October 22, 1925

Page 1

* Success- or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capac-

The cynic is one "wHo'

know$ the price of eyejy t h i ri..glslid ^he v a l u e of notfiing.~, Oscar / ~

ities. — Walter Dill "Scott.' • »

YOL. IV—No. 46



Entered u «ocona-clas« mail matter * •"* <J ary 27th, 1021, at potfofflce at Omaba. Nebraaka, nndex * tP ^ oj Marcb & 1879.

100 Additional Women Subscribe To Jewish Center Equipment Fund




Trial Of S t # r Who is\Omaha*#/mxj#t popular Jewish lady? This la Poland Resembles question will be answered by tlie victor iw The Jewish Press Famous Breyfe Cm Fifth Anniversary Pqpularity Contest. :


Jewish Immigration To f aiestine Will Resell 70,000 in Year

Warsaw,—(J. T. A.)—A ban on a Jerusalem,—(J. T. '. A. football match between two Jewish ment -vras reserved by the Hihg Court trf Palestine in the trial of the Arab teams was issued by the rabbinate Executive versus the Palestine Govhere when it was announced that the ernment with regard to the Hebrew Louis Lipsky. Zionist Executive game was scheduled for last 1 SaturTo the lady wh[6 is adjudged the winner Tiie'lJewish JEWISH DEPUTY IN PRUS- initials Workers Are Canvassing Every day. on Palestine stamps. Press-will give as a first prize a trip to Europe, sep&rtd prize SIAN DIET URGES GOV. Makes This Report Jewish Home in the City The case came up today before the. The game was played on Saturday a trip to New Yorh'and third prize a trip to CMcago. This ERNMENT TO RE> court on the bask of a brief submitteo DR. WISE, MOKRIS ROTHENby the Maccabi football team of Tel VEAL TRUTH CAMPAIGN TO BE CONTI- Aviv and the Maccabi team of War- contest is the largest ever conducted in the aiy opOmaha. by the Jamal Husseini, Executive SecBERG»; EMANUEL NEW-. NUED NEXT WEEK saw, resulting in a score of three to The' person winning lias tJie privilege of accepting cash in Defense Counsel Appeals to In- retary of the Palestine Arab ExecuMAN KEPORT ON ZIONIST. tive, charing the Palestine Governone in f aver of the Tel Aviv team. any of the prizes* I ' i C0N6BESS. stigators of Bomb Throwing The'campaigner §25,000 to.-furment with violating the terms of the The contest is launched for a "better understanding to Prevent Execution of nish the sew Jewish Community Cenmandate by inserting the Hebrew iniNew York,—,<J. T. A . ) — T h e s t a t e Innocent Steiger bettaeen The Jewish Press and its subscribers" The contest ter, is now - on, tmder the leadership tials, "aleph", "yod" (standing for m e n t .that t h e Zionist Executive h a s of Mrs. K.: Kulakofsky. More than is open to any Jeicish girhin the state of Nebraska or Iowa Eretz Israel) on Palestine stamps. received from t h e Palestine governLemberg. CJ- T- A.) An appeal to 100 women, .are at work canvassing. andwill be launched Monday,October'26. m e n t 20,000 certificate!?, for t h e a d those who. were responsible for the the local Jewish "women for contribu; The person receiving the highest number.of votes trill mission of 20,000 Chsdutzim d u r i n g throwing- of the bomb at President tions to the fund. A group of young 'resent Rabbi and .Mrs. Charlop the n e x t six. m o n t h s s n d t h e p r e d i c be picked by the fudges as the winner. In order to receive W-ojciechovrski'to come forward" and women headed by Miss Estelle LapiW5tK Gifts. tion t h a t immigration t o P a l e s t i n e prevent therconvictiqn of & man who these votes, contestants must obtain subscriptions :for The <his, are- assisting the women in the during t h e coming y e a r would t h u s is innocent, was" made by Dr. Lsnd r i v e . • • •• • More than 1500 members of the Jewish Prem for one \ 1 probably rise to 70,000, was m a d e b y : dau, counsel for defense • at the trial Central and Eastern European Press -'Give as much as you can, is Mrs. four orthodox synagogues attended Each subscription p 'count as 250 votes. The sub- of' Louis L i p s k y , c h a i r m a n of t h e Zioi Stanislaw Steiger. Saturday. Claim Him Hero, of Their Countries; Kulakof sky's plea. We find it will be the farewell reception Sunday eve- scriptions for'The\ Jewish; Press are all payable in advance organization of America, T a e s | Br, .Ijaudau urged the court to inWas Son of Poor Jewish necessary to call a second time on ning at* the B'nai Israel Synagogue n i g h t a t Town H a l l w h e n t h e lead* and'•',the renewal of;- subscriptions will count the same as obBlacksmith vesttgate'»thfr" acts of' the Polish polsome women to increase their first in honor, of Rabbi and Mrsr of t h e American Zionist Delegation itical police and other court docusubscription unless the amount is pro- Charlopj, who left Monday evening tainingnew ones. ! t o Vienna r e p o r t e d on t h e F o u r t e e n t h portionate to what they can give." Any Jewish girl willing to enter this contest and be-ments in order to investigate the par* Berlin,—(J. T. A.)—Zischa (Sig- Zionist Congress. or Bronx, N. Y., where the Rabbi The captains and Iieutenantes have will become leader of the Orthodox come eligible for a\iy of the prizes should^ call at The Jewish ticipation cof the Ukrainian military mund) ..Breitbart,' Polish Je-vdsh athTwo thousand Zionists filled t h e worked constantly this week1 and late congregation and will; be connected Press office, 490 Brandeis Theater building and receive more organiza'taon: in ^the attack on the lete, described as the world's stronghall a n d several hundred were' t u r n e d est man, died yesterday in a local Polish, president. Dr. Landau further Wednesday evening reported one. with t h e Theological Seminary, Each information. '' " : .discussed ,thev case of Theophile 01- clinic, following a short illness. He away. Gedaliah Bublick, editor of hundred additional women subscribers f the congregations, the Talmud ifmti shansM. and - ^einanded that the- court •was forty-two years old. Breitbart, t h e "Jewish ; Daily N e w s , " presided.. to -the' fund. The amount that each Torah, and several other institutions, woman subscribed is not listed'in. this in which, he was : interested in their documents concerning the case i "whose exhibition consisted of pulling Dr. Stephen S. W i s e , Louis Lipsky* -issue because an accurate list could upbuilding, presented him with gifts. readv'as well as : the reports of the against two horses, bending-iron bars Morris Kothenberg, A b r a h a m Goldand tearing horseshoes apart, suc- b e r g and Emamiel N e w m a n addressed not be given a t the time this issue- Among them was a silver loving cup Berlin police. cumbed to blood poisoning, which de- the audience. went topress. . : from the orthodox synagogues and Witness Grosna confirmed his tes- veloped from a scratch. T h e anti-Semitic demonstration 8 t The Women who are this week adtimony t&at the Police Commissioner silver pitcher from the Talmud * * • t h e Congress w e r e less disturbing t o The fiftii annivprsary-popularity contest of The Jewish ded to the list of subscribers are: Kajdan. of_Lemberg reproached Mile. Troah. . Press is launched for a better understanding between Warsaw, Oct. 18,—(J. T. A.)—The the delegates t h a n to their coreligionSirs. B . Prea, Miami, Fla« Mrs. I * o Pasternak, the main witness against "My farewell wish to Omaha Jewry Eosentlial, Mrs. A. Somberg, Mrs. i . B. The Jewish Press, and its subscribers. •' death of Zischa Breitbart, the pride of i s t s in America, according to D r . ' Blend. Mrs. H.* Marks, MTB. I. Wezelman, is 7 'that the orthodox congregations Steiger, for presenting confused tes- Polish Jews who looked upon him as Wise. Dr. Wise disagreed with those HrB i -A.-ailtchell 4 -iI*s. XioniS Sommei, Mrs. The contest is: open to -any Jewish lady in Omaha or timony. "Witness L&dstaedter testified the modern Samson, caused grief here. critics of t h e Congress who declared Sam Berkojritz, Mis. Allen Kqhan, Mrs, will grow and spread the work" of SmuaUJDarlHMrB "nearby communities.^ . . B . Blotcky'Mr iHotdcy/ llrs. Si Sid- Judaism among the young and old that he observed, at the moment when The Polish press, including the anti- "the Congress talked too much." VThe ney? Fisher; Mrs. Herman H. White, Mrs. the bomb was thrown at the presi- Semitic organs, devoted much space world chokes t h e Jews in many lands". M. Kulakofriov M a A. B.- Alpirn, Mrs. and that each year more will come Every subscription obtained by contestants wjll count Dave Broakev, Mrs.,-}!. BrOdkej1, Mrs. A. dent, "an individual with horn-rim- to eulogies of Breitbart, declaring him h e declared. " T h e J e w is not free to as 250 votes.! KeneWals will count the -••---*--^_ into your folds. I am .grateful to^.the;,. Kctmltz. "Mrs. • , _ _ •. _=.....»_ . . g^ijnnje^ airs. "latein, -MXH.' v — ned sjjectacleswearing a robber Chapman, Mrs. members of the congregations in tiie subscribers. These subscriptions may be obtain I^rejv-Mrfl. jEL'i cobs, -Mrs. J . C. Breitbart' was "born in the city of speak in" . E a s t e r n E u r o p e . 1 «oat,",similar to that of steiger, but : they have jpven. ma. during the -place in the ceuntry?" Sfrs. M. TncfcLodz. His father was a blacksmith, J e w s finally g e t t o g e t h e r t h e y spe»k , ........ a yoBley,, Srosg, Mrs. time I have been here;" said Rabbi he could "not identify him. to have been the hero of Poland. B, Mrs, Dave freely and f r o m t h e i r h e a r t s . BertfStein, 1 No. contestantjcah transfer hep votes: to _ hi>VMT Adlcr, " Cbarlbp, in; his farewell address. He attended Hebrew school untill he .t. Adler,. testajit. a t any Hame. ^ Dr. Wise denounced t h e Berlin. (J.T* A.) The case of Theor«*Simon. Mrs. Ghaxlop also gave a short eghJ,jr)W3&.,he-Was forced to go preseutetion of E n g l i s h phile Olshanski and his corraeetios The Jewish. Press is offering ^750 in three prizes to ^talk.r^ptftec "numbers- on, the tJe^Bloefc, -ifes. berg, ijlre. J . -Xtitlb, Mrs.- 3Ve ;Bl6efc, Mrs. f^ ^ ; t Cbrowi^g ! of the bomb gt to work because of the poverty of Ms Zionist movement. " S h a m * on "the fErst'three^^ ^winner^;* iltrst prize—trip to^Eo»E5>er M. Bereoyici. Mrs. S: Katleman.^Mrs. S. program was *fHatikvohw and ^Ame^ Appleman, MrS. A. -WRelnsteln, Mrs. M. President VolciechcwskT cnntiEnel-1& second prize—tpp to New York, and third prize—trip I " Ison. Mrs." M rs.B B.. gnafton, Mrs. M.-Me M.Meyer, rica"- sung b;y; 4he; ;aridience, led by "traordinary strength, and his ambition t h e E n g l i s h ' have" accfcfSteTS' t h e jnan* Mrs; 'Nate MahteU A. Theodore, Mrs. be the main sensatfolft in the Germ M h t U Mrs; M Td . to'Chicago. Contestant has. privilege of accepting any AT. iHer»t>erg« Mrs. Sam Epstein, Mrs/ Mrs.- A; SUverman.. live reels of was to go on -the stage. He soon d a t e for Palestine, they w e r e a t a o p i press. "Why has the Polish govern, of these prizes in cash. Samuel Friedman,'Mrs. J." I4psey. Mrs. Ida pictures showing present day - life in. gained popularity in a circus. In spite unrepresented a t t h e Zionist ConLevin; Mrs. J, Plotkin, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. ment ignored this matter until now," Nathan S«- Taffe, • Mrs. N. Sherman,•• Mrs»- the cities and farms in Palestine Contestants must qualify for the respective prizes by of the fact that he did not receive an gress. I say- to t h e m t h a t they a r e D. Sherman. MrS; A; SUverman, Mrs. Sarah the • "Berliner Tageblatt" afek. The Corenraan, Mrs.' la. Wohlner, "Mrg. H; "<j; "were'shown. • ... " .; obtaining a minimum of 400,200, and 100 subscriptions education, he was the master of sev- poor Jewg and worse E n g l i s h m e n . " ' ( "Juedische Rundschau" criticises the Iflattermari, Mrs. Joe Goldvrare, Mrs., J. A. , for first, second and third prizes respectively. Mt. S. E. Ravitz was chairman of eral European languages and spoke Stein, Mrs. D. Silverman, Mrs. Bertha Morris Rothenbei-g and German . government, ' -oritnessiBg the Sachs. Mrs. S. Canar, Mrs. A. Ne-srman, English. He was a devoted Jew, an Nevrman in addition t o t h e r e p o r t s o< Mrs. Garelicfr. Mrs. 3. Tatleman, Mrs. B. the program. Other members who Every subscriptipn must be accompanied by check for martyrdom of Steiger who is innoI/UBtgarten,. Mrs.. Charles Nathan, Mrs. Mi assisted in- preparing . the program $2.50 before it will be counted by the judges. . cent, and seeing hirri labelled ss a ardent Zionist and had expected to go the Congress work, t h e firet referring Mayerowich, Mr3. Jnlius I. Chait, Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, Mrs. Esther Marcus, Mrs. were Messrs. A. B. Alpirn, J. Katiecriminal, keep its peace? The Steiger to Palestine where he intended to per- to t h e resolution of t h e Congress conIJ. Greenberu, Mrs. A. Herman, Mrs. H. man, E.-Blochj M. Shrago, Mi Gross The Contest will ^lose December 17,1925. Stelnberp, Mrs. H. M. Ferer. Mrs. J . case is only paralleled by the Dreyfus form Biblical feats of strength, a la c e r n i n g t h e formation of t h e Jewish Kaplan, Mrs. A. "Wiesman, Mrs. H. Kazlow- J. Kaplan, Dr. A. Romm and E Samson. For' information'^allAtlantic 1450. Agency with t h e participation of non»ky, Mrs. D. Minkoff, Mrs. Joe Sherman, case," the paper says. Weinberg.Mrs. E. V. Lorlg. A tradition here is that Breitbart in- Zionists and t h e other with regard *« Rabbi Charlop was Eabbi of the Berlin. (J. T. A.) An interpellation herited his strength from his grand- the s t r u g g l e over t h e budget, reletPrt GtBXg' D r v l S l O X STTBSCIUCPTIONB four Orthodox congregations, namely Concerning the .Steiger trial-was in- father, a blacksmith, of Lodz, of whom t h e i r impressions of t h e i r recent t r i p c/o JE^SXISIJUIS TiAP12>TJ8 ~ Junior Hndn§sah. Bess and ElBie S t a l - B'nai Israel, Beth Hamedroshj Adass troduced in the Prussian diet by the it was told that when a horse he had to Palestine a n d t h e g r o w t h of the njaster, Iieone NovitBlcy, Sirs. Eenben H. drive to market went lame lie lifted country as t h e Jewish National homeBrorvrn. , Yeshuren, arid B'nai Jacob SynaZionist Socialist Deputy Badt. T h o s e w h o a r e w o r k i n g t o p u t t h i s gugue, .for; the past two years. DurIn his interpellation Deputy Badt the horse into the wagon, hitched him- land and t h e development of the H e drive o v e r a r e ; . - ? ; _ . , acng the time he was here, Rabb: urges . the Prussian government -to self into the shafts and pulled the brew educational system t h e r e . ! CAPTATSS home. Charlop was instrumental in ttpblid.Mrs. William l i Holzmas, Mrs. E. KnlaAdolnh. S. Ochs Will Be Ctaest of Registration of New Pupils to Close immediately notify the Polish gov- horse and wagon *: t * fcofs&y. Mrs. Kate Mantel, .-Mrs. Kate Tatle ing the City Talmud Torah, in organernment thatThebphile Olshnaski has Honor. Mrs. Harry A."Wolf, Sirs., William .B. Vienna,—(J. T .A. )—The entire Blamentnal, Mrs.. Max Fromkin, Mrs. izing a Kashruth Committee, and was November 1 admitted his guilt in throwing the Phil Schwartz, Sirs. J. Malnshoek. Mrs. always interested in Zionist work. Austrian press devoted much space to New York.—The sixth anniversary bomb at the Polish president and Harry Malashock, MiS. Hurry Bravlroff, eulogies of Zischa Breitbart. 'T3reitMrs. A. Greenberg, Mrs. B. A. Simon, "Mrs. Semi-annual tests for pupils of the banquet of the Jewish Telegraphic thus prevent "the murder of Steiger. Charles Lertiison, Mrs. "Max Block, Mis. Harry Wilinsky, Mrs. Morris Milder. Mrs. Agency, the only agency devoted to City Talmud Torali -were held during Deputy Badt points <mt that Ger- bart's fame began in Vienna", the Henry Monsky. Mrs. D. Rosengtocfe, Mr§. the collection and distribution of Jew- the past week. Mr. E. Bloch, princi- many played a similar role in the Austria papers prided themselves, Annual T h s n k s p v i n g Dance to IK E. Meyer, Mrs. S. Ravitz, airs. Phiup Shcr, Mrs. S. Nathan, Mrs. Cora Wolf, ish news in the United States, Europe pal of the school, announces the fol- Dreyfus case "when the government describing the dead athlete as "AusSirs.-Ferdinand Adler, Mrs. A. Wolf, Mrs. Held November 26, at Harry Trustln, Mrs. A. SUVermanj Mrs. A. andTalestine, •will be held'Thursday, lowing pupils who received the high- of the Kaiser, knowing the facts and tria's most popular'man since Lueger. Komm, Mrs. Harry Lapldus, Jlrg. A; Somest grades" in their class: berp-, Mrs. .Dave, Sherman, 'Mias Martye the, innocence .of .Captain Dreyfus, Sioux City, Iowa. The Ladies Aux- November 5, at the Fifth '-Avenue Committees of the Womea'* "Welnstein, MJBB .'Blanche ZimmaDv Miss Clasn I Breitbart performed in the United Resaurant, 200 Fifth avenue, covered the truth." Jeannette LevinBon, Miss Estell- Lapldus. iliary of the Shaare Zion Congrega^ Evelyn Green Ken Kaimen iarr of the B'nai B'rith were States at the Hippodrome and over Harry Fox . . ;_ \ • / / • • Sam Dorinson tion, Sioux City, la., are presenting Y o r k . ; . • ed at the regular meeting held !«.<: Gail Benaan Sam Brody UCEUTEXASXS. • Warsaw. (J. T._A.).The.sensational the Keith circuit. He took out his week at the Jewish Community CopAdolph S. Ochs, publisher of the Donald Miller Abe Shapiro Mrs. Frederick: Cohn, :.Ml3. L Rosenthal, their. Third Annual Revue, at the Class H first papers soon after his arrival here Mrs. lu Hiller, MrB. M. M. Eosenblatt, revelations:concerning Olshanski conNevr York Times, will be the guest Butti Silver ter. ' K<1 FellmanMrs. Dnre Greenberp. Mrs.-H.-M. Ferer, Auditorium;Theatre, Sunday evening, tinue to be tjhe subject of discussion in 1923. Knth Kaplan Dr. Lee, Frankel, vice- Sol Fried ' Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mrs^ Harry Silverman, November 1, 1925, at 8:30 P. M. of honor. Miss Bess Groenberg, president «•"' Israel Zwieback Aleck Altmnii Mrs. J . J . Greenberg, Mrs. A. B. Alpirn, 1 One of his displays was to. lie on in Polish,. government circle. The Mrs. Sam Cohn, Mrs. E. A. Meyer, Mrs. Great care and much planning has president of the Metropolitan Life Max Fisher the club, appointed the committe*>.s. Claas III Herman Auerbach, Mrs.-F. J. Alberta,' Mrs. been exercised in the production of Insurance Company, will be toastWarsaw. police- authorities who are, his back on the stage, let the stage Those who will serve are: Donald Shragtr Sam Chait 8. Trohm. Mf§. Tolman Kaplan, Mrs.- M. X hands lay across his--chest a plank as is well known, opposed to the Sam Smith Mas Dorinsky ."-.. DANCE €Q5CMITTKiE—Estlirr KiitU-im... rdon,. Mrs. ,J. Tjipsey, Miss finlda Hart, this play and it holds forth every master. Barney O3o£ Hyman BornEtein <'hn!riiiHn; Snrn Fnler, Bess HntnU-'i.. as Anne WeiBS, Miss Bose Gnttman, promise of being the largest and znost Lemberg1 police authorities in the through which spikes and nails had The annual banquets of the Jewish Morris Shrier J**rthn L«Mm Oroclinsky. Liliinn Jvootic:. as Bess • Stalmaster, MBs Elsie Stalbeen driven so that the plank was Class IV Steiger .trial; believing that Steiger Edith Coviefc, B<>8« Stock, (iolrtte MI>»V«H maBter, Miss Sadie Z**vey, Miss Dorothy elaborate Eevue ever' undertaken by Telegraphic Agency in previous years Tale Diamond Abe Glassman Goldstein, Miss Lillian Kooper. MisB. Geris not STsStyJ do not, however give supported by these points. Then a fat Ann Schwfirty.! Bertha l>t>rKPt'. Isy Mittleinan were distinguished as gatherings-, of Kose Gilbert ' trude Tatle, Mls3 Sara Brodfeey, Mis any organization. EVTEBTAiyilEXT COMMTTTTKE — V»>'Kose Weinberg Jeannette I^evinson, -Miss Ula Alberts, -Mis much credence to the Berlin reports circus horse was led across the plank. Ackprmni>, clialrman: Frits llo«'i>l>l<u'"i Class V The. play is being produced and di- prominent leaders and •writers of Pannie Ijevlnson, Mias I«one Sovitsky, Kebpccn WISe, Besp HniirtiPT, Ivtt S Among his competitors were Marta Bess JFellnian Uarry. Kosenstein concerning th& • guilt of OlshanskL Miss Esther Botashnlck.. both the Jewish and non-Jewish press rected by Miss Hannah KaufFman, one Lottie Stein. Josephine Stern, Kns> Miriam Weinberg Max FrieUmaa . son. The general impression prevails that Farra, Gust Lessis, and Sandovr. • • . • j C.'.^.j- Belle H oilman of Sioox City's leading atfasts whose i n A m e r i c a , Class VI MBMBERSITO* COMKHTEK—VlR the~ guilty one is not to be found, at The'Jewish Telegraphic- Agency Israel Dorinsoa - Morris Cutler •work has been very, successfully "demohainuac; Eenlali MlttKmian, Bn*«lifc Alvrains, Mvpa Frifden, Fan Snokn, « i * any rate, nbt in western Europe. maintains offices in "New York-Ci|y, Max Fee'dinan . Class •TO onstrated in the past. fried. Anil 'SplJr«»v 4hrlJtrnrt*,fc--ii.'j»iu THORPEIANS TO GWE Henry Cohan Henry Marcu» Kooper, 3Ek>ss Hoy hi u. London, Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, Cairo Rehearsals have heen in progress Class VIII, SERIES OF DANCES The artnu»l Thanksgiving' dfcwc since September 1st, and the cast is and ' Jerusalem and has correspon- Axthtir Spegal . Dave Laifcen ELECTED TREASURER OF Sara. TurnerJacob Temin A' series of dances will be given given by the Women's Auxiliary v.-hl "One thaosand members by Decem- comprised of the best available ta- dents in all important centers. ~ r UoSe Holtzman Sam Finkel STAfB SOCIAL WORKERS this winter by the Thorpeian Athletic this year be held on the evening- w" "ber 1," is the slogan of the Omaha lent in Sioux City. Class XX Sara FeTlman Harry Hermanson William' R.' Blumanthal, superin- Club. The first of these dances will November 26, at 'the Blackstcme Ho?*.. Hebrew Club in their membership Those -who "will take part in the promises to be most «njoyable,.;': Jenny HeBnict Sam Katzberg Louis Kaplan. tendent of the Jewish Welfare Feder- be given Sunday, November 8, at • campaign, that is now being held. production are: Sadie Ginsberg, HanMr. Samuel H; Shulkin in Chahiaan Class X ation-was elected treasurer of the Kelpine's Academy. The Omaha Hebrew Club is one of nah Natonson, Ida-Idpton, Eva Lip- of arrangements for the Revue, and KOBe Steinberg Sara German The three hundred pupils attending Nebraska Conference of Social Work Athletic Director, Joe Sokolof, or- TAG TAY, FOR PALESTIK15 the oldest and largest Jewish Organi- ton, Mildred Sciken, Ida Greenberg, she is being most abljrassigteorby the zations in Omaha. Meetings are held Helen Friedman, Fannie Passman, following ladies: Mesdamesi J.'.N^' the Talmud Torah are given a at its. convention held in Kearney, ganized a basket ball team and has WORKERS' FUND SUNDAV. sent a challenge to Jewish teams in every Sunday afternoon at the Swed- Vivian Moscow, Ethel Harlow, Rose Krueger, J. Kauffman, M. Kipshntz, thorough Hebrew and Jewish Educa- N e b r . • •':.'•'. A Tag Day for the benefit of th? Kansas City, Sioux City, Iincolc Palestine Workers' fund will l>e Wu; ish Auditorium. Simmons, Tonia Bascow, Sarah Wein- G. Emelein, S. Skalovsky.S. Weiner, tion. Registration is now open for Mr. A. D. .Prank is chairman of the er. Fay Shulkin,- Fannie Kozberg, M. Seff, D. Berkowjtz,: B. Sherman, the admittance of ne^ pupils.* Enroll- Y MEETING-MONDAY.EVE and Des Moines for games. Plans Sunday, October 25- Mr. M. F. C»wv». membership drive.. Dena Baron, Lillian Schifi, Both Bain, S. Lipman, A, Helfgott, H. Rabinc- ment of new students should be made - Y. M. and .Y..-Wy.H.:A. will hold its are also being made to hold sn an- man aitd'" Mr- Minfeen arfe Rose Ivener, Shirley Harkoway, Doro- witz, E.' Chesen, W. Eabinovich, g. before Novemberl, -when the forma- regular meeting Monday evening at nual tournament. in charge of ttie drive. thy Friedman, Milton Emelien, Leon- Baron, A. M. HerzoS, A. Brddsky, l i . tion of new classes will be made. Worker 'gre to -meex at 9 the JewishCojnnraBity Center. After Receives Appointment ard Weiner , Dave Horwitz, Eddie Robmavr, E . Hnrwitz, F . Berger, J. Sunday moTning »t •Qm Labor Lycwxi»t the business Meeting a progrtai will to Board of Directors Robin, Leonard Shulkin, Edward Robin, I. Levin, M. Enshall, B. Baron, The drive is sponsored by the be presented •vsith:Mr. DwightE. Por- Aimoal Talmud Torah SHOW PALESTINE MOVIES Meeting' Mrs. Euben Kulakofsky received Chaskin, Harry Horwitz, Herman S. Shulkin, J . Jacobson, S. Uptan, E. Zion ctafa, the 3*o&U-2ion i ter, principal of Technical High School AT MUSE THEATER ss the principal speaker, of the pro- The annual meeting of the City Dramatic Section, the Women's :H?J~ word that she has been appointed t Herzoff, Jack London, Eli Jacobson Berg, B. Shindler and j . ShuMn, t serve a s a" member on the board o: and John Weinstein. The five-reel pictures of Palestine gram. There -will be several musical Talmud Torah Board of Directors will gressive Club, and «hp Jpvisli N»t«/»r the Hattae B. Monroe Institute fo: • Anderson's Society Orchestra will The Omaha Chapter of Hadassah shown last Sunday at the B'nai Israel and vocal mjmibers. Other on the b* held Sunday evening, November l, ai Alliance Club. crippled children. The appointmeni f urnish the. music throughout the enA banquet for s^. -workers Vfitl *«*• hold a meeting Wednesday after- Synagogue veill 1>6 shown at the Muse program are: 'Piano 'selection by Kc- At the Talmud Torah Bonding, ttas made at a regular meeting o: tire play and will also present one of ; October 28, a t "the .Jewish-Com- Theater "Wednesday .afternoon from oma Cohn, tecitatioiifey'Annette Ben- .Election of annual officers /Vrill take given Sunday erening at 2814 But Directors of the institution. their feature specialty " act», inanity Center , der, vocal solo by" Ida BiscbolT. 21 St • . S to 6 in the afternoon.

Members Bid Farewell to Rabbi Charlop at

Zisck Breitkrt Dies From m





'. -





Jewish Telegraphic Agency to Semi-Animal Examination Celebrate Sixth Anniyersary Held at City Talmud Torah

Hannah Kanffman Directs Third Annual Review


Osaka Hebrew Club Holding Membership Driv


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Element in the ^national experience.' visits 1 to this ^country. t \5fc were pre- shunted to the side when the V^^- SABBATH Sf.-i^: rm.'. • ^ ^ > . n "to'assimilate > n >nA.trtfiii]fo In i-n every 'aira*\i parecjto -now/i tn say Wair'jthat •<!!>+:Breitbart Pi*'pitha?+ -was -arsis the the Ium Turn putter nutter ot of the the champion cnampion tlescnoea The invitation OF; DECIDED respect except the n.arr,owly religious strongest manirihe woldy and ha all" a short aTc and sank a 150 footer for ,__.,__.„ O3PSATURDAY 1 * t'DblJsb'eo^evBT? Tfaonday at Otnah* r NpbrasJtB, by New; Yc^i,—(J^T. A.)—-A Sabbath THE JBWISg; PRESS PUBLISHING, CCJMPANVtest case :was decided in favor of the Office: 790 Brandeia Theatre 'Building—Telephone r t ATlantic K50.. defendant by Justices- Kernechan, •' ' NAtHAW-'B, GREEN. l&uiager. ' ' - - . first . . in the history ,, t ,-, of.,local Voorhees and Kelly, sitting in Special I forget those thousand of liberals, was. undfluhtii" the strongest Jewish, It is. the especially in America, who would wel professional "sirotig'man" evef pro- championship tourneys that the silyer- proprietor of a laundry at No. 434 .$2.50. Subscription Price, one year. come Jewish assimilation*. The nation duced. PersonaliV/ Breitbart 'waV a' inscribed cup has gone to the muniri- East Houston Street, was acquitted of Advertising" rates-furnished on application. sympathetic, unai-^e' individual. — He was as a whole, while demanding assimila- ^.^-...v™., — •pal- clubhouse. Kampmann, . _-,.member , • ... l u r t *•• tion, ressts t. Were the nvitation to a proudd Jew J and^Very d>V happy h about b t of the. the San Antonio Country Club, Club over charges of operating his laundry on CHANGE OS", ADDRESS—Pleale give ootb tbe old and new addresi: " ^-sincere, - schoolsi~-cpllegesi- -the Wue Mogan-Darvid as-his ^official;, whose excellent course the tournament Sunday.. :-.The Justices- pointed: out: __x__:n4.;n«n _i..iV.e. i~n.ir.itL coat of aims.. • 1 .' was conducted, fought to stem the tide that Mr. Techman-had complied with societies, The .Jewish1 J?ress»isauppljedi bjithe Jesvifh iffjfgraphic Agency (Jewish tures couldassociations, ^He^hWwnfideS to u.s -hisdesire to •: in; the-last nine holes and to keep the the lawlby observing Saturday, as his not be too CorresponUe^ce IJur^au);:«?TQvca^leii: mi, tfil^^maMii Jewjsjj, nev?s. to addition please-'- titm-Jewish ;Americans': ^Thft go to Balestihei i s ordered' teach the trpphyv-past the city limits, but Levin day of rest. .Attorney Gustaye Prachtd.'fe&tiare''ffrtlcleir'a#^ Minority's fullest and most nnre- Arabs a lesson'. "Ill clean them.up SOIL wais not to be denied. inquirier regarding nevjsw items credited to thiSiAgjB^ra-JfWt be gladly Btricted cooperation in" the national' singlehanded if they get fresfi,^ lie :r ' 1 The; '-pew. champion play. almost man, on behalf ;• of the; Jewish' Sabbath answetfeo: ifladdressied;;tb Jewish"Tetegraphic Agencir, 62J Broadway, New ffe in his naive;v perfect, i?olf to win from his more ex- Alliance of. America % .def ended" Mr. welcomed.^ ^Foj the exclaimed1:-at that time.*' fife would l York City. • '"'' i would l be; b mirid/'he actnaliy' th6ught'' thaf! his periencetl rival. After the two had Tec'hman.:1 : ' ; '•* •measure.of that'cooperation own physical strength would solve.the--finished Uhe morning 18 holes ail the-measure ;of; the .Jew's American square, Levinson held to his steacty isniu -;:3But iil--;Kave' •• only; to ; state theArab-Jewish problems in Palestine, PREMATURE OPTIMISM n FOR necessary consequences of a sincere •foor'Breitbartv"' ' ' ' •'•' ' --!'- -' j clip,"'-despite the fear: of his friends GERMAN UNIVERSITIES , inyitatibn to assimilate; to expose the SEND BOOKS TO JERUSA!bE5« absurdity of :its-present pretorisions. Berlin,—(J. ?T. A.)-7-Colleptions of As the world is constituted today no -about about himself, as as a Jewish hero. the m a r books on Jewish subjects, were sent to majority desires: minority! assimila- did:'iit5t interest Kktf'^ltfuCh-that .t{6h; ~ii;: .dieSires , niinfttity ;, serviijude.' the Hebrew University in Jerusalem overcdine tiiiis hostility, many o| : her spokesmen are It wants uniformity, of taste,' characby •various German .universities, acnations. ; : 1: ter, instict in the national life; not hand-tfifey %te;'att|Ert^^ t9' J^stify^ g?'horses^ etc. That -was\ ^ ; 0 t h cording, to an order - issued by the no\y abroad. -<Dn;-the one hand, "they to keep .quietji pbedieiit,'. xmpbstrusive !fine;.oi;cour5e;and e;and th^feeling^ oi his j; S P Q R T , B R E V I T I E S Prussian Minister, of Education, ::and to. fight for the meager privilege 'own strength wSsamazing to him as • ... _ . , . ., ,, , B e c k e r . - > , - : : .-, • ....-• wSsamazing to him as • students adhiissibT^ to ., ; of. renjaining so in case _the country t o - Ms-'audienfee^But Breitbarfs^ CIS:&& Tems; has aggm gotten the deOI v er ; B declare" t^at ttiis, :'&; v%elt^s x>thjef: f * M ^ - 1|gti-S^irMstia, ''wiir goes w war.: Thus; to^take' an amus- ihappiness Bernstein, was only comnlete because V J ° u / ^his way ^ through\ and ing !but- symbolica;l -instance, a -critic 'of his pride that a Jew'had reached...Wf*^J^F soon be abolished,?!^ g Stuart;^Pr y f h # w to be any question Jike Sheroian;-; vwho" jn a j jn Isuch Ke!gh& -Th gViod Mlow was was about his advantage at the end. Terike Stuart;^P, manner so well-bred yet so decisive, isiv ; Einstein p y ; ;cpny ; p y j ^ t ; , ; and. t ris ;dropped J~ack'for a count of eight.' now deprecates* the 'deprecates* tte Jewish cooperation in T3r'eitbart were the two greatest, Jews g fl^ Pubh^c Eduction c p WaSftiri^ ft^ American thought and -letters ..would : - m o d e r n ' t i m e s . 1 lt::"-'": ^^ '•'•••iL:' '['•'•• isbut Bferitstein; camei back strong. Terformer^^^Hungarian IVBfltiste^of tola pur, kept on to;p of Bernstein in every ton cotrespbnaenfcaheiitfHuBgary's spefiiarb^ari^~m aiiti-Semltrsm, aiiti-Semltrsm tle:_the;ilrst to tell;1 Jewish thinkers and 'i6 f Our modern Samsoiy.was. terribly ris round, howe\ er, and culled a decisive announces the opening including prediction that the numerus^ claysus will ^ writers' at the appropriate moment superstitious.. He cherished his curly victory c u n g the bland p y in his bout at ihe Polo Grounds that it is lovely and becoming to die hair -ag the apple of his eye. Breiti another th year.'' All that t h t he h says sounds ds guite^ncQurag;in$. ite^ncQurag;i survive of an office for the for the fatherland. * bart one remarked, quite earnestly: last -week. but it taxes'credulity when one reflects that the "government repreTed Lewis < -onfined to us the other practice '.of medicine at No, assimilation is impossible. It is my hair goeSj my strength van-, sented by'Dr. Lukacs has thus far in nowisehend&avoEed even to impossible l>ecause the Jew t;arnot ~"Ii ishes". Many reminiscences come to" day'that he i ; planning to go in for PHONE tourname ntj>lay next>ear if he is assuage the plight of? Jewish students, who, as~a result of the change his national character; he can :us when we think of the tragic and golf 1 Tutting -around the same score numerus clauSus , "arc forced, under adverse conditions; to com- not, by wishing it, abandon himself sudden death of this stering Jew, still" that is nofw m aklng all the golf enthuOffice Phone Ja. &09$ ' any more than the membeis of any Sigmund Breitbartts name will soon be plete their educations in foreign lands,. The gpvenmient of Horthy other folk can tip so. ^ It is impossible, I forgottert, but those who' knew Trim siasts of Bro ad way sit up and take Res. Phone Wa. 1958 ' has failed) for instance, to enforce an antKnumer.us. clausug resolu- also,1 because time Cannot be turned persoually will remember this "natur- notice. Since his return from London, America's Jazz King has been cOntion adopted by the last Interparliamentary Conference at Warsaw, "back, i history re-lived, the Jew per- mensch" for a long, long time. ' sistantly bi"eaking 75 on the most and is thus scarcely qualified for membership. in - the Inter- mitted to share the national expert difficult Lorij1 Island courses. Aliences of the. people among whom he ^ JEWISH parliamentary Union. J)v. Lukacs( though? p^ofe^irig liberal lag lived fov so many centuries. He though an all round athlete, proficient in practically every American sport, sentiments, is an out-and-out Royalist, which; ieads <?nej to injferi isTthe product today of the1 impact of GOLF CHAMPION 1 r\ v SURAl\ T CE • Ted's favorite exercise for the past that he is actually'not any too anxious £q 'have .Hocfchy remoyed, jnlllenial Experiences upon his origi- A kind San Antonio correspondent year has be<»n golf artd whenever he us th'e news of the sensational for in reality the "prospects of a Moijarchj^t restoration are ever nal character. Were the invitation to sends can get away from theatrical engagevictory of Lewis Levinson, the eightasgimilate sincere, were the Jew to be fainter.,"-while thet RepuBliGans have ,beejr intimidated ini;ot. in- permitted really to share the national, een-year old wonder, in the finals of ments, he ca a always be found on the activity• by -Horthy's- henchman. • ,or fiver or three— a different story the San Antonio golf (Championship, •Knks. A spirit of optimism pervades the -views, expressed in the •might be -told. In a nationalistic, played October 3rd. Levinson is a r boy who deserves great Firms adv ertising in "The Jewish same* Washington correspondence,-of Dr. keon Reich, Polish, jwar-like world that supposition is, Jewish for America, chimerical and credit for his undaunted will to make Press" deserve your patronage—It is Deputy and delegate to -the Interparliamentary Conference. He ,even San Anton'o", Texas, we herewith TO YOUR INTEREST to support 'absured. DUPLEX SPECIALISTS is, above all else, confident that the recent Polish-Jewish, agreequote from tiie San An-onio Light them. sporting section: ment is an instrumental beneficial to the Jewish situation in 305 Faxtpn. Building, Omaha, Nebraska : . Lewis Levinson, 18- years, old and Poland, Unfortunately, however, this, too, must be taken with a Phons AT-0462 Res. Phone JA-5810 left-handed, "with what looked like a grain of skepticism; for word has just come frofti that.country set of rent clubs done up in a rather that the Club of Jewish Deputies, of which'Dr. Reich is th'e head," dirty cloth, crowned himself the "REXT has registered serious grievances with the Polish Prime Minister. champion golfer of San Antonio, SatBy HARRY' CONZEL urday afternoon.. Five rooms, ajl modern, at 938 A delegation in audience with the Premier revealed the-fact that 'CCopyrlRht 1»2ft t>v Seven Arts .Bob Kampman.n, crack Country club North 25th St. Call Atlantic some of the colleges are still limiting Jewish enrollment -to'4 per Feature Syndicate V amateur, with enough clubs to weight 7810. Harry Levi. cent. The specific complaints also point out that the burdens of down two cadieg" spul many years LevCommercial taxation1 are becoming ever more unbearable. Prom inson's senior, got in the way of the all of which it appears that, whether in Poland or in Hungary, Lewis Limited irT the ftnal 36-hole anti-Semitism is too;deep-seated an evil to' be uprooted by mere The captainHand. goalkeeper of the match for the championship, and was agreements between well-meaning individuals. The idea of human "World-famous Jewish football team, of EMPLOYED LADY wishes a fellowship, calls*for, a more sincerely vigorous and widespread dis- Vienna, Hakoah, is in ,this country, Grdurid,"Floor Room with the seminatiorji.ere religious intolerance aand race prejudice can be more as was reported in our last column. use of a piano in a cultured j. ig He has come here, unheralded, to continue in his profession as -a lapidary. Jewish, family. Must be walkl eradicated.—American, d i t d A i H nearly Hebrew. Mr. Halpern is a good-looking, splen^ ing disvance from the PostFaiibos for ididly-built tellow, who talks quietly Office. Address, Box 450, fcalmly, modestly, and whenever the Jewish Press. conversation' drifts to his prowess a s Gifts for the Fall Bride I'one ^Of the outstanding European soccer football players, he smiles 1514 Dodge Street By LUDWIG LEWISOHN* ' " * ~' 1 '' shyly and diverts the* talk to someFOR RENT After a long' pilgrimage through the' countries of Europe, the great; thing else. American-Jewish ho mine, de.letffc'e writes Ixid- reaction -"'- '-• 5 room brick fiat, modern except At the age of .seventeen (that was to world-JBWfy. ' ' * . <• way back in 1911), Willie joined the heaL Eeait reduced to $20. Water Hakoah in Vienna., The Hakoah was paid. Located at 2108 Clark St. a small, insignificantr club, whose Concert Violinist ^played football, was'lt not feh-anticip then" Gall Webster 6725, or inquire at Soccer team was' one o f the weakest In' tKe near future, Boni and' atory gesture against the reproach of A. Lewis, at 2112 Clark St. aggregations in the third -division of and Instructor Liveright "will publish a bptik called Jewish physical sloth ? the Austrian Football League. Gra"Israel", ^written by Xudwjg LewiHe cannot shake off the impress of dually, and in no small measure due has comments and praise from sohn, author of "Upstream" and some of the greatest teachers in one of the world's foremost Uterary the experience, of seventy generation?. to Halpern's individual 'development, Seventy generations. Let Thitn once the world. <3Iye your child a the Hakoah football team improved, figures. 1 reflect on the racial and national ex1- until"a few years ago it astonished correct foundation. STORE ROOM • • * the fathers fiLthS l t S captain pt the European sporting world by a "The book tells the story of how lleTience'of For Rent in Good Suburban dis- ', Studio IVtVz North ^fith St. yj trict. Parkvale hi football fb tht off brand of playing considered second to team, then-on that an entire people, a small and off his Addition. Good for 304 Crouase Block scattered one but still ,a people, is his own fathers and. on the relation of nonex in the, international field. cleaning, tailor, or shoe store. Call the two. The point'it too simple ,to beTo day Hakoah is the unchallenged Phone JAckson 1952. Silver ral coat ii>iih preparing to* dedicate itself conHarney 6222 or Harney 1375. sciously to the service of reason labored. It is assimilation that would peer of Austrian footballdom. In 1921 red fox collar and and of peace," is how Lewisohn be the miracle, the break in *the eter- and 1925 it won the- Austrian chamnal chain of causality. Our assimilapionship of the^ A division. Its vichorJcr, $245. sumsw tjie. content and purpose of tionist may nev_er. 'think ~ai Jewish torious > invasions of England, Ger,his forthcoming volume. thought or read a ,Jewish hook. In Hungary and the Near East "Israel" will create a* greater en to American stir than did "Upstream', f,or Lud- the essjential character of all Tils pas- j are well knowri even this" remarkable wig Lewisohn, the clearest Jewish sions as wdl as- of all" Ms actions he ' sport followers. In thi thinker of our-day,-and a writer remains a Jew." The 'groundwork" of chapter of European Jewish athletics,! .whose power and sympathy are ad- 'Jewish character ia his; the terrible, Willi, Halpenj'stands out as one of mitted Jay Jew and non-Jew alike •post-exilic-experience is -hisj he re- the foremost atjhletes and sympathetic has written, in a profoundly mov- mains a, str.ange mixtare of passion- personalities. ing and beautiful prose, an estimate >atfe prophet and 'beaten cur, leader e h s forgotten the and an unalysis, a defen.se and ai> >and outcast. If he^has to' "restore" the pteservett of Isindictment that must shake Jewry ^ to a 'reavfafcenihg and" revaluation rael," he throwa-himself irito the busitold*is-ciuite-a few interestof itself as no other book.' of bur ness of giving *% light to the Gentiles", ingHalpern {hings about the Hakoah and its very new bordered models He is liberal, reformer, practitioner time has done. activities. To quote him or patron of the arts; he makes dis-1 various This article which is part of of these two smart furs -"Israel" appears in "The Jewish coveries in medicine or, as a lawyer, dijrectly: 1 ".y7e have a marvelous swimmer ia Press* ' fdr the first time.—THE pleads the causes of thosfc'fOr, whom Hedi BleneiJfeld, a yooftg girl of 22, A strj^gfcfclme silver mu*^|pk| iCoat of the type none will plead. If, he does none of EDITOR. who is a member of the Hakoah swimillustrated, with crush collar arid wide borthese things he is a sordid scoundrel. g ^teaift.ft This year., y . , Hedi won the But the sordid scoundrels'are a minor ming "der of gerkuine tlooJ red fox. Each rat skin are a people. This is the po- ity. The average" decent Jew in busi- long distance and two. hundred meters tent facfc which our. American assimi- ness, in the professions, in. Journalism championship of Austria. Miss Bien' is carefully snatched. $245 lationist is tempted to deny. And his or the arts sustains,a-p.erceptit»le,re- enfeld wiil surely amaze the world in denial is often quite sincere. For the lation to the prophets oi his people, the next Olympic games, If she coriWe present the .greatest variety content of Tjis consciousness is com- „ Despite himsetf, then, Jhe asshrala- ,tinues in her present form. She'is A flared silver ral accentuates the fullnese Trtetely "Western, completely American. tionist is a Jew by-character and ~hy as popular p p a r in, Austrian A u s a n sporting uucix i ever assembled by an Omaha inof its skirt with a" partial border of taupe fox. But there is that consciousness Itself; •national experience. Nor must it b& ,cles here. cle as a your. Gertrude G t d Jderle Jderl h re stitution.- Eyery coat priced acthere are the, instincts with which one forgotten, though he himself tries , "We h'ave^ strong teams in hockey The sleeve, which makes its own cuff, is grasps the world of appearances. That •eagerly to forget it. that he nature of arid, wrestling. You miy "have "heard i • i » COTding to our every; day "Lowest new; the chin collar I? of the border fur. consciousness,- those instincts 'are he national gxperiencfe has! imdexgone. •of Marcosr'and JBergman who ate playnational gxperiencfe has! imdexgone ing havoc with tbe_amateui£ wrestlers Priced'* plan of clothes selling. shaped in £ach human b,eing by the he IJ essjential essjential but ly-acidtl h but only-accidental hange. experience of bis "kind, his people. IJO Austria. Both of them are extra- i I venture the"assertion" there is of The subconsciousness" of our assimilar qday in the.efttiie.ATyan that ordinaryspecimens of human strength -world-no Tetionist has" not' forgotten --exile • THK£ cogmzable Jew who i a his childhood, aqd skiir.* A golden rat coat makes Ttsuch of its widely terrer*. the knife,, the .fagot, the long in street.dt school, has not been^Uunti '"Our soccer consists of the following c flared skirjt by running the *kins ^opposite days in the house of attfdy, the. ex- ed with ms Jewishne^Sjiria de by some- elpven: Fabian, Wegnef, Scheuer, Gutchision of the , menacing, external slight,' inan, Pollak^ Nemnnich» Hausler, from those that make the body of the coat. gesture, word;i».fell excluded^ v?orld, the isolation," the Messianic andd inferior Greenwaiar, Hess, Einhofer.1 Personifri andd h & hope. Like «;ny BOCHER in'the--Po^ The flare w bordered with taupe wolf; the collar spiritual wqund that ia incurable. ally, I believe that ouf-team can beat list)! GhSCtO fit today hJe ^s"p'recoplous, aIncurable any-American soccer aggregation "by by himself,'incurable by .his is of taupe wolf. intellectually passionate, incapable of incurable V E n t i l e friend- a t least six goals." moral compromise—almost scoundrel fellows, There %as no boasting in Halpern's. Halperns.. kindness, respect, "cooperatiott, oK almost s^int-^given'to dreams and ship;-tt but bt a calm l conviction iti thatr' tht ..An inner certspr >may try to statement, schemed of "world betterment,' choked love* impressed us greatly; -we xonf ess. We force that l a m e n t of childhood into t A misses' model o£ golden rat is trimmed with •with Jinnibitions, anxieties, uncertain- forgetfulness. Its imprint ~-remains. •discussed the coming of the Hakoah ties.^ He assimilated? Hajs"he2ever Prom 'it -arises the1 compensatory team to America^the effect of Hakoah brown rat skins that are as soft as sable. The really envisaged the membera of his eagerness for successr"*Bf6m ^tfc itoe -victdHes 'dh the aritirSemitic elements, 1 stole-like collar extends to the hem and then football team at" college? Ha^ he born artists, refbmess, -financiers; f.n Euirbpe^nd" a nuinher 1of other inever grasped'that Tbam)y pagan, «•»«"»»— tere^ting we _ topics which we? will "trarisforms a complete border. Embroidered chifease from it arise the fervor of Poets, the that .at-^omenesELin "~ generosity jofi philanthropists, the mitio you. bit by bit. - At the present fon velvet inlays make this sample model irprodigality U Q1 the; vulgar, the merci- tiftie, Hfelpernr in. his oft moments^ is resistible to a small woicAn. j$x~. B6ichuk. ifs .manager Iessness of the" e Qsur:er~^H u s u ^ a i l those im- assisting; explained.to us, is mprovng rapdly. perious tand, exorbitant * extremes;to i 1 '^ :•••••••:;;_-; $ 2 9 1 jnad5enihg ;-1ovabler world of'mVvers which for bath .good and4U, tiie J«.w t and \Sixiing and^ cutting" classes, of is prone. Since he cann6t be an equal, SIG&UJNTD BREITEach of these coats is a sample model—-esrooting and loyality a^d pjay? "Why it is'Ms will to 'become superior to the ws^ J)jMCti.v:e. in- scientific or literary tnass o% taeo, ^Ojily In&tfstilite bnite. BART DEAD _ quislte m the details of workmattshlr*. -Bteitbart died in Berlin as a Tesult Violence can make a s}ave pf ^tim. 6*1 earnest nbbtft-worfd-r onri And: if 'Ifor'is tKafchildKoo^moment and MEN AND WOMEN i"Tke-Neib Things While Tftetfre New" if-he himfeelf its - consequence-tlie, only-unchanged - We meeting the last



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PAGE 3—THE JEWISH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1925 : Sisterhpod to Give Cafeteria pinner 31,744 ^rfnring"tbe religious year 5686, this period was 33,4P4, while the ntinj* Omaha . Girls Attending , Fremont Jewish Women Join Next Wednesday Evening "at Temple Eastern Colleges Are MemOmaha" Chapter Of Hadassah; according to an estimate made here. ber of Jews" Vho left the cou^tr^ was The total Jewish immigration during" bers of ^National Sororities A cafeteria dinner,' the first one Mrs. E. Weinberg and Mrs. J. Ro-_ 1 !••.-•- '_ -—• • -----

Two Omaha girls attending eastern given this year by the Temple Israel senberg, members of the Omaha colleges are- members ..of, .National -Sisterhood -will be held Wednesday Chapter of Hadassah, were in Freevening, October 21, at 6:15, in the mont .Monday as guests of Mrs. Sam prominent sororities. vestry room of the Temple. Weinberg. :.. Miss Rosaline Goldstein, daughter The public is invited to attend. Mrs. While in Fremont they secured a of- Mr. 'and Mrs.' A. Goldstein, was pledged into the A. D-. JPhi Sorority -J. Kleinn is chairman of the com- number of the women for members of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah and of the Uniyersity of -Wisconsin. She mittee in charge. Store, of hdividud Shops donors to the Palestine Milk Fund. \ :was pledged three xreeks ago, y The Daughters of Israel Aid Society They are the JMesdames A. Krupinsky, Miss Reva Kulakofsky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kulakofsky, who is •will hold a meeting nest Tuesday Bessie Helphand, A. B. Krupinsky, J.-: 9. senior at the University-of Michi- afternoon, October 27, at the Jewish Levine, H. Kavitch, Sam Weinberg, M. Cohn, Mick Krasne, J. Verbin, Wm. gan, has been a member of the .Alpha Old People's Home. n x. <-u 7—T?—i r 4.-L. i ~ > J I Epsilon Ehi National Sorority for Omaha Chapter ]So. 1 of the Order; Krupinsky, and J. Berek. GROSS-SCHWARTZ Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky an- three years.; of Aleph Zadik Aleph will hold a regu-j ••••.••»» j . « « s.. JB.erfha.. Schwartz announces nounce "the - engagement;!" of,-i thejr e Were - i t not. for custom that- no lar ' meeting three o'clock Sunday^ Sunday «» Wlsn >iatL Folk School J i&eVxnaxrUxge pfher daughter, Rose,daughter, Bunny, to Nathan E. Grjeen, sororities are formed-at-private girls' To Open November 1 afternoon at the Jewish Community T to" Mr. Abe, Gross, son of, .Mr. and son of Mr. and-Mis...Meyer Green, of colleges^ •' Miss > Pauline ^Herzberg, :: : ] i:; 'Center/ '' ''•"' - ' " "' ' " ' '' '• The Jewish National 'Folk School: Mrs. B. Gross, of this city. The cere- t h i s = c i t y i .!•-"•••••n.:.:':'»'- .-;:: ; "i i"si;-i :;-::i *"••';, •daughter of Mr. and Mr& M. -IHerzwill open November lj nndcr the aus1 mony took' place Monday evening, , Mr, a?id At a--meeting-'of the Post-confirmais. attending "Mount De } t pices of the National Farbund, the October 26, in Sioux City,. la., Ralibi Council BJuffs,-la., aanqujice the en-j Chantei school for girls " tion class of the City Sunday School: Poali-Zion,and the National Ladies PoMnovitz officiating. . ."-' gagementTof theirldaughter, Gertrude,! m. Va^ and Miss ::-££hel Gladstone, a held October 18, the following officers Club. Classes will be Mr. Gross.and Ms bride will make to .Slis Jsadore idiapman,' of iOmaha,; student 'at ::¥assar Colleger daughter were elected: Alfred Fiedler* presi-l Progressive : held at 2314 North 21 St. their home, in Omaha, upon, their re r son,-cf; Mrs. Esther Chapman;;,<>f of .-Mr.:: and ' M r s . ' Victor "Gladstone, dent; Lillian • Drevich, vice-president; "A'teacher'graduate of the Teadh-; ; ^rpjlij^^a' ijht>ii hoheymoon fcrip.T, terville, la. Miss CMrniacic attended; these young ladies would be .eligible Thele Hurwitz^ secretary; Jack ers* seminary of New York will arrive" •for''-membership:- into;:• a! natioiially stein j treasurer; Milton-Frohm, repor-: next week to take charge of the' the Harriet Melliasa.Mills School MAimTZ-COHN inown:>sor6rityi:-far" they ,are promi- tef; and Sam Tatlebaum, sgt-at-arms.f school, according to word received: t,:Chapman The wedding of Miss Eva Cohn, New Yorfc; —r Which mean p A party will be held Friday, Octonent mBmbers" of -the , Co.\ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Coin, from Mr. Shapiro, secretary of the] : Styles arfd Unequalled ber 30, at the home of Sylvia Chait. • married,., e a ^ in j set in'Omaha;to Mr. Dave Manvitz,' son of Mr. and seminary. Yiddish and Hebrew wflli The party "committee is Lazar Kap'Valve Mrs. .H. -Manvitz, of this .city, . .will be taught. Mr. "and Mrs. p Omaha came dose to scoring several lan; Alfred Fiedler, Sylvia'Ghait^,-andtake place this Sunday evening,. OctoRegistration is now open. ber 25, at the bride's Tionie. Only the taining at an,.engagement; dinner for! iainesibut lacked the,:necessaty punch. Ethel Hurwitz. Miss Martye iWein4 -fatirifly T h e entire Lincoln back field: per» stein; instructor of theA class, will be members of the immediate family the. r " Jerusalenm,—(J. T. A.)—The Jew" "'"' ' ' atLtheir h.6melinf-honor of3 formed nobly. Captain Shrulman and honored guest. will attend. ish population of Palestine increased r Among the social affairs given :£or their-daughter and her fiance, -a-^ cA speeaal.1-meeting;:of the Junior this, bride-to-be was a bridge' lun-: r The' eagageineni::;- bi Daughters of ^Son wiD. be held' Tues-; cheon by Mrs. Harry Krasne, of Cohan, day : afternpon a t the Jewish; Coin-j 1 ; scrimmage at Nebr; Uni. Council*Bluffs', at her home -Monday. to Mr. Edward Levensky, son- of Mr.; Freshman^ inunity Center^ ; Nomination and ,elec4 ?; r A luncheon at the'Brarfdeis Tea and Mrs. Ben Levensky, of this city, ' Albert and Fink were; the most tion of officers will, take place... ....,; Rooms followed by an Orpheum is also announced this week No flate prominent on the lines. : .A regular nieeting of |ih§ Jewish Omaha's line •was far superior tb theatre party was given by: Mrs. E . has been set for the wedding. r that of Lincoln. Bud Levin and Sain Culture League .will,be Held Sunday Harris, , on Wednesday afternoon. Thursday, evening, Mr. and Mrs. Max Another engagement -announced Bender were the Shining lights on the afternoon, October 25, at 4 .o'clock, at Colin entertained at a bridge party. this week is that of Miss Minnie2Sax- line. Levin breaknng through several ; the Labor Xyceum, 22nd and:Clark St; We.:. ar^ the agents .: : On Friday afternoon, Mrs. Sain Bubb golin, daughter; of, Mr. and Mrs.; times to throw the Lincoln backs for New members are invited. for the Radio Corporation will entertain at a one o'clock" lun- Joseph Margolin, to^Mr-'Louis Cutler^ losses,- wh2e Bender • showed his suof America cheon at the Brandeis Tea Rooms. son of Mrl and Mrs. A. Cutler, of this; periority at tackle and half-back.Berln,—(J. T- A-^Sttpport ofj Mrs. Herman Zuber, of Hastings cityi "'No weddnig? date.^has .as yetj .. Omaha's, back-,field;was very -weak, German Jewry-fortthe campaign of; TKE FAMOUS Nebr., "shared honors at these" affairs! been set. '-'•••' - * K ; ' - : y ••"' ' r:;:; 'Jj however, Forman made several nice the Ort Reconstruction : Fund was: gains around end- and off rtackle and pledged yesterday at a meeting of Mr. and Mrsj Morris Cohn and; in one play might have made a : touch- German Jewish leaders which took Mr. William. L. Holzman will con1 duct, services at Temple Israel this family have; rnoved' into their nevr down had it not lost his .footing: and place yesterday at the "KKaiserhof sprawled over his own-feet with, a Hotel. Friday evening and Saturday" mprn- home at 506 Sbuth 58th Street. clear field. . -• . ing._because of the absence of Rabbi ; Miss RitaI ^ ^ t p l sp?nt the week4 Altshuler and Bleicher . at tinies Frederick-Colin, who is attending--Qie Central Conference of American Eab- end in Lrncpln.^ the guest of hec made good gains through the line, [ more practice Coach . Krasne bis and the Golden Anniversary-Cele- aunt, ,Mr§.: Eugene Leyi. Fine hopes to mate real backfield men of bration of the Hebrew Union College Mrs. A. RiWm returned Friday^ them. fur Trimmings If you contemplate buyat • Cincinnati. Mr. William R. Blu- from a two montis stay in New Giyot did well in his first start as a Beutiftd Materials menthal will speak at the Friday City, where : her! daughter, Annettei ing a set let us install . evening services. His subject will be is studying dancing under StephaHq signal barker. o,ne in your home for a ^ Chapter No. S is coached by "Recent Progress in Social Service.* Mascagno, - noted instructor^; Miss; trial without any obligaWhere the Better Thirfgt; TSiklia vrtll be in New York''for ant Merle Gord6n.who is attending, coach* " Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wintroub ^an- an'-iridefinite time.' schddl at Nebraska University. Cost Less ' i £ k ' ' ' r ' nounce th birth of a baby daughter.; FLOOR J. Fint-Kener Ms. 'M.Sehier" entertained at five B. 9. Alberts-Zellen S l l h Miss Annettq Kropman, of Mason- tables pf bridge Tuesday afternoon at I. • Gerelicfc J . SI, Levin. Gerstein-Snyder City, Iowa, who was visiting Tier© for her, home in honor of her daughter- HI. Graetz I«tn-een S. Bender-D. the past three weeks with Miss Eose i l ^^ ^ , M 2042 1804-1B06 N*.i 24tfc. J Seiner, Si Ii Mrs. J. off Sf Bleicher Enbinow Guttman, returned to her " home Mo. Sunday afternoon/ Mrs. Seiner TV. Kaiman-JH. : Fonnan; ; Wednesday. -• ' Girot Q.B.. Shulman, Cpt. entertained at a birtiiday party fo? M. D. fPtrrmn-n T. TT. Mozer-Evenen JD- B l e i c h e r - •: Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Kulakofsky are fifty tMldren in honor of her g*and-i Cpt. '. S.. Bender R.H Ivoyicoffi ', _'."'.''.' " '. 3kl. -AltBcfruler™ ~.ll\B. i___.. ^.^ Bre^lau leaving Sunday for' Chicago, Till., dajughtef/ Charlotte^ ToachdOTrns—iincolii-Shnlman. Pittsburgh, Pa., Washington, -and Try for point—Xineoln-Erenen. Mjss Rose Zelikson, of Tulsa, Heferee—iliskOTrttz (Crelghton). New York to visit with relatives dur•returned to her home last week after Head linesman—Hoffman (Creighton). ing^ the winter months. : Time ol qnaiters^-FUteen minutes. . spending the: summer here as the Omani' '"'- :;-'" "' ';'; ' <V^';T 0 0—0 Lincoln, 0 0 7 0-^-7 guest of her granddaughter,; Mrs*. A. Rose Minzy, of San Francisco, ' Omaha Chapter No. 1 of Aleph Zndik .- r Alepb ; -sritt hold: football practice 10 o'clock Calif., who was the house guest of Davidson, and other relatives. BEN M. TATLE . §unday morning, at 33rd and Cass. Sts, . Mrs. Herman H. Auerbach for several ; Miss -Rnth Wintroub, .daughter r of , The'. National Ladies Progressive Well Knoyrn Fnrniture Man days, left Tuesday for Chicago, HL'.'' : : Mr,- >- and Mrs.: J. Wintroub,- returned (Slab . : CpWes. With Brandeis Store will ;give a. party, Wednesday, • Ben M. Tatl?, for year?. ii : tlie The first of the series of card par- from a sue weeks vacation with rela- October 28, at the home of Mrs. J. furniture line in " Omaliaj';. }^.s' ties to be held this year by the Ladies tives In the east. : Levine, at 2314 North 2lSt. \ recently" become associated uith Auxiliary of the South Side Congre-; the l^rnrture; Department- of: 33ie gation will be given Tuesday,after-:: 'Mr. and Mrs. Boris L Cohan, of "The first of a series of concerts to Brandeis Store/ "For the past four years, Tatle has been-with. Harry noon, October 27. Hostesses for this Chicago, 111., announce :the birth of a be given, by the League this fall, will Fellheimer at Hartman's. affair will be the Mesdames Joe'Sher- baby-£pn, born Monday, October 2$, take place; the middle of; November. at the Omajia ; Maternity Hospital; A oneract.comedy, "Farbitence YotMr. Tatle says, "I have been in L Perelman, N. Mrs. Cohan -was formerly Miss Ida zries" by Sbolem Alechim, will be pre- i the furniture business in Omaha Pearlman, J. ^Kaplan, and T. Bernfor many yearsj but never have I b f Omaha.. „..[. ._.. .... sented, in connection with a literbeen so able to serve ipiy custorivers.: stein. The card parties are given to I am coming, to appreciate\vrhat a raise money ta erect a new building • Omahans will be interested to know ary and musical program. "big store's"' bxtying/pqijfer means for the congregation. - • » that Mrs.i;X<ewis Smart, and Mrs. M; in combining quality::^ahd lpisr The Auflebung Club will, hold a Friedman'v of Chicago, HI., formerly dance this Sunday,evening a t the JewMr. Jacob Kooper is convalescing : Mr. Tatle will be glad to weK M the-Misses :Mary: and Jean ish Coramtmity Center. Plans are cpine at^The Srandeis Store, hispid, t the St.'Joseph Hospital. ; of Omah^ are visiting in Omaha being made; to cele|brate the club's friends iind customers. „ .'; . : . Z i now o&er YOtT — BADlAlfT SMOKEI^BSS•'., SEMIMr. and Mrs. M. Herzberg, Messrs. week, stopping at the Fontenelle; third anniversary on November 15. Charles Schimmel, William Grodinsky Hotel; ttnqsuairy high grade cd^'"lii-:--i3i,e:"'rnn of and Herman H. Auerbaeh, returned mine at $1L5O pep ton. ITou "will find this grade is about 50% At a meeting of the "Council "of treble like Monday from a week's stay in Excelr'. Fill in" Jewish ."V^omen to be, held Monday sior, Mo. 50% fine coal, and to sucGessftdiy burn application of keyboard afternoon, October 26, at _2:30Jat the cite'jjjpal yon sHoUld have at least this amount of fiat JSO^L. The Mr. T. Frank, of Toledo, O^ who Jewish Community Center, further mony. Variations—Runs—Breaks—Syncopation—Charlestpn attended' the Jewish National Hospi- plans will be made for the Council coarae • and the f ike coal will coke into one large aaass 'without Studio At. 4361 P M It AIIH P i n n n ' K i h & Harney Sts.:^ tal Cornerstone Laying in Denver, Interstate convention to be held in Res. We. 3828 « • H» H H I M } 1 IdllU 304 Mickle Bldg. f r and the fine coal mil not fall throflffh i3ie gmtes.;•' -; * Colo., stopped off in Omaha Wednes- Omaha November •!, 2 and -8. day to visit with his1 brother, Mr. Sam Hairy • Kulakofsky went- to Frank. • Ton -wilt hare Inmpeoal in (fte Excelsior Springs, Mo.,- Saturday fire pot altlioiigii It ivas not all .Petroleum . _ . Smokeless Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldstein expect evening, to join, Mr. Kulakofsky. lump in the Din, aM it is much Carbon S 1 5 . 5 0 * Seini-Antliiracite"""' Mrs. Goldstein's mother, Mrs. Esther They -will return within a few days. easier to break the lamp In Use Bernice Anth. $ 1 7 . 0 0 fire pot than it is in the I>in» K Chapman and daughter, Fay and jRae, Slack'..: A §8.00, Hanna Lnmp.S11.50 Tt>sts jnst as moch to handle the of Centerville, Iowa, to arrive Thurs?f se S t a r S.emi--K-A-lVY (So. fine coaV as it does the lamp, day, tp be guests: at the Goldstein Firerked Illinois) , . : $ I 0 . Q O and the one who insists on all home! lump is merely ielpinp to psy ^14.00 Thrift Med. Lp.S9.50 for the other fellow's coaL Mr. and Mrs. Nate Sherman have as their guests Mrs. Morris Sherman :•::.':• T «S> and son, Howard, of Chicago, Illinois. We Stake Our Reputation on Your Satisfaction' Omaha Chapter No. 1 of the Order Mrs. Sherman will visit here * for a of Aleph Zadik Aleph. lost a bitterly month with relatives and friends. fought grid battle to Lincoln Chapter The registration of new children will be continued While here, -she be extensively No. 3 of the Order, Sunday afternoon until Sunday, November 1. - Be sure and register your entertained. at 32rid and Dewey Ave. ' children as soon as possible so to enable us to start pur The- only touchdown of the game new classes on-November 1. Mr.- and Mrs. Arthur Eosenblum was "ma'ae"early in~tKe"tfiTra" quarter left Sunday on a trip to Miami, when Fprman, Omaha half-back CALL AT Florida. They expect to remain sev- panted straight tip in the air outside eral months, and to return about from Ms own five yartl line- • February 1. Lincoln recovered, the ball and in 21ST AND JBURT STREETS four desperate attempts spanned the City Office, 208 S. 17th St,,~Just South of Brandeis Theater Lobby Mrs. J. Green, of Chicago,. 111., is five ya*ds that 'separated net from car, phpne visitinjc hgre with her daughter, Mrs. a touchdown. Captain Dates ShulJoe Rice, and Mr. Rice. She is ex- man carried the ball across and presJackson 3007—Harney 2119' pecting- to return home—.the easiy lav,- Lincoln full-back booted th'e try part of n2xt week. for n w ' 1 1







With Lavish Furs

for the woman or miss who "wants to dress fashionably at the lowest possible cost.

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Local A. Z. A. Loses To '- - - Lincftln FootbaU fearo



1 DO IT NOW!!! I

Do You Intend To Send Your Children To The City Talmud iof^h This Semester?



Plisone ATIantic




If -fit

PAGE 4~;THE JE,\^SH PRESS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER,22,. 1925 I pearis Voih an: eye -ta all' four. TSe. •whole defied competition •on. the part of Miss Dallas OTJara, Miss Dallas Q'Mara, In-her. studio* was perched on" a high stool before an eaMl With a large tray of assorted crayons at.her side. She looked a sight and didn't care at- all. She greeted Dirk and Paula with a cheerfal friendliness and went right on worktag. A'-model, verysmartly gowned, : was sitting forher. "Hello j " said Dallas O'Mara. "This

EDNA FERBBR (©, DoutJle<l»y, Poc» A Co;) m m Sarvio*.

ln paintings—the kind "with. :l IfrieSman"; who axS students at first of September, but becauseof a pinafore,"Dirk thought. : h|sfa, pointed fereasts 'tH&S"iet*^tmx, • B e thought a-goo<i deal about Daifee University of .Iowa/ : ., serious injury tohis knee in an acci* las O'Mara. He found himself talking gentle poge—holding out a barn of dent, h.e was delayed. Mrs. "-Herman Meyerson and ' Mrs. about her la wrmt'ne assumed' to be a plenty. There vm.& about her something; ( A series-of speeches Bponsored by careless, "offhand manner. He liked gemiine a n i earthy and A. Falk of Omaha returned home Mrs. C. Berlinger, of Kansas City, the Talmud Torah Society started last that her ta.talk about her. He told his mother Monday Slight from" a week's visit Mo., who spent the past two weeks of her. He could let hlmsolf go with and not well caredfor—not guttering Friday evening at the synagogue, 618 with relatives in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in Lincoln as the guest of Mr. and Selina, and he must have taken _ ad- and pointed and cruelly sharp and i Mynster stret, when Mr. L MorganMrs. Charles Shire, returned to her vantage of tills for she looked at him horrjdly yenniHon,-like-PauIa's. That! stern spoke on various Jewish topics. Miss Jeannette Gilinsky is expected Intently and said: "I'd like to meet her. pleased him, too, somehow. Mr. Morganstern is the local Hebrew home Friday after spending the past home last Sunday. "Some oysters?" he suggested. "They -rve never met a girl like that." : school teacher and principal of )ihe three and a half months visiting relA reception for all university sturf safe here.. Or fruit cock'Til ask-her if she'll let me bring .are-perfectly, you up to the Btudlo someL tipie when tail? Then breast of guinea hen un- Talmud Torah Sunday school here. atives in- Trenton, N. J., Brooklyn, dents was given by the Sisterhood of He -will speak again this Friday N. Y., Stanford, Conn., and Chicago, Temple B'nai Yeshuran last Friday fler glass and an artichoke—" you're In town." She looked a little worried. "If you evening at eight o'clock at the syna- 111. He did not know that Dallas played evening after the services. The decuntil he came upon her late one after- —suppose you take that Me, I'd like gogue, and every Friday evening. orations were carried out in the uninoon sitting at the piano in the twi- a. steak and some potatoes au gratin Everyone is Invited to attend. The. The A. Z. A. held a meeting Tues- versity colors, scarlet and cream. The light with Bert Golson, the blaek-face and a salad with Russian—" younger set is especially urged to'at- day evening, at the synagogue. evening was spent in dancing in the "That's fine 1" . H e was delighted. comedian. Colson sang those terrible tend as Mr. Morganstern will speak songs about April showers bringing He doubled that order and they conMrs. Philip Friedman is entertain- vestry rooms. .violets,, and about mall aia-ha-ha-ha- sumed it with devastating thorough- in English on some interesting topics. ing her Afternoon bridge club at. a ha-ha-ha-my but they didn't seem ter- ness, She ate rolls. She ate butter. She Joseph Solomonow, son of Mr. and luncheon Thursday noon at the Bran- THIRTY THREE NEW YIDDISH , rible-when-, he'sang them. There was made. ,no remarks about the food exMrs. W. Solomonow, will become Bar deis-Tea rooms. good and , COURTS IN URAINIA about this lean, hollow-chested, spm,ber-eyed comedian a poignant pathos, thaf she had forgotten to eat Funch be- j Mitzrvahed at the Chevra B'nai YisThe Independent Orderof the ^'nai a gorgeous'sense of rhythm—-'a"some- cause she had been so busy working. I roel synagogue at 618 Mynster street, Moscow,—(J. T. A.)—Ninety two thing onnameable that bound- you to All thiai Dirk found most restful and; on Saturday, morning at nine o'clock. Brith, Lodge No. 688, will hold a reg- courts for national minorities will be ular meeting -next Wednesday eve, 1, • him,, made you love hlm^ In the the- refreshing. He will entertain about thirty of his ning, October 28, at the Danish hall. established' in Ukrainia shortly,, acater he came out to the edge of the Usually, -when ,-jrou .dined in a resfriends Saturday afternoon, at cording, to. an official . announcement runway and toot the audience in hi.« u a theater" party at the Broadway Isaac Salzman has returned- home- here. Thirty three of these new arms. He trJJed like a bootblacl'c and Td love to ent some of those criep i theater followed by refreshments at after spending the past two months courts will be conducted in the, Yidsang- like an angel. Dallas .at the 'llttle-rons!" piano, he leaning over it, were' doing Tou said, "Why not?" Shaws. ' inPittsburgh, Pa. dish language of the ten coronJr^ "blues." The two were rapt, ecstatic. Invariably the answer to this was, Mr. and Mrs. Solomonow, 213 Sutsrooms, six will for Jews. Mixed courts I got the blues—I said the, blues—I "I daren't! Goodness! A half pound man street, will be at.home on Sun-. will be established in those town and Sot. the. tMs o t tbafc—the somethingor- at least. I ha-rent eaten a roll with day afternoon, October 25, from 2:S0 vilages where the population is mixed. othepr-blue—^hoo-hoos. They scarcely butter In "a year." until 5:30 p. m., and on Sunday evenoticed Dirk; Dallas ;ha<l nodded Again you said, "Why not?" Sidney Poska left last week for when he came in, and had gone on ning from 7 until 10 o'clock to all of California, where he expects to spent 'Afraid I'll get fat." playing. Colson sang-the cheaply senAutomatically, "You t Nonsense. their relatives and friends in honor a short while. timental ballad as though it were the You're just right" Experienced Salesladies . of the Bar Mitzvah of their son. K"o folksong of a tragic frae.~ His arms He was bored with these women who cards are being;used. for general Department Store. — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dworsky anwere extended, his.face rapt.'' As Dal- talked about their weight figure, lines. be experienced in Dry Goods nounce the birth of a daughter on Must las played the tears'stood in her eyes. He thought ft In bad taste. Paula and Reay-to-Wear. STAR STORE, The Talmud. Torah Sunday school October 9. When they had finished, ''Isn't It a was always rigidly refraining from the big store, — North Omaha's Greatest Department Store. terrible song?' she said. ''I'm crazy this or that It made him uncomfort- opened its new term Sunday morning, Mrs. David Diamond returned from about It. Bert's going to try it out able to sit at the table facing her; eat- October 18, at the Merriam Block tonight" ing his thorough-meal while she nib- • hall, with almost . seventy children McCook where she spent several days bled fragile curls of Melba toast a I present for registration. The regis- visiting.. "Who—uh—wrote it r' asked Dirk lettuce' leaf, and <-bhalf a sugarless • tration was in charge of the teachers, politely. , Phone JA ckson 0043 Rabbi S. E. .Starrels returned Dallas began to play "H'm? grapefruit It lessened his enjoyment the Misses. Fannie Katelman and Thursday from Los Angeles, where Oh, I did." They were off. once more. of his own oysters, steak, coffee.' He Fannie Shyken, and Mr. I. MorganIt was practically-Impossible to get thought'that she-always eyed his food stern. Any child who -wishes to at- he spent the summer. Rabbi Starrels Painting and Decorating a minute with her alone. That irri- a little avidly, for- all her expressed tend Sunday school but who was un- was expected to be in Lincoln by the LET OS BID FOB VOU indifference to I t . She was looking OOK WORK GUARANTEED tated him. People, were, always drift; able to come last Sunday for regisa little haggard, too: 214 South 18th St. Omaha, Nebr. ing in and out of the studio—queer/ : "The theater's next door," he said. tration should be there next Sunday important, startling people; little, de-Jected,. shabby people. An Impecunious 'Just a step. We don't have to leava morning at ten o'clock. Regular Meeting of , ;irl art student, red-haired and wist- here until aftef eight" Mr. Saul Goldin of Winnipeg, Can., ful, that Dallas wastaklngin until the 'That's nice." She had her cigarette NAT MEISTER girl got some money from home; a •with her coffee in-a mellow, sensuous arrived last Wednesday to visit his writes all kind? of ' pearl-hung grand-opera singer who atmosphere of .enjoyment. He was uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. W. was condescending to the Chicago talking about himself a good deal. He Seigal. The Mesdames Ben Telpner opera for a fortnight They paid no felt relaxed, at ease, happy. und Abe Leibovitz entertained twenty SERVICE WITH EACB 'attention to Dirk. Yet there was noth"You know I'm an architect—at guests at bridge'at the home of Mrs. Itl W. O. W Bids. jBrkson ISIS, ing rude about their Indifference. They least, I was onetf-Perhaps that's "why simply were more interested in what I like to hang around your "shop so. I Leibovitz complimentary' to their they were doing. He le'ft.telUps him- get'sort of homesick for the pencils cousin, Mr. Goldin, and also in honor self that he:wouldn't go there again . and the- drawing* board—the wholj; of Mrs. Arthur Robinson of Omaha,Hanging around a studio. But next t h i n g . " formerly. Miss . Ida Telpner. Prizes • •••'•• ~~-'"Gay he .was back.: .-'••. "Why did you give It up, then?" were won by Miss Pearl Brown and ' . "Look hers. Miss;;O'Mam,^ :ive had ''Nothing In It" • Mr. Harry Bishop of Omaha, and BUTTER K got her alcne . t!• a sec<jnd. "Look "How do -you mean—nothing in it?" here, will youijome out to^innerwith •-'No money. After the war nobody Miss Edith Brandeis, Mrs. Harry Council Bluffs, la. me some time? And, the theater?" •: was -building. Oh, I suppose if I'd Cohen, and. Mr.. S. H. Katelman of Every Thursday Evening: at Jewish Community. Center Building. .this city. Oh Thursday evening Mrs. fcung on—" " L p v e t o . " "•'"•• • • ' • • - • ' J. SI. MALASHOCK. I'resident. [ "When?" He was actually . tremthen you" became a banker, -A. Robinson of Omaha will entertain ISADOEB ABEAMSOX Secretary. ; bling/^ ; b*jnf Well, there ought to be coney complimentary to Mr. Goldin, and on . "Tonight" He. had. an Important enough in Friday evening," Mrs. J. Rosen will



SYNOPSIS - CHAPTER I^-lntroan«njr "So- Big'' {Dirk DeJong) to his infancy. And'bje mother. Selina UeJoog. daughter or Simeon Peake. Rambler and gentleman? ot fortune. •Her life, t o young womanbood In Chicago In 1888, has been unconventional, somewhat seamy, but generally enjoyable. At'school her cham. la Jalia, Heianel. daughter- o l f-Auffost BemDel. bolcher- Slmfroit'• 'MBed t i n a quarrel that i s not bia own, - and {,Selina, nineteen years old'end: . I destitute, becomes a schoolteacher. CHAPTER U.—Sellna Lfiecnres •£'• position at teacher a t t b e High. Prairie school, l a - t h e outskirts of Chicago, tiring at tbe borne of a tract, farmer, Klaas Pool.- "In Roelf, twelve years old. Bon of -KJaas,-- Selina .'perceives a kindred epirlt. a lover of beanty. like herself. CHAPTBK III.—Ihe monotonoTjUIfe of a country school-teacher1 at that' ttroe, la SeUoa'B, brightened eonjewhat by tba com. panlonshlp of tbe sensitive, srtlstic boy. Boelf .'"..: ' .'; CHAPTER IV.—Sellna hear8 gossip con. "Hello!" Said Dallas O'Mara. "Thi8 cerning t i e affections of :the -"Widow la: I t . Do You Think You're Qoing Paarlenberg," rich and good-looking, for Pervus DeJong. poor truck farmer.-woo is to LikeIt?" Insensible to the widow's attractions; ' for a commanity "sociable" Sellna prepared a Is It. Do you think you're going to lunch basket. - dainty but not of ample • proportions, which Is "auctioned/1 accord* likeitt" Ing to custom. The Bmallness of the "Oh," said Dirk. "Is that IVT It -lunch box ©excites derision, and in-a'tenee of fan the bidding .becomes spirited. was merely the beginning of a drawDeJong finally securing it for.fJOj/a ridlc? ing of the smartly gowned model. "Oh, ulomly high price. Over their Jnnch basket, •whlci Selina and DeJong shflre together, that'8 it, Is it?' Fifteen hundred dolthe school-teacher arrange8 to instruct th» a r s ! " • ' '• • • • " _ / ' . good-natured farmer; whose' education -baa v "I hope yon didn't think It was going been neglected. •: ." 1 v CHAPTER V.—PropTuauity, in their to be a picture of a woman buying positions of "teacher" " and "pupil," • and bonds."< She went on working. She Belica's loneliness ip her uncongenial sur- had on a faded all-enveloping1 smock, roundings, lend to mutual affection. Ferrns DeJcmg wins Selina'a consent to bo hie over which French Ink, rubber cement,


pencil marks, crayon dust and wash were so impartially distributed that the whole blended and mixed in a rich mellow : haze like" the Chicago atmosphere itself. The collar of a white silk blouse, not especially clean, ^showed above this. On her feet were soft kid 'bedroom"slippers, scuffed, with pompons on'them. Her dull gold hair was:-carelessly rolled into that C H A P T B K V I L — D i r t 18 e i g h t years ibid great loose knot at the-back. Across When L b i s father dies. Selina. faced with one cheek was a swipe of black. ' the necessity of making a living-for her "Well," thought Dirk," "she: looks a boy and herself, rises t o the occasion, and,






" . .


CHAPTER Vl>-Sellna becomes '--'UrsV DeJong, a "farmer's wife," with aji the hardships unavoidable at that-time. DJrfe la born. Selina (ol Vermont stock bnsinewlifee and shrewd) has'plans for buildIng up the farm, which aro ridiculed by ber hush'and. Maartje Pool, Glass' wife, dies, and after the requisite decent Interval. Klaas marries the "TTidow. PaaHenberg." The boy Boetf. sixteen y e o r s o l d now. leaves h i s home, t o make h i s w a y t o France and study. U s ambition being tQ become &' sculptor. -. ' . ' " ••.

with Dirk, takes a tractload orvqget&b)«i to the Chicago market. A woman'.sellltigr Dallas O'Mara waved a friendly in t h » musket pla.cs i s an. innovation: frowned upon, ---^ ' ' , hand towarxl some chairs on which ' GHAPTBll VIII,—As a dl8P08er of the. vegetables from her t r a c t . s e j i p a ' i s a flnt' were piled hats, odd garments, brisfailure, buyers toeing ehy of deollns with toli board ana (oh the broao: 'arm o£ ber. T o a commission' dealer , she Sells part of her stock. On t h e way home site 6he) a • piece of yellow cate. "Sit peddles from door to door, with indiffe.iie.rit- down.'' -• She^called to the girl who Buccess. A policeman* demands .her. license; bad. opened the door to them: "*tGlida, She baa none, and 'during the-* ensuing : altercation Sellna's girlhood chum,- Jnlie -will -you dump s6me' of those, things. Hem pel, now Julie Arnold, recctgnisres b$r< This; is Mrs. Storin, Mr. DeJong—GilCELAPTBH'IX.—August Hempel,riBen J tp .- da Hanan." Her secretary, Dirk later prominence and wealth, in the bpslnesa learned. world, arranges t o assist Sellna in tnnWnR The place waa disorderly, comfort the farm something more of a playing ropositlon. Selina gratefully accepts W» v ?able, shabby. -A battered grand piano eip, for Dirk's sake. . : • * CHAf'XBK X.—Selina achieves the. Bye- stood in ope corner. A great skycess with t h e farm which' sh8 knew, waa light formed . half the celling and possible, ber financial troublca: ending, At sloped down at the north end of the eighteen Dirk enters Midwest university. CHAPTER XI.—Dirk goes t o .Cornell room. A man and a girl sat talking •university, intending to tnako architecture ^earnestly on the couch in another corb i s life work, and: on graduation* enters, ner. A rswarthy foreign-looking chap, tbe-ofllee of a firm of Chicago architects. Pan la Arnold, daughter of Julie. entciB bis vaguely familiar to Dirk, was playing life. H e would m a n y her, but she has a softly, at the,piano.. The telephone craving for wealth and takes Theodore Btorm. . millionaire, for her husband, T h e •rang. Miss Hanan took the message, World war begins. -..• • , . ;• •••-. 'transmitted It to Dallas O'Mara, re-






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I. 0. B. B.

Omaha Lodge No. 354


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.engagement He east it out of his life.

"Tonight! That's grand^ Where <lin is leaving Saturday evening for tlo you want-to' dine? The Casino ?'•Her brows met'In a little frown. ' The smartest club in .Chicago,-a little, pink; stucco Italian box of a place on -I'd rather," Dallas said, slowly, "plan Mrs. Ben Wh^tebook of Iowa City thafi ! ^ the Lake Shore ^drlye. He was rather one back door of abuildlng thafi pfoijd of being. In a position to take going to help make this town beautl- returned home Tuesday after spendful and significant-" than sell all the iin& two weeks visiting her there as his. guest, t k here h v i i t i g her her ,couou "Oh,^ no, .1 hate those arty! little bends that ever floated a—whatever it sins, Mr. and Mrs, S. Whitebook. Numerous affairs were given in her places. I like dining In a hotel full is that bonds are supposed to float." of all sorts of people, pining In a He defended himself. "I felt that honor during her visit. . club means you're surrounded by peo- way, too. But yotfSee, my mother had 'ple. who're pretty much alike. Their given me my education, really. She MessrSi ' Louis H. Katelman and membership .in the club means they're .worked for i t I couldn't go dubbing Sam Meyerson returned home Tuesthere because they are all Interested in along, earning just enough to keep me. day from a week-end trip to Denver, golf, or because they're university grad- J . wanted-to give-Tier things. I wantColorado, where they attended, as uates, or belong to the. same political ed—" party, <jr write, or paint, or have in- , "Did she want those things? Did delegatesfrom Council Bluffs, the lay•comes of over fifty thousand a year, she want you to give up architecture ing of .the cornerstone of the B'nai \or- something. I like "em mixed, up, >and go into bonds?" Brith Infirmary building of the Nahiggledy-piggledy; A dining-room full CHAPTER XIL—Paula, despite feer.iuar ceived the answer, repeated It Well—she—-I don't know that she tiorial Jewish hospital, too decent—still Perched atop the stool, one slip- of gamblers and Insurance agents, and exactlyr—"• • He was actors, merchants, thieves, bootleggers, too much the son: of Selina DeJong— Mrs. Philip Friedman spent the screwed in a rung, Dal tho profession ot architecture anil' enter 1 coiicentratedly, calmly, earnlawyers, kept ladles, wives, flnps, trav-: to be able to He about that, past week-end in .Iowa. City where she t>nAnesB for the greater financial 'rewnrd "You said you were-going to let me attended the' football game, and also possible. Dirk hesitates, feeling-big mother estly. There was something splendid, eling men, millionaires—everything. •BTHIJ* not approve, of the Change.. . '.•<•-• something impressive, something mag- That's what I call dining out. Unless [meet her." '• visited her son's, Maurice and ArCHAPTER- XIIL—tolifk enlists, in the Brmy. going to the officers' training camp nlfiCent about her absorption, her in- one is dining at a friend's house, of t "Would you iet me bring her In? Or at Von -Sheridan^- H$- .get*, (o jTrsncJs :a appearance, her unaware-- course." A rarely long speech for {perhaps you'd jven—would you driva finally, but sees no actual tiffbUng,. SeMoa- .-'ness cf* outsiders, j out to the farm with tne some day. her -concentration ber. . ...".-•.'.,.1 :~ , -.'., -, 1B - vaguely dissatisfied' with Dirk'B pro"Perhaps," eagerly, "you'll dine at ; She'd like that so much." gress, the-tension increasing when Uo tellv on the WOT* bjs^fe ibjer. - Her nose was. ber he. baa. decided to give op architecture "So would I." -tot- business. ' Seilna'a • success w|th: tbe shiny. >Dirk\hadpi't.'5een a'^girl wlth.a ;my little apartment gome; time. Just He leaned toward" her, suddenly. .four or six of us, or even—", farm, is now pronounced. > Paula'c fondness shiny; nose: in.;years, ^:. . -•-tor.-Dirk begins to approach-infatuation. " H o w can you" work With all thia Terbapa.?' "Listen, Dallas. What do you . . ^, . /"Would you .like -the Drake * to4 of me, anyway?" He wanted to »^,^» XIV.—Jbargely,' flue-;to.! -the ^crpw^aronnd?": ,. ,„ _ of. Pnula^whtt has-jlnherited, much • ; ' . • - . - ''•;•••• -•-;• \ He couldn't'stand not knowing anjf ^C%!!. said Dallas In. thaf deep, .rest-, f i n i g h t r o f her gTandfatber'S: 'business." sttrewnaga, ; "It. looks too much like a I^omaa tnl, jielsurely voice;of hers, "there are Iflrk m a k e s - a n immediate;, nBcceaiYqB. a longefr Diamond Importers iletfivr in~ bonds a»d : secnrttlp*, '-In.'thi» always"between twenty and; thirty*'— bath. The pillars scare me^ Let's g<r; "I think you're a nice young man." S»ay of 'bualneBS he meets a rlslng-youns to the Blackstone." • Platinum Specialists That was terrible. "But I don't • r t i a t , .Dallas O'Mara. nhd- Is -impressed. she slapped'a quick scarlet 'line on the The Kill, however;, makes-little response to board, "rubbed- It out ..at 'once—"thouy; They went to the Blackstone. The want you to think I'm a nice young 3ils; advances, ' • ' . ' ' " NEW LOCATION ;sahd -people in and ;<yitlof. here every head waiter knew him. ^'Good eve- man. I want you to like me—a lot "ning, Mr. DeJong." Dirk was secretly •hour,~}ust about Hike' i-t? • • • Tell me, what haven't I got that you 21445-16 q t y Nat Bank BIdg. f a note. Miss Rawll^gs, ttf gratified. Then, with a shock, he think I ought to have? Why do you "Goshl" he thougtit,-''she's—I don't ,la. 5fil9—Est 1894. tall Mis* O'Mara'* studio on Thursrealized . that • the bead waiter was 'put ine off so many times?.. I never grinning at Dallas and Dallas wa3 feel that I'm really near you. What "Shalliwe go?" j g In the next few days he .learned that : grinning at the head waiter. "Hello, is it I lack?" . He was abject aw »— —*fm*<mmr<m*'*m*'^B**i^^ Hef b0Uttr'ecL0^:-^0 about her. - ft surprising lot of people knW a sur- "Yes. Yes^;Bm.Teesdy.4fe« you are."- *i Andre," said Dallas. . "Well, if you're asking for i t I do prisingly good deal about this Dallas "Good evening. Miss OTiara." The demand of the people I see often that Outside,,*jS*/'you think you're going O'Mara. She- 'hailed frbrii' Texas, text of his greeting was correct and they possess at least,* splash of splento like "the"-picture?" Paulftl asked. hence the name. She wao twenty' ; befitting the head waiter at the Black- dor in their makeup. Some people eight — twenty-five — thirty-two — They'stepped into-her car. stone. But his voice was lyric and his are nine-tenths splendor and one-tenth "Sure."' ' •' thirty-six. She was beautiful. She l eyes glowed. His manner of seating tawdriness, like Gene Meran. Andsomq "Attractive,' isn't sh'e^ ' '• , iwajc J>8lly-,, .She-.-was' 'iri ' orphan, her at a table was an enthronement " T l & V ' " * " / ate nine-tenths tawdriness and oneShe/had' worked her way through art : At the look in Dirk's eyes, "I met' tenth splendor, like Sam Huebch. But So'-he was «oing= to be' on. Big-'giiard; sch'ooL She had no _sen.se\of the 1X14 South 28th Street him in the' army," Dallas explained, some people are all just a nice even value o£ money. Two years ago she was * e ! "Pa.tflai'tKreWMif'the'dutch "when I was in France.- He's a grand pink without a single patch of royal viciously^ jerked the-lever into second Harney 3968 lad* achieved sudden success with her lad." purple." : drawings. Her ambition was to work speed. "HerMBCk was dirty." "Were you in—wh&t did you do in "Crayon du'st,'" said Dirk. Save Money by Letting Us "And that's me, h'm-r in oils. She toiled like a galley-slave; France?" "Not necessarily," replied Paula. (To Be Continued Next Week) placed like a child; had twenty.bea-ux ' Do Yont Work. "Oh, odd Jobs." andv*no lover; ber friends,- men and . Dirk turned sideways to look at her. Her dinner gown was very smart, It was as though "he saw her" for the PATBONIZiS OUR ADVERTISERS women, were legion and wandered In the pink ribbon strap of an underand', out of her studtb as though It- first time. She looked brittle, hard, but garment showed untidily at one side— were a public thoroughfare. .§he'sup- urtlflcljrt-—small, somehow. % Kot in her silk brassiere, probably. Paula - ported an assortment of .unlucky broth-, physique but in personality. The picture waa. finished and deliv- would have—but then, a thing like that errand spineless sisters-in Texas and ered within, ten days. In that time was impossible In Paula's' perfection points West . . . . Dirk, went twice to the studio in On- of toilette: He - loved - the * way the Dirk had made the appointment tario, street. Dallas did not seem to gown cut sharply away at ,the shoulISADORE ABEAMSOX . witft her for Thursday at three, Vaula •mind. Neither did she appear particu- der to show her firm white- arms. It 1 : Baid Bhe'di go with him, and svent. She larly interested.. She was working was dull gold, the color of her hair. dressed fot-Dallas O'Mara and the re- hard both times. Once she looked as Ihls was one Dallas. There were a -sult'TFas undeniably enchanting. Dal- he had seen her on his first visit The dozen—a hundred. Xet she was allas eometbnea did a crayon ..portrait, second time she*hnd on a fresh crisp ways the same., You never knew ©r even, attempted .oner in oils. ..It ; wps smock-of faded' yellow that"wa;s- glori- whether you were going to meet the SYSTEMS—AUDITS—INVESTIGATIONS UMiuldeted something of an ons with her hair; and. high-heeled gamin, of the rumpled smock and the - |90 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. beig_e. .fctd. slippers, - very smart. ^She smudged .-face-or-the beauty of "the little fur jacket. Sometimes Dirk thought Phone ATlantic 1450 : * • Omaha had been. wa3 like' a little girl who has just been .she looked like the splendid goddesses freshly scrubbed and' dressed.in a




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