according to their values. KIux Klan. although the orthe Sheik Jihakib Arslam, representing 25th and Farnam Sts. i With these fundamental principles underlying the Klan who ppresume to be informed O r t h o t l o x J e w i g h Congregations of the Palestine Arab Executive, is exscheme, what difference does it really make iit what Country it of ihose conduct of the last Presiden- America, which is about to hold its pected to submit a petition on behalf $1.00 per (Couple—Real Entertainment f operates? Germany is the classical land of Nordic superiority; tialthe campaign say that it was by di- twenty-seventh convention in of his organization. The Ashkenazic its regimentation was a by-word before the war! reaction was rect orders of the White House that New York City,annual comfortably at home among the Junkers and militarists and the Klan issue was ignored at the "We rejoice thatdeclared: President Coolidse ',community, the Jewish orthodox com convention, but the platform has returned the note equality was a myth and a joke to those in power. When ideals Cleveland of the spirit of imunity of Jerusalem, under the a plank, which some say America onece more, tie has clearly, and practices are similar the matter of geography is of little contained y, | leadership of Rabbi Zonenfeld, will that the President wrote, that read: consequence; The 100 per cent American Protestant formula is "The Republican Party reaffirms its surely and unmistakably defined the American attitude as the standard just so much propaganda to the Klan leaders and no one knows undying devotion to the Constitution bearer nation in his speech in it better than they. It is just as easy to substitute 100 per cent and to the guarantee of civil, political Omaha.ofIthe hope he will go one step and religious liberty therein conGerman Protestant, or, for that. matter,. in a Catholic country and declare in behalf of the In restating in a specific further .. _„ .__..£, . . . „ -,r~>.— , United (j n i,; ea jstates States of oi -Americt -Ainenct io to me the rest rest Kke Italy, to make it 100 per cerit Italian Catholic. Find the tained." these constitutional guarantees, rl the. genuine and true important basic ingredients and the slight flavoring does not way f t h e WO d the President selected a time when the omithod of brotherhood, marking the subject could be sanely considered by circumstances,'o± tolerance Of tolerchange the brew. American rjeople without being ance not merely around "our nation but But this Klan organization in Germany is a more sinister the connected with a Presidential cam-, a l l a T o u n d t h e w o r i d » .
Jewish Leaders Comment President^ Plea For Religious Freedom And
Modern Dance Music
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"An A. Z. A. Affair"
thing, for it does not represent Jhe republican Germany now inpaign. He has given his view.s now, -\ •• • i i contra!. In order to accomplish their ends they proposed to as-when there is no campaign In planning -your printing consult pg on. Whil th k l While the sassinate -Jewish leaders and outstanding republicans. movement, in the a representative of the SUN opinion of President, rniirPANV , ^ n ™;n ->A dt is growing pptvi-iwr The Klan idea is not confined to any country and does not weaker, yetthe he felt called upon to lay PRATING COMPANY who will aduse the same fli-ess-everywhere. But the philosophy of -Klanism before thes people,his ideas -with the vise you of Jh&best methods ih.eg- | ls n ? i"i52t a ^ ~ i s ' contrary to the development^ the egalitarian hope-that he migtitfceatyl&to lessen euripjj 'results ^ i your printing and and racial strife. He has' advertising'.' '"V" ' j and-libertarian point of view despite" its'many'pronouncements thejrfeligious now.defined in a strong w a y t h e A d - ' . . ••.'--•• - • -• . j of democratic loyalties. To the Klan mind freedom and equality -toward the | Your 1925 subscription 16 t h e Jew-' are total strangers.- They think only in terms.which would ministration's Cattitude oklan7s8ue is l aure d to S ri6 S ^n t fte l s h P r e s s *»&«-«"»*• ^ez-se ***** subvert all democratic. principles.- On'the soil of reactionary monarchist, Nordic Germany .the plant could blossom and floWer ampaign next year and that Presi- »t >n> .-,-... were it not for the new and broader spirit which has come to what country since the monarchy was destroyed. The unearthing of this plot means more to the Jewish leaders ot Germany thai* any other group, for they were especially singled out for the generous attentions of those whb would not hesitate to commit any crime to create one uniform nightgown, . pillowslip word.—"California Keview."
Simon NeveMf
"PIEDGORS MUST PAY" • Whether5 a signature on the dotted line! of a pledge card for a charitable^cause constitutes a Jegal obligation dr is merely a ttbble gesture is the question which the Board of Trustees of the Jamaica Hospital proposes to put to the Courts this fall. In 1922 the Jamaica Hospital had a are known to be affluent will be financial drive for its New building made in August about $3,000 has Fund.' .Pledges were accepted, pay- been paid by defpultefst There is no able iii four installments over a two intention io sue anyone Whose finanyear .period. The building has been cial affairs make it uncomfortable erected and is giving service to theto fullfill his pledge, but those who community* but about $50,000.of the brought to book. total amount pledged is still outTfie lawyers for the hospital declare standing. -The officers of the hospital - believe5 that the majority of'the one themselves confident of their grounds thousand persons who have not'paid legally. The pledge stipulated a proup are in a position to do - so and mise "in consideration of promises hy should be held to their promises. The osiers." They cited> among other • hospital incurred debts - on the cases, that of Rosalsky Vs. Manhastrength of promised -gifts and itsvitz, in which a similar agreement officers believe that in justice to those was upheld in Municipal Court by •who paid, often at a sacrifice, they Justice Spiegelberg. Manndvitz, a should, irisist on payment on the part canvass jobber, pledged $506 in the of the delinquent. They have, ac-Jewish War Relief Campaign, „ . cordingly, decided to bring - certain honor, it was said, of his "son's contest cases'to court in "October and if firmation. Otto A. Rosalsky, Judge the judgment is in their favor they of General Sessions, sued Mannovitz will tfien be in a position "legally to for the Campaign Committee, and cdltect the other outstanding accounts. quickly recoveredj So far as can be .ascertained the: It is_ the belief of the Trustees that Jewish War Relief Campaign set the
&bout time these ^people were shown cases of defiance or indifference to lip," said William C. Reid, president requests for payment. Thefirstsui' of the"' Board of Trustees. "It isn't was brought in New York Cityrant fait to those who contribute to "char- a judgment was successfully recov itable-'-tauses tc^ let these iourflushers. ,ered in spite of the faet that many make reputations for "generosity, and people did not regard a pledge to it isn't fajr to tEe charity" to be forc- charity enforcible by law. Similar ed to make a. second appeal to "those" actions were brought m many states who have already done their, jghare. The Trustees of Jamaica Hospital That is the situation .we will have to believe that their action will initiate face ohless we can secure" payment a new era, one in whteH pledge drives from these" delinquent pledgers. I will be made with the knowledge that believe-that it will benefit all charit- they can and will be legally enforced able -organizations, if we push, this' and one in which' the 20vpercent-ldss; Issue, formal! of them, I am convinced,' which., tney' claims > accompanies7 all' face the>game situation." such drives, will be; eliminated,: Since -public announcement of the propogfed'action\of.the.hospital was PATRONIZE OOB
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&-Tftg JEWISH; J?KE^—1HURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 tmrnmummaammmamm
Council of Jewish Women to Hold Midwest Convention in Omaha
Mr. Joshua Gordon organizer-of the .for settling Jews on the land. The for the future of KnsSia Jewry, Wi exhibition, -welcomed the guests in j aims and objects erf the Ozet vrere ex- appeal to the Jews of the world tot - Arabic and English. Mr. plained in & number of addresses de- material and moral support of thii Blamenfeld greeted the exhibition on liverea by Mr. Weizmann, Professor great work." behalf of the municipality of Tel Ariv, Fabricant, Mr. Gfoer, representative Mr. Nathan Chasan on behalf of the of the Agro-Joint, and the agricul PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. American Zionist fraternity, Sons of tural expert Kameiiecky. i Zion, and Col. Frederick H, Kish on The following resolution was un-! of the Zionist Executive. animonsly adopted at the meeting. "The -ssembled express their utmost Famous for Meeting of Kon-Pfcrtisan Jews in j sympathy -with the forming of a Moscow Appeals to World Jewry Diamoni Engagement Riugf ' strong Jewish peasantry in Soviet to Support Coiottlzation Plan Russia. Conscious of the exceptional Gifts for the Fall Bride Moscow,—(J. T. A.)—The reports importance of the present movement 1514 DoSgc Street of the work of Jewish colonization in Soviet Russia and its program for the future were discussed at a large meeting of non-partisan Jews -which was held yesterday in the Moscow syna Real Estate Renf&Is - Investments - Insurance gog-ue. 30a Paxton Building Fhonc AT-046S; Evenings The meeting was called by a subDUPLEX SPECIALISTS committee of the Ozet, the society I>Un<EX INVESTMENTS: Siii<"e the Rrsi of HIP year, ivp hnvp sold many
The next annual Midwest-Interstate convention of the Council ©f Jewish Women will be held in Omaha.on Norembet l j 2, and &. Headquarters will be at the Slackstone Hotel and meetings will be held at Temple Israel. Delegates of six fteatby States namely, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Misscftirij and ffoffi tfefirasfca, will be it Omaha lot the conference. The three delegates from Omaha are Mrs. Isy Rosenthalj Mrs. Sadie Mayer, and Mrs. William L. Holzihari. The dfSeers of this convention are: President, Mrs. Sigmund Stern, of WEDDINGS Kansas City, Mo.; vice-president, Mrs. Herman Mayer, of St; Lduis, Mo.; treasurer, to L. 1*. Enpihs, of Jo|>liii, Mo.; eorrespoftding secretary, Mrs. SOREF-TRAGER Mr. and "Mrs. Sarii Mosow, of The marriage of "Miss Ethel Trager, City, Iowa, announce the engagement Gary CJdheflj of Kansas Gity, Mo.-; financial and recording secretary, Mrs. of Ghicago, I1L, to Mr. Philip Soref, of of their daughter, Bertha^ to Ml*. Jules Carl JTtirth, df Omaha; and atiditor, Mrs. Herbert Bernard, of Tulsa, bkla. this- city, will* be solemri&ed tins H L. Gerelick, son of Bf & a n t Mrs. Lewis day evening, October 18, a t 5 o'clock (jerelick, of this city. Ko date has fotecntive White of Scout fleadcjua*-] PALESTINE NEAR-EAST at the Labor Lyceum! feeeri set for the weacfiiig1. ters and Asst. Seoiatniaster Virgil EXHIBITION OPENED YESTERDAY IN TEL AVlV WENDEB-DOODEWARI) Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Milder aii- Ney, of Troop 47 were guests. Mr. Tel Aviv,—(J. T. A.)—The PalesOznahan's -will be interested in the aonnce the engagement of their sister, SaiH j&ice> chairman of the Troop tine Near East Exhibition and Fair sraiauncement of the marriage of Mr. Miss Ida Segall, to Mr. George Eohn, committee, was In charge. : was opened here yesterday afternoon Ted' "Wender, of-Minneapolis. Minn., son of Mr, and Mrs. Dave Eobri, of in the presence of a large gathering thiscity. Ho date has been set fdt formerly of Omaha, ~to Miss Selnaa of Jewc and Arabs, government offi\. . Doodeward, also of Minneapolis, Minn. the wedding*.': cials and representatives of foreign The marriage toolc place, Sunday, Ladies Auxiliary to Give Public governments. October 11. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Milhnafl anCard Party Next Wednesday Ronal Storrs, governor of Jerusa ounce the birth of a baby scm horn The Ladies Auxiliary of ihe Taluiud lem, paid a glowing tribute to the inTuesday, September 29, d t tne MethdMr. and Mrs. J . Komonek enterTofah will give a Public card Party dustry and zeal of the Jewish settlers tained at a ferewell. dinner at their dist Hospital, next Wednesday afternoon^ October in Palestine, stressing the contribuhome Tuesday evening in honor of 21, at Hafer'B Hall, 137 West BroadMr. and Mrs. JarbhM tion of Ametcisn Jews. "The Jewish Rabbi and. Mrs. J . M. Charlop, who hare moved from their home at 319 way. This is the first public card people have organized this exhibition, axe leaving Omaha for Bronx, N. Y. party of the season. demanding nothing- from the governand for Eabbi Chas. Templdn, of Pa- North 38 Ave., to the Princeton Apartments. The Talmud To*ah Sunday Sch6ol ment. It testifies not only to the malestine. Mr. S. Lewis Spnrakj of Chicago, ill., will open its new term nest Sunday terial but also the aesthetic spirit Mr. Philip Mandel, active particiwho was Visiting here with her parents, morning, October 18, at terre'clock at of the Jews in their rebuilding actbi pant in several local organizations of ty", he stated. • - " Mr< and Mrs. Jarohin Kulakofskyj left the MerriSm Block Hall, where Sunyoung Jewish men, left Monday for day School was conducted last year. : •for her hoine. • New York City, where lie will take a Every child who wishes to attend Tbusiness course at Cooper Union. Mr. Mrs. Walter Apple, of Denver* Cold,, Sunday School this year should be FOR RENT Mandel was asst. Scoutsmastes of who was called here On actemnifcfthe there Sunday morning for ttegistraROOM TO COUPLE; Home Troop 62. He was a popular scout- death of her brother-in-law, Mr. L. M. tion. privileges and garage. Hall leader in Omaha and will continue hii, returned to her home Wednesblock to carline. Call Kenwood Jee SolottionoWj son of Mr, aflcl Mi*. this activity in New York. 5465. day. • W. Sdldmonow, will bfe Bar MitzVahed Mr. Harry M. Ferer is. expecting Mrs. E. Martz and children, of Chi- on Saturday morning, October 24, at to leave Monday for Miami, Florida, cago, HI., who are visiting here for the nine o'clock at the Chevra B*nai Yisoil a business trip. past month with Mr. and Mrs. Her-roel Synagogue, 618 Mynster Street. bert Dubnoff, returned to their .home Mr» fcnd Mrs. Solomonow will enterWhile .enroute to Cincinnati, O., to Saturday evening. tain a t a Reception on the foliowihg attend the Golden Jubilee of the Heday, Sunday, October 25, in the afterbrew Union College, Rabbi Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Schwarti left noon and evening at their home a t NEW YORK ALL-STAR Cohn will stop off a t Chicago, HI., Friday for their ranch at Alberto 213 Stuteman Street; No cards will b COMPANY -where he will visit with, his daughter, Canada. They will be gone for five be issued. •'••'•.•• IMiss Mildred Cbhn, who is doing Social weeks. While enroute they stopped headed by Service work there. Rabbi Cohri will at a number of eastern cities. The Ladies Aid Society held 4 meetreturn home about October SO. ing Tuesday afternoon a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L Kulakofsky had Mrs. & Cohen, 908 Fifth Aveniie. •Babbi Frederick Cohn will lecture as their guests during the week, their on "What Price Glory," the play that son-in-law, Mr. Sain TSraiidt, and his Mr. arid Mrs. L Foliarow Entertained was shown at the Brandeis last week* brother, Harry Bfandt, of New York some of their friends at their, hoine at 206 Park Avenue on Friday evena t the Friday evening- Services at the City. and Twelve Assisting ing and again on Sunday evening. Temple./ Saturday morning his topic The first meeting of the season of Artists will be "Creation." Miss Iibbie Freideil spent a couple the local Deborah; Society will be held will present on During the absence of Eabbi Cohn Tuesday afternoon, October 20, at the of days this week in Sioux City, la., wh'ois^ leaving Sunday for Cincinnati Jewish Community Center. A prom- visiting her sister, Mrs, Lou Heeger, •Ohio, to attend a conference of Amer- inent local speaker will address the and Mr. Heeger, prior to her departure on Sunday for Chicago, El., after ican rabbis, Mr. William L. Holzman members. a two weeks vacation here. will conduct the services Friday eveMr. and Mrs. 3. Harry Kulakofsky ning, October 22, and Saturday morn- arid family have moved into their new Yale Meyerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. ing;, October 23. Sir. William R. home at 114 South 51 St. ' Sain Meyerson, underwent ah- operaBlumenthal will speak Friday and Hon for Appendicitis at the Edmuhdhis subject will be "Recent Progress in Mr. and Mrs* Sol Bergman have as ison Hospital last week, and is now reSocial Service. their house guests, their daughter, ported as getting along nicely^ Mrs. Charles J. Simon: and.daughter, -Mrs. Dade Stine is leaving today Marjorie of Chicago, HI., who arrived The Ladies Auxiliary of the Talmud } and on for Florida, where she will Join Mr. Sunday. Tc-rah held a meeting Wednesday Stine to make their future home. afternoon at the home of Mrs. D. Fox. Miss Laura Givot left this morning An election of officers tookplace and Mr. and Mrs. Abner Kaimen and daughter returned the early part of for Los Angeles, Calif., where she will the old officers were I'e-elected: by acthik week from Los Angeles, Calif., make her future home. Miss GiVot clamation. where they visited for several months will become the bride of Mr. Ben Seid, of Los Angeles, Calif. * Prior to her Mrs. Herman Krasrie underwent an They will present ,& ' Mrs. Morris Serf of San Francisco, leaving Oamha, a number of hostesses operation Wednesday morning at the Musical Comedy in t Acts C&lif., is visiting1 with her mother entertained in her honor. Thursday Edmundson Hospital and is getting th 22 Musical Numbers Mrs. Sarah Filvin. Tuesday evening October 1, Mrs. A. D. Givot Was bos'-aldhg as well as daii be expected. at a one o'clock luncheon and Miss Hannah Filvin entertained the tess , . , , , , ,. . , ,. iu.i. IUIU AU.1B. Ju&t uk cg n i u a n c EnterHajables Bridge Club in honor of bridge a t h e r honie complimentary to. L ^ ^ , ^ ^ J Mrs/Serf * Prizes being won by thi her daughter and also for Mrs. Jt j followed • • • by * 5Mah Jong at their home Misses Miriam Euback and Lticill Givot; of Sioux City, la., who wasat 519 Oakland Ave., Sunday evening Stein, and on Thursday evening Mis visiting here. Miss Mary Maizel was in celebration of their Silver.Wedding Anne Kaiman is entertaining at her hostess at a bridge at her home Sun* Anniversary, arid also in horiof of their A Musical Comedy that played all last season in New York •home in honor of Mrs. Serf. She day, October 4. Mrs. S. Babior en- month old grandsori, Stanley Melvin, and Chicago. expects to leave some time next week tertained at four tables of bridge at son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Krasne. for Chicago, where she will visit with her home, Tuesday, October 6. Thursday, October 8, Mrs. S. Stiefler Enother relatives. tertained at four tables of bridge at Miss Rose Minzey of the child her home. The following afternoon, placement bureau of the San Fran- Mrs. B. Fleishman was hostess.at four Oh, Lord, now when the toil.of day is done. cisco Jewish charities, will be in tables of bridge at her home. SaturOmaha the end of the week, as the day afternoon, October 10, Miss Alice And rest repose upon my bed of; rest, guest of Mrs. Herman Auerbach and Nagel entertained at a luncheon at the Ithang thee for the calm and tranquil sleep, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky. Miss Min- Fontenelle HoteL The next day, Mrs. Which does ehwrapp me and with Lewis Abramsori gave a bridge at her aey served with the Jewish Welfare which I'm blest. Board in France and is enroute to home. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. B. Garrop and Mrs. M. Leaf entertained Chicago, her former hoMe. at their home, and oh Wednesday, I thank thee for the guidance of my soul, Mr. and Mrs. N. Pessin, of Sioux October 14, Mrs. J. J. Brown, of Through paths of righteousness and City," Iowa, visited in Omaha last Council Bluffs, la., entertained at straightway roads, bridge at the Brandeis Tea Rooms for week- while enroute to Hollywood, And keeping me from evil and from Calif. They -visited with Mr. andMiss Givot. sin, . . \.. . ^.. ;. Mrs.-Judah L. Wolf son, ahd Mr. and Aiding me cdrry. burdens and large Agroup <of Orhaha men spent the Mrs;. H. Wohl loads. week in Excelsior Springs. Among Mrs. M. Blahk, of Sioux City, Iowa* them were Mr. Herzberg, Harry £ulais visiting with h e r : son, Mr. Leokofsky, Morris Milder, Will Grodins- I thank thee for the strength which Blank. ..'••• . • - - . • • . ky, H , H. Auerbach, Ed Kraus and thou bestows, Upon my weary limbs and careworn Harry Malashock. * In honor of Miss Eose Schwartz, mind, who is soon to become the bride of Mr. To help me carry on thus patiently. Abe Gross, of this city, a number of With courage all my tasks, Hot lag social entertainments are being given. behind. The Auflebung Club will hold the The hostesses this week were the opening meeting of the season Sunday Misses Doris arid Miririette Gross, who evening, October 18, a t 8:15,' a t the Oh, Lord, when t am prone to nigh gave A dancing p a r t y a t the Hanscom give up, Jewish Community Center. A literary Park Pavilion Wednesday evening, literary arid musical program will be I thank thee with my heart and all and a •One.b'clock lunchon followed by my might,presented and also a one^act comedy a theatre party will be given Saturday "The Future "World", by Sholem •For the renewed struggle to my des» afternoon by Miss Goldye Marcus, tined goal, Alechim. Those in the cast are Eli honoring Miss Schwartz. and " • Lewis, M. F . Goodman, H. Kranz, Encouragement thou give'st .my soul Mrs. E. Kovin, who has been visit- Oseat Tauh, Abe Gendler, and Mary to fight. Katz. ing here with Mr. and Mrs, M. KulaGERTRUDE PERLIS kofsky, left Tuesday evening for her Troop No. 62, Boy Scouts of Amerhome in Brooklyn, N. Y. ica, held its fifth annual party ThursFirms advertising in "The Jewish Mx. and Mrs. J . Simon have moved day evening, October 15, a t the Jewish Press" deserve you? patnmaKe—It is into their newly built home.at-5610 .<Jomwunity.rCgnter.. -Stunt*Jwere ; put TO. YOUR UJTERjEST to support on by the various patrols. Asst. Scant them. Pamam
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fee! if Ti>tl a r e lookiDp for a pood", pound investliit-nt \vt viotild l>e more tliini gliut to go into t h e proposition thoroughly with you. We havp b U T S ?n dvplexes in the licpt lof.TiJons in Otup.hn Hint will pftptireturnE of in per cent on TOUT inveFtinentF. If yon are in the market to buy, Fell, or trade your liome in on E Duplex, be snre ID call us.
A Prayer of Thanks
DUPLEXES, not otily \(-bprc people were looking ior nn vi'iinoiuii'iil lion«> nw\ good investment, luit also as a purely investment prnpoehimi. We tavc Some real tldliiex linys, the price? of ^vhUli nrc so ml motive Hint w«>
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woman doesn't know about bonds—:' Dirk DeJong. Usually .women spoke Percy Wendell's Lehjgh eleven against William Halpern, captain of the abont'b'ond-'buyiafc They-tblhk'tfceVrfc to Mm first andfluently._ Quit* women_ Gettsbxtrg- Itwas Hal Le\vin7 quater- famous Hakoah socer football team of something mysterious and Tisky. They waxed voluble under his.silence; volback, who'finally carried the baitfoyer, t Vienna is in America to arrange for and kicked -the goal after- touchdown, the Visit of his team in this country." ought to be educated -up to it.t Didn't uble women chattered.- Paula always •which brought the final score at seven We have had a very interesting conyou say something-, Dirk, about classes* spoke a hundred words to his one. all. By HARBY GONZEL versation with this fine specimen of in finance for women!" But here was a" woman-more silent Up at Hamilton. N. Y., they have a European Jewish athJetie, and will (Coprrigbt tva tsy Seven Arts " "But would" the women, come?" than he; not sullenly silent nor heav1 Feature Srndlcnte.) habit of not starting one of the star j tell you all about it in our next week's "Of course 'they'd come. Women ily silent, but quietly, composedly, restplayers on the Colgateeleven. But jcolumn. will accept any invitation-that's "en- fully silent they can't keep Levinson, one of the j Harry Galfund the Jewish weltergraved on heavy cream paper." "111 tell "you the..'sort, of thing we finest ends we've seen, out for long, j weight boxer has been going very JEWISH SPORT The Great Lakes Trust had a branch want Miss O'Mara." He told lier. Levinson was on the receiving end of strong of late and is now in line for a in Cleveland now, and -one in New When he had finished she probably IN EUROPE several passes and provided excellent championship bout against Walker. York, on Fifth avenue. The drive to would bursV out with three or four The cricket team of "Stepney" .'Jew- interference for Captain "Eddie". Walker will have to fight for his Interest women In bond • buying and plans. The others had done that ish Lad's Club made a wonderful re- Tryon. Colgate ran riot against] drown. to Instruct them in finance was to take When he had finished she said,.'Til cord. It has gone, through the entire Clarkson Tech burying them under'j Ludwig Lewisohn, author of "Puon almost national'proportions. There think, about it for- a. couple of days season without a single;defeat. The an avalanche of touchdowns with the jstream" in his forthcoming book j "Israel" reiterates the opinion exwas to be newspaper and-magazine ad- whfle • I'm working on • something else. fineal match of the season was played final score 60-0. vertising. In the Metropolitan district, New •pressed by Maurice of "You Gentiles" I always do. I'm doing a soap picture at Elms, Walthamstow against HutchThe Talks for Women on the Subject now. " I can begin work' on yours ison House. Stepney won the keenly- York University and College of the fame that Jews are not sportsmen. contested game by the close;- margin City of New York turned in expected We "will take up your challenge in the of Finaake were:held every two weeks We3ne'sday?r -••--:•-— 47 to 30 runs. S. Cohen, F. Rind, J. victories. "Chick" Meehan's eleven near future, Mr. Levisohn. in the'crystal room of the'Blackstone "But :Td like toYseeUt—that is, Td Siskin and" S." Maujloff' of the victor- showed a decided improvement in its and were a great success. Paula: was like to have an idea j of; what you're ious team are considered; good Imater- second game of the season by downing EDNA FERBER right Much of old Aug Hempel's planning to do with i t " Did she think ial- for senior competition. the Connecticut Aggies, 23-0. Dave Times Change shrewdness and business foresight had he wasgoingTto let tier'go ahead with- . Kid Berg, the Jewish British light- Skudin proved a power at right guard Mrs. Pester;—Well, what ore you 3, Doubleday, Page & Co.), descended' to 'her. The women came out consulting his judgment! weight boxer and Kid Lewis of Aid- while- Porlman, end; Woxlor and going to do about it? VTtW S«rrtce. —widows with' money to invest; busi"Oh, It will be, all right. But drop gate (not 'the same person " a s the Sehres, backs, perfoi*med creditably Her Husband—Just this. If you ness women who had thriftily saved Into rthe studio; :1f "you like. It will famous Ted Lewis, former fighter), when injected in the line-up. A new don't, settle down and behave I'll send : middleweight•-'. champion are1 Held general to succeed Roy Plant has a- portion-of their salaries; moneyed take/ ine ;about a-uweek, I suppose. I'm Jewish 1 for your mother to come and live with doing extremely well and are thinking been unreathed by Coach Parker in women who wanted to manage their over.r^nVdntixrlp; in -.that old studio SYNOPSIS us. 'of trying their luck on this side of j the Tepper and Rosenbluth, guard own property, or who resented a hus- building., .You'll^ know it by the .way ;] and tackle respectively, Josephbei'g's band's Interference. Some came" out most of the bricks have'fallen out ol the pond. ^CHAPTER t—Introduetnff "So ' Big1' CDirk DeJong) in his Infancy. And oil Mean Insinuation Even in Germany the Jews are com-:23-yard run for touchdown was anof curiosity. Others for lack of any- the building, arid are scattered over the mother. SeJimi OeJong; daughter or Simeon other feature." ing to-the fore in the boxing world.' thing better to do. Others to gaze Flora—I was champion long-distance sidewalk." • She smiled a slow .wide Peake, gambler and gentleman of fortune. Her life, to young womanhood In Chicago She Liked to Stroll Along the Crowded on the well-known banker or- lawyer runner In college. I ouce ran ten miles smile. Her teeth were good but her Felix Friedman won the bantam- BREVITIES In 1888, has been unconventional; eomewhat - - " - < • • " Sidewalks. or business man who was scheduled mouth was too b'.%, he thought. Nice weigh^ championship and Harry Stein In record time. seamy, bnt generally enjoyable. At school A sustained sprint over the closing to address- the meeting. Dirk spoke big warm kind oi' smile, though. He the lightweight championship of her cham la Julie HerapeL.' daughter of did you finally overtake "Well, jou. certainly made good, Mis. three or four times during the winter found himself smiling, too, sociably. Germany, in recent boxing matches three quarters of & mile of his journey theFauna—And Angnst Hempet. lurcher. Siateva '' killed: man? r in a -quarrel that Is not bis own, and DeJong; Hemember the day you come in Germany. won for Leonard Birnbaum the Inviand was markedly a favorite. The Then he became businesslike again. held Selinn, nineteen years old and practically here with your first load?" Going back to Jewish sport in Engtation road race held by the Brooklyn destitute, becomes n schoolteacher; women. In smart crepe gowns apd tail- Very businesslike... • . land it should be mentioned that the Evening High School, October 3rd. Oh, yes. She remembered. CHAPTER Il>-Selina secures a position ored- suits arid small chic hats, twit"How much do you—what is your— famous, Jock Finn, outstanding mem- The course was about 3% miles and as teacher at the High Prairie school;"in " T h a t boy of yours has made liis tered and murmured about him, even .Experienced Salesladies what would you expect to get for a ber of the strong London Caledonian) Birnbaum's time of 21.09 is excellent. the outskirts ofCWcngo. living nt the home mark, too. I see.. Doing grand, ain't while they sensibly digested r his .well- drawing such as that?*" for general Department Store. — of a truck farmer. Klaas Pool;- -In Uoelt. Football-Club is a Jewish lad, a.native Doc Hirsch, manager of Jack Berntwelve years old, eon of Class, Selina he? Wa-al, great satisfaction having a thought-out remarks. He looked very Must be experienced in Dry Goods " "Fifteen hundred dollars," said Miss of Edinburgh, and former member of stein, the Yonkers lightweight will perceives a -kindred spirit, a lover of son turn out well like that. Yes, handsome, clean-cut, and distinguished the;West Central Jewish Men's Club. attend the next meeting of the State and Reay-to-Wear. STAR STORE, beauty, like herself. .(. • -i. sirree! Why, look at my da'ter there on the platform In* hia admirably O'Mara. . And lest we forget, Bertran Cohen, Athletic Commission and request that the big store, — North Omaha's CHAPTER •lil.-^Tne mohotonoija life, ot "Nonsense." He looked at her then a country •chool-.tencher at. that -Ume»,.is CarTiner-" tailored clothes, a small white flower Perhaps that had been- humor. But she aged 'twenty-one, a member of theSam Terris be put through a special Greatest Department Store. Selioa's. brightened somewhat by the com-, Life at High Prairie had Its savor, In his buttonhole. He talked easily, was not smiling. "You mean fifteen Manchester Jewish Workingroen's course of instruction on boxing rules. T>anlonshlp of the sensitive, artistic boy too. Frequently you. saw strange vis- dearly,^ fluently; ansjvered the ques- hundred for a single drawing?"' Chess Club won the Lancashire Indi- Accorrding to Doc, Ten-it almost -Boelf. vidual Chess championship. CHAPTER tV.—Selina hears gossip con> itors there for a week or ten days at tions put to him afterward with just blinded Bernstein by playfully stick"For that sort of thing, yes." corning the ' affection of the "Widow a time—boys and girls whose city pallor ing his thumb in the Yonkers fighters the right mixture of thoughtful hesiPaarlenberg," rich and good-looting, 'for "I'm afraid vie can't pay that, Miss : FOOTBALL REVIEW eye all through the fight at the Phone JA ckson 004S Fervus DeJong. poor truck farmer, who is gave way to a rich tan; tired-looking tation and confidence. O'Mara." Insensible to the widow's attractions. For women with sagging figures who drank Queensboro A. C . a few weeks ago. • It was decided that for the national SAM NEWMAN Miss O'Mara stood up. "That is my Sidney-S. Cohen who knows more! It was the thumb kork, Hirsch alleges a community "sociable"' Selina prepared a lunch basket, dainty but not of ample Selina's cream and ate her abundant advertising there must be an illustra- price." She was not at all embar- about College football than we have j that made Bernstein slow up in the proportions, which Is "auctioned."- accord- vegetables and tender chickens as tion that would catch the eye of womforgotten writes us the following: Painting and Decorating rassed. He realized that he "ad never ing to custom. The smallnesa of the Sensational dashes for more than i last two rounds. LET OS BID FOR i'OtJ lunch box eczcites derision, and in n sense though they expected these viands to en, and Interest them. • The? person to seen such effortless composure. It was OCB WORK GUARANTEED half the length of the field featured of fun the bidding ..becomes .spirited. be momentarily snatched from them. do It, Dirk thought, was this Dallas he who was fumbling with the objects DeJong- finally securing it for $10, a ticlle- Selina picked these up in odd corners every one of the big contests 214 South 18th St. Omaha, Nebr. O'Mara whose queer hen-track signa- on bis'flat-topped-desk—a pen, a sheet almost I. O. B. B. •ulonsly high price. Over their luntfn basket. Saturday, October 3, Particularly of the city. Dirk protested against Which SeiTna and DeJong share together, ture you saw scrawled on half the ad- of paper, a Hotter. "Good-by, Mr.— on prominent in \ this brilliant backfield Regular Meeting of the school-teacher arranges to Instruct tbe this, too. Selina was a member of the vertising Illustrations that caught your DeJong." She- held out a friendly play were Jewish athletes,, several good-natured farmer, whose education: has High Prairie school board now. She been neglected.•••..-- • .'.- • '. eye. Paula had not been enthusiastic hand. He took it. Her hair was gold of whom are winning their spurs in NAT MEISTER CHAPTER V.—Propinquity,' in • their was on the Good Roads committee and about this idea. . —dull gold, not bright—and coiled in their first bid for collegiate fame. positions of "teacher" and "pupil," and the Truck Farmers' association vala single great knot at the back of her writes all kinds of Selioa's loneliness In her uncongenial snr Bearing the brunt of the Crimson "M-m-m,'she's very good,? Paula had round ings, lead to mutual affection.- Pervus ued her opinion. Her life was full, head, low. He took her hand. The offensive, Al Miller, intercollegiate said, guardedly, "but* aren't there DeJongr wins Selina's consent to be his pleasant, prolific. tired eyes looked up at him. sprint champion- and considered the •wife. .: . '' others who are better?" fastest back in the country, scored "Well, if that's your price, Miss CHAPTER VI.—Selina becomes Mrs. "Shei" Dirk hadexclaimed.. "Is-it a SERVICE WITH EACH POLICX. ChapterXIV DeJong, a "farmer'8 wife,"-with, all the two touchdowns in Harvard's 18-6 O'Mara. ~I.wasn't prepared to pay any woman? I didn't know.; That name 711 W. O. W. Bids. .lnoksnn 1313. hardships unavoidable at that-time. Dirk victory over R. P. I. Izzy Zarakov, such—but of course I suppose you topis born. Selina (of Vermont stock, busimight be anything/' . sent into the line-up in the game, nesslike and shrewd)- has plans for buildPaula had a scheme for Interesting do get crazy prices for your "Oh, yesi she's a woman. She's said notchers ing up the farm, which ore ridiculed by women in bond buying. It-was a- good made a particular dash around end work." •; her-husband, Maartje Pool.' Klaas' wife, to be very—very attractive." for 23 yards on the next to the last scheipe. She suggested it sp that Dirk dies, and after the-requisite decent Interval "Not any crazier than the prices you play of the game. Dirk sent for Dallas O'Mara. She top-notchers Klaas "Tfidow Kaa marries rries the t f PPaarjenberg," j thought he had thought of It. Dirk get' 1 Harry Kaplan, mentioned by you in The boy RoelC, sixteen years "old Tr was head now of the bond department replied,- suggesting an appointment two "Still, fifteen hundred dollars is quite last. week's; column and considered leaves his home, to make his way to France weeks from that date. Dirk decided BUTTER and E(i(iS and Btudy, bis ambition being to become in the Great Lakes Trust company's a lot of money." by many as the outstanding find of a sculptor. magnificent new ' white building ,on not to wait/ consulted other commer"I think so, too. But then, I'll al- the Columbia football season, again CHAPTER VII.—Wrkis eight years old Council BluEs. la. cial- artists, looked at their work, ways think anything over nine dollars Thursday Evening at Jewish : performed spectacularly in the Lion Every •when his father dies. Selina, faced with Michigan boulevard north. Community Center Building. the necessity of making a living for her .Its white towers gleamed Pink in heard ^their plans outlined, and was Is quite a.lotvOf money. You see, I backfield." Relieving Captain Pease, satlffled with none of them. The,time used to get twenty-five cents apiece f or who was injured, Kaplan electrified J. Si. MALASHOCK, President. boy and herself, rises to the occasion, and, with Dirk, takes a-trnckload of vegetables t£e' lake < mists.-. Dirk said It was a was short. Ten days bad passed. He ISADORE AERAMSON, the gridiron fans with a 72 yard dash to toe Chicago market. A woman, selling terrible, building, badly proportioned, sketching hats ior Gage's." in the. market ~pi&ci$t -Is. an "ianovation and. 'that. It looked like .a .vast'vanilla had his secretary call Dallas O'Mara She was undeniably attractive. "And through, the entire Johns Hopkins v frowned upon. on -the telephone. Could she come sundae, * His new private domain was now you've arrived. You're suC-eess- eleven. The rugged line bucking of CHAPTER VIII.—As a disposer: of-the down to see Mm that day at eleven? ..-• Mike Sesit' and;the stellar line play vegetables- from tier truck Seliaa is a flat more like a splendid. bookless library ful." •No: she worked until four daily at of Raphael were potent factors in the , failure, payers being shy of dealing with than a business office. It was finished "Arrived! Heavens, no! I'va Blue and Whitens 47 to 0 triumph j her. To a commission dealer-• she sells her .studio.' •? • ?! :; Soft Water part of her stock. On the way home,she In rich- dull walnut and there were' started.". •.?•.-•• ovr Joh'ns Hopkins. I Prompt Service rpeddles from' door to door, with Indifferent great upholstered chairs, soft rugs, Could she come to his oflice at four."Who gets more money than you do Wet wash*^semi-flat, Ben Friedman of Michigan proved! success. A policeman demands her license. •••'': for a drawing?''; She has none, and ' during ' Jhe, ensuing shaded lights. Special" attention was thirty, then? - . ..'••„ that his brilliant play of 1924 was no altercation Selina's girlhood cbnm, Julie pai'dT'td women clients. There was .a Yes, but wouldn't it be better if he "Nobody, I suppose." flash in the pan. The • Michigan 2808 Cuming St. ; Harney 0881. Hem pel. now Julie Arnold, recognizes' her, "Well, then?". quaterback ran his powerful eleven 'CHAPTER IX.—August: Herupel,'risen to room for their convenience fitted with could come to. her studio vyaere he prominence and wealth In <be'business low restful chairs and coaches, lamps, could' see something of the various "Well, then, In another minute I'll faultlessly to a 30-0 victory over world, arranges.to assist Selina In making writing " desks, in mauve and rose. types of drawings--oils, or black-andMichigan • Aggies. Breaking away be telling you the story of my life." the farm something more. of . a J playing proposition. Selina gratefully accepts bis Paula had selected the furnishings for white; or crayons. She was working She smiled again her slow wide through his own left tackle, Friedman help, for Dirk's sake. •_ this room. Ten years earlier It would mostly in crayons now. R9v. E Fleishman smile; turned to leave. Dirk decided went- through the entire Aggie team, CHAPTER X.—Selina achieves the suc- have been considered absurd In a suite All tills relayed by his secretary at that while most women's mouths were to cross the goal line completing a i cess with the farm which,she knew was of business offices. 'Now ' it was a "MOHL" the telephone to Dirk at-his desk. He merely features this girl's was a decor- run of 65 yards. COMPANY possible, her financial troubles ending. At "Gloomy Gil" Debie has a possible 1342 South 25th St. eighteen Dirk enters Midwest university. routine part of the equipment. jammed his cigarette end viciously into ation. • AT. 6637 successor to George Pfann in RosenAT-1000 E. SCHERER CHAPTER XI.—Dirk goes to Cornell She was gone. Miss Ethellnda berg. The Cornell back's 60 yard run Dirk's -private office was almost as a tray, blew a final infuriated wraith •university, intending, to make architecture • Msrr. Fleishman's Kosher Meat Market of smoke, ami picked up the telephone his life work, and on graduation enters difficult of access as that of the na; Quinn et aL>in the outer office, ap- was one of the outstanding features \ the office of a firm of Chicago architects. connection on his-own desk. "One of praised the costume of Miss Dallas Oarfts, telephones, WE. 6006. in the Red and "White's 26-9 win over 1615 North 24th St. Paula Arnold, daughter of Julia, outers bis tlon's executive. life. He would marry her, but she-has a office boys, secretaries stood between those d—d temperamental near-artists O'Mara from her made-to-order foot- Niagara; that" scrappy upstate team Call as for good craving for wealth-and takes Theodore the caller and Dirk DeJong, head oi trying to be grand,!' he .muttered, his gear to her made-In-France millinery that gave New York University such Storm, millionaire, tor her husband. The hand over the mouthpiece. "Here, Miss and achieved « lightning mental r^ a hard sruggle-the week before. the bond department. You asked foi .World wac begins. Rawlings—111 talk to her. Switch her construction of their own costumes. Pete. Reyoolds has taken over the CHAPTER XII.—Paula, despite her mar- him, uttering his name in the ear of riage and motherhood, continues.interested over." Dirk DeJong bv the inner office real- reigns of "Chick" Meehan and is weldIn Dirk, their friendship beginning to the six-foot statuesque detective who, tVHOLKSALE MICKLIN LUMBER CO. "Hello; Miss—uh—O'Mara/ Thtu Is ized that he had ordered a fifteen-hun- ing together another powerful Orange cause- gossip. She urges. Dirk to give up Vermont failed to extend the profession of architecture'and enter to the guise of • usher, stood in the Mr. DeJong talking. I nrnclv prefer dred-dollar drawing, sight unseen, and team. 24th & Burdette Sts. WE, 5555 Druggists and Stationers business for the greater financial: reward center of the marble rotunda eyeing that Paula was "going to aslc questions Syracuse in its second game. The possible.'-Dirk heBltates, feeling hjs mother each visitor with a coldly appraising that you come to my ofBce and talk to MI-40S-40S Sooth llrtb Street score of 26-0 is in no-way indicative of •would not approve of the change,' about it. '.''."' gaze. This one padded softly ahead me." (No more of this nonsense). the strength of the: Reynolds eleven CHAPTER XIII.—Dirk enlists In t h e | Her voice: "Certainly, if you prefer (To Be CSj.iinued Next Week) for Captain Jim Foley was in the_ linearmy, going to the officers' training carop' of you on. rubber heels, only to give It. I thought the other would save U3 at 'Fort -Sheridan. He gets to, France you over to the care of a glorilled up. Jewish lads are again playing a A RULE OF HEALTH finally,.but sees no actual tigbting. Selina office boy who took your name Yon both some time. I'll be there at fourprominent part on the team with ( WASH AND KEEP WELL i s vaguely dissatisfied with Dirk's proThoughtful of Her thirty." Her voice was leisurely, low, Friedman-a--regular at center and] Carpenter Paper Co. gress, the tension increasing when he tells waited. He returned. You waited. Madame—If I should die, dear. I Harvey Levy, tackle; Irv Mandell end, j her. he has decided to give up architecture Presently there appeared a young' rounded. An admirable voice. RestFRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY Distributors OS . for business. Selina's success trith the want you to marry again. ful. '...•. :• and Mike Meister, back, all first string ! farm Is now pronounced. "Paula'B fondness woman with inquiring eyebrows. She Western Bond—and High 181B California Street. Monsieur—Why do you want that? reserves. "Very well. Four-thirty," said Dirk, for Dirk begins to approach infatuation. conversed with you. She vnnisbed. Grade Stationery Madame—So that you will be sorry A desperate ai attack in the closing You waited. She reappeared. You crisply. Jerked the receiver onto the * uied.—I/Illustration, (Paris). Omaha- Nebraska. minutes of play staved off defeat for r~"Look here, MotherV' Dirk would were ushered into Dirk DeJong's large hook. That was the way to handle 'em. .-• 'protest,, "you can't •wander around Uke and luxurious inner office. And there These females of forty with straggling "There is an unprecidented demand Mr. A. D. Frank, of the A. D. Frank .hair. and. a bundle of-drawings under tfiat. It Isn't safe. Tlile Isn't.High formality fled." for duplexes," Mr. Frank states, and Co., 305 Paxton Bldg., announce the their arm. Prairie, you know. If;you want to Dirk was glad to ; see you *, quietly, The female of forty with straggling sale of this English Colonial Triplex his company is specializing in Duplex PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. go round 111 get Satl to drlye you." Interestedly glad to see you. As you hair and a- bundle of drawings under to a local investor, for $16,500.00. properties. 27th and Martha Sts. Barney 1663 •That Tyonld be nice/' she >jUd, mUd- stated your business he listened atten2224 Cnming St. Omaha. Kebr. ly.. But she never availed herself of tively, as was his charming way. Theher arm was announced at four-thirty Phone JA ckson 1226. to the dot Dirk let her wait five r Soft gray Jron, brass, bronze and nlu.this offer. ".-'*•.•. ' '••.. . : ' - ' • ' • : ' • ' • } volume of business .done, with women miuum castings. Standard sizes bronze •1'.'••'.She would go over to South Water clients by.the'Qreat-Lak^s Trust com- minutes In the outer office, being still a iron bushings, sewer mnnhoies, cistern Btreet, changed now, and swollen to pany was enormous.. Dirk .was con- little annoyed. At four-thirty-five there rings, and cover" in stock. entered his private office a tall slim such proportions that It threatened to servativef helpful—and he always got the business; -'Her talked little." He girl In a smart little broadtail Jacket, ; burst its confirrea.'- She liked to stroll fur-trimmed skirt, and a black hat at was amazingly,." effective. eJpns the crowded sidewalks, lined so daring and so simple that even Ladies' in c the*modish" black ot • re- once with; crates and boxes and barrels of a man" must recognize its French naJTrnlts, vegetables; poultry. Swarthy cent berearepie'nC.piade.qyitVa somb.er tivity. She carried no portfolio of for^sn =. faces,'' .predominated no^v. drawings Tinder-her'arms. "Manufactured in Omaha" Where the red-faced overnlleg men had Through the man's mind flashed a cthipan^s ;dlsJ b£en she. sow saw lean muscular lads series of unbusinesslike thoughts sueb BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. in old army shlrtB and khaki pants and cree£^verj3&to£Iricjvan; iepults.^N|at as: "Gosh-J . . . Eyer,! . . Utt^fsiiiainphleti ^rlttfiij'ioEV.WJOinen^bn stuffed puttees wheeling trucks, f a d i; ^ub|e^^6if"8avinfe;v ihTestments^ That's' way I Ifke to see girl dress. 1307 Howard St. At. 8028 ing boxes, charging down the street in thtf . . . Tired looking. . . . No, guess a*e not'dealingTwith*'£„soulless 1 huge rumbling auto vans. Their faces «^du' Omaha. Nebr. it's her eyes—sort of fatigued. - said r ttiese bro'chUBes. were hard, their tallc terse. Any one corpjjratio^V "May we-ieCTfe you? " Tou need more Pretty. . . . No, she Isn't. . . yes, ot-taese, she reflected, was njore vjtol, than friends." Before acting,' you she. . . . . " Aloud he said, "This jnore native, functioned more usefully should have your Judgment vindicated is very kind of you. Miss O'Mara." and honestly than her successful son by an -organl^attbh' of investment spe- Then he thought that sounded pompous Dirk DeJong. cialists. You may have; relatives tfnd and said, curtly, '"Sit", down." ' R. L«pMtMk f f w . T t « M 350 Rooms—350 Baths •"•Where 'r* beans?" . Pepper, Vlce-PrB«w«»fc Miss O'Mara sat down. Miss O'Mara friends,-ysome. of whom"•• would glaflly W. G. TJ e«<r«tar» *ln Ox' ol' beanery."advise you on Investments.;> But per- looked at him with her tired deep blue "Tough." haps you rightly: feel, that "the less they eyes. Miss O'Mara said nothing.: She Omaha Fixture & . ""Best you can get." know ah'oiit-your financial* *Talxs, the regarded him pleasantly, quietly, comISADORE ABRAMSON Supply Co. "Keep 'em." better.^ To handle trusts, arid to care posedly. He waited for her to say that COMPLETE STORE AND Many of the older, men knew her. for the securities of; widows and or- usually she did not come" to business >i Public Accountants and Auditors , ofilces; that she had only twenty OFFICE OUTFITTERS •hoot hands with, her, chatted a mo- phans, is our business." m e a t muwntft'i Wmam. Jalcott, a i a i l l ; • William Tlcott a We occupy It \ras startling to note,. how this minutes to give him; that the day was i Income Tax Consultants warm, or cold; his office handsome; • W 10,000 sqngr* sort of tiling mounted into millions. 1 5 S t h t Oan« ^«« wiaraeifcair^tW ** gr?y;now» still , "VVomen a?& becoming;, .more an3 the view over the river • magnificent SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATION S n« l»fineln» HtrccU. ' togainBf the side ?f'his do*rO'Mara said nothing, pleasantly. inbre: used to ;tlie iiandTtoig: of money," Hiss 490 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG. So Dirk began to talk, rather hurjpanltt; said, shrevrdly. J"Eretty soon riedly.. OMAHA NT5B. v Phone ATlawtic 1450 Omaha 'tHcl^ltrMfitgS-I8 ' M b{nig t6;6€f asf^raauNow. this was a new experience for ablc* a% tHaft; of • menv-j The- average
Our Sporting Col
Omaha Lodge No. 354
American Wet Wash
E. E. Bruce & Co.
BOISE-4 HIEPEN Funeral Directors
Baker Ice Machines
—Effectively —Accurately
Interstate Printing Co.